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(Note: Bases of answers are the experiences for the last two cropping seasons)

Date interviewed:________________

A. Corn Farmer Profile

Name: __________________________________ Age:________ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Highest educational attainment:_________________________________________
Year in farming:_________________________________________
Crops being grown :_______________________ Cropping pattern: __________________
Membership in farming organization: :_________________________________________
Source(s) of technology(ies):_________________________________________________

B. Corn Farm Profile

Size of farm (ha): ( ) rice: _____________ ( ) corn: __________________

Tools/ machinery available for production operations (owned or rented):
( ) hand tractor with land preparation implements; ( ) sprayer
( ) others, specify: ________________________________________________________
Tools/machinery available for postharvest operations (owned or rented):
( ) thresher; ( ) harvester combine; ( ) hand tractor with trailer for hauling;
( ) sundrying pavement; ( ) mechanical dryer; ( ) others, specify: ________________

Estimated yield : ( ) fresh weight after shelling (cavans, specify weight of cavan) __________
( ) after drying & ready for market (cavans, specify weight of cavan) _______
( ) fresh weight of corn on cobs (cavans, specify weight of cavans) _________
Distance to market (km) :____________
Infrastructure available :_________________________________________

C. Harvesting

Method of harvesting: ( ) manual, corn on cobs (COC) without husk

( ) manual COC with husk
( ) reaper; ( ) combine; ( ) others, specify: ___________________
How many times harvesting is done in a year: ( ) once; ( ) twice; ( ) thrice
Months of harvesting:_________________________________________________________
Maturity index/ basis of harvesting: ( ) days from planting
( ) color of husk, explain: _______________________
( ) others, specify: ______________________________

Yield obtained, fresh harvest, (cavans, specify weight/cavan):___________________

Are there losses incurred during harvesting? ( )Yes ( )No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were losses, how much (in percentage of fresh harvest): _______________
If yes, what are the source(s) of losses:
( ) unharvested or spilled COC
( ) others, specify: _________________________________________________

What are the causes of losses: ( ) late harvesting, why?__________________________

( ) unskilled laborers
( ) inefficient machine
( ) Others, specify: ______________________________
Are there quality losses incurred during harvesting: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses:
( ) too much rain during harvesting, cobs were soaked in water
( ) discoloration
( ) others, specify: ___________________________________________________
How did this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________________________________

D. Piling Operations
Are you practicing piling before shelling? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, are there losses? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of fresh harvest): _______________
What are the source(s) of losses:
( ) spilled COC ( ) eaten by animals and/or pests
( ) others, specify: _________________________________________________

Are there quality losses incurred during piling? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, how much are affected (in percentage of fresh harvest):________
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses:
( ) too much rain during harvesting, cobs were soaked in water
( ) discoloration
( ) others, specify: ___________________________________________________
How did this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________________________________

E. What form of corn do you sell? ( ) COC with husk

( ) COC without husk
( ) wet shelled corn grains
( ) dry shelled corn grains

F. Threshing or Shelling (omit if respondent sells COC)

Method of threshing or shelling: ( ) manual ( ) mechanical threshers or shellers
Are there losses during your threshing operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of fresh harvest): _______________
What are the source(s)/causes of losses:
( ) grains that were not threshed ( ) inefficient/old machines
( ) good grains mixing with the chaffs
( ) others, specify: _________________________________________________

Are there quality losses incurred during threshing? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, how much were affected (in percentage of fresh harvest):_____
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How did this affect your income? _____________________________________________

G. Drying (omit if respondent sells COC or wet shelled corn grains)

Do you undertake drying before selling? ( ) Yes, for all the harvest ( ) Yes, for retained paddy
for home consumption only, which is _____% of the total harvest ( ) No, all the harvest are
sold wet
Method of drying: ( ) sundrying using ______________________ ( ) mechanical drying
Are there losses during your drying operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of dried corn: _______________ (Note: reduction in weight
due to reduction in moisture content is not considered as loss)
What are the source(s)/causes of losses:
( ) spilled grains ( ) eaten by animals ( ) others, specify: __________________
Are there quality losses incurred during drying? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How did this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________________________________

