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A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for 59

Unconstrained Roads∗
2 60
3 61
4 62
5 Anonymous Author Submission, Paper Id: 83 63
6 64
Stanford 65
8 The previous fine-grained datasets mainly focus on the classifica- Cars-196 66
9 tion task and are often captured in a controlled setup, with the 67
10 camera focussing on the objects of interest. We introduce the first 68
11 Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) dataset in the wild, cap- 69
12 tured from a moving camera mounted on a car. It contains 5502 70
13 images with 210 unique fine-grained labels of multiple vehicle types 71
organized in a three-level hierarchy. While previous classification

14 72
Detection Vehicle-type
15 datasets also include makes for different kinds of cars, the FGVD Manufacturer 73
16 dataset introduces new class labels for categorizing two-wheelers, FGVD (ours) Model 74
17 autorickshaws, and trucks. The FGVD dataset is challenging as (b) 75
18 it has vehicles in complex traffic scenarios with intra-class and 76
19 inter-class variations in types, scale, pose, occlusion, and lighting (a) 77
20 conditions. The current object detection models like yolov5 and 78
21 faster RCNN perform poorly on this dataset due to a high degree 79
22 of class imbalance and lack of hierarchical modeling. Along with 80
23 providing baseline results for existing object detectors on FGVD 81
24 Dataset, we also present the results of a combination of an existing Motorcycle_Bajaj_Pulsar150 82
25 detector and the recent Hierarchical Residual Network (HRN) clas- Car_Chevrolet_Tavera 83
26 sifier for the FGVD task. We also show that the vehicle images from 84
27 the FGVD dataset are the most challenging among the fine-grained 85
28 classification datasets. 86
29 87
Figure 1: Samples from fine-grained datasets. Top: Previous 89
• Computing methodologies → Object detection. datasets focus only on the classification of cars on vehicle-
32 90
centric images. Middle: The proposed FGVD dataset enables
33 KEYWORDS fine-grained (multi) vehicle detection on unconstrained road
34 92
ACM proceedings, LATEX, text tagging scenes captured from vehicle-mounted cameras. Bottom left
35 93
ACM Reference Format: GradCAM++ visualizations on predicted crops show that the 94
Anonymous Author Submission, Paper Id: 83. 2022. A Fine-Grained Vehi- model focuses on the backlight and blinker at the top of 95
cle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads. In Proceedings of the motorcycle and the bottom (and the right part) of the
38 96
13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing scooter. For Tavera, the design on the left and right of license
39 97
(ICVGIP’22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. plates and for Ciaz, the radiator and headlight regions are
40 nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn 98
highlighted classification features. 99
43 101
Intelligent traffic monitoring systems are of utmost need in big
cities for public security, planning, and surveillance. For the tasks Conventionally, detection models like YOLO [12] and Faster R- 102
like vehicle re-identification and robust detection (e.g., when a ve- CNN [14] are trained to classify vehicles based on coarse categories 103
hicle occludes another vehicle that is similar in appearance), the of on-road datasets like BDD and IDD [18, 22]. The Fine-Grained 104
detectors used in the surveillance systems should finely classify Vehicle Detection (FGVD) models and datasets can enable robust 105
the vehicle type, manufacturer, and model of the on-road vehicles. vehicle re-identification and detection in highly dense and occluded 106
∗ Produces
traffic scenarios. Therefore, we propose a novel FGVD dataset with 107
the permission block, and copyright information
50 multiple hierarchy levels for the fine-grained labels. Fig. 1 depicts a 108
51 Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or sample scene image from the FGVD dataset and the corresponding 109
52 classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed labels. As shown in the figure, in addition to enabling the detection 110
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. task, the FGVD dataset includes complex intra-class and inter-class 111
54 For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). variations in types, scales, and orientations compared to the previ- 112
55 ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India ous fine-grained classification datasets. The dataset also contains 113
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. challenging occlusion scenarios and lighting conditions (refer to 114
57 Fig. 2). FGVD contains three levels of hierarchy, i.e., vehicle type, 115
58 1 116
ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

117 Table 1: Related Fine-grained datasets. All the previous road scene works include fine-grained classification only on car types. 175
118 In contrast, FGVD has fine-grained detection labels for seven different types of vehicles (refer Fig. 2 and Table 2). 176
119 177
Dataset Source # Levels # Vehicle-type Classification Detection
120 √ 178
BoxCars116k [15] CCTV 3 1 ×
121 √ 179
CompCars [21] Web/CCTV 3 1 ×
122 √ 180
THS-10 [10] CCTV 2 1 × 181

