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A Lidar-Based Approach for Near Range Lane

Alexander von Reyher, Armin Joos Hermann Winner
DaimlerChrysler AG, REVAA Technische Universivat Darmstadt
Stuttgart, Germany Darmstadt, Germany
Email: [ Alexander.Reyher,Armin.Joos] Email:

Abstmct- This paper presents an approach for abject and lane the road by using standing objects detected by a laserscannet.
detection using only a scanning lidar sensor. The test vehicle [3] presents an approach of detecting the borders of the road
used and the applied lane detection algorithm based on an using a one layer laserscanner directed onto the street. How-
Extended Kalman-Filter are described. Measurements on public
roads are performed and compared to the results of an optical ever, neither of these solutions supports an additional object
lane recognition as a reference. detection or delivers information about the lane markings
which in many 5ases (e.g. highways) is the most needed.
I. INTRODUCTION This paper prestnts a new approach exclusively based on lidar
Current ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) systems like the sensors. Aiming to support a stop & go application it is able
Distronic of the DaimlerChrysler AG adapt the ego vehicle’s to detect appropriate objects and identify their iane of travel
(EV) speed in order to keep a certain distance towards the by detecting the position of the lane markings. Therefore the
preceding vehicle (PV). By automatically interventing via distance measurements and the appropriate intensity values of
engine and brakes the driver is reliefed of taking action in a multiplane lidar sensor are used. A lane marking and a typi-
a speed range above 30 km/h. The information about the PV’s cal road surface have very different reflectivity characteristics.
position and speed is provided by a radar [5] or a lidar sensor This phenomen is used to localize the lane markings position
[4] mounted in close proximity to the front bumper of the car. and determine the shape of the future lane of travel by applying
Today’s ACC systems choose the PV by predicting [5] the a lane detection algorithm.
EV’s future path based on the actual driving conditions (speed,
yaw-rate and steering angle), Using this method, situations of 11. SYSTEM OVERVIEW
cutting in or out vehicles or the driving on lanes of narrow The focus of this paper is lane detection performed with
width can not always be judged sufficiently fast to avoid a loss lidar sensors. However, for the choice of the sensor the addi-
of comfort in longitudinal control. An additional lane detecting tional object detection has to be considered. Aiming to detect
sensor could solve those problems but also increases the costs surrounding objects it is necessary to have one measuring
of the system. plane horizontally directed towards the vehicle’s environment.
Extending ACC towards stop & go traffic is one main point The horizontal field of view has to fulfill the constraints posed.
of actual development activities [11][5] and will be one of by a stop & go application. Those constraints include the
the future assisthg systems to be introduced into the market. eariy detection of a cutting in vehicle and the ability to track
- However, current sensor constellations are designed for ACC the preceding vehicle even in curves with small radii. [7]
resulting in a small horizontal opening angle. Situations of stop describes the maneuvre space of a EV based on the expected
& go traffic come along with lower distances towards other lateral and longitudinal accelpations in stop & go traffic and
road users and lateral accelerations up to 0.4 g (71. To deal derives different possible sensor constellations. The required
with those kind of situations first of all a higher opening angle horizontal opening angle is calculated to approximately f25
of the sensor is needed. To be able to detect cutting in or out degrees and the detection range to 100 m.
maneuvres as soon as possible a lane detecting sensor would Also aiming to detect the lane markings demands at least one
be very helpful. To offer additional lateral control, information more measuring plane which has to be oriented towards the
about the lane’s shape is necessary. Depending on the system street. For a good detection of the road curvature, two or even
requirements several different types of sensors may have to be more of those planes should be available. The system should
installed. As an alternative to a multi-sensor type approach, also be able to detect markings up to a certain lateral and
there is a great interest in using only one sensor type to detect longitudinal distance and up to a certain threshold ,value for
relative objects as well as the lane. the roads curve radius, A reasonable threshold for a detectable
For this reason several research activities aim to add lane lane width is 6 m. This also ‘covers situations of the EV
predicting functionality to existing object detecting sensor not driving in the center of a lane of normal width. The
concepts. [ 11 describes a way to extract pavement positions out longitudinal detection limit is mainly given by the sensor
of radar measurements while [2j is determining the borders of characteristics. Due to initial measurements, the limit shall be

