How To Live As A Magic School Wizard 1 - 363

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How to live as a magic school wizard @Writing Machine

Graduate student Lee Han.

Born as the youngest member of another world magician.

- I will never go to school again!

'What are you aiming for?'

'Play and eat for the rest of your life...'
'okay. You too will feel your talents yourself. Go to the magic school Einrogard!'

When you graduate from magic school, you are guaranteed a lifetime.
Do your best to graduate!


I will never go to graduate school again.

Now live for me!

...After graduating from a difficult graduate school, Korean Lee Han made that

He said that he would not even come close to the place where the 'crag' character

But things didn't go as planned.

After Lee Han died in an unfortunate accident, the place where he was reborn was
supposedly the Wordanaj family, a wizarding family from another world.

Then 15 years.

Today was the day Lee Han entered Einroguard, the best magic school in the Empire.

* * *

Lee Han was reborn into the Wodanaj family.

At first I was puzzled, then I was amazed, and then I accepted.

Fortunately, the Wodanaj family was a very powerful wizarding family in the Empire.

Lee Han's father, the head of the family, was such a great person that he had a
close relationship with the emperor, and the family mansion was wealth itself.

At this point, Lee Han had no choice but to think like this.

- Am I being compensated for going to graduate school in my previous life?

A life where you can play and eat comfortably for the rest of your life without any

... was, of course, an illusion.

The Wodanaj family was not as easy as expected.

-Lee Han Wodanaj.

-Yes. Lord.

- What are you aiming for?


'Can I answer that it is a life of play and eating?'

Ian thought a little.

It didn't seem like a very good answer.

-Did you ask any questions? Well, the answer must be fixed.


- You, too, will be feeling your talents yourself.


-You know the rules of the Wodanaj family. The first is to inherit everything in
the family.


The last sentence was a bit shocking.

taking over everything?

Then, the second or less won't receive a penny?

- Lord. Am I not getting anything then?

-not. Lee Han Wodanaj.

'Good luck.'

- Your family will give you every chance. If you want to become a knight, we will
bring you the best knights, and if you want to become a bureaucrat, we will give
you a chance to learn from the Prime Minister of the Empire. If you want to be a
merchant, I'll give you a chance to work for the top of the empire. While you're in
the house, I'll give you every chance you want!

'...Can't you just give it to me in money?'

Converting what I have just said into money would be a huge value...

The family rules were very absurd.

'shit. If I had been born earlier, I would have been able to live on a daily

Lee Han regretted his laziness as the third child in the family.

The first is to inherit everything in the family.

Below that, he knew that he had to make a living on his own.

Thanks to this, Lee Han had to think deeply about what to eat and live well from a
young age.

Officials, merchants, knights, adventurers...

The fortunate thing was that the family did not just pass on the property, but
provided all the support.

California's children had many opportunities to learn and obtain what they wanted.

In the end, what Lee Han chose as a career path was a wizard.

-I thought so.

Ga-ju, Lee Han's father, was very satisfied.

- You must have felt your talent too, didn't you?


'The wizard chose it because it was the most stable...?'

In fact, being a wizard was a very safe profession.

In the Empire, it was a profession that was respected by everyone, and that
nobility had no shame at all.

It was a job that could not be called anywhere, as long as there were skills.

The knights needed a wizard, the adventurers guild needed a wizard, and the
emperor's officials needed a wizard...

-Go to Einrogard. Growing up there, bumping into the seeds of many wizards. That
experience will complete you.

Einroguard is the best magic school among the Imperial magic schools.

As it is the most traditional and most powerful magic school, the power of its name
was great.

Entering Einroguard and graduating safely will guarantee a minimum reputation.

Of course, no one was satisfied with that alone.

Whether it's making great achievements at school, getting recommendations from

professors, networking with other students...

As Einroguard is the best magic school in the Empire, it was the best training
center for networking in the Empire.

To the extent that even Lee Han, who insisted that he would never go to graduate
school again, had no choice but to enter quietly.

-Yes. I will do that.

'okay. If you just put up with it and graduate... Think of it as an investment for
the future.'

* * *
The old knight, Alarlong, politely saluted Lee Han.

“Lee Han Wodanaj-sama.”

“It took a lot of hard work to escort me this far.”

“It was nothing.”

Allarlong was a knight of the Wodanaj family.

Originally, he did not have to escort Lee Han himself, but he volunteered to escort
Lee Han from the capital to Einroguard.

It was because of his friendship with Lee Han.

“I didn’t know that you would come this far just because I learned from you…”

“I came here not because Lee Han taught me swordsmanship, but to prevent others
from ignoring the Wodanaj family name.”

"okay. Whatever the reason.”

Alarlong said sternly, but Lee Han laughed. He knew Alaron's personality.

He was strict and serious, but he was a deep Allaron. He must have been worried
about Lee Han himself.

When Lee Han laughed, Allarlong coughed once, as if humbly.

“Hmmm. To be honest, I was happy when Lee Han asked me to teach him swordsmanship.”

The Wodanaj clan is a wizard clan.

There were not many people who dared to learn swordsmanship.

Still, there were two reasons why Lee Han learned.

One was from the thought that if I learned anything, I would have something to
write about later.

In particular, swordsmanship is essential for self-defense.

second is...

It was insanely boring.

Surprisingly, the Wodanaj family did not teach any magic at all.

-You can't learn magic before the age of 15 because it's dangerous!

This world treated me roughly like an adult when I turned 15.

Magic is one of the most difficult and dangerous sciences.

I also understood that I couldn't handle it until I became an adult.

Of course, it was quite unfair for Lee Han, who is mentally old, but...
“Look. The sons of other nobles also brought escorts to the family without shame.”

“Is that… a bit overkill?”

Lee Han looked at the wagon processions filling the imperial boulevard and was

Even so, bringing ten wagons and dozens of horsemen was a bit excessive.

The face of aristocrats is 'who is more luxurious', so even when they go out on a
picnic, they go out with a lot of splendor, but they're going to do that to take a
kid who is going to school.

And above all...

“In the first place, escorts, servants, servants, slaves, you can’t bring them all
in, don’t you?”


Einroguard is an old-fashioned magic school.

One of those traditions was 'equality'.

The imperial family or slaves can enter, but when entering, they must enter with
only one body.

Of course, even with that many, I had to go in by myself.

“Perhaps a few will keep waiting in the surrounding villages.”

“…do you even do that?”

Lee Han asked with a tired expression.

It has been 15 years since I was reincarnated here, but there were still many parts
that were difficult to understand the way the nobles thought.

If you go to that huge magic school, you'll probably come out once a month, but
just in case, you sit down in a nearby village and wait.

“I asked before, but he said he had already bought some buildings. There are
buildings that are sold like that from generation to generation in nearby

“I’ve gotten that far. kyung."

“We already bought a small mansion, but…?”


Lee Han cursed inwardly.

If I have the money, I'll just save it and give it to you later...!

It's OK to spend money on such unnecessary luxury, but you can't give Lee Han money

The family law was absurd.

“The capital is far away. Lee Han. If you are an aristocrat, you have to be

"okay. You’re welcome.”

Lee Han rode on a horse.

There were some who dragged a wagon, but for Lee Han, it seemed like a sequel to
just riding a horse and entering the front door.

'Wait until all the wagons pass, the sun will set.'

“Then sir. Thanks for taking me again.”

"no. Lee Han. It was an honor to have you.”

Allaron was sincere.

Among the bloodlines of the family, Lee Han was the one Allarlong liked the most.

One who knows sincerity and humility.

“The Lord also praised Lee Han’s talent.”

“I don’t have anything to make you feel good by making up words that don’t exist.
Anyway, thank you.”

“No, really…”

* * *

The magic school Einroguard was far from the capital where the Imperial Palace was

According to the rumors, it was decided this way while looking for a place on the
earth full of magical power.

True to the rumors, the surrounding scenery felt like Mother Nature.

Behind the school, there was a huge mountain range with no end in sight, and a wide
and long river meandering beside it...

When I closed my eyes, the infinite mana of nature felt like air.

“This… this is wrong.”


Lee Han looked at him puzzledly when the boy next to him spoke to him.

You could tell by looking at the clothes here.

A robe lavishly embroidered with silk and gold thread. Callus-free hands and face.

It was evident that he came from an aristocratic family.

'Should I call someone?'

His face turned blue and he was trembling, as if there was something wrong with

Do you have any magic related problems?

"what's the matter. Are you okay?”

“I… I…”

"okay. what is the problem?"

“Without a servant… I can’t sleep…”


Lee Han was about to hit one.

'This bastard...'

What I was worried about until now was a reason so trivial that I'm sorry.

But it seemed like a very serious matter to the boy.

“It’s absurd not to bring a servant. Servants are like my hands and feet. Isn't
that like cutting off my hands and feet and telling me to come in?"

"Right. It’s logical.”

Lee Han barely listened and shed a little.

However, the boy seemed to have gained courage by Lee Han's rough words.

"right? I have to go and protest.”

“…what are you going to protest?”

“You should be able to bring a servant! In the name of your family, this is

"okay. Work hard.”

It seemed unlikely that the tradition that had been maintained for thousands of
years would be broken by one boy, but Lee Han cheered.

First, because it wasn't his business, and second, because he was curious.

How will the wizards of Einroguard respond to this?

The boy sprinted away and returned with a blank expression after a while.


“I, reflect, I, reflect, I, reflect...”


Ian was shocked.

'Psychic magic!'
Seeing the boy muttering with taste, it was clear that he had been possessed by
magic such as charm or domination.

The magic itself was not surprising. Because this is the magic I've heard of.

What was surprising was the wizards at this school who casually used such things on
the children of noble families.

'...even if one person dies, it's probably not true to bury it in the mountain

Because of the rumors he had heard before coming, Lee Han felt a sense of pity.

-Welcome to Einroguard.

It wasn't a loud voice, but a voice that seemed to be shooting directly into
everyone's brain.


And at the same time, the front door of Einroguard opened.

- Come in. Ironheads!

All the new freshmen were frowned upon.

It wasn't because of the verbal abuse.

As all of them have magical talents, they felt the pressure of immense magical
power because of the magic applied to Einroguard.

How would you feel if you tried to look at the sun with the naked eye?

How would you feel if you tried to defeat a giant with your bare hands?

hee hee hee!

A roar of horses was heard.

Among those who had brought the wagon up to here, it seemed that there was a person
trying to get into the wagon.

- And I told you to come naked...

The carriage suddenly disappeared with a voice.

The girl of a noble family sitting in the carriage fell with a scream.

More than ten wagons disappeared and the screams of boys and girls were heard.

-Okay. Ironheads! Even if you don't want to follow the rules anyway, this school
will make you follow them.


Some as keen as Lee Han had their expressions on their faces as they realized that
this school was a scary place as rumored.
- Move your butt! Entrance! Entrance!! Entrance!!!!



* * *

Lee Han originally had a habit of observing. That habit only got worse when he came
to another world.

No matter what I saw, it was new and interesting, so it was inevitably interesting
to observe.

And now, there were a group of boys and girls who easily passed a hundred people.

Imperial families, nobles, knights, priests, merchants, adventurers, beggars, etc.

And those boys and girls had already gathered three or five to form a group.

In order to spend a long school life in the future, networking was essential.

“Is this the Wodanaj family?”

"right. There may be no family crest, but I knew it well.”

In line with the tradition of equality, it was forbidden to wear the family crest
on clothes.

Of course, there was a way to find out.

Right now, Lee Han recognized some of the imperial families and nobles he had seen

“I am Yonner. This is Yonner Macin.”

Her bright red hair that reached her shoulders, slightly curly. There stood a girl
with softly curved eyes in front.

The Mackin family.

The Makein family was also a fairly famous wizarding family in the Empire.

If there is a difference, is it that the Makein family is more actively involved in

imperial politics?

On the other hand, the Wodanaj family was closer to playing separately.

Right away, the head of the family didn't even come up to the emperor's request,
and there were many cases where he stayed to study magic...

"nice to meet you. Yonner. What's going on?”

“The Prince wants to see you.”

Makein pointed back.

Among them, the most gorgeously dressed boy was waving at Lee Han.

imperial family. prince. princess.

Usually, things that go into the 'Hwang' character had noble and dignified power.

But in the Empire it was a little different.

The royal family...

It was a lot more than expected.

'Isn't there more than 100 children of the emperor now?'

No matter how much the imperial family blows away, it should be considered that
there is a problem if only the children directly under the emperor are three-digit

At that time, even if Lee Han sneaked into the Imperial Palace, wouldn't he know
that the emperor was his son?

Just as Lee Han was being punished by having to live his life hard in return for
being born later than his brothers, so were the children of the emperor.

If you are not born first...

there was nothing.

In a way, it could be said that he was harsher than Lee Han.

The Wodanaj family still remembered the names of their children and took care of

However, the imperial family had to manage their own lives on their own without
such interest.

Of course, even if it rots, it is Junchi, and in front of the common people, the
bloodline of the imperial family was quite powerful, but...

After all, the ones around here are the children from the most prominent families
in the Empire.

They didn't have to bow down to an unheard of prince.

Right now, Yoner Makein alone would be in a better position than most of the royal

But why does Yoner go out like that and go with the prince?

'...Is he a little stupid?'

Lee Han thought that Yoner would have been angry if he had heard of it.

Actually, looking around, I saw some boys and girls laughing at Yonaire.

It was a ridicule of the nobleman's face, why he served the prince.

The pride of the imperial nobility was no less than that of the imperial family.
In fact, when it came to being a great aristocrat, even the emperor could not treat
him rudely.

"okay. Okay."

However, Lee Han accepted Makein's offer.

'There's nothing bad about it.'

It was Makekin who was being ridiculed, but Lee Han, who received the offer, did
not get ridiculed.

And just because the prince doesn't have one, there's no need to quarrel from the
first meeting.

Being friends with anyone in the world would help later.

"...thank you! thank god!"

Makein smiled like bright sunlight. When he was so happy, Lee Han was puzzled.


“I have already rejected three of my offers.”


Lee Han regretted that she should have turned down Makekin's offer.

* * *

The prince, Gainando, was the 97th prince.

There were many brothers and sisters who were born at the same time, so there was a
saying that it was actually the 101st, but Gainando strongly insisted that it was
the 97th. It was clear to her that she probably didn't want to go all the way to
the third place.

Except for that, Gainando was a fairly immature imperial family.

If you are 15, you are treated like an adult, but not everyone is equally mature.

It was evident that he had not yet realized that the value of the imperial family
was not so great at this school.

“Did you hear me? Lee Han?? Did he turn down my offer?”

"okay. okay. I heard.”

“How dare you?”

“Even Gainan doesn’t know how precious you are.”

“What is honor?”

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han as if puzzled.

Lee Han stared at Gainando and nodded with a gentle smile.

At that moment, Gainando's evaluation went down by one level in Leehan, but
Gainando didn't notice.

“Honor means high status and preciousness.”

"ah. It suits me.”


“Anyway, you turned down my offer and are talking to Adenart! That's really


The student Gainando pointed to, Adenart, was also an imperial family. She was
probably the 43rd she was or she was the 44th princess.

'The atmosphere itself is different.'

Long, shiny silver hair and bright blue eyes. Intelligent and graceful face.

The princess made the surroundings cool just by standing still in silence.

The princess, who naturally exudes such a dignified atmosphere, had no choice but
to be respected by students from aristocratic backgrounds.

Besides, Adenart is probably...

'I wouldn't have called someone like Gainando.'

Even if the sons of nobles were proud of themselves, they were not rude enough to
ignore the fact that the imperial family spoke directly to them.

Gainando would have gathered together if he had just gone and talked to him and
pretended to be friendly.

“Will you take care of me later?”

Gainando looked at Lee Han and said.

Compared to his peers, Lee Han is tall and muscular.

As I continued to learn swordsmanship, it was natural.

The fists are stronger among boys and girls who have gathered to become wizards,
but haven't learned a single magic properly.

Of course, Lee Han had no intention of fighting with others for Gainando's pride.



“A noble being doesn’t bully other people.”

“It’s not harassment, it’s punishment…”

"anyway. Noble beings don't. Think carefully.”


At Lee Han's words, Gainando put on a worried expression. He heard that he had been
looking a little dignified.

“Then, Lee Han. What do you think you should do?”

“You forgive generously.”

“…other than that?”

“It’s also possible to apply for a duel in person.”

"huh. I have to forgive you.”

Not wanting to fight directly, Gainando made a quick decision.

Lee Han discovered the strength of Guy Nando in that appearance.

It was just that it was simpler than I thought.

"Wow. you are awesome Breaking Gainando’s stubbornness.”

Yonner spoke with a surprised expression. Lee Han asked curiously.

“Why are you moving with Gainando?”

“It’s a relative. cousin."

“Isn’t there any way to listen to all of these things? As for the Makein family…”

Before I could ask any more, a loud voice echoed through the hall.

- Well done, you ironheads! You can stop thinking about it now. We can talk about
it for years to come.


A voice similar to the one heard from the front door was heard, and a huge skeleton
appeared in the middle of the hall.

A skeleton with blazing eyes that scatters tremendous magical power.


A great wizard who became an undead himself to overcome death.

That was Richie.

Lee Han had only heard rumors, but it was the first time seeing Richie. The other
students murmured in wonder.

- Give me one problem. Why do I call you Ironheads?

Adenart raised her hand. Gainando looked at him like he didn't like it.

- Tell me.

“...because the symbol of our new freshmen is steel.”

-excellent. Give your dorm 10 points!

“Is there such a thing?”

- Of course not. To become a wizard, learn to spot lies.

Adenart, realizing that she had been deceived, blushed white as she said she liked

-okay. The symbol of your first year is steel. Just like the symbol of second grade
is bronze. Steel is hard, its quality varies depending on how it is made, and it is
a useful object with a variety of uses. Indeed, it is a metal suitable for your
first graders.

"Oh oh..."


The boys and girls gathered at the place were amazed at the words of the Skeleton

- You're being deceived again! stupid bastards The reason your symbol is steel is
because you guys have nothing in your head. So it's an iron head! If you don't
believe it, try knocking. It will sound very nice.



The atmosphere on the left became cold in an instant.

There were many people here who had never been subjected to such an insult.

But no one followed.

As such, the presence of the Skeleton Principal was immense.

'That's great.'

Ian inhaled and exhaled.

After the Skeleton Principal appeared, the magic density around this area increased
like crazy, making it difficult to move.

It felt as if I had entered the deep, deep sea.

'Still... I think I can move. okay. It's moving somehow.'

As Lee Han wriggled, the headmaster turned his eyes to look at Lee Han.


Eyes that see strange things.

Lee Han immediately straightened his posture and stood up straight.

I came in to come out with my diploma and personal connections, but I couldn't be
stamped by the principal since my freshman year.
-I think I spoke harsh words to the futures of the Empire that I have come a long
way from.

The skeleton principal's voice softened. Some were a little relieved by that, but
Lee Han was not deceived.

'He must be a little crazy.'

It was said that there is something to lose when you become a lich, and it was
clear that the Skeleton Principal had lost a few things.

Lee Han remembered the professor in the lab next door when he was in graduate
school in his previous life.

It seems that the professor's eyes were full of madness just like that skeleton

'no. I think that lich is better than that professor.'

Thinking like that, Principal Skeleton seemed to be able to deal with it


-ruler! The best chefs in this academy prepared a dinner for you the day before.
It's not enough, but I hope you enjoy this dinner and relieve the fatigue
accumulated from the trip. After eating, warm blankets and beds are waiting for you
in the dormitory...

One or two fat boys drooled at those words.

What kind of dinner is it? In the imperial western style, well-raised chicken
coated in flour, oil, butter, onion, salt, pepper, etc., then boiled in wine, or
gratin with plenty of bechamel sauce.

I felt like I could spread it on white bread and eat it just by giving out thick
cheese and butter.

Or, it was good to serve fresh fish with gochujang seasoning on it in the eastern
style of the Empire and grilled over charcoal.

Among eastern foods, I didn't eat noodles because they were cheap, but I felt like
I could eat them right now because I was hungry because of a long journey.

However, no food was served on the huge table in the hall.


- You're being deceived again! These idiots! When do you have to come to your
senses? What's the alternate wizard going to be?

'Isn't that crazy?'

Some of the weak freshmen wept at the Skeleton Principal's remarks.

-ruler. Now let me tell you the rules. This academy is the cradle of wizards. And
the biggest driving force for raising wizards is craving!

A shabby cloak, a shabby staff, and a shabby package appeared from the air along
with the horse.
- This is the school uniform you will be wearing.

As soon as those words were finished, black hard bread and frozen rice balls
appeared from the air.

- This is the food you will eat and live.

“You are too much…!”

When someone involuntarily shouted, Principal Skeleton said in an excited voice.

-okay! That's exactly what I wanted! You think that food doesn't taste too good?
Learn the magic quickly and save food with your own hands! You think those clothes
and canes look so trash? Master the magic and get new clothes and wands with your
own hands! You can get this academy if you want!


Ian was shocked.

I had only heard rumors that Einroguard was harsh, but I didn't expect it to be
this severe.

In a word, a school where the rule of thumb is to quickly develop your magic

'Can I do this?'

"huh. It’s okay if you tell me outside and bring things in.”

One of the students, who was in a cheeky posture, mumbled with a tearful

Principal Skeleton exclaimed even more excitedly.

-okay! I wanted that reaction. 1st graders are not allowed to go out! Don't even
think about asking your seniors to get things! You won't even see the upperclassmen
for a while!



-dissolution! Ironheads, good luck! You want to be a good wizard!

It seemed that Lee Han had heard someone muttering, 'You bastard'.

Principal Skeleton didn't even say anything about it.

The prince, Gainando, burst into anger as the skeleton principal disappeared.

“Does this make sense? How dare you treat people like us so rudely? Lee Han! aren't
you angry Do you think a person could live with the clothes that a beggar would
wear and food to eat like a pig?”

"uh? Are you okay?”


Guy Nando thought for a moment that Lee Han was joking.

How can a person live on only hard black bread and cold rice balls?

How could a person wear such a rough and shabby cloak?

But Lee Han didn't look like he was joking.

'The Wodanaj clan... it's like a scary clan...!'

Guynando was astonished.

The noble families of the empire had great power, and each had its own customs and
family customs.

And Yihan's family, the Wodanaj family, was known to be little known among the
imperial noble families.

It was because he did not actively participate in politics and was immersed in
magic research, but...

Thanks to that, Gainando had no choice but to misunderstand.

The Wodanaj family seems to have raised their lineage like that!

'Isn't that too much? No matter what, even a slave wouldn't treat him like that...
I think the Wodanaj lord must be such a cruel person...'

Gainando patted Lee Han on the shoulder with a sympathetic expression on his face.

“When will you come to the mansion? I'll be sure to treat you right."

“Uh… thank you?”

I didn't know why Gainando was doing this, but Lee Han nodded.

* * *

After Principal Skeleton's stormy speech, I had the opportunity to speak with
Yonaire again while the students dispersed.

Lee Han asked what he was curious about earlier.

“Why are you with Gainando? No matter how cousins, the Makekin family wouldn't need
to pay attention to a single member of the royal family."

"ah. Because of Kainando’s mother.”

Yonner said softly.

Seeing this, Lee Han asked as if curious.

“Have you ever been indebted to Kainando’s mother?”

Ian thought for a moment.

Yoner, who is much younger than he is now, made a huge mistake while attending a
banquet at the Imperial Palace.

Everyone looks at Yoner with contempt, and Yoner is scared and weeps, but
Gainando's mother, one of the empresses, appears and warmly tells her.

-it's okay. You might be mistaken.

If it was such an experience, I would be moved.

Even though Gainando is an imperial family, he might be able to treat him


"yes? no. Guynando's mother is incredibly wealthy. If she was friendly with Guy
Nando, she gave me a lot of money.”


Ian was shocked.

Was there such a secret?

'I should be friendly too!'

* * *

From the royal family to slaves, the magic school Einrogard accepted anyone with

Of course, even wizards were well aware that accidents could easily occur if boys
and girls with the most sensitive and sharp temper were gathered in one place.

For this reason, Einrogard's dormitory was divided into four places according to
their origin.

The arrogant blue dragon tower.

Members of the imperial family and famous noble families entered here.

As Lee Han was also of the Wodanaj family, he automatically belonged to it.

“Ugh. they are priests I don't know if I'm just preaching or not."

"Shh. Don’t be arguing for nothing.”

A murmur was heard from the side.

It was the sound of complaining about the freshmen who belonged to 'Tower of the
Phoenix Burning Forever'.

A tower of phoenix that burns forever.

Priests from various denominations of the Empire entered here.

Surprisingly, the priests of the Empire did not hesitate to use magic.

They thought that magic was a blessing from God.

As such, it was not strange for the various denominations to send priests to
Einrogard, the empire's most outstanding magic school.

'It does stand out.'

The imperial family and nobles had not changed into school uniforms yet, so their
attire was different, but the priests were all dressed in frugal priestly uniforms.

The noble boys and girls who had grown up listening to some sermons from priests
who had come to the family since they were little were frowned upon if they
remembered any memories.

Crackle, crackle-

However, seeing the people behind them, the impressions of the boys and girls
became even more frowned upon.

The tower of a white tiger that bites lightning.

Boys and girls from the imperial knight family entered this tower.

It sounded strange at first glance to see a knight family coming to the magic
school, but among the knights, magic was necessary.

Right now, from telepathy to healing, there is no place where magic is not used.

These were those who were prepared to walk two paths together as knights and

Guynando grumbled that he didn't like it at all.

“Why do we have to accept those who insult the glorious and pure magic path in such
a way? Just having a street wizard as my tutor would be enough.”

Lee Han, who was listening next to him, was slightly stabbed.

Others may be thinking of exploring pure truth with magic, but Lee Han came in just
to make a career out of magic.

“If I were to learn, I would have wanted to learn from the best.”

“What… why are you on their side?”


Lee Han had become more tolerant of Guy Nando.

It was because I had heard that Gainando's mother had a lot of money.

“A noble being does not despise those who are inferior to him.”

“...that seems too demanding...”

Still, Gainando kept his mouth shut as if he wanted to be respectful.

As the boys and girls of the knight family passed by, the last dormitory students

They were wearing the most diverse and unique outfits on this occasion.
A tower of black turtles that see the past and the future.

This dormitory was the most diverse.

Common people, servants, slaves, clowns, beggars, merchants, new and lower
aristocrats, etc., are all gathered here.

They seemed to know that they were of the lowest rank, so I could feel their dazed
expression on their faces.

'If there is a chance, I want to be friendly.'

Unlike others who cast contempt for others, Lee Han wanted to build friendships
whenever he had the chance.

What is the best way to make money?

It was also a business.

And it's good to do this kind of business together, not the guy Gainando next to
him, but the people with thick bones in the field.

“Are you looking this way?”

“Don’t make eye contact. It's not good to meet you."

“Unlucky children…”

They couldn't have known that the students of the Blue Dragon Tower looked at them
with contempt.

There was nothing good about arguing here, so they avoided their gaze and moved on.

“Should we even accept such vulgar people? Whatever it is.”

One of the muffled voices was clearly audible.

The impression that the students of the Tower of Black Turtle had heard of it
became harsh.


In an instant, Lee Han realized that this was an opportunity.

A chance to make friends with the top students over there!

'I'll have to go now.'

* * *

The students in the Tower of Black Turtle couldn't help but shrink even if they
tried not to be withdrawn.

Even students with quite high spirits could not easily enter into this unfamiliar
atmosphere and gossip.

At that time, it was Lee Han, a boy from the Blue Dragon Tower.

The boy with thick lines and a dignified sculpture-like appearance opened his mouth

“That would be the sleazy thing. Didn't you put down everything you had before
entering Einroguard? Forgetting all that and showing off your insignificant pride.”

The boy exuded a strong presence along with a sense of intimidation.

A noble figure that only a great aristocrat who has a natural lineage and is proud
of himself can show.

The other Blue Dragon Tower students seemed to agree with that appearance.

“That’s right.”

“Are you from the Wodanaj family? He also seems to come from the Wodanaj family.”

The person who mocked me earlier could not even speak out because it was
embarrassing, so he kept his mouth shut.

And the Black Turtle Tower students also responded.

“The Wodanaj family??”

“The magic family…?!”

“Don’t make eye contact, you idiot! It's a dangerous family!"

“You’re from a dragon family, aren’t you? Is it dragon blood?”

“I knew it was the blood of an ancient spirit, not a dragon...”


* * *

At first, Lee Han thought it went well.

All the students were persuaded by Lee Han's words.

'Are you okay?'

Now, if the Black Turtle Tower students just thank Lee Han...

“The Wodanaj family??”

“The magic family…?!”

“Don’t make eye contact, you idiot! It's a dangerous family!"

“You’re from a dragon family, aren’t you? Is it dragon blood?”

“I knew it was the blood of an ancient spirit, not a dragon...”


However, the reaction was a little different from Lee Han's expectations.

Students who cast fearful glances rather than making friends!

In response to the students' reaction, Lee Han realized that something was going

I thought you'd say thank you...?

Yoner said admiringly from the side.

“What you just showed me was really good. right. Any noble who entered Einrogarde
should be like that.”

“…Yoner. Do I look scary?”

"yes? no? Like an aristocrat, are you dignified?”

Yoner didn't understand why Lee Han was worried.

Lee Han's appearance was literally 'noble-like' and he was good-looking.

A thick line, a square chin, and closed lips. There are sharp eyes.

It was chosen as an advantage among the aristocrats because of its dignified

appearance that was inaccessible to commoners.

In fact, all of the Blue Dragon Tower students looked after them well.

Lee Han sighed in response.

'It would be unreasonable to fit in like this.'

* * *

Each dormitory was far apart from the main building along the east, west, north,
and south directions.

Lee Han and the other students headed to the blue tower in the distance along the

'It's really spacious.'

It was surprising to see it inside.

The horse was a school. Where is the school with lakes and forests, rivers and

When I saw that, I suddenly remembered the words of Principal Skeleton.

'Did I tell you to save yourself?'

This school can get any if you want, Principal Skeleton said so.

Seeing it like this, I thought it might be possible.

Go to the forest to catch animals, or go to the lake to fish...

“You must be thinking the same thing.”


“Did you think it would be a great blessing to be able to see this beautiful

"no. I was thinking about what kind of beast I could catch in the forest.”

“…Does the Wodanaj family give you such training?”

* * *

The arrogant blue dragon tower was a tall tower of blue stones.

From the outside, it didn't seem that big.

But inside, there was a vast, near-infinite space that the wizards of Einroguard
had expanded.


As they passed through the tower's door, several students who had just been with
them disappeared.

When he came to his senses, Lee Han remained alone in a dark space.

[Where are you going?]


[Where are you going?]


Lee Han realized that talking to him now was the tower itself.

“Where can I... go?”

[You adapt quickly.]

Although he couldn't see the tower, Lee Han seemed to have a smile on his face.

[The place you can go now is your private room and the steel break room for first

“Can I go anywhere else?”

[okay. You can go to some places only if you know the name, and some places you can
go to by knowing other things.]

Blue Dragon Tower Dormitory

Phoenix Tower Dormitory

Tiger Tower Dormitory

Turtle Tower Dormitory

“Can I go to the second graders’ break room or common break room?”

[okay. But not now.]

[Because the principal banned it.]


Lee Han cursed the principal's thoroughness. In this respect, he was a thorough

“Then send me to a private room.”

[okay. welcome to admission I'm a young wizard.]


The private room given to each was surprisingly spacious and comfortable.

It didn't look like the headmaster skeleton took away his private room even if he
didn't give me anything else.

Of course, this was Lee Han Ki-joon's idea, and by now the other nobles were
astonished to see the appearance of a shabby room with nothing.

-Uh... Is this where the beggars live?

- Maybe someone stole the room?


The room feels more spacious because there is nothing except for the desk, chair,
and bed.

Lee Han first organized the clothes she had received, put her luggage in the
corner, and took out a book.

<About Einroguard>.

It was a thin book with a brief description of the school that each received before

'The required subjects must be taken unconditionally, and the rest are freely
chosen. In the first month, you can walk around and listen to which lectures are
best for you and decide...'

This school seemed strict, but it was free in this area.

Once you enter, you don't really care what your students are studying.

-A wizard is a person who seeks the truth of the world. Even if his seniors and
teachers help him, he has to decide his own path and move forward. Osu Gonadaltes.

'The principal's name was Osu Gonadaltes.'

Having received information that he did not want to know much, Lee Han roughly
finished his work and got up from his seat.

I heard that you can go to the freshman lounge earlier, so I thought we would go
and talk a little bit.

* * *
“I want to learn alchemy.”

Yonner came down first. Upon discovering that Lee Han had arrived, Yonner waved his
hand warmly.


"yes. He has been interested in alchemy since he was in the family. My dream is to
set up my own workshop and deliver it to the imperial family.”

“I’ll have some money.”

“Would you like to join us?”

“Ugh. I'll think about it. Alchemy business is not that easy.”

Lee Han did not accept it right away.

Just as Yonner was interested in alchemy since he was in the family, Lee Han was
interested in business from the time he was in the family.

Alchemy sounded plausible, but the empire's alchemy business was also very

Guilds made by outstanding alchemists were fighting fiercely to steal market share.

Dispensing potions for free to the Adventurer's Guild, spreading bad rumors about
potions made by the opponent's alchemy guild, monopolizing all medicinal herbs used
for potions, etc.

I couldn't help but be afraid as each rumor was so horrific.

'It might be better to be stable.'

Lee Han's primary goal was to become an imperial official, or civil servant.

There was nothing wrong with being a civil servant.

“Then where are you interested?”


When Lee Han was asked the question, he was a little perplexed.


'I was thinking of taking subjects with less competition and good grades.'

Academics and whatever, the grades I received here became my specifications when I
went outside.

Of course, Lee Han couldn't care less.

“I had a month to spare, so I decided to look around and decide. Because you
shouldn't judge anything too hastily."

“Wow… that’s great.”


Lee Han didn't understand what's so great, so he looked at Yonaire.

Anything great?

“Usually, they come thinking about the magic they want to learn. One that suits
your taste. But that's not necessarily the best way...”

It was difficult to know what kind of magic he was suitable for until he tried it

And forcibly learning magic that doesn't fit your aptitude is less efficient than
you think.

A wizard who pursues the truth had to learn to break his stubbornness and choose a
better path.

But since we are human, we have greed, and if we have greed, we want to go the way
we want.

It was not easy to let go of such greed.

“Is this the Wodanaj family rule?”

'If I say anything, the Wodanaj family comes out?'

Ian was not funny.

I didn't know it when I was inside the family, but when I came out, I realized the
power of the family name more.

Just like the eyes of the Black Turtle Tower students earlier...

Perhaps the image of the Wodanaj family was much stronger than Lee Han had thought.

“It’s a big deal!”


Gainando, who arrived late, shouted in haste.

“What’s going on?”

“There must have been a thief in my room! Nothing!”


* * *

Basic understanding of magic.

It was a compulsory subject for first-year students entering Einroguard.

Perhaps it was a subject that only the Blue Dragon Tower students took, but the
other tower students were not seen.

“Does everyone look weird?”

"I'm hungry, I'm sleepy because I haven't slept well, and my clothes are rough and
I'm nervous when I move."

Gainando nodded as if he was sympathetic to Yoner's words.

When he woke up early in the morning, Gainando thought that yesterday was a dream.

Of course, he expected to be served with hot white bread with freshly made butter
and hot soup with chicken and spices.

But that wasn't a dream, and Gainando woke up from his bed and greeted him with
hard black bread, hard rice balls, and a glass of cold water.

'I was edible...'

Ian thought so.

After being born into the Wodanaj family, he was sympathetic, but originally, Lee
Han was a person who had a very difficult life.

-Uh... Am I wrong? Seniors. If you work from 9 am to 9 pm, when do you eat?

-ruler. here. energy bar. It's breakfast, lunch and dinner, so eat sparingly.

-...Is that bullshit?

- Don't do that to me. I also have to drain my energy right away. Still, when it's
over, Jinsu Sungchan is waiting for you.

-If you say cup noodles, I will kill you.

-...sorry. It's cup noodles.


-But there is also triangular kimbap...

'Well. I think it's better now.'

However, except for Lee Han, all the Blue Dragon Tower students looked exhausted.

This happened the day after entering school.


The <Understanding Basic Magic> lecture room was located on the first floor of the
Einroguard main building.

It was the kindness of the school that took care of the new students.

The higher you go upstairs, the more likely new students will get lost.


“Okay, am I in the wrong place?”

“I came in right. ruler. Everyone sit down.”

The students stopped in front of the door, and Lee Han was puzzled.
Why are you doing that?

The answer came right away.

There was a troll in the classroom.



“Come in quickly!”

“Uh… um…”

The students hesitated and entered the classroom with a mixture of fear and fear.


It was a fierce and vicious monster that even the students who had lived in the
family for the rest of their lives had heard the name.

A troll like that was waiting for him, dressed like a professor, so he couldn't
help but be embarrassed.

Now I'm confused whether this is a classroom or a troll's buffet.

"ruler. I should start by introducing myself. I'm Garcia Kim. He's a mixed troll. I
know everyone is scared, but there's no need to be scared. I don't eat people
unless I'm very hungry.”


“It was a joke, but I guess I did it for nothing.”

As the atmosphere became more gloomy, Garcia felt very sorry.

"ruler! Our principal has something to say every time. Time is the greatest
treasure. Shall we start the lecture?”

Garcia swung her wand. Then the students, who were standing in the middle, went to
their seats and sat down as if pushed away.

“You are the seeds of sorcerers who came in with the title of Steel. Some of these
arrogant or stupid people may have used magic secretly, but most of them probably
never did. This lecture is to teach you what magic is and find the magic that suits
you best. The magic road is tough and narrow, and you have to walk it alone, but I
want to be your compass before you walk it.”

At the gentle words of the troll professor, the faces of the students inside also

'How many times better than Principal Skeleton?'

"ruler. So we'll have to start with the very basics. What is magic?”

Princess Adenart answered in a calm voice.

“It is the work of a wizard to change the world at his own will.”
"Right. Twisting the world with the will of a wizard. The question is 'how'. How
can we change the world?”

“By the power of mana?”

"Very good. Magical power, mana... borrowing this fundamental power to change the
world. Everyone here knows how to feel magic and is conscious of the magic within

Everyone nodded.

Basically, it is a place where only qualified people receive it, so everyone is in

a state of awakening to magic.

“But that's just the beginning. To use magic, you have to go beyond that. It is to
summon magical power by one's will, to weave it delicately, and to create it as a
result. Many people say that magic requires spells, moves, and reagents... but what
really matters is will. The wizard's own will. You mustn't forget that. Of course
you will need spells and moves. as still very immature. ruler. The story is too
long. Are you sleepy? I'll try it myself once. Take out your staff, and gather your

woo woo woo-

Magical energy began to spread in the spacious classroom.

Each of the young wizards began to squeeze out the magic within them.

Lee Han also concentrated and began to gather his magical energy into the staff.
The magical powers in his body flowed out and pooled in his staff.

“Now, while maintaining that power... you can't lose focus! Imagine an image of
light in that state. The image of the light he thinks. Bright, warm, sparkling.
Anything is fine.”

This time, a groaning sound began to come out.

Controlling magical power was close to grabbing and pulling the reins of a wild

If you focus a little bit, it will just hook and scatter.

“I’m screaming… with my thoughts getting stronger and stronger. Anything is fine.
light! light! Bright! bright light! Any incantation that comes to mind is fine.”


“Bright light!”

“A light more dazzling than the sun and as beautiful as my glory!”

“Don't order too long! Memorizing spells that are too long for your level will
distract you.”

Concentrate on gathering magic, transforming that magic into one's will, and
finally shouting out a spell to finish it with certainty.

Lee Han seemed to know what magic was.

Of course, it didn't happen all at once.

pop! Whoops! bang bang!

“Ugh!” “Wow!” "Ah-oh...!"

The moans of young wizards who failed their magic could be heard from all over the
place. Professor Troll smiled and swung his wand.

If you failed to cast magic, the accumulated magical energy could lose its owner
and run wild, injuring the wizard.

It was the professor's job to prevent that.

"ruler. Don't be afraid of failure, don't panic, that's the way it is in the
beginning. As long as the magic remains in my body, again!”

2nd attempt.

The students groaned again with a popping sound.

Professor Troll laughed inwardly.

It usually took over a month just to learn this simplest magic called 'light

Magic is that difficult.

But the professor had no intention of telling it. It was something the students had
to experience with their own bodies.

"ruler! again!"

3rd attempt.

Gradually, students who were exhausted by using all their magical powers began to

Magic consumes an enormous amount of magic power than expected.

More than half of the students sat down with tired faces.


4th attempt.

This time almost all the students sat down. There were only two or three who were
lucky or had good control.


5th attempt.


6th attempt.

7th attempt.

“Uh… Professor. I'm really sorry to interrupt, but should I continue...?"

Professor Troll, who continued to shout casually, realized something strange.

Usually, it should have ended in the 4th, no matter how many, the 5th, but one
person was standing until the 7th.



Mana, magical power, which some tribes in the East call 'Qi', form-loving scholars
ether, and stubborn priests call it divine power, this power was the source of many

The power to change the world!

It was only natural for young wizards to suffer from a lack of magic, as they had
to draw out and consume the magic within them every time they use magic.

But I tried up to the 7th, and it's standing still.

“What is the student’s name?”

“This is Lee Han.”

Professor Troll, Garcia smiled slightly.

He had a crush on him when he said his name instead of the family name.

nobility. It was also rare among the great aristocrats who did not mention the
family name.

He is a person who fits well with 'equality', one of the school's ideologies.

“Come here.”


Lee Han was anxious and approached.

'Should I have just stumbled?'

Everyone else staggered with their magical powers, but it was true that I was a bit
puzzled as I was standing all alone.

He wondered if he had used his magic properly.

"Hmm. Hmm. okay."

As Garcia grabbed Ihan's wrist and nodded, Guynando behind him whispered to

"hey. Isn't it supposed to be saved?? What if I swallow it like that?”

"...Professor, you'll hear everything, so be quiet, you idiot."


Garcia let go of her wrists.

“After it’s over, Lee-han, please stay for a while.”

"ah. Yes."

* * *

After that, <Understanding Basic Magic> didn't do much magic training.

Instead, Professor Garcia sternly preached the mindset of a wizard.

“When you run out of mana, you must rest unconditionally. Especially when you're
still not good enough! Don't fret about your lack of magic. If you train, the
amount of magic power will increase, and if you have a knack, the consumption of
magic will also decrease. There are always cases where freshmen are so motivated
that they secretly practice magic and fall down. If you're unlucky, you can
seriously injure yourself, so you should never do that. and students. I do not
swallow students.”

“Sin… I’m sorry.”

Gainando trembled and apologized.

"ruler. Today's lesson ends here. In addition to the required courses, other
optional courses are offered throughout the school, so go and listen to them and
think about what you'll learn. If you are not sure, you can come to my room and



The students exchanged glances.

-Can you go to the half-troll professor's office and have a one-on-one


- Are you crazy?

...the same exchange of glances.

“Wordanaz. Be careful."

"right. A troll's weakness is fire and acid."

“Aren’t you both here?”

“…Wordanaz. Be careful."

Hearing the cheers of other students, Han Lee stood in front of Professor Garcia.

“Actually, I first heard about Lee Han.”

Lee Han stopped at the unexpected words.


“If I told the principal, would the story be faster?”


Lee Han's face hardened when he heard from the mad Ritchie Principal.

Professor Garcia said with a laugh.

“No worries. There are times when the principal looks like a crazy bastard, but
he's basically a good person."


Does that make sense?

But Professor Garcia continued, pretending not to hear.

“At the beginning of every year, the principal scans the new students and simply
tells the professors.”

Unbeknownst to the students, Principal Rich had a very keen eye.

The new students entering this school are boys and girls of all kinds who have just
grown up in the Empire.

A keen eye is needed to prevent accidents from happening.

- Be careful with that dwarf. As you can see, he's a guy who burns his dorm room
three times.

-under! That's a mixed demon. Professors who use holy magic beware. so as not to
get hurt.

- That's a pickpocket from the <White Crow> guild, right? Professors, be careful.
No one comes to complain about being pickpocketed by a student, right? Such a
bastard would be thrown into a dungeon.

Of course, there were many professors who ignored the principal's words.

Principal Rich had a keen eye, but...

He also had a maniac-like personality.

-That orc... I think he's good at using a spear.

-Are you from a family famous for swordsmanship?

- Shut up! Tell them to use the window.


The principal said this about Lee Han.

- That guy has the qualities of Daewoo (大愚).


Daewoo (大愚).

It meant very stupid.

Of course, the professors weren't stupid enough to take those words outright.

There was a famous saying among the proverbs of the eastern empire.

- Daewoo (大愚) is the earth (大智).

A very foolish appearance has something in common with a very wise appearance.

It was an old adage that one should not be deceived by appearances and seek true

If so, then the principal's words meant something like this.

- It's hard to tell right now, but you can see the qualities that will make a big
comeback later.

The reaction of the professors who were present was divided in half.

'I think he has some talent when he says things like that' or 'Did you get a big
drink from a member of the Wodanaj family yesterday?'

And Professor Garcia now seemed to know what the principal meant.

'That's what I meant.'

“Uh… what did the principal say?”

Lee Han became slightly ominous.

Being favored by a professor had its advantages and disadvantages.

If I was favored, I could get good grades and letters of recommendation. This is an
advantage that cannot be ignored.


If you get more than a certain number of favors, the following conversation will

-guy. Your talent is not worth rotting like this.

-thank you!

-okay. You have to go to graduate school!

-Yes? never thought of...

-If you go out and get a job now, do you know how competitive the competition is?
If you go to graduate school and get a degree, you can get a job with better
conditions and, above all, sell your favorite studies more deeply. How good are

- I think it's because you say so.

It would have been better if I met a professor with a good personality.

If you meet the evil mad professor, hell begins.

And Principal Richie...

'It's a person I never want to be friends with.'

Lee Han wanted to graduate with stable grades and good personal connections, but he
did not want to go down the mysterious magic road because he became close with the
Skeleton Principal.

"ah. Sorry. I can't tell you exactly what the principal said... Instead, I'll tell
you about the talents of the students. The words of the headmaster are similar to


Lee Han's eyes widened at Professor Troll's words.

It's Lee Han's talent.

'Is my talent... enough to say this separately?'

While in the Wodanaj family, Lee Han had never really heard anything about talent.

Of course, it was confirmed that he had magical powers.

Because Lee Han's father, the head of the Wodanaj family, also said the same thing.

- What about my talents?

-Well. Your magic skills are pretty decent.

-thank you.

And that was it.

However, I was a little embarrassed that he was suddenly telling me about his

'Isn't this a bad story?'

Lee Han seriously began to ponder whether he should invest with Yonaire and set up
an alchemy workshop.

“Student Lee Han has a lot of magical power.”

"...Yes? Is that all?”

Ian was stunned.

It's not about things like 'I have a problem casting magic' or 'I can't use light
attribute magic because my light attribute magic doesn't fit my body', it's just
that I have a lot of magical power.

I'm glad it's not bad, but...

I wondered if it was necessary to say this separately.

'Did you know that each person's innate amount of magical power is different and
can be overcome with training and tricks? Is it important enough to say this

“Of course, that’s not all.”

“Ah… that’s right.”

“Student Lee Han has a lot of magical power.”


“Really, really, like crazy, a lot, a lot?”


Only then did Lee Han understand why Professor Garcia had called him out and spoke

* * *

After hearing the detailed explanation, Lee Han thought.

'Isn't that good?'

To use magic, you need magic.

If there is not enough mana, you will have to replace it by drawing in mana that is
spread outside, collecting mana with a magic circle, or using manastones that
contain mana.

But if you have a lot of magic, you don't have to.

A very useful talent for a wizard...

“I’m sorry.”


However, Professor Garcia was looking at Lee Han with a mixture of pity and

In those eyes, Lee Han realized that something was going wrong.

“Isn’t it good to have a lot of magic power?”

“It’s usually good to have a lot. But the number of Lee Han students is really
huge. Water in a glass bottle is so easy to handle, but controlling the water in a
huge ocean can be very difficult, isn't it?”

At Professor Garcia's words, Lee Han realized the seriousness of the situation and
his expression hardened.

So now...?

'Magic difficulty goes up like crazy?'

Not a single student succeeded in learning the very simple magic of 'light
emission' today.

So magic was a difficult science.

Draw out the magic, focus, bind with will...

All of this requires superhuman concentration.

However, when the amount of magic power increased so much that it could not be
controlled, the difficulty level went up even more.

"ruler. Get this bracelet here.”

A crude and heavy iron bracelet.

Professor Garcia put bracelets on Lee Han's wrists one by one.

“It’s a bracelet that absorbs magic. It will help.”


Still, Lee Han was moved by the way the magic school immediately gave a solution.

“As long as you’re wearing this, it shouldn’t be a problem!”

"yes? no. Would it be terribly difficult even if I wore this?”


“It’s so powerful that I can’t help it no matter what I do. I do it because it’s
better than not doing it.”

Professor Garcia was a relatively kind and gentle person, but he was a wizard.

A wizard would never turn around and say something like this.

“...any other advice?”

“Um… I think it would be better if you use a lot of magic and consume your magic.
Han Lee can practice basic magic training by herself. I will never have an accident
due to depletion of my magic.”

"...thank you."

In a way, he was given preferential treatment, but Lee Han was not very happy.

* * *

'ah. Should I take classes that don't use magic?'

It was called a magic school, but it wasn't just subjects that used magic.

Even if it was just alchemy right now, there was little use of magic.

Leaving the professor's room, Lee Han's head became complicated.

'From the first year onwards, you need to set a good career path and manage your
grades well so that you won't regret it when you graduate later...'
“You are alive!”

Gainando and Yoner were waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Gainando looked up and down Lee Han to see if he was genuinely worried.

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m just looking for any signs of being bitten by the professor.”

At Yonaire's words, Lee Han looked at Gainando as if it was ridiculous.

'Well, it's strange not to doubt the professor when you see the skeleton

“What did you hear?”

Lee Han shrugged at the question Yoner asked as if curiously.

“I heard you practice a lot of magic.”


Guynando was angry like his own.

How dare you tell the son of the great family to practice magic a lot.

What a rude thing to say!

'If you get angry after hearing that, if you don't take the test later and take the
test again, aren't you asking the professor for a duel?'

“My job is done. I want to take the electives before the next required course. Do
you have any subjects in mind?”

“Of course I am an alchemist.”

At Yonaire's words, Guy Nando laughed outright.

"a. Alchemy is for servants and slaves!”


Lee Han could see clearly.

Yoner's fists clenched tightly!


I knew this because he was constantly taught swordsmanship by Alaron, the old
knight of the family, and he was also Lee Han, who had a knack for fighting.

Yonaire's posture right now was the one just before beating people!

"for a moment. for a moment."

Lee Han intervened between the two of them.

“Don’t ignore alchemy. Kainan too.”

“But alchemy is trivial.”

Gainando said with a face that couldn't understand the atmosphere at all.

“Where is the wisdom there?”

Magic was an endlessly infinite science. Even within it, the schools were divided
into dozens.

Illusion magic, summoning magic, transformation magic, elemental magic and so on.

And even with the same elemental magic, fire, water, light, darkness, etc.

The world of magic is so profound that it is not enough to pick one field and dig
into it for the rest of your life.

And in such a magical world, alchemy was sometimes ignored.

Alchemy in the eyes of rookie wizards who don't know how to...

it will be very humble

Others swung their wands to summon the angel of light and tore the earth apart, but
they were locked in the lab, putting herbs and mixing drugs...


"Wait a minute. Wodanaz. Stay out of the way.”

Yoner asked Lee Han.

“I’m not going to do anything.”


As Lee Han moved away, Yoner walked over and stood in front of Guynando.

Gainando tilted his head.


“You, don’t go to the hospital and ask for a potion. Because it was also made with


With a dull sound, Gainando fell backwards.

It was such a wonderful punch that Lee Han admired.

* * *

“But was it possible to lose?”

“It doesn’t matter if you apologize after a day or so.”

Yoner didn't seem to be the first to defeat Guy Nando.

There are a lot of fights between cousins, but I think a loss like this would be

'Dried it for nothing.'

Lee Han vowed not to stop the two of them fighting in the future, but to watch from
the side.

"...for a moment. It's difficult to misunderstand, but I don't hit people easily.
Do you know what I mean?”

Yoner hastily made an excuse as to whether he had misunderstood.

Nobility, and the more traditional and large the family, the more important
etiquette and dignity were.

It was not a dignified act to punch the opponent for a bit of an argument.

“Can’t you even punch a fist when you’re hot?”


Yoner was even more perplexed by Lee Han's words.

'Does the Wodanaj family have any rules like that?'

I don't know if it's a knight family, but that one of the best families in the
empire supports such a fist fight.

I didn't quite understand.

'He must have a special bowl.'

Yonner was so convinced.

Clearly, Lee Han seemed to be the most noble among the aristocrats who came with

They all come from aristocratic families, but they are just young adults.

Among these youngsters, Lee Han stood out a bit. He was something different, from
his beggars to his speeches.

Indeed, he was from the Wodanaj family.

Yonner changed the subject. He said Lee Han would go over it, but he didn't have to
hang on to it.

“Anyway, is it really okay to listen to alchemy? If you go together because of me,

it's okay to go alone."

"no. I am also interested in alchemy.”

“Oh… are you tempted to do business together?”

“I’m worried about that too.”

Yoner was rather surprised by the reaction different from what he expected.

You'll change your mind in that short time.

“What happened?” “Ugh. that is..."

Ihan pondered what to say.

-I don't think I'm really talented in magic, so I guess I'll have to seriously
think about the alchemy business.

If I said ..., as a member of an aristocratic family, it was too vague to say.

"Nope. are you okay. Even if you don't tell me, I know You came to realize the
value of alchemy after thinking about it.”


“Alchemy is a really fun science, isn’t it?”

“Uh… well… yes.”

Yoner seemed to be excited for some reason, so Lee Han gave him the right answer.

“Most people think of alchemy as being locked up in an underground alchemy

workshop, but the world of alchemy is much broader and deeper.”


Ian wasn't upset.

Hearing about stories that he wasn't interested in was a skill he had been honing
since graduate school.

- Do you like hiking?

-Yes? that is...

-okay. Hiking is really good. Did I mention that I went to Mt. Seorak last year?
Breaking through the morning fog, through the clouds...

-Yes. Yes.

-...I'm sure it'll be so much fun. You, too, will enjoy hiking. Let's go together


Compared to that experience, Yonner's story was on the interesting side.

“Did you study alchemy in advance while you were in the Makein family?”

In response to Lee Han's question, Yoner looked around without knowing it.

"...yes. But this is a secret. You couldn't learn magic beforehand, but you didn't
strictly prevent alchemy."

“You can study in advance.”


Yoner looked at Lee Han as if confused once again.

Punching is OK, ignoring the rule not to learn magic until you become an adult is

He was a very special person.

'It's good that you studied beforehand.'

Lee Han was well aware of how helpful a friend who studied well was helpful.

If Yonner knows alchemy well, he will be able to get good grades with his help.

“Then can you teach me?”


At Lee Han's words that he wanted to learn alchemy, Yonner smiled broadly and
tapped Lee Han's shoulder with his palm.

* * *

<Understanding Basic Alchemy>.

Since it was Lee Han who met a half-troll professor in his understanding of basic
magic, it didn't seem like he would be very surprised if any professor appeared

And it wasn't really surprising.

'You look very ordinary, don't you?'

It was a short dwarf in the seat. The Dwarf, dressed as sharply as a hunter or
ranger, was wearing a crossbow around his waist.

“Are you all here?”

“Ugh. There are also students from Black Turtle Tower.”

Yoner murmured.

It wasn't that Yonner was ignoring the commoners, but it was true.

If you listened to the Blue Dragon Tower students, there was no discomfort through
talking to each other...

If other top students listen to it together, it will be a concern in many ways.

Moreover, it seemed that there were more students in the Tower of Black Turtle.

'You're concerned about your eyes.'

There are usually two reactions that commoners have when they meet aristocrats.

One is afraid and does not want to get involved.

The other is to show hostility.

Outside the school, the latter would be difficult to see, but this was inside a
school where 'equality' was the ideology.

Even so, I was usually resentful for helping the nobles, but even after entering
the school, the nobility freshmen from <Blue Dragon Tower> scoffed at me, so I
couldn't avoid hostility.

"hey. stop staring Besides, there are people from the Wodanaj family over there.”

"whatever? Even the Wodanaj family can’t touch the school.”

“You’re not going to live in school for the rest of your life. What if I get
retaliation for going out?” “That’s when you think about it.”


Lee Han clicked his tongue.

It wasn't very pleasant to live a grudge for something he didn't do himself.

'If I pretended to be friendly for nothing, it would only backfire.'

For a while, I felt like I had to hang out with the students of <Blue Dragon

“Everyone is quiet.”

The short dwarf professor opened his mouth. He was small, but just hearing his
voice gave him power.

“My name is Geumdar Thunderstep. You can call me Thunder Walk Professor. Probably
everyone is thinking the same thing. There are so many cool school buildings behind
me, so why did we gather on the grass with no desks like this?”

It was.

Surprisingly, the place where they gathered to listen to <Understanding Basic

Alchemy> was not a school building, but a hill outside.

Princess Adenart raised her hand. Thunderstep shrugged.

“It wasn’t a question I was looking for an answer. okay. Tell me.”

“To feel the mana of nature.”

There was a prejudice that it was okay to just mix reagents and herbs as
prescribed, but alchemy also needed magic.

It is important for an alchemist to feel the mana of nature and realize what powers
there are.

"not really?"

...But the dwarf professor looked at Adenart as if he was saying something absurd.

Adenart's pale face slightly blushed and he bowed his head.

Lee Han asked Yonaire without thinking.

“Isn’t that why you told me to gather here because you like to gather ingredients?”

“Maybe that’s the reason?”

"Five. answer!"


Lee Han and Yoner looked at the Dwarf Professor like they were embarrassed.

However, the thunderous walk looked at Lee Han with a look of admiration and said.

“It’s rare to find cast iron heads that fit right in.”

“Not an iron head, but a freshman…”

"okay. okay. Iron-headed freshman. So, well done. You have the talent of an
outstanding alchemist.”

Yoner looked at Lee Han with envy at the dwarf professor's praise.

And Adenart also slightly glared at Lee Han.

It's like seeing a rival.

'...No, this isn't something to try.'

Ian was not funny.

Do you want to be jealous of being praised for an answer like this?

“The reason we have gathered here is to teach the Iron Heads what abilities are
necessary for alchemy. Perhaps the Ironheads here think so. “The skills required
for alchemy are superior intelligence and delicate control of magic.”

'uh? Does alchemy require delicate mana control?'

Hearing this, Lee Han flinched.

“But the reality is different. The most necessary ability for an alchemist is the
ability to gather materials.”



At the words of the dwarf professor, the wizards gathered at the place were

It was a completely unexpected ability.

Adenart raised her hand as if not convinced.

"professor. Materials and reagents can be grown and raised by yourself, or you can
ask adventurers to get them. It seems silly to say that the alchemist has to save
it himself, but...”
“He, that one, that one, he’s like an iron-headed kid who doesn’t know anything
about actual battles!”

Adenart's face, which had already been slightly red, turned a little red. The dwarf
professor thundered and said with a twitch.

“Do you know how much of the materials and reagents used by alchemists can be
obtained by cultivating them? Not even 10%! Everything else you have to pay to buy.
And is it worth all the money to buy it? Do you know why wizards join a party when
they hire adventurers and follow them directly? It's not that time runs out, but if
you leave it alone with the adventurers, you won't be able to dig up the herbs!
They just roughly pluck up the roots of herbs that should be carefully and

Thunderstep was talking wildly about whether there were many grudges that he had
usually had.

“In that sense, an alchemist must unconditionally know how to obtain materials and
reagents on his own. An alchemist who only depends on others will never succeed. If
I whine about not having materials for research later, who will find me?”

At the words of the Dwarf Professor, the gathered students nodded their heads with
a somewhat sympathetic expression (and a puzzled expression).

"ruler. This should have all been explained. Then go and find it.”


“What are you? Scatter and find the ingredients.”

Thunderstep swung his staff. Papers appeared in the air and flew one by one to the

On the paper was a picture of a greenish medicinal herb.


'It looks like a mixture of reishi mushroom and ginseng.'

Lee Han thought so when he saw the medicinal herbs to be found.

It is a medicinal herb called <Dokohcho (瀆汚草)>, and it was written that it was
used to make antidote.

“Have you ever dealt with it?”


“Good luck.”

Hearing that Yoner had dealt with it before, Lee Han was relieved.

It was quite difficult to distinguish what was between the numerous grasses and
herbs scattered around the hills, fields, and forests.

Even if there are pictures of medicinal herbs, it is easy for beginners to confuse

Those with experience who have dealt with it in that regard are reassuring.
“By the way… it’s okay for the two of us to move together.”

“Is it dangerous too?”

"Is not it? A minimum of three is good when walking around. Guess I won’t even try

“It doesn’t matter if I didn’t, because I wouldn’t have followed.”

At Lee Han's words, Yoner laughed.

“Then, shall we just walk around together?”

"no. I don't want to put my name on the death list."

Einrogard was worthy of its reputation, and there were many vile rumors.

Since magic is such a dangerous science, there are many cases where people die
while learning.

Before Lee Han came here, he thought there was nothing he could do about it.

No matter how careful the professors are, accidents do happen.

But now I see...

'Isn't it just a feeling of insecurity in general?'

From the professor to the students, Einroguard seemed to have no regrets about
their lives. By the standards of modern Lee Han, everyone seemed a little crazy.

“A list of the dead… Don’t make creepy jokes with that face. It doesn't fit."

“I am not joking.”

“If it’s not a joke, it’s even scarier, isn’t it? yes. It would be nice to have the
same top girl.”

Yonner looked around.

He was thinking of finding one of the Blue Dragon Tower students and suggesting
that they go together.

But there was no one.

“Uh… is it ruined?”

“Can’t I talk to the princess?”

“You want to talk to that princess? She seemed to have a very rough personality.”

“You’re looking for herbs, not a ball, are you?”

At Lee Han's words, Yoner nodded. He was right.

“But it seems it’s already too late.”

Some students were already attached to Adenart.

Perhaps the princess also felt the need to go together, so she had already
organized a party.

"no. Black Turtle Tower freshmen are there too?”

Ian felt a little embarrassed.

If the Wodanaj clan is afraid and avoids it, shouldn't the princess avoid it in the
same way?

But surprisingly, some of the students gathered next to the princess belonged to
the Black Turtle Tower.

“Yeah, that princess was famous in many ways even before she entered the school…”

Even before entering the school, famous people are famous.

Adenart was famous among the royal family for his outstanding intelligence and
amazing talent.

It was only natural for many nobles and commoners to gather as soon as they entered
the school.

“Is that so?”

“…Even in the Wodanaj family, did you live without reading the newspaper?”

“I usually only read <The Empire's New Business> in the newspapers. I am not
interested in <News of the Imperial Family>.”

"ah. That was fun. Have you seen that potion bottles used by adventurers that don't
throw them away in the dungeon and give you coins back when you bring them back?
Any ideas?”

“It was a good idea.”

" Now is not the time to talk about it.”

Yonner calmed down. The story was leaking sideways.

“Anyway, you could have known just by looking at <News of the Imperial Family>, but
Adenart was famous in many ways. So it’s only natural for people to gather like

“Is there anything wrong with Gainando?”


"Right. There's nothing wrong with Gainando."

“It’s really nothing.”

Guy Nando, who was eating potions in the hospital room, was unfairly attacked.

“Then let’s give up on the princess and find someone else.”

“Is that going to happen? It looks like the only ones left now are the Black Turtle
Tower students.”
At Yonaire's words, Lee Han frowned.


Apparently, all that was left was the Black Turtle Tower students.

Of course, if anyone asked us to hold onto them and move together, some might not

However, since we are moving together, we should not interfere with each other.

More than anything...

'I wish I had the ability.'

When a group does something, isn't it important to each other's abilities?

Ian looked around. And I found a suitable one.

* * *

A freshman at the Tower of Black Turtle, Nelia was a dark elf from the <Shadow
Patrol> in the northern part of the Empire.

<Shadow Patrol> is a group of outstanding hunters and scouts who work in the
northern mountains like the courtyard of their house.

Being born in such a place, Nilia was also confident in roaming the forests and

'what. It's not too difficult.'

I've never seen poison ivy in person, but once you know how it looks, it's easy to

It is incomparable to the desk-headed youngsters who have never been to a mountain

or forest in their entire lives.

In fact, after joining Einroguard, Nelia felt inferior.

There were too many outstanding freshmen within the same Tower of Black Turtle as
well as other freshmen in the Tower.

He came from a new noble family, from a merchant family famous in the empire. Or
even a freshman whose parents are famous adventurers.

Among them, after running all her life between mountains and forests, Nelia was
invited to school and had no choice but to feel inferior.

The first magic classes I took were daunting...

At that moment, when she came across this class, it was only natural that Nilia's
motivation was welling up.

'huh. let it go Because I can find it several times faster than the others.'

Nelia was going to move quickly alone and look for poison ivy.
Others are not used to the mountains and forests, so a group of people travel
together, but Nilia was confident on her own.



Nelia was slightly startled when someone approached her. She was a pretty girl with
red hair.

"...What are you?"

“I am Yoner of the Makein family. here is..."

“Lee Han. Please.”

At their words, Nilia thought that Yoner was a nobleman and Lee Han was a nobleman.

Usually, when introducing themselves, nobles say the family name first.

'But you belong to the Blue Dragon Tower?'

“Why are you doing that?”

“Because you didn’t tell me your family name…”

Yoner looked at Lee Han as if it was ridiculous.

Why did you say your name but not your family?

“Isn’t it too troublesome to say the family name every time you introduce yourself?
If I go later, I'll have to introduce myself by telling you where the family's land
is, starting with the name of the head of state."

“You do that when you party with nobles, don’t you?”


At Yonner's words, Lee Han was genuinely disgusted.

Nilia, who was watching this, opened her mouth with a vigilant voice.

“If the two of you are going to talk, go somewhere else and talk. Why are you

“Would you like to move together?”


Nelia was startled by Lee Han's words.

I hadn't even thought of it.

“What are you up to?”

Nelia looked at Lee Han with hostile eyes.

She did not like the children of noble families very much.
It was the same when I was living in the North.

Occasionally, nobles who came to the mountain range would frown on their arrogance,
asking, 'How can people live in a place like this?'

Even if the hunters provided the best food and the best bed, the nobles just
grumbled over and over, saying that they had no taste, that they were
uncomfortable, and that they treated them poorly.

Some of the scouts joked, 'If you pretend to be a guide to the mountains and push
them down the cliff, no one will know?'

As she grew up in such a place, there was no reason for Nelia to regard the
students of the Blue Dragon Tower as good.

“It would be at a disadvantage to wander alone in such a large place. If there are
even monsters, there must be at least three.”

"huh. I do not need."

Nelia snorted and refused. Lee Han asked, not surprised.

“May I ask why?”


“Depending on what reason you turned down, we can figure out who you are. Hmm.
Shall I give it a try?”

After thinking for a moment, Lee Han opened his mouth.

“You probably didn’t think we would use it as bait, or throw it away if we were in
danger. It's very disrespectful to both of us."

"...That's not right."

Even after hearing those words from two people from noble families, no one could
say 'That's right'.

No matter how reluctant Nelia was, she couldn't say that.

“Then did you ever think that alone would be enough?”

“That’s it…”

“I hope not. No matter how good you are, you never know what will happen in the
mountains and forests. Besides, finding herbs isn't the end, you have to carefully
dig them up, right? If you think you can do all of that on your own, you're really
stupid. I don't think you are that kind of person. Well. I really don't know why.”

"...shut up. We can't go together!"

Nelia turned around with a smirk.

Lee Han nodded his head with satisfaction. Yoner looked at Lee Han with a surprised

'What the hell does the Wodanaj family teach?'

* * *

Nelia's gait was light and fast.

He took the lead and made a path quickly and walked like a really skilled hunter.

Yoner asked Lee Han as if curious.

“It works really well, but how did you recognize and talk to me?”

“Looks like I have developed muscles in my legs and calves, and I have lumps and
calluses on my hands and fingers. This is what happens when you hold a bow. This is
evidence that only an experienced hunter can have.”



Not only Yonner, but Nilia, who was walking in front of him, were thrilled to hear

I hope you can guess where she came from with something like that.

I thought it was funny that he came from a noble family, but that boy named Lee Han
had a strange atmosphere that cannot be lightly underestimated.

It's like piercing someone else's insides...

“Just kidding, I had the <Shadow Patrol> mark on my waist. If you’re from there,
you won’t be able to climb mountains well.”


Nelia quickly turned her head and glared at Lee Han.

Yoner asked with a smile.

“Did you hear me?”

“I wasn’t listening!”

“Let’s go together. Adjust your pace.”

“You have to match, why do I have to match!”

Lee Han answered Nelia's words.

“Hey, it’s Yoner here who has the ability to classify herbs here. If Yonaire
collapses from exhaustion, we must find it together.”


Nelia was speechless again. She didn't allow her pride to force her though.

"Okay. You can delay it.”

"Five. As a shadow patrol, wise..."

“Are you kidding me?? yes??"

“It’s a compliment.”

Perhaps it was just that she was constantly being attacked by Lee Han, so Nelia
turned her arrow.

“He says he recognizes herbs, and I act as a guide. what are your abilities? What
is your role?”

'Would you be offended if I told you to ride for free?'

Lee Han was about to say that, but stopped. Because there was no need to enhance
the opponent's temper.

“I’m in the role of chasing wild beasts or monsters around me.”


Nelly had nothing else to say. When she climbs a mountain, it is important that the
person who takes on the role of chasing monsters is important.

From the looks of it, Lee Han seemed to come from a knight family. Because he was
tall and well-kept as if his physique was well-trained.

'...uh? Isn't the knight a white tiger tower?'

“I don’t think I heard it before. Where did you say your family was?”

“Wordanaz. House Wodanaz.”


Nelia stepped back with a disgusted expression on her face. Ian was slightly hurt.


People in the original family could not know the rumors or images of the family.

When it came to the Wodanaj family, the family's mansion was larger than any
castle, and the family's land was as wide as a city.

The people who live there and the people who work there couldn't say anything rude
about the Wodanaj clan...

“Is there something wrong with the Wodanaj family?”

“Oh… nothing. Absolutely no problem.”

Nelly took a step back again.

"I don't know what rumors you've heard, but they're all nonsense."

Even with Lee Han's words, Nelia did not loosen her boundaries. Yoner said

“Originally, absurd rumors are bound to come from the noble families of the Empire.
I don’t care too much.”

"is it?"
“Of course, the Wodanaj family is a bit harsh, but…”


It wasn't very comforting.

While the two were talking, Nelia said in a firm voice that she had made up her

"okay. There is no reason for me to be intimidated by the Wodanaj family.”

“What rumors did you hear?”


Nelia pondered for a moment whether she could tell me or not.

It's a little bit hard to tell...

-The head of the Wodanaj family is actually a dragon. When the undead frenzy
happened in the western part of the continent, he flew and burned all the undead
with breath.

-The bloodlines of the Wodanaj family received enormous magical powers in exchange
for a contract with a powerful ancient spirit, but they lost their emotions.

- Wizards from the Wodanaj family have neither blood nor tears. A city was
destroyed by House Wordanaj wizards who appeared during the imperial separatist

...and so on.

The image of the Wodanaj family was far more terrifying than Lee Han had imagined.

In the eyes of the common people of the Empire, it feels like 'ruthless magic
monsters that don't appear normally, but suddenly appear and wipe out when
something happens'.

“If a major incident occurs in the Empire, of course the Archmage will come,

“Because it is. Don’t worry too much.”

Lee Han was embarrassed, and Yonner was very accommodating. Nelia thought to
herself at the reaction.

'The rumor that I lost my emotions is definitely a rumor...?'

* * *

"for a moment."


“Something is strange. Look here.”

Nelia pointed her finger to the ground.

It was almost invisible because it was a hill covered with grass, but Nelia had
traced it with her dark elves' unique sense and her experience of <Shadow Patrol>.

“Can you see it? A pretty big guy walked over here.”

“Isn’t that shallow for something like that?”

“You got it right. He must be a pretty smart guy. I was moving without leaving a
trace while controlling my power, but I made a mistake eating this fruit here.”

Yonner didn't show much interest.

In the beginning, Yonaire's interest was alchemy.

It was only natural that he wasn't interested in the hunter's tracking techniques.
Yoner looked around and was checking to see if there were any herbs.


Nelly was a little annoyed inside.

When we were in <Shadow Patrol>, everyone was in agreement.

Everyone was a hunter and a ranger, and most of the villagers had hunters or
rangers in their families, so whatever they said they could talk about it.

- I almost got mad. The hair is beautiful, so I tried to catch it somehow...

-ha ha ha! This can be happen. When I was younger too...

People who can talk for an hour just by taking out the game they saw while hunting.

On the other hand, there are so many different people here.

- Well, it happened to me in the mountains...


-uh. to go hunting...

- Until hunting? why?

-Yeah, I belong to the patrol...

- Can't we just buy it with money?

-...Sis bird, do you really want to get behind?

- Hey!

...For Nilia, who had been through the same conversation, Yonaire's reaction was a
bit annoying.

But what to do?

'okay. Not everyone is a hunter, so I have to adapt.'

"Five. That's fun. Anything else?”


Meanwhile, Lee Han's reaction was unexpected for Nelia.

Lee Han is listening seriously with a very interesting expression.

Nelia asked in confusion.

“Is it fun?”

“Isn’t that the part that shouldn’t be fun?”

" It's not that it shouldn't be fun, but I didn't mean to say it was supposed
to be fun, but of course..."


When the opponent was gibberish, Lee Han was taken aback.

'Have you been drinking?'

Nelia herself realized that she was making strange noises, so she hurriedly
returned to the topic.

"great! Anyway, it's best to be careful when you spot any traces of such a large
prey. See the cut grass here? They have pretty big claws.”


Lee Han was basically curious and likes to learn.

Otherwise, no matter how much I was deceived by the professor, I would not have
gone to graduate school.

Not just magic, but the wisdom of such a hunter was quite interesting.

“Can you find out the other person’s identity?”

“This is not enough.”

Nilia folded her arms as if it was a pity, and said.

There was a saying that a seasoned hunter could identify himself just by looking at
his footprints, but that was a fantasy.

A hunter could guess the identity just by looking at the footprints because he had
lived in the area for a long time and knew all the monsters in that area.

I don't know what's around here, but I can't figure it out right away.

"Besides, I've heard that there are a lot of strange monsters around the magic

"ah. I heard that story too.”

Yonner nodded.

Einroguard itself was located in a land rich in magical power, so a lot of monsters
had to appear under the influence of that magic.
And apart from that...

“The monsters created during the experiment are roaming around the school. It is
said that rare slimes often occur because of discarded potions.”


Ian was not funny.

'Aren't there any safety rules for the wizards here?'

From potions to artificial creatures created by magic.

Shouldn't these things be carefully managed?

However, it was only natural that such a problem would arise if we just threw it

“I should be more careful.”

“Well said! I'm basically going to follow this trail and move. There will be fewer

“Can I learn to read traces too?”

At Lee Han's words, Nelia blinked.

I wondered if I was being rude, so Lee Han said again.

“If it’s hard to teach, it doesn’t matter if you just ignore it…”

“ must never be easy, will you give up learning along the way? Do you know how
difficult this skill is?”

“If you teach me, I will try my best not to do that.”

"...huh. I’ll teach you, so why don’t you try it once!”

Yoner asked in a low voice so that Nilia could not hear.

“Do I really need to learn something like that?”

"why. You look fun.”


* * *

"found. poison ivy.”

While Nilia and Lee Han were on their guard, Yoner discovered a medicinal herb.

Lee Han admired the herbs hidden among the thickly grown bushes.

'Yongke found.'

“There are only two.”



"I just need to find one more... Why are you all silent?"

Yonner turned his head.

And I realized why the two of them disappeared.


A gigantic pig was glaring at him very intensely.

“I can feel the magic, so I must have eaten something wrong.”

At the magical power felt from the pig, Lee Han said calmly.

Whether you ate the reagents that spilled around you, ate a potion, or received a
special experiment...

“Now is not the time to say that! Be careful!"

Nelia whispered in an urgent voice.

Pigs were never weak animals.

Heavily sized, with quite agile movements. The one with fangs was even more

Besides, the opponent now was not a livestock that was raised quietly, but a beast
that had completely recovered its wildness.

If he ate strange things and had magical powers, it was better to see him as a

“Think of it as a wild boar! Never provoke! Everyone step back slowly!”

Nelia said to the two of them.

Yoner gave strength to his wobbly legs. Lee Han supported Yoner and leaned back a


But the pig made a sound and strode over this way.

He seemed to be quite angry, so he was spewing steam and being brave.

“It would be dangerous if we just retreat further.”

Lee Han stopped with a stick.

It was quite plausible to stand forward, holding the staff strongly with both
hands, like a spear.

'right...! Was she from the Wodanaj family?'

It was then that Nilia remembered which family Lee Han came from.
From the Imperial Archmage family, from the Wardanaj family.

As such, he might have learned some magic before coming here.

'Didn't you say that you were in the role of chasing wild animals or monsters
around you?'

Nelia asked Lee Han in a low voice.

“Are you sure?”

“Not sure, but maybe?”

“If you fail, run with that red hair on your back! I will lure you in!”

Among the people here, it was Nilia herself who could traverse the mountains and
hills the fastest.

It wasn't that I didn't believe in Lee Han's magic, but an experienced hunter
always had to be prepared for emergencies.

If things went wrong, Nelia was planning to lure the pigs out of her.

Lee Han made a slightly moved expression by Nelia's words. It was the same with

“So far we...”

“Isn’t that what it is!? It’s something that only me can do, right?!”

"okay. Anyway, thank you. Please take good care of me in any case.”

Lee Han concentrated without talking any more.

The pigs were also getting closer and closer.

'three. two. one.'

Lee Han calmly counted and measured the distance with his opponent.

Nilia, who was watching from behind, swallowed her saliva with a nervous

What kind of magic are you trying to use against that pig?



A clear sound echoed from the pig's head.

What Lee Han chose was wielding a staff.

* * *

-You are the king of black weapons, but you shouldn't only deal with swords.
Swordsmanship must be prepared for situations where there is no sword. Swords,
spears, clubs, daggers and bare hands.

-...I don't mean to say, but don't you complain?


- Oh, no.

Alaron was not a person who taught easily just because he was a direct descendant
of the family.

He taught Yi Han as rigorously and harshly as he had been taught.

And Lee Han learned really well.

Other nobles would have said, 'Why do I have to work so hard!', but Lee Han was the
exact opposite.

'I do exercise even with money, isn't it worth it?'

When I was in graduate school, I couldn’t even want to exercise, but I couldn’t be
dissatisfied with the situation now that Allaron taught me everything from one to

Besides, if you're sick, the servants will come running right away and offer you
food, drink, and magic potions...

- Lee Han. You may be wondering by now. Why not teach me how to put Aurors on
weapons like other knights do.

- You didn't even think of that? Can someone like me rise to such a great level?

-...if it's not because of the auror, then why did you say you want to learn

Allarlong looked at Lee Han as if he was absurd rather than teaching.


Wizards weren't the only ones dealing with mana.

A swordsman who has practiced wielding a sword his whole life can condense mana and
put it on top of his sword.

It's the realm of Aurors!

Because this is so cool and gorgeous, there were many people among the noble
children who wanted to learn swordsmanship after seeing this.

Even the wizard family was no different.

So, when Lee Han first said that he wanted to learn swordsmanship, Allarlong
thought like this.

'Hey, you want to learn Aurors. You will be disappointed if you find out the

Allaron is a strict knight.

I didn't bother telling the truth in the first place. It was because I thought that
Lee Han would get away on his own.

However, Lee Han endured better than expected, and Allarlong, satisfied, decided to
tell the truth first.

...But I was a little embarrassed that Lee Han wasn't interested in Auror.

- I thought it was enough to train myself and protect myself.


At Lee Han's words, Allarlong was unwittingly admiring.

It was a mature look that a child could not show.

He was learning swordsmanship with such a serious mind.

-Actually, Lee Han-nim. Han Lee can also write an auror. someday

- No... I'm here to come. I'm just a wizard...

-The Auror is not something that can be realized just by swinging a sword. But as I
taught you, if you consistently wield and train your sword, you will realize it one

- Because I just need to protect my body. kyung. I want to live in the office.

Anyway, Lee Han did as Allarlong told him to do.

I didn't really want to become a Sword Master after realizing Auror, I just trained
it so there was nothing wrong with it.

* * *

...the results were coming out right now.

'The taste of the hand...?'

Lee Han surprised himself.

It was not surprising that he saw the pig's movements and sharpened his staff
precisely the moment he entered.

Because it was a skill I learned while being beaten by Allarlong over and over

The staff provided by the magic school was very hard, so there was no problem at
all using it as a club.

However, when I beat the pig, I felt the magical energy around me waving and
gathering in the staff.

A sensation that I have never felt when practicing while swinging a sword!

'Is it because I started learning magic?'

I wondered if this was what Allarlong said, 'You will realize it someday'.
The feeling of naturally gathering magic power into the weapon.

Of course, it was still at a ridiculous level to be called an Auror.

You have to collect, collect, and condense magical power to become an Auror.

But that was enough.

Attacks with magical power are far more destructive than just wielding them.

- Crumple...

In fact, the pig, who had been grunting so wildly, squealed in one room and fell to
the side.

Nelia, who was watching, looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

'Have I not seen it? Did you use magic?'

The world of magic was wide, and of course there were strength-enhancing magic and
agility-enhancing magic.

However, it was too difficult magic for a freshman who had just entered the school.

“Did you do it!?”

"It looks like it's hurting..."

Lee Han put his wand down and checked the mutant pig's breathing. It was definitely

Yonner stood up with support. And then he said absurdly.

“Is this class okay?”

“I had that idea since I met the principal.”

No matter how deep the secret of alchemy lies in nature, such a monster roams where
freshmen who have not learned a single magic properly wander around.

The horse was a pig, so it was not strange to break down a thick tree just by
looking at its power.

'Aren't you going to listen to alchemy?'

Ian thought seriously.

Assuming that the professors at this magic school are all a little crazy, if you
calculate the probability of death...

Wouldn't the class taken outside the classroom be higher than the class taken
inside the classroom?

I thought it was a class of eating raw, but seeing the monsters now, it could get
tougher in the future.

“I can ask you to go deeper into the forest and collect even the saliva of the

Yoner also furrowed his eyebrows a bit worried about Lee Han's words.

He wanted to open an alchemy workshop, but he didn't want to die.

“Sleep… wait. You don't want to hear it, are you?"

Nelia said hurriedly.

Still, poor friendship.

They were two barely made friends. If these two didn't show up in alchemy class,
Nelia had to listen to her alone again.

“Isn’t that!? You two... both belong to the Blue Dragon Tower. Now, isn't there
such a thing as pride?"

“I have none.”

“I tend to think that profit is more important than fame…”


At the words of the two great nobles, Nilia was completely upset.

“Yeah, do whatever you want!”

"no. Why are you pouting?”

"right. It’s not that I decided not to listen.”


As soon as Nelia turned her head to ask, a familiar cry erupted from the other


"...I guess you're here again."

“…you may not hear…”


* * *

What the three of them found was the mutant pig they had just dealt with.

Lee Han quickly came to a conclusion when he realized that there were not just one,
but two or more like that around here.

“I should stop listening.”


"I don't think now is the time to fight over it..."

Yonner pointed down.

The pig was not alone. He was threatening the unlucky students.

'Six people.'

There were six of them, including the princess and Adenart.

A much better situation than this group.

“Will I be able to catch it on my own?”


Yoner looked at Lee Han once, then looked down again. And he looked at Lee Han

“Is that so?”

“They tell them to take care of themselves.”

Nelia grumbled.

The group of followers following Adenart didn't look very good.

What appeared to be a noble and arrogant princess and those who flirt with it!

“I will deal with you!”


One out of six came out. Lee Han was also a nobleman who had seen his face in the

"Who is it?"

Of course, just looking at their faces didn't make them instantly recognizable.
Although Lee Han knew the imperial noble families, he did not know the faces of his

“Asan Moon Card.”

"Aha. You are the mooncard family.”

“…why do you know the family but not the face…?”

Yonner was puzzled.

Moon card crest.

If the Wodanaj family had been the emperor's advisor from generation to generation,
the Dalkad family was a family that had served as the imperial prime minister or
treasurer from generation to generation.

A family with a high reputation for excellent and accurate work.

“If it’s the Dalcard family, I can trust it.”

"yes. Unlike Gainando, I think it’s reliable.”


Nelia, who was listening, tilted her head.

Did you just say the prince?

Asan was tall and skinny, but his posture holding a cane was plausible.

Lee Han noticed that Asan had learned quite a bit of swordsmanship.

How to get to know each other.

“That moon card also learned swordsmanship.”

“Really… that would be fine.”

Yonner was relieved.

He didn't want the six people below to get hurt.

Asan grabbed the staff and aimed at the pig.

“I read 100% of your movements.”

And one step.

“You cannot escape my prediction. pig!"

And one step.

It was exactly the same stride as if drawn with a ruler. Ian was slightly amazed.

'Is it a human campus?'

The swordsmanship of the Empire was as diverse as magic.

Strong and heavy swordsmanship, fast and light swordsmanship, varied and complex

And Alarlong said that there are swordsmanships like the one that Asan is using

-Based on complex mathematical calculations, a geometric swordsmanship that creates

a figure centering on one's position every time you step on the footwork...

-Five. Looks fun, can you learn it?

-...Yes!? You think that looks fun!? Doesn't that sound like crazy swordsmanship?

Allarlong didn't know how to use that sword, so he only taught him the swordsman he
knew, but seeing Asan holding his staff and moving, it reminded me of that.

Thoroughly thorough!


When Asan provoked the pig while stepping on the foot technique, the pig also
seemed to have a temper.
Wept fiercely and ran to Asan.

Asan stepped aside, as if in a bullfight, and ferociously stabbed the pig in the
side with a stick.




And Asan flew away.

Angry pigs hit the brakes abruptly and then threw their torso sideways.



It didn't hit orthodox, but the shock wasn't too great. Asan rolled around.

“ね. My calculations were wrong...”

“…he was just a guy who studied swordsmanship hard…”

Ihan muttered.

As you can see, he studied swordsmanship hard, but it seemed he had little
practical experience.

So your posture is fine, but you can't predict it like that against a pig that's
attacking you and fly away!

“Let’s help.”


Nilia was surprised at Lee Han's words.

He didn't know that he would come forward to help in that situation.

'Is this the dignity of aristocrats...?'

Unlike other nobles who only have their mouths alive, they take the lead in a
dangerous situation.

He was like a nobleman, as if he had seen it in a story. Nelia was very slightly

“After helping me, I will be able to ask for other classes in the future. exams or
assignments. Especially if it’s the relationship of the princess.”


Neila's emotions were gone.

Hey you snob...!

* * *

Adenart beckoned to the back.

Even without words, the meaning was clear.

The four remaining students hurriedly hid behind Adenart.

It's not like I'm hiding anything, but...

Adenart suddenly felt lonely.

It was she who said Vicky, but she wasn't happy with the situation.

But this is also just a job to be done.

Like everything else he's done perfectly, Adenart was going to do this pig

'Read the breath. If you rush...'


The pig rolled sideways with a roar.


And Lee Han appeared from behind him, sighing in relief.

“Fortunately, I didn’t.”

“Do you see how important it is to approach with a headwind?”

"okay. A hunter's wisdom is great."

“…maybe if I keep taking alchemy classes, I can deepen my wisdom?”

"no. I hate that.”


Lee Han had already made up his mind.

I hate alchemy!

'I will live in the classroom.'

Adenart stiffened for a moment, then regained his emotions and bowed his head.

"...thank you. Wodanaz.”

“It’s nothing. Princess.”

Nelia, who was listening next to her, whispered as if wondering.

-Why are you being respectful?

- That's it. I too was caught up in the atmosphere.

They were all of the same age and had school rules, so regardless of their status,
they were commonplace, but when the princess spoke like that, I ended up using
respectful words without knowing it.

"Oh yeah. If you think you've owed me, may I ask you a favor?"

Adenart nodded.

“If there is a course that I can get good grades for, please recommend it.”

As the princess has a wider network than Lee Han, she must have a lot of knowledge.

Ian thought so.


Of course, from AdenArt's point of view, it was a sound that was a little dazed.

What is this Wizard of House Wodanaj talking about now?

I'm not asking because I want to eat a lecture raw, does it mean something else?

“I know a course that gets good grades!”

A dwarf's voice came from behind.

Lee Han suddenly felt a creepy ominous feeling.

Just like when I met my old graduate school professor...


The dwarf professor grabbed Lee Han's collar, who was trying to get out of the way.

Then he said in a pleasant voice.

“That’s an alchemy class. Wodanaz.”



"Is that so. professor."

Lee Han didn't show his emotions on his face.

It's not like I've been dealing with crazy professors for a day or two, but I'm not
acting like a kid.

“Certainly, if you have passion and affection for an alchemy lecture, you can get
good grades.”

'After this lecture, I will not listen again.'

“Did you think so too?”

Thunderstep stole his nose with a happy expression.

“Then listen.”
“…I haven’t taken any other lectures yet…”

"ah. it's done Listen. Couldn't another lecture be better than this one?"

“No, listen to everything…”

"no! You must listen!”

Lee Han slowly felt that he was caught wrong.

The other students next to him were looking at Lee Han with jealous expressions.

-As expected, the Wodanaj clan...

- It's a great talent...

'You're making me even more pissed off.'

Professor Thunderwalk said looking around.

“Today’s lecture should end here. Unfortunately, the group that went elsewhere did
not meet the pig.”


"...professor. Did you deliberately let the pig meet?”

One of the students said in a voice mixed with astonishment.

The horse was a pig, and that was like a handmade monster.

If he had not been lucky, he could have broken bones and ruptured his intestines
and died.

He replied as if it was natural to thunder.

“Then, would you have let me gather only medicinal herbs? Of course, you have to
face the situations you might face while gathering herbs.”

“That… that…”

“It is so. Hey. Could it be that the professor didn't prepare anything before
sending it? He must have been following us.”

"iced coffee..."

When one of the students said so, everyone agreed.


"not really? Why would I follow you?”

The dwarf professor looked at him as if he was talking about something.

“I came here because a pig fell down.”

“What if… Then there’s a big accident?!”

“Then you probably don’t have any talent for alchemy.”



Lee Han seemed to have heard the voices of the students gathered here.

'A dog meal...!'

“It is the talent of an alchemist to handle all kinds of emergencies, whether

catch, avoid, run or hide. iron heads. Do you understand?”


“I… I don’t need poison vinegar then?”

Yonner raised his hand carefully and asked. Thunderstep said with a surprised

“Did you find poison ivy?”


“Such. I really didn't know how to find it. You are also successful! ruler. come
here. You should definitely listen.”


Yonaire was suddenly dragged along.

“I, I didn’t find it alone. I also found Nelia over there.”

"okay? You are also successful! Come on!”

Thundersteps pulled Nelia this time. She made her face that Neilia didn't know if
she should like it or not.

“And here in Wodanaj...”

“You must really listen!”


Lee Han gave up halfway.

At this point, it was impossible to escape.


Even if you don't attend class, there's nothing good about being photographed by a

If I didn't listen here, I didn't know that this dwarf professor might even come to
another classroom.

“…I will do my best to listen. Alchemy was my dream!”

Thunderstep smiled. He had read Lee Han's emotional changes.

Among the freshmen here, the most mentally mature was Lee Han.

He obviously didn't want to take an alchemy class, but when he realized that he
couldn't avoid it, he quickly accepted it and changed his attitude.

People from noble families could not hide their inner feelings well.

He never had to hide his feelings for the rest of his life, so he had never been
trained to endure that way.

From that point of view, Lee Han was really interesting.

“There is nothing to be sorry about. Alchemy lectures are a privilege.”

The thunderous steps decided to appease Lee Han.

It was a difficult world to find a disciple.

Just as students view and evaluate lectures, professors evaluate students.

If there was a disciple he liked, he had to hold on to it like thunder.

However, if you forcefully hold on to it, it could backfire and escape.

The best was the carrots.

“What privilege do you mean?”

“There is my hut near the forest. Normally, access is not allowed, but since you
killed a pig and saved a poison ivy, please allow me to approach it freely during
this semester as a privilege.”


I wondered what kind of bullshit Lee Han was.

It's a privilege to come to the professor's house to play.

'Are you talking about the privilege of cleaning, the privilege of sorting, the
privilege of slavery?'

"...ah. I was too little to explain.”

Looking into Lee Han's eyes, I noticed what the thunderous foot was thinking.
Professor Dwarf added hastily.

“Do you know what the Ironheads want the most?”

“Isn’t it an easy course to get credit for?”

“…are you really from the Wodanaj family? It's not bad either, but the answer is to
eat. Right now, the complexion is pretty bad, but in a week or so, they'll try to
eat each other."

Thunderstep's words were persuasive.

More than 80% of the students gathered here were well-fed and lived well.

Of course, if I accepted such students and gave them hard black bread and cold rice
balls, it was inevitable that they would suffer.

“But my hut has meat and fish from the forest, spices and vegetables from secret
places I know. Do you know what this means?”


It was then that Lee Han realized.

A kind of buffet pass!


"this guy. I’m starting to like you.”

The two priests held each other's hands and exchanged a warm friendship.

* * *

After class, while the students moved to find the next lecture (some students were
muttering, 'See you again,'), Lee Han stayed still.

Yoner and Nilia asked as if wondering.

“Aren’t you going?”

“I’m going to dismantle the pigs.”




Thundering alone admired.

It was the first time I had ever seen a freshman adapt so quickly.

"professor. Can you eat this?”

“It just got ferocious, there’s nothing wrong with eating it.”

"okay. Could you lend me some equipment so I can dismantle it and smoke it...?”

"this guy. Alchemy is already getting better, isn't it?"

"Yes. Alchemy is really good.”

After adapting to reality, Lee Han decided to love alchemy.

'If what the professor said is true, it is not a matter of waiting.'

I thought there was a hint.

From the time I entered the school, the principal said, 'The answer is in this
school, so find it.'

Freshmen must find something to eat on their own and endure!

'I wonder if there are any schools like this... but honestly, I'm not really
surprised anymore.'

It's a school where people don't know even if they die, but it's not surprising
that they take care of themselves and take care of their own food.

Lee Han carried pigs one by one and went to the creek.

Because it was good to have water to drain the blood and dismantle the intestines.

“I’ll help you.”

Yonaire rolled up her sleeves and approached.

“Are you okay?”

“In the future, we will have to deal with more materials than this. Would you like
some meat instead?”


It was as if Lee Han heard a gurgling sound from Yoner's stomach.

Nelia stood behind her and spoke as if she was bewildered.

“Are you two really going to break up!?”


“No… why at school…”

"Are not you hungry?"

"...great! I'll help you!”

Lee Han had also learned how to hunt and dismantle with Allarlong, and Nelia was
literally an expert.

In addition, Yonner was not an amateur as he practiced handling materials over and
over again.

“The equipment is here. This will be enough.”

Thunderstep brought the necessary equipment. His eyes were full of interest, 'Let's
see where and how'.

Lee Han drew his dagger and skinned it.


'How are you?'

Nelia was frankly surprised.

He didn't know that Lee Han, who came from a great aristocratic family, could be as
good as Nelia.

The three worked hard to skin them, then sorted the meat and hung it on a branch.

Since it was so big, there were plenty of parts to eat, but Lee Han didn't even
throw away the intestines.

'I must make the intestines from sausage.'

As I don't know how long this hellish first-year life will last, the more food I
make, the better.

“Are you going to smoke?”



Thunderstep was admirable.

I couldn't leave all this meat alone. No matter how cool the weather is, it will go
bad after a while.

But if you smoke the meat with smoke, it lasts much longer. It was a great way for
new students.

"professor. I will use this piece of wood.”

“Sleep… wait.”

When Lee Han touched the tree he had piled up near the hut, his footsteps thundered
in shock.

The smoke was not made of any wood. As far as smoke is concerned, the more fragrant
the wood, the better.

'It is a high-quality apple wood firewood prepared with great care...'

If he had a talent for recognizing good things, Lee Han took it with him again.
Thunderstep was savored with regret.

“Nelia. Would this be enough?”

“Not enough. The garage is full.”

Smoke billowed out and the stench of meat stung his nostrils. Beads of sweat were
forming on the foreheads of the three working hard.


Ian looked away. It wasn't Yonaire, it wasn't Nilia.

It was a dwarf professor.

“…are you a marketer?”

"okay. I am going out.”

Ian got up from her seat. Graduate students automatically move when the professor
is hungry.

'There's a lot of meat, so I'll have to grill some.'

"professor. Bread and butter…”

“…take it in moderation…”

Thundering grunted, but he didn't say anything more because it was his meal.

Lee Han placed the meat on a cast iron skillet. When I put the meat, I didn't just
put it on. Seasoned properly with salt and pepper.

Jumulok, Jumulok-

“What are you doing?”

“I am working on it.”


I thought that the thunderous step was prepared by Lee Han in a very unusual way.

Just bake it...

And even then, he didn't stop. He made a cut in the meat, greased a frying pan, and
put the meat on top.

The smell of roasting meat spread with a sizzling sound. Lee Han also placed
vegetables brought from the side of the hut on the frying pan.

“Why are you stopping?”

When Lee Han stopped baking, Professor Dwarf was perplexed. It is not yet ripe.

“It’s even better if you add butter like this.”

“You’re not saying that you don’t have any talent for alchemy, are you?”

The thunderous gait looked suspiciously at him. I didn't mean to take it off.

“Drink it and say something like that.”

When the meat was grilled to a golden color, a rather plausible meal was completed.

Pork steak and grilled vegetables. And thick bread and butter from the hut.

It wasn't freshly baked bread, but it was enough for freshmen who only ate black

Whoa, whoa-

suddenly became quiet.

All four of them ate their minds.

The best thing to eat was thunder walk.

The Dwarf professor tore a handful of bread, sandwiched a large loaf of roast pork,
and ate it with enthusiasm.

Then he walked alone to the hut and came out with a jar of jam.



"...I'll give it to you little by little, so don't look at me like that.



Sweets restored the spirit of a person and restored the soul.

That was the jam that Professor Thunderwalker brought.

The students who ate strawberry jam, raspberry jam, fig jam, etc. spread a lot on
the bread, and looked drunk.


The Dwarf professor looked at the first-year students as if he were pitiful again.

As a professor at this magic school, he knew how difficult it was for new students.

Seniors can go out, but freshmen have to endure inside...

“Eat a lot now. I won't be able to eat for a while."

"thank you. professor!"

Sizzling thick meat and sweet jam and buttered buns.

There, the scenery of the flowing spring water and even like-minded friends.

Everyone ate and drank happily.

While the freshmen ate their fills and took a deep breath, Professor Thundergaul
went into cleaning up by hand.

"...for a moment. Why don't you run out of one can of jam?”

"sorry. professor."


Seeing Lee Han brazenly pulling out a jar of jam from between his cloaks, the
thunderous walk was at a loss for words.

'This freshman is really unusual!'

* * *

The size of the pig, which had grown with magical power, was greater than expected.

Even though I ate and smoked as much as I could, there was still a lot of meat
Even Professor Thunderwalker brought a few packs to hang in his hut.

“What about this?”

"professor. Is there any way to keep this?”

Lee Han looked at the thunder and asked. Thunderstep nodded in reply.



“It’s freezing using cold-type magic.”



The freshmen stared at thunderous steps.

Now I can't even cast <Light Generation> properly, so next time I have to practice
with Professor Troll again, how can I use a cold magic that freezes meat?

“Isn’t there anything other than that?”



“I summon a cold spirit and get help. By the way, I can use both.”



The freshmen exchanged glances. And then they agreed.

'Let's not just ask that professor.'


Perhaps even the thunderous steps noticed it, he coughed once and said.

“I’m sorry, but at your level, you won’t be able to preserve all of the meat here.”

“If the professor casts a spell…”

At Nilia's words, the Dwarf professor refused with a single blow.

“That is not fair.”

“Ummm… can I give it to my friends?”

Nelia looked at the two of them and asked. She needed permission as much as Lee Han
and Yoner were caught together.

“It’s up to you, so you can do whatever you want.”


“Oh, thank you.”

Nelia blushed slightly. She was moved by their care.

I haven't made friends with the top students yet, but these meat gifts will be a
good opportunity to get acquainted with my friends who are starving and hungry now.

As in the mountains, the saying, 'Your friend is your friend when you are hungry'
was not for nothing.

Nelia suggested to hide her flirtatiousness.

“How about giving it to you too?”

“Oh… you get paid?”

“Is that really okay?”

Lee Han and Yonere admired Nelia's proposal. Nelia waved her hand in embarrassment.

“No, I didn’t talk about money…”

"exactly. Most of the students who entered the Blue Dragon Tower must have a lot of
money. There’s nothing wrong with giving food to these guys and getting a little
bit of money.”

"okay! We are being kind to our friends.”

Yoner nodded as if he could agree with Lee Han's words.

Some of the nobles' children might have responded, 'What's the point of being
dishonored?' But in reality, the two nobles gathered here were very realistic

Lee Han from <Let's Earn Like a Dog, Eat Well and Live Well>.

Yonaire from <Let's Save a Coin for the Alchemy Workshop>.

The two shook hands with an understanding expression.

Of course, there were also sane people. She asked Nelia, as if she couldn't believe

“…are you trying to sell food to real friends now?”

“Do you do it too?”


At Lee Han's question, Nelia rolled her feet.

“It’s kind of… a bit, isn’t it?!”

“Nelia. Think carefully. How much will my friends’ self-esteem be hurt if they just
receive it without any cost.”

"right. We take care of our friends.”


The two nobles were talking about the pride of the nobles quite plausibly, but
Nilia was no longer deceived.

“…I’m just going to give it to my friends.”

"Do whatever you feel like. Nelia. But you may regret it.”

"right. Nelia. Friendships may disappear, but gold remains.”

“Do they really think of you as friends?”

“Of course it may be. But there's a better way. Gold coins…”

“I won’t hear you, so be quiet, both of you!”

The professor, who was sitting on a chair in front of the hut, sipping coffee,
shook his head as he listened to the three of them talking.

'Those three, if they rush forward, it's going to be a bit of a headache.'

The freshmen came from all over the empire, so there were all kinds of students.

Now, these three were talented people with great passion and talent, but...

Leaving that aside, I saw the contemplation of 'a bunch of accidents'.

* * *

The arrogant blue dragon tower.

This dormitory, which is located far away from the main building of Einrogard, was
greeted by the fresh scent of the forest that seemed to be infused with spirits
when passing through the main gate.

Even students who are tired of a dry and barren meal can temporarily soften their
expressions when they breathe in this air.


But today's air was a little different.

profit, profit-

It had an appetizing smell, like grilling meat.

“Hey. Did everyone have a good meal?”

“What a great evening!”



The students who came out were shocked to see a tall boy and a girl with red hair
waving their hands in greeting.
They were freshmen from the Wodanaj and Makekin families.

And what they were holding in their hand were tongs.

Tick, tick-

Lee Han put the firewood in the bonfire installed under the iron plate. The broadly
cut meat on top cooked with a sizzling sound.

At the sound and smell, someone's stomach rumbled.


"ruler. Everyone come and eat. I got it for you guys.”

“Jeong… Really?! Is that really??”

The freshmen opened their eyes wide and shouted.

Even though they each came from a noble family, they were still just boys and

With the skin on the verge of sticking to the back, this barbeque party was so

"okay. Instead, give me one imperial silver coin.”

“An imperial silver coin?”

In a village outside, you could eat such a grilled meat for two or three coins.

But this is in an isolated school.

There was no competitor even if they received more than three times the price.

“Is that okay?! Isn't it too cheap?"

"haha. Are we doing this to make money with you guys? I'm just doing this because
I'm afraid that you'll feel uncomfortable if you just eat it without paying

"that's right."

Lee Han and Yoner said to the students with friendly smiles.

The students were impressed.

Even if the nobles from the great family were different, something was different.

would be so generous

Everyone is hungry and in a difficult situation, so if there is something to eat,

it is not strange to eat alone, but these two prepared a bonfire on an iron plate
like this and tried to share it with their friends!


"now. meat will burn Let’s pay it quickly and eat.”

“Wait, I don’t have any silver coins.”

"me too."

The Blue Dragon Tower students paused. When I came in, I came close to my body, but
there was no money.

Lee Han held out a piece of paper and a feather pen with a look of not to worry.

“You just have to write your name and amount here and sign it. Can't we just settle
the bill at once without having to bother paying?”

"then...! Wodanaj, you are truly a genius!”

“What a convenient way to do it!”


The students possessed by hunger had slightly lowered intelligence.

They hurriedly signed autographs and ran in front of the iron plate.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Lee Han rolled up the paper and put it in his arms and looked at the scene with

'I didn't know it was going to be like this.'

Some will ask if I should earn a penny by doing that, but I had to earn money while
I could.

Besides, even a single silver coin was not a penny. Digging the ground doesn't come
out a single penny, much less silver.

If the situation where freshmen cannot go outside like this continues, Lee Han's
pockets will grow thick.

“Paliek. There is no need to forcefully eat a cold rice ball, but if you put meat
oil on an iron plate and stir-fry the rice…”

“You… are you really a genius? Wodanaz?”

“It’s just the wisdom of life.”

Lee Han tapped the students on the shoulder.

I received silver coins like that, but I was able to give this much as a service.

The students who put cooked meat in their mouths in fear of stealing them were so
moved that if they were asked to elect a first-year representative, they would
unanimously vote for Lee Han.

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! Wodanaj!”

“Makein! Makein! Makein!”

The noble students cheered the two families with murmured mouths.

Gainando, who came down late at the cheers, asked with wide eyes.

“What, what… what’s going on?”

"ah. Guyan too. I'm here? Would you like to eat meat?”

"What!? do you have meat?? really??"

Gainando decided to hear the situation later and tried to run away.


But Gainando couldn't do that. Lee Han grabbed his shoulder.


“One silver coin.”

“… money… are you getting money?”

“If you give it away for free, everyone will hurt their self-esteem.”

“It is. But I don't have money right now..."

"What. All you have to do is write your name and amount here and sign it.”

“Lee Han...!”

Gainando had a moved expression on his face.

would be so kind

After all, true friendship was at school.

* * *

Due to the sudden barbecue party, the Blue Dragon Tower students got a little

But that did not make boring lectures enjoyable.

The students frowned when they saw the title of the essential lecture titled <Basic
Magical Character Education>.

“It’s character education. What do you see us as?”

“Isn’t this something the lower classes should learn? Do nobles with honor like us
have to learn these things?”

“That’s it. I can't believe it.”

'These children have a knack for making complaints unlucky.'

Ian thought to himself.

Only the Blue Dragon Tower students were in the classroom, but if there were other
dorm students, they were quietly saying that there would have been a fight.
The surprising thing was that I wasn't saying it out of malice.

Bullshit made with a very pure heart!

good morning everyone



At the telepathic magic that hit their heads, everyone's faces became cold.

It wasn't because of magic. This voice was very familiar.

'no way...'

Hi! Ironheads!


A huge skeleton appeared from the ceiling, not the classroom door.

The principal of this academy was Osu Gonadaltes.

Isn't life at the new academy really fun? Isn't it really exciting to live within
the family fence and then try things with your own strength?

Of course, no one answered. Principal Rich looked around in surprise.

look at this What did you eat? Is it faster than you think? I thought it would take
more than a month to move!

“What do you mean? Was it something we had to find and eat on our own?”

okay. I told you to do it yourself.

“Is that what it was? I understand why we have to do this…”



The student's voice with raised hands disappeared. Principal Rich nodded his skull
happily. There was a terrifying crackling sound.


Anyway, I'm glad you ironheads are quick to realize!



No one was pleased with Principal Rich's praise. It was as if Lee Han heard someone

'The Blue Dragon Tower is usually the slowest.'

Surprisingly, however, Principal Richie praised him with sincerity.

New students entered the new dormitory every year, but among them, the Blue Dragon
Tower was the slowest to adapt.

The ones who adapt the most are the Black Turtle Tower students.

Merchants, commoners, or even students from slums come in, so their adaptability is

The next fastest were the White Tiger Tower students.

Apparently, there are many knights from families, so they have good physical
abilities and have endured difficult tasks well.

On the other hand, most of the Blue Dragon Tower students come from high-ranking
noble families.

As he had never done anything difficult, he had to adapt slowly.

But in just a few days, you know how to find something to eat and eat it.

Honestly, it was weird.

'Is that guy the culprit?'

Principal Rich's blue eyes focused on Lee Han.

The intuition of the Archmage is not always wrong.

Sometimes when I was wrong, I had to make it right even by force.

In that respect, Lee Han was fortunate.

It wasn't at all different from what Principal Richie first felt.

'The qualities of a good wizard are not simply determined by the amount of mana...'

Principal Rich didn't appreciate Lee Han because of his magical power.

That was, of course, one of the evaluation factors, but Principal Ritchie was more
impressed with the difference.

How could such a free man come out of that rigid Wodanaj family?

'Free thought. That is the companion who opens the way for the wizard.'

That's exactly what Principal Richie wanted to tell the students here.

Eating hard bread and cold rice was also to foster such free thinking.

Of course, I enjoyed watching it, but that was the original purpose anyway.

'I don't know why my spine suddenly feels cold.'

Lee Han suddenly felt an ominous feeling. It felt strangely cool for spring

* * *
"principal. We understood that we had to feed ourselves to grow as wizards. But why
should I take this character education?”

Clearly, the Blue Dragon Tower students were not afraid.

Being from a high-ranking aristocrat, he said things he had to say in front of

Principal Rich.

Principal Richie rattled the skull and said softly.

very well said Why do you think you need character education? you tell me

"...I do not know."

That's because if the wizards from here have an accident outside, the damn Emperor
will hold me accountable!!!

At the sound of Principal Richie's resounding roar, all the freshmen covered their

your seniors! go outside! If I hadn't had an accident, none of this would have
happened! You fucking ironheads!!



Why are you doing this character education?! Later, when the Emperor's dignitaries
come to ask the reason for the incident, at least make an excuse that you are
teaching character like this so you don't get caught and punished! You iron-headed
bastards!! Did you get enough answers!?!

“Yes... yes!!”

The student who asked the question was overwhelmed by Principal Richie's momentum
and nodded his head.

Wizard gnomes are basically people who don't know when and how to mess things up.
Don't you guys say no Lies like that only make me angry. I'll see you later when
I'm allowed to go out. How many accidents do you wizards have! Open the book! Read
page 1!!

“I will not threaten civilians with magic!”

Once more!

“I will not threaten civilians with magic!”

Lee Han then cried out and thought to himself.

'Does this really work?'

On the contrary, I think wizards will have more accidents if they do this kind of

* * *

All the students expected the character education class to be boring.

That expectation was wrong.

The character education lecture was much more boring than I expected.

“This is... this is a must-take lecture...”

“I think my throat is hoarse from reading so much.”

ruler. I hope that today's lecture will set a good heart in your empty iron heads.


“It seems so...”

And I need two people to help with my future lectures. Anyone volunteer?

Principal Rich asked in a soft voice. That voice was even more creepy.



The students rolled their eyes and averted their gaze. Principal Rich smiled

Wouldn't it be more painful if no one came out? Do you really mean it won't come to
the end?

"I'll do it."

It was Lee Han who raised his hand. Principal Richie put on an expression of regret
that he couldn't enjoy it any more.

The iron head of Wodanaj. do you like to work

“Wouldn’t it be an honor to help a professor you respect?”


“A guy like you is really…”

The Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee Han with deeply moved faces.

Yesterday, I filled the hungry stomachs of the students with a twilight barbecue
party, but today I am on the front line for the same dormitory students.

It was not an absurd saying that the Wodanaj family were the pillars of the empire.

Look at that responsibility!

It's pretty stupid to say something you don't even care about. But good.
Opportunities always come to active guys.

Lee Han realized that his intentions had been discovered by Principal Rich.

What I learned from Professor Thunderwalk.

It was that there was surprisingly much left to help the professor.
Especially in a closed space like now, the more I received from the professor, the

Even if the opponent is a mad skeleton lich.

"I'll do my best."

'And I'm sure I'll get good grades.'

“This… Lee Han. it's crazy?"

Gainando whispered with a shocked expression. Another student who heard that said
to Gainando.

“If no one came, everyone would have been harmed. Wodanaj wasn't crazy, he came out
for us."

“Well, that… then I…”

Gainando hesitated and tried to stand up. But the legs did not move.

'Move your legs!'

To be honorable, you had to be able to get up in this situation.

Besides, isn't Lee Han waiting only for Guy Nando?

'I need help...'

It's the iron head of the Dalcard family. Well, the Dalcards have always been good
at paperwork.

"Thank you for the compliment."

While Gainando was pondering, a second person appeared.

Asan moon card.

He was from the Dalcard family, and he was a boy who was hit by a wild pig and flew
away in an alchemy class the other day.


Lee Han looked at Asan as if puzzled. He honestly didn't know that Asan would come

'Are you looking for something similar to me?'

Asan raised her glasses and raised her glasses gracefully.

“Of course, Wodanaj, you would know why I went out.”

“…don’t you know?”

Ian said in a bewildered way.

How did he know Asan's inner feelings?

"What? why?! Of course, isn't it to repay the kindness you helped me last time?!"

Asan was even more puzzled as if he was talking about something.

Is there no other reason other than that?

"Ahhh. That was it. No, I didn't have to do that."

“What are you talking about? The Dalcard family always pays its debts.”

It's nice to see the two ironheads having a warm conversation, but there's work to
be done right now.


Write down as many copies of these safety rules as there are students so that you
can pass them out to your friends in the next class.



Principal Richie's words seemed to have awakened Asan.



"I don't understand... If it's the headmaster's magic, isn't it easy to just copy
that text on the paper here?" Isn't it inefficient for us to copy by hand?”

know. So that's what you do.


Lee Han saw it clearly.

Asan's eyes spurt of murderous intent!

* * *

-sorry. Lee Han.

-I want to help...

Yonerna Gainando and the other students left feeling sorry.

Principal Richie stopped him even though he wanted to help.

It's enough for two people! go away!

As a result, Lee Han was copying and writing in an empty classroom with the Asan

"I can't tolerate it... I can't tolerate it... To make you do such an inefficient

'Isn't this going to break him?'

Asan muttered and cast a pen of fury. Seeing this, Ihan slowly became worried.

In fact, he seemed to understand why the principal was doing this.

'If you twist, learn the magic and do this.'

In fact, the principal's mad behavior was surprisingly easy to understand once the
intention was known.

...the problem was that it was practically impossible.

I can't even cast the <Light Generation> magic properly yet, so how do I cast a
spelling spell?

'Do you have any hints?'

Lee Han began to rummage through the empty classroom, believing in the conscience
left behind by Principal Rich.

“Wordanaz? What are you doing?"

Asan tilted his head and asked. Wodanaj had been searching every nook and cranny of
the classroom.

“I’m looking to see if there’s anything to bring here.”

“Can I do that?”

“There is no law that says no.”

“It’s like stealing…”

“This is Principal Richie’s classroom.”

“…I think stealing is okay sometimes.”

Asan got up and ran to help Lee Han.

'Destroying people is really quick.'

Whether it's from an aristocratic family or whatever, when you enter this school,
you'll find some people...


"Well. Here's some paper. I don't know when I'll use it, so keep it with you. for a
moment. I have a key.”

The key appeared with a jingle.

I don't know where I'm going to use it, but Lee Han has it with me. Asan asked

“Do you know where the key is?”

"no. But once you have it, you can use it later.”

“Really… reasonable.”
Asan was amazed. It was definitely logical.


As I opened the last compartment of the drawer, I suddenly heard a voice

accompanied by magic.

Opening this drawer means you've decided to stop writing stupidly, break your
wrist, and start thinking. Hopefully that's as early as possible! The longer you do
this stupid labor, the more pathetic and pitiful you will be.



Here is the circle 1 magic <Lesser Control>. Take this and learn. It would be
better to learn quickly. Otherwise, you'll be writing by hand all semester.

The principal's hidden intentions.

The students who realized the intention were moved...

did not

“Wordanaz. I can't quite understand Why are you teaching magic like this? There
must be many more sensible ways than this!”

Asan said with a look of anger.

The magic he thought was to be taught kindly by an excellent teacher one by one,
not to be thrown away and learned to survive.

What do you mean there is such a way!

Asan continued speaking in a voice full of enthusiasm.

“Wordanaz. you would understand Let's complain to the principal together. If the
two of us seriously protest, the principal might change his mind. ...Wordanaj??”


Ihan turned his head.

Lee Han was already preparing to learn magic.



“No, you came to school to learn magic.”

Lee Han made excuses without knowing it. Asan's eyes staring at him were filled
with a sense of betrayal.

“Well… I came here to learn magic.”

“And think about it. Do you think the principal will be persuaded to convince the
two of us?”
“It’s not like that either.”

Asan was convinced.

To be able to convince Principal Richie certainly seemed a little too difficult for

“I think there is a 95% chance it will fail.”

“It’s even more surprising that the probability of success is 5%…”

Anyway, Asan seemed to be convinced, Lee Han concentrated on reading the paper on
which the description of the <Lesper Control> magic was written.

The key to casting magic is will, spells, and actions.

-The following are good spells to use for <Level Control>. Move, move, control...

“Move. move Hmm. Is it like this?”

Lee Han chose a spell that suits her mouth and then tried to follow the movement.

It was a movement of lightly swinging the staff in a clockwise direction, but the
magic power was collected differently each time.

'Magic really... It's usually not that hard.'

Lee Han felt once again how difficult magic is.

Even very simple magic required a high degree of concentration and practice to

Concentrating his will and burning his will to cast that magic, he had to memorize
spells to further amplify his magical powers, and at the same time, he had to move
the gathered magic accurately without any errors.

It was like riding a unicycle and performing a stunt of turning a plate with both

“Wordanaz. But Professor Kim told us not to practice magic outside the classroom,

“But the principal told me to do it. The principal is higher.”


Asan was convinced once again.

Of course, it wasn't that the amount of magical power that was unacceptable
suddenly appeared.

After about four attempts, Asan staggered and lay on his side.

“Ugh… I’m sorry. Wodanaz. Sudden motion sickness… ugh.”

"Things like that happen, too. lie down.”

Either way, Lee Han was immersed in <Level Control>.

“Move, move, move, move!”

It felt like the magic that had gathered at the tip of the wand was going out with
a 'pot'.

The aim is a feather pen.

The enchanted feather pen flinched or trembled.

'I think there is a problem with the movement.'

Lee Han's weapon has an overwhelming amount of magical power.

Others had cast a few spells and while resting from exhaustion, Lee Han was able to
practice the spell without paying any attention to it.


Lee Han brought the mirror in front of her and began to write the spell. It was to
see the difference in movement with my own eyes.

'Are you swinging a little less here? Let's swing a little less. I think I've
gotten a little better. Is this the next one?'

“Wordanaz. Are you okay?”

Asan, who was lying down, moaned and asked. Ihan nodded his head.

“As expected, the Wodanaj clan… huh. I'm dizzy and my head is spinning..."


For a moment, Lee Han felt that his mind was linked to a feather pen.

It's like a third hand reaching out and grabbing a feather.

The feather pen, which had only trembled or trembled before, began to rise gently.

Now I just need to focus and control it.

'Slowly, don't rush...'

phut! There was a small explosion of firecrackers, and a feather pen shot out like
a dart.

Then it flew out of the open window.


“What… what did you do?”

“...the feather pen flew away??”

“Damn… that’s great, Wodanaj!? Did you succeed in magic?!”

“No, I haven’t succeeded yet.”

<Level Manipulation> is a 1 circle magic of the telekinetic power series, and it

was a magic that delicately manipulates small and light objects.
...Although Lee Han doesn't know much about magic yet, it was definitely a failure
to shoot a feather pen like he just did.

'This magic had two obstacles to overcome.'

<Lesser Manipulation> wasn't the end of casting a spell by precisely matching the

After that, I had to concentrate and control the object.

Lee Han succeeded the first, but the second has not yet succeeded.

'But it will be fine. Since the spell was successful, the control itself shouldn't
be too difficult.'



Bang bang bang bang bang!


Asan Dalcard looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression.

A feather pen flew out and stuck in the wall next to it.

“Wow… Wodanaj…”


Lee Han just regretted the confidence he had.

Surprisingly, fine-tuning was not possible at all.

The moment he thought to move even a little, the feather pen flew away.

Almost memorizing level!

'Maybe... it's probably not because of magic.'

Lee Han remembered what Professor Garcia Kim had told her.

I was told that there would be some inconvenience in casting magic because I have a
lot more magical power than normal people...

'Let's do it one more time.'


Now, did you write hard today? You can be happy! The rest will be written by me
with magic.

The door opened and Principal Rich appeared.


And the feather pen that Lee Han fired flew right at Principal Richie's forehead.

At that moment, Lee Han became a hero to Asan Dalcard.

A freshman shoots the principal.

Really so cool!

* * *

To my surprise, Principal Richie wasn't angry.

I found it a lot sooner than I thought. Admit that I'm a little bit of a decent
iron head.

"oh. So, will I not have to take this pointless note in the future?”

no. If you guys don't learn magic, you'll continue to waste your time pointlessly.

Asan Dalkad stared at the principal. The principal chuckled as if he was very

Ihan asked cautiously.

“Dear Principal!”

From where does sweet flattery come from? What?

“May I ask about the maneuvers?”

From what I saw earlier, the order itself seems to have been successful. Was it
difficult to control?


Many new wizards do.

"ah. Is that so?"

Lee Han was relieved.

I thought it was because he had a lot of magical power, but it was something
everyone who learned magic for the first time experienced.

haha! That's a lie!


The spell is difficult, and the control usually only takes one or two. There is no
one who blows like an arrow like you. what to do You have to work hard to do it

'The opponent is the principal. The opponent is the principal. The opponent is the

Lee Han tried to control his expression. Principal Richie was very sad to see that.

Asan Dalcard was very funny when he stabbed him like a young man, but that young
man of the Wodanaj family was not as impatient as an old man was inside.

There's nothing to be too afraid of though. The more you use magic, the more it
will grow. Go eat lunch!

* * *

After the morning lecture was over, he was arrested until lunch time, so all the
other freshmen were either going to take another class or looking for it.

Asan Dalcard left to go to the hospital and rest because his magic was still not

'I'll have to eat lunch too.'

For lunch, it was hardened black bread and cold rice balls, but Lee Han was on the
better side. Because there was some meat that I caught and smoked last time.

'I'll have to look for some vegetables or fruits outside...'

I wasn't sure at first, but I seriously thought that the principal had prepared for

Wouldn't the quick-witted students go looking for something to eat?

“…Wordanaz.” “?”

At the voice calling out to him, Lee Han turned his head.

With long shiny silver hair, a cold impression that makes you flinch the moment you
meet them.

Princess Adenart was standing in front of the hallway.


Instead of answering, Adenart pointed to the paper he was holding.


Lee Han realized why the princess was calling her.

The last time she had helped the princess in the alchemy class, she had asked the
princess who had a much wider network than Lee Han.

'I asked you to find some useful lectures.'

Einrogard's freshmen had to find and listen to the rest of the subjects on their
own, except for the mandatory lectures.

However, it is at the level of picking stars in the sky for freshmen to find out on
their own.

In order to find out, information exchange was essential, even among freshmen, as
it was impossible to meet even with the sophomores.

The princess held out the paper with her characteristic blunt expression.

"thank you. ...Well?"

Lee Han, who was reading the paper with a happy heart, stopped.

-List of Popular Lectures-

<Understanding Basic Alchemy>

<Basic Imperial Linguistics>

<Basic Dance and Socializing>


First of all, the fact that there is 'understanding alchemy' is suspicious, and the
names of the other lectures are somewhat different from what Lee Han thought.

And not 'good for grades' but 'popular'?

“I, Princess?”


“What exactly does popular lecture mean?”


As if in a moment of bewilderment, the princess slightly lowered her expression and

raised her eyebrows.

Lee Han felt the need to explain more.

“Princess. What I was asking was a class that was good for grades, not a popular
class. It would be easier to get grades from an unpopular lecture.”

As a prepared student, Lee Han was not swayed by popularity or rumors.

Popular lectures->Lectures where it is difficult to get grades because of the crowd

of talented people.

Unpopular lectures->Lessons with few competitors and good grades.

Of course, the princess did not agree with Lee Han's unique theory.


Adenart looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

Are you really looking for a lecture you can eat raw?

I couldn't understand why the Wodanaj family was looking for such a lecture.

Adenart was unknowingly disappointed.

When I saw him in the alchemy class, Wodanaj's appearance was the most noble one...


Adenart held out another piece of paper.

While I was organizing, it was a list of unpopular lectures I took notes to avoid.

-List of unpopular lectures-

<Basic Swordsmanship>

<Basic physical training>

<Repetitive learning of basic magic battles>


'Oh oh.'

Lee Han admired the list.

The smell of an unpopular lecture was already wafting out.

once swordsmanship.

There were not many people who came to the magic school and wanted to learn a new

Even if you focus on magic, you won't have enough time, but who wants to learn

Physical training was similar. Even with magic alone, time was tight, but no one
wanted to use their body needlessly.

It was not for nothing that the wizards were teased for being weak.

<Repetitive Learning of Magical Battles> was also unpopular.

Learning magic was to learn great truths and change the world, not to fight well.

If that was the case, it was right to go under a knight or a swordsman guild and
receive training.

The students here came with different dreams and goals, but none of them came in
with the goal of becoming the best in fighting with magic.

The most important thing was to learn magic, but to use that magic in battle was
not very important.

'But what do you know?'

Of course, Lee Han didn't care at all about such a perception.

Swordsmanship and physical training were the parts where Lee Han was confident from
the name.

Before entering the magic school, I was constantly trained under Allarlong.

And so was the repeated learning of magic battles.

There was nothing wrong with learning how to fight with magic.

Wouldn't that be one more way to protect one's life?

Easily get grades in lectures with less competition...

"thank you. Princess.”


Adenart nodded her head with an expressionless face instead of answering.

There was a slight disappointment and contempt on his face, but Lee Han didn't
notice because he was concentrating on the lecture.

“Then see you next time!”

Lee Han turned around and left. She was about to say something to the princess, but
she exhaled her breath slightly and turned around.


'I'm sorry.'

Ian was sad.

Friends in the same dormitory did not accept Lee Han's unique theory.

-Things... Are you going to listen to an unpopular lecture on purpose? why? Is it a

noble thing to listen to a lecture that no one is listening to?

-<Repetitive learning of basic magic battle>? Ah. sorry. I already have a class I
want to take at that time. Jin, it's true. It's not a lie.

-Wordanaz. Why the hell are you going to waste your time in the trash? I don't
understand. What I learned from the Dalcard family...

But what to do?

The path of the righteous is lonely.

Later, when the midterm exams arrive, the final exams arrive, and the assignments
begin to choke, your friends will be reminded of Lee Han's foresight.

In any school, professors have no human heart.

The students take other lectures, but the cold-blooded selfishness that wants to
focus only on their own lectures!

So, in order for the students to focus on the lectures they really liked, they had
to support them with some raw lectures.

so-called choice and concentration.

The way any school in the world rolls is the same.

'Are you here?'

Lee Han entered the main entrance and found the basement stairs.

The classroom for learning basic magic battle repeatedly was on the first basement

Lee Han muttered unknowingly.

A huge staircase that comes out when you go through the main entrance of the main

The gothic staircase, which was neither overly luxurious nor overly lavish, seemed
nothing out of the ordinary.

Nevertheless, the feeling of ominousness may have been due to the knowledge that
Lee Han knew.

'I told you not to wander around in the Wizard's Tower.'

A famous proverb known to both mages and non-magicals of the Empire.

- You shouldn't wander around in the Wizard's Tower.

Even though it looks ordinary on the outside, they don't know what kind of magic is
being put on it, so I didn't know that it might happen that I went up to 'what's on
the second floor?'

Some of the fairy tales that Lee Han read in the family consisted of little
children who were imprisoned in an evil wizard's tower and barely escaped.

Lee Han, who has not yet adapted to this world, asked this question innocently.

-Is this fairy tale exaggeration?

- I think it's a bit exaggerated. young master.

- Right? Anyway, going to the second floor and disappearing...

-yes. A non-professional who enters the Wizard's Tower can never escape. The
children here would have died of old age in real life in captivity.


The fact that it is a common occurrence to go to the second floor at will and go
missing made the young Lee Han astonished.

The Wizard's Tower, which contained all kinds of mysteries, was a magic cave.

...and this magic school, Einroguard, is like a combination of many wizard towers.

The risk was unpredictable.

In fact, very few of the new freshmen roamed around and explored the school.

Even if it's time for a newcomer and full of curiosity!

Everyone has heard of it from their families or heard of it.

Just because you're new to the building, you can find a corpse while searching
around the building.

'a. Still, the first basement floor would be fine...'

Lee Han made up his mind to shake off his fear.

In fact, the notoriety of the Wizard's Tower was exaggerated.

There was nothing special about going around the first floor of the main building
or the dormitory.

At that moment, the familiar sound of bone crashing was heard.

Thunder Thunder, Thunder Thunder-

uh. what. Are you going to the first floor? Wouldn't it be found dead tomorrow?


Lee Han was at a loss for words at the kind words of a passing Principal, Richie.


“Dear Principal! It is an honor to meet you!”

Lee Han bowed his head.

It is a graduate student who can smile on the outside even when resentment and
hatred are welling up in her heart.

Lee Han's polite greetings kept the manners of the nobles full of dignity.

Principal Rich nodded happily.

what do you know

"Yes. I'm going to the first basement floor, do you have any advice for me?"

none. If it's found dead tomorrow, I'll give you a flower.


* * *

Despite being so intimidating, the first basement floor was normal.

There were lecture rooms on either side of the wide hallway, and there were no
dangerous monsters such as corpses, undead, or the like.

It was a bit dark, gloomy, and cold, but Lee Han decided to believe that this magic
school was not in a good place.

'Good luck.'


At that moment, two students passed by Lee Han.

Ian was surprised.

Did these two come to listen to <Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Battles>?

'After all, I wasn't the only one who thought that.'

After all, smart people from all over the empire gathered, but there was no way
that there was no one who thought like Lee Han.

There was a competitor, but Lee Han didn't care.

'About two are fine. Listening alone is burdensome.'

"oh. This isn't a classroom. I must have gone in the wrong place.”

“What kind of classroom is this?”

“<Repetitive learning of basic magic battles>.”

"What? Were there any lectures like that? Does anyone want to hear something like

“The children of the White Tiger Tower heard it and came out swearing.”

“I don’t think it’s a lecture they can listen to if they can’t even hear it?”


The two students chatted and went to another classroom.

Lee Han suddenly started to feel a little anxious.


Still, three students were already seated in the classroom.

However, Lee Han could see that they did not come with a strong purpose like Lee

Because the three students had expressions of mixed emotions such as anxiety,
nervousness, confusion, worry, and so on.

In a word, the expression of 'Ah, did you enter the wrong lecture?'

“It’s time. Take a seat.”


Lee Han was surprised once again.

The professor was sitting in the corner of the classroom, but he didn't notice.

I was sitting in a shady place, but I don't think there's any presence like this.

'Are you a vampire?'

pale skin. long fangs. gloomy gaze.

As much as there was Professor Troll, there was nothing strange about Professor



Lee Han looked at the other students as if embarrassed.

It's Lee Han. Even so, the three who came first didn't even know that the professor
was sitting there?

“I am Voladi Bagreg. He is a professor who will take charge of the repeated

learning of basic magic battles. I wish you all the best.”

“Thank you!”

The students greeted each other with their mouths. Lee Han greeted him as well.

Professor Voladi pointed forward with his finger without even taking out his wand.

On the table in the classroom, beads the size of a palm were placed one by one.

“The marble is made of spiritual stone.”

Young Seongseok.

I've heard of this one before.

'Isn't it an ore that reacts sensitively to magic?'

Roughly, when a constellation is placed in a specific location, it emits divine

power, and at that time, it receives the power of the constellation and changes to
a mineral.

That was the spirit stone.

I heard that it has the characteristic of reacting quite sensitively to magic, so

it is used for detection equipment or barriers...

“Everyone, grab the marbles and focus on infusing them with magic.”

Although the students were embarrassed, they grabbed the marble for once.

All students here are freshmen.

They were also less than a month old.

He has talent, but he is not sure if he will be able to infuse magic well.




But regardless of such anxiety, the marbles slowly vibrated and floated into the

Professor Voladi said without changing his expression.

“Now the marble is connected to your will.”


Lee Han realized that these marbles were not just marbles carved out of spiritual
stones, but artifacts made by the professor one by one.

'I heard that well-made artifacts make money like that.'

Artifacts were in high demand anytime, anywhere.

A wizard who can create artifacts can sit on a money cushion!

As much as I heard that, Lee Han was also interested in Artifacts.

However, Artifacts must also be interested in Lee Han.



The marble next to it soared high into the ceiling. It was as if it was going to
pierce the ceiling. Fortunately, the marble stopped under the ceiling of the

Even so, Professor Voladi's expression did not change. It was as if the muscles in
his face had been paralyzed.

“Being connected to the will means you can control it. Of course, the marbles are
restricted from destroying this classroom.”

“It’s all good.”

Before he could finish speaking, the marble hit the student's stomach.



“There are restrictions on destroying the classroom, but you guys are not. Be
careful not to break the marble.”


Usually it would be 'Be careful not to get hurt', but be careful not to break the
marble by bumping into someone.

Lee Han felt that this vampire professor was too crazy.

The students waited for the professor's next words, as if they had not yet given up

“What should I do now?”

“Float the beads and draw a circle.”

The students carefully focused their minds and floated the marbles.

Lee Han also floated a marble.

Everyone moved the marbles and tried to draw the original nonsense. Although it was
very crooked, there were also students who drew something similar to a circle.

“I drew it!”

Perhaps he felt the same way, the student exclaimed with joy.

Professor Voladi replied bluntly.

“It is not a circle. Draw again.”

“…ah, yes.”

The students started drawing circles with beads again.

Then draw a circle.

And then draw a circle...

And after that...

One of the students really, carefully asked a question.

“Hey, how long do I have to draw a circle?”


For the first time, Professor Voladi showed a little bit of emotion.

That emotion was the question of 'what are you talking about now?'

“Of course, until I draw it perfectly.”


"...professor. Can I go to the bathroom for a while?”

“You don’t have to ask.”

One student went out.

The other students, who were noticing, abruptly stood up and left.

With the exception of Lee Han, the rest of the people thought about it, and then
suddenly turned forward.


Ian was surprised.

Are you acting like that to get out of the classroom?

'This child. Pretty much?'

Lee Han supported the student.

But the student's face was as pale as lead.

It wasn't smoke.
“Are you okay?”

"Ma... the magic..."

"professor! It seems that he used up all his mana and collapsed.”

Lee Han-eun looked at the professor and said.

As Professor Garcia taught, beginners learning magic for the first time did not
manage their magical power well.

So there were times when he wasted his mana arbitrarily, but his mana was exhausted
and he fell down.

Now, it was clear that this student was the same.


"How do I do this?"

“When the magic power is restored, hold the marble again and draw a circle.”


Lee Han felt the student he was supporting wriggling in anger.

Without knowing anything else, I knew this student would never come back to the

'I will listen to the lecture alone.'

And it really happened.

Lee Han, who was left alone, asked to confirm.

"professor. How is this course graded?”

“As a basic rule, points are given in order from first place.”


Ihan nodded his head.

And grabbed the bead again.

“Can I draw a circle?”


Lee Han moved the marble and started drawing a circle in the air.

The students who went out grumbled, 'What kind of time is wasting like garbage!',
but Lee Han did not understand.

'I rather like it.'

You can get high grades stably if you just sit until the end of the semester.

This was a real lecture.


'But it's difficult.'

Manipulating the marbles with will was usually not difficult.

Just like the student who was hit by a marble he controlled earlier, the marble
bounced off at will even with a little concentration.

An unfamiliar sensation, as if a new third arm was attached.

Fortunately, Lee Han did not have to worry about losing his magic power and

In fact, I didn't feel the magic power drop at all, even if I kept drawing circles
with the marbles floating.


Professor Boladi didn't say anything and just stared at Lee Han.

'Are you doing that because your magic power is not low?'

Lee Han-eun wondered why Professor was looking at him.

It couldn't be because Lee Han manipulated the marble so well (the circle looked a
little crooked to Lee Han), and I didn't know that Lee Han could have been amazed
by manipulating the marble without getting tired for too long.

'no. It's just that nobody's looking at me.'

However, Lee Han later realized that the professor was looking at him without

If you're curious about how much magical power you have, you'd probably just ask a

After all, there is only Lee Han in the classroom, so there will be no place to put
your eyes. Lee Han-eun focused on the professor staring at him or not, or turning
the marble hard.

I'm not sure what this means...

'Let's think that if you roll hard, you will get a grade.'

A magic marble that gives credits when you roll it round and round.

If you think like that, you could do anything.

Lee Han was overly accustomed to enduring unreasonable work under a professor.

* * *

'It's amazing.'

Professor Voladi was very curious.

Of course, it didn't show on his face at all, but he was feeling strange for a long

The freshman in front of me was the reason.

Every year, new students entered <Repeat Learning of Basic Magical Battles> like a
tide and disappeared like an ebb.

Last year, I heard 0 people.

But Professor Voladi didn't care.

The contract with the principal, Osu Gonadaltes, was 'to teach <repetitive learning
of basic magic combat> every year', not 'to gather a lot of students'.

In fact, even when there were no students, Professor Voladi sat down in the
classroom at the set time, set the marbles, and waited until the lecture was over.

Others may not understand, but this was Professor Voladi's principle.

Time accumulated over and over in that way.

Breaking that repetition, an unusual freshman appeared today.

A handsome boy with a sculptural appearance with thick lines.

Just by looking at him, he could tell that he was a student at the Blue Dragon

Judging from his actions and his accent, he was probably from an imperial family.

By the way...

He continued to focus on spinning the marbles without any complaints.

Even the lowest class Black Turtle Tower students would rush out when they heard
this lecture saying, 'Why are you doing this?

Moreover, as he continued to rotate the marble, he did not show any signs of
difficulty yet.

It was clear that he had an innate amount of magical power.

In fact, if Professor Voladi had been acquainted with other professors, and had
spoken with troll professor Garcia Kim, then you would have heard at least roughly
how much magic power Lee Han had.

But Professor Voladi did not have to hang out with other professors.

It was because the contract with the principal did not contain such content.

So, Professor Voladi only guessed that Lee Han had a lot of magic power, but didn't
notice exactly how much.

'I wish I could stay.'

Professor Voladi wanted the students to remain in their seats for the first time
while giving a lecture.

If that student continues to listen, Professor Voladi will also be able to advance
to the next content for the first time in the history of lectures.

* * *

“Did you find a really good course?”

Ian said seriously.

Originally, Lee Han did not show such kindness, but Yonaire and Gainando were a few

Yoner could have become a business partner later, and Gainando might have been
given a friend fee from his mother later.

There was nothing wrong with being nice to the good friends in the original family.

“I don't think any students will come to listen to this anymore. If you listen to
it, you must see A+ as a reservation.”


On Yonere's face, a very worried expression appeared, asking, 'How can I reject Lee
Han's proposal?'

It's a lecture that no one listens to, so I really want to avoid it just by hearing
the name.

" If you don't want to hear it, you don't have to."

Lee Han said to Yonaire.

I didn't mean to force you to listen.

It was recommended because I liked the fact that I could eat one subject per
semester unconditionally...

“Ugh. Please tell me more.”

On the other hand, Gainando looked more temperamental.

“What are you teaching?”

“There is a marble artifact that the professor made, and then put magical energy
into it and float it.”

"Five. Then what?”

“Practice making circles by drawing them.”

"Right. After that?"




Yoner and Gainando looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

“Isn’t that… a fake professor?”

“Whether it’s fake or real, what do you know? It’s important to give me points.”

Yonner was amazed.

Even when she entered the school, Yonner thought so.

-Am I the most practical among the students here?

Apparently, there were quite a few cases where the students of the Blue Dragon
Tower had their way of thinking because they came from great families.

Yoner had also felt it several times.

But talking with Lee Han made me realize that the world is wide and the sky is

That boy from the Wodanaj family was crazy about practicality.

Even Yoner couldn't keep up!

“Well, if you don’t want to hear it, there’s nothing you can do about it. Next is
<Basic Swordsmanship>.”

“…Jin, are you really going to hear that?”

“Wordanaz. I don't think it's really…”

Even if his friends tried to stop him, Lee Han did not listen.

Unless it's a lecture that you must take, other than that, I'll choose only based
on my own criteria.

Because that was the rule of this magic school Einroguard!

'Isn't it really necessary to dry it??'

Gainando seriously thought about whether or not to run to the principal and get

* * *

The basic swordsmanship lecture was much more numerous than the repeated learning
of basic magic combat.

At first glance, more than ten students gathered in the front yard of the main
building and were waiting for the professor.

'no. Surprisingly many?'

Surprised, Lee Han quickly realized the reason.

The students here were students of <Tower of the White Tiger Biting Thunder>.

The White Tiger Tower students are from the imperial knight family, who came all
the way here to learn magic.

Of course, as he came from a knight family, he was proficient in swordsmanship and

had a much more serious stance.

Even if the students of other families had learned swordsmanship, they had no
intention of coming here to learn swordsmanship, but the students of the White
Tiger Tower were the opposite.

'Actually, the repetitive learning of basic magic battles was too raw.'

Lee Han was a bit disappointed, but when I think about it, it was unusual for a
lecture to be ranked first among one of them, so this was not bad.

Besides, didn't Lee Han constantly learn swordsmanship?


“Aren’t you from the Blue Dragon Tower?”

Just as Lee Han was surprised, the White Tiger Tower students were also talking in

I never thought that other dormitory students would come.

“I know who that guy is. You are from the Wodanaj family.”

“The Wodanaj family...! Are you a magician of the Empire?”

“But why would someone from such a family take this course?”

“Didn’t you come from your family to learn a little swordsmanship from a tutor?”

“There is a degree to belittle the swordsmanship.”

Most of the students showed strong objection.

Although there were differences, the students of the White Tiger Tower were
basically those who took pride in their swordsmanship and practiced them seriously.

On the other hand, learning swordsmanship from other noble families is just for
self-defense, and for education, it's at the level of lightly gliding over the

When I came to listen to the lecture with such a feeling, I couldn't help but feel

Lee Han also noticed such reactions.

'What do you know?'

And of course I didn't care.

At best, Lee Han wasn't stupid enough to react to being caught up in a childish war
of nerves among teenagers.


After Lee Han ignored the reactions, one of the students eventually stepped

A trained physique like that of a knight family.

In addition, when the muscles unique to the Orc race were combined, a daunting line
was revealed over the shabby, ragged school uniform.

The opponent stood in front of Lee Han and looked straight up.

Lee Han looked at each other as if to say what to do.

He was a pretty rough-looking orc, but Lee Han had too much experience to be
intimidated by such things.

“Do you have anything to say?”

"okay. A member of the Blue Dragon Tower from the Wodanaj family. Am I right?"

“That’s right.”

“It looks like you got it wrong, but this is a serious swordsmanship class. It’s
not a lecture that teaches you to wield only your appearance.”

"Right. thanks for letting me know."


Even if I said something nice, Lee Han ignored it, and the Orc's expression

“I may not have understood it well, but a real swordsmanship lecture is not just
about swinging a sword like you, a high-ranking nobleman. We're going to have to
fight each other separately, but if you make a mistake at that time, you could get
seriously injured. The other students here are not going to touch it.”

"okay. If I deal with you, be careful not to hurt you. If that's what you're
worried about."


Orc was a bit late in understanding Lee Han's words. Belatedly, understanding Lee
Han's words, the Orc's face flushed red.

At that moment, a small groan was heard.

The professor who will teach the lecture has arrived.

"ruler. Everyone. Would you like to gather?”

The professor's voice was soft and gentle, but his appearance was the exact

Despite the fact that they are basically an elf race born with beauty, the
professor's appearance created a sense of intimidation.

It was a sense of intimidation created by the scars and scars that started from the
face and covered the whole body.

One arm and one leg were prosthetic and prosthetic, and one eye looked different
from the other eye because of the scar.

“I am Professor Ingaldel. During this semester, I will teach you swordsmanship.”

The elf professor held up his long sword like a staff and continued his

“Perhaps all of you who want to learn swordsmanship again in this Einroguard have
experience of learning swordsmanship. I am here to improve my skills or to keep it
from rusting.”

Ian was slightly stabbed. Of course, that's not bad, but it was more because of my

“So I am not going to teach you swordsmanship from scratch. It would be better for
each of us to hone the swordsmanship we learned.”

The students from the knight's family listened intently to the elf professor's
words with their bright eyes.

Apparently, the students were still unfamiliar with magic.

To such students, the story of swordsmanship was much more plausible than the story
of magic.

Tok tok-


Ihan turned his head. Someone was tapping Lee Han's arm.

It was the same elf race as Professor Ingaldel, but the image was the exact

The opponent had golden hair short enough to reach the nape of the neck, and had a
beautiful, neutral appearance with thin lines.

'You look popular with girls.'

“What’s going on?”

“From the Wodanaj family. Right? I'm from the Wodanaj family, and I'm curious as to
why you want to learn swordsmanship."

The other party spoke in a light, but not frivolous way.

Unlike the student who argued earlier, I felt that I was good at dealing with

“It seemed good to get points because the number of people listening was small.”



After all, we had to fight each other while listening to lectures for a semester,
but for nothing, they lied like 'I actually came from a famous magic family, but I
dreamed of becoming a Sword Master,' so it was not good for each other.

In addition, as the students of the White Tiger Tower were wary of Lee Han, it was
necessary to release the alert.
-I'll just hold on and get points, so you don't have to worry about it!


However, the opponent's expression looked very subtle and complicated.

To be precise, he looked like he was worried because he didn't know whether Lee
Han's words were a lie or not.

“That… that’s right. I'm from the Moradi family. Call me Moradi.”

"okay. Nice to meet you. Moradi.”

Lee Han took Moradi's hand and shook hands lightly.

He was rather small, but the blisters and calluses on his palm reminded him that he
was from a knightly family.

'for a moment. If it's the Moradi family...'

Moradi's family.

Lee Han was also a member of the Imperial Knights family, whom he had heard of
several times.

I've heard that it's a family that protects the neighborhood with the rule of iron
blood in the cold north, and will do whatever it takes to achieve its goal...

'...It's the opposite of the image of the family.'


Moradi looked at Lee Han's eyes as if puzzled.

'Because there is no law that the family name must match.'

Compared to the previous partner, who didn't care about each other's family, and
started fighting whenever he felt like it, Moradi felt more common-sense.

'I'll have to coax them out to relieve the vigilance of the other White Tiger Tower

* * *

Byeokam Sword (碧巖劍).

It was the name of the swordsmanship that Lee Han learned from Allarlong, the old
knight of the family.

As you can guess from the name of the blue rock, Allarlong's swordsmanship was
solid and honest.

- The world's swordsmanship is innumerable. I don't need to learn all of the fast,
slow, sharp, dull, heavy, light, simple, and complex swordsmanship... I am not
capable of teaching them. The swordsmanship I will teach is the path of my sword
that I have learned and believed in. One day, Lee Han-nim will come to realize his
own path as he continues to walk the path of the sword.

Allarlong, who had been learning swordsmanship for decades, and Lee Han, who had
only learned swordsmanship for less than ten years, had different experiences.

So I couldn't understand everything Alarlong was saying, but...

Lee Han had one advantage that other nobles did not have.

That was the point of being black.

To the extent that Allaron was embarrassed, Lee Han did what he was told, and
thanks to this, Lee Han's swordsmanship was well-established without any fuss.

“A wall sword? It has a good foundation.”

Professor Ingaldel also praised Lee Han's posture.

“Where are you from? If it’s a wall-rock sword, it’s definitely…”

“I come from the Wodanaj family.”


Professor Ingaldel was momentarily slow to respond.

Was the Wardanaj family's swordsmanship a byewall sword?

Professor Ingaldel, who remembered what kind of family the Wodanaj family was,
asked curiously.

“May I ask why you want to learn swordsmanship?”

“If you were an imperial nobleman, wouldn’t swordsmanship be the basic culture?”

Ingaldel smiled bitterly at the answer.

It wasn't a wrong answer, but it wasn't Ingaldel's favorite answer.

For a swordsman like Ingaldel, swordsmanship was a skill between life and death,
not a culture for the nobles.

“At first, I thought and learned that way. But the more I learned, the more I
realized that swordsmanship is a science as profound as magic. So I came here to
learn more.”

“...full marks!!”


"it's nothing."

Ingaldel waved her hand.

Inadvertently, my inner heart came out in response to a wonderful answer that I had
not thought of.

He comes from a famous magic family called the Wodanaj family, and he knows how to
take swordsmanship seriously like that.

He had a much nicer attitude than some of the pretentious white tiger tower
'Did it work?'

Lee Han keenly observed Ingaldel's expression.

Compared to the mad Ritchie Principal, Professor Ingaldel had a bad impression, but
he was a very easy-to-understand and good-natured person.

It was easy for Lee Han, who was worn out under crazy professors, to win the heart
of an innocent person like Professor Ingaldel.

No matter how much you come in to eat raw scores, you have to hide your true
feelings in front of the professor.

“Great attitude.”

"thank you."

“Hearing those words makes me think that I should work hard too. I will take it
seriously. ruler. Raise your wooden sword.”


Lee Han slightly regretted that he answered so well.

* * *

Professor Ingaldel beat the students without a break.

At first, the students, who had been vigilant about their kind and gentle attitude,
were beaten up by a few and then attacked with evil.

Professor Ingaldel beat those students once more and made them look like rats with
tails down.

'Wow. I'm not kidding.'

Although Lee Han's swordsmanship skills still have a long way to go, it was enough
to see how great his opponent was.

Alaron, who taught Lee Han, was also a great prosecutor, but Professor Ingaldel was
no less than him.

If Alarlong was a sword like a rock that didn't move, Ingaldel was like a sword
that ran fast.

What was surprising was that one arm and one leg were showing such movements even
though they were prosthetic and prosthetic.

The students, who had been practicing swordsmanship for a long time in their own
family, could not keep up with Professor Ingaldel's movements and were beaten
without mercy.

“The change is too small for the movement of the Zaun Sword (紫雲劍). The core of
the double sword is its intricacy and complexity! It would be better not to swing
the sword blindly, but to wield it with more thought.”

“The high mountain moon sword is faster and sharper! Don't pay attention when you
poke and throw yourself at full force.”
In addition, befitting his position as a professor, Ingaldel recognized all the
swordsmanships the students practiced.

If you count the famous swordsmanship of the Empire, there are hundreds of them,
and if you count the things that have only been passed down from the family, the
number was uncountable.

However, Ingaldel knew all the names of those swordsmen.

“I’m going to take a break.”



“Dog ㅆ...”

The students groaned in pain and lay on their side. I wanted to curse, but I didn't
have the energy to do so.

His muscles ached and his body tingled.

-Swordsmanship like a rock black rock. Don't be swayed by any attacks.

-Uh, the professor's skills are higher than mine, can you not be shaken?

- Now, let's keep attacking. Stop it! ruler! ruler! ruler!

Ingaldel was able to find weaknesses he didn't even know about and hit them.

Lee Han had to block hard to survive.

'No matter how much I think about it, I think I made a mistake...'

When it was time for a break, Lee Han had no choice but to think so.

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed that I was beaten more and more
persistently than the other students.

Of course, it could have been because of Lee Han's swordsmanship, but he was saying
it wasn't Lee Han's intuition.

Have you not already experienced what happens when you get caught by a professor by
mistake in <Understanding Basic Alchemy>?

Should I have just stayed still?

'I didn't know that I would be beaten even more because I got a score.'


"Yes. professor."

“Come out to fight for a while.”


Lee Han really thought he had made a mistake.

You say you have to be beaten by the professor alone while others are taking a

However, Ingaldel did not summon Lee Han to defeat him.

“This is Durgyu from the Choi family. Let the two students simply compete.”


Not only Lee Han, but also the students who were resting were surprised.

why those two?

'Isn't that the guy you had an argument with earlier?'

Lee Han looked at Durgyu with a confused expression.

It didn't look as good as the guy who argued, 'Why is the other dorm guy taking

Besides, even knowing that Lee Han is from the Wodanaj family, he's a guy whose
head is so clogged up that he doesn't hesitate to argue.

Instead of treating it as a match, it was clear that they would just rush into it.

"All right. professor!"

Having said that, the orc stared at Lee Han as if to kill him. Lee Han clicked his
tongue inwardly.

'It looks very heartfelt.'

It was enough to read through my face that I was going to take this opportunity and
step on another dorm student who was unlucky.

I couldn't figure out why the professor chose Lee Han out of the many students,

'I'm sure the professor didn't tell me that I was a student in another dormitory.
Obviously, the answer I gave earlier seemed to like it.'

As long as the situation was like this, Lee Han had no intention of backing down.

It was okay to eat and play comfortably in the family mansion, but the reason I
learned swordsmanship by being beaten by Allaron was so that I wouldn't get beaten
up at a time like this!

* * *

The reason Professor Ingaldel chose Durgyu and Lee Han was simple.

Because now, two of the students were the best.

Swordsmanship was not something that could be spread just by learning it.

The core techniques of swordsmanship, the swordsmanship, were basically something

that could only be understood after practicing a few thousand times and doing it in
real life.
For example, let's say you have a technique where you try to stab your opponent's
chest, then turn around and stab your neck.

If you just use it all the time, you won't get it unless you're a very stupid

Before that, the destructive power of the technique will come out if you slightly
threaten to wield it, cheat like aiming at the bottom, or put these detailed
movements in succession.

In other words, understanding swordsmanship means that it is possible to fully

develop this application.

Even if he only knew how to understand the swordsmanship he had learned in this
way, many mercenaries outside could be steamed.

Most of the mercenaries did not know what they were doing and left it to their
instincts and powers to wield them randomly...

In that sense, the two were able to understand and use the swordsmanship they had

Even though the two were weak, they even infused magical power into their weapons.

Even if he came from a knight family, at this age, this was enough talent to become
a knight.

'How difficult it must have been to practice swordsmanship like that in a magical
family like the Wodanaj family!'

Even if that was the case with Durgyu of the Choi family, it was really surprising
that a student from a famous magic family like Woudanaz had a high level of
achievement in swordsmanship.

And that was more special to Ingaldel.

'Swordsmanship is as deep and meaningful as magic. That student felt the same way,
so he must have been prepared to learn.'

Ingaldel misunderstood Lee Han.

He thought that Lee Han risked his life to the point of learning swordsmanship
secretly while watching the family.

In fact, the Wodanaj family did not interfere with Lee Han's learning of
swordsmanship from Allarlong.

Because the Wodanaj family originally did their own thing and didn't interfere with
each other's work.

However, to Ingaldel, who did not know this, Lee Han was a unique and unfortunate

Since they met like this, Ingaldel was responsible for guiding Lee Han on the path
of the sword.

'The high mountain moon sword of the Choi family is a quick and sharp sword. On the
other hand, Wodanaj's Byeokam Sword (碧巖劍) is a heavy and strong heavy sword. They
are opposite styles. If you compete with each other, you will learn a lot. The
existence of a rival who can compete on an equal footing with yourself on the road
of the sword is more precious than anything else.'

Of course, Professor Ingaldel was also aware that the White Tiger Top students were
the only ones from other dormitories, who had hostility to Lee Han.

But that would be resolved with time.

If you beat him like a dog under Professor Ingaldel, you won't have time to get
along with each other. You will only hate Professor Ingaldel!

Professor Ingaldel sincerely wanted the two best students to have a positive impact
on each other, so that that positive influence would spread to other students as


What caught Professor Ingaldel’s thoughts like that was the appearance of Lee Han
kicking the soil with his feet and sprinkling it on Durgyu’s face.



When he saw Lee Han kick the dirt with his foot and sprinkle it on Durgyu's face,
Professor Ingaldel's first thought was admiration.

-Do not choose any means and methods. There is only life and death.

Aristocrats who learned swordsmanship for the sake of elegance and sophistication
looked down on dignified means, but swordsmen who risked their lives in combat only
valued victory.

From that point of view, it wasn't bad at all that Lee Han kicked the soil with his
foot. rather good

Moreover, what should be evaluated more highly was the situation itself, where
students of the same age were all staring at them.

At most, mid-teens. He was full of energy and proud of himself.

Not only the nobles, but also the knights did not like to use cowardly means.

Most of the students do not know how to use it because of their low self-esteem.

But Lee Han didn't even think about it for a second, and immediately kicked the
dirt and flew it away.

Even if you come from the most noble family here in terms of family!

Only swordsmen who instinctively knew what swordsmanship was and were ready to
devote everything to it could do it.


Durgyu also spit out abusive language as if he wasn't expecting it.

Dirt got all over my eyes, nose and mouth, and I was confused.
'Shit! In such a shallow feat!?'

Durgyu was more angry at himself for being careless than the opponent who used the
cowardly method.

I've heard several times that something like this can happen when you're learning
swordsmanship in your family!

Since the opponent is a nobleman from a noble family, he arbitrarily assumed that
he would use a straight sword that looked like a ruler.

'Finish it fast!'

Toward Durgyu whose posture was broken, Lee Han stepped forward and ran.

Although Lee Han trained swordsmanship for quite some time, Durgyu was also a
person who had been training for a long time as well.

Maybe he trained harder and more harshly than Lee Han. I could tell just by looking
at his posture.

Lee Han himself does not know whether Lee Han will win or Durgyu will win if they
fight properly.


We had to create a situation where we could win.

...Of course, Alarlong didn't teach you how to kick this dirt.

Thanks to this, Alarron was unwittingly being admired by Professor Ingaldel.

'It is clear that the teacher is also a terrible person to teach such things!'

"Ugh... Damn it!"


Durgyu kicked the ground hard with his feet and flew backwards in a swallow in the

There was no posture or anything. The hasty distance caused Durgyu to lose his
balance and fall, rolling backwards.



Lee Han didn't even know that the opponent would roll back and roll.

'No, what the hell is this kid going to die like this...? After all, I sprinkled
the soil.'

Since I'm from a knight family, I didn't think I would roll around on the dirt

Everyone was shocked, so there was no sound of cheering and it was quiet.
Professor Ingaldel alone applauded.

“Great, young students!”



Durgyu wiped the dirt off his face with his sleeve. Even though his face was a
little clean, his whole body was in a mess from rolling on the dirt.

But thanks to him, his eyes became even more ferocious.

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

'Still, there is no income.'

The opponent must have gotten a little bit of heat as the soil was hit in the face
and the floor rolled.

In the original fight, the person who got the heat makes mistakes.

When we were tense, we had to fight a psychological warfare like this.


Durgyu screamed and ran to him.

* * *

'Fight really well!'

Professor Ingaldel once again admired.

Previously, I admired the attitude of the two students regardless of any means and
methods, but the admiration now was that of pure swordsmanship.

I thought I was the best among the freshmen right now, but I guess that's it.

First of all, Durgyu of the Choi family was showing off the high mountain moon
sword in a stylish way.

The wooden sword made a hissing sound in line with the fast and light rhythm like a
quick sword, stabbing Lee Han and entering.

Originally, the movement had to slow down every time he stabbed and removed, but
Durgyu did not slow down and maintained that speed.

It was possible because a little bit of magic was infused into the sword.

It would be difficult to block them even if they just stabbed them in, but every
swordsword is imbued with magical power.

It was an overly harsh attack for a freshman.

However, the Wardanaj family's understanding was not formidable either.






The more he attacked, the more the expression on Durgyu's face was dyed with
impatience and regret.

In order not to be counterattacked by the opponent, Durgyu was walking fast and
without stopping.

And when he attacked, he tensed the muscles of his body and stabbed him in like a

Otherwise, the speed of the sword would not come out.

A flashy and fast attack was possible, but it consumed a lot of stamina. Durgyu was
already out of breath.

By the way...

The opponent stayed still with little movement like a rock, and when a stab came
in, it just hit the orbit to the side.

As if all attacks were visible.


Durgyu felt like he was stabbing a rock with a needle.

Even if the attack was predicted, the opponent would be able to knock it off so

'Is the power of stabbing insufficient? Why doesn't the other person get tired!'

Durgyu screamed inwardly.

And at that time, Lee Han was thinking the same thing.

'This bastard is going to run out of breath, so why won't he stop?'

The byeokam sword that Lee Han learned is a heavy and strong medium sword type of

Even if I tried to get a shot against Durgyu, it wasn't easy because Durgyu moved
back and forth like crazy.

Fortunately, Lee Han has a physical advantage over his opponent.

He's excited, and he rolls on the floor, his movements are much more intense, and
above all...

Lee Han did not get tired of injecting some magical energy when swinging his sword.
Lee Han himself was surprised by his own magical power that he realized after he
started learning magic.

...I think that's enough to put a lot of magic into the sword for quite some time,
so why don't you get tired?

However, even if Lee Han was in an advantageous situation, it was not easy.

To be honest, Durgyu's attack was quite fierce.

Every time it bounced, a heavy force was put on it, which made my spine cool.

It's because it's a wooden sword. If it were a real sword, the collar would have
been cut off just by rubbing it.

From the outside, it looked like Lee Han was blocking it with a short bouncing with
a relaxed movement, but Lee Han, who blocked it, was paying close attention.

“Heh heh...!”

And in the end, it was Durgyu who collapsed first.

He was holding his breath, and he endured the screams of his muscles, but Durgyu
was mentally shaken first.

It was because the opponent seemed too unshakable.

A guy from the Wodanaj family who blocks the attack as if nothing happened with an
expressionless face!

When they met those eyes, Durgyu had the illusion that he was already playing on
the other person's palm.

'I'm sorry.'

Professor Ingaldel was deeply saddened.

Although Durgyu collapsed first, Lee Han was also quite crowded.

That's why Durgyu's attack was fierce.

Had he known that, Durgyu would have been able to squeeze out more power.

However, Durgyu overestimated his opponent and collapsed on his own.

It was an unavoidable mistake as a child.

Not to mention, Lee Han of the Wodanaj family was already spreading the cold and
overbearing atmosphere characteristic of the great aristocrats.

A handsome man who doesn't seem to bleed a drop even if he is stabbed with a needle
is advantageous in many ways in swordsmanship.


As Durgyu collapsed, Wodanaj immediately swung his wooden sword to blow away the
opponent's sword and stopped the sword in front of the tip of his neck.

"stop! Wodanaz won.”

Professor Ingaldel spoke softly but firmly. He was determined not to allow any more

The White Tiger Tower students sighed in disbelief.

Durgyu, the best of them all, loses!


“I also sprinkled the soil…”

“Durgyu also rolled on the ground.”

“What do you say, kid? It's Durgu's fault, isn't it?"

“Ah… no. sorry."

Professor Ingaldel opened his mouth, ignoring the gossiping students.

“Today the two students showed a really good swordsmanship. Just because you win
today doesn't mean you'll win in the future, and just because you lose today
doesn't mean you'll lose in the future. Let the winners be humble and the losers
push each other forward. Say hello to each other.”

Lee Han held out his hand and looked at his opponent.

To be honest, Lee Han expected the opponent to stare at him, spit, give him
strength, or do other things.

Seeing that Lee Han had an argument when he came to listen to a lecture, he was not
of a normal temperament, but he was defeated by the most proud swordsmanship.

'If you attack with your fist, you have to knock down the bottom with a low kick
and put the counter right away.'

Lee Han narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent, preparing for an unexpected

It is said that Professor Ingaldel is by my side, but I learned that the professor
is basically unreliable, and I learned something new at this school.

“ was a good fight. I apologize for looking wrong and ignoring you. You
deserve this lecture.”


But Orc has honestly apologized.

Lee Han confirmed, 'Isn't this kid going to be unattended and surprise him', but
there seemed to be no such intention.


“You must have said you were worried too. do not care."


Durgyu grabbed Lee Han's hand and nodded his head. There was a sense of respect in
those eyes.

clap clap-

Professor Ingaldel applauded with excitement at the beautiful appearance he had


Of course, the students at the White Tiger Tower were very shaky.

“What are you all doing? Aren't you applauding?"



When Professor Ingaldel drew out his sword in a frenzy, the students hurriedly made
fun of their hands.

Clap clap clap clap!

* * *

“You’re not going to leave me alone after being humiliated like that, do you? step
on it.”

The other white tiger tower students nodded at the cold voice.

But Durgyu shook his head with a heavy expression.

“I lost because I wasn’t good enough.”

"no! That bastard kicked the dirt and lost!”

"no. If I hadn't sowed the soil, I would have lost. And if I lost because of that
kind of effort, I also lost because I wasn’t good enough.”

At Durgyu's words, the students roared.

As much as he had the best swordsmanship, Durgyu's words had weight to the dorm

But the golden-haired student said coldly.

“I’m not curious about that. The important thing is that our tower's honor and
pride were destroyed because of you. Take responsibility. The Choi family.”


Giselle, who inherited the bloodline of the Moradi family, exhaled coldly.

At those words, Durgyu's face hardened.

As the Moradi family, which exerts a strong influence among the Knights of the
North, Durgyu could not be easily ignored.

“I lost because of my lack of skills, how am I supposed to take responsibility?”

“Simple. If you go alone and lose, it’s okay to go with a group of people.”

Before she could finish speaking, two students came out and stood next to Durgyu.

"don't worry. Durgyu. I will help you.”

“Three people are enough.”

"...Isn't it embarrassing as a knight to deal with one person in three?"

Durgyu struggled to stop the situation somehow.

Then Giselle laughed.

“If you were going to say something like that, you should have won. You put it down
and say something like that?”


The reaction of the White Tiger Tower students was divided in half.

Half of the students who have always been on the side of the Moradi family.

And half of the students who responded that this was not a good thing.

However, even half of the students did not come forward.

Durgyu bit his lip and said.

“I will refuse.”

"you. You will regret it.”

Giselle turned her gaze away as if not to recommend any further.

“Cowards fall for it. up to you three Go and step on Wodanaj.”

"Okay. Moradi.”

“Don’t worry.”


No matter how well Lee Han fought, he was at a very disadvantageous 3-on-1.

Even the three of them constantly learned swordsmanship.

Durgyu made a decision.

To stand by Lee Han's side for honor.

* * *


“Wordanaz you bastard!! dare!!"

“...if you want to follow the next guy, come and look.”
Han said coldly. The two students, who were intimidated by the sight, unknowingly
backed away.

Durgyu, who rushed to help after belatedly, looked at the student who had fallen
with a shocked expression.

What's going on?


The White Tiger Tower students were narrower than Lee Han thought.

As soon as the class was over and he was about to go back, three people suddenly
blocked Lee Han's path.

“Wordanaz. Did you think you could win and get away with such a mean victory?”

“I’ll teach you a lesson so that you don’t come back to class so shamelessly.”

Lee Han spoke like a dwarf student and an orc student who did not know his name.

Lee Han, who had not yet understood the situation, asked a question to investigate.

“Are you doing this even though you know that my family is the Wodanaj family?”

“You cowardly threaten me with my family…!”

“Isn’t it cowardly to fight 3 to 1?”


I pretended not to, but a glimpse of fear flashed across the face of the other

He seemed to have heard the rumors of the Wodanaj family.

Nevertheless, in order to build some self-esteem in your dormitory, will you go

ahead and punch yourself 3 to 1 like this?

'First of all, apart from the fact that the head is a little empty... is there
anything you believe in?'

Either he is from a large family or has a descendant from a large family.

'I don't think it's the former, so it must be the latter.'

If that's true, it's correct that the head is a little bit empty.

If there is a conflict with a great family like the Wardanaj family, there is no
way the other high family can take care of it.

There is a high probability that they will be used and thrown away.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't get involved in the battles of the great families
for nothing...

'If it was someone who could understand it, he wouldn't have attacked me like this
in the first place.'
No matter how logically Lee Han persuaded him, if his opponent was a guy who didn't
think back and forth and rushed at him recklessly.

Aren't the fists close and the family far away?

“Who made it? Perhaps your family is a family with power that is hard to refuse.”



The three students were astonished to pass out.

How did another dorm student manage to roll inside the White Tiger Tower like this?

“Shut up... Shut up!”

“Let’s attack!”


The three of them slyly moved to proceed with the attack, realizing that it would
only harm them if they talked any longer.

'3 to 1 is unreasonable.'

Taking the time, Lee Han quickly shook his head.

Allaron said firmly.

You can do it one-on-one. If you can't do 2v1, do it. 3v1 just run away.

If you ever have a fight with three people, just jump out!

He also agreed with that.

All three of them must have come from a knight family, and must have learned
swordsmanship, but Lee Han was unconditionally at a disadvantage in a 3 to 1 match.

The problem is that the three are blocking the way.

I had to shake it up somehow.


At that moment, something flashed through Lee Han's mind.

The opponent knew that Lee Han was from the Wordanaj family, a famous magician.

had to use it


When Lee Han chanted a spell with a powerful voice, the three students were

it's magic

They're still struggling with even the simplest luminous magic!

'It threatens with low-level control.'

Lee Han didn't perfectly master the <Level Control> magic either.

Proper manipulation has not yet been successful.

But it didn't matter.

The other party will not know that Lee Han has not mastered it perfectly.

Now that each other's magic skills were insignificant, Lee Han's magic was enough
to frighten and cripple the opponent.



Lee Han's eyes widened in shock.

What Lee Han was trying to do was just to make the stone float in the air.

Once the stone was lifted into the air, it could be used to threaten the opponent.

However, Lee Han overestimated his magic skills.

It was more difficult than expected to stop while floating in the air.

The moment the spell was cast, the stone was shot forward in a flash.

And it slashed the goat's beast student's forehead with precision.

“Wordanaz you bastard!! dare!!"

The remaining two students were startled by the battle magic they encountered for
the first time.

A stone arrow spell that flies without a moment to react.

No matter how much the Wodanaj family, they already have this kind of powerful

“...if you want to follow the next guy, come and look.”

Han said coldly.

There was nothing else I could do about it.

The magic just had to bluff as intended.


“It would be better to stay away. If you have a sword, I have magic.”

The two looked torn between fear and pride.

At that moment, Lee Han used magic once more.


The dwarf student flew to the side. However, the rock arrow accurately tracked the
dwarf student who flew and smashed the ship.


“Uh… billions.”

The Dwarf student could not breathe and fell forward. The orc student left alone
was terrified.

Even if you avoided it, you hit it.

It really wasn't normal.

'Isn't that the wrong way to learn magic?'

And seeing the collapsed student, Lee Han was also embarrassed inside.

How is it that you can't just float it, but you didn't aim to hit the opponent, but
it works so well?

“That… stop it. I lost! I'll get out of it! I'll get away! Stop shooting! Don't
kill me!”

'Don't kill me, you madman.'

Lee Han thought so, but kept his expression until the end.

“Be careful going forward. The name of the Wodanaj family.”


The orc student grinded his teeth, but dared not make eye contact.

Durgyu, who ran late, met Lee Han's eyes with an absurd expression on his face.

“Did you come here to fight too?”

"ah. no."

In this situation, no matter how steady Durgyu was, he had no choice but to

* * *

“A guy named Gazelle from the Moradi family made such a threat?”

"no. Giselle…”

"ah. okay. Giselle. The name is difficult. Anyway, who is that Giselle from the
Moradi family?”

Lee Han was slightly surprised by Durgyu's confession.

The atmosphere of the Blue Dragon Tower and the White Tiger Tower was quite
The Blue Dragon Tower didn't feel like anyone was taking over, either because they
were from a high family or from an imperial family.

In reality, it was close to the atmosphere of three or three people gathering

together according to the relationship they had with each other.

Princess Adenart was the most famous, so there were a few students who followed
her, but that was far from a command relationship.

But the White Tiger Tower is controlled by Giselle, a member of the Moradi family.

“What does he look like?”

"like this."

Durgyu skillfully drew a picture on the floor with twigs to describe his

Hearing this, Lee Han was shocked.


Wasn't it a student who pretended to be kind to Lee Han when he was taking
swordsmanship classes?

"Somehow, he was too kind to a smooth-looking subject... he was hiding his evil

“Wordanaz. I agree that Gisele Moradi is evil, but she doesn't seem to have
anything to do with looks. Besides, she looks smooth. Maybe Giselle as a man…”

Lee Han blew out Durgyu's point with one ear.

What is it that you listen to defending a smooth-looking guy?

'It's ironic by the way.'

At first, Lee Han was planning to persuade the other students by borrowing the
power of Giselle, who was at least kind.

But rather, he became friends with Durgyu, where the conflict occurred in the first
place, and Gisele was hiding an evil plan.

'Did you talk to me to make you think?'

Lee Han recalled the words he had said to Giselle.

He didn't say anything particularly important or weak.

He said, 'I'm taking a swordsmanship class to get my grades!'

If I heard that, I would usually think of it as blissful, not as threatening.

“I don’t understand. Why did you try to attack me?”

“I think there are several reasons. First of all, you are the Wodanaj family.”

“Is there a relationship between the two families that I am not aware of?”
Ian was puzzled.

Maybe there is a bloody affair between the Wordanaj family, a magical family, and
the Moradi family, a knight family?

"no. As far as I know there is no such thing. However, if you ruthlessly trample on
you, a member of the famous Woudanaz family, Gisele's power among our first-year
students will grow that much.”


Lee Han immediately recognized the meaning and smirked.

So now Lee Han...

Did it look like an expensive trophy with the Wodanaj family tag?

'This is pretty bad.'

No matter how much I tried to think of it as a childish quarrel with teenagers, it

was bad to feel bad.

“Not all of our freshmen now follow Giselle, but if Giselle shows such charisma,
more students will follow Giselle.”

“Is it charismatic to have your classmates throw fists? The knights of the family.”

At Lee Han's words, Durgyu bowed his head in shame. He was also not free.

"no. I didn't mean it to you. What the hell is going on?”

"Thank you. Wodanaz. don't keep talking Giselle is a character who tries to take on
the role of a leader anytime, anywhere. He's a guy who will do anything to prove
his power, his dominance. So... she just wanted to say be careful if you're going
to keep taking swordsmanship lessons."

If he continued to take swordsmanship lessons, and if Lee Han showed a good side,
the students of the White Tiger Tower had no choice but to be jealous.

And she will subtly instigate those feelings to get students to follow her.

Durgyu cautiously suggested.

“Even if you don’t have to take a swordsmanship class, there is a way to learn
swordsmanship separately during your break.”

"Hmm. Durgyu.”


“Now that I think of it, I’m also going to listen to <Basic Physical Training>… Is
this only for White Tiger Tower students?”

“…Wordanaz. It may sound rude, but... wasn't the Wodanaj family a magical name...?

Durgyu endured, and finally raised his doubts.

* * *

As he returned from breaking up with Durgyu, Lee Han was deep in thought.

In fact, Durgu's advice was the easiest.

- Avoid lectures that only students of the White Tiger Tower take.

As long as she avoided lectures, no matter how much Giselle tried to argue, she
couldn't do it.

In other lectures, Lee Han will also go with the Blue Dragon Tower students, so how
can they argue?

And Giselle wouldn't bother chasing after Lee Han if she disappeared from the
lecture. 'Cause there's nothing left

However, Lee Han had no intention of accepting the advice.

First, although Durgyu didn't know, Lee Han chose those lectures to get credit

'You dare try to politicize me, aren't you?'

The second was self-esteem.

You're trying to do a decent job for the same reason, but you leave it alone?

Lee Han had no intention of doing that while losing money.


Lee Han returned to the tower and opened the door to the first-year lounge.

The students who had come first noticed Lee Han while chatting, and waved their




“Today I was attacked by the White Tiger Tower students. Just because I belong to
the Blue Dragon Tower!”

momentary silence.

The students were one beat late in accepting the words that were so embarrassing.

And then someone turned the table over.

“…these tin cans have turned around!?”

“I don’t dare to see this!!”


The reaction of the classmates was far more intense than Lee Han had expected.
“Everyone, call back! The white tiger tower bastards dare to touch Wodanaj!”

“I don’t know if it’s Gainando, did you touch Wodanaj? You guys have crossed the

“Is there any way to get a weapon? Find out where to get it! I will kill you!”

It seemed that he was overheating, so Lee Han went out to dry it.

"for a moment. for a moment. Everyone is so kind to me. You don't need to do that
much. I..."

"no! Wodanaz. I have a favor from you.”

"right! There is no one here who has not eaten the meat that Wodanaj has brought!”

Not knowing how ripped off they were, Lee Han felt a little sorry when he saw his
grateful friends.

“And it’s a matter of pride!”

“Let’s defeat the White Tiger Tower bastards!”

“Let’s defeat the White Tiger Tower guys!!”


'I underestimated them too much.'

Of course, it was true that the Blue Dragon Tower students liked Lee Han and
thought they were taken care of.

But that alone didn't make it so hot.

Basically, the Blue Dragon Tower students didn't like the White Tiger Tower

He is from a knight family, and has a rough and ferocious body that is the exact
opposite of the Blue Dragon Tower students.

I was still despising it in my heart, but the first time I touched it, it exploded
right away.

The other group of students, whom I seldom talked to with Lee Han, also screamed in

“Everyone, grab what you can use as a weapon and follow me! Let's go to the White
Tiger Tower!”

"for a moment!"

Asan of the Dalcard family stood in front of the excited students.

Asan climbed onto the table in the break room and then dried up his classmates.

“Everyone calm down!”

'Five. There was a sane guy.'

Lee Han rejoiced slightly at Asan's words.

However, not all of them could understand the situation.

“What is it, moon card! Were you scared?”

“Your honor has now been blasphemed!”

Of course, the students were even more angry at Asan's appearance.

Asan said calmly.

“The White Tiger Tower guys are from a knight family. Don't act hastily. There is a
95% chance we can win.”

“Then let’s leave like this?!”

"no. We'll have to split up our squads and systematically ambush them, then find
the White Tiger Tower students and attack them!"



Ian sighed.

What I expected is an idiot!

“Wait, wait!”

Lee Han shouted loudly on behalf of Asan.

The voice of Lee Han, who was a party to this issue, had to be louder than that of
Asan. The students turned their eyes to Lee Han without knowing it.

“Let’s make this clear first. I have no intention of asking you guys to take my
revenge! This is about my honor. I'm not weak enough to ask someone else for my

At Lee Han's words, the students murmured.

None of the students here did not care about honor.

Each of them was carrying the honor along with the name of the family.

As such, when Lee Han stepped forward on the grounds of his own honor, everyone
could not easily refute it.

“But Wodanaj. The White Tiger Tower bastards are cunning, mean, scornful, and
filthy, so even if you try to get your revenge fairly, it won't work."


When one of the students was swearing without even breathing, Lee Han was slightly
embarrassed, but he answered it skillfully.

“Even so, for people from honorable families like us to behave the same as them,
it’s like going into a mud puddle and wallowing with us. Let's not be like that!"
Lee Han's voice had a certain persuasive power.

Not only the atmosphere that comes from his dignified appearance and attitude, but
also the behavior he usually showed.

The students who stood up in anger eventually nodded their heads and sat down

“If Wodanaj said that…”

“Like the mean guys. They don't know what honor is."

After the friends calmed down, Lee Han opened his mouth again.

In the first place, the topic was brought up to tell this story.

“Instead, when they argue, let’s work together to respond. The White Tiger Tower
bastards are more likely to be cowardly and cowardly.”


"okay! You should do that!”

The students cheered as if they were satisfied with Lee Han's words, they clapped
and clapped their feet.

'Good job.'

I was able to breathe a sigh of relief inside.

Now, if the students of the White Tiger Tower are arguing while passing by school,
they will be able to call their colleagues and fight back.

That's enough...

"By the way, you're listening to the next <Understanding Basic Magic> with the
White Tiger Tower guys, right?"

“It’s fine. I can set a good example for those ignorant and vulgar bastards.”

“In the beginning, what kind of magic would my children learn to wield iron shards
while wallowing in the dust…”

“I have mastered the <Generate Light> magic.”

"you also? me too. Let me show you my magic in front of them. Are you curious about
their faces? Couldn't any of them have mastered all the magic?"

“This is the noble and dignified way!”

'...for a moment.'

Hearing the conversations of the students sitting back in their seats, Lee Han
suddenly felt his heart sink.

...Am I the only one who hasn't learned the luminescence magic right now?

* * *
next day.

Yoner, who stretched out and came out to the break room, was startled.

A dark shadow was placed under Lee Han's eyes.

"what's the matter!?"

At first, Yonner thought it was because of a meal.

Because every meal served in the dormitory made the hungry students starve.

The day after entering the dormitory for the first time, the faces of the students
were actually crumbly and flat.

But when I think about it, Lee Han was an unusual person who perfectly adapted from
the first day.

Besides, when the Blue Dragon Tower students went hungry, he went to the hut of
Thunderfoot alone, brought smoked meat and freshly minced vegetables, and gave it
to his friends (though he received some money).

There was no reason for such a person to do that because of his meal now.

I don't know if it's Gainando...

“To practice magic.”

"Magic? If you don't practice separately... Ah. Did you say that you got permission
from Professor Kim last time?”

"yes. Everyone else said that <Generate Light> was successful, so I practiced all


Yoner tilted his head.

It was the first time I heard it.



Gainando walked out to the break room with a long yawn.

Then, he pulled out a sausage from the pocket on his shabby clothes (it was the
sausage I bought with Lee Han yesterday).

Gainando treated the sausage with respect as if it were a treasure.

I looked around for fear that someone might steal it, and then I put it on the tip
of a skewer and put it into the flaming flames in the fireplace.

Sausages began to cook with a sizzling sound. As it was made from high-quality
pigs, the smell of the sausage stimulated the hungry intestines.



Not noticing that Lee Han and Yonere were looking at each other, Guy Nando took out
a potato (which he also bought with money) from another pocket.

Then he carefully tucked it under the bonfire in the fireplace.

“Heh heh heh...”

“…Gainando. I won't steal it, so just eat it as is."


Gainando jumped and jumped in surprise. He didn't know that Lee Han and Yoner were
behind him.

“Uh, since when?!”

“From the moment you carefully insert the sausage.”

“Oh, I didn’t!”

“I’m going to get a sausage. Take it out.”


Gainando heard those words and took out the skewer hesitantly. Then he sent a
vigilant look.

“…Gainando. Do you really think me and Yonaire will take your sausages and

“Water… of course not.”

Even though he said that, Gainando still had a wary expression on his face.

Instead of saying it, Lee Han looked at Yonaire and said.

“The condition is serious.”

“Everyone is hungry.”

It wasn't that Guy Nando was particularly crazy, but everyone was hungry right now.

It's a shame that Lee Han brought the ingredients from the hut of thunder and gave
them away, otherwise the condition of the students would have been even worse.

"I think I'll eat all the meat this weekend... I'll have to hunt a new one this

“Are you okay?”

“I have to ask Nelia to go with me.”

At Lee Han's words, Yoner nodded.

It would certainly be reassuring if Nelia, a capable dark elf hunter, went with

Of course, Nelia wasn't here, and if she had heard it, she would have been shocked
and wondered, 'Why me all of a sudden!?'...

“Professor Thunderwalk is subtly killing me.”

Ihan groaned.

Professor Thunderwalker was a rather modest Dwarf.

They were allowed to use the hut as much as they wanted, but Lee Han was very
strict about taking what was in it.

They don't know if it's digging and eating on the spot, but if they try to take it,
they're nagging.

-Wait, that bread is the bread I baked for dinner! no! When did you put the jam in
your pocket again? Why do you want to take it?

-no. I grew the garden as the professor told me, but can I take this with me?

-You just ate well! Why take extra!? If I take it all with me every time I come,
I'll ruin the hut!

“There are no gaps, so there doesn’t seem to be any way to get them out.”

“Isn’t there any way to make a gap…”

Having said that, Yonner realized what he had said and was surprised with a 'huh'.

Soon enough, I was immersed in this school.

* * *

Professor troll, Garcia Kim, smiled bitterly at the incoming students.

As much as she was interested in the students, Garcia could quickly notice subtle


As the first week of entering the magic school was coming to an end, the students
were very hungry and hungry.

Although Garcia didn't fully agree with the principal's theory, there was nothing
more effective in getting students moving than starving.

Starving students are doing their best to overcome the situation.

'Everyone, be strong.'


Tension has already begun to peek between the towers.

As students from different backgrounds gathered, it was natural for students to

compete and be hostile to each other.
In particular, <The Tower of the Arrogant Blue Dragon> and <The Tower of the White
Tiger Biting Thunder> did not always get along well.

The sons of nobles who were born and raised in a family with deep traditions vs.
the sons of knights who were born and raised on the outskirts of a rough and bleak

I couldn't get along.

But this was also, according to the principal's theory, one of the things that kept
the students flamboyant.

The more you compete, the stronger you become!

"ruler. Everyone please sit down.”

Although not as shocking as when we first met, Professor Garcia was still full of

It was only natural that the blood of a troll was mixed.

Both the Blue Dragon Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students sat quietly.

“Last time, I learned the <Light Generation> magic. Not everyone was successful,
but that doesn't disappoint. The magic path isn't about rushing. It may be
confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it and get the hang of it, you'll
start to improve quickly. ruler. Still, is there anyone who succeeded in <Light
Generation> magic in the meantime?”

Lee Han raised his hand while holding back the yawn.

'I've been practicing all night.'

When all of the other Blue Dragon Tower students succeeded in the <Light
Generation> magic, Lee Han became very nervous.

As a skilled Korean, Lee Han could not stand still if he fell behind in the
competition with others.

In the end, instead of sleeping all night, Lee Han practiced the <Light Generation>

If it wasn't for the enormous amount of magical power, he would have collapsed
sooner, but Lee Han was fine no matter how much he used it. He was just a little


Ian felt something strange.

None of the surrounding students raised their hands.


"Oh oh..."

“As expected, Wodanaj.”


The Blue Dragon Tower students gave a small applause with a mixture of envy and

Look at the white tiger tower bastards!

This is Wodanaz!

...I felt the same way.


Lee Han couldn't understand no matter how much he thought about it, so he asked the
student next to him.

Apparently, it was the guy who said he had mastered luminous magic.

“You said you learned luminescence magic?”

"ah. have you heard It was... almost a success, but not a complete success. But in
fact, it was just before success, so I said that I had mastered it.”



'These nobility bastards who like to brag...!'


As he continued to belong to the Wodanaj family, he had forgotten how much the
imperial nobles liked to show off.

Imperial nobles value honor over life, and they pride themselves on having a
luxurious meal even on the verge of bankruptcy!

'Ah-oh. You've suffered needlessly.'

"It's great! Two of them came out of the Blue Dragon Tower.”


Ian looked to the side.

The princess also raised her hand. Not only that, she was also staring at Lee Han.

And those eyes weren't very friendly. There was a cold feeling in his blue eyes.


Ian was deep in thought.

Being hated by the princess, one of the top talents in the Blue Dragon Tower, was
not very beneficial.

And Lee Han had no memory of doing anything wrong to the princess.

Rather, he was just showing kindness.

We caught a wild boar together, and we talked about useful lectures that help

'I made a plan on how to get help with assignments and exams later. Why are you
doing that? Is it because you went around with Gainando?'

tuk tuk-


Asan Dalkad said softly.

“Wordanaj, the princess seems to believe the strange rumors circulating about you.”

“A strange rumor?”

“Rumor that you are looking for a way to be lazy without being preoccupied with
magic. It’s nonsense.”

Asan had an angry expression on her face, as if it were her own.

Lee Han, who came from the Wodanaj family, couldn't do that.

But Ian was surprised.

'no. correct? How did know?'

It's so accurate that I get goosebumps!

And Lee Han didn't feel that this was particularly dishonorable.

because it was true

But Asan seemed very, very angry at this nonsense and nonsense.

“I was disappointed with the princess over this. Of course, the person who spread
these rumors is the worst, but you believe in such nonsense.”

“No what… can you believe it?”


Asan was astonished.


How generous are you!

It is said that the students of Blue Dragon Tower are from a family of great
aristocrats, but there was no student who showed the appearance of nobles like
Wodanaj in front of Asan now.

Asan realized again why his family sent Asan to this school.

It was obvious that he was sent to meet such a friend.

“You are a really great guy. Wodanaz.”


Lee Han was puzzled by Asan's reaction.

'What did I eat wrong?'

* * *



Lee Han and the princess succeeded in the <Light Generation> magic.

At the tip of the wand, a sphere-shaped glowing mass of light appeared and stayed
there like a lantern.

The princess's <Light Generation> magic felt somewhat cool and distinct, and Lee
Han's <Light Generation> magic felt like the sun was burning as intensely as the

Professor Garcia clapped her hands in delight.

“Very well done! It's rare for students to succeed in glow magic in the first week.
I am happy to have met such talented people. Of course, that doesn't mean you need
to fret or be disappointed. Luminous magic is the most basic magic among circle 1
magic, and it is a magic that lets you know what magic is. A little early or a
little late won't run the magic path.”

'It doesn't sound very convincing.'

Ian thought so.

Of course, as Professor Garcia said, this <Light Generation> magic didn't make it
impossible to evaluate the talents of the students.

Comparing with math, getting used to addition quickly doesn't mean that you can
solve complex math problems like calculus well later.

However, such a word could not have come from the students who are now full of

In fact, everyone thought, 'I'll definitely cook it before the other towers!'

Professor Garcia continued with a smile.

“The reason I learned the <Light Generation> magic first is because the magic we
will learn this semester is elemental magic. You may have subconsciously learned
the art of using elemental magic while learning the <Light Generation> magic.”


The students straightened their posture with excitement at Professor Garcia's


Elemental magic!

Elemental magic was basically magic that included easy attributes such as fire,
water, earth, and wind, to difficult attributes such as darkness and plants.
And this elemental magic served as a solid foundation before learning other complex
and difficult magic.

Do you want to summon a spirit?

If you want to summon a fire spirit, you have to learn some fire element magic.
Otherwise, the fire spirit could not be controlled.

Want to create artifacts?

In order to deal with jewels with fire properties or to put fire-related magic, of
course, you had to learn some level of fire element magic.

Traveling far away or working in remote lands of the Empire?

Even with simple elemental magic, sorcerers could be treated. Lighting a campfire
or preparing drinking water is an enormous amount of high-level manpower.

As such, elemental magic, starting from the easiest to learn and being easy to
apply to other magic, was playing the role of basic education that all new wizards
should learn and pass.

If I had to compare it, it was similar to learning addition and subtraction to

learn other higher studies.

“Today we will practice the <Light Generation> magic, but at the same time we will
have you test various basic elemental magics. Each person has an element that suits
their aptitude, and it is important to find that element.”

The students shouted with excitement.

In fact, wizards did not need to learn all magic. You only need to learn the fields
you are interested in and want to learn.

So, rather than learning all the elemental magic, it was a better way to find an
element that suits you and learn it diligently.

This was the reason why Professor Garcia was not obsessed with the <Light
Generation> magic.

"ruler. then..."

When Professor Garcia struck the classroom floor with his giant wand, a candle lit
up and lit in front of each student.

“The trick is the same as the last <Light Generation>. But this time, it's
different to make the fire burn, not the light. You'd better be a little more
careful. Unlike light, fire can burn people.”


Some students looked nervous.

“With the incantation from the heart… Burn!”

A blazing fireball appeared in front of Professor Garcia. It was a mysterious,

magical fire burning alone without any firewood.
"ruler. Everyone try it There is nothing to fear too much. Because I am by your




“Hurry up...”

The students concentrated and tried to come up with the image of 'fire'.

A few keen students realized Professor Garcia's intentions and put their hands
close to the candle or stared at the flickering candle.

When you focus your mind, it is much easier to create an image when the object is
actually nearby.

He recalls the image of fire with the unique mental power of a wizard.

I chant the spell with a strong will to draw out magic power and create that fire!

Lee Han also tried to cook the fire with concentration. Unlike <Light Generation>,
I was planning to learn it normally without being deceived by others.

"for a moment. for a moment."


However, Professor Garcia stopped Lee Han.

“Student Lee. Students do not practice speaking spells.”


Ian was puzzled.

Come to think of it, there was no candle in front of Lee Han. Instead, there was
gurgling water in a copper bowl.


“Because it’s dangerous.”


Ian realized.

Even when practicing the <Light Generation> magic, the light would explode after
failing to control it over and over again.

It was only a little dazzling, but it didn't matter if the light exploded.

But what if the flame explodes?

'Well. Many will die.'

Lee Han nodded in agreement. It was an incomprehensible reason.

“I think it would be good to do that when the control over magic power increases
and the sense of the elements becomes more sophisticated.”


“Until then, practice the <Water Generation> magic. Even if the <Water Generation>
magic fails, it's not that dangerous.”


Like flame, it was one of the representative elements.

Although it may be difficult to clearly conceive the image of metal or lightning,

there are few people who cannot imagine the image of water.

So easy and familiar elements.

Moreover, unlike fire, it was not dangerous when it failed.


'Water is a bit subtle.'

Disadvantages of Water Elemental Magic.

That's not cool...


'It's there, but the use is a bit subtle.'

The point was that the usefulness was a bit subtle.


Fire or lightning was better.


Soil or metal was better.

If I had to pick out the strengths, there was a point that I could make my own
drinking water when I was traveling, but...

'It's a really subtle advantage.'

For Lee Han, whose goal was to sit at a job as an imperial wizard with sweet honey
that he could eat raw, such survival use was a bit more subtle.

But what to do?

While practicing flames, it was impossible to burn the surroundings.

“Spring up!”

“Wordanaz. envy. You are receiving special instruction from the professor.”

Asan, who was practicing next to me, said as if envious.

Of course, it sounded like nonsense to Lee Han.

'Does this look like a special teaching?'

Lee Han also wanted to learn fire magic just like everyone else.

The use of subtle elemental magic...

“Spring up!”

“Spring up!”


On just the third attempt, a water ball appeared in the air.


Not a drop of water, but a lump of water the size of a fist!

Lee Han was surprised as well as Professor Garcia.

No matter how successful the light-emitting magic was, I got used to it, but the
water creation magic was successful in the third time.

It wasn't easy to see.

Besides, it's not a drop of water, it's a chunk of water the size of a fist.

This was only possible if his aptitude with the element was really well matched.


“Look everyone here! Student Han Lee succeeded in the elemental water magic!”



“After all, Wodanaj!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee Han's magic with a happy expression,
while the White Tiger Tower students looked at Lee Han's magic with a frown and
jealous expression.

clap clap-

Professor Garcia said with applause.

“Student Lee Han is great. I would like everyone to imitate it. But everyone. You
don't need to be nervous. There is an element that suits each aptitude. If you find
an element that suits your aptitude, you'll quickly learn the trick. A student who
grew up in a volcanic area or a blacksmith is exposed to flames, a student who
grows up near a river or beach to water, and a student who grew up in a desolate
land blown by the wind...

Lee Han, who was listening, was puzzled.

'I'm not really from the river or the beach, am I?'

The only memories related to water in life were the memories of drinking water from
a professor.

Is it just your natural personality that goes well with water?

It wasn't bad, but somehow...

'It would have been better if it matched well with rare attributes such as
lightning or ice.'

Some of the advantages are advantages, but it is a subtle advantage, so it felt


I suddenly felt his gaze, and when I looked to the side, the princess quickly
turned her head. She seemed to have just stared.


As I thought about something else, a lump of water that had formed in the air lost
its shape and splattered onto the floor.

Professor Garcia nodded and said.

“I think the next task for Han Lee is to create water, then hold it in shape and
fix it.”

"All right. professor."

If you knew the tricks of creating water, it was a little easier to stay focused on

Lee Han answered without thinking.

Then, out of nowhere, I asked a question.

"professor. How long should it be maintained and fixed?”

"ah. The mana will be exhausted first without the need to ask like that... No.

In general, new wizards tend to run out of mana before concentration.

But this freshman in front of me is the exact opposite.

There was no way he could do that because he had an enormous amount of magical

Professor Garcia nodded his head in response.

“I think I should keep it until the end of class and fix it!”


Lee Han doubted his ears.

Isn't that corporal punishment?


-If you see only crazy people around a person, you have to suspect that that person
is also crazy.

There was a saying

Magic School was the same.

If all the professors look crazy, even a decent professor who hangs out with them
should be suspicious!

'Well. okay. Professor Garcia was friends with that crazy headmaster. Also, you
can't trust any professors.'

If Professor Garcia had heard it, it was a heartbreaking heart that would have
struck her heart with injustice.

Of course, maintaining magic until the end of class could feel mentally harsh.

By analogy, it was like putting a spinning top on your nail and holding it in
balance over and over again.

However, Professor Garcia had his own reasons for giving Lee Han this assignment.

The fact that he succeeded in creating water in the first three times meant that
Lee Han was very talented, even considering that he was compatible with water.

Besides, the amount of magical power was so enormous that it overwhelms the talent.

For a gemstone of this size, it had to be polished to show its shine more.

Professor Garcia gave the order because he thought it was an exercise that Lee Han
could accomplish.

Of course, such sincerity was not conveyed to Lee Han.

'From now on, all the professors at this school should think that one screw is

While squeezing his concentration to keep the water ball, Lee Han thought so.

* * *

The remainder of the <Understanding Basic Magic> class passed warmly.

A few of the Blue Dragon Tower students additionally succeeded in <Generate Light>,
and the Princess also succeeded in <Generate Flame>.

Yoner was delighted to realize that the wind element and his aptitude were a good
match, and Gainando almost burned a staff.

And for the rest of the time, Lee Han had to keep his mouth shut and concentrate on
maintaining the water mass.

“Isn’t that really too much?”


Professor Thunderbolt tilted his head at Lee Han's words.

I didn't really understand if there was too much in what Lee Han just explained.

“It’s just… didn’t Professor Garcia Kim like you? So I guess you did that?”

“Like I am managing the garden now?”

'ah. He grumbles a lot.'

At Lee Han's poignant remarks, Professor Thunderbolt grumbled inwardly.

Friday afternoon everyone looks forward to the weekend.

Lee Han was managing the vegetable garden in Professor Thunder's hut.

Other students must have been gossiping, saying, 'That professor is so terrifying.

But Professor Thunderwalker also had an excuse.

...because this was what Lee Han said he would do.

-professor. I'm here to help with the maintenance of the hut.

-Oh oh. Thank you.

-Can I have a little bit of what's in the hut instead of working? whatever you want. To that extent...

-Then can I take a little while I eat a little?

-no. this guy

“I was wrong when I asked. okay."

He shook his head and raised both hands.

A simple question like 'how was your first week' would be answered like that.

However, except for the habit of grumbling, Lee Han was the most anticipated
student among the current freshmen.

Professor Garcia Kim is also giving special treatment to Lee Han.

And even in the eyes of Professor Thunderbolt, Lee Han's ability was outstanding.

It wasn't magical.

'How do you do chores so patiently? The more you look, the more you are born.' was the ability to do chores.

If Lee Han had heard of it, I thought he would have fallen in love all at once, but
his thunderous steps were serious.

The most necessary ability for alchemy that Thunderstep thought was the ability to
do such chores without getting tired.

An innate sense of magic that can distinguish any reagent?

Elemental affinity that allows you to quickly become friends with any elemental?

Fine horsepower control that can handle any delicate process?

I didn't need it all.

What an excellent alchemist needed was the steely endurance that would not run away
while silently wiping a mountain of flasks.

And Lee Han had that ability from the first time I saw him.

If it had been another nobleman, no matter how much food he provided, he would
never have done the chores of managing the garden and hut.

It was because he had the talent of an alchemist.

'Why is it strangely creepy?'

While digging potatoes, Lee Han was puzzled.

The weather was cool, but it was strangely creepy.

“Isn’t it hard?”

"it's okay."

To the question of Thunderstep, Lee Han answered without much thought.

It wasn't really that hard.

Physical strength is also physical, but he was used to doing these kinds of chores
under a professor.

To be honest, it was easy enough to pick fresh vegetables from the garden and take
out a pot installed by the river to take out the fish.



When Professor Thunderbolt laughed with satisfaction, Lee Han became even more


'Do you feel good when others work hard? After all, professors...'

“You are talented. Wodanaz.”

"ah. Yes."

“Did you pour it into your ear right now?”

"no. professor."
Thundersteps tickled his tongue.

Even if I tell you now anyway, I wouldn't listen to that grumbling personality.

How the heck did he come from a granite statuette of the Wodanaj family?

Thunderstep buried her body deep in an armchair, filled a long pipe typical of the
dwarven race, filled it with cigarettes, and ignited it.

Then he exhaled the smoke pleasantly and opened his mouth again.

“Did nothing else happen?”

'How boring is this person?'

As he brushed away the dirt on the carrots, Lee Han was absurd.

Hell, I didn't even know it was natural to do that, as I'm a professor at


To be a true professor, you have to let students work and be bored with them.

“Did you have any conflicts with other dorm students?”

"uh? How do you know that?”

“You’re not the first freshman to come here, and you probably won’t be the last. Of
course you can guess.”

Thunderstep spoke in a voice that had become very pleasant from smoking.

“Try it. The opponent must be the students of the White Tiger Tower.”

"Yes. you're right."

In the words of Thunderstep, Lee Han noticed that the blue dragon pagoda was
traditionally on a bad relationship with the white tiger pagoda.

“It has to be bad. One is the imperial noble family, and the other is the knight
family. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fight at a young age?”

“Isn’t that a absurd reason? Why do you have to fight uselessly? I'm also busy
learning magic."

At Lee Han's words, the thunderous nodded his head.

Ian was definitely right. It was absurdly stupid.

But when you're young, isn't it all foolishness?

“Still, Wodanaj, you have little eyes. okay. There's no need to argue with each
other for such absurd reasons. Wouldn't it be better to practice magic while
fighting uselessly?"

"you're right."

“This year, there might be less fights with a guy like you. Even if the white tiger
tower bastards come up with an argument, ignore it.”
"uh. We have already fought.”


Thunderstep put down the pipe he was holding in his mouth and looked at Lee Han as
if he was embarrassed.

You say you don't want to have to fight in vain for absurd reasons?

"no. First of all, what do you do?”

Lee Han protested as if it was unfair.

Thunder step nodded his head for a moment.

After all, there were times when it was unavoidable if we had to fight in the first

“It seems that all these White Tiger Tower guys are rough guys. I don't usually get
into fights enough to make a fight in the first week. How did you end up fighting?”

“He argued with me for taking a swordsmanship class.”



Thunder dropped the pipe that bit again. It was that crazy.

“Aren’t they really bad guys?”

"Your guy is weird...!"

The thunderous gait was absurd.

Why do you listen to swordsmanship during so many lectures?

He seemed to understand why the White Tiger Tower guys had an argument.

“Yeah, you ran away. The White Tiger Tower guys usually learn magic late, but they
are good at fighting.”

"Yes. It was difficult because three people jumped on it and knocked it down.”


Thunderstep gently pushed the pipe aside.

It seemed like I couldn't smoke any more today.

“Did you knock it down?”

“It was difficult. I was lucky.”

“...I can only work up to here today. Don’t prepare me something to eat.”

“Uh. Is that okay?”

"then. Sure."
Thunderstep decided to do better for Lee Han.

After all, he might become the best swordsman in the empire and come to

* * *

The vegetables growing in the hut of thunderwalk were thick and fresh, probably
because they had received plenty of nature's energy.

The professor washed the potatoes, onions, and carrots with water, peeled them, and
then cut them into large pieces.

Then, toss butter in a saucepan and stir-fry onions and garlic.

“Bring me some hanging meat.”

"no. This meat is mine and Yonaire’s.”

“…do I eat alone?”

"All right."

Lee Han later decided to apologize to Yonaire and brought the smoked pork hanging

The thunderbolt was roasted with meat and then poured with plenty of wine. The
strong smell of wine pierced her nostrils.

Soon after, potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. entered one after the other.
Thundergeal said, adding salt and seasoning it properly.

“It’s a stew that comes down from the family. With this one, you don't need any
side dishes. One hot, freshly baked white bread is enough.”

There was a reason Professor Thunderwalk said so confidently.

The stew was really good.

For Lee Han, who could not drink warm soup for several days, the dwarf stew warmed
his stomach.

There was only the sound of spoons scraping wooden bowls and the sound of stewing
each other.

'ah. That's great.'

“Is it delicious?”


Like an experienced graduate student, Lee Han answered immediately.

The thunderous steps were not expressed in words, but the expression on their faces
seemed to make them proud. It felt very good.

“By the way, did the professor manage all of this before I came?”

“What about the others?”

“Hmmmm. They all ran away because they were lazy and had no clue.”


Lee Han regretted for a moment, 'Did I get hit?', but it was already spilled water.

“It must have been quite… cumbersome.”

“It’s cumbersome! To become an alchemist, this is the basics!”

In fact, it was not the basics to clean the dust accumulated in the hut, remove the
fire pit, check the materials, manage the garden, and check the small traps
installed on the roadside and the traps put out by the river.

'Looking at the list, it's strange. Why did I think it was not so difficult?'

Lee Han lamented his own labor awareness.

His senses were paralyzed because he had worked under the professor for too long.

“I have a lot of vegetable garden left, can I try growing some?”


Thunderstep was admirable.

Lee Han didn't know, but his thunderous steps were admiring himself, 'After all,
this natural alchemist'.

That figure who doesn't give in to many chores, but rather gets things done.

It wasn't usually a talent.

“Of course it will. What are you trying to grow?”

“Aren’t we going to plant cabbage and green onions?”

“Both will be fine.”

The thunderous footsteps that had nodded their heads stopped.

"...Isn't that what you want to do business with?"

"oh. How did you know? Have other students done this before?”


You are the first one!


The thunderous gait only gave out laughter, but soon nodded.

He had no intention of saying anything about what he raised and sold.

“There is no one student I know of first. It's a very creative idea. It’s very

"Five. thank you Business will be good.”

“Not a compliment!”

He grumbled, but in fact, money management was also an important virtue for the

Who will save the expensive reagents and materials?

All of them had to earn money to save themselves.

'If you look at saving money like that, you won't run out of money later.'

“Chinese cabbage and green onion… um. It looks like you like making stew.”


At the words of the thunderous steps, Lee Han raised his head.

The Empire wasn't just about Western food. It was so huge that there were all kinds
of food depending on the location.

The western part of the empire, where the Wodanaj family is located, had a Western-
style eating habit of mainly bread and cheese, while the eastern part of the empire
had a diet familiar to Lee Han, such as rice and noodles, red pepper paste and
soybean paste.

“Do you like stew?”

“I like it, but I tend to avoid eating it.”


“It’s Eastern food. I hate Eastern Dwarves.”

Thunderstep said with a frown on his face. It seemed to bring back bad memories.

“Did anything bad happen to you?”

“The old relatives of distant relatives live in the eastern part of the country,
and when they meet, they talk about useless nagging. Regeneration potions are
expensive these days, so try selling them, so you can’t make money, but why don’t
you come here so often? Does a young man use a cheeky long tobacco pipe..."


Lee Han was bewildered at the more specific complaint than expected.

I've heard that the eastern part of the empire values tradition and places more
importance on the rules than the western part, but that's about it.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“I was talking nonsense. There's nothing wrong with the food though. I don't hate
it. If you boil the stew later, let’s eat it together.”
Lee Han never said he would give it, but he knew that it was not very good to say
such a thing in front of a professor who felt uncomfortable.

“It is an honor to be treated as a professor.”

Thunderstep heard Lee Han's words and nodded.

'for a moment. If it was the Wodanaj family, it would be west. Can I trust and eat
his eastern cuisine?'

Thunder gait was a little unsettling.

Of course, I knew that Lee Han had a great talent for chores, but it is not rare
that he was originally from a noble family and was good at cooking.

The last time I saw him grilling a steak, he wasn't a bad cook, but it was true
that Eastern cuisine was quite tricky.

“…No, after thinking about it, it doesn’t seem like it’s not worth it to eat it.
You raised me, so I’m fine.”

"Yes? But the pork you ate earlier was caught by me and my friends…”

“After all, that’s the pig I prepared!”

Thunderstep eventually became angry.

* * *

After eating and cleaning up, Lee Han slowly prepared to go back.

"Oh yeah. What are you going to do on the weekend?”

“Should I come and work?”

“…Anyway, does it look like I’m going to call students on weekends too?”

Thunderstep asked in an absurd voice.

But even more absurd was Lee Han.

'what? You don't usually sing on weekends, do you?'


Wasn't it the basic skill of professors to call students on the weekend?

“You did a good job, so you don’t have to come on the weekend. I don't know if you
want to grow your garden... And you'll be very busy on the weekends."

Thunderstep said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Lee Han became slightly anxious.

'Why are you here again, anxiously?'

“Is something wrong?”

“What is work? Think carefully. What do students who have been starving and
tormented throughout the week do on the weekend?”

“Do you set fire to the school?”

“...that's a bit too extreme. It was about finding a way to eat and live.”

Put the students in a corner.

Then you will figure it out.

According to the will of Principal Rich, represented by .

-Why is this school so cruel to us? Is it because the principal is undead?

- You can't keep starving like this! You should at least get something to eat!

- Oh, my friends! Let's go holding hands together!

“Well, I’ve heard rumors that the students of <Black Turtle Tower> are searching
for edible fruits while scouring the forest behind the main building.”

“It’s like Black Turtle Tower students.”

Thunderstep replied as if he knew it would.

The actions of the freshmen were usually divided according to the tower.

The students of the Black Turtle Tower, who came in as commoners, merchants, and
even slaves, did not care about face and were among the fastest moving.

As such, it was natural to search the forest and mountains behind the school to
find something to eat.

“Thanks to your hunting, there will be other guys who actively try to hunt. It's
rare that they hunt from the first week."

“Isn’t it all thanks to the professor’s teachings?”

Lee Han's thunderous steps to Abu smiled happily, but then he felt something

Do you feel strangely swearing?

“How was the Blue Dragon Tower students usually?”

“The Blue Dragon Tower is the slowest. They're guys with heavy ass, aren't they?"

Lee Han had no choice but to sympathize.

Obviously, looking at the same top friends, it seemed that few people would go to
the forest to find something to eat on the weekend.

“But there are always a few talented guys, so after a few weeks of starvation, they
come to their senses and find a better way.”

Thunderstep said so and looked at Lee Han.

Come to think of it, this year's Blue Dragon Tower seems to be very different from
First of all, the way of thinking from the Wodanaj family was different...

'He's a really strange guy.'

“Dear Professor. May I ask for another tower?”

“I can tell you this. The phoenix tower students... should they be separated
altogether? Because they are not the ones to be shaken because they are hungry and

A phoenix tower composed of former apprentice priests sent by the Imperial Church.

As they have always practiced thrift and frugality in the temple, it was only
natural that they were the quickest to adapt to this magic school.

So, while the other Tower students wandered around looking for food, the Phoenix
Tower students often just prayed and endured.

It was the power of faith.

'It's amazing. How can you keep eating like that?'

Ihan stopped thinking.

Come to think of it, Lee Han-do had survived well for more than a few years in
graduate school.

'Well. Come to think of it, people seem to be able to survive surprisingly.'

"Oh yeah. Wodanaz. Are you planning on hunting this weekend?”


There was no need to hide, so Lee Han answered confidently.

“Then watch out for the white tiger tower bastards. Because they often go hunting
too. I'm usually cautious in the first week, but I'm sure someone has heard of a
good hunt, so I'm not going to sit still with that personality."

“Isn’t it all thanks to the professor’s teachings?”

“…well, you know. The White Tiger Tower guys are traditionally high-buyers, so be
careful. They are originally from a knight family, so they have a lot of blood.”

"Yes. If we fight, we will plan well so that the majority can deal with the


That's not the sound...!

Thunderstep was about to say something.

To be honest, it was because that Wordanaj family seemed to know and do well.

“We may not meet. The forests and mountains are wide, and the White Tiger Tower
bastards may choose something other than hunting... No, no. What in the first
“What else do you do instead of hunting?”


Thunderstep regretted that I brought this up for nothing.

For some reason, I thought that if I told Lee Han, Lee Han would do it myself.




The expansive site of this magic academy was surrounded by a high wall, and that
wall was also protected by magic.

But there will always be people who want to break through it.

Considering the villages located outside the magic academy and the items available
in those villages, it was only natural that an escape attempt would appear.

'New coats, new shirts, new belts, new trousers, new boots, bread and butter,
cheese and jam, dry food, needles and threads just in case, paper and feather pens,
soap and perfume... Damn it. There are so many that I can't organize them all!'

The moment he heard the word 'runaway', Lee Han's eyes flashed and his head was

If he can get those things, Lee Han will be able to live like a king in the

“Look at this! That's why I didn't want to talk about it!"

Thunderstep looked at Lee Han's expression and recognized his inner heart.

“What do I mean?”

“You don’t know that your bastard is going out and counting what he can get!”

"no? Is it magic?”

“You’re talking like magic! Don't be stupid. The White Tiger Tower guys are the
first to try to escape every year because they are the stupidest.”

“Were there no successes?”


“Weren’t you?”

“…but not without!”


“Because you will regret it!”

Thundering suddenly stopped while shouting.

Come to think of it, I don't think there's any reason for him to dry it like this.

When I was young, everyone was bound to do stupid things.

"done. If you want to do it, do it.”

"no. professor. I never intend to do that.”

“Put saliva on your mouth and say it!”

* * *

dark room.

In the room where only one candle was flickering, three men with grim expressions
were threatening an orc.

"Hey. choi. Are you aware of the situation now? uh? Your only way out is to

“…Lee Han. Even if that prince doesn't do that, I'll just ask and I'll answer."

Durgyu looked at Gainando as if embarrassed.

It was more absurd than scary to see a guy who was less than a fist slamming his
face and threatening him.

All of a sudden, the three of them appeared and followed me, saying, 'Follow me!'
What kind of nonsensical play is this?

"Well. Didn't it work?"

Lee Han pulled the curtain down. Sunlight entered the empty classroom. Yonner blows
out the candle's light.

Guy Nando, who could not understand the situation, looked at Lee Han and Durgyu in

“You said you had to threaten Choi?! Did you know each other?!”


“Then why did you prepare this!?”

“If you pretend to be friendly and bring it in, other White Tiger Top students will
see you.”


Durgyu was startled by that.

Ian was right. There was nothing good about being misunderstood.

"Thank you. Lee Han. If I had come in with a friendly conversation, I might have
been misunderstood.”

“What do you have with this? I can do this for you, who will play the role of a spy
in the future.”
"...for a moment. Am I a spy?”

Durgyu protested the dishonorable title.

Ian asked curiously.

“Didn’t I tell you if that Moradi family member did something suspicious?”

“It was.”

“Are you a spy then?”

“…I think there is something more noble and honorable than a spy?”

Durgyu protested as he was from a knightly family.

I'm telling you for the sake of honor and justice, but why is this a spy?

“I think I am a spy.”

Gainando, who was listening next to him, helped out like that.

Durgyu glared at Guynando. Guy Nando frowned, avoiding her gaze.

“Coming to think of it, I don’t think he’s a spy.”


Lee Han decided to be a little considerate of Durgyu.

“Actually, this is for honor and justice, so the term spy would not be appropriate.
Durgyu. You are a whistleblower.”

“Uh… huh?”

Durgyu was bewildered by the unfamiliar word.

However, it didn't feel too bad because it seemed like something noble, but it was
more classy than a spy.

“I think it’s okay…?”

"okay. In the future, as a whistleblower, I would like to inform you about the
conspiracies of the White Tiger Tower students.”

“Hey, don’t do that.”

Yoner, who was sitting next to him and listening with his face on his palms, was

How did you persuade the orc from the White Tiger Tower to cooperate like that?

“Durgyu. The reason I brought you here on a weekend morning... is to think about
how to get out of school.”


Durgyu was startled.

As this was the expected reaction, Lee Han was calm.

However, the words after that were beyond Lee Han's expectations.

“Lee Han, were you thinking of getting out too?”


* * *

Like all other tower students, the white tiger tower students suffered from hunger.

If you are from a knight family, you might ask if you are strong against hunger,
but the knight family was also a noble family of the Empire.

There was no such thing as starvation.

On the contrary, there were parts where it was more difficult to endure hunger as
the job was to eat well and move well.

- You have to hunt! Wodanaj caught a wild boar in the Blue Dragon Tower, we can
catch it too!

- On the weekend, let's get a group together and go catch it. There's probably not
a single guy here who hasn't hunted. We have the most advantage!

-Let's break the noses of other tower bastards who are helping with a single magic!

-ruler. ruler. everyone calm down.

It was also Giselle who took control of such a chaotic atmosphere.

With her natural dominance, she quickly seized hungry students.

-hunt? good. But think about it, everyone. Is hunting that easy?

-We also captured the Wodanaj family...

-It was the wild boar that the alchemy professor had prepared for you. Think
carefully. How deep would you have to go to catch a wild boar like that? Are you
unfamiliar with the surrounding terrain?



Gisele's words convinced the students without realizing it.

Obviously, hunting wasn't easy. Even more so in places you don't know.

If it was the small mountain or forest behind the school right now, I was frankly
afraid to go deeper.

It's an unknown area where you don't know what kind of monster there might be.

- Then Moradi. Do you have any other way?

- In what way?

- How to get out of school and head out to the village.


-If you succeed, you won't have to worry about whether you can catch a beast or
not, right? We'll be able to bring everything we need for a semester.

- Oh, is that really?!

-Ha... But that's absurd.

- All the necessary methods are already organized in my head. If you want to
follow, you can follow. Because I have no intention of monopolizing it by myself.
But... if you follow me, you must follow my orders. I won't forgive you for ruining
the atmosphere or changing your plans with such a rebellion.

-Sure. Moradi!

- Who will disobey you!

* * *

"no? Can I participate if I listen to the orders?”

"...Hey. Lee Han.”

“Isn’t it too?”

Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if it was ridiculous.

Durgyu didn't know if she would accept Lee Han or not...

I have pride as the Wodanaj family. How did you get involved in that path?

When he thinks about what Giselle was going to do to Lee Han right away, Durgyu
himself was even more angry.

“Remember what Giselle did.”

“I’m not going to let you participate.”

"no. It's not like that, is it?"

While Durgyu was bewildered, Lee Han was deep in thought.

Giselle's words complicated her thoughts.

Originally, Lee Han was going to gather friends like Durgyu and Nelia to find an
escape route little by little.

Of course, I had no intention of finding them all at once.

Like Professor Thunderwalker said, escaping wouldn't be that easy.

But surprisingly, Gisele of the White Tiger Tower was asserting that a method was
is it bluff?

'no. I wasn't the type to be pretentious. Not even Gainan.'

Although he hadn't had many conversations with Giselle of the Moradi family, he
could guess what kind of person he was.

A cold-hearted and strong desire to dominate.

When such a person made such a declaration, it was clear that there was a certain
corner to believe.

"Right. Don't let me participate..."

"No... you're not serious, are you?"

“Then I can’t help it.”

"okay. I'm glad you understand."

“I have no choice but to chase after them.”


Durgyu didn't know where to start.

“Are you serious?”

“Is there a better way than chasing after you?”

“It seems a little… disgraceful, doesn’t it?”

Durgyu hesitated.

All knights had to pursue honor even in mere battles.

Besides, if it was the Wodanaj family, wouldn't it be the imperial family?

He would value honor as much as Durguy.

“Durgyu. Think carefully. This is a strategy.”


“To know the enemy and to know myself. It's a strategy."

" it?"

“It’s a strategy.”

Lee Han looked directly at Durgyu and spoke in a steady voice.

'The more bullshit you are, the more confident you should be.'

There was a reason why the guy with the loudest voice wins in the world.

No matter how strange it sounds, if you say it with a sincere soul, you will have a
strange persuasive power.
When Lee Han of the Wodanaj family spoke seriously with a sculptural cold face,
Durgyu unconsciously said, 'Huh? Is that so?' I started to get confused.

I think it's a strategy...

“I… it could be a tactic.”

"okay. strategy. You need to know what the enemy is planning. That way you can
prepare for it.”

It wasn't really what Giselle was trying to do with Lee Han with her plan to escape
from school, but...

In order to prevent Gisele's evil conspiracy from unfolding in the future, Lee Han
secretly insisted that the escape plan had to be grasped.

“Durgyu. Your role is important. You have to tell me about the Moradi bastard's
escape plan."

"i get it. I will try.”

"okay! excellent. You are an honorable whistleblower. No one else knows, but I know
how honorable you are!”

"Thank you. Lee Han.”


Lee Han patted Durgyu on the shoulder, supported him and sent him back.

"after. I was originally going to think about an escape plan, but the plan has
changed. ...why is everyone looking at me like that?”

Yonaire and Gainando were looking at Lee Han with strange eyes.

Gainando asked seriously.

“Did you ever learn brainwashing magic before entering school?”


* * *

Saturday evening, at sunset.

It was the time when Giselle of the Moradi family decided to try to escape, leading
the students of the White Tiger Tower.

After hearing the time from Durgyu, Lee Han also began to move.

'If possible, you should check the escape route this time.'

Giselle couldn't tell the others how to escape.

In addition, once successful, we will thoroughly check who is chasing us next time.

Because he must have been too!

The best chance to go undetected and check the escape route was today, the first

The students of the White Tiger Tower are also nervous on their first attempt
today, so they won't have time to check who's following them.

“Durgyu. Guyan too. Yonner. Nelia.”

Lee Han said while looking at his friends who had gathered.

These friends gathered here will be the companions of the chase today.

“Thanks everyone for attending today to find a way out of school.”


Dark elf Nylia pricked up her ears in surprise.

It was the first time I heard it.

When I called, 'Ah, are you going hunting?' I came here with a light heart...

“What!? Get out of school!?”


"'s crazy?!?"

Gainando was relieved involuntarily at Nelia's cry.

Still, there was one other sane person other than Gainando himself in this meeting.

'right! That's crazy!'

Of course, Gainando also wanted to visit the village if he could go out.

But it can't be that easy, can it?

I followed Wodanaj because I thought he had something to think about, but it was
also true that he was afraid.

"no. Nelia. It's not like I'm just trying to get away. I have a plan.”


At Lee Han's serious words, Nelia widened her eyes in surprise.

do you have any plans

It's only been a week since I've been to school, but already?

Looking at his face, it didn't sound like a lie.

'The Wodanaj family is really... amazing...!'

Nelia swallowed in admiration.

I've only heard a lot of rumors about the Wodanaj family, but looking at what Lee
Han is showing now, I think I can understand why the rumor spread.
The atmosphere itself was different from the other freshmen.

Nelia asked in a voice mixed with a little anticipation.

“What are your plans?”

“One of the White Tiger Tower students knows how to escape, and I will follow him
and copy the method.”


The way Lee Han spoke was definitely a way beyond Nelia's expectations.

The problem was that I went too far.

* * *

Chasing after other dorm students and copying them was not the romantic school life
Nelia had envisioned.

A short but deep thought. and sigh.

However, Nilia eventually decided to participate.

- Lee Han. It looks like Nelia doesn't want to participate.

- But Yonner. We need Nelia's help. The one who's the best at tracking here is

-But forcing you to participate is...

-is it? If you don't want to participate like that, there's nothing you can do...

-...I can't help it! If it's only me, I can only help!


Hearing the conversation between Lee Han and Yoner, he could not refuse.

It was not the rule of <Shadow Patrol> to abandon a friend for fear.


To be honest, I'm glad that Nilia's ability as a hunter was highly appreciated.

Ironically, it was not the students of the same tower that gave the highest
evaluation of Nelia's ability as a hunter, but the Wodanaz of a different tower.

Durgyu muttered quietly, not understanding.

“That dark elf. I thought you would say no, but why did you participate?”

“I think I know.”

Gainando said confidently.

At that, Durgyu also spit out a small 'Ah'.


There were things that no one wanted to do.

There were several reasons.



egoistic mind.

The virtues that make it possible to overcome such reasons and take action were
called honor and friendship.

Even though that dark elf didn't like it, there was only one reason to participate.

Probably because of the friendship between friends.

'I saw something good.'

Durgyu smiled secretly.

As Durgyu himself also participated for the sake of honor, seeing friends who have
built friendships regardless of family made me feel better.

"what. choi. Did you notice too?”


“He must have wanted to go to the village that much. I also really want to go to
town. As soon as you arrive in town, you either sleep on a soft bed or... No, no.
First off, what to eat. I will eat all the sweet foods in town. Candy, chocolate,
hotcakes, syrup…”


Durgyu looked at Guy Nando with a bewildered look.

'Why is this guy here?'


While Durgyu lowered his evaluation of Gainando, Nelia began to pick out the items
she needed for a long night out.

“First of all, you don’t know how long you will move, so you have to prepare as
best as you can. It would be nice to have some sturdy boots and a couple of good

“We don’t have that.”

At Lee Han's words, the atmosphere became somber.

The principal deliberately gave me rough, worn-out clothes, but there is no such

Nelia took out her luggage as if she knew it would.

“I have been making spare boots using the animal skins I caught last time. I ripped
off the curtains in the break room and made footwraps. ruler. Give me your feet.”



When Lee Han and Yoner didn't talk, Nilia wanted to say goodbye.

'Did I act like a fool again?'

After bringing the meat, Nelia was able to get along quite well with the <Tower of
Black Turtle> students, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of distance while

Neilia, born and raised as a member of the Shadow Patrol in the cold northern
mountains, and a student born and raised in a large upper family in the center of
the empire, must have a sense of distance.

-Wow! See that red flower over there?

-yes. That flower is delicious. sweet

-...Oh, no. Isn't it pretty?

-Isn't it better because it's pretty and delicious?

Of course, unless Nelia was an idiot, she couldn't have known the atmosphere.

After being awkward once, he kept his mouth shut and swallowed the words.

But how do I say it again?

It was a mistake.

“This, so… I sewed it myself… I couldn’t help it…”


"right! awesome!"


However, Lee Han and Yoner's reaction was the opposite of Nilia's expectations.

“Is this great?”

"Of course. Are you making this yourself?”

“It’s a skill that no one else can do. Did you sew this yourself with a needle?”

At Lee Han and Yoner's reaction, Nilia's lips and the corners of her eyes trembled
as if it was pleasant.

"...isn't it a big deal?"

“It’s nothing. What do you say?”

"right. Who can do this here?”

“Nelia. You have to do business.”

"right. Let’s sell it for money from the same top students.”

Nelia waved her hand as she heard the compliments pleasantly and then the topic
took a strange turn.

“I hate business.”

"why not?"

"why? Nelia. Why do you hate money?”

When Lee Han and Yoner asked with sincere expressions, Nilia was absurd.

'Isn't it normal that you don't like doing business with your friends!?'

Anyone who sees it will know that Nilia belongs to the Blue Dragon Tower.

“What are you getting paid for? no!"

At those words, Lee Han and Yonaire were indifferent.

“It’s nonsense. Whether or not you can get money is not for you to decide, but for
the market to decide.”

“That’s a really good thing. Nelia. Did you understand?”

“...Can I just explain? yes??"

"ah. sorry. continue."

Nylia, who barely escaped, coughed in vain. Still, her expression was much brighter
than her before, and her long ears were lifted up pleasantly.

No matter how much you pretend you're not, you can't help but be happy to be

“But what’s so great about this?”

Gainando asked as if he didn't understand.


Yoner slapped Guynando's back. Lee Han cut the shin of Guy Nando.

“Nelia. don't give him You shouldn't use it, you know what's great."

"right. He has to suffer.”

“You… aren’t you doing too much?! I'm still a prince...!"

'Was it the prince?!'

Nelia was terrified.

Lee Han and Yoner, who came from a great family, had no special thoughts about the
royal family with a three-digit number, but to Nelia, it was bound to feel

The emperor's direct line.

Just the name alone is majestic...

'...not there.'

Seeing Yoner slapped her on the back and Lee Han's shin with her feet, I looked
more like a patient than a prince.

"hey. Don't you know how precious those boots and footwraps are when you don't know
how many hours you have to walk? If you walk for an hour, you'll scratch your feet
and everything."

“Let’s just leave it alone.”

“Oh… no! okay! Okay, so don't leave me behind!"

When the situation was over, Lee Han apologized to Nelia instead.

"sorry. Nelia. I prepared hard, but Gainando here spoke rudely.”

“Oh, no. I really don’t care.”

“You seem to care. Shall I hit you one more time?”

“Are you really okay?!”

Nelia was again frightened and dried up.

There were no really unpleasant feelings. Just looking at it, it seems that Guy
Nando had never walked for a long time in his life (not to mention Hwang Ja-Ri),
and it's no wonder she doesn't know.

"ruler. Here's the coat I made. It's spring, but it'll be chilly at night. It's
going to be quite windy around here."



“...will you stop reacting to every word you say?”

It's a good feeling, but the fuss and fuss is slowly becoming an annoyance to

“Leather backpack. You will need it when you go into town. leather water bag. I
made this too.”

'That's great.'

Ian was honestly amazed.

To make all those things by yourself, using only leather, needles, and threads.

'Why don't you do business with that talent?'

If it was Lee Han, I would have made a lot of money.

Looking to the side, Yoner had a sad expression on his face as if he was thinking
the same thing.

“If you want to move around in the dark for a long time, you need to wrap your feet
well, have a coat for the cold, and have enough to drink and eat…”

Nelia, who was talking, hesitated.

I was worried about what to eat.

Nilia, you can ride a mountain without starving for a day, but will the other kids
be okay?

“I brought something to eat. Sausage and bread cuts, goat cheese. And dwarven honey
candy. Would this be enough?”


Nelia was startled.

The food Lee Han brought was sufficient as emergency food.

“Where did you get it?”

“I sneaked out of Professor Thunderstep’s cabin.”


Are you really from the Blue Dragon Tower?

* * *

“Today, honorable friends gathered here. Knights who have sworn to obey my orders.”

At Giselle's words, the students with strong physique nodded their heads.

It was the White Tiger Tower students who believed in Giselle and decided to try to
escape together.

I didn't hear any plans, but I could see the influence of Giselle in this

There were several students who were taller and bigger than Giselle, and several
students who looked much more grumpy.

As an elf with a thin line and a delicate appearance, it was likely that he would
feel embarrassed, but Giselle stood in front of it, regardless.

And said in an arrogant, sharp voice.

“Don’t worry about the idiots and traitors who aren’t here. Soon the children will
find out.”

"of course!"

"You're right. Moradi.”

“We leave in ten minutes.”

There was, of course, a reason why Giselle was so full of confidence.

'If you move along the map, four hours is enough.'

Surprisingly, Giselle had an escape map.

The escape map I found when I was in the Moradi family before entering school!

- An introductory book on magic for beginners, what is magic, the legend of

Einroguard... Is there only such a thing?

-sorry. Mr Moradi.

- Bring everything you can. Because I have no intention of being ignored by other

All the knights from the family had similar concerns before entering the magic

Will I ever be able to follow?

Unlike people from other families, it was natural to worry about such things as he
had only wielded a sword his whole life.

The proud Giselle had no intention of being ignored. Before she entered the magic
school, she read various books and studied as much as possible.

And sandwiched between the books was an escape map.

-Einroguard escape map...? What do you have?

A map with detailed instructions on how to get out of school.

Giselle was stunned when she saw it for the first time.

Einroguard was not a school that anyone could enter.

The best magic school that only talented people in the Empire enter.

What kind of pathetic bastard thought of a way to escape by taking such an

opportunity at the best.

But within one day of entering the school, Giselle found out why the map was made.

Oh, it deserves to be made!

-About Einroguard Escape-

Truly I tell you, the road on this map is the only way to escape. Your juniors
should get out of school through this path that me and my friends have paved...

The map was carefully and meticulously prepared by the seniors who came in first
for the juniors.

This map should be enough to get you out of here!

* * *
“Moves to the mountains.”


Lee Han and his party, lying on their backs in the bush, witnessed the torches
flickering from afar.

The White Tiger Tower students began to move.

'Is it a mountain too?'

In Lee Han's view, there were two main ways to get out of the magic school.

One is on the side of the huge wall or gate in front of the magic school.

It was close enough that it was the place you came in, and you could quickly go to
the village along the imperial road if you went out, but there was a problem that
it was not easy to break through the walls or gates.

The other is a huge and majestic mountain range that stretches out behind the magic

The long wall of the fortress must also be cut off deep in the mountain range, so
if you enter it well, you will be able to bypass it and get out.

Lee Han thought that if Giselle knew how, it would be the latter.

The vast mountain range behind the magic school was overgrown even from the
outside, so it was difficult to enter, but a capable person would be able to break
through it with a map.

That expectation came true.

“It moves. Let's follow!”

"uh? Why are you going to the mountains?”

Gainando was confused and followed after him.

Of course, he knew he was going to go out the gate.

“Go up the mountain and break through.”

"uh? why?!"

“Because there is a way. Durgyu. Gainando, please.”

"i get it."

Durgyu nodded happily.

Nilia was the best mountain climber among them, and Lee Han and Durgyu were well
trained as knights. Yonner was also confident in walking thanks to the fact that he
traveled here and there to collect alchemy materials from a young age.

The thing I'm most worried about is Gainando!

"uh? What are you asking for?”

“I am behind you. prince. Breathe through his nose and do not stop walking. ruler!"

"uh? No, sleep…”

Gainando was trying to answer the question, but after a while, he couldn't ask any
more questions.



“What… well… heh heh heh.”


'stop it...!'

Even the moonlight is dim at night.

Walking along an unfamiliar mountain road in the dark was consuming a lot of

Even though Nelia took the lead to check the road, cut and clear obstacles, the
party was all wet with sweat.

In the meantime, Lee Han tried to record the road.

Thanks to the harsh training under the mad professor, Lee Han drew a map on paper
even if he couldn't see it.


Yonner, who was walking next to him, looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

'Did he use magic like <Night Vision> by himself?'

It was a feat that could not be explained unless it was learned beforehand because
it was the Wodanaj family.

"oh. Look at this."

"What is this?"

“It’s sleep. Make a powder and mix it with water to sleep.”

“Let’s take it.”


“Let’s take it. I don’t know when I will use it.”

“Are you going to use this?”

Yoner tilted his head and grabbed a sleeping candle.

'I think at least an hour has passed.'

“Nelia. how far do you think you came? I think I walked for an hour.”
“An hour and ten minutes.”

Nelia replied that way and looked at Lee Han anew.

You are not a hunter, yet you do not forget your sense of time in this mountain.

At that moment, Lee Han felt a chilling sensation as if the backbone of his body
was standing up.

'Is it a monster!? No, Neilia would have checked it, right? Did I miss it?'

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


It was the familiar laughter of a skeleton.


'no way. No.'

Ian closed her eyes tightly.

But the reality was cold.

You got it! From the first week! haha! ha ha ha!

“…Daddy, what??”

Nelia, who had not understood the situation, asked with a trembling voice.

Ihan answered calmly.

“You seem to have fallen into the principal's trap.”

I don't know how Giselle found an escape route, but it was obvious that she was
playing on the principal's palm.

The problem is that Gisele may have been caught alone, but Lee Han and the others
followed him!

The fact that you've been up here since the first week must have seen the fake maps
I made and distributed! Today you have learned a lesson! Don't trust maps from
unknown sources! I don't know if that treasure map is a real treasure map, or a
trap crafted by an evil lich!



What kind of bastard do you have?

Ian was amazing.

So, isn't it that the skeleton principal himself made a fake escape map and
scattered it here and there?

I don't know when the new students who saw it might come in, and they might or
might not see it in the first place, but to do such a thing...
'It's fun no matter how you think about it.'

He said he would teach for the sake of the students, but Lee Han knew such
professors well.

It was obvious he was just having fun.

White Tiger Tower students. listen carefully! The escape is over. Now is the time
to return. The rules are simple. I won't go out, I'll send the pursuers away, so
dodge and return to the tower! Guilty if caught. If you dodge it, you are innocent!
You can use any method. I don't mind defeating my pursuers!

A huge skeleton appeared with a green light in the dark night sky with the horse.

And the skeleton started pouring out undead summons from the mouth.

Bone hounds and pursuers fell one by one onto the mountain.


Lights were lit everywhere. The bones lit torches.

It was the beginning of the chase.

* * *

“Let’s jump!!!”

Nelia whispered urgently.

Nilia's eyes were trembling with fear.

“Nelia. calm down."

“How can you calm down!! If caught, I might die!”

"no. I will not die.”

Unlike Lee Han, who is familiar with crazy professors and has even talked to the
principal several times, the skeleton principal was a very fearful existence to

To Lee Han, Principal Skeleton was just having fun, but to Nelia, he looked like he
was outraged by the cocky and horrific crimes of the freshmen.

“That… is it?”

“If you get caught, you’ll probably end up in a corporal punishment room or
something like that.”

“Che… corporal punishment room!? There's something like a torture device inside...
something that can't come out forever..."

“I don’t think so.”

Nelia was imaginative in the wrong direction. Lee Han first covered Nelia's mouth
with her hand and checked her surroundings.
'Are they skeletons?'

The sound of rustling and crashing through the bushes. It looked as if the bone
chasers were moving around them.

- Kung! Kung!

The barking of the bone hounds could also be heard.

"run!! If they chase you, take them down!”

“For the honor! For chivalry!”

The White Tiger Tower students shouted and drew their wooden swords.

It was clear that he thought he would fight once more.

'But the current situation has nothing to do with honor or chivalry.'

I was a little curious about how the situation in which he was caught trying to
sneak out of school had anything to do with honor or chivalry, but...

“I guess there is only one thing I need to do now?”

Durgyu asked in a low voice.

In the current situation, it was meaningless to come from different towers.

We must work together to defeat our enemies!

“I made a good point. Durgyu.”

"okay. I step out…”

“Let’s get out of here while those niggas come out and grab their attention.”


Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

However, Nilia, Yonaire, and Guynando immediately agreed.

""Good idea!""


Durgyu was trying to say something, but he held back. Now, the leader of the group
was Lee Han, not Durgyu.

'You have to break through the shallow side of the siege net.'


I felt like I wanted to run away right now, but Lee Han endured it.

There were many times when it was better to be patient and wait than to rush in
embarrassment at any time and in any situation.

Lee Han waited to check the shallow side of the siege.

Fortunately, the students of the White Tiger Tower were screaming and running to
drag the time.

I couldn't just let this opportunity go.

'no. But isn't it too harsh?'

Lee Han, who was holding his breath and observing in the bushes, was bewildered.

Skeletons floating in the black night sky pouring out undead summons will continue
to come out without stopping.

It was such a huge number that it was as if they were trying to push a number and
prevent it from running away.

'...I underestimated the principal's madness!'

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

The principal was a bit more crazy than I thought.

As he declared that he was guilty if caught and not guilty if he escaped, he

thought he would give the students some chance.

But seriously, I'm going to close it so tightly.

No, maybe he didn't know that he thought he was giving him a chance.

'The thinking circuits in the professors' heads are a bit twisted somewhere.'

Perhaps Principal Skeleton was genuinely thinking, 'I have to do this, so the
students will grow as they break through this siege, right?'

The problem was that Lee Han had to break through it.

'What is this... No matter how much attention the White Tiger Tower kids draw
attention to, it's meaningless. Should I just surrender?'

All the paths leading down were guarded by bone-stalkers and torches were lit.

After that, another bone chaser.

After that, another bone chaser...

The number had increased so much that the bottom of the mountain felt as bright as
broad daylight.

'for a moment.'

While thinking about it, Lee Han realized something strange.

The point was that Lee Han's party, the bone chasers who led the bone hounds,
didn't care at all.

'Is that strange?'

Of course, Lee Han and his party are now hiding in the bushes, and the students
from the White Tiger Tower are rushing down, attracting a lot of attention.
But if you know that Lee Han's party is hiding around here, shouldn't you tell the
bone hounds to search around or approach them?

However, the bone hounds and bone chasers were running downwards, chasing only the
white tiger tower students instead of looking for Lee Han and his party.

'Maybe... the principal doesn't know we're here?'

Lee Han naturally thought that the principal knew that Lee Han and his party were

Because the principal was a sorcerer who couldn't be compared to Lee Han.

But what if the principal isn't here?

'I won't go out, I'll send the pursuers away, so avoid and return to the tower!'

Come to think of it, I couldn't tell if the huge skeleton that appeared in the sky
was the real principal or not.

It wouldn't be strange if he sent an alter ego from afar or sent only a welcome.

'Then you just have to avoid the chasers' eyes!'

It was much better to hide and run than to run away when caught.

“…let’s go up.”


“I can’t get out of here now. look at the numbers The moment you hit them, the
pursuers will come.”

At Lee Han's words, Nilia's eyelashes trembled.

“But the stomach has no tracers. Climb up and detour or hold on. That is much more



Lee Han, who spoke up, was so embarrassed that Nelia accepted it easily.

“I spoke up... but can I just accept it without worrying about it? I don't know
what the path is up here."

“Because it’s much better than being caught and locked in a torture chamber in a
corporal punishment room!”

"...I said it before, but I think you're misunderstanding something."

* * *

Did you carefully climb up for about 30 minutes?

Nelia said in a low voice.

“It’s a cave. Let's go inside."

“A monster?”

"no. It's a small cave, and there aren't many popular ones. I threw stones.”

Nelia tapped her long ear and said.

“We have moved too much now. I'm fine, but others will need a break."

“I think so.”

Niliana Ihan and Durgyu were fine, but Yoner looked tired and Gainando was on the
verge of dying.

He kept walking in the dark and fled again nervously to avoid the chase along the
way, so it would be no wonder if he collapsed now.


Lee Han entered the cave and used magic. A light blazing like the sun filled the

Yoner hung his cloak at the entrance to the cave, blocking the light from escaping.

“I hope… you’re not going to follow me all the way here, are you?”

"don't worry. Because I didn't hear the chasing when they came. They're all
gathered at the bottom of the mountain."

Nilia reassured Yonaire.

Fortunately, what Lee Han said was true.

The summoned beasts summoned by the principal did not even notice Lee Han and his
party, nor did they come up to the top of the mountain any further.

“The question is, how long will those summons last?”

“Maybe I should have gone through it.”

When Durgyu said he regretted it, Lee Han shook his head.

"no. It would have been impossible to break through by force.”


“Because the principal would never have shown such a flaw in his personality.”



The other students thought, 'How do you know that?'

“Waiting for them to disappear, or bypassing them, now is the time to rest. Let’s
eat something first.”

Lee Han gave each of the sausages, bread, and cheese he brought.

Gainando threw the dwarf honey candy into his mouth, closed his eyes, and savored
it. He looked like he hadn't eaten anything sweet for days.

"this. I drank all the water…”

Nilia pulled out a leather water bag with a puzzled expression. She ran out of
water because she kept walking.

“No worries. Because there is magic.”


“Spring up!”

As Lee Han shouted while swinging his staff, a mass of water appeared in the empty

Nelia hurriedly brought the leather water bag.

“It’s really great. Lee Han!”

Durgyu was amazed.

To Durgyu, who was slower to learn magic than other top students because he came
from a knight family, Lee Han's magic was close to a surprising miracle.

Guynando and Yoner also clapped and rejoiced like children.

“I was just thirsty!”

“Thank you, I’ll drink well.”

Nelia stuffed the leather water pouch and carefully closed it. She then said that
she was envious.

“I wish I could learn water magic too...”

“If you learn the tricks, you will learn it quickly.”

Lee Han said with sincerity.

Actually, this is not that difficult magic, and it is a magic that can be used
easily once you have mastered the senses.

“I wish I did.”

After saying that, Nelia took up her staff and chanted a spell.

“Burn up!”


A small embers began to burn in the air, and it lit up on the sparks Nelia had

A cozy bonfire was created along with the sound of the crackling.
Because everyone was walking around the cold night, there was an exclamation of how
cold their hands and feet were.

"phew. I'm glad I succeeded in one go. I was successful last time, but I was

Nelia succeeded in creating flame magic at once to see if she had the right
aptitude for flames.

Then he looked at Lee Han and said.

"envy. I'd rather have water magic than fire."


"...Why why?!"

Nelia stuttered in embarrassment when Lee Han glared at her.

Did I say something?!


Most of the students who entered the magic school thought of magic as an end, not a

Most people don't think, 'Hey, I should learn fire-generating magic, light a fire
at camp, and learn water-generating magic and drink water for free when I'm

Usually, I have the ambition to 'learn the basics and then learn the magic I want
to explore new areas and achieve enlightenment'!

As such, Nilia did not have much thought about flame-generating magic.

In the first place, lighting a fire was something that could be done without a
staff and a spell. Neilia could light a fire just by giving her a stone and a twig,
because she was confident.

It would have been better if he had an aptitude for water magic, which he had been
interested in for a long time...

“Nelia. Be grateful for the magic you have.”

“Uh… huh? That, yes.”

Overwhelmed by Lee Han's atmosphere, Nelia nodded involuntarily.

'Did you praise my magic?'

As a member of the Wordanaj family, a master of magic, it was clear that she could
not tolerate the trivialization of her own magic.

Nelia frowned slightly and turned her head.

Of course, Lee Han was grumbling inside.

'If you only knew how to control magic, you'd learn fire magic first. I envy you.'
* * *

The fatigue of the party was relieved to some extent by thawing the frozen limbs,
quenching the burning thirst with water, and warming the bread and cheese and
putting them in their mouths.

'I'll have to go outside and check out the undead.'

Lee Han thought that he should go outside and see if the undead were still there.

If it was the mad principal's personality, he could still be there.


"great. Let's go.”

Nelia also noticed Lee Han's thoughts, so she jumped up from her seat.

As they came out of the cave, darkness greeted them both.

I could tell even though I had not walked for a long time.



The distant bottom of the mountain was still bright. It was as if a band of fire
was wrapped around the bottom of the mountain. It was a siege network created by
undead summons.

“Aren’t you really crazy?”

“Right… that’s right, but can I say that?”

Nelia trembled slightly, afraid of cursing the Skeleton Principal.

"it's okay. no one is listening You can curse.”

“Is that so?”

“Nelia. Magic comes from free ideas. The principal will want us to curse the
principal and be free to think.”

Lee Han was excellent at making bullshit with a serious face.

With a sculptural face and serious bullshit, Nilia, who doesn't know much about
magic, started to shake again.

That... is it?

“School, you bastard principal! You look like a brown bear! A wolf will catch you
at night...”


“Aww! sorry! sorry!"

As soon as she heard a rustling sound in front of her, Nelia cried and clinged to
Lee Han.

Lee Han slowly removed Nelia from her chest as if she were leeching a leech and
cast a wary gaze.

“Nelia. Be careful. There is someone.”

A voice could be heard as if the other party was also aware of Lee Han.

“…who is there?”

“Tell me from there.”

“The White Tiger Tower.”

"shit. Not all were caught.”

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

Somehow, there were students from the White Tiger Tower who ran away without being
caught in the midst of the commotion when they said that the undead did not

There was another rustling sound, and the White Tiger Tower students appeared in a
complete mess. It looked almost like a beggar.

“Huh, huh?”

"no. It's a white tiger tower."

* * *

- Punishment to students who broke the orders of the great principal and escaped.

- Punishment to students who broke the orders of the great principal and escaped.

Unlike Lee Han and his party, there were countless skeletons waiting for the
students of the White Tiger Tower who ran to break through the siege.

The bone-stalkers rushed in with rattling sounds and creepy words.

Moreover, the stick made of bones he was holding was not fatal, but one hit slowed
him down, two hit him stopped him, and three hit him knocked him down.


“These bastards are cowardly with numbers… great!”

The White Tiger Tower students, who were demonstrating their polished swordsmanship
and defeating the bone chasers with their wooden swords, eventually fell one by

- Complete suppression.

- Complete suppression.

"...consolation! Get out of here!”

And Giselle was the first among the White Tiger Tower students to understand the

'It wasn't made to be pierceable!'

Lee Han didn't believe the principal at all, but Giselle thought that she could
break through the siege because she unintentionally believed what the principal

The only way to keep going down was a catchy ending.

Giselle took the rest of the students and started running up the mountain.

Fortunately, the bone chasers did not pursue them all the way to the top of the

“Huh… heh heh…”

“Morady. Up... huh. can i run away? There is no way.”

“The summons summoned by wizards don’t last long. It will disappear in time.”

If Lee Han had been by his side, he would have pointed out, 'That's the case with a
poor wizard, and that's what the principal summoned?' Unfortunately, the White
Tiger Tower students' magical knowledge was very poor.

They thought Giselle's words were plausible, so they nodded their heads again and

“What are you doing in the meantime?”

“Let’s wait. Rest and recover your stamina. Light it up... No. I'll have to find a
place to rest first. Let's find some shelter from the wind."

At Giselle's words, the White Tiger Tower students began to search around.

Like Nelia, she wasn't as good in the dark or running around in the mountains, but
the White Tiger Tower students had stamina.

Despite the fact that the muscles of the whole body were tired and their throats
were burning from thirst, the students of the White Tiger Tower did not stop


“I heard a sound over there.”

“Isn’t that a beast?”

“If it’s a wild beast, let’s catch it. I feel like my stomach is on my back.”

However, the sound he heard was not the sound of an animal, but a human voice.

The White Tiger Tower students looked shocked.

There must be someone else in the middle of the night.

“…who is there?”

“Tell me from there.”

“The White Tiger Tower.”

"shit. Not all were caught.”

Surprisingly, it was the Blue Dragon Tower students.

* * *

“Come in.”

The White Tiger Tower students crawled into the cave.

Their faces were full of awkwardness.

It's been a while since we've fought each other, but it wasn't convenient to get
this kind of help.

“Sit down to eat and drink.”

Ian said expressionlessly. Gainando, who was next to him, said softly.

“We don’t have anything to eat, so why…”


Durgyu slapped Guynando on the side.

The White Tiger Tower students suddenly appeared.

Seeing that I became a beggar, I could imagine how hard it was in the middle of the

Originally, Lee Han could have kicked them out.

I was treated like that by the students of the White Tiger Tower, but no one said
anything even though I was kicked out.

However, Lee Han saw their poor condition and called them into the cave.

And they gave out food and drink.

Frankly, it was impressive.

'Lee Han is truly honorable!'

It was easy to show kindness to an ally. The real challenge was being kind to the

Durgyu hoped that this kindness of Lee Han would be an opportunity for the students
of the White Tiger Tower to reflect and reconcile.


Inside the cave, only murmurs echoed quietly.

Giselle carefully tried to grasp the circumstances around her.

'How did the Blue Dragon Towers get here?'

Giselle did not expect that Lee Han would have followed Giselle.

Who would have expected that students from the Blue Dragon Tower, not the Black
Turtle Tower, would do such a mean thing?

Instead, Giselle thought differently.

'...they also saw the map.'

Otherwise there would be no reason to be here tonight.

It was clear that he had climbed up before the students of the White Tiger Tower,
but had been hiding in the cave from the commotion from below.

Giselle pursed her lips, contemplating what to do.

Lee Han, from the Wodanaj family, showed kindness, but that was it and this was

Giselle had been educated like this since she was in the Moradi family.

- Giselle. As you know, the Moradi family do not forget their grudges. But there is
a hidden word behind it. That is, grace is repaid when you remember it.

Those who were swayed by feelings of gratitude were the most despised members of
the Moradi family.

The Moradi family had to know how to calmly refuse even if the benefactor who saved
their life desperately asked for it in front of them.

'How should I use it? First, you have to buy a favor.'

Meanwhile, one of the White Tiger Top students hesitated and opened his mouth.

It was just to ask his close friend, Durgyu, what had happened.

“Choi. how..."



The white tiger top student, who was about to speak, fell forward.

Durgyu was startled by the sight.


At first, I thought I had just collapsed from exhaustion.

But it wasn't.

thud! thud!

The other students turned forward as if they ate something wrong.

“...God damn it!”

Giselle, who realized later, cried out in a sharp voice and spat out the water she
had been holding in her mouth.

However, since he had already drank a little water, his mind became hazy.

'Water medicine...?!'

"late. I realized it too late.”

Ian said calmly.

Giselle glared at Lee Han with a lively gaze even in the midst of fainting.

Instead of the soft and slender expression that we had seen when we first met, a
sharp and bloody expression appeared like a blackened blade.

It was Giselle's real expression that even the White Tiger Tower students had never
seen before.

“Leave it… see you. Wodanaj...!”

The last thing Giselle saw was a boy from the Wodanaj family looking down at her
with a sculptural chill face, expressionless.

Finally, Giselle fell asleep.

* * *

'Did you get a grudge for nothing?'

Contrary to Giselle's misunderstanding, Lee Han had some regrets internally.

The students of the White Tiger Tower who suffered like this will never forget
their grudges.

But what to do?

The first to hit were the students of the White Tiger Tower.

If someone hates you for no reason, be sure to give him a reason!

“What, what, what, what is Lee Han?!”

“Is water poisonous!? I drank too!?”

Durgyu was so startled that he couldn't speak properly. It was the same with

Lee Han deliberately left the two of them out and conspired.

Both Durgyu and Guy Nando are friends who are far from managing their facial
expressions. Let me know, but there could be a problem.

“Gainan too. do not worry. Because it's not poison. And it wasn't in the water you
drank. I will capture them and leave them where the bone chasers are.”

It wasn't because of a personal grudge that Lee Han took sleeping pills in the
water the White Tiger Tower students were drinking.
Who are the skeletons down there looking for now?

It was clear they were looking for the White Tiger Tower students.

We must catch these bastards quickly and offer them up!

"that...! But why do you have to use such a means...?”

“Durgyu. Think carefully. If it had been a head-to-head confrontation, it would

have been noticed because it was noisy. Besides, could this Moradi stay still? He
must have grabbed his ankle and tried to catch him.”

Durgyu was no match for Lee Han.

Upon hearing this, Durgyu felt persuaded again.

“But still, this is a little… Where did you get the medicine?”

Yonner raised his hand with a slightly embarrassed expression.

“I found a sleeping plant on the way up earlier.”

Since Yoner knew how to distinguish between any flower and grass, he was able to
find a sleeping plant with a white stem as he climbed up.

-oh. Look at this.

-What is this?

- It's sleep grass. Make a powder and mix it with water to sleep.

- Let's take it.


- Let's take it. I don't know when I will use it.

-Are you going to use this?

Yoner tilted his head and grabbed a sleeping candle. He wanted to write something.

But to my surprise, I had something to write about.

...I really didn't know how to write this.


“Those bastards should be thankful they fed sleeping herbs, not poison!”

Nelia said boldly.

As much as he had heard what had happened to Lee Han and Yoner, he was clearly
angry with the White Tiger Tower students.

“How dare you argue like that with Wodanaj, who has done nothing wrong!”

“Actually, there is nothing wrong with it, I did take the swordsmanship class
taught by the White Tiger Tower students.”
"uh?? No, why is that wrong…”

“But that doesn’t matter.”

Nelia opened her eyes wide and looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed, but Lee Han
ignored it and continued.

“Anyway, Durgyu. I know you're surprised, but I want you to know that this isn't
cowardly or dishonorable. This is a strategy.”

“No, that’s right. The one who got hurt is an idiot.”

Nelia helped Lee Han with her words.

This kind of retaliation was not even retaliation for Nilia, a former hunter.

“I still have some honor…”

“Uh-huh. Durgyu. You're looking narrowly at honor. Let's see the results. If there
was a commotion after fighting here and we were all caught together, we would have
blushed with honor or something. But thanks to the sleeping candles in the water,
we were able to finish it off without blushing. We'll go back to school without
getting caught, and those friends won't get hurt for nothing. Isn't this honor?"

“So… is it?”

“It’s an honor. It's honor."

Nelia helped Lee Han. Yonaire and Guynan also faced each other.

“It seems like an honorable act.”

“Is this enough to be considered an honor in the Imperial Palace?”

“That… that’s right.”

Just as a person who comes close to ink gradually turns black, Durgyu was slowly
becoming tainted with Lee Han's way of thinking without even noticing it.

* * *

Tata Tata Tak-

At the sound of the undead running from afar, Lee Han nodded.

- Complete suppression.

- Complete suppression.

The bone chasers didn't think it was strange that the White Tiger Tower students
were asleep.

As it was an undead summons with low intelligence, he couldn't tell them apart.

'Now I have to wait.'

Lee Han was sure that those bone-stalkers would soon begin to scatter.

Having captured all the students of the White Tiger Tower, the target, there was no
reason to stay any longer.


“I’m going to check out this area while I wait.”

Lee Han cautiously proceeded towards the side of the wall.

An unexpected commotion broke out, and the original goal of escaping from school
was in vain, but he couldn't just go back with his bare hands.

'I need to check something.'

How far will the huge wall surrounding the school site extend out of the mountain

And is there really no way to escape?

The other students followed Lee Han and carefully followed.

The bone-stalkers are gone, but a gloomy darkness lies before them, and the
mountains steeper and denser with trees and bushes.

“It’s too… dark.”

“This is dangerous. I will fall.”

In addition, the white tiger tower students who were walking around with torches
disappeared, so the surroundings were even darker.

“Wordanaz. I need to turn on the light.”

“Isn’t it dangerous?”

“There are so many obstacles around here, you should be fine.”

"Okay. Light!”

With Lee Han's spell, an intense light enveloped the surroundings. It was like
broad daylight.

Seeing this, Nelia suddenly became anxious.

Theoretically, if the distance is this far and the trees and bushes are dense and
thickly growing, it is normal to not see the light from below...

Lee Han's spell seemed too strong.

'I hope you won't be caught.'

-Turn off the lights. young students. 'Cause I can't sleep


A low, resonant voice filled with magical power, which doesn't seem like a human,
could be heard from within the forest.

Still, the students who suffered from the mad principal couldn't help but be
Could it be that there was a trap here too?

"who are you?"

Lee Han was the first to come to his senses and open his mouth.

'If it was the principal's summons, he would have attacked first.'

- I'll ask the question first. Because your students have come. If you answer the
question correctly, you will be treated as a guest, but if you get it wrong, you
will be treated as an uninvited guest. Now... nothing to be nervous about. It's a
really easy problem. A dwarf lit five candles in the room late in the evening. But
a strong wind blew outside the window and one of the candles went out. Not long
after, a guest dwarf drinking beer in the next room came in with the door open, and
one more candle went out. So the Dwarf closed the windows and doors to prevent the
candles from going out. How many candles are left the next morning?

'This is a trap.'

Lee Han realized the trap hidden in the riddle.

At first glance, it is easy to think that there are three left because five to two
have gone out, but the candle was supposed to burn out over time.

That is, when morning comes, there are 0 remaining candles.

“Three outlines!”

Gainando answered without going through his brain. Ian was shocked.


- That's right.

“...Sleep, wait. Didn't the candle burn out and go out?"

Lee Han couldn't stand it and asked. Then the voice answered as if puzzled.

- When you come up with a riddle like this, of course you use a magic candle that
doesn't burn, right? It's normal, isn't it?


Lee Han cursed inwardly.

'It's like such a nonsensical magical society.'

As I said, it was an easy matter.

- Now that you answered the question, I will treat you as a guest. But... It's been
a long time since I've seen a customer, and it's a bit disappointing to just end
it. How about guessing one more question? Even if I'm wrong, I'll treat you as a
guest, and if I get it right, I'll give you a present.


Lee Han answered immediately without even thinking about it.

If you miss this opportunity, you are an idiot.

- There's a big guy here this morning. At noon, this figure becomes smaller, and in
the afternoon it becomes larger again. At night, this person disappears. Who is
this person?

The students hesitated.

He was bewildered by a riddle he hadn't thought of.


'I do not know.'

Gainando, who had gained confidence with the correct answer earlier, shouted again.

“It’s a monster that gets bigger in the morning and afternoon and gets smaller at


"why?! oh I forgot to disappear at night…”

- Because it's wrong.

“Is the answer a shadow?”

- That's right!


The friends looked at Lee Han with surprised eyes.

- How did you get it right?

This was a very famous riddle.

Isn't that one of the riddles of the Sphinx?

As it was cumbersome to explain that he had knowledge from a previous life, Lee Han
answered simply.

“I focused my mind and surrendered myself to wisdom, and the answer came.”

An ambiguous answer will always be interpreted well anywhere.

The other party seemed very impressed by Lee Han's answer.

He said in a more excited voice than before.

-excellent. welcome you Smart young students.

The densely nested trees shifted to the side at once, and the surrounding terrain
began to change as if foggy.

The vacant lot of the spirit, which is unlikely to exist in reality, was revealed
in front of me with the magical power of thick green.

* * *
It was the talking oak tree that greeted Lee Han and his friends.

All kinds of monsters, spirits, and other mysterious beings lived in the deep

The oak tree that appeared in front of me was one of them.

- You look very tired. drink this

The talking oak tree moved its branches and handed the cup. There was a glimmer of
cold green liquid.

'It doesn't smell very good.'

Green juice-like color and green juice-like smell.

But the magical power I felt was plentiful. Lee Han drank carefully.


It felt as if the fatigue built up in my muscles had completely dissipated.

Just like the ice cold water you drink after running while sweating on a hot summer
day, so did the green drink you drank now.

The coolness that goes down the throat coldly!

Apart from being very bitter, the effect was clear.

- A drink made from the sap made by forest trees. does it fit your mouth?

"Yes. Delicious. Could you give me some more?”

-do whatever you want.

Lee Han took the sap in a leather water bag. As the school environment was barren,
I had to take care of these things when I could.

While Lee Han was taking care of it, the other students kept asking questions to
the oak trees.

It was just as amazing as it was to come to a mysterious vacant lot known only to
the spirits of the forest.

“What are you doing here?”

“Are there any other trees?”

“Uh, do you have anything to eat? This is too bitter. Even some sweet fruit.”

While the friends were chatting, Lee Han also asked the talking oak tree a

This opportunity could not be missed.

“Can I ask you a few questions?”

-do whatever you want. But you have to find out who you are. Introduce yourself.
“I am Lee Han.”

The oak tree was surprised to see Lee Han speaking his name first instead of his

It was not uncommon for a noble boy to say his name first instead of his family.

- What is your family name?

“The Wodanaj family.”


The oak tree took a step back. Ian felt a little embarrassed.

- I'm sorry. It's not your fault, but because of the rumors. The Wodanaj family had
a lot of great wizards.

"Is that so?"

-Many magicians like madman came out.


- Saying your own name instead of your family. That's great. You will be a good
wizard. But what's going on with the students here in the middle of the night?

Lee Han answered without even putting saliva on his lips.

“I was enjoying the night walk.”


Hearing the answer from the side, Yonner bit his lip to hold back the laughter.

Of course, the talking oak tree was not deceived by such a lie.

-ah. Are you here to find your way out of school? But looking at the shape of the
moon today, it must have been the first week of the new students. Are you already
trying to get out in the first week?

“…Actually, there are a lot of reasons for that.”

Lee Han tried to make excuses, but the talking oak tree was already admiring.

-You're going out in the first week... The new arrivals this time are great.


Lee Han gave up his excuses.

“Talking oak tree. If there were so many students trying to get out before me,
could you give me some advice on how to get out?”

-I have been living in this forest for hundreds of years. I've seen a lot of
students try to leave this school. there is no way It's impossible for your
freshman level.
The talking oak tree showed no sign of speaking.

Lee Han, who had not expected much at first, decided to ask another question.

“If I keep going in this direction, can I climb out of the mountain?”

- It will be a crowd. Because there is a wall.

“…there are walls here too?”

-okay. And there's magic on those walls. If you climb recklessly, you will get a
bitter taste.

Ian was amazing.

How many hours have you climbed this steep mountain range, where the wall is still

Really great!

'In that case, it is practically impossible to find a place where the wall is
broken and escape.'

You can't even climb or bypass the wall.

The talking oak tree spoke as if swearing.

- When you're a freshman, don't force yourself to try to leave. Because it's
absolutely dangerous. The mountain is quiet now, but after a few more weeks, the
sleeping monsters will wake up.

"thank you for telling me."

The talking oak tree looked into Lee Han's eyes.

Even though I heard those words, I didn't waver at all.

Instead of getting scared, the eyes that try to run more.

I liked the oak tree that the spirit spoke of.

- I'll give you a riddle. Orcs of the Black Ax clan and the Orcs of the Red Feather
clan. The Orcs of the White Eagle Tribe and the Orcs of the Green Frog Tribe
gathered and held a feast. Even a naughty goblin intervened and ate and drank. How
could a goblin do that?



The gathered students were puzzled by the riddle of the talking oak tree.

Gainando opened his mouth.

“Were you a popular goblin?”

The oak tree pretended not to hear.

-Oh yeah. I was supposed to give you a present.

The talking oak tree looked straight at Lee Han.

The soil in front of Lee Han's feet wobbled, and branches sprouted up, entwined and
twisted, and grew upwards.

All of a sudden, the branch had turned into a long magic wand.


The magic tools and artifacts of wizards were the same as the wizard's limbs.

Among them, the magic wand was the most important artifact.

Sometimes it amplifies the power of magic.

Sometimes it shortens the casting time of magic.

Sometimes it makes you use magic that you can't use...

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a wizard's best friend.

Now, all the first-year students at the Magic School were wearing long staff-shaped
magic wands made by the school.

Although it had no particular characteristics or personality, the strength of this

magic wand was that it was very hard.

In addition, it was long enough to pass a person's height, so Lee Han used it like
a wooden stick.

Without this staff, it would not have been possible to catch the mutant pig
released by Thunderstep.

-ah. Do you have any intention of changing the stick you are currently using?


Without thinking for a second, Lee Han pulled out a new staff.

Tools are tools.

It was strange to be sentimental about such things.

'Are there any people who are hesitant when it comes to changing the experimental

From the side, Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.


When I pulled the new staff out of the ground, the first thing I felt was

It might have been strange to feel the freshness of the stick that fell off the
ground, but Lee Han definitely felt it.
- How do you feel?

“It feels fresh…but.”


The talking oak tree was startled.

I got used to the cane much quicker than I thought.

'You'll feel the energy of the staff as soon as you grab it.'

Originally, I thought it would take much longer.

What Lee Han felt right now was the energy of the tree spirit in the staff.

That wooden staff was the staff crouched down by the spirits.

Just as a new wizard needs to repeat all kinds of training and trial and error to
summon a spirit, it took a lot of effort to communicate with the spirit in the
staff and draw power.

Originally, it was possible to feel it by holding and swinging the staff for
several months, and it was possible only if there was some affinity for the

'Your ability to sense magic is beyond your imagination. No matter how much the
Wodanaj family, it's such a talent.'

-excellent. do you feel it

"Is that so?"

Lee Han looked at the talking oak tree with a puzzled expression.

I didn't really understand what it was like to have this refreshing feeling.

It was only natural that he didn't know what was inside.

- As you use the staff, you will know the power that resides within it.

“Could you please tell me now?”

-Can not be done. Even if you don't rush, your talent will suffice.

Talking Oak is slowly starting to feel that Lee Han is a very unique freshman.

Occasionally, among the freshmen, such a dwarf would come out.

Fearless, capable peers.

Lee Han's appearance now reminded him of a maniac from the Wodanaj family whom he
met about a hundred years ago.

He was much more polite and calm than that, but...

-ruler. i have to go back to sleep And now, don't use magic near this forest. Your
magic is so powerful that it wakes up all the trees around you.

'Isn't it just a rough idea to get you out of bed?'

Lee Han suddenly began to have doubts.

It was a bit strange to compliment him for saying that he felt a refreshing energy
from the cane.

It was a bit suspicious that he didn't immediately tell me the power of the wand.

Didn't I just say that I was sleepy and wanted to go to sleep early?

If you just let it go, you can come back to this forest and be annoying, so I made
a suitable staff for you...

However, regardless of Lee Han's suspicion, the vacant lot began to close. The
trees moved and the surroundings became cloudy, and gradually moved away from the
vacant lot.

Beyond the blurred vision, the voice of a talking oak tree reached Lee Han's ears.

-Remember the riddle I told you. If you unlock it, you can go outside.

* * *

Fortunately, when we returned to the outside, all the undead had disappeared.

Lee Han and his party cautiously descended the mountain while the dawn of dawn
gradually drove away the darkness.

Everyone was so exhausted that they wanted to quickly lie down on the bed and rest
rather than do anything more.


As soon as Lee Han entered the blue dragon tower, he threw himself on the bed. He
was going to think about escaping or something after waking up.

“...naz! Wodanaj!”

After hours of sleep, I heard someone knocking on my private bedroom door and
waking me up.


Lee Han yawned and opened the door.

Asan, a human boy of the Dalcard family wearing glasses, stood in front of him.

“The principal bird, no, the teacher is running an event outside!”

'You're waking up in a bad way.'

Hearing that, Lee Han woke up suddenly.

Is the principal hosting the event?

'...Isn't this supposed to be a task to find out the students who tried to escape?'
To be honest, there was a corner where I was stabbed and it was even more

Lee Han and his party came back without getting caught, but it wouldn't be strange
if the principal did something eccentric.

'But if that's true, it's more dangerous not to attend.'

Ian knew it well.

When you have an accident, you have to act more as you normally do.

If you give out suspicious tea for nothing, you will be caught immediately.

"Okay. I'll have to wake up Yonaire and Gainando and leave."

“Isn’t everyone sleeping too late?”

When Lee Han woke up and walked out of the tower, the sun was already above their

The three yawned and walked after the Blue Dragon Tower students.


The huge skeleton floating in front of the main building of the school caught my
eye even from afar.

now! It is not an opportunity that comes every day! Come on! Young cast iron a...
bowls! welcome!


Looking at the atmosphere, it wasn't like a search for the initiator.

Rather, it was more like a friendly gathering or event.

Several tents were set up in the front yard, and men in priestly uniforms presented
food and drinks to the good freshmen with good smiles.

Lee Han also accidentally received the cookie the priest had given him. As if
freshly baked, the cookies gave off a warm and wonderful scent.

Sweet jam leaked out with a crunchy and crumbling sound.

'what? Is the school going to fail?'

The principal opened his mouth as if he had noticed Lee Han's embarrassment.

On this happy weekend, priests from various denominations of the Empire visited the
school. Will everyone be happy? ruler. clap!

Clap clap clap-

The freshmen clapped and clapped. The priests bowed their heads in gratitude.

"thank you. Osu Gonadaltes. You must always have a hard time teaching the young
wizards of the Empire, but you will allow and help with such an event.”
haha. what It's all my joy. Please pass on the word to your Majesty the Emperor. I
need a budget to discover and research new ancient magic...

“I don’t know how helpful we will be, but we will do our best.”

The priests were bewildered by the blatant remarks of the Skeleton Principal.

However, Lee Han felt a certain familiarity with the appearance.

'Aren't professors in any world out of budget?'

Even an arrogant professor, who seemed to have no fear in the world, was bound to
show weakness in front of those who gave him a research budget.

No matter how fearless the Skeleton Principal was, he was bound to weaken in front
of the Emperor of the Empire who supported the budget.

The priests spoke to the assembled students.

“Students who will become outstanding wizards in the future. It is an honor to meet
you today. We are lowly servants who have come to represent the various
denominations of the Empire. I would be really happy if I could introduce you to
our denominations today.”

'The magic is huge.'

Lee Han was surprised by the magical power he felt from the priests.

It felt like an incomparable amount of magical power was waving all over my body.

Besides, the magic of the priests was unique.

It's a magical power that contains divine energy.

Aren't you curious?


Ian was goosebumps.

All of a sudden, the skeleton principal had come to Lee Han's side, hiding his

I understand. Because the magic of the priests is so unique that it is called

divine power.

"Yes. I’ve heard it a lot, but it’s the first time I’ve actually seen it.”

He also sensed the magic of the priests.


Lee Han realized his mistake.

I fell for the words of the principal.

Why are you trying to hide it? If you have great talent, you should be proud of it.
The cast iron bar here... how many of the cast iron pots can detect magic so

Principal Skeleton asked as if he didn't understand.

The wizard had to show off and show off his abilities.

So, extorting money from wealthy nobles, no, getting investment and researching
stronger and higher magic...

'Well. If I said I didn't want to get involved with you, would I be left behind?'

Lee Han swallowed his thoughts.

Lee Han's goal was to build good connections and graduate with good grades, not to
explore the truth of magic with the Skeleton Principal.

But I can't say that honestly.

“There are a lot of people who are better than me at this school, so I thought I
had to be humble.”

isn't it? In the future, make sure to show off your talents to every student you
meet. It should be so.

'Isn't this crazy?'

As the principal said, Lee Han's friendship will be with only one Gainando left in
one day.

Fortunately, Principal Skeleton changed the topic again, apparently because he had
no interest in Lee Han's friendship.

Perhaps the Wodanaj family had no interest in the faith, so they never met the

"Yes. It was.”

The Empire had many gods and denominations that worshiped them, but the wizards
were not familiar with the original faith.

Basically, wizards...

I am also not very interested in religion. Because I'm too smart to believe in God.

''s probably because of this.'

Although not as extreme as the Skeleton Principal, there were many unbelievers
among the wizards.

In fact, Lee Han's father, the head of the Wodanaj family, once said this during a

-Sacred power is a type of magic. However, the collective beliefs of many disabled
children only caused a change in their temperament. Holy magic is also a kind of
magic after all. Why divine 'magic'?

-Then, my lord. What do you think of studying divine magic?

- Good idea. If you want to waste your time in vain. Compared to real magic
elaborated on the basis of formulas and theories, divine magic is just a savage
savage who cries out of faith and sensibilities.

'In front of the priests, I must never reveal that I am from the Wodanaj family.'

After reminiscing, Lee Han nodded.

No matter how good the priests are, hearing those words will cause unprecedented

Perhaps Woudanaz has the same thoughts as me. Churches are also very pathetic. If
they're enough to go in to bring you some food, they're probably useless for
anything. Are you holding an event like this?

Principal Skeleton grumbled next to Lee Han, wondering if he needed someone to

grumble with.

Lee Han, who listened silently, opened his mouth.



“Are there any denominations you can recommend?”


In response to the reaction that made the person who just said something
embarrassing, Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han as if it were ridiculous.

'Wait, denominations?'

Not a denomination, but a denomination 's'?


Why... denominations and not denominations?

Principal Skeleton felt something strange and asked.

Of course, you could have heard the pros and cons of several denominations and
wanted to choose one of them.

By the way...

Oddly enough, that's what the Wodanaj boy just said, of course not, that's what it
sounded like.

'I want to join several denominations, but please choose the best denominations.'

Principal Skeleton thought he must have heard it wrong.

“Uh… isn’t it wrong to believe in multiple gods?”

'What a crazy bastard!'

Principal Skull admired the freshman for a long time.

Of course, there were people in the Empire who truly believed in several gods. Such
as believing in the god of love and the god of wisdom.

But now, that boy of the Wodanaj family never wanted to believe in God.

Doesn't it seem too bold to just tear it apart enough to tear it apart from various

It was so dignified that I was rather fond of it.

Of course, many denominations don't think so, but...

That's right. And I asked very well. It's not wrong to believe in multiple gods.
But sometimes, there are denominations who are petty about things like this.

"you're right."

Lee Han quickly agreed.

As the principal thought, Lee Han's purpose was simple and clear.

'Let's join all possible denominations.'

Come to think of it, if I could get various items by going and signing up, there
was no reason not to.

It was beneficial to join all denominations except for denominations that could not
be duplicated.

First of all, I recommend the Frisinga Church. A god who sacrificed himself to
support the world. The denominations are also friendly and will welcome you.

“Frisinga... Church.”

Lee Han took note.

Is the Calasso Church next? He is a naughty god who loves chaos and change. He will
treat you well, regardless of whether you believe in other gods or not.

"Calasso... The Church."

Lastly, I also recommend the Caporeo Church. As the god of swordsmanship and
swordsmanship, even a geek like you will be welcome.

“The Church of Caporeo…”

Lee Han, who was taking notes, paused.

Did you know that Lee Han was taking a swordsmanship class?

'no. This is a bit scary.'

It's a small thing, but I thought it wasn't too much of an interest.

I've never had a good time getting a lot of attention from professors, especially
crazy professors...

Learning swordsmanship is good, but don't forget magic. After all, the only truly
great science is magic.
“I will keep that in mind.”

At the words of Principal Skeleton, Lee Han bowed his head in a very polite manner.

Of course, I was listening with one ear and flowing out of the other.

For Lee Han, magic was a means of success, not a goal.

Well. okay. okay.

Principal Skeleton nodded in satisfaction at the answer.

At first, I was shocked when a member of the Wodanaj family talked about joining
the denomination, but seeing this, I was looking forward to it.

'I'm not really an ordinary guy.'

The ability to sense the enormous amount of magical power or the ability to sense
it was secondary.

The patience to do anything to get what you want.

Even though he was a freshman from a great family called the Wodanaj family, it was
very interesting to show such patience.

'I look forward to the future.'

Then I'll have to go see the guys in the corporal punishment room for a while. good
luck Wodanaz.

"thank you. ...Well?"

Lee Han realized something was strange.

Where have you locked up who?

But the skeleton principal was already flying away.

* * *

I wondered how many of the White Tiger Tower students were imprisoned in the
corporal punishment room, but Lee Han decided to visit the denominations first.

“Where are you going?”

Yonere, who returned with a basket in his hand, asked curiously.

“The Frisinga Church…”

"ah. Frisinga Church. I have always been interested in…”

“...and the Calasso Church.”


“And what about the Caporeo Church? Well. I may not be able to run all of them
today. If it's too blatant, it'll be a little bit, so let's change one every week."

Rather than asking what happened, Yoner decided to just accept it.

oh Lee Han just wants to believe in three gods!

"ruler. Take this.”

Yonner took the sandwich out of the basket and held it out.

It was a sandwich filled with ham, tomatoes, lettuce, boiled and chopped eggs
between white bread.

It was food that would be taken away by killing each other if you threw one to the
hungry freshmen.

“Thank you. Well. How much?”

“…just giving…”

"What? really? why? What is your purpose?”

"I'm not talking about... you know what's really weird? It's because I'm grateful
for the hard work I did yesterday. ruler. Eat quickly.”

At Yonaire's words, Lee Han nodded and accepted. I was still hungry.

While chewing the sandwich hard, Yoner poured cold apple juice and handed it to Lee


“But where did this come from?”

“Don’t you usually ask that first? I got it from the Fleming Church. Our family has
been close to the Fleming Church since long ago.”

The god of alchemy, Flemin.

All the priests of this denomination were excellent alchemists.

Yonere's family, the Makein family, had been generously supporting the Fleming
Church from a long time ago.

Thanks to this, the Priests of the Fleming Church recognized Yonner and brought
things to eat in baskets.

'no. What did the Wodanaj family do without sponsoring other denominations?'

Lee Han admired the wisdom of the Makein family.

If you give support in this way, won't there be a return in return?

“…Is that a bit too?”


When Yonaire hesitated, Lee Han was puzzled.

Are you talking about a sandwich and apple juice combination?

“That, supporting the Fleming Church. I also believe in Flemish...”

Just like Guy Nando was hit by a blow after saying, 'Is alchemy magic?', there were
quite a few proud wizards who ignored the alchemist.

If they support or believe in the Fleming Church, then there have been occasional
people who say, 'What kind of denomination do you support such a denomination
without dignity as you become an imperial head of state?'

Of course, Lee Han didn't care at all.

“Why can’t I sponsor you?”


Yonner's face brightened. Yoner laughed at his single and poured more apple juice.

“Drink more.”

"yes? There are still…”

Yonner thought.

I thought that it might be difficult to adapt to the Blue Dragon Tower due to her
unusual personality, but now that there is a boy in front of me, it won't be as
difficult as I thought it would be.

* * *

"I. I came here to hear about Frisinga-sama.”


As Lee Han approached, the priests raised their heads in remorse.

"welcome! Brother! You came to hear about Frisinga-sama. welcome!"

"yes. I've heard stories about Freesinga-sama before, and I've always admired
someone like this."

Lee Han said while hiding his heart.

Graduate students must be able to bow their heads with a respectful expression on
the outside even if they complain a lot on the inside.

In this aspect, Lee Han had an unrivaled ability to maintain facial expressions.

Naturally, the priests fell in love with Lee Han's attitude.

Just by looking at it, a boy like a nobleman from a great family would come to
visit like this.

"ruler! Come in! Tigiling. Can you help me?”

"G... I'm going now."

Ian was surprised. It was because the appearance of the student called by the
priests was quite unfamiliar.

The two-pronged horns protruding from the forehead on the dark-red skin. The timid,
avoiding eyes seemed to burst and then disappear.

'Mixed Demon!'

It was the rarest of the mixed races. I've only heard of Lee Han, but it's the
first time I've actually seen it.

If one of your ancestors or ancestors made a contract with the devil, then some of
their descendants will sometimes be affected by this across generations.

Naturally, most people were reluctant to such a race. Perhaps because of that, the
half-breed demon girl felt timid and ignorant in every move.

“There, Tigiling is also a freshman. It belongs to <Tower of the Phoenix that burns

The priests said proudly.

They were students of the Tower of the Phoenix, who rarely interacted with other
tower students, but when the priests of the order came, they went out to help.

“It's really inspiring. I'm sure there will be friends here who believe in
Freesinga-sama. It is also Freesinga-sama.”


The priests seemed very happy despite Lee Han's succinct praise.

'By the way...'

Lee Han entered the tent and looked around.

There are two things that are most important when joining a denomination.

What can you gain by joining a denomination?

And what should I do when I join the denomination?

Wouldn't it be more inconvenient if you had to whip yourself every time you join a
strange denomination and attend a meeting?

'Because it's a church tent, it's frugal.'

Inside the tent was a breeze. There were a few benches, and on the altar in front
was a sign that looked like a symbol of Frisinga.

If it is ordinary, it can be said that it is ordinary, but there was one sense of
incongruity with Lee Han.

'Aren't there too many artifacts here?'

There were many items that felt strangely magical in the tent.

Enchanted items and artifacts were quite expensive and rare, even if they were
But how can such artifacts swarm inside the tent?

Priests don't look particularly extravagant...

'Are you sure that Frisinga is a god who sacrificed himself to support the world?
Are you a rookie related to creating artifacts?'

Bump, tick, tick.

A short, skinny priest approached Lee Han to explain.


To his surprise, every step the priest took made a very deep footprint on the
ground. Lee Han's eyes widened.

"ah. Are you surprised? Brother?”

The priest smiled and opened his mouth as if realizing that Lee Han was surprised.

“No surprise. It's because of the artifact I'm wearing. This is a cursed artifact.
Brother. It has the effect of increasing the divine power that can be used instead
of multiplying the weight.”

"ah. Did you accidentally wear it while exploring a dungeon or having an


“It’s not that, it was worn in honor of Frisinga-sama.”


“Frisinga-sama is a person who sacrifices herself to support the world. Shouldn't

we be sacrificing that much? Brother. Each time we kick one of the world's cursed
artifacts, the world's curse diminishes.”

Frisinga Church.

In honor of the cursed god who must bear the world forever, the priests themselves
wore cursed artifacts.

Their holy magic did not dispel the curse contained in artifacts like other holy

Instead, it had an extreme effect of enhancing both performance and curse.

Slowly realizing the truth, Lee Han's face began to bleed.

Ian regretted it.

'I'm out of my mind. You're listening to the principal.'

I believed it for a moment because of the warm conversation atmosphere with the
principal, but the madness emanating from the church was not normal.

It's a denomination that deliberately wears cursed artifacts.

“…you don’t seem to like it either.”

The priest was no ordinary man.

Although Lee Han had taken care of his expression, he was keenly aware that he was
feeling reluctant.

"no. I am so happy…”

"no. Brother. The road of devotion for Freesinga is actually a difficult and
arduous one. If you change your mind even now, it's okay not to walk. I

The priest said with a sad smile.

Lee Han was sorry, but he glanced at the location of the exit. Because the opponent
could change at any time and catch him.

“This cursed belt was meant to welcome the arrival of the new brother... but after
hearing the detailed explanation, everyone left. Indeed, it is natural. A belt with
a curse that absorbs magic. Which brother would you like?”

"...for a moment. How does that work?”


Lee Han asked a question without knowing it.

In fact, the curse was similar to buff magic in a way.

What if weight loss is a curse on people who want to lose weight? It can be even
better if you use it well.

A belt with a curse that absorbs magic is usually worn by a wizard as 'Hey! It was
an item I hated saying 'Get it away!', but for Lee Han, the story was a little

Lee Han...

It was overflowing with so much magical power.

'Is that serious enough to wear?'

I'm still wearing an iron bracelet that absorbs magic, but wearing another belt
wouldn't change anything.

“Is it effective?”

“Well, since it’s a cursed item, doesn’t it have the original effect?”

Magic had an action and a reaction.

Cursed items often had a more powerful effect than ordinary items in return.

In fact, if that's not the case, then who would dare to wear a cursed item?

"Aha. Brother. That's what you said. Let's see..."

'no. Isn't it supposed to remember the original performance rather than the curse?'

Lee Han was taken aback by the appearance of the priest who remembered the curse on
the item but could not remember the effect.

Isn't this even before the end?

“It was a belt with invisibility magic on it. But it doesn't really matter. What's
important is the curse at stake... Anyway, brother. It's okay to be honest. Any
answer I can accept…”

“What do you mean? I am ready for anything.”

Lee Han said, looking at him with strong eyes. Seeing that, the priest was greatly


Of course, I thought I was going to give up and leave, but it was the priest who
made the mistake.

'It's a shame! I can't recognize the brother of true faith and speak hasty words.'

The priest no longer looked like Lee Han, a well-bred boy from a prestigious

Standing before the priest was a brother who was ready to seriously walk the path
of faith.

“Brother. My name is Mehrid. Please tell me your name.”

“Lee Han. This is Ihan Wodanaj.”


Mehrid was even more surprised.

The Wodanaj family. Isn't that a famous family of disbelievers in the Empire?

Somehow, I was told that he looked exceptionally dignified and dignified...

“The church will be delighted with your joining. ruler. Receive a belt in honor of
this Frisinga here.”

Although it was too grandiose for a name calling for a cursed belt, Lee Han
accepted it with a solemn expression.


As soon as he put on his belt, Mehrid looked at Lee Han with a worried expression.

The brothers who were new to the church always had a hard time taking on the new
burdens of Frisinga.

It must be difficult for those who experience the curse for the first time.

A belt that absorbs that magic might be too harsh for a student who just entered
the school...

“How do you activate this invisibility magic?”


“Ah, that’s… you just have to memorize ‘I breathe at night’. When you want to solve
it, memorize 'I am revealed in the morning'.”

“I hide at night.”

As Lee Han chanted the spell, Lee Han's appearance became transparent like a lie.


Ian was amazed.

Even if it was invisibility magic, not all invisibility magic was the same.

The invisibility magic of the lower circle is invisibility magic, but there were
some disadvantages that light was transmitted through it, or something strange was
seen if you look closely.

However, the invisibility magic of this belt seemed almost perfect.

'It is worthwhile to wear a cursed item.'

“I, my brother. Are you… are you okay?”

“Of course it’s fine. I am revealed in the morning.”

Lee Han released the order.

In fact, before I put on the belt, I was expecting a little less magic power, so
only the amount I could handle would be adequate...

Surprisingly, there was no effect.

'If you look at what you're worried about, it looks like an item that absorbs quite
a bit of magic. How could it not have this kind of influence?'

It seems that more magical power is recovered than that absorbed by an iron
bracelet or belt...

Lee Han, who was greedy, opened his mouth.

“Sir. I would like to shoulder Frisinga-sama’s burden a little more.”


Mehrid was deeply moved by the words of this wonderful brother.

But I couldn't accept it.

Even the belt I'm wearing right now would be quite a burden on my body...

"no. Brother. Frisinga-sama's burden cannot be carried all at once. I understand,

but please wait a little longer.”

"no! I have to carry more!”

“I know that feeling! Brother. You must wait!”

* * *

In the end, it failed to receive one more artifact, but it was not without income.

First of all, the invisibility belt alone is already a huge amount of income.

Of course, what Lee Han would do with this...

'The number of escape methods has increased.'

With the last escape, Lee Han deeply felt his own complacency.

This school was a crazier place than I thought, and the principal was far crazier
than I thought.

I didn't know what kind of pitfalls there might be in Lee Han's future attempts.

At that time, this belt of invisibility will protect Lee Han.

“...In that way, the first meeting to commemorate Frisinga's will was held, and
this was the beginning of the denomination. I'll just stop here for today.

Priest Mehrid explained to Lee Han the history of the church and its rules.

In fact, he had no interest in the history of the denomination, but Lee Han was a
professional in listening to stories he was not interested in.

-Did I tell you about the last time I went to the golf course?

- I'm really curious. professor! Talk to us soon!

'Actually, it wasn't even that boring.'

Regardless of the history of the denomination, the rules and sacred magic were

And surprisingly, the Frisinga Church had a really free spirit, as the principal

It is OK to believe in other denominations as well.

There is no prohibition, and you can live as you please.

...except for wearing a cursed item.

'Except for one drawback, it is a really good denomination, but that one drawback
is too big.'

Lee Han also didn't seem to be able to say to others, 'Do you like the Free Singa

The only downside was that it was too big!

Besides, the holy magic used by the church priests all tend to be that extreme...

Priest Mehrid handed Lee Han a generous gift, fearing that Lee Han might change his
mind after hearing the church's story.
"ruler. Brother. get this I've heard that freshmen at Einrogard often do a lot of
boating. Of course, the rumors were a bit exaggerated, but…”

'I'm not exaggerating.'

Lee Han accepted the basket presented by the priest.

Just like the basket that the Fleming Church presented to Yonner, the Frisinga
Church also filled the basket fairly generously.

There was a sense of urgency to never let go of the believer, who once captured it.

Bottles of jams such as raspberry jam, marmalade jam and peanut jam, and round,
flat buns baked in the church.

Canned beef and pork, famous even in the empire with a magically sealed lid.

There were also favorite foods such as salt and sugar, coffee powder and tea

Priest Mehrid said in a gentle voice.

“I thought I needed a drink while studying, so I put it in.”

“It seems to be necessary for survival rather than study...”


"it's nothing. thank you."

Lee Han bowed his head happily.

Priest Mehrid seemed to have prepared this for Lee Han to eat while taking a break
from studying, but considering the school situation, this was not eaten as a
refreshment during break, but had to be stored in the room for survival.

'The human rights of the students here will go up only if the denomination keeps

“When is the next event?”

"I do not know. I want to come as soon as possible, but the principal has to allow


Even if I didn't listen to it, I could tell that the priests wouldn't come for a

You won't be invited often to the principal's personality...

“I would like to take this as well.”


Tigiling, a half-breed demon priest who is a freshman in <Tower of the Phoenix That
Burns Forever>, held out the basket he had received from Lee Han.
Ian was surprised.


Are you just giving me this?

If you do, will you make a contract with the devil?

“Why are you giving this to me?”

“I am the body serving Freesinga-sama. This luxury is too much for me.”

“You don't have to. Tigiling. I prepared it for you, so take it with you.”

Priest Mehrid wanted Tigiling to take the basket as well, but Tigiling refused.

'That's it. <Tower of the eternally burning phoenix> has a very different

Right now, even the Blue Dragon Tower students to which Lee Han belongs have
already forgotten the dignity of the great family and said, 'Hey, don't you have
anything to eat? no? Really?

While the students of the three towers were doing so, the students of the tower of
the phoenix were patiently governing themselves.


But great things are great, and Lee Han didn't want to live like that.

“Thank you…”

"I. Brother.”


Priest Mehrid took Lee Han and moved to the corner.

“Could you please take care of some teaslings? Considering the reputation of your
family, I think it will be of great help to Tigiling if you take care of it. As you
can see, Tigiling is too strict with himself.”

"Yes? I have a different dormitory…”


Priest Mehrid took out another basket with the horse and poked it into Lee Han. He
was definitely a priest who knew something.

"ruler. I'll give you one more, so please eat the basket I gave to Tigiling so that
Tigiling can eat it."

"All right. Trust me.”

Lee Han with three baskets could not resist the temptation.

It's like eating rice together...

* * *
“Can I call you Priest Tigiling?”

"yes. You can call me whatever you want.”

“What’s the atmosphere in <Tower of the Eternally Burning Phoenix>?”

Lee Han asked curiously.

Unlike the White Tiger Pagoda or the Black Turtle Pagoda, the Phoenix Pagoda had no
atmosphere at all.

The mixed-race demon girl tilted her head as if she could not understand the

“What are you talking about?”

"ah. So what do you do in the break room during your break time…”

“Each one prays in his own room.”

Tigiling answered in a slightly proud voice. Lee Han was disgusted.

'Well. It was a much more desolate place than I thought.'

If Lee Han had entered the Phoenix Tower, it would have been suffocating.

“Do you pray in the evening?”

"yes. Some priests go outside to pray because they have to go to a forest or a

mountain to pray, while some priests who can pray indoors pray inside.”

"Right. ...for a moment. Can I go out in the evening?”

"yes. Permission has been obtained.”


Lee Han was greatly surprised by the unexpected fact.

'Were the priests able to walk around after dinner?'

Of course, going out of the tower was prohibited after weekday evenings. It was not
for nothing that Lee Han and his friends tried to escape for the weekend.

But the Tower of Phoenix students had permission.

Come to think of it, even if Lee Han was the principal, the students from the top
of the Phoenix would have been released.

Even if you leave it like that, it won't do any tricks...

'Then, if I wear a priest's uniform, won't I be able to walk around after dinner?'

Lee Han felt his eyes light up.

All you need is a uniform...!

“Can I get a priestly uniform?”


Tigiling narrowed her eyes and looked at Lee Han.


'Did my evil heart be found out?'

Lee Han was worried for a moment, but luckily he wasn't caught.

“Even if you wear a priest’s uniform, it will not deepen your faith or weaken your

Tigiling seemed concerned that Lee Han was having another misunderstanding.

“Of course it is. But if I wear a priest’s uniform, I think I will be able to
reflect on myself, who used to be lazy in wearing comfortable and soft clothes.”

“…Uh, wouldn’t that dress be enough?”

Tigiling pointed to Lee Han's clothes.

Skeleton principal only gave students rough and crude uniforms (I don't know if you
could call them school uniforms, actually), so it was far from comfortable and soft

However, Lee Han did not waver.

"no. I need a uniform. In order to understand a little bit more about Freesinga-
sama’s will.”

“So far… if you say…”

Tigiling pondered, then bowed. To the faithful Tigiling, the reason why it was for
the sake of faith was a reason he couldn't refuse.

“I’ll save you the next time we meet.”

"okay. Oh yeah. The priest asked me to bring you some food.”

"it's okay."

Tigiling replied softly but firmly.

“I am satisfied with my meal now.”

If the other person said 'I understand' and resigned immediately, that would not
have the qualities of a graduate student.

How to make the impossible possible when the professor asks you to do it.

Of course, Priest Mehrid wasn't a professor, but...

“But the priest is worried. If you don't do anything, you'll keep worrying. How
about doing this? We're having a meal together. You don't have to force yourself to
eat it. Wouldn't the priest's worries be lessened just by having a meal together?"

Tigiling, who was worried as to whether Lee Han's words were plausible, nodded.
Even if it wasn't, he was sorry that Priest Mehrid kept worrying about him.

“It sounds like a good idea.”


Lee Han smiled.

'As long as we eat together, we can make you eat as much as you want.'

It was very easy to deal with a girl who grew up in the church only praying.

Feeling something suspicious about that smile, Tigiling tilted her head.

* * *

The weekend is over and a new week has arrived.

The faces of the students who endured the bloody first week after entering the
school had somehow matured.

- Huh. Are you having a hard time with Einroguard? I am like my home now.

- After a week or so, is it worth doing? A magic class would be enough to follow.

After taking a short break on the weekend, unfounded confidence was welling up in
the students.

However, Einroguard revealed his merciless true nature to such students.

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>.

-Here is a young wizard at one vertex of the cube. The young wizard tries to
connect the magic circle from his vertex to the farthest vertex. At this time,
calculate the shortest distance the young wizard can connect.

-...Kyo, Professor? Hey, this isn't magic...

- Don't ask stupid, stupid questions. A wizard who relies on his senses and can
only wield his staff can never succeed. An understanding of complex arithmetic and
laws is essential as you go to higher circle magic. Geometry is one of the keys to
magic. Those who do not know geometry cannot draw magic circles properly. Likewise,
arithmetic is at the heart of magic. How can someone who doesn't know how to
distribute magic draw a magic circle?



<Basic Imperial Language and Logic>.

-One of the greatest dangers for young wizards is getting scammed by beings more
intelligent than them. Therefore, wizards must be able to read the dangers of the
contract and the double meaning contained in it. ruler. Today we will solve this
problem. Here's a drunken stupid wizard. This wizard always does stupid things when
he's drunk, but one day the wizard, while drunk, summoned a demon to make an
unfavorable pact. Will this wizard be able to nullify the contract when he wakes up
from alcohol... Does it mean that those who sleep now don't waste their souls? wake

- Whoa! I didn't sleep!

The students who took the ferocious compulsory subjects they couldn't meet in the
first week were half-spirited faces.

What did I hear now?

“I… maybe magic doesn’t suit my aptitude…”

“To think that swinging a wand as if you knew magic… I am worthless garbage…”

The students muttered, completely shattered in confidence.

But in the meantime, there were some outstanding ones.

“Geometrics and arithmetic are just the basics of the rule and operation of an

Asan of the Dalcard family, who have served as imperial prime minister and imperial
treasurer from generation to generation.


Among the countless royal families, Princess Adenart is known for her exceptional

“How did you solve it? hey. Does it matter now? We have to find a way out.”

Lee Han of the Wodanaj family stands out the most in the Blue Dragon Tower, where
the sons of the most prestigious families in the empire gather.

These three were talented students who managed to get rid of the breathtaking
assault of essential subjects without blinking an eye.

'I didn't know that going to graduate school would be useful in my life.'

Ian thought to himself.

Everyone around me said, 'What are you going to do by studying like that?' But,
surprisingly, studying was useful.

I didn't know it would be useful this way, but...

“👑👑. Lee Han. Look at those white tiger towers over there. It’s a mess.”

'You couldn't solve it either...'

Lee Han marveled at Gainando's reassurance when he saw the students of the White
Tiger Tower, as he couldn't even solve it himself.

People are so much the same!

“Can you teach me something later?”

Yoner asked cautiously.

Even Yone, who is on the smart side, was not able to completely follow today's

Guess I'll have to go back and review it and try again.

If that's the case, a smart friend like Lee Han would be of great help.

To be honest, I was surprised by Lee Han's appearance earlier.

Asan is from a famous family in that area, and Princess Adenart has already proven
it many times, but Lee Han will show her abilities without being pushed by them.

"However much. I'll ask about alchemy later."

Yoner's face brightened at Lee Han's answer.

'If there are fields that we are good at, it is convenient for us to study.'

Surprisingly, networking helped me in my studies.

A genius who didn't need help from others didn't have to have connections, but Lee
Han wasn't such a genius.

If you have a relationship where you can give and receive help from each other, it
is bound to be advantageous in many ways.

Lee Han didn't think it would be a loss to teach Yonner math or logic.

Rather, I thought that it would be beneficial to learn alchemy from Yoner.

"oh. Then me too!”


Ihan paused for a moment.

Teaching Gainando definitely felt like a loss.


“Didn’t you just stop?”

“It must be the mood. By the way, if you see that the compulsory subjects are so
difficult, it seems like you did a good job not choosing too many other electives.”

Everyone nodded at Lee Han's words.

After taking the lecture in the first week, the confidence that I thought, 'Is this
enough?' has long since disappeared.

Seriously, it made me want to cancel other lectures.

Ian said softly.

"What do you think. Even now, I would like to hear the repeated learning of
swordsmanship, physical training, or magic battles…”


“I hate that.”
“Anyway, I don’t think that’s the case.”

They were students who listened to Lee Han, but they were very determined in this

* * *

Just as students meet regularly, professors also meet regularly.

Professor Dwarf, thundering, sipping hot brewed tea.

'Well. After all, you need a good worker to make tea taste good.'

There is a dwarven proverb that says, 'If you have a skilled worker, everything
becomes delicious'.

Clearly, the Wodanaj family boy was a skilled worker. When you see that the tea
leaves are much better than when you thundered and managed the hut by yourself.

This was not something anyone could do. In particular, it was even more difficult
for those from the imperial family.

The so-called talent for chores!

“By the way, Principal.”


“Which professor is teaching the <Basic Vehicle Training> lecture?”

Garcia Kim, a half-troll professor, spoke up.

Thunderstep replied as if puzzled.

"uh? Isn't that what Professor Bendosol taught?"

“Such. Didn't you hear? Professor Bendozool went missing while looking for the
unicorn. Since you haven't come back yet, I think we'll have to find another

do not worry. Of course, because I was prepared.


“I believed.”

All the professors nodded at the words of the supreme headmaster.

Although there were a lot of things to say, the headmaster of the skeleton had a
lot of power to keep the magic school, a huge mass of uncertainty, in shape and

Who else could run and lead this school if not for the Skeleton Principal?

“So who are you?”

Thunderstep was curious.

<Basic Vehicle Training> was one of the mandatory lectures.

It is not only to get rid of the embarrassment of being unable to ride a horse
after graduating from school, but also to get used to dealing with various unusual

As such, the professor had to have extensive knowledge not only about horseback
riding but also about various types of vehicles.

Most lightning steps.


"Five. You can trust him.”

“Looks like a great choice.”

All the professors were satisfied except for Thunder Walk.

Lightning Step was a famous dwarf adventurer who had a high reputation for
exploring and investigating the outbacks inside and outside the Empire.

Of course the thunderstorm was very, very eerie.

Because Lightning Step was the aunt of Thunder Step.

“No, why must he be?!”

If you're going to argue, go find the unicorn and do it to the missing Bendozol.
Did you know that Professor Narago would disappear? You should be lucky to have
found the right person so quickly.


Thunderstep could not refute Principal Skeleton's words.

It was certainly not easy to find the right professor.


'I really don't want to see you.'

The reason Thunderstep disliked Eastern Dwarves was also a factor in Lightning

Lightning Strike was from the Eastern Dwarves.

Whenever we meet, the dwarves who tear apart the soul of thunder with nagging like
‘How long are you going to be fiddling with flasks and drugs in the closet?’
‘Listen to what the adults say’ ‘The iron legs of the neighboring family already
have a family’ are the lightning bolts. step!

Professor Garcia said comfortingly.

“Don’t do that too much. We don't see many people like that.”

“I wish…”

* * *
The students had been beaten up by math and language all day, but their faces were
surprisingly bright.

It was because of the class I was going to take now.

<Basic Mount Training>!

In the Empire, horseback riding was the culture of nobles, the ability of knights,
and a luxury that was not difficult for commoners.

The students of the Blue Dragon Tower, who rode around the territory since
childhood, the students of the White Tiger Tower who drove their horses through the
mountains and fields, and the students of the Black Turtle Tower, who traveled with
a single horse along the long road of the empire, are all confident. did.

Of course, Lee Han knew how to ride a horse, so he wasn't too wary.

'If you keep whipping, people will fall, so there must be lectures like carrots.'





Along with the monsters and screams, something huge flew from the sky.

Then, it bit Gainando with its beak and flew upwards.




“Come on, Gainando has been taken away!”


Naturally, the students panicked. In broad daylight, a certain monster flew over
and took her friend, but it was strange if she didn't panic.

However, Lee Han felt strangely cold.

'I must have stained this school a lot.'

I've seen a lot of crazy situations, so now I'm not shaken by the situation where a
monster flies and kidnaps Guy Nando.

“Everyone, lower your posture!”

Ihan exclaimed at once.

The Blue Dragon Tower students who were next to him heard those words and lowered
their postures hesitantly.

“Everyone, come again!”


Another student who had been wandering around was arrested again. This time, it was
the White Tiger Top student.

Seeing this, an inspiration flashed in Lee Han's mind.

'no way!'

There had to be a reason for choosing one of the many students gathered here.

Guy Nando also has bright blonde hair.

And the student who has just been caught has bright silver hair.

“Everyone, cover their heads with their cloaks! He catches the shiny one!”

“Daddy, are you going to get bald?”

“You’re talking about the color of your hair! You idiot!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students panicked at the sudden remark, but they did not
doubt Lee Han's words.

Thanks to this, I was able to react faster than other top students.

When he fell low and covered his head with a cloak, the monster lost interest in
the Blue Dragon Tower students.

'It worked!'

Lee Han knew that his judgment was correct.

I knew there were a lot of birds who like shiny things, but I guess that would work
for monsters too.

Without Gainando's sacrifice, it would not have been possible to find out.

tuk tuk-


Lee Han, who was lowering his posture, realized that the first elf he had ever seen
was touching him.

Looking at the outfit, it was clear that he was a white tiger top student.

Long black hair and elongated ears. A trained body unique to the knight family. It
was evident that he came from an eastern elf knight family.

Before Lee Han could answer, a violent reaction erupted from the side.

"Someone's trying to touch Wodanaj!"

“Honorable friends! The villager of the White Tiger Tower...”

When the Blue Dragon Tower students reacted quickly and violently, like breaking
down a domino, the White Tiger Tower girl panicked and said hurriedly.

“I have nothing to do with the faction of the Moradi family! Princess! Please

The princess, Adenart, came forward and stood in the way. Ian was puzzled.

"what. Did you know each other?”

Adenart nodded with his characteristic expressionless face. After a few moments,
the elf quickly explained.

“I am Rowena, the knight serving the princess.”

“Are you serving a princess? This school wouldn't be able to bring a servant or
escort... Ah. Right."

Lee Han noticed without even listening to the explanation. At that understanding,
Rowena looked surprised.

Originally, it was forbidden to bring servants or escorts to this school.

But every rule has a hole.

If an equal freshman who came in with them voluntarily offered to welcome them, it
could not be stopped.

The princess has been famous in the Empire since she was young, so it would be no
wonder that some of the freshmen who came in with her came to attend even before
entering the school.

'Besides, it was the same in my alchemy class.'

At that time, Lee Han was scared and asked the princess why all the students of the
various towers had gathered.

'Suddenly, Gainando is feeling pity...'

Lee Han felt pity for Guy Nando, who was flying in the sky by now.

Even if the princess stays still, people from all over the world flock to offer
their allegiance, but Gainando...

Even though they were of the same royal family, the difference was too great.

“So I understand that you are a knight serving the princess, but why did you tell
me that?”

“I've been hiding it from him now, but I don't know when he's going to be
capricious. Prince Wodanaj orders it to stop him.”


Lee Han said he heard it wrong.

'Who am I supposed to lead?'

For a moment, I wondered if there were undead soldiers under Lee Han who didn't
even know it.

However, there were subordinates who did not really understand this.


The Blue Dragon Tower students came out stealing their noses.

“Huh. Wodanaz. request."

“Wordanaj, I can trust you. I ask for an honorable command.”


Ian was stunned.

Without realizing it, he became the class leader of the Blue Dragon Tower.

'Traditionally, there's nothing good about taking a leadership role anywhere...'

It was embarrassing, but there was nothing I could do about it in this situation.

Lee Han nodded and started giving instructions as soon as he remembered.

* * *

Rowena watched Lee Han's movements with curious eyes.

Among these freshmen, Rowena was not the only student serving AdenArt. There were
other towers as well.

The reason they served Adenart wasn't because they were one of more than a hundred
royals. It was not because of the wealth and power of the imperial family.

The reason they gathered, with their different races, status, and origins, was
purely because of the abilities that Adenart showed.

As such, Rowena took it for granted that the leader who would lead the Blue Dragon
Tower would be Adenart.

But surprisingly, the leader of the Blue Dragon Tower was not Adenart.

It was a boy from the Wodanaj family.


- How did this happen?

Of course, Adenart was not a sociable person.

He was so quiet and speechless, and his cold face made him feel intimidating.

But the followers of Adenart thought that was no problem.

Especially in front of Adenart's overwhelming ability.

I thought that if it was Adenart, who showed a genius talent in any field, no
matter how difficult and arrogant the Blue Dragon Tower students were, they had no
choice but to admit it...

Besides, the Wodanaj family is not particularly a sociable family.

Although he was one of the most famous magicians in the Empire, the rumors about
him were eccentric and terrifying.

The followers could not believe that a boy from such a family would lead the Blue
Dragon Tower.


'Maybe I can find out the secret this time.'

Rowena was protecting Adenart and staring intently at Lee Han.

I had no choice but to ask Lee Han.

If Rowena or Adenart were speaking, the arrogant Blue Dragon Tower students would
never have followed their instructions.

frankly pissed off

If I could figure out how Lee Han led the Blue Dragon Tower students, I didn't know
if Adenart could do it either.

'I'll find out and give you advice!'

Rowena had no idea.

That Lee Han had made those arrogant students on his side with food.

* * *

'Even if I try to give instructions, there's not much I can do.'

He didn't have a bow or a crossbow, and there was no way he could deal with a
monster that flew so high.


'I have no choice but to scare them away as if they were dealing with an animal.'

Fortunately, Lee Han had several options.

“Everyone stand in a line and build a wall!”

At Lee Han's words, the students stood in front of them and built a temporary wall.

Lee Han crouched behind him. He was trying to maximize the effect of the surprise.


Once again, as the monster descended from above, Lee Han immediately cast a spell.


It was the simplest one-circle magic, light generation, but the effect was
different depending on how it was used.
When a photosphere shining like the sun floated in the air, the rushing monster
screamed and turned quickly.


It was unexpected and surprising that Lee Han suddenly used magic while hiding.

“Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Turn it on!”


I thought it was over because the monster was frightened and ran away, but a human
voice came from above the monster.

It seemed that Lee Han knew somehow.

'Are you a professor? no. I'll be a professor. There's no way this school has a
decent professor!'

The evidence was only intuition, but Lee Han realized that it was the professor who
drove that monster now.

This guy's school is really...!

The monster, who had been frightened, calmed down again and changed direction,
perhaps thanks to the professor.


The monster seemed embarrassed to be frightened by the harmless mass of light. He

screamed in anger and clapped his beak hard.

And this time, he blatantly ran towards Lee Han. He must have noticed who was
directing the students here.

"no! Wodanaz. Avoid!”

Rowena, who was watching, exclaimed urgently.

Lee Han's plan was clearly successful.

I made the monster run away by piercing the loophole.

But it had to be avoided.

'What is he saying now?'

'That guy, you don't even know who he's talking to right now?'

The students of the same White Tiger Tower looked at Rowena like that.

Rowena was making a huge mistake because she didn't come to the swordsmanship

That boy from the Woudanaj family had the ability to take care of himself even if
he just left him alone.

However, Lee Han did not avoid it. He hardened that sculptural face and swung her


A stone that rises with a spell.

It was only one circle magic, but to the students present, Lee Han looked like a
noble archmage.

* * *

'Please don't just shoot your allies. Please don't just shoot allies.'

As there were few magics he knew, of course, Lee Han was going to use low-level
control magic when the light generation magic failed.

the problem is...

The point was that the moment Lee Han floats the stone, it shoots like an arrow,
instead of holding it properly.

Of course, aiming was impossible. He had to just leave it to chance.

If he had been aiming, he would have used this magic from the beginning.

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! Wodanaj!”

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! Wodanaj!”

Not knowing Lee Han's heart, the Blue Dragon Tower students shouted out Lee Han's
name with enthusiasm.

Even other top students called Lee Han's name.


The floating stones were shot sharply.


And, to my surprise, the stone passed right in front of the monster's beak.

'Damn it!'

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

To be honest, I couldn't curse the bad luck because it was something to be thankful
for just to have flown so far.


But surprisingly, it worked.

The monster, startled by the stone passing in front of its beak, stopped and turned


“Wordanaz! Wodanaj!”
Some of the White Tiger Tower students looked at them with bitter expressions mixed
with fear and anger.

To be honest, I had to admit it.

The boy of the Wodanaj family was different.

They can't make a single light bead right now, but they've already mastered rock
manipulation magic and use it in battle...

Even after learning the original magic, it was several times more difficult to use
it in battle.

When blood spatters and weapons fly in a bloody and chaotic situation, no matter
how much you practiced magic, your concentration is broken and you fail.

But how successful is that...

'What a monster!'

'Well? Did it work?'

Everyone admired it, but Lee Han was stunned.

Are you afraid of going wrong?

'You were lucky.'

“Uh-huh! uh huh! Uh-huh! okay. Good job!"

I heard the professor's voice I heard earlier above the monster and landed with


Before disembarking, the professor tossed the students who had been caught earlier,
one by one. Guynando was bubbly and fainted.


The professor landed nicely.

Leather pants, leather jacket, and pilot's glasses on his head (it was an artifact
that felt magical). He was a Dwarf who could feel 'I am an explorer' just by
looking at it.

But Lee Han felt something else.

Somehow, that dwarf was familiar.

Maybe it's related to Thunderstep?

'No. To think that all dwarves are related just because they look alike in my eyes.
That's prejudice.'


The dwarf walked over and grabbed Lee Han's collar. Then he said in a pleasant

“You are qualified!”


I think it's a thunder-walking relative...


“Are you acquainted with Professor Thunderwalk by any chance?”

"How did know? I am Lightning Step, Aunt of Thunderstep.”

'no. Was she a real relative?'

I thought that all Dwarves couldn't be related just because they looked alike, but
they really are.

“Are you acquainted with Thunderstep?”

As the dwarf pushed up the pilot glasses, Lee Han instinctively sensed the

It was generally not a good thing for a professor to remember names and faces,
either on Earth or here.

If I were to be dragged to graduate school like on Earth...

“I don’t know…”

“Wordanaj is Professor Thunderwalk’s best student!”

"Right! Wodanaj is recognized by Professor Thunderbolt! You can even visit his


Ian looked back.

He blinked his eyes at Lee Han with an expression that the Blue Dragon Tower
friends had done it.

Lee Han, who came from the same tower and was their leader, seemed unbearably

'It's like these unhelpful, immature bastards!'

Lee Han cursed inwardly. Without knowing Lee Han's inner feelings, the Blue Dragon
Tower students were just proud.

"Also! If you are the master disciple of that thunderous step, you can also be
called my master disciple.”

“I’m not even a disciple…”

“Besides, getting permission to enter his hut. He must have been really
"...Yes. Actually I am.”

Lee Han gave up and admitted.

Since this happened, I just wanted to accept it and leave a good impression on the

* * *

Professor Lightning Step got off the mount and stood in front of the students.

And then he shouted in a powerful, resounding voice.

“Come on, pay attention!”

“I, Professor. Those who are fainting…”

“Leave it alone! You will wake up soon!”

Professor Lightning Walk exclaimed angrily. He was medically bullshit, but none of
the students disputed it.

“I am the professor who will teach you this semester, and I am the fastest. The
original professor to teach you was Professor Bendo Zol, who went missing to find
the unicorn. So I was hired in a hurry.”

'I don't know why everyone is not surprised that they went missing to find the

The students were more astonished by the name of Lightning Walk than by Professor
Bendosol, who went missing while looking for the unicorn.

“The famous explorer lightning stride?”

“The lightning stride that subdued Behemoth and turned it into a mount?!”

“You’re the one who explored the crater of a spirit that no one set foot on?!”

'Well. I should have read something other than the Empire Economy in the

Lee Han felt alienated because he could not participate in the conversation.

From what I heard, he seemed to be a pretty famous explorer.

Some students looked at the lightning steps with envy and respect.

"ruler! Can anyone guess why I appeared on a thunderbird today?”



Lee Han was a famous monster that he had even heard of.

With a body so huge that it was hard to think of a new one, it moved quickly and
violently. And even the special ability to control thunder and lightning.

It was a monster like a nightmare for anyone who flew in the sky or climbed up and
down high mountains.

Thinking that such a monster had attacked me, my spine became cold.

'This school really needs to be audited by the Empire once.'

While Lee Han grumbled inwardly, another student raised his hand.

“Is this semester’s goal to ride that thunderbird? So to get us used to it…”

"Wrong! uhhhhhh! You're talking nonsense. If you want to ride the Thunderbird, more
than 10 years of practice will not be enough!”

Lightning stride burst into laughter as if it were funny. The student who spoke up
panicked and withdrew.

'ah. Are few people taking alchemy classes here?'

Come to think of it, alchemy classes were optional.

On the other hand, the vehicle training class is a compulsory subject.

In other words, there are far more students who do not know the teaching style of
the Professor Dwarf Blood Dwarf.

“Did you come from far and have to take the fastest ride?”

“If I had to ride the fastest mount, I would have taken Sleipnir. Wrong. Well.
Wodanaz! You tell me.”


I really didn't want to get any attention, but the Dwarf professors didn't let Lee
Han go.

Lee Han responded by controlling his expression.

“When we encounter a dangerous monster like a thunderbird, aren’t you riding on it

so that we can increase our ability to deal with it?”

At Lee Han's answer, some students burst into laughter as if it were nonsense.

The vehicle training class is a class that rides a beautiful and cute horse around
this area, not a <survival from monsters> class.

Why are you training like that?

“That’s right! After all, there is a reason to like Thunderwalk!”

'Damn it.'

I hope it's true

Lee Han shook his head.

Anyway, if I got to know Professor Thunderwalk, I would have no choice but to meet
a lot of Professor Lightning.

It's dangerous to be interested in a professor, but it's even more dangerous to be

hated by a professor.

I'd rather love...

“School, Professor? Wasn't it a horse riding class?"

“Right… that’s right. Why should we train them to avoid thunderbirds?”

Some students asked, seemingly puzzled, whether they had not yet understood the

Why don't you ride a horse and evacuate the thunderbird?

“What if you meet a thunderbird while riding a horse? It's training for sure!"

Lightning stride was angry as if he was saying something nonsense. The students who
asked the question were terrified.

'Thunderbird is a rare monster that can only be found in the high sky or in the

Lee Han thought so inwardly, but didn't say it out loud.

In front of the professor, I had to be careful with the right words.

“But don't worry. Because you will ride the horse you like so much. Wodanaz. come
forward You should help my class.”

Receiving gazes of awe and jealousy, Lee Han stepped forward.

Even though he was in awe, Lee Han wanted to defeat the students who looked at him
with jealousy.

'Those who don't know the speed of others...'

“The horse is the most basic mount you will see in the Empire. A guy who can't ride
this one doesn't deserve to travel. If he wants to ride a more difficult ride, he
must at least learn to ride a horse well.”

At the words of Professor Lightning Walk, quite a few students looked bored.

Because there were more students here who knew how to ride a horse than those who

Since we each rode around for different reasons, we were thinking, 'Is there
anything new to learn?'

However, Professor Lightning Walk did not get angry at the sight.

Rather, he smiled kindly.



Lee Han felt the ominous smile.

'This is not just a horse riding class!'

It was clear that some kind of school couldn't let go of tension, and it wasn't an
ordinary riding class.

"ruler. Go to the stables!”

The stable located near the main building had clean and spacious facilities.

The stable, which looked like a huge warehouse with three floors, opened as if
alive as the professor approached it.