124 Stanford Cars-196 [7] Web 2 1 ×𝜓 182
√ √
125 FGVD (ours) Dashcam 3 6 183
𝜓 Stanford Car-196 is a part-based fine-grained car recognition dataset containing bounding boxes for cars’ parts.
126 184
127 185
128 186
manufacturer, and model, as shown at the bottom of the vehicles’ model, submodel, and year of manufacture. Jakub et al. [15] pub- 187
Regions of Interest (ROIs) in Fig. 1 (a) and in Fig. 1 (b) with three lish the BoxCars116k dataset with 3D bounding box annotations 188
different colors and of 1, 16, 286 vehicle images and their fine-grained classes. Yang et 189
While previous classification datasets like Stanford Cars-196 [7] al. [21] released CompCars dataset which contains 44, 481 frontal 190
and CompCars [21] also include makes for different kinds of cars view images of cars taken from surveillance cameras. It also con- 191
(see Fig. 1 top), we introduce the complementary hierarchical labels tains web-nature images taken from different viewpoints of 136𝐾 192
for two-wheelers, autorickshaws, trucks, and buses (refer Sec. 3). vehicles classified into 600 categories. Najeeb et al. [10] released 193
The granularity of the FGVD dataset increases as we move from 4250 CCTV car images of 10 different models. Similar to this, the 194
parent level to child level (refer Figs. 1 (b) and 4). For the hierarchical Stanford Cars dataset [7] includes vehicle images along with their 195
FGVD dataset, every level of the dataset has its uniqueness. Firstly, part labels to assist in fine-grained recognition tasks. The above 196
different vehicles may look similar at the first level of granularity, mentioned datasets usually lack the complexity that is required for 197
e.g., motorcycle and scooter, both being the two-wheelers. However, their application in real-world scenarios. Our detection dataset in- 198
as it can be inferred from the bottom of Fig. 1, the overall design cludes diverse traffic scenarios observed in urban settings capturing 199
of the scooter is very different from that of the motorcycle, e.g., large variations in scale, pose, occlusion, illumination and density 200
scooters have a backlight at the bottom of the rearview as compared of vehicles. All the vehicle classifiation datasets mentioned above 201
to the top backlight of the motorcycle. The overall appearance of have fine-grained labels only for cars whereas in our dataset we 202
the two vehicles of the same parent may look even more similar. introduce these labels for four additional vehicle types - motorcy- 203
However, the minute subtle and local differences are present in the cles, scooters, autorickshaws, and trucks. Also, the proposed FGVD 204
same subcategory. Also, some categories were not present in the dataset contains images captured from dashboard cameras installed 205
earlier vehicle datasets, for example, scooter, autorickshaw, truck, on top of surveillance vehicles instead of using static CCTV cameras, 206
and bus; hence they were required to be added to the fine-grained making it’s use economically viable and sustainable for road safety 207
dataset. Therefore, we introduce classes unique to the FGVD dataset in any remote locations of the city. The datasets like BDD100k [22], 208
to facilitate detailed research in fine-grained on-road scenarios. The Waymo [16], and IDD [18] do focus on vehicle detection but do not 209
main contributions of this work are as follows: have the fine-grained annotations. 210
153 • A novel Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) dataset for Detection and Fine-grained Classification Models: State-of- 211
154 on-road vehicles in dense and occluded traffic scenarios. the-art object detection models like Yolov5 [5] and Faster-RCNN [14] 212
155 To the best of our knowledge, no fine-grained detection consider all object labels as independent from each other. So in effect 213
156 dataset exists in the literature, and ours is the first dataset they won’t be able to use the hierarchical relationship which exists 214
157 of its kind. between the object’s fine-grained labels. The difficulty of detecting 215
158 • We present the results of baseline detection and classifi- fine-grained objects with such models would thus increase with 216
159 cation models on the proposed dataset. We also show the deeper class definition as the number of samples per class becomes 217
160 initial results of a combination of a detector and a recent smaller and the visual cues become more challenging to detect. 218
161 hierarchical fine-grained classification model. Chen et al. [2] recently introduces Label Relation Graphs Enhanced 219
Heirarchical Residual Network (HRN) which gives state-of-the-art 220
163 2 RELATED WORK performance on fine-grained image classification datasets. Their 221
164 Fine-grained Classification Datasets: Multiple fine-grained clas- architecture exploits the parent-child correlation between labels by 222
165 sification datasets exist in the literature that mainly focus on birds [19], transferring the hierarchical knowledge through residual connec- 223
166 flowers [11], dogs [6, 17], aircrafts [9] and not focuses on vehicles. tions across feature levels. But they haven’t been used in the context 224
167 The datasets like birds [19] cover appropriate occlusion examples, of object detection. Therefore, we combined the object detection 225
168 and the aircrafts dataset [9] has objects at low resolution show- and classification models and obtained superior performance on 226
169 casing sufficient complexity for their classification task. But the the fine-grained vehicle detection task as compared to using the 227
170 objects in these datasets are usually located around the image cen- object detector directly for it. 228
171 ter making it unfit for their detection in the wild. There are few 229
172 public datasets for fine-grained vehicle classification on road scenes, 230
173 such as [15], [10], and [21] with hierarchical labels of car’s make, 231
174 2 232
A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