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set at a maximum of 30 m. The detectable curve radius is set which can be detected in the planes 1 to 5. The additional
to 80 m, which is the mandatory minimal radius for streets object tracking is only applied to plane 6 which is aligned
designed for a speed of 50 km/h given in [13]. The chosen nearly paralIel to the road. In front of the car there is a
thresholds lead to Fig. 1 showing the virtual opening angle ct small triangular ares ( A x 2.5 m 2 ) which is not covered by
of a possible sensor. the sensors. However, knowing that objects have to pass the
detection area of the sensor to enter into this zone, prevention
can be taken via the object tracking.
The sensor constellation presented in Fig. 2 has been imple-
mented into a Mercedes Benz E-Class test vehicle (Fig. 3)
using an additional bumper for sensor mounting.

l0m . 20 m 30 nt

Fig. 1. Virtual opening angle a for a possible sensor

It is obvious that the situation shown in Fig. I can be

influenced by mounting position and quantity of the sensors.
Fig. 3. Test Vehicle
For example, mounting one sensor on the bumper would lead
to a requested sensor opening angle a of nearly I80 degrees.
An additional aspect for the quality of object and lane de- 111.;LANEDETECTION SYSTEM
tection is the horizontal re"s1ution between the single laser In this chapter [he lane detection system, which is imple-
beams. The higher the resolution the better the quality of the mented in the test vehicle, shall be described in detail. Fig. 4
detection of an object's position and width. Additionally, more gives a brief overview.
beams can be expected to hit the Iane markings.
However, the choice of the sensor@) can hardly fulfill all the
set requirements in order to keep a reasonable complexity of
the system. To meet the constraints as cIosely as possible a
- Object Tracking

Exc1udpfal.w t w a s u t e m e m
solution according to Fig. 2 was designed.
k i n e Esrimariw

Fig. 4. Lane Detection System

Two computers are integrated into the test vehicle, one laptop
(LP) and one Linux PC (PC). The two lidar sensors (LS)
are communicating with the laptop which is collecting their
measurement data (distance and intensity value for every
single laser beam). After completing one scan cycle the
corresponding data is transmitted to the PC where it can be
. . processed for lane detection. The transmitted data includes a
timestamp taken on the laptop, which is used for the data
Om IO m 20 in 30 in
synchronisation of both sensors,
Fig. 2. Sensor ConsteHation The object tracking (QT) is applied to plane 6 of both sensors.
As the OT is not part of the work presented in this paper
It includes 2 scanning lidars with a horizonta1 opening angle refer to [2] for more detailed information about object tracking
of 36 degrees each, a horizontal resolution of 0.1 degrees and algorithms based on lidar data.
6 measurement planes with a vertical opening angle of 1.57 Planes 1 to 5 enter the main path of the system, which i s
degrees each. Both sensors are slightly rotated around their z- the extraction of the lanes positions (ELP) described in ,[6].
axis which results in an angle a of approximately 50 degrees. The resulting extracted positions (EP) are prefiltered with
The vertically skipped sensor planes will be referenced via the the objects tracked by the (OT) in a way to exclude false
numbers given in Fig. 2. The constellation has mainly been measurements caused by other vehicles. The resting EP serve
chosen in order to have a good view of the lane markings as input into the Lane Estimation Algorithm (LE), which

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I .-

consists of an Extended Kalman-Filter (EKF). The operations

performed during the LE are shown in the following flowchart
and shall be discussed step by step.


Fig. 5 . Lane Estimation Algorithm LE y Laser "\"" Center

Although the filter model used in the EKF has been fully
described in [6] a short summary is given to allow a better
understanding. It is followed by a description of the data
association (DA) used to choose the valid EPs for the filter.

A. Extended Kalman Fiiter EKF

In the EKF the estimated lane is represented by a circular
shape model described by the 4-dimensional state vector
Fig. 6 . Coordinate Transformation

