What and Why Is The Translation

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What and why is the translation?

Translation is rendering a written text from source language into target language (or a
written text into another language) in the way that the author intended the text.
Translation is needed because there are about two or three thousand languages being
used in the world. Translation is considered as the best solution to help people
understand the text of another language / source language)
2) What is the main objective of the I/T
The main objective of I/T is to make the people who do not know the SL understand fully
and exactly what is in SL in their languages
Key to Session 2 – Translation Theory
1) What are the two approaches to translating? Which one do you prefer and why?
Answer : The two approaches to translating are :
(i) The translator starts translating sentence by sentence, for say the paragraph or
chapter, to get the feel and the feeling tone of the text, and then deliberately sits back,
reviews the position, and reads the rest of the SL text;
(ii) The translator reads the whole text two or three times, and finds the intention,
register, tone, marks the difficult words and passages and starts translating
I prefer approach 2 because it saves time and I can translate the main intention and ideas
of the author/writer
2) During the translating process , what should the translator do to have good
translation ?
Answer : During the translating process, to have good translation, the translator should
firstly choose a method of approach and secondly translate with four levels in mind
namely the textual level, the referential level, the cohesive level and the level of
naturalness. The translator should also combine the four levels
3) What are the main differences between semantic translation and
communication one ?
Answer : The main differences between the two translations are:
For semantic translation, the stress lines on meaning, author, through process and the text
will be more idiosyncratic and sensitive while for the communicative one , the stress
lines on message, reader and utterance with the text smoother, more idiomatic and easier
to read.
How many strategies are there in How to deal with non-equivalence at word level ?
Just name them .
There are 6 strategies in dealing with non-equivalence at word level:
Translation by a more specific word
Translation by a more general word
Translation by cultural substitution
Translation using a loan word plus explanation
Translation by paraphrase
Translation by omission
If the translator translates “rice” into “gạo”, he/she has applied the strategy of using more
specific word
(ii) When using the loan words that are frequently used in Vietnamese , the translator
should use the strategy of translating by using the loan word plus explanation

“Translators (dịch giả/ người biên dịch/ biên dịch viên) facilitate the cross-cultural
communication necessary in today's society by (1) converting one language into another. They
must thoroughly understand the subject matter in which they work in order to accurately (2)
convey information from one language into another. In addition, they must be sensitive to the (3)
cultures associated with their languages of expertise”

“Người biên dịch/Biên dịch viên tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc giao lưu/giao tiếp đa văn hóa
cần thiết trong xã hội ngày nay bằng cách chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ này sang ngôn ngữ khác. Họ
phải hiểu cặn kẽ về chủ đề mà họ dịch để truyền tải thông tin từ ngôn ngữ này sang ngôn ngữ
khác một cách chính xác. Ngoài ra, họ phải nắm các vấn đề nhạy cảm với nền văn hóa liên
quan đến ngôn ngữ mà họ dịch.”


1. How many strategies are there in How to deal with non-equivalence at word
level ? Just name them .

2. Complete the sentence :

(i) If the translator translates “rice” into “gạo”, he/she has applied the strategy
of using ____________________.
ii. When using the loan words that are frequently used in Vietnamese , the
translator should use the strategy of translating by __________
3. How many strategies are there in How to deal with idioms and fixed expression ?
Just name them.
4. What is a Vietnamese idiom of the similar meaning and form to an English idiom
as follows:
i. “Like father, like son”
ii. “ The more, the better”
5. What is a Vietnamese idiom of the similar meaning but different form to
an English idiom as follows ?
i. “Too many cooks spoil the broth”
ii. “ Bite the hand that feeds”
6. Choose one right word (cultures, converting, convey) to fill in the blank and
translate the sentence into Vietnamese :
“Translators facilitate the cross-cultural communication necessary in today's
society by (1)__________ one language into another. They must thoroughly
understand the subject matter in which they work in order to accurately
(2)__________ information from one language into another. In addition, they
must be sensitive to the (3)__________ associated with their languages of

1) How many strategies are there in How to deal with non-equivalence at word level ?
Just name them .
 There are 6 strategies:
1. Translation by a more specific word
2. Translation by a more general word
3. Translation by cultural substitution
4. Translation using a loan word plus explanation
5. Translation by paraphrase
6. Translation by omission

2) Complete the sentence :

(i) If the translator translates “rice” into “gạo”, he/she has applied the strategy of using
answer: → translation by a more specific word

(ii) When using the loan words that are frequently used in Vietnamese , the
translator should use the strategy of translating by __________
answer: → Translation using a loan word plus explanation

3) How many strategies are there in How to deal with idioms and fixed expressions ?
Just name them.
 There are 4 strategies:
1. Using an idiom or fixed expression of similar meaning and form
2. Using an idiom or fixed expression of similar meaning but dissimilar form
3. Translation by paraphrase
4. Translation by omission

4) What is a Vietnamese idiom of the similar meaning and form to an English idiom
as follows:
(i) “Like father, like son” - “Cha nào con nấy”
(ii) “ The more, the better” - “Càng nhiều càng tốt”
5) What is a Vietnamese idiom of similar meaning but different form to an English
idiom as follows ?
(i) “Too many cooks spoil the broth” - “Lắm thầy thối ma”
(ii) “ Bite the hand that feeds” - “Ăn cháo đá bát”

6) Choose one right word (cultures, converting, convey) to fill in the blank and
translate the sentence into Vietnamese :
“Translators facilitate the cross-cultural communication necessary in today’s
society by (1)__________ one language into another. They must thoroughly
understand the subject matter in which they work in order to accurately
(2)__________ information from one language into another. In addition, they must
be sensitive to the (3)__________ associated with their languages of expertise”

1. converting
2. convey
3. cultures

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