233 291
Car 292
235 Maruti Suzuki 293
236 Dzire 294
237 295
238 Motorcycle 296
Hero 297
Splendor 298
241 299
242 300
243 Scooter 301
244 Honda 302
245 Activa 303
246 304
247 305
248 Truck 306
249 Eicher 307
250 308
251 309
252 310
Autorickshaw 311
Bajaj 312
255 313
256 314
257 Figure 2: Sample images of different categories in FGVD exhibiting inter-class similarities (bottom two rows), multiple vehicle 315
258 orientations (all rows), and frequent occlusions. 316
259 317
260 318
261 319
262 320
263 321
264 322
265 323
266 324
267 325
268 326
(a) Back propagated (b) Identifiable label (c) Forward propagated (d) Forward propagated
label frame frame label frame label frame 328
271 329
272 330
Figure 3: Annotation Strategy: (b) is the only confidently identifiable image frame where the label cue (logo at bottom-left of the
273 331
car) is visible. As the frames are from common video sequence, the label is propagated to the vehicle instances in (a), (c) & (d).
274 332
275 333
276 3 FGVD DATASET AND ANNOTATION 3.1 Annotation Process 334
277 We use images with corresponding coarse labels, and bounding We chose 5502 out of 16311 high-quality images from the IDD- 335
278 boxes from the IDD detection dataset [18]. The vehicles far from the Detection dataset based on occlusion, size of vehicle boxes, and 336
279 camera are infeasible to annotate. Hence, we remove the bounding traffic density. The annotation team consists of four highly skilled 337
280 boxes with a height-to-width ratio lesser than the thresholds, which annotators and two expert reviewers for quality checks. Firstly, we 338
281 are different for different vehicle types. To consider the variability taught the annotators about fine-grained annotation by annotating 339
282 of vehicles in physical dimensions, we keep the threshold for the a few sample images from the FGVD dataset. Secondly, we provide 340
283 truck’s bounding box ratio higher than that of the car, which in turn the guidelines, template, and a list of objects to be annotated. After 341
284 is higher than that of the bike. The thresholding process makes the proper training, the annotators can recognize the popular vehicles 342
285 annotators’ work easy, manageable, and quick. The FGVD dataset in the scene. However, if still, the vehicle is not recognizable, then 343
286 contains 5502 scene images containing around 24450 bounding they can use google lens or image search on the internet. For exam- 344
287 boxes, with 217 (210 unique, and 7 repeated from higher levels) ple, consider the scenario where the annotator can recognize the 345
288 fine-gained labels in the third level. manufacturer by looking at the brand logo. Still, the model name is 346
289 347
290 3 348
ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

349 Vehicle-type Manufacturer Model Vehicle-type Manufacturer Model 407

Vehicle Type Levels of Hierarchy L-2 labels L-3 labels Car Mahindra Bolero Motorcycle Honda CB Hornet 160R
350 408
Reva CB Twister
351 Car 3 22 112 409
Scorpio Karizma
352 Motorcycle 3 11 67 TUV300 Karizma ZMR 410
353 Scooter 3 9 23 Verito Shine 411
XUV500 Sp 125
354 Truck 2 7 7 412
Xylo Unicorn
355 Autorickshaw 2 6 6 Maruti- Dzire Hero Hunk 413
356 Bus 2 2 2 Suzuki Swift Glamour 414
357 Total 3 57 217 Baleno HF Deluxe 415
Tata Motors Hexa Splendor
358 416
Table 2: Levels of Hierarchy for different Vehicles in FGVD. Indica Scooter Honda Activa
359 Nano Dio 417
360 Nexon Aviator 418
361 Safari Vespa VXL 125 419
Sumo ZX 125
362 420
Auto- Bajaj Truck Eicher
363 rickshaw TVS Mahindra 421
not visible due to occlusion, truncation, or any other complexity. Piaggio Tata 422
in such scenarios, the annotator can search for similar vehicles 423
on the manufacturer’s website. The essential part of looking at 424
the image for classification is the vehicle’s overall design, design Figure 4: Sample Hierarchy Tree of the FGVD dataset.
367 425
of its components (e.g., some scooters have petrol openers at the 426
back), brand logo, and model name. While creating IDD-Detection 427
dataset [18], many images are taken from the continuous video 428
frames; therefore, images have a temporal connection. For instance, 8000 429
in Fig. 3 Tata Sumo is not confidently identifiable in the first frame 430
due to truncation, but in the second frame, the brand label is visible, Number of Vehicles
which gives the confidence to the annotator to annotate even when 4000 432
they are unable to recognize the design of the car. Similarly, they 433
propagate the label in the next frame, in which there is a lot of 434
occlusion from other vehicles, and comparatively hard to annotate 0