The circular madel is chosen because a change of the curvature equation ( 5 ) . The angle y represents the vertical inclination
c has low impact in near range where the sensor is mainly ex-
angle and p the horizontal angle of the outgoing beam.
pected to detect the lane. Ayoff describes the lateral distance
of the vehicle's center to the right lane, b the lane's width, and y = d.siny.sir1,!3 (3
A$ is the angle between the vehicle's longitudinal axis and
the lane. The filter is made up of two main steps, the prediction It is obvious that the uncertainty introduced into y results
step and the update step (see Fig. 5). They are given by: from the measurements of distance and angle. The possible
+ error of the distance measurement d is known via the 3u-
Prediction Step : x = A?? +
B?i' + d value which IS given by the supplier of the sensor. To estimate
the angles influence it is important to know that a laser beam
Update S t e p : 2 = h ( 2 ) ? + (3)
has a certain vertical and horizontal opening angle which is
During the prediction step (2) the actual state vector (1) is indicated in Fig. 6. The vertical opening angle is very large for
predicted in time by taking into account the inputs 2 of the the chosen bensor (Ay = 1.57"), while the horizontal angle
dynamic system which are in our case the vehicle's velocity (A@= 0.1") is rather small. However, within the opening area
and the yaw-rate. The system noise i s assumed to be zero of the beam the position of the reflection can not be exactly
mean gaussian. calculated exclusively based on the measured distance d and
The update step (3) o f the filter is based on the non-linear the direction of the outgoing beam. That is why the reflecting
equation: point is always assumed to be in the center of the beam. To
get an idea of the influence of this assumption we choose a
hjz) = y = (-
Ayofp) COS A+ certain angle -j and a fixed sensor height h, which corresponds
(4) to the one integrated in the test vehicle. For the chosen casts
1 1 we can now plot the lateral error e(y) against the horizontal
_f (- - ab)2 - (x - ;( -t- Ayoff) sin A$)2
c angle ,!3 of the outgoing beam introduced by a positive error
with e+ or a negative error e-' of d, p and y. Fig. 7 shows those
a t (0, I). plots for two different values of y corresponding to plane 1
and 5.
a is used to distinguish the right ( a = 0) and the left ( a = 1) The uncertainty introduced by e(d) results in.a straight line
lane. The measurement equation (41is expressed in terms of through origin. This behaviour is quite logic since in the
Cartesian coordinates [x,y] in order to reduce the complexity direction of 0' the lateral position is always zero. Its gradient
of the model. They are calculated from the measured distance can be calculated to approximately 7.5 lop3. The difference -
d against the horizontal and the vertical direction angle of the between plane 1 and 5 is too small to be observed in the
outgoing laser beam as shown in Fig. 6. plot. e ( 7 ) introduces an'error that lies at around 3 mm
As equation (4) is non-linear, the measurement noise T' is which can be neglected. The error introduced by e(P) lies
exclusively considered for y, which can be calculated via at around 3 cm for plane 5 and is neglegable for plane 1.

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applied to the EPs:

T (k) = j t ( k ) - H(lc)%(klk- l)], (9)
S(k) = H ( k ) P ( k l k- l ) H ( k ) T 4- R ( k ) . (10)
r (k) and S(k) denote the corresponding residual vector and
the residual covariance matrix S of the EKE R(k) represents
the measurement noise depending on the horizontal angle as
described in (6)and (7). Statistically more than 99.8% of all
valid measurements lie within the gate defined by choosing
c=3. Every potential EP detected in .the lidar measurement
that doesn't fit into this condition is not considered for the
lane estimation. In the case of two EPs being located in the
same sensor plane and fulfilling condition (8) only the best
This behaviour underlines the fact, that e(B) depends much fitting enters the EKE
more on the measurement plane than e(?) does. However, Iv. RESULTS
aiming to determine the measurement noise for y the resulting
errors in Fig. 7 can not be summed since they all have the The preceding chapters presented a system aimed to detect
same influence. That is why e(y) is calculated by taking the the position of lane markings on a road exclusively based on
according maximum error of the three components as follows: lidar sensors. The detected lane markings are used to estimate
the lane's state vector 3 using an Extended Kalman Filter.
The integration of the system into a test vehicle a d t h e
implementation of the algorithms were described, a validation
of its functionality is still missing. To make up for this the
(6) and (7) can now be used to determine the actual mea- system has been tested on public roads.
surement noise depending on the horizontal angle /? of the Verifying a systems functionality requires a reference. The
outgoing beam. Fig. 7 underlines that the accuracy of the easiest way to get one in our case is the usage of a mono-
distance measurement is the main influence. camera mounted in close proximity to the rear-view mirror
A very interesting point is the accuracy of the measurement and an additional lane detection algorithm. The lidar based
in situations of pitch movement or vertical road curvature. approach is supposed to work in near range and especially in
Having no knowledge about the actual pitch angle of the stop & go situations that come along with many surrounding
vehicle we have to assume that the vertical orientation of objects. Due to the mounting position of the camera most
the sensor towards the street is always the same. Especially of the existing lane information would he covered by other
d u ~ n ga pitch movement this assumption is wrong and an vehicles whereas the lidar system could still detect the lane
error e(?) is introduced. As shown in Fig. 7 the resulting markings. That is why the measurements have to be taken in
error e(y) i s very small and the system is very robust towards situations of free flowing traffic in a speed range superior to 30
pitch movement. km/h to get comparable results. Further more the video system
can not deliver a real ground truth since it deals with data of
a certain measurement noise and assumptions about a lane's
B. Data Association
characteristics. However, video systems are already built into
[6] describes a way to check the extracted lane positions EP series cars [12] and have proved their accuracy in matters of
by using data about surrounding objects to exclude possible lane detection over a long period of time in DaimIerChrysler
false detections. However, not all false detections are covered research. That is why the results of the developed lidar lane
by this approach. Printings on the road can not be excluded detection (LLD) shall be compared to those of an optical
this way but disturb the performance of the filter. In some lane recognition system (OLR). Even if the tests can not he
cases the best EP has to be chosen out of two or even more performed in stop & go traffic they give a first idea of the
possible EPs. Thus all the lane positions have to be checked LLD's quality.
according to the actual lane estimation. This can be done by The implemented OLR algorithm according to [9] is running
applying the so called gating described in [8] which is often on the same PC as the LLD approach. It is based on an EKF
used in tracking applications. similar to the one chosen in this paper. Its filter model uses an
According to [XI the following thresholding condition can be approximated clothoide with an additional state c1 describing

