Hoste Notification

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Office of the
Co mm iss ion er of Police

Da te:B -02 -20 23

No. 4l /M l/ Cyb/2023

a large No of
notice tha t pos t cov id-1 9,
It has been brought to my
e opened up again in
est (PG) accommodations hav
private hostels and Paying Gu
atpally, Miyapur,
of Ma dha pur, Ga chib owl i, Raidurgam, KPHB, Kuk
the area
No. of these Hostels and
ndanag ar and R.C Pur am Police station lim its . A large
are no standard saf ety
en. It is observed tha t there
PGs are being occupied by wom
and PGs .
wed in these women hostels
and security practices being follo
have come to
relating to women's security
Whereas time to tim e issues
halts need to be
of Cyb erabad police and it is felt tha t public place of
the notice
ety and security reasons.
regulated and registered for saf
ting public in
lic place of halts and regula
With a view to maintain pub
dra I.P.S, Commissioner of
area, I, M. Stephen Raveen
the Cyberabad Metropolitan
rule 21 (f) sub section (2)
ice Cyb era bad in exe rcise of powers vested in me under
4 of Cyberabad
City Police Act 134 8F r/w sec .7 of Act No (2) of 200
of Hyderabad
do here by issue the following
Metropolitan Area police Act
en wit hou t
No per son sha ll run the Hostel /PG Hostels for wom
dhapur, Gachibowli,
local police stations in Ma
getting registered with the
am Police station
, KPH B, Kuk atp ally, Miy apu r, Chandanagar and R.C Pur
the existing
shall sub mit info rma tion on
b) All the owners /managers
in Form -A (Registration
in the hostels /PGs duly filled
safety and security practices
and Cyberabad Police
(Th is For m sha ll be ava ilable at local police station
Website - www.cyberabadpolic
furnish the
/managers are required to
c) All the hostels /PGs owners
with in (10 )
For m - A (Re gist rati on Form ) to the local police station
information in
this order .
days form the date of issue of
ctly .
exure -1 shall be followed stri
d) The guide lines given in Ann
spicuous place in
Not ifica tion sha ll be pub lished by affixing in any con
claiming the same wit h
d to be published or by pro
the locality where it is intende
, police stations
m or by adv erti sin g the same in any local newspaper
beat of dru
by affixing copies at th~
Municipal ward offices and
Divis_;onal ACsP, Zonal DCsP, ~
Tahs1I and ward offices

(M.e Raveendra, IPSJ

Commissioner of Police,
Addi. Dist. Ma gis trate,
Cyberabad, Hyderabad

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