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BATCH 2021-2023

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my external guide. Mrs.

Rupalli (Trainer) GROWTH CENTRAL VC INDIA for her valuable guidance and
encouragement during the entire training period.
I am thankful to Mrs. Sasmita Pattanaik, for her aspiring guidance in different
matter regarding the topic, valuable moral support, constructive criticism, and
friendly advice during the internship. I am grateful to her for sharing her truthful
and illuminating views on number of issues related to project. I would like to
express my gratitude to faculty of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be
I would like to express my reverence and gratitude to my family whose love
inspiration and encouragement help me to ride over the difficulties I had during
my project work.
Thank you.













Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. Finding the
right man for the job and developing him into a valuable resource is an
indispensable requirement of every organization. Proper recruitment helps the
line managers to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objective of
the enterprise. In order to harness the human energies in the service or
organizational goals, every HR manager is expected to pay proper attention to
recruitment and selection activities in an organization. Thus, personnel functions,
recruitment and selection, when carried out properly, would enable the
organization to hire and retain the services of the best brains in the market. The
world's best companies have established their strength with their people. The
employees identify themselves with the company they are working for. This also
helps in building up their spirit, morale and espirit-de-cops which becomes
strength of the company. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every
organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the
right place and right time, so that organization can achieve its planned objective.
The project covers introduction of Recruitment and Selection, Purpose and
Importance of Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment, Steps in the Recruitment &
Selection Process, and Suggestions to make the Recruitment Process more
effective. It also includes the challenges faced by HR in recruitment process and
the recent trends in recruitment process.
This chapter deals with the recruitment and selection process of small and
medium scale industries providing the all-important information related
recruitment and selection. Recruitment and selection constitute a staffing
function of management. Scientific selection ensures right man for the right job.
For creating a team of efficient, capable and loyal employees, proper attention
needs to be given to scientific selection of managers and other employees. The
conventional approach of selecting managers in a casual manner is now treated as
outdated and is being replaced by scientific and rational approach, deciding who
should hire under the employment rule of the organization for the short and
long-term interests of the individual employee and the organisation.1 Recruitment
and selection is the process of getting human resources into organizations,
departments, sections and jobs use. What might be an even more useful
definition of recruitment is that about the art of discovering and procuring
potential applicants for actual and anticipated vacancies in the organization. This
definition has introduced the concept of ‘art’ which is about the soft skills of
management, some of which might be a natural talent of some managers or
acquired through specialized training. The use of the word ‘discover’ emphasizes
effective recruitment, a process that involves exploration which require
specialized methods and techniques, short of which no ‘discovery’ of potential
people for the job can be made. Usually, recruitment and selection depend on the
organization’s policy guiding selection. The basic principle in selection is "right
man for the right job "and can be achieved only through scientific recruitment and
selection. This is because the ability of an organization is determined to a great
extent by the ability of its workforce. The old belief that capital was fundamental
to the progress of the organization and does not hold good any longer as
employers around the world have begun to believe that a smart workforce is the
key to the success of an organization.2
Recruitment means an activity which refers to the discovery and development of
workers and employees in the enterprise at the time they are required. It involves
locating, maintaining and contacting the sources of man power. The recruitment
has been defined by many eminent authors as under: In the words of Flippo,
“Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organisation.”3
According to Dale Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of
manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ
effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate
effective selection of an efficient working force.”4 In short recruitment is the
process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them for jobs in
the organization, Thus, the recruitment of employees involves the identification of
the sources of personnel, evaluation of different sources available, selection of a
particular source and stimulating the prospective candidates to apply for the job
so that right candidates may be obtained for right job.

