Loyalty and Ethical Behaviour, Ethical Decision Making

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I troductio to

Loyalty a d Et ical
Be avior
Cultivating a culture of trust, integrity, and accountability in the

by Music Vibe's
Defi i g Et ical Deci io -Maki g
1 Ide tifyi g core value 2 Co ideri g co eque ce
Understand personal and Weigh the potential impacts of
organizational ethical principles. decisions on stakeholders.

3 Re olvi g co flict
Navigate tradeoffs between competing priorities or loyalties.
I porta ce of Et ical Co duct i t e
Build Tru t E a ce Reputatio I prove Perfor a ce
Fosters a positive, Strengthens an Boosts employee morale,
transparent work organization's brand and productivity, and retention.
environment. credibility.
Ide tifyi g Et ical Dile a
Co flicti g Prioritie A biguou Guideli e
Balancing personal interests and Navigating gray areas without clear-cut
organizational goals. solutions.

Co peti g Value Orga izatio al Pre ure

Reconciling contradictory ethical Resisting unethical demands from
principles or beliefs. superiors or clients.
Factor I flue ci g Et ical
Deci io -Maki g
1 I dividual Factor
Personal values, biases, and moral reasoning.

2 Orga izatio al Culture

Policies, leadership, and ethical climate.

3 Exter al Pre ure

Regulatory, social, and competitive influences.
Developi g a Fra ework for
Et ical Deci io -Maki g
Gat er I for atio
1 Identify the facts, stakeholders, and potential consequences.

Evaluate Alter ative

2 Consider various options and their alignment with values.

Make a Deci io
3 Choose the course of action that best upholds ethics.
I ple e ti g Et ical Practice i t e
Orga izatio

Code of Co duct Et ic Trai i g Et ical Reporti g Et ical

Establish clear Educate employees Provide safe Leader ip
ethical standards on ethical decision- channels for raising Promote a culture of
and guidelines. making. ethical concerns. integrity from the
Co clu io a d Key
Fostering a culture of ethical behavior is essential for long-term
organizational success and sustainability.

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