ISA Surf Levels Description

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The International Surfing Association

(ISA) is recognized by the International
Olympic Committee as the World
Governing Authority for Surfing. It was
originally founded as the International
Surfing Federation in 1964 and has
been running Open Division World
Championships since 1964, Junior
World Championships since 1980, and
Masters World Championships since
2007. The ISA also sanctions the World
Kneeboard Titles and the Tandem
Surfing World Title, and will hold the
first World Bodyboard Championship
in 2011 as well as the first World
Standup Paddle (SUP) and Paddleboard
Championship in 2012.

ISA membership includes the

surfing National Governing Bodies
of 69 countries on five continents.
Its headquarters are located in San
Diego, California. It is presided over
by Fernando Aguerre (Argentina), first
elected President in 1994 in Rio de
Janeiro and re-elected seven times
since. The ISA’s three Vice Presidents are
Alan Atkins (Australia), Karín Sierralta
(Peru), and Debbie Beacham (USA).
Catch waves Up and riding

ASSESSMENT Waist depth broken waves Waist / chest depth broken waves

ON THE BEACH Putting on the wetsuit Carrying the board – 1 person
Carrying the board – 2 person Leaving board on beach and general
Attaching leash to ankle board control out of water
War, up stretches Warm up stretches

SURFING SKILLS Carrying the board through broken Catching waves – paddling
waves Standing up on the wave – spring to
Turning the board in surf feet or via knees
Lying on board - trim Riding wave to beach in standing
Catching waves – toboggan or position for at least 5 seconds
paddling method

ON THE WAVE Steering the board – lying down Stopping the board – from a
Stopping the board standing position
Trimming Stance – body position
Awareness of other water users Awareness

THEORY AND Parts of the board Simple emergency actions

Lifeguard flag system Understanding basic water currents
INFORMATION Signals from instructor – rips
Avoiding other water users – basic
rules and rights of way
Care for environment
BEACH SAFETY AND Quick response to signals Quick response to signals
Distress signal Distress signal
RESCUE Covering your head – taking action Covering your head – taking action
on wipe-out on wipe-out
Buddy system Buddy system
Action on leaving water Action on leaving water
FREESTYLE SURFING Press up – toes and hands Catching waves on Knees and in
Sitting sitting position
MANOEUVRES Aeroplane and wing dips Standing – hand drag
Buddy boarding Sliding foot
Hands behind back
DISCUSSION TOPICS ISA Scheme Emergency procedure
Terminology (Grommet & Others) Terminology
Fitness: warm-up exercises Injury prevention
ISA Junior Scheme Level 2 BSA Junior Scheme Level 3
Improving techniques Unbroken waves and intro Advanced technique
to hard boards
Chest depth broken waves Deeper water broken & green waves Deeper water green waves

Choosing a safe surfing area Introduction to hard board – general Board preparation and care
Identifying potential hazards handling & waxing Identifying surfing areas –
Checking your equipment Choosing surfing area wave peaks
Warm up stretches rips
safe, beginners area
Paddling over small waves – broken Soft board:- Hard board :-
Quicker take-off Better paddling through waves Better paddling
Turning the board in sitting position Take-offs – angled Better take offs – angled
Better stance – use of body Hard boards:- Duck dives
Paddling – board trim
Introduction to duck dives
Weight distribution – front foot and Soft board:- (no knees) Steering – bottom turn / top turn
back foot Catching unbroken waves and snake across face
Steering – turning left and right; Paddling beyond white water Cut face
snake to the beach Steering across waves – unbroken Backhand & forehand
Steering – riding across wave in Hard board:- Kick-out
front of white water Standing up – trimming & steering Pumping

Wave types and formations Board types and uses Weather pattern scenarios
Emergency action – dialling 999!! Wetsuit types and users Cut back
Rips – how to recognise one and Rights of way on unbroken waves Backhand & forehand
where they are likely to be Rips – how to use them Kick-out
Weather patterns – forecasting Pumping
surfing conditions
General safety awareness – as for General safety awareness General safety awareness
level 2 Rescue – bringing casualty in to Healthy lifestyle
Rescue – in white water beach from beyond broken water Rescue using hard board
Bring a casualty to the beach using using soft board Rescue scenarios – Q.&A.
board Casualty approach

Switch foot Combinations Competitions

Hang five Visual awareness More powerful beach breaks
Backward surfing Competition
Standing to prone
Paddling the board – on knees
Fitness for levels 4 & 5 Fitness – maximising performance Competitions
Terminology Care of the environment Surfing sub-culture
Care if environment Terminology Squad training
ISA Junior Scheme Level 4 ISA Junior Scheme Level 5 Terminology
For your first lesson you will be learning all about the basics – getting
to know your equipment, how to catch waves and ride them into the
beach and most importantly a few basic safety rules. You will never
forget your first surfing experience – have fun! Learn the basics cor-
rectly and you will soon be ready for the “Up and Riding” Level Two.