INDUSTRY PROFILE: for a few positions great, but also the spectacle of so many
persons making applications and getting disappointed is a dismal one.
Furthermore, the large number of applications that need to be processed and the
equally large number of candidates who need to be examined and evaluated is an
important source of delays. On account of the present conditions of acute
unemployment the chances of incorrect matching of the job and the individual are
higher here than in the developed western countries. The reason for this is that a
man whose choice of employment is very limited accepts any job that falls to his
lot irrespective of his attitude and suitability.
3. Under the existing statutes dismissal of employees is very difficult, because it
requires certain elaborate procedure involving considerable time and money to be
followed by a manager. No manager likes to follow this procedure. This means a
person once recruited is going to be around longer on any given job and it is not
possible to rely on replacement to improve the quality of the work group. The
management must count more on utilizing the skills and abilities of the employees
that are already present than on replacing them by more able ones. The above
features make systematic manpower planning and will be understood, fair and
objective criteria for recruitment of special significance to us. But manpower
planning has not yet become popular and is practiced only by a few big companies
in the public and private sectors. Public undertakings are believed to be generally
overstaffed and have frequently been criticized by the parliamentary committees
for this. In a study, it was found that only 20% of the American subsidiaries and 7%
of the local firms undertake manpower planning. Those few companies which do
undertake manpower planning utilize not only historical data on manpower but
also various forecasting methods to evaluate their future manpower requirements
in term of both quantity and quality. A brief description of how Hindustan Lever a
private undertaking performs this function is given below: First, an audit of
internal resources is carried out. This indicates the number of persons who
possess different or higher levels of responsibilities. It also reveals the overall
deficit or surplus of personnel for different levels during the planning period.
Second, with the help of a detailed organization chart it is determined that how
many people, at what level, at what positions and with what kind of experience
and training would be needed to meet the business objectives during the
optimum planning period of 5 years. Finally, taking into account the actual
retirements and estimated loss due to death, ill-health and turnover, based on
past experience and future outlook in relation to company’s expansion and future
growth pattern the final figures are arrived at. The planning is done every year for
the coming 5 years. For instance, a plan is made from the beginning of 1990 to the
end of 1994 and the next year the plan covers from the beginning of 1991 to the
end of 1995. This reduces inaccuracy in forecasting.
It is essential to organization that develops the different sources of recruitment,
when the organization is successful in gathering a large application pool, it can
adopt a rigorous procedure in choosing the bestemployees without compromising
on quality. However, there is no single combination of resources and methods that
will work well for all Organization. The various sources of recruitment can be
broadly classified into two categories:
A. Internal Recruitment
B. External Recruitment. Most organizations depend upon both the sources. The
relative emphases may differ from enterprise to enterprise depending upon the
following factors:
1. Training programmed of the enterprise whether it prefers trained persons or
wants fresh candidates to be trained by itself.
2. The level of specialization and training required for employees.
3. Management policy towards recruitment whether it prefers internal or external
4. The need for originality and initiative required from employees.
5. Trade union’s attitude towards management’s recruitment policy. Internal
Sources: Internal sources of recruitment consist of personnel already working in
the enterprise. Many organizations fill job vacancies through promotions and
transfer of existing staff and it also refers to filling open jobs with the current
employees of the organization. It is a process designed to create sufficient interest
among the current employees to cause them to formally indicate an interest I a
given position. The position applied for may represent a promotion, transfer or
even demotion in the organisation.9 Internal sources: The main sources of
internal recruitment are as follows;
1. Present Employee: The most common source of internal recruitment is through
existing employees of organization Employees Referrals: It is also a good source of
internal recruitment. Employee develops good prospects for their families and
friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job with the company
furnishing letters of introduction and even encouraging them to apply. This source
is an effective source of recruiting because many qualified people are reached at a
very low cost to the organization. A major limitation of employee’s referrals is that
the referred individuals are likely to be similar in type to those who are already
working in the organization.
3. Former Employees: Former employees are another internal source of
recruitment. Some retired employees may be willing to come back to work on a
part time basis or recommend someone who would be interested in working for
the company. Sometimes people who have left the company for some reason or
the other are willing to come back and work. An advantage of this source is that
the performance of these people is already known. Merits of Internal Sources:
Internal recruitment offers the following advantages.
a) It keeps employees happy and in high morale.
b) It creates a sense of security among employee. Employees know that they
stand the chance of promotion to higher positions. This induces them to work
harder so as to prove their worth.
d) Internal recruitment ensures continuity of employment and organizational
e) Prospects of transfer to new posts inspire employees to keep on adding to their
knowledge and experience which leads to their development.
f) Filling of vacancies from internal source is quite economical and convenient. No
time and money is to be spent on advertisement, tests and interview because the
knowledge and skill of employees is already known. There is no need for
orientation of employees for preparing them for the new job. Demerits of Internal
sources: Internal recruitment suffers from the following drawbacks:
a) Existing employees may not be fully qualified for the new job. Required talent
may not be available among the present staff.
b) All vacancies cannot be filled through internal sources. The enterprise has to
depend upon outside sources for entry level jobs.
c) Internal candidates become accustomed to the company’s work patterns and as
such may lack originality and fresh outlook. Therefore, internal recruitment
involves in breeding of ideas.
d) This method narrows the choice and denies the outsiders an opportunity to
prove their worth
Importance Of Recruitment Process:
Recruitment employee is extremely important in HR management as it ensures
that employees who wish to enter into the organization are a perfect fit for the
business, whilst further displaying the professionalism of the entire organization
at the very first moments a prospective employee wishes to onboard. Moreover,
recruitment importance in hrm includes gaining skilled employees, assures
cultural fit, saves time and money, improves employee satisfaction and ensures
positive brand image.
Saves Time and Money
Through the recruitment process, HR Managers are able to effectively ensure that
they can save time and money for the organization. This is seen whereby HR
managers will ensure throughout the hiring process that they will effectively hire
the right employee fit to meet organizational objectives effectively to avoid
wasting both time and money on looking for another employee if the hired
employee does not meet expectations
HR managers will do this through carefully selecting an employee who has if not
all, most of the skills that are expected for the job they are recruiting for.
Moreover, by doing so HR managers can reduce the cost of training employees,
this is seen whereby employees who have certain needed skills already developed
do not need extensive paid training. Furthermore, HR managers will avoid the cost
and time of training employees repeatedly if one employee Ensures Positive Brand
A final critical reason that recruitment is important in HR management is that HR
managers are able to acquire the benefit of ensuring a positive brand image is
maintained and further created. Specifically, throughout the recruitment process
employees who are learning about an organization and effectively have a positive
perception of the business are influenced through the meetings they have in
interviews on their perceptions of the business. Likewise, HR managers who
ensure that they conduct a positive interview will not negatively impact the brand
image of the business. Furthermore, HR managers can create and enhance an
organizational brand image as having a positive recruitment process which entices
people to believe that the organization is extremely great to work for. HR
professionals need to pay attention for the importance of recruitment in hrm to
ensure that they effectively keep a positive recruitment process in place to create
associated positive brand perceptions.

