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EVS Worksheet-2020-21 Class IV

Date: _____________________ Name: _____________________

Class: _____________________


1. Answer the following questions:-

a) What do plants give us?

b) Name some food items we get from plants.

c) Name any three plants that are used to make medicines.

d) What is fodder?

e) Name any three trees that are used to make furniture.

f) What is fibre and what is it used for?

g) What all do we make from wood and timber?

h) Where do we obtain rubber from ? What is it used for?

2. Fill in the blanks :-

a) Dry and decayed leaves form.

b) Gum is obtained from the tree.

c) Cane is obtained from plants such as _.

d) is a liquid with a pleasant smell, which we use as body


e) We get sugar from .

f) leaves are used in treating cold and cough.

g) Turmeric is an and is used to heal wounds.

h) adds flavour to our food.

i) Nuts are sources of proteins ,and fats.

3. True or False:-

a) Plants take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
b) The roots of a plant bind the soil and thus help to reduce soil erosion

c) Onions contain a mild antibiotic that fights infections and soothes burns.

d) We get coffee from cocoa beans

e) Barley and maize are pulses .

f) Neem leaves are effective in treating certain skin diseases .

g) The flax plant gives us linen .

h) Wood from the willow tree is used to make cricket bats

i) Mahogany is an example of soft wood.

j) We get turpentine oil from plants.

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