if they do not connect the knowledge from other frames.





378 c 436




We divided the data creation process into two steps, i.e., the


379 437
pilot phase and the takeoff phase. In the pilot phase, each annotator Vehicle-Type 438
is asked to label a small number of images containing less traffic 439
density. We also train the annotators to label the vehicles from the 440
dataset images, which are confidently identifiable but do not have 441
a bounding box. In the case of cars, motorcycles, and scooters, we 442



have an attribute called new. Whenever annotators encounter a new 443
variant of any model in our dataset, they tickmark the new attribute 444
in the checkbox. During the pilot phase, we note the average time to 445
annotate one image, from which we get an estimate of the number 446
of days for creating the whole dataset. Performance in the pilot 447
phase lets us choose the best two annotators as reviewers in the 448
next stage. In the takeoff phase, many images contain high traffic 449
density, which in turn causes massive occlusion (samples shown 450
in Fig. 2). All the labels in the takeoff stage are reviewed, and only 451
the ones with high confidence from the reviewers are chosen to be 452
part of the dataset. The remaining vehicle’s bounding boxes, for 453
which any fine-grained levels are ambiguous, are labeled as “others". Figure 5: Histograms for Level-1 (top) and Level-2 (bottom) 454
If any material like a vehicle cover or a cloth covers any vehicle, labels in FGVD. 455
they mark it as “covered". The average time to annotate one image 456
is one minute and half a minute to perform a quality check. We 457
annotate all the scenes in the FGVD dataset using the Computer 458
Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)1 . 459
402 3.2 Heirarchy and Long-tailed Distribution 460
403 As shown in Table 2, each vehicle type in the proposed Fine-Grained 461
404 Vehicle Detection (FGVD) dataset has different hierarchical levels. 462
405 1 We illustrate the sample vehicle images and hierarchy tree of the 463
406 4 464
A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

