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Cebu City

Department of Civil Engineering

E.C. Manubag Builders
June 12, 2023 – July 28, 2023


BSCE 4 – CE460 M03

E.C. Manubag Builders


a. History – A general building contractor company founded by Engr.

Evelio C. Manubag and his wife in 2015. The company started with
private projects ranging from minor repairs to residential building
construction. As of 2023, E.C. Manubag deals with both private and
governmental projects.
b. Organizational Structure Chart
c. Nature of Business / Produced – General Construction / Contractor
d. Processes Involved –Procurement of Project, Planning/Design of
Structures, Pre-Construction, Construction.


a. Description & Scope of Function/ Duty / Responsibility

- As Civil Engineering trainees at E.C. Manubag Builders,
Engr. Evelio Manubag (Supervisor) designated the
trainees at Brgy. Cantao-an, City of Naga, Cebu project
site for the construction of a COVERED COURT. The
trainees were assigned to observe and monitor the
different processes within the site, involving the efficiency
of the workers, usage of materials, and compliance with
the proper standards/specifications within the proposed
plan. Moreover, estimation of no. of rebars, no. of stirrups,
volume of cement, volume of sand, and volume of gravel
were tasked to the trainees. Furthermore, the trainees were
tasked to occasionally visit the 240 meters DRAINAGE
SYSTEM at Brgy. Pangdan, City of Naga, Cebu for
progress monitoring and material delivery.
b. Organizational Structure / Chart
c. Specific Job / Duty as OJT
1. Observation and Monitoring
2. Concrete Sampling
3. Compression testing
4. Estimation of materials (no. of rebars, volume of


a. As perceived by the Company – Based on the interview conducted
by the trainees on the company problems of E.C. Manubag Builders,
the interviewee (Engr. Evelio C. Manubag), stated that the most
prevalent problem of the company is corruption. This is a very serious
problem that affects all aspects of the company from the finances to
the progress of the projects currently being handled by the company.
This is due to too much trust being given by the contractor to the
employees of E.C. Manubag Builders, causing them to abuse their
authority and freedom, engaging in corrupt practices such as
embezzling of resources and manipulation of materials within the
project site. This problem also stems from the management, with the
lack of employees and miscommunication. With regards to the
technical problems of the company, involving the skills of the
workers, as well as the engineers, thorough guidance is needed.
Lastly, Engr. Evelio C. Manubag stated that to solve these problems,
they will add more safeguards to their management and apply strict
measures to ensure that corruption within the company is prevented.
b. As perceived by the Trainee – Based on my observations during my
training conducted at E.C. Manubag Builders, the company problems
can be classified into three aspects, namely: management problems,
technical problems, and unforeseen weather conditions. Firstly,
management problems start from the office to the project site.
Majority of the management problems come from miscommunication
and inefficient communication network between the engineer and the
foreman of the project, leading to many discrepancies with regards to
the progress of the site, which is a 32m by 19.2 covered court.
Moreover, financial problems also arise from the lack of proper
management, leading to delays caused by shortage of materials within
the project site. Lastly, trust and respect between workers, the
engineer, and the contractor is not properly maintained, sometimes
leading to an awkward workplace environment, which I assume to be
caused by management problems. Secondly, technical problems. This
occurs within the project site due to lack of knowledge and
inexperience of the foreman and workers, as well as the inability to
listen to the engineer with regards to proper compliance and planning
of the structure. Despite the presence of a proposed plan, with the
details of the structural members already listed, some mishaps still
occur within the project site. Thirdly, unforeseen weather conditions.
This is an uncontrollable aspect that neither the management nor the
workers on site can control. Heavy rain and winds can lead to
hazardous workplace conditions such as muddy soil, slippery footings,
and many more, ultimately leading to a delay of progress and damage
to some of the materials within the site.
c. Findings and Analysis – During my 240-250 hours of training at E.C.
Manubag builders, with most of my time designated at the covered
court at Brgy. Cantao-an, City of Naga and the occasional site visit at
a 240m drainage system at Brgy. Pangdan, I was able to determine a
lot of important things to consider as a trainee. First and foremost, is
the relationship between the workers, foreman, and site engineer. This
is a mutualistic relationship to ensure steady and unhindered progress
within the project site. The next thing to consider is the quality of
materials used within the project site, to acquire the most appropriate
supplier that offers good quality at an affordable price. The difference
of a few pesos of cement at substandard quality will heavily affect the
finished project. Another thing to consider is progress monitoring.
This is an essential element to ensure the success of the project, as
well as to determine the efficiency of workers within the project site.
Moreover, constant progress monitoring will allow the engineer to
properly map out the progress schedule as well as to prevent any
delays within the project. This also ensures that the workers are not
slacking off and are in fact working on their assigned jobs. In
connection to project monitoring, the allocation of workers is also a
significant aspect within the project site, as too many workers
assigned on a menial job can lead to delay, thus, the foreman should
make the most of the available manpower. Lastly, is with regards to
the prediction of unforeseen circumstances within the project site.
There are always bound to be problems unaccounted for, such as the
unavailability of materials, the lack of finances, the lack of manpower,
unfavorable weather conditions, and many more. Thus, as what I have
observed from our site engineer, is to always have a back-up plan.
This will ensure that problems within the site are minimized.
d. Recommendations – My recommendations for E.C. Manubag
Builders are as follows:
1. Proper team building
2. Improving personnel management
3. Securing material suppliers with the best quality to price
4. Creating back-up plans with regards to unfavorable weather