Disadvantage on Recruitment Process:

It costs money to work with a recruitment agency. The cost varies depending on
the salary and type of recruitment strategy required. For a permanent role,
recruitment agencies charge a percentage of the annual salary. These costs may
be over your recruitment budget. Yet, if you’ve got a hard role to fill, the expense
may be necessary.
If you hire a recruitment agency to work a role, they won’t advertise your brand
fully. You need to rely on the recruiter to present your business in the right way.
The second-hand information needs to be accurate to ensure cultural fit. The
applicant won’t completely understand your company, and so won’t know
whether they’re the best fit for the team. It may be difficult for recruitment
agencies to ensure their candidates fit in your company culture. In some cases,
recruitment agencies deliver candidates that are the best fit for the job and don’t
assess the cultural fit. Brite Recruitment makes sure to get to know your business
and teams. We’ll become familiar with your company goals, mission, vision, and
values. The candidate may not find out who the job is for until the very last
moment which restricts their chance to learn more about the business.
One of the main reasons recruiters have a bad reputation is because of their lack
of communication. A few concerns from candidates include: They apply for jobs
and never hear back They get contacted about irrelevant job roles Recruiters don’t
listen to what they need and want e.g., salary, location Recruiters are impersonal
and don’t care about your career goals It's the clients that pay the recruitment
agencies. Some recruiters are so focused on achieving sales, they forget to provide
a great candidate experience. This lack of communication creates a lack of trust
with recruitment agencies. Sometimes a delay in communication may happen
because of external issues. For example, the candidate or client may not be
responsive. When this happens, recruitment agencies should keep in touch with
this update anyway.

Lots of people believe that recruitment agencies are out for money. They think
that these agencies treat their candidates as another number. For recruiters to any
old CV to the client. Try to avoid these profit-motivated recruitment agencies.
Brite Recruitment keeps our client’s best interests at heart. We want to make the
correct placement, not a quick one.
Need for Human Resources on Recruitment Process:
The best recruiters know exactly who they’re looking for when hiring. They work
with their colleagues in HR to create ideal job profiles for every position in the
company. Each ideal profile outlines the responsibilities and success metrics for
the specific position. When it comes time to fill an open role, the recruiting team
can consult the job profile to determine the skills and background the ideal
candidate should have.
2. Organizational chart
Recruiters also work with HR to fill in an organizational hierarchy chart with the
different job profiles. This resource makes it easy to understand the structure of
each team and the overall company.
An org chart has many purposes, but it’s especially handy when it comes time to
assign a hiring manager to an open position, schedule interviews, and determine a
fair salary to offer. Microsoft Office provides an organizational chart template that
you can use to get started.
3. Staffing plan
Having a plan for future hires is so important for young, growing companies. The
company, and recruiting team in particular, should have a clear vision of the
positions they’ll need to hire for over the next 12+ months. If your company has
growth plans but no business staffing plan, work with your leadership team to
create one. The head of each department should know exactly what they need to
accomplish in the near future and who they’ll need to hire to make it happen.
4. Salary structure document Too many companies don’t think enough about
compensation until it’s time to make an offer. This approach can make for tricky
salary negotiations and result in pay disparity.
Successful recruiters have a fair salary range in mind throughout the hiring
process. They use a salary structure document that notes what each employee
earns to determine the right offer to make. It’s also a good idea to revisit salaries
every 6-12 months to ensure they align with what other companies pay. You never
want to lose a great employee to another company because they feel they’re
5. Job description template
Little time savers here and there make for an efficient hiring process. Smart
recruiters use job description templates pre-filled with information like the
company description and employee perks. All they have to do is plug in the
role-specific details and post it on job boards.
That said, job descriptions with unique, fun copy makes sense for some roles so
don’t feel like you always need to use your template, or that your template can
never update or change.
6. social media
When social media first became popular about a decade ago, many people feared
what they shared online could cost them a job. But savvy professionals started
using sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to showcase their skills and
background and others soon followed. These sites are now a fruitful candidate
source for recruiters. According to Glassdoor, 86 percent of people who are in the
first ten years of their career are likely to use social media in their job search.
Millennials and Home landers are the future of the workforce and the best
recruiters know how to connect with them online.
7. Skills tests
Ensuring a candidate has the necessary skills for the role is a must. But it can be
tough to know for sure, especially for technical positions. In these cases,
experienced recruiters ask the candidate to complete a skills assessment test. The
key is to create a test that helps you understand the candidate’s aptitude without
asking for too much of their time. Job searchers are busy and might not be willing
to complete a lengthy assignment for a job that hasn’t hired them yet.
8. Candidate assessment rubric
It’s always a good idea to have multiple team members participate in interviews
so you can get different opinions on the candidate. Successful recruiters ask each
member of their hiring team to complete the same rubric after the interview. It
forces the interviewer to think and provide insightful feedback instead of giving a
simple thumb up or down. Your ATS should make it easy for you to create a
post-interview questionnaire and share it with your hiring team members. Set
your company up for hiring success A lengthy and inefficient hiring process can
slow productivity and cost your company money. It can also cause your
organization to lose out on a great candidate who might have made a big
difference. Use the right technology and resources so your company finds, attracts
and hires the best people available.

