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Nama: Maylani Ayu Wulandari

NIM: 2201422134


Cockroaches are one of the insects of the Blattodea order, which comes from the insecta class.
There are 4,000 types of cockroaches, but only 30 species commonly come into contact with
humans, 14 of which are classified as pests. Among the best-known species are the American
cockroach (Periplaneta americana), the German cockroach (Blattella germanica), and the Asian
cockroach (Blattella asahinai). These three types of cockroaches are considered pests in
buildings and are often found in residential areas.

Cockroaches are an ancient group that has existed around 320 million years ago, namely since
the Carboniferous period. Cockroaches are often also called Kakerlak. They are omnivorous
animals, which means they can eat various types of food, from food scraps and paper to other
organic materials. They have extraordinary resistance to extreme environmental conditions and
the ability to survive without food for several weeks, which makes them able to adapt well in a
variety of environments.

Physically, cockroaches have flat, hard-coated bodies with a general color of brown or black.
One of the most striking characteristics of cockroaches is their long, hairy antennae, which they
use to sense their surroundings. Cockroaches also have wings that cover the back of their bodies
and long, slender legs that are suited to moving quickly over smooth surfaces, making them
difficult to catch. The size of cockroaches also varies, from 2 mm to 6 cm or more. If calculated
using the tegmina, the largest cockroach is Megaloblatta blaberoides, which has a size of up to
10 cm.

The natural habitat of cockroaches is in warm and humid areas, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and
other places in the house that have sources of water and food waste. They are also often found in
dark and hidden places because cockroaches are creatures that actively look for food at night and
hide during the day.

The lifespan of cockroaches varies depending on the species, but generally ranges from a few
months to a few years. Cockroaches are insects with incomplete metamorphosis, with stages
from egg to nymph to imago. They can lay a large number of eggs throughout the year, as many
as 300 to 400 throughout their lifetime.

Cockroaches actually have an important role in the ecosystem. They help break down decaying
organic matter, such as fallen leaves and wood, thereby aiding in the nutrient recycling process.
Apart from that, cockroaches are also food for several animals, such as birds and reptiles, so they
are part of the food chain in nature. Most cultures, however, consider cockroaches to be a symbol
of dirt and filth. They are also known to spread disease, although the risk of disease transmission
from cockroaches is very low. Some species of cockroaches can also be pests in the home and
need to be controlled.

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