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Visit Report:

Mahagenco's Solar Power Plant near Shirsufal, Baramati

Date: 3 April 2024

Location: Near Shirsufal, Baramati
Capacity: 36.7 MW

On the 3rd of April 2024, a group comprising 42 students, along with Dr. P.R. Chitragar,
Assistant Professor Mahadik Sir, and Station Head Sarang, had the privilege of visiting
Mahagenco's Solar Power Plant near Shirsufal, Baramati Taluka. The visit aimed to provide an
in-depth understanding of the operations, maintenance, and care standards employed at the
solar power plant.

Figure: Industrial Visit Photograph

Mahagenco's Solar Power Plant stands as a notable renewable energy asset, significantly
contributing to the sustainable energy production of the region. The visit served as an
educational opportunity, offering students insights into solar power generation and the pivotal
role of renewable energy sources.
Total Power Generation Procedure from Solar Panels:
1. Solar Panel Arrays: The visit commenced with an insightful overview of the solar panel
arrays, where sunlight undergoes conversion into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.
2. Inverter Systems: The generated DC electricity is efficiently converted into AC electricity
through advanced inverter systems, ensuring compatibility with the grid.
3. Grid Connection: The AC electricity is seamlessly integrated into the grid for widespread
distribution and consumption.
4. Monitoring and Control Systems: The plant boasts sophisticated monitoring and control
systems that tirelessly work to maintain optimal performance and efficiency levels.

Equipment Required:
• Solar Panels: These photovoltaic (PV) panels harness sunlight, utilizing semiconductor
materials to generate electricity.
• Inverters: Responsible for converting DC electricity from solar panels into AC electricity
suitable for household or grid use.
• Mounting Structures: Essential for supporting solar panels, ensuring optimal orientation
and tilt to maximize sunlight exposure.
• Solar Trackers: These innovative systems automatically adjust the position of solar panels
to trace the sun's path throughout the day, optimizing energy production.
• Batteries: Store excess electricity generated during the day for use during periods of low
sunlight or at night, particularly in off-grid or hybrid systems.
• Charge Controllers: Regulate voltage and current from solar panels to prevent overcharging
of batteries in off-grid or hybrid systems.
• Wiring and Connections: Vital for transmitting electricity from solar panels to inverters,
batteries, and the electrical grid.
• Monitoring and Control Systems: Oversee the performance of solar power plants,
continuously optimizing energy production.
• Power Conditioning Units: Ensure the quality and stability of electricity generated by solar
panels before its integration into the grid.
• Transformers: Play a crucial role in stepping up or down voltage levels to match the
requirements of the electrical grid or consumer appliances.
Maintenance and Care Standards:
1. Regular Inspections: Rigorous inspections of solar panels are conducted at regular intervals
to identify any signs of damage, dirt, or shading that may compromise performance.
2. Cleaning: Scheduled cleaning of solar panels is meticulously carried out to maintain
maximum sunlight absorption and efficiency, with a particular emphasis on preventing dust
and debris buildup.
3. Performance Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of performance parameters such as
electricity generation, voltage, and temperature allows for early detection of deviations
from expected values.
4. Component Replacement: Faulty or underperforming components are promptly identified
and replaced to uphold the overall efficiency of the solar power plant.
5. Safety Measures: Stringent safety protocols are strictly adhered to during maintenance
activities to safeguard the well-being of personnel and preserve the integrity of the

The visit provided students with invaluable insights into the intricate operation, meticulous
maintenance, and high care standards observed at Mahagenco's Solar Power Plant near
Shirsufal, Baramati Taluka. It underscored the pivotal role of renewable energy sources in
addressing future energy demands and environmental concerns. Special gratitude is extended
to Dr. P.R. Chitragar, Assistant Professor Mahadik Sir, Station Head Sarang, and
Mahagenco for graciously hosting this educational visit.

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