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Total Marks: 12

Set A:

Note: Make neat diagrams and write the proper steps of the solutions.

Ques No. Question Marks

Define suspension and solution grouts, highlighting their compositions, key

characteristics, and primary applications in civil engineering and
1 4 CO3
construction. Provide examples illustrating situations where each type of
grout is most effective.

What are the basic requirements that grout must meet for effective
2 4 CO5
application in construction projects?

Outline the fundamental requirements of an ideal grout material for

3 2 CO4
construction purposes.

How does electro-chemical stabilization contribute to soil

4 2 CO5
stabilization, and in what situations is it most effective?
Total Marks: 12

Set B:

Note: Make neat diagrams and write the proper steps of the solutions.

Ques No. Question Marks

Explain the principle behind jet grouting as a ground improvement

1 technique. Describe the process involved, including the drilling, grout 4 CO5
injection, and formation of jet grouted columns.

Discuss the significance of grout monitoring in construction and civil

2 engineering projects. Highlight the key objectives and benefits of effective 2 CO5
grout monitoring during and after the grouting process.

Elaborate on the significance of grout monitoring in construction projects.

Discuss the various methods and technologies used for monitoring grouting
3 operations, including pressure monitoring, flow rate measurement, and 4 CO4
geophysical techniques. Explain how effective monitoring contributes to
quality control and ensures the success of grouting projects.

Explain different methods used for monitoring grouting operations,

4 including pressure monitoring, flow rate measurement, and acoustic 2 CO4
emission techniques.
Total Marks: 12

Set C:

Note: Make neat diagrams and write the proper steps of the solutions.

Ques No. Question Marks

Explain the fundamental principles underlying electrochemical stabilization

1 in soil improvement. Discuss the electrochemical reactions and mechanisms 4 CO4
involved in this technique to enhance soil properties.

Explore the applications of electrochemical stabilization in civil engineering,

such as slope stabilization, foundation reinforcement, and contaminated soil
2 remediation. Highlight the specific scenarios where this technique is 4 CO5
particularly advantageous. Additionally, discuss its limitations or constraints
in certain soil conditions or environmental contexts.

Discuss recent innovations or advancements in electrochemical stabilization

technology. Explore any ongoing research or emerging trends aiming to
3 2 CO5
improve the efficiency, scalability, or applicability of this technique in
addressing diverse soil stabilization challenges.

Describe the characteristics of expansive clay soils and the challenges they
4 present in construction projects. Highlight their high plasticity, shrink-swell 2 CO4
behavior, and the issues they cause in foundations and structures.

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