465 523
466 524
467 525
468 526
469 527

470 528
471 529
472 530
473 531
474 Trunk 532
475 net 533
476 ReLU 534
477 ReLU 535
478 Softmax FC 536
Xcent (L3) Sigmoid FC
480 538
481 Hyundai (L2) FC ReLU
482 Sigmoid 540
Car (L1) FC
483 Conv Conv FC FC
484 1x1 3x3 542
485 Granularity Specific Block(GSB) 543
Hierarchical Residual Network 544
487 545
Figure 6: Architecture for fine-grained vehicle detection. We use YOLO [5] for localization and Label Relation Graphs Enhanced
488 546
HRN [2] for classification.
489 547
490 548
491 FGVD dataset in Figs. 2 and 4. As shown, the FGVD contains three the bounding boxes obtained in the localization stage. The cropped 549
492 different levels of hierarchy, which we detail below2 : ROIs are then resized before feeding them to the classification 550
493 • Vehicle-type: The highest coarse level labels of the vehicle module. In the classification module, we use the Label Relation 551
494 come under the vehicle-type category. We consider it as Graphs Enhanced Hierarchical Residual Network (HRN) model [2], 552
495 level 1 of the hierarchy. Car, motorcycle, scooter, truck, which predicts the coarse to fine-grained classes for the ROIs. 553
496 auto-rickshaw, and bus are the six categories present in 554
497 555
vehicle type. 4.1 Vehicle Localization
498 • Manufacturer: The manufacturer level contains the pri- 556
We train the YOLOv5 model to localize the vehicles in the FGVD 557
mary producer of the vehicles. The manufacturer category dataset3 . There are various reasons for choosing the YOLOv5 model
500 has finer details than the vehicle type level. A producer may 558
for vehicle localization. Firstly, YOLOv5 incorporates Cross Stage 559
manufacture multiple kinds of vehicles. For example, Bajaj Partial Network (CSPNet) [20] into its backbone and in the neck.
502 manufactures motorcycles as well as auto-rickshaw. 560
The CSPNet helps to achieve a richer gradient combination while 561
• Model: The model level is at the last group of the hierarchy. reducing the amount of computation, which ensures the inference
504 This level comprises highly fine-grained features that are 562
speed and accuracy are high and reduces the model size. 563
unique for the variant. For example, a car’s design must be Moreover, the HRN’s classification accuracy depends on the lo-
506 unique for each manufacturer. 564
calization model’s performance; thus, maintaining high accuracy 565
As illustrated in Fig. 5, the annotation levels contain the common for vehicle localization is essential. Secondly, the head of YOLOv5
508 566
challenge of a class imbalance to different degrees. generates three different sizes (18×18, 36×36, 72×72) of feature maps
509 567
to achieve multi-scale [13] prediction, enabling the model to handle 568
4 METHODOLOGY small, medium, and large-sized objects. YOLOv5 also auto-learns
511 569
Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) aims to localize the vehicles custom anchor boxes such that the anchors are adapted to our 570
in an on-road scene image and identify their type, manufacturer, FGVD dataset, which helps improve the detection results. It also in- 571
and model variant. We accomplish this in two stages: the first corporates various augmentations, such as mosaic, during training 572
stage involves vehicle localization, and the second involves fine- which significantly helps to generalize. Moreover, we experiment 573
grained classification of the localized object. The entire pipeline is with Faster-RCNN [14], but we obtain the best results with YOLOv5 574
shown in Fig. 6. In the localization stage, we use YOLOv5 [5] model, (refer to Sec. 6) while it also takes the least training time. 575
which gives us the vehicle bounding boxes. We then crop out the 576
vehicles’ Regions Of Interest (ROIs) from the original image using 577
520 2 For 3 For 578
bus class, we do not follow this hierarchy. Small buses, known as “mini-bus," and training the HRN model, we prepare the dataset separately by cropping out
521 the “general-bus” are the child classes for the bus. vehicle images using the ground truth boxes from our dataset. 579
522 5 580
ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