H. Marketing Practices

What percent of the total harvest is sold? ______________________ If not 100%, give the
percentage distribution where harvest is disposed: _____________________________
Distance from the farm to market ( km) :_________________________________________
Road infrastructure: ( )Very good ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Bad
Are you transporting the produce to the market? ( ) Yes ( ) No, why? _____________
If yes, method of transport:_________________________________________
Mode of pricing: ( ) all in one price ( ) pricing by quality or variety
( ) pricing by moisture content
Price by moisture content: wet (P/kg): ________ dry (P/kg): ____________
Others, specify: ____________________________
Any losses incurred during transport from the farm to market? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If there were losses, how much ( in percentage of the sold produce):__________________

What are your mechanisms to reduce your losses:


Problems Encountered:
Suggested solution, if any:
(Note: Bases of answers are the experiences for the last two cropping seasons)

Date interviewed:________________

I. ( ) Trader Profile ( ) Wholesaler

Name:_________________________________Age:__________Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
Highest educational attainment:_________________________________________
Type of trader: ( )Consignee ( )Agent ( )Assembler/ Wholesaler
( )Others, specify__________________
Years in trading:__________________ Products traded:________________________
Volume handled per day (bags):__________ No. of days of trading in a year: _________
Market being supported: ( ) local market ( ) institutional buyers ( feed millers, etc.)

J. Trading Practices
Area where the produce are purchased: ( ) Farm ( ) Delivered to buying station
( ) Others, specify_____________________________________
Condition of commodity purchased.
( ) COC with husk
( ) COC without husk
( ) wet shelled corn grains (% of total volume procured) ______
( ) dry shelled corn grains ( % of total volume procured) ______
Buying price. Specify according to type of corn procured: ______________________________
Mode of payment: ( ) Cash basis ( ) Others, specify________________________________
Distance from the point of purchase to market (km):_________________________________
Type of transport:_____________________________________________________________
No. of hours of transport to the market:___________________________________________
Are losses incurred during the transport: ( )Yes ( )No ( )Don’t Know
If there were losses, how much (percent of total volume procured) ____________________
Causes of losses: ____________________________________________________________

K. Postharvest Operations Undertaken

What are the postharvest operations undertaken: ( ) cob drying ( ) shelling
( ) grain drying ( ) storage
If cob drying is undertaken:
Method of drying: ( ) sundrying, where: _______________________
( ) mechanical drying
Are there losses during your drying operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of dried paddy): _______________ (Note: reduction in weight
due to reduction in moisture content is not considered as loss)
What are the source(s)/causes of losses:
( ) spilled grains ( ) eaten by animals ( ) others, specify: __________________
Are there quality losses incurred during drying? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How does this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________________________________
If shelling is undertaken:
Method of threshing or shelling: ( ) manual ( ) mechanical threshers or shellers
Are there losses during your threshing operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of fresh harvest): _______________
What are the source(s)/causes of losses:
( ) grains that were not threshed ( ) inefficient/old machines
( ) good grains mixing with the chaffs
( ) others, specify: _________________________________________________

Are there quality losses incurred during threshing? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, how much were affected
a. in percentage of fresh harvest):_____
b. in percentage of dried thresher output: ______
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How did this affect your income? _____________________________________________

If grain drying is done:

Method of drying: ( ) sundrying, where: _______________________
( ) mechanical drying
Are there losses during your drying operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of dried corn grains): _______________ (Note: reduction in
weight due to reduction in moisture content is not considered as loss)
What are the source(s)/causes of losses:
( ) spilled grains ( ) eaten by animals ( ) others, specify: __________________
Are there quality losses incurred during drying? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How does this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________

If storage of corn is undertaken:

Percent of total procured paddy stored for more than one months: ________________
Where do you store procured commodities? __________________________________
How long? ______________
Are there losses during your storage operations? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If yes, how much (in percentage of stored corn grains): _______________
What are the source(s)/causes of losses: _________________________________________
Are there quality losses incurred during storage? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t Know
If there were quality losses, what are the reason(s)/source(s) of quality losses: __________
How did this affect your income?
( ) reduce price, by how much? (P/kg)_____________
( ) others, specify: __________________________________________________

What are your coping mechanisms to reduce your losses:

Problems encountered in trading/ milling operations:
Suggested solution, if any: _______________________________________________________________
Draw the flow of the commodity from the farm to the initial market.

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