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the curvatures change. The used state vector zuof the video m is approximately 0.02 m which is significantly below the
system adds up to: measurement noise of the sensor. The lane width estimated
by the LLD is changing less than the one of the OLR which
x, = I CO c1 AYoff b A$ IT (1 1) at the same time is the reason for the high mean difference
The filter dynamics are not the same for both systems and of 0.09 m (Tab. I). Without having a ground truth value for
could not be adapted for every measurement, which may result the lane width this behaviour can not be sufficiently judged.
in a slightly different behaviour. However, the situations in However, the plots show that both estimates lie in the same
which the measurements were taken were chosen to be of range and the given differences are caused by the different
low dynamics to keep its influence as low as possible. Test dynamics of the filter. The lateral offset and the angle offset
drives were performed on a national highway nearby Stuttgart, show no significant differences between the estimates of OLR
Germany. Both systems, the OLR and LLD were activated and LLD. In all the measurements on a straight road show a
during the test drives. Sequences of 400 consecutive time high level of agreement.
steps (1 step = 100 ms) were stored. The first 50 timesteps B. Curved Road
are mainly influenced by transient effects and shall not be
considered. The cases of a straight road, a curved road and a To take the next step the system performance was tested
road with changing curvature will now be discussed. on a curved road. The following sequence was taken on a
countryroad driving at a velocity of 65 k"h.
A. Straight Road
x lo-'
Fig. 8 shows a measurement on a straight road taken at 76 I I I

0 200 400 0 200 400
Time Step Time Step

-2- '1.3

0 200 400 0 200 400
Time Step Time Step

0 200 400 -'O 200 400

Time Step Time Step

Fig. 9. Curved Road (64km/h) [ - OLR - - LLD 1

; 2 - -1
0 200 400 0 200 400
Time Step Time Step
Fig. 8. Straight Road (76 kmh) [ - OLR - - LLD 1 M E A NDLSTANCE C U R V E D ROAD

TABLE I State 1 Mean Distance OLR - LLD

MEAND I S T A N CSET R A I G H T R O A D C 1 1.5.10-4
b I 0.05 m
State Mean Dismce OLR - LLD
C 5.10-5 1m.
b 0.09 nr
Once again the plots for OLR and LLD are very similar. The
mean distances between the estimates of both systems are
given in Tab. 11. The different dynamic behaviour of the lane
width estimate can be observed again.
Looking at the curvature, it can be observed that the estimates
are both approximately zero, as they should on a straight C. Curvature Change
road. Choosing the OLR as the reference system the mean We treated the cases of low curvature dynamics like driving
error of the curvature estimated by he LLD is about .5 . on a straight or a constant curvature road. We will now have
m (Tab. I). The resulting lateral error in a distance of 20 a look at a measurement with dynamical curvature changes.