581 4.2 Fine-grained Classification vehicle bounding boxes and then use the predictions to crop ROIs 639
For several reasons, we chose the Label Relation Graphs Enhanced for HRN’s input. 640
HRN network [2] for fine-grained vehicle classification. The HRN We also experiment with two baseline detectors for the FGVD 641
network focuses on encoding the label hierarchy from coarse-to- task. Firstly, we train the Faster-RCNN model on the FGVD’s level-3 642
fine levels. The HRN accomplishes this by using the Granularity labels for 100 epochs with a batch size of 8 and an initial learning 643
Specific Blocks (GSB) and residual connections, as shown in Fig 4. rate of 0.001. We use the Faster-RCNN with the resenet-50 backbone, 644
Each GSB block extracts the hierarchical level features by process- and the model is pre-trained on the COCO detection dataset while 645
ing the feature maps generated from the trunk network, i.e., any taking an input image size of 512x512. Secondly, compared to the 646
common feature extraction network pre-trained on ImageNet [3]. Faster-RCNN detector model, we train a similar sized YOLOv5-large 647
The residual connections combine the features of coarse-level and variant model on level 3 labels for 100 epochs with a batch size of 648
fine-level subclasses. This kind of hierarchical modeling primarily 16. We train the YOLOv5l model with the same hyperparameter 649
benefits the FGVD application on our dataset because there are configuration and the same pre-trained model as used in the first 650
many similarities between different vehicle model variants corre- experiment explained above. 651
sponding to the same manufacturer or vehicle type. The HRN model We evaluate the performance of our models using the mean 652
incorporates a combinatorial loss which aggregates information Average Precision (mAP) metric on all three levels. For the baselines, 653
from related labels defined in the tree hierarchy. This tree hierarchy we derive the mAPs for all the levels from the combined label 654
uses a sigmoid node for each label, which can be seen in Fig. 6 (sample combined labels are shown below the zoomed-out vehicle 655
for the L-1, L-2, and L-3 outputs. The HRN models independent crops in Fig. 1 a) on which the detectors are trained. We use GeForce 656
relations using sigmoid instead of softmax since sigmoid implies GTX 3080 Ti GPU for all our experiments. We present the results 657
mutual exclusion. But if the training samples at the fine-grained of the above experiments in the next section. 658
601 659
levels are few, the combinatorial loss would fail to well-separate
602 660
the skewed classes. So, an additional multi-class cross-entropy loss Table 3: FGVD detection results: The combination of YOLO5l
603 661
is used with the softmax function for the finest labels, depicted and HRN significantly improves the mAPs on all levels com-
604 662
for L-3 class output in Fig. 6. The softmax function increases the pared to existing detectors.
605 663
weightage of fine-grained classification loss, ultimately ensuring
high classification accuracy specifically for the fine-grained labels. Model L-1 mAP L-2 mAP L-3 mAP 664
Moreover, the residual connections in the HRN for hierarchical F-RCNN 54.4% 41.4% 31.9% 665
feature interactions make the architecture effective compared to YOLOv5l 61.7% 42.4% 32.7% 666
other models while demonstrating state-of-the-art performance on YOLOv5L + HRN 84.0% 45.0% 48.4% 667
610 668
standard fine-grained classification datasets.
611 669
We also create a hierarchical tree structure of labels for each of
612 6 RESULTS 670
our fine-grained classes in the format required by the HRN architec-
ture. It is important to note that we use the softmax output for the We show the results of our detection experiments in Table 3. As 671
fine-grained class instead of the sigmoid output in the HRN model shown in its first row, with the Faster-RCNN model, we obtain 672
at inference time. As mentioned by Chen et al. [2], the softmax the mAPs of 58.9%, 41.4%, and 31.9% on level 1 (L-1), level 2 (L-2), 673
output channel computes separate cross-entropy loss so that the and level 3 (L-3) labels, respectively. The Yolov5l model obtains 674
mutually exclusive fine-grained classes gain more attention during mAPs of 61.7%, 42.4%, and 32.7% on the three levels. We observe 675
training. that the YOLOv5l detector performs significantly better than the 676
619 Faster-RCNN model on all the hierarchical levels. We thus choose 677
620 the YOLOv5l model with HRN for the final experiment. Using the 678
621 YOLOv5l+HRN model, the mAP scores at L-1 and L-2 levels also 679
622 5 EXPERIMENTS improve by 23.3% and 2.6%, respectively. We obtain an mAP of 680
623 We split our entire dataset into train:val:test ratio of 64:16:20. We 48.4% on the L-3 level, which is a substantial performance boost of 681
624 use the YOLOv5l [5] model pre-trained on the COCO dataset [8] and 15.7% compared to the standard YOLOv5l model. 682
625 fine-tune it on the FGVD dataset for 100 epochs with a batch size of We showcase the YOLOv5l+HRN model’s detection results on 683
626 8. The input images are pre-processed and resized to 640 × 640 pixel sample images from the FGVD test set in Fig. 7. The classified fine- 684
627 dimensions before feeding them to the training pipeline. While grained labels from the YOLOv5l+HRN model are shown alongside 685
628 training, we observe that the objectness loss on the validation set the predicted bounding boxes. The correctly classified predictions 686
629 reaches the lowest point after a few epochs and then starts diverging. are shown in green, and the incorrect predictions are in red. The 687
630 To resolve this, we reduce the contribution of the objectness loss to figure depicts our model’s performance on images containing ve- 688
631 the overall loss function by half. We train the HRN model on the hicles at multiple viewpoints and resolutions with occlusions and 689
632 ground truth Regions of Interest (ROIs) and all three FGVD levels. low visibility scenarios. It can be observed that the model is giving 690
633 We use the resenet-50 [4] model, pre-trained on ImageNet [3], for correct predictions for the occluded vehicles with low visibility like 691
634 the trunk net in the HRN architecture. The input image size used the Hyundai Santro car in the left image of Fig. 7. Similarly, the 692
635 here is 448x448 pixel dimensions. We train the HRN model for 100 Honda Shine motorcycle on the right image left side of the same 693
636 epochs with a batch size of 8 and an initial learning rate of 0.001. figure is classified correctly at all three levels. We also showcase an 694
637 At test time, we use the trained YOLOv5l model for predicting the occlusion scenario where the model gives an incorrect prediction. 695
638 6 696