'You have magic.'

Lee Han could feel the magical energy hanging from the stable.

After all, it's not just an ordinary horse, so it must be protected by magic.



Cheers came from all over the place.

The sight of the horses dangling on either side of the stable was enough to make
the young students admire.

The horses with various fur colors, such as white, black, brown, and gold, were
quarter horses with good pedigrees.

Can you ride a horse like this?

It was natural for the students' eyes to brighten.

But Lee Han was not deceived. He whispered to Yoner next to him.

"Be careful."


“Think of an alchemy class. Professor Lightning Walk is a blood relative of

Professor Thunder Walk. Do you think there will be no pitfalls?”


Yonner nodded hastily with an enlightened expression on his face.

Professor Lightning Walk stroked his beard and smiled mischievously. And then he
told Ian.

“I will give you the authority to choose the first word as you are the master
student who will help me in my class in the future.”

Behind me, I could hear the clicks of tongues mixed with jealousy and envy.

Even if the other favorites were patient, he couldn't stand choosing the horse

If you pick one, that horse will be Lee Han's partner for a semester. If that's the
case, then you're losing the best horse.
''re probably thinking. idiots.'

Lee Han remembered the smile that flashed on the lips of Professor Lightning Walk.

"it's okay. I will choose later, so I will yield to the other students. I don't
think it's fair to choose first."


“You’re the guy!”

The same top students were amazed.

Others have their eyes wide open right now because they want to choose a word
first, but such a concession.

It was an honor that only a true nobleman could show.

“Then what?”

“Let’s decide the order in the tower, and then come out one by one and choose. If
they overlap, another lot is cast.”


The students were divided into groups and started lining up.

The Blue Dragon Tower students also gathered and cast lots to determine the order.
The first to catch was Kainando.


Guynando was delighted.

It felt like I was being compensated for the bad luck I had been caught by the
thunderbird earlier.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were blatantly disappointed.

“Are you sure it’s Kainando?”

"I'd rather have Wodanaj take it first."

"huh. The losers speak.”

Guynando ignored the words of his friends. Lee Han became curious and asked

“Does Gainando know how to see horses?”

“Writing… well. I don’t think you know.”

Gainando strode forward and picked the largest and most filthy white horse.

The students in the other tower looked at Gainando as if in an absurd way.

Big words were not a good thing.

Besides, considering that he had to tame and become friendly, he couldn't choose a
word that looked dirty like that.

It can cause problems while riding.


"100 million!"






All the students gathered were amazed.

Even though Guynando was hit by a horse and fell backwards, the other students were
all hit or spit one by one.


Why are you so fierce?

purr lure!

Purneung! Whoops! Whoops heh!!

The horses in the stable, who had been quietly waiting, began to howl at the same

They look fiercely at the students as if they were looking at their enemies.

It was the moment when the wildness that had been hidden exploded.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I said You have to learn to ride a horse well. Your first
task is not to ride horses. I'm going to get acquainted with the horses here. Did
you know that you would be able to tell young people like you even?”

“What… what…”

"too bad...!"

Some of the students who did not attend alchemy classes wept with disappointment.
But the lightning steps did not stop laughing.

“If you take care of and take care of the horses morning and night, one of them
might open up your heart. That's your goal. only one! Getting to know even one of


'That's definitely not an ordinary word.'

Ian was sure.

Anyway, it was not a common saying.

What in the world can say such an idiot...


While pondering which of the horses here would be the easiest to get close to, a
hand like the lid of Professor Lightning Walk came up on Lee Han's shoulder.


"Oh yeah. Wodanaz. I will choose the words for you.”


Do I have to?


“I can’t say anything to the Thunderwalking Disciple.”

“…I am very happy.”

Lee Han tried to manage his facial expressions.

Even when the professor's kindness was not very good, he had to manage his facial

Because the heartbroken professor was more terrifying than any other demon.

The lightning stride trudged and stopped in front of a horse.

It was a really beautiful white horse.

A white horse that is neither particularly large nor particularly small, with a
strong physique and well-kept muscles.

The white horse looked at Lee Han softly and blinked. No violence was felt there.

If Lee Han had been a little younger, he might have been deceived by saying, 'Did
the professor really give me a good word for me?'

However, Lee Han is someone who has gone through all the battles before and after.

not easily deceived

'Isn't this a demon that has turned into a white horse?'

Clearly there is something!

"ruler. This is a really good word. But his temperament is the toughest and most
demanding guy in this stable. If you tame this horse, you will be able to tame
other monsters easily.”

Lightning Walk said with a very happy expression.

“Of course, it might be too difficult for a freshman.”

“If you think so, then…”

“But you, Wodanaj, who dealt with thunderbirds so skillfully, can do it! I believe
in you!”


The difficulty level goes up because you did well !

It can be so irrational and absurd...

While Lee Han and Professor Lightning Gaul were having a conversation, the other
students could not give up their regrets and approached various horses and tried to
have a conversation.

“Aren’t you good? Good... evil! Bitten!”

“Stop spitting! Stop spitting!”

“You’re doing headbutts!?”

Of course, the words were not slurred.

As the chaos continued, Nilia cautiously told her friends.

“Aren’t we supposed to be friends with the horses first?”

“Are you trying to make friends?”

“So, don’t just come up to me and try to stroke me, there’s something else. I come
out early in the morning to brush my teeth, clean the inside, feed them…”

Nelia didn't think she was saying anything particularly strange.

Even when I was working in <Shadow Patrol>, I had to show this kind of devotion to
tame an unfamiliar beast.

If you don't put in time and effort consistently, your partner won't open your

“What do you have to do like that?”

“You have to come out to the stables early every morning?”


But surprisingly, the other students showed rejection.

Even the Black Turtle Tower had many students from wealthy families.

A horse is taken care of by a servant or a slave, and does not have to be taken
care of by himself.

'Everyone is stupid!?'

Nelia tried to say, 'Do you think you're still out of school?'

If you say that, only Nilia will be treated like a strange person.

I had no choice but to shrug it off.

'I have to go out on my own. Later, when I see the horses listening to me, others
may listen to me.'

Lee Han and Yoner talked to Nelia, who was walking with her ears hanging down.

“Nelia. Did you choose a horse?”

“We are going to come out every morning to look after the horses, but would you
like to join us?”


Nilia hugged Lee Han and Yoner with a crying expression.

A true friend didn't care if the tower was different.

Lee Han and Yoner looked at Nelia as if embarrassed.

'Why are you doing this?'


* * *

After the basic vehicle training lecture was over, Lee Han headed to the hut of
Professor Lightning Walk with Professor Lightning Walk.

In fact, to be precise, it was more like being dragged rather than going together.
Because Lee Han couldn't refuse the words of Professor Lightning Walk.

“Come… no.”

Lee Han saw clearly.

The professor's eyes trembled greatly and his complexion clouded when he witnessed
an adult in the family!

"...what's going on here?"

“You need a reason to meet your nephew! look out hey! Also, in a nook like this,
you build a hut and live there. It's not even organized properly! Look at this

“I’m pretty organized.”

Thunderstep made a protest in its own way.

In fact, after Lee Han came, the hut was quite tidy.

“You’re talking like a cleanup! What sort of arrangement is this! Alchemy is good,
but now I have to think about finding a true mate and having children. How long do
you plan to live alone? The elders are worried about you…”


Thunderbolt looked at Lee Han as if asking for help. Lee Han couldn't refuse that
"I. professor. Shall we prepare a meal?”

"ah. okay. I brought my disciple, and I have to feed him. you stay still thunder
step. Because the food you made doesn't taste good. I’ll make it eastern-style

“No, I don’t like Eastern food very much…”

“What did you say?”

"it's nothing."

Thunderstep murmured and shut her mouth. Then he looked at Lee Han and said in a
desperate voice.

“What happened to you?”

A voice with the meaning of returning the topic, please.

Lee Han contemplated what to talk about.

Should I even tell you about joining the Frisinga Church?

"for a moment. That wand…”

It was then that Thunderstep realized that Lee Han's wand was a wand he had never
seen before.

“Where did that stick come from?”

"ah. Is this what you mean?”

Ian thought for a moment.

Then he asked again.

“Are you keeping the secret?”


The thunderous gait was absurd.

I was just asking to change the subject, but those words are sure to come back.

Besides, just saying that is suspicious...

“…don’t protect me.”

"Hey. Our kin always keeps a secret.”

Lightning stride approached after washing his hands for a while while slashing at
the chopping board from behind.

“No matter what the secret, I don't take the stories I heard at the dinner table.
By the way, what kind of bastard do you only have meat on bread?”

"ah. Because I know how to take good care of it...!”

“So your health is getting weaker! For Dwarves, the Eastern diet is the best. You
should eat rice, not wheat. Please cook my delicious stew.”

The expression of the thunderous steps was dyed with sadness.

Professor Dwarf asked Lee Han again with the intention of changing the topic

“So, how did you get that wand? I can feel the energy of life…”

Lee Han summed up and refined what had happened that night quite a bit.

-I happened to go up the mountain for a walk at night, but I met a talking oak

“…you happened to go to the depths of that mountain for a walk at night???”

"Yes. Taking a walk is the best way to go to such a gloomy and secluded place.”



The thunder and lightning steps looked at Lee Han as if it were absurd, but Lee Han
did not waver.

'I was trying to escape.'

'You're trying to escape.'

There is only one reason for a freshman to go up to the mountain on a weekend


“But wait. Did you meet a talking oak tree? Have you ever solved the riddle?”

"Yes. How do you know?”

"Because it's a famous spirit... Then the staff must have been given to you by the
talking oak tree."

Thunderstep nodded curiously and looked at the staff.

Talking oaks had a strict and troublesome personality, but their vision and
knowledge could not be ignored.

The staff that Lee Han was holding felt the vital energy of the tree spirit. It was
an unusual cane that you don't see often.

“Is there any effect on this wand?”

Lee Han asked in a slightly anticipatory voice.

As a human being, it was impossible not to be expected.

I was talking like a talking oak tree is a pretty awesome thing...

“That cane is good for farming.”

Lightning streaks of boiling pork stew were placed on the wooden table.
Ripe kimchi (the name was like pickled eastern cabbage, but Lee Han called it
kimchi) was fried once and boiled with various seasonings and pork chops.

The Eastern Imperial Diet, a typical Korean style for Lee Han, a native of South
Korea, has always been familiar.

On the other hand, the expression of the thunderous walk was colored with sadness.

It had green onion and red pepper in it and it was red, so it looked spicy just by
looking at it.

'I have a student, so if you cook this spicy eastern food as you like...'

"I will enjoy this food."


Seeing Lee Han scoop up a large bowl of white rice and roll it up in a bowl in
front of him, he was startled by the thunderous gait.

Are you eating well!?

'Isn't it spicy? Wasn't he the one who originally enjoyed spicy food?!'

"Also. Like a disciple of Thunderstep, he knows how to eat. Wodanaz.”

Lightning stride said with a satisfied expression.

Because the empire was so wide, there were some people who couldn't eat cuisine
from other regions than their own.

Compared to such people, Lee Han, who eats so well, was very happy.

A meal that older Dwarves can't help but love!

“On the other hand, why are you so fussy! Eat quickly!”

“Oh, yes!”

On the other hand, Thunder walked slower than his disciple to eat. Lightning Strike
ended the story the dwarves and humans had been talking about while they ate.

“As tree spirits reside in that staff, it would be great to grow something and make
it grow. It's literally a living wand. A cane like that is not often available. It
is a very precious thing.”

“Uh… any other effects?”

"Well? Because that’s the most typical effect.”

Of course, helping the crops grow wasn't a bad effect, but it was far from what Lee
Han wanted.

'Is it for farming...?'

Even if it wasn't like being invincible when holding a wand or learning magic in a
dream, I wanted it to help control my magic...

“It’s fine. You were just trying to grow a garden.”

“I did.”

“A vegetable garden?”

Lightning Walk showed interest in the conversation between Thunder Walk and Lee

“Weren’t you from the Wodanaj family?”

“This guy is a little bit special.”

“Yeah, it seems. What are you going to do in the garden?”

“I try to do everything I can eat.”

“He’s interested in Eastern cuisine, so he’s trying to plant something like Chinese
cabbage or green onion.”


The words of the thunderstorm seemed to make the lightning step happy. The
lightning stride said as if expecting it.

“If you want, I can help you.”

"oh. Are you really?”

"okay. Because I’ve done quite a bit of gardening.”

Lee Han went out of the hut with lightning steps.

Behind it, there was an empty lot that had been set aside for Lee Han's vegetable

Thanks to the care of the soil from time to time, it was possible to plant any
number of seeds or seedlings.

“It would be better to plant the ones that take a little longer first. Potatoes and
sweet potatoes would be very useful.”

Lightning Step was well aware of how the freshmen at this school suffered.

Crops that can fill your stomach, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, will be very

“It will take at least two months, but if you plant it ahead of time, you will
appreciate it later.”

“That is correct.”

Lee Han thought that the lightning steps made sense. After receiving potatoes and
sweet potato seeds, he started planting them step by step in one area of the

'...From the Wodanaj family?'

Lightning stride was slightly bewildered by Lee Han's work.

Anyone who has worked for a while can't help but admire Lee Han's work.

That skilled figure who is a natural worker by anyone looking at it.

...are you really from the Wordanaj family, who are masters of magic?

* * *


I felt something strange when I came out of the hut and watched the thunderous

“Did you come and plant it over the weekend?”

"Yes? Have you planted it now?”


Thunderbolt tilted her head.

'Now planted?'

But why does it seem that the buds have already grown?


“By the way, what riddle did the talking oak tree come up with?”

Lightning stride asked curiously.

“Uh… he gave me some strange and strange riddles.”

Even so, the riddle of the shadows and the dwarfs and the candlelight was a
compulsion in itself.

“Talking oaks do come up with ridiculous riddles.”

Lightning stride nodded as if understanding.

Talking oaks were famous for dazzling wizards by giving them strange problems that
sounded plausible.

The inexperienced wizards were dazzled by the appearance of the handsome talking
oak trees and thought that there was a mystery hidden in the riddle, but there was
no such thing.

Talking oak trees were just sloppy spirits who liked sloppy riddles.

"...Is that so?"

“It’s like that. Most of the world’s affairs are futile once you know them.”

After hearing the explanation from Lightning Step, Lee Han was taken aback.

So, the question of the goblins who hid at the orc feast was also a puzzling

'Come to think of it, there was a hint about the candle problem.'
“The riddle I heard was…”

Lee Han confided the riddles he had heard from the talking oak tree.

- Several orc tribes gathered and held a feast, but an evil goblin intervened and
ate and drank. How could that be?

“It’s easy. The answer is disguised as an orc.”


“The riddle of the talking oak trees should not be considered difficult. Think
simple. If it was a goblin, it wouldn't have been too difficult to deceive and
disguise the orcs."


Lee Han concentrated on the absurdity and emptiness.

Of course, it was a ridiculous riddle, but this riddle didn't just come out of

Isn't that the riddle that the talking oak tree gave as a hint for escaping from

At least that's what it means.

'So... did you mean disguise?'

It was a very obvious statement, but if you think about it, it was a spur of the

This magic school was not a completely closed space.

Didn't priests from other denominations come to the school right away?

'Besides, there are materials.'

From foodstuffs to be used at the magic school, to various reagents and materials.

These things had to be brought in from outside.

And the people who move these things are usually workers who don't know magic.

There is no magic way to get out of this school!

Lee Han clenched his fists.

In the dark darkness laid by the skeleton principal.

It felt like a ray of light was shining in the darkness.


Professor Lightning Walk from the side was surprised to see Lee Han's face.

Clearly, this young wizard now had an enlightened expression on his face.

'How did you get enlightenment from the bland riddles of those talking oaks?'

As well as being a better farmer than an experienced farmer, this boy from the
Woudanaj family was so curious that you wouldn't get tired of looking at it.

* * *

After Lee Han took care of the vegetable garden, Professor Lightning Gaeul brought
some chickens from somewhere.

Thundering looked at him sadly, so he knew whose coop the chicken came from.

“Take good care of your animals. Wodanaz. Treating animals well is always

"thank you. I will enjoy this food."

For first-year students who were hungry and would chew on stones, freshly laid eggs
were a luxury that would make their minds dizzy.

If you take those eggs, you can become the king of the dormitory.

“Take this too. Well. This would be nice too.”

Professor Lightning Walk put things in a basket as if he wanted to bring something

to the new student.

From eggs to freshly harvested cabbage, tomatoes, onions and potatoes, butter and
cheese, thick cut venison.

Every time I put it in the basket, the wrinkles on the thunderous face deepened and
the sadness deepened, but Lee Han pretended not to see it.

“Then see you in the next class.”

'Looks like I'm going to eat a lot all of a sudden.'

Eating with the two dwarves was hectic, but he certainly gained a lot.

Not only the secret of the wand, but also a hint to get out of school.

And the extra food was a bonus. Still, food was running out.

'How did the other first graders before me survive?'

I have been working and receiving food under Professor Haniya Lee like this, but
other students may not have been able to do the same.

Did you survive by just starving?


“Wordanaz has arrived!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were sitting in the 1st grade common room, looking
tired and hungry.
The students, who were calming down while playing chess or cards, were overjoyed
when they saw Lee Han.

And when he saw the basket hanging on Lee Han's arm, he was even more delighted.

“Wordanaz! My honorable friend!”

“The most honorable family in the Empire!”

'It's not something I'm going to say, but for a family from a large aristocratic
family, everyone is not very dignified.'

But I understood.

Whether it is the royal family or the beggar, when you are hungry, you become weak.

As rumors spread that Lee Han had arrived, the Blue Dragon Tower students each ran
out of their rooms and gathered in front of Lee Han.

It was like a baby bird looking at its mother bird while waiting for a feed.

“Everyone seems hungry. wait."

I thought I could make a pretty decent soup using the vegetables and meat I got
from Lightning Step.

Even if the students gathered here eat at once, it will be a meal that everyone can
eat together.

Lee Han placed a pot over the fireplace, cut venison and onions, and sautéed them
until golden brown.

Next were vegetables. Lee Han skillfully poured water, added tomatoes and potatoes,
and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Even seasonings that can be easily obtained outside are precious and precious to
first-year students.

The soup, which is red because of the tomatoes, was boiling, and the students
looked at Lee Han with earnest eyes.

- Can I stop boiling it and eat it?

However, Lee Han firmly blocked it.

'Now I can put cabbage.'

Add cabbage, add some butter, season again...

With a solemn expression on his face, he was cooking seriously, like a skilled

The Blue Dragon Tower students unwittingly adjusted their clothes and politely
adjusted their postures.

“It’s over. Bring a bowl.”

'Why do you say respect?'

Lee Han was puzzled, but instead of asking, he took a ladle and poured it into a

Yoner, who came to hear the news, also helped fill out the ledger while smearing a
quill with ink.

"Kileenen family, eight silver coins... Gainando, eleven silver coins..."

“Wordanaz. Isn't a single silver coin too small?"

“Can I get a little more? It's too little money for your dedication."

Boys and girls from great aristocratic families lacked a sense of money.

Lee Han and Yoner lamented the sight.

'I don't know how to live like that if I get independent later!'

“I, Wodanaj.”


“Can’t you bring some to the princess too?”

Two or three Blue Dragon Tower students said cautiously. He was probably a follower
of Adenart.

Ian's face darkened slightly at those words.

“That, that. Wodanaz. I'm not forcing you to…”

“I know you are close with Prince Gainando, but you don’t necessarily have to
fight. I just want you to eat something that the princess can eat too.”


Lee Han realized that his friends were misunderstanding something.

The reason Lee Han was reluctant to bring food to the princess was not because Lee
Han supported Guy Nando.

It was just a shame to give away food for free.

“I think you are misunderstanding, but I have no intention of not giving food to
the princess because of Gainando. You can't do such a childish thing."



The students' faces brightened at Lee Han's words.

I think I'll feel better too," Lee Han asked gently.

“But who pays the silver coins? Is it right for the princess to pay?”

“We’ll pay for it! We each pay double.”

“Thank you, Wodanaj!”

“No… can I do something like that?”

“This is a small amount of money compared to what you do. Wodanaz.”

"Thank you so much. You must be concerned about the prince.”

The students were truly grateful. Ian was surprised to see that.

I was surprised that he was using his own money for the princess instead, was
surprised by the sense of money to increase money even when bargaining was
insufficient, and was surprised to see that Gainando was highly valued.

'Gainando, as an imperial family, has close to zero political power to create his
own faction and roll.'

There was a lot of misunderstanding with each other, but the other person seemed to
like Lee Han, so there was no need to explain it.

“I want all members of the royal family to be friendly. For the Empire.”


“A guy like you…!”

* * *

Lee Han grabbed the soup bowl and knocked on the door of the princess' private
room. After a while, Adenart appeared.


Adenart raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with his eyes why he had come.

Lee Han said, holding out a hot bowl.

“I cooked in the break room, have some.”

Adenart hesitated a bit instead of receiving it right away. He seemed hesitant

because he didn't know what Lee Han was thinking.

Having already heard misunderstandings about Guy Nando from below, Lee Han decided
to clear up the misunderstandings.

“All the other students took it as well. You can drink it.”

In fact, he received the silver coin, but Lee Han didn't bother to say it.

Adenart hesitated as much as he had just hesitated, and finally took the bowl
carefully with both hands.

Hunger seemed to triumph over hesitation.

Adenart bowed her head slightly in gratitude, took a spoon, scooped out the soup,
and put it in her mouth.

It seemed to suit my taste as I saw that the speed was getting faster after one
spoonful or two.

“You can go in and have a drink.”

At Lee Han's words, Adenart stopped the hand holding the spoon.


Then he nodded once more, closed the door and went inside.

'Did I just say that?'

When Lee Han came down to the break room, the waiting students expressed their

“Wordanaz. The princess is…”

"ah. He seemed to like it.”

"awesome! You are a really good alchemist!”

'If I just starve, I think I'll eat well no matter what you give me...'

“Can I continue to ask? We'll pay the silver coins, so if you have food, I'd like
you to bring some to the princess as well."

“…the devotion of an empire to the imperial family is like an honor as a nobleman.”

Words flowed out of Lee Han's mouth. Even Lee Han himself was surprised.

'By the way, the imperial family is really great.'

How many people follow this simply because of their bloodline?

Suddenly, I felt the power of the veins.

Of course, Gainando is an exception...

* * *

<Repetitive learning of basic magic battles> held on the first basement floor of
the main building.

Professor Vampire, Voladi Bagreg, was thinking. Of course, it didn't show on his

The only student left now.

How do I get that student to continue taking this lecture?

'It's really difficult.'

Originally, Professor Voladi had little interest in getting students to listen to


Professor Voladi's contract was to lecture here, not to gather students.

But now the situation is a bit exceptional.

A boy from the Wodanaj family with a considerable amount of magical power.

Can we find another talent like that boy?

If you miss this time, you may have to wait a few more years to move on to the next
part of the lecture.

Besides, there was no guarantee that the next student would have the same qualities
as that boy.

After contemplating, Professor Voladi opened his mouth.

“Do you have any questions?”


Lee Han, who had been concentrating on spinning the marble, raised his head in

Why all of a sudden the question?

Could it be that Lee Han's nauseous heart to eat raw was noticed?


'Let's calm down. You probably haven't figured out my intentions yet.'

Lee Han calmly made up his mind.

Even so, Professor Vampire will not be able to read Lee Han's heart.

- I'm going to suck honey by listening to this lecture that no one listens to!

'Well. If caught, it would be more embarrassing than dangerous.'

“I asked if you had any questions.”

Professor Boladi looked at Lee Han slowly again and said.

“May I ask any questions?”

"Can not be done. It should be a question about the lecture.”

'Isn't that obvious?'

There was no way for Lee Han to discuss how to get out of school...

However, thanks to this, the professor's personality seemed to be clearly


A principled person who is strict both to others and to himself.

I've met quite a few of those types, so it's rather easy to deal with.

'The hardest thing to deal with is a professor crazy like Principal Richie.'

As long as you work hard at what you're told, there's no problem, so what's the
“Any questions?”


Ian was worried.

What should I ask?

The professors always said, 'Ask a question comfortably', but when you ask a
question really comfortably, 'Why don't you know that?' would come back.

Questions are also necessary.

'Let's start with the basics.'

“What is the practice of spinning this spiritual stone marble for?”

Lee Han asked with curiosity.

I did this because I was asked to ask a question about the lecture, but it was also
true that I was actually curious.

What does it mean to just spin this marble round and round?

Professor Voladi tilted his head slightly at Lee Han's question. It was a look that
he didn't really understand.

“Did you not read the name of the lecture?”


Ian wasn't upset.

Because all the professors were like this!

Since you taught me -1+1=2, try solving higher-order differential equations. can't
solve it? why? why?

"Yes. I know the name of the course is <Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical
Battles>. But what does spinning this... Spiritstone Orb have to do with basic
magic battles?”


Professor Boladi stopped at Lee Han's question.

Lee Han was bewildered at the sight of Professor Voladi standing still as if he had
become a plaster statue. It looked like someone had turned it off.


“Wait a minute.”

Professor Boladi said to Lee Han with an expression that didn't blink an eye.

What would you do?

Ian waited.
how much time has passed When Lee Han started to regret slowly saying, 'I asked a
question for no reason,' Professor Voladi opened his mouth.

“I can tell you now.”


“It was so obvious that I thought about how to explain it.”

Ian was shocked.

Are you still thinking about it...?

'no. Don't panic. Considering that the other person is a professor, it's not

"ruler. I can kill you with just one quill over here.”


This was definitely disappointing. Lee Han immediately took his hand to the staff.

Professor Boladi said again after seeing Lee Han's fast reaction speed and balanced

“I will cancel. It must be difficult with a quill.”

It wasn't very comforting.

While Lee Han was contemplating whether to run or call someone, Professor Voladi

“As you can see from what I just said, it is not the high-circle anti-magic that is
important in magic battles. A minimum amount of magic that can take the opponent's
breath is sufficient.”

After finishing his speech, Professor Voladi put on a regretful expression on his
face that he had said too much needlessly.

“Do you understand this?”

" Please tell me a little bit more.”


Surprised, Professor Voladi stopped again like a stone statue.

Lee Han wanted to miss it, but the water had already been spilled.

'As long as this happens, you will surely get an answer.'

After a while.

“The training to rotate the Spirit Stone Orb is to control the magic of the
projectile type. As you may have already guessed, even the same <Magic Missile>
spell has a different level of heaven and earth depending on which wizard is using

'I could not have guessed it at all.'

“A wizard who is not accustomed to battle cannot even use magic properly in a
battle situation. The noise and heat of the battlefield, and the life that is aimed
at you is crushed. However, a wizard who has embodied magic control in his body
through repeated training becomes possible.”

Professor Voladi immediately casts a spell without using a spell or a staff.

Magic Missile.

Contrary to its grandiose name, it was a one-circle magic.

The principle was also simple. He drew out his magical powers, gathered them in a
circle, and then fired them and it was all over.

Then a mass of magic the size of a fist was fired.

As it was a 1st circle, the power wasn't that great. Among the mercenaries, 'Is the
number of stones thrown hard or the number of magic missiles?' was a topic that
came up every time.

...but Professor Voladi's Magic Missile quickly shattered that prejudice.

The inside of the large lecture hall instantly changed like the Milky Way.

This was because dozens or hundreds of masses of magic filled the space.

Professor Voladi waved his hand. Then all the magical masses flew in one direction
in an instant.

Some are straight, some are curved.

Some regularly, some irregularly.

Some are fast, some are slow.

And all these movements resulted in one purpose.

It was the enemy's vital point.


The magical masses collided and disappeared with a roar.

It was as if Lee Han had seen a vision of a non-existent person being hit by vital
points all over his body and falling down. That's how sophisticated Professor
Voladi's magic was.

Lee Han felt anew that she could be beautiful when she reached the limit of

“The goal of training is to freely control projectile magic in this way. Did you

"Yes. thank you."

When Lee Han was convinced, Professor Voladi nodded, showing a very slight sense of
relief on his face.
If I didn't understand here, I was at a loss as to how to explain it.

'Right. It wasn't just that the professor was trying to get his salary every day.'

Lee Han felt a little sorry that he misunderstood Professor Voladi.

He thought he was just going to open a strange lecture and get paid.

Upon closer inspection, this training was quite plausible.

Magic didn't end simply because he knew how to cast it.

Just as knowing how to wield a sword does not mean that you have mastered
swordsmanship, it is not common to learn a single magic.

Can you cast that spell faster? Can it be cast accurately in urgent and chaotic
situations? etc.

Professor Voladi was a person who valued such things.

And for Lee Han, this projectile magic control training was important.

There was one problem that Lee Han was facing right now.

"professor. Can I ask you just one more thing?”


“I recently learned the <Minor Control> magic.”


Professor Boladi did not ask where Lee Han learned. That wasn't the professor's

“By the way, this magic… it can be cast, but it cannot be fixed after casting.”

Professor Voladi's eyebrows rose upwards.

It's not that the steering isn't good, it's that the fixation itself isn't good.

It was a very unusual case.

Usually, novice wizards couldn't move when they did the <Level Control> magic, but
they couldn't fix it.

Unless you have a lot of magic power...

"for a moment. It looks like you have more magic than you think.”

"ah. Yes. I heard that.”

Lee Han was delighted when Professor Voladi noticed it at once.

If you noticed it right away, there was a high chance that you would come up with a
good solution.

How will you teach me?

“Mana Drain!”


Professor Voladi just grabbed Lee Han's arm and cast Go Circle's magic.

It was a powerful and evil magic that literally absorbed the opponent's magic.


Lee Han also had no way of knowing that his mana was being sucked away so rapidly.

'Please explain, you crazy professor!'

But it was already too late to dry. The professor's magic was absorbing Lee Han's


Lee Han realized the strangeness and looked at Professor Voladi's face.

As a vampire, his complexion wasn't very good originally, but now he seems a bit



"professor?? Are you okay?!”


Professor Voladi slowly released his hand and fell to his side. Ian was shocked to
see that.

You knock down the professor.

Of course, I've been imagining a lot, but I'm sure I'll actually defeat a professor
like this!

* * *

Fortunately, Professor Voladi came to his senses soon. As soon as Professor Vampire
woke up, he just briefly summarized the situation.

“You have more magic than you think.”

"...Is that so?"

The condition of Lee Han, who had been deprived of magic, was much better than the
professor who had absorbed the magic.

In fact, Lee Han wasn't feeling much tired right now. Even though I was absorbed
like that.


Professor Voladi nodded.

If it had been another professor, he would have explained to me how absurd this
situation is.

If an inexperienced person had more magical power than his own bowl, he could fall
because he could not control that power, but an excellent wizard like Professor
Voladi was a different story.

How much mana was absorbed in order for a wizard the size of Professor Voladi to
lose control and collapse?

But Professor Voladi did not speak. Because he didn't think it was important.

What was important now was something else.

“I tried to make the control difficulty easier by reducing the magic power with the
mana drain spell. Failed.”

“I’m sorry.”

Lee Han understood the meaning of Professor Voladi's words.

It was a story about how to reduce the magic power drastically because there is so
much magic power that it is difficult to control the details when controlling the

...but of course it failed.

“There is another way.”

“What is it?”

“Have you ever had a projectile run towards you while casting the <Lesser Control>

Lee Han thought for a moment at the professor's question.


"Yes. That's the nature. Even if it appears to have lost control, control is in
progress as long as the spell is cast and the wizard's will and the projectile are

Lee Han nodded his head at the plausible words.

If the spell was definitely broken, it was normal for the stone to fall to the

The connection itself had been established.

'for a moment. Then, is it instinct that I threw stones at the heads of other

I couldn't tell if it was coincidence or instinct.

Lee Han decided not to check. Sometimes there are better truths when buried.

“Instinct is powerful. If you use that instinct, you might be able to take your
ability to control projectiles to the next level.”

“Are you ready?”


“I will go. I'm aiming for the chin, so make sure to defend your chin."

For a moment, Lee Han wondered what he was talking about.

The explanation was given by the spirit stone beads floating in the air.

The beads that were ready to trembled trembled and started flying towards Lee Han's
chin in turn.

For a moment, Lee Han felt his instincts cry sharply.

The body moved before the head.


* * *

There was good news though.

It was said that Lee Han could now handle the <Level Control> magic quite well.

The bad news was that Professor Voladi was far more insane than Lee Han had

'I was stupid for believing this professor.'

I will never believe it again!



Even if he curses the professor inside, he doesn't show it on the outside.

It was an experienced graduate student.

Lee Han kept his expression on his face and bowed his head.

"thank you."

“There is nothing to be thankful for. You solved it on your own.”


Despite the compliment, Lee Han was a bit choked up.

Professor Voladi has just sent the marbles out from the bottom of his heart.

If it had been hit authentically, it would have at least cracked the bone.

It would have been a really dangerous moment if I hadn't stopped it by hurriedly

floating a marble with <Level Control>.
'Professors are really...'

“Try again.”

This time, Professor Voladi took out an ordinary iron ball, not a spiritual stone,
and threw it. Before the fist-sized iron ball fell, Lee Han's <Lesser Control>
spell was cast.


The iron ball stopped in mid-air.

Lee Han expected that this iron bead would accidentally pop out and blow off
Professor Bollardi's jaw, but once he learned the trick, <Level Control> was not
easily shaken.

Professor Voladi pointed up with his hand.


Lee Han moved the iron bead upwards. Although it trembled slightly unstable, the
iron ball moved quickly.


The iron ball went down again.

"to the left. to the right. one turn clockwise. Two turns counterclockwise.”

Professor Voladi, who had been giving directions without a break, nodded.

“It takes a lot of energy, but this should be enough. In the future, instead of the
spiritual stone beads, I will proceed with the training with these iron beads.”

“I haven’t been able to draw a perfect circle with the Spiritstone beads yet, is
that ok?”

“Try again.”

Lee Han put down the iron bead and put magical power into the spirit stone bead.
And he drew a circle.


Surprisingly, a much more perfect circle was drawn than before the near-death

“Intense experiences develop wizards. The Spirit Stone Orb was an auxiliary tool
for wizards who lacked ability, so they won’t need it anymore.”


“Let’s draw a circle again with the iron bead. When my skills improve to a certain
extent, I will prepare for the same ordeal again.”


Professor Voladi thought there were two kinds of people in the world.
Those who harden as they are when a crisis of life approaches, and those who react
more violently and agilely.

It was of course the latter to become a battle wizard, and the boy of the Wodanaj
family in front of him also had such qualities.

If so, it was natural to use those qualities.


Of course, Lee Han, who heard the notice of murder, had no choice but to feel

Oh, this school is real!

* * *

I almost died a while ago, but the school kept rolling.

Professor Voladi gave Lee Han an iron bead at the end of class.

-Continue drawing circles whenever you have time.


- And don't be vigilant at any moment.

-...what do you mean... no. Okay.

Lee Han was embarrassed even when he came out.

I don't think Professor Voladi is following Lee Han and then attacking him, right?

Of course, I knew it was a crazy idea, but this school kept making Lee Han

“Did you wait long?”


Lee Han waved to the demonic half-race girl in the priest's uniform.

It was the priest of the Frisinga Church, Tigiling.

- Could you please take care of some teaslings?

Basically, the phoenix tower students were frugal as they were priests, and Priest
Mehrid was worried that Tigiling, who was still growing up, would fall.

Lee Han, who received three grocery baskets in return, intends to keep his promise.

'I'll feed you well and get a basket for the next meeting.'

With such a tragic thought, Lee Han sat down with Tigiling.

It was already evening, and the sky was turning red, and the mountains surrounding
the school seemed to be on fire.

'It would have been great if it wasn't for school... No. What kind of prisoner do
you think I am?'

Ian calmed down.

Lee Han was not a prisoner. Of course, there was a bit of a prison-like corner
here, but this was definitely a school.

“I’ve brought my uniform here.”

"oh. Thank you.”

Lee Han received the priest's uniform offered by Tigiling. And in return, he served
a round bread with a thin layer of marmalade jam.

It was a soft and sweet bread that could not be compared with the bread provided by
this school.

"I am okay."

But Tigiling declined.

“Is there any reason to refuse?”

“Frisinga-nim is suffering for us, and it’s a pity that I alone enjoy gourmet

Lee Han tried to say, 'What nonsense is that?' but then stopped. It was because he
remembered that he had joined the Free Singa Church.

'Ouch. It almost added one more notoriety to the Wodanaj family.'

Ihan nodded his head calmly.

It was not easy to forcibly feed a person with such strong faith.

I had to explore a bit.

"oh. This bread is really tasteless. It's been a while, so the taste is gone. Don't
you think you won't be sorry if you eat this?"

dory dory.

“Is this canned beef really the worst? Would you be sorry to eat this?”

dory dory.

“The person who baked this bread must have baked it heartily to serve you, and the
person who made the jam must have worked hard to serve you. Because you didn't eat
it, so it was thrown away like this..."


'Did it work?'

Lee Han thought it worked when he saw Tigiling's eyes fluttering with guilt.

"...for a moment. Aren't those breads specially baked for me? I saw it on display
last time.”

When Tigiling recognized him with a good eye, Lee Han clicked his tongue.

I just wish I had pushed a little bit more...

As Lee Han continued to try to feed, Tigiling gave an apologetic expression.

“I am really fine. I will tell Priest Mehrid that I ate it, so it is better to give
it to someone other than me.”


Lee Han was temperamental.

In fact, it was convenient for Lee Han. I just felt a little embarrassed that I had
to lie.

Priest Mehrid was worried about Tijilling and asked Lee Han (given more baskets),
but he was sorry to pass that on.

If it was a promise he made with Principal Skeleton, he would break it without even
thinking for a second, but Priest Mehrid was a good person.

While Lee Han was contemplating, Tigiling took out a crude wooden cup, put green
tea leaves in it, and poured warm water. Steam rose up.

"for a moment."


“Can I make you some tea?”

Tigiling thought for a moment, then nodded.

While he was sorry for rejecting the food, he couldn't even refuse that.

"yes. thank you."

“Are you really going to drink?”

"of course. why...?"


Even in the Freesinga Church, they enjoyed coffee or green tea.

Of course, there was no sweet taste, only coffee powder and tea leaves.

Not only was the Frisinga Church strange, but other denominations were the same.
They also drank mostly drinks without any additives.

The awakening effect of coffee or tea leaves could make the priests meditate for a
long time.

Naturally, Tigiling thought that the tea Lee Han was going to make was a drink that
had a bitter and deep taste like green tea, and was helpful for mental training.

But that was an illusion.

'Don't give me plenty of nutrition.'

Lee Han borrowed Tigiling's kettle and filled it with water, then added black tea
leaves and boiled it.

To make the scent stronger, I added spices such as ginger and cinnamon, which I got
from the hut of Thunderfoot, and grinded them lightly.

That didn't end there. After the black tea was boiling, Lee Han generously added
sugar. Tijling opened his mouth, startled as he saw the sugar being added.

“What are you doing!?”

“Ji… Am I doing this because I don’t like the tea I’m making now? Isn’t it our
family’s secret corporation?”

Lee Han said with a genuinely hurt expression.

Tigiling was taken aback by that expression.

“Oh, no. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's so..."

“My family’s secret recipe is too extravagant!?”

"'s nothing..."

Tigiling kept her mouth shut for fear of hurting her by saying any more. Lee Han
nodded his head with a happy expression.

Tigiling looked at him with a slightly suspicious look.

Maybe acting...?

'What blasphemous thoughts I have.'

Lee Han, a brother who believes in the same faith and comes from the Wodanaj
family, couldn't possibly lie while even mentioning his family name.

Unlike Tigiling, who is half-breed of demons, the Wodanaj family is one of the most
famous magic names in the Empire.

Meanwhile, Lee Han finished adding sugar and poured milk to complete the spiced
milk tea.

"ruler. Have a drink.”

Tigiling carefully brought the teacup to his lips. I could feel the sweet and thick
taste spread in my mouth for the first time.

'You're right.'

Lee Han realized that he liked Tijilling's expression as he softened it.

Seriously, how delicious would it be to eat only bitter and unsavory ones and then
add sweet ones.

Tigiling drank it all faster than expected. Lee Han immediately poured the next
glass into the kettle.
Tigiling didn't refuse, he sipped, but realized later and was startled.

“I hope the tea brewed with my family’s secret is left behind…”

“Stop it, okay.”

As the milk tea worked better than expected, Lee Han prepared the next drink.

Add sugar, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and milk to boiling water and mix well, then add
corn flour.

The thick one was more like a soup than a drink.

'It's a wicked scheme indeed.'

Lee Han admired his own scheme.

It starts with a drink and then serves something more and more soup-like,
undermining the other person's values.

When the cocoa soup was finished, Lee Han slightly floated the biscuit.

By the time Tigiling realized, he had already emptied the bowl.

“I ate today, so I can’t say that I won’t eat in the future. Please come here at a
fixed time from now on.”

" don't have to be so mean, but...?"

Tigiling thanked the Woudanaj family boy for taking care of him, but was
embarrassed by the needlessly speaking like a villain.

Anyone who sees it would know that Lee Han was threatening her.

* * *


Time for freshmen to go to their rooms, clutching their hungry stomachs with sad
expressions, or to bet a slice of bread in the break room and play chess or cards.

At that time, Lee Han was leaving the tower door.

‘I am a priest of the Frisinga Church. I am a priest of the Frisinga Church.'

Changed into a priest's uniform, Lee Han looked like a student from the Tower of
Phoenix who came out to pray.

Lee Han's purpose was simple.

Finding a way for outsiders to enter and exit the school!

If he found that passage, Lee Han could also escape the school disguised as an

'I cherish the invisibility magic as much as possible. I don't know what kind of
trap there might be.'
The reason why he disguised himself as a priest even though he had invisibility
magic was because all kinds of traps were lurking in this school.

If you enter somewhere and the invisibility magic breaks, your life is in danger.

There wasn't one way to survive in this school.

'...suddenly I'm a little confused as to whether I'm right in school.'

Lee Han became sad again.

How come this...

The first floor of the main building, which was usually filled with freshmen
passing by, was empty.

Huge central staircase leading down to the second floor or basement, and corridors
leading to the classroom area on either side.

It was noble and elegant in the sunlight, but when it was immersed in darkness, it
all gave off an ominous atmosphere.

'If it is a place where workers from outside come and go, it is highly likely to be
on the first floor.'

Lee Han cast his gaze on the area behind the central staircase.

It was an area with a banquet hall or a large hall. It was not in the classroom
area, so the freshmen did not set foot after the entrance ceremony.


Ian was startled at that moment.

In the darkness in front of me, another student was sneaking up the back of the
central staircase first.


'Are you a student at the Black Turtle Tower?'

Lee Han carefully watched what his opponent was doing.

The opponent was a rat beast boy. He was short and his back was slightly bent, but
his footsteps were so quiet that he did not make a sound.

Lee Han suspected that the opponent had received special training.

As the old knight Allarlong said, footsteps often revealed the identity of the

A knight's foot, a wizard's foot, a hunter's foot, a thief's foot...

And those steps were closer to the steps of a thief.

'Rat beasts are not welcome in the Empire, though.'

Even if they said that all races in the Empire were equal, it was really difficult
to do so.
In reality, there was no choice but to divide the popular race and the unpopular

And the rat beasts were the latter.

A race that has always been viewed with suspicion by the people of the Empire
because of its many thieves, vagrants, pickpockets and scavengers.

Those were the rat beasts.

'It's probably my bias. There's no way they're all going to steal from rat beasts.'

Lee Han thought he had gone too far.

Not all rat beasts were trained as thieves.



However, the opponent pulled out a crude and crude fake key from his waist and
began to turn it hard against the locked door.

The intention was obvious to anyone who could see it.

'Actually, it's not the time for me to swear at others.'

As Lee Han is now violating school rules and looking for a way out, he could not
blame others.


'It might be better to cooperate.'

Seeing that he even made a key like that and brought it with him, he wasn't the
first to come out today.

Lee Han cannot be the only student trying to get out of school.

Lee Han approached cautiously.

If the opponent screams in surprise, even Lee Han will be destroyed together.


Lee Han paused quietly behind the focused rat-beast boy, then pointed a cane at his
neck and whispered in a low voice.

"Hey. If you make a loud noise, you die.”


* * *

Even before entering the school, Ratford was a professional thief belonging to the
Thieves Guild, <White Crow>.

In fact, Ratford couldn't believe it when he was offered admission to the School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry.

No matter how talented you are, you're trying to accept even a thief as a student.

Fortunately, the Black Turtle's Tower students did not ostracize Ratford.

But Ratford himself could not help but feel a strange sense of alienation.

The boys and girls who were born into wealthy merchant families and Ratford, who
practiced stealing in the alleys of the night, had to be different.

As such, Ratford wanted to show something with his own abilities.

Like Nelia, a former hunter (of course, Ratford didn't think there would be anyone
like him), he wants to be recognized by his peers for his abilities!

So Ratford prepared meticulously.

-As it is a large school, there will be kitchens and warehouses. If you find and
rob it, you will be able to get plenty of food and various daily necessities to
fill your stomach!

As the other students walked through the hallways to the classroom without
thinking, Ratford looked into the keyhole in the area behind the central staircase.

Investigating the inside of the keyhole with the sense of a fingertip, and then
making a simple key on the spot to open the door was a difficult acrobatic feat
that even a thief could not do...

Ratford finally succeeded after pouring all of his spare time into it.

I thought that there was only glory left, but suddenly it was such a surprise.

'Who... who...'

It was obvious who the opponent was.

The security guarding this school was obvious.

Professional thieves have always been prepared for situations like this.

Ratford carefully raised his hands over his shoulders and spoke as sublimely as he

“Whenever, don’t hit me. I will surrender.”

Even if it was the same thief, the number of times the falcons were hit was
different between the one who catches them and goes mad when they are caught and
the one who just admits it.

If you've already been caught, admitting it would be a better option in some ways.

"Shh. I also sneaked out like you.”


Then Ratford looked back.

A strong boy in a priest's uniform was looking around, removing his wand from
Ratford's neck.

'Were you the same freshman!?'

Ratford was amazing.

He threatened him so brutally that he thought that Ratford was a security guard.

No, the same freshman threatens to live with me, such as 'If you make a loud noise,
you will die'...

“What is this…”

“Because I’m going to lower my voice.”

"who are you?"

Even as he asked, Ratford could somehow guess who the opponent was.

With a tall and solid physique, even the skill of approaching like this and
handling a staff like a weapon.

One of the students from the White Tiger Tower was evident.

'I don't know how he got the priest's uniform, but he's got his head spinning a
bit, isn't he?'

Walking around in a priest's uniform was less likely to cause suspicion.

A former knight with a muscular head would be able to demonstrate that kind of

“The Blue Dragon Tower, Ihan Wodanaj.”


Ratford opened his mouth in astonishment.

* * *

Ratford accepted the situation faster than expected.

Actually, I didn't quite understand.

'From the Wodanaj family, on this night... what... No, how about a priest's

However, since the situation is so urgent right now, I decided to just accept it
and move on.

More than anything, the proposal made by a boy from the Wodanaj family was even
more shocking.

“You want to move together?”

“No matter what, a team of two is more efficient. Wouldn’t it be better for you to
move together rather than move alone?”

“…can’t you see who I am?”

Ratford asked absurdly. At that question, Lee Han paused.

“Could you be the principal’s son?”


Of course, he wasn't the principal's son.

Ratford was absurd.

If he had eyes, he could tell that Ratford was of a rat race.

There, in the middle of the night like this, he clicked a fake key and tried to
open the door.

If I had a head, I had to figure out, 'Oh, you're a thief!'

“You look like a thief! Does a high-ranking person from the Wodanaj family want to
go out with a thief like me?”

"hey. What do you think I am doing now?”


At Lee Han's question, Ratford became a honey-eaten dumbass.

...I know?

“You want to move together?”

"okay. Were you looking for a grocery store? So am I.”


Ratford came to his senses after a moment of astonishment.

“Are you really from the Wodanaj family?”

Ratford looked suspiciously.

No matter what you think...

“Are you going to move together? Or am I going to knock you down and move on my

“Jin, calm down. tell me to calm down Let's move together. Two is better than one.”

Ratford hurriedly waved his hand as Lee Han's wand was thrust in menacingly.

Not knowing anything else, the fact that he couldn't beat his opponent when they
faced each other was definitely felt.

"therefore. Did you prepare the key?”


“Is it open?”
“Not open. Originally, it should have been opened, but it seems to be protected by

Ratford nervously poked the keyhole.

If it was being protected by magic, even Ratford had no way to open it.

I'm completely naked here in case there is any thief's treasure...



A key flew out of Lee Han's pocket and fell straight into the keyhole.

Then he turned around and opened the door.


“Uh, where am I the key?”

“A key stolen from the principal’s office.”

“Nong… are you kidding me?”

"no. It’s true.”

The last time I stayed with Asan and cleaned up, I not only learned magic, but also
had a key with me.

I thought it was a key, but was it the key to the area behind the central

'...I'll have to be careful.'

If it was the key the principal left behind, he could never be vigilant.

Lee Han firmly vowed not to be vigilant about this good fortune.

Passing through an empty banquet hall without a single person, through a large
hall, through a few closed doors...

"for a moment."

Ratford suddenly fell to the floor.

“I think there is someone in the basement? I hear a sound.”


At that moment, Lee Han seemed to know where the workers were coming in.

'It's underground!'

When they came and went through the main gate or the wall passage on the ground,
they not only caught the eyes of the students, but they had no choice but to use

On the other hand, there was no easy way for students to find out when they entered
and exited the underground passage.

Somehow, I thought it was strange that the students didn't even see the shadow of
the worker while walking around like that...

'Why is this guy's school doing that?'

“It’s clear that you’re talking in the basement warehouse. Find the way down to the

“Wow, really…”

Ratford hurriedly began to move at Lee Han's words.

Fortunately, the stairs leading to the basement appeared in front of them not long


There was only one stair down, but the atmosphere was different.

From above, the moonlight still came through the windows, but there was nothing but
cool darkness.

Lee Han pondered whether to bring the light.

However, Lee Han's instinct prevented him from doing that.

Above all, the fact that the key in the principal's office opened the door raised
Lee Han's alertness.

'If it's the character of the principal I've seen so far, it's not strange to have
a few traps installed in a place like this.'

Ratford rustled next to him. Ian said softly.

“Don’t turn on the lights.”


“Someone might be waiting.”


Ratford was startled by the words of this Wodanaj boy.

It was definitely an unknown place that didn't know what was going on here. Because
of unfamiliarity and nervousness, he was unwittingly trying to light a fire.

If Lee Han didn't tell me, I would have made a mistake.

'...No, but what is it?'

Ratford had heard the rumors of a boy from the Wodanaj family several times inside
the Black Turtle Tower.

- You said there was no blood or tears? You must already be holding the Blue Dragon
Tower with charisma.
- Neither the prince nor the princess can breathe in front of the Wodanaj family.

-Last time I saw it in a magic class, I succeeded at once when others failed no
matter how many times.

-A thunderbird attacked me in the mount class, and they subdued it with magic. can
you believe that?

At first I thought it was an exaggerated rumor.

It's the same freshman, isn't it too harsh?

But seeing this made Ratford think that the rumors might not be an exaggeration.

The sense of intimidation it exudes is no joke!



A lamp flickered in the distance, and the surroundings became brighter.

Lee Han and Ratford couldn't breathe much and bowed their posture.

I didn't realize it when it was dark, but this whole underground space was like a
huge warehouse.

Shelves and tables were lined up, and all sorts of things were crammed into them.

The warehouse keeper slowly took the lamp and began to walk. The murmur of the
warehouse keeper was vividly heard thanks to the silence that could even be heard
the sound of a needle falling.

“Cheese… eight. Confirm. Maple syrup... 5 bottles. Confirm. White paper... 22

sheets. Confirm. Young Eunchim (靈銀鍼)... 3 pieces. Confirm."

'I'm memorizing all the numbers!'

“Alarm magic has weakened. I have to walk again.”

I could feel the warehouse keeper casting magic on things along with the magic

Lee Han felt a chill in his spine.

There's alarm magic on everything.

If you touched an object without knowing this, you would have been dragged to the
punishment room.

"who are you?"


Their hearts sank.

The warehouse keeper turned his head to the exact direction where they were and
opened his mouth.
'Can't you see it from an angle?'

Lee Han tried to keep his composure in the midst of confusion.

How did the other person find out? Are you trying to float? Wouldn't it be too late
to use the invisibility magic now?


Lee Han was startled to see the face of the warehousekeeper approaching slowly.

Surprisingly, the warehouse keeper was a blind man with his eyes closed with


It has been said that when a person loses one sense, other senses develop further
to supplement the sense.

But even considering that, the warehousekeeper's sense of humor was surprising.

I can't see, but to catch Lee Han and Ratford.

'ear? no. didn't make a sound smell? Anyway, there's a lot of junk here. Maybe...
do you have the ability to detect magic?'

While Lee Han was contemplating whether to fight or run away, the warehouse keeper
opened his mouth again.

“You were the principal. Excuse me.”


The warehouse keeper didn't even come close, just turned around and left.

Ratford was half-passed from fear, but Lee Han concentrated to grasp the situation.


'Why did you mistake me for that crazy skull headmaster?'

If it were a different student, I would have made a mistake in a situation that I

did not understand or did not understand the pressure.

But Lee Han thought persistently.

'It's because of magic!'

The ability to detect magic.

It makes sense if the warehouse keeper found Lee Han and Ratford hiding earlier
because of their ability to detect magic.

As the professors said, Lee Han's magical power is incredibly high.

When the blind warehouse keeper detected it, there was a possibility that it felt
similar to the magic of the principal.

'But does this make sense? Anyway, the principal...'

Lee Han didn't completely believe it, but he decided to assume it was.

Because I couldn't stay here like this.

"Hey. Wake."

“Uh, uh. What just happened? how...?"

“It doesn’t matter now.”

There was no time to explain, and Lee Han himself was not very sure.

But to Ratford, it sounded different.

Surprisingly, this Wodanaj boy had even prepared a way to trick the warehousekeeper

'Hey... he's a giant! This man is a real tycoon!'

At this point, the rumors were underestimated.

A freshman has magic skills enough to deceive the warehouse keeper.

“Okay, I see.”


Lee Han was puzzled by the sudden appearance of Ratford, but did not have time to
question it.

“Let’s move. Don't touch anything here."

“Indeed… if you touch it, you might be caught, and the guy was memorizing all the
numbers earlier.”

"right. There's even an alarm spell on it."

It was heartbreaking for Lee Han to not be able to touch the items piled up in the

However, seeing the principal's evil plans, it was clear that this warehouse was a
trap for catching new students who had come all the way here.

Surely, after a week or two, the people who got in here and are caught and dragged
out will come out!

'Don't be fooled and keep moving. I have to find a way.'

Instead of sticking to the warehouse, Lee Han decided to find a way out.

If you're just looking for a way out...!

“This way!”

Ratford put her ear to the floor and looked for the side where the footsteps could
be heard.

The horse was a warehouse, but because of its size, it almost felt like a huge

In such a situation, the technique of catching the sound of the ratford was very

“Very good.”

"Ugh. thank you."

“Then why do you…?”

“Follow me.”

Ratford moved quickly.

You never know what else will happen if you stay in the warehouse for a long time!

Lee Han is not afraid, but Ratford was afraid every moment he was here.

'It must have been this way??'

But Ratford was forced to stop with a bewildered expression on his face.

It was clear that the sound was coming from the direction, but instead of the
passage, there was only a solid wall.

“Are you sure it was this way?”

“Yeah… I did…”

“I think you know.”


Unlike Ratford, who always picked similar locks, Lee Han was from Earth. Thanks to
this, the scope of my imagination was much wider.

“Look here. There are parts of the wall that have stains. If you touch it, it will


Ratford was surprised once again.

I was surprised by the secret door opened in that way, and I was also surprised by
the boy of the Wodanaj family who noticed it.



When I tapped on the burnt parts, the bricks were really pushed aside and a path
was created.

It was a long passage with no end in sight.

Two generations of wagons were wide enough to pass, and seeing the lights shining
on the walls and ceiling convinced me that I had found the right place.

* * *

There were a few rules for the workers at the top of the magic school to move the
supplies they needed.

Never tell me how to get into the magic school.

Never tell me what you saw at the magic school.

Never speak first in the magic school.

Other than this, 'be careful not to break the glass bottle when moving it', 'do not
move the wrong scroll', etc., but the most representative rules were those rules.

The workers followed those rules more seriously than anyone else.

He did not want to become a frog because he broke the rules and was trapped in the
wizard's workshop.

Not joking, if you make one mistake, you might be locked up in the magic school

That was the scary thing about magic school.

There is a reason why the people of the nearby village respect and fear the magic

So when a priest and a beggar appeared from the other side of the aisle, the
workers didn't say anything.

Well, I guess it showed up!



Lee Han and Ratford were quite embarrassed.

The wagons at the end of the aisle and the workers who load and unload the wagons.

Even so, the workers were deliberately pretending not to see them.


'Is it a rule?'

Lee Han quickly guessed the situation from the way the workers deliberately avoided
their gaze.

There was no way that a place like a magic school wouldn't have strict security.

As workers who come to such places, it may not have been natural for them not to
show useless interest.

'Let's be calm. If I stay calm, the other person will not know.'

There were only a handful of freshmen who succeeded in breaking out of school.
When the workers see Lee Han or Ratford, they say, 'Huh? There was very little
chance of the new students escaping?'

If Lee Han doesn't make mistakes because my feet are numb...

'The more you go, the more confident you are.'

Lee Han said calmly without changing his expression.

“Can you go out now?”

"sorry. Priest. Please wait 30 minutes. There are a few things left to load.”

"All right. Can we ride together?”

“Aww. of course."

The worker thought that Lee Han was very kind and polite like a priest. You could
just sit at the top of the carriage without saying a word, but I'll even ask you
something like this.

I could not have imagined that Lee Han was a new freshman this time.

To say that he was a fresh newcomer, Lee Han was too natural and had an atmosphere
full of dignity.

No worker doubted Lee Han.


Ratford looked at Lee Han with respect.

If it had been suppressed with force or with magic, it would not have been this

How can you get what you want by deceiving so naturally?

There was no need for long, complicated words or heavy bribes. A true thief could
deceive a person only with his eyes and posture.

'I'm still far away!'

Ratford was grateful to have opened his eyes to a new level of stealing today.

Sometimes, a single practice can teach you more than ten years of training.

Now was that moment.

* * *


After the work was finished, the wagons began to depart. Of the six wagons, the one
that Lee Han and Ratford rode was the last.

Even after organizing all the luggage, the workers didn't say a word in vain. From
that look, Lee Han felt once again how scary this school was.
'If outside workers can manage it like this...'

A warm and warm image comes to mind when we think of a place for educating imperial
talent, but Lee Han knew that things in the world were not so simple.

This magic school was like a symbol of the empire and wizards. And there were
enemies, whether they were empires or wizards.

To such enemies, how disgusting this magic school must be.

Even if you don't go to such an enemy, there will be quite a few who covet the
treasures in this magic school.

In a way, this level of security was taken for granted.

'Of course, it doesn't make sense to lock up freshmen and not let them go out.'

Anyway, it was just the principal's hobby.

The carriage in front stopped for a moment. Lee Han was puzzled and slightly leaned
his head out of the carriage.


Surprisingly, a familiar face was riding in the front carriage.

It was Professor Troll, Garcia Kim.

'Did you notice?'

Lee Han felt his heart sink.

But come to think of it, I haven't heard of it yet.

Had they been caught, the carriage would have been surrounded by now and Lee Han
and Ratford would have had to raise their hands and climb out.

Then the reason why the professor got into that wagon...

'shit. That's a dirty twist!'

Ian guessed what had happened.

Professors are also human, so shouldn't they go out? It was clear that that day
overlapped with now.

“Outside… maybe outside…?”


Lee Han motioned for Ratford to take care of his expression.

“I haven’t heard of it yet. it goes like this The town is wide and it's dark
outside, so be careful and you won't be noticed."

At Lee Han's words, Ratford nodded.

And then I was a little perplexed.

'But who is the thief?'

Isn't that what Ratford should tell Lee Han?

The carriage that had stopped rumbled and started again.

Lee Han concentrated on remembering as many things as possible.

Even if something happens and you fail...

'I will never give up.'

Lee Han clenched his fists and became embarrassed later.

...while running away from school late in the evening, what are you doing...

* * *

Professor Garcia carefully picked up the package he had received from the principal
with both hands.

-If you go outside, the emperor's interior will be waiting for you, so please
deliver this completed artifact.

Professor Garcia wasn't going to the village now to play.

The magic school looks peaceful from the outside, but inside it's hot like a

In a way, it was natural to see the great wizards of the Empire gathered in one

Making and delivering the artifacts that the emperor wanted was one of the tasks
that wizards at the Magic School had to do...

Professor Garcia was assigned the role of quietly delivering the finished product
this time.

Unfamiliar people would think, 'Why are you offering this to the imperial family
quietly?', but that was stupid.

I was proud and loud, but nothing good came of it.

Only useless flies are entangled.

All wizards had to be able to think practically.




When the workers next to him bumped into Professor Garcia slightly, they tensed
their whole body and corrected their posture.

It's scary because he's a magic school professor, but he's even a troll.

It was difficult to determine which of the two was more terrifying.

Professor Garcia grinned. It was something he saw every time, but the reaction of
the workers was funny every time he saw it.

“...everyone raise their weapons!”


Professor Garcia was puzzled by the worker's cry.

No matter how frightened you are, isn't it too bad?

"professor! There's a suspicious guy in front of you! Get into the wagon!”


It was then that Professor Garcia realized that the atmosphere in front of that
road was moving strangely.

'What kind of people are they?!'


The other party had the outfits of an ordinary traveler, but he was by no means an
ordinary traveler.

An ordinary traveler does not block his way on a deserted imperial road on a dark
evening like this.

It was covered with a cloak and coat, but the face that was exposed through them
emanated a ferocious light from the eyes.

The voices of the workers grew louder and harsher.

“A final warning! Reveal your identity now!”

When no answer came, the workers immediately shot a crossbow. The bolt of the
crossbow was shot out with a harsh sound.


Instead of a piercing sound, there was a clogged sound. The workers immediately
reloaded the crossbow without any regard.

The workers who carried luggage to the magic school were not ordinary workers.

In addition to identification, he had to know how to fight to protect his luggage

in case of emergency.

Workers from empire adventurers, mercenaries, and soldiers!

So even when this happened, I didn't panic. With skillful movements, he leapt out
of his wagon, pulled out his crossbow, and aimed at the enemy.


“Foolish bastards. Do you know who you are on your side right now?”

The other person started talking in a thick, harsh voice. In the dark, the voice
sounded even more gloomy.

“You guys are now on the side of the wizards who are corrupting the Empire. Get out
of here before you get possessed by evil magic!”

“Damn ancestral beard! They are anti-magic!”

The dwarf worker shouted like a scream.

Imperial anti-magicists.

Among the many villains of the vast empire, they were particularly notorious.

As the name suggests, they abhor all magic.

-Magic disturbs order, destroys nature, and corrupts humans!

Of course, it didn't end with just hating magic.

They used to attack wizards or attack magic schools.

There was only one reason why such violent people were waiting here.

“In the name of <Twilight Brigade>!”

“In the name of <Twilight Brigade>!”

As soon as the warning was over, the opponent started running. The workers
swallowed their saliva at the sight of the weapon emitting sharp light in the

“The Curtain of Order!”

A huge magic shield was placed around the wagons along with the powerful wave of

Enemies that rushed in were thrown back and vomited blood.

Professor Garcia's magic had been cast.

“Oh oh…!”

“You’re a professor too!”

The armed workers admired the majesty of the magic.

But Garcia's expression was not bright.

Because of his appearance, it was often mistaken for Professor Garcia as a master
of battle, but Professor Garcia was not good at fighting.

There was a prejudice that a high-ranking wizard would be good at fighting, but
that was a mistake.

Magic and combat are completely separate realms.

It was not easy for a wizard who had only studied magic while sitting at a desk all
his life without losing his composure in the chaos of the battlefield.

If you lose your concentration or make a mistake, the magic has different results
all at once.

A dangerous double-edged sword!

It was not for nothing that a mage who was trained in combat was called a 'battle

'Let's take the time.'

Professor Garcia swung his cane. Then the birds made of light soared into the air
and flew away.

These birds will inform the other professors at the Witchcraft School of the
current situation.

“Shrink bones, shrink muscles!”

The raiders near the shield let out a painful scream.

Magical power transformed into a curse wrapped around their bodies and began to
weaken their bodies.

“Turn it on!”

But the opponent wasn't too hard.

Professor Garcia's face darkened.

The wizards of the Empire were by no means easy-going.

The anti-magicians who continued to attack such wizards knew very well how to deal
with wizards.

woo woo-

Along with the low-pitched vibration that shook the eardrum, the surrounding
magical power began to shake violently.

Then it was sucked into one point.


The Curtain of Order laid out by Professor Garcia also melted in an instant like
snow in midsummer.

Professor Garcia was astonished at the immense power.


It wasn't that there was no way to counter magic.

In the Empire, there were metals with the property of absorbing or repelling magic,
and there were magic that removed magic.

However, among those methods, there was no way to absorb this vast range of magic
at once.
There was only one in the Empire that performed such an absurd miracle.


Treasures containing mysteries and knowledge long forgotten, often found in ruins
and dungeons!

I'm sure they'll find one of those relics.

"professor! Avoid back!”

The workers tried to hide Professor Garcia behind as the shields were gone and the
enemies began to approach again.

Garcia swung her wand and tried to cast the spell again, but before that, the magic
broke and the magic was sucked into the artifact.

“You evil wizard. You will be punished!”

The assailant who approached with equal momentum drew his sword and lifted up to
cut Garcia.


At that moment, the assailant's head turned sideways.



Both Professor Garcia and the workers were terrified.

What's going on?

* * *

'It's definitely not the principal's trap.'

Hearing the name of the Twilight Dawn from the carriage behind, Lee Han could no
longer deny reality.

If a principal could dig a trap up to this point, Lee Han had no more dreams or
hopes. If that was the case, it might be better to stay as a graduate student under
the principal forever.

Twilight Brigade.

It was the name of the largest and most ferocious of the Imperial anti-magicians.

Of course, as Lee Han also came from the Empire's famous magic family, I've heard
their names several times.

I didn't expect to see you here, but...

“Uh, what are you going to do?”

“Ratford. You hide.”

"no way...?"

While Ratford was startled, Lee Han sang a spell.

“I hide at night.”

With the spell, Lee Han's appearance became transparent. Before being surprised by
the effect of the artifact, Ratford said hurriedly.

“Dangerous! They are no ordinary bastards!”

“I know. So you're careful."

It's better to prepare in advance than to throw away any chance you could have
caught while hiding here.

Lee Han had always been a person who prepared for the worst.

- Curtain of Order!

'Is the professor stopping you?'

When a huge shield unfolded and Garcia's curse broke the attackers, Lee Han was

However, the raiders took out some strange-looking artifacts and blew away all the
magic around them.

Powerful enough to blow away even Professor Garcia's magic!


Lee Han was shocked, but there was one thing that was fortunate.

The point was that Lee Han's belt was holding up.

Even in a situation where the surrounding magic collapses and the magic is sucked
into one place, the invisibility magic doesn't work.

Is this Freesinga's grace?

'...No. It's because of my magic.'

Lee Han could read the flow of magic around him.

As all of the nearby magic power was being sucked into that artifact, Lee Han's
magic power was being sucked out as well.

The problem was that no matter how much of Lee Han's magic was sucked out, the belt
continued to be filled without any gaps.

So, no matter how much magic power is absorbed, there is no way the magic can be

There's a huge battery right next to it.


There was no more time for Lee Han to think.

Enemies began to attack Professor Garcia.


As the old knights of the family, Alarlong and the elf swordsmanship professor,
Ingaldel all acknowledged, Lee Han had a talent for swordsmanship.

It was only natural for a surprise attack like this to be successful now that it
even went through invisibility.

"professor. That's me! Lee Han!”

Lee Han immediately shouted at Professor Garcia.

If I was attacked by an ally because of a misunderstanding, I couldn't go anywhere

and complain that it was unfair.

“Student Lee Han?! Why are you here...?!”

“It’s long to talk about! professor. Please tell me what to do!”

Lee Han grabbed the sword of the fallen opponent and shouted.

Professor Garcia was awakened by the student's cry.

“I sent a call to the school, so application will come soon. Until then, stay

Puck, puck-

The sound of crossbows fired by workers roared through the night sky.

At first glance, this seemed advantageous, but Lee Han could notice that the
opponent's movements were terrifying.

'Everyone is a master of swordsmanship!'

The crossbow had great power, but it took time to fire and reload.

The assailants were approaching while reading the gap.

“There is a high probability that the workers will not be able to stand it! Can't
you use magic?"

“The magic around me right now is all... Wait.”

Professor Garcia was puzzled to see that Lee Han was in a transparent state.

How to do invisibility magic?

“How… ah!”

Professor Garcia realized how Lee Han was maintaining his invisibility magic.

Great magic like a bottomless well!

“Student Lee. Lend me your magic!”

Lee Han grabbed Professor Garcia's outstretched hand. Then he felt his magic shift.

Professor Voladi had already done it once, so I wasn't too surprised.

“Petra's Golden Spear!”

Without hesitation, Professor Garcia chanted magic towards the artifact.

I was worried about the adverse effect, so I tried to drag the time mainly on
defense, but the story was different since the opponent brought artifacts such as

I will destroy the relic even at the cost of sacrifice!


Lee Han was astonished to see a huge spear of gold spear that appeared in the air.

How dare you create such a spear out of empty air!



Perhaps the raiders also knew its power, so they hurriedly deviated from the path.

Even though the ancient relics continued to absorb magic power and reduce their
power, the golden spear that had already been created did not disappear.


With a roar, the golden spear exploded over the ancient relic. At the same time,
the flow of magic around him returned to normal.

“Flesh-biting lightning wolf!”

With a crackling sound, a huge mass of lightning appeared in the air, then changed
into a wolf shape and began to bounce in all directions.

And it ripped all the enemies in its radius.


Lee Han trembled at the sight of the lightning wolf suffocating the enemy and
burning them.

It was a bloody spectacle that showed the respect for the professor.

woo woo-


Lee Han raised his head at the ominous sound he had heard earlier.

The half-shattered ancient artifact was working again.

“Kill that wizard... Kill it! certainly!"

Dozens of people fell, but the few remaining assailants attacked Professor Garcia
with evil spirits.

Lee Han fought back, wielding the sword he had taken earlier.


“Someone has invisibility magic! There's a guy who uses invisibility magic! You
damn wizard!”

The anti-magic, whose body was pierced by the sword, spewed out a handful of blood
and sprayed it in the direction of Lee Han.

Lee Han felt his spine cool.

'They aren't usually good at combat!'

How can you respond so quickly to an enemy that is transparent and invisible
without panicking?

It was like fighting Alaron.

Besides, the leader of the raiders who gave the order earlier was also approaching.
Just by looking at his posture, he felt like a master.

Will you be able to protect Professor Garcia while dealing with all of these

“I am revealed in the morning.”


With the order, Lee Han's appearance was revealed.

The enemies glared at Lee Han with startled eyes. The opponent must have been a
young blue priest.

“I don’t know what the guts are, but I’ll send you along with that wizard to your

“Yes or no.”


“I am going to destroy the artifact!”

Lee Han started running forward with those words. towards the ancient relics.

The raiders were astonished to see the empty ancient relic without a guard.

"no! Stop that bastard!!”


Rare treasures such as ancient relics were valuable items that were not easily

Besides, it was half-shattered after being attacked once.

It was natural for anyone to see that it would definitely break if attacked again.
“Stop that bastard! Protect the relics!”

“I hide at night!”

Lee Han memorized the spell again.

Seeing Lee Han disappearing into the darkness with a spell, the raiders grinded
their teeth.

The thing that stopped me from trying to defeat the wizard earlier, that priest
wasn't usually an annoyance.

“He knows how to fight. It must have been a warrior priest who was attached to the
wizard's escort! I will go and take care of it myself!”

The leader of the raiders, who had a strange misunderstanding, ran towards the

I thought that if I left it alone, things might go awry.


As Lee Han ran, he threw the iron ball he had received from Professor Voladi.

and chanted the order.

Originally, it was a kind of taboo to use magic in such an urgent situation for
beginners who had just learned magic.

Even excellent wizards fail in magic without being able to withstand the pressure
and excitement if they do not receive proper training, let alone novice wizards.

If the magic fails, it is fortunate that the magic will flow backwards or you may
injure yourself.

However, Professor Boladi did not bother to warn Lee Han.

-Is there any need for a warning? It's something that every battle wizard has to go
through. It is something you have to overcome on your own.

...As a result, Lee Han began to memorize a spell without knowing that he was
playing a risky gamble.

And surprisingly, the gamble was successful.

As Professor Voladi evaluated, Lee Han was a person who showed more brilliant
abilities when danger arose.


An iron ball enchanted with low-level control magic floated to mind.

Originally, it was an iron bead that was supposed to move slowly and weakly, but
the iron bead, which was endowed with Lee Han's enormous magical power, moved with
a power that surpassed low-level control magic.

The iron beads flew away with Lee Han's will.

It was dark, and it was not easy to respond to an iron ball that suddenly flew out
from the state of being invisible.

The attacker who was chasing with a 'pop' sounded backwards.

"be careful!! He writes memorization!”

“He is a good fighter! Be careful!"

The raiders drew their swords and entered the border.

As Lee Han retrieved the iron beads, he felt as if his brain was on fire.

It was because the body kept running while the mind was controlling the iron ball

'Concentrate... you have to focus!'

Professor Voladi was crazy, but he certainly made sense.

Practice makes people grow.

...Lee Han was feeling the meaning of those words.

He felt that his skills improved much more by risking his life to control it than
to keep rotating the iron ball in the classroom.

You can feel your control increasing every minute you shoot, hold, spin, and fire
the iron ball again!


Lee Han was surprised to suddenly feel the taste of blood. He licked his lips to
see blood dripping from his nose.

The magic was intact.

The mind is overworked.

Go away!

With a flash of sword light, the iron beads fell apart as they were.

The head of the enemy swung his sword with amazing timing.

“Focus on your footprints! You can find him by looking at his footprints!”

'shit. They're all here.'

Lee Han regretted seeing the ancient relics a few meters away.

I think we could just run in and destroy it, but the three remaining raiders were
firmly blocking the way.

“It smells like blood. Follow the smell of blood!”

Lee Han heard that cry and realized that delaying more time would put him at a

No matter how much he practiced swordsmanship, Lee Han cannot be compared to his
opponent in actual experience.

The advantage now was to attack first.

The sword was swung and blood splattered. One assailant, who had no idea that he
was going to be the first to make a surprise attack, fell down.

“It’s over there!”


The raiders took something from their sleeves and sprayed them. It was shiny
powder. I didn't know what it was, but I could guess that the moment I touched it,
there would be a problem with invisibility.

Lee Han rolled his body without hesitation.

“Damn you!”

When the opponent did not appear even after spraying the luminescent powder, the
raiders spit out swear words. He wasn't usually a nuisance.

“Respond calmly. If you're not vigilant, you won't get hit."

The chief said in a vigilant voice.

No matter how much invisibility magic was being used, the moment he moved and
attacked, there was no choice but to make a sound.

If you're just paying attention, you'll notice.

'Where have you been?'

But there was no sound.

The smell of the enemy's blood that I had smelled before was gone.



“This child…!”

While walking near the fallen assailant, another was ambushed and collapsed.

Only then did the boss realize how Lee Han had deceived the smell of blood.

He pretended to be away and hid next to the blood of the assailant.

The head forgot the situation and honestly admired it.

Aside from magic, he was really talented at fighting. Even though the bad-headed
guy trained for a hundred days, he couldn't come up with such a thought.


The assailant quickly bowed his head at the sound of memorizing a spell in the air.
The chief exclaimed sharply.

“You idiot! It's a fake order!"

But it was one step late. Even the last remaining subordinates collapsed.

Instead of anger, the boss shed a strange smile and raised his sword.

“I haven’t seen someone like you in a long time. I call it Garakse.”

Ian didn't answer. The head nodded as if he knew that.

If he had been careless enough to answer questions like that, he wouldn't have been
able to deal with so many people in the first place.

“You think you can’t see. Relying on that kind of magic.”


“But you are already starting to show.”

The words of the other party were not pretentious. Lee Han was surprised by the
pressure of Garak-se, who wielded the sword quite accurately.

“Even if you hide the smell, you won’t be able to hold your breath.”


Are you listening to your breath and figuring out where you are?

Ian was not funny.

I've heard that excellent swordsmen show physical abilities that go beyond human
limits, but this was beyond imagination.

Anyway, anyway...

As Garakse's sword embroidered the air, he began to press more and more.

The opponent's swordsmanship was close to that of a phantom sword (渙劍).

Hwan (渙) means to be scattered, not Hwan (幻) meaning to be deceived!

Each time he swung the sword, the next attack immediately followed, gradually
filling the air, limiting Lee Han's movements.

Lee Han also fought with his Byeokam sword, but his opponent's swordsmanship was

Every time Garakse and the sword collided, Lee Han felt increasingly disadvantaged.
If it wasn't for her invisibility magic, she would have been swept away in an

Above all, the shock that came up every time the sword collided with the opponent
was considerable.
'Is this the swordsman's skill I heard from Allarlong?'

I heard that a skilled swordsman could not simply wield the sword with his
strength, but could draw out the body's magical power and put it into the sword.

It will be possible to wield power that transcends the power of the body with a

Now Garakse also has magical powers in the sword, so every time it hits, a shock

'Even forcing it to contain magical power!'

Lee Han was so determined and drew his magic power.

After waking up to magic, he had become much more proficient at infusing or moving

Lee Han drew magic power and breathed it into his sword, just like when casting



Garakse was startled by the sudden change in the opponent's attack.

'What is this guy?'

Lee Han's swordsmanship was pretty good.

Garakse, who has been fighting and defeating various swordsmen in the Empire, was
really good enough to evaluate it like this.

Besides, not only swordsmanship, but also his attitude was quite good.

People who pride themselves on wielding their own swords often, when they encounter
an enemy stronger than themselves, rush in without grasping the subject and then
kill themselves in an instant, but this was not the case with Lee Han.

He immediately recognized that the rhythm was strong, and went into defense without

This was not something anyone could do.

In a life-and-death gladiator, who can give up the desire to defeat the opponent
and just endure?

And then you can do nothing and fall down.

But the other party chose it, and Garakse appreciated it.

However, Lee Han lacked strength.

Even if the swordsmanship is quite good, it will be powerful against the swordsman
who freely puts his magic into the sword like Garakse.

Besides, Lee Han's swordsmanship is a heavy sword-type swordsmanship.

Originally, the swordsmanship of Lee Han, a heavy sword, should overwhelm the
swordsmanship of Garakse, a phantom sword, in terms of strength, but there was no
chance of winning if he did not win even in strength.

...but suddenly the sword began to gain strength.

It also has the power to overwhelm the rhythm!


'Are you hiding your power? what? What do you mean? Why power?'

Garakse gave up his relaxed attitude and was embarrassed for the first time.

A swordsman who knows how to put magic into his sword had no reason to pretend to
be weak.

The opponent I thought I had all of a sudden felt far away.

'Is this right?'

Lee Han poured his magical energy into the sword like crazy, but he had doubts.

It was an attack method that was the opposite of the swordsmanship Lee Han had
learned so far.

Originally, swordsmanship was not just about wielding, it was necessary to prepare
for the opponent's attack immediately. Because the opponent didn't just get hit.

But now, Lee Han had abandoned all his postures and was only concentrating on the

Concentrating while pouring magical energy into the sword, other complex movements
were impossible.

'Is this for real?!'

And Lee Han's question was true.

This was not a normal swordsmanship.

Putting magical energy into the sword was not to pour it out ignorantly, but to
send it to the sword and circulate it throughout the body.

Send from body to sword, and from sword to body again.

Even if you continue to recover magical power in this way, the consumption or
fatigue applied to your body is not normal.

Even if he vomited blood and collapsed, it was not strange to be a self-destructive


If Lee Han hadn't been in a transparent state, he would have immediately noticed
how extreme his posture was.

Then Garakse might have noticed that Lee Han was doing something strange.

However, Lee Han had cast invisibility magic, and the invisible enemy shook
Garakse's mind.
I can't figure it out!

If he had dealt with it calmly, he would have had a chance to win, but Garakse was
driven to the defense with a frantic attack.



Lee Han, who was overpowering the opponent again, felt an ominous sound from the

I thought I heard it wrong, but I heard it right.

'...It's a big deal!'

The sword that could not withstand the magic began to break.

'No, why use such a cheap sword!'

The sword used by the raiders was one of the best swords in the Empire, but Lee Han
did not know.

He didn't even think about the amount of magic he had poured in, he just complained
without conscience.

'Finish before it breaks!'

I can't control it well, but if I reduced my magic here, I could be pushed back by
the opponent.

It would have been better to make a decision and finish it.

Lee Han began to infuse magical energy into the sword like crazy, ready to finish
it all at once.

In response, Garakse also clenched his teeth and drew another sword.

A sword made of black magnetite, it was a sword with the property of absorbing

It was humiliating to draw this sword against the swordsman, but I couldn't lose
like this.

'Don't overpower me!'

At that moment, there was a 'pop' and something broke.

And the transparent sword of the opponent, which had never been seen before,
appeared. The wildly scattered magical flames formed the shape of a sword.

A strange form of attack, neither an aura nor a magic, flew in from the air.


Even the black magnet sword that absorbs the magic was of no use.

The opponent's attack swept the rhythm like a wave.


The explosion of unrefined magic inflicted a fatal wound on Garak-se, who had been
hit with it, but at the same time shocked Lee Han.

Lee Han received a shock that shook his body and flew backwards.


It was a much stronger shock than when I received Alaron's sword attack properly.

Ian regretted it.

'Did you inject too much magical power?!'

I thought that I should definitely finish the opponent, so I put all my energy into
it, but Lee Han also had an unexpected result.

His body did not move due to the impact.

Fortunately, all the enemies were knocked down, but...

“Student Lee Han!”

From afar, Professor Garcia ran hurriedly.

Ian was puzzled by the sight.

'The rest of the raiders must have been attacking you?'

The answer to that question was immediately known.

Around Professor Garcia, the assailants were squashed and scattered as if they had
been hit hard with a giant hammer.

Professor Garcia's fist was also stained with blood, but no matter how you look at
it, it wasn't her own.

'Ahh... you were a mixed troll...'

Ian was slightly regretful.

Without Lee Han, Professor Garcia might have just defeated the attackers with his

As the race itself came from a strong troll, even if he couldn't use magic, his
body specs were just amazing.

How dare you guys!

In the sky toward the school, a huge skeleton could be seen flying with a green

Originally, the principal would have gotten goosebumps, but Lee Han was relieved.

'I can rest a little.'

Lee Han closed his eyes and lay down. His whole body was throbbing and he just
wanted to rest.

* * *

Principal Skeleton rushed to the car with Professor Voladi.

The imperial anti-magicians were those who grew up dismal like mold or poisonous

Those guys attack the professor at the school.

I'm sorry. Professor Garcia Kim. I put you in danger because of my incompetence.

Headmaster Skeleton looked down at the scene of the fight and bowed his head.

“Oh, no. Gonadaltes. If you were a member of the Imperial Anti-Magicians,

especially the Twilight Brigade, it would have been too much for anyone to stop
them in advance.”

Professor Garcia was rather embarrassed by the sincere apology of Principal

Skeleton, whom he had not seen in a long time.

Professor Voladi, who was next to him, opened his mouth.

“I don’t think so. The principal of this school should be able to stop it.”



Professor Garcia looked at Professor Voladi as if embarrassed.

In a situation like this, in case someone is not a professor with no social


The Skeleton Principal also wanted to hit him, but he resisted. This time it was my

I should have definitely looked around. Shame on you. Is that... an ancient


"yes. It was a powerful artifact that absorbed all the magic around it.”

I prepared very thoroughly.

Principal Skeleton clicked his tongue.

No one was as adept at dealing with wizards as the anti-magicians.

I'm going to find and bring back such an ancient artifact.

“This person is Garakse.”

Professor Boladi said after seeing the prosecutor just before he died.

This man was also famous in the Twilight Dawn.

He was so good at fighting wizards that he was nicknamed 'Magic Killer'...

I'm out of breath I'll take you to my prison. I'll have to dig through his brain to
get information about the Twilight Dawn. by the way...

The Skeleton Principal scanned the surrounding battlefield with a new look.

At a glance, I could tell at a glance that it was Professor Garcia's skill that
baked and fried most of the assailants with lightning magic or other magic.

He was a professor who wasn't good at magic battles, but I wanted to use it well
without destroying the area around him.

But there were other things that caught my eye.

They cut and stabbed with swords, or defeated opponents with telekinesis magic.

At a glance, you could tell who did it. It was a boy from the Wodanaj family who
fell and passed out now.

'Why is the Wardanaj family so good at swordsmanship?'

No matter how lucky you were to face Garakse and defeat him, you had to have

Principal Skeleton was puzzled by that, but he didn't bother to wake him up and

The original wizards didn't just do magic. Everyone had their hobbies.

Some horseback riding, some knitting...

It could be swordsmanship.

Perhaps he noticed the skeleton principal's gaze, Professor Garcia opened his

“It would have been really dangerous if Lee Han, a student from the Wodanaj family,
hadn't helped. Thanks to that, the other workers were also finished without getting

okay. You're talented. In that situation, without panicking and successfully using
magic... I have a talent for magic battles. Professor Voladi, did you teach? That's

“It's not very surprising. A boy from the Wodanaj clan is the type to show strong
concentration when faced with a crisis, and has a huge amount of mana. It’s only
natural to show your skills when you fight in a situation like this.”

'I brought that guy for nothing.'

Principal Skeleton regretted it.

He was an excellent battle wizard, so he brought it with him in case of any

unforeseen circumstances, but if he opened his mouth, he scratched the inside of
the principal.

That vampire professor was saying, 'If it's like this, you should of course do

It was a great achievement that even the skeleton principal, who was stingy with
praise, could not help but praise.

How can a freshman freshman fight like this against the infamous Imperial Anti-

Moreover, listening to Professor Garcia's words, every fighting style made the
Skeleton Principal admire.

If he had won simply because he was strong, or if he had won because he knew how to
use a lot of magic, it would not have been very surprising.

However, this boy from the Wodanaj family was weaker than his opponent, and in a
disadvantageous situation, he rolled his head and won.

It was a talent that only a good wizard could have.

I'm craving it!

Principal Skeleton suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his hand that didn't even

In my mind, I wanted to teach him directly as a disciple by taking him to his

studio in the old, old-fashioned way.

Originally, the magicians of the old days passed on their knowledge in the one-
person tradition, in which everything was passed on to a single brilliant disciple.

Of course, in this day and age, that shouldn't be the case.

If you did that to a boy from the Wodanaj family, protests would come from the
professors to the Wodanaj family and even the emperor.

-principal! A wizard is not just learning magic. Don't you know how detrimental it
is to a twisted, eccentric sorcerer who has no social life and only learned magic!

-Osu Gonadaltes. If I could have taught you magic that way, I would have taught
you. can't you just do that? 'Cause you look like a bad guy

- Ohsu. Did I give the money to the school to take good care of and nurture
talented people who would become the same level of the empire, or did I pay the
money to raise fucking crazy people? What are you doing with valuable talent now?
Are you protesting against me?

...presumably, one-on-one learning from the Archmage was too likely to destroy and
distort the disciple's humanity.

'This is an age that really annoys me.'

Principal Skeleton sighed with regret.

what to do It's a rule he made up.

As long as a boy from the Wodanaj clan enters the school anyway, there will be many
opportunities to meet and teach in the future.

Headmaster Skeleton earnestly prayed that this Woudanaj boy would come under him
years later.

That way, I would be able to study and pass on all kinds of forbidden secrets and

to clear the scene. Give the workers a reward for this work. they deserve it Don't
forget that ancient artifact as well.

The Skeleton Principal gave orders to his summons.

The villages around the magic school had to clear the traces so they wouldn't be

Professor Voladi. What are you doing?

Principal Skeleton asked a question with a curious gaze.

Professor Voladi was observing the fallen assailant closely.

“Here are some of these raiders who have been under an unusual form of attack and
have been exploring.”

uhm. Surely... How did the Wodanaj family defeat him?

Professor Voladi and Principal Skeleton thought about it together.

Wounds cut or stabbed with a knife or wounds that had been knocked down by shooting
iron beads were immediately distinguishable.

However, some of the assailants had wounds that looked like they had been beaten
with a huge hammer.

What is it?

'Have you ever manipulated a rock? With a <Lesper Control> spell?? No matter how
powerful it is, it would be unreasonable... Did you ever do it?'

“…well, that’s what I knocked down with my fist. everyone."

Professor Garcia said, raising her hand in shame.

* * *

The first thing that came to Lee Han's eyes when he woke up from the soft bed was
the skeleton of the headmaster.

'Is it a nightmare?'

“Student Lee. It was really hard.”

Next to him was Professor Garcia.

“Oh, no. I just had to do what I had to do.”

Even so, a ball is a ball. He was great.

"thank you."

Of course, going out of school is another thing.

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

Once again, hatred against the Imperial Anti-Magicians surged.

If it weren't for them, we'd be in a village by now!

Professor Garcia said with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry. Lee Han student. I worked like this…”

what do you have to be sorry for Rules are rules. award is award. bee is bee How
did you drill through the underground warehouse passage? Isn't it a place you can
go through in a week?

Principal Skeleton asked with genuine curiosity.

The warehouse behind the central staircase on the first floor of the main building
was a place where many freshmen challenged.

It was not just an escape, but for hungry students, the pantry was a place they
wanted to go even if they sold their souls.

Principal Skeleton knew this too, so he used to scatter the key to the back of the
main building's central staircase.

But right there, through the underground warehouse passage.

It was something that even the Skeleton Principal didn't expect.

Even if he exercised steely self-control in that vast warehouse and didn't touch
anything, how else did the warehousekeeper get away with it?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Lee Han shut his mouth and opened his mouth.

As long as I got caught, I had to take it all the way to the end.

Principal Skull read Lee Han's heart and smiled.

I'm not really an ordinary guy. But it didn't. The underground warehouse passage
will no longer be usable again.


Suddenly, Principal Skeleton's voice became serious.

Listen. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. On behalf of the school, I express my
sincere gratitude for fighting against the Imperial Anti-Magicians to protect the
workers and professors.


As a token of my gratitude, I will award the famous sword, 'Dawn Star'.

"Thanks... Wait, isn't this the sword the enemy was holding?"

Lee Han couldn't ask, 'Can I just give a real sword to a student full of blood?'
Actually, he should have asked that first.
So should I break it down?

“That’s right. I will write well.”

Lee Han understood in one second.

'I'll sell it later.'

Professor Garcia was slightly perplexed. He was convinced too quickly.

If Lee Han refused to the end, I was trying to convince him, 'There's nothing wrong
with this sword, the person who used it was just a bad guy, so please use the sword
properly and lead me to the right path'...

And take this too. is the right to go out.


Lee Han was much happier than when he received the sword.

Principal Skeleton was stunned to see the boy, who was always expressionless and
not very good at expressing his emotions, jumped with joy.

That sword is much more precious!

"thank you! principal. I will be loyal!”

that, yes

It was madness enough to overwhelm even the headmaster of the skeleton.


Lee Han cherished the right to go out. In that movement, I could feel that he was
careful that someone might steal it.

Professor Garcia and Principal Skeleton thought to themselves at the same time.

'No one is taking it away...'

Is your body okay?


okay. Then, since I got all the prizes, I must be punished.


Lee Han looked at the skeleton principal as if embarrassed.

Principal Skeleton said as if it was heartbreaking.

don't look at me like that 'Cause I'm sick too But rules are rules.

'It's 100% a lie.'

In Lee Han's eyes, no matter how much he looked at it, the principal was right to
enjoy it.
By the way, I'm saying this to avoid misunderstanding, but I'm not being punished
for trying to go out without permission.

“Then what?”

You get caught and you get punished.


So, should you have watched Professor Garcia get stabbed?

Lee Han held the words up to his throat, but he endured them.

It's never been nice to answer a professor from a long time ago.

'Hold on. Be patient.'

The sun is just rising. Until the next sunrise, try to think about how you will be
found out next time in the punishment room.

Along with the horse, Principal Skeleton threw a book at Lee Han.

A book bound in unpatterned black leather. It was a strangely eerie book.

“What is this?”

This is a book that tells you not to get bored in the punishment room. I'd like to
read it once.

The expression on Lee Han's face, 'Can I believe this?' passed very quickly.

Principal Skeleton was delighted at the appearance of the disciple who looked at
him with suspicion first.

Move the student to the punishment room.

The Skeleton Principal's summons approached and raised Lee Han.

From this morning to tomorrow morning.

Lee Han will be staying in the school's punishment room.

* * *

Go down the basement stairs, walk down the hallway, then go down the next stairs,
then back down the hallway...

It seemed to have been repeated dozens of times. He was wearing an eye patch, but
it seemed that he would not have memorized the road without it.



When the door closed and he was alone, Lee Han looked around the punishment room.

It didn't look much different from the private room in the dormitory.
Instead of sunlight coming in from outside, artificial light flickers on to the
extent that it gives a dim feeling?

'Is this a punishment room? It's not as big as I thought.'

Lee Han thought that this would be enough for a few weeks.

Living as graduate students, there were times when several people lived in a much
smaller room than this.

Compared to that, it was very comfortable.

Lee Han vowed to tell Nelia later, 'The punishment room wasn't as big as I

Of course, I didn't know if Nelia would think so.

-Ihan of the Wodanaj family.


The hard voice of the undead summons came from outside.

- Take it.

The door under the door opened and a large basket came in.

Freshly baked bread and deep-fried whole lamb seasoned with salt and pepper and
sauce, sugar and buttered apples, freshly cooked egg fried, almond and chocolate
slightly hard, yet warm, steaming biscuits...


The meal was too good for a punishment room, so Lee Han was embarrassed.


-It is a gift from Professor Garcia.

“Ah… say thank you.”

- It's not over yet. get more

"no. Sleep…”

Lee Han was taken aback by the constant incoming baskets.

Can you eat all of this in one day?

Fortunately, there were more preserved foods from the next basket.

From chocolate to candy wrapped in silver foil. Salt-roasted peanuts, round and
flat sweets and tea leaves in a box. Apple juice and orange juice in glass

'You didn't know what you'd like, so I guess you put it all in?'

Lee Han thanked Professor Garcia for the gift and placed the basket next to him.
While in the punishment room, it seemed that his mouth would not be bored.


After brewing black tea, Lee Han added milk and sugar, drank little by little, and
fell into thought.

Even thinking about it now, the fight with the Imperial Anti-Magicians was bloody.
To the extent that I thought, 'Yongke fought like that too'.

Being able to be so calm in a fight...

'It must be thanks to the teachings of Allaron.'

If Allarlong had been by his side, he would have reacted in shock and said, 'No, I
did not teach you such skills in magic battles or in actual battles', but Allarlong
was not by your side.

Lee Han didn't know, but Lee Han certainly had a natural talent for fighting. It
was a fact recognized by all the other professors.

'Thank you. Allarlong.'

Lee Han cast the <Lesser Control> magic.


The feather pen gently floated in the air and began to move naturally.

It was a smooth movement that I could not have imagined when I first learned the

Lee Han put down the feather pen and cast a spell on the iron bead.

A nearly perfect circle was drawn in the air.

'It's a bit sad that Professor Voladi's words were true.'

Sometimes, some professors made students angry by saying the right words rather
than the wrong ones.

This is how Prof. Voladi said, 'Practice will improve your skills.'

I felt it when I was fighting the anti-magic, but my skills have really improved

'If I practice a few more times, I will become an archmage. Either die before

Lee Han put down the iron bead. It wasn't what I wanted, but it wasn't bad.

'By the way, that sword...'

Lee Han contemplated the swordsmanship he had fought against the boss of the

As Allarlong taught, it was a great help to improve my skills by looking back on

whether a fight was won or lost.
'... no matter how you look at it, it wasn't a normal swordsmanship, was it?'

At that time, the opponent was so strong that he did not hesitate to shout, but now
that I think about it, no matter how much I look at it, it was not a normal

Where is the swordsmanship that pours magic into it like a madman and strikes it?

Lee Han had a lot of magical power, so it wasn't strange no matter what happened.

Even the sword was smashed at the end.

A swordsman who excelled at Allarlong said that he could create an Auror by

condensing the magic inside his body well into the sword, but in Lee Han's opinion,
what Lee Han did was a little bit more than an Auror...

'...I don't know what to call it, but I'll have to be careful in the future.'

Lee Han vowed not to do something reckless and not end up being featured in the
<People who died foolishly this year> section of the imperial newspaper.

After drinking all the tea, there was only one thing left that caught my eye.

...that was the black book the principal gave me.

'Should I open this?'

Ian thought seriously.

Is this a gift from the principal or a trap?

It is a gift from the principal -> The principal is also a human being, and you
will know that Lee Han fought hard to save the professor. I was put in the
punishment room according to the rules, but I have no choice but to be sorry. This
would be a gift given as a sign of regret.

It's the principal's trap -> Strictly speaking, the principal is an undead, not a
human. no human heart And the principal must have been delighted by putting him in
the punishment room earlier. then...

'...I feel like it's most likely a trap.'

Does it look like a trap?

Lee Han decided to make a decision later and pushed the book away.

That was the time.



When Lee Han reached out his hand, the blacked-out book was forcibly opened.

And the letters on the opened page popped out as if they were alive, wrapped around
Lee Han's hand and began to dig into it.

Lee Han was shocked as if someone was hitting knowledge directly into his brain.

'What is this...!'

It was confusing and painful, but I knew what this book was trying to do.

This book is now trying to pass on a magic.

Lee Han's mouth instinctively opened. Then I memorized the magic name.

“Gonadaltes’s… agile step…!”


When the transmission was over, the book closed firmly again with a para-rack
sound. Although Lee Han tried to open it with an absurd expression, it did not open
as if he had nailed it.

'What kind of book do you have?'

Lee Han gripped his tingling head with a headache and glanced at the magic
knowledge he had just received.

As I knew from reading it, the magical knowledge of <Gonadaltes' Swift Steps>
remained vividly in Lee Han's mind.

From order to action.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can use magic right away. It was Lee Han's
responsibility to realize it directly based on that knowledge.

'In a nutshell, it is a book that teaches you magic by force...'

From the name of the magic, you could tell that it was the magic that the Skeleton
Principal made himself.

With that kind of magic, the skeleton principal could call Lee Han and teach him

'It must be because the principal is a madman. After all, if you stay as a
professor for a long time, people will go crazy.'

Lee Han understood.

Of course, the principal didn't teach directly, because if he taught one-on-one, he

would hear other professors and outsiders say, 'That crazy archmage is trying to
ruin another young talent!'

There was no way for Lee Han to know that.

* * *

“Foot, crinkle the ground. Feet, crinkle the ground. Feet, the ground…”

There's nothing to do. Lee Han memorized the newly learned spell diligently.

Lee Han himself used to say, 'I'm not that greedy for magic', but from an objective
point of view, Lee Han was a crazy person for magic.
Usually freshmen don't 'let's study because there's nothing to do' like Lee Han.



Lee Han stopped at the sound of knocking on the wall from somewhere.


“Foot, the ground…”


I didn't hear it wrong. Lee Han carefully brought her ear closer to the wall of the
punishment room.


The sound was a little louder.

Lee Han also tried to knock on the wall. The other party paused for a moment as if
they heard the sound.

A low, harsh, husky voice was heard.

“…can you hear me?”

“I hear it.”

“What grade are you in?”

“I am new here.”

“Is it iron? It’s been a lot of trouble.”

“Is that…?”



It was a title that symbolized the 4th grade of the school.

Lee Han was surprised that the senior at this school was locked up in the next

'What should I do to be a 4th grader... No, that's not what I'm talking about.'

Lee Han completed a quick self-reflection.

It wasn't the sound of Lee Han, who was caught trying to bounce.

“What did you do to get to the punishment room? Did you even start a fight between
the dorms?”


"no? Then, did you steal anything from your top friends?”
"no. I was caught trying to escape.”

I heard laughter from the next room.

“This freshman is very fast. It's only been a week and you're trying to escape. Did
you go to Mount Bonamana? Everyone goes to the mountains and gets caught a lot. I
didn't know there was a wall there."

“I didn’t go to the mountains.”

At Lee Han's words, the student beyond the wall seemed to be startled and was
silent for a moment.

“Did you go downstairs?”


“Is that great? Notice the basement. But there's a trap. If you touch one thing, an
alarm sounds, and the warehouse keeper who guards the warehouse is a monster
specialized in search ability. What did you catch?”

“I didn’t get caught.”

“…you didn’t get caught?”

"Yes. I went out through the underground passage. I went out and got caught.”


The fourth grader beyond the wall was astonished.

It was surprising that he realized the existence of the underground passage in only
one week, but he went out of the underground passage through the trap of the
warehouse and the search of the warehouse keeper???

'What is this child? Are you a freshman?'

"for a moment. Then why were you arrested?”

“I was riding in a wagon, and the imperial anti-magic came and was caught by the
principal while fighting.”



For a while, only silence could be heard from the next room.

Lee Han asked carefully, wondering if he had said something wrong.

“What am I doing wrong?”

“Oh, no. I'm just a little surprised. A freshman… very talented.”

“Did you get caught?”

'Crazy bastard, if you don't get caught there, you should be the principal...'
The other party thought so.

It was not unusual for the Imperial Anti-Magicians to come.

Even the best professors at school must have gone out to fight.

In such a situation, you want to fight together and not get caught. It wasn't too
bad without a conscience.

“What did you do when you came in?”

“You are a senior. Stop making unfamiliar sounds. It doesn't matter if you call me
comfortably. After all, after graduating, we must all be the same wizard.”

"Okay. So what did you come in?”


The opponent beyond the wall was immediately curious about Lee Han's face.

What is this kid really doing?

“I came in because I failed an experiment.”

"no. If you fail an experiment, you will be sent to the punishment room?”

Ian was shocked.

Isn't that really too much?

But the opponent beyond the wall was calm.

“No surprise. You will find out later.”

The 4th grader talked about what happened.

There are materials required for the magic experiment that I am currently
researching, but I failed to obtain them within the time limit.

So, the 4th graders went into one of the principal's secret warehouses, robbed them
of the reagents, and took them out.

However, he failed to completely break through the principal's trap, and was
eventually caught and taken to the punishment room.


Lee Han, who was listening, stopped.

'Isn't it because you failed an experiment?'

You just got caught stealing, didn't you?

But Lee Han didn't point that out. If you stay in graduate school for a long time,
your common sense will crumble.

Even if the magic school senior's common sense was broken, it wasn't the senior's
fault. It was the magic school's fault.
“In my opinion, if you are as talented as you, many professors will covet you, so
it would be better to be careful in advance. Be careful not to fail when

“Keep in mind. But I have no intention of staying in school for long.”

“You are humble.”

“No, I really don’t want to stay long…”

"okay. That's right. You look like a pretty good student, are you from the Blue
Tower? No, it cannot be.”


No matter what he said, it was unlikely that the other party would listen, so Lee
Han gave up.

But somehow, something ominous could not be helped.

"senior. Can I ask you more?”

"Tell me."

“The underground passage seems to be difficult to penetrate again, is there any

other way out?”

At Lee Han's question, I heard a snort next to me.

“Of course there is. but junior. Aren't you asking for too much? Why should I teach
you that?”

Instead of answering, Lee Han lifted his head from the wall and shouted at the



The student next to him was startled and straightened his posture.

What is this kid doing!?

Do you want to die together?!

- What's going on?

“Can you pass this on to the next room?”

-i get it.

I wanted to do it just in case, but the undead summoned surprisingly kindly

accepted the request.

The professor sent me a present as well, so I checked it out and it worked.

Cookies, hot tea, and sugar were placed in a basket and went to the next room.


“Oh, no. I'm surprised... how did you bring this in?"

“I got a present.”


At this point, the student beyond the wall wanted to know who Lee Han really was.

Within a week of entering the school, he secured a passageway, succeeded in reality

(if it wasn't for a natural disaster), and when he was locked up in the punishment
room, he grabbed other classmates from the tower to send them a present like this,
and above all, it was enough to secure such a private meal. good skill...

'Isn't this kid from the crime guild?'

Students who committed crimes sometimes entered the Tower of Black Turtle, but I
was suspicious that this was also the case with Lee Han.

It's also a giant!

Otherwise, it was an unexplained ability.

“Anyway, old man. Can't this be done?"

" done. I can tell you if I got this.”

The student beyond the wall coughed.

In addition to receiving an unexpected gift, there was nothing good about buying a
grudge if the person was really from a crime guild.

If you find out later and get retaliation...

“But before we talk, let’s make this clear. Not all of our 4th graders know what
the way out of school is. There are so many people who have never been successful.”

As it is allowed to go out little by little after the first year, there were many
people in the upper grades who never managed to escape.

In fact, most of them were. It was difficult to sneak out of school that much.

'...But the first year is going to be successful.'

“The method I know is the method I heard above, and I have never done it before. I
don't know if I'll succeed or not."

According to the student behind the wall, there was a special stable in one of the
spiers on top of the main building.

A stable for flying beasts!

It was a resting place for the beasts that the professors rode and the eagles of
the officials who delivered the decrees.

The animals there received special protection and were able to fly over the walls
of the school.
"The problem is, I wouldn't have allowed those beasts to ride haphazardly."


It certainly was.

There must be something in the stable just as there is a warehouse keeper in the

'But not bad.'

Once there was a way, it was quite hopeful.

Besides, isn't that a method that someone once succeeded in?

Then, there was a high probability of success as well.

"thank you. senior."

'...this bastard... just heard this and remembered how?! how?!'

The misunderstanding of the opponent beyond the wall deepened.

* * *

- It's release. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.

A day later, an undead summons opened the door.

Before walking out the hallway, Lee Han put some more chocolates in the next room.

Thanks to a senior who doesn't know his face, I was able to hear this and that

Strangely, the more he went on, the less he talked and stopped, but Lee Han thought
it was probably because he was bothered.

If someone you don't know keeps talking to you, wouldn't anyone be bothered?

Nevertheless, thank you for your reply.

'I should say thank you when we meet later.'

Lee Han went through a complicated process just like when he came in and came out.

Outside the main building, darkness had dissipated and the sun was slowly rising.

'Ugh. It's like a kitchen.'

Lee Han, who entered the Blue Dragon Tower and headed to his private room, was
surprised to see the appearance of the room anew.

It looked like a well-organized kitchen or grocery store.

It was even more so because I was arranging all the groceries I received from
various places.

Various condiments and seasonings such as salt, sugar, tea leaves, and canned
fruits such as apricots, peaches, and pineapples are piled up on the shelves.

There were also canned beans, canned salmon, and canned salted beef to satisfy more

Lee Han seemed to be able to eat comfortably for several weeks if he ate alone.

'I can do business seriously.'

First of all, he decided to think about how to do business later, and Lee Han
opened the door.

Since I woke up early in the morning, I thought I would go to the stable and try
the assignment given by Professor Lightning Walk.

“Lee Han?”

As I was getting ready to leave the break room, a red-haired girl came down yawning
and was startled.

“Where have you been all day!?”

“Punishment room. Didn't the professors tell you?"

"yes. Professor Garcia said you were resting because you were injured from setting
a big ball.”


Lee Han seemed to understand why Professor Garcia had lied to him.

For boys and girls from high families, honor was more important than I thought.

Since Lee Han is also from the Wodanaj family, wouldn't it be shameful if it was
known that he made a mistake and went to the punishment room?

Besides, I didn't do anything wrong, it was because I was helping Professor Garcia.

"no. I got caught while leaving school and went to the punishment room.”

Of course, Lee Han didn't care at all. Fortunately, Yonner didn't care.

“Why did you go alone?”

“I wanted to check it first because it was not certain information.”

“Next time, let’s go together. Two is better than one.”

“Then will you take Nelia with you as well?”

"yes. Good idea. Let's take Nelia with us."

Nylia, who was not present, was forced to attend, but the two did not care about

Yoner tilted his head and asked.

“So what exactly happened?”

As he walked to the stable, Lee Han slowly began to explain what had happened.

Guessing on the underground passage, how to get through it, and even the warehouse
keeper who was guarding the warehouse.

Yoner listened quietly with her round eyes in surprise.

“So I went out and there were people waiting.”


"no. Imperial anti-magicians.”


Yonner was startled.

What Professor Garcia said was not a joke, it was the truth.

Anti-magicians were hiding around the school.

“Then you set the ball right?!”

“And I went to the punishment room.”


Yonner didn't understand.


* * *

There were several students who came first in the stable. All of them were students
of Black Turtle Tower.

The students of the Tower of Black Turtle, who saw Lee Han and Yoner, flinched and
slowly retreated.

Yoner didn't seem to care much, but Lee Han was slightly hurt.

'This custom of judging people based on their appearance and family must be

Of course, the Black Turtle Tower students had a family, but they were afraid to
hear the rumors of Lee Han, but Lee Han did not know that.



When someone from the Black Turtle Top students spoke to him, Lee Han was ecstatic.

Are you Nelia?

But it wasn't Nelia. The one who spoke to me was a rat beast, Ratford.

"good morning. Wodanaj-sama.”

Lee Han was taken aback by the attitude that seemed to treat his superiors with

Anyone who sees it would think that I was forced to do it by threatening you!

"Hey. Take it easy.”

“I am comfortable with this.”

For Ratford, who had been living in the thieves' guild with strength and weakness,
it was rather difficult for him to speak negatively to his superiors.

Strict hierarchical relationship and obedience.

That was real convenience.


Lee Han shook his head as he saw the eyes of the students from the Black Turtle
Tower grew more and more fearful.


"okay. i get it."

Lee Han gave up halfway and looked at Ratford. In fact, Lee Han was also curious
about what had happened after the last fight.

As soon as Lee Han was finished, I stretched out...

“What happened after that?”

"Yes. I hid as you said during the fight. When it was over, the principal arrived
along with the other professors.”

"Good job. It’s better than going out and getting hurt.”

“The workers were also distracted, and it seemed like an opportunity, so they
rummaged through the boxes in the wagon, opened the locks, and picked up what
looked useful. Because I had to hide it in my body, I had to pick and pack only
small things, but I brought them here to donate.”

Ratford held out a small box. There were pills fluttering inside.


Lee Han was speechless and admired.

'A real professional thief is different, even if something is different!'


The mindset of a real professional thief was different from that of ordinary

Principals and professors come and inspect the site, and in the meantime, open
locks and take out things.

The glass flask contained potions of all natural colors. Lee Han could feel the
complex and diverse magical powers radiating from it.

“By the way, what kind of potion is this?”

"I do not know?"

“…that, that’s right.”

Come to think of it, Ratford was a pro thief, not a pro alchemist.

I picked it up as soon as it was appropriate, not what I looked for.

'I don't even know anything.'

Lee Han was also a person who read books and studied prior to being in the Wodanaj
family, but it was unreasonable to look at the unmarked potion and find out his

“Yone. Do you understand?”


Yoner picked up one of the flasks and looked at him cautiously.

“Is it like alcohol?”


“It’s like wine.”

Yonner carefully opened the cork lid, sniffed the incense, and nodded.

“Yes, wine.”


“But you think the other thing is a magic potion? I guess I'll have to go to the
library to find out what it is, but..."

“Well, that’s good.”

Ratford wasn't surprised to see the Wordanaj and Makekin people talking casually
over the stolen potions.

You shouldn't be cocky about what your superiors are doing.

'The potion is wide enough to use the stolen potion.'

"Thank you. Ratford. I will write well.”

"no. It is an honor to dedicate it. Just call me whenever you need me.”

“Don’t be so rigid… well. Would you like to take care of the horse together?”

As he came to the stable early in the morning, it seemed like it would be good for
Ratford to get acquainted with the horses.

At Lee Han's suggestion, Ratford bowed his head.

"Yes. It is an honour."

“Stop glory.”






There was the sound of someone dropping something from behind. Ian turned his head.

Nelia had a shocked expression on her face.

“, you made a new friend...”

Seeing Nilia trying to take a step backwards with a betrayed expression, Lee Han
and Yoner ran back and forth.

* * *

"what. Was it like that? tell me No one would misunderstand me for that.”



Lee Han and Yoner exchanged meaningful glances.

'Didn't you just try to misunderstand me?'

'Obviously I was trying to misunderstand.'

Fortunately, the absurd misconception that he was trying to make Ratford his new
Black Turtle Tower friend instead of Nelia was cleared up.

Ratford said with a serious expression.

“I am not a friend, but a subordinate…eup.”

“Ouch. My hand slipped.”

Lee Han covered Ratford's mouth with a brush that trimmed the horse's hair.

"ruler. Let's take care of the horses together."

There were several more students in the stable who came to make friends with the

Although Professor Lightning Gaul said, 'Be friendly with the horses,' there were
not many students who were sincere enough to wake up early in the morning.

And the words were merciless even for such diligent students.

"Ouch! Stop spitting!”

“Listen to me! Why are you doing that? What are you dissatisfied with!”

The horses would headbutt, spit and purr, raising their hands to bite the students.

But Lee Han was not surprised.

'Originally, there are no experimental animals that listen well.'

Of course, the words were harsh, but this was not so bad.

There is no such thing as sneaking away or throwing your own shit.

"ruler. Don't brush your hair."

- Whoops!

The white horse entrusted by Professor Lightning Walk stared at Lee Han.

The moment they approached, the intention of hitting one was very blatantly

However, Lee Han approached without hesitation.


The white horse attempted a headbutt. Lee Han leaned his body back and avoided it
as if he knew it.

The white horse's eyes widened. It seemed that Lee Han didn't know how to avoid it.


The white horse spit this time. Lee Han avoided it as if he knew it would.

“Okay. not good.”


The white horse tried to bite, but Lee Han stepped aside and approached the white

Still, the white horse did not give up. His legs were tied and he couldn't even
kick, but he tried every possible trick.

Lee Han avoided such an attack, blocked it, and endured it.

Nelia, who was watching from behind, was only admiring.

'How can you be so patient?'

If it was Nelia, the cursing would have come out already, or the whip would have
gone out.

However, instead of getting angry, Lee Han continued to calm her by saying, 'Yes,

Is that the quality of a great aristocrat??

* * *

- Purul...

The white horse, who had been running wild for a while, bowed its head as if

Only then did Lee Han pick up a brush and comb the white horse's fur.

The white horse glared at Lee Han while being brushed. When his stamina was
restored, his will to run wild again was hinted at.

'Aren't these words really mixed with the blood of other monsters?'

Lee Han was puzzled by the unusually tenacious white horse.

The other words don't seem so toxic...

Less squeaky!

“Okay, that’s it.”

Yoner, who had been wrestling with him for a while, walked out with a bright face,
covered in mud.

Neliana Ratford was also pretty rough.

“But I started to listen.”

“I think I’m pretty friendly too.”

Hearing their words, Lee Han turned his head and looked at the white horse.

The white horse quickly turned its head as if it had not begun.

Originally, if you were a young student, you would have been angry or gave up on
the rebellion of these persistent words...

'Well, someday I'll give up.'

Lee Han's heart was as calm as a lake.

No matter how harsh a white horse is, would it be worse than a professor?

Lee Han just threw away his emotions and did what he had to do.

After brushing, Lee Han mixed the feed and presented it to the white horse. The
white horse stared at Lee Han while munching on it.

It was like saying, 'Don't even think about going with this'.

“I’m going to take a walk now.”

Nelia said, brushing off the mud.

When caring for horses, walking was essential. If you go for a walk on a regular
basis, your horses will also be healthy.

And taking a walk was helpful even from the standpoint of getting to know each

If you keep walking around together, no matter how picky a beast you are, you have
no choice but to open your heart.


However, Lee Han doubted whether the white horse would follow her quietly.

They continue to attack now, but wouldn't they try a lot more various attacks if
they went for a walk in a wide space?


Lee Han looked down at the iron bracelet and belt he was wearing, then looked at
the white horse again.

In those eyes, the white horse felt a certain ominous feeling.

* * *

“I’m here!”


Thunder Walk opened the door with facial expression control.

Lightning stride, standing outside the door, came into the hut with a tin glass.

“Make some tea!”

“Because you don’t even like my car…”

“It’s okay because I’ll be patient and drink!”


Thunderstep boiled a kettle with a sad expression. I didn't know that the absence
of Lee Han would be so sad.

“The freshmen are hard at work taking care of the stables.”

Lightning stride exhaled while sipping hot tea.

If there was a talent that could be applied to both alchemy and training, it was

In the <Basic Mount Training> class, I purposely gathered dirty words and told them
to become friends for one reason.

To teach new students sincerity.

There were many conditions to make friends with unfamiliar animals, but the most
important of these conditions is sincerity.

If you are not sincere, you cannot make friends with any animals.

“I intentionally made the nature of the horses dirty, but if you put your heart
into them and care for them, they will soon calm down and relax. But those who try
to tame them by whipping them with force instead of putting their heart into it
will taste very harsh.”

When this task was given, the students' reactions were divided into two.

Students who sincerely try to get acquainted with me and the horses from the

And the students trying to subdue the horses with spurs and whips, as they used to
be cheeky.

The words that Lightning Step had prepared were words that could never be
suppressed in that way.

Unfaithful students will have a stinging taste.



Lightning stride smiled wildly and put down the glass, and thunder stride shook her

'Because he likes to bully students.'

Thunderwalk couldn't have imagined that he was being treated like a lightning bolt
by Lee Han.

I am different!

“Is Wodanaj doing well?”

"ah. Wodanaz. He's a sincere guy, so he'll do well. Of course, Griffon is a bit
tricky. With sincerity, cleverness, and a little bit of luck, we can become close


Thunderstep followed the car and then raised his head.

What did you say?

“What did you just say?”


“You just… you said something about that.”

“I must have heard it wrong. I said horses.”


Thunderstep looked at Lightning Step with a face mixed with shock and horror.

Maybe a griffon turned into a horse...?

“Isn’t it?”


'no. Let's calm down. It could just be that the horse's name is Griffon.'

Thunderstep regained his cool.


A flying monster with the head and wings of an eagle, and the claws and legs of a

He had an arrogant and demanding personality, and he was a violent man who was very
obsessed with his master.

Depending on where you live, your personality and habits are somewhat different,
but one thing is certain.

It's not something a freshman can tame!!

“What is the horse’s name?”

“Yeah… Fonrig.”

"'re really crazy, aren't you?!"

Eventually, the unbearable thunderstorm exploded.

I mean, what kind of crazy thing did you do to an alchemist student who was taking
a break from an injury right now?

“Did this nephew turn around! Why are you so mad about drinking?”

“Anyway, how do you transform a griffon into a horse!?”

“When did I do that? Do you have any evidence? And even if it was transformed into
a horse, wouldn't it be safe to transform it into a horse?"

“What kind of slime does griffon intelligence look like!?”

Inside the hut, the sound of glass breaking, chairs flying, and tables breaking
could be heard.

It was a common dwarf-style house fight.

* * *

- Fuhuh heh heh heh heh...


Lee Han looked at the white horse with a happy expression.

As if it was a lie to say that before, the white horse was obedient and docile.

To be precise, Lee Han made it that way.

He had filled the horse with all of his magic-absorbing iron bracelet and magic-
absorbing belt.
"Also. By absorbing magic power, you become a little more compliant.”

As all living things are born with a certain amount of magical power, the energy
was inevitably lost when magic was absorbed.

The white horse equipped with all the items Lee Han was wearing was exhausted and
could not even afford to resist.

"okay. Let’s be friendly in the future.”

- Whoops...

The white horse was gently dragged along as Lee Han pulled the reins.

Seeing that scene, Lee Han suddenly remembered something.

'By the way, if you can walk even with all your bracelets and belts on, isn't your
horse's magical power more than you think?'

The amount of absorption of the bracelet or belt is small, or the horse's magic
amount is high.

'Even if the blood of a real monster was mixed, the amount of magical power
wouldn't be that much. Is the amount of mana that the equipment takes less than you

Lee Han walked away with the horse, immersed in thought.

In front of them, several students were weeping and praying while riding their
horses in haste.

- Get it down, get it down!! please! It's my fault!

'Isn't there a way to increase the amount of mana absorbed?'

It was the daily routine of the magic school that I was used to casually now.



“You want to rest?”

Lee Han stopped walking when the white horse made a tired sound.

I was happy when the guy who used to be so fierce before asked to communicate like

You're making friends!

"okay. drink water here Give me some sugar.”

- Whoops...

The white horse didn't want to admit it, but he felt increasingly succumbed to this

- Whoops!
The white horse suddenly opened its eyes wide.

The ancient wild blood flowing through his veins awakened his pride.

I can't give in like this!

Seeing that, Lee Han muttered seriously.

“How do I increase the amount of mana absorbed?”

-...puh huh.

The white horse rolled its eyes again and bowed its head.

* * *

I woke up early in the morning and looked after the horses, but the school did not
wait for me.

Whether he was sleepy or hungry, he had to get up and go to the next class.

Lee Han handed one can of beef and one can of pickled cucumbers to his friends who
were about to finish their chores and return to the Black Turtle Tower.

After receiving the canned Nylia, she was truly delighted...

... instead looked through his pockets with a bewildered expression.


“I don’t have any money…”

“…just giving.”

Lee Han reflected on his own actions very slightly.

Was it too bad?

“Is that okay?? really? really?"

“Think calmly about whether this is a situation worth asking again.”

Nelia pricked up her long ears and grabbed the canned food.

But Ratford flatly refused.

“Can’t get it.”


Nelia slowly looked at her.

'I... should I give it back too?'

“It is an order.”

“Then I will.”
Ratford took it. Neila was relieved.

'thank god!'

After the two of them left, Lee Han looked at Yonner and asked.

“I hope you will react like that. Yonner. Am I too harsh?”

"no? why?"

"Right. thank god."

At first glance, Lee Han thought, 'I wonder if it would be objective to ask someone
other than Yonaire', but I decided to move on.

“Let’s have breakfast. Yonner. The early kids will be out in the break room, so
I'll have to give them some. Could you please help me keep it in the ledger?”


The two were happy to serve their friends a hearty breakfast.

...Of course it wasn't for free, but it was nice to be happy.

* * *

Lee Han spread mustard on the sliced bread and then placed it on a plate.

The fireplace in the freshman lounge has always been a good friend of the students.
Lee Han cracked an egg next to the bacon that was sizzling on the frying pan.

The fried egg cooked with a sizzling sound in an instant.

'What the hell is the bloodline doing this?'

Now Lee Han wasn't preparing the meal he would eat. It wasn't even preparing meals
for friends in the break room.

This was a meal for the princess in the private room.

-Wordanaz. We'll pay the silver coins, so can you deliver the meal to the princess
like last time?

-Please. Wodanaz!

Handama said that he was getting more money, but Lee Han couldn't understand it no
matter how much he thought about it.

Originally, power was entrusted to the majority of the masses, not from an ancient
and mysterious bloodline of unknown identity.

How on earth did the imperial family take such care?

'Gainando is steadfastly surviving on his own.'

Even if no one took care of it, Guy Nando got up and went down to the break room to
eat breakfast.

It was great adaptability.

Considering that, I didn't know that this kind of consideration by the students
would be poison to the princess.



The door opened and Adenart appeared like the last time.

Lee Han shrugged and held out the plate.

“I cooked down below.”

Lee Han felt as if Adenart's expression had brightened very slightly.

Or maybe it was the morning sunlight coming in from the window next door.

Adenart took the plate carefully, lifted the fork, and paused.

Then he nodded his head and closed the door and went inside.

'Last time I ate outside, I grew up.'

Ihan thought as he came down.

Come to think of it, it seems that there are followers in other towers besides the
Blue Dragon Tower...

Wouldn't it be nice to talk to these followers and get a separate silver coin for

'Oh my gosh. That's what I thought, but it's such a devilish way.'

Lee Han trembled at his own potential.

By the time I graduated from school, I didn't know if I would be able to open a
small workshop with the money I had.

* * *

"what? Why aren't you out today?"

“Don’t be fooled. They may have hidden a monster in the classroom.”

The <Understanding Basic Alchemy> class was held neither outside nor in the main
building of the school, but in one of the annexes, the Gaksugwan (角宿館).

Thanks to the greenhouses, the inside of the building was warmer than the outside.

But now the freshmen were also in a state of being aware to some extent.

It's not good to do it inside!

“Everyone get together! Prepare for the monsters to appear!”

“Princess. Come this way. We will protect you.”

Lee Han was taken aback by the other top students.

The princess is also a student in the Blue Dragon Tower!

“Don’t worry. Wodanaz. Because we don't lose over there."

Asan Dalcard smiled confidently and said.

The Lee Han group had now gathered quite a number.

Ihan, Yonaire, Asan, and Nilia.

In terms of the quality of the members, they were never inferior to other groups.

“Everyone, sit down.”

Thundersteps came in with a yawn. For some reason, there was a look of tiredness on
her face.

"professor. Why don't you go out today?"

"What? Well, it's an alchemy class, so let's do it inside."

The dwarf professor looked at the student who asked the question as if

The student was confused and asked again.

“But last time, alchemy was done outside because gathering materials was

“That’s the story of gathering materials. This is an iron head. Do you plan to do
it outside when you make medicine? He seems like such an inflexible guy.”

After he finished speaking, the thunderstorm looked around.

“Maybe everyone was thinking the same thing? But don't worry. Unlike alchemy
classes outside, alchemy classes inside are very safe and comfortable.”

'That's a lie.'

'It is a lie.'

'If you believe that, you will be 100% stupid.'

The students were not fooled. Thundersteps seemed to have noticed those eyes and

"ruler! Everyone, pour water into the pot in front of you. Alchemy is a
comprehensive art. From gathering ingredients to putting out the fire, there are no
insignificant movements. However, the process of making this magic potion is even
more important. A guy who wastes the materials he's collected can never become an
excellent alchemist! Open the book! And try making a <Less Magical Recovery


Only the sound of books being opened could be heard quietly.

'This must be difficult.'

At first glance, alchemy could feel much easier than other magic.

Isn't it enough to just put the ingredients in a set order without having to learn
complicated and difficult magic?

However, when he actually tried it, Lee Han could immediately understand why
alchemy was difficult.

Alchemy was like making a very difficult dish for a short period of time without a

-Cut off the bottom of the galamadu, and cut the remaining part to the size of two
little fingers. At the same time, the seolhyangcho should be torn thinly by hand.
Blanch the cut Galmaldu in boiling water for 3 minutes and Seolhyangcho for 2
minutes and 30 seconds. In the meantime, prepare the ground red magic stone and put
it in exactly when the boiling water turns green. When the water turns orange, stir
it three times clockwise, three times counterclockwise, and five times from north
to south...

You have to prepare all the ingredients on the spot at the same time (most of them
shouldn't be prepared in advance), you have to remember when and how to put them in
your head (I didn't have time to look at the book when I was actually working), I
had to do all the moves without missing a single one.

It would be strange if there were no mice in the brain.

pop! puff puff!

Unsurprisingly, the sound of explosions and various kinds of smoke began to rise
from here and there. Seeing this, Thunderstep smiled cheerfully.

As an alchemist, there was nothing better to look at than the sight of young,
elusive youngsters squealing at their stingy smoke.

If you don't enjoy it at times like this, when will you enjoy it?


Thundersteps, who were laughing happily, stopped looking at one side.

It was because of seeing Lee Han's pot.

'No, why is he doing so well?'

The thunderous eyes widened.

Of course, he knew that the boy of the Wodanaj family was a talented boy.

Not only cleverness, but also the persistence of being able to do various chores

It was true that he had the talent of an alchemist.

...However, it was the etiquette and custom to make several trial and error errors
and mistakes when learning alchemy for the first time, even for students who were
originally gifted as alchemists.
Otherwise, the senior alchemist wouldn't be too shy and bored!

However, Lee Han did not stop moving like an alchemist who had worked in an alchemy
workshop for over ten years.

Like a machine, the herbs were quickly cut to the correct size and placed in the
pot, turned a few hourglasses in turn, picked up the glass bottle and poured the
liquid inside into the pot. All these movements continued like a dance without

The thunderbolt had to be acknowledged.

There really was such a thing as a genius.

Otherwise, how could a student just starting alchemy show such perfect movements?

'I swear by the beard of my forefathers, no one will believe me if I tell you what
I've seen!'

In fact, it wasn't a genius talent.

It's just a sad result of rolling and rolling under the professor for a long time!

The inside of Lee Han's pot was dyed blue. It was dark and deep blue. Looking at
the color, Thunderstep could tell that the drug was perfectly made.

However, after tasting a little, Lee Han tilted his head and threw away the


The thunderstorm didn't make sense.

Why are you throwing it away?

Lee Han started making it again.

As if what I showed you earlier was no coincidence, the movements were equally

And a potion with the same perfect blue color was completed.

After tasting it again, Lee Han tilted his head again and threw away the medicine.


He couldn't stand the thunder any longer.

Originally, it was a thunderstorm of letting students ask any questions until they
overcome them on their own.

The thunderous steps slowly approached Lee Han. And then he asked.

“Why do you keep throwing away your medicine?”

“Magic power could not be restored.”

The thunderbolt was startled.

Then I read the book again. He wondered if he wrote the recipe wrong, but there was
nothing wrong with the recipe.


I made it right and I drank it, so why can't I recover?

“Try it again.”


Lee Han made it again.

Thunder steps, who had been waiting with an anxious expression, immediately picked
up a ladle and drank the potion.

As the blue liquid ran down her throat, it immediately turned into magical energy
and started to fill her entire body.

Thunderstep could not have made it more perfect than this.

“Are you okay?”


Lee Han drank as if wondering. Then, as before, he tilted his head and said.

“What’s the point?”


The thunderbolt was startling.

Now, is it possible that Thunderstep can present a production method that is

superior to the one confidently presented? The genius of this Wodanaj family?

'no! My pride...!'

"ah. It's because I'm full of magic."



It was then that the thunderstorm recalled the story I had heard from Professor
Garcia the other day.

-Student Lee Han has a lot of magic.

- Was it enough to say that? how long?

- Draw a large circle with both arms.

-Wow. That's quite a level.

- How much more than that?


I've heard that he has a lot of magical power like a madman, but it must be this

If you can't feel the recovery even after taking a magic potion, there's no need to
say more.

"sorry. professor."

"...not. done. Anyway, well made. don't praise ruler! Here is a student who made
the perfect potion.”


“Are you from the Wodanaj family?”

Rather than being surprised by Lee Han's appearance, the other students showed
reactions such as 'if it's Wodanaj, it's not surprising'.

Lee Han was a little perplexed at the gossiping reaction.

'what. Why is it so foamy?'

Lee Han was evaluating himself coldly.

Lee Han himself was not a genius. I just roll in the lab for a long time and play
harder than others... No, I'm just used to student life.

But when I was treated like a genius, I was a little embarrassed.

When did this happen?

“As expected, Wodanaj. Genius.”

Asan, who transferred the slightly hazy blue potion to the flask, was amazed.

Asan's potion was also quite good, but it was true that compared to Lee Han, the
level of perfection was disappointing.

“The potion made by Siana from the Phoenix Tower over there is also excellent, but
it’s not as good as yours? Look over there.”


Ian looked away.

A snake beast student in a priest's uniform was holding a pretty vivid blue potion.

'Flemin Church?'

Yoner had explained it before, so Lee Han quickly recognized it.

A church that worships alchemy, the Flemish Church.

Naturally, the priests of the Order were all excellent alchemists.

As such, it was only natural that a student named Siana made an excellent potion.

Siana walked towards Lee Han and Asan and held out her hand.

“The Wodanaj family? nice to see you. My name is Siana.”

“Nice to meet you. It's okay to say it comfortably. This is Lee Han.”

Lee Han took the other's hand and shook hands. Because he was a snake beast, he was
cold and cool.

“I did not expect to meet such an outstanding alchemist. Did you learn from the
Wodanaj family?”

"hey. Stop talking now.”

Professor Thunderbolt stopped talking. Suddenly, the professor returned to the

front of the classroom.

“Everyone must have made <Less Magical Recovery Potion> today. Some guys would have
done it well even though it was the first time, and some guys would have made it
clumsy. But don't be fooled by these results. This is just the beginning of
alchemy. A complex and mysterious world of alchemy awaits you in the future.”

'Certainly, the professors are all very good at killing students' motivation.'

“Give me your homework by next week. Make <Potion of Lesser Spirit Affinity>. I'll
test it myself with something I've made myself, so you'd better pay attention."

The students took notes while playing with their quills.

Fortunately, Professor Thunderbolt taught me how to make <Potion of Lesser Spirit


He didn't say to the freshman, 'You want to study the recipe to find out'.

"professor. There's no Evolution Spirit here right now... Where is it? Are you

The students who couldn't find the ingredients on the shelves and drawers asked

Thunderstep asked the same question, wondering.

"what are you talking about? You must find it.”

"ah. is that so? We will find it.”

At the words of thunder, the students stood up to search around.

"no. no. not here.”



Thundersteps pointed out the window.

The lush mountain range behind the main building welcomed the students.



“You have to go and come see me. I believe everyone will remember what I said in my
first lecture.”

The faces of the students were contorted with despair and anger.

* * *

The professor who began to reveal his true colors was not just a thunderous gait.

The professors at the Magic School gave a stunning amount of homework for each
lecture they gave to see who had a contest with the most assignments.

-Take the books here, read them, and find at least five loopholes in logic in them.

-professor. There are not enough books. I think students need a little more to

-what are you talking about? That's for one person. Pick up all the books. Then
there will be a new book from below.


The students were terrified of the volume, which seemed to be more than a dozen

-professor. To take this...

- No worries. Because I put light weight magic on for you guys. Take the book

A lecture on <Basic Imperial Language and Logic> that made some White Tiger Tower
students seriously cry.

-This is the magic circle crafting blueprint that I submitted to the Empire when I
was young. Take a look at this blueprint and figure out what the total cost would
be. You don't have to get the exact answer right. However, students in the lower
ranks who wrote the answer farthest from the correct answer will be punished.

A lecture on <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> that made Asando, who is from
an imperial imperial family, also messed up his hair and despaired.

Love one another and be in harmony. what? don't like it? Your intentions don't
matter. You must love each other and be in harmony. In that sense, I will give you
an assignment. Students in each tower, please bring the flags hanging in the
freshman lounge at the tower designated by me until next time. A flag engraved with
a pattern.

At this point, even <Basic Magical Personality Education> is doubtful whether it is

character education or fighting.

At the end of each lecture, the students' faces became pale.

“How do you get the white tiger tower bastards flag?”

“Why are you guys in the White Tiger Tower? Those kids can't be persuaded."

Besides, the goal of the Blue Dragon Tower students was the White Tiger Tower.

If it was the Black Turtle Tower or the Phoenix Tower, they would have been able to
borrow the flag through persuasion and dialogue.

But when I thought about the bad relationship with the White Tiger Tower, it was
obvious that I would snort if I asked for a loan.

“The White Tiger Tower guys are also targeting our flag. Shall we try to exchange

“How do you trust them? Did you see those kids doing dirty things? They are savages
who know nothing of honor.”

“I asked before, but he said he would never do that.”

"hey. let's go quit It’s a waste of time.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students lamented and muttered.

You need to be able to do assignments in moderation to get motivated, and if you

don't have an answer like this, you'll just give up.

Why do we have to hang the White Tiger Tower?!

'This is bad.'

Lee Han was bewildered by the atmosphere of his friends.

A person who easily gave up one credit for a lecture could never become big.

In particular, this magic school was like a battlefield where you didn't know what
crazy lectures or what crazy grades you would give.

I shouldn't have given up already.

It didn't matter if it was my own score, but I think this limit will be tied
together and the score will be reduced.

"for a moment! Everyone, don't give up."



“Is there a way?”

"Also. I knew there was a way.”

It took about 3 seconds for the students' reaction to change to surprise-


Lee Han was taken aback by the appearance of these thin-eared friends.

“What method are you thinking of, Wodanaj?”

"for a moment. I think I know.”

Asan smiled confidently instead.

“What is it, moon card?”

“I plan to break into the White Tiger Tower without anyone else’s knowledge. There
is a 95% chance that it will be.”

"Oh oh...!"

"indeed! I will join you too!”

"me too! Let's feed the white tiger tower bastards!"

"what? What's up?"

“Instead of begging Wodanaj to beg the White Tiger Tower bastards, let’s go to the
White Tiger Tower and get the flag?”

“I really like that!”

In an instant, the Blue Dragon Tower students came up with a plan. Then he called
Lee Han.

“Wordanaz! You lead us.”

“The only one who will lead us is you, who made this plan from start to finish!”


Ian gave up trying to say something. It was already annoying enough.

'Actually, I must enter the White Tiger Tower.'

Even if Lee Han was a student at the White Tiger Tower, it seemed that he would not
give out the flag.

I came to see the group punishment room because of Lee Han...

In the beginning, the only way was the use of force.

"i get it."

“Wordanaz! Wodanaj!”

“Wait, white tiger tower bastards! We go!”

'Is this really helpful for character education?'

Han-eun Lee wondered if the principal's lecture really helped her to develop the
right personality.

Doesn't the more we do it, the deeper we get into each other's emotions?

* * *

Evening barely arrived.

Lee Han summoned Tigiling and fed him with an evil trick like last time.

Tigiling, who was sipping the soup, was puzzled when he saw Lee Han's gaze mixed
with a sense of achievement.


“Fufu. It is nothing."

Tigiling thought that the boy in front of him would be so happy that he had dinner
with her using clever narration.

'It must be the mood.'

He was a boy from the honorable Wodanaj family.

The reason I'm here to eat dinner right now is probably because of the priest's
request and my ambition to keep my promise as a member of a great aristocrat.

There is no way such a person can laugh like a villain because of such trivial

“See you here. The Wodanaj clan. I was still looking for it.”


The Siana of the Fleming Church, whom I met in the alchemy class, greeted Lee Han.

Siana as well as other top students gathered together.

“What’s going on?”

“As you know, because of the assignment from the alchemy class, we all have to make
<Potion of Lesser Spirit Affinity>, right? There is a limit to the power of one's
own. I wondered if we could all move together and collect materials.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Lee Han was confused.

Lee Han had also thought about how to get together like that.

...because other top students are afraid of Lee Han.

'shit. Are you listening to me because of my uniform? I also have a priest's


“Then will you gather the Blue Dragon Tower students and come? Let’s gather the
ingredients together.”

"okay. Don’t do that.”

After the conversation, Lee Han saw Siana off.

The students who were next to Siana stepped back and said, 'I lived', 'Did you see
your eyes? I thought my heart was going to stop,' he muttered, 'You were kinder
than I thought though.'

Even though Lee Han knew it, he was embarrassed for nothing.
When he returned to his seat, Tigiling tilted his head.


“Um… Priest Siana of the Fleming Church.”

"yes. We're taking alchemy classes together."

"'s nothing."

Tigiling shut her mouth as she tried to speak.

There are two ways to make people frustrated, one is talking...

'It's a textbook question.'

Of course, Lee Han knew how demanding priests were.

Perhaps, talking in a place where the person concerned is not present could be seen
as a pointless gossip, so I kept my mouth shut.

But Lee Han didn't care about that at all.

'What do you know? I'm curious.'

Instead of Jeonggongbeop, Lee Han decided to persuade him by detour.

He took out the prayer cross of the Frisinga Church and placed it on the rock in
front of him.


Tigiling tilted her head, not understanding.

“It’s bad to curse someone who isn’t there, but it’s okay to say it out loud when
you pray alone in front of God.”

“...Is that right now, you’re going to cover your eyes and say hello…?”

“I think I heard something, but I can’t hear it. I am praying right now.”


“Last time, the students of the White Tiger Tower were ambushed and almost killed,
but if Siana Priest, who will be entering the mountain this time, is the one who
plots such a scheme, I would really die. But God will take care of me.”


Tigiling sighed and stood up.

Then he knelt next to Lee Han and bowed his head as if praying to the cross.

“Mr Freesinga. This is not meant to harm or accuse anyone.”

"thank you."

“I think I heard something, but I can't hear it. Because I am praying.”


Tigilling was also a bit behind the scenes.


“The priests who entered the Phoenix Tower are all faithful and good people, but…”

“It’s a place where people live, can you do that?”

“I’m praying, so please be quiet. Anyway, among those people, there are still
people who have given up their worldly feelings. Emotions like rivalry and jealousy
do nothing to the belief.”

Last week, a new freshman priest in the Tower of Phoenix made a potion of recovery
from fatigue for other priests.

He wanted to use the knowledge he had learned while living in the temple for

It was really priestly.

'If it were me, I would have sold it for money.'

- Drinking this potion will relieve your fatigue. Thank you very much!

- Priest Siana of the Fleming Church will also be amazed. You did a really good
job. Isn't it better made than Siana Priest?

While we were laughing and chatting in a friendly way, someone joked about us.

Rather than making a serious comparison, it was closer to a compliment that it was
really well made.

Siana Priest smiled and nodded, and no one felt uncomfortable.

...But the next day, Siana Priest came with a potion of recovery from fatigue.


- I made it too. Have a drink, everyone.

-oh. thank you

- That's great. Did you do it well?

The next day, Siana Priest came with a potion to recover from fatigue.

-thank you...?

- That's great, isn't it?

Also, on the next day, Siana Priest came with a recovery potion from fatigue.

At that time, the priests also realized.

- I think the potion made by Priest Siana is the best...!

- Who can compare!

At that time, Siana Priest did not bring the fatigue recovery potion.

“…Sir, you seem to have a bit of a competitive spirit.”

Hearing the anecdote, Lee Han said in a tired voice.

You keep making potions and bringing them in until you are recognized that you are
the best after hearing a joke.

“It wasn’t just that.”


'Isn't that the end?'

The priest who made the fatigue recovery potion before the priest Siana.

The priest later approached Priest Siana and praised him.

-You are also priest Siana. No one would be able to make a potion like that.

Tigiling, who was sitting there, looked intently.

Siana Priest pretending not to hear and leaving the seat.


In the end, it was only a few days later that Siana Priest accepted the priest's

'How narrow is your stomach?'

Lee Han, who was listening, was astonished.

No, if you say that you've been praised for one potion...

'What compliments did I get in the classroom?'

I think I've heard all kinds of compliments starting with the genius of alchemy...

Having said everything, Tigiling finished praying to Frisinga.

Lee Han, still not convinced, asked again.

“Would Siana Priest poison other people’s food by any chance?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Tigiling shut her mouth as if she didn't want to say any more.

Ian decided.

'If I move with the priest Siana, I must never eat the food recommended to me.'

* * *

The sun set and rose even though pain, despair, and tasks came like a mountain.
'It's a task, but I'm worried about other things.'

There were two things that Lee Han was most worried about right now.

How will you break into the White Tiger Tower?

And I have to go to the mountain range behind the school to get alchemy materials,
but what kind of crazy traps are there in the mountain range?

'I don't know which of the two is more difficult.'

However, the magic school did not have time to ponder for a long time.

It was just that they sent the student to the next lecture and squeezed it.

<Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Battle> Professor Voladi, who was standing in
the classroom, opened his mouth when Lee Han entered.

“You’re 11 seconds late.”

"sorry. I was late because I went to the stable early in the morning to take care
of the horses.”

“No sorry. You are the one who suffers from being late.”

'Where do professors learn to speak?'

With that thought in mind, Lee Han sat down.

It was just the two of us in the quiet classroom.

Professor Voladi snapped his fingers. Lee Han took out his wand and rotated his
iron ball.

The battle with the anti-magicians gave Lee Han a clear realization.

The control of the lower control spells was incomparable to what it had been

The iron ball rotated at a constant speed in a near-perfect circle.

'About two years earlier than expected.'

Professor Voladi thought with an expressionless face.

I'm glad Lee Han didn't hear it. If I had listened to it, I would have taken it

-No, did you choose the training that you need to learn for more than two years now
as the first content of the class???


"thank you."

Lee Han was well aware that when someone like Professor Voladi said, 'It's okay',
it means 'Very good!'
The compliment was not expected in the first place.

“I heard you learned the magic of creating water.”


“Do it.”

“Spring up!”

A lump of water appeared in front of Lee Han with the spell.

Thanks to Professor Garcia's corporal punishment, no, he was still able to maintain
his shape thanks to his education.

“Shrink it to bead size.”

“I’ll do it.”

Lee Han grabbed the staff and concentrated his mind.

The shape of the mass of water that appeared in the air was distorted and then
spurted out and distorted.

For Lee Han, who still has a huge amount of magical power, it was not a normal
thing to reduce the amount of water and equip it in the form of beads.

Professor Boladi picked up the iron bead placed in front of Lee Han.

Seeing this, Lee Han felt a certain ominous feeling.


An iron ball flew into Lee Han's face with a sharp sound.

'Oh, you crazy professor bastard...!'

Lee Han instinctively compressed the water mass into a bead. A huge chunk of water
was compressed to the size of a fist, and its strength and hardness increased


The flying iron ball collided with the water ball and it lost its strength and

"...professor. Are you going to keep doing this?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You just threw an iron ball at me.”

"ah. was that what you were saying Yes."

“…Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

Lee Han tried to convince Professor Boladi just as he had persuaded the other
But Professor Voladi was not as persuaded as the students.

“But wasn’t it efficient?”


“As in the fights of the Imperial Anti-Magicians, the sudden crisis sharpened your
concentration and instincts, giving you greater control over your magic. Why are
you trying to go back in this way?”


Lee Han was speechless.

It wasn't because I couldn't object, it was just because I was ridiculous.

People are speechless when they hear such nonsense!

“You seem to understand. Now turn.”

From spiritual stone beads to iron beads, from iron beads to water beads.

It's definitely the most difficult thing I've ever done to spin a water ball.

It is necessary to keep the generated water in the form of beads and rotate it at a
constant speed.

I felt my nerves being overworked, just as I felt when I was fighting the Imperial

A subtle shape that could not be called a circle was drawn in the air and then
drawn again.

And Professor Voladi sent an iron ball.


Lee Han stopped right away.

Even if he didn't have enough control to draw a circle, he was able to block one
attack as long as he was vigilant in advance.

'I knew this!'

However, Professor Voladi was also expecting Lee Han to stop him. At the same time,
another iron ball flew in while rotating in the opposite direction.



I hurriedly turned the water ball, but it was too late. The iron bead was pinned
exactly on the back plate. Lee Han clenched his teeth.


I felt the shock even though I had put strength in my muscles. She remembered the
time when she was learning swordsmanship from Alar Long.


Lee Han didn't even have time to answer.

Avoid the flying iron beads and move the water beads like crazy.

One thing was certain.

'I'd rather have a lecture with a lot of homework.'

* * *

“Wordanaj looks very tired.”

“It must be because of the task. I also couldn't sleep properly because of my
homework. Besides, Wodanaj isn't just a regular lecturer."

“Actually, if it’s a lecture that Wodanaj will listen to, it’s usually not
difficult. It's Wodanaj."

“By the way, when will you enter the White Tiger Pagoda?”


The Blue Dragon Tower students gathered in the <Understanding Basic Magic> lecture
room chattered.

Lee Han's face, leaning at an angle with his eyes closed, looked quite tired.

It was the aftermath of a life-threatening bead fight with Professor Voladi.

Blue Dragon Tower students weren't the only ones talking. The students of the Black
Turtle Tower also talked about it.

“Anyone taking alchemy classes? I'm going up the mountain tomorrow, is that really

“Have the rumors spread already? okay. All the other top students decided to go up

“Isn’t there a way out inside the mountain?”

'You're dreaming in vain.'

Lee Han felt sorry for the words of the Black Turtle Tower students.

Do you think there is a way out?

You will be very disappointed if you find out.

“Wait, then, are you going with Wodanaj? If I make a mistake, I will be punished…”

“Seol, I hope it won’t go away. We are different towers.”


Ian sighed deeply.

“Nice to meet you all.”

"Hello, Professor!"

When Professor Garcia came in, all the students politely greeted each other.

Now the students were feeling it.

Professor Garcia is the most conscientious person in this school.

The scariest thing about a troll was a professor who didn't know the human heart.

“Until last time, we had been practicing various things to become familiar with
elemental magic. However, in this basic magic understanding class, you will learn
not only elemental magic, but also various types of magic... illusion,
intelligence, summoning or transformation magic, etc. As your grades go up, you
will learn these magics professionally.”

The magical world was infinitely wide and so deep that the bottom could not be

It is impossible for a person to learn everything in the world as a human ability.

Naturally, the wizards decided to specialize in their field of study.

As much as Lee Han knew, I wasn't too surprised.

“Today we will have time to learn what magic in other fields is like. Instead of
teaching by myself, a professor who is an expert in magic in this field.”

At Professor Garcia's words, the eyes of the students sparkled with anticipation
and curiosity.

There was a field of magic that everyone was interested in.

Some use elemental magic, some use elemental magic, some use enchantment magic...

'I hope you are an excellent spirit warrior! I want to learn spirit magic...'

'I'm here to learn body strengthening and healing. I want you to teach me
reinforcement magic.'

"ruler! Come on in."

As the door opened, the temperature in the classroom suddenly dropped. The students
shivered from the sudden chill.

“Nice to meet you all... Colok, Colok. My name is Professor Mortum.”

For a moment, Lee Han thought that the professor was a Dwarf. But the professor was
short, but he was a human race.

Professor Mortum was coughing so much as he spoke, that even the wind would blow
him away.

“Are you okay?”

“I think you should go to the hospital rather than lecture…”

“Collock, it’s okay. it's okay..."

Professor Mortum spoke softly while coughing. One of his students raised his hand
and asked.

“What kind of magic do you teach?”

“I teach black magic.”



The atmosphere was chilly.

Black magic was the worst type of magic among magic.


In the Empire, black magic had no choice but to have a bad image.

First of all, it looks a little drab, dark, and gloomy.

Besides, the magic they dealt with was ugly and disgusting.

Curse, summon undead, dark element or poison element, negative energy, etc.

It was natural for people to be reluctant.

-hello. Residents of the village. This is the newly appointed dispatch wizard. He
specializes in elemental magic, especially fire.

-Oh oh! You don't have to worry about the cold in winter!

- No, hello. This is the newly appointed dispatch wizard. His main major is...
Black magic...

-Yes? I beg your pardon?

- Specializes in black magic and summoning undead.

-...Don't let the wizard go to the grave.

As most people are reluctant, the freshmen who came here were the same.

Each of them came to school with their own big intentions, but they did not want to
learn black magic that was persecuted.

However, Lee Han looked at the professor with an interesting gaze.

'Where others do not go, there is a way.'

Even before entering the school, Lee Han thought that black magic was quite

First of all, since there will be fewer other students, there will be less
And just because you took a black magic class, you don't have to go down the path
of a black magician.

'You can just get your grades and go somewhere else.'

You'll hear other magics anyway, so there's no reason to worry already.

And in Lee Han's eyes, the life of an Imperial Warlock wasn't that bad.

Although people were afraid, the number of wizards was so small that once hired,
they were never cut from their posts.

Extreme iron rice bowl!

“I thought everyone would react that way.”

Perhaps Professor Garcia noticed the mood of the students, but instead opened his

“However, black magic is a field that contains deep mystery and reason, contrary to
popular prejudice. You are still unpolished wizards. You have to keep trying and
experimenting to find out what you are talented at and what you should aim for. I
want you to learn science out of magical curiosity, rather than throwing away
opportunities because of prejudice.”

Professor Garcia's words were calm and reasonable. The freshmen looked at Professor
Garcia with a slightly moved expression.

"ruler. So who can help Professor Mortum teach black magic?”



Of course that was it, and black magic was black magic.

The students bowed their heads to avoid Professor Garcia's gaze.

“Lee Han. Bow down! Bow down!”

Guy Nando grabbed Lee Han's collar and called out urgently.

“If you hang out with a warlock, you can become an undead soldier even if you die

“…are you a wizard?”

Lee Han looked at Guy Nando as if embarrassed.

They're ordinary people who don't know much about magic. Even so, why do you
believe that?

“I will help.”


Lee Han raised his hand.

The students looked at Lee Han with amazement and awe.

I knew that the Wodanaj family boy was playing the leader role in the Blue Dragon

But no matter what, I'm willing to volunteer for the test of black magic.

Even the students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were afraid of Lee Han after
hearing the rumors of the Wodanaj family, changed their eyes.

“Student Lee Han!”

Professor Garcia looked at Lee Han with a very happy expression.

Lee Han knew what that expression was.

I asked another close professor, 'Please come and give me a lecture sometime', and
the professor came to me, and I get nervous when the students just sit still like
honey-eaten idiots.

I wonder if I should prepare in advance to say to the disciples, 'Hey, raise your
hand and ask a question'.

From the perspective of Professor Garcia, I couldn't even imagine how grateful I
would be to Lee Han, who has stood up now.

“Collock, Cologne. Thank you. Come on."

As he got closer to Professor Mortum, Lee Han could see why the temperature in the
classroom had dropped.

A considerable amount of magical energy was emanating from Professor Mortum, who
was standing still.

That too was not just magic, but magic of the negative attribute.

This cold and gloomy negative magic is like a symbol of warlocks.

Magical power was basically colorless, but there were many times when it was
necessary to change the properties of magic power to match the magic you were
trying to do.

Basically, black magic often had to change magic into negative properties in that

'That's why it's not popular.'

Still, the image is not good, but you casually scatter such magical powers on
students approaching you.

In this way, even students who tried to approach you with interest will be
terrified and will take a step back.

Here and there, basically, all of the professors weren't really good at attracting

“You have a lot of magic.”

"thank you."
"okay. Pick up the wand… I’ll show you first.”

Professor Mortum clapped several times and then waved.

At that moment, the chaotic negative magic that was spewing out was arranged in an
orderly manner in an instant.

“Arise, servants of the bones!”

Bone beasts suddenly appeared among the students from the air with a creepy rattle.

They spun around in a bizarre dance. The students looked like they were on the
verge of fainting.

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han and asked with a happy voice.

“Colok… how are you, okay?”


“I prepared this because I thought the students would like it.”

"Well. That sounds interesting.”

Han-eun Lee avoided the truth so as not to hurt the professor. Professor Garcia
expressed her gratitude with her eyes.

"Of course, I'm not going to make you do this kind of magic. cologne. Because
that’s too difficult magic.”

It was a natural sound, but Lee Han felt grateful for that natural voice.

Professor Voladi should listen to this!

“For now, let’s try to convert magic into negative properties.”

Lee Han drew his magic power.

Since he had already converted it into light and water once, he knew the tricks of
attribute conversion.

Drawing an image in your head, focusing on that image, and dyeing it with magical


“You’re good at it.”

Professor Mortum admired the skillful transition.

"thank you."

“Let’s change more.”

Lee Han concentrated and started changing his magical power.

'no. How are you?'

Professor Garcia, who was watching, was slightly perplexed.

It was an apology to Professor Mortum, but a student like Lee Han didn't want to go
down a thorny path like black magic.

'If you do it too well, that's not good...'

Other wizards suffered a lot more trial and error than expected when thinking of
the negative properties.

This sound attribute is a broader and more ambiguous concept than one might think.


The ice properties were also cold.


The dark attribute was also dark.

There were many wizards who couldn't hold onto the strands as they contained
several attributes.

But Lee Han thought simply.

'Let's just think of a bizarre mathematical image like a non-Euclidean geometry or

an imaginary number.'

An advantage of Lee Han that other wizards cannot match.

It was just a wide range of thinking.

Luckily, that image was exactly the same, and the magical power was smoothly
converted to the negative attribute.

a little bit more.

And more and more.

And and more and more.


Lee Han felt uncomfortable.


Even though it was broad daylight, the classroom became dark, and the temperature
that had gone down was dropping even more, and breath began to come out.

However, Professor Mortum did not intend to stop him and urged him with an
interesting expression.

Seeing the gentleman who had just been snoring with his eyes shining and not even
coughing, he looked like a completely different person.

“How far is it possible? Let’s do more.”

“Me, Professor Mortum?”

Professor Garcia tried to stop him.

Of course, it was nice to see Professor Mortum so happy, but there were other
students in the classroom now.

There was a gloomy atmosphere in the classroom, and the sensitive students could
hear hallucinations of non-living things.

From what Professor Garcia saw, we should have stopped here.

'Considering the magical power of student Lee Han...'

As much as you are curious, you never know what will happen if you switch as much
as possible.


“Wouldn’t it be better to stop?”

“Let’s change it a little bit more. I wonder how possible it is.”

“You can check that in other situations as well.”


“Stop it.”

"oh. I see.”

When Professor Garcia fell in love, Professor Mortum lowered his tail.

'It's close...'

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han with a sad expression.

One of the most important things in black magic was the amount of mana of that
sound attribute.

Of course, there is no magic field where magic is not important, but if there is a
lot of magic in black magic, what can be done is really limitless.

Summon Undead?

Magic was important.


Magic was important.

The same goes for dark elements and poison elements...

So I tried to check how far I could go, but it's drying like this.

'Professor Garcia is also very cruel to people.'


Lee Han called Professor Mortum.

A huge amount of magical power was slowly dissipating because the conversion had

"ah. I'm sorry. Just swing your staff like this and try to memorize the spell. be
paralyzed! do."

Lesser Curse of Paralysis.

As a 1st circle black magic, it was one of the easiest black magic.

A curse that inflicts mild paralysis in the opponent's arms or legs.

There is not a person who has never had a numb arm or leg in his life.

It was easy to come up with an image like that, and it was easy to move the wand.

“Who are you talking to?”

“Of course to me.”

Unlike other magic, the curse required an opponent.

Ian was perplexed.

Professor Mortum, as you know, seemed weak enough to be blown over by the wind.

'I wished that one day I would cast magic on the professor, but it wasn't like

“Is that really okay?”

Professor Mortum replied with annoyance.

"Of course. Come on walk.”

“Defense magic or something like that, isn’t it?”

“Collock, Kollock… At best, it’s a magic that paralyzes an arm or a leg. Even if
there is a problem, how likely will it be?”

'That's right.'

Ian understood.

Come to think of it, worrying about Professor Lee Han-yi, a freshman, was too much
of a topic in itself.

'Let's focus more. You might be taken by the professor for being arrogant for

As Lee Han closed his eyes and focused, Professor Mortum shrugged his shoulders as
if to hurry.

Wizards basically have more magic than others, and they knew how to handle the
magic in their body with their own will.

As such, the resistance to magic attacks was strong.

Even when attacked, magical powers instinctively protect the body.

And like Professor Mortum, people who have been dealing with negative magic for
almost their entire life have stronger resistance to negative magic.

A freshman's spell is not just defending, and being hit has no effect.

'Once blocked, you will realize how deep and vast this black magic is.'

Professor Mortum thought that Lee Han would be deeply impressed if his all-out
magic was blocked.

-Even if I did my best, I wouldn't mind doing this...! I didn't know black magic
could be so great. I want to learn more!

-Collock, if you're going to learn, I'm not going to stop you.

It was an optimistic idea that only a paralyzed person could have, characteristic
of a professor.

“Be paralyzed!”

With the spell, Lee Han aimed at Professor Mortum with his staff.

Then, the gathered magical energy exploded with willpower and attacked Professor


Professor Mortum was momentarily taken aback by the much more magical power than he
had expected.

He tried to fight back, but the magical energy that had already overtaken his body
wrapped around Professor Mortum as if suffocating him.

...In the end, Professor Mortum fell backwards, stiffly paralyzed.


"...professor? professor!!"

Ian was terrified.

An infamous title like 'Professor Killer' flashed through my mind for a moment.


Fortunately, Lee Han did not have to bear the title of 'Professor Killer'.

Professor Mortum woke up immediately.

“…Collock. Have you all seen it? This is the curse of lesser paralysis.”

In fact, Professor Mortum was still stiff.

As soon as he collapsed, he quickly activated his magical power to drive away the
curse, but the effect was still there because the amount was quite large.

The other black magic students studying under Professor Mortum might have fainted
if they saw this situation.
No matter how careless he was, a first-year student defeated Professor Mortum with
a low-level paralysis curse...


Professor Garcia knew the truth, so he was looking at Professor Mortum with a
puzzled look.

Professor Mortum avoided his gaze, pretending not to see him.

"Fortunately, the. professor."

Lee Han said in a relieved voice.

At first I was really surprised, but it turned out that Professor Mortum was
deliberately trying to show the effect of the Lesser Paralysis Curse.

It was kind of weird!

“…you have a talent for curses.”

"Is that so? thank you."

“…you have a talent for curses.”

"thank you?"

The professor saying it twice wasn't a very good sign.

Lee Han was keenly aware of the sign.

'What are we going to do now?'

Either he's really talented, or Lee Han has something against the professor.

Considering the twisted minds of ordinary professors, the latter was more likely.

'Is the curse worse than I thought? Such an ignorant professor. If my first curse
was perfect, would I be a freshman?'

“As you can see, curse magic is so universal that everyone knows at least one or
two even if they don’t necessarily learn black magic professionally.”

Professor Garcia intervened to refresh the atmosphere.

“Lesser curse magic is not difficult to learn, and above all, once you learn it, it
becomes easier to deal with other curse magic. Just because you don't learn curse
magic doesn't mean other people won't use it."

There were many attack magics that could be learned quickly in black magic.

It was easy to understand when compared to the magic of the fire attribute.

To attack someone with fire magic, starting with creating a flame, and controlling
the flame, it required the ability to shoot it to the other side.

On the other hand, the curse of black magic was over when he concentrated on the
curse. Everyone has experienced numbness in their legs or body aches.
To this extent, mercenary wizards of low circles who did not formally learn magic
often learned one or two curses of black magic.

The best way to deal with any magic is to learn it.

It was good to have some understanding of black magic as you don't know what will
happen later.

That is why Professor Garcia summoned Professor Mortum.

You don't have to learn black magic...!

"ruler. Let’s explain it like this… Shall we make a pair?”

* * *

Contrary to the gloomy atmosphere at first, the students showed more interest in
the curse than expected.

Everyone was still young.

Although I heard a lot of bad stories about black magic, I couldn't help but be
tempted by the fact that it was an easy-to-learn attack magic.

Moreover, the logic of Professor Garcia's 'to protect yourself, you have to learn a
few curses' was quite plausible.

“Are you swinging like this?”

“I think that’s right?”

“I’ve heard that curses aren’t necessarily just paralyzing curses like this. I
heard that there are curses that darken your vision, curses that obstruct
breathing, and curses that destroy your sense of balance.”

“Hey… ah. Are you going to learn black magic?”


Of course, everyone was interested in curses, so he wasn't young enough to say that
he wanted to learn black magic as a professional.

That was it and this was this.

"I will leave it up to you."

"I will leave it up to you."

Lee Han's practice opponent was Gainando.

The two greeted each other noblely and then raised their staff.

The rules were simple.

One attacks first.

Then the other side attacks.

The purpose was not only to cast a curse, but also to experience being beaten.

Kainando's advance.


Gainando began to concentrate his magic and transform it into negative properties.


Ian was surprised.

Gainando was converting his magic faster than expected.

'Are you talented in black magic?'

It could have been a coincidence, but considering Gainando's appearance in other

elements, it was right that he had talent.

It's hard to deal with light, fire, and water, but you can change sound properties
so quickly.

'Or maybe it's easy enough that just dogs and small dogs can do it.'

Ian thought so.

Come to think of it, I converted Lee Han quickly and Gai Nand also converted

I just didn't know it was so easy to change sound properties.

"no. That student…”

Professor Mortum looked surprised and whispered to Professor Garcia.

I thought I was surprised enough by the Wodanaj boy, but I found a young warlock
who was talented enough if not that much.

Even if it wasn't as much as a boy from the Wodanaj family, that was enough talent
to see him once in ten years.

“You’re talking about Kainando students. He certainly has a talent for black

“Do you think so too?”

"Yes. Actively recommend it.”

Professor Garcia did not stop. He rather recommended it. It was different from the
way Lee Han was worried about learning black magic as a professional.

The reason was simple.

Lee Han did well in almost any field of magic. Natural magic power, excellent
sensing ability, flexible and broad thinking, and sincere attitude.

In the eyes of Professor Garcia, such a student had no choice but to excel in any
However, Gainando didn't seem to have any particular talent in any field.

So, if you find a field that suits your aptitude, it is right to learn.

In a way, it's not a blessing to have such black magic fit your aptitude.

“Be paralyzed!”

While the two were talking, Gainando memorized a spell. Although the ending was
slightly different, the curse was successfully cast. Professor Mortum nodded his
head with satisfaction.

'You have talent.'


'ah. That's why I asked you to be cursed.'

Lee Han could understand Professor Garcia's words as he felt the curse coming from

Why is curse magic so easy to learn?

And why is it good to learn curse magic and learn how to deal with it?

'Curse magic is... simple and sloppy in structure.'

Thanks to Professor Voladi's exhausting treatment, Lee Han immediately noticed what
kind of weakness the curse magic had.

Curse magic was similar to throwing a net or throwing net.

They simply weave a net called a curse with their magical powers and throw them

If the opponent is hit, the curse wraps around it like a net wraps around it.

It had the advantage of being able to cast quickly and simply without having to
aim, but the magic itself had to be weakened.

Shooting different spells at the flying curse, swinging a sword, blocking with a
shield, preparing a defensive spell...

This is the only way Lee Han can think of right now, so there must be many more
ways to deal with it.

A magic that can only be easily blocked if you know in advance that the opponent
will cast a curse.

So, it was clear that I was told to learn the curse.

If you learn the curse magic a few times, you will quickly get a sense of it when
you see another curse magic that you have never seen before.

'No, but I'm a little upset that I noticed this thanks to what happened to
Professor Voladi.'

If curse magic was a net, Professor Voladi's magic was close to the stabbing of an
excellent swordsman.
Not only is it difficult to block or dodge, but even if you block it, it does not
stop and immediately leads to the next attack.

As I dealt with these attacks directly, I naturally had no choice but to quickly
grasp this structure.

If you can't figure it out, you're right!


While he was thinking, the curse struck Lee Han's body. Gainando jumped with joy
when the curse was successfully cast out.



“…Uh, but where are you paralyzed?”

"I know?"

Lee Han was puzzled and looked up and down his body.

It didn't feel like it was paralyzed at all.


“Isn’t that a failure?”

"is it?"

“I’ll try again.”

Knowing that Gainando had failed, he raised his staff and prepared the magic again.

“Be paralyzed!”


As before, the same curse flew and struck Lee Han’s body.

Of course, nothing has changed as before.

Lee Han and Guy Nando put their heads together and began to ponder.

“Maybe there was a problem with the movement?”

"Well. The magic seems to have come out right. Maybe it's because I memorized the
spell strangely? 'Get paralyzed' is a bit polite. I don't think it's a spell like
that when casting a curse."

“Is that so? Shall we say, 'Go paralyzed, bastard'?"

"...I think it's okay to just be paralyzed."

Professor Garcia, who had been listening to the unanswered conversations of the two
freshmen, approached with a sigh.
“It’s not that the curse has failed, it’s that Lee Han’s student has so much magic
that it didn’t work. Kainando student. The students did well.”


Guynando was surprised.

"what. Was it like that? But it still doesn't work at all... Maybe I'm not good at
black magic."

“Do you need to decide already?”

"no. I had no interest in black magic anyway. You can’t do it without talent.”

Gainando said coolly.

He really had no interest in black magic.

I prefer more sophisticated and cool magic. What do you do with black magic?

“Then I’ll get it right.”

"okay. Get ready.”

Lee Han recalled the memory of the professor falling down.

Of course, the professor fell on purpose, but even thinking about it now, it was
like a nightmare.

'You have to adjust your strength. There is no need to gather a lot of mana.'

Lee Han was planning to cast it immediately after collecting the minimum amount.



Professor Mortum, who was watching, was startled.

Cut orders and cut them down.

In magic, spells were more important than expected.

Human words contained powerful power and had a great influence on the wizard's

As such, it was not easy to cut or cut the order at will.

No matter how easy a curse spell is, it's already cut and reduced the spell.


Gainando shouted and threw himself to the side. The other students next to them
looked at Gainando in surprise.

Lee Han asked as if embarrassed.

“…what are you doing?”

“Oh, no. In a instinct..."


Professor Mortum was startled again.

Sensing ability to sense the sonic magic contained in the curse and react

That was an outstanding talent in black magic.

...Of course, there was no need to avoid being naked like that.

* * *

The lecture ended nicely.

The students were able to have a great time by shooting curses at each other and
hitting each other.

Professor Garcia made the students feel more happy by not giving away homework.

"ruler. Did everyone enjoy today's lecture?"

"Yes. professor!"

“Applause to Professor Mortum!”

Clap clap clap-

“Everyone must have been interested in black magic, right?”


'I just asked.'

Professor Garcia regretted it.

I just asked a question to stop the applause, and the atmosphere became strange.

“Professor Mortum. Please say a word.”

“Collock. Everyone... I think you know a lot about the allure of black magic. I can
see some of the students here who are already interested in black magic.”



The students tilted their heads.

'Are you interested?'

'no. you?'

'Of course not.'

"ha ha ha. Who would seriously want to learn black magic?”

Gainando said with a smile as if it was nonsense.


“Collock. That student will come to my studio during break time.”


Professor Mortum coughed and spoke to Gainando.

Gainando made a face as if he had been hit in the face.


what did i do wrong??

Could it be that there was a grudge against the imperial family???

“And that student too.”

Professor Mortum also pointed out Lee Han.

Lee Han was not as shocked as Guy Nando.

In the beginning, he was seriously considering black magic as one of the options
for managing his grades.

However, the Blue Dragon Tower students had a different meaning.

“Gainan too, you bastard! Because of you, Wodanaj seems to be dragged too!”

“You can’t even die alone, stupid?!”

“Tell me you’re going alone!”

He misunderstood that Lee Han was also forcibly taken away because he was close
with Guy Nando.

The students were outraged.

There are several responsibilities that Lee Han has to take care of. Are you going
to go alone or lead Lee Han like a water ghost?

“These… these children… you will never go alone! I will go with you!”

Gainando was moved by the bullying of his friends.




"everyone. Professor Mortum is already gone.”

Professor Garcia looked at the Blue Dragon Tower students as if pathetic.

* * *
To put it simply, the wizard's workshop was like a kind of laboratory.

A place where the wizard's disciples voluntarily explore topics that the wizard is
interested in through various experiments and explorations without a break for 25
hours a day.

Of course, saying this sounds like a hellish place where people are exhausted and
torn apart, but it was actually true.

It was different depending on the type of wizard's workshop, but basically, the
life of the disciples learning under the wizard was going to be hard.

When I was in the Lee Han-do family, I heard quite a few stories about the wizard's
disciples studying in the workshop.

-Once upon a time, there was a disciple who was learning magic under a wizard. When
this student woke up in the morning, he had to sharpen his staff, prepare reagents
for the experiment according to the alchemy secret, adjust the amount of magical
power to enter the magic circle, and then go outside to find the necessary
materials and collect them before lunch before returning. This disciple was so
smart that he made simple lunches while walking around, which gave him time to get
the next job done quickly. So then...

-Will the end of this story end with the disciple killing the wizard and taking
over the workshop?

-young master. What nonsense joke are you talking about? In the end, of course,
this student who studied hard will become a great wizard.


There was no paradise for a learner in any world.

But fortunately, I don't have to worry about that now.

Because now Lee Han is a freshman!

Now that it was not decided which professor to learn under, no one had any reason
to be afraid.

If you want to be a mad professor, you can quietly walk back and come out.


“…are you really crying?”

Ian was perplexed.

Gainando's eyes were really red.

“What did I do wrong… to call a place in such a gloomy and secluded place…”

“Isn’t there any guarantee that you were called by mistake?”

“Then what will it be?! uh! Obviously, like someone who has learned black magic,
his heart was twisted and he called me to harass me separately!”

Now, the two were heading to the place Professor Mortum had pointed out.
And, in Lee Han's view, the location of Professor Mortum's workshop was a bit

'Is it too gloomy?'

The road on the way became more and more lonely and quiet, and the wind got
stronger and stronger, and I could hear ghosts in the forest next to the road...

There were even a few graveyards.

Of course, I didn't understand it.

Black magic will basically require negative elemental magic, and research on undead
will require a corpse...

If all of those conditions were met, there was no choice but to be so brutal.

'But it sounds like you have no conscience when you ask why the freshmen don't come
after this...'

In the distance, I could see Professor Mortum's workshop, the so-called "Darkness
Hall" building.

From the outside, it looked like an ordinary four-story tower, but it was common
sense that the wizards' buildings could not be guessed just by their appearance.

And there were already a few hints near the tower.

Skeletons and bones rolling around with broken bones.

A tombstone that was roughly cut and laid.

<Handling caution!!! A box of poison water bottles with a sign that says "If you
touch it, you die!!"

It seemed that I could roughly understand what kind of experimentation and research
was being conducted in this workshop.

Gainando's face, feeling the atmosphere, had already turned pale enough to be
indistinguishable from the undead.

“Are you there?”


When I knocked on the door, it opened on its own. Lee Han went inside with Guy

Guy Nando trembled and tried to grab Lee Han's collar. Lee Han clapped his hand as
if it were bothering him. Gainando made a face full of betrayal.

“Collock, Coloc… you’re here.”

The studio was filled with black and blue smoke, making it impossible to recognize
an inch ahead. Professor Mortum's voice was heard in the smoke.

“Diret. Guide the freshmen.”

“Are you crazy, Professor? The principal said that the upper grades should not
contact the first graders.”

"ah. It did. cologne. It's annoying... Can't we just sneak up on it?"

“You just came out of that cell, haven’t you? Are you going to jail again?”

“Not a prison cell, but a punishment room... Kolok. i get it. Come in.”

Professor Mortum swung his wand and drove the smoke out of the bud.

Then I saw what was inside.

Ann was better than expected.

Maybe it was organized like this to entice new students, but...

Tables, chairs and bookshelves.

It had a library-like atmosphere.

' Are they all bones?'

Lee Han realized later and was startled.

All the furniture was made of bones.

Of course, for a warlock who is good at summoning bones, making furniture out of
bones was a very cost-effective choice.

It's a bit bizarre

Gainando sat down on the chair, noticing that it was a bone.

Professor Mortum said, trying to be as benevolent as possible.

“Collock. Do you already know why I called you this way?”

“I did nothing wrong, Professor!”

“I called them both because I thought they both had the greatest talent for black
magic among the students. Wait, what did you just say?”

"it's nothing."

Gainando shut his mouth.

It was a little different from what I thought.

'Are you saying I'm good at black magic?'

“Lee Han. Do you think I have a great talent for black magic?”

“I have ears. I must have heard it because I was by your side.”

“Ah... what about this? I'm not interested in black magic. am i talented? Ah...

Lee Han couldn't help but admire Guynando's shallow heart.

How do you have such thin ears?

Professor Mortum rubbed his palms and brought some candy from somewhere. It was a
candy with a skull wrapping paper on it.

“Eat some while you listen. ruler. As both of them are very talented in black
magic, I thought it would be great to hear about how good black magic is. There are
many misconceptions about black magic, but it must be really misunderstood.
cologne. cologne. Black magic is the most beautiful and profound field of magic.”


Gainando had a half-obsessed expression on his face, but Lee Han was listening with
a bit of pity.

It's a story I've heard a lot.

Professors in popular fields were arrogant and arrogant.

-You want to learn under me? Look at your talent and think for a second.

But if there are popular fields, there are also unpopular fields.

A professor in an unpopular field was literally weeping and salty.

-The great thing about our course is that... there's nowhere else to go.


- Isn't it great to think that there is only one way to go up?


In Professor Mortum's words, the typical pathology of a professor in an unpopular

field was reflected.

I saw someone who couldn't even convince a student say that while giving them

“...that is why black magic is the magic of magic and the king of magic. Do you

“I’m interested in black magic!!”

“I didn’t know black magic could be this great.”

At Gainando and Lee Han's answers, a smile bloomed on Professor Mortum's face.

* * *

“Oh, should I learn black magic? I didn't know I was so talented. But black magic
has a bit of an image. But if you really need me oh Still, a little…”

Ignoring Gainando, who was humming excitedly next to him, Lee Han glanced at the
gift he had received from Professor Mortum.

To the two students who answered in the affirmative, Professor Mortum presented a
carefully wrapped gift.

...that was an unidentified bone.

-What is this?

- When you go back to your room, you will see this bone. Then you will think of
black magic.

- No... What is it?

- Whoops. chock chock.

Professor Mortum stole his nose with a shy expression.

As if the joy of discovering and realizing this secret cannot be taken away from
the student.

Of course, it was a rather creepy gift for Lee Han.

What kind of bone is this?

'Is there any magic?'

The first guess Lee Han made was a simple artifact containing magic.

Haven't you already been hit by the book the principal gave you once in the
punishment room?

It might be fashionable to give magic artefacts to the professors here without

explanation to the students.

Just like presenting something sweet to your lover on an anniversary...

'I thought, but what a terrible metaphor.'

Lee Han thought that he would go back and study it later.

“Lee Han. Lee Han.”


“Even if I start learning black magic, will it be an absolute secret to Makein?”

Lee Han realized what Guy Nando was thinking.

It was Guynando who made fun of Yoner for learning alchemy.

How would you be teased if you said that you were learning black magic?

Ian replied with a smile.


'I have to tell you right away.'

* * *

The elf swordsman, Professor Ingaldel, was a professor who taught basic
swordsmanship lectures and basic physical strength training lectures.

And both of these lectures are mainly taught by students of the White Tiger Tower.

In such a lecture, Lee Han, who came alone from the Blue Dragon Tower, stood out
very much.

However, the atmosphere was a little different from the last swordsmanship class.

If anyone in the last swordsmanship class was anxious because they couldn't fight
it somehow, in this class, everyone avoided it because they didn't want to make eye
contact with Lee Han.

If you get it wrong, you'll be smashed!

'It's comfortable.'

Lee Han thought it was a good thing to be pissed off.

After all, a person has to give a shit from time to time to make life easier.

Of course, he didn't even lower the difficulty of the lecture.

“Everyone runs non-stop. without stopping! It's important to use the muscles of
your body, but don't forget to feel the magic with your breath. If you keep
circulating the magic through your body, you can use your muscles much more

Wizards used magic only for magic, but swordsmen used their own bodies.

The magical energy that flows and circulates like a river without stopping inside
the body prevents fatigue from accumulating in the body and creates the effect of
defending against external poison.

...Of course, saying that doesn't mean that still young freshmen can do it.

Everyone was running with magic and circulation and just gasping.

“Professor, I have a question.”

"What is?"

Professor Ingaldel greeted Lee Han who was talking to him and answered.

What do you really want to ask?

“I’m going to go into the mountains this time to get materials, but do you have any
advice for me…”

"Well. I'd rather quit."


“I really want to quit.”

At Professor Ingaldel's serious advice, Lee Han became anxious.

“Is it that dangerous?”

“There are too many dangerous monsters in these mountains. Deep down, there must be
many monsters that even the professors do not know. As it is now spring, as the
week goes by, there must be more monsters that will wake up...”

Professor Ingaldel looked at the mountain range with a worried look.

As this magic school Einro Guard is located in a place with abundant magical power,
there were only a lot of monsters around it.

In particular, the mountain range located behind the school was a dangerous area
where all monsters could exist in Ingaldel's eyes.

The area deep in the mountain range seemed suitable for ogres, mountain giants,
trolls, and wyverns, and powerful giant monsters such as ...

If there were such monsters, even powerful monsters that would not normally live on
the outskirts of the mountain range were pushed out to the outskirts, avoiding the

“No matter how energetic students are, going into these mountains is not a wise
choice. Only a madman would make such a choice.”

“It’s not because I want to go in, but the task is to go into the mountains and get


Professor Ingaldel made a humble expression and coughed in vain.

I didn't know it was another professor's assignment.

“Is that so? Then the story may be a little different.”

“The story doesn’t seem to be any different…”

Strictly speaking, Professor Ingaldel was a swordsman, not a wizard.

As such, there was bound to be a certain difference in the way of thinking with the
professors at this school.

In particular, the cool way of thinking of professors such as 'If you learn the
science of magic, people can die' made Ingaldel terrified.

But just because you don't agree, you can't curse a fellow professor in front of

Professor Ingaldel concealed his inner feelings and spoke as much as possible.

“If another professor told you to go to the mountains and get materials, you must
have something to think about.”

“Is that so?”

Lee Han was already looking at Professor Ingaldel with disbelief.

How could someone who used to say 'this is something crazy people do' react like
that as soon as they hear the professor's name...
I had a strong suspicion that he was taking sides with him as a fellow professor.

Professor Ingaldel coughed once more and changed the topic.

“Anyway, breathing is coming back. That's great. Have you completed the cycle?”

Professor Ingaldel was delighted when Lee Han, who had been exhaling rapidly, spoke
as if he had suddenly become more comfortable.

This effect takes place only when the magical cycle within the body is completed.

"Yes? Ah, this is…”

Lee Han made a funny expression.

"sorry. I was distracted and just released my energy.”

Squeeze magic power from the center of the body-> Concentrate the squeezed magic
power and circulate it throughout the body.

This was the pinnacle.

Just like blood, if magical power flows smoothly throughout the body, it will be
possible to strengthen the body without any waste.

The key here is smooth circulation that does not break or stutter!

...However, when the circulation was interrupted and it became difficult, Lee Han
did not circulate the magic power in a cool way, but sent it to various parts of
the body and then released it.

After all, the magic power can be squeezed out again.


Professor Ingaldel stared at Lee Han, unable to understand what this Woudanaj
student was talking about.

* * *


Hearing detailed explanations from Lee Han and what happened while fighting the
anti-magic, Professor Ingaldel was troubled.

Originally, it was a job that should have been stopped because it was possible that
he would die.

To fight in such a way that you waste your magic like that. It was like splattering
his own blood on the floor.

But Professor Ingaldel had a flexible mindset.

If there are a hundred swordsmen, there are a hundred swordsmen.

Considering the innate amount of magical power that a boy of the Wodanaj family had
(I don't know if it could be said that he was born with that), such a waste could
be one of the ways.
Professor Ingaldel, who had been contemplating and contemplating, made up his mind
and said.

“I am not going to tell you to ban that method. However, it is better to focus on
completing the cycle rather than using it as much as possible normally.”

"All right."

Ihan nodded his head indifferently.

In fact, Lee Han didn't have a crazy idea of what kind of glory he would enjoy,
like, 'The most important virtue of a prosecutor is power... Even if the forbidden
secret burns my life, I will gain powerful power...'.

If it's dangerous, you don't say, 'Oh, it looks dangerous'.

“And with that much mana, it will be more difficult to complete the cycle within.”


Where did you hear a lot about it?

“So, Wodanaj students will increase the amount of training.”

“…oh, oh…”

Lee Han was able to manage his expression with a spirit of steel.

You have to pretend to be happy!

'You can't tea. You can't tea.'

Professor Ingaldel, who still had a human heart compared to the professors here,
was delighted with the reaction.

"Is that so? I was worried that I might hate it, but it turned out really well.”

“Yeah… I’m so happy… You know, I’m serious about swordsmanship…”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Ingaldel smiled with his scarred face wide open.

“I have known for a long time that the Wodanaj students are serious about


"Oh yeah. I will accompany you when you go into the mountains to find ingredients.”

“…Didn’t Professor Thunderwalker say it would be as good as you thought it would


"Yes. But I like to go for walks.”

Professor Ingaldel, whose one leg and one arm are both prosthetic and prosthetic,
was unlikely to like a walk in the steep mountain range, but Lee Han had to nod his

To be honest, Professor Ingaldel was seriously worried about what would come out of
the mountains if that was the case.

* * *


Lee Han headed to Professor Thunderbolt's cabin.

All sorts of things happened today, but the original chore the professor asks is to
not take care of such circumstances.

Of course, from the perspective of Professor Thunderwalk, it could be a bit unfair.

I never asked him to come every day, and he said he didn't have to come by himself
if he was busy.

And in fact, Lee Han also had a purpose.

'I have to dig up all possible information.'


<I'm off for a while due to work. Steal in moderation! -Thundersteps>


Lee Han was surprised to see the writing on the paper.

After all, Professor Thunderbolt is also a human being, and there was no way he
would be stuck in the hut like a scoundrel every time. Other students should also
have time to teach and do their own work.

Lee Han nodded and took the paper away.

Then he went back to the tower and called Yoner and brought him back.

“You want me to find something useful in the hut here?”

"yes. I want to check the potions in the box I found last time.”

A potion box stolen from the wagon by the pro thief Ratford.

Even if they wanted to know the identity of those potions, it was difficult for a
first-year student like Lee Han to find out on their own.

It would be of great help if you could find something useful in Professor

Thunderwalker's hut.

If you are a student with alchemy skills like Yonaire, you will be able to
recognize it even more.

'for a moment. This is Professor Thunderwalker's cabin, isn't it?'

As much as he had grilled meat last time, Yonner quickly recognized his identity.

'I'll be fine.'

But Yonner decided to just move on.

What is it like in this crazy school?

"for a moment. What is that?”

"what? oh garden?”

When Yoner, who was walking in front of him, spoke with a surprised expression, Lee
Han replied as if it was nothing special.

“I’m working on it, but I still have a long way to go. It will take a few more

"...yes? Do you think you're all grown up?"


This time, it was Lee Han's turn to be puzzled. Lee Han turned back, wondering what
the noise was.


What Yonner said was true.

'no. what?'

Lee Han was surprised to see that the vegetables he had planted had already grown.

No matter how I think about it, I grew up too fast.

“Did you see Professor Thunderstep sprinkled something? You have a very quick

Yoner nodded at Lee Han's explanation.

You want to eat quickly, so you use a potion that promotes growth.

'You are very greedy.'

Thundersteps that were not present were framed unfairly.

“As long as it’s like this, I have to harvest. Yonner. May I ask for the inside of
the hut?”

“Just leave it to me.”

Lee Han picked up the farm implements and started picking vegetables with skillful

Yonere watched as if possessed for a moment at the reliable figure of digging up

potatoes without a single error.

A perfect move that a farmer who has worked for for more than a decade would show.

Yonner seemed to understand why Professor Thunderbolt liked Lee Han.

"what are you doing?"

“Oh, nothing. I will go and find something useful.”

While vegetables were plentiful in the basket, Yonner was busy searching the hut.

how long has it been

Lee Han's arms were full of baskets of crops, and Yonner's arms were full of boxes
containing unknown reagents and alchemy tools.

“Are you done?”


"let's go!"

The two blue dragon tower students turned their backs on the hut and ran out.

On the door of the hut, only the paper Lee Han had pasted remained fluttering.

<Thank you. professor. I leave a little of the harvested crops behind, so please
taste it. -Lee Han Wodanaj.>

* * *

Lee Han and Yonere wore dark circles under their eyes to greet the morning sun.

It was an alchemy test in the freshman lounge, saving sleep at night.

“So, is this a Canthus potion?”


The resulting potions were as follows.

<Imperial Western Wine (delicious)>.

<Canthus Potion>-If you drink it, you can sing a beautiful song like a mermaid for
a while.



When Yoner's expression was about to turn pale, Lee Han quickly calmed him down.

“This is a good achievement. You can't figure it all out on the first try."

“Yeah, but… where do you use the song potion…”

“There must be a place to write.”


At that time, Asan Dalcard entered the break room. Asan Dalkad was happy to see the
two of them.

“Wordanaz. Are you ready to go into the mountains today?”

“It’s almost done.”

He also had a plan in place.

Departing on Friday with the other students, somehow returning on Saturday, and on

'I came out with a passport.'

Lee Han tried to stay calm.

It was better to keep expectations as low as possible. Because it was a place where
you didn't know what kind of trap there might be until you left.

"Oh yeah. Wodanaz. Would you like to stop by the black market before entering the
mountain range?”

“...what market?”

Lee Han was taken aback by Asan's words.

black market?

'What kind of school has a black market?'

Even so, I couldn't believe Asan's words...

...but it really was.

'It's ridiculous.'

To be precise, it was not a black market, but a small market.

Black Turtle's Tower Freshman's market set up near their tower!

At first, they gathered together to barter what they needed, but as this was more
convenient than expected, it was opened periodically.

Lee Han was at a loss for words.

'What the hell is this school trying to teach students?'

“Come on, put the bread and eat the bread! Find His Majesty the Emperor. Among the
three cards is His Majesty the Emperor. Where is His Majesty the Emperor? If you
get it right, you double the bread... Oh. Wodanaj-sama.”

Ratford, who had been dazzlingly flipping through the three cards, saw Lee Han and
jumped to his feet.

When all the students who were chatting and talking around turned their heads and
looked at them, Lee Han just turned around and wanted to leave.


“What were you doing?”

“I was collecting some bread.”

"Well. Bread…”

"Yes. Bread is used like a coin here. Roughly five loaves of bread can be exchanged
for a quill, and ten can be exchanged for a sugar cube the size of a matchbox.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students had Lee Han, so they were able to eat well and live
well, but the students in other towers had no one like Lee Han.

They were desperately fighting for survival.

The hard bread that came out at mealtime was now being used as an alternative

Currency that can be used to purchase various items!

“Wow… is it okay to take a look?”

“Look at whatever you want.”

Yonner glanced at the items on the black market with an intriguing expression. If
there was something useful, I thought I would buy it.

Lee Han couldn't contain his curiosity and tilted his head together.

And then I was surprised.

'no. Surprisingly, there are many useful things, right?'

I wondered how much the Black Turtle Tower students would have gathered if they had
collected materials, but there were more special items than I thought.

Of course, the food was not plentiful.

It was full of all kinds of fake food, except for all kinds of canned food
(probably something the priests had unpacked when they arrived).

Fake cheese, fake milk, fake eggs, fake smoked meat, fake pickled fish, fake
coffee, fake tea leaves, etc. To the extent that you think, 'Isn't it harder to
fake this?'

But aside from the food, there were surprisingly many useful things.

Bags, quills, blankets, lanterns, fishing rods, shovels and pickaxes, tents and
sleeping bags, ropes and chalk, bows and arrows...

And the most surprising thing is...

'Why are there so many artifacts?'

Plain-looking cloth cloaks or leather belts, bracelets and necklaces woven with

It was a common miscellaneous thing, but Lee Han could feel the magic emanating
from it.

It was certain. It was an artifact.

'No matter how easy this school is to get artifacts, this is so amazing.'

Outside, even a very simple artifact was very valuable. The price was also the
price, but the number was small, so adventurers and mercenaries could not find
them, so they were anxious.

You need at least one artifact to be able to say, 'I'm a seasoned adventurer'!

Even if there was only one artifact with <Dark Sight> right now, all the dungeons
called dark dungeons could serve as a guide, and artifacts with healing magic could
become a second life in an emergency.

But this school was a little different.

First of all, isn't it a place where people who know how to create artifacts and
people who want to create them gather?

Of course, the quality fluctuates and is unbelievable as amateurs make it, but the
number of artifacts itself was bound to overflow.

But still, freshmen will find these discarded artifacts thrifty and bring them

I was amazed at the practical spirit and skills of the Black Turtle Tower students.

'It would have made a lot more sense if I had entered the Black Turtle Tower.'

If Lee Han had been in the Black Turtle Tower, he would have raked up school
supplies with the students.

“Want to buy one? I checked, but nothing was of much use.”

Ratford whispered softly next to him, thinking that Lee Han was coveting.

The black turtle top student, interrupted by business, glared at Ratford.

'Who's business is this child now...!'

But Ratford didn't care.

“The cloak is said to be a protective cloak that blocks cutlery, but in practice,
it only blocks once in two.”

“Wait, one out of two is still quite useful, isn’t it?”

“Really… that’s great. The attitude of thinking that the cup is half full rather
than half empty.”

“I don’t get compliments for just throwing out a few words. Ratford.”

Lee Han glanced over the artifacts.

Certainly there was reason to say that Ratford had nothing to do with it.

There were artifacts that the placenta did not know the effect of or were difficult
to confirm, and some of them were also getting weaker and weaker.

The enchanted magic is not permanent, so it is disappearing.

Among those artifacts, the protective cloak that just came out was not very
promising, but it was quite useful.

the problem is...

“Are you accepting trauma?”

“Even if a knife enters the neck, there is no trauma. Wodanaj-san.”

'No, why are you respectful...'

Ian was not funny.

You can just say it's not comfortable!

But for the Black Turtle Tower students, this traumatic issue was significant.

Other top students had already come and tried to deal with credit.

If top students like Lee Han-ya were to steal money, they would go to the family
and get slapped, but the Black Turtle Tower students were unable to visit the
imperial gate.

For this reason, foreign transactions are never allowed!

After hearing the explanation, Lee Han nodded. That was a very understandable

“Then there is nothing you can do. Ummm... I thought it was going to be barter, so
I brought this and that.”

Lee Han raised the basket.

I brought things with me to the description of the barter market, but looking at
the atmosphere now, my confidence has disappeared.

Do you want to go back and get more cans?

'I want to buy artifacts before they are sold.'

“What did you bring?”

“Once I brought some freshly harvested fruits, vegetables and eggs…”



Along with a rumbling sound, the students from the Black Turtle Tower could be

* * *

Surprisingly, the students of the Tower of Black Turtle were fascinated by fruits,
vegetables and eggs.

Students who were selling artifacts as well as students selling other things ran to
Lee Han and tried to barter somehow.

“This pickaxe and shovel! It's something a Dwarf craftsman might have made, but if
you get one, you'll be able to use it anytime..."

“I’ll exchange it for fake pickled fish, fake coffee, fake tea leaves, and one egg

“If you can get an onion, I will give you this staff.”

While everyone was lining up and trying to force a sale, the black turtle top
student who sold the cloak of protection for two potatoes laughed at his friends as
he roasted the potatoes.

“It’s stupid. Selling good things makes a profit, and selling bad things and making
ejaculation about what's left?"

“Shut up! Lucky for him to pick up a cloak!”

"hey. How many loaves of potatoes would you like to sell?”

“I don’t sell it. Eat that kind of bread yourself.”

“I heard that potatoes these days are not as tasty as I thought. Bread might be

Despite the conspiracy of his friends, the student who obtained the potato was
carefully roasted.

When the skin of the baked potato was peeled, the warm white flesh was revealed.
The Black Turtle Top student blew it out and put it in his mouth.


Without words, I could guess that the potatoes were melting on my tongue.

Lee Han, who was watching, was a little perplexed.

'How hungry are you?'

Potatoes that were just baked without using salt or butter could not go in so much.

But what kind of reaction is that?

“...Everyone, get together for a moment. I'll serve you the food. Yonner. Can you
help me?”

Yonner nodded. The two exchanged glances.

'Let's not take money this time.'


Although it was Lee Han who thoroughly received the money, he did not want to put
silver coins on the ledger even after seeing that starving figure.

And there were other desires.

'If you serve food before entering the mountain range, wouldn't it be possible to
win the favor of the students of the Black Turtle Tower?'

Although he had already been permanently hostile to the White Tiger Tower students,
he did not know if he would still be able to make friends with the Black Turtle
Tower students.
Lee Han cut freshly harvested vegetables with a knife and seasoned them simply.

Sprinkled with salt and pepper, the students of the Black Turtle Tower looked at
them in shock.

But the shock had only just begun.

Lee Han drizzled the oil and fry the vegetables until golden brown. Already a
mouthwatering smell spread all around.

Around the pot, students from the Black Turtle Tower gathered like zombies one by

Lee Han picked up a can of tomatoes. I scraped the bottom of the can with a spoon,
poured it into a pot, piled up the vegetables one by one, and then cooked them

A thick tomato-vegetable stew that was incredibly tasty that it was made in a rush
was completed.

As soon as it was completed, Lee Han handed out a bowl to each of the Black Turtle
Tower students who were waiting.

And the surroundings became quiet. All I could hear was the sound of people
scratching their bowls with spoons.

The faces of the students who ate them all were filled with gratitude and emotion.

Oh, that was the meal!

We've been forgetting something for a while!

"ruler. Applause to Wodanaj-sama...”

“Be quiet, please.”

Lee Han shoved the potato into Ratford's mouth. He was about to light a candle in a
good mood.

* * *

Lee Han refused, but the Black Turtle Top students shoved various things into Lee
Han's pocket to get anything.

Thanks to this, Lee Han carried two backpacks on his back and walked with a lantern
and fishing rod on one side and a shovel and pickaxe on the other.

“You… are you so cool?”

Yonaire admired the avant-garde fashion. Ratford agreed.

“You look like a seasoned explorer.”

Even so, Ratford, Yoner couldn't tell if he was trying to make fun of him or if his
eyes were broken.

Lee Han sighed and put down one of his backpacks. The chess set, the card set, and
the dice set inside were rattling.
There was something to be gained other than the liking and trust of the Black
Turtle Tower students.

In addition to the cloak of protection, he had obtained quite a few useful


Boots of Lesser Stealth (which miraculously reduced the sound when worn), Chalk
from Smokescreen (When thrown, it shattered and scattered smoke around it),
Bracelet of Sight Detection (the stone on the bracelet had a chance to turn red
when someone looked at it)...

'no. But this must have been made by high school students. Why did you make this?'

Lee Han doubted the intention of seeing the works of the seniors who were taking
artefact production lectures.

No matter how much I think about this, it seems like it's all trying to get out of
the professor's eyes...?

Thunder Thunder Thunder-


While checking the artifact, Lee Han turned his head to the sound of the backpack.

To my surprise, my bony hands were moving and crawling out of my backpack.


For a moment, Lee Han thought that the Black Turtle Tower students had repaid their

But come to think of it, none of the Black Turtle Tower students could dig magic
traps in such a complex way.


A hand made of bones flew in and merged with the unidentified bone that Professor
Mortum received from Lee Han's arms.

A bone that has now changed to about the size of a hand from a forearm.

The bone floated in the air and waited patiently in front of Lee Han. Like a dog
waiting for food.

" no. no."

Lee Han tried to deny it, but the bone came closer and bit Lee Han's fingertips
slightly to take a drop of blood.

Then I felt a mental connection with this imperfect bone minion.

"sit down." "wake up." “Turn around.” “Go and grab it.”



Yonaire and Ratford looked at Lee Han with complicated eyes.

Suddenly, a friend took out a Bone Summon and gave orders to go down the dark magic
path, but I had no choice but to feel complicated.

'The professor gave me something really strange. There's no way a professor can
give you something that's okay.'

“Isn’t it better to throw it away?”


At Yoner's words, the bone-mined beast trembled and clinged to Lee Han.

It was a summoned beast with only the bones of his hand and forearm, but somehow he
felt pity.

“...Oh, no. cancellation. cancellation. I'm sorry..."

Yonner had no choice but to undo what he had said.


“So, Professor Mortum gave you this bone?”

“Wordanaj-sama. I don't know much about magic, but there is a saying in our
industry not to deal with warlocks.”


The two friends pointed out the reality coldly.

No matter how much you think about it, that bone summoner was a rather creepy gift.

Is there a professor who gives you something like that?

Lee Han made excuses without knowing it.

“Still, it’s not useless.”

“It is, but it is creepy.”

Ratford said loyally. Of course, the content of the words was not very loyal.

Still, Yoner tried to find out the strengths of the Bone Summon, perhaps noticing
Lee Han's complicated mind.

“Still, you don’t have to feed them, they’re loyal, and there are so many things
you can do…”

“What can I do?”

Yonner pretended he didn't hear Ratford and ignored him.

“...and in a way it could be cute?”

"thank you. Yonner. But when I hear it, I get excited. This is definitely weird.”

I wanted to think that receiving a gift was useful, but Lee Han could no longer
deny the reality.
The Bone Summoner was right.

“Why the hell did you give me this Bone Minion?”

"Well... I'm more curious as to why he gave me the bones separately."

“Doesn’t that mean we need to find more bones all over the school and put them

At Ratford's words, Yoner laughed as if nonsense.

“Such nonsense… wait. Isn’t that absurd?”


But Lee Han couldn't help but laugh.

Ratford's words were so plausible.

'Isn't that what you really meant?'

Otherwise, the hand bones picked up by the Black Turtle Top student would stick
together like this, and there would be no way to unite them.

Of course, if you had a normal mindset, you would think, 'Who the hell likes such a
bone-gathering game?' As you know, the professors didn't have a normal mindset.

On the other hand, they are more likely to think, 'Will the students have fun
looking for these bones?'

'It's creepy.'

Lee Han trembled.

The professors' crooked way of thinking was more frightening than the bone summons

A terrifying thought that a normal person cannot follow!

“Wordanaz! Have you been to the black market? ...Wait, what are those bones?!”

Asan Dalcard, who returned late, was startled by the sight of the bone summoned
animals wandering around Ihan.

What's going on?

* * *

The number of students gathered in front of Professor Ingaldel was considerable.

Not only the Blue Dragon Tower and the Black Turtle Tower, but also the Phoenix
Tower and the White Tiger Tower students gathered.

All the students taking the alchemy class needed materials, so it was natural.

If you miss this opportunity with a professor, it will be difficult for the
students to find materials in the mountain range.
Professor Ingaldel slowly opened his mouth as the students gathered.

“Safety first, safety second. First, get together with the same top students. And
among the top students, check each other's faces and memorize the numbers. We will
check the number of people periodically to check whether the number has decreased.”



Professor Ingaldel had a knack for scaring students. Already, the faces of the
students were stained with tension.

'But it's better to be nervous.'

It was right to go with more tension than to go on a picnic in the mountains for
nothing and then a disaster.

All the Blue Dragon Tower students knew faces.

Not only Lee Han and Yoner, but also Asan and the princess.

Asan asked curiously.

“Wordanaz. I heard from the Black Turtle Tower students earlier that the dishes you
made were so delicious.”

“It’s exaggerated. It was just an ordinary stew.”

Lee Han thought the Black Turtle Tower students were exaggerating.

If you eat it after starving, anything will be delicious.

Lee Han's previous dish was a simple stew prepared with vegetables and vegetables
cut on the spot and cooked only with oil, salt, pepper and tomato sauce.

"no. It was really delicious.”

“It was really delicious.”


Ian was puzzled.

Even if it was Ratford, he didn't know that even Yonaire would react like that.

“You didn’t even eat meat? Wouldn’t it be better to eat in the dormitory?”

"no. Is it because we all ate outside together? I think it tasted a lot better.”

'Is it because of the material?'

My guess was that the only reason was the freshly harvested vegetables in the stew.

As I grew up suddenly in Professor Thunderwalk's cabin, I wondered if Professor

Thunderwalker had sprayed some special medicine.

'this. Maybe the professor sprayed a precious elixir, but I didn't bring it with
Ian regretted it for a moment.

But come to think of it, if that were the case, Professor Thunderbolt should have
left him not to touch the vegetable garden. Isn't that even Lee Han's garden?

'No matter how you think about it, it's not my fault.'

If I had known that the evaluation would be this good, I would have eaten Lee Han,
too, and I regretted it slightly.

How did it taste...

"for a moment. You are the white tiger tower.”

Asan Dalkad said to the elf with long black hair.

It was a student from the White Tiger Tower, whom I had talked to once before.

If there is one peculiar thing, instead of moving with the other students of the
White Tiger Tower, they pay allegiance to the princess!

“I have already asked permission from my colleagues in the same tower. I will see
the princess.”

Apparently, there were already several other top students gathered around the

It was amazing loyalty.

In contrast...

Ian looked around. Then, a student from the Black Turtle Tower sneakily spoke to

“Do you not like the students of the White Tiger Tower? Shall we gather other
people and start an argument?”


what the hell do you guys think of me

* * *

“It would be nice to be here. Let each one gather the materials.”

How many hours did you walk? Professor Ingaldel found a flower garden and stopped

Seeing the students moving in threes and threes, this elf professor made a happy

Contrary to what I was worried about, the students moved in an orderly manner.

The students felt it too.

In order to survive in this school, we have no choice but to unite.

'Everyone is doing well.'

In any tower, there were some students who acted as leaders.

They all had different personalities and methods, but it was undeniable that the
student who took the lead role was helpful to his friends when faced with a crisis.

A boy from the Wodanaj family was one of them.

A boy who has a strong influence not only on the Blue Dragon Tower but also on
other tower students with his ice-cold charisma from a famous family.

Although he was cold and cold-hearted, he was not bad at heart, but if he had a bad
mind, the tower would have been noisy in many ways.

'There is always going to be a student like the head, but it's a little different.'

After hearing about Lee Han from some of the other top students, Ingaldel was a
little misunderstood.

Lee Han didn't have any crazy thoughts like 'I was born in a family of magicians,
so it is my duty to rule and rule others'.



Professor Ingaldel was sitting, then he turned his head to the sound of birdsong
behind him.


At that moment, Professor Ingaldel disappeared.

* * *

“Wow, Wodanaj.”

While putting the cloud mushroom and dwarf hammer mushroom into the basket, Lee Han
realized that something was wrong.

Some students from the Black Turtle Tower came from afar, looking tired of blue.

“What’s going on?”

“The professor… the professor…! You are gone!!”


Ian was shocked.

A few thoughts ran through my mind in an instant.

Could it be that Professor Ingaldel deliberately reassured the students to teach

them a lesson and then disappeared?

'no. I believe in Professor Ingaldel. ...trusting the professor isn't

probabilistically a good choice, but... still.'

Ihan shook his head.

So, did evil enemies like the Imperial Anti-Magicians sneak in and kidnap Professor

'This doesn't make sense either. You must have raised your guard and defense
several times as much as there had been such a raid last time, but you broke
through it? If that's the case, you don't have the qualifications to be a

If not, my next thought is...

'Did you get hit by a monster? But Professor Ingaldel is a master comparable to
Alaron. Does it make sense for a master like that to be attacked by monsters
without making a sound? And does it make sense for such a monster to appear on the
outskirts of a mountain range like this?'

Actually, thinking about it, I got bitter because I thought it wouldn't be weird if
any monster appeared near this magic school, but Lee Han still believed in
Professor Ingaldel's ability.

I'm not the type of person to be so rude.

"What do we do? What do we do?"

“Let everyone calm down. Professor Ingaldel may have gone somewhere else for a

Lee Han himself didn't really think that way, but he said calmly for the first

The important thing now was to appease the other students.

'A situation in which no monster appeared, and the road was not lost. There is
nothing to be upset about I just have to go back as it is.'

When everyone thinks of a mountain range, they think of a wild land, but in fact,
there are roads here and there even within the mountain range.

Natural trails made by seniors who entered first.

Although the students have been walking for quite a while now, if they just go back
as they came along this road...




Suddenly, heavy rain began to fall from above, and Lee Han slowly began to
seriously suspect that all of this was a trap.

* * *

Lee Han and several students gathered under a nearby cliff to shelter from the
Nilia said with a tired expression on her face, wiping away the water.

“It is impossible to find a way in this situation. I'm sure I'll lose my direction
And even more dangerous is losing your body temperature or meeting monsters.
Meeting monsters on a rainy day is a nightmare of nightmares.”

At Nilia's words, the friends put on a look of despair.

But Nelia said it was okay.

“But don't worry. 'Cause now we're in a good place As long as you hold on until the
rain stops...”

“Even if we take risks, we will find our way. The harder the rain, the harder it
will be to find your way.”

“No, just hold on…”

“I can’t see the Phoenix Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students right
now. How do you find it in this rain?”

“So, hold on...”

“I need to find a professor! Let's find a way to call the professor."

Nelia gave up and became gloomy.

Lee Han waved his hand as if to come this way. Nelia ran over and gathered wood
next to Lee Han.

In the meantime, the students talked about their own thoughts.

You have to find a way, join other students, find a professor, etc.

Meanwhile, Lee Han made fires everywhere. The Bone Minions moved here and there
through the rain, picking up more branches.

“So, we have to move first!”

“I need to find other students! It’s common sense that the higher the number, the

“Because it is right to find the professor first!”

The students' debate became more and more heated.

Realizing that their opinions ran parallel to each other, the students turned to
the referee.


“Wordanaj, what do you think?”


Lee Han was igniting a fire and was shocked when an arrow suddenly flew towards

“Aren’t we supposed to wait until the rain stops?”

“…that, that’s right.”

"I know. I'll have to wait."


Nelia stared at her friends.

When I'm talking, I put it in my ear...!


Still, it was very fortunate that the friends who kept saying 'we had to go out'
and 'we had to find a way' stopped fighting and kept their mouths shut.

There was a certain weight in Lee Han's words.

Nelia felt that this friend from the Blue Dragon Tower was great.

One word will make all the noisy students here shut up.

Is this the charisma that only the blood of the Wordanaj family, one of the
Empire's leading magicians, can have?

“Everyone has been in the rain, so we should eat something warm. Gather I will make
you something.”

At Lee Han's words, everyone gathered in harmony.

Seeing that scene, Nelia immediately thought of someone familiar.

'Um... Mom?'

Maybe it's your mood?

Nelia was a little perplexed at the sight of Lee Han, who exudes an atmosphere that
doesn't quite match the charisma of the Imperial Magician.

* * *

Guy Nando would have said, 'What are you packing so much for?'

It wasn't because Lee Han was cautious, but because he didn't trust this school.

Even if you are in distress in the mountains, you should be able to survive for
about a month!

Thanks to this, there was more than enough food to serve all the gathered students.

“Spring up.”

Thanks to Professor Voladi's handover, the water creation magic did not stop at all
and came out smoothly.

It was enough to simplify the movement of the cane a little without doing it all.

'Certainly, the more skilled you are with spells and movements, the freer you
When I was in the family, I heard this and that, but there were things that I had
to experience with my own body to understand.

Spells and actions were just that.

Magic is changing the world into the will of a wizard.

No matter how brilliant and talented a wizard, changing the world with unfamiliar
magic was bound to raise doubts.

Can I do this magic? Is there something I'm not aware of? What if I make a mistake?

The detailed spells and movements cleared these doubts and made the wizard

Conversely, the more you become accustomed to magic, the easier it will be to
change these spells and actions.

' But no matter how much you think about it, learning that way is a bit...
You don't have to learn it right?'


The pot on the fire started to boil. Lee Han poured water into tin cups and made

The students, who were shivering in the cold spring rain, received coffee cups with
ecstatic expressions.


Seeing Lee Han crack eggs in a small square frying pan, Nelia was puzzled.

“Where did you get all these things?”

“I bought it from Black Turtle Tower students.”


Come to think of it, there have been rumors of a jackpot in the black market

Was that Wodanaz?!

Lee Han cut the scrambled eggs into small pieces and gave them to his friends.

The regular sound of rain.

Hot coffee and eggs.

After a certain amount of heat and relaxation, the students suddenly became

“This is pretty good too.”

"I know. It’s the first time I’ve had such a good time since I came to school.”

'Did you have Stockholm Syndrome?'

Lee Han was startled by the sudden romantic transformation of his friends.

It's probably not something in the coffee or eggs, but all of a sudden everyone is
talking nonsense...

Meanwhile, Rowena, an elf from the White Tiger Tower, approached.

“The princess says thank you.”

"Five. Right."

Nelia, who was listening next to her, grumbled a little.

“If he speaks directly, he will be cursed…”

“What did you say?”


Nilia turned away quickly when Rowena tilted her head and asked.

You'd hear it!

“By the way, Wodanaj-sama.”


“May I ask if you plan on doing that vegetable stew again?”


"for a moment. Are you going to do that vegetable stew again?”

“The legendary vegetable stew?”

The Black Turtle Tower students who were sipping their coffee stood up.

No that stew?

"no. I have no intention of doing it.”


The Black Turtle Tower students sat down again with sullen faces.

You don't!

Rowena was not as good as the Black Turtle Tower students, but she looked

"Is that so? I was looking forward to hearing the story.”

Ian was not funny.

How the hell did the rumors spread like this already...?

'I don't know if the taste will come again if I do it again.'

Since it is a dish that has been thoroughly boiled with all the ingredients it has,
there is no guarantee that it will taste similar if you do it again.

Rowena went back to the princess and whispered something. The princess listened
with an expressionless face, but Lee Han somehow felt that expression like her
disappointed face.

Yonner shook his head and said.

“It seems a bit over-loyal. The princess wouldn't want it at all. It’s also about
listening to what other people say and forcing them to recommend it.”

"is it?"

Ihan tilted his head.

Yonner seemed to think of the princess as a stoic person who lives only on dew.

However, in Lee Han's view, the princess is a bit more...

'I thought he had a strong appetite like Guy Nando, but this was a bit too much.'

Lee Han repented. Even so, comparing it to Gainando was a bit harsh.

Anyway, from the point of view of Lee Han who ran an errand for the princess, it
was difficult to admit that the princess had no desire for food.

I ate really well...


The princess stood up from her seat. Lee Han flinched when he realized that he had
found his heart compared to Guy Nando.

Rowena spoke instead.

“He said that he would like to help as much as he received food and drink.”

“Thank you for that.”

Lee Han was confused.

The princess is one of the most talented people in magic.

Any help with this would be of great help.

"Oh oh..."

“You are great.”

The princess held up her wand and chanted a spell.

Suddenly, a lump of earth-colored and reddish-colored mass appeared in the air,

compacted the ground around it and made the bonfire strong.

'government ordinance!'

Lee Han could immediately recognize that it was a spirit.

Even though she had not yet formally learned, the princess succeeded in summoning
spirits only from the contents and books she had heard from other lectures.

When he imagined the appearance of the princess who summoned after communing with
the spirits in the spirit world, and building intimacy, Lee Han suddenly regretted
taking Prof. Voladi's class for nothing.

...Is it better to just take a popular lecture?



While everyone was admiring the spirit of the princess, a huge figure appeared
through the rain.

It was a golem.

* * *

It was easy to have a prejudice that, when it comes to knights, 'Isn't it only a
knife?', but in reality, it was different.

When you think about it, it was natural.

In order to deal with monsters and thieves on the outskirts, various skills are

In the first place, if they had only used swords, the students of the White Tiger
Tower would not have come to learn magic.

As such, among the students of the White Tiger Tower, there were surprisingly many
students who excelled in various technologies.

A dwarf from the eastern part of the empire, Bartrek of the Bark family, had an
outstanding talent for alchemy as the family's reputation was.

To the extent that the White Tiger Tower students make their own ointment and lend
it to them when they moan from muscle aches and bruises.

Giselle, the head of the White Tiger Tower, praised her, so there was no need to
speak of her skills.

"ruler. Drink tea.”

Bartrek poured the tea from the kettle in a blunt voice.

The White Tiger Tower students admired the Bark family's esoteric herbal tea. It
felt like my body was warming up.

"thank you. Bartrek. You are the best.”

“You might be better than Siana over there, don’t you? ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Now, the students of the White Tiger Tower were gathered together with the students
of the Phoenix Tower.
When Professor Ingaldel disappeared and a sudden torrential rain fell, the students
here also evacuated to escape the rain.

In a way, I was lucky.

If the Blue Dragon Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students had been
placed in one place, they would have definitely fought.

However, the White Tiger Tower students did not see Siana contorting her face as
they laughed and chatted among themselves.

In the first place, it was a joke that the students of the Tower of the Phoenix
uttered lightly without knowing what to listen to.



The students of the Tower of the Phoenix unwittingly looked at Siana.

Isn't it poisonous to drugs?

“The rain seems to have gradually diminished. Shall we clear the road?”

"The rain... doesn't seem to have weakened, does it?"

“Aren’t you weak?”

“I think I can break through with this.”

The White Tiger Tower students were much more energetic than the Blue Dragon Tower

Of course, they knew it was dangerous to move around in the rain, but the number of
students with them made them confident.

If this is enough, there is no reason to be hesitant.

“Navigating is also finding a way, but why not join the other top students?”

“The Blue Dragon Tower? What about those arrogant people?”

The White Tiger Tower students were disgusted. However, the students of the Tower
of Phoenix did not back down easily.

“Still, we can’t just leave the other top students alone and go back.”


They were fierce and fierce White Tiger Tower students, but they could not show
their temper even in front of the priests.

“Zeep. You should also find the Black Turtle Tower. It's unfortunate, but…”

“Let’s start by looking for other top students. But where the hell did Professor
Ingaldel go?”

The same thing that happened to Lee Han's group, who was far away, also happened to
the students of the White Tiger Tower.

A golem appeared in front of him.


* * *

3m seems to be enough for the overbearing size.

The students froze at the appearance of the mud golem. Rowena said urgently.

“Everyone, don’t be hasty! Golems act according to rules. I won't touch you unless
you break the rules first!”

Golems were different from other wild monsters. Golems were basically artificial
monsters created by wizards.

Mold materials such as clay, stone, metal, etc. as desired, insert a magic core
into them, and then operate.

This was how to make a basic golem.

The problem is that if these magical nuclei are thrown away with broken or damaged
materials and accidentally merged with materials, then an arbitrary golem that does
not obey human commands is born.

'This magic school has a problem with safety management.'

Lee Han spit out a curse inside and raised his staff.

Certainly, as Rowena said, Golems had rules.

Whether it was a healthy golem or a broken golem, it was certain.

The problem was that it was difficult to guess the rules of the broken golem.

If there is a rule like 'Smash all the freshmen'...


The mud golem approached as if threatening the students and began to draw a line
with its feet.

A thick line was engraved in front of the students sheltering from the rain below
the cliff.


“Are you saying don’t come out of the line? What will happen if I leave?”

“Let’s try it.”

"no! Wodanaz! I don’t even have a gainan!!”

Asan screamed and tried to dry it. Of course, Lee Han had no intention of leaving.

The Bone Minions rattled forward. The mud golem swung his fist relentlessly.



The students were astonished.

The Shattered Bone Summon was fortunately resurrected after a while and returned to
its original form.

Seeing this, Rowena paid attention to another part.

'Wait, can a pet respawn so quickly?'

Once the summoned summons is reversed, it will take quite a bit of time and magical
power to recover...?


However, Rowena had no more time to think about the secrets of her pets.

Rather, he had to think of a way to deal with the mud golem in front of him.

“If you go out, they will attack you.”

"Nonsense! Then you're imprisoned?!"

“I’m not quite sure yet. Let's attack!"

"stop! It can be dangerous if you attack it hastily.”

The students murmured their opinions to each other.

Everyone was scared and embarrassed, so their voices got louder and they tried not
to bend over.

And when it seemed like we were going to have an argument like before, Nelia
hurriedly approached Lee Han.

Lee Han's power was needed to control these friends (who don't listen to Nelia).

“Wordanaz. Wodanaz.”

Lee Han frowned and was thinking deeply about something. Nelia grabbed Lee Han's
arm and waved it again.


"ah. sorry. What's going on?”

“Why are you like this? Now that new... no, my friends are arguing again. You have
to go.”

Ihan nodded his head. Nelia suddenly became curious and asked.

“So what were you thinking?”

"ah. I was seriously considering this situation.”


Nelia pricked up her long ears.

Come to think of it, this boy from the Wodanaj family had a different insight than
the others.

The fact that he highly valued the hunters and rangers belonging to the Shadow
Patrol, that he appreciated the wisdom of the hunters, and that he was friendly
with Nelia herself.

Did he find a way to solve the current situation with that unique insight?

"What? What did you find out?”

Not only Nelia, but also the other students looked at Lee Han with slightly

Lee Han slowly opened his mouth.

“I think this is a professor’s trap.”



Everyone was at a loss for words at the unexpected comments.

* * *

“Please release this.”

Calm down. Professor Ingaldel.

Principal Skeleton said soothingly and released the magical chains that bound
Professor Ingaldel's wrists and ankles.

Professor Ingaldel looked at Principal Skeleton and Professor Thunderwalk, as if


My vision suddenly got dark and I flew to another place, wondering what the hell
was going on, but the skeleton principal kidnapped Ingaldel.

Oh my God, these crazy wizards!

I have good reason to bring Professor Ingaldel. If you listen, you will understand.

“What is the reason?”

Well, when a strong prosecutor like you is by your side, students lose the
opportunity to grow on their own when a crisis strikes.


Professor Ingaldel was stunned at the sound of bullshit he had been hoping for and
was speechless.
Principal Skeleton and Professor Thunderwalk nodded their heads as if they thought
they were convinced when they saw it.

“Professor Ingaldel seems to have understood.”

“I did not understand! What... if you want your students to grow, there are plenty
of other ways to do it! Regular and repeated training and confrontation, the
teacher’s attitude and correct teaching…”

At Professor Ingaldel's words, Principal Skeleton shook his head.

It was as if they were saying 'this is why they are prosecutors'.

Wizards aren't raised that way.

"you're right. Professor Ingaldel. Wizards shouldn't be raised like that. A

wizard's creativity won't be nurtured by a crisis we all know about."


Professor Ingaldel was trying to draw his sword, but he resisted. Because this is a
magic school, not a knight school.

'I'd rather go back to the knight's school.'

Professor Ingaldel may be confused now, but one day he will understand what I mean.

“...everything is fine. Let's say that to give the students a 'crisis', they have
to walk for hours into those deep mountains, meet bad weather, and even give a
sudden crisis when they are not prepared.”

Thunderstep was embarrassed by Professor Ingaldel's words.

“Until you get such a compliment…”

“It's not a compliment. Anyway, there are plenty of other dangerous monsters in the
mountains. Besides, it is so difficult and complicated that you will get lost if
you put your mind to it. What would you do if an unexpected situation like another
monster appeared?”

In response to Professor Ingaldel's question, Principal Skeleton and Thunderwalker

shook their heads at the same time.

Do students have to figure it out on their own?

“Shouldn’t the students be able to overcome them on their own?”


Professor Ingaldel's shoulders drooped as if collapsed.

'I was stupid when I tried to talk to the wizards...'

The better the magician, the more bizarre the spirit world was.

If he was a wizard enough to be a professor at this school, he should have been

considered a half-maniac.

Professor Ingaldel gave up talking any more.

"Okay... If there's a problem later, or if the missing person has to come out and
send a rescue team, call me too."

yes yes Now you must have changed your mind.

“It hasn’t changed.”

As if to appease Professor Ingaldel who sighed, Professor Thunderwalk handed him a

hot tea.

And then he said comfortingly.

“You don't have to worry too much. Professor Ingaldel. What I've prepared isn't
that dangerous. At least they are potion-enhanced bulls.”

Professor Thundergeulleum had carefully prepared for this alchemy task.

In the place where the ingredients needed for the potion were, the monsters were
prepared as meticulously as the last time.

Right now, students may say, 'You Thunderwalker,' but when you become a great
alchemist in the future, you'll be like, 'Oh, Professor Thunderbolt. Thank you.'

“With bulls, for sure, the students will be able to deal with it.”

With those words, Professor Ingaldel was a little relieved.

Even if it was strengthened with a potion, there were quite a few good students
among the freshmen who entered the mountain range now, so they should be able to
deal with them sensibly.

do you breathe fire?

“I don’t spit.”


“I don’t.”

Any other attribute attacks? What is the blessing of swordsmanship? A terrifying

presence? roar?

“Are you going to invest the price of a few mansions in one bull?”

Professor Thunderbolt responded as if it were nonsense.

The increase in strength and agility was enough, but to grant all the abilities
that the Skeleton Principal said, even pouring a huge sum of money wasn't enough.

Principal Skeleton grumbled that it was steaming.

it's not fun Come out with another monster.

“Does that mean monsters will come out?”

* * *

Lee Han's comments sounded absurd at first.

However, as time passed, the friends began to feel that Lee Han's opinion was

First of all, there was Lee Han's own credibility.

Even if I said the same thing, if Gainando had said it, I would have taken it as
'that's bullshit again', but when Lee Han said, 'Still, Wodanaj wouldn't say
nonsense for no reason'.

And above all, Professor Thunderwalk had a track record.

The first lecture on alchemy was still vivid to the students.

The wickedness of Professor Thunderwalker who sent mad wild boars to attack

If it was a professor like that, it wouldn't be strange if he had a mud golem on


“Then where did Professor Ingaldel go?”

“It must have been pre-made with Professor Thunderstep.”

"too bad...!"

“After all, professors! I can't believe all the professors!"

The students resented Lee Han's speculation.

Even Professor Ingaldel, whom he believed in, was on the side of Professor

Lee Han calmly checked the situation again.

'No matter how you look at it, it's too crafty.'

When I arrived at the place where herbs and materials were blooming, Professor
Ingaldel suddenly disappeared, it was raining, and a monster like a mud golem

Everything was too precise to be a coincidence. At this point, I had to be


“Wordanaz. If this is Professor Thunderstep's trap, what should we do?”

“Not much has changed. We have to figure out a way to get rid of that mud golem.”

Lee Han answered Asan's question calmly.

As melancholy appeared on the students' faces, Lee Han said to cheer them up.

“Everyone cheer up. However, since it is a trap prepared by Professor Thunderstep,

there must be a way to solve it.”


It certainly was.
If that mud golem is a monster prepared by Professor Thunderwalk, there must be a
way to solve it.

Frightened by their overwhelming appearance, the students cheered and began to

ponder how to deal with the mud golem.

“Why don’t you throw fire or acid potions?”

"That's Gar... no, that's the way you deal with trolls. If you cross the line, it
seems to attack. Shall we erase the line?”

“Would such a trick work? Let's cover the Golem's sight. If you can't see, you
might not know we're getting out."

“Let’s shoot with a bow!”

Asan, who was listening to the students' conversation, thought once again that
Wodanaj needed to sort things out.

Otherwise, all sorts of garbage-like methods would come out.

Rowena came over and said,

“The princess said that we should use spirits to get the golem's attention... Wait.
Where did Wodanaj go?”


Asan looked around in bewilderment. Ian was nowhere to be seen.

“Have you not seen where Wodanaj went?”

“Seol, have you been kidnapped?”

“I will break through the golem and find you.”

Everyone panicked even more than when the mud golem appeared.

But Lee Han did not disappear.

Yoner was startled to see Lee Han suddenly appearing from behind the mud golem.



Even the noisy students saw Lee Han crossing the line and appearing behind the mud
golem, and they doubted their eyes.

Instead of catching Lee Han, who had already crossed the line, the mud golem stood


“By magic. I used invisibility magic.”

While his friends were chatting, Lee Han did a simple experiment.

When the invisibility magic attached to the belt was used, the mud golem noticed or
failed to experiment.

Fortunately, the mud golem didn't notice Lee Han passing by.

In addition, there was additional income.

Once you get out of the line, it doesn't matter if you turn off the invisibility
after that!

It was pretty big.

“Already invisible magic...!”

"no. I borrowed the power of an artifact.”

“Already making artifacts…!”

“…not production.”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were looking at Lee Han, were puzzled.


Did we sell those artifacts too?

“Were there any artifacts like that?”

“This is a gift from the denomination, not made by the school.”

"Wow. What denomination gives such a gift?”

“The Church of Frisinga.”



Both top students were disgusted when they heard the name of the Frisinga Church.
Ian was slightly hurt.

* * *

Although Lee Han escaped, the situation has not changed much.

All the other students were trapped in front of the mud golem.

“Wordanaz. Go downstairs and call the professor!”

“You can’t go it alone! If Woudanaz abandons us...”

“What kind of guinando does Wodanaj look like? Don't say nonsense!"

“Mi, sorry. I lied…”

Lee Han ignored the words of his friends.

In the first place, since this was Professor Thunderbolt's trap, there was a high
possibility that he would not come even if he went down and called the professor.
'Solve it by yourself.'

Fortunately, the fact that Professor Thundergeulgeum prepared it can be solved at

the freshman level.


Lee Han threw an iron bead and swung his staff. The iron beads started spinning
round and round in the air.

'Find the core that makes up the golem.'

Lee Han was going to try to find the location of the nucleus by beating the mud
golem at random.

Yoner exclaimed in a worried voice.

“Are you okay? It's a golem..."

No matter how muddy it is, a golem is a golem. The thickness of the body was not

He was worried about whether he could break through the magic the freshman used.

However, Lee Han nodded as if it was okay.

If this had been a wild golem, Lee Han would have thought of another method, but
this was a kind of assignment that Professor Thunderwalker had prepared.

'Then it won't be that strong!'

The staff was swung, and the iron beads exploded at the golem as it was.



There was a dull sound.

The iron ball that Lee Han had blown away by magic had entered the mud golem

However, what happened after that was different from Lee Han's expectations.


Lee Han's complexion changed.

The connection with the iron bead was broken.

The iron beads locked in the mud golem's huge body did not come out any more.

'It was easy.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

A mud golem is a monster that maintains its gigantic body with magical powers.

If an object connected with magical power came inside, there was a high possibility
that it would be interrupted by the magic of the mud golem.


The Bone Summon waved his hand. It was as if he was begging me to go to bed.

“Can you take it out? Then… go!”

As Lee Han's order was issued, the Bone Minions flew in.

The Bone Summon, who climbed on top of the chubby mud golem, struggled to get rid
of the iron beads stuck in its back.



However, the iron beads were embedded too deeply. The Bone Summon whined and
struggled with his hands, but he couldn't reach the iron ball.

"done. Come back.”

The Bone Summon turned pale and escaped.

Fortunately, the mud golem did not attack.

'I can't even use the invisibility magic.'

In that case, Lee Han was even preparing to run away, but he corrected his posture
and prepared to attack.

The iron bead is clogged, but...

'Water beads are possible.'

I hated to admit it, but the time has come to admit once again that Professor
Voladi's teachings are worthwhile.

Thanks to Professor Voladi's practice of magic while avoiding memorization, Lee Han
was able to summon water beads.

The problem was its destructive power.

'Isn't it weaker than an iron bead?'

Even though it was raining all over the place right now, Lee Han dared to blow the
iron ball first because of its destructive power.

In addition, the process of making iron beads was simple.

Float it, focus on it, and let it fly.

The material was heavy and it was easy to concentrate, so the destructive power had
to be better.

On the other hand, the water beads were disadvantageous in many ways. The process
was also much more difficult.

You have to summon water, clump it into beads, and manipulate it to blow it up.
Many times more process than iron beads.

There was a reason why Lee Han, who handles iron marbles perfectly, is being beaten
by Professor Voladi because she can't handle water marbles perfectly.

“Spring up!”

Lee Han floated a water ball once.

Water welled up in the air, and soon a compressed sphere was formed. It was
raining, so it felt much easier.


'No way.'

The water beads exploded, but their destructive power was weaker than the iron
beads earlier. You could tell just by looking at the depth of the mud.

The Bone Summoner felt the same way and shook his body.

'Let's think about it. No matter how much the professors were without blood or
tears, even if they were animals that lost their hearts, they wouldn't have
prepared such a golem without any means of attack.'

Lee Han fell deep in thought again.

Of course, this golem wasn't prepared by Professor Thunderbolt, but Lee Han had no
way of knowing that.

'Professor Thunderwalker knows that I'm taking classes under Professor Voladi. I'm
going to talk to Professor Voladi as well. If I use the magic I learned from
Professor Voladi to the fullest, there may be a way.'

Round and round.

Ihan shook his head.

Water beads were spinning in circles. Seeing that, Ian burst out laughing.

Thanks to being dismissed by Professor Voladi, he was unconsciously drawing a

circle even if he was standing still.

Suddenly, something flashed in Lee Han's mind.

'What if the water ball itself rotates quickly?'

If you spin the water ball rather than just throwing it, the penetrating power will

Lee Han stopped drawing a circle with the water ball and started spinning the water


* * *

When Professor Ingaldel appeared to have been stung, Principal Skeleton

telepathized to Professor Thunderwalk.

- Let's do something.

Professor Ingaldel was a precious talent that was hard to find even from the point
of view of the magic school.

If Professor Ingaldel resigned from his teaching position and left, he did not want
to imagine what would happen next.

The Skeleton Principal will also have to go to the emperor and write a disclaimer
like 'I didn't bully you on purpose,' and make excuses like 'I'm not deliberately
harassing swordsmen' to the imperial dignitaries. I'm not going to bully you, so
I'll just give you one swordsmanship professor."

Just imagining it was terrifying.

-Why me...

Professor Thunderstep grumbled, but went down to the basement of the hut and poured
a bunch of honey liquor from the dwarf's special keg.

Because the opponent was the principal.

- Don't forget the snacks.


Professor Thunderwalk picked up smoked meats and vegetables from the hut shelves.

At that time, the vegetables that Lee Han had harvested and left behind caught my

'Oh. This is what I was going to eat.'

As much as he frugally robbed the hut, the first vegetables he harvested were the
ones he was going to eat.

However, the skeleton principal had a ghostly eye.

- Why don't you bring delicious food to yourself just to eat it?


Professor Thunderwalk gave up and brought everything.


"now. Professor Ingaldel. Have some. It’s made with honey that I made myself,
vegetables I grew in my garden, and meat that I smoked myself.”

Oh my gosh! It's made by our alchemy professor! It's a heavenly taste that can't be
found anywhere else in the empire!


Principal Skeleton had no talent for compliments.

Fortunately, Professor Ingaldel was a good elf. He tilted his glass and
complimented him.

“It tastes really good. Thunderstep Professor.”

“Thank you for this.”

Not to say the least, it really tasted good.

A good alchemist is a good cook and a good brewer. I couldn't help but taste it.

When the atmosphere seemed to be relaxed, Principal Skeleton said in a warm voice.

No need to worry too much about the students. Because it was much harder for me.



The two relatively young professors were silent about the 'me time' of the
principal skeleton going up to the distant ancient times.

Well, everything must have been difficult back then...!

And these freshmen are a lot of fun. We will overcome any crisis on our own.

“That’s right.”

Professor Ingaldel nodded with a humble expression.

Hearing the words of Principal Skeleton, he also felt that he was overprotective.

Of course, he could have been a little drunk.

right? Among the students who went to the mountain range right now, the Wodanaj
family is pretty clever, isn't it?

The other two professors agreed with Principal Skeleton.

Lee Han was a topic that had no choice but to sympathize with, as all three people
here are paying attention.

When the two relatively young professors sympathized, Principal Skull felt better.

okay. So don't worry too much. The one of the Wodanaj family I mentioned earlier is
clever enough to learn well from my magic book, and the other one...



The two professors, who were listening quietly while drinking honey, stopped.

“What did you just say?”


“…You said that you learn your spellbook well…?”

Professor Ingaldel as well as Professor Thunderwalk looked at the Skeleton

Principal with a shocked expression.

Of course, the professor could personally teach the students. As it was a school
where I came to learn magic, it was natural.

But Principal Skeleton was an exception.

As you can see from what I just said, isn't he an ancient maniac with a slightly
different mindset from today's professors?

Principal Skeleton realized he had made a mistake.

Like a wizard that has existed since ancient times, the Skeleton Principal pushed
back instead of backing down from this situation.

I'm the principal and representative of this school, but I'm not saying I can't
give them a single instruction!!



Principal Skeleton felt that the atmosphere was not good. The two professors didn't
go overboard.

Realizing that he was at a disadvantage, Principal Skeleton changed his direction.

I'm not the only one Professor Voladi Bagreg is also personally teaching, isn't it?
If you look closely, you are also personally teaching me!

The skill of attracting professors who are not present and professors who are
present like a water ghost.

He wasn't an ancient old wizard for nothing.

“No... I'm only teaching the first grade level. So is Professor Bagreg. But you are

Thunderbolt said it like it was absurd.

The things that the thunderous walk made to Lee Han were very safe, with no
possibility of going crazy even if it was a little hard on the body.

On the other hand, that skeleton principal was a person who could teach all kinds
of esoteric and bizarre magic even if his opponent was a first-year student.

Professor Bagreg is also teaching magic that doesn't fit a first-year level. Last
time I heard it, they were actually teaching the 3rd circle magic.

Principal Skeleton pulled in a thunderstorm and then focused the conversation on

Professor Voladi Bagreg, who was not present.

And it wasn't a lie.

The last time I heard, Professor Voladi was really teaching something similar to
the 3rd circle magic.

-Last time, a boy from the Wodanaj family passed the training to perfectly draw a
circle with an iron bead.
- Did you? That's great too. It's a one-circle magic, but it would be difficult to
show that level of control.

- So we moved on to the next step.

- What was the next course? Is it water jade magic? It would be 2 circles.

The circle, which is a measure of the difficulty of magic, was determined by the
number of magic casting processes.

The magic that summons water and keeps it in the form of a marble is a 2nd circle.

-I have succeeded in making beads with water and are making circles.

If you add the control to that, it's actually three circles.

Of course, the result is the same, but that's not the 3rd circle magic.

The three-circle magic had to be realized in reality at once by weaving the whole
process together with one wand movement and one spell.

Strictly speaking, it wasn't 3rd circle magic to work separately by calling out
water, making it into a marble shape, and turning it into a circle.

But even this was great.

After all, if you get used to magic and become faster, isn't it proof that you can
use 3rd circle magic?

A first-year student will be able to complete that by now, who is also struggling
with the 2nd circle magic.

If it had been another professor, I would have been surprised, but Principal
Skeleton accepted it coolly.

-Right. That's good.

And then I thought

'Professor Voladi is like this too, so I guess there's no problem if I personally

pass on magic!'

“What kind of dwarf is eating grass?! Professor Bagreg is Professor Bagreg, and
your magic is your magic!”

Of course, Professor Thunderwalk did not fall for the principal's words.

To be honest, I wondered if Professor Bagreg was really teaching the third circle
magic, and even if that were true, the principal's teaching felt much more

I'm teaching really safe! You are only teaching magic that is appropriate for your
level. I swear on my honor!


I swear by my magic!

"ah. If that's the case...”

“Then I will believe you.”

The two professors managed to dispel their doubts when they even made an oath with

He suspected that he was trying to destroy his brain by teaching a first-year

student an ancient magic that even the principal could not understand.

Fortunately, that didn't seem to be the case.

“But what is Professor Bagreg teaching?”

Water attribute combat magic.

After hearing the detailed explanation from the principal, the two professors were

As the principal said, it wasn't really a 3rd circle magic, but it was really
surprising that a first-year student showed such a level of perfection in magic.

Amazing results that can only be achieved when talent and hard work are combined!

“I’m not a wizard, so I don’t know, but is it common to achieve that level of
achievement in that grade?”

“It is very rare. It's probably very intimate with water properties. Of course,
that's not enough and it takes a lot of other talents... Wait, Professor Bagreg
specializes in magic combat, right? So are you training it over and over again now?
A tremendous overuse of not only magical power, but also mental power…”

like that He's a really bad guy.


Well, I won't do any more than that. There was no problem in the training we are
currently doing, so isn't it worth doing? The difficulty of the magic right now is
not going to go up any further.

* * *

Easy profit!


A ball of water that spins violently with a sound in place.

Lee Han raised his fiery head and looked up at the mud golem.


I can't even remember how many times I've tried it.

It was a marble that was barely completed.

“…Lee Han?”

“I don’t know much about the magic, but isn’t it too big?”

Yonner asked with a puzzled expression.

Other students were equally confused.

The water beads, which were obviously the size of a fist at first, are now...

It had grown like a huge boulder.

Around that time, I was like, 'Can I call that a marble?'


A giant water ball that spins with a bloody sound.

Asan said to his friends as if he were talking about something.

“There’s no way Wodanaj can’t control a single magic. With a 100% chance, that’s
the original magic.”

“That… is it? It seems too dangerous for a first-year student to use magic.”

As Rowena stuttered, Nelia was next to her, and she got angry instead.

“Now look at Wodanaj as what! Wardanaj can do that much!”


I was grateful for the hearts of my friends, but it could also be a burden at the
same time.

Lee Han suddenly became a burden.

'Did I overdo it?'

From a long time ago, there were sayings to young wizards.

- Don't touch a well-crafted magic for nothing.

One magic was a formula and a world that had already been completed by itself.
There was no way an inexperienced wizard could touch it and see a good result.

What Lee Han is doing now wasn't a huge transformation, but it was still a

'Am I doing something wrong?'

It was difficult for Lee Han to maintain the rotational force in a situation where
water was strongly compressed in the form of beads.

Lee Han didn't know, but this was a magic that even high school students couldn't
handle unless they learned it professionally.

A high-level magic that maintains the shape of a marble with a certain amount of
magic and has to rotate within it!
Of course, Lee Han didn't know that.

So, Lee Han hit the magic a little more strongly.

to maintain rotational power.

As the magic power was injected more strongly, the water marble started to rotate,
but the water marble could not withstand the amount of magic power and its shape
was distorted.

So, there is a lot of water around Lee Han, so I just increased the size of the
water beads.

However, as the size of the beads of water increased, the rotational force started
to drop again this time.

...Lee Han hit the magic again.

In the original case, one of the two situations should have happened, whether the
wizard collapsed or the water ball exploded along the way.

However, Lee Han's amount of magical power was too much to collapse, and Lee Han's
concentration was far greater than expected to break the water beads.

As a result, how many minutes have passed?

Lee Han finally completed it.

The state of the finished form that the ball of water that barely maintained its
shape rotates!

...even though it is several dozen times larger than the original!

'no. It definitely feels in control.'

Lee Han aimed a water shell... no, a water ball at the golem.

It was a magic that was barely maintained, so that alone was difficult.



Water beads shot out with a roar. The ball of water, which could not overcome its
power, flew slightly differently from the designated target.


The shot was aimed at the golem's back, but it was like hitting the golem's

Lee Han clicked his tongue in regret.

'Can I complete that again now? Even though I made one, my head is pounding...'




The students in the room couldn't believe what had just happened and blinked their

The mud golem hit with a ball of water on its shoulder literally shattered and

“Woah… woah ah ah ah ah!”

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! Wodanaj!”

“Did you see it!? What did I say!”


Lee Han looked at the remains of the mud golem with a puzzled expression.

Even though I missed it, it's like this...

I couldn't tell if it was because of the power of the water ball or because the mud
golem was weak.

'Still, Professor Voladi's teachings were not wrong. He lived thanks to him.'

Of course, Professor Voladi never taught anything like this.

* * *

“Wordanaz. it's okay? I will pick you up.”

"no. I pick it up.”

“I will pick it up.”

When Lee Han returned home and stumbled due to the aftereffects of using magic, his
friends rushed in.

When I grabbed Lee Han's limbs and pulled them, I was getting a headache that Lee
Han didn't have.

“…I can walk on my own.”

"Oh yeah?"

After taking a short break and drinking the rest of the coffee, my mind returned to
normal. Lee Han's self-recovery ability was a bit ridiculous.

'Coffee may actually be a magic potion anywhere.'


"Well. The rain has slowed down a bit. Nelia. Is it okay if I leave now?”

“Originally… I wish I could wait a little longer…”

“Let’s all go!”

“Wordanaj is allowed to go!”

“…listen to the end, you bastards!”

Nelia was moved by the sight of her friends trying to move before the end of the
conversation. Lee Han called his friends back to their original seat.

"I'd like to wait a little longer, but seeing the mud golems out now, I don't think
we should be relieved. Let's move now when the rain is getting weaker. I'll take
the lead, so just follow me. Don't stop on the way, don't leak to another place on
the way, you saw something strange along the way..."

"oh. Isn't that a creepy fruit? looks delicious."


Lee Han slapped the black turtle top student on the back with a stick.

The student shouted in surprise.

“Sin… I’m sorry. Wodanaj-sama!”


The atmosphere changed in an instant. The Black Turtle Top students adjusted their
clothes and corrected their posture.

Nelia looked at Lee Han with gratitude, but Lee Han lamented inwardly.

'shit. I should have ordered someone else.'

Nelia was playing the role of a good teacher and Lee Han was playing the role of a
bad teacher.

Of course, it is an effective composition that is often used when going on a

retreat or picnic, but...

...Lee Han also wanted to be a good teacher.

'I'll just do it for Nelia.'

Nelia, not knowing Lee Han's black heart, finished the explanation.

“Everyone make a group. Make sure no one disappears. If there's a problem, tell me
right away. Are you done? Let's go!”

The students started in line.

It was a procession with such an angle that it was hard to believe that they were
students of the Magic School.

* * *


Lee Han lifted a mass of light upwards to illuminate the surroundings.

It was to help the students following behind.

Not only Lee Han, but also the students who can use magic, each used their own
magic to help their friends.

Seeing this, Lee Han suddenly thought about it.

'Isn't it okay if I use fire magic now?'

In the current situation, the most appropriate thing might be flame magic.

The rain had subsided, but the students were all shivering from the cold.

'Professor Garcia stopped me, but...'

Professor Garcia stopped using elemental fire magic on campus until Lee Han's
magical abilities became more proficient.

If it was, Lee Han himself could have been injured.

But in this raining situation, there seemed to be little danger.

Rather, I had to worry about whether the fire would ignite properly in the rain.

In fact, even students who know how to use the <Generate Flame> magic were not able
to successfully use the magic in the rain.

The constant rain, as well as the cold and damp environment, affects the wizard's

- Can I light a fire in this situation?

The moment such a question came up, the magic seemed to have been half-failed.

'Let's do it.'

“Burn up!”

Lee Han recalled the image of fire and memorized the spell.

During Professor Garcia's lecture, I remembered the movements perfectly, because I

kept looking at my classmates with envious glances.

Rumble rumble rumble!



Nelia, who was walking next to her, pricked her ears and jumped.

Lee Han blew out fierce flames forward.

Fortunately, the flame disappeared quickly, but the shock remained.


“Um, sorry.”
Nelia did not scream, lest the students behind her be startled. She really looked
like she was from <Shadow Patrol>.

Instead, he expressed surprise with his whole body. Waving her hand, widening her
eyes, and waving her feet fully understood what she was trying to say.

"Really sorry. I had no idea it would be so out of control.”

“What, what did you do?”

Nelia asked in a shocked voice.

“Create flames.”


Nelia doubted her ears.

Since when did the magic to make small sparks look like that?

“It was my first time using it, so I failed to control it. but now it's ok I got
the hang of it.”

Lee Han adjusted the size of the fire as if it was not a lie. A sphere of flames
floated in the air.

As the intense heat warmed her body, Nilia's expression softened.

“Burn up!”



“Uh… nothing.”

Nelia wanted to say, 'It's a one-circle magic, but is it okay to use it in a row?'

Just as Lee Han respected Nelia's ability as a hunter, Nelia had to respect Lee
Han's ability as a wizard.

Isn't that a friend?

"ah. But can I have multiple of these?”


Nelia stared at Lee Han.

Anyway, the fire and light made the students speed up a bit.

The lumps of flame that Lee Han summoned warmly melted the frozen hands and feet of
the students.

'Professor Ingaldel is not there either.'

Lee Han, who arrived at the location where Professor Ingaldel was earlier, looked
Professor Ingaldel was nowhere to be seen, but Lee Han was not disappointed. He had
been convinced from the beginning.

'It's also the professor's trap.'



The Bone Summon suddenly trembled as if in fear and hid behind Lee Han.

It was as if Professor Ingaldel was afraid of the missing place.


Lee Han concentrated his mind.

In the place where Professor Ingaldel disappeared, a familiar magic was felt.

where did you see it



All the students turned their eyes in surprise.

A mud golem was running wildly from the opposite side of them.

* * *

There was a leader named Lee Han on the side of Lee Han, but there was no such
leader in the students of the Phoenix Tower and the White Tiger Tower.

Similarly, when the mud golems appeared, the students gave their opinions.

- Throw a potion to defeat him.

- Let's jump in and attack him. If you attract attention from all sides, you have a
chance to win.

- How about using magic to attack?

- Let's just do it all.

-Is that a good idea?

What if, on a project, you didn't reconcile dozens of opinions and just did them

Of course it was messed up.

- Throw it! The potion works! After all, it's a potion made by Bartrek!

- Isn't that the potion made by Siana Priest?

-Oh yeah? I misunderstood.

- Everyone scatter and stab him! Stop them from coming together again!
The students fought pretty well for being a mess.

Weakened the mud golem's body by throwing an improvised potion, and the students of
the White Tiger Tower swung their spears and swords to slash the mud golem's body.
It was the fighting power of a knight family.

But it was just there.

When the mud golem could not be defeated until the potion's effect was over, the
students immediately began to be pushed back.

-...Retreat! retreat! If I stay like this, I will destroy everything!

-run! If you want to live, run!

Realizing that the weapon was no longer working, the students started screaming and
running away.

In the end, in the direction of Lee Han and his party!

Lee Han muttered to the mess running from afar.

“It’s like they’re not helpful in life like that…”

Nelia decided to pretend she didn't hear. For the image of Lee Han.


“Can’t you just leave it? There’s a 90% chance that we’ll be in danger too, right?”

Asan said urgently.

At those words, not only the Black Turtle Tower but also the Blue Dragon Tower
students looked at Asan with a shocked expression.

How do you say that?

"hey. The White Tiger Tower guys are like that, but there are also priests.”

“I can’t even abandon the priests.”

“How do you think so coldly?”

At the reaction of the other students, Lee Han was terrified.

In fact, Lee Han had the same thoughts as Asan.

“It’s too late to leave! Everyone scatter!”

Nelia exclaimed urgently.

As she faced dangerous monsters in the mountains over and over again, Nelia was
well aware of this situation.

It was more dangerous to run away blindly with a monster chasing you behind your

Once they were scattered, they tied their feet and had to run away one by one.
Rowena asked urgently as she ran.

“Can I use the <Yumidihus Suoctane> magic that I used earlier?”

"What? I don't know what it is, but I can't use it now! Everyone evacuate!”

While answering, Lee Han belatedly remembered who Yumidihus was.

He was a famous imperial wizard who created several water attribute magics.

But whatever it was, I couldn't write it right now. Didn't it take tens of minutes
to finish?

A mud golem is running right now...

“I hide at night!”

Lee Han memorized the spell. Lee Han's body disappeared into the rain.

It was already confirmed that the mud golems were looking for enemies by sight.

'It's a pity...'

Approaching the mud golem, Lee Han took out the chalk from the smoke screen from
his arms.

The Black Turtle Tower was one of the incomplete artifacts I bought at the black



With the sound of cracking, a smoke screen erupted from near the mud golem. The mud
golem hesitated at the sudden blindness.

Lee Han drew the Dawn Star, the Imperial Anti-Magician's Sword, which he had
received from the Principal.

The blade of the black-magnet sword absorbed the surrounding magic and made a
strange sound. The Bone Minions were disgusted and spread the distance to the side.

'Aim for the legs!'


Lee Han had no intention of catching the mud golem from the beginning.

'It's enough to take your sight and tie your feet. Mud Golems are different from
other monsters. As long as the students disappear, they won't keep chasing them.'

The effect of the morning star was better than expected.

The mud golem with a cut in the heel of the ankle that connects his thick legs
could not recover immediately, but lost his balance and knelt down on one knee.

Then something fell from above.


Lee Han instinctively received it.

It was a white tiger tower dwarf.


Grabbed by the mud golem's fists, Bartrek Bark looked around in embarrassment.

Someone invisible was holding him.

“What are you doing? Aren't you waking up?"

Bartrek was startled by the harsh words of someone he couldn't see, so he

straightened his posture and stood up.

“Are you Wodanaj?”


This time, it was Lee Han's turn to surprise.

'What is this white tiger tower guy? How can you not?'

“How can you not?”

“I just thought that the only one who would do this was Wodanaj in the Blue Dragon


Ian was not funny.

no, that makes sense...

“Help Bartrek! Help Bartrek!”

“Bartrek! We go!”

When the mud golem stopped, the White Tiger Tower students regrouped and prepared
to launch an attack.

It was truly amazing that even though he was beaten and run away, his fighting
spirit was not broken at all.

Of course, Lee Han was angry.

“No, these bastards are really unnecessary in a life like that!”

Bartrek pretended not to hear, in honor of Wodanaj, who had just saved him.

'Can't these bastards evacuate properly?!'

Han's plan was simple.

Using the weakness of the mud golem found earlier, Lee Han confuses his vision and
delays time.
Meanwhile, the students evacuate on their own.

When all the students disappear, Lee Han also borrows the power of the invisibility
belt and slowly disappears.

It was a simple and pretty good plan, but the White Tiger Tower students ruined it

Of course, the White Tiger Tower students did not hear Lee Han's plan, so there was
room for extenuating circumstances, but it meant nothing to Lee Han.

“Hey, tell him to run away!”

“Avoid everyone! You don't have to come to help me!”

Bartrek was perplexed, but did as Lee Han told him.

It was Lee Han, not another student, who blocked the mud golem's sight and saved

It is a situation that cannot be denied if it is the pride of T.O.P. and has a


...But the White Tiger Tower students ignored Bartrek's words.

“Bartrek! I'm going to help now!"

“Bartrek, here we go!”


Bartrek looked at Lee Han without realizing it. He was, of course, invisible
because he was invisible.


A smoke screen exploded around it, and the mud golem, which had stopped to restore
its legs, slowly started to move again.

There, the white tiger tower students running through the smoke screen seemed to
have stimulated the mud golem. It seemed that the golem turned his head and stared
at the white tiger tower students.

'Whoever sees it seems to be checking and tracking the target.'

"Hey. How did you get through here? The mud golems wouldn't have made their way so

Lee Han asked Bartrek.

Lee Han was able to use invisibility magic and turned behind the mud golem, but the
White Tiger Tower students had no such way.

“I made a mud dissolving potion and threw it. Siana Priest knows how to make it...”


Ian was surprised. was there such a thing

If there was such a thing, it was not impossible to weaken the mud golem itself.

“Okay! Where is the potion?”

“I wrote everything…”


Lee Han was about to hit the back of the head with Kim invisible. To waste such a
precious potion so carelessly.

Are your heads a helmet girl?


After taking a deep breath, Lee Han concentrated again.

The White Tiger Towers don't seem to want to back down...

If this happened, the mud golem had to do as much damage as possible before the
smoke screen completely disappeared.

What's the best way now?

'Even if you cut them by dawn, the wounds are too small for their size, and the
water beads take too long.'

Without any time to think, the White Tiger Tower students were getting closer. The
mud golem has already raised his fist.


“Burn up!”

Rather than thinking with his head, it was almost instinctive magic.

Because it was close to the mud golem, it had a range, and it was more aggressive
than other magic.

...but the effect was far greater than Lee Han had expected.

Whoops rumble rumble!


Bartrek fell to his knees in surprise.

Suddenly, fierce flames soared and covered the mud golem as it was.

The flames that should have been extinguished by the pouring rain were burning
without stopping, fueling Lee Han's magic.

“Damn… that’s great!!”

Bartrek frankly admired it.

Among the White Tiger Tower students, there were many people who hated and were
jealous of Wodanaj, but I had to admit this.
How could the same freshman burn a mud golem like this with one shot of magic?

The difference was so great that I felt awe rather than jealousy.



However, instead of admiring Lee Han, he spit out swear words.

'I'm sorry, Professor Garcia!'

Lee Han was now realizing why Professor Garcia had asked him to practice the fire
element magic a little later.

In a rush, he poured more mana into the magic than he could control, and
immediately the flame escaped Lee Han's control and ran wild.

He had become too arrogant with his previous successes.

Fortunately, the mud golem received all the flames that ran wild with its own body.

Otherwise, the flame would have spread in a different direction.



Lee Han raised his head at the sound of cracking.

The mud golem was crumbling while being roasted in the flames.

It was often easy to think that the soil would become hard if it was roasted, but
even the soil did not become hard if it was not prepared properly.

Rather, it is vulnerable to fire and crumbles like this.

“…this… was it aimed at this…!”

Bartrek couldn't admire it any longer.

And it was difficult for Lee Han to respond anymore.

* * *

Lee Han solved the invisibility magic.

Then, along with the students of the White Tiger Tower, who ran, they cut and
stabbed the mud golem.

The mud golem couldn't stand it any longer as it had already been cracked and
broken. It collapsed and fell and fell.


“I got it! I got it!”

“Thanks to you! Well done!!"


Lee Han was puzzled to see the white tiger tower students who came and thanked


Of course, I know it's nice to defeat the golem, but how did you suddenly pretend
like this after a fight?

“...but who were you? I don't remember seeing...?"

“Which family are you from?”


The White Tiger Tower students felt something strange while thanking Lee Han.

They fought next to Bartrek with a sword, so I thought they were the same white
tiger top student...

The more I looked, the more I didn't look like a student from the White Tiger

Bartrek, who couldn't see it, stepped out instead.

“It’s not our tower, it’s Wodanaj from the Blue Dragon Tower.”


The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had just been grateful, retreated back
in surprise.

Some even fell.

'I think I'm more surprised than when the mud golems attack.'

“What… what do you mean… us?”

“No, how else did you deceive us? Did you use rain? Still doesn't make sense?"

“Did you deceive me with magic?”

While the White Tiger Tower students babbled and spread their imaginations, Lee Han
shook his head as if pathetic.

Bartrek said limping. He was injured because he was caught by the mud golem

“Wordanaz is here to help us. you saved me Everyone, stop talking nonsense.”

“Bartrek! it's okay?"

“It seems a little sprained, but it’s okay. Would you like to collect other
students? It would be better to gather them in one place before they disperse

At Bartrek's words, the White Tiger Tower students nodded their heads.
It wasn't just the students who rushed in.

The Priests of the Phoenix Tower, or the cowardly (smart in Lee Han's eyes)
students of the White Tiger Tower, chose to run away instead of fighting.

I had to run away quickly and call him before I got lost in the mountains.

"By the way..."


“Is it okay to leave Bartrek alone? Wodanaj, you're not going to do anything to
Bartrek, are you?"


“Oh, no. It's not that I don't believe in your honor, but Bartrek is injured

Facing Lee Han's cold gaze, the students of the White Tiger Tower were embarrassed
and made excuses every now and then.

* * *

“Has anyone disappeared?”

"no. I checked everything.”

Lee Han confirmed the number of students in the Blue Dragon Tower and the Black
Turtle Tower.

When I looked to the side, it seemed that all the students of the White Tiger
Pagoda and the Phoenix Pagoda had gathered.

No one was injured on either side, but the White Tiger Tower students were the most

As much as they ignorantly attacked the mud golem, there were very few students
without bruises or fractures.

The priests of the Phoenix Tower gave first aid to those friends. In particular,
Siana Priest made and distributed pain-relieving potions and bruise-healing potions
as if from the Fleming Church.

Yonner admired the workmanship.

“Awesome too! I come from the Fleming Church, so I know a lot of recipes,
everything from speed to skill...”


However, when Lee Han heard the story of Siana priest's jealousy, his mind was

-If only you disappear, I will be number 1!!

...the same stories suddenly flashed through my head.

'I've already lost my enemies with the White Tiger Tower, but I don't want to lose
my enemies even with the Phoenix Tower...'

While Lee Han was thinking so, Priest Siana approached.

“I heard you fought the mud golem yourself, drink this. It’s a bruise healing

“Lee Han is not hurt…”

Yoner tried to explain it kindly, but Lee Han was one step quicker.

He quickly received the potion, then struck a one-shot, and admired it with all his

“This is... the best potion I have ever drank!!”


Yonner was puzzled by Lee Han's intense reaction.

Of course, the skill of Siana Priest is excellent, but how could a potion made in a
hurry be that good...?

However, Lee Han's violent reaction had only just begun.

As I forced myself to listen to the professor's boring stories, my trained skills

spurted out.

“Did you make this potion yourself? I can't believe it! You have to sell this for
money! Oh God!"

Lee Han glanced away with admiration.

Then I could see clearly.

The face of Siana Priest's face brightening!


When he found out that it worked, Lee Han's reaction became even more intense.

Lee Han shouted as he slapped his forehead.

"awesome! After all, Siana Priest of the Fleming Church!! awesome!!!"

"...Are you sick?"

Yoner whispered in a low voice so that no one could hear it.

No matter how much he thought about it, it seemed that Lee Han had eaten something

However, everyone except Yonner was satisfied. In particular, Priest Siana looked
very very satisfied.

“As expected, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family… You have eyes to see.”

“Even blind people with no eyes can see how great this potion is.”
“It is a word of exaltation.”

Siana Priest covered the rising corner of her mouth with her sleeve and smiled a
little. He also looked at him and smiled.

After a few more words of greeting, Priest Siana returned to the Phoenix Tower
students with a very satisfied look.

Ian sighed.

'It was hard.'

It was more tiring than I expected to show a violent reaction that I didn't even

But it was worthwhile to show such a reaction.

Priest Siana went back to the students of the Phoenix Tower and was praising Lee

- As you come from the Wodanaj family, you are so polite and have eyes...

- Did something happen, Priest?

- There was no such thing, he really has eyes...

Seeing that reaction, the students of the Tower of Phoenix seemed to have nothing
to worry about.

“Yone. I won't poison your glass even if you get first place in an alchemy class."

“Isn’t it really painful?”

Yoner's eyes were dyed with concern.

* * *

After completing first aid, the students began to return.

The students whose broken legs were not healed were carried by healthy students.

Fortunately, no monsters appeared while we were going down.

“Bartrek. You didn't do anything special to Wodanaj, did you?"

“Bartrek. Maybe Wodanaj brainwashed you..."

“Bartrek. Wardanaj has given you forbidden black magic...”

“Didn’t you say you didn’t get hit!”

Bartrek was absurd.

Even when I said that Lee Han helped me, everyone did not listen properly.

“And how are you going to cast forbidden black magic even though we’re all first

“I thought so too at first. That would be bullshit. But look at Wodanaj's magical

"I didn't believe it either, but seeing Wodanaj gave weight to the fact that it
wasn't bullshit."

The white tiger tower students nodded with serious expressions.

Surprisingly, they were half-seriously believing the rumors.

“Probably the Wodanaj family secretly trained magic from a young age.”

“It’s really scary, House Wodanaj.”

Rumors of Lee Han's powerful telekinetic magic (although aiming failed) and the
appearances he showed in basic black magic lectures were already inflated and
rumors were circulating.

The other top students who had had plenty of opportunities to hang out with Lee Han
did not have such a strange misunderstanding.

Even if it is misunderstood, 'He seems to be full of charisma as he comes from the

Wodanaj family' or 'I heard that he is ruling the Blue Dragon Tower students with a
cruel rule without blood or tears?'

However, the White Tiger Tower students were different.

Seriously, it's really scary!

"I don't think Wodanaj is that scary as Moradi and others have said..."

Bartrek tried to clear up the misunderstanding.

As much as I saved my life, I thought I should do this.

“Bartrek. Who summoned the magic that defeated the golem earlier?”

“…Wordanaz called me.”

“Is that flame ordinary magic?”

Bartrek was speechless. He couldn't object.

To be pushed by the logic of those who believe in such nonsense and nonsense...!



While the White Tiger Tower students were talking, Lee Han approached.

The students who discovered Lee Han instinctively grabbed the wooden sword, their
eyes trembled, and tensed their bodies.

'...what kind of herbivore?'

“No, no, no, what’s going on, Wodanaj...?”

“It’s not a big deal… Everyone must have gone through a lot of hard work, so they
must have lost their strength.”
Lee Han held out the snacks he had put in his backpack.

They were the oldest snacks I've had in the pantry, no, the private cupboard, but
they taste good enough.

Flat-baked bread with sweet jam and sweets sprinkled with sugar.

Before the expiration date, Lee Han decided to put away the food and give it a try.

The students from the White Tiger Tower first came up and said, 'Who hates me for
no reason? I'll give you a reason.' But in fact, Lee Han didn't like meaningless

“Oh…thank you. Wodanaz.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower made conflicting expressions, 'Will it be
okay if I eat this?' and 'But I'm very hungry'.

And the latter won.

It's hard for anyone to endure such hunger at an age to chew on a stone.

“Batrek of the Bark family? I heard he's from the East. You can eat rice balls here
and get rice cakes.”


Bartrek was slightly moved by the food Lee Han served.

Knowing that Bartrek is from the East, he'll give you this kind of attention.

As the empire was so wide, the students did not have much interest in food that was
not localized.

Besides, Wodanaj probably wasn't from the East.

But how do you show kindness?

I really didn't know that the rumors about Wodanaj were exaggerated.

After Lee Han passed away, the White Tiger Top students, who hadtily stuffed snacks
into their stomachs, seemed to think the same.

“Maybe we misunderstood...”

“Did you guys hear?! I heard what the Blue Dragon Tower guys are saying, the mud
golem over there was defeated by Wodanaz with a single water spell!! You said you
summoned a dragon made of water???”



The White Tiger Tower students were astonished.


That's really scary, Wodanaj!

* * *

Professor Thunderwalk, who was giving and receiving each other's glass, suddenly

'uh? You don't have any vegetables?'

He also brought vegetables harvested by his disciple Lee Han, but when he came to
his senses, they were all gone.

There was no way the skeleton principal ate it, so there was only one culprit.


Professor Ingaldel noticed Professor Thunderwalker's gaze and spoke as if puzzled.

“Oh, it’s nothing. That… you really like vegetables.”

That's a thunder step. They say that they like vegetables unconditionally because
they are elves... that they still have a prejudice that only existed in ancient
times. As the representative of this school, I feel sad. Then you're a dwarf, so do
you like beer?

“I like you?”

"this. sorry."

Professor Ingaldel apologized.

“I’m not particularly fond of vegetables, but it was strangely delicious, so I kept

“Did you?”

You don't like vegetables anyway, do you?

“Isn’t it? When I eat, I eat well.”

At best, I'll dip it in the meat juice and eat it a little. But with something like
that, I gave Professor Ingaldel a pintacle.

“I’m really sorry…”

"no! oh Stop it!”

Professor Thunderwalk vowed never to call the Skeleton Headmaster into the hut

Principal Skeleton was looking for the joy of life while tormenting others as he
could not eat or drink.

'But I'm curious.'

I can't eat, so I'm curious about people's minds. Professor Thundergaul lost his

The students are coming back. What did I say? Did everyone say you'll be fine?

Professor Ingaldel stood up and ran to the door. Seeing that, Principal Skeleton
shook his head.

That's why I'm so soft...

* * *

The students were not surprised to find Professor Thunderwalker and Professor
Ingaldel waiting.

He had already heard of Lee Han and knew it.

Instead, he stared at him with a mixed gaze.

'If I become an Imperial Archmage in the future, I will have to trample on the
professors here.'

'If I become the best swordsman in the empire later, I'll give the professors a jag
from here.'

'If I later become a high official of the empire...'

Professor Thunderbolt laughed cheerfully.

“Everyone went well!”

“Yeah… it was a lot of fun thanks to the professor.”

“Seeing that everyone is not surprised, he seems to have noticed. okay. Alchemy is
like this. It would be better not to be vigilant in the future. At any moment, in
any situation, a crisis can strike.”



The students seriously contemplated the plan to surprise Professor Thunderbolt.

I want to throw an unexpected crisis on that professor!

Professor Ingaldel apologized with a sorry expression.

“I’m sorry everyone. I was really trying to stay…”

“I guess so.”

"huh. Because they are all the same.”


Even the White Tiger Tower students stared at Professor Ingaldel. Professor
Ingaldel was perplexed.

“Really! The headmaster showed up and forced me to teleport…”

“It’s done. professor."

“We will no longer trust anyone. Isn't this what the school wanted?"

The students who went through the ordeal had become more mature and rough.

Regardless of which tower it was, I basically started to distrust the professor.

When the disciples, who exchanged souls by sharing swords, cast distrustful
glances, Professor Ingaldel's heart ached as if torn.


Professor Thunderwalk pretended not to see Professor Ingaldel staring.

'It's not my fault. Professor Ingaldel. Blame Gonadaltes.'

Lee Han tilted his head when he saw Professor Ingaldel's reaction.

'what? Did Professor Ingaldel really not know?'

Of course, that reaction could also be acting, but Professor Ingaldel's reaction
was sincere.

The excuse that the skeleton principal appeared and kidnapped me was so absurd that
everyone didn't believe it...

'It's not unreasonable. Enough to do... a person.'


The Bone Minions rattled and pointed towards the hut.


The magic that was similar to the wavelength of the magic I felt in the mountains
earlier was faintly felt from the hut side.

At that moment, Lee Han found out whose magic was in his memory.

That was the principal's magic.


Ian was shocked.

No, no matter what, you kidnapped the professor?

'I don't think it's really surprising. That's good enough.'

Lee Han quickly regained his composure. And I told Professor Ingaldel.

"professor. I trust the professor. The principal must have kidnapped him.”

“Wordanaj student...!”

Professor Ingaldel was so moved that tears welled up.

* * *

After checking all the students, Professor Thundergeal suddenly became curious.
How did these students here solve the ordeal prepared by Professor Thunderwalk?

“So how did you solve it?”

“Wordanaz blew up the mud golem with <Yumidihus's Su-octane> magic.”

“And the other mud golems were caught by Wodanaj by burning them.”


Professor Thunderwalk was taken aback by a series of unexpected words.

I didn't know where to start pointing it out.

“Wait... Wait. Wait a minute."


“Why are there mud golems? the bull? Where did the bull go?”

“What else… Professor. Please do a little work. Do you know what kind of children
we are?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students snorted.

Professor Thunderwalker was trying to trick them again.

Don't be fooled now!

"no...! Why do real mud golems appear? I didn't prepare the mud golem?"

"under. You would. It must have been ‘accidentally’.”

“Did you all hear it? Professor Thunderbolt said he came by chance! Trust me!”


Professor Thundergalle reflected on his own life very slightly.


The students would be so distrustful.

But that's it, and that's what I was curious about. Professor Thundergeulleum found
Lee Han, a self-disciplined student.


"Yes. professor."

“Will you believe me?”

Just as much as you believed Professor Ingaldel's words, I will also trust
Professor Thunderwalk's words!

Ian nodded and said.

"Yes! I believe! How could you doubt the professor!”

"...just say you don't believe it, you bastard."

Professor Thunderwalk was annoyed.

I'd rather be openly suspicious of people.

“By the way, have you never met a real bull? that's true I prepared it quite
expensively... Why did the mud golem come out?”

"...for a moment. What does that mean?”

Professor Ingaldell was taken aback when he heard Professor Thunderwalk's murmur.

Professor Thunderwalk hastily made excuses.

“Hahaha… Professor Ingaldel. There seems to be a misunderstanding. Actually, I

prepared both the bull and the mud golem, but this bull seems to have gone


Despite the excuses, Professor Ingaldel's eyes were still cold.

There is no other person as terrifying as a swordsman who has turned his eyes away.

Professor Thunderbolt hastily dragged Lee Han along.

“Wordanaz. say it for you Who seems to have prepared the mud golem?!”


Lee Han was taken aback by the reversal of what he had just said, but he matched
the rhythm.

Professor Thunderwalk's eyes were so desperate.

“Of course, the professor must have prepared it for you.”

"right? Professor Ingaldel. Look. Even the smart Wodanaj here doesn’t say that.”

"okay. But do you think the mud golem is an appropriate ordeal for freshmen?”


Professor Thunderwalk looked at Lee Han again, but Lee Han was already running away
from his friends.

* * *

It's Saturday, but the Blue Dragon Tower friends are stuck in the common room and
have a headache instead of going out for a walk or exploring the mysteries of the

The assignments that came out during the week were piled up like a mountain.

“Damn… what is the loophole in the logic in this book? Wait, isn't it an absurd
loophole that a noble person like me has to read and wrestle with this book?"
“Oh, how do I know how much it must have cost to make a magic circle? You can't
just spend the money left over by the family...!"

The students shook their heads and groaned.

The tasks were difficult ones that could not all be solved easily.

Thanks to this, the snacks piled up in Lee Han's cupboard were selling like crazy.

Slowly getting annoyed, Lee Han put various sweets and candies in a basket next to
the fireplace and set the paper up.

Apple Flavored Candy - One Silver Coin

Apricot Jam Cookies - Two Silver Coins

The Makein Family's Sweet Chocolate - Four Silver Coins

A cup of black tea with sugar - one silver coin



The price was high, but the students did not complain.

Happiness is when you can save like this.

If you go outside right now, the Black Turtle Tower students are enduring by making
fake cookies, fake candy, and fake gum...

"after. You guys didn't listen to alchemy and only took easy lectures."

“Is the assignment difficult for you? After listening to alchemy, it’s like a sweet


Among them, the Blue Dragon Tower students who were taking some alchemy lessons
were holding on to their friends who were doing their homework and performing a

The arrogance on his face, as if he had caught a dragon, was felt on his face.

“Those children… the Wodanaj would have done all the work…”

“Leave it alone. you're pitiful To meet a mud golem.”

"but. What a crazy lecture. How do you fight a mud golem?”

The other friends listened patiently instead of 'do something'.

It was thanks to honor and friendship.

'They're mistaken that they won't go through something like that...'

Lee Han shook his head with a bitter expression.

Students who had not yet taken alchemy classes were under the illusion of 'Isn't it
okay because we still don't take alchemy classes?'

...but, as you can see from the basic mount lectures, madness at this school was a
virtue that any professor should have.

Even if you avoid one crazy lecture, another one will come to you.

When the time comes you will find out!

Bubble bubble bubble-

“Oak bellflower and small feather mushroom. Am I right? Put this in…”

“Ugh, the smell is strong, is it true? Is this right...?”

The students taking the alchemy class each spread their pots and put their heads
together and pondered.

Materials were gathered to make the task <Potion of Lesser Spirit Affinity>, but
alchemy had only just begun.

Gathering the ingredients is half, mixing is the other half.

In addition, the students' hands were trembling as the materials were limited.



Puff Puff Puff!


"for a moment."

Lee Han reached out and dried the students.

As much as I had learned in the lecture, I already knew that alchemy could fail
just by making a small movement mistake or a time difference.


'Is something strange?'

Now the situation is a little strange.

In Lee Han's eyes, even the students who did a pretty good job continued to pop and
smoke was coming out of the pot.

If it was a minor mistake, only the quality of the potion would change, and the
result should be somewhat similar, but something completely different from the
result shown in the picture.

"what's the matter?"

“…Professor Thunderwalker didn’t teach me how to make it wrong?”


A cool breeze blew through the break room.

A friend who was working on another assignment next to me said nonsense.

“Ah, no matter what, I hope…”

"no. Makes sense! 100% chance it will!”


In the past, my friends, who would have 'maybe', now doubted the professors more
than Lee Han.

I was truly a student of this school.

“It’s really disgusting…! How could you deliberately teach the wrong recipe?!”

“Are you kidding me to find out on your own?!”

While the students burst into rage, Lee Han quietly contemplated with Yonaire.

Anger is anger, and sexuality is sexual law.

Even if I wanted to grab the professor by the neck, I had to submit the assignment.

“I’ll have to experiment by changing the potion recipe given by the professor here
one by one. Yonner. Do you have any guesses?”

“The Demon Beard Flower, Troll Mushroom, Malene, and Jade Dragon Flower in the
recipe are suspicious… Actually, as far as I know, these have nothing to do with

“Is this all a trap?”

“I don’t think it will. Maybe one or two at most? Even if it has nothing to do with
spirits, it may be useful in amplifying the power to summon spirits or
strengthening the mind of the user.”

Lee Han admired Yoner's quick analysis.

Lee Han was also a skilled experimenter, but he could not keep up with Yoner's
extensive knowledge that he had read while living with an alchemy material book
since childhood.

'Didn't you mean to read alchemy books other than newspaper economics?'

“It’s quickest to experiment by subtracting them one by one, but the problem is…
then you run out of materials.”

Ian was deep in thought.

What was Professor Thunderwalker thinking when he put a trap in the recipe?

“Maybe I should go through the alchemy book and compare it with the old recipes to
find out what the problem is...”

Yoner murmured in a grassy voice.

With those words, Lee Han-eun seemed to understand the professor's thoughts.

'ah. It was said that you should not rely on the recipe made by others, but find
out by searching for your own books.'

The knowledge you learn by yourself is likely to last longer than the knowledge
that others teach you.

When he thought about it, Lee Han got goosebumps.

He himself was in line with the professor's thoughts very well.

Those who look into the abyss for a long time tend to resemble the abyss.

Lee Han shook his head to shake off his fear.

'I have to stop being swayed by the professors.'

“Would you like to go find a book?”

“Yone. Wouldn’t it be enough to spend the entire weekend to find it in a book?”

“Probably so…”

“I can never do that. I have to go out tomorrow.”

Lee Han said with a firm face.

In those eyes, a strong determination that no professor could shake blazed like a

In that moment, Yonner felt something similar to his determination.


And it got confusing.

'...Is it okay to be so moved by the word of going out?'

“Everyone, stop making potions and gather in one place!”


“I’ll figure it out by experimenting.”

“Are there not enough ingredients?”

“I will gather the ingredients of everyone here and make the most of the surplus. I
must go to another tower.”


Asan was amazed.

It may not be possible to experiment multiple times with only the materials one
person has collected, but the story is different when all the materials of the
students are collected.
Wouldn't that increase the amount of material left over?

Yoner also nodded.

“It would be helpful if other top students would join in as well. Others can point
out things I don't know."

“It would be nice to have Priest Siana.”

“I belong to the Tower of the Phoenix, would you like to come?”

“You get a lot of compliments from Wodanaz, but won’t it come if Wardanaj asks for

Leaving behind the voices of her friends, Lee Han confidently left the break room.

The belief that he would never lose his holiday radiated from the back of his face.

“Wordanaj...! Please!"

“Don’t go.”

"Oh yeah. Wodanaz. Please call the princess too.”

"...can't you guys do that?"

Lee Han asked as if it was nonsense.

"No... we're not close with the princess..."

“You are the best friend.”

“I think it’s a bit difficult to treat him because he’s from the royal family.”

“Yeah, you know what…”

It wasn't too difficult, so Lee Han nodded.

“Ah, Gainan too! What if the multiplication is wrong!! I have to recalculate

because of you!”

“I am not wrong! You are wrong!”

“This bastard tells a lie that doesn’t make any sense! The formula in front of you
is wrong!”


Ian was taken aback by the sight.

these children?

* * *

- Princess. This is Wodanaz.


When Lee Han knocked on the door, the princess looked at Lee Han's hand with

However, there was no snack in Lee Han's hand.

After hearing the explanation, the princess nodded and went down to the rest room
below, but somehow her shoulders felt droopy.

Ian felt sorry for nothing.

'I'll have to take something with me when I go up in the future...'

After all, it was a book, and other friends were writing it down, so it was
beneficial to Lee Han if he gave him more snacks.

Lee Han's conscience just pierced a little because it seemed like he was talking
too much to his innocent friends.

'Are you here?'

Upon arriving at the destination, Lee Han looked around.

As he was a member of the Blue Dragon Tower, there were not many opportunities to
come to other towers.

The Blue Dragon Tower had a luxurious feel that gave it a sense of luxury, but the
Phoenix Tower had a pious energy. Maybe it was because of the differences between
the students.

'...for a moment. How do I get in?'

After arriving in front of the Phoenix Tower, Lee Han realized that he did not know
how to enter.

Lee Han decided to give it a try for once.



As if there was some kind of invisible curtain at the main gate of the tower, Lee
Han was pushed away.

'Is it magic to stop intruders? Of course it is.'

If people outside the Tower of the Phoenix were allowed to enter, there would be

“Is Han Lee of the Wodanaj family?”

A familiar voice spoke from behind. A snake beast student in a priest's uniform was
tilting his head.

As soon as Lee Han saw the priest Siana, he instinctively put Abu in front of him
and said.

“Priest Siana who made that excellent potion last time!”

“Hey kid. It's too much of a compliment."

“It wasn’t a compliment, it was a natural thing to say.”

“I made a potion this time, take some. It will help you recover from fatigue.”

Siana Priest smiled very broadly and handed the potion.


Lee Han took the potions and put them in his pocket.

“I feel like I’m about to cry because I’m so happy to receive such a wonderful

“What did you come here for? If there is anything I can do to help, I will do

Lee Han revealed the terrible trap hidden in the alchemy task to the priest Siana.

Priest Siana listened with a careful expression and said, 'Ah,' as if something
came to mind.

“There are some ingredients that look a bit strange, so I tried to compare them
while looking for books…”

“Now, we are all going to gather materials and experiment with what the problem is.
Would you like to do it together? I desperately need the help of Siana Priest, who
is unmatched in alchemy.”

At Lee Han's words, Priest Siana nodded without thinking a bit.

“Of course I need to help. I'll take the phoenix tower students!"

Looking at the back of Siana Priest running excitedly, Lee Han thought.

'It would be very convenient if the white tiger tower was that easy...'
* * *

The Black Turtle Tower was easier.

Nelia and Ratford came out with their friends.

In fact, it was more difficult to deal with the crowd of Black Turtle Tower
students sitting on the black market than it was to convince the students to take
them out.

Knowing that Lee Han had brought something else, everyone stood in line to exchange
it first.

-Wordanaj! How about the cane knife here?! White Tiger Tower students also need

- Get out of the way! Wodanaz. How about this amulet of avoiding golems?!

In contrast, the students of the White Tiger Tower...


“Never fight alone!”


Even though Durgyu, who was not seen, tried to get his friends out instead, the
White Tiger Tower students did not move easily.

In the end, Lee Han gave up and returned.

'Well... without them, there will be enough people.'

As the three tower students gathered, the remaining materials were sufficient.

With the help of Siana Priest, Lee Han and Yoner collected the remaining
ingredients separately and precisely measured the amount.

They were experimental materials to find a recipe.

“It’s all ready. I think we should test it like this.”

“Everyone has been through a lot.”

The students gathered in their seats sighed.

Professor Thunderbolt's dog shit... No, I think I'm going to have to suffer like
this one more time because of a trap.

“Wordanaz. Come to think of it, are you going to use your ticket to go out


The Blue Dragon Tower students knew that Lee Han had been given the right to go
out, but the other Tower students did not.

Not only the students of the Black Turtle Tower, but also the students of the
Phoenix Tower looked at Lee Han with round eyes in surprise.

“Others, you got a pass?!”

“It’s also Wodanaj-sama.”

“No, how can I get it? Should I catch a golem?”

“It doesn’t matter now! Wodanaz. What are you going to bring?”

The students surrounded Lee Han in a circle.

I was extremely envious of going out on a Sunday, but what was more important than
that was what Lee Han brought with him.

“If you can go outside… what should you bring? There are too many to choose from!”

“Jin, let’s calm down and sort things out one by one.”

In fact, Lee Han stayed still, but his friends were more fussy.

'If you can go out, what should you bring with you?'

“I’m definitely going to eat it. As sweet and small as possible.”

“Rent a wagon and bring it to me, Wodanaj!”

“Don’t you remember when you entered school? Wouldn't a wagon be allowed?"

“It’s good to eat, but how about clothes? To be honest, the clothes I'm wearing now
aren't clothes, they're rags."

'Isn't it comfortable...?'

Nelia tilted her head.

I think this dress is comfortable enough...

“I definitely want to wear sturdy, comfortable clothes.”

“Shoes too! And hats and capes too! And again…”

Asan, who was listening next to him, interrupted.

“I need books and quills and other stationery.”

“The moon card... what nonsense are you talking about? can you eat the book? Can I
drink the ink?”

"no. I don't like eating either. But seriously, I need a book.”

Asan was also quite serious.

While preparing the assignment, the students were also stepping into the library of
this magic school one by one.

But, of course, this library wasn't the warm and cozy place to find books in an
easy-to-understand manner according to the correct taxonomy.

'Who sorted this?'

A space of disorderly chaos where the sound comes out of nowhere!

That was the school's library.

Even if the assignment came up and I tried to refer to the book, finding the book
itself was a task.

The students had no choice but to miss the bookstore outside the school.

The warm convenience of gifting a book in a paper package by a kind-hearted

bookstore owner when you say 'What book would you like?'

“If we stay like this, there is a 95% chance that we will fall first before doing
the assignment. You have to find the basic books you need for the subject.”

“Ummm… that might make sense.”

The students who had just been clamoring for snacks such as butter cookies,
chocolate cookies, caramel waffles, milk roll wafers, and maple syrup candy, nodded

“And I need not only books, but also computational artifacts. I'm going to die if I
try to count by hand."
“Surely that makes sense.”

“I’m bored because I have nothing to read, but I also need some magazines or
novels. A new card or a chessboard.”


The friends nodded and paused.

Something was strange.

“Gainan is also this child! Is that urgent now!”

“I said it because it was urgent! You guys say what you need, why can't I?"

"Guys. Wodanaz went to sleep.”


As he had to leave early on Sunday morning, Lee Han went straight to his private
room after completing his alchemy assignment.
* * *

'I can't sleep.'

Ian was not funny.

It's not like you're a child, you're falling asleep like the day before a picnic...

But this was far from the innocence of expecting a picnic.

Rather, it was more like nervousness ahead of a difficult exam.

'Can I really do well?'

Anyone who sees it would think she was taking a graduation exam, but Lee Han was

It was a legitimate outing using the right to go out, but Lee Han was not vigilant.

Obviously this school has a trap.

'Let's think about it. What's the problem?'

As Lee Han thought, the use of wagons or horses was clearly banned.

As it was when I entered the school, I am not the person who will allow that.

'Will you allow me to bring what I bring? I have to bring as many as possible...
How far is the nearest town?'

Distance was also an issue to consider.

There was a wagon when we first escaped, but not now.

It was at this school that the village was farther away than it could be visited in
one day, and one could say, 'Go and come for a day!'

'shit. I should have learned the magic to move quickly!'

Lee Han lamented.

If you had mastered physical strengthening magic, you wouldn't have to worry about

...Of course, that wasn't something a freshman would have to worry about.

Para la la lak!


Suddenly, a book from the bookshelf popped out and unfolded at will.

It was a black book without a cover, given by the Skeleton Principal.

Tentacles of letters came out of the black book and wrapped around Lee Han.


Before he could finish speaking, Lee Han was in another place.

An empty wasteland, with nothing in the sky or on the distant horizon.

Lee Han knew instinctively.

It was an illusion created by the black book.


A black book appeared in front of Lee Han. The black book flapped in the air,
revealing its pages.

The magic written on that page was <Gonadaltes' Swift Steps>, a magic that Lee Han
had learned but could not complete.

“Now… are you going to learn this?”

The black book shook her body up and down. It seemed positive.

“Did I give you a recommendation after thinking about it?”

The black book shook her body up and down again.

It was cute too, so Lee Han felt a little better.

It was more unique than I expected.

"for a moment. I don't have time to learn right now. I have to go out tomorrow.
Bring me back.”

The black book stopped high in the air, and very slowly swung to the side.

It looked like it was being colored.


Lee Han reflected on himself, who he just thought was extraordinary.

The book the principal gave me couldn't have been that good.

“...Burn up!”

Lee Han sharpened the flames.

However, the magic was not cast. The black book shrugged and opened the page again.

It was as if he were saying that he could not write anything other than
<Gonadaltes' Quick Steps>.


Lee Han sighed and fixed his wand.

* * *

Prisoner number 24601!

"I. master. I am not a prisoner.”

Oops. It did. I'm sorry. There are times when I get confused because of my age.


Hearing the conversation between the skeleton principal and the pet, Lee Han

Now, with that kind of conversation, I wasn't too shocked.

The black book forced Lee Han to go to fantasy training, but fortunately it did not
take away her sleep.

It had been practiced in a dream to some extent.

Of course, I was mentally tired, but...

'I hate myself for feeling so grateful for this.'

Congratulations on your outing, Wodanaj! It's a decent reward for your

achievements, so you can be proud of it!

"thank you."

The rules are simple! Go out at sunrise today, and come back to the front door
until sunrise tomorrow. If you don't come back, the pursuit will come.


I used to guess, but when I heard it with my mouth, it didn't make any sense.

The only load you can bring with you is the one you carry. You cannot rent
carriages, horses, or other vehicles!

"All right."

Then do your best!

Ian was puzzled.

'Aren't the rules more spacious than you think?'

Lee Han was prepared to limit the amount of money he could use, limit the weight of
his luggage, and limit the volume of his luggage.

But that's not it.

* * *

Ihan ran hard.

Thanks to this, we were able to reach our destination when the sun rose overhead.

Philone Village.

It was the closest town to the magic school.

“…So you mean that there are no noble houses in this town right now?”

“Ttttttt. You must have been a student who escaped from a magic school. originally
it is When the school year starts, people come out of the school and tell them to
move the mansion away.”


The imperial dignitaries didn't just leave the school even when the semester

In preparation for the vacation, he bought a mansion in a nearby village and kept
servants and slaves on standby.

It was like a high-class family, but Lee Han was expecting it.

I was trying to raise pocket money by going to the silver ledger with the students'

Lee Han was at a loss for words.

'It's like crazy school.'

“Then where did those mansions go?”

“He went to the city of Granden.”

“How long does the city of Granden take...?”

“It will take a few days to get out on horseback…”


Lee Han realized why there was no limit on amount, weight, and volume.

In the first place, all means for students to secure money were blocked.

So that if an escaped student arrives at the nearest village of Philone, he

realizes his mistake and despairs!

“ I really have to do this?”

“What did you say?”

"it's nothing."

Ihan shook his head.

As long as this happens, I will never back down.

“Where is the top building closest to here?”

“Upper building? It's over there, but... Why?”

“I will borrow money.”


The villagers were astonished.

No matter how you look at it, he is a boy from a noble family...

'Are you okay?'


Originally, the great nobles of the empire did not borrow money.

To be precise, I did not borrow money 'by myself'.

It would not be appropriate for the face of an honorable great aristocrat.

Of course, there were times when the great aristocrats also needed money.

At that time, merchants who were close with the great nobles or wanted to be
caught in the eyes of the great nobles came to see them.

Say hello politely, talk about the world, praise the mansion, praise the family,
and then say something like, 'I want to give a little money to the nobles,' and the
great aristocrats reluctantly allow them. I nod my head and feel...

...After that, it was time to talk about the details with the butler who works
under the great nobility.

To the extent that things went like this, most of the imperial nobles did not know
how to borrow money on their own.

What if the boys and girls from that family are just adults?

You won't even know how to get the words out.

Therefore, Aryan, the branch manager at the top of Kaako, could not help but be
surprised when a boy from a great aristocratic family came to ask for money.

'Are you really from the Wodanaj family?'

* * *
The village of Philone was quite prosperous for its size.

The streets were crowded with people, and there were various kinds of shops that
you can't find in the countryside.

Moreover, in such a village, one inn was enough, and the taverns were full of

Not only the village of Philone, but also other nearby villages and cities were
equally vibrant.

The reason was simple.

It was because of the magic school.

As the area itself is where the magic school is located, it is full of natural

A place full of various dungeons, monsters, and rare materials!

In addition, the wizards working in the magic school needed all kinds of materials
and reagents for their experiments.

Who will bring this?

Most of the wizards are weak, and when they stand up from their desks, they

Of course, he had no choice but to hire adventurers.

Adventurers flock to as much as the reward is high, and the materials and reagents
are gathered quickly, so the excited wizards experiment and hire them again. ...

In any case, except for a few, a happy cycle has been completed in this area.

It was also fortunate for Lee Han.

Because if I had money, I could buy almost anything. It's better than having money
and not having money.

“Then lend me some money.”

“Oh, no. The master of the Wodanaj family. Wait a minute... Please wait a minute.”

“Isn’t it?”

"no! It doesn't mean it can't. Of course I will lend you.”

The head of the Goat Beast branch quickly waved his hands.

If the opponent was the Wodanaj family (and not a fake), it was unconditionally
beneficial to lend.

I had no intention of going to the Wodanaj family and asking them to pay the money

Just being able to form a relationship with the Woudanaz family would have been
Aryan was determined.

'good night. Even if I rob my private money...'

But as a merchant, he couldn't help but tremble.

How much money will the other person ask for?

If it's more than Arion's entire fortune, I'd have to quickly contact him and ask
for permission...

“How much do you want?”

Ian hesitated.

At that sight, Aryan became more and more afraid.

how much??

“...can I have 20 silver coins?”


“If not, even fifteen silver coins…”


Aryan was stunned, then realized one thing later.

He was wearing the same clothes the other person had seen.

It was the magic school uniform.

'Were you a student at Magic School?!?'

Even in first grade. As much as he knew the crazy strict rules of the magic
school, Aryan could not help but be surprised.

How did you get out of the first year??

'Ah... it was the Wodanaj family.'

Aryan unwittingly understood.

The opponent in front of him was truly from the Wodanaj family.

If not from the Wodanaj family, who could have escaped the magic school in their
first year?

'I never dreamed that a great noble would come and ask me to borrow money, but...
because it's the Wodanaj family!'

“Twelve silver coins?”

“Oh, no. You can stop reducing it.”

* * *
Aryan, who understood the situation, tried to make Lee Han comfortable.

When I told him that I could offer refreshments with tea and silver coins at no
cost, Lee Han looked at Arion as if suspiciously.

“Oh, no. It doesn’t mean anything suspicious.”

“I think I should go somewhere else...”

“Really! It was a word that the Wordanaj family sergeant was considerate because
he didn't seem to have any money right now!"

Aryan was embarrassed.

What kind of money would a first-year student who barely escaped from the magic
school have?

Now the situation is 'Money doesn't matter. I believe in the master' 'Mr. Aryan!
you have eyes to see Even after I succeed in my future career, I will never forget
your trust!' It was such a touching situation...

"ah. If that’s the case… I don’t have any money, but I have things that can be
made for money.”


Aryan tilted his head.

It was hard to believe that a freshman freshman had something to pay for.

'Maybe the staff...'

Aryan smiled bitterly inwardly.

It was a mistake often made by magic school students.

Last year, I heard that a third-year student escaped and tried to sell a cane, but

The basic wand given by the magic school is less money than you think.

“Here is a book of debts owed to me by other imperial families.”


Aryan's chin opened wide enough to touch the table.

What crazy...!?!?!!!

“Originally, I was going to take this and turn the mansion around, but damn... No,
the headmaster just moved the mansion away.”

“That… it was. If it's something like this... it's really worth the money."

It was just like cash.

Besides, it didn't end with just cash.

If you go to the family with that one, that family will give you a different
reward as much as you have been kind to the bloodline from your family.

Because that is the honor of the imperial nobles!


I really liked it, but Aryan just drew the line.

“If it is, that is enough. I will lend you money.”

“Then this ledger…”

"no. The master has it.”


At Arion's words, Lee Han looked at him with an expression of 'Has this merchant
started working for the first time today?'

Originally, when borrowing money, the lender had the property, not the borrower.

Aryan groaned slightly.

'It shows trust...!'

The reason why Arion did not covet that ledger was simple.

That was the promise of the Wodanaj family and other noble families.

How grateful would you be if the master of the Wodanaj family later went to
another family's mansion with that ledger?

If Aryan had that ledger and went around other noble families, he could see an
advantage, but the Wodanaj family could see it badly.

- Didn't that merchant seduce Lee Han and steal the ledger?

Aryan tried not to be misunderstood that he had deceived the master in front of
him, even if he suffered a small loss.

Instead, I was misunderstood, like, 'Did this merchant start working for the first
time today?'

"young master. Think about it. You are from the Wodanaj family, so what does it
mean whether I have the ledger or not?”

"Is that so. You'd be better off with what you have..."

“...May I guide you through the village? You must have a lot of things.”

Aryan changed the subject.

The needs of the students who had just escaped were decided.

Ihan nodded his head.

“I would appreciate it if you did. But aren't you guiding me to the store
connected to the top?"

Aryan was slowly starting to get confused whether the boy in front of him was from
the Wodanaj family or from the top of the Wodanaj family.

There was no innocence or innocence that was typical of people from a noble


Arion, who was following Lee Han as she left the room first, realized that the
refreshments she had brought had disappeared.

'Have you eaten? weird? Haven't you eaten anything?'

Arion tilted his head and noticed that Lee Han's cloak pocket had bulged.

'...maybe... ah... no...'

* * *

“How about this cream puff? Dessert made by one of the best artisans in town. This
thin dough is filled with cream, so even aristocrats will be satisfied…”

“No, please recommend something that is easy to store and has a small volume.”



Lee Han acted thoroughly like an imperial supply officer who came out in
preparation for some kind of war.

Bulky, brittle, perishable foods, no matter how delicious they were, were not
taken care of.

We pursued only maximum efficiency due to maximum compression.

“This canned food is...”

“Is it a popular canned food in the Empire these days? Isn’t the design really

“I can’t keep it full like this!”


Seeing Lee Han throwing it away without thinking for even a second, Arion was

...should I recommend that you get a job at the top of the class after graduating
from magic school?

No matter how you look at it, it's the qualities of an outstanding merchant...

Lee Han chose various foodstuffs, calculated the volume and weight, and hand-
picked the boxes to contain them.

"Wait. young master. Wagons cannot be brought to school. The principal will punish

"I know. I will take it myself.”


Aryan wasn't the only one surprised.

The other employees were also staring at me with expressions of 'Isn't the branch
manager supposed to stop me?'

"no. What are you thinking?”

But Aryan did not waver.

Now I had to admit it.

That the master of the Wodanaj family is a person with the blessings of a seasoned

You must have an idea!

“You go to the tailor soon. I will match you with a suit.”


Lee Han looked at him as if he were talking about something.

“Uh… those rags… no, aren’t those clothes a little uncomfortable?”

The clothes of the magic school students looked quite uncomfortable and rough.
Even the staff could see it.

But Lee Han didn't care.

“Not very inconvenient.”


“Of course you need clothes, but…”

At Lee Han's next words, Arion was relieved.

Still, he had an idea for clothes!

“Let’s go to the fabric shop, not the tailor.”

“...are you thinking of making your own...?”

“Is that right?”


At the sight of Lee Han going into a cloth shop and looking for only thick and
sturdy fabrics to choose, Arion was dizzy.

It was clear that something was going on among the freshmen at this magic school.

“It’s the same fabric, so why is it cheaper?”

“The pattern has gone out of fashion…”

“Then give me the old fashioned fabric. Which one is more resistant to water, this
fabric or this fabric?”

Following the grocery store earlier, Lee Han showed dazzling skills at the cloth

The appearance of picking out only the best fabrics from among the many fabrics
made both the experienced fabric store owner and Aryan, who works as the branch
manager at the top, have to admit.

It was that young boy of the Wodanaj family who now dominates this place!


“Looks like you’ve picked it all up.”

Lee Han finished the frantic purchase.

Lee Han's purchases didn't end at grocery stores and clothing stores.

Stationery stores and bookstores (please fill them with cheap, sturdy papers! Do
you have any fantasy magic books that could fool the professor?), crop stores
(where are the edible seeds and seedlings?), etc.

The staff were amazed.

'Even if you fall on a deserted island, you won't starve to death!'

“Where is the stable?”

“The stable… you mean?”

Aryan was puzzled.

Like I said before, you can't drag a vehicle near the school.

But Aryan didn't ask any more.

Because it was clear what this Wordanaj family master had in mind.

* * *

The Amur stables were crowded with people coming and going.

Thanks to this, the owner of the stable, Amur, was so busy that he did not open
his eyes.

He consulted a group of adventurers who came to buy a new mount, and opened a
space specializing in flying mounts on the tower because of the guests who came to
leave the lightning eagle...

Running a stable in a town where many of these adventurers roamed was not possible
with ordinary knowledge and abilities.

In addition to the ability to handle horses, he had to be able to handle most of

the various vehicles seen in the Empire.
When the busy time was barely over, an unusual guest came to visit.

'Are you a student at the Magic School?'


“Hello. What are you looking for?”

“Are some of you going straight to school from here?”


Amur was surprised.

In fact, the student was right.

The magic school located on the side of the mountain range was the object of fear,
but there were no guests from outside.

There were merchants who signed a contract with the magic school who came to
constantly supply supplies, and there were adventurers who came to solve the quests
the wizards made, and sometimes when someone had an accident, the imperial
emperor's messenger flew like crazy.

However, for those who knew the situation, the main gate of the magic school was

There was a saying that 'you will die of old age trying to pass', so...

So people in a hurry went underground or flew to the sky. It was relatively easy
to pass if the identity was confirmed.

“Right. Why are you asking that?”

“I’ll pay, can you get me out on time?”


There was only one reason why Lee Han came here.

'You must prepare the next escape method.'

Even the headmaster of the skeleton admired his tenacity.

On a good day out with a pass, instead of wandering around town and eating
dessert, a student seriously preparing for the next escape.

And that kind of blazing sincerity was passed on to Amur.


Amur looked at Lee Han with astonished eyes.

The rumors of the magic school were known by Amur.

It's a place of education that's harsh enough for students to try to escape.

But how did a young magic school student come out like this and come up with a
daring plan?

Among the tribes living in the harshest lands of the Empire, there were not many
boys with this kind of chatter.

'I want to help.'

Amur wanted to help Lee Han as much as he admired Lee Han's guts.

But there was a problem.

“It’s… hard.”

“May I ask why?”

“I also went to a magic school with guests a few times, but the school’s identity
verification is extremely thorough.”

It was said that it was easy compared to the front door, but it wasn't easy
because it was empty.

The guests who approached the magic school by flying in the sky had to stop at a
fixed location.

When the signal was sent, someone from the magic school flew in to verify the

If the person who made an appointment in advance is right, it will be brought in.

"But since you said you've been in... can't you come in with a good reason?"

“Right. Getting in isn't a problem. But when it comes out is the problem. When
they leave school, they check the number of people.”


When Amur came in on a flying eagle, he made sure that he was riding alone on the
eagle when he went out.

It was almost impossible to deceive as he used various magic to even check that no
one was hiding.

Hearing the explanation, Lee Han's expression darkened.

'shit. Do I have to go this far?'

At this point, the motto of the magic school seemed to have to be changed to
'should I do this?'

“But it’s not that there is no way.”

Amur said, putting a thick-leaf cigarette in his mouth and igniting it.


“Get the unowned mount from within. When I come, you can just ride the mount you
got inside and fly after me.”

Ian didn't understand.

Doesn't it get caught if you check it when you go out anyway?

“I’ll check it anyway, but won’t it get caught?”

“It’s a little different. I also found out by chance... People who come in from
outside thoroughly check their vehicles even when they go out, but when people who
live inside go out, they don't check it so thoroughly.”

Even the professors went out, so they didn't thoroughly check the people who were
staying inside when they left.

When Amur happened to go out with one of the professors, he checked it over and
over again, but the professor didn't even look at him and let him go.

“Of course, if you go out alone, you are more likely to be caught. But if you
leave when I come in, your attention will be on me. Well, this is the way.”

'shit. Can I get an ownerless vehicle from the school?'

In my heart, I wanted to steal a mount that owned it, but...

“I’m saying this because you don’t know, but don’t even think about stealing the
mount that owns it.”

"of course. I have no intention of doing that.”

At Lee Han's answer, Amur smiled satisfactorily and nodded his head.

"exactly. It is barbaric and cruel to forcefully separate from its master.”


Lee Han thought, 'As it is a magician's vehicle, the moment you steal it, an alarm
will sound and the owner will be contacted', so he gave up on it, but he did not
point it out because he seemed satisfied with the other party.

'There are still a lot of things that are unsettling... But it's the most likely
plan right now.'

Lee Han didn't say, 'How do you get a flying mount in school!' or 'They don't
check thoroughly, but you can't get caught by just removing the hood and cloak

That was the sound of a loser.

'It'll do it. If that's the only way out!'

“…I wish you all the best!”

"Also! When I first saw your eyes, I thought you were no ordinary student. I will
go to school at midnight on Saturday, once every two weeks. Once you've got your
mounts ready, head to the stables at the top of the school tower. I'll wait an hour
for each visit. If you come prepared, we will go out together.”

Lee Han nodded, then suddenly became curious.

They gave money, but it was too much effort for the owner of this stable to bear.

I don't know if Lee Han will come out every time or not, but he comes and waits
for an hour.

“By the way, please forgive me as this may be an rude question. Why are you
helping me like this?”

At Lee Han's question, Amur scratched his beard and grinned.

“The school is harassing a student like you with ridiculously harsh rules. I hate
those rules in my hometown. I couldn't stay still when I saw students fighting like

"...thank you!"

Ian was impressed.

Outside the school, righteousness and harmony were still alive!

* * *

The time to go out was running out.

I also had to calculate the return time, so now there is not much time left.

'There is one more place to stop by.'

Ian hurriedly ran.

It was <Illusion Wizard Waldororn's Workshop>.

Not all wizards were able to get government posts and serve as civil servants.

Some wizards were asked to work together with adventurers to solve them, and some
wizards set up workshops in the village and made a living by commissioning them.

The place Lee Han is now visiting was one of those workshops.


Waldororn was bewildered at the sight of the student who had come.

No matter how you look at it, he was a student at a magic school.

'Why do students from the Magic School come to visit?'

Waldororn was a sorceress with the highest level of 3rd circle magic. At this
level, they were at the level of 2nd or 3rd graders at the Magic School.

There are several archmages inside, but you dare to come to Waldororn's workshop.

Moreover, looking at the atmosphere of the other party, it seemed that he was not
an ordinary aristocrat.

From the accent of speech to the appearance and gait, the great nobility cannot be
hidden no matter how bulky they are.

“For what reason… did you come?”

“I’m here to talk about magic.”


Waldororn was stunned.

'Did you come to quarrel?'

With a youthful spirit, I thought, 'To set up a workshop at this level!'

“Tell me.”

Still, once I received a consultation fee, I decided to listen to Waldororn.

“I am about to enter a tower, and there is a spell that prevents intruders. As you
are a specialist in fantasy magic, I thought you might know something.”


Waldororn was stunned.

Isn't it too obvious what that tower is talking about?

'It's a tower inside the magic school...!'

Looking back, Lee Han's clothes were first-year clothes. Waldororn became even
more absurd.

So, the current first grader doesn't even have enough success to get out of
school, so you're here to find a way to break through the alarm magic in the

'...I will become an archmage in the future!'

Waldororn only exclaimed in admiration.

I think he smoked cigarettes when he was that age and walked around peacefully...

“There are countless types of magic that deter intruders. To the extent that no
mage knows all magic. A good mage can recognize the structure of such a prevention
magic, and a superior mage can reverse it...”

Waldororn frowned.

It was a matter of knowledge and experience, not of talent.

A good vault thief had thousands or tens of thousands of locks in his head.

As such, even when you encounter a lock you see for the first time, you can
quickly understand what the structure is like compared to existing lock designs.

It was similar to breaking through the magic to block intruders.

I had to keep hundreds of prevention magics used in the Empire in my head so that
when I met a magic I had never seen for the first time, I could tell, 'This is a
mix of some spells' or 'This is similar to a certain spell'.

No genius could simply dispel the prevention magic without knowledge and

“This... requires seasoned experience and a lot of knowledge. Even if I mention a

few suspicious spells, you won't be able to dispel them unless you master them.
It's better to break a spell than to dispel it..."

Waldororn, who was talking, stopped.

It was inadvertently said nonsense.

Clearing the magic skillfully and quietly was, of course, a more magically
difficult task.

But breaking the magic wasn't easy either.

In a way, it could have been more difficult.

If it was a magic hanging within the magic school, the amount of magical power
would be considerable, but it had to be smashed with such a huge force that the
sturdy structure that supported the magic was shaken.

Where do you get that kind of power?

" I lied. This is a nonsensical way.”

"no. Please tell me how to break it.”



Waldororn was taken aback by Lee Han's words.

This first-year student had unreasonable expectations because of his useless


Moreover, this method was a dangerous method that could endanger the life of the
wizard if he made a mistake.

Since a huge amount of magical power is required to break magic by force, a

student who is not yet proficient in magic could use it incorrectly, and even his
life could be at risk.

However, Lee Han did not back down easily.

“I’m not going to overdo it, so please tell me how.”


“Did you pay the consultation fee?”

“That’s right. All right."

Waldororn was convinced.

I couldn't let them know unless I got a consultation fee.

“First, you need a huge amount of horsepower. Individual strength will not be
enough. Use magic circles and magic stones.”
Magic circle, magic stone.

All of them were methods used by wizards to compensate for the lack of magical

The higher the level of magic, the higher the amount of mana required. It was not
possible to solve all of these by one's own strength.

Draw a magic circle to amplify the amount of mana and collect them in one place,
or use the charged gems as an additional battery.

“Did you learn how to draw a magic circle?”

“I am still learning.”

Lee Han recalled the <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> lecture he was
taking at school.

Drawing a magic circle was close to solving a complex math problem.

It requires mathematical persistence and effort rather than a sensuous sense.

It was the students who suffered thanks to it.

When I asked students who were confident enough in addition and subtraction to
solve various complex laws and operations, it became difficult to tell if geometry
was the name of a lecture or a scream from the students.

“Good. In any case, if you succeed in gathering magic that way, stand at the point
of discharge of the circle and control it.”

After gathering the magic with the magic circle, now I had to control it and smash
the magic.

Scratching sounds simple, but it was more difficult than collecting them.

Controlling is also controlling, but above all else, in order to give a powerful
impact, you have to release the accumulated magic at once without hesitation.

It's not like a river flows, it's not sending out magical energy, it's like a
waterfall when a dam opens, violently, all at once!

It was not something that ordinary wizards were used to.

Most of the time, it's a constant flow of magic, because there's no such thing as
a runaway level of magic.

“Um… I don’t think it would be that difficult.”

At Lee Han's words, Waldororn sighed.

Despite such warnings, this freshman listened lightly to Waldororn.


That was inevitably a weakness that geniuses had to have.

Why would talented wizards die sooner than untalented wizards? He believes in his
talent and dies while experimenting with magic, saying, 'It's okay, I won't die'.

As he was talented enough to join the Einroguard and escape in his first year, it
might not have been natural for that freshman to have the same weakness as

'I can't help it.'

Waldororn decided to show reality to this talented boy in front of him.

It was a bit embarrassing to be teaching a future archmage, but what can I do?

“I covet the moon and draw its water!”

Waldororn took out a handful of powder made by grinding moonlight stone from his
pocket, and drew a complex pattern with his wand.

Then he chanted a long spell and raised his magical power.

It was the 3rd circle magic <Lunarion's Moonlight Labyrinth>.

A fantasy magic that anyone who learns fantasy magic wants to learn, and prevents
the raiders of the night.

It was one of Waldororn's pride.


Ian was surprised.

Sure enough, there was Waldororn sitting over the table, and it seemed far away,
as if out of perspective.

An ominous feeling that the moment you step between the two of you, you feel like
you'll fall into a different space.

After casting the magic, Waldororn opened his mouth.

“Don't move too quickly. From the outside, there seems to be nothing wrong, but…”

“Are you falling into a maze the moment you step on it?”


Waldororn was momentarily perplexed.

I wondered how the boy in front of me had noticed.

At first, I thought he knew what kind of magic it was, but looking at his
expression, he didn't.

If so, there is one reason left.

This boy felt a sense of incongruity when he saw only the magic emanating from the

It was truly a great sensation.

"'re right. Anyway, the reason I wrote this magic is to show you how
difficult it is to break magic with force.”


Lee Han admired the friendliness of the other person.

This wizard called Waldororn seemed to be a better teacher than the professors at
the magic school.

He explains in detail what he needs to learn, and if he understands everything, he

suggests a goal that students can try, and at the same time doesn't forget to
explain why the goal came out...

After being beaten up by Professor Voladi, I suddenly had tears in my eyes when I
was taught this.

"ruler. Try it once carefully. I will give you any time. Instead, you should stop
whenever you think it is dangerous.”

"thank you."


Waldororn felt something strange.

Lee Han was looking at Waldororn with some respectful eyes.


* * *


There was no sound outside, but Waldororn could clearly hear it.

When magic and magic collided and the magic broke, it was a distinctive roar.


Waldororn was astonished.

only once.

It was only one attempt.

It wasn't even a serious or desperate attempt.

The boy in front of him did not even draw a magic circle, but raised his magical
power once briefly, then pulled it out as if to test it lightly and slashed it
towards the magic. But that alone was enough to break <Lunarion's Moonlight

The torrent of magical power that erupted violently like a waterfall blew away the
elaborately constructed magic.

Waldororn didn't understand.

He knew that his opponent had talent.

However, the amount of horsepower had to be insufficient if the horsepower was
collected for such a short time.

Let's say you've yielded a lot, and even if you've gathered magic for such a short
time, let's say you've collected enough magic (I don't know how).

Then it was normal for him to be clumsy in handling that amount of mana.

Unless you were born with a lot of magical power and got used to it as if you were
breathing in dealing with that amount of magic, you wouldn't be able to accurately
control the amount of magical power that was gathered.

It was as absurd as a first-time sailor to handle huge waves skillfully.

What is it?

"thank you!"

Therefore, Lee Han expressed his gratitude without knowing Waldororn's inner


“Thanks to Valdororn’s wonderful teachings, I was able to realize this.”


For a moment, Waldororn wanted Lee Han to make fun of him.

It was so absurd that I wondered if one of the mad professors at the Magic School
was disguised as a first-year student and then came out and started an argument!

But to think that way, Lee Han's eyes were too pure.

It was filled with pure gratitude.

“No... I'm not really that big of a deal. I didn't teach you anything…”

"no. This is the first time someone taught me in such an easy and precise way as

“Don’t go anywhere and say that!”

Waldororn was terrified.

If the mad professors at the Magic School heard of it, they might be outraged and
turn Waldororn into a frog.

Lee Han bowed his head seriously and greeted him.

“If I come out next time, I will visit Valdororn again and ask.”

“No... no... no. I have nothing to teach you.”

To be honest, Waldororn wanted to say 'don't come', but he couldn't even say that
because he was paid for a consultation.

I'm just timid and say there's nothing I can teach you.
However, such an attitude only showed humility in Lee Han's eyes.

'Until I'm humble!'

As the rice ripens, it bows its head, and Waldororn's attitude only seemed more

Looking at that scene, it seemed somehow cool that they had a workshop like this
in a corner of the village.

In the beginning, the more excellent wizards, the more they enjoyed travelling. It
was clear that this wizard called Waldororn had also set up a workshop as a sort of

"see you next time!"

Lee Han thanked the meeting and went outside.

Waldororn sat up with a puzzled expression on his face and then stood up.

Then, I changed the sign in front of the workshop door from 'open' to 'closed'.

Then, I opened the fantasy magic book that I had not read for a while.

...I don't know how helpful this will be, but I felt like I needed to study

* * *

"...principal. I can be alone…”

Professor Garcia said, looking at the skeleton principal floating next to him.

It was Professor Garcia who was in charge of the front door at this time. He
didn't have to be up to the skeleton principal.

There was only one reason why Principal Skeleton was doing this here, who never
did anything that was not his responsibility.

because it's fun!

'Somehow, you are waiting for Lee Han to be late!'

In this Einroguard, there were fewer students who got a pass than those who
escaped from school.

The students who were given such a rare opportunity went out with great joy, but
in fact, the school did not release the student with such a pure heart.

Because all kinds of traps were waiting for an innocent student.

After realizing the reality of the happy student, it was common for the student to
run around the village in despair at the lack of money, and then be dragged out

And no second chance was given to such a student.

Getting the second pass was much more difficult than getting the first pass.
“I think it would be ok to give a little more generously as a reward for going

still far away Professor Garcia. Teaching students with such an easy and gentle
heart will make them weak and inert.


A true wizard in the ordeal!

“Oh, I know, so let’s work on it.”

Professor Garcia hung up as if bored.

The Skeleton Principal's theory of 'True Wizards Are Born of Trials' had been so
popular that I was getting tired of it.

Ugh, that ancient wizard!

I'm looking forward to your expression.

“...maybe better not to expect too much. Aren't Lee Han students usually smart?"

Surely it is.

Surprisingly, Headmaster Skeleton readily admitted it.

That's how high Lee Han was.

But this has nothing to do with magical talent or a tough mind. I need to find
money, but there is nowhere to get it, and even if I do, the amount I can take with
me is limited... Besides, time is getting tighter! If you think you are smart, the
more you think, the more difficult it will be to come because of greed. I wish the
time would come soon. so that I can go catch it.

“Think to yourself.”

Professor Garcia responded bluntly, but admitted that Principal Skeleton had some
truth to it.

Why are the students who wear out-of-way tickets usually caught and dragged away?

It was because of that greed, 'If I have a little more time, I might be able to do

As soon as we arrived in the village, all kinds of unexpected situations came up,
so we needed the ability to admit this and give up on some parts.

If you try to get everything you need, you fall into the Skeleton Principal's



A huge figure appeared on the hill in front of the front door.

For a moment, Professor Garcia thought he was a giant porter or a troll porter.
It wasn't.

It was Lee Han carrying a mountain of burden.



The two wizards were at a loss for words at the ignorant solution that could not
be considered a wizard.

But that was only the beginning.

As Lee Han climbed up the hill completely, the boxes floated behind him and chased

The Skeleton Principal had no choice but to admit.

...Professor Vollady taught filthy well.


Carrying a mountain of burden on your back, you can use the <Level Control> magic
one after another to make boxes float.

A normal wizard would have used higher circle magic in such a situation.

Because <Lesser Control> wasn't made to be used like that in the first place!

At most, a quill, an eraser, or a magic made to float a marble if it's heavy...

It was beyond great and felt bizarre.

Do I have to do that with 1 circle magic??

“No, it’s body strengthening magic, right? Who taught you?”

Professor Garcia, who was admiring the boxes floated by <Level Control> magic,
noticed the magical energy surrounding Lee Han's body.

A delicately arranged energy enveloped Lee Han's body and helped her move.

There was only one magic of such energy.

Physical strengthening type magic.

It was a magic that was popular as much as it was effective, but it had
aftereffects as it was a magic that stabbed and fixed the human body with magical

Even if it's a veteran adventurer or mercenary, most of them only hold a quill in
front of their desk. One of the students is so weak that it doesn't need to be
taught already...

Where did you learn it?


The headmaster of the skeleton took off his shichimi without changing a single
expression on his face. It was really rich-down facial expression management.

“Did you find it in the library and learn it? I should have given you a warning…”

Don't do that too much. Professor Garcia. If you keep limiting yourself like that,
the wizard will become weaker.

'Isn't this guy the culprit?'

Professor Garcia suddenly became suspicious of the Skeleton Principal.

There was no particular reason, but it was just!

* * *

<Gonadaltes' Swift Steps>, which Lee Han was forced to learn, was a very unusual

In general, the strengthening part of physical strengthening magic was determined

in detail.

Power is power.

Agility is Agility.

The lower the circle's magic, the more so. If you were too greedy for low circle
magic, it could be a bizarre magic that no one can learn.

However, <Gonadaltes' Swift Steps> belongs to that bizarre magic.

A bizarre circle of magic that strengthens the four fields of strength, agility,
cardiorespiratory endurance, and reflexes!

Therefore, the training had to be that difficult.

For magic that simply enhances power, the image of a lord of the world, and for
magic that enhances agility, the image of a fast-flying bird.

However, it was not easy to come up with an image that ties all four fields

-I think I can see why Gonadaltes was included in the magic name.

Lee Han complained, grinding his teeth at the black book.

Some spells used to be named after the wizard who created them.

It was the honor of the wizard, and at the same time, it served as a milestone to
know what kind of magic it was.

And the name 'Gonadaltes' was a definite milestone.

Magic made like a real dog!

'Aren't the magic names supposed to be similar at least? Usually, with such magic,
you only have to deal with agility.'

try and fail.

try and fail.

Through numerous trials and errors, Lee Han took the direction.

Although Lee Han himself did not know it well, the breadth and flexibility of Lee
Han's thinking were, in some ways, a rarer advantage than the amount of magical

The image that Lee Han picked with his strengths was that of Principal Skull's

Of course, Lee Han didn't know what the headmaster looked like when he was young.

However, Lee Han drew a picture of his youth by mobilizing his own imagination.

