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1. Define Data Science and explain its significance in modern contexts.

2. What are the traits of Big Data, and how do they differentiate it from traditional data?
3. Differentiate between Analysis and Reporting in the context of Data Science.
4. Name two Python toolkits commonly used in Data Science and mention their primary
5. What are the common types of data visualization techniques used in Data Science?
6. Describe the process of scraping the web for data in Data Science.
7. What are the steps involved in the Data Science Methodology according to CRISP-
8. Explain the difference between statistical modeling and algorithmic modeling in Data
9. Discuss the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science.
10. Identify and debunk two common myths associated with Data Science.

Discuss the concept of Data Science methodology, highlighting its phases and their
significance in the data analysis process.

Explain the importance of business understanding in the Data Science methodology. Provide
examples to illustrate its significance.

Describe the steps involved in the data preparation phase of the Data Science methodology.
How does data preparation impact the success of the modeling phase?

Compare and contrast the functionalities of Matplotlib, NumPy, and Scikit-learn in Python
for Data Science applications.

Illustrate the process of visualizing data using Matplotlib, providing examples of Bar Charts,
Line Charts, and Scatterplots.

Discuss the significance of feedback in the deployment phase of the Data Science
methodology. How does it contribute to the iterative improvement of models and processes?

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