A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

Scooter Honda Activa Car Hyundai Santro Autorickshaw

697 Motorcycle GT: Car 755
Honda Shine Hyundai
698 Creta 756
Pred: Car Car
699 Motorcycle
Hyundai Santro
700 Honda Shine Santro 758
701 759
702 760
703 761
704 Scooter 762
705 Access 763
706 764
707 765
708 Car 766
709 Etios 767
710 Motorcycle 768
711 Scooter Suzuki Access Car MarutiSuzuki Celerio 769
Scooter Honda Dio Scooter Honda Dio Scooter TVS Pep Pulsar150
712 770
713 Figure 7: FGVD results of the YOLOv5l+HRN model on sample scene (crops shown for better visibility) images from the test 771
714 dataset. The detected bounding boxes are marked in green and red, corresponding to correct and incorrect class predictions. 772
715 The zoomed-in views highlight the vehicles which are occluded or have low visibility. 773
716 774
717 L1 (Vehicle Type) Scooter Motorcycle Car 775
718 L2 (Manufacturer) TVS Suzuki TVS Suzuki RoyalEnfield TVS RoyalEnfield Bajaj TataMotors Toyota Toyota MarutiSuzuki 776
L3 (Model) Jupiter Access Jupiter Access Classic350 ApacheRTR Classic350 Avenger Indica Innova Innova Dzire
719 160 777
720 778
721 detected 779
vehicle as HRN
722 input 780
723 781
724 L1 782
725 783
726 784
727 785
728 GradCAM++ 786
729 787
730 788
731 789
732 790
733 791
734 Figure 8: Rows 1-3: correct predictions/labels obtained from YOLO+HRN with ROIs in row 4. GradCAM++ visualizations on 792
735 L1, L2, and L3 levels (rows 5-8) from the HRN network, when applied on the row 4 ROIs. Multiple orientations of scooters, 793
736 motorcycles, and cars are compared. From Row 4, Col 2: two front-view images of scooter models, followed by the rear-view 794
737 images of the same models. Row 4, Col 6: two side-view motorcycle model images followed by two rear-view images. Row 4, Col 795
738 10: two side-view and two back-view images of different car models. The GradCAM++ visualizations highlight the distinguishing 796
739 features for each ROI, like the front, side, and rear body structures, backlight/blinkers (most vehicles), silencer (Access rear-view 797
740 and Classic 350), petrol tank (Jupiter rear-view), door handles, and engine shape for the corresponding vehicles. 798
741 799
742 800
The right image in Fig. 7, shows that for the Hyundai Creta car focus on most of the front body parts along with its blinkers. The 801
(ground truth), our model gives incorrect prediction as Hyundai corresponding heatmap for the Access model also shows the focus 802
Santro car highlighted in the red box in Fig. 7. The zoomed-out on the front body part along with the mudguard region. While the 803
views with adjusted brightness show the actual vehicle images L3 visualizations focus on very particular attributes for the Jupiter 804
clearly. For the incorrect detection in Fig. 7, we can observe that model, it is centered around the air vent part above the mudguard. 805
the model detects vehicle type and manufacturer correctly, even in For the Access model, the focus is on the shape of the front body 806
the high occlusion scenario. part. Similarly, we compare the rear views of these vehicle models. 807
In Fig. 8, we showcase the GradCAM++ [1] visualizations of the The L1 heatmap of the Jupiter model shows a major focus on the 808
detected fine-grained vehicles from the YOLO-HRN model. On the rear body part with some highlights (in green) on its speedometer 809
figure’s left side, we compare two front-view scooter images. The display. In contrast, for the Access sample, the primary focus is 810
L1 GradCAM++ heatmap of the Jupiter model shows the model’s on the back body part with some highlights around the silencer, 811
754 7 812
ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

