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I. Present Tense

1. Simple Present tense

Simple present digunakan untuk
- Menyatakan kejadian yang merupakan kebiasaan  I always study every night, budi goes to
library everyday, they usually play football once a month
Adverb of time : every, once, twice, three times
Adverb of frequency : always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom
- Kebenaran umum  world is round, the sun rises from east
- Kejadian saat ini yang menggunakan stative verb  I love you


- Know - Love - Want

- Understand - Appear - Taste
- Have - See - Wish
- Believe - Like - Sound
- Hate - See - Own
- Need - Smell
Rumus :

1. S + V1 (e/es)
2. S + do/does + V1
3. S + tobe + adjective

2. Present Continious Tense

Present continuous digunakan untuk :
1. Menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsung saat ini
Adverb of time : now, right now, at present, at this time, at this moment
Ex : the children are listening to the music right now
2. Menyatakan kejadian yang akan berlangsung
Adverb of time : at…. o’ clock
Ex : Lydia will be helding the conference at 8 am o’clock


S + be ( tobe) + v ing
3. Present perfect tense
Present perfect digunakan untuk
1. Menyatakan kejadian yang dilakukan pada masa lampau dan masih terjadi di masa
Ex : he has just moved to another country
2. Menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau tapi masih ada hubungan nya
dengan masa sekarang
Ex : she has already swept the floor


S + has/have + v3

S + have/has + been + adjective/noun/number

4. Present perfect contininous tense

Digunakan untuk
1. Kejadian yang telah berlangsung beberapa lama dan terus belangsung sampai
Adverb of time : for…., since….., all these…..
Ex : it has been raining since yesterday
Jono dan rena have been dating for one week
all of book have been stealing all these month


S + Have/has + been + V ing


1. Simple past tense

o Menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau
Adverb of time : last…, … hours ago, yesterday, just now
Ex : lia wrote a letter yesterday
He went to yogya last month
She played game 3 hours ago
Rumus :

S + V2

S + did + not + V1

S + was/were + adj/noun/number
2. Past continuous tense
di gunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu
di masa lampau
adverb of time : at ….. o’ clock yesterday, at this moment … ago, at this time last
ex : I was playing footbat at 9 last night
they were studying USM at this time yesterday
Anto was driving on Main Street when his car broke down
V ing V2/v3 tergantung sebelumnya

S + BE (was/were) + V ING




Digunakan untuk
1. Menyatukan suatu kejadian yang sudah selesai di masa lampau
2. Kejadian yang terjadi sebelum kejadian lain di masa lampau

Adverb of time : before, after, when, by the time

Biasa diikuti already, just

4. + V3 S + HAD + V3 before S + V2
After S + had + V3, S + V2
S + had + been + ajd/noun/ number
S + HAD + V3 WHEN S + V2

By the time + s past

Example :

Fatin had already swept the floor before her mother came home
After Jono had locked the door, he went to bed
4. Past perfect continuous tense
Digunakan untuk kejadian yang sudah berlangsung beberapa lama tetapi masih
terus berlangsung ketika kejadian lain terjadi di masa lampau

Before + S + V2, S + had been + v ing

S + had + been + v ing
When + S + v2, S + HAD + BEEN + V ing

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