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BTE2201 INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY Assignment 1 Name : Teshanthy Anathan ID : I11008686

Forensic science is the practical application of numerous sciences to solve lawful related questions. It can be either civil or criminal action. The word forensic comes from the Latin word forensis, which means before the forum.

The origin of forensic science dates back to 212 BC. The earliest record of using fingerprints to establish identity dates as far back as the 7th century. Throughout the Roman era, someone charged with a crime had to plead their case before an assembly of aristocrats. Both the accuser and the accused would give their side of the story. The individual with the best debate and forensic skills would win the case. Besides that, the first written account of using medicine and entomology to solve criminal cases is credited to the book Xi Yuan Lu translated as "Washing Away of Wrongs written by Song Ci in 1248. In a certain case, a forensic science investigator instructed everyone to bring their sickle. It is believed to be the weapon of the murderer. The murderer was found when flies gathered on his sickle with the blood of the victim and he was brought to justice.

As time progressed, so did technology. Understanding criminal behavior through science became more readily accessible. It was not long before many law enforcement bureaus began processing crime scene information previously disregarded by the medical examiner. This specialized breed of law enforcement personnel became known as forensic scientist or criminalist. They are highly educated and skilled individual expert in the application of scientific techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal cases. Therefore, the modern role of law enforcement and its blending with science eventually evolved into a discipline of its own.

The field of study of biotechnology is the biggest contributor to the modernization of forensic science. The field of biotechnology include the DNAmatching tests, the establishment of genetic relationships, DNA-mapping, DNAfingerprinting and genetic analysis helps in accurately identifying the murderer of a crime. In the concept of forensic science, a criminal always leaves something behind at the scene of crime. This is the evidence forensic scientist or criminalist look for. It could be anything from fingerprints, footprints, tooth marks, blood, semen, hair, broken glass, a knife or a gun. It could even be something less tangible such as the nature of the wounds or bruises left on the victim's body which might indicate the weapon or the method of assault.

Evidence available through blood typing is not convincing as genetic fingerprinting but it can prove the innocence or increase the prospect of an accused being guilty. Furthermore, autopsies can often find the cause and estimated time of death. Cuts, scrapes, punctures, and rope marks may help to uncover the cause of death. Each case is different. Only a skilful coroner can discover the evidence left behind by the murderer. Other than that, modern crime labs are now equipped with various hi-tech analytical devices. This helps in process of analyzing and identifying the evidence.

Biotechnology is the backbone of forensic science in todays era. This is because not only did technology have developed but so do criminals. They have found new ways to get away from a murder. They have even found scientific ways to cover up their wrongdoings. There are also murderers who pass their wrongdoings to the innocent. Therefore, careful analysis is essential in identifying the guilty from the innocent. [Acessed 17 September 2011] [Acessed 17 September 2011] [Acessed 17 September 2011]

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