Concept of Human Resource on Recruitment Process:

The recruitment and selection processes are not equally exclusive, but occur in a
structure. Basically, at first recruitment then selection, where recruitment process
is end and selection process is start. The best assets of the organization are
employees. So, every employer needs to undertake recruitment by creating a
pool of applicants, which mainly leads to the selection of qualified people to work
in the organization. In this model different variables are considered as
independent, dependent and outcome. According framework of this study here
antecedents' variables are considered as sources of recruitment. Basically, there
are two types of recruitment sources internal and external. The internal and
external sources are transfer, promotion, and extension of services,
advertisement, and employment agencies, employee referrals, e-recruitment,
labor office, campus recruitment, walks-ins, radio television, job bidding. Here
recruitment is considered as independent variable because the recruitment
process is depending on antecedents’ variables (internal and external sources).
Recruitment is depending on antecedents' variables whereas the selection is
dependent variable which is responds to the independent variables. Selection is
following the recruitment which includes initial screening, interview, employment
test, reference check, medical examination, job offer. After completing the proper
recruitment and selection procedures then it leads to achieve organizational
performance that is outcome variable of this model. The objective of this model is
to establish relationship between recruitment, selection and organizational
performance. 5. Methodology of the study This review paper and it is qualitative
in nature. The data is collected from previous publishes articles of recruitment
and selection process. On the basis of the previous adopted variables here is
constructed a conceptual framework of recruitment and selection process of the
organizations. The main objective is to show the framework of consisting different
variables of recruitment and selection process.
Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filling
up the vacant positions in an organization. It sources the candidates with the
abilities and attitude, which are required for achieving the objectives of an
organization. Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy,
analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and
selecting the right candidate. To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is
recommended that the HR team of an organization follows the five best practices
(as shown in the following image). These five practices ensure successful
recruitment without any interruptions. In addition, these practices also ensure
consistency and compliance in the recruitment process. Recruitment process is
the first step in creating a powerful resource base. The process undergoes a
systematic procedure starting from sourcing the resources to arranging and
conducting interviews and finally selecting the right candidates.
Review of Human Resources Recruitment Process:
The purpose of this review is to review what came in some studies and articles
that talk about the topic of employment and selection during the time period
between 2010 and 2020 in order to study the modalities that are carried out in
these two tasks in various organizations. The review provided an explanation of
both tasks, taking into account what came from the recommendations in those
studies. Finally, the researcher presented a brief summary about the recruitment
and selection process. Introduction The human resource management activities
are considered one of the most important activities that have an impact on
companies and among these activities we will review in our review these are
related to recruitment and selection activities to try to clarify these activities more
and to stop the most important practices used in recruitment processes and the
selection to review through our review what came in many of the research papers
Documented and published in publishing magazines and websites. The
recruitment process aims to provide the best elements with excellent
qualifications and qualifications. The importance of the recruitment process to the
Human Resources Department is to prevent hiring the wrong person, who may
cost the organization very much. Away from the salaries and incentives offered,
the process of employing an inappropriate and effective component may cost
larger losses based on the decisions and activities wrongly practiced. Therefore,
this process is one of the most important processes for managing human
resources and for the company as a whole. Whereas, the selection process is the
process that aims to select the best and most suitable donor for the job. Taking
into consideration the conditions necessary in this process and adopting the
principle of justice, equality and equal opportunities for all candidates, and that
selection be made on the basis of merit and merit, and there must be a type of
control when selecting employees, as the right person is in the right place. Based
on the foregoing, recruitment and selection processes are among the most
important topics that we need to study and care about, and therefore I chose this
topic because of its importance, trying to provide information of its importance
Scope of Recruitment:
The scope of Recruitment is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations.
Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence,
hiring right resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment. Every company
has its own pattern of recruitment as per their recruitment policies and
procedures. The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following
operations: Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources Preparing the
Recruitment policy for different categories of employees Analyzing the
recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization Identifying the
areas, where there could be a scope of improvement Streamlining the hiring
process with suitable recommendations Choosing the best suitable process of
recruitment for effective hiring of resources Any organization wants it future to be
in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the right resource is a very important task
for any organization.
Benefit of Human Resources on Recruitment Process:
Human resource departments are usually responsible for recruiting new
employees when positions are created or vacant. Recruiting and selecting
employees is a time-consuming process that involves advertising for the open
position, managing the application process, interviewing prospective candidates,
and making job offers. Effective HR planning helps the company to prepare ahead
of time for these vacancies rather than acting in a reactionary manner when an
employee resigns unexpectedly. Another benefit of having a recruiting plan in
place is that the recruiters know where to target their job search to find the best
candidates. Successful recruiters plan ahead and know what skill sets (hard and
soft) are essential for the right candidates, and they know how to interview
effectively. Companies that include HR planning are prepared for future open
positions that result from business growth and expansion. career develop which
