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Based on your knowledge about the functioning of modern AI systems, develop explanations for

how Amazon‘s Hiring AI might have developed its bias against female applicants. In doing so,
consider the role of (1) feature selection, (2) training data, (3) and cost function as potential
sources of bias.


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies of today are being utilized more and more in a variety of
industries, including hiring and personnel selection. But even with all of its potential advantages, AI
systems might have biases that appear at different phases of development and application. In this
essay, we investigate the causes behind expected bias in Amazon's AI recruiting system, specifically
concentrating on feature selection, cost function, and training data as potential sources of bias
toward female applicants.

1. Feature selection:

Feature selection is the process of determining which features or attributes will be used to evaluate
candidates. It is important to note that this step could lead to the creation of bias, as certain
attributes may be subjectively distorted based on stereotypes and prejudices. For example, an
artificial intelligence system could use criteria such as education level and work experience that
may be unfair in assessing the competencies of women, especially if they often face problems
accessing higher education or related barriers. AI recruiting systems are typically based on machine
learning algorithms, which can be developed using a set of candidate analysis features. One possible
reason for bias in such a system may be due to the selection of these features. For example, if the
authors of the system did not think about including features that promote equal selection of
candidates regardless of their gender, bias becomes likely. Thus, female applicants who had
comparable talents in other areas may be at a disadvantage if the system placed a heavy weight on
technical skills or expertise in fields dominated by men.

2. Training data:

An artificial intelligence system uses training data, or a collection of facts, to assess and make
choices. It is crucial to realize that bias can be introduced into an AI system throughout the data
collection process, particularly if the original data contains prejudice. Hiring female candidates may
be biased if the system was trained on historical data that shows male dominance in particular roles.
In other words, if past hiring decisions favored candidates from specific universities or with certain
job titles that are predominantly held by men, the AI system may perpetuate these biases in its
decision-making process. A key element in creating bias-free artificial intelligence systems is the
requirement for training data that is diverse and contains as little prejudice as possible. AI systems
need a lot of data to learn on, and this data might come from different sources. If there's a persistent
prejudice towards women, this can be integrated into the final AI system. For example,
discrimination may be built-in to the training data used by the AI system if Amazon has previously
experienced issues with bias in its hiring practices or historical employee data. Consequently, the AI
system can unintentionally pick up and reflect these biases if the training data is not accurately
reflecting all demographic groups, including gender. This could lead to negative outcomes.

3. Cost function:
The AI system's decision-making and candidate evaluation processes are dictated by the cost
function. Female candidates may face systematic bias if the value function gives preference to
particular traits (like experience in large organizations). This is because female applicants may face
obstacles to professional advancement and stereotype-busting when trying to achieve such
experience. As a result, it's critical to design the cost function so that it considers the greatest
possible range of applicants and refrains from gender discrimination.Determining the target cost
function is a challenge faced by developers when building an AI recruiting system. One way to
target particular goals with such a feature would be to reduce the attraction of potential departing
candidates. Accordingly, the AI system may adapt to those objectives if Amazon has a history of
complaints about this matter, which could result in hiring bias against female candidates. Thats why,
the cost function should prioritize relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications without penalizing
candidates for characteristics associated with gender or other protected attributes.


Bias may exist in the creation and application of AI recruiting systems. The system's features must
be carefully chosen to guarantee an emphasis on unbiased selection in order to prevent this. To
further remove systematic bias, every aspect mentioned above must be properly validated and
processed. Lastly, in order to minimize gender bias in the recruitment procedure, a reliable cost
function needs to be developed. Then and only then will we be able to guarantee that the AI hiring
system functions impartially and helps to build a diverse and accepting workforce. Amazon’s hiring
bias can be addressed through reviewing feature selection, training data, and cost functions to
guarantee accountability, fairness, and openness in the hiring process. Having examined these
aspects of the AI system and implemented measures to mitigate bias, Amazon can foster a more
inclusive and equitable hiring environment for all applicants.

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