Expected Questions

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Expected Questions

BALLB ,Special Contract

Q)1.Discuss the concept of Bailment and Pledge its Essentials and Duties of Bailee and rights of
Pawnee .

Q)2.’’Master is liable for acts done by his agent’’ .Explain this term in respect of Provisons of ‘’Special
Contract of Agency’’.

Q)3. What are the Essentials of partnership .Can a minor enter into partnership firm.Explain relavant law
regarding it.

Q)4. How partnershipfirm can be registered?Is Registration is compulsory in nature.

Q)5 Whar are various modes of Dissolution of partnership firm.Explain them with case laws.

Q)6. Explain the rule of ‘’Holding Out’’ under Partnership.

Q)7. Define Sale and its constituents.Differentiate between Sale and agreements to sale .

Q)8 What is the rule of’’ Caveat Emptor ‘’and its relevancy in Conditions and warranties.

Q)9. Short Notes:

a) Unpaid seller

b)Right to Resale

c) Sale by Auction

d)Partnership at will


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