ON THE BEACH • Flags – identifying swimming, surfing &

• The wetsuit – putting on and taking off red flag areas
• Carrying board to water edge - 2 person • Signals – Understanding instructors
carry signals:

• Leash Secured around the board, fin BEACH SAFETY & RESCUE
toward the body.
• Responding to signals – show quick
• Leash attachment – under wetsuit, card response and understanding of:
pointing outward:
• Distress signal – demonstration and
• Warm up – 5 minute simple stretching
when to use it
SURFING SKILLS • Falling off – protecting your head, eyes,
nose, mouth and ears:
• Carrying board through waves – showing
attack & control; head up & board straight. • Buddy system – teaming up & showing
• Turning board in waves - back towards
waves. • Leaving water – inform instructor when
• Lying on the board (Prone) – showing you go and when you return.
correct trim
• Catching the wave – toboggan or paddling
• Press up – on toes and hands for three
• Riding the wave (prone) – all the way to seconds
beach: showing correct trim & control
• Sitting -face beach, sitting on board
ON THE WAVE • Airplane – prone position, with arms
• Steering – turning left & right on same stretched outwards (wing dips)
wave • Buddy Boarding – catch the same wave
• Stopping – slide to the side, holding rails. as buddy, at least board length apart
• Trimming – small adjustments to correct
prone trim.
• Awareness – look left & right whilst riding • ISA Junior scheme - benefit of
wave. membership
• ISA Junior scheme – the next step
• Parts of the board - deck, tail, nose, • Surfing terms – ‘Grommet’ and others
bottom, fin, leash and rails • Fitness – warm up exercise, 5 minutes
• Leash – why do we use a leash routine
Your water confidence will be improving all the • Simple emergency actions – what to do
time as you now attempt to ride the first few
• Water currents – basic introduction to
waves standing up. There’s no turning back now
– one wave to the beach on your feet and you
will be hooked for life! A few more safety points • Avoiding other water users – rights of
to learn, bit more theory and some impressive way
freestyle maneuvers. Pure fun! • Care for the environment - basic rules


• Carrying the board to the waters edge – 1 • Quick response to signals from instructors
person carry. • Demonstrate the distress signal
• Board control – walking out through surf, • Falling off – action to protect head,
controlling board in surf, pointing nose into shallow dive:
wind on beach
• Buddy System – showing awareness of
• Board care – appropriate handling to avoid buddy:
• Leaving water – action when leaving and
• Warm up – 5 minute routine of easy joining group:
• Knee riding – catching waves, from prone
• Catching the wave – padding method to knees;
• Standing up – getting on the feet whilst • Hand drag – drag hands in water,
riding wave, spring to feet or via knees standing position:
• Choosing a good wave – what to look for • Sliding foot – slide front foot forward and
• Riding the wave – standing all the way to back without stalling:
beach, for at least 5 seconds • Hands behind back - for 3 seconds
• Care of others – avoiding collisions and • one hand on rail – crouch for three
• general awareness: seconds
• Stopping – stall/lean back, board to hand , • Emergency procedures – telephone,
jump to side, holding rail: location of emergency telephone, who to
telephone and what to say
• Awareness – looking left and right whilst
riding wave in a standing position • Terminology – goofy & natural, board
parts etc:
• Pointing – leading arm pointing to nose,
looking along wave line: • ISA Junior scheme – level three:
• Warm ups – why? Injury prevention,
improved flexibility and performance

ASSESSMENT Surf School______________________________

The bronze award assessment is held in white water to a
maximum depth of chest height. Candidates are expected to Instructor_______________________________
catch waves to the beach in a lying position whilst maintaining
position in the instructor designated area. Quick response Venue__________________________________
to instructors signals is essential to pass the level. Candidates
should be able to occasionally get to the standing position and
ride a few waves to the beach. Candidates must show good Signature_______________________________
awareness of instructor signals, other water users and maintain
position in designated surfing area Date___________________________________
To complete this level you will need to be on your feet most of the
time. You should feel happy going from prone to standing and have
a good board control, including steering and trimming. There’s lots
of freestyle, games and exercises to help progress your surfing. Don’t
forget beach safety and theory. Concentrate on take-off technique –
No knees please


• General beach safety awareness –
• Surfing area – choosing a safe area for response to:
beginners Signals
• Identifying hazards – rips, rocks, and other Staying in safe area
water users , etc Action on wipe out
Leaving water
• Board checks – leash, fin and board control
• Warm up – 5 minutes stretch routine • Rescue – bring buddy to beach using
board in broken waves:
• Better paddling – going over small broken
waves • Switch foot – i.e. goofy / natural / goofy
• Better stance – looking at foot position and
• 360 – switch foot and continue around
weight distribution
• Quicker take-offs – no knees, more spring • Hang five - front foot on front third of
• Turning the board – using hands in laying board
position: using feet in sitting position
• Backward - for three seconds
• Standing to prone – riding to beach
• Steering – turning left and right on wave
• Steer board over back of wave to hands –
• Snake ride to beach – turn combinations kickout:
• Weight distribution – accelerate, decelerate
and see-saw • Knee paddling – going over small broken
• Ride across wave – steer left across white
water: steer right across whit water DISCUSSION TOPICS:
THEORY AND INFORMATION: • Fitness – stretching, strengthening and
aerobic exercise:
• Waves - different types and formations:
• Rips – how to spot them, where to look for • ISA junior Scheme – preparation for level
them: four
• Wind – effects of wind on wave shapes • Terminology – Stall and pearl, wave shape
names etc

