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1. Define the concept of an Operating System and briefly explain its role in computing.

2. Describe the different states a process can be in and explain the transitions between
these states.
3. What are the primary objectives of process scheduling, and how are they achieved
through different scheduling criteria?
4. Define Deadlock and identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for a deadlock to
5. Explain the concept of inter-process communication and discuss two classical IPC
6. Describe the Producer-Consumer problem and discuss how it relates to mutual
exclusion and synchronization.
7. Explain the concept of memory management in an Operating System and its
8. Define Logical and Physical address maps and describe their relationship in memory

Discuss the basics of virtual memory and its importance in modern computer systems.
Explain how demand paging works and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of paging
as a memory management technique.

Describe the principles of page replacement algorithms, including Optimal, FIFO, and LRU
(Least Recently Used). Compare and contrast these algorithms, highlighting their
performance characteristics and trade-offs.

Discuss the prevention and avoidance strategies for dealing with deadlocks in an Operating
System. Explain the Banker's algorithm and how it helps in deadlock avoidance.

Explain the concept of semaphores and discuss their role in achieving mutual exclusion and
synchronization in inter-process communication. Describe how semaphores can be used to
solve the Critical Section problem.

Discuss the significance of process scheduling in an Operating System. Compare and contrast
Pre-emptive and Non-pre-emptive scheduling algorithms, highlighting their advantages and

Explain the concept of multithreading and its benefits in the context of process management.
Describe different types of threads and their respective advantages in system performance.

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