He was fine, but his eyes blazed with madness, and he must have had a dirty
temper, so he had a warlike and sharp impression. He must have liked to fight
enough to make magic like this, so his agile and disciplined physique...

After giving him a dark outfit and a wand, the image of an evil wizard that would
not be strange no matter where he came out as a villain was completed.

'I thought, but you look really strong.'

A wizard who is strong, fast, durable, and has good reflexes.

And surprisingly, this image worked.

The magic that continued to fail in vain began to show itself properly.

- Feet, crinkle the ground!

- Feet, crinkle the ground!

- Feet, crinkle the ground!

Sequential spell chant.

After persistent attempts, the magic was finally completed.

Lee Han felt that magical powers were engraved on his body like a pattern, helping

Strength and agility, as well as the endurance and reflexes of the lungs.


The black book fluttered as if celebrating Lee Han's achievement.

Lee Han, who was satisfied with the result obtained after hard work, paused.

A thought suddenly came to mind.

-Wait a minute. Doesn't body strengthening magic have that recoil? If it's magic
that deals with multiple fields like this...

The Black Book sent Lee Han out from the fantasy space before Lee Han's question
was finished.
* * *

Of course, I couldn't help but feel anxious. Because this was not the time for Lee
Han to choose the means and methods.

It was such a heavy load.

Lee Han cast <Gonadaltes's Agile Steps> and at the same time generated magical
powers and circulated them through the body in the manner taught by Professor

...No, to be precise, it didn't circulate through the body, just released. It was
still too much to control.

But that alone was enough to strengthen and protect the body.

Continuous casting up to <Level Control>.

In fact, at this point, Professor Ingaldel will also respond, 'No, if you try to
control magic while casting magic like that, of course it's unreasonable'.

And a more serious problem was the enormous consumption of mana.

Originally, I would have to take a few steps and fall down...

'It's not fun because it's full of magic.'

Principal Skeleton grumbled inwardly.

It looks like he wrote <Gonadaltes' Quick Steps>, but it wasn't fun because he was
so fine.

Originally, after learning that magic, it was polite to the master who made the
magic to cast it, saying, 'Since it's a circle 1 magic, won't it consume too much

In fact, Principal Skeleton's other pupils all fell down that way, making
Principal Skeleton happy.

Although it is a circle 1 magic, the difficulty, effect, and magic consumption are
all trap magic that is not circle 1!

...but just passing by.

Welcome back...

The dissatisfied tone of the skeleton principal made Lee Han happy.

Because it means you've passed all the traps.

“Thank you for your valuable outing. I will never forget the kindness of the

“Student Lee. There is no need to say that.”

Professor Garcia was slightly perplexed.

Lee Han set up an outstanding achievement and let him go, wasn't it because the
principal was kind?
uh huh Professor Garcia. Isn't that a rare etiquette these days?

Professor Garcia ignored Principal Skeleton's words.

“Student Lee. After entering, drink as much as possible of the potion to help you
recover from fatigue and rest well. You'd better get a good night's sleep."


He was prepared, but when Professor Garcia had said this, Lee Han was frankly a
little scared.

...can't you use magic? Was magic itself the principal's last trap?

"All right."

Lee Han nodded and went inside the open front door.

Principal Skeleton opened his mouth to Professor Garcia, who was looking at the
back with delight.

for a moment. So how did you get the money?


* * *

Lee Han did the best he could before he collapsed.

Organize your luggage, explain and ask your friends, drink potions...


When he woke up from a good night's sleep, Lee Han was embarrassed.


'Are you so fine?'

it was so fine

It should be painful, but if it doesn't hurt, the human heart is more anxious. Lee
Han cautiously left the room with an anxious mind.


Several Blue Dragon Tower students were waiting for Lee Han in the break room with
anxious and anxious expressions.

“Wordanaj!! Wake up!”

“I was worried!”

Some even shed tears. Ian was even more perplexed.


Who brings a lot of food from outside and plays with more fuss with each other?
“I was a little overworked, but I didn’t mean to worry so much, did I?”

"uh? okay? Gainando said you might die..."


Instead of answering, Lee Han slumped down on the chair in front of the break

In a corner of the break room, Lee Han's belongings were piled up. When I put them
all in the private room, there were a lot of bulky things, so they were piled up.

I saw it again...

'I did bring it with me like a madman.'

It was the amount of supplies that made me feel proud and a little crazy.

How did you come up with this by yourself?

“While you slept, I took care of the stable horse for you.”

"thank you. Yonner. ...for a moment. Would that be a bit of a rude character? Are
you okay?”


Yoner tilted his head.

“Are you okay? I was feeding him and brushing his teeth, but he stayed still.”


Ian was furious.

'This child...?'

When Lee Han took care of him, the guy who was so fussy was quiet when someone
else took care of him?

Of course, because I was treated so harshly by Lee Han, it could be that I felt
grateful when someone else took care of me, so I stayed still...

'Let's see.'

"ruler. cocoa."

Lee Han took the cup of hot cocoa. Although the body was fine, there was some
fatigue left, so the sweet cocoa could not be so delicious.

Lee Han rummaged through his pockets. Yonner was puzzled.

“What are you looking for?”


“…just drink it because I gave it to you…”

Lee Han looked at Yonner with a moved expression. Yoner gave an absurd look.

When he regained his consciousness, Lee Han sighed.

“A new week has begun...”

Everyone in the break room nodded with a heavy expression on their faces.

The arrogance and arrogance of the second week were nowhere to be found.

What kind of hardships and trials await us this week?

“Have you all done your homework?”

“I did. ...if you could call it an assignment.”

“I'm done. ...a pile of garbage.”

Seeing everyone avoiding their gaze, Lee Han felt a little sorry.

Did you ask any questions?

“I finished all of Professor Thunderbolt’s assignments, but that’s all that’s

left. White Tiger Tower flag.”


When the story of the White Tiger Tower flag came out, the faces of the Blue
Dragon Tower students hardened.

The Skeleton Principal's <Basic Magical Personality Education> task.

In fact, it was still a bit questionable as to why this was a character education
task, but anyway, the task was a task.

“Has anyone tried?”

“I couldn’t do anything.”

"shit. I tried to seduce one of the white tiger towers by giving them candy, but I
failed. I'm almost done...!"


The other friends didn't leave it alone to Lee Han.

Everyone has been trying to come up with their own way.

From sneak in (everyone got kicked out), bribery (failed because other White Tiger
Tower students interfered), counterfeiting and so on.

But none of them worked.

Gainando, who arrived late in the break room, said.

“Can’t we just hold hands with the White Tiger Tower guys and exchange flags?”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about!”

“Have you forgotten how brutally the White Tiger Towers attacked Wodanaj?”


Lee Han paused after listening.

I don't think it was that much...

“Everyone, calm down. Because there is a way I came up with.”


At Lee Han's words, the noisy place became quiet. Gainando said he seemed to

“Is it an exchange? Is that the only thing?”

"no. I'm going to raid it at night and bring it out."

“…After all, it’s Wodanazu!”

At Lee Han's words, cheers erupted from the lounge of the Blue Dragon Tower.


The Blue Dragon Tower students who arrived late were puzzled by the noise of the
lounge and asked.

"What's up?"

“Wordanaz has attacked the White Tiger Tower and asked you to take the flag!”

“...Wow! I was waiting for you!”

Each new student heard the situation and burst into cheers.

“No matter how much you think about it, isn’t it better to exchange?”

Guynando still muttered as if he didn't understand.

Ian asked curiously.

It was quite rare for Guy Nando to express an opinion like that.

“Why do you think so?”

“If we exchange, we can solve the task stably without risking each other.”

"right. But it was concluded that we couldn't trust the White Tiger Tower guys."

“The White Tiger Tower looked reliable this time.”


“I saw the White Tiger Top kids giving me bread and milk and talking kindly…”


Ian was shocked.

Giving bread and milk to a situation where there is not enough food for one's own
right now was no mere kindness.

No matter how much he conceded, up to half a loaf of bread was kindness.

'Did you try to buy Guy Nando?'

After all, why...?

'Come to think of it, Gai Nando is a pretty good target.'

It looks like he has a say in his identity (of course, the students of the White
Tiger Tower would not have been able to know exactly the atmosphere inside the Blue
Dragon Tower), and he looks moderately sloppy, so it looks good to stab him...

Lee Han, who roughly grasped the situation, opened his mouth after contemplating.

"great. Guyan too. Let's do what you said before we attack."

"uh? really?"

"yes. Go to the White Tiger Tower bastards and tell them I've changed my mind."

“Aren’t you talking to the other kids?”

Guynando was puzzled.

Shouldn't I tell my friends, who are excited about the raid now, that their plans
have changed a bit?

“If you tell them your great plan, they won’t accept it.”

“Well, that’s right. I'll tell you!"

Guynando started right away with confidence. Yoner, who was listening to the two
of them next to each other, gave a worried expression.

Lee Han nodded and said as if he understood Yonner's concerns.

"don't worry. Even if the White Tiger Tower guys are a bit dirty, they won't be
bothering Gainando by holding on to Gainando in the same situation."

"no. I was worried that Gainando would betray me.”

“…Isn’t Gainando such a person?”

“But you don’t know the world. I wish there was a potion to keep me from


Lee Han became very slightly afraid of Yoner.

Rather, Gainando is your cousin!

* * *

“Are you done?”

“It’s done.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower were satisfied with the stylish flag.

Surprisingly, the White Tiger Tower students were seriously thinking about
exchanging flags.

...but a fake flag!

Bringing the opponent's real flag with a fake flag was a pretty clever idea.

Of course, it wasn't easy. Because I had to deceive all the blue dragon tower
students with good eyesight.

Thanks to this, the White Tiger Pagoda students went to the Black Turtle Pagoda
black market to exchange the rare rabbit meat they caught over the weekend into
cloth and dye.

It was painful bleeding while everyone was hungry, but it couldn't be helped.

“Moradi! done! The prince has come over! Let's set a time and place to exchange!
As we decided, we decided to meet in front of the main building tomorrow when the
sun comes up over our heads!”

Anggo, a Goat Beast student from the White Tiger Tower, who went to meet Gainando,
exclaimed with excitement.

"Also! Angelo, good job!”

“I ate such precious food, but I have to do this much!”

Everyone was clapping and rolling their feet, but Giselle still had a pitiful
expression on her face.

The dwarf student who was next to him, Dukema asked.

“Why, Moradi? Is there any problem?”

“I still don’t know if that prince is usable…”

Gisele had a reason to be embarrassed.

Whatever the original group, the leader of that group had a unique aura.

I hate to admit it, but I could tell just by looking at Lee Han of the Wodanaj

Even if you don't go to the boss, you can't help but be seen if you have a certain
position in the group...

...Prince Gainando didn't feel that strangely.

“Morady. Trust Ango's eyes. The prince will surely be a useful lever.”

"right. i think so too."

When Dukema sided with Angago, all the other students joined as well.
'What do you mean by a bastard who has no ability but only confidence?'

Of course, Giselle did not fall for the friendship of those friends.

From an objective point of view, Angora wasn't that capable.

If I had the ability, I wouldn't have run away crying when the three of them went
to face Wodanaj!

But Giselle didn't say any more.

Giselle was acting like a boss in the White Tiger Tower, but she couldn't do
everything on her own accord.

The friends who believed in Gisele's ability and family and followed orders from
below had feelings and dissatisfaction as they were human beings.

If he forced Giselle's orders too arbitrarily, it could have gone wrong.

Sometimes I had to show that Giselle was listening to what my friends were saying.
Because they were knights, everyone was very sensitive to such pride.

"Okay. If Angago said that, it would be right.”


Angro scratched the back of his head with a shy expression.

'Even if it fails anyway, it's a fake flag.'

Even if the transaction fails or the other party prepares a trap, it should be
considered that there is no damage to this side.

Even if you fail, you'll be losing a fake flag that has no use at all.

Giselle thought so and nodded her head.

"great. Then everyone disbands. Let's exchange it tomorrow."


* * *

A night when everyone is asleep.

Lee Han and his friends were moving out of the tower taking advantage of the

Surprisingly, it wasn't just the Blue Dragon Tower students. There was also one
black turtle tower student.

That was the thief pro, Ratford.

“Follow me.”

As Lee Han wasn't walking alone, he needed the gaze of a professional thief.

Fortunately, Ratford readily accepted Lee Han's request.


Yoner breathed in and let out a startled sound. Lee Han was also nervous.



“...I should have called Nelia too...!”


He also realized his mistake later.

Of course, I didn't need Nelia's abilities to go stealing, but after hearing about
it, I'm sure Nelia...

“Ratford. If Nelia asks later, I never called you.”

"All right?"

"...not. I'm sure I'll get it in my ears somehow."

Because there were so many people, it seemed that it was impossible not to get
into Nelia's ears later.

'Let's explain later.'

“That’s the White Tiger Tower.”

In the darkness, only the moonlight illuminated the towering tower. Lee Han nodded
and approached him slowly. As I've been here a few times, it wasn't too unfamiliar.

“Do you all remember the plan? Act as planned.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students nodded nervously.

In fact, there was no such thing as a plan.

Lee Han and Ratford enter the White Tiger Tower first.

The other friends hid nearby and came in when Lee Han told them not to come in,
and they just had to wait.

But there is no way you can do anything to make it tense.

In particular, as they all came from the imperial family, this attack at night was
like the first time.

“Rat… Mr. Ratford. Are you silently biting a branch in your mouth? It was like
reading a novel.”

“There is no one on patrol, and there is no need to do that because the numbers
are small.”

“Mr. Ratford. I wrapped my shoes in a cloth to keep them quiet!”

“It can slip at night, so it’s better to loosen it.”

Thanks to that, by some chance, Ratford was serving as a daily stealing
instructor. Lee Han gestured to Ratford.

"let's go."


Lee Han and Ratford stood in front of the white tiger tower door. It was as
natural as if he had come to his tower.

Asan, who had been clenching his sweat-soaked palms from behind, suddenly became

‘Even so, Ratford, why is Wodanaj so familiar…?’

Lee Han held his breath and put his hand on the tower.

And I tried to read the magic inside this tower.


In an instant, Lee Han almost collapsed.

When people tried to take in too much knowledge and information at once in their
head, they felt distant.

Ihan felt the same way now.

Countless magics were hanging on this tower.

In addition, it was also due to Lee Han's excellent mana sensing ability.

Other students would have noticed at most one or two simple magics in the
vicinity, but Lee Han sensed the above.

“Are you okay?!”

Ratford was startled to see Lee Han sweating and whispered.

"it's okay. are you okay. I was just a little confused. It’s really not that

“The Wizard's Tower is not an easy place to enter. If you are struggling…”

"no. Let’s do it.”

Lee Han concentrated on not reading the entire tower.

The only thing you have to break through anyway is the magic blocking the

Woo woo woo woo-woo


Huge magical powers began to gather. Even a relatively insensitive Ratford can
feel the power gathering.

'Are you ok... me?'

Ratford was worried.

With that level of magical power, Lee Han could have been seriously injured if he
made a mistake.

'not. If it's Wodanaj-sama...'




A huge wave of magical power spread so that even the students of the Blue Dragon
Tower behind them were startled.

And Lee Han shouted.

“The door is open! Everyone come in!!”

“Go… let’s go!”

* * *

-master. The magic of the White Tiger Tower has stopped.

Anti-magic bastards again?! How did you get over the wall?

The Skeleton Principal, who was researching magic in a deep underground workshop,
was surprised for a long time.

- The freshmen seem to have stopped.

oh if that's the case Things like that happen, too. Everyone looks at the
assignment I gave you. will do it in advance

Principal Skeleton quickly regained his composure.

for a moment. A freshman level wouldn't be able to fool the tower's magic... Did
you get the artifacts? What kind of slick bastards leaked artifacts? oh No. There
was another way.

The skull principal, who was muttering, quickly found the answer.

Among the freshmen, there was one who could temporarily stop the tower's magic.

Did you hit it with force? It's ignorant... But where did you learn that method?

Principal Skeleton was a little puzzled.

Such an ignorant method was practically useless and dangerous, so neither books
nor school professors taught it well.

To dispel magic, you have to figure out the structure and find a crack. What kind
of ignorant bastard will attack you with force?

- Should I find out?

no. You stupid skeleton. I didn't say it to you. There must be other magics that
block the intruders even if the entrance has been drilled? How did it go?

The magic of the White Tiger Tower was not confined to the entrance.

All kinds of intrusion prevention magic were hung inside the tower.

-Most of the other defense magic has also stopped.


Principal Skeleton paused again.

Not only did they break through the entrance, but other magics stopped as well?

'No, such an ignorant bastard...!'

How the hell did you hit it so hard that the other magic stopped?


At the very moment when the Skeleton Principal was absurd, Lee Han and his friends
in the Blue Dragon Tower were running down the stairs.

'Magic power gathers again!'

Ian could feel it.

The magical powers of the tower, which were scattered for a moment, are quickly
taking shape and gathering again.

Although they were momentarily scattered by an unexpected shock, the magic of the
Magic School was truly powerful.

They were prepared to recover from this situation.

And when all of this comes back...

'Plans can go awry.'

Lee Han didn't know how many magics were in the tower right now and what the
effects of those magic were.

However, if those magics reappear, it was predictable that the intruder Lee Han
and his party would have bad results.



“Gainan too! Gainan too!!”

In the process of gathering magical powers, it seemed that one magic was completed
in an instant. The magic was activated like a blink.

Unlucky, enchanted by the magic, Gainando flew away as if being dragged behind the

It was as if someone had hung an invisible hook on Gainando's collar and pulled


Gainando jumped out of the main gate of the White Tiger Tower and rolled over.

The magic to banish the intruders was clear.

"Hurry! When the other magic is completed, work becomes troublesome!”

“Okay, I see!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students nodded.

They were almost embarrassed, but they had a more reliable leader than anyone

The students, who were panicking at the sight of Lee Han giving a cold command
with a sculptural face, regained their composure and followed after them.


The door to the break room opened.

Lee Han and Ratford quickly found things that would make money, no, that looked
like flags.

“I… what is this?!”

Durgyu, who came down from his private room in a faint commotion, blinked in

Originally, the Blue Dragon Tower students, who could not be here, had entered the
first-year break room.

Durgyu recognized the familiar face of his friend and asked in a hoarse voice.

“Lee Han! How did this happen…”



“Behind it!”


Durgyu looked back involuntarily. Lee Han threw his marbles and smashed the
careless The Regyu's jaw.

The poor orc friend, who was not awake, fell down again for believing in Lee Han.

"...haha! This white tiger tower bastard! Pay the military price for your cheeky

One of the Blue Dragon Tower students cheered, and Yoner looked at Lee Han with a
confused look.

It was a look of 'Is this okay, really?'

Lee Han shook his head and said.

“It’s also good for Durgyu.”

The reason why Lee Han didn't tell Durgyu about the raid was simple.

Durgyu was, after all, a student at the White Tiger Tower.

It wasn't because I was afraid of betraying him.

It was because he was worried that if Durgyu, who was a little neglected within
the White Tiger Tower, was involved in this plan, he would be bullied.

Yoner knew that too, so he agreed, but...

'Even considering that, I think I hit my chin too hard!'

“If you see them lying down like this, other students from the White Tiger Tower
will not be misunderstood. Durgyu doesn't have to be a loner in the tower like

"yes. ...but should I have compared it to Nilia...?”

“I found it!”

Like a pro thief, Ratford quickly found the flag.

The problem was that there wasn't just one flag.

“Here too!”

“I’m here too…?!”

Flags of the White Tiger Tower students practiced and failed to make a fake
appeared here and there.

The pattern was clumsy, but it was dark and difficult to distinguish.

Lee Han made a simple conclusion.

“Take it all.”


I see!

You can take it all!

The Blue Dragon Tower students picked up flags as they could see.

“…why, what’s going on?”

A second white tiger top student appeared.

Lee Han was also Rowena, a dark-haired elf who knew his face.

Rowena was startled when her eyes met the princess who took the flag with an
expressionless face and puts it in her arms.
“What is really going on?!”

“Be quiet and do not move! If you move, I will not leave the princess alone!”


The eyes of the princess who had followed to help but suddenly became a hostage
shook slightly.

Rowena raised her arms in surprise.

“No, no! I'll be quiet!"

"okay! Stay still!”

Lee Han tied Rowena's feet with a single word.

Ratford exclaimed urgently.

“I checked everything! No more!”

"great. Bounce!”


As the magics that had lost their form gained power, signs began to appear.

Two Blue Dragon Tower students were thrown out like Guynando earlier.

“Those who escaped, go to the Blue Dragon Tower! Ratford. Run!”


“The Blue Dragon Tower cubs have invaded the break room!!!!”

As the commotion continued, the students of the White Tiger Tower slowly began to
wake up.

The White Tiger Tower students, who came down to the break room to check, and
witnessed a situation like a blue sky, woke their whale whale friends.

“Rowena! Why are you still?!”

"Hey, if they move, I won't leave the princess alone..."

"What are you talking about! They belong to the same tower and come together!”


“Chase!! Never let go!!”

* * *

Some by force, some by their own feet.

Lee Han and his friends managed to get out of the White Tiger Tower.

Lee Han, who barely escaped at the end, was terrified at the feeling of the
tower's anti-intruder magic passing through the back of his head.


The students who had been banished by magic staggered and fell as if they were
suffering from severe motion sickness. Guy Nando couldn't stand up and was swimming
on his bottom.

“Take the fallen friends and run! The white tiger tower bastards are coming!”

“Oh… okay!”

Lee Han lifted Guy Nando on his shoulder. Gainando screamed.

"coachman! live!! Drive me fast!!”

“It’s not a carriage, Gainan too! Wake!"


“Hey, you thieves!”

A torch was lit from behind, and the shouts of the students from the White Tiger
Tower erupted.

It was ridiculous that they were suddenly attacked at night, but even the flag had

Blue Dragon Tower, Asan, cried without losing.

“That's what we're going to do! These cowardly scammers! Make fake flags! You guys
are 100% scammers!”

“Run when it’s time to provoke, Asan!”

Lee Han was faster than the other students even when running with a Gainando. But
Lee Han stopped walking.

Apparently, the White Tiger Tower students were faster than expected.

'If we go on like this, we will catch a few people!'

Ratford asked, panting.

“Are you planning to use the prince as bait?”


Ian was momentarily confused.

it really wasn't

“Wordanaz, you bastard! He said that it is true that he threatened Rowena with the
princess as a hostage in a disgraceful and despicable way! But Durgyu trusted your
honor! Stunning Durgyu like that?!”

The goat beast, Angago, shouted in a voice of displeasure.

I thought it went well, so Lee Han responded calmly.

“Durgue? He was just an easy chess piece. He was fooled into being deceived.”

“...Wordanaj, you bastard!!!”

Angora exploded and rushed in. However, Anggo alone did not become Lee Han's

Apart from swordsmanship, Lee Han had already been severely trained by Professor

Lee Han immediately summoned the water ball.

“Spring up!”

A ball of compressed water appeared. Lee Han cast the next spell without any rest.


Angro, who had been running with a dull popping sound, fell to the ground as it
was. The heavy water beads had enough power to take away the strength of the limbs.

Angro, who had fallen, looked up at Lee Han, grinding his teeth with an angry

The shading on Lee Han's face was clearly revealed due to the torches flickering
on the side of the tower behind him. Still, his cold, sculptural face felt even
colder because of that.

Thinking of Durgyu far away in the break room, Engo's heart burned with anger and
sadness even more.

“Ugh...! Wodanaz! It's like a monster that only knows this magic...!!"


The students of the White Tiger Tower, who ran late, raised the fallen Anggo and
cried bitterly.

Seeing my fallen friend broke my heart as if I was watching a righteous knight

slain by an evil warlock.

“Wow… You'll never be able to beat Wodanaj... ugh."

“Do not provoke, be still.”

When Guy Nando, who had come to his senses, tried to provoke on his shoulder, Lee
Han slapped him in the mouth. Guynando closed his mouth again.

“We did this for a class assignment, so let’s not have unnecessary grudges against
each other.”

“Are you talking about that?”

'Well, I think it's a bit shameless.'

Ihan thought so too.

If I said to the students of the White Tiger Tower, who had already been slapped
in the face, 'All this is due to the skeleton principal who divided the tower into
four and poisoned the students with these lectures and environments, let's not
fight each other', would you hear it?

Perhaps an answer like 'I'll start thinking about defeating you' will come back.

Ian sighed. In the end, there was no answer other than a skill exercise.

Of course, to the White Tiger Tower students, Lee Han's sigh felt like a mockery
that looked down on them, perhaps because of the darkness.

“This… hey…!”

“Don’t follow me. Because I can just use the same magic whenever I want. I don't
know if it's daytime, it's going to be hard to keep escaping in the darkness like

Lee Han planned to run away before the White Tiger Tower students came down

Even if you threaten five or six people and deal with them well, you don't know
what kind of reaction they'll get if there are more.

"...I do not care! Friends! Take revenge on Durgyu! The enemy of Durgyu who was
only used by Wodanaj!”

Angro cried bitterly. Lee Han slightly regretted not stunning Angago.

The eyes of the students at the White Tiger Tower have changed.


The firm will to avenge Durgyu was felt in his eyes, whether he fell down or not.

It was not for nothing that they were from a knight family. When this happened, he
chose his friend's pride over his own limbs.

Gainando whispered in a tired voice.

“…Isn’t this ruined?”

Instead of answering, Lee Han slapped Guy Nando in the mouth once more.

'The left side is checked with a water ball, and the one coming to the right is
blocked by swinging a sword... If you take your sight once and then turn around and
run away...'

It was an unexpected situation, but Lee Han quickly calculated the situation.

But the calculation was meaningless.

Gainando, who was on his shoulder, pointed his finger behind the white tiger tower
students and screamed.

"...behind!! behind!!"

“Wordanaj, how stupid are you looking at us!? Do you think the prince will be
“See you later!!!”

“I will never be fooled... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee done!

A huge vine flew in and wrapped around the white tiger tower student and lifted it
up into the air.

Seeing the unrealistic giant vines appearing through the darkness, Lee Han thought
for a moment that he had touched the defense magic of the White Tiger Tower and a
summons appeared.

But luckily it wasn't.

- A pet has escaped from the greenhouse! A pet has escaped from the greenhouse!

- You're heading towards the freshmen! ...I don't know! This bastard must go to
the punishment room!

-Shut up and can't fix it!?

From afar, a familiar shout could be heard faintly.

It was a warm conversation that only the students of the professor who failed the
experiment could share.


Professor Garcia appeared from the air and landed softly.

The professor swung his wand once to push the vine monster back, then looked at
Lee Han and said:

“How can the summons escape again like this? This week is going to be a really
tough week for freshmen. A student here.”

"...for a moment. Did you say 'again' and 'field'?”

Summoned 'fields' escaped like this 'again'?

“Why is Han Lee here?”

"professor! That creeper took his friend! Please save me!”

"Oh okay. Wait.”


It's a new thing to say now, but the magic school wasn't a safe place.

A place where dangerous things are bound to happen, even with the exception of

The new wizards, who are learning magic right away, couldn't help but try not to
have an accident.
Summoners running rampant now were one of those examples.

At the beginning of the semester, the upper grades who tried to prepare the
summons for a magic experiment failed to control it.

'...No, no matter how much control it fails, does it make sense to make a fuss on
the campus grounds like this? Isn't this a fundamental problem with the school

After hearing Professor Garcia's explanation, Lee Han was stunned.

Still, without giving up hope, Lee Han asked again.

“I heard that the other pets also escaped... Will it be cleared up soon? Aren't
the best wizards in the Empire here at school?"


At Professor Garcia's words, Lee Han was relieved.

Still, it's a fix!

“It will take about a month or so. A student here.”


Ian's face hardened. It was dark and he was concentrating on the creeper, so
Professor Garcia didn't notice his expression.

“...Then what should I do for a month?”

“You have to be careful, right?”

Professor Garcia was serious.

I'm not saying this out of malicious intent, but if the released summons hide in
the campus, shouldn't we be really careful?

...Of course, from Lee Han's point of view, it was absurd.

'A professor is a professor!'

It was the professor here who had a certain amount of madness inside, no matter
how good he was.


“Gam, thank you! thank you!"

Professor Garcia summoned a ring of sharp winds, cut off the vine's vine, and
safely rescued the captured White Tiger Tower student.

Although it may seem simple on the surface, it is a highly complex continuous

magic that threatens the vine monster with mental magic, cuts the vine with wind
elemental magic, and then safely receives the white tiger tower student who falls
with gravity distortion magic.

Lee Han couldn't believe that Professor Garcia did all of this by condensing it
into simple movements without even breathing.

When I was able to see it properly when I had this free time, not the last time I
was crazy, Professor Garcia's magic reminded me of a ballerina.

Just as a virtuoso ballerina creates an aura that cannot be reached simply by

stretching her arms and raising her legs, so did Professor Garcia.

"it's okay?"


The white tiger tower student was so frightened that he forgot that he was from a
knight family and burst into tears.

Or maybe it was the first time a professor had come to this school and said such
warm words.

“But why was the student out tonight?”

"Ugh, Wodanaj... came into the break room... and raised our tower flag..."


Professor Garcia turned his head with a puzzled expression.

It was absurd to come out at night, but it was even more absurd to enter through
the magic of the break room.


But Lee Han was no longer there. has already run away.

* * *

They returned safely with the flag, but the faces of the Blue Dragon Tower
students were subtle.

Before he could even rejoice, a voice could be heard from outside.

Minions have escaped from the campus, so students should take care of themselves.
I'll say it again. Summons escaped from the school...

The students now had nothing to say.

It was a school with a new shock every week.

A school where something new appears every time you say, 'Isn't there anything

How did I have to be nervous even in school?


"...Didn't one of the professors let it go?"

Someone from the Blue Dragon Tower students murmured.

If it was the first week, there would have been a reaction like 'What a nonsense',
but now everyone showed serious suspicion.

“It is clear that the professor solved it. I think the principal…”

"no! Professor Thunderwalk is the winner!”

“Why can’t you get it right?”

Lee Han, who was listening quietly, thought to himself.

'Isn't it because the professors are annoying?'

If you think about it, it was a bit strange that it took about a month.

How many wizards are there in this vast magic school?

If such outstanding professors were all mobilized to spread the siege, whether the
summons escaped or the dragons escaped, it was normal to arrange them quickly.

But basically, professors weren't easy to move in the first place.

The mistakes he made are solved by having the disciples below them, and the
mistakes made by the disciples are more often solved by the disciples.

So much so that they can't move on their own in such a case of escaping a summoned

'If I tell you, everyone will be shocked, so you should keep your mouth shut.'

Lee Han was considerate of the students and kept his mouth shut.

“I should at least tell you which ones escaped! Aren't seniors too human?!"

“That’s right!”

The anger went past the professor and toward the unknown seniors.

The freshmen were courageous and insulted the seniors.

Aren't they suffering because of incompetent seniors?

“Stop talking and have breakfast. Everyone had a hard time at night, so I paid
special attention to it.”

Lee Han lifted the large pot hung in front of the fireplace.

The color of the red tomato beef stew made the Blue Dragon Tower students happy.

Although the amount of groceries brought from outside was considerable, Lee Han
did not intend to waste it. You never know when you will be able to go out again.

But in the current situation, I didn't know if it would be okay to give

generously. Because everyone had a lot of trouble.

'I need to grow some more vegetables.'

Lee Han was thinking of expanding the cottage garden a bit.

Plant not only sweet potatoes and potatoes, but also density, and some fruit trees

'I want to increase the number of chickens. If I raise pigs, will Professor
Thunderwalker treat me like a madman?'

What I felt while managing the garden was that fresh vegetables were very
important in human life.

Even the availability of fresh vegetables changed the quality of the meal.

So was the tomato beef stew I brought with me. The umami taste and aroma were
tomato sauce and spices, and the eye-catching impact was a chunk of beef cut...

Vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms helped to give
this stew a rich and deep flavor.

I roasted these vegetables and did the basic work in advance...

'No, what am I thinking now?'

Lee Han stopped while attaining enlightenment.

Somehow, coming to school, it seemed that he was gaining more enlightenment in

other fields than in magic.

The Blue Dragon Tower students, who struggled at night, put plenty of stew in a
bowl and then enjoyed breakfast with bread.

Having a warm breakfast with the sunlight coming in through the stained glass in
the break room, it was as if I had returned to my own home.

Minions have escaped from the campus, so students should take care of themselves.
I'll say it again. Summons escaped from the school...

“... my appetite is gone...”

“Then shall I eat?”

“Can’t you put that hand away? I will apply for a duel.”

Lee Han got up, took the bowl, and headed to the princess's private room.

Now I'm used to it without being asked by other students.


However, the door did not open as usual. Lee Han knocked on the door several times
and the princess did not answer, so she gave up and returned.

"what's the matter? Does the princess say she doesn't eat it?"

"no. I don’t have an answer.”

"iced coffee. I see you are sleeping You must have been tired yesterday…”

The students serving the princess nodded their heads in agreement.

It was understandable that I was tired as much as it happened yesterday.

Ian was slightly stabbed.

'You don't mind the fact that I threatened you with a hostage, do you?'

Unlike Gainando, Adenart had abilities and many students worshiped him.

Even if it's not now, when Adenart says, 'Wordanaj took me and used me as a
hostage', it would be quite annoying.

So I put a little bit of beef in the stew...

“Then don’t wake me up. Wodanaz. thanks The princess has a very short mouth, but
if you bring it yourself, I don't think she'll be able to refuse it even because of
her sincerity."


Ihan tilted his head.

Did you?

'I think I ate very well...'

Gainando, who was eating the stew while scraping the wooden bowl with a spoon next
to him, asked.

“Isn't it better to wake up early than to starve? You can sleep at any time, but

“Don’t say nonsense, Guynando! Do you know that the princess is like you?”

"right! You are not so obsessed with food!”

In fact, Lee Han also had the same thoughts as Gai Nando.

You can sleep at any time, so I think it would be better to get up, eat, and go
back to sleep...

'done. The followers would be right.'

“By the way, Lee Han.”


“Are you okay with class this morning?”

“Morning class… ah.”

Lee Han looked at the paper at Yonaire's words and paused.

“Maybe it will be fine.”


Yoner's eyes were saying, 'It doesn't seem like it's okay no matter how much you
think about it'.

* * *


Basic swordsmanship class.

As it happened last night, the students of the White Tiger Tower were staring at
Lee Han with a very, very uncomfortable expression.

Fortunately, Durgyu was the only one who spoke to Lee Han.

Durgyu said strongly.

“I didn’t have to do that to be considerate of me. Lee Han.”

The moment he fell on the chin, Durgyu realized.

That the honorable Lee Han took on the role of a villain for Durgyu.

After waking up, the White Tiger Tower students were angry, 'Do you know what that
motherfucker said to you?' But Durgyu didn't waver.

“If I can’t do what I should be doing because I’m looking out for other friends,
I’m not a real friend. A true friend knows how to understand both honor and

“That’s a moving word. Durgyu.”

Lee Han thought to himself, 'Yesterday I came in to steal the flag, doesn't it
have anything to do with honor?'

When the person who has been hit on the chin forgives, you have to keep your mouth
shut and listen.

“So from now on, you don’t have to pretend to be a villain.”


Of course, Lee Han planned to act similarly if Durgyu said or said something
similar happened in the future.

I don't care about Durgyu, but there's no way the other White Tiger Top friends
don't care either.

Even now, students from the White Tiger Tower were glaring at Lee Han.

"Durgyu is being deceived again...!"

“Don’t let him come in contact with you!”

Some students were even grinding their teeth and hitting walls with their bodies
to prevent them from approaching.

Anyone who sees it would know that Durgyu was brainwashed by Lee Han.

"Good morning. Everyone."

Ingaldel, an elf swordsman and professor, appeared with his sword like a staff.
The students, who had just stood there, straightened their postures and greeted
them politely.

Professor Ingaldel continued speaking in a soft voice that was not like a

“When I woke up, I saw the released summons roaming the school. I thought it was a
very absurd place.”


All the students nodded their heads. Whatever the tower, it was something that
everyone could not help but agree with.

“But the students have to stay here... so I thought about it. What would be


Lee Han suddenly became anxious.

When the professor thought about it for the students, there were few cases where
good results were obtained.

“So I have captured one of the released summons. Let's practice together."


Lee Han began to seriously worry that Professor Ingaldel was staining the school.


“Professor is right.”

“If you just step back just because you’re afraid, you can’t win. A truly strong
knight fights fear!”

'These crazy people.'

Lee Han shook his head.

If there were other top students, they would have held hands with them and said,
'Professor Ingaldel, calm down.' Unfortunately, the White Tiger Top students were
the ones who wouldn't listen to what Lee Han said.

No matter what, you're so in favor of fighting an unleashed summoned beast.

Isn't it normal to learn how to avoid it?

Sometimes, Lee Han felt lonely because it seemed like he was the only sane person
in this school.

“I have good disciples.”

Professor Ingaldel nodded his head with a satisfied expression on the reaction of
the White Tiger Tower students.

If there is a student who is afraid or wants to avoid it, I tried to reconsider

it, but as they are also talented swordsmen, I tried to fight against the fear
without avoiding it.

Professor Ingaldel's eyes, looking around, suddenly stopped at Lee Han. Lee Han
reflexively exclaimed.

“It's a great idea. professor!"

"thank you. everyone."

Professor Ingaldel smiled proudly when even Lee Han shouted that.

It seemed like a pretty good idea for a thought that came to mind after thinking
about this and that.

"ruler. Everyone, get together in groups of three.”

Fortunately, Professor Ingaldel had a remaining conscience. He didn't say to deal

with monsters alone.


'oh. It's ruined.'

Lee Han realized that he was ruined.

For people, like Nelia, who have trouble making friends, this grouping is

Although Lee Han wasn't Nelia, the students of the White Tiger Tower couldn't hold
hands with Lee Han.

'Should one say they beat him with Durgyu and force the other to bring him back?
Can I take the professor's gaze and threaten him?'

"professor. Is Joe free to weave?”

"no. We made lots, so you can choose each one.”

Professor Ingaldel gave Lee Han a slight wink.

The professor was already well aware that Lee Han was not close with other White
Tiger Tower students as he was a member of the Blue Dragon Tower.

Knowing that, he was so considerate.


Ian was grateful.

By the way...

'...If you're going to be considerate like that, then instead of just practicing
catching escaped beasts, give me swordsmanship training...'

It was really professor-like that the method of caring was crooked.

Lee Han stood in line and cast lots. The number 4 was written on it.

“Did anyone pick 4?”

Durgyu raised his hand. Ian's expression softened. The White Tiger Tower students
stared at Lee Han as if they were very worried.

Aren't you playing with Durgyu like a chess piece again?

“Isn’t there one more?”

A group is three people.

Someone raised a hand at Lee Han's words.

It was Giselle of the Moradi family.



Durgyu and Lee Han, as well as the other White Tiger Tower students, were

'Isn't this a stabbing knife?'

On the other hand, Lee Han, the essence of the Wodanaj family, who has mastered
all kinds of evil magic before entering school.

On the one hand, Gisele from the Moradi family, one of the most powerful families
of the Northern Knights, leads the students of the White Tiger Tower with her
natural charisma.

Besides, we didn't get along very well...

But instead of swinging a sword, Giselle quietly raised the corners of her lips
and only smiled inexplicably. Lee Han felt it more ominous.

“We made childish mistakes with each other, so can we not forget about it this

“You’re not serious, are you, Lee Han?”

Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if he was saying something nonsense.

Of course, it was Giselle who argued first.

But in the emotional battle, such a relationship was not important.

And if you look at the robber who fucked up, Lee Han was overwhelming.

Put them to sleep and send them to the Skeleton Principal to send them to the
punishment room, lead their friends at night to raid the break room and steal the
flag, etc.

Although Durgyu was not very close with Giselle, he knew quite well what kind of
person he was, as he came from the same Northern Knights family.

As it is an arrogant mass of pride, even if you don't show it on the outside, you
will be sharpening your teeth very firmly to Lee Han.

To be honest, I was seriously worried.

“Lee Han. When moving together, always put me between you and Moradi. And never
turn your back on Moradi.”

"Thank you. Durgyu. It will be cheering.”

“Are you all set up?”

Professor Ingaldel confirmed and continued.

“A party should always have a leader. The leader is the person who picks the one
with red paint on the corner of the paper. Leaders give directions. Others follow
the leader’s instructions and deal with monsters.”


Lee Han remembered that there was no red paint on the corner of the paper he
pulled out.

“Durgyu. Can you tell me that you pulled out the ones that are painted red?”


Lee Han and Durgyu looked at Giselle. Giselle waved the red-painted paper and
smiled again with the same meaningless smile.

“Do you want me to call you Captain?”


“No. I have to put you on.”


Giselle's smile widened at Lee Han's answer.

“If you don’t want to get stabbed in the back, give me instructions.”


It has been said that knights who have witnessed a white ice storm coming over the
northern mountains will no longer fear anything.

Durgyu was one of them, but seeing Lee Han and Giselle staring at each other was
seriously terrifying.

* * *

“So, what kind of summons do we have to deal with?”

“I can’t tell you that.”



All the students of the White Tiger Tower tilted their heads in the same way. Lee
Han felt an ominous feeling.
“I’m trying to learn how to deal with unknown summons, isn’t it meaningless to
know the identity in advance?”

Professor Ingaldel kindly gave supplementary explanations.

Many White Tiger Top students were convinced by saying, 'Aha, that's right,' but
some of the White Tiger Top students, such as Lee Han and well-behaved students,
stiffened their expressions slightly.

“From now on, please enter the annex building one by one. There's a pet inside, so
you just have to deal with him and go out the other side of the exit."

After Professor Ingaldel finished speaking, some of the previously intact students
carefully asked questions.

“Still, Professor. It must be a summons that we cannot deal with, but I think we
need a little bit of information...”

"you're right. Please give me a hint on how to deal with it.”

At the words of the White Tiger Tower students, Professor Ingaldel's face turned
slightly worried.

Come to think of it, I wondered if the practice was too difficult.

'Actually, I don't know if I need to have some basic information or experience to

find a way to deal with each other...'

Just as the senses of a normal person who had been paralyzed by the travels of
other professors were about to return, other students from the White Tiger Tower

“Don’t sound like a coward!”

“What will the professor think of us? You wouldn't think of them as weak children
who can't do that!"

"no. everyone."

"professor. We are fine!”

“I don't need any hints. We will find a way to deal with it with our hands, our
feet and our swords.”

'Isn't this a magic school?'

Ian thought to himself.

Let's use magic, kids! Get hints if possible!

“Stupid scum really...”


"What. why?"

When Lee Han turned his head, Giselle said as if to do something.

How to manage the original expression, words and actions while watching the other
person. There was no need to remove the shichimi in front of the Woudanaj who knew

“I agree with you on being stupid.”

“There are times when you say something you like too. Please listen to the
instructions I give you. Then there will be no problems.”

Giselle said as a warning.

“You seem to have misunderstood, but I have no complaints as long as there are no
problems with the instructions. Why would I be arguing for nothing? I don't like
arguing with other people."



Gisele, as well as Durgyu, were a little perplexed.

'For such a thing, he was naturally good at slashing...'

“A person like that betrayed others and handed it over to the principal?”

Giselle crossed her arms and said in a terrifying voice. Her eyes were those that
she would have pulled out several times even if she had already pulled out her

“We weren’t on the same side, so it’s not a betrayal…”

“Lee Han. I don't know much about narration, but I think you should stop talking
about it."

Durgyu stopped Lee Han.

Durgyu wasn't particularly fond of Giselle, but if he left it like this, it seemed
that one of Lee Han and Giselle would collapse before even fighting the monster.

“I was trying to clear up a misunderstanding.”

"no. Lee Han. Some misunderstandings cannot be resolved. And you..."

Durgyu was about to say, 'You have the talent to piss off your enemies'.

Anyway, in the current situation, there was only Durgyu that could stop the two of
them. Durgyu decided to use his strength.

I have no words, but still...!

“Think of both. If we pretend we don't like each other, we both lose. Even if you
don't like it, since it's a class, the goal you gave is sincere..."

“It’s not natural. Durgyu. do not worry."

“Don’t talk nonsense. choi. It’s okay if you don’t say it.”

They both beat Durgyu at the same time. Durgyu just felt embarrassed.

* * *
The annex building prepared by Professor Ingaldel had the appearance of a huge
gymnasium or auditorium.

Of course, inside the closed door, instead of a pleasant exercise, an escaped

minion was waiting.

'I'm more concerned about the lack of sound.'

If I had heard a scream, I would have guessed it, but it was even more terrifying
that the silence continued as if it had been blocked by magic.

what have you got?

“Even after you open the door and go in, don’t move on your own, and figure out
the situation first. If they start attacking as soon as they enter, they will move
to the left and right respectively, and tell them to the side. choi.”


Durgyu was at a loss for words at Giselle's childish remarks.

Right now, Lee Han is by my side, what do you mean to convey?

'You weren't such a childish person, Moradi!'

“If it’s dark inside, I’ll turn on the light magic first and go inside, so tell
the other side not to be surprised. Durgyu.”

“Tell me to the side that if I wasted my magic for no reason and fell, I would
throw it away. choi.”

“Let me tell the other side that I am the only one who can use light magic.

“Tell me to use light magic and not be shy. choi.”

'Someone please save me.'

Durgyu had heard all kinds of stories before entering the magic school.

They say they prepare for harsh trials in order to immerse their students in
magic, they say the professor is a troll, and the knights get bullied because they
are dull with magic...

But in any story, this was never the case!


The door opened. It was dark inside and not bright. Ian sighed.

'It's scarier to predict the pattern of this school sooner or later.'

The students who went in knowing that it was bright would have been bewildered by
the darkness inside.

I can only imagine what Professor Ingaldel must have thought while preparing for
this darkness.
'Summons are more likely to wander around at night than in broad daylight, so they
must have prepared for it.'


Lee Han's spell rose like the sun and strongly illuminated the inside of the
annex. Both Durgyu and Giselle had no choice but to acknowledge Lee Han's magical


The summoned beast located in the annex had the appearance of a mixture of spirits
and bulls.

Not only that, but also the power of strengthening magic and potions that cannot
be felt from an ordinary bull.

For a moment, Lee Han's face flashed through his head.

'Maybe not.'


When I saw the students who came back last time, I said, 'Isn't there a bull? Why
not?' Professor Thunderwalker asked the same question.

I couldn't figure out why the image suddenly flashed through my mind.

'Let's focus.'

Ian looked away.

The spirit bull in front of him was emitting a fairly unique energy.

First, there are two types of magic.

Perhaps the energy of strengthening magic and potions was clear.

It was difficult to explain theoretically, but the energy of the strengthening

magic cast from the outside and the magic potion working inside were different.

And an energy similar to magic, but with a different chest.

'Is it the power of a spirit?'

Although Lee Han didn't know about the spirits well, he could tell that the bull
in front of him was mixed with the spirits.

An ordinary bull wouldn't have half of his body made of churning chunks of ice.

Every time I rolled my hoof while staring at this side, thin ice formed on the

“Lee Han. I'm staring this way, do you think they'll run? What do you think?”

“I didn’t really think much of it, but I might have turned on the light and got

Durgyu and Giselle turned their heads to look at Lee Han.


"What? It's dark and you don't have to turn on the light. A person who gets angry
for turning on a light is a strange one.”

“I don’t think it’s important to decide whether the spirit bull is strange or

"Ask if there's a way to damage him, Choi."

'Aren't you done yet?'

When Giselle told Durgyu what he was going to say to Lee Han, Durgyu took a deep

“Perhaps ordinary physical attacks won’t go into the spirit part. It's still too
much to use magic on weapons..."

Among the monsters, there were quite a few that did not work with ordinary

To deal with these guys, adventurers used to carry enchanted weapons, or learn how
to put magical energy into their weapons.

“Does any of these people know how to put a little bit of magic into their

Durgyu raised his hand at Lee Han's question. Gisele raised her hand. Lee Han, who
asked the question, raised his hand.

...Giselle looked at them like a madman.

Even so, Durgyu, why does a guy who isn't from a knight family know how to contain
magical powers?

“I said it to Durgyu, but he answered it too. Wouldn't it be great if all three

could attack anyway? Let's scatter and stab."

In fact, it was quite fortunate that these three were together in a group.

Lee Han and Durgyu were the best among the students taking swordsmanship classes,
and Giselle was slightly weaker than the two, but she also had powerful
swordsmanship skills.

Of course, they didn't get along very well.

“Ask who will be in the middle. choi.”

If you start approaching under the same circumstances now, there is a very high
probability that the elemental bull will hate the one in front.

Lee Han asked with respect for the captain.

“Could you tell me, of course, that the captain should stand in the middle?
Giselle answered with her middle finger. Durgyu sighed.

"Rock Paper Scissors?"

"Rock Paper Scissors."

Lee Han in the middle. Gisele was on the right and Durgyu was on the left.

It was the first time Durguy had seen Giselle smile so brightly.

* * *

Fortunately, the elemental bull did not attack first even when the light was
turned on.

The three students' strategy was simple.

Each disperses in three directions, approaching until the elemental bull reacts.

When the gnome starts to react, the targeted student will focus on dodging, and
the other two will deal damage.

'The problem is avoidance.'

Originally, it was important to drive and avoid this kind of hunting, but the
stabbing person was relatively comfortable.

Lee Han felt sorry for his ability to avoid the middle.


The spirit bull, who had only pounded its hooves until before, blew out ice
breaths and made a savage sound.

Anyone could see it, and it was a warning sign saying, 'Shut up quietly'.

Instead of approaching any further, Lee Han used magic.

“Spring up, move!”

A ball of water spurted out in the air and flew straight to the elemental bull.
The spirit bull, who had been standing still, was startled and moved. Water beads
exploded on the floor.

Puck, puck!

“Awesome… wait.”

Durgyu, who was surprised by his magical skills that only admiration was seen
again, felt something strange.

The direction in which Lee Han threw the water beads was somehow strange.

It shoots down from top to bottom, and the result is as if driving a spirit bull
to the right...?

'The fucking bastard is real.'

Giselle drew out her dual swords.

Durgyu noticed it, but Giselle couldn't have missed it.

In the first place, Gisele had also said that if the spirit bull came toward her,
she would flock to Lee Han.


Gisele ran diagonally backwards to the left.

It was to turn the gaze of the spirit bull, who was focused on him, back to Lee

It was rushed for a moment, but it was obvious who was more dangerous to the
elemental bull.

He devised his own tricks, but in the end, he dug his own grave.


Stimulated, the spirit bull completely turned and started running towards Lee Han
and Giselle.

“I hide at night!”


Lee Han's new model disappeared. Giselle didn't even have time to swear. He had to
draw a double sword and spread the Zaun sword to face the spirit bull.

Shaking the sword in his right hand, he drew the spirit bull's gaze, and with the
sword in his left hand, he aimed precisely at the bull's chin. Giselle swung
sideways like a seasoned matador, damaging the elemental bull.


Giselle clicked her tongue at the sensation she felt on her fingertips. As she
attacked the elemental part, the bull seemed to have no damage at all.

The sword he was holding was covered in thin ice, but the part where the elemental
bull was attacked was restored in an instant.


With an annoying sound, the elemental bull turned. He was incredibly flexible and
agile for his gigantic size.

Giselle shook her head and waved her sword as if to come back.


At that moment, the elemental bull flew sideways as if hit by something.

Lee Han unleashed the invisibility magic and revealed himself. The hard wooden
sword he was holding in his hand was completely powdered.


* * *

Of course, it sounds like an excuse, but there was a reason why Lee Han drew his
attention to Giselle.

In order for Lee Han to attack properly, someone had to draw the attention of the
spirit bull.

If I told Giselle, of course, she wouldn't believe me...

It was heartbreaking, but I had no choice but to show the result.

“Is this okay, Lee Han?!”

"it's okay! After all, there is nothing to do in the same group other than this

Lee Han responded with enthusiasm and ran after the bull in a transparent state.

“Foot, crinkle the ground!”

Lee Han's murmuring turned into a spell and lingered all over his body.

The vision, which had become clear through concentration, changed more and more
clearly, and the movement of the spirit bull caught my eye.

Woo woo woo!

No matter how long it had been since the last time he had broken his sword, Lee
Han relentlessly infused with magical powers.

Thanks to the spirit bull's gaze on Giselle, he was able to buy time properly.

Before the sword was shattered, Lee Han swung it at the spirit bull. Naturally,
black smashed with the attack.


Still, the effect was clear. The elemental bull flew sideways. Lee Han waved his
paralyzed hand in shock and shouted before the spirit bull stood up.

“Now! Let's go outside!"

“That… yes.”

Durgyu couldn't help but look at Giselle's expression. he was so scared

* * *

The goat beast, Angago, looked at the exit with a worried expression.

Angago, who entered the 3rd group first and came out, was very worried about the
4th group.

“What if Wardanaj uses Durgyu again?”

"don't worry. There is Moradi. Moradi will take care of it.”

“Is that so? Because Moradi is there.”

Even when everyone said that, they looked worried.

It's like putting a wolf and a sheep in the same place!

As such, when the three of them walked out, the students had no choice but to
breathe a sigh of relief.

'thank god!'

“I’m here, Durgyu!”

“Moradi, you worked hard!”




However, the friends who came out realized that the atmosphere in Group 4 was a
bit strange.

Wodanazuya is originally a cold, expressionless guy, but even Durgyu doesn't know
where to put his body with a very awkward expression.

Besides, Moradi...

I don't know for some reason, but I felt a bloody atmosphere that seemed to kill
me if I talked to him.

Angro was scared and stopped talking to him.

"ah. Ango.”

“Durgyu! Did you do well?”

"okay. well avoided How did you guys solve it?”

Durgyu asked curiously.

No matter how much I thought about it, it did not seem that the other students in
the group would have solved it in the same way.

“I picked up a torch hanging in the corner, threw it, and ran away while he hated

“We summoned flames, threw them at him, and then ran to die.”

"hey. you guys are smart We didn't have the ability to do that, so we managed to
find an exit, luring the bulls one after another.”

Students in each group told a saga.

There was a group who wisely solved it by rolling their head, and there was a
group who solved it by ignoring it with their body.

Every time he heard the story, Durgyu's expression hardened.

'Come to think of it, you told me to go out to the exit after the opponent, didn't
you tell me to knock it down?'

Professor Ingaldel didn't even say a word to defeat him, but as Lee Han and
Giselle talked about how to catch him, Durgyu also fell into the mood.

The following groups also came out in turn. Some students came out crying with
their capes and clothes covered with ice.

“Everyone was great. I told them to go out to the exit, but there was even one
group who dared to subdue them. I didn't originally let them in, but I can only
compliment them because they suppressed it so well.”

At Professor Ingaldel's words, the students murmured.

Some students tried to ask Giselle, 'Have you done Giselle?'

“How did it feel to deal with a monster?”

“It was stronger than I thought. He moved too quickly.”

“I didn’t know that the attack itself would not go in.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower gave their impressions as they came to mind.
Professor Elf nodded and replied.

“Everyone would.”


Durgyu listened to the professor and wondered where his group really went wrong.

“Everyone must have felt differently. But as you escaped the monster, you must
have realized one thing. There is nothing to be afraid of that much.”

"you're right!"

The White Tiger Tower students agreed.

Even if it was just running away, meeting and dealing with the monster in person
made my fear less than I thought.

In order to get rid of fear, you must eventually face it directly.

“In the end, dealing with monsters is the same as swordsmanship. Stay calm, figure
out who your opponent is, and think about how you're going to run away if you can't
win. I am glad that today you have learned a lesson that cannot be taught in

Durgyu agreed with the professor's words.

Of course, Durgyu's group just jumped on it, but...

"Oh yeah. This semester's class will be conducted in the group chosen today. It’s
a lot more balanced than I thought.”

Durgyu nodded his head as he listened, then stiffened. Then he looked at Lee Han
and Giselle.

Their faces were also stiff, similar to that of Durgyu. Lee Han asked Durgyu in a
low voice.

"Well. Do you think it's good to apologize for what happened earlier?"

“...I think it would be better to just talk with me...”


“Still, I think we need to clear up the misunderstanding if we want to be in the

same group in the future.”


Durgyu knew it now.

Lee Han was saying it was a misunderstanding, but that was not a misunderstanding.

Lee Han is someone who is ready to fuck Giselle whenever the opportunity arises.

Of course, I would argue that I am in self-defense, but...

“It will be fine. ...maybe. I'll pass between the two of you... I hope you do."

"Five. Durgyu. You must have liked the way it was conveyed.”


Durgyu didn't even have the strength to respond.

* * *

A few students from the Blue Dragon Tower came to the front of the swordsmanship

The White Tiger Tower students said with disapproval.

“What did you come here for?”

“I’m here to help prevent you guys from attacking Wodanaj as a group!”

“...what, what? That's what we're going to do!”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were really upset.

Of course, they attacked first, but considering what they hit, the Wodanaj hit was
far more overwhelming.

But the Blue Dragon Tower students did not listen to such excuses. They made a
threatening sound, and when Lee Han came out, they quickly grabbed their arms and
pulled them.

"let's hurry! I don't know what these kids are going to do."

“It would be fine.”

“It’s still dangerous for your pets to be released, Wodanaj! We will protect you!”

Lee Han was dragged away without being able to greet Durgyu properly.

'It's really good.'

The Blue Dragon Tower students said, casting their eyes of renewed vigilance.

“You have to be careful. Wodanaz. The White Tiger Tower guys are like beasts.”

“The next class is alchemy, isn’t it? Let's go together."

Yoner was puzzled as he saw Lee Han being dragged along by his friends.

“Why are you being dragged by your arms?”

“Makein! You can't do that without a sense of safety! Now you have to think
outside the tower is unconditionally dangerous!”

'I think Lee Han will win even if all of you jump on it...'

Yonner, who knew Lee Han's skills, looked at him with a very strange look.

"Right. The situation is very dangerous right now.”

“The genius of the Fleming Church proud of, the master of alchemy, the priest
Siana. Long time no see.”

Lee Han said while holding his arms by his friends.

'A genius of indebtedness?'

'Master of Alchemy?'

The Blue Dragon Tower friends tilted their heads.

I knew that Siana Priest was good at alchemy, but was that enough?

Priest Siana smiled happily and held out the flask.

“It’s a potion I made to get rid of monsters. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. Take
it once and try it. If you spray it on, it will give off a scent that monsters

“I am so moved by this wonderful gift.”

Nilia, who arrived late, whispered puzzledly.

“Why are you talking so old-fashioned in front of Siana Priest?”

“Nelia. If you want to live a social life in the Empire, you have to do this...”


Neila didn't understand. Lee Han didn't think Nelia would understand right away.

'Anyway, thank you.'

Lee Han took the potion of monster extermination carefully and took it with him.
When I saw the summoners roaming the school grounds during the third week of the
current semester, I didn't know that the summoners would come to the dormitory by
the fifth week.

In about seven weeks, a demon may appear in school...

“Everyone, sit down.”

Professor Thundergeuleum yawned and opened the door of the Gaksugwan (角宿館) and
entered. All the students suppressed their hatred and greeted each other.

“Did you finish all the potions?”

“Yes (thanks to you, you worked hard).”

“Okay (let’s leave it one day).”

Although Lee Han did not have the ability to read minds, he seemed to be able to
hear the inner feelings contained in the words of the students.

"What? are you done? Did you check it wrong?”

Professor Thunderwalk asked in a voice full of disappointment. Priest Siana

answered in a blunt tone.

“I thought there was a problem with the method the professor gave me, so everyone
put their heads together and thought about it.”

“...why are you doing that? You don't get along well with each other!"



The top students who don't get along with each other were making noises that would
make even the top students unite, and Professor Thunderbolt grumbled.

“Anyway, everyone was struggling. Now that you have made <Potion of Lesser Spirit
Affinity> from start to finish, you can say that you have completely taken your
first steps as novice alchemists. Of course, the result will not be perfect.”

Professor Thunderwalk grabbed one of the flask bottles submitted by the students
placed in front of the table and opened the stopper.

Then he grabbed a branch that moved strangely and shook it from above.

Then a faint candle-like light lit up the branches.

“Look. Isn't the potion's power weak?"

Professor Thunderstep hooked and turned off the lights.

Then he opened the flask next to him and shook the branch again. The same dim
light was lit very slightly. Professor Thunderwalk turned off the lights with a
very satisfied expression.


But in the next flask bottle a fire so intense that it burned the branches.
Professor Thunderbolt, who hurriedly tilted his beard back to avoid it, stared at
Lee Han with resentful eyes.

Ian was very sad.

'No, he didn't look at the potion bottle name tag...!'

“Of course, there are well-made potions, but it is too early to be arrogant. If
you act cocky that a little bit of luck will follow you, you will get a big nose

Asan nodded as if he heard the professor's words quite impressed. Lee Han wanted
to tell him not to be deceived, but he didn't have a chance.

"ruler. therefore..."

Professor Thunderwalk swung his wand to open all the caps on the flask bottle,
then checked the flame. At the same time, a quill floating next to him quickly
wrote down the numbers and went down.

Lee Han could see the number '10', which means perfect score, written next to his

-10. no fun guy


Can the professor do this?

“Today, we will practice on spirits, an important element in alchemy. A good

alchemist should be able to not only complete a potion, but also be obsessed with
how to increase the potion's effectiveness. And the easiest way to do it... is the

Professor Thunderwalk clenched and opened his fist. Then a cute rabbit appeared,
which looked like it was made of snowballs on the palm of her hand.

All the students in the room exclaimed.

Lee Han suddenly remembered and turned his gaze to his waist. The Bone Minions
tied to their belts rattled as if they were asking why.

'Well. There's a reason why real black magic isn't popular.'

“This is the cold spirit that I often use, Rabbit Teacher. It's small and cute,
but never make fun of it. Because he is a spirit that can destroy all of you here

Sensei Rabbit nodded with pride. Her students were very embarrassed.

It doesn't look that way at all...

“I didn’t mean to sign a contract with this spirit from the beginning. It’s too
much for your level.”

Making a contract with the spirit was similar to getting a loan from a bank.
Once you get to know the lower spirits and raise your credit rating in the spirit
world, you can make contracts with more powerful spirits.

“Don’t even think of the cheeky idea of signing a one-time contract. First, think
about making friends with the spirits. The only way to get close to the spirits is
to be sincere and sincere. If you approach it with a cheeky heart, the spirit will
notice it right away.”

The students concentrated on writing down the words of Professor Thundergale.

To be honest, it was one of the most exciting classes I've ever taken.

Compared to collecting materials while avoiding the risk of going to the

mountains, putting materials in an exploding pot on time, etc., 'meeting and
getting to know the spirits' was a very exciting and romantic task.

yes i wanted this!

Professor Thunderbolt drew the magic circle by throwing gems and reagents into
every corner of the classroom.

In order for wizards to access the spirit world, it was good to try in a place
with good mountain, good water, and good spirit energy.

Drawing the magic circle by throwing these gems and reagents now was an attempt to
amplify the spirit's energy.

“Drink the potion.”

The students drank the potion with anticipation. Lee Han also drank the potion.

"ruler. Then come meet the spirits.”

Thunderstep swung his staff. At that moment, Lee Han's vision darkened.

* * *

Lee Han had seen this kind of scenery before.

It was similar to the scenery shown by the black book that the skeleton principal
gave him.

If there was a difference, the Black Book dragged Lee Han's spirit into the
landscape and forced her to practice magic, while Thunder Walk was sent to the
Spirit Realm and forced to meet the spirits.

'It's a surreal scene.'

A blazing lava mine on one side, and a snowy mountain with an ice storm on the

Of the infinitely wide spirit world, it was clear that it had fallen near the
realms of fire and ice spirits.

not bad.

Because both the Fire Spirit and Ice Spirit were useful spirits.
Fire spirits are useful for boiling soup or frying eggs, and ice spirits are
useful for keeping chunks of meat fresh...

'No I was thinking what crazy.'

Lee Han shook his head to regain consciousness.

Being close to a spirit had nothing to do with an individual's bloodline or

superiority in magic skills.

only sincerity

As Professor Thundergull said, Lee Han didn't even think of signing a contract at

If you try consistently and carefully, someday you will find a spirit that will
give you a hand.


Ihan blinked his eyes. On the blackened ground, a dog spirit made up of a ball of
fire was jumping and running.

Lee Han carefully called out the puppy.

“Are you the great fire dog spirit teacher?”

Lee Han was well aware that when he didn't know who his opponent was, it would be
good if he gave him all the titles that looked good.

The flame dog spirit turned his head to look at Lee Han with an expression of what
kind of crazy guy is talking crazy.

。!!!!!! Awesome!!!


And ran insanely fast. It was like a frightened expression.


Ian was perplexed.

What did I do?!

“Puppy spirit teacher! Come back, Puppy Spirit Teacher!”

No matter how much I called, the spirit never returned. Lee Han wondered if his
title was too burdensome.

'Well, since you're a spirit, you might like simple things.'

When Lee Han found the flame pigeon spirit, he approached it a little

“Mr. Fire Pigeon?”

The fire dove spirit ran away, howling like a madman.

At this point, Lee Han felt a sense of incongruity.


* * *

The students came out of the spirit world one by one. In reality, it was a short
period of time, less than a few seconds, but students alike opened their mouths and
talked loudly.

“Have you ever seen it!? I made eye contact with the carp spirit in the lake! I
kept talking to him, but seeing that he didn't run away makes me feel a little bit

"If I'm petting and I'm not running away, isn't that a good sign?"

Professor Thunderwalk frowned as he put his fingers in both ears at the loud
students' voices.

“Stop, stop! Go to your tower and do it. Anyway, everyone must have understood how
difficult it is to meet and get to know a spirit in the spirit world. In the
future, besides lectures, whenever you have time, try to contact the spirit world
and get to know the spirits. If you can get help from the spirits, it will be of
great help to alchemy.”


As the students stood up with satisfied expressions and walked out, the
thunderstorm called Lee Han aside.

He wondered what his experience in the spirit world was like.

'guy. No matter how good you are, the spirits won't listen to you easily until you
get to know them.'

“How was it?”

“It’s a big deal.”

Professor Thunderbolt smiled warmly.


A new alchemist should be like this!

“How are you? Did the spirits not listen to you like that?”

“Whenever he saw me, he would run away.”



The spirits did not unconditionally welcome guests. Although there were no words,
the spirits had personalities and tastes.

Naturally, there were guests who were afraid of the spirits.

Professor Thundergale remembered a story he had heard before.

The story of a wizard who had no interest in spirits, but once became an archmage
and contacted the spirit world to summon a spirit.

It was easy to contact the spirit world as much as she had magic skills, but the
spirits did not like the archmage.

The intense aura felt in the soul frightened the spirits.

The color of the soul of those who have lived a tumultuous life, such as a veteran
mercenary in battle and a swordsman who defeated dozens of opponents, had no choice
but to change the color of their souls.

From the perspective of Professor Thunderwalker, I couldn't understand why a

wizard who realized all sorts of secrets was treated the same as the people above
him, but...

what to do

I don't like spirits.

So, it was good to get to know the spirits from a relatively young age. The older
I got, the more difficult it was to make friends.

“But why me?”

“Isn’t the spirit reading your awful thoroughness?”


“It’s a joke. It must be because of your magical power.”

There was no way that Lee Han, who came from the Wodanaj family, had killed anyone
before entering the school, and all that was left was the amount of magical power.

The amount of magical power that can only be overwhelmed by any spirits!

“Fortunately, there is no solution. The Archmage in the story I was talking about
also managed to get to know the spirit in the end.”

"Five. How?”

“I used magic to forcefully capture the spirit, and then we became friends.”

“…In the spirit world, aren’t the spirits usually stronger?”

Animals are stronger in their front yard, so fighting spirits in the spirit world
was a life-threatening thing to do.

“There is such a small problem. Anyway, stay strong!”


Ian was not disappointed.

Disappointment was what made Professor Thunderwalker happy.

'Next time I go to the hut, I'll have to steal more food and bring it out.'
* * *

Fortunately, the friends took care of Lee Han's misfortune as if it were their

“It’s a really big deal. Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”


The Blue Dragon Tower students were so natural that I thought for a moment that
Siana Priest was the same Tower student.

'Since when have you been here?'

'I don't know either...'

“Sometimes, because of the misunderstanding of the spirit, there are people who
are afraid of the spirit. There was such a case in our church as well.”

“Is there no way to solve it?”

At Yonaire's question, Siana Priest thought deeply.

“If you avoid the spirits because they are afraid when you enter the spirit world…
First of all, meeting the spirits in real life and getting to know them is one of
the ways. If you are recognized by the spirits or receive tokens from being
friendly, your vigilance can be alleviated.”

Lee Han looked at the wooden staff he was holding.

...I think this is a staff imbued with a tree spirit, right?

Ian sighed inwardly. It seemed that the tree spirit's staff couldn't solve it.

"is there any other way? In the Flemish Church, maybe…”

“In our denomination, we used to solve it with potions.”

As it is a denomination of alchemy, the Fleming Church saw a solution through


At the words of Siana Priest, Lee Han was sympathetic.

“Is it possible to solve it with a potion?”

“Of course.”

What I drank during Professor Thundergale's lecture right now was a spirit-
friendly potion.

A potion that makes it easier to come into contact with the spirit world and stay
for a long time.

Since it was a lower potion, it was possible to use a stronger potion to erase the
fear of the spirits and make it look more attractive.

"Oh oh...!"

“How is that possible!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were amazed.

The reputation of the Fleming Church was not in vain. Yoner also said with a look
of anticipation.

“I've heard of it. Among the Arcane Potions of the Fleming Church, there is a
potion specialized for spirits...”

“You know it very well. Yoner of the Makein family. I once helped craft one of the
arcane potions. If you want, I will make it for you.”

Priest Siana said kindly.

It was the vision of the Fleming Church, but it could be given to those who knew
and respected the greatness of the Fleming Church like the boy of the Woudanaj

That was the ideology of the Fleming Church.

“If it is completed, we will also...?”

“Of course.”

Siana Priest nodded, even at the words of the Blue Dragon Tower students

Once completed, it was not difficult to distribute it to other students.

“Instead, we need quite a lot of materials. ruler. look at this."

Priest Siana took out a piece of paper and began to write down the necessary
ingredients with a quill.

Even though I wrote it down quickly, there were so many that the list quickly
became full.


nysinth flower

multi-headed beetle

Ruby (formation) pentalith




“Can we get all of this?”

“It may be difficult to find if you look for it yourself. But there is a way.
Professor Thundergeulleum's laboratory, located upstairs in the Gaksugwan (角宿館),
should have everything I wrote down here.”


Lee Han, who had been listening quietly, was bewildered for the first time.

...what do you mean?

'ah. We're going to ask for permission from Professor Thunderfoot.'

Lee Han repented.

Siana Priest wasn't Lee Han, so wouldn't they want to steal it?

“If your will is strong, I will sneak into the lab with you and come out with the


Ian was shocked.



However, the other Blue Dragon Tower students were very impressed.

“Priest Siana!”

“I used to wonder why Wodanaj gave so much praise, but now I understand!”

“The priest is the light and salt of the empire!”

Lee Han asked to calm his crazy friends.

“Priest Siana. Thank you for your words, but wouldn't that be a little...

“But, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family. This is something the school


That's right!

Lee Han couldn't resist.

Because it was true that the Skeleton Principal said so.

Siana Priest smiled while narrowing the elongated, characteristic pupil of the
snake beast race.

“Oh my. I guess it's because I'm worried. But it's ok. He said that Han Lee of the
Wodanaj family had gone to school many times at night, but never got caught.”

“Wordanaz was like that.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were proud of their work. Asan sniffed her nose and
looked shy instead.

“Even if I get diarrhea, I won’t be resentful at all.”

“So are we. Wodanaz.”

“…thank you very much.”

“What do you have with this?”

Aside from the friendship of my friends, I thought Siana's words were a bit

Why would the bank robbers in the story stick to the big one instead of just
retiring every time?

It was because life would be easier if one big thing exploded.

It was the same with Thunderstep Labs.

'Considering the next semester, the alchemy class is highly likely to be a hell of
an assignment.'

Not only the alchemy class, but also other lectures can change at any time and
cast Hell.

If he had a large amount of alchemy materials, he could respond flexibly to this


If you just blow up a big one...!



Ihan turned his head.

Nilia was lightly poking Lee Han's side.

Seeing this, Ian was a little sane.

'Ouch. Was I thinking too crazy?'

“Why, Nelia?”

"...don't take only Ratford with me this time, really."


Lee Han raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Regardless of Lee Han's complicated mind, the sky at the magic school was blue
without a single cloud.

* * *

Even though the pets escaped from the school and the professors thought about what
tasks to harass the students, there were a few things that didn't change.

That was Professor Voladi's teaching method.


Lee Han clenched his teeth at the marble that broke through the defense once more
and came to me on the back.

Lee Han got used to it too, but he couldn't completely follow Professor Voladi's

The control that made an unpredictable path by twisting up and down, left and
right, and then stabbing a loophole had a bloody intimidation that only those who
experienced it in person could understand.

In addition, penetration was not normal.

If Lee Han loosened the cohesion of the water beads even a little, he noticed like
a ghost and tried to penetrate.

“I can’t concentrate.”


Lee Han was concentrating.

Professor Voladi raised the difficulty more and more.

It wasn't that my skills weren't improving, but whenever my skills improved,

Professor Voladi raised the hurdles much higher, so I couldn't help failing.

However, Professor Voladi had no idea that his eyesight was broken because he had
done all he could.


Professor Boladi was embarrassed when Lee Han, who had been doing well so far,
started to wander strangely.

Whether it was a student who failed from the beginning or gave up and ran away,
that boy of the Wodanaj family was a boy who had done well so far.

Of course, in the eyes of Professor Voladi, it was 'You did a good job,' but when
other professors saw it, it was like, 'Isn't that supposed to be reported to His
Majesty the Emperor together with the skeleton principal?'


The marble stopped in mid-air.


Lee Han was wary of whether it was a trap.

'Is this a new pattern?'

Stop the marble and pretend it's time to take a break, then attack again...

It really was something that Professor Voladi would have done.

“I can see why you can’t concentrate.”


Ian was surprised.

Did he even notice that Lee Han was trying to rob Professor Thunderbolt's lab?

“Are you trying to add a rotation property to the water ball, just like you did
when you defeated the golem last time?”


Lee Han seemed to know where the story was leaking.

'Skull Principal...!'

Professor Thunderwalk wasn't very friendly with Professor Voladi, so there was
only one person who would go to Professor Voladi and chatter.

“No, I don’t have that kind of greed…”

“It’s overkill.”

'I know.'

Lee Han sighed inwardly at the absurd misunderstanding.

Just because I was lucky enough to knock down the mud golem, I never had a
delusion like, 'Oh, I'm a genius, I'll have to put a spin on a water ball in the

“Don’t fret.”

If you had known Professor Voladi, you would have been surprised to hear advice
such as 'I'm too greedy' or 'Don't be anxious'.

Basically, Professor Voladi was a person who had no concept and common sense of

-If I can do it, you should be able to do it too. Why not? do it.

The person who seriously believed in ... was Professor Voladi.

Such a person is overly greedy, don't fret.

The sun was going to rise in the west, but Lee Han, of course, did not know the
weight of the horse.

'Because I don't...'

I really had no intention of doing anything, but Professor Voladi was just absurd.

After all, professors!

"for a moment."


But Professor Voladi put out his hand and thought again.
For the first time, Professor Voladi thought from a student's point of view.

It was a great step that I didn't even notice.

- What if I was that boy of the Wodanaj family?

He wouldn't have been relieved to hear that 'don't be anxious'.

Anyone who did not go to the road ahead was not qualified to be a wizard.


“What… you mean?”

Lee Han felt an ominous feeling. Usually, when professors convince themselves,
good results have never been achieved.

“You can be nervous from now on. It will keep you focused.”


Before he could even say 'Kan', Professor Voladi's storm started again.


What can you do to stop a student from waking up to the new properties of magic
and going down that path?

I just had to let them know that I could die the moment I went down that road.

Professor Voladi swung the marble like a madman. It wasn't a joke, it was serious.


'The weight of the beads has risen!'

Lee Han realized that Professor Voladi had increased the weight from the sensation
felt when the marbles collided.

It felt like it was meant to compress the water ball more, rather than obsess over
crappy rotation.

...but if he had just said it, Lee Han would have understood.

Fireworks erupted in the classroom where it was only the two of them. In the tense
air different from before, only a plosive sound could be heard.

While they were silent, they stared at only their eyes and manipulated the magic

'...Should I kill the professor?'

A thought popped up in Lee Han's mind, which wasn't the first time he had done it.

Of course, killing it was a joke, and it was close to making it hurt by breaking
one or two places.

It wasn't an emotional decision.

Now, Professor Voladi was throwing marbles with serious intent to kill.

However, although Lee Han's magical control increased rapidly in a short period of
time, it was not at a level where he could win 1:1 with Professor Boladi, an old-

How will Lee Han survive in this situation?

I had to kill the professor... if not, at least interfere with my proper


'Can I?'

Lee Han concentrated his whole mind. A new incantation flowed from his mouth while
maintaining the water beads that were compressed in front of his eyes and twirled.

“Spring up!”

With the spell, new water began to take shape and appear in the air.

For a freshman with little experience in magic, such simultaneous magic was close
to taboo, but it meant nothing to Lee Han.

He had already confirmed with his body over and over again that it wouldn't be a
problem just because a little bit of mana was wasted.

And now Professor Voladi in front of me was more dangerous to my life than wasting
my magic.


Prof. Voladi's unfeeling eyes lit up.

'Are you planning to increase the number of marbles?'

It was a thought that a cornered freshman would do, but it wasn't a good idea.

Increasing the number of marbles only made it difficult to control, but Professor
Voladi was able to break through the gaps.

It was good not to stand still and act, but it was the wrong way...

“Shield, unfold!”

Lee Han exclaimed with a strong desire. In an instant, a huge mass of water
changed into the shape of a solid shield and surrounded Lee Han.

At that sight, the corners of Professor Voladi's lips rose slightly as if twisted.

<Water Shield> was a 2nd circle magic that summoned water and fixed it in the form
of a shield.

The magic itself wasn't that difficult.

However, the boy from the Wodanaj family in front of him had never directly
learned the <Water Shield> separately.

He thought for himself and realized the magic.

To summon water, use <Create Water> 1 circle magic.

And the way to move the water and shape it is to use <Level Control> 1 circle

Even if someone tells you the spells and actions of the magic itself, they do not
realize the magic, but it was a very good sign to deduce by themselves and develop
the magic.

To become an excellent wizard, you had to learn to improve and create yourself,
not just follow the magic written in the spell book.

'It would be better than increasing the number of beads, but the water shield is
also not a good choice.'

Admiration is admiration, and Professor Voladi prepared to teach the student in

front of him.

The marbles with concentrated magical power rushed towards the shield with a
bloody speed.

If you just pierce through a shield you made on the fly...



Professor Voladi's eyes widened slightly.

The strength of the water shield was harder than the professor expected.

It was only then that Professor Voladi realized the identity of the water shield.

I felt the amount of magic several times more than a normal water shield.

It was strengthened by increasing the amount of water and compressing it by

infusing it generously with magical power as it does not need to move as quickly as
a marble.

The water ball requires control, but the water shield requires relatively less
control, so the overwhelming amount of magical power is easier to see.

Before he could admire it, a water ball flew from the side to detour and smashed
Professor Voladi's head. The air has been converted.

Professor Voladi tilted his head slightly to avoid it. There wasn't even the
slightest bit of embarrassment on his face.

“Go and bite me!”

Lee Han ordered the Bone Summon. The Bone Minions waiting on the belt rushed in.

At the same time, Lee Han kicked the chair under the water shield and threw it
away. I could feel the tenacity to destroy Professor Voladi somehow.

At every attack, Professor Voladi smiled. Lee Han became anxious as if he had met
the Demon Archduke of Hell.
An additional marble appeared behind Professor Voladi, who had previously dealt
with only one marble.

The newly appeared marble smashed the bone summoned beast (Kaegaeng!), smashed the
chair it flew into (Kwajik!), and shattered the water shield as it was.

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han. Lee Han watched what the Demon Archduke of
Hell said.

"Good job."


Maybe it's not the Demon Archduke of Hell, but the Demon King of Hell?

* * *

Only after asking 17 questions did Lee Han understand what Professor Voladi was

No, I could guess. Professor Voladi's thoughts will probably never be understood
completely and forever.

'ah. So...'

It was now a class dealing with water ball control, but Professor Voladi was
basically a fan of students' creative endeavors (if that worked), so it'd be nice
if Lee Han summoned a water shield, kicked a chair, and sent a bone minion. you
watched it

Hearing this, Lee Han wondered if Professor Voladi would do the same even if the
classroom was set on fire.

I think the next time my life is threatened, I'll set the classroom on fire...

'no. In that case, the Skeleton Principal will kill me.'

Ian was sad.

“Thinking about rotation seems to have diminished.”

“Thanks to the professor.”

Lee Han had to try hard not to put the liveliness in his voice.

“It's only natural that rotational properties feel attractive now. But don't fret.
The rotation attribute will be learned intensively someday. Sometimes the road back
can be a shortcut.”


It would be impressive if another professor said it, but it wasn't very impressive
when Professor Voladi, who was chasing after him with a knife, told him to take a
shortcut every time he said that.

'Even now, it seems that we are already taking a short enough route.'

"Yes. I don't even dream of rotating properties, I'll just focus on what I'm
learning now."
“You are probably guessing.”


Lee Han wasn't surprised because Professor Voladi didn't say anything once or

'Let's read it calmly.'

“That’s the training I’ll try next.”

“...Excuse me, but what are you talking about?”

“What you just showed me.”

Once the control of one marble was usable, it was time to move on to the next one.

The wizard couldn't stop even for a moment. He had to constantly develop and

Professor Voladi beckoned. Tables and chairs around them stood up at once. It was
as if he was threatening Lee Han.

“From now on, you learn to focus in the chaotic situations around you.”


“You can use the ones you just showed you again.”

"Is that so?"

Ian was a little surprised.

If it was Professor Voladi, he would have thought, 'To increase your skill, block
it with marbles only'.

Will you give me a shield?

"okay. I will raise the level of difficulty accordingly, so you don’t get nervous
and just focus on the task in front of you.”


If Lee Han could handle marbles while using other magic, there was no need to dry

It would be more beneficial to use other magic while controlling the marble at the
same time.

“Just like giving up rotation, wouldn’t it be better to give up shields and pets
to focus better?”

"no. Spin directly affects the control of the Water Orb, but not shields or pets.
The earlier you adapt, the better.”

Lee Han thanked Principal Skeleton.

Didn't I mention that they burned the mud golems by setting fires in the

I couldn't even imagine what terrible things would have happened if I had even
talked about the flames.

* * *


Professor Lightning Walk was worried when Lee Han, who was tending the garden
behind the hut, looked particularly tired.

Tiredness was, of course, something that every student at this school had, but the
Wodanaj boy was a much tougher boy compared to the other students.

But how tired are you?

“What are you doing these days to make you so tired?”

"Is that so? I'm fine.”

Lee Han dug up the potatoes and put them in the basket. Although he tried to be
calm, the finger holding the potato twitched greedily.

“Tell me your schedule for the day.”

“It’s really good though.”

Lee Han explained the day's schedule as if why.

First of all, I woke up early in the morning, went to the stable, and forced the
horse to not listen to me, fed me, washed my body, brushed my teeth, and returned
from a walk together.

After feeding the Blue Dragon Tower students generously, I take the morning class,
and after lunch, I come back to prepare a meal and then go to the afternoon



“Oh, no. Continue. what class are you taking? Then I wonder.”

“Today, I listened to Professor Voladi’s <Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical

Combat> lecture.”


Lightning Strike's expression twitched in annoyance.

Even after listening to the lectures of a madman like Professor Voladi...?

“...Anyway, I came to listen to all the lectures and have been gardening like

“You were truly born to be the representative of the Blue Dragon Tower.”

"done. So... you've had such a hard day, don't you have any complaints about
working in the garden?"

Ian was skeptical for a moment.

When professors usually say, 'If you have any complaints, tell me,' I had to be
suspicious. It was most likely a trap.

And apart from that, the garden work itself was not very dissatisfied.

“Isn’t there much?”

Lee Han said, holding a potato and a carrot in each hand. He was very satisfied
with the pay he got from the garden.

The lightning stride suddenly made me feel a bit guilty.

...Is it okay for the best talent in the empire to be like this??

“That… yes. Oh yeah. Behind me there is a cow that I brought with me, and if you
wish, you can milk it a little and take it with you whenever you need it.”


Lee Han looked at Professor Lightning Walk with a respect he had never seen
before. Professor Lightning Walk was absurd, so he tried to say something, but he
put up with it.

* * *

While Lee Han was working in the garden, Professor Lightning Gaul kept asking if
he was bored.

There were also stories of running away because of the fear of the spirits (even
though there were tree spirits?), and thanks to the tree spirits, the crops in the
garden grew better than expected, so it was said that they could grow more (don't
give me a thunderbolt, take them)...

After finishing work, Lee Han, who was washing his hands in the running stream and
wiping them off, suddenly remembered and asked.

"professor. But can we get a flying mount from school?”

“...why, why are you asking that?”

Professor Lightning Walk's voice was strangely split, but Lee Han didn't notice.


“It’s just pure academic curiosity.”

Lee Han was good at deceiving professors.

He was Professor Lightning Walk, one of the Empire's most famous explorers, but he
never imagined that Lee Han was looking for a flying mount to escape the school.

“I can save you… maybe.”

Professor Lightning Walk carefully answered Lee Han by examining his expression to
see if he had noticed.

Fortunately, the boy from the Wodanaj family didn't seem to know.

One of the horses in the stables cared for by the freshmen is a griffon!

“Because this school is so large that there is nothing missing.”

“There is no consideration for warm meals, daily necessities, or students.”

Professor Lightning Walk pretended not to hear Lee Han's words and ignored them.

“There are no mountains, lakes, underground dungeons, etc., but if you look for
them, there is no reason that they cannot be found flying.”

“If I find it, will I be able to tame it?”

“I think that would be difficult. Taming wild monsters, even flying ones, is a
challenge that even trainers who have learned for years have a hard time taming.”

Professor Bungbanggeulgeum said with sincerity.

If taming was that easy, people wouldn't choose to fight when they met a monster

Besides, most of the guys who could fly were tough and picky.

It was difficult to handle with the tenacity and knowledge of a freshman.

“First of all, you need to fully understand who your opponent is. Not with common
knowledge. If you know his habits, you will get to know him little by little and
understand his characteristics... Even if it sounds simple, he will fail dozens of
times in the process.”

"professor. If possible, could you teach in your spare time? Of course, I have no
intention of making a reckless attempt right now, but…”

It was a lie.

From the moment Lee Han decided that he could do it, he was thinking of moving
right away.

“...if I have the opportunity to tame a monster in the future, I don’t want to
miss it.”

Lee Han's eyes blazed as if on fire. He had sincere eyes without any pretense.

When he saw those eyes, Professor Lightning Walk suddenly became motivated.

When a disciple shows such interest, as a teacher, it is impossible to remain


"good night! Don't let me teach you in my spare time. do not regret It is usually
not a difficult study.”

It was a difficult study to memorize thick books about monsters that are likely to
come out in this area, and then bump into each other directly.
With that level of interest and passion, it would be possible.

'You seem to be very interested in flying and exploring. guy...'

'Find the most probable beast, tame it, and then escape.'

The master and the disciple nodded their heads with different thoughts.

After the conversation, Professor Lightning Walk trudged to look at the garden
where Lee Han finished his work.

And I was surprised.

'No, what's so...?'

The garden that Lee Han received from Professor Thunderwalk was neither too wide
nor too narrow, just the right size.

Professor Thunderbolt must have thought that Lee Han would plant a few vegetables
in moderation and bring them home.

However, Lee Han's garden was rolling so thoroughly that there was not even a
trace left.

There were various edible vegetables such as carrots, onions, potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and cabbage, as well as herbs that could be used as medicines such as
chamomile, basil, and rosemary from where they were obtained. build a farm?!

Perhaps he noticed Professor Lightning Walk's gaze, Lee Han replied as if it was
okay .

“I was worried at first too.”


“I wonder if I can grow it so narrowly. But thanks to the tree spirit staff, it
seems to be growing well without any problems. Aren't you really lucky?"

Professor Lightning Walk looked at the jar of milk on the table.

It was a jar that Lee Han had prepared to give when he returned home.

Looking at what I'm working on right now, I don't think that's going to work.

“…wait. I wish I could go back and eat something.”


* * *

Lee Han took a bite of the baked potato on a wooden skewer and headed to the

It was a romantic evening if you forget that it is in the magic school.

A basket of this harvest is hung on one arm, and a skewer of freshly baked, salted
potatoes in the other arm...
It was like becoming a farmer returning home after shopping generously.

'When I retire later, I think I can live like this.'

Because of the atmosphere, the potato chips were really delicious. Even though it
was just baked and salted, the warm eggs seemed to melt in one bite.

It was understandable why Professor Lightning Walk had to bake it and hold it in
his hand.

'Is it a pity to eat such delicious food alone? Maybe you wanted to brag...'

Lee Han didn't even notice that the potatoes that Professor Lightning Walk had
baked by hand were from his own garden.


“My Majesty the Princess. I have collected the materials from the library and
brought them with me. Please accept it.”

“I've also been asking other students to sort out what they need for the
assignment! it will help."

“There is a book I found this time…”


It was the princess and her followers.

The freshmen who gathered from all sides of the tower were devoting themselves to
this and that to help the lecture the princess was listening to.

Lee Han mumbled the potatoes in surprise.

'Is there such a way!'

In my mind, it was an enviable method that made me want to report to the

professors, saying, 'The princess is exploiting her classmates with unreasonable

It's not enough for Lee Han to spend the night looking for books in the library
with his friends, but the information comes rolling in even if the princess just

'Is it because of the blood of the imperial family? But if that were the case,
Gainando would not be explained. How on earth do I have such followers?'

While Lee Han was thinking about it, the princess thanked her followers and then
walked up together.

Lee Han, who was watching the potatoes on the stairs, made eye contact with his

“Good evening.”

Ian wasn't upset. The princess's followers recognized Lee Han's face and quickly
bowed their heads.
Isn't he a boy from the Wodanaj family who effectively rules the Blue Dragon

Even if they looked wrong, the life of the princess living in the Blue Dragon
Tower could be difficult, so it was natural to pay attention.

“See you Wodanaj-sama!”

When someone shouted that, the other students looked at the friend in

Should we shout along too?

“See you Wodanaj-sama!”

“Wow… see you Wodanaj-sama!”


Unknowingly, Lee Han looked around. Fortunately, there was no eye to see.

'If anyone sees there is nothing wrong, I will go to the punishment room.'

I don't know why the followers are doing this to fuck Lee Han, but Lee Han
answered as calmly as possible.

“Nice to meet you all. You must have talked to the Crown Princess.”


“I just want to thank Wodanaj-sama for her hard work, who has always devoted her
whole heart to her Majesty the Princess.”

“I wish you all the best in the future!”

'If you don't take care of these children, won't they attack you?'

Fanatic supporters are always scary. Besides, the supporters of the princess were
outside the magic school.

Even after graduating, I had to endure the unreasonable pressure of them,

considering that I would have a social life.

"Sure. do not worry."

Lee Han did not say that he would receive more silver coins as much as he took
care of the princess.

'It would be nice to change the topic.'

If the story of taking care of the princess became longer, Lee Han's unfair profit
could come to the fore. Lee Han changed the topic.

“Everyone couldn’t have eaten dinner, would you like to have some?”


The princess's followers only then realized that Lee Han was carrying something.
That one of them was taken out and held out.
It was a baked potato.

The sight of a boy with a cold impression with a sculptural face sticking a
freshly baked potato on a skewer made the students bewildered.

'Aristocratic... are you kidding me?'

'Is it okay to eat?'

'Isn't it a test?'

“Aren’t you eating?”

“All right, are you going to eat?”

One of the students, feeling hungry, reached out and took the baked potato.

Lee Han sprinkled salt on top of it by hand. The student was nervous for a moment
knowing that it was not salt but potion powder.

'ah. It's salt.'

“Are you okay?”

“Taste... delicious!”

Not because the boy of the Wodanaj family noticed, but the freshly baked potatoes
were objectively delicious.

The student who received the potato was choked and choked while eating.

“Drink some milk here.”

“Thank you…”

The student who put a hot potato in his stomach suddenly felt Lee Han's cold
impression softening.

...the magic potato?

“Are we...?”

"okay. You can eat it.”

The hesitant followers slowly reached out and picked up the baked potatoes.

Under the warm evening sun, the new students at the Magic School were able to get
to know each other a little more by eating baked potatoes.

“Let’s deliver the Princess!”

“What absurd disrespect... What if the Crown Princess is angry!”

A student was about to offer a potato to the princess, but after hearing what
other friends said, he put his hand down.

Lee Han had a feeling that the expression of the princess, who was standing
bluntly, had somehow become pale.
Just like a hungry Guynando...

'That was too harsh a metaphor.'

Lee Han repented.

Come to think of it, the princess didn't even eat breakfast this morning.

Lee Han grabbed a baked potato and held it out so others could not see it.

“I think it will remain, but you can taste it a little…”

The students were turning their backs so they couldn't see it, but Lee Han clearly
saw the princess trying to bite the peeled freshly baked potato without cutting it.

“Cut it! Cut and eat!”


The princess lowered the potato as if nothing had happened, then cut it and put it
in her mouth.

The students turned their heads at Lee Han's cry and were puzzled.

“What do you cut and eat?”

“Cut the potatoes and eat them.”

"haha. Wodanaz. No matter how hungry we are, we don't just swallow. Of course, cut
it and eat it.”


After seeing the princess once, and the student once, Lee Han thought.

'That guy won't be able to advance...'

* * *

the next morning.

After finishing work at the stable, Lee Han walked along with his friends to
listen to Professor Garcia's <Understanding Basic Magic>.

Lee Han yawned. Yoner asked worriedly as he looked particularly tired.

“You look sleepy, are you okay? Did you have trouble sleeping?”

“I slept well, but I had a nightmare…”

“What dream did you have?”

“A dream in which a professor appears.”

Yoner didn't bother to ask more for Lee Han's mental health.

Whether Professor Bollardi's class left an impression on him, Professor Bollardi

appeared in Lee Han's dream.
In the dream, Professor Voladi instructed Lee Han to get on top of the rampaging
griffon and steer the water ball through the fiery circle. It was a terrible

“Hello everyone.”

"Hello professor!"

When Professor Garcia opened the door and entered, Lee Han's heart softened.

I didn't know until I entered the school that meeting trolls was such a
comfortable job.

“Professor Mortum came to teach you what black magic is like last week, didn’t

There was a 'huh' sound everywhere.

Perhaps it was black magic again, a reaction mixed with fear.

“This week, another professor has come to teach you what summoning magic is.”


Lee Han suddenly felt pity for Professor Mortum, who was not even present.


“Thank you for such a warm welcome.”

The summoning magic professor, Millais, came inside, puzzled by the atmosphere of
the heated classroom.

Professor Millais, who maintains an upright posture despite his old age, could be
seen by anyone as a nobleman from a long-established family in the Empire.

A nobleman from a high family would be distinguished just by walking and talking.

'The Blue Dragon Tower guys are no exception now.'

Of course, the students who were locked up in the tower and starved were an
exception. Nobility or whatever, when a person became a beggar, face was lost.

Professor Millais raised his monocle in one eye slightly. He seemed to be a very
strict perfectionist in his appearance.

But Lee Han wasn't afraid.

'Whoever is better than Professor Voladi.'

Professor Garcia started a brief explanation from the side.

“Like black magic, full-fledged summoning magic is a field to be learned from the
second year. However, calling Professor Millais like this today is a good
opportunity to learn what summoning magic is, but at the same time...”

Just in time, a summoned beast who escaped from the school grounds outside the
classroom howled. The window trembled.

“…it was because I thought it would be helpful to you guys considering the current
school situation.”

“Professor Garcia...!”

“We are the only professors!”

Some students took out their handkerchiefs and wiped their tears.

Professor Millais watched it without a single change in his expression. Then he

said in a stern voice.

“Professor Garcia. May I start?”

"yes. Please start.”

“Are you a student interested in summoning magic here?”

All students raised their hands. Lee Han raised his hand too. I couldn't
understand why Professor Mortum's sad face was passing by.

'But summoning magic is really good magic.'

Just as black magic is divided into various fields such as curses, elements,
undead summoning, and negative energy, summoning magic is also called summoning
magic, and it was a magic that contained numerous fields within it.

Elemental Summon, Demon Summon, Monster Summon, Artifact Summon, Magical Object
Summon, etc.

As it was a magic that contained all kinds of things from living things to
inanimate objects (even overlapping with black magic to a certain extent), its uses
were limitless.

In an old fairy tale, there is a story about a wizard who, after suffering his
whole life, made a contract with an excellent summoned beast, and lived happily for
a long time (and also lazy).

As it was a fairy tale, I couldn't believe it all, but once I mastered summoning
magic, it was good to eat and live.

“Thank you. However, there may be only one student who is qualified to learn
summoning magic here.”



The professors were originally talented at pouring cold water. Professor Millais
did the same. she said sternly.

“I will not hide it. Summoning magic is difficult magic. I don’t have the ability
to learn, but it would be difficult for students if I just joined a class in my
second year.”

'That's the professor.'

Ian was amazed.

If a student does not have the ability to learn, he or she has to wait or 'why
can't he learn? I wonder if I can't learn until I die somewhere?

“Summoning magic cannot be learned simply by knowledge of one field of magic.

Summoning an element requires a deep understanding of Elementalism, Summoning a
Demon requires a deep understanding of Demonology, and Summoning a Monster requires
a deep understanding of Monsterology. Relatively easy summoning inanimate objects
is also not easy. So let me say it again. If you're not confident, you'd better not
be interested in summoning magic."

However, the students seemed to be more persuasive.

How many people would back down because it was difficult at such a young age?
Everyone looked more motivated.

No matter how easy it was, it was the exact opposite of the black magic that the
students used to get bored with.

Professor Garcia whispered softly.

“They are all talented students. Could you give me one chance?”

Professor Millais nodded.


As he swung his wand, all of a sudden, magic circle scrolls with strange shapes
appeared in front of the students.

It was not a disposable scroll that was torn and activated, but a fixed scroll
with a magic circle engraved on it.

“Everyone must be listening to Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic.”


When they heard the name of the lecture, the students' expressions changed as if
they had bitten a frog.

There were very few students who could withstand the torture of a terrible number,
neither magic nor culture.

'Honestly, it's easy enough.'

Lee Han swallowed the thought of throwing stones at the other friends.

“Too difficult!”

“Then the student has no chance of learning summoning magic.”


Gainando kept his mouth shut when he was about to drop out of summoning magic
after saying a word.

“Everyone, listen carefully to Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic. In

summoning magic, the creation and calculation of the magic circle is essential.”

Lee Han read the magic circle.

Unlike Gainando, whose eyes were already lost and wandering, Lee Han could see
what kind of magic circle the drawn magic circle was.

'Right. Magical power like this...'

The magic circle was a kind of circuit.

The difference is that in an electric circuit, current flows while magic flows in
a magic circle.

As all wizards who have used magic themselves would know, casting magic was really

The higher the difficulty of the magic, the more so.

Once the amount of magical power required increased, the structure of the magic to
be composed of that magic became more complicated.

From a certain level of magic, the saying 'This is not magic that humans can do'
was not for nothing.

It was the magic circle that helped those wizards.

An auxiliary tool that relieves the burden of the wizard by circulating magic in
various forms, such as amplifying in some parts, decreasing in some parts,
bypassing in some parts, and blocking in some parts.

Lee Han, who was calculating the magical energy circulated along the magic circle
and drawing it in his head, immediately saw the illusion of a quill.


There were no coincidences in the world of magic.

Lee Han realized that the quill he had just seen had something to do with this
magic circle.

“This magic circle is a summoning magic circle that summons a quill.”

“A quill?”

“A quill…?”

The students were perplexed.

At the very least, when he said he was summoning a quill rather than a dagger, he
was like, 'Why do you have to?'

Lee Han shook his head.

'It's like they don't know how to thank you.'

After this, Professor Millais clears the desk, throws a demon summoning circle,
and says, 'If you don't want to die, make the summons successful', will you take
Fortunately, Professor Millai was different from Professor Voladi. The professor
spoke in a firm voice that had not changed at all.

“A magic quill made of magic. What the students summoned won't last long, so just
focus on summoning for now."

As soon as the professor finished speaking, the students swung their wands and
activated the magic circle.

“Quill pen, come out!”

“Magic quill. Come out!”

Magic circles were burning in various places along with the spell, or the scroll
was torn.

It is a magic circle that was created to withstand magic, but depending on the
mistakes of the wizard, it can be broken and broken as much as possible.

Of course it was expected, so Professor Millais swung his wand.

The broken magic circle disappeared and a new magic circle appeared.

Has it been 30 minutes?

From all over, students who summoned something similar to a quill began to appear.

The Blue Dragon Tower had the most successful numbers such as Yonner, Adenart, and
Asan, and the Black Turtle Tower and Phoenix Tower also had quite a few students.

The White Tiger Tower was the least numbered, but still some talented students
called out something like a quill.

Seeing the students giggle, Professor Garcia smiled bitterly.

'You shouldn't like it with that.'

In fact, Professor Millais' face stood still, like a hard piece, without the
slightest movement.

The difficulty of summoning magic was at this point.

'Similarly summoned' is like failure!

Elemental magic was close to success if it was done once, even if there was a
difference in size or shape, but summoning magic was the exact opposite.

If it's not perfect, it means nothing.

I couldn't help it. As it is a science that grants will to summons, if they make
even the slightest mistake, the summons could attack the wizard.

Luckily, it's a quill...

"The moon... This bastard with a moon card attacked me with a magic quill!!"

“Oh my gosh, Kainando! The quill moved on its own! More than that, it’s just a
“It is an assassination of the imperial family! It's an imperial assassination!
Lee Han, help me!”

“It’s just a quill! What percent chance of dying from a quill!”

Of course, that quill alone was enough to cause a fuss.

* * *

Angago, a member of the White Tiger Tower, of the Alpha family, felt proud when he
saw the appearance of the sleek quill.

I felt that I was lagging behind in many types of magic as my identity was my
identity, but the summoning magic was a little different.

Maybe even better than Giselle, I didn't know.


Angro saw Lee Han sitting in front of him and complained very much.

In front of Lee Han, there was a quill and nothing.

For the first time, Engo called for Lee Han, thinking that he could break the nose
of that evil archmage boy from the Wodanaj family.

“Wordanaz. Did the summons fail?”


“Wordanaz! Don't ignore it! Look at my quill!”

Yoner, who was next to him, responded instead.

“Didn’t you have a quill at home? Are you proud of your quills?”

“Look at my quill here...”


A roar broke out. Angro knew for a moment that Lee Han had sharpened black magic,
and fell on his face in fear.

Magic quills started to be created above Lee Han's magic circle.


Lee Han looked at the quills fluttering in the air with a trembling expression.

'You failed.'

Angro was talking behind the scenes, but Lee Han didn't hear it. He was so

To complete the summoning magic by flowing magical energy through the magic circle
that is easily destroyed.

For the other students, it was just difficult, but for Lee Han, it was terribly

The moment you get out of control, a wave of magic will tear the magic circle

Because of this, Lee Han was half giving up when others started.

'Summoning magic may not be suitable for you.'

Perhaps Lee Han's fate was in a battle wizard like Professor Voladi.

...but surprisingly, the magic circle was not broken.

Lee Han himself was astonished.

'Am I like this?'

A complete understanding of the magic circle.

And recently (forcibly) increased magic control.

When these two were combined, Lee Han succeeded in not destroying the magic

It was an amazing result.

'Ouch. The task was summoning.'

Impressed by the fact that he could let the magic flow without destroying the
magic circle, Lee Han continued to flow the magic into the magic circle before
coming to his senses.

The task was not to destroy the magic circle, but to summon a magic quill.

“Come out, quill.”

Lee Han simply muttered and swung his staff.


At that moment, with a roar, magic quills were created over the magic circle.

Surprised by this unusual phenomenon of failure, Professor Garcia turned his gaze
to the side.

It was the first time I had seen Professor Millai's eyebrows raised like that.

“Originally, student Lee Han had a lot of magical power, so that kind of failure…”

In response to the excuses made by Professor Garcia, Professor Millais turned his
expression back to normal and spoke calmly.

“It is not a failure. Professor Garcia.”


Failure in summoning magic was a story when a result that was different from the
target by even 1% was summoned.
But now the magic quills that flutter in the air are perfectly in line with their

There were just too many.

Professor Garcia quickly understood what he meant and nodded his head.

"okay. It is not a failure.”

Professor Troll breathed a sigh of relief.

It is the professor's job to take care of all students equally, but it was
inevitable that that boy of the Wodanaj family was a little more concerned.

Because he was born with so much magical power, even basic magic had to be

Fortunately, Lee Han was resolutely fighting the challenges he faced with a bold
and firm attitude that was not like a freshman, but it was true that he was
apologetic as a professor.

Shouldn't this be something that the Master should find a solution to?

Professor Garcia, who could not find a proper solution, was the only professor at
this magic school who felt guilty.

“Student Lee Han is quite talented, isn’t it? When you see a complete success…”

When Professor Garcia, relieved, spoke, Professor Millais nodded.

“You have talent.”

“Do you think so too?”

Professor Garcia was well aware of how difficult summoning magic was and how
strict Professor Millais was.

To that extent, Professor Millai's recognition had to be felt even more valuable.

“He is a talented person who can learn summoning magic. But… there is one


Professor Garcia was slightly perplexed.

“Of course, the amount of magic power is a little, no, a little too much, um,
actually a lot, but the control is getting better…”

Professor Garcia, who was about to lie, couldn't finish it because of his

Still, considering Lee Han's magical power, he was adapting at an incredibly fast

“I think it will get better as time goes on…”

“I wasn’t talking about horsepower. Professor Garcia.”


“The weakness I am talking about is arrogance.”



Professor Garcia was slightly perplexed.

Of course, the boy of the Wodanaj family might seem arrogant at first glance.

Its cold appearance, as if it was carved out of marble, overlapped with the
dignity of a great aristocrat, making it difficult for some people to speak.

But Professor Garcia knew well that Lee Han was not such a boy.

A student who feeds the Blue Dragon Tower students by hand in the first place
cannot be such an arrogant character.

"I think you've misunderstood..."

“Professor Garcia. Take a good look.”

Professor Millai said sternly, pointing to dozens of magic quills.

“That student succeeded in one shot. Still, he purposely summoned dozens of magic
quills. What does that mean?”

The fact that he succeeded in summoning magic at once meant that he had a greater
understanding of the magic circle and greater control over his magic.

It was rare for a freshman to have both knowledge and talent. It was clearly an
excellent ability, and from an objective point of view, he was a talented person
who could enter the world of summoning magic.

But why did such a student deliberately summon dozens of magic quills?

If you had the ability to succeed at a time, you could have summoned only one,

There was only one answer.

It was to show off his skills arrogantly.


Professor Garcia was bewildered by Professor Millai's words.

“Student Lee Han is not like that…”

“Arrogance is a necessary virtue for a wizard, but it is also a dangerous poison

to possess at such a young age. Professor Garcia. Especially if you have innate
knowledge and talent.”

“That’s what…”

Professor Millay's eyebrows rose upward. Professor Garcia flinched.

Not all relationships were equal just because they were the same professor.
Especially if one professor is a disciple of another professor.

However, Professor Garcia wanted to clear up the misunderstanding somehow.

“I don’t think that Han Lee is the type of person. Maybe it's a mistake... I

“A mistake?”

Professor Millais's voice showed a very weak absurdity. That wasn't a good sign.

"So now, Professor Garcia... Are you saying that I made a mistake with that

Professor Garcia's face turned red. Looking back, I realized just how absurd it

To summon multiple quills with that magic circle, it was not enough to simply
infuse several times the amount of magical power required to summon one quill at

As it is not a magic circle for multiple summons in the first place, increasing
the amount of mana and blowing it in at once could destroy the magic circle or have
an adverse effect.

Once the magic has been applied, the circuit takes on a different property than
before it was applied.

As a result, the calculations change from time to time. In order to inject new
horsepower into the circuit in which the horsepower was injected, the calculation
had to be recalculated.

In other words...

The only way to summon multiple quills with that magic circle was to repeat it
carefully over and over again.

Accurately calculate the amount of magical power that can be summoned above the
magic circle and put it in.

Then, carefully grasp the changed state of the magic circle, and then accurately
calculate the amount of magic power and put it in again.

Repeat again. repeat, repeat.

It was a feat that he would not have chosen unless he had strong pride in his own

A feat that can only be done with intention!

“I practiced first not to destroy the magic circle… and then I might have
forgotten that magic remains in the magic circle…?”


Professor Millais, who was looking at Professor Garcia with a stern expression,
relaxed his expression.
His eyes seemed to feel sorry for the kind-hearted disciple.

“Professor Garcia. There is no way that such a brilliant student would have
forgotten that.”


Professor Garcia had nothing to say, so she kept her mouth shut.

To be honest, Professor Garcia also felt that the excuses were poor.

But what if it feels like it's really possible?

“It is good to trust and show affection to students, but we must not close our
eyes and believe in the students' shortcomings or mistakes. Professor Garcia.
Sometimes affection and trust blind the eyes.”


“Although I have said this, I am not denying that this student has great talent.
But be careful, as arrogance can injure the student himself.”


“You don't have to worry so much. If that student learns summoning magic, he will
soon be able to correct that arrogance.”

Summoning magic has always trampled on students who consider themselves to be the
best geniuses of the empire.

Combined with Professor Millay's rigor, the uncontrollable arrogance will soon be
reduced to a modest level of pride.

Professor Garcia turned his head.

Lee Han sent the summoned magic quills to Engo and tried to scribble 'I don't have
a quill pen'.

As a result, a brawl was taking place between the students of the White Tiger
Tower and the students of the Blue Dragon Tower.

As he went to dry, Professor Garcia thought that he was not arrogant at all.

'No matter how you think about it, I don't think that's really the case.'

* * *

Once the commotion was over. The students' faces were smeared with ink.

The incompletely summoned magic quills and the perfectly summoned magic quills
were the aftereffects left behind.

The summoned magic quill disappears over time, but the ink left behind by the
quill does not disappear.

“I believe everyone understands how difficult summoning magic is today. The magic
practiced today was one of the basics of summoning magic, and it should be done
without a magic circle.”
Professor Millais frightened the students. But the professor did not care and
continued his words seriously.

“Nevertheless, if you are interested in summoning magic and want to learn it

seriously, please come to my workshop. It would be good for everyone to keep that
in mind. It is often mistaken for talent or intelligence to be required to learn
magic, but...”

Lee Han had a feeling that Professor Millai's eyes were turned towards him for a

Is it your mood?

'Is there a problem with harassing Engo by using magic quills?'

“...what is most needed in the end is perseverance and perseverance. Summoning

magic will pave the way for students as long as they continue to immerse themselves
in it and not give up.”

After saying that, Professor Millais left the classroom.

The rest of the students gathered together and chatted among themselves.

“Should I go to the workshop?”

“Your professor said it. If you just start listening in 2nd grade, it will be
difficult to follow. In order to learn summoning magic, I think it is essential to
practice from the first year in advance.”

The students nodded their heads.

After trying to summon a quill right away, I understood how difficult summoning
magic is.

Summoning objects that act on their own with the power of a wizard...

“But now, can we visit the professor and learn summoning magic separately?”

“Is there nothing you can’t do?”

"really? I still have a lot of assignments, but more will be added, and I will
have to prepare for the note test soon. Can I really study summoning magic


The realistic worries frightened the students.

Summoning magic was attractive, but there weren't many students who could handle
it if the tasks were increased for that magic.

'Then take easy subjects.'

Lee Han thought so and then reflected.

Come to think of it, isn't Lee Han going through a life-threatening situation
while trying to take an easy class?

Lee Han suddenly wondered.

What elective courses are other students taking?

“What are you listening to as a choice?”

"me? <Basic Art>. Did everyone hear you?”

“I am <Basic Dance and Socializing>. In fact, it is semi-essential.”

“Listen to <Basic Empire Masterpieces and Understanding Masterpieces>. I wanted to

buy one later when I was on vacation.”


Lee Han was slightly perplexed by the list of lectures his friends were taking.

...are I the only one with no culture?

“Because there is no lecture without assignments.”

"So do I. However, I can’t not listen to summoning magic.”

“Aren’t we supposed to rent artifacts that can turn back time at school?”

“Gainan too. It's a fairy tale story. Where would you be?”

“Even if there is, would you lend it to a student to listen to a lecture? It will
be used for something much more valuable.”

Lee Han, who was listening to the conversations of his friends, checked the time
and stood up.

“Gainan too. let's go."

“Where are you going? But why are you taking Kainando with you?”

“Aren’t you going to use it as a bait when you meet a summoned beast?”

"no. I need to see Professor Mortum.”

While everyone was contemplating whether or not to go to summoning magic, there

was a professor who was left alone without any interest.

It was Professor Mortum who taught black magic.

As they were called directly by Professor Mortum, Lee Han and Gainando had no
choice but to visit regularly to learn black magic, unlike other students.

“Do I have to go? Can’t we just send Gainando?”

The friends didn't want to let Lee Han go, but Guy Nando never wanted to go alone.

“...if I go alone, I recommend all of you.”

“Gainan too! my noble friend! There seems to be a misunderstanding!”

The friends immediately switched positions.

Yoner asked if he was okay.

“Perhaps the students who want to learn summoning magic will come to me now, is
that ok?”

“Since you haven’t decided on a time, I think we can meet Professor Mortum and
then go to Guyando together.”

Lee Han was also interested in summoning magic. There is only a pre-order.

It was good not to break the promises with the professors. Especially if the
professor is lonely because there is no student he is looking for.

“Then see you next time.”

"Be careful. Wodanaz.”

“Be careful of the released pets, and don’t forget the potion that Siana Priest
gave you.”

“Professor Mortum, be careful.”

“Be careful, Gainan too.”

At Asan's words, Gainando had a slightly moved expression on his face.

“The moon card...”

“If Gainando makes a mistake, you’ll be in danger too, so be careful.”


It wasn't that he was telling Gainando to be careful, he was telling Lee Han to be
careful of Guynando.

Gainando decided to recommend Asan as soon as he saw Professor Mortum.


Dark Hall.

The tower that Professor Mortum was using as a workshop was still gloomy.

'If more students want to come, I think we need to improve the surrounding

Skeletons, bones, tombstones, and chests of venomous water bottles rolled around,
and people generally didn't want to come.

From Lee Han's point of view, the only people who will come to learn black magic
among these freshmen are Lee Han and Gai Nando...


Ian was surprised.

There was another freshman in front of the Heukamgwan.

Two of them too.

“I… why did these children come to learn black magic?”

“Is there any reason to be so naive?”

Lee Han was puzzled by Guynando's reaction.

Gainando replied as if it was natural.

“The professor said only I had talent!”


You say you don't like black magic?

Lee Han tried to say something, but gave up and turned away.

“Gainan too. Even if you're not as talented as you, you might want to learn black

“It is so.”

Gainando slightly reflected on Lee Han's words.

Thinking about it, I thought I could be treated a little more leniently.

"hey. everyone..."

“Don’t pretend to be close to me. You bastards of the Blue Dragon Tower.”


Gainando was so moved that he tried to smash his opponent with his cane. Lee Han
grabbed his arm and dried it.

“He’s a white tiger tower guy.”


A golden light flickered faintly in the opponent's eyes.

With his facial features that felt somehow alien, Lee Han realized that his
opponent was mixed with blood.

“Are you half angel?”

"okay. inherited the blood of our glorious ancestors.”

'I think the blood is quite faint for something to be proud of.'

Tigiling, a half demon right now, was so bloody that he could recognize it just by
looking at his appearance.

On the other hand, the white tiger tower student in front of me was quite
difficult to recognize.

If it wasn't for Lee Han's sensitive sense, it would have been difficult to

“I have inherited the blood of my glorious ancestor, are you obeying the orders of
the Moradi family?”

Lee Han immediately tried to flirt.

As the number of White Tiger Tower students who listen to Giselle's orders
decreases, the lives of Lee Han and Durgyu will become more comfortable.

The honor and pride of the knights was a good weakness to stab.

“Don’t get me wrong. Wodanaz. I, Rapadel, don't listen to Moradi's orders."

"What? You don't listen to Moradi's orders, so why are you so cheap...

Lee Han, unable to find a suitable vocabulary, just finished the question.

“Why are you acting like that?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

Rapadel looked at Lee Han as if he was stunned.

It was ridiculous to take the shichimi off.

Gainando whispered beside him.

“Isn’t it because I sent the White Tiger Tower bastards to the punishment room
last time?”

“You only have it?”

“Or maybe the last time I went into the break room and stole the flag.”

“You only have it?”


Guynando was perplexed.


I guess that's a pretty good reason, right?

Rapadel narrowed his brow and said to Lee Han.

“Durgyu of the Choi family! I'm not going to say that I don't know. It is the name
of an honorable friend you are playing with wickedly.”


Lee Han was at a loss for words after a long time. Gainando defended him instead.

“No, he, Durgyu is our friend.”

"You're cowardly even with excuses... You attacked me with magic and knocked me
out, and you still say we're friends!"


Gainando looked at Lee Han as if asking for help.

“Durgyu treated me the same because he was afraid he would be hated by the White
Tiger Tower.”

“You call that a horse?”

Rapadel reacted as if he was stunned.

Lee Han shrugged as if he knew that.

Some misunderstandings cannot be resolved.

"for a moment. Are you... from the Gral family?”

Guynando remembered Rapadel's family belatedly.

House of Southern Knights, House of Gral.

The Graal family, proud of their ancestors mixed with angelic blood, was one of
the knights who were strict in justice.

I see you talking...

"right. Evil bastards.”

It seemed that the opponent had already defined Lee Han and Gai Nando as the axes
of evil.

Lee Han reflected a little.

'But mostly because of the image of the Wodanaj family.'

If it were not for the maddening image of the Wodanaj family, Lee Han would not
have been misunderstood.

At least that's what Lee Han thought.

“No, why did the Gral family learn black magic!?”

Gainando asked as if it was nonsense.

Why is it that a member of the Graal family, which produces so many paladins, came
to learn black magic?

Rapadel said proudly.

“If you learn black magic, you will be able to deal with the warlocks better.”


'Professor, I'm going to cry.'

Lee Han was at a loss for words.

There were only 4 people, and one of them was a black magic hater...

"Right. Gral. I hope that you will learn black magic and deal with the warlocks. I
thought you were hostile to me, so you and Giselle of the Moradi family would hold
hands and sneak a sneak peek at me.”
"Don't treat me like Rapadel, Moradi!"

Rapadel was very upset.

Lee Han, who manipulated Durgyu as if he was playing with a puppet, was also Lee
Han, but Gisele, who treated other White Tiger Tower students like his own hands
and feet, was also disdainful.

“Then, won’t you join hands with Giselle of the Moradi family and aim after me?”

"Of course!"

“With the gang?”

“Of course! What are you asking!”

“So that’s it.”

Lee Han walked away as if he had said everything he had to say.

If he didn't attack from behind and didn't hold hands with Giselle, it didn't
matter what he said in front of him.

Rapadel was stunned and only blinked his eyes.

I feel like I'm being tricked, but what exactly happened to me?

Following Lee Han, Guy Nando thought to himself.

'He's my friend, but he's like a real evil archmage...'

* * *

Gainando, once attacked by Rapadel, became quite hostile. He spoke in a voice with
no kindness to one of the other students.

“Why did you come to learn black magic?”


The student got up. It was then that Gainando realized that the other person was
sitting on the floor.


Lee Han was also tall, but his opponent was tall enough that Lee Han had to lift
him up. 2m was an easy way to get over it.

'Giant Mixed Blood!'

The overwhelmed Kainando suddenly became polite.

“Bae, you can learn it… I think you can. Excuse me.”

“No, hello. Nice to meet you all.”

The opponent was a student of the Black Turtle Tower. I looked around as I said
“My, my name is Ymirg.”

“I’m Lee Han. This is Kainan Island. But may I ask why you are looking around?”

“Child, my friends don’t like hanging out with the Blue Dragon Tower students…”


Ian was surprised.

'It's not that strange.'

With the exception of the Phoenix Tower, the students of the Tower were basically
united with each other.

It was natural that the students of Black Turtle Tower, who had few nobles or
knights, did not like to hang out with the students of the White Tiger Tower, where
the knights were the mainstay, or the Blue Dragon Tower, the children of the noble
family, who were the main pillars.

A kid like Neliana or Ratford was unusual...

However, Lee Han did not know, so I checked.

"You don't think I'm an evil archmage, do you?"

"Yes? What are you talking about?"

“No. Or it was.”

Fortunately, it was right that I hated it because I was a noble. Ian was relieved.

“I… came to learn black magic because I was interested. I want to be friends with
friends who want to learn black magic together.”

"huh! That's not going to happen!”

Rapadel, who was behind him, answered strongly.

He had no intention of making friends with the evil students who were trying to
learn black magic.

Ymirg looked at Rapadel with a sad expression on his face. Rapadel flinched. He
looked like he was a little frightened.

"okay. We don't know each other outside, but let's be friends when we learn black
magic here."

Ian held out a hand.

Ymirg was a very friendly case. I met a lot of strange people at school, and this
was enough to be grateful for.

Ymirg grabbed Lee Han's hand with a happy expression and waved it up and down.

For a moment, Lee Han had to hold out by expelling the magic of his body.

Lee Han took care of his expression so as not to offend Ymirg. It was tremendous

“I wish you well too!”

Guynando didn't know what to do and held out his hand. Lee Han tried to stop him,
but Gai Nando grabbed his hand first.


* * *

Professor Mortum hummed with a happy expression as he saw the number of new

Ian felt a little sick.

'You must not sympathize with the professor.'

Stockholm Syndrome was a very dangerous syndrome.

“Collock. good luck everyone There must be so many students interested in black
magic. I look forward to seeing you next year.”

“Thank you!”

Professor Mortum didn't seem to notice Rapadel's evil intentions. He looked at Lee
Han and asked.

“Did you find more Bone Minions?”

“I haven’t found it yet…”

“Collock. Let’s explore more gloomy and dark places.”

Professor Mortum squinted at Lee Han as if giving him a present. Of course, it

wasn't very romantic.

'Summoners escaped and wandered around the dark and dark places of the school...
At that point, it's almost like suicide.'

“Collock… Everyone must have been waiting for today’s meeting, so we should start
the class quickly. Remember the last thing you learned about curses?”

"Yes. of course."

Rapadel took out a piece of paper and a quill, wrote down the professor's words,
and prepared to go down. Professor Mortum was delighted.

Of course, it was only sad for Lee Han, who knew Rapadel's intentions.

Aren't you attacking the professor first?

“Honestly, curses were more fun than summoning magic!”

Gainando said frankly.

“Today, don’t rush, study the curse to increase your understanding… Wait a

Professor Mortum paused as he spoke.

“Did you learn summoning magic this week?”


“Collock. How did the students react?”

“Did everyone like you? Everyone but us went to the workshop to hear the story.”

Lee Han wanted to hit Guy Nando's snout, but unfortunately he couldn't.

Professor Mortum said firmly.

“…not a curse, but today I will teach you to summon the undead.”


'Is this okay?'

Ian became anxious.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that you have skipped the curriculum a few

* * *

“Collock. Undead summoning can be said to be the flower of flowers in summoning

magic. The most beautiful, complex and sophisticated magic...”

“Where do warlocks usually get their corpses?”

“That’s a good question. Rapadel student. In the past, the cemetery was mainly
used, but not these days. They buy licensed corpses and use them.”

“Oh, so… the illegal warlocks still love the graveyard, don’t they?”

“Isn’t that right?”

"thank you."

Rapadel was excited and took notes. Professor Mortum tilted his head as if he felt
something strange.

“But you are still… it is too early to summon the completed undead. A finished
undead can kill a wizard if mishandled.”

One of the most common black magic accidents was when a skeleton warrior summoned
by a clumsy warlock stabbed his master to death.

Gainando, who was almost killed by the magic quill, nodded.

"I'll summon the easiest, relatively incapable of killing you. Right from the bone

The students focused on the professor's words with nervous expressions.


Bone hands appeared in front of the students.

“First, let’s get acquainted with the Bone Hand. I won't listen to you at first,


For a moment, Lee Han thought that the Bone Summon and the Bone Hand were swapped.

The bony hand was very politely poking his head in front of Lee Han.

'Is it a trap?'


However, for a trap, the posture of the bony hand was too polite.

As Lee Han took a step closer, his bony hands trembled and rolled over on his

As if trying to prove that there was no hostility.


Just as Lee Han was about to fall into confusion, Professor Mortum opened his

“Collock. It is easy to be deceived by the beautiful and majestic appearance of

summoning undead, but in fact, summoning undead is not an easy task.”

Often, wizards who design inanimate objects to learn summoning magic were prone to
this kind of trouble.

- Do I have to summon inanimate objects? Can't we just summon a guy with an ego?

Even if I summoned a magic sword right away, I had to plan in advance what
attributes the sword had and how to make it move autonomously.

When that level increased, it required autonomy almost at the level of artificial
intelligence, so I imagined how painful it would be for wizards studying summoning

Why do we have to weave all of them one by one?

Can't we just summon a guy with an ego from the beginning??

Of course, the downside of summoning a person with an ego is clear, so it was

designed that way.

The existence of an ego means that there is a possibility that the summoner will
not listen.

And undead monsters were generally 'a little' more silent than other monsters.

From the beginning, the properties were opposite to each other.

Most of the summoners were alive, and all the undead were dead.
It was natural that even if I tried to be friendly, it was difficult to be

So, the warlocks used various methods to become friendly with the undead.

Living in graves, applying rotten substances to the body, making necklaces of

various bones and flesh and hanging them around...

These things were not done because the warlocks were perverts.

It was a tearful effort to hide the vitality of the living and get closer to the



The faces of the students listening to the story became as pale as the undead, but
Professor Mortum did not notice.

“Collock. So, for now, let's get acquainted with the bony hand by all means and
methods. If I get to know Bone Hand, I will be able to get to know other undead
monsters someday.”

If you hang out with undead monsters intimately, that energy tends to be dyed in
your soul.

If you hang out with the lowest level undead monsters like Bone Hand, you will be
able to deal with more powerful undead monsters someday.



Lee Han, who was quietly waiting for Professor Mortum to finish speaking, raised
his hand and called the professor.

“Are there any undead who are a little afraid?”


Most of the undead monsters were fearless.

It was only natural that he wasn't alive.

Professor Mortum snorts like he's talking...

...I was surprised to see an undead monster trembling in front of Lee Han, a bony


Professor Mortum threw an absurd look at the bony hand he had summoned.

What do you mean by dealing with students?

The bony hand bowed his head in front of Professor Mortum as if he had no face.
'Can't you come closer?'

Despite Professor Mortum's orders, his bony hands trembled and did not want to
approach Lee Han.

Professor Mortum wondered what was wrong with the reagent he had written.

squash! squash!

The other bony hand was clasping Gainando's cheek with excitement as he
approached. Everyone was very fine.

'Did you feel the intimacy of your bony hands because you went with your bone
summons? No... Then there is no reason to be afraid.'

Only one conclusion remains.

Professor Mortum was inwardly astonished.

no way...?

“Collock. Let me summon you once.”

“Is that okay?”

"okay. The thing that black magic is better than summoning magic is that it gives
you this kind of practical experience. Summoning magic will only be studied for a
year if you go.”


Professor Mortum threw a piece of bone needed for magic and carved a magic circle
on the floor.

Lee Han held up his cane and focused. Professor Mortum was like that, so there was
no reason not to worry.

'You seem to be pulling the curriculum too hard to show that black magic is

Fortunately, it seemed that Lee Han would be able to subdue even if the bony hand
attacked him.

Lee Han memorized the spell.

“Appear, bony hands!”

As he swung his staff while throwing bone fragments, the bone fragments that had
swallowed magical power began to turn into bony hands with gloomy smoke.

It wasn't the bone hands that Professor Mortum had summoned earlier, controlled
with ironclad control.

It was a new bone hand that Lee Han had summoned.

The spell of summoning magic controlled the undead monster like a chain hung
around the neck of a beast, but an inexperienced rookie wizard can't handle the
chain well.
Professor Mortum watched the bony hand.

If the bone hand broke through the chain and attacked Lee Han, I was thinking of
counter-summoning him first.

Wandering and rolling-



The new Bone Hand summoned by Lee Han expressed more fierce submission than the
Bone Hand summoned by Professor Mortum.

The Bone Summon hanging from Lee Han's belt shook his body in jealousy.

* * *

“You have too much magic.”

The true Professor Mortum calmly explained.

Come to think of it, there were already signs from the time of the curse.

I didn't know that the undead monsters would be so serious that they were afraid
and obeyed like that...

Lee Han asked seriously like a patient who was sentenced to an incurable disease.

"okay. professor. How can I fix it?”

“Collock. why fix it Is it a blessed talent?”


Ian was perplexed.


It's hard to use magic, and the spirits run away, right?

“Collock. If you have that kind of talent, you don't even need to be friends with
the undead monsters. If you suppress it by force, it will stop. What a great

It wasn't something the warlocks liked to roll around in the graveyard.

It was because he had to somehow become friendly with the undead monsters.

But what if you don't have to?

In the eyes of Professor Mortum, subjugating the undead monster was a higher level
of control than being friendly with the undead monster.

That's because it's hard

“But, Professor. Undead monsters can be summoned and subdued, but the spirits
cannot do that.”
He wouldn't answer the call itself until he became close with the spirit, but even
if he had the ability to scare it, it was useless.

Professor Mortum answered Lee Han's question kindly.

“Collock. There is a good way.”

“What is it?”

“You just have to give up summoning spirits.”


Lee Han thanked the table.

There was a hand under the table, so even if I clenched my fist, I couldn't detect

But Professor Mortum was serious.

“Collock. But why try to graze with such good teeth and claws. The one that suits
you best is black magic. I'm not good at saying things like this... but you have a
genius for black magic."

"ah. okay."


Professor Mortum was puzzled by Lee Han's blunt reaction this time.

Really, really, it's a precious compliment that I don't do well, but the student
was too rude.

Because he came from the Wodanaj family, the reaction was different than he had

'The time for being deceived by the professors' praise is over.'

The original professors often praised them when necessary. We had to be extra
careful, especially in unpopular fields.

It is possible to be misled by compliments and get your life twisted.

Lee Han changed the topic.

“But, Professor. It is difficult to cast magic because of the amount of mana.”

“It will be fine once you get used to it. cologne. I'll help you practice."

'shit. Professors aren't really helpful.'

Are you trying to take care of your own greed with students?

Professor can do this...

...Come to think of it, the professors were originally like that.

“That… thank you so much.”

After taking care of his facial expressions, Lee Han nodded.

Of course, it was not clear that he had decided his career path to black magic,
but he had to prepare for a time when all other magic failed and only black magic

Considering that time, Professor Mortum looked bad, and there was nothing good
about it.

The professor and the student thought each other differently and gave each other a
happy smile.

“This child. I will destroy you!”

Guy Nando, whose cheeks were swollen, grabbed his staff and smashed his bony

Rapadel had also pulled out his wooden sword to see if he had been hit hard
enough, and was beating his hand with a bone.

The only one who was healthy was Ymirg.

He grabbed hold of the attacking bone's hand with force and pressed it, and was
stunned as to what to do.

Prof. Mortum opened his mouth as if he felt Lee Han was absurd.

“Collock. Just because you have the talent of a warlock doesn't mean you can
quickly become friends with the undead. That's a bad way. A classic mistake made by
young warlocks.”

“But if you beat like that, won’t the undead monsters respect the summoner a

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han like a madman.

Ihan just felt embarrassed.

'They say submission is a good way...'

* * *

When the extra class was over, Gainando grumbled as he applied the ointment he had
received from Professor Mortum on his cheek.

“It’s like undead monsters who don’t even know the nobility… Lee Han.”


“Let’s go hear the summoning magic quickly. Unless it's undead monsters, it'll be


Is that true?

'Except for spirits, demons would be more ferocious than undead monsters, and
monsters would be basically wilder.'
While Lee Han was thinking, Rapadel shouted with a swollen face.

“Evil warlock bastard. let's see I will be watching you.”

“Gral. There seems to be a misunderstanding between us. Do I have to fight as a

friend in the same black magic class?”

“You bastard! You slapped me on the cheek earlier!”

“That was a mistake.”

While the other friends were trying to get acquainted with the undead monsters,
Lee Han followed Professor Mortum's instructions to see what orders he could give
to the undead monsters.

When he succeeded in even the difficult order to destroy himself, Professor Mortum
was amazed enough to applaud.

But there were also mistakes.

On the way, due to a command error, Rapadel's cheek, who grumbled as 'the son of
an evil warlock', was slashed with the bone hand that Lee Han summoned.

It was a sad mistake.

“Gral. Why do you believe me...”

“Lee Han. already gone.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gainando looked at Lee Han with fearful eyes.

...that's why the undead follow them so well?!

“Ymirg. See you next class.”

"Yes. Lee Han. Don't go outside…”

Lee Han was slightly hurt, but he didn't show it.

* * *

Yeongjegwan (靈祭館).

The Yeongjegwan, the studio and tower used by Professor Millais, had a completely
different atmosphere from the Heukamgwan.

'It's like a library.'

In fact, the library of the Magic School was more reminiscent of the disorderly
warehouse of a closed company than a library, but the Yeongjegwan was more like a
library than a library.

The road to the pagoda was well maintained with bricks, and there was even a pond
and a walking path nearby for walking.

'The Dark Hall also had a pond.'

It was a purple pond with poison bubbles, but...

Gainando stood in front of the door of the Yeongjegwan and knocked carefully. Then
he looked at Lee Han and asked.

"for a moment. What should I say?”

"just the way it is."

“I was late because I was slapped by an undead…?”

“...just let me speak. Professor Millais! Sorry for the late arrival. Another
professor made an advance appointment…”

“If there was a prior agreement, there was nothing that could be done. No need to

Professor Millais answered and opened the door to the tower.

Professor Millais, who walked out to the first floor to welcome the late arrivals,
raised an eyebrow at Lee Han.

It was as if he was surprised that Lee Han had come.


Lee Han suddenly felt an ominous feeling.

Could it be that Professor Mortum didn't say to the other professors, 'He's going
to be my student, so everyone stop paying attention'?


Fortunately, Professor Millais did not let Lee Han go.


Two thick books appeared from the air. It was so thick that it looked like it
could be used as a weapon.

On the cover of the well-folded book, <Theoretical Basics and Cases of Summoning
Magic> was written.

“Sit down, both of you.”

Professor Millais was a man with a strict gaze that made people nervous even
without pointing a sword or wielding a staff.

Gainando also sat down with a slightly frightened expression.

"professor. Where are your other friends?”

“After receiving the instruction, I packed up my homework and went home.”

“Is that… a task?”

Gainando raised his head.

It was a huge burden to add a task in the current situation. Guynando tried a
timid rebellion.

"professor. Black magic is not a task...”

Professor Millais stared intently at Guynando. At that glance, Gainando was

suppressed as it was.

'Perhaps there is no petrification effect on the gaze.'

There were a lot of strange professors, so I had some doubts.

“Open the book, both of you.”

The two quietly opened the book. Gainando stumbled as if he was feeling dizzy at
the full text.

“Read, write. And you can solve the problem.”

Lee Han looked at the book.

<Chapter 1. About Inanimate Summoning>

- Summoning inanimate objects, which can be said to be the most basic and core of
summoning magic, is something that even a summoner who is only interested in
summoning in other fields must learn and move on. The great Summoner Boltzmann
formed educational and effective magic circles for his posterity, and remembering
these magic circles later became the basis of summoning magic. So, young summoner,
give thanks and go forward. Memorizing Boltzmann's basic magic circles and
understanding their principles will guarantee amazing achievements in summoning

(No. 1 magic circle)

(2nd magic circle)

(No. 3 magic circle)

(No. 4 magic circle)



-Young summoner. Now that you've learned interesting knowledge, it's time to put
that knowledge into more fun use. Answer the following riddles.

Rookie summoner Chersu was left alone with his party in an accident while
traveling in the cold northern regions. Apparently, someone stole the luggage
containing the thick clothes of Chersu, and a strong wind blew and the clothes
Chersu was wearing were also shattered. At this time, what kind of summoning magic
circle can be used as quickly as possible so that Chersu does not freeze to death?

'The summoning magic circle is also a magic circle, but I think we need to find
the culprit first.'

Other than that the problem was a bit absurd and forced, the textbook was

As Han Lee, who had been tired of reading complex and difficult major books, I
could see how good this book was.

Not all textbooks were friendly.

Some books were kind and considerate considering the level of the reader, while
others were structured as if 'I'm not trying to teach you, my goal is to just make
you waste your time meaninglessly'.

And most of the major books are the latter.

...The professors here were close to the latter if I had to ask...

But the book that Professor Millais gave me was excellent.

If I read it slowly and carefully, I was able to easily memorize and understand
the basic elements of magic circles that are often used in summoning magic.

For this alone, Han Lee highly praised Professor Millais.

'Actually, he was a good person.'

Among the many magic books for students, the one most suitable for education was

It was the attitude of a true educator that could not be compared with other

'thank you. professor.'

Professor Millai was very slightly perplexed by Lee Han's moving eyes.


There were two reasons why Professor Millais did not teach summoning magic from
the beginning.

First of all, it was because summoning magic was prone to accidents without
abundant knowledge and preparation. Even a simple summoning of inanimate objects
was enough to injure the caster.

Second, it was because he wanted the students not to be reckless.

If you teach summoning magic to freshmen who are still full of pride and pride,
they could have an accident with their blood and arrogance.

just study

It's hard and boring until the students' bodies are twisted and twisted.

That was Professor Millais' philosophy.

It would be better if you could not stand it and give up summoning magic on the
way. It was good for the student that such a student did not learn summoning magic.

'By the way...?'

Professor Millai was surprised to see Lee Han quietly copying books and solving
problems without any complaints.
As he showed the most outstanding talent among the students, he thought he would
be the most arrogant.

After a while, the other students yawned, crossed their bodies, glanced outside,
and tried to run away...

Surprisingly, Lee Han did not move a single movement. He sat steadfastly like a
statue, clattering his quills.

“Lee Han.”


“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“You want to run away?”

“What… what?? what? no! Oh no!”

Gainando vehemently denied it. Lee Han, who asked without much thought, was
convinced thanks to him.

'You tried to run away, you bastard.'

When he first came, Lee Han wanted to change Gainando from black magic to
summoning magic.

But now that I see it, I don't think I need to worry about that.

“I miss Professor Mortum...”

Guy Nando, who had gone to the bathroom, was muttering like a madman.

* * *

Gainando's expectations of, 'If you study hard like this, will you do anything for

Professor Millais only studied until the end.

Lee Han nodded with a satisfied expression.

'There must be a class like this.'

Listening to the tumultuous lectures, I found this high-quality theoretical study


Gainando whispered as he got up.

"hey. Do you understand this?”

“Isn’t it pretty obvious? It’s also fun.”


Guynando looked at him with a more alarmed expression than when Lee Han defeated
Rapadel earlier.

You must be really crazy!

"That's all for today. Please read and study this volume by next week.”

Professor Millais put the book away and held out a bundle of thick paper. Gainando
received it with a polite expression.

'I'm not coming.'

'I'm not coming.'

Han Lee and Professor Millai simultaneously foresaw the future of Gainando.

It looks like it won't come from next week!

"I will see you next week."

Lee Han greeted politely.

Basically, it is true that I should be friendly with the professors, but among
them, I had to get a little closer with the professors, who are personalities.

I could have helped Lee Han later when he was taken to the punishment room.

“I apologize for my mistake. A student here.”


“Then I’ll see you next week.”

Professor Millais smiled very faintly.

However, for Lee Han, who did not know English, there were many words that could
be imagined.


When the door of the Yeongje Hall closed, Lee Han was embarrassed.

what did i see wrong??

'Have I ever talked to Professor Mortum about my future? You didn't mean to focus
on black magic, did you? Maybe with the Skeleton Principal...'

In the end, Lee Han groaned until he fell asleep that night.

* * *

The students became more emaciated day by day, and the headmaster skeleton seemed
to shine in his eyes day by day.

<Basic Magical Character Education> The skeleton principal, who entered the
classroom, greeted with a pleasant voice.

Is everyone having a happy week?


If it had been the first week, there would have been a few students who would have
answered politely, but all the students in the four towers were silent.

The skeleton principal rattled the skull indifferently. Then the students' hair
was forcibly nodded up and down.

Except for Lee Han.


Lee Han looked around and nodded hastily. Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han as
if it was ridiculous.

'Are you going to follow that again...'

When I saw the boy of the Wodanaj family, I remembered a lion wearing sheep's
clothing and trying to become friendly with the sheep.

If you can endure the magic of the Skeleton Principal alone, you should be proud
and proud of your breasts. What does that mean?

ruler. It's time to educate your young rookie wizards for their character. Do you
remember the assignment I gave you last week?

The students nodded their heads.

who can forget

-Students in each tower, please bring the flag hanging in the freshman lounge of
the tower designated by me until next time. It's a flag engraved with a pattern!

The Skeleton Principal's Task.

It was a task to bring the flag from another tower.

It was a task that had nothing to do with personality no matter how much he made
concessions, but Principal Skeleton was proud.

Now, shall we check out the Black Turtle Tower? Did you get the Phoenix Tower

"Yes. We..."

The Black Turtle Tower students carefully lifted the flag they had brought.

It was a flag exchanged with the Phoenix Tower students.

yes you have it Good job.



Principal Skeleton gave a blatant disinterested expression.

As they already knew that they had exchanged, they didn't really care.

You must have taken good care of the Phoenix Tower, right?

okay. now...

The long-awaited food was finally delivered, and the principal skeleton floated
and flew in front of the students at the White Tiger Tower.

Students from my honorable knightly family! Of course you also brought the blue
dragon tower flag, right? yes??



The faces of the Tiger Tower students grew hot with humiliation and shame.

For Lee Han, who doesn't care what other people think, the situation right now was
a little uncomfortable.

'The back of the head is very tingling.'

The students of the White Tiger Tower were glaring at Lee Han with mixed eyes.

Why don't you take it out?! Yes?! why?! Couldn't you have brought it?!

'Work on it...'

Lee Han begged Principal Skeleton to stop fucking him. Of course, Principal
Skeleton did not stop.

Principal Skeleton, who had been chatting with excitement, changed the topic
whether he had enjoyed it enough.

As I said before, this lecture is not about fighting each other. The purpose of
this lecture is to get to know each other, get to know each other, and harmonize.

The students did not trust anyone.

I'm sorry you seem to have misunderstood my meaning. In that sense, I will make
the next task a little easier to understand.

Ian became anxious.

What else are you going to do?

If you go west from the main building, there is a lake. I don't know if anyone has
seen it.


“…was that a lake?”

Students who had seen them while out for a walk around the area said in


“I thought it was the sea.”

“Why is there an ocean in the school?!”

“Well, I just thought that this school might have an ocean.” must have been a very large lake.

Just as there is a mountain range that is so deep and rugged that it is difficult
to grasp its end, there is also a lake in this magic school.

There is an island on the lake. There I hid my exit ticket.



The students' eyes flashed like a hungry beast for a moment.

Everyone work together and bring it to me.

"All right!"

One of the hottest answers so far came out.

Oh yeah. It would be better for the Phoenix Tower students to move with the Black
Turtle Tower students and the Blue Dragon Tower students to move with the White
Tiger Tower students. It's free to not listen to me like in the last assignment,

Principal Skeleton laughed.

If you do, I guarantee you will never get through.

The Blue Dragon Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students looked at each
other and frowned.

Everyone was thinking the same thing.

'Are you with these bastards? You must be thinking.'


“Are you willing to forget the misunderstandings between us and work together for
a better future?”

“It would be quicker to dream that the school collapsed.”

One of the White Tiger Top students said so.

Lee Han thought it wouldn't be too bad either.

“I don’t know anything else, but Wodanaj, you’re talking about cooperation!”

To some of the White Tiger Tower students, Lee Han was already an evil archmage.

“Because of you taking the flag, we lost our chance to get good grades in this
<Basic Magical Character Education> course!”

“That seems to be a misunderstanding. F is not yet confirmed.”

Lee Han logically tried to persuade the students of the White Tiger Tower.

Logically, if we could convince each other, 'Why is it good to cooperate?'

“Of course there’s a 95% chance it’s an F, but that’s it!”

"haha! haha! F yes! F!”


Of course, there was no guarantee that the Blue Dragon Tower friends were
necessarily helpful.

Asan and Guy Nando intervened to help Lee Han, but they shuddered as they received
Lee Han's overflowing eyes.

'Wow... what did we do wrong?'

'I was just trying to help...'

“Think about it. The principal is giving this <Basic Magical Personality
Education> lecture for the sake of educating students. But do you really think I'll
give you an F for making one mistake?"

Of course, Lee Han thought it could be, but he never expressed it.

“If you give up because you made a mistake on a task, wouldn’t that be an F? If we
work hard enough from now on, everyone will be able to get an A at the end of the
semester. Besides, it's an outing. Do you know how charming the place outside is? I
know because I've been there once. It’s like heaven outside.”

'Except for the principal's trap.'

“You don't have to get up early on a hard bed, you can eat whatever you want.
Think carefully.”

Even if they tried to ignore the White Tiger Tower students, they could not deny
themselves that they were falling in love.

Already, some students were thinking, 'Should we work together just this time?'

But things didn't work out so easily.

Giselle stepped forward and opened her mouth.

"Well. Is that true?”

“Morady. I know you have a grudge against me, but my sincerity…”

Lee Han tried to flirt, but it was not easy.

Apparently, the influence it had on the students of the White Tiger Tower was

When Giselle opened her mouth, exuding a neutral and sharp atmosphere, the eyes of
the students of the White Tiger Tower were focused on one place.

“Have you ever had a good relationship with Wodanaj before?”

“Morady, you ordered your men to attack me. Don't be fooled everyone. Moradi…”

“What about the friends who went to the punishment room for being involved with

“It’s a misunderstanding. The principal caught him.”

“Again, who raided the break room last time?”

“That’s what the principal ordered…”

Lee Han tried his best to defend himself, but the mood had already passed.


Yoner grabbed Lee Han's shoulder and shook his head.

It meant that there was no other way.


There was a limit to pretending to be good because of what Lee Han had done. Ian

Can't you just do this?

“Durgyu. Come here.”


Durgyu, an honorable orc friend of the Choi family, tried to approach Lee Han when
he called.

“Durgyu. don't go."

"right. Something is strange.”

Even to the words of his friends, Durgyu replied as if he were talking about

“Lee Han is not such a friend.”


Aren't you that kind of friend?

Despite the persuasion of his friends, Durgyu continued to walk.

"come. Lee Han. What's going on?”

As he approached, Lee Han grabbed Durgyu and shouted fiercely.

“Without cooperation, Durgyu's life cannot be guaranteed. I'll drag you to the
lake, use it up, and then throw it to the bottom!"

“...I, that bastard is real!!!”

The White Tiger Tower students were astonished.

In the end, that Wardanaj guy has revealed his true nature!

Durgyu looked puzzled, but soon realized the situation.

'Lee Han is doing this to mediate between the two towers.'

“I, save me.”


As Durgyu spoke with a wretched and sad expression on his face, some of the White
Tiger Tower students broke their hearts.

Rapadel ran out and shouted.

“Stop it, you Wodanaj! not cooperate! I'll cooperate, so leave Durgyu alone!!"

"right. I will cooperate, so let Durgyu go!!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower united and shouted to Lee Han.

“For honor?”

“For my honor!”

"great. don't let me go But be careful going forward.”

Lee Han freed Durgyu.

Giselle was glaring at Lee Han with a shocked expression as if looking at a


“If we had agreed to cooperate earlier, we would have been more comfortable with
each other.”

“You… you are a worse person than me. Wodanaz. It's okay to be proud It's the
first time I've seen a person like you."

“Only you would think so.”

Lee Han responded bluntly to Giselle's words and turned his head.

Gainando nodded his head, then met Lee Han's eyes and stopped.

“Are you right now?”

“Oh no! I was working out my neck!”

* * *

In <Basic Magical Personality Education>, a troubling task appeared, but Lee Han
and his friends could not concentrate on it.

Not because of the collaboration with the White Tiger Tower students...

“So when are you going to leave, Lee Han of the Wodanaj family?”

“I am still thinking.”
At Lee Han's words, Yoner whispered in a puzzled voice next to him.

“Then why do you respect Priest Siana? You didn’t.”

“...Did I do that?”

It was then that Lee Han realized. He was unwittingly overwhelmed by the madness
of the priest Siana.

Actually, it wasn't his fault.

If anyone said, 'I need a potion, so I'll rob the professor's lab', I could not
help but feel a little overwhelmed.

“Why are you two?”

"haha. Nothing… no, nothing.”

Yonere defended him instead, perhaps noticing a little of Lee Han's inner

“There are times when the Fleming Church does not choose any means and methods if
it is originally for alchemy.”

'Yonere is not very good at promoting the church.'

In fact, what was important right now was not the madness of Siana Priests or the
Fleming Church.

It was really important when to shave.

If I opened the door to the lab and made eye contact with the professor who was
sitting inside, I thought I would have a nightmare for about a month.

'The time zone will of course be between evening and night. But the day matters.
Should I brush it off the rest of the week? Or on the weekend?'

Professor Thundergeulleum's schedule could not be accurately grasped even by Lee


They met at the hut, but at other times they didn't fully know what they were
doing specifically.

However, if you sneak a peek at Professor Thunderbolt, you'll be taken as a

suspect later...

“Wordanaz. You don’t have to come to the hut today.”

Professor Lightning Walk, who came down to give a lecture on <Basic Vehicle
Training>, said to Lee Han.

After chores in the hut, Lee Han was learning additional training knowledge to
tame a flying mount.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m going to take my nephew to the market. I have something to buy.”

"ah. okay."
Lee Han managed his expression as much as possible. And I did my best not to feel
awkward in my voice.

“When are you leaving?”

“I will go after class this afternoon and come back tomorrow. I’m sorry that only
me and my nephew went out.”

Professor Lightning Walk was sincerely apologetic.

To be honest, I thought that the student who worked like this Wodanaj family boy
should be taken out without knowing the other students.

It's literally working like a cow...

"no. professor. Aren't the rules the same for everyone?"

“Have you ever been threatened by Gonadaltes? Anyway, I know. I’ll buy you some
beer candy when you come back.”

The Dwarves' snack tastes were a bit unusual, but Lee Han didn't bother to point
it out.

Thank you for buying anything.



The opportunity came suddenly. Lee Han called his friends and spoke secretly.




The friends looked surprised at the sudden schedule. But no one stepped out.

“It is rather good. I can rest well on the weekend.”

“It’s dinner tonight… I’ve been waiting for you.”

Asan held out his hand with a sad expression on his face. And then he said.

“For a comfortable semester without homework.”

“For a comfortable semester without homework!”


Ian was puzzled.

When did you guys make this slogan?

* * *

“Stop talking and go your own way. ruler. Everyone seems to be working hard to
become friendly with the horse. Some will feed and brush his horses from early in
the morning, and some will wake up late and pet his horses roughly.”

Guynando flinched.

“I have no intention of saying anything. This school takes students to the water,
but they don't force them to drink. It’s all up to you to figure it out.”

'It seems to start by drowning...'

“Are you riding a horse today?”

One of the students asked with a nervous expression.

They still lacked intimacy to show complicated riding skills on horseback.

"no. In order to become close like that, it would not be enough for a semester to
put all our heart into it. Today we will learn how to deal with other monsters.”

Professor Lightning Walk put his finger to his mouth and whistled hard.

Then a flaming puppy jumped out from behind.

Naturally, exclamations came from the students' mouths, who had only seen all
kinds of crazy beings.

But Lee Han was nervous.

He didn't know that cute beings could be more dangerous in this magic school.

But that doesn't mean that ugly-looking beings aren't dangerous...

“Now, all the guys I like cute are disqualified. You should have seen this flame
first before liking it because it's cute. Half of you will die the moment this
puppy runs.”

The burning puppy panted and rolled over. Professor Lightning Walk scratched his
stomach as if he did a good job.

“Magicians are basically good at handling elements, but that is the case with
wizards who survived various accidents. Why do the people of the Empire think
wizards are good at dealing with elements? That's because stupid wizards die before
they are known. There are so many wizards who have died trying to tame monsters
with the fire attribute, it would be impossible to list them all.”

The students unknowingly took a step backwards. It seemed a few meters away from
the area where he was originally standing.

“Today, we will learn how to deal with monsters with fire properties. Thank you
for being a puppy. Even if it was only about a horse, I would have had to worry
about getting hit by a horseshoe and dying before it burns. Wodanaz.”

The disciples were the first to come out in this case.

Lee Han held his breath and walked forward.

“I have to show you an example. Let me drink this.”

Professor Lightningwalk threw a potion of fire resistance. Ian was a little


'I'm not touching it with my bare body.'

Thinking that if Professor Lightning Walk had heard of it, he would have been
angry, 'What do you think of me?!'

It felt like my throat was getting hot as if I had drank strong alcohol. As she
breathed, a slightly musty smell came up.

“Did you drink it all? Good job. Now try hanging out with that puppy for as long
as possible.”

“How long does the effect of the potion last?”

“That’s what you have to guess.”


Ian paused.

'Are you saying, 'So, you need to know the dangerous moment and get out of it?'

Training that trains a wizard's intuition toward danger, without simply relying on
elemental resistance magic or potions.

It was not easy to convince myself that ...

'shit. I think the last one is unconditionally good.'

Wouldn't it be advantageous to watch other people's potion times!

Lee Han concentrated.

In the event of an emergency, the magic power was raised to a vigilant posture so
that the magic could be activated at any time.

Then he approached the puppy with a soft smile.

The flaming puppy groaned with a frightened expression on his face.

“Don’t be afraid!!”

“No, what did I do…”


Lee Han looked at the burning puppy with an unfair expression. However, the
burning dog had already run away.

The students at the White Tiger Tower saw it and murmured with expressions of 'I
knew it was me'.

Lee Han was just so mean.

“Cheer up, Wodanaj! Just because a dog is scared doesn't determine a person's

“That’s right, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family!”

Friends from other TOPs cheered me on, but I didn't feel better.

'I'm either dirty enough to try to kill me, or I'm undead. I guess I'll have to
think of one or both of them running away.'

With a sad realization, Lee Han put his hands in the pockets of his coat and
rustled. The burning dog barked and barked.


Professor Lightning Walk wanted Lee Han to do something.

Surprisingly, what Lee Han took out was a sweet potato. Guy Nando was caught by
her friends while involuntarily trying to walk forward.


Lee Han wiggled his fingers and shook the sweet potato. The burning puppy stopped
barking and began to slowly approach, smelling the sweet potato.

'That's pretty good.'

Professor Lightning Walk smiled.

Actually, it's a class that teaches you how to endure a filthy, burning dog, not a
class that teaches you how to lure a sweet potato...

The idea was good.

Instead of forcing or insisting on the monster's reaction, being flexible with

what the monster wants.

That was the first step in taming the monster.

The boy of the Wodanaj family knew it well, even if he didn't teach him. Seeing
you behaving like that...


As soon as Lee Han turned away from the burning puppy, who was preoccupied with
the sweet potato, he quickly ran and hugged him.

Then he lay down so he couldn't escape.



Professor Lightning Walk was stunned.


- Kung! Kreung! Kung! Kung Kung! Kicking... Kicking.

The dog, who was barking at first startled, succumbed to fear within a few
seconds. In an instant, he became a gentle sheep and looked up at Lee Han.

Lee Han scratched the dog's stomach while lying on the floor. The puppy panted and
wags its tail.

Although it was a little different from the familiar taming that Professor
Lightning Walk had envisioned, that taming was also taming.

...even though he used fear and trickery.

"professor. Look. We became friendly.”

"okay. Good job. Try hugging them for a long time.”

Rapadel of the White Tiger Tower looked tired of seeing Lee Han hugging a burning
puppy without getting up from the dirt floor.

He was a real toxic guy.

Not from a knight family, but from a great aristocratic family!

Does it have to be that poisonous to have such black magic powers?

* * *


how long has it been

Someone yawned. Some students yawned accordingly.

It was then that Professor Lightning Walk realized something strange.

'It's been a while, hasn't it?'

In fact, the fire resistance potions prepared by Professor Lightning Step had
different durations.

This was to prevent students from looking ahead and making predictions.

But no matter how long it was, it wasn't that long.


Professor Lightning Walk looked at Lee Han closely.

and realized

Surprisingly, the effect of the potion had already ended. I looked for the energy
of fire resistance in my body, but I couldn't see it at all.

Lee Han is just...

It was pushing away the flames of the burning dog while emitting magical power
from its body.

The dog whined and spit out the flames, but it did not come to this side at all
and was pushed to the floor and drowned out.

He didn't cast a shield with magical powers, he didn't cast any other magic, he
just blocked the flames with pure magical energy.
That wasn't the magician's skill, it was the swordsman's skill.

'You look like an ignorant man!'

Lee Han misunderstood the gaze of Professor Lightning Walk with a different

'professor. Shouldn't I live too?'

He also had something to say.

Wouldn't it be dangerous to hug a burning puppy at the risk of relying on a potion

in the first place?

As Lee Han also has instincts, he had no choice but to protect his body in his own

Of course, it was an unusual method that others could never imitate, but...

Lee Han hadn't yet realized that the potion of fire resistance was over. No matter
how much magical power he protected his body, he thought he would feel the heat if
the effect of the potion was over.

'But petting this puppy makes me feel weird.'

It feels like some kind of megalomania.

Confidence that seemed to be able to use fire element magic a little better was
born from within.

It was similar to when Professor Voladi almost killed him and convinced him that
he could handle the marbles better.

The latter was justified, the former was not.

' it a trap?'

Lee Han stared at the puppy. The burning puppy panted while waving its tail.

Lee Han seriously contemplated whether this puppy was cheating in order to solve
the resentment deceived by the sweet potato.

“It’s been a while since the potion ended.”

"Yes? Is that true?"

At the words of Professor Lightning Walk, Lee Han came to his senses and was

Seeing that, Professor Lightning Walk thought to himself.

'Next time, I'll have to bring someone who can't stop with magic.'

Lee Han, unaware that he had dug his own grave, asked Professor Lightning Walk.

"professor. Can a Flame Puppy even be hypnotized?”

“…Are you drinking alcohol instead of a potion of fire resistance?”

* * *

After hearing Lee Han's explanation, Professor Lightning Walk said as if it was
nothing special.

“It’s not hypnosis or trickery, it’s that you really have a better understanding
of the element of fire.”

"haha. Is that so."

Lee Han replied with the tone that he never believed. Professor Lightning Step was
about to hit one.

“It really is. You must be learning basic elemental magic right now? What was
important when using basic elemental magic? It's the familiarity with that element,
isn't it?"

When using basic elemental magic, what was important was how sharply and strongly
the image of the element could be drawn.

A student who grew up in a hot, hot place to the flame element.

The student who grew up on a wavy beach is in the element of water.

As each person was influenced by the direction of their lives, there was
inevitably such a difference.

If you think about it backwards, you will increase your understanding of that
element if you are in continuous contact with that element.

“Theory is important, but if you’re a wizard, don’t lose your intuition. Wodanaz.
Your understanding of the element of fire would have actually increased.”

Professor Lightning Walk said seriously.

It was Lee Han who was dubious and heard, but it wasn't a bad story.

I was just hugging and holding on to a burning puppy, but my understanding of the
element of fire has grown.

“But seeing that he climbed up like that, he must have had a talent for the
element of fire, didn’t he?”

"Yes? I have a talent for the element of water.”

Ian replied with a puzzled answer. It was usually difficult to have all the
talents of opposite attributes.

Professor Lightning Walk replied as if he was talking about something.

"If you don't have a talent for the element of fire, you don't get that
understanding by petting a burning dog for a few dozen minutes."


Come to think of it, Lee Han didn't have many opportunities to test out his talent
for the flame element.

Professor Garcia said it was dangerous and I almost died after using it a few
times outside...


'Did you actually have a talent for the element of fire?'

I didn't know that the experience of burning with anger against the professor
might have turned into a talent for the flame element.

The element of water may have just gotten used to because Professor Voladi kept
harassing him...

“Wordanaz. Don't set your own limits. It would be better to try something for
yourself and gain enlightenment.”

"thank you."

“You will learn how to use a potion of fire resistance later. I will prepare a
monster for you.”

“Thank you... Wait a minute. professor! professor!"

Lee Han called out to Professor Lightning Walk, but Professor Lightning Walk
mercilessly passed among the students being beaten by burning dogs.

* * *


Lee Han was sewing hard with Nelia. Other friends also sat down and made fun of
the needle.

Everyone could see burnt holes in the corners of their clothes and coats. It was a
wound left by a burning dog.

Nelia looked at the fabrics Lee Han had bought outside, and looked moved.

It was like the expression an old craftsman makes when he sees a craftsman.

“You have eyes to see, Wodanaj. Well bought...!”

“It’s all thanks to your teaching.”

“It’s strong and tough, and it doesn’t get into water well. right. This is what
the cloth for the overcoat should look like.”

“By the way, I should have prepared for the camp.”

Skeleton had to cross the lake to do the task the Principal ordered. He didn't
even know if he would have to sleep there if he was unlucky.

"me! I know camping well!”

At Lee Han's words, Nelia raised her hand in excitement.

The Blue Dragon Tower students all exclaimed and looked at Nelia.

Seeing Nelia's elongated ears rising upwards, Lee Han suddenly felt nauseous.
'The Black Turtle Tower guys, it seems that they are too vulgar to praise.'

Such a good friend...

“What should I prepare, Nelia? A camping tent?”

"it's okay. You only need one coat.”

"oh. Then what about the camping blankets on the floor?”

"it's okay. You only need one coat.”

"...don't you still need blankets?"

"it's okay. You only need one coat.”

Nelia was excited to share the wisdom of the Shadow Rangers with her friends.

The wisdom of being able to sleep in a cold valley with just one coat is essential
for friends.

However, the complexions of the Blue Dragon Tower students were darkening.

Lee Han, who had not heard, intervened.

“Nelia was joking, so don’t misunderstand everyone.”

"ha ha ha! That's a joke! ha ha ha!"

“I thought it was a joke with a 100% chance!”

Nelia looked at Lee Han as if she was talking about something.

“Isn’t that a joke? I only have one coat... Eup.”

Yoner hastily covered Nilia's mouth.

Although there were minor problems, the friends mended and prepared the clothes.

A new cloak and mask made of dark cloth will protect them in case of emergency.

Ratford said with a happy expression.

“They all look like great thieves.”

"haha. what so far.”

“Be embarrassed.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were stunned by Ratford's praise.

so cool

“It’s time. let's go."

Lee Han and his friends stood up.

Tonight, they'll rob Professor Thunderbolt's lab!

* * *

The students were divided into two groups.

Students who have been out at night many times already, and students who have
never been out at night.

Lee Han, of course, was the former. Now there was no hesitation in going around
the school in the evening.

It's as natural as taking a walk.

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. Is there any way to open the door of the water

Ihan nodded his head.

The physical lock is a Ratford.

The magic lock is Lee Han.

'Checking has already been completed.'

It was easy to check the lock on the front door on the first floor as each water
pipe went in and out for class. Ratford had already made fake keys.

“Follow me quietly.”

Lee Han said that to his friends and went with Ratford to the main gate of the

The friends followed him cautiously.


Surprisingly, there was a large hole in the front door of the water pipe. It was a
hole that looked like something big had rushed and broke it.

The students were amazed.

“It’s already prepared! awesome!"

“...what is this?”


At the bewildered voice of Lee Han, the students present were startled.


“Wordanaj, didn’t you prepare in advance?”

“Sometimes I wonder what you guys think of me…”

Lee Han confirmed the smashed hole. Then he clicked his tongue.

“Not good.”

“The wreckage is inside the water pipe. It came from outside.”

If the guy who was raised by thunder in the water tower broke and escaped, there
was no need to worry too much, but looking at the situation now, it was clear that
a large monster had entered outside the water tower.

Ratford looked at Lee Han with a slightly impressed expression.

“You really have the qualities of a big thief.”


“I, me too! Ratford. I can guess too!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students showed a strange competitive spirit.

Even if his class grades and magical abilities were pushed, he didn't want to lose
his ability as a thief.

Nelly looked at him as if he was asking why.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I think it’s because I grew up reading a lot of fairy tale books about honorable

At Yonaire's words, Nilia thought it was absurd.

'You mean the nobles of the empire grew up reading such ridiculous fairy tales?'

“Are there no hunters?”

“Uh… there must be a fairy tale about a hunter-turned-thief…”

Lee Han, who made a decision while his friends were talking, opened the door to
the gaksuwan.

“Listen everyone. From now on, we will not sneak into the water tower.”



It's not like sneaking in.

Then what?

Are you trying to write 'The Blue Dragon Tower students are here' on the wall with

“We voluntarily gathered to prevent the intruders from arbitrarily entering the
water tower and to protect the professor’s valuables.”

"...ah. Aha!"


The intrusion of the summons was not necessarily the only downside.
Later, if something goes wrong, I can make excuses for my summons and cry.

...Of course, I wondered if that would work for Professor Thunderwalker.

* * *


Lee Han floated a sphere of light. The first floor of the dark water tower shone

Greenhouses and classrooms located next to the hallway.

Students who have been to the magic school at night will know. The night magic
school was completely different from the day magic school.

Even in the classroom that looked normal during the day, it seemed that some
undead were hiding at night...

Even the plants growing in the sunlight in the warm greenhouse seemed to hold
their breath in the dark and wait for an opportunity to attack this side.

'In fact, it is not strange that Professor Thunderwalker prepared such a plant.'

The first floor was known to all the students, but the second floor was an unknown

What is it?


As I climbed the stairs on the first floor and went up to the second floor, I felt
intense magic inside.

There is magic in the space itself.

'Expand space!'

A space that looked dozens of times larger than the first floor welcomed the
students. The second floor was a spacious botanical garden.

The students were overwhelmed by the sight of strange and gigantic plants that
they didn't even know their names were standing and growing.

“There is a saying that a good alchemist must be a good gardener. Still, it's

Priest Siana muttered in a surprised voice.

As he had to travel through mountains and fields to collect materials, of course,

the alchemist himself had to grow what he could.

But even with that in mind, the scale was quite impressive.

"Wow. What is the name of this plant?”

Gainando was amazed by pointing to the brightly colored flowers in front of him.
It was really beautiful to see it swaying with the soft moonlight coming through
the window.

Lee Han responded kindly.

“That flower is a nephelop.”

"Oh oh. What does it do?”

“Do not catch any animal that touches the petals and swallow them whole.”


Gainando was terrified and took a step back.

“But the honey from that flower sells for a very high price…”

“Is that important now?!”

“I asked and answered.”

Lee Han replied that way and looked around.

There were a lot more things that Lee Han didn't know than what he knew. The same
would be true for Yonner and Siana Priest.


Gaksu-gwan was not a dormitory tower. Since it was the workshop used by Professor
Thunderwalk, there were not many traps.

Professor Thunderwalker should have had to go around right now...

Lee Han calmly found his way. There must be a path that Professor Thunderwalker
uses to wander between these botanical gardens.



Perhaps reading Lee Han's thoughts, the Bone Summon made a rattling sound from its

The Bone Summon pointed in the direction as if to look over there. To my surprise,
there were footprints that had just appeared on the mud. It was the footprints of a

'Right. Did the monster pass first?'

It was clear that the monster that invaded the path that Professor Thunderwalk was
passing was found first.

Lee Han tried to praise the Bone Summon.

“Wordanaz. I had a good idea. Looking at the footprints here, it is clear that the
first monster has passed! Then this way is the safe way.”

Nelia whispered in an excited voice.

Lee Han tried to praise the Bone Summon, but then paused and opened his mouth.

“…that’s amazing, Nelia!”

Thunder Thing!

“Is it because you were from the Shadow Patrol? That's great. I'm glad you came.
It is dizzying to even imagine what it would be like without you.”

“What do you have with this?”

Nelia waved her hand as if it wasn't a big deal, but her long ears were already
pricked up.

"ruler. i'll find a way Ask everyone to follow you.”


Lee Han sent Nelia to the front like that and sighed in relief.

Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder!

Lee Han apologized at the appearance of the bone summons protesting.

"sorry. Friendship is harder than you think.”

The Bone Summon wiggled his fingers as if incomprehensible.

* * *

Moving along the footsteps of the monster that came in first was a better way than
I thought.

While moving along the path in the botanical garden, the students were not
attacked by any plants.

It was clear that Professor Thunderwalk had not laid any special traps in his

'thank you. professor.'

Lee Han-eun thanked the professor for his laziness and moved on.



But where there is luck, there is also bad luck.

Stairs to the 3rd floor located at the end of the botanical garden.

When he saw the monster standing in front of the stairs, Lee Han's expression

“Ox… right?”

"okay. It's not like an ordinary bull."

Debris, vines, and leaves hung from the bull's horns as if they had trampled on
some of the plants on the second floor because it was not enough to break the front
door on the first floor.

The moment Lee Han saw it, he remembered the bull that Professor Thunderbolt had
talked about before.


Up until now, I had thought that the elemental bull that Professor Ingaldel had
caught was the bull, but when I looked closely, the bull in front of me was much
more similar to the one that Professor Thunderwalker was talking about.

First of all, there are no spirits mixed in, and only physical abilities are
strengthened with various potions.

'Then, was it just someone summoned by high school students?'

When Lee Han saw the spirit bull, he was sorry that he cursed his thunderous

'no. Come to think of it, there's nothing to be sorry about.'

When I saw the bull in front of me again, my feelings of regret disappeared


You mean you put that guy on hold on the mountain?

“What are you going to do?”

“There is no need to fight.”

It's a little different, but I've already learned something while dealing with the
elemental bull.

You don't have to beat your opponent to defeat them!

This botanical garden wasn't a good place to fight, nor did it come to subdue a

Besides, the bull didn't seem interested in the students. She was sitting in front
of the stairs, munching on something.

“If that’s the bull raised by Professor Thunderwalker… isn’t he coming back

Yonner's words sounded plausible.

If it was the guy Thunderwalker was raising, it made sense that he knew the way

It was difficult for a normal monster to come up right here without making a mess
elsewhere on the first floor.

“Then, if I leave it alone for a while, won’t it eat itself and get out of the

“I think there is a high probability that it will.”

The students breathed a sigh of relief when it seemed that there would be no need
to fight.

The guy in front of me felt more violent and ferocious than the spirit bull in
terms of size alone.

“…uh… Lee Han…?”

Yoner grabbed Lee Han's sleeve and pulled him back.

“That… is it okay?”

The bull ignored the students and ate a plant next to it. I chewed a few mouthfuls
and spit it out as if it didn't taste good.

And then another plant, another one, another, and a few more...

It was fun so the bull started destroying the plants a little faster.

The faces of the alchemists Yonner and Siana Priest became pale. Even though it
was not his own plant, his heart ached.

Lee Han's complexion also changed.

It was different for students to come in and borrow a little potion, and for a
monster to kill all the plants in the botanical garden.

And when these two are combined, the professor's anger can be directed at the

“You have to stop that! Feet, crinkle the ground!”

Lee Han shouted a spell and then ran forward.

Then he threw a cursed magic at the bull.

“Be paralyzed!”

The negative energy took shape like a wave and flew towards the bull.

But the bull felt the threat first and escaped the curse.

“Wordanaz! Why do we have to stop that?”

“That is honor! Wodanaz. I'm here to help!"

The Blue Dragon Tower friends, who misunderstood Lee Han's meaning, rushed in with
their wands.

“Fire of Power...”

When Guy Nando tried to cast a flame-generating spell, Lee Han was terrified and
slapped him in the mouth.



“Never fire where there are plants!”

“Aww… be paralyzed!”

“Be paralyzed!!”

My friends threw the paralyzing curse they learned in class. If I called the wrong
element for nothing, I could burn the surrounding area and eat it.

Unlike Lee Han's curse, the bull didn't escape the students' curse either. The
bull didn't care, even though the curse had exploded a few times.

“Ah, what the hell did Professor Thunderwalker feed?!”

The students screamed. The bull was stronger than expected.

“Go and disturb him!”

Lee Han sent the Bone Minions and then began to summon the Water Orbs.

The bull didn't care whether the other students were wielding their canes or not,
but Lee Han-man looked at him with caution.

'It was not a hasty curse!'

It was not easy to hit a cursed magic on a monster with a sharp instinct.

It was as if things had gone awry because they made him wary by throwing a curse
for nothing.

Lee Han started throwing water beads one after another. The bull escaped
accurately, but Lee Han did not panic.

'Once pulled out among the plants.'

In the first place, they were attacking the bulls to keep them away from the

“Everyone, get the potion of weakness here!”

Siana Priest took out a potion flask and handed it to him. The students who
received it hurriedly threw it away.

With a cracking sound, the potioned bull staggered. Realizing that his magic
resistance had weakened, Yoner exclaimed.

“Everyone curse once more!”

“Paralyze, paralyze!”

“Be paralyzed!”

The bull shook his head in annoyance. She could feel the curse penetrating into
her skin as she was weakened.

Lee Han blasted the water beads around the bull in an irregular orbit. The bull
flinched and stopped moving.

And Lee Han's curse broke out.

“Be paralyzed!”

The thought of casting it faster than before made Lee Han's spell even faster.

As a result, the curse was fired before Lee Han's spell was memorized. The
situation was so urgent that even Lee Han did not notice.


The bull fell to his knees as if he could not withstand Lee Han's curse.

The students let out long breaths at the same time, without saying who came first.

“What the hell is this?”


A tall, slender willow was walking among the plants.

Lee Han answered immediately.

“We were protecting Professor Thunderfoot’s plants.”

"...Right! A strange bull is eating the plants...!”


Yoner quickly received Lee Han's words.

The willows praised the students as if they were very peculiar.

“That’s great. There was no professor, but you guys were protecting the plants.
It’s not something anyone can do.”

"thank you."

When the atmosphere seemed to have gotten a little better, Lee Han asked the
identity of the other person.

“Excuse me, but who are you?”

"ah. You don't know me because you're a freshman. I am a professor of botany at

school. Let me call you Professor Willow.”

The opponent was a name that was really just what it looked like.

Gainando looked at Professor Willow and seemed to remember the talking oak trees
he had met in the mountains. He asked carefully, raising his hand.

“Are you related to the oak trees you are talking about?”

“I am a willow tree, and they are an oak tree. Troll kid.”

"yes? Am I human?”

"okay. I am a willow tree, not an oak tree.”

Lee Han thought that he should be careful with his words in front of Professor
Willow. From the looks of it, it seemed like he didn't like to be treated with
roughly similar trees.

Professor Willow walked slowly, waving branches and touching the fallen bull.

Then he deepened the wrinkles caught in the knots and said.

“It’s the bull raised by Professor Thunderwalk. After all, he’s a sloppy Dwarf.”

'shit. It was a real professor's bull.'

Lee Han cursed the professor who was not present.

If you make a monster stronger by potioning it, take good care of it.

“Did you subdue this bull with a paralyzing curse?”

Professor Willow looked at the students puzzledly.

It was a very strange thing for first-year students to do. I wouldn't be able to
use such a powerful paralyzing curse.

“I used a weakening potion and then cursed.”

“It must have been difficult though. That’s great.”

Professor Willow waved a branch. Then a vine grew out of the ground, and he
wrapped the bull up and locked him in a wooden cage.

"I'll let this guy know when Professor Thunderwalker comes back later."

“Are you here... taking care of the plants?”

Priest Siana asked cautiously. Professor Willow replied in a slow voice.

"okay. Originally my garden was somewhere else. I got a request from Professor
Thunderstep. I'm asking you to take care of this water pipe for today only. It's
annoying, but what do I do when I have to meet the emperor's official?"

"Yes? As far as I know, you said that you go to the market with Professor
Lightning Walk.”


Professor Willow stood tall.

“…Is that really true?”

"yes. If you ask Professor Lightning Step later, you will find out.”


Professor Willow stood still, but he could tell what it was like to see the leaves
hanging from the ends of the branches move wildly back and forth.

“You are of the Wodanaj family. right?"


When the professor suddenly guessed his name, Lee Han was slightly embarrassed.


“No surprise. I've only heard your story from other professors. Anyway, thanks for
letting me know.”

Professor Willow expressed his gratitude in a soft tone.

“Is there anything you need? If yes, tell me.”

“…we are going to practice alchemy, is there any place where I can find useful
materials or reagents?”


Professor Willow was worried.

Of course, materials and reagents were scattered throughout the expansive grounds
of the magic school, but most of the places were a little dangerous for new
students to go to.

Lee Han observed Professor Willow's expression very carefully.

It didn't matter if the opponent was a species similar to a tree spirit. As a

professor, he could not escape Lee Han's sharp vision.


Lee Han threw a number that was close to gambling.

“Maybe I can borrow it from Professor Thunderbolt's lab... Oh, no. That was rude.”

Lee Han bowed his head as if embarrassed. But Professor Willow waved the branch as
if it was a very good idea.

“That’s a good idea.”

"yes? However..."

"Okay. When Professor Thunderwalker returns, tell him that the bull came in and
stole it. I'll pick out what you can take with you."

Professor Willow said so and walked towards the stairs to the third floor.

Priest Siana said looking at Lee Han.

“I don’t think Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family should ever join an evil sect.”


* * *

The moment they set foot on the third floor, darkness greeted them. The light
spell didn't help either.

“Be careful not to get lost. The road here is so complicated.”

Professor Willow swung a branch. Then something started running in the dark.

It was the door with the words 'Laboratory 6' written on it.


Professor Willow turned and opened the doorknob. Blue smoke was freezing
everything in the laboratory. Professor Willow quickly closed the door.

"I'd better shut this lab down permanently."

Professor Willow pushed out Lab 6 and brought in a few more. Most of the labs were
a mess. Lab #17 was a distorted space, and water dripping from the desk was flowing
to the ceiling, while Lab #29 was engulfed in black darkness one by one.

Lee Han took out a piece of paper and made detailed notes of each and every action
Professor Willow was doing. Because I didn't know when I would be back on the 3rd


Lee Han could barely understand the way the third floor was.

The reason there weren't many traps on the 1st and 2nd floors was because the 3rd
floor itself was a semi-maze-like configuration.

If you didn't know which lab was in, and you didn't know how to call that lab, it
wouldn't make much sense to go to the 3rd floor.

It was dangerous to break magic by force in such a jumbled place. Because I didn't
know what was going to happen.

The answer was to learn it step by step from the beginning.

Just as there is no royal road to learning, so is theft.

'Lab 6 is swinging left twice and 6 times. Lab 17, swing it four times to the
right and one swing upwards, number 17. Lab 29...'


Professor Willow has found a suitable laboratory. Lee Han quickly slipped the
paper into his coat.

The lab I opened this time was really ordinary, like an alchemist's lab. It was
full of various alchemy tools and flasks.

The students came in with a slightly terrified look at the labs they had seen

“Come on, take it.”

Professor Willow swept away the alchemy tools or flasks and began tossing them one
by one. Without panicking, Lee Han flexibly received it and carefully put it in the
leather bag he had brought.

“Did you give too much?”

"no. professor. I am just grateful.”

As soon as the leather bag was full, Lee Han handed it to her friends and took out
a new leather bag.

It was so fast that Professor Willow would mistakenly think, 'Is it an artifact?'

“This will be enough for you to practice. We didn't give them materials that were
too dangerous or that Professor Thunderwalker was too fond of.”

“That alone is enough.”

Professor Willow wiggled the branches and cleaned up the lab that looked like a
thief had been caught.

The cluttered tools returned to their place, and the open drawers closed again.

Professor Willow frowned at the withering flower pots in the corner and called for
a watering can.

“I will help.”

Lee Han volunteered to go out.

'It should look good.'

It was unlikely that Professor Willow would inform Professor Thunderwalk, but he
did not know about people.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with showing good looks to the professor. You
never know when you will hear Professor Willow's lecture.

Not knowing Lee Han's intentions, the friends rolled up their sleeves to help. But
Lee Han shook his head.

“You guys go back.”

"why? Wodanaz? We also…”

“I don’t know when Professor Thunderbolt will be back. You go back to your dorm
with your sacks.”


Friends admired Lee Han's words.


Ratford said with a shocked expression.

“You are really great. There is nothing more I can teach you.”

“Don’t praise me too much. Ratford. You still have a lot to learn.”

Yoner suddenly felt that the situation was a bit strange, but he didn't intervene
because the atmosphere seemed warm.

“Then Wodanaj. I will move first.”

“See you in the dormitory!”

The students grunted and went down with the sacks. Lee Han was puzzled to see that
Yonaire was still there.


“I think I need someone to help me. Even if one person is missing, I can take the
sack with me.”

"thank you."

“What do you have with this?”

"for a moment. silver..."

“…don’t ask me if I should be angry.”

Yonner stretched out his finger as if warning. Lee Han turned his words around.

“…thank you, Jenna.”

“Are you in southern dialect?”

Along with the horse, Yonner picked up a watering can.

In fact, Yonner didn't think Lee Han would take good care of the plants.

Caring for plants was a more difficult and complex task than I thought. Even just
watering it.

Some plants need less water, some plants need more water.

When the weather was nice and hot, I had to water more, and when the weather was
bad and wet, I had to water less.

If it was a common plant, it would be better, but if it was a rare and fragile
plant, it was even more difficult.

It is something you need to have both knowledge and intuition.

When I was at Yonerya's home, I was confident that what I did while reading the
alchemy book was growing plants, but Lee Han...

“You are doing well.”

Professor Willow said in a voice of admiration.

Neither Lee Han nor Yoner had the skills to deal with plants once or twice.

Lee Han felt Yoner's astonishing gaze and asked as if wondering.


“Ah… no. Watered it so well.”

“Did you do it a lot?”

Yonner was not the only one who walked the path of plant management. This was also
the case.

The start was semi-compulsory because of the professors, but the hobby, once
created, doesn't go away easily.

In a previous life, the professors took care of flowerpots, but in this life, they
were bored and tended the gardens of the Wodanaj family.

Yoner looked at Lee Han with eyes mixed with joy and emotion.

Originally, people with minor hobbies had no choice but to be very happy when they

“So did you...! You also said, why do the servants in the family do such things by

'I didn't.'

Ian was a little perplexed.

The Wodanaj family was so laissez-faire that they didn't really care whether Lee
Han wielded a sword or took care of the plants.

However, Lee Han didn't want to disappoint Yoner, who helped him at the best.

“Of course it was. But I didn't care. I thought it would be useful someday for

“Lee Han…”

Yonner looked at Lee Han with an expression of wanting to give him a medal right
away if there was a 'Best Friend Award'.

Yoner wasn't the only one who was impressed. Professor Willow was also impressed.

"I'm sure you'll meet students who care about plants like this... Everyone, follow

Professor Willow took the lead and went down the stairs. Lee Han and Yoner wiped
the water and followed after him.

'Are you going to give me something more?'

At the joy contained in the professor's voice, Lee Han looked forward to it.

Isn't that what I was left with because of this?

Arriving at the corner of the botanical garden on the second floor, Professor
Willow stopped and pointed to the plants.

"ruler. Make sure you water everything from here to here.”


Lee Han's face hardened at the unexpected situation.

Could it be that Professor Willow is one of the few professors who gives more work
as a reward?
If that were the case, it would have been truly terrifying.


Before Lee Han could even argue, Professor Willow walked away. Of course, if he
hadn't left, Lee Han wouldn't have protested.

A professor who could protest in the first place wouldn't have done something like

“Yone. sorry."

Lee Han apologized sincerely.

I should have popped out when I had a lot of stuff, but I ended up paying the
price for trying to show off to the professor for nothing.

"yes? what?"

But Yonner was already digging up dry soil near the plants and fiddling with them.
He was there to see if it was okay to water.

“…it’s unfair labor, aren’t you angry?”

“Isn’t caring for plants fun? You said you like it too?”

Surprisingly, Yonner seemed to have no complaints at all.

As much as I like to take care of plants in the first place, I was very satisfied
with the experience of taking care of rare plants that I had only seen in books.

“I like my plants, but other people's plants, especially professor plants, are a
bit... no. It should feel good.”

Lee Han stopped talking.

Come to think of it, Yonaire's way of thinking was positive.

It's depressing to think that the professor ordered it, but if you think of it as
an opportunity to see rare plants that you could only see in books...

'Still, the depression doesn't go away.'

Lee Han was too snob to be positive like Yonaire.

Still, Ian moved.

Emotions are emotions. Because work was work.

“Lee Han. The soil is dry, should I water it?”

“The leaves are hard… and the book says you don’t need to water that much, so
let’s move on. I'm sure he needs to be watered..."

"for a moment. The plant needs only rainwater, not just water. I read it.”

"right. I read it too.”

“Did I make such an amateurish point?”

"no. We have to match what we know.”

The two remaining students in the botanical garden looked at each other with a

How to recognize each other with experts!

If there were other Blue Dragon Tower students, they wouldn't have understood,
'Why on earth do you have to do that to take care of a plant?!'

For boys and girls from great aristocratic families, growing plants was very
difficult and labor intensive.

But for Lee Han, it was different.

'Plants are better than professors.'

Of course, after checking the condition of the soil every day, adjusting the type
and temperature of water and giving it to the plants, removing any bugs or mold,
ventilating the air, and bringing potions could be annoying and annoying.

However, the plants were less talkative and reticent.

That alone made plants more lovely than professors.

How many hours have passed?

“Do you think you’ve done it all?”


They both wiped their sweat and stretched their backs. Plant management was as
arduous as swordsmanship training. Muscles screamed.

I was watching you young humans.



Lee Han immediately pulled out his wand and pointed it in the direction of the

Surprisingly, the voice came from a nearby pond.

A huge mass of water appeared from within the pond with a bubbling sound. Anyone
could see that it was a powerful spirit.

My name is Parakis. This is the spirit of the pond. You young humans must be the
disciples of the dwarves.

"...Yes. Do you know the professor?”

okay. I made a contract with the dwarves to take care of this garden.

I could feel the spirits looking at them very favorably. The reason was
immediately clear.
It is rare among young humans to take care of plants as faithfully and
meticulously as you do...

'ah. Was it like this?'

Looking at Parakis, he seemed to know what Professor Willow was thinking when he
sent them here.

Professor Willow is a professor who teaches botany.

He must have been moved by Lee Han and Yonner, who are serious about caring for

That's why I sent it to a spirit who appreciates caring for the plants here.

If the two of them truly care for plants, they will be recognized by the spirits!

'sorry. professor.'

Lee Han apologized quickly.

I thought Professor Willow just did his job for me, but it had a much deeper
meaning than I thought.

I was moved by that look. She doesn't normally like to appear in front of people,
but she can't stand still when she sees this kind of devotion.

After speaking, the spirit looked at Lee Han and said as if wondering.

But you seem afraid of the spirits, how do you have the tree spirits?


Ian was slightly hurt. Unknowingly, Yonner took up the defense instead.

“Even though he looks like this, Lee Han is a really good friend.”

I'm sorry, little human. Lesser spirits do not have the ability to even recognize
the character of the contractor.

The weaker and lower the rank, the lower the intellect.

However, in order to know the character of the contractor, we have to get to know
each other while staying together for a long time, but in the case of Lee Han, it
was difficult to have such an opportunity.

It was because he was emitting magical energy from his body that seemed to make
all the spirits run away!

“I have been given a staff by the talking oaks.”

Aha. So that's it. Don't be too heartbroken The tree spirit of your staff was
scary at first, and it's still scary now, but they praise you for being a good
human being.


Unknowingly, Lee Han looked at the staff.

Were you afraid?

Yoner asked sadly.

“Mr Parakis. Is there any way for Lee Han to make a contract with the spirit? Even
if I try to make contact with the spirits in the spirit world, they are avoiding

Well... it's my first time experiencing this problem...

Parakis sputtered and fell in thought.

How about this?

“What is it?”

Ian looked forward a little.

As a powerful spirit with a name, he also has a wise method...

How about giving up making a contract with a spirit and making a contract with
other beings? If it had that much magical power, most would be afraid, but that's
not necessarily a downside. Because there are people who like that.

“…I would like to make a contract with the spirit.”

uhm. Is it too? Well, if you like that, they're usually evil beings. It wouldn't
suit a person with a good heart like you.


Ian was perplexed.

...Is it?

However, Yonaire agreed, as if not surprised at all.


“I have no intention of making a contract with only the spirits…”

Hmm... If you really need to make a contract with a spirit, one of the ways is to
make a contract with the violent and ferocious spirits.

Parakis came up with a different method.

All of the lower spirits' personalities were timid and not innocent. There were
also violent and ferocious men from the time of the lower spirits.

In particular, the more unstable and destructive elemental the elemental, the
stronger the tendency.

“That way…! Wait, but the professor didn’t say that.”

Lee Han realized it was strange.

Could it be that Professor Thunderwalker deliberately didn't inform Lee Han to

fuck Lee Han?
It was a highly probable story.

Well... no matter how violent and ferocious the lesser spirits are, they're not
foolish enough to be blindsided... they're probably more likely to dodge and run



Lee Han and Yoner were silent again. It hurts my heart to see Yoner's pitiful

However, what I said is not entirely wrong. The stronger and higher-ranking
spirits, the less likely they will run away when they see you. And with such a
spirit, you might be able to reveal your true nature through conversation.

“Thanks for the advice.”

Well... no. Not all spirits are strong and of high rank, and if possible, it would
be better to contact the violent and ferocious spirits among them. Of course, that
doesn't mean that the spirits that don't do it don't necessarily run away, but
that's because the spirits usually don't like meaningless fights...


Hearing Parakis speaking as if making excuses, Lee Han thought that he would
rather not listen.

It gets even worse after listening to it!

Yoner asked as he asked.

“Can’t Parakis sign a contract with Lee Han?”

“Yone. are you okay. stop it."

"no. I'll be sure to help!"

Yoner tried to repay Lee Han for the help he received.

However, Lee Han slowly began to feel embarrassed.

It was as if he couldn't find a spirit friend on his own, and the teacher said,
'Isn't there a spirit who can be friends with Lee Han?'

It's unreasonable for a young human wizard to make a contract with me. fall right

Parakis, who was talking, looked at Lee Han and changed his words again.

...but I'm sorry. Now I have a contract with the dwarves. It must be difficult to
follow you and help you.

"it's okay."

Lee Han thought that he should prepare his heart to become close with the undead.

What do you think of this? A spirit I know has been summoned to this school. If I
told you I was introduced, you might be able to hear the story.


Ian was surprised.

It was a good suggestion that I hadn't thought of.

“Is that okay?? I don't think it's causing too much trouble..."

Seeing you two young gardeners, I really want to help this much. don't worry too
much and...

Parakis pondered for a moment whether he should say this or not.

Then he finally said.

Don't be too disappointed if that friend avoids you. got it?


Lee Han began to wonder how strong the spirit would be before he could even talk
to him.

Should I even visit the Spirit King?

* * *

Parakis rolled up his body, floated it, and emptied the pond. Then a deep cave was
revealed beneath it.

If you go in here, you will be able to go straight to where the friend is.

Lee Han was grateful for the kindness of the spirit. But Parakis' kindness was not
over yet.


Ancient characters resembling a pond were engraved on the backs of Lee Han and
Yoner's hands.

I put a little bit of my power into it. The glyph will help you little wizards.

"thank you."

"thank you!"

Lee Han and Yoner expressed their sincere thanks.

The spirit in front of me seemed to be much more kind than any other professor at
the school.

okay. Don't forget your love for plants.

As Lee Han and Yoner walked down the pond, Parakis quickly returned to the
original pond. The passage leading to the basement became silent in an instant.

Lee Han floated a sphere of light. And he unknowingly looked at the tree spirit's

I still wanted to ask if I was scared, but I endured it because it seemed too

'But I really want to ask.'

“Lee Han?”


Lee Han was bewildered, wondering if he had heard his heart.


“Mr Parakis was in the pond. Where do you think the spirit you are visiting is


Yoner's question was certainly sharp. Parakis had forgot to explain what kind of
spirit he was.

“Perhaps… underground of a lake or underground of a river, I think.”

Since Parakis is the spirit of the pond, there is a high possibility that her
friend is a similar spirit.

water, river, pond, sea and so on.

'Maybe it is not connected to the sea.'

In the worst case, the destination could have been a dungeon under the sea.

Lee Han knew that this magic school could do just that.

“I wish I was a lecture spirit. I've heard that most river spirits are wise and

“If we can make a contract with the river spirit, we will be able to acquire the
wisdom we need for this prison... no, this school life.”

Lee Han, who was talking, stopped.

'By the way, I heard that most river spirits have a soft personality?'

...Then you're running away again, aren't you?

Iron jerk!

With a sharp sound, the two got out of the aisle and climbed up.

With the dark and still air, I could see a place that Lee Han had seen before.

...this was the school's punishment room.

Ian thought.

That friend must never be a river spirit!


“Okay, isn’t it wrong? I don't think it's in school..."

Unfortunately, Yonner did not accept reality. Lee Han said with a bitter

“It’s school. It’s a punishment room.”


There were freshmen who had been there, but for most students, the punishment room
was only a rumor.

-If you get an F in 3 subjects, you will be dragged to the punishment room
throughout the vacation.

-I heard that up to 10 people from the back of the midterm exam are taken to the
punishment room?

-This is a rumor, but some of the seniors failed an experiment and were taken to
the punishment room.

-If you get caught trying to escape from school, you'll be taken to the punishment
room, isn't it a lie?

It was felt that most of them were lies, but the original rumors are bound to
contain some truth.



It was Lee Han, who grabbed the doorknob of the private room worriedly, but soon
it was revealed that it was nothing to worry about.

Surprisingly, the door to the room where the two were located was open.

'The punishment room is the punishment room...'

Lee Han realized that this punishment room was now unused.

The hallway that came out was full of dust and cobwebs, and the private rooms on
either side were all empty and open.

“Looks like it’s not used now.”

“It’s not very comforting.”

Yoner muttered in a frightened voice.

The punishment room without people was more terrifying than the punishment room
with people.

Better to have someone...

“It was quite difficult to find the way to the punishment room , but it got me in

“How do you know… ah.”

Yoner looked at Lee Han with an apologetic expression. He knew that Lee Han had
been to the punishment room.

“It wasn't as bad an experience as I thought it would be.”

“Isn’t the principal threatening you?”

"yes. In the future, if the principal threatens me and says something, I will put
‘I swear’ in front of it.”

“That’s a good idea.”

After confirming, the two walked to the end of the hallway.

But there were no stairs.



There is only a solid brick wall located.

Confused, Lee Han looked back. There was no other passage on the other side. He
had to go this way.


Ian knew what had happened. It's only been a few weeks since he's been to magic
school, but Lee Han has already finished adjusting to the bone.

'A magical passageway.'

Just like what he experienced when he tried to escape to the underground warehouse
last time, the way was covered by magic.

There were two ways.

to find or forcibly pierce.

Lee Han took out a piece of charcoal powder wrapped in paper from his pocket.
Yoner asked as if puzzled.

“What is that?”

“I made it with Ratford in case we need it in case we need to escape.”

It was similar to finding fingerprints on objects by sprinkling graphite powder.

At Lee Han's prepared posture, Yonner was at a loss for words.

Seeing Yoner's strange eyes, Lee Han thought that Yonaire was envious.

'I'll have to teach you later.'

Yoner would definitely like this technique!

“…I can’t.”

This time, however, it did not come off as easily as in the last underground
warehouse. No traces were found.

Ian didn't give up.

“Yone. stand back."

If technology doesn't work, power.

Just like the last time he had blown away the defensive magic at the entrance to
the dormitory, Lee Han was going to blow away the magic that was blocking this

'You don't have to hit that hard. Moderately. Enough to expose only the passage.'

Stop it, you idiot!


The spirit's voice resounded in the hallway. It was a ferocious voice that felt
violent just by hearing it.

"who are you?"

My name is not spoken to the unworthy. Why did you come to my shadow? I won't
forgive you if you don't answer quickly.

“I was introduced to you by Mr. Parakis.”

To Parakis?

The voice of the ferocious spirit stopped as if in bewilderment. It looked


As a professor at this school, he looks pretty strong, but that doesn't mean he's
qualified to sign a contract with me. I don't know what Parakis was thinking when
he sent you...

“I am a student, not a professor.”

Yoner intervened.

“I’m a freshman…”


There was an awkward silence for a moment. Lee Han could feel the waves of magic
flowing through the walls and ceiling.

The spirit was probably checking again.

He was a young wizard... Wait. Are you a real young wizard? Wasn't he in disguise?
“If you don’t believe me, you can check it out.”

The ferocious spirit seemed to have thought about it and decided not to doubt it
any more.

Then I understand what Parakis sent. He's kind to young wizards. But he won't make
a deal. I do not contract with people I do not know well.


Yoner said sadly.

“You seem to avoid Lee Han because he has a lot of magic. Like other spirits.”

...what are you talking about? not!

The opposing spirit was perplexed at Yonaire's words.

It's not another misunderstanding, it's because you're afraid that you have a lot
of magical power and dodge it.

It was a misunderstanding that could never be overcome.

“But you are not showing yourself. After listening to Mr. Parakis, I heard that
Lee Han’s existence itself scares the spirits.”

“Yone… I didn’t even say that…”

You sound like a weirdo!

"That's why you don't show up, are you?"

Because it's not! Do I look like a spirit that won't show up just because I'm
scared of magic?!

“Then why don’t you show it?”

This time, Lee Han asked as if curiously.

Then the spirit hesitated and said.

He didn't like pointless fights... he tried to avoid it.



Lee Han and Yoner looked at each other. And he said it as he knew.

"Is that so."

“It can be.”

You young human wizards! Do you think I can't even read the meaning of your

* * *

It was the name of the spirit that had not been revealed to the two of them.

The spirits summoned by the wizard usually do the contracted work at the place the
wizard has provided, or come out whenever the wizard calls and do the contracted

The important thing here is the contract.

The wizard couldn't force the spirit to do more than the original contract, and
the spirit wouldn't listen to it either.

But to put it on the other hand, the fact that the Spirit signed the contract at
the beginning meant that he would protect it at the risk of his own honor.

So, why is Perkuntra doing this?

I don't know if it's a punishment room with people, or is it a closed punishment

room without people?

The answer was that the contract was not properly signed.

-I summoned you, the great spirit, Perkuntra. give in to me submit to me I know

your true name, you kneel!

- Don't talk bullshit. Rich bastard that smells like rattlesnakes! No matter how
much I respect the strong, do you know how to kneel before someone like you?

Principal Lich, who got his name from the relics of ancient ruins, summoned
Perkuntra by that name.

Of course, knowing the name of Perkuntra, he did not succumb to it. He didn't want
to sign Richie if he knew anything else.

The two fought all day and a week and a night.

When Perkuntra did not yield no matter what he threatened, Principal Rich
eventually came up with a compromise.

-If you don't like the contract, how about a compromise, arrogant spirit
Perkuntra? I won't give you any orders if you just do one thing. In return, I will
periodically pay tribute to you!

-...what are you talking about?

-I am raising young wizards. There is a building that educates these young

wizards, and I want to prevent the young wizards from escaping from this building!

- Just that?

- Just that!

Perkuntra was shaken by Principal Rich's words.

Compared to all the complicated and detailed contracts, it wasn't too difficult to
monitor a building and prevent the young wizards from escaping.

Besides, unless it's an official contract, there's no need to get close to that
rich guy.

-If you refuse...

- Cheeky spirit bastard. This is my last suggestion. The moment you refuse, I will
rip your whole body to pieces and seal it, and I will lock the books with your name
in the forgotten tomb. Will you go into eons of oblivion, or will you accept my

-...good night. I will accept it!

Realizing that he could not defeat Principal Rich, Perkuntra eventually accepted
the offer.

And I wondered how hard it would be if the young wizards ran away again.

At the very least, it's not like I'm going out because I miss it.

...However, the young wizards had good abilities and made frequent escape

Perkuntra found out the reason later.

That rich guy was recommending escape at all.

-If you succeed in breaking out, wouldn't that be a trick? Try your best to

If the madman made a mistake by the young wizard, the rules should prevent him
from escaping. If he succeeded in escaping, the punishment room was canceled
immediately, so the thick-headed students continued to try to escape.

As a result, the work in the dungeon was much more arduous and difficult than
Perkuntra had thought.

The only time I could take a break was when I was alone and quiet in this closed
punishment room.

This is a peace that will soon be broken if the students try to escape, but...

Still, I really liked this closed punishment room when the students weren't there.

But today, suddenly, two blue young wizards came to Perkuntra's resting place.

'Pharakis. This child!'

I knew I cared for the young wizards, but I'd send him this.

Perkuntra said wriggling.

My invisibility is for the sake of you young wizards!

"Oh, I see..."

Yoner didn't openly piss off the spirits like Gainando, but the sincerity inside
made Perkuntra even more pissed off.

A spirit of the size of Perkuntra could read what the young wizard was thinking.
Yoner thought to himself that Perkuntra was frightened.

It was a really bizarre misunderstanding.

Of course, the young wizard next to him had enormous magical powers, but Perkuntra
was not a spirit that would run away in fear of such things.

Lee Han asked politely, as the conversation was slowly becoming bothersome.

"All right. Mr. Jung. I understand that you have no intention of signing a
contract, so could you please open a way?”



You two young wizards now internally doubt my strength. Do you know how insulting
that is?


Lee Han protested as if it was unfair.

“Didn’t we say that we were polite? Why do you have such paranoid thoughts?”

You don't think I can read those feelings?!

Lee Han and Yoner were slightly stabbed. But Lee Han did not back down.

“But it is not something we can do until the thought that comes to mind. Whatever
the idea, I think we've been respectful and respectful.”

At Lee Han's words, Yonner nodded, 'Yes,' and nodded his head.

There really wasn't anything wrong with it.

Of course, Perkuntra was not convinced.

Then I will show you a piece of my power.

“If you open that wall, I think you can see it…”

Be quiet and be prepared. you! Gather your magic

"I've been learning magic for less than a year."

Know. So I'm trying to show it in the simplest way possible. Convert the elements
with the magical power you have collected!

The opponent showed no sign of backing away easily.

Lee Han gave up and gathered his magical powers. To find a way out, it seemed that
I had to convince that spirit.

“What element should I use?”

With the most destructive power!

I told you not to doubt!!

As if he had read Lee Han's heart, the spirit became angry again. Lee Han was hot.

“Burn up!”

The most destructive element was, of course, flame. Lee Han ignited a fire, hoping
that the realization he had gained from touching the puppy would be helpful.

At that moment, a huge thunderbolt fell from the ceiling of the punishment room
towards the flames.




Lee Han and Yoner were startled by the roar.

And I was surprised at what was revealed next.

The flame that Lee Han had summoned was intact.

“…uh, what did you do?”


What Percuntra was trying to do was elemental transformation.

A kind of feat used to show one's mighty power among the spirits.

The method was simple.

It replaces one element with another element.

It sounds simple, but it's never been that simple.

fire into ice.

Ice to lightning.

Lightning into darkness.

If you are a good wizard, you know how amazing it is to replace an element that
already exists with another element.

Rather, it was easier to summon a new element, but changing the existing element
at will, the difficulty jumped significantly.

Moreover, this was an element summoned by a wizard.

The fact that this is possible is that it is possible to change the fireball
thrown by the wizard into a spear of ice and send it back.

In other words, it is like a proof of powerful power that can directly interfere
with the concept of elements contained in magic...

It was a failed ideal proof, and there was nothing. Lee Han and Yonere were
whispering seriously about what Perkuntra had just done.

“I think you were trying to show me the lightning.”

“Lightning...? It was definitely a great lightning bolt, but what does that have
to do with summoning the elemental fire?”

“Isn’t it supposed to show the power of lightning in a more contrasting manner?

When lightning strikes a flame, it explodes…”

“Is that so? It doesn't seem to be very effective."

did you see This lightning is my strength.

Perkuntra quickly changed her words.

No matter how proud he was, he couldn't admit his failures against the young

At the spirit's words, Lee Han and Yoner nodded their heads.

“I was really trying to show you lightning.”

"But I don't think it's really effective to ignite the flames."

"Shh. Spirit’s emotions may be slightly different.”

Perkuntra grinded her teeth.

The sincere consideration of the young wizards made the powerful spirit even more


Perkuntra looked at the flickering flames.

Originally, it was Perkuntra, who took control of the elements of a wizard who was
far more experienced than the wizard in front of him and transformed them at will.

But you can't take one of that young wizard's flame.


It was then that Perkuntra felt that there was something strange about the flames
that Lee Han had summoned.

It looked like an ordinary flame on the outside, but inside it was condensed with
explosive magic and was asleep.

It was like the flames of a dragon that could change in any way according to the
will of the wizard.

Perkuntra's spine got cold after a long time.

Young wizards were prone to mistakes and accidents.

Even when using simple flame magic, the heat of the flame was raised to an extent
that the wizard himself could not stand it, or the flame could not be maintained
and burst in all directions, etc.

The reason why young wizards can be relatively safe despite such mistakes or
accidents is that the amount of magical power they contain is small.

Since the amount of magic power is small, even if the magic runs out, it's not
that dangerous.

But the young wizard in front of him was different.

What if now that young wizard accidentally loses control and runs flames?

This closed punishment room would melt as it was, and there was a high possibility
that the two wizards would die instantly.

'Why are you doing such a reckless thing...'

Perkuntra, who had been swearing inwardly, soon realized the culprit.

...the culprit was himself.

He urged them to gather magical power, and once again urged them to convert them
into destructive elements.

Naturally, the young wizard must have created a destructive flame by gathering as
much magical power as the spirits told him to do.

There, Perkuntra even tried to take control.

When someone tries to take control, a wizard instinctively grabs hold of it.

Because of that, it was clear that the amount of mana had increased unconsciously.

'I made a mistake...! I should have taken into account that there was so much
magical power!'

Perkuntra's face was not important anymore.

It was important to somehow cancel the flame without panicking the young wizard.

My... you must have seen the majesty of my thunderbolt.

"Yes. It was really cool. So, if you open the way..."

Lee Han's words were only half sincere.

The other half were flattery because they wanted to get out quickly.

Perkuntra wanted to swear, but he couldn't because a mass of flames was still
burning in front of Lee Han.

Curse -> The young wizard is emotionally agitated or angry -> Anger affects the
flames -> Fire explosion!

wait! I will open the way. With honor, I promise

Ian was puzzled.

The spirit was kinder than I thought.

I thought I'd smoke more...

'Actually, a spirit is not a professor.'

I didn't know that Lee Han was thinking too badly of the spirit.

So don't panic. Calm down. Never be afraid. do you understand If you understand,
say yes.



Perkuntra was not good at speaking. Lee Han and Yoner realized something strange
at once.

'Why are you doing that?'

“Is there any problem?”

No problem! Because there is no problem!

Lee Han tilted his head and shook his wand to move the flame to the side.

Perkuntra was startled to the point of screaming. I could barely stand it.

Ji... don't shake the stick.


Ian was puzzled. I looked up at the staff, wondering if it was because of the tree
spirit inhabiting the staff.

Don't shake a...! ...don't you??

Perkuntra tried to scream, but held back. If Lee Han was surprised, it would have
been even more dangerous.


Perkuntra was really frustrating. In my mind, I wanted to show you how dangerous
the flames are now.

But if it did, the embarrassed young wizards could have had more accidents.

I don't like... wielding a wand in front of me.



Lee Han and Yoner had a confused expression on their faces. Perkuntra knew what
the two were thinking.
They both thought that Perkuntra was an eccentric and strange spirit!

But I couldn't afford to ask.

The longer the flame is left, the higher the chance of a runaway. I had to make
that flame cancel by any means possible.

'How the hell?'

No matter how much I shook my head, Perkuntra did not come up.

If you tell me to cancel the flame...

Asking why -> Young wizard is emotionally agitated -> Agitation affects flames ->
Fire explosion!

My thoughts... changed.


I will make a contract with you!


Slowly, Lee Han began to doubt the mental state of the spirit in front of him.

'Do you have bipolar disorder?'

Of course, it wasn't the time for Lee Han to cover the cold or hot water, but he
didn't want to get along with the mentally unstable spirit.

“May I ask why?”

Perkuntra really wanted to strike a thunderbolt.

I can't thank you enough...!

But there was no time. I had to convince the young wizard somehow.

I see endless possibilities in you!

"Yes? What are you looking at…”

Perkuntra's clumsy praise seemed to have raised Lee Han's alertness even more.

Even the red-haired wizard had a wary expression on his face.

“Looks suspicious...”

"right? How long have you been talking?”

your magic! The magic you possess is like a monster that no wizard can match.
Don't you know too!

“But you said earlier that you didn’t sign a contract because of the amount of
magical power. With someone I don't know…”

Because I didn't know at the time! Now I see! hurry! Make a contract quickly!
Impatient, Perkuntra exclaimed in annoyance. You never know when the flames will

'Are you really bipolar...'

Ian was worried.

Although I was a little suspicious of the opponent's mental state, it was also
true that I wanted the opportunity to sign a contract with a spirit.

If Parakis recommended it, it was definitely a spirit with superior abilities.

I don't know why he grunted at first that he didn't like it and then suddenly
changed his mind...

Rather, I didn't know that this might be an opportunity.

Could it be that now is the only time when a spirit with an eccentric personality
becomes softer?

"...good! I will make a contract.”

well thought Open your soul and accept me!

Towards Lee Han's soul, Perkuntra sent a word.

At that moment, Lee Han knew the true name of Perkuntra.

Lightning Spirit, Perkuntra!

That was the opponent's name.

'ah. It was the spirit of lightning. So are you mentally unstable?'

-As long as you signed a contract, I can feel your suspicions too! work it out!


Each other's souls were entangled with the marks.

- I will recognize you as a companion. You have the right to summon me. But
remember. I am not your servant, and you are not my master.

- I didn't even think of that.

- Well thought. You'd better be careful when summoning me. Even if only a part of
me is summoned, your magic power...

Perkuntra, who was talking, stopped talking. Come to think of it, magic had
nothing to do with it.

-...If you summon me without thinking, you won't be able to summon me when you
really need it.

Just because you signed a contract with a spirit, it doesn't mean that you can
summon your opponent if you're bored.

Both of them respect each other to the end.

Even stronger spirits like Perkuntra had even stronger self-esteem. He couldn't
tolerate frequent calls.

-Do not worry. There really isn't much to summon.

Lee Han also didn't want to meet the spirits who were unstable.

Perkuntra read the emotions contained in Lee Han's words and tried to swear.

There was something more urgent.

Now that the contract is complete, I will show you my power!

“What are you going to do?”

That's it!

Perkuntra nestled in Lee Han's arms with a shout.

Then he did everything he could to control the flames.

Quickly extinguish that flame! Cancel it!


Perkuntra's worries were in vain, and Lee Han made it easy to disperse the magic
and then released the flames.

Only then could Perkuntra breathe a sigh of relief.

you you! Do you know how dangerous you were? You foolish little wizard!

A fierce and angry Perkuntra embarrassed the two young wizards.

In the midst of embarrassment, Yonner asked a poignant question.

“By the way… you were trying to gather magic from there and convert it into the
most destructive element, didn’t you?”


'I'm speechless.'

'I'm speechless.'

Lee Han and Yoner could feel that the other had nothing to say.

Anyway, never do that! Because it's really dangerous!! All of this punishment room
could have melted away!

Perkuntra's warning was sincere.

With that sincerity, Lee Han could feel just how dangerous the situation was.

As Professor Garcia had warned, the fire magic might not have reached Lee Han yet.

'I've been to the underworld.'

Professor Garcia wasn't just warning me. Uncontrolled fire magic could kill the
caster himself.

Lee Han vowed never to be so ignorant of magic in the future.

I guess I understand now. keep that in mind No matter how talented you are,
there's no point in being swayed by it...

"for a moment. If I hadn’t told you to collect it like that in the first place,
there would have been no danger.”

Lee Han pointed out again.

If it wasn't for Perkuntra, wouldn't it be safe for each other?

I tried to sneak up on it, but it didn't work for Lee Han.

“Since we have signed a contract, let me ask you one thing. Why did you ask me to
gather so much magical power to transform the elements?”

I will open the way ruler! Look! this is the way out of here How are you?

The wall opened and a new staircase appeared, but Lee Han did not waver.

It was quite curious.

Confused, Perkuntra picked up any words and threw them away.

You two young wizards! The sun is rising outside, so why don't you go to class?



Lee Han and Yoner were astonished.

On Friday mornings, there is a lecture on <Basic Imperial Geometry and



“Why are you telling me that now!”

When Lee Han, who had been polite to the spirits until now, showed any quarrel and
violence, became angry, and Perkuntra was surprised.

Ah... no. You didn't ask...

“Are you dealing with students at school and you don’t even know what is most
important to them!”

One class isn't that big of a problem...

Perkuntra made excuses as if it was unfair.

As long as he had been here for a long time, Perkuntra knew roughly how wizards
were taught.

Isn't it like getting together in the classroom and listening to the professors
talking about this and that?
It didn't make much of a difference to say such a story once or twice. In magic,
steady effort and brilliant talent are important, not whether you take one class or

“You have to do your homework. Unsubmitted is never allowed.”

At Lee Han's words, Yonner nodded with determination and flaming eyes. His red
hair swayed back and forth to him.

Most of the lectures at the Magic School had no conscience.

-This is the magic circle crafting blueprint that I submitted to the Empire when I
was young. Take a look at this blueprint and figure out what the total cost would

A mad professor who looked at the thick magic circle crafting blueprint and gave
him a crazy assignment to calculate how much money would have gone into it by next

Lee Han and Yoner clenched their teeth and stayed up all night cursing the

As long as I finished the assignment like that, I could never fail to submit the

If you do, you'll be so upset that you won't be able to sleep for a few weeks!

...Are you doing this for an assignment?

When Perkuntra asked the question as if it was unfair, Lee Han and Yoner quickly
turned their heads.

Normally, when a good person gets angry, he is afraid, and when the docile young
wizards stared at him, Perkuntra was stingy.

that, yes The assignment may be important. sorry.

“Tell me the time.”

After hearing the time from Perkuntra, Lee Han looked up at the ceiling as if

There is only an hour and a half left until the lecture on <Basic Imperial
Geometry and Arithmetic>, which starts in the morning.

“Let’s hurry. Mr. Perkuntra. Please guide me on the way out.”

No... no.

The two young wizards stared at them with real intent.

Perkuntra made a lame excuse.

I mean, I made a promise!

“What promise?”

To stop the wizard who summoned me and the students from escaping this punishment
room! I can't show you the way out. I mean, when I first left, I was going to seal
myself up here for a while and ask them to leave.

Lee Han was frustrated.

I didn't even understand how complex and bizarre the structure of this school's
underground punishment room was.

Without Perkuntra's help, there was no guarantee that they would get out on time.

Because of his nervousness, Lee Han failed to control his emotions.

“Oh, why is this so unhelpful! Then why did you make a contract?”


Perkuntra's pride was slightly hurt.

Neither the fight against dragons or demons nor the bloody battle with the Lich
Principal could damage Perkuntra's pride.

But the young contractor's words hurt Perkuntra's pride.

Perkuntra made excuses without knowing it.

It's because it's a special situation called the punishment room right now.

"All right. So, how do I seal it?”

...just order me to stay here for a while.

Lee Han did as Perkuntra told him.

That order prevented Perkuntra from leaving this forgotten chamber of punishment
for a while.

"let's go. Yonner.”

When you go outside, don't forget to summon me! My abilities aren't the only ones!

"Yes. Yes. All right!"

Don't forget! Don't forget it! are you listening don't forget...

* * *


It was an urgent situation, but Lee Han and Yoner tried to stay calm as much as

I drew a map while going back and forth between stairs and stairs, and going back
and forth between hallways and hallways.

“It’s blocked.”

“Go back. The hallways here are completely blocked.”

“I think we should go down two floors and go back.”


Bone summons ran from afar. Ian asked.

“Is there a way?”

Thunder Thing!

Bone Minions actively expressed their intentions. It meant there was no way. Lee
Han clicked his tongue.

Lee Han and Yoner, as well as bone summons, were mobilizing to find their way, but
the progress was also slow.

This punishment room was like an ant den.

I couldn't tell which of the stairs in the hallway was leading up. Some stairs led
to a dead-end closed punishment room, some led down to a roundabout, and some made
them spin in place.

Lee Han somehow remembered the face of the headmaster skeleton as he walked.

Maybe it was because of his mood, but somehow I had a suspicion that the skeleton
principal had made it himself.

“Back down the hallway... No. for a moment. What did you bring?”

Ian was perplexed.

I didn't notice it in a hurry, but the size of the Bone Summon that had only front
hands had grown dramatically.

What did you ask...?!


The Bone Minions collided with each other and rolled around, eventually
reassembling themselves.

Broad ribs and long tailbones. And even the bones of the hind legs.

Although he lacked a skull and a single foot, Lee Han was able to draw a familiar

it was a leopard

'Is it the bones of a leopard?'

I always thought it was a human...

Come to think of it, no matter how popular the professor of black magic was, he
would not have given a human hand to the freshman.

'I'm ashamed of myself for thinking that it's a human hand bone.'

The Bone Minions, no, the Leopard Bone Minions pounded their feet confidently.

He seemed to have gained confidence as he grew bigger.

But in the absence of a skull and a single arm, that confidence seemed a bit

“Did Professor Mortum hide the bones in the corner of the punishment room?”


Ihan nodded his head, but felt a sense of wonder.

Yoner was looking at Lee Han with worried eyes.

The meaning of the eyes was simple.

-I have to keep learning black magic under that professor, right?

"...It will be fine. maybe."

Lee Han turned his gaze to the leopard bone summons.

Anyway, the bigger the size, the faster the speed must have been.

“Go this way and check all the roads. Do you understand?”

“That is in vain.”


Lee Han and Yoner looked around in surprise. Then the voice came again.

“This is it. this way."

A bang was heard from inside the door.

Surprisingly, there was only one student in the private room next to the hallway.

“They said they came and went loudly, but why did you enter the punishment room
without knowing the way?”

“I have a long story. Why are you in the punishment room?”

“This one has a long story. What grade are you in?”

“I am new here.”


Silence suddenly returned in the room. Ian was puzzled.


“Aren’t you a freshman who was taken to the punishment room last time? You escaped
through the underground passage and were caught?”

“Then, maybe the senior was caught robbing the principal’s secret warehouse…? What
else did you do this time?”

Ian was surprised.

At that time, the motive for the punishment room is here.

“Can’t you lower your voice? What pride is that?”

“What is there to be ashamed of? I also came here after robbing the professor’s


The student in the private room was at a loss for words.

I didn't know what he was doing and how he got here while robbing the professor's
warehouse, but it was beyond my imagination.

The last time a freshman escaped through an underground passage, and this time he
robbed the professor's warehouse and ran into the punishment room...

Next time, he might have escaped by flying out of school.

Yoner whispered to Lee Han.

“Who are you?”

“He’s a senior who went into the next room the other day, and he likes to be
comfortable with him.”

“It’s not that I like being comfortable with… it’s okay. what would you say What
are you doing in the hallway anyway?”

“I was looking for an escape.”

“... now it's not surprising. okay. Did you find a way?”

Ian didn't answer. The student in the private room smiled as if he knew it.

“It won’t be easy. The way up here is usually not complicated.”

"senior. I'll let you go, so don't you want to go out together?"

At Lee Han's suggestion, the students in the private room burst into laughter.

“You idiot! Don't say that because you've never escaped from inside. Do you know
what comes out when you open this door?”

“The spirit of lightning?”

"...What are you. how did you know??"

The student in the private room stuttered in embarrassment.

“I met you while coming up from below.”


The student in the private room was dizzy and staggered. I can't even imagine how
I got rid of it.

“You… you… no. done. Anyway, sorry, I have no intention of escaping.”


“I will be released in six hours.”


This was also an understandable reason.

“Then can you give me some advice on the way out?”

A similar answer to the question posed by Lee Han came back.

The student in the private room spoke in a sneering voice.

“Why should I teach you that?”

“… it’s ruined.”


“Last time, I was tempted to eat something, but this time I have nothing to eat.”

Lee Han looked at Yonner with a disappointed expression on his face.

“You sting! What do you see people as?”

The student in the private room was furious after hearing the conversation.

It was a teaching from a senior for juniors, but when he said that, doesn't it
seem like he just passed out of hunger?

Moon, Moon, Moon!

During the conversation, the leopard bone summoner tapped Lee Han. It meant to
issue the next order quickly.


"for a moment."

The student in the private room opened his mouth.

“Is that a Bone Summon?”

"By the way."

“…Are you learning black magic under Professor Mortum?”

"By the way...?"


There was an awkward and heavy silence.

After a while, a sheet of paper was pushed out from under the door.

It was a simple map that I drew on the fly, with an exit from here.

"...receive. cheer up."


He got the map, but Lee Han wasn't happy at all. Somehow, an ominous future was

* * *


Lee Han clenched his teeth.

The professor was coming out of the classroom from the hallway in the distance.

It's too late to run like that.

He wasn't a professor who checked attendance, but considering his strict

personality, if he said, 'It's late, professor, but I've done the homework', there
is a high probability that a student who can't keep track of time will submit
assignments? .

Yonner took a deep breath with a look of despair. He ran all the way here and his
breath reached his chin.

“Lee Han… No. no. no."

Yoner, who was about to call Lee Han, hurriedly grabbed Lee Han's arm.

Lee Han was pulling out his staff and aiming at the professor's back.

"That's not allowed!"


“It’s dangerous to attack the professor!”

“I don't mean to attack. That’s what you’re looking for.”

Lee Han pointed his finger at the pile of assignments floating next to the

It was a pile of assignments from students during this lecture.

“I’m going to put it in there.”

“...that, is that possible?”


Lee Han spoke firmly and raised his staff.

The many hardships that Professor Voladi had suffered so far might have been for
this moment.

Suffering makes the wizard grow.

At this moment, Lee Han fully accepted the teachings of the Magic School.


The more clumsy and incompetent the wizard, the louder he swung his wand and the
louder the spell he shouted.

You have to act more strongly as much as you don't have confidence in order to
materialize your own image.

In that regard, Lee Han hardly wielded his staff and his voice was as small as a

Although Lee Han himself did not notice, the effect of Professor Voladi's rigorous
training was clearly visible.


Yonner was surprised at the natural flying of the assignments.

Like a bird made of paper, Lee Han and Yonere's thick assignments gently cut
through the air and approached the professor's pile of assignments.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it even though I was just throwing away the task.

This seemed like a completely different level of magic from the stiff and
breakable <Level Control> magic that Yoner had seen so far.

'Let's focus.'

Lee Han concentrated his mind.

It wasn't just putting them in a pile of assignments.

The professor shouldn't have noticed.

- Concentrate.

It was as if Professor Voladi's voice was being heard in his ear.

“It’s as simple as putting a piece of paper in between.”

Professor Voladi's voice in his ear became clearer.

“But is there a barrier?”

“You can break through. 'cause you've already learned right?"

His voice became clear enough to be burdensome.


It wasn't a voice in my head.

Lee Han shivered in fear and turned his gaze away.

Behind Lee Han, two professors were staring intently at him.

Thanks to that, Yonner was unable to breathe properly.

Professor Voladi said in a cold voice.

“Why are you looking away? Concentrate.”

Lee Han instinctively turned his head back.

Then the professor who was next to Professor Voladi said,

"no. It might be better to just give up and back off…”

“Ignore that. you can Remember what you learned.”


Lee Han reflected on the bad luck that had come this week.

Anyway, I wasn't too lucky.

Did you get any curse?

'I'm sure you're meeting professors passing by.'

I'd rather be Professor Garcia than Professor Voladi.

Lee Han seriously wondered if he should find a potion of good fortune.

“Isn’t it? That barrier is more difficult than I thought.”

"can do. do it."

“Hey, professors… I’m sorry, but can you give us some advice on a unified

Yoner, who couldn't see him, spoke up, but the two professors didn't care.

Professor Voladi told me to do it because I could do it, and the professor I saw
for the first time advised me to step down.

It was a wonderful situation, but Lee Han was able to figure out a few things.

'The barrier was set.'

As it was a pile of assignments floating in the air and chasing the professor, I
thought it would be magical, but I didn't expect the barrier.

said the first professor.

“That barrier is a barrier that makes a loud noise when someone touches it. It may
not be noticeable to you, but there are several invisible bands of magic spinning
around that pile of paper.”

Hearing those words, Lee Han concentrated to feel the magic.

It was easy to miss because of the enormous magical power that was emitted from
his body, but Lee Han's talent was not limited to magic.

In addition to the unrivaled tenacity of vitality, thorough calculation that does

not waver even in times of crisis, and a useless presence that terrifies the
spirits, the ability to detect magical powers was very good.

As I concentrated, I could feel the magical bands around the pile of paper slowly

“At the student level, it is almost impossible to approach the magic belts without
touching them. So, don't be fooled by Professor Bagreg's words and make a reckless
attempt, you'd better take the next opportunity. Professor Bagreg, you know,
doesn’t really care about students.”

'It really is.'

Lee Han was very sympathetic, but his mouth uttered different words.

"no. The professor is always thinking of the students.”

“Isn’t that so?”

Professor Boladi purely accepted Lee Han's words.

If Lee Han had sympathized with him, Professor Voladi would have thought, 'Oh, I'm
not good at thinking about students'.

But seeing what Lee Han said like that, Professor Voladi decided that it was right
for his current teaching method to think about the students.

There seemed to be no other possibility.

"Really? The disciple is really nice.”

“That is not logical. Wodanaz. do it. Your opponent is walking.”

“Because I can’t…!”

Professor Voladi urged him, and the professor he was seeing for the first time
stopped him.

And Lee Han moved.


The thick task flew smoothly and passed between the bands of magic.

If there was even a slight difference, the magic band would have ripped and made a
loud noise.

Without hesitation, Lee Han sent off the next task. Yoner's task also landed
correctly on the task pile.

Yonaire clapped involuntarily. Professor Vol Ladi nodded his head faintly, almost

"...Nonsense! how?!"

“Because I learned it.”

"Yes. It is thanks to the guidance of the professor.”

Lee Han said without showing his emotions. Then the professor who saw it for the
first time was even more amazed.

“Isn’t it really too much of a disciple?! Nice to meet you. Are you Wodanaz? My
name is Professor Kirmin Ku. Normally, you should shake hands, but shaking hands
with me is not recommended. There are racial issues.”

Professor Kirmin was the exact opposite of Professor Voladi.

With a cheerful and bubbly voice, he was dressed neatly like a gentleman without a
single wrinkle. It was amazing to have a friendly conversation with Professor

“What field do you teach?”

“I am an expert in illusion magic, especially barriers. Did you just see it?”


Lee Han was confused.

Hearing this, I wondered if he was really an expert in barrier magic.

“Anyway, I’m going to go into Professor Garcia’s classroom once this semester. We
have to teach the students how fun and delightful magic is.”

“Illusion magic is useless.”


Lee Han was startled by Professor Boladi's words.

Ignoring the fields of other professors.

Isn't there a duel?

However, Professor Kirmin simply ignored Professor Voladi's words.

“It is several times more difficult to deceive a wizard above a certain level with
illusion magic than in other fields of magic.”

"okay. I've said it a hundred times. By the way, there are not even a handful of
wizards of 'above a certain level' in this vast empire. So Wodanaz. Why are you
trying to put those wads of paper over there?”

Lee Han thought about it for about a second.

Seeing the professor's mood, I thought that lying would work, and I made the best

'I'd rather just be honest.'

“Are you late for the assignment?”


Yoner blushed with embarrassment. Professor Kirmin also seemed to be puzzled by

the unexpected reason.
'Just because I'm a little late in submitting the assignment?!'

"sorry. professor."

First of all, Lee Han apologized to Professor Voladi. But Professor Voladi didn't
care as expected.


“Is the assignment late?”

“Is this my assignment?”

'I thought you would.'

“That’s right.”

Professor Kirmin looked at the two priests as if they were looking at them in a
strange way.

To be honest, it's been a really long time since I've seen a person who could get
along with Professor Voladi like this.

Whether it's a professor or a student, it's not strange to say, 'I hope the sun
rises above your head, you damn vampire' after a few minutes of conversation...

“So what was the lecture?”

“Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic.”

“Professor Alpen Knighton?”

Lee Han was nervous at the sight of Professor Kirmin speaking the opponent's name.

In front of the friendship between the professors, the promise to the student is

"Good job. good job. There's nothing to be honest about that professor's


Professor Kirmin rather praised Lee Han. Professor Voladi also rarely added.

“Professor Alpen Knighton is a sorcerer who served as a senior magistrate of the

Empire. He's better at dealing with power than with magic."

“You know that guy cut my research budget in half a while ago?”

The two professors honed their teeth and cursed the professor of Basic Imperial
Geometry and Arithmetic. At the familiar sight, Lee Han sighed in relief.

Not all professors were good friends.

In particular, wizards who went on the path of pure magic research did not like
wizards who received high-ranking positions in the Empire and were active.

The reason was roughly 'the purity of magic blah blah blah' and 'blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bla blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blaring seduction
and corruption', but in Lee Han's view, it was probably the same because the latter
could touch the former's budget.

Even a wizard who destroys the sky and splits the earth cannot do research without
a research budget.

In that respect, wizards working in high-ranking government offices and examining

research budgets were enemies of all other wizards.

- My lifelong sense is speaking! This dungeon must be excavated with all of the
estate's budget. Calling all nearby adventurers...

- Didn't I say last time it's a feeling of a lifetime? This agenda is cancelled.

- I'll kill you! I will kill you! You better watch out for your night road!

-You'll have to wait in line if you want to go to my night road. There are thirty-
three people waiting.

...these dignified conversations take place every year.

However, Lee Han did not change his mind despite the conversation between the two


'No, were you from a high-ranking imperial administrator?'

When the opponent said that he was from an imperial dignitary, Lee Han's eyes

What does that mean?

Is it not that he has strong connections with the imperial bureaucracy?

And among Lee Han's goals, the imperial bureaucracy was at the top of the line.

Lee Han suddenly felt his resentment towards Professor Alpen Knighton melt away
like snow.

The exorbitant amount of work suddenly felt like the responsibility of a high-
ranking officer carrying the empire.

'I will show you as much as possible in the future.'

“Wordanaz. I heard rumors that you are very talented. You better be careful. To
avoid being dragged into the imperial bureaucracy. If you're too good, they'll give
you some temptation."

Professor Voladi frowned and spoke for a long time, a rare occurrence.

“Just kidding. coup. There is no way Wodanaj would walk such a trivial anti-magic

“Well, what am I talking about? He's from the Wodanaj family. He will never become
an imperial bureaucrat. right?"

Lee Han felt a cold sweat running down his back after a long time.

* * *

After hearing from Professor Kirmin Ku that we would see each other in the next
illusion magic class (Professor Kirmin even recommended that he ignore Professor
Voladi's interruption and learn illusion magic seriously), Lee Han and Yoner went
to the Blue Dragon. headed to meet his top friends.

Seeing that they exchanged glances outside the classroom earlier, it was clear
that everyone had returned safely.

'Good luck.'

Now get the ingredients and get the potion...

“Everyone worked hard yesterday…”

“Wordanaz! Guynando has been kidnapped!”


The Blue Dragon Tower students gathered in front of the tower rushed to see Lee

It was a mess as everyone had just had a fight.

Ian asked in surprise.

“To whom? What about the White Tiger Tower guys?”

"no! To the summoned beast released!!”

Lee Han tried to calm down, but stopped.

Come to think of it, it was not a safe situation.


“Everyone get together! Durgyu has been arrested!”


As you can see, it wasn't just Guyando that was captured. Lee Han turned his head
at the sound he heard next to him.

In the courtyard a short distance away, the students of the White Tiger Tower were
floundering in a mess.

“Was the White Tiger Tower also captured? Could it be that those children
deliberately threw Gainando?”

Lee Han asked, wondering if it was possible.

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were furious at the capture of Durgyu,
came and thought that they might have grabbed and threw Gainando.

"no. Guynando just tripped over his ankle and fell.”


* * *

While Lee Han and Yoner were caught by two professors and were told that 'real
wizards don't get a job as bureaucrats, they go to graduate school', while the
students who had finished listening to <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>
rushed out of the classroom.

It was such a suffocating lecture, so after the lecture, everyone would run
outside and breathe in the fresh air.

-Wake! You must not fall! I have the next lecture!

-I... I'll just leave... I'll sleep here...

The students on the verge of collapse were not alone in the Blue Dragon Tower.

It was a boring and painful lecture for any top student.

-By the way, Wodanaj and Makein are really good, aren't they? What if the
professor noticed?

-Professor will teach you without noticing even if we put a monster in our place.


- I'm not joking, I'm serious. If I listen to this lecture a few more times, I
think I will fall into an eternal sleep.

-The homework is about this level right now, but how about the midterm exam? Would
it be okay if I put it in blank paper? If you are taken to the punishment room...

-To be honest. As I was listening to the lecture, I thought about starting a fire

-me too. I'd rather have freed summons appear.


Whether they listened to the students or just because it was noisy, a summoned
beast really appeared from the grass.

Some students screamed in shock when the creeper they had seen before appeared.

- Everyone run away!

- Run inside the building!

-Someone call the professor!

-no! Even calling the professor won't help! Run away at that time!

Some students ran away quickly, but like Guy Nando, there were students who
tripped over and fell.

The creeper didn't bother chasing the students who ran away.
It tucked up some of the students who had fallen effortlessly with vines, lifted
them up, and then left excitedly.

"...for a moment. Did Durgyu fall too? I am not a friend to fall over.”

“That white tiger tower orc friend was caught trying to rescue Gainando.”


Lee Han felt sorry for Durgyu. He was arrested for trying to help Gainan as a
friend for nothing...

Inside the main building, a student from the White Tiger Tower ran out panting.

“What happened?! Professor?!”

“Alright, you know what to do…”



The absurd answer returned by the student who had gone to call the professor left
not only the White Tiger Tower student but also the other Tower students at a loss
for words.

Isn't that really too much??

But Lee Han was calm.

'I should have chosen a good professor. You acted too hastily.'

It was not okay to hold onto any professor and say, 'Help me,' because it is
urgent. Relatively friendly, conscientious...

'for a moment. There are no conscientious professors.'

...I had to ask a professor who was relatively friendly and had a somewhat hogu-
like side.

Perhaps that white tiger tower student was in a hurry, so he grabbed someone and
asked for it.

"What do we do? Wodanaz? What should I do?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee Han eagerly without saying who came

will you pursue me now?

Or will you find another way?

It was a very difficult choice for them to make.

“Let’s chase. The professors don't even know where they are now, and if you miss
the trail, it'll be cumbersome to find them."

Now, the traces left by the summons are engraved in front of them, and the
distance is not too far, but if you give them more time, there is a high
possibility that it will be difficult to chase them.

And Lee Han had one more belief.


When Lee Han called out his name, the fragment of Perkuntra that was sleeping
inside reacted and resonated.

Right now, the contractor who made the contract was summoning the spirits with his
legitimate rights.

“Sing the thunder, spirit! Thunder and Thunderbolt! Even the bell tower guards of
the ruined kingdom, and the watchmen of the shipwrecked boats wandering through the
sea, fear your name. He who has contracted with you is calling you with his due

Seeing Lee Han memorize the spell, the princess was startled.

As the wizard who summoned spirits the fastest here, I could guess what kind of
spirit Lee Han was calling now.

The spells used to summon the spirits revealed the spirit and dignity.

Such a long and complicated spell, obviously...


A flower of lightning bloomed at the place where Lee Han placed his staff, and the
spirit began to take shape.

'Lightning Spirit!'

The knight who stood by the princess, Rowena, was more surprised than the

It was acceptable to sign a contract with a spirit stronger than the princess.
Because Wodanaj was also a mage with ridiculous, monstrous talents.

However, the spirit of lightning was the most violent and ferocious among the

Moreover, there was no way he could ever be weak if he sang for such a long time.

'How? How many contracts?!'

“Come out!”

With Lee Han's request, an alter ego of Perkuntra appeared.

A sphere of lightning the size of a fist took shape as it bounced off sparks.

The students were taken aback by the sight.



"...ah! I see! The strength of a spirit has nothing to do with size!”

I've heard that the rabbit-shaped spirit shown by the thunder walk is also
incredibly strong.

That spirit also has such an ordinary appearance, but it must be hiding
extraordinary power.

If it wasn't, it didn't make sense for Wodanaj to go through so much trouble


There's no way Wardanaj would make such a mistake!

The students understood and nodded, but not Lee Han.

Even if it was different from the Perkuntra he had met for the first time, he was
very different.

No matter how old you are...?

- What? Isn't that just part of it?

-Did you forget that I am now... trapped under your orders...!

Perkuntra telepathically shouted to Lee Han as if frustrated.

Of course, Perkuntra told Lee Han, 'If you go outside, don't forget to summon me!
It's not just my abilities!'

But, of course, that was after a few days had passed.

Isn't it a situation where Lee Han, who is now Perkuntra, ordered to leave the
punishment room, saying, 'Stay here for a while'?

It wasn't over yet, and there was no way that he could be summoned outside without

Since Perkuntra is a powerful spirit, at least a part of it was barely summoned

outside like this.

It was Perkuntra who explained the situation like that, but Lee Han's eyes were

- You don't believe me right now...?!

-It's not that I don't believe it, but... If there's a reason this doesn't work
every time I need help, what would I trust?

Perkuntra, I rather missed the old wizards.

Those who were arrogant, dirty-tempered, and sarcastic with no logic whatsoever.

Those guys were able to hit even Perkuntra hard and burn them to death.

But this young sorceress was polite and uttered unlucky noises.

What was even worse was that it was difficult to counter.

-do not worry. I don't know why I called it, but I can do it with this kind of
power. Let it go!
'Is that so?'

- I said I could feel your feelings!

-no. Can't you even think about it? Let's respect each other's privacy.

* * *

Lee Han hastily followed the trail with the Blue Dragon Tower students.

Looking ahead, the students of the White Tiger Tower were also running to see if
they had decided to pursue them.

“These children! Don’t follow me!”

“That's what we're going to do! You guys are out of the way!”

“I can’t even use magic properly… hahahaha.”

And the victory of this run was as if it had been decided.

It was physically impossible to follow the students of the White Tiger Tower, who
took swordsmanship classes or physical training classes, and the students of the
Blue Dragon Tower.

Lee Han looked at the students as if he was sorry.

“Didn’t you do some exercise on a regular basis?”

“I… these guys are ignorant and have good physical strength… heh heh.”

“I’ll go first, so follow me as long as you can.”

"no! Wodanaz! Cuckoo... If you go alone, the white tiger tower bastards..."

'I don't think it will.'

'I don't think it will...'

Friends who knew Lee Han relatively well, such as Rowena and Asan, thought so to

It would be dangerous for other students to put them together with the White Tiger
Tower students, but Lee Han had a slightly different case.

Wouldn't it be dangerous for the children of the White Tiger Tower to put it up

“It’s okay, so follow me as soon as you recover.”

-Why are you in such good shape?

Seeing Lee Han running all the way, Perkuntra was puzzled.

It doesn't look like he's from a knight family, but why...?

But before he could hear an answer, Perkuntra hurriedly shouted.

- enemy The enemy is hiding!

“I hide at night!”

Lee Han instinctively memorized the spell. But no attack came.

- Where are you hiding? No place to hide nearby?

There was nothing like a large grassy forest near this road now.

To find an obstacle to hide, I had to run a little further and head towards the



Lee Han threw himself right away.

If it was hidden in the ground, it was highly likely that Lee Han would have
noticed it through the sound and vibration even if he was wearing invisibility.

However, the creeper did not aim at Lee Han. It jumped out of the ground and
caught another white tiger tower student in front.

“Ango!! no!"

One Goat Beast was wrapped around a vine and climbed up.

- How were you hiding?

- It is clear that the wizards gave them useless abilities. It's a monster that
doesn't have the ability to seep into the ground and mimic it!

'It's not just the professors at this school, but the seniors also hate them.'

Lee Han grabbed his wand and focused on the creeper.

The captured White Tiger Top student drooped as if he had lost his strength.

- He absorbs magic power. Be careful not to lose your magic power... You can lose
some of it, but be careful! Getting caught will bother you!

- I didn't mean to do that in the first place.

Lee Han wasn't stupid enough to be caught by a vine because he had a lot of
magical power. Lee Han swung his staff and tried to summon flames.


-no!!!! no way!!!!!

Perkuntra, who had been traumatized by Lee Han's flames, was desperately dried up.

Until he was convinced, he could never allow Lee Han to use fire magic.

- Can't you?

-Dangerous! You can even burn other students to death!

- Not for attack, but to keep him from approaching...

-It's still dangerous!! no!!

'Is that enough?'

Ian was puzzled.

I think it would be ok to keep fireballs nearby and block them from approaching...

-Originally, he'd be able to subdue him at once, but now I don't have the strength
to do that.

Lee Han looked at Perkuntra with a look of betrayal.

As I said earlier that I can do it with this kind of power!

Perkuntra hurriedly continued with the next words.

-But I'll teach you magic! You are using it instead of me.

- Can't you just use it yourself somehow? I'm a bit worried about writing right
away as soon as I learn it...


- Believe in yourself!

Perkuntra let out an unfamiliar sound that she would never normally make.

In any case, he was a mean guy.

Usually other wizards say, 'Do you think you can do it? Spirit, why don't you tell
me what you know? I'm watching! If you fail by acting arrogantly by saying
something like 'I won't die!' 'Are you saying it's not your business?' He responded
in the same way.

There is a degree of humility...

- Trust in yourself comes from an objective analysis of the situation, not just a
few words of support.

-Come on, focus and do what I tell you to do!

Perkuntra did not respond to Lee Han's words, just said what she had to say. He
realized that if he got caught up in nothing, he would only be angry with him.

-Imagine the image of lightning as we did with the other elements.

The basics of elemental magic.

To strongly recall the image of the element and to materialize it in the head.

This process of changing one's magical properties according to the element could
be said to be the most basic process.

However, the lightning properties were slightly different.

-However, don't think of the lightning that strikes from the sky!


The most common form of lightning that wizards are most likely to think of is that
of lightning flashing and striking from the sky.

However, it was dangerous to think of such a thunderbolt when transforming an

attribute into a lightning element.

In order for a wizard to use magic, he has to control it while maintaining a

certain amount of magic in one place, but the image of lightning is the exact
opposite of such control.

Burning flames, stagnant water, and frozen ice could remain in the same place.

Thunderbolts, however, were inherently unsustainable.

A phenomenon innately destined to scatter in all directions after being struck

down from the sky.

If the young wizard had the image of lightning and converted the magical power to
the attribute of lightning, it could immediately lose control and the lightning
could be thrown in all directions.

As Perkuntra, who almost died with Lee Han's flame in the underground punishment
room last time, he had to pay special attention to this safety.

Looking at the magic of this young wizard, even if it caused an accident just
once, it was highly likely that it would be a major accident.

- Of course I understand. You would think, how can you draw a picture of lightning
without thinking of lightning? However, the wizards who dealt with numerous
lightning properties have overcome those limitations and have finally done it! You
will eventually get used to it. A true wizard should be able to change reality into
his own will, rather than accepting the reality and being complacent with it!
ruler. lend me your arm

Of course, Perkuntra wasn't just a stupid spirit that spoke recklessly without any
means as Lee Han thought.

I admit that Lee Han's abilities are excellent, but it was very difficult for a
young wizard to handle the lightning attribute without any practice.

Of course I had an idea.

Just like he did in the punishment room last time, he was trying to help control
the lightning by nesting in Lee Han's arm himself.

He lost most of his power and was summoned, but that was enough.

By the way...


-I did. Can I lend you my arm now?

Perkuntra was astonished to see the lightning sphere formed on Lee Han's staff.

Surprisingly, this young wizard was able to finish the elemental transformation
before Perkuntra inhabited and helped, and succeeded in keeping the magic of the
lightning attribute in one place.

'How the hell???'

Contrary to Perkuntra's astonishment, Lee Han did not find it difficult to deal
with the lightning attribute.

In the first place, Lee Han had a different mindset from other wizards.

Lee Han took a very simple approach.

It didn't matter that I couldn't recall the image of lightning.

It was enough to imagine the shape of a sphere made of magical power on the staff
and think of it as a storage battery.

A very natural idea for Lee Han!

It was not difficult to imagine an image of electricity filling up as if it were

being charged in a sphere.

It succeeded immediately thanks to the fact that the method was compatible.

In fact, it felt much more stable than other elements...

'It's easier than I said. You have a lot of fuss.'

Lee Han thought rudely.

Come to think of it, Perkuntra was quite a bit of a fusser from the moment I met
him in the punishment room.

And flames...

-You are... quite talented with lightning!

-Is that so?

Lee Han was gloomy.

After hearing compliments related to attributes a few times, I started to have


Isn't that just being polite?

Confidence is important to young wizards, so I didn't know they were saying, 'You
have talent for attribute A!'

And that bluntness was transmitted to Perkuntra as well.

Perkuntra was amazing.

It was really rare for a spirit of the size of Perkuntra to give praise.

-Do you think I'm lying?! Really talented!

-Yeah... Well, it could be.

Lee Han thought that he had a talent for lightning because he crammed a lot, or
that lightning attribute magic was not as difficult as he thought.

It's probably 99% the latter, but...

-By the way, when are you coming to Arm?

Lee Han asked curiously.

Perkuntra had asked him to lend his arm, and he had stood still.

Any problem?

-wait. dwell now!

'It's not like you're forgetful.'

If you have bipolar disorder and even forgetfulness, you have to think a little
bit about summoning even the most capable spirits.

While Lee Han was thinking about such things, Perkuntra nestled in Lee Han's arms.

-From now on, focus on the spell I give you.

Perkuntra tried to pass on her magic to Lee Han.

The magic of the spirits was wild and fickle, but if the powerful spirit Perkuntra
lent her arms, even a new wizard could use it.

Lesser thunderbolt of Perkuntra.

It was the second circle magic that Perkuntra was trying to pass on to Lee Han.

The principle was simple.

Converts magic power to lightning and then sends it out!

There was no need to give the shape of a sharp arrow or spear, or to put other
complex properties.

Lightning was enough.

-It's quite large, is this enough? Maybe it's just to enhance my temper?

-Please listen to what a spirit older than you has to say! Don't talk back!

Perkuntra exclaimed half astray.

It was good that he wasn't arrogant, but it was so humble that it burned
Perkuntra's stomach.

That said, Lee Han was not meekly convinced. Perkuntra eventually accepted that
there was only logical and rational persuasion to get this damn contractor to

-listen carefully. Lightning is the most destructive and most violent of the

'Because the spirit of lightning speaks, it sounds a little different for


-Other elements are not easy to use for attack by themselves.

That was also the case with this one.

I had to add a few things to use elemental water magic for a proper attack right

In addition to the attribute 'water', attributes such as 'sphere' and 'spear' had
to be given, and 'control' had to be added to it.

- But lightning is different. It has a powerful destructive power by itself.

-But the flames...

- No need to give shape! Complex aiming too! Because all you have to do is hit it!

Perkuntra cut off Lee Han and continued what she had to say.

-The summoned beast was originally a normal plant monster, but thanks to the
students' additional fusion with other monsters, it has very complex properties.
But thanks to that, the lightning passed through better. Think carefully. Your goal
now is to rescue the students he captured, right? Aren't you killing him?

- It is.

-Then this lesser thunderbolt is enough! The moment he gets hit anywhere, he'll
lose all the students he's holding on to. The power of lightning makes enemies
wither! He doesn't even want to keep fighting with you. He's fed up with his magic,
so he'll run away when attacked like that!

'That's convincing.'

Lee Han was persuaded by Perkuntra's logic. It wasn't just an old spirit.

<Perkuntra's Lesser Thunderbolt> was similar to the <Curse of Lesser Paralysis>

that Lee Han knew.

It was like that, and that it had the power to paralyze the opponent, and that was
the case with only changing the properties of the magic and blowing it away.

The only difference is that <Perkuntra's Lesser Thunderbolt> does more physical
damage, and unlike a curse that is easy to avoid or block, it doesn't give such an

It was very effective in the current situation.

-All right. I will cast it!

-okay! It's been such a long time!

Pretending not to hear Perkuntra's words, Lee Han swung his staff. And he
memorized the spell.

- Drive it out, thunderbolt of Perkuntra!

- Well done...

Perkuntra tried to praise him as he saw the energy of the condensed lightning
attribute being released successfully.

However, Perkuntra later realized the strangeness.

The magic of the lightning attribute condensed into the sphere was too much than I


Perkuntra realized that Lee Han had unconsciously amassed more magical power in
the short time he spent talking with Lee Han in vain.


* * *

While the Blue Dragon Tower students and White Tiger Tower students pursued the
creeper, the Phoenix Tower students and Black Turtle Tower students acted a little

He had just left to find Professor Garcia.

"professor! This is it!!”

Fortunately, the students managed to find Professor Garcia who was walking.

Principal Skeleton was floating next to him, and there was Professor Voladi, but
the students did not even say a word to them.

“Come on! Hurry up!”

“Everyone, calm down.”

Professor Garcia swung his cane. The students who had been shouting like screams
calmed down in an instant.

At the same time, the ground shook, gently pushing Professor Garcia away.
Professor Garcia and his students went like a gale.

“Is this right?”

"yes! yes!"

Fortunately, the traces left by the creeper have not yet disappeared.

In Professor Garcia's sight, a creeping monster was caught from afar.

White Tiger Tower students surrounded him and swung swords at him, but it wasn't
very effective. Rather, they were being dragged one by one.

Professor Garcia held up his cane. He was going to feed the creeper with a room to
immobilize it first.

At that moment, a thick thunderbolt was shot out of the air.

Gripping support!

Thunderbolts went straight out and hit the body of the creeper as it was. Even
though it was far away, Professor Garcia could feel the strong magic contained in
the lightning. His hair stood upside down.


The creeper was charred as it was, not to the level of being electrocuted. The
students who had been captured began to fall.

Professor Garcia hurriedly swung his cane and landed the falling students safely.

"it's okay?!"


At the sight of the students trembling, Professor Garcia was concerned that their
magical power had been absorbed beyond the limit for a moment.

Since that creeper monster is a monster that absorbs magical powers, young wizards
could be seriously injured if they got caught wrong.

Priest Tigiling, who had summoned Professor Garcia, looked at his friends with a
very worried expression.

are you okay?

"What a relief!"

When a voice of relief escaped Professor Garcia's mouth, Tigiling was relieved as

Fortunately, it looked fine.

“Is everyone injured?”

"yes. Everyone is fine. I was slightly electrocuted by lightning.”


Tigiling was perplexed.

is that ok?


'Isn't that okay?'

While Tigiling was thinking about it, Professor Garcia kindly answered.

“As long as the magic is intact, it’s fine. Everything is recoverable.”

"Ah yes..."

Professor Garcia smiled innocently, not realizing that Tigiling had taken a step

“I’m really happy. It's okay to be struck by lightning, but if the magic inside
gets hurt..."


“Hey, student Tigiling. It's okay to come close. Everyone is safe.”

* * *

“Is everyone okay?!”

Lee Han took off his invisibility and ran hurriedly.

The moment he cast the lightning magic, Perkuntra's feelings were also conveyed to
Lee Han.

Just as Perkuntra could read Lee Han's feelings, Lee Han could also read
Perkuntra's feelings.


It was a brief and simple emotion, but the moment the lightning magic exploded,
Lee Han knew what was wrong.

Perkuntra This senile spirit has cast so much magic that she can't control her
power and burn her!

Lee Han didn't think that it was because he had too much magical power.

In the first place, Perkuntra nestled in her arms and helped her with magic, but
it's Perkuntra's fault.

And it wasn't completely wrong.

Fortunately, Professor Garcia arrived late. As Professor Garcia received his

students safely, Lee Han was relieved.

'The only conscience...!'

Seeing Lee Han running in haste, Professor Garcia smiled kindly.

I wondered who used such magic, and as expected, Han Lee was correct.

“Everyone is fine.”

"Fortunately, the!"

“I was slightly electrocuted by the lightning.”


Lee Han had a similar reaction to Tigiling. Although both students showed the same
bewildered reaction, Professor Garcia did not waver.

If you are a true educator, you have to answer the same question even if your
students ask the same question over and over again.

“As long as the magic is intact, it’s fine. You can recover.”

“…ah… yes.”
Lee Han took a step back like Tigiling earlier. Tigiling, who had already taken a
step back, nodded.


“So much...”

“Shut up.”

The students who were captured were in a mess because they were electrocuted while
they were still absorbing their magical power.

Lee Han sighed as he watched some of the White Tiger Tower students shake their
muscles from the lightning.

'shit. Even if you save me, I'll be insulted.'

Even if it was Lee Han himself, I think he would have cursed.

- I saved you.

- Go, thank you... Wait. You have the ability to take down creepers, so why did
you electrocut us as well?

-The well-known spirit helping me was dumber than I thought, so I couldn't control
my strength.

- You mean to believe it!?

If I said that I had the ability to take down creepers in one hit, but I couldn't
control my strength, I thought I would sound like a dog.

"ruler. Everyone, stand up.”

Professor Garcia swung his wand to loosen the muscles of the students and
replenish their lost magical power.

Seeing this from behind, Lee Han was surprised.

'Does Professor Garcia know how to use recovery magic?'

If you look at the magic you've seen from the last time, the field of magic that
Professor Garcia uses was really wide.

Ordinary professors tend to only care about the magic of their field of expertise,
but Professor Garcia was strangely broad.


“Thank you... Professor Garcia.”

"Thank you very much."

“Give thanks to Lee Han here. Because I bravely defeated the creeper and saved you

The students of the White Tiger Tower looked at Lee Han with complicated

Angago opened his mouth as the representative.

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“If you twist…”

Lee Han stopped trying to answer, 'If you twist, you won't get caught?'

It came back different from what I expected.


I was sure there was going to be something like 'You almost killed me, you evil
warlock cub', but the White Tiger Tower students meekly thanked them.

Lee Han wanted to keep an eye on the White Tiger Tower students because they were
in front of Professor Garcia.

But it wasn't.

Angro was looking at Lee Han with a mixture of half resentment and half gratitude.

“...I am really embarrassed to say this, but if I don't properly appreciate the
grace I received as a knight, I am not a knight. Thank you."

“Then, will the grudges between us ever be forgotten?”

“It is not. Don't be mistaken. Wodanaz.”


Lee Han was slightly hurt by the cold reply.

If you are grateful, can you forget that much resentment?

Of course, there were a lot of things, but...

“But this time… Thank you so much. I think I know a little bit about why Durgyu
cheated on you… No, he believes in you.”

Starting with Angago, the other White Tiger Tower students also expressed their
sincere thanks.

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“I will never be friends with you, but I will never forget the honor you showed me
this time.”

“I’m not going to be friendly with you, but I’ll try to work together as much as
possible on this lake project.”

Durgyu, who had been captured with him and now regained some energy, approached me

Seeing his friends thanking Lee Han, Durgyu rejoiced as if it was his job.
“Look! Didn't he say he wasn't that bad like Mo Radi said?"

“Ummm… it certainly might be.”

“So, are you ready to forget each other’s grudges and build a friendship?”

“It is not. do not cross the line Durgyu.”

“How are you going to forget about things you’ve done before?”


Durgyu was slightly hurt by the cold replies of his friends.

I thought it would be okay because of the atmosphere...

"hey! What do you do when you shoot so hard? Are you doing that on purpose because
you have white tiger towers?!”

And finally, Gainando, who was restored, came staggering.

In Guy Nando's eyes, Lee Han was never the kind of person who would make such a

This time, it was clear that he was trying to show the white tiger tower guys a
good taste.

That's all good, but why did Gainan do it while he was still in captivity?

“What absurd harm… Prince. Apologize.”

“Prince Kainando. Do you not even know the pride or honor of being an imperial
family? What does that mean to the person who saved you?”

Gainando later noticed that the White Tiger Tower students were coming.

Gainando suddenly became unfairly criticized by the students of the White Tiger
Tower, which he had never expected.

Even if you are close with Lee Han, Gainan will be several times closer to you,
but the people who usually ignore Lee Han's good intentions are suddenly like that!

“What do you guys know!”

“We do not have royal blood, but we know the honor.”

“Apologize. prince.”

Gainando was at times resentful, but at the same time, he was a little happy to be
recognized as an imperial family.

Lee Han noticed it from the side and was absurd.

“You don’t like being called the prince right now, do you?”

"! But it is true that you are not treated like royalty!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were all very prominent noble families, so there
was no need to reach the three-digit prince.
However, instead of saying that, Lee Han decided to be considerate of Gai Nando.

“It’s because everyone thinks of you as a friend. Kainan too.”

“It’s not like that…”

Even during that brief moment, during which Gainando was a little bit in a good
mood, the White Tiger Tower students did not wait for him.

“No matter how friendly you are, you have to be polite. We also thanked Wodanaj.”

“Apologize quickly. prince.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower pressed Gainando with it or not.

There were not many that could withstand the pressure of the knights with swords.

Guy Nando thought that Lee Han had been stalking those thick guys like a dog.

“My… I’m sorry. You saved me, but how dare you criticize me like that.”

“Be careful going forward.”

“Prince. It is one's own actions that make one's own honor."

The White Tiger Tower students acknowledged their apology by nodding their heads
like knights.

and walked away

Ian was not funny.

'Did you forget that the three of you tried to attack me?'

Lee Han tried to point it out, but the students of the White Tiger Tower, who were
already satisfied, walked away on their own.

Gainando cautiously asked if he was still upset.

“But wasn’t it really intentional?”

“It wasn’t intentional.”

“Ugh...! I thought it was really intentional...!”

It really wasn't intentional.

It was similar though!

* * *

Professor Garcia called for Lee Han after cleaning up the site and getting behind
the scenes. There was a look of concern on his face.

Lee Han could immediately predict what he was going to say.

- Mr. Perkuntra. You have to explain.

If Perkuntra did not explain, Lee Han could be treated by Professor Garcia as 'a
madman who does not care about his own safety and grinds magic'.

It was a dangerous misunderstanding in many ways.

- After all, it's because of you, isn't it?

-i get it. Okay.

Perkuntra and Gainan were just as unhappy as they were, but they decided to accept

Because I wasn't responsible.

Since he was in Lee Han's arm, he should have checked to the end that the magic
was properly controlled.


-...Wait a minute.


-The time is... it's running out...

Lee Han felt Perkuntra's alter ego disappearing from his arm.

In addition, Perkuntra itself was returning to the original punishment room.

Ian was shocked.

- Say no.

-...I'm really sorry. It wasn't intentional.

- Say no! hurry!

-I'll show you my real abilities next time I summon you...

- Seeing this now, are you going to summon me in the next situation?

I heard such a thing from the blue wizard, but Perkuntra could not refute it.

Even with ten mouths, there is nothing to say!

-I'm really sorry, but next time...


Perkuntra is gone.

Professor Garcia said, looking at Lee Han with eyes mixed with concern and

“Student Lee. I just couldn't speak because I was sober, but I must say something.
Lightning magic, like fire magic, is one of the most intense, dangerous, and
difficult of elemental magics. It is really amazing and surprising that I learned
so much on my own, but I am worried about the student.”
"professor. In fact, there is a deep reason for this.”

Lee Han told the story of Perkuntra in detail.

Of course, all the stories about Professor Thunderbolt's greenhouse robbery were
omitted and adapted appropriately!

But even as he spoke, Lee Han became worried.

'Will you really believe this nonsensical bullshit?'

“It’s really bad luck!”

'Do you believe it?!'

To my surprise, Professor Garcia believed. He was a real professor.

"okay. Well, Lee Han isn't such a reckless person, so I thought he couldn't do
such a reckless thing.”

'I understand enough even if you stop emphasizing it...'

“That spirit is a little…”

“Are you in doubt about your abilities?”

"yes? no. A spirit of that size cannot be without abilities. Perhaps it was
because Lee Han was such an unusual contractor, so there were some mistakes.”


It was Lee Han who respected Professor Garcia, but now he could not respect his

'You're too good.'

“Of course, there are evil spirits who try to drag contractors to ruin, but from
what I've heard, it's not like that. From now on, be careful, and above all else,
use your magic with your own safety in mind.”

"All right."

“Did you use lightning magic?”

At the familiar voice, Lee Han and Professor Garcia's heads turned at the same

Professor Voladi was staring at him with a faint curiosity in his ice-cold eyes.


“I think you misunderstood...”

“You must have used lightning magic.”


There was no way Professor Voladi could not have noticed the traces.
The professor finished understanding the situation with the traces of the fallen
monster and the faint reverberation of the lightning spirit remaining on Lee Han's


The sight of Professor Voladi nodding his head and muttering made Lee Han more
afraid than any other monster.

"Wait. Wait."

Professor Garcia intervened.

Lee Han's heart fluttered at the sight.


“Professor Bagreg. Why are you asking about lightning magic? What are you going to

“Needed for teaching.”

“Teaching, what… wait. Student Han Lee j... No, are you attending Professor
Bagreg's class!?”

Professor Garcia was about to say 'that professor,' but quickly changed his words.

However, Lee Han could fully understand what he was trying to say.



Professor Garcia touched her forehead.

Professor Garcia was a genuine person who respected anyone at the Magic School,
but even lectures were not like that.

Some lectures by some professors made Professor Garcia's heart uncomfortable every
time he saw it.

Professor Voladi Bagreg's lecture was one of those lectures.

Professor Garcia is too harsh and harsh lectures!

No matter how I thought about it, it was not a lecture that freshmen could learn.

I'd rather teach new students how to avoid fighting, or teach new students how to
fight with a sense of composure in extreme combat situations...

Fortunately, the students did not listen to the lecture.

Because it was so difficult, every year the students came to listen to it, and
they all ran away.

So, Professor Garcia was also reassured, saying, 'Someday, Professor Bagreg will
also realize and change the course?'

Surprisingly, there were students who were listening.

Professor Voladi said as if why was he doing this.

“I remember seeing you last time.”


“The fight against the anti-magic. Then I said I taught.”


Professor Garcia felt a flash of lightning in his head.

The iron beads that Lee Han used.

At that time, I was so crazy because of the Imperial Anti-Magicians, I couldn't

think deeply about how to handle the iron beads...

...I think that was Professor Voladi's way!

- He has a talent for magic battles. Professor Voladi, did you teach? That's

- Not very surprising.

Come to think of it, the conversation the principal and Prof. Voladi had after
that was also very meaningful.

I thought I was taught a few words by chance, but I was intensively being taught
in a lecture!

"it's okay????"


Lee Han paused at Professor Garcia's question.

It was 'It's okay' with so many meanings.

What should I answer?

"it's okay."


Professor Voladi answered instead. Lee Han and Professor Garcia both looked at
Professor Voladi with absurd eyes.

“Wordanaz is following the teachings successfully.”

“…are you following me?”

Professor Garcia was startled at first, then understood.

Sometimes, great talent is poison.

That was true even in the current situation.

Lee Han's outstanding talent made him follow the class without giving up!
'This tragedy...!'

Professor Voladi said it as kindly as possible.

“I hope you now understand why we confirmed the manifestation of lightning magic.”

“Wait, wait. I know you are following me.”

Professor Garcia tried one last protest. It was true goodness.

“But right now, isn’t it too hasty to jump right into the elemental lightning
magic just because the lesser telekinetic spells have gotten a lot of control over
them? At least learn other safe elemental magic first...”

Professor Garcia, who was speaking, paused with a look of terror.

Professor Voladi was smiling very faintly.


“So, first I learned the elemental water magic.”


"That's right."

Professor Voladi's 'Yes' contained a very faint conviction.

Professor Garcia could feel that feeling as a fellow professor.

- Seeing that there are students following me, I didn't teach it wrong.

It was the certainty of ...


Professor Garcia screamed inwardly. After all, why!

Even if Professor Voladi's distorted world was changed later, he had to protect
the outstanding student in front of him first.

Professor Garcia said without giving up.

“Actually, a lot of students don’t even make it easy to give water a shape, don’t

'Is that so?'

Lee Han, who did not know Professor Garcia's heart, was surprised.

no wonder...

“Is it because of the nature of the element called water?”

“I don’t really think so…”

“From that point of view, rather than simply moving up to the next level after
successfully imparting a shape, shouldn’t we be more accustomed to the elements as
we expand the range into other shapes?”

Professor Voladi nodded.

“So I made myself aware of the water shield magic.”


Professor Garcia looked at Lee Han with astonished eyes. Ian felt a bit sorry.

He didn't just learn the water shield magic, but if he realized it himself, it was
as if he had almost mastered elemental morphing.

If you thought about the principles and principles yourself and realized them, you
could make any number of other forms.

It was so important to realize that on your own.

"Ha, but... Even if you've mastered shaping, the path to elemental control is far
away... At least you need to be able to manipulate the elemental magic of water
that's been shaped like an iron ball..."

Professor Garcia, who was talking, saw Lee Han bowed his head and his heart sank.

no way?

“I learned what you said now. I wanted to give it a rotation attribute, so I

stopped it.”

Professor Garcia had never in his life dreamed that Professor Voladi would say
something like, 'I think of students this way'.

This was worse than any nightmare.

And the worst thing was that Professor Garcia had no way to convince him anymore.

Professor Garcia said sadly in a gloomy voice.

“…Please take good care of Lee Han…”

“I always teach consistently. Professor Garcia.”

When the two professors' conversation was over, Han Lee's mind returned.


Is this the end?

Can't you dry it any more??


“Student Lee. I work hard.”

It seemed that Lee Han suddenly became a cow being led to the slaughterhouse.

I don't know what will happen next week...

'...From now on, when asking a professor for help, I should tell him to check if
there are other professors around...'

* * *

Asan and her friends walked towards the black market.

“Let’s treat ourselves to something this weekend.”

'Should I?'

Guynando wanted to complain, but had to keep his mouth shut. He had already
complained once, and then he was harassed one after another.

Now, the food situation of the freshmen at the Magic School was roughly as

The Blue Dragon Tower, where you can enjoy the most luxurious and abundant meals
thanks to Lee Han who secured a large amount of supplies from outside.

In the first place, the Tower of the Phoenix quietly accepts whatever meal is
served without any complaints.

A tower of white tigers that are aggressively clasping their weapons and roaming
the nearby forests, fields, and mountains to successfully hunt.

And the tower of black turtles supplementing the shortage of food through periodic
gathering, occasional hunting, and bartering with other students.

Among them, the Blue Dragon Tower students knew very well that they were
absolutely dependent on Lee Han's help.

Lee Han told me not to worry about it, and gave me a small amount of money, but I
couldn't stay still.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were also looking for food in various ways.

One of them is now the black market.

A bartering area opened by the Black Turtle Tower students near the tower!

“The last time I went there wasn’t much to eat…”

"no. I went there a few days ago, too, and things have increased dramatically.
There is plenty to eat.”

“I heard that you were making a deal with the White Tiger Top kids, didn’t you?”

At the words of his friends, Asan nodded.

“As time goes by, there is no choice but to increase the number of items in the
market. I'm not just going and..."

Asan carefully took out the glass bottles from her arms.

It was the loot obtained by attacking the dungeon called Thunderstep Lab.

All the students who participated shared potions and reagents.

“…the Black Turtle Tower guys know how precious it is now. It's better to trade
the spare now, before it becomes less valuable later."

“It’s also a moon card!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students smiled and headed to the black market.

His expression changed as the black turtle tower student standing at the entrance
of the black market recognized them.

"nice to meet you. Can I come in?”

“Mi… I’m sorry.”


“There are rules. You can't come in."

Asan's absurdity took precedence over surprise.

“Are you going to exchange only between you guys? The market will shrink!”

“It doesn’t matter though.”

With a heavy, low-pitched voice, someone appeared from behind the Black Turtle
Tower student.

He was tall like a dwarf, and had a more muscular body than the white tiger tower

It was impossible to hide it even with a baggy coat.

'Isn't that a dwarf...?'

Asan was perplexed. I thought she was a dwarf, but she turned out to be an elf.

A short, very muscular elf!

“I am the salco of the Tutanta family.”

Tutanta clan.

It was quite a famous mason guild family in the Empire.

I knew it as a family of outstanding dwarf craftsmen...?

“Tutanta. Why are you blocking your entry? Because we are the Blue Dragon Tower?”

"not. Of course it's true that I don't like you Blue Dragon Tower students..."



“…I don’t put my deputy into these rules. You can't come in because of the rules."

“What rule?”
“You can’t bring anything that isn’t something you have worked for yourself!”

The Black Turtle Tower students gathered behind Salco.

Everyone was different, from the naughty ones to the handsome ones, but I could
tell that Salko had leadership.

Asan was furious as he took out the reagents he had brought.

“What we brought with us now came from work!”

"okay? Where did you get it?”


Asan became a honey-eaten dumb. It couldn't be called Professor Thunder's lab.

Gainando made excuses instead.

“Cooking outside!”

“You cut it in the field, and now you have been able to gather enough sheep? must
have been stolen If the source cannot be given, I will judge it as stolen. And as
long as I'm in the Tower of the Black Turtle, I'm going to make the market out of
loot. It not only pollutes people’s sweat and effort, but also disrupts the

The Blue Dragon Tower students were speechless at the words so right.

Gainando exclaimed as if it was unfair.

“But then, where to trade the stolen goods! What do thieves want to live on?”

“Hey… Gainan too… lower your voice because it’s embarrassing…!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students realized their shame and shut Gainando's mouth.

At that moment, Lee Han appeared with a basket.

Lee Han was puzzled to see his friends gathered at the entrance.

“What are you doing? Aren't you going in?"

“Lee Han!”

Asan confided everything that had happened.

After hearing this, Lee Han asked Salko.

“I grew this in my own garden, can I go in then?”


Salko looked at Lee Han with surprised eyes. Then he nodded his head.

“Then see you later.”

Seeing Lee Han entering, the Blue Dragon Tower friends woke up belatedly.


“Did you really grow it yourself?”

Salco asked in a voice mixed with surprise and curiosity.

A student at the Blue Dragon Tower, he was also a boy from the Wodanaj family, one
of the most prestigious imperial families.

How could such a boy grow such fresh, tasty, shiny, and luscious potatoes himself?

I couldn't believe it either.

"okay. I raised it myself.”

Ihan nodded his head softly.

Other Black Turtle Tower students who were watching came out.

“It’s true that Wodanaj raised himself, Tutanta.”

“Last time, I was even treated directly! It was really delicious!”

“I did. What did you pay?”

Salco asked his friends.

Then the Black Turtle Tower students stopped.

...just ate...

“Did you get it without paying anything?”

Salco said, rolling his eyes. The students of the Black Turtle Tower were
terrified by the bloody impression that they would wield a hammer at any moment.

The motto of the Tutanta family was simple.

- Those who do not work, do not eat.

Even if it was the same top friend, it would have been an unforgivable evil if he
ate it for free without working.

What a conscientious noble or knight would do!

“Uh… uh… no…”

Lee Han, who had not seen it, came out.

“You helped me, and in return, I treated you.”


The Black Turtle Tower students looked at Lee Han with a moved expression.

"right! It was!”

“We helped Wodanaj!”

At those words, Salko relaxed her expression.

“Good luck. I was worried that you guys might have done something like that.”

“It can’t be. Salco.”

“The word I hate the most is the inactive diagram. Salco.”

"okay. i get it."

Lee Han asked Salko, who was about to walk.

“Would you like a potato?”

The reason Lee Han asked Salco was simple.

Once grown in the garden, everyone loved the potatoes. Even the princess praised

Of course, contrary to what her followers are saying these days, Lee Han has
doubts that the princess is a young woman who likes everything she eats, but...

And Salco looked very intently at the potatoes in Lee Han's basket earlier.

Either he liked potatoes or lost enemies with them.

" i'm fine I have nothing to pay you now.”

“It’s okay to just take it.”

“Do not insult me. Wodanaz. The dwarves of the Tutanta family do nothing and do
not accept enemy ships.”

'But you're an elf...'

Before Lee Han could even speak, Salko went back and forth. It's like looking at a
potato for a long time and you'll be tempted by it.

* * *

“It’s a tough time for a thief like me.”

Ratford, who met Lee Han, nodded and explained what had happened.

Originally, the Black Turtle Tower students had a strong tendency to play together
as they came from diverse backgrounds.

However, as time goes by, a person who stands out is bound to emerge.

Tutanta Salko was such a dwarf, no, an elf.

Thanks to his outstanding magical skills and a rock-solid responsibility, the

number of friends who followed Tutanta increased.

'Why is Nelia...'
Lee Han suddenly felt sorry for Nelia.

Nelia also gave a lot to the students of Black Turtle Tower, and although the
friends of Black Turtle Tower liked Nelia, they did not trust and follow Nelia as a

It was the exact opposite of Salco.

'Is there a difference between a dark elf and an elf? no. I don't think it's
because of that.'

In any case, Salco's followers grew, and at the same time, the black market
operated by the Black Turtle Tower grew in size.

The Blue Dragon Tower and White Tiger Tower students who heard the rumors also
came and started exchanging supplies.

Then the problem gradually increased.

- No, why are you making five loaves of bread?

- You can't do this here!

- Hey, this coffee is fake! Give me my bread!

- You can't refund what you've already bought! And you said it was fake coffee
made from dandelion in the first place!

As other top students came and went, the problems inevitably increased.

Still, the Black Turtle Tower students had a hard time resisting when they
encountered friction with other Tower students.

The opponent is from a family of great aristocrats or from a family of knights.

So the Black Turtle Tower students asked the most reliable, Salco, not Nelia.

Salco decided to accept it after much deliberation, but instead insisted on

following his rules.

-If you want other towers to follow my rules, you have to protect them first!

-Okay. Tutanta!

- Of course you have to follow your rules!

-Remember that you must not eat unless you work first.

- Good rule!

-The other top guys will never be able to protect you?

-Likewise, stolen goods are prohibited.


- Why? Any problem?

-no! no!

Of course, there were complaints, but it was true that the other problems
disappeared thanks to the growling of the salmon.

After hearing the explanation, Lee Han was indignant.

“Anyway, good people suffer the same because of minority facts. Thieves like you
and me are starving to death because of the White Tiger Tower.”

“That’s it.”

Ratford nodded strongly in agreement.

“It will be difficult. Ratford. So what are you doing?”

"ah. I'm fine. The stolen property is being sold secretly.”

At Ratford's casual remark, Lee Han was slightly impressed. He wasn't a pro thief
for nothing either.

Doing a black market in the black market again...

“Of course, because I couldn’t do it openly, the scale was greatly reduced.
Instead, I am doing something else.”


Ratford pointed to one side of the black market. Some Black Turtle Tower students
were sitting and doing other things instead of doing business.

“Hey, look at this. Of the three cards, there is the Emperor card. I'll flip it
over and mix it up... find it, find it, it's doubled."

Turn over three cards, shuffle them flamboyantly, and find the Emperor card double
your bet.'s a gamble!

“Is gambling okay?”

“Tutanta doesn't like to gamble...but he allowed me to gamble. If we even ban such

a thing, it would be a little... too much of a dissatisfaction.”

In terms of the percentage of criminals alone, the Black Turtle Tower had the
highest number of criminals.

Thieves' Guild, Gambling Guild, etc. are usually those who enter the Black Turtle

Salco knew that too, so he closed his eyes and said that eating money with that
kind of money was labor.

In addition to card matching gambling, there were various contents such as chess
betting, lock picking (this was probably Ratford's job), and so on.

'What kind of adventurer guild?'

“Aww! my bread!! My three-day bread!!”

“Mi, I’m sorry. It was mixed slowly…”

The white tiger top student ripped his head off and screamed. It looked like he
had lost his fortune.

"Do not give up. Dukema. Bad luck this time. Let's do it one more time!”

“It's not that hard! This time it will!”

Lee Han looked at his opponent. It was a face I had never seen before.

It was Ymirg, a half-giant giant whom I had met in Professor Mortum's black magic

Ian was curiously admiring.

'If it's a giant, the opponent must be vigilant.'

From anyone's point of view, Ymirg's gigantic hands seemed clumsy and slow.

But Lee Han could see clearly.

Ymirg is playing tricks while shuffling cards.

'you are good.'

As it was a world with magic, it was easy to think that magic that competes with
skill and finesse had no place to stand.

However, there were not people who were learning these hand skills.

It was the gamblers of the gambling guild.

If you cheat with magic, the chance of getting caught increases, so you win with
pure hand skills.

Lee Han guessed that Ymirg was from the Gambling Guild.

“Never fight Ymirg.”

Ratford advised whether he misunderstood Lee Han's gaze.

Even Ratford, who had his own hand skills, had never been able to win against

He was a master who had no rival within the Black Turtle Tower.

“I have no interest in gambling. Ratford. I was just watching it for fun.”

Lee Han clenched and opened his fist. Then his coin disappeared. Ratford said in

“After all, Wodanaj-sama! I thought you had the qualities of a great thief, but
you didn't mean it!”

“It’s embarrassing to hear other people, so lower your voice.”

It was rather embarrassing to receive such an enthusiastic response with simple
coin magic.

"no. Wodanaz. If you have that kind of skill, Wodanaj-sama is good enough to take
a seat next to you.”


Lee Han was instantly moved.

It sounded plausible.

'Is it for this moment that I practiced in my spare time?'

To extort bread and meat from the pockets of the White Tiger Tower students...

“But I belong to another tower.”

“I will tell you. I have a lot of friends who have been indebted to Wodanaj-sama,
so it will be fine.”

But before Ratford could stand up, Salchoe appeared from behind.

Behind the salmon, the Black Turtle Tower students we talked about were standing
like criminals.

“Wordanaz. When I asked again, they said that my friends here got it for nothing.”

'No, those with such a small mouth.'

Lee Han cursed the Black Turtle Tower students.

If you're going to take it off, you've got to grab it all the way to the end. You
can't do that.

Ian was different. I was confident I would grab it until the end of the world.

“I had no choice. Our family motto is 'Give food to the hungry'."

Lee Han's appearance had the power to make him sound serious even when he was
talking dog shit.

The students who were listening understood and nodded their heads unknowingly.


Somehow, I thought Wodanaj was good at feeding other friends...

“I don't mean to blame you. Wodanaz. It's not your fault. I'm here to apologize
for the mistakes of my friends. It was the irresponsible act of lazy nobles and
violent knights.”

Salko bowed her head and apologized. The Black Turtle Top friends also looked down
and bowed their heads.

Then the other top students who were waiting outside the black market protested.

“You are too harsh!”

“You lazy noble! It’s because you don’t know how difficult life as a noble can

“Do you know how heavy the honor and responsibility we bear as knights?!”

'They're from the same tower, but they're really unlucky.'

In an instant, Lee Han almost sided with Salco.

These shameless and ignorant children...

Salco ignored it, pretending not to hear it.

“I want to make you pay for what you eat, but your friends don’t have that much
right now.”

“I don’t care that much.”

The Blue Dragon Tower friends used the ledgers to record even a penny of silver,
but even the Black Turtle Tower students had no intention of doing that.

"not. Instead, I will pay.”


Ian was surprised.

I'd pay instead.

'The Tutanta family must have a lot of money.'

It was a famous mason guild family in the Empire, so there was no way to run out
of money.

Lee Han pondered how much to call the tomato and vegetable stew last time.

“I heard rumors that Wodanaj you are going around the school at night. Is it

"I don't know if you've heard any nonsense, but that's a complete lie."



The Blue Dragon Pagoda and White Tiger Pagoda students who were listening outside
the black market were stunned.

'Did you put iron on that child's face...?'

'The Wodanaj family seems to also train emotions.'

Despite Lee Han's denial, Salco stood firm in what he had to say.

“There is information that might be helpful.”


“I really have no intention of going out. But if that puts you at ease, I'll be
happy to listen to it."

Lee Han said with a serious expression.

Saying that with a sculptural face and without a single joke made Salko
unwittingly confused.

'Did you really never go out at night?'

Salco turned his gaze to the other black tortoise tower friend next to him. Then
the friend shook his head.

It was said not to be deceived.


Salco's expression darkened slightly. Also, it was dangerous to believe the nobles
who were slick on the outside.

“…follow me. I will explain.”

Then Salko whispered something to the Black Turtle Tower friends.

Lee Han got curious and asked a friend who had eaten vegetable stew last time.

“What did Tutanta say?”

The other party responded with an apologetic expression.

"...don't talk to me alone when you're not here..."


* * *

In fact, Lee Han wasn't the only one going out at night. Some students were now
slowly leaving the tower.

He realized that he could not survive in this school if he just slept quietly at

Whether it was for food, for homework, for him or for an escape, he had to wander
around the school looking for anything.

Of course, Salco was there too.

“You sneak around school at night and blame me?”

“...I never criticized.”

Salco said absurdly.

Come to think of it, there really wasn't.

"Right. Go on.”

Salco continued the story.

The place Salco and his friends continue to challenge these days is the third
floor of the main building.

The main building is the largest and contains the most mysteries among the magic
school buildings.

Rumor has it that even the principal doesn't know what's in the main building.

As if to prove that rumor, the 3rd floor of the main building kept changing every
time I visited.

Sometimes there are five hallways, sometimes there are no stairs leading to it,
sometimes I can't even take a few steps and it's blocked by a wall...

However, Salco was in a state of finding a way to get in to some extent by hanging
on with the persistence of a mason guild.

“How do I get in?”

“When the hours and minutes are odd, and when the moon is not overcast, and when
the staff is in the left hand. By doing this, the corridor on the third floor will
open properly.”


For a moment, Lee Han wanted Salko to make fun of him. But Salco was very serious.

“That… that’s right.”

Well, if it was a magic school, it could be.

Lee Han was grateful enough that the condition that the corridor on the third
floor was properly opened at night was not to have to jump over the circle of fire
while riding a unicycle while roasting peanuts with lightning.

"Thank you. Useful information.”

Still, it was Lee Han who had to visit the stable located on the upper floor of
the main building. The information on the third floor was quite useful.

“The information is not over yet. There is someone on the third floor who can help

“Isn’t it the spirit of lightning?”


"no. It's a joke. What kind of existence are you?”

Ian was curious.

Even if it was a magical being, the magic school was already full of all sorts of
strange beings.

Lich, mixed troll, vampire, thunderbolt, etc...

And it's probably not a good person to meet and talk to most of the time. Lee Han
could even bet gold coins.

“That cannot be said.”


“Because I swore to go without revealing the identity of that existence.”

"Right. Do you want me to go check it out myself?”

"no. Finding its existence is more complicated and difficult than entering the
hallway on the third floor. I have to go with you. As you decide, I will go to the
corridor on the third floor and guide you to the being.”

Salco said so with a hard rocky attitude. However, Lee Han heard his suspicions.

'Isn't this a child trap?'

When I was unfairly attacked by other students, I first heard the suspicion.

Still, the opponent doesn't like nobles and knights.

When I went to the corridor on the third floor, the students of the Black Turtle
Tower might have been waiting in masks.

Or maybe the presence in the hallway on the third floor wants to sacrifice a
student, but Salko chose Lee Han...


Salco asked, not even dreaming that Lee Han had a very disrespectful suspicion.

“I made an oath to that being, wouldn’t she hate me if I guided her?”

"not. He said it doesn't matter if he brings in a new student as long as he

doesn't reveal his identity. Just in case, I checked it again in the <Basic
Imperial Language and Logic> lecture.”


The opponent was a sincere student as much as Lee Han. I couldn't play with it as
easily as Guynando.

“Do you really think it helps?”

“On the honor of my family, I think so. Of course, my judgment is not always

Salko said seriously, stroking his beard like a dwarf.

'Anything that requires information is not a situation.'

Ihan nodded his head in contemplation.

It was not the time to choose between cold or hot water to find the way to the
stable located on the upper floor of the main building.
"great. When are you planning to go?”


* * *

Saturday evening.

It was time for the other students to wrap themselves in blankets and bask in the
warm bonfire in the common room.

Time to hold a cup of steaming tea or coffee in one hand and a quill or chess
piece or card in the other.

At that time, Lee Han and Salko were walking up the dark stairs of the main

'The others don't seem to exist.'

Lee Han checked the surroundings, being alert for any possible ambush. The Black
Turtle Tower students did not seem to follow.

Salco had a staff in one hand and a hammer in his waist.

To be honest, that hammer felt more menacing than the wooden swords worn by the
White Tiger Tower students.

“I asked other students. Wodanaz.”

Salco said in a low voice reminiscent of granite.

“What did you ask?”

“Who are you?”


Lee Han checked his surroundings again.

Salko said, 'Die, Wodanaj. Your evil deeds will end here!' He was worried that the
students who had been ambush would run out.

Fortunately, no such thing happened.

“I heard you feed the other students. Not only all the students of the Blue Dragon
Tower, but also the students of other towers.”


“Good deeds are to be respected, but I want to stop them. People who have not
worked to find what they eat and wear on their own will not know the value of it,
even if someone takes care of it.”

Ian nodded his head unconsciously.

That was too right.

Salko was taken aback when Lee Han nodded.

It was not expected that Lee Han, who came from the Wodanaj family, would admit
that without any objection.

“You understand… do you understand?”

“There is nothing wrong with what you say. Those who did not work for themselves
in the first place do not know the value of it.”

"right. Do the nobles know how sacred labor is? Or the knights? Those guys who
know how to do nothing but grunt, grab a knife and mumble?”

“Basically, I think the nobles and knights should also send farms to plow the
fields. You learn swordsmanship through culture, but there is no reason not to
learn farming.”

The two young workers clashed passionately.

When the conversation was over, Lee Han and Salko looked at each other as if they
were quite good. Salko's rocky face softened slightly.

“I think I misunderstood you. I apologize. Wodanaz. Some White Tiger Tower

students say you are an evil archmage without blood or tears...”


"...that was the rumor of arrogant knights."

"right. Such rumors always blind us, so we should always be on the lookout. As a

“That’s right.”

Salko shook her head with a look of remorse.

Ian thought to himself.

'Even if any rumors spread in the future, you can claim that they are false.'

Salco looked at Lee Han's hand. It was a hand that was hardened by gardening and
various work. Nobles could not have such a hand.

How people with the same hands recognize each other. Salco fully acknowledged Lee
Han for that.

Then, Salko was rather curious.

Why does a student like Lee Han take care of other lazy trash?

“Wordanaz. I want to ask you one thing.”


“Why do you take care of students in the same tower?”


Ian was perplexed.


'It's because of the money...'

I do it because I get paid, but I don't get paid, so would you like to make
breakfast for free and visit me to feed me?

Of course it was for money.

However, Lee Han didn't think it would be a good idea to say that it was because
of the money, in a situation where Salco had a fairly high evaluation of him.

Lee Han decided to answer ambiguously.

“Because they are friends.”


The answer made a strong impression on Salco.

I thought it was because of Wodanaj's magical abilities that there were students
following Wodanaj, but it seems that this is not the only reason.

"I'll never do that, but... So I think I know a little bit about the honor your
nobles are talking about. It wasn’t completely absent.”


Lee Han put the ledger in his arms a little deeper.

If caught, Salco will never trust the nobles for the rest of his life.

Salco, who was walking ahead in the hallway of the main building on the 3rd floor,
suddenly stopped. Then he pointed to the statue in the hallway. It was a statue of
an unknown wizard.

Although it was an old, faded, and broken statue, it was nonetheless a

breathtakingly beautiful appearance.

He's so handsome that it feels like he's not human.

'It's strange. Why do you feel so familiar?'

“Do you see this statue broken, Wodanaj?”

Salco pulled out his hammer. Lee Han took a step back and placed his hand on his
waist and nodded his head.

“This statue was repaired by me last time. I couldn't help but stare at this
ruined stone statue."

'You're a workaholic.'

But I also understood this.

Just like Yoner wants to water the plants when she sees it, Nilia wants to catch
her prey when she sees it, and Han Yi wants to bow when she sees Professor...
Salco has such an occupational disease.

“But it broke again like this?”

"okay. Even if this statue is repaired, it continues to break. And that's the
secret to unlocking this hidden door."

Salco carefully repaired the broken statue.

Then, in the dark, the statue rotated once with the sound of rolling stones. At
the same time, a hidden passage opened.

“Go inside. Wodanaz. From here on, I have to go alone.”

“Tutanta. ...I believe in you.”

"Know. So you must have come this far.”

“I really believe in you.”

“Why are you repeating it?”

Without even thinking that Lee Han was reading his reaction, Salko tilted her

* * *

Did a new student arrive?


There was a statue inside the passage. It was a statue that looked like a mixture
of several beasts.

nice to meet. I am the statue of the forgotten beast. I've been at this school for
quite some time. The student who came in after repairing the statue. First of all,
will you swear that you won't tell anyone about me?

“…I swear.”

When Lee Han answered, the tail of the dog in the statue turned happily.

“Excuse me, but what are you doing here?”

It's just killing time. The room I was guarding was closed 187 years ago. Since
then, I've been wandering around the cool places of this school.

“I wonder why you shouldn’t talk about it, but…”

That's because the professors can get me to work again.

“You are so wise...!”

Thank you for your empathy.

Lee Han could be sure that this statue was truly wise.

When a professor forgets his existence, he should hold his breath quietly.

The statue of the forgotten beast was a being who had mastered its wisdom.

But being sad is unavoidable. Thank you for coming here.

“I heard that the great bronze statue… in this school knows the necessary wisdom.”

Lee Han was going to talk about escape, but changed his words.

It was because he did not know when the statue of the Forgotten Beast would betray

Wisdom... It's embarrassing to say that. Even if it's not wisdom, I can tell you
what I know. Anything I can help can help.


Lee Han was grateful that the statue of the forgotten beast was bored.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been of any help.

Of course, I can't help you with things beyond my ability. So please don't ask me
to save the dragon.

“Could you please make the headmaster a little better?”

...what color dragon do you want? I'd rather be a dragon.

"sorry. It was a joke.”

Of course, Lee Han had no intention of making such an outrageous request.

There was only one thing Lee Han wanted.

Path to the Spire Stable, located on the upper level of the main building.

“Do you know the location of the stables in the main spire?”

I know about three.

Ihan's eyes fluttered slightly. I finally found what I was looking for.

“I want to know the way to the most accessible place among them.”

It's not difficult.


But before that, you must defeat me!


When the atmosphere suddenly changed, Lee Han was perplexed.

Lee Han held the staff and looked at the statue with eyes of vigilance. However,
instead of attacking the statue, he laid a bronze chessboard in front of it.

Let's have two plates!


It was clear that the opponent was really bored.

* * *

Boredom was the poison of poison. Even the statue, who faithfully endured under
the professor for a long time, could not overcome his boredom.

The statue of the Forgotten Beast liked chess.

The advantage of chess is that you can play it alone.

The statue's tail and other heads shook with the horse.

Lee Han asked to gauge the opponent's skill.

“Have you ever played chess with other freshmen who came before me?”

It did.

“How many times did that freshman win?”

never won

Ian's expression became serious.

'Did not Tutanta win even a single game?'

I didn't know what Tutanta's skill was, but he kept pushing and never winning,
meaning a lot.

The chess skills of this forgotten statue are excellent...

'And it's clever enough to hide it.'

If there was an overwhelming difference, they wouldn't have scrambled again. It

was necessary to win in a narrow way so that the opponent read the hope and rushed

To do that, a huge skill gap was required.

'Can I win?'

Lee Han didn't think he was good at chess.

Of course, I didn't play chess.

As is the case with students locked up in the lab, Lee Han used to enjoy
meaningless betting activities.

And the most popular was chess.

Although Lee Han never lost among other students...

...It's just a frog in a well, and he's never defeated a foreign professor in the
lab next door.
The foreign professor used to call Lee Han and defeat him when he was bored
because it was so much fun to win against the weak.

If the statue in front of him was better than the professor, he wouldn't be

'But only once, you only have to win once.'

No matter how you shake your opponent or careless, you only had to win once.

Lee Han made a plan to win by number.

Chess is a game with unexpected variables, so I didn't know if I could win once if
I played about a hundred rounds.

Oh yeah. Let me tell you in advance. If you lose, there is a penalty.


Ian flinched.

The shadowed figure of the statue suddenly seemed to exude a sense of pressure.

One more plate must be played at no cost.

“ that the answer?”

The penalty was weaker than expected. The statue nodded.

And if you lose again when you try again, then you have to play two games. If you
lose in the next challenge, three rounds...

'If you're bored like that, I think you'd be better off just getting a job from a

With that in mind, Lee Han grabbed the white phone.

* * *

The game ended with the king lying on his side. Ian was shocked.


You put it really well.

The statue admired the statue, but Lee Han was a little absurd.

Surprisingly, Lee Han won.

Even in the first edition!

At this point, I had to doubt the ability of the statue and Tutanta. You can't win
a game against a statue like this.

'I was nervous for nothing.'

ruler. here. This is a map I made.

"thank you."
Lee Han received the map that the statue had offered and put it in his arms. And
then he asked.

“Would you like one more plate?”

There was no need to hesitate as long as I realized that my opponent was more
likable than I thought. Lee Han spoke to tear it apart a little more.

However, the statue did not come down easily.

no. I was really satisfied today. Because it was such a fun game.


Thanks to you, I think I can get a good night's sleep. Thank you.

Lee Han couldn't figure out which part of this edition made his opponent so

Maybe he's not doing it because he thinks he can't win, is he?

"Yeah... that's good."

Lee Han congratulated him and went outside.

Salco was waiting in the hallway, trimming a small statue with a chisel and

“I’m here.”

Salko brushed off the crumbs and said without looking at Lee Han.

Although he didn't like the nobility, he wanted to respect Lee Han's pride.

It would be quite humiliating to come out without ever winning.

“I will guide you until you win. You can't go in alone. Let me know the next time
you want to go.”



Salco doubted his ears.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing now.

The chess skills of that beast statue were truly amazing.

Even Salko, who had no rival within the Tutanta family, could not win even once.

In the future, I was planning to prepare with Wodanaz and try again...

just won?

“Jeong, really?”

"okay. They told me to take a breath thanks to you.”

Salco was not without reason to doubt the words of the man he had once agreed to

However, it was hard to believe Lee Han's words until he saw it with his own eyes.

“Wordanaz. If it's okay, would you mind if I check it out?"

"okay. do whatever you want."

After asking Lee Han's permission, Salco repaired the statue in the hallway again,
opened the door and went inside.

And he walked out with an expression as if possessed by a ghost.

The statue was really sleeping.

Lee Han said to Salco.

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I got the information I needed.”

"I'm glad you did..."

For a moment, Salko looked at Lee Han with respectful eyes without realizing it,
then came to his senses and turned back his expression.

You will have this kind of respect for someone from an aristocratic family in your

Salco coughed once and turned around.

“Let’s go back. I will show you the way.”

Salko turned his back and didn't notice that Lee Han's eyes had changed slightly.

Lee Han's eyes looking at Salko changed from the first look to look at Nelia.

* * *

Lee Han opened the door to the break room with a very tired expression.

The Salchow, which looked like it was made from agglomeration of rock, spoke more
than I expected.

-I want to tell you about the 'Dwarf Gambit', the organ of the Tutanta family,
which raises the pawn with e4 and hits with f4 when the opponent counters with e5.

-When the opponent grabs the phone, sending the knight to f3 is my specialty, but
about this...

-It happened in the last game I played...

- You know what? The elves told me to send pawns to d4, not e4, and retaliate with
c4 to d5! They're crazy bastards!

All the way back, he was talking about chess.

Lee Han was not someone who devoted his life and passion to chess like Salco.
I tried to answer them as honestly as I could for fear of stinging, but I couldn't
help but feel mentally tired.

“Wordanaz! You're back!”

Friends who were doing homework in the break room were happy to see Lee Han.

Yonner was checking the potions together with the other students.

It was the potion in the box that Lee Han and Ratford stole from the carriage the
other day.

Thanks to the discovery of reagents in Professor Thunder's laboratory, various

experiments became possible.

“Did you find out anything?”

“Wordanaz. We did it.”


One of the students who was sitting next to Yonner opened his mouth with

“You found a miracle potion!”

“Did you even find a potion of space movement?”

Ian asked curiously.

Then the students responded with a shy expression.

“No… it’s not about space movement.”

“It’s still a great potion! I'll show! Kainan too!”

The students brought Gainando with them. Lee Han realized that Gainando's
appearance was a little different from usual.


It felt intellectual.

'what? Is it fake Kainando?'

Gainando shook his head at Lee Han with a very calm and calm expression. He had a
look that made him want to hit him.

“Gainan too. Who is teaching <Understanding Basic Magic>?”

“Professor Garcia Kim.”

“How do I make a potion of lesser magic recovery?”

“Cut off the base of the galamadu, and cut the remaining part into two knives of
the size of your little finger. At the same time, the seolhyangcho must be torn
thinly by hand, but at this time, the galaldu must be ripped quickly before it
The blue dragon tower students burst into cheers at the quick reply.

“Did you see it? It's a potion of wisdom! A potion of wisdom!”

Among the potions of alchemy, there were also potions that temporarily increased
the intelligence of the drinker.

Looking at the current state of Gainando, it was clear.

This reddish-colored liquid is definitely a potion of wisdom!

'for a moment. Have these kids been tested with Gainando?'

Lee Han had such a question, but decided to pass it on. Because there were a lot
more important things than that.

“Do you really think this is a potion of wisdom?”

Lee Han asked Yoner in a low voice. Yonner answered with a cautious expression.

“I am not sure yet. But, looking at Gainando’s reaction to drinking, there’s a

possibility that this is the case.”

“Didn’t you check everything and drink?”

“No, I just came and drank it during the verification…”


Lee Han was trying to say something, but he held back.

'It would be nice if it was a potion of wisdom.'

Just as the students cheered, Lee Han-do had too many places to use the potion of

First, drink a little during Professor Garcia's class, drink a little during
Professor Voladi's class, drink a little during Thunderwalk's class, drink some
with Professor Mortum, and drink a little with Professor Millais...

Lee Han, who had been counting with his fingers crossed, reflected.

The potion was not harmless to the body. There was always a price to pay. If you
drink like that, your body will not be left behind.

But in this school, there are many things that require wisdom, but there are too

'Let's check a little more.'

Lee Han looked at Guy Nando. And he asked.

“How many 14X19?”

“It’s 417.”

At the answer that came out immediately, the Blue Dragon Tower students, who were
listening to them, burst into cheers.
However, Lee Han and Yoner, Asan and the princess, had strange expressions on
their faces.



Multiplying 14 by 19 yields 266, not 417. There wasn't a single spot that was

Lee Han asked in a suspicious voice.

“Gainan too. How do I make a Potion of Lesser Magical Power?”

A question asked by other friends before.

If it was really a potion of wisdom, it was normal to be able to answer it

properly like before.

“Cut off the bottom of the galamadu and cut the remaining part with the little
finger . At the same time, I have to tear the seolhyangcho into thin pieces...”

He answered with a calm and calm expression like before, but Lee Han was not

Isn't the little finger cut off along with the base of Galmaldu on the cutting

“It wasn’t a potion of wisdom, it was a potion of confidence.”


The Blue Dragon Tower friends were truly sorry.

I was able to pass all assignments and exams with ease!

“But can’t we trick them with a potion of wisdom and sell them to the White Tiger
Tower kids?”

"Oh oh..."

“What is 'oh'? Can not be done."

Lee Han stopped the students.

The princess took a potion and tried to stand up from her seat, but noticed Lee
Han's words and gently sat down again.

"why?! Wodanaz. You know how rude and cocky they are!”

“I cursed you last time!”

"I know. But... wait. What did you curse?”

Lee Han tried to pass, but couldn't hold back and asked.

"You say you're much better at black magic than the older students."

'Isn't that an insult?'

Ian thought to himself.

Of course, I know what he meant, but it was a bit too weak for an insult.

The White Tiger Tower students may have said something they thought was insulting
in their own way, but to Lee Han, not so much...

Rather, it would have been much more insulting to say, 'Wordanaz will starve to
death upon graduation' or 'Wordanaj will not graduate and be taken away by the

“That is fine. I'll take care of my business, so don't be angry for me. The most
important thing right now is the lake.”


At those words, the Blue Dragon Tower students remembered the task they had
forgotten, no, they were about to forget.

It was a task given by the Skeleton Principal.

“Should I go to the lake?”

“Can I just give up on one task? Do you even have to work with these guys? What
matters is honor, not grades.”

At those words, Lee Han, Yonaire, the princess, and Asan looked at the student
with startled eyes as if they were saying something nonsense.

How can you say grades don't matter?

“Your grades are your honor. What nonsense are you talking about?”

"okay. Your grades will be out soon… No, it’s an honor.”

Lee Han stopped while trying to say, 'You have to get good grades to succeed.'

It didn't work as well as the guys here were mostly thinking, 'What if I don't get
good grades, I have a family and I'll starve to death?'


'If you say that, it will be dangerous later.'

Seeing what Professor Voladi and Professor Kirmin were talking about the last
time, it seemed dangerous to say, 'My goal is to become a bureaucrat and become a
career' in the magic school.

I didn't know if it would be right to hide it until I was sure to settle down
later and left.

“Mi… sorry. I was short.”

The friend who spoke out without much thought could not win the eyes of Lee Han
and the others and apologized.

I see!
Grades are so important...!

* * *

'I was hoping for something useful from the potion box.'

Lee Han looked at the lake with regret.

Specifically, I wanted a potion of water walking or a potion of underwater


No matter how much I thought about it, the principal's assignment this time seemed
to have something to do with water.

Falling in the water or drinking water...

However, the only confirmed potions in the stolen potion box were Imperial Western
Wine (delicious), Cantus Potion (given the talent for singing), and Potion of

Lee Han seriously contemplated whether to secretly feed the remaining potions to
the White Tiger Tower students.

It would be quicker if I fed it myself...

'If there is a potion of strength enhancement or a potion of giantization, it must

be a little difficult. You will come to kill me first.'

Lee Han considered the risk and decided to quit.

Again, it was ethically wrong to test an unidentified potion on a human.

“Shield, unfold!”

Lee Han shouted a spell towards the lake.

Wizards who use elemental water magic are much more comfortable and stronger when
water is nearby.

The magical power and mental power used to summon water will be drastically

I heard ... but Lee Han didn't feel any difference.

'Is it because I'm immature?'

Whether using lake water or just summoning water, it was sensibly similar.

Maybe it was by using low circle magic, I didn't know.

You may not feel the difference in the lower circles, but as you go up the higher
circles you may feel the difference...

Lee Han made various attempts by changing the water mass that was summoned in the
form of a shield.

There was only one reason why Lee Han came to the lake alone on a Sunday morning
when everyone was happy.
They were looking for a way to cross the lake.

'It's a new thing, but it's filthy big.'

It was not unreasonable that some students from inland regions misunderstood,
'Wow, there must be an ocean in this school.'

Because I couldn't see the end of the lake from Lee Han's side.

I had to figure out a way to get over it by next week. Principal Skeleton wasn't
the kind of person who would take care of the situation if there was no way.

“Ferry boat, appear!”

Lee Han tried to change the shape of the ship into that of a ferry by changing his
own spells.

He was trying to summon a ferry made of water.

If Professor Garcia had been there, he must have been astonished at this absurd
attempt by the disciple.

- No matter how confident you are, can't you imagine how difficult it is to
maintain the shape of a ferry?

Maintaining a water shield and summoning a water ferry to cross the lake were
different things.

First of all, the shield and the ferry were different in size and density.

Of course, the horsepower required was also vastly different.

Moreover, no matter how simple the structure of the ferry boat is, it is a
different level of complexity from the shield.

And unlike a shield that can just be floated in the air, I had to make it
continuously maintain its shape on the water...

Lee Han soon realized that too.

Summoning a ferry made of water was also not effective.

'Certainly ambiguous. Can I keep it up when I float it on the lake?'

There was a possibility that a monster or a skeleton principal would jump out of
the lake and attack.

Considering that case, the water ferry was unreasonable.

'It's a pity that I succeeded in summoning, but I have to give up.'

Lee Han gave up neatly. And the water ferry that was successfully summoned was
released onto the lake.

Once again, it was a sight that would have been astonishing if Professor Garcia
had been there.

-I've succeeded in doing that, but I can't let it go!

'Is it also enchantment magic?'

If neither potions nor water boats worked, the next thing was enchantment magic.

A type of magic that maintains the effect by directly engraving on items,

substances, or living things.

The magic of walking on water and the magic of breathing underwater also entered
the enchantment magic.

The problem is that Lee Han has only learned the enchantment magic indirectly.

Although he learned how to use it in lectures like <Basic Imperial Geometry and
Arithmetic>, he had not yet received full-scale teaching.

And even if I received full-fledged teaching, I didn't think I would be able to

learn the magic of walking on water or breathing in water right away in my first

'Black magic is useless even in this case. Alchemy and enchantment are closely
helpful in real life.'

Lee Han thought that Professor Mortum would cry.

'The spirit of lightning is equally useless. The ice spirit, commanded by

Professor Thunderbolt, usually helps with the storage of ingredients and
reagents... In such a case, the water must have been frozen to make a road.'

Lee Han then thought that Perkuntra would cry.

'Magic is very weak in a way...'

"Be careful!"

“No worries. ruler. Let’s push it slowly.”


At the sound of words coming from beyond the bushes, Lee Han lowered his posture
and approached.

To my surprise, my friends at the White Tiger Tower were making something similar
to a ferry. Even Lee Han, who was not familiar with it, knew that it was almost


“Can I float it like this?”

"Sure. I’ve done it several times.”

Goat beast, Angago answered confidently.

When the knights were given long breaks from time to time, Engo would follow her
parents to her mother's hometown and sail around the sea in a boat.

Not only did he have a lot of experience with small ferry boats, but he also had
the confidence to make his own.
“Let’s go back and tell us when it’s confirmed!”

"okay! Everyone will be waiting. Wait... What if we find a way to the island?”

“That's a really good idea. Moradi will love it too.”

Angelo nodded.

It was nice to see Moradi and other students admiring it, but above all...

The thought of that Wodanaj looking at him with eyes of admiration and resentment
was already exhilarating.

- ね. Ango Alpha. admit you I'm the first to find a way I haven't found yet. You
are so much better than I thought. I looked down on you and I was stupid...

Even Wodanaj, who had learned all the evil magic, would not have known the wisdom
of such sailing.


With the sound of something moving in the bush, Lee Han appeared with a staff.


When Lee Han called, Angro and his friend instinctively raised their arms. The
staff pointed at them felt like the tip of a sword.

“This… this child…!”


Angro was so embarrassed that his horns trembled.

It was a ferry made by saving sleep for several days.

It was a ferry that I worked hard to even name it 'Baphomet', but I'm sure it
would be stolen by a robber with a cane.

I wanted to attack, but I couldn't move easily when I think of the magic that Lee
Han showed me last time.

Wouldn't Lee Han's staff be swung before pulling out his sword and running?

“My ferry! My ferry like this...!”

“Do not move.”

Lee Han, who had given the warning, thought for a moment.

'Why am I threatening you?'

In the first place, he came out to ask the students of the White Tiger Tower how
he was going to sail and how to find his way.

But suddenly, the students of the White Tiger Tower raised their arms as if they
had met a robber.

Habits are terrible!


Lee Han lowered his staff.

“There seems to be some misunderstanding, but I am not here to take your ferry.
I'm here to ask you what's going on."

“That… yes??”

“But you pointed a stick and threatened to curse me if I didn’t bring the ferry

Angro, who was talking, thought about it and remembered that there had never been
such a thing. She was so flustered that she misunderstood.

“There was a misunderstanding.”

The two white tiger tower students calmly lowered their arms. He nodded his head,
pretending not to see him.

"there was a misunderstanding."

“You mean you came out because you were interested in the ferry I made?”

"okay. By the way..."

While speaking, Lee Han looked at Engo anew.

Is this the ship this kid built?

'It may be more dangerous than a ship built by Guy Nando...'


Angro was puzzled, not noticing Lee Han's rude inner feelings.


“I thought it was a well-made ship.”

"...huh. Do not flatter.”

Angro had to speak in a harsh voice to hide his pleasant expression.

Ian sighed inwardly.

'It makes me sad that the ferry is the best way now.'

I couldn't learn the enchantment right away, and I couldn't get to know the Ice
Spirit, so that was the only way left.

What if it's not hot? You should check it out once.

“How many people can you ride?”

“It can comfortably burn 20 people!”

Angro's confidence only backfired on Lee Han. With a ferry that could barely carry
ten people and making such noises, Lee Han became even more anxious.

“It went well. Wodanaz. Ride!”

Lee Han tried his best to stay calm. Still, his cold face turned even colder.

Seeing that, Angro flinched involuntarily.

'...Did I say it too harshly?'

“Before that… First, I want to see you steer a boat. Because if I or other people
ride it, I won't be able to drive as freely as I did alone.”

Angro was very ambitious to Lee Han's words.

He threw his coat away and got on the boat right away.

“Yeah, look!”

Angago grabbed the oars he had cut quite nicely in each hand, and began to do the
oar skillfully.

A sailless ferry glided across the calm surface of the lake.

Angago's friend, who was watching, was amazed.

“Great, Ango!”

As if the lake had belonged to him, Angago seemed to be truly free.

The White Tiger Tower student felt a freedom he had not felt for a long time in
the sight of Angago driving a ferry.

It feels like this is not a magic school, but rather a quiet and beautiful lake.

'Water doesn't leak.'

While the White Tiger Top friends were intoxicated with romance, Lee Han was
analyzing calmly.

First and foremost, the ferry did not leak.

And even after wandering around the lake for over ten minutes, there were no
monsters or skeletons attacking the principal. It meant it was pretty safe.

“How are you, Wodanaj? Will you recognize Angago's skills?"

“I’m sorry. I can’t do that yet.”


“When one person drives, anyone can drive well. But is it really possible to drive
like that with one more person on board?”

At Lee Han's provocation, Engo's friend shouted in an angry voice.

“Ango! Wordanaj asks if I can show the same skills after picking me up?”

"huh. Of course!"
Angago immediately took the ferry and came up to the shore of the lake.

Then he picked up his friend and cried.

“Watch carefully, Wodanaj!”

“Is that so? It is impossible to drive like before even with one more person on

Lee Han deliberately encouraged Engo. Angago reacted very effectively.


Angago sprinted through the lake, breaking the current harder than before. He was
rowing so hard that he sweated profusely and his arm muscles swelled.

For more than 20 minutes, Lee Han cheered on Engo with words such as 'I don't know
yet', 'I can do that in a short time of a few minutes', and 'Maybe my skills will
be revealed soon'.

After checking everything he wanted to check, Lee Han nodded.

'Contrary to what I thought, I might be able to make friends with the White Tiger
Tower guys.'

* * *

“Heh... heh heh heh heh heh heh heh... did you see... this is... my skill...”

"okay. I admit my defeat.”

At Lee Han's words, Engo tried to shout with joy, but she was too tired to do so.

Just lying on the grass and panting.

After resting for a while, Angro regained his strength and was able to get up.

“Then let me ride too.”

"...In addition?"

Angro let out a weak sound without realizing it.

A few labors (櫓役) made Anggo afraid.

When the opponent hesitated, Lee Han simply cheered.

“I’m not sure…”


Angro jumped up and got on the ferry. Angro's friend, Dukema, asked with a worried

“Isn’t it better to leave the country as well?”

“Duke! Do you not believe me?”

"...sorry. Ango. I have disregarded your honor!”

“Hurry up.”

Lee Han said in a sullen voice. Whether the two knights had a friendship or not
had no interest in them.

'Check the location of the island first.'

Now that I know that the ship is quite safe, I decided to check the location of
the island and secure a way to get there.

Angago clenched his teeth and began to row. The ferry slid over the lake once

Lee Han frowned and concentrated to see the things above the lake.

'I wish I had a telescope.'

It would have been much easier if I knew how to use artifacts or magic.

Lee Han suddenly remembered the words he had heard from Allarlong.

- A swordsman who has reached the highest level uses magical powers to activate
and strengthen his body. It's not as sophisticated and systematic as magic, but
it's a powerful enough power in a life-and-death battle.

If those words were true, I didn't know if my eyesight could also be strengthened
with the power of magic.

Lee Han raised his magic.

He was not yet in a state where he could control and circulate the magic within
his body and strengthen only one body organ.

Instead, Lee Han had magical powers that could be wasted indefinitely.

Lee Han simply radiated magical energy throughout his body. The magical energy
concentrated in the eyes temporarily strengthened the field of vision and was


The two students who were next to them were taken aback when Lee Han suddenly
radiated a bloody energy.

Come to think of it, this was on the lake.

It's good to throw a corpse when someone dies...!


The two white tiger tower students hurriedly grabbed their wooden swords. He
couldn't die like this.

At that moment, Lee Han shouted.


“I found an island.”

"What?! How did you find it!”

Angelo was startled.

No traces of the island were found even after the ferry was built and even after
the ferry was launched.

Before I went any further, I thought it would be impossible...

"I was lucky. But why are you holding a wooden sword?”


"...I was surprised by sudden shouting... It's a habit."

“You’re more scared than I thought.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were in tears.

It's because you suddenly radiated magical power!

* * *

Lee Han meticulously recorded the direction.

“Let’s go back at once. I've checked the direction, so I can come back next time."

"okay. i get it."

Angelo was happy inside.

The muscles had been screaming since before.

"100 million."

Because of the lack of strength, Angago wasted his oars.


Angro, who was crooked, flinched as he felt like he had been stabbed with an oar.

with a splash-


And I soon knew what was stabbed.

A lump of water bulging out from under the lake's surface, changing its shape.

Feeling the spirit's energy.

It was the spirit of water.

The water spirit shoots out sharp spikes of water. Lee Han kicked Dukema's back
and knocked it down.

The thorns of the water barely touched Dukema's head and flew away.

“Mi… I’m sorry! Wodanaz! My, I touched the water spirit!”

“Ango! What did you do!”

Dukema, who had fallen forward, cried out in a startled voice.

To piss off the water spirits on the lake. It was an incredible mistake.

'No... I don't think he's angry.'

Unlike the two, Lee Han calmly observed the water spirit.

Although the spirit was ferocious, it was a much weaker spirit compared to the
intimidation emanating from spirits such as Perkuntra.

It was clear that he was not a high-level spirit given his lack of proper
communication skills.

And the emotions I feel from the spirit...


Lee Han did not understand why the water spirits were afraid of them.

Does it make sense to be afraid of being hit by an oar?


Lee Han clicked his tongue.

He realized why the water spirit was doing that.

The culprit was Lee Han, not Ango.

The spirits in the water were terrified because they radiated magical energy to
find the island earlier.


The terrified spirit fired a thorn of water to drive out Lee Han.

The students of the White Tiger Tower screamed at the eerie attack, but Lee Han
did not blink an eye and swung his staff against it.

Water beads gushing out of the lake with a dull plosive sound accurately
intercepted the thorns.

'At first glance, it seems intimidating, but in reality it's not that strong.'

The White Tiger Tower students were deceived by their appearance, but it was an
attack that could be avoided or prevented if they responded calmly.

To Lee Han, who had blocked Professor Voladi's attacks over and over again, the
thorns from the spirit were no longer a threat.
'This... this guy...'

Angro was more surprised by Lee Han than the angry spirit.

It was hard to believe that we came together and learned together.

What kind of training was taught by the Wodanaj family to complete such an
emotionless fighter system?

Lee Han turned his head and looked down at Anggo expressionlessly.

The thorns in the water were creeping in, and without even looking at them, they
bounced off and stared at them, so that Engo's heart sank.

“Calm down and get up. I need your strength.”

“I… aren’t you blaming me?”


For a moment, Lee Han wondered what he was talking about.

'ah. You think it's your fault.'

Angago seemed to know that the reason the water spirit was doing this was because
he had stabbed him with an oar.

to make such an illusion

“Your fault is right. But anyone can make mistakes.”

Then there was no need for Lee Han to correct it.

“What matters is what you do next.”

Angora was moved unknowingly.

There will come a day in my life when I am so moved by the words of Wodanaj...!

"okay. Leave it to me!”

Angago drew his sword and stood up.

Then Lee Han said as if what he was doing.

“What are you doing?”

“…Isn’t that what you meant to pluck out the thorns? With my swordsmanship?”

"no. row the oars.”


Angora sat down again. And he caught the oar.

In the meantime, the water spirit realized that no attack would work against that
monster-like creature.
The trembling water spirit made a different choice.

"...for a moment!"

Lee Han noticed it too late and tried to dry it out urgently, but the water spirit
has already started calling other friends.

“Shield, unfold!”

Instead of a water ball, Lee Han spread his shield wide.

The frightened water spirits started targeting the ferry, not Lee Han.

'Cowardly spirits.'

Lee Han vowed not to be vigilant when meeting a water spirit in the future.

By making the water shield thicker, Lee Han kept his cool, but the two white tiger
tower knights screamed at the thorns of the water that kept flying and pierced.

The thorn that flew fiercely over the opaque shield of water and pierced through
it at any time.

I was even more scared because Lee Han looked relaxed.

Aren't you scared?!

'Professor Vollady will shed tears when he sees it.'

Lee Han was taken aback by the spirits attacking in a straight line without any

At this point, you should know that you can't break through the water shield. Are
you constantly attacking the same thing?

While the fierce battle was unfolding, the ferry began to speed up more and more.

He began to distance himself from the frightened spirits.

"...for a moment. Where are you driving?”

Lee Han realized that a ferry was running on the other side of the lake shore.

Because Angago was rowing like crazy, he had come to the island.


Without stopping or turning, the ferry went straight up onto the island's soft

However, instead of realizing the situation, Angago and Dukema bowed their heads
tightly and began to work on the sand.

They were afraid that the attack from the angry water spirits would fly away.

Lee Han began to regret why he was on the same boat with these white tiger towers.

Even if it's not Durgyu, I think Moradi would be smarter than them...
“I was stranded. You idiots.”


Only then did Engo realize that his oar was swimming on a soft sandbank.

Angro said, blushing with embarrassment.

“Big. But… you managed to get out.”

“That’s right, Wodanaj. Look at the positive side. We have shunned the enraged
water spirits on the lake.”

Instead of answering the words of the two white tiger tower students, Lee Han only
waved his staff.

It was a signal to get off quickly and push the boat again.

The two students thought it would be better to get down and push the boat than to
keep rebelling.

...and I think it was thanks to Wodanaj that I was able to get away with the water


After getting off the ferry, Engo said cautiously.

“Tell me. I am listening.”

“Can’t we rest on the island for a bit? It’s not that I’m tired, but my arms are a
little tired from rowing for a long time…”

“I’m not exhausted either, but Wodanaj, you must have used a lot of magic power…
and the spirits might still be there…”

So let's rest!

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly. Those children had a talent for talking at
length by twisting what they were supposed to say.