• Environment – how we can help, dolphin

watch, S.A.S etc
UNBROKEN WAVES - PART TWO • Kick-out – coming off the wave:

This level will open up a whole new range of chal- THEORY AND INFORMATION
lenges. Firstly you will have the opportunity to wax • Board types & users – different designs
up a hard board and discover how maneuverable & Styles
these boards can be! And secondly you will get the
chance to be ‘Out the back’ catching and riding • Rights of way – out the back ‘my wave’
unbroken waves. You’ll really see the benefits of • Wetsuits – types and uses:
learning the basics in levels 1-3. good luck, catch a
• Rips – how to use them safely:
good one and remember, this time definitely – No
Knees • Weather forecasting for surf – highs, lows,
wind speed and direction, affecting wave
ON THE BEACH shapes:
• Choosing surfing area – identify peaks, rips,
lefts and rights • Safety out the back – general awareness:
• Intro to hard board – General care and han- • Response to instructor signals:
dling • Position awareness – staying in desig-
• Waxing: nated area:
• Rescue: recover buddy on soft board out

• Better paddling - going through bigger • Casualty approach – talk calmly to patient
waves, press up, flip over: from a safe distance

• Paddling on a hard board – trimming the FREESTYLE AND SURFING

board & keeping it flat: MANEUVERS
• Going through waves, press up, flip over • Combinations – 3 or more tricks on a
• Intro to duck-dives – the basic technique wave from levels 2 to 3

• Wave selection – timings on different wave • Vision - looking left and right along wave:
types: • Competition – basic rules – 15 minute
• Angled take offs – left and right competition


• Catching unbroken waves – timing and when • ISA scheme – introduction to level 5
to paddle: • Fitness – maximizing performance
• Out the back – sitting and waiting for wave, through training including stretching,
what to look for and be aware of: dieting & fitness programme:

• Riding unbroken waves – steering on a wave • Environment – piratical ways of improv-

slope ing local beaches:

• Standing – trimming and balance in broken • Terminology – out the back and on the
waves inside, steamers and shorties, etc

ASSESSMENT Surf School______________________________

Candidates at level three should show excellent skills and con-
fidence on a soft board in broken waves. Successful candidates Instructor_______________________________
will show overall awareness towards safety, signals and other
water users. In broken waves the candidate will be catching Venue__________________________________
waves and riding to the beach in the standing position. The
board must be trimmed and steered to the left and right. Take Signature_______________________________
offs must be straight to feet. (Differs with Soft Boards).
You will have spent a lot of time in the water to get this far and to successfully
achieve Level Five may need even more practice.Good wave selection,excellent
board skills,overall safety awareness and solid knowledge of surfing theory is what
it takes to compete the Junior Scheme. Practice makes perfect so lets GO RIP!

• Pumping - accelerate – decelerate

• Board preparation – pre-surfing
checks, leash, fin and wax • Weather pattern scenarios
• Board care – handling to avoid • Board construction
• • Wetsuit construction
• Identifying surfing areas – pre-surfing
study of wave conditions
SURFING SKILLS: • General safety awareness – as for level 4
• Rescue – how to get a casualty back to the
• Improved paddling – efficient and
beach on a hard board
• Improved Take-offs – timing using FREESTYLE & SURFING
board speed (paddling) and wave MANOEUVERS
• Angled Take-offs – left and right: • Competition – choosing the wave,
maximising the wave potential:
• Paddling / duck dives – better duck Simulation of the ISA contest
dives, efficient and effective:
• Other surfing locations – more powerful
ON THE WAVE: beach breaks:

• Steering – bottom turn, generate DISCUSSION TOPICS

Top turn: • Competition – how to enter, how they
S-turn, combination of bottom work:
and top turns: • Surfing sub-cultures – lifestyle, fashion &
• Frontside and backside - going both the media
ways • Squad training – surf camps, surfaris:
• Kick-out - finishing the ride with style • Terminology – general review of all theory
• Cut-back – staying with the power:

Surf School______________________________
Candidates will be competent surfers in unbroken Instructor_______________________________
waves (minimum 2ft) who show skill, ability to
read the waves and safety awareness. To pass Venue__________________________________
level 5 candidates must have a good knowledge
of surfing theory as well as showing an apprecia- Signature_______________________________
tion of the environment
Completion of awards...
If you have completed all three levels then you
are to be congratulated. This will have shown
your dedication to all aspects covered in this
booklet, your appreciation of techniques, theo-
ries and of course have shown your consideration to other surfers and beach users along with a great
understanding of our environment. Should you be unable to complete harder levels then this does
not show failure but confirms an ability to study and show dedication relative to your achievement –
you are to be congratulated on your overall efforts . Show this book with pride and keep surfing...
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