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Singapore is a small nation located in

Southeast Asia, the delegates of
Singapore understand the importance
of combating climate change issues,
cooperating globally to decrease the
dangerous effects of climate change
and solve threats to international
peace and security.

Name: Tvisha Shah and Diva

Committee: Security council
Agenda : The effect of climate Many events like disruptions to
change on peace and security ecosystems can adversely contribute
to existing vulnerabilities and other
conflicts. The delegates of
Singapore understands the
importance of cooperation to
address these challenges.


The delegates of Singapore are

committed to combat climate change
through investing in many different
initiatives. Singapore fully supports the
Paris Agreement and actively
contributes to address these challenges.

1. Strengthening Cooperation: The delegates of Singapore

encourage the House to have more cooperation between
member states and other international organizations that
address the peace and security of climate change. A
coordinated approach is very important to resolve these

2. Early Warning Systems: The delegates of Singapore

propose an idea to have early warning systems in place to
acknowledge and mitigate any peace and security related
climate threats. This information would be essential as it
would fasten the process of providing effective humanitarian


The delegates of Singapore are deeply committed to

cooperative approaches to face the issues from the impact of
climate change. The delegates of Singapore look forward to
have constructive sessions to develop effective solutions to
the global challenge at hand.

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