"do whatever you want."

“Go… go… thank you!”

Angora was strangely grateful.

'You bastard, did you know that I wouldn't give you permission?'

Lee Han trembled at the reaction.

These are the things that have saved and saved my life...


Lee Han frowned as he looked at the Dwarf student, Dukema. Something felt

“What… what? why? Are you going to leave already?”

“I think your height has gotten a little shorter.”

Then Dukema jumped and became angry. His face blushed and the poodle poodle

“Gam, you dare?! Are you insulting me that no one is watching?! Even if you attack
me, there is no one to stop me!”

'Should I just sell it?'

Lee Han could feel the strength in the hand holding the staff.

If you know that there is no one around to stop you, you'll be careful...

“No, Duke! Your height has gotten shorter!”


Dukema could only realize the strangeness after hearing Engo's cry.

It wasn't that he grew taller.

Dukema was sinking beneath the sandbar.


Ian's expression hardened. I didn't notice it because I was looking around the
inside of the island, but before I knew it, the ferry was also half sunk.


Lee Han-do realized that his boots were sinking softly. Angora tried to run in a

“Everyone run forward! You have to get out of the sand!”


Before it even dried, Angro took a hasty step forward. And he sank even faster.

Angro, who sank to his waist in an instant, struggled as if he had fallen into a

'You're late.'

Lee Han gave up Anggo and Dukema quickly.

The telekinetic magic that Lee Han can use now is <Level Control>.

At best, this magic was limited to marbles, and it could not be cast on a large
and heavy person like Lee Han.

The structure of the magic spell itself could not withstand it and would break.


Lee Han fixed the iron bead like a nail in the air. Then he grabbed his iron bead
with his other arm and lifted him up.

As if doing a pull-up with one hand, Lee Han's body floated out of the sand.

It was a sight that Professor Voladi would have liked to have seen.

Originally, the <Level Control> magic, which controls small objects ranging from
quills to marbles, was not a combat magic in the first place.

If you want to use telekinetic magic in battle, there are several spells that can
be used even if it takes a little longer to cast.

There was no one who insisted on using magic for the purpose of teaching the
basics of magic.

...with the exception of Professor Voladi.

Professor Voladi paid attention to the fast casting speed of the low circle magics
such as the <Level Control> magic.

Whether it's low circle magic or high circle magic, just piercing through the
opponent's vital points is deadly, so why stick to high circle magic?

What was important was efficiency.

Even <Level Control> can be powerful enough if trained!

Now, Lee Han was proving that with his own body. The iron bead stood firm in the
air and withstood Lee Han's weight.

Lee Han clenched his teeth and flew slowly over the sandy beach.

From holding the iron ball to grabbing it with the arms and back muscles, nothing
was not difficult.


Lee Han, who barely managed to get out of the sandy beach and climbed up on a
solid rock, turned his head.

The ferry disappeared under the sand.


Lee Han let out a sigh with a sad expression.

Come to think of it, Angago and Dukema were gone, not just the ferry. That was
also unfortunate.

'It must be the principal's trap.'

-There is no coincidence, everything is inevitable.

Lee Han wanted to engrave a phrase on the front door of the school if he could.

so that new students are not deceived.

This is the island that the skeleton principal told him to go to, and it was the
island where the skeleton principal himself threw the right to go.

If so, that sandy beach from which we can't escape is probably a trap the Skeleton
Principal created.


A freshman came out too.

Not surprisingly, a summoned beast appeared in the sand with a low voice.

Negative energy felt throughout the body.

Lee Han noticed that his opponent was an undead.

"nice to see you."

...Aren't you surprised or embarrassed?

The undead summon that looked like a giant tortoise walking on two legs was
embarrassed by Lee Han's reaction.

When a freshman saw an undead summoned creature, he often screamed, howled, or

even fainted...

The freshman in front of me was very calm.

“I was surprised. So why are you here? What am I supposed to do?”

The undead summons lost their pace and panicked again at Lee Han's question.

Originally, he had to explain first, but he didn't know that he would be asked
questions like this.

After a while, the undead summons regained their composure.

Originally, you should have sunk under that sandy beach too.


Lee Han never had any intention of doing that, but he decided to listen.

As the freshman in front of him nodded expressionlessly, the summoned undead


When they sink together under the sand, the ordeal begins that freshmen must
cooperate with each other.

"Is that so..."

Lee Han held the staff.

I did not feel any gratitude for the grace of Principal Skull, who worked so hard
to prepare a space where the students could get to know each other.

Because the culprit was the skeleton principal in the first place.
While Lee Han was wriggling, the undead summon spoke again.

As much as you came out of the sand, I explained it myself.

The undead summon that looked like a tortoise spoke like a benevolent.

And it was sincere.

Originally, I had to catch him and drag him back, because he was so talented.

ruler. go back in you have to go through the ordeal

“What if I don’t go in?”

To Lee Han's question, the undead summons responded as if they were saying
something nonsense.

Do you want me to take you by force? come back in

"All right."

Lee Han meekly stood up from the rock. The undead summoned nodded his head as if
he had thought well.

At that moment, Lee Han swung his staff.


With a flashing sound, an iron ball flew and hit the head of the undead summon

* * *

Lee Han's surprise attack on the undead summoned beast wasn't just because the
opponent's words were arrogant and arrogant.

'It's hard to believe those two guys.'

If it were Durgyu, Lee Han might have chosen to go under the sand.

But what about those two?

No matter how I thought about it, it was crazy to go in.

Rather, it seemed that the odds of a serious surprise and defeat of the undead
summons were higher.


The bones were shattered with a dull sound.

However, of course, a non-living undead minion didn't fall down due to a broken
skull. The opponent shouted in an angry voice.

Freshman, what dare you do with this?

"sorry. I was wrong. It was a mistake.”

When Lee Han apologized sincerely, the Undead Summon immediately thought that it
was a real mistake.

But the next attack flew in. The iron beads came rushing in like bullets.

The undead summons quickly summoned sand and created a wall.

However, the iron bead turned round and round without any hesitation.

And once again slapped the head of the undead summoned that he had hit earlier.


The undead summon staggered. And I was extremely angry.

How dare a freshman despise me?!

“I hide at night!”

Lee Han cast the invisibility spell and ran sideways. At the same time, the next
spell was cast.

“Foot, crinkle the ground!”

When the principal's magic was cast, the undead summoned by the principal noticed
the energy and was startled.

How could someone like you steal your master's magic!? Such a cheeky bastard!

'You see the owner too favorably as a summoner.'

Lee Han ran quickly.

The physical abilities that were activated by <Gonadaltes' Agile Steps> brought

It's like asking me to hold you if you stand still because you've become


Lee Han summoned the leopard bone summons. The leopard bone pet, who was much
bigger than the last time, ran out on the sandy beach, barking loudly.

A summoned beast that couldn't even find a body rushes at me!

The undead summons swung their paws in an angry voice. The leopard bone minions
bounced along with the sand.

The undead summons began to sprinkle sand towards the spot where Lee Han was.

Please forgive me for rolling my head around the freshman topic. But that's it!

Sprinkling sand in all directions, the undead summons headed to the place where
Lee Han was.

Even if they ran away to the inside of the island, I thought they would definitely
catch me.

are you here Or... here? No. Here it is!

The undead summons made a loud noise and pressured Lee Han.

I wasn't really looking for it, but I was thinking of making the other person
scared and coming out.

The undead minions continued to make loud noises, sprinkling sand where they could

But the summoner did not know.

Lee Han had no intention of escaping to the inside of the island in the first

He knew what was inside and ran away.


Lee Han, who was hiding next to him, ran out.

A sword made of black magnetic stone and the morning star were swung and cut the
legs that supported the blunt body of the summoned animal.

The morning star absorbed the magical energy of negative energy, and the legs of
the undead minions that lost their power were reverse-summoned.

The undead minion lost its balance and fell sideways with a loud noise.

This... this freshman child...!

The undead summoned shouted as if it was quite absurd to have been attacked.

Are you out of your mind for a wizard to use an anti-magic weapon? Are you still a
wizard? freshman!


Lee Han decided to ignore it.

It's not that I didn't have anything to say, it's that I was going to ignore it in
the first place.

It really was.


Anti-magic weapon.

A weapon with the effect of absorbing or dispersing magical power.

These weapons were usually used by swordsmen who often deal with wizards, or by
imperial anti-magicists.

At least, it wasn't a weapon that the freshman at the Magic School would use.

'But it was the principal of this school who gave me this.'

Lee Han quickly finished self-rationalization. And swung the sword again.
Whoops! Why did the master take such a freshman to school...! This cheeky bastard
needs to be kicked out right now...!

Unknowingly, Lee Han was so moved that he almost retorted.

“Your master taught me this way.”

'It was dangerous. this child. You're pretty good at dealing with people.'

He was really good at manipulating the emotions of his enemies because he was
afraid he was not a summoned beast.

Quad Duck!

The Undead Summoned Bane twice by the Dawn Star lost quite a bit of magical power.

Even if it was a powerful undead summoned animal, it was not an immortal

existence. If all of the mana he had was consumed, he had no choice but to be

Realizing that the opponent fights like a madman for a freshman, the Undead Summon
changed his strategy.

He summoned the sand and began to wrap it around him.

It was some kind of armor.

I will no longer consider you a freshman. I will defeat you on the honor of my
master, Jorvan II!

'Did you even get a name?'

Being given a common name means that it is a summoned beast that put a lot of
effort into it.

Lee Han regretted it slightly, wondering if he would have cut it a little.

Reveal yourself, wizard! If you don't show up right now, I have an idea.

Of course, Lee Han ignored it and spread the distance.

Giorvan II smashed the floor with his front paw. Then, cones of sand began to form
in the air.

I warned you!


Jorvan II's strategy was simple.

It was to prevent Lee Han from approaching by pouring a barrage of barrage around

It was powerful enough to break a bone with one hit, but King Giorvan II did not
regard the opponent as a freshman. He didn't intend to look after the situation.

As a cone of sand flew in and smashed the surrounding bushes and twigs, Lee Han
had no choice but to widen the distance even more.
'I have to put more damage before recovering.'

It was the opponent who had an advantage over time. Lee Han contemplated the
strategy once again.

The iron or water beads lacked destructive power, and the destructive lightning
magic had the opponent wearing sand armor.

'It would be unreasonable to give it rotation like I did last time... I'm not the
one to wait for you.'

How to make an opponent crouched like a solid fortress to cancel the magic and
create a gap.

Does Lee Han have such a method now?


I thought it was

From the professor to the spirits, I warned you not to do it because it was
dangerous, but...

The current situation would not have been expected even by the professor or the

“Burn up!”

what are we going to do...

When the opponent cast the 1st circle ignition magic from behind, King Joorvan II
turned his head as if it were absurd.

What are you going to do with that candle?


However, when he turned his head, the flame that had come before him was a little
bigger than a candle.

* * *


Angago and Dukema crawled over the sand, coughing up sand.

He had just been dragged into an unknown dungeon and buried under his neck, then
suddenly came back up on the sandy beach.

In the process, I ate some sand, so my mouth was dry.

“What happened… Wodanaj?”

In the distance, Lee Han staggered and walked.

It was a mess that you would never normally see in Wodanaj.

His hair was tangled and his arm was splinted from a fight he had been injured.
Thanks to this, the face, which was usually darkly shaded, felt even more
expressionless and cold.

Angro was even more startled than when the skeleton principal appeared from the
mountain in the middle of the night.

Who the hell is Wodanaj?!

'What method did you use to inflict such damage!?'

“Wow, Wodanaj! Are you okay!”

“Do not come near.”

Lee Han frowned and said.

When I was originally weak, there was nothing good about being close to the

However, the White Tiger Tower students seemed to have a different idea.

“We are fine.”

“It doesn’t sink like before! I'm going to help now!"


Seeing the men rushing over the sandy beach, Lee Han contemplated whether to hit
him first.

'not. I don't know what's left on the island, but I need at least one more.'

“What the hell happened…”

Lee Han explained in a simple way.

The story of King Jorvan II summoned by the Skeleton Principal who was waiting on
the sinking sandy beach.

Still, he was never distracted. The moment the White Tiger Tower bastards put
their hands on their weapons, I thought of defeating them first.

But Angro and Dukema foolishly never thought of revenge on this golden

They were really stupid.

“Wordanaz. put your hands away I am an expert in this area.”

Dukema said seriously.

Students from a knight family basically knew how to perform such first aid and

Among them, Dukema was particularly outstanding. He went to magic school to

specialize in healing magic, so he didn't need to say more.

“It’s okay because I figured it out.”

“Wordanaz. Among the students of the White Tiger Tower, who is better than me...
No. You did really well.”

Dukema, who was trying to convince Lee Han, convinced him the other way around.

It was really neat first aid.

Even though I'm not from a knight family...

“Still, if you look for it, there seems to be something lacking, but for a

“Why, Dukema? I put the splint on well, but if I loosen it, it will be more

Angago dried Dukema. Dukema struggled to do something, but eventually gave up and
pushed away.


Lee Han looked at Dukema with cold eyes and pulled his arm back.

After all, the White Tiger Tower guys were the ones who couldn't be vigilant.

“Wordanaz. That undead summoned beast... did you deal with it?”



I was guessing, but I think Lee Han really defeated the summoned beast.

Engo and Dukema couldn't help but be surprised to learn that the new student alone
defeated the beast that the Skeleton Principal had summoned on the sandy beach.

'I asked him why he broke his arm...'

'It was a really fierce fight.'

The two imagined a fight scene in their minds.

On the other hand, Lee Han of the Wodanaj family who realized the secret of all
kinds of black magic even though he was only a freshman.

On the one hand, Jorvan II, the evil bone tortoise, is the owner of the sandy
beach and serves the Skeleton Principal.

A variety of black magic that they could not have imagined must have gone back and
forth fiercely.

In fact, when I looked around carefully, the fight was so fierce that everything
from the trees to the bushes was a complete mess.

Honestly that's great!

Angro stared intently at the burnt marks nearby.

Looking at the traces left from the ground to the fallen tree, the range was not

“Is this also you…?”

Ihan nodded his head.

Angago had to try not to show a startled look.

I couldn't even guess what kind of fire magic I had to use to burn everything
around me like this.

Perhaps that arm injury was caused by an undead summoned beast that attacks even
with such fire magic.

Among the knights, there were few who could fight without backing down in such a

Among the White Tiger Tower friends, there were a lot of people who only paid
attention to Wodanaj's evil and genius magic skills, but...

Angora had no choice but to admit.

Wodanaj's courage was rare even in the White Tiger Tower.


However, the fight that actually took place was a little different from Engo's

* * *

What an ignorant bastard!

When Lee Han summoned a huge flame that engulfed the surroundings, King Giorvan II
was terrified.

In fact, Lee Han's attack could have been prevented if he had reacted calmly and

It was a huge flame, but precise control was impossible.

In addition, if the amount of sand that Jorvan II could use was enough to prevent
it. He had to harden his armor harder and hold on.

But the bewildered King Giorvan II made a mistake. In his haste, he unwrapped the
sand armor covering his body and attempted to extinguish the flames early.

Lee Han did not miss the opportunity.

The swordsmanship taught by Allaron, the byeok-am sword, spread out from the tip
of the sword, and a huge rock-like blow exploded on King Giorvan II.

It wasn't a blow that only blew off the leg like before. The blow that struck the
entire body of King George II absorbed all remaining magical power and led to the
reverse summons.

Giorvan II growled in an angry voice.

Let's see, freshman. I'll remember your name. What is your name?

“...I am Giselle of the Moradi family.”

Let's see, Moradi! Next time we meet, I'll never see you as a freshman!


Lee Han watched the scattering of King Jorvan II without hesitation.

As a result, the reaction was delayed when a tree broke and fell from behind.

It was hit by the sand cone that had been fired earlier, and it caught fire and
burned up, so it could not hold it and collapsed.


Lee Han reacted belatedly, but had no choice but to hit one arm strongly.

* * *

At the throbbing pain, Lee Han cursed King Jorvan II to himself.

'shit. Because of the undead summons... I will die quietly.'

“Wordanaz. I could have just given up... Why did you fight like that?”

Angro asked involuntarily.

I could have given up and dragged under the sand, but why?

I didn't understand that.


Lee Han stopped while trying to say, 'I don't want to challenge myself through
trials with you'.

It was not a clever act to provoke two knights in a situation where one arm was

“…to give up like that is dishonorable.”

Recently, Lee Han has been feeling that the word honor is a better word to use
than expected.

-Wordanaj, I can't find that phrase in the book no matter how much I search, can't
I just give up?

- That's a disgraceful act.

-Wordanaj, I'm sorry for being treated by you every time, but I'll just try to
solve it somehow.

- That's a disgraceful act.

-Lee Han, I can't figure this out, can't I just copy it?

- If you don't want to get hit, shut your mouth and let it go.
-Why only me...!

When it is difficult to give a rough answer, if you say it with 'honour', the
other person will understand it and interpret it as a good meaning.

The students of the White Tiger Tower did the same.


“The honor of the Wodanaj family...”

Angago and Dukema nodded their heads in agreement with their faces.

The Wodanaj family was ruthless and ruthless, but the honor of the family also
weighed that much.

For Wodanaj, who carried the family's honor, such a thing was natural.

'It is the enemy of the White Tiger Tower, but I have no choice but to admit

'The knights are enemies, but I have no choice but to admit that.'

“Wordanaz. We will be your arm while it heals!”

“Come on, give me your backpack! I will listen!”

“I know how to break a bone the moment you touch my backpack.”



“It was a joke.”

The two white tiger top students froze and could not breathe until Lee Han said it
was a joke.

What kind of joke did you make to be so cruel?

“That, right? Was it a joke?”

“You’re joking with that face… haha. ha ha ha."

“What face are you talking about?”

"It is nothing. Let's go, Wodanaj!"

Dukema hurriedly walked forward.

Seeing this, Lee Han asked Ango.

“Did he know the way?”

“…Dukema! Where are you going! Come back!"

The three gathered in front of the sandy beach again.

Now that I am shipwrecked on this island of hell, no, the island of the headmaster
of the skull, I was thinking about what to do next.

Han asked first.

“Can you build a ship again?”


Angro shook his head.

Even if I made a small ferry, I needed a lot more than I thought and it took a lot
of work.

Originally, I was able to make it with the help of other White Tiger Tower
students, but it was difficult for Ango alone.

“It will be difficult to escape on my own…”

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

"done. But now there is one problem.”

When Lee Han said that with a serious expression, Engo and Dukema were nervous.

It was Wodanaj who defeated the undead that ruled this sandy beach.

For what reason are you saying that?

“What… what?”

“It looks like you will miss class tomorrow.”



At first, they thought Wodanaj was joking. But Lee Han was very serious.

“Nong… Wasn’t that a joke?”

“Do you think I’m joking now?”

“Oh, no. sorry."

“I… can I skip class in this situation?”

Dukema asked as if he didn't understand. Lee Han answered in a harsh voice.

“Under no circumstances should you miss class. Do you understand?”

Grades were more important than lives.

At Lee Han's force, the two students could not understand with their heads, but
with their hearts.

I guess it's really important!

I don't know why it's important...!

“Al… I see.”

“I apologize too. But Wodanaj, I don't think there's any way to go to class

The sun was already setting slowly. Weekend evening is coming.

Tomorrow morning, a new week will come and classes will begin.

Can you escape in the meantime?

“Who will notice that you are gone and come to the rescue?”

Lee Han looked at the two of them and asked.

It was more realistic to wait for the ship to come outside than to build a ship

But they both shook their heads.

“Even if you notice it, you can’t come to the rescue right away.”

“There will be no ship…”

“The White Tiger Tower is a place where knights gather, so why can’t they unite
like this?”

Lee Han said as if scolding him.

Both of them were very upset.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with unity...!

“Fortunately, the Monday morning lecture is <Basic Magical Character


Ian was deep in thought.

In a way, I was lucky to have Principal Skeleton's lecture tomorrow.

If during a lecture, the principal skeleton asks, 'Are there any people who have
gone to the island to find outings? no? I can't. I'll give you a chance, so this
time, go to the island and get the right to go out.'


'Is the skeleton principal really like that?'

Should everyone say, 'I need to help out a little' because of the skeleton
principal's personality?

Rather than 'Can't you do that? It seemed more probable that words like 'to work

While Lee Han was contemplating, Engo slapped her on the knee.
"Right! If we don't stay by the start of the class, everyone will know for sure
that we're gone, and the headmaster will come to our rescue! If you hold on until

"no. I'll just have to explore the island right now. I will have to escape on my



The two were stunned at Lee Han's reaction.

“Can’t you come to the rescue… me?”

“It can’t be.”

“But even if I’m worried if there are no students until the lecture…”

“It can’t be.”

Lee Han nailed the nail even more firmly.

The two became dull.

'I'm sorry, but this is the reality.'

After entering the magic school, it was time for Angago and Dukema to accept the

Unless rescue came from outside, we had to find a way here.

Lee Han was going to look at the other things that Principal Skull had prepared.

'I'm sure there will be other things because I've prepared a pass and the ordeal
to get there.'

Or at least the ferry I took was hidden somewhere, so I had to find it.



Ian looked away. Angro bowed his head with a look of embarrassment.

“You must be hungry. that's how it moved I'd rather eat something. Do you have
anything to eat?”

In response to Lee Han's question, the two nodded confidently.

“Then shall we eat and then move?”

Along with the horse, Lee Han took out bread and canned food from his backpack.

Angago took the bark out of his backpack.

For a moment, Lee Han thought that Angago had taken it out as a substitute for a
But Angro grabbed the white bark and said to Dukema.

“Duke. Boil water. Boil it and eat it.”

"for a moment. for a moment."


Angro and Dukema looked at Lee Han as if they were asking why.

Lee Han looked at the bark and asked.

“…do you eat it?”

Angro laughed. It was a laugh mixed with a little pride. She seemed very happy
that she knew what Lee Han didn't know.

“Wordanaz. The bark of this tree is edible. If you cook it thoroughly, it will be
quite soft and sweet.”


I didn't ask because I didn't know!

Ian sighed. Even if you don't have anything to eat, you peel the bark and boil it
and eat it.

“I heard that the White Tiger Tower is hunting for meat. Did I hear it wrong?”

“We are looking for meat, but the quantity is probably not enough.”

“Wordanaz. You don't seem to know. Not all of them are caught by hunting.
Moreover, it is quite difficult to preserve. Most of them should be eaten as they
are caught, so this kind of emergency food is not suitable.”

When the two White Tiger Tower students triumphantly explained something they only
knew, Lee Han was defeated.

As long as Lee Han-do was a human, they were a bit pitiful.

"...I brought something, so let's eat together."


“Jeong, really?”

“That tomato veggie stew?”

The tomato-vegetable stew that Wodanaj made has already become a legend. Even the
students of the White Tiger Tower had heard of it.

“No... I don't carry canned tomatoes with me when I go out to the lake. I don't
even carry vegetables. I also simply brought my own food, so the quantity is not
enough. You should look for more nearby.”

The two of them were a little disappointed at Lee Han's words.

Come to think of it, Woudanaz would not have anticipated such a situation.
Who would have thought that they would go out to scout on the shores of a lake and
end up drifting on an island?

From the leather backpack, Lee Han took out a pot, a glass jar of olive oil,
butter, salt, pepper, eggs, slightly hardened white bread, and pickled bacon.

The two of them were shocked to see it.

'He said he brought only his own food...!'

'How well are the children of the Blue Dragon Tower really making a living?'

I was never ashamed or regretted being assigned to the White Tiger Tower, but
honestly, I was a little envious as far as I am now.

How the hell did you get that?

“It’s not enough.”

“No, isn’t that enough…?”

“I saw edible mushrooms earlier, but I need to get some.”

When Lee Han stood up, the two of them also stood up.

“Why do you wake up?”

“Didn’t I say that I would be your arm?”

“You can’t go it alone.”

The two spoke quite bitterly, but Lee Han asked with a cold expression.

“Do you know how to distinguish mushrooms?”

“...I think I got it right... one out of three times. The other day."

“Two of us are going to die. done. Dig up what I say.”

The key to mushroom digging was to dig what you knew.

It was important not to dig the mushrooms, even if they were familiar mushrooms,
if you thought it was a little strange or a little ominous.

Knowing this, Lee Han told him to dig up only mushrooms that he knew for sure,
which were very safe.

“Catch that brown mushroom.”

“Don’t dig that.”

“Throw it away. Strange.”

The two white tiger top students, who were digging for mushrooms on behalf of Lee
Han, who suffered an arm injury, gradually gained confidence as the work

At this point, wouldn't we be able to distinguish mushrooms too?

“The color is dull and crude, but isn’t it a safe mushroom?”

“Take it out before I put it in your mouth.”


Angago quietly threw the mushroom aside.

However, it seemed that Dukema was very sad. He kept hearing to try his own
creative experiments.

“Is this mushroom…”

“It looks like it could be eaten. It looks like it came out of the table as a

“It looks similar to the canned one, but isn’t this edible?”

Seeing Dukema working hard to become a mushroom digging master, Lee Han said to
cheer him up.

"okay. Those mushrooms can be eaten. A mushroom that can only be eaten once.”

“Oh… wait, why can you only eat it once?”

“If you eat it, you will die.”


Dukema quietly threw the mushroom aside.

And Lee Han quietly picks only the mushrooms called Cray.

* * *

The three of them prepared a bonfire.

When Lee Han made fire with flint rather than magic, Angro was puzzled.

“Why flint?”

“Wordanaj thinks about the taste of food. I heard from my grandmother that a fire
made by hand is better for cooking than a fire made by magic.”

'Did you?'

The reason Lee Han made a fire with flint was simple.

It was because the fire could have been ignited and burned these two students.

Instead of explaining, Lee Han put butter and oil in a pan and made it hot.

The secret to deliciously cooked mushrooms is to cook them hot with enough
patience. If you throw in the mushrooms prematurely...

'...But it seems that my cooking skills have improved a lot after entering the

No joke, it felt like my cooking skills were better than my magic skills.
It is inevitable that things will get better as we ponder how to make a variety
and delicious menu with limited ingredients every day.

With the right amount of capital and sponsorship, a chef might be a better option
than a wizard...


Mushrooms on the pan soaked up the oil and butter.

Lee Han skillfully rolled the mushrooms and set them aside, and cut the hardened
bread into small pieces and placed them in the remaining oil.

When the whole process was over, the two White Tiger Tower students could not help
but marvel at the costly way to crack an egg and put it in.

'These children seem to be more admiring than when I heard the story of defeating
the undead summons earlier.'

"let's eat."

Lee Han seasoned the mushrooms, bread and fried eggs with salt.

The three of them hurriedly shoved the food into their stomachs without saying
anything. Baked mushrooms were crispy, and the bread that had become hard became
moist from the oil.

Ango suddenly felt tears in her eyes.

“I didn’t know… I’d be having a meal like this again…”

"...So do I. Ango. I thought I'd never be able to eat it for the rest of my

'It's only been a month since you came in.'

Seeing the two white tiger tower students who became slightly sentimental, Lee Han
swallowed the food without a word.

Crying is crying, and the students of the White Tiger Tower eagerly ate it because
they were quite hungry.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from behind.

Lee Han threw the bowl right next to him and picked up the staff. Angro
unknowingly threw himself at the bowl and caught it.

“Who are you?”

What appeared through the bushes was a water spirit.

He seemed angry at the freshmen who were lighting bonfires without the ordeal to
do the water spirit. He approached with his body inflated irregularly.

It was a sign that they were about to attack.

Lee Han also stood up from his seat with his cane.
Likewise, it was a sign of an immediate attack.

And Lee Han was one step faster.

“Drop it...”

Before Lee Han could memorize all the spells, the water spirit was startled and
started to run away.


When the water spirit ran away, Lee Han also stopped the spell and shouted.

“Stand there right now!”

After all, it was all the fault of the water spirits in the lake.

If I hadn't come this far, I would have been able to put the White Tiger Tower
bastards on the sandy beach and check them all out!

“Wordanaj, fighting spirits while injured is a little dangerous…!”

Dukema, who was about to stop, changed his words when he saw the spirits running

"not! It's not dangerous! Let's chase! Ango!”

“Sleep, wait!”

Angago hurriedly wrapped the food in leather and wrapped it. It was too precious
to just throw it away.

“Follow him! He must be under the headmaster!”

Lee Han commanded with a voice cooler than the chill of the darkening night.

The two white tiger tower students ran out feeling like they were the villains.

...I didn't feel like I was doing anything bad, but somehow I felt like I was
doing something bad.

* * *

Angago turned to the left. The beads made of water flew sharply, but they were
barely able to avoid it.

Dukema turned to the right. He flew thorns made of water, but his head was low so
he could just dodge it.

'The attack of the water spirits is really simple.'

With that in mind, Lee Han approached from the middle. The water spirit also
attacked Lee Han. Instead of dodging, Lee Han summoned a water ball and bounced it

The undead summoned beast of the sandy beach, Jorvan II, was so big and powerful,
but such a low-level water spirit could not defeat Lee Han head-on.

As Lee Han, who radiates bloody magical powers, approaches, the water spirit
trembles and falls into a panic.

“Do not run away. spirit of water. I have no intention of harming you.”


Angago, who was holding a wooden sword and aiming at the water spirit, thought to

'In this situation, no matter what you hear, you won't believe it?'

I don't think I'll ever believe Angago is a water spirit...

“It must be the headmaster’s subordinate. right?"

The water spirit shook her head quickly.

He didn't have the talent to talk to the spirits, but the White Tiger Tower
students somehow seemed to understand what the water spirit was trying to say.

'Absolutely not.'

The water spirit basically aroused sympathy in the viewer.

The round-shaped mass of water exudes the energy of soft water, alleviating the
hostility of people.

But Lee Han did not waver.

“Don't even think to deceive me. The Skeleton Principal ordered it to do so.”


Dukema was surprised.

Was it like that?

However, the water spirit shook her head desperately again. Lee Han pointed out

“Then why didn’t you attack us as we crossed the lake, but also attack those who
were resting?”


The two students had no choice but to understand Lee Han's logical point.

Obviously, it was strange for the water spirit to follow and attack so

The water spirit shook her body and pointed to Lee Han.



The two could not understand why the water spirit was doing this.

Of course, Lee Han knew.

'You're saying they thought I was here to attack them...'

Having said that, I had nothing to say.

First of all, it was Lee Han who spit out magical energy on the lake.

“Wordanaz. What is that spirit saying?”

“He thought you were attacking him because you stabbed him with an oar.”


Angro had nothing to say to the water spirit.

“That was a mistake. If I had known there were water spirits, I would have been
much more careful. I just want you to believe that…”

The water spirit was perplexed as if to say something to Angago's excuses.

What does that mean when Lee Han said it was scary?

Ihan nodded his head instead.

“I could be wrong, so I understand.”

"thank god...!"

“But even at the lake, there would be no excuse for attacking us while we were

What happened at the lake was not good to talk about for a long time, so Lee Han
moved on to the next topic.

The water spirit fell for Lee Han's evil intentions.

Forgetting to talk about what happened at the lake, he pointed right at the

“Is it because of the lights on at night?”


The white tiger tower students were angry.

Of course, from the spirit's point of view, the intruders could be dissatisfied
with lighting and smelling while cooking.

But instead of warning you with good words, you're going to start attacking.

Anyway, isn't that too violent a reaction!

The water spirit shook her body in bewilderment. He meant he misunderstood.

The spirit pointed to the bonfire, to the scorched marks, and to Lee Han's staff.

The two didn't understand this time too, but Lee Han understood right away.

'Well. I was angry because I burned the surroundings.'

The fire that had been set in dealing with the undead summons burned the
surroundings, making the nearby water cloudy.

As a resting water spirit, there was no choice but to get angry.

“What is that spirit saying, Wodanaj?”

“I sincerely apologize for my narrow-minded behavior.”

"huh. ...will you forgive me?”

"okay. Because the opponent is a spirit.”

The two white tiger tower students decided to write a big favor.

Unlike the undead, the spirits were hard to deal with harshly. Even more so if
it's a water spirit.

The spirit stared at Lee Han as if he felt something strange was going on in the

Lee Han pretended not to see and ignored it.

* * *

The Water Spirit was not under the Skeleton Principal, but when the Skeleton
Principal came to this island, he was an eyewitness from afar.

Following the spirit's guidance, Lee Han asked.

“Exactly what spell did the principal use?”

Although Lee Han may not know all the magic of the Skeleton Principal, it will be
much easier if he can find out what kind of magic he has in advance.

The water spirit explained diligently while inflating and changing its body, even
if it couldn't speak.

'tomb? seal? Lock?'

After making a small tomb, I made a few bands to signify a seal, and even
something similar to a lock.

Lee Han had a vague sense of what the spirit was trying to say.

'The principal locked him up.'

There was only one thing to keep.

It was an exit ticket.

'It wouldn't be strange if anything happened when I approached it.'

Lee Han closed his eyes and tried to imagine the headmaster's head.

What would I do if I were the principal?

'A place where you have the right to go out if you make a dungeon of trials in the
basement of the sandy beach, and go through that dungeon. It's a good idea for the

And if the place had been locked, it was even more the principal's idea.

They managed to get out of the sandy underground dungeon by working together
despite all the hardships, but how desperate would it be if the right to go out was
locked at the end.

It was just a situation the principal would like.

“Wordanaz, over there!”

Angro whispered in a startled voice.

Beyond the place where the water spirit stopped moving, there was indeed a place
the principal had made.

It was a small but old-fashioned place, built of stone.

For some reason, Lee Han felt like a temple.

A stone staircase leading to the basement (it seemed to be connected to a sandy

underground dungeon). Large hollow stone pillars placed on all sides with geometric
rules. And to the altar in the middle.

Of course, what is inside the altar is not a scapegoat, but a right to go out.

'How do I send these two guys away first?'

Lee Han thought about how to get Angago and Dukema in first.

A scapegoat, no, an advance squad was needed to figure out the principal's trap.

“Wordanaz. I will go first.”

“Ango. Are you insulting me now? I will go first.”

“Duke. It was my fault that this happened. It's because I made the water spirit

“Ango. You have completed all your duties by building a ship and driving it. On
the other hand, I haven't done anything. If I don't act now, my honor as a knight
will be..."

Lee Han yawned. And he tossed a coin.


"obverse. Ango Alpha. you go.”

“…Uh, uh.”

Angro walked forward with a bewildered expression on his face.

Originally, he was going to go inside for Wodanaj, who had injured his arm, but
why is this mysterious feeling?

'Come if you want!'

Angro swallowed his pity and looked around.

Even if you are from a knight family, you will grow up hearing about magic traps
to some extent.

Angago was prepared to survive no matter what trap was triggered.

However, the trap did not trigger.

Even when stepping on a stone floor that is well-sized and filled.

Even when I passed between the stone pillars and made my way to the front of the

Ian was a little surprised at the sight.

'Is the skeleton principal ready to trigger when two people climb up?'

If there were no traps, I was anxious.

Lee Han, too, was concentrating on all his power right now and was exploring the
magic and magical powers that resided around him.

But nothing was felt.

Either there really isn't, or the headmaster's skills are so good that it's hard
for Lee Han to notice.

'Probably the latter.'

Actually, it didn't really hang. I don't know anything else, but if it's such a
sensuous part, Lee Han could have confidence in himself.

Not only the professors, but also the headmaster of Skeleton admired it.

But Lee Han didn't think so.

No way!

The Skeleton Principal must have done something!

“Wordanaz. Here's what the headmaster wrote.”

“What is written? Does it say that the trap begins now?”

"no. Not like that.”

-Congratulations on getting here. young freshmen. You may have been embarrassed by
the sudden ordeal, but all of this is a process for raising your young wizards.

'I feel badly kind.'

Ian thought to himself. When Principal Skeleton spoke so kindly, I felt more

- Coming this far, your freshmen must have learned how to collaborate with friends
from different towers. Now, I'm going to try the last cooperation with the method I
learned. If you put another person inside the stone pillar, the seal of the altar
containing the right to go will be unlocked!

The three turned their heads and looked to the side. The large stone pillars were
empty inside, enough for one person to enter.

If you're going to lock someone in there...

Whether the altar is open or closed, isn't it far from the right to go out?

“This is nonsense! There must be some other way!”

Dukema burst into anger.

As a member of a knight family, the trap that separates the students who have
passed the ordeal by working hard together like this was unacceptable.

Surely there must be another way!

'I don't think so.'

On the other hand, Lee Han was calm.

I wasn't surprised at all, because it's exactly what Principal Skeleton would love
to do.

Even if several people work together, in the end, only one person gets what they
want! If it's embarrassing, improve your skills...

'I'll say bullshit and so on.'

Ian was worried.

Should I take down Dukema first or Anggo first?

Lee Han was at a disadvantage because the three arrived at the altar where two
people would normally have arrived.

Besides, isn't Lee Han injured on one arm now?

To win, the White Tiger Tower bastards had to strike before they attacked.


Dukema shouted. Ian paused.

'Did you notice?'

“Dry the angora!”


When he raised his head, Angago was running towards the stone pillar.

For a moment, Lee Han contemplated whether he should stop it or let him pretend he
couldn't win.


“Ango, what are you doing!”

“Duke. I will sacrifice.”

Angola said bitterly.

“Of course, I can never forgive the wicked things that Woodanaj did, but…”

'These children are so persistent.'

Ian thought to himself.

I think it's time to slowly forget the grudges of the past!

“...if Wardanaj hadn’t helped us this time, we would have been stuck in the
dungeon until now. I can't even deny that I will hand over this right to go out to
Wodanaj, and get the next one in my hands.”

“Ango. The nobility you showed me makes me respect you. I will join you too!”

Dukema, who was trying to stop him, was also persuaded by Engo's words.

If only one of these three had access, it had to be the Blue Dragon's Tower
assassin, no, the Tower's Wodanaj.

Lee Han was quite moved when the white tiger tower guys showed their conscience
for the first time.

'These children also have a conscience.'

I thought there wasn't!

Lee Han was willing to shout, 'Then come in.' However, the water spirit hastily
grabbed Lee Han's sleeve.


The water spirit was beckoning and beckoning as if it was going to dry out.

Lee Han didn't understand, but he could properly feel the spirit's urgency.

"...i get it. Soar!”

The water ball flew quickly and knocked down the white tiger tower friends who
were running.

The two fell forward and rolled over the dirt. The two students looked at Lee Han
with bewildered expressions and shouted.

“What are you doing, Wodanaj?!”

“What is this!”

Once I knocked it down, I looked at it and after I knocked it down, it looked like
I had knocked it down a bit.

'If I knocked it down because the spirit told me to stop it, I think I'd go

Lee Han thought of another reason to appease the two.

It was always honor.

“Do you think I, who inherited the name of an honorable family, would accept the
right to go out at the expense of others?”


While the two were shocked and unable to speak, Lee Han whispered to the water
spirit in a low voice.

“If you tell me to stop for no reason, I will lock you in there.”

The water spirit trembled at Lee Han's words and went on to explain.

Pointing to the pole, pointing to the student, and making both hands out of the
body, draw an X.

Lee Han felt his intuition pass by like lightning.

“…does that mean it won’t open even if you put a student in it?”

The water spirit nodded.

Ian was shocked.

I thought I was able to read the head of the Skeleton Principal, but the Skeleton
Principal could not keep up.

what kind of bastard do you have?

It won't open even if you put people in here??

'How could I not have been assassinated before?'

Lee Han slowly moved towards the altar.

Now I could be sure that there were no special traps around.

It was good that there were no traps around to realize that after fighting each
other one was locked up and the altar wouldn't open after that.

“Let’s find another way. There must be ten ways.”


Angro nodded with a trembling voice at Lee Han's words.

It was because he had not yet escaped the emotion.

Lee Han poured his magic power against the altar as he did at the White Tiger
Tower last time.


An inaudible sound of powerful magical power rang out. The water spirit fell down
in surprise.

“Hey, this?! how...?!"

“I tried to use my magical power to dispel the enchanted magic, but I failed.”

Dukema was sad.

And then it stopped.

'...Wait, didn't this guy from Wodanaj broke in with this last time?'

The White Tiger Tower students still couldn't find a way for Wodanaj to break
through the rest area with his friends.

How the hell did you break through the magic of the entrance?

But now I see...?

Lee Han tried various attempts, such as tapping the altar, sending magical energy
to explore the structure, and firing magic to shake it.

But the altar did not budge.

At this point, Lee Han became suspicious.

'Isn't that a defense magic?'

If there had been a magic that protected them as they had experienced before,
there would have been no reaction like this.

No matter how clever and delicate you walk, it's so...

it was quiet

At first, I thought it was because Principal Skull's magic skills were really good
and his skills were lacking compared to that, but Lee Han thought that there was
nothing wrong with trying it once.

“Everyone, look out.”


It was not enough for Lee Han to float a large mass of water several times larger
than usual, so when he slowly started to spin it, the two students from the White
Tiger Tower were taken aback.

“I wish I could fall a little more.”


I don't know, but feeling something unusual, the two slowly backed away.

Before Lee Han could even speak, the water spirit had moved farther apart.

* * *


Professor Voladi told me not to be greedy about the rotational attribute now, but
if the professor's job was to torment the students, the student's job was to rebel
without listening to the professor.
Accordingly, Lee Han faithfully ignored Professor Boladi's words and completed Su-
octane once again.

It took over a dozen minutes, but it was well worth it.

The spinning and exploding mass of water collided with the altar and shattered it.

Angro and Dukema were startled by the roar and lowered their bodies. Although the
distance was widened, he did not expect it to be this powerful.

The power of destroying the altar as well as destroying the surroundings


'What kind of magic is that?'

They both had goosebumps on their backs.

I've seen Lee Han use elemental water magic a few times, but it's the first time
I've seen him use that level of magic.

Obviously, we learned magic together under Professor Garcia, but where did that
magic come from?

'Did you find the forbidden magic in the library?'

'It must be a vision that comes down to the Wodanaj family!'

Lee Han staggered with a tired expression on his face.

Even if his magic was overflowing, he concentrated on one magic for more than tens
of minutes and overused his nerves.

I couldn't help being tired.


At that time, the black book that was in Lee Han's arms, a gift from the principal
skeleton, flowed out as if it were alive on its own.

And then it opened on its own accord, and like the last time, I opened the page
and started pouring letters.

The shock you feel when you smash knowledge directly into your brain.

When the shock disappeared, the new magical knowledge that remained in Lee Han's
mind was <Gonadaltes' Sharp Hands>.

A 2nd circle physical strengthening magic that gives the wizard's hand a creepy

Why give ... now?

'What are we going to do?'

Lee Han stared at the black book as if it were nonsense, but the black book went
back in without hesitation as if he had done everything he had to do.

'what? Are you laughing at me for being ignorant?'

I was afraid that it could be real, not a joke.

Lee Han couldn't be 100% sure that this black book wasn't an evil magic book.

“Wordanaz. Fine...?"

"Okay. Go and find a pass.”

Lee Han had said something to Anggo, but the water spirit rushed forward.

When the leopard bone pet saw such a water spirit, it struck the floor in anger.


Lee Han wanted to tell the water spirit that it was a misunderstanding, but he was
tired and did not have the energy.


The water spirit politely sought out the right to go out and offered it up.

The altar was smashed, so it was a bit dusty, but it was a good way to go.

“You did it, Wodanaj! You did it!”

“I did it without succumbing to the countless pitfalls!”

They both enjoyed their work. The water spirit also watched and applauded.

Lee Han carefully scanned the outing ticket. It was the same type of outing ticket
that I had received last time.

A rectangular piece of paper with the principal's signature and the phrase that
the student who has the next pass is allowed to go out for one day.

“Bring me some flat rocks over there.”

“Why, Wodanaj? I don't know what you're trying to do, but you can take a break!"

"no. I will do it now.”

Lee Han pulled out a quill and a few inkwells from his backpack.

The first thing that Lee Han regretted the most when using the outing pass was
that he could not use a wagon or summon beasts.

The most disappointing thing for Lee Han was that she could not forge her travel

It was not possible to simply create a fake travel pass. I needed paper made of
the right material, and I needed several colors of ink.

Lee Han meticulously saved what he needed when buying supplies from outside, and
even took what he couldn't find in Professor Thundergeulleum's lab.

In order to make a fake when you get an outing pass anytime, anywhere.

“…Seol… Maybe?”
“Maybe now?”

Angago and Dukema were astonished.

He denied it at first, but no matter how you look at it, that was it.

'It's a forgery, Wodanaj!!'


With the expression of a solemn craftsman, Lee Han laid out his tools on a rock.

The atmosphere was so serious that the two couldn't even talk.


At Lee Han's spell, the quill flew slightly. The magic originally used to move the
quill had finally found its purpose.

Originally, it required tremendous skill to use <Level Manipulation> more

precisely than a real human hand, but for Lee Han, the story is over.

Professor Voladi's magic battle theory was now blooming at the student's
fingertips as a forgery of the ID card.

The two of them opened their mouths as they saw the fake outing pass completed in
front of their eyes.

“You absurd beard!”

“Is this… is this possible?”

* * *

When Lee Han and the White Tiger Pagoda students were stranded on an island on the
lake, the students in the other pagoda were each doing their own thing.

Among them, the Blue Dragon Tower students stayed in the break room and searched
through books, trying to figure out the remaining potions.

“Ah… I might be able to figure it out if you give me the potion again. Can't you
give it back?"

“Someone tie up Guynan too.”

“Where did Wodanaj go?”

“I went to check the lake. Let’s make lunch by ourselves.”

Lee Han picked up the ingredients in front of the bonfire in the break room and

The students looked at the ingredients and made a slightly excited expression.

When he had the opportunity to cook like this himself after only eating meals made
by his servants his whole life, his creativity that he had never had before began
to spring up.
“May I try making a pie?”

"Are you fine. What kind of wave?”

“I read it in a book a while ago, and there was a pie with fish in it. It looked

“You are eliminated.”


There was some friction, but the Blue Dragon Tower students happily cooked and

...But Lee Han did not come.

“Why aren’t you coming to Wodanaj?”

“Gainan is also this child. Didn't you make Wordanaj feel bad?"

“Oh no! In the end, I did it all on my own!”

“Isn’t that what you were talking about at dinner last night? I should eat quietly
and thankfully, but I acted rudely…”


The students were anxious, just like when their parents went to work and didn't
come late.

“I can’t. I will go to the lakeside.”

"me too. Come with me."

The Blue Dragon Tower students gathered and headed to the shore of Lake Ururu.

However, Lee Han, who had already departed, could not be seen on the shore of the

The Blue Dragon Tower students, who had expected that there might be Lee Han,
started to get scared from this point on.

“Look around!”

“I may have gone somewhere else, so just ask!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students dispersed and started exploring.

Along the way, some people have heard amazing stories.

“The White Tiger Tower student disappeared?”

“These fucking empty can-heads?!”

"what's the matter?"

"The White Tiger Towers kidnapped Wodanaj!"

“The White Tiger Tower guys? ...uh? Is that possible?”


Yonner questioned the fact that the White Tiger Tower students had kidnapped Lee

I was wondering if that was possible.

Ratford, who was caught among the Black Turtle Tower students, also tilted his

“I wonder if it would be difficult, but…?”

“No, it is possible.”

Nelia said with a worried expression on her face. Because of her care, her long
ears sat down on either side of her.

“Even the smartest beasts sometimes fall into traps.”

“Hey, Lee Han isn’t a beast…”

“What if the White Tiger Tower cowards set traps in Wodanaj’s path? Or what if
Woudanaj poisoned the drinking water? Or what if you put medicine in the bread that
Wodanaj eats? or..."



Yonaire and Ratford pondered how to dry Nilia.

Maybe that's why he's trying to dig Lee Han's grave in advance?

A bigger problem was that the Blue Dragon Tower students were starting to take
Nelia's words seriously.

“If you see a hunter from the Shadow Patrol saying that, there’s a good chance
he’s been kidnapped…”

“My calculations indicate that there is a 90% chance that the White Tiger Towers
have kidnapped them.”

“These children, I will kill you!”

“Everyone, calm down. Let's make a plan of how to kill him, calmly and calmly."

Yonner went to the other students to stop him somehow.

'The princess is...'

However, sooner or later, the princess was also among the students, and with a
serious expression, she was planning an attack on the students of the White Tiger

Yonner bowed his head.

Since there was no Lee Han, there was no normal person in the tower who could
'Come back...!'

* * *

Monday morning, the <Basic Magical Personality Education> lecture was much more
bloody than usual.

Of course, the original <Basic Magical Character Education> lecture was far from a
good atmosphere.

Everyone had a gloomy atmosphere as if they had been dragged to the grave.

But today was a little different.

It was because the Blue Dragon Tower students were bursting with sparks in their
eyes as if they were running at any moment.

“Can’t you tell me where Wodanaj is right now?”

“What nonsense are you talking about, you blue dragons! Do you think we would have
done that? We don't do that!”

“What about the subject of three people attacking one?”

A white tiger top student who was stabbed in a sore spot blushed.

In response, the Blue Dragon Tower student approached, threateningly waving his

It was the momentum to cast a curse.

“Tell me where Wodanaj is!”

“We are in a chaotic situation now that the two of us have disappeared. You guys
kidnapped me!”

The students of the Blue Dragon Tower were outraged by the reaction of the White
Tiger Tower students.

How dare you ignore the honor of their noble lineage.

"we? U.S?? Do you dare to say such a thing even though you know your family’s

“What kind of people break into other people’s dormitory towers at night?”

Giselle said with a laugh.

This time, the Blue Dragon Tower students were stabbed in a sore spot.

However, there were also opponents that Giselle did not expect. It was also

“Have we never been like that?”


“Do you have any evidence? If you have any evidence, bring it. Do you have any
proof that we did?”

“ that child of the royal family?”

The White Tiger Tower students murmured. Among the students of the Black Turtle
Tower, there was no such brazen chick.

“I don’t think it’s my business to intervene, but if you really kidnapped Wodanaj,
wouldn’t it be better to give them back and reconcile with each other? Class will
start soon.”

The dwarf of the Black Turtle Tower, no, the elf student Salko opened his mouth.

The students of the White Tiger Tower raised their eyebrows as if asking where
they were intervening, but the students of the Black Turtle Tower standing behind
Salko were not pushed away either.

As everyone has a rough growing background, they are not afraid of being from a
knight family.

The phoenix tower students also opened their mouths. Priest Siana and Priest
Tigiling spoke cautiously.

“If you kidnapped Lee Han of the Wodanaj family, I think it would be better to
return it...”

“Because it’s not!”

When all three tower students were suspicious, the white tiger tower students
could not stand it and burst into rage.

Now, two of them have disappeared, and they say, 'Wasn't Wodanaj kidnapped?'
'Could there be two?' I've been having conversations all night like, 'But even if
there were three people, we lost.'

These mean blue dragon tower bastards were driving the mood strangely.

Gisele went out to fix it.

The elf, who leads most of the White Tiger Tower students, chewed his lips as if
he didn't like the current situation.

“I swear by the name of the family, but we didn't even touch Wodanaj's fingertips.
If you don't believe me, ask the other students here. There will be students who
are familiar with it.”

Among the students of the White Tiger Tower, there were students playing
separately, such as Rowena, a follower of Princess Adenart, and Durgyu, who was
chosen as a trustworthy person.

As their gazes poured in, Rowena answered cautiously.

“Princess. From my point of view… there was no kidnapping plan or anything like

At those words, the eyes of the Blue Dragon Tower students turned to the princess.
The princess shook her head coldly. She meant she couldn't believe it.

“Princess?! Princess?!?”
Rowena was shocked that the sky fell when the princess she was serving did not
believe her words.

The students of the Blue Dragon Tower exclaimed as they grew stronger.

“You can’t believe it!”

“You were also hiding a suspicious plot. Durgyu of the Choi family! I'd love to
hear your opinion. What do you think?”

Giselle asked Durgyu as if not to lose.

"okay. Tell me. What do you think?”

Durgyu realized that Giselle's voice had grown so cold that he couldn't lower it
any further. was extremely angry.

If it wasn't for the other top students, it wouldn't be strange if two swords were
drawn out along with abusive language.

“I think… I haven’t heard of any kidnapping plans or anything like that.”


“You haven’t finished talking yet!”

Contrasting reactions came and went. Giselle looked at Durgyu and asked.

“I swear by my family’s name right now, don’t you think you don’t believe it?”


Durgyu hesitated slightly.

If it had been Durgyu before he entered the Magic School, Giselle would have
replied, 'If you say it like that, you have no choice but to believe it'.

However, after entering the magic school, I changed my mind a little.

Lee Han, who came from a prestigious family such as the Wodanaj family, also
abused his family name, but there was no law against saying that he was Giselle.

“…choy! you really...!"

The moment Gisele tried to argue with a voice close to astonishment, the air in
the classroom became cold.

All students could feel it.

Good morning! What were you doing?

“I was not doing anything.”

“We were greeting each other.”

The students were fiercely angry with each other, but nonetheless, the students
weren't stupid enough to confide in everything that happened in front of the
Skeleton Principal.
Even this hellish school has its own tacit rules.

One of them was 'Keep your mouth shut in front of the skeleton principal'.

I think we were fighting? Why don't you fight more?

“You seem to have misunderstood.”

“How good are we?”

Principal Skeleton bluntly clicked his tongue as if he was sorry.

It was a movement that made the students who were staring at each other as if they
were going to kill each other want to reconcile.

It's like they're not funny. i get it. So, did you bring your pass?

uncomfortable silence. Principal Skeleton said he knew it.

I'm very disappointed. No one! When your seniors gave you this task, they did it
on time.

If there was Lee Han, he would have said, 'Don't be fooled by that kind of
bullshit,' but unfortunately, Lee Han went to the island to study ahead of time.

The students were exhausted and gloomy.

I can't help it. Just this time I'll give you a chance ruler. everyone stand up
And walk to the lake!

The students were startled by the unexpected generosity of the Skeleton Principal.

Of course, it was a reaction that could come out of not knowing what was prepared
on the island.

As Lee Han always said, when Principal Skull was kind, he had to be suspicious.

Principal Skeleton was delighted to see the students walking to the lake shore.

It is a lake difficult for freshmen to cross on their own in the first place.

Principal Skeleton himself did not expect the students to complete the

If you just say, 'Now, cross the lake and go to the island' during lectures, some
people might doubt or run away, so I started with a task to prevent that.

After giving them an unbreakable task and letting them cross the lake as they
please, even the smartest freshmen could never doubt it.

How many years has the Skeleton Principal been teaching students at this magic

The freshmen could never get out of the hands of the Skeleton Principal.

'for a moment. Where did the Wordanaj clan baby dragon go?'

Thinking to himself of a nickname that Lee Han would be offended by hearing, the
head of the skeleton rotated his head 360 degrees.

Still, Ian was nowhere to be seen.

Principal Skeleton wondered if he had crossed the lake first.

Wodanaj was a freshman, but he was by no means an easy wizard. It was not strange
to try if it was his personality and ability.

But even so, they would have stepped on the sandy beach the moment they arrived,
and if they had stepped on the sandy beach, they would have moved to the
underground dungeon.

Even if I was really lucky to avoid it...

It must have been captured by King Giorvan II, who had left him waiting on the
sandy beach.

'If the lecture was omitted for other reasons, you are lucky, and if you went to
the island first, you would be unlucky.'

The ordeal of the dungeon did not begin unless the students from different towers
came together as it was an ordeal for students from different towers to grab each
other and fight, no, to become close.

What if you crossed the lake over the weekend?

We just had to sit down and wait.


As the skeleton principal's eyes twinkled, an icy road appeared in the lake. The
students involuntarily admired the feat of building thick ice on the lake with a
single glance.

He showed such kindness to me, but I don't think there's a student who backs down
because of fear, right? How much less to the Einroguard, where only the best
talents of this empire are gathered? Start in pairs two by two.

“Do I have to pair up with two people?”

Principal Skeleton kindly answered one student's question.

Then we all go up together, break the ice, and fill the stomachs of the monsters
under the lake.

“…the two of us will go.”

The reason for not sending in several people was simple.

In that case, one or two people could have escaped without stepping on the sandy

Send two students at a time so that no student escapes.

This was the educational philosophy of the Skeleton Principal, who was in charge
of the best magic school in the Empire.

The students crossed the lake by passing the ice road in pairs.

However, when the first students set foot on the sandy beach, Principal Skeleton
felt a sense of incongruity with a keen instinct.

And that sense of incongruity soon became a reality. Students will not sink to the
bottom of the sandy beach.

Principal Skeleton felt the pain as if a soul that did not exist was torn apart
when the lecture he had prepared went into a mess.



The students next to them were startled by the mournful voice of Principal

It was the first time I heard such a bitter voice.

why! Giorvan II, I have given you a name, and you dare not say that you are
arrogant and lazy...

The Skeleton Principal, who was about to summon the summoned beast in front of
him, realized that Jorvan II had been reverse-summoned.

The boy of Wodanaj who disappeared, the sandy beach that does not listen, and the
reverse-summoned King Jorvan II.

All these signs said only one thing.

After all the impossible is excluded, what is left is the truth, no matter how
hard it is to believe.

Principal Skeleton didn't seem so surprised in the past few hundred years.

Wodanaz! Wodanaj yea bastard!!

As if answering that call, Lee Han appeared from the far side of the island with a
tired and pale face.


Your pride has missed a valuable opportunity for your students to learn...

The Blue Dragon Tower students shouted, interrupting the Skeleton Principal's
nonsense along the way.


“He was alive! We only knew you were kidnapped!”

“A kidnapping?”

Angago, who was following me from behind, did not understand and asked.

How dare someone kidnap Wodanaj?

“Raise your hand! don't move If you move, I will cast a curse!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students found Angro and Dukema and aimed their staff first.

“Why, why are you doing this!”

“These sophisticated bastards… If you kidnapped me near the school, there would be
evidence, so I brought them to the lake!”

Gainando showed sharp reasoning like a lover of the Empire's popular mystery novel
'Dog Beast Detective Toberiz'. Asan also felt plausible.

“It wasn’t that I was kidnapped, I just drifted while exploring the lake

"ah. Was it like that?”

"no wonder."

“I am. Be careful going forward.”

At Lee Han's words, the Blue Dragon Tower students quickly lowered their staffs.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were absurd and their mouths twitched.

'What kind of shameless bastards...?'

People who come from a family of aristocrats in the Empire are so shameless.

I don't think it was like that when I entered the school, but I couldn't figure
out why it had changed like that.

“Can’t you apologize right now!? You're driving us as kidnappers and we're just
passing through?"

"no. Now, in such a happy situation, we have to find out who is at fault by
finding our lost friends. Aren't you too much?"

“Hey, it’s worse than this gangster…!”

Some of the White Tiger Tower students were fiercely arguing, but most of the
students were more concerned about other things than that.

“Angro, are you okay!? Broken or injured? Didn't Wodanaj cast a strange spell on

“Duke. How many fingers do you see now? Do you remember my family name? Tell me.”

The White Tiger Tower students were very concerned about the condition of Anggo
and Dukema, who spent the night with Lee Han.

If I ever fell for the evil black magic...

“Don't worry everyone. It was crazy, but... it didn't matter much with Wodanaj.
Rather, thanks to Woda Naz, she was able to save her life.”

“Wordanaj defeated a pet that was hiding in the sand. Otherwise, we would all have
been dragged down.”
Engo and Dukema shared their experiences with the gathered students.

The story of the Skeleton Principal's evil conspiracy and the Wardanaj who crushed

It was such an interesting story that other top students came and listened.

"'s so ridiculous, wasn't it brainwashed by Wodanaj?"

“Even so…”

Some White Tiger Tower students tilted their heads in disbelief.

So the skeleton principal created a dungeon under the sandy beach of the island,
summoned the summons, and then gave the students assignments so that they naturally
led them here?

It was such an unbelievable story.

But the students soon learned that the story was real.

Behind the scenes, Headmaster Skeleton began to confide in himself.

Good job! Well done. Wardanaj Because of you, other students have missed the
opportunity to learn! Good job!


Lee Han was absurd, but first apologized.

Because there was nothing good about going against the heart of the Torajin
Skeleton Principal.

Narrowness was a basic skill that a professor had.

Principal Skeleton grumbled about what he had prepared since then, as if it was
quite unfair and regrettable.

When they heard what they had prepared under the sand, the faces of the students
who had crossed the lake turned blue.

Did you prepare something like that???

“It’s not that I have to report that person to His Majesty the Emperor…”

"Shh. Quiet. Do you want to be dragged under the sand?”

Principal Skull, who had been grumbling for a long time, told Lee Han whether he
was feeling a bit refreshed.

Anyway... to bring a pass by yourself. That must be commendable.

With the horse, Lee Han's broken arm was completely healed. Lee Han bowed his

"thank you."

Thanks to you, the freshmen next year will face a more severe ordeal.
“It’s really sad.”

Of course, Lee Han didn't feel sorry for him. Because it wasn't his fault.

“And I didn’t do it on my own.”

Lee Han pointed to Angro and Dukema.

Originally, when committing an illegal act, the accomplices had to be taken care

The two are now accomplices in creating fake travel permits.

But the two white tiger tower students waved their hands.

“We did nothing.”

“Actually… Wodanaj did it all.”

I know. Do I look blind? You guys didn't intend to give me a special score in the
first place.


Principal Skeleton had a great talent for making people angry even when he said
the same thing.

'Your friendship and honor are extraordinary! I'll give you all a special score!'
I wasn't expecting something like that, but...

It was true that I cried when I heard that.

'Let's see after graduation.'

'Let's really graduate.'

After making the two white tiger tower students enemies, Principal Skeleton looked
at Lee Han again.

and said

Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. I'll give you special points for doing a special
task that the other Ironheads couldn't. ruler. Take out your travel pass.

Lee Han took out his going out ticket and placed it on the palm of his hand.

As soon as a light flashed in the skull principal's eyes, the right to go out
disappeared. It was moved to one of the principal's warehouses.



Lee Han, who had been deceived, stayed still, but the other students were

For some reason, the students, who had endured because the principal was afraid,
shouted whether it was difficult to bear this.
"principal! Isn’t this different from the promise?”

“Anyway, how can you break your promise to us so easily! Have you forgotten your

When did I break my promise?

Instead of getting angry or terrified, Principal Skeleton asked.

The students were a little perplexed by such a bold question.

Maybe the Skeleton Principal is trying to be as blatant as Guynando now?

“Did the principal say… if you complete this assignment… you will be given the
right to go out?”

this. Oh man... You all missed <Basic Imperial Language and Logic>. What exactly
did I say?

What the Skeleton Principal said exactly.

- There is an island on the lake. There I hid my exit ticket. Everyone work
together and bring it to me.

Looking at ..., I never said a word about giving me the right to go out.

I just told you to bring your pass!

Principal Skeleton looked at the students' faces and kindly said that he felt a
little relieved.

Now do you see how important every word is to a contract? What a great lesson
everyone learned!



Lee Han could not even imagine how many of the students who are here now will come
to assassinate the principal when they graduate.

If he could kill a person with just his eyes, the skeleton principal would have
already collapsed.

Dragon Bird... No. Wodanaz. You, who are the most involved in this outing, tell
me. What do you think? Do you think I cheated on you?

'Didn't you just try to call me a dragon cub?'

Lee Han was never deceived by the soft voice of Principal Skull.

When a professor asks, 'Do you have any complaints?', you should answer, 'I am the
one who made the professor worry about this.'

If you continued to complain here, you could get under the sand.

"no. principal. From the beginning, I had no desire at all for the right to go
out. Why would I be complaining?”
Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han with a mixture of wonder and regret.

He was a truly amazing disciple.

Not only in magical talents, but also in non-magical abilities.

Originally, magical talent and self-control were inversely proportional. If you

have talent, your temper will be arrogant.

Even if he had less than half of Lee Han's talent, he would usually savagely rush
to eat the principal when he was a freshman.

But now, when I go into the punishment room three times, I get a very small lesson
in humility...

As it turned out, this Woudanaj boy possessed both talent and self-control to an
unbelievable degree.

It was strange and strange, but at the same time, it was true that it was a
disappointment as a skeleton principal.

it's not fun!

'It doesn't take...'

Principal Skeleton did not disappoint.

There is plenty of time, so one day another opportunity will come.

That's right. Let everyone imitate Wodanaj. Do you understand?


"All right..."

Although Lee Han did not learn mind-reading, it seemed that the voices of the
students' hearts could be heard.

In fact, it wasn't the wizards who would kill the Skeleton Principal in the

'I didn't expect the Skeleton Principal to be like this. You're lucky.'

Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

Lee Han didn't even know that Principal Skeleton would take away the right to go

But I was lucky.

I put up a fake outing ticket on a whim, but it disappeared as the headmaster

skeleton didn't notice.

Angro and Dukema were looking at Lee Han with astonished faces, as if they could
not believe it.

'Seol... Maybe in preparation for this situation...?'

'Wordanaj, you...?!'
Of course, Lee Han didn't anticipate this situation and made a fake outing ticket,
but the two had no choice but to misunderstand.

"Wordanaj... How are you...?"

"Shh. Be quite."

Lee Han put his index finger in front of his mouth.

The Skeleton Principal was still nearby.

If he felt suspicious and even took out the right to go out of his warehouse, Lee
Han was going to the punishment room, not the basement of the sandy beach.

“Hey, can we take this precious thing?”

Angago and Dukema shoved the fake ticket deep into their arms in case anyone could
see them.

Lee Han wasn't the only one who made it. He also forged fake travel permits for
Angago and Dukema by splitting his spare time.

Even though it was a light piece of paper, it felt as heavy as a piece of gold.

“Write carefully. It should not be used, especially when the principal is on

campus. If you do, you will be arrested.”

“Water… of course.”

"Okay. Wodanaz.”

The two white tiger tower students carefully took Lee Han's warning and moved on.

Ian was curious.

'But will the fake outing pass work?'

I made a fake, but Lee Han wasn't sure if this would work or not.

Once the skeleton principal isn't on campus, I think there's a good chance it
could be used by talking to another professor...

The problem was with the aftermarket after returning.

'Aren't we going to be imprisoned in the punishment room for about a month?'

First of all, Lee Han was going to judge when he saw the White Tiger Top friends
using fake travel passes.

What Lee Han had was real, but what he used when there was a skeleton principal
was a bit disappointing.

* * *

Following the path that emerged over the lake, the students returned as they had

Lee Han also made hastily prepared to leave. Principal Skeleton was unlikely, but
he was afraid that if Lee Han was left alone, he would pretend he didn't know and
put away the ice.

The water spirit waved to Lee Han. It meant good luck.

“Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I might still be wandering the island."

The water spirit seemed embarrassed.

Ian suddenly thought of that.

'for a moment. Isn't this how you became friends with the spirit?'

Come to think of it, it seemed like a much more natural intimacy than yelling at
each other like Percuntra.

Lee Han opened his mouth.

“Are you with me…”

The water spirit didn't listen to Lee Han and ran to her, and then rolled over in
front of Nelia, who was about to leave.

It was as if he was asking me to sign a contract with him.


Lee Han felt a deep sense of betrayal.


Yoner, who understood the situation, patted Lee Han on the shoulder as if
comforting him.

Spirit is like a fickle unrequited love, so no matter how good you are, there are
many times when you can't win that heart.

In that case, I just had to accept it.

“Yone. I'm fine."


“I’m really fine.”


Usually, if you put 'real' in front of it, it's often a lie. Yoner decided to just
move on.

Nelia was embarrassed when the water spirit stuck to her.

As Lee Han wanted to sign a contract, he couldn't accept it.

"hey. go away! Sign a contract with Wodanaj over there!”

Nilia pushed the water spirit away, but the water spirit stubbornly clings to her.
He seemed to like it quite a bit.
It made Lee Han a little sad.

'I've only been looking for old thunder spirits.'

But even if it's sad, there are times when you have to congratulate your friend.

Ian said calmly.

“Nelia. There seems to be a misunderstanding, but I have no intention of making a

contract with the Water Spirit.”

"What? really?"

Nelia pricked her ears in surprise.

“But you were going to make a contract earlier.”

“You must have heard it wrong.”

Yonner admired himself.

Lee Han had many different talents, but one of them that he could never imitate
was brazenly lying with that face.

If you seriously lie without even breathing, the person you've been suspicious of
until now will be shaken up thinking, 'Is that...?'

“Nelia. I have no interest in that spirit.”

“But… you wanted to make a contract with the spirit from the last time. And the
spirits of water are also good.”

'I only like useless memory.'

Lee Han cursed Nelia.

You should have a good memory when doing homework, so why do you remember only
such trivial things?

“You seem to have misunderstood. Of course, I said I wanted to make a pact with
the water spirit. But it was the story of the famous water spirit. Nelia.”


Nelia slapped her palm with her fist as if she understood it. She certainly wasn't
strange if she was Wordanaj's talent but she was still.

The water spirit next to him clapped in surprise, wondering if that was the case.

Lee Han wanted to hit the spirit.

"got it? So, if you want to make a contract with that spirit, you can do whatever
you want. Because I don't care.”

"Ummm... how do I..."

Nelia was worried.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about signing a contract with the spirit, but he
didn't expect it to be this sudden.

“What do you guys think?”

Lee Han and Yoner looked at each other at Nilia's question.

Both of them look...

'Nelia needs more friends.'

'Wouldn't it be even better if it was a friend of a spirit?'

The two nodded after exchanging opinions.

“It would be nice if it was a water spirit.”

"i think so too!"

“If you two say that…”

Nelia nodded her head. Her water spirit rejoiced, and she jumped.

* * *

After spending the weekend with the undead summons on the island, it was possible
to feel Professor Voladi's face welcoming.

Lee Han, who was happy to see Professor Boladi, became afraid of himself.

'If you have Stockholm Syndrome, there is no medicine.'


“I used lightning magic last time.”


Professor Voladi greeted each other and did not ask if they had a good rest over
the weekend.

went straight to the point.


Ian sighed inwardly.

In fact, I was determined.

From the moment I met Professor Boladi in front of Professor Garcia, I had a sad

-Oh, this professor must also teach lightning magic.

And this sad premonition was never wrong.

“Unlike the element of water, the element of lightning is rarely handled well by

“It’s harder to deal with than the element of water.”


“But you used lightning magic last time, so from now on you can do the things I


Lee Han tried to recommend Professor Voladi to listen to <Basic Imperial Language
and Logic>.

'What kind of logic...'

“I heard the story.”

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han and said.

Ian was surprised.

Are you not giving the lectures that Professor Voladi tells you to do now, and are
you trying to chat with the students, or even the students, on a daily basis?

It is said that if you suddenly do something that no one has ever done, you will

“It is said that you defeated Giorvan II, the summoned beast of Gonadaltes.”


If the Skeleton Principal had been by his side, he would have been delighted.

It was a success in making Lee Han angry.

Lee Han was angry with the skeleton principal.

'How many hours have passed...!'

I saw Principal Skeleton in the morning, and now I'm eating lunch and entering
Professor Voladi's classroom, so in that short period of time I spoke really

Awesome really!

“Yeah… I was able to knock him down thanks to what the professor taught me.”

“It is natural. And that's not why I'm talking about it. I heard that he was
attacked by a summons and injured his arm.”

'Damn it.'

Lee Han vaguely guessed why the headmaster said it.

“Something unexpected happened.”

“It’s always like that in battle. But no matter what excuses you make after being
harmed, the enemy will not listen.”
The most disgusting thing about Professor Voladi was when he said something that
was irrefutable and true.

“So I prepared.”

Lee Han no longer asked, 'What is that?'

Instead, he picked up a wand and focused on even one subtle movement of Professor

I was thinking of reacting the moment Professor Voladi made a refurbishment.

The professor was rather satisfied with Lee Han's reaction. A faint smile crept
across his lips.

Sparks flew in the air, and small lightning bolts appeared. And he aimed at Lee

Lee Han tried to block it by throwing a water ball first, but Professor Boladi
also blew a water ball to cancel it.


I had no choice but to avoid it. Fortunately, it was not impossible to dodge the
flying lightning bolt.

The lightning bolts emitted in a straight line were much faster than other
elements, but they did not reach the speed of actual lightning.

Moreover, the orbit was simple with a straight line.

Compared to the ever-changing attacks of swordsmen such as Alaron and Professor

Ingaldel, the lightning bolts that were shot in a straight line were quite fast,
but predictable.

Predict the trajectory it shows just before it crashes and flies!

Lee Han skillfully tilted his head to dodge the lightning bolt completely.

Lightning flashed through the side of Lee Han, hit the wall, and disappeared with
a crackling sound.

Professor Voladi nodded slightly, as if it was just that.

“Don’t use magic to stop it.”

“...are you just going to avoid it?”


The professor fired the next attack without giving Lee Han a chance to ask
questions. The number of lightning bolts increased.

Although Lee Han avoided it, it was surprising to himself.

'Did I dodge this well?'

I mean, how badly suffered from coming to magic school so that his evasion ability
has increased.
When Lee Han skillfully avoided an attack for a few minutes, Professor Boladi said
as if he knew it.

“It’s also easy to do this.”

'...Should I have pretended to be clumsy?'

Ihan wanted to say goodbye. When the professor ordered something, he showed that
he was good at it right away, so there was nothing good about it.

But Professor Voladi was a difficult opponent to use such a trick.

Even if they try to cheat, how do you stop them from seriously attacking?


Suddenly, the classroom became dark. It became so dark that only Professor
Voladi's eyes could be seen.

'In the dark? Professor.'

Ian was not surprised.

As Professor Voladi enjoys preparing for all kinds of battles, he will certainly
try to avoid attacks in dark situations.

...But Lee Han still looked down on Professor Voladi.


"What is this?"

When Professor Voladi threw a handkerchief, Lee Han was puzzled.

“Cover your eyes.”

Lee Han approached Professor Voladi and tried to cover his eyes. Then the
professor spoke again in a numb voice that contained no emotion.

“Not my eyes.”

I really hoped that I would have to cover my eyes.

Lee Han, who failed in a small rebellion, was astonished.

"...professor. It's dark enough, but do you have to cover your eyes? Wouldn't it
be difficult to avoid?"

“You can do it.”

Professor Voladi gestured as if he would not answer any further. The handkerchief
came up and covered Lee Han's eyes.

A dark space where nothing can be seen.

And there was the sound of splashing sparks. A lightning bolt was created.

'I'm going crazy.'

Lee Han felt fear creeping up.

But I couldn't stay still just because I was afraid.

Just like detecting magic or magician's magic everywhere, Lee Han concentrated on
detecting the lightning bolts located around him.

I didn't know how well it would turn out, but I had to do it.

* * *

Professor Voladi crossed his arms and looked at Lee Han.

As Professor Garcia admitted (at least he thought so), Professor Boladi was
unwaveringly confident in his teaching policy.

-If the students can't keep up, that's not my problem, it's the students' problem.

Principal Skeleton wasn't friendly with Professor Voladi for nothing.

And, unfortunately, Professor Boladi's convictions were strengthened by meeting

Lee Han.

'Elemental shape transformation, the basics of elemental control training have

been firmly established.'

When he saw Lee Han using lightning magic, Professor Voladi was very happy, though
he didn't show anything.

The difficulty level of the Lightning element is the highest among the elements.

If such a lightning element was used, the process of elemental transformation and
control training could be carried out easily.

If it was originally, start the lightning magic right away...

...I should, but Professor Voladi had a reason to train him to detect elements.

It was the testimony of Principal Skeleton.

When he heard that Lee Han had injured his arm while dealing with an undead
summon, Professor Voladi was shocked.

How could Lee Han make such a mistake?

Of course, there should have been the question of 'why does a freshman fight a
giant undead summoned beast?', but Professor Voladi did not realize that.

- What if I was that boy of the Wodanaj family?

Last time, in order to prevent Lee Han from adding rotational properties to the
elemental water magic, Professor Voladi first thought about it from Lee Han's point
of view.

This type of gyeojisaji is not that difficult once you start. Professor Boladi,
thinking from Lee Han's point of view, soon came to a conclusion.

'If I were a boy of the Wodanaj family, I would most like to learn the technique
of evasion rather than attack and defense now.'

I wish I had just asked Lee Han, but Professor Voladi didn't have to do it, he
thought and came to a conclusion on his own.

In magic battle, evasion is different from attack and defense, but in a way it was
a higher and more difficult skill.

The key to avoidance is awareness.

A smooth evasion was possible only when it was immediately possible to understand
where and how the enemy's attack flew, and what kind of properties and structure
the magic had.

- Blocks the good, but avoids the wise.

These words were not for nothing.

So how can we improve that cognitive ability?

In fact, the boy of the Wodanaj family was training without realizing it.

If you constantly train to touch and grasp magic, your cognitive ability will
inevitably improve.

Today, Prof. Voladi has made it possible to focus only on detection, not on
manipulation and form.

As a result...


Professor Voladi removed the lightning bolts that appeared in the darkness.

Lee Han was gasping for breath. No matter how physically fit he is, if he doesn't
get tired in this kind of situation, it's even weirder.

Surprisingly, the boy of the Wodanaj family completely avoided it.

In the dark where you can't see anything!

Lee Han could not see, but Professor Voladi smiled.

When I heard about 'the joy of teaching' from other wizards in the past, I
wondered what it meant, but now I think I understand.

Teaching was really fun.

Much more lightning and small sparks in the air than before. Various elements such
as water beads and compressed wind began to form.

Lee Han exclaimed urgently as if he felt something unusual even with his eyes

"professor? professor???"


Lee Han was covering his eyes, but he knew what was going on.
I wanted to deny it, but I felt it all over my body.

Now, Professor Voladi was summoning elements other than the lightning element.

'That means...'

In fact, it was a great thing for Lee Han to just blindfold and avoid the

He was busy avoiding himself, but Professor Voladi couldn't possibly smile at

The horse reads the trajectory before the lightning strikes and avoids it.

Body acuity trained through swordsmanship training.

Innate ability to sense magic.

It would not have been possible without either of these two.

But when Lee Han made it too easy, Professor Voladi casually raised the difficulty

If Professor Garcia had passed by and saw it, he would have been horrified by
saying, 'What are you doing!?'

Doing difficult tasks with your eyes open in complete darkness.

The problem was that Lee Han did it perfectly there again.

Then, Professor Voladi casually raised the difficulty once more.

A professor and a student who do not step on the brakes with each other.

Thanks to this, on the first day of element detection training, Lee Han faced an
ordeal of ridiculously bloody difficulty.

In a way, it was self-sufficient.

'...Are the other elements a trick?'

Without realizing that he had dug his own grave, Lee Han just concentrated.

Not only the lightning bolt, but the energy of other elements was felt. It wasn't
a time for leisurely thinking.

There was only one reason why Professor Voladi floated other elements under the
same circumstances.


The way Lee Han escaped the lightning in an invisible space was simple.

When his eyes were covered and his body's eyesight was blocked, he was able to win
only with pure magic sensing.

If you look at the flow of lightning that simply shoots out in a straight line,
there have been numerous changes in a short period of time.
Realizing that the magic power is slightly condensed to obtain explosive power the
moment it is fired, Lee Han grasped the foreshadowing and avoided the lightning

But now, when elements of other properties start to mix here, not just

It was necessary to classify the properties of magical power to detect the omens,
and to find only the lightning bolt among them to catch the condensing phenomenon.

In addition, seeing Professor Voladi's ferocious personality, elements of other

attributes that were placed on standby by deception could also participate in the
attack, so we had to pay attention to that as well.

'Can I?'

Lee Han lifted his head towards the elements that radiate their presence in the

Frankly, it seemed impossible.


'It hurts as little as possible!'

* * *

Lee Han's expectations were wrong.

Surprisingly, Lee Han succeeded again.


Professor Voladi, who would have said what he had to say, was silent for a moment
in surprise.

'You're born.'

The boy of the Wodanaj family had not only enormous magic power.

Come to think of it, since I was born with such an enormous amount of magical
power, learning magic by using it was a hugely difficult task.

Especially if it's a freshman.

The boy of the Wodanaj family thought that his learning speed was not that great,
perhaps because of his humble personality.

Of course, that level was fast enough, but it was also true that there was a sense
of being pushed back a bit compared to the childhood of genius wizards such as Gira
Castle of the Empire.

However, that was a story when the amount of magical power he had was not

Having enough magical power and learning magic at that speed is itself proof of
that talent.
Normally, it was difficult to notice because of the magical power he had, but when
he sensed the magic around him, it was a different story.

Fragments of talent will inevitably flow in fields where there is no penalty for
the amount of mana.


Professor Boladi made the handkerchief that covered Lee Han's eyes disappear.

Despite the great deeds he had done, the boy of the Wodanaj family was calm. The
professor didn't even say anything.

“I didn’t know I would pass it all on the first day.”

“...Maybe it was because the professor did it all at once.”

Lee Han politely said, 'So, let's do some work in the future'.

However, it was not communicated well to the professors when they originally spoke

“You don’t have to be grateful.”


For a moment, Lee Han wondered what was going on.

And later I understood.

Professor Voladi was now thinking that Lee Han said, 'I was able to pass all this
thanks to the professor who gave me the assignments at once'.

'...I'm going crazy.'

While Lee Han was frustrated, Professor Boladi continued.

“Originally, we were going to spend more time training on element detection. But I
don't think it's necessary."

Ian was relieved. From what Professor Voladi said, today's lecture seemed to have

Professor Voladi held out a package wrapped in cloth.

“You look tired.”


Ian was surprised.

Of course, I was tired because I opened my eyes to avoid lightning and closed my
eyes to avoid lightning.

However, he had never dreamed that Professor Voladi would be so concerned.


At first I thought there was some kind of trap in the package, but Professor
Voladi wasn't as malicious as Headmaster Skeleton.

Lee Han carefully unwrapped the package.

'Is there any medicine?'

What was in the package was a magic book. Professor Bollardi nodded his head and

“This is a book about basic lightning magic and its applications. Let’s learn it
until next time.”


Professor Voladi wasn't as ill-willed as Principal Skeleton.

It's just that people are a bit crazy.

Belatedly, Lee Han realized the meaning of Professor Voladi's words, 'You seem

He was just speaking purely of what he thought when he saw Lee Han.

The horse and the package were completely different!

"...All right."

Lee Han took care of his facial expressions and put in the magic book.

Even if I cursed, I had to go to a place where Professor Voladi wasn't there.

'By the way, wasn't this week a note test week?'

Now that I think about it, the magic that Professor Voladi had given me to learn
was not important.

Professor Voladi doesn't have a note test, but other lectures are not.


Outside the lecture hall, Lee Han turned his head to the shouts of a summoned
beast from the front yard of the main building.

“What’s going on with that?”

“The professors are dealing with escaped pets.”


Ian didn't understand.

Last week alone, escaping summons wandered around the school, but the professors
weren't paying attention.

Why all of a sudden?

“Is something wrong? why?"

“It might interfere with taking the exam, so I’ll deal with it.”

Lee Han was speechless and said hello to leave the classroom.

'I just asked...'

* * *

The book <On Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and its Applications>, which
Professor Voladi gave me, was a better book than I expected.

'no. Who wrote this?'

Considering that most magic books do not take into account that freshmen read
them, <On Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and its Applications> was really kind.

Circle 1 magic <Generate Lightning> did not just explain spells and actions.

Unlike other circle 1 elemental magic, it is quite difficult to fix the location
of the lightning element after creation. The most common mistake young wizards make
is to summon the element of lightning and then lose control and scatter it in an
unspecified direction. First, wear thick clothes that do not penetrate the
lightning element well, and when there are no other people around...

Lee Han wanted to find other books by the wizard who wrote this book, so he
checked the back. But there was no author.

'Is this a book written within the School of Magic?'

The books of the Empire were more not systematically mass-produced. There were
many things that were passed on after making a few copies by hand.

The books in the magic school were even more so.

When I went to the library, the books were still chaotically classified, and I
couldn't tell what more than half of them were written.

Basically, wizards are the ones who are satisfied with themselves, but don't care
about others!

'If I were the owner of the bookstore, I would get rid of all those books.'

Aside from his hatred of Professor Voladi, Lee Han thought he should read this
book a little more.

Isn't the book wrong?

And in the next class, Professor Voladi will definitely give a lecture under the
assumption that Lee Han has mastered this book...

“Nice to meet you, Wodanaj!”

Lee Han was startled when the professor started talking cheerfully from behind.
That was by no means a good sign.

Fortunately, the opponent was a familiar face. It was Professor Boladi's few
friends, Professor Kirmin Ku.
“Are you going to take a class on <Understanding Basic Magic>? Right?"


"that is great! we can go together I was just on my way to the classroom.”

Professor Kirmin was an incredibly cheerful person that he was friends with
Professor Voladi.

Lee Han looked a little excited at the sight.

Young, good-natured, friendly professors were more likely to treat students well.

Of course, I didn't know if that law would work in the Magic School, but...

“Are you teaching fantasy magic?”

"okay. Professor Bagreg doesn't like illusion magic, but illusion magic is useful
in many ways."

If you dig deep into any field of magic, you can't see the end of it, it was an
infinite law.

Casting barrier magic to prevent intruders into the area or showing hallucinations
to enemies is just a part of illusion magic.

Some wizards combine with space magic to create a labyrinth of bizarre illusions
that cannot exist in reality, while others combine with mental magic to defeat
opponents just by making eye contact.

Hearing the explanation, Lee Han thought to himself.

'I'd love to steal.'

Avoid eye contact by enclosing illusions around your body, destroying illusion
magic that has been installed, and so on.

No matter how kindly Professor Kirmin explained, I couldn't help but think

“Wordanaz. Last time I saw you, you knew you had a talent for illusion magic,
didn't you?"

At Professor Kirmin's words, Lee Han was pleased.

Originally, I had to be careful when I heard the professor say, 'You have talent.'

The moment you are vigilant, you can be dragged under the professor and forcibly
become a disciple.

But it was already too late for Lee Han to worry about that. From the moment I
first entered the magic school, I had no choice but to learn under the professor.

The important thing was to find a kind and decent professor.

And Professor Kirmin might have been a kind and decent professor.

I wasn't sure yet, but...

'Illusion magic isn't bad either. As long as you learn everything well, you can
eat and live anywhere, right?'

“There is something more important in fantasy magic than a lot of magical power,
great elemental affinity, or extraordinary computational power. That's fine-grained
control. In my opinion, Wodanaj, you are born.”


Ian was perplexed.

What to Lee Han, who is far from fine-grained control because of his enormous
magical power ?

'Aren't you mistaken for submitting your assignment last time?'

It wasn't until he became Professor Bollardi that he was accustomed to Lee Han's

“Thank you…”

“I wonder if there is any field of magic you are interested in. Usually, talented
freshmen like you don’t pick just one, they choose multiple fields.”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

Professor Kirmin asked Lee Han's answer in a different way.

"Then... Is there any other professor you've met outside of lectures other than
Professor Bagreg?"

It wasn't a field that Lee Han was interested in, but a question that could tell
which professors are interested in Lee Han.

It is not only the students who choose their teachers, but also the teachers who
choose their students.

“For once, Professor Thunderbolt...”

"Aha. alchemy."

“Professor Lightning Stride.”


“And Professor Willow.”


“To Professor Mortum…”

“Is it black magic?”

“Professor Millais too.”

“Summoning magic. for a moment. for a moment."

Professor Kirmin paused.

There were too many.


Professor Kirmin asked another question in order to appease the confusion.

“What do you talk about with Professor Thunderwalk?”

“Usually we talk about things to organize in the hut and grow in the garden.”

Professor Kirmin made a 'hmm' as he listened.

From the looks of it, it was clear that Professor Thunderwalk was very fond of
this Wodanaj family boy.

Alchemists don't open their huts easily.

Besides, come to think of it, I've seen some of the Blue Dragon Tower students
carrying reagents used in Professor Thunderwalk's lab.

It must have been that the Wodanaj boy had given his friends what he had received
from Professor Thunderwalk.

'Professor Thunderstep thinks of Wodanaj as a master alchemist.'

“With Professor Lightning Stride?”

“I’m learning about the animals that live near the Magic School and studying how
to deal with them.”

'...Professor Lightning Stride is like that...?'

Professor Kirmin looked at the staff Lee Han was holding.

It was a staff imbued with a tree spirit, with strong vitality.

The only professor who could give me such a thing was Professor Willow.

'Professor Willow??'

Less squeaky!

With a cumbersome sound, the leopard bone pet, tied to Lee Han's belt, jumped

Lee Han said firmly, as if scolding a pet.

“I can’t write! Come back now!”

Then the incomplete leopard bone minion came back whimpering.

Professor Kirmin didn't immediately understand what had happened.

"sorry. Those Bone Minions aren't listening very often these days."

“Isn’t that summoner maybe that?”

"ah. You know? Professor Mortum gave it to me.”


to black magic!

Professor Kirmin was bewildered and folded his fingers inward.

It was not known how many professors had contacted first.

It's absurd to be absurd, but I have one more question.

'There are a lot of professors looking for that, so why do you learn from Bagreg?'

No matter how much I think about it, I don't think there's any reason for a
student to want to learn from Bagreg...


"ah. sorry. sorry. I thought differently for a while because of the summons. The
reason the summons don't listen is because they've become stronger."

“Then should I terrify you and make them listen?”

“The undead are almost never scared, so it’s unreasonable.”


Ian was puzzled.

Then, what about the undead summons who trembled at Lee Han in Professor Mortum's
Dark Hall?

'Well. You're not a major, so you probably don't know.'

The professor was surprisingly ignorant of other majors. Ian was not surprised.

“There is nothing to be too anxious about. The stronger the summons, the higher
the intelligence. I don't listen because I'm in the process of getting stronger,
but when I get stronger, my mind will also mature and I'll listen to what you
say. ...But why are there so few undead bones?”

“Professor Mortum told us to go around the school and find it.”


Professor Kirmin nodded.

I was really thinking of doing something like Professor Mortum.

“You were trying to give the students some fun… rather than just giving it to
them. right?"

“Ah… yes. What."

Ihan nodded his head for a moment.

Professor Kirmin certainly seemed to have excellent social skills. He would have
said 'You're doing something pointless' if he were Professor Vol Ladi.
“Still, that Sharkan is a very rare and precious monster.”

“…wasn’t it a leopard?”


Professor Kirmin paused.

It seems that Professor Mortum had mistakenly said the gift he had prepared to
surprise the students (though it was doubtful that the students would like it too).

“Of course it’s a leopard. leopard."


Lee Han could not be deceived by such words.

When the lecture was over, Lee Han decided to search the library and find out what
the monster Sharkhan was doing first.

'Isn't that an ordinary leopard?'

Wouldn't it be like an undead monster that kills its owner?

The leopard bone summoner, who felt Lee Han's gaze, was excited and shook the
bone. Ihan patted his hair once.

...if you treat him kindly, he won't bite his master's neck even if he becomes
stronger later.

"Anyway, Professor Mortum seems to like you very much, Wordanaj."

“Professor Mortum likes all students.”

Lee Han was sincere.

As there were no students who wanted to learn black magic, Professor Mortum was
showing his favor even to Gainando.

I wonder if the knights who came to learn black magic to catch the black magicians
were also listening to the lectures.

“A wizard doesn’t like a disciple without talent. No matter how kind a wizard may

Professor Kirmin counted the professor in the story again.

If you add the professors who didn't show up, there were a lot of them.

At this point, he was worried about the health of the Wodanaj boy.

Professors who are already teaching like that are unlikely to back down, and
Wodanaj was highly likely to be called to all lectures.

Anyway, Professor Bagrek must be very exhausting...

Are you okay?

'Ugh. I'm worried.'

Professor Kirmin thought about the desire to have talented students and whether he
should torture even the most difficult students himself.

After much deliberation, the scale in Professor Kirmin's mind tilted toward the

“Wordanaz. If it's okay with you…”

"Oh yeah. I even met the headmaster separately.”

“…and Gonadaltes? What did you talk about?”

“I got the magic book. Can you see if it's okay?"

Lee Han borrowed the power of Professor Kirmin, who looked good, to search for the
principal's evil spellbook.

But it was counterproductive.

Professor Kirmin looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression.

I mean, even if you get caught, you'll get caught by the most insane person in

“...that would be difficult. But be strong!”


When Professor Kirmin put his hand on Lee Han's shoulder and gave a word of
support, Lee Han was a little embarrassed.

Somehow, the nuance in his voice was strange.

A little... that... It was similar to the nuance that my senior said with
sympathetic eyes when I got to work under the professor.

"thank you. But, professor. I don't know if I can be good at illusion magic, so I
want to ask you something..."

“Wordanaz. You don't have to learn illusion magic."


Lee Han was once more bewildered by Professor Kirmin's sudden change of attitude
as if turning his palms over.

'Why are you doing this?'

'cheer up. Wodanaz. I will support you.'

* * *

Lee Han thought that the students at this magic school were a bit weak.

Although they are all young, they are basically treated as adults, and they are
much more mature as they each grew up in various social statuses and backgrounds.

It was the same with the <Understanding Basic Magic> lecture. How boringly the
students reacted when Professor Mortum came in.

Of course, it was a little different in the case of summoning magic, but I could
think of it as an exception.

By the way...

"professor. I can't proceed because the stairway I want to go to is always

enchanted by illusion magic, so is there a way to unlock it or break through it?”

“Could you fantasize on black bread and create the same effect as if you had
applied honey?”

“I want to put a barrier against intruders using illusions in the break room, but
will Wodana or another first-year be able to break through?”

Only black magic wasn't particularly popular.

The students basically showed a strong interest in most magical fields. Even with
illusion magic alone, the fifth question was already coming out.

Professor Kirmin waved his hand as if to calm down.

"ruler. ruler. If you answer all the questions, you won't be able to spend a whole
day, so let's just ask the questions and take the time to simply experience what
kind of magic magic is."

Professor Kirmin finished speaking and stood still.

As the sudden silence continued, the students panicked. Gainando whispered.

“Why are you there?”

Lee Han stared intently at Professor Kirmin. Then I started to feel uncomfortable.

'Is it a fantasy?'

If that were true, that would be surprising.

After coming into the classroom with Lee Han and talking to Professor Garcia,
there was no chance to change anything. He deceived the eyes and ears of the
students and exchanged their fantasy with their real self.

As soon as he began to recognize the sense of incongruity, Lee Han suddenly felt
that his surroundings were different.

Like Professor Voladi's attempted murder, no, once in a lecture, when I realized
the movement of the element of lightning, I could read it over and over again...

Enlightenment in magic was an inspiration to reveal another world. Lee Han noticed
that an invisible person was standing at the desk in front of him and Gainando.

“Gainan too. There is a professor in front of you.”

"What?! Get paralyzed!”

Gainando was startled and threw the curse away. He wasn't a master of black magic
for nothing.
Of course, Professor Kirmin was not the one to fall under the curse of the first
year. Professor Kirmin returned his curse with an absurd look.


Gainando was cursed with lesser paralysis and became stiff and fell sideways.

“I did a good job of finding it, but no matter what, you can’t throw a damn

"sorry. professor."

Lee Han apologized instead. Kainando was stiff.

'But is Gainando really talented in black magic?'

It's hard to paralyze even one part of your body, but no matter how much you shoot
yourself, you'll stop your whole body like that.

If it was a talent, it was a talent.

Professor Kirmin switched positions again with the original fantasy. Gainando
shouted inwardly to lift the paralyzing curse.

“As you just saw, I simply dug into it without you guys noticing. This is what
fantasy magic can show. Become invisible, see through opponents hiding in
invisibility, create illusions to confuse the enemy.”

Professor Kirmin was definitely a brilliant person from the start of his behavior.
The students were already possessed.

Lee Han remembered Professor Mortum's black magic, and his heart sank again.

“But of course you freshmen should start with the simple basics, right? A good
wizard has a keen eye for observation. Look at each other with the students next to
you and notice if anything has changed. Noticing a sense of incongruity is the
first step toward realizing an illusion.”

Professor Kirmin once again hung illusions around the classroom without the
students noticing it.

The students were surprised when they realized that the appearance of their
friends they had always seen had changed little by little.

"for a moment. You… you weren’t as thin as you were when you started school.”

“It’s because I can’t eat. idiot.”

Although there was trial and error, the students who succeeded in noticing the
illusion from each tower came out one by one.

Professor Kirmin praised these smart students and passed on the following

“If you can notice a sense of incongruity with just your eyesight, you can learn
the <Remove Lesser Illusion> magic. Release the illusion hanging here.”

Lee Han, along with the other students, came forward and looked at the vision.
The illusion of a wooden box with a lock lay in front of the students.

As the Black Turtle Tower student cast a spell and swung his staff as taught by
Professor Kirmin, the wooden box let out a piercing scream.


“Don’t be too vigilant when dispelling illusion magic. Having a single illusion
magic on it means that all kinds of boundaries are hanging around it.”

Professor Kirmin gave advice to the student and looked at Lee Han.

Lee Han picked up a staff and aimed at the illusion of a wooden box.

After recognizing the illusion clearly, drawing in his head exactly what the real
reality would be like, he swung his wand with a spell.

“Go away, illusion!”

The illusion of the wooden box disappeared as it was. The princess next to her
gave a small applause.

However, Professor Kirmin said to Lee Han with a sad look instead of praise.

“Wordanaz. You don't have to force yourself to practice fantasy magic so hard."



Ian was perplexed.

Among the reactions of the professors Lee Han knew, there was a reaction that was
not there.

'What did I do wrong?'

But no matter how much I thought about it, there was nothing wrong with Lee Han.

'Is it because he has a lot of magic?'

Ihan asked cautiously.

“Is it difficult to learn fantasy magic because there is so much magic?”


“Then maybe it’s the lack of control?”

"no. That's enough. That... a. okay. I have to tell you.”

After thinking about it, Professor Kirmin decided to tell Lee Han.

“Wordanaz. Now for you…”

Ian was nervous.

When a professor usually speaks so seriously, a serious problem arises.

Just like when Professor Garcia sentenced Lee Han to an incurable disease called

“There are too many professors paying attention.”


Ian was stunned.

It's hyper-magic.

'The latter seems much more critical.'

If the former could manage to live, the latter seemed life-threatening.

“Why is that…”

“Think about it. Wouldn't it be too hard to learn fantasy magic while learning
from those professors?"


Lee Han understood what Professor Kirmin was saying.

And I was impressed.

With what I just said, Professor Kirmin could occupy the position of the top 1% of
the professors at this school.

If that was enough, I thought it would be okay to give me a seat next to Professor


Ian said firmly.

If I didn't listen to other magic, I couldn't help but listen to a lecture with a
professor like this.

First of all, you have to be friends!

I don't know what will happen later, but if I didn't hear that it was difficult
now, I started to regret it.

No matter how kind a professor is, a professor is a professor.

Later, if I went and said, 'Professor, I want to hear from you now', things like
'I'm sorry, there is no room' could come back.

“I can hear you. professor. I am determined.”

Lee Han's eyes blazed with passion. Professor Kirmin was surprised by the
determined expression on his face.

I didn't know it would show such enthusiasm.

As his sculptural face shone with determination, he gave off a stronger

“It must be really hard.”

"it's okay."

"Okay. Then come in from the next meeting.”

Professor Kirmin patted Lee Han on the shoulder.

Always a passionate disciple made his master happy.

It would have been perfect if he had talent like Wodanaj.

“It will be difficult, so be careful.”

"Yes. And don't worry too much. Shouldn’t it be enough to increase the number of
lectures I take?”


Professor Kirmin looked at Lee Han with strange eyes.

His eyes were like a wizard who foresaw an unfortunate fate, but unfortunately Lee
Han did not notice.

* * *

When Professor Kirmin finished his lecture and left, the students prepared to
stand up.

Among the lectures of the week, the only one who didn't bother students with
assignments was Professor Garcia, a half-angel or, no, half-troll.

But Professor Garcia said with an apologetic expression.

“Wait a minute everyone. There is a note test this week.”



The students looked at Professor Garcia as if they had been hurt and betrayed.
However, Professor Garcia did not back down, even though he was apologetic.

“So it would be best for everyone to prepare.”

“What comes out as a test?”

Professor Garcia answered one student's question with a nod of his head.

“We learned the basics of magic for a month, and we explored the various fields of
magic. I would like to ask how well you learned about it.”

“Ha... But Professor! I don't know much about black magic..."

“Are you going to ask about summoning magic?”

The students murmured.

Most of the students who came in here were clearly subjective.

In the case of students who had the desired magic, they did not have much interest
in magic in other fields.

Professor Garcia calmed the students as if reassured.

“Everyone calm down. The questions will be tailored to each student. I won't ask
questions about areas I don't fit in or I'm not interested in."

A sigh of relief leaked from all over.

Lee Han, who was relieved with his friends, stopped.

'for a moment.'

Come to think of it, Lee Han was participating in all kinds of magic from
Professor Garcia's lectures.


Hopefully then...

'Should I prepare everything?'

When Lee Han entered school, he experienced true fear for the first time.

* * *


The <Basic Mount Training> lecture was held in a field a little further away than

Professor Lightning Walk was waiting for the students while lighting a cigarette.

“I… look at that!”

"so cute!"

A cheer erupted from among the students.

Behind Professor Lightning Walk were the bear cubs.

The round and cute-looking bear cubs were so cute that I forgot what they looked
like when they were all grown up.

The students, who were tired of being tired at school, looked at the bear cubs and
made expressions appropriate for their age.

“The professor still thinks of us.”

"right. We deserve a break like this.”

I've been running hard for weeks with assignments and lectures, and now it's a
note test.

You won't be punished if you spend a river lounging in the field.

Besides, unlike the last burning puppy, those cubs looked completely harmless.
rest was certain.

“Are you here?”


The students shouted together. Her voice was twice as bright and happy as usual.

"okay. If you come, let's take a note test. Bring your own words.”



The students were perplexed at the words of Professor Lightning Walk.

“What about a bear cub?”

“Bear cub?”

Professor Lightning Walk removed the pipe from his mouth and turned his head back.
And he said he understands.

"ah. These cubs are not for today’s lecture, but a friend asked to take care of
them for a while.”


The students were more disappointed than when they met Principal Skeleton.
Professor Lightning Walk chuckled and laughed.

“If you want to play with a bear cub, wait a few more years and then retire and
play. ruler. Bring your horse! Let's see how close you guys have become!"

“I’m not ready yet, but next time…”

“Originally, the beasts do not wait for you. Are you going to ask me to prepare
you when a hungry beast attacks you? Move!”

The students moved forward with anxious and anxious expressions.

Students who do not usually visit the stables were naturally anxious, but the
students who visited frequently were equally anxious.

- Are you okay?

- Last time you didn't listen to me and tried to run away...

The horses in the stables were ferocious and dirty in temper.

Even the students, who thought they had become close friends, were not sure how
the horses would react when the words were completely unleashed.

And it was the same with this one.


It may be because of his mood, but Lee Han thought that the white horse he was
taking care of was the most filthy in the stable.
Perhaps it was because he was the tallest and had the most physical strength, and
his temper was incomparable to other horses.

At times, I doubted whether it was true or not.

'Didn't Professor Thunderwalker feed him his potion?'

But while white horses have wild nature, Lee Han has intelligence. Lee Han found a
way to handle the white horse in his own way.


Lee Han immediately filled the white horse with an iron bracelet and belt that
absorbs magic. The white horse was grumpy and hated, but Lee Han was stubborn.

The moment you leave without filling, you don't know how the white horse will
betray you.

- Whoops. fuheung.

The white horse was cunning and clever.

When he realized that his power was not going to work for this crazy freshman, he
gave a sad look with sad eyes.

But Lee Han was a more vicious person than a white horse.

“I’m sorry. No threats or pleas can change my mind.”

- Whoops!

The white horse looked at Lee Han. However, the artifacts already on the body were
taking away the magic power of the white horse.

When Lee Han pulled the reins, the white horse, who had lost energy, was gently
pulled out.

Let's see it someday!


“Those wild words!”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were murmuring when they saw Lee Han brought
a white horse.

At first, when he took on the most ferocious horse in the stable, everyone laughed
at him thinking that the Wodanaj would not be able to tame him.

But now I see that the white horse has become as obedient as a lie and follows Lee

The appearance of a white horse with innate grace seemed to fit well with the boy
of the Wodanaj family for a long time.

Angro said unconsciously.

“Wordanaz is great.”
“...Are you crazy? Why all of a sudden?”

“What kind of magic did you fall for on the island?”

“Oh, no. Aside from being bad at Wardanaj, it was about his abilities!”

When his friends were astonished, Angago made excuses in haste.

“Ango. you are weird I don’t even swear at Wodanaj.”

“Maybe something really happened to Wodanaj...”

“Because it’s not! I hate Wodanaz! I hate Wodanaj!”

Meanwhile, not only Lee Han, but also the students, one by one, pulled out their
horses and carefully walked out.

Apparently, there were many students from the Black Turtle Tower who took care of
the horses most diligently.

There were quite a few students from the Phoenix Pagoda and the White Tiger

Blue Dragon Tower had the fewest students.

Lee Han was ashamed of his friends.

'These lazy bastards.'

That's why the Tutanta family's Salko hates the nobles.

It was natural to be cursed as much as I was lazy.

Professor Lightning Walk put the sundial on the rock and said:

“If you bring the horse out, follow the road. If you go, you will come to a river,
and if you drink water from there and come back, you will pass.”

Gainando, who became muddy, whispered.

“Wouldn’t it be wise to just drink water from the well and then come back?”

"Oh yeah. I didn't take you to the river, but if there is anyone who lies about
giving you water, I will throw you into the river."


Gainando gently brushed the mud off his hair.

"ruler. Then start!”

Professor Lightning Walk pounded the pipe and shouted.

The students, scattered in disorder in the field, began to follow the road one by
one, pulling their horses.

The princess-like students got on their horses gracefully and followed the path
slowly with their followers.
A few other students, who had become quite friendly with horses, also rode horses
and followed the road. The other friends looked at him with envy.

Yoner could also ride on a horse. However, Yoner looked at Lee Han instead of
getting on.

Lee Han was about to walk with the horse's reins.

“You don’t ride?”

“Because I can get tired after riding.”

- Whoops!

Instead of thanking Lee Han for his consideration, the white horse protested,
humming and begging him to loosen his bracelet and belt.

Ian ignored it.

'It would be safe to walk.'

It was good to absorb the magic and become obedient, but at the same time, it
could weaken the stamina.

It was a big deal if a white horse fell over while riding for nothing. Lee Han was
just thinking of walking together.

Yoner shrugged and grabbed the horse's reins.

“Yone. You may ride.”

“I’m afraid I’ll get tired of riding too.”

Yoner's horse, with brown hair, cries out a cry of thanks and pats Yonaire on the

Yoner tickled and laughed. Lee Han suddenly became a little sad.

'Why do I speak even spirits...'

“And you’re friends.”

"thank you."

Lee Han said with sincerity.


From behind, Guynando bounced out of the stable and rolled over. He forcibly
dragged an unfamiliar horse down and flew away.

Mud Guynando shouted.

"Hey guys! wait! Will you come with me? We are friends!”

“Shall we depart?”

Lee Han and Yoner started off hard.

Friends would have to do chores together in the stable in the morning.


It was Yonaire and Lee Han who walked together without riding a horse, but I
learned later that it wasn't as slow as I thought.

The students who rode on horseback were wandering in front of them than expected.

“Wow! Whoa, whoa!”

Starting with the white tiger top student performing stunts on the back of a horse
jumping back and forth...

All the way!

“Why are you coming back?”

"I don't know! I'm not in control! Help me!!"

Until the end runs in the opposite direction.

Lee Han was surprised to find out that walking while holding the reins was a good

- Fuheung.

The white horse snorted as if sorry for the riots of the other horses.

In my mind, I wanted to run wild with Lee Han on my back, but I had no choice but
to lose strength all over my body.

Lee Han rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a sugar cube. And put it in
the palm of his hand and laid it out in front of his white horse.

- Whoops!

He used to be a white horse who said all sorts of bullshit, but he stopped hating
Lee Han when it came to giving him snacks.

Lee Han cursed the white horse inwardly.

'It's like such a calculating beast.'

Looking at Yonner next to him, the two seemed to be really close.

The sorrel horse followed kindly and gently, even if Yonner didn't give him a
snack. Rather, it seemed that Yonere was worried about getting tired.


A begging voice was heard from behind.

It was Salco of the Tutanta family and his friends.

“What happened? for a moment. Don’t come.”


Lee Han stopped Salco and his friends from approaching.

“Because you guys can ruin my note test.”

"...I will not!! Wodanaj, what do you see us as!”

Salco's men were furious.

Unlike Lee Han, they did not cling to grades.

This time, the note test was not because of their grades, but because they were
working hard to prove the effort they put in.

“Everyone says that. So don't come near me."

“Everyone, calm down.”

Salco dried up his friends.

“Originally, you shouldn’t rummage through your backpack around the gold mine.
There are many people who are jealous of Wodanaj as much as he is outstanding.
There must be many competitors within the Blue Dragon Tower. That kind of reaction
is understandable.”


Yonner was puzzled.

not really?

“I won’t go any further. Wodanaz.”

"okay. Tutanta. What's going on?”

Before Salco spoke, one of his men got angry first.

“Think of what you did, Wodanaj!”

Ian paused.

There were so many moments that I didn't know what to choose first.

Ian asked seriously.

“I don’t know. What are you talking about?”

“What did you feed that horse now?”

“I ate sugar cubes.”

"okay! What if you feed it to a horse? I should have brought it to the black
market and sold it!”


- Whoops!
Lee Han and White Horse became of one mind, and they were stunned.

Salko coughed in shame for the first time.

"not. Wodanaz.”

“Isn’t it?”

"okay. Could that be the reason?”

Salco received a package wrapped in brown paper from a friend and handed it to Lee
Han. At first glance, the contents were revealed.

It was carrots.

“You will love carrots as well. Sugar is a rare commodity that is hard to find, so
use carrots instead of sugar.”

Salco said so and turned around. Lee Han called for a dwarf, no, an elf friend
with a reliable back.

“Tutanta. Thank you."

“It’s nothing. Come to the black market next time.”

"okay. It’s not difficult.”

“Let’s leave a game of chess behind.”


Lee Han looked at Salko with questionable eyes, but Salko had already turned her
back and left.

“Well… there’s nothing wrong with saving sugar.”

Although supplies were still plentiful, sugar was a precious commodity.

If you can substitute carrots, it's not bad. Lee Han picked up a carrot and
recommended it to the white horse.

- Puch!

The white horse quickly turned her head as if she didn't like it.

Lee Han seriously thought about getting another white horse.

'I think there is at least one white horse in the magic school...'

If they eat well and grow in size, won't they look similar?

* * *


In the eyes of Lee Han and Yonaire, the riverside began to appear in the distance.
Some students had already entered the river with their horses.
Rowena of the White Tiger Tower, a follower of the princess, looked at Lee Han and

“Wordanaj-sama. Be careful.”

“What’s going on?”

Instead of answering, Rowena pointed at the river with her wooden sword.

A surprising thing happened when a student next to him stopped his horse near the
river and tried to get him to drink.

The water level of the river went down.



The impressions of Lee Han and Yonere were wrinkled.

It's really great!

“Did you find a solution?”

“I was going to go deeper, but the flow was a bit fast…”

Rowena looked hesitant.

Rivers should never be taken lightly.

Even if the water came up to the waist, if you lost your balance, you could drown,
and if the speed of the water was fast, it was even more dangerous.

Not to mention, the river in front of me is a river that seems to be immersed in

the depths of my chest.

I had to be more careful when I didn't know where to go.

When Lee Han arrived, the princess rushed to her feet. Rowena said instead.

“The Princess is pleased to see Wodanaj-sama.”

“I think I was just walking…?”

The princess stared at the brown package Lee Han was holding.

'Do you want to feed the horses carrots?'

Lee Han took out a carrot and held it out.

As soon as the princess received it, she took a bite of the carrot and frowned.
She then looked at her Lee Han with betrayed eyes.

It was Lee Han and Yonaire who were bewildered.

'I gave him to feed the horses...'

Rowena asked instead, as if wondering.

“Where are you from?”

“…a friend of Black Turtle Top said it was fresh and told me to eat it.”

“I’m sorry, but the princess’s face looks unripe…”

“That’s it. He must have been bad at farming. But don't say too much because
you're sincere."

"Yes. I am not shy enough to say that about the gift I received.”

Lee Han brazenly took off his shichimi. And then he quickly changed the subject.

“Let’s try to get water out of the river with water manipulation magic.”

As he swung his staff, a huge mass of water spurted out of the river. Rowena
involuntarily admired it.

So fast and so easy!

The lump of water reached the horse's mouth.

And the moment his tongue was about to touch, a lump of water evaporated.


Ian was not funny.

'You're really doing too much.'

Do I have to be so sincere in the exam?

I don't know what kind of magic that Professor Lightning Walk had cast on the
river, but it seemed that they couldn't feed it unless they pulled a horse into it.


Lee Han pulled out a long, sturdy rope from his backpack.

The other students, who were staring blankly, were startled.

'No, why are you here?'

It was strange where he got it, but Woudanaz, who usually carries it, didn't
understand either.


“Let’s use this to tie them together.”


If horses and people were tied together, it would be easier to endure even if the
river rushed hard.

The students who arrived at the river nodded their heads. This was worth doing.
"Good idea. Wodanaz.”

“Let’s do it together.”

The students tied each other with ropes and entered with the horses.

"Careful... it's done!"

"done! You did it!”

Cheers erupted from among the students who went deep into the river.

When the horse tried to drink, the water level went down, but it didn't go down to
the point where he couldn't drink.

Finally, the leading horse began to drink the water.

'Good luck.'

Lee Han sighed in relief. This was a really easy fix.

End it like this!

- Fuheung.

The white horse grumbled as if he did not want to go.

“If you go and drink water, I’ll give you another cube of sugar.”

- Purr...

At Lee Han's words, the white horse stopped murmuring and bowed its head.

Now, the students took turns standing in the front one by one. Now it was Lee
Han's turn.

While the white horse was drinking water, Lee Han suddenly felt his hair stand on

Professor Voladi's bullying, no, when I closed my eyes in a lecture and detected
the movement of elements.

The chill I felt at that time!

Ihan quickly turned his head. A sudden rush of water from the upstream was coming
down violently.

“Lightning steps!”

The friends did not know why Lee Han suddenly shouted the professor's name.

The meaning in it is also a curse.

“Avoid everyone! Shield, spread out!”

Lee Han shouted to the students behind him to flee, then swung his staff to create
a giant water shield.

A shield of water as large and thick as possible.

A water shield that can use all possible nearby rivers!

In an instant, the water level in the surrounding river dropped. Thanks to this,
the students behind them quickly escaped.

However, Lee Han, who had been inside the most, was too late to get out.

The water rushing from the upstream collided head-on with the water shield and
exploded sideways. In an instant, the water shattered and the water level rose

But that was enough.

'It's worth it!'

In the first place, when Lee Han summoned the Water Shield, he hadn't even thought
about shutting off all the river water.

It was enough just to earn a little time.

If the water did not fill only the vicinity of Lee Han, he could have escaped.

By the way...

- Whoops!

The white horse fell over.

Unlike Lee Han, who had noticed and prepared for it first, the white horse, who
noticed the current too late, suddenly fell into the river where it hit its ankle
and struggled.

Some students screamed. Yoner, who had escaped, hurriedly tried to enter again,
but was caught by other students.

“Pull the rope!”

As soon as Rowena finished speaking, the rope broke. Rivers that leaked violently
on both sides of Lee Han as the center blew the rope away.

Now there was no way left. Rowena exclaimed urgently.

“Wordanaj-sama! Get out by yourself…”


A white horse floated in the air.

It wasn't that Lee Han suddenly realized the new magic and lifted the white horse
into the air.

...Lee Han got up from his seat with a white horse on his back.

A water shield encircled and protected Lee Han in danger.

Everyone was at a loss for words. Even the white horse seemed bewildered by Lee
Han's travels.
The white horse giggled and asked what he was doing.

"...if you swear right now, you'll drive it upside down to the bottom of the

Lee Han gave a low warning in a bloody voice.

On the outside, it looked splendid and majestic, but Lee Han's whole body was

One nerve was holding the water shield, and the other nerve was emitting magical
energy from the whole body.

Professor Ingaldel told me not to do it, but what can I do? There is no other way
than that.

With every step he took, the magical energy released as if wasted from his whole
body was so great that the white horse was scared.

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed that this person was going to
collapse from exhaustion first.

However, Lee Han did not collapse or fall into the river. He came out carrying the
white horse to the shallow waters, and put it down.

And he uttered a cry of resentment and resentment.

“Lightning steps!!”


The students were once again confused. I couldn't understand why Lee Han was
shouting the professor's name.

- Whoops...

The white horse got up hastily and ran to Lee Han. He was worried about whether
Lee Han was okay.

But Lee Han was not deceived.

“No matter how good you are, they won’t loosen your bracelets and belts.”



The white horse was bewildered.

Isn't the atmosphere like that now?

A griffon and a human who distrusted each other.

Wasn't it a moving atmosphere where Griffon's long-standing distrust was removed

with human devotion, and Griffon finally recognized Lee Han as the owner...?

- Heh heh. hee hee hee.

The white horse lowered its head again and patted Lee Han on the head. Ian was

“Because neither of the bracelets nor the belt is loosened.”


The white horse groaned.


- Fu hee hee! pooh!!

“After all, you are finally revealing your true colors! Did you think I would be

When the white horse was courageous, Lee Han responded as if he knew he would.

The white horse got angry and pushed Lee Han off with his head.


"it's okay?!"

"it's okay. Maybe I'm getting angry by touching my own body."

“I’m not talking!”

Yonaire and the students rushed to run.

I was worried that Lee Han might have been seriously injured.

Rowena looked at Lee Han in disbelief. She carries a white horse while she is in a
rush of rapids.

...Isn't that enough to be a knight rather than a wizard?

“It’s really good, so don’t worry.”

Lee Han said, wiping off the water.

The other top students were apologizing for the sudden accident at Lee Han's turn,
but it wasn't the students' fault in Lee Han's view.

The problem was Professor Lightningwalk's evil and twisted tactics.

“Wow… what happened?”

Tutanta and his Black Tower friends, who arrived late, were startled.

Lee Han suppressed his anger and calmly explained.

“Everyone, be careful. There is a trap of Professor Lightning Walk.”


Tutanta and her friends were astonished to hear the explanation.

“Did you do that?! Can even the life of a horse be in danger?”

“No matter how much the test is, you are doing so well!”

Unlike the other professors, Professor Lightning Step was a famous adventurer in
the Empire.

When they were young, they were shocked by the sense of betrayal by the students
who had read the expedition written by Prof.

“Let’s go back and protest. No matter how hard I try, I can’t pass this kind of

"right. This is like my friend now. Going to a place where your friend's life is
in danger? It can never be.”

Lee Han was moved by the reaction of Black Turtle Top friends.

'The future of this school may be bright.'

And then from the sky Professor Lightning Walk flew away on a thunderbird.

The thunderbird, landing softly, saw Lee Han and hissed. He seemed resentful for
being deceived by Lee Han last time.

Professor Lightningwalk came down from the Thunderbird with Nelia.

The Black Turtle Tower students walked up to each other with a determined
expression on their faces.

"professor. I can't do this test!”

"I'd rather get an F, not risk my friend's life..."

Professor Lightning Walk nodded instead of getting angry at the students'


"I know. What if the river spirit is acting on a whim? I came here to dry. Wait a




The Black Turtle Tower students looked at each other and panicked.

Wasn't that Professor Lightning's trap?

“Didn’t the professor prepare something for you?”


“That… the river is rising…”

“Trying to wipe out the student…”

“Why am I preparing for that?! Are you crazy!”

Professor Lightning Walk exclaimed as if absurd.

“Why am I preparing such a dangerous trap where a horse can die?”

“That… that’s right.”

“I think so.”

'Shouldn't we be thinking first that the students might die?'

Professor Lightning Walk took great care of the animals. He didn't know that maybe
he would care more than a student.

There was no way such a professor would send the animals to a dangerous place
where they might get hurt.

“More than that, the river spirits are fickle, so why did you doubt me?”

The students were embarrassed.

Come to think of it, Principal Skeleton made me distrust the professors too much.

Professor Lightning Walk shook his head as if pitiful.

'Education here can improve students' magical skills, but it seems to ruin their

* * *

It was Nelia who informed Professor Lightningwalk that the river was strange.

Nelia was the first to arrive.

The water spirit, who made a contract with Nelia, noticed the discomfort and sent
a signal.

Realizing that the river was strange, Nilia left a mark used by <Shadow Patrol> so
that Lee Han and Yoner could see it.

-danger. Forbidden.

Then he went back to Professor Lightningwalk. As it was urgent, I ran in a

straight line instead of the road when I returned.

-professor! The river spirit is acting on a whim!

- Horses are dangerous! Guide me!

...and it flew like that.

After hearing the explanation of the situation, Lee Han felt a little sorry for
Professor Lightning Walk.

'I was suspicious of someone because of the skeleton principal.'

"no. Rather, did you go in ignorantly without waiting in the meantime?”

Professor Lightning Walk looked at the students' clothes wet, and was stunned.

Usually, when you see the river rushing wildly, you should judge and avoid it by
thinking, 'It must be dangerous'.

But the students were very upset.

The atrocities committed by the Skeleton Principal were still vivid.

“I thought it was a real test!”

“The principal was preparing an underground dungeon under the sandy beach the
other day, so I thought this was a trap!”

“In the first place, shouldn’t the professor have checked the river properly?”

"okay. okay. I'm sorry."

Professor Lightning Walk calmed the students by waving his hand holding a

What's wrong with the students?

This magic school is wrong.

“But the river spirit was acting up a whim, how did you drink water? Did you
succeed in persuasion?”

“I was tied up with a rope.”


Professor Lightning Walk was stunned.

Of course, persuasion was not the only answer when the spirit was angry.

It was also a good way to overcome it with strength by tying it up with a rope
like now.

...normally students don't bring a rope when they come to class!

“Did you bring it?”

“Why do you think it is me?”

Lee Han, who was pointed out, proudly protested. Because he had a very confident
face, Professor Lightning Walk apologized without knowing it.

"ah. Wodanaz, didn't you bring it? sorry."

“I did bring it.”


Professor Lightning Walk tried to throw the cigarette butt.

Nelia, who was listening next to her, tilted her head and asked.

“Then why did you enter when I left a no-access sign saying it was dangerous?”


Yonner's face turned slightly pale. Lee Han was equally pale, but thanks to his
face, it was not visible.

'shit. From now on, you should walk while checking the signs.'

Nelia taught me and I learned hard about it, but I didn't check them all while
walking down the street.

Lee Han vowed to check the signs wherever he went in the future.

“Seol… you haven’t seen it, have you?”

"no. saw it But the other guys kept insisting on going.”

Lee Han immediately shifted the blame. At the same time, Rowena was far away with
her princess.

“As he was from the White Tiger Tower, he was so stubborn that he couldn’t break
his stubbornness.”

“It really was.”

Neilia was indignant at their words.

Nobles and knights have always been the problem.

How annoyed I was when people who came to visit for sightseeing did things they
were told not to do even when I was in the mountains.

Ignoring the safety rules of the hunters working in the field!

“Are you a very arrogant person? Even the princess is disappointing!”

“Originally, the knights are like that. Nelia, don't say too much. Because we
already said it stingy.”

Lee Han completely blocked the aftermath. Nelia nodded her head.

Meanwhile, the waiting white horse came again and grabbed Lee Han's sleeve and
pulled it.

“Are you friends?”

“I wasn’t friendly. His trickery.”

- Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

"look. you are temperamental You must not be deceived.”


Nelia looked at the white horse as if she did not understand.

I knew it because it was Nilia, who had been friendly with animals in the

Now the white horse seemed to really like Lee Han.

Does that sound close to 'look at me'?

Nelia said timidly.

“I think we’ve become friends…”

“What are you talking about?”

Professor Lightning Walk, who had calmed the spirit of the river, interrupted the

Then he was surprised to see the white horse.

'Are you recognized as the owner!?'

Surprisingly, the griffon, no, the white horse recognized Lee Han as its owner.

What kind of creature is a griffon?

As he had the wings of an eagle and the claws of a lion, his pride was as strong
as those two combined.

Originally, he was not qualified, and he did not yield to evil people, even if he
would die.

Even if we get to know each other for several years, he's still not sure who he
will serve as his master, but to serve Wodanaj as his master.

Professor Lightning Walk couldn't believe it, so he rubbed his eyes and checked

“What… what happened?”


Lee Han was alert to Professor Lightning Gaul's question.

"professor. I didn't steal the rope.”

Of course the Black Turtle Tower students might have stolen it!

"...I'm not interrogating you, I'm asking out of curiosity, so just answer me! Do
you know what kind of Gonadaltes I am?”

Professor Lightning Walk groaned slightly.

I don't even know who the principal is!

“I’m asking because I’ve become friends with that white horse. Because he's such a
violent guy that it's hard to get close like this."


Lee Han nodded as if he understood.

And then he said.

“That guy is cheating. He is a very clever guy.”


'Are you a professor?'

Professor Lightning Walk said it again with patience.

“What happened?”

“It really didn't matter. If something had happened, I would have told you.”

When Lee Han said this, Professor Lightning Walk took a step back.

This Woudanaj boy had a hardworking and sincere personality. He didn't tell vain

Yoner was listening next to him and whispered.

“You saved me from the water.”

"ah. That… the river spirit was acting on a whim, and the horse fell over, but he
helped him out and brought him out.”

Lee Han said as if nothing special. Professor Lightning Walk paused after thinking
about it.

"for a moment. The horse fell because of the river spirit, how did you support it
and bring it out? Wouldn't you have time? There's no way you've already learned an
intermediate level or higher telekinetic magic...?"

"yes. So I picked it up and brought it out. I saved some time by casting Water
Shield next to it.”


Professor Lightning Walk had to grip the pipe with his index and middle fingers.

It was in order not to throw it at the outstanding disciple in front of him who
did not know what he had done.

'That's a big deal, then what's a big deal!'

Now I understand.

He risked his life to save himself from a situation where he could die.

With that courage and honor, the griffon, no, the white horse was recognized as
the owner.

As the absurdity subsided, Professor Lightning Walk felt proud.

Many arrogant wizards often mistakenly mistakenly thought that learned knowledge
or superior magic was the key to tame animals.

However, Professor Lightning Walk believes that the true talent lies deeper than

A heart to care for others more than oneself.

That mind was the key.

How can we not be happy when a disciple shows a simple but important principle?

- Fu hee hee.

“Because I won’t let you go. Go away.”

- Fu hee hee hee! Pu hee hee hee!

“Don’t be temperamental. I'm not going to let you go."


In the end, Professor Lightning Walk could not stand it and dropped the cigarette.


Ian didn't know.

What a great opportunity to receive such affectionate loyalty from a Griffon.

'this guy...!'

Professor Lightning Walk was cool with the frustration. Lee Han said while picking
up a cigarette with a worried expression.

“Did you swallow it wrong?”


Who cares about whom now?

Professor Lightning Walk calmed down and spoke again.

“Why don’t you treat me a little more kindly?”

“How could you be more kind...?”

Lee Han answered in a slightly bewildered voice.

The voice was so sincere that even the lightning steps had nothing to say.

Although the students did not know it, Lightning Step was constantly watching the

It was only natural that he entrusted such childish words to the cast iron head,
no, to the freshmen.

And Lee Han took care of Griffon with sincerity. It was not easy for a boy from a
large aristocratic family to be that sincere.

Although he saved his life, the affectionate devotion he showed before must also
have played a part in opening up Griffon's heart.

...but that's it, and not trusting the griffon now means not believing it.

“Are there any problems with the way I feed or comb?”

"no. Other than that… trust, trust, or something like that.”

- Fuheung.

At the lightning steps, the white horse nodded as if asking for more.

Of course, Lee Han did not pass easily.

“There is a difference between being kind and trusting everything without

doubting. professor. Isn't the latter irresponsible?"


The boy of the Wodanaj family was only saying the right things today.

It was not a good habit to ignore the instincts of animals while taming them and
just trust them unconditionally.

Believe and love me, but it's right to be suspicious to some extent...

That's right...!

- Whoops! Whoops!

“Look at this. You're just angry."

"okay. Do it yourself.”

When Professor Lightning Walk gave up and turned around, the white horse glared at

Yoner asked curiously.

"By the way, what's that horse's name? Even if I called her by name, she wouldn’t

He understood that the horses in the stable would call him by name, but he did not
understand the white horse.

To be precise, he refused to understand.

- No matter what name you give it, you seem to hate it.

-Isn't it just a dirty temper?

-no. Maybe it's because it's not a name I like.

-Isn't it just a dirty temper?

-The original name may be different, so let's ask the professor later.

- I guess I just have a dirty temper.

Professor Lightning Walk was slightly perplexed.

It was nice to be back. Because I couldn't keep my expression from the two

“Pawn... Ponrig.”
“Fonleague… that’s an unusual name.”


Lee Han looked at the white horse and said.

“Phone League. Am I right?"

- Fu hee hee hee!

The white horse shook his head as if he didn't like it. Lee Han looked at it and
said confidently.

“It’s true that you’re just dirty.”

* * *

Thanks to Professor Lightning Walk persuading the spirits of the river, the
students who arrived later were able to drink water more easily.

The students who came first and had a hard time complained.

“Water isn’t like that.”

“Do you have any idea how difficult it is to water them? It's true that you water
the river spirits when they're angry."

Lee Han approached Professor Lightning Walk, who was recording the score. The
professor flicked his cigarette and said.

"why? Wodanaj's four scores are perfect. No worries.”

“I’m not here for that, but because I have a question for you. I found the
monster's name while reading a book, because it's the first I've heard of it."

“Tell me.”

“Do you know about a monster called Sharkan?”

“The king of leopards.”

Professor Lightning Walk said, brushing off the pipe.

“According to the legend of the mountain dwellers, he was born between a rocky
mountain range and a leopard. That is why it is a monster that leopards worship.”

“Are you a dangerous monster?”

Whether he was born between a rocky mountain range and a leopard, or a spirit king
and a leopard, it didn't matter to Lee Han.

How dangerous is it?

To Lee Han's question, Professor Lightning Gaul replied absurdly.

“Then wouldn’t it be dangerous? Is it just that leopards are dangerous?”

“…what would it be like to make a monster called Sharkan into an undead and play

“Why would you do such a dangerous thing? Undead monsters do not completely
disappear from their wildness and ferocity. If you show gaps or build up
dissatisfaction, you can loose control and jump in.”


The next time Lee Han met Professor Mortum, he contemplated whether to shoot magic
from behind or wield a sword.

'Isn't this worse than the principal?'

The principal didn't even give me such a monster as a gift!

“But why are you asking that? Do you want to make an undead monster already?”

Professor Lightning Walk said with a smile.

Rumors were often heard among the professors that he had excellent magic skills,
but as expected, talented people looked different no matter what.


“There is no need to be shy about failing. Setting cheeky goals is something only
freshman can do.”

'Not really.'

“But even if you want to make an undead monster, it would be better to research it
well in advance and choose a useful one. Do you know what was the number three
reason for the most deaths of Imperial Warlocks last year? If you use a monster
that doesn't fit the bowl as an undead summon, that's the way it is."


Lee Han patted his neck unconsciously.

'I have to do better in the future...'

* * *

When the time came, Professor Lightning Walk stopped waiting and said.

“You must have learned a lot from today’s exam. Those who used to be lazy would
have learned how their laziness returned, and those who were usually diligent would
have seen their diligence come to fruition.”

Lee Han-eun looked at the phone league at the professor's words. When the white
horse blinked with innocent eyes, Lee Han doubted.

'This bastard cheated again.'

- Phu hee hee hee hee!

The white horse got angry as if he had noticed Lee Han's suspicions. Again,
diligence was far from bearing fruit.

“If you feel your own shortcomings, do not end with them, but try to fix those
shortcomings. It's not just taming animals. Even magic is not learned overnight.”

Everyone nodded their heads in excitement.

But Lee Han thought to himself.

'Aren't those who are lazy right now not there?'

It is the diligent students who are impressed by the professor's words now, and
the lazy students haven't even come near the river yet.

Thunderstep said he knew it too.

“Tell me this to the lazy bastards now. Class is over! See you next!"

"thank you!"

The students tried to comfort the horse and go back.

At that moment, Salco of the Tutanta family came.



“Are carrots good for the horse?”

"okay. well fed Thank you.”

“I’m glad we gave it to our horses because they liked it.”


Rowena, who was passing by, looked at Lee Han with a look of shock and horror.

What just...?

“I came here to ask you something.”

“Are you the master of carrots?”

"no. Carrots were gratitude for what had happened the other day. This work is
different. I have a job that requires your ability.”

Ian was a little surprised.

How would such a proud Salko ask Lee Han this?

What's going on?

'Are you going to rob the principal's warehouse?'

“Tell me.”

“I need your cooking skills.”


* * *
<Tower of the Eternally Burning Phoenix> was a tower where priests from various
denominations of the Empire gathered.

Among the towers of the Magic School, it is the quietest and most peaceful place.

The dwarf Muhadin was a priest belonging to the Order of Sisenza.

The Church of Knowledge and Learning, the Sisenza Church, is a Church that is
respected by many as it is a Church that studies, transmits, and preserves the
various disciplines of the Empire.

The Tutanta family were also supporters of the Sisenza Church.

“The problem is that Priest Muhaddin doesn’t eat too much.”


Lee Han was still stunned by his absurdity, but came to his senses later.

'Why me?'

“That… that’s right. It's sad. It must be because of the poor environment of the
magic school. Did you go and talk to the principal?”

"no. Food isn't the problem. I used to be a small eater. The problem is that the
other priests in the denomination took care of it, but there is no one like that
here. Even if the other priests in the tower try to pay attention, there are

Lee Han tried to say, 'So why did you do that to me?'

I don't know if it's the Blue Dragon Tower. If you were from the Black Turtle
Tower, there could be no student who could cook better than Lee Han.

But Salco spoke first.

“After thinking about it, I heard about your cooking skills in Wodanaj. I asked
the other priests in the Phoenix Tower, and they praised your cooking skills.”

“It’s because the priests are good.”

Ian knew what had happened.

It was counterproductive thanks to being too flattering with Siana Priest.

How the hell did you compliment me?

“Have you heard from Priest Siana? Priest Siana is kind and…”

“I asked Priest Tigiling and heard from other priests as well. Wodanaz. You are
too humble.”

The Black Turtle Tower students behind Salco nodded as if they had no choice but
to admit it.

The tomato and vegetable stew made by a boy from the Wodanaj family at the black
market last time was amazing.
One of the Black Turtle Tower students even stared at Lee Han with anger.

“Here, Renjid comes from one of the most prestigious chef families in the Empire.
But she admits she can't beat you."


For a moment, Lee Han wondered if the other person was crazy.

'It's not a fair fight at all...'

Hey, Lee Han can use all kinds of materials at will, but his opponent can only use
a limited amount, so there was a chance that such a reaction would come out.

But no matter what!

“So you want me to cook?”

Lee Han calmed down and asked.

It was silly, but there was nothing I couldn't do.

It wasn't a bad thing to have Salco owe a debt, or to treat a priest of the
Sisenza Church.

There is nothing wrong with making friends with people who are always good at


"Right. Have you prepared the ingredients? Or can I help you? I can give you a
cheap price.”

At Lee Han's words, Salko shook her head.

"no. The necessary materials have already been found. We just have to go

"okay? Where are you?”

“In the kitchen.”


Ian paused.

Was there a kitchen in the dormitory tower?

“Where is the kitchen?”

“Kitchen in the basement of the main building.”

"...Right. I remember my busy work, so I’ll just stand up.”

“Wait, Wodanaj! This is something that needs your help!”

“I can’t do it without you! Unless you're the one who broke into the White Tiger
The students of the Black Turtle Tower rushed in haste.

In order to attack the back of this labyrinthine magic school, a boy from the
Wodanaj family who had mastered magic was absolutely necessary.

“Why are you making weird noises when you say you need cooking skills? Bring your
ingredients. Then let me cook for you.”

“Wordanaz. Of course we didn't mean to just ask! Seeing this will change your

Ian was puzzled.

Is there something that will change your mind?


"A book of forbidden black magic."

The Black Turtle Tower student carefully pulled out the steel box. When he opened
the lid, the book with a bloody cover spit out a bloody curse.



The students quickly closed the box. And he said with a happy expression.

"What do you think? Would you mind doing this, Wodanaj?”




The Black Turtle Tower students were genuinely embarrassed. Even the salco of the
Tutanta family did the same.

He was sure that Wodanaj would be satisfied with that forbidden black magic book.

“Uh… why? Wodanaz?”

"ah! Do you not like this book because you have already read it? then...!"

The Black Turtle Tower students asked each other questions and found answers.

Ian thought to himself at that sight.

'All the white tiger towers who spread rumors must be locked up in the punishment

Rumors were polluting the magical school, the sacred place of learning.

“Where did you find that book?”

Ian asked curiously.

I knew the Black Turtle Tower students were actively roaming around looking for
useful things, but I'm sure they'll even find a book of cursing black magic.

“There is a floorless hole area on the fourth floor of the library, and I found it

'The name alone is creepy.'

The library of the magic school was far from a peaceful repository of knowledge.

Up to the first and second floors, if it was a place where people could still
step, the upper floors had to be viewed as just dungeons or labyrinths.

It's a bottomless hole area, so just hearing the name gave me an idea of what kind
of place it was.

“If you don’t know where else, why the library?”

“We are trying to complete the map of the school. If there is a map, it will be
convenient in many ways.”


Ian was amazed.

The Black Turtle Tower students were doing such a constructive thing while the
Blue Dragon Tower students were eating, sleeping, and playing cards.

'I want to change with the boys on our side.'

“I was looking for a book with a map in the school, and I found it, but it’s a
pity that it’s not a book that meets your level.”

Lee Han gave up trying to resolve the misunderstanding.

No matter what I say, you won't believe it.

“Wordanaz. Can't you just read it once?"

One of the Black Turtle Tower students asked in a voice dripping with regrets.

It was a book that I got through hard work, but it hurt my heart to be treated
like this.

Originally, I would have read this too, but...

“Didn’t that book cast a curse when you just opened the box?”

If it was a cursed book, it would be a different story.

It would be absurd to bear the curse for reading an unknown book.

“Aren’t you capable of blocking the curse and reading?”


For a moment, Lee Han looked at his opponent with suspicious eyes.

'These bastards aren't trying to assassinate me on orders from the White Tiger
Tower guys.'
“I’m sorry, but I’m not that good.”

“Isn’t it…”

The Black Turtle Tower students were sorry.

Even if they couldn't touch it for a long time because of the curse, they thought
it would be okay if it was Wodanaj.

“How do I remove the curse of energy absorption?”

“I don’t think it’s possible at our current level. If you ask the professor…”

“Would the professor just leave this alone?”

"for a moment."

Lee Han, who was listening to the conversations of the Black Turtle Tower
students, interrupted the conversation.

“What curse?”

“The curse of absorbing magic. This book absorbed the magic.”

A book with a bloody cover absorbed human magic just by being nearby.

It was a very difficult curse as some of the students from the Black Turtle Tower
collapsed while trying to read, causing symptoms of magic exhaustion.

“...Give it to me. Read it once and you will see.”

“As expected, Wodanaj. There's no need to pretend to be humble. I already know

your abilities.”

“We have the ability, but we don’t like being unnecessarily humble.”

Hearing the bullshit of the Black Turtle Tower students, Lee Han opened the box.

Indeed, the bloody book exuded a curse of energy absorption. Lee Han felt the
magical energy slowly being sucked into the book.

And nothing happened.


Even wearing the Magic Absorption Bracelet and Belt, nothing has changed, but
holding another Bloody Book would make a difference.

Ian wasn't even surprised.

<About basic blood magic and its application>

The importance of reagents in magic cannot be overstated. As the level of magic

increases, the importance of reagents, the master of magic, also increases. Of all
the complex and diverse reagents, the wizard's blood is the most powerful and
ancient reagent. Blood magic is a technique that uses this blood as a reagent to
amplify magical power to use powerful magic that is not normally available. Before
we start, let's talk about safety rules. The survival rate of new wizards with
blood magic is less than 5%, but if the following safety rules are followed, the
survival rate can be increased to 7%. First of all, the day before using blood
magic, you need to eat a bloody meat dish and go to bed early, and drink as much
water as possible before using the magic...

Lee Han was surprised for two reasons.

One was that this was a blood magic book, not a black magic book.

Both of them sounded evil just by hearing their names, but there was a difference.

Black magic was a magic that occupied a place among the famous magic circles of
the Empire (although it was not popular), and blood magic was close to a vision
that just aided magic.

A technique that uses blood to amplify the amount of magical power.

Of course, it was a lot of risk, but the technique was right anyway.

It was very dangerous, but...

And the second reason that Lee Han was surprised was that the font of this book
was identical to <On Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and its Applications>.

'Compared, the titles are similar.'

<About Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and Its Application> and <About Basic Blood
Magic and Its Application>, which I received from Professor Voladi, both have the
same title and the same font.

'At first I thought it was written by Professor Voladi, but Professor Voladi is
never the kind of person who writes in such detail. Who is it? Did the disciple
write it?'

"What do you think? Wodanaz? Are you interested?”

The Black Turtle Tower students asked with puzzled expressions.

It seemed that he was very concerned about whether Lee Han liked the magic book or




One of the Black Turtle Tower students nodded happily.

He thought that Wardanaj had no reason to dislike such a book of black magic.

'You must be thinking about something useless again.'

The reason why Lee Han was interested in this book was simple.

I have a spirit to challenge blood magic, a dangerous vision that even imperial
wizards are reluctant to...

was of course not.

Lee Han had no interest in blood magic at all. In the first place, he still had
enough mana, but what did he mean by using blood to amplify his mana?

The part that Lee Han was interested in was another part.

Here, it is usually difficult to use due to the large amount of magic required,
but I would like to introduce some magic that can be used under the assumption that
you have used blood magic. Most of them require magic so much that they were
practiced in the Empire, but their effects are not weak at all...

Magic was also fashionable and popular.

Magic that other wizards do not use will soon be forgotten and disappear.

And magic that required a lot of magic had to be unpopular. Who would like magic
that consumes a lot of mana?

But Lee Han was different.

'A magic that consumes a lot of magic might be more suitable for me.'

If it was magic that consumes a lot of mana, there was a high possibility that
detailed control would not be necessary.

He had no interest in blood magic, and was interested in magic that could only be
cast using blood magic.

"great. Let me go with you.”

Lee Han put the book in his arms. The students of the Black Turtle Tower were
astonished in their hearts as they casually put the cursed book into their arms.

A real Wodanaj family is amazing!

'Were the rumors true that you trained while being cursed from a young age?'

“But there are a few more conditions.”

“Tell me. If you can hear me, I will.”

"I'm exploring the school too, and I need the help of seasoned thieves... no, my
old friends."

“You’re just a thief…?”

"for a moment. Wodanaz.”

Salco interrupted his colleague's question and intervened.

“Aren’t there Blue Dragon Tower students? Do you really need our help?”

Ian was not funny.

'That's because my skills can't be compared...'

Black Turtle Tower students, who have had a thick bone due to all kinds of
criminal activities outside, vs. Blue Dragon Tower students who have been wallowing
around with servants that they have been doing all their lives!
No matter how much I thought about it, the former had no choice but to be smart.

But I can't say that because I have the face of my friends.

“Because it can be dangerous.”

At Lee Han's words, Salko nodded as if he knew that.

“I didn’t call my friends because it could cause problems later. respect."

If they were caught walking around the school at night, they were sent to the
punishment room.

Because it was Wodanaj who knew that, he probably wouldn't call his Blue Dragon
Tower friends.

'not really.'

“If you need help with your exploration, I will help you.”

“Secondly, I want to share information about the maps you guys are making.”


Salko pondered and nodded.

Although it was a waste to share the map's information with other top students,
Wodanaj deserved to share the map's information.

And now the most important thing was to treat Priest Muhaddin.


When Lee Han hesitated a little, the students of the Black Turtle Tower were also

He wanted to hesitate like that because the boy of the Wodanaj family wanted to
make a request.

“…I will share the ingredients I found in the kitchen and take them with me.”



Just to say that, I'm sulking like this right now??

* * *

In the evening, the thieves, no, the students gathered in front of the main

All the people here have been to night school at least once.

Thanks to this, I had plenty of room from the outfit to the movement.

“I wish you well. Wodanaj-sama.”

Among the thieves, Ratford, the most professional thief, welcomed Lee Han.

There is no reason why the Black Turtle Tower students should not have called
Ratford for this.

In the same way, Lee Han, who had greeted him warmly, stopped.

“Isn’t Nelia here?”

“Because you didn’t call me?”

Ratford looked at Lee Han as if he was talking about something. Lee Han thought he
had to explain later.

"let's go."

I didn't want to inflate the fantasies of the Black Turtle Tower students, but Lee
Han and Ratford were the only ones who had been to the basement kitchen here.

Naturally, Lee Han gave the explanation as well. The black turtle top student, who
had the toughest identity, looked at Lee Han with a slightly admirable expression.

How the hell did you check the school in that short time?

“In the basement, there are various facilities, starting with the grocery store,
and the warehouse keeper is guarding it.”

“The warehousekeeper?”

“It’s blind, but it has a good detection ability. It should be seen that once they
meet, it is impossible to run away from them or hide.”

Salco nodded and concentrated on Lee Han's words.

Then, suddenly, I had a question.

'...But how did Wodanaj get out?'

Impossible, in what way?

“How did you bully yourself if you were caught walking around the library or other

Lee Han asked curiously.

It's Lee Han. Starting with the Belt of Invisibility, there were various methods,
but it must not be the students of the Black Turtle Tower.

Is there any special way?

“One person came forward, lured him, and then he was arrested. In the meantime, he
averted his gaze.”


Lee Han admired the ignorant method.

It was ignorant, but I had to admit that it was effective.

'I'll have to try it later if I have students from the White Tiger Tower.'


The party skillfully opened the door behind the main entrance on the first floor
of the main building and went inside.

A space not normally open to students began to appear next to the hallway.

At the appearance of an empty banquet hall or a large hall, the students of the
Black Turtle Tower looked at them involuntarily.

Why is there such a place, students must be wondering why they should eat hard
bread in the common room.

Lee Han and Ratford exchanged glances.

-Never be vigilant.

-of course.

Ratford recalled the thief's creed.

'When you go back to the place you turned once, you have to be careful several

Lee Han remembered the skeleton principal.

'Because the underground passage was opened last time, it must have changed and
strengthened the defense system.'

Like last time, I couldn't expect the luck of going straight into the basement
without pretending to be popular.


just as expected.

From afar in that hallway, I could see the plate armor walking towards me.

* * *

-Anyway, does it make sense to mistake me for a freshman?


When it was discovered that Lee Han and Ratford had succeeded in escaping through
the passage of the underground warehouse, the warehouse keeper was summoned and
rebuked by the principal.

But the warehouse keeper did not waver.

-But even if you say that, you can't tell the difference between the amount of

- What a fool... Yeah. i get it. I'm sure you can't change it right away even if
you say this.

Principal Skeleton didn't say anything more about the warehousekeeper's attitude.
The warehousekeeper was very capable of reprimanding for missing Woudanaj this

A being who is responsible for not only managing the materials in the underground
warehouse, but also various chores such as repair, maintenance, and management of
facilities and equipment.

In addition, he occasionally patrols and catches unfortunate students who wander

around at night, so he couldn't rebuke him for this mistake.

And frankly, this mistake was an unavoidable mistake even in the eyes of Principal

Who would have thought that a special kind of boy from the Wodanaj family would
appear in front of the warehouse keeper who distinguishes intruders with magical

- I will lend you my summons. Don't rely too much on magic power, and try to
identify intruders in other ways.

-Yes. I will do my best.

-If you find a boy from the Wodanaj family, don't miss it. It must be sent to the
punishment room.

- Why?

- Can't you just do it?

Anyway, after the conversation with the Skeleton Principal, the warehouse keeper
definitely raised the level of the guard behind the main building and underground.

The students acted similarly to mice and ants.

Once you know that it works, you've been flocking to it ever since.

As such, it was necessary to teach the students even more piercing lessons.

Don't even dream of going this way!

The summons lent by the Skeleton Principal will surely catch the students who came
in without fear.

The warehouse keeper went around the designated road today and started checking.

* * *

“It’s walking armor!”

The Black Turtle Tower students whispered in terror.

“Are you an acquaintance?”

“I have met you.”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower had a trembling expression on their faces.

How many students were captured for that walking armor?

As there were no people inside, even if he attacked violently, he gathered his
armor and got up again, and even if he barely tied his feet, he immediately called
his comrades.

Ian was deep in thought.

'Is there a way to catch it?'

When I heard it, it was a summoned beast that reminded me of the last time I was
the owner of the sandy beach, King Jorvan II.

A non-living, inanimate-type pet.

But just because he wasn't alive doesn't mean he's invincible.

If more than a certain amount of damage was taken, the summoned beast could not
stand it any longer and was to be reverse-summoned.

the problem is...

'The most effective thing seems to be the elemental lightning magic, but if I use
it now, it's a little...'

It wasn't about winning or losing, but it was an unconditional loss to the

students the moment they fought.

How much less, if you use loud and flashy magic such as lightning element magic,
it will be the same as shouting, 'We're here!'

'I'd better avoid it.'

"I don't think I've found it yet, I'd better avoid it. Did he follow you well?”

"I do not know. It varies from time to time…”

Lee Han turned around to retreat with the party.


But suddenly, another plate of armor appeared in the distance behind him.

The faces of the students at the Black Turtle Tower became very blue.

"I'm going to lure them in..."


Lee Han opened the door without hesitation. From the moment I entered the hallway,
it was the door I had been eyeing to open in case of emergency.

An old space that seemed to have been used as a lecture hall appeared in the past.
Behind the chairs and desks were piles of all kinds of junk.

The students of the Black Turtle Tower unwittingly looked through the clutter to
see if there were any useful ones. It was a kind of occupational disease.

“If everyone gets their armor in here…”

"Know. Wodanaz. Are you telling me to scatter and run away? Whoever gets caught?”

When faced with an insurmountable crisis, they disperse and run away to minimize

The Black Turtle Tower students were already familiar with this principle.

"no. I'll shoot you down with magic, so don't be surprised and run away. It will
probably be very noisy.”


The students of the Black Turtle Tower thought of Lee Han proudly bringing up the
story of taking down the plate armor.

'You brought me well!'

How many people would say they would take down the plate armor like that?

I thought the Black Turtle Tower students did a really good job bringing them



A rattling noise was heard from the rubbish behind. The students, who were very
nervous, turned their heads in bewilderment.

“Did you touch it?”

“No… you?”

Paper and quills came to mind. And then he engraved the letters.

- Can't you be quiet, freshmen?

“Uh… it’s a ghost!”

- Not a ghost, but a senior. You stupid freshmen.

The students stopped trembling at the words engraved on the paper. But it wasn't
completely reassuring.

“If it’s a senior, why… are you doing that?”

"Right. Show me your face.”

- Don't be crazy. I don't want to go to the punishment room. Now this is too


For a moment, Lee Han wondered what he was talking about.

'ah. If you come into contact with a freshman, the principal will send you to the
punishment room.'

Skeleton Principal was too much to do.

If it hadn't been for that, there would have been a few students who had come in
contact with the seniors.

-Anyway, lower your voice and have a conversation. Unless you want to be caught by
that armor. And don't talk nonsense that freshmen use magic to knock them down!

At the words of an unknown senior, Lee Han reflected a little.

Was it that crowded?

"I thought I could use elemental lightning magic... I'm sorry."

-...You know how to use elemental lightning magic?

The opponent seemed a little perplexed. The font trembled.

- Still, don't do it because it will make noise around you. that I'm being caught

Lee Han and the Black Turtle Tower students realized that it was a very valuable
opportunity to meet their seniors like this now.

When will I ever get another chance to talk to the person who entered the school

"senior. How can I get rid of that armor?”

"senior. Which way is best to get to the kitchen from here...”

"senior. <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> What's the exam?"

The senior seemed to be perplexed by the sudden pouring of questions.

- Am I the one who came to answer your questions? Can't you stay still? I don't
even know what kind of armor it is...

Lee Han stopped his friends.

It would have been a loss if I couldn't hear the stories I could hear because I
was just stimulating my seniors.

“Let’s all calm down and listen to the senior. senior. What kind of guy is that?”

The walking armor was a pet often used by the Skeleton Principal.

A notorious beast that can roam around the school all day as it is not alive, and
has the ability to detect heat, catching hapless students!

But the harsher the school is, the more the students will evolve accordingly.

The students also had some tricks.

-Disturbing with fire magic, tricked with illusions of heat, covered with thick
layers to keep heat from escaping... This classroom is where I hang my illusions.
Even if you open the door, you won't notice the armor. But there's no use in making
the noise louder, so please keep your mouth shut!

'ah. That's why I felt uncomfortable.'

Lee Han convinced himself.

When I entered the classroom earlier, I felt a subtle sense of incongruity.

No matter how much I looked at it, I thought I had misunderstood because nothing
had changed, but it was an illusion that allowed only moderate heat to be sensed.

'You can use it this way.'

Lee Han thought that he had learned something good and remembered it. There will
be a lot of work to go to school in the future, so it will be helpful.

“I didn’t notice it at all.”

"Me too."

-If you notice, would that be fantasy magic?

The quill moved quickly and left a note. There seemed to be some pride in the

“So, what were you doing here?”



-...I was going to the kitchen.

"Good for you! We were also going to the kitchen.”

“Then why did you want to go to the kitchen?”

The old man was silent again. Ihan asked.

“Isn’t that because you’re hungry?”

"a. Wodanaz. I hope so.”

"right. I'm not a freshman, I'm a senior..."

-...right. There is a reagent hidden in the kitchen, and it is because I need it.

The old man hurriedly left an excuse. The other students admired, 'Yes,' but Lee
Han looked suspiciously.

'I don't think so.'

-All the armor has passed. Now let's move.

“Can’t you learn the illusion magic that tricked the armor?”

Ian asked.

Of course, if you wait, you could learn such a magic someday in fantasy magic
class, but Lee Han needed that right now.

When you meet walking armor, you can't say, 'Please wait until I learn'.
The old man snorted and started writing letters.

-Teaching is not a magic that freshmen can learn now.

“Anyway, anyway…”

When Lee Han persistently asked for it, the senior wrote an explanation as if it
was annoying.

Farhaite's lower illusions.

This magic was the magic that deceived the armor that is now walking.

A magic that summons an illusion of heat, as indicated by the incantation of

'Heat, distort the air'.

Instead of changing the scene inside the classroom with this magic, the senior
spread only moderate heat like a curtain.

This alone is enough to avoid the gaze of walking armor, and summoning up an
illusion would consume considerable magical power.

There was no reason to waste mana needlessly.

'A freshman wouldn't be able to.'

The reason I told you so gently was because I thought it would be impossible for a

How can I use this magic when everything from how to deal with magic power to the
amount of magic that can be used is lacking?

It was faster to let me know and give up quickly than to just refuse.

- Freshmen, hurry up to the kitchen...

“Fever, distort the air!”

Along with the spell, a fantasy enveloped Lee Han and his party.

In the eyes of the senior watching from the outside, it seemed that Lee Han and
his party had disappeared.

It was his first time casting it, so Lee Han wasn't sure if it worked well.

“Is this right?”

-...I think it lacks a bit of fantasy aesthetic...

The senior, who had been scolding himself unknowingly, realized what he was doing
and blushed.

What kind of ugly thing is this!


Farhaite's fantasy magic series was more difficult than other illusion magic.

Not only does it deal with a simple fantasy, but as the element of heat is added,
the difficulty naturally increased.

<Fahite's Lesser Illusion> ends with adjusting the temperature suitable for the
illusion, but if you go to the intermediate or advanced level, you could actually
summon the illusion of attacking the intruder.

'Let's be calm.'

The senior realized that what he was doing was ugly and shrugged his heart.

As a freshman, there was no law that required you to fail at magic. Luckily, the
magic might have been right for her.

-It looks like you have a talent for elemental fire magic. let me guess Did you
show your talent for the element of fire in Professor Garcia's class?

“The professor forbids elemental fire magic.”


The old man was at a loss for words.

Aside from talent, what did you do that got you banned from elemental fire magic?

'What is this child?'

* * *

The group immediately went to the kitchen.

He couldn't hold on for a long time in a situation where he didn't know when the
walking armor or warehouse keeper would appear.

The unidentified senior guided the party forward, waving paper and quills.

The door engraved with the kettlebell creaked open.

-This is the basement 'kettle' kitchen. It's relatively accessible compared to

other kitchens at school. It's a pity that I don't drink alcohol, but...

'Is alcohol important?'

Contrary to Lee Han's idea of what he regrets, the Black Turtle Top students were
very sorry.

“No alcohol…”

“I am very sorry.”

“Is there no need for alcohol in the kitchen?”

Lee Han was taken aback by the strong desire for alcohol that his friends showed.

'What the...'

Did you come to study or to drink?

While the Black Turtle Top students were searching the kitchen, wondering if they
had no alcohol, the senior called for Lee Han.
Previously in <Farheite's Lesser Illusion>, I showed an ugly side, but this time
it was time to show a more senior-like side.

How impressive the hidden place of the school must be to the naked and hungry
freshmen who know nothing.

-ruler. follow me. And be careful not to scream.


- Open that cupboard.

At the senior's words, Lee Han was puzzled and opened the cupboard.

'Are there any traps?'

Ham and sausages made from cut pieces of meat were hung.

Lee Han was grateful for the sausages that were either salted or smoked.

"this. thank you."


The old man was perplexed.

When I was a freshman, it was normal to turn my eyes around when I saw something
like that.

How happy I was when I happened to get a piece of sausage in the professor's lab
when I was in my freshman year.

He didn't even use a fork or knife. I roughly cut it with a pocket knife and
swallowed it haphazardly. I can still remember the taste of that sausage.

But now, that freshman boy was showing a relaxed appearance, saying, 'You made it
pretty well' and even giving a review.

No matter how you look at it, it was not what the freshman would show.


“Wordanaz. I found the materials I needed. Can you come and help me?”

"okay. i get it."

The Black Turtle Tower students lit a fire under the pot and gathered ingredients.

The old man asked curiously.

- What are you doing?

“I am trying to make a nutritious meal for my friend.”

- Not a bad idea.

The old man nodded his head.

The magic school was too harsh a place to eat only what was given. Especially if
you are a freshman.

In order to survive, you had to take care of yourself.

-...Wait a minute. Wait a minute.


-Now that's not just cooking!

The senior was startled and tried to dry it.

The atmosphere was different from the usual cuisine.

The ingredients in the pot caused a chemical reaction, emitting a unique magical

It was a kind of alchemy.

Besides, looking at the preparation, the process was usually not complicated.

'I think I'll need a magic spell...'

- It's not that difficult for a freshman to do. let it go!

'is it?'

Lee Han asked Salco. After hearing this, I had to confirm.

“Tutanta. I heard that this dish is not an ordinary dish, but a kind of alchemy,
so the difficulty is quite high. Is that true?”


Salco nodded meekly.

Ian was a little relieved at the sight.

'Looking at that, it seems that there is a corner to believe.'

Salco was not a reckless person. He wouldn't have done this if he wasn't sure.

“Even though you know it, if you see how you prepared it, you must be confident.”


And Salko held out the scroll to Lee Han. Ian paused.


“Here is the secret of the family that I wrote down in as much detail as possible.
You could do it.”


Ian was stunned.

Even Salko, who believed in the family secret and passed it over, was absurd, but
more than that...

So, did the students of the Black Turtle Tower believe in Lee Han?

'These children are too overrated.'

It's a rumor about black magic that has already spread so much that it can't be
undone, but isn't this a completely different realm?

"I'm not that good at alchemy..."

“Priest Siana gave great praise to you. There is no lie if the Priest of the
Fleming Church praised it.”

“Wordanaz. There is no need to be humble in front of us.”

The Black Turtle Tower students spoke as if they were talking.

Lee Han seriously contemplated whether he should be less flattering with other
people in the future.

'Ugh. But I don't think I can make it.'

First of all, Lee Han read the secret of the Tutanta family.

The ingredients were difficult and a lot of stuff went into it, but it wasn't so
difficult that it couldn't be done.

I've done many more difficult experiments than this, but there's no reason to be
afraid of this level.

-Because it's not as difficult as a freshman can do.

Next to me, a senior scribbled with a quill. Ian said.

“I think I can do it.”'ll regret it later.

The senior prayed that that cheeky freshman would fail in alchemy and use the
liquid in the pot.

In the first year, it's not like you're learning your own limits!

* * *

As the liquid in the pot turned golden, the bubbles gradually decreased and began
to sink.

The Black Turtle Tower students exclaimed.


Salco nodded as if he knew that.

"Thank you. Wodanaz. I was sure you could definitely do it.”

Lee Han shuddered at the appearance of the Black Turtle Top students who believed
in him more than Lee Han himself, but did not show any publicity.
Because it's good for once!

Of course, unlike the warm atmosphere of the freshmen, the senior who was watching
was so absurd and absurd that it was impossible to say anything.

- Aren't you a freshman? Say it. what grade are you?

“I am a freshman. senior."

-Where's a freshman like you!

The average freshman did not learn <Fahight's Lesser Illusion> at once. I didn't
even keep my composure when I saw the food in the kitchen.

Besides, he didn't show a single mistake during the complicated alchemy process.

“Wordanaj is a freshman. senior."

"Right. Why are you doing this to Wodanaj?”

The Black Turtle Tower students began to be suspicious of the invisible senior.

They say that Wodanaj can't do enough...

Are you not intentionally disturbing me?

The old man couldn't be unaware of that gaze. The old man was speechless with

How dare you use such an absurd name!

“So, Tutanta. Are you done?”

"okay. This is our family’s vision, beer candy.”


Lee Han doubted his ears for a moment.

However, contrary to the playful name, the beer candy made with the vision of the
Tutanta family was a nutritional and preservation food with a fairly serious

It can be stored at room temperature for several months, and eating a beer candy
the size of two fingers provides two days' worth of nutrients.

“Try it once. Wodanaz.”

Lee Han carefully put the sleepy beer candy into his mouth. The sweet and soft
taste was slightly reminiscent of candy.

Salco said with a proud expression on his face.

“Can you feel your magic power restored?”

“…Uh, uh.”

Lee Han managed his expression, remembering the last time he drank the magic

“But why is it called Beer Candy?”

“The ancestors of our family, who suffered from a shortage of beer because they
were locked up under the mine, made it to replace beer and gave it that name.”


Hearing the really useless origins, Lee Han nodded roughly, cut a beer candy,
wrapped it in paper, and put it in his pocket.

I would have made the dishes I wanted, and now it's time to go home with only the
good things to bring in the kitchen.

'Where was the sausage?'

- It's a big deal!!!

The senior wrote with a quill in a hurry. It was so rushed that the last words
were not even completed properly.


- The warehouse keeper is coming! Avoid corners!

Heat, twist the air!

The senior memorized the spell with words.

It was a magic that took much more effort than before.

He had to create a plausible illusion to cover the inside of the kitchen, which
had become messy due to cooking.

“Can you fool the warehouse keeper with this?”

-I don't know either! Be quiet!

The senior's nervousness spread to other students as well.

Lee Han and the Black Turtle Top students stared at the kitchen door with their
faces hardened.


But the warehouse keeper walking down the hallway did not open the door. Lee Han
felt the warehouse keeper casting a spell outside the door.

“I use magic!”

-The magic... Wait. how did you know

The senior was embarrassed while writing a quill.

In order to see who is coming first, I put a summoning object for the long dog in
the hallway, but that freshman didn't have anything like that.

How did know?

“Since the magic has moved, didn’t you use magic?”

- Can you detect it here? no. Now that's not important. I think the warehouse
keeper made a plan.

The senior looked at the hallway and was bewildered.

The warehouse keeper, who would normally pass by, was casting a spell on each door
to see what changed his mind.

That magic...

'Space magic!'

The old man's complexion turned to lead. I don't know if it's another type of
magic, but if it's a space magic, it's several times more difficult to break.

Magic that is notorious for being the most difficult of all magic.

To walk that kind of magic on the door.

'Why are you doing that? Crazy!'

Wouldn't it be better to just patrol as usual and take a rest if there is nothing

Today, I couldn't figure out why all of a sudden they put space magic on the door.

After the warehouse keeper disappeared, the senior opened the door and tried to
get out of the kitchen.

Then he went back to the kitchen.

To Lee Han and the students of the Black Turtle Tower, it seemed only the door was

“What are you doing?”'ll find out if you try it yourself.

Freshmen went out and came right in. They looked at the door with absurd
expressions like seniors.

- We twisted the space of the door. It's the warehousekeeper's magic.

“Do you have a solution for your senior?”

-none. we are ruined

Lee Han nodded his head as if he had no choice but to say,

“You end up going to the punishment room like this.”

"sorry. Wodanaz. Because of us.”

"done. It was something I was prepared for from the beginning. to keep a promise
later. I didn't steal anything, but everyone hides it well just in case you don't

Even before entering the punishment room, Lee Han's expression did not change, the
senior was startled.

What is this...?

-Actually... there is a way.

"oh. Is that so?"

The senior seriously wondered what kind of situation this freshman boy would have
to panic.


-But for that method, your full cooperation is required.



Lee Han succeeded in managing his facial expressions, but the students of the
Black Turtle Tower looked suspiciously.

In the beginning, it was a school that the professors couldn't trust.

I couldn't believe he was a senior.

'I'm not going to betray you by saying that, right?'

'Somehow, that senior, doesn't he belong to the Blue Dragon Tower or the White
Tiger Tower?'

-... Freshmen. What's suspicious of me right now is... Damn it! It's like a
fucking school. okay! I'll be suspicious 'Cause it's like me But are you going to
distrust each other after coming all the way here!? And if you don't believe me,
how are you going to get out of here!

“That’s right.”

Lee Han comforted the Black Turtle Tower students.

Although this unknown senior was suspicious, he had no choice but to be locked in
the kettle kitchen by the magic of the warehousekeeper.

Being imprisoned and then caught, or listening to the methods of seniors.

“Let’s hear it first.”

- First, I have to give you some of the beer candies you made.


Salco's eyes changed as if he was looking at a suspicious swindler, but he still

put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a beer candy.

It was because he trusted Lee Han rather than trusting his opponent.
- I'm not trying to steal your freshman's stuff.

'I'm getting more and more suspicious...'

-You know, I used too much magic to get here today. There's almost no magic left.
need to recover

'ah. That's right.'

Lee Han understood what the other person was saying.

Unlike Lee Han, who has never felt a lack of magical power in her life, other
wizards often run out of magic when they use magic.

This unfamiliar senior has been using magic over and over again from the classroom
to the kitchen.

It was not strange even if the magic power was gradually depleted.


Beer candy slowly disappeared into the air.

Lee Han suddenly wondered.

“But how are you maintaining your invisibility magic when you don’t have enough
magical power?”

- It's not mine.

'...Skeleton Principal?!'

Although the handwriting was calm, Lee Han could somehow feel the senior's fear.

no way...

'Did the skeleton principal cast a spell to prevent him from contacting the

I wanted to shout, “Why are you doing that?”, but Lee Han didn’t.

Now, Lee Han also began to accept this magic school itself.

'Well. I used to be that kind of person. If I'm surprised, I'm the only one who

-done. Keep an eye on it.

Seeing how much his magical power had been restored, the senior headed forward.

The magic that the warehouse keeper now uses on the kitchen door is space warping

The name sounded simple, but it was by no means simple in terms of piercing it.

At least three levels of magic were required.

First, <sensory enhancement>.

The 2nd circle magic <Sensory Enhancement> was a popular magic among enchantments
among warriors.

Even a dull and slow warrior with one shot will show reflexes as sharp as a watery

Not only that, but thanks to enhanced senses such as sight and hearing, more
information can be captured in a chaotic battlefield.

Space magic is basically a magic that distorts the five senses, so in order to
deal with it, it had to be strengthened at least this much.

And the next was <Space Awareness>.

<Space Awareness> was a 1st circle magic, but in terms of its difficulty, it was
more difficult than the 2nd circle magic <Sensory Enhancement>.

It was because of the difficulty of space magic.

This <Space Awareness> played a role in accurately inserting the space near the
wizard into the mind.

It was different from the level of simply looking at it and calculating it by


What objects are located near you, and what exactly is the distance between them.

Usually, this magic was used as a secondary magic for battle wizards who often
deal with quick enemies, but this magic was essential when dealing with space

If you didn't even know it, you couldn't find a solution.

Finally, a magic with moderate destructive power was needed.

No matter what kind of magic, all you need is destructive power. You have to find
the weak part of the distorted space and break through it to get out.

'Magic has been restored.'

The old man took a deep breath.

As a third grader carrying the symbol of pure silver, I had to show my true self
in front of the freshmen.


“Sense, be strengthened. Space, be aware. Fire, form an arrow and fly away!”

The spell was memorized quickly and the magic was cast.

The senses were strengthened and the surrounding space became informational and
entered the brain.

And a flaming arrow flashed and pierced a point in the air.


Even the students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were suspicious, admired the
flaming arrows.

After all, a senior is a senior!

The flames that burned as if they were burning around were shot out while
maintaining the shape of a sharp arrow.

If you were a freshman, you could see how difficult that magic was.

Can you keep the flame element in the form of an arrow and fire it at the same

'The shape is incomplete and the control seems to be a bit lost when firing.'

...with the exception of Lee Han.

Lee Han thought to himself and was startled.

'no. I'm thinking like Professor Voladi, right?'

What's the big deal if the shape maintenance is a bit incomplete and you lose
control for a moment?

There was no problem with using magic.

Perfectionists like Professor Voladi point out every single one of them...

Lee Han reflected on the fact that he was thinking like Professor Voladi.

'You don't have to be obsessed with perfection. Then he can become like Professor


Fire arrows collided and burned away.

The Black Turtle Tower students waited in admiration.

'When can I leave?'




-...Give it...



From the crooked writing on the paper, the students realized that their senior had

* * *
Even if the senior asked for help, there was nothing the invisible freshmen could

After a while, the writing was engraved again to see if the senior had come to his

-...sorry. You looked ugly.

“What happened?”

- Failed.



When one of the black turtle top students next door opened his mouth, Lee Han was

What are you going to say?

“Beer Candy Thief...!”


-no! I must have failed on purpose!!

The senior desperately explained whether he did not want to be remembered as a

senior who ate beer candy and splattered.

There were two reasons for the failure.

One was that the range of space distortion magic was wider and stronger than
expected, so the magic power was consumed excessively in <Space Awareness>.

And one of the reasons was that the space warping magic was more solidly woven
than expected. It seemed that the warehouse keeper injected more magical energy
than usual, making it difficult to penetrate.

Thanks to that, even though I fired a flame arrow, it didn't penetrate and bounced

“So… we ate our beer candies and escaped unsuccessfully…”

Salko said in a serious voice. If it wasn't for the principal's magic, the senior
wanted to fight with the freshman by the collar.

-These... those who lack... they don't even know how difficult that magic is...

"senior. Just tell me about <space awareness>.”

Lee Han, who was listening, said.

After hearing the detailed explanation, it didn't seem so impossible.

The sensory enhancement magic is <Gonadaltes' Agile Steps>.

The magic required for penetration is <Gonadaltes' Sharp Hands>.

If I only learned <Space Awareness>, I thought I could try this one too.

Since it's a circle 1 magic, I didn't know if I could learn it right away if I was

-freshman. you really...

The senior paused while trying to bruise, saying, 'Do you think it makes sense for
first-year students to learn space magic on the fly?

First of all, it's not something I'm going to say because I've failed and I'm in a

I wanted to hear some words from that freshman's mouth, 'This seems unreasonable'.

-good night. I will write in as much detail as possible.

As I was writing, the senior suddenly became worried.

...what if this freshman succeeds in this magic once and for all?

* * *

after an hour.

Lee Han and his party left the basement kitchen and gathered in the front yard of
the main building lit by the moonlight.

Lee Han spoke sincerely to the paper floating in the air.

"senior. thank you You seem to be teaching me better than the professor.”


“After all, high school is different.”

At Lee Han's words, other Black Turtle Tower students seemed to think so too.

Seeing Wodanaj doing that, it was clear that the old man was unusual in teaching

Maybe that senior was a better theory filer at teaching magic than using magic.


It was a pity that the freshmen couldn't see their faces.

The senior covered his face with both hands and sat down on a nearby rock, sighing

'I learned magic in vain...'

I was proud that I was pretty good in my class...

Today, that pride is completely shattered.

Even for a freshman seeing it for the first time!

If you tell the other friends in the tower what you saw today, no one will believe

Saying maybe...

-I was hungry today, so I went to the kitchen to steal some food, but a freshman
taught me <Fahight's Lower Illusion>, so I learned it all at once. It was so
strange that he also taught me <Space Awareness>, right? You learn it all at once,
and then you recognize and break through the space warping magic used by the
warehouse keeper at once.

-Did you go to the kitchen and have a drink?

- Didn't the principal get him and get magic?

- Rather, is it possible to break through the space distortion magic with <Space
Awareness>? Would you need anything else?

-ah. That's... that, the freshman... that... I may have misunderstood, but it
seems that the principal used the magic he used before...?'re right. How a freshman uses the principal's magic.

-I think the freshman might be a transformed principal. hey. be careful. You can
come and take the principal to the punishment room within this week. Didn't you say
something strange?

- In the first place, do not contact the freshman!

...the same conversation will come and go.

"senior? Are you there?”

“Aren’t you already gone?”

“I think he just left because he said everything he had to say. You look great.”

- You haven't left yet...

The old man got up and stood up.

It was really shocking, but all the students who entered this magic school were
used to accepting the shocking reality.

It was hard to accept that the freshman was better at magic than he or his other
friends, but...

Neither the Magic School nor the Skeleton Principal were particularly easy to

Let's accept it!

-Thank you for today.

"no. Thank you for teaching me so well.”

'Who are you kidding?'

Lee Han's sincere thanks also sounded like a joke to the current senior.
-freshman. Originally, people I met at night at this school wouldn't ask for their
names or family names. When you get caught in the punishment room, you can be
dragged along.


For too realistic reasons, Lee Han was at a loss for words.

-But I really want to know your name. Even if you get caught in the punishment
room, don't keep the secret for my honor.

The senior wrote seriously.

I was really curious about it.

What the hell are you doing... No, are you a freshman?

Ian thought.

'This senior is deaf or lacks interest in others.'

A while ago, Black Turtle Tower friends kept playing Wodanaz and Wodanaj, but they
didn't know that.

Even the students of the Black Turtle Tower looked ridiculous.

But the old man also had a reason.

Unlike the freshmen, the seniors were keeping an eye on the outside of the hallway
and paying attention.

Besides, that monstrous freshman made me half crazy!

After thinking about it, Lee Han made a decision.

Seeing what he said like that, it seemed like he wasn't going to tell the Skeleton

'It's okay if I tell you.'

- I'll have to tell you first. I am the bombshell of the Moradi family.


“ name is Kainando.”



The students of the Black Turtle Tower did not notice the surprise, and the Moradi
family's balpatan nodded.

-Gainando... It's a great name commensurate with his outstanding talent.


- Remember the name. someday we will meet

The senior took a quill and a piece of paper and left.

One of the black turtle top students who woke up belatedly asked Lee Han in a
bewildered voice.

“Wow… Wodanaj. Is it okay to do this?”

“Didn’t you say that people you meet at night don’t tell each other names or


The Black Turtle Tower students were at a loss for words because of Lee Han's
ability to apply what he learned from his seniors in less than a minute.

Do I have to do this to become one of the top seniors in my grade?

“And you. Think carefully. What family did that senior just say?”

“The Moradi family.”

“If you belong to the Moradi family, do you think it will bother us later or not?”

At Lee Han's question, the students of the Black Turtle Tower were deeply immersed
in their thoughts.

The White Tiger Tower students were mostly rough, noisy, and clogged friends.

And the one who leads them is Giselle of the Moradi family.

Although he appeared polite and kind on the outside, the students who belonged to
the Salco gang were not deceived.

It is always the more vicious snakes that lead the snakes.

“I think it will bother you.”

"right. It was blocked in advance. No need to thank you. See you later.”

Lee Han, who had everything he needed, packed his backpack and left, waving his

Seeing this, one of the Black Turtle Tower students said to Salco.

“Tutanta. I think I can see why you don't talk to Wodanaj when you're alone."

"me too."

Salco nodded.

Wodanaj's ability, responsibility, and friendship towards friends were worthy of

respect, but...

Apart from that, it did not change the fact that Wodanaj could peel and eat one of
the Black Turtle Tower students in an instant if he wanted to.

It was like that even in the eyes of the Black Turtle Tower students from the back
alleys who had lived a rough life.

He looks like a scary guy!

* * *

Thanks to the relatively early expedition, Lee Han was able to return to the Blue
Dragon Tower break room and do his job.

I took out the groceries I brought from the kitchen and sorted them into a
cupboard in the private room...

'I can't go in anymore because it's full. I'll have to ask Yoner.'

...sort the relatively short-lived ones in order, keep the books, and sell snacks
to friends who are resting in the break room... No, treat them.

Only then was Lee Han able to sip coffee and go to his studies.

In fact, it was easy to forget about living at this school, but surprisingly, the
students entered here for study.

'Before I came in, I promised myself that I would not lose my studies even if I
didn't know anything else.'

I made a promise to show the children of the Empire who grew up well-groomed with
the madness of studying, but somehow I felt like I was becoming more specialized in
other fields because I was busy with food.

Maybe it's your mood?

Lee Han piled up the books to study one by one.

Books to study were piled up next to Gainando, who was drooling on the sofa in the
living room by the fireplace.

Seeing this, Lee Han suddenly felt strange.

'...I think only I have a lot to study?'

Lee Han tried to count again, wondering if there was any misunderstanding.

<Understanding Basic Magic> by Professor Garcia.

It was foretold that he would take a note test not only for basic elemental magic,
but also for magic in other fields.

Then black magic, summoning magic, and illusion magic were added.

Even if Professor Garcia took a really simple test, the black magic, summoning
magic, and illusion magic professors had a different story.

As the students gathered for the next grade and taught them in advance, there were
basic expectations from the students even if they did not take the official note

With that in mind, I had to read at least two books each.


'It's not strange so far.'

Lee Han pushed the book aside and checked the next one.

<Understanding Basic Alchemy>.

Alchemy was a field that would seriously hurt if you tried to follow it with your
senses without studying.

Although Lee Han has a sense of alchemy, which was cultivated through harsh
experiments, he cannot neglect his theoretical studies.

Especially considering the students who studied alchemy before coming in like
Yonner, Adenart, and Siana Priest, I had to work even harder.

With that in mind, three books...


Lee Han stacked the books next to him.

<Basic Mount Training>.

Although the note exam was over, Professor Lightning Gaul continued to teach every

Learning about the dangerous and capricious creatures in this school was important
not only for escaping, but for saving lives.

'It's only one book.'

It's thick, but it's only one volume. Lee Han sighed and piled it up next to him.

Next is <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>. Also <Basic Imperial Language
and Logic>.

These are compulsory subjects and subjects that are clearly necessary to study.

The height of the book has once again been raised.

It seemed almost over, but it wasn't over yet.

Lee Han pulled out an additional book.

<About Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and its Applications>, given by Professor

If I had not learned that there was no note exam, I did not know that I would have
to learn it by being struck by lightning directly in front of Professor Voladi. I
had to study beforehand.

A black magic book given (forcibly) by the Skeleton Principal.

I had to practice the <Gonadaltes' Sharp Hands> I told you last time until I
became proficient. Otherwise, I could be dragged into the dream again.

The most recently obtained <About basic blood magic and its application>.
No one said they didn't read this, but I had to read it to survive in this school.
She felt every time how helpful a single piece of magic could be.

Lee Han, who had all the books piled up, raised his head.

Gainando's face was not visible because of the book.


'That's strange.'

I've only organized necessary books, so why are there so many?

* * *

Guy Nando, who fell asleep in the break room, went into the bed in the private
room and slept soundly until morning, was amazed to see Lee Han awake in the break

“Are you waking up really early?”

“I didn’t sleep.”


Guynando quietly skewered the marshmallows, took them to the campfire, and roasted
them until soft.

It was then sandwiched between hard breads and eaten metallurgically.

“Why do you have to do that…?”

“Gainan too. You are too carefree.”

Asan of the Dalcard family also walked down with a tired expression.

As it was note test week, he stayed up all night in his private room to study.

How much did you study to perfectly master <Basic Imperial Geometry and

Perhaps Woudanaj also stayed up all night because of that subject.

“Wordanaz. I understand. Even after doing this, I think I only understood about
80% of Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic.”

“That was good enough. I still have a lot to learn.”

Gainando, who was listening next to him, tilted his head as he ate the

There seemed to be some misunderstanding between the two of them.

As you can see from the fact that Asan only holds the book <Basic Imperial
Geometry and Arithmetic>, it was correct that he studied only that subject.

On the other hand, Lee Han...

'Isn't there a pile of books yesterday?'

Obviously, there were books piled up like a mountain before going up, but now
there is only one book left.

Gainando was curious and asked.

“Where did the original books go?”

“I put all the books I studied in my private room. Because it’s cumbersome.”


Guynando dropped the marshmallow he was holding.

“Mi… aren’t you crazy?!”

“Why is that, Gainan-do?”

“I heard that Lee Han stayed up all night studying!”

“…that’s what everyone does. This child.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students who came out one after another belatedly attacked

Are you saying that you are making such a fuss over what you have studied now?

Everyone is studying!

“No… hey… this…”

Gainando trembled with embarrassment.

Those who didn't even see the books piled up in the break room...!

“There were so many...!”

“Don’t say anything strange, and even eat the bread.”


Gainando gulped and swallowed the leftover bread. The bread was delicious.

“But Asan. Why did you study yesterday in your private room instead of in the
common room? Isn't the break room better?"

“Because you keep talking loudly.”


Meanwhile, Lee Han read <On Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and its Applications>
once more and got up.

I didn't like it very much, but it was time to move on to start the day.

“Wordanaz. What class are you taking today?”

“Basic fencing.”
“I… that.”

The friends looked sad at Lee Han's words.

It must be difficult because it's note test week, but to hear a lecture like basic

It seemed difficult just thinking about it.

"it's okay?"

“It’s fine.”

Lee Han was puzzled by the worries of his friends.

To be honest, unlike the subjects I'm studying now, the <Basic Swordsmanship>
lecture was rather comfortable, where I just went and beat myself up.

But the friends looked at Wodanaj's back with worried expressions.

“Isn’t the white tiger tower bastards attacking me as an excuse for the note

“Next time you see the White Tiger Towers, let’s warn them not to touch Wodanaj.”

The Blue Dragon Tower friends united in friendship and made a firm decision.

If the White Tiger Tower students heard it, they were determined to burst into

* * *

“What happened? The atmosphere is strange.”

Unlike the original swordsmanship class, the atmosphere was lively and chaotic.
Lee Han was puzzled and asked Durgyu.

Durgyu said in a low voice.

“I heard that someone from outside is coming for the note test today. Lee Han.”


Lee Han seemed to understand why the students of the White Tiger Tower were
chattering with half excited and half worried faces.

People are coming from outside.

They are probably from the same knight family.

As the students of the White Tiger Tower, all of them from the knight family, I
had no choice but to be nervous.

If you show shameful swordsmanship or make a mistake while dealing with it...

“Everyone will be nervous. In fact, I get nervous too.”

“In that sense, I feel at ease.”

Ian said proudly.

He came from a wizarding family, so there was no reason to hear things like, 'Why
is someone from that family so bad at swordsmanship?'

Because it's a wizard's house!


Durgyu was very embarrassed by Lee Han's words.

“Lee Han, you won’t show any shame even when dealing with guests from outside.”

"is it? I wish I hadn't decided too soon. Don't you think you won't be ashamed if
I use magic while fighting?"


“It’s a joke.”

“That, right?”

Durgyu returned his pale face. He was terrified to know that Lee Han was sincerely
saying such a thing.


Professor Ingaldel appeared with a crackling sound.

"ruler. Nice to meet you all... Needless to say, this week is a week to check how
well students are following with a simple test. So we brought guests from outside.”

With Professor Ingaldel's words, heavily armed knights appeared from behind.

“…the same age?”

Lee Han asked Durgyu.

Looking at the faces of the knights, it seemed that they had spent a decade more
on the battlefield than the students here.

“Maybe he’s a little bit older than his age…”

“All the knights who have come here are outstanding knights who are active in the
Knights Templar.”


The students were astonished.

Ian thought.

'Professor Ingaldel and Professor Voladi are doing something very similar.'


While Lee Han was thinking the most rude thought in the world, Professor Ingaldel
was proud of himself.
'You brought it really well.'

The Knights Templar brought by Professor Ingaldel, the White Oak Knights were one
of the Empire's most prestigious knights.

Instead of staying in one area and guarding the area, the Knights roam around the
Empire to find danger on their own.

That was the White Oak Knights.

It is common knowledge that knights wander around grandly with their servants and
slaves, but the Knights of Whitewood did not fall under that.

The knights of the Avalanche Knights wore only a horse and a pair of armor,
wandering the vast and rugged lands of the Empire alone.

To do that, it was not enough to simply excel in swordsmanship.

Various abilities were required, such as the ability to cope with all kinds of
situations and improvisation.

As such, these articles can teach many things to young students!

'A much better choice than bringing fellow knights...'

While Professor Ingaldel was proud, Wikelinz, a knight of the Order of the White
Oak, stroked his beard and frowned.

'I came here because of Ingaldel's request, but I think I came here by mistake.'

Wikelinz didn't like dealing with students or young novice knights.

He had no idea how to deal with it.

The swordsmanship that Wikelinz learned and learned was only for actual combat,
not for teaching or giving lessons.

I was indebted to Ingaldel before, so I couldn't refuse the request, so I brought

the knights here, but...

The dreadful thing hasn't changed.

It wasn't even the knights who risked their lives on the path of swordsmanship.
They were knights who wanted to walk the magic path together.

'They're the knights who entered the magic school.'

It wasn't that Wikelinz hated or ignored wizards.

Every knight had been indebted to a wizard at least once, and there was no way to
ignore it.

However, for students of that age, even if they risked their lives and devoted
themselves to swordsmanship, it would not be enough to deal with Wikelinz, but it
was only terrifying for students who were learning magic to fight against Wikelinz.

There is no law that you have to learn from the knights of Bikelinz or the Knights
of the White Oak.
I should have called the kind knights of other knights or trainees of my age...

"therefore. What can I do, Professor Ingaldel?”

“Just like I said before coming, you just have to deal with it comfortably. Leave
me alone.”

“I see.”

Wikelinz sighed and walked with the knights.

The knights dispersed one by one to their respective positions and stood in place
with their wooden swords. It looked like they were waiting for the students to

Lee Han opened his mouth to somehow persuade Professor Ingaldel. If the White
Tiger Tower guys didn't come forward, even Lee Han had to step forward.

"professor. Fighting one-on-one with those knights is a bit…”

“No worries. Wodanaz.”

Professor Ingaldel laughed. Lee Han almost felt relieved by that laughter, but
then he came to his senses.

'no. This is not the time to be reassured.'

“Of course, the three of us will face one. Please gather in the group you selected
last time.”


It wasn't the time to be reassured.

Inwardly, Lee Han swears at Professor Bolling Gerdel and moved on.

Giselle, like Lee Han, was approaching with a very, very disliked expression.

Durgyu sighed and said.

“In a way, it’s fortunate that the three of us are together again…”

“Stop talking nonsense. choi.”

"luck? You must have been lucky enough to meet the Skeleton Principal.”

Durgyu, who was beaten by Giselle and Lee Han at the same time, became pale. Ian

"sorry. Durgyu. It's not your fault."

"not. Lee Han.”

Lee Han looked at Giselle.


Come to think of it, in less than a few days, he had had two grudges against the
Moradi family.

Once against the Skeleton Principal's pet.

Once against a senior in the Moradi family.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt a little sorry.

This time, Lee Han decided to make a very slight concession.

“For this exam, let me make concessions. Moradi. I will follow your instructions.”


It was a surprising situation in which Lee Han bowed his head first, but Giselle
was not happy at all.

Rather, it was blatantly suspicious.

'What do you mean?'

There are people you can subdue and give your allegiance to, and there are people
you can never subdue.

And Wodanaj was the latter.

Giselle knew it too, so she didn't even expect to bring Woudanaj to her knees.

But suddenly, it came out so obediently.

No matter what I thought, I won.

“...what do you mean?”

“What do you mean… Moradi. If we don't make concessions to each other, we won't be
able to score in this exam. So I gave in.”

When talking about exams, Lee Han was always sincere. Giselle shook a little at
that sincerity.


"But Wodanaz you say you're following my instructions and you won't listen right
away... you're a bastard."

“It’s like your instructions are a dog… no. There are times when I don’t

Durgyu listened to their conversation and pondered when to stop.

I think it would be better if we just didn't talk...

“...Anyway, good. Are you following instructions? You won't believe it, but I'll

“I beg you. So Professor Ingaldel. Who are our opponents?”

Lee Han looked around, asking Professor Ingaldel.

Where is the lottery?

Professor Ingaldel responded kindly.

“This is Wikelinz-sama over there.”

"...wasn't it random?"

To Lee Han, the knight called Wikelinz looked like a boss.

This means that you are most likely to be the most talented.

“These three have the best skills, so I gave them a match that suits them.”

"Oh, I see..."

Lee Han tried to control his expression. Professor Ingaldel encouraged Lee Han
without knowing his heart.

“The three of us will be able to show a good side enough.”

"Yes. See... Professor Ingaldel.”

* * *

Wikelinz said in a serious voice as the three young students approached.

“You may attack by any means possible.”

Durgyu asked with a surprised look.

“Is that okay…?”

“It is more unnatural not to use something that can be used. If you can use magic,
use magic. I won't even look at you."

'You can take a look.'

Lee Han thought so and picked up the wooden sword.

We only talked for a few words, but I got an idea of what kind of person he was.

Wikelinz was a strict knight like the teacher who taught Lee Han, Alarlong.

The problem was that Alarlong looked after Lee Han and dealt with it, but Wikelinz
did not.

People who tell students to 'attack by all means' are more likely to defend
themselves by all means.

Giselle, too, must have felt such an unusual feeling, and there was a subtle
uneasiness on her face.

“The Choi family?”

"Yes. you're right."

Wikelinz guessed Durgyu's family with his attitude alone.

“Double swords… Family Moradi.”

Giselle nodded her head.


Wikelinz was bewildered when he saw Lee Han.

Looking at his posture, he is clearly a byeokam sword...

Were there any families that used wall-rock swords?

Except for the Imperial Knight Alarlong, I knew that there were none, but it was
quite embarrassing.

“Which family do you belong to?”

“The Wodanaj family.”

"Wordanaj... um... huh?"

When Wikelinz was embarrassed by moving his iron-like facial muscles, Durgyu and
Giselle unwittingly sympathized.

'I can understand that feeling.'

"Ummm... Actually, how important is your family to learn swordsmanship?"

Wickelinz ended with a smirk, perhaps embarrassed by his embarrassment in front of

the students.

But the disappointment hasn't changed.

...why the hell is a student from the Wodanaj family here?

Besides, looking at his posture, it seems he didn't learn swordsmanship in a day

or two...

“Lee Han. I can't see any gaps..."

Durgyu swallowed his saliva and muttered.

The pressure that Wikelinz emitted was brutal.

Just standing still and gently lowering the wooden sword, the pressure feels like

I couldn't even imagine how strong it was.

“You said to use all the methods you can use, so let’s use it.”

Lee Han took out his wand.

To be honest, I didn't even think that Lee Han could win against Wikelinz.

Any method was inevitably weak against the knights of veterans who had lived on
the battlefield wielding swords for decades.

But if you stand still, the score doesn't come out.

I had to do my best to hear the words 'We lost but we fought well' from Professor

“Foot. Crush the ground.”

Lee Han cast <Gonadaltes' Agile Steps>.

This time, not only for yourself, but also for the other two.

<Gonadaltes' Swift Steps> was similar to <Sensory Enhancement>, but it was more
efficient and practical...

'There are side effects, but it's not my job.'

The muscle pain that the friends would experience after magic was unknown to Lee
Han. Shouldn't you win first?

"Thank you. Lee Han.”

Durgyu nodded at the magic that covered his body. Even if he didn't ask, he could
feel that Lee Han was strengthening them with magic now.

“Space. Be aware.”


However, Lee Han's orders did not stop.

After casting a spell on the three of them, Durgyu was bewildered by the sight of
Lee Han, who continues to cast the next magic without a break.

“Hand, tear the enemy apart. Heat, distort the air...”

A sharp magical energy drifted through Lee Han's hand, and at the same time,
fantasies like a haze began to rise.

If you don't know what magic will work, the answer is simple.

it was all used up

At this point, not only Durgyu and Giselle, but also Wikelinz began to panic.

Even if I used magic, I thought I would use one or two at best, but I was using
too many more than I thought.

'Shouldn't it be dry ?'

Wikelinz looked at Professor Ingerdel.

If you use it like that, even if your magic power is exhausted, the young wizard
could be fatally injured.

If you were a professor, would you have to stop?

However, Professor Ingaldel sat still with a nonchalant expression on his face.
Wikelinz was even more perplexed.

'I'm not that kind of person.'


Lee Han did not miss the moment when Wikelinz turned away.

He immediately cast the 1st circle lightning magic and aimed at Vikelinz.
Lightning flashed towards Wikelinz.

Wikelinz did not even look at him and avoided him lightly.


Giselle shouted at Durgyu and ran out.

Even if they didn't send signals to each other, they knew that now was an
opportunity to use magic.

'What kind of magic is this...'

My legs moved a lot lighter than usual. It was a magic that Giselle, who hated
Wardanaj, had no choice but to admit.

However, Wikelinz seemed unimpressed by the two students getting a little faster.
He stomped his feet with an expressionless face, and he moved at a much faster rate
than the two of them.


A painful sound came out of Durgyu's mouth.

Durgyu, who prides himself on being the fastest sword among the students of the
White Tiger Tower, was different from Wikelinz.

The moment he stabbed Vikelinz, the knight disappeared and an irresistible

counterattack flew in.

All Durgyu could do was fly backwards and roll around.


Wikelinz stopped trying to completely subdue Durgyu. Water beads were flying.

The knight of the Baekyangmok Knights shook his head to avoid it. Like the water
magics I've seen so far, I expected it to be over once you dodge it.

But the water ball spun right next to his face, and then again aimed at Wikelinz.

Wikelinz was startled and struck the water ball with the back of his hand. A heavy
sensation came up on the back of the hand, which had been strengthened with magic,
as if the water ball contained considerable magical power.


Wikelinz praised it with sincerity.

Even wizards who were far superior to the freshmen here often failed to show such

How can you improve a simple low-level magic like this and get it out of the way?
However, hearing Lee Han's feelings were a bit complicated.

'Everyone except the professor praises me for doing well.'

Happy but a bit sad...

It wasn't the time to think in vain.

Lee Han grabbed the staff and prepared the next magic.


“Spring up.”

As the spell was repeated over and over, the water masses took shape and appeared.

<Space Awareness> The magic did not end with simply making the wizard accurately
understand the space around him.

An additional effect was also given when performing such a ranged attack.

Originally, it would be possible to greatly increase the number of water marbles,

which would be difficult to control more than a certain number because they were
controlling each one.

Combining and linking magic in this way is also a wizard's ability...



...but this was a story that could only be done with magical powers.

Durgyu and Giselle forgot to attack Wikelinz and looked at the water beads with a
look of absurdity and surprise.

Anyway, it was too much.


Wikelinz forgot to counterattack and stood still.

Originally, giving time to a strong wizard was a taboo among taboos. Because the
situation on the battlefield could have been turned upside down with just a brief

But Wikelinz watched instead of counterattacking.

It was too surprising to break the flow with an attack.

No matter how much Einrogard's student is, a freshman can do that level of magic?

“Professor Ingaldel. Are all first-year students at the Magic School able to use
magic that much?”

Wikelinz asked so.

If true, he was going to rebuke the wizards belonging to the White Oak Knights.
If a freshman who has just started learning magic is like that, then what about
the wizards belonging to the White Oak Knights?



“Absolutely not.”

Not only Professor Ingaldel, but also Durgyu and Gisele said with a stern look.


At that moment, Lee Han's attack began again.

Water beads formed in the air began to fly in different orbits and at different

Although Lee Han himself did not want to admit it, his appearance was similar to
the magic arrow control that Professor Voladi showed.

In the sense of aggressively firing a large number of projectiles, it had no

choice but to resemble the standard shown by Professor Voladi.

'I should say something to Professor Voladi.'

Professor Ingaldel, who was watching, furrowed his eyebrows with concern.

Several professors knew that Lee Han was learning about magic battle under
Professor Voladi.

- Do you understand, Ingaldel? Compared to Professor Bagreg, I am nothing. So

don't go anywhere and talk about me. Especially for His Majesty the Emperor.

-Ha... Why... I don't think this little boy... Talent will be poison to Professor
Voladi... Ah. Excuse me. I didn't mean to complain to Professor Ingaldel...

The wizard professors at this magic school were probably from wizards, so there
was nothing radical about it.

Now, Lee Han was also learning from such professors, so he was becoming more like

The freshman had too many water jades floating in the air.

No matter how much magical power it may have, the mental power it consumes to
control it one by one must be considerable.

Professor Ingaldel seriously thought that he should go to Professor Voladi and ask

Wouldn't it be dangerous to have so many water beads floating already?

'You should be careful.'

The only person who could protect the students from the professors of this magic
school was Professor Ingaldel himself.
* * *

Lee Han's spine trembled.


Does the strength of a knight who has reached the heights make people so afraid?

Of course, there were other reasons for Lee Han's chill, but Lee Han himself did
not know.

If I had known, I would have gone to Professor Ingaldel and begged, 'Please don't
say anything strange to Professor Voladi!'

Now, Lee Han was busy dealing with Wikelinz.

Even though Durgyu and Gisele turned to both sides and swung at each other, and
water beads hit one after another in the air, Vikelinz did not waver.

Wikelinz cut and dropped all the water beads that were rushing, and deflected the
two swordsmen who were rushing.

'This... <Perkuntra's Lesser Thunderbolt> won't work either.'

The reason the three students are holding on now is because Wikelinz didn't
actively fight.

If Wikelinz starts to attack, the combined attack they are pouring will collapse
in an instant.

It was not easy to put some damage when the opponent was free.

Lee Han didn't even have the slightest intention of seeing a match with a water
ball. The water ball was just a trick to confuse the opponent and create a gap.

When there is a gap, I tried to put a proper attack with a magic like <Perkuntra's
Lesser Thunderbolt>...

No gaps are created at all.

'Why the hell did Professor Ingaldel bring such an article...'

Regardless of the complaint, the body moved.

Towards the best possible way now.

“I hide at night.”

Lee Han memorized a small spell. Lee Han's body became transparent as he chanted a
spell while pulling himself behind the illusion.

Since they are quite far apart and there are several imitations of Lee Han due to
<Fahite's Lesser Illusion>, Wikelinz did not notice.

'To this extent.'

At best, despite casting the invisibility magic, Lee Han couldn't get too close.

It was because he was afraid of the other person's feelings.

I could tell by experiencing it firsthand in Professor Voladi's lecture.

An excellent wizard was able to detect the situation around him with only his
magic power, even with his eyes closed.

The same will be true of great knights.

As soon as you approach within a certain distance, you will immediately notice
even if there is invisibility magic.

Sadly, I couldn't help it.

Lee Han took a deep breath and prepared himself.

From now on, it was a race against time.

'Believe. Perkuntra!'

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

Magical energy flowed out from the center of Lee Han's body like an explosion, and
it turned into lightning-type magic.

An accumulation of lightning magic that is impossible in the first circle magic

<Lightning Generation> that is fired the moment it is cast.

In a spherical shape, lightning-property magic quickly accumulated and sped out


Wikelinz was the most surprising of what happened today.

A boy from the Wodanaj family had sneaked up and approached him and fired
lightning magic from behind.

That's enough magic to become a 4th circle!

It was surprising that a freshman cast the 4th circle magic, but what was even
more surprising was the speed.

Casting magic in a peaceful workshop is completely different from casting magic in

a fierce battlefield.

The former can be cast slowly over and over without any burden, but the latter has
to be cast quickly and at once, overcoming the tension and pressure.

How can a freshman break through such unfavorable conditions so quickly?

It seemed to be better than the wizards belonging to the White Oak Knights.

'The Wodanaj family... I heard only rumors, but the rumors were rather


A purple light flashed from Wikelinz's sword and slashed the flying lightning as
it was.

With a deafening roar, lightning ripped, bounced from side to side, and
disappeared into the floor.

The power of lightning can be guessed from the way the soil in which the lightning
is pierced is burning black.

But it meant nothing to Lee Han.

'...Percuntra. I will never believe you again!'

In a situation where even the magic you believed in was blocked, what is the
meaning of 'the power is still okay'?

Lee Han cursed Perkuntra.

Worst of all, Wikelinz changed his attitude with this surprise attack.

“…I was really impressed.”

Wikelinz raised his sword. Traces of lightning remained on the sharp blade.

Wikelinz didn't want to stand still any longer. No matter how young a freshman he
was, it was insulting and rude to just stand still in front of an opponent who
showed this level of skill.

Sincerely, sincerely.


Lee Han's spine became cold.

Needless to say, it was expected that the situation had already happened countless

“There seems to be a misunderstanding, knight...”


Without a word, Wikelinz stomped on his feet and shot out like a thunderbolt.

Lee Han instinctively memorized the spell.

“Gather, condense and explode!”

* * *

One of the most common misconceptions that non-magicians make was, 'Isn't it
possible to read and practice magic if you have a magic book, even if you don't
have to learn it from your master?'

Of course, it was close to impossible.

The magic book written by wizards is basically not the goal of imparting
knowledge, but close to the self-satisfaction of the wizard.

No attempt is made to make the reader understand!

It was a book full of codes, abstract metaphors, crooked writing, and

abbreviations and quotations that only the author could recognize.
Therefore, it was not unusual for Lee Han to get stuck in the first chapter even
after reading <About Basic Blood Magic and Its Application>.

This book was one of the most detailed and detailed books Lee Han had ever read.

Thanks to holding on to the book for a long time and wrestling with it, Lee Han
could barely confirm one magic.

<About basic blood magic and its application>

I believe that there is no blood mage who does not know about the great and
enormous magic missile of Piblicus. The brilliant master of blood magic, Pyblicus,
created this magic for his descendants of blood wizards, so it's like this...

<Piblicus' Great and Great Magic Missile>.

It was quite an ironic and grand name.

Magic Missile is an easy and easy one-circle magic.

I wonder if there are some mercenaries who only learn magic missiles and call
themselves wizards.

However, <Piblicus' Great and Great Magic Missile> was definitely different from
the existing Magic Missile.

It instantaneously draws out enormous magical power that is different from the
existing magic missile and condenses it.

It was a simple principle, but a more complicated principle was not needed for a
wizard who amplified his magic with blood magic.

It was the same for a person who had a lot of magical power like Lee Han.

Lee Han thought this magic was useful, so he studied hard.

Of course, I didn't expect to be able to use it without even a single practice in

a real situation like this, but...

snuggle up.

As the magic power condensed, it collided, and when it became unstable, it made a
strange sound.

Ian was perplexed.


At first I thought the magic had failed. But it wasn't a failure.

The condensed magical power continued to move according to Lee Han's will.

It's like it's about to explode!


It was then that Lee Han realized.

'Explode' that was in the spell.

Originally, if it was a normal magic missile, it had to be 'Shoot' or 'Fire'.

But 'explode'.

That means...

'It wasn't the type of magic missile that was originally launched!'

A magic that intentionally compresses enormous magic to make it unstable and then
explodes it at close range!

Such an unstable magic missile could not maintain its shape and fly.

This magic had completely abandoned the firing process in the first place.

Lee Han cursed the blood wizards and concentrated his mind.

Giving up the magic that had been cast so far was an act of suicide.

As long as this happens, we have no choice but to control this explosion!


* * *

Vikelinz, who rushed in, witnessed an explosion of magical power flashing in front
of him and was terrified.

Casting this kind of magic again in that short time?


By circulating magic power to the muscles of his body, Wikelinz strengthened it

and endured it.

It was an unbelievable destructive power that it had been cast in such a short
period of time.

While paying respect in his heart to the young adversary in front of him, Wikelinz
blew Lee Han's staff out of his hand.

When it was confirmed that the fight was over, Wikelinz put his sword around his
waist and approached Lee Han.

“I wonder if the White Oak Knights…”


Lee Han drew a wooden sword and stabbed it.

The wooden sword stopped in front of Vikelinz's chest.

Wikelinz looked at Lee Han with surprised eyes and smiled bitterly.

“It’s still a long way off. To make such a mistake…”

Because he was so engrossed in magic, he thought the fight was over by blowing his
Wickelinz meekly admitted.

“I lost.”

Considering what this young freshman did, he deserved the win.


"...thank you."

Lee Han said with sincerity.

I couldn't help but be grateful to Wikelinz.

If he did not want to admit defeat, he could not admit it as much as he could, but
he acknowledged defeat in consideration for the young freshman.

“Are you interested in the White Oak Knights?”


Ian paused.

The White Oak Knights...

'It seems like a tiring job with only honor left.'

It was a sound that would make them angry if they heard it, but it wasn't
completely wrong.

It was hard to imagine the suffering as he traveled alone around the empire for
honor and belief without staying at the headquarters.

“I am still lacking, and as a knight, I am even more lacking.”

Lee Han gave a good specification.

However, it seemed to have a slightly different meaning to Wikelinz.

The knight of the White Sheepwood Knights said in a serious and heavy voice.

“Not enough. Of course, you have to learn more now, but if you learn here for a
few years, you will be a better wizard than any other wizard in the Order of the
White Oak. And since no one expects the skills of a knight from a wizard working in
the Knights Templar, you don't have to worry about that."


Lee Han was taken aback when the other person suggested that he was more serious
than expected rather than just saying something polite.



“Besides… you don’t have enough skills as a knight. As a mage, that's enough to
overflow. Other knights would be ashamed.”
"ruler. Calm down. Wikelinz-sama.”

Professor Ingerdel stopped Wikelinz.

“Aren’t you still a freshman? It is too early to decide the future.”

Han Lee was moved by Professor Ingaldel's words.

and calmed down.

'No. That person brought him here in the first place.'

“That’s right. I was so excited that I was greedy.”

“What do you say? I’m just glad that you appreciated my disciples.”

While Professor Ingaldel and Wickellinz were having a warm conversation, the
Knights of the Oakwood Knights, who had ended their fight elsewhere, walked by.

“Are you done? Wickellinz? How were you?”

“Bikelinz. You haven't been too harsh on your students, have you?"

“I lost.”


Wikelinz kindly informed the knights who came late in detail about what had

As the knights looked at Lee Han with admiration and awe every time he pointed at
Lee Han with his hand and said something, Lee Han felt danger.


Lee Han sneaked away behind Giselle. Giselle took a step forward with a very
displeased expression.

“Everyone was great.”

Professor Ingaldel praised the three.

Not only Lee Han, but the other two suffered a lot.

While the magic was being cast, he struggled by tying Wikelinz's ankles.

“It’s perfect. It wasn't a fight I called to win, but I'm going to win like this."


It was only then that Lee Han remembered that the goal of this note test was not
to win.

Wikelinz attacked him so fiercely that he had forgotten for a moment.

“However, I think the unexpected side of the disciples is the greatest joy a
teacher can feel. Thank you all for giving me the greatest pleasure.”

Durgyu was moved and shouted together for nothing, but Lee Han and Giselle were a
little nauseous.

'No matter how much you think about the Baekyangmok Knights...'

'Don't you know enough?'

From the moment he brought the White Oak Knights and attached them, Professor
Ingaldel became 'No matter what, it's just too much'.

“The knights of the Baekyangmok Knights also said that they were very satisfied
with Dalian. He said he would definitely tell other colleagues about what happened


“If you have an opportunity like this next time, you have asked me to call you, so
it wasn’t polite to say that, but I was really satisfied.”

"...Yes. It seems so.”

Lee Han was just worried.

Isn't this supposed to be a fight with the Knights Commander Baek Yang-mok during
the midterm exam?

* * *


“Lee Han?”

After the lecture, Durgyu, who was walking with Lee Han, was puzzled when his
friend stopped.

“Why? What's going on... are you okay?!”


Lee Han knelt down.

It was because of the aftereffects of the <Piblicus' Great and Enormous Magic
Missile> that I used earlier.


Lee Han wanted to hold onto the collar of a writer named Fiblicus, who put this
magic in circle one.

How does this mean 1st circle?

Instead of giving up firing, he compresses huge magical power in front of him,

inducing instability and detonating it.

The principle was simply to gather magic power, but its destructive power and
danger exceeded expectations.

It was like throwing a bomb right in front of the wizard and detonating it...
There was only one magical safeguard.

When the magic power exploded, the wizard pushed the magic power to the other side
with all his might.

What if control fails?

Then he just got hit together. It was really crazy magic.

'Blood mages... You must beat the ban in the Empire.'

Even though I thought I had avoided the shock by controlling my magic, my vision
shook and I felt dizzy.

Still, thanks to that, I could clearly see what kind of blood wizards they were.

It's like they're taking away all safety devices for efficiency!

Lee Han vowed to change the name of <Piblicus' Great and Enormous Magic Missile>
to <Piblicus' Crazy Magical Explosion>.

“Lee Han! You must not die!”

"Durgyu... It's not that big, so don't be fussy."

Lee Han said to Durgyu, who was talking next to him.

It seemed that Durgyu was misunderstanding something, but not to that extent.

Other than that, I was more concerned.


“Why?! Let me know if you need anything!”

"I can't let the White Tiger Tower bastards notice my condition... lower your


Durgyu was speechless.

It was the wrath of a knight commander who went to war.

'You're a freshman, Lee Han...!'

But Durgyu did what Lee Han told him to do.

Even in Durgyu's eyes, it wasn't a good idea to show Lee Han's weakness to his
White Tiger Tower friends.

"wait. Lee Han. I'll take you to the healing room."

Durgyu supported Lee Han and moved on. A friend of the White Tiger Tower looked at
them and asked as if wondering.

"What's up?"
“…in training!”

“That’s right?”

Durgyu desperately took Lee Han to the healing room.

* * *

“It’s a symptom of mild magic concussion. What kind of crazy professor detonated a
magical explosion around the first graders?”

When Lee Han opened his eyes, he heard a voice in his ear.

It was a conversation between Durgyu and the owner of the healing room.

“That… I can’t tell you. sorry."

“Are you afraid the professor will retaliate? what the. I don't know why the rest
of the Empire fear us. We should be more afraid of wizards.”

'Come to think of it, it was my first time in a healing room.'

As there were so many injuries, the magic school had a place like an infirmary.

The last time I collapsed in a bloody battle with the anti-magic, I didn't have to
go to the healing room thanks to the Skeleton Principal who brought me here...

How did I come to see you like this today?

It was more ordinary than I expected.

Beds are arranged in a clean and clean white landscape, and the person in charge
of the healing room is talking next to Durgyu in the shape of a book...


Ihan blinked his eyes.

The owner of the healing room looked again in the form of a book. The book
flapping in the air said to Durgyu.

“The symptoms of concussion came from experiencing a magical explosion at a close

distance in a state of accumulating fatigue. She's been on recovery, so she'll be

"thank you! I really... I was fine for a while after the explosion went off, but
suddenly I collapsed... I thought there was a big problem with my magic.”

The book of the healing room was quite startled by Durgyu's words.

“Are you okay for a while after the explosion?”


“What kind of ignorant… please don’t ever do that.”

There was only one reason why he could look fine even after a magical explosion
exploded nearby.
It's just mental strength.

When he heard the explanation, Durgyu was also taken aback.

“It’s absurd. The reason why Lee Han endures so terribly is... um. no."


Come to think of it, Lee Han was a person who could do that. Lee Han felt a little
betrayed by Durgyu.

“Thank you for your treatment.”

As I opened my mouth with a cough, the book fluttered and approached me. Lee Han
hesitated because he did not know how to call his opponent.

“I am the devil in the healing room.”


“I don’t think you know what to call me.”

“Ah… did you?”

Lee Han was not surprised if the book he was talking about revealed himself to be
a demon.

Even if I was surprised, I could now speak calmly with a calm expression. It was
the magic school that raised Lee Han.

"What. It’s not funny… the other freshmen are startled.”

“I will match. Perhaps the demon in the healing room was captured by the principal
and forced to work here.”


The book I was talking about surprised me.

How did know!?

“Awesome! Isn't it usually unusual?"

“It is a word of exaltation.”

Lee Han waved his hand.

It was a reasoning that anyone who had met Principal Skeleton a few times could of
course make.

Of course, Durgyu, unaware of the situation, was very admiring.

"right. I was summoned and captured by Gonadaltes, so I am working here in the

form of a book.”

There was no dissatisfaction in the voice of the speaking book. Seeing that,
Durgyu asked.

“From what you are saying, are you satisfied with working here?”

"Yes? By the way..."

“Do you think that I have no complaints just because I am enjoying my voice?”

Lee Han interrupted their conversation.

He couldn't stand still and watch.

“Perhaps if you behave insincerely, the principal will punish you.”


The Healing Room's Demon and Talking Book surprised me again.

As a freshman, he understood his situation very well.

Considering Gonadaltes' eccentric personality, there was a high probability that

the bookshelf would be torn if he grunted in the healing room.

"You're so clever... Wait. You must not have transformed into Gonadaltes...”

The book he was talking about was muffled as if he was suspicious. Then she
immediately used magic.

“…Magic sense!”

The book that speaks of the immense magic that Lee Han felt was surprising.

“Gonadaltes! you really!"


“Lee Han is just a lot of magic!”

Thanks to Durgyu's desperate efforts to persuade him, the talking book stopped

I've used all sorts of confirmation and detection magic a few more times since

“He and I continued to move together. Absolutely not the principal.”

"great. Believe me. But freshmen. Keep in mind that Gonadaltes can swap your
friends for a brief moment when you look away.”


Durgyu thought the book he was talking about was a joke.

However, Lee Han took it seriously.

'I must be really careful.'

“If it were Gonadaltes, he would have revealed his identity the moment I used his
magic. You're not the kind of person who can stand still... Freshman. Sorry.
"it's okay."

Ian got up from her seat.

Thanks to the healing magic of the Talking Book, my body has also been restored,
so now is the time to get out.

"for a moment. Take this.”

The Talking Book gave Lee Han a small leather bag as he was about to leave.

"What is this?"

“It’s a simple remedy.”

“Ah… isn’t it all better?”

Ian was surprised.

It looks like you're completely in good shape, is there still anything left?

"no. It’s just a gift that invites you to visit often.”


Lee Han felt grateful and embarrassed at the same time.


Even the book he was talking about made excuses belatedly because he realized what
he meant.

“Of course I didn't mean to keep getting hurt. I just meant to come play often.”

"ah. okay."

Lee Han unwrapped his anger and opened his pocket.

It contained something like a piece of hard rock.

“It’s a griffon gallstone.”


Lee Han recalled the books he had read in his head.

From what I've read in alchemy books, Gryphon's gallstones must be...?

“Does it have a strong effect on magic recovery?”

"right. You know it well.”

Lee Han became pale.

'It's useless.'

It was after he had already experienced with his body that the magic recovery
potion had no effect in Professor Thunderstep's class.
I don't know if it's a magic power reduction potion, but the magic recovery effect

The talking book was bewildered by Lee Han's reaction.

If you don't know what this is, you wouldn't know, even though you knew it, that
kind of reaction didn't make sense.

Unless you are raising a griffon yourself...

“Is it precious? It is a true griffon gallstone.”

"thank you. But I've never been short of magic power..."


It was only then that the talking book understood Lee Han's reaction.

Come to think of it, if a freshman had that level of magical power, he would not
have felt the lack of magic at all.

"Ummm... Among the demons I know, there are a few demons with the ability to
absorb magic. It's dangerous, so I can't introduce you."

“I will take my heart.”

Lee Han said, slowly stepping back.

As a demon summoned by the Skeleton Principal, there seemed to be nothing good

about being so friendly.

“You should come here often! Let's talk about Gonadaltes together!"

The book he was talking about, not knowing Lee Han's heart, fluttered the pages to
see him off.

Durgyu said with admiration.

“Even though you are a demon who was summoned and captured by the principal, Lee
Han is kind to you. Lee Han. He must have recognized your abilities.”

Even the devil likes talented people.

So it was clear that he was kind to Lee Han.

“I think it’s a little different from that…”

However, in Lee Han's view, the conversation was far from that.


'There must be no one to curse the skull principal.'

Who would curse the skull principal with whom?

There was no one who could do that.

Thinking like that, Lee Han suddenly felt a little sorry for the book he was
talking about.

Somehow I got involved with the Skeleton Principal!

* * *

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>.

Just as mathematics is the foundation of all disciplines, this lecture was also
very important.

The higher the level of magic, from calculating magic power to creating magic
circles to developing new magic, the more intuition and sense alone could not solve

As such, the students knew the importance of this lecture and had to study hard...

'Did you use sleep magic?'

Ian looked around.

The students had already been wiped out. Guy Nando was nodding, sniffing his nose
a little.

The only survivors were Asan Ina (Asando was stabbing the back of his hand with a
quill pen), Aden Art (expressionless, but Lee Han witnessed the princess casting
sleep-chasing magic on herself), and Yoner.

Lee Han took out coffee.

When he handed the coffee to Yonaire, Yoner took it and drank it as preciously as
the first coffee he received after being rescued by a person who had been stranded
on a snowy mountain for several months.

“I’m so sleepy…”

Ihan nodded his head.

For some reason, the air in the classroom seemed to be getting thinner.

After completing the scribble by drawing a water bottle on the figure, Yonner
turned his head to change his mood.

For some reason, Lee Han seemed to be more upright than usual.

'Did you miss the night?'

"Not sleepy?"

“I can't sleep in a sacred lecture... I can't. Yonner.”


When a friend suddenly made a strange noise, Yonner was perplexed.

What is it?

'It should look good.'

Lee Han opened his eyes.

To be honest, the professor's voice made Lee Han, who has the will of steel,

A voice with a unique sense of rhythm makes people sleepy, as if hypnotizing.

If he didn't know the professor's identity, he would have suspected his opponent
as a master of mental magic.

Alpen Knighton.

A professor in charge of <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>, he was

originally a senior administrator of the Empire.

An imperial dignitary who tried to cut the research budget of countless wizards
and caused various resentments!

The professors at the Magic School still had a grudge against how much they swung
their swords.

But Lee Han was different.

'You must look good...!'

If it was an Imperial high-ranking administrator, wouldn't it be one of the few

positions within the Empire?

There was no way the person sitting in such a seat had no connections.

What if you look good to such a professor?

- Wardanaj-kun. Talents like you are the people the Empire needs. Come to the
Empire when you graduate! I would recommend

-thank you. professor!

Rather than a priestly relationship in which they build love and hate together in
a workshop, this kind of priestly relationship, which is recommended neatly and
never met after that, was the true priesthood that Lee Han thinks of.

To do that, I had to show off to Professor Alpen Knighton.

'But they don't seem to be really interested in the students.'

Ian was worried.

Professor Alpen Knighton was typically close to 'I'll go my way, you guys follow

Whether the students follow the lecture or not, they do their own thing.

He must have been very satisfied with himself, so he was a more demanding type.

'It is similar to Professor Voladi, but in a different way is difficult.'

Professor Voladi was not uninterested in the students, no, the students.

Rather, it was a problem because there was too much interest.

It was also true that they waited for the students to follow.

I've been waiting too far...

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about how to get the professor’s eyes.”

“…isn’t that enough??”

Yoner asked in a bewildered voice. Ian asked, puzzled.

“What is enough?”

“There’s nothing wrong with getting attention from professors, but if you get too
much, I think you’ll have a hard time…”

Yonner carefully advised.

Before entering school, I never dreamed that I would be giving such advice to a

Don't pay too much attention to your professors. what kind of advice is that

However, looking at the boy from the Wodanaj family now, I couldn't help but give
this advice.

I'm seriously worried!

"it's okay. Yonner. to this extent. And Professor Alpen Knighton is different from
other professors.”

"Ugh... I won't stop you if you're okay with it..."

Yonner was somehow ominous.

Why does it feel like a friend is digging his own grave?

"...So far. Remember this equation. You'll need it to calculate your magic power."

Meanwhile, Professor Alpen finished the lecture.

Gainando, who heard 'Up to this point' in his sleep, raised his head in shock.

"it's over? it's over??"

“Then I will try a simple test from now on.”

"'s over..."

Gainando realized that it ended in a different way and grabbed his head.

When I looked around, all the students who had collapsed before had come to their
senses and were desperate.

“You are lucky.”

“What luck?!”
Gainando was startled by Lee Han's murmuring.

Did your friend go crazy without seeing you?

Lee Han thought, ignoring Gainando.

'I will definitely stand out in Professor Knighton's eyes in this note test.'

Other than that, I couldn't be beaten by the freshmen here in this classroom in

I'll definitely show you something!


A distance was created between the students who were stuck together, and test
papers began to appear in front of the students.

Lee Han lightly tapped to the side.

A transparent curtain called out by Professor Alpen was blocking the space. When I
looked away, my vision became blurry.

'It will be difficult if you don't do magic.'

After entering the magic school, once he witnessed magic, he seemed to start
thinking about how to break through it.

The professor's voice was heard in Lee Han's ears as he was thinking.

“If you have solved everything first, you can submit it and leave.”

'I guess.'

“If you can’t solve it, you can’t go out.”


It was a word that was added so naturally that Lee Han almost skipped it for a

But when I heard it, something strange happened.

'If you can't solve everything, you can't go out?'

It felt a bit strange to say something so natural in such a separate way.

Someone raised his hand and asked if Lee Han was the only student who thought so.

"professor. Are you saying you can't leave until you fill in the blanks?"

“That’s right.”


The students were relieved. Until the professor's next words fall.

“…with the correct answer.”

“Uh… what if the answer is not correct?”

“You will have to solve it until you fill it with the correct answer.”

Professor Alpen looked at the student bluntly, as if asking a trivial question.

The students' faces turned blue when they realized the situation.

'You can't leave until you get everything right??'

'Now... uh...'

The students instinctively turned their heads and looked out the window.

After this lecture, I was going to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and have
dinner, but the story suddenly changed.

I don't know exactly how many hours Professor Alpen will hold them in, but...

'Are you going to lock me up until the night?'

'You still don't know this school?'

'Isn't it supposed to be locked up until tomorrow...?'


Lee Han started to play the quill like crazy.

It was no longer a matter of whether or not the professor could catch the eye.

It was a matter of whether or not he could leave the classroom.

* * *

'I almost solved everything...'

Lee Han looked at the circles engraved on the test paper and was immersed in

Since it was an enchanted test paper, a circle was engraved with each correct

However, the last problem caught Lee Han's ankle.

One day, Gonadaltes was given 3892 imperial gold coins by the emperor to build the
imperial Bilteron ballroom. The magic used in the Vilteron Ball at this time is as

(syncopation) many imperial gold coins were left for Gonadaltes when these magics and
reagents were used?

'Even if you think about it, 720 is correct.'

Ian didn't understand.

Check the magic circle over and over again, check the amount of reagents in the
magic circle, and check the labor cost for making it...

Even after doing so, the answer did not change.


I looked around and saw that some of my friends had caught up with Lee Han too
late, so they put down their quills and stared intently at the last problem.

They are all stuck in the last problem.

' Rather than solving the problem with the given information, should I have known
something? Is it a problem to be solved with a different idea?'

Ian thought about it.

Gonadaltes is the surname of the Skeleton Principal.

If the Skeleton Headmaster had received the gold coins, would he have left them
and returned them to the Emperor?

'I don't think so.'

Lee Han, who was immersed in thought, wrote '0' on the answer sheet without
thinking much.

There was no penalty for making a mistake, so I thought I'd try to stab it once.


However, the test paper was circled. Ian was shocked.

'What is this...??'

Professor Alpen also turned his gaze to see if he realized that Lee Han had solved
it all.

“It’s faster than I thought. good job A perfect score, Wodanaj-kun.”

He received the praise he wanted, but Lee Han was not happy. It was rather

“Kyo… Professor.”

“Why but?”

“Can I ask you about the last question?”


Professor Alpen said with a slight smile on his strict face.

“It must have been fun. I wanted to give laughter to students who were tired of


Lee Han pondered whether or not to revise his plan, which he was trying to catch
the eyes of.


'no. You can't judge a person by this.'

A slightly twisted sense of humor was only a minor drawback in this magic school.

Lee Han decided to focus on the positive strengths of the professor in front of

“It was really fun. A refreshing feeling like a cool breeze to me, tired of school

Asan, who had finished the second time, got up and approached him, but stopped
when he heard what Lee Han said.

'What was fun?'

No matter how you think about it, there was absolutely nothing interesting about
this exam.

"hello. professor. He is said to be the Asan of the Dalkad family.”

Professor Alpen, who discovered Asan, took out his pocket watch and checked the
time and said,

"Hmm. I had a story to tell to the students with excellent grades… Come along.”

Asan put on a shaky expression on his face.

At best, he had earned time after finishing the exam, but he didn't want to waste
it talking with the professor again.

“I will.”

Of course, it wasn't Han. Lee Han answered without giving Asan a chance to make an

Asan sighed in disappointment and moved on.

“By the way, Asan. How did you solve the last problem?”

“I couldn’t find an answer, so I wrote it down to enter from 0, and luckily… Are
you Wodanaj?”

Asan looked at Lee Han with an expression of 'Of course, Wodanaj would have solved
it like me?'

Ihan nodded his head.

“Of course I did that too.”

When other friends ask, I will answer like that, and Lee Han promised that.

He didn't want to appear as if he understood Principal Skeleton too well.

* * *
Professor Alpen's room was quite old-fashioned.

The books were stacked without a single dust, and everything in the room was in

“Sit down.”

As the two students sat down, Professor Alpen swung his wand and filled the teacup
with tea.

“The two students are outstanding enough to take first and second place in this

"thank you."

“Actually, one of my friends is going to visit the school next week. He's a friend
I had while working as an imperial administrator..."

Lee Han's eyes lit up as he listened quietly.

If it was a friend you made while working as an imperial administrator, it was

likely that they were also from an imperial dignitary.

“...when he visits, he wants to see the work of the students I am teaching. That's
why I want to leave the simple magic circle creation to you guys. It won’t be that
difficult as I’ve said it before in class.”

Lee Han was displeased and Asan hated it.

What was it that made you feel sad that you had to do extra work?

It's not that I don't have good grades!

'I can do this.'

Seeing Asan's disliked reaction, Lee Han nodded.

Lee Han has good grades, and above all, doesn't Asan hate it?

It was the perfect opportunity.

“I think it would be good if Dalcard-kun took over.”


Ian was surprised.


“I… me? Wouldn't it be better for Wodanaj to take over?"

Asan blurted out the end of his words as if he was not confident.

His skills are also skills, and he didn't want to do such an additional task.

Lee Han cheered Asan inside.

'cheer up. Asan!'

“Hey, Wodanaj-kun has too many things right now.”



Both Lee Han and Asan were at a loss for words.

That's right!

“I heard that he was so passionately concentrating on his studies that he was

spending time with other professors to learn. You can't disturb a student like

"...All right. I'll do it..."

Asan said in a sullen voice.

Asan also had a conscience.

If you were a student from the Blue Dragon Tower, you couldn't say to Lee Han, who
is so busy and hard, 'Still, take care of it!'

"no. professor. I will also help Asan.”

“Is that okay?”



Asan was so moved that dew formed around his eyes.

Friendship alone will help you with this boring, boring, and tedious task.


Asan wiped the tears with his sleeve. After she entered this school, she felt
particularly tearful.

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“It’s nothing. Asan.”

Lee Han patted Asan on the shoulder and thought to himself.

'I will definitely catch my eye.'

No matter who Professor Alpen's friend is, I'm sure he'll catch my eye!

After hearing a brief explanation, the two students said hello and left the room.

Professor Alpen, who was left alone in the room, muttered as if it were a pity.

“I’m sorry. Originally, I wanted to recommend Wodanaj-kun...”

In terms of talent and ability alone, the boy of the Wodanaj family was a talent
enough to want to recommend it to the imperial administrators later.
A brilliant brain and a strong passion for learning.

He will surely become a good bureaucrat of the empire.


'It is right to leave such outstanding talents to focus on academics rather than
official positions.'

Professor Alpen knew it well.

A moderately brilliant brain would be worthy of an Imperial office, but a truly

brilliant brain had to be dedicated to learning for the sake of the Empire's

The reason that Professor Alpen, who had worked for a long time in public office,
came to this school was to nurture even a little of the future fellows of the

As a former bureaucrat, it was disappointing, but from the point of view of an

educator, it was a pleasure.

'I'll do my best to help. to focus on your studies. Wardanaj-kun.'

* * *


As Lee Han was walking to take an alchemy class, he realized that the students'
faces were drenched in fatigue.

“What time did everyone leave the classroom yesterday?”

“After midnight… the magic didn’t work.”


“What was the answer to the last question?”

Yoner still had an expression on his face that he didn't understand.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't come up with any other correct
answer than 720.





“That’s… so…”

Although Lee Han did not raise any problems, Lee Han looked at Yoner and explained

From Yoner's eyes, a flame that could be used for smelting metal rose.
"porridge...! ...okay. That was it. okay."

Yonner barely calmed down.

At this school, I couldn't stand it if I got angry over each of these things.



Ihan turned his head.

A passing princess was tearing apart a piece of paper with various formulas and
numbers written on it with an expressionless face.

It seemed that he was still unraveling until today because he could not solve it

"...I'm sorry for nothing."

"why. It's not your fault. Don’t do it for nothing.”

Yoner comforted Lee Han. The Maikin family girl opened her mouth to change the

“You said you were making a magic circle with a moon card?”


"...Isn't it better to just leave the moon cards alone?"

"Hey... Makein..."

Asan, who was passing by, looked at Yonaire as if she was sad.

Of course, Yonaire wasn't wrong.

Even other top students seemed to agree with Yonaire.

“Isn’t it better to do it alone?”

“The moon card. You have to take care of Wodanaj.”


Asan looked at Lee Han as if asking for help. Lee Han nodded his head and

“I made this decision because I wanted to help, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Then I can’t help it, but…”

“Can’t I ask the prince for help? Time seemed to be running out.”

tang tang tang-

The professor thundered into the classroom and made a sound of knocking on the
“Everyone is nice. Everyone knows what I'm going to do today even if I don't have
to explain it to you, right?"

The students' faces turned pale.

Even when taking the same note test, Professor Thunderbolt had the talent to make
it a little more absurd.

Prof. Thundergeulgeul chuckled as if he felt the students' gaze.

"ruler. Please stand in line and come in one by one.”


The students murmured at the exam in a different way than they had expected.

I thought it was going to be a test of making potions using a pot in the classroom
as usual...?

“Why? Everyone is waiting in line to come in.”


The students lined up looking at Professor Thunderwalk with very suspicious eyes.

I couldn't even guess what was inside the door inside the classroom.

“What the hell do you have?”

“Isn’t there a monster?”

“Is this an alchemy class?”

“Then what kind of class was it that crazy monsters attacked on the first day?”

“...that was an alchemy class, too. shit. There may be monsters.”

The students quickly made up their minds and held onto the cane.

Since this happened, it felt like there was a really high chance that a monster
would appear.

'Maybe monsters will come out... won't they?'

Lee Han did not give up any hope and handed the sweets to his friends.

"what's this?"

“Beer candy. If you don't have enough mana, eat it."

The friends nodded their heads with wretched expressions and grabbed their beer

It was a necessary item as I didn't know how much magic power would be needed when
dealing with monsters.

“Wordanaz. Come in.”

Lee Han opened the door and went inside.

Fortunately, no monsters came, but Lee Han was not vigilant.

“ can take your hands off the waist dance.”

The thunderous gait looked at Lee Han as if it were absurd.

Of course, it was a good habit to doubt, but what is that posture where you can
draw your sword at any time after coming to the alchemy test?

Are you here for the swordsmanship test?

"professor. I trust you.”

“I think I said it before, but people who really believe don’t say things like
that. ruler. Look at the pot and look at the ingredients next to it.”

Lee Han checked the pot.

And I checked the ingredients next to it. All of them were first-of-a-kind

“I saw it.”

“Then try to make this potion using only the ingredients in the room.”


Lee Han stopped when he saw the fluttering potion contained in the glass bottle
shaken by Professor Thunderwalk.

It was the first potion I had ever seen.

“Is this the potion you taught me in class?”


“Can you tell me what kind of potion it is?”



Thunderstep shed a deep smile, wondering if the current situation was so much fun.

A good alchemist was good at improvisation.

Even with only the first ingredients you've never seen before, you can make a
potion similar to a potion you don't know.

It was possible because he quickly grasped the properties of the materials and
completely put the effects of those properties in his head.

Of course, Professor Thunderwalk didn't expect the freshman to make the perfect

How many potions' properties can you notice and make them as close as possible to
That was the core of this exam.

"ruler. Would you like to move fast? Isn't time infinite?"


Lee Han looked like he was thinking deeply about something.

When Lee Han, one of the most outstanding students in the alchemy class, did not
move and continued to ponder, Professor Thunderbolt was rather puzzled.

'What are you thinking about?'

It's not enough to quickly grasp the properties of the ingredients and figure out
the properties of the potion, so you're just worrying about it like that.

I didn't understand.



“Can I use any materials in the room?”

“Are you going to use the ingredients you have?”

Professor Thunderwalk snorted.

I don't know what kind of material I have, but it's probably useless.

If you're really lucky and you have a material that you can use, Professor
Thundergalle was going to admit it.

If you're that lucky, you can do anything!

“Do whatever you want.”

"All right."

Lee Han rushed like lightning and stole the potion in his hand.

Thunderstep was so bewildered by the sudden surprise that he stayed still and then
came to his senses.



“That’s not it!!”


“I said that you can use all the ingredients in this room, but don’t you think it
makes no sense to take a potion and just submit it!”

At Professor Thunderwalker's plea, Lee Han paused and looked at Professor

Thunderwalker like a strange person.

Professor Thunderwalk looked embarrassed and asked again.

“…Isn’t that what you meant?”

"no. No, who steals potions like that and submits them? The professor is very…”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Thunderbolt was embarrassed and then suddenly burst
into tears.

'No, this bastard took it by force, and now who are you doing this to?'

It was ridiculous that he suddenly treated himself as a strange person when he

stole the potion from the professor's hand.

If it wasn't for the possibility that the disciple would later become the Imperial
First Sword, he would have hit him once.

“Then why did you take it?”

“In order to analyze the potion a little more accurately. Even if I asked the
professor for a potion, I thought it was highly likely that the professor wouldn’t
give it.”


That was correct.

Even if the disciples asked for it, I thought I would never give it to you.

But it wasn't that he wasn't mean to say it was true. Professor Thunderwalk was
particularly disgusting with the disciple who said the right thing these days.

"huh. Where are you doing well?”

Professor Thunder Walk folded his arms and looked at Lee Han.

It was unexpected to steal the potion, but even so, it was still difficult to make
the same potion.

Even if you get a potion, analyzing and understanding its properties is a

completely different thing.

'I hope I'm not drinking ignorantly...'

Professor Thunderwalk was nervous.

Of course, this couldn't be the clever Wordanaj boy, but it was also true that he
sometimes did crazy things without any hesitation.

It is not strange to drink it at once!

However, contrary to Professor Thunder's worries, Lee Han took a very standard

'That way?'

Lee Han took a few drops of the potion from the glass bottle and dropped it on the

Then he swung his wand and chanted a spell.

“Ingredient. separate.”

'You have mastered that magic!'

Professor Thunderwalk was astonished.

<Ingredient Separation> Magic.

It was a magic that forcibly separates the ingredients in a potion.

It was a convenient magic that any alchemist could use, but Professor Thunderwalk
didn't bother to teach it.

To become an excellent alchemist, you must have a passion to discover and learn on
your own.

I couldn't become an excellent alchemist if the professor fed me.

Lee Han learned the magic by searching the books in the library on his own,
befitting Professor Thunderbolt's educational view.

Seeing that, Professor Thunderbolt nodded his head.

'Because you look like a mean guy!'

Professor Thunderbolt said that Lee Han failed his magic, so he drank smoke and
begged for a call.

Fortunately, the <Ingredient Separation> magic was not an easy magic.

It was easy to isolate if the ingredients inside were clearly known, but otherwise
it was difficult to separate.

Magic was not an all-around key that could solve anything just by memorizing

Even if it is the same magic, it is greatly affected by the knowledge and skills
of the wizard who uses it.

If you don't force yourself to ignorantly pour magical energy and separate the
ingredients, the problem that can be solved by simply memorizing a spell...


Professor Thunderwalker realized later and stopped.

And the drops of potion that fell on the floor began to slowly separate.

* * *

'It's going better than I thought.'

Lee Han and Yoner were students who were more serious about alchemy than anyone
else in the tower.

Apart from anything else, it was inevitable to analyze the potions that Ratford
The <Component Separation> magic was also a magic learned in the process.

The last time I was rummaging through an alchemy book, I found the name, and
scoured other books, and managed to master the spell.

I was worried it would be okay, but luckily the magic worked better than I

The potion drop was divided into smaller multicolored drops.

Lee Han raised his head and looked at the professor who thundered.

'Well. That's right.'

Seeing that Professor Thunderwalker's expression was very disappointing, it was

obvious that it was going well.

“Please praise me for separating the potions so far.”

"thank you."

“But that is not enough. There will be no way to figure out the isolated

"uh. Isn't this a potion of confidence?"


Professor Thunderwalk was startled.

How did know?!

* * *

Nelia, who came out of the exam before Lee Han, was sitting and talking with

“Did you succeed in matching the colors together? Is that great?”

“I was lucky.”

“I don’t think I made anything similar at all…”

“No worries. This was a test that no one could give perfect results. Your
professor must have seen the process.”

Ratford's comfort made Nelia nodded.

“Then why did you go to school at night without me last time?”


Ratford was sweating profusely.

“That… did I tell you? This is... Salco of the Tutanta family is a friend who goes
with his subordinates whom he can trust with certainty. I was also called as a
guide. Wodanaj-sama didn't even know you came. If it was just us, of course, we
would have called.”
"ah. Oh yeah. It did."

Nelia nodded her head again and agreed.

And after talking about the alchemy class for about ten minutes, Nelia asked

“But, could we have called before we left?”


Ratford looked at the door involuntarily.

'Wordanaj-sama, when are you coming out?'

This was not something Ratford could convince. Lee Han had to come.

"what do you think about it? huh? What do you think?”

“That’s… because Salko has a dirty temper…”

Ratford didn't have a big grudge against Salco at first, but in the current
situation, he couldn't help it.

The only choice is to make Salco the bad guy.

“Why don’t you give me any chance to do that…”

“Last time on the island as well. I prepared everything at the best, but did you
go with the White Tiger Top friends? What do you think about this?”

“Those… White Tiger Tower bastards are wild and mean by nature, aren’t they?”

Ratford had no grudges against the White Tiger Tower friends, but once again had
no choice but to do so.

I have no choice but to drive him as a bad guy again.

“From Wodanaj-sama’s point of view, there seems to have been no help.”

“Isn’t that an unavoidable situation?”

"Yes. So, stop talking about this now…”

"okay. ...Did I grumble too much?”

Nelia asked if she was aware of the murmur. Ratford quickly shook her head.


"okay? Then you are lucky.”

Nilia talked about alchemy for another fifteen minutes.

How was this test, what was the assignment, what the midterm was like...

Other Black Turtle Tower students who took the exam also intervened in the
conversation and offered their opinions.
Ratford was relieved, as the topic had completely passed.

“But this isn’t my story, it’s my friend’s story. Friends from other towers keep
saying they forget about themselves and wander around.”


Ratford bowed his head.

The Black Turtle Top friends, who do not know the exact circumstances, took part
in the dilemma seriously.

“It’s a different tower, isn’t it? The other towers are basically rude, cocky, or

“At least the Phoenix Tower is better.”

“The White Tiger Tower guys are really unlucky.”

While Ratford was contemplating how to change the topic, Lee Han opened the door
and came out.

Ratford was delighted like the hot soup that Lee Han obtained after starving for
several days.


'Is the exam that hard?'

Lee Han was slightly perplexed when Ratford called in a watery voice.

“What’s going on?”

“Please explain to Nelia about what happened last time.”

"what's the matter. Ratford. Because I understood everything.”

Nelia bruised Ratford as if she was saying something without changing her

Ratford opened his mouth in chagrin and looked at Nelia.

'Is that the behavior of someone who understands everything...!?'

Lee Han looked at Nelia and Ratford and quickly understood the situation.

He had been prepared for this kind of situation since he traveled to the Tutanta
Family Salko and Bam School.

“Nelia. Salco was a bit too much. I asked him to call me, but he was just saying



Ratford tilted his head.

Have you ever had such a conversation?

“I’ve heard that other friends lose their confidence if you have a great hunter-
gatherer like you.”

“Did you?”

Nilia's long ears perked up and raised slightly.

Lee Han nodded with a very serious expression.

Even Ratford, who was in the same place, thought, 'I think there was a
conversation like that.'

“He told me not to call Yoner. Too much salcho isn't it? Don't say too much
though. You did it for your friends.”

"...okay. Yes!”

Nilia answered with a face that was noticeably brighter than before. The angle of
her ears was also much higher.

Ratford whispered softly.

“Did you have that conversation?”

"Shh. Be quite."


The Black Turtle Tower students saw Lee Han and called him.

“Wordanaz. How was the test? Have you ever made a potion perfect?”

"No way. It's an impossible test in the first place. failed.”

At Lee Han's words, the other students were relieved.

It was a little reassuring to see Lee Han, the most honored student, also said

Maybe it's not as bad as I thought it would be!

“What traits did everyone notice? I had a stinging smell, so I put a pindensis in

“Is that so? I try to match the colors, but first I focus on similar colors…”

Lee Han listened silently while the students talked.

In the meantime, I walked out the door to Yonaire, who took the last test.

“Everyone suffered. Of course, the potions you made are worth a knife if you sell
them anywhere, but it is true that you suffered.”

The students glared at Professor Thunderwalk's words. The dwarf professor burst
out laughing as if he was delighted.

“Honestly, the exam was very difficult. professor!"

“Aren’t we supposed to at least come out within what we learned?”

“Whodanaz here also failed, who will guess this!”

Students protested desperately for fear that such a test would appear in the

Professor Thunderbolt, who was listening with a smile, asked what he was talking

“Wordanaz almost succeeded, what do you mean?”


“It was almost successful. There were minor differences, but that was enough of a
success. That’s the best score.”

The students from the Black Turtle Tower, whom we had just talked to, turned their
heads to find Lee Han.

However, Lee Han was not seen because he had already left.

The thunderous steps said with a kick.

“You believe the words of a friend who studies better than you. You are so naive,


“Wordanaj...! I believed...!”

* * *

Lee Han read the things written on the paper and fell into trouble.

Now, the new students at the Magic School were spreading like drops of ink soaked
in water.

And Lee Han was the most active person in school.

2nd floor, west of the main building, ghost corridor (unsolved) - Rumor has it
that there is a warehouse of fabrics piled up from the school side.

Main Building B1F Locked Jail (Solved) - Connected to the professor's office.
Never approach.

Main building...

'It's interesting, but the first thing I want to check is the way to the stable in
the spire.'

Gainando asked, seeing Lee Han taking notes while drawing maps on paper.

“Are you okay with Professor Garcia’s exam?”

“I’m a little nervous, but I’m pretty much prepared.”

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han like a monster.

And then he murmured.

“The Wodanaj family… that’s really scary!”

“It has nothing to do with the Wodanaj family, does it?”


In fact, it had nothing to do with the Wodanaj family, but Gainando was stubborn.

“It is clear that such a habit was forcibly taught by the Wodanaj family.
Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to study like that on your own.”

'You study...'

The Blue Dragon Tower friend looked pathetic at Gainando and walked away.

Thanks to his family, he didn't have to be tied to his grades, but Gainando was a
bit harsh.

Even the students of the Blue Dragon Tower, who are not keen on studying, think,
'Isn't that just too much fun?'


"great. Shall we go?”

After tidying up, Lee Han put the hand-drawn map in her backpack.

It wasn't just a map.

Tools such as sharpened daggers, nails, and hammers, as well as sturdy, tough
ropes and hand-made torches from oiled rags, went into the backpack.

And a glass bottle of frequently used oil and a few canned food just in case. A
glass bottle of sugar and a water bottle made of leather...

As it was not a skill he had done once or twice, Lee Han's hand movements were
skillful and accurate.

...I wondered if I really had to do something like that while exploring the inside
of the school.

“Are you really going out?”


Tomorrow is Professor Garcia's exam, and Gainando was moved by Lee Han's confident


'That's nobility!'

It was not an aristocratic thing to study hard because of being tied to grades.

A real nobleman had to know how to throw a book and go out on a picnic.
Of course, looking at it, Lee Han was close to finishing all his studies and

Guynando decided to ignore that fact.

“Let’s go too.”


Lee Han was slightly surprised by Gainando's reaction.

He didn't know that Guy Nando would ask to go together.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course it’s fine. My friend is going to a dangerous place, and I can't leave
her alone."

“You don’t want to study, so you’re saying that we should go together?”


Gainando, who was stabbed in the face, shut his mouth.

If you stay in the break room, every passerby will say, 'Aren't you studying?' It
was clear that he would say something like, 'What kind of card game is a card game?

It was better to follow Lee Han than to be punished for nothing.

“Ah… no.”

"I think you're right... It's okay if you follow me. come."

Gainando, who received Lee Han's permission, got excited and put on his coat.

Asan came in and asked.

“Gainan too. Can't you study?"

“Oh, stop asking me!”

“No, I asked once…”

* * *

The reason why Lee Han wanted to check the Spire Stable first was also the way to

There was an appointment with Amur, the owner of the stable outside the magic

-When the evil lich falls and the crimson dawn comes, raise your head and look
east of the Spire!

'...Well. Come to think of it, I don't think it was such a tragic conversation.'

Memory tends to be distorted over time, but it seems to have been severely
distorted during that short time.
To be precise, it was the promise that the owner of the stable, Amur, would fly to
the school once every two weeks.

I haven't been able to find a flying mount yet, but it was good to learn the way
to the stable in advance.

And who else knows

On the way to the Spire Stable, I didn't know if I could get a hint for finding a

'As promised, I'd come once this weekend, but I don't know if we'll be able to

“It’s really nice to get together like this. right?"

Leehan and Yoner quickly nodded their heads in response to Nilia's question.

Gainando stood stunned, then pinched Lee Han on the back and nodded his head

“I’m very happy to be walking around with a reliable guide like Nelia instead of a
dirty friend from the Tutanta family. right. Yoner?”

"of course. I am very, very happy.”

“I am very, very happy.”

Thanks to Lee Han, Yonaire, and Ratford's flattery in succession, Nilia's mood
seemed to have definitely improved.

'It's better to have other Black Turtle Tower guys.'

Ian was sad.

The Salchow gang held hands to eat each other, so no matter what happened, there
was nothing to be sorry about.

Even if the Skeleton Principal appears and throws one of the Salnod's as bait and
runs away, there is no need to be sorry as it was agreed in advance.

Anyway, Ian thought so.

On the other hand, Nilia couldn't let go. Ihan was sad about that.

'Did you mean to bring one or two with you?'

But if you ask me to borrow one or two of the Salchoeds, they will get them too,
and if they do, Nelia will try to avenge her last grudge...

Rather than complicate the story for nothing, Lee Han thought that it would be
appropriate to take only people he could trust and clean.

“It is very difficult to control relationships between people. Ratford.”

He was embarrassed when Lee Han suddenly said that, but Ratford immediately

In fact, even among thieves, human relationships were surprisingly important.

The thief who knew only himself and had many enemies did not last long.

“You are right.”

“I wish I had one or two friends who would take the lead and come forward when
something happened. Like a gang of salmon.”

“Ugh. But Nelia-san doesn’t like the Salchow gang…”

"okay. I know."

After Lee Han finished speaking, he looked at Guy Nando without thinking. Ratford
followed, unintentionally, and looked at Gainando.

And the two secretly exchanged glances with each other.

“Gainan too. It is reassuring to have you.”

"uh? why? what?"

* * *

Nelia and Ratford were both excellent guides.

The only difference is that one is an outdoor expert and the other is an indoor

As such, Ratford had no choice but to play an active part when going back and
forth between the complicated hallways and stairs of the Magic School.

"Please wait a moment."

Ratford reached out and stopped his friends, then brought his ear closer to the
hallway floor.

Now, Lee Han and his party were looking for a way to get up at the end of the
corridor on the second floor that had been cut off.

According to the map, it is correct to go to the third floor on this road, but
there is no road at all.

“Ummm… it’s over there! There is the sound of stairs moving over there.”

“…I know how to do that…”

Lee Han stopped her when Nelia tried to lie down in the hallway late.

“Nelia. You don't have to show your skills from now on. Rather, you should save

"i think so too!"

As Lee Han and Yoner pulled him together, Nilia stood up as if it were a pity.
Meanwhile, the stairs slowly approached. The group went up the stairs to the third

'It's my first time going this way.'

I had gone up to the 3rd floor of the main building under Salco's guidance, but it
was a completely different direction.

He had no idea what was going to happen on the third floor in this direction.


The stairs were connected with a heavy sound.

Lee Han took a step towards the third floor.

one step.

two steps.

three steps.

And Lee Han realized that the surrounding landscape had changed to a lush forest,
not the main building of the magic school made up of corridors, windows, and


I knew there were all kinds of natural scenery in the magic school, but I'm sure
we'll see these changes in the main building as well.

A good wizard knew he could expand and rearrange the space, but he was stuck in a
stereotype and didn't even think about it.

The main building of the magic school is so rich in history that even the
principal does not know about it.

It was not strange that there were not only forests, but also volcanoes and
glaciers inside.

“It’s amazing. There must have been a forest like this on the third floor...
Nelia. Please.”

Lee Han looked to the side and said.

Finally, the situation has come where Nilia can play an active role. Lee Han was
happy for nothing.

But there was no Nilia by her side.



Looking down, I saw a black-haired cat scratching Lee Han's ankle.

Lee Han, who had grown accustomed to school for a while, had no choice but to be
embarrassed by the current situation.
“Where did everyone go...?”

To my surprise, I didn't see any friends who arrived on the 3rd floor with me on
the moving stairs.

Lee Han immediately pulled out his staff and looked around the forest.

Meow. Meow.

As if she had something to say, the sight of a cat constantly pounding her ankles
with her front paws, Lee Han wondered for a moment.

“…Are you Nelian?”

The black cat made a humming sound and nodded its head continuously. Everyone
seemed to agree.


It's not just a forest, it's a forest that casts polymorph magic that forcibly
transforms into an animal the moment you step on it.

Ian was goosebumps.

'for a moment. Why didn't I get caught?'

Come to think of it, if all of my friends had transformed, it was strange that Lee
Han was alone.

'Is it because of magic?'

When you enter a magic school and experience something different from others, if
you doubt your innate magical power, there is usually a 99% chance of being hit.

Lee Han decided to take Nelia to find other friends.

“Sharkan. Find other friends.”

The Bone Minion that had been sleeping on the belt came down in a rattling shape.
And then ran forward.

Nilia pressed Lee Han with her front paws.

“Nelia. Take it easy... Why?”

Nylia pointed to the Bone Minion and raised her feet. She looked like she was

“If you meet a Bone Summon, won’t your friends run away because they are afraid?”

Nelia nodded her head.

Ian thought for a moment.

“I need to catch him quickly before he sees it and runs away.”

Nelia was at a loss for words because of her absurdity.

* * *

Fortunately, the other friends were quickly found.

A bat on a branch saw Lee Han and hurriedly flew away (I thought Lee Han was
probably a Ratford), and a furry red fox (probably Yonaire) followed the bone

“Where did Kainando go?”

The other friends answered with various animal calls. Ihan nodded his head.

'Well. I'd rather just think on my own.'

It wasn't always helpful to have friends answering questions.

The incomplete bone summon, Sharkan, sniffed and smelled the surroundings, and
patiently guided Lee Han.

After walking along the path of the lush green forest, we arrived at a large
vacant lot.

As Lee Han had met a tree spirit in the forest in the mountains last time, I
guessed that there might be a tree spirit in the vacant lot this time.

'I think it must be a spirit to maintain this kind of forest in the school.'

However, Lee Han's expectations were wrong.

There was a mouse in the middle of the vacant lot.

Thunder Thunder Thunder-

Bone Summon Sharkhan lowered his posture with a very vigilant gaze.

Sharkan wasn't the only one who noticed. Lee Han could feel the powerful magic
emanating from the mouse.

'Doesn't this magic school have any normal animals and plants?'

The mouse swung its tail and cast a spell.

Then the bushes covering the area around Ihan sank down, and the trees were pushed


While Lee Han was surprised, the mouse engraved on the floor with magic.

-forest. Pass. duel. Victory. loser. return.

“If you want to go through the forest, you have to win a duel, and if you lose,
you just have to go back?”

The mouse nodded. Then he raised his head and looked at Lee Han.

squeak squeak!
When the mouse saw Lee Han not transformed, it was startled and fell backwards.


Seeing the mouse that had fallen over, Lee Han unknowingly leaked excuses from his

“I am not a dragon, a lich, the headmaster.”

Friends who were near Lee Han looked at them as if they were talking. The red fox
stretched out its front paws as if to look ahead.

The mouse jumped up and started running away.

"...for a moment! Let's duel! Honor like a noble…”

Lee Han habitually mentioned his honor and then stopped.

Come to think of it, this was a trick that only worked well with Blue Dragon Tower

-You must clean up the dishes you ate like royalty.

-Look for information about reagents in books like aristocrats.

- Would you like to walk on that trap like a noble?

Even if I told the mouse the honor of the nobility, it wouldn't work. Lee Han
quickly changed his words.

“…Defend your honor like a mouse!”

Of course, the mouse did not listen and ran into the forest. The red fox looked at
Lee Han patheticly. My eyes hurt a little more because I had turned into an animal.

“I can’t help it. Let’s chase.”

From the looks of it, it was clear that the mouse was the owner of this forest.

It was not clear why the mouse learned magic and became the master of the forest,
but Lee Han accepted it now.

...If it was a magic school, it could be.

“Stand there! Request a duel!”

Chasing after the mouse and shouting a duel made me feel embarrassed, but it
didn't matter now.

Sharkan followed the trail of the mouse with a rattling sound.

Knowing that the mouse was also being chased, he cast a counterattack.


The fruity bush on the side of the road suddenly changed shape and turned into a
ferocious bald eagle.
Lee Han responded immediately.

“Space, be aware. And… spring up!”

As the spatial awareness spell was memorized, the situation around Lee Han quickly
entered my mind. The traces of the mice running away from the distance were clearly

A large mass of water quickly formed, and at Lee Han's will, it turned into water
beads and started spinning around.

It started with a simple one-circle <Water Generation> spell, but it quickly

changed its shape and maintained its motion.

The red fox Yoner, who was watching from the side, was startled and raised its


While my friends couldn't see me, I couldn't help but be surprised that I kept
progressing several steps ahead of the water magic prior learning.

Of course, Lee Han used to be able to use water magic from a long time ago, but...

Isn't that a faster, more complicated, and more sophisticated process than the
last time I saw it?

Are you okay?

“Don’t worry. Because I can catch that much!”

Perhaps Lee Han understood the surprised reaction of his friends to mean something
else, so he immediately attacked the bald eagle.

The bald eagle came back to the thicket with a popping sound after being hit by a
ball of water flying heavily while drawing a sharp trajectory.

“Sharkan. Catch him! Don't let him run away!"

With a splashing sound, the spring next to it began to bubble up.

The stagnant water in the spring took shape like a large slime and tried to rush
in this way.


Lee Han immediately swung his wand to grind <Generate Lightning>.

Although it was Circle 1, it was suitable for this type of situation as it was a
magic that deals with the most destructive and fast lightning among the elements.

Break up!

A streak of lightning struck Sam Slime, but he was fine. Because of his size, Sam
Slime tried to move again.

Lee Han concentrated his magic and used the following means.

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

Although it is a 2nd circle magic, it is a magic developed by Perkuntra, a
powerful lightning spirit, so its power is not inferior to that of the upper circle

...but it was a fact only Perkuntra knew, and Lee Han was still suspicious of this

Strangely, every time he used this magic, the effect was not good.

'If it doesn't work this time, keep it sealed for a while.'

In fact, the enemies Lee Han met were all too strong for a freshman to deal with.

But Lee Han had already made up his mind.

Apparently, Perkuntra is a bit of a bragging spirit!

Gripping support!

Lightning bolts that intensified with the quick charge slammed into Sam Slime.

With a huge vibration, Sam Slime shook violently. Part of the body evaporated and
decreased in size.

But Sam Slime still stood there.


Lee Han cursed the spirit who was not present and immediately picked up the
morning star.

Nelia was panicking and trying to stop Lee Han.

'I'm already down!'

Due to the powerful magic, Sam Slime had already fallen. It was obvious from the
fact that he didn't even move.

Standing like that right now was close to just maintaining the shape of the water
that had been stagnating in the spring due to the remaining magical power.

However, Nelia's cry did not reach Lee Han.

Lee Han cut down the fallen Sam Slime by the Dawn Star. Only then did the stagnant
water lose its shape and disperse.

“It seems like I was deceived by a spirit.”


* * *

The mouse fled hastily and cast transformation magic around it.

However, the intruder who couldn't tell if it was a freshman-looking principal or

a dragon was skillfully defeated and chased.

That was more rewarding.

If you are really a freshman, you can't keep up like that.

Even so, bald eagle, Han Cheol-su made a slime with the stagnant spring water and
hit it, but it's just that he doesn't breathe and kills him right away...

No matter how much he thought about it, it was clear that the skeleton principal
had transformed.

The mouse trembled in fear.

Whether it be monsters, demons, angels, or spirits, the professors did not show
much interest in building nests in the corners.

It was clear that this was the case now.

The mouse didn't understand.

What the hell did he mean by the Skeleton Principal?

He must have just spread out the forest in the corner of the hallway and played
with the freshmen...

No matter how I thought about it, it didn't seem like such a big mistake.


Sharkan jumped out with the sound of bones collapsing and blocked the mouse.

The mouse was terrified and tried to use the next magic, but Lee Han was one step


Lee Han immediately casts a low-level control magic to keep the mouse from

When he tried to float himself with this rookie or useable one-circle magic, the
mouse counterattacked as if it were absurd.

Transform your body right away...


The mouse was startled.

His body did not move as if he had been possessed by some powerful magic.

I tried to cast the magic, but it didn't work.

The opponent is controlling the mouse's surroundings with an enormous amount of

magical power without any room for other magic to enter.

To show such useless control with only a quill pen or one-circle magic to float.

There was only one reason.

Skeleton Principal's unique eccentric scare!


The mouse lowered its head to the side as if it had given up.

Ian was surprised.

'My... did I kill you?'

For a moment, I thought it was because I had cast <Level Control> too hard.

But no matter how much I thought about it, there was no such effect in <Level
Control>. All I had to do was float and steer it.

Fortunately, upon closer inspection, the mouse was not dead. It seemed like he
just gave up.

"Hey. Really I…”

Lee Han paused as he tried to explain to the mouse, 'I'm not a dragon, or a lich,
or a skeleton principal.'

...I wonder if I have to solve it?

I was embarrassed to see the mouse using magic earlier, but he was a much higher
level wizard than Lee Han.

If he attacked Lee Han while casting all kinds of transformation magic without
running away, there was a good chance he would lose.

Besides, if the misunderstanding is cleared up, he will attack Lee Han harshly,
even if it is unfair that he just ran away.

On the other hand, what if you think of Lee Han as the skeleton principal?

'Can't we just get out of the forest?'

It's never been done once. Didn't he avoid the warehouse keeper's eyes by
mimicking the skeleton principal in the basement last time?

The friends tilted their heads and looked at Lee Han.

'How are you trying to convince the mouse?'

"Yes. I am the principal.”

Take it!

With one eye open, the mouse, who was trying to look at Lee Han, closed her eyes
tightly and lay down on her back.

It was the attitude I knew it would be.



He felt the gaze of his friends who had turned into animals, but Lee Han pretended
he didn't see it and ignored it.
“But with mercy… if you let me and these guys out of here, I’ll let you pass on
making you into my undead clan.”

Lee Han spoke with his voice as gloomy as possible.

He didn't even know what the undead family belonged to, but he spit out whatever
came out of his mouth.

Then the mouse nodded violently enough to create a wind.

Squeak slap slap!

The mouse desperately pointed in the direction, hoping somehow to get the Skeleton
out of the way quickly.

Lee Han and his friends walked along the forest trail. In the distance, the
familiar hallway of the school began to appear again.

"ah. for a moment."

Lee Han and his friends, who were about to leave, stopped.

The mouse looked at Lee Han with shocked eyes.

Seol... maybe?

"no. there's one more Wait a minute."

Gainando had been forgotten.

* * *

Lee Han went back and visited Gainan Island.

As soon as the white rat saw Lee Han, she burst into tears and hung on it.


My friends nodded their heads to see if they were sure. Lee Han placed the white
mouse on his staff.

Guynando was moved with tears in his eyes when he saw the friends he had met
again, but when he saw Nelia, he was startled.

Squeak slap slap slap slap!


Lee Han looked at Nelia and looked at Gainando.

"it's okay. I don’t bite.”

Of course, those words did not come to Gainando's ears. Guy Nando hid in the
pocket of his coat.

Instead of forcing the Guy Nando out, Lee Han took out the beer candy and moved it
to another place.

“Then goodbye. forest mice. We'll see you again if we ever pass by here."
Yoner, who was listening next to him, tilted his head.

...isn't that a threat?

In fact, the mice trembled as if they had accepted it that way.

Eventually, the mouse squeaked and pulled out its treasure that had been dug on
the forest floor.

It was a mysterious bone full of magical power.

slap slap...

After receiving this, the mouse looked at Lee Han pathetically, as if asking him
to pass.

Of course, Lee Han had no interest in bones. I don't know if it's Professor


At that moment, Sharkhan rushed in. The bones and bones were entangled in a mess,
and the empty parts of Sharkan were filled.


When the petrified summons, which had been so sloppy, were now completely complete
without any gaps, their friends exclaimed at the mystery of summoning magic.

Lee Han was thinking differently.

'...You said how dangerous Sharkhan is?'

According to Professor Lightning Walk, Sharkan was a very noble and violent man.

He is imperfect and docile now, but when he is perfected, his original personality
may come out!

'Are you betting on the slim possibility that Professor Mortum considered the
freshman, or on the obvious possibility that he forgot the safety rules?'

Of course it was the latter.

Lee Han immediately grabbed the staff and looked at Sharkan.


At the master's call, Sharkan ran right away and did not kneel.

However, he did not rush to Lee Han, aim his neck with a ferocious roar, and point
at his bone fangs.

Sharkan is just...

I pretended not to hear.

When I called again, I fell down and put my head on the ground.

The friends were perplexed because they couldn't understand why that Bone Minion
was doing that.

Nylia, the hunter, was the first to notice.


'Looks like a rebel...?'

Even the loyal dogs and wolves kept by hunters grew up not listening.

As the soul matured, rebellion arose.

'...But do undead bone summons also have rebels?'

Nelia blinked in disbelief.


It didn't matter whether the undead summoned had a rebel or not.

Because Sharkan was actually showing his rebellion right now.

“Sharkan. Come here.”

As Lee Han's voice became lower, the mouse trembled.

If you're so stubborn in front of the principal, wouldn't that undead summon be


However, instead of crushing Sharkan, Lee Han somehow comforted him.

“Sharkan! Why are you doing this?”

Papa Pak!

Sharkan pretended not to hear Lee Han's words and began to dig.

Lee Han was perplexed.

The summons who have listened well until now are like this...

Obviously, Professor Mortum had said it before.

Undead pets don't necessarily obey their master's orders.

In fact, more often than not, they don't listen.

As well as the opposite nature of the living and the dead, the stronger the undead
summoned the stronger it got, the less it had to be said.

Sharkan was obviously a strong summon, so it didn't make sense to do this.

Tak Tak-

Nelia pointed her claw to the front pocket of Lee Han's coat. And then she
pretended to throw at Sharkan.
“Are you going to tempt me with food?”

Nelia nodded her head.


Nelia shook her head in embarrassment.

Gainando, who had his head out of his coat pocket, was staring at Nelia, squeaking
with an expression of shock and betrayal.

'Not that! Beer candy!'

"ah. You were talking about beer candy.”

Lee Han understood the meaning of Nilia's words belatedly.

Because Guy Nando went into his pocket, he moved the beer candies to another

When he took out the beer candy belatedly, Sharkhan suddenly perked up.

"...ruler! Ask me!”

Lee Han instinctively threw the beer candy in the opposite direction. Then
Sharkhan, who was lying on his face, jumped up into the air with excitement and
swallowed the beer candy.

“Are you feeling better now?”

However, Sharkan only ate beer candy and fell down again.

The mouse he was looking at seemed nervous, so he ran to Sharkan and squeaked.

slap slap!!

It was an appeal that was almost like 'You can really get behind you like this',
but Sharkan turned his head with a sullen expression.

Lee Han and Nelia were deep in thought.

“Obviously… there seems to be something you want.”

Nelia groaned and nodded her head.

No matter how rebellious, there must be a reason why the summoned beasts who
followed Lee Han show such an appearance.

It was clear that the summoner himself was hoping for something.

“I really want to eat Gainando… I’m joking. Kainan too.”

Gainando shouted a squeak full of regret and tried to hide under his coat.

“If I had done it when I was told to do that, this wouldn’t have happened.”

'I don't think it has anything to do with that...'

Yoner admired Lee Han, who uses this polymorph forest as an opportunity to correct
his bad habits.

Even if I'm a dormitory manager, I'll do well!

“Sharkan. Sharkan? You have to tell me what you want and I can help. If you want
something, please express it somehow.”

Sharkhan pretended not to hear, and then slowly turned around.

And then he pointed to himself.

It was completed, but there were only bones, so it gave a rather gloomy and gloomy

"...uh? Do you need a body too?”

Sharkan was excited and swung his tailbone as if it was right. It was fortunate
that Summon was relieved, but Lee Han was more embarrassed.

'What do you make of your body?'

Yoner, who was versed in alchemy, pointed to the mud next to the forest.

It was soft and sticky, so it was enough mud to use when using golems or other

“How about that?”

Sharkan approached the mud and rolled over. Then a body of clay began to be
overlaid on his bones.


Lee Han and his friends were amazed at the sight.

Although the color was not good, it was completed with a much more dignified
appearance than when only walking around the bones.


But Sharkhan didn't seem to like it.

He looked around his body for a while and immediately began to shake off the mud.

Lee Han quickly summoned the water shield and blocked it. A speck of mud flew
through and stuck to Guynando's face.

slap slap!

“I think the mud was bad.”

The red fox gave a sullen expression. He comforted Lee Han as if he was okay.

“I’m glad I found a way though. I didn't really lose anything.”

Gainando brushed the mud off with his front paws and looked very dissatisfied.

I'm at a loss!
When the principal and his party did not leave the forest, a nervous mouse
interrupted the conversation.

squeak squeak-

“Follow me?”

The mouse nodded and led Lee Han and his friends to the spring they had just
passed by.

It was the water of the spring where Han Cheolsu (寒鐵水) was stagnating. It was
also the water that made Sam Slime.

As it was the water of the spring mixed with special magical power, there was a
high possibility that the demanding undead summons would also be satisfied.

Lee Han also realized that the spring water was special and gave a slightly
anticipatory gaze.

'I don't know if this is enough.'

with a splash!

Sharkan jumped into the spring and made himself out of water and walked out.

His body, which was darker and bluer than normal water, made Sharkan look more

Lee Han and his friends admired it even more than before.

This is definitely enough...


However, Sharkan calmly shook off all the water.

The wind struck Gainando again with water droplets on his face.

Squeak slap slap!

'Well. They seem to be telling me to throw it away.'

Lee Han didn't know how to speak rats, but he could understand what Guy Nando was

“Sharkan. I'm sorry, but I don't have a way to make your body any more."

Lee Han decided to use the last resort.

Sharkan is doing that in the pond there!

It wasn't a bluff or a threat. I really can't hear you, what should I do?

Ian turned around slowly.

Then Sharkan let out a moan and scratched the floor pitifully. Then he tried to
bite Lee Han's staff.
"no. Sharkan.”

However, Sharkan did not give up and continued to point to Yihan's staff. As if
there is something you want.

“…do you want me to make it?”

Sharkan was excited and swung his tailbone. He knew what he wanted, but Lee Han
was still puzzled.

'I'm not capable of that.'

There were only a few elemental magics available right now, and none of them could
satisfy a demanding pet like Sharkan.

If it's a possible element...?

"i get it. Let’s try it.”

Sharkan sat and looked at Lee Han with a look of anticipation as he held up his

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

When the thunderbolt scorched the air fiercely, Sharkhan was terrified and avoided

Then, with a very angry expression, he pounded the floor like crazy.

“…wasn’t this?”

Of course, Lee Han, who knew that his opponent would want to have a body made of
lightning, was bewildered by the reaction.

Isn't lightning cool?

Sharkan sarcastically pointed to the water of the spring.

'Was it the sound of making water?'

Lee Han was a little worried while preparing for the <Water Generation> magic.

He didn't like the water from that special spring, would he be satisfied with the
water Lee Han called?

However, contrary to his worries, when a lump of water appeared in the air,
Sharkan was excited and embraced the water.

The water changed its form and became Sharkan's body.

“Are you okay?”

Sharkan, who had changed to water color, made a growling sound and pointed to the

“Do you want more?”

Sharkan nodded her head again and again.

Lee Han called for more water.

The summoned water flowed into Sharkan's body, and continued without stopping


The forest mouse that was watching was bewildered.

The undead summons, who compress a huge amount of water and make them into their
own muscles, were also embarrassed, but the principal, who didn't stop and
continued to call for water, was also embarrassed.

How much magical power do you have to waste such a thing?

* * *

“It was a really strange experience.”



Lee Han and his friends returned to the tower at midnight with exhausted faces.

Guynando looked like he still had a rat whisker on his face, so he was rubbing it
with his hands.

'I couldn't get to the stable, only Sharkan was completed.'

He wandered so much in Polymorph's forest that he had no choice but to return even
after breaking through the forest.

It wasn't that there was no progress, but somehow it was disappointing.

'But in a situation where there is an exam tomorrow as well, you can't overdo



Sharkan ran towards Gainando. Gainando was frightened and avoided when the large
blue light summoned him.

“Why, why?! Is it because I'm playing with my food!? I'll give! You can give it to

'Did you make fun of me in the meantime?'

When Sharkan knocked down Gainando and got on the top, the other Blue Dragon Tower
students in the break room were amazed.

“Is that a summoned beast made of those bones?”

“How did you finish it?”

“It looks a lot better than last time. Would you like to eat this too?”

The friends threw food one by one to Sharkan, who was sitting on the Gainando.

Sharkhan was excited and ate it in a snap, waving his tail.

“Pull... release it...”


“Oh, no. You can’t let it go.”

When Sharkan got angry, Gainando quickly lowered his tail. However, Sharkan wasn't
angry with Gainando.

Kung! Kung K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K herself!


When Sharkan barked while looking outside, Lee Han instinctively grabbed the staff

Nothing changed in the living room.

If you're reassured that you're in the break room at the Magic School, other
masked tower students may come in and take the flag.


The front door of the break room opened and the skeleton warriors I had seen
before suddenly appeared.

The students were astonished by such a sudden appearance.

“Hah… the school is ruined?!”

“Is that possible! Flash!”

Lee Han was the first to respond. As the wand was swung, lightning flew through
the students' hair.

The skeleton warrior that appeared in front was hit and turned into powder.

“Wake up the sleeping children! The headmaster is trying to attack us!”

"Why why?!"

“I don’t know that either…”

Lee Han stopped trying to answer.

...I'm sure you're not doing this to prevent me from studying the day before I
take the note exam, right?

To my surprise, my instincts were whispering that it would be true.

“...Anyway, get together! Shut the break room door!”

“Okay, I see!”
Lee Han floated water beads and then flew them in succession to push back the
Skeleton Warriors.

Meanwhile, other friends quickly started blocking the front door of the break room
with sofas and chairs.

Asan looked at the window and shouted in surprise.

“The undead are holding torches and besieging the tower!”

'I'll be delighted.'

Kung! Kung Kung!

Lee Han stroked Sharkan. If it wasn't for Sharkan, he would have been attacked
before he even grabbed the staff.

“Sharkan. If you wait and see if anyone comes in, kick them out. Help everyone put
up the barricades!”

The princess who came down with her frizzy hair swung her staff.

Mud piled up over the barricades and began to hold them together.

Yoner threw the potions he had made to his friends. Guy Nando quickly put the
snacks away so they didn't fall to the floor.

Thump, Thump, Thump-

The other sleeping friends also came down, and the barricade in front of the break
room door was completed for the time being, but the noise from outside did not

The students shuddered at the regular knocking.

“What… what…?”

Ironheads... Open the door...



The Blue Dragon Tower students were fascinated by the voices from outside and
built up more barricades.


Why... why don't you open the door...? why...?

When the students did not answer, the voice rose one more.

The Blue Dragon Tower students responded with a rage.

“Do something!”

“Really, why are you doing this?!”

They look like quick-witted people...

The headmaster of the skeleton was sorry in a faint voice. The students guarding
the door sharply grinded their teeth.

I really do it too much!

I didn't want to imagine what it would be like if I only trusted the principal's
identity and opened the door.

"If you're going to take the note test, just watch it. Why are you interrupting me
like this!"

what are you talking about?

I asked Principal Skeleton, but the reaction that came back was different from the
students' expectations.


Weren't you trying to interrupt your study for the note test?

is this a test?



The students stared at the skeleton principal outside the invisible door.

That's what I mean...!

"indeed. After all, exams aren’t just about solving problems in the classroom…”

Lee Han nodded as if he understood.

I wondered why the principal had chosen such a troublesome method to prevent him
from studying for the note test, but if this was the note test itself, it made

Of course, you could ask what this had to do with <Basic Magical Character
Education>, but that didn't matter.

In the first place, the lecture was sent to an island full of traps, but what a
new thing...

“Wordanaj?! I can't convince you!"

“Don’t fall for such nonsense sophistry!”

"I'm not over it... Principal!"

Lee Han called the skeleton principal.

This disgusting voice is Wodanaj. why are you calling

“We have another note test tomorrow, is it okay?”

okay! Because my lectures are more important than the lectures of other

'I made a mistake. He was more crazy than I thought.'

Bringing the names of other professors along was a failure. He must have been a
crazier than the Skeleton Principal.

Nothing to worry too much about though!


Because other dorms are going through the same thing!


“What 'oh'! Is now the time to like you?!”

But even with that said, the faces of some Blue Dragon Tower students could not be

and! We can't all study together!

I have to go to another lecture, so don't put it away in the morning. If only I

could greet the morning.

Principal Skeleton said sympathetically.

Yoner raised his fist in anger and tried to raise a finger, but Lee Han shook his
head to stop him.

'You might be looking outside.'


Lee Han checked the inside of the break room again.

The barricade was still strong because it had been reinforced several times.

'I'll hold out for an hour or two more.'

Just because it was safe right now, Lee Han was never vigilant.

Considering the twisted minds of the opponent, there is no way to attack only from
the front.

“Sharkan! Check out the other direction than the main entrance to the break room.”

The dark azure leopard rumbled towards the other side of the tower.

After a while, Sharkhan began to knock on the wall. It was a signal that the
undead was coming.

“Stair window! The undead are climbing towards the stair window!”

“Are you kidding me!!”

The students spit out cursing at the news. Lee Han stopped each other as they
rushed to run towards the window.
“No embarrassment! Because that's not the case yet. I will give you instructions!”

In the first place, the more urgent the situation, the more often we quarreled
over whether I was right or you were right.

However, none of that happened in the Blue Dragon Tower.

When Lee Han spoke, everyone started to act in unison.

“Yonere, take the two of you to the window. Sharkan! Now that you've checked the
window side, check out the other possible way in! Guyan too. You don’t have to
guard the food warehouse now, so go to the barricade!”

'I'll have to remove that guy from now on.'

The Skeleton Principal, who was detecting each dormitory in his workshop, was fed
up with the situation in the Blue Dragon Tower.

That boy of the Wodanaj family was excellent, but he was too good.

Originally, a flock of sheep led by a lion would defeat a group of lions led by a

Not a lion, but a dragon about to be led, the gap disappeared in an instant.

Whenever new students come in, the guys who can act as the head of the class
naturally appear one by one, but isn't this a bit harsh?

He's like a selfish guy who takes away every opportunity to grow while his friends
go through hardship!

Let's look at another top situation.

The Skeleton Principal changed the vision of far-sighted magic to appease his
heartbroken heart.

As expected, the other tower was chaos, thanks to a surprise attack.

The door to the break room opened and the skeleton warriors came in and dragged
the students out...

Headmaster Skeleton nodded happily. Then he closed the door and shouted at the
students of the Black Turtle Tower who were holding out.

Ironheads... Open the door... I'm here to help...

* * *

Lee Han learned today for the first time that the tower he is living in has more
gaps than he thought.

The students screamed at the sight of skeleton warriors crawling through

unexpected passages such as the chimney by the fireplace, starting from the stair

'Practical training for sure.'

Originally, the tower's magic was supposed to drive out these intruders, but it
was clear that the Skeleton Principal had penetrated it himself.
Isn't that a foul?


Still, the Blue Dragon Tower students were coping relatively well.

Unlike other towers, when they were attacked, they immediately counterattacked and
then closed the door.

Because the front door of the break room was blocked by a barricade, the students
had room to cope even if one or two came in from the other side.

In addition, Sharkan was giving a few people their share.

If you run while crouching and barking, an undead would appear in that direction.


When the lightning sent by Lee Han accurately dropped the undead climbing the
window, the students of the Blue Dragon Tower burst into cheers.

After a few weeks of coming in, all the students would learn magic one by one, but
the magic the boy of the Wodanaj family always showed was different.

I've been using magic since before, but I'm not tired at all.

I'm calling a separate summons right now!

Neblen of the Kirak family unwittingly exclaimed in admiration.

Although Neblen was loyal to the princess and convinced that she was the best
among the students, Wodanaj's abilities made people shiver every time they saw it.

Heo Myung was never from the Empire's top magician.

“Awesome... Ah. sorry. Princess.”


The princess raised her eyebrows as if puzzled when Neblen apologized.

“That’s… Wodanaj is great too, but I think the Princess is better. Mana isn't
everything for a wizard! Of course, Wodanaj is a little bit good at cooking, but he
has a good reputation...”

When the story of cooking came out, the princess nodded her head.

Neblen said in confusion.

“Well, I believe that if the princess cooks, she will do better…”

The princess shook her head.

"is not it? I am really good at cooking…”

“What are you two doing?!”

Guy Nando whimpered and lifted the chair and cried out in tears.
Why play!

"Because you've just used magic, you're resting to recover your magic!"

“Relax while working! You've used up all your mana, you've got some stamina left!"

“Kainando, in front of you! be careful!"


Guy Nando, who was carrying a chair, realized that the sound he heard from the
front door of the break room got louder and added a squeaking sound.


Like a drop of water splitting a rock, the persistent tapping of the skeleton
warriors eventually broke the front door of the break room and split the barricade.

Skeleton warriors protruding from the gap grabbed Guy Nando at first.



"Leave it alone! Guynando is wrong!”

While his friends were talking like that, Lee Han picked up a morning star and
rushed in.

The three closest Skeleton Warriors were cut and thrown away. Lee Han grabbed Guy
Nando's ankle and pulled him strongly.

Although a few bunches of hair were pulled out, Gainando was rescued safely. The
prince exclaimed with his soulless face.

“I… those crazy undead bastards! Principal, isn't it really too much!?"

“What are you doing now?”

“Kainando is falling behind, everyone, watch out for the entrance! Don't come near

Lee Han told his friends to be careful, then grabbed a sword and swung it.

The Skeleton Warriors who were about to enter the gap did not dare to enter
because they felt the energy of energy absorption felt from the Morning Star.

Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder!

Skeleton warriors shouted loudly outside the barricades.

Asan asked in a bewildered voice.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“Isn’t the wizard getting angry by wielding a sword that absorbs magic?”

Yoner answered without much thought, but it was quite plausible.

Skeleton warriors widened the gaps in the barricades and began to smash them again
in order to rush in at once.

But this time, Lee Han didn't let it go.

“Space, be aware!”

After casting the space-aware magic once again, Lee Han started to throw water
jade at the skeleton outside the barricade.

Water beads flying fiercely broke through the cracks in the barricades and smashed
the old clacks of the Skeleton Warriors.

'This is blocked!'

When Lee Han was so sure, a new horde appeared from afar, breaking through the
darkness of the night.

“Seol… maybe?”

"no! Not undead! That's...”

- Help!

What appeared was the students of the Phoenix Tower.

Seeing the skeleton warriors swarming behind the students, I could see what was
going on without asking.

'You escaped because the break room over there!'

“Uh… what should I do?”

“Wordanaz. Accepting it can be dangerous. If you think about the undead that
follow, there is a 90% chance...”

“Let’s take it.”



Seeing Lee Han answering immediately without any thought, the friends who had said
not to take it suddenly felt ashamed.

No matter how frightened you are by the undead, you still show this kind of face.

“Wordanaj... I made a mistake. I have painted the name of the family and tarnished
their honor. sorry!"

“I’ll go out with you too! Wodanaz! Come with me!"


Lee Han was bewildered at the sight of his friends who suddenly knew and reflected
on themselves.
'What do you mean these children?'

There was only one reason why Lee Han asked to accept it.

Who sent those students here?

The only culprit was the skeleton principal.

And, due to the nature of the skeleton principal, if he did not accept those
students, he was highly likely to be criticized for undermining the significance of
<Basic Magical Personality Education>.

Even the smallest tidbits should be taken care of!

“That… yes. Thank you all for agreeing.”

I didn't have time to persuade, but it was convenient if I came out like that.
Ihan nodded his head.

* * *

Phoenix Tower Ironheads are escaping and running?

The skeleton principal, who had been resting, opened his eyes again to the reports
sent by the summons.

Indeed, the Phoenix Tower students were hurriedly running through the darkness of
the night.

It was supposed to be a funny situation, but...

'Are you running away to the Blue Dragon Tower?'

It's lucky, but why is it that it's the best place to block right now?

The skeleton principal grunted and sent his wishes.

'Don't accept it, don't accept it, don't accept it...'

However, Lee Han trampled on the expectations of such a skeleton principal, and
with his friends escaped between the barricades and ran to rescue the students of
the Phoenix Tower.

Principal Skeleton exclaimed in anguish.

Such a selfish bastard! Such a selfish bastard!!

The other summoned beasts in the workshop looked down at the Skeleton Principal
and bowed their heads.


To be honest, it didn't seem like that boy from the Wodanaj family was
particularly selfish in the eyes of the summons, but...

When the owner was very grumpy, if he made a mistake, he flew to the 17th basement
floor of the main building of the magic school and waited for an intruder who did
not come, and he could do chores for about a hundred years.
The summoners had no choice but to express their consent.

- Truly selfish.

- You have taken the opportunity to learn from other students. master.

- He's a very naughty guy.

I don't know why you're doing that. That's not what I taught you.

Despite the pets' flattery, the Skeleton Principal grumbled as to whether his
anger had subsided.

Principal Skeleton didn't quite understand.

Looking at Lee Han's behavior, it was quite similar to that of Principal Skeleton
when he was young.

A clever, gutsy man who knows how to hide himself to get what he wants.

But why the hell did you help students from other towers?

It was an incomprehensible habit.

* * *

While Principal Skeleton made a very rude comparison, Lee Han was concentrating
with all his heart.

The experience of dealing with the undead rushing in the dark is actually an
experience that a freshman at a magic school must have had to experience.

I'm not even an adventurer or a mercenary, so why did I have to go through such an


However, the students in the field were not given time to think about such things.

Lee Han did not hesitate to cast light magic when the light source magic that
other friends had cast disappeared.

Asan cried out in fright.

“Wordanaz, danger…”

No matter how much magic power Lee Han had, he continued to use magic from inside
the dormitory, and now he had water beads floating around.

No matter how hard it is to use light magic again...

“Light, light, light! Heat, twist the air! What's going on, Asan?"


It's my friend, but it's really great!

Asan thought so and swung his staff.

When Lee Han summoned a fantasy mixed with heat, clones like a haze appeared
around him.

Skeleton warriors did not know which of the illusions were real, and the
encirclement was dizzy for a moment.

"Come this way!"

The Phoenix Tower students felt dizzy at the sight of Lee Han running with a
sphere of light floating behind him.

Seeing him emitting a halo in the dark made him feel like a saint.





“Wordanaj-sama is really…”


Lee Han swung his staff and struck one of the priests in the back.

“Run, you bastard! Do you want to be right?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

The priest student, who had lost his mind, drunk by the halo emanating from the
darkness, was hit and woke up.

It's not an adult, it's Wodanaz!

“Run inward! Avoid inside the barricade!”

Lee Han threw the remaining water beads and knocked down the Skeleton Warriors
that were chasing them.

'I'll do it!'

Seeing the disheveled appearance of the undead, it seemed that they could evacuate
the priests with ease.

At that moment, Asan fell down.



Lee Han realized what had happened to the wave of magical power passing by him.

'Curse magic!'

Asan struggled, grasping that his left leg was paralyzed.

“The mouse… the mouse…”

“Wordanaj, how are you doing?!”

“I will take Asan. Go in!"

Lee Han lifted Asan and lifted it over one shoulder.

Asan was struck with the curse of paralysis of his left leg, and even in the midst
of suffering, he was moved to tears.


In a situation like this, where can I find a friend who takes care of me without
abandoning me?

Wodanaj was truly an honorable friend.


Curse magic flew once more. Lee Han quickly stopped Asan by standing in front of

“Ouch! Wodanaz! Crooked science!”

Asando knew it with his head.

That you can't react quickly in a situation with Asan.

However, after he became a shield and received the tickling curse, he could not
think of such a thing.

“Why are you hahahahahaha!”

"sorry. Asan.”

Thanks to Asan's sacrifice, Lee Han was able to find the enemy.

Among the Skeleton Warriors, there was a man holding a bone staff, emitting a
stronger negative energy characteristic of the undead.

He seemed to think he would not be able to find him because he was in the dark and
mixed amongst the skeleton warriors, but for Lee Han, the story was different.

It was as if he had cried out to catch the curse after he had used it twice.


Lee Han's spell exploded, and lightning bolts shot out towards the Skeleton

The Skeleton Shaman creaked in embarrassment, but fortunately the Shaman had other


Skeleton warriors felt ominous and beat them with their bodies. The bones bounced
and the attack was blocked.

You're going to experience the story of how difficult it is to attack a wizard who
is protected by warriors.

There was no way to break through the skeleton warriors and give the shaman a
valid hit.


This time, the skeleton warriors rushed to Lee Han. It wasn't to bring down Lee

To prevent Lee Han from dodging while the Skeleton Shaman is casting his magic!


As before, along with the magic wave, the curse magic exploded on Lee Han.

The Skeleton Warriors were very pleased as they thought Lee Han would fall.


“Such annoying children…”


However, Lee Han was paralyzed and instead of collapsed, he even killed the
Skeleton Warriors.

Surprisingly, the curse was orthodox, but it had no effect.

The overwhelming magic made it impossible to invade any curse.

“Magic Missile!”


“Wordanaz! I'm here to help!"

Skeletons weren't the only ones with friends. He also had a friend.

When the exhausted Phoenix Tower students entered the barricade and had more free
time, the remaining friends came to help Lee Han.

A sphere of magical power the size of a fist shot out and sparks flew over the

Among them, one of the Phoenix Tower students fought remarkably well in Lee Han's

“Fire, shoot!”

Looking at the 2nd circle magic <Fire Fire>, it was clear that he had a talent for
fire magic.

'Are you a mixed blood spirit?'

The priest of the Phoenix Tower had his hair and eyes blazing with small flaming
flaming as if there had been a contract with the Fire Spirit in his predecessors.

“It’s already the 2nd circle fire magic…”

“Uh-huh! shoot well Whoa!”

“I envy you.”


Asan, who was still smiling because of the curse, laughed at Lee Han's words and
was embarrassed.

'Why are you envious of that, Wodanaj?'

Lee Han, who uses many more powerful magics than that, envys the magic of just
blowing some fire.

Asan did not understand.

“Wordanaj-sama. Thank you. Thanks to you, all my colleagues were able to enter.”

“That’s what I’m going to say. Thanks to you, you defeated the shaman.”

Lee Han reached out to shake hands with the priest. Before the priest could pull
his hand back, Lee Han grabbed his opponent's hand.


Only then did Lee Han realize that his opponent's hand was burning brightly.

'Dangerous... I don't do it.'

Surprised, Lee Han sighed in relief.

Fortunately, the flame didn't hurt Lee Han's hand.

“It was a safe fire that only burned on the outside.”

“…Oh, no, but…”


Lee Han was taken aback and hurriedly withdrew his hand. Then I felt a little hot.


The opponent's flame was not safe.

Lee Han unconsciously spewed magical energy into his palms to resist the flames.

If it wasn't for protecting the burning puppy like the last time I hugged it and
rolled over...

“Is that okay? If you are hurt…”

"ah. Okay. I'm sorry. Act hastily.”

“What are you sorry for?”

The priest introduced himself.

A priest of the Afha Church who worships fire, Nigisor.

As expected by Lee Han, he was a priest mixed with blood by contracting with the
Fire Spirit in the ancestors.

“Thank you again for your help. Let me know if you need any help.”

The back of the priest who turned around after saying thank you and walked, Lee
Han highly appreciated.

The white tiger in the world... No, there are a lot of bad people who blame Lee
Han for help, but the priest Nigisor was very polite.

'You're a good person.'

* * *

“Are you talking about Priest Nigisor?”

“He was a good person.”

Lee Han, who met Priest Tigiling inside the barricade, told the story of Nigisor.

The way you helped me with fire magic earlier, and the way I didn't forget the

After all, are all priests good?

“I think it would be better not to get too close, but…”


Lee Han was surprised by the words of Priest Tigiling.

Who is Tigiling?

Wasn't he a priest with such a good personality that he was ranked as one of the
top phoenix towers?

How could such a priest speak like that?

“Did Nigisor cause any trouble in the tower?”

“It’s not, but…”

Priest Siana, who gave the recovery potion to the exhausted priests, was happy to
see Lee Han and approached him.

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family, an insight and understanding of alchemy!”

“Priest Siana, who is like a brilliant morning star of the Fleming Church! Every
time I see him, I can only admire his outstanding alchemy skills.”


Tigiling looked at the two studios as if embarrassed.

The skill of praising each other was as good as any imperial social party.

Ian asked curiously.

“By the way, Priest Siana. Has Nigisor Priest ever caused any trouble in the

“Isn’t there such a thing?”

"Right. I got help from Nigisor Priest earlier, and he fights very well and is

"okay. But I think it would be better not to get too close.”


When both of them did this, Lee Han was perplexed.

'Priest Tigiling... I don't think he'll tell me because it's gossip.'

Lee Han decided to ask Priest Siana.

“Poetry, the greatest alchemist...”

“The undead are running away!!!”

“It is dawning! It is dawning!”

Skeleton warriors were running over the barricade with Dawn in the distance.

The students suddenly felt tears in their eyes, regardless of the tower.

“…everyone worked hard.”

"you also!"

From all over, students hugged, shook hands, and praised each other.

They fought as comrades at this heartless magic school without blood or tears.

Guy Nando jumped out of the barricade and tried to shout.

“We won…”

"for a moment."


Lee Han grabbed Guy Nando's back.

“Sharkan. Go out first.”

Sharkan barked once and ran out of the barricade.

Then, the skeleton warriors who were hiding close in front of the barricade swear
words and ran away.


The students shuddered at the sight.

Digging a trap like that until the very end.

It's really fucking disgusting!

* * *

You're really fucking badass.

Principal Skeleton squealed.

He was an incredibly deep man.

I'll have to take it apart and dig a trap next time...

The sun was rising wildly.

Principal Skeleton spoke with a sigh.

it's perfect

"thank you."

Lee Han bowed his head as the representative in the front. And then I thought.

'After all, it was great that you saved the Phoenix Tower students.'

'I don't know why that guy got a perfect score on his own, and why he's helping
other guys as well. Are you doing that on purpose to provoke me? He seems like a
daring guy...'

The teacher and the disciple finished the exam warmly.

Thinking differently!


After the skeleton principal had finished speaking, Asrai disappeared into the
dawn, and the students breathed a sigh of relief.

"for a moment. Isn't the invisibility magic thing hiding around the next time you
pretend to disappear?"

“You could be hiding nearby! Just in case you don't know, throw stones!"

'The magic school is ruining the talents of the Empire.'

Lee Han looked sadly at his friends who had begun to fall into conspiracy

“It’s so sad. The Phoenix Tower has students captured…”

None of the Blue Dragon Tower students were caught and taken away, so they had
perfect scores, but not the Phoenix Tower.
There were a few priests caught while escaping, so there was no choice but to lose

“It’s okay because the teaching is important, not the score.”

Priest Tigiling said in a reverent manner. Ian was shocked to see that.

'Isn't the score important?'

In the end, it is not the score that remains as a record.

And teaching depends on the teaching, so what kind of teaching is important in a

lecture like this?

There were only crumb-like teachings, such as 'Don't hang out with Richie', 'Don't
trust people unreasonably', and 'Beware of undead when sleeping at night'.

“Ugh… yes. Teaching is important.”

When Lee Han's reply came out strangely late, Tigiling was puzzled.

Why are you replying late?

"Oh yeah. Come to think of it, the priests are visiting the school this weekend.”


Ihan's face brightened.

When the priests of the Imperial Church came to the school, it did not end with
simply handing out food and drink.

Above all else, the skeleton principal's job... No, the difficult teachings of the
skeleton principal are slightly reduced.

Imperial consciences improve schools!

'Maybe I can have a good time this weekend.'

Besides, Lee Han is a person who is determined to enter not only the Frisinga
Church, but also all the denominations she can enter.

Since the priests came this weekend, I was thinking of visiting and finding a new

Considering that...

'Why did the Wodanaj family not support all the other noble families?'

Lee Han complained to himself.

Look at the House of Yonaire, the House Maikin!

Did not the bloodlines of the family benefit from hard support for the Fleming

If you don't believe me, can you give me some support?

'It's meaningless to complain. I make my way.'

Even if the family doesn't help, Lee Han just goes his way.

Lee Han looked at Priest Tigiling.

At the charismatic gaze, Priest Tigiling was slightly nervous.

“Do you have anything to say...?”

“Priest Tigiling. I was so dry that I didn’t see you.”


Isn't it?

“It’s been less than a day, and there’s no way I’m going to dry out…”

“Now that I’m at the Blue Dragon Tower, I need to eat something more.”


Thanks to Lee Han, who regularly called out and said, 'I brought some tea with
meat broth in a pot,' there was no nutritional problem with Tigiling.

And no matter how much you eat, you can't be dry even if it's been less than a day
since you met someone.

"ruler. Go and sit down.”

“It is a sin for a priest serving Frisinga-sama to eat luxuriously, but...”

"Right. But if you don't eat it, I'll starve Gainando together."


Guy Nando, who was clearing the barricade next to him, looked at Lee Han with his
eyes shocked by the sudden splatter of sparks.

Why me?!

“Priest...! If I starve at least one meal, I'm hungry...!"


Tigiling had no choice but to sit quietly in the chair. Lee Han nodded her head
with a grim expression like her skeleton principal.

“The other priests will have to sit down.”

“But most of the Priests in the Tower are frugal, so eating like this would be
considered a sin.”

Priest Tigiling said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Isn’t it because of the threatening with Priest Tigiling… Gainando?”


I said no, but it didn't seem like it was. Gainando said as if he didn't

“But the meals we eat are really frugal…”



The Blue Dragon Tower students passing by looked at Gainando like crazy.

Has this kid already forgot a really frugal meal?

“I bet everyone would be embarrassed to eat like this.”

Ihan nodded his head.

Of course, this wasn't because Lee Han had leftover ingredients.

He has already crossed the river of no return with the White Tiger Pagoda.

Although the relationship with the Black Turtle Tower students was relatively
smooth, there were times when Lee Han was misunderstood because of the groundless
rumors spread by the White Tiger Tower students.

But the wise and good priests of the Phoenix Tower were not.

They will not be deceived by rumors and will trust Lee Han.

And above all, if you receive a generous meal, it will tell good things to the
priests who will come over the weekend.

Whether the Phoenix Tower students liked it or not, they had to eat. Lee Han's
eyes shone with a relentless will.

“Gainan too. Follow me. I need you to help persuade me.”



Gainando did not understand why Lee Han was calling, but Priest Tigiling noticed
and was astonished.

* * *

Lee Han took out the food he had piled up in the grocery store.

Honey and sweet tree sap for dipping were placed on the table, along with buttered
and heated white bread. Grilled whole, salted or smoked pork and beef were also
placed next to it. The canned fish were also sliced and placed on the plate.

He also took out a jar of fresh milk, stolen or borrowed from Professor
Thunderwalker's hut.

After removing the jam from a glass bottle of various fruit jams, it was poured
into cold milk and stirred to make a drink. It was a precious sweet drink that was
difficult to drink at school.

“Did something like this happen?!”

“Usually, even if you ask me to do it, I don’t do it, so don’t ask me to do it.”

'How did know?!'

First, he slapped Guy Nando, who was about to eat one, and made him retreat, and
then Lee Han checked the soup.

The aroma of boiling thick broth made the Blue Dragon Tower students happy.


Lee Han threw a piece of meat at Sharkan. Gainando looked at him with envy, and
when Sharkan groaned and glared at him, he rolled his eyes.

“Almost done. Ask everyone to sit down.”

Lee Han also used the juice from the meat while cooking it sparingly. I put the
vegetables I was growing on my own and stir-fry it, then loosened the flour to make
the sauce.


Having tasted it, Lee Han admired his talent. How can you use the juices from
cooking meat so well?

This definitely goes really well with the fresh vegetables brought from the

'...I should stop thinking about it.'

Strangely, my magic skills don't seem to grow that fast, but my cooking skills
seem to be getting better and better.

Yonner, who was helping with the preparations with other friends, was puzzled when
he saw the carrot cupcakes and sweet pumpkin cookies being baked next to him.

“Where did this come from?”

“I made it from the garden.”


“...this is not a particularly professional or difficult dish. Yonner. It’s easier

than you think.”

'I didn't say anything...'

Yoner was bewildered by Lee Han's sudden excuse.

"got it?"

“Yeah, uh-huh.”

I don't know what he wants to know, but Yonner nodded, pushed by Lee Han's force.

I don't know why, but Lee Han seemed to want to assert that he wasn't serious
about cooking.
...In Yonner's eyes, that was very sincere, but...

* * *

Although they sat down because of intimidation, the young priests who fought all
night were moved by a hot meal.

Lee Han felt proud when he saw the student stuffed food to the point of bursting
his cheeks.

'No. It was Gainando.'

If you look closely, it's not the Phoenix Tower student, it's Kainando.

Fortunately, the Phoenix Tower students were also enjoying their meal.

Without a single word, only the rattling of plates and dishes could be heard.

"Thank you very much. Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

In his heart, he was saying that he would take care of you on the weekend, but Lee
Han didn't show any sympathy.

Instead, he nodded with noble dignity. The young priests were deeply impressed by
the attitude.

“The church priest said that he would visit the school on the weekend, and I want
to tell you about the things that Han Lee of the Wodanaj family did.”

"Right. If you do, I won’t stop you.”



When the opponent hesitated, Lee Han was perplexed.


'Is the Wodanaj family on the blacklist?'

Seeing what Gaju said about the Imperial Churches, it was not surprising that the
Churches hated the Wodanaj family.

“Then the priest would want to meet and thank Lee Han of the Wodanaj family in
person... I wondered if he was already busy enough. Taking a break on the weekend…”

“I am not busy at all. Rather, it is a concern that it is too idle every weekend.”

“Is that so?”

The young priests of the Phoenix Tower were bewildered by Lee Han's words.

No matter how you look at it, he seems very busy...

It didn't sound like a lie or a joke to see him say it so seriously with that
'is it?'

'It must be true.'

* * *

“Black magic?”

In response to Professor Garcia's question, Lee Han raised his hand.

“Summoning magic?”

Lee Han raised his hand to the next question.

“Illusion magic?”

Lee Han raised his hand again.

Then, he made eye contact with the Phoenix Tower students who were sitting next to

“...I am not busy at all. Do you understand?”

“Bar… you seem to be busy.”

"Lee Han... you're busy... you need to cut it down a bit."

Not only the Phoenix Tower students, but also the Blue Dragon Tower friends looked

Before taking the note test, Professor Garcia divided the test takers according to
the students' interests.

And Lee Han entered all fields.

Anyway, this wasn't it.

'Aren't you going to fall over there?'

“You are too harsh in my opinion. Wodanaz.”

“It looks a bit…”

Even the students of Black Turtle Tower and White Tiger Tower intervened.

However, Lee Han did not waver at all.

“I still have spare time.”

“Student Lee Han needs to be reduced…”

Professor Garcia said in a worried voice as he walked over.

As the old saying goes, the bird that sings the most beautiful song dies the

“I am giving advice from my own experience. Lee Han student. Exploring every field
of magic is the natural fate of an ambitious young wizard with talent and

'Every word in the sentence seems to be the opposite of me.'

“It’s really hard.”

“Did the professor learn various magic together like Lee Han?”

“There have been times like that.”

“Then can we do this?”

“Uh… yes, but…”

Professor Garcia was speechless at Guynando's snarling words.


is it?

When I thought about the rough road I had walked, I thought I should stop the
student from walking on that path...

Thinking about it, I wondered if Professor Garcia had the right to do that.

What's more, if you're a magician with a talent like Lee Han.

"Um... But back then, there was no one like Professor Bagreg... No, it's nothing."

Professor Garcia can't gossip about other professors to the students, so he

hastily stopped.

But Lee Han understood immediately what Professor Garcia was trying to say.

“Actually, Han Lee is better than me, so maybe it’ll be okay. Yes. I am not going
to say any more.”

Professor Garcia clenched his fists tight as if to cheer him up, shook them and
walked away.

Lee Han suddenly felt anxious for no reason, as if he had missed the last chance.


“One by one forward.”

When the exams started, Professor Garcia called the students forward one by one.

And then he chanted.

"A soft stellar veil obscures the view."

Instantaneous magic embroidered the air intricately, woven like warp and weft.
Changes so complex that freshmen could not even dare to follow were made in the
blink of an eye.

When the curtain was opened, the students who were seated in their seats could not
see Professor Garcia, even if they tried to see properly.
I knew it was there, but it felt like my brain was rejecting that information.

“Can you see everyone?”




Of course, the students who answered thinking that everyone would not be able to
see them stopped when the opposite answer appeared next to them.

And Lee Han, who gave the opposite answer, paused as well. Everyone thought they
were still seeing it.

“…can you not see it?”

At Lee Han's question, the friends were bewildered.

“Can’t you see?”

“Isn’t it only visible to smart people?”

“Then why can’t you see me?”

“Gainan too. Don’t be bullshit.”

Above the students of the Blue Dragon Tower, the calm voice of Professor Garcia
could be heard.

"ah. Are you a student?”


Lee Han didn't do anything wrong, but somehow felt like he did something wrong.

'Is it because of magic?'

When there was a problem at the magic school, I guessed it was because of the
magical power that Lee Han had, and he was almost right.

And it was actually right.

“Thanks to your magic, you resisted <Illderid's Star Veil>.”

The stronger the magical power, the higher the resistance to other magic.

Of course, that's the case, just increasing the magic power didn't dramatically
increase the resistance. It was an almost imperceptible difference.

But sometimes there are exceptions.

The boy in front of Professor Garcia was one such exception.

“Then what should I do?”

“You can’t turn around and look at this side.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Lee Han was relieved by the simpler method than expected.

Professor Garcia knew how to cast a curse or give a potion that weakens

“I thought the professor would curse me.”

“Do you think the professor is like the headmaster?”

Hearing the Blue Dragon Tower friends gossiping, it seems that Lee Han wasn't the
only one who thought so.

* * *

The students who were called forward used magic as directed by Professor Garcia.

“Oh, burn like my soul!”

“It is not a good habit to memorize the same spell for such a long time to create
an image. If you don't increase your concentration so that you can summon it under
any circumstances, you'll have a hard time learning high-level magic."

“Burn up!”

“Even if it works normally, there are times when magic doesn’t work in such a
tense situation. It’s good to relax as much as possible and get used to it through
a lot of regular practice.”

It was Lee Han's turn.

Professor Garcia said with a friendly smile to relieve Lee Han's tension.

“Student Lee Han, don’t use the flame element. ruler. Show me the water element.”

Lee Han created a lump of water.

It was a speed that could not be compared with other students, but Professor
Garcia was not at all surprised.

“Give shape?”

Lee Han compressed a lump of water into a bead.

“Shape change?”

The compressed orb changed into a shield shape.

“Control steering.”

The shield began to circle around Lee Han at a constant speed. On a stable track
that does not wobble.

Professor Garcia nodded.

What would you say to a student who is already mastering next-grade level magic?

“It’s perfect. perfect score.”

"thank you."

“Student Lee. Talent is too understandable... Don't rush to get ahead. Do you know
what I'm talking about?"

"of course."

Lee Han wanted to explain.

I really had no intention of moving forward.

It's just that the magic school keeps pushing Lee Han on the back!

“I have no intention of moving forward. professor."

Professor Garcia stared at Lee Han's determined face and sighed.

“Actually, even if I say this now, I am a student who will go ahead without
hesitation when the opportunity arises. This student. Maybe it's the woes of innate


Lee Han was embarrassed by the absurd accusation.

'Why do you make such a misunderstanding?'

“Why do you think so?”

“Professor Ingaldel said that Han Lee tried to use multiple water beads.”


Lee Han was speechless at the unexpected answer.

'Professor Ingaldel...!'

You mean you've been spreading rumors about it again?!

Of course, Professor Ingaldel did nothing wrong from an objective point of view.

The disciple fought against the knights of the White Oak Knights, and even won a

Any teacher had no choice but to talk to those around him. It was strange that he

But for Lee Han, that didn't matter. Lee Han groaned inwardly.

“It was really unavoidable…”

"Yes. Even if you try to stay still, if you encounter an unavoidable reason,
moving forward may be the fate of a gifted wizard...”


Lee Han thought about speaking in different languages.

Why does the conversation seem to go in vain when we talk face to face together?

“But don’t overdo it.”

Professor Garcia said the last thing.

Of course, even saying this, he knew that talented geniuses would jump out when
the opportunity came.

But even if what he said didn't work, it was the teacher's job to say it over and
over again.

"of course. professor."

Lee Han returned to his seat, seriously contemplating how to respond so that
Professor Garcia would believe his sincerity.

"ruler. Then black magic… Student Lee Han.”


As soon as he sat down, he got up again and walked forward, thinking Lee Han.

'You may not believe what I'm saying.'

* * *

black magic.

-ruler. I will summon an undead, so shoot the curse.


- Shooting curses, avoiding curses. Well done. I'll need a bony hand. let me call

-Yes. Appear, bony hands!

- Perfect. However, this student. I didn't say this to Han Lee, but I commanded
the undead I summoned.


summon magic.

- This time, I summoned only one quill. After all, were you summoned a lot last
time to show off to other friends? No? Then why? Was it a mistake? Why did Han Lee
make such a rudimentary mistake?

-professor. I am in first grade.

-...Oops. Sorry.

fantasy magic.

-ruler. Use fantasy magic.

- Heat, distort the air!

- Lee Han student. That's not the magic I learned in class. It's even 2nd circle

-...Go away, illusion!

-Can I give you two full marks?


After all the exams, Lee Han sighed and went back to his seat.

I got perfect marks, but I couldn't solve Professor Garcia's misunderstanding, so

my heart was heavy.

Gainando looked at Lee Han with a look full of anticipation.

When I failed the exam, the most reliable thing was a friend who failed with me.

“You are ruined too! right?!"

“I am perfect.”


Gainando looked at Lee Han with a look full of betrayal.

Then why are you sighing?!

* * *

When the stormy note test week ended and the golden Saturday arrived, the
students' faces seemed to shine exceptionally.

Lee Han also woke up after a long sleep.

In fact, I tried to sleep more, but Sharkan woke me up by licking Lee Han's face,
so I had no choice but to wake up.

Sharkan grabbed Lee Han and pulled him closer as if he was going for a walk.

I had to go out because I had work to do in the morning anyway...

'...By the way, should leopards take regular walks?'

Lee Han suddenly had a question as he walked out the main gate of the dormitory
tower with Sharkan.

Of course, Lee Han didn't have any expert knowledge on how to breed Sharkhan, but
a monster with a title like 'King of the Leopard' should show a more noble and
dignified appearance...

- Kung! Crumple!

- Fu hee hee hee!

As he pulled the white horse out of the stable, Sharkan barked loudly. He cried
face to face as if he would not lose the white horse.

Lee Han nodded his head with a sweet expression on his face.
"okay. We can go for a walk while hating each other as much as we want. ruler. get
off Don't touch each other."

However, Sharkan did not give up and rolled over.

He continued to point at the white horse with his front paws as he growled and dug
into the floor.

Ian said firmly.

"Can not be done. Sharkan. That's not your food."

At Lee Han’s words, Sharkan rolled to the side even more.

It was as if he was ecstatic because he couldn't understand what he was saying.

“If you can’t, you can’t. Sharkan. Stand up without fussing.”


Sharkhan, who had been struggling, eventually stood up as if he had given up. Lee
Han nodded his head as if he did well.

"okay. Sharkan. I'll give you something to eat when you get back."

- Grumble rumble...

- Whoops.

As Sharkan growled low, the white horse nodded.

It was as if they understood each other's situation because they were going
through similar difficulties.

'Animals are really hard to understand.'

Lee Han looked at the two animals and thought to himself.

They were beings that I couldn't understand even if I learned or learned.

"professor. hello."

Lee Han, who saw Professor Lightning Walk from afar, bowed his head.

Professor Lightning Walk, wearing a leather jacket, looked at Lee Han, who has
been taking care of the animals since early morning, with a curious look.

And looked at Sharkan.

Then he looked at Lee Han again.

“…you look too ferocious for an undead hound? What?"

"ah. You know that monster called Sharkan that I asked about last time, right?”

“It was.”

Professor Lightning Walk nodded.

Professor Lightning Guild answered Lee Han's question kindly.

It is said that it is difficult to tame a monster, and the more violent and strong
the monster is, the more difficult it becomes.

It's even more dangerous to call such a monster as an undead, so you never know
when you're going to target the warlock's neck.

“That monster.”

“…are you rebelling against me? Did I treat you so harshly?”

Professor Lightning Walk asked in amazement.

If you want to die at the magic school, there are many better ways than that.
There was no reason to call such a monster as an undead summons other than

"no. Professor Mortum gave it to me.”


“Do you think it’s okay?”

"no. He thought he was crazy.”

“…But, Professor Mortum didn’t attack me because he did magic. He is pure and

Unwittingly, Lee Han defended Professor Mortum.

Professor Lightningwalk drew closer to Sharkan. Sharkhan made a low, bloody sound
and warned him as if he were threatening.


Professor Lightning Walk narrowed his eyes and glanced at Sharkan.

If Professor Mortum had cast additional magic to manage his temper while creating
undead summons, the traces should be visible.

"not really?"


“There is no magic treatment that makes it particularly gentle or loyal.”


Lee Han unknowingly took a step back and widened the distance with Sharkan.

Sharkan barked with a wounded expression.

“Then… are you looking for an opportunity like that phone league?”

This time the white horse wept as if protesting.

Do you doubt your loyalty?


'Everything in the words is wrong.'

Professor Lightning Walk was absurd.

“Just being loyal...”

"oh. Is that so?"

Lee Han looked at Sharkan again. Sharkan waved his tail with a happy expression.

“Come here. Sharkan. In fact, I trusted you.”

Sharkan rushed forward.

Lee Han stroked Sharkhan and thought that he should give him the sausage he would
later give to Guynando.

Professor Lightning Walk looked at him patheticly.

'By the way, the fact that there was no magic treatment...'

If the madman, no, Professor Mortum did not cast any special magic, that undead
summon showed such loyalty, it was one of them.

Either that Sharkan especially likes people (probably similar to the probability
that Gonadaltes will be kind and compassionate), or it just overwhelms Sharkan
because Lee Han's presence is so strong.

Monsters like Sharkan were sensitive to their ranks. It was understandable that he
was so loyal to his master, who radiated magical energy like Lee Han.

How could other wizards subdue monsters that could only be tamed by using all
kinds of magic, arcane, and sorcery so casually?

And above all, it was even more absurd that the person himself was not aware of

If Professor Lightningwalker's friends who knew about breeding monsters had been
here, they would have just talked for hours about work.

“Okay. Sharkan. It's like a weird guy. I believed in you.”

In fact, the person he really believed in didn't say such a thing, but Sharkhan
was excited as if he liked it anyway.

Professor Lightning Gaul suddenly remembered and asked.

"for a moment. Why do you believe in that Sharkhan, but not the white horse?”


Lee Han looked at Professor Lightning Walk as if asking a natural question.

“Hey Sharkhan was loyal from the start, and that Fonleague kept kicking and biting
From Lee Han's point of view, the phone league was hard to believe.

It was suspicious no matter how much you looked at the guy who had been raging all
of a sudden suddenly became obedient.

Moreover, Fonrigg was the most clever and cunning of all the horses in the

Whether it was given a potion, cast a spell, or mixed with the blood of another
monster, the intelligence seemed to be several times that of other horses.

It is even more suspicious when such words suddenly become obedient!

- Fu hee hee hee!

Fonrig protested, rolling on the ground with his hooves as if he was going to die
of frustration.

Of course, it could be suspicious if the horse suddenly did, but the original
griffon was such a creature.

A noble magical creature that refuses to accept anyone who has not acknowledged it
as its owner and tries to ride it, but gives loyalty once it is acknowledged as the

But thinking of himself as words and misunderstandings like that, the phone league
was so frustrated that it almost died.

“Look. It's right over there, isn't it?"

- Fu-Hing!!

Fonrig, who had given up on convincing Lee Han, cried frantically as he watched
the lightning stride.

The meaning was one.

Unleash the magic!!

Professor Lightning Walk avoided Fonrig's gaze.

'I can't.'

How hard did it take to transform a normal griffon into a horse?

Considering the cost of the potions and magic reagents included, it was absolutely

No matter how much potion you give a horse or magic to make it ferocious, it can't
really be like a monster.

At least one monster transformed into a horse had to be in the stable so that
freshmen could get used to it later when they met real monsters.

“What do you think?”

"okay. I also listened to what you said, and it seems that there is some truth to
what you said. Unlike Sharkan, Fonleague may be hiding his heart.”
- Fu hee hee! Pu hee hee hee hee!

Fonrig stared at Professor Lightningwalk as if to kill him.

Let's see if the transformation is really done!

“Then let me go. Take a good walk and go in.”

"Yes. Come in.”

- Fu-Hing!! hee hee hee hee!!

"stop. phone league. I will believe you.”

Fonrig was embarrassed by the owner's heartless words and kicked the floor with
his hind feet. As if to comfort Sharkan, he tapped Ponrig with his tail.

Let's find a way to solve the magic together...

* * *

"uh. You seem to have less meat today than usual.”

“Gainan too. Are you cheating now to eat more? Act with honor.”

“Ah… no. I guess it's really less than usual?? weird?"

“Didn’t you take one bite and forget it?”

“Is it… is it?”

While the Blue Dragon Tower students were having breakfast, Sharkan returned from
a walk and wandered around.

It wasn't just walking around.

I knocked down the books piled up in the break room, or took out the reagents I
put in the shelf.

“Why, Sharkan?”

“Are you hungry? Kainan too…”

“If you touch my plate, it’s a duel!”

The students asked a question, but Sharkhan did not answer and continued to search
through books and reagents.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Is there something you are looking for? A monster with high intelligence can do

At Yonaire's words, Lee Han fell into thought.

Is Sharkan looking for something?

“There would be no such thing. Sharkan. Come here.”

Lee Han pulled Sharkan closer. Sharkan held out with strength in his claws and was
eventually dragged away.

"right. Wodanaz. The priests were outside, did you see it?”

“I hope you stay longer.”

If you were at a magic school, the children of noble families who had no religious
faith were bound to suddenly develop their religious beliefs.

When I see priests from outside taking care of and helping students, I think,
'Huh? So, what about the professors we've met so far?'

Yonner said as he grabbed his bag.

“Are the priests here?”

“Are you going to the Fleming Church?”

"yes. And I'll ask for potions."


Potions that Ratford borrowed from the wagon.

Yoner and Lee Han were trying hard to figure out the identity of the potions, but
the process was slow because they were challenging only with the wisdom of

But what if I ask the priests of the Church of Alchemy, the Church of Fleming?

'It's not bad.'

“But Yoner… If there is a suspicious potion, it would be difficult to make


“To insist on picking it up until the end. Everyone is kind and won't take it
away? ...maybe?"

I was a little nervous, but I couldn't think of a better way.

Lee Han looked at Yonner and nodded.

"okay. request."

The other potions in the box also went into Yonere's bag. Then, suddenly, Sharkan
growled low.

- Crumble...

“Sharkan. Be still.”

- Kung! Kung Kung!

Sharkan barked bitterly at the potion in Lee Han's hand.

As if he wanted to have the potion.

“Sharkan. This is not for you to eat.”

And the bright green color was not good for health no matter how much you looked
at it.

Even though Sharkan is an undead summoned beast, there is no need to poison it.

Eventually the green potion went into the bag.

Sharkan rolled her feet as if she was sorry, but Yonaire closed the door of the

"See you later."

"yes. Are you going to visit the Frisinga priests?”

"okay. You should also see the Frisinga priests.”


Yoner, who was nodding his head, felt a sense of incongruity at Lee Han's words.

Priests 'do'?

“Priests from other denominations will have to go check who has come. See you


Yoner didn't say anything at the sight of his friend who was looking around the
church as if he was looking at an alley shop.

Instead, he cheered with his eyes.

cheer up!

...I still don't know what you're trying to do!

* * *

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. Nice to see you here.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Are you interested in the belief in Wildotzkal-sama?”

“I’ve always been interested.”


“By the way, is it possible for the Wildotzkal Church to believe in other
denominations as well?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Let me see you next time. Thanks for the recommendation.”