consist of identifying future company leaders and helping them grow. Thisment
Another benefit of HR planning is having career-development procedures, means
that when an executive or manager leaves or retires, there is already someone
ready to promote into the position. Retention is an important factor in successful
companies because it means that promotions come from within the organization
and current employees are motivated to work harder to get ahead. Career
development also looks at cross-training opportunities and has career-path plans
in place.
Successful HR planning includes training models and procedures. This training
includes new-hire training to teach new employees about the company culture,
internal databases, software, and the skill sets necessary for specific positions.
The benefit of this type of training is that all employees are taught the same thing
in the same manner, which creates consistency and accuracy in daily work. Other
training models include information about new company initiatives, new product
roll outs, and career progression classes. For example, if an employee has been
successful in his current role, training may include coaching or management
classes that will help him prepare for a future promotion. employee management
EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT Effective HR planning incorporates aspects of
employee management, such as performance reviews and disciplinary
procedures. Companies benefit from having these systems in place because they
help managers do their jobs and prevent potential lawsuits. Standardized
performance reviews help managers look for key items when reviewing and
ranking subordinates and ensure that everyone is reviewed on the same scale.
Standardized disciplinary procedures ensure that the rules are followed and they
clearly identify their consequences when they are broken.
Objective of the study:
When searching for the ideal candidate for a position, recruiters first look for
applicants whose resumes match the job description they listed. The professional
skills, education and employment experience listed on a resume are important in
determining whether a candidate is a good fit for an available position, but
refining candidates even further can help you ensure you hire the best possible
applicant. Asking certain interview questions allows you to better understand how
each candidate operates as an employee and what they expect from the job.
Screening questions or prompts you might include in an interview are:
*Tell me about yourself.
*What are your three biggest strengths?
*What are your three biggest weaknesses?
*Why did you choose to apply for this position?
*What makes you a good fit for this company
2. Create a pool of qualified candidates
Even if you plan on hiring the first candidate you interview, having a pool of select
candidates adds quality assurance to your hiring process. You may still select the
first person you interviewed, but using their qualifications as a baseline when
interviewing other candidates allows you to make a hiring decision with
confidence. If you have multiple candidates to compare, you can also ask for
feedback from colleagues or supervisors when attempting to select a qualified
3. Find candidates who fit your company's culture
Company culture refers to a shared set of values, practices and goals that
members of an organization share. Effective team managers often consider the
independence and preferences of their team members, how team members treat
one another and the workplace environment when delegating tasks and assigning
group work. Recruiters can maintain a productive company culture by ensuring
that a chosen candidate understands their company's culture and wants to
actively participate in it.
4. Streamline the recruitment and hiring processes Creating a detailed strategy
for interviewing and hiring candidates makes the entire process more efficient.
When you know exactly what to expect and develop a consistent approach to
hiring candidates, applicants often feel valued and respected. This can help you
develop positive relationships with candidates who may have an interest in future
vacancies within your company.
5. Reduce employee turnover
Effective recruitment ensures that both you and your candidates have the
information you both require to make a proper hiring decision. Ensuring that you
mention as many details as possible regarding the job, benefits and any other
expectations of the company can help reduce employee turnover. Consider also
encouraging questions from the candidate, as well. If this occurs, the candidates
often know what to expect if they accept a job offer and can avoid surprises that
may lead to them seeking other employment.
6. Encourage leadership development Candidates are more likely to accept a
position if they know there are advancement opportunities within the company.
You can make leadership development a recruitment objective by discussing
career goals with each candidate, explaining the company's structure and letting
them know whether you may have more senior positions available in the future. If
you don't believe there are advancement opportunities available, ensure that the
candidate feels comfortable remaining in the position or solely working in similar
job roles.
7. Improve your brand's perception
In most cases, you can only hire one candidate for each position. However, you
might receive several applications and interview dozens of applicants. This allows
you to emphasize your brand's perception with everyone who interacts with your
company, even if you don't hire them.
Regardless of whether they secure an available position, candidates often
remember interviews they've had. If they have a positive experience, they may
apply for other jobs with your company in the future, recommend your company
to others or positively discuss your company with friends and business associates
8. Learn which methods work best
Adjusting your recruitment methods is equally important to establish a set of
recruitment objectives. The best recruitment approach varies by company, as each
business has unique hiring goals. Hiring goals and companies as a whole also
change over time. Consider implementing new objectives to determine which
works best for your company and analyze each method often to determine its
success or failure.
9. Use a merit-based selection approach
You can avoid unintentional bias in your hiring process by including merit-based
selection in your recruitment objectives. When reviewing each candidate's
resume, try to solely consider their qualifications, education and experience.
Personal information, such as their name or address, should only be important if
you choose to contact them for an interview. When you select candidates based
on merit, you create a larger pool of qualified applicants and encourage diversity
in your workplace.
10. Minimize recruitment costs
Recruiters often establish goals to minimize their costs. Companies can keep
recruitment costs low and avoid decreases in productivity associated with a high
turnover rate by establishing recruitment goals that encourage job satisfaction
and retention. Using digital features, such as virtual interviewing and social media
recruitment, can also help recruiters adhere to their budget, broaden their reach
and encourage company growth.