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Fig. I O presents this case on a highway driving at a velocity V. CONCLUSION
of 86 km/h.The vehicle is driving in a curve, at time step In this paper an approach of a lidar-based lane detection
100 the curvature decreases slowly to zero which is reached system is presented which is capable to detect lane markings
at time step 340. as well as surrounding objects. First tests were performed on
public roads in free flowing traffic. The tests showed high
accordance with a state of the art video system choosed as a
reference. Even in situations of changing curvature the lidar
based approach showed only a slight delay revealing from
the lower distance of sight. However, the performed tests

underline the capability of the chosen sensor constellation to
be used for lane detection in near range. Combining object
-*o 200 400
a 200 400
and lane detection in a single sensor type it provides a very
Time Step Time Step interesting alternative for future assisting systems. Based on

-’.2r---l I this perception the next steps will be to do additional testing

on its capability to improve the environment detection in stop
& go traffic.
[IJ S. Lakshmanan, “LEXLUTHER: An algorithm for detecting roads and
obstacles in radar images”, IEEE. 1998.
200 400 - ‘0 200 400 [2] A. Kirchner, “Sensordatenverarbeitung eines Laserscanners fur auto-
Time Step Time Step name Fahrfunktionen von Krafifahrzeugen”, Dissertation Univenitar der
Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2000.
Fig. IO. Road with Curvature Change (86 k m h ) [ - OLR - - LLD ] 131 B. Fardi. “Multi Modal Detection and Parameter-Based Tracking OF
Road Borders with a Lacer Scanner”, IEEE, 2003
[4] N. Furui, “Development of a Scanning Laser Radar for ACC”, IEEE,
TABLE 111 1998.
[5] BOSCH, “‘AdaptiveFahrgeschwindigkeitsregelung ACC”, Gelbe Reihe
MEANDISTANCE CURVATURE C H A N G E Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Ausgabe 2002.
[6] A. von Reyher, M. Raab and H . Winner, ”Advanced Environment
Detection based on Lidar”, VDINW-Tagung Fahrerassistenz und Aktive
State Mean Distance OLR - LLD Sicherheit, 2004.
c 1.2.10-4 1 171 S. B. Adiprasito, “Fahrzeugliingsfuhrung im Niedergeschwindigkeits-
h 0.07m bereich”, Dissertation TU Bnunschweig, 2004.
[SI Y. Bar-Shalom, ‘Tracking and Data Association”, Academic Press INC,
Y o fI 1 0.02 m New York 1988.
AI6 I 0.07dea [9] M. Smuda yon Trzebiatowski, “Multihypothesenanalyse fahrbahnparal-
leler Strukturen zur optischen Spurerkennung auf schlecht strukturierten
Strassen”, Diplomarbeit DaimlelChrysler AG, 2003.
[lo! M.S. Grewal and A.P. Andrews, “Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice
Looking at the curvature estimated by the LLD it can be Using MATLAB”, Canada: Wiley Interscience, 2001.
observed that it follows the OLR estimate with a small delay. [ 111 Invent, “’, (acc: l0/03/2CtO5).
Unlike the LLD, the filter of the OLR uses an additional state [I21 DaimlerChrysler AG, “,’, (acc: 10/03/2005).
1131 “Richtlinie fur die Anlage von Strassen RAS-L Teil: Linienfiihrung”,
c1 to model the influence of the curvatures change. This and 1995.
the differing detection range are the main reasons for this
behaviour. However, the mean distance of both systems is
rather small (see Tab. 111).
R. Summary
Taking into account that both systems were running with
differing filter properties, the estimates of the’ LLD and the
OLR show a high accordance. As the LLD has a lower distance
of sight eSpeCkdlly its curvature estimate showed slight delays
towards the OLR. The mean distance of the lateral offset
estimate between OLR and LLD was never higher than 0.02 m.
The higher value for the lane width (0.09 m) is mainly caused
by the different filter dynamics, The difference of the angle
offset always stayed below 0.09’. The presented evaluation
of the LLD can riot be absolute since both systems deliver
estimates and not ground truth values. However, since both
systems deliver comparable results the capability of the LLD
to determine the lane’s shape is underlined.

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