When I entered the area where the priests were gathered in front of the main
building, surprisingly, there were many students of the Phoenix Tower pretending to
know Lee Han.
It was thanks to the good deeds I showed you last time.

The young priests called Lee Han out of favor, but...

Ian refused.

There was no way unless they allowed them to believe in other denominations as
they had to benefit from going back and forth between different denominations.

“Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

With a burning voice, Nigisor Priest appeared.

Like a mixed blood spirit of fire, it was burning brightly today.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Are you interested in the Afha Church?”

“I have always been interested. But doesn’t the Afha denomination care if they
believe in other denominations as well?”

Priest Nigisor nodded at Lee Han's question.

“The fire in Afha only burns, it does not force direction.”

"Oh... Then I'd like to see the priest."

“It’s nice. Follow me.”

Priest Nigisor took the lead and walked.

As Lee Han followed, he thought about the Afha Church.

'Come to think of it, I don't know much about the Afha Church.'

The imperial denominations were so numerous that it was not easy to know unless
you were a famous denomination or a person who directly believed in the

I heard that the Church of Afha worships fire...

'Then, is it a place that deals with flame-based magic?'

If so, it could be of great help to Lee Han.

One of Lee Han's biggest weaknesses was the elemental fire magic.

Other elemental magics were relatively good, but in the case of the flame element,
the compatibility with Lee Han was the worst.

It's not that I can't use magic, but if I use it wrong, I can burn myself.


As I entered the large tent of the Afha Church, the first thing I felt was the
It was because of the purple flame rising from within.

The priests of the denominations made up of various races were happy to see the
priests of Nigisor come in while sitting comfortably in their respective clothes
without uniformity.

“Priest Nigisor! May the fire of Afha come.”

“May the fire of Afha come. priests. This is Han Lee of the Wodanaj family.”

"iced coffee. As I said last time... this surprised me. I thought the wizards of
the Wodanaj family would have little interest in the faith.”

“This is a false rumor.”

Lee Han blatantly lied without even putting saliva on his lips.

“Anyway, I'm glad you're interested. Shall I explain your faith?”

"Yes. Please.”

The priest of the Afha Church looked like a mercenary who had been on the
battlefield for about ten years.

But when he opened his mouth, stories of deep faith flowed out.

Lee Han listened intently.

Because it was a valuable time to learn what benefits there are to join the Afha

“ we believe that the end of the world will come with the fire of Afkha.
Afha’s fire burns everything.”


Lee Han, who had been listening intently, stopped.


“Is that… fire a figurative fire? Burning only the absurdities of the world, the
wicked and the skeleton lich?”

"no? It’s just a fire that burns everything.”

"...ah. Is it like destruction for new creation and renewal?”

“It’s a fun idea. But after the end, there is nothing. It just burns.”


"ruler. Then, let’s check the flames that Han Lee of the Wodanaj family holds in
his soul.”

Lee Han suddenly seemed to understand why Priest Tigiling and Priest Siana had
told them to avoid Priest Nigisor.

'Aren't I supposed to bring out the flames in my soul and help burn the world...?'

Fortunately, the Afha denomination was not the denomination that Lee Han was
worried about.

"ah. You were so worried. haha. People who don’t know me sometimes misunderstand

The priest of the Afha Church burst into laughter.

“We do not burn the world or set the empire on fire. If that had been the case in
the first place, how could the denomination have survived like this?”

'That's right.'

That was correct.

No matter how generous the Empire is, it will not be generous enough to allow even
a burning denomination.

“Our priests just believe in the fire of Afha.”

"you're right. The fire of Afha will come to us someday, so we must live with no

Except for the gloomy pessimism that the world will one day see the fire of the
end, the priests of the Afha Order were basically pleasant and kind people.

Moreover, their strong belief in Afha's fire created a significant synergy with
fire magic.

In magic, an individual's image is as important as magic.

The priests of the Church who sincerely believed in the formidable existence of
the fire of Afha had no choice but to have an advantage in fire magic.

Thanks to this, as Lee Han guessed, there were many masters of fire magic among
the priests of the Afha Church.

If the Empire needs fire magic, it even requests support from the Church of Afha.

'Good luck. It's better than I thought.'

Ian was relieved.

Except for the belief that the world would one day be destroyed, the Afha Church
was a very good denomination.

The rules of the denomination were also generous.

There was little to do, except for the meditation on the fire of Afha.

At this point, it was actually better than the Frisinga Church, which was forced
to wear cursed items.

“Come here. It's time to check the flames in your soul.”

The Priest of Afha came with a large cup of copper, crude in appearance.
Lee Han asked, feeling more comfortable.

“How do I check?”

According to the description, that copper cup was an artifact that drew flames
from the soul of the person who touched it and caused it to rise inside the cup.

Priests often used this cup to show how humble and faithful they were before the
fire of Afha.

'It's similar to the fire element magic aptitude test. The more you get used to
magic, the better the flame inside the glass.'

If the Afha priests heard it, 'That's why wizards! It's the flames and devotion in
the soul...' It was an blasphemous sound, but I couldn't help it.

Because Lee Han, like the head of the Wodanaj family, was far from religious.

What the priests of the denomination interpreted as faith, Lee Han had no choice
but to interpret it as magic.

No matter how you look at it, it has to be!

Lee Han put his hand on the copper cup. And he was a little nervous.

'It's probably not going to be an accident.'

I couldn't help but be nervous as there were things I had to go through, starting
with the words I heard from Professor Garcia.

A flame suddenly rises or burns the surrounding tent...


A fire broke out in the glass. It wasn't that big of a fire. It swayed stably
without spilling out of the cup.

'I don't know much about glasses, but I think it's okay?'

Ian was relieved.

It did not soar strangely, nor was it unstable in shape.

Isn't this average?

"How is it?"

“Now we have to check.”

One of the priests hooked and blew. However, Lee Han's flame did not move.


“You have a strong flame in your soul.”

The priests of Afha rejoiced at the strength of Ihan's flame.

The size of the flame in the glass was not important.

What was important was the strength to withstand any obstacles.

Even if the wind blows like that, it won't go out. It was a pretty strong flame.

Another priest took water and poured it over the glass Lee Han was holding. The
water evaporated with a 'chick' sound.

Lee Han's flame still didn't move.

"Oh oh...?"

“Let’s bring something else.”

Paradoxically, the priests were accustomed to dealing with fire as much as they
dealt with it.

Black sand called 黑影沙 (黑影沙) was taken out. Any flame was a magic reagent that
was swallowed up in an instant.

However, Lee Han's flame was not extinguished.



Other methods continued to be employed.

Spells, reagents, potions, items, etc.

And in the end, Lee Han's flame did not go out.

The faces of the priests, who had been cheerful the whole time, became serious.

“…Is there any problem?”

"haha. no."

“Good luck...”

Lee Han tried to relieve himself.

But the priests immediately turned back and whispered.

“Can you send a message to another priest in the denomination?”

“Now let’s fly the bird as fast as possible…”

“I think we should call the bishop.”

Hearing the voices of the gossiping priests, Lee Han slowly began to feel anxious.

* * *

The bishop of the Afha Church, Uso, hurriedly flew in after receiving the call.

It was only natural to hear that there was a boy who had in his soul a flame close
to the fire of Afha.

for a moment. for a moment. for a moment.

“Osu Gonadaltes. Nice to meet you. But I have an urgent business right now…”

Of course you know what's going on. Did the priests of Afkha find talent?

Principal Skeleton knew the Afha Church well.

Except for being a bit pessimistic and stupid, they were quite good at dealing
with fire magic.

The problem was that they fell in love with the Wodanaj boy and tried to take him

It didn't seem that Lee Han was very interested in the life of a priest, but in
the original period of storm and rage, he was easily swayed by various temptations.

In particular, young students in the magic school could be easily swayed by

external temptations because their minds were weak.

It should never have been stopped.

This school was built by His Majesty to nurture the same spirit of the Empire.
Trust me, I won't force future wizards to become priests of the Order.

At the warning of the Skeleton Principal, the bishop nodded as if he knew what he
was talking about.

"of course. Osu Gonadaltes. We also have no intention of turning the talents of
the Magic School into priests.”

Is that so?

The skeleton principal's voice softened.

After all, the Afha Church was a denomination that knew manners and had good

“But Osu Gonadaltes. Now the boy of the Wodanaj family is in a dangerous

...I did nothing.

“I don’t know what you mean?”

The Bishop was puzzled by the Skeleton Principal's instinctive excuse.

“As you know, Osu Gonadaltes-sama, a talent so strong that it is difficult to

control can hurt its owner. Even more so, the properties of fire.”

Magic was as dangerous as it was powerful.

Among them, the fire property was easy to hurt if handled incorrectly.

A boy with such strong flames in his soul had to be seen as very dangerous.

I had to learn how to control it as quickly as possible.

“You have to learn fast.”

Do I really have to do that?

Principal Skeleton murmured.

First of all, the Skeleton Principal himself had an old-fashioned idea that 'If
you are a magician, you have to take care of your own life while learning magic',
but apart from that, the boy of the Wodanaj family was not so immature that he
could not control it.

There are many young wizards who hurt themselves because they can't control their
natural talents, but that was their story...

In the eyes of Principal Skeleton, Lee Han was the exact opposite.

A person who is controlling his uncontrollable talent with a stronger mind than

Even if the Afha Church did not worry about it, it seemed that Lee Han would not
burn himself.

If it was a guy to eat, wouldn't he have already burned it?

“Osu Gonadaltes! Aren't you concerned about student safety right now?!"

Ah... no. no.

The skeleton principal took a step back at the bishop's cry.

Bishop Thorazin was more dangerous than he thought. He might run to the emperor
and babble.

And if the bishop's words were true, there was nothing to worry about.

It's not about making him a priest of the Afha Church, it's just fire magic

Of course, the boy from the Wodanaj family receiving the training might be a
little tough, but that wasn't what Principal Skeleton knew.

Of course I'm worried.

“So was it.”

ruler! Go and teach me quickly!

* * *

"So you mean that I'm not going to set fire to the empire or destroy the world by
succeeding the fire of Afha?"

“Of course. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. It's a joke too."

Ian was relieved.

The priests were talking with serious expressions on their faces, so they said,
'What? Was I the last heir of the Afha Church?' I was worried, but it wasn't.

It was simply because he had an incredibly powerful flame in his soul, and it was
dangerous if he didn't learn how to control it.
'Well. Come to think of it, this is something to be concerned about.'

I had already heard a lot of people like Professor Garcia and I tended to become
numb, but seeing the other priests worried, I became worried again.

are you okay?



Hearing that he was a bishop, Lee Han stiffened his body.

In any denomination, no one could sit in the position of a bishop.

A person of that size would come like this.

“It is an honor to meet you.”

Lee Han automatically left Abu.

No matter where and how he worked in the future, there was nothing wrong with
being seen well by the high-ranking figures of various denominations.

“It is an honor to have met you. I have never heard of anyone born with such a
strong flame.”

The bishop was a gentle and kind man.

“You must have suffered from uncontrolled flames as a child.”

“…Uh, isn’t it?”

At Lee Han's words, the bishop paused.

And then I understood.

"Aha. Since it's the Wodanaj clan, it must be fire-fighting magic..."

'Didn't you?'

Lee Han grew up well without any fire related accidents.

If you didn't use fire magic in the first place, there was no problem.

“But now that you have left the family like this, you cannot rely solely on the
magic of the family. Lee Han must learn to control the flames.”

Lee Han nodded with a determined expression on his face.

The reason I snuck into the Afha Church in the first place was because I thought I
might be able to learn more about fire magic.

It's hard to control the flames in a normal way, but holy magic might be a little

“That method may be too harsh or difficult for a first-year student at a magic
"I know."

Lee Han said, remembering Professor Voladi.

Many say that elemental magic is as easy as it is the most familiar, but it was
not easy to really master elemental magic.

How many trials and tribulations did Lee Han have to go through in order to
properly control one simple water magic?

When I thought of various things such as maintaining shape, changing motion, and
detecting elements, I felt that I had been walking on a difficult road anew.

But if you did it once, you could do it twice.


'If you don't learn how to control the flames in advance, you can suffer many
times later.'

Lee Han threw his coat aside and picked up his staff.

And then he took a stance.

“Blow the flames. I am ready.”

“...Excuse me, but what are you doing now?”

The bishop was bewildered by Lee Han's reaction.

I couldn't understand what kind of training the boy in front of me was preparing


Noticing the strange atmosphere, Lee Han made excuses without knowing it.

“The most effective way to increase the control of an element and... to increase
its ability to transform and enchant an element by directly experiencing it...”

“…but that’s an overly violent method, isn’t it?”

The priest next to him said the bishop was embarrassed.

“Maybe he was joking. All the students are mean, aren't they?"

"Aha. joke...”

'It wasn't.'

Lee Han wasn't joking, but he just kept his mouth shut because the atmosphere
seemed more awkward.

“In the Order, you first learn to control the flames through meditation and

Ian was surprised.

'That's all?'

And I was surprised again.

This time it was to himself.

'...I have become a strange person because of Professor Voladi.'

Come to think of it, controlling the flames through meditation and prayer was a
decent enough method.

Much more than risking your life to avoid the element of fire, especially!

* * *

The meditation of the Afha Church was not complicated or difficult.

Sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and imagine the flames inside yourself.

If he succeeded in imagining the flame, the next thing was Yuji.

If it has been maintained for a certain period of time, a complex application is

now unfolded in the image using flames.

It looked pretty easy, but when you actually do it, it's never easy. Meditation
was a failure the moment you lost your concentration or interrupted your thoughts
on the way.

'There is an aspect that coincides with magic training.'

Lee Han thought that the cult's meditation had a lot in common with magic

Magic was a discipline that required a high degree of concentration and


Even if you cast a spell, swing a staff, and arrange your magic power properly, it
was easy to fail without proper concentration.

“I’ll put a candle here.”

The bishop placed the candlestick and lit it.

“At first, just focus on this candle that doesn’t go out.”


The candle of the Afha Church was extinguished at the same moment as the
meditating priest lost his concentration.

It was a prop to help the young priest concentrate.

after an hour.

“…you don’t need to meditate anymore.”


Lee Han, who had closed his eyes and threw a fireball at Professor Voladi in his
imagination, stopped.

I've been immersed in meditation for a long time, but why did I dry it?

“It is enough not to blow out a candle for an hour.”

For Lee Han, who had passed the rigorous training of Professor Voladi with his
innate talent, such a meditation was now just a simple training that he could
easily pass.


Lee Han understood the bishop's words and took off his coat again. The bishop was
suddenly perplexed.

“There will be no fire. Lee Han.”

“I was just basking in the fire, and it was a little hot, so I took it off.”


The priests of the Afha Church were stunned. Ian was a little embarrassed.

'You think I'm weird. It is unfair.'

“By the way, is this enough for your aptitude for fire magic?”

Ian asked curiously.

He was confirming with his body that the element of water was a good fit, and he
was also using the element of lightning well in his own way.

On the other hand, as the flame element has never been used so much, Lee Han
himself did not have a sense of how well it fits.

How much is this?



The priests exchanged glances.

It was right that he was talented enough to be counted.

Priests of the normal denomination are constantly and periodically meditating to

maintain the inner flame.

It should be said that he was born to do it easily without proper training.

Innately, the aptitude for flame elements is very high, and the image of flame is
also very strong?

He was a born priest of the Church of Afha.

...but I couldn't say that.

I made an appointment with the principal.

'If you tell the truth properly, Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family may want to
become a priest of the Afha Church.'

'I can't.'

The headmaster of the magic school did not like losing talented people to the
denomination, and the priests respected it.

Of course, because of Lee Han's personality, he would never want to become a

priest of the Afha Church, but the priests did not know that.

“It’s mediocre.”


“Really… that’s right.”

Ihan nodded his head.

'You look normal.'

As the priests said they were normal, Lee Han did not doubt. He had no reason to

And the mediocre was enough. As long as it doesn't get in the way when learning
other magic.

"ruler. Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

The bishop put a ring on Lee Han's finger. Lee Han was puzzled by the magical
power he felt in the ring.


“It is a ring of fire absorption. This ring will protect Lee Han when you use fire

Originally, it was a ring used to defend against fire magic or to deal with fire
attribute monsters.

Lee Han bowed his head in gratitude.

"thank you."

“Do you know the fire spell? Give it a try.”

Lee Han swung his wand and chanted a spell.

“Burn up!”


Fist-sized flames blazed on the palm of his hand. Lee Han was pleased with the
effect that was much better than expected.


“...Bring more rings.”


Lee Han was taken aback by the bishop's serious reaction.

didn't it work?

'I was just lucky...'

I looked down at my hand and saw that the ring was already cracked.

It seemed to be this much even though I had absorbed it as much as possible.

One ring is meaningless.

Click, click, click.

The ring was additionally filled. Lee Han asked the bishop carefully.

“Is this okay?”

When I put ten rings on ten fingers, Lee Han became a little worried.

If the ring is filled like this, wouldn't the fire magic be cast at all?

“Definitely a little...”

“Are you overdoing it?”

“ may not be enough. Bring your bracelet with you.”


Lee Han began to wonder if he was a freshman at the magic school or the worst
criminal of the Empire's flame magic.

It was not enough for the bishop to put ten rings on Lee Han's hands, so he put
four bracelets and two necklaces on them.

As the Afha denomination dealt with fire magic a lot, these anti-fire magic
artifacts were overflowing.

'Well. It's quite avant-garde fashion.'

Wizards don't have much sense of fashion, but isn't this a bit harsh?

* * *

Although it looked a little strange, the method of the Afha Church was quite

Lee Han started training in fire magic with a lot of artifacts.

<Fire generation> Starting with magic, moving the generated embers.

And even magic like <Less Fire Resistance> and <Fire Evolution>.

In fact, the priests were much more sincere in the latter.

Fortunately, everything turned out better than expected.

Lee Han wondered if it was because elemental magic was right for her, or if
Professor Voladi's teachings worked for fire magic as well.

And I hope it's not the latter.

He didn't want to be a real proof that Professor Voladi's theory of education was

“I’ll just stop here for today. You worked really hard.”

"no. thank you Can I practice on my own when I get back?”

“Of course not.”


Beside him, the priest whispered earnestly.

“Wouldn’t it be better to bet a few more on Lee Han?”

Lee Han pretended not to hear and said.

“…But if you don’t practice alone, you won’t improve your skills.”

“Next week, the priests of the Order will be staying at the school. During the
Spring Festival, the Emperor's permission was obtained.”


Lee Han was more surprised by the bishop's words than anything else.

Priests still at school after this weekend is over?


Such good news?

As Lee Han's face brightened, the priests were delighted.

As a freshman, he seemed to be delighted with the spring festival.

“Are you happy with the Spring Festival?”

"Yes? Ah... yes. What. I'm glad!”

Lee Han belatedly remembered the Spring Festival. He was so happy that the priests
stayed at the school that he missed it.

“Do you even know the principal?”

“I’m going to tell you after today’s schedule is over.”

“If you go and tell me right now, the principal will be very pleased.”

"Is that so?"

There was nothing wrong with talking a few hours earlier. The bishop, puzzled,
nodded his head.
* * *

Priest Nigisor went out to see off Lee Han when it was time to return.

As he received various teachings as well as artifacts, Lee Han was very satisfied
with the Afha Church.

“There were a lot of rumors about the Afha Church, but when I met you today, I
found out that stupid people were spreading false rumors.”

Priest Nigisor smiled with a pleasant expression at Lee Han's words. It was like
seeing him smile for the first time.

“Of course. All the priests of Afha's fire are kind and good. If they hadn't
accepted me, I wouldn't be here like this."

Even in the Empire, there were popular and non-popular races.

And the half-spirit spirit that was manifested by the blood of the spirits that
had been sleeping in the ancestors seemed to be a bit reluctant to everyone.

Most of them are asexual, and in the case of mixed blood spirits, it is difficult
to do damage to the surroundings...

"exactly. All the priests of the Afha Church were kind. Those who spread rumors
that the priests deliberately set fire to bring about the end must be burned.”

On the subject of which he himself had such doubts at first, Lee Han said

Nigisor Priest also nodded.

“That’s right. Everyone has such a misunderstanding. No one thinks like that
except me.”

"right. ...Well?"

Lee Han, who was about to agree, stopped.

Something was strange.

“What did you just say?”

“What are you talking about?”

“That… sounds like the priest of Nigisor wants to set fire to it?”

“I don’t want to start a fire.”

"ah. right?"

“But I’m thinking that the more fire magic you use, the faster Afha’s fire will
come. The priests said no... but whenever I meditate, the fire of Afha whispers to


Lee Han widened the distance without knowing it. Nigisor said without knowing Lee
Han's inner feelings.

“In that sense, I am very happy that Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family was born
with such a strong flame in his soul. I look forward to many successes in the


I received support from my opponent, but it was the first time I wasn't this

* * *

“It’s very dry. There are only bones left.”


“You are so dry! There are only bones left…”

“Not really.”

While Tigiling and the church priests were talking, Lee Han opened the tent door
and entered.


“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. What do you think?”

Lee Han looked at the priest and then Tigiling to understand what was going on.

Tigiling asked with her eyes.

Ask the priests to stop worrying about unnecessary things.

“It looks like it has dried out and has only bones left.”

"right? Bring something to eat.”


Tigiling looked at him as if it was funny, but Lee Han pretended not to see him
and sat down and spread a napkin. If you want to live long in the magic school, you
have to eat while you can.


The food prepared by the priests of the Frisinga Church was plentiful. Lee Han was
able to swallow food prepared by others for a long time to his heart's content.

After eating a sandwich with fresh ham and lettuce and drinking black tea with
sugar and milk, Lee Han spoke to Priest Tigiling.

“Coming to think of it, I don’t think I’m that skinny.”


If he had been of another mixed race of demons, he would have already been cursed,
but Priest Tigiling was a man of deep discipline due to his long training.
“…I am very glad that you still think so.”

“That’s it.”

Priest Mehrid expressed his gratitude by cutting a pound cake and placing it in
front of Ihan.

“Brother. thank you Thanks to that, Tigiling was not starving.”

"no. Priest. I just did what I had to do.”

“Besides, I heard you feed other students in the tower as well.”

Priest Mehrid looked at Lee Han with genuine respect.

All the priests knew that the new students at the Magic School were living a very
hard life.

Even in such a situation, it was not easy to take care of other friends first.

'...You don't know how to get money.'

Ian thought to himself.

Most of the other top students didn't know that Lee Han was providing food while
keeping a record.

It was thanks to the students at the Blue Dragon Tower saying, 'We always had a
meal with Wodanaj'.

I'm a little embarrassed to hear that, as I'm saving up for my graduation later...

“Such philanthropy and devotion is what Freesinga-sama means.”

“…I think so too.”

Lee Han missed the time to tell the truth. We were both embarrassed to talk about
it now.

After the meal, while Priest Tigiling listened to the other priests, 'Why are you
so skinny', Lee Han even talked with Priest Mehrid.

“Is your belt okay?”

The priest looked at Lee Han with worried eyes.

It was the priests of the Frisinga Church who swore that they would accept the
curse upon the world with their own body, but that did not mean that the young
priests were not worried.

Moreover, in the case of Lee Han, isn't he wearing a belt with a curse that
absorbs magical power?

As he is being educated as a wizard, he has no choice but to worry.

"I am okay."

“It makes me want to carry more.”

Ian said seriously.

In fact, in Lee Han's eyes, Priest Mehrid was more like a person who regularly
visited and gave gifts.

Of course, there is a curse, but the curse of absorbing magic was practically
meaningless to Lee Han.

'You can really give me more.'

Priest Mehrid took out the artifact from the backpack with a worried expression.

“This is also an artifact with the curse of absorbing magic, but…”

“What effect does it have?”


Priest Mehrid did not remember well, so he thought for a moment.

It didn't matter what kind of curse it was, but the effect wasn't that important.

Lee Han waited impatiently for an answer.

'Aren't you supposed to remember the effect instead of the curse, usually?'

"ah! I remembered. It was a ring of underwater breathing. It has nothing to do

with freshman…”


Contrary to the thoughts of Priest Mehrid, Lee Han's eyes sparkled upon hearing
the words.

'Breathe underwater!'

A freshman who quietly stayed in the tower at night did not need much underwater
breathing magic, but Lee Han was a different story.

Now that I'm still looking for a way to get out of school, the underwater
breathing magic was very helpful.

'The School of Magic is a place where you can never be vigilant.'

Lee Han, who was lost in the forest while trying to go through the hallway the
other day, clearly realized.

That this magic school is not strange no matter what comes out of it.

Lee Han wouldn't be surprised if the sea came out on the way to the next spire

“I will carry it.”


Priest Mehrid was deeply impressed by Lee Han putting on the ring without

Also, his faith was beyond imagination as he fed other students.

'It has no effect either.'

Lee Han put the ring on his finger and confirmed that there was no change.

Priest Mehrid asked with concern.

“But, brother. Aren't you wearing too many artifacts?"

Wearing too many artifacts was also dangerous.

Their magical powers could collide with each other or cause unexpected

It was relatively good if the artifacts were a little far apart, but I had to be a
little more careful when putting multiple artifacts on one finger like a ring.

Each of the flame-absorbing accessories had the same performance, so there was no
collision with each other, but the underwater breathing ring had to be a little
more careful.

“I will wear them alternately.”

“Then you are safe.”

'Aren't we supposed to ask why he's wearing so many rings...?'

Priest Tigiling, who was listening next to him, thought so to himself.

* * *

“The Frisinga Church is also staying because of the Spring Festival.”

Lee Han said in a very bright voice.

The priests of the Frisinga Church made the same mistake as the other priests

-After all, like a freshman, you are delighted with the spring festival!

"Yes. I plan to stay at school until next week and help the spring festival.”

The Imperial Spring Festival was a time to celebrate and enjoy the coming spring
freely and informally.

A play, a performance, or an event that can be thought of as a festival is all

held in one place.

Originally, without the priests, if the headmaster of Skeleton had said, 'This
week is a spring festival,' Lee Han would have thought, 'Well, that's a fix,' but
if there were priests like this, the story was very different.

'I can save groceries next week.'

Lee Han was thoroughly counting food every day with Yonaire.
Even though it was brought in in large quantities from outside, it was consumed
quickly. You should save when you can.

I was going to try to go out again before the end of the semester, but I could
have failed.

'Now, the leftover groceries... I'll have to think about exchanging them with the
Black Turtle Tower students to fill them up a bit more, and seriously setting traps
and trying to catch them. I've heard rumors of catching fish by fishing on the
shores of the lake. Vegetables are still good because they have a garden.'

Lee Han, who was counting, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Why do you have to go to magic school and do this?

When just studying magic isn't enough...

"Oh yeah. Brother. Can you help with the event of the Spring Festival?”

“If there is something I can do, of course I have to do it. I will bring my

Lee Han was happy inside at the thought of being able to fill up a meal.

“By the way, what kind of events do the Frisinga Church hold?”

“Once the theater...”

not bad. Plays held in various places during these festivals have always been


It was a simple game, but even if you hang a single piece of chocolate, the new
students will throw their eyes wide open.

“There is a cursed experience.”


Lee Han contemplated how to deceive others so that they could experience that

'...Should we recognize the White Tiger Tower guys?'

* * *

Asan of the Dalcard family took a deep breath and thanked Lee Han.

"Thank you very much. Wodanaz. Because of me, even you on the weekend…”

Because of Alpen Knighton, a professor of Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic,

Asan was on the move while the rest of his friends took a weekend break.

- One of my friends is going to visit the school next week. A friend I made while
working as an imperial administrator, and when he visited, he wanted to see the
work of the students I was teaching. That's why I want to leave the simple magic
circle creation to you guys.
After Lee Han, he got the job because he had good grades, but Asan was not happy
at all.

Even on a golden weekend, there is no one who likes to come out and prepare.

If Lee Han hadn't said that he would help, I had to thank Lee Han as much as I had
to do this all by myself.

“I do it because I want to, so there is nothing to be sorry about. Asan.”


Asan, unaware of Lee Han's evil intentions, trembled with emotion.

Even Gainan would not be able to keep up with Lee Han even with a hundred people
like him.

'It must be in the eyes of the administrator.'

It had nothing to do with the note test or the midterm exam, but Lee Han's eyes
burned with enthusiasm.

You must leave a deep impression on the professor's friends!

“By the way, I heard that the professors are doing something at the festival next
week, did you hear that?”


"yes. What do you think the principal is doing?”


All of a sudden, Lee Han's anticipation disappeared, and worries came rushing in.

What else is this mad lice trying to do?

'No... not yet. Besides, the priests are at school. You won't be able to move
around like that.'

“By the way, Asan. Where did you hear that?”

“Are you sure Professor Garcia was looking for someone to help you during the
festival? They were called from the students with excellent grades.”

“I did. ...for a moment."

For a moment, Lee Han felt a creepy intuition passing through the back of his

...the skeleton principal wouldn't call Lee Han, would he?

* * *

Nelia, who was called by Professor Garcia, was puzzled when Lee Han could not be

“Isn’t Wodanaj coming?”

If the top students were invited from each tower, Lee Han could not be left out.

“Student Lee Han… looks so busy and hard.”


At Professor Garcia's words, Nelia kept her mouth shut and nodded her head.

That was a really relatable statement.

“Student Nelia, tell me when to take care of myself.”

“I tend to talk… that’s… because Wodanaj is so serious about magic…”

“Is that so?”

The two professors and the student continued a conversation that would be absurd
if Lee Han heard it.

Guryeo is preparing hard... Professor Garcia...


The skeleton principal who appeared from behind had a voice several times louder
than usual.

Professor Garcia was taken aback when he saw the other party's frown on his face.

Originally, Richie couldn't make an expression like that.

How dare you move a skeleton without muscles or flesh with magic to create an

'Should I use high-level magic in such a place?'

“Won’t the students be happy?”

Why should students rejoice? It's us who teach... we don't want the students to
please us...

Principal Skeleton continued to mutter. Professor Garcia magically blocked the

sound from entering Nilia's ears.

I'll go get ready... if you don't do anything, the priests will tell your majesty,
and what your majesty will say to me... because a crippled son is eating the

Professor Garcia thought he did a good job of covering Nelia's ears. Since then,
the Skeleton Principal has cursed the Imperial Churches over and over again.

I'll just go... Be well...

"for a moment. principal. But what are you planning to prepare?”

Professor Garcia suddenly became curious and asked.

I'll have to ask the student and decide...

"okay. ...Wait. Wait."

Why do you keep doing that...

"No... I'm sorry I keep calling you. Which student are you going to call?”

Professor Garcia did not dare to say, 'The principal has no close students'.
Principal Skeleton was already sad enough.

A boy from the Wodanaj family...

"...Isn't Han Lee too busy?"

I don't know...


Professor Garcia had to hold back from wanting to blow the magic away.

for a moment.

“What else?”

Professor Bagreg over there... Don't you have any close students?


It was rude, but Professor Garcia was hard to refute.

It would be a very fierce battle if it was decided between Principal Skeleton and
Professor Voladi, who is the friendliest student.

"I do not know. Why are you asking that?”

Professor Bagreg will be in charge of something at this festival, too, but seeing
it go by like that makes me worried.

“You will do well.”

no. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Professor Garcia.

Principal Skeleton said firmly.

Professor Bagrek doesn't have any close students, so it's highly likely that he'll
call the Wodanaj boy.


Professor Garcia understood what he meant.

Just like Principal Skeleton, who has only Lee Han as a close student, Professor
Voladi had a very high chance of that.

It was truly unfortunate for this student.

“How about making concessions from the headmaster?”

Did you not hear well?

“The principal is a sheep...”

I'm afraid I won't hear it again. What did you say?

"...okay. You can’t make concessions.”

Professor Bagreg! Professor Bagreg!

Principal Skeleton summoned Professor Voladi, who was about to pass by. The pale
vampire wizard approached without a change in expression. this is the situation. Do you understand?

“Can’t the principal give in?”

Ha ha ha... don't be bullshit.

“I wasn’t bullshit.”

Professor Garcia already had a headache at the conversation between the two
wizards, far from the word compromise.

However, contrary to worry, the two did not fight.

Then how about negotiating? What if we split the time in half?



How to respect each other's territory.

The principal and Professor Voladi quickly reached an agreement.

It meant that only the herbivores that were bitten by the wild beasts became

for a moment. There's even a Thunderbolt professor passing by...

“Professor Thunderbolt has a lot of close students, so just leave him out!”

Professor Garcia dried up desperately.

Even so, isn't the third one too cruel!

* * *

Without even dreaming that the schedule had been added without her knowledge, Lee
Han was immersed in trouble with Asan.

Professor Alpen said it was a 'simple' magic circle, but that was of course the
professor's standard, and it wasn't very simple for Lee Han and Asan.

“So, when it’s complete, you’re going to float light spheres at regular intervals
on both sides of the hallway, and show a fantasy statue in the center?”

“I think so.”

Asan, who read the book the professor gave her, said in a confident voice.
“Wordanaz. Professor Knighton is 100% crazy.”

'I think my mouth has become rough after entering school.'

But it was understandable that Asan was saying that.

It was a magic circle that was too difficult for two freshmen to do.

Lee Han just wanted to fill the sphere of light with Lee Han's magic and bring the
actual statue to the statue.

<Simple magic circle installation specification for imperial banquets>

For the clumsy wizards, flashy magic is a way to make up for the lack of social
skills at a banquet.

Some foolish wizards take it lightly to attend banquets and build connections, but
this is a short thought.

Here's an anecdote to understand its importance...

'It's exciting for a lot of useless talk.'

The wizard's book never simply wrote the main point, even if it was a simple

There were many cases of writing about yourself, writing about what you ate
yesterday, writing about what the weather was like today, swearing at other
competitors, and only then getting to the point in many cases.

The book that Professor Alpen gave me was also like that, but the content
resonated with me quite a bit.

'It's a way to extort money from the nobility...'

To study magic, a huge amount of money was required. The most expensive study
among the Empire's studies was magic.

The rare reagents right now have an astronomical price, and in the case of rare
relics, even money could not buy them.

Who can afford this kind of money? It was the wealthy aristocrats or the rich.

Although Lee Han wasn't serious about research, he was quite serious about
extorting money.

'Enjoy and dance with fantasy magic... Music... Literature... Art... Well... Is
there an easier way?'


"ah. I'm sorry. to focus.”

Ian calmed down.

Asan was pensive, jotting down a quill. Reading all the specifications was not the
end of the problem.

...Complete the following schematic, and send the same amount of magical energy as
two muskrat rats. If you do, it will work smoothly. Place a magic stone with the
elemental light attribute, but its magic must not be too high. There are times when
the flow of magical power is cut off depending on the surrounding environment, but
it can be solved by adding a very small amount of the following reagents...

Since they are all analogies and explanations that only you know, even if you read
them all, you have to do most of them yourself.

Unlike Asan, who curses the world by muttering abusive language at the professor,
Lee Han silently started preparing.

For Lee Han, this absurdity was already fate.

“Let’s get ready.”

“...I'm so glad you helped. Wodanaz.”

Asan also got up and started preparing for jusomjuseom.

I drew a white line on the floor with Gwangryeong ink, which had a high light-
property magic conductivity, and started to inject magical energy little by little.

If the magic power is insufficient, it flows along the line and stops, and if the
magic power overflows, the line itself is destroyed.

And above all...


Asan fell sideways with a pale blue face. Shaking, Asan pulled out a potion bottle
from his coat.

It was a low-grade magic recovery potion that was made during Professor

“Wow… Wodanaj. If I fall… take revenge on Professor Knighton for me…”


Lee Han laid Asan next to him and took the test alone.

Having a lot of magical power wasn't necessarily the only downside.

Even if other wizards were forced to rest due to lack of magical power during this
simple repetitive task, Lee Han did not need to do that.

'...Why do you feel lonely? That's strange.'

Shaking off useless thoughts, Lee Han continued to inject magical powers to
complete the magic circle little by little.



Lee Han and Asan raised their heads. Someone opened the classroom door and

“Are you a professor?”

The one who opened the classroom door was Princess Adenart.

The long silver-haired imperial bloodline opened the door to study with his
followers and was surprised to see the situation inside the classroom.


"nice to meet."

“What are you doing on the weekend… ah!”

One of his followers nodded knowingly.

“You seem to be studying non-stop even on the weekends. I admired it.”


"! No snow!”

Asan was furious.

Of course, Lee Han studied the most among the Blue Dragon Tower students, but this
was not the case.

Who would love to do this?

“The professor tells you to do it!”

“A professor? why?"

“A friend is coming...”

The princess's followers listened attentively to Asan's explanation.

And I admired it again.


“...Ummm. It’s great, though.”

Asan put on an annoyed expression on his face, but couldn't respond any more.

Actually, it was great. Because there was nothing anyone could do.

But on a golden weekend like this, you'll want to shoot a magic missile at
Professor Knighton's face, no matter what.

"oh. Wodanaz. I've come up with a better way, can you hear me?"

“Tell me.”

“I am mobilizing the princess and her friends over there. Wouldn't that be much
more helpful? I think there is a 96% chance it will help.”

“Oh…but no.”

Lee Han just cut it off and refused.

Asan was perplexed.



The reason why Lee Han helped Asan instead of finding a way out of school this
weekend was simple.

Isn't it to catch the eyes of professors and professors' friends?

But if the princess participates together...

- No, who is that? Aren't you a princess? It is an honor to meet you like this.
You also have the skills worthy of your reputation. You're still a freshman, but
you've completed such a sophisticated magic circle!

...there was a high probability that the same would happen.

Among the numerous royal families, Adenart had a fairly high reputation, so the
imperial officials could not have known about it.

'I'm sorry. For the sake of my success, the princess cannot participate in this
tedious and tedious task.'

“…because the professor entrusted it to the two of us.”

“Ugh. Right. If you say that, there is nothing I can do.”

Asan respected Lee Han's will.

If you don't give up the weekend and listen to the friend who came to help, who
will you listen to?

However, things went differently than expected.

"I. Wodanaj-sama.”


“The princess wants to help, can I help you?”


Ian was perplexed.

No, why do you want to help with this?

'Does this look fun?'

If Gainan had been a member of the same royal family, he would have run away
because he didn't want to run an errand just by looking at the magic circle.

I couldn't believe it.

Fortunately, Asan stepped in.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. It's a job that's entrusted to the two of us."
“Dal Card. Wodanaj-sama might have a different opinion.”

“Wordanaj’s meaning will be similar to mine.”

The princess looked at Asan coldly. She didn't seem to have very good intentions.

The princess who cursed with her eyes whispered to her followers. A follower who
heard her words approached.



“The… the princess said that she wanted to participate in the project because she
would give me a snack.”

“That, that!”

Asan was even more surprised.

I'll give you a snack!

It was an unexpected promise.

“Wordanaz. I didn't know you could say that...!"

'Has he not yet recovered his magic?'

Seeing Asan speaking bitterly, Lee Han was absurd.

It seemed that his intelligence had gone down slightly due to the lack of mana.


Lee Han was in trouble.

'If you refuse here, the princess will hold a grudge.'

Originally, the higher you were born, the narrower your stomach was. I could tell
just by looking at Gainando.

And unlike Gainando, the princess had many people around her.

A person who can make Lee Han's life twisted in detail...

'It's like cowardly royals.'

“What are you doing now?”

Professor Alpen, who was passing by, was puzzled when he saw the students gathered
in the classroom.

“Other friends were saying they would help.”

Lee Han looked forward a little as he spoke.

Professor Alpen's timid personality meant he couldn't stand still and watch this.

Please kick me out!


Professor Alpen looked at Lee Han, relaxed his strict expression, and smiled


“Other friends come out to help. I have good friends. It is also a skill to get
help from others. If this is the case, lead the other students to make it once. It
is also an ability to lead a group.”

Professor Alpen said that and left. Asan looked at Lee Han and said.

“I think it’s okay to see you say something like that? Wodanaz. are you okay? May
I participate?”



“I’ll have to go to the dormitory and bring more people who are resting.”

“That… so far??”

Asan was surprised.

I think this should be enough...!

'It's really thorough. I have to learn too.'

'I'll increase the number more than that, so I'll get a higher evaluation.'


When Lee Han arrived at the Blue Dragon Tower, he saw the students resting in the
lounge and said,

“If I can help you with what Asan is doing now, it will be for all of you…”

“What is it?”

"let's go."

The friends closed the book and put down the chess pieces before Lee Han could
even talk about the reward.

Ian was a little perplexed.

“It’s going to be a tedious job over the weekend, is that ok?”

“Wordanaj, you usually do everything like that.”


Lee Han was slightly moved by the warm words of his friends.

What the hell is the magic school doing with these students!
“Where is Kainando?”

"I'm resting upstairs... Wodanaj. Won't Kainando come?"

My friends thought that Gainando wouldn't come.

It's a weekend job for that nature.

I was never able to participate.

'But Gainando must participate.'

Ian didn't waver.

When Professor Alpen's friend arrives at the school, if there is even a prince
among the Blue Dragon Tower students, Lee Han's ability will be highly evaluated.

“Don’t worry. Because I have an idea.”

Lee Han summoned Guy Nando.

Gainando, who was lying around in his private room, came down puzzled.

"why? What's up?"

“I’m sorry. Kainan too.”

Lee Han said in a voice full of regret. Guynando was terrified by those words.

“I… am I going to the punishment room?”

"no. Not that.”


“I’m going to go work on magic circles with my other friends now. But you can't

“Such… like that?”

Gainando tilted his head.

Isn't that good?

'Ouch. If you give me a tea, I might be dragged away.'

Gainando struggled to control his expression. These guys here had a bad
temperament that Guy Nando didn't like to take a break from.

"I am so sorry. I wanted you to participate too.”

“Yeah, yes.”

“Then rest well. Sorry again. Kainan too.”

"...Wait a minute. Wait a minute."

Gainando grabbed Lee Han, who was about to turn around after speaking.
Originally, I wasn't interested, but when Lee Han kept apologizing for it, I just
became interested.

do you have something

“Lee Han. Why are you sorry for not letting you participate in the magic circle

“You can’t get your friends to participate in something so fun, of course.”

“Is it fun?”



For a moment, Guy Nando thought that Lee Han had become strange.

But when I think about it, Lee Han was originally such a friend.

A friend who likes to study strangely!

'How can it be so sad?'

Unfortunately, Gainando was unable to heal Lee Han. Guy Nando gave up and tried to
let Lee Han go...

"right. I'm really sorry. Kainan too.”

“We wanted you to participate too…”


But when the other friends said that too, Gainando fell into confusion.

Perhaps, without Gainando's knowledge, magic circle work has become a popular game
among freshmen?

“Is it fun? really?"

“Gainan too… you still don’t know? How fun is working with magic circles?”

Yoner said to Gainando with a surprised expression.

Gainando hesitated before answering.

“…Of course you know!”



The friends stared at Gainando for a moment, but the prince did not notice the
meaning behind those gazes.

“Then why can’t I take you?”

“There are followers of the princess. I didn't like you showing up."
“Woah… what! Lee Han! What if I fall for the threats of such bad guys!”

Gainando was angry with the followers of the unknown princess.

Of course, AdenArt has a higher reputation than Guy Nando, is good at magic,
excels in academics, and excels in many kinds of culture, but other than that,
there is nothing better than Guy Nando.

Yet you dare not come to Gainando!

"is it?"

“Lee Han. You weren't that kind of friend. When someone argues with you, you were
the one who beat you down hard!”

“…Isn’t that enough?”

"no! This is not like you!”

“But you weren’t interested, were you?”

“I am very interested in working with magic circles! I want to!"

"okay? i get it. Let me try to say it out loud.”

At Lee Han's words, Guy Nando's face brightened.

"thank you! thank you!"

“What do you have with this?”

Seeing Gainando running excitedly, the Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee
Han with admiration.

* * *

The increase in the number of students did not make the work overwhelmingly

The students, who had exhausted their magic, went to the side of the classroom and
lay down one by one.

When about 1/3 of the magic circle was completed, in the end, only Lee Han was


'Isn't everyone's magic power too low?'

However, complaining did not restore the magic of the friends.

Lee Han continued his work silently. The evening sun was slowly setting.

“It’s pretty good.”


Ihan turned his head.

As I came to the classroom, I thought it was Professor Alpen, but it wasn't. He
was the first face he had ever seen.

“Are you a professor?”

“In some ways it is.”


Lee Han was puzzled by the answer of the enigmatic opponent.

In a way, he's a professor.

What does that mean?

'Aha. i get it.'

But Lee Han, an experienced student, noticed right away.

“You seem to be working as a direct disciple of the professor.”

Students who did not graduate from magic school even in high school would study
with professors to explore the world of profound magic a little more deeply.

become a direct disciple of the professor.

These direct disciples lived with their masters, inherited the vision, and
explored the world of magic.

And sometimes he did the chores that the teacher had to do.

Teaching students or...

Now then, being a professor but not a professor is complete.


“Isn’t it?”

The opponent glared at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

who is who's disciple

* * *

For the wizards of the Empire, the magic school Einroguard was a place that evoked
many emotions.

A place of envy for wandering wizards who have not been properly taught.

A place of jealousy for wizards from other magic schools.

And for the wizards working in the imperial office...

“I don’t know how much gold they’re taking away.”

“Isn’t it a place to nurture the spirit of the empire?”

“I am a wizard too! No matter how brilliant you are, you still can't afford that
much gold to teach young students. No matter how much you think about it, it must
be gold for wizards’ self-research!”

The Imperial High Accountant, Kendry Baku, complained to the escorts and moved on.

This time, I was invited to the magic school by my friend Professor Alpen
Knighton, but...

It wasn't just that he was going to magic school.

Kendry intended to see the School of Magic with his own eyes.

As the magic school was in the spring festival, it was a good time for guests to
come and look around.

“You arrived a few days earlier than promised, are you okay?”

"okay. And it was on purpose.”

Kendry cheated on the arrival date for a simple reason.

If you arrive on a set date, won't the mage-like wizards hide all the things that
could be reprehensible?

It was better to arrive earlier than scheduled. Although she was long friends,
Alpen was not good at lying or tricking. If Kendry did her favor, she was more
likely to be caught.

“I heard that Einrogard’s students train them harshly from their freshman year in
order to develop their hunger for magic, but I think the rumors are a bit

The escort who followed Kendry looked at one of the Blue Dragon Tower students and

Seeing that he was even carrying snacks, the rumors seemed a bit exaggerated.

“Maybe the priests are coming this week and that’s it.”

“But looking at his face, it is clear that he is eating quite well. And the

“Hmm… that’s right. It makes sense.”

Kendry nodded at the escort's words.

Just because the priests came over the weekend didn't make me gain the weight I
lost right away. Besides, the clothes the students were wearing were pretty decent.

'The students seem to be doing a lot better than I heard. Was it an exaggerated

Kendry thought that this might have cost him more gold, but then he shook his

Even considering that, it was too much.

“Don’t let me in.”


Kendry walked around the dormitory tower and looked around the main classroom.

Strangely, on the weekend, there were students who came out to the classroom and
practiced magic.

The escort was amazed.

“It’s also Einroguard. All the students are passionate. I’m going to stay until
this time to practice.”

“Then why are you lying down like that?”

“It must be because of the lack of magic.”

Kendry knew well why the freshmen were spread out in the classroom.

Young wizards with less magic training often suffered from a lack of magic.
Perhaps it was clear that he made a mistake while creating the magic circle.

However, one student did not fall and continued to work.

There was only one reason.

While drawing the magic circle, the magic power was perfectly calculated.

If you knew exactly how much magic power would go into which part of the magic
circle, you could not overdo it.

That student must have been preparing for that magic circle for several months,
putting the blueprint in his head and exploring it to the extent that he could even
dream of it.

Kendry opened his mouth as he thought of the past.

“It’s pretty good.”

* * *

"ah. You were the professor's friend. I have heard the story.”

When Lee Han heard who his opponent was, he bowed his head very politely.

It wasn't because he was Professor Alpen's friend, but because his opponent was a
high-ranking official of the Empire.

'But why did you come so early?'

“Did you hear the story?”

"Yes. I was preparing to show this magic circle to guests now.”

“It’s Alpendap. I’m sorry for making you suffer.”

Kendry ruffled his wavy hair and apologized.

“I should have prepared this as soon as the semester started.”

“Not that much, though.”

“How long did it take?”

Kendry asked without thinking.

Considering the difficulty level of the magic circle, the degree of completion so
far, and the speed of Lee Han's progress earlier, it was highly likely that he had
prepared it as soon as the semester started.

Ian thought for a moment.

'If it took a day, it won't look like you're being rude.'

“It started today.”


Kendry was so startled that he momentarily lost the wand he was holding.



“Are you from the Wodanaj family?”

"you're right."

As Lee Han replied, he thanked Professor Alpen inwardly.

It was worthwhile to concentrate and not fall asleep during lecture.

How can you tell your friend Lee Han's name like that?

Lee Han was neither too hasty nor too hesitant. He tried to look as humble as
possible, like a wizard full of potential.

“I thought Alpen was giving too many compliments… There was a reason for that.”

How can you complete this in one day?

Even if he studied the magic circle in advance, it was a genius talent. Theory and
practice are just as important as other corporations.

'There was a reason I said Alpen was excellent.'

“Well, the magic school is there to raise these kinds of students. Even a blunt
person can hold an imperial office, but research on magic is something only
geniuses can do.”

“I think the imperial bureaucracy is just as important as research.”

"okay? He's from the Wodanaj family, and he sounds weird. Thank you. It would be a
good fit if you came to the office.”

Ihan's face brightened.

“Do you think so?”

“Of course I'm joking. A genius like you should study.”

“…I can do well in that office, too.”

“Of course it is. But it's a waste of talent."

“...not very talented. Until that magic circle works, I keep putting in the magic
to make it.”


“I keep putting in magic power until I get it, and I’m making it by checking it

Kendry immediately understood the meaning of those words.

If you had a perfect understanding of the magic circle, there was no need to go
through that kind of trial and error.

The fact that you are going through such trial and error means that you haven't
seen the magic circle in a while.

Still, you've done it that way.

Not only was he born with tremendous magical power, but it was also clear that he
had an excellent natural sense of the magic circle.

“What a genius!”



Lee Han felt something strange.

Although the situation was a bit strange now that he had to claim that he was not
talented, Lee Han did his best to defend himself.

“Isn’t it a simple way to create a magic circle in this way by trusting only a lot
of magical power?”

“Until you are humble. It's a virtue you don't see in wizards."


"for a moment. Were you serious?”

Kendry was puzzled.

Of course, he knew that Lee Han meant humility.

There were two types of magic circles that were excellent at making.

One is brainwave.

They were the type that excelled in the theory and structure of magic circles, and
they entered after thoroughly understanding them through thorough study before
creating the magic circle.
One is sensory.

They were the type who made magic circles with their senses and intuitions, and
even if they did not have enough calculations or understanding, they directly
flowed magical powers and created magic circles with their senses and intuition.

At first glance, the latter might seem simple or ignorant, but this was more

Magic circles were not created just because they had a lot of magic.

Everything else is for the wizard to fill in.

The person who called this simple or ignorant repetition was the one who didn't
know what magic was.

If you were not born with a natural sense, no matter how much magical power you
had, you could not create a magic circle in this way.

'I've heard compliments about my aptitude, but this is the first time I'm not so

Heard that he had a talent for creating magic circles, but Lee Han was more
embarrassed than happy.

“The latter also… seems like a good fit for an imperial office.”

After hearing the explanation, Lee Han resisted passively.

But Kendry looked at Lee Han as if he was talking about something.

“You are both.”


“You say both. No matter how smart you are, a freshman must keep his head tight to
complete a magic circle like this.”

There are limits to the senses.

The fact that a freshman completed it at this speed proved that he had a fairly
deep theoretical understanding of the magic circle, not just the senses.

Even if he could only do one thing, he had the qualities of an imperial


What if both are great?

It had to be devoted to magic for the future of the empire.

'As a professor's friend, I can't communicate.'

Ian gave up quickly.

Seeing this kind of response, it seemed that it would be quicker to just persuade
others to aim for an office.

Because the imperial bureaucrats aren't the only ones like this!
"Thank you for the compliment."

"okay. Thank you for praising our officials. Wizards usually don't like it."

“I like it, but…”

"ha ha ha! Even a joke.”

'I want to hit one.'

Lee Han was furious at Kendry's attitude of ignoring freshmen because of his high

“Anyway… I saw something good. don't cheer me on Raising a student like this
doesn't seem like such a bad thing for Gonadaltes."

'You can look at it badly.'

Lee Han swallowed the words inwardly. Because I didn't know when and where the
skull principal's ears would be.

“Let me know if you need help later. It's our bureaucrats' job to support wizards
like you."


Ihan's face brightened.

“I will try to apply for any research at least once.”


Han's face darkened again.

He didn't need that much help.

'Aside from research, do you not support young wizards to start their own

“There will be some outside guests this week, so don't be shaken and focus. got

“Are there any other people besides the priests?”


Kendry hesitated for a moment if he could tell the freshman.

Lee Han lied without even breathing.

“I heard it from the headmaster, and it wasn’t a joke.”

"ah. did you hear Anyway, Gonadaltes is really... really. sorry. You shouldn’t
criticize your teacher in front of your students.”

Kendry, mistaking that the Skeleton had said it first, opened his mouth.

“Perhaps it is the festival period, so people who are interested in Einroguard are
coming. Like other magic schools... Einroguard's reputation is famous, isn't it?"
'At another magic school?'

Ian paused.

It was an unexpected guest.

I thought there were only priests...

“What you saw today, let’s pass it on to others.”

"No... it's fine."

"why? It would be better to have a reputation in advance. It will be helpful for

future research.”

“Really fine.”

'You're from the Wodanaj family, so you're surprisingly humble, aren't you?'

Kendry was surprised, but nodded.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with being humble about an excellent wizard.

Perhaps one of the reasons the infamous wizards accuse the imperial bureaucrats is
because of their cheeky guild.

- The quotation description is insufficient, so you have to re-write it...

- You don't understand this quote? That's because you're a damn loser! this guy!
You're jealous of me because you're not talented!? My overflowing talent?!

Thinking about that, Kendry was surprised by Lee Han.

'I wish I could grow up like this.'

By all means, I wished I could become an excellent wizard as it is.

The mundane things of the world will be taken care of by the rest of the Empire.

* * *

When the sun went down, Lee Han stopped working and fed the students dinner.

The students who consumed their magical powers devoured the meat as soon as it was
cooked. Oil dripped down and there was a crackling sound from the flame.

“Yone. How's the potion?"

“I succeeded in checking a few!”

Yonner answered with a bright face.

Thanks to the help of the priests of the Fleming Church, he succeeded in figuring
out a few potions.

“For one thing, it was alcohol.”

Ian was a little squeamish.

'Why did you put several drinks in the potion box instead of one?'

It wasn't that I didn't understand.

If you go to a magic school like this, your seniors will naturally become
interested in alcohol.

“What else?”

“Transformation potion. We need to check what it transforms into, but it's

probably an animal type."

'It's not bad.'

It has not yet been confirmed what kind of animal it is, but if it is a
transformation potion, there is a high possibility that it will be useful.

If it were a winged animal...

'I don't know what the sky at the magic school is like, but it's worth a try.'

"Oh yeah. The last time Guy Nando drank was a potion of confidence.”

“So was it.”

“And the potion of dispelling the curse. He said it was a very powerful potion.
right. Besides the potion of confidence, there was also a potion of composure.”


The students next door also showed interest.

“A potion of calm? If you drink it…”

“Won’t it be dangerous if the professor finds out?”

“You have to think about not getting caught.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were quickly adjusting to the magic school.

Instead of thinking of the exam as a battle against himself, he began to think of

it as a battle with the professor.

“I’m going to check out the rest next week. I plan to finish checking when the
priests are there.”

"thank you. Yonner. You must be busy.”

“Not more than you… Professor Thunderbolt is worried about you.”


Ian paused.

“What are you worried about?”

“I tried to call you, but you said you couldn’t call me.”

Professor Thunderwalk, who was forced to prepare something during the festival,
invited students who excelled in alchemy.

Yonner was also called, of course.

The students who were called in were puzzled to see that there was no Lee Han.

- No Wodanaj?

- He was so pitiful that he couldn't call him.

"...for a moment."

Lee Han felt a chill.

Did I really mean to say that Principal Skeleton was trying to call Lee Han?

'for a moment. Professor Thunderbolt is not the kind of person who can't stop
working because of a skeleton principal.'

If not one...

For a moment, there was a vampire professor passing through Lee Han's head.


The Blue Dragon Tower student, who entered the break room first, screamed. Ihan
raised his head in surprise.

“Is this a re-attack by the principal!?”

"That's not right!"

"thank god!"

'Are you happy?'

Lee Han thought so and moved on.

The break room was a mess, as if there was even a thief.

Tables and chairs were knocked over and scattered in the corners, and books on the
bookshelves were tumbling on the floor.

Friends looked at Gainando and asked.

“Because you’re going to eat…”

“Crazy bastards! We were together!”

"ah. It did."

The culprit was quickly identified.

Sharkan, who had left him in the break room to work on the magic circle, was
growling with something in his mouth.
Lee Han looked at Sharkan and said strongly.


The first time he heard the owner's angry voice, Sharkan was terrified. The
powerful magical power trembled and atrophied the summons.

But for the sake of the poor white horse, there was nothing he could do.

Sharkan groaned while holding the potion to lift the curse in her mouth.

“I’m sorry everyone. I should have taken Sharkan with me.”

“It’s not your fault. Because we loved Sharkan too.”

“Who knew Sharkan would do something like that... That! Wodanaz! Sharkan runs

Instead of reflecting on it, Sharkan saw an opportunity and ran out quickly. The
Blue Dragon Tower students missed Sharkhan in embarrassment.

'I miss my bones!'

Lee Han complained inwardly and ran.

The guy who had no trouble when he was a bone started to cause trouble when he
regained his body.

It was better than rushing to kill the owner, but such a prank was also quite

“Yone. Sharkan stole the potion! What kind of potion?”

“That’s… wait…!”

Yoner stared at the potion in Sharkan's mouth as he ran away.

bright green.

It was a potion of removing curses or a potion of animal transformation.

“Not sure! There is a similar potion...!”

Meanwhile, Sharkhan widened the distance and arrived at the stable.

As Sharkan entered the stable, a loud noise echoed from within.

The horses suddenly began to howl frantically, as if frightened in a group.

'What the hell is going on?!'

Lee Han ran nervously with fear and worry.

As soon as I entered the stable, I knew immediately what potion Sharkan had

“…you stole the potion of transformation.”

Yonner, who arrived late, exhaled with a surprised expression.

Griffon was in the stable.

“To the Griffon...!”

"okay. It must have been a potion of Griffon transformation.”

Since he transformed into a griffon that eats horses, it was natural to make such
a fuss.

Yoner looked at Sharkan and whispered.

“Maybe he was asked by the horse? Monsters like Sharkan have very high

“You want to find a potion that transforms?”

"yes. it could have been That... you know. Maybe he wanted to show off his skills
to you.”

Lee Han knew immediately what Yoner was talking about.

Among the self-respecting animals, there were those who would somehow show more of
their abilities if they were ignored.

Of course, it was only visible from monsters, but a rare white horse could have
had such pride.

As Yonner said, the white horse, who was frustrated because Lee Han did not
believe him at all, might have asked Sharkan to come find something that could make
him stronger.

“Don’t apologize. I was very suspicious of you.”

The white horse that transformed into a griffon, no, returned, raised its front
paws in joy at Lee Han's words.


When the effect of the potion he drank was diminished, the griffon returned to the
white horse. The curse was so strong that it was impossible to completely solve it
with a potion.

Still, Griffon was satisfied.

Because Lee Han must have finally realized his true identity!

Yoner said to appease the griffon.

“You are smart. I will trust you.”

-...puh hee hee??

“By the way, Yonner. Isn't there a possibility that it's not a transformation, but
a real griffon?"

- Fu hee hee! Pu hee hee hee!

The white horse roared as if it were just that.

I wondered if Sharkan had managed to clear up the misunderstanding with the potion
she had brought with him, but when I saw the appearance of the two students, they
had a different misunderstanding.

Don't leave it like this!

However, Yoner looked at Lee Han with an expression of what he was saying.

“Isn’t there a possibility that it’s a real griffon? What are you talking about?"

“I told you there were two bright green potions.”

Potion of Curse Removal and Potion of Animal Transformation.

Both have the same color potion, so when Sharkan broke through the potion box and
ran away, Yoner couldn't tell the difference right away.

What if the white horse drank wasn't the Griffon Transformation Potion, but the
Curse Removal Potion?

“But… Lee Han.”

Yonner hesitated, as if he did not know where to start.

Lee Han's words were so absurd.

“Even so, Professor Lightning Stride can’t transform a griffon into a horse and
give it to the students.”



Lee Han-do and the white horse were silent.

Yoner's logic was so perfect.

However, Lee Han did not back down easily.

'Yonere still believes some of the professors, but I don't.'

The professors at the magic school could do anything.

Even if it turns a griffon into a horse and forcibly gives it to a freshman!

Although the possibility was slim, Lee Han felt a strange feeling.

Besides, it's a little bit frustrating that the white horse and Sharkan continue
to quarrel...

“I still want to check it out.”

“If you say so… how are you going to check it?”

“Let’s check out the other green potions.”

“It’s dangerous to give an animal a transformation potion.”

Yonner said with worried eyes.

Unlike rational people, it was difficult to predict how animals would react when
their bodies changed.

“Of course, I have no intention of feeding Fonrig either. To Gainando…”

Lee Han, who was talking, stopped.

Suddenly, the name of the white horse started to bother me.

...I don't think so?

'Professor Lightning Stride is just a person who is so short-sighted that he just

calls Griffon's name backwards... That's right.'

Lee Han looked at the white horse.

The white horse looked at Lee Han with deep, large eyes and nodded.

Trust me!

“Are you going to feed Gainando?”

"yes. Is it like that too?”

"no. Good idea.”

Yoner agreed without even thinking for a second.

I wanted to stop feeding the transformation potion to the animals, but Gainando
was okay.

"for a moment. Yonner. Come to think of it, you can just ask the priests to check
it again.”

At Lee Han's words, Yoner's eyes widened.

I know?

“Is that so…?”

“But you must be busy checking out other potions. Shall we just feed it to
Guynando and check it out?”

“I will leave it to your judgment. Lee Han. Anything would be good.”

The two blue dragon tower students made a suspicious plan and headed back to the

The white horse pounded its hooves on the floor and looked at Lee Han's back with
a look of anticipation.

Soon this nonsense will be cleared up!

Sharkhan rumbled as if to wait a little longer. The white horse bowed its head in
* * *


The weekend is over and a new week with the spring festival has arrived, but Lee
Han's heart is far from warm and excited.

Professor Voladi had been teaching since morning.

Professor Voladi sighed lightly when he saw Lee Han coming in. It was the first
time he had seen Lee Han.

'what? It's terribly scary.'

It would be scary to do something that people wouldn't do. If it were a person

like Professor Voladi, it was doubly terrifying.

Professor Voladi said slowly.

“I would have said it was overkill.”


Professor Boladi's speech method, which started with cutting both front and back,
was always new.

Ian was nervous.

He didn't know what his opponent was going to do.

“Remember when you defeated the Golem?”


Lee Han, who fell into Professor Thunderwalk's trick, had to knock down the mud
golem blocking the way to survive.

By pouring out a huge amount of magical power, a huge water ball with rotational
properties was completed.

And Professor Voladi heard it strangely from where he came from and said, 'Why are
you so greedy? The rotation property already?' He turned Lee Han's heart upside

Lee Han is not greedy about that, and even if there is, Professor Voladi shouldn't
have said that.

Isn't he the most greedy for magic progress among the professors at the magic
school right now?

“I would have told you not to fret then.”

“So I haven’t used the rotation property since then…?”

“I heard you tried to manipulate multiple water prisons.”

Ian was desperate.

Professor Ingaldel, what the hell was this guy talking about?

'I'm going crazy.'

It was clear that there was a time for the professors of the Magic School to
gather. Otherwise, it wouldn't have spread like this.

“The situation was urgent and there was nothing we could do about it.”

“I will.”

Professor Voladi nodded meekly. Ian was not relieved at that sight.

Because Professor Voladi was a person who completed other thoughts with his own
logic with a persuasive expression on his face.

Lee Han's guess was correct.

Professor Voladi had other thoughts.

'How difficult is teaching.'

Anyone who did not go to the road ahead was not qualified to be a wizard.

And the boy of the Wodanaj family in front of him was young, but he was more of a
wizard than anyone else.

It wasn't because of Prof. Voladi's advice that Lee Han stopped exploring
rotational properties the other day.

A true wizard did not stop advising with such shallow words.

It was something he could only convince himself of.

So, didn't Professor Voladi prepare for additional training?

to force concentration.

'But it has to be done.'

Professor Voladi stood up from his seat.

I could tell just by looking at Lee Han's eyes.

That boy from the Wodanaj family won't stop.

Like the last time, Professor Voladi did not intend to offer only shallow advice.

“To receive.”


Lee Han was bewildered by the package that Professor Voladi gave her.

what is this?

“Look around.”
I opened the package and found something like an old cloak. Seeing the magic, it
was clear that magic was on it.

“What kind of magic do you have?”

“Defense Magic.”


Ian sighed.

What could be the reason Professor Voladi gave him a cloak enchanted with defense

'You seem to be hitting harder than last time.'

How much do you want to lose...

But instead of throwing out the magic, Professor Voladi turned away. Then he
opened the door to the classroom and went out.

“Follow me.”


Lee Han followed Professor Voladi with a slightly bewildered feeling.

The hallway of the lecture hall located on the first basement floor was dark
without a single sign of popularity. Even in the morning, it feels like a
completely different place.

“Where are you going?”

“We did elemental detection training last time.”

“It was.”

I wanted to get angry to answer the question, but Lee Han was patient.

Because Professor Voladi was originally like this.

“Your element detection ability is sufficient. To the point where I don’t need to
train anymore.”

"thank you."

By the standards of Professor Voladi, that was a huge compliment. Ian was meekly

“And he gave me a book on basic lightning magic and its applications.”

“I'm reading it hard, but it's still not perfect...”

“I didn’t think I would understand it all at once.”


Ian was surprised.

I wasn't surprised by that, but I was surprised that Professor Voladi said
something like that.

No, Professor Voladi said something normal like that?

'...I don't like it, but the difficulty of the book is much greater than I

It wasn't the time to rejoice. Lee Han's heart became depressed again.

“Elemental detection ability, control ability, shape transformation ability… all

are sufficient, so it is not strange to try to control multiple prisons.”

"Is that so?"

Lee Han was confused.

I was glad that it was a good situation to try in the first place.

Professor Voladi's instructions... Wouldn't the teaching be a little less harsh?

The professor shut his mouth after saying that. He strode down the basement
hallway as he swung his wand against the wall. A hidden staircase appeared.

'How many hidden roads are there?'

Lee Han followed the professor, taking notes on the road.

After that, after not speaking for a while, Lee Han was puzzled and asked again.

“So, Professor… Where are you going?”

I just asked where he was going, but suddenly he only talked about the training he
had been doing so far, and he didn't say anything.


Professor Voladi stopped and looked at Lee Han. There was a faint embarrassment in
his eyes.

Lee Han grasped the situation like a skilled disciple.

'Well. He seems to think he's finished explaining what you just said.'

I don't know how that was explained, but Lee Han wasn't embarrassed.

“Can you explain a little more? Exactly where we are going now.”

“I am going to the dungeon.”


For a moment, Lee Han regretted asking for nothing.

* * *

A heterogeneous space with rules that are different from those outside due to the
stagnant magic in a specific area.

It could be an ancient ruin, or it could be a tower built by a mad skull lich to

store reagents, it could be anywhere.

It would be nice if only the magic was peaceful and the rules were different, but
there were usually monsters in the dungeon. It was only natural for them to be
drawn to magical powers.

Of course, considering the history of this magic school, there was no way the
school had no dungeons, whether natural or artificial...

'I didn't want to put it on my feet.'

How long did you walk along the hidden passage in the basement?

Gradually, the bricks that were laid there disappeared and changed naturally, and
the magic of the air grew stronger.

And from the deep darkness in front of me, it was as if I could hear the eerie
sound of the monster.

Lee Han looked at the back of Professor Voladi, who was walking ahead.

Would it be easier to defeat Professor Voladi and escape now, or would it be

easier to fight the monsters in the dungeon?

Sadly it was the latter.

"professor. No armor but a cloak?”

“It is interrupted by magic.”

Professor Voladi said firmly.

It was often thought that battle mages would prefer armor on a dangerous
battlefield, but that was a prejudice.

The wizard had to do his best to focus on magic. The thick and heavy armor
restricted the movement of the wizard and disturbed his concentration.

Still, the noise and confusion of the battlefield interfered with the wizard, so
it was good to prepare in advance for this part.

'...But isn't your life in danger?'

Professor Voladi's words were understandable, but there were still some unresolved

It would be nice to use magic without wearing armor, but...

Wouldn't it be more fatal if attacked?

"ah. Are you defending with magic instead of not wearing armor?”

If that's the case, it made sense.

Lee Han remembered the water shield magic that he could use. If they were good
wizards, he would be able to use a little more variety of defense magic.

Professor Voladi, who was walking, turned his head again and looked at Lee Han.

“If you use defense magic, it interferes with other magic.”

“Then… how do you defend?”



Ian decided.

No matter what Professor Voladi says, Lee Han decides to fight while using
defensive magic.

'I wondered when a lot of magical power would be useful, but it's useful at times
like this.'


Without knowing Lee Han's heart, Professor Boladi said.

“Angie (餓鬼). You are inferior.”

At the end of the passage of the underground dungeon illuminated by a faint light,
a dead man appeared as if wrapped in a slimy darkness all over his body.

It was a monster called an ogre.

Undead monsters that were not under the control of the wizard showed their raw
intent to kill.


At that moment, the magic light that Professor Voladi had called out went out.

An ordinary student would have been embarrassed, but Lee Han did not panic at all
and immediately memorized the spell.


Professor Voladi was in a state of preparedness to respond no matter what he did

at any time.

As soon as Lee Han called for the light, Professor Voladi nodded.

It was like saying it was a good decision.

'Is there no professor's mouth?'

Maw is an undead monster that has been mutated due to the sins and evil deeds
accumulated by the dead during their lifetime.

Then, even if there was a professor's mouth, it was not strange.

Well, if there is a professormaw, that would be scary as it is...

“Spring up.”

Lee Han memorized it as a whisper in a voice that was one level lower than that of
the previous glow spell.

He quickly realized that raising his voice in the dungeon wouldn't do anything

Professor Voladi gave a high score internally.

Agile reaction speed and innate vigilance.

It was a virtue that a battle wizard should have.

The water beads split into several, and one of them flew violently towards the

With a dull sound, the jaws of the angler were smashed. The angler who was
striding staggered.

'I'll have to make it immobile.'

For wizards, it was better to avoid close combat. Lee Han aimed at the angler's
knee with a water ball.

If it were any other wizard, this kind of precise aiming might have been

However, Lee Han had already lost his mind in controlling elemental magic through
training with Professor Voladi.

One more room.

The water ball accurately hit the moving angler's knee and knocked it down.

Professor Voladi did not even nod this time. It was a very natural thing.

I wasn't disappointed as I didn't expect much.

But it was really disappointing.

It would have been a much more exciting spectacle than any other clumsy event had
even one of the outside guests present here!

* * *

Lee Han managed to prevent even approaching one of the lesser anglers.

Then I checked the fallen anglerfish. Sadly, the angler didn't have much. She
didn't even have the usual magic stones.

Professor Boladi, who understood Lee Han's behavior in a different way, opened his

“It's a good thing to make sure you're down properly. However, getting close to
the monster is unnecessary. Learn how to check by magic.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Keep moving forward.”

Professor Boladi said from behind, a little further away from Lee Han.

Lee Han stopped walking without thinking.

'for a moment.'

Come to think of it, it might be dangerous to just do what Professor Voladi tells
me to do.

What was the reason Professor Voladi brought him to the dungeon in the first

Wasn't it because Lee Han used multiple elemental water magic?

If so, there was a high possibility that the dungeon had a trap that forced
multiple operations.

“Space, be aware. Feet, crinkle the ground.”

There was also a saying to beat the stone bridge and cross it.

But in the case of wizards, there was no need for that.

After hitting the stone bridge, I could fly and cross it.

Prof. Voladi, who saw Lee Han cast various enhancement magic first, smiled very

If a student who learns quickly from experience is a good student, Han Lee was
learning first before learning from experience.

Maybe he didn't know what the joy of teaching was.

'Professor Voladi is still, so it's even more embarrassing.'

Lee Han took the bone fragment out of his pocket and threw it.

“Appear, bony hands!”

The bony hand that I called out flew in front of me.

Suddenly, an angler came out of the space I thought was a wall. Lee Han's eyes


The bone hand swam through the air and tried to strangle the angler's neck, but
the angler's power was even stronger. In an instant, the bony hand was pushed out.


The Bone Hand itself was more of an assistant than a magic for an attack.

Just taking the time was enough.

After confirming that the angler had appeared, Lee Han threw a water ball again to
knock down the enemy.
“…do you know how to hide?”

“The characteristics of the anglers vary.”


Lee Han decided that this should not be the case.

Clap, tick-

As Lee Han started wearing various accessories, Professor Voladi raised his
eyebrows faintly.

“Fire magic.”


“Good idea. A good wizard doesn't rest.”

It was difficult to develop a wizard who continued to use only the element of
water after getting used to the element of water.

A good wizard had to constantly find new challenges.

'Even if you want to settle down, you don't give me time to settle down.'

Lee Han thought to himself and concentrated on the flames.

Unlike the water element we're used to now, the fire element had to be much more

Especially since you can burn the surroundings if you miss even a little bit of

The reason why Lee Han chose flame was simple.

'Let's shoot wherever possible.'

Lee Han, who didn't know much about the monster called Aguilar, had several

And what Lee Han chose was the quantity.

Wherever there are likely monsters, I'll shoot and move!

For that, the fire element was more advantageous than the water element.


Small flames erupted around Ihan. It was much smaller than a water ball, but
considering the properties of the flame, this was enough.

“It looks like you’ve gotten used to it.”

“You just started?”

“Go through the dungeon and come down. I will be waiting.”

With the horse, Professor Voladi disappeared.


Left alone, Lee Han tried to curse Professor Voladi.

Because I didn't know if I could hear your voice.

* * *


Cursing the disappeared Professor Voladi did not change the reality.

Lee Han kept his mouth shut and dealt with the demons.

'I think I know roughly what it is.'

Here in Professor Voladi's dungeon, the demons enjoyed using stealth.

Using the dark dungeon terrain, it was easy to find the guy who was close to the
wall after getting used to it.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised, no matter how much Lee Han, if he was
stuck on the ceiling holding his breath or crouching in a stagnant puddle...

But over time, I got used to this fear.

Fireworks flew in all directions. It was about two fingers wide, so the
destructive power wasn't that strong, but the effect was clear.

Like firecrackers, if the flames that jump out in all directions touch it, the
angler can't stand it and it jumps out.


When it jumped out, it immediately threw a water ball and knocked it down.

Most of the anglerfish could be pulled out with flames first, and if there were
any that could not be caught, they could be caught by space sensing when they

There were times when I was ambushed because I was really unlucky, but in that


Lee Han swung his cane and smashed the angler in the alley.

I don't know if it's because of my mood, but it seemed to have more destructive
power than a water ball.


Lee Han, who was walking through the narrow cave passage, stopped when a cool
breeze blew from afar.

There was a fairly large space at the end of the aisle. It was dark, so I couldn't
see everything, but it felt like a square.
Originally, I was in a situation where I should have been happy as I continued to
walk on such a narrow road, but...

'I can't really be this ominous.'

Lee Han felt his body's intuition send a warning.

As soon as you pass through the passage and enter the square, the anglers might be
excited to welcome you!

But I couldn't go. Lee Han began to prepare additional magic.

* * *

Professor Garcia guided the old wizard from outside with a bright expression.

A welcome visitor came to the school during the festival.


As a master of water element magic, famous even in the Empire, some of the magic
developed by Umidhus were usefully used by Imperial wizards.

Professor Garcia had also learned the magic of Umidhus when he was in school, so
he couldn't help but be happy to visit this old wizard.

“It’s really an honor to meet you.”

"I don't need to rate this old wizard so highly..."

No one would have expected that Eumidihus, who looked like a loving grandmother,
was a battle wizard who achieved all kinds of splendid achievements in his

Professor Garcia looked at Eumidhus once again with respectful eyes.

“The magic school is always a beautiful place.”

“It's a beautiful place.”

“It's a good place for students too.”

“I thought so too.”


“They are all great.”

“It’s not.”

Umidhus shook his head. Professor Garcia coughed in embarrassment.

“Is that so? Everyone is working hard…”

"It's not a matter of ability, it's a matter of character... Well, with

Gonadaltes, there's nothing we can do about it. Gonadaltes may be the root of all
the problems.”

Professor Garcia felt that there was a conflict between his desire to agree with
the great old wizard and his notion that he should not curse the principal as a

Be patient!

“Are there any interesting students?”


“There is nothing more joyous than raising a good disciple. I've been good at
other things, but I haven't been able to raise a disciple well."

At Umidhus' humble words, Professor Garcia shook his head as if to say something.

“The disciples are all great…”

“Everyone is just not good enough. Come to think of it, is Boladi Bagreg here?”


“I’m going to meet you once. Can you guide me?”


Professor Garcia suddenly came to mind while guiding Umidhus.

Come to think of it, wasn't it time for <Basic Magical Abuse>, no, <Repetitive
Learning of Basic Magical Battle>?

'I hope Yumidifus-nim will be angry after seeing the lecture.'

Professor Garcia went downstairs and opened the classroom door.

But no one was there.


“You have a lecture going on somewhere else.”

Eumidihus tapped the floor with his staff. Then, the footsteps remaining on the
floor shone vividly in green, revealing traces.

"Aha. When the weather is nice, in the courtyard…”


Eumidhus looked at Professor Garcia as if he was talking.

Boladi wasn't the kind of person to teach because the weather was nice.

" not it?"

“I must have gone to the dungeon.”

“It’s a dungeon. Dungeon. When a student achieves a certain level of achievement,
it is quicker to polish it in practice. Are you teaching third grade?”


“Are you teaching third graders? Are you in 4th grade?”

Professor Garcia, who had been slightly distracted by the shocking words, shook
his head at Umidhus' words.

"yes? That’s… Professor Bagreg doesn’t teach third or fourth graders.”

“5th grade? In 5th grade, it would be better off-campus than on-campus.”


Professor Garcia did not answer.

Instead, he quickly moved forward with anxiety and impatience.

“Let’s go!”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I think Professor Bagreg took the freshman to the dungeon!”

“A freshman?”


“You must have been very talented…”

“Ability and what it is, it’s not!”

Professor Garcia burst into anger at the respected old wizard.


However, despite Professor Garcia's anger, the old wizard's face did not change.

“In our days, we used to teach magic in dungeons. It was good to use stronger
magic because it was full of magic. Besides, it was good to keep in mind that
various phenomena were also occurring.”

“Magicians these days don’t learn that way.”

In fact, when I think of the educational policy of the Magic School, it didn't
seem that far away from the old-fashioned education, but Professor Garcia once
claimed that.

At least that's what Professor Garcia intended to teach.

“Still, it wouldn’t be good to raise a disciple so weakly…”

“The principal said that, but he ruined a lot of things.”

“Gonadaltes is too harsh.”

Umidhus said firmly.

Even in the eyes of Umidhus, who has a strict and harsh educational philosophy,
Gonadaltes' education was too much.

“It is always the right line that matters. Voladi Bagreg will keep the good, so
don't worry too much."

It sounded like a loving grandmother, but Professor Garcia was not at all

Although they had only met for a while, he had a feeling that this respectable old
wizard was closer to the headmaster of the skeleton than Professor Garcia.

I can't be vigilant!

“Are you in a relationship with Professor Bagreg?”

“He was taught by me for a while.”

“Were you a disciple?!”

“Not a disciple. I was only taught for a while.”

'It's usually called a disciple...'

Professor Garcia thought so, but did not point out more.

In fact, there were quite a few of the wizards who were strict about the
definition of a disciple.

There is something embarrassing about saying that it is a teacher-disciple

relationship just because you taught me one magic.

-Every disciple must inherit the wizard's vision and enlightenment!

After hearing the old wizard's words, Professor Garcia was intrigued and asked.

“Is Professor Bagreg not good enough to make disciples?”

“I thought that one of the two would die if we looked at each other for a long
time because our personalities didn’t match.”


It was for an unexpected reason, but Professor Garcia was genuinely convinced.

Obviously, Professor Voladi had a talent to piss people off.

* * *


After swearing, Lee Han spit out unusual words and flew backwards.


As he entered the dark plaza where there could be a 100% ambush, Lee Han prepared
as much as he could.
It was a preparation that words could say, and if other wizards saw it, it was
preparation that had no choice but to say, 'Is that guy a freshman?'

<Space Awareness> and <Gonadaltes' Quick Step>, as well as <Fahite's Lesser

Illusion>, it was not enough, so I wrapped myself in <Water Shield>.

So that the angler can stop the surprise attack from any direction.

And Lee Han's calculations were almost correct.


-■■! ■■■!

In fact, the anglers that appeared in various places in the square could not break
through Lee Han's preparations.

Some were deceived by the illusion and ran towards them, while others stumbled
upon the water shield and struggled.

Meanwhile, Lee Han accurately defeated the demons.

A distant maw ignites a flame, and a nearby maw knocks them down with water beads
and breaks them...

Everything seemed perfect.

Until an unexpected enemy comes along.



Lee Han was at a loss for words when the appearance of a raccoon anglerfish, which
was several times larger than a normal anglerfish, appeared.

'Do I have to go through something like this... just because I've done multiple
operations once?'

Ihan suddenly became embarrassed.

What's so wrong with splitting water marbles that you have to deal with a guy like
that in class?

However, Raccoon Maw did not recognize Lee Han's injustice and charged.

Lee Han clenched his teeth and fired his magic.

Fireworks exploded, and at the same time, water beads flew in a dizzying roar, and
powerfully smashed the rattlesnake.

Unlike the original maw that would have fallen, the larvae protected their body
with a thick, viscous armor as thick as their size.

The blazing flames were extinguished, and the water ball slipped without shock.


With a dull shock, Lee Han flew backwards.

If I hadn't called in a water shield to stop it quickly, a bone or two would have
gone out.

Lee Han immediately got up.

It was okay to swear or grumble later. The important thing now was to deal with
the enemy in front of you.


A lightning bolt flew away and then bent sideways. It didn't even reach the


Lee Han quickly realized the situation.

A green rock in the square was attracting lightning magic.

'What is this...?!'

In a short span of time, Lee Han cursed Perkuntra and cursed Professor Voladi.

Actually, there was nothing wrong with Perkuntra, but...

* * *

Umidhus and Professor Garcia soon found where Professor Voladi was.

It was the deep part of the dungeon connected to the basement classroom.

“Mr Umidyhus.”

“Boladi Bagreg. It’s been a long time.”

Prof. Voladi shook his head without changing his expression even after an
unexpected guest's visit.

Umidhus turned his gaze immediately to see if he wasn't expecting Professor

Voladi's fuss.

In front of Professor Voladi, a vision composed of illusion magic was spread out.
Professor Garcia sighed.

I couldn't tell who it was without looking.

He was a boy from the Wodanaj family.

'Did you really take me to the dungeon?'

I really hoped I would have brought him to the dungeon.

Professor Garcia was startled, but Yumidihus and Professor Voladi were not
surprised at all and proceeded with the conversation calmly.

“What level is that freshman?”

“Elemental control, shape change, and multiple operations.”

“It was a question of whether you were skilled in any of... Voladi Bagreg.”

Umidihus sighed.

As was the case in the past, Voladi basically had no talent for speaking skills.

Maybe it's just that he's clumsy in speaking, but he even had useless confidence
in himself, which made people even more pissed off.

You are probably still thinking, 'I answered correctly, but I don't know why you
are like that'.

“Everyone is skilled.”

"...what? really?"

Eumidihus was startled.

“Isn’t Gonadaltes doing this to deceive me?”

"no. Umidhus.”

Professor Garcia explained.

Of course, from the point of view of Umidhus, it was natural that Professor
Voladi's words were not believed.

Who would have thought that a freshman would have been so proficient in elemental

But unfortunately it was true.

“Professor Bagreg taught me a bit strict and harsh…”


Professor Voladi tilted his head as if he did not understand.

Professor Garcia's words did not make sense.

“You seem to have taught me well.”

"thank you."


During the conversation between the two wizards, Professor Garcia felt that the
respect he had had was slowly fading away.

Not knowing Professor Garcia's heart, Eumidihus continued.

“The achievement of a disciple cannot come without the good teaching of the
teacher. I thought you had the ability to teach someone... Now that I look at it, I
guess I underestimated it.”

Professor Voladi accepted the compliment as if it were taken for granted.

Professor Garcia wanted to run away from this place.

“What is your purpose today?”

“It is the embodiment of multiple operations.”

“A monster?”

“It’s an anglerfish.”

Umidhus nodded.

Professor Garcia couldn't stand it anymore and opened his mouth. He realized that
he was the only one to point out here.

“Isn’t the angler a little dangerous for a freshman to deal with?”

Eumidhus looked at Professor Garcia.

Then he said slowly.

“A freshman is a freshman. A freshman skilled in elemental control, shape change,

and multi-manipulation should be able to deal with anglers.”


Professor Garcia could not argue.

...that was very true.

Professor Voladi next to him nodded as if he agreed. Professor Garcia clenched his

Eumidihus turned his gaze again and looked at Lee Han. He was a very interesting


“It has a lot of magic power.”

“Then it would be difficult to control, but you use so much magic.”

Magicians who were born with magical powers were on the slow side.

The more magical power it takes, the more time it will take to control it.

However, it was a tremendous talent to use multiple magic like that.

It would be impossible if you didn't have the talent to control magic along with

- Heat, distort the air. Shield, spread out.



However, such Umidhus also had a slightly bewildered expression when Lee Han cast
additional magic before entering the square.
“ it okay for that boy to use magic like that?”


“I didn’t ask you. Voladi Bagreg.”

Like a seasoned wizard, Umidhus knew well who he had to ask a question to get a
useful answer.

Professor Garcia said with a look of disapproval.

"Yeah... it's fine, that's all."

“You seem to have more magic power than you think.”


After preparing, Lee Han went inside.

Armed with too much firepower for a freshman, a boy from the Wodanaj family
slaughtered the ambush anglers in the square.

Seeing that even the anglers, who had been in ambush, fell without being able to
reach them, Yumidihus truly admired them.

“I didn’t know you could teach like this.”

"thank you."


Professor Garcia, who was listening, sharpened his teeth.

I thought it was over after being slaughtered, but another monster appeared in the
square. It was a rattlesnake.

'...Isn't that really too bad?'

Professor Garcia hesitated to point out. To say the least, the two wizards seemed
to say it was okay again.

“Isn’t that too bad?”

Eumidihus said in a puzzled way. Professor Garcia opened her mouth in amazement
and looked at the old wizard.

“I don’t think we need such a monster for the embodiment of multi-management.”

Professor Voladi said with a characteristic expressionless face.

"you're right. This is an unexpected situation.”

“…what are you? I will not go.”

Umidhus spoke as if he knew what Professor Voladi's answer would be.

Professor Voladi also did not have the capacity to raise disciples.
They both looked the same to Garcia, but...

“To be in control, you have to be straight...”

Eumidihus, who was speaking, paused.

A disciple caught by an incompetent master was knocking down a rattlesnake.

* * *

There weren't many options in a situation where even lightning didn't work.

Lee Han quickly evaded the attack of the Raccoon Maw.

I didn't want to thank Principal Skeleton, but it wasn't difficult to avoid it

thanks to <Gonadaltes' Swift Steps>.

A simple charge was worth avoiding, as it was trained with a swordsmanship close
to actual practice and even had enhanced magic.

'As the most familiar element.'

Lee Han chose the element of water.

The element of water was better than the element of lightning, which could not be
eaten, or element of fire, which he did not yet have confidence in.

Of course, you couldn't just shoot it. He has already realized that the impact of
the existing water beads does not work.

'Rotate it somehow. You don't have to be perfect!'

Lee Han started to rotate the floating water beads as a group.

There was no need for a perfect spin like the last time you defeated the Golem.

All you need is penetrating enough to defeat the enemy.

It was enough to complete it calmly while continuing to avoid the opponent's


Papa Papa Papak!

'It wasn't enough. Let's try again.'

Although the first attempt was unsuccessful, Lee Han did not panic or panic.

as calm as ice.

second, third.

As the beads of water gradually delivered a sharp shock, the Raccoon Maw seemed to
be starting to get scared.


Pupper Pupper Pupper Puck!

It wasn't a perfect rotation like when the golem was defeated, but the water beads
that flew in as they rotated hit the body of the rattlesnake with a strong impact.

Seeing the opponent staggering and falling, Lee Han shouted without realizing it.

“Go to hell! cheek..."

“That’s great.”


“That’s not a cheek-mouth, it’s a raccoon’s, isn’t it?”


A stranger appeared, but Lee Han responded immediately. The back was bowed in

It was great to know in advance that guests from outside were visiting the school
this week.

'It must be a wizard from outside.'


“Do you know who I am?”

The old wizard was puzzled.

Contrary to the reputation of the name Eumidhus, few people knew the old wizard's

On the surface, she looked like a kind-hearted grandmother, so there was no reason
to show such respect.

"I do not know. But since you're a guest from outside, shouldn't you be polite?"

“…too polite for a talented wizard!”

Umidihus was astonished.

Usually, the personality of wizards was inversely proportional to their talents.

It's a pity, but the more talented you are, the more cocky and arrogant you

If it was a boy in front of him, it would not have been surprising if he spit next
to him as soon as he met Eumidihus and said something like, 'Who is it?'.

Besides, he's from the Wodanaj family, and he's been learning from Boladi Bagrek.

Of course, I thought it would be arrogant and eccentric...

Yumidihus was amazed at Lee Han's more polite appearance than he had expected.

'How could such a disciple be under Boladi Bagreg?'

"You're going to take down the larvae. Aren't you surprised?"

“I was surprised, but I decided that if I used the magic I learned so far, I would
be able to deal with it well enough.”

Lee Han gave a textbook answer.

I had to be as careful as possible because I didn't know the identity of the


Of course, it was a guest from outside, but he did not know what kind of
relationship he had with Principal Skeleton or Professor Voladi.

It was not enough to be careful and be careful.

“Aren’t you angry with Voladi Bagreg for preparing for such an ordeal?”

The most surprising thing about Umidhus was that Lee Han was keeping his cool.

It was an unexpected situation that even Boladi Bagreg, who was a rattlesnake, did
not expect.

The guy who was supposed to be at the bottom of the dungeon came up by accident.

If he was still a young wizard, it was normal to be angry.

Especially if it's an arrogant wizard with that level of talent.

However, Lee Han was not reckless.

'I'm close with Professor Voladi!'

Seeing that he didn't call him a professor, it was clear that he knew each other
personally. Lee Han was patient once again.

"no. The professor was just preparing to teach me. Why would you be angry?”


The old wizard let out a sigh.

'How did Voladi Bagrek become such an undeserved disciple?'

Usually wizards have no personality if they have talent, and no talent if they
have personality, but the boy in front of him surprisingly had both.

He was patient enough to not even complain about Boladi Bagreg's personality.

“That’s great.”

'It passed safely.'

When the other party seemed satisfied, Lee Han nodded.

Belatedly, Professor Voladi and Professor Garcia appeared from below. Professor
Garcia exclaimed with a worried expression.

“Are you okay, Han Lee? I guess I should have met a leprechaun...”

If it weren't for others, I would have cursed Professor Voladi like Professor
Garcia, but there were many eyes to see.

Lee Han replied with a hypocrite once again.

"it's okay. professor. Because Professor Voladi calculated everything and prepared
it for you.”

“The rattlesnake was not prepared in advance, but came up from below. A student


It was then that Lee Han realized.

Somehow the magic didn't work!

Cursing came up in his throat, but Lee Han answered while maintaining his facial

"it's okay. professor. I think it turned out to be a better opportunity.”

“Student Lee Han...”

Professor Garcia did not even know Lee Han's heart and felt sorry for him.

It's okay to be angry at times like this, but it was a pity that people were so

"Oh yeah. This is Eumidihus. He must have heard the name?”


Han Lee had also heard the name of Eumidihus. Wasn't he a famous water elemental
wizard in the Empire?

Lee Han bowed his back again.

“It is an honor to meet you. Umidhus.”

“It is rather embarrassing to show such respect for a name that is not so great.”

"no. Umidhus.”

“I used to spin a water ball. Right?"

Lee Han nodded at the old wizard's question.

“It wasn’t perfect.”

“If the rotation had been completely handled, the other wizards here would have
broken their wands out of shame. That alone is great.”

Umidyhus opened his mouth, pondering and contemplating.

“I will be staying for a few more days. Would you like to receive more simple

Professor Voladi and Eumidifus did not change their expressions, but Professor
Garcia alone was startled.

It was never meant to be taken lightly by Eumidihus to teach.

It was Umidhus that some wizards did not give their teachings, even if they knelt
for days and days and prayed.

Only sorcerers with jewel-like talent could fall into the eyes of Umidhus and
receive simple instruction. Professor Voladi was such a case.

But even that if you ask for instruction first.

But that old wizard is proposing to teach first to a freshman who has not yet
achieved any achievements.

Professor Garcia couldn't believe it. It was even more frustrating for Professor
Voladi to stand still without any change in expression.

'Take it, student Lee Han! What a great opportunity!'

“Thank you, but…”


When Lee Han showed a sign of hesitation, Professor Garcia became frustrated and
tried to die.

“Do you have any reason to refuse?”

Eumidihus asked curiously. Whatever he thought, he had no reason to refuse.

“I’m learning from Professor Voladi, but it doesn’t seem polite to be taught by
others at will.”

Ian was cautious.

The professors were narrower in mind than I thought. If you said 'Yes, I will
learn' in the past, you could get retaliation for your grades.

Of course, Professor Voladi wasn't the kind of person he was likely to be, but
it's impossible to know the world.

It was good to be careful.


Umidihus exclaimed once more. It was a longer elastic than before.

“It’s like that, but the world is really unfair…”

There was a saying that good luck brings luck, but that was a lie.

Then, how could such an honest disciple come under a guy like Boladi Bagrek?

Umidihus sincerely thought so.

"It is nothing. He is a very polite kid.”

Umidhus turned his head to look at Voladi Bagreg.

“You taught me well.”


“But it’s not really your ball.”


Professor Voladi responded that he was not convinced by the old wizard's words.


Umidihus had no intention of explaining to Voladi Bagreg. He went straight to the


“Can I teach you?”


“It will happen. Then don't take care of me for a few days."

The old wizard tapped Lee Han on the shoulder and then turned around and left.

Lee Han, who felt something strange in their conversation, asked Professor Garcia.

“How is Umidhus’ relationship with Professor Bagreg?”

“Professor Bagreg once learned under Umidhus.”


Hearing the answer, Lee Han's face turned paler than the darkness of the dungeon.

* * *

Professor Boladi spoke slowly to Lee Han, who was cursing his choice.

"Good job."

"...thank you."

Lee Han endured the words 'professor bastard' after the words.

To say that you didn't notice the larvae coming up...

"Oh yeah. professor. Earlier, there was an object that interfered with the
lightning magic.”

“I put it.”


To focus on the water magic, you installed a feature that interferes with the
lightning magic.
Lee Han-eun was moved by the attention of the professor and trembled.

“Multiple attributes are almost perfect. Fight a few more times and you'll get
used to it."

"Yes, I understand."

Now, Lee Han was fine with the anglerfish. I was confident that I was ready to
fight anyway.

“Next time we have to take care to prevent other monsters from entering.”

“Thank you... Wait a minute. professor."


“The next time it’s a rattlesnake… isn’t it a gnat?”

“The angler is not a threat to you.”

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han as if he was talking about something.

If you feel threatened, your magic skills will rise quickly, but ordinary anglers
were not a threat to Lee Han.

I had to go down to where the larvae came out.

“…Next time, we will break the magic and fight.”

Feeling threatened, Lee Han tried to resist, but Professor Voladi shook his head.

“It’s the same even if you solve other enhancement magic. Maw will not help.”


Professor Voladi hesitated, then opened his mouth.

“I was wrong.”


“Try the rotation attribute.”

It was Professor Boladi who thought Lee Han was too hasty, so he tried to get used
to other attributes first.

But seeing the fight today changed my mind.

Even if he was a truly talented wizard, he did not stop jumping into the unknown.

It was even more so when I saw Lee Han trying to rotate while performing multiple

If you are a teacher, you must not prematurely block the path of a disciple.

Professor Voladi once again attained enlightenment.

As the professor looked at him silently with a pale face and nodded as if
cheering, Lee Han thought.
'Are you really going to grind one and go to the punishment room?'

Now, because of whoever tried the rotation property...

* * *



After the lecture, Lee Han, who wanted to say 'Goodbye' to Professor Voladi, was
unable to do so.

He came up from the basement with Professor Voladi and participated in the
festival stand in front of the main building.

As the two of them stood together in a simple space that seemed to have been
assigned to a professor, Lee Han already wanted to go to the dormitory.

Tired of lectures, but also during breaks?

“The other student… um. no."

Lee Han, who was about to ask, 'Can't I have another student do it?', quickly

Come to think of it, only Lee Han was listening to Professor Voladi's lecture.

“Is the professor holding an event too?”


“Do you like festivals?”


“But why?”



In response to Professor Voladi's brief answer, Lee Han quickly finished

understanding the situation.

After all, Professor Voladi wasn't even a priest, so there was no way he could
devote himself to running the festival for the enjoyment of the students.

'It's like an evil principal. They must be doing this to annoy me.'

In fact, it was an order from His Majesty the Emperor, but Yi Han did not know

“So what can we do?”

Lee Han looked to the left.

The priests in gloves were baking sweet cookies for the freshmen.
Lee Han looked to the right.

Priests dressed in colorful costumes were performing a play.

'Is it too disadvantageous?'

No matter how much I thought, any sane person would go left or right, although I
didn't think I'd ever stop by Professor Voladi's shop...

I couldn't do anything though. I had to pretend to do it.

'I'm glad it has nothing to do with grades.'

Professor Voladi pulled a ticket out of his pocket. Ian's eyes widened.

Surprisingly, it was an outing!

“Give this to the winner.”

“Kyo… Professor.”


“Can I get it too?”

“There is only one.”

“What if it’s over and it remains…?”

“Is it necessary?”

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han with an expression of 'why do you want to go

Ian nodded seriously.


"i get it. I will give it to you.”


Ian's eyes lit up.

No matter what I did, I couldn't pass that on to the customer.

'I will risk my life to defend it.'

"professor. What is the sport?”

Professor Voladi pointed up with a finger. Ihan shook his head.

Suddenly, new letters appeared on the tent.

-<Avoid Water Orbs>.

'What I learned from Professor Voladi may have been for a moment like this one.'

Lee Han read the words <Avoid Water Balls> and thought seriously.

Even if it was because of my grades, there were times when I was attacked by
Professor Voladi and asked a fundamental question, 'Why do I have to do this?'

However, when I saw the words <Avoid Water Balls>, I changed my mind a little.

Oh, I'm doing this because studying helps my life!

"I will do my best."

“You seem to like festivals.”

"...Yes. What."

Lee Han nodded his head instead of giving a long explanation.

Professor Voladi thought to himself.

He said he liked festivals like that, so it was good to bring them here.

For a good wizard, rest was also important.

* * *

A student from the White Tiger Tower, Ango from the Alpha family, felt like
entering a magic 'school' for the first time.

A lively and noisy atmosphere.

Various tents and shops.

This was the festival.

“Are you a student at the White Tiger Tower?”

"Yes. Priest.”

“Would you like to go try this?”

"thank you!"

Angago gratefully accepted the baked potatoes by the priest.

After entering the magic school, her picky eating vanished and it was Engo who
became grateful for all her meals.

The potatoes that the priest had now offered him felt like gold of equal weight to

'Give me this. The priests are truly wonderful people.'

Sensing that the faith he had never had before was also buoyant, Angago took a
bite of the potato.

it was yummy.
It was clear that he was raised with an expensive variety, as the fluffy, warm
crab fills his mouth and even has a slightly sweet taste.

It sure was delicious...


“Oh, nothing!”

Angro said hesitantly and shook his head.

I couldn't believe it.

'I think the one that Wodanaj broiled was more delicious...???'

Angro himself did not understand. He even doubted that he had been possessed by
the Worda Naz family's magic.

“Ango. Look over there. There are professors.”


At the words of his friends, Engo raised her head.

It really was.

Not only the priests, but also the professors I had seen were standing under the
tent in different clothes.

“I heard that you were going to invite students to prepare, but you really do.”

“Moradi went too.”

“I heard rumors that the principal is preparing something, is it true?”

“Ah… don’t be creepy.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower were honest and refuted their friend's

The other dormitory tower students were also afraid of the skeleton principal, but
the white tiger tower students were more afraid.

A freshman who runs away from the mountain at night and witnesses the skeleton
principal appearing in the dark with a shimmering glare in the dark is bound to be

“Shall we go?”

“Let’s go over there.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were filled with curiosity and moved on.

And then he was bewildered.


Seeing the two priests standing still with a blunt expression on their faces, the
students of the White Tiger Tower unknowingly backed away.

Professor Voladi and Lee Han of the Woudanaj family were also wizards who
overpowered their opponents just by standing still.

“Water... avoid water beads, right?”

A student from the White Tiger Tower, who had heard the rumors of Professor
Voladi, said in a trembling voice.

Rumor has it that the incoming students are beaten and kicked out...

'no. Why does Wardanaj listen to such lectures?'

The White Tiger Tower students did not understand.

Although angry, the boy from the Wodanaj family was among the smartest of the

Why is he giving such a lecture when he doesn't appear in lectures like <Basic
Dance and Socializing> or <Understanding Basic Empire Masterpieces and

Is it possible that such lectures are not fun because you know them too well?


Since he came from a great family, he must have learned such aristocratic
etiquette to the point where he got tired of it.

So maybe I'm bored and just listen to the rest of the lectures...

Seeing the sculptural face of Lee Han standing next to Professor Voladi, the
hypothesis just came to mind was strangely convincing.

“It’s right to avoid water balls.”

“Are we going to throw water balls at Wodanaj by any chance?”

One student from the White Tiger Tower said in a strangely heated voice. Ian
thought to himself.

'This child.'

It was obvious what he was thinking.

In fact, there were many students from the White Tiger Tower that would run if you
gave Lee Han a chance to throw a water ball.

If you really need urgent supplies later, you might be able to do business like


Professor Voladi shook his head.

“…Oh, isn’t it?”

“If Wodanaj flies, you guys avoid it.”


The students of the White Tiger Tower were in love.

No matter how you look at it, Professor Voladi seemed to misunderstand the meaning
of 'festival'.

Do you know what a festival is?

“The thing to avoid is… that’s…”

The students hesitated because they couldn't tell the professor, 'Don't you know
what a festival is?'

Angelo held her breath and opened her mouth.

“If you avoid everything, is there anything?”


“What is the product?”

“The right to go out.”



The faces of the White Tiger Tower students changed again.

Ian sighed.

'shit. All the rumors will come out.'

Why do people dare to stop by if there is a shabby tent among the splendid tents?

It'll just sound like a lavish tent...

Since the students from the White Tiger Tower visited, it was clear that the
rumors would spread whether they won or lost, and that other friends would visit.

'But you can never give it away.'

Lee Han now had one ticket to go out. It was a real outing.

However, I was still a bit embarrassed to use this outing pass. Because he stole
it and got it.

If even a skeleton principal met in the process of using it, the path could be
traced, asking, 'When and where did you get it?'

However, it would be a different story if we had one more legal right to go out.

Using that excuse, I could use the one I stole first, and I could find a gap in
the process of writing and seize the opportunity to use the next pass.

Looking ahead, Angago's eyes were also burning brightly. It was obvious that Ang
was also thinking the same thing.

What Engo had was a fake travel pass, so the real thing would be even more

'For sure... I'll get it!'

“Ango. Are you going to try?”

"then? You're not going to do that?! You know how much a pass is needed! Last
time... Hmm. How dangerous would it be to use it…”

“But that professor… you know.”

The White Tiger Tower students looked at Professor Boladi.

The pale face of the vampire race seemed particularly threatening these days.

No matter how handsome he is, once he holds the title of professor and holds a
wand, he looks like a mad serial killer to the students.

“Water balls are thrown by Wodanaj.”

"oh. Is that so?!"



Ihan answered.

And grabbed the stick.

“Are you going to challenge me?”

“Water, of course!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had been hesitant until before, rushed
forward without saying who came first.

As if the right to go out would disappear if a friend tried it first.

“Get ready.”

A ball of water floated in front of Lee Han.

As they were students of the White Tiger Tower who had been directly hit by Lee
Han's water beads, they skillfully took a vigilant stance right away.

"come. Wodanaj!”

"i get it."

Along with the horse, the number of water beads increased.

The pupils of the White Tiger Tower opened their eyes wide.

* * *

Kendry Baku, a friend of Professor Alpen Knighton and also serving as the Imperial
High Accountant.

Kendry, seeing that the festival was taking place, found the wizards from
Valdrogaard and greeted them warmly.

“Did you come to see Einroguard with your students?”

Baldrogard did not have the same reputation as Einrogard, but it was a pretty
decent Imperial Magic School.

Moreover, in Kendry's view, Baldrogard's teaching method is a bit more...

...I thought it was reasonable and not suitable for aristocrats.

No matter how many times I look at it, Einrogard's teaching method was a bit
outdated and harsh at times.

"you're right. Baku-sama.”

The wizard who was working as a professor at Baldrogaard bowed his head and

Then the boys and girls behind them spoke in disgruntled voices.

“Why don’t Einrogard students come to our school, so we have to visit them

“Isn’t Einroguard ignoring us?”

"Shh. In another wizard's school, you have to be polite. Are you going to tarnish
Valdrogaard's reputation?"

The professor of Waldrogaard, who took on the role of the leader, raised his
finger in a dignified manner.

Seeing that, the students of Valdrogaard also kept their lips shut. He was
dissatisfied, but with his polite manner, Kendry could immediately sense the
origins of the students.

Baldrogaard, located in the west, only accepted students from the imperial elites
that matched its splendid appearance and scenery.

The students could enjoy the warm and cozy climate of the western part of the
Empire and the beautiful nature, but...

...but that didn't mean that jealousy and feelings of inferiority went away.

'I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.'

It was not that the Einrogard students did not visit Baldrogard.

The principal was harassing me so I couldn't leave.

In Kendry's opinion, if you ask Einrogard students, 'Who wants to visit

Baldrogaard?', they'll try to win their rights by knocking each other down.

“It doesn’t matter who visits first. Valdrogaard is more generous and generous.”

The students' faces brightened at Kendry's words.

They are 2nd and 3rd year students, but they are still immature. Even more so when
it comes to words like this.

“If we meet the Einroguard students at the festival over there, we will show our


Kendry pondered on how to explain to the Baldrogard students, 'The only Einrogard
students you can see at the festival are freshmen.'

The students of Waldrogaard will not understand the fact that the first year is

-Why are the first graders separated? Can't contact you? Then you can't talk to
your seniors, right? I can't even do club activities... Why the hell?

'Well. I'll just leave it to the professor over there.'

Kendry gave up quickly.

“Then, Baku-sama. see you next time."

“Ummm… be careful.”

The professor at Baldrogaard greeted him with a noble and elegant attitude, and
then began to take the students with him.

Kendry regretted that his advice had not been properly communicated.


As soon as the words were finished, Einroguard students appeared from the other

The students of Valdrogaard grabbed the staff first.

“Hello and let me compare your skills!”

“Everyone, calm down. Such rude behavior…”

“Shut up! Move!"

The Einroguard students carried their fallen friend and ran away. Some were
bleeding nosebleeds.



Baldrogard's students looked at him in disbelief.

What do you mean what happened?

* * *

“Did there ever be an accident?”

“It was an unfortunate mistake. You don't have to worry.”

Lee Han politely responded to the appearance of the wizard and his disciples for
the first time.

“You are a guest from Valdrogaard.”

Professor Voladi said softly. Lee Han knew the name.

“If you go to Baldrog…”

“Trash a...”

Unknowingly, Lee Han stomped on Professor Voladi's foot.

And I was surprised at myself.


Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han as if he did not understand. Ian answered

“My feet slipped.”

“Be careful.”


As soon as it passed more safely than I thought, a thought popped into Lee Han's

'I live a good life, so luck is with me.'

And another thought followed.

'If there is another chance later, can I step on it?'

Ihan shook his head.

Pride brings danger.

No matter how enjoyable it is, it was dangerous to step on the professor's instep

"professor. I will treat them as guests from outside.”

“Do you want to?”


Ian said strongly. Professor Voladi did not bother to stop him.

It was because they didn't really care about the guests coming from outside.
'You must have been excited about the festival.'

Professor Boladi thought that Lee Han must have been excited about the festival.

Otherwise, what would you do to treat guests from places like Valdrogaard?

“It is an honor to meet you.”

At Lee Han's polite greeting, the professor at Baldrogaard was unwittingly


The nobles of the Empire used to prove their ancestry even in the smallest detail.

The aristocrats are able to notice each other in the brief appearances they show
every moment, such as intonation, habits, and behavior.

That's why the new, low-ranking aristocratic families, who sometimes built up
wealth, were ridiculed for trying to act like the old-fashioned noble families of
the empire.

He could build up a splendid mansion and wealth, but he couldn't build up the time
and customs of his family.

And what the boy in front of him was showing was a figure that only a member of a
great aristocratic family could show.

Even the Baldroggard students, who had been grunting, kept their mouths shut.

“Which family are you from?”

“I come from the Wodanaj family.”

“Wordanaz! Indeed... you deserve to be admitted to Einroguard.”

The other professor said with a sense of commendation. But it didn't sound like a
compliment to Lee Han.

'It's definitely a compliment to be admitted to Einroguard, but I don't know why

it sounds so depressing.'

Lee Han changed the topic.

“The fame of Valdrogaard has been heard here, too.”

The students' faces brightened slightly at those words.

More than any other praise, the praise given by the Einroguard student in front of
me was inevitably the sweetest.

Of course, Lee Han had never heard of Waldrogaard's fame at school.

I'm busy eating, living, and doing homework right now, so who's going to talk
about Baldrogaard leisurely?

"is that so? I am very happy.”

However, it was clear that Lee Han's well-intentioned lie made the other person
Everyone from Baldrogaard seemed to be happy.

Lee Han, who was looking at the happy students, suddenly had a question.

'But how can Valdrogaard students visit someone else's school festival?'


All Lee Han knew was that it was located in the western part of the empire and
that only people from noble families could enter.

But it's not a magic school anyway.

It was clear that the students of Baldrogaard were also struggling and struggling
in the suffocating school.

But how?

“By the way… how did you come to the festival?”


The other professor did not immediately understand Lee Han's words.

“What do you mean?”

“So… the students can’t go outside first, right?”


The professor at Baldrogaard looked at Lee Han as if he were talking about


“Oh, you mean you can’t go out in the middle of a lecture…? Or at night?”

“…after lecture… in the spare time… can’t you go out of school?”

As Lee Han asked the question, he felt an eerie fear creeping in.

no way.

no way??

“It’s a joke too!”

The professor burst out laughing. Ihan's face hardened.

“Isn’t it?”

“No! You can't leave school in your spare time. Why would you do that?”


Without even knowing Lee Han's heart, the professor at Baldrogaard kindly
continued his explanation.

Baldrogad was located not far from a large city, and students would ride horses to
the big city after class and enjoy various leisure activities.
Sometimes, energetic students would get drunk in the evening and cause problems,
but if you are young, that's unavoidable.

For nobles, these social activities were also important virtues.

'The imperial nobles are really unlucky.'

Ian thought to himself.

Such ignorant bastards!

“Then this trip… did you just come without any problems?”

"Yes. If students apply to gain experience while traveling the empire, they will

“But isn’t there such a rule that no one can come out with?”

Lee Han, unknowingly, tenaciously dug in.

If I didn't do that, it would be very embarrassing.

"ah. There is.”

"Also...! Is it that only those who have made a huge contribution to school can
get out?”

“That is too harsh. A student who has made a fuss in the city more than four times
in a month is banned from going out for a week.”


Lee Han seemed to understand why Professor Voladi treated Baldrogard as garbage.

Isn't the spirit of the nobles rotting because of such loose rules?

'Calm down.'

Lee Han broke his heart.

I was envious of the Baldrogaard students, but what would change now?

The important thing was to be visible to guests from outside.

Networks had to be managed from the beginning. Because I didn't know when and
where I would use it.

After graduation, there may be a wizard from Baldrogaard as a superior in the job
he was looking for.

“How old are you guys here?”

“It’s 2nd and 3rd year.”

“...Are you afraid that 2nd and 3rd year students can go to school together...?
Oh, is it because we don’t have to be together just for the first year?”

“What are you talking about...? You can stay together for 1st year. The first
graders decided to travel somewhere else, so the direction changed.”

Lee Han was shocked once again.

Surprisingly, Waldrogaard did not separate the first graders!

'...I guess.'

Come to think of it, it is possible to go out of the city, but there was no reason
to separate the first graders.

“Why do you ask such a question…? Does EinroGuard separate the first graders?”


Lee Han answered honestly, but the guests from Baldrogaard did not believe it.

Instead, he burst into laughter and admired Lee Han's jokes.

“Such a joke…!”


“If you separate the first year, you can’t do social activities, parties, clubs,

Lee Han looked up at the sky with gloomy eyes.

'I wish I could turn it off sooner.'

I thought it was not difficult to make a good impression on guests from outside,
but it was harder than I thought.

* * *

Even after the conversation ended, the Baldrogaard students did not leave.

Instead, he showed excessive curiosity about <Avoid Water Balls> hanging from the

“What is that?”

“This is an event that is being held during the festival period.”

The Valdrogaard students were polite but very ambitious and wanted to participate.

Of course, Lee Han didn't want to throw water beads on the faces of the Baldrogard

The students from the White Tiger Tower jumped in even after giving a warning, but
the students of Baldrogaard don't even need a pass.

“Can we participate too?”

“It’s okay, but the product is an outing pass. Our school pass would be useless.”

"it's okay! A more valuable commodity is honor.”

'These scumbags.'

Ian was furious.

Baldrogard students can go out if they are bored, but to Einrogard students, that
one outing pass was almost as valuable as their life.

People who don't even know that are just looking for the right to go out for their
own honor.

The nobles of the Empire have no conscience?

"...All right. Do you want to participate?”


When Lee Han's permission fell, the Baldrogaard students raised their hands
without saying who came first.

I must prove that I am superior to the Einroguard students!

“Please let me go first.”

“In terms of my magical skills, I should be the first to step forward. Aren’t you
the best at defensive magic?”

“You don't even need to go to defense magic. I will solve it with my foresight

“By strengthening the body...”

Seeing the students fighting, Lee Han raised his staff. Then he exchanged glances
with Professor Voladi.

Professor Voladi nodded. Ihan also nodded.

The two priests knew what to do without talking to each other.

* * *


Principal Skeleton, who had been floating and flying, was puzzled as he saw the
students from other schools leaving their seats, dripping with nosebleeds.

Did the Baldrogaard students come to visit?

"Yes. It seems that they visited after hearing about the festival during their

ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttts So you can't do



Who did you hit?

"I do not know. It's only natural to get injured when you try magic..."
Skeleton principal strengthened his hearing.

- Don't be too frustrated, everyone. Because the opponent was a high school
student who had been practicing magic for a longer time than you guys.

-But it's so one-sided...

-professor. Was your opponent a 4th grader or a 5th grader?

-ruler. It doesn't matter. I'll treat you, so when the bleeding stops, let's look

Principal Skeleton did not understand for a moment.

What kind of liver lump was swollen, so the 4th and 5th graders disregarded the
principal's orders and poked their heads into the freshman's festival?

'Isn't that possible?'

Those in grades 4 and 5 understand at least a little bit of what it's like to go
back to school.

There's no way they'd get caught. Skeleton Principal quickly traced the nosebleeds
from the Valdrogaard students.


Principal Skull understood everything when he saw Professor Voladi and Lee Han

no wonder!

Good job. You have raised the honor of Einroguard.

Seeing the flying skeleton principal, Lee Han bowed his head.

"no. It’s just shameful that I hurt my opponent because I couldn’t control my

not. It's unavoidable.

When Principal Skeleton comforted him for some reason, Lee Han was puzzled.

The Baldrogards are trash playing with the money of stupid nobles and playing in
the house, so it would have been impossible to do it with a bit of energy.

Surprisingly, Professor Voladi was on the perfect side.

Lee Han responded to the headmaster's abusive remarks without changing his

"no. The Valdrogaards were good enough.”

It's not convincing at all for a fan to say that like a kid twists his wrists in
high school! You should show a little more arrogance.

Despite the urge of Principal Skeleton, Lee Han did not waver and maintained his

Even in the original fairy tales, if the devil whispers such a whisper, life will
be twisted.

When Lee Han didn't respond, Principal Skeleton made a boring expression.

Not funny... Anyway, let's go.

“Where are you talking?”

Professor Bagreg. Is the time over?

Professor Voladi nodded at the question of the Skeleton Principal.

I had reached an agreement with Principal Skeleton to share the writing, and I had
used up the allotted time.

"it's over."

Professor Voladi removed the letters and closed the tent door.

Lee Han, who realized the situation late, looked at Professor Voladi with shocked


Unfortunately, Professor Voladi did not understand Lee Han's gaze. Ian thought to

'I thought I was going to step on one more foot earlier.'

* * *

Do you know why I have to do this?

Following Principal Skeleton, Lee Han responded politely.

“Because the principal is a kind educator who cares for his students.”

...don't be creepy and creepy. the emperor made it


Lee Han realized later.

I thought it was the principal's hobby, but come to think of it, for a principal's
hobby, it was very enjoyable for the new students.

Of course, as a freshman, Lee Han wasn't happy at all, but...

“What should I do to help?”

this and that. Let's start with making magic firecrackers.

“Isn’t it usually used at the beginning of a festival?”

Lee Han was surprised that the headmaster had such a sense, but thought it was too

Are you going to use it at the end?

I'm going to shoot the students.



'It's not surprising.'

Lee Han said instead of being surprised.

"Is that so. You're trying to shoot at the students."

Does it make sense to shoot firecrackers at students?->(X)

You're trying to set off fireworks at the students!->(O)

Lee Han, who had already made up his mind, was not shaken by this level.

'I've got to tell my friends to avoid the events of the Skeleton Principal.'

At this festival, no matter how delicious the skeleton principal gave him, if he
followed him, he could be hit with firecrackers.

As Lee Han's reaction was blunt, Principal Skeleton said it was no fun.

The longer you live, the less fun you have left.

The only fun left for the Skeleton Principal was exploring magic, running a
school, and harassing his students.

A truly frugal, monk-like life of poverty.

However, when Lee Han reacted like that, the skeleton principal had no choice but
to be disappointed.

Isn't it too cold to shoot fireworks at students?

"no. You can shoot..."


Principal Skeleton felt once again that the newly discovered disciple was a
formidable man.

He has taught and tormented many of his disciples so far, but few are as unique as
the one in front of him.

As you can see, it was as soft as a willow tree, yet its wick was so hard that
many nobles could not even imagine.

'The more people like that, the more I need to do magic properly...'

Headmaster Skeleton was truly sorry for the state of the Empire.
What does magic school mean?

In the old days, a teacher and a disciple sat down one-on-one and learned

Hearing all sorts of noises from other wizards, I heard nothing but bullshit.
There was a shortcut, and it was really sad that I had to go back and forth.

* * *

Lee Han followed in the footsteps of Principal Skeleton.

'Is this another professor's workshop?'

A tower with a unique appearance located a little away from the main building.

Since the professors each have their own workshop, I could guess that this is
another professor's tower.

brazier and bellows. Lee Han was puzzled when he saw the facilities and equipment
that could only be seen in various blacksmiths cluttered in front of him.

'Is there such a place in the magic school?'

When I was following the knight Allaron, I sometimes visited a place like this.

As much as weapons are more important than life to knights, it was also important
to get acquainted with a blacksmith with excellent skills.

Naturally, the blacksmith's smithy visited by Alarlong also had excellent

facilities that fit within the fingertips of the Empire...

'Compared to that, you are not pushed.'

I was a little surprised because it was so professional.

How are you?

Principal Skull asked Lee Han secretly as he seemed to be surprised.

Some of this magic school's facilities were built with a budget the Skeleton
Principal had clung to the emperor.

Of course, there was no choice but to fall in love.

“I was surprised. here is..."

it's a sanctuary Do you know what the place is doing?

“It’s a place to create artifacts.”

okay. You're also quick-witted.

Creating enchanted items and artifacts was not something anyone could do.

If not a wizard, who would enchant?

Such a brilliant artefact maker was at the same time a brilliant wizard and a good
blacksmith, but also a seasoned sculptor and gifted craftsman.
“Are you trying to make money by selling artifacts at festivals?” interesting idea, but no.

Principal Skeleton was absurd at Lee Han's words.

Of course, selling artifacts was one of the wizard's main sources of income.

However, among the wizards who knew how to create artifacts, there were few who
somehow tried to make money by selling a lot of artifacts.

It is difficult for wizards who are obsessed with money and aim for money to reach
a high level.

Artifact sales were only a means for their own research, not the end.

'Why don't you sell it? It seemed that there were more outside guests than

'This guy isn't even running a school, so why is he so interested in money...?'

The principal and the student thought each other strange.

Meanwhile, a professor appeared from within the tower.

I was surprised to see Professor Lee Han-eun.

'Awesome... you're so cute!'

The professor, holding a hammer and a staff in each hand, was a beaver beaver.

Lee Han, who has seen many beasts, was surprisingly cute.

"Why did you come?"

I'm here because I need a magic firecracker.

"Okay. i'll make it go."

I brought a disciple here to help.

“You don’t need help?”

Professor Bieber looked at the Skeleton Principal as if puzzled.

Then Principal Skeleton said seriously.

I'm worried about you. You don't like having students do it yourself, you like
making it yourself. Then hurt yourself.

“Why do you have to make your disciples do something so fun? I don’t understand.”

Professor Bieber grumbled dissatisfied.

However, the skeleton principal did not fall over.

Wasn't he brought in to have Lee Han work on making magic firecrackers in the
first place?
It would be really sad for Principal Skeleton if Lee Han had to play hard and only
Professor Bieber worked hard.

uh huh! Then it hurts! This is an order from the principal. Make it with this
disciple here!

'Really stubborn.'

Lee Han was not deceived by Principal Skull's worrying words. There was only one
reason why Principal Skeleton suddenly became a kind and gentle wizard.

To get Lee Han to work somehow!

It turns out that Professor Bieber wasn't the kind of person who liked to delegate
work to his students.

I am emphasizing this in case I leave it to Lee Han.

"Okay. Okay. We can do it together.”

okay! I believe ruler. Wodanaz. Make sure you have all the set magic firecrackers
ready by the time I get back.

"All right."

Principal Skeleton hummed a hum and left after chanting several times.

Now, for some reason, Lee Han recalled a fairy tale he had read before.

While the Skeleton Headmaster is on an outing, he has to fill a pot with a hole in
the water...

The only difference was that Lee Han had no one to help.

'I have to work.'

Although he looked cute, Lee Han was not vigilant.

Who is this Professor Beaver?

* * *


"uh? uh."


"uh? uh okay. uh."

Professor Bieber Beast, Professor Vible Verdus was not as threatening as he


He wasn't the kind of professor who attacked freshmen by sending lightning or

sending undead summons.

Instead, Professor Bible had little interest in his students.

To be precise, he had no interest in anything in the world except for his own

“I heard you teach enchantment.”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Biblé fiddled with glass and metal for about 30
seconds before answering the question belatedly.


enchantment magic.

It was a magic that had a wide range and was in high demand even in the Empire.

If you cast it on a person, it becomes a strengthening magic, and if you hang it

on an object, it becomes an artifact.

Lee Han had a crush on and interest in this enchantment magic.

'It's a science that has as good a liquidity as alchemy.'

Wizards learning enchantment magic are not particularly interested in gold and
only pursue the path of noble learning, but that was not something Lee Han knew...

If you learn how to make artifacts and sell them consistently, wouldn't it be a
rewarding side job?

No matter how stable the imperial bureaucracy was, the future was unknown. It
wasn't bad to have a steady side income.

'But the professor is like this.'

"Yes. hang on."


In fact, it wouldn't be a bad situation if it wasn't for the Skeleton Principal.

If the professor isn't interested in Lee Han, then Lee Han can do his own thing
and go away.

However, there was no way I couldn't not ask him after coming to the end of the
skeleton principal's personality.

And if Lee Han didn't do anything, he would use all kinds of grumpy things.

After about 30 minutes, Professor Biblé finished the work. He immersed the
finished metal plate in a large solution, enchanted it, and tried to walk into
another room.


"uh! what? Since when have you been?”

“My name is Han Lee, who came to help the professor make magic firecrackers.”

"ah. It did. sorry. I keep forgetting.”

Professor Bible approached Lee Han and asked.

“What grade are you in?”

“It’s the first year.”


Professor Bible paused. And he said it again.

"1 Grade?"


“…uh… Wasn’t Gonadaltes misunderstood?”

“You are not mistaken.”

"okay? Are you really talented?”

At Professor Biblé's words, Lee Han thought to himself.

'It seems more malicious than that...'

“Making a magic firecracker itself is not that difficult. But it's difficult to
make it pretty and diverse. Especially for freshmen.”

Professor Biblé rolled up the thick paper. He then casts a spell, blocking both
the top and the bottom.

Finally, I put a thread under the paper. to be able to pull.

“Now there is magic inside. pull? It pops and explodes.”

"...I'm sorry, can you do it again?"

"uh? again?"

Professor Bible was perplexed.

"okay. Wait a minute."

The professor showed the magic again.

Roll the paper, enchant the inside, seal top and bottom, thread.


"...I'm really sorry. Slowly again…”

“Huh? Still back?”

"Yes. sorry. It seems that he has no talent for enchantment magic.”

"no! are you okay. are you okay. Where does a wizard need to be good at all

Professor Bible was a good man.

Of course, that didn't mean he had outstanding abilities as an educator.

If he was an outstanding educator, he would cast the enchantment spell on a
freshman as a silent spell and then say, 'Huh? Don't you understand yet? You must
have no talent!'

A teacher teaching or a disciple trying to learn was talking nonsense, but there
was no one around to stop him.

Professor Bible raised his wand again.

"ruler. So here…”

* * *

According to Professor Biblé's teachings (actually, it was close to what Lee Han
learned on his own), the magic that became the skeleton of the magic firecrackers
were the 2nd circle magic <Imparting Fire> and <Imparting Light>.

"okay. Is it the way you give fire and light to paper?”

"okay. But then, it's not very stylish, so if you're a good wizard, you're going
to pursue art here."

Professor Bible took out a bark from the side to see if he had gone out, and
explained while rumbling.

“Do you know how to change the shape of an element or maintain its shape?”


Actually, it wasn't a question to ask the freshman, but Professor Vible had
already forgotten that Lee Han was a freshman.

Lee Han answered without thinking.

“The principle is the same. We have to be more careful because we have to engrave
it on the material...”

In enchantment magic, the skill of the wizard is important, but the material to be
enchanted was also important.

The weaker the durability, the harder it is to withstand magic and magic.

Fortunately, the paper used for scrolls and firecrackers was no ordinary paper. It
was paper made of a material that was resistant to magic.

Even so...

"professor. I have a lot of magical power, can I do it well?”

“Even if I can’t, I can’t help it. Can I do another magic?”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Lee Han said with sincerity.

It's really sad, but I wanted to say something like that.

If it had been Professor Voladi, he might have said, 'I won't open the door to the
forge until you become one'...


After several trials and errors, Lee Han's first light magic firecracker was

It was far from being glamorous in shape or splendor because it was aimed at
limiting its magical power as much as possible and once it could be operated.

'I hope it works.'

He also didn't expect much.

It was satisfactory if it worked as a magic firecracker when the thread was


“Are you going to pull it then?”

Professor Bible put down the bark and held up the firecrackers.

and pulled the thread.


A flash of light filled the room.

Professor Vible was surprised by the much stronger light than expected.


There were several conditions for enchantment magic that was highly regarded.

For example, cleanliness.

When the scroll was torn, it was neat to activate the specified effect accurately
without the casting speed taking a long time or other effects occurring.

This neatness came out when the wizard did not add unnecessary clutter when
weaving the structure of the spell.

Another example is beauty.

It may seem strange to judge beauty against magic, but it was more important than
I thought.

Even with the same artifact, a small and light ring is better than a large, black
mass of iron.

Naturally, to weave magic into a small and light ring, it required many times more
delicate and complicated work than casting magic on a large, black mass of iron.

The wizards who did not give up on this difficult process were those who pursued
the beauty of enchantment magic.

And one of those conditions was output.

In enchantment magic, output was a key factor.

Even if it is a scroll with the same magic, if one has an effect of 80 and the
other has an effect of 100, there is no reason to use the former.

As such, the enchantment wizards tried to pursue the maximum output under possible

Of course, like other conditions, this also did not lead to effort.

Some enchantment wizards instinctively know how to put out strong output, but some
enchantment wizards couldn't capture more than a certain amount of output no matter
how hard they tried.

And now.

The boy in front of Professor Biblé did not know about other talents, but excelled
in one output.


"Is that so?"

Lee Han knew he had failed.

The light flashed too much than expected.

"Nope. Really great!”

“Are you really that good?”

“It’s not well made. Actually, the workmanship is bad.”

Professor Bible was adamant.

An excellent enchanter would have completed the light magic firework quickly
without trial and error.

And the bursting light must have been decorated with more colorful or other forms.

...Of course, Lee Han was still a freshman, Professor Bible didn't teach him
properly, and he had a lot of natural magic power, so he was very disadvantaged in
that part of enchantment...

That fact had long since disappeared from the professor's mind.

"Is that so?"

“But even with those shortcomings, you have a definite advantage! The output is
very good.”

Professor Bible was excited and kept talking about stories that only he knew.

When creating artifacts, there are things like aesthetics, neatness, delicacy,
complexity, etc. Among them, the output is very important...

'Let's think happy thoughts.'

Lee Han calmed down his sleepy mind and had happy thoughts.

Then, even if Professor Bible kept talking about a story that only he knew, he was
able to hold on with a smile.

Professor Vible was a man who could talk for hours on his favorite stories.

And Lee Han-eun was a professor, but he was a person who could endure hours of
talking about what he knew.

When the two met, the conversation continued without stopping.

* * *

“...that's why enchantment is fun. Is it fun?”

"Yes. It was really fun.”

"very good! I did not know that Gonadaltes would give such a present!”

Professor Bieber was very pleased with the extraordinary response of the freshman.

Enchanting magic was a really fun world, but unfortunately, most of the students
did not know this fun.

However, the student in front of him seemed to know the fun even if he lacked

I'm going to listen so hard.

That was enough.

“It was supposed to be fun. right? What if you don't have any talent? If it’s fun,
it stays.”

'Hmm. Will the enchantment pass?'

Lee Han thought to himself as he listened to Professor Biblé's words.

Although the enchantment was coveted, it could be dangerous to forcefully add it

if it didn't fit.

As Professor Garcia warned, trying to learn too much magic together will make life

After listening to what the professor said, it doesn't seem like it fits very well
with enchantment magic...

The only advantage was that the professor was cute, so I had to make a cool

“Then, Professor. I want to make firecrackers in a fun way.”

After making a decision, Lee Han spoke politely.

Now that we've got a rough estimate, we think we'll just have to do what we need
to do quickly so we can get out of the Skeleton Principal's grasp.

'The Skeleton Principal doesn't want any kind of artistry in the magic firework,
so you should quickly apply the minimum amount of magic.'

"okay. Are your fingers itching to make it?”


“Let’s get started!”

“First, let’s make a light magic firecracker.”

Lee Han first learned to make magic firecrackers that he had learned once.

A new light magic firecracker was created with less trial and error than before.

Then Professor Bible shook his head.

"no. no."

"Yes? Was there a mistake in casting?”

Lee Han looked at the magic firecracker.

I didn't feel like I had made any mistakes.

Was there such a mistake that Lee Han didn't notice, but the professor could have

“You’re so sad.”

"...professor. In fact, I like boring firecrackers.”

"no. Then it's no fun. It's because you don't know the other way now. If you do it
the other way, it will definitely be more fun.”

Professor Bible held his hand and pulled him in so that his pupil, who liked
enchantment, could have more fun.

Isn't fun more important than talent?

Besides, the disciple had the advantage of output.

If you take advantage of that advantage, the enchantment magic will be more

'It feels ominous.'

Of course, Lee Han was slowly feeling ominous.

"ruler. It's not just about bursting light magic, it's about transforming the
shape of the light and then maintaining it. See this engraved enchantment glyph? Do
you feel anything?”

"Based on light magic... it's like a magic that transforms and maintains shape...
is it an animal form?"

Feeling the patterns of enchantment and the flow of magic hanging on the paper and
guessing what kind of magic it was, only a wizard with a very sharp intuition could
do it.

However, Professor Bible was so engrossed in the story he wanted to tell that he
did not notice it at all.
"okay. right! Cute and simple animals. Wouldn’t it be more fun if it appeared?”

"...Yes. It is.”

Lee Han resented the movement of his mouth, which was contrary to his instincts.

But what about it?

The other person is a professor...

'Still, if it's a cute and simple animal, it wouldn't be too difficult. thank

Lee Han thought of a monster with a simple form like a slime.

If that's the case, I think it would be easier to keep it light...

“What kind of animal are you?”



"Dragon. It’s cute and simple.”

Professor Bible memorized the spell while dazzlingly swinging his staff as if to
show off a demonstration.

Just by looking at the intricately twisted and entangled flow of magic, he seemed
to know how complex and delicate the magic was.

Growing, stretching, pulling, twisting, tugging, twisting, weaving...

Lee Han thought that he had done everything about element control while fighting
for his life with Professor Voladi, but seeing Professor Bible, he realized that
was not the case.

The magical world was really infinitely wide.

'...The problem is that the wide world is forcing me to come.'

Can he do the light magic that creates that dragon form at the level of Lee Han?

* * *

Surprisingly, I was able to do it.

"good job! good job! Was it fun?”

Professor Bible said with a bright smile. Lee Han felt the urge to slap Professor
Bieber on the snout.

Professor Bible didn't get angry, he didn't curse, and he didn't pressure Lee Han.

Every time Lee Han failed, he said, 'Did you fail? Why? kid. It's not
difficult...' I just muttered.

It didn't take long for Lee Han to realize that any compromise or bargaining with
Professor Lee Bieber was impossible.
"ruler. pull it! Pull it!”

Lee Han was so tired that it was difficult to respond properly. I pulled out the
finished firecracker as the professor told me to.


A dragon composed of a mass of light suddenly appeared above the workshop.

Although it was still rough and rough, anyone could tell that it was a dragon.

As soon as Lee Han pulled out the magic firework, Professor Bible took out his
pocket watch and counted the time.

“What are you measuring?”


“How far are you going?”

“Originally, it disappears as soon as it explodes.”


At those words, Lee Han felt a little proud.

I didn't feel like I was doing very well while doing the enchantment, but the
duration was pretty good.

Of course, even taking that into account, the enchantment magic was much harder
than I thought.

To be precise, Professor Biblé was very difficult, but anyway...

'I have to finish the firework quickly and run away.'

I came.

The Skeleton Principal is back.

Then, seeing the situation in the studio, he blinked.

A dragon of light floating in the air.

Professor Vible said he made magic firecrackers, so why are you trying to make
useless art?

'Did I give you too much time?'

How fast did you make the firecrackers? And why did you put it up?

“Did I not?”


“I didn’t. Here he did.”

Principal Skeleton was at a loss for words. It was indeed rare for a skeleton
principal who was a lich among seasoned lices.

I didn't know where to start.

When I asked them to make magic firecrackers, wouldn't they teach you how to
enchant magic of crazy difficulty?

You told me to make magic firecrackers!

“It was made with magic firecrackers.”

...for a moment! Why doesn't it disappear again?

Headmaster Skeleton realized later that the Dragon of Light was not disappearing.

There was only one reason.

It was because of the peculiar constitution of the boy from the Wodanaj family.

done. I was foolish to put the two together.

“What do you always do? it's okay."

So, are the magic firecrackers finished?


Professor Bible hesitated.

He had spent all his time perfecting the one magic firecracker that had just been

Principal Skeleton immediately grasped the situation even if Professor Bible did
not say anything.'re still a professor?!

“Mi, I’m sorry. I will make sure to do it next time.”

What's next? And every time... You do it on purpose even though you know it!

When sparks flew at him, Lee Han became very upset.

Now, because of someone, I was repeating the enchantment magic infinitely during
the festival...!

"principal. Think about it. What is it that I regret so much that instead of
making ordinary magic firecrackers, would I challenge such a high-level masterpiece
of magic firecrackers?”

That is definitely true.

"why? It's so much fun, don't you think you want to try it?"

At the same time, Lee Han and Principal Skul pretended not to listen to Professor
Principal Skeleton clicked his tongue in disapproval.

done. I have no choice but to go back today.

“Gonadaltes! I need to send that disciple back! He likes enchantment!”

Make you reflect! When are you going to remember my words?

Seeing the skeleton principal taking him out of the tower, Lee Han felt the
principal's reassurance for the first time.

"thank you."

okay. But I will send it back tomorrow.



Lee Han trembled, but was not surprised.

It was somewhat expected.

If a student who didn't finish his quota was just allowed to rest, he wouldn't be
a professor.

"All right."

haha. Don't get me wrong that I'm bothering you.

"haha. of course."

Principal Skeleton threw a gaze with subtle expectations as if asking Lee Han to
confront him, but Lee Han did not pass.

“By the way, Professor Verdus was… was he really like that?”

okay. Professor Verdus is... kind of like that.

The two made sense without needing to be specific.

Do it in moderation, why did you work so hard to catch the attention of Professor


Ian paused.

The words of the Skeleton Principal were compounded and strange.

“Secondly, it was a situation where I couldn’t do it properly, but it didn’t

really catch my eye.”

In Lee Han's eyes, Professor Verdus did not appreciate Lee Han so highly.

He continued to point out and complain while enchanting.

- Did you fail? Why? kid. It's not difficult...

- Is your talent too low?

-If you fail like this... It's really... It's sad... I'm sorry...

- Talent compared to passion...

It was a shame because it was Lee Han who could listen with one ear and let it
flow through the other no matter what the professors said, but if it was another
freshman, it would not be strange if he seriously grabbed him by the neck.

That's how much I liked it. Professor Burdous doesn't take good care of his
students either.

“It’s not like everyone…”

What did you say?

"it's nothing."

Lee Han pondered the words of Principal Skeleton.

Professor Bible was a bit of an eccentric person, but he didn't look like someone
who would force Lee Han to teach like the other professors.

Besides, he didn't seem to expect much from Lee Han's talent.

'I was just listening to what I said earlier, and if you say you won't listen, I
think you'll understand.'

It's going to be pretty tough during this festive week.

Principal Skeleton said sarcastically.

Professor Voladi's tent had to run for a few more days right now, and Principal
Skeleton's magic firework had not been crafted yet...

'for a moment. Professor Alpen's magic circle is not yet complete.'

Lee Han folded his fingers and counted. Whatever it was, it was too harsh.

do you have time?

“By the way… it seems that I am physically out of time.”

Severe. Still, if you're a student, isn't it more fun to prepare for a festival
than to take a class?

“I just think class would be better...”

Lee Han, who was talking, suddenly felt strange and stopped.

“Aren’t you going to class?”

They were told to rest during the festival. thank you

"Thank you... uh... Professor Voladi gave a lecture?"

Did you?
Principal Skeleton was puzzled.

Then he said casually.

what could it be


After graduating, Lee Han did not know whether to visit Professor Boladi first or
the headmaster of Skeleton.

* * *

The Blue Dragon Tower rest room, called the Spring Festival, was full of spring

Friends hung up unknown flowers from the field and wrote down interesting events
on the blackboard.

Guy Nando wore a cone hat that the priest had made, and chewed on a creamy thin
biscuit that the confectioner who came in from outside had given him as a gift.

“Gainan too! Take this!”

"huh! I know you will get it!”

When a friend who came in from behind threw a clumsy doll made of straw, Gainando
hurriedly rolled to the side to avoid it.

One of the frequent events of the Spring Festival was to throw a doll containing
bad luck.

If someone else receives it, you believe that your bad luck goes to that person
for one season.

"late! Stupid!”

"Oh, no!"

Another friend who was waiting quickly threw a doll at Gainando. Gainando became
crying after receiving the doll.

"Others! Someone else with me!”

However, the friends in the break room had already finished preparations after
seeing Gainando receiving the doll.

Gainando, who saw his friends waiting behind the furniture or with their hands
turned backwards, criticized them with a finger.

“Cowardly! Cowardly!”

“Any means and methods are allowed at the Spring Festival. Kainan too.”

Just then, the door to the break room opened and someone came in.

Gainando became a flower and turned the straw doll back. He was going to throw his
opponent away and then throw it.

Lee Han opened the door and entered with the most tired face in the world.

As the sun went down, the intense evening sunset made the shadows on Lee Han's
face even deeper.



The Blue Dragon Tower friends, who had just been excited, suddenly felt sorry for

Some students swipe aside the toys they had just been playing with.

Asan, who was scribbling on the blackboard, unknowingly turned the blackboard
upside down.

The princess, who was playing chess with her followers, pulled the student next to
her and placed her in front of the chessboard, pretending to read a book herself.

The tired face of the friend who always made the meal had a strong power to make
all the Blue Dragon Tower students shy and sorry.

“Why is everyone doing this? Is it because of me?”

Ian was puzzled.

“You don’t have to worry about me, so just play as you do. I don't know why you're
looking at me strangely."

“That, right?”

"haha. I don't know either.”

The friends gently pulled out the toys that had been put away. Asan turned over
her blackboard again. The princess put her book back and grabbed her chess piece

Guy Nando approached Lee Han with his eyes shining. The doll hidden behind her
back shook.

“Lee Han…”

“Hey, you cowardly and mean bastard!”

“Are you still human?!”

Two Blue Dragon Tower students ran to Gainando and grabbed both arms and pulled
them out.

No human could have given a straw doll to Wodanaj so weary.

“Leave this! let this go! All means and methods are allowed!”


Seeing Guy Nando being dragged away, Lee Han collapsed on the sofa.
I was so exhausted that I didn't even have the strength to ask why Gainando was
doing that.

“Did everyone enjoy the festival?”

"Sure. Wodanaz. What did you do?”

“I was locked in a workshop working on Professor Voladi’s tent and then making
magic fireworks at the request of the Skeleton Principal.”

"...hey. Put away the toys. Put it away.”

After hearing Lee Han's words, the friends tried to put away the toys they had
received from the festival.

Lee Han patted his hand to dry it.

“Okay… And everyone be careful when the headmaster sets off the magic
firecrackers. Don’t come close.”


Gainando, who had the straw doll confiscated by his friends, asked, wondering.

“If you just want to do it, don’t do it, kid.”

“What did I do wrong…!”

Guynando was embarrassed.

Of course, I tried to throw a straw doll at Lee Han, who was tired, but...!

A red-haired girl handed me a tin cup with hot steam.

A small note was attached.

-Free! (Gainando if you ask for a price)

"...thank you. Yonner.”

“What do you have with this?”

“…Am I too obsessed with the price?”

Lee Han suddenly got a little worried and asked Yoner. Yoner took off the


The hot coffee with a lot of sugar in it made me feel somewhat refreshed.

Lee Han asked his friends.

“What did everyone do at the festival today?”

“I helped Professor Thunderstep. It was an event to make and drink potions, and
the guests from outside also liked it.”
“Indeed… I might be able to hold an event like this periodically if I get to do
business later…”

“Lee Han. You may have been born for gold coins.”

Yonaire was moved by Lee Han, who came up with such a sparkly business idea even
when he collapsed from exhaustion.

“I was waiting in line to get some sweets. Someone outside came in to make

“Is that okay?”

“Did you say you came in with permission? The priests must have called.”

“They are also priests…”

The students were thrilled with their gossip.

In this land that even the professors had abandoned, the only thing they could
trust was the priest.

“And there were a lot of guests from outside, weren’t there? I saw people from
other schools earlier.”

"What? really? where?"

“I don’t know where I am because I can’t speak… I wasn’t in the mood to ask. She
was dripping with her nosebleeds.”

"ah. I know? I also saw the White Tiger Tower guys go bleeding nosebleeds earlier.

Lee Han, who was lying down, warned his friends.

"right. Don't even come close to Professor Voladi's tent."


Gainando asked without thinking.

“If you just want to do it, don’t do it, kid.”

“Why do you keep harassing Wodanaj!”

“Ah… no!”

At the bullying of his friends, Gainando became twice as unfair.

You might be wondering!

“I remembered Wodanaj talking about magic firecrackers, but didn’t the principal
say he would use magic firecrackers?”

“I heard that you were going to do something other than magic firecrackers… but
suddenly I’m feeling a bit nauseous.”

“But in the beginning, everything the principal was doing was a shame.”
"but. Do you want to avoid all events?”

Lee Han lay down and listened to his friends talking.

'I didn't expect so many guests from outside. Sorry.'

Had I known, I would have tried to escape using this...

It was really sad.

'But it's not over yet.'

Just as the work of Professor Boladi Lee, Principal Skeleton, and so on was not
yet finished, the Spring Festival had only just begun today.

In the remaining time, I will try to find a way to escape by contacting guests
from outside as much as possible!

...Of course, I'll have to run Professor Voladi's tent, make the Skeleton
Principal's magic firecracker, complete Professor Alpen's magic circle, and contact
him in his spare time, but anyway...

“Lee Han.”

After Lee Han finished his coffee, Yonner whispered in a low voice. He seemed to
be careful not to let the other friends hear.

"What's up? Do you have any plans to defeat Gainando?”

"Nope. It’s not like that…”

Yoner took out a potion bottle. Then he said with a serious expression.

“Don’t be surprised and listen to what I’m saying now.”


“…that word, I think it could be a real griffon.”


“Aren’t you surprised?”

“I don’t think I would be surprised if Gainando was actually a Kraken now. Yonner.
let's go."

Ian got up from her seat.

Aside from being tired, I had to check this out myself.

* * *

After hearing Lee Han's words, Yonner was skeptical and asked the priests of the
Fleming Church.

As a result, a surprising truth was revealed.

...The potion that Ponrig drank in the stable was not a potion of animal
transformation, but a potion of dispelling curse magic.
"But Lee Han... Anyway, Professor Lightning Stride? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Yone. Don't trust the professor. No, don't trust anyone at school."

Ian said seriously. Yonner nodded.

If those words were really griffon, Yonner wouldn't believe any professor.

- Kung.

Sharkan, who followed Lee Han, barked next to him. Lee Han didn't know how to
speak leopard language, but he seemed to know what Sharkan was saying.

'I'm probably just saying what I said.'

Lee Han stroked Sharkan as if he was sorry. I was even more sorry that I didn't
pay attention to it because of the festival.

So when they arrived at the stable, the door opened with a squeaking sound.

And Lee Han and Yoner made eye contact with the person coming out of the stable.

It was a man with a black cloth covering his body and face.

“…not Ratford…! Yone! A thief!”



Ihan's face hardened.

The identity of the thief was immediately guessed.


Like the ones who attacked Professor Garcia last time, it was clear that they took
advantage of this spring festival as an opportunity to break into the school.

"Be careful. Yone! Anti-magic!”

“Uh… huh?”

Yoner was equally nervous, but stopped after hearing Lee Han's words.

It was a little strange because the thief in front of me was said to be an anti-

Usually, anti-magicians were noisy and noisy thinkers.

He had his own beliefs and pride, so he pretended to be a thief and did not sneak
in at night.

'Are you a hired thief?'

“Get out of the way, little ones! If you don't want to get hurt!"

Realizing that Lee Han and Yoner were freshmen, the thief in front of them pulled
out a short sword and tried to threaten them wildly.

However, before the thief could pull out all the short swords, Lee Han's spell was


Lightning flashed with a ferocious cry.

It was faster than the thief's expectations.


* * *

In fact, not all of the intruders entering the magic school were anti-magic.

Rather, anti-magicians were among the most difficult intruders to enter the magic

Since they are the ones who will cause serious accidents when they enter, the
magic school will manage it as strictly as possible.

Surprisingly, most of the intruders entering the magic school were mercenaries or

The Imperial Magic School is not just a place of education, but a place where the
best wizards in the Empire gather to study magic.

The things studied there, no matter how trivial or failed, were worth several tens
or hundreds of times if they were taken out.

Among the wizards outside, there were many people who wanted to buy them even if
they paid thousands of dollars just to hear that they were being studied at the
magic school.

This was the case with the thief who came in today.

-Thanks to the Spring Festival, Einrogarde said they were accepting outsiders.

-no way?

-okay. Let's go in and get something worth the money and go out.

-But... it's scary to associate with high-ranking wizards...

-Of course, I know that there are a lot of monster-like ones among the wizards.
But those guys are few. Would these guys come up with a sneak peek between the
guests? I wouldn't even care. how many people You don't have to if you don't hear
it I hear it though.

- Ugh! exactly...

- When you demolish a enchanted building, no one can follow you. Who was that
mercenary wizard last time? I also picked up the magic that the yangban cast and
went in.

- I don't.
I must have had some experience dealing with wizards, and I would be greedy.

So the thief forged his identity and entered the Einroguard.

It wasn't very difficult to enter the magic school because of the spring festival.
If there was a reasonable cause, it could pass.

By the way...

- Wasn't this the main building?

- There must be a main building, right?

The thieves looked down on the magic school too much.

The 1st and 2nd circle mercenary wizards that you can usually meet outside and the
wizards at the Magic School were different.

The unprepared thieves could not even find a proper place because of the defensive
magic and illusion magic of the magic school.

The thieves who kept wandering like this managed to find a building.

- I found... I found it!

-Is it a stable...?

-It's the magic school's stable! There will be many rare ones!

- That's right!

The thieves found a stable located in a remote place, hastily opened the door and
went inside.

However, the only things visible in the stable were ordinary horses.

- Damn it! There are only words!

- Would you like to take a horse with you?

-What nonsense... Do you think I came here to pick up a horse? And how are you
going to get the horse out? It's hard to take out unless you're a little guy!

There was a griffon in front of him, but unfortunately the thieves did not notice.

Sadly, the bad luck of the thieves did not end there.

As he opened the door of the stable, he even ran into a freshman.


“…not Ratford…! Yone! A thief!”

Seeing the screaming student, the thief was very upset, but soon regained his

There was no one around, and he looked like a freshman. That was enough to subdue
and escape.
"Be careful. Yone! Anti-magic!”


The thief was taken aback by the absurd misunderstanding.

You're an anti-magic.

It was an absurd misunderstanding.

I just came in to get some money...

'Damn, this is not the time!'

The thief realized he couldn't waste time. Maybe someone else could come and hear
the sound.

“Get out of the way, little ones! If you don't want to get hurt!"

The thief tried to pull out a sharply sharpened short sword.

Of course, I didn't mean to really hurt the students.

Because stealing one or two items from the Magic School is different from injuring
a student.

He came in to make some money and was chased by the monsters of the magic school
for the rest of his life.

...but the thief did not know.

The new student in front of him is also one of the formidable monsters of the
magic school.


The pain in his muscles, accompanied by flashes of lightning, ignited the thief's


Aside from the pain, the thief did not understand the situation now.

Having dealt with wizards outside a few times, the thief knew how long it took for
wizards to cast spells and cast spells.

In fact, magic was surprisingly a tricky skill to use in battle.

While casting long spells and swinging the staff, you have to stay focused and

There weren't many people who could do that on the battlefield with lively shouts
and flying weapons.

After all, the opponent was a freshman.

It takes quite a while for mercenary wizards to memorize spells without making a
mistake, but if you are a child at a magic school who has just learned magic, it
must take longer...?

“Flash, flash, flash!”

'stop it!!'

The thief twitched on the floor and shouted only inwardly.

My throat didn't work because I was electrocuted. If he hadn't come wearing armor
with magic resistance, he would have passed out sooner.

In pain, the thief realized that he had underestimated the School of Magic.

'This is no joke...!'

I didn't know what kind of teaching they were receiving, but the new students at
the Magic School were different.

The thief vowed to avoid the wizards from the magic school if they were to leave
alive just by looking at the shadows.

'Do, help me, child...'

The thief thought to himself when he saw his comrade still in the stable.

The colleague who came in was frozen in the one-sided violence that was taking
place outside the stable and dared not come out.

I understood my heart, but in a situation where I was being burned by lightning, I

was cursed.

'Help... and...! If I'm overpowered... it's your turn next...!'

Meanwhile, Lee Han flew lightning and floated a water ball.

Luckily, he had the upper hand, but Lee Han was never vigilant.

If you were an anti-magic, that could have been a trick.

“Yone. stand back."

“Uh… huh? Do you think you have been suppressed?”

Yoner wasn't a combat expert, but he could tell that his opponent was biting a

"no. It could be an anti-magic trick.”

“That… yes?”

Yoner took a step back as Lee Han had said.

It seemed like the opponent was biting a bubble, but Lee Han wasn't the one to say
something wrong in this part again...


A ball of water flew in and struck the fallen thief. It was fortunate that the
thief had lost consciousness.

“…it seems to have been knocked down.”

'Actually, I think I fell down earlier.'

Lee Han was not vigilant even if his opponent fell.

I cast various magic and floated more water beads.

Anti-magicists don't usually go alone. It wasn't strange even if there was a

fellow of the gnome nearby.


Lee Han shot a huge ball of light into the sky.

If it is a sphere of light that bright like this, other professors will come
running to you.

“Now the professors are coming soon. You just have to hold on until then.”


Yoner glanced at the fallen thief.

Looking at the level of the fallen thief, I was a little confused as to who had to
hold out until the professor came, but...



Ian looked away. The door slowly opened with a creaking sound in the stable.

Lee Han pointed his cane.

The moment the enemy appeared, I was planning to blow all the prepared magic.

“Sal… save me!”

But what came out was a thief covered in tears and runny nose.

The thief who saw his comrade being beaten by magic inside the stable was utterly
terrified. He raised his arms and cried out earnestly.

“I am not an anti-magic! I am not an anti-magic!! Please save my life…”



Lee Han swung his staff without mercy. The thief struck by lightning fell forward.

Seeing this, Lee Han muttered a little.

“Um… maybe not a real anti-magic.”

'I'm so glad we're in the same top friend.'

* * *

The first to flew was the Skeleton Principal.

One of Richie's strengths was that he didn't sleep at night. Principal Skeleton,
who heard the commotion, ran excitedly, wondering if someone had attempted to

What... you're a thief.

Principal Skeleton said with disappointment as soon as he arrived.

Lee Han asked in a surprised voice.

“Aren’t you anti-magic?”

Did you know it was them? They don't come in so easily. And not that weak.

Headmaster Skeleton looked at the thieves with his horse.

He said it was weak, but the thieves' equipment was quite advanced. There were
signs of preparation for the anti-mage.

Probably, it was clear that he had experience entering the workshops or

strongholds of other wizards.

It was the experience and arrogance that caused the anger this time, but...

Even from the headmaster of the skeleton, Lee Han subdued the thieves really hard.
I thought they were probably disguised by anti-magicians, and I always looked like
a fan.

'It was more right because of the anti-magicists.'

“Then you mean you came in just to steal?”

Rather, there are many more of them. There are so many valuable things in this
school, how can there be no such thief?

“By the way, can we hold a festival like this?”

Principal Skull snorted at Lee Han's question.

It hurts my pride as a wizard to not be able to hold a festival because I'm afraid
of thieves.


I understood.

If the Empire's best magic school was only afraid of thieves and was careful about
its actions, that would be ridiculous.

And sometimes, if you make an excuse that the thieves got it, you might end up
paying more...


Lee Han and Yoner pretended not to hear.

You can hear the secret story of the operation of the magic school like this...

Well done anyway. How do you catch thieves like this? I will deal with these

“By the way, can I get a ticket to go out as a reward?”

Catch up on these nonsense, not anti-magic? Don't you have a conscience that's not
even rich?


If I catch someone more valuable, I'll think about it.

“Anyway, you caught a thief like this, but they don’t give you any compensation.”

Yoner asked as if it was nonsense.

Unlike Lee Han, Yonner still had very little faith and expectations for the
Skeleton Principal.

That's also correct. good night! I'll think of something suitable.

When Principal Skeleton spoke calmly, Lee Han became anxious for nothing.

You're getting a natural reward, so why are you so anxious?

Oh yeah. I'm sure it's not just that thief who came in, so I'll have the students
stand guard as well.

Principal Skeleton said he had a good idea.

Ian didn't understand.

“Aren’t there any summons from the principal?”

like that But the undead also have to rest.


“Yes, yes.”


Yonner was taken aback by Lee Han's reaction.

It was the first time in my life that the undead had to rest.

Is there such a change in the world of black magic without Yoner's knowledge?

“If you were to stand guard, how would you stand?”

Hmm... I'll have to pick a few from each tower and let them roam around at night.
'It's not a very useful method no matter how you think about it.'

Lee Han didn't think a few freshmen would be able to find and catch the intruders
just because they roamed around at night.

Rather, it seemed to be caught in reverse.

“Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

nothing to worry about Even if an emergency arises, all the summons can respond.

'Even the undead need to rest...'

Principal Skeleton immediately denied what he had just said, but Lee Han answered
without wavering.

“Is that so?”

'The skull principal may be more dangerous.'

He was the one who made magic firecrackers that he would shoot at students or use.

It felt very suspicious to somehow force the freshmen to take a walk at night.

“You better be careful.”


As Lee Han muttered after the Skeleton Principal left, Yoner looked at him

You're watching for intruders, so of course you have to be careful.

"right? We don't know which of the intruders will be…”

"no. Not the intruders, but the principal.”


* * *

Nelia grabbed her bow and moved forward. The steps were quite brisk.

Surprisingly, the students from the other towers obeyed the headmaster's words to
patrol at night.

A student like Lee Han, with or without permission, had the same mindset that
'whenever I want to go out, it's time to go out', but in fact, quite a few students
did not go out after the evening.

The rule is reluctant to the extent that it is a rule.

But since they gave me permission to roam around legally, I couldn't help myself.

On the other hand, Ratford's expression following Nelia was serious.

"what's the matter?"

“You must not underestimate the thieves. They may be hiding and looking for an
opportunity to steal.”

Like a pro thief, Ratford was very sensitive to the principal's comments that
'thieves might enter the school during the Spring Festival.'

Isn't it just thieves who make fun of their hands when they get a chance?

“It wasn’t like that…?”

Nelia tilted her head.

If it were that serious, I don't think the principal would have asked the students
to patrol.

“Aren’t you just telling me to go around because I don’t know? Do you want to feel
like a festival?”

“Certainly… I would be glad if that was the case.”

Ratford nodded.

The festival was not just about laughing and talking and enjoying the event.

Preparing for the festival, patrolling, and preparing for thieves were also ways
to enjoy the festival.

It was the same when Ratford was in the city.

People enjoyed preparing for the festival more than the festival.

"right? It wouldn't be too dangerous."

"yes. It reminds me of the past.”

“Wow… Have you ever prepared a festival?”

Nelia looked at Ratford with envy.

I'm not ashamed to be born and raised in the mountains, but there were times when
I was envious of people from the city.

It was at this time.

When the students who were born and raised in the city enjoyed the various
festivals and entertainments of the city, Nilia was chasing prey up and down the
mountain with her bow!


“Uh, how was it?”

"Enjoyed. I was able to make a lot of money thanks to identifying loopholes while


Nelia decided to pretend she didn't hear it.

"there. I see a light over there Let's go.”


When Nelia saw a light in the distance, she went to check it out.

'Are they other top students?'

Neither Nelia nor Ratford were too concerned about seeing the light.

It wasn't too far from the tower, and the person who turned on the lights like
that wasn't an ordinary intruder. What kind of intruder would do such a big thing.

That's definitely another top student...


“That… Griffon!!! Ratford! Avoid back!”


Nelia immediately put an arrow on her bow and prepared to shoot.

It's a griffon!

I couldn't believe it.

A monster that is hard to see even in the mountains must be here on the grounds of
the Magic School.

'I heard that all kinds of monsters come out, but it's too much!'

Nelia observed the gryphon without hastily shooting. She said that she was afraid
for nothing, and she only provoked the opponent by shooting hastily.

If the opponent doesn't intend to attack this side, just move on...

“Nelia. It's me! calm down!"

“Wow… Wodanaj?”

Nelia was confused when she heard a familiar voice from Griffon.


“Have you transformed into a griffon?!”

“…look behind the griffon!”

Embarrassed, Nelia realized that there were two friends behind Griffon.

It was hidden by the large size of the griffon.


'Have you transformed into a griffon? What did she usually think of me?'

Lee Han thought inwardly and greeted Nelia. Ratford, who had fallen due to
weakness in his legs, got up hastily.
“I… that one?”

“Calm down. Because I can explain it.”

“Did you transform the horse into a griffon?!”

At Ratford's words, Nelia looked at Lee Han as if surprised.

no way?!

Lee Han shook his head resolutely.


“Isn’t it? Of course I would…”

* * *

After the Skeleton Principal left, Lee Han finished checking the surroundings and
brought out Fonrig.

Then he carefully drank the potion with Yonaire.

- You said you can't completely dispel the curse, right?

-yes. He said that if time goes by and it comes back to its original state, the
curse's power is stronger than the potion's power, so it can't be completely

-Why the hell is a curse so strong... No. It wouldn't make sense to ask.



After the curse had been lifted, Fonrig, who returned from the horse to the
Griffon, glared at Lee Han and Yoner with resentful eyes.

It was the look of 'what did I say'.

Seeing this, Yoner whispered as if worried.

-I heard that the griffon is a very ferocious and vicious monster, isn't it

- But Yonner. I heard that the Griffon will remain loyal once they are loyal.

-But we've always been suspicious.

- Hmm. That makes sense. Shall we keep some distance?

-■■■■! ■■■■!!

The griffon howled violently in protest and struck the ground with its forelimbs.

-Phone League. misunderstood 'cause I believe in you

Griffon glared at Lee Han with eyes full of sadness and resentment.

Lee Han had to brush hard to appease the griffon.

Just when Griffon had relieved his sorrow a little, his friends appeared.

“Really… Wasn’t Wodanaj-sama transformed, the professor transformed him?”

“...I don't know where to start...”

Nelia blurted out the end of her words as if embarrassed.

Even Professor Lightning Walk, who seemed fine, was doing something like that.

Who the hell were you supposed to trust?

Nelia or not, Lee Han told the two Black Turtle Tower students.

“Both of you, if the principal tells you what to do, don’t go near them.
Especially if you are going to set off a magic firecracker, avoid it.”

"What? Okay."

"Yes. I will avoid it.”

The two friends, who grew up in a dangerous environment, accepted the warning and
thought about it.

You can ask the reason later.

“Are you patrolling in the Black Turtle Tower?”

"Yes. He told me to go round and round along the tower.”

“Good luck.”


Nilia was surprised at Lee Han's words.

“Did the intruders come in really dangerously high?”

"no. The intruder caught one earlier.”


“The principal is more dangerous than that.”


“What did you two do at the festival?”

I was more curious about the story of the principal being dangerous, but Nelia
answered the question first.

“He helped alchemy, went to an archery match…”

“I was asked about a good place to hide treasure.”

'Really everyone except me is enjoying the festival.'

Lee Han was sad, but he made up his mind right away.

Wouldn't it be nice to have fun with friends?

“Are you asked about a good place to hide your treasure? What denomination did it
come from?”

Yoner asked curiously.

“The principal did it.”


“The principal asked about good places to hide treasures, but...”

“Didn’t you say anything else?”

“You said you were going on a treasure hunt.”


Ian's expression became serious.

There is no way to enjoy ordinary treasure hunting due to the nature of the
skeleton principal...

'How many traps are you trying to lay down?'

* * *

next day.

Before the festival started again, Lee Han visited Professor Lightning Walk in the
early morning.

"professor. The horse I’m riding on is like a griffon.”

Professor Lightning Walk nodded with a heavy expression on his face.

“I found out sooner than I thought.”

“...why would you do that?”

“It would be better to meet and learn how to deal with a griffon who has turned
into a horse now than to meet a real griffon later and learn how to deal with it.”


Lee Han, who was trying to understand for a moment, came to his senses.

Come to think of it, there is no need to learn how to deal with griffons.

'You're talking bullshit with a solemn expression.'

Lee Han wasn't fooled by that.

“Is that so?”

“You don’t seem to be very convinced, do you?”

"no. I understood. But, professor. I have a question."

“Tell me.”

“If you fly on a griffon around the main building, won’t magic interfere with

As Lee Han was quick-witted, he was guessing to some extent.

Why would there be a stable for flying animals in the high spire of the magic
school main building?

Even in the sky of the magic school, there was a set path.

If you try to escape by flying in a different way, all kinds of magic will fly

“I will.”

Professor Lightning Walk clearly showed Lee Han's inner feelings.

As soon as you know it's a griffon, you try to escape by riding it.

I was the guy I was the guy

“At my level, it would be difficult to avoid that now.”


Professor Lightning Walk nodded.

There were more than a dozen magics hanging on them, and it was unreasonable for
Lee Han to destroy them all.

Before that, the alarm will sound and the other professors will fly in.

“Perhaps we should find a place with a road leading to the outside, such as a
spire stable.”


Professor Lightning Walk got goosebumps after a long time.

'How the hell?!'

As it was one of the places where guests from outside came in, the spire stable
was connected to an unobstructed skyway by magic.

But no matter what, the freshman already figured it out.

"right. That's amazing. Already found..."

“Then tell me somewhere else, Professor.”

Lee Han asked proudly.

Professor Lightning Walk was stunned.


"The Spire Stable is a place I already know, so please show me another path that
doesn't have magic to get in the way."


Professor Lightning Walk was at a loss for words.

What's with this guy?

But shamelessness was also one of the magician's talents.

And what the boy in front of him did was certainly worthy of praise.

'Well, since we found out the identity of the griffon...'

It was done by Professor Lightning Walk himself, but honestly, I was still curious
how he found out.

Before the professor opened his mouth, Lee Han spoke again.

"If the professor doesn't tell me, I'll tell the guests from outside about
Griffon's business."

“…take out the paper. I will only tell you one place.”

Professor Lightning Walk had no choice but to admit that his disciple was a
tougher guy than he thought.


“Normal visitors to the School of Magic enter through the main gate during the day
and through the spire stables after evening.”


Seeing Lee Han taking notes right away, Professor Lightning Walk almost got
confused whether Lee Han was from the Wodanaj family or the Thieves Guild.

“But there are more ways to enter the magic school than you think. Have you ever
gone underground?”

"Yes. I was lucky.”

“It would be wise if you didn't try again. Because Gonadaltes is not comfy enough
to leave a path open to freshmen.”

Ihan nodded his head.

I knew from the moment I entered the school that the Skeleton Principal was crazy.

“Anyway… one of those paths is here.”

Professor Lightning Gaul grabbed a point on the huge mountain range behind the
school and quickly drew a path.
It was simple and rough, but it was a map that clearly showed how to get there.

-Rockpool Underground Cave (be careful with cave owners)

“Sometimes the professors use this cave to sneak out. The basement of the cave is
connected to the outside.”


Ian was puzzled.

If that statement is true, doesn't it mean that you can easily enter the school
from outside?

'No. Is the cave owner playing the role of filtering out intruders?'

If there was a place in the magic school that looked sloppy and comfy, it meant
that there was a separate person to manage it.

You'll die the moment you step in!

“Who is the owner of the cave?”

“It is a secret.”


Lee Han sent a mournful look to Professor Lightning Walk.

Sticks and carrots weren't just for students. It also worked for professors.

He looked even more pitiful when he sent sad eyes with a sculptural face.

Moreover, rumors were already circulating among the professors of Han-eun Lee.
Bullying because he likes the skeleton principal, no, he's being taught...

“…I’m not trying to bully you, I can’t tell you what I want because I made a
promise. Other professors who were given permission to go through the cave must
have made the same promise.”

Smart and powerful monsters and spirits did not like to reveal their identity or

Wasn't that also the case with the 'Forgotten Beast Statue' on the 3rd floor that
Salco showed me last time?

“If that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do about it. Can you give me any

“I would like to go to school and somehow bring as many artifacts related to

physical defense as possible.”


Lee Han, who was taking notes, paused.

'Should I just dig through the spire stables?'

* * *

Seeing the imperial celebs gathered here today, as a humble wizard, I am more
careful about my actions.


The skeleton principal floated in front of the guests who came to the magic school
and politely greeted them.

Then applause poured in.

If there was anything he wanted, Gonadaltes was a man who could be cunning.

The first-year students in each tower looked at each other with a look like they
were about to vomit.

"I... that heinous..."

"Shh. Quiet. Do you want to go to the punishment room after saying it out loud?”

Some of the white tiger top students sharpened their teeth.

Some of you may say that you won't have enough time to focus on magic. However,
this Einro Guard is not just a place to teach the great science of magic, but a
place where all of the students' minds and bodies are strengthened and made into
equal parts of the empire!

'You're really on a budget.'

Lee Han frankly admired Principal Skeleton a little.

For those who don't know, 'Magicians do not care about their pupils because they
focus on their own magic, but that person is really different! If there are any
strange rumors in the future, I'll have to refute them myself!'

As such, this spring festival will be a good source of vitality for new students.

“By the way, Principal. Why do students in other grades…”

ruler. Then I'm going to give a present to the freshmen here.

The skeleton principal pretended not to hear and ignored the guest.

And the new students looked around nervously when they heard that they were giving
a present.

“Isn’t the undead ambush?”

“The undead attack as a gift…”

But this time it was really a gift.

We have hidden treasures all over the school, so let's find them and enjoy the


“Are there any traps…?”

“Is that possible?”

I've also prepared a little prank, so it will be more fun when you find the


The freshmen seemed to know roughly what a small prank was without asking.

Principal Skeleton smiled kindly when the students' reaction was lukewarm and

Among the treasures, there is also the right to go out.


“The right to go out…?!”

Some students from Baldrogaard were puzzled by Principal Skeleton's words.

-Do I need a separate travel pass? why?

“...that bastard, are you going to apply for a duel?”

“Hold on. You are a guest.”

It's Principal Skeleton's intention. Anyway, the story of the right to go raises
expectations for the treasure even more.

The students flinched because they wanted to move already.

"let's go!"

“Even if we are deceived, let’s find it.”

“Lee Han. Are you going too?”

"okay. me too..."

Someone placed a hand on Lee Han's shoulder as he was about to go.

It was Professor Voladi.


"let's go."


* * *

The professors' events did not end in one day. It continued during this Spring
Festival week.

In other words, Lee Han must also participate in Professor Voladi's tent every

For the first time, Lee Han resented the unknown emperor.
'Professor just take it out...'

If you are a professor, who will do that? the disciple did it

Perhaps because of that sadness, Lee Han's water beads became sharper and sharper.
Some movements were praised by Professor Voladi.


“Hey, you don’t have to do this!”

Another student from Baldrogaard, who had heard the rumors, saw his friend
bleeding nose and complained.

Then the students from the White Tiger Tower, who came first and had their
nosebleeds, got angry instead.

“Does it look like a joke to avoid water balls?!”

“We are fighting for our lives! On the subject of outsiders!”

'These children learn bad things quickly.'

Lee Han looked at the white tiger towers as if pathetic.

Why are you being persecuted like this for coming from outside?

Of course, this wasn't something Lee Han would say, beating a foreign customer
with a water ball, but...

“Are you okay?”

"eww. Yes."

"sorry. Hearing so much about Val d'Gard's fame, he could only think of doing his
best. Still, it won’t be enough.”


Professor Voladi tilted his head slightly at Lee Han's words.

However, Baldrogard's students had already been relieved by Lee Han's words.

“Well, if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Is it Lee Han of the Wodanaj family? See you next time the 3rd graders get

"no. sleep..."

Before Lee Han could explain, Baldrogard's students had gone home.

'It's a first year.'

When the Baldrogaard students left, the White Tiger Top student wiped the
nosebleed and stood in front again.

“…don’t you stop?”

"huh. Am I afraid?”

At the provocation of a friend, the other White Tiger Tower students whispered
with frightened faces.

"hey. Don’t provoke Wodanaj for nothing.”

“I can add more water beads to that bastard.”

“…Who knows how to be scared! Dum... Whoops!”

Lee Han took a break from the opponent's carelessness and put a water ball in his

The key to magic battles was always first attack.

* * *

After beating people with water beads all morning and having a quick lunch, Lee
Han went to see Professor Vible Verdus.

The professor, a beaver beaver, ate the bark and held it out.

"it's okay. I ate.”

"okay? Then let’s get started.”

Professor Bible made only very plain and simple magic firecrackers, probably
because the headmaster had nailed it tightly.

Finish with <Give Fire> or <Give Light>.

It wasn't that difficult of a magic to the extent that Lee Han also made a few
mistakes (he burned the surroundings every time he failed) and then got a sense of

But Professor Bible's face darkened and his murmurs increased.

“I don’t want to make…”


“I don’t want to make it… it’s not fun…”

'You put pressure in a different way.'

If the professor didn't talk, it was scary as it was, but it wasn't necessarily a
good thing to have a lot of talk.

Lee Han concentrated on getting out of this place as much as possible.

'Every time I fail, my time here increases.'

Wield wands, cast spells, and complete magic firecrackers.

In the uncomfortable and awkward air, Lee Han's concentration was sharpened even

One of Lee Han's strengths is the amount of magical power that is close to

Based on that amount of magical power, Lee Han created magic firecrackers without
a break.

It was a speed that was difficult for not only freshmen, but also enchanters to
follow. It was possible because there was no need for rest at all.

“It’s done. professor."

"Not funny? really?"

Professor Bible raised his head while muttering and making magic firecrackers.

"Yes. It’s all over.”

Lee Han replied with a faint smile. Professor Bible blinked his eyes and checked
the number of firecrackers piled up. And his face brightened.

“Are you really that great?”

Any other professor would have noticed the situation where the student made more
than the professor.

No matter how much the professor complained about making it, it was a great thing
in itself that a freshman started with the professor and made more.

But Professor Bible only thought that this tedious task was over.

"that is great!"

"Yes. professor. Then I will..."

“Then we have time, so let’s make something fun.”

"...uh. I don't have any talent for enchantment, so I..."

"it's okay. it's okay!"

'What's okay?'

* * *

The magic that Professor Bible taught was <Lesser Fire Resistance>.

This magic applied to the entire thick robe was an essential magic for novice
wizards learning various kinds of fire magic.

As Lee Han worries a lot about fire magic, I had to admit that this magic is quite

Professor Bible's words made Lee Han ominous.

-If you learn this magic, it will be helpful when you practice other enchantments
in the future.
-Is that so. professor. But I'm into enchantment...

-know. know. no talent But don't worry too much. The other enchantment wizards
don't have any talent, but they do.


In fact, it was impossible without talent to start making magic firecrackers

together with the professor, make more, and somehow succeed in the 3rd circle magic
<Less Fire Resistance> within the set time...

Professor Biblé evaluated it a little differently.

If you are worse than yourself, you are not talented, and if you do better than
yourself, you are talented!

Of course, from this point of view, there was no choice but to worry.

Even if I hear that I have talent, I worry about whether I should learn it
properly, but the professor in charge is not reliable and says, 'Do it because it's
fun! It doesn't matter if it goes well or not!'

'I don't think the speed of learning magic is that bad. I'll just have to ask
Professor Garcia.'

Lee Han vowed to visit this magic school's true teacher and trustworthy adult, a
half-troll professor.

“Let’s give up on that.”

“You call it a horse? What if that's an outing pass? Is there any guarantee of
finding another treasure?”


Lee Han-eun, walking out, was puzzled by the sight of several top students
gathered in front of him and chatting.

What's going on?

“Wordanaz! Help me!"

“No Wodanaj! That kid will take it!”

“Take it out and think about it!”

As the distance drew closer, Lee Han immediately noticed what was going on.

There was a treasure chest handmade by the principal.

...on a gigantic pyre of firewood, blazing, more than a few meters tall.




One of the white tiger top students was startled by Lee Han's expressionless

Shouldn't I be more surprised?

“Isn’t that surprising?”


Ian said calmly.

In fact, that's probably one of the easiest hidden treasures.

A pile of burning firewood.

It was easy to see just how dangerous it was from the outside.

The really dangerous ones were the traps whose danger was unknown until they
arrived in front of the treasure chest.

Lee Han still didn't forget that Principal Skeleton had to cross the lake and then
dug a trap under the sand.



Lee Han saw the muscular, short dwarf, no, the elf and said hello.

Salchow and his gang seemed to be aiming for that treasure chest.

The students from the White Tiger Tower looked at each other with their arms
folded as if they would not back down.

It is not yet decided who will take it. There was a sense of tension.

'Are there any Blue Dragon Tower students?'

One of the princess's followers, Neblen of the Kirak family, appeared.

Lee Han asked Neblen.

“Where have our top boys gone?”

“I left because I thought it would be better to find something else than to get
stuck in the middle…”


“I was wondering if there was any way to give it to the princess.”

'They're living a very comfortable life.'

Grumpy Lee Han said seriously.

“Neblen. Even the princess wouldn't want you to sacrifice that. because? Treasures
are of value only if you obtain them by yourself.”

“That… is it?”
Among the Blue Dragon Tower students, there weren't many who could stand Lee Han's
serious talk.

Besides, Lee Han, who is the closest to the princess among the students, was so
temperamental that Nevellen was shaken.

“Look at Kainando. Gainando is trying to get everything on its own.”

“But who didn’t give anything to Prince Gainan in the first place…?”

“The dignity of the imperial family is not simply completed by innate blood. It is
completed by one's own actions. ruler. Neblen. Do you really respect the princess?”

“That… yes… you are right.”

"okay. Live your life without giving anything.”

As Neblen left with a shocked expression on his face, someone began to applaud.

Salco and his gang were applauding with very impressed faces.

" not do that."

"why? Others need to hear it too…”

If left alone, Salco would grab passers-by and drag them along, saying, 'Hey,
Wodanaj is going to give you a great speech.'

Lee Han quickly changed the topic.

“So that pyre… did you try to put out the fire?”

“Wordanaz. Aren't you ignoring us too much?"

One of the white tiger tower students grumbled.

As it had been a month since they entered the magic school, everyone was able to
use magic to some extent.

Of course, like Wodanaj, I couldn't follow the guy who realized the secret of
ancient magic before entering school and had all kinds of evil visions...

“Of course I tried. Look.”

A student from the White Tiger Tower called for water.

A fist-sized chunk of water was poured over the firewood and evaporated.

Salco nodded too.

“I tried it with clay.”

As Salko was a mason, rumors about the elemental earth magic had already spread.

If it did not go out even after such a salko tried to extinguish it with soil, it
should be regarded as a fire that is difficult to extinguish.

“Did you fail too? It must be a fire with tricky magic on it.”

The white tiger top student was furious.

Ignoring what I tried, do you believe that elf tried it?!

'How many spells do you have?'

Lee Han went closer to the pyre, not paying attention.

I could feel the intricate flow of magical power within the blazing flames.

'I must have cast a spell to keep the flames from extinguishing...'


Lee Han swung his staff.

After all, the magic itself did not take effect as it was also protected by magic.

“Looks like you have to go in.”



At Lee Han's words, the other top students sighed as if they were prepared.

In fact, even before Lee Han came, they had a premonition to some extent.

-Isn't this... you have to go in and take it out yourself?

A treasure chest that does not move in flames that cannot be extinguished.

It said only one thing.

Go in and get it yourself!

“Aren’t you really going to burn to death?”

“You say too much to be your undead, really.”

Looking at the gossiping students, Lee Han opened his mouth.

"Though I did learn the magic that grants fire resistance."


Salco nodded with an expressionless face. One of the salchoed gang next to him
asked in a startled voice.

“Salco. did you know Aren't you surprised by that?"

“I was surprised right now.”

“That’s right.”

At Lee Han's words, the White Tiger Tower students put their heads together and
-Wordanaj knows how to cast fire resistance...

-Who wants to come in?

- Anyway, isn't it a bit dangerous?

-Wordanaj isn't the kind of guy who can talk nonsense about magic. Don't let the
Black Turtle Towers go in first.

-great. i go in

One of the Salcowks tilted his head upon hearing the conversation.

'White tiger tower bastards. Does anyone feel any discomfort in the part that
Wodanaj already knows how to use fire resistance magic?'

As far as he knew, the difficulty level jumped even higher to cast fire resistance
magic on someone other than himself.

It is not magic that a freshman would say so calmly, 'I know how to do it'.

“Wordanaz! we are ready Cast your magic!”

“But, can you really believe in me and go into the flames?”

Lee Han asked curiously.

The White Tiger Tower students were silent and looked at each other.

"...I don't believe in your humanity, but in your magic. Wodanaz.”

"I'm not afraid to talk to someone who's going to cast fire resistance on you

The attitude of the White Tiger Tower students rapidly became polite.

"No... Wodanaj... Why are you doing this..."

“It’s a joke. Wait a minute.”

Before casting a spell on the students of the White Tiger Tower, Lee Han summoned
a chunk of water to reduce the flames of the wood pile.

“Spring up!”

No matter how powerful magic is, if you continue to be attacked, the power of that
magic will decrease.

A huge mass of water gushed out of the air, which was different from what the
other students had summoned earlier.

'There is not a single drop of water around, but this amount of water...?!'

The other top students looked at Lee Han's magic with awe-inspiring eyes.

It was easy to forget him every time he saw him beating people with water beads,
but the boy in front of him was not only good at magic battles.
A masterpiece nurtured by the Wodanaj family who explores the mysteries of all

🥳! 🥳! 🥳!

Lee Han summoned a chunk of water, called it, called it again, and threw it into
the flames.

Then the flames of the firewood pile went out.





Lee Han was the first to wake up.


Lee Han quickly jumped over the wood pile, grabbed the treasure chest, and ran in
the opposite direction.

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who came from the knights' family, reacted
at such an amazing speed that they reacted one step late.

"hey!! hey!!! Wodanaj, you bastard!”

"Come back! Let's talk calmly!!"

Salko, who folded her arms and watched the disappearing back of Lee Han, spoke to
the gang with their mouths wide open.

“Am I right? Never do business alone with Wodanaz.”

“Okay… I see. Salco.”

* * *

Lee Han strengthened his body with <Gonadaltes' Agile Step>, disturbed the eyes of
the pursuers with <Fahight's Lesser Illusion>, and then quickly ran away.


After confirming that there was no tracer, Lee Han walked with a box on his arm
with a proud expression.

“Professor Garcia!”

When Lee Han saw Professor Troll walking in front of him, he already felt a warm
and warm feeling.

It was a reassurance that the other professors at this magic school could never

“Student Lee Han?”


“Isn’t that treasure chest… the one the principal cast a spell on? I just took it

Professor Garcia roughly guessed the magic that was on the treasure chest just by
looking at the appearance.

It was the crystallization of his tenacity to somehow annoy the freshmen, such as
the flame that never goes out, the prevention of control spells, and so on.

“Turn off the light and bring it.”


“But, Professor. There is something I want to discuss.”

“No… that… what… how… yes. I know."

I really wondered how they got the treasure chest, but the boy in front of me was
not a student who usually asked for help.

If such a student had something to discuss, it would be very important.

“Let me tell you a story. ruler. Sit."

* * *

“...So, Professor Vible Verdus keeps saying that I have no talent for enchantment
magic, but I am worried because I think that I can learn enough at this level. If
that's the case, I'd like to seriously study enchantment... I came here because I
wanted to hear Professor Garcia's advice.”


Professor Garcia lowered his fist under the table.

And he clenched a stone into his fist.


The stones turned into powder.

"Professor Verdus, that bird... Don't listen to him too much."

“Are you just a kid?”

“Professor Verdus is a really good wizard, but he is a bit indifferent to the

education and level of his students.”

“It seemed so.”

He was already feeling this too.

That's why I didn't ask Professor Garcia.

Actually, it wasn't too surprising.

When it came to acknowledging the poor education of the magic school in front of
his pupils, Professor Garcia coughed out of shame.

“Student Lee Han.”


“Student Lee Han has a talent for enchantment magic.”


“It would be an understatement to just say that you have talent, and that's
genius. You're right about enchantment. I have to.”

<Grant Azirmo Summon>.

A magic that engraves the fantasy of a dragon made of light into paper.

<Less Fire Resistance>.

A magic that projects resistance to fire elements onto a world other than itself.

This was not a level of magic that a freshman who had just started learning
enchantment magic could learn.

'Perhaps the unique amount of magical power that Han Lee has is the best match for
enchantment magic...'

The enormous amount of mana caused frequent destruction and failure during
enchantment, but considering that, it became a powerful advantage.

You can try close to infinity without stopping.

In the original case, the effect that would have been implemented in another way
was simply solved with the amount of magic power.

There is an error in the magic circle structure or circulation, so there is no

need to worry if the total amount of magic power is insufficient.

All in all, they were all strong points.

These strengths, combined with Lee Han's outstanding magical talent, must have
been the result of such achievements in enchantment magic.

"thank you. Professor Garcia. Thanks to you, I made a decision. I will study hard
to learn enchantment.”

When Professor Garcia spoke like that, Lee Han decided to learn only enchantment

At first, interest was high as it was the most money-saving study. There was no
reason not to learn more than that.

'The professor is a bit strange, but the professors at this magic school are all
weird anyway. If the other seniors endured it, I would be able to do it too.'


When Lee Han said that, Professor Garcia suddenly came to his senses.
How many magical subjects did Lee Han currently specialize in?


Professor Garcia, who was counting quickly, stopped thinking.

Because it didn't make any sense.

No matter how many, the fact that the outstanding disciple in front of him was on
the verge of dying under the influence of magic did not change.

'Should I dry it...?'

Professor Garcia paused to speak.

Does Professor Garcia have the right to stop this?

It was true that Han Lee had a genius talent for enchantment magic.

I didn't know if it would be a huge loss to the Empire, to the magic world, and to
the individual student Lee Han.

In fact, Professor Garcia didn't even listen to all the lectures he could take
while attending magic school.

Does Professor Garcia really have the right to stop Lee Han?

I thought there was no Professor Troll.

'...okay. up to this Let's just learn this.'

After the next magic, really dry it...

"cheer up. A student here.”

“Thank you as always. professor."

Lee Han greeted politely and stood up. Professor Garcia suddenly became curious
and asked.

“Are you going to the festival with your friends now?”


Professor Garcia smiled when he saw the treasure chest on Lee Han's side.

It was also not good to focus too much on magic as a freshman.

Building friendships and memories with friends like that is something you should

“After meeting Yumidihus and receiving instruction, meeting the priests of the
Afha Order and training in elemental fire magic.”


Looking at Lee Han's back face as he bowed out and left, Professor Garcia
regretted that he should have just stopped him.
* * *

Eumidihus was waiting for him, dressed as if he was about to go on a picnic.

The straw hat to block the sun and the trousers made of tough cloth gave me a
sense of spaciousness as if I was running a country farm myself.

But Lee Han was not vigilant.

'That person is Professor Voladi's teacher.'

That alone made Eumidihus one of the most dangerous people in this magic school.

“Can I leave?”

“Are you going to climb the mountain?”


Lee Han didn't ask, 'What are you going to do in the mountains?'

“If you go up the mountain, I will bring you something to eat and drink.”

“Hey… you didn’t have lunch? You can come and eat.”

"no. I also ate lunch, but when you climb the mountain, Yumidhus-sama will market


Eumidihus was astonished.

The disciple is trying to take care of the master.

It was an amazing sight that had never been seen by those who had come to learn
magic from Umidhus.

- Mr. Umidhus. I'm here to learn magic. When do you start? Let's start quickly. I
don't have much time.

- Mr. Umidhus. Are you ignoring me now? You know I can't do any magic like this.
You are really rude!

- Mr. Umidhus. To be objective, this spell isn't very good. it's okay. Anyone can
make mistakes, right? Teach me another magic.

Closing my eyes, the words and deeds of those who had come before me passed by.

In fact, to some extent, this was also the fault of Eumidihus.

Basically, wizards have talent, and the more they excel, the less savage they

Eumidihus laid all kinds of trials and traps around the tower in a remote location
where he lived.

Most of the wizards who came to break through that had to be rude and rude.

'...How can such a disciple be under a guy like Voladi Bagrek?'

“Are you okay?”

When Eumidihus closed his eyes and stood still, Lee Han asked in bewilderment.

“I was a little surprised, but it’s okay. Then don't take it for once."


Lee Han turned around and went to the hut.

-professor. Give me something to eat.

-...Have you left it to me!?

-Yumidihus said that he would like to see the mountains. You can't just go

-...You know what you're going through at the festival. do you understand

-of course. thank you professor. There is only the professor.

- A sound that doesn't make sense...

Lee Han brought plenty to eat and drink in a basket.

Large smoked hams and sausages, a bottle of pickled cucumbers and vegetables,
white bread and soft jams and sauces to spread on it. There, Professor
Thundergeulleum borrowed tea and milk that he had just brewed to drink.

Eumidhus, who at best thought he would get some water in a jar of jerky or
leather, was astonished.

“All of this?”

"oh. Are you short? I will bring more.”

"no no. Suffice! that's enough!"

Umidhus was puzzled by the bountiful snacks, but was also amazed.

Eumidihus knew how the new students here at the Magic School were being bullied by

But now, the boy in front of him was looking for food as if he had pulled
something out of his pocket.

It was truly a great skill.

“Then let’s go. Umidhus. I will lift the load.”

“Isn’t it heavy at all because it was strengthened with magic?”

“You’re still trying to teach me, but I think it’s right for me to listen.”

“…Are you going to continue learning from Boladi Bagreg?”

Umidhus unwittingly uttered the words.

Thinking that a guy like Professor Voladi would be favored by such a good
disciple, his blood boiled without realizing it.

* * *

'It's amazing. It's amazing!'

Walking with Lee Han, Eumidihus marveled every few minutes.

I wasn't surprised by Lee Han's magical abilities or talents. In fact, he had

already seen enough of it in the last underground dungeon.

In the first place, there was no need to ask about magical abilities or talents as
long as a freshman could catch a leprechaun by himself.

What Umidhus admired was Lee Han's straightforward personality.

A brilliant personality that can never be seen in the great wizards of the Empire!

The character of a person could not be hidden until the very end.

Even if you hide your intentions once or twice, if you continue to exchange
conversations, your intentions will be revealed.

However, Lee Han did not show any arrogance or arrogance while conversing with

Even if Eumidihus said a simple word, he listened intently with a very respectful

At this point, Eumidihus was seriously troubled.

Why are the laws of the world like this?

'Why are you such a disciple to Gonadaltes or Bagrek?'

Of course, Umidihus also knew that the righteous are not necessarily rewarded with
age, but...

Still, writers like Gonadaltes and Bagreg do not need to be rewarded.

This was really too.

'I don't know what your eyes are.'

When Umidhus looked at Lee Han with complex and subtle eyes, Lee Han became even
more nervous.

It was Lee Han, who heard that he was Professor Voladi's teacher and acted more
thoroughly than usual so as not to be blamed.

'What are you thinking?'

Umidhus just looked at Lee Han as if he was sorry.

Then the old wizard kicked his tongue a few times and opened his mouth.

“Look at that river.”

There were quite a few thick rivers in the mountain range. Eumidhus pointed at the
river with his staff.

"If you've heard my rumors, you'd know, but I'm pretty good at the element of

Ihan nodded his head.

In fact, the expression 'pretty good' was a very humble expression. If he had been
really good at it, his fame would not have spread throughout the Empire.

"Can you guess the reason why I'm researching elemental water magic?"

“Is it related to aptitude?”

“That must be one of the answers.”

Eumidhus swung his staff.


Then, with a huge roar, the water in the river turned into steam and exploded.
White pillars soared up and turned into a puffy cloud and spread around.

Birds in the mountains were startled and flew in all directions. But Umidihus
spoke without blinking an eye.

“But the answer is because elemental water magic is best suited for battle.”


The young disciple in front of him did not change his expression. The sculptural
face was silently staring at the river.

Seeing this, Umidihus nodded satisfactorily.

'You're enterprising.'

A person who freezes when he sees an anti-magic that he cannot comprehend could
not achieve great success as a wizard.

A good wizard had to look at the great magic and try to jump over it with a
burning heart.

'As expected, Professor Voladi is suddenly acting crazy like a teacher.'

Ian thought to himself.

How dare you do such a bloody thing to show that water magic is militant...

Simply evaporating the water did not cause an explosion. The explosion occurred as
the volume expanded rapidly when it was evaporated rapidly.

Umidhus uses that principle to magically implement a vapor explosion.

It was surprising and strange, but you don't have to explode the water right away
without saying a word to the student...

'Isn't it?'
But Ian didn't say anything.

Because he was afraid of Eumidihus.

Umidhus, who had misunderstood the silent disciple's attitude, asked in a slightly
cheerful voice.

“Can you guess what the magic I just showed you?”

“Didn’t you create a shock by evaporating water quickly?”


Umidihus was truly astonished.

Aside from simply having a lot of magic, handling them well, and having strong


A good wizard had to think deeply and richly.

Wizards learning magic used to complain like this.

-You're only studying magic, so why do you need so many skills?

But I couldn't help it. Because that was the reality.

Deep and rich thinking ability was a necessary ability for a wizard who had to
bring his own image to reality.

And the boy in front of him already had it.

Other wizards have spent years roaming the Empire and honing their observation
skills, already possessing what they can afford...

Umidhus admired the boy's talent, and really wanted to kill Voladi Bagreg.

'The guy who hasn't done anything...'

“Fixed. You are sharp.”

"thank you."

Lee Han couldn't fathom the fast-paced thoughts in the old wizard's head.

“Water magicians who don’t know much about water magic or are clumsy wizards think
it’s all about summoning water, swarming it, and changing its shape to and fro. But
that's just the beginning. The water world is… much wider and deeper.”

Umidihus clenched his fists.

Then the water level of the river dropped sharply and the surrounding land began
to lose its vitality.

'Moisture absorption!'

It was definitely surprising.

Speaking of water magic, I was only thinking about shape transformation or
manipulation because Professor Voladi suffered a lot...

It was possible to expand the area as much as possible, such as evaporation or


'I thought water magic was a bit subtle for combat, but I was wrong.'

“You have already mastered basic shape transformations and manipulations. right?"

“Not that much.”

Lee Han spoke with sincerity, but Yumidihus thought it was just humility and blew
it out with one ear.

“That's why I'm probably practicing rotation properties. right?"

"no. It was an accident.”

“It’s a natural process, and it’s a path that a wizard should follow, but…”

'Have you ever had a thin ear?'

Lee Han thought only to himself.

Because I didn't know that with the blink of an eye, Eumidihus would dry out Lee
Han's blood.

“At the same time, focusing too much on manipulation can also narrow your field of
vision. I'm calling you today to show you that there are other realms that deal
with the element of water."

Eumidihus spoke like a loving grandmother. Of course, because he had just done
something, Lee Han was not fooled by the atmosphere.

"ruler. Then do it.”




Fortunately, Umidhus was not as crazy as Professor Voladi.

Professor Voladi would have pushed Lee Han deep into the river and told him to
'evaporate and get out', but Eumidihus did not.

The purpose of today's excursion is to open the young wizard's eyes and make them
aware of the vast world of water magic.

There is no reason to make it so hard.

It was enough to experience and experience the various properties of water magic.

“The order is as follows.”

Umidhus taught me in detail the spells and movements of the first circle magic,
<Water Evaporation>.

In fact, <Water Evaporation> was an embarrassing magic to call it a 1st circle


Typical trap magic!

Even if the magic is located in the same circle, the difficulty is very different.

Magic that is much more difficult than the same circle magic is usually called
'trap magic'.

<Water Evaporation> was located in the 1st circle, but it was a magic of a
difficulty that novice wizards could never learn.

As such, evaporation properties were difficult.

“I want to try.”

After the brief lecture, Yumidihus watched Lee Han.

Water element wizards, who usually practice evaporation properties, practiced with
liquids to be evaporated in front of them.

At first, he practiced with a liquid like a strong alcohol that evaporates easily,
but gradually changed to a liquid with a higher boiling point, increasing the
strength of his magic.

But Umidhus offered nothing before Yihan.

It was meant to start with magic by practicing movements and spells.

I've just learned and haven't practiced yet, but Eumidihus wasn't so harsh that I
immediately 'evaporate' the liquid.


Lee Han looked at Eumidihus once, then looked at the river flowing profusely

'Are you evaporating the river now?'

Because Eumidihus gave too little explanation, Lee Han had to be misunderstood.

Actually, it wasn't Umidhus' fault.

Usually, when asked to try magic for the first time, they try to practice
movements and spells first, but who would try to dry the river next to it?

To be honest, this was Professor Voladi's fault.

Because of Professor Boladi, Lee Han had misunderstood Eumidihus.

'I can't help it. Let's do our best. I'll have to pretend I won't fall into the

Lee Han had an intuition what would happen if he continued to fail his magic.

It was most likely going into the river.



Yumidihus was surprised to see Lee Han casting magic directly at the river with
one stroke without practicing any movements or spells.

No practice...?!


Water vapor rose over the river.

It was a significant amount of water vapor, if not a vapor explosion, like



Eumidihus was astonished.

'Really... a genius.'

Among the wizards of the Empire, the word 'genius' was a bit overused.

Dogs and cows alike used to claim to be geniuses.

Even the wizards who came to Umidihus to learn magic claimed that they were
geniuses, except for Voladi Bagreg.

- Mr. Umidhus. For the future of Imperial magic, you must do your best to teach me
magic. I am one of the greatest geniuses of the Imperial Wizards.

- Mr. Umidhus. It's embarrassing to say, but I'm a magic genius. You don't have to
teach me every single one of these magic.

- Mr. Umidhus. This magic is not very good magic in my opinion with genius magic
ability. It would be nice to make some more improvements.

Actually, it wasn't entirely wrong.

The wizards who came to Eumidihus were some of the best wizards in the Empire.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to come in the first place.

However, the eyes of a wizard like Umidyhus, who had gone through all the prenatal
and air battles, were strict and harsh.

That kind of talent was a must-have for any wizard who would seriously explore
magic, but it wasn't a treasure to be proud of.


The boy in front of me was definitely different.

I felt an aura that only a genuine person can have, completely different from a
genius who attaches himself to a dog or a cow by his own name.

He seemed to have all the elements that would be considered talented even if he
had only one, such as innate magical power, delicate control, and deep and rich

'Is it a river? Will you end up going into the river?'

While Umidhus quietly admired, Lee Han was quietly anxious.

To Lee Han, it seemed quite successful, but it didn't matter.

How it looked in the eyes of Umidyhus mattered.

Is it also a failure?

'Isn't this good enough in the first place?'

Although Lee Han wasn't a conceited personality, objectively speaking, evaporation

magic seemed to work quite well.

Compared to other magic, the evaporation property was on the good side with Lee

First of all, Lee Han was able to accurately and concretely recall the image of

Above all, <Water Evaporation> was able to be pushed by force.

Wizards who did not have as much magical power as Lee Han had to control their
magic meticulously and meticulously to complete their spells, but Lee Han was able
to complete the spell by simply pushing them with her magic.

In this case, evaporation of water is much easier than manipulating a water ball.

"Good job. That’s great.”


Lee Han sighed in relief.

Luckily, I didn't have to go into the river.

“Actually, I didn’t mean to evaporate the river water. It's the first time I'm
practicing magic, and a river flowing like that is not an appropriate goal."

Although the amount was sheep, the flowing river was several times more difficult
to cast magic.

As much as he did that, the boy in front of him could be proud of himself.

However, instead of that, Lee Han made a firm expression.

'...what did you just say?'

Come to think of it, Umidihus didn't tell me to do a live test right away against
the river.

He thought of Professor Voladi and misunderstood.

“But seeing that they did it all at once, I think you can understand why they cast
magic against the river. That’s reasonable confidence.”
“No… it’s a misunderstanding.”

"okay. I must be wrong.”

Yumidihus nodded with a benevolent smile on his lips.

“At first, I thought Voladi Bagrek forced me to...”

'That's right.'

Ian said to himself. However, it did not reach the ears of Eumidihus.

“…Now that I see it, it wasn’t like that.”

It was clear that Bagrek didn't force it, but that the disciple learned it too
quickly for every magic he gave.

Umidhus vowed to clear up one misunderstanding about Bagreg.


Lee Han answered in a voice filled with subtle sadness.

It was because of the sadness that he could not openly swear at Professor Voladi.

Lee Han thought that if he graduated later, he might find Professor Voladi before
Principal Skeleton.

* * *

Yumidihus did not tell Yi Han to use more magic.

I've just seen what I've learned at once, so why would I do it?

“I think you should eat more than me.”

Instead, he took a break.

Lee Han prepared a place for Umidyhus to sit, spread a blanket, and prepared food
and drink to offer.

Umidhus looked at Lee Han with a gaze mixed with gentle emotion.

“I didn’t expect to be treated like this.”

“Uh… haven’t the other disciples ever done something like this?”



Lee Han, who was puzzled, thought of Professor Voladi.

And I understood.

'I guess that's enough.'

Lee Han made milk tea with black tea he stole from Professor Thunder. A sweet
drink with plenty of sugar restored the tired brain.

Even if your magical power is infinite, it is inevitable that you will lose
concentration and become mentally tired when you use magic.

If you were a student at the Magic School, it was good to restore them from time
to time.

Professor Thundergalle must have been delighted to see his drink being used like

'Are they third graders?'

Umidhus took a bite of the sandwich and looked away.

Judging from the outfit, it was clear that they were Einrogard's 3rd graders.

He looked around for what was hidden in the mountain and swung his staff towards
the ground. The soil rose and the magic materials and reagents contained inside
came out.

I prepared something to do it in secret, but I couldn't deceive the eyes of a

wizard like Umidhus.

“See over there?”

“What are you talking about?”

"right. You can’t see it.”

Eumidihus remembered the skeleton principal.

As he was very serious about keeping freshmen apart, it was natural to make them
unrecognizable by magic.

“Don’t let me go for a moment. Are you okay?”

As Yumidhus swung his staff, Lee Han's eyes could see the seniors gathering magic
materials and reagents in the distance.

“Can you see me now?”

"Yes. I see it. Is that...?”

“Perhaps you will find out when your grades go up, but it is also a wizard’s job
to obtain materials and reagents necessary for his studies.”

Umidihus explained calmly, as if not surprised.

Looking around like that, it was obvious that it was stolen or stolen.

'It's so sad that I have to be like that even when I'm in third grade.'

Lee Han trembled at the fate that lay in front of him.

Can't we just provide enough materials and reagents?

“You want to go and steal it.”


“I want to see how you fight. You could win.”


It wasn't a question of whether we could win or not, but rather that we had to
attack our seniors.

No matter how much you steal, your senior is not your senior.

Lee Han looked at Eumidihus with absurdity, but Eumidihus did not appear to change
his mind at all.

“A battle wizard eats the blood of his opponent and grows bigger. In practice, the
faster you experience, the better, and the more you experience, the better.”

Lee Han was fed up with Yumidihus, who spoke cruelly in the face of a loving

You're just an old professor Voladi!

“Mr Umidyhus.”

“Don’t tell me you can’t. You know for sure that you can do it. Excessive humility
is a German law. You'll find out soon enough, but wizards don't need to be looked
after just because they're seniors."

"no. It’s not that I can’t… can I wear a mask?”


Umidhus was deeply impressed.

* * *

Lee Han believed only Yumidihus' words and did not attack recklessly.

Einrogard's 3rd grader is a person who has gone through many times the hardships
that Lee Han and his friends went through.

If I accidentally touched it, Lee Han could get hit in the opposite direction.

Lee Han wore a mask and cast invisibility magic. A mask was essential in case the
opponent canceled the invisibility magic.

Then he approached it carefully from behind and then cast a spell at the two



The two seniors who had been ambushed fell down as they were.

Lee Han immediately grabbed the box containing the ingredients and reagents. The
box had a name engraved on it.

-Osu Gonadaltes
Seeing this, Lee Han was astonished.

'Aren't you crazy?'

Will the principal's warehouse open around the 3rd year?

No, it was more likely that the principal induced them rather than deliberately
stealing them.

Anyway, it was unbelievable.

'Ouch. This is not the time.'

Lee Han quickly left the seat.

“Good job.”

Seeing the return of Lee Han, Eumidihus was very satisfied.

It was close to perfect that Bagreg didn't waste his time.

surprise, advance, achieve, escape.

It was the core of the magic battle itself.

“Was it written on whose belongings it was?”

“It looks like something out of the principal’s warehouse.”

"okay. Then don't give it back, I'd rather you take it."


Ian was surprised.

And gently nodded.

"Yes. I will.”

Seeing the disciple who listens well, Yumidihus looked at Lee Han with warm eyes.


Magical combat practice did not end with just one session.

In the eyes of Umidhus, other third-year students were found.

“The students over there are hiding what they stole.”

'Are there only thieves here?'

I didn't know if a lot of thieves had come in or if the school was making them.

Eumidihus pointed to the students who tried to hide their reagents and materials.

“Bring that too.”

The robbery was also easier to do twice than once.

Lee Han approached again. But this time it wasn't as easy as before.

Whoa! Whoa!

As we got closer, the annoying chirping of birds resounded over the mountain.

Two third-year students were startled by the alarm magic and shouted.

“The pursuer is attached!”

“Reveal, hidden being!”


Third grade wasn't that hard.

When the pre-applied warning magic alerted the attacker, he realized that someone
was hiding nearby and immediately cast the invisibility cancellation magic.

Thanks to this, Lee Han learned one thing.

'Next time, I'll have to disturb the opponent's alarm magic first.'

The two seniors were embarrassed to see Lee Han wearing a mask.

It was different from the pursuer I thought.


“Did the principal send it?”

“Of course the principal sent it! Don't be fooled by appearances! I'm trying to
confuse you!"

Lee Han did not have to resolve the misunderstandings of his seniors.

"...Yes! How dare you try to steal something from Gonadaltes!”


“Actually, you forced it! Shoot...”

The seniors in the 3rd grade tried to resist as if they were unfair, but Lee Han
was one step faster.

Water beads flying from the square while drawing a curve blew away from the sticks
of the seniors.


Surprisingly, the seniors were quite weak in magic battles. His magic skills were
excellent, but there were too many gaps.

If it had been Professor Voladi, he would have been on the alert right from his
blind spot.
To a student who had been trained in magic combat as harshly as Lee Han, the
seniors in the 3rd grade were like flowers in a greenhouse.

“Uh-huh!” “Wow!”


Seeing the seniors who passed out, Lee Han suddenly returned to his sanity.

'...Will this be taken care of later?'

Maybe the seniors can't find the culprit?

* * *

Satisfied, Yumidihus descended with Lee Han.

On the way down, Eumidihus found the freshmen of the White Tiger Tower.

They were hugging each other as if they had found one of the boxes hidden by the
Skeleton Principal, and talking about where to open them.

'If you're a freshman... you don't need it.'

The boy of the Wodanaj family needed as much experience in magic battle as
possible, but nonetheless, he had a level.

In the eyes of Umidhus, the students in the same grade did not have much
experience for Lee Han.

Definitely overrated.

But Lee Han said firmly.

“Let me deal with it.”

“But you probably won’t learn much…?”

“No matter who you are, there is something to learn.”

Lee Han said as he looked at the skull principal's box that the White Tiger Tower
friends had.

One of the boxes Lee Han got was left behind in Professor Thunderbolt's cabin, so
I haven't opened it yet...

The more boxes, the better.

“Then I want to go!”


Lee Han moved the most actively among the teachings he received today.

puck! puff puff puff!

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were ambushed by an invisible attack,
However, the first graders were different from the seniors.

“You… you… this bastard… Wodanazuji…?! ね...”

'no. How did know?!'

Lee Han was surprised to see his friends who guessed his identity without seeing

I wanted to ask him how he knew it, but his friends had already passed out.

* * *


Asan yawned and asked while looking at Lee Han who was drawing the rest of the
magic circle.

“By the way, Wodanaj. Did you enjoy the festival yesterday?”


“What did you do?”

“Professor Vollady helps with the tent… Calls the headmaster to make

Asan nodded.

It seems that your friend was very busy with work yesterday.

After all, Lee Han was one of the best students in the current grade, so it was
understandable that he was so busy.

“Get some teaching from Yumidhus, then go to the Afha Church to train in fire


Asan, who was listening, felt something strange.


'If you work like that, when did you enjoy the festival?'

“About this?”

“…Wordanaz. I'm sorry, but I don't think I enjoyed the festival."

"What are you talking about. The festival…”

Lee Han, who had answered Asan's words as if it were nonsense, stopped.

Surprisingly, Lee Han himself hadn't even noticed until now!

“…I didn’t enjoy it.”

"...I'm sorry."
"no. This is what I do because I want to help...”

Lee Han said so and even drew the magic circle. However, his face was a bit

Seeing this, Asan felt very sorry.

'because of me...!'

I couldn't feel sorry for my friend's dark circles, who had been struggling since
morning to create Professor Knighton's magic circle.

However, in fact, Lee Han's dark circles were caused by a different reason.

'If you put it in the box, I'll just unpack it and twist it with a code again.'

The skull principal's box that Lee Han got was a total of two boxes.

What they stole from the students of the White Tiger Tower was a surprise.

Not everything that glitters is gold

-Osu Gonadaltes

I expected that there would be no bang, but to be honest, I was really excited
when I saw it in person.

And what's even worse...

'The White Tiger Tower bastards won't believe it even if you tell them it's a

Fortunately, the other box contained a three-page magic spell.

...with complex ancient texts and jumbled ciphers.

There are many cases where the original spellbooks are like that, but the skeleton
principal has the ability to write it out kindly no matter how much he thinks it,
but it was clear that he wrote it that way on purpose.

Thanks to this, Lee Han had to decipher the magic spell while reducing his sleep
at night.

As there is still half left, I will have to stay up one more night.

“So now…”

“Sir. Leave it to me. I will use it for the sake of the Empire.”

"no. I..."

Following Lee Han and Asan, who came early in the morning, new students appeared
in the classroom with a lot of buzz.

Seeing him gossiping with a serious expression on his face, it was clear that
something was going on.

Ian was puzzled.

'what? Did the skeleton principal release the undead?'

“What’s going on?”

"Priest Tigiling found a pass in the chest."



Lee Han and Asan's expressions hardened like a rock.


'Was it the best of magic, hard work, and luck?'

Lee Han looked at the friends who came in with a bitter feeling.

Numerous friends were throwing proposals around Priest Tigiling.

“Priest Tigiling. If you don't want to use the pass, sell it to me! I’ll give you
50 loaves of bread for dinner!”

"Are you crazy?! Priest Tigiling. I'll give you 500 loaves of bread! Cheese and
sausage as a bonus!”

'I must dry it.'

Lee Han sighed inwardly and moved on.

Whenever they find a treasure, the people around them spread their evil spirits.

There was only Lee Han who could stop that.

...But before Lee Han could open his mouth, Priest Tigiling spoke first.

“Please take this.”


Ihan's eyes fluttered.

It felt like the devil's temptation.

I didn't really think of it that way because Tigiling Priest was a half demon...

'I want to close my eyes.'

No matter how much Lee Han said he was using all sorts of means to secure the
right to go out, taking it from the hands of a priest who didn’t know anything was
a bit like that.

Besides, he doesn't belong to the same Freesinga Church. If I quickly received the
Tigiling Priest's outing permit, I did not have the face to see other Priests

" Okay."

When Lee Han refused, his friends felt even more sorry.
“Wordanaz! why!"

“Sir. Then I will get…”

“Everyone, be quiet. These bastards have no honor.”

At Lee Han's words, his friends blushed.

The spirit that had gone out after seeing the outing permit returned.

'What have I done...!'


While his friends were shy, Lee Han bit his lip once more.

'You have to be patient. You have to be patient.'

“But I have no intention of going out.”


“Besides, you’ve been treated too much, haven’t you?”

“It’s really good.”


When Priest Tigiling did not give up easily, Lee Han's determination began to

But Asan helped.

"no. Priest. Wodanaj would never be the one to accept that.”

Asan placed his hand on Lee Han's shoulder and continued speaking firmly.

“Look at Wodanaz. Do you look like a friend who would do something against his


When Priest Tigiling said that to Asan, he hesitated as if he had no choice but to
enter the right to go out.

Lee Han looked at Asan and said.

"Thank you."

"What. have something like this All our top students know.”

“Thank you very much.”

“You don’t have to say it twice?”

Ian sighed.

Actually, it was right that Asan helped. If you hadn't helped, I'd have put my
travel pass in my pocket by now.

“Priest Tigiling. Never give someone else the right to go out. do you understand
You have to write it for yourself.”

Lee Han spoke strongly with a heart full of malice.

If Lee Han didn't get it, the other guys could never get it either.

"Yes, I understand."

Tigiling, who had been hesitant, nodded as Hado Lee Han spoke strongly.

After the conversation, Lee Han looked at the snake beast student and said,

“Priest Siana has been given a great responsibility to help Professor

Thunderwalker’s festival this time.”

"hello. Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family, who is already well-known among the
wizards from outside.”

The two freshmen complimented each other brilliantly. Asan was also slightly

'That's my greeting.'

Among the nobility, refined praise was also an important attraction. A person who
can compliment others in a sophisticated way has always been well-received.

“Anyway, Priest Siana. I had one question to ask. Are you okay?”

“Ask for anything.”

Lee Han looked around and took Siana Priest to a corner.

It was a story that no one else could hear.

“I was walking down the street and found this...”

Lee Han took out the materials and reagents he had stolen from his third-year

Although they were attacked from different locations, the seniors in the 3rd grade
all had the same kinds of materials and reagents.

At this point, Lee Han had no choice but to be curious.

'It sounds like a task, what are the materials for making it?'

“Do you know what the material is for?”

The reagents and materials that Lee Han took out, Siana Priest carefully looked at

Then, as if contemplating, he clapped and fell asleep.

“I think I know what it is!”

“After all, Priest Siana! You are the greatest genius of the Fleming Church!”
“This is a potion of enemy detection.”

“Potion of detecting enemies...?”

Potion of enemy detection.

It was a potion that could determine the exact location of a person if he or she
was nearby.

“By the way, did you pick up this on the road?”


“Isn’t the Potion of Enemy Detection a potion for freshmen to make?”

Priest Siana spoke as if she did not understand.

No matter how easy the potion of enemy detection, it was not a potion that
freshmen would try to make.

But how do you pick up these things on the road?

Whatever it was, it was strange.

“The seniors must have leaked.”

“It’s strange…”

"I know. There are some really strange things.”


When he heard the name of the Potion of Enemy Detection, the first thing that
passed through Lee Han's mind was the skull principal.

Beyond just emotional issues, being able to figure out the location of the
Skeleton Principal was very helpful for survival.

'You can drink a potion whenever you do something dangerous.'

“The genius created by the Fleming Church, Siana Priest. How can I target it?”

There were several ways to determine the opponent of a curse or a potion.

You can memorize the name or face of the other person and memorize a spell, or
find an object related to that person...

The potion was probably the latter.

“All you have to do is add a strand of the subject’s hair to the finished potion.”


"yes. Hair.”


Lee Han fell into anguish.

'...Does Richie have hair too?'

No matter how you look at it, Principal Skeleton had no hair.

You can get the hair from his life, but considering the age of the headmaster, he
must have already rotted and turned into powder.

'I can't use it for the skull principal.'

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.

Priest Siana continued to ask if she was interested.

“If it is made by Lee Han of the Wodanaj family, I will help you.”

“But isn’t it a pretty difficult potion to make by ourselves?”

“But Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family enjoys difficult challenges.”


Ian paused.

Where did such crazy rumors come from?

'Are the white tiger towers spreading it around?'

"not really?"

“Until humility… haha.”

“Not really.”

There was bitterness in Lee Han's voice, but Siana Priest did not notice it.

“Wordanaz. How do I end it here?”

"wait. Let’s finish it together.”

The friends gathered to complete Professor Alpen's magic circle called Lee Han.

Thanks to everyone's help, the magic circle was gradually coming to an end.

'for a moment. It's empty, right?'

Lee Han, who was drawing a line on the floor looking at the book the professor
gave him, stopped.

Whether the professor made a mistake or did it on purpose, a part of the magic
circle was empty.

According to the original rules, spheres of light should appear at regular

intervals on both sides of the hallway, and statues made of illusions should appear
in the center...

At this rate, some spheres of light did not come out, so it was obvious that it
would look awkward.
'Should I go and ask Professor Knighton?'

Ian was worried.

Asking the professor when something is wrong or there is something you don't know
is more dangerous than you think.

- You don't know this? What the hell did you hear in my lecture?

- Am I wrong now? It's really ridiculous. Of course, I left it blank for you to do
this on your own.

Even if it was a mistake, even if it wasn't a mistake, the reaction could be more
intense than you think!

Of course, Professor Alpen didn't seem that crazy, but the other professors at the
Magic School seemed to have a good first impression.

After much deliberation, Lee Han made a decision.

'I'll have to figure it out myself.'

I was fortunate to receive training on the magic attribute from Professor Vible


Lee Han shook off his clutter and returned to his concentration.

“Look out. I will bet <Give Light>.”

The staff was swung and the spell was cast.

The missing part of the magic circle was filled with the <Give Light> magic that
Lee Han gave.

The other students admired it, but the princess tilted her head.

For this type of installation magic circle, the organic connection of the whole
was very important.

If the magic circles placed throughout the magic circle act as a battery, the
lines of the magic circle intricately drawn serve as a channel to transmit power.

However, instead of the missing part of the magic circle, Lee Han's enchantment
magic was not specifically connected to the entire magic circle.

Then the magic won't be transmitted?

tuk tuk-

The princess pointed to the corner of the magic circle to Lee Han. Lee Han knew
immediately what the princess was trying to say.

"it's okay."


Of course, Lee Han knew who prepared this magic circle.

However, the magic circle that Professor Alpen gave was not a level of difficulty
that a single freshman could complete by fixing or adding.


'You just have to roll while watching people.'

Initially, the purpose of the magic circle was to decorate the surrounding area
with spheres of light and fantasy statues.

As long as it rolls properly while people are watching, there is no problem.

“But isn’t it hard to keep for a long time?”

One of the princess's followers asked as if wondering.

It was very difficult to increase the duration of the enchantment magic.

Semi-permanent enchantment magic is not called an artifact for nothing.

Like Lee Han, it was difficult to exceed a few minutes with a wand and spell
without any prior preparation.

"okay. But don't worry. Because I plan to walk anew every day. Then there will be
no turning off.”



The princess and her followers became dazed because they could not understand for
a moment.

Either way, Lee Han called Asan.

“Asan. Call the professor. Before any other problems arise... No, I have to show
it to the professor after I've finished it."

"Okay. Wodanaj!”

* * *

Alpen Knighton, a professor teaching <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> to

new students at the School of Magic, was walking along with his friend Kendry Baku.

Neither of them was alone, as they both came from high ranks of the Empire.

Behind them were other guests who had come to the magic school.

“Are you from Valdrogaard?”

"Yes. I came here to see Einrogard's outstanding students and prestigious

education, which I am ashamed of.”

The wizard who had been guiding the students of Baldrogard looked ashamed.

No matter how many guests came to see the festival, it would be a lie if there was
no competition between the other magic schools.
As a wizard working in Baldrogaard, he wanted the students to show him something.

Alpen and Kendry read their mind and comforted them as if it was okay.

“A student’s outstanding talent does not come out of being forced to show off.”

“Alpen is right. You don't have to worry about that. Because Waldrogaard is
already teaching the students brilliantly.”

Apart from some of Einrogarde's personality breakers, Imperial officials had a

fairly good appreciation for Baldrogard.

The wizards of Einroguard...

- Gold... Two thousand seven hundred and eighty gold coins?? Whose nose are you
going to put this on? If you're not going to triple it, take it all! no! What if I
really take it... Aigoo!! That imperial rotten duck duck is suppressing the free
magical learning style!!

On the other hand, the wizards of Valdrogaard...

- You mean the imperial subsidy? it's okay. I'm not poor, but I don't need that
kind of support. We are nobles, not beggars. Please do not tarnish your honor.

For this reason, Imperial officials had no choice but to prefer Baldrogaard.

It was only natural for a person like Kendry to think that Waldrogaard's education
could have been more sound.

Einroguard is a bit...

Isn't it ruining the character of the wizards by focusing too much on magic?

“However, I am ashamed of showing only such a poor side to Einrogard’s 5th

graders. Of course, you can't win because your opponent is in high school, but you
have to be able to show a good side..."


Alpen was puzzled.

The 5th graders didn't come to the festival?

Kendry explained the situation to Alpen in a quick, low voice.

-Professor Bagrek is a fan of Baldrogaard students?

-no. Professor Bagreg's disciple.

- To a first-year student?!

-Magic battles are different from magic skills. If you don't practice, you might
be clumsy.

- No matter how different it is, even a first-year student wouldn't have had a
chance to practice magic battles...

-Let's not hurt anyone who came to enjoy the festival. Would it be good for the
Empire if the magic schools fought each other?

- That's right.

The two nodded and decided to close their mouths.

“What did you say?”


I was about to change the topic, but just in time, a first-year student came
running from far away.

It was the Asan of the Dalcard family.

"professor. I have completed what you said last time.”

“It was hard. Let’s go check it out now.”

Asan nodded and ran first. It was to tell her friends that guests were coming

Prof. Alpen paused as he watched Asan's back view as he moved away.



“Didn’t you say you just finished it?”

"It did. I've seen it once before, and it's pretty intense."

“I didn’t tell you to complete everything…”

Professor Alpen muttered as if he did not understand.

-I want to entrust the simple magic circle creation to you.

He said he wanted to entrust the creation of the magic circle, not to complete the
magic circle.

It was difficult to complete all of that at the freshman level in the first place.

That's why Professor Alpen also told me to do my best with the help of other
friends, and to do as much as possible...

“Such. Was there any misunderstanding?”

“There was a misunderstanding.”

By saying that the arms are bent inward, the Imperial officials generously forgave
their mistakes.

“It would have been a great opportunity for the students.”

“That’s it. That's amazing. I didn't know it was finished..."

“Can I listen more closely?”

The wizard of Valdrogard asked curiously.

When Professor Alpen explained what had happened, the wizard of Valdrogaard
praised Professor Alpen.

“Thanks to the professor not setting limits, the students can go further.”

“Your praise puts me to shame!”

"ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The wizards laughed and praised each other.

Baldrogard's sophomore students, who arrived late, asked curiously.

"What's going on?"

The wizard of Valdrogaard explained the story he had heard.

Then the Valdrogaard students said in disbelief.

“A magic circle of that size so quickly?!”

“This is ridiculous! It must be incomplete!”

Aside from the difficulty of the magic circle, the speed was unbelievable.

Creating a magic circle was not just drawing shapes.

This is done by meticulously calculating the amount of magic power and testing it
yourself, so even wizards have to collapse several times due to lack of magic

“It could be. But, even if it’s unfinished, isn’t it amazing that you’ve completed
it enough to show it to your professor?”


“It is… yes.”

The polite Waldrogaard students had no choice but to admit.

Even if it was incomplete, it was a great thing to have completed it enough to

show it.

“Then shall we all go to see?”

"Yes. professor."

Chasing after the older wizards, the students of Baldrogaard murmured.

“But what grade did they do?”


* * *
The Valdrogaard students who arrived in the classroom immediately nodded their

“They are fifth graders.”


“That person over there. It was like 5th grade.”

"I see."

The students looked at Lee Han's face and nodded.

Rumors about Lee Han grew as the third graders at Baldrogaard were beaten harder
and harder.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that person... Princess Adenart?"

“Are you a princess? Why?”

“I know you are one year younger than us...?”

“Then you’re in first grade, aren’t you? We made it together in high school.”

It was not uncommon for high school students to do magic together with their
juniors at Baldrogard.

Seniors get help from juniors.

Juniors learn from their seniors.

This was the motto of a prestigious magic school.

'Are you in fifth grade?'

Lee Han, who was sitting and resting, was puzzled by the word '5th grade' heard
from outside students.

I don't think I've ever seen a fifth grader at Baldrogaard...

“Wordanaj-kun. That’s great.”

"thank you. professor."

Lee Han bowed his head politely.

This moment to be recognized by the professor.

The more demanding the professor, the more glorious the moment.

“It wasn’t a task you gave me to complete, but to finish it…”


“By the way, did you finish that part separately?”

"...Wait. professor. Wait."

Unknowingly, Lee Han cut off the professor's words.

just what?


"Aha! Such a misunderstanding!”

After hearing the explanation from Professor Alpen, Lee Han exclaimed briefly.

What a misunderstanding!

“Isn’t that ironic?”

“…that’s it!”

“But because of that misunderstanding, the students’ skills would have improved,
so would you call this a pleasant mistake?”

It was Lee Han who concentrated his strength on his facial muscles to manage his
expression, but the sound of a wizard from Baldrogard almost made him lose his mind
for a moment.

'Did the other person use spiritual magic?'

Otherwise, I would not be able to make such a heated sound.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


"...ha ha ha. ha ha ha."

Lee Han laughed together in order not to break the friendly atmosphere.

A friend asked from behind as if wondering.

“So, I didn’t have to finish everything in the first place, but did you go through
such a hard time?”

“You’re a high school student. What are you talking about? How hard is trial and
error to learn magic?”

Lee Han said firmly to make his friend shut up.

Of course, I was a high school student, but I couldn't say that I was a high
school student in front of the professors.

The wizards nodded in admiration.

“That’s right.”

“It’s really great. Wardanaj County. With that mindset, I could have completed it
so quickly. But the part that I completed separately…”

Lee Han quickly made excuses.

Even if the result is the same, it looks different depending on how you say it.

“Thanks to the professor giving us a chance to solve it on our own, we made it

like this on a temporary basis.”

A disciple's way of euphemistically covering up the professor's mistakes.

But Professor Alpen didn't really care about that.

“Ah… that was a mistake. I'm sorry."


* * *

"how was it?"


After looking around the magic circle, the wizards came out of the classroom and
talked for a while.

Aside from Lee Han's feelings, Professor Alpen had no choice but to admire once

Of course, there were empty parts in the second half as I wasn't told to complete
them all.

That a freshman can solve it with his own wisdom.

Besides, that sphere of light.

It looked like it was floated by enchantment magic, but it remained in shape even
after a few minutes had passed.

“Even after a few minutes have passed, it hasn’t disappeared and it’s still
maintaining its shape. A freshman added magic on the spot and connected it to the
existing magic circle.”

“It is truly amazing.”

“It’s really sad. Imperial bureaucrats need such talented people…”

Professor Alpen cast a stern look at Kendry's words.

“I was joking. Joke. I know too. Of course we have to focus on magic.”

“Isn’t that our responsibility and duty?”

The two wizards looked at each other with meaningful eyes and decided in a low

Let's help that young genius focus on magic!

* * *

“It’s not necessarily bad. Your professor appreciated it quite a bit.”

"right. Wodanaz.”

"okay. Were you surprised by the guests from other places as well?”
Unlike Lee Han, the friends quickly recovered from the shock.

At first, I was surprised that I had done something I didn't have to do, but the
professor's praise and the admiration of the guests from outside made me feel much

People are amazed at the completed magic.

Isn't this the magic of magic?

“It’s not necessarily bad. Your professor appreciated it quite a bit.”


“Wordanaz? What is it? You said you would.”

“The bad thing is…”

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! what's the matter! it's okay!?"

Blue Dragon Tower, as if worried, grabbed Lee Han and shook it.

Only then did Lee Han come to his senses and make up his mind.

'okay. It's not bad.'

In the first place, in order to show off to Professor Alpen, wasn't it something
that Asan could do alone?

In a way, it was overachieved.

No matter how knowledgeable and strict Alpen professor was, Lee Han's name would
have remained in his memory.

'Maybe I can get a letter of recommendation when I challenge for a public office

While Lee Han was trying to imagine as happy as possible, the Baldrogard students
were trying to somehow fix the magic circle's flaws.

“Doesn't this look a little unsophisticated? If it were me, I would have put these
three lines together and did it efficiently.”

“But if that happens, there will be a magic collision here, and no energy will be
supplied to this sphere.”

“What the hell! How did you create such a magic circle so quickly? It must not be
that the magical power is infinite!”

"Shh! Without dignity!”

“Mi, sorry. I almost tarnished Valdrogaard's honor."

'What are you doing, guys?'

Lee Han was puzzled as he watched the Baldrogard students gossiping.

The guests went out and talked, but it was strange to see them chattering while
hanging on the magic circle.
'Should I talk to you? However...'

It was difficult for Lee Han to talk to him first.


It was too hard to beat the Baldroggard students.

I couldn't keep the ejaculation in my hands as I was concentrating not to lose the
right to go out that Professor Voladi had.

'If I think about it now, I would have lost a little more softly.'

If a student who was hit by Lee Han while talking to him even had an argument,
things got annoying.

That was the time.

Gripping support!


“What are you doing!”

One of my friends was startled and shouted in a sharp voice.

One of Baldrogard's students touched the fantasy statue in the center and made it

“Oh… no! I didn't do that on purpose!"

“No, not what! What a mean... Valdrogaard teaches you these things!?”

"no! no! It has nothing to do with Valdrogard! My mistake!"

The other student was at a loss as to what to do when his mistake grew to a
situation that would damage the honor of Baldrogaard.

It looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Even though they were seniors, they were only one year older than the Einroguard

When I made this mistake, it was only natural that I didn't have the skills to fix

'Not good.'

Lee Han thought that he had to step forward.

Because the professors and outside guests don't like it very much when they come
back and look at the current situation.

Not only the Baldrogard students who made a mistake, but also the Einrogard
students who pushed such Baldrogard students too hard.

'Even if the other person made a mistake, he is a guest. It's not good if you push
it too hard.'
“You bastards of Valdrogaard who can go out as they please!”

“You’re not going to play in the city even on holidays!”

The Baldrogard students did not understand the anger of the Einrogard students at

“That… what about that?”

“How is it?! What's wrong!?!?”

“I will never forgive you...!”

“Everyone, calm down.”

Lee Han stopped his friends. When his friends, who had been angry, were also
relieved, he suddenly stopped as if he had poured cold water on him.

The boy of the Wodanaj family had an innate aura.

Even a person who had just been chatting because of a fever will suddenly come to
his senses when he sees the cold eyes of a boy from the Wodanaj family.

“But Wodanaj. The statue I made at the most was ruined.”

“If there is no statue in the center...”

Spheres of light adorned both sides, and the illusion statue in the middle had to
boast of its shape to complete this magic circle.

'It would be unreasonable to fix the magic circle right now.'

Lee Han checked the damaged magic circle and clicked his tongue.

It was crushed and mixed because a student Valdrogaard accidentally stepped on it.


“I’ll summon a replacement for you. do not worry."


Lee Han pulled out the magic that he had to learn from Professor Vible Verdus.

It was just a basic light or flame, but the magic that was forced to learn because
of Professor Bible, who wanted to summon a dragon made of light with firecrackers.

It was <Buy Azirmo>.

Among the dragons of the Empire, famous dragons used to have their names left in

One of them was Azirmo.

Because it was a famous dragon that appears in fairy tales and legends, the
students of Baldrogard quickly recognized him.

“It’s Azirmo!”
"Calling that...!"

Not only the Baldrogard students, but also the Einrogard students watched Lee Han
memorize the spell as if possessed.


'this. Failed.'

Also, <Buy Azirmo> was difficult. It was different from the simple <Give Light> as
it had to change the shape of the light element and twist it around.

“Did you fail…?”

"Idiot! If you failed, you'd be hurt. That’s the preparation process.”

“Wow, indeed.”

'It's a failure.'

Hearing the whispers of the Baldrogard students, Lee Han quickly tried again.

It was good for each other to settle the situation before the professors came in.

After six attempts, Lee Han succeeded in assigning Azirmo to the center of the
magic circle.


It had a completely different appearance from the previous statue, but the
students were all at a loss for words at the appearance of a dragon as beautiful
and majestic as that.

Baldrogard student who made a mistake approached Lee Han with tears in his eyes.

"really really..."

“No need to say anything.”

Lee Han responded kindly.

There was no need to humiliate the other person more than necessary, as long as
they decided to settle the situation amicably.

Of course, Lee Han was also furious when he heard that the Baldrogard students
went out every weekend and had fun.

But that was it and this was this.

Besides, since there is a fan's original sin with a water ball, you have to be
kind like this...

"Thank you very much."


"Seniors. Next time we see you outside, be sure to visit our family mansion!”

* * *

He realized that he was being misunderstood, but Lee Han could not resolve the

The professors who returned from the conversation were surprised to see that the
magic circle had changed.

The wizard of Baldrogard knew what had happened by looking at the damaged magic
circle and the faces of the students.

-I'm really sorry!

-no. Don't do that. The students did not deal with each other smoothly. On the
contrary, the efforts of the students become meaningless.

-...thank you.

The wizard of Baldrogard called Lee Han aside and thanked him once again.

-I've heard a lot about the Wodanaj family, but I would like to express my sincere

-no. professor. But I think the students of Waldrogaard are misunderstanding me...

-If there is a student who only hears rumors of the Wodanaj family and is afraid,
the nobles of the Empire will tell you not to be deceived by such rumors.

- No, it's not...

-oh. I'll just have to go. Again, thank you for your generous response.


“Aren’t the Baldrogards a little annoyed?”

Asan nodded in agreement with Lee Han's words.

“They are very unlucky. I go out on my own, and break the magic circle on the
subject that comes to me.”

'Ouch. Is this why the magic schools hate each other?'

Lee Han woke up to Asan's fierce reaction.

Before entering the school, I thought, 'Why do you have such a useless competitive
spirit?', but after suffering in Einroguard, the students of other magic schools
became ignorant.

This was very irrational behavior.

'Calm down. Don't fall for the Skeleton Principal's tricks.'

“Wordanaz! Did you hear that!?”

“I heard that Gainando found the right to go out!!”


Lee Han's eyes widened. Asan said urgently from the side.

“Wordanaz! Before anyone steals it, we...!”


“...forget what I just said. It was such a disgraceful word. As a member of the
Dalcard family, I am ashamed.”

"no. The heart understands.”


Ian's expression became serious.

'This is something strange.'

Did Priest Tigiling find the right to go out?

it could be

What if students from other towers, at least the White Tiger Pagoda, found a way

That was acceptable too.

But Gainando...

'It's a trap!'

Lee Han's intuition exclaimed.

This is clearly a trap!

Principal Skeleton wasn't the kind of person who easily spread out the right to go
out enough for Guy Nando to get his hands on.

'But... why? Why?'

I was convinced it was a trap, but I couldn't figure out why they were throwing
out the right to go out like that.

'I have no choice but to be more vigilant.'

"what's the matter?"

The other Blue Dragon Tower students asked with worried voices whether they
noticed Lee Han's serious expression.

“Isn’t it suspicious that you can get a travel pass so easily?”


“With that excuse, let’s take Gainan’s permission to go out, isn’t it?”
“What if I said I would return it later and took it?”


Lee Han shook his head at the sight of his friends who were already excited.

'I must be on my own.'

* * *

Gainando was sitting in the tent of Professor Mortum, a professor of black magic.

Other professors selected passionate and outstanding students and asked them to
work, but Professor Mortum did not.

In the first place, the number of freshmen interested in black magic was in the
top five.

All new students to learn black magic had to attend.

Ymirg and Rapadel were also sitting next to Gainando, watching in front of him.



heavy silence.

When Lee Han was not present, the black magic freshmen who weren't close to each
other didn't talk even more.

All three have different towers, different origins, different races, different

Gainando grabbed the collar and flapped it.

Strangely, it felt like the air was suffocating.

'Isn't this because of negative magic?'

To break the suffocating atmosphere, Guy Nando finally opened his mouth.


The other two students enthusiastically responded to Gainando's sociable greeting.


“Don’t pretend to be friendly. prince. Because I feel bad.”

Even though one kept their mouths shut and the other beaten them, Gainando was
rather delighted.

“Did you just say you were the prince?”

“What… what? Why do you like it? You pervert.”

Rapadel, a half-breed angel, looked at Guynando with disgust.

Of the people who said they wanted to learn black magic, none of them were sane.

You like to be insulted...

“Call me again! Who am I?”

“Can’t you turn it off!?”

“I, there.”

Ymirg, a half-giant race, hesitated and opened his mouth.

“Maybe we should bring some guests...”

"What? Who would be offended to be interested in black magic?”

'You're learning black magic too...'

Guynando and Ymirg looked at Rapadel as if it was ridiculous.

But Rapadel was persevering.

“It’s good that people aren’t interested in black magic. I..."

“Are you going well?”

When Professor Mortum appeared, Rapadel immediately bowed his head.

"hello. professor!"

"okay. chock chock. How are you doing?”


The three exchanged glances with each other.

The standard of whether things are going well will vary from person to person, but
the 0 customers were not going well by any standard.

Professor Mortum's face darkened.

“Is no one interested?”

In fact, Professor Mortum prepared fairly diligently compared to other professors.

A black cloth spread on a large table.

And the magic circles, magic books, and artifacts placed on it.

It was Professor Mortum's heartfelt arrangement to find and recommend black magic
spells suitable for guests when they came.

It felt like an insult to compare him with Professor Boladi, who told Lee Han to
blow water beads on the customer's face.

...but not everything in the world will work out if you put your heart into it.

Basically, among the guests who came to the festival, there were few people who
dared to visit the dark wizards.
"professor. There is something I want to ask you.”

“Collock. what?"

“Why didn’t you bring Lee Han?”



Ymirg and Rapadel looked at Guynando more like trash than the professor.

Even though it was a different tower, rumors of Woudanaj could be heard in their

-Wordanaj was making Professor Alpen's magic circle.

- It's because he's a great guy.

-Wordanaz was helping Professor Bagreg. It was like listening to a lecture.

-why...? I don't understand, but if you listen to the lecture, it's natural to
help. Because no one else will listen.

-Wordanaj was running errands for the principal.

- Because he's a great guy.

-Wordanaj is called in and they say they make magic firecrackers.

- He's a good guy... No, wait. Aren't you, Wodanaj, working too hard? How is he
not falling?

Great results come with great responsibility, but Wodanaj was a bit harsh.

The other tower students looked at them with worried eyes, so there was nothing
more to say.

But instead of worrying about that, a friend from the same tower asks the
professor, 'Aren't you calling?'

'You scumbag!'

Rapadel looked at Gainando with contemptuous eyes.

“Collock. Wodanaj… he had a lot of other work to do, so I left him alone.”

“I wish I had Lee Han though.”

“You must be very busy...”

“Lee Han will be fine!”

“Collock. Well... I don't know.”

Ymirg and Rapadel, who could not see, came forward.

“Okay, that’s fine. We will do it together.”

“It’s fine without the Wodanaj guy.”

“It’s okay, what’s okay? They are of no help!”

While the two were contemplating whether or not to sell Guy Nando, Lee Han
appeared with other friends.

“Were you here?”

“Lee Han!!”

Guynando jumped with joy.

I was finally able to get out of this suffocating atmosphere.

"Help me!"


“Here’s the black magic…”

Before Gainando could explain, the Blue Dragon Tower friends who had followed Lee
Han asked first.

“By the way, Gainan also said that he got the right to go out?”


Gainando's expression showed arrogance and arrogance. She regretted that her
friends had asked for nothing.

'Don't ask, I'll just take it by force.'

“Where did you get it?”

“Did you pick it up?”

“…picked up?”

When Lee Han asked the question as if he did not believe it, Guy Nando protested
in a voice filled with injustice.

“I really picked it up! On the way, there was a box in the nearby grass. I opened
it... Look! Really!"

Guy Nando took out the right to go out from his arms with innocent eyes.

It was the eyes that didn't even think that Lee Han was going to steal it.

The other Blue Dragon Tower friends looked at Lee Han with tense faces.

- It's now. Wodanaz!

-just now!


Even though he had not learned telepathic magic, he could hear the telepathy of
his friends.

Lee Han confirmed the right to go out and returned it to Guy Nando.



'It's really more suspicious.'

This made sure

Lee Han promised that he would never be vigilant until he used his travel pass in
the future.

"Oh yeah. Lee Han. Help me."


Guynando explained what happened with Professor Mortum from time to time.

The professor called the outstanding students and assigned them to work, so I
prepared this and that, but people didn't come...

'What kind of bullshit did Gainando say?'

Lee Han was puzzled to himself.

Ymirg and Rapadel were looking at Gainando as if they were garbage.

Rapadel was originally like that as he hated black magic, but Ymirg was a pretty
good student.

Unless Guynando did something...

"Right. i get it. Help me.”



The two looked at Lee Han in surprise.

I really didn't know how to help.


“No, I’m not busy…”

"ah. Today's urgent work is over. Originally, I was going to take a look around
the festival.”

Asan sensed an ominous omen and said urgently.

“Wordanaz. Are you sure you don't want to enjoy the festival today? Few days

“It will be fine to enjoy tomorrow.”

“I… that…!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students stared at Gainando.

Wodanaj is gone because of that bastard!

'Professor Mortum is in front of me, so I can't just go.'

Of course, Lee Han wasn't left behind because of his friendship with Guy Nando.

Because Professor Mortum was right in front of him.

Professor Mortum, even if he said, 'It's okay, you go and play.'

If you really go and play, then you're like, 'Did you really go and play? Cologne,
yes, that's great.'

As long as I learned black magic, there was nothing good about being filmed.

“I will help.”

"why not?"

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han as if he did not understand.

Because he heard the other professors talking, Professor Mortum knew how much Lee
Han suffered.

“Aren’t you learning black magic too?”


Not only Professor Mortum was impressed, but also other students.

Even Rapadel's heart was shaken.

'He is a person who learns black magic, but his honor is really flawless...'

“Lee Han!”

'On the other hand, that prince...'

Gainando asked without knowing that Rapadel was cursing himself.

“But how are you going to bring people in?”

“Can only people come?”


Lee Han asked the Blue Dragon Tower students.

"you. Line up.”

“…wow, us too?”

"Shh. Wodanaj is standing there.”

While coming to play with Lee Han, he was suddenly caught by a black magic tent,
but the Blue Dragon Tower friends lined up for friendship.

“Asan. If you know of any other top students, please call them.”

"don't worry. Wodanaz.”

Asan nodded.

I thought I would do my best as I owe the magic circle.

After a while.

Asan brought the students.

There were students from the same tower as well as from other towers.

“Wordanaz. Can I stand here?”


“Wordanaj-sama. Isn't it a little bit to make the princess interested in black

magic? I'll do it for you, so the princess..."


Lee Han handed a candy to the princess' palm.

The princess stood in line without saying a word. Rowena was astonished.


“Wordanaz. I brought you again.”

Asan, who had disappeared after bringing the students, came back.

This time we brought guests from Valdrogaard.


When Lee Han was puzzled, Asan explained in an excited voice.

“He said he wanted to help because he said your name.”

“Yeah, yes. Good job."

Asan disappeared again.

Then, this time, he brought some priests and imperial officials.

“ did you bring it?”

Even the same students and guests of Baldrogaard could understand.

Because Lee Han had something to take care of.

But what about priests and bureaucrats?

'Is it the network of the Dalcard family?'

“You said you wanted to help because I said your name?”


Ian didn't understand.


* * *

“I’ve never seen Professor Mortum so happy.”

“Hasn’t it been a few months since I saw you, Professor?”

“It is not.”

Lee Han and Guy Nando moved to the dormitory. By the time I helped clean up until
evening, it was already dark around me.

“Would you like to play a card game when you return?”

“I’m going to break the magic.”

“When you’re done deciphering, would you like to play a card game?”

“It will probably be early in the morning when it’s all done.”

Guynando didn't back down easily, probably because he was obsessed with playing

“Then in the morning… Whoops!”

Something flew out of the darkness and attacked Gainando.

At first, Lee Han thought he was a robber who was aiming for the right to go out.

“Gainan too! Don't lose your right to go out... No, you're a monster!"



Despite the advice, Guynando collapsed. It looked like it was attacked by a

monster and passed out.

'I didn't notice it at all.'

No matter how dark the surroundings, you wouldn't notice it while approaching this

It was clear that he had the ability to hide his presence from the opponent.


Lee Han floated a sphere of light around and at the same time made himself

“Fever, distort the air!”

It didn't end there.

In the place where Lee Han had become transparent, the illusion took its place.

“Sharkan. When the enemy approaches, attack!”

With a rumble, Sharkan ran out. Sharkan barked fiercely towards the darkness.

'It's over there!'

Lee Han immediately floated one more sphere of light. The dark darkness quickly

Then, the outline of the opponent became dimly revealed. It was a monster that
looked like it was made by lumping shadows together like clay.

The shadow monster was startled by the light coming in and widened the distance
further. As it penetrated into the darkness, the outline disappeared in an instant,
and the figure was hidden.

'I don't think it's a normal monster.'

Lee Han stared at the direction in which the shadow monster disappeared and was
immersed in thought.

Unlike normal living monsters, that shadow monster did not feel any vitality at
all. It was as if someone had artificially summoned it.

And this is the magic school.

It was a problem because there were too many people to summon such a guy.

'First of all, suppression!'

“Burn up!”

A flame ignited through the darkness. Recognizing the opponent's attributes, Lee
Han decided to subdue it a little more aggressively.

Anyone who fears light will fear fire as well.


As the flames rose from the air, the shadow monster easily spread the distance as
if sneering.

The embarrassment of suddenly facing the light had disappeared and he had already
regained his composure.

Light and flame, it was midnight now.

There was plenty of darkness around to hide.

However, the shadow monster underestimated Lee Han.

“Burn up.”

“Burn, burn, burn, burn...”


When the shadow monster first spread the distance, it should have run away
immediately rather than hovering around it like a scoundrel.

Lee Han summoned dozens of flames around him in an instant.

Hurry rumble!

A fire net that was completed quickly.

The shadow monsters were surrounded by flames burning everywhere before they could
even escape.

A massive offensive with overwhelming magical power that doesn't even give
monsters a chance to use evasion or stealth abilities!

The shadow monster, who was suddenly unable to move in the darkness that remained
a little bit, held its breath with only a glance.

Sharkhan groaned as if to come out.

“I got it.”

The shadow monster did not dare come out of the darkness.

Instead, he waited for the flames around him to go out.

As Lee Han's age was young, he decided that over time, the excessively ignited
flames would become poison.


However, as time passed, the flames did not stop.

Lee Han, who was waiting, said calmly.

“If you don’t come out, I will burn you in the dark. three. two. one..."

He didn't have the confidence to handle fire magic skillfully, so he was waiting
with lights on everywhere, not because he was afraid of shadow monsters.

Feeling the warning contained in Lee Han's voice, the shadow monster crawled out
of it.

Tak Tak Tak Tak-


I heard footsteps in the distance.

Lee Han turned his head and threw his gaze. A face I had seen a few times was
running in a hurry in the darkness of the night.

He was a warehouse keeper at the Magic School.

* * *
- These are the monsters I prepared for this festival. How are you?

- There are a lot of numbers.

-...that's not funny. Anyway, you have to manage these monsters well.

Principal Skeleton spoke to the warehouse keeper in a solemn voice.

These monsters summoned for this festival were not just used once or twice.

It was a beautiful piece of chess that would make the headmaster skeleton's
perfect plan shine.

-I will do my best.

However, in fact, the number of monsters that the Skeleton Principal had summoned
were too many for the warehouse keeper to manage alone.

Besides, the monsters weren't quiet either.

- Stay still, don't move.

thud! thud!

The monsters who had been ordered by the Skeleton Principal to track down and
attack students with the right to go out struggled to escape from us at any moment.

The warehouse keeper did his best to manage it, but in the end, an accident

Several cages were broken and the monsters inside had escaped.

It was a sudden situation, but the warehouse keeper was not embarrassed.

He calmly grabbed those around him, locked him up again, and followed the trail of
those who escaped.


The warehouse keeper stopped at the huge magical power he could feel from afar.

It was a warehouse keeper who gained powerful magic detection ability instead of
losing sight, but it was a huge magic that could not be fully grasped even with
that ability.

Originally, he would have asked, 'Are you the principal?', but the warehouse
keeper heard the stern voice from the Principal Skeleton.

“Are you the principal or are you a student?”

Ian thought quickly.

Speaking of Skeleton Principal here...

'It didn't come out secretly, so there's no need for that.'

"I'm a student."
"Is that so."

Fortunately, the warehouse keeper didn't attack Lee Han in the same way as 'You
must have cheated on me last time!'

Instead, Lee Han looked at the shadow monster surrounded by flames.

The eyes were not visible, but Lee Han seemed to be interested in the warehouse

“Did you catch fire by lighting a fire around you?”


“Did he not try to run away?”

“I smoked everywhere without giving them a chance to escape.”

Sharkan growled as if proud.

The warehouse keeper was surprised by Lee Han's words.

If that statement is true, it means that the shadow monster smoked it quickly
without even giving it a chance to escape.

So many flames like that?

Even if he had a talent specialized in flame element magic, it was difficult for a
freshman to show.

“You will be a good wizard.”

"thank you."

“Then can I take the monster?”

"...Did he escape from the principal's eyes by any chance?"

Lee Han was much quicker than the warehouse keeper had thought.

Monsters, warehouse keepers, and what they were trying to take immediately
reminded me of the Skeleton Principal.

The warehouse keeper didn't show any signs of embarrassment, but he was a little

How does a freshman know so well?


“Did the principal tell you?”

“In a way, there is no such aspect.”

Lee Han replied euphemistically.

Of course, the Skeleton Principal didn't say it, but I was suspicious of what the
Skeleton Principal was doing, so in a way, the Skeleton Principal said it.
The naive warehouse keeper could never have imagined that a freshman would already
have such a cunning tongue.

"you're right. One of those who escaped.”

“Are there still many escaped ones left?”

"That's right."


Lee Han cursed inwardly.

'If you don't have the confidence to manage this bastard's school, you should ban
it from summoning anything.'

“Can I help you?”

The warehouse keeper was surprised at Lee Han's words.

I didn't know that a freshman would say such a peculiar thing.

If it was another freshman, he might have refused to help, but seeing the boy in
front of him just overpowered the shadow monster, he had enough ability to help.

Besides, he's not actually the principal's disciple.

Even if we work together, there won't be any problems.

“Would you mind?”

"Yes. It is my honor to help those who are dedicated to this school of magic.”

“You’re going to be a really good wizard.”

"haha. thank you."

'It's easy.'

Dealing with someone like the Skeleton Principal and then dealing with the
warehouse keeper was so easy.

Principal Skeleton's constant tactics and craftsmanship trained Lee Han in this

'Clearly there is a plan for the Skeleton Principal.'

Helping you dig

Ian knew it well now.

If you don't grab the opportunity when you have it, you won't be able to survive
in this magic school.

"for a moment. I will wake up Gainan as well.”

“Let it be.”

Lee Han called out a lump of water and poured the Guy Nando over his face.

“Gainan too! Are you okay!”

“Okay... Kek, Kek Kek. My, my outing ticket! What about my travel permit?”

“I’m fine. Go into the tower today and don’t come out.”

Guynando had the advantage of not asking unnecessary questions.

As Lee Han spoke seriously, Gainan also nodded seriously.


"okay. Go in carefully.”

“But when you come back, would you like to play a card game?”


* * *

Lee Han moved with the warehouse keeper and caught three more shadow monsters.

The shadow monster summoned from the dark world made up of the magic of yin and
shadow was a favorite beast of the cunning and mean warlocks.

He had special abilities for stealth, tracking, surprise, and so on.

'You're really a skeleton principal.'

Lee Han continued to dig up information from the warehouse keeper and confirmed
the weakness of the shadow monster.

Like the one he had already dealt with, he was struck by a man who was very afraid
of light and heat.

'You should know for sure because you might see it again in the future.'

"So... when these guys are summoned, they're ordered to track down students who
have access."

"That's right."


'It's ridiculous to hear it again.'

Lee Han double-checked the information he had dug up from the other party and was

what's this...

Principal Skeleton said it was too easy to get out, but there was a secret trick
behind it.

When the festival is over and the students are excited to go out on a Saturday
morning and walk to the front door...

Aim for that time and surprise!

'It's really nice to know in advance.'

Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

What would have happened if I hadn't known...

'Wait a minute.'

Reassured, Lee Han felt something sinister passing through his mind.

'Let's think from the point of view of the principal of the skeleton.'

I have summoned and prepared monsters like this, but am I only going to use it to
surprise students who are going out on the weekend and take away their right to go

...Isn't it supposed to be used to surprise returning students?

Lee Han spoke to the warehouse keeper as calmly as possible so as not to be


"Oh yeah. Where are the monsters waiting when the students return?”

Lee Han spoke so naturally and as if he already knew, so the warehouse keeper
didn't even question it.

“He will be waiting near the hill in front of the front door.”

“If you’re late because you’re dealing with monsters… you can send them to the
punishment room.”

"That's right."

"...By the way, isn't it next week's midterm exam?"

"That's right."

“If you come back on the weekend and get locked up, you won’t be able to study for
the midterm properly… even better.”

"Also. You are the disciple of the principal. You will be a good wizard.”


In an instant, Lee Han took off his mask and almost punched the warehouse keeper.

* * *

“Why are you crying so much?”

The thunderous walk was puzzled by the sight of Lee Han, who had been breathing
deeply in front of the alchemy tent since morning.
But instead of answering, Lee Han sighed.

“So, you should have listened. ruler. Here is a potion that makes you feel good.”

Thunderstep poured out a glass full of barley potions with golden bubbles.

Everyone around him was already happy with the barley potion.



“What would you do if you had to break through an ambush?”

“…what the hell are you planning?”

Professor Thunderwalk was astonished.



Ian sighed.

Then he said with a serious expression.

“I can’t elaborate on that.”


Professor Thunderwalk cursed his student inwardly.

'What did this child say with a serious face...'

If it had been another student, for example, Gainan too, he would have yelled,
'Don't talk nonsense and prepare for the exam!'

However, Professor Thundergeulleum did not do that to Lee Han.

The disciple in front of me was too diligent to scream, and he had too many tasks.

"i get it. Drink this.”

If the barley potion did not solve the problem, there were grape potions and rice

Professor Thundergeulleum took out grapes, no, grape potions, and rice potions
from under the table and held them out in front of Lee Han.

Ihan shook his head.

“Drunk is dangerous.”

'Is this kid really a freshman?'

Refusing a potion rather than a drink...

It was indeed ironic patience.

“If we have to break through the ambush... we need to increase our teammates.”


Lee Han listened to Professor Thundergeuleum's words and thought about it.

Lee Han wasn't the only one who had the right to go out. Looking at the current
trend, it was not strange even if there were more than three or four other top
students each.

What if you form a formation with them and break through the trap in preparation
for an attack?

'Well. You won't listen to me.'

Blue Dragon Tower and Phoenix Tower students did not know, but Black Turtle Tower
and White Tiger Tower were highly likely to not hear Lee Han’s words even if they

Should I attack and subdue my friends in advance and then threaten them?

'Maybe it's not that bad.'

Except for the other impossible methods, if there was a way left when it was born,
no matter how absurd it might seem, I didn't know if it was the right answer.

I had to attack my friends first, but...

"thank you. professor."

Professor Thunderbolt, who didn't know if Lee Han was thinking crazy, let out a
small smile.

As a teacher, it was a joy to receive sincere gratitude from a disciple, and also
from a disciple like Lee Han.

“I'm glad it was helpful. So are you really not going to drink it?”

"it's okay. By the way, the name of the festival is at the Magic School, but is
this potion, not alcohol, enough?”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Thunderbolt shrugged his shoulders.

“What do you think people will know about alchemy? Even if you show a potion that
has gone through the process of changing comics, the only person who knows its
value is the same alchemist. People will think it's just a potion and move on. But
if you make something like this…”

“Everyone is happy.”


A good alchemist knows how to make alcohol well.

Haneun Lee listened with interest to Professor Thundergeulleum's speech <How an

Alchemist Manages Networks?>.

Alchemists who make potions or potions in their closets are usually unsociable, so
it was a speech to the point that human relations can be maintained smoothly only
if they make these drinks well.

'It's definitely true.'

Lee Han later vowed to watch Professor Thundergeulleum make alcohol.

Paying bribes well is not for everyone.

“I was amazed. professor."


“Then can I take some of this potion?”

“…you don’t drink now, are you doing this to sell later?”

* * *

The Skeleton Principal looked at the guests gathered at the seat with a bored

And then he cleared his voice.

The honored celebrities of the Empire who attended this event... and our proud
students who will be responsible for the future of the Empire!

'It's disgusting.'

'After graduating, you shouldn't get involved with Richie for the rest of your

Apart from the guests applauding with admiring expressions, the freshmen stared at
the skeleton principal.

what else are you going to do!

The festival is not far away now. In order to take a break for a while, I'm going
to share some simple riddles with the gathered people.

Exchanging riddles while resting was one of the games enjoyed by nobles and
commoners alike.

In addition, the Skeleton Principal, one of the most famous wise men in the
Empire, is said to have a riddle, and the guests were intrigued.

What kind of riddle will you come up with?

Oh yeah. If you welcome guests from outside, we'll give you an outing pass here as
a gift.

“The principal is so… where are we going to use it?”

“You’re good at joking!”


Contrary to the friendly atmosphere of the guests, the students who had not yet
obtained the right to go out were on fire.
And there were still people who didn't understand the atmosphere.

They were guests of Valdrogaard.

“This is an opportunity.”

"right. A chance to show our abilities to the wizards of Einrogard.”

'Don't you notice?'

Lee Han looked at the Baldrogaard students with pity.

The moment anyone here can solve the riddle well and get the right to go out, the
first graders of Einrogard will consider the students of Baldrogard to be the best
supporters until graduation.

But you don't know that, and you burn your willpower like that.

ruler. Then... everyone guess my age.



Everyone gathered in a nonsensical riddle was stunned.


It's not even a riddle!

'You are creating a new concept of riddles.'

- Kreung.

"what's the matter?" Lee Han was puzzled when Sharkan grabbed her sleeve and
pulled her.

Sharkan was nervous and was sending a signal as if to follow.

' way?'

Lee Han wasn't stupid enough to ignore the warnings of his faithful undead

As I lowered my posture and moved, Sharkan showed me the way. Lee Han headed to
the back of the unpopular main building with Summon.

A huge pile of luggage covered in cloth caught my eye.

It was covered in cloth, but Lee Han seemed to know what it was.


A very familiar magical firecracker caught my eye through the exposed gap.

Lee Han didn't bother to ask why it was piled up like this in the back of the main
Because that's what an amateur would do now.

'Is it a riddle or something and get into the tower to avoid it?'

But before Lee Han could finish his worries, someone appeared from among the
firecrackers with a rustling sound.

He was the first wizard he had ever seen.

“...God damn it, you got caught! What are you doing!”


When the opponent spit out abusive language and raised his wand, Lee Han
instinctively responded.

“Sharkan, attack! Get paralyzed!”

What Lee Han learned in magic school was that no matter who the opponent tried to
subdue, he had to resist.

Even if it's the Skeleton Principal's subordinate!

'It's not a punishment room yet! If you leave your seat after subduing it...!'

Lee Han concentrated on the idea that he would surely subdue his opponent.

I'll take it down and make the situation acquitted!

* * *

The wizard, Ogonin, was not a subordinate of the Skeleton Principal.

He was one of the most famous wizards in the Empire.

...Of course, just because he was famous doesn't mean he wasn't a thief.

This time, Ogonin was definitely a thief.

Wizards who do not know much about Einroguard tend to have fantasies.

Unfortunately, Ogonin didn't know much about Einroguard compared to his fame and

So many people fell into the first illusion.

There will be countless mysteries and visions that you are looking for!

It wasn't wrong.

It's almost impossible to get in and get out safely.

However, no matter how impossible the wizards are, if there is anything they are
looking for, they will jump in like a moth.

Ogonin was such a case.

During the festival, several thieves and adventurers came in and were caught, but
Ogonin did not care.
He didn't care about the fame he had or what happened after he was caught.

-You must go in and get the mystery!

Ogonin was as good as his reputation.

Thanks to this, he was able to succeed in entering with his identity disguised,
and in avoiding the eyes of those around him after entering.

But his luck ended up finding a pile of firecrackers.

When Ogonin found a pile of firecrackers (Ogonin didn't know what it was at
first), he fell in love with the powerful magic it felt.

-Aha! You must be researching something!

In order to conduct an accurate investigation, Ogonin built a barrier around it.

-The will of the Forgotten, stop those who come here!

Much more powerful than the clumsy invisibility magic or the line of sight
refraction, it was a high-level mental-type magic that broke the will of the
approaching person and sent them back.

After making such a barrier, Ogonin tried to investigate the firecracker pile.

...until some freshman suddenly ignores the barrier and enters.

* * *

'How did you avoid the barrier!?'

Ogonin could not have imagined that the freshman had disregarded the barrier with
his enormous magical powers.

I just thought I had made a stupid mistake.

'I was nervous because I wasn't used to stealing...! Such a mistake...'

Ogonin thought he had to get out of this place somehow.

How disgraceful it would be if a new student caught up and spread rumors about it.

“Let the visions of another devour you!”

Ogonin cast powerful illusion magic. It was a magic that showed an illusion by
directly interfering with the mind of the opponent.

With all sorts of unexpected fantasies, the freshman won't even notice what he's
just witnessed.


However, Lee Han did not waver even after being struck by illusion magic.

Something magical wave hit my body, but...

Although he did not understand why his opponent was doing this, Lee Han decided to
accept his opponent's mistake with gratitude.

This is something I have learned while dealing with many professors.

don't relax

Overcome when you can!


Lightning flashed and ran towards Ogonin. Ogonin rolled to the side in great

I was surprised by the lightning magic that was too fast for a freshman to cast,
but it was even more shocking that it was not affected by illusion magic.

'What the hell happened?!'

Ogonin thought he was mistaken because his opponent was not a freshman.

Maybe 4th or 5th graders...

But it still didn't make sense. Even a 4th or 5th year student could not deflect
his fantasy magic like this.

“The welcome of others...!”



The magic that the opponent fired was never weak. Its power was brutal and the
casting speed was ridiculously fast.

In the original case, he had to change his strategy by acknowledging that the
opponent was a unique being that illusion magic did not work for.

However, Ogonin's pride took hold.

Even so, he was a person who built up a reputation for fantasy magic in the

It was an excessive humiliation to be embarrassed by not being able to deal with

just one student.

“I control your heart!”

'no. You fight filthy well!'

He deflected the powerful illusion magic once again, but Lee Han himself did not
notice it.

Instead, he admired the skill of his opponent's dodge.

From the looks of it, it seemed that he had quite a bit of experience in magic
Whenever I see Lee Han trying to cast a spell, he rolls around first and avoids

But why does such a person keep using useless magic?

'Are you trying to subdue?'

After all, it's not strange if the Skeleton Principal's subordinates try to
suppress the students without hurting them... No, it's a bit strange, but it was

Lee Han decided to take advantage of the other person's consideration.

'You can't go to the punishment room!'

Lee Han swung his wand and raised his magical power like crazy.

Dozens of water beads in the air quickly began to take shape. At that moment,
Ogonin cried out in panic.

“Wait, wait!”

“Forgive me. professor!"



Realizing that the other student had a strange misunderstanding, Ogonin exclaimed

“...I am not a professor!”


Only after receiving Lee Han's suspicious gaze, Ogonin realized what he was saying

If he was a professional thief, he would have said a word carefully, but Ogonin is
an amateur thief.

As a wizard, he had a high reputation in the Empire, but he was the first as a

That experience made this mistake.

“No… that’s…!”

“Dare you cheat!”

"I didn't cheat...?! Whoa!”

Ogonin could no longer persuade or make excuses.

The opponent's attack had begun.

'What... what is this... what?!'

When the student summoned dozens of water beads, Ogonin was terrified, but he
didn't think he could stop it.

Although Ogonin's specialty wasn't magic battles, how much experience did he have
as a wizard, and he wouldn't have experienced magic battles?

I've also dealt with elemental magic like that.

There are so many, it feels intimidating, but you just have to block the front
well anyway.

If you block it well once, then you can subdue the opponent with illusion magic

...should be?!

Easy profit!

Ogonin was once again panicked when the water beads all flew in random and
irregular orbits and flew at an unexpected speed.

'What the hell! What the hell!'

Ogonin flew to the side.

When you get to this age, you'll be avoiding attacks like this in a childish way.

“Earth, help me!”

The soil suddenly glided, pushing the Ogonin away and at the same time trying to
swallow the water beads.

Lee Han didn't try to get out of control for nothing.

Swallow to swallow


I can call more!

“Spring up!”


Seeing the students preparing for the next attack without a break even after
having just been summoned, Ogonin felt like he had fallen into a nightmare.

A fantasy wizard falling into a nightmare?

'Is this a trap prepared by Gonadaltes!?'

Oddly enough, I was thinking like this.

“Wonso, go back to normal!”

Towards the flying water beads, Ogonin fed the counter with elemental release.
Water beads scattered in the air.

However, the opponent did not care this time and called again.
Ogonin realized.

'If we go to Earth War, we can't win!'

As an imperial wizard, he was proud of himself, and by this point, Ogonin became
rather cold.

If you are embarrassed even once, you will be confused, but if you do it several
times in a row, your mind will start to flash.

'I don't know what the student is doing...!'

You must somehow subdue it and run away!

“Fire, transform into me!”

Ogonin gave up trying forcibly because of his pride in using illusion magic that
didn't work.

Illusion magic was varied in addition to spells cast directly on the opponent. If
it doesn't work, you can use something else.

A flame broke out and it changed into the same shape as the Ogonin. It was a
perfect alter ego that could not be distinguished.

Lee Han looked at Ogonin with a look of astonishment. Ogo-Nin felt his broken
self-esteem recover very little.

“...Student, listen! I apologize for being embarrassed and rude. But I also



Ogonin turned his head at the sound of burning wicks from behind.

The wick that the flame clone had ignited burned out and set off firecrackers.

Pupper Pupper Pupper Pupper Puff Poop!!!!

Both Lee Han and Ogonin were speechless and just watched as the firecrackers were
set off.

* * *

Next problem! My favorite ever...




The students, who had been yawning over the boring question, turned their heads.

Behind them, beautiful firecrackers lit the sky.

bang bang!

“Hey, is it time to start already?”

The guests were excited and got up from their seats.

One of the most beautiful things that magic can do is firecrackers.

It was rare to have a chance to see the firecrackers prepared by Einrogard so


No... No... No!?

When the skeleton principal took off his shichimi and pretended to be surprised,
the guests of the Empire burst into laughter.

“You really like surprise gifts!”

“Won’t the disciples be happy to study under such a delightful teacher!”

No... what the hell... what... an eternal damned bastard...?

“What did you just say?”


The skeleton principal revealed his true nature and made the imperial guests shut
their mouths. The guest, who had been cursed with forced silence, murmured and
became frustrated.

What... what...!

Blue eyes blazed, leaving a trail behind the flying skeleton principal.

Tears dried long ago, but Head Skeleton wept with soul.

An evil man has ruined a plan to give students a delightful firework avoidance

* * *

"'s over..."

Ogonin fell down with a desperate expression on his face.

It must have been a pile of firecrackers.

Besides, since it exploded like this, I couldn't escape now. Soon people will

'Can I lose?'

Lee Han looked at Ogonin, who was lying on his face, and was worried.

For sure to suppress it, it was right to stun it.

It looked like he wasn't a professor but a thief...

But for a thief, he seemed to have a strange identity.

It was quite difficult for Lee Han if he was acquainted with one of the professors
for nothing.

“Can you tell me the circumstances?”


“I was wondering if you could tell me the situation.”

“You… wait. First of all, are you a student?”

Ogonin, who was desperate, suddenly became curious and asked. Ihan nodded his

“You are a student.”

“5th grade?”


"Grade 4?"


“Sixth grade??”

“It’s the first year.”


Ogonin looked around.


“I was looking for a rope to hang...”

“Don’t do that.”

Lee Han comforted him, but Ogonin was frustrated and fell down.

One freshman in the world, unable to control it with fantasy magic, is embarrassed
and sets fire to a pile of firecrackers!

I felt like I had been denied all my years as a wizard.

"Is that so. Well. therefore..."

Lee Han tried to listen to the ejaculation by appeasing the desperate wizard.

I was a person named Ogonin, who specializes in fantasy magic, but Gonadaltes bid
for an ancient artifact related to illusion magic that had been auctioned off once,
and even if we asked to do some research together, I would say, 'Why me? Buy it
with your own money and do it,' and the answer comes back...

In the end, he infiltrated in order to obtain the artifact directly.

'It's a tearful story.'

It was a story that made me cry even more because it was not someone else's story.

In fact, the seniors now are robbing the skeleton principal's warehouse to get

If I went higher from there, I didn't know if I would have to rob another magic
school's warehouse.

“What happened… No, Ogonin-sama!”

Kirmin Ku, the same fantasy wizard and professor at the School of Magic, was the
first to arrive and was surprised.

Why is Ogonin-sama here?

“If you come, call me, why…”

Professor Kirmin saw the fireworks exploding from behind, saw Ogonin lying down,
and saw the fireworks once more.

And I've finished figuring out the situation.

“Did Ogonin set off fireworks?”


“…Wordanaz. Can I ask you just one favor?”

“Can I pretend I don’t know anything in front of the principal?”

“You really…”

Professor Kirmin was speechless. Because he was that amazing.

"okay. Please. Of course, I'm not asking you to do it. In any case, it's true that
Ogonin-sama tried to tamper with the principal's treasure..."

"no. it's okay."


“Aren’t you the professor’s friend?”

"...Thank you. Wodanaz. I will repay you for this favor.”

Professor Kirmin was truly touched.

Unlike Bagreg, Bagreg's pupil was a truly compassionate and warm wizard.

How the heck could a disciple like this under Bagrek...!

Puff puff puff puff!

With the sound of fireworks exploding, the skeleton principal arrived.

After seeing Lee Han, Professor Kirmin, and Ogonin, Principal Skeleton finished
assessing the situation in the same way.
Dare to set fire to someone else's festival for refusing research cooperation!?

“Ah… no…”

“Mr Gonadaltes. I don't know what happened. When the three of us arrived, the
firecrackers were already burning.”


Principal Skeleton was astonished by the unexpected betrayal.

Come to think of it, Professor Kirmin Ku is a fantasy wizard who is close to


There was nothing strange about listening to Ogonin's side.

'These phantom wizards...!'

What an absurd excuse...! Then the firecrackers burned themselves!?

“Mr Gonadaltes.”

Professor Kirmin said forcefully.

“If Ogonin-sama set the fire on purpose, there is no reason to stay here.”


Headmaster Skeleton has been staggered for a long time indeed. The speechless
skeleton principal rolled his eyes only.

That was a very reasonable statement.

Why the hell was Ogonin left with firecrackers burning?

"principal! The fireworks are so beautiful!”

“To see something like this…!”

pop! Puff! puff puff!

Fortunately, before the Skeleton Principal came up with the correct answer,
excited guests flocked in.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Professor Kirmin hurriedly said:

“Ogonin-sama. Get out of here quickly.”

“Oh, thank you. and..."

“This student is Lee Han from the Wodanaj family.”

At Professor Kirmin's words, Ogonin nodded with tears in his eyes.

“Thank you so much. I will never forget your name. I swear by the name of magic, I
will make sure to repay this favor.”

“Go fast!”
Ogonin left behind the scenes. If you get caught by the Skeleton Principal, you
won't do well.

In the meantime, the skeleton principal, who was serving guests, realized the
truth only later.

You've been caught by Wodanaj! this guy! If you cast illusion magic directly on
Wodanaj, it won't work!

“What are you talking about…”

Where did you go! Has he already run away?!

Headmaster Skeleton grinded his teeth.

Come to think of it, it was clear that Lee Han had caught his ankle.

There was so much difference between a freshman and a reputable Imperial Mage, I
didn't think of it at first...

Comparing the compatibility of the two is quite possible!

Otherwise, there would be no reason to set off the firecrackers and remain there.

Let's see... Ogonin! I must avenge this festival's vengeance!

“Let’s run away quickly.”

Professor Kirmin quickly left with Lee Han.

It wouldn't be any good if it stayed for a long time.

* * *

Friday after the festival.

All the guests from outside had left, and the bustling place was empty, but the
students were still talking about the festival.

“Did you see the fireworks yesterday? It was really pretty.”

“Is it made with enchantment magic? Do you want to learn next week?”

However, Lee Han was a little nervous.

It was because I had to meet the Skeleton Principal soon.

There were quite a few students who got the right to go out this week, so they
were all supposed to get together and face Principal Skeleton.

Lee Han has two outing tickets.

One was previously, and one was a new pass from Professor Voladi this week.

'Isn't he supposed to hold a grudge against me for what happened yesterday?'

Lee Han just kept his mouth shut, but...

The skeleton principal's personality could make him nauseous with that alone.
is everyone here?


Was the festival fun?


However, the skeleton principal that appeared did not burn with anger or flash

It looked dull and serene.

'Fortunately... no. Let's not worry.'

Principal Skull, who was greeting the students, stared at him when he arrived in
front of Lee Han.

“What are you doing?”

Are you friendly with Ogonin?

"Yes? No, but.”

I see

Lee Han managed his expression close to perfection. There wasn't a single gap.

...until I hear the next words from the Skeleton Principal.

Then the next time you go out with me, you can go with me.


Lee Han didn't ask where Principal Skeleton was going to 'go out'.

He knew where he was going without asking.


“How could you refuse such a pleasant opportunity?”

I thought you wouldn't refuse.

The master and the disciple spoke with each other's plans.

After finishing the declaration, Principal Skeleton looked around the gathered
students with a travel pass.

Revenge on Ogonin for ruining the festival came later, and now the students in
front of them must be dealt with first... No, I had to take care of them.

Are all the students here?


Treasures were found with luck and skill at the festival, I bless you in the name
of Gonadaltes.
"thank you...?"

“Why are you like that all of a sudden?”

“Did you feel good about the festival?”

The students whispered, puzzled, but Lee Han, who knew the truth, was different.

Fear itself!

I will grant freedom and indulgence to the iron heads who go out this time from
the sunrise on Saturday to the sunrise on Sunday. Make sure you all gather at the
front door of the school until the sun rises.

"All right!"

'It's a start.'

* * *

"for a moment."


When the skeleton principal disappeared, the students who were about to scatter
stopped at Lee Han's call.

And then it was borderline.

“Everyone be careful!”

“It’s Wodanaz. Remember Tutanta? Never skip it.”

“Don’t take out your passport! Hide your ticket!”


Despite the cold reaction of his friends, Lee Han was not hurt.

The original prophet was persecuted.

"friends. Listen to me.”

“I am listening. Wodanaz. Tell me.”

Friends from the other towers backed away, widened the distance, and waited for
Lee Han to speak.

Lee Han calmly began to explain.


5 minutes later.

The students looked at Lee Han with a curious expression.

It was the expression of 'whatever it is.'


“...even though it is so...”

“It doesn’t make sense.”

"You're the kind of person who would... do that."

“It is, though.”

'no. You listen better than you think.'

Lee Han was surprised that the reactions of his friends were more positive than

Thanks to what Lee Han has done so far...

Rather than ... it was due to the evil notoriety that the Skeleton Principal had
built up.

“But how did you find out about this?”


“It’s Wodanaj. Of course I could have figured it out.”



Lee Han was puzzled by the other top students asking and answering questions among

What of course can you find out?

“Wordanaz. So why did you tell us this story?”

“Aren’t you asking me to give you a travel pass in return?”

"not. Now that this has come to pass, we must all work together to overcome the


The students of the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower students fell
into a very deep thought.

“Ah… should I get this?”

“Morady. what do you think about it?"

“No matter how you think about it, isn’t it dangerous?”

“But if the principal set a real trap...”

At the reaction of the students who were struggling with each other with a really
serious expression, Lee Han looked at his friends in the Blue Dragon Tower and
“…Am I so unreliable?”

“Of course not. Wodanaz. Those kids are stupid, they don’t have eyes to see, and
they only have a lot of doubts.”

“At best, Wodanaj is trying to save him, but he’s like that! Of course the Wodanaj
raided the break room and beat up some white tiger tower bastards! But was that
some kind of teaching?”

“You could call it a lesson.”

'I just asked.'

The students of the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower students came to
a conclusion after debating for a long time whether Lee Han was afraid of Lee Han
or the Skeleton Principal.

"great. Wodanaz. not together.”

“We will move together. But once you step out the front door, you will move on
your own.”

"okay. I have no intention of going out with you either.”

“And I will never accept using us as arrowheads.”


“Send us first when there is a trap, or use us as a magic test, or us…”

"...i get it. Okay."

On this outing, Lee Han vowed to clear up some misunderstandings among the
students of the White Tiger Tower.

The misunderstandings that had been built up because of the strict school rules
did not go away.

'Schools build up misunderstandings between each other.'

* * *

Lee Han, Gainando, Yonaire, Asan.

The students who went out from the Blue Dragon Tower were as follows.

“What are you going to do when you leave, Gainando?”

“Once you buy a new set of cards...”

“…not cards!”

“Stop playing cards!”

Friends shouted at Gainando as if fed up.

Gainando could be said to be the number one card game player in the Blue Dragon
It wasn't about skill.

It was because once he played cards, he held onto it until he won.

“But there must have been a new set of cards this month...”

“Buy me a book.”

“I’m a snack.”

“Can I drink?”

“The drink will be served at the front door.”

Seeing his friends having friendly conversations, Lee Han felt sorry for him.

You have such an ungrateful mind.

With that kind of attitude, you will be greatly hurt by going out.

“I go to a cafe and…”

"Wrong. Kainan too.”


“Don’t be sure you can get out until you go through the front door.”

“Uh… huh?”

“Eat your heart out. Think of it as a preview of your midterm exam. Don't play and
go to bed early. Before sunrise, I will gather with the other towers and go to the
front door.”

Lee Han gave serious advice and moved on.

I was thinking of going to bed early today.

Tomorrow there will be a fierce battle from dawn.

As Lee Han went up to the private room, Guy Nando tilted his head as if he did not

“Why is Lee Han doing this?”

"I'm not a talker without Wodanaj, shouldn't you go to bed early?"

"Nope. are you okay. are you okay. Would you like to play a card game?”

“Please do something else…”

* * *

“Aww! Aww!”

Gainando screamed and bowed his head. Lee Han pulled Guy Nando's back.

“Stand back! Shield, spread out!”

Lee Han summoned a giant water shield.

A lump of viscous green liquid from a distance clings to the water shield.

"What is that?!"

“Sleep catcher! Do not touch liquid! If you touch it, it will force you to fall

In fact, when Lee Han gave a serious warning to the students in the other towers,
doubts remained somewhere in their minds.

-Does the headmaster really do such a thing?

- After all, you're the principal, right?

- Maybe Wodanaj is trying to trick us?

But those doubts vanished as soon as they set out for the front door at dawn.

On the way, some bizarre-looking plant-type monsters came out and started to shoot
green liquid masses.

“Those who can make shields, make shields! Yone! I prepared it!”


Yonner took out a potion and gave it to his friends.

“Throw it!”

The White Tiger Tower students lowered their posture and threw bottles as they
were told. The flames burned with the sound of glass breaking.



The white tiger tower students were really surprised when the sleeping hunter, who
had been hit by the flame potion, stopped attacking and panicked.

It was surprising to predict that there would be traps, but to predict exactly
what traps there would be.

One Black Turtle Tower student asked incredulously.

“Wordanaz. How did you know that monster would come out?”

“Because I’ve dealt with it myself.”



The students were astonished.


'Did the Wodanaj family make it?'

'You're doing too much...!'

Of course, the Wodanaj family did not do that.

The reason Lee Han knows the monsters that are now in ambush is that he went
around hunting for escaped monsters like a warehouse keeper.

As much as he had to face him again, Lee Han thoroughly checked the monsters.

And how to deal with it.

It was prepared to deal with monsters by using the whole day on Friday.

“The monster has fallen!”

"wait! Don’t come too close.”

“Go and hold your breath for sure…”

One of the impatient white tiger top students tried to run away.

Lee Han smacked his back with a stick.


“You told me to wait!”

“Um, sorry.”

After waiting for a while, the sleep catcher got up abruptly. He looked like he
was pretending to be dead.

“Throw it again!”

Once again the round flask bottle cut through the air.

The sleep catcher was a pesky bastard that shot a green liquid with a sleeping
effect when it moved away and swallowed it when it got close.

But if you knew that, it wasn't difficult to deal with.

After you have solidified your defense, you can only aim for weaknesses from


“Wow, it fell.”

"great. It moves.”

Lee Han was not vigilant and urged the students.

The attitude of the students who were wary until before, 'Wordanaz might be after
us' and 'Wordanaz might take away our right to go out,' has changed their attitude.

Let's overcome the Skeleton Principal's trap first!

“Morady. Maybe this time Wodanaj was really trying to help...”


Before Giselle could answer the White Tiger Top student's words, the Black Turtle
Top student interrupted.

It was one of the Salco gang.

“Wordanaj is trying to tame you like that. You are already playing in the palm of
your hand.”

“What… what?”

“Soon, if you come to your senses at some point, you will find yourself following
the orders of Wodanaj. For those of you who don't have a captain like Tutanta..."

"hey. go away."

“They make me feel bad.”

The White Tiger Tower students were annoyed and pushed the Black Turtle Tower
students away.

The White Tiger Tower was not the only one on a bad relationship with the Blue
Dragon Tower. The Black Turtle Tower also hated each other.

“Morady. Don't worry about those kids."

“You don’t care? Rather, Ango Alpha.”


Angro withdrew at Giselle's call.

“Did you have a right to go out? You don't remember hearing it?"

“Ah… that’s it.”

The goat beast student hesitated and opened his mouth.

“It’s actually fake.”


“It’s fake.”

Angago shared the story behind this fake outing.

The Wardanaj guy made it last time, but I happened to meet him yesterday and heard
about it.

- The right to go out. Wouldn't it be better to use it together when a lot of

students go out? That way you're less likely to get caught.

- And... Really! Wodanaz. I have no choice but to admit one of your little hairs.

-okay. it's all for you

Giselle looked at Engo with contempt for the stupidest person in the world.

You can't believe it, so you're coming out with the fake travel pass that Wodanaj
gave you?

“You know it’s dangerous, right?”

"know. Moradi. But if you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to attend
until the end of the semester...!”

Giselle clicked inwardly.

From the looks of it, it didn't look like he'd even be told that it was dry.
Giselle nodded his head.

"Do whatever you feel like."

"Yes! thank you!"

During the conversation, Lee Han called for Engo.

“Ango. come here I will cast a strengthening magic for you.”

“Don’t you think Wodanaj seems strangely kind to Ango?”

"I know. Was it because we fought together on the island last time?”


* * *

Lee Han made a way by calling out fire and light everywhere.

Then, he made Sharkan come out of the hidden shadow monster.

The shadow monster ran wildly along the path made of fire and light. Then, Lee Han
immediately blocked the entrance to the road.


“I got it. let's go."

The fight ended in an instant with no fuss or fuss.

Gainando brought out the thoughts that other friends were only thinking inside.

“But I think Lee Han could have come alone…”

"Shh. Quiet."


'Is it this far to the front door?'

One of the Black Turtle Tower students thought to himself.

The sun had not risen yet, so it was dark all around. That's why I was more
nervous and scared.
"Waiting. Wait while I prepare.”

Other than that, one thing was certain.

That boy from the Wodanaj family...

It's really reassuring when you're on the same side!

I was amazed at how he cast various reinforcement magic on the students, got a
potion suitable for the situation, summoned even the summoned beasts, and dealt
with the monsters one by one.

“It was all taken care of. let's go."

After checking, Lee Han returned to the group of students.

Behind him, the dawn began to brighten. A faint light emanated from the back of
Lee Han's head.

The Black Turtle Tower student was instantly overwhelmed by the sacred sight.

"The sun... the sun..."

“Of course it should come out. Let’s go.”


“Are you going to go? will you just go?”

“Go, go.”

When Lee Han grabbed a stick and aimed, the Black Turtle Top student immediately
woke up from the illusion.

Guess I'm crazy for a while!

* * *

Principal Skeleton was floating in front of the main gate waiting for the
students. I felt a thrill in my soul, as if waiting for my first love.

How many people do you think have fallen?

"I do not know."

it's not fun Either way, 1/3 of it would have collapsed. Did you put the sleep
catcher in the front?


Principal Skeleton was satisfied with the warehousekeeper's answer.

Sleep catcher was a very lethal monster for unsuspecting students. By now, some of
them must have gone to dreamland.

Shadow monster?

excellent. The sunlight is still weak, so the students will have a hard time
dealing with it.

Even if they had prepared in advance, shadow monsters are difficult monsters for
students to deal with.

Principal Skeleton waited with excitement.

And that expression immediately changed to a true color.

...why are there so many numbers?

“It seems that the freshman students are excellent.”

Principal Skeleton was taken aback by the warehousekeeper's reasonable answer.

No matter how talented you are, you can't come to the front door without a single
cast iron head dropping out!

“Seeing them gathered together, they seem to have joined forces.”


Principal Skeleton turned his attention to those words.

Then he looked at Lee Han among the students.

Lee Han made an expression that he didn't know anything, but Principal Skull had
already guessed the situation.

...Come here for a second.

Principal Skeleton summoned Lee Han separately. And he asked.

Do you have any dissatisfaction with my education policy?

“What do you mean… can it be?”

Lee Han replied with a surprised expression.

Of course, I had other thoughts in my mind.

'no. How did you know?'

ruler. see you are playing by the river But one of my friends is drowning in the
river and is struggling. What would you do?

“Don’t you usually save me?”

okay. Let's say you saved me. I think it's very stupid and stupid, but let's face
it! But another friend is drowning in the river and is struggling.


Maybe the name of the river is Einroguard?

I looked around and there was one more, another one... They were all drowning in
the river! ruler. think about it Can you save all these guys?
“It’s like a bunch.”

right! unrealistic. So you have to teach your friends how to get out of the river
on their own...

“Besides, why not find out why your friends keep falling into the river and stop


Headmaster Skeleton was speechless because of the stabbing.


Ian immediately regretted it.

I should have just listened quietly, but my tongue...

...let's see! Because one day your friends will betray you!

The skeleton principal, who was in pain, went back grunting.

'You're misunderstanding something.'

Lee Han didn't pay much attention to the skeleton principal's curse.

Why do...

Because I didn't really do this to save my friends.

Lee Han went alone and joined forces with his friends to avoid being attacked, but
he didn't do such a troublesome thing to rescue his friends from the river.

Perhaps because he was evil, Principal Skeleton always seemed to think that Lee
Han was too good.

“Ango. Are you okay?”

“Uh… huh? Are you okay?”

"okay. thank god."

Lee Han patted Ango on the shoulder. Angora was even more embarrassed.

'Why...why are you doing this to this child?'

It sounded really strange, but Angro seemed more reassured when Woudanaj was

The friendly Wodanaj was several times more terrifying than the harsh Wardanaz.

Lee Han looked at Engo with a look of anticipation.

'How will it be discovered?'


However, as a result of the unexpected result, the headmaster, who was gloomy,
opened the front door without properly checking the right to go out.

The students went out the front door with shouts of joy.

"I'm here! It's out, Wodanaj! thank you! this child. You are a real genius!!”

Among them, Angago's joy could only be greater.

It was not a real pass, but a fake pass through the front door.


Ian's expression hardened.

'This child. That's no help.'

I was trying to find out what kind of magic the Skeleton Principal used to check
the right to go, but...

"what's the matter?"

"okay. Good job.”

Lee Han turned around.

The students at the White Tiger Tower were bewildered by the sudden change of Lee

“Why are you doing that?”

“Aren’t you embarrassed because you are so grateful?”

"Wordanaj that guy... There's something unanswered about it."

When Lee Han returned, Gainando spoke in a very excited voice.

“Lee Han! Would you like to go to the card store? Or from the cafe?”



“Do you have any money?”


* * *

After passing through the main gate, the students dispersed and headed to the
nearest village of Philone.

But none of the students realized the most important problem.

...I have no money!

Gainando put on a dazed expression on the sudden reality.

"...can't I say I'll pay you back later?"

“Gainan too. You don’t have to.”

Asan said in a confident voice.

“Because there must be family members waiting in the village of Philone.”


The Dalcard family, as well as the families of the students here, will all prepare
a mansion in the village of Philone and wait.

It was a natural thing for an imperial family of great aristocrats.

However, Lee Han looked at Asan with a sad expression.

You will soon find out the reality.

10 minutes later.



Asan and Gainando looked at each other with blank expressions.

“Why, why not?”

“So they went to the city of Granden…”


"I don't know. Isn't everything magicians do in the first place?"

The villagers shrugged their shoulders and passed by.

The shock they felt was similar to when they heard the news that the sky had

“Okay, I have a good idea.”

Gainando said in an urgent voice.

“What do you think?”

“Let’s go to a rich person in the village and borrow money with the name of the

“Are you there!?”

Asan was startled by Guynando's words.

Horses are borrowing money, aren't they throwing the family's honor in the mud for
a few pennies?

To become an imperial nobleman and try to do such an obscene thing.

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

'I can borrow it, child...'

Even aristocrats have to borrow if they don't have money, so will they starve to

“Everyone, stop. I have money.”

"uh? Where did you get it?”

“I borrowed it with collateral.”

“After all, it’s Wodanaj.”


Gainando glared at Asan as if he was going to kill him when he saw Asan praising
him like he was flipping his palms over.

"Hey... When I ask to borrow, I ask if I'm a beggar...!"

“There is a difference between borrowing under the name of a family and borrowing
with collateral. Kainan too.”

Asan looked at Guynando as if he was talking about something.

'This child...'

Promising to trample Asan with a new set of cards to buy at the store, Guy Nando
moved on.

'what? But what did he entrust to Lee Han as collateral?'

* * *

"no. Aren't you the warehouse carrier from last time?"

The store owner saw Lee Han, sat down and ran out immediately.

It was like meeting an angel in hell.

“Why are you so happy?”

"I know?"

Friends soon found out why.

“The rumors are still circulating about buying a few weeks’ worth of sales at once
and carrying them around.”

“Because it’s embarrassing, the nickname ‘warehouse carrier’ is a little bit.”

“Why? It's an honorable title..."

The store owner did not understand Lee Han's reaction.

Is it an honorary title that symbolizes the big hands of the shopping street?
"hey. moon card. Look at this. It's a new card set!”


"Wow...! There's even a headmaster!"

“Then buy it.”

Asan answered dryly. Then, Gainando turned his head.

"no. The principal is a garbage card with too many penalties to use properly.”

“Yeah, yes.”

While Guy Nando and Asan were playing in the toy section, Lee Han and Yoner had a
serious conversation.

“I don’t think we need the fabric yet. Let’s fill it with food.”

“I ran out of sugar… the canned food is still good, but I’m already running out of
sweets and candy.”

“I can’t help it. Still, it’s much better than last time.”

“It’s a new question, but how did you bring it all together last time?”

Ian didn't answer.

Now that I think about it, it must have been ignorant.

'This time, I must share and bring it.'

There were some leftovers and there were many people, so it was clear that it
would be much more relaxed than the last time.

“Is it roughly this? I only have to buy it before the sun goes down, so I have
plenty of time.”

“Lee Han. Can I buy this?”

Guy Nando came to me with a card set. Ihan nodded his head. After all, it was

“The problem is the midterm. I need to buy a book about geometry. I couldn't find
it in the library."

“Lee Han. Can I buy this too?”

Guy Nando came to me with a toy set that rotates on its own. Ihan nodded his head.

“I think I need an alchemy book too.”

“Surely it is. It was very difficult to find books on materials in the library.”

The school didn't give me the books I needed, so I wanted the students to buy them

Lee Han and Yoner no longer complained about that.

'okay. Originally, the library might not be a place where books are not given to
people without skills.'

A library in which books are systematically and well-organized is unusual, and a

library with such a jumbled labyrinth is common...

“Lee Han. Buy this too…”

"ah! Buy it yourself!”

Gainando was startled when Yoner screamed.

“That… there’s nothing to be angry about…”

"for a moment."

Lee Han found a familiar face outside the shop window.

It was the excellent illusion wizard, Waldororn, who taught Lee Han the basics of
phantom magic the other day.

“Anyone you know?”

“You are an outstanding wizard who taught me magic last time. Valoron! Baldororn!”

As he was passing by, Waldororn turned his head when someone called him and was

A new student from Einroguard, whom I met last time, appeared in the village

Also, this time with friends!

'No... No, how do first graders come out so often??'

Did the rules change?

While Waldororn hesitated in embarrassment, Lee Han led his friends to come.

“This is Waldororn. An excellent fantasy wizard. Thanks to this guy, I was able to
break the illusion magic. Oh yeah. Waldororn. Thanks to what he taught me last
time, he was able to stay safe when dealing with other illusion wizards.”

“Who did you meet?”

Baldororn, who was bewildered, asked involuntarily.

Will a freshman ever deal with another illusion wizard?

“Maybe his name is Ogonin...”



“Can you teach me more like last time? I want to be taught because it is an exam
At the sight of the student trying to pass over the name he had just said as if it
was nothing, Waldororn was speechless.

I was just trying to get past it, but I couldn't.

“What did you just say?”

“I want to be taught…”

"No. No. Previously! What kind of fantasy wizard did you meet...?”

“It was a man named Ogonin. But, Mr. Waldororn. It doesn't really matter now, does

'If that's not important, what's important!'

Waldororn screamed inwardly.

There was no way an empire's phantom wizard would not know the name of Ogonin.

He created masterpieces of fantasy magic that were as perfect as jewels, and the
magic book he wrote was treated as a Bible by young illusion wizards (Waldororn had
invested all his fortune to get a copy of Ogonin's magic book last time), that
great Isn't that the wizard Ogonin?

If he could obtain any of the magic being developed by the Dream Wizard, a group
of illusion wizards led by Ogonin, Waldororn would be happy to sell his soul.

'for a moment. Isn't it the same person? or an impersonator.'

Waldororn regained consciousness.

Come to think of it, there was no way that a freshman could survive against a
fantasy wizard like Ogonin.

Maybe it's the same person, an impersonator, or a misunderstanding!

“What magic did you use? Do you remember the order?”

When Waldororn asked as if urging in a hurry, Asan was slightly impressed.

“It’s amazing to see you asking about magic.”

“That’s it. You must be really serious about magic.”

Ignoring the whispers of the two freshmen, Waldororn looked only at Lee Han.

“Was that… 'Let the visions of another devour you!' 'I control your heart!' It
looks like you used the same spell.”

Waldororn's mouth opened wide.


Just by hearing the spell, Waldororn immediately recognized what kind of magic it

That specific spell wasn't something a freshman could fake. A high-level illusion
magic spell was hit.
It's a powerful thing that even Waldororn couldn't even dare to use...

'How the hell... How the hell... How?'

While Waldororn was in a state of panic, Lee Han asked once more.

“Mr Waldororn. If it's okay with you, may I ask you to teach me again?"

“...uh... yes... yes? Yes?"

"thank you! It's good that everyone is happy. You say you can.”


Waldororn, who had been nodding his head as if he were a broken man, woke up

The freshmen were happy and clapping their hands.

"thank you!"

“No… no… I… I am not capable of teaching anyone!”

How the hell did you teach the freshman who defeated Ogonin?

Waldororn's face turned blue.

Then Asan was amazed again.

“Until you are humble…”

“Is there something different with the professors?”

"right? The extraordinary must be something else.”

'I'll take care of it.'

Waldororn wanted to run away, but the Blue Dragon Tower freshmen would not let him

In the end, Waldororn had no choice but to be dragged away like a prisoner on the
death row.

“ must never tell me where you learned it.”

“I hope that our professors will also learn a bit from watching Waldororn!”

'If you hit one... can't you?'

Baldororn thought to himself as he looked at Guynando, who was talking


* * *


"thank you. Thank you for clearing up my doubts.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students ordered a glass of chocolate at the cafe and asked
Waldororn some questions.

Waldororn answered desperately in order to survive.

The students couldn't help but be satisfied with their sincerity.

Oh, this guy teaches really well!

“I will never forget what I learned today.”

“I’m going to go back and try again.”

“Jeong… that’s really good…”

'Go back soon...'

Waldororn's voice had already lost half of its strength. It was because he was

Oh my God, I'm going to teach illusion magic to new Einroguard freshmen...

'Aren't the professors going to come out and kill me?'

Lee Han, who was sipping a cup and organizing what he has learned, saw people
passing by and shouted.

“Priest Tigiling!”


The phoenix tower priests walking down the street stopped when they saw the blue
dragon tower students in the cafe.

“Where are you all going?”

“Each of us is going to go to the temple to say hello, but…?”

Unlike the other Tower students, the Phoenix Tower students had nothing to do with

Most of them didn't intend to spend the money in the first place, and all they had
to do was stay in the temple of their denomination in the village.

“Still, after coming out like this, drink something and go. ruler. Everyone sit

Lee Han brought the Priests of the Phoenix Tower into the cafe.

Then we ordered dessert and drinks in a row. It was as natural as flowing water.

When the priests woke up, freshly baked cheesecakes and hot chocolate were already
on the table in the cafe.

“I don’t need to treat you like this…”

One of the priests said in a very sorry voice. Lee Han waved his hand as if it
wasn't a big deal.
“It is my pleasure to serve friends.”

Lee Han didn't dare say, 'Go to the church and tell me my story'.

The priests are all good, so if you eat, they will do more than you eat.

“And it’s like tea or coffee, right? I know that many people drink to wake up even
in the temple.”

To Lee Han's words, the priests responded as if they were talking nonsense.

“There is a difference between tea and coffee and these precious desserts. Lee
Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

"you're right. I'd appreciate it, but these precious desserts are different from
tea or coffee. If you eat it often, you will be criticized for being extravagant
and lax.”


Priest Tigiling, who was eating the cake next to him, blinked and looked at Lee
Han. Lee Han pretended not to see and ignored it.

“But who is this person?”

Before Lee Han could answer, Asan and Gainando spoke excitedly.

“This is Waldororn, a master of illusion magic…”

"no! no!!"

“He is humble and intelligent.”

“It’s not…!”

“Can we also be taught?”


At the eager gaze of the students gathered at the seat, Waldororn could not

'Why the hell did I go out today...'

1 hour later.

"thank you!"

“I was very worried about this part while learning fantasy magic...!”

“...You really shouldn’t go anywhere and tell me you learned it?? really...!"

"Do not worry. Waldororn. We will protect the will of Valdororn.”

While the priests finished asking questions, Lee Han opened his mouth.

“Mr Waldororn. By the way, where were you going today?”

“I went to the store to buy some food for dinner and an artifact to use in the

Waldororn, speaking thoughtlessly, realized that he had made a mistake.

All the first-year students were listening with interest.

“Can we visit too?”


'I'm just going to say go home...'

Waldororn really wanted to cry.

* * *



The White Tiger Tower students were the slowest to grasp the situation.

The White Tiger Tower students, who had accepted the reality that there was no
real family mansion, trembled in shock and anger.

“Why the hell are you doing this...!”

“Aren’t you really crazy?!”

“Is there any reason to insult the knight so far? Let's graduate and see! really!"

In front of the white tiger tower students trembling, the black turtle tower
students appeared.

To their surprise, the Black Turtle Tower students had a large lollipop in their
hand. It was indeed a symbol of luxurious wealth.


“Ttttttt. I can't seem to find any money."

Bandre, one of the Salchow gang, clicked his tongue as if he was sorry. The white
tiger tower students' eyebrows rose upwards.

“Fame of a high family... Brilliant honor... What's the use of all these things?
If you don't have money ha ha ha!"

“This child?!”

“Hold on. It’s a village.”

Friends stopped the White Tiger Top student from going out.

Angro asked as if incredulous.

“Where did you get your money? Did you even steal it?”

"What? steal? After all, the White Tiger Tower bastards can only think that way.”
The students of the Black Turtle Tower had an offended expression on their faces.

Do you start to suspect that you dared to steal it?

“We got our money in a fair and fair deal.”

“By a deal?! how!?"

“Why are you telling me that? Even if I told you, you wouldn’t be able to do it,
would you?”

Bandre said in a voice full of pride.

The Black Turtle Tower students excelled at running a black market within the
school and retrieving abandoned artifacts.

Vendre took the artifacts out and exchanged them for money. Even broken and
incomplete artifacts were enough money on the outside.

“This… profit.”

“Don’t go over. It’s a useless provocation.”

Giselle realized that saying more would only make the other person feel good. She
didn't have to respond to such provocation.

One day the time will come to repay you.

“Shall we borrow money under the name of the family?”

“Ango. Be patient. That's a beggar's job...!”

Meanwhile, new students surrounding Waldororn appeared on the other side of the


“The Blue Dragon Tower… Priests of the Phoenix Tower?”

Bandre thought it was a good thing when he saw the group of freshmen who appeared.

Even if Woudanaj was the top grader, he would not have been able to save money
like Vander and his friends.

This was something the nobles couldn't do.

“Wordanaz! Do you need money?! You can borrow it!”

"no. Okay. It’s plentiful.”


Bandre was astonished.

If you look closely, you can see that other students besides Lee Han also had
lollipops in their hands.

It was also twice as large as the Black Turtle Tower students.

Guynando looked at the candy in Vander's hand and then looked back at the candy in
his hand and grinned. Bandre felt very bad.

“How the hell...?”

“Where did you get it?”

At Lee Han's question, Vendre was a little dazed, so he answered the question

“Well, I exchanged the artifacts I picked up last time.”

“Where did you exchange it?”

“At the <Yursan Dancing Mouse> shop...”

“Such. I lost. From now on, don't exchange it there. I heard it's a place where
you can buy artifacts a little cheaper. It's better than anywhere else...”

Bandre was dragged away as if possessed by Lee Han's words.

Wodanaj's voice had the skill of a guild member who had been around for a long
time in this town.

" it?"

“Okay, I see. Thank you. …But how do you know this?”

“I’ve been trying to figure out how to exchange artifacts too.”



When Lee Han was praised as the top grader, or when he showed magic that other
students couldn't imitate, I didn't feel this kind of emotion.

Vendre had no choice but to admit it from the depths of his heart.

'I lost...!'

“But who is this?”

Lee Han's friends answered first.

“The ultimate fantasy wizard.”

“Master of fantasy magic.”

“And he said he would show us to the Artifact Shop.”

'I've never been...'


The White Tiger Tower students and the Black Turtle Tower students had one thing
in common.

Whether he hated Lee Han or was wary of it, the point was that he recognized at
least one of Lee Han's magical abilities.

Giselle thought to herself.

'If Wodanaj said that, he must be a really great wizard.'

“It is an honor to meet you like this.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower greeted me like a knight.

Of course, Waldororn, who felt like he was sitting on a cushion of thorns, did not
feel better when he was greeted like that.

Rather, it was suffocating.

'Are you knights!?'

It was even more burdensome when the freshmen, who seemed to come from a knight's
family, greeted politely like that.

If you find out the truth later, you might even wield a sword...

“Would you like to go with me?”

The other top students hesitated at Lee Han's suggestion.

The students of the Black Turtle Tower nodded in thought, but the students of the
White Tiger Tower did not.

Because there was no money!

"ah. I have no money.”

Lee Han said as if he knew. While the students at the White Tiger Tower were a
little furious, Lee Han continued.

“I will lend you.”


“I will lend you. Of course, some interest…”


Angro looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

It was a surprisingly generous offer considering the fact that Vendre, the Tower
of the Black Turtle, flirted with a few silver coins earlier.


Lee Han became very burdened by the sight of Anggo looking at him with twinkling

“Did I say it was free? I think you said that you loaned me with interest?”

"heard. Wodanaz. ...Thank you."

'Isn't this kid crazy?'

Anggo's reaction was strange to Lee Han, who did not know what was going on
between the students from the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower before

Why are you impressed by the fact that you borrow money at interest?

“Yeah, yes. I'm glad you're happy."

Angro reached out to shake hands. Lee Han stepped back and widened the distance.
Angro lowered his hand with a shy expression.

"Wordanaj... Seeing you makes me feel ashamed to show off with a few silver

'Why is this child doing this again?'

When the Black Turtle Top student spoke to him with a persuasive expression, Lee
Han became even more absurd.

What happened before you came?

“I didn’t know what the noble families were talking about, but that’s what they
were talking about.”

“What did you talk about before you came?”

“I didn’t believe in that, but to see with my own two eyes.”

“What did you talk about before you came?”

“I have to admit…”

“Are you right? Can you just tell me?”

“Why, why? Wodanaz?”

After a while.

'no. I should have gotten more interest.'

After hearing and understanding the detailed explanation of the situation, Lee Han
was deeply saddened.

Did such a thing happen!

Even if they received more interest, the White Tiger Tower guys would have
accepted it.

“Here it is.”

The shop with the sign “The Tangled Treasure Pile of the Luminescent Ghost” had a
very suspicious and gloomy appearance.

To the extent that if only the students had been there, they would not have
entered such a place, asking, 'What are you doing in this place?'

However, the gathered students did not have any doubts.

“Because that’s where Valdororn wanted to go.”

“Because it was introduced by a wizard who said Wodanaj was so amazing.”

“Of course it would be reliable.”

“Let’s go in!”

''s cheap so I go there often...'

* * *

The owner of <The Tangled Treasure Pile of the Luminescent Ghost> has never seen
so many freshmen go out of the magic school in his lifetime.

...No, in the first place, it was absurd for the students of the Magic School to
stop by here in <The Glow's Tangled Treasure Pile>.

'Why are you here?'

Items that were semi-permanently enchanted with magic, artifacts were quite
expensive in the Empire.

So when people bought artifacts, they didn't buy it anywhere.

It is to live in the workshop of a well-known sorcerer after receiving


However, not everyone was looking for such safe and guaranteed artifacts.

Broken or half-broken artifacts, artifacts exported during experimentation or

research, artifacts that fail to reach their original goal, and so on.

You might want to find these artifacts, but the reason was simple.

Because it's cheap!

There were many people who did not have money but needed artifacts than expected.
And the place that such people stopped by was <The Tangled Treasure Pile of the
Luminescent Ghost>.

A shop that specializes in buying and selling used, damaged and incomplete

Adventurers don't stop by. Why do magic school students stop by here?

"Wow. Do you have anything?”

“What kind of cloak is this cloak? There seems to be some magic on it.”

“It’s not normal because it’s a place that Baldororn often visits.”

Baldororn's face flushed red.

“Everyone… please lower your voice…”

While the students were having a conversation, Lee Han strode through the stores
and approached the counter.
The owner was nervous when a boy from a large aristocratic family approached him.

'Isn't it supposed to be an absurd rant?'

The adventurers who stopped by here knew what this store was like, so they didn't
have any major accidents.

But the students at the Magic School were different.

As he came from one of the most prestigious families in the empire, it would be
dark in the world, and as the students studying in the Einroguard, he could
overturn this if he wanted to.

The owner was very nervous.

'Please don't buy it. please...'


“No… hello.”

Lee Han lowered his head and lowered his voice. Then, the attitude of the owner
naturally lowered.



“It looks like you’re also buying incomplete artifacts here. How much would you
pay for these?”


The owner unknowingly lifted his head at the student's words and checked Lee Han's

'From a real great aristocrat... right?'

* * *

Lee Han sold obscure artifacts such as the cloak of protection (there was a half
chance of blocking cutlery anyway, so Lee Han decided to just block it with magic)
and boots of lesser coverts and exchanged them for money.

Once again, he couldn't help but admire Waldororn.

'Do you know of a place that offers such a good price? Truly an excellent wizard.'

As his pockets became more generous, Lee Han's heart also grew.

Just as other students were already looking around, Lee Han set out to find useful

“You seem to know well, can I ask you a few questions?”

“…I do.”

Waldororn was astonished inwardly.

The owner of <The Luminescent Tangled Treasure Pile> was a man known for being
harsh and blunt.

When Waldororn asks anything, the person who is taunting him by saying, 'If you
keep asking, go somewhere else' will answer Lee Han's questions in detail.

'Do you discriminate against people!?'

Of course, I didn't understand it. Had Bal d'Ornn been the owner, he would have
answered Lee Han's question.

It's because the aura he exudes from other students is different.

...and brought along some very useful artifacts.

"The Principal Sun... No, is there any way to avoid the Archmage's eyes or to
detect the movement ahead of time?"

“There is no way such an artifact could exist here.”

“Well… Then what about the artifacts that detect an intruder in advance? Or an
artifact that subdues the intruder...”

The owner slowly started to get confused whether Lee Han was a student from a
large aristocratic family or a gangster from a gang of government officials.

Are you trying to rob any mansion?

“What kind of magic does this pocket watch have?”

Lee Han, who was scanning the artifacts, was puzzled by the silver pocket watch
with a slight crack in the glass.

It didn't feel magical at all.

Could it be that the level of magic is too high for Lee Han to detect?

“There is no magic. It’s just a pocket watch.”


Lee Han was a little shy.

Even if it was just a pocket watch, it was a valuable enough item. Being able to
measure the time accurately was itself an artifact.

Waldororn said cautiously.

“You seem to have gotten some silver coins because you sold the artifacts... How
about buying them? A pocket watch in such a good condition is very hard to find
once you miss it.”

"indeed. If Valdororn said so...”

"no no. I didn't mean it that deep!"

Waldororn hadtily changed his words, but Lee Han had already understood it at his
own convenience.

'Certainly... there must be a lot of work to be timed accurately in the future.'

Alchemy as well as the higher the level of magic, the more difficult it will be to

There is no way the magic school will give you a pocket watch, so it was not bad
to prepare in advance.

"thank you. Valdororn’s advice was helpful.”

“Now that I think about it, it may not be so necessary, but…”

Despite his pathetic voice, Lee Han bought a pocket watch.

Seeing this, the owner tilted his head.

'Why do you listen to Waldororn like that?'

The students of the Magic School would be more talented than Waldororn...?

Lee Han tucked a pocket watch into his coat and looked around at the other
artifacts. I caught my eye as the blunt dagger hung on the wall was emitting a
strange energy.

“Don’t go over there!”

“What is the reason?”

“You are a monster that absorbs magic. If you touch it wrongly, it can absorb
magic power and cause you to collapse or become a bad person...”



Despite the warning, when Lee Han just grabbed the dagger, the owner was startled.

Even as a student at the Magic School, it was too much of an act.


But something even more surprising happened after Lee Han grabbed the dagger.

...Even though he picked up the dagger that had already stunned several
adventurers and made them bleed, the student at the Magic School was fine.

"it's okay. You don't have to worry.”

'Oh my gosh!'

The owner was once again astonished.

I heard a lot that Einroguard is the best among the Imperial Magic Schools, but
seeing this was a shock.

Anyway, for a freshman like this...

It was definitely a school where only monsters really gathered.

“How much is this?”

“Cursed items can only receive one silver coin. Otherwise, I won’t buy it.”

"no. So… are there any more cursed objects?”

Waldororn, who was watching, suddenly felt something strange.

'Aren't we supposed to ask about the effect first?'

Wouldn't it be nice to just buy something cheap?

* * *

“It really helped a lot.”

“It’s all thanks to Valdororn.”

All the freshmen in the four towers surrounded and thanked Waldororn.

Waldororn hid his tired expression and nodded quickly.

“It’s nothing, folks. It was really fun to meet you guys. Don't ever say that you
learned from me somewhere..."


"of course!"

“See you next time you go out...”

Waldororn hurriedly ran away without looking back.

The students marveled at the cool appearance of a no-brainer wizard.

That's a wizard!

“Lee Han. What did you buy?”

“A watch and a dagger. Other cursed objects are less cursed.”

“...the curse isn’t really that bad??”

While Guy Nando was struggling, Lee Han prepared to head to the Amur stables.

Yoner asked worriedly.

“Is it okay if I tell you the truth?”

"it's okay. He is a man of words.”


Yoner was puzzled as he followed.

No matter how well you talk, I think you'd be surprised if you said you saved a
* * *

“Nice to meet you! Did you get a ride?”


“Good job! Which one did you save?”

“It’s a Griffon.”



Amur literally fell backwards. Ian cried out in embarrassment.

“Are you okay?!”


It was Amur who grew up in the harshest lands of the Empire. He recovered quickly
and stood up.

"I'm embarrassed to see... surprised by the name of the horse."

Amur said, wiping away the dust and straw from his clothes.

Come to think of it, no matter how much Einroguard, there was no way he could have
saved the Griffon.

It was obvious that the horse's name was probably Griffon.

It was quite common to name a terrifying monster on a horse...

"no. It's a real griffon."


Amur, who got up, stumbled again.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah… no. Where did you get it? No, more than that, what are the wizards doing?”

Amur said in an unusually angry voice.

It was surprising that the student caught the griffon, but what was even more
surprising were the wizards who stood still while the student caught the griffon.

What are you doing without becoming a teacher and protecting your students?

No matter how eccentric the wizards of Einroguard are, this is...

“Um… that’s…”

“The professor brought it.”

Yoner, who had not seen it, spoke instead. Amur just pursed his lips with a blank
expression on his face.


“Actually, there is a reason for this. If you listen, you will understand.”

“I don’t think you understand…”

Amur waited for Lee Han's explanation.

Lee Han explained that the griffon is not a real griffon, but a griffon that has
been cursed and transformed into a horse.

The professor did this to get students used to monsters...

“It’s not as strange as you think, is it?”

After the explanation, Lee Han asked. Amur answered firmly.



That... is it?

While Lee Han was slightly perplexed, Amur continued.

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors that the wizards of Einrogard are eccentric, but I
think this is it…”

"no. This is actually pretty good.”

“Lee Han… I think you should just stop talking…”

Yoner stopped Lee Han.

To say more, it seemed that Amur would only make a strange misunderstanding.

And the most important thing here was that I wasn't mistaken.

For a long time, Amur, who had been tormented by the eccentricity shown by the
wizards of Einrogard, managed to come to his senses.

“It’s good that you found a mount that can still fly.”

"Yes. We haven't found the way to the Spire Stables yet, but we will find them

“Take it slow. If you hurry, you are more likely to get things wrong. Escape is
more important to stay undetected than to go out.”

'I think the conversation is strange.'

Yoner thought to himself as he listened to their conversation.

“What do griffons like?”

"Well. I like fresh horse meat.”

“…what else is there?”

“I like less fresh horse meat...”

Except for horse meat, Lee Han brought snacks that Griffon would like.

Canned meat and sugar piled up in a backpack.

"Oh yeah. Igor came to town, have you met him?”

“Who is Igor?”

As Lee Han wondered, Amur realized his mistake.

I didn't know it because it was so natural, but Lee Han wasn't a villager or an
adventurer here. I was a student in that magic school.

“My cousin. They sell rare animals to adventurers here in town.”

Just like wizards raising their pets, well-trained animals have always been good
friends for adventurers.

Such rare and powerful animals were so popular that they were worth the price.

“I must have missed it because most of them are not present.”

"thank you. But wouldn’t those guys be expensive for me to buy?”

Although Lee Han was extorting students' pockets, no, he was raking in through
legitimate efforts, he was far from being really rich.

It was enough to buy all kinds of groceries and books in the village, but not
enough to buy expensive animals.

“There are not necessarily only expensive ones, so take a look around. I'll tell
you so I'll let you know. Bring your other friends too.”


Lee Han wanted to take the Black Turtle Tower or the White Tiger Tower with him,
but he stood still.

He wanted to look like a good and sincere student in front of Amur.

* * *

“Are you the student who tamed that griffon?!”


As soon as Igor met Lee Han, he whispered urgently.

It was a voice so low that the other students could not hear it.

“I didn’t tame it…”


“That’s right, but that’s it.”

“That’s right!”

Fellow adventurers who were helping Igor inside the store ran and surrounded Lee

“Did you really tame the gryphon?”


"Shh. lower your voice I mean, I decided to keep it a secret.”

“Okay, I see. So how did you tame the gryphon?”

Igor looked and dressed similarly to the Amur, with one difference.

It was that he was very curious about how he tamed the griffon.

In fact, it wasn't that anyone wasn't interested. She's an Einlo Guard student, so
she didn't bother me out of pity...

“It was really close to luck. I once saved my life…”

“You said you saved your life? indeed!"

“Then it makes no sense!”

When the bearded and dusty adventurers seemed to be convinced, Lee Han was

But that was an illusion.

“But even so, the griffon does not accept me as its owner…”

“No matter how you think about it, it’s clear that you’re born.”

“The next time we go hunting for gorgons, can’t we go together? If you can

Skilled adventurers were precious beings that were welcomed everywhere.

However, a more precious existence than that was an existence with an affinity
that was loved by monsters.

The adventurers coveted whether they could somehow take Lee Han with them.

“Everyone calm down. This student is from Einrogard.”


“If you are a student of Einrogard, there is nothing you can do.”

Igor's friends quickly gave up.

Einrogard's student had no choice but to do so. He did not know that the wizards
would chase him and turn him into a beast.

“But you can wait a few years. If you think of it after graduating, be sure to
contact me here.”
“Our work is full of danger, pain and romance. It will be enough for us to be


Lee Han was slightly embarrassed by the words of the proud adventurers.

Are you calling that a serious offer now?

'I heard that there are a lot of crazy people among the adventurers, so that's

Now that you're saying that's a serious offer...

"ruler. Follow me. I'm sorry for taking your time."

Igor apologized and showed us around the store.

The inside of the store was a mess as he spent most of his time wandering the
empire looking for and catching rare animals.

But that didn't bother me at all. The newly introduced animals caught our


A bird trapped in a cage ignited itself and suddenly froze. Igor explained.

“Jeong-joo. A rare bird that only eats gems imbued with the power of spirits.”

'It's a crazy animal.'

Ian was shocked.

If you keep it for a week, it is bankrupt, and if you keep it for about a month,
it will turn you into a debtor.

“I’m sorry, but that person has already been decided. We decided to sell it to a
nearby nobleman.”

"it's okay."

Lee Han didn't want to receive it even if he gave it for free.

"If you're a student at the Magic School... I think a pigeon or a mouse would be

Trained pigeons flew and delivered letters secretly, and trained rats were able to
move to and from hard-to-reach places and clear traps.

Ihan nodded his head.

'It wouldn't be a bad idea to have one at a time.'

"how much?"

“It’s free. I asked about the griffon earlier, so I have to pay for it.”
“No like that. thank you."

Lee Han did not refuse too much and decided to accept it with gratitude.

...Did you come out with some griffon feathers?

- How much does this deer do?

- Ugh. too much I'll never buy it.

-Can't I borrow more money from Wodanaj to buy it?