a. Things Learned During the OJT
1. Concrete Sampling
2. Estimation of no. rebars, no. of strirups volume of sand,
gravel, and concrete
3. Concept of splicing
4. The ability to make use of the excess materials for
maximum efficiency
5. Actual determination of dead load within structural members
6. Comparison of theoretical knowledge to the actual
occurrence at the project site
7. Comparison between proposed plans and the actual
8. Manpower allocation, management of workers, and
efficiency determination of workers
9. Vernacular terms used by the construction workers and from
the experienced engineer
10.The struggles of being under the sun for 8 hours a day
b. Ways to Improve the OJT Program
1. Increasing the manpower of the NLO to garner the massive
quantity of the OJT students.
2. For Civil Engineering students, to adjust the placement of
quantity surveying subject before the OJT term, so that CE
students will have knowledge regarding estimation



As a Civil Engineering student with a lack of field experience, my 240

hours at E.C. Manubag has been a time well spent. This training has
allowed me to hone my theoretical knowledge and compare it to the
actual happenings within the project site, laying my foundation as a
future licensed Civil Engineer. I am very thankful for this opportunity,
given to me by both the school and the company, for the chance to
improve my personality, work ethics, and technical knowledge with
regards to project construction. I was able to interact with many people,
with unique personalities from my designated project sites and I was able
to see firsthand how construction projects go and how site engineers
function. Due to this unforgettable experience, my reluctance to go
through with this course has somewhat lessened, and I think that I will
come to love my job if I were to someday become a project engineer.

My suggestion for the school is to create a more effective curriculum

for the preparation of Civil Engineering students for their OJT as I
struggled with estimation due to my lack of foundational knowledge.

I wholeheartedly recommend to both the school and the company to

ensure the success of the OJT program, as well as the continuation of the
MOAfor future Civil Engineering OJT’S , as I believe this will lead to a
great partnership in the future.
a. Pictorials

i. Excavation of soil for gravel bedding and footing

ii. footing matting and formworks with column rebar and gravel bedding
iii. tie beam rebars and formworks

iv. concrete pouring for footing

v. concrete pouring for tie beam

vi. concrete pouring for pedestal column

vii. hardened concrete footings, tie beams, and columns (base plate and anchor bolt installed)

viii. lifting of W10 x 45 wide flange beam and installation (column)

ix. lifting of W10 x 45 wide flange beam, installation, and welding (roof beam)

x. concrete sampling and compression testing


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