GT Predicted HRN input L1 heatmap L2 heatmap L3 heatmap Sample image of

Label Label predicted label Table 4: Recognition results of HRN on standard fine-grained 871
814 classification datasets and FGVD. For all three levels, the 872
Scooter Scooter
815 Honda TVS FGVD dataset remains the most challenging. 873
Dio Wego
816 874
Dataset L-1 Acc. L-2 Acc. L-3 Acc. 875
Aircraft [9] 97.45% 95.79% 92.58% 876
Car Car
Toyota Maruti- CUB-200-2011 [19] 98.67% 95.51% 86.60% 877
Innova Suzuki
820 Ertiga Stanford Cars [7] 97.41% 94.03% Not Applicable 878
821 FGVD dataset 96.69% 79.44% 76.35% 879
Scooter Scooter
822 TVS Suzuki
823 Jupiter Access 881
824 882
825 883
826 Figure 9: Failure cases with their GradCAM++ visualizations regions are primarily focused, while the entire side body part is also 884
827 for L1, L2, and L3 levels, along with images of an incorrectly highlighted in green. For Innova, the door handles and the window 885
828 predicted vehicle model for comparison (on the right) with edges are primarily focused. Similarly, the rear views of Innova 886
829 the actual input image (on the left). Top and Bottom: Exam- and Dzire show a primary focus on the shape and structure of the 887
830 ples of high similarity in visual cues between the predicted back body part along with the emphasis on the backlight region as 888
831 and the actual classes. Mid: extreme illumination with occlu- visible in the Dzire model. Again due to the limited number of key 889
832 sion from multiple objects. points, we suspect that the highlighted parts in all the levels are 890
833 similar, highlighting the entire overlapping regions considered for 891
834 the L3 classification. Overall we showcase the hierarchical relation- 892
835 speedometer display, and the key region. Overall L1 heatmaps show ship between the coarse-level and fine-level labels and the overlap 893
836 the model’s focus on most of the crucial body parts of the vehicle. of similar features among them. Fig. 9 shows the failure cases for 894
837 While in the L3 visualizations of the Jupiter model the focus is similar vehicles in extreme illumination/occlusion scenarios. 895
838 centered around the petrol tank lid area just above the backlight, We also evaluate the L1, L2, and L3 label’s classification accu- 896
839 and for the Access, it is primarily centered around the backlight racies using the fine-tuned HRN model on our test dataset and 897
840 region with some highlights on the silencer part as well. These compare it with the corresponding state-of-the-art accuracies on 898
841 features highlighted by the L3 visualizations are the main feature standard fine-grained classification datasets as reported in the pa- 899
842 points that help distinguish the two vehicle models. per [2]. We find that the Level-3 classification accuracy on our 900
843 We have made similar comparisons between motorcycles and dataset is the lowest, i.e., 76.35%, among others, as shown in Ta- 901
844 cars. We first compare the side views of two models and then the ble 4. The results quantitatively demonstrate the high complexity 902
845 rear views of the other two models. The L1 heatmap of the Clas- involved in the FGVD dataset and the challenges involved in the 903
846 sic350 model’s side view shows the model’s focus primarily around classification and detection of fine-grained vehicles in the wild. 904
847 the suspension area just beside the triangular engine boundary, Although the YOLOv5l+HRN model performs better than other 905
848 with some focus on the petrol tank, silencer, and the engine area at baseline detectors, there is still a massive gap of around 35% mAP 906
849 the bottom. While the L1 visualizations of the ApacheRTR160 TVS values between the coarse-level and the fine-grained level detection 907
850 motorcycle focus on the vehicle’s back body part, the back wheel’s performances in Table 3. Thus, we propose this dataset for future 908
851 central area, and the front wheel. The L1 visualizations cover all the research works related to the FGVD. 909
852 important key points that help identify a motorcycle, along with 910
853 providing additional feature points for the classification at finer 911
854 levels. The L2 visualizations highlight regions very similar to L3 vi- 7 CONCLUSION 912
855 sualizations, which ultimately help identify the correct L3 label. The This paper presents the first dataset for the Fine-Grained Detection 913
856 L3 visualizations of the Classic350 model show the main focus on of Vehicles while also providing the baselines for the same. FGVD is 914
857 the suspension region and some on the silencer. For ApacheRTR160, also the first dataset in which the fine-grained labels for 5 additional 915
858 the main focus is around the back body part. These focus points vehicle types are available apart from just cars. Our dataset can 916
859 correspond to the unique feature points which are specific to that be used for vehicle re-identification in on-road surveillance sys- 917
860 vehicle model only. Now we compare the rear views of Classic350 tems, generating alarms for road safety systems, and promoting the 918
861 and Avenger models. These models’ L1 and L3 heatmaps do not development of ADAS products for Indian roads. Specifically, we 919
862 show much difference since only the back region of these vehicles showcase the uniqueness of our dataset regarding the detection of 920
863 is visible, where the number of critical key points is limited. The fine-grained vehicles in the wild compared to other related datasets. 921
864 main distinguishing key point which is being highlighted in these We also provide the results of the YOLOv5l+HRN model for the 922
865 heatmaps is around the backlight region and a little bit on the side FGVD dataset, with which we obtain a 15.7% gain in mAP over 923
866 body part, which is partially visible. baseline detectors for the most complex level. For future works, 924
867 Similarly, we compare the side views of cars. The L1 and L3 visu- we plan to fuse the architectures of detection and classification 925
868 alizations of the side views of the Indica and Innova models nearly models to reduce the overall time complexity and further improve 926
869 look similar. For Indica, the door handle and the front window pillar the current model’s performance. 927
870 8 928
A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads ICVGIP’22, December 2022, Gandhinagar, India

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