- No matter how generous Wodanaj is, if you ask me to borrow money to buy it, I
think I'll kill you...

- Stop it. You'll learn summoning magic later anyway.

'These children are ignorant.'

Lee Han furrowed his eyebrows.

You shouldn't go to a store where other people do business and say things like
'You can do it with magic'.

So it's not like the wizards are scolding them for not being ignorant.

But Igor, who was listening to the students' conversation, didn't pay much

Rather, he nodded with an interesting expression.

“Actually, there is a way to summon wizards by contracting directly. It's

difficult, but above all, it doesn't cost anything... How about you?”

“Lee Han has already signed a contract with the spirit.”

Igor admired Yoner's words.

“Indeed… If you are friendly enough to receive the loyalty of a Griffon, it is

natural that you will receive the love of the Spirit.”


Lee Han was taken aback by the absurd misunderstanding.

I'm receiving a lot of fear, not the love of the Spirit...

However, Igor accepted Lee Han's words with humility.

It was natural.

Even if seasoned and experienced adventurers risk their lives and work hard, if
they are unlucky, they can't get the Griffon's loyalty.

Receiving such loyalty would be impossible without innate affinity.

“By the way, can I ask you one thing?”

“Is the summoned beast in the waist dance perhaps Sharkan?”

Igor wanted to see the ornamental bones hanging from Lee Han's belt.

It was a sleeping Sharkhan.

"Yes. This is Sharkan.”

"Also! I hoped…”

I thought the other person would have a strange misunderstanding, so Lee Han
quickly came forward to explain.

“It’s undead.”

“Look, oh. That's even better.”

"...I didn't make it myself, I got it as a gift from another warlock."

“Of course you know. I wonder if a student made that one anyway? If it was an
undead monster, even Sharkan, that temper would be really dirty... They are really


Ihan just nodded with an expression of giving up.

"Yes. thank you."

“Can I ask what your body is made of when you summon it?”

“I am making my body with water.”

“You’re going to need a lot of sheep, right? If there are no rivers or ponds
around, you will not be able to answer your call?”

“I summon you by magic.”


Igor was astonished.

To fill all the muscles and flesh of a monster the size of Sharkan with water.

Are you saying this is Einrogard's student?


I knew it was great, but I'm sure a freshman would be like this...

Igor glanced at the students as they browsed his store.

The Empire's best wizards are here!

“Why are you there?”

“Wow, we didn’t buy, did we just talk too much?”

“I will live in Jeonseo-gu…”

Igor, who couldn't hear the whispers of the students and was proud of herself,
took out a small green glass bottle and put it in Lee Han's hand.

“Take this.”

"What is this?"

“It is a solution of green gemstone. Liquid paper made by dissolving purified

water. If you mix it with water, Sharkan will love it.”

“Can I just take this...?”

Ian hesitated.

Moderate freebies had no backlash, but too large freebies might have a little bit
of backside.

But Igor patted Lee Han on the shoulder as if it was okay.

“Being kind to those who are loved by monsters or spirits is important to an

adventurer like me who needs to be loved by monsters. It brings good luck.”

“…that’s really a misunderstanding.”

Lee Han was seriously worried about Igor.

* * *

Lee Han clicked his tongue as he looked at the solution of Nokjuok given as a

No matter how much Lee Han refused, Igor would never accept it.

“Can’t we stay overnight in the village?”



“Then you stay.”

“...Oh, no. I was just asking!”

Originally, I could leave early in the morning and go back to school.

But Lee Han had no intention of doing that.

'You have to surpass the headmaster's expectations unconditionally.'

What kind of bullshit is the skeleton principal who has been poisoned by now...
No, he didn't know if he would dig a trap.

“Are all the priests here? Let’s go.”

“By the way, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family. The other top students…”

Lee Han pretended not to hear the question from one of the priests.
He didn't want to waste time convincing other top students.

"ruler. Let's go!”

“Did you not hear me?”


While walking along the dark road, Lee Han felt a sense of incongruity.

No matter how dark it was, he was walking by summoning light by magic.

But why is it getting darker in front?

They're the students of the magic school.

A heavily armed knight appeared with the sound of armor clashing.

It was an undead knight who was exuding the energy of death all over his body.

A name popped up in Lee Han's mind.

'...Death Knight!'

I am guarding this path at the command of my master. Students at the Magic School
can cross the road by offering one.

Asan unknowingly looked at Gainando. Gainando tried to poke Asan's eye with his


“Why are you doing this!”

"huh. Don't you think you don't know the insidious thoughts in your gaze that just
looked at me?"

"no. How did you know…”



Lee Han dried up Guy Nando and Asan.

The Death Knight was standing still and guarding his place, whether the two were
fighting or not.

“What if I only offer one person?”


“What happens to that student if you donate it?”

I'll probably go to the dungeon.

“G... dungeon??”
Guynando was more frightened than necessary. Lee Han kindly explained the

“No worries. Guyan too. I'm just talking about the underground punishment room."

“...why does that mean there is nothing to worry about, Lee Han?”

Instead of answering, Lee Han looked at the Death Knight again.

“If you really donate, will you get out of the way?”

student Although I lost my life and moved away from the world of the living, it
didn't mean I lost the honor I held in my heart. I swear on my honor

“If you think about true honor, I don’t think you would be blocking the road like

"Shh. Yonner. It is said that people get angry when they are stabbed in a painful

Lee Han covered Yonaire's mouth.

Even if the Death Knight was grumpy, it was difficult to handle.

'the problem is...'

It didn't seem like the Death Knight was lying. The problem was elsewhere.

There were many ways to deceive others without telling lies.

“Are you going to tell me to go ahead and sacrifice another student after you get
out of the way?”


Death Knight was speechless.

Then he bowed his helmet and did not answer.

'That's right.'

“If you have any honor…!”

"Shh. Guyan too. People get angry when they stab a sore spot.”

Lee Han wasn't very disappointed or surprised. It would have been more surprising
if the principal had opened the way for just one person to dedicate due to the
nature of the skeleton principal.

Traditionally, the wicked do not back down easily after giving them a piece of
bread, but keep chasing them.

“I can’t help it.”

“Do you have a way?”

The priests were astonished by Lee Han's reaction.

Even with the appearance of that Death Knight, he didn't panic at all and was so

I knew Wodanaj was great, but really...

"you. Go back, wake up the White Tiger Tower kids and the Black Turtle Tower kids,
and bring them home.”



Maybe it's not the way we think it is, is it?

* * *

Asan and Gainando woke up students from Black Turtle Tower and White Tiger Tower
from sleeping in the inn.

Of course, the reaction of the students was not good.

- The moon card. Whatever it is, it's too absurd to be a Death Knight.

- Prince. Do you think we can't touch you just because you're a prince? This is
Einroguard. Of course it's out here, but after a day, Einroguard... Whoa! It's
Death Knight!!

The students who walked in doubt and rubbed their sleepy eyes fell backwards in

A death knight was watching them in the dark.

“Hey, how is this?”

“Everyone, calm down. I already knew the headmaster wouldn't let us in. That’s why
I went out to reconnaissance like this in advance.”

Actually, I left the two top students as bait and only Lee Han and friends tried
to get in first, but that didn't matter.

The other top students were overwhelmed by Lee Han's serious voice and nodded.

Giselle, who was listening, felt something strange and tilted her head.


Is there any reason for Wardanaj to lead so much?

“Now that we have confirmed that the Death Knight exists, we need to take
measures. Otherwise, you may not be able to go back until the sun rises.”


“Isn’t that the only thing?”

Upon hearing the detailed explanation of the situation, the other top students
nodded with waking faces.

Surely now wasn't the time to sleep.

When the other party seemed to understand, Lee Han continued speaking.

"okay. By lot…”

“Come on, Death Knight!”


Ian was surprised.

Angago drew his sword and started running towards the Death Knight.

“Ango, wait…”

Before it even dried, Angago narrowed the distance.

Lee Han sighed.

'That's why you can't do big things with the knights!'

You tried to make them cast lots by playing with their hands, but you couldn't
stand it and ran away.

The Death Knight spread out one hand wrapped in the gauntlet as if not surprised
at all.

young knight Courage is imaginary, but too arrogant.

Death Knight didn't even draw his sword. With his metal-covered arms, he blocked
Angago's strike.


When the attack was blocked, Angora was astonished.

It was surprising that the blow that he had kicked himself was blocked, but what
is even more surprising is that...

'Breath, breath!'

It was Angago who attacked, but Angro's breath was choked.

The energy of the dead scattered by the Death Knights began to weigh down Anggo's


Angora knelt down on one knee. Death Knight looked down at Angago. The blue eyes
flashed in the helmet.

'for a moment. Isn't it resolved?'

Lee Han realized as he looked at the kneeling Anggo.

Since I'm dedicating one person now, I'll pass this road, and on the next one,
I'll provoke another white tiger tower knight and let him go...

Maybe it'll be better than you think?

let everyone jump


However, such thoughts of Lee Han disappeared with the violent remarks of the
Death Knight.

Death Knight was waiting for all the students to attack.

"for a moment..."

Lee Han tried to say that there was a misunderstanding.

The students here are not from the same tower, but from different towers.

So, if we have to take solidarity responsibility, why don't we just fight the
White Tiger Towers?

But before they could wait for an answer, the friends started attacking.

“Be paralyzed!”


'shit. I should have told you in advance.'

Lee Han regretted not telling his friends, 'Stay still even if the students from
the White Tiger Tower or the Black Turtle Tower are caught by the Death Knight'.

But what to do?

The fight had already begun.

“Wordanaj-sama. Thank you!”


“Give me a chance like this!”

'I want to hit one.'

Lee Han was slightly moved by the sight of a Nigisor priest who ran out with an
excited voice and was born with the blood of a fire spirit.

For the most part, I didn't have any bad feelings for the Phoenix Tower priests,

“Burn and fly!”

“Swim it!”

“Be heavy and sharp!”

Spells were thrown from all directions, and flashing elements collided.

The students of the White Tiger Tower attacked where they learned from, casting a
strengthening spell on their blades.

Ian looked at it and thought.

'I think he was trying to write that on me...'

“Wordanaz! Be careful!"

Lee Han bowed his head at Asan's cry.

The Death Knight grabbed one of the white tiger tower students by the neck and
threw it, so a friend was flying.

“Sharkan. good!"

Lee Han called out Sharkan's name, called out water, and threw the green gemstone

Sharkan, who was endowed with an emerald-colored body that was different from
usual, let out a cry mixed with happiness.

- Grumble...

“Sharkan. Don't go head-on, confuse him!"

With the urgency in Lee Han's voice, Sharkan rushed in knowingly.

Even the Death Knight, who was lightly dealing with the students, moved as if
Sharkan was wary.

Has the dead who served the master come? He won't look after him as he's in the
same situation.

A sword was quickly drawn out of one of Death Knight's empty hands. It was rusty
and dark in color, but the energy of death emanating from that day was brutal.


When I hit the ground, the surrounding soil turned black. However, Sharkan escaped
one step ahead. Death Knight said in a murky voice at the movement faster than

Is it the power of insight that Nok Ju-ok (綠柱玉) has? You are annoying.

The Death Knights used swordsmanship in succession to block the trajectory that
Sharkan was avoiding.

The magic of the students poured over it. She raised her shield, thinking she
couldn't keep the Death Knights still.

“Lee Han. Shall I just leave it and run away?”


Asan was bewildered by Guynando's too cool question.

What if I hear other guys?

“If there is no way, you have to run away!”

“There is a way.”
"By the way?"

“Because it’s a little hot…”


"not. Let’s call it right away.”

Lee Han gave strength to the patterns left by Perkuntra and memorized the spell.

Death Knight was a very difficult opponent.

Fantasy magic did not work, and resistance to various elemental magic was also

It was not easy to break through the defensive power of the guy, even if he threw
dozens of water beads and hit it.

Even if you try to increase the destructive power by making the water huge, the
Death Knight won't wait for you...

There was only one left.

“Sing the thunder, spirit!”


Perkuntra, a powerful lightning spirit, certainly had the potential to face the
Death Knight.

However, there was a reason why Lee Han was reluctant to summon Perkuntra.

When I called you up until now, all the records...

'I think it was really cool...'

-You don't think I can feel your distrust!

Lightning struck from the sky, and at the same time, Perkuntra's shout resounded
in Lee Han's head.

- Misunderstanding!

- You're talking like a misunderstanding!

Perkuntra was absurd.

How could he receive such sincere distrust from a new student at the Magic School?

No matter how twisted things are...

-Then show your abilities by defeating the death knight standing in your way!

- I am not a spirit that responds to such low-level provocations. But only this
time! Yes, just this time for that absurd suspicion! I will definitely show you my

Perkuntra inflated her body.

A thunderbolt that fell from the sky smashed Perkuntra and increased its strength
even more.

Strong spirits did not make excuses, but Perkuntra had no choice but to make

The first time we met was in the Skeleton Principal's punishment room, and the
next time we met, we were bound by the shackles of an absurd command and our power
was limited.

Originally, Perkuntra was such a spirit that, whenever summoned, could only come
out with the summoner's immense gratitude and respect.

But to come out with such an arrogant ‘Should I call you or not?

See, and shudder!

I lost. Great spirit of lightning.

The Death Knight stopped attacking Sharkan and put the sword into its sheath. And
then she bowed her head.

Perkuntra, who had been flashing and bursting with lightning, stopped.


I can't dare to defeat you with the power I have. I lost.

As the Skeleton Principal's pet, the Death Knight knew the identity of Perkuntra.

As they are working together, there is no need to waste in vain against a spirit
stronger than them.

Students of the Magic School. You guys passed my test with your skills. You may
pass by without making a sacrifice!



The students' eyes widened at the Death Knight's declaration.

It's really going to open up like this.

The Death Knight looked at Lee Han and said.

I will remember your name. student

Leaving a name on the Skeleton Principal's undead summons wasn't a very good thing
to do.

Lee Han looked at Giselle.

Giselle, who was holding the twin swords, looked at each other, wondering why
Wardanaj suddenly looked at him.

'Well. There are a lot of people listening to it, so it would be unreasonable to

Ian gave up. It was a pity.


“Anyway, thank you?”

At the sight of the Death Knight leaving for the tattered school, Lee Han first
thanked him.

Of course, Perkuntra was not deceived.

People who are truly grateful don't start with 'Anyway' and don't ask questions at
the end.

-I don't think I can feel your doubts...

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

Lee Han said with sincerity.

Of course, it was a bit disappointing to see what Perkuntra showed this time.

I wanted to see with my own eyes how they fight and how strong they are, but I
sent my opponent back only through conversation and persuasion.

However, compared to the previous record, this time it was enough. Lee Han
slightly raised the evaluation of Perkuntra.

Naturally, Perkuntra was not satisfied with the slightly raised evaluation.

-...if only this rude little bastard... had a little more time...!

Perkuntra sharpened her teeth.

It was a pity that I couldn't ask Lee Han properly because it was time to be
reverse summoned soon.

-Summon again next time! If you summon me again, I'll explain to you just how
great what I showed you today...

-But depending on the contract, you can't summon it as often as you want, can you?

And it was a waste of time to leave that and summon a spirit like Perkuntra and
listen to his pride.


Perkuntra was reverse summoned, leaving behind an incomprehensible scream.

To the students who did not know the details, it seemed that Lee Han summoned the
spirit and sent him back after finishing his work.

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. As Igor-sama heard, your affinity for spirits is
really good.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

* * *
Surprisingly, Principal Skeleton did not react so violently.

It was obvious that he had ended all disappointment in advance when he saw the
Death Knight who returned first.

An old spirit who doesn't care who must be properly guarding the punishment

'Let's not make eye contact.'

Lee Han avoided his gaze.

Just because Principal Skeleton was mentally prepared, there was no guarantee that
he wouldn't be grumpy.

Everyone came back well.

"principal! What the hell is that Death Knight!”


Lee Han could just quietly pass through the front door, but the reaction of the
White Tiger Tower students who dared to set it on fire made his heart sink.

'The knights are really...!'

The skeleton principal, who had become pale because of Lee Han, seemed to have
come back to life a little thanks to the students of the White Tiger Tower.

What do you mean?

"Anyway, you're deploying Death Knights on the way home!"

Angro pointed out as if it was hard to believe. The other White Tiger Tower
students also nodded.

But Lee Han was skeptical.

'The more you react, the more you make the other person happy.'

In Lee Han's eyes, the most enjoyable time for Principal Skeleton was when the
students said, 'How are you doing this!'

If you don't respond, you're going to get bored...

Are you saying that I have to get your permission to deploy my Death Knight?

“No, it’s not like that…”

Are you saying that you are sick because you do not have the confidence to
overcome one such obstacle? Becoming a student at this magic school?! under! I
thought it was something like a Baldrogaard student.

“Oh no!”

'Don't go over...'

While Lee Han was sad, the headmaster, who enjoyed enough to enjoy, changed the
topic as if he had suddenly remembered it.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot


Principal Skeleton snapped his finger.

A ticket and purple flames appeared in the air.

As the pass passed through the purple flames, it was turned to ashes in an



Most of the students didn't notice what they were showing, but some were

Angola's face turned pale blue.

'Caught up!'

'You caught it.'

Lee Han also looked at him with a depressed expression.

When I left, I thought there would be no problem because I passed, but it seems
that Principal Skeleton had re-examined the pass.

'Are you checking the right to go out like that? I'll have to find a solution.
After all, if you want to use a fake, you must use it when there is no skeleton

You can be proud


Because no one has ever tried to get out with a forged pass. you are the first!
This is sincere. i am proud of you



The students roared.

“Did you forge your travel permit?”

“Oh my God… what kind of big guy is that?”

“Aren’t you a student at the Black Turtle Tower? There are only technicians

It's heartbreaking to have to punish a proud disciple, but I can't help it. It's
wrong to get caught. Make sure you don't get caught next time.

Angro walked forward with his shoulders drooping. The other students looked at
Engo in surprise.

“Ango was the culprit?!”

“How did that kid do such a forgery?”

At Asan's murmuring, the students of the White Tiger Tower stared at Asan.

Principal Skeleton said to Engo with benevolent eyes.

If you have an accomplice, tell me. If you tell me, the punishment will be


For a moment, Lee Han's heart plummeted.

If Lee Han was in the same situation as Angelo, it would be obvious...

"There is not!"


Headmaster Skeleton looked at Lee Han while talking to Anggo.

Lee Han stayed still, not changing a single expression on his face.

'There is no evidence anyway.'


That's why knights are... good! It's a punishment room. drag it!

The undead grabbed Angago's arms and pulled him out.

Seeing this, Lee Han made a promise to himself.

'Ango. I'll give you a good meal.'

* * *

“I have to study for the exam…”

“Let’s get some sleep.”

"Good idea."

"uh? Should I study for the exam?”

Returning to the tower, Lee Han and his friends immediately went to bed and fell

I couldn't help but get tired because I had a mid-term exam or something with the
Death Knight in the middle of the night.

Thanks to you, it was already midday on Sunday when I woke up.


As we descended into the break room, an excited Blue Dragon Tower student

“The principal must be crazy! Let's go, too!"

“Calm down. It’s a trap.”


"ah. sorry. habitually.”

If it's something related to the headmaster skeleton, he's got a habit of looking
at it with suspicion once in a while.

“What’s going on?”

“Look at that!”

The student pointed to the incoming Kainando.

Gainando was holding a large cotton candy in one hand and a sparkling beer mug in
the other.


The festival is over and going out is over, so where the hell did you get
something like that?

“Where am I?”

“The principal held a banquet to commemorate the end of the festival! I don't
think he's a very bad person though!"

Lee Han couldn't believe it, so he decided to check it out himself.

But to my surprise, what my friends said was true.

The door to the large banquet hall on the first floor of the main building, which
was normally closed, was open, and all kinds of food and drink were still piled up
in abundance.

A few layers of whipped cream cakes, cheesecake and butter cake. The candy,
cookies, and chocolate that Guynando brought back earlier.

It wasn't just for dessert, but from whole wild boar and grilled dishes with
sauce, all kinds of imperial delicacies were on the table.

Looks like you woke up Would you like to have a drink!

Principal Skeleton found Lee Han and generously handed him a glass.

Cider made by fermenting apples filled the glass with a glint.

ruler! Normally, we don't allow anything as valuable as alcohol to cast iron

heads, but today is a special day!
“...I don't get it. Why is today a special day?”

It's the weekend of the week after the festival!

“Why is that so special?”

is it? Then you're just trying to think of it as a heart that cares for students!

"...principal. I hope it's the midterm exam starting tomorrow..."

That's why he's so quick-witted.

Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han as if he was very displeased.

Lee Han was really at a loss for words.

'No, really like this?'

A person who is usually so stingy when it comes to feeding students delicious food
treats them to drinks like this because they have a midterm exam tomorrow...

At this point, I was amazed.

Awesome really!

It's already late. Many students are already eating and drinking. Do you think you
can stop it?


Lee Han was puzzled by the Principal's words.

'Why am I blocking it?'

It was thankful to Lee Han when other competitors drank beer, drank cider and
happily fell asleep on the lawn of the main building.

“Why am I blocking it?”

Don't take the shichimi While I've been enjoying my bad pleasures by interfering
with my work.


Ihan realized what he was talking about.

Principal Skull still misunderstood that Lee Han was a devoted person for his

Of course I understand. Intellectual competition with opponents of the right level

is fun. I won't deny that I've also been a little happier thanks to you.

'I'm going crazy.'

Lee Han was frustrated inside.

The Skeleton Principal was inspired by trying to avoid the Skeleton's bullshit.

“Think as you please.”

After nodding his head roughly and leaving this place, Lee Han thought that he
should bring Anggo a meal or something.

Tomorrow is a basic magic personality education lecture. you know?


tell the students The basic magic personality education test will be held in the
beetle classroom on the 4th floor of the main building.

"All right?"

Suddenly, he was uneasy about why he was on the 4th floor, but Lee Han nodded his

The exam starts now and runs until next Friday.

“Are there so many problems?”

what are you talking about? At least one sheet. You can go to the classroom at any
time and solve the problems and submit them. You've given me plenty of time.


For a moment, Lee Han felt an ominous foreboding.

There's no way the Skeleton Principal could be so kind to raise a problem.

“Can I just go and unpack and submit at any time until next Friday?”


“...Is it easy to get to the beetle classroom on the 4th floor of the main

It might be a little difficult, right?


Lee Han left his seat and ran out of the banquet room.

The fact that Principal Skeleton gave me time until next Friday...

'Even if you find it now, it may not be enough!'

Considering the exams of other lectures during the midterm, it was never enough

Behind Lee Han running away, the skeleton principal burst out with a gloomy laugh.

* * *

“Gainan too. Wake up, you child! I have to go to the exam!”

Lee Han slapped Guy Nando on the cheek with both sides, but Guy Nando didn't wake

'Should I have learned the magic of waking up?'

Not only Gainando, but also the Blue Dragon Tower students could not answer the
call because they were so happy right now.

Lee Han mercilessly abandoned his friends.

As long as I drank alcohol the day before the exam, I actually had no excuses.

'It's like stupid guys...'

No matter how hard and painful it is, you drink the alcohol the principal gives

Lee Han moved and took out the book. The time was tight as the midterm exam did
not have only one lecture.

'I'll have to read the blood magic book later, and the book the principal gave me
later. I've deciphered almost all the magic in the box the principal gave me...
I'll do this later.'

On the way, I saw students from the White Tiger Tower who were drunk and singing

Ihan thought it was fine.

"hey. Let your friends know! The Basic Magical Personality Education Test has been
held! It’s the fourth floor beetle classroom!”

“What kind of bullshit? Wodanaz. To deceive us…”

Lee Han accurately struck the white tiger top student's name with a stick. The
opponent vomited out the drink he had just drank.

“Heh heh heh heh heh!”

It didn't end there.

Lee Han called out a chunk of water and threw it on the white tiger top student.

“Are you drunk?”

“Wake up, wake up! I woke up! You're awake, so stop it, you bastard!"

“Good luck.”

Lee Han nodded with sincerity.

"ruler. Remember it well. The basic magic personality education test was held.
It's the fourth floor beetle classroom. got it?"

“Okay, I see.”

Lee Han left the White Tiger Tower students behind.

The white tiger top student, drenched in water, murmured looking at Lee Han's

“Mi… you crazy…!”

"Shh. What if I come back?”


It was unfortunate.

Lee Han wanted the White Tiger Tower students to have the right to take the exam,

The students at the White Tiger Tower, who were less drunk, could not understand
the truth.

Just look at me like a madman!

* * *

Professor Thunderwalk walked with a humming hum.

In fact, exams are not just for students.

Teachers also have to create problems and give grades.

It would be better if they could find pleasure in that part like the Skeleton
Principal, but for the professors who didn't, the exam was just a painful task.

It was the same for Professor Thunderbolt.

'Fufu. It's finally over.'

Professor Thunderwalk opened the bottle of honey liquor he had saved. He felt good
that he had done all the problems.

I could see the freshmen getting drunk and rolling around on the lawn.

'It's a good time. When it's good.'

A specialty that any freshman at the Magic School will experience.

Principal's midterm exam celebration banquet!

Now, if you face the test with a flabby head after waking up, the bad habit of
lustful enjoyment before the test in the future will be corrected.

'I'm rather cheap to learn. cancer.'

Professor Thunderwalk thought so and nodded his head.

At that moment, a familiar pupil ran through the lawn.


"oh. professor."

“Have you not heard the news yet? You can't have a drink on a nice day like today!
This is my favorite drink, but I’ll give you one in particular.”

Professor Thundergeulleum handed Lee Han a bottle of honey wine to help the
skeleton principal.
Of course, Lee Han glared at Professor Thunderbolt with a look of contempt.

“...Did you notice?”



Professor Thunderwalk, embarrassed, retrieved the bottle of honey wine.

'guy. Your eyes are great.'

A freshman who is hungry for food and drink does not fall into such a trap.

It wasn't usually great.

“I have to go to the 4th floor of the main building now. Isn't the headmaster
really doing too much?"

“You’re a little too much.”

Professor Thunderbolt agreed.

Not knowing anything else, I fully sympathized with the cursing about the Skeleton

“Finish and submit by Friday. What an absurd…”

“Uh… My test is also completed and submitted by Friday?”


Lee Han looked at Professor Thunderbolt with eyes mixed with betrayal. Professor
Dwarf made excuses without knowing it.

“It is not wrong to give a generous period of time! Besides, there are many things
that are difficult to make in an hour or two in alchemy!”

Like Principal Skeleton, he wasn't deliberately putting a limit on Friday to make

him suffer with vain hopes.

Alchemy requires a certain amount of time, so make and submit a generous amount of
potions over the next week!

That was the deep meaning of Professor Thunderwalk.


Ian was somewhat convinced.

“And I need time to gather materials.”


Lee Han canceled what he had just understood.

'They are all the same tribe.'

"All right."
“Your eyes just seemed to despise me, so maybe it’s your mood?”

“Why would I give you those eyes?”

"okay. don't believe me Don't drink, don't do anything dangerous. Don’t try to rob
the professor’s workshop.”


Lee Han paused at the last words.

'Did the seniors rob the professor's workshop?'

During the conversation, several students appeared from the other side.

Of course, I thought he was drunk, but surprisingly he was fine.

They were Black Turtle Tower students.

Lee Han said in a surprised voice.

“Salco? How did you not drink? You de...”


“You seem to rarely like alcohol.”

I was going to call him a dwarf, but Lee Han stopped talking quickly. Although
Salko looked like a dwarf, he was an elf.

“Huh. Wodanaz. What do you see us as? Did you think you could easily get drunk
like everyone else? We kept all the drinks we got.”

"Hey... It's embarrassing, so be quiet."

A friend stopped one of the Salnos from chirping in triumph.

If you think about it soberly, the reason why the skeleton principal dares to
bring and store the alcohol he has dissolved in the banquet hall...

That was a bit odd.

However, Lee Han admired it.

"indeed. I didn't think of that. excellent. Take it and save it.”



“Why is everyone doing this?”

“Oh, no. It’s nothing.”

When the students of the Black Turtle Tower heard the compliments from Lee Han,
the shame they had lost suddenly returned.

'Aren't we too desperate?'

'Is the storage a bit harsh?'

Salco said regardless of the reactions of his friends behind him.

“The principal said that the test was held on the 4th floor of the main building.
Am I right?"


“I’m going now, would you like to join me? Wodanaz?”


The other Black Turtle Tower students were more surprised than Lee Han.

“Are you okay? Tutanta?”

“There is nothing that can’t be done. You are well aware of Wodanaj's abilities."

“I know.”

Several Black Turtle Tower students nodded.

It was thanks to Wodanaj that I was able to save my life while going out

But apart from that...

“Wordanaj is a bit scary.”

“If there is a section where we need a sacrifice, we may be sacrificed…”

'I can hear everything.'

“But still, I have no choice but to acknowledge Wodanaj’s ability…”

"okay. Now, the exam comes first.”

After the conversation, the friends opened their mouths.

“Let’s go together, Wodanaj!”

'If there is a section where sacrifices are made, these people must offer
sacrifices unconditionally.'

“What are you all doing together?”

Nelia was puzzled and walked from the side of the forest. She held a bow in one
hand and a few rabbits in the other.

Lee Han was puzzled by his well-groomed appearance, which didn't even look like he
was drunk.

“Aren’t you drinking?”

"alcohol? Where are you drinking?”

"...for a moment. Since when have you been in the forest?”

“Since yesterday morning?”

Nelia tilted her head, not understanding why Lee Han was asking.

He had been preparing for hunting in the forest since dawn yesterday to get some
meat and hides.

It was a pretty satisfying hunt.

Hunting is a waste of money if no prey appears, no matter how good the hunter's
skills are.

Four rabbits was enough.

"look. Did you catch a rabbit? Shall I give you one?”

At Nelia's kindness, Lee Han looked at the Black Turtle Tower students as if they
were trash.

'Are you the only ones going to the banquet, leaving your fellow top friends

The Black Turtle Tower students made excuses without knowing it.

“We didn’t hide it on purpose…!”

“When I woke up, I was already hunting!”

"What are you talking about?"

Nelia still did not understand the situation.

Lee Han briefly summarized the situation.

“These children don’t tell you banquets, only they…”

“Because it’s not!”

“I saved the cake after drinking, so I’ll definitely give it to you later!

The Black Turtle Tower students hit their chests with chagrin.

Why would they turn away from Nelia!

"ah. It was like that.”

After the confusion, Nelia nodded her head.

“Isn’t that possible?”


Ian was perplexed.

'I was so shocked when my friends and I went separately...'

“I’m glad I didn’t drink. I will drink after the exam.”

"Sure. Nelia. We always appreciate your hard work!”

The Black Turtle Tower students exaggerated several times more than usual.

I used to thank you in the first place, but for some reason, it sounded strangely
like a lie when I said this under the same circumstances.

“Nelia. If you think they're using you, tell me."

“Because it’s not…!”

* * *

“Have you ever been to the 4th floor of the main building?”

"yet. The 3rd floor of the main building is very difficult.”

Salko nodded at Lee Han's words.

The courageous freshmen were constantly trying to get used to the geography of the
main building.

Of course, apart from such efforts, the buildings of the magic school severely
tested the students.

“Up to the 2nd floor is fine, but from the 3rd floor...”

“The third floor definitely is.”

It was okay to go up any stairs to the second floor.

But from the 3rd floor, all sorts of bad guys came out.

Did you not meet the statue of the immediately forgotten beast and the forest of
Polymorph on the 3rd floor?

“Fortunately, I know a way on the third floor that I can pass through. I think
going up to the 4th floor would be the easiest way.”

“Which way is it?”

Salco was a little surprised.

Salco and his friends have not yet penetrated the third floor. It was because
there were difficult obstacles in the way everywhere he went.

By the way, Wodanaj has cleared a path on the third floor. It was a great thing

“You gave me a map to the Spire Stable the other day. That’s the way.”

"Well? That's weird. Isn't there Polymorph's Forest over there?"

Salco was puzzled.

As he and Lee Han share information, Salco and his friends tried to pass through
the Polymorph Forest several times.
But every time it happened, it turned into animals and it was impossible to pass.

Does Wodanaj know when the Polymorph Forest will disappear?

"ah. I found a way to break through.”

“Oh… that’s great.”

Salco was frankly impressed.

He jumped into Polymorph's Forest many times, but couldn't find a way, but Wodanaj
found it.

Certainly, Wodanaj's magical abilities had to be acknowledged.

One of the greatest geniuses in the Einroguard, which has gathered a lot of
talented people!

'But that makes it even scarier.'

A genius who excelled only in magical abilities would not have been so wary.

In Salko's view, Wodanaj was a man enough to be the boss even if he joined the
Thieves' Guild or the Crimes' Guild.

“By the way, may I ask how to pierce it?”

One Black Turtle Tower student asked.

“By persuasion.”

“Persuasion?! It was a convincing place.”

* * *

“I am the headmaster!”

slap slap!

The mouse guarding Polymorph's forest hastily opened the way.

The mist of illusion disappeared and a straight path appeared in the middle of the



“The road is open. let's go."

Lee Han took Ratford and Nelia with her and walked forward.

The students of the Black Turtle Tower looked at Lee Han's back with their mouths
wide open and astonished.


What is that guy really???

“Wordanaj, did you just say you were the headmaster?”

"ah. It’s just a trick.”


How the hell is that possible...?

“No… Wodanaj. Can you explain a little more?”

One of the Black Turtle Tower students could not stand it and opened his mouth.

Then Nelia was bruised.

“Is that important now? If you think about it, it just comes out.”

Ratford was bruised accordingly.

“It’s easy if you think about it.”


Salko, who was curious about himself, was about to ask, but kept his mouth shut.
But she was still curious.

'How did you do that?'

What the hell should Polymorph's Forest make Wodanaj the headmaster...

- Stop. student I am the stone statue of the labyrinth.


Lee Han stopped walking at the telepathic voice.

Although the hallway was empty, Lee Han could feel the magic in front of it.

- As soon as you enter, you will challenge the labyrinth.

I wondered why there was a labyrinth on the third floor of the school, but Lee Han
didn't bother asking.


-But there is a way to get through the labyrinth. Sacrifice your friend one by
one. Send your friend to the underground punishment room, and I'll send you to the
other side of the labyrinth.

Lee Han inadvertently looked at the students of the Black Turtle Tower.

The black turtle top students who knew nothing looked at Lee Han with innocent

Why are you doing that?


-...I'm not fooled.

Lee Han, who was slightly worried about whether to dedicate the students of the
Black Turtle Tower, answered calmly.

It had already been experienced.

-If you sacrifice one person, they will open the way a little and then ask you to
make another sacrifice. Don't fall for such deception.

- What are you talking about? Who would do such a disgraceful thing?

However, to Lee Han's words, the stone statue in the labyrinth responded as if it
were absurd.

-I've been working at this school for so long that I can't remember. According to
the rules set by the wizard who made me. There is only one rule in the labyrinth
here. One goes to the punishment room and the other goes to the other side. There
are no other rules other than that. Who did such a nonsensical thing?

'The principal of this school.'

Lee Han answered inwardly.

But anyway, I knew two things.

What the stone statue in the labyrinth said was not a lie, and that the headmaster
of the skull had no more honor than the statue of the labyrinth.

“What happened, I stopped walking…”

Salco behind him moved and heard the same telepathy.

Then he looked at Lee Han and nodded his head.

'I'll have to send at least one person forward in pairs.'

Salco didn't say things like, 'How can I abandon my friend!'

At this magic school, he already knew that such a thing was a luxury.

It takes some sacrifice to get what you want!

The Black Turtle Tower friends who went to the punishment room were sure to agree.

"What? What's going on?”

Nelia also moved and listened to telepathy.

Then he cried out in anger.

“How dare you offer a friend!? Do you think Wodanaj or Tutanta here would agree to
such an offer?!”



Lee Han and Salco were startled.


"for a moment. Nelia.”

Salco tried to stop Nelia.

I didn't know how much the difficulty would increase if I rejected that offer.

Perhaps it would be wiser to accept the offer now...


“Think about it. I don't know how that stone statue would be so picky when I
turned down the offer now. We might not get through that road. Friends who went to
the punishment room can come out later and try again. Wardanaz would think so.
Isn't that right?"

Salco looked at Lee Han. Nelia also looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression.

Lee Han cursed Salko.

'No, it seems like such a ignorant guy.'

You have to ask in a place where you don't see Nelia. How do you say you agree
when you ask in a place where you see Nelia?

Lee Han answered with a straight face as if he was talking about something.

"no. Such a dishonorable offer is absolutely unacceptable.”



Nelia, as well as Ratford, admired it.

The Salchow gang looked surprised too.

“As expected, Wodanaj...”

“It’s not like the leaders of the Blue Dragon Tower are doing it for nothing.”

Apart from his wickedness, he had no choice but to acknowledge Lee Han's dignity
as a leader.

Even in a situation where even Salchoe is backing down, the uprightness that does
not make a single concession.

“You can see, the stone statue in the labyrinth! We do not accept such dirty

Nilia immediately grabbed the arrow and shot it. The stone statue in the labyrinth
answered her firmly.

- Then prove your honor with your skills!

The appearance of the hallway began to change along with the rustling sound.
'I'm already starting to regret...'

* * *

When the change in the hallway was over, Han Lee was standing in the middle of the

I wasn't alone. I don't know if it's fortunate or not, but it fell in the same
area as Salco.

Salco looked at Lee Han and asked.

“Do you still think you can’t accept it?”

"...of course."

Lee Han answered without changing a single expression on his face.

He was deeply regretting it, but there was no reason to reveal it to Salko.

With that cold face, Salko nodded as if in approval.

“I have no choice but to acknowledge your honor without knowing anything else.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

'I'm going to give you some meat right now, so can't you let me go?'

Lee Han thought to himself, but the stone statue in the labyrinth did not answer.

Salco raised his wand and chanted a spell.

“Gather together, dirt.”

The other tower, Lee Han, had also heard rumors about it, so Salko was so talented
with the earth element.

Soil collected under the walls of the labyrinth, and a slope was created that was
high enough to climb.

“Great. Salco.”

I don't know how complicated and wide this labyrinth is, but trying to get out of
it using the Jeonggong method was stupid.

“Huh… huh.”

But Salko fell to her knees with a pale face.

He used up all his mana to make a heap of dirt.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay… it’s okay. Let's go up and see the road."

The two stepped on the dirt and climbed up the wall of the labyrinth.

Then, the vast expanse of the labyrinth caught my eye.

...the hallway right?



Both students were speechless. Lee Han quickly found his cool and said.

“It’s a little wider than expected, but let’s make a path with magic and move it
in a straight line.”

“Uh… it’s unreasonable. Even if you go over a wall, you have this much magic.”

"no. i will do not worry."

“Is there anything you do that makes a difference?”

Salco said as if he were talking about something.

No matter how good Lee Han was in magic, it was not a problem to be solved.

This amount of mana is consumed even when going over one wall, so what is the
difference between Lee Han?

At most, if you go over two or three walls...

“Gather together, dirt. Gather together, dirt.”

Lee Han swung his staff while checking the spell.

He had never dealt with the earth element before training other elements, but
fortunately, the magic that Salko used now was not that difficult.

You can learn about Circle 1 <Soil Generation> right away.

Salco asked curiously.

“I thought water and lightning were your main attributes, but did you cook the
soil as well?”

"no. You will learn it now.”


Salko looked at him like a madman from behind, but Lee Han didn't notice.

“Gather together, dirt!”


I was lucky. The order was successful at once.

'It's easy because you struggled with other elemental magics.'

It was nice to see that the suffering suffered by several villains, including
Professor Voladi, was not completely useless.

A pile of dirt began to rise from the floor.

Salko looked at it and thought.

'Now that I'm learning it, it's that much... It's really amazing.'

It was a new surprise to admire Wodanaj's magical powers, but it was a surprising

The guy you're learning now is going to be successful all at once.

Even Salko, who was proud of the elemental earth magic, had to admit.

Quiet gurgling!


As the pile of dirt piled up bigger than expected, Salko's expression changed


How long does it happen?


The sound of the walls of the labyrinth shaking was heard.

The <Earth Generation> magic was not a magic that created oil from nothing. It was
close to magic that drew the nearby soil.

Now, the walls of the labyrinth lost their balance and swayed as the soil that
supported the walls was forcibly pulled from under the floor.

Salco was astonished.

“Wordanaz! What the hell...?!”

A pile of dirt piled up enough to easily bury some people knocked down the wall
with its weight, and the surrounding walls that were weakened by the lack of it
fell down.

Then, the walls of the labyrinth fell in a chain and a large road was created.

“…Aiming for this?!”

Salko couldn't help but shudder over astonishment.

In such a short period of time, you are aiming for this and making a way.

How could this be an idea that a grade level could do?

“That’s right. Salco.”


While Salko shivered, Lee Han swept her chest inside.

'From now on, the elements I use for the first time should be carefully practiced
in a really safe place.'
He was shivering and smashed to the ground and almost died.

* * *

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Gather together, dirt!”


Lee Han broke through eight more walls. Of course, it wasn't the same way.

He quietly piles up a pile of dirt and steps on it.

Salco asked, not understanding.

“Isn’t it faster to do it like before?”

“Because you have to save your magic.”

"ah. Right. It sure is.”

Meanwhile, friends scattered elsewhere also joined.


“You came to the rescue!”

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Wordanaz? Thank you?”

“Gather together, dirt!”


At first, the students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were happy to see Lee Han
and Salko coming to the rescue, began to get terrified.

Lee Han was repeating his spells like a wizard possessed by some evil demon.

“Wordanaj, are you okay?”

“Don’t talk. It interferes with concentration. Gather, dirt!”

Lee Han memorized the spell and memorized it again and again.

Students who joined late were perplexed.

“No… you don’t fall?”

“How do you not fall?”

Using magic three or four times in a row was about 'Wow, that's great', but when I
went over dozens of times in a row, there was no such reaction.

It's just wonderful.

“Tutanta. Aren't you surprised by that?"

"Not at all!"

Before coming here, it was Tutanta who saw Lee Han vibrating the walls and making
a way with a pile of dirt several times larger than that.

Such continuous magic was no longer surprising.


'Tutanta...! Isn't that surprising!'

'It means that even Tutanta can do it!'

The Black Turtle Tower students simply admired it. Aren't you surprised by that
continuous magic!

'I'll have to tell you that Tutanta can do something like that later when I meet
the White Tiger Tower guys.'

* * *


Lee Han, who was quickly breaking through the labyrinth in a straight line,

Surprisingly, as the piles of dirt piled up, the walls began to rise accordingly.

The stone statue in the labyrinth spoke to Lee Han.

- I will commend you for using your wits to break through the labyrinth. However,
if you want to pass through the wall without finding the exit of the labyrinth, of
course there are restrictions.

'I ate too raw.'

The other students would have found a way with all kinds of wisdom and magic, but
Lee Han just summoned an infinite pile of dirt with magic to break through...

- Now, if you break through this wall, you are outside. If you're going to try it
once, try it. young students.

Hearing what the stone statue in the labyrinth had said, Salko was seriously

Salco now had a way out of this last hurdle.

'Should I tell Wodanaj about the magic of the family?'

There were several arcane magics descending from the Tutanta family, the foremost
masonry family of the Empire.

The magic that Salco himself had not learned because he was not at the level yet,
but secretly memorized it in order to learn it someday when he has the skills.

Although he was a little reluctant to tell Wodanaj about that magic, he couldn't
help but help Wodanaj break through the labyrinth alone.

After serious contemplation alone, Salco came to a conclusion.

“Wordanaz. I have some magic to teach you.”


As soon as the words were finished, a huge sphere of water hit the wall directly.

The sphere of water, which rotated and made a bloody sound, tore apart the walls
of the labyrinth.

The stone statue in the labyrinth praised Lee Han.

-excellent. little student You have proven your honor with your skills! It's good
after all! Blessings on your way ahead!

"Thank you."

Lee Han swung his wand to shake off the water.

The wall of the labyrinth, waiting for you, was an easy opponent compared to the
monsters Lee Han had dealt with.

It was possible to launch an attack by preparing as much as possible.


“By the way, Salco. Are you going to teach me magic?”


Salco's expression darkened. Ian was puzzled.

'Why are you doing that?'


With a darkened expression, Salko slowly opened her mouth.

“The magic that I was going to teach you is <Decomposing the Tutanta Family

"no. If there was such a magic, I wouldn't have told you sooner."



"It is nothing."

For a moment, Lee Han seemed to have heard the grinding of his teeth.

Anyway, <Tutanta Family Rock Decomposition> was famous for its efficient and
excellent effect among the same decomposition type magic.

Even magic that produces the same result is divided into many different types
depending on its structure, process, and spell.
So, even if it was a magic that produced the same result, it was very important to
choose which type of magic.

You have to make a decision considering how your aptitude suits you, in what
situations you mainly use it, and so on.

In a relatively simple lower circle magic, this kind of trouble was not necessary,
but it became essential as you went up.

-In this situation, you have to use <Summon Water Hydra of the Wordanaj Family>!

- You look like a nerd! Your magic skills make me cry! No need to use such
expensive magic! Just an ordinary <Summon Giant Water Snake> is all you need!

-You can never solve this fiery lava crisis with that much magic!

"Right. I have heard of the Tutanta family's fame. You taught me the magic of such
a family. Is that okay?”


Salco answered after a fairly long silence. Lee Han wanted to be worried about the
other person teaching the family magic.

'Well, teaching the family's magic is probably not something you'd like.'

I made the decision to teach, but I can't help but worry.

Lee Han nodded as if he understood Salko. Of course, it was not transmitted to

Salco at all.

"ruler. The order is as follows.”

Salco told me the spells and movements of <Tutanta House Rock Decomposition>, the
materials needed (a handful of rocks to break), and the detailed process.

The elves of the Tutanta family were memorizing much more detail and detail than
any other magic book. Thanks to this, Lee Han could easily understand what kind of
magic this was.

...Of course, that doesn't mean it's easy to learn magic.


Lee Han felt a throbbing pain in his head.

Aside from magic, it was close to a headache that came up from exhaustion of
concentration when using complex magic multiple times.

Now, this <Tutanta Family Rock Decomposition> magic was that high in difficulty.

I tried again and again, but the headache was unbearable. Ian paused for a moment.

“Tutanta. How long did it take you to master this magic?”

“I haven’t mastered this magic yet.”

Ian was puzzled for a moment.

this child?

'no. Probably not.'

"Right. Still, this magic isn't that difficult, is it? How many circles are

Lee Han expected 2 circles, or 3 circles even if he made a lot of concessions.


However, Salko hesitated abruptly at Lee Han's question.

Then he answered.

“Four… though it’s a circle.”


Lee Han looked straight at Salko.

This bastard can't win head-on, so another way of assassination?

* * *

Salco wasn't really trying to assassinate Lee Han.

He broke through the labyrinth with the students of the Black Turtle Tower, but it
wasn't even a person who did that.

But really...

'Why did I do that?'

...I just couldn't think of how dangerous it might be to pass on the 4th circle
magic to Wodanaj.

Salco himself did not understand.


Before thinking about whether or not to teach the family magic, it is normal to
think about whether to teach this type of magic to a first-year student...

"okay. Salco.”

When the atmosphere became awkward, Lee Han said to fix it.

“Perhaps this <Tutanta Family Rock Decomposition> magic is one of the easiest
among the 4 circle magic, right? So he taught me.”

Not all magic of the same circle had the same difficulty.

If this magic was one of the easiest among the 4 circle magic, it was
understandable that he was trying to teach me.
"not. Wodanaz. <Tutanta Family Rock Decomposition> is one of the most difficult
magic among the 4 circle magic. Some of the things I've heard say it's harder than
the 5th circle magic..."

"I. Tutanta. I don't think it's good to say that now."

Nelia carefully advised. Tutan Ta too realized too late and bit her mouth.

Of course, the atmosphere had already become even more awkward.



As Lee Han and Tutanta fell into silence without a word, only Nilia, who was
between them, was about to die.

“…the stairs to the fourth floor! Look over there!”

“The stairs to the fourth floor.”

“The stairs to the 4th floor.”

“The stairs to the 4th floor remind me of the 4th circle magic... Oops. not."

"...sorry. Wodanaz.”

Salco apologized.

I never imagined that I would have to teach the Tutanta family magic and

"no. Tutanta. Things like that happen, too."

'Do you think you've increased your distance?'

Nelia felt that the distance between Lee Han and Tutanta had grown a little.



As soon as I came up to the 4th floor hallway, a ghost monster making a sharp cry
ran through the hallway.

The students were all startled and tried to escape by the stairs.

“Get down...”


But there was no need.

A blazing white light flashed and pierced the ghost monster, and then disappeared
in an instant.

Lee Han could hear a faint voice emanating from afar.

- Dodge quickly! Freshmen!

- This child escaped...! Why did they go up to the 4th floor?!

- It's midterm exam period!

'I think we should hide a little better.'

The seniors at the Magic School had come to the 4th floor to catch the escaped
ghost monster.

It happened so quickly that the other students didn't seem to notice.

“Sa… disappeared?”

“Are you okay?”

The hallway on the 4th floor, where the ghost had disappeared, was quiet and

Actually, this was originally a normal school hallway.

'I said beetle classroom.'

Lee Han walked slowly and checked the classrooms arranged next to the hallway.

Griffin Classroom, House Makein Classroom (probably generously sponsored in the

year it was created), Beer Candy Classroom, Burning Red Flag Team Classroom...

And the beetle classroom.


The students' eyes widened.

Although they struggled to get to the fourth floor, none of the students expected
to find the classroom right away.

“Is this… this easy?”

“Honestly… it wasn’t easy.”

The students were vigilant and opened the door to the classroom.

Then the undead summons waiting in the classroom welcomed the students.

-Welcome! Everyone please take your seats.

"...who are you?"

-I am a summons serving the principal. Everyone please take your seats.

Lee Han and his friends hesitated, scattered and sat down. Then a piece of paper
and a quill appeared in front of the students.

- Now solve the problem. When you are done, you can submit it and leave.

'Surprisingly, it's okay to surprise people.'

Until now, only abnormal things came out, but when a good test came out, it was

Lee Han grabbed the test paper.

He was preoccupied with coming to the 4th floor, but in fact, the most important
thing in the test was the ability to solve problems, not the ability to go to the
test site.

First question. Please write the principal's real name correctly.

Second question. Write the number of years the principal developed the magic
<Glory of the Dead Sun>.

Third question. How many years has it been since the principal expanded the Dark
Hall of Magic School...


* * *

Nelia put the quill to her mouth with a troubled expression.

'No, do I have to memorize everything the principal did? What does that have to do
with character education?'

I felt this dissatisfaction in my heart, but what should I do? As a student, you
have to solve it.

“Can’t we just investigate this and come back?”

-If you visit again, the problem will be different.


The Black Turtle Tower students shut their mouths and looked at the test paper

Nelia unintentionally turned her gaze to Lee Han. Wordanaj was wondering how he
was doing.

Sha sha sha sha shak!


Nelia was astonished.

Lee Han was making fun of the quill without a break.

'Did you get a different test paper from me?!'

But that couldn't be.

Surprisingly, Wodanaj was writing the correct answer without being shaken by this
kind of test paper.

It was astonishing to see the quill moving without a single stop.

'Wordanaj... Am I the only one who didn't study?'

Suddenly feeling a sense of crisis, Nelia looked around.

The other Black Turtle Tower students were also looking at Wodanaj with a face
similar to Nylia.

'How the hell?!'

'Have you studied this? It's not that time rots and remains...'

'How long have you studied?'

When all the other students stopped their movements and looked only at Lee Han,
the undead summons opened their mouths.

- Students. Cheating is...

“Oh, no.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

The students quickly averted their gaze.

Nelia stared at the exam paper again. The problem was the same as before, but she
felt a little more at ease.

'Because I'm not the only one who doesn't know!'

* * *

Lee Han answered and got up.

About half of the students who came with me had already disappeared.

'It was later than I thought. Because the problem was easy.'

Of course, the students who went out first were those who decided to give up on
solving problems and study again.

No one had solved all the problems like Lee Han did.

But Lee Han didn't know that.

When I went down from the 4th to the 3rd floor, and from the 3rd to the 2nd floor,
opened the main building door on the 1st floor and went outside, darkness was
already creeping around me.

A mournful bell rang from afar.

I've heard the bell ringing every hour on time, but today's bell sounds a bit...?

students. Welcome to the exam period! May you all have a painful week! And drunk
niggas better wake up early!


At the sound of the skeleton principal's voice resounding throughout the school,
Lee Han sighed.

I finished one test, but it still looked like it was going to be a hellish week.
* * *

“It’s perfect.”


Lee Han was bewildered at himself as he felt that Professor Voladi's face was

Did Stockholm Syndrome really happen?

'shit. Professor Voladi feels better because other professors keep doing crazy

As expected, Professor Voladi did not give complicated tests or assignments.

I made him cast some elemental water magic, and then gave him a perfect score.

...Actually, to be honest, Lee Han had to go through a lot of hard work before the
midterm exam period to complete the magic...

Unfortunately, Lee Han couldn't figure it out soberly.

“Youmidihus-sama praised me a lot.”

"Yes. It seems that they have taken good care of me unduly.”

Ian was not surprised.

Considering the relationship between Umidhus and Professor Voladi, it was strange
that information could not be exchanged with each other.

“We won against Ogonin.”

“...Did you even say that?”

Eumidihus was definitely not there?

“Professor Kirmin Ku told me.”


Lee Han cursed Professor Kirmin inside.

How can you repay your friend in this way after helping a friend at the best?

As he maintained a friendship with Professor Voladi, he looked after him well, but
it was disappointing.

“Illusion magic is a tricky enemy in magic battles. It’s good that I don’t have to
waste time learning how to react.”

"thank you?"

Professor Voladi said something sweet, whether it was a compliment or a curse of

fantasy magic.

"let's go."
"Yes? Where do you mean?”

At Lee Han's question, Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han as if he had asked the
stupidest question in the world.




Lee Han thought about how to convey the message that this week is the midterm exam
period, and that I am not only listening to your lectures.

“This week is the midterm exam period, can I go to the dungeon?”



Ian gave up.

'It can't possibly be.'

Even if the School of Magic was destroyed tomorrow, Professor Voladi was sure to
teach his class.

Would such a person provide convenience during the midterm exam period?

"Yes. let's go!"

“Don't be overjoyed. You can make mistakes.”


will you kill me?

* * *

Last time, Professor Voladi failed to properly control the dungeon, so there was a
record of causing the Maw to come to the area where the Maw came out.

And Lee Han knocked it down again.

At this point, it was difficult to determine whether it was the teacher's fault or
the disciple's fault even in the Imperial Court.

Of course, Lee Han had a firm opinion.

'Professor Voladi is crazy.'

“Aren’t you going to the leprechaun area?”

When Professor Voladi stopped walking, Lee Han was puzzled.

You'll have to go down a bit more to get to where the larvae come out...

Professor Boladi smiled very faintly at Lee Han's question.

Ian was goosebumps.

“Like I said, don't be overjoyed. Emotional agitation leads to magical mistakes.”


At the sight of Professor Voladi, who interprets that he was excited because he
wanted to see a rattlesnake after asking a question, Lee Han sighed.

"I understand. I would like to go and practice as soon as possible.”


“You don’t have to be humble.”


“I stopped here because of illusion magic.”

“Are you talking about fantasy magic?”

Ian was puzzled.

Of course, Professor Voladi was a person who took everything necessary for magic
battle, regardless of the field of magic that he specialized in.

Still, there is Professor Kirmin Ku, so why not?

“Originally, I was planning to teach how to deal with illusion magic later.”

Professor Voladi judged that freshmen like Lee Han are less likely to deal with
illusion magic.

It would suffice to do other practical training in magic battles first and then
teach them how to deal with them.

I thought so.

'Isn't that right?'

Ihan also agreed with that.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it.”



“You dealt with Ogonin.”


“If you think about the future, you will need a way to deal with illusion magic.”

'I think you should study logic and statistics.'

Ian thought to himself.

Dealing with Ogonin was close to an accident, not because Lee Han had such
ambitions as 'I have to chase down imperial fantasy wizards and defeat them'.

Either way, Professor Voladi raised his staff. Ian was nervous.

Fortunately, Professor Voladi did not attack Lee Han. He swung his staff and
summoned a vision.

The clones that looked just like Professor Voladi appeared.

'How many times terrible.'

“If we can broadly classify fantasy magic, it is divided into magic that is cast
directly on the opponent and magic that is cast on the outside environment.”

The fantasy magic cast directly on the opponent was so difficult that it was
classified as a mental magic.

With proper mind magic, he was able to manipulate opponents like puppets...

On the other hand, the fantasy magic cast outside was relatively low in

As there was no need to attack the opponent's mind directly, it was enough to just
summon a fantasy.

It was by no means useless. The latter could be more useful depending on the
situation and place.

'Is that why the wizard called Ogonin failed?'

Lee Han thought that if Ogonin heard it, he would grab the back of his neck and

It left a strong impression on me that I tried several times to no avail.

“You have a high resistance to electrons by constitution.”

The magic possessed by the wizard itself created resistance to external magic.

Of course, his resistance wasn't that great. If you could resist magic simply
because you had magical powers, half of the Empire's wizards would have lost their

However, if the amount of mana was more than I could have imagined, the story
would be different.

At that point, the resistance that was created could no longer be ignored.

'Not bad.'

As much as I struggled with a lot of magical power, I was more than happy to have
this advantage.

“To what extent can you defend yourself?”

“I don’t know. Because the amount of horsepower is so rare, other variables also
play a role. Let me find out for you.”
"All right."

'I hope the skills of a wizard called Ogonin are on the good side.'

Ian thought to himself.

If Ogonin's skills are good, he can defend against a considerable number of mental

Of course, that seems unlikely, but...

“But the illusions cast outside are different from the former.”

Prof. Voladi's clones spoke together at the same time. The sound rang out.

“You have to learn the art of discerning as your magic power is less effective.
How would you tell them apart?”

Lee Han immediately made a water ball and threw it at one of his clones. Professor
Voladi's alter ego bowed his head and escaped.

'what a waste.'

I wanted to hit a fantasy...

“Not bad. Illusions are vulnerable to external attacks. However, in a combat

situation, it is impossible to check each one in that way. You have to learn to see
with your senses.”

“Are you talking about feeling?”

"Yes. Fantasy, no matter how sophisticated it is, has to be different from


excellent observation skills.

It was an essential condition for dealing with illusion magic.

'It's kind of like finding the wrong picture.'

“Find it.”

Prof. Voladi's clones were lined up on either side. Lee Han concentrated on
wanting to throw a water ball.

“The clone on the far left is fake.”


One body disappeared.

“The color of the shoes was different. I was well aware of it.”


To be honest, I thought it was a fake because it looked a bit soft for Professor
Voladi, but...

“The clone on the far right is also fake.”

“Did you notice the color of the stick?”

"Yes. of course."

"Good job."

Actually, for Professor Voladi, his eyes looked good, so he said it was a fake,
but he was right anyway.

'Maybe this is what you need to check with your senses.'

First of all, a feeling is not a feeling.

“Now, I am going to fight the Raccoonmaw. Beware of illusions.”

Professor Voladi began to summon the illusion of a lark's maw.

It's hard to just deal with Rachel Maw, but you added an illusion to increase the

Ian was amazed.

'That's why you explained how to deal with illusion magic.'

I really wanted to hit one.

* * *

When Lee Han spent the morning in the dungeon with Raccoon Maw and returned to the
break room, students from the Blue Dragon Tower scattered everywhere welcomed Lee

“You should have been drinking in moderation.”

Ian said calmly.

No matter how much the school doesn't give you anything to eat, you eat what you
get the day before the exam.

There was nothing strange at all, even though everyone fell down with a hangover.

It was good to say that the Blue Dragon Tower students all drank alcohol.

Starting with Guy Nando, who grunts and grabs his head, Yoner sits down with a
bloody face and drinks only water. Even she couldn't raise her head properly as the
princess had drunk her alcohol.


“Are you okay?”

“I thought it was suspicious…”

Yoner stood up with a pale face.

A good alchemist likes alcohol too.

The temptation was too strong to refuse the overflowing alcohol in the banquet

“Wait everyone. I'll cook you something."

"thank you. Wodanaz…”

“There is only you...”

'Is this something to be thankful for as Haejangguk?'

Lee Han thought so and set fire to the pot.

Potatoes harvested from the garden are peeled and boiled.

Then, mash it, mix it with milk and cheese, and put it in a pot, and it started to

I brought in new supplies over the weekend, but it was no good to waste. Potato
soup was enough.

'Maybe I can add some mushrooms.'

Lee Han stirred the soup with a ladle, then scooped it out and handed a bowl to
each of his friends.

“It’s an alchemy class in an hour, will everyone be okay?”

“Water… of course. There is a 90% chance you can go. Wodanaz.”

“Me too… of course…”

'It must be impossible, these children.'

Looking at the situation, I was worried that I might not be able to listen to the
other lectures properly.

How much alcohol did the Skeleton Principal drank...

“The Alchemy Midterm Exam is due by Friday, so don’t worry too much. I will come
and tell you.”

“No, Wodanaj. Together...

“The world… round and round…”

“…I wish I could just stay still.”

* * *


Arriving at the alchemy lecture, Lee Han looked around without knowing it.

The number of students...

Isn't that too little?

“It’s not that surprising.”

Professor Thunderwalk said calmly.

Although only a few of the many students came to the lecture, it seemed that he
was not at all surprised.

“Is it every year?”

“Good fit.”


Ian was not funny.

Well, given the nature of the Skeleton Principal, it wouldn't be strange to do

something like this before the midterm exam...

It was absurd that the freshmen were there every time.

"ruler. Let the guys who came out today tell the guys who didn't come out. Of
course, you don’t have to tell me.”

Professor Thunderbolt pounded on the blackboard where the midterm exam assignments
were written in detail.

<Vital Bone Regeneration Potion>

What you need - Birch Branches, Dendrobium Leaves, Thistle Flower, Bone Blossom...

Recipe - First stir the water with a birch branch, then turn clockwise...

'what. Can you tell me everything?'

Ian was surprised.

Given the generous amount of time, of course, he knew he was going to force
himself into the problem.

The recipe is for you to find it yourself, or you have to find the required
ingredients yourself, etc.

But how are you going to tell me in detail?

'The birch is over there, the dendrobium knows where it is, and the thistle...

Lee Han, who was taking notes of the ingredients, suddenly felt strange and

Nelia, who was next to her, raised her hand as well.



“As far as I know, I’ve heard that bone flowers grow deep underground in

“Uh… yes? So, isn’t it difficult to find them in school?”

“What nonsense.”

Thunderstep said with a satisfied smile.

“There are a lot of dungeons here at school, so you just have to find them and go


Lee Han could feel the emotion contained in the 'ah' that Nelia spit.

It would be like, 'Oh, that's really cool'.

“Can I go down to the basement of the dungeon and bring it?”

“There is no need to go all the way to the basement of the dungeon. If there is
another way to save it, you can get it and bring it back.”

'Is this why seniors are arguing with professors?'

Lee Han seemed to understand why seniors who did not even know their faces started

If the lecture is like this, how can you not do it?

Nelia grumbled in disbelief.

“How and when are you going to enter the dungeon again? Even if it is submitted by
Friday. Another class is a test.”


Lee Han was very sympathetic.

Other lectures also take midterm exams, but what kind of dungeon is a dungeon?

“Finding the dungeon is also a problem. When you find a dungeon, do you come right
out? I don't even know where it is underground. Wardanaj, do you know of any

Nelia asked, but did not think that Lee Han really knew.

Lee Han is also a freshman, how would he know about a dungeon located in the

It was just a grumbling of water.

“There is.”


Nelia looked at Lee Han as if it was ridiculous.


“Is there?”


Lee Han confessed that Professor Voladi's lecture location was changed from a
classroom to an underground dungeon.

It was done for effective teaching...

"Do not joke. ...Isn't that a joke?"

Nelia, who had responded as if it was absurd, was embarrassed when Lee Han gave
her sad eyes.

No joke?

“Why are you giving lectures in the underground dungeon?”

“There is a long case there.”

Ian sighed.

Talking about it now won't change anything.

“Let’s start with a plan to enter the underground dungeon. I need to get the Bone
Flesh flower. Considering trial and error, there should be five or six pods per

“What’s coming out of the dungeon? Slime? Skeleton?”

“The larvae came out.”


Nelia tilted her ears, unable to tell if Lee Han was making fun of her or if she
was sincere.

However, Lee Han's expression was very serious.

“As long as the rattlesnake appears… Isn’t it just right to find another dungeon?”

“It takes time to find another dungeon.”

“But it is.”

Do you push into dangerous dungeons because it usually takes time to find other

'Wordanaj seems to be staining the school, is it because of his mood?'

Nelia was worried about Lee Han's willingness to push through the dungeon that
came out as the chance of finding another dungeon was slim.

I think we were a little more careful when we first met...

“When the spirits of other friends come back, I will take them with me. I'm glad
the principal's exam is over."

"envy. I have to go back and see.”


Lee Han looked at Nelia with a puzzled look.

“What is the target score, so are you going to see it again?”

“ only goal is to avoid failing.”

"okay? Then you don't have to go back to see it, do you?"

"Wordanaj... What do you think my score is now?"

Nelia's voice turned slightly sharp.

That's why I'm a good student!

* * *

Lee Han was able to calm her mood after promising to help Nelia study <Basic
Magical Personality Education>.

'I don't understand. The problem wasn't too difficult.'


“Lee Han.”

In the distance, an orc friend with a tired face could be seen. Lee Han asked,
wondering if it was possible.

“Did you drink?”


“Durgyu. You shouldn’t drink what school gives you in a hurry.”

"I know. are reflecting Lee Han.”

We had strange conversations for a freshman, but no one felt it was strange.

“Are the students of the White Tiger Tower studying hard?”


Durgyu replied without any shame.

For the students of the White Tiger Tower, the grades at the Magic School were not
so important.

Those who want to learn magic in order to be active as knights in the first place.

It was important to learn the necessary magic and go out, but the grades didn't

'It's like they're terrifying.'

Lee Han trembled at the fact that the White Tiger Top students didn't pay much
attention to their studies.
The students from the great family belonging to the Blue Dragon Tower are
concerned about their family's honor or name, so they try to have the minimum
dignity (except for Gainando), but the White Tiger Tower students were truly wild

To be honest, I'm a bit envious!

Even after leaving school, I have a fixed place to work, so I don't feel like

'Still, I'd be grateful if those guys spread it from below.'

Ian thought so and nodded his head.

“Studying is not necessary.”

“Lee Han. It's kind of weird when you say something like that."

Durgyu felt uncomfortable.

I think I'm studying the most hard among the students at Magic School right now...

"hot! haha! Whoa!”

“Huh! Whoops! Huh!”

As I walked forward, I saw the white tiger tower students clashing their swords
against each other and sweating.

“Is it because you don’t want to study?”

“Ah… no. The swordsmanship class is also an exam soon...”

Durgyu defended his friends.

Of course, there were no corners where the friends of the White Tiger Tower
escaped with swordsmanship because of the troubling test.

Originally from the knights family, when a headache occurs, they swing their
swords and brush off their thoughts.

“I think so.”

“Durgyu! Come and swing your sword or something! You have to wake up!”

“I feel refreshed when I hold onto a book and grunt while swinging my sword!”


At the cry of his friends from the White Tiger Tower, Lee Han stared at Durgyu.
Durgyu hurriedly took a step forward.



Giselle looked at Lee Han and frowned. Lee Han also looked at Giselle and frowned.
They are saying to each other, 'I want that child to turn off.'

“You haven’t been drinking?”

“It’s what idiots drink. So, Wodanaj, why didn't you drink?"

“I don’t like to talk about what the principal gives.”


Giselle was astonished at the reason why it was more insane than expected.

What is he saying now?

“Everyone is training in swordsmanship, can’t we?”

The other white tiger top friends didn't want to study, no, they were wielding
their swords hard in preparation for the swordsmanship test.

But Giselle was sitting alone reading a book.

“Studying is what I usually do.”

'No, does Gainan sound the same?'

Of course, Guynando and Moradi were completely different. To the point of being
disrespectful to Moradi to compare.

“Still, it would be necessary to prepare in advance.”

“What do you want to say?”

When Giselle asked bluntly as if to say only what she had to say, Lee Han went
straight to the point.

“It’s just before the midterm exam, but you’re exceptionally calm. Do you know

With a 'click', Giselle closed the book she was holding. Thank you for the title
of the book. It was <Osu Gonadaltes's Devotion to the School of Magic>.

'Moradido seems to be preparing for the <Basic Magical Personality Education>


Lee Han had already finished studying two weeks ago.


“So was it.”

There was only one reason why Lee Han had to speak to Moradi.

In relation to the swordsmanship lecture, the skills shown by the students of the
White Tiger Tower were considerable.

Since they came from a knight family, they could hear various rumors and know a
lot of information.

Didn't you know in advance that the White Oak Knights were coming?
If it was Moradi, he might have known about the midterm exam in advance.

Of course, I just couldn't tell.

“What do you want?”


Giselle crossed her arms in an arrogant position. It was her face that knew she
had the upper hand.

“What can I do for you?”

“I have already taken the <Basic Magical Personality Education> exam. How about
exchanging the problem?”


Gisele's face, who had rarely seen a change in her expression, shook.

Of course, the questions of the <Basic Magical Personality Education> test keep
changing, but...

Giselle, who didn't go there, obviously didn't know.

'It will work.'

Giselle was troubled.

To be honest, doing business with Wodanaj wasn't really my thing.

He was so clever and cunning that he couldn't be vigilant.

And I just turned down the offer and wanted to see Wodanaj's distorted face.


'It's too good a suggestion for that.'

Giselle was not ashamed of being a member of the White Tiger Tower, but
objectively, the White Tiger Tower was not a good place to focus on her studies.

Most of the students say, 'Why do you have to use your brain so much? That's
something other people can do.'

As such, the students who were interested in their studies and wanted to study
were also swept away by the atmosphere, so it became more common to throw books
while saying, 'Yes, we are knights!'

For Giselle, who hates stupidity, it was really ridiculous.

There is no one to study with!

On the other hand, Woudanaj is one of the top students in the Blue Dragon Tower
with excellent grades.

In terms of ability, there was no shortage. It's because he's a guy who can calmly
teach you the wrong answer while studying together.

“Good. It is a contract.”

Ian nodded happily.

Of course, Giselle, who received the test paper later, may be angry, but what can
she do?

At the Magic School, it was the cheater's fault.

“Have you two already talked?”

When the story was finished, Durgyu approached.

“Morady. Did you tell Lee Han? About the midterm?”

“Why do I have to tell you that?”

Giselle said it was ridiculous.

Then Durgyu was perplexed.

“…well, we are a pair.”



It was only then that Lee Han and Giselle realized that the three of them were a

Like I did last time, midterm exams are also considered as this member.

'...I was just fooling around.'

If I had stayed still, Moradi would have informed me...

“The contract is already over.”

“Don’t worry. Moradi. I keep my promises.”

Giselle threw a surprised look at Lee Han's words.

Then he looked a little suspiciously.


“It’s suspicious…”

“Morady. Lee Han is a person who always keeps his promises.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Choi. Rumors are circulating that you were brainwashed by

* * *

“…uh… did you really have to gather people like this?”

Nelia whispered softly so that only Lee Han could hear it.

The composition of the students sitting together at the large desks in the library
was beyond imagination.

Starting with the Blue Dragon Tower students (surprisingly, there was Gainando
too), Black Turtle Tower students like Nelian and Ratford.

...and the Phoenix Tower Priests and Gisele and Durgyu in the White Tiger Tower?

“There are a lot of people who want to know, but I have to study myself.”

'I think there will be a fight.'

Nelia thought so, but kept her mouth shut without asking any more. She couldn't
take more of her time, as she also knew she had to study on her own.

"ruler. Here are the problems I have sorted out. Look at this and memorize it.”

“Uh… should I just memorize it? Is there any other way?”

Guynando asked a naive question. Lee Han said sternly.

"no. memorize it.”

“Uh… ummm.”

This is not a difficult magic application problem, and as it is close to a simple

memorization test, the most effective thing was to create a problem that would
appear and memorize it.

Lee Han threw the paper at his friends.

When the principal told me to learn the <Level Manipulation> magic and practice
writing, I thought, 'Why are you doing this?'

Of course, I didn't mean to thank you, but...

'By the way, the Knights of Baekyangmok are coming again.'

Lee Han opened the books he was going to study and read it while thinking about
the story he had heard today.

For the midterm exam of the swordsmanship class, it seemed that the Knights of
Baekyangmok were coming again.

I kind of expected it, but...

'Why don't you stick with someone stronger? You wouldn't do such a disrespectful
thing to a real first-year student.'

To be honest, having them fight the knights the other day was a pity. Lee Han
trusted Professor Ingaldel.

After reading the entire book, Lee Han closed the book and closed his eyes for a
moment. And he immediately picked up the paper next to him.

Gainando, who was memorizing while muttering, asked curiously.

“What lecture is that?”

“It’s not about studying for the exam, it’s about taking a break.”

Gainando nodded his head as if sympathizing with Lee Han's answer.

Guynando was also doing other things while preparing for the midterm exam.

'Lee Han is the same!'

“What are you reading? The Toberiz series that came out this time is interesting.
Introducing a new card among the magazines I bought over the weekend…”

"Well? A magic spell scrawled by the headmaster.”



Guynan wasn't the only one who was shocked.

All the students who were memorizing hard in other places raised their heads at
the same time.

And he looked at Lee Han with an astonished look.

“'s not that hard. With my heart out…”

Lee Han made excuses without knowing it. Nellia shook her head.


'You've been misunderstood.'

Contrary to the misunderstanding of his friends, Lee Han wasn't that crazy about

only what you need

He was a person who studied only what was necessary.

“Nelia. I'm not even misunderstanding you, are you?"

"What's wrong?"

"I know what you're thinking, but... wait."

Lee Han, who was talking, stopped.

'Is this?'

The paper inside the treasure chest that the Skeleton Principal distributed during
the festival.

There was a spell written on it, but of course it was not possible to just obtain

Even if it is written in kind and detail, trial and error is required, but if it
is written in a code and analogy that only the wizard knows, the time required will
increase several times.

Thanks to you, I was spending quite a bit of time...

Suddenly realization came.

Lee Han put down the paper and started scribbling frantically with a quill.

As the passwords I had memorized were organically intertwined, the overall magic
context was finally seen.



Of course, in the eyes of his friends, Lee Han suddenly looked like a person who
glared at the paper and scrawled quills like crazy.

Gainando murmured.

“Learning magic is important, but I think Lee Han is too harsh.”

* * *

A dark night with only the moonlight remaining.

Lee Han was sitting in the break room with a disappointed expression.


It wasn't because the other students couldn't memorize than I thought.

Of course, other students couldn't memorize than they thought, but that wasn't
Han's problem.

'...the invisibility magic.'

2nd circle magic, <Gonadaltes' Invisibility Cloak>.

Actually, it wasn't the Skeleton's fault.

How could he have known that the student who took the spell would already have a
belt enchanted with invisibility?

However, from the standpoint of Lee Han, there was no choice but to be

'okay. It's not bad.'

One day, if a situation arises where the belt cannot be worn, that magic will be

...if that's the case, invisibility magic wouldn't be a problem.

Para la la lak!

An unfamiliar landscape unfolded before my eyes, along with the faint sound of
bookshelves turning.

Lee Han understood the situation right away.

“Are you again?”

The book the Skeleton Principal gave me was floating in the air with its pages

'What is the standard?'

He knew he was called to learn magic, but he couldn't figure out the standard that
the black book called.

When are you calling?

“Can you tell me when to call?”

The black book revealed only the pages instead of the answers.

Instead of asking useless questions, I felt that I should learn magic or


'Well, the book the Skeleton Principal gave me couldn't be kind.'

Ihan muttered.

“I don’t think it’s intentional to call people when they are busy or having a hard



Ihan shook his head. It seemed that the black book had just moved a bit.

no way?

The black book ignored Lee Han's gaze and shook the page with the magic written on

Fortunately, the magic of the Black Book was not as complicated as the magic
obtained during the festival.

2nd circle magic, <Gonadaltes's Dark Vision>.

It was magic that could keep sight even in pitch-black darkness.

'It's pretty good.'

Lee Han was confused.

This enhancement magic was useful for Lee Han, who had to move around a lot at

It could have brought light, but that wasn't always possible...

'By the way... all of the Skeleton Principal's magic...?'

Recalling the magic he learned from the Black Book, Lee Han felt a sense of

From <Gonadaltes' Agile Steps>, <Gonadaltes' Sharp Hands>, <Gonadaltes' Cloak of

Invisibility> (although I didn't learn it from the Black Book), <Gonadaltes' Dark

The spells given the wizard's name were usually spells that the wizard felt the
need and developed it himself.

'When you were young, what did you do with these magics?'


"i get it. Don’t focus.”

Lee Han spoke to the black book and closed his eyes.

After all, it was hard to go out until I got used to it.

There is nothing wrong with learning it, so do your best.

But Ian didn't understand.

If you take the time tactfully without mastering the magic that the black book
gives you, you will be able to buy as much time as possible until the next magic
comes out.

There's no need to focus on learning everything at once...

* * *

By Monday, fortunately, most of the students had recovered from the hangover.

As a substitute for breakfast, Lee Han piled up a mountain of egg sandwiches on

the table in the break room.

Eggs from the garden aren't enough, so I borrowed some eggs from Professor
Thunderwalker's Hut, but I'm sure you'll understand.


It was a simple sandwich with a scrambled egg sandwiched between soft white bread,
but it tasted good.

'I can save material again.'

It felt like I was becoming more and more adept at satisfying my friends while
sparing the ingredients. Lee Han felt a little proud.

“Wordanaz. You are a genius.”

“I'm busy with exams, so this menu is...”

The friends, unaware of Lee Han's evil intentions, picked up egg sandwiches one by
one and thanked them.

“By the way, Wodanaj. Did you tell the princess?”


Ian paused.

Yesterday, while sleeping, he suffered from a black book and woke up early in the
morning to boil and scramble eggs.

“Can you bring it to me?”

Lee Han said while looking at the students in the Blue Dragon Tower who followed
the princess.

“Wow, we have a little...”


“Because blood is blood, I’m a little cautious about going to the first place and
talking to him…”


Guy Nando, who was eating the egg sandwich next to him, stared at him with a
shocked expression.

Annoyed, Lee Han encouraged his followers.

“We’re from the same top student, and one of the rules of Einrogard is equality.”

A place where everyone suffers equally.

That was Einroguard.

“But you can’t keep that distance and be careful.”

“Ugh… yes, but…”

Even with Lee Han's words, the followers could not easily change their minds.

It was still reluctant to go to the princess first and talk to her.

'Can't you think of it as a wig-wearing Kainando?'

While Lee Han was thinking such crazy thoughts, one of his followers spoke up.

“I’ll pay more silver coins, so can’t you just give it to me this time?”

“It won’t happen.”


Lee Han immediately understood.

What can you eat!

* * *

<Basic Mount Training> Lecture.

The time has come to show how diligently he has taken care of his vehicle.


Lee Han looked at the phone league with a complicated expression. Fonrig giggled
as if asking why.

'It's because you're a griffon...'

When other friends were dragging their horses, thinking that there was a horse-
eating guy in front of him, he couldn't help but feel complicated.

Professor Lightning Walk said while making a clapping sound with his riding whip.

"ruler! It seems like I've said it over and over, but getting close to animals
only requires steady effort and devotion. I may be able to move on to studying
other lectures right before the exam, but if you are thinking like that in my
lectures, you should give up.”

Gainando looked at his own words as if sorry for those words. The horse spit in
Gainando's face.

“Today’s test is on horseback. It goes as far as possible by the set time and then
comes back. Any questions?”

Lee Han raised his hand.


“Are there any rivers as dangerous as last time?”

Professor Lightning Walk said, thinking that he is a very backward-looking guy.

It wasn't even made by Professor Lightning Step!

“Of course it is. The land of Einrogarde is wide and there are many obstacles. It
would be better to be alert and move. Then… start!”

Professor Lightning Walk did not give the students time to prepare their minds.

The whistle was blown to signal the start.

'Can't we fix it?'

As he climbed onto the phone league, Lee Han had other thoughts in the interim.

If we all agree not to go more than a certain amount, we can test each other

'Well. Absolutely no way.'

Seeing other top students already swearing at each other, collusion was absolutely

“Get away from me, you black turtles!”

“If you want to, try piercing it with your skills! You call yourself a knight,
don't you have that level of skill?"
Lee Han shook his head and clicked his tongue. And then he said.

“I don’t know why we couldn’t eat each other like that.”


Yoner looked at Lee Han as if it were ridiculous.

Probably 1/3 of the students over there would like to keep Lee Han in check...

As Lee Han excelled in other lectures, of course, jealousy followed.

Among the students, it was clear that there would be quite a few students who
said, 'I will defeat the Woudanaj in this lecture.'

And apart from that, Lee Han just had a grudge against him. To the extent that
fewer students from the White Tiger Tower were not hit by Lee Han.

Professor Lightning Walk warned with a sharp voice.

“It is forbidden to attack each other. Do not attack with magic or weapons.”


Ian was surprised.

When I started, I was even more surprised because I was going to deal with those
who attacked me by throwing water beads.

Yonner was shocked to see that.

He was pretending not to be, but he was preparing for a fight with more certainty
than anyone else.

“This is vehicle training, not magic combat training! It will allow the horses to
bump into each other, but more than that is prohibited. Do you understand?”


The students responded to the words of Professor Lightning Walk.

But Professor Lightning Walk did not know.

'Right. I think we can deal with it by bumping into each other.'

Students like Lee Han will take advantage of the gap if the rules are not strictly
adhered to!

* * *

All the way!

The sound of horses' hooves slamming the ground along the given route was audible.

It wasn't just military students who were lazy during the semester. The students
who took care of the horses were friendly enough to be able to ride horses and
increase their speed.

Of course, Lee Han was one of them.

“Lee Han! Can I keep going up like this?”

Yoner asked, spurring his horse.

This test wasn't just about going fast and far.

you have to go and come back.

If you go too far and don't come back within the time limit, that's the problem.

However, it took a lot of courage to slow the pace as the leading group is hitting
like this now.

“Everyone will have an idea. don't worry."

As Lee Han said, the students belonging to the leading group started to slow down
as they looked at each other.

He knew that if he continued sprinting, the horses would get tired.

It wasn't just that.

The students gathered close friends and began to form groups.

'Not good.'

Even in a race, it was much more advantageous to run together than to run alone.

It is easy to cope with any obstacles, and it is also easy to cope with various

the problem is...

The point was that the students glanced at Lee Han.

'Wordanaz is the most dangerous.'

'I have to take revenge on Wodanaj...'

'We have to stop Wodanaj from coming out.'

Lee Han made a harmless expression as much as possible to relieve the vigilance of
his friends, but to no avail.

Even if it was Lee Han himself, if there was a student like Lee Han, he would have
been on the alert right away.

Overwhelming number one candidate!

- Purruk.

Fonrig looked at Lee Han.

“Why?” - Heh heh. hee hee hee.

"ruler. not good You must not run away now.”

Fonrig cried out as if frustrated. Then he stared fiercely in front of her.


Without time for Lee Han to stop, the phone league started to speed up like crazy.

Seeing this, the other friends looked at them with astonishment.


'What do you think! If you run like that, you'll soon fall down!'

'Do you have any plans for this as well?!'


“Follow me!”


“You can’t lose to Wodanaj! Are you going to lose even horseback riding?!”


One of the students hesitated.

It was impossible to catch up if I ran out like that now.

Horses are living creatures.

If you run like that, you'll get tired soon...

“Ah! Goes!"

"me too!"

But in the end, the students, you and me, started driving horses with whips one by

Basically any top student had a lot of pride when it came to horses.

Whether from a noble family, a knight family, or a merchant guild, he had never
heard of being unable to ride a horse anywhere.


'There must be a reason why Wodanaj runs like that!'

'Is it possible for Wodanaj to go crazy like that without thinking?'

Students unconsciously believed in Lee Han.

Could it be that Lee Han ran away like that without any countermeasures?

Perhaps there is a way.

If they follow the same method...

The students in the lead group started running like crazy.

Nelia also looked around, getting nervous when she saw her friends leaving.


Surprisingly, Yonaire remained still.

“Yone? What is it? it's okay?"

Yonner sat on a brown horse with a very worried expression on his face. Neila
didn't understand.

“Let’s go after it now! If you follow me even now, catch up quickly! I could snare
the others and drop them!”

Nelia was willing to break the rules, but Yonaire did not point it out.

Because I just saw something even more embarrassing.

“It’s not…”

Yonner wondered how to explain this. The griffon, who transformed into a horse,
disregarded Lee Han's orders and ran like a runaway!

* * *

'Am I paying the price for believing in monsters?'

Feeling Lee Han's distrust, Griffon snorted wildly. Lee Han comforted him.

“It’s a misunderstanding. ruler. slow down I'm afraid you'll get tired."

Of course, as soon as the griffon slowed down, Lee Han was planning to go down and
hit him.

Griffon didn't even notice that black heart, but other parts stimulated Griffon's

I am not tired!

- Fu hee hee hee!

Griffon ran even further. He hadn't been able to run for several years, so it was
like a horse tired of running.

'From now on, I must never trust the transformed monster.'

Lee Han gripped the griffon tightly. He ran so fast that even Lee Han couldn't be
vigilant anymore.

If you are unlucky, the owner will also drop you!


A wild-looking new monster that looked like a mixture of cranes and chickens came
down from the tree next to it.


Lee Han was nervous at the appearance of a fairly aggressive new monster.
However, the griffon snorted once and accelerated further.


The Rachel-Joe tried to follow as they flew, but there was no way.

As the griffon widened the distance, the raccoon group that followed him gasped
and flew away as if he had given up.


The monster that appeared wasn't a single raptor.

A rock on the side of the road suddenly rose up and swung it menacingly.

Griffon ignored it and ran.

Suddenly, the bridge installed in the river disappeared with smoke.

Griffon ignored it and jumped over it.

A thick fog obscured the road.

Griffon ignored it and broke through.

“…do what you want.”

Ian gave up.

At this point, I was curious to what extent.

* * *

Perse, a third year student in the Blue Dragon Tower, sighed with a worried

Then the friend asked.

“Why, Perse?”

“All of our strikers are too slow.”

"don't worry. Once you get used to it, the horses will speed up too. You have to
give the horses time to gain weight.”

“It’s not just about horses. The rider is also a problem.”

Perse said firmly.

In the fierce battle where several players collide, speed was not determined
simply by the horse's stamina.

Rather, the jockey's guts and skills played a bigger role.

Even if there are enemies running with sticks, you need to have the spirit to
drive the horse with the determination to die...

So much so much so much!!!



The wind blew off their hats because of the horse running so fast.

He ran so fast that the monsters in his way hurriedly swerved.

“Bam, what just happened? Are you a student? Were you a student?”

“A freshman… You look like a freshman? Freshman exam…”

“That’s it! That’s it!”

Perse exclaimed with bright eyes.

That guts that drives you like a madman, whether a monster is in front of you or

That was the spirit a striker should have.

"He's a freshman, Perse..."

“Next year is here! You can call me next year!”

“There’s no guarantee that he’s interested in the Gyuk-gu club.”

“Don’t worry about that.”


“You have such skills, but there’s no way you wouldn’t be interested in Gyeokgu!”

* * *

The phone league has finally stopped.


“Are you feeling cold?”

Fonrig nodded. Then, wiping away the sweat, he leaned his head toward the stream
and drenched his neck.

'You've come a long way.'

Lee Han checked his surroundings.

I knew that the site of the magic school was unimaginably large, but it would have
come this far.

It ran like crazy down the mountain range.

What unfolded before Lee Han's eyes was the desert.


What desert is on the school grounds?

- Fu hee hee.

After drinking all the water, Fonrig said to go.

“Phone League.”

- Fuheung?

“If you don’t go back within the time limit, I will disappoint you.”


Fonrig, who ran happily and without a circle, looked around, wondering if he had
been awakened by the coolness of Lee Han's words.

Of course, no matter how much I looked around, I couldn't find out about this area
because it was a phone league. The phone league started to sweat.

...can we get back in time?

"let's go. Phone League.”

The vonleague started running towards full power. He was faster than ever before.

Lee Han stared straight ahead with his body fixed.


I saw some students spread out by the roadside.


At first, I thought I had been attacked by a monster, but for such a thing, it
seemed too normal.

It was obvious that he was just tired and left.

'I don't understand.'

It's Lee Han. The phone league didn't listen to him and he ran wild and was
dragged along, but the other students couldn't do that.

It was clear that they had run out of greed and exhausted themselves.

Lee Han looked at his friends as if he was sorry.

'It is unavoidable. Today's event must have been a lesson.'

* * *

“ is perfect.”

"thank you."


Professor Lightning Walk asked impatiently.

1st place gets full marks.

This was natural. Professor Lightning Walk had no intention of saying anything
about this.

However, it was a different story for the first place to travel three times as far
as the other students and then come back (even while sprinting to the point where
they scattered all the obstacles they had prepared).

Why the hell did you risk your life like this?

“After following you, there are five students who are exhausted, and three
students who have lost their horses. You must have been lucky enough to run and
chase away all the monsters first. I could have come back in moderation... did you
want to set a new record like that?”

In the eyes of Professor Lightning Walk, Lee Han didn't like to show off like

But why is it so hard to set a new record?

Did you want to leave a legend because you were so proud of horseback riding?

Of course, Lee Han looked at Professor Lightning Walk as if it was ridiculous.

“Isn’t it because the professor told you this?”

Who was the one who took over the Griffon? Why did you set a new record like that?

There was no shame like this.

Why are you being so shameless as a professor?

Professor Lightning Walk responded as brazenly as Lee Han thought.

“What nonsense. Griffon doesn't like to run like that. It is in a state of being
forced into words. I wouldn't have run if you hadn't commanded me."


Lee Han-eun was shocked by the professor's words.


'Was he a fanatic because he wanted to run?'

Could it be that Lee Han didn't give him too many opportunities to prove his

“I guess I ignored him too much. I want to prove my ability…”

Professor Lightning Walk listened to Lee Han's words with a questioning expression
on his face.

It was hard to believe that the Griffon was playing so hard just for that reason.

“…it really is.”

"okay. Don't believe me for once. You worked hard, go in and get some rest. I
would have to take another test, but I had a lot of trouble running like that.”

“Fonleague suffered more than me.”

Having said that, Lee Han returned to the starting line and looked at the
returning students.

As the disfigured students returned home one by one, they looked at Lee Han with
awe-filled eyes.

“Did you see it?”

“I saw it.”

“That bastard… he might be the best horseman in the empire…!”


Lee Han decided to just go rest.

* * *

Some students were suffering from muscle aches, but the School of Magic did not
wait for them.

“I have to get the Bone Flakes this evening. If you think about the time it will
take, it’s a bit tight today.”

“I feel like my thighs are on fire.”

“I think there’s a crack in my pelvis…”

Before evening, the students of the Blue Dragon Tower gathered on the first
basement floor, clashing with their canes.

The White Tiger Tower students laughed when they saw that.

“To say something like that while riding a horse is quite lacking in discipline…”

"Wordanaj... why the hell are you talking so crazy..."

Lee Han ignored the murmur.

"ruler. Everyone knows it's bad. But now is the time to unite among the
alchemists. If we don’t get the materials as quickly as possible, we might all

The school's terrible schedule made other top students cooperate with each other.

Lee Han was planning to gather the students, break through the dungeon quickly,
and then go out with the materials.

It was only Lee Han's loss if he went in to collect the ingredients by himself and
failed or got injured.

"ruler. Everyone take it.”

When Lee Han handed the basket he had brought from the break room, the students of
the White Tiger Tower were puzzled.
“Is this a magic potion needed to attack the dungeon?”

"no. Evening snack.”


The white tiger tower students rolled up the cloth over the basket. Sandwiches
were laid out one after another.

“…uh… huh?”

"what. Don't you think?"

“Wordanaz. Don't give it to people who aren't hungry."

At Asan's words, the students of the White Tiger Tower waved their hands.

"no! no! I will eat well!”

"okay. When you're ready, let's go in."

Lee Han lined up the students. Due to the terrain of the dungeon, it was
unreasonable to gather together and form a formation.

To some extent, each tower had no choice but to get together and put their hands
and feet together.

'It must be faster for them to move among themselves than to give orders one by

The princess was curious about what kind of sandwich it was, so she rolled up the
cloth in the basket to check.

Lee Han slapped the back of the princess's hand.

“I will eat later.”

Like Gainando, the imperial family had a lot of food greed. Lee Han gave a warning
and turned around.


The princess looked at Lee Han with eyes mixed with bewilderment, resentment,
sadness and resentment.

However, Lee Han was busy lining up the students and checking them, so he couldn't
look back.

“If there is a problem, you have to form yourself and respond to it. If it is
dangerous, send a signal and judge for yourself.”

"do not worry. Wodanaz. We are knights.”

The White Tiger Top students said, holding the basket in their arms. It was really

During the last inspection on the first basement floor, someone came up from the
basement stairs leading to the dungeon.

It was Professor Voladi.

“...Isn't it fun to have a picnic on the first basement floor, everyone? Shall we
go back soon?”

“What are you talking about, Wodanaj?”


The reason why Lee Han did not reveal the fact that he was entering the
underground dungeon in front of Professor Voladi was simple.

...because it was impossible to predict what kind of reaction would come.

Professor Voladi is one of the most difficult professors to predict.

I had to be more careful.

“A picnic? We came out to attack the underground dungeon, didn't we?"

However, the ignorant White Tiger Top student asked as if he did not understand.

Lee Han clenched his teeth tightly and muttered.

"Be quite..."

"What? I can not hear well. Wodanaz. What is the picnic and why do you have to go

Lee Han regretted that he should have just stunned his opponent quickly.

However, Professor Voladi had already climbed the stairs and stood in front of the

The White Tiger Top student, who had just spoken, also noticed Professor Voladi's
appearance and corrected his posture.

"hello. professor."

“What’s going on?”

Lee Han quickly took the answer.

“Let’s have a picnic together in the basement…”

“Wordanaj has gathered students to attack the underground dungeon.”

'Are you going to kill me?'

Professor Voladi listened to the white tiger top student and looked around the
hallway with an expressionless face.

After completing all preparations, the students who would soon descend into the
underground dungeon caught the eyes of Professor Vampire.

Lee Han could see a very faint smile on Professor Voladi's lips.
The anger towards the white tiger tower student disappeared, and an ice-cold fear

"Good job."

“…it really doesn’t matter.”

Lee Han said, paying close attention to read what Professor Voladi was thinking.

“Continuous training is a prerequisite for improving skills, but there are few
wizards who practice it. to go forward.”

“I am going because of the materials needed for the midterm exam. professor."

“There must have been other dungeons.”

“…I don’t think I will have enough time to find it…”

“It must have been.”

Professor Voladi nodded.

A great wizard can accomplish several goals at the same time, even if he does one

In the underground dungeon, weak and lazy wizards go to easy places when they have
the necessary materials, but the hard-working battle wizards deliberately go into
difficult places and train themselves.

Wodanaj was such a wizard.

“I just managed the dungeon.”


If it was a naturally occurring dungeon located in a remote place, no one cared

whether a monster popped out or something unusual happened, but the dungeons
located within the magic school did not.

If the monsters in the dungeon immediately come out and make a riot, it's the
professors' workshop that breaks.

A person like Professor Voladi periodically checked the dungeons and checked the
condition inside.

What is the flow of magic in the dungeon, how many monsters are there, and there
is no sign of running out of the dungeon.

However, to Lee Han, Professor Voladi's words seemed to have a slightly different

'Didn't there be a riot because of the special preparations you made for me last

A chilling feeling of anxiety running through my spine.

Without knowing Lee Han's heart, the friends threw their thanks.
"thank you. professor."

“I’ll be back!”

“Are you a very kind person, contrary to the rumors?”

“I can’t believe the rumors.”


* * *

“Burn up.”

A flame about the size of two fingers was created in the air.

The advantage of the flame element is that it has sufficient destructive power
even with simple magic of low circles.

After being hit by the flames summoned by the Phoenix Tower Priest, the Maw slowed
down in an instant.

“Burn up!”


Even the simplest one-circle magic <Create Flame> increased its power even more
when several students overlapped it.

The angler quickly burned down and collapsed.


At Lee Han's praise, the priests lightly nodded their heads.

The students of the White Tiger Tower following behind snorted.

“So many people used magic to catch only one, what a wonderful thing.”

“Isn’t it too wasteful? After all, battles are fought with swords.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower confidently spoke as they prepared to
enchant their wooden swords.

Lee Han, who still had a grudge for having teased him in front of Professor
Boladi, spoke coldly.

“Pull out your sword. Let's see where I can stop my magic."

“...Wow, Wodanaj. Why are you so naive…”

“Wow, weren’t we a little rude to the priests?”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were startled when they saw Lee Han's

He didn't know that Woudanaj would be so tanned by just saying a few words.

'Ouch. What do I do?'

Lee Han immediately came to his senses.

We need to get along with our students, but from the start...

"sorry. I was mean.”

“Oh, no. We also talked harshly to the priests.”

Asan wiped his nose with a proud expression.

A person who stepped forward for the honor of others was truly an honorable

He was proud to have such a person as his friend.

“I am proud of you. Wodanaz.”


Lee Han looked at Asan like a strange person.

"for a moment. Don’t go that way, go back this way.”

“The devil has come. Take it to the White Tiger Tower.”

“Watch out for that wall. It is a section where anglers are well hidden.”

“Watch the floor. The mud is deep.”

Lee Han concentrated again and gave instructions in a row.

Even the students who followed without thinking at first began to feel strange.


'Why do you know so well?'

Of course, as the person who found the dungeon here was Wodanaj, it was not
strange to know the introductory part well.

But even though he went quite deep, Wodanaj knew the dungeon completely.

As if back and forth over and over again.

“Wordanaj, that guy knows this dungeon strangely well.”

“Were you a professor of <Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Battles” earlier? I

heard that the lecture was a bit strange, wasn't it here?"

“Don’t make ridiculous jokes. What kind of crazy lecture is going on in a dungeon
like this.”

Listening to the white tiger tower students chatter, Nelia closed her eyes.

Woudanaz was a person who did not buy the sympathy of others for a while, but this
time, he was truly sorry for Wodanaj.

How did I get a lecture like that?

After the narrow passage was over, a wide plaza appeared so that all the students
in a line could gather in one place.

Ian said seriously.

"ruler. From here on out, be really careful.”

“Wordanaz. You can stop worrying about it.”

The confidence of the students in the White Tiger Tower, who dealt well with the
anglers that appeared on the way down, had risen considerably.

In fact, not only the students of the White Tiger Tower, but also the other
students of the Tower had a somewhat relaxed face.

It was natural to come down with ease compared to coming in with such tension at

“From here, the larvae come out.”



"...Do not lie."

"It's not a lie. From now on, the rattlesnake will appear, so I will move away
from its territory.”

The structure of Professor Voladi's underground dungeon, which Lee Han forcibly
learned, was as follows.

First, the narrow passages leading down to the basement connected to the entrance.

Here, the demons hid and popped out, surprising the wizards.

Going down like that, a wide square-shaped topography appeared.

In fact, there were very few anglers in such a large place. Unless some maniac
deliberately puts monsters together.

And further down from here, it was the area where the rattlesnake came out.

The terrain was much wider as the size of a lark's maw was, but it also made it
more complicated.

A wide rocky mountain valley dotted with natural caves.

If it wasn't for the underground dungeon, Lee Han would have thought so.

“There are caves all over the way down. Some of these caves contain larvae. The
larkmouth is a monster with a lot of food, so it only sleeps in the cave until it
notices the presence of its prey. So, avoid caves with leprechauns far away. Then
you have nothing to do with it.”

“How do you know?”

“I will give you a signal.”

“Wordanaj, how do you trust your signal? How could you know?”

“If you don’t want to believe it, go in.”

“Ah… no, I was just asking.”

As Lee Han turned indifferent after asking for nothing, the student lowered his

One of the Black Turtle Tower students tilted his head and murmured.

“I think Wodanaj is exceptionally sharp.”

“It must be a dangerous place. He's a responsible guy."

The students never imagined that Lee Han would risk his life and roll first in
this underground dungeon valley.

* * *

how much further down

The students, who came down avoiding the caves as much as possible, admired the
plants that had formed a colony.

Priest Siana lit up her eyes and whispered in a low voice.

“Bone flower is right!”

“I found it.”

Two or three students from each tower came out and began to carefully dig up the

The rest of the students stood in various places and stood guard. I avoided all
the caves with leprechauns, but there was a thing.

"for a moment. Isn't that the light?"

One student from the White Tiger Tower standing on the lookout pointed a finger
behind a rock located below the slope.

The distance was a bit far, but a bluish light was shining softly.

“Is it the light? Isn't that an artifact?"

Durgyu said cautiously.

“I think it would be better not to move uncontrollably.”

“Wordanaj said that cave has no leprechauns. It’s okay there.”

“It is, but if…”

Before Durgyu could finish speaking, the White Tiger Tower student carefully
descended the steep slope with a torch.

And I checked behind the rock. There was a helmet that emitted a really bluish

“Artifact! Artifact! Durgyu, look at this!”

“Okay, come back soon!”

"okay. I am going right now!"

The white tiger tower student tried to climb the slope again.


Before the larkmouth suddenly appeared from behind a rock and glared at the
student and growled.


The student's muscles stiffened at the sudden appearance of the monster. His hand
slipped and his weight lifted the rock off the slope.

The road suddenly disappeared and I was trapped below like a leprechaun.

Durgyu was frightened and called Lee Han.

“Lee Han!”


Lee Han responded immediately. I could feel the urgency in Durgyu's voice.


I was able to understand the situation without even asking.

A white tiger tower student and a rattlesnake go down a steep slope.

'for a moment. Surely he wasn't in that cave?'

Ian didn't understand.

Of course, the white tiger tower student went down carelessly, but how can I do it
when there are no rattlesnakes around?

In an instant, Professor Voladi's face flashed past Lee Han's mind.

- You just managed the dungeon.


What is the possibility that Professor Voladi placed a wandering larvae for Lee
Han to give an appropriate stimulus the next time he came in?

“Hold on! I'm going to help!"

Realizing his mistake, Lee Han spoke firmly to cover up the mistake.

If I let it go, I'm like, 'What? Lee Han said that Raccoon Maw didn't come out, so
why did he come out?' There was a possibility that Lee Han's responsibility would
The white tiger tower student who fell below was even more surprised.

I thought Woudanaz would throw it away saying it was 'self-important'.

Durgyu exclaimed as if he knew it would.

“Hold on anyway! Lee Han will help you!”

"What's up?"

“The white tiger tower fell down!”


"I don't know! What were you trying to pick up!”

“Such an idiot!”

Lee Han stopped criticizing his friends.

“Anyone can make mistakes. stop."



“Foot. Crush the ground.”

Lee Han memorized the spell without waiting.

I couldn't give him a lot of time as the White Tiger Tower student was rolling
around in front of the Raccoon Maw.

“Space, be aware.”

<space perception> magic.

It was a simple effect, but in such a dark dungeon, it was a magic that exerted
several times the power.

Especially if you think about what variables the rocks and stones on the floor
make in real battles.

“Hand, tear the enemy apart. Eyes, pierce the darkness.”

Lee Han quickly casts strengthening magic in a row.

Seeing this, Durgyu nodded his head with a nervous expression.

This friend in front of me was a first-year student, but he was a magician no less
than an upper-grade student.

Although Durgyu didn't know much about enhancement magic, he knew that it was not
common for him to continuously cast enhancement like this.

'Awesome, Lee Han!'

Durgyu gave strength to the hand holding the sword.

Now that the magic is over, Ihan will run down too, so Durgyu was planning to go
with him.



Lee Han swung his wand and fired lightning.

As he rushed, the rattlesnake was hit and screamed in pain.


Lightning, the most destructive and violent of the elements, did damage to the
rattlesnake with simple magic.

Even if the water ball is blown quickly, it can withstand quite a bit with thick
gloves, but it cannot prevent an electric shock.

“Flash, flash, flash, flash!”

Lee Han hit the spell quickly and briefly.

Flashing lightning stalks bloomed like flowers from the tip of the staff, striking
the raven's maw.

Each time that happened, the rattlesnake flinched and stopped moving.

Durgyu, who looked at him as if possessed, came to his senses and asked.

“This… Lee Han. Didn't you mean to go down?"

I was a bit embarrassed that I cast the reinforcement magic like that, but it
didn't go down and just kept shooting lightning.

When are you going down?

“Why do you have to go down?”

"Yes?? No... you used magic like that...?”

The magician's magic was not infinite. As such, it was foolish to use everything
that he could use.

Efficiently anyway.

Only the magic needed for the current situation.

If Lee Han cast reinforcement magic, it was for close combat...

...isn't it?

"ah. Reinforcement Magic? I just habitually walked. You can catch it from a
distance, so there’s no reason to go down.”


Durgyu released the power in his hand holding the sword.

'Slowly dry to death.'

Ian was not in a hurry.

The location was advantageous for Lee Han, and the situation also favored Lee Han.

A single thunderbolt didn't do much damage to the Maw, but it was certain that it
was steadily accumulating damage to the Maw.

The continuous dripping water will someday pierce the rock.

...Of course, this was a hunting method that only Lee Han, who had a huge amount
of magic power, could do.

Because other wizards couldn't even think of defeating monsters by repeatedly

hitting weak magic indefinitely.

If you do that, no matter how weak the magic is, the wizard's magic will be
depleted first and you will fall.

“Sparkle, flash, flash... Shield, unfold!”

Lee Han's order has changed.

In an instant, water appeared from the air and took the form of a shield.

And on top of it, the pointed rock thrown by the Raccoon Maw was firmly inserted.


"Well. That's weird. I had a sword in front of her before, so I thought it would
be okay.”

At the words Lee Han muttered, Durgyu looked at him like he was embarrassed.

'If you blow lightning like that, no matter how many enemies are in front of you,
you will get a fever!'

No matter how many times he had a knife in front of him, it was only natural to
aim for Lee Han first if he was beaten like this.

“He’s coming!”

“Stop it!”

The White Tiger Tower students camped on the slope. At the same time, the magic of
other students poured from above.

However, unlike the Maw, the thick gloves of the Raccoon Maw deflected any
insignificant curses or low circle magic.

Raccoon Maw, which gained momentum, made his fingers like hooks and climbed up the
steep slope.

As he jumped up in an instant, the faces of the White Tiger Tower students were
colored with astonishment.

I didn't expect it to be this fast, just looking at the fit below.

'He's digging in!'

Durgyu gave strength to the hand holding the sword again.

Looking at it this way, it wasn't that Lee Han cast reinforcement magic was

It is possible to deal with such an emergency...

“Everyone, bow your head.”


Irregularly spinning and flying water beads hit the face of the Raccoon Maw as it
climbed the cliff.

Not just one, but dozens in a row!

No matter how thick the gloves were, the rattlesnake could not withstand being hit
like this in an unstable position. It just rolled down and fell.

Lee Han swung his staff again and fired lightning.



Why did you use the real enhancement magic?

* * *

The rattlesnake could not even climb up and eventually fell down.

Durgyu went down the slope without saying a word.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, thank you. choi.”

The white tiger top friend got up with a slumped posture.

Then he said as if he didn't understand.

“Obviously you said there are no rattlesnakes around here, but where did they come

"...Well. You never know what's going to happen in a dungeon. It would be better
to just forget about this.”

“Is that so?”

As they climbed up, the students, who were delighted with the success of the hunt,
glared at their white tiger tower friend.

“I told you not to move so hastily.”

“Mi… I’m sorry. everyone."

The white tiger top student was stunned by the gaze. Everyone in the room stared
at them, but there weren't many who could stand it.

Even if you come from a knight family.

"ruler. As I said, anyone can make a mistake. No one was hurt, so let’s understand
and move on.”


The white tiger top student was once again moved.

You're not even angry because you didn't have enough to save me.

Perhaps Durgyu was not affected by the brainwashing magic, but was influenced by

'I have to change the topic quickly.'

Lee Han opened his mouth before the story proceeded with the topic, 'By the way,
where did the magpie come from?'

“Then why did you go down?”

“Because of this helmet.”

The white tiger top student pointed to the helmet. A bluish light emanated from
the helmet.

"Aha. Did this helmet call you?”

"no. I was just curious because the light came out.”


Lee Han looked at the white tiger top student with the gaze of Gainando.

The white tiger top student who noticed the gaze averted his gaze.

“My… I was frivolous.”

"not. Because anyone can make a mistake. Still, it was good that I didn't touch
the pitch."

I don't know what kind of artifact it was, but it was dangerous to touch it

Especially when it comes to artifacts under these underground dungeons.

“Uh… I already touched it.”



“No… anyone can make a mistake…”

* * *
A respected knight of the Order of the White Oak, Wikelinz looked at the
apprentice knights who were still young.

These apprentice knights did not belong to the Knights of the Baekyangmok.

Boys and girls from different families of knights in the Empire.

After rigorous training, they will return to the various knights of the Empire or
their families in the future to be the pillars that will reliably protect the

There was only one reason why such apprentice knights came to Einrogard with

“You can’t lose to magic or those who learn it.”

"Shh. Be careful. If anyone else hears it, they will be scolded.”

There were wizards within the Knights Templar, and they were usually respected.

How much work would a wizard of the Knights of the Order located in the remote or
rough terrain have to do?

However, they were still inexperienced apprentice knights.

I didn't think so broadly enough to judge such a thing.

“Aren’t you angry? Those who are not even trained in the Knights Templar were
praised by Wikelinz-sama that much?”

“Of course not!”

The incident started when the respected Wikelinz went to Einrogard and praised the
students there.

- That was great. One of the students even beat me...

- Are you sure? What a surprise!

Those words set fire to the pride of the apprentice knights.

They are being severely trained and being judged by the knights who are learning
magic at the magic school.

It was absolutely unacceptable.

- There must have been a mistake.

-As it is a den of wizards, there may have been some trickery. You might have dug
the trap with some kind of magic, right?

-Bikelinz-sama may have overlooked the work of wizards because of his honor and

In the end, the apprentice knights were determined.

They will bump into each other and break that illusion!

When the apprentice knights asked if they wanted to compete, Wikelinz pondered and
finally got permission.

He had been given permission to enter the magic school under the pretext of taking
the midterm exam.

"ruler. everyone."

Wikelinz quietly opened his mouth. He was Vickel Linz, who was also respectful to
his apprentice knights, but his voice contained an irresistible power.

“This is Einroguard, the holy land of wizards. Trust me, I will not do anything
that will lose my knightly dignity, honor and pride.”

At Wikelinz's words, the apprentice knights were terrified.

It was clear that Wikelinz was aware of the feelings they were holding.

“I swear. Wikelinz-sama.”

“I will keep my pride as a knight.”

“Thank you. everyone."

The apprentice knights lined up and walked through the main gate of the magic

I caught my eye as the students of the Magic School with sloppy and skinny faces
wandered around the school muttering.

'That's why wizards really are.'

'These are eccentric and unbelievable people.'

Professor Ingaldel and the students of the swordsmanship class gathered in front
of me caught my eye.

The apprentice knights whispered.

“So who is that guy?”

A guy with a rumor that he dared to beat Wikelinz.

The apprentice knights' top priority was him.

“Is it the Choi family? I heard rumors that the Choi family entered a magic

“Maybe it’s the Moradi family.”

“The Dulach family…”

While they were chatting, a handsome boy like a statue approached. The apprentice
knights scanned the boy up and down.

From appearance to movement, no matter how you look at it, he was not from a
knight family.

'Who knows the face?'

'I don't know. Aren't you from a great aristocratic family?'

If you were a student at a magic school not from a knight family, it had nothing
to do with swordsmanship.

The faces of the apprentice knights were relaxed to the extent that there was no
way they could have beaten Wikelinz and there was no way that they would have been

“Did you guys come here for swordsmanship?”

"okay. right."

In response, Lee Han's expression brightened.

'After all, Professor Ingaldel still has a conscience!'

After all, it was too crazy to hang out with the Knights of the White Sheepwood
Knights last time.

They brought in apprenticeships appropriate for their age.

Of course, the skills of apprentice drivers who only train in the morning, lunch
and dinner were great, but...

'Everything is relative.'

For Lee Han, who was prepared to become the knights of the Baekyangmok Knights,
the apprenticeship knight was a satisfactory opponent.

“Welcome to your visit.”

“Thank you for the welcome. family?”


“Wordanaz! Is that the Wodanaj family?”

"okay. I'm counting on you."

Lee Han waved his hand and returned to his seat.


At that moment, the apprentice knights, who felt strange, looked at each other.

Why did you say that the boy from the Wodanaj clan would do you a favor, and why
is he sitting among the students of the Magic School from the Knights clan?


“Cute bastards.”

Giselle muttered.

Hearing those words, Lee Han looked at Giselle as if he was saying something.

“Are you cheeky? What does that mean?”

“You can see it in your eyes. Can't you feel it?"

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were not dull, were feeling it to some

The gaze of the newly visited apprentice knights was not very favorable.

Originally, it was not necessary to be softer than necessary for the opponent to
be confronted soon. Because it could only cause hesitation when fighting for

However, the gaze of apprentice knights now crossed the line even considering

arrogant pride.

It was Giselle who never missed the position at the head of the group wherever she

He recognized the emotion in that gaze more sharply than anyone else.

“You are… ignoring us.”

Durgyu said with a hoarse voice. Giselle nodded his head.

"okay. You are ignoring it.”

“Why are you ignoring me?”

Lee Han asked as if he did not understand.

“Lee Han. Think carefully. We're from a knightly family, but we came to school to
learn magic. What do you think when you see that?”

“He uses a sword and magic, so he’s twice as strong, right?”


Giselle looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

“Oh, thank you. However, short-minded young knights often ignore or argue with the
fact that they went to learn magic. I didn't expect to see you like this in

"Hmm. Right."

Ihan nodded his head.

The knights' families must have known each other to some extent, so it was only
natural for the heirs of that family to fight for their pride like this.

As we are both young, even the smallest thing will hurt our pride...

'You're doing really stupid things. After all, it's a situation where we'll all
work together.'

“Wordanaz. Aren't you angry?"

As Lee Han sat expressionlessly, another white tiger top student spoke with an
angry voice.

How dare these guys from outside are arguing.


"okay! They're ignoring you too!"

“I’m not from a knight family, so it doesn’t matter?”



I know?

It was then that the students at the White Tiger Tower realized that Lee Han was
not of a knight family.

I'm naturally in between, so I unintentionally...


One of the apprentice knights seemed to know Durgyu, so he approached and greeted

Durgyu nodded and said hello.

“I didn’t know we would meet like this.”

"me too."

“I heard a lot of rumors about Einrogard. He said that he taught magic harshly.
Did you have time to train swordsmanship?”

There was a hint of sarcasm, but Durgyu didn't care.

Durgyu looked at Lee Han.



Looking at Lee Han and looking at the apprentice knight in front of him, I
realized how childish what the apprentice was doing.

If it was Lee Han, he would have already cursed the opponent at the time he was
doing such a childish thing.

“Because it was difficult, I was able to focus on swordsmanship. It’s a new

realization, but it’s not a good idea to set everything up so that you can focus on

It was half sincere.

While being provided with ample time, generous meals, and comfortable futons from
the family, my skills grew faster here at the Magic School than when I wielded a
harsh environment.

Compete with great friends.

These are the things that enhance the skills of the prosecutor.

Those words seemed to have touched the opposing apprentice's mood. The apprentice
driver frowned.

“It is the hardship that completes the swordsmanship. But the hardships you went
through wouldn't even dare compare to the ones we went through. choi.”

“It might be. But the sword doesn't decide whether to win or lose by comparing it.
I think it would be better to say this with a sword.”

"huh! Even if you don’t say that, I will show you.”

The apprentice knight turned with an even more frown.

Lee Han, who was listening to the conversation, asked Giselle as if wondering.

“Where do those apprentices live?”

“I will stay in the Templar building in the city.”

Giselle answered bluntly.

“Aren’t you giving me food?”

“Is that possible?”

“Are you banned from going out?”

“You said that it was a Knights Templar building in the city. There is no way to
ban it.”

“...But in what way do they say they are more difficult?”

Lee Han's voice suddenly became cold enough to be cold. Giselle was also

* * *

Professor Ingaldel nodded as he saw the students shining brightly with enthusiasm.

Everyone was still young, so it was natural to inflame the competitive spirit in
this kind of situation.

How to hurt your self-esteem much more when you lose to a trainee knight of the
same age as you than a knight of the Baekyangmok Knights with a wide gap.

Even Wodanaj was looking at the apprentice knights with a stiff face. It was a
good-looking face.


"What's going on, Wodanaj?"

“We are students learning magic in a magic school. I think it's right to allow
magic as we did in Dalian last time."

Naturally, Professor Ingaldel banned the use of magic in this Dalian.

Even though the opponent is not an official knight, there is no need to use magic.
It was correct to focus only on swordsmanship.

Of course, then, the students of the Magic School could be pushed back by the
apprentice knights, but...

Professor Ingaldel thought it was okay.

If your self-esteem is hurt a little because of being pushed back in this match,
it will be the driving force for the students of the Magic School to focus on

"no. It’s a swordsmanship test.”

“But, Professor. Swordsmanship doesn't just wield swords, is it? When the
opportunity arises, we also use striking and articulation techniques, but taking
magic away from us is too harsh.”

Lee Han's logic was persuasive.

It was an idiot to wield only swords in a swordsmanship match.

He had to be able to punch through the gaps if necessary and be able to kick his
opponent's legs and knock them off the balance.

If you look at this broadly, it will all be included in the swordsmanship.

While the apprentice knights were practicing such comprehensive skills outside,
the magic school students practiced magic, so it might not be natural to want to
use them in Dalian.

'Am I too harsh?'

Professor Ingaldel slightly reflected on Lee Han's words.

Maybe he was too harsh on his greed to make his students strong...

Professor Elf raised his head and looked at Lee Han.

Then suddenly my mind came back.

He had predicted what would happen if he allowed the Wordanaj family boy in front
of him with magic.



Lee Han felt sorry inside.

'If you let me use magic, I can win easily.'

It wasn't conceited, it was a rather cold prediction.

The more the opponent did not know the magic, the more effective it became.
Apprentice knights don't know at all the magic that Lee Han uses, so if you bind
your feet with water beads, cast a curse, and then deal with lightning strikes...

'I'm sorry, but I can't help it.'

Lee Han raised a wooden sword. He didn't do anything good if he held on to the
wrong way and dragged him for a long time.

“...Wordanaz? Why are you coming out?”

The other apprentice driver looked at Lee Han with a bewildered expression.

Lee Han answered with an innocent face.

“I am taking swordsmanship classes for health and culture.”

“Ah… is that so?”

The apprentice driver shook his head.

It was not unusual for the nobles to learn swordsmanship with culture or interest.

Of course, compared to the real swordsmanship of the knights, these swordsmanships

were mostly face-to-face and slick.

Thinking of it like that, the power naturally drained from the apprentice knight's
body. The posture of holding his wooden sword also loosened. His whole body could
feel that he was underestimating his opponent.

Ian was delighted to see that.

'If I had entered the magic school, I wouldn't have been able to survive a week.'

How can you fall for this basic trick?

“Aren’t the other White Tiger Tower students arguing?”

Even the apprentice driver worried about Lee Han.

As he is not from a knight family, he does not see him as a competitor.

"no. Everyone is kind to help. Thanks to you, I lack a lot, but I can keep up.”

"okay. Knights always respect and help the weak.”

The apprentice driver said, pounding his chest. Ian thought to himself.

'The White Tiger Tower guys attacked in a three-on-one attack from the first day.'

“Then shall we begin?”

"okay. Be careful not to get hurt.”

The apprentice knight stood holding a wooden sword. Lee Han also stood with a
wooden sword.

Professor Ingaldel waved the flag.


The apprentice driver instantly felt the illusion of a rock rushing towards him.
The power of the blow that Lee Han wielded exceeded expectations.

In the midst of 'oh', the wooden sword in his hand broke and flew away, and the
wooden sword that Lee Han held out stood still in front of his neck.

“Are you going to admit defeat?”

"Wordanaj's Victory!"

Professor Ingaldel said firmly, as if there was nothing more to see.

Only then did the apprentice knight return to his senses, blinking his eyes and
speaking in an urgent voice.

“Sleep, wait...!? What is this...?!”

But Lee Han had already turned and walked.

'If you cheated, you have to jump fast.'

“Where are you going, Wodanaj?”

“Isn’t it over?”

“You have to fight again with the winners.”

Professor Ingaldel said, pointing in the opposite direction.

Apprentice knights victorious over the White Tiger Tower students were walking one
by one.

In an instant, Lee Han relaxed his body and took a clumsy posture.

But it's already too late. The apprentice knights walking by looked at Lee Han and

-So, that Lee Han, who came from the Wodanaj family, defeated Vikelinz-sama?

- That's right.

- Does that make sense?

-Isn't that by using magic?

'Two times would be too much.'

Lee Han had a gut feeling that he would not be able to eat raw for the next fight.

* * *

“Wordanaz. Let me ask you one thing.”


“Did you really beat Wikelinz-sama?”

“I didn't do it alone. In fact, Durgyu and Moradi played a bigger part.”

“Isn’t it Wikelinz-sama?”


Lee Han cursed Wikilinz inside.

It's like a needlessly honest knight.

“There is a hidden circumstance.”

“What is the matter?”



Professor Ingaldel waved the flag again. The two grabbed their swords and formed a

The opposing apprentice knight came up after winning once, and knowing that Lee
Han had won, he was not as vigilant as before.

Lee Han opened his mouth again.

“Actually, Wikelinz-sama…”


The apprentice driver inadvertently listened when Lee Han opened his mouth. At
that moment, Lee Han's byeokam sword shone.

Byeokamgeom, a heavy and strong heavy sword-type swordsmanship, was not easy to
counterattack once lost. The apprentice knight's posture was messed up by the heavy

Pak, Pak, Pak, Pak, Pak!

After five attacks, the apprentice knight fell. Lee Han stopped the sword in front
of his opponent's neck.

"Wordanaj's Victory!"

Lee Han turned around as quickly as before.

There was no need to make eye contact with the apprentice knight who was staring
at him like he was going to kill him with a sense of betrayal.

'after. That's a neat finish.'

Fortunately, it was easy to finish.

Both fights were completed perfectly without allowing any effective blows, so the
midterm exam is of course perfect...

"sorry. Lee Han.”


Durgyu apologized.

After a fierce battle with the apprentice knight, he was finally defeated.

“…What about Moradi? Did Moradi lose too?”

“Moradi is a draw. We broke our bones together.”

" way."

“Wordanaz. Take a break and prepare for the final showdown.”

At Professor Ingaldel's words, Lee Han sighed inwardly.

'shit. You have to go up to the third round.'

I thought Durgyu and Moradi would defeat the remaining apprentice knights, but
there is only one left.

Ihan shook his head.

The apprentice knights who had gathered were looking at Lee Han while talking. It
was obvious what he was talking about.

“It’s a swordsmanship that I’m learning through culture, and I’m really lucky that
I’ve come to this position.”

“Don’t be fooled, Wodanaj!”



When Lee Han suddenly changed with a cold tongue, the apprentice knights were
greatly shocked.

Indeed, Wodanaj was deceiving them!

“Wordanaj... you... I believed in you! I respected your honor!”

“What kind of respect do those who haven’t lived in Einrogarde talk about with
arrogance and ignorance?”

At Lee Han's rude remark, the students of the White Tiger Tower burst into cheers.

"okay! Wodanaj!”

“Well done! What kind of respect are you talking about!”

A bizarre situation where students from the White Tiger Tower are cheering for Lee

However, the apprentice knights who did not know the relationship between the two
misunderstood once again.

“Cowardly children…! Wasn’t this because he was vigilant using Woudanaz, who was
not from the knight family?”


“Oh no, we didn’t do it, did we?”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were shocked when the arrow suddenly turned.

In the first place, he wasn't very close with Wodanaj, and he wasn't the kind of
person that Wodanaj would say Haran.

He just knew he was cheating!

“Wordanaz! Please explain! When did we do that!”

Lee Han nodded at the words of the White Tiger Tower students.

"okay. Those guys never did that. Would friends from a family of honorable knights
do such a thing? Don't make stupid assumptions like that."

Of course, the apprentice knights did not believe it.

“Let’s see where we are!”

“Like cowards!”


“I tried.”

Ihan shrugged.

The students at the White Tiger Tower looked at Lee Han.

* * *

Among the apprentice knights, Ravda of the Enge family was considered the most

As such, when the other students and apprentice knights were separated one by one,
they remained until the end to face Lee Han.

The match between the two was no longer a simple match.

A battle for pride, whether the knights who entered the magic school win or the
apprentice knights who are dedicated to the path of the sword win!

'Well. Come to think of it, I just had a fever.'

Ian thought to himself.

In fact, Lee Han only had to get good test scores, but he had to provoke his
opponent unnecessarily.

Because the other person is saying that life at a magic school isn't that

Ravda grabbed the sword with a nervous face.

Unlike Lee Han, Ravda was very nervous.

As Lee Han had already secured a perfect score in the midterm exam, he had nothing
to lose even if he lost.

It's the Wodanaj family, what kind of disgrace is there to lose some
swordsmanship? If anyone made fun of it, that guy was crazy.

But Ravda was a different story.

If you lose to your opponent, you have too much to lose.

Not only will it be a defeat for all the apprentice knights gathered here, but you
will also become the one who lost to the wizard by swordsmanship...

“Rabda. calm down. The opponent is from a wizarding family.”

“You heard the way he won. You just have to watch out for the trick. Do you know?”

"of course."

Ravda got up from her seat.


at any cost!

* * *

“Wordanaz. It will never happen again in the future, but I will support you this


"Thank you. Your bullshit cheers are encouraging.”

Compared to the apprentice knights, Lee Han and White Tiger Top students had a
very dry relationship.

In fact, some of the White Tiger Tower students were still thinking, 'Should we
really hope Wodanaj wins?'

“By the way, what kind of sword does that guy use?”

Lee Han looked back and asked.

Since Lee Han is not from a knight family, the opponent will fight without knowing
much about Lee Han...

It was not for Lee Han to know, and Lee Han knew about the opponent and wanted to

“A sucker with many changes.”

Giselle answered.

The swordsmanship of the Empire all had their own individuality, but the
swordsmanship of the Enge family was quite unusual among them.
Not only is the change mysterious and bizarre, but if you face each other with

It feels like pulling you out of a swamp.

Unless you are a knight with a lot of practical experience, you have no choice but
to be embarrassed when you first encounter this type of swordsmanship.

“It is so. Durgyu. What kind of sword does that guy use?”

“That bird…”

Giselle was furious.

Even though you have already told me, why would you ask me again?

I told you at the most, but I dared to doubt it...

“Don’t get me wrong. Moradi. It's not that I don't trust you. But since I’ve dealt
with The Legyu directly, I just thought that his feelings would be different.”

“Yeah, yes. Moradi. Wordanaz probably had no bad intentions.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower also tried to stop the harsh atmosphere.

Durgyu asked a little.




A friend who was drying up turned his head and asked.

“What did you just say?”

"nothing. I didn't do anything! ruler. Lee Han. I will tell you as much as
possible about the other person!”

Durgyu hastily changed the subject.

I didn't know if this would lead to a fight with the White Tiger Tower friends
before fighting Ravda.

* * *


When the signal fell, Lee Han stepped forward.

Durgyu's advice was similar to Moradi's.

- Instead of the general repulsive force you feel when you hit the sword, you feel
a suction force that pulls you towards the opponent. Lee Han. Little by little, the
balance will be broken, and by the time you notice it, it is likely already too
late. You have to be vigilant from the start.

'You can use it like that by putting the magic in your sword.'
He was the most skilled among the apprentice knights, and as he defeated Durgyu,
it was only natural that he knew how to put magical power into his sword.

Perhaps the magic contained in the sword is creating an effect that pulls the
opponent's sword whenever it collides.

It sounded simple, but Lee Han, who had trained in swordsmanship for a long time,
could guess how complex and sophisticated it was.

First of all, it is difficult to create an effect that draws the opponent's sword
with magical power, but by continuously casting it, it breaks the opponent's
balance as well?

While maintaining his swordsmanship, he needed an eye to grasp the balance of his

In order to do such a thing in a chaotic swordsmanship battle, it would take

effort and training to cut bones.

Lee Han raised the evaluation of his opponent a little. It was something an
ordinary lazy person could never do.

Of course, I couldn't forgive the remark that magic school wasn't that


'What kind of power?!'

Ravda did not show any expression, but was startled by the tingling pain in her

- That bastard can only cheat!

-Don't worry, Ravda! You can win!

The cheering of the apprentice knights who went out to relieve Ravda's burden made
him feel a little better, but it didn't really help.

Once they bumped into each other and stepped on each other to correct their
posture, Ravda could clearly feel the skill of the opponent.

It's better if it's better than Durgyu from the Choi family, but he's not weak at

'It's the Wodanaj family! You're a wizard family!!'

Ravda wanted to argue because she was unfair. Why is it that a member of the
Wodanaj family is so serious about swordsmanship?

Is it because it's a family of wacky wizards?

Does swordsmanship do anything to magic? It is said that old swordsmanship has

mysteries that swordsmen have not yet deciphered?


There was no loose or deceitful attitude in Lee Han.

It felt like a bloody pressure, like a huge rock.


"...Isn't it a trick to be the Wodanaj family?"

One of the apprentices murmured how surprised they were.

No matter how much I thought about it, it was not a swordsmanship that a person
from a great noble family could show.

Aside from eating and sleeping, it wouldn't have been just a sword wielding...

'I got the player!'

Lee Han's eyes lit up.

Fortunately, the opponent was able to catch the player thanks to the late
understanding of Lee Han.

Lee Han knew his opponent well, but the fact that his opponent did not know him
well was the difference between victory and defeat.

'Before the opponent uses another skill, he presses hard to finish it.'

It was dangerous to lose a player against a swordsman with a lot of change.

Lee Han was planning to take the player he had taken away.

Of course, Ravda didn't want to just lose.


The magical energy of the body circulated, and the sword became heavy. Ravda
barely deflected the attack and performed the family's swordsmanship with all her


I felt the taste. Ravda felt that the sword had been properly cast.

By the way...?


Ravda looked at Lee Han with surprised eyes. Lee Han flinched at that gaze.


Seeing the person who had been expressionless until now looked at me like that, I
was concerned.

Is it psychological warfare?

'By the way, I don't know when to use the sword.'

Lee Han continued to attack without shaking.

It was foolish to be swayed by it because the opponent didn't use it.

If there is a road to victory, follow it without being shaken!

Bang, bang, bang-

Ravda's face gradually turned livid. She had squeezed and consumed her magic at
best, but nothing had changed, so it was only natural.

From anyone's point of view, Lee Han has an advantage.

However, Lee Han's face wasn't that good either.

'...that's a big deal.'

It started cracking from the hilt of the wooden sword.

Lee Han blamed himself.

'You still can't put enough magic power...!'

By ignorantly injecting magical energy into a single blow, a wooden sword came to
be like this.

It was self-sufficient.

Ravda, who did not know Lee Han's inner feelings, clenched her teeth and prepared
a final counterattack.

It's still a bit hard for Ravda to fully use, but to cover the current


With a shout, Ravda swung her sword. With a different look from before, Lee Han
cast a vigilant gaze.

'Something different!'

The swords collided, and the strong suction shook the magical power of Lee Han's

And nothing happened.



Blood gushed out of Ravda's nose, who was holding the sword as it clashed.

It was because of the excessive use of magic power.

'I can't let go of the sword...'

Originally, I had to put the sword down.

However, the swordsmanship spread with insufficient skill paralyzed Ravda's hand
and made him unable to take his hand off the sword.
Worst of all, the sword continued to absorb Ravda's magic due to the extended

'If you go like this...'

Ravda's eyes darkened.


At that moment, along with Lee Han's wooden sword, Ravda's wooden sword was
smashed. Ravda took a deep breath and fell backwards.

"Huh... heh heh..."


Lee Han clicked his tongue with a sad expression.

'I got them all.'

I can't control my magic, so I draw with the opponent I've captured.

I couldn't help but be sad.

'not. Let's be grateful even for a draw.'

Lee Han changed his mind like that.

If he hadn't broken his opponent's sword by showing his wits at the end, Lee Han's
sword could have been broken first.

“Wow… Wodanaj.”


"Thank you."


“Break your sword yourself for me… for me.”


Ian didn't understand.

What is the other person talking about now?

'Isn't it a bit bad since he didn't even practice his family's swordsmanship?'

Lee Han thought that his opponent had been injured by exerting too much force
while fighting Durgyu.

It was such a nonsensical statement.

“Rabda! Are you okay?!”

"don't worry! You fought really well! Unfortunately, it ended in a draw, but…”

"Okay. And this match… I lost.”


Ravda explained to the shocked apprentices what had happened.

When the explanation was finished, the apprentice knights looked at Lee Han with
startled eyes.

Clap, clap, clap-

Everyone started clapping one by one without saying who came first.

The students from the White Tiger Tower applauded as well.

Professor Ingaldel and Wikelinz also applauded.

Ian thought to himself.

'After graduating, you shouldn't have any business dealings with real knights.'


I couldn't even guess what kind of English the apprentice knights were applauding.

'And I don't even want to know.'

Lee Han quickly turned around to get out of the seat.

In the eyes of the apprentice knights, it looked like pride from a family of great
aristocrats who did not care much about their honorable deeds.

A proud person does an honorable deed because the deed is honorable, not because
the deed is praised and rewarded.

Clap clap clap clap clap!

The applause grew louder.

Ihan groaned and shook his head.

* * *

"ah. therefore."

Lee Han could understand only after Durgyu explained it.

Durgyu was taken aback by the reaction.

“…why are you surprised?”

Didn't he even help by breaking Lee Han's sword for the opponent who suffered an
internal injury due to excessive technique?

“I was just trying to break my opponent’s sword, and my sword was broken as well.”

"...I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

“What do you mean you didn’t hear? Trying to break the opponent's sword..."
"ruler! Here are the apprentices! Let's go say hello!"

Durgyu interrupted Lee Han.

Due to Lee Han's honorable deeds, the apprentice knights and the students of the
White Tiger Tower were slightly relieved of their accumulated sediment.

Some truths I didn't even need to know.

Chi profit-


Lee Han and the White Tiger Top students looked at the apprentice knights with
bewildered expressions.

The apprentice knights made a fire and started grilling meat on it.

Lee Han asked Wikelinz.

“Excuse me, but what are those knights doing now?”

“They are grilling their prey themselves.”

Wikelinz nodded his head as if pleased.

There were several customs of knights traveling around the vast empire.

One of them was to treat the monsters he subjugated or hunted to other people.

A kind of favor and gift that a knight can show.

“Sprinkle some more spices.”

"why? This is enough.”

“They go to magic school. It will be difficult to eat because it has a strong

smell and smell.”

Not all of the prey they worked hard to catch was delicious.

In fact, it was rather rare among the monsters.

Besides, there was no way apprentice knights could be good at dismantling,

bleeding, or cooking, so it would be strange if this kind of meat was good to eat.

As such, the apprentice knights favored strong spices.

Sprinkle with spices mixed with all the spices of the empire, and it became quite

"oh. I wrote it all down.”

“Is there anyone left? Find it.”

Meanwhile, the meat was cooked. The White Tiger Tower students, who were waiting,
grabbed the skewers one by one and began to pluck the meat.

“Are you ready?”

“It’s ripe. It’s okay.”

The White Tiger Tower students munched on the meat and ate it. The appearance of
swallowing it without hesitation was even militant.



The apprentice knights were shocked to see it.

I haven't even put any spices on it yet, but I can't wait to eat it without

'We misunderstood...!'

'Yes, a knight is a knight wherever he goes!'

With the realization, the apprentice knights reflected.

You're trying to ignore knights who say they're friendly at the magic school.



“We thought you were at peace when we were having a hard time.”

At the apprentice knight's words, the White Tiger Tower students frowned.

Say that...

“But I realized that it didn't matter. Whether it's a training camp on the
outskirts of the rough and shabby city we live in, or a bedroom at your comfortable
and comfortable magic school, the important thing is that we're the same

“Do you really want to get stabbed in the back?”

“Oh no, why?!”

While the knights quarreled, Lee Han took a bite of the meat skewer.

And it was evaluated succinctly.

“I couldn’t catch the stinky smell and the bad smell. Durgyu. Sprinkle some of

“It looks a little stingy for me to sprinkle on my own…”

The knights who had been arguing seemed to have reconciled somehow in the end. He
bit the meat again.

After entering the White Tiger Tower students, they felt more deeply than anyone
else that they should eat while they can.
The meat sizzled over the flames and finished quickly before it even cooked.

“I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me. Whoops.”

"okay. gulp."


The apprentice knight was taken aback by the reactions of the White Tiger Tower

Of course, eating deliciously isn't a bad thing, but shouldn't you listen when
people talk?

“…how we caught this ironbore.”

Originally, it was part of the custom to show off how the knights caught prey when
they served it.

The apprentice knights chattered eagerly about how they caught them.

-So, it was divided into a chase group, a chase group, and a hunting group, and
the chase group chased after the chase group, the sheepdog drove it, and then used
a trap to steal his stamina...



"therefore? What happened?”


But it was only Lee Han who pretended to listen. The other White Tiger Tower
students focused on the meat with an attitude of wanting to see where the dog

The apprentices were sobbing.

I'm trying to reconcile at the best, but that attitude...!

"...Have you caught anything recently?"

One of the apprentices asked impatiently.

One of the White Tiger Tower students thought and said:


“...don't say nonsense! How do you catch a rattlesnake!”

“I caught it.”
"right. We got it.”

Lee Han stared at the White Tiger Tower students.

'Since when have we been?'

The students who felt the gaze turned their heads.

“Tell me more!”

"right. Tell me more!”

The apprentice knights glared at them with the determination to catch the
loopholes somehow if they were bluffs.

“Wordanaj threw a spell…”


“Keep flying…”


“I flew until I fell.”


The apprentices were at a loss for words.

Obviously nonsense, but...

It had a more real feel to it.

"for a moment. Then you didn't catch it, but Wodanaj did it?"

“Because we were together, we caught it together!”

"Let's ask Wodanaj. Wodanaj, what do you think?”

“Take care and eat meat…”

Lee Han muttered in a tired voice.

* * *

After fighting so fiercely in the morning, I wanted to rest.

But the other lectures did not wait.

When <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> started in the afternoon, Lee Han
regretted why he took so much power in the morning.

'Because of the knights...'

Only Professor Ingeldel and Sir Wikelinz were satisfied, and the students were
groaning from fatigue and muscle aches.

Some of the White Tiger Tower students were already sleeping with their guts.
Lee Han looked at him like he was pathetic.

“Like those crazy people... Guyan too. Get up.”

Lee Han hit the back of the head. He didn't mean to insult other people's towers.

Guynando woke up in surprise.

“Who, did you think someone hit me?”

“I must have dreamed wrong. No one hit you.”

"is it?"

Everyone was muttering as they read each book one last time, but Gainando and
Leehan didn't do anything like that and stayed calm.

At first glance, the two looked alike, but Yonner knew very well that the facts
were the exact opposite.

The difference between a person who is too well prepared and a person who is not
very prepared!

“Everyone, put what’s on top.”

When Professor Alpen Knighton appeared, the students inhaled in despair.

As the wand was swung, the books and papers on the desk went into the bag.

Times and rules began to be written on the blackboard in the classroom.

“Students who have completed their course may leave first. ruler. Then let’s get

In less than five seconds, the test paper appeared in front of the students. The
students grabbed their quills with expressions like they were about to vomit.

'It's not that difficult.'

Lee Han thought that he would have been hit by an inkwell if others had heard of
it, and quickly released it.

In fact, for Lee Han, math and geometry problems with this level of difficulty
could be solved at once without studying.

Problems with magical elements, for example, 'Find the number of magic stones
required for this magic circle' or 'Complete the missing parts of the magic circle'
were a bit tricky, but if you know how to apply it, it's not difficult.

One penmanship.

Lee Han quickly filled in the blanks.

The faces of the other students who were seated behind them were colored with


'Conscientiously, shouldn't Wodanaj be seen in another classroom?'

You can make other students despair just by solving problems.

The students grumbled inwardly.

Because Wodanaj studied too hard, the grade point average will rise, the level of
professors will rise, and the evaluation standard of the family will also rise.

Selfish guy...!

“Don’t look away.”

At Professor Alpen's warning, the students bowed their heads.

Ian got up from her seat. Professor Alpen was not surprised.

“Have you solved it all?”


“It’s okay to submit and leave.”

Lee Han walked out of the classroom without looking back.

The students looked at him with envy and envy.


Gainando also stood up. Professor Alpen asked with a surprised expression.

“Have you solved it all?”


“...You can submit it and leave.”

Gainando ran out of the classroom without looking back.

The students looked at his back with a mixture of pity and respect.

'It's like such a fearless child.'

'You are the best. Gainando!'

* * *


It's usually 'don't use magic in the break room! What if I get it wrong?' It must
have sounded, but it was different tonight.

Even Guy Nando was practicing while swinging his cane.

Tomorrow, Thursday was the most hellish day of this midterm week.

It was the day of Professor Garcia's <Understanding Basic Magic> exam.

As a wizard, even if my grades in other liberal arts lectures and other lectures
are a bit low, I would say, 'What does a wizard need that kind of culture?' I'm
going to become a magician who works with intuition' was possible, but
<Understanding Basic Magic> couldn't.

A core lecture that Einroguard students cannot avoid.

“Did Gainan also hear black magic?”

"okay. Thanks, we should watch it together. after. It’s really hard.”

“I should also study summoning magic. I have a harder time.”

In this lecture, how the seeds are planted and flowers bloomed determines the
course of the next school year, so the importance was great...

...there was a lot of difficulty.

The areas that you are interested in and decide to learn in your lectures will be
additional exams.

“Does this bastard think black magic is funny right now?! How hard is a curse!”

“Compared to summoning magic, black magic is easy!”

"hey. Those who don't know fantasy magic, be still."

“Shouldn’t you focus more on your basic elemental magic? I think that would be the
most difficult.”

“Wordanaz. you make the decision What is the most difficult magic you see?”

When they couldn't make a decision on their own, their friends called for Lee Han.

Lee Han raised his head among the piles of books. Books of all kinds of magic were
piled up in a mess.

“What did you say?”

“…Oh, nothing.”

“Work hard, Wodanaj!”

“Let’s sit down and study, too!”



Another quill broke. Lee Han raised his head and paused.

'There are many subjects to study.'

In fact, just as other friends are worried, Lee Han asks, 'How did I end up like
this?' He did not suffer from despair and frustration.

Lee Han's mind was too hard and firm to be shaken by such a thing.

A character who reads even one more letter when he has time to regret.

...but even considering that, it was a lot.

Need help...


Ihan shook his head.

All of my friends were busy doing their own studies in the break room. Guy Nando
was also reading a book while eating a custard pie.

Who was talking?

It's me. boy...

It was surprisingly a helmet that spoke.

Helmet picked up from the underground dungeon!

'Was it an ego artifact?'

Items made by excellent wizards also had consciousness and intelligence on their

If the wizard's level was really good, an artifact wiser than a human was

"I didn't know it was an ego artifact."

Lee Han put down the quill.

Originally, I was going to read it carefully after the test was over, but I
couldn't ignore it when he spoke like that.

“What is your name?”

I am the helmet of wisdom.

"Right. Helm of Wisdom...”

Lee Han grabbed his wand under the table.

He never intended to be vigilant because his opponent was an Artifact.

Wasn't he the one in the underground dungeon?

Besides, the dungeon was managed by Professor Voladi, and the magic school where
the dungeon was located was managed by the Skeleton Principal...

I had to be skeptical.

“Does it have anything to do with Osu Gonadaltes or Voladi Bagreg?”

no. I'm not the headmaster's helmet. A helmet made from outside. Decades ago, a
student secretly brought me in for an exam.

"Right. Of course, I'm not saying I completely believe what you're saying."

The helmet of wisdom was absurd.

It's not just that he's been deceived all his life, what's the point of being so
suspicious of a young guy?

“So what are your abilities?”

As the name suggests, I am the helmet of wisdom. I have the knowledge left behind
by the masters who came first.


Lee Han's eyes widened.

The knowledge left behind by the first masters remains.

As a student at the Magic School, it was information of immense value.

How hard was it to get this information, such as how to get out and a hidden space
in the school?

Even if you only get a few of those things...

"ruler. Ready. Tell me everything!”

Lee Han quickly took out a new piece of paper and shouted. I was thinking of
writing it down as soon as I can.

Calm down. Boy... I'm not a helmet that works that way.


I can answer questions once a month. I can answer anything by using the knowledge
I have accumulated within me.

“Is it possible to predict midterm exam questions?”

That's impossible.

“Then it’s nothing, is it?”

...You seem to be the most picky boy among the owners I've ever met. I am not an

Heugu replied with embarrassment.


Lee Han had a rough idea of what kind of helmet this wisdom was.

This was a bit of an artifact like the spirit Perkuntra.

If you expect too much, you may be disappointed.

'I'll have to decide on a good question.'

If I had asked the wrong question, I could have thrown away possible questions
once a month in vain.
“Is there any way to intimidate Osu Gonadaltes?”

I'm just trying to predict the midterm exam questions. I could be quite wrong,

"not. I was just asking.”

Lee Han wiped the helmet well with a cloth and set it aside.

It wasn't useless, but it was an inconsistent item.

'If it's an ego artifact, it's going to be quite expensive, so should I take it
outside and sell it?'

Wait, is this the end? Why ask...

“Don’t ask me if you remember later.”

Helm of Wisdom was bewildered.

There was no such student among the students of the magic school who had ever held
a helmet.

The wizard who made the helmet of wisdom cast two spells on the helmet.

One is to periodically answer the owner's questions.

The other is to keep trying to be wise.

If knowledge is accumulated while moving around the world and changing owners,
wouldn't it be possible to make a helmet smarter than the wizard himself?

It was an artifact created for that very purpose.

The nameless wizard had died of old age, but the Helm of Wisdom was still roaming
and working.

'I can't do this.'

Helm of Wisdom grew nervous.

There was also a phenomenon that the wizard who made it did not expect, it was
that the helmet of wisdom was trying to control its master.

How can a helmet continue to be wise?

He had to keep looking for new things that Helm didn't know.

For that, the more the owner depended on the helmet, the better. I'll go find new
things to move and experience as Helm tells me to.

And until now, all owners have depended on helmets.

The students had admired and worshiped Helm whenever he answered a question.

-Indeed... In this <Introduction to Wide Area Flame Magic>, the things I wanted
were written! Helm of wisdom, thank you!

-It wasn't too difficult... I think you'd better study fire magic a little more.
- You think so?

-then! Now, why not explore the underground lava fields of the mountain range?

- It looks a bit dangerous there.

- You'll be fine!

Of course, this dependent relationship did not end well.

The students would only realize that the Helm of Wisdom had been controlling them
only after being severely slapped in the head.

Of course, around that time, the helmet also abandoned its old owner and left. I
need to find a new owner.

However, the new owner who picked up the helmet this time was strange.

As if not interested...

'It must be an illusion. He'll be talking to me soon to get anything out of me!'

However, Lee Han threw the helmet in the corner of his private room and soon
forgot about it as he concentrated on his studies.

* * *

Dirette, a fourth-year student at the Magic School, endured the yawning and pulled
out a potion from the inside of her coat.

'It's not good to hold on with sleep-preventing potions... it's not good...'

But what to do?

The drowsiness in front of you must be removed first.

“Collock. cologne. did you come?”

“Are you here, Professor?”

Dirette bowed her head politely.

The two did not have an ordinary professor-student relationship.

Dirett, who majored in black magic under Professor Mortum, is a kind of teacher-
disciple relationship.

“But can I really help, right? Aren't you going to the punishment room?"

“Collock. permission has been granted.”

Originally, there was only one reason why a 4th grader, who had nothing to do
where the first grader was, was doing this here.

It was to help Professor Mortum's black magic midterm exam.

Professors who are good at teaching make their own exams and grade them on their
own, but not all professors are excellent.
Then, the outstanding disciples had to step in instead.

Disciples like Dirett.

“Collock. Let me take this.”

Professor Mortum held out a heavy bag of silver coins and a reagent box.

It was the compensation that Dirett received in return for participating in this
midterm exam.

By the time I was in 4th grade, the amount of money spent researching my own magic
was beyond my imagination.

Helping with the professor's work was a daunting task for a senior like Dirett.

"thank you."

Dirett grabbed a bag of silver coins.

“Collock. You can’t open your mouth in front of first-year students.”


“You can’t even look away. A signal or a magic transfer that could be any glance,
a hand gesture, a code... Kollock. Anyway, everything else doesn't work. Be still
like a stone statue.”

“…it might have been better for the professor to just do it…”

Dirett already regretted it.

Did you go out of your way to help?

“Is the poison ready?”

"Yes. But, professor. Do you remember that first graders haven't learned poison

“Collock. Of course. Why are you asking?”

"it's nothing."

Dirette smiled kindly.

As it was in my freshman year, Professor Mortum was a creative wizard who enjoyed
surprising ideas.

He was so creative that he used to take tests that the students had not learned.

-professor. I've been curious since my freshman year, but... I obviously don't
remember what I learned, so can I ask why you keep appearing on the exam?

-Collock, of course you should know what you've learned. A student's true ability
comes out when he solves what he doesn't know.

If I had known this in advance in my freshman year, I might have changed my major
in black magic...

It was already late.

'Sisters. Forgive me.'

Dirett prepared poison.

First-year students who are interested in black magic will now have the experience
of being tested in a field of black magic that they have not studied.


Professor Garcia approached from afar. As he swung his wand, the classrooms in the
hallway changed their appearance.

Dirett politely greeted him with a respectful expression.

"hello. professor."

"Good morning. Miss Dirett. It’s a lot of trouble.”


Dirett turned and looked at the classrooms.

Like a lecture that listened to and interested in the various magics of the
Empire, the test areas were also divided.

The classroom where you take the black magic test, the classroom where you take
the summoning magic test, and so on.

Professor Garcia said after greeting the other professors.

“When the students arrive, I will tell them to take the exams in any order they

“Collock. Do that. Professor Garcia.”

“Please be aware that some students may arrive late because they are taking other

"All right."

Dirette said so and got up from her seat.

'Is there such a student?'

One was average and two were the highest honors in the grade.

If three...

he was crazy

* * *

“!” Lee Han, who entered the black magic classroom together with Guy Nando, was
surprised at the first person he saw.
“Collock. This is my disciple Dirett.”

“No, hello, senior!”

Gainando greeted him carefully. Dirett didn't even look into her eyes.

Gainando said to Lee Han with a wounded expression.

“My… are you saying that I can’t do black magic?”

“More than that, I think it’s because of the principal’s rules.”


Dirette was a little surprised.

A freshman in the first year would have guessed it before they even heard it.

“Collock. right. Normally, I shouldn't have met you face-to-face, but I've come
here specially to help with this test."

'That's it.'

Lee Han looked at Dirette as if it were a pity.

If this is enough, the professor can do it alone.

'You seem to be looking at me pitifully, maybe I'm mistaken?'

Dirett wanted to.

It was Delete who had to put on a sad expression now, not a freshman.


'It's a strange voice I've heard somewhere.'

The voice was quite familiar from where I had heard it.

Professor Mortum opened his mouth with a cough before the troubles continued.

“Collock. Then it would be better to start slowly.”

"Yes! professor. Ready!”

Gainando grabbed the staff.

Whether it was a curse or summoning an undead, they practiced hard yesterday.

Gainando's expression overflowed with confidence, as much as he had abandoned

other lectures and sold black magic.

“What can I do?”


“Collock. This exam is German tax.”


Gainando looked at the professor with an expression mixed with various emotions
such as resentment, betrayal, and hurt.

However, Lee Han nodded without blinking an eye.

"All right."

'Are you a freshman?'


Of course, Lee Han didn't feel good.

Of course, you know all the contents of the lecture, so the exam is different.

what kind of bullshit is that

'But if I shake it, I'm the only one who loses.'

Lee Han made up his mind and said.

“Tell me. professor. What would you like to do?”

“Collock. It's not much different from the magic I've learned so far. Poison is
also a part of black magic.”

Gainando tilted his head. Then Professor Mortum said:

“You may be thinking like this by now. cologne. When you go out, both hunters and
assassins use poison, so why use that as magic?”


Guynando was surprised.

“Collock. The poison of black magic is different from ordinary poison.”

There were various poisons in the Empire.

Starting with poisons from animals and plants, there are numerous poisons
available in nature, such as bacteria, fungi, insects, and metals.

Even ordinary people knew how to use these poisons quite a bit.

However, the poison of black magic was not such a real poison.

Magic is basically the study of changing reality into the will of a wizard.

Naturally, poison was also referring to a virtual poison that did not exist in

"indeed! After all, being the best wizard in the empire, there is no need to study
the poison used by dogs and cows!”

Gainando exclaimed excitedly.

“Collock. Of course... that doesn't mean we can neglect the study of real


Gainando became gloomy.

'Well, other magic was like that.'

Even with basic elemental magic right now, the image of the wizard for that
element was very important.

If the image is not solid and concrete, it is an immediate spell, and there is no
such thing as a magic structure.

The higher your understanding of poison, the more diverse and powerful the virtual
poison you can create.

...but the students now have never learned about poison, have they?

'It's awful, really.'

Professor Mortum began to explain whether he had read Lee Han's thoughts.

“Collock. Of course, you probably lack a lot of experience with poison. You must
have never dealt with poison.”

Without a special background, there was little to deal with poison in the first

"you're right. professor."

“Collock. It would be harsh to say that you just learn it blindly.”


Gainando nodded his head again and again. It was a look of anticipation.

However, Lee Han became somewhat ominous.

How to be good at taking care of a person who usually takes care of you.

When the professor offered consideration, the probability that it was genuine
consideration was surprisingly low.


The crow beast student nodded and walked forward.

And he swung his staff at Gainando. A faint mist of poison emanated from the tip
of the wand and entered her body through Guy Nando's nose and mouth.


Lee Han immediately pulled out his staff and prepared to defend himself while
holding his breath.

Dirett made an expression like, 'What is this junior doing?'

“Collock. Don't defend yourself."


“Isn’t it right to feel poison? It's not that dangerous, so it's okay."

There was no better way to build an image of an element than to experience it


Being addicted was a minor issue.


Lee Han put down his staff.

and sighed.

'okay. It's my fault for choosing to learn black magic.'

A poison mist flew towards the resigned Lee Han.

* * *

“But what kind of poison is this?” When Gainando, who was collaborating, also came
to his senses, Han-eun Lee looked at Professor and asked.

“Collock. What poison was it…”


No matter how much a disciple does it, isn't it too much?

“What poison was it?”

"professor. If you say that, you will be punished…”

“Collock. It will be fine. It's just that you don't have to talk to new
students. ...maybe."

“The poison of power loss.”

"okay. A poison that reduces magic power. Can you feel the magic power

Gainando and Lee Han answered Professor Mortum's question at the same time.




Professor Mortum paused. And looking at Lee Han, he asked.

“Collock. Can't you feel the magical power scattering a bit?"

“I don’t feel it.”

Professor Mortum turned his head to look at Dirett. Dirett said urgently.

“There is nothing wrong with poison.”

“Collock. Let me check again.”

“'s really okay, but...”

Dirett approached Lee Han and once again sprayed a poison that reduced magic

once. twice. third time...

Each time he tried, the senior's expression was stained with irritation,
bewilderment, and trouble.

Unable to see, Lee Han opened his mouth.

“The magic seems to be dissipating.”

"...Do not lie. Junior."

Dirett forgot the headmaster's warning and opened his mouth.

“Obviously, the poison was completed properly, and it worked properly… Why?”

“Collock. Isn't it because he has too much magical power?"

“Do you have a lot of magic?”

“Wordanaj-kun here has a lot of innate magical power, so even if poison works,
there is a possibility that it won’t have a meaningful effect.”

“...why didn't you tell me that beforehand... no. I will make it again now.”

Dirett sighed and swung her wand to create a new poison.

Even Lee Han, who lacked knowledge about poison, could see that it was several
times more poisonous than before.

From the magic that comes out...



Lee Han was taken aback when Dirett put the poison in a glass rod-shaped bottle
instead of spraying it with a mist and held it out.

"drink. Junior."


Lee Han drank without saying a word. His opponent was already pitiful enough.

“Collock. Do you think it works?”

"professor. Let’s just try magic.”

"...okay. Let it be.”

Dirett was astonished to see Lee Han walking with Gainando.

What the hell is this freshman...?!

* * *

“Fufu. Lee Han.”

Gainando smiled and looked at Lee Han. It was a very confident smile.

Lee Han habitually tried to hit the back of the head, but then stopped.

There were many eyes to see.


“I’ll help you this time.”

There was a reason why Guy Nando was excited.

First of all, the black magic talents of the two were similar (to the end, Gainan
thought too).

But this time, Lee Han did not feel poison because of his constitution, and
Gainando felt it through his body.


As for poison magic, the Gai Nando is bound to progress quickly.

It was very logical.

“That… yes. Thank you."

Lee Han was a bit overwhelmed by Gainando's excitement about how long it had been
since he ate poison.

Being positive like that is kind of an advantage...

'Could it be...?'

“Condensed, scattering magical poison!”

Gainando stretched out his cane and focused.

The goal of the test is to create the most basic magic-reducing poison.

Professor Mortum did not demand a difficult level of poison or application from
his students, as he had very little conscience.

A drop of magic reducing poison was enough.



Gainando was startled when the opaque green liquid on the tip of the staff dripped
onto his boots.

There was a hole in the boot.


“You’re talented.”

Ian was surprised.

I heard from Professor Mortum that Gainando had a talent for black magic, but he
knew that, but it must be about that.

Even if the magic fails at all, it was enough success just to make something
similar to poison on the first attempt.

Of course, Gainan, who had a hole in his boot, wouldn't feel like a success at

“Hehehe… I hate black magic…”

"Shh. The professor listens.”

Lee Han held up his cane and focused.

As Guynando said, I had to concentrate more and more as I couldn't experience it


'I'm just imagining according to the tricks I've learned so far.'

He controls his magic as he did in many magic, and at the same time draws a strong
and systematic image in his head.

Lee Han imagined his magical power being compressed into a single drop. At the
same time, he tried to change the nature of that magic.

The moment it comes in contact with another person's magic, it has the property to
dissipate that magic.

Lee Han recalled the things he had read and seen in his previous life.

And there, I thought of entities similar to the poison of reduced magic power.

Such knowledge and imagination were Lee Han's strengths that other wizards could
not match.

Magical power was concentrated at the tip of the staff and Lee Han's will, spells,
and movements were combined to create a new poison that did not exist in reality.

“Come on, poison of the mountains!”


Dirette, who was watching, was startled.

Earlier, the freshman had succeeded in making poison magic with just one attempt.

'Not normal!'
Even long, detailed spells were arbitrarily judged and compressed.

That was possible only if he possessed not only poison resistance, such as mana
sensitivity, mana control, and image realization ability, but also his natural
talent for black magic.

Seeing that the blonde next to me is also good at black magic...

'These freshmen are really great. I'll have to work hard too.'

But really, why is your voice so strangely familiar?

* * *

“Huh, heh heh. That’s it.”

Gainando was sweating and pointing forward. A few drops of poison were like dew on
the glass.

Lee Han, who finished first, sat down and waited, then raised his head.

“Are you done?”

"uh! Isn't there much time difference ? right?!"

“Collock. It's been a lot... Well done anyway. Just being successful is great.”

With the horse, Professor Mortum swallowed Gainando's poison.


"professor!!! No matter how hungry you are, you can’t eat it!”



Lee Han, Dirett, and Professor Mortum all looked at Guynando like crazy.

“…Oh, isn’t it?”

“I was trying to check for poison…”

Professor Mortum wiped his lips as if it was ridiculous.

Excellent warlocks naturally also have strong resistance to black magic.

When it came to Professor Mortum's level, it was about a thousand poisons.

“Collock. it's ok Well done.”

"thank you!"


The professor swallowed the poison Lee Han had made without hesitation.

"Are you okay?"



Ian was perplexed.

Gainando's reaction was slightly different.

'Did you fail?'

“Hey, Lee Han.”


“Take mine!”

Gainando also knew that Lee Han had failed, so he pointed to his poison and

Dirette, who was next to him, looked suspiciously at Gainando.

'Are you a little stupid?'

I couldn't tell if it was stupid or a joke to have a conversation like that with a
senior in front of me.

Dirette looked away. She must have thought that her teacher was a bit strange,
even in her eyes.

"professor. Why are you…”

“Big.. huh. Heh heh.”


Professor Mortum, unable to withstand it, fell to his knees. His face turned pale
and his fingertips trembled.

Dirett noticed right away.

'Symptoms of lack of magic power!'

A wizard the size of Professor Mortum would fall to his knees due to lack of
magical power.

no one will believe

'Now... because of the poison made by the freshman??!'

Dirett was surprised enough today, but it was the biggest surprise.

A freshman killed Professor Mortum with poison!

“Dead... dead! Lee Han! Evidence, evidence and witnesses must be destroyed!!”

“Don't be crazy! You're not dead yet!"

Unknowingly, Lee Han got angry and angry. To be honest, I was also nervous about

Dirett quickly took out a magic recovery potion and a detox potion and poured it
into Professor Mortum's mouth.

Professor Mortum barely recovered and stood up.

“…Collock. That's great. It’s perfect.”

"sorry. professor."

Ian apologized.

Actually, it wasn't Lee Han's fault, but in this situation, I had to apologize

“Collock. are you okay. are you okay. It's something that happens often when
you're testing. Rather, I am more than happy to find a great talent.”

"ah. Is that so?"

At Professor Mortum's words, Lee Han was slightly relieved.

Is poison magic really like this?


Dirette, who was watching, had a lot to say, but endured it.

“Collock… Come on. Then go to the next exam.”

Professor Mortum wanted to expel the freshmen quickly.

He had not yet recovered his magic power, so it was hard on his body.

"Yes. Then see you next time.”

Lee Han and Guy Nando bowed politely and turned around.


Lee Han, who was about to turn, could see clearly.

The appearance of Crow Suin sunbae giving a slightly thumbs up!



Lee Han wanted to go out.

There could be several reasons for giving a thumbs up.

The most likely thing is to praise the talented junior who did well on this exam.

Lee Han thought that this might be the reason.

The other is to thank the professor for defeating the professor, but since the
senior is not like that...

Isn't it?

“Are you okay, Professor?”

When all the juniors left, Dirett asked cautiously. Professor Mortum coughed his
cough and nodded his head.

“Collock. You've been vigilant... You've made poison better than I thought."

“You weren’t too careful.”

There were few things that ordinary people would be uncomfortable with, but the
magicians had a different story.

In the worst case, life could be at risk if symptoms of a lack of magical power
came when casting magic.

No matter how strong Professor Mortum is to poison, in principle, it was right to

dispel all the magic that he normally puts on him and drink poison.

'It feels strange to talk about these principles to a poison made by a freshman,

“Collock. That's right. It's not good to rely too much on magic."

Professor Mortum reflected honestly.

The higher the level of magic, the higher the wizard used to rely on magic.

Right now, Professor Mortum alone had put eleven magics on himself.

<Negative Energy Detection>, <Auto Summon Undead When Hit>, and <Floating Shadow
Shield> are maintaining these magics, so even if you stand still, your magic power
continues to go out.

In such a situation, a symptom of lack of magical power occurred, so such a


“I’ll be careful when testing other first graders.”

"Yes. Well thought out.”

“Collock. Could you check the other students out there?”

At the request of Professor Mortum, Dirett opened the classroom door and stepped

It's time for the next students to come in...


Dirett felt something strange.

Earlier, the very special junior was moving to the summoning magic test classroom.

'Where is he going?'
* * *



Since there were relatively few new students to learn black magic, they could
recognize each other's faces immediately.

Of course, they weren't friendly.

White Tiger Tower + Rapadel Gral learning black magic to defeat the warlocks.

Black Turtle Tower + Ymirg is afraid of Lee Han because of the nonsensical rumors.

'Rumors are ruining the School of Magic.'

Gainando smiled arrogantly as if he was the first to take the test.

“Fufu. Good luck.”

“…what comes out?”

Even though he came from a proud knight family, he was a student.

Next time I went to the exam, I couldn't help but be nervous.

Gainando's lips moved upward as if torn.

"what? What did you just say?!”

"It is nothing! Shut up!"

"Say it again! Be polite!”

“Shut up!”

"stop. Guyan too. We're students studying black magic together, so what's the
point of fighting each other? I can give you some simple advice from the position
of taking the test first.”

“Lee Han...!”

Guy Nando wanted to say 'why to this bastard', but Lee Han blocked it with his

Rapadel looked at Lee Han with a surprised expression.

“The subject of the exam is a curse. You don't need to summon the undead, so don't
worry about it."

"...Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“What do you have with this?”

Rapadel nodded and walked away.

Gainando looked at Lee Han with a surprised expression.

“Ymirg. The subject of the exam is poison.”


The half-giant student asked as if he didn't understand.

“Bang, did you just call it a curse?”

“It was a lie.”

Lee Han spoke confidently and turned around.

"let's go. Guyan too. I have to go to the summoning magic test.”

Ymirg looked at Lee Han's back as he turned and walked, with a look of respect
mixed with fear.

I don't know who Wodanaj is, but...

I think it's true that it's really scary!

* * *

“Everyone, as we talked about last time, the test topic is <Summoning Paper

As soon as Lee Han heard the words of Professor Noh and Professor Millai, who wore
monocles, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

You're taking the test as the professor told you in advance.

'I really shouldn't be touched by this.'

Ihan shook his head calmly.

The students who arrived before Lee Han stood up.

Most of them had dark or sad expressions on their faces. It was a face you would
see often in the exam hall.


Lee Han felt uncomfortable.

But why is everyone in such a mess?

“Sit down.”

As I sat down, magic circle scrolls engraved with strange shapes appeared in front
of me.

Like last time, it was a magic circle that supported summoning magic.

It is difficult to succeed in summoning magic directly at the first grade level,

so the help of such a magic circle was essential.

“Okay then… let’s get started.”

Professor Millais flipped the hourglass.

It meant to summon the paper bird within the time limit.

A student murmured.

“Can’t we just fold it and fly it?”

Lee Han could see the other students nodding their heads.

<Summon Paper Birds>.

In fact, it was a bit of a shameful level of magic to be called a 'bird'. To be

precise, it was close to a 'maneuverable paper airplane'.

A magic that wizards use to send short messages to close opponents.

'It won't be difficult.'

Lee Han read the magic circle and ran the simulation in his head over and over

Even a more difficult magic circle died, so I made a lion, but it was easy enough
to just follow the magic circle.

I just had to be careful not to overdo the amount of mana. Because even the
slightest mistake could destroy the fragile magic circle scroll.

This is a much more generous test than other professors...

Para la la la la lak!


However, Lee Han later realized that there was an unexpected pitfall in this test.

It was just other friends.

Some strange paper-shaped summons came from all over the place and started to

“What are you doing, you idiot! My order failed because of you!”

“Why are you accusing me of failing anyway?”

“This white tiger tower guy is real!”

“Come on!”

'Summoning magic is definitely like that.'

When other magic fails, it often ends quietly, but it was not summon magic.

If you fail, your miscrafted minions (and uncontrolled as much as they fail) go

Lee Han shot down a paper book flying towards his face with a water ball. If
nothing else, the magic circle scroll shouldn't be broken.


Not only Lee Han, but other students also began to cast magic.

If he stood still, the paper flew out and slapped him on the cheek, so he couldn't
do anything.

Professor Millais watched the mess with a stern expression.

This was also something a wizard had to do.

The students who just took the exam went through the same mess.

'Keep calm is the key.'

If you think about it honestly, anyone could figure it out.

Being slapped in the face with paper didn't kill you.

Then, even if there was a mess next door, it was the top priority to do what I had
to do without responding.

“Everyone, stop!”


When a student from the Woudanaj family, belonging to the Blue Dragon Tower,
shouted, Professor Millais looked at him with a little puzzlement.

In fact, Professor Millais was looking at Lee Han a little strictly.

He admitted that he was talented, but his arrogant personality in summoning magic
could cause anger.

I couldn't understand why the student was shouting like that.

Do you believe that if you shout, the students will stop the mess?

“Everyone told me to stop!”


Calling again didn't change anything.

Professor Millais slightly modified his monocle. To be honest, I wondered what

that student was trying to do.

If you don't keep listening, what are you doing?

“I warned you clearly. Soar!”

Lee Han started copying the water beads quickly.

Professor Millai was surprised by the skillful control of elemental magic, which
was not considered a first-year student.

But the surprise was only just beginning.


Paper summons flying around began to be shot down quickly.

Although the first-year students were flying some magic, it was not easy to hit
the paper summons flying irregularly in the spacious classroom.

Rather, as the magics collided and collided with each other, the mess only got

But Lee Han was different.

Once fired, they were knocked down one by one.

“Would you have told me to stop?”

“Shut up, Wodanaj! What are you…”

One student from the White Tiger Tower, who had a fever, was pointed.

At that moment, the water ball hit the student's name precisely.


Lee Han began to mercilessly attack the students around him who did not stop his

puck! Puffy! puff puff puff!

The students, who were hit with water beads one by one, dropped their sticks and

As the waves spread around Lee Han, the students quickly began to come to their

“I… I stopped.”

“I, me too.”

“Put down the stick! Those who lift, be prepared.”

When the students were frightened and lowered their wands, Lee Han calmly followed
the magic circle and cast magic.


A paper bird began to bloom and move leisurely around the classroom.

But Professor Millais was not surprised.

I succeeded in the midterm exam at once, but what I had just seen was much more
surprising than that.

How can you hold on to and subdue students who are such a mess by yourself?

'...I really don't want to say this, but... I certainly deserve arrogance.'

Professor Millai thought that it was his role to warn arrogant or arrogant pupils
so that they would not be injured in summoning magic.
However, the boy in front of him showed such a talent that he even forgot about
that role for a while.

If it was such a talent, it was a magician who had no choice but to admit it


Professor Millais nodded.

It was a perfect score that had nothing to point out.

"thank you. professor."


Professor Millais wondered when Lee Han didn't leave the classroom.

why don't you go out

Instead, Lee Han stood in front of his friends and said,

“Put up the staff again. And when I told them to stop, they wouldn't stop. Be



The students raised their wands again with nervous expressions.

This time, the same erroneously crafted summons popped up everywhere, but...

Lee Han immediately subdued him.

"again." "for a moment!" "again." “Don’t stop. continue." "for a moment!"


When he saw himself arranging the traffic in the classroom for his friends,
Professor Millais was confused by his own judgment.

...Isn't he an arrogant student?

* * *

“You suffered. professor."

Dirett stretched out and walked out of the classroom.

The faces of the freshmen coming and going to and from the classroom were already
half dead.

Seeing that, Dirett smiled happily.

It was a smile that anyone in the upper grades of magic school could not help but
put on.


When he saw that very special junior open the classroom door earlier, Dirett was
like, 'What?'

It was okay to take the exam and leave the classroom.

By the way...?

'Isn't it a fantasy magic classroom?'

Dirett looked back on what he had seen today.

That's why that junior went into black magic, summoning magic, illusion magic...


Dirett wanted to. Now that junior...

'no! You are being deceived by the professors! Then die!'


As the saying goes that the bird that sings the most beautiful song dies the
fastest, it was quite common for a sorceress with too much talent to have a short

A wizard without talent will not be greedy more than necessary, but a magician
with talent will be greedy as much as the talent.

The science of magic was like the sun.

The sun will burn to death if you get too close.

'Can anyone tell me?'

Dirette bit her lip.

The evil professors at this magic school were only interested in their own field.

When a freshman with outstanding talent appears, he can only say, 'You must learn
this magic!'

By the time the innocent freshman came to his senses, it was already too late.

You will be dragged into a magical hell from which you cannot escape.

'A geek like Professor Garcia can withstand such a thing...!'

Moreover, since the midterm exam period has just ended, I will learn more about
other magical fields during the remaining period.

someone had to tell me

just now!

Dirett exclaimed with determination.

"Be careful! You are being deceived by the professors...”


Lee Han turned his head in bewilderment at the sudden call from behind.


But when I turned around, no one was there.


“Room, what just happened?”

“I don’t know, but it’s ominous.”

Lee Han frowned at the familiarity of the magical power faintly felt in the empty

'This looks like the skull principal's magic...'

no way?

* * *

The color of the potion in the pot began to slowly change to lead with the sound
of boiling.

Lee Han carefully turned off the light.

Now, only the last step of the <Vital Bone Regeneration Potion> is left.

'I can only add freshly picked thistle flowers.'

“Why am I blue? Why am I blue?”

“I… isn’t this lead-colored? Doesn't it look like lead?"

Leaving behind his friends who deny reality everywhere, Lee Han exchanged glances
with Yonaire.

Let's go pick thistles!

“The exam will be over tomorrow.”

At Lee Han's words, Yoner nodded.

Even though it had only been a week, it felt like weeks had passed.

Do I have to do this one more time...

“It was really hard.”

"okay. me too."

Yonner had to put up with the words, 'Have you not dug your own grave?'

I would have done it if my opponent was Gainando, but because it was Lee Han.

He was already a tough enough friend.

“Did you do well on all the exams?”

"so so."


At Lee Han's words, Yoner was puzzled.

There were many students who studied well during the first year, but Lee Han was
overwhelming among them.

Usually, if you're good at A, you're not good at B, and if you're good at B, you
show your weakness, like you're not good at C...

Lee Han was perfect as if he had no such weakness.

But did you manage to see it?

“Did you make a mistake in black magic? How did you score?”

"no. I got a perfect score.”

“Then in summoning magic?”


“...Illusion magic?”

“Illusion magic is perfect too... um. I thought it looked good. sorry. Yonner.

For the first time, Yoner almost got angry with Lee Han.

“What’s going on?”

The students were gathering and chattering where the thistle flower field should
have been.

Lee Han was puzzled and approached.

And then I was astonished.


The many thistle flowers had completely disappeared.

“Did you all pick it up?”

Lee Han asked as politely as possible.

Of course, just because he was polite did not mean that his voice came out kindly.
The students gathered in the voice of the voice flinched and backtracked.

"not. Wodanaz. By the time we arrived, someone had already picked them up!”

“How can I believe that?”

“Think about it. Wodanaz! You need fresh thistle flowers! But why should we go
first? We won’t be able to use it either!”

The white tiger top student grabbed a wooden sword and trembled and shouted.

Because of what had happened so far, there was already a saying in the White Tiger
Tower, 'When dealing with the Wodanaj, go with at least four people'.

You're going to have to deal with it alone like this...!

“It makes sense.”

Lee Han lowered his staff once. The white tiger top student stroked his chest.

'for a moment.'

“Look out.”

Footprints were scattered around the field of thistle flowers. It was the
footprints left by the students who came first.

However, Lee Han paid attention to the footprints inside the flower garden. It was
a footprint I had seen somewhere.


Lee Han carefully checked and measured the shape of the footprints.

The black turtle top student who saw it asked as if surprised.

“Are you distinguishing the footprints that entered the flower garden first? how?"

I couldn't understand how Wodanaj didn't come from a hunter, and knew how to use
such a skill.

Then, Lee Han asked as if he did not understand.

“Isn’t there Nelia in your tower? Why didn't you learn it?"

“…Sa, not a hunter?”


Lee Han threw a gaze that he did not understand very much. The Black Turtle Top
student had done nothing wrong, but suddenly he had a feeling he had done it wrong.

'Where did you see those eyes...?'

The Black Turtle Tower student realized late.

Those were the eyes the professor showed when he looked at him pathetic.

'why! Why should I learn the hunter skills...'


Lee Han approached Yoner with a serious expression and whispered.

“I know who the culprit is.”

"Who is it? White Tiger Tower student?”

"no. Thunderstep Professor.”


* * *

Professor Thunderwalk took a bottle of well-made brandy and started walking.

The professors of Einrogard who came first were sitting in separate places,
resting with comfortable faces.

As the midterm exams are over, the minds of the professors are likely to be

“You have been through a lot. Professor Garcia.”

Professor Thunderwalk found Professor Garcia and poured him a glass of brandy.

Among them, the half-troll professor, one of the youngest, took the cup with a shy

“It was nothing.”

"no. No one else suffers as much as Professor Garcia.”

Professor Thunderwalk truly respected the half-troll professor in front of him.

A wizard who silently does his job and takes care of his students, while other
professors are immersed in their field of magic, while others like Osu Gonadaltes
do all kinds of evil whims.

Without Professor Garcia, Einroguard would have been a hellish place.

“Professor Thunderbolt is almost over, isn’t it?”

"Yes. Tomorrow, the students will submit.”

“You must suffer a lot as the period is long.”

If it had been the headmaster of the skeleton, he would have sarcastically said,
'Alchemy is a study of lazy people, because it is a matter of waiting while

But the good Professor Garcia always found the positives.

“You will have to keep taking care of the students gathering and crafting

"you're right."
In fact, as Professor Garcia said, he didn't care, but Professor Thunderstep
nodded his head.

There was no need to embarrass others by refusing compliments!

And there were other parts that were right.

“Anyway, I had to go to the flower garden yesterday and pluck up thistle flowers.”

"yes? Why?”

“It’s for the students.”

Professor Thunderwalk was a little excited and went on to explain.

Freshly picked thistle flower required at the end of making <Vital Bone
Regeneration Potion>.

The students knew the location of this flower garden.

But what if all of a sudden all these flowers disappear?

There was no time to find or obtain a new one as it was a tight period.

In the end, students must somehow complete the potion without thistle flower.

“Even without thistle flower, potions can be completed somehow. The quality will
go down, though. We overcome that with the wisdom of our students.”


Professor Garcia's face darkened.

Should I praise this or not?

'Isn't it okay if I just ask you to make it without thistle flower from the

Do we really need to shock and confuse our students?

“Wow… indeed. It seems like a really good way.”

"thank you. Professor Garcia. It’s love for the students.”

Professor Thunderwalk sips the brandy with satisfaction.

But Professor Thunderwalk had forgotten one thing.

A student who breaks the professor's workshop once can rob the professor twice.

* * *

“I’m going to the water tower.”

He was tired from taking the exam all day, but Lee Han didn't think about it for
even a second.

The time was tight as it was submitted tomorrow morning.

There must have been a thistle flower on the second floor of Professor
Thunderbolt's Tower, the Gaksu-gwan.

“If you call other friends…”

“I don’t have time for that. Yonner. Besides, it’s dangerous if there are too many

Lee Han was also well aware that this was the second time. The risk was so high.

quiet and fast.

“…But let’s call Nelia.”

“I thought about it.”

Yonner nodded.

Later, if I said 'I didn't call because it was dangerous', it wouldn't mean much.

"Well. Let's call Ratford."



“…Isn’t it better to just call them all?”

"okay. It would be better.”

Lee Han decided to give up and call his friends.

30 minutes later.

Lee Han and his friends gathered in one place wearing dark overcoats. Yoner
suddenly had a question.

'Does everyone have any objection to stealing at this hour?'

Everyone is so natural...

"let's go."

No explanation was needed. Everyone had already seen each other a few times.

Lee Han took the lead.

It's not as difficult as it was before...


What caught Lee Han's eyes was the appearance of the students in the White Tiger
Tower trying to open the main gate of the tower with clumsy movements while wearing


At first, Lee Han thought that the other students studying alchemy had come first.
However, when I looked closely, I realized that they were not students of alchemy.

To prevent Lee Han from securing the thistle flower, he attacked the professor's
workshop in the middle of the night...

'...I don't think so.'

That was way too far off anyway.

“I think I came here for another lecture.”

Yoner whispered from behind.

“Another lesson?”

“They are students who listen to <Basic Dance and Socializing>. In that lecture,
it was said that there was a potion in the tower of Professor Thunderbolt...”


Ian was surprised.

First of all, I was surprised that there were more students taking lectures like
<Basic Dance and Socializing> than I thought, and I was surprised that they tried
to borrow the help of a potion just to dance well.

“You have to solve it on your own, or steal it?”

“I don’t think it’s our story.”

Before Yoner could finish speaking, another group of students appeared with a
rustling sound from the bush ahead.

They were Black Turtle Tower students.

“Do those friends also listen to <Basic Dance and Socializing>?”

"no. They... I saw them in <Basic Music>...”


Lee Han shook his head.

Three different groups will meet in front of the workshop in the middle of the
night for different goals.

“Even if it’s stealing, can I take the potion and take the test?”

“I was curious too, so I asked the professor, and he said it was okay.”



It was absurd, but Lee Han decided to solve the problem he faced first.

If left alone, all three groups of students could have gone to the punishment
Not surprisingly, the students of the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower
students were already seeing each other and growling.

- What are you guys? We came first!

-Where are you going first and late in this kind of thing?

Ian sighed inwardly.

'Those unprofessional guys.'

If you're here to steal, you have to turn down your voice like a pro and act
calmly. Do you argue with each other emotionally?

“Everyone calm down.”

Lee Han stepped forward to dry it.


“I’m… a thief!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower students who saw
Lee Han reacted violently.

'Do you think they are not thieves?'

Lee Han was absurd, but there was a reason why the other top students were

The outfits of Lee Han and his friends were truly thieves.

The students in the White Tiger Tower and the Black Tortoise Tower were wearing
masks that were roughly cut into pieces of cloth and worn on their faces.

In contrast, Lee Han and his friends were wearing masks and coats that thoroughly
covered their faces with the knowledge they had learned several times, advice from
Ratford, and cloths they had bought from outside.

...even if it was a thief from outside, it wouldn't be strange.

“Calm down. We came here for the same purpose as you.”

“Wow… are you Wodanaj?”

'no. How did know?'

Lee Han changed his voice to say it, but when the other person understood it, he
was surprised.

“The only person who can steal this thoroughly is Wodanaj...”

“There seems to be a misunderstanding. I am not Wodanaz.”

Even though they broke the shichimi, the other top students did not seem to
believe so much. He was already half-confirmed. Ihan just felt embarrassed.

“Listen. The purpose of all the students gathered here now is to enter this
gaksukan. If we fight each other, it will only attract the attention of those
around us.”

At Lee Han's words, the other top students also nodded their heads.

Obviously, we couldn't even enter the gaksuwan, but fighting with each other
wouldn't be any good.

“So let’s work together.”

"...i get it."

"good night."

Everyone agreed, but the problem was not resolved.

The companionship of the three groups had just begun.

“Who will lead?”

“…we stand behind you.”

“Don’t bullshit! Where are you going to stand behind yourself?”

The White Tiger Tower students and the Black Turtle Tower students collided

Since it was a job to enter the professor's workshop, it was advantageous to enter
from the rear.

"Be quite. I will decide.”

Lee Han said, but the other top students did not accept it easily.

“Who are you, Wodanaj?”

“Why do we have to accept your orders? I said we would cooperate, and I will
become your subordinate...”

Lee Han grabbed a stick and aimed it.

A cold silence filled the students.

“I will decide.”

“…that… yes.”

“Know it well. Wodanaz. Not because of your threats, but because there is nothing
good about fighting here.”

When the fighting stopped, Lee Han said.

“We will stand in the front.”


Naturally, the other top students were surprised.

“It’s okay… are you okay?”

"okay. We are the only ones who know the way.”


The other top students looked at them with astonishment.

When are these children...?!

“You decide the middle and the back.”

As soon as Lee Han stopped speaking, the students from the White Tiger Tower and
the Black Turtle Tower students started fighting again.

Lee Han was honest and pointed his cane.

“…let’s set it up with rock, paper, scissors.”

“Rock-paper-scissors, that’s good. good."

* * *

The place Lee Han and his friends were aiming for was the greenhouse on the second
floor of the Gaksugwan.

There was a flower garden where thistle flowers were growing.

'The advantage is that it can be solved without going to the 3rd floor.'

The 3rd floor of the Gaksukan is like a maze for unqualified people.

Lee Han came here today because he was confident that he could finish it quietly
on the second floor.

“Eye, pierce the darkness.”

The corridor on the first floor of the gaksu building, which was immersed in
darkness, turned green, revealing its hidden appearance to Lee Han.


The White Tiger Tower student did not ask Lee Han, who memorized the Dark Vision
spell, 'When, where, and how did you learn that magic?'

If it was Wodanaj, it could have been enough.

Even before entering the school, he knows all kinds of evil secrets...!

"for a moment. But where are the potions you are looking for?”

Lee Han stopped walking and asked.

Come to think of it, the movements of the students of the White Tiger Tower and
the Black Turtle Tower had to be calculated.

"I heard it's on the first floor... somewhere."

“Maybe somewhere on the first floor...”


Lee Han and Ratford looked at each other as if pathetic.

You came here with such careless preparation.

"okay. If there was not enough information, nothing could have been done.”

'I thought you just looked very pathetic about us.'

“Then search the first floor. We'll go up to the second floor."

"okay. I'll do that."

Lee Han and his friends nodded and spread distance from the students who entered.

As we climbed the stairs, we were greeted by a large botanical garden with a

familiar shape.

Maybe it wasn't the crazy bull running like last time, so the botanical garden at
night was much quieter and more peaceful.

“I’m rather anxious because nothing is happening…”

“Uh-huh. Don’t say anything sinister.”

Lee Han warned Nelia.

Originally, it was normal for it to end so quietly and peacefully.

“There is a flower garden over there.”

The students flocked in and began to carefully dig up thistle flowers.

Lee Han looked around and prepared for any unexpected situation.

'There is no Professor Thunderwalk, no Professor Willow. It'll be fine.'

“Are you done? Let's get out!"

Lee Han and his friends clenched their fists and quietly swallowed the joy.

Compared to nervousness, the work was completed close to perfection.

Ratford nodded as if he knew it all.

The pleasure of stealing is something that only those who have done it can know.

Ratford's heart was proud of seeing his friends who started out as novice thieves
and grew up.



However, that joy vanished as soon as we went down to the first floor.

With a deafening roar, all sorts of disturbances were taking place on both sides
of the hallway.

'Are you crazy?'

“This… these amateurs!”

Ratford also stammered in embarrassment. Lee Han quickly moved to check the

“What are you doing now? Everyone, calm down!”

Despite Lee Han's cry, the students did not listen.

He laughed and threw the chair in the classroom as if drunk.


“Aren’t you drinking something wrong?”

“You wouldn’t be that stupid!”

Even if the other top students were amateurs of stealing, they wouldn't drink
anything carelessly.

Lee Han felt a sweet scent emanating from the inside of the open classroom door.

It wasn't an ordinary scent. It was a magical scent.

At that moment, a lightning bolt struck Lee Han's mind.

“Everyone, hold your breath!”


Come to think of it, it was strange to have a potion that makes you dance well or
a potion that makes you good at music, which you can take with you.

It's also on the 1st floor of the Kaksukan!

'Professor Thunderwalk may have dug a trap with another professor!'

It sounded like nonsense, but Lee Han's intuition signaled that the possibility
was high.

This magic school was a feasible place.

After hearing the explanation, Yoner whispered as if he did not understand.

“But… the thistle flower didn’t have any traps, didn’t it?”

“…Professor Thunderwalk may have forgotten…”

Lee Han said in a confident voice.

In fact, Lee Han was also most puzzled by that.

Why didn't they put traps for potions needed for other lectures and not traps for
potions needed for their own lectures?
Did I really ask you to take it?

The answer was that time was running out, but he was vigilant about who would try
to solve it by stealing, but Lee Han didn't know that.

"Okay. Wodanaz. Anyway, let's get out of here."

Nelia said urgently.

Whether it was a trap or the mistakes of other top students, one thing was

There's nothing good about staying here long.

What will happen when you make a fuss like that?

"no. I have to take you out.”

“Why, Wodanaj?”

Asan asked in surprise.

Then he clapped his hand as if he knew.

“I asked a silly question. honor..."

“If we leave, we will call our names.”

“…but do you have any honor?”

Lee Han pretended not to hear Asan and ignored him.

“I have to keep it quiet for now.”

“What are you going to do?”

Yonner was puzzled.

Perhaps the students smelled the scent of madness or riots. Because I was running
wild like I was drunk.

In such a situation, no words would be heard...

puck! Puppupuck! Pump puck puck peck!



“But… how are you going to get them out?”

Ratford asked with a worried expression.

Originally, the rule of professional thieves was to throw them away mercilessly if
they fell into a trap even if they were colleagues.

In the same situation as now, Lee Han could have been injured if he went in to
pick him up.
“You should try your best. Wait a moment."

Lee Han tied her body with a rope. Then I prepared to hold my breath as much as

“If you think I’m going to get sick, I’m going to pass out on my own, so pull out
the rope and pull it out.”

“Lee Han. Here's a potion to dispel the curse. I don't know how effective it will

Yonner took a potion out of his pocket and held it out. Lee Han nodded his head as
if thanking him and drank.

"great. go in.”

Lee Han held his breath and opened the classroom door.

and went inside.


The moment I saw it, I knew what had happened.

Smoke mixed with magical power was continuously flowing from the magic circle
installed in the middle of the classroom.

'The trap was right.'

Ian walked slowly. And by giving him power, he damaged the magic circle.
Fortunately, the magic circle was easily destroyed.

'The smoke has stopped!'

Now, all you need to do is ventilate it and take it out...

At that moment, a magical reaction occurred on the side of the wall. A new magic
circle that had been hidden was revealed.

Lee Han cursed Professor Thunderbolt.

'What a crazy...!'


Blue smoke enveloped Lee Han. It was a terrifying smoke that penetrated into the
whole body even if you held your breath.

Lee Han grabbed the staff. I thought I'd pass out on my own if I felt weird.


But there was no change.

Ian looked around. And just in case, I drank some of the original smoke that was
still there.

There was no change either.

Feeling like there's a slight change in something and then it's over?


Lee Han pulled out the students one by one with a confused expression.

I'm happy, but...

...why are you so futile?

“The detox potion works!”

Asan, who was watching from behind, lit up her eyes.

“I am going to help. Makein! please!"

“Wait, not sure yet…”

Asan took a sip of the potion and ran into Lee Han's classroom.

And then my eyes started to roll around.

"...sorry. Asan.”

Lee Han stunned Asan.

* * *


Lee Han and his friends managed to throw the last student into the grass.

We were sweating with each other, but somehow we felt proud.

“…everyone worked hard.”

"okay. really..."

'Would it sound too bad if I asked my friends to get paid?'

“I wasted my time because of these children, can’t I just look around and get

At Lee Han's words, Ratford cast a respectful gaze.


However, Lee Han did not receive remuneration.

The opponent had woken up before they even looked into their arms.


“Dude, what’s going on?”


Lee Han and Ratford looked at the other top students with dissatisfied
If you're going to wake up, you'll wake up in the hallway earlier.

'These children must not have pretended to be asleep.'

“Oh, thank you. Wodanaz.”

The Black Turtle Top student, who came to his senses, understood the situation and
thanked him.

The last memory was cut off from the part where he drank smoke from the ominous
magic circle when he entered the classroom.

Seeing that he has no memories of what happened, it was clear that Wodanaj and his
friends had saved him.


The black turtle top student grabbed Lee Han's outstretched hand and shook hands.
Lee Han put on a shaky expression on his face.

It was a hand that was outstretched to search his arms.

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“I didn’t know you were going to save us.”

The White Tiger Tower students also woke up one by one.

And then he said thanks in the same way.

“I’m going to bring it out like this…”

“I never imagined it. I sincerely thank you.”

The students who got up politely thanked them and turned around and left.

Lee Han looked at him from the back because he hated it for nothing.

“Are you sure you want to stun again?”

At Ratford's whisper, Lee Han shook slightly.

* * *

“It’s such a mysterious thing…”

Professor Thunderbolt tilted his head as if he didn't understand.

It wasn't because of the hangover. It was natural for a hangover to come after
drinking a lot of alcohol.

If you don't come, that's even weirder!

The hangover was driven away with a potion, and Professor Thunderwalk was once
again in trouble.

'How did nobody get caught?'

At the request of other professors, Professor Thundergeulgeum had placed various
potions in the classroom on the first floor of the gaksu building.

It was because other professors had to work together to encourage students, no, to
make them grow.

Considering the effect of the installed magic circle, if students came in, it was
normal that they had to be rioting in the classroom until morning.

But to my surprise, the classroom was empty.

Not that there were no intruders. As long as the chairs were flying and the magic
circle was damaged, the invasion was confirmed.

But how?

'Did you notice and attack? No... If I had noticed, I wouldn't have activated the
magic circle.'

Professor Thunderwalk was more curious than angry.

What the hell happened?

"hello. professor."

On Friday morning, students came to submit their alchemy assignments one by one.

"okay. Good morning."

One by one, the potion was presented in front and returned.

The gloomy and distressed expression on his face made Professor Thunderwalker

It was clear that the faces were troubled all night because they could not find
all the ingredients.

"hello. professor."

"okay. Wodanaz.”

When Professor Thundergeulleum saw Lee Han, he suddenly became suspicious.


I doubted that the boy from the Wodanaj family in front of me had done it, but
when I think about it, Lee Han didn't listen to the lectures.

What's the point if you don't listen to lectures? It was just a coincidence.

“I will leave it.”

“Let it be.”

Lee Han quietly submitted the potion and turned around.

Even after that, Professor Thunderwalk was deep in thought.

'Ugh. It's really mysterious.'

Professor Thunderwalk stood up and checked the potions submitted by the students.

In the absence of materials, traces of the students' pathetic efforts were felt.

'Is this with ragweed instead? The idea is novel, but it probably won't go well
together. This guy is... ignorant. Did you just proceed without materials? Bold is
good, but the effect is too diminished. This potion is completely despondent.
Pouring another potion of the same color.'

Professor Thunderbolt, who was checking it, stopped.

Surprisingly, a near-perfect potion was in front of him.


Professor Thunderwalk was startled and brought his face closer. However, even if
you check again, the potion's effect was perfect.


'How did you get the thistle flower? Did you know the location of the other flower

If that's the case, he was incredibly lucky.

Professor Thunderwalker clicked his tongue to confirm the lucky student's name.

-Lee Han Wodanaj


Professor Thunderwalk narrowed his eyes.

Something tickled was bothering Professor Thunderwalk's brain.

'Isn't it one?'

When I looked around, there were not only two students who had saved thistle

Professor Thunderbolt wanted to be sure.

no way...

no way?!?

* * *


Friday evening.

Blue Dragon Tower freshmen cheered and whistled in the break room.

Some students opened the caps of the drinks bottles they had saved and scattered
them without hesitation.

Whether they did well or not, all students had no choice but to feel liberated
after the midterm exams were over.

"finished! It's over!”

“A playing card?”

“Cursed, professors!”

“A playing card??”

“Wordanaz! What is all this?”

“Everyone had a hard time taking the exam.”

Lee Han greeted his friends with a friendly smile.

The luxuries he had saved filled the table one after the other.

Glass bottles of cold fruit juice and various desserts were filled with no gaps.

Fresh cream cake topped with crispy cream brulee and strawberries. Cold cream soda
and ice cream made with peaches. A feast of desserts that you can't usually eat at
Einroguard, such as pudding made by mixing grapes, cream, and milk.

The Blue Dragon Tower students almost shed tears at the feast.


“You… really…!”

Even if Lee Han had saved the Empire, it seemed that he would not have been so

Ian thought to himself.

'I love you so much, my conscience pricks me.'

In fact, Lee Han also made a lot of profit by going mainly for this type of

I'm already seeing enough profit, but I'm afraid to rip it off here.

If you make a generous meal using fresh ingredients that can be obtained from the
garden or other places, and seasonings and spices bought from outside, the benefits
did not come out that much.

' It must not be shaken.'

Lee Han captured his shaking heart.

This special meal is only once in a while, and if you fill the food warehouse with
this and plan a meal plan, the warehouse will be destroyed in an instant, and the
students will fall into hunger.

Not good for Lee Han in the long run!

“Everyone, don’t push and stand in line. Because the quantity is enough.”

Compared to other towers, it was an orderly blue dragon tower with plenty of food
to eat, but this time, there was a push, pull, and riot to stand in front of each

Lee Han lined up his friends with Yonaire's help.

"ruler. Line up…”

“I am first!”

“This guy who hasn’t even been tested anywhere!”

“…to stand in line.”

"oh. Yes."

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Wodanaj-san.”

Of course, there were minor frictions, but all of my friends understood.

Lee Han nodded as if understanding the way the princess's followers lined up to
receive it.

“I want to bring it to the princess.”


" guys haven't forgotten, have you?"

At Lee Han's question, the followers avoided their gaze with an awkward

“If you bring it, I will give it back to you, so bring it to me.”

Followers glanced at the glass bottle of melon juice, glanced at the savory slices
of cake, and then looked up the stairs.

“The princess may not like this…”


Ian was shocked.

Do you lose your loyalty to a delicious dessert?

“You’re the one who originally reported it, but maybe because of us, you forced

“Right, right.”

“Not in my opinion.”

Even with Lee Han's words, the followers ignored him, pretending not to hear.
Dessert was too much to eat.

“…just don’t call me.”

“After all, Wodanaj-sama!”

“Stop it because it sounds sarcastic.”

Lee Han went up the stairs and knocked on the door of the princess' private room.

The princess opened the door. Her expressionless face was mixed with a faint

But that hope soon disappeared. Lee Han's hand was empty.


The princess's eyes shook more violently than the last time she was misunderstood
that she was stealing a sandwich.

“Everyone is eating snacks downstairs, so come down and eat.”

The princess sighed a little bit of relief. Then he nodded her head.

The princess came down after Lee Han, who came down the stairs first.

The followers who saw it were astonished.

“Are you okay? It's so noisy…”

“Won't it get in the way when you're thinking about it? You are going up…”

The princess was sober and clapped her followers on the back of her hand.
Followers were perplexed.

“Wordanaz. What if the princess is having a hard time?”

“It’s not at all difficult.”

"right. Your loyalty is distorted.”

Gainando grumbled as he stuffed the pudding into his mouth.

I'll show you 1/100th of that respect...

"Noisy. Guyan too. What do you know of my loyalty?”

"right. My loyalty is pure.”

Annoyed, Lee Han waved his hand.

“I’m not a little kid, so I’ll be fine. You're fine over there."

“That… is it? are you okay? How did you persuade him to bring him out? Wouldn't
you like a place like this?"

Han-eun Lee was a little suspicious of whether her friends had properly talked
with the princess.

Of course, it was the same, but...

“I said it with sincerity. ruler. next."

“Lee Han. If I hand out all the desserts, would you like to play a card game?”

“Are you still losing?”

It was said because he was worried about Gainando, but it seemed that it
stimulated Gainando's self-esteem.

Gainando said, trying to be as calm as possible (of course, he was trembling).

“That… it was a test deck. I put in the new cards I bought this time, so they're

'The deck doesn't get stronger just by putting only expensive cards in it.'

Gainando was a type that recklessly filled only cards that required a lot of
magical power to summon.

On the other hand, Lee Han is the type to end the game early by composing a deck
mainly of low-magic cards that reduce the opponent's magician's life.

Of course, Lee Han had to win.

"i get it. I’ll do it once…”


The door to the break room opened and a Death Knight appeared.

All the students were astonished.

“Huh… It’s a holiday, isn’t it too much!?”

“Can I do this? Can you really do this?!”

However, contrary to the shouts of the students, the Death Knights came for their
own reasons.

From now on, students who fail to call by name move to the punishment room.



Ian was shocked.

'The rumor that if you fail you will go to the punishment room was not a rumor!'

In terms of education, it was easy to be mistaken for spaciousness as it allowed

individual wizards to learn as they wanted, but EinroGuard wasn't so easy-going
that even the lectures they were listening to could be studied lazily.

Guyan too.

"no! no!"

Realizing that he had to spend a golden weekend in the punishment room, Guynando
tried to escape.

Of course, the Death Knight could not be avoided.

“Lee Han! Give me food! I need to put food in!!”

Some unfortunate students were dragged away by the Death Knight. Outside,
prisoners and escaped prison wagons were waiting.



The other students were more surprised than Lee Han.

How did Wodanaj fail?

“Isn’t there something wrong with that?”

“I think you have to take it into account! Even an undead like you would fail at
least one if they listened to a lecture like that!”

He is the chief of the Blue Dragon Tower. Follow me.


My friends got a little nauseous, so they stared at Lee Han. Ian said quietly.

“It’s not my fault, is it?”


Heir to the Imperial Family.

The Death Knight's call wasn't over.

Gainando, who was dragged out of the door, tilted his head and asked.


It is the second seat of the Blue Dragon Tower. Follow me.

Of course, I was talking about the princess.

Gainando grumbled and turned his head.

It's like a dirty magic school that discriminates sexually!

“I believe that just because you did well on the test doesn’t mean you’re taken to
the punishment room.”

Could it be?

Death Knight answered calmly.

“It’s not a punishment room, but I believe it doesn’t take me to a place where
it’s that hard.”

The Death Knight did not answer this.

Lee Han became ominous.

The princess walking towards the door looked at the line in front of the dessert
with a realizing expression.
And then whispered to the Death Knight.

Can not be done. you have to go right away


The princess stared coldly at the Death Knight. However, the Death Knight didn't
care like an undead.


“Lee Han! next to you?? Are you by my side?!”

Guy Nando, who got into the carriage in front of him, tried to stick his head out
while holding on to the iron bars of the window.


“Can you help me defeat the Death Knight?”

"No way."


The students who were imprisoned, including Gainando, let out lamentations mixed
with despair.

'Did you really think I could defeat and save the Death Knight?'

Ian was not funny.

quietly. Go to the next dormitory.

Two wagons carrying failing and honors students rattled and ran through the school

tuk tuk-


The princess whispered to Lee Han in a quiet voice. He had a serious expression on
his face, so Lee Han was nervous without knowing it.

'what? What did you notice?'

“...when is the next time...?”

“You mean dessert?”

The princess nodded her head.

'I don't think so.'

It was more cumbersome than I thought, and the luxurious materials I bought from
outside were all used up.

I don't know when I'm leaving, but what's next?

“I have used all the ingredients.”

The princess made a shocked expression and stared at the Death Knight outside the
carriage more coldly.

“Reward the snack! Give me back the snacks!”

At the same time, Gainando had a similar thought, knocking on the iron bars and
shouting loudly.

The Death Knight closed the window of the carriage with a tired face.

* * *

“Why are you so loud in front of me?”

"Well. I don't know.”

The head of the Black Turtle Tower (Salco of the Tutanta family) and Cha Seok (a
student who had never talked to Lee Han) were puzzled as they entered the carriage.

There seems to be some constant noise from the carriage in front...

Are you screaming because you don't want to be dragged?

The head of the Black Turtle Tower looked at the princess's expression and asked
so small that only Lee Han could hear it.

“The princess looks uncomfortable, did something happen?”

He was originally a cold person, but he seemed even colder today.

"huh. It must be because of my pride.”

Salko said as if she didn't like it, kicking her tongue.

From the point of view of Salco, who does not like Blue Dragon Tower students, the
princess who had several tower students as followers as soon as she entered did not
look good at all.

It seems that they are enjoying excessive privileges thanks to only one blood

“Tutanta. Your voice is too loud.”

“It’s unavoidable when you hear it. Isn't that why you feel so bad about being
pushed by Wodanaj?"

“As long as you are human, you can do that.”

“Wordanaj is next to me, and it’s not like that. After all, the only children with
good bloodlines are you…”

'I'm from the Wodanaj family too.'

For a moment, Lee Han wondered if Salco thought of him as the same tower.

“It’s a misunderstanding. Salco.”

“A misunderstanding?”
"okay. I feel bad for being dragged while eating snacks. Everyone is like that.”

“…Wordanaz. I thought you were good at everything, but there are some things you
can't do. You are not good at joking.”

“Wordanaz. It's such a stupid joke."

"Anyway, I don't think you want to insult your friend, so stop it. But Wodanaz.
Think carefully. Friends are beings who walk on equal footing, one side standing on


This time, Lee Han cried for nothing.

'Even if these children tell the truth...'

In the meantime, the chief and the second seat of another tower also got on the

Arrived. high school students. get off the wagon

“How about here?”

The high school student's room.

'Is it a hidden tower?'

A wagon came near the main building, and I saw a gloomy tower that I had never
seen before.

It was obviously located in a magically hidden space.

Just by looking at it...

'It just looks like another punishment room.'

nothing to be nervous about high school students

The familiar voice of the Skeleton Principal tickled his ears.

The figure of the principal skeleton floating above the gloomy tower was revealed.

Failing students go to the punishment room, but honors students get rewards. This
is a place dedicated to awarding honors students.

“Is that for real!?”

Angro said in a happy voice.

Lee Han and Giselle looked at each other like they were pathetic.

do you believe that

then! Sure. Surely there are some students who don't believe it?

“Is that possible?”

right. Unlike the failing students, the students gathered here are the best
students in the tower.

Along with the horse, the round nameplate hung in front of the tower's door began
to spin.

Come on in and take it!

“...Excuse me, but may I ask what exactly you are going to bring?”

It's not difficult.

Principal Skeleton was quite generous in explaining how he felt today.

This tower was built to celebrate honors students who did well in the exam.

All you have to do is open the door and enter, overcome the ordeal on each floor,
and take the reward!

As long as you have the ability, you can go up several floors and collect the
rewards, so it's actually like a tower of happy rewards.



The faces of Lee Han and Giselle became serious.

Just hearing the description was terrifying.

'It looks like a tower of trials and pains.'

Due to the nature of the skeleton principal, it was not strange to have prepared
hell from the first floor.

What's the use of a good reward?

If you don't wake up, it means nothing!

"thank you. principal!"

your joy is my joy

Angro was still rejoicing as he hadn't realized yet.

Now, then... Starting with the White Tiger Tower. Entrance!

“Why are you coming in from us?”

If you are upset, try to do better in the exam next time.

“Isn’t it better to go in first?”

Angelo was puzzled. Giselle closed her eyes as if she was ready.

The rotating nameplate slowly stopped and a pattern appeared.

It was a sword pattern.

With the sword challenge!

The tower door opened and swallowed two white tiger tower students.

It was a very brief moment, but thanks to Alaron's rigorous training, Lee Han was
able to see the scenery inside the room for a moment.

It was obviously dozens of golems with swords.


Lee Han seriously thought that the punishment room might be better.

* * *

The challenge chosen by Lee Han and the princess was the challenge of the potion

'I don't know if I'm lucky or bad.'

Lee Han swallowed his impatience and moved on.

What is the wisest choice in this situation?

'It's on the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor, you don't need it, you just get over the
first floor and you're out.'

Going up the first floor saying, 'What's the reward for the second floor?' was
something a crazy person would do.

Of course, in reality, it was not easy to overcome the first floor.

The important thing right now is to get out of the tower with as little injuries
as possible.

Lee Han was considering if a declaration of renunciation was possible.

the challenge of wisdom

The challenge begins when one person eats poison, so make an antidote to revive
your friend.

“…a declaration of renunciation? surrender? Give up?"

Toph didn't answer. Ian sighed.

Looking ahead, I saw a cake lying on the table. Anyone could see that there was
poison inside.

And the pot, alchemy equipment, and ingredients located next to it.

The princess raised her wand and aimed at the cake.

“Poison, reveal yourself.”

In an instant, multicolored smoke billowed over the cake. The princess's eyes were
colored with surprise and absurdity.

“I hope it’s not all poison… right?”

The princess nodded her head. Lee Han had a tired expression on his face.

It must not have been that all the poisons inside were grasped by that magic, but
there are already so many types.

Isn't this a cake-shaped poison, not a poisoned cake?

The princess beckoned to cut the cake. There was a limit to confirming her poison
before opening her inside.

But the cake was not cut.

“…don’t let it open until you eat it.”

Lee Han muttered with hatred.

In fact, he was a skeleton principal who spared no attention to detail in this


'I can't help it.'

Lee Han was determined.

Judging from what he has experienced so far, Lee Han's magic has provided him with
considerable resistance to various poisons.

Of course, even after eating such a dreadful poison cake, I couldn't stay healthy,
but it was clear that I would endure it better than the princess.

“I’ll eat it, so make an antidote right away.”


The princess's cold eyes fluttered. She was startled and shook her head, trying to
stop her from doing so.

Of course, Lee Han was not a person who respected the wishes of the imperial
family, whether it was a Gai-nando or a princess.

I ate a bite of the cake right away.


'no. It's delicious, so it's ridiculous.'

Although it was poisonous, it was surprisingly delicious.


After taking a bite of the cake, the door in front of me opened and the text

the challenge of wisdom

The challenge has begun, go through the door without being poisoned.

Lee Han urged. He didn't know how much time was left.

The princess hurriedly ran towards the material. In her haste, she stumbled and
nearly fell.

As if to prove that she was not called a genius of the Empire for nothing, the
princess moved with no waste.

He placed a piece of cake on the board, disassembled the ingredients, and began to
find ingredients with detoxifying ingredients from the identified poison first and
throw them into the pot.

The pot simmered, causing the potion to boil. The color of the potion changed
quickly as a few ingredients were put in and the wand was swung.

'You have to focus...!'

A feeling of pressure that I had never experienced before came over me.

When and how did you experience alchemy in which your friend's life was at stake?
The princess bit her lip.


The motion of the princess, who was making potions without stopping, stopped.

It was an ominous sign.

Unsurprisingly, the princess's eyes began to flutter. It was the first poison I
had ever seen.

The princess took out the detoxification ingredients as soon as she could and
matched them with the crumbs of the cake. Of course, she had nothing to do with it.

A feeling of despair swelled. The princess turned her gaze to Lee Han with her
bewildered expression.


Lee Han sat still with a serious expression on his face.

Contemplating why the addiction couldn't start, Lee Han took another bite of the
cake and looked up as if he felt the princess's gaze.

"...Well. I don't think I'll be addicted to this."


The princess was honest and stared at Lee Han coldly.

* * *

The princess looked at her with a deceived expression, but Lee Han was confident.

'I didn't know I wouldn't become addicted to eating.'

Lee Han didn't stay still because he wanted to watch the princess work in vain.

I thought the poison would take some time.

I tried to pass it just in case, but I passed the challenge right away.

the challenge of wisdom

You passed the challenge brilliantly, so get your reward.

The honorable wizard will move forward, but it is also your choice to run
backwards like a cowardly coward.

“Let’s get rewarded and leave immediately.”

The princess nodded her head.

After waiting for a while, the reward appeared in front of the students along with
the smoke.


It was a silver spoon. Lee Han and the princess were embarrassed as they held
silver spoons one by one.


The princess lightly scooped up the remaining cake with a spoon as if she knew it.
Lee Han was startled and hit the back of the princess's hand.

“You can’t eat it!”


The princess was so absurd that she couldn't even react properly.


'Ouch. The opponent was not Gainando.'

Lee Han realized later and regretted it.

No matter how much the princess didn't eat dessert, she wasn't so good at eating
poison cake.

But the hand had already moved. Lee Han knew the best way to do something like

"indeed. It was an artifact with poison detection and detoxification


The silver spoon that touched the poison cake created smoke just as it did when
the detection magic was applied.

At the same time, the color of the smoke slowly changed. It was evidence that
detoxification was progressing little by little.

The princess blinked a few times to get out of her embarrassment, and then
trembled her eyelids and tried to open her mouth.

No matter what you say, no good words will come out.

“You have to leave quickly. Let's go!”

Lee Han turned around and moved without giving a break before the princess's anger
exploded coldly.

Even before the misunderstanding was resolved, the princess was a bit late in
responding to Lee Han's appearance.

“Now what…”


Lee Han pretended not to hear and ran away.

The princess stared at her back as if it was ridiculous.

* * *

When I came out of the tower, the friends who entered first were sitting in a

Angago was dusty and muddy, and his clothes were almost ragged from whoever had
hit him.

Her nose was wet from head to toe, as if she had just swam.

Most of my other friends were in a similar mess.

Among those friends, Lee Han and the princess, who were all alone, stood out. picked the wrong challenge.

Principal Skeleton murmured as if he was very sorry.

Come to think of it, such poison would not have had much effect on that boy of the
Wodanaj family.

You're lucky to pick something like that!

“Wordanaz. What challenge did you try to make it look so good?”

Angro asked in a voice mixed with envy and envy. Ian said quietly.

“On the outside, it looks fine, but the challenge I entered was also a very
dangerous challenge. It was a challenge to eat poison.”



Those words changed the faces of the friends.

It's a challenge to eat poison.

After hearing the words, the challenge they entered suddenly felt better.

“That… I’m sorry. Wodanaz. I was rude.”

Angro said in a very sorry voice. Ian nodded as if it was okay.

"This can be happen. I understand."



The princess and the principal of the skeleton looked at Lee Han as if

Such shameless...!

How about trying one more step? You might be able to do it well enough.

"no. principal. It's just a shame that you judge me like that."

'What a mean bastard.'

'Never go.'

* * *

A golden weekend afternoon.

The students of the Blue Dragon Tower were lined up in the common room, enjoying
the peace that had been hard to come by.

Even the princess was talking with her followers.

However, Lee Han got up after filling the basket with rice balls, rice cakes, and
confectionery, and a few bottles of drinks to drink.

“Where are you going? library?"

Yonner was puzzled.

He wondered if there was only enough to go on an expedition or a library if he

could even bring food like that.

Of course, it was strange enough to go to the library on a day like today, but it
was possible with Lee Han.

“To give you food.”


Yonner was at a loss for words.

So far...!?

“You don’t need to do that, do you?”

“It’s a law that you can get more expensive than that.”

“Lee Han… I think you are so kind.”

“Did you not hear what I just said?”

“It’s good considering that.”

At Yonaire's words, Lee Han was puzzled.

Why is this good?

less slack!

From the entrance to the punishment room, there was a cool air. Even though it was
still spring, it was cold as if it was a different season only here.

'This is a place I really do not want to come to.'

It was clear that he was reluctant to do so for some magical reason, not simply
because it was a punishment room.

Otherwise, I would never have heard such a strong ominous sound.

'Actually, there's no way I'll let the students escape because of the skeleton
principal's personality...'

Even if they were imprisoned in the punishment room, they were acquitted if they
succeeded in escaping, but that was not a rule for students.

It was a rule for the pleasure of the Skeleton Principal.

Last time, Lee Han, who had wandered here and there to escape from the depths of
the punishment room to the ground, was feeling the size of the punishment room.


“Are you there?”



“Are you there?”

“...Creep. krup. Crumple.”

“I am very sorry.”

Lee Han went straight to the next room.

He knocked on the door several times to find the trapped students, but Lee Han
soon realized that it would not be easy.

'Unfortunate. It seems to be in a fairly deep place.'

I knew the punishment room was large, but I thought that the freshmen who failed
would be closer to the entrance.

But it didn't seem like it.

'There is too little information in the punishment room. Comparing it with what we
recorded the last time we escaped is... unreasonable. Perkuntra sang last time, so
he hasn't been able to sing for a while.'

Lee Han went down the stairs down the hallway and thought that if he couldn't find
it again, he would have to think about another way.


“Are you there?”

"Who is it?"


To my surprise, I heard a human voice from inside. The same student was evident.

“Are you a student?”

"hey. I don't know what grade you are, but if you don't want to be cursed when we
meet later, don't be shy... Wait a minute."

Dirett paused.

The voice from outside was quite familiar.

At that moment, a flash of light entered Dirette's mind.


A freshman who came into the next room the last time he entered the punishment
room and told a nonsensical story.

And a freshman who came to Professor Mortum's Dark Hall to learn black magic.

Lastly, during the midterm exam, a freshman who was deceived by the professors'
coaxing rumors and added lectures without knowing his own ruin.

These three freshmen were merged into one.

"! are you!? Are you?!?”

'Are you crazy?'

Ian flinched.

As it was before, being locked up in the punishment room was not necessarily a
healthy student.

Maybe it's a monster pretending to be a student...

“Are you a freshman from the Wodanaj family? Now, before the midterm exam, a
freshman who has already chosen elemental magic, black magic, summoning magic, and
illusion magic and tested it, and was caught while escaping through the underground
passage in the first week!”


This time, it was Lee Han's turn to surprise.

The wizards at the Magic School were truly amazing.

'When you are in high school, do you have the ability to see through your opponent
even in the punishment room?'

“What, how? I know because I was in the room next to you last time, and I
participated in the midterm to help Professor Mortum.”

"ah...! Was it that person?”

Lee Han remembered a senior in the room next to the punishment room who didn't
know his face yet.

He was kind in many ways.

He informed me of the existence of the Spire Stable (although he was bribed for
snacks), he advised me to listen to the lectures in moderation (although I didn't),
he told me to take it easy...

that that person was that person

"for a moment. Have you been imprisoned since then?”

"it's crazy? Of course he went out and came in.”

There was an awkward silence.

For a moment, Lee Han thought, 'What the hell is this senior doing, and he's
always in the punishment room?'

And Dirett saw the idea.

"Junior. Have you ever thought about what I am doing now and I am always in the
punishment room?”

“Is that possible? Seniors."

“Why are you suddenly being respectful?”

“Actually, I value politeness.”

'I don't think so.'

Considering the skill of bringing private meals to the punishment room last time,
there was a very high possibility that the junior was from the Black Turtle Tower.

'...yes? for a moment. I'm from the Wodanaj family. Black Turtle Tower?'

Dirette tilted her head.

Something was strange.

"okay. If you're learning black magic, it's okay if you respect me as a senior.
And you owe me Junior."

“The stables were grateful.”

“Not that! During the midterm exam!”

When Dirett didn't realize Lee Han's senior's sacrifice, she felt unfairly for

Of course, it was the Skeleton Principal who was at fault, but the human heart was
not so cut off.

"Wait a minute. Come to think of it, junior, did I warn you the last time you were
in the punishment room?!”

As the memories came to mind, Dirett became several times more resentful than

-If you have your skills, many professors will covet you, so you better be

Didn't the punishment room warn you in advance?

If this junior had heeded the warning, Dirett would not have been brought to the
punishment room like this.

“Ah… the warning? Of course, we are listening.”

“Does the junior you listen to do such a thing?!”

Dirett was even more absurd.

If that's what you listened to, what did you ignore? Attending previous lectures?

"no. Seniors. Thank you for your concern, but I also set up my own calculations
and listened reasonably.”

“...Tell me that reasonable calculation. Let’s listen.”

Lee Han calmly explained his choices to seniors.

First of all, I chose black magic because it was a good fit for me, I chose summon
magic because it was useful in many ways, I also needed fantasy magic, so I decided
to learn it. ..

"for a moment. Junior. enchantment?? Don't you listen to enchantments after the
midterm exam???”

"ah. I met the professor first by chance.”

“Oh… Aren’t you worried about dying from overwork by chance?”

“You don't have to worry. I am in control of everything.”

Despite Dirett's sarcasm, Lee Han answered confidently.

However, in Dirett's eyes, Lee Han was walking the path of Professor Garcia.

Asura's way of listening to all magical fields since freshman!

First of all, a freshman with basic normal thinking, even if it is suitable,

useful, or useful, asks 'Can I learn this well? Well. no. It must be too hard,' he
said and applied the brake.

But the junior in front of me was like, 'Can I learn this well? Well. Still, it's
suitable for my aptitude and useful, so should I just learn this?'

"Junior. Be really careful. be really really careful really really real Okay?"

“Thank you for your concern. Seniors."

'I don't think this child will listen to me.'

Dirett somehow had such a premonition.

"Seniors. I brought some food, would you like to eat it?”

"What? meal? ...are you really from the Wodanaj family?”

The skillfulness of a first-year freshman's visit to the punishment room with a

meal could not help but surprise Dirett.

And what was even more surprising was the quality of the food they brought.

It is not the hard black bread that freshmen usually eat, but it is not a hardened
rice ball after it has cooled down.

Onigiri made with freshly cooked rice, and soft red bean cake. To the crispy


'Ouch. Guyan also gave me food.'

Lee Han decided to use the excuse that he had been stolen by the skeleton

“…if you don’t know anything else, you will really like 3rd graders.”

"Is that so?"

"okay. I've seen many juniors, but I've never seen a junior like you."

After taking a bite of the rice cake, Dirett hesitated and opened her mouth.

It was just too hearty to send, and it was deliciously eaten.

The period of punishment could have been extended, but I couldn't say no.

"Junior. Midterm exams are over.”


"Be careful."

“I am always careful.”

“...that's great. That's a very good attitude. But I mean, be a little more
careful. After the midterm exams are over, school usually goes crazy.”

'Can you go back crazy here?'

* * *
next day.

Lee Han got up from his bed and opened the window of his private room.

'Is it strangely cold?'

White snow covered up to half of the first floor of the tower.

Ihan nodded his head calmly.

"Well. I could have gone more crazy.”


After talking to himself, Lee Han realized that his fingertips were trembling

I was trying to be calm, but it seemed like a big shock.

'Anyway, isn't this a bit too much?'

-Usually, the midterms of the lower grades end without affecting the school, but
the midterms of the upper grades... cause a lot of trouble.

What Dirett said while eating red bean cake was as follows.

The lower grades still had low magic skills, so even if they made a mistake or had
an accident while taking the test, the effect was not so great.

But the seniors were different.

As the scale of the magic has grown so much, if you make a mistake, the aftermath
has become so serious that it will affect the entire school.

- Can I do this to my juniors after becoming a senior?

-If you feel bad too, become a senior and do the same. And this is not something I
want to do. It's just that when multiple accidents overlap, unpredictable things

At times, due to the overlapping summoning magic, the connection with the spirit
world inhabited by the lava spirits became stronger, and the school became full of

Also, there were times when the flow of magic was intertwined, so there was a
strange phenomenon in which a completely different magic appeared even when magic
was used.

- Of course, I know you're angry, but junior. Think about revenge later and be

-All right. We'll stockpile as much as we can, and save artifacts so we can
respond to any situation. I'll tell my friends at the top of this so that there
won't be any damage...

-That... I didn't mean to be that professional, but it's not bad.

After finishing the conversation with Dirette, Lee Han returned to the tower
(apologies to Gainando) and made various preparations with her friends.
Go to the black market of the Black Turtle Tower, find useful artifacts, organize
and calculate the items stored in the tower, and first dig up what you can eat in
the garden...

But even so, I couldn't help but be confused.

'This week must be difficult.'

* * *

“It’s the worst Sunday ever.”

“This isn’t bread, isn’t it a blunt machine?”

The friends who received the bread and rice in the morning were stunned.

It must have been hardened already because of the cold.

“Did you see it outside? In the original mansion, we had a snowball fight in this
kind of weather…”

“Now is not the time to say that. If you don't clear the snow, you won't be able
to get out the door."

“Why don’t the professors solve the problem?”

“That’s what the students did, so the students should solve it.”


The students who were holding black blunt weapons, no, black bread with a sad
expression on their faces in the break room, were rejoicing.

It was expected that Lee Han's appearance would solve this problem.

“It’s sad for everyone, but you never know when this blizzard will end. Planting
materials from the garden will not be available for a while. It’s a frugal diet for
a while.”


"don't worry. Wodanaz. We are Einroguard students too. I don't make a weak sound
just because I'm hungry."

“That’s right, Wodanaj!”

Lee Han was a little worried about the excessive confidence of his friends.

'These children were very greedy.'

The other towers lived hungry in the first place, but the Blue Dragon Tower had
become quite picky thanks to Lee Han.

are you okay?

“Today’s dish is canned beans.”

“...everything, can't we get some more canned food? Should I eat only beans?”
"no. Savings.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students looked depressed at the thought of eating hard
bread with canned beans.

Fortunately, however, Lee Han was not a cold-hearted person who just opened canned
beans and served them in a bowl.

Lee Han put onions, garlic, and mushrooms harvested from the garden the day before
in a pan and fried in oil with beans.

Then, I cracked another canned food, put tomatoes, onions, and garlic, and boiled
it generously, seasoning it with salt and pepper.

The faces of the Blue Dragon Tower students brightened slightly. The
expressionless face of the princess sitting next to her showed a very slight sense
of admiration.

breakfast time.

Even though it started snowing again outside, the meal was delicious.

“Wordanaz. I think we should all work together.”

"right. You have to give the instructions.”

At the words of his friends, Lee Han fell into thought.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were right.

The situation was so huge that it was difficult to respond if we did not work

What's the first thing you should do now?

“You have to clear the snow in front of the tower. If I don't clean it, I won't be
able to attend the lecture."

“Would the professors take this into consideration?”

"No way."

“No way.”

At the sound of complacency uttered by someone, the friends turned their heads and
shook their heads.

“And aren’t all the coats now spring coats? If I go out, I will freeze to death.”

At Lee Han's words, the faces of his friends became serious.

I certainly didn't think of such a cold situation because of the spring weather...

“I prepared thick winter fabrics for times like this. I didn't know it was going
to be used already, but let's eat and make a coat first."


The friends nodded and paused.

...why did you prepare it?

“Wordanaz. Did you know this was going to happen?”


“But how…?”

“I bought this because I thought I might be able to use thick fabrics.”

“As expected, Wodanaj. Even with a 1% chance, we cannot be vigilant.”

Asan said with a look of admiration. Of course, some of the students were still
confused, thinking, 'You're lucky, but do you really have to do that?'

“Let’s make as many winter items as possible. There must be some useful artifacts
among them.”

The strength of the Magic School was that incomplete artifacts rolled around like
stones on the side of the road.

“Isn’t the lantern in which this frost fog is trapped a little vague in the
current situation?”

“Put it in the corner.”

After eating, the friends took out the thick cloth and started looking for useful
artifacts among the artifacts.

And Lee Han wore a ring, a bracelet, and a necklace one by one.

With a clicking sound, the flame-absorbing trinkets radiated power.

“Open the door and get out.”

“Wordanaz. I believe in you...”

“Asan. Get out of the way before you get hit.”

“Okay, I see.”

Asan grunted and spread the distance.

You said you believed me, but why?

'I didn't want to play with fire near the tower, but I had no choice but to do

When the door of the tower connected to the lounge was opened, a storm of cold and
snow piled up like a mountain of snow welcomed Lee Han.

I couldn't go to class through this tomorrow. I had to dig in now.

'It melts!'
“Burn up!”


Flames began to soar with the spell.

Ian was surprised.


It was overwhelmingly easier to control the flame than usual.

If the usual fire magic felt like grabbing the reins of a wild horse and dragging
it somehow, the current fire magic was like a gentle, tamed horse.

'There is no way that my skills have improved geniusly in the meantime... It's
because of the environment.'

There was also the advantage of the cold weather with a blizzard.

As the magic unfolded in nature is affected by the environment, the power of fire
magic in this situation had no choice but to shrink.

Like Lee Han, if you want to use fire magic once, you will have to click and click
on various sealing balls for fear of accident.

Hurry rumble!

Lee Han started to melt the snow by setting flames everywhere.

“I don’t think snowing like this is necessarily a bad thing.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Wodanaj?”

“Don’t make silly jokes. It’s already cold enough.”


Ian shut her mouth.

Wasn't that a no-brainer?

“Wordanaz. Shouldn't you get some rest?"

“It’s still okay.”

“Wordanaz. I think you should rest.”

“It’s still okay. Let’s do a little more.”


“Are you okay?”

"no. It's all melted…”

"ah. Right."

Ihan shook his head.

Thanks to all the morning work, there was a way out to some extent.

When I looked back, my friends were throwing their eyes in surprise.

'Is it because of the blizzard?'

“I’m going to visit Professor Thunderwalker’s cabin. I'll have to bring what's
left from the garden."

“Lee Han! I made a potion, so take it with you!”

Yonere, who was making potions with other friends inside the fireplace in the
common room, gestured.

A potion of cold resistance was boiling in the pot.

Asan picked up a vial and took a sip.

"Wow. Do you feel like your stomach is getting hot?”

“The moon card. It's a drink made with ingredients. I haven't added the cold
tolerance potion yet."

* * *

Professor Thunderwalk magically cleared the snow near the hut, then sat inside and
sip coffee leisurely.

Thanks to the heavy snow, the place was quiet and cozy.

'Not bad.'

It wasn't that bad if it was an accident like this.

Isn't it a lot more atmospheric than a creepy monster in the shadow dimension?


"professor! Give me some leftovers!”

Professor Thunderwalk was so terrified that he almost spilled his coffee.

no how?!

“How did you get through the snow like this?!”

“I have melted it with flames.”

“How could it be possible… in such an ignorant way.”

Thunderwalker, who was talking, nodded his head.

If it was a disciple in front of me, it was quite possible.

He was a man whose magic was gushing out as if infinite...

“Still, I was thinking of making a road with fire magic in this kind of weather.
Fire magic wouldn't work well."
“It was rather good.”



It was only after hearing the explanation that I could understand what Thunderstep

'A monster-like guy...!'

Of course, understanding is not surprising.

How much magic do you think it would be better to use fire magic in this kind of

Even with multiple control artifacts like that!

“…wait. Please bring me something to eat.”

Even for a disciple with monstrous talent, it was a little salty as a teacher to
get through this blizzard and collect the remaining ingredients.

Professor Thundergalle brought the remaining vegetables and eggs, smoked or

pickled sausages, ham and cheese.

“Is the vegetable garden unusable?”

“If you have a conscience, look at the snow on your garden...”

“Even though it’s the staff of a tree spirit?”

"It's not okay if it's not a tree spirit, but the staff of the tree spirit

Professor Thunderwalk was startled by the disciple's continuous remarks without


No matter how much a staff that raises the vitality, if there is a vegetable that
grows through the heavy snow like now, it is not a vegetable, but a plant-type

“Don’t just say that you are sick and look at the positive side.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Professor? It's already cold enough, but
such a sloppy joke?"

Forgetting what he had said to his friends earlier, Lee Han was indifferent.

Professor Thunderwalker was trying to harass him, but he remembered that his
student was good at swordsmanship and battle.

The professor mercifully forgave and went on to explain.

“Of course, life will be a little uncomfortable.”

“It would be very uncomfortable.”

"...okay. It will be very uncomfortable. But it will be an opportunity to practice
magic that has not been dealt with before.”

"Well. In the case of blood magic, I was careful because I thought it would cause
a lot of damage, but if the snow accumulates like this, I think it will act as a

“Why is there blood magic?! I was talking about the elements of cold and spirits!”

Professor Thunderwalk was startled by the disciple's crazy sound.

"ah. I do.”

"okay. When the magic of nature is directed in one direction like this, the
distance from the other invisible world becomes closer. It is not unusual for the
spirits of cold to come out of the spirit world and wander around. Not to mention
the cold element.”

This eccentric climate provided an opportunity to practice difficult elements that

are not normally encountered.

The cold was just that.

"You're quite good at the element of water, so there's a good chance you'll get
hit with cold as well."

"Is that so?"

Lee Han was confused.

It was always fun to eat raw.

"okay. Bring water now. You'll probably understand right away what I'm talking

The magic of the cold full of nature affected the magic of the wizard.

If I bring water now, I'm sure...

“Spring up!”

At the sight of a mass of water gushing out as usual without freezing or

shrinking, Professor Thunderwalk cursed inwardly.

Talented guys like this made it hard to teach.

"ruler. As for how cold and water attributes are related…”

“Aren’t you going to use the water you just brought?”

“…Listen quietly.”

"Yes. All right."


Lee Han wondered why he had to bring a bowl of water, but listened quietly.

As Professor Thunderwalker's instructions were, he must have something on his


“A mage who has an aptitude for the element of water is more likely to be aptitude
for the element of cold as well. But if you ask me if it's easy to practice the
element of cold on a regular basis, it's not."

While some elements were relatively easy to handle, there were also elements that
were difficult to handle.

If elements such as fire, water, and earth are typically easy to handle (although
there were wizards who had difficulty with flame), elements such as lightning,
darkness, and cold are difficult to handle.

“Lightning is controllable, darkness is embodied, and cold is difficult to


Professor Thunderwalk created snowflakes in the air with his horse.

Snowflakes in the warm hut turned into water droplets in an instant.

“Unlike water and earth, the element of cold tends to lose its power and disperse
if the wizard does not focus on it. You have to stay focused and infuse energy.”

"indeed. Just as it is difficult to summon dozens of water marbles and float them
in the air, so is the element of Frost...”

“…No, not that much.”

Professor Thunderwalk was taken aback as he spoke.

Frost element was an element with difficulty, but it was not to that extent.

“But in this kind of environment, the cold element is much easier to maintain.
Don't you think it's the best environment for new wizards to train and learn their

“You are saying it makes a lot of sense.”

Ihan nodded and paused.

'Ouch. For a moment, I thought I might be really lucky.'

It was a moment, but it was an experience that made me a little scared.

Absolutely no luck!

“And, as I said earlier, because of the closeness of the spirit world, cold
spirits must have been summoned here and there… There will be opportunities to
receive teachings and blessings while in contact with the spirits.”

“The last time I went to the spirit world, the spirits were avoiding me, is there
any possibility that this kind of environment will remove the fear of the spirits
and increase their friendliness?”

“It is unlikely.”


Lee Han was a little sullen.

Is it still not okay?

“Thanks for the advice. professor."

"okay. take care of yourself It probably won't last very long."


“Longer than a day.”

"Two days?"

“I just said it. Just think that you never know when it will end.”

Professor Thunderwalk shook his head at the persistent disciple's words and pulled
out a box and held it out.

The round glass jars were filled with glistening brown liquid.

“This is a gift. It will help with the cold.”

“Is it a potion?”

"no. It's brandy."

“…Thanks anyway.”

Lee Han took the chest and left the hut.

And then he tilted his head.

'for a moment. So why did you create water?'

* * *

Whoi yi ing-


"no. I ran out of oil!”

“Push it with force before it hardens!”

“I will hit the wall with dirt!”

The Black Turtle Tower students struggled to clear the snow in front of the tower.

The Blue Dragon Tower was pierced by a madman who did not lose magical power, but
the other towers could not use that method.

Instead, the Black Turtle Tower students showed their wits and cleared their eyes
little by little.

All sorts of methods were used.

“Ymirg, push with your strength! I will build a wall!”

"for a moment. Someone is coming!”

“Are you a professor?”

"No way..."

The Black Turtle Tower students were also feeling it.

The professor won't come and help!

Of course, it was Lee Han who came.

“It’s Wodanaj!? Through this blizzard...”

“Wordanaz! How did you get here!”

The Black Turtle Tower students shouted loudly.

Because of the strong blizzard, I couldn't hear it unless I screamed with


Whoa hey hey!

“I’m here to…”


“I’m here to…”

“Are you here to help?”

"no! I'm here to barter!"


Lee Han put down the chest.

The chest was full of thick cloth.

He bought it like a madman, so there was plenty left even after making various
cold protection products.

“Where did you get it?!”

“There is a way. ruler. So... would you like to exchange it?”

“I’m going to freeze to death talking here. come here! Come over here and talk!”

There were several temporary snow houses on the site where there was a black
market in front of the original tower.

It was a temporary shelter built by Black Turtle Tower students to clear the snow

The students looked at the cloth Lee Han brought and looked surprised.

'No, really, where did you get this?'

'How can that bastard of Wodanaj be more resourceful than a member of the Thieves'
“Kyo.. I want to exchange it. Wodanaz.”

"okay. That’s what I came here too.”

Lee Han looked at his friends with slightly anticipatory eyes.

“How much food do you have left?”



The Black Turtle Tower students hesitated and looked at each other. Then someone
opened his mouth.


“What nonsense? I know that you are also collecting steadily.”

In fact, the Blue Dragon Tower is where Lee Han brought in supplies and lived
without being hungry.

On the other hand, the Black Turtle Tower students were able to bring their own
food even though many of them threw them into the mountains.

Purchased by Blue Dragon Tower.

If white tiger tower is hunting...

The Black Turtle Tower is using all sorts of methods such as gathering, farming,
trading, and hunting!

Even if there are no luxury items or luxury items such as the Blue Dragon Tower,
it would be more than just the incoming food.

“The warehouse was blown away by a blizzard...”


Unlike Lee Han, who could store most of the small-sized preserves, seasonings, and
spices in the common room, the Black Turtle Tower students used the outside storage
a lot.

Various operations such as smoking and pickling were carried out, but it was
impossible to do it in the break room.

Of course, such warehouses had the weakness of being vulnerable to such a


“You should have been prepared for such a situation.”

'How to prepare for that...'

“Anyway, I know.”

Lee Han picked up the chest again and got up from his seat.

It was in vain to come this far, but there was nothing I could do about it.
"for a moment! for a moment! Wodanaj!”

“Don’t go!”

The Black Turtle Top students held onto Lee Han's collar and stretched.

Now, cold weather supplies were needed more than anyone else.

“Why are you doing this shit?”

Lee Han spoke colder than the blizzard outside.

“Other… is there any trauma? When I go out later, I use silver coins…”

"hey. Don't say nonsense. would that work? No matter how much money your family
has, your opponent is the Wodanaj family. I feel sorry for such an offer, so I
accepted it.”

Another friend was bruised by the words of the black tortoise top, who was next to
Salko, whom I met last time.

Ian paused.

“Which family are you from?”

“It’s from the Richmond family…”

Shiles, from the Richmond family, opened his mouth with a very embarrassed

Although it was a family that built wealth, one of the most prosperous in the
empire in the carriage business, the dignity of the family was determined not by
the gold of the family, but by the history that the family had built up.

From that point of view, the Wordanaj family, one of the most noble families in
the Empire and a master of magic, had a reputation that Shiles did not dare to

'No, this child.'

Ian was not funny.

If you have a lot of money in the house, you will write it on your forehead.

“You come from a very good family.”

“Are you kidding me, Wodanaj?”

“Does my face look like a joke?”

Lee Han's cold, statue-like face had the effect of putting pressure on the
opponent even when he was still.

Shiles was a little confused.

“I’m not going to give it away. I'll pay it back later when I'm on vacation."

"What? Really? Are you okay though?”

"of course. You can trust the Richmond family.”


Shiles looked at Lee Han with a moved expression.

There was no way Lee Han, who was from the Wodanaj family, coveting silver coins,
and it was clear that he cared about Shiles' feelings.

What kind of warm respect you show in front of other friends.

Is this the quality that only the great aristocrats have?

“Thank you so much...”

“Sign it.”

“Ah, yes.”

Lee Han passed the box.

I couldn't find food, but when I sold it at such a high price, my heart felt warm.

“Did you come to Wodanaj?”

Outside the snow house, Nelia poked her head out.

“Help me convince you!”

“Nelia… that’s unreasonable. Dangerous."

“Oh, it’s really not that dangerous!”


Nilia came in, beating her chest as if frustrated.

Wearing skins of various animals to protect against the cold, and snowshoes made
from vines and branches under her shoes, Nilia exuded the aura of a professional.

“What persuasion are you talking about?”

“I’m going to go hunting now, but everyone is stopping me.”

"Nelia... Anyway, going hunting in this weather..."

“Good idea. let's go."

"right? Look! Wodanaj agrees!”


The friends looked at Lee Han in amazement.

What are you doing to dry?

* * *
“Food does not fall from the sky just by being still.”

“That’s what I mean. Wodanaz. After all, non-hunters know that meat falls from the
sky! But Wodanaz. Can you put the fire aside?”

"ah. sorry."

Nelia felt the heat and spread the distance. The firepower of the flames Lee Han
launched around him was too strong.

Lee Han admired the sight of Nelia moving lightly on the thick snow.

I wasn't from <Shadow Patrol> for nothing.

“Isn’t a blizzard like this from the Shadow Patrol?”

"no. It's okay. It's rare for something like this to happen."

"indeed. Still, it's great that you've made it through the road like this. It's a
bad situation with no other Shadow Rangers."

Ian was amazed.

Like a skilled hunter and ranger, Nelia was serving as a proper guide.

The mountain, where the heavy snow fell, became a completely different space than
usual, and if you put your mind to it a little, it changes without knowing where it

However, Nilia did not hesitate to find a way and made it.

What a great skill...

"no. It’s a lot more comfortable.”

Nelia looked at Lee Han as if she was saying something nonsense.

I was walking with a flame floating around me, clearing my sight, and warming
myself up, but what a poor situation.

If other hunters had heard of it, they would have said, 'Wow, hunting is easy'.

“By the way, I thought you would stop Wodanaz.”

"ah. Of course I wanted to go after the snow had subsided, but I had no choice.”


“You have to take a class from tomorrow, don’t you? We should collect it over the


Nelia flinched.

In fact, I must have passed all the midterm exams and it was going to rain
heavily. I was thinking that it might be okay to take a break once or twice in
class using that as an excuse.
“Lecture… If it’s an emergency like this, isn’t it okay to skip at least once?”

“What nonsense are you joking, Nelia?”


Nelia turned her head and pouted her mouth out of sight.

That's why senior!

For a moment, Nelia's long ears perked up.

“There is something. It looks like a spirit or a monster...”

“Can you tell them apart?”

“It’s not easy.”

Due to the blizzard, the field of vision was shortened, and it was not easy to
distinguish between spirits and monsters in a situation where the magic of nature
ran wild.


"uh? Why are you running away?!”

"...a spirit."


“How do you know... huh? Are you a real spirit? how did you know?"

“When they see me and run away, they are usually spirits.”



An awkward silence lingered for a moment.

Nelia said hesitatingly.

“...You don't have to have a spirit to be a good wizard! And Wodanaj, you have a
lot of other friends!”

'I have no talent for comfort.'

Lee Han thought so, but nodded.

My friend gave me sincere consolation, but I couldn't complain about that.

“Wordanaz. Would you like to come over and go ahead?”


“There’s something over there, let’s check if it’s a spirit or not.”

Lee Han looked at Nelia with sad eyes.

Either that or not, Nilia beckoned without noticing.

"hurry! You should check it out!”

'That's why the hunters.'

Lee Han grumbled inwardly and moved on.

* * *

Basically, the heavy snow was not good weather for hunting.

However, seasoned hunters were able to track their prey even under these


Lee Han was surprised to see Nelia catching another rabbit.

“When it snows suddenly, even the animals are startled and bewildered.”

“Really… it seems like it ran in a unique way when it just ran over the snow, can
you show it again?”

Nylia took great pride in being a native of the Shadow Rangers.

That's how much I wanted to talk about Shadow Patrol and Hunters when talking to
my friends.

- This bread is really dirty and tasteless.

-oh. But I guess it's better than the bread I ate when I was alone in the
mountains before? The bread I ate at that time was really bad. It was bread left
behind by a hunter who came to the cave, but mold and bugs...

- Whoops. Nelia...!

...Of course, these attempts were not very successful.

As much as that, Wodanaj's respect and interest made Nelia happy, but...



"I love talking about Shadow Rangers... and I'll be sure to answer any questions
you ask... Let's talk later!"


Nelia accurately knocked down the fleeing deer.

Now, the question that Wodanaj posed was exactly the 17th.

'How do I pick and shoot a bow?' 'How to track prey when it snows?' 'How to hide
your presence...' and so on.
At first, Nelia was excited and explained.

If your friend is curious, why not explain it?

Lee Han also took notes and learned one by one.

But Nelia had forgotten one thing.

The friend next to me is a madman who wants to take all the classes at the magic

'No matter how much it is!'

When the 17th question came, Nelia also had a dry mouth and a sore throat.

“Can’t you just answer this?”


Neilia couldn't refuse a friend's request for a while, but her ability to refuse
was increasing while working with Lee Han.


“I think this is enough.”

"Is not it?"

After dismantling her last prey, Nilia washed her hands in the snow.

Lee Han melted the snow around him with fire, boiled it and put it in a bucket of

'It would be nice to get used to the flames even a little.'

Nelia looked at it and borrowed water with a look of embarrassment.

Magic is handy!

Do freshmen come all the way here in this kind of weather? Dangerous. go back


Lee Han and Nelia turned their heads in surprise.

Surprisingly, there was nothing around.

But the voices kept coming. It was a soft and friendly voice.

It doesn't matter where I am. Dangerous. go back

'I don't know who he is, but he has a personality that ranks in the top 5% of

Those who told the student to return because it was dangerous were more likely to
be basically friendly.

“I don’t know who you are, but we need something to eat.”

I don't know why Einroguard starves young students... but it's still dangerous. go
back This weather is man-made and will not sink easily.

In response to the friend's friendly attitude, Lee Han took a more active

In the magic school, such opponents were rare. You should get help when you can.

“Can’t you show me? I would like to meet you and talk with you.”

Seeing me wouldn't be good for you guys.

The voice warned without loss of courtesy.


My scent is too toxic for freshmen, and it will make them intoxicated.

'What kind of race?'

From the opponent's warning, Lee Han guessed that the opponent's race was quite

If it were a race that could make people around you drunk with just its scent...?

“But I will be fine.”

“Wordanaz. Isn't that too reckless?"

Nelia whispered.

I was worried for nothing at the serious warning of my opponent.

From the looks of it, I don't think he's a weak opponent at all...

"it's okay. Nelia.”


"okay. But I think you might be a little dangerous, so I think it would be better
to stay away from it.”


Nelia looked at Lee Han with a very worried look.

Are you really okay?

* * *

Gandharva, with the wings and legs of a bird, was easy to confuse with the bird
beast, but it was a completely different race.

The difference is that Gandharva's body exudes an intoxicating scent.

Gandharva was a race closer to the spirit bloodline than the beast.

Gandharva, who spoke to Lee Han, was a guardian-like being who had been staying in
the nearby rocky grass underground cave for a long time and managing it so that
there was no accident.

As such, the wizards approaching this way had no choice but to get bored.

'That's why they are wizards!'

Gandharva was revealed by wiping off the heavy snow on the entrance to the
underground cave.

Then, a strong scent enveloped Lee Han.

No matter how strong alcohol is, an inexperienced wizard will never be able to
withstand it...

“Nice to meet you. My name is Lee Han.”

Lee Han greeted politely. Gandharva was perplexed.

Without giving him time to settle his embarrassment, Lee Han continued to ask.

“What is your name by any chance?”

...Call me the owner of the Rockgrass Cave.


This time, Lee Han was surprised.

If it's a rock pool...

-Rockpool Underground Cave (be careful with cave owners)

Isn't that one of the ways out of Einrogarde that Professor Lightning Walk told

'You look very fine, don't you?'

To be honest, Gandharva in front of me felt more kind than the professor.

“Were you the owner of the Rockgrass Cave?”

Do you know the rocky cave?

For a moment, Gandharva's face contorted and radiated a powerful force.

Lee Han answered calmly without any embarrassment.

“I saw your name in the library.”

Are you sure you're not trying to go through a cave?

“Am I talking? What is outside the cave?”

Lee Han took off the shichimi.

Nelia, who was listening from behind, had no change in her expression to the point
of being deceived.

if not, it was Don't even pay attention to the rock pool cave.
“Can I tell you something?”


“Wizards are basically curious people, so if you just tell them not to pay
attention to them, they might be interested. If you explain why you shouldn't care,
wizards will understand and won't care."

Gandharva thought for a moment at Lee Han's words.

The freshman's words were more plausible than expected.

It could be... it could be.


The rocky cave is very dangerous.

“How specifically is it dangerous?”


Nelia stared at Lee Han from behind, as if wondering what she was doing.

Are you sure you're not doing this to get in?

Due to the conflict between the great magics, different realms overlapped and the
road became unstable.

Nelia heard it with Lee Han, but she didn't understand it at all.

'What are you talking about?'

“Indeed... Then I wouldn't be able to touch it easily. The magical powers must be
intricately intertwined, and different dimensions are overlapping...”

That's right.


Nelia threw her eyes mixed with betrayal.

'Is it an area where there was a serious magic accident?'

Wizards are basically those who think big.

The reason why the heavy snow is falling around here right now was because of Mage
High School.

The rocky grass cave located underground was also clearly the area where such a
magic high had occurred.

Due to the conflict between the great magics, the flow of magic is messed up, and
other dimensions like the spirit world are mixed...

Lee Han finished the memo.

The guardian of the cave tells you not to go in, but the other professors come and
go when they are bored.

There must be a way through the road.

"thank you for telling me. I won't even go into the rocky cave."

Thank you! You are really different from other wizards. It will definitely be a
huge success.

Gandharva was pleased with Lee Han's understanding.

I was worried because the students who kept finding this way pointed their heads,
but I was really happy.

Is there anything I can do to help? Did I say there wasn't enough food before?

"Yes. and..."

“There are not enough clothes to wear. It's so sudden cold. Everyone is trembling


Nelia was also puzzled.

Are you rich in fabric...?

I'm sure it's like that too.

“There are not enough potions. I couldn’t even get the ingredients because of the

Gandharva was truly heartbroken at Lee Han's words.

I'll take care of it!

* * *

“…weren’t you going hunting?”

The friends were astonished by the cart pulled by Lee Han.

Even the masters of hunting could not come to hunt for potions or coats, let alone
well-packaged food.

Yoner made a realized expression and whispered softly.

“Did you hunt down the professor’s workshop?”

“…it’s a novel idea, but it’s not.”

Lee Han organized the items he had brought with his friends.

It seemed like I could somehow spend this week or so.

I was worried about what would happen if it was long, but...

'Let's think about that then.'

Lee Han was seriously considering going back to the cave and asking for it.

The other person was kinder than expected.

'I should visit regularly.'

“Are you ready?”

"depart! Everyone, come to your senses and follow me!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students, wearing tight coats and tying each other with
ropes, began to walk through the snow under Lee Han's direction.

Although they had a sad expression on their faces, the place they were headed was
the main building of the magic school.

It was time for a Monday morning lecture.

"Huh... heh heh."

"Wake! You must not fall!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students barely managed to enter the main gate, pulling each

It was the same cold inside the main building, but even without the blizzard and
strong wind, it seemed that I would live better.


Professor Garcia looked at the students sitting in the classroom and looked very

How did you come to this school?

'Aren't you even halfway here?'

Lee Han was surprised to see the numbers in the classroom.

No matter what, these kids are absent from school...

“Professor Verdus. May I ask for the topic of today's Enchantment Magic lecture to
prepare for the cold?”

Professor Garcia asked the Beaver Beast Professor who was standing next to him.

Originally, it was supposed to be a time to explain what enchantment magic is,


Looking at the half-frozen students now, the cold preparedness seemed much more

"why? Why?”


“The freshmen are stupid, so they can’t even teach you?”

“Still, if you tell me how to do it, one or two people will be able to keep trying
and succeed.”

"no. I can’t do it because I’m stupid.”

“I say do it.”

Professor Garcia smashed the corner of the classroom table with the force of his

Professor Verdus was immediately convinced.

“I will! I must!”

'In front of Professor Garcia, I have to be really careful about my behavior.'


“Enchanting magic is really fun.”



The students, who were still half frozen by the cold, were a little perplexed by
the words of Professor Beaver.


“Now then, the enchantment magic to prepare for the cold…”


"professor? Uh, is that all about enchantment?”

The students were more confused by Professor Bible's attempt to get right to the

The professors who have come to teach me about new magic usually start with
something like, 'What kind of magic is this field of magic, how is it used in the
Empire, how promising is it...'

However, Professor Bible tried to get straight to the point without any of that.

Can I do this?

"why? You said it all.”

“What kind of magic is that… enchantment… how is it used in the Empire and how
does it apply to other magic?”

One of the white tiger top students raised his hand and asked.

Professor Bible responded kindly.

“Find it on your own. ruler. So you can prepare for the cold…”

The students were more interested in enchantment magic than expected.

This was especially the case with the students at the White Tiger Tower.

Whether directly strengthening the body or strengthening the equipment,

enchantment magic was a very useful magic for the knights.

And it wasn't just the White Tiger Tower students, the other tower students were
also interested in the enchantment magic itself so useful...

'I think the professor is a little crazy.'

'Actually, so do other professors.'

'I can't not learn... I was going to learn enchantment magic...'

- Lee Han student. Lee Han student.

Professor Garcia cast telepathic magic and sent a message to Lee Han.


-Student Lee Han, please help me.


Ian was perplexed.

I'm a freshman too!

'Honestly, isn't this the job of a professor or a student of a professor?'

But Ian nodded.

The corner of the school table that Professor Garcia had just smashed caught his

'You're a really good student.'

Professor Garcia, who did not notice Lee Han's fear, was simply moved.

How did such a good student come to Einroguard...

'Ugh. It won't be easy.'

At the request of Professor Garcia, Lee Han fell into thought.

In fact, he was a good professor as long as he answered questions well.

And Professor Vible Verdus was, of course, a madman.

Lee Han, who was worried, devised a strategy.

"professor. Can enchantments be cast in the same way on living and non-living

"What? no! What are you talking about? Of course not.”

Professor Bible responded to Lee Han's words as if he was saying something.

“Why not?”

“Yeah, of course…”

Professor Biblé began to chatter eagerly.

When casting an enchantment on a living being, you always have to worry about the
reaction, and the number of enchantments that can be cast is limited...


“Why are you asking that? You never know.”

"sorry. professor."

"ruler. Then prepare for the cold…”

“But, Professor. I've heard that if you learn enchantment, you'll starve to

"What!? no! Don't die!"

Professor Bible jumped up and rebutted.

“Isn’t it?”


Professor Garcia felt a similar feeling of shivering at the sight of Professor

Vible, who was struggling to refute.

It was truly genius.

As if you were born to be a disciple...

'...I think it's not good.'

* * *

"Whew! I wasted my time needlessly because of you!”

"sorry. professor."

Professor Bible grumbled, but the students looked more relaxed.

Ah, the enchantment magic was like this!

“Let’s get into the cold preparation. Originally, you couldn't learn the
enchantment magic to prepare for the cold."


One white tiger tower student asked.

Professor Bible replied as if asking why he was asking an obvious fact.

“Because it’s stupid.”


“Your freshmen should start with paper-enhancing magic.”


Lee Han was taken aback by Professor Biblé's words in a different way.

'I made you make magic firecrackers right away, didn't you?'

Are students discriminated against?

"professor! Aren't you ignoring us too much!"

One student from the White Tiger Tower, who couldn't stand it, exploded.

The students who overcame the hellish midterm period had a little bit of unfounded

Still, it was too impulsive. My friends next to me were startled and inhaled.

“Aren’t you ignoring me?”


The professor's reaction exceeded everyone's expectations.

“Are you just telling the truth? Wodanaz. it is not so?"


Lee Han pretended not to see Professor Bible talking to him suddenly.

I don't know!

“Anyway, I have to prepare for the cold, so I have to teach you.”

Professor Bible swung his wand.

A well-groomed leather appeared from the air. The professor cast a spell on the


"ruler. try."

“…Professor Verdus. At least do it while memorizing the order, please...”

Professor Garcia finally couldn't stand it and opened his mouth.

* * *

<Less Cold Resistance>.

A magic that temporarily grants the power to resist cold to a target non-living

It was a magic that was quite familiar to Lee Han.

This is because the last time I was making magic firecrackers, I forcibly learned
the <Lesser Fire Resistance> magic from Professor Vible.

the problem is...

'...this is the 3rd circle magic...'

First-year students usually learn 1~2 circle magic, but the first time they meet,
they teach 3rd circle magic.

It was the best way to make people lose interest in enchantment magic.

“Leather, push the cold away!”

“Leather repels cold!”

However, as always, the harsh environment of Einroguard made the students strong.

Surprisingly, some students succeeded in magic.

Strictly speaking, of course, it was not a complete success.

Because the enchantment spell was a failure if it did not realize as much as the
original magic effect.

The leather enchanted by the students felt only a faint warmth.

Still, it was amazing to see such achievements on the first day of learning.

Considering the school is full of cold, it's amazing...

"professor! How is it?"

“What cold resistance is this! If I wear it out, I will freeze to death!”


Lee Han saw Professor Garcia's fists clenched.

Professor Garcia took a deep breath to regain composure.

At this point, all the students who were gifted and interested in enchantment
might have run away.

“Student Lee. I'm sorry, but I'll ask you one more time. Can you help some other
top friends?”

"professor. I haven't mastered <Lesser Cold Resistance> yet.”

Lee Han looked at Professor Garcia with a puzzled expression.

I couldn't even wield a wand because I was explaining the tricks of enchantment to
my friends next to me...

“Try it.”

“…Leather, push the cold away!”


It was enchanted exactly on the leather. Professor Garcia nodded his head as if he
knew it.

"ruler. Now, please help the other friends.”

"...professor. I was lucky enough to do this all at once, because I first learned
the <Lesser Fire Resistance> magic.

Lee Han resisted timidly and stood up.

For some reason, it was quite embarrassing.

after an hour.

Thanks to the efforts of Professor Garcia and Han Lee, by the end of the lecture,
several students were quite close to completion.

Of course, Professor Bible did not give any praise.

“It’s okay if you can’t. I can't help it. I'm not talented and I'm stupid, but how
can I do it? That's even weirder. it's okay."


It was still cold, but the students became more gloomy.

Professor Bible said without hesitation.

“Buying magic is fun, so students who want to learn should come. got it?"


"thank you..."

Lee Han wondered how many people would visit Professor Vible's workshop.

'Maybe I'm not the only one who hears it.'

“Student Lee Han.”

When the lecture was over, Professor Garcia said hesitatingly.

“Is it okay if I ask you just one thing?”

“What kind of request are you talking about?”

“Can you help some other top friends like I taught you before? In my heart, I want
to do it, but... no, the principal won't allow it.”

'Didn't you just say dog?'

Lee Han looked at Professor Garcia's good-natured expression.

Needing to help the naughty friends who tremble and spread rumors just by
approaching them.

I really didn't want to, but...

"Yes. I will.”

Lee Han answered immediately.

Professor Garcia looked at Lee Han with emotion.

The professor didn't notice that Lee Han was glancing at his fist.

'Well. You crushed the school table with that hand earlier.'

"Thank you very much! Lee Han student. I will repay you somehow.”

“How much grace do you expect from the professor?”

“Student Lee Han is really…”

Professor Garcia's eyes reddened.

Instead, Einroguard is such a good disciple...

* * *



“Stop making noises every time you swing your cane.”

Lee Han looked at the white tiger top friends with an annoyed expression.

Now, the White Tiger Tower friends were learning <Lesser Cold Resistance> from Lee

I heard Professor Garcia explain the situation, but that didn't mean that my fear
went away immediately.

The White Tiger Tower students twitched every time Lee Han wielded his staff.

"ruler. Look. The magic structure of <Lesser Cold Resistance> is basically like

Lee Han drew the direction of the movement of magic on the paper with a quill. A
complex magical circuit was drawn.

“Did you understand?”

"understood. Wodanaz.”

“This part, this part, this part is the part omitted by imagery.”

Keywords such as 'cold', 'resistance', and 'grant' were solved to some extent with
just the image of a wizard, without the need to implement them by moving mana

The magic would be several times more complicated to solve them by moving their
magical powers one by one.

“Isn’t it important to get used to the rest of these parts over and over again?”


“Then repeat it now.”




“Uh… any other tricks?”

Still, they were the students of the White Tiger Tower, hoping that Wodanaj, who
came from a master of magic, would give an ingenious secret to moving magical
powers in detail, or a secret that made the imagination stronger.

“There is no such thing. If you do, you will grow.”

“But if you repeat it like that, your magic power will be exhausted immediately.”



The White Tiger Tower students stared at Lee Han.

“Ugh. okay. It cannot be repeated.”

“Wordanaz. I wish I could give you some tips on how to move magic. During this
process, when you move the staff, doesn’t the magic power disperse or disperse?”

“Is that so? I didn't.

“…Wordanaz. Wasn't it twisted when you concentrated your magic in this area?"

“I don’t think it was…”


Even more brutal than before, the students from the White Tiger Tower stared at
Lee Han.

That's why geniuses!

“Wordanaj, are there any parts that you were stuck while learning?”

“Of course it is.”

“Oh… what? tell me.”

The students looked at them with curious eyes.

Where the hell did that Wodanaj bastard get stopped?

“There have been times when magic was amplified too much by drawing too much magic
power when moving it.”
“So what happened?”

“The magic is too strong.”

“...why is that blocked?”


Let's look at the fiercest eyes among the eyes the White Tiger Top students showed
today, and Lee Han thought that he should explain in more detail.

“You might be wondering why the problem is that the magic is so strong. But this
is a bigger problem than we thought.”

In fact, the enchantment magic on non-living things was not too dangerous even if
the magic was too strong.

Even if it fails due to excessive magical power on the way, there are few cases
where it is very dangerous or side effects occur.

At best, most of the cases ended up being destroyed or something.

And it didn't really matter if the duration was longer or the effect was

But other magics were much more dangerous.

What could be the reason for Lee Han to be careful about elemental fire magic
right now?

It was because he was able to cast a wide area of fire around the moment he missed
magical control once while casting magic.

"got it? It is dangerous to draw too much magic power.”

“…that, that’s right.”

“But I don’t know what that has to do with us.”

'Those who have neither blood nor tears.'

Lee Han groaned inwardly.

It's not their problem, they're acting like that.

Also, there were many rude people from the knight family.

* * *

“Anyway, thank you. Wodanaz.”

“It seems to be going well thanks to you.”

At the end of the additional lecture, the White Tiger Tower students expressed
their gratitude.

It wasn't a polite thing to say, but because it actually worked.

There was no perfect success, but in fact, 70-80% of the effect was sufficient.

Even if that was enough, I was able to block the cold by putting on a cloak or

The students gathered at the seat thought to themselves.

'But how did you succeed?'

I also thought to myself.

'It's amazing. How the hell did these children learn?'

Lee Han-do and the White Tiger Tower students felt it too.

That Lee Han's teaching doesn't really help much!

As Lee Han did, Lee Han wanted to say, 'Why can't these children move so quickly
and quickly?', and the students of White Tiger Tower wanted to say, 'How the hell
does this crazy bastard move his magical power like that?'

Nevertheless, by the end of the additional lectures, some students had succeeded.


“Isn’t it because you don’t want to lose to Wodanaj’s son?”

“I wish it could be that simple… it could be.”

The White Tiger Tower students murmured.

"okay. I think it's over. Let’s all practice magic hard.”

"i get it."

“Isn’t an hour a day enough?”

One of the students opened his mouth without thinking. Then, Lee Han looked at him
as if he was talking bullshit.

“What nonsense are you talking about for an hour of practice a day?”

“…two, two hours?”

“What nonsense are you talking about to practice for two hours a day?”


'Isn't that crazy?'

The students at the White Tiger Tower were instantly moved by goosebumps.

You're not from the Wodanaj family for nothing!

'Isn't two hours a day enough?'

“Those who don’t think they’re doing enough never improve their skills.”

The white tiger top student who found out his heart was astonished.

“Anyway, it’s up to you guys to figure it out…”

Lee Han put the chest he had brought from the tower down on the floor.


“I brought some fabric to prepare for the cold.”

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

The white tiger top student reached out to the chest. Ian nodded coldly.


“Where is the freebie? Bring something to exchange.”


Didn't you just do it?

“I don’t have any money.”

“Bartering is enough. Food, tools, artifacts, etc. I'll exchange anything if it's
worth it."

“We don’t have anything like that…”

Lee Han looked at the white tiger tower students with contemptuous eyes.

It was the first time in my life that I had received such a gaze as they were all
from a knight family.

The first feeling of humiliation enveloped the students of the White Tiger Tower.

“Sleep, wait! trauma? I heard from the Black Turtle Towers, but I heard that they
also gave you trauma?”

“Trust you guys and traumatize them?”

Lee Han said as if he was talking nonsense.

“I promise on the honor of the family!”

Angro spoke firmly, but Lee Han was sullen.

'If you go to the families of these children to get money, they will attack you.'

In the eyes of Lee Han who was about to refuse, Durgyu, who was beckoning
desperately from behind, entered.

- Please take it!

Even though Angago looked like that, he had great pride as a knight.

What if Richmond of the Black Turtle Tower also received a promise under the name
of the family, but Angro did not receive it?
He probably slept sniffing in his room for days.

"...okay. i get it."


Angro let out a sigh of relief involuntarily.

To be honest, I was a little worried that Lee Han would refuse.

'When I visit that guy's family later, I'll have to take Durgyu with me.'

* * *

The sky seemed to think that Lee Han, who had been around all morning to help
other friends, was also wonderful, and the blizzard started to stop in the

Professor Lightning Walk, who appeared in thicker clothes than usual, kicked his
tongue as if he was sorry to see the students shivering from the cold.

“How did I get into a magic school like this…”



"done. Originally, I was going to show you the advanced techniques that you can do
on horseback today...”


Professor Lightning Walk opened our door. A lizard big enough to burn three people
from inside crawled out.

The color of the leather was similar to snow, so it was hard to tell if it was in
the snow.

“It’s a snow lizard. Acquaintance?"

Some people from cold regions, including Nelia, raised their hands. Professor
Lightning Step nodded his head.

"He's quite famous in the cold."

snow lizard.

It was a monster that was often used as a mount in cold places thanks to its
strong resistance to cold and its unique tenacious stamina.

Of course, it wasn't the only advantages.

“It is difficult to tame because of its small number and difficult to find, and
above all else, it is difficult to tame because of its filthy nature … but it is
worth taming. Today's lesson is to get acquainted with this guy. Divide each one
into towers.”

When the students were divided among the top graduates, Professor Lightning Walk
released three more snow lizards.

“Don’t lend me until the snow stops. Be friendly.”


The students were surprised by the professor's words. Professor Lightning Walk
stole under his nose with a shy expression.

“I have nothing to be thankful for. I can do this for my disciples.”

'You don't seem to be very grateful.'

Ian thought to himself.

The faces of the friends were bewildered and confused, not grateful.

Even the most experienced hunters in the North said, 'No, you're lending such a
precious beast?'

“Wordanaz. Wodanaz.”


“I didn’t expect to see such a precious monster. Professor, isn't it great?!"

Nelia whispered without noticing. Lee Han nodded her head and answered.

“I understand the feeling, but I think it would be better not to show it in front
of friends.”

Blue Dragon Tower students surrounded the snow lizard.

The snow lizard rolled its eyes and looked around, and as soon as students
approached it, it fired a snowball.


"Ouch! This child!”

It had been a while since he was released from the punishment room, and when he
was hit with a snowball by a snow lizard, Guy Nando was moved to tears.


“Stop it, Gainan too! We need to tame him!”

“You know how useful that guy is?!”

Asan beats Guynando.

If what you read in the book is true, the snow lizard will be a huge help in
overcoming this climate crisis.

A strong stamina, a body that can easily carry a few students, a sense of finding
prey in the snow, etc.

“Don’t come too close, get close first!”

At the cry of Professor Lightning Walk, the students tried several methods.

Picking up prey you'd like (Gainando was in tears, who had lost his bloody meat),
lowered his stance and pretended to be a lizard (Asan tried and hit a snowball in
the face), and so on.

“Wordanaz. Can't you go out?"


Ian hesitated.

Originally, I would have listened to my friends' requests, but...

'I don't think there will be a very good response.'

Just like the last time he was walking around the snowy mountains, Lee Han was
basically not good at making friends with living things.

So even now, I deliberately didn't approach and kept some distance...

'Aren't you afraid to run away if you approach?'

If it ran away, it would be a disaster, if it ran into a runaway, it would be a

catastrophe. Lee Han said, biting his tongue.

"great. Instead, surround them all and create a siege.”


“What… what are you going to do? Are you sure you don't want to kill me?"

* * *

Black Tortoise Tower, Richmond's Horse Beast student Shiles was very proud of his

Naturally, he was proud of the skills passed down to his family.

In order to run a carriage business in a vast empire, it was not enough to handle
only horses. He had to be able to handle all kinds of monsters according to the
terrain and environment.

'This is an opportunity.'

Shiles thought he was lucky to have this lecture, where he had to tame the snow

Somehow, he couldn't stand out in the mount training lecture, but it was Shiles
himself who had to show his best form in the first place.

"ruler. follow me all! Because I have tamed a snow lizard!”


“Yes, Nelia! Have you ever been like that? Then you will help me…”

"I've been caught..."

“…Come on, follow me. all!"

Shiles worked hard to coach his friends.

The first way to get acquainted with the snow lizard.

It was to imitate the behavior of a snow lizard.

Other top students tried once or twice and got rejected, but that was because the
attempt was clumsy and not sincere.

“You really have to follow me! You should think I'm a snow lizard! Keep your eyes
in your mouth!”

“I… do I have to do this?”

“Who’s complaining that Shiles is helping out like this!”

As if he felt Shiles' sincerity, Salco yelled at his friends and followed him
harder than anyone else.

All Black Turtle Tower students crawled on all fours and rolled over the snow.

Even Professor Lightning Walk was amazed.

'There was a guy with tricks.'

At first glance, it looked funny, but that was the norm.

In order to become a good explorer, you must know and understand all the types of
countless different monsters.

“Spit out your eyes! Stick out your tongue!”

Creek. Creek.

"done! He recognized us! You can come closer now!”

The Black Turtle Tower students burst into cheers.

Seeing that, Professor Lightning Walk smiled.

The pace was faster than expected. It was thanks to everyone's hard work and
sincere approach.

'ruler. What are the others doing...'

The Phoenix Tower students were also quite friendly, but they seemed too shallow.
It was blowing snow with its tail as if a snow lizard was playing a game.

The students at the White Tiger Tower were having a fight with a snow lizard...

What is the Blue Dragon Tower?

“It is a miracle! Wodanaj has become friends with the snow lizard!”

"professor! The snow lizard recognized Wodanaj! Look here!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students cheered and called Professor Lightning Step.
'Did you become friends in the meantime? Too fast?'

Professor Lightning Walk looked at the snow lizard in surprise.

The snow lizard was trembling with only his eyeballs rolling, unable to move next
to Lee Han.

"...that's not friendly!"



“What do you mean?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Professor Lightning Step as if they were
talking about something.

- We're close!

That made Professor Lightning Step even more ridiculous.

“Look! Aren't you trembling!"

"uh? Weren't you shivering from the cold?"


Of course, making them listen with fear was one of the ways to tame them.

In case of an emergency, I didn't have time to get to know each other, so I had to
scare them to listen.

But now was not the time.

And if you tame it in that way in the first place, wouldn't the snow lizard run
away unconditionally when there is no limit?

They told me to hold out during the snowstorm, but if I lost it in one day, that
would be ridiculous.

“Be close like the students of the Black Turtle Tower over there. Stop being

“It’s strange… I thought we were friends.”

“Aren’t we friends?”

Despite the questions from the Blue Dragon Tower students, the snow lizard
hiccuped and rolled her eyes.

Professor Lightning Walk, who could not see it, shook his head and called for Lee

“You come here.”

“It’s not my fault, but…”

"know. But the world is sometimes unreasonable.”

Professor Lightning Walk also knew that Lee Han had done nothing wrong.

It wasn't Lee Han's fault that the snow lizard, which is sensitive to magical
powers, trembled with fear even if it approached him.

But the world is sometimes unreasonable.

Since this happened, Lee Han had to stay apart.

"sorry. Next time, don't bring monsters that are insensitive to magic."

"Five. Is there anything like that?”

“…not missing, but it may take some time to find it.”


Lee Han looked at his friends who were pretending to be snow lizards with a pale

Professor Lightning Walk comforted Lee Han as if he felt apologetic.

“But, isn’t it better not to do such ridiculous things?”

"professor. I hear everything.”

* * *

After the lecture, the students went back to the tower with the snow lizard they
became familiar with.

Papa Papa Papak!

The snow lizard made a way through the snow piled up like a mountain in an

Professor Lightning Walk was still a little sorry, so he took Lee Han to the hut.

“Don’t worry too much. You can't make friends with all monsters. Snow lizards are
timid and sensitive to magic. A monster with insensitivity to magical powers and
fearless will not be able to do this.”

“It’s not uncommon to see a guy like that…”

Professor Lightning Walk kicked his nephew's shin under the table. Professor
Thunderwalk bit his beard and screamed inwardly.

“Bring something or something.”


Professor Thundergalle opened the lid of the jar of milk, warmed it up, and then
mixed the tea.

With an expressionless face, Lee Han slipped the warm scones into the pocket of
his coat.
"The snow lizard's time won't last long. When the blizzard stops, there is nothing
to see.”

“When will it end? this week?"



The two professors hesitated.

Lee Han suddenly became anxious.

I don't think I'll have to go through the blizzard for the rest of the semester to
attend, right?

“Because it’s something the students have to solve.”

“…you are seniors, but why don’t you solve it well?”

“That’s um…”

The two dwarf professors continued to blur their words.

It seemed that Lee Han still believed that he was a senior, but the reality was a
little different.

As the grades went up, the students' skills improved.

And the quality and quantity of work that students have to do has increased.

What if there is a heavy snow accident at the school under such circumstances?

- There is a blizzard, but I'm not too bothered, so I'll take care of what I have
to do first and find out.

-It's a blizzard, but I'm okay with it, so I'll start with a magic experiment
today and think about it.

...there was a high probability that the same kind of procrastination would occur.

'no way.'

In the attitude of the two dwarf professors, Lee Han noticed an ominous sign.

'Are the seniors procrastinating?'

It's a human habit to procrastinate when it's something that's urgent.

When Lee Han realized the truth, he was furious.

'How irresponsible it was because a few graders had an accident!'

“Still, if we wait, won’t it be resolved someday?”

“What if not?”

"If not... Wouldn't it be better to just solve it yourself?"

“If you solve it yourself, the professor in charge will appreciate it highly.”

Lee Han was at a loss for words at the absurd sounds of the two professors.

How does a freshman deal with the high school students making an accident while
taking an exam?

“That’s what you call it now…”

"okay. From what I can see, it was a bit harsh.”

“Agree with you.”

Professor Thunderstep grumbled. Professor Lightning Step shrugged his shoulders

and said.

“But there is nothing wrong with what we said. If the seniors are lazy, there is
no other way than to solve it on their own.”

“Don’t really go out and try to solve it. I don't know what kind of accident the
high school students caused this to happen, but it won't be easy to solve."

Professor Thunderwalk warned me just in case.

I didn't look into it in detail, but if an accident like this was going to happen,
the magic would have to be quite large.

It was not something a freshman would try to solve.

“What do you think of me… do you think I am a person who would be reckless in such
a thing?”


“I see.”


Lee Han was slightly hurt by the reaction of the two Dwarf professors.

Why is this misunderstanding?


"okay. i get it. I'll trust you, so get some snacks and go home. Oh yeah. Even if
you go back to the tower, don't get too close to the snow lizard."

“And don’t be fooled by the reward. There is no reason to jump in to receive a

reward from the professor in charge. Just wait for the seniors to solve it.”

"ah. Because I know.”

Lee Han grumbled and opened the hut door.

The two dwarf professors muttered as they looked at their backs.

“Doesn’t it look like you’re going to jump in that way?”

“I think so.”
Already, to the two dwarf professors, Lee Han looked like a freshman who devoted
half of his life to magic.

Even if you say no, you will eventually take a step out of your search for magic!

'Should have dried more strongly...'

* * *


The students who had gathered for the additional lecture on black magic made fun
of quills in Professor Mortum's workshop.

Circle 2 magic <Summon Bone Restraints>, which is a higher version of Circle 1

Magic <Summon Bone Hands>.

And the other types of the first circle magic <Low Paralysis Curse>, <Low Silence
Curse>, <Level Dark War Curse>, <Less Fracture Curse>, etc.

It wasn't just that.

If you go to the poison series, there are several types of poison besides the
<Generating acid-gong poison>.

If you go to the summoning series, not only bones but also several undead summons.

Even though I hadn't learned the magic of the dark type, which is the essence of
negative energy, it was this much.

I could see Guy Nando's eyes spinning next to him. La Pad Lel also tied his head
and moaned.

“Collock. Of course, I am not teaching you to learn everything now.”

Gainando's face brightened.

“Collock. However, if you want to study black magic in earnest next year, it would
be better to master one or two of them perfectly. The world of black magic is so
wide that it requires selection and concentration.”

Gainando's face darkened.

“Collock… Ah. These idiots are supposed to make the school colder...”

Professor Mortum gave a nervous expression as he choked.

Lee Han suddenly became curious and asked.

“Do you know the reason for this accident, Professor?”

“Collock. okay. One of my students was involved in the accident.”


Lee Han had to try to manage his facial expressions at the moment.

There was nothing good about showing such a hateful expression for a senior at the
same studio.

“Really… how did such a tragic accident happen?”

“It’s because kids are only greedy.”

Professor Mortum gave a simple explanation to Kohlok University.

One major in black magic, one major in summoning magic (Elemental Spirit), one
major in ancient magic.

-I found a spirit spell in the ruins! It's incomplete, but if we restore it well,
the Imperial Summoning Academy will be our stage this year! I need your help,
expert in ancient magic!

- This looks like the Orlodel school style. black magic mixed Let's call a black
magic specialist.

- Did you call? for a moment. Isn't this summoning spell incomplete? What do you
call people with these things?

-don't worry. Completed the incomplete parts with replacement spells. look. Is it

-But in my opinion, as an expert in ancient magic, it still lacks strength. I

think it needs amplification. Use the amplification artifact. I have some research
funds left.

-for a moment.

-why? You don't mean to be reckless like a coward, do you?

- That's not it. If you're going to amplify it, let's also amplify the negative
energy. It looks like the spirit is a mixture of cold and darkness, but the
negative energy is so low that the balance seems dangerous.

-After all, he sang well in black magic. That's a great idea.



The freshmen who were present wanted to kill a senior they did not know.

Even Ymirg, the kindest person in this place, had a bitter eye.

Are you saying they have been struggling since this weekend because of these crazy

“Professor gives me a very prickly soul!”

“Collock. Already doing that. I'm telling you to fix it quickly, but it's not cool
at all."

Professor Mortum grumbled at Guynando's words.

At that sight, Lee Han's hatred suddenly subsided.

Of course, the other seniors could have been lazy, but it was clear that at least
the people involved were being bullied by the professors now.

Lee Han was not harsh enough to hate such poor people.

“Collock. okay. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take a look at the freshmen."

“What do you mean?”

Lee Han, who was forgiving alone, was the first to notice a dangerous sign.

“The site of an unsuccessful summons. It will help a lot.”

Professor Mortum was well aware that there were few students who wanted to learn
black magic.

It was also true that he was trying to teach the students the charm of black

Of course, I didn't know if such a thing would really show the charm of black
magic, but...

* * *

'It was like this.'

Professor Mortum pounded on the walls of the main building, opened the ceiling,
and sprinted through the main building in three dimensions without hesitation.

Lee Han wanted to memorize the path, but gave up. Seeing Professor Mortum
memorizing spells, it was not a path that Lee Han could find with his magical

“What floor is this?”

“Written, well…”

It has been a long time since freshmen have lost their sense of direction.

'The chill...'

Lee Han, who came out of the passageway, suddenly felt the chill of hell rushing

It was a cold season that was qualitatively different from the blizzard outside.

A chill that seems to spread with magical power itself having the attribute of

And the sound of the undead was heard.




Guy Nando hid behind Lee Han. Professor Mortum swung his staff, and his frozen
corpses melted away.
“Why are the undead wandering in the hallways of the main building?”

“Collock. This is because I summoned the wrong spirit.”

If the spirit was summoned with the correct procedure and process, this would not
have happened.

Due to incomplete spells, arbitrary interpretations that replaced them, and

amplification of artifacts and other things, what was summoned to this floor right
now was more like a runaway monster than a communicative spirit.

Even if it stands still, a monster that transforms the surrounding space into a
different dimension.

As the basic element is a spirit mixed with cold and darkness, it was only natural
for the undead to come out of the corridor space where the dimension melted.

“Can’t we just go inside and get rid of it?”

Lee Han admired Guy Nando's innocent question.

'If there were seniors around here, I'd listen to them and try to kill them.'

“Collock. That's right. Wait a minute.”

Professor Mortum took his wand and walked somewhere. It was the back face of a
professor trying to bully an ugly disciple.

Lee Han clicked his tongue like it was pity and looked at the other side of the

The strange sight of a mixture of frost and darkness was frankly spectacular.

'It's beautiful if it doesn't cause heavy snow all over the school.'

- Come in...


-Come in... you who want power...

Lee Han paused when someone telepathized from the other dimension of the hallway.

And then he cried.

"professor! Someone from within the dimension will tell you!”

-...What a coward!


In fact, Lee Han's choice was quite reasonable.

The corridor on this floor is now in a state of turbidity due to the runaway of
various anti-magic, relics, and spirits.

It was unknown what evil beings could trickle in and trickle in from within.

Of course, calling the professor without thinking about it for even a second was a
different matter!

You will regret it, little wizard. You'll need power!

“Sleep… wait. Isn't it worth it? Can't you hear what I'm giving you?"

Even Rapadel unintentionally agreed with Guynando's words.

Wouldn't the existence within me be able to give you something good?

'The school of magic is ruining the students.'

Lee Han lamented.

He pushes students harshly, so he's tempted by such a dubious proposal.

“Gainan too. When someone you don’t know makes a plausible offer, start by being

“Collock. well spoken.”

Professor Mortum, who ran, agreed with Lee Han.

There might be someone out there, but I shouldn't have been tempted by the offer.

Because other-dimensional beings, such as demons, could have come in wearing masks
and pretending to be good.

“Go away, you bastards!”


At Professor Mortum's spell, I could feel the presence of the inside of the
hallway quickly dissipate.

Gainando, who woke up late, nodded and said.

“Wow, indeed. sorry. professor. I will not be interested in such places in the

“Collock. Not that.”


“A place where other dimensions have been mixed in that way is a place that a
wizard cannot ignore, where he can acquire valuable knowledge.”

Not only demons and spirits, but also surreal beings from other dimensions whose
names are unknown.

These were beings who knew knowledge that wizards did not know.

Forgotten secrets and relics, spells and treasures could only be coveted as a

“It is so.”

“Collock. So you have to learn how to explore safely. Take this opportunity to
explore and come.”

Gainando doubted his ears.

Exploring where now the frozen undead crawl out, where the frigid frost
periodically pulsates, and where the demonic howl seems to have just been heard?

“Collock. If you look inside, you can learn a lot.”

Professor Mortum said with pure good intentions.

Sometimes, a single experience is more powerful than a few hundred words.

A part of the area that makes up the inside of that hallway is a place made up of
black magic.

If freshmen witness such a place up close, they will be able to feel the wonders
of black magic even stronger.

'I was also anxious from the time I brought it.'

Professor Mortum's staff was swung and protective magic was cast. said the
professor who was ready.

“Collock, Cologne. Divide into two and walk one lap. Don’t get lost.”

Gainando said hurriedly.

“I… I want to go with Lee Han.”

“I will go with Ymirg.”

At Guynando and Rapadel's words, Professor Mortum tossed a coin.

“Wodanaj and Ymirg walk to the left and come. cologne. You two start to the


Both Guynando and Rapadel had unfortunate results. The two set off with wrinkled

“Shall we go too?”

“Yeah, yes.”

* * *

Fortunately, because of the magic that Professor Mortum had cast, he never
approached the surroundings.

Lee Han moved slowly.

'You must never be vigilant.'

If there's one thing I've learned from Professor Voladi, it's to never be vigilant
at any moment.
Lee Han looked around with all possible vigilance.

In an instant, on the roadside where the frost was falling, the dead spirits
gathered and created flower buds.

The buds squirmed to bloom, and the ground beneath them began to shake.


Before Ymirg could even speak, Lee Han was already casting his magic.


Heavy water beads hit the ground. Lightning flashed over it and flames exploded.

The ground where something was about to happen became still.

Papa Papa Papak! Papa Pak!

However, Lee Han did not stop and continued to cast his magic. The frozen ground
was blackened and pitted.

“Wow… Wodanaj. I don't know what it is, but maybe he's already run away?"

Ymirg said hesitatingly.

To be honest, I was a little more scared of Lee Han than the one who just

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s not that it might be, but it sure seems like he ran away…”

Lee Han blew lightning for the last time. It was just in case.

“Does it seem like it’s gone?”


“Ymirg. I think it would be better to narrow the distance a bit. The effectiveness
of the protective magic that the professor has cast may be diminished.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Why are you being respectful?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

* * *

“Diret. Thank you so much."


“…Diret. Thank you so much again.”

“Look around.”

“…I’m sorry…”
A fourth-year, black magic major, Kohorti once again apologized to Dirette.

Because of the major accident that Kohorti and his friends had committed, he was
even called to Dirette, so he would have been outraged even if Koholti had been

“How long has it been since you came out of the punishment room?”

“I heard you say something from the professor.”

Kohorti was so exhausted that he had been tormented by Professor Mortum.

As a student studying black magic together and as a classmate, Dirett could

understand Koholti's mind better than anyone else.

"whatever. Look around.”

But that's it, and I'm so busy, I could never forgive myself for being called here
to help with the cleanup.

“Hurry in and get rid of it or run after it. School is full of snow because of

“Soon… I’ll be in soon.”

The way to solve the dimensional and environmental changes eroded by incomplete
summoning was surprisingly simple.

All you have to do is enter the realm and defeat the summoned one.

Even if all kinds of magic and phenomena are mixed, the nucleus will be the one
who has been summoned.

Of course, it was a simple way, not an easy way.

You have to break through a hallway full of monsters from another dimension and
defeat the angry spirit.

It was a difficult task for even a senior in magic school to come up with easily.

The wizards who had an accident made excuses while looking at Dirett.

“Now, little by little, I am draining the magic of the realm. The guys inside are
actually getting weaker.”

“If our calculations are correct, we will be able to enter in a little while.”

What the wizards were doing right now was to make holes in the hallway area and
let the magic leak out.

If the magic of the realm itself decreases, the power of the beings operating
within it will also decrease.

When the work is finished, it will be at a level that students can enter.

Dirett asked in a softer voice.

“How many hours will it take?”


“...maybe more than a day?”


“'s only been a few days, you accursed children. Aren't you going to talk

“A day… about a week?”

“Just go in and die! It took a week for how much magic was poured into the

“Mi, I’m sorry! Delete! Sorry!"

Dirett cursed and threw a phantom limb curse with his staff.

The leak didn't just happen.

In the meantime, shouldn't the seniors, including Dirett, continue to stand guard
to prevent the undead from coming out of the hallway?

It's been a week too!

“Ah! Delete! Please forgive!"

“D, Diret! Look over there! there!"

“Where did you get the fuss...”

Dirette turned her head.

Freshmen were walking slowly within the area.

"...ah. The professor brought you here.”

It was Dirett, who was almost overwhelmed by the surreal scene for a moment, but
soon understood the situation.

It was clear that Professor Mortum had brought the new students here to show them
this unusual sight.

In any case, it was a great spectacle in terms of black magic.

“Can a freshman go around a place like this?”

“Professor Mortum has put on a protective spell. It will be difficult for some
beings to approach.”

“But you are a freshman. Even if evil beings cannot approach, they may be afraid
and have an accident...”

As soon as the words were finished, one of the freshmen began to fire magic like

The Spirit Flower Banshee was beaten before it even appeared, and then hurriedly
went into the ground and disappeared somewhere.

“Horse, shouldn’t it be dry? A freshman will fall like that!”

At least it was obvious.

Loss of judgment due to fear, resulting in a magical rampage.

It was the most common mistake I made when I was a freshman.

It's fine now, but the moment when your magic power runs out...

"Leave it alone. Because it’s okay.”

However, Dirett knew that Lee Han had enough magical power, so he calmed down.

“Because that junior of the Wodanaj clan was born with magical powers.”

“That’s right.”

Pak! Papa Papa Papa Papak!


“…are you really okay?”

The high school students looked at Lee Han with bewildered eyes.

No matter how congenitally born, it seemed that it was time to fall down slowly.

Dirette was also a little nervous.

He knew that he had a lot of magical power, but Dirett wasn't sure how much

“Horse, I have to dry it, so that’s it!”

“It’s like the skeleton principal who is to be cursed…!”

Eventually, the anxiety spread to Dirett as well. Dirett prepared for a punishment
room and grabbed his wand.

As a senior learning black magic under the same teacher, I couldn't watch my
juniors fall.


However, to the extent that it made him feel embarrassed for his seniors making a
fuss, Lee Han casually returned to his original state.

After casting the last magic, he began to move again without a change in his


“Hey, what the hell are you doing?”

The seniors were not deceived by the name of the Wodanaj family.
Freshmen didn't have any experience, so they said, 'I guess it's because they're
from the Wodanaj family', but the seniors knew.

No matter how much he came from the Wodanaj family, at that age, that was an
incredible level of magic!

'Did Gaju do it with the dragon?'

'Have you made a contract with the devil at the cost of about a thousand lives?'

'Isn't the principal transformed into a freshman?'

“Diret. I came up with a good way. This method saves time!”

“How is it? I don't think they're trying to attract that freshman into the 4th
grade. Tell me."

“...that's right... my, please! Don't aim your cane, listen to me, Diret! Don't
curse! Don't curse! Because you only borrow magic power! Only magic!”

* * *

“Collock. How was it?”

“It was really touching and informative.”


Ymirg looked at Lee Han like a strange person.

'Why are your feelings so different after walking together?'

Ymirg felt like he was walking around a cemetery in the midst of a cold wave...

"I thought so."

Professor Mortum said happily.

If you were a wizard interested in black magic, you couldn't help but be impressed
by that warped dimensional realm.

“Collock. Let me know if you want to visit again next time. Maybe next time I will
get some valuable knowledge.”

"Yes. All right."

Lee Han responded by controlling his expression. Of course, I never thought I'd
come back.



Guynando and Rapadel came from opposite sides holding each other by the neck and
rolling around.

Both of them messed up with how much they quarreled.

Professor Mortum looked at it and clicked his tongue.

“Collock. To miss such a precious opportunity like that... Next time, Wodanaj, it
might be better for you to guide me.”

“Such rude bastards. The professor gave me a chance, but I threw it away because
we were fighting each other! Get your mind right and come back!”

"It's not going to happen... Kollock."

Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han with a slightly happy expression, though he was

He was also the most anticipated disciple among the freshmen.


As the two naughty pupils, who had lost the precious opportunity the professor had
given them, returned to look back at the twisted area, Lee Han greeted them

“Then, Professor. I have to attend tomorrow's lecture, so let's go in."

“Collock. Let it be.”

Lee Han sighed in relief.

will somehow survive.

'Until it's resolved, you shouldn't even go into this hallway.'

“It was a lot of trouble. Ymirg.”

“I… what did I struggle with?”

“It’s kind of strange, aren’t you being respectful from a while ago?”

* * *

Tuesday morning.

The snow lizards were making their way here and there.

Following the path created through the dug up snow, the students gathered together
and headed for their destination.

Lee Han also went to Gaksugwan to take an alchemy lecture with his friends.

“I’m really glad I didn’t do it outside.”

Lee Han nodded at Yonaire's words.

In fact, this was also a good thing for Professor Thunderwalker.

If you take a lecture outside in this kind of weather, more people will come to
visit Professor Thunderbolt after graduating.

The tower, which was used as an alchemy workshop, was warm from the air thanks to
the presence of several greenhouses.
“Weather like this is, in a way, lucky for an alchemist.”


The warm air froze at the professor's remarks.

The students, who were wiping away the snow from their hair, glared at Professor
Thunderwalking like a fool.

“Think. Materials that can only be obtained during heavy snowfall are so easily
available. Don't you think you're lucky?"

'Actually, this person was also a professor at the Magic School.'

Ian understood.

When it comes to alchemy, even Professor Thunderwalk was not a normal person.

“That… maybe.”

The students somehow tried to persuade Professor Thunderwalk.

It was a bit ridiculous, but the lecture hall at the Gaksukan was warm and cozy.

But the professor's next words shattered those expectations.

"ruler. I'll give you a list, so go outside and get as many as you can. Aren’t you
excited already when you think of the potions you can make?”

With the distorted faces of her friends, Lee Han was seriously worried about
whether Professor Thunderbolt would be okay later.

* * *

The students took an unwilling step as they read the thick list they had received
from the professor.

In contrast, Lee Han took a more realistic approach.

'Approach what seems easy to obtain.'

Rather than just wandering around and returning bare-handed, it was nice to fill
the basket with relatively easy-to-find items.

If everyone goes back empty-handed, Professor Thunderbolt is likely to vomit...

“Ice thistles, snow-flowers, and dwarf willows.”

Among the available ones, Lee Han prioritized the seemingly easy ones.

'I think I can save this much.'

It was a relatively easy-to-find material, such as icicles that climbed up through

the thick and hard snow.

Compared to materials that can only be obtained by breaking through the snow
accumulated during heavy snowfall, breaking the surface of the frozen lake, and
then diving into the water...
'no. Don't you have a conscience? How did you write how to get this?'

“Wordanaz. Let's go together."

The phoenix tower priests who became close talked to Lee Han. Since there was no
reason to refuse, Lee Han nodded his head.

“Is that so… ah. The genius successor of the Fleming Church, Priest Siana!”

“Such. Isn't it Han Lee of the Wodanaj family, the head of the alchemy midterm

Siana Priest said in a voice that blew cold, unlike the last time.



The phoenix tower priests were stuck in the middle and were at a loss for what to

Tigiling placed both index fingers behind his head. Anyone could tell that it
meant he was very angry.

'I'm sorry.'

I just studied hard, but I'm sure other friends will misunderstand me.

“But Priest Siana. The car seat was good...”

“Lee Han.”

Yoner poked and whispered softly.

“I am the second in alchemy. Siana Priest is third.”


Come to think of it, Lee Han and Yoner together robbed Professor Thunderbolt's

It was natural that Siana Priest was not at a disadvantage.

"sorry. Yonner. I neglected your skills.”

“What do you have with this? I also thought Siana Priest could see better than

The two Blue Dragon Tower students quickly finished the story. Lee Han changed his

'If the first place said that you did well in third place, you would be even more

“Professor Thunderstep is an excellent wizard, but you must have a weakness.”

“What kind of weakness is that, Lee Han?”

“The weakness of not being able to sit a fair test!”

It would have been unfair if Professor Thunderwalk had heard it, but many students
nodded at Lee Han's words.

To be honest, even in the eyes of the students, it was over the line for the
professor to remove the ingredients needed for the potion.

“If I had taken the test fairly, someone like Sia or a priest would have taken the

“It seems plausible. If I had done the exam properly, none of that would have

Lee Han and Yoner nodded their heads and talked.

But the words were conversations, and it was a voice telling Siana Priest to

In fact, Lee Han could see.

Siana's expression slowly loosening up!

“Priest Siana. We need to find materials, but there are a lot of shortcomings
between us. Could you please help...”

“Of course I have to help. Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family!”

Priest Siana held out her hand with a relaxed expression. Lee Han nodded his head
and shook hands.

Asan, who was next to him, murmured.

"uh. So, how old is the princess?”

Lee Han stopped shaking hands.

After all, there were even 3rd place in this place.


Yoner said it was fine.

“The Princess is not like Gainan, so she won’t really care.”

"is it?"


Ian was a little nervous.

'I must not run into a gang of princesses while collecting materials today.'

* * *

“It’s ice cream over there!”

“After all, Priest Siana!”

“After all, Priest Siana!”

Lee Han and Yoner clapped their hands together and clapped. Asan asked as if he
did not understand.

“It’s great, but why do you keep clapping like this every time?”

"Be quite."


Lee Han ordered Asan to crack down on him and prepared to dig up the icicles.

It also took considerable effort to dig up grass that was firmly established on
the snow.

“Dig it out.”

However, in the case of Lee Han, the story was different.

Lee Han cast the 1st circle magic, <Dig a Pit>.

It was earth element magic to dig a small hole.

“Wordanaz. Shouldn't it be frozen?"

Asan was puzzled by the sight.

As much as we learned together in the Asando class, I thought I could do that


However, it was a magic that worked against soft soil, but not so well in a hard
frozen situation.

One of the Blue Dragon Tower students just gave up...

“Dig up, dig out, dig out, dig out.”


The hard frozen snow shattered and a pit was formed. Yihan turned his head and

“What did you say?”

“Oh, no. nothing."

Asan felt a strange emotion.

I see!

Keep doing it until the magic stops working!

* * *

Nelia wandered through the mountains with her Black Turtle Tower friends.

To be honest, I felt comfortable joining Lee Han and Yoner's party, but I couldn't
refuse the requests of my friends.
“See that vine over there? When you cut it, sap comes out, which is useful when
you are thirsty.”

"Oh, really. awesome."


Nelly felt a sense of emptiness in response to her friends' boring reactions.

If it was Lee Han, 'What? Is that really?! wait a minute Really. what's the name
of this Where do you mainly live? Are there any other plants with similar effects?'
I would have asked...

The Black Turtle Tower friends weren't bad friends, but it was also true that they
weren't very interested in hunters.

“Did you see the magazine I bought last time?”

“I saw it. The horse that Vledoha rode this time was really great!”

“Oh, should I put the headmaster card in my deck? I want to live.”

“The crowd. give up It's a garbage card."


Nilia's heart was suffocated by the indescribable pity.


In the distance, I saw familiar friends digging up something on the slope. Nelia
waved her hand.


Lee Han raised his head without putting the ice cream in the basket.

In the distance, Nelia, who was with her Black Turtle Tower friends, was waving
her hand.

“Are you Neilia?”

"No... that's a hand signal."

Nelia beckoned to Lee Han with a hand signal characteristic of <Shadow Patrol>.

-help me!!


Ian was surprised.

'what? Are the Black Turtle Tower students any threat?'

Nelia asked her to save her life because she thought this suffocating atmosphere
would disappear when her friends came, but Lee Han didn't even get that hidden
“Look what's going on. Everyone, raise your cane.”

Lee Han and his friends began to rush in with their sticks.

The expression on her expression was more serious than expected, so Nelia was


Embarrassed, Nelia realized only then that the hand signal she had sent could be

'...Should I still say that I sent the wrong one?'

In that case, Nelia seriously contemplated whether Lee Han would cast magic on her
or not.

I think that's good enough for a friend's personality...

-■■■■■! ■■■■■!

“It’s a monster!!”


"what? Nelia?”

“Oh, no. The word is wrong.”

* * *

Lee Han and his friends, who were running, were amazed.

You're the first to notice a monster approaching like that!

“How did you find out?”

“It must be the vision of the Shadow Patrol.”

Lee Han said in a respectful voice. All his friends around him were amazed.

“Indeed… It’s also the Shadow Patrol.”

“It is something that even the priests of our denomination cannot do to recognize
the white-eyed fish in the first place.”

"ruler. Let's help!”

The Black Turtle Tower students were quick to respond.

He piled up a wall of earth in a circle to block the monster's surprise attack,

and threw magic from the inside while covering his body.

As the magic missile flew in, the white-eyed seagull inflated and moved in an
irregular orbit.

It looked like a huge hedgehog, but the students had no choice but to be careful
as it was a monster with a huge size that could easily break a few bones if it
struck properly.
“Is that Wodanaj?!”

“Where are you going to catch a white-eyed fish and use it?”

“Aren’t you just here to help?”

“Does Wodanaj look so easy-going? I'm not the kind of guy who moves without a
reason! It's clear you're trying to catch a white-eyed fish!"


Nilia apologized to Lee Han inwardly.

'I'm sorry I couldn't defend you more!'

“Wordanaz! If you catch a white-eyed fish, I will yield! Let's work together!"

“What are you catching? Get me out of here!”

Lee Han responded as if it was ridiculous.

He came to gather herbs, not to hunt monsters.

It's best to kick them out if you can...

"uh? Can I really kick you out?”

"okay! Get out of here!”


“Get him out.”

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

When Lee Han was in love, the students of the Black Turtle Tower lowered their

'Do you really think I can chase you out?'

'I know.'

The other top students looked so unbelievable, so Lee Han summoned Sharkan.

“Sharkan. you should help Bind his feet!”

The green leopard nodded knowingly and ran away.

Even the white-eyed eagle turned his head quickly, as if he had noticed Sharkan's

And I found Lee Han.


Papa Pak!

Startled, the white-eyed dog went straight into the snow and ran away in the
opposite direction.

Sharkhan, who was running hard, turned his head as if embarrassed and looked at
Lee Han.



Ian once apologized.

He really couldn't have imagined that the white-eyed dog would just run away.

'Aren't you too scared for that child monster?'

If it's a monster, it should attack ferociously regardless of the opponent's

magical power, if you're that scared...



Next to him, Siana Priest made a sound as if he had remembered something too late.

“I think it would be better to chase the white-eyed fish. Lee Han-sama of the
Wodanaj family.”


Lee Han was ready to refuse whatever Siana Priest said.

You have to be thankful for the monsters running away, there is no reason to
forcefully catch them.

Those stupid Black Turtle Tower students over there, don't make the mistake of
thinking, 'Can Wodanaj be satisfied with chasing out monsters?'

“The white-eyed dolphin likes to sleep coldly, so I collect them.”


cold sleep.

It was a material that could only be obtained by breaking through the snow
accumulated during heavy snowfall, breaking the surface of the frozen lake, and
then entering the water.

Of course, from the beginning, I thought, 'I shouldn't even try to save this', but
I left it out...

“Let’s chase! Sharkan. Follow his trail! Nelia. Help me!"

At the shout, the students of the Black Turtle Tower looked at Lee Han with
expressions of 'I knew it would be so'.

Lee Han tried to hit his friends one by one.

* * *
While there were students like Lee Han, who collected materials that were easy to
obtain with cool judgment, there were also students who gathered hard-to-find
materials and caught the eye of Professor Thundergealeum.

The White Tiger Tower students did just that.

Surprisingly, they were trying to break the ice of the thick lake in this frigid
weather to save a cold nap.



At last, the students of the White Tiger Tower, who succeeded in breaking the ice
of the lake with an axe, bumped into each other's fists.

Breaking the ice in this cold weather was usually not difficult.

I had to swing it slowly, little by little, because if I just swing the ax, my
clothes get wet with sweat and freeze.

"Be careful."

"I know. ruler. Get in!”

One of the students took out a round marble with an engraved pattern on it.

It was <Fake Eyes>, which I bought from the students of the Black Turtle Tower.

“Show me, snow! Where I can't see!”

Artifacts that clearly show the user the field of view around the marble.

It was a one-time use, but this was one of the best pieces of failing books
available at school.

The students fastened the beads to a stick and then put them into the lake.

He was wearing several layers of leather enchanted with lesser cold resistance,
but when he fell into the lake, that became meaningless.

The students' movements were also cautious.

“There it is! hook!"

The students, who found the cold chimney, tucked in their hooks and tried to pull
them out.

The cold chim hyacin, which had been tightly bound, was slowly drawn away. The
students' faces brightened.

“Take it out!”

“Keep digging! Let's take it all!"

-■■■■! ■■■■!


Before the white squirrel appeared.

With a pounding sound, the white-eyed seagull started galloping over the lake. The
students of the White Tiger Tower, who were absorbed in fishing, were one step late
in responding.

“I… that…”

“Don’t come this way!”

Despite the shouts of the students, the white-eyed dog ran without heeding.

The white-eyed dog rushed towards the hole the students had drilled. The weakened
ice shattered in succession, and a huge bursting sound erupted.

with a splash!

The white-eyed seagull dived into the lake as it was.

...and the White Tiger Tower students too.

* * *

“Why are these children on the lake? Dangerous!”

Asan was bewildered as he watched the students of the White Tiger Tower in the
distance fall into the lake.

But Lee Han saw something a little different.

'no. Did you dig up a cold nap?'

Baskets left on the lake shore.

And Lee Han's eyes shone when he saw the basket full of cold sleep.

You must have succeeded in digging that up.

“I need help!”

Nelia exclaimed urgently.

Wasn't this accident due to chasing a white-eyed dogfish?

At that, Lee Han, who had been contemplating how to borrow a cold sleep, nodded
his head.

"okay. Let's help and borrow a cold nap in return."

"uh? what?"


Lee Han did not respond and took action.

Rescue those who are lost!

Lee Han moved by lifting the poles piled up by the students of the White Tiger
Tower. The students who were struggling on the lake managed to grab hold of the

“Get out of here!”

“Wow… Whoa… Whoa…”

The students at the White Tiger Tower couldn't speak properly because of the cold.
He groaned and grabbed the pole and climbed up.

But not everyone did. Some were paralyzed in their arms and staggered without

'I have to upload it myself!'

For a brief moment, Lee Han's head turned rapidly.

How can I get the drowning students to the shore?

'Manipulating the water below...'

Lee Han blew the order again.

It was a spell aimed at the feet of the students who fell into the lake.

Water element magic is the most familiar and familiar to Lee Han.

Now, even in an emergency, it was cast naturally as if breathing.

'...float up!'

with a splash!

The students' heads soared upwards. But it was there.

It was not easy to rescue a drowning person with a water net.

'No way!'

Due to the distance and the wide range to be dealt with, the power of the water
was not maintained properly.

If it had been the water Lee Han summoned, the control would have been much
stronger, but the water in the lake was difficult to handle.

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

'Should I summon water separately and put it in? No... the moment you put it in,
it will mix with the water of the lake and weaken.'

A cold wind blew past Lee Han's troubled cheeks.

At that moment, a ray of inspiration flowed through Lee Han's arm.

Before even thinking with her head, Lee Han was instinctively memorizing a spell.

It was the so-called wizard's realization.


blah blah blah blah!

Just as Professor Voladi threatened her life and at some point she realized how to
control the element of water, Han seemed to know what the element of cold was.

Forgetting the current situation, Lee Han immersed himself in controlling the
cold. Enlightenment made him forget even the coldest of days.


Yoner looked at Lee Han in surprise.

Unlike the other students who said, 'Wordanaj can use evil secrets, what's
surprising' no matter what kind of magic Lee Han uses, Yonere knew to some extent
the magic that Lee Han could use and the magic he couldn't use.

And the elemental cold magic was a magic that Lee Han did not know how to use.

If I had known how to use it, I wouldn't have suffered so much when storing food
in the first place.

But now, Lee Han was using elemental cold magic.

There was only one reason that made sense.

I learned it by myself without learning from the professor!

-Makein. A good wizard learns quickly, but a good wizard learns alone.

-Is that possible?

-then. As you learn, there will come a time when you will realize it on your own.
That's when you can call yourself a real wizard.


The wide ice that formed from the water pushed the missing students upward.

The friends hurriedly rescued the white tiger tower students who had become like
drowning mice.

“Light the fire!”

“Boo, is the flint wet?”

“Are you a wizard!?”

“Ah… ah. sorry."

“Bring the potion!”

The students made a fire by the lakeside and rubbed the hands and feet of the
White Tiger Tower friends.

“Yoner, help me! We need to make more potions!”

"yes? Oh sorry."
Yoner quickly came to his senses and prepared a potion.

I felt weird.

I have so many friends, but Yonaire is the only one who realizes just how amazing
what I just saw.

Just then, Lee Han walked out. Lee Han was muttering something.

Yoner became curious and listened.

What is Lee Han really talking about?

'About what you just realized?'

“When I get back to the tower, I’ll have to practice freezing the perishable
ingredients first.”


Yoner pretended not to hear and turned his gaze to the pot.

Things in the world are often unexpectedly boring than you think.

* * *

“Wordanaz… Thank you. I don't know why the white-eyed dolphin suddenly appeared."

“It’s actually us…”


Lee Han cut off Nelia's words.

“Although we are different towers, it is of course our duty to help students in



Nelia looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed. However, Lee Han's expression did not

“Okay then, take a cold sleep…”

“There, the white-eyed dolphin is coming again!”


All the students turned their eyes in surprise.

A white-snowfly was really approaching.

But it was a little different from before. The white-eyed dog slowly approached
and dropped something.

It was a bunch of cold sleep.

“I, that is…”

“Wordanaz. He must have been moved by the sight of you saving his friends!”

"then...! It's a miracle!”

The students present were truly amazed.

A mere monster would be so moved that I would give him a present like this.

It was a miracle that warmed my heart even in the cold snowy weather.

Nelia tilted her head.

“Isn’t that what you’re afraid of? It's the habit of giving a gift to him not to
follow him..."

"Shh. Miss Nelia. It would be better to be quiet.”

Ratford covered Nelia's mouth.

There was no need to break this atmosphere.

* * *

Professor Thundergeulgeul praised the students for collecting various materials.

Then the ingredients were trimmed and stored in glass jars for the students to
continue using.

I did say a few useless words.

- Have you been looking for a cold nap? Did you really save this? How did you get


Thanks to this, even the students of the White Tiger Tower, who had frozen their
bodies, became hot with anger.

After a quick lunch, Lee Han went to Professor Voladi's classroom.

'Isn't cold the main thing this week?'

Heading to the classroom, Lee Han thought.

Professor Voladi was one of the most unpredictable of the professors, but he was
still able to predict this.

Since the heavy snow outside is not a common opportunity, Professor Voladi was
highly likely to use it as well.



“Cold is one of the most difficult elements among the elements. Especially when it
comes to magic battles. But with the right application, those limitations can be

Lee Han was not surprised by the appearance of Professor Vampire, who went
straight to the point.

He nodded as if he knew that. In addition, there was a slight confidence in her


Still, it was the way to come after realizing the cold attribute.

“It is difficult to maintain and lacks instantaneous destructive power, but cold
magic is useful in the following moments...”

Lee Han concentrated on Professor Voladi's explanation and took notes.

Then, at some point, Professor Voladi finished the explanation.

“Let’s try the cold generation magic.”

Ihan nodded his head.


Cold air shot out from the tip of the wand and lowered the temperature in the
classroom. Frost fell on the desks in front of Lee Han.

Frost elemental magic that would normally have to be grasped through a lot of
trial and error.

Even in the surprising situation that a freshman had learned it on his own,
Professor Voladi did not change his expression.

"Good job."


“I thought it would take a day, but I think we can advance the pace. The next
magic I will cast is…”


It was then that Lee Han woke up.

'What was I doing?'

He was so happy that he realized the element of cold earlier, he was resting his

...I should have pretended I couldn't do it a few times!


But even if I regret it, it was already too late.

Professor Voladi's magic lecture continued.

“I heard from Professor Verdus. He also decided to major in enchantment magic.”

“…just listen to it with a light heart…”

“Good choice.”

Because of its wide versatility, enchantment magic was easy to link with other

In particular, cold element magic was good to link with enchantment magic.

Those unfamiliar with the elemental Frost magic have a few misconceptions.

The intense image felt from the cold as a knife, the difficulty of learning and
using it.

-Maybe the Frost element is the most destructive and combative of the elements?

But it wasn't.

In terms of instantaneous destructive power, the flame element was much better.
The flame burns itself as soon as it is ignited, swallowing up its surroundings.

On the other hand, the cold element was not immediately frozen when summoned once.

Continually, the magician had to keep the cold while infusing the magic until the
opponent was frozen.

It was quite inefficient.

'Well. In the future, I should not just freeze it ignorantly.'

Lee Han, who made ice by recklessly injecting magical energy into the lake,

It's a shame because I only have friends, and if other professors had seen it, I
wouldn't have known that 'that ignorant bastard' would come out.

In any case, the cold element's other personalities were also ambiguous.

What about shape change or retention?

The water element was better.

If it's pure penetration, it's the earth element, and if it's speed, it's the
lightning element...

Except for its freezing properties, the cold element was more vague and difficult
to use than expected.

But there was no way. If you know how to use it, the cold element must have an
advantage that other elements cannot follow.

One of those methods was enchantment magic.


Professor Voladi pulled out the rapier. In that stable posture, Lee Han-eun
realized that the professor had learned swordsmanship.

'Actually, a person who risked his life in a magic battle would not have done
poorly in close combat.'

Lee Han could feel the cold magical energy rising over the rapier's blade.

“Go ahead.”


Lee Han got up, taking care of his expression so as not to show too much joy.

As soon as he took a stance with his wooden sword, the professor immediately
entered the battlefield. As the distance narrowed as if sliding, stabs flew in.

Although it was a quick and sharp stab, Lee Han did not learn swordsmanship in
vain enough to be hit by an attack from afar without any trickery.

He immediately pushed the wooden sword forward and repel the stab.

Damn it!

At that moment, a part of the wooden sword froze.

Lee Han forcibly injected magical energy to shake off the ice. He couldn't end it
like this.

'Professor Voladi is most likely not familiar with my swordsmanship style. One
Taiwan somehow...'

“Do you understand?”


Lee Han, who heard the truth, stopped.

“The enchantment magic.”

“Ah… yes. It has good compatibility with the cold element.”

There was no need for the wizard to concentrate his magical energy and scatter the
cold air or create a crystal of the cold and shoot it out.

If you give an object cold, you can continuously damage the enemy.

It couldn't be knocked down with one swipe, but that was enough.

As much as Lee Han learned swordsmanship properly, he was feeling how effective
this chilling was.

'If the swordsman fights with each other, you have to keep hitting weapons, but if
you do it five or six times, you'll be incapacitated.'

Professor Voladi nodded when Lee Han seemed to understand and put the sword in.
Lee Han felt sorry inside.

“Throw it.”

Professor Voladi gestured towards the iron ball. Lee Han managed his expression
like before and grabbed his marble.

'Let's be calm.'

Without being wary of the opponent, I kept my cool as much as possible...

Lee Han drew magic from his body and breathed it into the marble.

Lee Han was as careful as possible as he had heard from Professor Ingaldel, 'It's
dangerous to inject so much magic into the sword.'

But there were times when it was unavoidable.

That time was now.


The iron beads flew violently with the sound of ripping the air.

At that moment, the dagger on Professor Voladi's waist moved as if it were alive.

The dagger pierced the marble with a click sound. The speed of the marble that
flew so quickly decreased in an instant and froze.

It was not the cold of nature, but an unrealistic static phenomenon that only the
cold that the wizard had summoned could show.

While Lee Han was amazed, Professor Voladi paid attention to another aspect.

Professor Vampire asked with interest.

“You didn’t cycle the magic, but you threw it out immediately?”


“It will be difficult for the equipment, but throwing weapons, which are
consumables, will be fine. A good way.”

Lee Han sighed in relief.

Fortunately, the murderous intent he harbored was not discovered.

“I practiced something like this in a swordsmanship class.”


Ian paused.

He had a sense that the subject was going in a strange direction.

Professor Voladi's words sounded like 'I was taking a swordsmanship class to add
this method to magic battles'.

For Lee Han, who was listening for grade management, it was a fairly unfair frame.

“I didn’t do it on purpose…”

"Good job. Summon the Frost Shield.”

Professor Voladi changed the subject as if the story had already ended.

Lee Han was anxious, but had no chance to clear the frame.

''ll be fine. no way.'

* * *

The 2nd circle magic, <Frost Shield>, had a much higher difficulty in the same
circle as the <Water Shield> magic.

Elemental difficulty, mana consumption, mana maintenance, etc.

It was embarrassing enough to call it the same circle magic.

However, <Frost Shield> deserved the level of difficulty.

'It freezes the attack it touches!'

It can be said that it is a truly excellent magic shield in that it does not stop
at simply freezing, but also reduces the power of the attack.

“Now give this shield a command to protect yourself.”

“Yes… yes?”

Ian nodded in surprise.

I worked hard throughout the lecture to learn how to transform the form of a cold
element, and I managed to make a <Frost Shield>, but now I want to give it

Professor Boladi opened his mouth as if he had noticed Lee Han's misunderstanding.

“I don’t mean to do it now.”

"ah. The ultimate goal…”

“Until next time.”


Lee Han regretted not adding a little more magic when throwing the iron ball

If I put a little more, wouldn't it have penetrated the defense?

“If you want to give a command to the shield to protect itself… Wouldn’t it be 4th

Lee Han made a simple estimate.

How to make a cold shield that floats in the air and goes round and round and
blocks an attack from its owner? was at least 4 circles.

"professor. I am in first grade.”


Professor Boladi looked at Lee Han with a puzzled look on why he said this out of
the blue.

“…the difficulty of magic is a little…?”

“Combining rotation and firing properties to a water ball, and granting Azirmo
Summon. They're all four circles, right?"


Lee Han was really speechless.

Live and live, I will lose to Professor Voladi with logic.

You have succeeded in 4th circle difficulty magic before -> So you can succeed in
4th circle difficulty magic again!

It was the perfect logic that could not be refuted.

Professor Voladi continued as if he still did not understand.

“Are you kidding me?”

“…yes… what…”

"I'm not good at joking. Okay. Magical battles don't need jokes."

Professor Boladi even comforted Lee Han and left the classroom first.

After the lecture, Lee Han, who was left alone, tied her hair and regretted it.

'...the element of cold was not successful at once.'

No matter how you think about it, that was the beginning of all these butterfly

Only one mistake would come back like this...

* * *

It was still cold at school, but Lee Han seemed to get used to it after about two

'I'll have to make a way through the steeple.'

Of course, some students like Guyando could have said this.

- You must go in this kind of weather!? go later!

But Lee Han knew it well.

There is nothing you can do if you use the excuse that you are cold, that you are
hot, that you are taking a note test and that you have to play card games.
“I understand, so stop beating me…!”

Gainando, who was worried once and received all kinds of bullying, put on a face
full of resentment.

'You must go in this kind of weather!? I don't think 'Going back later!' is not
something to worry about being cursed like this!

Thunder Thunder Thunder-


The Blue Dragon Tower students sitting in the common room were scraping the
leftovers from their bowls with spoons.

After finishing the meal, Lee Han took out the potions she had received as a gift
from the priest Siana.

In this weather, as well as going out at night, I had to prepare as much as I



After drinking almost all of the potion, Lee Han stood up.

“Then see you later.”

"Take care of yourself."

“Thank you for your concern.”


Guy Nando looked very dissatisfied with the warm conversation.

“What is different from what I said?”

“Are you serious?”

* * *

"uh? out!”


A fourth-grade student, Kohorti, and friends were astonished.

I really hoped I would get out of the tower in this kind of weather.

“Are you a freshman?”

“I am not an ordinary freshman.”

At Koholti's words, the friends nodded their heads.

I could still see clearly in my eyes the image of me throwing magic like a madman
in the twisted dimensional corridor the other day.

Freshmen usually don't.

- Did I tell you? The head of the Wodanaj family made a decision and signed a
contract with the Great Evil...

- No, do you think the Wodanaj family are crazy?

-Then the milder hypothesis I put forward, the head of the Wodanaj family,

-Hey guys. It's good to have a discussion, but let's talk about being assassinated
by members of the Wodanaj family when we go out in moderation.

Dirett was swearing while saying, 'You bastards, you solve it', but Koholti and
her friends approached it realistically.

It takes a lot of mana to solve the warped dimensional corridor right now -> There
is almost no way to bring a lot of mana to the warped dimensional corridor without
loss -> In such a situation, shouldn't I even borrow a freshman's help?

Of course, Dirett and other seniors would criticize them saying, 'These bastards
are embarrassing the 4th graders,' but Koholti and her friends had no shame in
their hearts.

-Then, try to deal with the twisted dimensional corridor while you are being
chased by the professor!

So Koholti and friends were waiting around this blue dragon tower without
Dirette's knowledge.

It probably won't come out, but if you're lucky, I'll try to contact you.

But it will come out like this.

“Send a message! message!"

"wait. I am going right now!"

The fourth graders calmed their excitement and cast spells.

Due to the strict supervision of the Skeleton Principal, he had to risk his life
to contact the freshmen, but that didn't mean there was no way.