Sample size: A random sample of persons from various parts of the country was
taken from the total population. Study Area: The study was conducted utilizing
Google forms and online surveys. Sampling Technique: For this investigation, a
random sample was chosen as the sampling technique. In such a way that all the
study’s requirements are met.
Tools For Data Collection:
The Data and the information presented here have been collected from two kinds
of resources:
Primary sources:
The respondents’ primary data was gathered through a structured questionnaire,
as well as observation. With the assistance of Google. Form prepares a
questionnaire and distribute it to the general public, with the responses being
gathered and surveyed. One type of primary sources is this.
Secondary sources:
Secondary data is information that has been gathered from primary sources and
made available to scholars for use in their research. Research publications can be
found on the website. Data is accessible over the internet.
Technologies in Hardware and software: Access to the internet using a personal
computer at home. Microsoft word and excel. The world wide web, often known
as the internet.
Data Analysis:
Tables, charts, and other relevant and essential visualizations will be used to
collect, organize, and evaluate data. The data will be interpreted, and this will
serve as the foundation for inferences and suggestions to help better comprehend
and conclude this study.

Limitation of the study:

. Relinquishing Control
It may happen that you need to relinquish your control regarding various aspects
of business operations. Now you have “other individuals” who make the hiring
decisions even for the top-level management. It may happen that the recruitment
team may hire a potentially good employee but he may fail to get accustomed to
the company culture.
2. Time, Money and Effort
For any startup or small business, you need time, money and strenuous efforts to
build a dedicated recruitment team. You have to expand your team along with
your business and that is again an additional cost. That’s a major reason why most
of the small businesses prefer to have the complete hiring process outsourced.
3. Time-consuming
Inevitably, recruitment is a time-consuming activity. For a single job-post, it may
take up to a month to fill the vacant position. Even if there is an urgent opening,
the recruitment team can’t do anything to fill that position immediately. Most of
the recruiters are busy in resume sifting for shortlisting ideal candidates for
interviews. This hardly leaves quality time for the recruiters to understand the
candidate and his needs as well.

4. Lack of Coordination
It may happen that no two recruiters come to terms. This adversely affects the
quality of hire. If more than two recruiters are involved in any recruiting activity,
there are chances that there is a lack of communication and coordination. The
exact status of the candidature gets lost and no one is able to track the candidate’s
5. Deteriorating Quality of Hire
As there is a lot of manual work involved such as reverting to candidates, sending
notifications, scheduling interviews, formatting resumes, etc, the recruiters aren’t
left with a good amount of time for the interviews. Moreover, there is an
increased risk of bad candidate experience consequently affecting the employer’s
brand. The limitations of a dedicated recruitment team dominate more than its
benefits. Here is where an applicant tracking system comes to play. Not only it
automates the time-consuming recruitment tasks but improves the candidate as
well as the application experience.
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GrowthCentralVC is hiring interns actively.
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1. Manage the Recruitment and Sourcing initiatives on the various platforms,
providing administrative support, assisting with the hiring process
2. Tasks include replying to applicants’ messages/emails, creating screening
3. Manage all aspects of the event planning process.
4. Create summary reports of each event outlining how data gathered from
current community events can be used to develop successful future events
1. Certificate (CoC)
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The Objectives of Recruitment and Selection for Human Resources:

One of the most critical recruitment and selection goEstablish a talent pool HR
professionals and recruiters have the resources they need to locate quality
applicants. Recruiters have a lot of experience discovering competent candidates
for their organization’s positions. The method guarantees that you have a larger
pool of candidates to pick from, all of whom have the necessary skills.
Recruit and retain top talent
A recruiter’s task is to locate and connect with candidates who possess the
necessary skills for the open position. Candidates are attracted to a well-written
job description that communicates the number of open positions, job duties,
credentials, and experience required. This is exactly what HR managers need to
communicate because a relevant job posting will attract more applicants.
Improve the hiring quality
als is to improve the quality of hiring measures. Pre-selection aids in reducing the
number of applications received to the most viable possibilities. It decreases the
recruiting manager’s workload and allows them to devote more time to the most
qualified prospects, drastically minimising the chances of disregarding a
candidate’s outstanding qualifications.
Determine who is compatible with the company’s culture.
Employees must align with the broader organizational vision; therefore, fitting in
is critical for both individual and organizational progress. So, hiring managers must
focus on individuals who will fit within the company’s culture. This can be
accomplished by utilizing personality assessments, culture assessments, and other
similar methods to discover individuals who are most likely to fit into the culture
and environment of your business.
Simplify the procedure
Organizations want to create and implement a streamlined recruitment and
selection process. Therefore, they must incorporate technology into all aspects of
the HR process, including screening, interviewing, and shortlisting. Sifting through
early resumes is one of the most time-consuming and ineffective components of
hiring, as HRs are guaranteed to receive at least a few unqualified applicants. The
first hiring stage can be greatly streamlined with an automated system that
displays which resumes match the most closely to the important job
requirements, expediting the interview process.

