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Notwithstanding its
fame and popularity, the
running of the bulls is a
controversial tradition,
to say the least. Not only
is it a dangerous activity
for participants, with
around 200 injuries a

Running with the bulls

has its risks. There is an
average figure of about
2,000 people
participating in each
Running of the bulls.
The bulls could gore you
knock you over or
trample you with their
If you don’t Run
You have two options for watching
the bull run safely from the

First, you can stand at the street

level. Watching from the street can
be fun since you’re so close to the
run, but it can be very crowded and
hard to see. Furthermore, and
although it is relatively rare,
bystanders have been injured in the

Second, you can watch from the

second-story windows or balconies
in apartments along the course.
Bucket List Event travelers are
guaranteed a spot in one of our
two, excellently-located balcony
apartments, overlooking all the
•Be at least 18 years of age
•Be sober

•Do not wear flip-flops, sandals, or

high-heeled shoes
•Do not touch the bulls

•No electronics (this includes

phones, cameras, GoPros, selfie-
sticks, etc.)
How to Run ?
When you see the
bulls, run ahead or
alongside them. Get out of
their way when you are
tired. Do not touch the bulls
as it is regarded as
disrespectful and
unprofessional to distract
the bulls. Avoid holding on
to other people or running
with your head turned
backwards because that is
how pile ups begin
The Stretch of the

The Running of the

Bulls takes place on a
roughly 800 yard stretch
(roughly half a mile) of
closed off streets in
downtown Pamplona.
The bulls are released
just south of the Arga
river and stampede
down the Cuesta de
Santo Domingo and the
Calle de la Estafeta up
until the Plaza de Toros,
Pamplona’s historic
bull ring.
The Rockets
1. After the benediction is
complete, two rockets are
fired: one to signal that the
pen has been opened, and
another to indicate the
bulls have been released.

2. At the end of the run, a

rocket is fired to indicate
the bulls have entered the
ring, and a final rocket
concludes the event.
This was all about the popular
festival of Spain

Thank You

Ayush Tomar
Isha Maurya
Manmeet singh

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