The 4th graders are also those who have gone through prenatal care at this school.


A paper bird whirled and flew and fell at Lee Han's feet.


Lee Han was puzzled and picked up the paper.

Courageous and wise freshman. Come to the corridor of the Twisted Dimension, which
Professor Mortum led you through.

If you do, the godly wizards will reward you for your devotion!

Ian was not funny.

'Is there a letter scam in the Magic School?'

Poo poo poo!

Without a single thought, Lee Han tore up the letter and threw it away. It was a
pain in the ass if I took it for nothing and even had a strange magic on it.


Lee Han shook his hand and looked around.

I was wondering if there was a skeleton principal or a skeleton principal's


'is not it?'

At first I thought it was something the Skeleton Principal did, but after thinking
about it, I don't think the Skeleton Principal would bother me so complicatedly.

'Who then?'

A person who knows that Lee Han went to the corridor of the warped dimension with
Professor Mortum, and wants to send him back to the corridor to feed him. there anyone else other than Skeleton Principal?

'not. Let's not worry about not getting an answer right away.'

Lee Han shook his head once to shake off his worries and moved on.

For the seniors in the 4th grade who were watching, it was a surprise.

“Why are you ignoring me? Is it misspelled?!”

“Are you going to make a spelling mistake? It's not the first time I'm sending a
letter. Did you send it in with proper formality?”

“Is this… strange?”

Koholti and her friends did not understand.

When they were freshmen, they were hungry, tired, and tormented every day.

...Actually, it doesn't seem like much has changed now, but anyway, he was
desperate to find and eat something.

Whether it's testing the poison of a dangerous mushroom with your own body,
entering a room in a hallway that no one can see, or visiting the forest outside
the school where rumors are circulating...

At a time when I didn't know anything about school and was full of urgency, I went
to see them saying, 'I'm sure there's something there,' even if they send me a
letter like 'a dangerous journey, numerous dangers, and no guarantee of a safe

But what about that freshman?

'I wrote down the rewards properly, but why are you ignoring them?'

'Is it because of the principal? Have you been threatened by the principal?'

While I was thinking about it, the freshman had already walked away.

Koholti and her friends had no choice but to look at the freshman with dismayed

* * *

Do you have any complaints with me?

“Is that possible?”


The skeleton principal, who floated into the classroom, felt suspicious in Lee
Han's eyes.

'No matter how much I think about it, there is only this person.'

Ian thought to himself.

No matter how much he thought about the letter he received yesterday evening, he
was like the headmaster of the skeleton.

If it's not the headmaster skeleton, who sent such a thing?

Of course, it was a needlessly complicated method for the Skeleton Principal, but
there is no such thing as absolute.

'Why is this child like this?'

Principal Skeleton felt uncomfortable.

Among the many ironheads, the boy of the Wodanaj family had a rather extraordinary

I was dissatisfied that what I could do with that extraordinary talent was at best
things like 'helping my friends, stopping the principal's great plan'...

In any case, a freshman with that ability had to be careful. Because I didn't know
when I was going to hit Principal Skeleton in the back.

“School… Principal!”


“The window… can I close the window?”

One of the students said, clashing teeth with the cold. His lips had already
turned blue.

Originally, the lecture room in the main building was less cold than the outside,
even without heating.

Basically, if you close the windows and avoid the cold wind, you feel much less
Whoa hey hey hey hey!

But today, all the windows of the basic magic personality education classroom were
wide open. The cold morning air rushed in wildly and slapped the students in the

do you want to

“Gam… Thank you!”

The student, who he thought the Skeleton Principal wouldn't approve, was delighted
and ran towards the window.

However, Lee Han felt an ominous feeling.

'no way?'

"uh? huh?”

The student who ran was astonished.

All the windows had disappeared!

Why not close?

“...the windows...there are no...”

like that!

At the detestable words of the Skeleton Principal, the students, covered in thick
coats and leather, stared at them.

Even the stupidest student in the classroom noticed who had cleared that window.

The topic of today's lecture will be the wisdom of a wizard to deal wisely in such
an unexpected situation.


ruler. Stop trembling and think. Personality Crooked wizards often act foolishly
when such a crisis comes. Let's work together and try to persevere.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

Principal Skeleton blinked. Gainando's voice was sealed as it was.

Good-natured wizards are not deceived by such nonsense, but find the cause of the
problem and solve it wisely. Also, when a crisis or emergency arises, don't do the
stupid thing to not roll your head and work together to survive. It's like giving

Some students, besides Guynan, questioned the novel Skeleton Principal's theory.

“Wouldn’t it be better if we all worked together and rolled our heads?”

“I think it would be better if we squeezed wisdom together.”

Don't be silly. Do you think gold will come out if you gather all the iron heads
and hit them for a hundred days? Wisdom comes from urgency. When a group of people
gather and talk about it, it only makes me feel at ease. When you realize later,
you will be scratching, stabbing, and biting each other. In that case, I should
have thought about it alone from the beginning.


The students were stunned at the sight of the skeleton principal who openly

Isn't that really too much?

Meanwhile, Guy Nando motioned for the students who had just opened their mouths to
shut their voices. Ian thought to himself.

'You took the teaching very well.'

ruler. therefore. An iron head who likes to cooperate with each other. You work
together once and block that window.


The White Tiger Top student, who was pointed out by the Skeleton Principal for
saying a few words, panicked.

“Uh… uh…”

"don't worry. Gatono. We will help you.”

The White Tiger Tower students stood up resolutely to help their friends.

He was planning to save his friend from the evil spirit of the skeleton principal
who knew neither the honor of being a knight nor his friendship.


The White Tiger Tower students started hanging their hides on the empty windows.

Although it was imperfect, it was thick leather with cold resistance enchantment,
so wearing several layers could block the wind.

The other top students looked at the work with a slightly admirable expression.

If you hit the skin like that...


Suddenly, a huge undead raptor flew out of the window and flew away, biting the



Principal Skeleton said with an expressionless face.

like that An unexpected accident happened. It should have been blocked by magic.
Don't do it that stupid way.
'Isn't it sharp?'

Looking at the students of the White Tiger Tower, it seemed that they could kill
people just by looking at them.

As it gradually got colder and the faces of the friends next to him turned pale,
Lee Han raised his hand.

'I must have learned the cold, I can freeze it and block it.'


You go run some errands.

“No, isn’t that too much!?”

“Wordanaz needs permission!”

Before Lee Han could answer, the other top students were furious.

'What am I?'

I don't know what you guys are talking about Wodanaz. Start quickly.

* * *

Go to the Spire Keeper and get the 'Cold Winter's Gloves'.

(Map is behind)

'Not bad.'

It wasn't fun escaping from Principal Skeleton's boring lecture.

It was profitable enough just to figure out a new side road to the magic school
that Lee Han did not know.


When the letter written by the Skeleton Principal moved the walls of the school
and called up the hidden stairs, Lee Han looked at the letter with greedy eyes.

'If you duplicate it and replace it with a fake... No. It would be dangerous.'

Lee Han, who made a quick estimate, decided to give up, unfortunately.

It must have been too risky to forge this.

'Who's the spire keeper by the way? no way?'

Among the many minions of the Skeleton Principal Lee Han met, there was a
warehouse keeper.

His eyes were covered with bandages, but he was a servant with a sharper sense
than anyone else.

...Of course, I mistook Lee Han for the skeleton principal, but that kind of
mistake could be made by anyone.
If the spirekeeper was that kind of minion, it wouldn't be a good thing at all.

Originally, I would have just run errands as there would be no collisions...

'The problem is that I'm digging a path to get to the spire.'

From the standpoint of Lee Han, who was aiming for the spire stable, there was
something about the name of the spire keeper that made me uneasy.

Lee Han broke his heart.

'no. This is an opportunity.'

Rather, I was lucky to know the existence of the Spire Keeper now.

Knowing ahead of time can help you take action.

Hit it directly and figure it out!


After circling three spiral staircases, taking two lifts, and passing through four
secret doors, the first place was found.

I could only tell from the scenery outside the hallway window that it was quite
high here.


The spirekeeper stood in front.

The Spire Keeper, who had a strange-looking staff and a bandage around his mouth,
blinked and looked at Lee Han.

I didn't do anything, but the air felt tense. Lee Han hurriedly took out the

“Here it is.”


The Spire Keeper looked at the letter and nodded. Then he motioned for me to
follow him.

“My name is Lee Han.”


The spire keeper did not respond to Lee Han's greeting.

Although Lee Han had adapted to a friend who was less talkative like the princess,
the spire keeper kept the maxim that surpassed it.

It was a difficult situation for Lee Han, who was trying to dig out as much
information as possible.

'I'd rather be a warehouse keeper.'

One-way conversation and silence.

Without time to do anything, the spirekeeper walked down the hallway and opened
the door to the room.

Inside, all kinds of bizarre items were scattered randomly.

Lee Han instinctively seemed to know where this place was.

'One of the principal's warehouses!'

Just as a squirrel hides acorns throughout the forest, the Skeleton Principal has
built his own warehouses throughout the school building.

Such warehouses have been the target of student raids and have occasionally
disappeared due to accidents or alterations, but most remain intact and used when
the skeleton principal is needed.

woo woo-


Hearing the ominous vibration, Lee Han stopped.

But the spirekeeper stepped through the rubble as if nothing had happened.

'Isn't that a big deal?'

woo woo woo-

But the vibrations grew louder and louder. Lee Han began to wonder if he was
really okay.

“Is this what you usually do when an outsider comes in?”


The spire keeper immediately swung his staff and put a shield on Lee Han.

At the same time, a sword that spewed out a strange death flew from among the



Lee Han was surprised by the shock that shook the shield.

'no. Principal, are you really crazy?'

Sending errands, even if it's not enough, to have those crazy artifacts waiting
for you.

No matter how many times Lee Han blocked Principal Skeleton's plans, this isn't
too bad.


The spirekeeper's expression became serious.

The now awakened sword was an artifact that never moved until a powerful enemy
entered and provoked it.

But how did such a sword suddenly awaken?

I didn't understand.

The Spirekeeper wielded his staff, distorting the space and striking the shield

Even if I did not understand, I had to solve the current situation first.

But the sword wasn't too hard.

Before the space was distorted, it flew in quickly, piercing the shield and
damaging the Spire Keeper.

The spirekeeper frowned and swung his staff again.

After that, I was thinking of going outside.

“!” Lee Han was astonished to see the spire keeper getting hit by a chain flying
from behind and then collapsed.

if it goes like this...

“Sharkan, come out!”

Lee Han raised his magic.

I didn't know what the crazy artifact was thinking, but I didn't mean to be
obedient after this happened.

Even if it makes the warehouse into ruins, I will survive by any means possible!


how long has it been

The spire keeper, who had been knocked down by the attack from behind, came to his
senses and got up quickly.

The Invader Attack Artifact woke up and fell over the freshman.

It was a mistake that I couldn't even say anything with ten mouths.

The spirekeeper grabbed his staff and stood up, hoping it wasn't too late.


However, the sight in front of him was very different from what the spirekeeper
had expected.

Once inside the warehouse was in a state of half-wave.

The fight was so fierce that all the rubbish scattered around was smashed and

The Spire Keeper wasn't desperate or terrified that the items in the principal's
warehouse had been smashed.

In fact, the items here were cherished by the principal and the spirekeeper didn't
really care. It wasn't his thing anyway.

Spirekeeper was more surprised that the freshman had fought so tightly against the
Invader Attack Artifact.

Seeing the artifacts attack, it was never at the level that the lower grades could
deal with.


Lee Han got up with a moan.

Scorched and frozen artifacts were scattered in front.

He poured and poured cold air and managed to seal it, but his whole body ached.

'Professor Vollady must have been right.'

Lee Han hated the fact that he had to acknowledge Professor Boladi's words more
than his body fatigue.

A wizard must not be vigilant at any moment!

If the reaction was even a little late, the artifact would have pierced it and
created a few air holes.

"Good job. Sharkan.”

Sharkhan groaned and felt good.

Without this powerful undead summons, the artifact would not have been captured.

While Lee Han hurled various magic and hit the artifact with force, Sharkan threw
his whole body to suppress the movement of the artifact.

If it wasn't for Sharkhan, I would have been stabbed in several places earlier.

'By the way... are all artifacts this hard?'

I had no idea that an inanimate enemy would be so menacing.

The terrifying horror that doesn't care even if lightning is inserted, flames
explode, magical powers explode, and curses are poured.

Artifacts that ran aiming only at the vital points of the opponent were fear

He poured so much cold air that the whole room was frozen, and he barely tied his

'If you encounter an enemy in the form of an artifact in the future, you will run
away unconditionally.'

The spire keeper approached Lee Han as if he had come to his senses. It was only
then that Lee Han noticed the situation around him.
“…this was unavoidable.”

As I looked at the shattered warehouse, a different kind of fear came suddenly.

How will the Skeleton Principal react when he sees this scene?

'Maybe it's not all my fault.'

Lee Han prayed earnestly that the spire keeper would not step out.

If he has a conscience, it's because he fell, but he won't avoid responsibility...

Originally, there were not many people who left their conscience at the front door
of this magic school.


However, the Spire Keeper did something completely different from Lee Han's

He bowed his head and expressed his gratitude.


* * *

'Why don't you come?'

Principal Skeleton, who was happily waiting for the 'Cold Winter's Globe', felt
something strange.

Did you notice?

'no. That's impossible. No genius can see the magic inside.'

Principal Skeleton calmed his anxious mind.

<Cold Winter's Globe> was a surprise for the students in the classroom.

The moment Lee Han brings it in, the weather trapped inside the globe is released
into the classroom, and the students should be delighted with the blizzard in the

But why don't you come?


An undead raptor flew out of the window. A letter from the Spirekeeper was tied to
his ankle.

Seeing that, Principal Skeleton instinctively felt ominous.

I think you should come right now.

'What the hell?'

Principal Skeleton didn't understand.

Did Wardanaj notice on the way and run away?

Or did you try to take down the spirekeeper and loot the warehouse?

A number of plausible hypotheses came to mind, but the answer was unknown.

tt I'll be out for a while, so let's do some self-study.


The students' faces brightened.

While I'm away, 'I won't use untested dangerous magic' 10,000 times.

The students' faces darkened.

With that or not, Head Skeleton made a creepy sound and headed towards the Spire.

What the hell is going on?

* * *


Principal Skeleton felt tears streaming down his empty eye sockets.

Actually, there were no real tears. Because Richie didn't have tear glands.

But Principal Skeleton could feel hot tears running down his face.

This is... this is too much.

As the headmaster's voice trembled with sadness, Lee Han's fear multiplied.

I'd rather be angry than that, so I don't know.

tuk tuk-

The spirekeeper touched the skeleton principal and held out the paper.

That freshman has overpowered the Artifact, so I think you should reward it.


Headmaster Skeleton cursed himself for bringing such an ignorant bastard as a


How could it be that you are less aware than the freshman next to you?

Are you saying that now? huh?

But in principle...

Principles and whatever, my heart is breaking! for a moment. What artifact caused
this riot?

The Skeleton Principal, who had a temper, realized only then that it was strange.

From the looks of it, it was clear that one of the artifacts in the warehouse had
woken up by mistake and caused this chaos.
...By the way, Principal Skeleton never put anything like that in the warehouse

Had it been there in the first place, I wouldn't have sent in a freshman or a


The last time I was asked to do, <Magic Sword of Killing Enemies> and <Chains of
Giant Binding> were completed and left behind.

-Bible Verdus

The skeleton principal, who found the note among the chaos, opened his mouth.

The Artifact that had a big heart the other day and split the property and
entrusted the production to Professor Verdus.

...the professor who completed the artifact left it in the warehouse.

As a surprise gift!

' No.'

Professor Verdus wasn't the type to make surprises.

It was obvious that it was just annoying and left it in a nearby warehouse.

I will kill you! Bible!

The skeleton principal roared in rage.

The body of the spire keeper trembled due to the pressure of the magical power
that it spewed out.

"principal. It seems that the spirekeeper is having a hard time here...”

Lee Han was afraid, but he opened his mouth to protect the spire.

The Skeleton Principal stopped discharging magic as if he had come to his senses.

...No, are you worried about the freshman right now?!

The spirekeeper bowed his head as if he had no face.

After understanding the situation, the skeleton principal clicked his tongue and
stared at the ceiling in despair.

It wasn't because of anyone's fault, it was an accident that was caused by bad
luck and unhappiness.

'No. It's Bible's fault.'

Principal Skeleton came to his senses.

The psychological damage was so great that he almost passed out.

'I will kill you...'

tuk tuk-

When the Spire Keeper touched and called again, the Skeleton Principal turned his
head in amazement.

That freshman has overpowered the Artifact, so I think you should reward it.

...later. don't do it later

Principal Skeleton answered in a weak voice.

Looking back, the Spire Keeper was right.

The magic sword and chain that the skeleton principal commissioned from Professor
Verdus were not ordinary items.

The fact that a freshman overcame it was a great thing that even the headmaster of
Skeleton was surprised.

...if usual!

Now Principal Skeleton is so heartbroken and frustrated, he cannot afford to

surprise or praise anyone.

don't do it later do you understand

"Yes. What."

Ian had no complaints at all.

I just want to get out of this place as quickly as possible.


The skeleton principal disappeared.

Lee Han mourned Prof. Biblé inwardly.

I didn't know exactly what the situation was, but I'm not going to praise him.

tuk tuk-


The spire keeper handed a well-packaged package into Lee Han's hand. And then
thank you again.

Regarding the reward, I will tell Gonadaltes-sama again next time.

Ian was impressed.

'You're such a good person!'

Somehow, I got hired by someone like the skeleton headmaster...

* * *

Lee Han headed to the Seonggakgwan, the workshop of Professor Vible Verdus, to
take an additional lecture on enchantment magic.


To my surprise, quite a few students gathered in front of the tower.

Considering that Professor Verdus was the worst educator, it was a testament to
how attractive the enchantment was.

'Professor Mortum makes me feel pity for nothing.'

Sympathy for the professor was one of the taboos, but the human heart was
sometimes unavoidable.

"...for a moment. But why didn't everyone go in and stand outside?"

“Aren’t you going to open the door?”

Lee Han went among his friends and knocked on the studio door.


"professor? Are you there?”

There was a rumbling sound from inside, and then there was a whisper as if they
were talking to each other.

-What do we do? can i really do it? Aren't you going to the punishment room later?

- You were given permission to lecture on behalf of the professor.

-But... how do you believe that?

After a while, the door opened.



The first-year students were amazed.

It wasn't Professor Verdus behind the door, it was the high school students he had
seen for the first time.

And the high school students were also surprised.

To be precise, only one of the high school students was surprised.

'You're that freshman!?'

Kumandas, a friend of Kohorti and a fourth-year student majoring in ancient and

enchantment magic, was surprised to see Lee Han's face.

Hopefully we will meet here like this!

'uh? Wait a minute. Doesn't he major in black magic?'

Kumandas was momentarily confused.

Of course, it was not a case without a double major or a triple major, but it was
very rare.

Even if I had a double major, I chose a field that was highly related to each
other like Kumandas and was easy to study, so I double majored.

Otherwise, the student will follow and fall.

In fact, Kumandas was first professionally learning enchantment, and then was
additionally studying the artifact field in ancient magic.

In fact, it should have been viewed as a double major linked to enchantment magic.

However, the student in front of me has been majoring in black magic + enchantment
magic since the first year...?

'It would be quite difficult and difficult to learn both sides from the first

Kumandas was skeptical at first, but after thinking about it, he thought it might

Isn't that Dirett a first-year student with surprising talent?

I was a first-year student to the extent that some of my friends said, 'Isn't the
Dafa spell cast by the Wodanaj family?'

It was only natural to have such ambitious aspirations.

'I wonder what a genius like that is thinking and living.'

Kumandas was curious.

Of course, Kumandas was also a genius in terms of the empire as a whole, but this
magic school is a place where only geniuses among the geniuses of the empire are

The real genius who stood out there was different.

Just like the boy from the Wodanaj family right in front of you!

'Compared to a guy like that, I'm very ordinary...'

The figure of Lee Han, who was immersed in thought with an expressionless face
like a statue, gave off an even more mysterious atmosphere.

He felt like a wizard who was immersed in a magical world all the time except when
he was sleeping.



The statue, no, the genius opened his mouth.

“Can I eat the snacks on the table?”

"...uh? uh You can eat…”

“It’s done.”

“Wordanaj, thank you!”

The other first-year students expressed their sincere gratitude to Lee Han.

Seeing the freshmen coming into the room, Kumandas put on a bewildered expression.



'Something... something different from what I thought...?'


Kumandas was perplexed, but soon came to his senses.

There was a lot of work to be done now.

I had to give a lecture on enchantment on behalf of Professor Verdus, who was

taken somewhere, and I had to secretly persuade a new student who came in front of
me and call him into the corridor of the twisted dimension...

"Seniors. hello!"

"Seniors! we..."

"for a moment!"

The mouths of the freshmen who wanted to chirp like a bird were firmly blocked by
the seniors in the 4th grade.

As they had spent their freshman year, they knew what the freshmen were going to

“Don't ask any questions about school life! Don't ask me where the school is with
the pantry, what floor the exam information is on, where the library is for useful
books, how to escape, etc. Don't ask me anything! I will only talk about
enchantment magic!”


The first-year students became frustrated by the decisive attitude of their


But the seniors were also desperate.

If you make one mistake, you could be taken to the punishment room.

'You're looking at the skeleton principal.'

Lee Han seemed to understand why the seniors were like that.

Because of the skeleton principal's personality, he couldn't just let his seniors
help the juniors.

“Let’s not make seniority too difficult, everyone. Your senior will have a
situation, too.”

Lee Han said as he wiped the butter cookies on the table into his coat.

The friends nodded.

“Well, the seniors will see it too.”

“What would you like to teach your juniors?”

“It’s something you don’t know.”


At the conversation of the still innocent juniors, the 4th graders shed tears

'You're still naive!'

'By the way, doesn't anyone point out that the Wodanaj clan sweeps up cookies?'

“Ugh. Shall we start with enchantment magic then?”

The 4th grade students who listened to the enchantment coughed once before
starting the lecture.

enchantment magic.

Various magics such as strengthening, engraving, and blessing were put into this
as magic cast on people or objects.

If it succeeded in permanently attaching it to an object, it became an artifact,

and when it became familiar enough to cast it professionally on a person, it was
praised as a fortification magician, so the use of enchantment magic was really

Compared to the wide study of black magic (at least on the assumption that
Professor Mortum is right) and its narrow use, it was a magic that had no choice
but to be popular.

“My juniors, don’t cast enchantments on your body for a while.”

One of the seniors said firmly.

“If you cast an enchantment spell incorrectly when you are not confident in your
skills, you can get seriously injured.”

Even if the enchantment on an object failed, the object broke and ended, but if
the enchantment on a person failed, the damage became serious.

“Until I have the skills, I will only study enchantment magic that targets objects

'Really... um?'

After listening to the senior's explanation, Lee Han stopped.

...Didn't the book the Skeleton Principal taught me to do first?


Although it had already passed, Lee Han became strangely unhappy.

This black book bastard...

“I heard that the juniors learned a little about <Less Cold Resistance> first, but
in fact, <Less Cold Resistance> is a magic that is difficult to master completely
now. It's better now that the weather is getting colder, but it will be more
difficult when the weather warms up. Don’t be greedy for nothing and learn other
magic slowly.”

At the senior's words, the friends stared at Lee Han. Lee Han pretended not to see
and ignored it.

“Well then… let’s get started.”

<Reinforcement of paper strength>.

It was an easy magic that people learning enchantment magic for the first time
learned and passed like a stepping stone to get used to.

The magic principle was also simple.

It just makes soft paper hard.

The lower grades would put these papers under their coats to replace their armor.

“Paper, be strong!”

“Paper, turn into steel.”

“Spells are a tool for concentration, but don't be too specific or restrictive.
It’s going to be like holding your own ankles.”

The seniors were better at teaching than Professor Biblé. When he divided the
students into separate classes and taught them in an orderly manner, his efficiency
was evident.

In fact, even if Lee Han taught, he would have been better than the professor.

Kumandas asked his friends.

“Can I teach him?”

"as you please. But why?”

“Star, it’s nothing.”

Kumandas couldn't tell the truth to his friends.

-Actually, I had an accident last time. We need the skills of a freshman to sort
out the accident.

-I was skeptical the last time I did the homework, but you've finally gone crazy.
...because it's going to be something like this.

"Well. Try it.”

Kumandas stared intently at the students in front of him. To be precise, only Lee
Han focused on looking at him.


Lee Han whispered to Yoner who was next to him.

“What did I do wrong?”

"Well? Isn't there?"

“Did you eat snacks too explicitly?”

“There must have been a time when seniors were also in their first year, but it
would be too much to try with that.”

"right? I don't know why.”

After quickly comprehending, Lee Han tilted his head.

If not, why?

“Paper, be strong.”

Lee Han easily succeeded in magic.

As he had already learned several times more difficult magic than this, it was not
difficult to strengthen the paper strength.

“It’s really good.”

Kumandas praised him for once.

In fact, Lee Han didn't even see magic. Because the magic wasn't as difficult as
the other students were also succeeding.

Other than that, it was important.

'We have to deliver a message somehow!'

“Uh, do you know without knocking?”

Angago, who was next to him, was puzzled. Kumandas replied roughly.

“If you gain experience, you will be able to do it, too.”


Angro was curious and patted Lee Han's paper.

Before the enchantment, it was a fluttering piece of paper, but now it sounded
like some kind of hard wood.

He succeeded in magic, but he wasn't this hard.

Enchantment magic was recognized as a success if it exceeded a certain standard,
but even with the same success, there is another difference within it.

“How do I make it this hard?”

“Add more magic.”

Kumandas said without looking at Angago. Angago swung his staff with more magical
energy than before.

"Five...! It’s really solidified!”

"okay. that is great."

Kumandas answered with a dry voice and then whispered to Lee Han.

"...Isn't there anything difficult?"


Ian was surprised.

'What is this guy?'

Why are you suddenly saying this?

'Is it a trap?'

The devil is always kind.

Lee Han did not pass easily.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t do that, anything…”

While Kumandas whispered, another 4th grader came and was surprised to see Lee
Han's magic.

“Wow, did Yongke also infuse magical power like this? Otherwise, the paper would
have melted.”

"I know? Have you ever learned enchantment magic?”

"No way. It is not yet the time.”

The seniors were surprised and talked about it.

Enchantment magic was not a skill to cast unconditionally and strongly.

If it exceeds a certain limit, the object may be destroyed by magic power.

In order to infuse the maximum magical power within such a narrow line, it
required not only talent but also experience.

“Kumandas. Kumandas. Did you see this too?”

Kumandas, who kept whispering to Lee Han, 'Is there anything difficult', 'I can
help you', and 'Trust me', turned his gaze away as if he was bothered by the calls
of his friends.

"What? why?"

“Did you see this?”

"saw. You said you were successful.”

“Not that, but look at the magical power that dwells here. Don't you think it's
harder than wood?"

“What a fuss… huh!”

Kumandas was surprised to see the magical power in the paper.

Then the friends looked at Kumandas as if it were ridiculous.


* * *

“It seems that there are some strange people among the seniors.”

"okay? I have to be careful.”

At Lee Han's words, the Blue Dragon Tower students in the break room were amazed.

This magic school was a place that even the seniors could not believe.

'How dare you ask such a blatantly suspicious question.'

If I had answered honestly, I might have flew to the Skeleton Principal's

punishment room.

“Are you going out today?”


“Then ka…”

"I've been walking around at night for a few days, so I'll have to read some books
and study behind the scenes."


Gai Nando, who was taking out the stack of cards, stepped back with a disgusted
expression on his face.

I didn't know that if I got caught wrong, we might end up studying together.


While reading a book, Lee Han found a paper bird flying through the open window.


Please come as soon as possible to the map below!!!

-Bible Verdus

'Wow. I really don't want to go.'

As soon as Lee Han saw the note, he hated it.

A note telling him to come to the corridor of the warped dimension would have been

I couldn't even imagine why the professor suddenly called me.

'I can't ignore it so much that I feel sad...'

When the professor calls you, you have no choice but to find it.

That was the cursed fate of the student.

* * *

'This is the first place I've seen.'

The map pointed to the forest west of the main building.

Lee Han, who stepped into the forest, frowned. He was ambushed by some crazy
artifact some time ago, so it was only natural.

Fortunately, the forest was quiet, but Lee Han was never vigilant.

'Pull the branch, circle the stump three times...'

Lee Han acted as shown on the map.

Then, the hallucinations that had been covering my eyes suddenly disappeared and
the building appeared.


The building that symbolizes the School of Magic and the most complex and huge
main building.

The studio building, which is a tower built by different professors on a spacious

site according to their own tastes.

There were dozens of other buildings in the magic school, but...

'I've never seen such a blatant prison like this.'

The black, rusty metal exterior gave off a more bloody atmosphere than the
punishment room.


"Shh. Quiet!"

With the rattling of the iron bars, Professor Vible Verdus raised his head.

Beaver, the beaver professor, looked at Lee Han and waved his hand.

"hurry! Come this way!”

“What the hell are you doing?”

"I don't know! Gonadaltes came all of a sudden, got angry and locked him up!”


Lee Han roughly guessed the situation.

There's no way Principal Skeleton put the artifacts that ran wild in the warehouse
himself, someone must have put them...

'It was this man.'

I almost died thanks to you!

“Hurry up, open the door.”

“Uh… Professor. Do you have any other disciples?”

Ian didn't understand.

As I saw earlier, there were high school students, so why Lee Han-eul?

“They must be watched by Gonadaltes. Obviously he's like that. Anyway, please open
the door quickly. I think I’m going to die of boredom by making only useless
artifacts inside!”

Lee Han glanced at the inside of the iron grate.

'Well. You are eating better and doing better than in the first year.'

On a soft bed, various fruits and bark.

Even if the skeleton principal was angry, he seemed to have kept the minimum good.

...I thought it was ridiculous.

'Aren't you supposed to say that to the freshman?'

“Wordanaz? what are you doing? Aren't you going to open it?"

"professor. If I open this... wouldn't the principal suspect the culprit?"

“Just say I opened it!”

“But will you believe it?”

"...why are you like this!? Won't you open it?!"

Professor Verdus only tilted his head, not understanding.

The disciple came at the most and was only making strange noises.

"professor. I would like to open it too... but if the principal finds out later,
it might be good if there is some compensation so that he won't regret it.”

Lee Han snorted lightly.

Professor Verdus was not angered or embarrassed by the fact that his pupils
attempted to threaten or intimidate the imprisoned master.

There was no such awareness in the first place. Just 'why are you here? What do
you want?'

"Okay! If you leave, I'll definitely reward you! Open it!”

"Do not worry. professor. I was still trying to open it. Maybe because of my

“I want you to open it soon!”

Professor Verdus didn't really care about Lee Han's excuses, so he stopped


“You promised?”

Lee Han thought about what kind of reward would be good and approached the door.

As for Professor Verdus, Artifact was the most useful.

'Which artifact would you like?'

rattle rattle-

"for a moment. professor. The door won't open."

“Yeah, that’s right! Locked in by magic.”


Ian paused.

Did the headmaster of the skeleton tell you to open the door that was locked with
magic right now?

“Uh… are you going to dispel the magic?”

“You have to release it. You can't use magic in here."


Lee Han didn't know where to start.

"for a moment. How did you spend the paper bird?”

“If I can’t come back by the evening, I’ve hung it up in the workshop so I can fly

'If that's the case, you could just ask another professor...'

Even though the students are being watched, aren't they other professors?

Once again, Professor Verdus's personal relationship came to mind.

Oddly enough, did you let a freshman who has just met you fly away!
"professor. I'm sorry, but I'm not good enough to dispel the Principal's magic."

Although he was regularly taught by Professor Kirmin Ku and separately taught by

the genius archmage Waldororn of Philone Village, Lee Han was still not very
confident in fantasy magic.

Illusion magic required more experience than other fields. With this kind of
experience, it was difficult to go anywhere with confidence.

“And as long as the headmaster uses additional magic to prevent himself from going
out, isn’t there another trap magic around here?”

I used to say it as an excuse, but there was some truth to it.

If the headmaster had just pretended to be locked up in the process, he would have
opened it without worrying too much about it, but if he really cast magic like
this, there was a high possibility that there were other traps around.

“There is no other magic around. I saw it when I was pulled over.”


Lee Han blamed the skull principal for not completely covering Professor Verdus's

“And it’s possible to dispel magic without any skill. Not very difficult. blow it
away by force Do you know how to fly?”

"professor. That's quite a skill.”

Now I have learned this too. When it is said that a commonly applied magic is
'blowed away by force', it is rare that it is really blown by force.

As the level of magic increases, the structure becomes more complex and solid, so
it does not shake or break just by pouring it with force.

You have to understand the structure, identify the weak points, and hit the power
in order to be able to break it with force.

Even if it blows by force, there was a fairly sophisticated technique hidden in


'Waldororn-nim probably didn't care about me and didn't tell me.'

Waldororn didn't even explain that part. He just told me how to hit the magic.

Perhaps it was because he recognized Lee Han's skills and explained it according
to the skill of a beginner.

There is no need to understand that at the beginner level.

“The magic that the principal put on is still hard for me to grasp…”

"no. Try it once.”

Professor Verdus ignored Lee Han's words with the back of his ear.

Because he can grasp the structure of the magic at a glance and pierce it with
power, he thinks that Lee Han can do the same.

Ian was not funny.

'Professor, right?'

"All right."

Lee Han decided that it would be better to show him once and say no, rather than
forcing Professor Verdus to persuade him.

'It's terribly complicated.'

Lee Han couldn't even guess what kind of magic the skeleton principal had cast.

Several magics were intricately intertwined and acted as a hard lock.

The Skeleton Principal probably didn't put all his power into the lock...

Once again, I felt how good the Principal Skeleton was.


Just as he had been taught by Waldororn, Lee Han accidentally exploded his magical
power and collided with him.

It was an ignorant way of colliding without knowing what the rescue was or what.


But the magic was broken.

Less squeaky!

“I said I was. Is not it?"

Professor Verdus came out and tapped Lee Han on the back as if he knew it would.

Ian was not funny.

'No, why did you hang it so weakly?'

It seemed that he only paid attention to the complexity of the magic, but paid
less attention to the robustness.

Lee Han was disappointed with Principal Skeleton

Chi profit!

At that moment, a stigma appeared on Professor Verdus's head with a sudden sound
of fire.

Professor Verdus exclaimed in fright.

“It’s a big deal!”


“It’s a trap! Gonadaltes set a trap for me, not outside!”

“Why didn’t you notice that?!”

“Because it was hidden!”

Professor Verdus shook his head as he saw the stigma dwindling.

This stigma was a tracking magic that sends a summons to the location of Professor
Verdus as soon as it burns out.

If Professor Verdus manages to get out of the way first, the Skeleton Principal
will have a bad taste!

It was unreasonable to release it with an ungodly body.

“I can’t! Go and get another professor!”

“Who are you?”

"I don't know! That's enough... Professor Garcia!"

“Where are you… I see!”

Ihan moved for a moment.

It was for two reasons.

Whoever brought in first, even if it was decided later, moving first could save

And secondly, it was good to stay away from Professor Verdus in case of failure.

...because only one person could be attacked by a summoned beast.

* * *

As soon as he came out of the forest, Lee Han ran into an unexpected opponent.

...that was Professor Voladi.

“Night walks are good for improving your skills. A good choice.”

"thank you...?"

It was a bit strange for a student who sneaked out of the tower at night, but Lee
Han expressed his gratitude first.

Because it's better than getting angry.

Professor Voladi stared at Lee Han up and down. Lee Han suddenly became anxious.

'You didn't know what I was doing, did you?'

“Did you dispel the magic?”

"Yes? Yes."

“You seem to have dispelled a fairly high level of magic.”

Lee Han was surprised by Professor Voladi's ability to grasp the level only with
the reverberation of magical power.

you'll figure this out

“Where did you unlock it?”

“While walking in the woods, I happened to...”

“Let me guide you.”


“Let me guide you.”

Wherever that level of magic was applied, there was a high possibility that there
was a strong enemy.

Professor Voladi was going to point out the disciple so as not to miss it.

"professor. I looked and didn't see anything…”

“Did you bring the professor?!”

Professor Verdus, who could not wait, ran out from the inside.

Lee Han exclaimed while controlling his expression.

“Professor Verdus! What are you doing here?!”

“What are you talking about? just now..."

“What a wonderful coincidence! Oh yeah. This is Professor Bagreg!”

Professor Voladi shook his head. Professor Verdus also shook his head.

Lee Han shuddered at the meeting of the two professors who seemed to have no

'no. I'd rather be happy. You won't be caught lying.'

“Is this stigma of the principal?”

Professor Voladi recognized the stigma magic at once. Professor Verdus nodded his

"okay! Release me!”

“It was fine.”


Professor Voladi placed a spell on Lee Han.

My senses became sharper and more sensitive, and at the same time, my unfounded
confidence in the element of cold rose.

“Get ready.”
"...professor? You don't want to fight, are you?"


“Isn’t Professor Verdus going to get hurt?”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Voladi gave a slightly bewildered look, as if 'Why
should I care about that?'

Lee Han was Professor Voladi's disciple, but Professor Verdus was nothing.

Back or not...

“Do you want me to release it quickly?!”

"professor. I'm not trying to avoid a fight. But Professor Verdus is also my
teacher, so if you get hurt, my heart will be really broken…”

"i get it."

Professor Voladi wiggled his wand. Professor Verdus flew away and was tied to a

Professor Verdus, who was in a state of disrepair due to being beaten by the
Skeleton Principal, could not even resist properly.


“If you tie it up like that, you won’t get hurt.”

“...Sometimes I wonder if the professor is really a genius.”

"Thank you."

Professor Voladi smiled faintly at Lee Han's praise.

Lee Han vowed never to praise him again.

“This is a rare opportunity. The principal's pets have powerful combat abilities."

“Yes… I know.”

Lee Han, who had been forced to bump into each other a few times, nodded.

Of course, I did not agree that this is a rare opportunity.

Although the chance of being struck by lightning from the sky was low, I didn't
call it a rare chance.

that's just...

'Isn't that the bad luck?'

In that respect, the current situation where I met Professor Voladi and forcibly
confronted the Skeleton Principal's summons was an unlucky situation.


Eventually, all the stigma was burned, and a portal opened above Professor
Verdus's head.

-I have come to lock you up again with a promise with the contractor. Don't blame

As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Voladi inserted four ice spears into
the limbs of the summoned demon.

The demon, unable to respond to the high speed, screamed in pain.

“Face it.”

Professor Voladi kindly gave Lee Han the opportunity.

Having greatly weakened the demon, Lee Han is now a suitable opponent to gain
experience with.

Of course, it didn't look like that to Lee Han's eyes.

In Lee Han's eyes, it just looked as if a mighty demon had been hit by four ice
spears and was extremely angry.

- Gonadaltes! Did you deceive me!

As he came to imprison a fugitive from prison and was beaten down by some crazy
wizard, it was only natural that the devil was angry.

Ian apologized.


But an apology doesn't necessarily mean you won't attack. Lee Han apologized and
attacked at the same time.

...Looking at the devil's expression, he was too angry to apologize.

“Are you inducing distraction?”


Denying Professor Voladi's question, Lee Han cast his magic again.

The demon, whose limbs were sealed in the ice spear, poured out fire and magical
energy from its mouth and eyes.

- A young student is already trying to deceive the devil!


-Sorry, stop attacking, you abomination!

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

Condensed thunderbolts pierced the demon's chest and gave a blow.

The devil spewed black blood from his mouth. Because his limbs were tied, he
couldn't even properly defend himself.

'Young human...!'
The situation was also confusing now, but the human opponent made the devil even
more confused.

Offensive, evasive, and judgmental, not like a young student.

'How did you do that?!'

In fact, it was natural for the devil to be embarrassed.

Usually, young students were unable to master the magic of <Space Awareness>,
<Gonadaltes' Dark Vision>, <Gonadaltes' Swift Steps>, etc.

“It’s too slow.”

Professor Voladi said to the devil.

Originally, I wanted to push Lee Han to the limit, but the attack was too
monotonous and obvious.

Thanks to this, Lee Han was skillfully cutting down the demon's stamina without
falling into any danger.

If you go like this, you will win very clearly.

- Shut up!

Professor Voladi did not end it with words. He swung his staff and made his ice
spear vanish.

The demon, with both arms and legs free, looked at Professor Voladi with
astonished eyes.

Lee Han also looked at Professor Voladi with astonished eyes.

The devil looked at Lee Han and Boladi in succession, and then asked Lee Han.

-Are you being threatened by that wizard?

Lee Han was trying to answer 'yes' involuntarily, but then came to his senses.


“It’s a misunderstanding.”

- I think it's true that you're being threatened.

The devil wasn't just a devil for nothing. He quickly grasped the situation with
his demonic skill.

The ancient wizards trained their disciples in a much harsher way than they are

For a demon who has lived since ancient times, the current situation was not so
difficult to understand.

Of course, that did not mean that Professor Voladi was a normal person.

Even in ancient times, it was rare for a teacher to make a student fight the

-Anyway, forcing a disciple to fight a demon... Mad wizard. If you keep doing
that, your disciple might stab you in the back while you sleep.

Lee Han wanted to support a demon who did not know his name.

tell me more!


Professor Voladi urged the devil without listening even with the back of his ear.

Neither the devil nor the back of his ear heard him, and ignored him.

-hate. Getting along with photons is a specification. Do not weave me into the mad
training of your wizards.

“If you don’t fight, I will attack you.”

- Do you think I will succumb to pain?

“Tell me what you want.”

Professor Voladi immediately changed his attitude to convince the devil.

Of course, it didn't work for the devil who was forced to come out and beat him
up, and then said, 'I wish you would fight a little more.'

- Even if I gave you half the world, I wouldn't sign a contract with a madman like

After speaking, the devil looked at Lee Han. Thanks to the time given, I was able
to recall the beings similar to Lee Han in his memory.

-You are of the Wodanaj family. I will sympathize with you and remember you.
little wizard If you ever have a contract with me, I'll have mercy on you.

Lee Han didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

To receive sympathy from an ancient demon that I have never seen before...

Professor Voladi whispered beside him.

“Contract now. Then let them fight.”

- Never agree to such a contract. bastard bastard

The demon cursed Professor Voladi and opened a portal. Then he went back to where
he was.

Professor Voladi had a very slightly gloomy expression on his face. It was a very
rare sight.

"it's okay. professor. I learned a lot.”

“It was too short. It’s unfortunate.”

"no. This is enough.”

Lee Han comforted him, but Professor Boladi did not listen.

“I’ll have to find a new one.”


Professor Vampire made Lee Han's spine chill.

'for a moment. This person must be...'

When Lee Han came out of the forest, he remembered that Professor Voladi had been
taking an unsuitable night walk.

no way?

'...I wasn't looking for an enemy I could deal with...?'

A cold goosebumps came up that could never be matched by the magical cold.


Professor Voladi untied the ropes that bound Professor Verdus.

The beaver beaver, a professor who was released, asked.

“Why are you tied up!?”

“Not to get hurt.”

"ah. Right."

Professor Verdus immediately agreed and nodded. didn't even get angry.

'You have to put the two apart quickly.'

To be honest, it was interesting to see what would happen if I kept putting it on,
but there's a high probability that it won't be good for Lee Han.

Lee Han tried to separate the two.

“But why?”

“For the training of the disciples.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s a teacher.”

“Why Master?”

“What a teacher should do.”

However, before Lee Han could intervene, the two professors exchanged questions
and answers quickly in words only Jiji could understand.

Professor Verdus did not understand.

The teacher has to feed them all one by one.

Then, isn't it a very painful and difficult job to be a teacher?

No mage would do such a job.

Professor Boladi resolutely responded to Professor Verdus's theory.

“I am better.”

"is it?"

Lee Han was startled by the faint pride in Professor Voladi's voice.

Of course, in some ways, Professor Voladi could have been a better teacher than
Professor Verdus, but...

It was never something to be proud of.

It's not like I'm proud to study better than Guy Nando!

“It would be better to pay more attention.”

"no. My time is more important to me.”

“Do whatever you want. I will go find another enemy.”

Lee Han was astonished at Professor Voladi's words.

The suspicion I had earlier was true.

'Is that really what you were looking for?'


“The reason I said earlier.”

"ah. training. Uh... Dimensional overlap exploded on the upper floors of the main
building. I think it will be fine there. What do you think?"

“Thank you.”


Lee Han cursed himself for not being able to separate the two quickly.

* * *


Lee Han was gathering in front of the stream with the Blue Dragon Tower students
to clean fish.

He had gathered some food, but no one knew how long the cold would last.

I had to collect as much as I could eat.

“…Lee Han. Do you have any concerns?”

“Is it because you’ve been sighing dozens of times since before?”

"ah. Did you? Be careful.”

"No, I'm not saying be careful..."

Lee Han cut the belly of the fish he caught, removed his head, and washed it with
running water. Then sprinkled with salt and hung on the side.

Although there were many worries, there was no blockage of hand movements. To the
extent that his friends who were watching next to him were amazed.

“Wordanaz. What's going on? Did Makein ever harass you?”

When Asan asked, Gainando was surprised.

“Makein bullied Lee Han?! Hey guys! Makein…”

Yoner sprinkled the salt he was holding on Guynando's face.

“Lee Han. we are friends Can I tell you if I have any concerns?”

"Maybe I'll have to go to the Corridor of the Twisted Dimension and solve the cold



“...why are you doing that?”

"i get it. Wodanaj is now feeling a sense of responsibility…”

“Don’t be silly.”

“Makin. What do you know!”

Asan, who was cut off, grumbled at Yonaire.

Meanwhile, from the other side, students from the Black Turtle Tower appeared with
fishing rods.

"right. The Black Turtle Tower guys made a brick fire pit.”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower, who have excellent vitality, built a fire
pit in an empty lot near the black market.

It was to survive the cold weather.

“A fire pit?”

"uh. I was roasting something.”

“If you want, I can make it for you.”

Salco approached and opened his mouth. The Blue Dragon Tower students were

“I didn’t tell you. I told Wodanaj.”

Salko growled and drove the Blue Dragon Tower students back.

Lee Han nodded as if he understood.

“Want to trade for fish? or meat? I'm sorry, but sugar, tea leaves and coffee
powder are not tradeable."

“…I didn’t come to exchange it, but it was a reward for what I received last time.

Salco looked at Lee Han as if it was ridiculous.

It was in return for Lee Han's help with cold resistance magic as he toured each

"What? Are you really just doing it?”


Gainando, who was next to him, muttered in response.

“Is it suspicious?”

"Shut up."


Gainando groaned.

You were suspicious of this too!

“Then thank you.”

“Your expression seems dark, do you have any concerns?”

Asan answered Salco's question instead.

“Wordanaj is now trying to attack the root of this cold problem.”


Salko, who had just growled, looked at Lee Han in surprise.

“...I respect you. Wodanaz. I never thought I'd say this, but you're a real

“Just make a fire pit and go.”

Lee Han answered in a slightly tired voice.

Now I'm too lazy to explain.

* * *

<Basic Imperial Language and Logic>.

It was a pretty essential lecture for young wizards who had a lot of encounters
with all kinds of surreal beings in the future.

Spirits, demons, angels, etc., these beings weren't necessarily hostile, but
sometimes they weren't so it was more dangerous.

Even if it is a clumsy contract, the life of a wizard can be very twisted.

That is why the wizards at the Magic School were thoroughly trained in this area
from an early age.

<Basic Imperial Language and Logic> was a lecture that helped with this.

-Today, let's read the contract between the wizard Polkelvalas and the devil in
the 117th year of the Imperial Year...

-Does the original devil's contract put the listener to sleep?

- Maybe... I don't know.

- It's really demonic. Devil, I lost. I will surrender... Cool.

And, of course, it wasn't terribly fun.

Lectures on building the foundation are generally not interesting, but <Basic
Empire Language and Logic> was particularly intense.

I read all the cases one by one, looking for parts that can be read or
misunderstood, and if there is an imperial dialect in the case, I translate it
correctly, and when an old word or an ancient language appears, I translate it

Even a person like Lee Han had to clench his teeth to the point of being able to
endure it.


“Why isn’t the professor coming?”

When the professor didn't come in that much, a faint anticipation began to appear
on the faces of the students.

Maybe the professor isn't coming today?

Maybe the professor won't come next week?

lest everyone be surprised. Professor Walter Zebber went to the temple after his
mind was broken during a contract.


The faces of the students who had just been looking forward to it were colored
with astonishment and guilt.

I expected it, but I didn't expect this.

Take this as a lesson and be more careful when signing contracts in the future.
Professor Flewock. come in
"thank you."

'From a bureaucrat?'

Lee Han was puzzled as he saw the brown haired fox, a professor of the Suin tribe,
coming in.

After meeting some former imperial officials, I was able to differentiate between
bureaucrats and wizards to some extent.

The bureaucrats are comparatively better than the wizards...

...and seemed less crazy.

And Professor Flyworks. Professor Walter Xevier went to the temple because his
mind collapsed, but he must tell His Majesty that this is not a dangerous school of
magic, but an inevitable accident of the science of magic...

"Yes Yes. Don't worry. ruler. Then we will start the lecture. I am Professor
Rosine Flyworks. I wish you all the best.”

Professor Rosine sent the skeleton principal out and greeted him in a cool way.

The students were happy with that attitude, but gave them a slightly wary look.

He had already been hurt too much by the professors.

But Professor Rosine didn't care.

“How far did Professor Walter Zevere go?”

“Even the unfortunate wizard Gurgu who made a wrong contract with the Three-Headed

"good! Shall the student read it once and tell me the mistake?”


For no reason, the student who was pointed out after giving an answer in front of
him burst into tears.

Considering the difficulty of the <Basic Imperial Language and Logic> lecture,
there was no possibility of hearing good words.

The other friends mercilessly averted their gaze.

'cheer up.'

'Don't look at me. Because I don't want to announce.'

10 minutes later.

“Very good!”

"Ugh. Is that true?"

“Of course, there were about 41 mistakes, but as a first-year student, that’s
great. ruler. Applause everyone!”

The students applauded with bewildered expressions.

However, Professor Rosine's lecture had only just begun.

1 hour later.

By the end of the lecture, all the students had become Prof. Rosine's followers.

"professor! I will read it!”

"professor! I will do it!”

'No, why is this person at the magic school?'

Ian was surprised.

I thought good people were kicked out of the school gate...

“Where did you work before you came here?”

“I was working as an imperial dispatcher.”

A position that dispatches various talents from the Empire, including wizards, to
the right place.

It would not have been possible if the network was wide and the friendship
relationship was not smooth.

Such a positive personality was understandable.

'for a moment. Then, wouldn't it be possible to recommend him to an official


The dream that had been buried for a while began to twinkle again.

Lee Han realized that he had studied <Basic Imperial Language and Logic>
diligently for a moment like this one.

“I will read it too!”

“Wow… Wodanaj. Why all of a sudden…”

"hey. put your hands down quickly Wodanaj says he'll read it. Do you want to be

Neighbors murmured and lowered their hands.

A guy who gets a lot of compliments in other lectures must get compliments here
too, right?

'ah. That's the Wodanaj family.'

Professor Rosine recognized Lee Han, who raised his hand. Before he came, he had
heard stories from several places.

'I said that he was a key person who will be in charge of the magic school in the


A student who received such an evaluation from the first year was rare even in a
magic school.

The magic school was a more free place than I thought.

He didn't say anything if the student left during the school year to take over his
family or engage in another field without using the magic he had learned.

As such, the evaluation of 'the core talent who will be in charge of the magic
school' was truly a formidable evaluation.

A talent who will remain at the magic school after graduation and pioneer the
unknown science of magic with the best brains in the empire!

There was no such thing as such an honorable evaluation for a wizard.

If Professor Rosine had heard such an evaluation, he would have remained a wizard
rather than a bureaucrat.

'You must remember this moment well. Maybe I'll see with my own eyes the young
moments of the great archmage of the future.'

Unlike Professor Alpen Knighton, who came from an imperial dignitary and had a
sense of mission to raise students into wizards, Professor Rosine, who was called
in a hurry, did not have such a sense of duty.

Since I got gold coins, I just work as much as I can!

Of course, he had no intention of pushing his students to the limit like other

We may meet again later when the students succeed, so why did you do that?

It was foolish to buy grudges for nothing.

Teach hard, encourage hard work, give advice on various concerns...

It seemed like it would be worthwhile if the students came later and said
something like, 'Thank you, professor at that time.'

Of course, the boy from the Wodanaj family who perfectly pinpointed the flaws in
the contract right in front of his eyes seemed unlikely.

He was doing so well on his own.

'I can see why you get so many compliments.'

As the other students stopped at a stuttering level, Lee Han read without blocking
his eyes, burning his eyes.

There was passion in that look.

Passion for study and inquiry, not simply talent or cleverness.

Aren't those who always enjoy themselves the strongest?

It was clear that the boy really liked to study.

“Well done. Applause everyone!”

Receiving applause, Lee Han felt proud.

It was the first time that I felt the reward of studying so strongly after
entering school.

'After leaving such an impression little by little, I see opportunities and give
advice. How do I become a bureaucrat?'

'If you forcefully talk to Wodanaj for no reason, you may be misunderstood by
other professors, so be careful.'

The magic school was free, but even the professors were not generous.

In particular, he was more sensitive to former imperial officials.

- How dare the auditor in my workshop...?

-No, since you received your Majesty's gold coins, of course you came to check how
you're using them!

-Are you going to entice my disciple into an official position again? Absolutely

-That was only once, 22 years ago, right? And the student had the will to become
an official in the first place!

- Shut up! This corrupt gold slave. Do not step into the tower of pure magic!

The moment the professor took one of his favorite students to the official
position, the official was now the enemy of not only the professor, but also of all
the wizards he knew.

For a lifetime too!

It was so filthy and disrespectful that even the bureaucrats did not bother to
take the professor's beloved pupil.

Professor Rosine, who doesn't like to cause problems, of course thought so.

Even if you take one student, there's a riot.

'It would never have happened in the first place!'

What could a boy who likes to study like that be interested in a government job?

The other professors at the Magic School didn't have to worry at all.

* * *

“Lee Han. I feel good.”

“Do you see that?”

Students gathered for a swordsmanship class.

Durgyu realized that Lee Han's facial expression was softer than usual.

It was the weekend, but the faces of the other students were dark.

It was because the cold continued.

It felt like Durgyu's stomach was sticking to his back and his bones were cold...

“I know why.”

Ango, who was passing by, spoke instead.


Lee Han was planning to hit Angola if he said 'Because Lee Han is going to solve
this cold soon' nonsense.

Like it or not, that was unforgivable.

“Are you looking forward to the snowball fight?”


"Staring contest."

Angelo pointed back.

The White Tiger Tower students were holding snowballs in both hands with Professor
Ingaldel walking by.

"...professor. Do you have a class today?”

"yes. It’s a snowball fight.”


Ian was not funny.

what snowball fight?

But Professor Ingaldel was serious.

“When fighting, it's important to know how to deal with thrown weapons from a
distance. Especially in many-to-many fights.”

“That’s right…”

Ian understood.

That was definitely true. Because the attack on the battlefield didn't come
straight from the front.

More dangerous than the knight in front was the stone flying from the blind spot.

Of course, when I saw the students from the White Tiger Tower throwing snowballs
at each other from behind, I thought, 'Aren't you just a fan of snowball fights?'
'for a moment.'

Lee Han felt an uneasy atmosphere.

The White Tiger Tower students were whispering and holding snowballs and looking
at Lee Han.

The intention was very clear.

'These children...'

Lee Han pulled out his staff immediately.

If you freeze water beads and blow them up, it won't be much different from a

"for a moment. Wodanaz. Don't use magic. Using magic will make it too easy.”

“No… Professor. I am not that good at magic.”

As in the last midterm exam, Lee Han, who was banned from magic again, appealed
with an unfair expression as much as possible.

However, Professor Ingaldel did not pass even the slightest bit.

The students of the White Tiger Tower behind them stared at them like they were

'Wordanaj If you're not good at magic, are we slugs?'

'Did he think that lie would work?'

“Still not. As this is a swordsmanship class, please learn to fight without

resorting to magic.”

"Yes. All right."

Lee Han first agreed, but his heart was different.

'The moment the professor doesn't look, they destroy it.'

Professor Voladi wasn't just emphasizing the importance of speed in magic battles.

At times like this, it was clear that he taught me to lose quickly.

"Oh yeah. And I brought a present for the students.”


At Professor Ingaldel's words, the students tilted their heads.

what gift?


A ferocious fortified pig I met in Professor Thunderwalk's alchemy class.

The pig was tied to a tree.

“I’ll give it to the students who win today’s snowball fight.”

“Thank you…”

From an objective point of view, pigs are a good gift in the current situation.

Pigs had nowhere to go.

There were many places to use when it was cold, not only meat but also pork fat.

'But where did you get that?'

“Hey. Please.”

Gisele Moradi, a white tiger top student with golden hair, raised one eyebrow and
looked at Lee Han.

It was a very eerie smile.

It's an opportunity to legally blow a snowball at Lee Han's face.

"professor. Moradi is arguing with his friends and trying to bully me.”

Lee Han responded immediately.

Giselle, who was stunned, looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression.

'That dog is ...'

Although he was from a knight family, he couldn't tell because of his pride, but
Lee Han was able to tell without hesitation for even a second.

“There must have been some misunderstanding.”

"no. professor."

“Because it’s a misunderstanding.”


When Professor Ingaldel did not shake, Lee Han was puzzled.


Professor Ingaldel was not a hard-core, stubborn man. A person like that wouldn't
listen at all.

...I wonder if Lee Han's tricks were found out?

“Lee Han.”

Durgyu next to him said in a low voice.

“Why are you calling me?”

“You and Moradi and I… are one pair.”


Lee Han-do and Giselle also looked at each other with astonished expressions.

It was...!

* * *

Doo doo doo doo doo!

“Does Moradi have any friends?”

At the baptism of snowballs flying like a madman, Lee Han asked as if puzzled.

Now Lee Han, Giselle, and Durgyu were running hard.

Even if the three of them were the best masters in the lecture, there was no
answer in terms of quantity.

All the students, except the three, were united and threw snowballs, but they
couldn't respond head-on. The three of them were retreating.

"It's not that Moradi doesn't have friends. Lee Han. Since the three of us are
strong contenders for the championship, everyone wants to check us first…”

“Choi. Please don't answer all of that bullshit."

Gisele shot sharply.

I was just ignoring it and trying to pass it on, but because of Durgyu!

Papa Papa Papak!

"Right. I even flew away, just in case.”

“You don’t even think about the grudges you’ve built up?”

“Honestly, isn’t it time to be forgotten? what do you think about it? Durgyu?”



Gisele and Durgyu were silent.

I didn't really understand it, because I didn't have anything to say.

'I think the kids were beaten too many times to be forgotten...'

“Wordanaj, die!”

It seemed that the three of them were trying to ambush by bypassing the hill road
they were going up.

The students jumped out from behind the tree.

Lee Han skillfully casts the magic, no, avoids the snowball and throws the snow he
was holding.

"for a moment. Durgyu. Wouldn't it be over if one hit this?"

Lee Han stopped at the sight of the student who did not give up even if he was hit
and raked his eyes again.

"not really? Until he declares surrender.”


It was a more primitive and ignorant rule than I thought.

'More than that, it's too disadvantageous.'

I don't know if I can get one right, but if I get it right and there's no end to
it, the three are at a disadvantage.

The white tiger tower student who was hiding behind the tree exclaimed.


“I am listening.”

“I will definitely defeat you today!”

“It’s not just today’s opportunity, should it be?”

“If you miss today, there is no chance!”

'That bastard puts all shame on the White Tiger Tower.'

Giselle thought to herself.

Of course, Giselle also thought that it would be difficult to win unless it was a
time when Lee Han sealed her magic like today, but it was another thing to spit it

“Are you going to just surrender?”

"ah. no. That's a bit... Lee Han. But we have to do more.”

“Everyone is aiming for us, but it seems like a loss if we endure recklessly.”

I heard a squeaking sound from behind. Lee Han leaned his body over the rock and
threw his eyes at him.


The white tiger tower student who was approaching fell straight down. Without
stopping, Lee Han threw the other snowball he had made.

"Ouch! surrender! surrender! Wodanaz! It really hurts!”

"What? How many were not right? Anyway, thank you.”

“You put stones in it!!”

"not really."

Lee Han clenched the snowball he was holding. There was really no such thing as a

The trick of inserting stones was a foul that was easy to spot.

The white tiger top student with a bare face tilted his head.

'what? Are you really sick?'

It felt like a hard weight, not a soft snowball.

“You really didn’t put a stone in it, did you? Be honest.”

Giselle, in disbelief, whispered softly. The opponent surrendered too easily for
the fact that there were no stones in it.

“Because I didn’t. A trick that I could easily find out…”


Lee Han threw another snowball at the approaching student. He used his magical
powers subconsciously as far as distance.

The experience of throwing marbles at Professor Voladi with all his might was a
very beneficial experience.

That experience stayed in my body and helped me to use my magic.



Lee Han felt it clearly at that moment.

The snowball just before it flew away is frozen firmly in the palm of your hand!


Putting magical energy into a weapon sounded like evidence of a very good
swordsman, but in fact, it wasn't that difficult.

Lee Han-do, Durgyu, and Giselle were able to put some magic into their weapons
right away.

Perhaps two or three white tiger top students who are less skilled than the three
can be accommodated.

In a way, it was natural in a way that he had been steadily training in

swordsmanship in a knight family for over ten years, and was talented enough to
enter Einroguard.

It was difficult and important to keep the magic power stable, but the difficulty
level was relatively low to hold the magic power for a moment.

But when it comes to throwing weapons, the story is different.

If it was a sword, it could keep circulating the magic like a part of the body and
keep the magic it stably stored...

Throwing weapons that fell from your fingertips at the moment of throwing were
much more difficult.

As it was impossible to recover magic through circulation, the consumption of

magic was large, and the difficulty of the control increased several times.

In other words...

“You used magic!?”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, bleeding nosebleeds, cheered.

No matter how hard I try not to be misunderstood, this has crossed the line.

Throwing a snowball with magic power?

I was able to do that because I gave up so much.

I don't know how much magical power it has, so I don't know if I'll get tired even
if I keep throwing it like this!

But, do you throw the snowball with the magic of the cold attribute?

This is really nonsense.

Woudanaz is not from a knight family who specializes in throwing weapons, so there
is no way to know such a vision.

It was difficult to throw a throwing weapon with magical power, but it is


Not only the students of the White Tiger Tower, but also the knights would not
believe it.

“You did magic! The snowballs are coming from frozen!”

“I threw it with magical energy, and it froze on its own.”

“Does that make sense!?”

The White Tiger Tower students were amazing.

Rather, it would have been better if he insisted, 'Actually, the Wodanaj family
has a vision for throwing weapons.'

I didn't do anything, but to say that magical energy was given coldness, does that
mean the sound of magic missiles coming out when I swung my hand without a wand?

“Friends! Listen to me! What Lee Han said is true! No magic was used!”

“Durguy, that bastard is being deceived again!”

“Durgyu, you bastard, you can’t have such thin ears!”

Durgyu sat down again as the grass died. Giselle clicked her tongue and he said.

“No magic! I saw it.”


“Don’t be fooled. Moradi is on the same side as you are right now.”

'These bastards...'

Gisele cursed inwardly. Lee Han muttered as if he was sorry.

“Everyone is not trusted by their friends.”



Durgyu and Giselle agreed for the first time.

If you can't speak!

"What's going on everyone?"

Professor Ingaldel came up as if puzzled.

The students did not throw snowballs and were arguing while bleeding noses.

"professor! Wodanaj…”

A nosebleed white tiger top student described what had happened in weeping.

Giselle covered her face with the palm of her hand.

Even when I was just discouraging the White Tiger Tower earlier, I wondered if I
could embarrass myself more here, but surprisingly, I was able to embarrass him
even more.


Professor Ingaldel was astonished.

The testimonies of the students of the White Tiger Tower were surprising, and the
current situation was also surprising.

'Can't a student like Wodanaj do that?'

Rather than Lee Han being so pure and kind, it was not likely that a student as
good as Lee Han would use such a deceitful deception.

Professor Ingaldel also believed in his students.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Han said confidently.

"professor. Check it out and you will know.”

After a while.
After confirming, Professor Ingaldel told the students.

“It’s not magic.”


“Oh, no. professor! Because the real snowballs are frozen!? That’s a complete

“Um… I don’t have much theoretical knowledge about magic, but I think the
surrounding environment is now filled with cold and Woudanaj was affected. He may
have unconsciously imparted the Frost attribute to his magical powers.”

At Professor Ingaldel's explanation, the students were convinced by saying 'Oh'.

Obviously, the surrounding environment used to affect the wizard.

It was possible that the unnatural cold environment like now had a temporary
effect on Wodanaj's magical power.

“Then how do we get rid of the cold attribute?”

“Are you igniting something like fire?”

“What do you mean?”

Professor Ingaldel looked at the White Tiger Tower students with puzzled eyes.

"yes? Uh... Shouldn't we remove the Frost attribute?"

“There is such a thing as the purity of a snowball fight, so it should be


The White Tiger Tower students stuttered at Professor Ingaldel's gaze.

It was a feeling of some kind of insecurity.

no way?

“Enchanting a weapon is a knight’s skill, and there is no reason to remove it.

Everyone keep going.”



The students of the White Tiger Tower opened their mouths.

Although it was easy to forget that Professor Ingaldel banned magic, Professor
Ingaldel was not a person who pursued warm and friendly lectures.

A person who pursues a lecture that is close to actual practice!


Lee Han, Durgyu, and Giselle leaned out from behind the rock.

The three of them held frozen snowballs in their hands.


* * *

“Lee Han. How do you divide the pigs?”

“Um… Rather than sharing and bringing it with you, I think it would be better to
treat it to friends who have just listened to the lecture.”

Durgyu was surprised by Lee Han's words.

“Is that really okay?”


“Lee Han. Other friends will be moved by your honor.”

'I would not.'

'I don't think so.'

Lee Han and Giselle thought to themselves.

Giving me a few points of meat is enough to relieve my heart...

The White Tiger Tower students had been beaten too many times.

“You put less ointment over your eyes.”

“You have nosebleeds again.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower who came down from the mountain were in a
mess. It's like being beaten by someone.

The nosebleed, the yoke, the clothes are rags...

It was quite disappointing to see them sitting in a corner and applying the
ointment that Professor Ingaldel gave them.

I wonder if Lee Han also decided to give up on taking meat and serve it?

Durgyu and Giselle drew their daggers and cut the meat with precision.

Knights from the family usually had a lot of hunting experience, and even if not,
they were supposed to have more hunting experience after entering Einroguard for
about a month.

The two have also gathered small pieces of meat in one place, except for large
parts such as sirloin and tenderloin. These were good things to make into sausages


While he was cutting the meat, Durgyu was surprised to see Lee Han taking a can of
spices from his pocket.

...why are you carrying it?

“Oh, nothing.”

Lee Han raised the pot and made a fire. Thanks to the extreme cold, flame magic
was easy.

Then I cut the scaffold and put it in the pot. It was to melt to make pork fat.

Despite putting the pot on the fire, Lee Han did not rest. I made a sausage right
away by mixing the remaining flesh with spices.

Giselle was unwilling to acknowledge Lee Han's abilities, but she had no choice
but to acknowledge the move she was showing now.

Lee Han was good at chores, comparable to that of the most experienced camper in
the family.

...I don't know why a boy from a great aristocratic family, not a knight family,
is so good at it!

“Come soon and eat.”

"uh?? really??"

'These children just kept staring at me.'

At first, they were students of the White Tiger Tower, who sat down with a gloomy
expression on their faces, but as the work progressed, they gradually became more
piercing and threw their gazes at them.

The gaze had only one meaning.

- Would you like to give us some too?

Giselle sighed lightly and shook her head.

It's such a sneaky act.

Today, the students of the White Tiger Tower were blaming all the disgrace of

Showing you under the floor under the floor...

“Then… Shall we eat a little then?”

“Isn’t it like a knight to ignore sincerity?”

As usual, Lee Han didn't say anything. Because I threw too many snowballs earlier.

Let's see today!

Lee Han puts the crispy grains that had been squeezed out of the oil on the
hardened black bread.

As the number of students was quite large, it was not good to have them fill their
stomachs with only meat.

In this case, the good thing was the bread that came with the meal.
It was rare among the students to eat this rationed bread as it is. They tried to
change the taste somehow or used it as money.

Of course, Lee Han, who was active in barter trading, had a lot of bread like

'It makes you feel full by inserting it gently.'

Unaware of such evil intentions, the students of the White Tiger Tower were
delighted with the bread and meat.

“Wordanaz. You did a really good job.”

Professor Ingaldel said with a proud expression on his face.

I gave it to the winning student as a gift, but to give it to other friends like

Lee Han hid his evil heart and nodded his head.

"no. professor. We are all friends.”


Giselle was shocked to herself.

How could you say such a strange thing without blinking an eye?

Guys like Durgyu were deceived, but Gisele was not. Wodanaj was of the same class
as Giselle.

I can't seriously say something like that...


“Heh, heh. Tears come out of the smoke. I was never moved by your words.”

'...these idiots really.'

Giselle felt as if the meat she had been chewing had rested on her throat.

I was beaten like that, but my face is already healed because I ate some meat.

They're the same top friends, but at times like this, I really wanted to hit one.

“This is what I serve.”

Professor Ingaldel came with a jar of fresh milk.

Lee Han thought that the jar looked very similar to the jar he had seen in
Professor Thundergeulleum's hut.

'...maybe not.'

Everyone ate and drank by the fire.

Even when Lee Han relaxed a little, Professor Voladi appeared like a ghost from
“Is the lecture over?”

"Yes. it's over. Professor Bagreg.”

“Can I take you?”

“You can.”

In a moment, Lee Han looked at Professor Ingaldel with a sense of betrayal.

At that gaze, Professor Ingaldel was a little perplexed.

What did I do wrong?

“Uh… Professor Bagreg. Where is Lee Han going?”

“Upper floor of the main building.”


“For relieving the cold.”


At those words, the students of the White Tiger Tower roared.

I've heard rumors that Wodanaj is going out to deal with this frigid cold on their
own, but I'm sure it's true.

If it was enough to go with the professor, it didn't seem like he was usually


“You really…”

'I thought I was going to throw the snowball a little harder.'

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who cast their eyes in awe, couldn't be
more annoyed.

"good night! Wodanaz. We will go with you!”

Angro shouted with a determined expression.

Lee Han-do, Giselle, and Professor Voladi also threw their gazes that they did not

'Are you crazy?'

'Are you out of your mind?'


However, the White Tiger Tower students all agreed that less blood flowed to their
heads as they ate and digested their stomachs.

"great! We too!”
“We will be together. Professor Bagreg!”

“Lead us!”

Professor Voladi responded with sincerity to the screams of the students at the
White Tiger Tower.

“The trembling ones…”

"professor. It must have been cold because you came from a long way, but let’s
have a cup of hot coffee!”

Lee Han quickly grabbed Professor Boladi's arm and led him to the bonfire.


To be honest, I was curious about what will come after 'the shudders', but...

Hearing that will only make the atmosphere colder.

Lee Han poured hot coffee into a crushed tin cup and placed it in Professor
Boladi's hand.

“It’s delicious.”

"thank you."

Seeing Professor Voladi sipping coffee, Lee Han suddenly regained his sanity.

'no. Come to think of it, I didn't need to dry it, did I?'

Whether Professor Boladi treated the White Tiger Tower students or not had nothing
to do with Lee Han...

When a professor has an accident, it is because of his instinct to come forward

and solve it without knowing it.

“Wordanaz. Are you leaving now?”

“Are you really planning on coming with me? Would it be dangerous?”

“Huh. Danger is just a virtue that should be given to a knight.”

'You're talking bullshit.'

Lee Han thought that he should have thrown the snowball harder.

After all, what can Lee Han say when they say they will buy and suffer?

Even if Lee Han doesn't have to say anything, he'll pay the price himself.

"ruler. Then let's go!”

“Morady. Why don't you bring a sword?"


Giselle, who was eating with the toasted fat between the buns, paused.

“What do you mean?”

“You all decided to go upstairs together.”

Giselle was astonished.

He left the other White Tiger Tower students talking nonsense, and an arrow flew
at him.

"why me..."

“Isn’t Moradi scared?”

“What nonsense… Does Moradi look like you? Moradi should lead us as we go to
dangerous places. Don't make me angry."


Giselle regretted keeping her snout shut when Angago spoke up earlier.

I should have shut you up then!

Lee Han said in a low voice as he passed forward with Professor Voladi.

“It’s not my fault.”

"Shut up..."

* * *

Cohorti glanced at Dirett and whispered to Kumandas.

“So when do you think the freshman will come?”

“I’m trying to get to know you right now, but…”

“You can't be that slow! Can't you see the dirett now!?"

I don't know much about the crow beast people, but if the feathers were upside
down, anyone could tell that they were angry.

That's exactly what Dirett did now.

A situation in which he has to patrol the hallway every day for work that he has
not done!

At this point, even a friend of the same grade could have committed a murder.

“I can’t. I'll go and send you another note."

“Isn’t it dangerous? The principal…”

“Don’t you know that we might be found dead before we go to the punishment room

“Yeah, but…”
Footsteps began to be heard in the distance. The dimensional accident was in the
opposite direction.

Kohorti raised her head, wondering if it was possible. Even though he knew he

But a miracle happened right before my eyes.


A freshman from the Woudanaj family, who was about to bring him, was walking from
the other side of the hallway.

“That freshman!”

"What?! really!?"

“I told you! The truth is a... Wait.”

The two, who were happy, stopped.


At first, I was happy to see only the freshmen of the Wodanaj family, but after



Their faces hardened as the professor and other freshmen rushed in.

'What the hell is this?'

'Isn't that person... Professor Bagreg?'

The professors at the Magic School joked that even the Skeleton Principal didn't
know the exact number.

Even more so for the students.

Professors who were not related to their major were often unable to have a
conversation until graduation.

But the students here are 4th graders. There were quite a few professors I knew.

Besides, Professor Bagreg...

'You're an untitled professor.'

Untitled Professor.

It means a professor with no pupils, and they were professors who had to be
especially careful even in Einrogard, where there were only strange professors.

Think about it.

There were also some professors who wondered, 'What kind of madman is learning
under that professor?'
There were students who even learned black magic, which was not so popular.

And yet, there is no disciple...

...I mean it was really, very, very dangerous.

The faces of the fourth graders who recognized Professor Voladi were colored with

Even when I was in fourth grade, I was still afraid of someone like Professor

'Last time, one of the 3rd graders tried to listen, but he said he was exhausted
and collapsed?'

'What kind of lecture are you giving...'

“No, hello. professor."

The fourth graders swallowed their fear and said hello. Professor Volradi nodded
his head.

“Are you in charge?”


"i get it."

Professor Voladi didn't say any more and tried to walk forward.

Naturally, the 4th graders were stunned.


"professor. Let me explain.”

Seeing Professor Voladi talking with the invisible seniors, Lee Han said with a

Actually, it wasn't even a story.

It was a one-sided notice!

When Professor Voladi temporarily removed the skull principal's magic from the
seniors, the 4th grade students were revealed.

The students at the White Tiger Tower behind them were startled, but Lee Han was

Now, I've been through too many things to be surprised by this.

“Seniors. Let me explain.”

“That… yes.”

Lee Han explained briefly.

Professor Voladi is trying to solve this cold problem.

So, the first graders came here to do the same.


Upon hearing the explanation, Kumandas' eyes fluttered with emotion.

'You must have been seriously considering the proposal we sent you!'

I thought that the meaning was not conveyed because I pretended not to know
anything, but this junior had already noticed.

It must have been that he pretended not to know, probably to avoid the Skeleton
Principal's harsh surveillance.

"Junior. Thank you! I knew you would accept our offer!”


“…our proposal?”

Dirette, who was listening next to her, asked with a frown.

Are these children...?

“Oh, no. It’s nothing.”

“I hope you…”

“Isn’t it? We didn't make contact! Really!"

Dirett paralyzed Kumandas with a curse and asked Lee Han.

“Did these children not have contact? really?"

"Yes. I didn’t.”

Dirett looked intently into Lee Han's eyes.

There really wasn't any sign of lying.

'It must have been real.'

Dirette tilted her head. Other than that, the attitude of the other 4th graders
was particularly suspicious.

Did you just get stabbed?

'Junior... Thank you...! Don't be sure to repay this favor later!'

The paralyzed Kumandas thanked Lee Han with his eyes.

Thank you for coming, but you noticed Dirett's life and even told a lie.

He was a really special fellow.

'I don't know why that person is like that.'

Of course, it was only absurd for Lee Han, who did not know English.
I think 4th graders are a bit weird...

...Is it because everyone has been at school for a long time?

“Uh, anyway, let’s move on. ruler. Junior. Do you know what this artifact is?”

Kumandas pulled out an ancient artifact that looked like a giant harpoon.

Now 4th graders were making holes in this twisted dimensional corridor space and
leaking magic power out.

No matter how many layers of dimensions were overlapped inside, no matter how
warped the space, no matter what was summoned, if the magic of the realm itself
decreased, it could not be maintained for long.

If all of the magic power is consumed like this, the warped dimension will
disappear and the hallway will return to its original state.

...the problem was that it was taking too much time.

“These artifacts are very expensive ancient artifacts with built-in space-
penetrating magic. It consumes a lot of mana, but once it works...”

“Tell me the gist.”

“...Anyway, this will penetrate the spaces in the hallway and increase the amount
of leakage.”

Kumandas looked at Dirett and finished his speech. Ihan nodded his head.

Like 4th graders, he was good at explaining and his method was reasonable.

In fact, 4th graders seemed to explain better than the professors.

'Not bad.'

"All right. understand."


Kumandas was heartbroken.

No matter how much magical power a freshman may have, it required tremendous
determination to operate such an ancient artifact from the perspective of a

He is determined to squeeze his magic to the bottom.

It wasn't his own fault, but he's acting responsibly like this.

'A great freshman has arrived...'

Dirett glared at Kumandas as if to die of pity. If it weren't for professors and

freshmen, there were a few harsh swear words in their eyes.

Kumandas coughed as if he felt the gaze.

“Hmmm. Shall we start then?”

"for a moment."


When Professor Voladi opened his mouth, Kumandas was perplexed.

'Is there something wrong with the calculation?'

“If you do it that way, most of the monsters inside will disappear.”

“Yes… is it? If the magic power is scattered, the dimension cannot be maintained,

“Then I cannot allow it.”


Ian closed her eyes tightly.


"let's go."

Professor Voladi turned towards the corridor of the warped dimension. Lee Han and
the White Tiger Top students followed after them.

Kumandas was stunned as he did not understand the current situation.

“Uh… my, what did I do wrong?”

"Of course. stupid child I said in front of the professor that I was going to
borrow the magic of a first-year student to operate the artifact, which professor
would allow that? Follow me.”

Dirette scolded her friends and raised her wand. My friends followed me with
shameful expressions.

* * *

Professor Voladi pursued practical combat, but he was not without safety

In preparation for the war on the warped dimension, various strengthening magic
was applied.

Lee Han whispered while pointing to the students at the White Tiger Tower.

“I think you should walk to them too.”


I heard (to the shudders) why (must walk), but Lee Han calmly gave the reason.

“…if there is no enhancement magic, they can scatter and run away and interfere
with the fight, right?”

Professor Voladi cast an enhancement magic. The students of the White Tiger Tower
had a confident expression on their faces.

"Junior. do not worry."

"thank you."

At the words of the 4th graders standing next to him, Lee Han bowed his head

The day will come when you will feel the strength of your seniors at this magic

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han and asked.

“Have you mastered the <Floating Cold Shield> magic?”

“...not finished yet.”

"Right. Watch out for projectiles.”


The fourth graders doubted their ears.

Did I just say <Floating Frost Shield> magic?

...isn't that 4 circle magic?

“What did you just say…”

Kumandas wanted to ask what the conversation just meant, but he couldn't.

Monsters began to appear in front of them.

It was a gigantic winter ghost that had a hazy misty form, sprinkling sleet as it

“How much magic did you use to make the winter ghost grow so big?”

At Dirett's murmuring, the 4th grade students bowed their heads in shame.

“We will take care of it.”

“Of course we have to deal with it. Don't be mean to say it like you're doing

Dirette raised her wand. The fourth graders also raised canes.

But before even preparing for the magic, countless numbers of small flames began
to explode over the Winter Wraith.




Are you a junior?!



The Winter Wraith was tormented by the flames formed by magic.

No matter how weak the attribute, the Winter Ghost, who was strengthened by
absorbing that amount of magic, was not significantly affected by the 1st circle

Nevertheless, the reason why the Winter Wraith is tormented by twisting its

'What magic number?'

“Burn, burn, burn, burn!”

Lee Han continued to call the flames as he continued to cast spells.

The cold air that spread all around helped control the flames.

Bringing the flames.

moving the flame.

Repeat this process.

It was very simple, but if you continued the repetition quickly and countless
times, it was enough to create a powerful firepower.

Dirett forgot to protect his juniors from monsters and threw his gaze as if


Originally, Einroguard's high school students did not admire the low circle magic.

Not only them, but any skilled magician.

There was no lack of potential for the development of low circle magic.

It can be tempered and trained to reduce casting speed, increase destructive

power, and improve control, but...

Strictly speaking, that wasn't the norm.

Such is the skill of a battle wizard who specializes in magic battles, or a skill
that a wizard is originally supposed to do.

Wizards study higher circle magic in order to explore the truth of the world and
to step into unknown realms that the science of magic has not uncovered.

Compared to that purpose, training low circle magic to that extent was close to a


Not only Dirett, but other 4th graders had no choice but to admit it.
Even low circle magic can overwhelm wizards depending on how you use it!

"what are you doing? everyone."

Dirette came to her senses and urged her friends. His friends nodded.

"that. okay."

The fourth graders raised their canes.

Originally, the standard way to deal with the Winter Wraith was to raise the
surrounding temperature to restrain its movement and then attack.

In a situation where the movement is not tied, the situation can become
complicated if you stimulate it prematurely.

Winter Wraith had a talent to disturb the wizard's five senses in various ways,
from fog to sleet, and such a talent was quite lethal to freshmen with less

...but now I see there is another way.

After attacking the Winter Wraith, how to continue attacking countless times
without even having time to react!

“...are you just interfering? Do you think I'll catch you?"

“But if you just leave it alone, then… do something.”

“Shall we put up a curtain?”

Kumandas raised his staff.

He was planning to put a veil of heat around the Winter Wraith to restrain his


At that moment, a flying ice ball hit the back of Kumandas's hand.

Kumandas grabbed the back of his tingling hand and looked at Professor Voladi with
a puzzled expression.

“Hey, did I do something wrong?”

“It’s a hindrance.”


Kumandas didn't understand why he was hit on the back of his hand.

I don't think it was because I was trying to help my first-year junior...

“Isn’t it possible to stimulate and summon other monsters by using wide-area magic
like a curtain of heat in a situation where the cold is strong now?”

“Wow, indeed.”
It was more of a dream than a dream, and Kumandas was convinced by what his friend

Obviously, the clumsy range attack magic could be dangerous in a warped dimension
like now.

Because I was able to provoke other hidden monsters to summon them.

"sorry. professor. Because of my lack of combat experience…”

Professor Voladi did not answer. Kumandas was embarrassed.

“Are you mad because of a mistake?”

"it's okay. Can't make up for it in the future Show me your skills.”

However, the chance for Kumandas to make up for it did not come as expected.

cold corpse beetle.

- Burn, burn, burn, burn!

-Huh... Junior. great?

-thank you.

-Then, this time I'll use the projectile-type magic... Shall I prepare a fire

-hey. you got it all


- Burn, burn, burn, burn!

- Junior... Don't you have enough mana?

- It's fine.

- Shall I go out anyway?



- Don't take the ball from your first-year juniors, you're supposed to catch them
from the beginning.

- And... indeed. ...But isn't that junior too fast?

-You use faster magic.


Kumandas looked at Lee Han while hesitating.

In fact, unless you are a professional in magic battles, the casting speed of
magic is not necessary.
What is the need for the ability to cast quickly for research or experimentation?

Of course, Kumandas did not care much about the casting speed.

Until I was overwhelmed by my freshman classmates today.

'...I'll have to practice when I get back...'

'Are you okay?'

The seniors in the 4th grade were paying attention, but there was no way Lee Han
couldn't not notice it.

Lee Han felt a subtle atmosphere.

'no way...'

Do you want to catch monsters here?

Lee Han wanted it, but no matter how much he thought about it, there seemed to be
no other reason.

Why the hell do you want to catch it?

It's Lee Han, Professor Voladi is pointing a knife or a staff behind his back, so
even so...

'I'll have to give in anyway.'




“You must be dissatisfied that the level of the monsters is not higher than you


Lee Han was speechless for a moment.

The other friends were admiring, 'Wordanaj, that child's expression doesn't change
and burns and kills monsters, that's an archmage.'

Monsters also have strategies and have their own abilities.

If Lee Han, inexperienced, gets caught up in the monster's strategy, he could be

seriously hurt.

In the end, there was only one safest option for Lee Han to choose.

advance work.

With the first attack, an overwhelming first attack that does not give the
opponent a chance to counterattack!

I was told that if I was too late, I would be killed, and then I attacked
'Let's be calm.'

Lee Han regained his composure.

“More than that, other people seem to want to hunt.”

The 4th grade seniors as well as the White Tiger Top students were paying

I wonder if someone was from a knight family, so seeing Lee Han hunting made them
want to go out too.

Professor Voladi kindly advised a solution.

“Tell them to shut up.”

“…how about giving me a little chance?”

I didn't want to be a freshman who told my 4th grade seniors, 'Get out of the
way,', so Lee Han said it as politely as possible.

Then, Professor Voladi sighed as if he was sorry.

“What the principal said was true.”


“Your weakness is your weakness.”

“…that is, that’s right.”

Lee Han, ignorant of anything else, vowed to overcome his weakness if he ever had
to kill Principal Skeleton or Professor Voladi.

* * *

Professor Boladi did not refuse Lee Han's request.

As Lee Han stepped back, the 4th grade students and the White Tiger Top students
went hunting.

“Everyone, never overdo it!”

“Never move before I cast a spell. Don't be too quick to provoke!"

The hunt of the wizards who lacked this limit was a solid standard with no flaws.

The seniors in the 4th grade took the first step and drastically reduced the
monster's abilities with powerful magic.

The students of the White Tiger Tower, whose physical abilities were greatly
improved by Professor Voladi's strengthening magic, rushed in.

The wooden swords of the White Tiger Tower students were no ordinary wooden
swords. It had been enchanted by Kumandas.

Each time the wooden sword collided with this magic, heat surged, inflicting
additional damage to the monster.
Seeing them working together while moving organically, like gears interlocking,
Lee Han was unwittingly admiring.

This kind of hunting where experienced seniors lead in front and passionate
juniors push from behind...

'...suddenly I feel sad.'

Lee Han tried not to think deeply.

Looking at the hunting as if it was painted with that picture now, it made me
seriously contemplate what kind of hunting Lee Han had done alone until now!

"professor. I also want to learn how to fight together as a group.”

“Good idea.”

Professor Voladi praised him with an expressionless face.


“When you become good at fighting alone, you become good at fighting in groups.”

"...ah. Yes."

“Those who can fight in groups cannot fight alone, but those who can fight alone
know how to fight in groups.”


I've never been particularly envious of the White Tiger Tower students, but it was
the first time I saw them catching them in such a friendly manner today.

what's that...


The complexion of Lee Han, who had been complaining inwardly, changed. Professor
Boladi noticed at the same time and nodded his head.

The next thing I noticed were the 4th graders.

A considerable amount of magic twist was felt inside the hallway.

A monster much stronger than the monsters that have ever appeared!


Dirett and the fourth graders called on Professor Voladi with serious expressions.

Such monsters could be dangerous not only for first-year students, but also for
fourth-year students.

The professor had to step in.

Professor Voladi nodded as if he understood what he was saying.

"i get it."

"thank you."

Professor Voladi grabbed the wand and swung it.


With a huge flow of power, the 4th grade students and the White Tiger Tower
students were pushed back.

Dirett could feel it.

A number of magic overlapped in an instant, creating a huge barrier that

penetrated the area in front of them.

Any monster will not be able to break through this magic barrier and come to the
side of the students.

'You're a professor too.'

Dirette couldn't help but admire.

By the 4th grade, the students of the Magic School naturally had a high nose and a
heavy burden on their shoulders.

Even a first-year student right now is treated as a wizard wherever he goes out of
the magic school, but by the fourth year, there is no choice but to make the
mistake of thinking, 'Aren't I the key talent in the empire's magic world?'

However, when I saw the true abilities of the professors at the Magic School, that
arrogance would disappear.

Wizards capable of leading the Einroguard, which gathers only the best geniuses of
the Empire.

They are the faculty...

"...uh? uh?? professor?? professor??"

Dirette raised her voice in embarrassment.

The black magic junior remained outside the wall.


“I… that junior didn’t come in?”


"...yes? no..."

Dirett was about to say, 'If you find out, you should bring it, you crazy
bastard,' and then came to your senses.

The opponent was a professor.

Dirett decided to convince the professor who had gone crazy and called Lee Han.

"Junior! Run back!”

"Yes? why?"

“…Is it dangerous?”

"thank you. I will be careful.”

“No, I’m not careful…!”

Dirett looked at her friends, wondering if she was weird.

Of course, the other 4th graders were astonished.

what is this doing now??

“Snow. See through the darkness.”

Lee Han re-applied the strengthening magic and waited for the monster to come.

I had to do my best as I was stronger than the ones I had faced before.

'Strike first.'

As soon as the running guy shows up from across the hallway, he pours out all the
magic he can use!


At that moment, Lee Han's face hardened.

The mana of the opponent that was emitting from the other side suddenly started to
be amplified dozens of times.

I don't know why, but it was clear that the opponent had hidden his magic.

Then the calculation is different.

'Are you going to break the barrier and dodge backwards? can you smash it? How
strong was Professor Voladi?'

Who wants to meet the king of the frost giants?


A majestic voice resounding.

Even the first-year students beyond the barrier could feel the powerful magic that
overwhelms them.

But what was more overwhelming than that was the appearance of the opponent.

He bowed his head in fear of touching the ceiling of the high hallway. A huge
sword held in one hand.

'Is it better to be lucky?'

Ian thought to himself.

It was more dangerous if it was a moderately strong guy.

If it had been a ferocious monster that couldn't communicate, Lee Han would have
been beaten up in return for his mistake in grasping magical power.

I won't die because Professor Voladi is behind me, but...


However, enemies stronger than that were able to talk.

They ask questions as much as they are intelligent and curious.

like this.


“King of the frost giants. Here's a talented contender. I challenge you.”


Lee Han turned his head and looked at Professor Boladi. The fourth graders also
turned their heads and looked at Professor Voladi.


"The King of the Frost Giants is an honorable being who enjoys the just challenge
of a worthy challenger."

Professor Voladi kindly explained to Lee Han when he was curious.

It was indeed the erudition of a professor.

For a moment, Lee Han doubted whether Professor Voladi had already known who was
inside the corridor of the twisted dimension.

'I think it is.'

“I… I’ve heard of it, but…”

Dirett said in a trembling voice.

Spirits, demons, angels, etc., among the beings living in other dimensions, there
were some well-known ones.

The King of the Frost Giants was such a being.

An honorable being who enjoys the legitimate challenge of a qualified challenger

and gives a reward worthy of the challenge.

...Of course that's it, and the strange thing is that it hasn't changed.

No matter how honorable your opponent is who likes a challenge, isn't it really
wrong to push a freshman into that?!

Dirette couldn't stand it and opened her mouth.

"professor. It seems too early for a freshman to challenge the King of the Frost


I had the courage to say it, but when an immediate answer came back without
thinking for even a second, Dirett was furious.

The 4th graders were terrified and grabbed Dirett's sleeves.

“Diret. you are patient Your opponent is the professor!”

“Untitled professor!”

...Isn't that too young? I think it's a bit reckless.

However, an unexpected opponent sided with Dirett.

He was the king of the frost giants.

The king of the frost giant tilted his head as he looked at Lee Han.

No matter how young the wizards were, they were geniuses who showed outstanding
abilities from a young age, but the wizard in front of him looked too young even
though he was young.

He was the king of frost giants who preferred a fair challenge.

I didn't want to face a challenger who was too young.

“King of the frost giants. I guarantee this challenger's abilities in my name.”

Professor Voladi said firmly. At the strength he felt from the opposing wizard,
the king of the frost giant nodded his head for a moment.

If you name the wizard...


Lee Han, who was listening quietly, made a shaky expression on his face.

If the other person talks like that, do you have to challenge yourself by walking
up to your own name?

Name the challenger who greets the king.

“I’m Lee Han from the Wodanaj family.”

good night. young contender.

The king of the frost giant pointed to the blue ice crown that hung over his head.

If you injure this crown that symbolizes pride, it will be your victory.

'Than you think...?'

Lee Han quickly made a plan in his head when he saw the king, a kind and gentle
frost giant.

From the looks of it, what the frost giant king showed was far from the truth.
The fact that he would recognize Lee Han as a victory even if he only hurt the
crown, and his standing posture was quite loose.

Well, if you're dealing with a first-year student and you're seriously wary, that
would be even weirder...

In any case, we had to make the most of it.

A powerful strategy that only Lee Han can do.

Try to finish with a first attack while your opponent is careless!

“But you, king of the frost giants.”

What is it?

“The dimension around here is twisted. If you win the challenge, will this problem
be solved?”

If you want it, it will be. It is the right of the victor in the challenge.

The king of the frost giant nodded meekly.

It seemed that the king of the frost giant was one of the keys to maintaining the
realm now.

When the Frost Giant King leaves, this warped dimensional corridor will soon
return to its original state.

Lee Han took a step forward.

Actually, the content of the conversation just wasn't that important.

The important thing is to close the distance!

'One more step.'

“King of the frost giants. I will ask you one last thing.”

let it be

“Is that the king’s servant behind me?”

The king of the frost giant turned his head.

At that moment, Lee Han stretched out his wand and shouted.

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

It was the fastest and most violently cast magic that Lee Han had ever cast.

It was impossible to draw out any magical power in advance as the opponent should
not notice.

The moment the King of the Frost Giant turns his head, he draws out the maximum
amount of mana, casts a spell, weaves mana, and explodes at the tip of his staff!

The eyes of the 4th grade students widened. The power of the lightning magic was
much stronger than expected.

The magic battle of that freshman that I've seen so far was a method of increasing
firepower by firing countless easy spells.

Although I admired it, the difficulty itself could be done by 4th graders if given

Because the magic itself wasn't difficult.

However, the surprise shown now was a level of magic that was several steps higher
than that.

Even when dealing with lightning, which is one of the most unstable of the
elements, it was completed and cast so quickly.

It wasn't just because the speed of casting magic was fast.

Without strong control and deep understanding of the lightning element, it would
be impossible!

'When I was in my first year, I don't think I could properly control the flames,
let alone the lightning element...'

I was so surprised that I didn't even notice that the now freshman had cheated on
the King of the Frost Giants and made a surprise attack.

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had no idea how great the magic they
had just demonstrated, murmured.

“Uh… can I cheat like that?”

“Can I do it because it’s disadvantageous?”


However, Lee Han's attack did not reach the crown.

A wall of blue ice appeared in front of the crown worn by the Frost Giant King,
blocking the lightning.


Lee Han seemed to understand why Professor Voladi had asked him to complete the
floating frost shield magic.

'Performance is... good.'

Despite the surprise, the king of the frost giants was not angry.

Rather, he seemed to be interested.

You definitely deserve it.

“Thank you...”

Lee Han said thank you and prepared to blow a ball of water.
However, the king of the frost giants was not beaten twice.

Thing blah blah blah blah blah!

Ice began to burst out in the form of a semicircle from the back of the Frost
Giant King.

And the ice rushed towards Lee Han as if it were alive.

“...Burn up!”

Lee Han memorized the spell and flew away.

It was the beginning of a real challenge.

* * *

“Bone, seize the enemy. Cloak, swallow me!”

When Lee Han summoned the Bone Restraint and cast Gonadaltes' Cloak of
Invisibility, the King of the Frost Giant threw an interesting glance.

I wondered what the wizard behind the wall had believed and guaranteed, but seeing
that he's fighting now, this young wizard was qualified as a contender.

The first is the enormous amount of magic that makes it seem as if there is no

The magic he used still felt unfinished, but the enormous amount of magical power
compensated for the shortcomings.

In particular, it was when the fire magic was cast that the advantage was

Now, around here is the place where the Frost Giant King declared his power, so no
flames should be able to light up, but the magic that the boy cast rose regardless
of the cold.

It's pretty fierce too!


Fire is also compatible with cold, so even the ice wielded by the king of frost
giants slowed down in front of the flames.

Of course, it just couldn't last this long. The young wizard had other advantages
as well.

'I have a feeling.'

His sense of danger was so great that the king of frost giants admired it.

Seeing the elements moving around me one step ahead and avoiding them in the
opposite direction made me wonder if that was a young human.

When that excellent sense was combined with the enormous magical power that could
sustain various enhancement magic, even the King of the Frost Giant evaded it so
quickly that it was difficult to hit.
And lastly, the flexibility to combine magic in various ways.

The frost giant asked curiously.

Usually wizards dig deep into their specialties, but you deal with an unusually
wide area. Any reason?

Even the magic shown by the challenger in front of him was already diverse,
including elements (fire, lightning), illusion, enchantment, and black magic.

Considering that he was a young wizard, it was even more surprising.

Ian didn't answer.

In fact, it was close to not being able to answer because it was difficult.

Right now, in front of my eyes, a huge piece of ice was wriggling like a living
creature, and there was no way I could answer it leisurely.

Even if you relax a little, sharp pieces of ice fly like raindrops...

Professor Voladi answered instead.

“I learned it myself because I needed it.”

indeed. To learn battle magic on your own at that age. That's great.

The king of the frost giant was amazed.

There were many wizards who knew their shortcomings and came forward to make up
for them, but there were very few wizards who actively moved like that at such a
young age.

The seniors in the 4th grade were also impressed.

'Is that so?'

Even the students of the White Tiger Tower admire...


“Lee Han!!!”

Durgyu screamed in fright. A huge pillar of ice had just fallen in the spot where
Lee Han had been.

“Don’t worry. Durgyu.”

Lee Han, who rolled to the side, clenched his teeth and said. It was avoided by
first detecting the element's movement before falling from above.

My body was a little sore...

'I'm going crazy. It doesn't give you a break.'

Lee Han felt a sense of emptiness after a long time.

No matter how much magical power you have, if you don't weave it with magic, it's

If you give me a little time, I will try to increase the firepower by summoning
flames from all directions, but the Frost Giant King did not give it any time and
drove it fiercely.

It's hard to even dream of counterattacking because it's not enough to focus on

“Shield, unfold!”

Lee Han chose to defend instead of forcibly attacking.

It was painful and difficult, but this was the only way that was most likely right

With tenacity not like a young wizard, the eyes of the frost giant king stood out.

challenger. Is there any reason to stick to fire magic? Since a while ago,
elemental magic has only been using flames.

The King of the Frost Giant asked, pointing to the flame shield Lee Han had

In fact, the flame shield was the least used magic among elemental shield magic.

The defense is weak, the mana consumption is large, and the shape is difficult to

Of course, this was not a problem for Lee Han.

“Isn’t it a match between cold and…?”

Lee Han responded with caution when the opponent stopped attacking.

it's not commendable But the wizard must be a being who uses the environment. Is
there any reason to go against the power of cold that surrounds you?


Ian paused.

is it?

Thinking about it, that was correct.

If it were any other mage, he would have noticed that the fire magic wasn't
casting and cast the cold magic...

Lee Han used only flame magic for the pleasure of controlling the flame magic he
suffered so hard.

'Is your head stiff from the cold?'

I understand. challenger. It must be the pride of being a contender. I appreciate

that pride.

But this challenge is not life-or-death. Sometimes you have to learn to let go of
your ego and use other powers.

Instead of explaining, Lee Han gave strength to the hand holding the staff.

and shouted



Suddenly, a huge mass of ice appeared in the air.

It was an enormous size that could not be compared with the flames.

Lee Han swung his staff and tried to change his shape.


As if moving several water beads at the same time, Lee Han moved the ice cubes.

Dozens of pieces of ice separated from the mass and began to fly quickly.

But the frost giant was not at all surprised. He pulled out the blue wall of ice
that had stopped the lightning before and lifted it again.

At that moment, Lee Han's hand moved instinctively. His body vomited what it had
learned before his head could make a decision.

Deep application of the element of water, learned from Umidhus.


In an instant, the wall of blue ice faded and disappeared.

It immediately re-formed, but the pieces of ice were faster than that.

The ice cubes that Lee Han fired with all his might penetrated into the wall.

'It has arrived!'

With a sharp metallic sound, a piece of ice pierced the crown worn by the king of
frost giants.


That's great.

The Frost Giant King's voice was soft, notwithstanding the blemishes on his crown
of honor.

It was because he was satisfied with what the challenger showed.

I was wondering how to break through the crown's defense, but I'm going to use
Evaporation, which is an advanced application attribute of the element water.

Evaporation was a tricky property that often did not understand even a wizard who
specialized in dealing with the element of water.
Even if they had sufficient understanding, their use was very limited as their
magic consumption was extreme.

Not only understanding, but also extreme consumption of mana.

It's an attribute that is difficult to use even for a good wizard, but you'll see
it in young wizards.

He manipulates the element of cold quite well. I believe that the decision you
made after you gave up your pride has grown you.

Not only evaporation, but also the manipulation of the elemental cold was

Among the wizards, there were very few people who dared to sharpen and polish
element manipulation.

Rather than attacking opponents by moving pieces of ice irregularly for nothing,
it is common as a wizard to learn stronger high-ranking magic.

Let alone the element of cold, it was not an element that was easy to maintain or
control like the element of water or the element of earth.

No matter how cold the surrounding environment was, it was the ability of a wizard
to control more than a dozen pieces at the same time.


Lee Han decided to just listen quietly.

It wasn't that he didn't just use fire magic because of his pride, but it didn't
seem like it would be a good idea to say it.

Here, we leave a mark for the honorable challenger.

Along with the declaration of the frost giant king, a blue shiny stone was
embedded at the end of Lee Han's staff. It was a stone condensed with intense cold.

When the snow melts and spring arrives, it will be difficult to deal with the
cold. He left the cold for the wizard.

"...thank you!"

Lee Han was confused.

Of course, the king of the frost giants could not have guessed.

Now, the wizard in front of you is trying to practice fire magic with the cold you
have given him!

'When the cold is over, fire magic will become difficult again, and it would be of
great help if you could bring the cold.'

Of course, there are restrictions, but it would be of great help if you could
bring in the cold even once every few days.

Frost is the greatest of the elements...

At the king's words, Lee Han hesitated.

It's a new feeling, but there was a strong tendency for wizards and spirits to say
that the elements they were dealing with were unconditionally the best.

'I don't think that's it.'

Still, Ian kept her mouth shut. He also received a gift, so it was polite to be
patient with that.

...if you realize how to handle it, there will be no match for the challenger.
Then, I look forward to meeting you again someday and taking on the challenge.
Honorable contender.

"thank you. majesty."

The King of the Frost Giants turned and departed with dignity, worthy of his
reputation as a king.

Lee Han cast a respectful and grateful gaze at the back figure disappearing beyond
the dimension.

'But let's not meet again.'

To be grateful was to be grateful, and Lee Han had no intention of meeting again
and challenging himself.

His whole body was screaming to avoid the opponent's attack.

"Good job."

"thank you."

Professor Boladi broke the barrier and approached Lee Han.

Seeing this, the 4th grade students breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Until recently, I felt like a crazy person (actually, I still feel like a crazy

Still, seeing the praise of the first-year freshman who had suffered like that, it
was clear that the professor had some conscience left in his heart.

If it had not been praised, the 4th graders would have been more angry.

“If I hadn’t insisted on fire magic, I would have done it sooner.”



The seniors in the 4th grade were astonished.

I can't believe they've heard it right now.


'Isn't that too much, really??'

If the freshman had succeeded in the challenge against the king of the frost
giant, the skeleton principal would have shed tears and praised him...

“It was my mistake.”

But instead of being angry, the freshman just admitted his mistake.

Seeing that, the seniors in the 4th grade felt the pain in their hearts.

'I can't do anything as a senior!'

'What the hell did I learn at this magic school?'

A freshman is tormented by a mad professor like that, and there's nothing he can
do about it.

It felt like my heart was pounding with helplessness and anger.

“It should have been approached with cold, not fire.”

"Yes. If you have completed the floating frost shield.”

The fourth graders were staring at them with fierce eyes, but the two priests did
not notice.

I'm just calmly replaying the fight that just happened.

'Right. Did you want a floating cold shield?'

Lee Han wasn't particularly hot.

In fact, this was a huge compliment to Professor Voladi's personality. Because it

started with 'good job'.

Of course, he looked like a crazy professor to others, but...

'Using a floating ice shield to block the opponent's attack to buy time, you said
to go to a battle of cold pieces.'

After the fight, Professor Voladi's thoughts became clearer.

Professor Voladi had a way of looking forward to it.

If you buy time with a floating cold shield and enter a battle using the huge
amount of cold around you, you could succeed enough as there is a limit to the
defense of the crown.

...the part I expected to learn the 4th circle magic in a week is gone...

“There were loopholes in the crown's defense. It must have been possible to launch
a continuous attack from all directions, or to try penetrating it by adding a
rotation attribute.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Ian kept it in his mind.

Apart from Ho-oh, in order to survive later, it was good to remember Professor
Voladi's teachings clearly.

“…you said it’s a turn now…”

“Aren’t you supposed to report to the Emperor?”

The 4th grade students, who were told to add rotation to the still difficult
element of cold, became even more irritable.

“Still, the evaporation was great.”

"thank you!"

Professor Voladi silently nodded, then turned and walked away.

After the frigid cold ended, the professor disappeared into the darkness of the
hallway that had begun to slowly return.

And as soon as the evil monster disappeared, the 4th graders rushed to Lee Han.

"'s okay!?"

“Are you okay!?”

"Yes? It's fine, though."

Ian was a little perplexed.

Suddenly, the seniors in the 4th grade rushed in as if they ate something wrong.

“Are you doing this because of the Frost Giant King? I rolled a lot, but I didn't
get seriously hurt.”

“Not that… I was worried about that too… I just talked to the professor! Are you
really okay?”

Kumandas was more concerned about Lee Han's mind than his body.

If Kumandas had been dragged out by a professor in his freshman year and forced to
challenge the Frost Giant King, and even after he succeeded, he would have
seriously considered dropping out.

Even if I praise you until my saliva is dry, it's not enough...

“Is that a compliment?”

“…just that?”

"Junior. If you don't know what a compliment is..."

“It was a compliment. Everyone seems to have misunderstood.”

Lee Han said calmly, as if there was a slight misunderstanding.

The 4th graders were the most surprised of the emotions they felt today.

'This... this guy...'

'How tough are you...?'

Now that I see, this freshman's true talent was neither the amount of magic power,
nor the understanding of magic, nor the ability to control magic.

The real talent of this freshman was his strong spirit.

A strong spirit that does not waver no matter what the professors at the magic
school do!

"...Junior. I respect you.”

"Junior. I respect you.”

"Junior. ...don't fall.”


The fourth graders tapped Lee Han on the shoulder once and walked away.


“Lee Han.”


As Durgyu approached, Lee Han waved his hand as if it was okay. Just by looking at
his face, he could feel that he was full of worry.

And then there was Giselle.

As Giselle approached with a frown, Lee Han stopped. Also, he wanted to fight

“Go back and check for any injuries.”

However, instead of arguing, Giselle turned away with a word of concern.


Ian was shocked.

What is it really?

“Wordanaz. careful."

“Wordanaz. That lecture... No. Go back and make sure you aren't hurt."

Giselle wasn't the only one. The students from the White Tiger Tower turned around
leaving Lee Han a word of concern.

Lee Han asked Durgyu.

“Can you explain what the situation is now?”

“That’s… um…”

Durgyu pondered what to say.

Even for Lee Han and the half-enemy White Tiger Tower students, Professor Boladi's
lectures were terrifying.

-Isn't Wodanaj going to die in that way?

- Can I do that? No matter how much Wodanaj...

- Isn't that too much?

From the middle of the challenge, I worry about and support Lee Han!

Durgyu couldn't even say, 'You roll so badly that everyone is worried'.

That was to hurt Lee Han's self-esteem.

“Yes… your challenge touched the hearts of the students of the White Tiger Tower
from the knights’ family?”

“Durgyu. what the fuck are you talking about It can't be.”


Durgyu pursed his lips.

* * *

Congratulations. When would you like to solve it?

As they exited the twisted dimensional corridor, the skeleton principal floated to
greet the students.

The students of the White Tiger Tower said with a proud expression.

"Yes. principal. We did it.”

Good job.

However, the faces of the fourth graders were tired of blue.

The skeleton principal's gaze was also fixed on the 4th grade students.

of course you didn't you pathetic bastards

"principal! There is nothing wrong with Dirett. Because of us…”

Kumandas defended himself desperately.

It's a dirett I'm still excited about...

Kumandas could have been killed before he came out of the penitentiary.

What kind of iron-headed innocence are you talking about? It's wrong to have the
wrong friend.


Kumandas retracted the thought he had just looked at Professor Voladi and said,
'Isn't that worse than Principal Skeleton?'
The skeleton principal was even worse.

ruler. Then the punishment room...



Principal Skeleton grumbled and looked at Lee Han.

I still had something to tell you. tell me later

“It’s not that… we solved this problem, didn’t we?”

okay. Good job. okay?

"no. You usually get a reward, don't you?" way.

Principal Skeleton felt ominous and frowned.

do not do that. i hate that


Don't do that. i get nauseous

“Please don’t send me to the punishment room.”

“Right, that’s right!”

“Forgive the seniors!”

This is Lee Han, saying, 'It's better to save one going out ticket and make debt
to seniors', but the simply ignorant White Tiger Top students immediately fell for
the atmosphere.

In response to the warm response, Principal Skeleton made an expression on his

face that he was going to die in agony.

get a pass just. Because I won't dig any traps.

“I just want to forgive my seniors…”

Headmaster Skeleton let out a deep sigh. It was a deep sigh that could reach the
darkest basement of the magic school.

...get off in front of me. These gilded lumps.

“Gam… Thank you!”

The seniors in the 4th grade did not even have time to express their gratitude to
Lee Han.

He gave a deep thanks with his eyes and hurriedly ran away.

Principal Skeleton looked at the back with deep regret.

"thank you. principal."

it's my joy It's the weekend in a few hours now.

"That's right?"

you go out with me Wodanaz.


Lee Han had a colder expression than the king's crown, the frost giant.

Angago, who was next to him, admired it without notice.

Going out on the weekend with the principal?

Rumors that Wodanaj was teaching magic directly from the headmaster were true!

“Wow, whoa! Together with the principal...!”

Lee Han looked at Anggo indifferently.

It was a look that didn't even look at him, but Angro thought that his heart was
freezing cold, so he 'sucked' and shut his mouth.


“...Should I break my leg?”

"Isn't it better to break an arm than a leg?"

“Gainan too. do you call it a horse? Seriously worry.”

“Not only did I do it, but also Makein did it?!”

Lee Han managed to get back to the dormitory after solving the cold problem, but
the Blue Dragon Tower students could not rejoice purely.

Their friend was drawn to the evil lich at dawn.

“That… still, it could be a good opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with

the principal.”

Some of the students, who were still naive, cautiously offered their opinions.

Actually, this is usually true.

The headmaster of this magic school, Einrogard, Osu Gonadaltes was one of the most
outstanding and extraordinary wizards of the Empire.

If you are an outsider who is not familiar with the situation at the Magic School,
you may ask, 'What? Got a chance to meet the Archmage Gonadaltes one-on-one? You
are so lucky to be able to inherit even a little of the teachings of that great

But the freshmen are now slowly noticing.

Being taught one-on-one from a renowned and skilled archmage isn't necessarily a
good thing!
And even more so if the archmage was the headmaster of the skeleton.

“Wordanaz is now being taken away and there is a 90% chance that he will be
tortured. What do you mean by that? Are you still friends?”

“Go… I don’t think you said torture.”

When Asan got angry instead, the other students panicked.

One of the princess's followers, Neblen of the Kirak family, whispered to the

“Princess. Of course, the principal is an eccentric and dangerous person, but this
one-on-one interview... Wouldn't it be a little bit of acknowledgment of Wodanaj's
talent and teaching him?"

Fortunately, the princess nodded her head.

Neveln's face brightened.

"Yes? The only bad thing is…”

The princess shook her head resolutely.

Even considering that, it was bad enough.

“…is it bad?”

“Because it is. Kirak. If you keep doing it, you go instead. Instead of Wodanaj,
you sacrifice.”

“Oh… no… I’m sorry. everyone. Wodanaz. I said proudly.”

Lee Han didn't say anything and just waved his hand as if it was okay.

To be honest, I didn't even have the energy to respond.

'I should sleep a little more.'

I went out on the weekend with Principal Skeleton, but the voices of my friends
could not be heard.

just make up your mind

"look. Wodanaj was hurt because of you!”

“I don’t think Wodanaj will do that…”

* * *

Saturday morning.

Lee Han paid attention and walked towards the front door. Fortunately, there were
no pitfalls.

are you not vigilant? That's great.

"thank you."

Principal Skeleton pointed to the carriage waiting in front of the main gate.

Except for the lack of horses, it was a luxurious looking travel carriage.

Lee Han opened the door of the wagon and went inside instead of asking a rustic
question like 'Is it okay if I don't have a horse?'

Then the scenery of the old-fashioned drawing room caught my eye. It was an
unbelievably large space in a carriage.



The voice of the undead summons was heard from outside and the carriage began to
move smoothly.

The huge front door of the magic school opened and the carriage was sent off.

“Can I ask where you are going?”

That's all I can give you an answer. The destination is Ogonin's Tower.


For a moment, Lee Han wanted Ogonin to be someone.

Skeleton Principal noticed this and was stunned.

Illusion Wizard Ogonin. We met at the festival, did you forget?

“Ah… I have a lot of work to do.”

Although Lee Han made such an excuse, in fact, no matter how much work, he did not
forget a person who left a deep impression.

But Ogonin...

It was the impression of 'a pitiful wizard who was found out by a first-year
student and failed to cast magic on a secret topic'.

If Ogonin had heard of it, it was such a shame that he would stay in the tower for
a while!

No matter how much work I do, if I forget about it, I'd think it was a big deal...
Anyway, Ogonin has done something, so I'm going to give it back as it is.

'I'm really sorry.'

Lee Han sympathized with Ogonin.

Ogonin doesn't seem like such a great wizard, but it's like the Skeleton
Headmaster himself is going through a terrible revenge.

“It seems that a person named Ogonin is not a sorcerer to the extent that the
headmaster himself will take revenge, but...”
Of course, Lee Han's persuasion did not work at all.

However, Principal Skeleton's mood improved considerably.

That's the attitude.


Ian was puzzled.

what attitude?

'I thought you'd be angry for drying it up.'

It should have been that's how you do it

Principal Skeleton nodded with satisfaction.

The biggest weakness of that boy from the Wodanaj family was his weakness.

However, seeing him so arrogantly looking down at a wizard who was about Ogonin,
it seemed that his shortcomings could also be fixed.

As an educator at the Magic School, it was a real joy.

In the first place, all the phantom wizards are twisted and narrow-minded.

“Not necessarily.”

You don't have to take the side of Professor Ku. I'm not here anyway.

“Not only Professor Ku, but there are also people like Waldororn…”


Principal Skeleton tilted his head.

There are many other illusion wizards besides Professor Kirmin Ku, who teaches
illusion magic, but Waldororn was the first name he had ever heard of.

who is that It's the first name I've heard.

"Is that so? I met him by chance the last time I went out, and he has excellent

indeed. Are you a hidden wizard?

The great wizards of the Empire were not necessarily active in social activities.

Some wizards used to search for the truth by staying in the deep valley that only
they knew.

These wizards were often unaware of their existence, even the Skeleton Principal.

Sorry. If you are that good, you should invite them as professors. Hideout wizards
are very tricky... Maybe it's hard?

"Yes. Hearing you talk, you didn't seem interested."

okay. That's right. Anyway, let's stop talking about a little bastard like
Ogonin... Let's talk about your magic. Are you good at learning magic?

"Yes. We are doing our best.”

Lee Han looked up to the sky and had no shame.

There really was no one among the freshmen who did their best as much as Lee Han.

What are you studying other than lectures?

"...principal. It is difficult to follow the lecture.”

Ian was not funny.

Principal Skull naturally asked, 'What are you studying other than the lectures
you are taking?'

It's hard to follow the lectures I'm taking right now, but what do you expect from
a freshman...

Even when it's hard, those who are eager to find out and study magic on their own.
It always is. So, are you studying other than lectures?

“I’m doing it, but…”

Principal Skeleton nodded as if he knew it.

Ian felt a little embarrassed.

Somehow, he had to study additionally, but Lee Han didn't do that on purpose.

“This is by no means a coincidence.”

I didn't ask. tell me what you are studying

Principal Skull showed interest in what field Lee Han was interested in.

Although many complained about his weak personality, the boy of the Wodanaj family
in front of him was the person the Skeleton Principal was currently watching with
the most interest.

As a student candidate who might one day inherit the vision, I had no choice but
to wonder.

“First of all, I am studying the book the principal gave me.”

Your greatest strength is the very eyes that can tell the difference between

Lee Han flattered and Principal Skull was satisfied.

And it wasn't a lie.

If you're bored, the black book will take care of it and enter Lee Han's dream and
forcefully teach her magic!

“And blood magic…”

blood magic? Isn't that too old-fashioned? Besides, it's a small skill you don't

“I’m studying magic that is good to link with…”

At Lee Han's answer, Principal Skeleton looked at him as if he was interested.

Blood magic was difficult to use, and it was a non-mainstream technique that is
not often used these days, but when it comes to magic related to blood magic, the
story is different.

Blood magic is a technique that uses blood as a catalyst to amplify magical power.

The magic associated with such blood magic had a characteristic.

Huge amount of horsepower consumption, relatively little control requirements,


Surely it would be a good fit for that Wordanaj family boy.

You're clever.

"thank you."

What book are you studying? Blood magic books would be less useful.

Lee Han took out a book from his backpack. It was <About basic blood magic and its


Skeleton Principal threw the book into the air and tossed it. Reading the page
with his eyes, Principal Skeleton asked again.

What are you studying other than blood magic?

'I think it's still enough...'

To be honest, as I was studying the skull principal's magic and even blood magic,
it was already overflowing enough.

The problem was that Lee Han was really studying other things.

As he pulled out the book, Lee Han thought to himself.

'I'm really sorry. It's not like I was deliberately looking for it and studying

The Skeleton Principal who saw the book <Basic Lightning Elemental Magic and Its
Application> opened the book as well.

Then I read the two books at a fast pace.

It's a new thing, but I'm learning under a guy like Professor Yongke Bagreg.

'It's really surprising.'

Lee Han gave strength to the head that was almost nodding involuntarily.
Even if everyone in the world cursed the professor, it was good for the student
who was learning under him to keep his mouth shut.

"no. There is always a lot to learn.”

Well, if you have to endure that shit, of course you have a lot to learn. Just
like when you enter a dragon's rar and come back to life, there's a lot left.


So, I really didn't know that there would be disciples. I wondered if anyone would
listen to such an absurd lecture.

It seemed that Lee Han would fail to control his emotions if he talked more.

'I have to change the topic.'

“But why suddenly Professor Bagreg?”

Isn't this a book written by Professor Bagreg?


Ian was surprised.

The two magic books written in strange detail were written by Professor Bagreg?

I was surprised, but more than that...

'Why can't someone explain it in such detail?'

Lee Han tried not to show his anger on his face.

I didn't know.

“It’s so… written in detail…”

People who aren't good with words usually stutter when they hold a quill. Where
did you get it? Did Professor Bagreg give it to you?

“He gave me lightning magic, and I picked up blood magic.”

I think I wrote this when I was in school, but I picked it up. You're lucky.

“I didn’t pick it up, but my friends picked it up.”

But now it's in your hands. that's the relationship

'I don't want to have a relationship with the blood magic book.'

Professor Bagreg's teaching seems to fit well, but don't rely too much on one
professor's teaching.

"...I'm not that good at it."

Two out of the three books you study separately are from Professor Bagreg, right?

As soon as Lee Han returned to school, he searched the library and vowed to add
three or four useful magic books.

They say that the truth that wizards seek is one, but the paths to get there are
different. When a disciple is too influenced by his master, it is difficult to
break out of the egg.


Any disciple should be able to stab his master in the back and inherit everything.

“Yes… yes?”

Ian paused. For a moment, I thought I was being lied to.

However, Principal Skeleton didn't specifically ask a trap question.

Principal Skeleton truly believed that 'a wizard can go his own way only if he has
the guts to stab his master's back'.

Lee Han stared at the headmaster's white and smooth skull. Principal Skeleton said

not now After learning everything later.

“You seem to have misunderstood. I didn’t even think about it.”

done. Anyway, it must have been something to worry about.

Principal Skeleton, who was slightly worried, was certain.

That boy of the Wodanaj family won't lose his way no matter what wizard teaches

It was indeed an important virtue for a wizard.


You're probably thinking a little bit about it by now. What must be done to reach
the truth? Which road should I walk?

'...I didn't.'

I thought about what kind of official position would be good, but I wasn't
thinking about what to do for the truth.

But Lee Han was silent.

It didn't seem like there would be any good thing to say that Principal Skeleton
was serious, and that he was contemplating an official position.

Considering the hostility toward the bureaucrats shown by some professors last

Let me give you one useful piece of advice. As a human, I was a prince.


Lee Han was so surprised that his heart stopped.

What was that reaction just now?

“Somehow, you were full of dignity.”

Thank you. He was the prince of a beautiful small country. Nevertheless, I have
been troubled since childhood. Why should I die from the moment I am born? Why do
the people of the kingdom have to suffer from poverty, seven passions, and five

“That… it was.”

In the youthful days of Principal Skeleton, who was far more innocent and
wonderful than I thought, Lee Han was overwhelmed.

Then I attained enlightenment and gave up my body. Became Rich

“…Uh, aren’t you skipping too many steps?”

In the meantime, what would you do after hearing the story of a boring practice?
Anyway, the important thing is that I was able to overcome the limitations I just
mentioned by giving up my body.


The higher the status as a wizard, the more virtues a wizard should have.

It's not just about controlling your magic and understanding magic, you have to
take control of your inner self and develop your image.

In that sense, emotions were also enemies that the wizard had to fight.

If you are swayed by the five baths and sevens, even a magician with a gun is
likely to wander.

The Skeleton Principal cut through such anguish with a single knife.

...Although that method was an extreme method of throwing away a living body.

“I’m a little lychee…”

It's not about being rich.

Principal Skull didn't care too much about Lee Han's reluctance.

You told me the path I walked. Just throwing away the body is not always the
answer. There are infinitely many paths to the truth.

Only the skeleton remained, and the blue eyes were blinking, but from that figure,
I could feel a dizziness that could not be hidden.

For the first time, Lee Han looked like a sage as a skeleton principal.

I usually felt like a boss monster in an evil castle...

In my opinion, you will be able to control yourself without having to be rich.


Ian looked forward a little.

No matter how eccentric he was, he was an archmage.

Such a person gave Lee Han a high evaluation, but there was no reason not to be

It's not easy to go through hard times on purpose under multiple professors at
that age. Such asceticism (苦行) helps to cultivate the mind and body. That's a
very good choice. keep doing it


Lee Han was sullen.

It was a compliment, but somehow it felt very bad.

* * *

'It's not Philone Village.'

Lee Han was amazed at the scenery of the prosperous city outside the carriage.

The village of Philone, the closest village to Einrogard, was also quite
prosperous due to its peculiarity.

Originally, there were not many wizards or adventurers, mercenaries or merchants

in the normal village.

However, the city in front of him overwhelmed the village of Philone. No matter
where he looked, the energy of vitality and prosperity overflowed.

'The Granden Poet.'

The city closest to the magic school.

When I went to the village of Philone, it was the city where I was told, 'All the
family members of the students waiting outside have gone to the city of Granden'.

Lee Han looked around anew.

I wasn't surprised that I saw a big city because I was from, but it was true that
it was refreshing in many ways.

When he was in the Wodanaj family, he stayed only in the family mansion and

to buy a present.



Lee Han stopped when the Skeleton Principal gave an order to the minions outside.

what gift?

It's a visit to Ogonin's tower, isn't it? It is rude to visit without a gift.

On the way to revenge, I thought he was already rude enough, but Lee Han didn't
say anything.

Oh yeah. Buy this iron head snack too.


After a while.

Several boxes of sweets, beautifully packaged, flew into the carriage.

It was a box containing licorice candies, red bean paste, and yumil-gwa. Principal
Skeleton saw the composition and complained.

These are sweets that are not classy. Isn't that a sweet that children love?

- I bought it as the sweets most bought by young people.

I thought so. 'Cause you're such a fool


done. eat it

However, Lee Han did not touch the sweets in haste. Principal Skeleton was

Why? I didn't hear poison.

“If you eat this, won’t the reward you promised last time be blown away?”


It was supposed to reward Professor Verdus for fixing the accident he had suffered
the other day.

Principal Skeleton admired it after a really long time.

Among the many disciples he had ever seen, there was no one so cautious.

That's different. don't promise

"thank you."

...but don't put sweets in your coat pocket.

Seeing the freshman trying to put cookies in his pocket right away, Principal
Skeleton reflected on the rules he had set up very slightly.

Come to think of it, I heard that the Spirekeeper gave you a present.

"ah. Yes."

I think it's too much of a gift, but...


Lee Han recalled the package that the spire keeper had given him.
Obviously the necklace in the package was a decent artifact.

...except that it has invisibility magic on it.

For Lee Han, who already has an invisibility belt and possesses invisibility
magic, the invisibility necklace was an exaggerated gift.

“But you have already mastered the invisibility magic.”

what? That's fast. What did you learn?

“<Gonadaltes' Cloak of Invisibility>.”

In response to Lee Han's answer, Principal Skul was surprised and satisfied at the
same time.

I didn't know you could learn it already. The pace is pretty fast.

'shit. After all, there was no need to learn it all at once.'

My magic is better than any other invisibility magic. You can be proud of

“I always do.”

And even artifacts with the same effect are not useless. Even if you have already
mastered the same magic. Think carefully.


Lee Han tried to think about the words of Principal Skeleton, but Principal
Skeleton did not give him a chance to do so.

The Skeleton Principal grumbled when he saw the gift the pet had bought him.

No, it's like a gift. What is this? Anyway, what a bunch of cards.

-This card also contains Ogonin-sama.

Is it possible that all cards with Ogonin will be gifts? I really want...

The Skeleton Principal grunted and flew a deck of cards into the air and blew them
into the corner.

And why is the performance so good for the Ongonin theme?

-But the master said last time, it's not the card's performance that's important,
it's the wizard you use...

The summoner who was talking outside shut his mouth. Lee Han thought that the
skeleton principal must have used silence magic.

you take this

'I already have a finished deck.'

However, Lee Han accepted it quietly.

Because Principal Skeleton could have been more grumpy.


The card the Skeleton Principal threw was not Ogonin.

was himself

Put it in your deck and use it well. it's a good card

“Uh… yes.”

Lee Han's deck was an agile, low-cost deck that relentlessly targets only the
opponent's magician's physical strength from the beginning of the game and quickly
cuts it down.

It was difficult to use the Skeleton Principal Card, which costs a lot of mana to
summon, but...

Lee Han put the card into the deck right in front of the Skeleton Principal.

Abu should always be sincere.

In fact, Principal Skull was delighted to see Lee Han's appearance.

I'm going to go buy it myself.

"Yes? Is that okay?”

Ian paused.

Even though the people of the Empire were accustomed to the appearance of all
kinds of bizarre wizards, it was doubtful whether they could do that even when they
saw a lich flying with only a skull floating around.

But before Lee Han's question was finished, the headmaster had turned into a

Wearing a robe made of dark blue silk and holding a staff with a unique graceful
movement that only nobles can show, anyone can see that he was a nobleman from an
imperial family.

Lee Han wasn't surprised by that. It would have been even more surprising if an
archmage the size of a skeleton principal could not use a human shell.

What surprised Lee Han was that the headmaster's human face was a familiar face he
had seen before.


A statue guarding the passageway to the statue of the Forgotten Beast, which you
saw while walking around the 3rd floor of the main building.

At that time, I thought, 'I don't know who he is, but he's very handsome'...


“I was really impressed with how elegant it was.”

The second greatest strength is the very heart that knows what dignity is.

Headmaster Skeleton nodded his head as if he was pleased with Abu.

Ian thought to himself.

'Black magic is really scary.'

It is said that when the moon is full, it will fall apart, but how many people can
think of the skeleton principal by looking at the statue.

let's go.


The two priests stepped out of the carriage.

Even in the crowded crowd, the two attracted people's attention at once.

Principal Skeleton opened the door to the bookstore, luxuriously decorated with
carvings of brass and bronze.

It was a bookstore with a sign that read "Ikalten's Jeol-u-gwan".


A neatly dressed employee straightened his posture and bowed his head. As soon as
I saw them, I guessed the identity of the two.

“Do you have a magic book?”

"Yes. of course."

“Give me the easiest introductory book to fantasy magic. Well packaged.”


Lee Han wondered what the skeleton principal had done.

Of course, there's no way a bookstore of this size doesn't have a single magic
book, but it's the easiest introductory book to fantasy magic.

“Are you going to give it to me as a gift?”

“You are quick-witted.”

Ian decided not to say anything.

'I don't know. It's something the two of you have to figure out on your own.'

When the two wizards were enemies, there was nothing good about intervening
between them.

Lee Han turned his gaze and looked through the other books. Then he found a
familiar name.

“Is this a book written by a man named Ogonin?”

“Let’s see… That’s right. The advanced application of illusion magic in the
barrier that he wrote when he was young... Ah. Good idea. I'll have to buy that one
too. I want you to read it in front of him.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“There is no need to wrap this. I will take it.”


As the time to go to Ogonin's Tower drew near, Lee Han began to feel anxious.

Headmaster Skeleton was a person who had no regrets no matter where he went to
argue and leave, but Lee Han is a man with a path forward like Gu Man-ri.

If the phantom wizards have a grudge against Lee Han instead of the Skeleton

'Should I use invisibility magic?'

* * *

After purchasing the gift, the carriage left the city, and from then on, it began
to run in the sky.

In the middle of the mountain range filled with strange rocky cliffs, a towering
wizard's tower was visible.

The principal, who returned to the skeleton, opened his mouth at once.

life and death.

Even if it was the same word, each word the wizard uttered had a different

And that's what Principal Skeleton had just spit out.

Lee Han realized that the words became the starting device and a huge magic was

The world was shaking.

Although wizards could understand the world order and cunningly twist it, there
were also wizards who occasionally rewritten the world order itself according to
their own will.

The Skeleton Principal was a wizard who had reached that level.

...the problem was that I was using it when I came to someone else's tower and had
an argument!


A huge black circle spread around the skeleton principal.

The world inside the black circle has changed into a completely different space
from the world outside.

A separate space that rejects the providence of the world where the sun sets when
the sun rises and sets when the moon sets.
'Original World!'

Imperial magics were often grouped into circles.

Circle magic, which counts the number of steps required by a wizard to cast it,
was widely used throughout the vast empire thanks to its convenience.

One of the characteristics of this circle magic was that a magic created by one
wizard could be used by another.

In a way, it was really great.

Magic is the act of shaking the order of the world with the will of a wizard.

Each person's image and sensibility must be different, but the idea of being able
to use someone else's magic.

This was possible because of the principles and rules shared by each other.

But there was magic outside the rules of such circle magic.

A magic that can only be used by the wizard who created it.

A magic that expands the image within the wizard to create a separate world.

In the Empire, it was a magic called the unique world.

Lee Han could not help but tremble at the sight of the skeleton principal, who,
instead of twisting the world order, redefined it according to his own will.


Of course, the purpose was to come to someone else's tower and have an argument,
but the level of magic was so high that I forgot the purpose.

Get food!

As soon as the flying bird entered the world, it turned into an undead. The bird
did not even realize that he had turned into an undead and continued to fly.

Plants growing in the mountains below also changed their appearance in bizarre

Principal Skeleton smiled as all beings within the realm abandoned their painful
life and accepted a comfortable death.

It was a beautiful scene of nirvana at any time.

...for a moment. why are you the same


Principal Skeleton was startled to see Lee Han in the carriage.

All living things in the realm had turned into undead, and Lee Han alone was
looking at the headmaster of the skeleton with a blank gaze.

“Didn’t the principal just exclude me?”

No way? How instructive is the experience of becoming an undead?


Lee Han, who could have been slightly grateful for Principal Skull's kindness, was

Anyway, I have a lot of magic power.

Principal Skeleton quickly found out why.

As it is the power to change the world, if the amount of magic power increases,
even wizards will create unusual situations that are difficult to predict.

Just like that boy of the Wodanaj family right now.

The rules of the world are changing, and when he sits alone and looks at him with
a 'what's going on?' expression, it's ridiculous.

“It’s my fault that I have a lot of magical power…”

Be quite. There are magical wizards out there.

The skeleton principal pointed forward.

The door of the towering tower opened and the wizards were running out with a
bewildered expression.

* * *

Reputable, talented, and even sociable wizards in the Empire would usually form
groups or clubs to interact with each other.

As the science of magic is infinite, it was difficult for even a genius to

understand easily. If you have a trusted comrade, it's rare to find such a reliable

A club of illusion wizards led by Ogonin, Dream Phantom is a group made up of

various wizards, led by Ogonin.

The composition was diverse, from beginners who had just stepped into illusion
magic, to those who had become proficient in illusion magic, to a fantasy wizard
who was competent and renowned enough to publish a thesis on fantasy magic at the
Imperial Society.

If there is one thing in common, it's about respect for Ogonin!

It was Ogonin who developed and paved the way for illusion magic for the Empire's
illusion wizards from a young age.

I couldn't help but respect my junior fantasy wizards.

When such Ogonin said this, the illusion wizards were startled.

-I tried to steal Gonadaltes' treasure and failed... I'm sorry everyone. I have
tarnished your reputation.

-no! Sir Gonadaltes' provocation is wrong.

-If you bought it at an auction, you bought it, insulting people like that!

- It's not Ogonin's fault!

- It doesn't matter now. Retaliation may come soon, so everyone please refrain
from visiting this tower and avoid coming nearby.

- You're too worried. No matter how mischievous and mischievous Sir Gonadaltes may
be, you are an honorable high mage of the Empire, the Emperor's commander, and the
dean of the magic school Einrogard.

-you're right. She knows she's the childish insult to her first, so she'll let it

-...You don't know Gonadaltes very well.

The illusion wizards did not understand.

There's no way an archmage about the size of Gonadaltes could retaliate for each
and every trivial fight like that.

that's too...

Isn't that narrow-minded?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



But that thought vanished when he saw the skull floating in the air bursting with

The illusion wizards who suddenly turned into undead were embarrassed by their
awkward body sensations and questioned.

“Sir Gonadaltes! What is this?!”

“Why the hell are you here?”

I just used magic to teach you wizards.

'You're terribly shameless.'

Lee Han bowed his head in the carriage. He didn't want to be recognized as a
disciple of the Skeleton Principal by the illusion wizards below.

Like it or not, the headmaster of Skeleton said proudly.

How are you? Isn't it beautiful?

“Ah… it’s beautiful, but…”

“Unleash the magic!”

The illusion wizards protested by clashing their skulls.

Of course, this native world magic was beautiful enough to let go of her mind, but
when it became her job, it was a different story.

Now that he has become an undead, would that come?

Tell Ogonin to come out quickly. He came to someone else's festival and set fire
to it because he didn't cooperate with the research. Festival Disruptor, Fireworks
Destroyer, Artifact Theft Ogonin! Come out quickly!

The Skeleton Principal had a knack for conferring disgraceful titles on others.

Not long after, Ogonin rushed out of the tower.

“What is this… Sir Gonadaltes. It's my fault, so why bother other wizards?!"

Then why did you torment my firecrackers, my festivals, and my students for what I
did wrong?

'Strictly speaking, it's close to saving the students.'

If Ogonin hadn't set the fire, the students would have had to run and run to avoid
the flying fireworks.

However, Ogonin was too naive to be judged like that.

“Mi, I’m sorry. I apologize.”

huh. Apologizing will bring the ruined festival back and the broken hearts of the
students. get this

Principal Skeleton blew up the book that had been packed.

It was rude to give a beginner or a book to read, but Ogonin was so embarrassed
that he just accepted it with gratitude.

“Thank you for the gift.”


Principal Skeleton seemed a bit disappointed by the reaction.

a. come out


Are you pretending not to hear me now?

“Is that possible?”

Lee Han slowly opened the carriage door with the expression that he was doing the
thing he hated the most in the world.

All the eyes of the fantasy wizards who flocked below were focused on Lee Han.


Ogonin recognized Lee Han's face.

Isn't that the first-year student who gave Ogonin despair the last time?
I have brought here my young, inexperienced, inexperienced disciple. I want to
compete with the disciples who serve you.

“No… Principal.”

Lee Han was sullen.

I thought the Skeleton Principal would sneak in, set fire to the tower and steal
treasure, but this was a different story.

Isn't this the level at which Lee Han soaks his whole body, not just one foot!

And apart from that, this was a very risky match.

How did Lee Han defeat those seasoned phantom wizards?

“I am not confident.”

Is that so? I am confident


Principal Skeleton was already convinced.

That boy from the Wodanaj family was the natural enemy of all illusion wizards.

Fantasy magic was divided into magic cast directly on the opponent and magic cast

And there were many more advanced and powerful methods of the former.

The higher the skill of the wizard, the more skilled he becomes with illusions or
delusions, and as much as he is aware of it, it becomes half-essential to bet

But what if all of those tricks were ruined by a magician you've never seen for
the first time?

Even if that wizard is a first-year student?

I'm already so happy

The skeleton principal smiled broadly.

The naive fantasy wizards who didn't know that there was such an evil plan, got
excited and went out.

"good! We are not brazen or arrogant enough to claim to be Ogonin-sama's

disciples, but we are not generous enough to leave the challenger to Ogonin-sama's
tower. I will dare to compete once more.”

“No… wait…”

Ogonin panicked and tried to stop the illusion wizards.

As he had already walked once at a magic school, he was well aware of Lee Han's
peculiar constitution.
"it's okay! Ogonin! Trust us.”

“Our skills are inferior to Ogonin-sama, but we will never lose.”

'That person called Ogonin seems to have a good reputation even though he lacks

Ian thought to himself.

If the phantom wizards had heard of it, I was thinking of grabbing it by the neck.

That's right! Ogonin! I don't think you can't trust the wizards who gathered like
this for you, right? no way?

Ogonin really wanted to hit the Skeleton Principal.

If you can't speak...

“…I see. Everyone come in.”

The shoulder of Ogonin who opened the door of the tower and went inside looked
particularly narrow.

* * *

Among the illusion wizards of the tower, Klevik came out first.


Although he was humble and did not admit it, if anyone had to choose the most
passionate and energetic person among Ogonin's pupils, he chose Klevik.

To that extent, Klevik was resentful at the rude and arrogant proposal of the
Skeleton Principal.

No matter how much you ignore it!

“Did you hear it? He said he was a first-year student. 1 Grade! No matter how much
Einroguard is the cradle of imperial geniuses, this is too much!”

“I agree.”

“Maybe that’s what he brought with you?”


“Look. If you were a first-year student, of course you would lose. Then I guess
they are trying to ridicule us for doing everything we can against the first-year

Fantasy wizards who did not know Lee Han's constitution had no choice but to
interpret the Skeleton Principal's proposal in a different way.

Otherwise, the cunning Archmage had no reason to propose in the first place.

“Really…don’t worry. It's shameful to do everything you can against a freshman. I

will come lightly suppressing you.”

“I believe it!”
Klevik took a step forward.

On one side of the hallway in the spacious hall is Lee Han.

On the other side, the tower's illusion wizards.

And in the middle were Principal Skeleton and Ogonin.

The rules are simple. The wizards of the tower use only illusion magic, and my
apprentice subdues the opponent with all other magic.

It was a rule in favor of Lee Han, but no illusion wizards complained about it.

Considering that he was a first-year student, in fact, it was not enough to tie
the limbs of the illusion wizards and cover their eyes.

When Clvik saw Lee Han, he suddenly felt sympathy.

A first-year student was dragged into this enemy camp alone, and his face hardened
with tension.

'I had a lot of respect for Sir Gonadaltes, but you must have danced like this!
You're too much for young lumber!'


At that moment, Clive saw it.

Watching the boy in front of you move insanely fast!


'It does not choose any means and methods.'

Unlike Klvik who sympathized with Lee Han and tried to moderately suppress it, Lee
Han was 100% sincere.

In fact, if a freshman didn't show his sincerity against a high-ranking fantasy

wizard, that would be insane.

Enhancing magic applied as much as possible before the duel begins.

The strengthening magic boosted Lee Han's physical abilities more explosively.

Principal Skeleton thought to himself at the sight of the disciple running fast.

'That's it. Do I have to do that?'

It was not a foul to cast a spell like that before a duel.

Not to mention, Lee Han is a freshman and his opponent is a well-known wizard.

There was no one to criticize for something like that.

It's because he looks a little flabby and looks poor.

Principal Skeleton looked a little pathetic.

Even if we just fight, we'll win...

'It's not dignified.'

Lee Han ran without even realizing that the headmaster had such an unfortunate

'You must stick close!'

Unlike Principal Skeleton, who was convinced that 'even if you fight with your
eyes closed, you will win', Lee Han was not sure.

Basically, he thought it would be over if he got even one hit of his opponent's

I've shown resistance to magic and poison a few times so far, but that's not a
100% guarantee.

As his opponent's skill was his skill, he was able to defeat Lee Han at once
unlike before.

What is the most likely way to face such a wizard?

It was to get as close as possible to avoid using magic.


Lee Han took out an iron ball from his sleeve. Then he threw it at Klevik.

Klevik, who was already surprised by Lee Han's movement, was once again startled
by the iron beads flying through the air.

I had the ability to easily block a simple projectile, but...

...The iron ball flew in faster than Klevik expected.


Klevik stopped the spell he was memorizing and lowered his posture. His iron ball
passed over his head.

It was a very brief moment, but that was enough. Lee Han, who narrowed the
distance, immediately grabbed Clvik by the neck and knocked him down.


Then he bent his arm back and suppressed it. Klevik's wand flew to the side.

“I lost… I lost!”

At Klevik's declaration of defeat, the illusion wizards were startled.

The movement of that freshman was beyond expectations.

Only a first-year student could move so agile and fast!

"That's what Sir Gonadaltes was looking for...!"

"Shit. You took advantage of our loopholes. I'm sure you'll bring a student from
the knight family."

"indeed. It is not easy to respond immediately to such an attack if you do not

know in advance. Were you aiming for that?”

If I had defeated a first-year student with the same magic, the impact would have
been incalculable.

However, when he was defeated by an unexpected loophole in that way, a slightly

different reaction occurred.

-Oh, that boy is so special at such a young age!

'No, you fools...!'

The Skeleton Principal was startled by the gossip of the illusion wizards.

There's no way I could have come to win with such a surprise trick.

I came here to show you how fantasy magic is mercilessly ignored in front of first

I can't. Close combat is prohibited.


Ian was shocked.

Forbid melee...

“Isn’t that too much?”

not too much because you don't know

“If you want me to lose, you can just be honest.”

Isn't it!?

When the student who brought him grunted, the skeleton principal was doubly

This ugly disciple was still unsure of his abilities.

You can just block it with your body!

"Yes. You would.”


Whether the principal skeleton looked at him or not, Lee Han was deep in thought.

If close combat is banned...

'It's getting really hard.'

Like a curse, the casting speed of illusion magic was fast and it was difficult to

If you have mastered the relevant defense magic, the difficulty of blocking will
drop significantly, but Lee Han is still a freshman. He hadn't even mastered such
defensive magic.

No matter how fast Lee Han casts and attacks, if he gets hit by the opponent's
magic even once...

“Sir Gonadaltes. it's okay!"

“You don't have to do that. Please allow me close combat with that first-year

Rather, it was the fantasy wizards who helped Lee Han.

The illusion wizards persecuted the first-year students and went out of their way
to see Gonadaltes ignoring them.

No matter how abruptly lost, he had no intention of winning by giving such a

penalty to a first-year student.


Lee Han cast a slightly moved gaze.

Just as Ogonin had a good reputation even if he lacked skills, it was clear that
the wizards below him also had good personalities.

Of course, from the perspective of the Skeleton Principal, it was something to be

proud of.

Now, who sympathizes with whom... Even if close combat is banned, you guys can't

“Even so, there is no need to ban it! It is against our pride.”

The Skeleton Headmaster had to resist the urge to magically block the Phantom
Mage's snout.

Lee Han looked relieved. Anyone who saw it looked like he was about to run out
again and try a close fight.

“I am Doibach. I wish you well. Of course you can try close combat!”

“I wish you well.”

The new Doibachran wizard's attitude was respectful and his gaze was respectful.

It was a surprise attack, and luck followed, but somehow he defeated Klvik.

It was a great thing for a freshman to do such a thing.

Doibach promised.

'As a wizard who has practiced fantasy magic, and as one who has been taught by
Ogonin-sama, I will face the first-year student's talent head-on and win fairly!'

I'll be thrilled, really...

Principal Skeleton murmured, but no one listened.

* * *

"what a waste!"


“It must be like that...!”

After that, Lee Han defeated three more.

Doibach tried to cast illusion magic, which had the shortest casting speed, but
when Lee Han approached him quickly and interrupted his concentration with <Summon
Bone Restraints>, it was barely delayed.

As a way to deal with the warrior, Zelkenb opened a labyrinth of fantasy magic
around him and tried to block the approach, but it was also half a step late.

Bonbon too...

You phantom wizards don't practice dueling how much, so the casting speed is so

The skeleton principal, who thought that at least one person would walk before Lee
Han approached, exploded.

Of course, dueling was not a necessary skill for a wizard, and there are fewer
wizards who specialize in magic battles like Professor Voladi or Principal
Skeleton, but nonetheless, this is not too bad!

“That is correct. Sir Gonadaltes.”

“I am ashamed. I would lose to a first-year student like this.”

“I respect your skills. That's a really good skill. Don't be discouraged because
you're from a knight family. Because it has nothing to do with the family to master

"Yes? sleep..."

“If you’re good enough, you’ll soon be able to stand out in the realm of dueling
in the Empire. I am looking forward to it.”

Illusion Wizards meekly admitted.

It was a disappointing defeat, but they weren't brazen enough to admit it.

Even the opponent isn't a first-year student.

No matter how he lost, it was an honor to respect and praise his opponent's

"thank you."

“In the future, you will meet many wizards with faster casting speed than us, but
if you keep honing your speed, your opponent will be hard to find.”

A heartwarming sight of acknowledging their shortcomings and graciously praising

first-year students with outstanding talents.
It could be said that it was the most ideal sight when different wizards met.

Klevik thought that maybe Gonadaltes was aiming for this and brought a first-year
student with him.

In order to make them realize the shortcomings of the illusion wizards here, a
first-year student with such special abilities...

You stupid bastards... not it?

done. Ogonin. let's face each other I woke up with excitement.

At the words of the Skeleton Principal, Ogonin looked up and nodded.

Even from Ogonin's eyes, the duel had just flowed too strangely.

* * *

Let me explain it properly to this poor disciple. If I told you, you wouldn't
believe it.

“Um… so. You have very strong magic power.”


“…very strong.”


“ about just what you say?”

Are the Festival Breaker, Firecracker, and Artifact Thefter ordering me now? what
the. what the world is going to be...

Ogonin was filthy and endured even death. It was because he was wrong.

“This magical power works in many ways… Especially in the case of illusion magic,
which applies pure magic directly to the mind, it tends to be particularly strongly
affected by it.”

Lee Han could understand Ogonin's detailed explanation.

“So last time?”

“…I can say that. In particular, the illusion magic you cast directly won't work
very well if you're really serious."

"Aha. Then the principal said it was okay to just be right.”

next to me

“That… you can do that.”

Lee Han was interested in Ogonin's guarantee.

I'm sure Principal Skeleton's words were really true.

'I didn't mean to bother you.'

Of course, even if he believed the words of Principal Skeleton, Lee Han would have
fought the same.


'How can I avoid it?'

You can avoid it, but what's the right thing to do? Even with a rare chance of
0.0001%, there was no need to risk it.

"thank you. Thanks for letting me know.”

Take that book out.


A book written by Ogonin.


Lee Han pulled out the book with a trembling expression on his face.

It was a book written by Ogonin, who bought it at a bookstore when he was young.

Seeing this, Ogonin looked at the Skeleton Principal with an astonishing gaze.

He was a serious wizard in many ways when it came to tormenting others.

What do you think?

“Of course, I wrote it when I was young, so there are some inexperienced parts…”

“It sounds like a good book.”

Lee Han answered, knowing that he was asking himself.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, but Ogonin didn't feel like an archmage.

To be honest, if it was an archmage, wouldn't it be possible to cast magic through

even greater magic power?

Considering that skill, this book is a well-written book.

Ogonin cast his eyes of thanks at Lee Han's unexpected reaction.

Of course, Principal Skeleton was not convinced.

that is?! Compare it to my book. It will look different.

“It’s true that the principal’s book is better, but… Each book has its own value,
and it’s not a bad book to be pushed back.”

Principal Skull reacted late as he could not decide whether to rejoice at Lee
Han's father-in-law or be angry at the disturbance.

“Thank you!”
Ogonin was truly touched.

Originally, he was an Ogonin who had been praised and appreciated by many wizards.
He wasn't moved again that he was now praised by the young wizard.

However, in front of the mad skeleton principal, hearing praise from the student
made Ogonin's dull heart beat.

“This is also a relationship, if it’s okay, can I teach you a little bit?”


Lee Han paused and turned his gaze to Principal Skeleton.

The Skeleton Principal, who misunderstood the meaning, replied gruntingly.

let them learn It's rare for a wizard like Ogonin to teach you directly. It's a
good opportunity.

'It meant that I had to learn.'

Ian thought to himself.

There is Professor Kirmin Ku inside the magic school, and there are wizards like
Waldororn outside the magic school.

'Nevertheless, I must learn to do my best as a courtesy.'

"thank you."


'I can't help it.'

Lee Han's inner thoughts were not even noticed in his dreams, and the headmaster
Skull thought to himself.

I wasn't the kind of wizard to teach that Ogonin was threatened or humiliated, but
seeing that...

It was clear that Lee Han's polite behavior moved his heart quite a bit.

It was a pity that I couldn't embarrass him any more, but I had no choice but to
concede to that extent.

Isn't that something an archmage like Ogonin taught me directly?

It was a rare opportunity that even the wizards of the tower could not easily

tt Ogonin. Pay off your debt with this. to teach well.

"I'll do my best... I'll do my best."

The skeleton principal floated and went out.

It was rude to be next to another wizard teaching him a lesson.

"Are you okay?"


Ogonin smiled slightly at Lee Han's question.

From the looks of it, it seemed like it would be okay to be taught one-on-one like
this from an archmage like Ogonin without any cost.

As a child, it was a natural reaction.

“It’s okay. Not because of coercion or intimidation, but because I want to do it.
You don't have to worry about it.”

“It’s not that, I’m afraid the principal will bully the people outside…”

"...Okay, it'll be fine. maybe."

Ogonin was slightly perplexed by the very objective and realistic appearance of
Gonadaltes' pupil. that a disciple?

* * *

After hearing about the illusion magic that Lee Han knew, Ogonin nodded and said.

“Fahite’s fantasy magic series. Farhaite, that friend is a pretty good illusion

'You're a little rude.'

Lee Han, unaware of the relationship between Ogonin and Farhait, thought to

“Because it is a fantasy magic that is based on the element of fire, beginners can
learn it and it is easy to apply. If I had to point out the downside, would it be
that the effect diminished in a cold place?”

"Uh... I cast it in a cold place and it casts well."

"Well? Aha. It must be because he has so much magic.”

Ogonin nodded as if he understood.

However, Lee Han's gaze was already mixed with a very slight suspicion.

“Fahite’s illusion magic is good magic, but I will teach you another magic. It's a
little rough, but it'll be quite useful."

In fact, Ogonin's words were too modest.

Because the magic that Ogonin was trying to teach me now was the arcane magic that
Ogonin made himself.

Arcane magic is called 'Ogonin's illusion magic' and respected by other illusion

Although many illusion wizards admired this magic's neat structure, sharp ideas,
and excellent effects, Ogonin did not promote this arcane magic widely.
The other fantasy magics he developed were in contrast to those published in

One reason.

Because it was so difficult and difficult, I wasn't sure if it would be

transmitted properly if I didn't teach it myself.

'But this boy deserves to learn.'

It wasn't just a promise to Principal Skeleton that he would do his best.

Ogonin was not without self-respect to the extent that he passed over the arcane
magic he had created in order to pay off his debts.

Ogonin already knew that Lee Han was a rare, polite and considerate boy.

That's what happened at the magic school during the festival, and that's exactly
what happened in the duel today.

If you have enough magical talent to be taught directly by the Skeleton


If it was a boy like that, it would be free to teach me.

“What magic?”

"Well. I didn't give it a specific name... but other wizards call it Ogonin's
arcane illusion magic, so I guess you could call it that too."

'I've never heard of it.'

Lee Han was puzzled to himself.

Of course, the empire's magic system was vast, and there were, of course, unusual
magic that Lee Han had never heard of.

However, it was true that the magic I had heard of was more reliable than the
magic I had never heard of. that okay?

'after. You seem to be thinking too negatively.'

Ian thought calmly.

It seemed that Ogonin was not a completely incompetent wizard.

He runs a tower like this, is respected by other wizards, and has written various

...Of course, he showed a lot of ugly appearances in front of Lee Han, but when a
person leaves active duty and retires, his senses will rust.

Now that he has retired, his abilities have declined over time, but he must have
been a great wizard in his heyday.

Ogonin, who had never retired, continued talking without knowing Lee Han's inner

“Fahite excelled not only in illusion magic but also in the application of fire
elements, so he developed several magics that combined the two realms. As I just
said, they are magic with clear advantages.”

Imperial magic, like any other science, developed over time.

It was only natural that the wizards of later generations watched and learned the
magic of their predecessors and polished them.

And the trend of this development was mainly focused on convenience and

If there is a magic that requires 100 effort to learn, it needs 10 effort.

If there is a magic that requires 100 magic to cast, it needs 10 magic.

When the magic developed in this way came out, the magic would replace the
existing ineffective magic and bring a new trend.

The illusion magic of Farhaite, which Lee Han learned, was also that kind of

It's a magic made by applying the flame element, so it's easy to learn and easy to
apply, but...

“But where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. Farhaite's illusion
magic is not suitable for mastering illusion magic itself. Illusion magic that uses
other elements to cast is also inappropriate in that respect.”

If you create an illusion with fire, cold, or earth, the difficulty of learning
magic may go down, but it is far from the core of illusion magic.

Ogonin thought that even if the difficulty was difficult, he had to take a
difficult path from the beginning in order to properly master the illusion magic.

Lee Han, who was writing down diligently, asked.

“Then how should I summon the illusion?”

“Only with pure magic. It is a difficult path to imagine and difficult to control,
but it is the most direct path.”

Ogonin pointed to the chair next to him with his horse. Naturally, the second
Ogonin sat on the chair so hard to notice.

“Touch it.”

Lee Han touched the second Ogonin.

Surprisingly, Ogonin did not distort or disappear. It held up with a strong sense
of mass.

It was a completely different fantasy from Farhaite's.

“It is a fantasy that materialized the concept of myself.”

Lee Han honestly admired it.

After all, even if you are retired, where do you not have your skills?

“You will soon learn too.”

Ogonin said with a delighted look at the future archmage.

“By the way, how many circles is this magic?”

“...5 circles...”


With Lee Han's absurd gaze, Ogonin realized the mistake he had made belatedly.

Because he was hanging out with the wizards of the tower, he had forgotten that
the boy in front of him was a freshman.

“I didn’t mean to say that I was learning this now. Make sure you know this as a
magic you will learn someday.”

"ah. Yes. okay."

Ogonin changed his words quickly. However, Lee Han's eyes were slightly cold.

“The magic I teach isn’t all that difficult to create one’s own self. A lot of
things are relatively easy.”

"okay. for a moment. But why didn't you teach me that first..."

Ogonin pretended not to hear Lee Han's question and turned away.

Creating an illusion clone with one's own reality was really advanced magic, and
there were many easier spells in illusion magic.

1 circle magic. <Recognition of Ogonin's Emotions>.

Reading the emotions emanating from the surrounding creatures, it was a semi-
essential magic for a fantasy wizard.

Depending on the feelings of the opponent, the fantasy magic used will also

2 circle magic. <Ogonin's Rising Anxiety>, <Ogonin's Rising Fear >, <Ogonin's
Rising Despair>.

It was a mental interference type fantasy magic that directly affected the
emotions of the opponent.

Afterwards, in order to learn more advanced mental interference magic, they had to
learn the tricks with these magics.

3 circle magic. <The Night Dance of Ogonin>.

Spreading a mist of illusion around the wizard, it was a magic that distracted the
enemy from aiming properly when attacking from the outside.
If the magic was properly cast, a fairly wide range of allies could be protected
from ranged attacks.

'...something is strange.'

Lee Han, who was practicing while entering explanations one by one, felt a sense
of incongruity.

Magic is so...

it was difficult

Even in the same circle, the level of difficulty varies depending on the type of
magic, but the current magic that Ogonin taught was all too difficult.

To the extent that Lee Han felt uncomfortable.

“Ugh. Is it too difficult?”

Ogonin asked carefully if he had noticed Lee Han's thoughts.

"Yes. It’s not easy because I’m not good enough.”

“It’s not because you’re not good enough. This is a very difficult magic.”

"no. Maybe it’s because I’m not good enough.”

"no. It's really hard magic."

Ogonin kindly explained to Lee Han when it seemed that he was misunderstanding.

As I pointed out the shortcomings of Farhaite's illusion magic, Ogonin did not
prefer to add other elements to illusion magic.

Rejecting any compromise or improvement, only pure fantasy magic!

The difficulty level will rise sharply, but in the long run, it is the shortest

Naturally, Ogonin's arcane magics were unconventional fantasy magics that did not
contain any compromise or improvement.

If magic like <Ogonin's Emotion Recognition> was another fantasy magic, it would
have utilized all the factors such as the movement of the opponent's eyes, muscles,
or body temperature.

However, there is only one <Ogonin's Emotion Recognition>.

To the point of being persistent, he judged only on the soul of the other person.

Difficulty is bound to be difficult.


Hearing the explanation, Lee Han made a confused expression.

After all, like a retired magician, teaching me a bit...

* * *
did you learn well?

“Teaching is difficult, so I feel like I’m out now.”

That's right. Ogonin is a fundamentalist. However, there are not many wizards in
the Empire who adhere to pure classic fantasy magic like Ogonin. Learning it well
will help you in many ways.

“I will try.”

The answer was that, but Lee Han doubted whether he would delve deeply into the
magic he had learned today.

I still have a lot of magic to learn, but if it's that hard magic...

I'm lucky though.


It is clear that Ogonin liked you. I saw that he promised to make time every week
to teach. Come every weekend. I'll connect you with Ogonin.


Ian's expression hardened.

Even if learning magic on the weekend bothers you, bear with it. Because this is a
really good opportunity. It's not heartbreaking.

“I didn’t say anything.”

What are you doing with cursing with your eyes?

As Lee Han tried to get into the carriage, the illusion wizards ran out of the

Principal Skeleton frowned as he was about to say goodbye.

It seemed that the friendship was going to go stale.

“Today’s duel is something I will never forget. I will pray for your generosity.”

“I hope to hear your name in the dueling world someday. Oh yeah. What is your
family name and family name?”

“This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”

"okay. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. After all, like an excellent knight, his
family... um?”

The illusion wizards stopped.


Meanwhile, Principal Skeleton closed the carriage door.

“Sleep, wait a minute. dismissal."

Don't bother and get out. before whipping.

"It's just the Wodanaj family... Aww! You're just wielding a whip for such a

Archmage doesn't lie. go away!


The carriage flew swiftly. It didn't seem like it had passed, but I could see the
main gate of the magic school in the distance.

In an instant, Lee Han felt a warm feeling as if he had returned home.

And I got goosebumps.

'Did I fall for the magic of the spirit world?'

A lot of snow has melted.

There was a gentle sadness in the head of the skeleton's voice. Lee Han cursed

“It melted faster than I thought.”

okay. I thought it would last a little longer. There was no need to solve it so
quickly, did it?

“We will be more careful in the future.”

Lee Han answered roughly and got off the carriage.

There were places where there was still snow, but I didn't feel the cold weather
like a few days ago.

It was warm spring weather.

'I'm glad I didn't miss the weekend though.'

Priests were seen everywhere. Lee Han gave a happy expression.

To meet the priests without missing the rest of the Sunday.

That alone was lucky.

Even if the cold lingered a little longer, I could have stopped the priests...

The voice of the skeleton principal was heard from behind. Lee Han pretended not
to hear and moved on.

* * *

“It must have been very difficult.”

The Church of Fire, the priests of the Church of Afha said with regretful

The students almost froze to death while they were away.

I couldn't help but feel sick.

“Still, it wasn't all bad. The cold made my fire element training easier.”

At Lee Han's words, the priests laughed. I thought it was a joke.

“Is Han Lee of the Wodanaj family always looking for the positive side of things?”

“If you have that kind of heart, you will be fine no matter what trials you face
in the future.”

Lee Han, who was wearing a flame-absorbing ring, bracelet, and necklace, stopped

“Did you know I was joking…?”

"ruler. Then, let’s go back to fire training again.”

Inside the tent, paper birds began to fly.

After learning how to control the movement of the flame to some extent, the next
step was to hit a moving target.

In fact, it was not a difficult training in itself to match Lee Han.

He had already manipulated other elements in much more complex and finer detail.

What was difficult for Lee Han was to keep the firepower constant while moving the
flame to hit the target.

When concentration was lost even a little, the flame increased in size and spread
out in all directions.

Other wizards who deal with the element of fire inflict magical energy to maintain
the flame after summoning it, but after summoning the flame, Lee Han had to learn
how to control the magic as much as possible so as not to run wild.

...It was a little embarrassing, but I couldn't help it.


Fireworks moving around Lee Han accurately hit the paper bird.

The faces of the priests brightened.

The firepower of the flame was noticeably more stable than when it was last time.

Of course, he was wearing ten flame-absorbing rings, four bracelets, and two
necklaces, but even taking that into account, it was a very good development.

“Great! My skills have improved a lot.”

"Is that so?"

Nevertheless, Lee Han was a little disappointed.

The seasoned priests did not miss the regret contained in the voice of a boy from
the Wodanaj family.
“Do you have any problems or concerns? Please feel free to speak. The ears of the
priests are always open.”

“That’s it…”

Lee Han slowly opened his mouth.

In fact, the flame element was narrow in versatility compared to other elements
and specialized in several directions.

Water and soil, due to their unique flexibility, can be used in various ways, such
as attacking when attacking and defense of defense, but...

The use of the flame was quite vague.

As such, when dealing with flame elements, he had no choice but to focus on
destructive power.

“The focus on controlling the fire seems to weaken the power even if it succeeds.
I ran into a monster a few days ago...”

At Lee Han's words, the priests of the Afha Church were not surprised.

It was a concern that anyone dealing with elemental fire magic had at least once.

The properties of flame were obviously destructive, but once you actually
experience the battle, you can see that it is surprisingly difficult to apply the
flame element to battle.

No matter how destructive it is, once it hits the enemy, it is meaningful.

Water and soil were easy to form, and it was easy to move and speed up in that

Lightning was difficult to control, and it was an element that condensed

tremendous speed in itself.

However, it was difficult to form a flame, and it was several times more difficult
than other elements to move and speed up in that state.

In order to solve this problem, I had to completely overcome the shortcomings by

keeping the shape of the 'arrow' or 'spear' properly by hanging and adding the
attribute of 'fire', but in this case the difficulty of the circle jumped.

It wasn't something that anyone who was just learning the element of fire would

In the end, novice flame wizards would attack enemies by moving flames slowly, or
summon wide flames to subdue enemies, or else they would treat them with
enchantment magic.

“It is a concern for everyone. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. It can be said that
it is a transition period before the level of magic rises. Fire magic can be very
disappointing as it is easy to block, especially if your opponent is prepared.
However, if you do not give up and continue to practice, your level of magic will
increase, and your worries will be easily resolved. What kind of monster did you
feel lack of power?”

The priests asked the name of the monster Lee Han faced.
It was to listen to weaknesses and give advice.

It would be better to know how to attack monsters than to get impatient to

increase the power of fire magic right away.

“I heard that he is the king of the frost giants.”

“…the king of the frost giants?”


“'s not about fire magic, it's like the opponent is too strong. Lee Han-sama
of the Wodanaj family.”

They were gentle priests of the Church of Afha, but they had no choice but to be
sarcastic when they said the same thing.

How many circles of magic do you have to cast to feel the power of fire magic
against a powerful being like the king of the frost giant...

"for a moment. But why did you bump into the King of the Frost Giants?”

One of the priests noticed something strange and said:

I thought so.

The name, King of the Frost Giants, was so strong that I almost missed it...

Lee Han was still a freshman.

There was no reason to clash with the king of frost giants.

“We met by chance while helping our seniors.”

“How old are you?”


“How old are you?”

“It’s 4th grade… but.”

The priests whispered. Lee Han seemed to have heard words like 'garbage' and

“But thanks to this, the fire magic has increased.”

However, since they are seniors who will see each other face to face in the
future, Lee Han went out to defend.

Of course, the experienced priests of the denomination were not deceived by such

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. There are a lot of things that remain when you
enter the dragon's rare and come back to life, but nobody recommends going into the
dragon's rare. From now on, it would be best not to hang out with seniors like
that. They are very bad people.”
"All right."

Because the priests were so serious, Lee Han nodded.

If I tried defending here, only the seniors would be more trash.

“Increase the bird’s speed.”


The priests began to increase the speed of the paper bird. Lee Han concentrated on
controlling the flame.

A flame the size of your index finger moved quickly and chased after the bird.

At that rapid growth, the priests forgot that they had just been in love and gave
a happy expression.

It was unforgivable for a freshman to meet the frost giant king, but...

Seeing that he has grown up like this, it seems that the intense experience has
really helped him.

shhh! shhhhh!


Each time Lee Han succeeded, the priests, who were increasing the number and speed
of the paper birds, felt something uncomfortable.

Comparing paper birds with sparks, the former is inevitably faster, so from some
point on, Lee Han had to drive one by one and match them as best as he could,
rather than shooting down all the paper birds.

But now, the boy of the Wodanaj family was just moving the flame and making it

It was faster than a paper bird by any comparison.

“Try more speed.”

The priest who controlled the paper bird nodded. The paper bird flew as if it was
going to be a speed battle with a full determination.

Lee Han was so focused that he could not hear the priests' conversation. The paper
bird flew quickly through the air, chasing him and the sparks sped up.

Just looking at the speed of movement, there was not much difference from other


Although the priests of the Afha Church had seen all kinds of flames, they
couldn't help but be surprised at the speed of these flames.

Can you achieve this speed just by controlling it without any additional magic?

'Right. Magical power...!'

Uncontrollable magic power was not the only downside.

The priests had never seen such a fast-moving flame.

...Of course, I've never seen a novice wizard with so much magic that he couldn't
control the flames...

“It seems that meeting the king of frost giants really helped a lot.”

“Even if it were true, it wouldn’t come out of my mouth. Be careful.”

"sorry. I was short.”


After knocking down the paper bird and relaxing, Lee Han stopped at the
conversation he could hear next to him.

'If we talk about it in the future, I'll have to say it without the seniors.'

It sounded a lot weirder than Lee Han had thought.

* * *

Monday morning.

Professor Garcia's face as he entered the classroom was very bright.

Lee Han also had a bit of anticipation for that positive energy.

'What good is happening?'

Monday, which usually comes after the weekend, is always painful, but the Magic
School was a little more painful.

Every Monday, summoned monsters were released, the Skeleton Principal dug a trap,
early winter came, or the Skeleton Principal attacked...

However, looking at Professor Garcia's face, I didn't know if I could expect

anything this week.

Is a really calm and warm week coming?

“Anything good, Professor?”

“I asked well.”

Professor Garcia said in an excited voice.

“Last night, I finally caught a monster that was lurking in the depths of the
library. I was summoned by mistake and interrupted the students for months. Now the
students will not be in the way of their studies.”

“That… right?”

The first-year students in the classroom did not sympathize with Professor
Garcia's happiness.

In the first place, none of the first-year students had ever set foot in the
depths of the library.

It was already a complex enough Einroguard, but the library was one of the best
labyrinths out there.

Of course, there is no systematic book classification, and the library you went to
today is a labyrinth of irregularities that changes to another place tomorrow!

The first-year students only found books near the relatively safe entrance, as
they had heads, but did not go further inside.

“Congratulations… congratulations?”


However, because Professor Garcia said it, the students were forced to
congratulate them. Professor Garcia nodded his head happily.

“Professors in other lectures will now be able to take out books without


Lee Han, who had been listening blankly, stopped.

He felt something ominous.

“Uh, Professor?”

“Why? A student here?”

“Have the lectures ever been relatively unwritten? Are you taking care of us?”

“Maybe there was a little bit of that.”

“Then it is highly likely that lectures will use books from the library in the

“Is that so?”


The complexions of the students, who realized later, began to change.

Gainando groaned.

“If the library is set on fire, won’t it be closed for a while?”


“If you make a fire…”

The White Tiger Tower students whispered. He seemed to be seriously considering

Gainando's words.

“Shut up. you idiots If the library was to be closed if the first graders set it
on fire, it would have been destroyed sooner.”

Gisele said bluntly. The students at the White Tiger Tower were blatantly sorry.
Still, Gainando did not give up.

“If I make the fire harder… Can’t Lee Han go out?”

"hey. Guyan too. What kind of dragon is Wodanaj?”

“Hey, everyone. You can't set the library on fire."

Professor Garcia said, bewildered by the disturbing conversations of the students.

The students nodded their heads.

"of course. professor."

“We can’t make a fire, right?”

“…you really can’t get tired of it. I don’t know if I should be in the punishment
room even during vacation.”


“Hey, we really don’t set fires. It is real.”

The fear that they might have to be locked up in the punishment room even when the
vacation arrived made the students fear more than any threats.

To the extent that even the most radical student gave up setting fire to that

'That's a big deal.'

Ian was deep in thought.

Surprisingly, professors have rarely used books from the library to take care of
their students.

It was not simply a matter of the lecture becoming difficult and the content to be
studied increased.

In Einroguard, going into the library and looking for books was a challenge in

It took me a month just to find a book near the entrance, but the book deeper...

'Can't we just go out and buy it?'

Of course, there are some rare magic books that are only available in the library
of the Magic School, but some of them will be sold outside as well.

Just open the front door and go and buy it!

"professor. Come on in."

Professor Garcia opened the door and called the professor outside, thinking that
he had to go ahead with today's lecture before the students became more desperate.

'Mixed spirit?'
Lee Han felt a spirit-like aura from the appearance of the professor entering with
his eyes flashing.

Just as there are mixed blood spirits, angels, and demons among the students, it
was not surprising that some of the professors were mixed with blood.

'I don't think it's a spirit.'

“Professor Faselette Kraer. Foreknowledge You are a master of magic.”


foresight magic.

It was one of the most difficult and demanding fields of magic.

While staying at the Lee Han-do family's mansion, he had heard quite a lot of
knowledge about other magic, but he had only heard fragmentary and brief fragments
of foreknowledge magic.

-In order to solve the case of the theft of the ruby necklace that occurred in the
Jojeon family, the foresight wizard came forward. Guessing the location of the ruby
necklace by using coins...

-Have you heard of those stingy merchants carrying pockets of gold and kneeling
before the wizard? I'm just going to ask you to hit the dot once.

-It is said that a wizard of great intelligence knows what he will eat for lunch
when he wakes up in the morning.

-The talent required for foresight magic is completely different from the talent
required for other magic. Only a flash of intuition is a lamp.

Although he still didn't know exactly what kind of magic it was, Lee Han was very
interested in foresight magic.

'Isn't the great foresight wizards that popular?'

Wizards who change reality into their own will were feared and respected even in
the Empire, but among them, foresight wizards were particularly strongly respected.

Everyone is afraid of an uncertain future.

How can we not respect those who can read the future?

Lee Han had no desire to master the future, but a desire to go somewhere and say,
'I am a sorcerer who has mastered the magic of foresight'.

It would be much better treated than being called a warlock.

-I am a foresight wizard.

- Oh! A great wizard has come to town! Mister Wizard. Can you predict the future
of my child?

-I am a warlock.

-...Hey. You locked the door to our village cemetery, right?

“Professor Kraer?”

When Professor Garcia called, Professor Kraer remained silent and then nodded.

"...professor. Today, I asked you to visit me with a sincere personality.”

"It did. But the future is unknown.”

"professor. I asked for it.”

Professor Garcia's voice gave strength.

Professor Kraer's eyes flashed and his expression suddenly changed.

"ah. okay. foresight magic. I decided to teach.”

'...multiple personalities?!'

Lee Han was quite surprised by Professor Kraer's sincerity as if he had changed.

'It's not that strange.'

All of the professors, more or less, had multipersonal personalities.

Professor Kraer thought that it was a bit too serious.

“Everyone, please. It's Faselette Kraer. Banshee mixed race. I majored in

foresight magic.”

“I wish you well. professor!"

The students greeted each other with their mouths.

Professor Kraer shook his head as if annoyed by the frizzy hair that covered his

“Does anyone know about Dolphram?”

Asan, who was next to Lee Han, raised his hand and shouted.

“He is a great wizard who laid the foundations for imperial foresight magic!”

“You are smart. Did you know that Dolfram committed suicide in the 131st year of
the imperial calendar?”

“Uh… no?”

"I see. let me know I wonder if anyone knows about Dolfram's disciple, Kelten

This was a wizard he had never even heard of. Several people, including the
princess, raised their hands. Even Kainando.

Ian was surprised.

“Do you know Kelten Inan?”

“Lee Han. It’s the main card in my deck.”

"ah. sorry. I didn’t know it was over before I came out every day.”

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han with tears in his eyes, holding his breath. Lee Han
apologized for Hado's sincere expression on his face.

“It’s not that you can’t do it… it’s a game that depends on luck.”

“That, right? Is not it? It has nothing to do with skill, right?”

"okay. Perhaps the magic of foresight can help.”

Meanwhile, another student answered instead. Professor Kraer nodded his head.

"Well done. But did you know that Kelten Inan committed suicide in the year 241 of
the Imperial Year?”

" You're missing... weren't you?"

“What is the disappearance? If the records of the foreknowledge wizards say

missing, missing, or lost contact, I think it's suicide. ruler. As I just said...
The great sorceress who laid the foundation for imperial foresight magic, Jujuda
Dolfram, committed suicide in the 131st year of the Imperial Year. His disciple,
Kelten Yinan, committed suicide in the year 241 of the Imperial Year. Now it's your
turn to learn wisdom magic."



'I think it's cooler than last week.'

With a few words, Lee Han couldn't help but admire the professor's ability to make
the school cooler than the king of frost giants.

* * *

As a warning, Professor Kraer's lecture was not too dangerous or difficult.

In fact, it was a little easier compared to other professors' lectures.

Instead of doing something or dodging a flying attack, all I had to do was listen
to the explanation.

“Actually, foresight is a skill that even non-magical people can do to some

extent. A student who leaves the classroom without eating in the morning knows that
he will be hungry by the end of the class. Despite Professor Garcia’s request, the
professor who came to the classroom with a lazy personality knows what will happen
to him after the lecture.”

“Professor Kraer. The students will be misunderstood.”

At Professor Garcia's warning, Professor Kraer looked a little more cautiously.

“Reading the future from the information of the past with the judgment of the
present. that's foreshadowing A wizard's foresight is special because it can summon
information that ordinary people cannot capture and judge it. Even the wizard
himself could not understand information.”

According to the professor, foreknowledge magic is largely divided into predicting

the near future and predicting the distant future.

Predicting the near future, i.e. a few seconds later, was a fairly intuitive,
accurate, and relatively easy magic.

However, predicting the distant future for more than a few hours was a difficult
magic that increased uncertainty and placed an enormous burden on the wizard

“There you are. What did you feel here?”

Asan was taken aback by the question.

“Yeah… the magic of foresight is so profound and endless that it must be devoted
to the limitless efforts?”

“No. If you don't want to go crazy, just predict the near future. Even more so
when you ask someone else. If you keep trying to predict the distant future, you
will give it to me. Dolfram, Kelten Inan, and Puljun become like me.”

"professor. It's the first time I've ever heard of a wizard called Pearl Jun."

“I couldn’t hear it because I was dead. So today, I'm foreseeing the distant


Ian was puzzled.

He tilted his head to see if the other students were the same.

Don't predict the distant future?

Professor Kraer was cool.

“If you don’t tell me not to, you’re not a wizard. Wouldn't it be better to fall
in front of me right now than to vomit and collapse while secretly predicting the
final exam problem?"



“What is it?!”

When Lee Han nodded his head as if convinced, Asan was startled.

What is that...!

'I don't think that's enough consideration.'

A magic circle was spread in front of the students, and various stones were
arranged in a disorderly manner.

According to Professor Kraer, the more proficient in the foresight magic, the more
he finds a way of divination that suits him.

Of course, freshmen who did not have such a thing chose the easiest stone dot.
“Grab a stone, cast a spell, and throw it lightly. The goal is what you will be
doing the next day.”

“Can’t we find out in a day or so?”

Gainando groaned. Professor Kraer said blankly.

“It is said that a wizard of great intelligence knows what he will eat for lunch
when he wakes up in the morning. A day in the future is a distant future. Stop
talking nonsense… throw it away!”


Spells were cast along with the sound of stone throwing everywhere.

“Colorful stone, show me tomorrow.”

“Red, blue and green stones. Tomorrow's me..."

The students who cast the spell first looked at the scattered stones.

And then he tilted his head.

“Are you done?”

“If no image comes to mind, you have failed. An image has to come to mind.”

“Can I do it again?”

"of course."

Professor Kraer grinned.

The student who spoke at that moment rolled over and fell.



“Seeing the future has a price. It’s cheap enough to eat it with magical power.”

“Can’t you see, haven’t you?”

"okay. I haven't seen it, so that's it. I couldn't even moan if I saw anything."


The students who were about to wield their canes began to hesitate, perhaps
because they were afraid.

No matter how attractive the foresight magic is, at this point it just looks like
suicide magic.

“Did you do well? Professor Garcia?”

“You could have been a little more subtle... but you got the warning right. Well

“You have to do this so that students are seriously careful. Foreknowledge magic
is good to learn on your own and vomit blood... Wait! what are you doing!"

Professor Kraer looked at Lee Han sharply and shouted.

It was not enough to try the dot once, so he was trying twice.

To see another student fall down and do such a thing.

It must have been a student who was quite bold or arrogant because of his talent.

Lee Han hesitated and answered.

“I think this will be fine…but.”

“It’s okay, sorcerers who are behind will be fine. Professor Garcia. portion!"

“That would be fine...”


Professor Kraer was astonished when the kind professor Garcia showed no interest
in matters directly related to the student's life.

There was no doubt that the world was going to end.


“Professor Garcia. I don't know exactly what it is, but I did it all wrong. Calm
down your anger.”

“I’m not mad.”

Professor Faselette Kraer apologized first. Of course, Professor Garcia did not

“A person who says he’s not angry is someone who isn’t really angry… No. Are you

"yes. So, you said it was okay.”

Professor Paselette looked Lee Han up and down and asked Professor Garcia.

“Is that him?”

"yes. This student is Lee Han.”

'what? Why do I feel so ominous?'

Lee Han paused for a moment, wondering if it was a side effect of the stone dot
magic he was trying.

Come to think of it, I said that seeing the future requires a price...

“You must have a lot of magic power.”

Professor Pasellet was lost in thought.

There was a reason why I was told to foresee the impossible day after day, even
though I could give students the foresight magic that was originally easier - like
the future in 1 second or 2 seconds in the future.

It was set up to fail in the first place.

It was better for young wizards to fail than to succeed poorly.

No matter how much magic is borrowed, looking into the future is a risky act that
requires a price.

It was fortunate that the price ended in magic, and if successful, a more fatal
payment could have occurred.


"now stop."

Professor Paselette blew the stones in front of Ihan with his wand.

That freshman had been trying to do stone fortune without fear.

He had so much magic that he did not care about the price he had to pay in case of

"1 Grade. You shouldn't try the foresight magic as you can try it multiple times
like any other magic. The price to pay in case of failure is relatively small, but
we do not know what will happen if we repeat it.”

“But is Lee Han okay?”

At Gainando's innocent question, Professor Garcia shook his staff and made his
mouth shut.

There was nothing good about touching Pacelette's nature for nothing.

"understand. professor."

"okay. Keep that in mind.”

Lee Han really understood.

'It's really unstable magic.'

At this point, it was no exaggeration to say that it was the most uncertain and
capricious of all magic.

The more you try to see the distant future, the greater the price you have to pay,
and the more you see the future accurately and clearly, the greater the cost.

It wasn't that he could keep trying just because he had a lot of magical power.

'I'll have to be more careful.'

Lee Han didn't mean much to foreknowledge magic.

A wizard with aspirations for foreknowledge magic pursued a farther future,

saying, 'I must see the end of the world', but Lee Han was satisfied with just
knowing what the skeleton principal had prepared for the trap.

If that's enough, you can go anywhere and call yourself a foresight wizard.
Of course, Professor Paselette did not believe Lee Han.

“Professor Garcia. That student, I think you should be careful.”


“Aren’t you well aware that you have a lot of magical powers? Now that such a
student knows about foresight magic, there is absolutely no way he can restrain
himself. Even if she pours out all her magical powers, she will continue to try the
foresight magic.”

Professor Paselette was half-confirmed.

Peeping into the future was an intense pleasure that was hard to compare with
anything else.

A wizard who was only a freshman couldn't control it. It was dangerous if not
monitored for a while.

“Student Lee Han is not like that.”

Professor Garcia waved her hand as if okay. As it was before, Professor Faselette
was even more surprised by the unexpected appearance of the kind professor Garcia.


“Professor Garcia. You know that all freshmen have empty iron heads...”

“I know. But student Lee Han is not like that.”

“Is it because you are a genius? You know that geniuses are more dangerous in this

If you don't have talent, you might not know, in magic, people with talent were
more dangerous.

It's like diving deep into a swamp of magic when you don't have the ability to
protect yourself...

"Yes. But student Lee Han is not like that.”

Professor Garcia was adamant.

There is absolutely no way he would do anything reckless with Lee Han's


Confidence left no talent or magical powers!


Of course, from the point of view of Professor Paselette, it was even more

'Really what...?'

While Professor Pacelette was speechless and muttered, Professor Garcia turned her
gaze to the students.
Now that I have warned you about the dangers of foresight magic, it's time to talk
about the benefits of foresight magic.

No matter how dangerous the foresight magic is, wizards are a race that eventually
jumps into danger.

There was no reason to become a wizard if you weren't interested in it because it

was dangerous.

"ruler. Everyone must have been very surprised that foreknowledge magic was
different and unique from other magic.”

The students nodded their heads. Some students were lying on the floor, only
waving their fingers. They were students who tried to dot but failed.

“But the magic I tried today was quite… difficult. Foreknowledge magic is not all
that difficult magic.”

'Then, isn't it right to show you the easy magic first?'

Lee Han, who suddenly seemed to have tried a fairly difficult magic over and over
again, listened with a trembling expression.

If it hadn't been for a lot of magical power, I would have stretched out with my
friends who are now rolling on the floor of the classroom.

“From finding objects hidden in the classroom right now, knowledge that is missing
or forgotten, mistakes in the magic circle you have created, etc., predictive magic
can be used in a variety of ways. There are also many cases where wizards who learn
magic from other schools learn the magic of foresight little by little.”

If you dig deep, there is no magic as dangerous as foresight magic, but if you dig
shallowly, foresight magic was quite convenient and highly versatile.

As it assists the wizard's brain, it goes well with any type of magic.

“So, for students who are interested in the magic of foresight, it wouldn't be bad
to take a lecture under Professor Kraer. Of course, don’t forget to always be
humble in front of the future.”

Despite such turmoil in the beginning, Professor Garcia's words were persuasive,
and quite a few students decided to listen to the foresight magic.

After the lecture, as they walked out one by one, the students talked about what
they could do with foresight magic and what they would do.

“You suffered. Professor Kraer.”

“What am I? Professor Garcia did it all.”

Professor Garcia waved his hand at Professor Paselette's words.

“Professor Kraer is teaching. I am worried that there will be too many students to
teach because of me.”

If Professor Mortum of Black Magic had heard it, he would have shed tears of

Privileges only for professors dealing with popular magic!

But Professor Faselette responded as if he didn't care.

“Anyway, most of them are guys who go out with just the basics.”

Unlike other magic, foresight magic had a fairly high student dropout rate.

It was only natural that it was useful to learn just the right level, and the
higher the level, the more dangerous it would be to live.

As such, Professor Faselette was not very interested in finding a disciple.

If you are lucky, it will happen, if you are unlucky, it will happen.

“Didn’t there still be a student who looked useful?”

“Because it is difficult to find geniuses who stand out in the early stages like
other magic. Professor Garcia. You are very rare.”

Professor Paselette said gruntingly.

Professor Garcia cares so much about the students, but Professor Pacelette had no

It was close to impossible to reveal your talents in the first year of foresight

It is difficult to discover talent even if you practice 'relatively' easy

foreknowledge magic throughout the first year and start divination in earnest from
the second year.

First of all, it is extremely difficult to succeed in fortune-telling (intuition

and inspiration were required), and you also need to know how to interpret the
uncertain future...

“And he. Are you really okay? Other professors are interested. Aren't you supposed
to come to me later and take responsibility for it?"

If a disciple whom he cares about secretly practices wisdom magic and vomits blood
and collapses, who will the other professors be angry with?

Professor Pacelette didn't want to take that risk.

“Because it’s okay.”

'I'm anxious...'

Just then, Lee Han and friends walked out. Professor Paselette listened. It was
meant to listen to the conversations the first graders had.

“I practice hard and try to remember the order of the decks I shuffle. so han. You
kept throwing stones and trying to point. Did you see anything?”

At Guynando's question, Professor Paselette shook his head inwardly.

I explained it before, but I already forgot.

Such a sullen personality was not suitable for foresight magic.

'I've said several times that I can't see anything if I fail...'

"Well. There were brief images, but…”


Professor Paselette's eyes widened.


'Failure... Wait... This is not the time to rebuke the first graders.'

Of course, I thought it would have failed, but when I think about it, Lee Han
didn't say a word that the stone dot failed. Surprisingly, I tried again even
though it was successful!

'I would have paid the price for success...'

Any blurry and uncertain image, the moment you see the future, the cost is

But the fact that he did that over and over again without any expression...


One of the talents of foresight magic.

It was the constitution that paid the price well.

It sounds like a joke, but in a way, this was the most important talent.

If one wizard had to sacrifice his blood after seeing the future, but the other
wizard had to sacrifice his magic, the latter had an overwhelming advantage.

It was clear that that student had a constitution to pay the price with magic.

'But you would need a huge amount to pay for your magic power...'

I heard it had a lot of magical power, but Professor Pacelette was confused.

No matter how much magic you have, how many times did you pay the price for your
success with magic and repeat it...

Is that possible?

Could it be that first-year student's mistake?

It was not uncommon for a young wizard to mistakenly believe he had seen the

The professor listened more than before. to listen to the conversation.

“What did you see? What did you see?!”

“I was cooking roast beef.”

"roast beef...! Tomorrow's menu is roast beef!”

“It’s not certain. You said that even if you saw the future, that future could be

"no. Lee Han. We can make the future.”

Gainando said in a salivating voice.

“What are you talking about?”

“Tomorrow’s menu is roast beef.”

"roast beef?! I like it! What meat do you use?! Any lamb?”

“What roast beef?”

“The Blue Dragon Tower bastards are eating roast beef tomorrow.”

"Shit. It’s like naughty guys.”

Professor Paselette frowned.

This is the most important part, but the other first-year students were only
talking nonsense.

“The first thing I saw was roast beef with beef.”


“Beef is good!”

“These children. Did you come to the magic school to eat? You can't be a great
wizard when you're full!"

Despite the jealous remarks of the White Tiger Tower students, Professor
Faselette's mind was sold elsewhere.

Even if they succeeded in fortune-telling, each wizard had a different view of

what image and how they saw it.

Nevertheless, if there is one important factor, it is clarity and specificity.

The clearer and more specific the image, the better the foresight.

If it was clear enough to see even the kind of meat...

Professor Faselette muttered with a blank look.

“Beef... Beef... Beef...!”

“Did you change your personality?”

Professor Garcia, who came from behind, was puzzled.


“You said beef. beef! Professor Garcia!”

“...have you really changed your personality?”

Before Professor Garcia's eyes turned to contempt, Professor Pasellet hurriedly

explained what had just happened.

Then Professor Garcia's expression changed too.

"okay? Incredible!"

“Why are you reacting?”

Professor Paselette was a little perplexed. His opponent's reaction was too weak.

“Ah… I’m sorry.”

Professor Garcia was stunned.

As I have seen many times that other professors who conducted the first lecture
are surprised, I am not as surprised as Professor Pasellet thought.

Professor Faselette. 'What? Are you a genius?!'

“I’ve heard it a few times in other lectures as well.”

“Is this different from that?!”

Professor Paselette said in a voice full of resentment. He was so unfair that

other personalities popped out unintentionally.

“It’s different from being good at lighting fire or throwing curses well…”

“The other lectures aren’t that good… so what’s the problem?”

Professor Faselette paused at Professor Garcia's words.

Apart from being sad, there was a problem.

“There isn’t.”


“…I don’t know how to deal with it.”


Professor Garcia immediately understood what the other person was saying.

Professor Pasellet is a professor who teaches quite laissez-faire among


The students who have taught the magic of foresight so far were students who
realized themselves and chose to devote themselves under Professor Faselette rather
than raising them themselves.

"ah. but. Foreknowledge magic is especially difficult to see... Then how about
paying more attention?”


“Teach me more powerful and difficult foresight magic or…”

"no. Because it is dangerous.”

Professor Paselette replied nervously.

A proverb that talented wizards are more dangerous.

That maxim was particularly strongly applied in foresight magic.

No matter how strong the intuition and inspiration, and the constitution that pays
the price with magic, the danger does not disappear completely.

Even paying a different price for just one out of a thousand attempts could be
fatal for a wizard.

Even experienced and seasoned wizards make mistakes, especially when it comes to
young wizards.

“I guess it is. Then how about just treating them like you normally would with the
other disciples?”

“But what if he loses interest in foresight magic and cuts off interest?”


Professor Garcia was speechless.

It wasn't because it was difficult to answer the words themselves, but because he
was surprised by what Professor Paselette would not have said.

Originally, he was someone who would calmly answer, 'If you lose interest or lose
interest, that's the end of your relationship'?

“Then, isn’t it there?”

“How could you say such a thing, Professor Garcia? What if I no longer learn the
magic of foresight?”

“…sin, I’m sorry.”

Professor Garcia once apologized. He was, of course, embarrassed on the inside.

'You usually do that every day...'

“Even if I seem indifferent, I don’t completely abandon making disciples.”

“I know.”

Although indifferent to recruiting or finding new students, Professor Garcia found

that Professor Pasellet took very good care of the students she had once received.

His usual indifference attitude was somehow due to the peculiarity of foresight

“Even if I make a fuss every time I change my personality.”

"ah. That's definitely a bit.”


At Professor Garcia's inadvertent answer, Professor Pacelette pouted her mouth.

“I have that much talent in foresight magic, but I can’t help but refine it.”

“Yeah… uh.”


"it's nothing."

In Professor Garcia's mind, for a moment, 'I think I've heard similar things from
other professors' came to my mind and then disappeared.

“Why don’t Professor Garcia teach you so you don’t lose interest?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Professor Garcia was sullen.

No matter how much I owe Professor Faselette, it wasn't.


“You don’t have to worry about it.”

When the story seemed to go in a strange direction, Professor Garcia answered


“Student Lee Han is a rare and sincere student, so even if he learns simple magic
over and over again, he will not lose interest and lose interest.”


"yes. Really. Later, if Lee Han loses interest in or loses interest in

foreknowledge magic, I will discuss it with him. okay?”

When Professor Garcia even said this, Professor Pasellet looked relieved.

After seeing off the professor who returned happily, Professor Garcia paused for a


it came up late.

'The lecture that Han Lee is currently taking...'

The magic that Lee Han is hearing is already sufficient.

'...I'm sorry, student Han Lee!'

I should have dried it...!

* * *

"professor! Look! Cabbage is alive!!!”

“Yeah, yes.”

Professor Thundereul was overwhelmed by Lee Han's momentum.

The guy who walked out with a cold expression even after getting a perfect score
on the test is so happy that a cabbage in the garden is still alive...

“Frosty cabbage tastes good. That's good."

“I thought I was going to die because it was buried in the snow for about a week.”


Professor Thunderwalk, who was listening, was startled.

I was distracted by Lee Han's delight and missed it, but when I think about it, it
didn't make sense that the vegetables that had been buried in the snow for a week
were still alive.

No matter how powerful the staff given by the tree spirit...

'Did this guy's magic amplify the staff's vitality?'

“Your magic amplifies the life force of the staff.”


Lee Han answered roughly, brushed off the eyes of the vegetables and put them in
the basket.

“…that’s not something that can be answered so roughly!”

"uh. Is that so?"

Lee Han was puzzled by the potato.

Wasn't it the story that the magic power amplifies the vitality because it goes
well with the tree spirit's staff?

“That’s right, but…”

Professor Thundergeulleum was frustrated by the fact that the student in front of
him was a first-year student.

If it was any other wizard, you might say, 'You've amplified the power of the
staff given by the spirit, not you? No matter how much magic power, how?'

It was unconsciously amplifying the power of an artifact that was not created by
the wizard himself, but given to him by another being!

"...done. So just know it's great. By the way, Professor Willow must be happy to
see you care so much.”

“Are you talking about Professor Willow?”

At the name of Professor Willow, who teaches botany, Lee Han turned his head.

Professor Thunderwalk tilted his head at the reaction.

“Have you met? Wouldn't Professor Willow teach first graders?"

“I saw you by chance.”

"okay. Professor Willow is a great man.”

Not sure who the alchemy professor was, Professor Thunderwalk praised Professor

Alchemists who need materials are weak against gardeners.

"It's not because you've met Professor Willow, but Professor Willow is a really
good person. He has no place to criticize him for his personality…”

"All right. professor. I will definitely tell you.”

Seeing the disciple who immediately understood, Professor Thunderbolt stole under
his nose with a shy expression.

Even if the disciple was very good, the teacher was embarrassed.

While Lee Han cleared the snow from the garden and chopped and cut vegetables,
frying them in oil, and pouring the broth to boil, Professor Urgeulleum sat at the
table in front of the hut and quivered.

Lee Han, who brought cabbage, potatoes, onions, and carrots, boiled and seasoned
with salt and pepper in a pot and brought it with him, was puzzled by Professor

“What are you doing?”

“Did you cook it all? where are you. You may be able to become a cook later.”

“That’s too much of a compliment.”

"no. It’s sincere.”

“There is no way a cook can be so happy.”

"I'm really serious..."

Professor Thunderbolt was really sincere.

Every time I saw this disciple, his cooking skills were increasing.

“So what were you doing?”

"ah. this letter? You will find out soon.”

Professor Thunderstep swung his staff. Then the written letters turned into new
ones and started flying to each tower.

“You may have heard, but Professor Garcia gathered people and caught the monster
summoned to the depths of the library.”

“…Is that so?”

After taking a spoonful of soup, Lee Han paused.

it suddenly became ominous.

“Now that we can come out with the books we need, we sent the students to bring


* * *

same time.

The students inside the tower were looking at the note hanging on the wall with
bewildered expressions.

A list of books to bring from the library.

-Introduction to oreology for beginners

-Edible plants in the middle of the empire

- Wizards who survived poisoning

- A great alchemical vision born of failure


More than that, the thunderous Geumdar


Surprisingly, this note was only the beginning.

Notes from other professors also started flying through the window.

“The window… let’s close the window!”

If the students panicked, Gainando's words were appealing to them.

* * *

“Still, you don't have to bring one per person. One book per tower would suffice.”

When Professor Thunderbolt spoke with a heartfelt expression, Lee Han regretted
not using poison while making the soup earlier.

“…but the books aren’t that deep, are they?”

“Well? It's usually near the entrance, but the Einrogard Library is a mix-up place
every time I go... If you're unlucky, you might have to go a little deeper."

“…but it wouldn’t be that dangerous, would it?”

“Not dangerous. It would be better if we all go together.”

“...the soup seems to be cold, but I will boil it again.”

"for a moment. Are you sure you're not trying to get poisoned?"

“Is that possible?”

“You sit down. This time I will cook for you.”

Professor Thunderwalk stood up, blocking the disciple.

He was a disciple who could not be vigilant.

* * *



The library monster was caught.


The students were moved by Principal Skeleton's congratulations.

Say that...

You must be rolling your head to get the book by now. i don't help

"Yes? Please lend me a book…”

Silence magic was placed in the mouth of the student who spoke nonsense. Principal
Skeleton said sharply.

If you're a wizard, you shouldn't just give them fish, but teach them how to catch
them. Never say such nonsense again.

'Rather than that, you seem to be dangling stones from your ankles and pushing
them into the water.'

“Then how do you help?”

I asked well. There is no basic magic personality education lecture today.

Instead, go back to the tower and get ready.

“What are you ready for?”

Ready to enter the library. Everyone will be the first dungeon.

“Isn’t it? Last time I went with Lee Han.”

A silence magic was applied to Gainando's mouth. Principal Skeleton glared at Lee
Han once.

'It's not my fault, is it?'

Ian was embarrassed.

Professor Thunderbolt did it!

When everyone is ready, go to the library. Hurry up because we have to get in

before it gets too dark.

One student raised his hand and asked if he did not understand.

“Are you coming in with us?”

Are you a student or am I a student? why me?


“Then how do you help? oh If you can provide equipment or food…”

I will postpone the lectures until tomorrow evening. So that everyone can focus on
the library.


The students were all at a loss for words, whether they were touched by the grace
of Principal Skeleton.


ruler. Go and get ready. By the way, it would be a good idea to prepare for
camping in the dungeon.

"No... Principal..."

Principal Skeleton took advantage of the moment when the students were speechless
and pushed quickly.

The students who were forcibly kicked out of the classroom looked at each other

"What do we do?"

“What should I do… I need to prepare.”

“Jin, is this a real dungeon? Still, that’s not enough, is it?”

Someone muttered hopeful words, but there was no reply.

The keen students felt it.

If the Skeleton Principal said that, it wouldn't be easy at all.

“Wordanaz. You're still close with the principal. Don't tell me anything... Where
are you going? Wodanaz?”

The black turtle top student who was about to ask was puzzled.

Lee Han was already walking down the hallway.

“I’m going to prepare for the camp.”

“…let’s go get ready too.”

Even the students who could not give up their regrets at Lee Han's answer gave up

...I just need to get ready!

* * *

“What do you need to camp in a dungeon?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students who returned to the tower were cluttered.

I was shocked by the skeleton principal, but it was because everyone lacked
experience in this area.

There were many students who had never experienced just entering a dungeon, but
let alone camping inside.

It was difficult to attack the inside of the dungeon, but preparing for the camp
was several times more difficult.

Even the Blue Dragon Tower students had never experienced ordinary camping before
joining Einroguard...

Unlike the other three top students, it was natural to be cluttered.

But fortunately, the Blue Dragon Tower students had someone they could depend on.

It was Lee Han.

“Wordanaz. Shall I take this ax with me?”

“A dagger is enough. No need to increase the volume. Just in case you don't know,
bring a hammer and rope. Put it in your backpack.”

“Do I really have to take this cloth and oil bottle with me? We can use magic...”

“It’s not like you’re overflowing with magic.”

At Lee Han's words, the Blue Dragon Tower students, who were preparing hard,
stopped their movements and stared at Lee Han.

Lee Han replied as if it was nonsense.

“Are there any guarantees that I will stay with you guys?”

“That… it is.”

“Lee Han. Let me move with you.”

Gai Nando, who was lining up in a safe place, quickly pushed aside, and Lee Han
checked the backpacks of his friends.

Before entering, to Nogisa Allarlong.

After entering, go to Nilia, the shadow patrol hunter.

As long as he was constantly trained by the pros, Lee Han was now at the level of
'that wizard, is he quite seasoned?' even among experienced mercenaries and

“If you don’t know, let’s put one can each in their backpack. Don't forget to fill
the leather bucket with water. Do not take the tool out of the backpack just
because it is heavy. I don't know when I will use it. Guyan too. take out the card
lose Princess. Even if you put so many snacks in your backpack, you can’t eat them

The princess, who was packing snacks for her followers, waved her hand in

However, Lee Han had already turned around and checked the backpacks of other

The princess blinked her eyes full of regret. Gainando said next to him.

"I understand. I also wanted to bring more snacks... Evil! Did that step on me?!”

“You must have made a mistake because the break room is busy right now.”

"no! You stepped on it on purpose!”

“Are you the princess? Do you do such a childish thing? The bloodline you were
born with…”

Asan, who had said that, stopped.

Gainando was staring at him as if to tell him more.

"...well, Wodanaj said, it's not the bloodline that determines a person's worth,
it's the person's actions."

"Shut up."

30 minutes later.

Seeing the Blue Dragon Tower students who had finished their preparations and
arrived again, Principal Skeleton blew up.

It was so well prepared.

'One loach ruined the tower...'

Principal Skeleton lamented inwardly.

Originally, whenever new students entered the library every year, the biggest mess
was the Blue Dragon Tower students.

Unlike the other three top students, it was only natural that they grew up being
protected like a flower in a greenhouse.

It was many times more fun to go into the library and cry, roll, grab hold of a
hungry stomach and rummage...

I didn't see that joy this year.

Because of only one student!

'I don't know why he's from the Wodanaj family, but he has such a good vitality.'

Why is it that people from a family of great aristocrats, one of the most powerful
in the empire, have such strong vitality?

It was unusual, but not unusual.

okay. well come in

"Yes. I will come in.”

At Lee Han's answer, Principal Skeleton became grumpy for nothing.

For some reason, the disciple in front of me seemed to have entered and came very

'I wish I had an accident and left with the party.'

'Aren't you thinking that it would be better if you left after an accident?'

Lee Han felt that way for some reason, but I wondered if the Skeleton Principal
would think so frivolously.

'But I think I can do it.'



“Any other top friends?”

Everyone went in first. you are the last

Lee Han was puzzled by the answer.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were able to step back and say, 'Let's not
get involved with the Wodanaj', but it was not the other tower.

“Are there any friends who have been waiting for you?”

are you going on a picnic? I told him to go in first.


Ian was not surprised.

It would be even weirder if the skeleton principal's personality allowed him to

enter with all the other top students.

I think I want to tear up the people I have right now...

'But it doesn't matter.'

Ian thought to himself.

I've already shared the story with some friends in case this happens.

-Nelia. Know that I've always admired the Shadow Rangers. But if you go to the
library separately, why don't we meet later and cooperate?

-Of course it's something to do, and it's not very difficult, but I thought I
might turn it down, so I started praising the Shadow Patrol, didn't I?

- Priest Tigiling. I don't want to mention the fact that I served refreshments
every time, but I wonder if the Priests of the Tower...

- If you would like to collaborate with us, feel free to tell us. Even if you
don't say that, I'll accept it well enough, so why bother...

Fortunately, friends from the other towers accepted Lee Han's offer with kindness.

Even Durgyu.

- Durgyu.

- Lee Han. Do your best, but don't expect too much.

-I haven't said anything yet... Anyway, thank you.

'It's impossible in the deep part, but it's worth doing in the lower part.'

Lee Han had some calculations.

Although the library is notorious, students like Lee Han have actually entered the
library a few times.

During breaks or on weekends, he searched the library near the entrance to find

The structure of the lower part near the entrance was relatively simple and easy
to understand.

If you meet your friends on the lower floors...




Lee Han, who opened the door of the library and entered, was startled by the sight
of the vast wilderness.

The familiar appearance of a library full of books was nowhere to be seen, and a
dungeon he had never seen before was standing there.

Asan, who had seen the library in the past, clenched his mouth in embarrassment.

“Say… that’s ridiculous. No matter how much a monster is caught, the way it looks
like this...”

But Lee Han had no choice but to understand.

He could feel the powerful magical flow flowing through the air.

I don't know what kind of monster it is, but the magical flow in the library that
the monster was blocking returned to its original state, and thanks to the strong
burst of the blocked flow, the library's internal structure is also changing so

...Of course, I wondered why first-year students had to enter at that time, but...

“Asan. Calm down. You have to accept it.”

“That… but…”
“Everyone moves! Let each one observe the surroundings properly.”

Lee Han raised his heart and cried. The Blue Dragon Tower students came to their
senses and each grabbed their staff.

“Stand over there!”

There were libraries all over the vast wilderness. The students who arrived
hurriedly scanned the books.

“Wrong. There is nothing useful.”

“What kind of guy put his failed test papers here?”

“I think we should find the next library.”




It was a simple and not difficult task, but it was also a task that took a lot of
stamina than I thought.

It was even more so if it was such a wilderness that was close to another world.

Due to the flow of magical power, it was difficult to secure the field of vision
as if it was dusty, the sun could not be seen, but the hot day sun was shining, and
even a dry wind blew once, there were several students.

“Lee Han.”

"I know."

Lee Han nodded at Yonaire's words. No matter how urgent the book was, if he
continued the march without taking a break, his friends could fall first.

“Let’s take a break.”

The students sighed and sat down. Some students tried to fill the water tank right

He hadn't found the water source yet, but that didn't matter to the wizard.

The reason why you want to have at least one wizard in your party!

“Spring up!”

The cane was swung confidently.

And nothing happened.


"hey. Did you ever learn to make a mistake with the water creation magic? done.
I'll do it. Soar!”

But still nothing happened.

“...Lord, was your order bad? But was it okay outside?”

“Spring up! Sam Som... ugh.”

Only then did the students understand.

Drops of water close to dew were forming in the air.

The magic didn't fail.

The effect of water generation magic was greatly weakened due to the strong flow
of magical power in the vicinity.

Upon realizing this, the faces of the students turned pale.

Last week, the early cold weather came, and the students had gone through all the

I was well aware of how painful this natural flow of magic is.

“How much water is left? Anyone with a spare?”

“I didn’t even have a sip left…!”

“Take out the water bottle you brought with you!”

'I made a mistake.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

It's Lee Han, not knowing what to do, so I put a spare leather water bottle in it,
but they weren't friends.

I didn't say it because I didn't want to increase the weight, but I should have
prepared it just in case.

In the magic school, anything can really happen.

“Can’t Lee Han do it?”

“Are you talking about that?”

Gainando tilted his head and muttered, and Asan gave him a humiliation.

“Don’t waste your Wodanaj’s magic for nothing. I still have a lot of

“But I don’t care if I waste it…”

'You're right.'

Friends harassed Gainando, saying, 'Are you still friends?'

It doesn't matter if you waste it!

“Spring up.”

Lee Han swung his cane to confirm once and for all.
Then a huge sphere of water springed up in the air.


“…Wordanaz. Did I say I've always thought of you as a genius?"

“Lee Han. I'll give you water to those kids... Eup."

The friends quickly covered Gainando's mouth with their hands and started lining

“Who said Wodanaj could fail magic?”

"no way. I never heard of it.”

'I don't know if everyone will be surprised when they return to the family.'

Lee Han thought as he filled his friends' leather buckets with cold water.

If a friend's family were surprised by what happened at the school to change your
personality like this, it wasn't Lee Han's fault, it was the principal's fault.


gulp, gulp-

When drinking water was secured, the Blue Dragon Tower students looked around with
a slightly relieved expression.

My mood changed when the tricks of people's hearts and their thirst were resolved.

Until recently, I was like, 'What did I do to enter this school?' Now, I think,
'It might not be bad to experience this kind of thing with my friends'.

Some of the students sat on a dry rocky hill and looked at the horizon.

“Still, it’s not as bad as I thought. right?"


'I was just whining that I was going to die...'

Yoner thought so to himself, but he didn't bother to blame his friends who were
already struggling enough.

“I wish the White Tiger Tower guys would suffer more.”

"me too."


Yoner looked at his friends as if bewildered.

'Isn't it a punishment for saying something like that?'


As soon as he finished speaking, a scream erupted from the other side.

Lee Han grabbed the staff and ran.

"What's up!"

“I, there…!”

Lee Han's face hardened when he saw the direction his friends were pointing.

A medium-sized monster with a hefty size was approaching from the far horizon.

'Rock Drake!'

Lee Han, as well as some of the other students, was a well-known monster in the
Empire to the point of recognizing its identity.

Drake, a sub-dragon monster that is large and powerful enough to be rumored to be

mixed with dragon blood in its ancestors.

Among them, Rock Drake, which had a hard rock shell, was notorious for its
ignorant defense.

- Be careful where Rock Drake comes out. Even mid-level adventurers can change
them in the blink of an eye if they get caught wrong.

-I went to the place where Rock Drake came out last time. Do you know what people
there call Rock Drake? It's called 'The Wizard's Nightmare'. It just throws the
magic away.

It was definitely not a monster I could face in my first year.

No matter how much Lee Han has ever dealt with a rattlesnake!

In terms of class, several levels were higher monsters. There is no rumor that any
monsters have dragon blood mixed with them.

“Everyone, lower your posture. Do not provoke.”

“Hey, do you think he’s coming this way?”

Rock Drake, approaching with heavy steps, was not fast, but there was a bloody

Lee Han called the students together.

As long as Rock Drake was moving this way, we had to act quickly.

“You must run away now! Let’s move to the other side.”

“It’s nonsense. Rock Drake isn't a very aggressive monster, but it's said that any
monster that enters his realm will unconditionally attack. If you provoke him by
moving for nothing, that's the end of it!"

"Then he's coming, so let's stay still?"

“You're coming this way, but you're not sure if you'll come to our hill. More
likely to go elsewhere.”
“If it’s too late, you really lose your chance to run away!”

The opinions of the friends were strongly divided.

'It's not easy.'

In Lee Han's view, it was even more problematic because both sides of the argument
made sense.

Rock Drake wasn't such a sensitive monster, but if several students rushed around,
there was a chance that he would notice it no matter how far away.

However, standing here and hiding behind it was completely left to luck, so there
was nothing else to do...

“Shall we throw some silver coins?”

“…not bad.”

"What? Lee Han. Are you okay?”

Gainando was embarrassed when he spoke up and Lee Han agreed.

Of course I thought you wouldn't...

“I’ll just take note. Stone, teach me the future.”

Lee Han threw colorful stones on the floor and concentrated his mind strongly.

Originally, I tried not to use the foresight magic as well as possible, but when
the situation became like this, I had no choice but to do it.

Fortunately, it is the near future, not the distant future.

'This is worth doing.'

Of course, if there were Professor Paselette or Professor Garcia, they would have
said, 'Easy or difficult, it is absolutely not at the level that a freshman would
do now.' Unfortunately, there were no two professors here.

The answer you want is whether Rock Drake is here or not?

In an instant, several blurry images flashed past. Lee Han could barely stare at
one of them.

“…it seems to be coming.”


Seeing Rock Drake breaking down the library on the hill and running wild, Lee Han
decided to escape with his friends.

“There is absolutely no way out. There is invisibility magic, but…”


“The problem is that I can still only write to me.”


Even if it was the same magic, it was much more difficult to write it on someone
else than on the wizard himself.

“However, fortunately, there are artifacts. Guyan too. Try it once.”

Gainando, who received the belt that Lee Han held out, kicked it gently.

Then he knelt forward and fell.

"Ma... the magic..."

"this. It consumes more mana than I expected.”

"Lee Han... you're going to assassinate me..."

“Yone. Can you give me a potion?”

Lee Han opened the cork lid and poured the potion on Guy Nando.

Fortunately, after a while, Guynando regained his energy.

“In that case, it would be difficult to rent artifacts.”

At Lee Han's words, all of his friends nodded enthusiastically.

No matter how much invisibility magic was needed, he didn't want to wear those

'Really Yongke is wearing such an artifact!'

“Lee Han. There is a good way.”

Gainando said.


“You just have to learn the invisibility magic that you can cast on other people



"Can't you give that bastard Rock Drake as bait?"

As the spirits of his friends became horrendous, Lee Han stretched out his hand to
dry it.

'It is certainly true in principle.'

The invisibility magic cast on oneself and the invisibility magic cast on others
were not much different in principle.

This is because the latter requires a much more complicated and delicate process.

'Let's try it a few times.'

Lee Han decided to make the most of the time before Rock Drake came close.

Having a lot of magical power means that it can be wasted.

If there is a direction, that is a good thing, and if there is no direction, I was

thinking of giving up neatly.


“…I think I’m the subject of an experiment from before, so it’s my mood…?”

Gainando grunted and stood in front. Lee Han pointed his cane.

“Cloak. Swallow your friends.”

'No way.'

He focused properly and his movements were accurate, but the magic didn't work.

Magical power moves in the air, and collisions and stagnation occur while
constructing a magical structure that has failed.

It was because he was not completely familiar with the concept of magic yet.

“Cloak. Swallow me.”

For reference, Lee Han cast a spell on himself.

Of course I succeeded, and at that moment...

The arm of Gainando who was nearby disappeared.

“Aww my arm!!”

“Are you okay?”

"ah. Is that so?”

Gainando, who was startled by the fact that his arm became transparent, was
relieved to see his arm returned to its original state.

When I stretched out my arm again, it became transparent again.

“Everyone, look at this!”

Transparency was spreading in a space of about 2-3 meters centered on Lee Han.


At that moment, Lee Han realized what had happened.

Lee Han now casts another magic while activating the invisibility necklace given
by the Spire Keeper.

Two magics of the same series were amplified by mutual influence.

'This is... I didn't expect it. Was that what the principal meant?'

It was only natural that Lee Han was surprised.

Originally, this amplification was not a common result.

-What happens when you cast a spell once again?

A question that every wizard can't help but have.

Another strength-enhancing magic, another agility enhancement magic, another

invisibility magic...

What happens in this case?

The answer was 'I don't know'.

Because it is affected by so many variables such as circumstances, places, and

magic, it is impossible to accurately predict.

But this amplification would result.

It was embarrassing, but in the current situation, I was lucky.

'for a moment. Then why wasn't the belt amplified together?'

A belt received from the Frisinga Church.

This belt was also a belt enchanted with invisibility.

But it wasn't amplified...

'It's different!'

For a moment, a quiet realization struck Lee Han's head.

Even though it was the same invisibility magic on the surface, there was a
difference in how the invisibility was implemented.

If the Frisinga Church's belt is a magic that disturbs the vision by surrounding
the caster with a camouflage that refracts light...

The Spire Keeper's necklace or the principal's magic was close to magic that
confuses the viewer's conception and makes them unrecognizable.

The latter amplified each other because the method was the same.

'Is that why you asked me to think more? To tell you this.'

It felt like Lee Han's mind was clearing.

Lee Han himself did not notice, but the realization of a wizard was of this kind.

Getting a very small realization about the magic that has been blocked and making

In a way, it was natural for Lee Han not to notice.

Until now, while learning magic, there has been very little blockage.

Talent was a strong guide for the wizard, but at the same time it made the wizard
If the Skeleton Principal was by his side, he would say, 'Yeah, that's it. If you
have attained enlightenment, you will be grateful...'

“Lee Han! You have to move!”

"sorry. I lost my eye for a moment. Let’s move.”

Instead of feeling grateful for how precious what he had just experienced, Lee Han
went straight into action.

It was enlightenment, and only one thing was important.

'Invisibility magic can now be increased in units of range.'

Lee Han cast the <Gonadaltes' Invisibility Cloak> magic to amplify the range once

How long does it take to complete the proper range?

At first, there was no control or anything, but after trying a few times, I got
the feeling.

“Cloak, swallow me… all right. This should be enough. let's go!"

The orthodoxy was that once you attain enlightenment, you should devote yourself
to it with a grateful heart.

You don't know if the realization you've ever gained will disappear somewhere.

But sometimes there were exceptions.

A genius who doesn't stop moving even after realizing it with gratitude and

Lee Han put his friends in the invisibility range and ran.

If the Skeleton Principal had been by his side, he could not stand his irritation
and would have added the ordeal by hand.

* * *

Even after excluding Rock Drake, the Blue Dragon Tower students could not rest

After searching through books in search of a new library, he disguised himself by

relying on the library.

“Are you okay now?”

“What if I chase you again? You have to look a little more.”

“I want to light a fire…”

In order to prepare for a proper rest, I had to put down several things, starting
with the fire.

But the friends who had just barely escaped could not completely shake off Rock
Drake's nightmare.
“Hey there!”


When someone shouted in a suffocating voice, everyone quickly turned their heads.

Fortunately, it wasn't Rock Drake.


“I didn’t say Rock Drake…! Look at that!”

The people who appeared were the students of the White Tiger Tower. The four
students were walking around, looking around.

It was clear that the Blue Dragon Tower students had not yet been discovered
because they hid themselves.

“What do you do, Wodanaj? Shall I call you?”

“Is there Durgyu?”

“Durgue? Don't you?"

“Then there is nothing I can do. subdue.”


What can't you do?


The friends were perplexed, but Lee Han was calm.

It was because he was acting on valid grounds, not on personal feelings.

'Unless Durgyu is absent, the White Tiger Tower bastards will never cooperate with
me. Rather, it caused a commotion. In a situation like this, if you make a fuss,
you can get Rock Drake's attention.'

Yoner tilted his head at that explanation.

“But I can’t just leave it alone…”

"let's go."


After amplifying the invisibility magic, Lee Han moved on.

Yoner followed after him with a subtle expression.

* * *

“Everyone, don’t move.”

“Uh… uh-huh!”
The students of the White Tiger Tower were stunned.

All of a sudden, students from the Blue Dragon Tower came out of nowhere, and they
couldn't help but be surprised.

“What, what? It was Wodanaz.”

“Actually, I’m not sure…”

One of the white tiger tower students murmured.

Lee Han decided to remember the face of the guy he just muttered.

“Don’t make a sound. If you shout, I will attack you.”

“I know if you don’t say that. Wodanaz. We are not new recruits.”


The White Tiger Tower students didn't seem to understand the current situation.

Lee Han pondered on how to make it less unpleasant by saying, 'You are now
suppressed, if you lay down your weapons and surrender, I will treat you as
prisoners of war according to the rules of the Einroguard'.

“I was still looking for you. Wodanaz. I came here because Durgyu begged me to do


Ian paused.

Surprisingly, these white tiger tower students came to collaborate!


The Blue Dragon Tower students, realizing that fact belatedly, exchanged glances
with each other.

'...What do we do?'

'For now, let's pretend we don't know anything.'

'Isn't the posture of holding our cane a bit suspicious?'

As soon as Lee Han gave a signal, the Blue Dragon Tower students who were holding
their wands to cast their magic gently lowered their hands.

His attitude seemed a bit suspicious.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were also asked if they felt the strange

“By the way, Wodanaj. Why do you have so many friends…”

“You know, libraries are dangerous.”

“Is that so?”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were puzzled by the lively energy
emitted by the Blue Dragon Tower students, nodded their heads as if they were

Gainando, who had not yet grasped the situation, whispered.

“When do you attack?”


As Yoner beckoned, the other friends quickly overpowered Gainando.

Lee Han said without changing his expression.

“It was about when we were going to attack Rock Drake.”

“Rock… attacking Rock Drake???”

The white tiger top students looked at Lee Han like crazy.

Wordanaj I knew he was a mad archmage who devoted his life to all kinds of magic
and arcane magic, but he must have been that crazy!

'Ouch. You made a mistake.'

In a hurry, the excuses came out a bit strange. Lee Han quickly explained.

“It wasn’t that they were attacking Rock Drake, it was about attacking when it was
really unavoidable.”

“That… yes.”

“Wow, what are you going to do when we’re not here?”

Despite the explanation, the White Tiger Tower students had already taken a couple
of steps back.

The idea of attacking Rock Drake, no matter how unavoidable it was, was too

Even a student from the youngest knight family didn't think like 'I'm going to
attack Rock Drake when it's like this'...

"...done. Tell me why you came.”

* * *

In fact, the White Tiger Tower students were far better off than the Blue Dragon
Tower students.

Unlike the Blue Dragon Tower students, whose only strengths are family and magical
abilities, the White Tiger Tower students basically have the ability to take care
of themselves no matter where they are thrown.

As such, the White Tiger Tower students moved a little more actively.

- Divide into three and find a way!

If you have confidence, it is much more advantageous to move in division.

It's Lee Han, I never did such a reckless thing, but as you know, the students of
the White Tiger Tower are the ones who don't lose anywhere as long as they are

And this time, luck followed.

-found! Here's the door that goes down!

-Call all the others! Tell me you found it!

As the couple found their way down, Durgyu begged his friends.

-I'm sorry, but can I do one favor?

- It depends on what kind of request. Durgyu.

-Remember the last time I gave you two slices of butter sponge cake?

-...Okay. you can listen What?

-I wish I could sneak a peek and tell my Blue Dragon Tower friends the location of
this place. It would be better if I went on my own, but I'm sure it's obvious.

-What?! why!? Also to Wodanaz...'s not like that. It is because there is something Shin Se-jin. You, too,
bet on the honor of the knights and think about it. Do you owe anything to Wodanaj?

-...but not...

At Durgyu's words, the White Tiger Tower friends were speechless.

They also had the honor of being from a knight family. He could not completely
deny the facts that Lee Han helped.


- No matter how much you risk the honor of a knight, you've suffered too much.

-right. we've been through too much

Honor or whatever, I really suffered too much!

But in the end, the friends couldn't defeat Durgyu.

When words such as 'honorably' or 'repaying for the favors received' came out, it
was impossible to ignore them as a member of a knight family.

- I really don't want to go.

-right. Wodanaj knows what that bastard will do.

-If you go, I'll increase the number... Isn't this number not enough?

* * *

“That’s why we came here at Durgyu’s earnest request.”

The White Tiger Tower students omitted the lines they grumbled and complained

Ian was slightly moved.


Durgyu was the proof that some of the White Tiger Tower students had a conscience
and knew what honor was.

I'm going to help you out like this.

“Did you come to find Yongke Wodanaj? Don't you hate being involved with your

"...huh. I don't put those kind of personal feelings into the things I need to do.
I don't know about nobles. This responsibility as a knight.”

“We didn’t care at all about grudges with Wodanaj. I only thought about losing to
Wodanaj. Because that is honor.”

'These children must have really wanted to come.'

Ian thought to himself.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were furious, but did not say anything.

Just by pointing out the entrance to the bottom, I was sure that I was indebted to

"okay. Thank you. Then will you guide me?”

The White Tiger Tower students took the lead and started taking the Blue Dragon
Tower students.

The terrain didn't change, so finding the way wasn't a problem, but it wasn't
entirely easy.

“It’s Rock Drake!”

The monsters that tormented the students throughout this dungeon raid were still
wandering around the wilderness.

When the Blue Dragon Tower students made a painful expression on their faces, the
White Tiger Tower students said confidently.

"what. Don't you know how to deal with Rock Drake?"

“Do you know?”

"of course. I ran into Rock Drake once on the way, and how would I have gotten
here if I didn't know how to deal with it?"

Lee Han was surprised by the confident attitude of the students at the White Tiger

'Is there a way to descend only to the knights' family?'

Lee Han was also a student from the Wodanaj family, who read as much as he could
and was additionally studying various kinds of monsters from Professor Lightning

But there was no trick to dealing with Rock Drake easily.


'If it's only a way to descend to the knights' family, you can't miss it.'

"ruler. Look!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower lay flat on the dusty dirt floor. He didn't
care even if the hot, dry earthen floor got his clothes and hands and feet dirty.

“Rock Drake’s vision is higher than I expected. If we lie down like this, he won't
find us."

“And in this state!”

A white tiger tower student started crawling on the floor. The body crawled like a
bug rubbing the ground as much as it couldn't soar up.

One of the Blue Dragon Tower students he was looking at murmured.

“It’s like a bug…”

"Shh. Quiet."

“Did you see it? You can dodge the rock drake if you crawl like this.”

“I’ll just cast invisibility magic.”

At Lee Han's words, the students of the White Tiger Tower, who were wiping away
the dust, stopped.


Is that possible?

“Can you do something like that?”

“It is possible.”

“...But why did you do this to us?”

“I was going to learn if your methods were better.”


Despite the explanation, the White Tiger Tower students stared at Lee Han.

* * *

“There, that slanted hill is where we found the entrance.”


Lee Han nodded when he saw the appearance of the hill with a steep cliff that was
about 4-5 meters high.
It was probably going up on a gentle slope on the other side.

"...for a moment. Are there any students who haven't passed yet?"

"Well? why? Do you have any friends left?”

“Looks like there is.”

Lee Han strengthened the magic by pouring it around his eyes as if wasting it.

Then, students from the White Tiger Tower on a distant hill caught my eye.

'Are you waiting for friends who haven't come yet? Teach me how to get down?'

If that's the case, the friendship between the knights is really great...

- Stop it! Stop him from coming up!

- Take out all the potions you have! If Rock Drake comes up, you die!


Lee Han frowned at the sight of the white tiger tower students running from place
to place with their mouths wide open.

Not knowing the speed, the students of the White Tiger Tower chattered next to
each other.

“Wordanaz. No matter how good you are at magic, finding your way like this is
completely different...”


“, did I pretend too much? Aren't you mad?"

* * *

- The door is locked. How do you open it?

- Search the nearby library. Maybe there's a key or a way to open it.

-okay. ...It's Rock Drake!!

-What? You mean rock drake? How do you get Rock Drake from here?

-no! That's Rock Drake!!

Rock Drake appeared in front of the White Tiger Tower students, who were pondering
how to open the door that went down.


Rock Drake narrowed the distance and took a seat in front of the hill, while the
students displayed a range of emotions, including fear, despair, and intimidation.

Then he looked at the students.

Even people who don't know much about monsters can tell, 'That creature has a lot
of complaints right now'.

how long has it been

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had been hesitating with sweat,
couldn't stand it any longer when their opponent didn't move and took the first

- Are you warning me to go... go?

- Let's move now!

- What about the door? Is the door going down?

- Does that matter now?!

As soon as the words were finished, Rock Drake began to advance.

It wasn't a terrifying charge to trample the enemy, but just walking up the hill
was beyond imagination.

“Come this way!!”

“Somehow, take the time! Even if you go down the other side, you have to take your

“Bring all the repellent potions with you! Throw it!”

“Prepare for magic. Aim for the eyes! You have to threaten me somehow!”


A bead of water flew out of nowhere and hit Rock Drake's nose with precision.

Rock Drake, who had been walking slowly, turned his head at a speed that could not
be compared with before.

It was an annoying move for anyone to see.

“Okay… are you okay? Wodanaz?”



Lee Han was looking at Rock Drake with a cold expression as if indifferent. The
students at the White Tiger Tower next to them involuntarily recalled the words
they had heard earlier.

- We were talking about when to attack Rock Drake.

- It's not that you're attacking Rock Drake, it's that you'll attack when it's
really unavoidable.

'...this, this child. Are you really trying to catch me now...?!?!'


Contrary to the misunderstanding of the White Tiger Tower students, Lee Han had no
intention of catching Rock Drake.

I know Rock Drake's strength, but there's no way he could do such a reckless

'Attract him.'

There was no need to fight back and there was no need to just give up and run


The reason wizards were chosen as high-level personnel wherever they went was
their flexible coping ability.

Other adventurers risked their lives to fight or give up and run away, but wizards
have 3rd and 4th options.

And Lee Han was particularly advantageous in this area.

It was because he was studying an unusually wide field among wizards.

'If you stimulate him and then induce his gaze...'

Durgyu is also Durgyu, but if the place where the students of the White Tiger
Tower are going down now, he couldn't just pass it on to Rock Drake.

Secure it somehow!

“Wow, woah, woahdanaz. Promise me one thing.”


“I’m not going to catch Rock Drake.”


Lee Han looked pathetic at the students of the White Tiger Tower, whose legs were

'Because I didn't catch it...'

"okay. Promise me.”

“…Jin, is that real?”

"of course."


The students of the White Tiger Tower stared at Lee Han's expression.

He had such an expressionless, sculptural face that he couldn't believe it even if

he said something like that.

“…really really…”

“If you ask me one more time, I will use you as bait first.”

At Lee Han's words, the white tiger top student was startled and shut his mouth.

It wasn't like a joke.

'Did you bring these children for nothing...'

Lee Han was now approaching with only the students of the White Tiger Tower,
leaving the other friends on the hill behind.

It didn't take many people to lure Rock Drake anyway. If there were only a lot of
numbers, only the invisibility magic became difficult.

The reason I brought the White Tiger Tower students is that they are quick and
easy to respond when problems arise...

'If I go alone, no matter how much Durgyu is there, they won't listen to me.'

It was to give orders to the other White Tiger Tower students perched on the top
of the hill just in case.

Even those who do not obey Lee Han's orders will have no choice but to listen to
his orders with tears in their eyes when their friends are by Lee Han's side.

Virtually half hostage!

Of course, the students at the White Tiger Tower next to Lee Han did not know what
their situation was.

He just stared at Rock Drake with a nervous expression on his face.

“But will Rock Drake react with just a water ball? No magic works...”

“So I hit his vital point.”


'Why the hell did you do that!'

The white tiger tower students wept inside.

I thought it was just a provocation, but without them knowing, I hit the vital

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump-

Rock Drake took his eyes off the hill and started moving in the complete opposite

It looked like he was trying to find out who the bad guy who hit his nose was.

'request. Sharkan.'


When Lee Han gave the signal, Sharkan, who was waiting on the other side, ran out.

Rock Drake turned his head, startled by the appearance of the green leopard.

Sharkan didn't overdo it.

Instead of attacking a monster with a much larger size and solid defense than
himself, he provoked with a sharp sound.

And without hesitation, he turned around. Rock Drake became angry and tried to
pursue Sharkan.

“Bone. Catch the enemy.”

Lee Han memorized the spell in a low voice.

The negative energy unique to black magic enveloped the surroundings, and a bony
restraint ball was summoned to Rock Drake's forelimbs.


Actually, it was meaningless.

Because you couldn't tie a giant to a rope by putting a rope on the giant's

Even if I summoned a bone restraint ball on Rock Drake's front paws, it could be
smashed out in one second.

However, Lee Han continued the spell without hesitation.

“Bone, seize the enemy. Bone, seize the enemy. Bone...”

If not one, then two.

Three if not two.

In an instant, the bone restraints multiply and cling to Rock Drake's forelegs.

It still didn't mean much, but it was clear that Rock Drake's temper had been
scratched off.

Some undead monsters provoke after being hit by a water ball, but now they even
have cumbersome bone restraints.

-■■■... ■■■...

“Fever, distort the air.”

In such a situation, as the wizard-like figure fluttered, Rock Drake exploded


The sluggish appearance he had shown so far disappeared, and the hard ground was
literally plowed and he started rushing towards a runaway.

Quad Duke!

It was such a terrifying rush that it felt like an earthquake to the students
“Go... did you go? Did you go?”


The students of the White Tiger Tower were relieved while sweeping their hearts.

Still, Wodanaj kept his promise and ended up not doing anything reckless like
hunting a rock drake.

I'm really glad!

“Tell me you guys went up the hill and chased Rock Drake. You will be confused
because you do not know the situation from above.”

“Oh, that’s right. I am coming."

“I like other students…”

Lee Han, who was talking, stopped.

A new rock drake appeared from the side where the Blue Dragon Tower students were



The students' heads all stopped at the unexpected situation.

However, Lee Han took action immediately.

“Tell me you chased Rock Drake. I'm going to outrun him!"

“Wow… Wodanaj!”

The students at the White Tiger Tower called out Lee Han's name without knowing

No matter how absurdly reckless and even a master of evil magic, he had no choice
but to admit the appearance of Woudanaz, who did not hesitate to save his friends
in such a situation.

" careful!"

“Don’t keep talking nonsense, go upstairs and tell it!”

“Um, sorry.”

When Lee Han became really angry and angry, the students of the White Tiger Tower
avoided their gaze.

There's nothing to be so angry about...

* * *

My friends were camouflaged on the other side of the hill, but I couldn't be
relieved. Lee Han took Sharkan and ran quickly.

But the distance was too far.


“Fever, distort the air!”

Lee Han brought a fantasy to those around him. It was to get Rock Drake's
attention somehow.


A huge sphere of light appeared. Even Rock Drake, who was far away, was startled
by the intense light.

'done. look...'

- Kreung.

Sharkan made a bewildered sound.

Rock Drake began to disappear into the ground right before his eyes.


Lee Han, too, had no choice but to be embarrassed by this unfamiliar sight.

I've heard in the book that Rock Drake looks for an opportunity face-to-face
against an opponent he can beat, and burrows into the ground for an opponent who
feels threatened...

That was true!

'Did you cast too strong light magic!'

From Rock Drake's point of view, the Light Sphere was so unnecessarily strong and
dazzling that he felt threatened.

Sharkan suddenly pounded on the ground frantically and began to grab Lee Han's
sleeve and pull him.

- Crumble! Crung!


Lee Han wasn't so dull that he didn't notice the signal. Lee Han tried to get out
of the seat right away.

However, Rock Drake's movement speed was much faster than expected.

Quad Duke!

With a roar, a rock drake appeared from below the ground.

As the balance in all directions collapsed and debris and dust scattered, Lee Han
hurriedly chanted a spell.


An iron ball was held firmly in the air and acted as an anchor. Lee Han held the
iron ball in his hand and gave strength to his body.
'If you lose your balance, you die!'

how long did you last

In an instant, it came up as if the ground was firmly supporting it from below.

'for a moment...'

It wasn't land.

It was Rock Drake's huge backing.


Lee Han was startled to find out that he had already climbed onto Rock Drake's

He got on his back because he erroneously avoided Rock Drake, who had jumped out
of the basement.

' It's fortunate.'

At first, he felt dizzy, but Lee Han immediately regained his consciousness.

Fortunately, Rock Drake didn't seem to notice that someone was on top of him.

In addition, he began to move step by step, apparently feeling relieved by

smashing around the suspicious mass of light.

'I'll have to jump right away when I come out of a nearby hill.'

Lee Han vowed to look for the low-speed fall magic first when he returned.

Looking at it today, I don't know what will happen in the future if I don't learn


-■■ ■■■...


Lee Han could not find a nearby hill and get off.

Apparently, Rock Drake, who was riding on top, ran into Rock Drake who ran out of
anger earlier.

Somehow the directions are similar...!

tuk, tuk.

Tuk, tuk, tuk.

The two rock drakes stared at each other. I felt the momentum to yield first.

And no one yielded.


Two rock drakes clashed violently.

On the back of Rock Drake shaking like crazy, Lee Han thought.

'...If Professor Ingaldel thinks about a good place to practice swordsmanship,

I'll have to recommend Rock Drake's back.'

* * *

"hurry! These children! Why are you guys so slow!”

“Huh, huh… Those kids… Why are they… so… physically strong…”

The Blue Dragon Tower students, who joined, relentlessly urged the White Tiger
Tower students.

None of the White Tiger Tower students who heard the explanation refused to go to
rescue Wodanaj.

-under. You blue dragon tower bastards rest here.

- You can't be dull.

Rather, he reacted like this.

But surprisingly, the Blue Dragon Tower students were much more energetic.

When you think about it, it was natural.

The students of the White Tiger Tower searched the surroundings while conserving
water, and they had just carried out various constructions to prevent Rock Drake
from coming up.

The Blue Dragon Tower students, who moved comfortably, had no choice but to be
less tired.

“Morady. Thank you. I thought you would say no.”

Giselle shrugged at Durgyu's words.

“Maybe we got to know each other because we worked together in a group during a
swordsmanship class… Ah, no. sorry."

Giselle stared at him like he was going to kill someone, but Durgyu shut his

"Wordanaz risked his life to lure Rock Drake, and if you don't come to help, these
idiots can't stand still. So you go.”


“So, please, don’t talk bullshit. choi. Okay? Since you were out of school, why
are you…”

Durgyu regretted it.

'Tell me for nothing...'

Giselle, who savagely insulted Durgyu's personality (like being pickpocketed by an

idiot, hogu, idiot, street beggar, etc.)

"one thing. There is something I don't understand.”


“Why did Wodanaj help us?”


Durgyu didn't have to tell Lee Han the location of the door leading down.

Giselle's cursing seemed to be three or four times more violent.

“Writing… well. Even though Wodanaj looks really cold, he values friendship…”

“Did I tell you not to bullshit? It's clear what the intention is. There is no way
I can help you without any reason.”

People always judged things by their own standards. Gisele, of course.

I can't help you if you don't have a plan!

Giselle frowned in thought, trying to grasp Wodanaj's evil brain, which could not
be easily grasped.

Of course, there was no such intention.

“I... over there!! Look over there!!!”

“Tell me to stop making a fuss. It's not that water doesn't rot, but if you scream
like that every time you see something..."

Giselle, who had been bluntly, stopped talking.

Durgyu also looked forward with a shocked expression.

There were two rock drakes lying in front of me.


“My, I told you. Wodanaj has been wanting to catch Rock Drake for a long time!”

In the midst of silence everywhere, only the words of one student from the White
Tiger Tower resounded out loud.


The white tiger top student, who was by Lee Han's side all the way, steadily put
forward a hypothesis.

- From my point of view, Woudanaz was not swept away and dragged away, Wodanaz was
chasing after Rock Drake.
Of course, it was a very radical and radical hypothesis, so Gainando did not
accept it from the Blue Dragon Tower.

-Aren't you babbling because you don't want to go help these bastards?

- Oh, no!

“What did I say! What did I say!”

“Jeong… did you really catch it??”

The Blue Dragon Tower students just looked at each other in disbelief.

Although some White Tiger Tower students and Black Turtle Tower students believe
in strange rumors such as "Wordanaj secretly studied magic and mastered all kinds
of evil visions before entering the Magic School," the Blue Dragon Tower students
did not.

As long as we live together, we don't want to be deceived by such ridiculous


The Blue Dragon Tower students were cool and clever.

In every lecture that Lee Han takes, he hears from the professor, 'You are the
talented person who will make this school prosperous', and he himself was a great
magician with the ambition to 'discover the secrets of all magical fields'. He
wasn't as absurd as that rumor.

What's more, hunting rock drakes, no matter how talented Lee Han, is something he
can do right now...

“Wow, Wodanaj!”

As Lee Han staggered out, his friends screamed.

It was such a mess that he thought he was seriously injured when he walked out of
the rock drakes.

Lee Han waved his hand as if it was okay. It meant no injuries.

“Did you catch Rock Drake?!”

"...What? What nonsense?”

"Ah, no... I'm down there..."

Lee Han looked at his friends as if they were the most pathetic in the world.

Those eyes made the Blue Dragon Tower students feel infinitely stupid.

“The two of them fought and fell.”

“Ah… well, that’s right.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students stared at the White Tiger Tower student who had
been making a lot of noise as they had come.

'Because of that child!'

But the white tiger top student still mumbled nonsense.

“You made them fight? With mental magic?!”

"What's going on? You said Wodanaj caught it, right?”

“You made two rock drakes fight?”

“Reverse... As expected!”

"I've known since I took down Durgyu!"

If Lee Han had been a little less tired, he would have noticed that the White
Tiger Tower students were talking dogs, but he was too tired to do that.

The two rock drakes were poised to kill each other, balancing and holding out.

No matter how much magical power he had, the consumption of concentration was

“Dismantle Rock Drake. Since it is large, it would be sufficient to cut only the
good part to eat.”

“Okay, I see.”


I told the Blue Dragon Tower students, but when the passing students of the White
Tiger Tower ran back and forth, Lee Han was puzzled.

'It doesn't matter.'

First, I wanted to rest a little.

* * *

After closing his eyes for a moment, Lee Han stood up.

Students were busily moving from all directions, tidying up.

'...I didn't learn anything.'

The most bitter thing about Lee Han was that he was proving himself the theory of
Professor Voladi's 'If you throw yourself in a close crisis, you tend to learn
quickly, so you have to go through a crisis'.

Whenever I fell into a really close crisis, I learned something and realized
something, and I felt embarrassed.

...Is this really the right way for a wizard?

'Even so, I don't think this is the right way.'

The <Lesser Control> magic was enough to survive on the back of Rock Drake, which
came out of the basement, but it was not enough to survive the head-on collision
between the two Rock Drakes.

It had to be firmly anchored to Rock Drake's backboard, not in the air.

As a desperate measure, Lee Han grabbed Rock Drake's scales and radiated magical
power to his fingertips. It was to enhance physical abilities as well as
enhancement magic.

Still, it wasn't enough. His body continued to shake as if he was flying.

Still, I couldn't help it.

Lee Han was desperately pouring, pouring, and pouring magic.

And at some point I realized.

-Magic power...?!

Even if they couldn't create advanced learning like the wizards, the knights also
displayed quite a variety of techniques using their magical powers.

These skills are not easily leaked as they fall under the vision of the knight
family, and the knights themselves did not use it for a while.

However, Lee Han had witnessed an unusual swordsmanship using magical powers
relatively recently.

When the young apprentice knights of the Baekyangmok Knights came to visit.

At that time, Ravda of the Enge family used a very unusual swordsmanship.

A bizarre swordsmanship that pulls the opponent's sword with the magic that flows
through the sword the moment it collides.

When I asked other students, they said it was a sucking sword unique to the Enge

It's a rare swordsmanship, so it's quite famous among knights.

... Now, it seems that Lee Han also suddenly realized the secret of suction.


Lee Han radiated magic power into his hand and attached it to the rock.

Then I felt a sticky gravitational force between my hand and the rock.


'I have to learn the magic cycle other than this.'

This change in nature could have stuck to Rock Drake's back and barely survived,
but in fact, this wasn't something Lee Han had to do now.

As a swordsman, I have to complete the endless cycle of magic within my body so

that I can maintain my magic skillfully...

Why did you realize such a peculiar change in magical properties, which you would
only worry about when creating a new swordsmanship?

'If I tell Professor Ingaldel, he might say it's ridiculous.'

In fact, Lee Han was mistaken.

If it was Professor Ingaldel, he would be happy if he was happy, but not

- Great. Wodanaz. Excellent swordsmen always found fragments of their own

swordsmanship in their youth. As much as he was serious about the sword, he
answered the sword as well. Now let's melt that realization into our own sword. It
wouldn't be a bad idea to relive the moment you attained enlightenment. What was
the moment?

...and you'll be happy to say the same thing.

A student who was very serious about swordsmanship (at least in Professor
Ingaldel's opinion) had attained the realization to go to his own swordsmanship.

“Wordanaz. Are you okay?”

"ah. okay. Thank you."

Lee Han took his hand off the rock and got up completely.

Enlightenment is something to think about later, and for now, I had to solve the
problem in front of me.

“It costs a little.”


"roast beef. I used Rock Drake’s meat.”

The white tiger top student presented a thickly cut and grilled, juicy, moist
bright red meat.

'By the way, Rock Drake's meat isn't beef, is it?'

With that thought in mind, Lee Han took the plate.

Of course, the White Tiger Top students did not have any objection to that part.

I've already boiled dandelions and acorns to make coffee. What's the difference
between drake meat or beef?

“I will eat well. thanks..."

“I have nothing to be thankful for. Wodanaz. You caught it.”

The white tiger top student looked slightly shy and stole his nose.

It's a new thing, but it felt awkward to treat Wodanaj like this.

Who would have expected that before entering the dungeon, or even the library, a
meal would happen to Wodanaj.

“This is really…”

“Because it’s done. Wodanaz. I have nothing to be thankful for.”

"no. it's puffy Who cooked?”


The white tiger tower student looked at Wodanaj as if embarrassed.

“This is delicious enough... isn’t it?”

“What nonsense.”

Ian walked forward.

Looking to the side, the students of the Blue Dragon Tower were also making subtle

I am grateful to the students of the White Tiger Tower for their hard work...'s clear that something is missing!

“Lee Han!! Wake up!”

Guynando jumped up from his seat.

And all the Blue Dragon Tower students spit out words that they thought to
themselves but couldn't get out of their conscience.

“Instead of you, yo r... eup eup.”

“Please shut up...!”

“Do you want to be called the Blue Beggar’s Tower?”

The Blue Dragon's Tower friends, who had triggered shame, blocked Gainando's

But it was after everyone who had heard it already heard it.

“…Wordanaz. You can do it if you want.”

The white tiger top student standing in front of the meat called for Lee Han.

Some of them crossed their arms and looked at Lee Han.

It was his eyes to see how well he was doing.

'Even if you're an archmage, there's no way you can't be good at cooking, which is
the flower of camping, right?'

'I've been grilling meat since I was a toddler. Wodanaz. How many years have you
been roasting?'

'I don't think these children were so competitive with their swordsmanship...'

Lee Han stood in front of the meat with a confused expression.

The strangely warm eyes were unbelievable.

“Everyone thinks Lee Han can’t do it.”

Durgyu muttered to Giselle who was next to him.

Giselle, who was wiping the dust off her sword, looked at Durgyu with a 'I'm not
curious' look.

He had no interest in the nonsense he had been doing before.

“But Moradi. Lee Han’s cooking skills are beyond imagination.”


I'm not curious!

Giselle shook her head as if it was bothersome to swear, and grabbed her sword

* * *

When Lee Han defeated him with magic or with a sword, some students from the White
Tiger Tower gave a respectful look they had never seen before.

That's how good the meat was.

It was the taste of mystical magic.

'...Didn't you just cook meat and take it with you on the first day of your
swordsmanship class?'

If that was the case, he might have been able to attract about a quarter of the
students of the White Tiger Tower seriously...

“When you’re done eating, move on.”

"for a moment. Wodanaz. wait."


“You have to collect water. See this pool here? When you pull this grass, the
roots hold water…”

“Spring up.”


“Fill up with water. let's go."

The White Tiger Tower students seemed to understand why the knights grumbled at
the wizards when they only drink alcohol.

A sense of disappointment that the knights do all the hard work they have to do
with a single staff!

“Wizards are really...!”

“Are you also a wizard?”

Meanwhile, Lee Han checked the door leading down.

“There is a lock.”

“It’s a lock that unlocks by moving magic.”

“I was looking around for a book.”

The White Tiger Tower students shared their findings.

A type of lock that unlocks when it creates a specific shape by moving magical

It was difficult to open it if I couldn't figure out the shape.

But Lee Han...

'Since there is enough mana, let's turn to a few shapes that are used a lot.'

“Look out.”

Lee Han put his hand on the lock and inflated it with magical power.

Let's go back to the most famous and frequently used symbols and patterns...


Ian's expression hardened.

Perhaps the limiting horsepower of the device was less than I expected, and I
could not stand the magic that Lee Han had blown, and I felt that the inside was
being shattered.

'...It's ruined.'

Lee Han felt the gaze of the white tiger top students looking from behind.

If you say you broke the device by mistake, you'll be like, 'Wordanaj, you evil
wizard! You're revealing your true colors!'


Of course, the students of the White Tiger Tower, who had never thought of that,
tilted their heads.

'Are you doing it?'

'I guess so.'


When the device was smashed, the part it was holding was broken, and the door
opened and the stairs leading down were revealed.

The students at the White Tiger Tower were amazed with their eyes wide open.

You open it right away without even breathing!

“…how did you find out?”

Giselle asked in disbelief.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't deduce the answer.
Lee Han calmly controlled his expression and answered.

“Wisdom and brilliance.”


Giselle bit her lip. I was angry, but that Wodanaj's brain had no choice but to
admit it.


“Certainly, Wodanaj is great.”

Even the Blue Dragon Tower students, who were accustomed to Lee Han's modest
performance, were babbling as to whether they were surprised.

Even if you unlocked the lock, how did you do it so quickly?

“Princess? Princess?”

When Neblen of the Kirak family called again, Adenart came to his senses only

The princess apologized as if she was sorry.

"no. You were wondering how to solve it. I will ask you later.”

While Neblen said so, Gainando shook the lock.

There was the sound of something shattering and rattling inside.

"uh? Isn't this broken?"

“Gainan too. That's what the original high-level magic locks sound like.”

"okay? It sounds like a toy I broke a while ago...”

Gainando tilted his head and moved forward.

Yoner asked at the sight.

“Is it okay?”

"no. it will break Don't go anywhere."


Was it really broken?!

* * *

The students carefully stepped down the stairs to the basement.

Going down the stairs was quite tense as it was so long and dark that I couldn't
see below.


Lee Han floated a sphere of light in front of him.

Actually, in my mind, I used the Dark Vision magic, but I wanted to avoid
summoning the Light Sphere.

If you can see well in front of you, doesn't it mean that the other party can see
Lee Han and the others well?

With no idea what's under the stairs, this kind of light was quite a gamble.

'But it's more dangerous for a person like this to walk in the dark...'


Fortunately, Rock Drake was not waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Instead, the familiar appearance of the library and hallway caught my eye.

It was a familiar sight to see around the entrance when you entered the library in
the past.



The students breathed a sigh of relief as if they felt it too.

"here! There's a chair next to the stand here! Even a table!”

“There’s a lantern hanging on the wall!! see?!"

'Who would think the students were crazy?'

The appearance of the students shouting as if they had discovered something so

obvious was somewhat irritating.

Actually, this was normal for the original library.

Walls and aisles made up of bookshelves full of bookshelves, tables and chairs
everywhere, cozy and warm lighting...

The wilderness where Rock Drake appeared was not usually called a library.


A familiar voice was heard in the distance.

On the other side of the hallway, Nelia was standing with the phoenix tower
priests. The Dark Elf from the Shadow Patrol called for Lee Han with a friendly

“Why are you here so late? I was waiting for you to come Did you see the mark I


Lee Han felt uncomfortable.

Neilia and the priests were also not that tired.


“Nelia. How did Rock Drake break through?”

“What rock drake? Why is Rock Drake here?”


Lee Han felt a moment of fear.

The other students behind them seemed to have felt the same way.

no way...

no way...?

“...Did you come here right after entering?”

"yes. uh?? what. Did you guys fall somewhere else?”


The faces of the Blue Dragon Tower students and the White Tiger Tower students
were distorted at the same time.

It's such an unfortunate thing in the world...

* * *

When the Blue Dragon Tower students and White Tiger Tower students fell into the
wilderness of Rock Drake, the Black Turtle Tower students and Phoenix Tower
students immediately fell into the labyrinth area.

The library labyrinth area is a place where all kinds of books are densely packed.

Thanks to this, students in both towers were able to find books relatively

“It was really close.”

Other Black Turtle Tower students, who appeared from behind, interrupted the

"you. Do you know what's coming out here in the labyrinth area?"

“What comes out?”

White Tiger Top student asked with a cool voice. It was never a question of

“A shadow ghost is coming.”

shadow ghost.

Among the ghost-type monsters, it was a monster with a relatively strong dark
attribute, and it was a monster that possessed a person who came into contact with
it carelessly.

Although the library labyrinth area was not without lighting, the structure was
complicated with all kinds of libraries and books, and there were many dark places,
so monsters such as shadow ghosts had to be difficult.

If you can't avoid it, you can't avoid it, and you'll be hit right away.

Of course, that's it, and it wasn't as demanding as Rock Drake by any comparison.

"okay. Good job. We came against Rock Drake.”

“What nonsense… wait, is it real?”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were snoring that the White Tiger
Tower guys are bluffing again, stopped and looked at Lee Han.

Ihan nodded his head.

“Rock Drake is here.”

“…well, we came here struggling with each other!”

“What are you struggling with!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower were terrified, but the students of the
Black Turtle Tower pretended not to hear and ignored it.

It wasn't the Black Turtle Tower students' fault that they chose the wrong one!

Fortunately, Nelia looked at Lee Han with a bit of pity.

“That… no. what should we do?"

"done. It's all over anyway. If you have a record of the location of the book,
please share it.”

“I can do that, but would it be better to start preparing for the camp now?”

“Are you camping? We were exhausted, but everyone should be able to move for a few
more hours.”

Nelia pointed to the ceiling.

The lights hanging from the ceiling and walls were getting weaker and weaker.

“Since earlier, the surroundings are getting dark little by little. The number of
shadow ghosts also increased. Just wandering around…”

“Gainando has been attacked by a shadow ghost!!”

“Stop being possessed!”

"late! Possessed!”

“Hit it! Until the hold is released!”

“Priest! The priest will hit you!”

“…it could be like that.”

Lee Han nodded as he watched Guy Nando slapped him on the cheek while holding his
arms by his friends.

Although he looked weak because he had met Rock Drake, the Shadow Wraith was
definitely an annoying monster.

Especially in this terrain, the more people there were, the stronger it was.

A friend behind me suddenly got possessed and made a riot, and while the formation
was disturbed, the friend next to me was also possessed.

If it was an area where other monsters also appeared, it would not be strange if
the party was annihilated.

'If the number of Shadow Wraiths increases periodically, there will come a moment
when the number of Shadow Wraiths decreases again. Is this why you took more than a

“Nelia. I'd like to get some advice on preparing for camp.”


Nelia answered with the most excited expression she had seen today. Durgyu, who
was next to him, flinched slightly as if he was overwhelmed by the momentum.

“There is nothing particularly difficult about the library labyrinth area. The
important thing is the basics. Do you remember what I said last time?”

'I don't know if I'm out of breath.'

Ihan nodded his head.

“First, find an empty area that can accommodate several people. The narrower the
passageway, the better. That way the monsters won’t come.


'Did you understand all that?'

Durgyu was surprised once again.

To be honest, I couldn't quite understand what that black turtle top student was

Is it because you like your hair?

* * *

“Are you done?”


Taking Nelia's advice, the Blue Dragon Tower students found a good place to camp.

I unpacked my luggage in a place similar to a wide open space, and put a cloth on
it to prevent light from leaking into the narrow passage.

I could see a flashing light from the distant hallway.

“Where was that?”

“Is it Black Turtle Towers? They seem to be well prepared.”

It was a little farther away, but all the students of the four towers were
scattered around here, preparing for camp.

As the library labyrinth area is formidably complicated, the further away from the
center, the easier it is to get lost.

Moreover, this central neighborhood had several advantages.

Starting with a fountain where water comes out, various amenities are located

"ruler. everyone pick it up As we decided, two people will take turns standing

Gainando stretched out his hand and cast a lot. It was roughly in the middle.

“It’s in the middle. Is it good?”

“If you think so, anything would be good.”

Lee Han shyly avoided answering.

In fact, in a camp like this, the beginning or the end was better, but in the
middle, I had to get up halfway, so it was more tiring.

“I’m going to go get some water.”

“You don’t have to. spring up.”

The student, who was about to bring some water to wash from the fountain, looked
at Lee Han with a impressed expression.

Unlike the wilderness where Rock Drake appeared earlier, water generation magic
was possible, but no student wasted enough magical power like that.

But it wasn't Han.

A level of magic that doesn't matter whether you waste it or not!

"Wordanaj... If I hear other adventurers recommend a good wizard for a party, I'll
definitely recommend you."

'What a terrible sound?'

Lee Han made water and was shocked to see his friend swearing at him.

“Wordanaz. The light is very dim.”

“It would be better to turn off the lights here as well.”

I felt that the lights in the library were noticeably weaker than before.

The more the shadow ghosts wander around, the more they will come to see the
students' lights.
The Blue Dragon Tower students simply finished their meal with sliced bread, ham,
a few candies, and water, and then laid down on their seats.

It was practically like lying on a blanket on the hard library floor, but no one


“Lee Han. ruler?"


“Would you like to play a card game?”


“Won't the shadow ghost come here? I wish I could go to the White Tiger Tower


“What if the guards doze off? What if a shadow ghost comes in while you're

Someone from the other side threw an empty candy box. Gainando was hit by one.

"Who is it?!"

“Sleep. A little."

"right. sleep with your mouth shut. Kainan too.”

Whispers were heard everywhere. Guy Nando groaned and bit his mouth.

'I'll be fine.'

In order to prevent monsters from entering by any chance, two men stood guard on
the outside of the passage leading to the vacant lot.

Of course, Lee Han didn't just trust his friends. He had also summoned Sharkan and
kept him on standby.

Mana was wasted, but...

'Did you just tell me to rest because Sharkan will stand guard... No. It would be
better to be thorough. I don't even have to do it all.'

Lee Han thought that if his friends had heard it, 'Hey!' would have sounded.

In fact, if Sharkan existed, there was no need to stand guard.

* * *


Lee Han opened his eyes involuntarily. When I checked the pocket watch in the dim
ceiling light, it was dawn.

Sharkhan grabbed his sleeve and pulled it. Lee Han sensed that something had


"Hey guys!! wake up!! wake up!!!"

Friends who were guarding the outside of the passage started running in haste.

“The ghosts are running around!”

“Ji… are you waking up because of that now?”

The Blue Dragon Tower student, who barely woke up from sleep, rubbed his sleepy
eyes and asked.

“You might run around, why…”

“Not at that level! Look!”

Some students staggered towards the aisle.

Then, with a sleepy expression on his face, he stepped back.


“What are those shadow ghosts…?”

The outside of the passage could not be seen properly.

That is how the number of ghosts increased.

At this point, it was no exaggeration to say that it was a sea of ghosts.

“Come this way!”

At the end of the narrow passage, the ghosts began to rush in. It was like a
mighty wave.

Lee Han grabbed the staff and prepared the magic.


“Lee Han!”


“Can I use fire magic in the library?!”

“...let's say that if there's a problem, it's the principal's responsibility.




Even with that said, Lee Han was as careful as possible to control the flames.
If the library was set on fire by mistake, I didn't know that the principal
skeleton would be seriously burned at the stake.


Condensed flames appeared throughout the narrow passage.

It was small enough to burn the back of a hand at best, but considering the
destructive power of the flame element, this was enough.

'Even if the flame is raised, it is difficult to control.'

Flames flew through the aisle and burned the running ghosts. Each time the flames
exploded, the shadow spirits writheed around.

Being a non-physical monster, it was even more vulnerable to fire and light as it
had dark properties.

In addition, the flames that Lee Han had called did not disappear even if two or
three shadow ghosts were burned. Like a fire that never goes out, it was constantly
supplied with magical energy and burned.

-■■■■! ■■■■!

The Shadow Wraiths tried to break through the narrow passage somehow with a creepy
sound, but Lee Han continued to move the flames.

No matter how huge the amount of ghosts was, there was a limit to breaking through
in such a narrow passage.

Even more so if the wizard blocking the passage is a wizard who can continuously
summon flames without limiting his magical power!

'Can I stop it...'


As soon as I thought I was going to stop, I heard an ominous sound behind me.

Perhaps the shadow ghosts continued to attack, a library full of books collapsed
and a hole was created for them to enter.

“Stop it!”

At Lee Han's instructions, the students hurriedly threw their magic at the newly
created hole.



Magic missiles flew and sparks flew in, creating a unique flash of magic.

Although it seemed to have quite a bit of power, Lee Han calmly grasped the

'The hole is bigger than I thought!'

Unlike the narrow passage, the hole created by the collapse of the library was too

The princess was leading her friends and pouring magic, but shadow ghosts were
already coming in one by one.

Lee Han clenched his teeth and turned the staff.

“Burn up!”

Thanks to Lee Han's rotation of the staff, the momentum of the shadow ghosts
rushing through the newly created hole subsided.

It was an unavoidable choice to the extent that it would have been a complete mess
if it had been a little late.

the problem is...


Meanwhile, the shadow ghosts coming through the narrow passageway had narrowed the

Even if they attack again, a few animals are bound to collide.

It had already been promised. Lee Han raised the magic power throughout his body
and prepared for possession.

'The more magical power, the stronger the resistance. Even if the shadow ghosts
try to possess it, they can shake it off relatively quickly...'

Lee Han believed in the resistance of his magical powers.

Since it showed a fairly strong resistance to mental magic or poison, it was

highly likely to show strong resistance to the possession of such a ghost monster.

Gainando was also possessed earlier, but as if somehow escaped, Lee Han too...





There was a strange sound.

It was the sound of a shadow ghost that had hit Lee Han with all his power.

It doesn't just bounce off, it burns like fire magic!


Not a single shadow ghost ran.

Dozens of them came through the aisle, so they accelerated and crashed into them.

And all of them bounced off and burned.



The Blue Dragon Tower student, who was helping Lee Han, looked at Lee Han with a
puzzled expression.

What is that...?

Tutu! Tutututututu!

As dozens of them were split into failure of possession in an instant, the shadow
ghosts behind them also seemed to feel something strange.

They tried to slow down, but the other shadow spirits behind them didn't wait.


“Man… Ghost Crusher! Ghost Crusher!!”

“Don’t give me useless nicknames.”

For the people of the Empire, a title worthy of such an achievement was an
honorable nickname, but Lee Han did not want to receive a nickname such as a ghost
crusher from his friends.

Especially if you just ignorantly wiped out the ghosts in this way!

Lee Han swung his wand and pushed it back. There was no need to fear since he
realized that the shadow spirits could not possess it.

The shadow ghosts gathered in the narrow passage literally burst out.

“I’m here to help!”

"What? Did you block all the passages?!”

The students who were blocking the collapsed library were surprised when Lee Han
and his friends from the aisle returned.

“It’s too long to talk!”

“Wordanaz! let's go!"


The students were startled when Lee Han and his friends ran towards the hole where
the shadow ghosts were swarming instead of using magic.

“What are you doing now…”


“…three, my God.”


“I saw that and made a title! You're a ghost crusher! Are you fine?"
“Wraithbreaker... Oh...”

Asan thought that was a good nickname.

If it's such a nickname, it seems to go well with Wodanaj, who is fighting with
honor here and there...

'If there is a chance to introduce Wodanaj in the future, I should attach it.'

“Don’t talk nonsense, give me magic support!”

The princess, who nodded her head at Lee Han's shouts and sympathized with the
title, was startled.

In fact, not only the princess but also other students had similar reactions.

“But did you ask Lee Han? Do you like Lee Han?”

“Of course you will. It’s a title given by friends who know the honor to praise
their achievements.”

“I don’t think the Ghost Crusher is that good…”

Gainando muttered, and Yoner, who was next to him, was slightly admiring.

Do you look like that to Gainando?

"I think it's better to be long enough to be 'a great, dignified, noble lineage,
an adversary to the ghosts...'"

"Five. Are you okay?”


Yoner shook his head.

* * *

“Stack up, dirt!”

“Be hard as a rock!”

Salco barricaded the front with students from the gang.

A thud was heard outside the barricade of mud and stone. It seemed that the ghosts
had been flocking around.

“One is coming in sideways!”


Nilia pierced the shadow ghost who was about to enter with an arrow.

Such an accurate shot in a chaotic situation was a feat worthy of praise, but
Nilia's expression was not bright.

So did the other Black Turtle Tower students.

“You don’t think the number… isn’t going to decrease?”

“It’s a big deal.”

It's Lee Han. I was confident that I could catch everything except for the
variable, so I camped in the aisle, but the Black Turtle Tower students didn't do
such a reckless thing.

Instead, they put up barricades all over the aisle and went in to hold on.

It was a pretty good choice if the number of Shadow Wraiths did not increase
beyond a certain level, but...

Unfortunately things didn't go that way.

The light on the ceiling does not brighten, but the number of shadow ghosts is

“I think there must have been an uproar elsewhere…”

Nelia muffled her words and fell into thoughts.

What if the Blue Dragon Tower students came here because they were possessed by a
shadow ghost?

'...if Wodanaj gets possessed, it will be really scary...'


“No, no!”


Ratford, who was sitting next to him, looked at Nelia as if strangely.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh… nothing.”

Nelia hurriedly ran towards the barricade.

Fortunately, Lee Han was not possessed by a shadow ghost. It was a very sane

"Relief... ???"



The Blue Dragon Tower students were running with Lee Han ahead of them like some
kind of siege weight.

Every time the shadow ghosts collided with Lee Han, they screamed and exploded.


The Black Turtle Tower students were so startled that they were at a loss for
The Blue Dragon Tower students, who had cleared away the shadow ghosts by swiping
around a few times, exclaimed with dignity.

“I count as a thank you.”

In fact, I came here to prevent other Tower students from being possessed and
rioting, but the Blue Dragon Tower students thought they were very honorable even
considering that.

Because I'm here to help!

“Then why aren’t those kids saying anything?”

"I know?"

The Blue Dragon Tower students hesitated waiting for an answer, but when no
response came, they grunted and left.

I don't even know how to say thank you!

However, the Black Turtle Tower students did not stand still because they did not
know the grace.

After leaving, one of the students spoke up.

“Bang… what the hell just happened????”

* * *

The Phoenix Tower Priests also responded similarly.

Only the passageway to enter was briskly burning.

Lee Han casts a lesser fire resistance magic and then wiped out the Shadow Wraith.

Priest Nigisor of the Church of Afha was pleased and thanked him.

“Thank you. Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

"I'm glad it's not too late."

The Phoenix Tower students were actually the best.

It wasn't like the blue dragon's tower had fallen down to create a new entryway,
nor had shadow ghosts piled up like the black tortoise tower.

From the looks of it, the fire magic that Nigisor Priest had was very helpful.

Ian asked curiously.

“Did you use wide-area fire magic all over the passage? How did you not burn the

Lee Han wondered if it was the vision of the Afha Church.

As it is a denomination that specializes in flames, there may be a way to not burn

the passage even after casting wide-area magic around it.
'If that's the case, I definitely want to learn it.'

Priest Nigisor tilted his head, not understanding what Lee Han said.

“Did you just scream?”

"...ah. That’s right.”

Ian stepped back slightly.

I thought the real madness wasn't like that.

Without thinking about the future in the library...!

“Wordanaz. Let's go rescue the White Tiger Towers."

'It's annoying.'

I did as much as it bothered me when other guys got hit, but after a few rounds, I
got tired of it.

Priest Nigisor said with admiration.

“You are doing a really good job. Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. If it's okay with
you, I can help..."

" You can't borrow someone else's hand for something honorable."

Lee Han felt the temptation for a moment, but he endured it.

...I was lucky this time, but there was no way it wouldn't be a sea of fire next

* * *

Principal Skeleton smiled contentedly as he saw the students walking out of the
library with twitchy and tired expressions.

You must have studied hard.

The students ignored it.

Not because he didn't want to please Principal Skeleton, but because he was too
tired to respond.

Skeleton principal, who was grumpy about Mushi, found Lee Han and flew away.

He was a very unusual disciple who wanted to praise his excellent skills in
dungeon raiding and scold him for making dungeon raids uninteresting.

Did you study hard?

"Yes. Thanks to."

You are really... a person who pretends not to be, but has a strong sense of
victory. Catch Rock Drake. The other professors were also surprised.

Ian paused.

Apart from the misunderstanding that 'I got it', the fact that the principal was
watching made Lee Han surprised.

Actually, it wasn't that surprising.

It was a public fact that there were skeleton principals' eyes all over the
school, and the nature of the skeleton principal can't help but make fun of it.


“Any other… professors?”

okay. But honestly, didn't it bother you on this expedition? How about going in
alone next time and fighting?

Ignoring the skeletal Principal, who whispered dog shit, Lee Han asked, holding
back the rising fear.

“Are there any professors?”

Well. Because many people come and go... I'm not the type to remember every single

“Is Professor Bagreg there too?”

Bagreg was there. I remember him because he has a knack for breaking my

Lee Han's face contorted with sadness and pain.


Anyway, from now on, I'm going to go in by myself... Listen to everything and go!

As Lee Han walked away, the skeleton principal grunted and shouted.

"Please understand. principal. He said he had defeated all those shadow wraiths.
You must be tired.”

When Professor Garcia, who arrived late, took his side, Principal Skeleton cried.

even though you do not know it that well!

I haven't seen it myself, so it doesn't sound like that...! Professor Garcia. Do

you know how easy it was to hold him?

“There is nothing convenient and inconvenient for defeating monsters. It’s all
equally difficult.”


Sometimes a theory that is difficult to refute is even more annoying. Principal

Skeleton was speechless.

But I really took it easy...

"ruler. Everyone go in and rest. I had a lot of trouble. The class starts
tomorrow, so until then…”

Although the students were exhausted from Professor Garcia's warm words, they had
a slightly moved expression on their faces.

“...I think you can rest while reading the book you brought.”



The students' mouths were wide open.

No, how does it rest...?


Professor Garcia did not understand the reaction of the students.

Headmaster Skeleton nodded with a happy expression on his face.

Professor Garcia was right. Everyone go back and relax while reading a book.

“Did I… say something strange?”

nothing. Professor Garcia did a great job.

* * *

Even though they felt sad, there was really nothing else the students could do.

After leaving the library, the students went back to their tower and read the
books they brought with them.

"Ugh. Lee Han. did you know that There are ores called fake gold. Did alchemists
make this and sell it for gold?”

Gainando, who was reading <Introduction to Basic Oreology>, asked in a startled


Then Lee Han and Yoner answered at the same time.

“I can’t do that anymore.”

“There are too many ways to check.”

"I see. for a moment. How do you two know each other so well?”

The two glanced at Gainando's curiosity.

'By the way, the amount to study is increasing.'

When I looked at the new books I brought from the library, I realized how much I
had to study again.

Each of the students was copying books according to the path they wanted to take,
but Lee Han...

“Wordanaz. Drink this.”

“Wordanaz. eat this."

“...why are you giving it to me?”

“That, just?”

“You lost a lot in the library! therefore!"

Each time the friends saw the pile of books in front of Lee Han, they gave them a
snack and a drink and passed by.

No matter how Wardanaj was, the amount of books that we could not help worrying
about was.

'Among the books I have, it's sad that the ones written by Principal Skeleton and
Professor Voladi are the kindest.'

Lee Han looked through the books and thought to himself.

No joke, it really was.

Basically, the magic books didn't just summarize the main points in an easy-to-
understand way.

It was full of metaphors, slang, and codes that only the wizard himself knew, so
it was all about interpreting, comparing, and finding out for yourself.

In that sense (albeit semi-compulsory), the Skeleton Principal's black book, or

Professor Voladi's Lightning/Blood Magic books, which accurately written the main
points, were definitely good books.

'Considering Professor Voladi's personality, these books should also progress as

quickly as possible.'

Due to Professor Voladi's personality, one day he suddenly said, 'You must have
mastered A magic. did you not learn it? Then he said, 'Now learn it.'

If you don't want to be beaten, it's better to cook it beforehand.

'Is the next magic applied with lightning element and enchantment magic... Is
blood magic a shock wave type? Surprisingly, he's fine.'

Lee Han, who had been trying to check for a moment, suddenly came to his senses.

Time was disappearing in an instant.

'First of all, I should read the book for the next lecture.'



I heard someone knock on the break room door.

The Blue Dragon Tower students already knew that it wasn't a good sign that
someone knocking on the break room door in the middle of the night.

"...who are you?"



"...let's decide who opens it with rock, paper, scissors."

Friends who were close clenched their teeth and played rock-paper-scissors.

And Gainando opened the door with a sad expression.

“Still, I hope the principal will do something like attacking the undead again...”

“Aww! Undead!!!”

"I knew it! I knew this!”

The students jumped up from their seats and threw their books. Then I knocked over
the table and tried to barricade it.

-I'm here to deliver snacks on the order of the principal.


“…be deceived, don’t be deceived. There may be a trap in the snack basket.”

But there were really no traps in the basket.

The undead sent by the Skeleton Principal put down the basket of freshly baked
bread and white rice cake with red bean paste and turned around without hesitation.

- Then study hard.

“Joe, are you safe?”

"for a moment."

Lee Han prevented the undead from going back.

“How do you believe this snack is not a trap?”

“Wordanaz. Maybe not?”

“Anyway, would you have set a trap for snacks?”

In fact, Lee Han wasn't even suspicious of the snack itself.

Rather, he had a different intention.

'I'm trying to take the time to talk to them somehow.'

The last thing I felt while dealing with the Warehouse Keeper or the Spire Keeper
was that the Skeleton Principal's minions were surprisingly aware of a lot of

It would be of great help if we could get a hint of the evil plan the Skeleton
Principal is making.

In order to do that, I had to open the opponent's mouth no matter what the
accusation was.

“Answer me. How can you believe this snack, not a trap?”

- You're smart too!

The undead exclaimed in admiration and memorized the spell. Then, a thick smoke
filled the rest room to the point where it was impossible to see an inch ahead.

The students shouted in shock.

“Jeong… Really?!”

“Wordanaj, how did you find out?”

- Do you think first-year ironheads can stop me?

The undead skillfully stirred around and tried to run straight to the entrance.


However, Lee Han's order was memorized first. The undead was startled by the sharp
lightning strike towards the entrance.


The smoke screen that the undead had now opened was a magical cloud of smoke, so
it was impossible to see through.

Especially if you are a first-year student.

Even if the other person is a talented person enough to be praised by the owner,
he is still young and has not been polished.

But how?

“Flash, flash, flash!”

Without hesitation, Lee Han threw a thunderbolt. The area around the front door of
the break room was shattered due to the continued order rampage.

Only then did the undead realize.

'This guy!?'

Now, Lee Han was not checking the location of the undead and casting a spell.

The undead remembered the location before casting the spell, and was pouring a
riot around it.

It was great to remember the location in that short time, and to believe in it and
boldly fire magic.

The undead thought that the boy wasn't getting compliments for nothing.

'But it's over because they were caught.'

In this situation, as long as their intentions were discovered, it was bound to

lead to defeat.
In the cloud of smoke, Kolokdae passed between the students of the Blue Dragon
Tower, and the undead approached Lee Han.

“Wordanaz! how should..."

“Everyone, don’t move and stay still!”

He couldn't see ahead, and all sides were filled with screams and shouts.

confusion itself.

It was a very good situation for the Undead.


The undead cast a spell to change their voice.

A voice similar to that of the Blue Dragon Tower students came out. If that was
the case, I couldn't help but be deceived.

“Wordanaj, I’m going to help!”

“I told you to stay still!”


Despite Lee Han's warning, the undead approached with a student voice shouting.

As soon as I got closer, I was planning to subdue Lee Han and leave leisurely.

How could that first-year boy know that the undead was approaching?

However, there was one thing the Undead was misunderstanding.

Even if Lee Han is a friend, if you approach him in the same situation now, he is

“Wowdana... Cock!”

Tight! was about making fists.

To my surprise, my fist flew right away. The undead was hit by a fist loaded with
his magic, and the impact prevented him from casting magic.

- Whoops...


It was Lee Han who immediately threw a fist when someone approached him.

However, the feel of the fingertips was strange.

Hard as bone.

At that moment, Lee Han immediately realized who the opponent was.
The combat experience and sense of going through all kinds of situations came up
with the right answer even in these situations.


It was clear that the undead had approached it secretly.


Lee Han cried out and clenched his fists. He was prepared to waste his mana and
released his mana like a runaway.

At the same time, he kicked the leg of an invisible opponent. This time, the newly
learned magical powers of inhaling (吸) disrupted the opponent's balance.

“I told you to surrender!”

puck! Puck puck peck!

“To surrender!”

Pump puck peck puck peck!

“If you don’t surrender…”

The smoke cloud was lifted as he flew his fists.

The undead were completely mangled and scattered on the floor.

-Say... give me a chance... surrender... don't...

This first-year guy was way too strong in close combat than I thought.

* * *

“So what happens if you eat that?”

Surrounded by blue dragon tower students with ferocious expressions on their

faces, the undead answered with a grassy voice.


“Transformation curse? Is the use of magic forbidden? Are you moving somewhere
else? Like a punishment room?”

All of his friends admired Lee Han's sharp guess.

Not only did he notice the trap of the Undead earlier, Wordanaj's observation
ability was really superhuman.

“How the hell did you find out?”

'That's it.'

Even the Undead was curious about that.

I was curious to know that the snack was a trap, and I was also curious to know
that the undead was approaching.
How the hell?

“It must have been a more sinister poison because you couldn’t answer.”

- No... If you eat, you will sleep soundly.

"...uh? Is it just that?”

-There are lectures for the note exam tomorrow...



The students' faces hardened.

I was surprised that there was a note test tomorrow, and because of that, I was
also surprised at the viciousness of the principal skeleton who sent him a sleeping
pill in his snack.

'From now on, I will never eat snacks given by the principal.'

"a. Still, it’s not as big as I thought.”

Gainando said as if steam was leaking.

I thought there would be a terrible curse or venom, but at least I was sleeping

“What nonsense are you talking about? Guyan too. The note test is important.”

"right. That is the worst trap.”

“Is that so?”

Gainando grumbled inwardly when his friends with good grades fell in love.

How important is the exam?

After speaking, the undead hit the broken bones. Lee Han felt a little sorry and

"I'm sorry for what has happened."

- It's nothing. it doesn't hurt

As a freshman, he still had a soft personality. She waved her hand as if the
undead was okay and tried to stand up.


But Lee Han prevented him from getting up.

-...There are many places I need to go to now. Can't you just send me this?

“What exactly is the lecture for the note exam tomorrow?”

- It's not too much to say that...

Lee Han raised his staff.

It meant that he would attack before the opponent could memorize any spells.

The Undead just canceled what he thought had a soft personality.

'What the hell is this...!'

1st year right?


the next morning.

The Blue Dragon Tower students went out to the break room with a blank face.

Even though I found out the lectures for taking the note test by robbing the
undead... fact, not much has changed.

After all, it was the students who studied.

Not just one or two lectures, but most of them take a note test.

I have no choice but to stay up all night to study.

"...Wait a minute. Lee Han. What are you eating?”

Yoner felt strange and asked.

Lee Han was eating the snacks the undead brought.

“Maybe not?”

“Isn’t that a snack the undead brought? That’s right.”

Ihan replied calmly.

Of course, it was best not to eat these snacks and throw them away, but the
reality is that the original reality is not so ideal.

It was a waste to throw away these snacks as supplies were scarce.

Besides, the snack had no effect on Lee Han. It was already confirmed yesterday.

'It's uselessly delicious.'

I don't know who baked it, but Principal Skeleton's snack was unnecessarily

"Wordanaj... we give you a healthy snack... you're spoiled..."

The other students were crying and looking at Lee Han from behind.

The students, who have been living in high aristocratic families all their lives,
are not accustomed to having someone eat spoiled food for them.

“It’s not that bad. delicious..."

“Have you all seen it? I am repaying the dedication of Wodanaj.”

“Gainan too. to study! Stop touching cards!”

"ah. Did you do it all?!”

Seeing the friends cheering each other on, Lee Han shrugged and picked up the next

* * *

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>.

Professor Alpen Knighton was slightly surprised by the enthusiasm of the Blue
Dragon Tower students.

Of course, hot passion and grades were separate.

- Gainando County. I know you and Wodanaj-kun are close, but it would be better to
learn from Wodanaj-kun and take the exam again.

-...Well, can't we just learn? I'll see you in the final exam. Sure!

<Basic Imperial Language and Logic>.

Professor Rosine Pluwak cheered the students.

-Everyone is very nice. To have such great students, the future of the empire is
so bright. Richmond student. 37 points. It's great. joe student. 33 points. Very
good. Wodanaz student. Well. Well done.


-Why doesn't Wodanaj tell the score...

The puzzled Blue Dragon Tower students glanced at the three-digit score written on
Lee Han's test paper and quietly shut their mouths.

Sometimes, the fact that my friend is so good at studying hurts.

'Let's only know this.'

'The other top guys should be grateful for our consideration.'

* * *


Professor Ingaldel, who was waiting for the students while watching the sunset,
was puzzled when he saw the students running with happy faces.

“What happened to everyone?”

"no. professor!"

“Proceed with the lecture!”

The White Tiger Tower students looked at the professor with affectionate eyes.
It was the students of the White Tiger Tower who suffered from the paper test all

It wasn't strange to feel a halo behind Professor Ingaldel, who didn't take the

"hot! Ha!”


Regarding the students of the White Tiger Tower who were excitedly waving their
wooden swords, Lee Han asked Professor Ingaldel.

"Oh yeah. professor. I have a question for you...”

“I thought so. Are you asking about Rock Drake's weaknesses?”

Professor Ingaldel said as if he knew everything.


Lee Han was almost straight.

Anyone who sees it would think that Lee Han lost even to Rock Drake!

“Isn’t it?”

“Why are you making such an illusion…?”

“The principal said that if it was Wodanaj, he would try to catch it alone next


“I guess it wasn’t. What are you trying to ask?”

“Actually against Rock Drake…”

Professor Ingaldel sent his eyes, saying, 'You said no and you were right.'

Lee Han explained what had happened as quickly as possible.

"...I realized the same change in magical properties, is this really a good

“Absolutely great!”

Professor Ingaldel rejoiced as if it was his job.

It was such a change in the nature of his magical powers, that even if he learned
the vision handed down from his family from a young age, he could not do it without

But how did a young swordsman learn how to change the nature of magical power by

It was a good sign that he might complete his own swordsmanship later.
“Geniuses who have dedicated their lives to swordsmanship have always perfected
their own swordsmanship. The completed swordsmanship is not just a swordsmanship,
but the pride and pride of the swordsman.”


Ian hesitated.

The story was going too far.

'I'm not really interested in my own swordsmanship.'

Lee Han had no ambition to make a mark in the history of the empire by
establishing his own swordsmanship.

Wasn't the reason for taking a swordsmanship class in the first place was to get
grades easily?

Lee Han did not intend to change or reinterpret this sword, as the Byeokam sword
learned from Allarlong was good enough.

“Wordanaz student. Mix that change in nature with your swordsmanship. Then,
naturally, you will see the swords unique to Wodanaj students.”

Lee Han was even more embarrassed when he suddenly learned swordsmanship by
forcing a change in magical properties.

Lee Han's swordsmanship and Byeokam sword had already been completed to a
considerable level.

It was natural as it was wielded since childhood.

But now, if you mix the newly realized change in magical properties, there will be
a lot of confusion until you get used to it again.

Of course, Lee Han didn't want to do that.

I was just asking to hear what kind of phenomenon this is and how to use it...

"professor. I haven't completed my magic cycle yet, but wouldn't the sword become
dull if I greedily even change my temper?"

"it's okay. Wodanaz student. The sword's path is not that narrow, and Woudanaj
students aren't that talented. It is enough to do both together.”


Lee Han clenched his teeth and nodded his head. And then he turned back sadly.

Durgyu said next to him.

"heard. Lee Han. You said you were going to apply the change in magical properties
to swordsmanship? That's great. Even the students in our tower don't even think
about changing their temper, lest it be a magic cycle."

“I am so serious about swordsmanship.”

“Of course I knew. There are very few students in our tower who are serious about
swordsmanship like you. By now, your friends will also feel your sincerity.”

I joked once, but seeing Durgyu taking it seriously, Lee Han sighed inwardly.

Well, this isn't really my fault...

“I wish I could help you. It will take a while to get used to swordsmanship, but
the others don't seem to care."

"Sure. Lee Han. But I think other friends will look at it if they hear the

'I don't think so.'

Lee Han collided with Durgyu with a wooden sword.

As long as Professor Ingaldel said that, every week I watched it, I was like, 'How
has the sword changed?', so I had to show the results.

'The primary goal... Let's break the balance.'

Fortunately, Lee Han had a goal to refer to.

When the apprentice knights of the Baekyangmok Knights came the last time, he saw
an article using a sucker (吸劍).

The Enge family's Ravda gently wraps the sword with magical power that has a
pulling property, and every time it collides, it upsets the opponent's balance.

Of course, there are more complicated techniques as the level goes up, but Lee Han
didn't need that much.

The important thing is to show Professor Ingaldel that 'I practiced like this'!

“What are you two doing?”

“I heard that Wodanaj is practicing his sword.”

"What? Isn't that the sword used by the Enge family?"

“Wordanaj, that bastard…”

The students of the White Tiger Tower looked at Lee Han with mixed eyes of

Even now, he has a high enough swordsmanship skill, but he doesn't stop there and
starts researching to develop a new swordsmanship.

Indeed, he was greedy for swordsmanship.

“Neither can we lose!”

“Wordanaz. If you are passionate about swordsmanship, you will not be able to
defeat us!”

'I want to defeat one by one.'

Lee Han, who was stunned by Durgyu's attack, was furious inside.
I'm dying of annoyance because of the unfamiliar swordsmanship...

It was as if I had returned to the days of my first swordsmanship training.

“Lee Han. Are you okay?”

"Okay. Continue.”

Aside from his mood, Lee Han was the type of person who would do it without
hesitation if he had to.

It's frustrating, but what if Professor Ingaldel wants it?

You have to create results and show them.

'When an attack comes in, it stops. When the attack comes again, it stops.'

Lee Han focused solely on defense instead of smoothly unfolding his swordsmanship

As it was difficult to change the nature of magic, it was necessary to give up

other parts.

Aiming for one thing

When the opponent's attack comes in, it pulls in with the magic of suction and
stops the movement.

Can, can, can, can-

Durgyu's rapid attacks hit the blade in succession, but for a moment, the sword
could not return to its original position and stopped in mid-air.

"just now! did you just see Lee Han?!”

"okay. I saw."

Lee Han sighed in relief.

'How did you succeed once?'

The difficulty level was different between indiscriminately pouring magical energy
into one's hands without worrying about waste, and injecting enough magical energy
to prevent the wooden sword from breaking.

Swordsmen who could not reach the level of circulating their swords with magical
powers like their own bodies had to fight by squeezing out the magic whenever
necessary and injecting them into the sword.

It was a waste of mana, but it was inevitable.

However, people like Lee Han had to think about other aspects.

Worrying about whether the sword might break because it injected too much magical

In order to show the sucking sword, it required even more concentration as the
sword had to infuse magical energy every time it collided.
“Your swordsmanship, Lee Han, is a heavy and strong heavy sword type of
swordsmanship. If you break the balance just by blocking the opponent’s attack, the
counter will become even stronger.”

"Thank you. Durgyu.”

"ruler. Then let’s go on.”

“...can I take a little rest?”

“Lee Han. What are you talking about? If you don't continue when you've attained
enlightenment, your swordsmanship won't remain in your hand, right?"

Durgyu was surprised at what Lee Han, who knew enough to know, had to say.

Professor Ingaldel also helped.

"you're right. Wodanaz. I would like to continue.”

“Actually, I have magical powers…”



"'s nothing. Let's continue. Durgyu.”

"okay. i get it!"

Lee Han, who had been making excuses for lack of magical power, gave up and

'shit. I tried to take a break...'

Both Durgyu and Professor Ingaldel knew Lee Han so well that it was a mask.

Knowing that you can do more, even if you want to rest a little, you push hard.

* * *

next day.

Lee Han relaxed his tense muscles and headed to Professor Voladi's classroom.

Yesterday, because of practicing the unfamiliar swordsmanship, my whole body

ached. It's Lee Han, who doesn't fall down right away, but it's just to the point
of falling apart.

'I'm afraid to open the door.'

I'm afraid to meet you in a perfect state, but to meet you in an imperfect state.

Ian thought so and opened the door.


Professor Boladi, who was standing like a stone statue, opened his mouth as Lee
Han sat down.
“Have you completed the floating frost shield?”

"Yes? Uh… I haven’t done it yet.”




“Rock Drake is...”

Lee Han regretted speaking out.

Professor Voladi didn't say anything first, so why did he dig his own grave?

“Do you want to know the weakness of Rock Drake?”

“It’s not…”

“I guess what the principal said was true. As I said before, my heart is too


Ian was really sad.


Whether Lee Han felt unfair or not, Professor Boladi continued to speak as if
taunting him.

“Rock Drake was not originally a monster to be caught now.”

'Then you mean the rattlesnake is a monster to catch now?'

Lee Han swallowed the words inwardly.

The person who forced me to catch a rattlesnake was many times disgusting.

“As I said before, impatience can ruin a wizard.”

"Yes. I know."

“Your goals should not be rushed. Be mindful.”

"Yes. You know... my goal?”

Ian paused.

Is this Han's goal?

'Did I ever tell Professor Voladi that I wanted to become an imperial bureaucrat?
Or did he ever say he wanted to be the richest man in the empire?'

No matter how much I thought about it,

Another goal...
'I wanted to hit the headmaster with a skull.'

“Excuse me, but what do you mean by my goal?”

“Isn’t it meant to complete the form of perfect combat magic through multi-magic


How to avoid saying 'yes?' when you hear something so absurd.

This is what Lee Han is now.

Although the science of magic is inherently dangerous, few of them faced danger
like the battle wizards who used magic in battle.

The worries of these battle wizards were always the same.

-How can I refine my magic to make it more battle-appropriate?

In fact, in a way, magic was the most unsuitable skill for combat.

If you want to kill someone up close, you can wield a sword, and if you want to
kill someone from afar, you have to shoot an arrow, but how inefficient it is to
cultivate arrows with hands and wind like blades after years of training.

Of course, no one denied the powerful destructive power of the high circle magic.

...usually, casting such spells on the battlefield has enormous restrictions.

In preparation, in reagents, in concentration...

Besides, if you tried to cast that kind of magic again, the opponent did not stand
still. As the opponent also has eyes, I heard that he wanted to kill the wizard

Still, you have to concentrate on casting high circle magic (if these spells fail
again, the caster could die), but you have to pay attention to the opponent's
attack as well.

Magical battles weren't that difficult for nothing. Even excellent wizards would
be useless on the battlefield if they weren't trained professionally.

However, as they specialize in such difficult things, battle wizards are always
conscious of their weaknesses and contemplated supplementing them.

-I've been practicing fire element magic all my life. But last time on the
battlefield, I was hit by an arrow from behind and I was troubled. What would you
like to do?

- Cast wide-area fire magic around you to block the approach of others.

- That's a bunch. I have friends who work together.

-Then learn how to make a veil or shield with flames.

-I tried it, but it consumes too much magic power and cannot block arrows that
have been specially treated due to the nature of the flame.
- I can't help it. Get this robe.

-Are you a robe with defensive magic?

-no. A robe worn mainly by earth element wizards. With this robe on, the archers
will be chasing after the others. Earth elemental mages are mostly hard-armed.


However, as everyone who has learned magic knows, it was not easy to completely
overcome their weaknesses with the magic of a single school.

There are things that only enchantment magic can do, and there are things that
only summon magic can do.

If you reach a certain level, you can solve it by applying the magic of a single
school alone, but that's only possible when it's at a level that's really high
enough to be called an archmage...

The easiest way was to learn the magic of another school.

Of course, there was a reason why other battle wizards didn't do this easiest

-Prediction magic to prevent surprise attacks from the battlefield, summon magic
to summon a shield that protects me, enhancement magic to reduce damage in case of
any attack, and finally healing magic in case of injury. . I'm trying to learn
this, what do you think?

- Even if you think about it, don't you feel something strange right now?

...Even if you dig deep and practice the magic of one school, it's difficult to
achieve greatness, but you're learning the magic of multiple schools.

Even the students of Einrogard, who had gathered the best talents of the Empire,
did not train more than two or three schools.

No matter how much they learn together, they can create a synergistic effect, but
the human body and mind have limitations.

"for a moment. I understand the explanation, but why did this story come out?”

Lee Han, who was listening, was puzzled and asked when the story was going

“Weren’t you learning the magic of all schools to perfect your battle magic?”

In response to Professor Voladi's question, Lee Han was honest and resolutely

“It's a coincidence!”

“Is it a coincidence? Right."

'Are you convinced?'

“Intuition is sometimes a better guide than reason. Even more so as he has an

aptitude for foresight magic.”

'I'll be delighted.'

Come to think of it, Professor Voladi was a person who only looked at the results
when doing something and didn't care much about the cause or reason.

As long as Lee Han has already taken magic lectures from various schools, he must
be thinking, 'Then, I wish I could become a battle wizard who uses all of those

"professor. Completing complete combat magic without weakness through multi-magic

training sounds ideal at first glance, but isn’t it difficult in reality?”

Lee Han tried to persuade Professor Voladi.

It sounds ideal, but isn't it an unrealistic training method?

Professor Voladi nodded.

'Are you convinced...?'

“But it is a different story for you. I got high marks in every lecture.”


Lee Han-eun was angry with the professors.

Why is everyone so light-hearted?

Shouldn't a student's aptitude or grade be known only to himself?

“Then the chances are not low.”

Professor Boladi's theory was as follows.

Currently, Lee Han had completed the 'basic' elemental training in time.

Here you will now have to practice some advanced courses (evaporation, rotation,
or floating ice shield), but...

...If Lee Han had a grand goal of practicing multiple magic, he had to respect
that too.

So, Professor Voladi was preparing to apply and combine the magics learned from
other magic schools.

“Magics from other schools will also advance in earnest.”

“Excuse me, but how?”

“Didn’t I tell you to bring the books from the library?”


that's how it's connected

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

I should have set the library on fire!

'for a moment. It may not necessarily be a bad thing.'

Come to think of it, even if the magic of other schools was moving forward in
earnest, this was not necessarily a bad thing.

Professor Voladi will try to apply and combine what he has learned, so the
progress will be slow to some extent.

And there was a high possibility that the magic of other schools would not push as
harshly as Professor Voladi.

'While learning how to apply and combine different magic, this lecture becomes a
peaceful and warm lecture.'

Professor Boladi's voice was heard in Lee Han's ears, who was struggling to find
the positive side of the situation.



A storm of magic missiles ready to hit all directions.

Come to think of it, Professor Voladi said that he would help him apply the magic
of other schools to battle, but he did not say that he would stop the advanced
course he had previously taught.

Of course we will do it together.


* * *

Professor Voladi was truly sorry.

Because of his urgent desire to catch Rock Drake, the disciple from the Wodanaj
family could not complete the floating ice shield magic.

Of course, it wasn't just a failure.

Lee Han succeeded in summoning the ice shield, and even making the ice shield
float in the air.

However, this ice shield was not completely successful in 'go around autonomously
and block attacks'.

Because the enchantment magic was still unfamiliar, the ice shield moved or
collided arbitrarily, so there was still a way to go.

Nonetheless, this was a remarkable achievement. Especially considering that I am a

first-year student.

However, none of the teachers and students in the classroom considered this
achievement to be staggering.

'weird. Why is it so hard?'

Ian let out a rough breath.

Magical power was intact, but mental power was severely consumed.

It was much more difficult to bring in and maintain the cold than usual.

I didn't do this last time...


Realizing the reason, Lee Han stopped.


"professor. Unlike last week, this school is not a good environment to use Frost
Magic because the Frost Giant King is gone.”

"Right. Next time, I will bring a chill to the classroom.”


At the sight of Professor Boladi who so proudly passed on the words that he had
forgotten, Lee Han was at a loss for words.

'...You are a natural professor. really.'

* * *

“Lee Han. There must have been something in the snack…”

Friends worried about Lee Han's shady expression.

I ate the Skeleton Principal's snack, but was there actually a trap?

“It’s just that the lectures are hard.”

"I see. If that’s the case.”

The rest of the friends were chattering next to the reassured Gainando.

-Is it okay to be safe?

-Wordanaj's additional lectures are roughly...

But what to do?

A friend is already going that route.

The Blue Dragon Tower students forcefully smiled and said.

“Still, today’s summoning magic lesson will be fine!”

"right. Wodanaj, you're particularly good at summoning magic. It's not too hard…”

But as soon as the students took their seats, Professor Millais repositioned the
monocles and said adamantly.

“Everyone brought books from the library, so today’s lecture is going to be a bit



Lee Han shook his head with a bitter expression. His friends seemed to be
heartbroken at the sight.


"cheer up! You must not fall!”

Of course, it was a sight that the other top students couldn't understand.

“Blue Dragon Tower, what are you doing?”

“Why the hell are you worried about Wodanaj? What if Woudanaj cares about them?”


Professor Millais quieted the students. Even without the compulsive magic like the
Skeleton Principal, this old professor knew how to quiet the students.

“Until now, you have been casting summoning magic using magic circles. That’s
because summoning magic is so difficult.”

Professor Millais swung his staff along with the horse.

Then, pieces of stone arose from the floor and collided, turning into metal and
then into a sword.

The professor's actions did not end there. He swung once more, casting an

Then it danced as if the sword came to life.

“Everyone, can you see this sword?”


“I cast some magic to complete this dancing sword.”

Lee Han, who did something similar in the morning, nodded.

Professor Millai threw an octahedral reagent from his pocket and swung his wand.

Then the same dancing sword was summoned.

“There are dozens or hundreds of ways to reproduce the same phenomenon. Among
them, summoning magic is a short cut.”

It was much more convenient to summon a dancing sword at once than to create a
sword from nothing and complete it by enchanting the sword.

“However, summoning magic requires a lot of preparation, complexity, and

difficulty. Living or immobile.”

The students who had heard it over and over nodded their heads.
“A dancing sword like the one you just did cannot be implemented in dozens or
hundreds of ways at your level. If so, it means that it cannot be implemented even
with summoning magic.”


Ian tilted her head slightly.

'Well. I guess I'll just have to stand still.'


It wasn't that I didn't think, 'It's strange, I must have been attacked to
implement something like that in the morning', but Lee Han decided not to say it.

That being said, it didn't seem like it would be very good.

“Often, some wizards only see the results of summoning magic and mistake it for
the easiest and most convenient magic... If you came here with such an illusion,
please leave now.”

Professor Millais said in a stern voice. Gainando, who was about to get up to go
to the bathroom, looked down and sat down again.

'Actually, summoning magic requires a lot of groundwork.'

Lee Han did not notice Guy Nando moaning beside him, and thought intently about
what he had just heard.

In order to implement the dancing swords of other schools of magic into magic
right away, several spells had to be cast in succession.

However, summoning wizards just had to summon the dancing sword.

Looking at these results, summoning magic seemed much easier and more

Of course, where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. There is no
such thing as perfect magic.

In order to summon the dancing sword at once, you have to do several basic tasks.

The magic was compressed in advance on the octahedral metal (so the summoning
magic required a lot of reagents), or the magic was compressed into the magic

'But making a contract with an intelligent being is just as difficult as that.'

Lee Han looked at the bone fragments of Sharkan hanging from his belt.

Even if it was Sharkan right now, if Lee Han hadn't made an effort to get to know
him, he might have bitten his neck while he was sleeping.


Sharkhan's bones moved as if protesting.

“Today, we will practice making reagents and magic circles necessary for summoning
magic. It will be tedious, but remember that no mistake is tolerated in summoning
magic. It is not uncommon for a summoned item to attack a wizard.”

“Lee Han. Lee Han.”

Gainando tapped him, and Lee Han nodded as if he knew.

“Don’t worry. Guyan too. I will help you.”


The first student who came to the classroom to hear and understand what the
professor was teaching was Susu.

The student who came to the classroom and listened to what the professor was
teaching and then tried to understand later was the middle student.

The skilled student has already studied to some extent what the professor is
teaching before coming.

And Lee Han was such a person.

A person who has no confidence in the professor at all!

"ruler. You will know this quill pen summoning magic circle a few times, but if
you try to make it yourself from scratch, there are difficult parts. Here, around
this ◇ pattern is a typical trap...”

“That… it’s not…”

“Even if it’s difficult, be patient. I will explain it well.”

“You want to go to the bathroom, you bastard!”

* * *

noob, noob-

'That's it.'

Lee Han lamented as he looked at the white tiger top student who was nodding his
head next to him.

Looking at this part, I could definitely feel that my friends were in first grade.

How are you sleeping like that?

If Lee Han were to sleep (though he would never sleep), he would never sleep so

'Professor Millais must have already found out.'

Looking around, I saw that not only the students of the White Tiger Tower were
sleeping, but students sleeping in all the towers.

so did it

If you keep sitting and drawing a magic circle using specially made magic ink and
various kinds of magic stone powder, and engraving letters and patterns, even a
wizard with a spirit of steel cannot sleep.

Like Lee Han, there were not many people who could repeat this kind of work for 24
hours and say, 'What is this?

'Are you done?'

Lee Han confirmed the completed magic circle.

It was not just paper and ink, but a magic circle that contained various materials
such as metal pieces and magic stone powder.

The more complex the item to be summoned by summoning magic, the more complex the
magic circle will be.

Lee Han also made several mistakes and had to rewrite it.

It's enough to summon a magic quill that scribbles on your own words, 'I am a
student who learns summoning magic'.

I was worried about how complicated it would be if I went higher.

'Thinking about it, the professor could make the disciples.'

Thinking about the amount of labor hidden behind the splendid magic, Lee Han
became bitter.

When the people of the Empire thought of magic, they thought of a splendid
miracle, but in reality, all things in the world work the same.

“Good job.”

Before long, Professor Millais approached and stared intently at Lee Han's work.

Due to Professor Millai's strict nature of praise, it was a compliment that he was
really good at that level of praise.

"thank you. I was lucky.”

“…I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.”


Lee Han wanted to say what Professor Millais had to say.

'What do you mean by misunderstanding?'

Have you ever mistakenly thought that Lee Han's summoning magic level was the same
as that of Gainando while seeing him getting along with Gainando?

If that was the case, I would have apologized.

"no. it's okay."

“Other students will still take more time. In the meantime, feel free to do
whatever you want to do.”

Ian paused.

It was easy to be misunderstood, but when the professors said things like that, I
couldn't just let it go.

This is because the meaning of those words varies depending on the character of
the professor.

When Professor Garcia said, 'Do what you want to do in your spare time, student
Han Lee,' that was really good.

I could even lay down on a few chairs in the classroom and take a nap.

But taking a nap when Principal Skeleton said, 'Do whatever you want in your spare
time' was suicidal.

Perhaps the moment I closed and opened my eyes, I did not know that I was moved to
the punishment room.

'There is a simple way to know.'

“Will the professor check the results?”

If you check the results of the magic circle or reagent production, it's not
really about doing it freely, it's more like 'I'll see how far you can go, don't
play and try hard'.

If you don't check, you can rest comfortably.


Professor Noh was troubled by the words of a student from the Wodanaj family.

Originally, Professor Millais didn't like the special treatment of a single


equality and strictness.

That was the belief of Professor Millais.

That is why, no matter how talented Lee Han is in summoning magic, looking at
additional results separately from other students...

'But there is something wrong.'

Professor Millais reflected.

Professor Millais himself, who has to keep the rules of fairness for his students,
initially treated the Wodanaj boy with prejudice.

I thought that I was an arrogant student who was drunk with talent at will, so I
couldn't help but feel sorry.


"good. Let me check.”


Lee Han groaned inwardly.

Professor Millais, after all, was like a skeleton principal.

What does freedom mean?

"All right."

Lee Han sighed inwardly and began to tease the quill.

Among the things that Lee Han can do at Lee Han's level right now, Professor
Millais wouldn't say, 'Is that just that?'

'Is it also a floating shield?'

Although Lee Han received Prof. Voladi's passing grade for all forms of elemental
transformation, he was not without ho (好惡).

Apparently, a wizard must be familiar with the form he often uses.

In that regard, the form that Lee Han is most familiar with now was a marble and a

A shield would be more impressive than a marble.

'Now, even with magic, it is impossible to move autonomously, so some parts must
be expedient.'

Even if a shield that blocks while moving on its own is unreasonable, a shield
that is fixed in place and blocks it can still be made with various elements.

This alone may look a little weak, so if you add a little movement even if it's

'But what are you going to do?'

Professor Millais couldn't be less curious as he was a wizard.

In an objective way, Lee Han is one of the most talented students in this year's

It was natural to wonder what he would do when he gave such a student free time.

'Looking at the shape, it's a shield.'

Professor Millais was slightly saddened.

It was a little too greedy.

Perhaps the last time I saw him handling a water ball, it was clear that he had
strong confidence in the elemental shape of water.

But the precedent was wrong.

First, get used to the water shield magic and be able to draw the magic structure
and flow even with your eyes closed before you can draw it as a magic circle.
Otherwise, it would be reckless to step forward with the magic circle first.

Even if it was the same water element magic, the shape of the marble and the shape
of the shield were completely different.

'But failure will also be a lesson.'

Professor Millais nodded faintly and cheered inwardly.

There was no magician who did not fail.

It just depends on how you accept that failure.

* * *

“Everyone worked hard.”

Ihan shook his head.

The other students were also stretching their magic circles.

'I'm almost done. Sorry.'

“I think everyone will be very sad when the lecture ends like this today.”

To Professor Millais' words, the students hesitated because they didn't know if
they could answer 'Yes!'


The students admired Gainando's cool reply.

Professor Millais accepted it generously.

“Of course.”

“So boring...”

Lee Han stabbed Guy Nando in the side from an invisible angle. Guynando was

“However, today’s process is a process that a wizard who walks the path of
summoning magic will go through thousands or tens of thousands of times in the
future. It would be better to prepare in advance.”

Professor Millais swung his staff along with the horse.

Then the shape of the classroom changed. The students were pushed into the corner,
leaving a large empty space in the middle.

“The rest of the day we will learn about contracts.”



The students' faces brightened.

It is not a complex and painful inanimate object summoning, but a summoning that
meets and communicates with the existence of another realm and concludes a

Actually, this was a more general image of summoning magic.

'It's dangerous.'

As Lee Han who had no choice but to make a contract with an unheard of spirit such
as Perkuntra, he was well aware of the dangers of such a contract.

Why would a contract with an intelligent being dangerous?

It was because the other party could also fuck the wizard at any time.

Especially if the wizard was a first-year student. It was not unheard of to

deceive the young wizards with the devil who had been rolling in the demon realm
for hundreds of years.

Of course, Professor Millais was well aware of the danger.

“Never, never try to spy on or explore other realms when only students are there.”

The magic circle that Professor Millais currently cast in the center of the
classroom was a passage with a kind of safety device.

A passageway where you can get a glimpse of the spirit world, but the power of the
spirits you can access is limited.

More than a certain number of powerful beings could not approach at all.

'The professor is so thorough with safety rules, but I don't know what kind of
bullshit the seniors did to summon the King of the Frost Giant.'

Lee Han cursed the seniors who were not present and fell into thoughts.

“Student Lee Han.”


“Student Lee Han should use this magic circle.”

“May I ask why?”

When Professor Millais summoned a magic circle other than the elemental magic
circle, Lee Han was puzzled.

“I heard that the spirits avoid students. I found one of the undead realms and
opened it up.”

"...thank you."

Lee Han tried not to show his bitterness.


The students who did not know Lee Han's heart lined up in front of the magic
circle connected to the spirit world.

Professor Millais advised.

“It would be nice to go in groups of five.”

No matter how secure the magic circle was, it was quite dangerous for a first-year
student to explore an unfamiliar world alone.

In this case, it was safe to do it together.

“But, Professor.”


“Does Wodanaj go in alone?”

Lee Han pondered whether to thank or be angry with the Black Turtle Top student
for mentioning him.

It's a bit bitter to just go in alone, but it didn't matter, doesn't it make the
atmosphere feel weird just mentioning it?

“In the undead world, if a student who does not fit the aptitude enters, there
will be no gain.”

"oh. There are other students who are learning black magic.”

Professor Millais' eyes lit up at those words.

"okay? Who are you?”



Guynando and Rapadel raised their hands with expressions of desire to kill the
Black Turtle Top student who just spoke up.

Professor Millais opened his mouth.

“The two of you enter the undead world.”



“Hey. nice to meet."


At Lee Han's welcome greeting, Rapadel muttered a little while grinding his teeth.

Instead of the fresh and beautiful spirit world, you are entering the undead world
full of evil negative magic.

Anyway, black magic didn't help my life. The resentment towards black magic rose

“Hey, Lee Han. Can't I send you to the Spirit Realm?"

“Gainan too. In my opinion, you are more suited to the undead than the spirits.”
“No… it’s not something you should know…”

"ruler. Let's all go in."

“Can’t you put your hands away?”

Lee Han pushed the backs of the two friends. He didn't want to miss out on the
spirit world.

* * *

Whee Yi Profit-

'Damn you.'

The undead world was similar to Professor Mortum's workshop, the scenery around
the Dark Hall.

As it is a place with a lot of magical powers of yin (陰) and dark properties, the
scenery had to be similar.

dark room.

An ownerless cemetery is dotted all over the place.

A river where black mud boils instead of a stream.

Gainando, who had given up halfway, seemed to have changed his mind.

“Lee Han. Which undead is better? Can you recommend me?”

“All undead is garbage.”

Gainando responded with a smile to Rapadel's interruption.

"a. Don't do that too much. Rapadel. You are here together.”

'no. Why are you reacting like an adult like that?'

While Lee Han was surprised, Gainando whispered softly.

“Put that child in the graveyard and let us move together.”

“I can hear everything, you mean bastard!”


“Stop both. Rapadel. As long as you come along, we have to work together.”

"why me..."

Lee Han immediately held out his wand. La Pad L. hit the player before he could
reach his hand on his waist.

“…I think we should cooperate.”

Rapadel gritted his teeth and nodded. Lee Han spoke kindly and softly.
“Thank you for your understanding. ruler. Take the lead.”


“You’re a knight.”

“You are a knight.”

Rapadel was stunned by the blatant remarks of the two Blue Dragon Tower students.

Of course, knights and warriors have traditionally been the avant-garde of the

the problem is...

“Wordanaz! You have better swordsmanship than me!”

"Wow... you're making such an ugly noise..."

Gainando was amazed.

In Gainando's eyes, who didn't listen to the swordsmanship lecture, Rapadel didn't
want to stand in the vanguard, so he was just trying to force it.

What kind of nonsense are you using?

"Shut up! Prince boy! How well that bastard wields a sword!”

“I have to use a staff on this expedition. You take the lead.”



Han's voice became cold. There was pressure in that voice to not allow a

Rapadel turned around with courage.

And he swore.

If I ever have to deal with that Wodanaj, I'll definitely have to bring at least 4
friends with me!

“Everyone must have heard of the principle and know it.”

"Of course."

“I couldn’t sleep.”

Lee Han and Rapadel looked at Guy Nando as if they were trash.

“Basically, there is no difference from spirits. Go around and see if there's

anyone you can use."

Whether roaming the spirit world or the undead world, the method of contracting
with an existence in another world was similar.

Did you go around and call your opponent, or find and go to your opponent?
Of course, like Lee Han, a wizard who calls the opponent, finds them, and makes
them run away was a bit of an exception.

“But Lee Han. Unlike the spirits, most of the undead are hostile, aren't they?"


Rapadel's shoulder, who was in the lead, trembled.

"Okay. Rapadel. We will support you from behind.”

"right. Rapadel. We will support you.”

“…thank you so much.”

In the spirit world, if the contract proceeded with persuasion and charm, in the
undead world, the contract was highly likely to proceed with strength and fight.

As the undead are basically hostile, most of them will fight until they are

'I wish I could find a skeleton wizard.'

Lee Han thought about the names of the lower level undead monsters.

In fact, whether it was a skeleton warrior, an archer, or a wizard, it was an

unconditional advantage for a new wizard if he could only sign a contract.

In particular, in the case of a wizard, it was very pleasant to summon a summoned

creature such as a skeleton warrior in front of them and fight.


'If you are a skeleton wizard, you can learn magic.'

quest for knowledge.

This was also one of the goals of the summoning wizards.

Powerful otherworldly beings often had knowledge that wizards did not know or had

Of course, he couldn't expect that level of low-level undead monsters with

restrictions. In the first place, they were people who had no reason to talk.

However, the Skeleton Wizard is one of the few magic users among low-level undead

He uses magic by instinct, but if given time, he can learn accordingly.

'It is beneficial to learn a lot of magic unconditionally. Perfectly mastered or

not mastered.'

When I dealt with Rock Drake to find a book of black magic in the library, I
realized how precious the opportunity to learn in this way is easy.

“I am out!”
When he heard a sound in front of him, Lee Han raised his head.

A skeleton was carrying a sword made of rusty bones and was running towards it.

Rapadel immediately drew his wooden sword and collided with the skeleton.

“Where the undead!”


The swordsmanship of a monster without reason was easy to reverse. La Pad El swung
his opponent's sword and pushed it aside.


Rapadel's expression brightened.

I was lucky.

It's been a while since I entered the undead world, but to meet an undead monster
like this.

At this rate, we might be able to subdue him and then make a contract with him...


Puck puck peck!

At that moment, a ball of water flew from behind, smashing the skeleton warrior's
head and smashing his arms and legs.

Then the Skeleton Warrior could no longer maintain its shape and began to


“Ah. He was too strong.”

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

As much as the restrictions were applied, the undead that appeared were weaker
than expected.

I took the Skeleton Principal's summons as the standard and attacked it, but it's
not going to make that much of a difference.

"it's okay. Lee Han. You helped Rapadel.”

“I’m sorry. Rapadel. Have you ever wanted to sign a contract?”

"...No way! Did you know that I could make a contract with an undead or

Rapadel shook his head. Lee Han asked curiously.

“I hope you…”

"let's hurry! To find the next one! I have no intention of signing a contract, but
you guys need to sign a contract to end this tedious expedition!”

* * *

'Apart from being lucky, this member's black magic talent seems to be fine.'

Even after accidentally breaking the skeleton, when he met two more skeleton
warriors, Lee Han gained confidence.

Come to think of it, even Gainando is a student who shows quite a bit of talent
when it comes to black magic.

As there are many such students, it may not have been natural for undead monsters
to come.

“What do you think?”

“…uh… I thought you just came here because you excelled?”

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han as if he were talking bullshit.

From that point of view, it is true that he is coming because of Lee Han, but it
is not because of Guynando or Rapadel.

" it? no. I certainly can't do that. Rapadel. What do you think?”

“Do not put me into your useless quarrels.”

Tiredness piled up on Rapadel's face.

The contract with the two skeleton warriors he met again had failed.

This time, it wasn't because of Lee Han, it was Rapadel's own problem.

When they tried to subdue and subdue the Skeleton Warrior, the opponent refused to
surrender and chose to resist until they were destroyed.

'Shit! What's the matter?'

It was Rapadel who decided to learn black magic to fight the warlock.

He couldn't just go beyond the field that formed the big axis of black magic like
the summoning of the undead.

I need to find the right summon and get approval from Professor Mortum...

"oh. came out again Lee Han. This time, you must subdue it.”

“Rapadel is a vanguard, isn’t it?”

“But it seems like he keeps rebelling because he overpowers me. You overpower it.”

"...what's the difference if I overpower you?"

Lee Han was a little sullen. Gainando replied with a frightened expression.

“You… are you good at anything? Aren’t you good at suppressing… Me?”
"ah. That's what it sounded like. I thought you were talking about being scared of
me if you were from another dimension.”

'Isn't that right?'

Gainando thought so, but he kept his mouth shut because he was afraid.

“Rapadel. replacement.”

"huh. What you do will make a difference…”

puck! bang!


Rapadel's mouth widened as he saw several skeleton warriors prostrate.

Anyone could see that it was a 100% sure surrender.

'I... me?!'

“Good job, Lee Han! Are you going to sign a contract?”

“Ugh. I'm worried."

Ian was deep in thought.

It wasn't bad to sign a contract with a being from another dimension when there
was an opportunity, but I was drawn to it because I wanted a Skeleton Wizard.

The contract was not something that could be done indefinitely.

I was immediately affected by the magician's own magical power or mental power,
and the more I did it, the more reverberations of the contractors remained in the
wizard's soul, making other beings reluctant to avoid it.

And above all else, there was a high possibility that the other undead nearby
would notice and instinctively widen the distance at the moment of signing the

The fact that there was a strong soul wave around here meant that a certain wizard
had subdued and subdued an undead.

If you sign a contract with a spirit in the spirit world, it is difficult to find
a spirit in the vicinity for a while, so it was with the undead.


'This is not the only chance. I'll just have to find a new one somewhere else.'

Ihan nodded his head.

"okay. I will make a contract.”

When he revealed his meaning, he felt a sense of intertwining with the soul of the
Skeleton Warrior, just as he had done with Perkuntra before.

Of course, I didn't feel the intelligence or strength of Perkuntra at all, but I

was convinced that Lee Han could bring it to this contract if he wanted to.
"I'm counting on you. Skeleton Warrior.”

“Rapadel. Why do you look like that?”

“…I was grimacing because I didn’t like the undead!”

* * *

When Lee Han ended the contract, the three were summoned to see if Professor
Millai's magic circle had sensed it.

The students who returned first shrugged their shoulders and felt regret.

" it was obviously a spirit..."

“It was just a leaf. You saw it in vain.”

Professor Millais looked at the three and asked, puzzled.

“I think it’s a bit fast. Have you ever signed a contract?”

“Uh… did you?”


Professor Millais was a rare surprise.

The first-year students, who entered the magic circle with safety devices, met the
undead so quickly?

That was even more surprising than signing a contract!


“I was surprised. We will meet already.”


Lee Han was puzzled by Professor Millai's words.

I had been to the Spirit Realm before because Professor Thunderwalker guided me
once, but beings in the other realm were basically curious about intruders.

'Don't you approach me even if I stand still?'

...It was strange to see Lee Han and run away, but it was normal when the spirits
approached him more.

“Originally, it would be. But like I said, there are safeguards.”


The safety device that kept strong beings away from access also concealed the
presence of wizards at the same time.

As the presence is not felt, the existence of another world that we can meet will
“By the way, have you met?”

“It must be because of magic.”

Professor Millai looked at Lee Han and said.

Even if it was covered with a safety device, the magical power was not completely
hidden, so it was clear that the undead were crawling with that magic power.

'no. It wasn't because of the others.'

I thought it was because students with great black magic talents went there, but
it wasn't.

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han with an expression full of betrayal.

Somehow, the undead came to me!

“As expected, you…”

“Any complaints?”

“Oh, no. Thank you for calling me Undead.”

Guy Nando vowed not to take Lee Han with him if he ever had to go to the cemetery

“We will continue to maintain this magic circle until the weekend. Even the
students who did not succeed in signing today, keep trying.”


Lee Han was delighted with the idea that the magic circle would be open until the

'I might be able to save the Skeleton Wizard.'

Although he made a contract with the Skeleton Warrior, it wouldn't hurt to do one


Sharkan, who was inside the bone fragments, tilted her head.

I mean, why are you wasting your power?

“Gainan too. Rapadel. that is great. They say you keep the magic circle. Let's go
back in and find the new undead. There will be undead who will make a contract with

“Wow… Wodanaj. That's a bit…”

Rapadel waved his hand with a slightly pale face.

Lee Han said firmly knowing that his opponent was scheming.