Needs a Recruitment and Selection Policy

The primary aim of a recruitment and selection policy is to ensure a transparent
and fair hiring process that can assist the HR personnel to select the right
candidate on the basis of merit and relevance with the job. Recruiting the right
people carries supreme importance for the continuation of the success of an
organization. Which is why we’ve rounded up a list of reasons that will further
convince you to establish to recruitment and selection policy for your
organization. It Ensures Transparency In The Hiring Process
A recruitment and selection policy ensures that all the procedures related to
hiring and selection are performed transparently, and all the members involved
(the hiring manager, HR, etc.) are following the recruitment process with having
complete confidence over the end-result. Moreover, being transparent also means
that candidates are always informed about the status of their application and
informed if they are awarded a job.
It Paves The Way For Merit-Based Hires
An effective recruitment and selection policy ensures that the overall recruitment
process is being conducted in a fair and legitimate manner. It makes sure that
discriminatory behavior is avoided at any stage of the overall recruitment process
– a candidate should never be discriminated on the basis of his gender, race, age,
religion, or nationality. A fair and authentic policy allows a candidate to take legal
action if they feel they’re being discriminated against any factor. Moreover, every
job application should be should be treated in a confidential manner.
It Provides Consistency
A recruitment and selection process that is not consistent gives inconsistent
results. Thus, consistency is another reason for having an effective recruitment
and selection policy. Organizations should make sure not to set different selection
criteria for each candidate as it will then not be possible to determine the
effectiveness of each individual. To achieve consistency, a standardized process
should be followed. Instead, it will be more beneficial if organizations apply
pre-determined criteria at all stages of the recruitment process as it will eliminate
the risks of bias and discrimination. Also, companies should conduct reference
checks prior to making any appointment with the candidate and should be
performed in a consistent manner. It Lends Credibility to an Organization Another
reason for having a set recruitment and selection policy is to show that an
organization is credible enough for applying. Today, there are several job vacancies
that are not genuine and many candidates get trapped into the hands of fake
companies. Hence, for gaining reliability, a company should follow specific
application procedures that will make the candidates feel confident for the
position they are applying. It Helps Write An Appropriate Job Description Having a
good recruitment and selection policy is essential because it assists the
organization in writing an accurate job description. An appropriate job description
is an integral part of the overall recruitment process as it clearly describes what
primary and secondary tasks will be performed along with the core competencies
for a particular role. An effective recruitment and selection policy not only fulfills
the requirements of a job but also ensures that an organization will continue to
maintain its commitment to providing equal opportunity to employees.
Adherence to such a policy will let you hire the best possible candidates for your

Recruitment is “hiring” of employees from outside and Selection is a negative

process and involves the elimination of candidates who do not have the required
skills and qualification for the job proposed. VAKRANGEE LTD. is an E-Governance
service provider in India. The company has network of retail access points to
deliver real-time BFSI services, Government to Citizen services and Business to
Consumer services to the unserved rural, semi urban and urban market. In the
organization the people is clerly define the objective, position and doing the
timeliness training and work in the organization and to take the best decision to
hire the employees in the recruitment and selection process in the organization.
Human Resource Management Human Resource plays a crucial role in the
development process of the modern economics. Human resource management is
the management of employee’s skill, knowledge abilities, talent,
aptitude, creativity, ability etc. different terms are used for denoting Human
Resource Management. Recruitment is “hiring” of employees from outside. ”It is
the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The
process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their application are
submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are
Method of Recruitment:-
1: Direct method
2: Indirect method
3: Third party method
Direct Method:- The direct method includes sending of the recruiters to different
educational and professional institutions, employees contact with public and
mannered exhibits. One of the widely used methods is sending the recruiters to
different colleges and technical schools. This is mainly done with the cooperation
of the placement office of the college. Sometimes, firms directly solicit
information form the concerned professors about student with an outstanding

