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Name : Muh.

Rizqi Dwi Yulianto

NIM : 23010160094
Class : BPI-D2

Hi, my name is Muh. Rizqi Dwi Yulianto. My nickname is Rizqi Dwi, but my name is that
those who call me Dwi are boys and those who call me Rizqi are mostly girls, you know.
On this occasion I will tell you about my experience that I can't forget, namely when I was in
the top class, I was very proud of my achievements at that time. Well, maybe many people
say that my parents are the only teachers in my class. But also, I still compare myself with
my older sister, who I'm at odds with for 10 years. Wow, no, but what I'm comparing is in
terms of academics.
It's like this, the story goes, when I was in class 1, semester 1. You could say that the first
time I got a ranking, yes, it was 11th. Then I was told by my parents in the form of teasing but
containing support, it was like this, "Why are you ranking 11th for a prize?" At that time my
mind said "ooo... if my ranking makes my parents proud, then I can ask for any prize, bro".
When I changed semester II, my ranking changed to 9th, hehe, maybe it was a feeling of
pride from my parents, so I bought ice cream at that time. It's simple, yes, but I really enjoy it,
so I become enthusiastic about improving my academic grades.
Continuing the story, in class 2, odd semester, I got a rank of "4", in the even semester I got
rank 1 out of 15 students. Hehehe and lasted until the end of the odd semester, it didn't
matter if the even semester dropped one point, it was ranked 2nd. Eh, but it's okay in the
final class & semester, it's simple like that but the impression is really proud. I competed with
my older brother, he was already in first place in first grade, eh, but at the end of the final
grade, my older brother dropped two points hehehe. try it, what do you think?

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