Indirect Method:- Indirect method involves mainly advertising in newspapers, on

the radios, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures.
Third Party Method:- These include the use of commercial or private employment
agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools colleges and
professional associations recruiting firms, management consulting firms,
indoctrination seminars for college professors, and friends employment agencies
are the most widely used sources. They charge a small fee from the applicant.
They specialize in specific occupation; general office help, salesmen, technical
workers, accountant, computer staff, engineers and ex Recruitment Process
Application shortlist: In this step, we shortlist the resume received from various
sources based on the suitability for the requirement.
Once direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and minars, setting
up exhibifairs, and using mobile offices to go the desired centers. Indirect method
involves mainly advertising in newspapers, on the radios, in trade and professional
journals, technical magazines and brochures.include the use of commercial or
private employment agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools
colleges and professional associations recruiting firms, management consulting
firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors, and friends and relatives.
Private employment agencies are the most widely used sources. They charge a
small fee from the applicant. They specialize in specific occupation; general office
help, salesmen, technical workers, accountant, computer staff, engineers and
Preliminary Assessment:
The short listed candidates go through a preliminary round of interviews. This
interview lays more emphasis on functional competencies. To have more data on
the functional skills, the candidates may be given a business case for analysis and
presentation (This is done for certain positions only).
Final interview: Here the candidates who successfully clear the first round of
interview go through another round of interview with one or more of the
functional heads.
Medical Evaluation:
Candidates who are selected by Colgate are asked to undergo a medical test.
Selection is a negative process and involves the elimination of candidates who do
not have the required skills and qualification for the job proposed. Also it is a
process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those
with greater likelihood of success in job. The objective of selection decision is to
choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of
qualified candidates.
1. Diversify and redefine your job requirements
If not enough qualified candidates are applying to jobs in your company, the
problem may be hidden in plain sight. In 2015, researchers from the US and
Canada suggested that poor job postings are the number one cause for low
application rates. But what qualifies as a good job advertisement? According to
these researchers, job postings should be more than a laundry list of
requirements. They should also be inspirational. More than anything, a good job
listing should answer the question “why is this company a good career and life
choice for me?”
2. Employ a new approach to discovering talent
Candidate-focused job postings look really good on candidate-focused job boards.
If popular career sites haven’t helped you find the right candidates, then dive
deeper into the talent pool. Along with Facebook job advertisements, LinkedIn is
one of the best sources for discovering job seekers that fit your needs. Great
opportunities can be discovered on networking events as well, but there’s an even
better offline approach to talent recruitment—employee referrals. Your staff
knows everything about your company, its goals, culture, team dynamic, and
day-to-day operations. Nobody is better equipped for talent recruitment than
existing employees. And, since they are expected to vouch for their candidates,
they’ll think twice before referring a person for the job.
3. Streamline your background check strategy
Screening is expensive and time-consuming, so why conduct a background check
on all applicants? Many companies are streamlining this process by making a
selection first and then screening only the final candidates. This puts an emphasis
on what’s truly important, and what’s candidates’ hard and soft skills. Plus,
reversing the order helps you make the final decision faster. On a related note,
some roles don’t require certain screening tests. A candidate’s driving history, for
instance, won’t help you identify if they’re a good software engineer. To make
background checks more efficient, consider tailoring your screening process to the
needs of each position.
4. Start hiring for attitude and training for skills
By prioritizing work ethics, flexibility, and teamwork over expertise and technical
skills, this recently popularized approach to hiring helps build dynamic teams.
Hiring for attitude allows you to access a wider talent group. Candidates who pass
the attitude test can make better employees in the long-term. They are in the
right mindset to learn, develop new skills, and contribute to the future of your
company. Besides, necessary skills change fast in the modern age—the tools your
employees will be using in three years will be different from the ones they use
5. Use tools to eliminate bias and boost efficiency
A great part of your recruitment and selection process can be automated. AI for
screening can reduce your time per hire and eliminate bias. Candidate rediscovery
tools help you re-engage past candidates. Chatbots can boost engagement with
new candidates. You can expect developers and HR specialists to launch a brand
new generation of hiring tools that will be AI-based and focused on automating
screening, optimizing selection, and eliminating bias from the recruitment
process. These tools will introduce a practice called recruitment marketing and
allow you to use marketing techniques such as multichannel approach, targeted
ads, and deep analytics to discover, attract, and engage better-qualified
6. Collect and analyse feedback from candidates
Candidate rediscovery is another practice that helps recruiters save time and
money. It’s also one of at least two reasons why you should never lose touch with
candidates you didn’t fire. The other reason is about improvement. A candidate
who’s just been offered a job at your company would hardly go on record with
rating your hiring experience. The candidates who you have turned down, on the
other hand, would probably have a lot to say about your employer brand. Use that
opportunity to collect and analyze candidate feedback. This will equip you with
valuable insight into how applicants perceive your hiring process and tell you what
needs to be changed and why. Automation tools can speed up this process as well.
7. Keep optimizing your onboarding programm, Selection is not the last step in the
hiring process. Your employer brand depends on your willingness to help new
hires adapt to new work environment and get used to their day-to-day
responsibilities. This part of the process is called onboarding. The most important
thing every employer should understand about onboarding is, that it cannot be
rushed. On the contrary, this should be a continual practice. To avoid spending
more time and money, use LMS software to train for skills
From the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since human resource
management is a continuously practicing issue so it plays a significant role on
organizations overall performance. If an organization wants to gain full benefit
from human resource management it should follow all the sections of HRM. As a
small AMC few persons are recruited for its operations and performances. But it
will expand soon or later and then the number of HR employee may not be
enough to run the company. Committed and trustworthy employees are the most
significant factors to becoming an employer of choice, it is no surprise that
companies and organizations face significant challenges in developing energized
and engaged workforces. However, there is abundance of research to
demonstrate that increased employee commitment and trust in leadership can
positively impact the company’s bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an
organization can only be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and
teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the
goals of the organization. Thus, the objective of every company should be to
improve the desire of employees to stay in the relationship they have with the
1. Dessler Gary (2004). Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.
2. DeCenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S. P. (8th ed., 2005). Fundamentals of Human
Management. John Wiley.
1. www.vakrangee.inlast accessed on December 15, 2016.
2. last accessed on December 15, 2016.
3. last accessed on December 15,
4. last accessed on December 15,
5. last accessed on December 15,
6. last accessed on December
15, 2016.
7. last accessed on December 15,
8. last accessed on December 15,

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