“Rapadel. Don’t pretend it’s hard.”

" don't really have magical powers, you bastard!"

Rapadel was furious.

I did not want to make a weak sound in front of Lee Han, so I endured it, but
originally, setting foot in another world and returning to it would consume
considerable magical power and mental power.

Gainan, who was next to him, was also sitting in a chair, eating chocolate yum

"ah. You've run out of magic."


“Then let’s take a break for today, then go to the next break. When is your next
break? Tell me.”


As soon as Lee Han was trying to check the time of Rapadel's lecture, Rapadel felt

'This... this bastard!'

A qualitatively different kind of horror that even a knight with a large, snarky
impression could not give.

Rapadel, feeling a strange fear, stiffened his body.

“Speak quickly.”

“You must… there is no reason to take me with you, right?”

"no. Originally, arrows... No, having one avant-garde makes me feel at ease.”

“Did you just say take the arrow?”

“Don’t give me a strange name. So when do you have a break? Don't think about
lying. Just ask the White Tiger Tower students.”

Gainando took advantage of that gap and took a step backwards. Lee Han said
without looking back.

“Gainan knows all of your lectures anyway, so I don’t have to tell you.”


* * *

When the lecture was over and all the students had left, Professor Millais cleared
the remaining seats.

As the magic circle was drawn using various materials, the surroundings were quite

'Is this the magic circle you drew earlier?'

Professor Millais noticed the magic circle left in Lee Han's place and looked
It was clear that the progress had not been as great as it was trying to summon
the shield form.

Even so, failure must have been a lesson, so that alone...


Professor Millai was surprised to see the unfinished magic circle drawn by Lee

How can a first-year student who has never properly dealt with shield-type magic
complete a magic circle of this level?

...are you really a genius??

* * *

Rapadel wanted to take a break from Lee Han until his magical power was fully

And if we ever meet again, I would like to deal with at least four people.

But that wish did not come true.


“Hey. nice to meet."

Before two hours had passed, I ran into Lee Han in a black magic lecture.

“Collock. I can feel different magical powers from the three. Have you even been
to the undead world?”

Professor Mortum asked, unaware of Rapadel's heart. Lee Han nodded his head and
explained what was happening.

“Collock, you did a great job!”

Professor Mortum exclaimed, coughing. He shouted so loudly that his body shook.

“Is that enough?”

"Of course. cologne. Necromancy is not the only form of black magic, but there are
no outstanding warlocks who are not capable of necromancy.”

Dealing with dark elements, poison, and curses was also one of the realms of black
magic, but again, when most people think of black magic, what comes to mind is
necromancy, which is the summoning of undead.

Arcane magic that raises the dead.

“Collock. It's a bit disappointing that I did that during the summoning magic
class... But where is this? Could it be that the other students looked at me with


Ian paused.
When I said that I signed a contract with the Skeleton Warrior, the reaction of
the students was...

'I wasn't envious.'

Even though they were surprised at how great it was, there were certainly no
students who said, 'I'm jealous of black magic and I want to learn it too'.

However, Lee Han could not refuse Professor Mortum's sad gaze.

“It seems like it was.”


"Also! I thought so. Cole.”

Professor Mortum was delighted with his work.

Rapadel said, 'Isn't it?' and sent his eyes. Ian ignored it.

“The greatest and most beautiful of the many otherworldly beings that can be
summoned by signing a contract are the undead. After learning the charm of the
undead, the wizard has no choice but to be interested in necromancy. cologne. What
is it all about wielding swords and shields?”

A magician injects magical powers and gives orders from one to ten, and summons a
being from another world with its own ego.

No matter how much I thought about it, the latter was bound to be much more

Of course, the latter also had its drawbacks.

The existence of an ego means that summoned beings may not listen to the wizard
very well.

However, this shortcoming was also overcome if there was an existence contracted
in advance.


There was also a way to get rid of the hostility of the summoned undead by staying
in the grave or by applying rotten substances to their body.

Professor Mortum skipped over this method without mentioning it.

“Collock. Anyway, it was a good deal. With whom did you two make a contract?”




“Hey, we’re still…”

Professor Mortum frowned at Guynando's words.

“I can’t. cologne. The opportunity to go to the undead world and sign a contract
is not very common.”

"Do not worry. professor. I will take you by the weekend to sign a contract.”

“Collock. You seem to be the only student I can trust.”

"no. It is a word of exaltation.”


Guynando and Rapadel stared at Lee Han.

Friend, but today was a little bit mean.

“Collock. Let Ymirg students also go and sign a contract to summon the undead.”

“I… me too?”

Ymirg, a half-breed giant student, was stunned.

Ymirg didn't even listen to summoning magic, and had no interest in necromancer.

'I don't think there is any need for Ymirg.'

Since Lee Han had already paid all the estimates only with Rapadel, he decided to
show mercy to the rest of his friends.

“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to participate…”

"no. Let's go together!"

“I think we should go together. The professor did, too.”

Guynando and Rapadel intervened like lightning. Ian thought to himself.

'These scumbags.'

They forcibly bring in their friends because they don't want to go alone!

* * *

Professor Mortum taught me how to deal with the characteristics of some monsters
often seen in the undead world in preparation for a contract.

And if there are students who are interested in the undead among the students
learning summoning magic, I asked them to convince them in turn how good they are,
how good their necromantic skills are, and how great black magic is.

'It hurts my heart to hear it.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

“Collock. Wodanaz.”

Towards the end of the lecture, Professor Mortum called for Lee Han, and Lee Han
nodded as if he understood.

"Do not worry. professor. I will guide my friends and make a contract with a
useful undead monster.”

“Collock. That’s not it.”


“Take this.”

Professor Mortum handed him a thick brown book. Even compared to the books Lee Han
had read so far, it looked quite old.

'<Ancient Basic Necromancer - About Summoning the True Undead>?'

“May I ask why you are giving me this book?”

Lee Han suddenly wondered why he was giving me this book.

Professor Mortum opened his mouth with a chuckle.

“Collock. How many methods do you think there are for necromancy, especially the
summoning of the undead?”

“Isn’t it two?”

One is to summon an uncontracted being.

It was not bound by a contract, so it had to be controlled with magic and appeased
hostility in various ways, but relatively free summoning was its advantage.

The other is to summon a contracted entity.

There was no need to control or appease, but if the contract itself was a
disadvantage, it was a disadvantage.

“Collock. Wrong. In fact, three.”

“Three? way?"

Ian paused.

“I think you understand.”

There was a corner for straw.

'Are you talking about something like a magic item?'

As I learned from Professor Millai's last lecture, for items that do not have a
self, such as swords or shields, the wizard had to plan their movements and actions
one by one.

But in the case of the Undead, it was a waste of waste.

I can just summon the undead, but the wizard has to build everything from scratch?

It was an inefficient method in itself that greatly increased the level of

difficulty, from lifting magical power to betting.

Of course, it wasn't the way it is now. Lee Han didn't just say, 'Isn't it two
“Collock. That’s right.”

“I heard it is rare these days that people are summoned like this... Did you hear

“It’s not that there aren’t many, but there aren’t. cologne. In fact, it was the
way it was written in ancient times. This book describes the ancient way.”


Lee Han was surprised once again.

It was surprising to recommend magic in a way that is not used now, and it was
surprising why he recommended it.

'What's the advantage... Wait. Isn't there a reason why it's not being used now?'

“Why me?”

“Collock. Principal's instructions. He asked God to make it possible for you to

summon undead in this way as well.”


Lee Han was sullen.

I thought it was recommended because of Lee Han's hidden aptitude or his magical

"Yes. What. We will try.”

'I guess I'll just pass it on.'

Black magic had already managed its grades enough.

Even without mastering the magic of summoning the undead in such an outdated way,
a perfect score would come out.

“Collock. I believe You can learn it well. The principal told me to check it every
week. They told me to send them to the punishment room if there was no progress,
but the joke is…”



Lee Han returned to the tower, imagining becoming the emperor's right hand and
putting the skeleton principal in a dungeon.


If you're an ordinary student, you'd be better off saying, 'Even if I kill you, I
won't be able to study up to this point! I'd rather send me to the punishment
room!', but unfortunately, Lee Han was the type of person who tried to do as much
as he could even if he was given a nonsensical task.

A personality who digs his own grave, unknown only to himself.


Lee Han went into the private room and flipped through the book <Ancient Basic
Necromancer – About Summoning the True Undead>.

Although various languages and codes were mixed, starting with ancient characters,
the structure of the book itself was surprisingly standard. Thanks to this, I was
able to vaguely know what the book was about.

' Two-thirds of this book is useless to me.'


Lee Han was surprised when he closed the book.

The ancient basic necromancy book was a book that specialized in the third method
of summoning undead from the basics that Professor Mortum said.

Instead of just summoning the undead, a method of applying powerful magic to the
corpse to cause it.

As it is a method that is not commonly used these days, the difficulty was high
and the consumption of mana was enormous.

As such, 1/3 of the contents of the book were methods of amplifying the magic
required for black magic, and the other 1/3 were methods of saving the magic
consumed when using magic.

In other words...

2/3 of the book's contents were not needed.

'It's good that the amount is reduced.'

It was something to take a breather for.

I still have a lot to study, but I didn't want to increase the amount any more.

Besides, at a glance, the methods were not very pleasant.

If you mix the soil of a 17-year-old grave with 11-year-old bone powder, put it in
a Kranten solution, and drink it three times a day, you will get magical power...

Training methods that make you want to say, 'Oh, that's why black magic isn't

Lee Han was grateful for the fact that he had a lot of magical power after a long

You can't do something like that!

The remaining one-third of the book contained practical information.

All kinds of corpses, the characteristics of necromancy with those corpses,

precautions when unfolding, etc.

A knight's corpse holds high purity magical power in its bones, so it is good for
standing up. Knights are ignorant of giving up their comrades' corpses, so they'll
have to aim for a time when they're too careful on New Year's Day every month...
Unknowingly, Lee Han looked around the private room. nobody there?

'I'm afraid it's not an old book, so the method is very cumbersome.'

But it wasn't that I didn't understand.

Necromancy, a method of summoning from another world, was also strongly influenced
by the reagents and materials used.

The more powerful and magical the bones or corpses of beings are used, the
stronger the otherworldly beings will be summoned.

Necromancy, which uses 100% of the corpse to raise it up, has no choice but to be
affected more by the corpse.

Therefore, a wizard should get into the habit of carrying a minimum of bone
fragments in his coat pocket, belt pocket, sleeve pocket, and the inside of his
boot. so as not to be discouraged when an emergency arises. The situation where the
body cannot be retrieved comes more often than you think...

'There are more advantages than I thought.'

Old-fashioned necromancy, that is, classic necromancy, had certain advantages than

Necromancy of the summoning method was limited in strengthening the summoned


As much as it invites the existence of another world, there is a limit even if the
wizard tries to strengthen it in various ways.

I don't know if I'd rather summon a stronger being.

However, the classic necromancy in the way you create yourself could be
strengthened if you had the skills.

For example, if you cast a spell on a pile of bones to fight in the form of a
skeleton warrior, it could be strengthened in a variety of ways, from types of
bones to various enchantments.

Besides, it was much stronger.

The summoning necromancy cannot return from the other world until it recovers once
it has been hit and has been counter-summoned.

But the classic necromancy could be restored and brought up again by the wizard
swinging his wand again when he had magical powers.

'I can understand why the headmaster of the skull told me to be an actor...'

Looking at the strengths, I could see why they called me an actor.

Of course, the anger did not go away.

'...the rest are all disadvantages.'

enormous power consumption.

A complex magical structure that had to be woven by hand for each undead (it was
like making one artifact for each undead).

Even tactical operations that require the wizard to concentrate and issue
individual commands.

Of course, as the level of magic increases, the consumption of magic is reduced in

various ways, it becomes easier to cast magic, and it becomes easier to issue

No matter how you think about it, the barriers to entry were too high.

'From this book, <Summon Skeleton Warrior> is... the 4th circle.'

He was a sorcerer who would hear a lot of praise from outside the school saying,
“Aigoo Archmage,” if he was a 4th circle magician outside the school.

There are so many excellent wizards in Einroguard, the sound like 'Learn 4 circle
magic' comes out of nowhere.

Lee Han was really angry all over again.

'Isn't Professor Voladi and Principal Skeleton really too much?'

I would have done it as if I was prepping like I couldn't win at 2~3 circles, but
the 4th circle magic piled up so absurd.

Lee Han sighed and took out the bone fragments he had received from Professor

“Magics that can be cast on the left arm are as follows... Floating, spinning,
trapping, hitting...”

what to do

It's an assignment, so I have to do it!

* * *

“Why isn’t Wodanaj coming out?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students were perplexed by the appearance of Wodanaj, who
did not come out of the private room after simply preparing breakfast even on the

Gainandoya, it didn't matter whether he overslept or became an undead in the room,

but Lee Han was concerned even if he didn't see him for a few hours.

The friends who ate a sandwich with jam, cheese, smoked meat and egg sandwiched
between toasted bread began to get nervous when Lee Han did not come out until

“Didn’t you upset Wodanaj yesterday?”

“Oh no! Of course, Lee Han suggested it, but he said he didn't want to go to the
undead world. And Lee Han said he had a lot to study, but he even bothered me to
play a card game! But you can do that!”

“You scumbag. It’s because of you!”

“Go and apologize!”

“Ah… it’s not!”

Guy Nando groaned and knocked on the door of Lee Han's private room.

After a while, Ian's voice was heard.

- The door is open. open it and come in

“Lee Han. Those children are absurdly slanderous... ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Lee Han
is being attacked by the principal!”


“Everyone, come this way! Wodanaj is under attack!”

The students who were traumatized by being attacked by the undead within the tower
rushed forward.

I thought it was going to be quiet, but on the weekend, the headmaster of Skeleton
had infiltrated Lee Han's private room with an undead infiltrator.

It was a really mean feat.

“Go right up…”


With a cold expression on her face, the princess held up her wand and dissuaded
her friends.


“If you go straight in, you will get a counterattack! Lower yourself down and use
the stairs to cast your magic!”

The followers conveyed the will of the princess to their friends.

It sounded quite plausible, so the friends got down at the bottom of the stairs
and prepared a magic trick.

“Wordanaz! I'm going to help now!"


The princess ran out from the front and cast a magic missile.

A blue light flashed and the magical mass flew away quickly.


However, the attack was blocked by a water shield. Lee Han said, pulling one ear
of Guy Nando who had fallen.
“Everyone, stop. They are not being attacked.”

“Wow… Wodanaj!!”

" You're under attack!!"

Friends were astonished.

Skeleton warriors were filling Lee Han's private room.

“It wasn’t sent by the principal, it was raised by me. I haven't moved yet,

Lee Han struck the staff. Skeleton warriors did not even move.

'We still have a long way to go.'

* * *

It was Lee Han who had already learned <Bone Hand Summoning Magic> and <Bone
Restraint Ball Summoning Magic>, and was dissatisfied with the transformation and
control of various elements.

“Bone. Shoot.”


“Bone. Be in the form of armor.”


“Bone. Be a wall.”

Quad Duck!

Simple necromancy spells using bones that the book suggests for basic training.

Because they were magic that transforms or fires bones in various ways, it was
inevitable that they would be familiar with Lee Han.

'...but it's too easy?'

Ihan tilted his head.

Recalling how I was worried that the fire would spread to the side while handling
the flame element, the bones were really easy.

'Are bones usually easy? It's probably because I've been practicing with other
elements in advance.'

If Professor Mortum had been by his side, he would have said, 'Black magic is
never easy, Kollock, it's just that your talents are outstanding', but there was
only Lee Han in the private room.

Dark elements, negative energy, bones, and poisons used in black magic entered the
difficult axis and were never easy elements.

It wasn't strange to hear people say, 'You're half crazy like a warlock' when you
go somewhere and say, 'Bone is easier than elemental fire'.

“Then now… come out.”

Now that I have passed various basic training, I had to start practicing skeleton
summoning in earnest.

Prior to that, Lee Han summoned a skeleton warrior contracted from the undead


The skeleton warrior who was summoned bowed down in front of Lee Han to show his

Considering the difference in magical power between the two, it was natural.

Sharkan, who had been summoned first, yawned and slammed the floor with his tail.

What does it mean to summon such a low-level summons when you are there?

"okay. nice to meet. I need your name...”


The Skeleton Warrior was startled and refused even though his intelligence was

It meant that he did not dare to receive a name.

"not. I don't need a name to call. You are... Gonadaltes.”


The skeleton warrior denied it as if he couldn't accept it because he was

embarrassed, but Lee Han was determined.

“Gonadaltes. The reason I called you is to practice classical necromancy. I need

to create an undead using bones and corpses, but it would be nice to have a
textbook by my side.”

Just as you learn the basics by watching and mimicking already completed artifacts
when creating artifacts, it was good to see and follow the completed skeleton
warrior to create an autonomously moving skeleton warrior.

Gonadaltes, no, the skeleton warrior straightened his posture.

"Thank you. Shall we start then?”

after three hours.

Lee Han sat on the chair with a frown and stared at the scattered piles of bones.

'It's not easy.'

It wasn't that difficult to create the shape of a skeleton warrior.

Because it was a slightly more difficult shield and armor.

But making the warrior move flexibly was a different matter.


Another skeleton warrior smashed himself while trying to make the bow
automatically fire.

'It's not easy to stand up every time it breaks.'

Thinking like that, Han stopped.

'Thinking about it, wouldn't it be okay to set up several of them from the

It seemed better to build up several from the beginning than to break one down and
build one up.

Of course, it would consume quite a bit of mana, but that didn't matter, and the
mental power and concentration consumed...

'I was able to do about a dozen water beads, so even a skeleton warrior would be
able to stand up to about a dozen or so. If not, you can reduce it later.'

* * *

"got it? It’s a failure, so it’s not a big deal.”

“…Lee Han. You know that ordinary wizards don't carry fifteen pets alone, right?"


Quantity or quality?

It was a story from any field, but at least for summoning magic, quality was more
important than quantity.

It was simple.

There are too many items that go into the product compared to the profit gained by
increasing the quantity.

Not to mention magical power, every time you summoned each one, you had to
concentrate with all your heart, but in this case, the wizard fell first.

It was the same even if the burden was reduced by summoning from another world.
Beings from another world were not able to be summoned at will.

As such, summoning magic pursued quality, not quantity.

If you have mastered summoning a skeleton warrior, a stronger skeleton warrior.

If that succeeds, a higher level undead monster.

“But the principal called dozens or hundreds of summons, didn’t he?”

At Guynando's question, Yonaire and Lee Han looked at each other with pity.

and ignored
“Isn’t fifteen too many?”

“Ugh. Did you summon too many? Still, it’s not too much of a problem.”

At Lee Han's words, Yonner was surprised again.

I knew that a friend of the Wodanaj family had a lot of magical power like a crazy
dragon, but it's only this much.

“I don’t know much about black magic, but… do you normally practice in this way?”

At Yonaire's question, the princess shook her head up and down from behind.

As much as he knew about black magic, he seemed to think it was strange what Lee
Han was doing now.

“I don’t usually do it this way. It’s an ancient method that has been practiced.”

“Really… Wodanaj. Normal necromancy is so easy, you're trying to make progress by

reviving a practiced ancient method? It’s a thought worthy of your intellect.”

Asan said as if he knew.

Lee Han was about to hit one, but Asan wanted to do something, so he put up with

"It sounds grandiose...but it's not close to that."

“Still, I think this is too reckless.”

"right. Progress is a bit slow.”

Lee Han struck the staff.

Unlike before, they didn't even move, this time the skeleton warriors all raised
their arms at the same time.

Then, all at once, they threw the wads of paper.


Guynando was beaten by a flying wad of paper.

“This is all that is possible right now. You have to do it twice to barely succeed


“There is a long way to go. yet."

I wondered if it was the students who didn't know much about black magic.

But the princess was astonished.

It wasn't enough to raise fifteen skeleton warriors in the ancient way, they
already controlled enough to be able to fire volleys.

Tak Tak-
When the princess pointed it out as if to look at it, Nevelen said as if she

"ah. It definitely doesn't look good. I'll help Wodanaj get it out. Wodanaz. I
don't think the private room is the right place to practice, can I help you move

“I guess so. Thank you."

“What do you have with this?”

The Blue Dragon Tower friends rolled up their sleeves and started picking up bones
one by one.

“Sharkan. Thank you."

- Creung.

Lee Han put his luggage on the back of Sharkan and thanked him.

“Gonadaltes. Take this with you.”

“What… what tess???”

Asan was frightened and looked around.

Lee Han calmed down his friend and said.

"calm down. Asan. The principal didn't come. The name of this summoned beast is

"Aha... ...Wordanaj. I have no right to say anything about other people's pets,
but wouldn't that be a bit dangerous???"

As the friends walked with their luggage one by one, the princess shook her head
with a frustrated look.

* * *

Salco of the Tutanta family was walking along with his friends.

There was someone I wanted to find.

“Wordanaj is now in Professor Thunderwalker's hut. let's go."

“Tu, Tutanta. Wouldn't that be a little dangerous?"

“Of course, Wodanaj is a terrifying bastard that can never be overlooked. But,
like the White Tiger Tower bastards, he's not an idiot who can't cooperate. He will
be able to hold his hand if the conditions are right.”

"no. Isn't it dangerous to go there alone with these people? If Wardanaj suddenly

“Is that the sound?”

Salco clicked his tongue at the frightened Black Turtle Top student.

"Didn't you say Wodanaj wasn't the type of guy to attack so recklessly?"
“That, though. Ymirg. What do you think?”

The Black Turtle Top student turned to his friend. A mixed-race giant who was
taking a black magic class like Lee Han was bewildered.

“Uh, uh…”

To be honest, I was listening to black magic together, but I had no idea what kind
of student Wodanaj really was.

The prince looked a bit stupid, Rapadel seemed a bit rude, Wodanaj...

Except for the fact that he was a magical genius, nothing came to mind.

“No, you’re good at magic.”

“Wordanaj is good at magic. that child. Are you really the same age as us?”

“The Wodanaj family is famous.”

"no. I'm from the Wodanaj family, and I've seen it from afar, but no matter how
much I think about it, it's not like that."

The students of the Black Turtle Tower walked away, chattering.

If there was a moderately outstanding student, it would be 'that guy is smart,'

but if there was a student who was too incomprehensible, the response was '????'.

This is what Ihan did.

The appearance of following without interruption while listening to lectures from

all schools was more reminiscent of a monster than a genius.

A monster that seeks only magic!

"Oh yeah. I heard something strange last time. The Blue Dragon Tower bastards say
Wodanaj prepares meals every day.”

“Does that make sense?”

“But didn’t Woudanaj cook you vegetable stew last time? It was really delicious.”

“It’s not that I can’t cook. If you are good at alchemy, you will be good at
cooking. But serving meals for every meal is a different story. Do you think you
can do that?”

The Black Turtle Tower student was deep in thought.

In Einrogard, where food is still scarce, you have to wake up every morning to
prepare your meal by washing, peeling, and mincing the meat.

“I don’t think Wodanaj has any reason to do that.”

"okay. The Blue Dragon Tower guys are bluffing. Woudanaz has cooked it before, so
you're bluffing with it."

“These children. They are quite aristocrats, but they tell filthy lies!”
“The nobles are like that. Among those who boast of bloodlines, those who show the
appropriate abilities are counted among the fingers. It's all here. over there.”

Salco pointed his finger at the hut near the forest in the distance.

It was Professor Thunderbolt's cabin.

“Wordanaz! are there? I have a story to tell... ah ah ah ah ah!”


At the sight of the skeleton warriors arranged like scarecrows behind the hut, the
students of the Black Turtle Tower burst into screams.

* * *

“I’m sorry. I didn't expect you to be so scared."

“Sleep, wait. I am not scared.”

"right. I was just confused.”

The students of the Salco gang all came from a rough place.

Not knowing anything else, he reacted very violently to the word 'frightened'.

“Anyone can be intimidated when they suddenly meet an undead. I understand."

“Because it’s not!!”

"stop. Wodanaz. I am here today to make an offer to you.”

Salco glanced at the Skeleton Warriors who were standing around the garden.

Even if they didn't want to see them, they kept looking at them.

'I don't know much about black magic, but is it possible to summon that many?'

“What is your suggestion? oh Salco. Do you want to join the undead world?”

“What are you talking about? I have no interest in black magic.”

'It's even going to be colored.'

Lee Han groaned inwardly.

I was just joking!

“...I found a way out.”

Salco lowered his voice and said. Ian was surprised.

Did you find a way out?

"ah. Are you talking about the rocky grass cave guarded by Gandharva? I think
you'd better give up there. I don't think we'll ever be able to break through."

“…This is the first cave I have ever heard of. How the hell did you find such a
Salco was inwardly astonished.

If the Blue Dragon Tower students were proud of their family and the White Tiger
Tower students were proud of their swords, the Black Turtle Tower students were
proud of their adaptability.

- We visit this vast magic school the most and know the best!

It wasn't very wrong.

In fact, the Black Turtle Tower students are usually very adaptable, so they used
to explore places and find the information they needed first.

But sometimes there were exceptions.

“I walked around and heard it.”

Lee Han, who has an adaptability that none of the Black Turtle Tower students can
match, replied as if it was not a big deal.

It exuded an aura that only a seasoned student could exude.

Slightly overwhelmed, Salko hesitated and continued speaking.

“It’s not the cave anyway.”

“Is this the mountain road? It would be better to postpone the road to the
mountain range. Last time I trusted and followed the White Tiger Towers, but I only
lost money.”

“Neither there… If you walk all the way down the mountain range to the west, you
come to a desert-like terrain. Do you know?”

As a courtesy, I asked if he knew anything, but Salko thought that Lee Han would
not know.

Who would have gone there for what?

The Saltoo and Black Turtle Tower students would not have gone without the



“Uh, how?”

“Last time the phone league went crazy… it’s not that important. So what about the

“Look at this map.”

According to Salco, one of the Black Turtle Tower students had a bizarre
experience walking around the school at night.

It was a dark room with nothing in it, but a whisper came to me saying that if I
stepped in, the student's wish would be granted.
The student said, 'I want to leave school!'

“So, did you get this map?”


“Interesting. Where is the room located?”

“When I went back, it was gone.”


The only thing that increased after entering the magic school was doubt.

There is no way to know if the spirit that whispered to the student in that room
was a wish-granting spirit or the skeleton principal pretending to be a spirit.

“Anyway, if you look at this map…”

The map pointed to a desert area to the west of the school site.

A well is drawn, and if you follow the well's basement...

“Underground passage?”

"okay. It is an underground passage that passes under the wall.”

“It says there is a lot of monster infestation near the well.”

"okay. So we need a strong fighting force.”

“I don’t have that much fighting power…”



The Black Turtle Tower students looked at the skeleton warriors standing in the

Then he looked at Lee Han again.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Oh, nothing. Any thoughts?”

“I always want to secure an escape route. It's because the difficulty is the
problem. I still have a lot of work to do, but I don’t want to waste it…”

At Lee Han's words, Salko gave a signal with a chin gesture.

Then the Black Turtle Tower students began to put down the chests they had

'The Black Turtle Tower guys know something.'

Lee Han looked at him with mixed expectations.

Again, unlike other top students, the Black Turtle Tower students were friends who
knew what trading was.

'ingredient? reagent? magic book? food?'

“Wordanaz. look at this These are statues and ceramics that can be decorated in a
private room. Isn't it beautiful?"

“...why are you doing this to me?”

“Uh… the nobles like this, don’t they?”

“Who likes something like this?”

“The Blue Dragon Tower students couldn’t buy it because they didn’t have it…”


My friends must have been purchasing such useless ornaments without my knowledge.

Ian sighed inwardly.


'It must be fun to decorate your own room.'

I wanted to talk a lot about how my friends decorate their private rooms these
days, but it seems like this.

Of course, I did not understand this at all.


'Isn't a private room just enough to sleep?'

Like a person who had piled up skeleton warriors in his room, Lee Han had no
interest in decorating his private room.

“This is a big deal… I came here knowing that Wodanaj would definitely be

“Is this too low a value for Wodanaz to see? This is still a pretty good pottery…”

“That’s what I said! You said Wodanaj couldn't be satisfied with ordinary good
ornaments. It is said that the walls of the Wodanaj family are made of pure silver,
and the windows of the mansion are made of ruby and sapphire. Of course, I am not
satisfied with this!”

'not really.'

The Black Turtle Tower students proudly create false rumors right in front of
their eyes.

As the Wodanaj family was so closed, I knew there were rumors circulating outside,
but this was a bit unfair.

It wasn't that the family didn't have any wealth, but Lee Han himself had never
had luxury.

Wouldn't it be a shame if it could have been extravagant?

“It’s a big deal. There is no other fee. Can't we promise to pay for the

“You call that a word? If you were Wodanaj, would you work for that silver coin?
Do you not know the honor and pride of the nobles?”


Lee Han placed his hands on the shoulders of his friends.

And he said kindly.

“I guess I’m worried because I don’t have anything to do with it. Then pay it back
in silver coins while on vacation.”


“Jeong, is that really okay?”

"Sure. Richmond in your tower was once like that. There is no need to be

“But… why…?”

As the Black Turtle Tower student mumbled incomprehension, his friend stabbed him
hard in the side.

“You idiot. Wodanaj is trying to save our face.”


'Aha what aha.'

The Black Turtle Tower students seemed to know that Lee Han offered a nominal
silver coin for fear that they would be embarrassed if he just helped.

That alone made Lee Han guess the financial power of the other students.

'It's like the rich guys.'

Even if it was the Black Turtle Tower, which was dominated by commoners, the story
was different when money was added.

The most prominent merchants in the Empire had wealth that was incomparable to any
large aristocratic family.

Compared to Lee Han, who does not receive allowance for anything necessary for
learning, he will be able to spend silver coins like water.

"Thank you. Wodanaz. I will help you with this.”

“Let yourself think. ruler. sign here Where can I go?”

“You can come to the Tutanta family...”

As Salco was writing the contract, he was a little confused.

Lee Han's expression seemed too serious.

...Isn't that for real silver coins?

* * *

“Drink water, everyone.”

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

As we entered the desert area, the heat rose. The terrain was similar to the
previous library wasteland, but much hotter and drier.

“Spring up.”

Of course, that didn't stop the water from coming out. Lee Han called out water
from the air without hesitation.

“Magnetic stone, give me the direction.”

Salco pounded on the sandy floor and cast a spell. Then a pattern appeared on the

“This is the North.”

“Magic is fine. Can you tell me?”

“You’re good at joking. You wouldn't need this... No. really?"

Salco was perplexed by Lee Han's interest.

There were many wizards who passed these life-related magics without needing to
learn them.

There was no need to even use magic to know the direction. A servant or a slave
had to know the direction.

“Why? That sounds like some good magic.”

"...not. It's not difficult to tell. It's not difficult magic, but it's a magic
that people who don't have an aptitude for the earth element can't handle..."

Salko, who was talking, remembered the last time Lee Han broke through the
labyrinth in the school, breaking the labyrinth wall into dust and moving forward.

"...but don't mind that."


“Listen quietly. Anyway, this magic should be used in a place with a bit of dirt.
Also, it doesn't work well where there is no magnetite powder. So be careful…”

Salko, who was talking, looked at the water mass floating next to Lee Han.

A lump of cold water that maintains its shape even under the bright sunlight.

“…No, don’t even bother with that.”

“Isn’t it too rough to teach?”

Lee Han complained, but Salco ignored it.

Meanwhile, other Black Turtle Tower students took the lead and checked the way.

"here. Let’s leave a mark on it so we can see it when we come back.”


The terrain changed when the wind blows in the desert, but the mark left with
magic was a different story.

A small mark was carved on the sand. An hour or two was well worth the trip.

"great job. Let the wind blow.”

“Can I call the spirit?”

"yes. I've been off for over three days, so the spirits will do the same."

A gentle breeze began to blow when a lesser form of wind spirit appeared.

Lee Han admired the cooperation from behind.

'Why can't our top guys do that?'

It wasn't that the kids couldn't do magic.

In terms of magic skills alone, it was close to the best of the four towers.'s because most of the spells aren't really useful magic like this.

To be honest, the magic of <Magical Decoration for Wonmugok(圓舞曲)> is not very

useful in this kind of exploration.

- Crumble!


Sharkan suddenly made a lively sound. In response, Lee Han thought that even a
monster had appeared.

'Are there no monsters?'

In an instant, Lee Han's instinct sent a strong warning.

A feeling I've been feeling a lot lately.

It was the same sensation that made all the nerves in his body stand up when
Professor Voladi was sharpening his surprise.

"...shield, unfold!"

Lee Han did not hesitate to memorize the spell.

It could have been stupid to start using magic without checking the situation, but
it was a different story for Lee Han.

A person who can waste as much as he wants in such a situation!

“Wordanaj?! why?!"

“Salcho, defend!”

"...i get it!"

At Lee Han's cry, Salco and the Black Turtle Tower students went into defense


The attack pierced the water shield with a sharp sound.

Lee Han's expression hardened at the falling dagger that could not penetrate the
thick water shield.

It seemed like a frivolous attack because it couldn't penetrate the water shield,
but it wasn't like that at all.

'They know how to deal with wizards!'

Because he was sickly hurt by Professor Voladi, he knew very well how other
enemies would deal with the wizard once he entered the battle.

- Either way it doesn't matter. Enemies defeat the wizard first.

-Indeed... Wizards will be a variable in many ways. How should I prepare?


-...I haven't recovered yet... Whoops!

A grand attack takes a long time to prepare and is only noisy.

A single dagger was enough to defeat an unprepared wizard.

The problem is that Lee Han felt that he would live first and went into defense.

“Shield, unfold. Heat, twist the air!”

It was bad luck for the enemies.

Originally, among the wizards, there weren't many people who were good at

Even more so if you are a student at a magic school.

“Foot, crinkle the ground. Arise, warriors of bones!”

In less than a few seconds, the enemies were astonished to see that they raised
their defenses by casting spells in a row in an instant.

“What is that child?!”

“Damn it, I’m in high school! Get ready! He's the one who really learned how to
fight magic!"

“…I will make you regret meeting Einroguard’s 5th grader!”

“Hey...! After all, there is no luck!”


The Black Turtle Tower students looked at Lee Han with a puzzled expression while
hiding behind a wall made of water and dirt.

* * *

An adventurer organization infamous in the Empire, <Snake of the Maple Tree>.

Empire adventurers pay attention to their reputation, but among them, there were
those who did not care about such things and accepted illegal quests.

<Snake of the Maple Tree> was such a people.

Those who accept all kinds of illegal requests as long as they are given proper
gold coins!

Of course, <Snake of the Maple Tree> would not have touched the Einroguard, where
the empire's prominent wizards were normally gathered.

Even an evil without blood or tears was not without intelligence. The more evil
money-makers, the quicker and more sensitive they were to strength.

But this time the story was different.

A very expensive request came in.

- There is a desired artifact in Einrogarde.

-But Einroguard...

- I know. It is a place where outsiders cannot easily enter. I'll figure out a way
to get in. There is a guide who went in first, so go ahead and meet him. I'll give
you a detailed explanation.


The adventurers did not ask, 'The guide has already entered, so why do we have to
go in?'

Because they knew each other's answers without asking.

'If you can steal the magician's treasure and bring it out with two or three
lives, it's cheap. Especially if it's Einroguard.'

It was an offer with a strong smell of blood, but the adventurers did not decline

After all, the life of an adventurer is not a life of taking risks.

What matters is how much you earn.

-good. Let's try our best.

“What are you going to do?!”

The adventurers shouted in harsh voices.

It was not dirty even if there was no luck.

As soon as you take the underground passage and come out of the well, you will
meet the student of Einrogard.

Even in 5th grade.

For adventurers who knew the fame of Einroguard, the 5th grade was a considerable
burden. Isn't that a rare archmage among adventurers?


“The reaction showed that he was trained in magic battles! Suppression is

unreasonable I must kill you!”

“You decided not to touch the Magic School students!”

“I know, you idiot! Who knows you're not afraid of retaliation? But there is no
way to subdue it!”

“… you damn God. i get it! Kill it!”

The adventurer, Geliak, clenched his teeth and nodded.

Looking at the other side now, the magician's skill was not normal.

It was also surprising that it stopped a surprise attack from an unseen direction,
but in less than a few seconds, the fortress was half completed.

The illusions were floating around, a barrier made of water and earth, and
skeleton warriors were covering the wizards.

It was Geliak, who had seen students from Einrogard a few times. I knew how absurd
this was.

I've seen students who can use higher-level magic than magic right now, but it's
the first time they've succeeded in magic in a row like this without being shaken
in a bloody battle situation.

'Even if you don't have any luck...'


But Geliak was not alone.

Even the 5th graders I met today were terribly unlucky.

As they entered the den of wizards, did Geliak and his companions come in without
any countermeasures?

The ones who feared the wizard more than anyone else were Geliak and his

Naturally, the anti-mage preparations were gathered as much as possible.

To meet him in such a situation, it was bad luck for a wizard.

“Scroll tear! hurry!"

"Shut up! How much does this cost... Let's go!”

As Geliak tore the scroll, an enormous magical storm began to occur.

An ancient magic scroll that can no longer be crafted!

It was a scroll with a built-in <Magical Crushing Storm> spell that blows away all
surrounding magic with powerful power.

No matter how expensive the scroll was, Geliak's fingertips trembled while tearing
it apart.



With a painful sound, the students of the Black Turtle Tower knelt with pale

At the same time, the barriers, illusions, and summoned beasts all disappeared.

As the cast magic was forcibly canceled, the connected wizard himself was also

'Looking back, it's powerful.'

It was a shame that it was terribly expensive, but there was no such thing as a
death sentence for a wizard.

If you invest a lot of your magical power and cast a spell on it, you will erase
it all at once and shake off your magic.

A surprise attack that accurately pierces the weakness of a wizard who cannot use
magic without magic.

In addition, the better the wizard, the easier it was to be defeated.

Gelian had seen the 5th circle mage being subdued by one of these scrolls in the

“Shield, unfold. Heat, distort the air. Feet, crinkle the ground. Arise, warriors
of bone...”


So, when the 5th grader laid down the magic again as if nothing had happened,
Gelian had only his eyes closed.



“Come on, you idiot!”

Geliak was only able to come to his senses after hearing the loud shouts of his

That was so shocking.

That expensive scroll doesn't work?

“If you wait, the professors will come! We need to quickly subdue it and go see
the guide!”

"Know. in action!"

Geliak and his companions drew their weapons.

His colleagues were equally shocked, but he knew that giving more time here was

There was nothing more terrifying than a wizard with enough time.

'Close up!'

Geliak clenched his weapon and slammed to the ground. The magical energy that
surged from his body strengthened his body.

Currently, Geliak and his companions were wearing the invisibility artifact.

If they were scattered and approached as quickly as possible, the wizard was not
easy to target them.

“Spring up.”


Geliak was bewildered when a huge mass of water gushed over the wizard's makeshift



The mass of water suddenly split and scattered into numerous water beads.

And the water beads flew at random.


It was a trivial attack with neither speed nor trajectory as a threat. One of his
comrades struck a ball of water with a gauntlet on his forearm, as if he were not
the same.

No matter how much time he wanted, he could not bind the steps of veteran
adventurers with such a clumsy attack.


At that moment, lightning flew.

When the lightning flashed and supported the end of the earth, the adventurer
panicked and jumped backwards.


'Are the artifacts invalidated?!'

The invisibility artifacts they had were by no means cheap.

It was a powerful artifact that could withstand any kind of nullification


“Avoid the water! He is locating with the water!”

Geliak was astonished.

A simple magic like that would negate the invisibility artifact.

I didn't understand.

Even so, it was the first way he had ever seen it.

I've never seen a wizard scatter and scatter water beads like that, and I've never
seen a wizard who finds out that some of the many water beads have twisted orbits.


“Flash, flash, flash, flash!”


The adventurer who just collided with the water ball seemed to have been properly
bitten by the wizard.

Lightning was flying without a breath. It was barely blocking, but it was not easy
to block because the attack was so fast.

“Help, motherfuckers!”


Another adventurer pulled out a flask from his arms. Flames were roaring inside
the flask.

It was a <flask for flame baby> made by first-class alchemists.

Geliak felt a sense of crisis that even if this quest was successful, it would be
a loss.

A flask that quickly flies in the air.

At that moment, a spell flew in from the enemy.



The eyes of the adventurers who saw the expensive glass bottle frozen in the air
and crashed were overturned.

“That wizard is really...!”

“What the hell is that kid doing?!”

If it wasn't for the current situation, adventurers would have seriously scouted
their opponents.

Even a wizard was not able to respond perfectly to every situation.

A wizard could only use the magic he could do, and he could only respond to what
he could.

But now, that invisible wizard was blocking all the moves Geliak and his
companions had drawn out, as if everything had been predicted.

I couldn't believe it.

If it was a wizard like that, there would be no way that rumors would have

“I can’t. Everyone gives up their defense and runs away.”

“Give up your defense?!”

Even in this urgent situation, the colleagues stopped.

That's why Geliak's words were reckless.

The standard way to approach a wizard is to approach them as quickly as possible

without being detected, scattered, and quickly.

Of course, even in the midst of a quick approach, he couldn't release the defense.

Because once the magician's wide-area energy exploded, the warrior was deadly.

So, I had to approach it as quickly as possible, but in case the wide-area plane
exploded, I had to raise the magic power all over my body to solidify the defense.

If you solve this, you can pour that much mana into the movement, so it will be
much faster...

“Abandon that bastard! All of this is going to die.”


“You bastard… Whoops!”

One of the adventurers bitten by the wizard eventually collapsed.

When more than a dozen lightning bolts flew in, he could not stand it and fell

His colleagues who were hesitant when they saw it also changed their minds.

If you give him more time against a wizard that's like that, something really bad
could happen!

'I hope not to die today.'

'I hope no one else but me die.'


The adventurers sprinted like a ferocious wind. He didn't hide his appearance any
more, probably because he didn't have enough mana to use for the invisibility
artifact. It was a speed that could not be compared to before.

* * *

'shit. Did you hear it?'

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

Adventurers were afraid of Lee Han as an unknown archmage, but in fact, Lee Han's
situation was not very good.

The Black Turtle Tower students collapsed with rebounds.

It was covered with various barriers, illusions, and skeleton warriors, but if
adventurers came close, they could become hostages.

'I thought the bluff worked...'

As I mistook Lee Han for a fifth-grade student, I thought that if I bluffed a

little more, the other person would get scared.

Because it was Lee Han who had an advantage in taking the time.

However, the opponent suddenly gave up hesitation and started to run away like

Looking at their immediate movements, they were not weaker than Lee Han when they
faced each other with a sword.

“Skeleton warriors, move! Gonadaltes. good!"

Lee Han wasn't scared or embarrassed.

The important thing now is to do your best.


The Skeleton Warrior, Gonadaltes, ran among the other Skeleton Warriors and raised
a bone spear.

Then the other skeleton warriors also raised their bone spears at once.



The foot of the adventurer who came closest stopped instinctively.

The powerful wizard's undead summons began to move, but there weren't many people
who could give up their defense and rush in with all their might.

'shit. How strong are you? It's not supposed to be immune to physical attacks,

Barriers, illusions, urgency.

The seemingly insignificant skeleton warrior was felt to the adventurer as a

powerful undead summons.
And Lee Han aimed precisely at that gap.

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”


The adventurer instinctively activated the shield artifact and strengthened the
magical power around his body, but he immediately realized that he had made a

This wasn't going to be blocked.

Should have avoided it!

The power of the lightning was so strong that the shield artifact was torn and the
body burned as it was. The adventurer couldn't even scream and lay down.



Lee Han disassembled one of the Skeleton Warriors and then started firing at
random pieces of bone.

The movement of the other adventurers who was approaching the wildly fired bone
bullets became dull.

“Cloak. swallow me I hide at night!”

At the same time, Lee Han chanted a small spell and cast Invisibility. Because the
fantasy magic remained, the adventurers did not notice it for a moment.

“Gather, condense and explode!”


As the magic explosion spell exploded at close range, another adventurer soared
into the air.

It was difficult for Geliak to figure out how many of his companions were now

All I could think about was that I got it wrong today.

To meet such a battle wizard.

I've seen battle wizards who are more experienced than their opponents, and I've
seen battle wizards who use magic higher than their opponents, but this was the
first time I've seen a battle wizard like this.

'But I won't just die.'

Geliak took a potion from his pocket and drank it. Then the sensations and magical
powers of his whole body began to be amplified like crazy.

The side effects were enormous, <Sambir Berserker's Potion>, but the effect was
Geliak had a clear sense of where the invisible wizard was.

Even if they deceived their sight, deceived their hearing, and deceived their
sense of smell, they could not deceive even the minute traces of sand.

The amplified magic began to condense on the sword. It was an auror, a crystal of
magical power that even splits the magic of wizards.

The moment he saw it, Lee Han realized that things had gone awry.

The opponent was staring at this side with bloodshot eyes.

Lee Han hastily pulled out the morning star and raised his magical powers. But it
was after the opponent had already reached first.


My instincts exploded when I faced the danger of life in front of me. Ihan's sword
accelerated once and collided with Geliak.


The clash of magic and magic.

The sword made of black magnets absorbed Geliak's magic, but Geliak, who had
already half-savored it, didn't care.


crash again.

Lee Han felt his hands ripped and blood was coming out. It was tremendous power.

'More horsepower must be raised!'

No matter how famous the Dawn Star was, it was not more important than Lee Han's

Lee Han raised his magic again. Unfortunately, Lee Han could not show such a high
level of skill as his opponent.

To counter the sharply refined crystals of opponent's magic, he had no choice but
to push with an ignorant amount.


The surroundings were shaken by the collision of magical powers on a different

level than before, and some of the pets disappeared.

Due to the clash of magical powers, the surroundings became unstable.

The aftermath also affected invisibility magic.

In an instant, Lee Han's face was revealed.

Geliak muttered in a stupid voice that didn't match the situation.

“You’re not in fifth grade…? Whoops.”

Suddenly Geliak dropped his sword and grabbed his neck.

Seeing this, Lee Han sighed in relief.


Headmaster Skeleton flew swiftly from far away, exploding blue eyes without saying
a word.

Geliak fumbled and turned the ring's lid open. And then poured it into his mouth.

It was a poison for suicide just in case.

'What the hell...?'

Lee Han was astonished at the sight of Geliak, who had stopped breathing.

The person who just ran rampant chooses to commit suicide by looking at the skull
principal's face.

Where are you running away from?

Principal Skeleton said coldly.

At that moment, Geliak, who was clearly out of breath, raised his head and stood

Geliak blinked as if it was hard to believe he was alive.

“Uh, what…?”

This is my sanctuary. Death is not permitted without the permission of the lord.
trash guy.

Lee Han was even more startled than before.

It is a natural providence that when a person dies, the soul must be dispersed
from the body, but the land of this magic school rejected that providence.

To hold the soul from leaving the body.

I couldn't even guess what level of magic it was.

"principal. This..."

Ask the magic question later.

"no. It's not a magic question, it seems they have allies. I said earlier that I
had to meet the guide.”

Geliak looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

Did you hear that in that situation?

The Skeleton Principal immediately gave the order.

An intruder came in. Stop the students from going out and find the rats.

-Yes. Okay.
Lee Han made a surprised expression. Principal Skeleton was puzzled.


“No… I may have heard it wrong, but you believed in me so much…”

Did you get hit in the head while fighting? Of course you should listen. Did you
think that I would be suspicious of a first-year horse?

“You are right.”

“…what did you just say…”

I didn't tell you to open your mouth.

Headmaster Skeleton swallowed Geliak as it was. Geliak couldn't even scream and


"Sal... save me..."

Who said you were going to kill me?

The other resurrected adventurers shouted urgently, but the skeleton principal
swallowed them.

I would have been less afraid if I had told him to kill me.

"...Thank you. Sharkan.”

Lee Han turned his gaze and thanked Sharkan.

In fact, it was Sharkan who made the biggest contribution in this fight.

As soon as the fight started, he received Lee Han's orders and summoned the
Skeleton Principal.

If Sharkan had been a little later, Lee Han could have been in danger.

- Kreung.

“Gonadaltes, you also suffered a lot.”


The skeleton warrior bowed his head in embarrassment.


Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han with the eyes of a madman.

Whose family name was given to whom now?

'What kind of guy...'

Principal Skeleton was about to hit the back of the head.

Considering the achievements I made this time, it was not enough to give me any

No one would believe if a first-year student stopped the adventurers belonging to

<Maple Tree Snake>.

His Majesty the Emperor was also 'Gonadaltes. No matter how much you want to
receive a subsidy, it's just a lie.

I did that, but I was able to overcome such a trivial rebellion.

"not. Gonadaltes. Thanks to you for taking the time…”


Do you really want to hit one?

* * *

- There was an intruder from outside. Students should refrain from going out
outside of the designated hours. Let me say it again. from outside...

After a brief health check, Lee Han-eun returned to the tower and witnessed
firsthand how security works when an outsider breaks into the school.

'So far, you've really released it.'

Lee Han looked down the window.

One of the Blue Dragon Tower students who just couldn't grasp the atmosphere and
left the break room door was immediately moved.

It seemed likely that he went to the basement of the punishment room.

-The intruder would be better off leaving now. As time goes on, the length of time
your soul suffers will increase as well. Let me warn you again. The intruder right

The undead were thoroughly deployed throughout the school grounds, giving a bloody

I don't know where the first intruder was, but it was highly likely that he wanted
to die by now.

'no. I can't even die prematurely.'

If they were found dead, they were forcibly resurrected and tortured.

iron heads. stand in line


Guynando, who was standing at the window, was startled when the skeleton principal
suddenly appeared, and threw a tin cup of hot cocoa out of the window.

Principal Skeleton casually took the tin and sip the cocoa.

There was an intruder from outside, so we should be careful.


A flash of light came out along with the horse. Gainando tilted his head.

“What magic?”

It's a kind of sensing magic. When your ironheads meet an enemy, I will know.


thank you was

“No, it’s not, I have my personal freedom, but it’s too intrusive… Eupeup.”

The Skeleton Principal closed Gainando's mouth and left a mark on the other

If you come across an intruder or a walker, you'll notice it right away.

That's it.

"uh. principal?"

Ian was perplexed.

All my friends walked me through, but Principal Skeleton was only trying to get
over Lee Han.


'Does that mean you have to deal with it yourself just because you fought well?'

Ah... you.

“You may accidentally forget it. Are you running out of construction?”

It's not that I forgot, you don't get sick because of your constitution.


Lee Han was at a loss for words.

Because he has a lot of magical power, he would be playing alone in a situation

like this.

you take this

The skeleton principal threw a copper ring at Lee Han.

If you do, throw the ring right away.

“Uh… But wouldn’t there be no time for that if the other person was a surprise

If you look at your skills, you will definitely be able to earn time to throw the
ring. trust you

Lee Han looked down at his anger and endured it, thinking that Principal Skeleton
had saved him.

* * *

"..Thank you. Wodanaz.”

Salko said in a sincere voice.

The Black Turtle Tower students were lying in the healing ward.

Unlike Lee Han, who was fine despite the upheaval, the Black Turtle Tower students
who suffered from <Magic Crushing Storm> needed recovery.

"If it weren't for you..."

"done. Salco. Get your health back.”

Saying so, Lee Han put beef porridge in the bowl.

Salco paused as he thanked him. The other Black Turtle Tower students also paused.

For a moment, I thought, 'Is it okay to cook like this in the sacred healing

“Oh, thank you. Delicious.”

When Salko thanked him first, Ymirg hesitated.

It seemed a bit disrespectful to say that it was equally delicious.

“The liver and the liver are properly seasoned, and they are soft and delicious.”

"okay? Good job.”

Then the next black turtle top student got into trouble.

'What do we do?'

“Rice... Each grain of rice is shiny... Uh... The beef is chewy as if it had just
been caught...”

“Don’t say nonsense. It’s canned beef.”

Lee Han beat the black turtle top student who was trembling and stood up from his

'...By the way, this situation is not because of me, is it?'

Come to think of it, if it wasn't for Lee Han, the students of the Black Turtle
Tower would not have had to go to that area.

If I hadn't gone there because I had a strong force...

...Is it really me?


"It is nothing. Salco. Eat one more bowl.”

"No... I'm full... Ummm. i get it."

“Did student Lee Han come first?”

With the sound of the door opening, Professor Garcia came with a fruit basket.

“I brought it because I thought my mouth would be boring if I lay down…”

“You are also a professor.”

Ian was slightly moved.

How many professors take care of lying students?

It was also Professor Garcia.

“Everyone is in good shape. I have some porridge left, let’s have some more.”

“We already ate enough...”

“Even if you don’t have an appetite, you can recover quickly if you eat well.
Another friend came and did it yourself, right?”


The Black Turtle Tower students couldn't resist, so they picked up the bowl again.

...I'm full!

"ah. I'll have to cut the fruit too."

“Wow… Wodanaj…”

Did we do anything wrong with you?

* * *

Lee Han left the healing room with Professor Garcia.

As he came out of the hallway, the Death Knight nodded as he walked.

-hello. professor.

“Hello Death Knight.”

'It's a surreal sight.'

When Lee Han saw Professor Garcia greeting him without any embarrassment, he
noticed that the professor was familiar with this kind of situation.

“Are there a lot of intruders in your school?”

“Isn’t it a little bit? About three or four times a year? Usually they come in and
get caught, but in this case, I was a bit unlucky.”

The history of Einrogard is longer than the history of the Skeleton Principal, and
even if it goes back to ancient times, it was a holy land for wizards whose end
could not be seen.

The mysteries piled up one after the other could not be counted, even by any
outstanding archmage.

“You tend to know almost all of the external intrusion passages, but this is
because the roads of the magic school are half alive, so the boundary magic often
breaks. Sometimes a new road opens up.”

“Even so, I would like to introduce Yongke again.”

“Most people come in without knowing it. Blinded by gold coins. That's stupid. One
mistake will cost you the rest of your life.”

'I don't understand.'

No matter how threatening rumors abound, a single robbery can turn your life
around, and it's even weirder if no one comes in.

Is there a saying that 'life is one room' for nothing?

“It looks like this intruder was quite talented... I think it's over. If the
principal makes up his mind and raises the alert, in fact, he can’t move around.”

Ihan nodded his head.

The weekend was over and a new week had begun, but the Undead did not tire and
tightened the school.

Looking at it, I had no idea that an intruder could roam around.

If the intrusion is not detected, there is a good chance of escaping.

“Then is the intruder hiding?”

“Perhaps it is? As well as the main building, there are surprisingly many places
to hide within the magic school. I can't figure out all of those places... Of
course, I won't be able to hide there for the rest of my life, so maybe someday
I'll come out. So, it's okay to focus on your studies without worrying about Lee
Han. I wanted to focus on magic, but it bothered me, right?”

“Oh, no.”

Even though Lee Han was a thorough student, he didn't have crazy thoughts like,
'Oh, I want to study magic, but I'm annoyed by intruders'.

'Sometimes Professor Garcia is more frightening.'

"Oh yeah. I need to stop by the office for a while before entering the classroom.
Please go first.”

"All right."

Before leaving, Professor Garcia praised Lee Han's performance once more over the
weekend and moved on.

Left alone, Lee Han headed to the classroom to attend the first lecture on Monday.
-You're that Wodanaj.

"...ah. Yes."

- You're amazing!


- How did you subdue it?

-Your master praised you.

- Can we talk for a moment? I wonder how you fought?

-I heard that you are dealing with black magic, so maybe someday you will become a
Death Knight like me. What do you think?

“…not that Wodanaj!”

I thought it would be more annoying than usual if Death Knights were wandering
around the hallways.

...but never in this direction.

'What are you so talkative about?!'

-Wait a minute! Stories...

- It's the Wodanaj family, isn't it? A first-year student with a lot of ignorant


Lee Han ran while cursing the skeleton principal.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of me.


“Wordanaz! In such an embarrassing situation, you are teaching from Monday. Isn’t
Professor Garcia too much?”


Lee Han hardened his expression and approached Gainando.

And he flew his fists like lightning.



Without giving a break, Lee Han exploded his magical powers and threw his fists.
Guynando fell and was beaten.

“Sleep, wait! for a moment! why!"

Instead of answering, Lee Han took the ring and threw it right away.


Then the skeleton principal appeared from the air.

You intruder, you've lasted a long time! I was thinking how many pieces to split
your soul into... no... what are you doing?

The fake Gainando creaked and shouted.

His voice was full of water from the sudden hit.

"principal. Please get rid of this student.”

...what if someone who teaches transformation magic gets caught?

“No face...”


Lee Han's expression, grasping the situation, hardened like a lump of lead.

I thought it was an intruder disguised as a fake Guynando, but it turned out to be

a professor.

"professor. sorry. I have sinned to death!”

What the hell... The guy caught by the student is a bum.

"no! I'm really sorry!"

Lee Han apologized in a more respectful manner than the attitude he had shown to
all the professors so far.

It was as if his forehead was touching the floor.

The only way to turn this situation around was an apple with a soul.

“Oh, no. are you okay. it's okay."

You seem to be more polite than when you treated me...?

Principal Skeleton murmured as if something was dissatisfied.


Lee Han apologized again.

"I'm really sorry. professor. Because I was actually attacked by intruders last

done. Because I don't have to apologize. You too, stop fooling around and change

The fake Gainando got up from his seat and changed his appearance in an instant.

The most sculptural person Lee Han had ever seen appeared.
'Where did you see... Ah.'

Ian realized.

That was the appearance of the skeleton principal while he was alive.

you. Do you want to be beaten by me too?

“In the name of Go (孤), I would like to express my regrets. Gonadaltes.”

The professor apologized and changed shape again.

This time it was a middle-aged parrot beast male.

Ummm... Isn't it very similar to last year?


It lacks a bit of fresh taste.

The professor's face changed again.

It was a young chameleon beast woman.

"How is it?"

Did you do it last year?

“I don’t think overlapping is such a big problem… it’s okay to overlap…”

The professor mumbled and tried a few more transformations.

- Not bad.

-Aren't you creative?

-Why is it that the 1st year cast iron head is also developing?

Of course, the reaction was not good.

“ about this one?”

The professor has turned into a skeleton warrior this time. Then the Skeleton
Principal was amazed.

That's great!

“Heh heh. thank you."


What do you think?

Lee Han quickly thought about what would be the most appropriate reaction in this

“You are really great. All the students will focus on the lecture.”

guy. Your eyes are as good as your magic skills.

* * *

The professor in charge of the transformation magic, Professor Yonlamor Rj, was
surprisingly a doppelganger.

Lee Han was surprised to see the doppelganger, one of the rarest among the

'There are really all kinds of people. This school!'

I wondered if there was any other expert like a doppelganger to teach

transformation magic.

They are born to transform with racial characteristics...

But how did he find out that Professor Rigi was disguised?

“Uh… Guynando doesn’t call me Wodanaj.”

“Heh heh. That was the problem.”

Seeing the skeleton warrior complaining with a cunning voice, Principal Skeleton
and Lee Han stopped. change it?

Who taught you very well.

“Are you always praising Professor Bagreg?”

Professor Rigi said indifferently.

The Skeleton Principal summoned a bone, grabbed Professor Rigi's ankle, and
knocked it down.


I don't want to go Although Professor Ruji made some stupid mistakes, he is a

master at transforming magic. learn well


By the way, were you learning alchemy? Conversion magic is a type of magic that
has a very deep connection with alchemy. Learning will help.

“I will keep your advice in mind.”

After the skeleton principal disappeared, Lee Han paused.


Somehow, it felt like learning transformation magic was confirmed.


“Heh heh. I wish you well. Wardanaj County. I have high expectations for my
Professor Ruji put his arm around his shoulder and showed his friendliness.

Lee Han hesitated and looked at Professor Ruji. At that moment, his nose bone
dropped and fell off.

“Ah. The part I hit earlier…”


“Hehehe. no. no. It's the guy who got it that's wrong. The principal is right.”

Professor Rigi hit the fallen bones and hit them.

Seeing this, Lee Han couldn't help but open his mouth.

How can you say 'I don't know how to learn transformation magic' in front of a
professor who blows his nose?

* * *

"professor. Where did you go to be beaten?”

“Hehehe. I fell.”

“But why… a Skeleton Warrior? It's definitely what you're going to do this

“Heh heh. This is better.”

'I don't think so.'

Professor Garcia looked at Professor Rigi with bewilderment as she entered the

As a doppelganger, it was customary throughout the year to appear in various

forms, but a skeleton warrior didn't seem like a good choice.


Aren't students wondering, 'Why is that professor like that?'

'But it's the professor's choice... Let's respect it.'

Professor Garcia respected Professor Rigi's taste.

If Professor Ruji wants to wander around as a Skeleton Warrior this year, it's
Professor Ruji's freedom.

"ruler. Professor Rigi is here today to teach you what transformation magic is.
Professor Rigi is a natural transformation wizard.”

Before Garcia finished speaking, Professor Rigi changed four times.

As Professor Garcia, as Professor Boladi (Lee Han almost fell backwards), as

Professor Alpen, as Professor Lightning Step.

At the sight of it, there was excitement.

The eyes of all the students, who had just been embarrassed, changed.
“Transformation magic… is the magic of understanding the mysteries of matter and
of understanding the truth contained within that matter. Great alchemists are good
at transmutation magic, and good transmutation wizards are good at alchemy.
Students who are taking alchemy are recommended to listen to transformation magic.
oh Student Han Lee… you don’t have to.”

Han-eun Lee resented Professor Garcia.

How can you say no when Professor Ruji is watching you and saying that?

"no. professor."

“Are you really okay?”

“'s really good.”

Gainando, who was next to him, tilted his head.

“I don’t think it’s okay…”

Professor Garcia continued the explanation.

Fortunately for Lee Han, transformation magic was useful in many ways.

Being able to change matter meant a lot to the wizard.

How can you somehow substitute cheap ingredients without getting expensive
ingredients yourself?

For wizards, it was a revolution itself.

“Can’t we just buy gold coins?”

"I know...?"

Seeing the Blue Dragon Tower friends talking nonsense, Lee Han's heart ached.

You don't know how great it is now.

Lee Han shook his head and met Yoner's eyes.

Yoner was also shaking his head.


The two awake students nodded as if they understood each other.

“ well as transforming the wizard himself and transforming the environment
around him. When I decorate my studio, I also get help from Professor Ruji.”

Guynando yawned loosely.

Professor Ruji saw this and swung his wand. With a flash of light, Gainando turned
into a white rat.

Squeak slap slap!

“Oh… oh oh oh!”
“Me, that!”

The students' eyes began to shine again.

Although they were students who had high values such as honor, study, inquiry, and
truth, sometimes they had a desire to transform their neighbor into a mouse.

“Professor Rigi...!”

Professor Garcia growled lowly.

It was a lively sound that made the prey's throat freeze.

Professor Rigi hurriedly swung his wand again.

“Hehehe. You were kidding me. joke. right? Are you fine?"

-Yes! it's okay!

“It’s okay!”

Guynando was startled to see Professor Ruji mimicking his own voice.


“You are a great professor.”

“I want to learn that magic.”

“You savages! Does it make sense to think like that now!”

Guynando was angry with his friends, but everyone was already half way over.

* * *

"shit. I was deceived.”

“I was expecting it.”

“I told you!”

Guynando beat the grumbling students.

The students, who wanted to learn the magic of turning a friend into a mouse,
swung their wands in disappointment.

Of course, it was not a circle with low magic to turn a friend into a mouse.

In fact, it was a magic that could only be learned in high school.

'I like this more.'

Lee Han swung his wand to practice the <Ingredient Detection> magic taught by
Professor Ruji today.

What's the benefit of turning a friend into a mouse?

On the other hand, being able to explore the composition of a substance with a
single wand was quite beneficial.

“👑👑. Transforming matter means understanding the depths of that matter. Do you
know, everyone?”

"Yes. professor."

Lee Han answered the skeleton warrior's cunning voice seriously.

The voice was not used to me, but the meaning contained in it was quite important.

Changing the properties or changing the shape of a substance may seem simple on
the outside, but it requires a deep understanding inside.

It seems that summoning magic throws a reagent and summons it comfortably, but it
requires a lot of preparation after that, so was transformation magic.

"professor. I figured it out.”

“I figured it out.”

“I figured it out.”

Students who found out the proportions of the iron sticks came out with their
hands up.

'They are all familiar faces.'

I think the students who took alchemy got good grades because they fit their

Professor Rigi applauded with his bony palms as if welcomed.

“Heh heh. Everyone is great. Then let’s do one more simple magic.”

The cloak flapped and sank gently on the desk. The professor tapped the desk with
his hand.

“This cloak is made of sheep's hair. It’s soft and fluffy.”

The cane was swung In an instant, the cloak turned into a solid lump of iron.



The eyes of the students gathered near the desks gleamed.

All of them were students who were seriously interested in alchemy and
transformation magic, so they showed more enthusiasm for such magic than the magic
to turn a friend into a mouse.

It was a simple magic, but this magic showed many possibilities.

What if it was changed to a material other than iron?

Or some other form? Or what if we go deeper and change the nature of wool itself?

'It saddens me that transformation magic can't make money.'

Lee Han had other thoughts on his own.

There were many countermeasures because the magic was too well known. It was
virtually impossible to get rich by making fake silver or gold.

“Heh heh heh. Everyone is so enthusiastic. Then let's practice. One piece of
advice: it's better to understand the nature of wool rather than blindly casting a
spell in the first place.”

The students practiced in many ways, as advised by the professor, by touching,

smelling, and detecting ingredients in their cloaks.

The princess swung around and swung her staff. The texture of her cloak changed to
hard metal and then loosened.

“Looks like the duration… is too short.”

“Transformation magic is what it is. student. If you think about enchantment, it

will make sense.”

Professor Skeleton kindly explained.

As it is a type of magic that changes the shape by infusing the magical energy
woven into the material at the will of the wizard, it was difficult for the magic
to last long.

“Duration doesn't have to be obsessive. As long as you learn how to hang it

properly, it will increase little by little. The important thing is to realize the
desired material with precise control...”

Professor Ruji finished his explanation and looked around.

Some students were still figuring out the ingredients, and there were students who
challenged the <Steel Cloak Conversion> magic.

"What do you think? Is it like steel?”

"Ummm... I think it's a bit lacking in strength."

“Let’s swing it one more time.”

Yonner cast transformation magic with a cloak in one hand and a staff in the

Then he slammed it hard towards the cloak that Lee Han was holding.


“It looks better than before.”

"great. I'll try again. Wait a minute. Drink some potion.”

"okay. Take it slow.”

At the warm-hearted appearance of helping each other and practicing magic,

Professor Ruji clenched his skull and was delighted.

Then, suddenly, I noticed something strange.

I hit the cloak, but why is it making that sound?


"for a moment. What is it?”


“Is that a cloak?”

"ah. converted.”

Ian answered casually. Like other students, Lee Han succeeded in <Steel Cloak

Of course, the results were a little different from other students.


“I think it’s been a few minutes…”

“…don’t you notice anything strange?”

Professor Yonramor Rji asked absurdly.

Then, Lee Han replied with a smile as if it wasn't a big deal.

"professor. The duration of the enchantment was also long.”

"Right. Because of the amount of magic power Lee Han has, the magic duration is

Yoner also smiled and helped out as if it wasn't a big deal.

Professor Yonramo was perplexed.

...the reaction was so peaceful.

'Am I the only one surprised? Am I the only one surprised?'

Both enchantment and transformation magic belonged to the short-lived axis.

However, if we had to compare it, the transformation enchantment was much shorter
than the enchantment enchantment.

To change the nature by casting magic on the substance, and to change the nature
by applying magic to the substance itself.

The latter consumes more mana and has no choice but to have a shorter duration.

It was the first time I cast transformation magic, and keeping it for more than a
few minutes was a talent that this school would admire, but...

“Wordanaz. May I try some tests?”

“Do it.”
"great. Hold on tight.”

“You know what would happen if I accidentally missed it, right?”

"...well, saying that makes you nervous all of a sudden."

The other students didn't seem too surprised.

He was even testing Lee Han's cloak to see if his cloak was enchanted or not.

Professor Yonramo looked at the princess and asked.

“What do you think about the magic of the Wodanaj students?”

“It doesn’t really matter. Is this action correct?”

"I'm afraid it'd be better counter-clockwise rather than clockwise... really

doesn't it?"


The princess looked at the professor like a strange person.

Professor Yonramo had to feel like he was the only strange person in the moment.

In a country of fools, a normal person is a fool.

“Professor Garcia... Where have you been, Professor Garcia?”

“Professor Garcia went out for a while saying he would bring me a cloak that is
good for practicing magic. professor."

Lee Han spoke very politely.

As much as I had blown off the professor's nose before, I wanted to get points
from the professor.

Of course, Lee Han's good intentions felt a little different to Professor Yon

“That… I see… Thank you.”

Professor Yonramo slowly spread the distance.

There was no wrong word in the old saying.

oily species.

How to get close to each other in the same group.

Come to think of it, the people who are close to Lee Han...

They were like Principal Skeleton or Professor Voladi.

Of course, from Lee Han's point of view, 'What kind of nonsensical black
propaganda is that? They meet after listening to a lecture, so why are they in the
same group?'
Being close to geeks like Head Skeleton and Professor Voladi was also something to
be wary of, but what I just showed you became a wedge.

You have such a crazy talent, but are you humble and polite?

There was only one answer.

great ambition!

The position of Einrogard's principal was unexplained if he had no ambition to

take lightly.

Think about it.

Talented but arrogant geniuses had little to fear. These guys were the same on the
outside and inside.

But if you're talented, humble, and a genius who makes friends with the Skeleton
Principal and all the professors at the other magic schools...

At that point, it could be seen as an ambition in itself to walk.

Of course, this wasn't a bad thing.

There was nothing wrong with dreaming of ambitious goals when I was young.

The problem is that Professor Yonramo, whose credo is 'thin and long', is a little
burdensome for his disciple!

We became close friends and then asked things like ‘Professor, please support me
at the meeting so that I can become a magic school assistant’ ‘Professor, please
support me at the meeting so that I can become a magic school professor’
‘Professor, I want to become the head of the magic school, please help the
rebellion’ If you get any...

'Just thinking about it makes my stomach tingle.'

Professor Yonramo vowed not to get too close with that ambitious student.

...If you keep your distance for nothing, you can get a grudge, so be careful with

* * *

“Don’t you think the professor is avoiding me?”

“Is that so?”

“Isn’t it your fault?”

Friends were puzzled by Lee Han's words.

“You must have done well. Senior Year!”

"right. You do that by admiring it.”


Even with such comfort, Lee Han felt uncomfortable.

'Is this because of my punching?'

It was quite possible.

Because no professor likes a student who smashed his nose.

“Then Wodanaj. See you next."

-okay. Wodanaz. See you next.


Lee Han pretended not to hear the friendly greeting from the Death Knight standing
next to the hallway and waved to his friends.

'Well. I prided myself on having a lot of experience... This situation is


I thought I was prepared for all the situations I faced as a disciple who was
training under a professor, but this situation was difficult for Lee Han as well.

How to get to know the professor who broke the nose bone again?


Professor Voladi shook his head slightly and pointed forward. He signaled him to
sit down quickly.

Seeing this, Lee Han suddenly felt embarrassed.

'I'm also friendly with a professor who wants to smash my nose bone.'

So, can't the professor even forgive the disciple for smashing his nose?

“Did you fight <Snake of Maple Tree>?”


“You were lucky.”

Despite Professor Voladi's words, Lee Han did not deny it.

It was definitely a fight with luck.

It was impossible to know what would have happened if the opponent had attacked
with all their might from the beginning without any strange misunderstandings or

“I was lucky enough to make it through.”

'for a moment. Maybe it wasn't that I was lucky to have met you?'

“What did you feel?”

Lee Han reflexively answered the professor's question.

“The adventurers who have gone through everything before birth are strong. Aside
from combat power, even a battle mage felt the need to be prepared for situations
like that.”

<Snake of Maple Tree> Adventurers simply knew how to wield their swords well and
spit out Aurors, so they weren't strong enough.

When you meet a wizard, the wizard's weakness.

When you meet a hunter, the hunter's weakness.

Adventurers who have been through all kinds of situations are carrying out various
means just in case.

Right now, Lee Han was also lucky enough to withstand the opponent's attack. If it
was just ordinary magic, he should have collapsed when the scroll first exploded.

“You got it right.”

Professor Voladi said with a faint sense of satisfaction.

Seeing that scene, Lee Han felt sorry for him.

'shit. You're happy.'

Now that I think about it, it is highly likely that Lee Han's words now sounded
like, 'Professor Voladi, I always thought that your teaching policy was always
right. Please continue to teach like this!'

'Professor Voladi should break the nose bone...'

“Magicians easily get arrogant because of magic. But do not forget. On the
battlefield, enemies target the wizard first.”

"Yes. I felt it this time. I'm glad the professor taught me well. Thanks to you, I
was able to survive.”


Lee Han was taken aback when Professor Voladi suddenly became speechless.

'Is your father-in-law too blatant? Did you read that we're going to have an easy
lecture today?'

I thought this was going to be okay, but you got caught.

As he was hanging out with students in the same grade, his flattering skills
seemed rusty.


Lee Han raised his head in surprise.

Professor Voladi was smiling.

I've seen that faint smile a few times, but it's the first time I've smiled like

He was such a cold-hearted person, so it felt more like a crazy wizard's murder
warning than a smile...
Anyway, a smile is a smile.

'...Is it through?'

“I'm glad you said that. Let’s start the lecture.”

Professor Voladi swung his staff along with the horse.

Then, all of a sudden, spears of flame that I had never seen in the air poured


“You opened it wrong. I'm not going to take it out now."

Professor Voladi put the flame spears back into their original space pockets.

Of course, it was already scary enough for Lee Han.

'Didn't I just say I'm not going to take it out now?'

So when is it coming out?

“Don’t apologize. I made a mistake with satisfaction.”


Lee Han vowed never to flatter Professor Boladi again.

I didn't know if I would take Lee Han to the demon realm with pride if I flattered
him twice.

* * *

To organically link the various schools of magic to respond perfectly to any

possible situation.

...I wondered what kind of bullshit this was, but in any case, it was the state
that Professor Voladi suggested (forcibly) as Lee Han's goal.

As such, today's lecture was about transformation magic.

“When an unexpected attack comes in, transformation magic is one of the schools
that can respond flexibly along with enchantment magic. The difference is that
enchantment magic takes time to cast, so it is often prepared in advance.
Transformation magic is the opposite. That requires agility.”

Lee Han asked, taking notes with a quill.

“Do you know Professor Yonramor Rigi?”


“Do you know what you like?”


“Then, do you know anyone who is relatively close to Professor Yonramor Rji?”

Professor Voladi thought for a moment after answering.

and opened his mouth.

“I don’t know if the principal is friendly.”

'Well. I was wrong for asking this person.'

After hearing Professor Boladi's crazy answer, Lee Han came to his senses as if he
had poured cold water on him.

He was someone I should never have asked.

“Did you learn <Steel Cloak Transformation> or <Steel Scarf Transformation>?”

“You learned <Steel Cloak Transformation> first.”

Professor Voladi nodded expressionlessly.

Students would learn <Steel Cloak Conversion> if progress was fast and <Steel
Scarf Conversion> if progress was slow.

Anyway, that wasn't the point...

“I’m perfectly accustomed to it. Moving on to the next.”

“No, how are you sure about that?”

Lee Han didn't make any sense, so he responded for a moment.

“Did you not finish it?”

“I learned everything, but…”

“Let’s move on to the next one. Cloak.”

Lee Han handed the cloak to Professor Voladi. Then Professor Voladi shook the
cloak and made it disappear.


“Don’t use transformation magic only with familiar objects.”

Another cloak I had never seen before flew from the air.

Professor Voladi began floating magic in the form of a sharp dagger in the air.

“…wasn’t it a marble?”

“Beads are ineffective against cloaks.”

"Looks effective... Turn it into steel, cloak!"

Lee Han answered, but was not vigilant.

Not surprisingly, the daggers started flying right away.

“Don’t avoid it, stop it.”

Lee Han did not respond to Professor Voladi's words.

In fact, it was close to not being able to afford an answer now.


'shit. What is this cloak made of?'

Transformation wizards were basically knowledgeable about the equipment and items
they carried.

It was only natural to be able to cast transformation magic quickly if you knew
each material.

However, Professor Voladi wanted to be able to use transformation magic with

intuition alone without such understanding.

The level of conscience was almost like a thief.

"Shield, unfold..."

Lee Han tried to buy time with a water shield. Professor Voladi immediately
removed the shield.

Lee Han tried to cheat with the invisibility cloak. Professor Voladi immediately
stopped the cast.

Lee Han tried to summon Skeleton Warriors. Professor Voladi's eyebrows rose
upwards. teach so versatile?

Don't block it with a cloak that tells you to stop...


However, the generous Professor Voladi did not blame the student's expediency.

A good educator is always generous.

It was the true educator who led the disciple to the right path even if he tried
to use a shortcut.


Lee Han was shocked to see Professor Voladi pulled out his sword and rushed at

Isn't that really too much?

* * *

“It’s pretty good.”

Lee Han stretched out on the floor of the classroom and did not answer. His whole
body ached from being beaten.
An excellent swordsman is not only good with swords, but also good at punching and

Professor Voladi blew a blow until Lee Han changed his cloak to steel.

Then, Lee Han succeeded in changing not only the cloak but also all the other
clothes into steel.

'I just didn't know, was violence really effective in education?'

Lee Han shook his head to shake off such nonsense.

“But it is still slow. I usually wear things made of steel.”

Transformation wizards had to be familiar with the items they wore, as well as the
substances they wanted to change.

If you are a wizard who wants to get used to steel like Lee Han, it would be good
to get used to all the elements such as color, texture, weight, and scent of steel.

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Don’t forget the floating ice shield training.”


"Advanced Attribute Conversion Diagram of Water Elements."


'Originally, you didn't talk this much.'

You talk a lot only when you give out assignments for your students.

Lee Han cussed inwardly and prepared an excuse.

A foolish disciple makes excuses for failing to do an assignment until the same
day, but a clever disciple builds up excuses from the first day he receives the

“But, Professor. There are a lot of lectures I'm taking right now, so it may take
some time. As you said, my goal is to organically link the various schools of magic
to respond perfectly to every possible situation.”

It wasn't because Lee Han wanted it, but there was nothing more appropriate as an
excuse than this.

Even a professor without blood or tears would have no choice but to say, 'Yes,
take it slow' when you see the list of lectures Lee Han is taking.

Professor Voladi nodded.

Lee Han sighed in relief.

'Somehow it worked.'

“There is a way.”

coming ominousness.

Wouldn't it be like 'don't sleep'?

“I asked Professor Verduss, and he said he was thinking of a trivial artifact as a

pre-final assignment.”


Einrogard's professors didn't usually give out assignments.

In the beginning, the professors' hobby was to give homework every week.

However, there were times when I was given more serious assignments than usual.

Such a task with a high level of difficulty and a large amount of work to be done.

That was the task before the finals.

For students, a task like an ominous hint that the final exam is coming.

'Is it already started?'

Ian was deep in thought.

If Professor Vible's pre-final assignment is to create simple artifacts...

'Fireworks would be nice.'

magic firecracker.

As much as it was made (forcibly) at the last festival, Lee Han was confident in
making it well.

No matter what level the professor wants, if you consider the level of illusion-
type enchantment magic you learned last time (forcibly), you will be able to pass

“Submit the floating shield for that assignment.”


Lee Han, who was thinking of eating it raw, stopped at Professor Boladi's words.


Professor Voladi said, 'Why do I have to explain such an obvious thing in detail?'

“Where is the stagnant part of the <Floating Ice Shield> magic now?”

“The shield is the part that protects the caster by itself.”

The <Floating Ice Shield> magic was difficult magic.

It was natural.

...because it was the 4th circle magic!

Even considering that it was a 4 circle magic, it was a magic that belonged to the
difficult axis.

The first barrier is to deal with the cold element that is difficult to maintain

The secondary barrier is to withstand the enormous consumption of magic required

while maintaining such an element in the form of a shield.

Finally, the third barrier is what gives this shield autonomy.

In fact, Lee Han, who had already broken through the first and second barriers and
left only the third barrier, was strange.

"okay. If we make a floating shield artifact, we can break through the stagnant


“Are you even tired? You miss out on something like that.”

Of course, Lee Han didn't say 'Aha' because he was really convinced.

It was absurd, so I said 'Aha'.

So now...

Do you dare to test your limits on a task that is easy enough?

'no. Don't you get the idea that I might fail?'

Whether or not Lee Han cursed inwardly, Professor Voladi said what he had to say.



Lee Han became more ominous.

Is this not the end?

“Professor Millais was thinking about signing a contract with otherworldly beings
as a pre-final assignment.”

"ah. That's right. I also made a contract with the Undead.”

There was an intruder over the weekend, and it was fuzzy, but seeing that
Professor Millais made a magic circle equipped with various safety devices, it was
not surprising that the contract came out as a pre-final assignment.

Ian was relieved.

Fortunately, one of the tasks had already been completed.

'You did a good job signing the Skeleton Warrior.'

"Right. Find the water spirit in the spirit world.”

Professor Boladi, who had signed a contract with the principal skeleton who Lee
Han had signed with the undead, did not care.

“It will be helpful in learning the advanced property transformation of water


"professor. In fact, the spirits tend to avoid me. Even if I ask you to sign a
contract, you will hate it.”

“To subdue and then to learn on condition of not contracting.”


* * *

Even the students, who weren't too scared to hear that an intruder had entered,
were terrified when the pre-final assignments started one by one.

“I mean, do we really have to come up with simple artifacts?”

“Is that so? Are you happy?”

“Hey, we have too many assignments right now?”

"yes? whatever?"

“So, Professor. There are a lot of assignments, but if more are added here…”

“Even if you have a lot of homework, won’t you sleep and eat? Are you going to
take a break in your spare time? Can you have fun then?”


“Nong, are you joking?”

Durgyu, who was next to him, whispered in a startled voice.

Lee Han shook his head with a bitter expression.

When he looked at Moradi, he had a shocked face and his mouth was slightly open.

Even for Moradi, who had a fairly strong mentality, the assignments before the
final were quite shocking.

“Ummm… Ummmm.”

“Turn it off.”

Among the students who listened to the enchantment, there were many students from
the White Tiger Tower.

And the White Tiger Top students basically did not like to sit for long in front
of their desks.

Occasionally some of the wizards said in the Imperial newspapers that 'I use
intuition and inspiration, not theory', to say, but that was close to
Just as it is not true when the senior grader says, 'I didn't study, I just
focused on lectures'.

However, the White Tiger Tower students still believed in intuition and


“Why... why do we have to do this, Moradi? Why are you doing this to us? What did
I do wrong?”

"I'm learning body-enhancing magic, not doing this little blacksmith job!"


Giselle looked at her, contemplating whether she should kill her friends or not.

Anyone who sees it now would know that he told me to go into the Blue Dragon Tower
and catch Wordanaj.

Gisele did something really simple.

-Each person has to make simple artifacts, so try drawing a simple design on

Then, the students of the White Tiger Tower rubbed their bodies and put their
foreheads on the desk in agony.

Lee Han saw that and was grateful.

'Thanks to those guys, my rank is going up.'

“Lee Han?”

"ah. sorry. Durgyu. How far did you say it?”

"Well. I want to enchant my shield with glow magic, what do you think of this

“Overall it’s fine, but there are a few areas where it’s inefficient. And here at
the edge the circuit is twisted. There is a possibility that the magic will not
work or it will break.”

“Wow, indeed.”

Durgyu looked at Lee Han with respectful eyes.

Of course, Lee Han was always a reliable friend, but as the exam drew closer, he
became more and more reassured.

In the face of a storm of assignments, where can you find such a reliable friend?

“Then… here…”

Durgyu, who was diligently revising the design according to the advice he had
heard from Lee Han, suddenly became curious and asked.

“By the way, Lee Han. What are you going to make and submit?”
"...a floating steel shield."

“Wealth, a floating steel shield?! Could it be a shield that autonomously protects

the wizard?”


“Awesome... Awesome!!!”

Durgyu was amazed.

And then I was puzzled.


The senior classmate's expression was rotting as if he had chewed on something.

“Is there something wrong, Lee Han?”

“No… nothing.”

A few students from the White Tiger Tower next to him heard the conversation and
looked at them in astonishment.

“Did you hear it? What artifacts does Wodanaj create?”

“What do you make? Bone Dragon?”

“Does that make sense? You made a floating shield!”

“Boo… a floating shield?!”

'Isn't this dragon more ridiculous?'

Even if the students of the White Tiger Tower lacked magic skills, they did not
lack the ability to see magic.

Even if they were from a knight family, no, rather, because they were from a
knight family, there were some magic that came into contact with them.

Enchantment magic or healing magic is inevitably more familiar to those from the
knights' family.

“It’s voluntary blocking, right?”

A shield that protects its master with its own will.

It was an artifact that every knight would dream of.

Naturally, the White Tiger Tower students knew how precious and expensive these
artifacts were.

“But… can I get one if I make it?”


“Wordanaz. Is there anything you need?”

The students of the White Tiger Tower slowly approached Lee Han.
That's how much I was craving it.

Floating shield artifact.

Lee Han clicked his tongue and said.

“I heard something strange from somewhere... and you heard it wrong.”

"ah. that, right?”

The White Tiger Tower students were embarrassed.

Come to think of it, it was a bit strange.

Giving autonomy to the shield was a magic of enormous difficulty.

No matter how much Wardanaj is, he's not a first-year student.

I couldn't do that.

“Where did you come from and spread such nonsense?”

"right. This child.”

“Jin, I really heard…”

While the White Tiger Top students scolded their friend for hearing it wrong, Lee
Han kindly explained.

"ruler. Look. What are artifacts?”


“…Wordanaz. It's not that they ignore us too much... It's an enchanted item..."

“Actually, it is a semi-permanent item.”

If enchantment was cast and disappeared after a few days, it was not an artifact.

No matter how good magic is, it can be called an artifact if it is maintained


As such, the Buyeo Wizards who specialize in creating artifacts put a lot of
effort into maintaining this semi-permanent condition.

Of course, this in itself was a field with tremendous difficulty, and it was
absolutely not an area that freshmen would touch.

“Do you understand?”

“Uh huh. But why is this suddenly explained…?”

“What I am trying to do is to give the shield temporary autonomy, not semi-

permanently. do you understand So, don't spread the strange rumors of making
floating shield artifacts."


The White Tiger Tower students, who tilted their heads as they listened to the
explanation, stopped.

...I mean, anyway, you're making a floating shield after all, right?!?!


“Anyway, the White Tiger Tower guys like fake rumors so much.”

"sorry. Lee Han.”

"done. It's not your fault, Durgyu."

At the conversation between Lee Han and Durgyu, the students of the White Tiger
Tower standing next to each other opened their mouths and felt injustice.



"No, it's right to make a floating shield..."

“It’s not permanent, it’s just making a simple artifact…”

"ah. Don't keep saying nonsense and go and do your own thing. Can't you see Moradi
is staring at you over there?"

Lee Han beat up his immature friends.

I didn't like Moradi, but basically, I had a sympathy with people like Lee Han and

The person who inevitably takes the lead when a group task situation arises!

If he listened well to his words like the Blue Dragon Tower students, the stress
was less, but if he didn't make a plan to make him look like the White Tiger Tower
students and spread fake rumors, he had no choice but to catch the back of his

“While making a floating shield…”

“We didn’t even expect anything permanent…”

The White Tiger Tower students mumbled and grumbled and went back to their seats.

“Lee Han. But… shouldn’t the duration be increased as well?”

Durgyu, who was revising the design, asked with hesitation.

Even if it wasn't to create semi-permanent artifacts, basically, these simple

artifacts included devices or magic circles that increase the duration of magic.

The duration of the enchantment magic cast by the individual wizard's power was
short, and various means had to be mobilized to compensate for this.

Otherwise, I made it at the best, but it turned into a piece of junk in less than
20 or 30 minutes.
"okay. When the design is complete, you will need to prepare it additionally. It
won't be that difficult. Luminous magic is enough... Magical amplification magic
circle and magic conservation magic circle would be enough. The required materials
are low-grade manastones, light spirit ink, and Dawning Powder...”

'How the hell do you just pop out?'

Durgyu opened his mouth just like the White Tiger Tower students did.

Lee Han didn't even try to make a luminous shield now.

Still, it popped right out as if memorized.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’m surprised that… it came out right away.”

“I was just lucky to know.”

It sounded humble, but Lee Han was sincere.

Because they were the materials I learned while making magic firecrackers forcibly
the other day.

But to Durgyu, who was unaware of such circumstances, it only seemed like

'It's really amazing.'

“Lee Han. You'll need it for your wealthy steel shield, so I'll get you plenty of

Durgyu said, pounding his chest.

I received so much help, but I couldn't help but reciprocate anything.


"not. It's nothing compared to what you helped, but…”

"no. Floating steel shield consumes a lot of mana, so it cannot be said before. We
have to find another way.”

Lee Han frowned and said so.

Seeing that, Durgyu was a little perplexed.

'I think I'm in a bad mood, maybe it's my mood?'

Perhaps it was the anguish of a genius or something like that.

Is there no reason for Lee Han to feel bad?

“But is there any way to get the ingredients?”

Ian asked curiously.

From what Durgyu said, it seemed that he had gathered quite a few ingredients.
Such resourcefulness to the students of the White Tiger Tower?

“It’s nothing. Wait a minute.”

Durgyu stood up from his seat and, after chatting with the other White Tiger Tower
students, approached Professor Vible Verdus.

“Professor Verdus. I need materials to craft a simple artifact, so please advise

where I can get it.”


Lee Han was at a loss for words.

'That's right. To the professor...'

Come to think of it, it wasn't terribly odd.

In fact, it was normal for students to ask the professor if there was something
they didn't know.

Einroguard is abnormal.

'I never even thought of asking the professor. Will Professor Verdus give you an

I was honestly curious.

Principal Skeleton would never have given me any advice, but Professor Verdus may
or may not...




Professor Verdus exceeded Lee Han's expectations.

The students were immersed in the artifacts they were creating while holding a
magnifying glass made of sapphire whether they sang or not.


“Uh, what should I do?”


Lee Han immediately swung his staff and created a huge sphere of light.

When a sphere of light with a different luminous intensity from the other students
flashed in front of him, Professor Verdus raised his head in amazement.

"what!? What's up!?"

"sorry. professor. I made a mistake.”

"okay? Then there is nothing you can do.”

All the other top students in the classroom looked at Lee Han like crazy.

No matter how much the professor ignores what he says, it's such a bold thing to

Giselle also looked at Lee Han like a madman.

'Isn't that kid really scared?'

With that or not, Professor Verdus bowed his head again, trying to focus.

Durgyu exclaimed as he regained his senses.


"What? why?"

“I have the materials I need to make a simple artifact.”

"uh? uh. okay."

Professor Verdus bowed his head again.



"sorry. professor. I made a mistake.”

"okay? Then there is nothing you can do.”

"professor! professor! professor!!!"

Durgyu exclaimed with a desperate heart that he couldn't miss the second chance
Lee Han had given him.

Professor Verdus asked angrily.

“Disrespectful! Why are you raising your voice so high?”

“Sin… I’m sorry…”

The White Tiger Tower students were amazing.

'Wordanaz exploded a mass of light in front of you...!?'

'What is the standard of rudeness?!'

"necessary! We have the ingredients!!”

No matter how good Durgyu was, his voice had a little power.

Professor Verdus finally understood and answered the question.

"okay. I thought it would, so I prepared it.”

"Yes? Is that really?”

Lee Han, who did not want to intervene, answered involuntarily.

It was unbelievable.

You didn't even tell me the location, but you prepared the ingredients?


Is it Professor Rigi, who has been transformed?

"okay. Really. What do you make without materials to create artifacts? Don't you
even know?"

"sorry. professor."

Lee Han was not at all agitated by those words.

Unlike the fledgling White Tiger Top students, that level of provocation for Lee
Han was like a breeze.

"Oh yeah. What are you going to make?”

“Still contemplating…”

“Lee Han is planning to build a floating steel shield. professor."

“A floating steel shield? Is it pretty good? I picked the fun stuff. It’s very

To Professor Verdus, who had no interest in first-year students, that level of

praise was close to praise.

Instead, Durgyu answered that he was proud of himself. The Regyu smiled at his


Of course, Lee Han's impression was distorted like the students in the White Tiger
Tower the day before the exam.

'shit. I was thinking of changing the subject using the professor.'

“So, Professor. Where can I get the ingredients?”

Lee Han asked to bring the necessary ingredients and to put some ingredients in
his pocket.

“What time is it now? The time has come to come.”


"ah. it seems you have come Let's go outside.”

* * *


When the students came out of Professor Verdus's tower, they were startled to see
the strangers in their wagons.
The strangers, like the students, were very awkward. Lee Han knew the reason right

'If someone is called from outside, shouldn't the Death Knights be cleaned up?'

The Death Knights were close to the carriage and throwing their gazes at them.

"I... wizard. This Death Knight... you heard... Why are you doing this...?”

One of the guests asked, wiping his sweat with a handkerchief.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't understand it.

Did they do anything wrong?

"uh? oh There's an intruder at the magic school right now, so it's a vigilant

“Oh no! What if you call us during such a period!?!”

"why? It's much safer."

-Do not forget that we are watching your merchants.

“'s done. Just do it quickly.”

The strangers in the wagon turned out to be merchants whom Professor Verdus had
called from outside.

Most of the outstanding enchanters were friendly with the merchants. Even people
like Professor Verdus did.

No matter how tough his personality is, how can he not love a wizard who creates
artifacts that cost the price of a castle?

“I will help.”

“Oh, no… it’s fine.”

When Lee Han came forward, the merchants did not know what to do.

No matter how much a student he is, he looks like he comes from a family of great

“What are you guys doing? Come quickly and help.”



“Uh… no… why…”

The white tiger tower students were dragged along while stuttering. Lee Han and
his friends unloaded their luggage from the cart.

'Stupid bastards.'

Lee Han was now trying to arouse the sympathy of the merchants.
From an objective point of view, the Einroguard students had a rather pitiful

A little more sympathy here would increase the chances of ripping anything out.

I shouldn't have been standing there idly without being so cheap. They had to be
sincere and polite boys and girls.

“It’s like that. Durgyu.”

“…go, beg… isn’t it?”

"what! Why is that begging?”

"eww. Yes..."

'I think the begging is right.'

Giselle, who was helping her, thought so to herself, but didn't say anything.

To be honest, it would have been nice to tear it apart from a practical point of

...but he couldn't get it out by himself because of his pride!

'What the hell, that bastard Wodanaj...'

“But what are these things?”

“Are these the ingredients the wizard asked you to bring?”



The students were impressed.

Still, Professor Verdus was a professor.

They even order materials from outside for the students.

This was enough for a professor who was in the top 5% of Einroguard.

'It's amazing. Isn't it really fake?'

With that thought in mind, Lee Han finished packing his belongings.

“It’s done.”

"Gosh. thank you Young wizards!”

The merchants thanked them again and again. White Tiger Tower students also stole
their noses.

“What do you have with this…”

“As a knight, it wasn’t too difficult.”

“It was also the duty of a knight to help good people. Wodanaj, you bastard… you
made a good point.”

"ruler. Then wizard. Please pay.”

The merchants politely extended their hands.

Professor Verdus suddenly asked for it, so I collected it in a hurry, but I had no
intention of getting more money with it.

Isn't he an important guest and a great wizard?

The cost alone is enough to bear it...

“I have no money?”


Lee Han could feel that the voices of the merchants had gone down one level.

“What do you mean? A joke… are you?”

“Isn’t that a joke? they'll pay It’s the stuff they use.”

“Ah… ah!”

The merchants were relieved.

That's what I meant!

After all, all Einroguard students would be rich enough to carry two or three gold
coin bags.

“Young wizards. Please pay.”



But the faces of the students were pale and tired.

At that sight, the merchants felt an ominous feeling. way?


“Why are you all like this? Are you sure you didn't have any money?"

One of the merchants, feeling anxious, jokingly said something to break the mood.


“I’m sorry… it’s school rules…”


When the students of the White Tiger Tower crawled in response, the merchants were
No, what kind of rule is that??

I've heard rumors of strict teaching, but this is...

“Hey, does that make sense? If you can't bring money to school... How do you go

'That's a very reasonable point.'

Ihan nodded his head.

“It doesn’t matter now, is it?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Such… um…”

As the merchants panicked, a student from the White Tiger Tower gave an opinion.

“Can’t I just pay it back while on vacation? In the name of the family…”

-Where in the sacred land of Einrogarde would you dare to attempt trauma? Do you
have no honor and no pride? Are you still a wizard?


The Death Knights who were next to him mercilessly lashed out at them.

The white tiger top student, who had said the wrong word and was suddenly accused
of being an unscrupulous person, collapsed.

“Ah… no. Death Knight. We are fine…”

- No! There's nothing good about raising a student. It is a law that must be
taught strictly. Doesn't it appear in old stories? Prodigal children think that the
family's wealth is theirs and blow it away.

“I don’t think my fortune will go away just by buying some ingredients…”

The merchants murmured, but the Death Knights pretended not to hear it and ignored

'No matter how you look at it, it looks like the skeleton principal sent it.'

Come to think of it, merchants were coming in from outside, but the skeleton
principal's personality could not easily allow it.

Perhaps this situation was anticipated and brought in.

Death Knights also banned trauma!

"Well. Can I just buy mine first?”

As the story seemed to be getting longer, Lee Han opened his mouth.

The merchants were astonished.

“Do you have money now?”

“How… no… it’s natural to be there… but thank you if you do!”

Still, the merchants were pleased with the fact that there was at least one
student with money.

"uh? If Wodanaj has money... can't we just borrow it from Wardanaj?"

-Where do you dare to trade money between friends in the sacred land of
Einrogarde? Aren't you afraid of breaking friendships? Are you still a wizard?

“Well… I was wrong.”

'Such an idiot.'

Lee Han looked at the white tiger top student and clicked his tongue.

If you're going to borrow it, you'll have to borrow it secretly where you don't
see Death Knights.

“Why are you standing like that?”

Professor Verdus approached the students puzzled as they stood still.

"...professor. We don't have money. You may have forgotten.”

“I will. It is forbidden to bring silver coins into the school.”

At Professor Verdus' words, the students became more and more suspicious.

Who the hell knows why?

Did you just want to see students get frustrated and suffer?

Considering the principal, it might be a pretty plausible hypothesis...

“Work hard. So did your seniors.”


“To work. Work. I don't know?"



Both the merchants and the students were puzzled by the unexpected method.

It wasn't completely nonsensical.

Because wizards were one of the most advanced manpower in the Empire.

A powerful wizard was expensive to call, so he couldn't even call him money.

Einroguard students, even in their first year, were much better than the gossips
around the market...

“Jeong, are you really okay?”

"it's okay. do anything.”


The students trembled at the end of their words as if they were moved by the
kindness of Professor Verdus who even answered them.

Professor Verdus was surprised to see Lee Han.

“Why do you have money?!”

'That's it.'

Other students, for the first time, sympathized with Professor Verdus.

"that is..."

“When I think about it, I don’t really care. you pay Create artifacts quickly. I
look forward to the floating steel shield.”

“Have those artifacts already?!”

The merchants next to him were startled, but Lee Han did not have the energy to
explain anymore.


“I will just pay you back with work.”

"Yes? Why is that...?”

The merchants were puzzled.

The Death Knights kindly explained.

- Friendship.

- Honorable friendship.



The merchants and other students admired it.

With that or not, Lee Han did the math.

'The material price is roughly...'

It was an unconditional advantage if I could hit it with work.

What are you wasting silver for?

'Why is this kid really trying to pay him back?'

Giselle looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

Of course, it's not because of friendship (Giselle wasn't as stupid as the Death
Knights), and there's no way the Wordanaj family would do that because they didn't
have enough money...


“Can I get a refund if I work more than the cost of materials?”



* * *

"What?! Merchants came to the school!?”

Guynando was lying on the sofa and then he jumped up.

“I am not the kind of merchant you think you are. Kainan too.”

"right. They only sold reagents necessary for magic.”

“You still have a snack, don’t you?”

“I didn’t. oh The food they used to lure the beasts was digging.”

As the day passed, the merchants' visits became a topic of discussion.

As it is such a closed environment, it is inevitable that customers from outside

will be interested.

Of course, the students who learned the truth quickly gained interest.

“There is nothing useful.”

“It would be better to prepare in advance.”

Lee Han advised his friends.

“Soon, other lectures will have pre-final assignments. It would be better to

prepare the ingredients that are likely to be used a lot in advance.”


That was definitely true.

Because when the professors gave me assignments to do, they didn't even give me
materials kindly.

“So… is it?”

“It might be better to go ahead and buy it.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students, who were persuaded, got up from their seats and
dressed up.

And went to the merchants.

1 hour later.

“…I was deceived…”

“I was deceived by Wodanaz...”

“If other people hear it, they will be misunderstood.”

Lee Han beat up his friends sitting next to him.

At first, they were merchants who said, 'Oh, how can we manipulate the wizards?

After all, a professional is strict.

- These are potions that failed during manufacture. I want to separate these
potions as much as possible to get the ingredients.

-Would you mind picking out any of the rubbish here that still have magical powers

-I need someone to complete the bottom work of the scroll, can you help me?
Hundreds or so...

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had been seated for a long time, were
making fun of their hands with their sullen faces.

Just because it wasn't difficult doesn't mean it wasn't difficult.

Separating potions also consumed magical power, and finding objects with magical
powers in the clutter consumed concentration, not to mention the basic work of
drawing lines on the scroll.

“Was the task this difficult…?”

'Actually, the assignment hasn't even started yet.'

Even while his friends stumbled from fatigue and lack of magical power, Lee Han
was alone.

“It’s done.”

“No, already?!”

"Yes. Give me the next one.”

“I think you should get some rest.”

The merchants tried to dry Lee Han.

Of course, Lee Han still looked fine, but I was also worried that the other
students stumbled and kept working.

"no. We can do more.”

"More than that... If you've worked like this, I think you'd be good enough to
bring the ingredients...?"

"no. I might fail, so I try to work more to prepare for it.”

If you have any left over, you will receive it in silver coins!

Professor Verdus, who was passing by, asked.

“Given your skills, do you think you can just do this?”


“I think I can just do it…”

"no. Not enough.”

“Because I can just do it!”

“Not enough!”

“...two, two minutes. Do not fight.”

The merchants were bewildered at the sight of the master and the disciple

Why are you fighting over something like that?

* * *

“Everyone seems to be having a hard time with the assignments before the finals.”

Professor Ingaldel said as if sorry for the dead students.

“I have to tell you one good news. There are no pre-final assignments in my


“Professor Ingaldel. You are a true educator!”

“It doesn't feel good to hear compliments like this, but... Now, the final exams
are just around the corner. Everyone, don't be too restless. After a few
assignments, he will come to you.”

Ihan nodded his head.

It is highly probable that the final exams will come when you open your eyes after
the storm of pre-final assignments that are now rushing in one after another is

You can't be vigilant with 2 or 3 weeks left.

“So, I want to tell you about the final exams first.”


"professor...! So far...!”

'This is not good.'

Unlike his friends who were impressed, Lee Han was nervous.

Professor Ingaldel was also a professor at Einrogard, even though Professor

Ingaldel seemed a little more talkative than the other mad professors.

He was never tolerant of students.

“Do you see that mountain range?”

Professor Ingaldel pointed the tip of his sword to the mountain range behind the
main building.

The students nodded their heads.

Everyone had to suffer there once or twice, so there was no way they could not
know the mountain range within the magic school.

“The three of us hunting together as a group will be our final exam.”


“What do you catch? wild boar? bull?"

“Catch whatever you want. The more powerful prey we catch, the higher the score
will be given.”



The students' faces hardened.


'Can't we fix it?'

Lee Han thought so and looked around, but immediately gave up.

Looking at the faces of the students at the White Tiger Tower, it was absolutely
no match for them.

If he grabs your hand, he will immediately throw himself in the back and find a
stronger prey.

In particular, the swordsmanship lecture is not the pride of the White Tiger Tower

The saying 'Let's not overwork each other and get good grades together' didn't
make sense.

"friends. Think carefully. We have a lot of homework before the finals. There's
also a final exam, but if you're overly competitive here... it's okay. What would
you do if I told you Do it yourself.”

Ian gave up after talking.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were not listening.

* * *

A tumultuous week was coming to an end, but the lectures didn't leave the students

Even in the essential liberal arts lectures such as <Basic Imperial Language and
Logic> and <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>, the students started to pour
out their pre-term assignments, and the students gave a tearful expression.

"Oh yeah. Wardanaj County. Crafting a floating steel shield?”

Professor Alpen Knighton looked at Lee Han with curious eyes.

“How come...”

“It’s a simple artifact, but it must be difficult to calculate. I'll show you once
it's finished. I wonder to what extent it will be completed.”


'This school should not allow professors to talk to each other.'

When Professor Voladi, Professor Verdus, and finally Professor Knighton began to
show interest in when to make a floating steel shield, Lee Han felt his breath

'I really should start right away.'

At this point, even if they wanted to change the subject of the assignment, there
was a high probability that they would not be able to.

The professors said, 'Try again, but?' 'I'm sorry, but will you try again?' I felt
dizzy at the thought of people saying, 'I think I can do it with a little more...'.

...put this first, and definitely finish it this weekend!


The weekend has finally come.

Originally, it was not enough to congratulate each other for enduring each other
as it was a break at the end of a grueling lecture...

...there was none of that this weekend.

A mountain of pre-term assignments.

Even the most courageous student could not ignore all of these tasks.

If I did that, I could have been locked up in the punishment room even during

White Tiger Top student, Angago Alpha, yawned.

The morning sun was unusually warm.


“Why are you calling me?”

“You’re tired, but aren’t you a little proud?”

“Actually, it’s a little bit like that.”

Angro nodded at his friend's words.

While the other White Tiger Tower students are sleeping in the dormitory, Angro
and his friend are heading to Professor Verdus's sanctuary.

You've been moving like this for your homework since Saturday morning.

Where else can you find such a diligent and diligent student?

Angora had no choice but to get drunk on herself.

“Neither the Phoenix Tower nor the Blue Dragon Tower would have come out as early
as us.”

"i think so too."


Angro opened the door of the Holy Gakkan with a horse.

The lecture hall on the first floor of Seonggakgwan, which Professor Verdus had
opened for students, was dark without a single sign of popularity.

The two white tiger tower students thoughtlessly tried to pull the string of
luminous artifacts hanging from the ceiling...

“Don’t turn it on.”


Angro screamed and rolled back.

It was only natural that a human voice could be heard in the darkened lecture hall
where no one was present.

It was funny that the wizard was afraid of ghosts or ghosts, but there was nothing
he could do about it.

And above all...


When he remembered the intruder who had turned the school upside down last week,
Engo quickly drew out a wooden sword and swung it.

“Don’t come near me! When you come, I will cut you!”

“Noisy. Be quite."



With a tired face, Lee Han called the light into the air of the classroom.

Originally, it was a face that did not show emotions well, but even considering
that, he looked particularly tired today.

“Since when have you been with me?”

“Since yesterday afternoon.”



The two white tiger tower students coughed.

All of a sudden, those proud to have left early in the morning felt stupid.

“Why were the lights off?”

“I’m working on a magic circle, but it’s hard to see when it’s bright.”

Lee Han said, sipping coffee.

Several professors ask, 'When will the Floating Steel Shield be?' 'When are you
going to show the shield?' As much as he pecked like 'I'm curious about the
shield', Lee Han was concentrating on putting off a lot of other things to do.

As soon as the class was over on a weekday, I couldn't sleep and was engrossed...

Thanks to that, it worked to some extent.

'If I use a magic circle, I'll be able to do it somehow.'

The most difficult and important part of the floating shield.

That was the part where he gave the command to the shield, 'Go round and round
around the owner, and when danger comes, take care of it.'

The wizard had to cast this complicated command with only the movement of the
staff and spells, so as a first-time wizard, he had no choice but to feel like his
brain was twisted.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn't that Lee Han's ability was lacking, but
that the magic difficulty setting was wrong...

Lee Han approached without giving up.

- Just like the high-difficulty magic split and cast, the floating shield splits
and approaches.

Split approach.

Lee Han has already had several records.

A magic that shoots out bullets of water that rotate violently, also called
"Yumidihus's octagon".

No matter how talented Lee Han was, he couldn't cast it at once with his current

Surprisingly, Lee Han succeeded in casting.

A water ball was floated and rotated until it was fed.

It was possible because of his enormous magical power!

As much as he had leftover magical power, Lee Han had no objection to approaching
by dividing the stages in this way.

A method that is practically impossible for other wizards who will fall from
exhaustion after practicing a few times.

Of course, the level of difficulty of this magic was difficult to approach by

dividing it.

So Lee Han mobilized even a magic circle.

As it replaces some of the wizard's casting process, the magic circle was an
essential element in this high-level magic.

the problem is...

“Is this finished?”

“We have an assortment of things.”

“…Uh, how was it possible to complete the magic circle so quickly?”

As we experienced at the last festival, magic circles were not easy to create.

As it became more difficult and complicated, all kinds of errors and variables

And to confirm this, the wizard had no choice but to constantly test it himself.

“So you stayed up all night.”



Does that mean staying up all night?

The two white tiger top students felt something strange, but they couldn't refute
it strongly.

Because Lee Han was the senior in the grade and they just...

...because I was a student.

When Lee Han said, 'If you are a student at the Magic School, you should complete
the floating shield magic circle overnight,' they could not object.

'It's strange...'

'If Professor Knighton existed...'

Angro, who was constantly tilting his head, moved on.

"for a moment. Then the floating shield is complete!?”

"no. If you cast it now, it will drop in a few seconds. The magic duration
amplification work is not finished.”

If we combined the power of Lee Han's spell and the auxiliary magic circles that
were engraved on the shield to help the spell, we could somehow make the shield
float and move around.

The problem was the duration.

Such powerful spells consumed an incomparable amount of mana compared to low

circle magic.

If you just cast it without any countermeasures, you won't be able to go for a few

So, it is necessary to amplify the duration...

Lee Han rubbed the frown on his forehead with his hand. Hearing his words, I felt
exhausted all of a sudden.

'Even now, honestly, it's terribly complicated.

Although it was completed, to be honest, the magic circles engraved on the shield
now were breathtaking.

The magic circles are so intricately entangled that Han Lee also thinks, 'Yongkee,
this is complete'!

Now, what is the probability that it will not break when the duration
amplification magic circle is inserted here?

'...99% seems to be broken. Should I make a new one?'

No matter how tough Lee Han may be, the thought of making a new one made it

'It would be more difficult if you cast it yourself rather than a magic circle.'

“Can’t you just take a look?”


Engo said in a frightened voice when it seemed that Lee Han was staring at him.

“Ah… no. I'm not asking you to show me, are you mad? Aren't you mad?"

“I’m not mad.”

Lee Han was just tired.

“I have always wanted a floating shield. So I just wanted to see how it rolls…”

"i get it. Okay."

“…are you not angry?”

“Because it didn’t happen.”

Ian got up from her seat.

Unlike sorcerers who had to calculate the amount of remaining magic every time
they used magic, nothing happened to Lee Han when she used magic again.

Anyway, I had to check if it was running well after the magic circle was

“If you are unlucky, it may sink in a second, so watch carefully.”

“Yeah, yes!”

“Ready, Wodanaj!”

The white tiger tower students said with twinkling eyes. It was a look of
excitement for anyone to see.

'Why do these children like shields so much?'

Lee Han, who is not from a knight family, could not understand the irrational
obsession with the white tiger tower students.

Weapons such as swords, shields, and armor were a part of the knight's body and
pride itself.

-Oh my gosh. did you see that article? I'm still using the sword made by the Aeron

- You use that cheap sword that you make and sell ignorantly.
tttttttttttttttttttttttttt I have face as a knight.

It was the knights who pursued more precious, more expensive weapons, even because
of their pride.

“Rise and defend your master, shield!”

Lee Han memorized the spell.

At that moment, the steel shield that had been lying on the desk soared into the
air and slowly began to circle around Lee Han.

Angelo let out a sigh.

“I really remembered it!!”

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! Can I attack!? It's not that I want to attack you, I'm curious
about the shield's performance..."

“Do it quickly. I don't know when it will end."

The white tiger top student hurriedly threw the paper wad.

Then the shield spun around and blocked the roll of paper.

"I! I'll try! I'll throw you from the back!"

"okay! Throw it!”

'What have these children been drinking?'

Tired of staying up all night, Lee Han could not keep up with the excitement of
the White Tiger Tower students.

Why are you so excited?


“I just… blocked it!! Even though I threw it from the square!!”

Lee Han tried to say, 'Your attack was so clumsy, I could feel it all.

Anyway, the shield seemed to have been semi-successful.

Now if you just increase the duration...

“Next to go!”

“Okay, this time it’s a chair!”

“Throw a wooden sword!”

gang! thud! bang!

The two white tiger tower students were excited and kept throwing them.

In fact, he might have been excited about leaving the shield and throwing
something at Lee Han.

"...what, what are you all doing?"

“What are you guys doing?”

The students who arrived late were startled by the bizarre appearance in the

White tiger tower students throwing rubbish over Lee Han.

If it wasn't for Lee Han, he would have reacted, 'The white tiger tower guys bully

“Wordanaj is making a floating shield to help test it!”

“I think we can stop now.”

"just one! I’ll just throw one more!”


Being bothered, Lee Han sat down on the chair again and paused.

'for a moment. Hasn't it been more than an hour now?'


* * *

“Morady. I hope you don't feel too bad. In a way, this is lucky for us. Compared
to other groups, it has overwhelming power.”

Durgyu spoke to Giselle to relieve her mood.

There were only a few odd ones, such as students from the Shadow Rangers, who
wanted to ride the mountains on a golden weekend.
Still, there was only one reason to gather to enter the mountain range.

Neither Gisele nor Durgyu had guessed that Professor Ingaldel's final exam would
be tough.

Already, some of the White Tiger Tower students were heading into the mountains,
throwing away other pre-term assignments to find useful prey in advance.

He was determined to get good grades in the swordsmanship class even if he failed
the other lectures.

Of course, Gisele was about to turn around.

'Crazy bastards, stop slashing top average grades! So don't be ignored!'

“Morady. Considering the amount of homework you have to do, you know you shouldn't
waste time even on weekends. Let’s not fight each other and do our best.”

“I know, so stop babbling. How many enchantments did you do?”

“It went pretty well. Thanks to Lee Han for your help. If it's okay, won't we do
it together?"


Giselle was troubled.

There was nothing good about being associated with Wodanaj, but...

...In this situation, Wodanaj's magical powers were coveted.

Even more so as you can't expect the intellectual advice of other friends in the

“Wordanaz will never be obedient.”

“Ugh. Obviously, Lee Han… may not be able to help you completely without paying
anything, but…”

Durgyu also had a conscience, so he didn't say that Lee Han was just helping him.

“Lee Han hasn’t finished the enchantment magic task yet. If you ask questions
while we're together, I'll answer them. You know that fighting each other until the
final exams won't do you any good."

“You two came first.”

“Lee Han!”

When Lee Han arrived, Durgyu was happy and turned his head.

Then he was shocked to see the shield spinning around Lee Han.

“Ah… no… that doesn’t make sense?? I can't make sense...!"

“What are you talking about?”

“That shield!”

"ah. This shield.”

Lee Han nodded while holding back the yawn.

As a conscientious student, Durgyu certainly had an eye.

“Isn’t that surprising?”

“Of course it’s amazing…!”

"okay. The magic duration amplification is still maintained even though you
haven't done it. I am also unexpected.”

Now the shield had been spinning for more than six hours.

Originally, I should have turned it off and walked around, but Lee Han left it
alone to see how far it would go.

'I'll have to check how long it lasts so I can use it or not.'

It was frankly surprising that the enchantment magic could be maintained even if
the magic duration amplification process was omitted.

No matter how much magical power it is, it will be something like this.

This was also unexpected.

However, even if luck was given to you, you shouldn't be complacent with it. I had
to check exactly how far it could go.

...and even if it only lasted one day, Lee Han was going to submit it right away.

'Please, I hope it ends here.'

“But that’s great. Durgyu. I didn't know you would find out right away. To realize
so quickly that this shield didn't have a magic duration amplification process..."

“...I think I was lucky because I studied hard for wealth and enchantment.”

Not recognizing of course, Durgyu stuttered.

I was just surprised to have already brought the finished work...

“Less than that. Originally, I was going to ask while we were working together.”

“It doesn’t matter if you just ask. Durgyu.”

"Thank you very much. for a moment. Is it okay if I ask Moradi too?”

“It doesn’t matter, but if you ask me, you won’t disturb me during the final exam.
If a man has a conscience.”

“Of course Moradi wouldn’t.”

“But Moradi has no conscience.”

“Lee Han…”
"it's okay. You wouldn't have heard it."

'I think I heard it.'

The hearing of a student who grew up in a knightly family was enough to hear it
from this distance.

“Then you can listen directly from Moradi. Lee Han.”

“Good idea. Moradi. Would you risk your family and your honor to promise that you
will not disturb me during the final exam?”

"...okay. I promise you.”

“If even one of the White Tiger Top students sees me and argues with me, is it
okay to assume that it is your responsibility?”

“Why is that my responsibility?!”

Giselle, who was about to nod her head involuntarily, was startled.

Trying to cheat without missing a moment of carelessness.

“Aren’t you the head of the White Tiger Tower students?”

"How many people don't listen to me... Do you know that our tower listens as well
as your towers?"

“Whoever hears it will be misunderstood. Our tower is the least silent of the four
towers. Moradi.”

'I'm really glad the other friends didn't see this fight.'

Durgyu thought to himself.

The Blue Dragon Tower students who believe and follow Lee Han and the White Tiger
Tower students who believe and follow Giselle will cry, 'What did we do so wrong'
when they hear this conversation?

* * *

"great. Agree on this.”

Lee Han and Giselle conceded one step at a time as they needed each other.

"Don't forget to lend them to the White Tiger Towers when you need them later."

Lee Han obtained the right to mobilize the White Tiger Tower students when
additionally needed.

Instead, Giselle compromised to have Lee Han teach the White Tiger Top students.

Given the disastrous results of the midterm exams, if we left it as it is, only a
few people, including Gisele, could have a vacation at the tower.

“Don’t forget that you are teaching.”

“It’s so hard to teach.”



At Lee Han's words, Durgyu and Giselle were silent.

At that sight, Ian became slightly ominous.

“…Still, don’t everyone have basic talent enough to enter Einroguard?”

“That’s right.”


“It’s not that my friends are not interested in studying, but that’s not a bad

'It's getting more ominous.'

Of the guys who usually make excuses like that, there was no good guy to teach.

“Teaching is for later, so let’s focus on the task in front of us.”

Lee Han said while holding back his yawn.

Giselle was puzzled inside.

It was a little different from the usual Woudanaj.

'Are you awake at night? no way. No.'

Judging from the thoroughness of Wodanaj's personality, there was no way he would
have stayed up all night in a situation where he had to wander the mountain range
from noon.

“Lee Han looks tired. Haven't you been up all night?"

“Don’t be silly. Wardanaz can't do that."

Giselle bluntly slapped Durgyu.

“But the enchantment magic task…”

“It must have been completed yesterday.”

“Is that so?”

It was a short period of time in Durgyu's eyes, but I thought it would make

'It must be because Moradi said that too.'

“So, let’s talk about what kind of monsters are in the mountain range here.”

Perhaps even the graduates of Einrogard did not know all about these mountains.

Because the mountain range was so wide and deep.

Right now, it took a few hours to get in, but didn't it get lost at the beginning
of the mountain range?

However, the students of the Magic School had accumulated knowledge and rumors.

“A bear, a wolf, a wild boar or a crocodile.”

“Are there crocodiles?!”

Durgyu was startled. Giselle responded with a slight chin.

“There is a swamp.”

“There’s a swamp?!”

“Durgyu. What if I'm already so surprised? anything can come out It is not
surprising that a volcanic zone appears.”

'That would be surprising.'

'Isn't that enough to be surprised...'

“Slimes and other chimeras.”

When the Chimera came out, Lee Han clicked his tongue.

Why did the chimera, an artificial fusion magic creature, appear in this mountain
range with good water and good air?

It must have come from the wizards' experiments.

And of course those wizards must have come from Einroguard...

'I resent the seniors for not following the safety rules and experimenting.'

“About this.”

"Right. What about Durgyu?”

When the monster Giselle knew was over, Durgyu opened his mouth.

“Actually, I heard from my friends, and they say they are... looking for giants.”


Giselle reacted earlier than Lee Han. Giselle asked, his eyes wide open as if in

“What kind of guys are trying to take down the giant? Say it."

“Hey, I can’t tell you that it’s a secret… and not even a pair.”


A race that scares surrounding monsters just by walking, with a huge body and
strong defense.

They were ferocious and savage, so it was safe to say that they were just monsters
as they couldn't talk to other races. The moment you meet, you have to be prepared
for an attack to come.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn't a match for a freshman to aim for, but...

Some of the White Tiger Tower students were seriously aiming for the giant.

Perhaps it was the opportunity to find a book about giants in the library.

- Only you know this. Can you see the map here? A giant live on the other side of
the mountain ridge.

-Five...! hey. only you know this I heard that there was a giant living on the
other side of the mountain range.

- Wow... come here. don't say i said This is really valuable information, but
there is a giant on the other side of the mountain range...

“...Did you plan to get behind?”

Giselle frowned and muttered.

It was outrageous that they secretly talked about this among themselves again.

They hid it for fear of losing it if they told it to anyone else, but who took it?

No matter how much you want to win the competition, you're aiming for giants.

"Wordanaz wouldn't do such a reckless thing."

"right. ...for a moment. What do you mean?”

Lee Han felt something uncomfortable and tried to argue with Giselle.

But Durgyu spoke first.

“Still, there seems to be a way to deal with giants… it seems.”

“I heard that the location of the giant was mentioned in the book, so it wouldn’t
be surprising if there were instructions on how to deal with it.”

The problem was that the giant wasn't a good enemy enough to use it right away
just by reading a bit about how to deal with it.

“If you can write a book just by reading it, why do wizards suffer?”

"right. that...?"

Durgyu, who was about to nod his head, looked at Lee Han for a moment.

Wait a minute, 'Can't Lee Han say something like that?' it was thought

“I think you are right. Let me try to stop you seriously.”

"no. for a moment."


When Lee Han and Giselle stopped at the same time, Durgyu was perplexed.

“Is sincere advice really effective in the current situation?”

“I don't want to agree with Wodanaj, but it's definitely true. They're preparing
secretly, can you hear that? I will do it secretly.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Is there any good way?”

“Let’s check the location first. Good luck.”

“Once you locate it, make sure you nail it to keep it out of reach.”

“You have to take the book altogether. If I had a book for nothing, I’d be
thinking about nothing for the rest of the week.”

"right. Let's take the book."


Apparently they decided to check out where the monsters were while riding the
mountain range over the weekend...

When the topic of the story suddenly changed to mask robbery, Durgyu couldn't help
but be embarrassed.

“Isn’t it a bit harsh to steal… me?”

“Durgyu. Don't get me wrong. This is what I do for my friends. Do you think I’m
doing this because other guys might catch giants and get good grades?”

“Choi. think carefully. What will you think when you see your friends hurt later?
Don't you think, 'I should have dried it back then'?"

“…that… maybe…”

Lee Han and Giselle nodded and placed one arm on Durgyu's shoulder, one at a time.

“Then we will do it together. Durgyu.”

“So who has the book? Say it."


* * *

Gatono of the Dulac family looked around in front of the cave.

I was wondering if anyone was chasing me.

'Well, who's going to chase me to a place like this?'

“Who are you?”

“Gathono of Dulach.”

“Come in quietly.”

Inside the cave, my fellow classmates hurriedly beckoned.

“Is it going well?”

"Sure. Who is Bartrek here? You are from the Bark family.”

Bartrek was known for his excellent alchemy in the Tower of the White Tiger.

...Of course, compared to the other top geniuses, it was a little behind, but even
considering that, it was definitely a decent skill.

“Is this… is it?”

"okay. A drug that puts even giants to sleep.”

A huge pot was hung over the bonfire inside the cave, and inside the pot was
boiling a foul-smelling potion.

Just as Lee Han and Giselle were concerned, the White Tiger Top students were not
without their heads.

As it was dealing with a giant, of course there was a thorough calculation.

I'm writing here about an elixir that puts giants to sleep, so that juniors don't
bump into angry giants for nothing...

It was not necessary to stop breathing to subdue the giant.

It was enough to put him to sleep and take his hair or treasure.

If you sneak around at night and spray an elixir around him while he's sleeping...



"What are you talking about?"

“It’s an intruder! Someone touched the trap!”

“What… not Wodanaj?!”

“Why is Wodanaj here?! Don't be silly!”

* * *

“Is this right?”

“I think that’s right.”

"...for a moment. I can hear you fighting inside.”

The three of them stopped in the bushes near the cave and watched.

Obviously, there was a fight coming from inside.

-Give me the book!

- These cowards! Are you still knights?

-huh. It is a knight who wins by force. If you don't have the ability to protect
the treasure, you don't deserve it!



Gisele and Durgyu both bowed their heads at the same time.

Top disgrace really!


“It’s good to see them competing with each other.”

“…you don’t have to comfort me.”

'It wasn't up.'

Lee Han said it sincerely.

Isn't that how you compete to do well in exams?

The Blue Dragon Tower students had to imitate that.

-Wordanaz. too sleepy I can't turn my head Eating one sweet cookie might make you
want to study again.

-Wordanaz. Will you give me a cake when I finish my homework?

No matter how much silver you sell, there are times when you want to hit the back
of your head one by one when you see your friends trying to negotiate dessert while
doing your homework.

Just study!

“Hey, can I go in now?”

Durgyu spoke out because the silence was awkward.

In my mind, I wanted to run quickly and slap my friends in the back.




On the other hand, Lee Han and Giselle had no intention of going in now.

If you leave it alone, they will fight among themselves and lose their strength.

“Shouldn’t it be dry?”

“In the first place, fighting each other enough to fight is a good law. Durgyu.
Right now, we still have feelings for each other, but there’s nothing good about
forcing them to stop.”

“This time, I have no choice but to agree with Wodanaj. right. choi. There is
nothing good about drying up in the middle of a fight.”

“ the two of us...”

Durgyu wanted to.

“Durgyu. Can't you believe me?"

“Are you suspicious of the comrade you are with right now? choi. Were you that
kind of guy?”

“I’m sorry. I doubted you.”



On the road ahead, I heard the sound of someone moving through the bushes.

The three held their breath with nervous faces.

“Is it right here?”

“Bartrek! I know what's inside! come out! Let's compete fairly! Give me the book!”


Seeing the three white tiger tower students who appeared again, Giselle and Durgyu
sighed deeply.

A very real group...!

Ihan muttered.

“Did the White Tiger Tower students get to meet here today?”

"Shut up."

“I don’t think so.”


The white tiger tower students from inside the cave rolled out with a loud noise.

The students who arrived late were surprised.

“How do you guys know!?”

“You guys like that?!”

"...then let's talk with the sword!"

“That’s what I’m going to say!”


“Dari, run!”

'Five. You fight well.'

Lee Han admired the fierce battle of the White Tiger Tower students.

There was nothing wrong with checking tactics in advance as you never know when
you will be fighting these children.

Among the four towers of Einrogard, the White Tiger Tower is also a tower with one
of the most talented people in the empire, even though it has been stigmatized as
'the least interested in studying'.

Besides, they were enduring a hellish first year life. If my magic skills didn't
improve, that was even weirder.

The fighting style shown by the White Tiger Tower students now was a mixture of a
swordsman and a wizard.

Even if you fight with a sword, a shield, or just a simple magic on your body, its
power jumps several times.

Apart from their excellent swordsmanship skills, they were able to adapt to this
type of strengthening magic relatively quickly because each of them had a solid
foundation and trained in a knight family.

Body strengthening magic is more difficult to adapt than you think.

Immediately, their limbs became lighter and their strength was springing up, but
there were not many people who could control it skillfully.

Even the mercenaries who rolled their lives on the battlefield did the same.

This was inevitably advantageous to those who had a steady foundation built up
from a young age.

Seeing the fast and flashy clash, Lee Han saw the White Tiger Tower students a
little differently.

'Why don't these guys who know how to fight so hard don't study like that?'

Durgyu also concentrated on watching the fight before he came to his senses.

“Lee Han. When are you going in... Lee Han? Lee Han??”

Durgyu looked around in surprise.

Lee Han, who had been standing next to him until recently, was nowhere to be seen.

“Mom, Moradi. Lee Han...”

“I just entered the cave with invisibility magic.”


* * *

Waiting for the White Tiger Tower students to fight fiercely outside, Lee Han
entered the cave.

It's a book I'll take with me later anyway, but it wouldn't make any difference if
I took it now.
A foul smell stung his nostrils.


A potion boiling in a pot and a book next to the pot.

Lee Han was able to identify his identity immediately.

'Fortunately, I didn't intend to go head-to-head with the giant.'

Come to think of it, no matter how reckless the White Tiger Tower students were,
they were not reckless enough to fight head-on with giants.

Lee Han slightly reflected on his suspicions about the students of the White Tiger

Because there are so many crazy people at the magic school, the students of the
White Tiger Tower also wanted to say 'I can't believe it'.

After putting the book in his pocket, Lee Han looked inside the pot.

It was to check how complete the decoction was.


Lee Han was surprised at the appearance of the decoction with a higher degree of
perfection than expected.

Looking at the recipe written in the book, it was definitely not a decoction of
low difficulty. After a lot of trial and error, it was clear that this was

'In case you don't know, I'll have to keep some.'

Lee Han opened the lid of the empty potion bottle and filled the potion.



Lee Han was puzzled by the noise from outside and different from the previous

Perhaps the new White Tiger Tower students have arrived?

If not, why suddenly...

“It’s a Kurare lizard!”

Lee Han ran out of the cave and realized what was happening.

Surrounding monsters came to the commotion of the White Tiger Tower students.

“Lower yourself! It hurts my head!”

“Keep it out of the way!”

Even the students who had just fought were frightened and formed a formation
shoulder to shoulder.

A gigantic lizard monster with a large crocodile-like body, the Kurare lizard.

Its heavy weight itself was a powerful weapon, but what was more threatening was
the paralytic poison from the salivary glands.


As the students gathered, the Kurare lizard immediately fired paralytic poison. A
lump with a mushy viscosity flew in.

Paralyzing poison stuck to the shield with a rattling sound. The eyes of the
students of the White Tiger Tower trembled in surprise.

“This is it! Lizard bastard!”

When Durgyu and Giselle ran out, the students of the White Tiger Tower were


“Durgyu! Why are you here…”


Lee Han shouted decisively from behind and ran out.

“To Wodanaj?! Why the hell... huh!”

One student, who, despite the warning, could not hide his curiosity, stiffened and
fell forward.

The Kurare lizard swung its front paws with a ferocious force. It was intended to
drag a paralyzed student away.

“I would have told you to focus!”

“Will I be able to focus if I’m like you?!”

Durgyu and Giselle, as well as Wodanaj, suddenly popped up, but how many people
can stay calm?

But the Kurare lizard was definitely a threat. The White Tiger Tower students
forgot why they were here and decided to deal with the monsters.


Lightning magic exploded among the students of the White Tiger Tower along with
the lightning bolt.

But the Kurare lizard didn't fit. It's not that he's agile, it's that Lee Han's
aim was wrong from the start.

“Lee Han?!”

“Wordanaj!! Have you been poisoned!?”

Durgyu, as well as other White Tiger Tower students, turned around in fright.
Lee Han can't hit magic.

It was absolutely unbelievable.

Unless it's poisoned...

“ could miss, you bastards. Concentrate!”

Ian was not funny.

Lee Han was also a human being who made mistakes.

...Of course, I didn't usually do it, but since I stayed up all night to create
simple artifacts and climbed the mountain, my lack of concentration was

'shit. I didn't know I would experience this with my body.'

The professors kept saying, 'Not only the magic of a wizard, but also the will of
a wizard is important in magic', but I was feeling that right now.

The lack of concentration inevitably leads to confusion when weaving magic.

'With magic other than lightning magic...'

“Bone, seize the enemy!”

Lee Han threw a piece of bone and summoned the constraint ball.

The first magic went wrong and grabbed the tail of the Kurare lizard, but it
didn't matter.

“Bone, seize the enemy. Bone, seize the enemy, bone, seize the enemy. get up
Warriors! bone. Shoot!”

Even when they first summoned the bone restraint ball, the students of the White
Tiger Tower, who said, 'Is it black magic?'

Bone fragments were shooting out at random as if it was difficult to aim properly,
as if it was enough to just fill it with quantity.


“I brought it out!”

As the baptism of bone fragments flew in like a hail of rain, the Kurare lizard
also retreated back, perhaps under pressure.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Durgyu carried his fallen friend on his

thud! Wow!


Lee Han turned his head at the sound behind him.

Two more lizards were coming out of the entrance to the cave where we had just
exited. One of the dogs had a pot on its head for some kind of commotion inside.

“My decoction!!!!”

Bartrek screamed. Katono realized it too late and shouted together.

"no! My book!”


Durgyu grabbed Gatono's shoulder and shouted loudly.

“It was wrong to be greedy in the first place! Defeating the giant It is the duty
of a knight to seek honor, but if you pursue it with excessive greed, that would be
honor! look at you guys! I don't know what that book is, but I'd be lucky to let
the monsters take it!"

At Durgyu's sincere cry, the White Tiger Tower students blushed with shame.

Ihan also blushed slightly.

'I got the book...'

“Choi. Discipline is good, do it later. From the retreat!”

Giselle exclaimed sharply.

Another Kurare lizard appeared from the other direction.

Looking at the current situation, it was not surprising that it increased even
more here.

"...sorry. Durgyu! Let's retreat! Friends!”

“I was wrong! We're all going out together!"

“Well thought everyone!”

While the students of the White Tiger Tower were passionately determined, Lee Han
exclaimed, enduring the awkwardness.

"okay! Let's get out together!"


As one of the students tried to embrace him, Lee Han gently pushed him away with
his hand.

* * *

It was more difficult than I thought to retreat from a situation surrounded by


I had to step back while constantly threatening, but if I gave even the slightest
bit of space, the tail was caught immediately.

“Gonadaltes. check it Sharkan. Stop the guy on the left!”

"What?! who?!"


Lee Han struck a white tiger top student in the back of the head with a stick.

Now was not the time to turn a blind eye.

“Bone, shoot!”

Lee Han usefully used the skeleton warrior as a bullet.

Although they could not move, the summoned Skeleton Warriors were a collection of

In the situation of Lee Han, who was tired and difficult to control or aim, such a
quantity that was able to shoot and shoot was very useful.

Iron Duck!


Another attack was blocked by the floating shield, and the lizard made a
threatening sound.

He seemed quite annoyed.

'I'm so glad I came with a shield!'

Lee Han-eun did not thank the professors for their foresight... but was thankful
for luck.

Without the floating shield, a few more White Tiger Tower students would have



“If you send them to the other side, the lizards will be split. Wouldn't it be
better to go back quickly and call support?"

Giselle whispered in a low voice.

In Giselle's eyes, the situation was not very good.

Woudanaj's condition was also strangely poor, and the monsters were chasing them
without giving up.

Then I had to make a choice.

If divided here, it was clear that the Kurare Lizard would chase other White Tiger
Tower students instead of chasing Gisele or Wodanaj.

Because it was easier for anyone to see.

It didn't matter if I was insulted for being dishonest. Giselle decided it would
be better to go back quickly and call in support.
'for a moment. If it's Wodanaj, I might turn it down because of face...'

Lee Han answered immediately.

“That's a great idea. Then you persuade Durgyu.”

“…Choi doesn’t listen to me. You better say.”


Lee Han couldn't resist.

“Shared! Durgyu! Come this way! The others go that way!”

“Share it! Durgyu! Come this way! Everyone else go that way!”

At the cry of the two charismatic students, the White Tiger Tower students moved
and watched.

Durgyu moved too. the white tiger tower students.

“ね! Lizard children...!”

“Durgyu! Come!”

"Can't break the formation!"

Durgyu, who was maintaining the formation with his friends, missed the full timing
and moved as it was.

Lee Han and Giselle sighed.

“Let’s get it later.”

“That child. Save me later.”

"...for a moment. The monsters seem to be coming towards us.”


“I got it wrong… No.”

Gisele's voice trembled.

Surprisingly, the Kurare lizards were coming this way.


Kurare lizards were clever monsters.

There were many paralyzed prey and aimed at those who were slow in movement, so
there was no reason to pursue a threatening wizard.


-■■■! ■■■■!

The lizards made a sharper sound than before and fired paralytic poison.

iron puck! Iron Duck!

Anyone could see that he had a fever and that he was poisoned.

“It’s like tenacious bastards… Bone, shoot! Shoot! Shoot!”

Bone fragments poured down like showers, grinding the ground and ripping through
the bushes.

The lizards hurriedly avoided it.

And cried even more.



Lee Han realized why the Kurare lizards were chasing after the weak, leaving the
weak ones alone.

Giselle noticed too.

“…they are chasing after you hit him.”

"I know yeah."

Lee Han immediately agreed.

Giselle tried to curse for a moment, but then put it back. It was not good for her
to fight on the same side.

"Wordanaj... Moradi...!"

“For us...!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were retreating the other way, shouted
in mournful voices.

It was clear that they misunderstood that Lee Han and Giselle sacrificed for them.

“They are really stupid assholes like dogs…”


“Don’t worry, I’m telling you to retreat!”

I wanted to hit Lee Han too, but I resisted it.

It was something I wanted to show off in the future.


One of the lizards couldn't beat Boon and tried to charge. The lizard that
collided with the fast-flying shield roared.
Papa Papa Papak!

Lee Han condemned him mercilessly. The lizard, who had been baptized with bone
fragments, did not come to his senses and ran away to the side.

'It's not good.'

This charge was blocked, but it was not a good sign that the monsters had run out
of patience.

If the ever-increasing number of lizards attacked at the same time, it became

difficult for Lee Han to stop it.

Even if everyone fell down and only one succeeded in charging, this was a loss...

Giselle seemed to be thinking the same thing, so she drew out her dual swords and
shouted harshly.

“Wordanaz. I earn time! When will magical power be restored!?”

It seemed that Giselle was thinking that Lee Han had temporarily run out of magic.

Otherwise, there was no reason for Lee Han, who had been good at defeating the
White Tiger Tower students, to use only black magic.

“It’s not about magic!”


“It’s not about horsepower. Staying up all night makes precise control difficult.”

“…this crazy… oops!”

Giselle stabbed the lizard's jaw hard and stepped back.

“Are you talking about that?! Why the hell did you stay up all night?!”

Climbing a mountain requires a lot of stamina.

I couldn't understand why I stayed up all night before that.

Wodanaj isn't even a student at the White Tiger Tower...

“There are too many assignments.”


Giselle was momentarily speechless.

It was an answer that I couldn't really refute, I couldn't imagine.

- Come to the river.


The two were startled by the sudden heavy voice.

- Come to the river. Those lizards hate streams here, so they won't come after

It was not known who was talking, but Lee Han and Giselle immediately turned and
headed for the river.

In the current situation, he thought that there was nothing more to lose.

-■■■... ■■■...

When I was immersed in the river up to my waist with a splashing sound, to my

surprise, the lizards that were chasing stopped staring at me with anger.

Giselle said it was hard to believe.

“Do you see me? Why the hell are the lizards doing that? Wodanaz? ...Wordanaj!”

Giselle's eyes widened at the sight of Lee Han falling forward.

'A paralytic poison?!'

Obviously the lizards didn't attack, so why?

- You fell down because you were tired.


- He said he fell down because he was tired. Are you a freshman? Usually freshmen
wouldn't study until they collapse because they're tired. It's amazing.


* * *

When Lee Han opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a shield floating in the


Seeing that he was lying on the soft leather of a beast, it was clear that he had
entered some kind of hut, not the side of the road.

Looking back, Moradi was sitting on the chair. Lee Han put his hands in the
pockets of his coat and checked things first.

'Well. You didn't take anything.'

-Are you afraid I'm missing something? nothing is lost


Lee Han raised his head, startled by the voice from a high place.

The giant he saw for the first time was sitting at the entrance of the cave,
facing Moradi.

Moradi put his fingers on his temples and stared straight at the table. He was so
concentrating that he didn't even seem to know what happened.

'What's going on?'

When the giant didn't seem hostile, Lee Han stood up and approached him.

Surprisingly, there was a chessboard between them.

'It's the endgame.'

Looking at the pieces and layout on the board, Lee Han noticed that the game was
in the second half.

And Moradi was at a disadvantage.

- Slowly, but? It wouldn't change anything if I thought about it more. Even if you
make a mistake in the opening, you can recover in the middle game. Even if you make
a mistake in the middle game, you can make up for it in the end game. But in
Endgame, there is no back.

'Well. If you don't know anything else, you have a knack for making opponents feel
bad when playing chess.'

Giselle bit her lip hard enough to bleed.

After thinking for a while longer, Giselle laid the white king aside. meant to

“…I lost.”

- Don't feel too bad. Because there are not only stupid giants in the world.

The giant said in a gentle voice.

Of course, Giselle was not comforted at all. Lee Han understood the other person's

A wizard loses at chess to a giant reputed to be stupid.

Maybe that's how you feel when you lose to Guy Nando in chess?

"Um... If it's not rude, may I ask your respect?"

- It's not that difficult.

The giant told me how long he had lived in this area, and that he enjoyed small
conversations and bets when he occasionally met students and professors at the
Magic School.

“I, but…”

-Are you curious about the source of my non-giant intelligence?

“I apologize if this was a rude question.”

-no. You may wonder But I don't think I can give a convincing explanation. Let's
think about it this way. Aren't there some people who are particularly stupid?

The giant was certainly logical. It was difficult for Lee Han to respond.

-okay. Thank you for your understanding.

“...But why play chess?”

Hearing the question, the giant shrugged.

- You said you like to bet.

“Are you going to bet on this?”

Lee Han was startled by Moradi's greed.

How greedy...

Giselle exclaimed nervously.

“You put it down, motherfucker!”

According to the giant, the giant never attempted to force a bet, even though he
spoke to passersby.

But when debt or grace was in between, the story was different.

The giant's logic was that, since he brought the fallen Lee Han to the giant's
cave and took care of him, the wizards should repay them accordingly.

“What kind of reply do you mean?”

- There are a few.

The giant tapped the wall. There were lists written in crooked letters.

-What to do to wizards who lose their bets

1. Clean the basement of the cave (remember to throw out all expired potions and
re-label them)

2. Tidying up the library (presumably) hiding among the books


-If you choose one of these and do it, there will be no remaining debt for each

Lee Han looked at the list again.

At first glance, it didn't seem like it would take long, but Lee Han-eun was well
aware of how terrifying tricks were hidden in the simple 'to-do list' offered by

'There is a possibility that the basement is larger than the cave. The same goes
for the library.'

-If you don't like this, you can compete with me by betting.

“Bet… is it something like a match with the amount of magical power?”

Lee Han asked softly.

Then the giant laughed and shook his head.

- The bets should be fair to each other. What fun is there to wager that is
advantageous only to me? Likewise, I do not accept bets made by force.

"No... I'm fine..."

-If there is a bet you want, take it out. If it's fair, I'll accept it.

'It's good to compete with horsepower.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

The giant's needless consideration made work a nuisance.

'I can see why Moradi chose chess.'

The giant wasn't as tough as I thought.

Since they lived much longer than the students, they would have more experience
and knowledge, and they had the potential to excel in wisdom given their wise
appearance at first glance.

Lee Han looked at the chessboard again.

At least in the current situation, the ability of a giant can be guessed at chess.

The problem is that I am not confident in chess.

Lee Han never thought he was good at chess.

He entered the magic school and beat some opponents, but that was because his
opponents couldn't keep up.

In the past, when I was in the midst of working with a professor, my records were
not good...

“Can we talk for a moment?”

-as you please.

“Morady. Moradi.”


“Why did you move the look here? If we just fixed it on the third line and moved
the king to avoid the check, we would have been able to go to a draw.”


There were times when the right comments were more annoying than the wrong ones.

This is what Lee Han is now.

“Why did you move?”

"Shut up. A little."

“Was it a mistake? Right. What kind of opening did that giant put on?”
-Are you going to try chess again? Not bad. But you better think about it. you
might regret it

“To be fair, would you like to leave out a piece or two?”

- We can't do that because we don't know each other's skills. Instead, let your
friends listen to you.

The giant sat in a relaxed position and waited.

Seeing the relaxed image that only Go Soo can show, Lee Han suddenly felt tense.

'shit. I hear it's quite aggressive. Can we get a draw?'

What Lee Han was aiming for was basically a draw.

If you are lucky enough to win, but if you don't, try to draw and move on to the
next bet.

'If it's the skills I've heard from Moradi, I think I'll be able to do that.'

The problem is when your opponent hides his skills.

Lee Han wished that his opponent had the ability within his expectations.

* * *

30 minutes later.

Ian was shocked.


- Shut it off...

“…it looks like it’s over.”

-Wait a minute. 5 minutes of your time.

"no. Are you done? Even if you move from here, the knight is blocking it, and if
you move this way, the pawn is blocking it.”

-...Wait a minute. 5 minutes though.


The giant's chess skills are better than I thought... was very weak.

As Lee Han blocked it tightly, the giant tried to forcefully attack, but in vain

Lee Han looked at Giselle.

'It was just that Moradi couldn't let him go.'

'Somehow I feel uncomfortable...?'

- I lost. lost

The giant acknowledged by laying the king down.

Lee Han sighed in relief and asked.

“Then can I go now?”

- No.


- You just paid for this friend's defeat. The grace that saved you remains.

“...Have you ever worked as a professor at a magic school?”

A question came out of Lee Han's mouth involuntarily because of the other person's
lack of conscience.


'Ouch. What mistake did I make.'

Lee Han regretted the answer.

The words came out earlier than I thought whether the tiredness had yet to be

Have you ever worked as a professor?

Such insulting words...

- I'm not that wise.

The giant answered with a bit of embarrassment.

"...ah. okay."

Fortunately, it passed without any problems.

"All right. Would you like to play another chess then?”

What if your partner is a bit like a professor?

With the grace that saved him, Lee Han decided to respect the other person even if
they were a little forceful.

...and also seemed a bit too strong.

-no. The bets should be fair to each other.

“There is no other game that is as fair as chess…”

The giant pretended not to hear Lee Han and ignored him.

- I'll have to find another bet. what would be good

“…I think I got it wrong.”

Lee Han whispered to Giselle. Giselle nodded slightly as if in agreement.

“Is there no way to suppress it?”

“Morady. Can't you see that size?"

Lee Han was absurd.

Asking if there is a way to subdue such a powerful giant.

Are you just telling me to die?

“The King of the Frost Giants was bigger, but he attacked.”

“…So why did you move the look earlier?”

Lee Han, who was speechless, turned the topic cowardly. Giselle was left
speechless by the fatal attack.

“You mean now…?!”

-What's better... Gyeokgu doesn't match the numbers, I did the riddle last time...
Drinking showdown...

Giselle listened quietly, but couldn't stand it, and shot sharply.

“How can such a drinking showdown be a fair match if you say your bet should be

- There seems to be a misunderstanding. It's not about drinking a lot.


-Alchemists would bet it often, but I'm still a freshman, so I don't know.

The giant kindly explained to me what a drinking contest was.

When the confrontation began, the alchemists used various ingredients and potions
to make and handed the drink to the opponent.

The alchemist who received the drink had to make a new drink and pass it back to
the other person after drinking it.

-If you do that and fall down first, you lose.

"...for a moment. It's not alcohol, it's a potion, right?"

Hearing the explanation, Lee Han stopped.

If you make it using ingredients and potions, isn't it a potion after all?

-right? it's a parable And like I said, if you think it's unfair, you don't have
to take it.

“Uh… no. From what I hear, it sounds like a good thing.”

- Really?
The giant looked at Lee Han as if wondering.

In fact, as the student next to Lee Han said, this confrontation was advantageous
to the giant.

Magicians who deal with magical powers have strong resistance to potions, but
giants have a stronger innate resistance than that.

-Give me a chance to choose again.

"no. Even though I look like this, I took the first place in alchemy classes.”



Giselle and the giant looked at Lee Han with eyes that they did not know what to

'Wordanaj bastard... Have you woken up yet?'

-Well. Just because I won the top class in my first year lectures doesn't mean I
learned everything about alchemy.

The giant said worriedly.

Of course, Lee Han's intentions were elsewhere.

'If I fight with resistance, I will never be pushed.'

As much as he had experienced it a few times, Lee Han was confident.

Enormous magical power means enormous resistance.

However, if the opponent found out about this, the betting event could change. Lee
Han tried to look like a stupid first-year student as much as possible.

'It reminds me of Gainando.'

“A genius like me can learn almost everything just by listening to a first-year

lecture. What are you going to study for?”


-...that, yes. Right. Okay. Still, it's an objectively unfavorable bet... If you
win, I'll give you another reward. You can take anything you want from my house.


Ian's eyes twinkled.

' It's not that good.'

When I first heard it, I was like, 'Huh?', but looking around, I was like,

The giant's house was more frugal and messy than expected.

Even if Lee Han whined and took something like a large rusty weapon...

Giselle couldn't stand it and whispered while stabbing Lee Han's side.

I tried to maintain my expression as much as possible, but I couldn't stand it any


“Are you doing this on purpose? Why are you doing this?”

Lee Han tried to tell the story, but put it off in case the giant could hear it.

“Morady. who am i I am a genius on a different level than other geniuses.”


Giselle seemed to be in awe.

* * *

The giant certainly had a knack for alchemy.

I was rummaging through the clutter and rubbish, taking out and pouring things
whenever I could, but there was no blockage in the movement.

Even though Gainando's private room looked like a garbage dump, just as Gainando
himself had his own order, it was clear that the Giant's Cave did the same.

Of course, this all worked against Lee Han.

An alchemist who knows all the ingredients, and an alchemist who has to make it
urgently in an unfamiliar place.

Needless to say which one would have the advantage.

'Should I throw it away?'

Giselle thought quietly.

No matter how much he thought about it, it was unlikely that Woudanaz would win.

And above all else, I'm very anxious about what I'm doing right now...


- That's it! I call this <Giant's Honey Wine>.

After an hour, the giant finally completed the potion.

“May I ask for the recipe?”

In the midst of this, Lee Han asked if there was anything to write about later.
Giselle's laughter didn't have enough left to disappear.

- I can't tell you everything, but I'll tell you briefly. Honey and rose petals.
Sleeping grass and the blood of the two heads. Mud from acid swamps. Can you get a
sense of it just by listening to this?

"...ah. Yes."
No matter how you look at it, Lee Han's expression trembled at the poisons that
were far from alcohol.

At this point, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was not <giant's honey
drink> but <giant's medicine>.


Lee Han thought so and drank a large glass.

gulp, gulp-

Surprisingly, the honey wine tasted better than expected. The sweet and cool taste
flowed down my throat no matter how I put it together.

And at the same time, a great drowsiness was about to burst out of his body.


It was completely different from the abnormal state he had ever experienced.

The previous status abnormalities had been nullified before Lee Han was even aware
of it...

'Right. I drank the potion myself...!'

Naturally, the power of the potion he drank was stronger than the power of an
external attack. Lee Han concentrated his mind and raised the mana of his body.

A huge flow of magical power suppressed the drowsiness caused by the honey liquor
and put out the fire.




'uh? Are you done?'

Lee Han, who was nervous, was slightly perplexed when the effect of the honey
alcohol disappeared in an instant.

I was nervous because it suddenly came up, but it ended much easier than I

'Ugh. I feel like I lost money because I was scared.'

It was probably a potion that staked everything in the initial effect. Beyond
that, the effect isn't that strong.

Lee Han opened his mouth, thinking that he would cry tears of humiliation if the
giant found out.

“Then it’s my turn.”

The giant rolled his eyes and looked Lee Han up and down.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't answer and just nodded my head.


I couldn't believe it.

Even after drinking the <Giant's Honey Liquor> you made yourself, you're still

That student isn't even an undead or a wizard with dragon-like magical powers...

There was only one reason that made sense.

He made and drank an antidote that could withstand <Giant's Honey Wine> in

'Is there no way that the level of the students at the Magic School has risen so

But it was equally surprising.

A first-year student sees a potion for the first time and prepares an antidote
right away. It was also in an unfamiliar place, not in his own workshop.

The giant remembered what Lee Han had said.

-no. Even though I look like this, I took the first place in alchemy lectures.

-A genius like me can learn almost everything just by listening to a first-year

lecture. What do you study for?

At first, I thought it was a childish horse from a young student, but when the
situation turned like this, my spine shivered.

If arrogance is also proven with results, it is not arrogance, but reasonable


Probably, the best alchemist I've ever seen...

“It’s done.”



Not only the giant but also Giselle was astonished.

I don't think I wrote it in ten minutes, but I'm done already?

“Wordanaz. If you have any complaints, tell me! Don't be stupid like my top
niggas! Because it seems like I'm going back!"

Giselle eventually exploded and grabbed her by the neck. Ian thought about it.

'The White Tiger Tower students seem to give me a lot of stress.'

- It has already been declared and cannot be undone. What is the name of this

“Uh… I think it’s a drug that puts the giant to sleep.”

- That's an honest name. where to drink

The giant laughed confidently and drank the pot whole.

And then his expression changed.


Suddenly, an unbearable drowsiness began to creep in.

I was resisting as much as I could, but my instincts were speaking.

I can't stand it for a while and I'm going to fall asleep.

The giant staggered and looked at Lee Han. Then he said in a stuttering voice.

- This... I thought he was such a genius...! Yes... your name is...?

“This is Moradi.”

“Not me. You asked.”

Giselle looked at Lee Han as if she was talking about something.

It seemed that he was less tired.

“Ah. It did. This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”

-Right. I am Ikurusha. This is the giant Ikurusha.

When Lee Han asked for his name earlier, the giant turned away.

Originally, a giant would not reveal his name to an unacknowledged opponent.

I changed the topic in consideration of the pride of the wizard, but...

...A genius of this level deserved to be known.

-...Yes... Victory... What you want... One... Take... Go.


With the snoring that shook the cave, Ikurusha fell backwards.

Lee Han sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Bartrek.”

An elixir that puts the giant to sleep, which the White Tiger Tower students
worked hard in their hiding place.

I thought the students had made it right, but I was nervous that it might not

“Batrek of the Bark family? Why is that name coming up now?”

“It’s the potion he made.”

Lee Han took out a potion bottle from his pocket and waved it in response.


Giselle scolded herself for thinking, 'You can make such a powerful potion in less
than ten minutes, that's a staggering talent!'

Such a scammer...!

"ah. Sorry for not explaining in advance. I was afraid that Ikurusha-san would
hear it and change the betting sport.”

“…let’s go out.”

Giselle didn't have the energy to be angry any more.

"for a moment. We won the bet, so let's take the reward."

“Is there something you crave…?”

Giselle asked with a frown. No matter how you look at it, there seemed to be no
useful treasure in this mess.


Lee Han cut off the tip of the sleeping giant's hair.

I've been thinking about it since the story came out.

“This is the end of one final exam.”

“You… you’re crazy than me…”

“Why are you swearing all of a sudden?”


When the two came out of the giant's cave, the morning star was rising over the
already dark night sky.

Ihan muttered bitterly.

“I had to do an assignment, but I wasted my time.”


Giselle got goosebumps at Wodanaj's gentle madness.

In this situation, you start worrying about the assignment.

Do I have to be crazy enough to get a seat at the top of the magic school?

“Why are you looking at me like that? I'm fine."

Lee Han noticed Gisele's gaze and answered.

Of course, he stayed up all night for the enchantment task, but he recovered
thanks to some sleep.

Originally, students had to be able to survive the night with their mental
strength. Lee Han was an expert in that field.

“Yeah… that’s fine, I understand very well.”

“Thanks for your concern.”


“...can you remove the shield?”

Giselle said nervously as a shield flew round and round around Lee Han.

"ah. I'm sorry. I had to check the duration.”

Giselle gave up and shook her head.

So, right now, while wandering the mountains, being attacked by giant lizards, and
fighting giants, he must have been paying attention to his magic assignments.

'It's like a bastard crazy about magic...'


- Moradi!!!

After walking for a while, I heard the shouts of the students from the White Tiger
Tower along with the flickering torches in the distance.

It looked like they were still searching around here.

"It's here!"


The white tiger tower students came running. It looked like they had been
searching the whole time, looking at the dusty exterior with all kinds of grass
attached to it.

Durgyu, who was in the middle, sighed in relief.

“Good luck. Everyone was worried and was looking for this.”

"Thank you."

“What thank you. How much did you two do?”



Lee Han and Giselle moaned at the same time.

Actually, he was trying to get away with using other friends as bait...

“If you were an aristocrat, you should of course do it.”

“If you were a knight, of course you should have done it.”


The students of the White Tiger Tower gathered at the same time bursting in

Moradiya Even so, Wodanaj certainly had the dignity as a leader in times like

Of course, he was a mean Archmage who subdues them with various evil magic if they
were wrong, but he had to admit it.

As soon as things got better, Giselle looked at her friends and asked.

"for a moment. How many people have come out and been like this?”

Looking around, it seemed that not only the group, but also other friends had come

"ah. So I'm going to help. Did you do well?”


Study a little...!

Giselle calmed the boiling words inside.

"...yes. Thank you. everyone."

“I think there are more.”

Lee Han pointed his finger at the torches running from afar.

Apparently, all the students of the White Tiger Tower participated in the search.

It was truly a warm friendship.

“Everyone is nice.”

" Shut up..."

* * *

"I'm going to hang this chocolate pudding with two black breads from today."

“What… what? Really?”

"why. Were you scared?”

"I'm scared... Dare! great. Wordanaj's begging for a snack for dinner tonight!
That shield will be finished within today!”

"huh. Until tomorrow!”


After returning to the tower, Lee Han, who was sitting there, looked at his
friends as if pathetic.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were betting fiercely on 'How long will the
spinning shield last?'

One day has already passed, and now, the interest of the friends is whether to
break through the second day or not.

“Unbelievable… absurd…! I saw it in a book and it said that if I didn’t do a

separate job, I would never be able to go a day!”

Guynando was waving his book and denying reality.

I studied hard, but my knowledge betrayed me.

“Study... No need to study at all! How can these dead letters help?!”

“Sit down, don’t be silly.”


At Lee Han's warning, Guy Nando sat down again.

“It would be a good idea to finish the task of “Basic Imperial Geometry and
Arithmetic” today. There are many other pre-term assignments. What I have to do now
is to do my homework, Professor Millais…”

“My… what did I do wrong to bother me?”

When I recited the task, Gainando was seriously upset and embarrassed.

Lee Han ignored it and continued.

“What other assignments do you have?”

“I have to write a song in <Basic Music>…”

'I have all the assignments.'

Lee Han did not listen to <Basic Music>. Because it wasn't necessary.

However, <Basic Music> was a very popular lecture in the Blue Dragon Tower.

Music, dance, art, literature, etc., these kinds of culture were of greater value
than expected to people from great aristocratic families.

Of course, it was a lecture of lower value than Professor Voladi's lecture to Lee
Han, but...

“I almost finished it.”

Asan, who was passing by, opened her mouth. Gainando was surprised at those words.

"already? how?"

“Fufu. Why do I have to tell you?”

“I’m curious, can you tell me?”

"If Wodanaj asks..."


Gainando growled, but Asan pretended not to hear it and ignored it.

A friend who gives snacks every day and a friend who steals snacks every day are
treated differently.

“Einrogard. Einroguard. It’s so good.”



The expressions of Lee Han and Gainando were twisted.

“A place with warm meals and comfy beds. Einroguard.”


“Can I spread fake rumors?”

“My juniors will come in soon and enjoy this heaven. Einroguard.”

Asan, who was humming the lyrics, stopped and explained.

“But you can’t curse Einroguard in front of the professor, can you?”

“It is not.”

Lee Han understood Asan's heart.

Sometimes sexuality is more important than truth.

“You have to make a song like that?! Then I can make it my own way!”

“What are you going to make?”

“There was a noble prince…”

“Do it.”

“I don’t think that’s a thing.”

“Listen and speak!”

“Are you all doing <Basic Music> assignments?”

Neblen of the Kirak family heard the conversation and intervened.

Ian thought to himself.

'Does everyone but me listen to <basic music>?'

"right. Kirak did you get it too? You must have written a song to praise the
princess at least.”

Neblen was one of the students who followed the princess in the Blue Dragon Tower.
But Neblen shook his head.


"okay? What did you build?”

“Would you like to hear it?”

“No, study now…”

Lee Han tried to stop him, but the other two immediately nodded.

“There was always an honorable wizard who prepared the meal…”



“Isn’t that impressive?”

Asan was amazed.

The other students sitting in front of the fireplace also nodded.

Guynando grunted.

"huh. Do you think Wodanaj would like to praise you like that?”

“Well said. Guyan too. The song is not good.”

“No… what do you think you don’t like?”

Neblen was perplexed.

Of course, I knew that Lee Han would like it.

“If you say no, I will build a new one...”

"...for a moment."

Lee Han didn't dare say that.

There is nothing more annoying than starting a new assignment.

“...when I think about it again, I don't think it was that bad.”

"Is that so?"

"okay. Let's study now."

“Wordanaz! Look over there! there!"

"...Didn't you hear me to study?"

Despite Lee Han's words, Guy Nando pointed his finger out the window.

Lee Han sighed and threw his gaze away. And I was astonished.

The largest and most dignified main building on the grounds of the Magic School.

The exterior of the main building was wriggling like a living creature.


That's because it's a relocation period.



The students screamed at the sight of a gigantic skeleton that suddenly jumped out
of the window.

Lee Han asked, not surprised.

“A period of relocation?”

The main building is practically half alive.

According to the Skeleton Principal, the main building, which had been enchanted
with magic for an uncountable number of years, was no longer an ordinary building.

As many wizards who came and went to Einroguard added new spaces and cast new
magic, the main building used to rearrange their bodies periodically.

It is to relatively rearrange all kinds of disorder and chaos.

“Uh… wait. Does that change the layout inside?”

Lee Han listened to it without much thought and was surprised.

Have you ever made a map?

it doesn't change that much Wherever the skeleton remains. However, the room that
should have been here disappeared or something like that would happen.

“It is fortunate.”

Be careful when going out for a night walk. There are a few students who went
missing during the relocation period.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Are you not allowed to go out at night? I
never broke the rules.”



Not only his friends, but also the headmaster of Skeleton were slightly admiring
the brazenness.

That... yes. i get it. come out

You were supposed to learn fantasy magic from Ogonin every weekend, didn't you?


At the words of Principal Skeleton, Lee Han finally regained his memory.

Although his skills are a bit rusty now, Ogonin, a great wizard in his heyday, was
a person who inherited the pure classical fantasy magic lineage among fantasy

As much as I was given the opportunity to learn from such a person, I was told to
think of it as an honor for the headmaster of Skeleton, but...

“But right now, I’m busy with homework before the finals.”


"ah. Doesn't it take long?"

Lee Han was confused.

After all, the headmaster of this school is also the head of this school, but
there was no way he didn't know about the academic calendar.

no. I don't know that either. The homework before the finals was that it's okay
because you're doing it. come out


Gainando, who was listening to the conversation next to him, nodded.

'I'm going to write a song about an evil lich.'

* * *

Did you meet Ikurusha?

" Is there any bulletin board in Einroguard that I am not aware of?”

Ian was perplexed.

Unless there was a bulletin board shared by professors or people staying on the
site, this propagation speed didn't make sense.

I imagined Professor Voladi sticking a piece of paper on the bulletin board in

Professor Han-eun Lee's lounge, with the words <I want to explain the contents of
the assignment before the end of the semester>.

'Should I break into the break room and destroy the bulletin board?'

There is no such thing. But it's a fun idea.


And Ikurusha was originally known. I went to see you, and suddenly you
complimented me, so I asked.

There were no professors or students on the grounds of the Magic School.

Thanks to that powerful flow of magic, there were many mysterious beings who had
been living for a long time.

Originally, I'm not very good at complimenting students of different sizes,

especially alchemy, but... Maybe I cheated with magic?

“I don’t know what you mean. It was a fair bet.”

it would have been Hmmm... But even so, it's amazing that you defeated Ikurusha.
You must know of such a potion... Did Professor Thunderwalker teach you?

“Since I learned alchemy, I can say that it is.”

shut up By the way, alchemy is also alchemy, but you seem to be really good at

“I was lucky. Ikurusha-san is a little clumsy...”


Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han like a madman. Lee Han didn't notice the

246 learn fast, yes. If I were a genius, I should have been arrogant, but I
didn't expect to learn so quickly.

“What are you talking about?”

It is nothing.

Principal Skeleton looked at the floating shield behind Lee Han and asked.

Is it a task?


What made you so crude and ignorant... Wait. No duration amplification?

The Skeleton Principal looked at the magic circle engraved on the shield and was

It was not surprising that the magic circle was engraved on the shield itself.

It would be disrespectful to ask a first-year student to complete a floating

shield without such an auxiliary device.

In fact, it was absurd in itself to ask you to complete a shield that floats even
with an auxiliary device...

It is also the path a wizard must go through in order to grow.

Being faced with an impossible challenge is not necessarily a bad thing.

Even if one hundred difficulties were to fail, wouldn't all of those experiences
make a wizard grow?

If even one of these succeeds, even better!

'Success is good, but why is there no duration amplification...?'

Have you ever seen such an ignorant bastard? Did you just increase the time with
the amount of mana?

"Yes. By the way..."

Lee Han tried to explain.

It wasn't because Lee Han was ignorant, but the task itself was ridiculously
difficult, and when I put together a magic circle to somehow complete it, it became
rags, but if I want to increase the duration...

Well, that would be the way. If you have a lot of magical power, why bother? I
will cancel the word ignorant. That's a clever way.

“I didn’t do this on purpose…”

'Cause I'm afraid to stop being humble. Anyway, well done. Professors will love

“…Professor Verdus, too, don’t you think the professors’ assignments are a bit

right. But did you do it?


As Lee Han was shivering with anger and remorse against himself, Principal
Skeleton tapped the shield.

I'll go for a day or two more. Well... Professor Verdus would be coveting.

“Why is the professor coveting this?”

Comparing the magic skills of Lee Han and Professor Verdus, there was a difference
of about a firefly and a full moon.

If you look at this shield made with Professor Verdus' personality and a magic
circle, you will get a reaction like 'What made you so crude and ignorant?'

Magic circles are very crude, but Professor Verdus is not able to infuse magic
like this.

Regardless of skill, there were skills that only certain wizards could do.

This increase in duration, which was only possible with Lee Han's enormous amount
of magical power, was impossible even for Professor Verdus to be an excellent
enchantment wizard.

“It’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that you’re close to not doing it. It’s
actually not an expedient.”

Lee Han replied sternly.

not. In the case of complex artifacts, it is impossible to engrave a continuous

increasing magic circle in all parts.
Simple artifacts were relatively good, but as the structure of the artifacts
became more complex, the wizard's calculations became more difficult to the point
of bursting his head.

In particular, in the case of multi-composite artifacts with multiple magics, it

was impossible to engrave a continuous increasing magic circle in all parts due to
its complex structure.

Inevitably, I have to use all sorts of methods to make up for the lack of magical

There are times when it is more convenient to inject a large amount of mana at
once than to squeeze mana in a complicated way. Words are semi-permanent, in fact,
after a hundred years, the wizard has little to no responsibility.

It was rare to find a visitor to the wizard saying that an artifact that was more
than 100 years old was broken.

'I guess that's right. Does this shortcut have any meaning?'

Lee Han nodded his head and stopped.

"...for a moment. So, are you saying that Professor Verdus calls me whenever I
need something like this?”

Will it be?

Ian's face turned pale.

* * *

Ogonin was startled to see Lee Han on the other side of the mirror.

“No, what did you do to make the student’s face look like that?!”

I didn't do anything!

The Skeleton Principal was furious.

The principal suspects that the student is depressed.

So, if Ogonin's cat is grumpy, does it mean that it's Ogonin's fault?

"it's nothing."

Lee Han smiled bitterly.

“It’s all my fault.”


Aware of Einrogard's harsh educational environment, Ogonin stared intently at the

Skeleton Principal.

Headmaster Skeleton was in awe.

Thinking about the future of my orthodox fantasy magic, I gave the festival
disrupter, firecracker, and artifact thief a chance, but with such an insult?!
“It’s no use trying to pressure me. I will not be deceived.”

Compared to the Skeleton Principal, he was a very young being, but Ogonin also
went through a lot of trouble before giving birth.

I didn't fall for the headmaster's fuss.

“It’s really good.”

"is it. Good luck... I thought I should write a letter to His Majesty the

It's like a bug-like filthy bastard who only knows how to tell...

Han pretended not to hear.

"ruler. Then, let’s continue the story we talked about last time.”

For wizards, time is gold.

Ogonin immediately started teaching.

“Do you remember the magic I talked about last time?”


Starting with <Ogonin's Emotion Recognition>, <Ogonin's Rising Anxiety>, <Ogonin's

Rising Fear>, and <Ogonin's Rising Despair>, such as psychic fantasy magics.

And even wide-area illusion fog magic like <Ogonin's Night Dance>.

While other fantasy magics mixed magical elements from other schools to lower the
difficulty and increase versatility, Ogonin was a wizard who pursued pure illusion

'Of course, the difficulty is going up.'

“Emotional awareness magic is fundamental and just the beginning. It is good to

learn it as a habit and habit.”

According to Ogonin, excellent illusion wizards can easily recognize the color of
their opponent's soul without using emotion recognition magic.

To become that proficient, you have to keep casting, practicing, and gaining

If you understand what the other person's feelings are, the power of illusion
magic will be amplified accordingly.

"ruler. Let’s practice.”


Hearing this, Lee Han stopped.

to whom?

“Who are you talking to?”

"ah. Right. Well..."

Ogonin also hesitated.

It's Ogonin's horse tower. There were a lot of practice opponents, but right now,
in the principal's solitary room, where else can he practice?

do it to me


“What did you say?”

tell me to do it


Ogonin was speechless.

Unlike other magic, in the mind-based illusion magic, the opponent was very

Which one's emotions are easier to read, an archmage or a child?

As a first-time illusion wizard, of course, you have to improve your skills

against the latter...?

“It now…”

"All right."

Lee Han swung his wand without thinking.

“Remember, emotions!”

The spell was cast along with the spell. Ogonin asked from the side.

“How is it?”

“The principal seems to be feeling uncomfortable right now.”


Ogonin was so shocked that he dropped his staff.

The fact that a newly-learned phantom wizard succeeded in emotion recognition

magic against the Skeleton Principal... meant a genius like never before in the history of magic.

'A genius who will succeed the enemy of fantasy magic...!'

Ogonin. I don't know what you're thinking, but the magic has failed. It's just
that this guy is quick-witted.

Principal Skeleton noticed what Ogonin was thinking and scoffed.

If magic isn't a child's toy, how can it be learned so easily?

“…was that so?”

"ah. sorry. When magic succeeds, it seems to feel a little different.”

Ian apologized.

I said it just because it seemed that the headmaster of the skeleton was feeling
dirty, but again, it didn't seem to have anything to do with magic.

“No. It's basically a difficult magic. Even more so if the opponent is an


“Thank you for your understanding.”

Read loudly and quickly. Right now, I'm deliberately loosening my defenses.

Principal Skeleton was also an educator, so he didn't force himself.

I'm not telling you to read it after putting on various protective magic.

...Of course, considering the magic defense it possesses, it was already

depressing enough.

“Remember, emotions. Remember, emotions. Come on, emotions!”

After walking a few times according to the instructions, Lee Han knew what kind of
magic it was.

The color began to be applied over the skull principal, which was originally in
the form of a white skull head.

The color of the emotions that the soul had now was clear.

'A faint red and gray.'

It was clear to anyone who looked at him that he was not feeling very well.

Lee Han continued to cast spells in order to better read his emotions.

Principal Skeleton asked with a yawn.

Still, if you're the only one, you'll be able to see a little bit of emotion,
right? Haven't you come out yet?

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Ogonin said absurdly.

You've just started, and your opponent is an Archmage.

To be honest, there was a high possibility that I wouldn't be able to read it even
in a few years.

If I did it in moderation, but the Skeleton Principal got bored and left, I was
trying to find the right person using that as an excuse...

I'm just saying this guy can do it.

“Anyway, that’s absurd.”

“It’s still a long way off.”

“Look. Students say this too. How difficult it is to see even the slightest bit of
color in the souls of others...”

"...uh. for a moment. Can I see the color?”

Ian paused.

Principal Skeleton, who was yawning, looked at Lee Han with a 'what is this child'

If you look at the colors, you have succeeded. Then, on what kind of forehead did
you want the words 'What emotions do I hold' to appear?

“I thought the color should come out darker and easier to understand.”

By nature, great wizards are good at regulating their emotions. Just because it
came out faint doesn't mean it's wrong. That's good enough.

"thank you."

Ogonin, who had been listening to the warm-hearted conversation between the
teacher and the disciple, blinked as he lost consciousness.

What conversation am I listening to now?

“No... no... no... no??”

But why?

"Unless you're kidding me right now... this is... uh..."

Didn't I say I'll learn well?

Principal Skull had clearly said to Ogonin, 'I thought I would learn it well with

Of course, when Ogonin heard those words, he never thought that as soon as a
student learned magic, he could read the emotions of the Skeleton Principal.

that is...

Does it make sense?

He has so much magical power, he has great handling talent, and he's quick to
notice, so it must be said that he excelled at this kind of magic. Ogonin. Let go
of some stereotypes.

"no. I was lucky.”

You stop shaking that disgusting humility.

“Really… amazing…”

As Ogonin kept muttering, the Skeleton Principal grumbled.

So, aren't you surprised that you tried your illusion magic and failed?
“…let me continue…”

Ogonin said in a voice that still couldn't hide his surprise.

I was expecting a genius to succeed the classic fantasy magic, but...

Reality is always one step ahead of imagination.

It would be like this...!

* * *

However, the next magic, <Ogonin's Rising Anxiety>, did not succeed until the end.

Ogonin was convinced that it wasn't because of Lee Han's skill, but because of
Principal Skeleton.

I'm betting on the Skeleton Principal, how could that ever be successful?

“It’s never that you’re not short.”

"no. I am lacking.”

“No. Your opponent…”

"no. I..."

“Because it’s not!!”

oh But why temper?


"...Mi, I'm sorry. I couldn't control my emotions."

Ogonin was ashamed.

Wizards who dealt with other magic had to manage their emotions well, but the
illusion wizard was especially so.

How can a wizard who cannot control his own emotions control the emotions of

“Carefully. It's never that you're lacking."

"ah. Yes. All right."

Lee Han nodded at the sight of Ogonin who was seriously praising him.

But no matter how much I said it, I couldn't get a sense of it.

'So exactly how much?'

How is it compared to wizards who usually learn fantasy magic, it usually takes a
while to get here, and I have to tell you this to get a feel for it.

Ogonin's praise was at least too little informational.

I know it's not a hat, but...

“When you get back, keep practicing your anxiety magic.”

It was important to get used to magic through repeated training, but Ogonin didn't
speak up because of that.

'If only the opponent is different, there is a high probability of success.'

In Ogonin's eyes, there was only one reason why Lee Han failed <Ogonin's Rising

Because your opponent is Gonadaltes!

If you cast it against other students, the chances of success are very high.

'It's probably because of that little guy...'

Ogonin was nervous.

Sometimes even talented wizards lost confidence in the mistakes they made in the
first place.

How could a talented wizard fall into such a swamp because of a common mistake
that anyone can make?

As an Ogonin, it was unacceptable.

What kind of damage does that mean to a wizard who will continue the enemy of
fantasy magic.

The problem was that even now Lee Han could fall into such distrust.

'No way!'

"uh. But Ogonin-sama.”

“What’s going on?”

“Do I have to cast it on my friends to practice this?”

“I will.”

“It’s a little bit making my friends anxious while doing their homework and
studying for the exam…”

Lee Han said with a shaky expression on his face.

Anxiety magic isn't magic that makes the other person anxious after all.

It was kind of apologetic to my friends who studied hard.

“Certainly there is such a thing.”

Ogonin nodded his head as if he understood Lee Han's words.

Ian was relieved to see that.

'You must have a solution.'

“Then what should I do?”

“Can’t we just take that into consideration?”


have to take into account

Lee Han thought the two of them were even joking.

But Ogonin and Principal Skeleton were very serious.

Shouldn't your friends make sacrifices for the sake of magic?

' crazy wizards...'

Lee Han was honest and refused.

“It doesn’t work.”

“No... Why?”

You're not stealing the hearts of your friends, it's just making them a little
uneasy. Why would you do that? If it was a person who would neglect to study magic
because he was anxious, would he be the one who would neglect it even if the wind

“Because it doesn’t work.”

Ogonin was embarrassed by Lee Han's resolute refusal, and Principal Skull

However, Lee Han did not change his mind.

Aw... I see. Practice with <Ogonin's Full Satisfaction>. How about this?

“But it would be better to practice anxiety magic than that…”

"no. I will practice with satisfaction magic.”

“But it would be better to practice anxiety magic than that…”


In Ihan, Ogonin's evaluation went down a bit.

'Well. He's not necessarily a good person because he doesn't get along with the
headmaster skeleton.'

Today, once again, I realized that experienced wizards are more likely to be
basically crazy.

* * *

It's already evening. taught for a long time.

“Yeah… what…”
As the weekend flew by, Lee Han endured the bitterness and managed her expression.

What do you do with the time that has already flown?

You have to work harder in your spare time.

Then go back to the tower and study magic hard...

"for a moment! for a moment!"

Principal Skeleton narrowed his eyes at the sight of Professor Verdus running from

Why are you running so fast?

“You said you increased the duration of the simple artifact with the amount of
magic power?”

It did.


Lee Han was so absurd that he couldn't even speak properly.

No, how many hours has it already been??

'More than that, Principal Skeleton was with me?'

“How do you know that, Professor?”

“Did the Death Knights tell you?”


After hearing the conversation between the Skeleton Principal and Lee Han, the
Death Knight delivered it to another Death Knight, and the other Death Knight to
another Death Knight...

As a result, Principal Skeleton stayed still, but it came into Professor Verdus'

It was the structure of spreading rumors of a creepy Einroguard.

'This is no hell.'

Lee Han's head was pounding at the sight of the chatty Death Knights.

Should I have learned the undead purifying magic and killed it every time I saw

I know you're excited, but is there any reason to run up to you now and ask?


Professor Verdus looked at Principal Skeleton as if asking why he was asking an

obvious question.
“Yeah, I’m going to take it now and try it… That portable large compressed


“No, the Wodanaj student.”

'Didn't we just call people a portable large compressed manastone?'

Lee Han-eun's spine trembled at the sight of Professor Verdus, who treats himself
as a portable mana battery.

"professor. It is dinner now.”

"it's okay. I will turn on the light.”

“…I have a lot of homework to do and I have a lecture tomorrow.”

"it's okay! It will be over before tomorrow morning!”

...I'm not really going to stop my chances of encountering magic, but that's not
going to happen. no!

Principal Skeleton spoke to Professor Verdus in a firm voice.

Professor Verdus responded with astonishment as if he had heard the sky had


I just told you why! In other words, you won't understand.

In a sense, even the headmaster of Skeleton would have pushed back, saying,
'Magicians grow up through hardships', but Professor Verdus had a different story.

Due to the nature of the lecture, there was a high possibility that he would not
let him go even if the class came tomorrow morning.

“Turn on the lights and send them out tomorrow morning before class!?”

okay. I also promise to always make students happy and smiling in front of His
Majesty the Emperor. That's pretty much it! you go back Don't get caught by a
strange professor on the way!

"...Yes, thank you."

Instead of telling Principal Skeleton, 'This is all because of you,' Lee Han
decided to just go back quietly.

It was because I was seriously afraid that I might meet more strange professors
for nothing.

* * *

“Why do the Blue Dragon Tower guys look so good today?”

"I know...?"

“Didn’t you finish all your homework before the finals over the weekend?”
“What nonsense! Are you saying that now?”

“But there is Wodanaj. Rumor has it that Wodanaj kept her dorms in the dormitory
over the weekend, doing her homework…”

“Seol, I hope.”

The other tower students looked at the blue dragon tower students with fearful

Anyway, did you finish all your homework over the weekend?

Is that the realm of human possibilities?

“Lee Han. Lee Han. Just walk me one more time.”

" I don’t think it’s very good.”

"no! one more time!"

“One more time for me!”

When friends asked all of you to raise their hands and hang <Ogonin's Full
Satisfaction>, Lee Han made a firm decision.

"no. No more.”

“Uh… why…!”

“This happiness… why…!”

My friends wanted to be angry, but they were satisfied, so they did not get angry.

'The magic was right, though.'

Originally, I should have been satisfied because I had practiced magic properly,
but now that I see what I am doing, I only thought that I should not practice

'I think fantasy magic is a bit dangerous.'

“Wordanaz. Wodanaz.”

Salcho of the Black Turtle Tower called for Lee Han. Lee Han nodded as if he

“It looks like you want to receive a magic that makes you happy. Walk only once,
and then no more. It can be addicting.”

“Wow… what are you talking about?”

Salco was perplexed.

“Isn’t it? Why did you call me then?”

“Of course I have something to tell you.”

Salco was the first to say thank you.

“As I said before, thank you again.”

"What. I got money to help. Don't forget the money."

Salco laughed, thinking that Lee Han was joking to lighten the mood.

"ha ha ha..."

“...why are you laughing? Did I tell you not to forget the money?”

“Ah… no. Of course I will give you money.”

Salko was slightly embarrassed by Lee Han's obsession with money that was more
serious than expected.

You thought money was just an excuse to help?

“So what are you trying to tell me? If it's a reckless attempt like last time,
stop. How many tasks do you have right now?”

“Don’t worry. I barely recovered, but how could such a reckless attempt be made?”

Salco learned a lesson this time too.

Even if you have a friend who is good at fighting in your classmates, if you shoot
around the outskirts recklessly, you could die!

“Have you been looking for a way to the upper floors of the main building for a
long time?”

"It did. Isn’t everyone like that?”

First-year students who enjoy walking at night were exploring the various places
of the main building, regardless of who came first.

Whether going underground or going up, various hidden rooms, warehouses, passages
and spaces were of great help to the students.

Not just out of curiosity, but for survival!

“I found a shortcut to the upper floor of the main building.”

“…Tell me more.”

Over the weekend, while the main building was shaken, mixed, and relocated, a
student from the Black Turtle Tower was robbing a Red Turnip grocer when he saw a
strange thing.

“Red Turnip Grocery? Where are you?”

“Is that important now?”

“Of course it doesn’t matter.”

'He has a lot to eat...'

Salco thought to himself.

Among the four tower students, it was the Blue Dragon Tower students who ate the
most abundantly.

Because when others were calculating their meals, the Blue Dragon Tower students
had unfortunate conversations like, 'Oh, today's dessert wasn't good' and 'Wordanaj
also sometimes fails to choose dessert'.

And Salco knew all too well that all this abundance comes from one student risking
his or her life to take care of it.

Personally, I wondered if there would be anything left to feed lazy bastards like

"It's here. Are you okay?”

"Right. Thank you."

“Shake in moderation. We have to take it too. And in my experience, if you rob too
much, the warehouse changes.”

“Well, it is. Go on.”

The Black Turtle Tower student, robbing the pantry, saw the back wall opened and
turned into a new passage.

To this surprise, the Black Turtle Tower student tried to step into the aisle,

upper level shortcut

This road is protected by a barrier, so those who are not skilled should return!

The student was thrown out, leaving only the words engraved on the wall.

There was a barrier to prevent intruders.

Lee Han listened intently with an interesting expression.

'Certainly interesting.'

Seeing that it was listed as a shortcut on the upper floors, it could be the
shortest route I've been on recently.

The relocation period will bring you such good fortune.

“If it were you, there might be a way to break through the barrier, so I’m here to
tell you. Get your map here.”

“You are overestimating me. Salco.”

“Is that so?”

“But this time is an exception. I had the opportunity to be taught by an excellent

illusion wizard.”

“Yeah… I thought so. That's great! Who is that?”

“It’s Waldororn.”
"indeed. Waldororn…”

While Salko was admiring, Lee Han remembered and said.

"Oh yeah. I also learned something from Ogonin-sama.”


People usually don't pay much attention to the things that are attached to the
back as a bonus.

So was Salco.

He focused only on the name of Waldororn and did not pay much attention to the
name of Ogonin.

So, when I remembered who Ogonin was, Wodanaj had already been away.

"for a moment. Wodanaz. If it's Ogonin-sama, maybe... Wodanazu?"

“Did you go to Wodanaj earlier?”



"why? Do you have anything to say to Wodanaj?”

“No… no.”

Salco shook his head.

I'm sure I've heard of the name Ogonin, but it seems like it's probably the same

If it was that Ogonin, he would be teaching juniors in the tower by now.

How would such a person waste time teaching a first-year student?

“By the way, the person named Waldororn…”

"ah. Waldororn. I met him the last time I went out, and he was really smart.”

Last time we went out, a student from the Black Turtle Tower, who met Waldororn
with Lee Han, passed by and answered.

"indeed. That’s great.”

When all his friends reacted like this, Salko had no choice but to trust him.

You must be a great wizard!

* * *

The barrier made by illusion magic was similar to a kind of lock.

If the lock was weak and loose, there was a hard and strong one, and if there was
a simple structure, there was a complex structure.
The barrier made by an excellent illusion wizard was similar to a number of
complex and hard locks stacked on top of each other.

In order for an intruder to break through this barrier, he had to be able to see
through and release all the structures of each lock.

Inevitably, this kind of release work is possible only when the offensive side has
a higher level than the defensive side.

Of course, Lee Han wasn't at a higher level than the wizards at magic schools like
Kira Castle, but...


'You're lucky.'

Lee Han had a method he had learned from Waldororn.

How to smash the lock itself by wielding a huge amount of magical power!

Of course, some barriers were prepared so that they could not be broken by force,
but quite a few barriers were poorly defended in this area.

From the point of view of the common sense of wizards, it was a really absurd way
to break the barrier so ignorantly.

Why would an archmage with such a large amount of magical power break the barrier
in such an ignorant way?

It's enough to just break through the structure and release it!

It was only natural that he did not defend himself against such ignorant release.
In a way, that was a waste.

The barrier opened with the sound of the curtain tearing.

Luckily, there was a barrier that Lee Han could break.

Lee Han thanked Waldororn once again.

...Of course, Waldororn didn't tell me to turn it off so ignorantly!

'By the way, the stairs are quite long.'

The spiral staircase appeared after breaking the barrier.

It seemed to have gone up quite a bit, but there was no end in sight.

First of all, the road is not blocked or there are no obstacles, so it seems

Beep, rattle, rattle!

Located at the end of the spiral staircase, the door leading to the hallway caught
my eye.

A fairly loud noise could be heard from the open door. It looked like something
was going on in the hallway.
'Is it a magic experiment?'

Lee Han approached the door and scanned the hallway.

Unfinished magic circles were engraved everywhere, and it was very familiar to see
the materials rolling in disorder in all directions in the hallway.

Whether it's a wizard or not, the students struggling with countless tasks are the
same everywhere.

“Are you there?”

Ihan exclaimed cautiously.

No matter how many grades there were in the hallway, I thought it would be better
to talk first than to stop talking for nothing.

Besides, the seniors won't even be seen by Lee Han...

Woodang tang quadang tang!

Before Lee Han could finish speaking, material containers fell and wooden boxes
were scattered everywhere.

And a piece of paper floated into the air.

- How did you get here, mate?

* * *

First-year students and fourth-year students at the Magic School were not
fundamentally different.

Of course, the 4th graders were better at making meals than the 1st graders, knew
a lot about the magic school, and thought they could use more magic...

Basically, there was not much difference in that when an assignment came up, I had
to do the homework, and when the exam was ahead, I had to prepare for the exam.

The same was true of Dirett and Kohorti, who majored in black magic, one of the
rarest among fourth-year students.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to wander around during the relocation period?”

"okay. Originally it was Unless some damned bastards let the frost giant king out
of the hallway and wasted a week.”


Kohorti had ten mouths, but there was nothing to say.

An accident where another dimension overlapped in the upper hallway after failing
a magic experiment with friends.

The first graders had a happy and miraculous time in the white snow that came in
the spring, but Koholti and her friends were busy trying to get things right.

The aftermath of the overlapping dimension did not disappear immediately after the
return of the Frost Giant King, so prepare various magic circles around the area,
check the situation periodically, and write a report...

And I had to do all this while preparing for homework and final exams.

The professors are kind and gentle to the first-year students, but they are like
blades to the fourth-year students.

They will never forgive them if they fail to do their homework or fail an exam
because of their lab mistakes.

“That… so. Whoever it was, it was really bad.”

"yes. okay. I don't know who it is, but I wish I could find it. right?"

“Uh huh.”

“Shut up and complete the magic circle. When I think about the remaining time, I
have to work on it even though it’s not Relocation Week, but Great Evil Week.”

The task that Dirett and Koholti were doing now was a magic circle that controlled
powerful alien beings.

Beings summoned from another dimension tend to stab their owners in the back and
try to get out of control.

Lesser pets could be controlled in a relatively simple way, but the more powerful
the pet, the stronger the intelligence and the stronger the will.

There was no simple way to control these beings. He had to mobilize high-level

The magic circle the two of them are trying right now was one of those methods.

If completed properly, it had the effect of weakening the power of the summoned
being and breaking the will...

“Did you paint all the walls?”

"it's over."

"Check it."

Kohorti rummaged through her pockets and pulled out a round bell. It was a bell
with a contract with a lesser demon.

It was of course not possible to summon powerful summons to the magic circle that
has not been confirmed yet, and we had to test by summoning weak monsters first.


A demon came out with smoke.

The demon that came out seemed to be suffering at first, but after a while, he
noticed and tried to run to the corner.

“The east is the gate of life. I have to stop it.”

“I’ll stop you now!”

Kohorti ran hard and blocked it.

Praying for a friend to forget the frost giant king.

“Did you stop it?”

“It’s blocked.”

"Check it."

Kohorti summoned the demon again. The demon that came out was a little troubled at
the beginning like before, but as time passed, he got used to it and tried to get

“This time the North is open.”


Cohortie let out a deep sigh.

The high rank magic circle was originally like this.

Completing one place causes trouble in another place, and if you fix it, the place
that was okay causes problems...

“Let’s fix it again.”

“Yeah… billions.”


Cohorti flinched as Dirett furrowed his eyebrows.

It was the reaction of someone who saw something happen.

"...what. What's going on?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. You just clearly said ‘billion’.”

“Because it’s nothing…”

"Do whatever you feel like. If you hide it and find out, you will be cursed with
the real plague.”

“…Actually, the intruder-prevention barrier hung down there is broken…”

“Are you kidding me?!”

'Black. I'll hide it.'

Kohorti regretted it internally.

I should have persevered to the end without falling for Dirett's conciliation...

“You call it a horse now? why is it broken Did I tell you to hang it up properly?”

“No... Really... I walked properly...”

“Then why is it broken?”

“...I must have made a mistake...”

Cohorti said smirking.

A period of relocation of the main building where shortcuts that did not exist are

During this period, older students had to pay more attention.

What if I'm experimenting in the upper floors for nothing, and a freshman comes in
and gets hurt?

- What did you learn after attending magic school for years? You left your juniors
hurting at this magic school. Does it make sense that there are wounded people in
this prestigious school?

- Makes sense... No. sorry.

Of course, Dirett and Koholti also took measures to prevent the younger students
from stepping on the newly connected shortcut.

He also cast barrier magic, and said, 'This road is protected by a barrier, so
those who are not skilled should return!' I wrote the same sentence...

However, it was suddenly broken because Koholti made a mistake when putting the

“Go back and walk!”

“Okay, I see!”

Kohorti tried to go down in haste.

But the guests arrived sooner than that.

When a familiar first-year student climbed up the shortcut stairs and came out
through the door, Dirett and Koholti were astonished.

* * *

“It’s written as a shortcut to the upper floors… isn’t it?”

- That's right.

Lee Han had a familiar conversation with the invisible Dirett.

If you were a freshman at the Magic School, it wasn't a very surprising sight.

-Wordanaz. Last time, thank you very much.

When a different font appeared, Lee Han was puzzled and then realized.

"ah. Were you there last time when you were the king of the frost giants?”

-right. hey thank you so much...

Dirett couldn't stand it and slapped Koholti's back with her elbow.

“It went very well. Did you get help from your juniors to solve it, and now you’re
proud of it?”

“Ugh. Whoops! Dirett, now, my juniors are watching the violence…”

“I can’t see it anyway!”

Dirett borrowed the power of magic and made a hand sword.

Lee Han-eun tilted her head as the seniors disappeared without talking.

“Are you there?”

- I missed the quill for a second.

'Something suspicious.'

Lee Han thought so, but didn't bother to ask further. Because seniors have their
own circumstances.

- How did you get up there? Wasn't there a barrier?

"ah. I tried unlocking it… I was lucky.”



Dirett looked at Kohorti in a bewildered way. Ko Horti lowered her head, her face

'You said you were released by the first year...?'

If the rumor spread to other friends, it was clear that Kohorti's nickname would
be <The Loser by the Iron Head> or <The Iron Head Lesser>.

'Now that's not important.'

Dirett decided to ask how he unlocked it later when he had the chance, and asked
something important.

- Why upstairs?

"I'm looking for the Spire Stable I mentioned earlier."

Dirett was speechless.

Of course, it was Dirett who told me that, but he didn't know that a first-year
student would be really serious about trying to dig a path to the upper spire. it really a first year??

-...I can't even tell you what to say. The Spire Stable is near here. Walk
straight along the hallway, then turn sideways and go up the stairs to get out.

Lee Han jumped with joy.

Thanks to Relocation Week, this kind of luck will come.

'okay. I've been unlucky all the time, so it's time to get lucky!'

Considering what happened on weekdays and weekends, it was not strange to see a
shower of gold coins pouring down while I was walking.

It was just too bad luck.

-for a moment. But now I can't get through here. I'm experimenting.

Dirett drew arrows on paper.

At the end of the hallway with a complex magic circle, there was a prison made of

And inside, a large demon with a very temperament was imprisoned in it.

- You can't put it away until the experiment is over.

Dirett briefly explained what he was doing. Ian nodded and listened.

“Are we going to have to subdue that demon?”


“Me, can we pass magic from the outside to the inside?”

- Yes, but why?


Lee Han struck a lightning bolt at an unknown demon who was trapped inside the

The devil groaned in pain.

-Junior. Thanks for helping, but demons don't give in to beating.

“Is that so… I’m sorry.”


Unlike Diret, who was looking at Lee Han while talking, Koholti, who was next to
him, could clearly see the demon trapped in the crystal prison.

Didn't the devil just avert his gaze?



As Diret said, the powerful demons classified as superior did not give in to
hitting a few hits.

If you give in by hitting how many hits, would that be a powerful demon?
just a wild beast

But Koholti must have seen the devil avoid his gaze.

“Diret. Dirett.”

“Can’t you see that I’m busy finding my way home now? Can you find it for me?”

Dirett nodded bluntly.

I was looking for a new side road because the path my junior was going to was

After all, it's relocation week, so some roads have disappeared, making it even
more troublesome to interfere.

“Can I hit that demon a few more times?”

"Do whatever you feel like. Instead, I will hit you later.”

"...ha ha ha. Even a joke…”

Kohorti said so, but it wasn't really a joke.

“Take it down!”

A spell was cast on the demon trapped inside the crystal cage along with the

The demon, hit by the shock wave emitted by Kohorti, screams with pain and avoids
his gaze...

Instead of ..., I just stared at him with an expression of 'What are you doing,
this wizard?'

Embarrassed, Kohorti asked the devil.

“Did I cast too weakly?”

Of course, the devil did not answer. Cohortie cast one more time.

This time, focus a little more and be stronger.


A shock wave was fired, and the demon squirmed. And that was it. It was very
different from before.

'...Did I see it wrong??'

Kohorti thought carefully, then said.

“I want my juniors to use magic once again…”

"Do whatever you feel like."


"yes! Ask your juniors to do the homework for you. I ask my juniors to take the
exam instead. why? Are you asking me to graduate for you?”

“...this...just this one time...just this one time...”

Dirett turned back with a look of 'how am I supposed to kill this bastard'.
Koholti looked at him and barely got permission from Lee Han.

“Can I just cast it?”

-okay. take it easy comfortable!

'What's going on?'

Lee Han was puzzled and moved on.

I didn't know exactly why, but I thought that Lee Han-eun's seniors were under a
lot of stress.

Powerful demons do not succumb to violence, but apart from that, even wizards are
subject to stress.

It was natural for magic to go out if you didn't listen to words.

The seniors will have to manage their magical powers, so I guess I'll ask Lee Han,
who has enough magic.

'I understand.'

All students who do difficult experiments have to contend with the desire to
destroy the experimental equipment.

'It would be more convenient to get closer.'

Lee Han approached Sujeong cage a little closer.

I could still aim, but it was more fun to cast from close.



As Lee Han approached, the devil, who had just been staring confidently outside
the crystal cage, laid his eyes on him.

'Did I see it wrong?'

Lee Han tilted his head and tilted his head to the devil.

Then the devil slyly stepped back and blatantly avoided his gaze.


-■■■■■! ■■■■■!

With a painful scream, the devil knelt down and put his forehead to the ground.

It was an attitude of submission that was 100% certain to anyone looking at it.


Kohorti and Dirett were startled by the sight and dropped their wands.

* * *

Powerful beings from other dimensions rejected the order of the world just by
breathing and brought their own rules.

Having your own rules means that you have strong resistance to magic, which is the
power to change the rules of the world.

The magic resistance these beings had was not formidable.

This is the reason why he looked at the magic that Cohorti had cast earlier, 'What
are you doing, this magician'.

Of course, the magic resistance was not invincible. There were several methods of

You can cast a high-level magic that specializes in piercing, or even with the
same magic, you can pierce it with your own power by increasing the amount of magic
power tremendously...

However, the latter of these actually belonged to an unrealistic method.

Simply increasing the amount of mana with the same magic is not a virtuoso.

As the magic power increased, the magic effect was somewhat stronger.

But in that case, I just had to learn a higher level magic and cast it. There was
no reason to ignorantly put a lot of magic into the lower level magic.

Because of the limitations of the magic itself, there are restrictions on how
strong the effect can be, and the higher the magic power, the higher the casting

Acting recklessly like that would be perfect for magical exhaustion.

-got it? Junior?

Dirett and Kohorti warned in great detail that this reckless junior might collapse
from magical exhaustion in a corner of the magic school hallway.

He knew that this brilliant junior was born with a lot of magical power.

The fact that he has excellent magic talent and is learning magic faster than
other students.

But that doesn't mean you can't just watch.

As a senior, I had to warn them not to do anything dangerous.

-Magic exhaustion is more terrifying than you think!

- How are you now? Aren't you dizzy or sweaty?

“Yeah… that’s fine.”

'You worry too much.'

If he had fallen this much, Lee Han would have already fallen.

In fact, Lee Han already knew that he was instinctively over-injecting magic when
casting magic.

Because the duration of the glow magic or the duration of the enchantment was one
of the proofs.

The effect of penetrating the same magic resistance was unexpected, but anyway,
Lee Han didn't overdo it while casting lightning magic.

If this was too much, I would have collapsed before!

“It’s really good, so don’t worry. So… did that demon succumb because of the
damage done?”


-That's not right.

Like a fourth-year student in the Black Magic major, Dirett and Koholti answered

Of course, the powerful magic attack that Lee Han just showed was surprising.

But the devil did not succumb to it. Higher demons aren't that weak.

“Then why?”


There was silence for a moment.


Lee Han-eun was embarrassed when the seniors did not write letters.


- That's... so...

-This is... not sure... well... not exactly...

The two seniors turned their words instead of giving out cool answers.

Because it was too absurd for them to think.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Is that… makes sense?”

“It doesn’t make sense… but there’s no reason other than that…”


What if two seniors say to a junior in first year, 'I was a little bit weak
because the devil was hit by a few magic spells, but you must have been scared
because you have a lot of magical powers and you are cold'?

Perhaps that first-year junior would go back to the tower and say something like

-hey. Even if Einroguard is just breathing, his grades seem to go up. I saw some
crazy seniors today, if you don't know, you'll say you don't know.

But what if I can't think of a reason other than this?


-...This is an unusual phenomenon that is very complex and difficult to explain.

-right. I don't know how to explain this. It's never because we don't know.

The two fourth-grade students explained in circles as much as possible.

The devil succumbed to being terrified of being hit by you a few times. This may
sound like bullshit, but don't think it's too much bullshit, and there's some
academic evidence...

Starting with 'The devil's heart is exceptionally weak by looking at the shape of
the clouds today', there have been rumors of groundless stories such as 'That demon
may be weak to lightning'.

“Uh… what. All right."

And Lee Han wasn't really interested.

The spire stable doesn't matter. Whether or not the high-ranking demon blocking
the corridor sees Lee Han and gets scared, what does that matter?

-Oh yeah. now i can pass good job!

-right! I can go to the Spire Stable! congratulation!

For some reason, it felt like the two seniors were trying to send Lee Han away
quickly, but Lee Han didn't mind and asked.

“But, seniors. You said you were working on an assignment, but because of me, the

I was preparing a magic circle to subdue the demon, but the demon, the test
target, has succumbed, so things have gone awry.

Ian felt sorry for nothing.

-not really? Rather better.


-Since the devil has surrendered, you can take this succumbed demon and say that
the magic circle has also succeeded. Professor, you're a bother anyway, so you
don't come and check it yourself.

Excitedly, Cohorti gave tips to his first-year juniors, and Dirett smashed the
back of the head.

“Teach good things, teach good things!”

* * *

'Here you are!'

Lee Han moved as he had heard from Dirette, and his heart pounded at the sound of
a murmur in the distance.

It is not a human-made sound, but a low-pitched cry of various animals.

It was a sound you could hear in the stable.

'this weekend...!'

By the way, this week is the week of Amur.

If I brought the phone league, I could fly out confidently.

Lee Han looked around in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

'There is no risk factor... Death Knights are the problem.'

Because of the border, Death Knights were placed near the stables.

They were chatting among themselves whether anyone passed by or not, but they
could never be vigilant.

'Those Death Knights. It's more annoying than I thought.'

It was a heartbreaking event for Lee Han if he suddenly spoke friendly words while
passing by.


The wall in front of Lee Han opened as if it had melted, and a familiar person
walked out of the inner passage.

It was so sudden that Lee Han couldn't even cast invisibility magic.


A strange appearance with his mouth wrapped in a bandage.

He was the principal's minion whom I met last time and the spire keeper, a servant
of the magic school.

The spire keeper did not startle or call the Death Knights even when he saw Lee
Han. Rather, he greeted me lightly.

'ah. It's midday.'

Lee Han sighed in relief.

Unlike midnight, when someone wanders around and catches them and puts them in the
punishment room, it was daytime when the sun was still in the sky.
It is natural for students to wander here and there, so even the spire does not
feel uncomfortable.

Lee Han prayed that the spire keeper would not remember that the student in front
of him was a freshman. Even so, it would be a bit strange to have a freshman in
front of me.

What did you come here for?

When the spirekeeper wrote on a piece of paper and showed it, Lee Han responded

“Actually, I got lost while preparing for my homework before the finals.”

You're out of luck. Could you please guide me?

"thank you. oh Is that a stable?”

The spirekeeper nodded. Lee Han asked with innocent eyes.

“May I take a look at the stables? Professor Lightning Walk's lecture is difficult
and I am having a hard time following it. A tour of the stables might be of some

The spirekeeper made a troubled expression.

It was impossible to allow students to freely view facilities that were not
allowed to enter.

Lee Han spoke with sad eyes.

"no. I guess I made an unreasonable request. In fact, unlike my friends who have
ridden horses since childhood, I was always clumsy at using my body... I guess I
was stubborn because of embarrassment. Please understand.”

Lee Han calmly made a lie that would throw a spear at the White Tiger Tower
students if they heard it.

The spire keeper looked around and pondered, then nodded his head with a
determined look.

Okay. Follow me.

In addition to receiving help from the last warehouse, he couldn't just leave the
student trying to overcome his weakness like that.

The master of the spire must have acted like this!


- Why are you doing this, sir?

-What did we do so wrong...

The Death Knights complained, but when the spire keeper drove them away, they
could not stand it and retreated.

"thank you."
Thanks to this, Lee Han was able to comfortably enter the spire stable.

Be careful. Animals are usually ferocious.

As the Spire Keeper warned, the mounts sleeping inside the Spire Stable were

'no. Why are the professors riding these things?'

Hippogriff, Sedu, Bicorn, Inmyeonjo, Park, and other rare and powerful monsters
that you might have only seen in fairy tales were asleep.

Of course, wizards are the ones who challenge the impossible, define the
mysteries, and tame the monstrosities... we really have to tame these dangerous guys?

'I can see why students are not allowed to enter.'

Still, there was one thing that was fortunate, and there was no discomfort even if
I brought a griffon here.

A griffon seemed to fit into a cute and cute mount here.

'The inside is where the beasts rest...'

The spire stable boasted a structure that was long enough that the opposite
entrance could not be seen from the entrance, perhaps because the space was
amplified by magic.

Animals resting were sleeping on either side of the long passage, and if you
follow the road, there is an access road connected to the outer wall of the main
building so that you can now fly out.

It was a kind of airfield designed to fly right into the open sky.

'Didn't you say you would check once at the entrance?'

Lee Han recalled the information he had heard.

There seemed to be no confirmation or inspection, but he said that people coming

in and going out were only checked once at that airfield.

If so, the person in charge of the facility must be waiting here...


While Lee Han had the structure in his head, the spire keeper walked forward.

Then a horse walked out from inside.


While Lee Han blinked, the spirekeeper conversed with the horse using paper and a

- Isn't it dangerous? you guarantee I see.

'Well. I was too narrow-minded.'

There are centaurs who can talk, and there are minotaurs who can speak, but it was
not surprising that horses could speak.

No, it's actually a bit surprising...

I got permission.


Ian paused.

what permission?

You said you wanted to practice. Try this biker. It will help.


Lee Han vowed never again to deceive a good person for his own gain.

* * *

The Steeple Keeper didn't recommend the Bicon to know Lee Han's evil intentions
and to give him a piercing lesson.

Of course, it happened in the end, but the reason was really pure good intentions.

As an animal called a bicorn has a body similar to that of a horse, if it can ride
a bicon skillfully, it can ride any ferocious horse.

“…not wrong, but isn’t it too dangerous?”

If you learn to tame a dragon, you can tame a wolf, but no one told you to tame a
dragon to tame a wolf.

it's okay. That bicorn is one of the nicest animals here.


Lee Han put on a shaky expression on his face.

Based on that logic, Hando Lee becomes the nicest person in the principal's office
when Principal Skeleton and Voladi are together...

'Let's not fall.'

I couldn't disappoint the Spirekeeper as I had to use the stables here on the

Lee Han decided to do his best to ride the Bicon.

It was a complex movement and there was no need for acrobatics. I was thinking of
walking back to the most basic and safe movement.

“I am Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. I respect your honor and your pride, the
pride that runs through your veins.”

Recalling what he had learned from Professor Lightning Walk, Lee Han cautiously
stepped forward.

The stronger the monster, the higher the intelligence and the stronger the self-

What's more, it was even more so if the monster had a wild and rough nature like a

A unicorn with one horn had a good and gentle personality, but a bicorn with two
horns was the exact opposite.

There was a chance that I could accidentally get pierced by a horn and fall down.



Bicon looked at Lee Han and suddenly approached him. Then he rubbed his cheek
against his face.


Lee Han was very embarrassed by the closeness of the beast he had never seen
before, even in the Fon League.


Is it a trap?

uh huh-

Bicon, whether Lee Han was embarrassed or not, quietly knelt down on his knees.

It meant come on up.

“...I respect you. I really respect you. got it?"

Lee Han said once again that the Bicon could reveal its true color the moment it

Bicon snorted slightly and turned his head. She seemed to be doing her best.


Bicon did not reveal his true color even though Lee Han rode it. He gently knocked
on the ground with his hoof, and then ran to the airfield and jumped into the air.


In an instant, the vast site of Einroguard caught my eye. Bicon carefully walked
through the air to see if he was reading Lee Han's feelings.

"Thank you."

As Lee Han whispered while stroking his mane, he murmured as if the Bicon wasn't a
big deal.

Comfortable and comfortable riding.

Bicon was much nicer and kinder than I had been worried about.

'ah. Was this why you recommended it?'

The Spire Keeper didn't recommend it without thinking. Lee Han apologized inwardly
for being suspicious of the spire keeper.

Have you got some practice?

"thank you. It really helped a lot.”

When he returned, the spirekeeper was waiting for him. Lee Han answered with

“It makes me want to take it with me.”

- It's amazing. He's famous for being bullied.

The horse in charge of the spire stable keeper passed by in amazement.

The eyes looking at Lee Han were those of 'You've come back alive without looking

“…uh… didn’t you say that he’s the nicest of all the animals here?”

Lee Han asked the spirekeeper.

Surely it must have been?

It's only a little bit like usual, but when you meet the owner, it's really nice.


Lee Han was taken aback by the expression full of prejudice, which seemed to have
a pod of beans no matter who looked at it.

Of course, there were times when even a bad-tempered person felt good. Where's the
crazy guy with a bad mood all day?

Average is what matters...

'I don't want to ride again.'

I thought Bicon was kind, but it was just luck.

Lee Han vowed to himself.

“By the way, who owns this bicon?”

You are the principal.


Unknowingly, Lee Han stared at Bicon. As if not to go, Bicon grabbed Lee Han's
sleeve and stretched.

...maybe he was kind to the headmaster because he resembled a skeleton!?

'I'm glad, but somehow I feel bad!'

* * *

Lee Han thanked the spire keeper and said goodbye.

-Never tell other people what you practiced today. I'm so shy...

Of course, I didn't forget the pace.

Because there was nothing good about going into the skull principal's ear for

“Phone League. Ordinary is good. After all, like you and other horses, it’s nice
to have an ordinary look that makes you feel comfortable.”

Lee Han, who came to bring Ponleague's lunch, brushed his mane and said.

While eating, Fonrig tilted his head.

It sounded like an insult.

Besides, the original appearance of the phone league is different from other

"guy. eat well eat more I also brought candy for you.”

When Gainando gave him a snack that would make him jealous, Fonrig shook his head
in excitement.


"what's the matter?"

Fonrig frowned and looked at Lee Han.

The smell of an unfamiliar beast was emanating from the owner.

Flurry! hee hee hee! Whoops! Pu hee hee hee hee! Whoops!


Lee Han was taken aback when the phone league burst into tears, the most saddened
of all the appearances he had ever seen.

"what's the matter? Doesn't it taste good?"

Fonrig pounded the floor with his horseshoe, pretending to be another animal.

Putting the cone that had fallen on the floor on top of his head, he distorted his

"...ah. Bicon? He didn't ride because I wanted to ride. phone league. Trust me.”


Fonrig turned his head as if he didn't want to hear it. Lee Han did not give up
and hung on to soothe the strained mood of the phone league.

how long has it been

Professor Lightning Walk, who came to the stable, was puzzled when he saw Lee
Han's appearance.

“Isn’t it Grippy… but are you comforting the phone league? You are doing well.”

“Would you like some help?”

“It is healing well. I think it's already half-opened. But what did you do that
made you vomit like that?”

When it came to a griffon, it wasn't a trivial mistake.

A strong return is the self-esteem of a strong return.

However, the disciple's reply was more absurd than expected.

“I rode some bikes…”

“...Where the hell did you come here on a biker!?”

* * *



“The room… the shield! Shield!!”


The Blue Dragon Tower students screamed as the shield fell to the floor of the

The other top students, who had less understanding of the situation, asked.

“Hey, if that shield falls, will there be any problem?”

Could it be an item related to foresight magic?

The moment the shield falls, there is danger or...

“I bet with that shield.”

“I thought we were going for three days... hehehe...”


“The pathetic bastards…”

'Two days and a little more.'

Whether the Blue Dragon Tower students who lost their food shed tears or not, Lee
Han calmly recorded the time.

It seemed like it could just be really submitted.

Of course, some sincere students could have said, 'The task is to provide an
opportunity for students to learn. Is it meaningful to use a shortcut?'
'What do you know? I'll start living with me.'

There was nothing wrong with seeing that even 4th graders were using shortcuts.

Let's live for now!

“Is everyone doing their homework well?”

"yes! Professor Garcia!”

There was a little more affection than usual in the students' voices calling out
to the half-troll professor.

In that affection, there was 'Please, even the professor, please don't give me
more assignments'.

“Is there a lot of homework?”


“So my pre-final assignment is simple…”

The students' eyes twinkled.




“I think I’ll give it to you next week.”



“Hey, it’s not that hard. everyone. It will be simple.”

'It's not comforting.'

Lee Han knew very well that the simplicity of professors' standards was never

“I’m sorry that everyone will have a hard time before the finals, but today I’m
going to introduce another magical school.”

With a horse, the professor opened the door and entered.

Ian was surprised.

The professor had the face of the most tired and weary man in the world.

'Oh my gosh. Is that possible?'

Lee Han also had a knack for fatigue and guidance, but that professor was beyond

How many hours do you have to work non-stop to get that much fatigue?

A small flowerpot appeared one by one in front of the students. It was a flowerpot
planted with cut sprouts.

“Catch the flowerpot.”


A stick appeared above Guy Nando's head, and he slapped it.


“Don’t make me say it twice. Grab the flowerpot.”

The students held flowerpots.

“Close your eyes and imagine the broken buds connected.”


The students closed their eyes and focused.

“Whoever has a bud connected, raise your hand.”

Quite a few students raised their hands. Lee Han was one of them.

“You learn healing magic.”




Perhaps because it was absurd, there was more admiration than anger.

'This way?'

There was no need to convince the students, 'My school's magic has these

They simply have to forcefully kidnap students as disciples.

A clever solution that will hit your knees if you tell Professor Mortum!

“School, Professor? I have no intention of learning healing magic.”

“If you’re already majoring in one, but majoring in two… how are you going to keep

“I’m still struggling to death!”


The innocent protests of friends made Lee Han's heart ache.

Lee Han smiled bitterly.

“Everyone be quiet. I will explain for you.”

Professor Garcia stepped in.

“Everyone knows about healing magic, right?”

The students nodded their heads.

healing magic.

Healing magic would be the most familiar magic to the general public of the

There were many things to see and many uses, so wizards who could use healing
magic were respected.

There is no need to explain how the warlock and the healing wizard will be treated
when they visit the village.

Naturally, there were many wizards who wanted to study healing magic as a

'It's not even black magic, is there any reason for forcing students to come

Most of the Phoenix Tower Priests will want to learn healing magic, and a lot of
White Tiger Tower students will want to learn healing magic...

“There are too few healing wizards right now.”

The dark elf professor said in a tired, harsh voice.

“Then increase the number.”


Before the students were further confused, Professor Garcia followed.

Healing magic was a magic that took quite a while for the wizard to do his part.

As it is related to human life, unlike other magic, it was difficult to mobilize

the wizard that was being taught when something was needed.

In addition, the difficulty of learning magic was complicated and difficult, so

even though there were many students who came to learn magic, the dropout rate was
not normal.

“Anyway, when there was an epidemic in the Pessian area last year, the lack of
healing wizards became a problem.”

So, Professor of Healing Magic, Professor Arcasis of the Lagrinde family, sought
permission from His Majesty the Emperor and Head of Skeleton directly.

How to solve the problem of the low number of healing wizards?

It was to increase (even by force) the number of students learning.

If you greatly increase the number of students, even if there are many defectors,
the overall number of healing wizards will increase.

So, today, if you can simply test the students like this and see if they have any
aptitude for healing magic...

“…to give you a chance to learn magic like this. Did you all understand?”

“…uh… it’s forced, but why a chance?”

Professor Garcia pretended not to hear.

Sometimes professors get cowardly.

Professor Alkasis said in a tired, hoarse voice.

“Everyone calm down. I'm busy, so no useless questions. Ask only the necessary

"professor. I am currently majoring in summoning magic, so healing magic is…”

The voice of one student who was asking the necessary question disappeared.

All the students, realizing that the professor's silent magic skills were unusual,
shut their mouths.

“Isn’t that too much?”

"I know..."

'Isn't that just the average magic school?'

Contrary to the students groaning in astonishment, Lee Han was not very shocked.

Just like, 'Oh, you're a professor'?

“What time is it now?”

“It’s half past three.”

In response to Professor Garcia's answer, Professor Alcasis blinked dry eyes and

After the lecture, the schedule was tight, so I had to check the time.

“What are you going out for this time? Could it be that the Croongdun Guild that I
talked about last time is a dispute?”

Professor Alkasis was so tired that he didn't even speak a word. In a blink of an
eye, Professor Garcia sighed.

“Hey… the adventurers are fighting amongst themselves. Also in the city. I can't
really forgive you. I don't have a hand, would you mind?"

“So I’m going to take him to the third grade. Water, please."

"Here you go."

While Professor Alcasis emptied the water tank quickly at once, Professor Garcia
“Take them all the way to the third grade…”

“It doesn’t help much if you take second-year students.”

“…it wasn’t a question of why the sophomores didn’t take them.”

Professor Garcia said with a tired look.

And Lee Han heard it with a tired expression.

'This is hell, too.'

A different kind of hell than what Principal Skeleton, Professor Voladi, or

Professor Verdus would create.

It wasn't the professor's fault.

It was the empire's fault.

There are many people who get hurt and die, but the number of healing wizards is
small, so the work intensity of the healing wizards increases tremendously.

I heard that the 3rd graders are taking them too...

"professor. I'm not really interested in healing magic...”

“There are no exceptions.”

"professor. I'm already taking two majors! Two!”

“As I said, there are no exceptions. Be quite."

Professor Alkasis spoke as firmly as a rock, without the slightest trembling.

Just because he was a professor, he didn't feel sorry for the students who were
not interested in healing magic and had a hard time listening to other magic.

But there was nothing I could do.

Because we needed more healing wizards for the sick of the Empire.

Professor Alkasis made a firm resolve once again to become ruthless.

No excuse will be able to change Professor Alkasis' heart.

"professor! Here Lee Han is now black magic, summoning magic, illusion magic,
enchantment magic, foresight magic, transformation magic... What else do you have?”

Guy Nando stopped counting while arguing instead and asked Lee Han. Lee Han turned
his gaze away, pretending not to hear, because his friend was embarrassed.

“Anyway, I’m listening to all of this! That’s too much!”

"Do not lie."

“Really! Ask other professors too!”

Professor Alkasis looked at Lee Han in disbelief.

Even though Lee Han did nothing wrong, somehow he had to feel that he did
something wrong.

'Who's going to think I'm listening to everything on purpose?'

After biting his lip for a few minutes and pondering, Professor Alkasis finally
spoke as if spitting.

“...there are no exceptions. Be quite."

"too bad...!!"

“Stop it.”

Lee Han made Guy Nando shut his mouth.

'I have to learn the silence curse quickly.'

* * *

Professor Mortum was also a person who coughed a lot (probably because of the
tower's environment), but Professor Alkasis was just as stout as he was.

He staggered while talking, squeaked as if his mouth was dry, and sweated, even
sitting on a chair for a while to rest.

“I will explain the basics. Are you okay?”


"ruler. everyone. Did you just connect the sprouts in the pot? This sprout is a
plant whose variety has been improved to make it easier to respond to magical
powers. So you can heal easily. That doesn't mean the principle is very different.
Healing and restoring parts that have been injured and broken in this way is a key
part of healing magic.”

I was forced to listen, but the students were surprisingly attentive.

In fact, since healing magic is so popular, the students would have listened quite
well if they hadn't been forced to listen.

'But it doesn't look like the shortage will be resolved by adding a dozen or more

“Of course, the field of healing magic isn't just about recovery. Alchemy to
analyze various status ailments such as poisoning and to create a healing potion
for it. An enchantment magic that allows the patient to withstand various
procedures and visions. Prognosis magic so that you can check the prognosis in
advance… If necessary, it is a characteristic of healing magic to learn the magic
of other schools generously.”

'Isn't there no black magic?'

Lee Han was trying to say that he had lost his black magic, but he held back.

If I asked, only the students learning black magic seemed to be sad.

"Uh... Then do I have to learn all of them?"

One of the students asked with a frightened expression.

Professor Garcia replied kindly.

“Of course not. You only learn when you need it.”

“Ah, as expected… that’s good!”

Lee Han, who was listening, asked something strange.

“But, Professor. Healing wizards are small in number, so they have to deal with a
lot of patients, so it’s not enough to actually learn everything you just said,

Professor Garcia pretended not to hear Lee Han's words.

That's why you're such a smart student!

Meanwhile, Professor Alkasis, who had recovered his stamina, stood up.

“I will explain. As Professor Garcia just said, the healing wizard needs a broad
understanding of the whole, not just one direction. Not only magic, but also
studying other fields. Suppose there is a patient here with a broken bone. You want
to heal this patient's bones, but if you don't know the structure of the patient's
bones, can you make them heal?"

Professor Alkasis said, pretending to break a rib with his hand.

“Even if I let it heal, will it heal in a strange way? If that's the case, it's
better not to do it. The healing wizard must know the structure of the body.”

The Phoenix Tower Priests and White Tiger Tower students listened as if possessed.

It was a natural reaction as there was more interest.

Besides, the structure of the body.

The phoenix tower priests and the white tiger tower students were somewhat
familiar and confident.

“Bring it in.”

The door opened, and two students who looked as tired and troubled as the
professor entered.

The two seniors just didn't come in. He dragged a coffin large enough to fit one
person behind him.


To my surprise, when I opened the door to the coffin, there was a man tied up


At the professor's command, the two seniors loosened the prisoners' chains and
removed their muzzles. The prisoner then protested violently.

“Damn wizards! No matter how many people I killed, it was like this...

Ian was surprised.

Not because Professor Arcasis had his swords pierced the prisoner's neck and limbs
(which, in fact, was a bit surprising), but because he was so lightning-quick.

The skill of summoning swords from the air, grabbing them one by one, and
inserting them into the prisoner's body was not an ordinary quick sword.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were also confused as to whether they felt
the professor's swordsmanship skills were unusual.

'If I work as a healing wizard for a long time, will I become proficient in

The prisoner's body turned pale in an instant. The stuck sword had absorbed all
the blood.

"open it."

The two seniors opened the prisoner's chest. Vivid organs were revealed.


Several students fainted from the shock. Professor Alkasis said cynically.

“Wake up. Describe the structure of the human body. listen carefully."

“Woah… Whoops!”

Guynando was about to vomit. Lee Han quickly cast <Ogonin's Full Satisfaction>.

“Oh, thank you. Lee Han.”

“I… me too. me too!"

* * *

Professor Alkasis had excellent swordsmanship skills to dismantle the body so

quickly that it could not be seen, and he had a deep understanding of the structure
of the human body that supported it, but that did not alleviate the suffering of
the students.

When Professor Alkasis finished the lecture and restored the prisoner, the
students had their heads exploded with secrets and complex information about people
they had never seen before.

Professor Garcia opened the window and asked.

“Is everyone okay?”



The students looked at Professor Garcia with eyes full of betrayal and scars.
Professor Garcia is very sorry.

“The explanation of the theory is roughly finished. Everyone, lift up the string
in front of you.”

A string made of twisted plant fibers appeared in front of the students.

“Stop and connect with magic.”

"I did."

“Keep repeating.”


The students, feeling like they were stupid, cut, connected, and cut the string

Although it looks a bit silly, it was an effective workout.

How can a person who cannot connect even the easiest plant string properly connect
a person's broken blood vessels?

Not only did he master it over and over again, but he also reduced the amount of
wastage in the use of mana.

A taboo that should never be wasted for a healing wizard who has to heal all kinds
of parts.

By consuming mana through this repetition, it was supposed to reduce unnecessary


"do it properly."


Lee Han-eun, who was cutting and cutting, was puzzled by the professor's point.

Did I just do something wrong?

"...Oh. professor. Come here for a moment.”

Professor Garcia dragged Professor Alcasis aside.

Come to think of it, he was so busy that he wasn't there when the professors were
chatting with each other!



As an outstanding professor, Professor Garcia gave brief, simple, and accurate

explanations to the point.

However, sometimes it is difficult to convince the other person no matter how good
the explanation is.

When the content is too absurd!

-I am a student of the Wodanaj family, and as I said earlier, I listen to a lot of
lectures. But now, every lecture I take is so good that the professors care about
it a lot. So, please don't say too much that Professor Alkasis is also good at
healing magic and be considerate of it. There are other professors.

“…don’t do this, really.”

Professor Alkasis sighed in exhaustion.


“Don’t do this. who did it Are you the principal?”

Professor Alkasis was convinced that the Skeleton Principal was playing a prank.

Only Principal Skeleton could play such a prank on Professor Arcasis, the most
tired and busy in Einrogard.

The rest of the professors could have really died, so they couldn't play this

“No no no no... I'm not kidding!”


Professor Alkasis had a headache and frowned. Professor Garcia said worriedly.

“Would you like me to cast a painkiller for you?”

"It's not good to cast a lot of magic... So it's not a joke?"


Professor Alkasis tried to accept the stories he had just heard.

Does a student listen to a little too much lecture?

It doesn't happen often, but it did happen once in a while.

Right now, Professor Garcia was too greedy during his school days and didn't
regret it.

...Of course, that student wasn't at that level, but...

“How many were there before? Are you taking a class?”

“Summoning magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic, foresight magic,

transformation magic...”

“And there was also black magic, right?”

“Ah. A secret from Professor Mortum...”

“Do you think you have enough time left for me to go and talk? Anyway, are all the
lectures I’ve just said good evaluations?”

'I'm the chief...'

Professor Garcia was about to say that he was the chief, but he noticed and

It wasn't a lie, but it felt like a lie for nothing.


“…does it make sense???”

"Iknow, right..."

Professor Garcia felt the same again.

I didn't notice these when I looked at them one by one, but when I summarized it
to someone else, it was a bit strange.

“The Wodanaj family…?”

“What does this have to do with House Wodanaj? Haven't you met the Wodanaj

“I met you…”

Professor Garcia grew pale.

My body shuddered as I recalled the memories of being scolded by Professor Alkasis

when I was in school.

'It's not my fault.'

"after. Okay. i'll know okay. Sometimes such a genius comes out.”

"Sometimes you've caught it too much..."



“But what does it mean to be considerate?”

Professor Alkasis's eyebrows slanted a little more.

It was absolutely unacceptable to the character of Professor Alcasis to treat one

student with special treatment. Even if the student was of the emperor's blood, it
was the same.

"ah. that is. Other professors have a lot to teach, but if Professor Alkasis is
holding on to him for a long time... or taking him outside... you know."

As with all magic, healing magic was especially the more time-consuming monster.

From the amount of knowledge required to various fields.

Other professors could be outraged if he held on to himself that he would quickly

turn him into a useful healing wizard.

Besides, in the case of healing magic, students were often taken outside.

“You call that a horse?”

Of course, Professor Alkasis was very absurd.

No matter how small the number of people, I had no intention of taking the first-
year students out.

This had nothing to do with talent.

Even if you have the talent of the opposite world, would you take a first-year
student to work related to human life?

“Professor Garcia. you would know Even doing this now…”

The students were half-forced and made to learn healing magic, but Professor
Arcasis knew it of course.

Of these, those who will not learn will not learn no matter how hard they try.

It was natural.

No one is as stubborn as a wizard, so would you continue to learn by telling them

to learn magic they don't care about?

However, I did it because if I force it, I could mobilize and receive help when
there was a shortage of manpower.

A wizard who didn't know any healing magic, and a wizard who had learned a little
bit was completely different.

Of course, I wasn't expecting a key role.

If you were forced to teach like this and expected to play a key role, that would
be a really ignorant idea.

I was only expecting a secondary role when there was a problem...

“I do not expect a single share from students who are forced to listen. Even if
half a person does it, it's fine. But what’s holding on to it for a long time and
taking it outside?”

I'm trying to teach at least to solve the shortage of people somehow, but when I
heard something like, 'There are other professors, don't treat them like a disciple
too much', so it was natural for Professor Alcasis to be embarrassed.

"Yes? I'm sorry. I must have been worrying too much.”

Professor Garcia was embarrassed and apologized.

Whenever the professors kept seeing Lee Han, he was worried because he grabbed one
of his arms or legs and pulled him to his horse tower.

Humans were originally torn when pulled in that way.

“Professors keep saying…”

“Okay, so don’t worry. And I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at healing magic."

Professor Garcia tilted her head.

'Are you doing well?'

Professor Alkasis frowned slightly.

“Are you just pretending? The power is not diminished.”

“...Ah, that’s what…”

Professor Garcia decided to explain the last part of the previous explanation.

* * *

“…that’s it! Isn't that surprising?"

The really surprising thing was that I said it first, so I thought this might be

But Professor Alkasis did not answer.




“Exactly how much magic power?”

"professor. You said you weren't interested..."

“…I was just asking.”

Professor Alkasis turned away.

“But this is a bit unfair. I was busy, so I wasn't there when the other professors
were talking.”

“Oh, why are you like this?”

Professor Garcia said, struggling to push away the imagination of Lee Han's limbs
being dragged away.

“And I’m not even that good at Lee Han’s healing magic.”

“...Try this.”

Professor Alkasis cleared the rope in front of Ihan and threw a bone.

The other students were startled, but Lee Han, who had already adapted to black
magic, accepted the bone without hesitation.


Lee Han, who broke the bone, immediately put it back together.

It was amazing speed.

Understanding bones, innate magical powers, and delicate operation skills.

He had to teach more to know the exact details, but just looking at that, he
couldn't deny that he was an exceptional talent in healing magic.

“It’s because Han Lee studied black magic hard.”

Professor Garcia made an absurd excuse.

“Professor Garcia. You know how beneficial it is to have a lot of magical power.”

“The story was told by Professor Verdus yesterday, by Professor Kraer the day
before yesterday, and by Professor Mortum the day before...”

“…Anyway, cancel what I said earlier.”

“Oh really, why are you like that!”

* * *

“Isn’t it fun other than disbanding?”

“Actually, the disbanding wasn’t fun, was it?”

“...that, yes. Don’t come near me.”


At the end of the lecture, the students' evaluation was better than expected.

Considering the fact that they were forced to learn and disbanded during the
lecture, it was a very positive result.

“For those who want to learn more about healing magic... this way...”

As soon as the lecture was over, Professor Alkasis disappeared to the upper spire
in a hurry, and the upper-grade students studying under the professor remained and
called the first-year students.

Even if there are many students who are forced to take classes, there must be
quite a few students who are seriously interested in healing magic.

It was the role of seniors to help juniors like that.

...Actually, it was supposed to be a professor's job, but Professor Alkasis was

too busy.

“I wish you well. Seniors!"


"Yes Yes?"

The student, who greeted each other cheerfully, was bewildered by his senior's
sullen response.

'What did I do wrong?'

"Lower your voice... I feel like I'm going to break my head because I can't


'I think the students who tried to hear the healing magic will also run away.'

“Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”

“Priest Tigiling.”

“Are you okay?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Even if you listen to the healing magic…”


Ian paused for a moment.

In fact, rather than being surprised by the lecture, I was surprised that the
Phoenix Tower students knew it too.

“If you come and add one now, what will be different? And if I don't study unless
I'm forced to listen, I'm the only one hurting."

“I am seriously worried about my health, but...”

As the phoenix tower priests walked, they saw Lee Han and murmured.

-Isn't someone supposed to dry it...

-I have the honor and pride of aristocrats...

- People's lives matter!

'These children will not be able to hear it, so it's embarrassing.'

Lee Han just felt embarrassed.

As the priests were seriously worried about Lee Han's lifespan and talked about
it, there seemed to be a sense of uneasiness that was not there.

However, the phoenix tower priests were not the only ones who saw Lee Han

“He… the professor said… right?”

“Yeah... the healing magic... the benefits... let me know... draw it in...”

Whip and carrot.

This old tactic was also used in magic education.

If it is a whip that makes people learn magic by being semi-forced, carrots are
the ones that show the merits of that magic.

There are still many defectors, so the high school students majoring in healing
magic, whose jobs are increasing, were even able to sell their souls to the devil
in order to attract juniors.

Besides, the words that Professor Alkasis left in a hurry before he left.

-Ihan of the Wodanaj family. got it? Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. It is a timber
that, if properly raised, can support ten people. Makes you interested in healing

- But Professor... How? First-year students these days are clever, so everyone
must have noticed.

Right now, the professor will collapse from exhaustion and die, so what kind of
advantage can you feel?

-Okay. Because each person has different priorities. Apparently, he is not a

person who values comfort or a comfortable life. Seeing all the other lectures, I
have a personality like Professor Garcia. burning with enthusiasm. do you

-ah. I think you know.

-okay. Convince yourself with it Even if I don't say anything...

-of course. professor. We want juniors more than professors!

“Healing magic... Cool. huh. Cool cool. Are you interested?”

“…are you okay?”

When the senior approached him with a face that looked like he was about to die,
Lee Han had no choice but to panic.

“Oh, no. It's dry... it's dry. anyway! You're probably interested in healing
magic. That's why you're coming here?"

“Uh… there are still a lot of things I don’t know, so I’m just curious.”

Lee Han said carefully, not wanting to offend others.

But the two seniors responded immediately as if they were not offended at all.

“That’s the interest.”

“It's amazing. Why are you so interested in healing magic? I think it's the first
time I've seen it.”


Lee Han looked at the priests behind him.

...No matter how you look at it, Lee Han's interest is comparable to that of a
firefly in front of the full moon...?


“I think you haven’t talked to the Phoenix Tower students over there yet…”

“Let’s share it later. So what field of healing magic are you interested in?”
The two seniors threw words without giving a break in order to get rid of Lee
Han's spirit.

“Ah! You may not have realized what field you are interested in yet.”

“But it’s okay! We are here to help with that. ruler. What other lectures are you
taking? If you tell me what you are listening to, I can make you realize your

"alchemy. Do you listen to alchemy?”

Lee Han, who had been listening to the conversations of his seniors who only
excited what they had to say, nodded.

"indeed! Are you listening to alchemy? By the way, healing magic also has a deep
connection with alchemy. Analyzing a disease and creating a potion to cure it. That
might be a far greater thing than an individual sorcerer's cure."

“How about enchantment? What is enchantment magic?”

One senior's question was blunted as if the other senior was saying something.

“You’re listening to alchemy.”

“Ahh… but you can hear two.”

“Is that so?”

“Didn’t the professor say that he took other lectures because he had a strong
passion for learning?”

The two seniors who were whispering looked at Lee Han. Lee Han nodded his head and

“I am also hearing enchantments.”


“Aren’t you also listening to transformation magic?”

"why. Are you saying you're also hearing summoning magic?"

“Are you both listening?”



At first, the seniors thought it was a joke and tried to laugh, but when Lee Han
did not change his expression, they stopped.

...wasn't that a joke?

“All… huh? really?"

“What’s wrong?”

Lee Han's voice became a little harsh.

As Lee Han-do is a human being, looking at the current lecture schedule, no matter
how much he controlled his emotions, his anger could only boil slightly.

“It’s not wrong…”

“So you were talking about Professor Garcia…”

When Professor Alkasis said, 'I take all the other lectures', I wanted to major in
one or two more at most, but I never imagined that it would be this much.

The seniors looked at Lee Han with a slightly tired face and asked.

“Are there any more lectures left?”

"Yes. What."

Each time the remaining lectures came out of the juniors' mouths, the seniors'
expressions changed from boredom to fear.


this is really...

'...No matter how small the number of people is, can I make this guy hear healing
magic? Maybe it's too much??'

The two seniors began to feel serious remorse.

* * *

Phil and Chil.

It was the name of the two seniors who were in charge of the healing magic

“Is it a nickname?”


“Why the nickname?”

“You’ll find out later, too, but when it comes to healing wizards, it’s no good to
say their family or names.”

The identity of the healing wizard was not particularly well known.

If you do well, you will receive a request for help when something happens, and if
you do not receive treatment, you will receive a call asking you to take

In order not to be dragged out even on days off, it was good to use a common and
hard-to-remember nickname.



The Phoenix Tower students did not take well the advice of their seniors.
I looked at the seniors again, as if in absurdity.

“As a priest, it’s a little bit like that to avoid people asking for help…”

"Quiet! are you the phoenix tower? One of my friends has a phoenix tower, and he
acted like you in freshman year. But this is reality!”

If Professor Alkasis had seen it, he would have said, 'Crazy bastards, did you
tell the students to seduce or kick them out?' Unfortunately, Professor Alkasis was
not present.

The two seniors vomited explosively as if they had just cried because of the
phoenix top student's words.

“You have to rest to use your magic properly! Is that magic if you drag me out on
my days off because I need help?!”

“Who said no devotion and service to the people of the Empire?! But the time to
sleep is different! Like you, I was in first year…”

The seniors, who had exploded and chattered, stopped as if they had suddenly
regained their sanity.

“… did I say that I was a little excited? Of course, there are some minor
downsides to this. But healing magic has more advantages.”

“A heartfelt thank you for saving people and receiving them.”

“You will be respected wherever you go in the Empire.”

“Not only that, I don’t go to the punishment room well.”

Ian thought to himself.

'That's not an advantage...'

The other students would be deceived, but Lee Han was not deceived.

What is the reason why the skeleton principal doesn't send him to the punishment

It was clear that there was not enough manpower.

" this. Do you see how good healing magic is?”

The seniors who squeezed out their best points sent their sad eyes to the juniors.

Please don't run away!

Without you, our school will perish!

Fortunately, the freshmen were good or naive. He didn't run away after hearing the
same ominous conversation.


"I'll do my best."
"...Thank you. everyone!"

“It’s not going to work if you work hard, but…!”

* * *

'It's refreshing to play with dolls.'

The students each received a stuffed toy and were fiddling with it.

Of course, I didn't tell you to play with dolls.

“Shut up.”

<Healing of minor wounds>.

It was a healing magic that healed cuts and piercings.

Healing magics that deal with organs and bones inside the human body required a
complete understanding of the complex structure, but wounds outside the skin and
muscles were relatively easy to access.

However, the difficulty itself was not easy.

Just as in enchantment magic, magic cast directly on a person is classified as

enhancement magic, and magic cast directly on a person in fantasy magic is
separately classified as mental magic, it was very difficult to cast on a living

Just as the first-year students were given practice with a specially made string,
the stuffed toy now is an item made in that way.

“The difficulty has definitely increased.”

Priest Tigiling said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Due to the consumption of mana, the body was slightly tired.

Reconnecting the strings and sewing the wounds on the stuffed toy may seem similar
at first glance, but they are different.

The former is a simple string, while the latter is a doll made to imitate a

“It has definitely gotten harder.”

Lee Han nodded and put down the stuffed toy.

Not only the cut, but the doll's broken arm was healed without a single drop of


Priest Tigiling stared at Lee Han.

“I am a person who believes in Lee Han’s good intentions, but I wonder if other
people will get angry if I say such a thing?”

"no. why?"
Of course, such a fracture was also included in today's goal.

However, none of the seniors who set the goal expected to heal the fracture.

It was good enough to heal the wounds alone.

However, Lee Han mobilized the enormous amount of magical power, the control
trained in other magic, and the understanding of the bones that he learned from
black magic, so that his seniors didn't see it, and he was able to raise the level
of progress.

“That’s… no.”


Priest Tigiling changed the topic.

“By the way, there will be an event at the denomination during vacation. Are you


Lee Han was very interested in being visible to the church priests.

How much interest would you have to believe in several denominations without
stopping in one denomination?

"...for a moment. But may I ask what the event is?”

Come to think of it, the Frisinga Church is a curse-specialized Church.

More specifically, it was a denomination that was interested in wearing cursed


I was thinking of wearing any number of magic-related curses, but other curses...

“It is an ordinary event. Invite believers, serve meals, pray…”

'Fortunately, it's normal.'

“Wearing the cursed artifacts brought by believers, and destroying the ones that
cannot be worn…”


Lee Han was absurd and then stopped.

'for a moment. Can I take it with me if I destroy it?'

Of course, it would not be easy to remove the curse, but if you could just lift
it, it might be better than you think.

“Is it okay if I take the artifacts that I destroy?”

“I don’t care, but… do you want to wear more?”

Priest Tigiling looked at him with the gaze, 'No matter how deeply you have faith,
there's nothing good about wearing it too forcefully'.
Of course, Lee Han didn't want to do that, but...

“I got caught. my faith.”

“You two there. Stop talking and focus on your magic.”

Seniors who came to help other students gave advice to Lee Han and Tigiling.

Ihan nodded his head.


“I have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Isn't it bad that I'm giving you
advice? If you feel bad, I'll make you apologize. Never take it badly.”

"...ah. Yes."

Overwhelmed by the desperate senior's momentum, Lee Han nodded. Of course he

wasn't in a bad mood.

"phew. Do you look okay?”

"okay. He seems to be still interested in healing magic.”

The two seniors were relieved and walked away talking to each other.

That's why the two didn't notice.

The fact that Lee Han had healed all the cuts and cuts of the stuffed toy once
while he couldn't see it!

* * *

Lee Han yawned and walked to the tower. As I listened intently to the lecture, the
sky was already darkening.

'I have to use the eggs I brought from the hut last time, should I make an
omelette or scrambled... How many loaves of bread are left? Shall I cut it up and
fry it in butter today? Even studying summoning magic in the evening.'

“Shut it off!”


“…don’t you do your homework?”

Lee Han was at a loss for words when he saw the White Tiger Tower students
clashing shoulders with each other.

Originally, it was a game of hitting the ball with a long rod on horseback, but if
there was no horse, a person could hit the ball while running with a rod.

The latter is what the White Tiger Tower students are doing now.

“Why… why do you say such harsh things? What did we do to you?”

“...Did I ask if I didn't do homework? Don't you say anything else?"

For a moment, Lee Han thought that he had insulted even the family of the White
Tiger Tower students.

“Wordanaz. Originally, the body and the head are connected, so you have to use the
body for the head to turn.”

“Hey… But Wodanaj is number one.”

A white tiger top student, realizing the loophole in his friend's logic, stabbed
him in the side.

“…Would you like to play one too?”

“I’m done.”

Ian refused.

There was no need to test the limits of the body with Gyeokgu.

Because Lee Han was already testing the limits of his body.



As soon as the words were finished, a student from the White Tiger Tower was
thrown out. Lee Han licked her tongue and approached her.

“If you don’t have an accident, do you even get itchy?”

“The feet... the ankles...”

“Stay still.”

Lee Han checked the ankle of the student who had fallen. It just didn't look good.

'First, I'll give you first aid and take you to the healing room.'


“Call Professor Garcia! Professor Garcia!”


Ian paused.

Perhaps this happened a lot, and the students of the White Tiger Tower tried to
summon Professor Garcia right away.

...Did I just cast a spell?

'If I had known that the professor was coming, I wouldn't have given first aid.'

The student with a broken ankle looked at Lee Han with a shy expression as if he
realized that he had been healed while grunting.

- Shouldn't it be dry?

It was exactly like this.

Lee Han pretended not to see and ignored it.

Because they are your friends, you stop!


“...Dear friends! I think I'm fine!"


At the student's words with a broken ankle, the other white tiger top friends
looked at them with expressions of 'What kind of bullshit?'

“Are you sorry for calling Professor Garcia again? Of course we are also sorry.
But as long as you're hurt like this, there's nothing you can do about it."

'These trash.'

Inwardly, Lee Han cursed the students of the White Tiger Tower.

If you're sorry that you keep crashing and calling Professor Garcia, you should
think about stopping the accident. Do you keep playing such intense sports?

"no. Wodanaj gave me first aid, and I'm fine."

"first aid? oh Healing magic.”

The White Tiger Tower students quickly realized what magic Lee Han had used.

Not all of the students who came to hear the healing magic earlier were from the
Phoenix Tower.

Among the White Tiger Tower students, there were quite a few students interested
in healing magic.

Especially since no one needs healing magic as much as the knights who work in the
frontiers or battlefields...

“Clatran. You can’t do that.”

"right. What are you talking about?”

As they were learning about healing magic, the White Tiger Tower students did not
back down easily.

Healing magic became more dangerous for beginners who had just learned it.

Even if it looked better, there was a possibility that the bones were not attached
well or they were attached in the wrong direction.

“No matter how Wodanaj... Oops. Wodanaz. I didn't mean to insult you. know?"

“By the way, we are eight people. Wodanaz. Eight people.”

“...why are you emphasizing the numbers? For what purpose?”

“Oh, nothing. It’s just the eight of us…”

The students at the White Tiger Tower seemed to be ashamed of themselves, so their
voices became lower towards the end of their words.

“I am in favor of calling the professor. If I had known they would call me in the
first place, I wouldn't have given first aid. It was just a temporary thing.”

"right? Look. Wodanaz says so too. You have to get the right healing magic.

“It’s just that it’s really good…”

While they were talking, Professor Garcia came running.

Professor Garcia looked at the sticks held by the White Tiger Tower students and

“Did you get hurt while fighting again?”

“…Oh, no.”

“I just… I fell while running…”

The white tiger tower students sneakily hid the stick. Lee Han looked at him and

'Those idiots.'

If you're going to hide it, you should have hidden it earlier. How can you live in
this Einroguard with such an easy mind...

“I’m not offended, I’m just asking.”

Professor Garcia said so, but it didn't seem very convincing.

There were a few people who could terrify others without being particularly angry,
and Professor Garcia was one of them.

“So who was injured?”

“This is Kltran.”

“…you weren’t hurt, were you?”

Professor Garcia tilted her head.

Then, the students of the White Tiger Tower began to explain with an urgent

“This looks fine on the outside, but on the inside, I don’t know what’s going on!”

“My ankle sprained, but Wodanaj only gave first aid...”


Professor Garcia swung his wand after hearing the explanation.

It was to accurately determine the condition of the ankle of the student who had

Suddenly, Professor Garcia's expression turned serious.

Then the students of the White Tiger Tower were startled.

“Isn’t there a problem?”

“Anyway, would you make such a mistake even though it’s Wodanaj?”

“You said that healing magic is more dangerous if you try it prematurely.”

'If it's my responsibility, I'll have to bring up the story of the Good Samaritan
and argue.'

While they were thinking about each other, Professor Garcia finished thinking and
called Lee Han separately.

“Student Lee. Come here for a moment.”

“Are there any major problems?”

“It’s not like that.”

Professor Garcia whispered in a low voice, inaudible to the other students.

“It went very well.”

“…Uh, isn’t that a good thing?”

Ian was puzzled.

If the bones are well attached, there is no need to make such a serious
expression, right?

“It’s good for that student, but for Lee Han, it’s a different story.”

Having a talent for healing magic and making an injured friend heal like that was
a different story.

It wasn't a serious injury, but the fact that it was done without any mistakes or
aftereffects against a living person is a great thing.

Right now, there are many students who can't do it perfectly with people, even
among the 2nd and 3rd graders...


Of course, Lee Han was only more puzzled.

I know that actually using healing magic is a lot more difficult than you think,
but wouldn't it be nice if you got lucky anyway?

“Listen well. Students learning healing magic often go out to help, don’t they?”

“I heard that.”

“At that time, student Lee Han can also be dragged along.”
" Are you in first grade?”

Lee Han was startled by Professor Garcia's words.

No matter how much you heal your ankle once, you'll be mobilized for what a
healing wizard needs?

“Even if you were a freshman, it would be a different story if you did it once. If
you can do it once, you can do it twice, and then you will become proficient…”

'Are you close with Professor Voladi?'

Professor Alkasis's evaluation was lowered within this limit.

Calmly speaking what Professor Voladi would say...

“…Actually, seeing the bones attached earlier, I think it’s okay to just train
them in practice.”

“I don’t think so.”

Lee Han vehemently denied it.

It was a different story to heal the white tiger tower student's ankle sprain and
to help the lives of countless critically ill patients.

Lee Han was not yet confident to jump into the latter.

...I'm a first-year student in the first place!!

“So that's what you're saying. Don't ever tell me where you went to heal the white
tiger top student's ankle. I know?"

"understand. thank you."

Lee Han felt sincere gratitude for his teacher's grace.

Where in the world can a professor like this exist in a magic school?

“What… what? Wodanaz. What happened? What happened?”

When Lee Han turned back with a happy face, the students of the White Tiger Tower
were terrified.

“It’s nothing. The bones inside were shattered due to the wrong growth of each
other, but Professor Garcia seems to have solved it well.”


The students of the White Tiger Tower cast their eyes mixed with fear at Lee Han.

No matter how much I thought about it, it was not something to say with such a
happy face.

* * *

It was so close that I could feel that the final exam was getting closer.

Instead of chatting or playing around with friends sitting around the break room,
they were holding books or quills in one hand and joking around as if possessed.

'Everyone has a lot of trouble.'

Of course, Lee Han was no different.

A book in one hand. A rice ball in the other hand.

The familiar appearance showed a different level of stability from other students.

"let's go."


Gainando, who had the theory that if he did not focus on his meal alone, would be
disrespectful to the person who made it, was cool at Lee Han's words.

“I am still eating. chuckle.”

"Okay. I'll give you five minutes, so eat it quickly."


Guy Nando looked sad, but it didn't work for Lee Han.


“Eat quickly. I have to go sign an undead contract.”

As there were loads of assignments before the finals, I had to solve them in my
spare time.

If you had some time to spare, you could be overwhelmed by the amount of tasks
that rolled like a snowdrift.

The task to finish this morning is the summoning magic task.

Gainando and other friends had not signed a contract yet, so they were planning to
find an undead of the undead world and sign a contract.

'I wish I could find a skeleton wizard.'

I've been wanting it since last time, but it's even more so as I haven't been able
to find it yet.

“You already signed a contract, so why do you want to go in together? What are you
up to?”

Rapadel said bluntly when he saw Lee Han.

Ymirg and Gainando tried to stop Rapadel as if they were talking.

"Do... I'm trying to help, but I can't even say that..."

“You don’t notice?! And what if the real Lee Han doesn't help? You go in alone,
you bastard!”
Gainando's violent reaction made Rapadel a little bit overwhelmed and he took a
step back.

“Hon… if you ask me to go in alone, I don’t think I can…”

“Everyone is noisy. Stop fighting.”

Lee Han gave a stinging admonition.

In fact, Lee Han did not know whether Rapadel went in alone or not, but Lee Han
wanted to take Rapadel with him as much as possible.

'It's good to have a strong shield for the party.'

I felt it the last time I went in, but it was very comfortable to have one
vanguard who draws the eyes of the enemies in front of me and blocks them firmly.

Without Rapadel, Lee Han has to play the role, even more so!

“Lee Han. That kid is like that!”

“Rapadel probably didn’t mean anything bad either. His mouth is a bit rough, but
La Pad L is not a bad guy.”

Of course, Lee Han thought Rapadel was a bad-tempered guy, but he was able to say
anything coax until he got into it.

“And I understand Rapadel's misunderstanding. I can submit it as it is, but why

would I want to go? But Rapadel. I'm not the kind of person who throws away my
friends when my assignments are over."

'The best is the Skeleton Wizard. Or even a skeleton archer. You should get it
when you can. It gets busier as we enter the final exam period.'

“I received help last time, so it is only natural for me to help. Do you



Rapadel didn't say anything more, but his attitude had definitely softened.

He couldn't even deny that Lee Han's motive was honorable.

Besides, he even rebuked his close friend, Gainando, to mediate a fight.

Rapadel was a generous figure that could not be imitated.

'I don't know if I should admit this...'

30 minutes later.

Rapadel cursed with a grim face.

“Evil bastards! Shameless guys! Evil bastards!!”

As soon as he entered the undead world, Rapadel, who was forced to take over the
vanguard, poured out abusive language.

It happened last time, and it happened again this time.

“Mi… sorry.”

Ymirg apologized. Then Gainando dried up.

“Why are you apologizing? We divided the roles.”

“Prince bastard, like I said, that bastard uses a sword better than me!”

"hey. Don't make any weird excuses. Does that make sense?”

When Gainando responded as if it was ridiculous, Rapadel was even more angry.

I know nothing!


A skeleton warrior appeared in front.

Ymirg muttered in surprise.

"Wow... I didn't expect it to come out so soon..."


Lee Han pretended not to know.

Although Professor Millais had a safety device, there was a possibility that Lee
Han's magic leaked out and summoned the undead.

'But the probability of that would be very low.'

Ian thought so.

It was the same last time, but there was a possibility that he accidentally ran
into the undead. The habit of making decisions was not good.

“Shall we subdue this time and try to sign a contract right away?”

"okay. Doing that…”

-■■■■... ■■■■...

-■■■■... ■■■■...


“I… that…”

Rapadel felt the number of undead appearing in front of his eyes, freezing his
joints and stiffening his limbs.

The professor put on a safety device, but why!?

“Uh… what happened, Wodanaj?! how!?"

“It’s really unknown. It is an unfortunate situation.”

Lee Han answered seriously, as if he didn't really know.


“You said you didn’t know.”

“That’s not it, I’m asking for directions! What should I do!”

Rapadel exclaimed urgently.

Then, Gainando spoke as if it was ridiculous.

“You are from a knight family! In a situation like this, you have to act!”

"Shut up! Prince boy! Then why are you of an imperial family?”


Gainando was speechless for a moment at the too absurd force.

And I was angry.

"hey! What does it have to do with me being the prince! Do you think you're from a
knight?! What kind of article is this!”

“If you are an imperial family, show your abilities like an imperial family! The
princess of the same tower has followers in our tower, but who are you?”

“You’re already showing your skills?! All our towers know my abilities?! Lee Han!
Do you know my abilities?!”

Gainando took advantage of the fact that his opponent didn't know the situation of
the Blue Dragon Tower to use an ugly deterrent.

“Lee Han??”

Lee Han and Ymirg were leaving behind them and retreating far away.

Gainando cried out in fright.

“Lee Han!! You should just leave that guy alone! Why me!!"

“Go run fast. Seeing you fighting in vain, I wondered if I could afford it.”

Guynando and Rapadel cursed each other and rushed to each other.

Seeing this, Ymirg whispered with a bewildered expression.

“My… I don’t mean to say… Is it okay to be like that???”

"it's okay. In the first place, this is how we can calm each other down and get on
with each other.”


Ymirg wondered what nonsense it was, but Lee Han's face was too serious.

'Wow... If it's Wodanaj, what are you thinking...?'

'I think they will come to their senses once they are caught.'

* * *

Unfortunately, the two were never caught. He gasped and went up the hill.

“Hey, heh heh. are you okay here? Just going to the exit… hahaha.”

“It’s farther away than I thought, so it’s dangerous to just go there. Let's deal
with it once."

The true strength of the undead lies in their endless tenacity.

Even when other monsters are tired and give up pursuing, the undead can come

If he tried to escape because he was a little quick, but was surrounded for
nothing, he was at a more disadvantage.

“It doesn’t look very strong here.”

Rapadel looked around the ruins of the temple ruins with an anxious expression.

Even in another dimension, it was not an empty world without anything. There were
rubble and ruins from all over the place.

Tombs, cemeteries, and buildings on the verge of ruins are often seen in the
undead world.

Now the four of them had arrived in front of the ruins of the ruins of a crumbling

It would be better than dealing with the undead in the field without anything, but
even so, the ruins of the temple ruins seemed too weak.

"This wall... won't it collapse if you push it? If the undead push it…”

“It’s not that weak, so don’t worry. And I'm thinking of improving it."


Instead of answering, Lee Han swung his staff.

“Gather together, dirt!”

Dirt piled up behind the ruins walls. Seeing this, Rapadel hesitated.

“It would help if you put a pile of dirt behind the wall, but that’s it…”

“Gather together, dirt. Gather, dirt. Gather, dirt...”

Lee Han built up piles of dirt in various places inside the ruins without even
having a chance to breathe and reinforced the walls so that they would not

Then, the ruins of the temple ruins, which until recently had seemed rather lax,
became a fairly decent improvised fortress.
It is an improvised fortress that is easy to withstand in a large space inside as
it is blocked by walls and soil on all sides.

Except for the entrance passage to the temple, it seemed that the enemy could not
enter at all.



Rapadel was startled again.

It's something I feel every time I see it, but when it comes to magic, the ability
that Wordanaj shows is really...

The guy who became the Archmage was like that.

“Can’t you block all the entrances?”

“It’s difficult to clean up later, and if you block it all, the undead can come
into a strange place. Better to lure them at the entrance and then deal with them
one by one.”


"ruler. Then lure me in.”


“I want you to lure me in from the entrance.”

Lee Han waved his staff.

He was waiting in the inner vacant lot, and as soon as he passed the entrance, he
was planning to blow magic to defeat the enemy.

To do that, Lee Han had to wait here.

Instead, you need someone to pull the enemies in at the entrance, and who will
take on this role...

“Are you a knight? Are you going to make friends who can’t even handle swords


It wasn't wrong, but somehow I got very hot.

Rapadel cursed Lee Han inwardly and walked towards the entrance.

* * *



Another undead passed through the entrance passage, sticking out his head, and
fell down.
Rapadel, who was aiming the wooden sword with a nervous expression, sighed in

It was running much better than I was worried about.

When I glanced outside, the number of the undead that had gathered earlier had
also been reduced to about 1/4.

This seemed to be enough to handle.

“…Lee Han. But didn’t the professor do that last time?”

Gainando, who returned to his leisure time, whispered to Lee Han.

Last time, obviously, Lee Han's magic flowed out, killing the other undead...

“Gainan too. The undead are pushing in outside right now, but it looks like it's
idle. Will you lure me?”

“Ah… no. no."

Gainando quickly shut his mouth.

Ian thought to himself.

'I hope they don't come any more.'

Even though the undead were coming because of their magical powers, it was a bit
disappointing to see them appear more often than the last time.

If it's a coincidence, I'd rather be lucky, but just in case...

'If the people who came to the area last time were more crowded this time...'

The story would be different if the undead who came to the area last time, but did
not see Lee Han, were waiting in the vicinity and gathered again this time.

If you come in front, doesn't it mean that more and more undead are twisted every
time you come in?

If you enter the spirit world, the spirits will avoid it, and if you enter the
undead world, the undead will attack.

Lee Han vowed to bring Rapadel and Guy Nando together if that was the case.

"...I think I knocked them all down."

Rapadel said hesitantly.

The sound of the undead was no longer heard outside the passage.

“I’ll have to go out and check it out.”

“Just a little bit haha... Ah. That's what you were going to do.”


Lee Han and Guy Nando, who were about to leave, looked at Rapadel as if they were

Rapadel's face turned red.

“I just heard it wrong!”

“Yeah, yes.”

Lee Han and Gainando passed through the passage and held out their heads.

A lot of the undead had disappeared earlier, and what was left was...


Gainando was terrified and fled after Lee Han. There was still one undead left.

It seems that we arrived late because it was located in the back.

“Don’t worry. One can easily handle it...”


Even though he hadn't attacked or suppressed anything yet, the Skeleton Warrior
who approached was prostrated.

At that sight, Lee Han and Gainando were at a loss for words.

"uh. If that's the case, wouldn't we just have to wait without having to fight

“It’s nonsense. The more the undead unite, the more violent they would have to
give in so easily.”

Ian said firmly.

But his voice was trembling slightly.

* * *

After killing the undead group, the four found additional undead and succeeded in

Back at the exit, Professor Millais was talking to some of the students in the

"hello. professor."

“Did you come out of the undead world by any chance?”

"ah. Yes. Because of the assignment.”

“It would be better not to go in for a couple of days.”

Professor Millai said, slightly correcting the position of the monocle.

“The flow of magic felt from another dimension is unstable. If you go in now, you
may be in trouble…”
"...Ugh! We got it!”

Guynando exclaimed as if he knew.

“I was walking around, and dozens of undead were attacking me in swarms! That's


Professor Millais tilted his head as if something was strange as he listened.

“If the flow of magic is unstable, the nature of the undead will change or their
behavior will change, but it is completely different to attack in groups of dozens
even with a safety device…”

"indeed. The flow of magic is truly amazing. Even if there is a safety device when
entering from the front, we should make a habit of checking it once again.”

Ian said firmly.

Even that was not enough, so the topic quickly changed.

"professor. Could you please check the undead we contracted with?”

“Let’s take a look.”

Professor Millais nodded, not noticing the disciple's evil intentions.

Summoning magic contract before the final task.

Students always wanted to find and sign strong and cool summons, but the
professors' evaluation criteria were slightly different.

Searching for powerful and rare summons could be done after reaching high school.

What matters now is how well you can handle your summons.

Even with the same summons, there are contracts that receive absolute loyalty, and
there are contracts that are almost impossible to control.

Of course, Professor Millais did not expect first-year students to seize the
summons with complicated and strict contracts. That was unreasonable at the first
grade level.

What the professor expected was a form of control as much as possible, even if it
was only a simple, informal contract.

“Try to turn around.”

"round. turn around come back hey. please...!"

After Gainando spoke about 10 times, the Skeleton Warrior slowly turned around.

Professor Millais made fun of the quill as if he knew.

“I used to be a little closer, but today I’m having a hard time, so it must be
like this.”

Gainando wrapped his arms around his shoulders as if to prove he was friendly with
the Skeleton Warrior.

The skeleton warrior pushed his arm out as if it were annoying.

“This time try to represent the number 4 with your fingers.”

“Number 4...Number 4...”

Not only Gainando, but also Rapadel and Ymirg were similar.

Although the contract was made, the detailed instructions were more annoying to
the summons than expected.

When it was Lee Han's turn, Professor Millai had to manage his expression to hide
his expectations.

As he was the student with the best grades in the midterm, he wondered how he
would persuade his summons.

“Try to lie down.”

“Get down.”

Iron Punk!

The skeleton warrior immediately fell down.

Although it may sound awkward to say that the undead has discipline, there is no
word that fits as well as that expression now.

“...the number 4 with your finger...”

“Represent the number four.”

The skeleton warrior immediately folded four fingers.

Professor Millais was absurd.

As a master of summoning magic, he was naturally aware of how Lee Han was
controlling the undead.

So now...

'Are you coercing the undead to listen to their orders?'

As a result, it wasn't the wrong way, but it was absurd.

It was a task given to me to learn how to deal with powerful beings in case I
later met and signed a contract, but to just subdue them with force.

“...well done. It’s perfect.”

It was absurd, but Professor Millais didn't say anything.

Because that was great too.

"Good job. Gonadaltes.”

Professor Millais decided to do what he had just heard.


“It’s so difficult to express the number 4!? hey! That's one!”

“Gainan too. It's not a 1, it's the middle finger... no."

Lee Han was trying to give Guynando some advice.

It's also the wizard's job to make friends with his summoned beasts.

Rather than Lee Han giving advice, it would be best for Guy Nando to realize on
his own.

'And above all, it's annoying.'

After submitting the assignment, Lee Han quickly turned around. The next task
remained like a mountain.

“Why do you keep getting number 1… If you keep acting like this, my friend, a
fearsome archmage, won’t let you go! Lee Han? Lee Han!!”

Lee Han pretended not to hear and ran away.

* * *

"...what's going on?"

Leaving Gainando and running to the alchemy classroom, Lee Han stopped at the
sight unfolding in front of him.

In front of the Phoenix Tower students led by Siana Priest, other students taking
alchemy lectures were waiting in a long line.

“Here it is.”

"Sobbing. Priest. thank you There is only the priest.”

“You don’t have to be too much.”

"no! There is only Priest! So, by the way, if you could give me a little more…”

"no. sorry."

"please! A little more, please!”

A boo broke out among the students behind the line.

“Are you the only one doing homework?!”

“Can’t it turn off quickly!? You look like a filthy bastard!”


Behind the bewildered Lee Han, Yonner appeared.

“It’s because of the assignment.”

“Because of the assignment?”


Drowsiness and fatigue piled up under Yoner's eyes. Lee Han looked at his friend
with a sad expression.

“Aren’t the assignments before the finals of alchemy a lot more difficult than you

“It’s just very tricky.”

The friendly Thunderwalker instructed me to make a potion of the appropriate

difficulty as a pre-final task.

- Come make Aurum's Golden Potion. It's not a very difficult potion, so you guys
should be able to make it too.

Of course, the students were not fooled.

The difficulty of making Aurum's golden potion itself was not that high.

The preparation process is relatively simple, and there are few additional

However, the ingredients involved were terribly complicated.

First, you need to make a base by mixing Lesser Spirit Potion and Setribi's Dew
Potion, then add Lesser Spirit Enhancement Potion and Dobrook's Drop of Blood
Potion, and then again Lesser Spirit Enhancement Potion and Belle Zen's...

As long as other potions A, B, C, D, E, etc. were needed to make one potion, this
potion was already the main enemy of the alchemists.

Even if the difficulty itself is not that high, it is natural to make several
mistakes in the first year level.

Remake a Lesser Spirit Potion, remake Setribi's Dew Potion, remake Dobrook's Drop
of Blood...

Professor Thunderwalk said, 'If you know how to make something like Aurum's Golden
Potion, you'll make fewer mistakes and you'll be able to make other potions
skillfully', but the students were already planning to throw Professor Thunderstep
into the cauldron.

“I heard that the Phoenix Tower Priests have a lot of <Lesser Spirit Potions>.”


Most of the denominations of the Empire had these virtues as their banners, such
as frugality, thrift, and devotion.

As such, the Phoenix Tower students tended to adapt to Einroguard faster than
anyone else.

Not only that, but he even gave it to other friends.

The vitality of the Phoenix Tower students, who grew up working in the temple, was
not far behind that of the Black Turtle Tower students.

- Would you like some dessert? I have a slice of black bread from school and
coffee made from dandelion roots.

-...Ma... Thank you very much, Wodanaj will be waiting for you with dinner
prepared, but if you snack, you will be disappointed!

And the place where this vitality was most evident was the potion manufacturing.

As everyone grew up in the temple, even if they didn't major in alchemy, they
helped and heard a lot about potion making.

When the White Tiger Pagoda students searched the mountains and forests to find
prey, and the Black Turtle Pagoda students raked up all sorts of junk to run the
black market, the Phoenix Pagoda priests would gather ingredients and make potions
in their spare time.

As such, there were quite a lot of <Lesser Spirit Enhancement Potions>...

In this situation, he decided to hand it out to his friends without any



After hearing Yoner's explanation, Lee Han sighed.

“I should have gone to the Phoenix Tower... Ah. sorry. Yonner. I am not
dissatisfied with the Blue Dragon Tower.”

“Honestly, I don’t think anyone will be able to say anything even if you are
dissatisfied with what Lee Han is doing...”

Yonner thought that if he had a conscience, the Blue Dragon Tower students should
keep their mouths shut.

“And I miss it a lot.”


Lee Han and Yoner sighed together.

If there is a surplus, it should be efficiently bartered to increase capital,

giving it away for free.

The filthy students of the other tower were taking advantage of the goodness of
the phoenix tower priests.

'If I had, I would have taken the lead.'

After sighing, Lee Han lined up with Yonaire.

It was a pity that it was a pity, and if a potion was handed out, it had to be

“How many bottles of <Lesser Spirit Enhancement Potion> are enough?”

“Twenty bottles… no. To be honest, even with 20 bottles, I think I’d be a little
“Will the end be similar?”


Yonner's face darkened.

The assignments before the finals were so dreadful, but the potions for the final
exams were awful... No, I was worried about how difficult it would be.

However, Lee Han did not despair yet.

'There is a way.'

Lee Han was planning to go out this weekend.

If you go out and buy all the alchemy ingredients and potions you can use...

No matter what kind of difficulty Professor Thunderwalker presented, half of it

was solved.


“Is Han Lee of the Wodanaj family?”

The Phoenix Tower priests tilted their heads when Lee Han called but did not

Yoner was also a little embarrassed, so he tapped Lee Han on the shoulder and
called out.

"what's the matter? Are you shocked by the assignment?”

"ah. It’s not like that…”

“Hurry up, get some!”

A student from the White Tiger Tower standing behind Lee Han grumbled. When Lee
Han stared at him, the student avoided his gaze.

“Priest Siana, who is like a brilliant morning star of the Fleming Church. Nice to
meet you.”

“It’s nothing compared to Han Lee of the Wodanaj family, who is an insight and
understanding of alchemy.”

Priest Siana greeted them warmly and began to put potion bottles into the basket
one by one.

The basket fills up quickly...

Another one in another basket...?



Lee Han and Yoner looked at each other.

'You seem to be giving more?'

'It's true that you're giving a lot.'

"ruler. Take it.”

“Uh… thank you.”

Lee Han thought a little about whether to say, 'I gave you a lot by mistake,' or
whether to just accept it.

However, the student who received it before him exclaimed as if it were absurd.

“Priest! I think Wodanaj received twice as much as I did?!”

'I think three times as much.'

In fact, it seemed like it was a little bit more than twice as much.

“Yeah, the one you just received is a potion given to you by the priest, and the
one that Wodanaj-sama received is a potion given to you by Priest Siana, who is
like a brilliant morning star of the Fleming Church.”



“Do you have any complaints? I will give you back…”

“Oh, no.”

The student who had just picked up quickly came to his senses and backed away.

“Siana priest like the Venus of the Fleming Church…”

“It’s too late to do it now. next!"

Ian thought to himself.

'Ttttttt. You should have done it beforehand.'

As I always feel, there was nothing wrong with having a father in advance.

It was even more so when I saw them trying to do it so late.

“Wordanaj...! To put even the priest on the palm of your hand...!”

“Did you put your eyes on as ornaments?”

Lee Han was taken aback by the reaction of other top students.

Wherever you look at this, does this mean that Lee Han is taking control of Siana

They didn't do it beforehand!

* * *

Professor Rosine, who is in charge of the <Basic Imperial Language and Logic>
lecture, praised the students as soon as they entered.

"Wow! Shiles Student! Do you think Professor Lightning Walk compliments that the
horse Shiles is taking care of is getting really good?”

“Gam, thank you.”

“Asan student! I heard you brought a wonderful spirit. It's great!"

“I was lucky. thank you!"

“Student Lee Han! Student Lee Han…”

Professor Rosine paused for a moment at Lee Han's turn.

There were so many things to praise that I was a little confused about which one
to choose.

“…but you’re doing great!”


Ian was perplexed.

“What did I do wrong?”

“Writing… well?”

Professor Rosine continued to praise the students and then stood in front.

In Einrogard, the students who did not receive much praise from the professors lit
up their eyes with their faces satisfied with their self-esteem.

"professor. Does <Basic Imperial Language and Logic> have any assignments before
the finals?”

The professor answered happily in a bright, plump voice.

"ah! There are no assignments before the finals. Instead, there is a simple test!”


“Oh, no. I trust Professor Flewock.”

The students' faces turned pale at the sudden surprise test.

Some students did not lose their faith, saying, 'Professor Rosine is different,

“Come in.”

Hello everyone.

At the sight of a giant demon coming in with a low-pitched voice full of pressure,
the impressions of the students who had just said, 'But the professor is different'
changed drastically.

Anyway, the professors of Einroguard...!

“Hey, do we have to fight? Isn't fighting a test?"

“Maybe… no matter what, the professor would be like that?”

“There are professors like that.”

“Don’t be kidding, Wodanaj! Not funny at all!”


Lee Han regretted not having forced his friends to attend Professor Voladi's

“Here, Mr. Oripulas, is an outstanding demon who has served 131 years as an
imperial magistrate! What was it that allowed such a powerful demon to work as a

“Is this a contract?”

"It's great! Applause everyone!”

The applause of the students was a little smaller than the last time and had no

“Of course Mr. Oripulas is a powerful demon. And it's not easy for a wizard to
make a contract with something stronger than him! What should I do?"

“Uh… persuasion?”

“That’s right! Applause everyone!”

clap clap.

“Today you are going to try a mock contract against Mr. Oripulas! Oripulas will
seriously consider and evaluate the conditions you have proposed, so please do your
best to make suggestions. Great students like you will definitely do it!”


The students made expressions that they did not understand the situation yet.

I'm glad it wasn't a fight...

How do I persuade?

“How do I convince you? Do I have to say that I give my heart and blood...?”


“A friend’s life?”

“A friend’s deck of cards?”

"Wanna die?"

“First, ask what you like and have a light conversation…”

Meanwhile, one of the hapless students was seated first in front of Oripulas.
Oripulas asked with a serious expression.

Why should I make a contract with you? Blue young wizard?

“That… that. If you sign a contract with me, I will give you gold coins…”

goldfinch? goldfinch?? Are you sane now? Did you just make a contract for gold
coins and judge me as someone who would help the wizard in his work? How the hell
did you see me?

“Sin… I’m sorry…!”

The student began to shed tears at Oripulas' pressure interview.

The rest of the students groaned.


It's not normal!

* * *

-Kah, the deck of cards...

-If it's a joke, it's not bad, but it's not worth it.

-In order to make the power stronger, we will supply mana and, if necessary,

-That's something you'd say only when making a contract with someone weaker than
you. What devil would fall for someone weaker than him to say such a thing?
horsepower? It will be faster and stronger for me to ask for myself than for you to
give me. liquid medicine? I make more than you make...

-Sim... Do you like things like heart and blood?

- So that you learn basic manners again.

'It's a big deal.'

Seeing her friends being swept away by the autumn leaves, Lee Han was also

Oripulas had a more picky taste than expected.

I couldn't even guess what the devil would like to offer.

'Carefully throwing one at a time, try to grasp the reaction. That's all.'



“First, let's go over the basics. First of all, as a contractor, I will do my best
to supply horsepower…”



you said pass

The devil beckoned to face the next student. Passing it meant that I had to get
out of the way quickly.


Of course, I didn't understand that.

Even the students standing behind Lee Han whispered that they were embarrassed.

“What part of the conversation just passed?”

"ah! Could it have been a polite greeting?”

Hearing what his friends behind him were saying, he thought it was quite

It wasn't meant to be, but the polite way to greet him and speak out earned him a
crush on the devil.

“Really… I learned it. Thank you for being polite.”

Lee Han was proud that he always had the habit of flattering politely.

It's really hard to lose money by being flattered...

what? What are you talking about?

“…isn’t it?”

You passed because your magical power was valid as a trading condition.

"for a moment!"

Professor Rosine could not stand it while listening and intervened.

And dragged the devil and moved to the side.

“Mr. Oripulas. You can't do this. You have to work hard.”

Are you doing it sincerely?

“Did you just do it?”

Professor Rosine frowned, returning to the form of strict management.

Oripulas, a powerful demon, but bound by a contract, protested with an unfair


I'm sure what I've been told is that if the students come with valid terms and
conditions, they'll be accepted.

To the wizard, speaking skills and eloquence were much more important than
Because, living as a wizard, there were many times when you met someone stronger
than you.

A wizard without wisdom, relying solely on power, did nothing in this case.

However, a clever wizard was able to turn a crisis into an opportunity by

persuading that existence even if he met a stronger being.

Therefore, it was important to learn the art of persuading and grasping the rules
of beings from other dimensions from the first year...

'You can't just pass it on!'

But you have enough magical power... You mean that you have to force yourself to
work even though you have satisfied the conditions?


When this came out, Professor Rosine had nothing to say.

Because it was true that I told you to do it like a real game.

The periodic supply of mana has always been a popular contract condition for races
that relied on mana like the devil.

Of course, the periodic supply of mana here was far beyond what ordinary wizards
would think.

Because wizards had bodies of blood, flesh and bones, they could live without
magical powers, so they could never understand the endless hunger of a demon-like

A lot of.


It wasn't for nothing that various evil sacrifices or magic came out when making a
contract with the devil.

It was because it was impossible to fill the magic power as much as the devil
wanted in a normal way.

But very rarely, there are times when the wizard has what the devil wants without
much preparation.

It was right now.

"...good. Instead, make sure to say a little bit of caution.”

I see.

Oripulas called Lee Han again.

In fact, it can be said that it would be foolish to try to make a contract with
the demons only by relying on magical powers.

“…is there such a madman?”

Ian was puzzled.

Is there a wizard who goes to the devil and says, 'Let's make a deal!' without any
detailed investigation or preparation?

That sounds like an idiot, not a wizard...

There's always a guy like that. So be mindful. To underestimate the devil...

Oripulas sat down Lee Han and laid out '101 reasons to beware of the devil'.

Lee Han wondered what he had done wrong.

'Didn't it pass?'

Do you understand?

"Yes. Thanks to Oripulas, it really touched me. I will never try to make a
contract with the demons, trusting only my magical powers.”

okay. That's it.

“By the way, Oripulas-sama.”


“Oripulas-sama, what kind of contract did you have to work for the Empire?”

Lee Han asked out of pure curiosity.

If I knew the price Oripulas was getting, I could refer to Lee Han later.

'goldfinch? jewel? Magic? sacrifice?'

I was... tricked into signing a contract.


Lee Han's face hardened, waiting for an answer.

So you should be careful when signing a contract. do you understand The contract
isn't that dangerous.

“Ah… yes.”

Ian was shocked.

To deceive the devil and force him to work...

Imperial officials were no less than Einroguard.

* * *


Lee Han yawned and walked out the hallway. Even though it was morning, I felt like
I was not awake due to lack of sleep.


Seeing the headmaster's round white skull from afar, Lee Han felt his sleep run

'It's amazing. The mind is surprisingly clear.'


okay. Hello... Wait.

Lee Han's heart sank.

As I was planning to leave the school the day after tomorrow to the Spier stables,
I had no choice but to get stabbed when I met the Skeleton Principal.

However, if Principal Skeleton is one of the leading education experts in the

Empire, Lee Han is a disciple expert.

Without a change in expression, Lee Han asked.

“What are you doing?”

Did you see anything around here yesterday?

"There is not."

This wasn't a lie, it was the truth.

Because I haven't seen anything in particular where the Skeleton Principal and the
Death Knight are standing now.

'What's going on?'

I mean, cut down on useless noises and stand guard properly.

- Kill me! sorry. You have dishonored your master!

Don't make a mistake and ask me to kill you. When will you be able to give up
those old habits? Knights these days don't die for making a single mistake.

The Skeleton Principal bruised the Death Knights.

An intruder who came into the school saucy not long ago.

The Skeleton Principal responded with the eccentricity of erecting undead

throughout the school to bind the intruder's feet.

Then I was scouring the main building one by one looking for the intruder...

Last night, he discovered that the barrier around this area was broken.

Of course, it could have been a coincidence. The magic school's main building is
so old, and countless magics are intertwined with it, so its magical powers are as
volatile as in the other world.

The barrier might have been broken due to the flow change, but the Skeleton
Principal was never vigilant.
To increase the batch here. Look around here. When an intruder comes out, chew the
flesh. do you understand

- I will follow your orders!

“Has the intruder been caught yet?”

I'll catch you soon. Or maybe he's already dead.

Principal Skeleton grunted and answered.

I'm afraid I might be misunderstood, but it's not that there's a problem with
exploration or vigilance. That broken barrier is only a very minor part.

'Well. I don't know why the professors all react the same when they make a

Of course, Lee Han wanted to avoid touching the skeleton principal's temper for

Because if I touched it the wrong way, going out on the weekend could be messed

Probably the intruder...

“Are you an archmage?”

Avoiding the eyes of the Death Knights and avoiding other barriers was not
something anyone could do.

Rather, it is more likely that they have an unknown artifact. Because thieves
usually carry a lot of stuff like that.

In the opinion of the Skeleton Principal, if the intruder's actions were to break
the barriers around this area, the intruder most likely possessed a fairly powerful
stealth artifact.

No matter how much you borrow the power of the Hidden Relic, you won't be able to
avoid all the Death Knights and the magical barriers, so you must have accidentally
broken the barriers in this corner.

Oh yeah. Are you stupid? If you come out on your own, I'll let you go as pain-free
as possible.

'I don't think I could come out...'

Lee Han, who had been listening to Principal Skull, asked without much thought.

“How about increasing the number of Death Knights?”

Increasing the number doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

Principal Skeleton was skeptical of increasing the number.

Even now, Death Knights were deployed throughout the main building.

Still, moving without getting caught means that there is a way to avoid the Death
Knight's gaze.
“Can’t Death Knights see through stealth magic?”

You can see through it to some extent, but if it's a powerful artifact, the Death

Excellent wizards could use stealth magic to block the gaze of powerful undead

Of course, the Skeleton Principal knew that, too, so he had laid down barriers
that weakened such stealth magic.

As long as the barriers are intact, that kind of magic...


Principal Skull realized that while talking with Lee Han, he said:

If it is a powerful relic, it can even temporarily stop the surrounding barriers.

Maybe it was.

If the barriers placed here and there were temporarily stopped, he might not be
able to walk around avoiding the gaze of the Death Knights.

The skeleton principal clicked his tongue. Lee Han said he was happy though.

“If we find a loophole, isn’t it possible to prepare for it?”


Principal Skeleton stared at Lee Han.

Lee Han asked, feeling a bit ominous.


One of the easiest ways to prepare is for an excellent wizard to hold this barrier

No matter what kind of artifact it was, the principle of stopping the barrier was

It shakes the barrier stone containing the barrier with force and stops it for a

However, if the barrier stone was held by an excellent wizard and defending it,
the story would be different.

“No, I don’t know about that defense magic.”

It's not about using defensive magic, it's about using your ignorant magic.

If the amount of magic power increases, it will become a power that resists other
magic itself.

There was a high possibility that Lee Han could block the power coming from
outside even if he was just holding a barrier stone.

"...wouldn't it be better for the principal to do it?"

I will do it too. Didn't you see what I was searching for? Let's do it in turn.

“I’m on my final exam assignment.”

So it's only about two hours a day. Let's search together with the Death Knights


Lee Han, who suddenly took part in the search with the Death Knights while passing
by, was stunned and speechless.


Principal Skeleton said as if soothing.

Wouldn't it be faster if we all work together?

"principal. My first year…”

When Einroguard is in crisis, both students and professors must work together.

“It doesn’t seem like a crisis at all…”

Thank you. If you make an achievement, I will definitely reward you.

“You’re like this because two hours are a waste of time…”

ruler. Death knights. Are you ready to go on a search with this clever disciple

- Leave it to me! I will surely bring back my honor by swearing!

'I really want to kill you.'

* * *

Lee Han walked along the corridor with the Death Knights, holding the stones with
barriers inscribed on them.

Each of the stones was jagged in size and not very attractive in appearance, but
Lee Han could guess how difficult the magic of the stone was.

The structure was at a level that could not be guessed at all.

It is said that it is a magic that weakens the stealth magic of the intruder...

-I really wanted to talk to you once, it's an honor. Wardanaj County.

- Rumors of you are quite popular among our knights.

"ah. Yes. thank you."

The Death Knights were undead and very sociable.

Lee Han was a little embarrassed.

“Then can we open the doors one by one?”

- Don't do that! Stay back. I don't know what's inside

"...Oh. Can I check all the places I suspect?”


The Death Knights did not notice Lee Han's black heart and happily nodded their

If you can find the intruder, how difficult is it to scour the other floors!


'It's not bad to go on patrol than I thought.'

At first, I thought it would make sense that a first-year student had to patrol
the magic school, but as his pockets became heavier, he changed his mind.

Lee Han patrolled two rooms used as a grocery store and one room used as a reagent
store, swiping useful items with clever hand gestures.

If Ratford had seen it, he would have cried with admiration.

-for a moment.


Ian was nervous.

did you happen to hear it?

'It was obviously a blind spot.'

-Wordanaj-kun must be hungry, so let's bring something.

- Oops. It did. Because when this becomes an undead, hunger disappears and it is

-It's time for young people to eat in their prime. Are you old enough to chew on

The Death Knights walked around the corner of the pantry and fumbled through the

Then he brought a long loaf of bread, salami, fresh vegetables to share, and a
tightly sealed glass bottle.

- I just got it. I don't know if it will suit your taste.

- It's been too long since I ate.

“Gam, thank you.”

Lee Han was also embarrassed to see the Death Knights taking care of a bunch of
food like a kind grandfather.

“But can I do this?”

-ha ha ha! You are a sincere student.

- Of course not. But what do you do? I eat because I work.

Knights from the old kingdom, whose names are now unknown, were very tolerant of
breaking the rules.

Eat when you are hungry and drink when you are thirsty.

Besides, I help with school work!

'no. Are you drinking?'

Lee Han, who opened the lid of the glass bottle, was surprised.

“Can I drink alcohol while patrolling?”

-ha ha ha! Of course not. But since the work is ours, Wodanaj-kun may choke a

- When you return, you have to fill your stomach with black bread and cold rice
balls. Eat well.

'These days, knights must imitate the old knights.'

Lee Han was moved by the mercy and courage shown by the Death Knights.

White Tiger Tower bastards will learn from this...

While Lee Han was eating wagwagu, the Death Knights spoke next to him.

-Finding a rat that originally escaped into the maze takes longer than you think.
Woudanaj-kun is young and ambitious, so it is understandable that he wants to find
it himself, but don't overdo it.

-right. It wouldn't be a bad idea to faithfully fulfill the time given by the
master and go to work.

"...for a moment. Don't you have that ambition?"

Lee Han, who was cutting bread and sausages with a pocket knife, stopped.

The Death Knights nodded their heads with benevolent faces.

-okay. It's often said that true ambitious people have no ambition.

-Because of those who say they have ambitions, they don't really have ambitions.


Lee Han wanted to point out that the words of the Death Knights were logically
wrong, but the Death Knights did not listen to Lee Han.

The older you get, the less likely you are to listen to younger people.

'Einrogard needs a rule that sends rumors to the punishment room.'

Lee Han gave up and finished eating.

'Certainly, patrol is not as bad as I thought.'

Unlike the first time I wanted to attack the skeleton principal, there were many

I was able to get acquainted with the Death Knights, and in the meantime, I could
borrow items from some warehouses, and I was able to check the places I was curious

The Death Knights did not care much about what Lee Han borrowed from the

Everyone seemed to think, 'I'm young and I can steal.'

Lee Han, who was drawing a map with a quill pen, nodded.

To use your remaining time as efficiently as possible...

"good. Let’s go downstairs this time.”

- Follow me anywhere!

* * *

Duke Ikaldoren's henchman, Siduff, had to struggle to withstand the rising fear.

In fact, everyone would be the same.

How can he stay sane when he is hiding alone in the middle of the einroguard,
which has risen to vigilance?

Ziduff was known for being cool and calm, but his reason was gradually getting
worn out.

'It was a mistake to trust them. okay. It was a mistake to trust them.'

Experienced adventurers who know how to deal with wizards who can do anything for
gold coins.

I thought that would be enough to get me inside.

It wasn't even that Ziduff wanted much.

I was just going to quietly come in and quietly join forces to steal away

If these crazy adventurers are going to die, they'll die nicely, and what they've
done has raised the bar.

Every night, as the evil and great Archmage Gonadaltes walked around warning, 'You
die even if you come out, you die even if you don't come out', and Siduff's nerve
cords became dry.


Siduff opened the lid of the bronze pendant.

'Three times left.'

A very powerful artifact, it was one of the lifelines that saved Ziduff's life so

A powerful artifact that skillfully paralyzes surrounding magic when activated


It was a magic school where all kinds of magic barriers and patrols went around.
Even the Archmage could be caught in one mistake.

Ziduff was quite good at stealth magic, but that was not enough. Without this
artifact, it would have been discovered sooner.

It's a pity that the number of uses is fixed, but...

'I'll have to prepare soon.'

Ziduff pulled out another artifact.

It was an artifact in the form of a small stone statue.

“Goltineus, great wizard, I honor you, please change me!”

When he finished speaking, Ziduff's body turned into a stone statue.

A powerful magic that even a high-ranking change wizard cannot easily imitate.

This artifact was one of Ziduff's other lifelines.

Like a bronze pendant, it was disguised as a stone statue, shifting its position
every few days.

Until one day the boundaries are lifted.

'Let no one come in. Let no one in.'


“So, you mean there was a side road behind the stairs to the front door on the
first floor?”

- That's it. Oh yeah. Don't tell the master.

"Do not worry."

When a group of Death Knights came in, Ziduff was so startled that his heart

If it hadn't been for his body turned into a stone statue, he would have groaned
and said 'Huck'.

Those Death Knights, the servants of Gonadaltes, each possessed bloody combat
power, and were ready to summon all nearby enemies the moment they touched them.

Ziduff simply prayed that those Death Knights would quickly go out.

“What kind of room is this?”

-Well... Actually, there are many rooms that change when you close your eyes and
open them. Of course I can't close my eyes!

- Hahahahahahahaha!


Lee Han smiled before it was too late.

Like the undead who had no particular pleasure, the Death Knights took great pride
in their jokes.

Fortunately, Lee Han-eun had the extraordinary ability to laugh no matter what the
professors said.

- Is it a warehouse room?

- It's like a place where art is kept. paintings and statues.

'That's it.'

Ian was sad.

Without secret passageways, side roads, food, and reagents, the room would be just
a garbage room.

- Don't be too sad. Wardanaj County.

One of the Death Knights gave advice on whether he noticed Lee Han's heart.

- A room like this that no one seems to be interested in is surprisingly useful.

No one cares, so it's good to keep something.


Lee Han was drawn to the words of the Death Knight.

'Certainly we need some space these days.'

When I first entered the tower, I never thought that there would be a shortage of

Not only the private room, but also the break room was not enough.

But as time went on, things gradually increased.

Starting with the groceries we bought from outside, the various reagents and
materials, books, and stacks of paper that we are stacking up for our

These days, Lee Han seemed to understand why seniors secretly hid the stolen
ingredients in a secret warehouse in the middle of the mountain range.

There is no space inside the tower, but if you put it around, other tower students
can steal it (even your own tower students).

In order to become a good magic school student, you must have three or four secret
warehouses that others do not know.

'At this point, I don't know if it's a squirrel hiding acorns or a wizard.'
“Certainly put a few crates inside and no one will touch it.”

-right. Isn't there an old saying that if you want to hide a body, hide it in the


'Isn't it the saying that if you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest?'

Lee Han thought so, but he did not point it out in consideration for the Death

What may have been in the past...

- Wardanaj-kun. Are you going to use it as a secret warehouse?


Another Death Knight intervened.

-Everything is good, but this room has a lot of clutter. I recommend taking it off
by half. After all, even if you just pile up light guys at the entrance, students
won't come in.


Ihan nodded his head.

It certainly looked good to get rid of the bulky ones.

“Can I take the statues or statues outside?”

- Wardanaj-kun. As I always say, there is nothing wrong with the world. Just do

- There are statues around the main entrance, right? let's leave it there

“Uh… is that okay?”

- Wardanaj-kun. As I always say...

"All right. Let’s clean it up.”

Lee Han and the Death Knights began to carry the statues one by one and move them

But Lee Han and his party didn't know.

One of the statues is contemplating and screaming inside!

'No... no!'

Ziduff felt his heart harden.

In order to escape, it was essential to unwind in a place where no one was

watching and prepare to use artifacts.

But it's in front of the main entrance.

Isn't this the place where all the beings in the magic school open their eyes and

The moment you release the transformation, you will die instantly in less than a

'no! no! No!'

Ziduff did not understand the situation now.

And I couldn't quite understand who the boy among the Death Knights was.

You look like a freshman, so why the hell are you walking around with the Death

There were so many things I didn't understand, I wondered if it was all a joke by

Siduff's true identity has already been discovered, and is it not that the vicious
Gonadaltes is doing this to ridicule Siduff?

“But where are these statues used?”

-Students make productions as a hobby, and do they have lectures? When I need to
do magic later, I bring it and use it.

-There must be a statue making club. Wodanaj-kun is still in his first year, so he
probably won't be able to join the club.


Even if Lee Han joined a club, he never wanted to join a club for making

* * *

“Thank you for today.”

-What. Wodanaj-kun did a really good job, so we liked it better.

-Let's meet again next time, go in and study hard!

Lee Han saw the Death Knights off and went inside.

I had a lot of work to do, so my heart was heavy, but it wasn't too bad.

'By the way, where is the intruder hiding?'

Although he did not know who he was, Lee Han thought he was a terrible opponent.

How can you persevere like this in the midst of an enemy line?

What the hell are you doing?

'I beg you not to meet.'

Lee Han prayed that he would not run into each other by any chance.
An intruder of that size would certainly be a strong opponent.




As soon as Lee Han entered the classroom, he was startled and almost fell.

No, I was actually shocked and hit the chair and knocked it over.


- What's going on?

"it's nothing."

-okay. study hard

The Death Knights went out into the hallway again.

Lee Han regained his composure and read the writing on the blackboard in the
classroom again.

Closed due to professor circumstances

-Boladi Bagreg


Lee Han was deeply moved by Professor Voladi's consideration.

No one was as good as a professor who took a break when students were busy with
other class assignments and exams.

Was Professor Voladi a person who could take such consideration?

Of course, it would have been great if I had just said this instead of the
classroom blackboard, but...

'Where is this enough.'

Lee Han had a conscience. I didn't expect too much luck.

How do you get free time like this?

- Why are you coming back?

“The professor said the class was canceled due to circumstances. Do you have any
problems with Professor Bagreg?”

Lee Han asked, wondering if it was possible.

Professor Voladi wasn't the kind of person he would go anywhere with, but the
eccentricity of the magic school was no exception to the professor.

-Well? I haven't heard

- Seeing it's quiet, it shouldn't be a big deal. It's sad to see you worrying
about your master.

"...haha. It’s embarrassing.”

Lee Han nodded his head, controlling his expression.

-Oh yeah. Did you even listen to Professor Verdus' lecture?

"Yes. How did you know?”

-Professor Verdus was looking for Wardanaj-kun.


Lee Han checked the time.

it's morning now.

There were at least six hours left until Professor Verdus' additional lectures.

“Aren’t you mistaken for the time?”

- You don't think so? When I inquired, they said the lecture time didn't matter.

'I have to stay in the tower until the lecture starts.'

Lee Han vowed not to even go near the Seonggakgwan before class time.

* * *

“Why are you here so late?!”

As soon as Professor Verdus saw Lee Han, he cried out with affection.

Lee Han said with a look that didn't know anything.

"no? Are you sure you came on time?”

“What is the importance of class time? If it were me, I would stay here forever!”

Professor Verdus, whose enchantment is the funniest thing in the world, did not
understand Lee Han.

If Professor Verdus were Lee Han, he would throw away all the other lectures and
just study here at the Seonggakwan!

“That's not important. professor. I have an assignment here.”

Before coming, Lee Han held out a shield infused with magical power.

My friends, who arrived late in the classroom, saw it and cursed inside.

'Wordanaz that child. If you've completed something like that, I'll give it to you
at the end.'

'You have no conscience!'

Professor Verdus was always indifferent whether the students were sleeping or
dancing in front of his eyes, but he showed an interesting look for the first time.

“You mean that ignorant, crude shield?”

“Your compliments always make me happy.”

Professor Verdus looked at the shield next to Lee Han, grunting or not.

I've been wanting to see the Death Knights since the rumors came out, but I'm only
now seeing it because Gonadaltes, who has nothing but a vicious and twisted
personality, has only a hobby of harassing students.


Professor Verdus alone nodded, stroking the shield and pounding it.

Obviously, the magic circle and structure itself were still clumsy and clumsy to
Professor Verdus, but...

It was very interesting that they just ignored these shortcomings with the amount
of horsepower.

Dozens of artifacts flashed through Professor Verdus's mind.

If you can overcharge your mana in this way, you will be able to create enough
artifacts that have been put off until now.

“What grade were you?”

“It’s the first year.”



Ian wasn't upset.

Because I already knew that the other person was crazy.

In contrast, the students behind Lee Han looked at Professor Verdus with a mixture
of fear and astonishment.

“Why are you in such a low grade… Then you can’t even make a Spirit Sword… Lens
Artifacts are still… Can you teach them yourself?”

At the sight of Professor Verdus muttering, Lee Han felt an ominous feeling.

"okay! I hate to do it, but I'll teach you... Huh? Where did you go?”

“Whodanaj? Did you go out to bring something you left in the tower?”

* * *

It was expected that if we waited for a while, Professor Verdus might become
interested in other students' assignments and forget them, but Professor Verdus's
concentration was greater than expected.
I was grading other students' assignments one by one, and as soon as Lee Han
returned to the classroom, I shouted.

“80 points.”

"oh. Did you do it well?”

"yes? no. I couldn’t make it like a dog.”

“...if 80 out of 100 points is not well made, isn’t it?”

"Nope. It's just that other guys can't make more. oh! Wodanaj!”


Ihan shook his head.

“Did you hear that?”

“I didn’t hear well.”

“I’ll teach you a few basic enchantments you need.”

Professor Verdus was not basically someone who grabbed students and taught them

Just as a shepherd releases his sheep on the pasture and waits, he releases
students into the classroom and waits for them to learn on their own!

Basically, as a person who never does anything that is not interesting to him, he
certainly did not hold onto students and teach them one-on-one.

But this time the story was different.

In order to make Lee Han a simple task of assisting in the creation of artifacts,
he had to know at least some basic magic (by Professor Verdus standards) that was
often used.

In Professor Verdus' memory, it was calculated that the students had to wait two
years since they seemed to have used the basic magic until around the third year.

“During class?”

"Nope. You have to learn something else in class. You have to make time for

“Did you say basics?”

"yes. Foundation."

“If it’s the basics, can’t I learn it in class?”


Professor Verdus seemed to have noticed what Lee Han was talking about too late.

“It’s the basics, but it’s not the magic you’re going to learn now.”

'Then it's not the basics...'

Lee Han tried to swear, but held back.

Do you not know the meaning of the basics?



"sorry. There are many other lectures that I am taking. It would be unreasonable
to spend more time here.”


Professor Verdus was astonished as someone who had heard it said, 'In a minute the
world will be destroyed.'


'Did I make the explanation weird?'

Lee Han looked back at what he had said.

Was it that difficult to say that it was difficult to take any more time because I
was listening to a lot of other lectures?

“Isn’t enchantment magic more fun?!”

"I do not know?"

“Enchant magic will be more fun!”

"I do not know..."

“I think enchantment is more fun...”

Professor Verdus mumbled with a look of great shock.

It was an expression that I never thought that Lee Han would refuse.

“Why is Wodanaj doing that?”

Professor Verdus grabbed hold of Durgyu, who was passing by with a box of
ingredients, and asked.


“They say they teach, but they say it’s unreasonable to take time for other

“Uh… it’s literally just that, isn’t it…?”

Durgyu wondered why he couldn't understand that.

“Can I miss another lecture?”

“Then the professors of that lecture wouldn’t like it?”

“Can’t the professors hate it?”

“…Then the professors in that class might attack Lee Han, right?”

As the opponent kept making noises, Durgyu started making dog noises too.

And it wasn't really bullshit.

The principal is also attacking students, but the law is not to say that they are

“It’s too much!”

“That’s it.”

“How can I make more time?”

“That’s it…”

Durgyu sent his eyes to Lee Han for help.

I need to go get some materials and study magic, but some crazy professor is
holding on to me and won't let me go.

Lee Han told Professor Verdus.

“There is a good way. professor."

"oh. Would you like to hear it?”

“No… it doesn’t matter what I mean, you’re running out of time, aren’t you? Then
we have to make time.”


“You have to ask the merchants to gather the ingredients now, don’t you?”

All kinds of materials were needed to practice enchantment magic.

Those materials didn't come for free. All the students had to work on their own to
get them from merchants.

“If you give it to the professor, you will have time.”

"uh? I?"

At Lee Han's words, Professor Verdus pondered for a moment.

Studying is what students do for themselves.

Professor Verdus's philosophy was that students should obtain the materials
themselves as much as that, but...

“What is it?”

That's it, and Professor Verdus was the one who could turn his palms over if he
needed anything.
“Then time was created?”

“It is still not enough. professor."


"Yes. Right now, we have a lot of trial and error. Why would that be?”

“Because you can’t even resist magic?”



Students passing by with boxes next to them stared at Professor Verdus in the back
of the head.

“…but it is, but wouldn’t it be of great help if the professor could give you a
few words of advice?”

“What is it?”

Professor Verdus nodded.

“Is it time now?”

Lee Han was surprised at the appearance of Professor Verdus, who listened to the
ancient tombs better than expected.


'Is this enough to ask for more?'

Lee Han tried to ask Professor Verdus to perform a stunt while receiving the ball
with his head.

Then I suddenly got a question and asked.

“But, Professor. Do you not tolerate the call to reduce your sleep or rest time?”

"uh? oh Gonadaltes banned it. Isn’t it really too much?”

"...haha. That’s it.”

* * *

He gave the materials with his own money and gave the lectures himself, and all
the students became happy for a moment.

"professor. The amplification part of the magic circuit here is blocked...”

“Draw the line here.”


The student who asked a question at the sight of Professor Verdus, who drew a line
in the blocked circuit, widened his eyes.

uh... huh?
“What does this line mean?”


Professor Verdus was bewildered as he looked like, 'How can I explain this simple
thing further?'

The bewildered professor called the culprit.

“I can’t. You explain this.”

"no. professor. I don't know if he's blocked... Ah. This is because the magic
power is concentrated only on the upper side, so it is dispersed. If we leave it
like this, the line of the magic circle will break due to overload.”

"Oh, really!"

Lee Han, who was happy when his friend understood, stopped.


I should have pretended not to know...

Professor Verdus was satisfied that the student seemed to understand anyway.

And whenever I was blocked, I called Lee Han.





Lee Han just wondered if Professor Verdus would cut off interest in the students

* * *

"Oh yeah. I have to tell you about the final exam.”

Professor Verdus, who was giving a lecture, checked the time and said.

“Is there more than a week left?”

“Artifacts take time. There must be many children who can't do it even if you give
them time because you're too weak."

Everyone was moved by the kind words of the professor.

“The final exam assignments are easy. Do you have any assignments submitted today?
Upgrade it to one level and bring it with you. I will rate it.”


The students were confused about what to do with Professor Verdus' words.


And Lee Han was deeply frustrated after a long time.


What more upgrades are you talking about here?


When the lecture was over, Professor Verdus approached Lee Han with an innocent

“Do you have time to learn?”

"...professor. I don't think I'll have time right now because I'm thinking about
my final exam assignments."

Lee Han said, pointing to the shield.

Professor Verdus asked with a surprised expression.

"What are you talking about!? How many things to fix on this shield!?”

“Of course I do, but I have to fix it at my level.”


At Lee Han's words, Professor Verdus exclaimed as if he had just realized it.

Lee Han wanted to hit Professor Verdus once.

“It’s difficult!”


“Um… um… um… what you can do at your level…”

Professor Verdus closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

"I have!"

"oh. What is it?”

“How about adding an attack reflection magic?”

“ on earth can I do that at my level?”

Although Lee Han doesn't know much about enchantment magic yet, I guessed that the
attribute of 'reflection' in enchantment magic would never be easy.

The concept of returning the direction of an incoming attack as it is is never

going to be easy.

Comparing it with properties such as floating, auto, and defense, the answer was
“Isn’t that the easiest thing?”

"Is that so..."

Lee Han started contemplating whether he should seriously start studying reflex
properties or insist that he had upgraded after painting the shield.

'If the final exam score is ruined, the overall score will be affected to some

Next to Lee Han, who was worried, Professor Verdus asked again innocently.

“Anyway, you’ve been chosen, so now you have time to learn?”



Professor Verdus looked at Lee Han with an expression that would look like a
building when all the bark he had gathered had been burned.

* * *

'I'm happy.'

Lee Han, who sat down, was delighted as he recalled Professor Verdus's expression.

In fact, this was nothing more than Lee Han's lifeline.

The moment I said to Professor Verdus, 'Yes, I will learn,' Professor Verdus would
hold onto Lee Han until he was satisfied and would not let him go.

I had to persevere and persevere.

'If possible, I hope I can survive until graduation.'

On the eve of the graduation ceremony, Lee Han said to Professor Verdus, 'I will
learn tomorrow', and then imagined graduating.

Of course, it may be difficult to endure that much, but...

“Who did the <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> assignment?”

“Where has anyone done that already? ...Wordanaz?”

One of the Blue Dragon Tower students was talking and suddenly looked at Lee Han.

Lee Han responded as if it was ridiculous.

“I couldn’t do it either. no. Can't you see the tasks piled up in front of me
right now?"

When friends listened to one or two schools of magic, Lee Han was now additionally
listening to black magic, summoning, imagining, enchanting, foresight,
transformation, magic, healing magic, and so on.

The friends quietly laid their eyes on the pile of books that were several times
I was afraid that I would make eye contact with Lee Han for no reason and study
additionally together.

'The <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> task should also be thought


It was not a strange weekend, even if everyone was stretched out, but as the final
exams were almost a week away, there was a lot of tension inside the tower.

All assignments for the final exams in hell until next week, and final exams in
hell until next week...

There were even lectures in which assignments and final exams were linked or

The "Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic" project fell into that category.

- Write a draft of a simple magical structure and submit it. After submission,
production begins as soon as it is confirmed. Efficiency and savings will be the
criteria for evaluation.

- Or... Do we need to get the ingredients as well?

-Unfortunately, materials other than those specified will not be allowed. Make
sure to use only the materials provided.

-thank you!!


It wasn't a task with an unreasonable difficulty like enchantment magic.

However, this was a time-consuming task.

Choose a structure, choose a suitable magic to enter the structure, choose the
materials required for that magic, estimate as tight as possible, and make it
yourself if you pass...

'...At first I thought the wizard was a little more mysterious.'

After entering Einroguard, only the mystery about the wizard seemed to disappear
day by day.

Lee Han glanced out the window. The sun was already rising over his head.

The moment I went out to the Spire Stable with Fonrig this evening, I had to say
that the weekend was all gone.

I have to finish as many assignments as possible...

“Yone. What would be the simplest structure?”


Yoner, who was drawing a simple potion box next to him, raised his head.

“A magic lamp or a box? A simple trap?”


Lee Han took notes one by one and fell into thought.

Is there something that is simple, easy to complete, has a low material cost, and
can also receive good reviews?

“...if there was such a thing, would I have done it first?”

Yonner was worried, wondering what had happened to his friend because he had
studied too much.

But Lee Han was seriously engrossed in it.

It seemed that something would come to mind.

“…Yoner. I found it!"


Yonner was so startled that he nearly broke his quill.

Did you find something that meets the criteria you just mentioned?

Is there such a thing??

"Look at this."

Lee Han drew a magic lamp in the form of an elongated pole.

It was a structure that emits light through magic, often installed in cities,
castles, fortresses, and town streets.

As much as it illuminates the dark streets, there was no place that could not be
installed, and thanks to this, it was also a source of food for many trained

But it also meant that there was a lot of research.

Brighter, cheaper, longer, more efficient, more dazzling, and with additional
features, all kinds of improved magic existed.

Professor Alpen Knighton said that efficiency and economy were the criteria for
evaluation, but if it overlapped too much with existing designs, points were of
course deducted.

Did Lee Han even create a design that was differentiated from such existing


Yoner was surprised to see the magic lamp pointed at by Lee Han.

There was nothing but an elongated pole shape.

'no way?'

Yoner remembered the duration of the light sphere summoned by his friend.
And the duration of the floating shield.

“I wonder… are you going to take out all the designs and try to solve it with

A secret trick that only Lee Han can do.

It was magic design and dispersion, and after hitting everything, he casted the
magic himself.

Others would say, 'What kind of design is that', but this also made some sense.

As long as the magic lasts for more than a few days, even without a design, it
could be called a magical structure!

Of course, I didn't know how Professor Knighton would react to the coercion, but
it was clear that it was a clever idea.

"'re talking nonsense. Yonner. I haven't painted it yet."

Lee Han looked at Yonaire as if embarrassed. Yoner blushed slightly in



"no. There is no way the professor would admit such a force.”

“Can you admit it…”

Yoner blurted the end of his words as if he was not confident.

“This is what I was thinking. Yonner. You can increase the efficiency by layering
the amplification magic circle on this side. There will be trial and error, but it
will cost a lot less material.”

Lee Han's explanation was certainly valid.

The production difficulty would increase, but if you had the skills, you could
save material costs.

However, Yonaire asked with a slight lingering resentment.

“…don’t you really want to do that?”

“Because there is none.”

* * *


Lee Han filled the invisibility artifact into the von league.

“Phone League. kind. You have to be quiet until you go. got it?"

- Whoops...?

The phone league sent an anxious look, wondering why Lee Han was here.
Compared to other students, the owner of the phone league was a bit unusual.

“Okay. It’s unique.”

Fonrig tilted his head over and over and followed Lee Han.

The Death Knights waved their hands as they saw Lee Han walking towards the main

- Don't go around too late. Wardanaj County.

"Yes. I will keep that in mind.”

-Why are you nagging like that? You might get around late. If anyone hears it,
they'll think you didn't go for a night walk!

- Whoa, whoa! Wardanaj-kun is listening!


Thanks to having already talked to the Death Knights around the main gate, Lee Han
was able to move without any suspicion.

Fortunately, the byway to the Spire Stable was still there.

'It's so smooth that I get anxious.'

When he arrived near the spire stables in less than 30 minutes, Lee Han felt a
little queasy.

Having been in Einroguard for a long time, he has developed a habit of feeling
unnecessarily anxious even when things are going well.

'Cover your face with a cloak...'

Lee Han was wearing a cloak as if he were going out.

When Amur visits from outside, we can pretend to be friends with Amur and go out

'There is a chance.'

At first, I was a little worried, but seeing the people going to and from the
stables, it seemed like there was a good chance.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of guests, so it was busy.

From the professors to the top staff from outside, merchants, and errands.

Because of the crowd, the people moved and bumped into each other's shoulders.

No one paid any attention to Lee Han.

“Aren’t the wizards really overzealous!? Please bring the Hwaryeongjo eggs within
a week! How do you get it in a week!?”

"hey! Be careful with the box there! If it breaks, we could all die!”

“No, did you hear a demon inside?”

"no. It’s a glass statue that the principal ordered.”


While listening to the warm conversation, a familiar face flew from afar.


Amur skillfully landed and made a log.

And then looked around.

“I consider it.”


Amur didn't expect much, but when he saw Lee Han, he jumped with joy.

“That’s great. I didn't expect it! I didn't know you could do this.”

“It is too early to rejoice.”

“Don't worry. As long as you've come this far, it's like success. When the
merchants over there leave, they go out together.”

Ihan nodded his head.

He kept his expression calm, but Lee Han's heart was pounding.

If successful, Lee Han will find a way to get out of school on a regular basis.

While Amur was putting down the cargo, Lee Han gave Fonrig a <Potion to Remove
Curse Magic>.


Fonleague, who returned to its original form, scratched the floor with joy.

“…I thought it was a joke, but it must have been.”

Amur was once again surprised to see the griffon yawning cheerfully in the corner
of the spire stable.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a monster that a first-year student can

“The griffon is unique, so it won’t be noticed, right?”

“No need to worry about that. Beasts more unusual than gryphons are full of beasts

As Amur said, the beasts nearby were overflowing with individuality.

Lee Han tried to avoid the gaze of Inmyeonjo (人面鳥), who was staring at him.

“Slowly our turn is coming. Get ready.”

The spire stables were so wide that one could not see from one end to the other,
but when the bulky mounts collided to enter and exit, that was insignificant.

Of course, in this case, the order was set.

People flying outside towards the entrance and waiting people sitting and waiting
at the exit side.

Lee Han blinked around. There were many people wearing cloaks because of the cold

-Next group, let's go! depart!

The stable keeper did not catch Lee Han. Lee Han walked slowly with the griffon.


Griffon smashed the bricks and flew into the sky. Lee Han felt a great sense of

“You have tamed a griffon.”


At the calm voice of Professor Voladi heard from the side, Lee Han lost the reins
of the Griffon and nearly fell to the ground.



Professor Voladi was puzzled when Lee Han stumbled on the griffon.

Lee Han clenched his teeth and said.

“I didn’t know the professor was there.”

“To develop more observational skills.”

Professor Boladi lightly rebuked Lee Han for his carelessness.

An excellent battle wizard is not vigilant anywhere, anytime, and how to maintain
a certain level of concentration.

And that concentration also included observation skills.

Even when waiting in a chair in the spire stable, the person sitting next to you
should be able to ask, 'Isn't it the professor?'

“…I’ll keep that in mind.”

Lee Han carved the advice of Professor Voladi deep into his bones.

At the Magic School, you had to be able to guess who the other person was just by
looking at their gait.

A student who can't even do that doesn't deserve to survive!

“But if you were there, wouldn’t you have spoken to me?”

'Or not talk forever.'

Lee Han wondered why he didn't call ahead of time and talked to him while he was
riding on the griffon.

Was it the intention to bring Lee Han down?

Professor Voladi's eyebrows curled slightly. The professor spoke slowly.

“You should be quiet in the stable.”


There were some people in the magic school who were more mean when saying the
right things.

One of them was Professor Voladi.

It was absurd when a person who usually does everything he would do was talking
about etiquette.

'Isn't there a rule in the Empire not to take first-year students to the dungeon?'

“That… that’s right.”

Lee Han took a deep breath and made up his mind.

Professor Voladi's appearance was shocking, but when I put my thoughts together,
it wasn't so bad.

Unlike other professors, Professor Boladi did not pay much attention to Lee Han's
violation of the rules.

"professor. Could you please keep it a secret that I'm outside?"

“I do.”

Professor Voladi answered right away without thinking. Lee Han was deeply moved.

'Crazy professors sometimes have an advantage!'

I'd be happy to listen to you like this.

Amur, who was flying in front of them, noticed their conversation and asked

“Are you okay?”

"it's okay. Mr. Amur. He's a close professor, so he'll keep it a secret."

"exactly? I hope you have met a great teacher.”

Amur was relieved by Lee Han's words.

I thought I was caught by another wizard by luck, but I heard that he was a
teacher who understood the situation.
It seems that there was a streak of warm affection even in Einroguard, where only
ugly and bloody rumors were heard. Amur wiped his nose in delight.

“Even if you’re not a wizard, meeting a great teacher is your luck as a student.”

Amur praised Professor Voladi. Professor Vol Ladi nodded his head calmly.

Lee Han had to try to keep his eyes wide open.

'You don't have a conscience...kun!'

Lee Han can praise Professor Boladi, but Professor Boladi nodded after hearing
that compliment.

It would have been better if it had been the Skeleton Principal.

“Can I ask what the wizard is going out for?”

“Because of the preparation for the final exam.”


"Aha. ...?”

Lee Han, who was nodding his head together, stopped.


“Well, I think professors should think about not only teaching magic, but also
teaching students. It must be very difficult.”


Professor Voladi nodded again.

Lee Han had to endure the desire to scream.


“What do you need? It's a relationship that we met like this, and if it's okay
with you, I'd like to help."

Professor Voladi's forehead wrinkled. He seemed to think about something for a

moment and then his mouth opened.

“Immunity to fire, water, and lightning properties, strong magic resistance, and a
speed of more than 60 km/h…”

“Sleep, wait.”

Embarrassed, Amur forgot his manners and cut off Professor Voladi's words.

“Why do you need such a monster?”

“For Dalian.”

"...Wait a minute... Didn't you say you were preparing for the final exam?"

Professor Voladi nodded.

Amur was silent for a moment.

And realizing the truth, he looked at Professor Voladi with a face in terror.

“Seol… maybe…”

“You are probably right now.”

Ihan whispered.

Amur asked as if he couldn't believe it at all.

"ah. If you are in high school…”



Lee Han could understand Amur's embarrassment.

And in fact, it was Lee Han who should be shocked the most.

'Somehow, he was lucky.'

This was not the time for Professor Voladi to be happy that classes were

After I did something, I went outside and prepared to bring a monster to fight Lee

had to stop


Lee Han whispered to Amur again.

“Is it okay if I invite one more guest to my house?”

“Of course.”

Amur once gave Lee Han permission to stay at his house if he escaped.

Lee Han, who received additional permission, said with a bright eye.



“Where will you be staying when you arrive in town?”


“If it’s okay with you, let’s stay here with Amur-sama. Aren’t you bothered to
even go to the inn?”

Professor Voladi's strength was that he nodded his head well. The professor

Ian decided.

I'm never going to let Professor Voladi go.

...It may sound like poisoning to someone who hears it, but I didn't mean to
poison it, it was more like just holding on to it.

“I think we should focus on flying soon.”


Amur pointed forward. Lee Han looked at the obstacles in front of him with
surprised eyes.

Rings of burning flames were appearing all over the sky.

“What is that…??”

“It’s a trap that filters out unauthorized people. You just have to go through the
leftmost ring today.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

As Lee Han passed through the ring of flames, he felt strangely uneasy.

'I think I've had a dream like this before?'

* * *

Amur's house, located near a huge stable, was not very spacious, but it was sturdy
and comfortable.

The problem was the lack of food.

"Well. There is plenty of food for the animals here, but…”


For a moment, Lee Han thought about cooking the food and serving it to the
professor, but immediately came to his senses.

It hadn't gotten that far yet.

“We will gather the necessary materials nearby. Do you have any chickens?”

"...if you need groceries, can't you just go and buy them?"

Amur asked curiously.


At that moment, Lee Han returned to his sanity.

This was not a cold, lawless land, but an imperial town with order and rules.

'I guess I can buy it.'

The canned beans that the Amur used to fill his meals were not suitable for
entertaining the professor.

In fact, I didn't even know what kind of food was suitable for serving Professor
Voladi, but it wasn't that.

'It's about eating and drinking as much as possible.'

If you eat a hearty, warm meal and drink alcohol, you will become annoyed as a
professor as a human being and lie in bed.

And when I wake up, I have another hearty, hot meal and drink...

“Then I will buy it.”

“I think it would be better if we go together…”

Amur looked at Lee Han worriedly.

No matter how you look at it, he seems to come from a family of great aristocrats,
but it is highly likely that he grew up without a drop of water on his hand.

How can I choose what I need?

1 hour later.

Amur was more surprised than when Lee Han tamed the griffon.

“Oh no! Even more amazing than when I tamed a gryphon!”

'I don't think that's a thing.'

Lee Han, who was hard at work making sorbet, meringue, pie and biscotti, thought
to himself.

Still, it's more surprising than taming a griffon...

“You two should sit down and eat first.”

“But it could be…”

“That’s what helps me.”

Ian said with a wink.

Amur sighed 'Ah!' and nodded.

He understood the disciple's heart to appease the mad professor.

'I think you're misunderstanding, it'll be fine.'

In fact, even if I misunderstood, it wouldn't be a big misunderstanding.

The professor who brought powerful monsters to disciple and fight them had nothing
to say even if they were misunderstood.

“Magician. Considering the sincerity you prepared, you should eat it first.”

Professor Voladi nodded.

On a large rectangular table, there were already ready-made hot foods.

Large chunks of freshly baked white bread, honey and spices for dipping, steamed
vegetables, porridge and soup to soothe the stomach before eating greasy food, and
huge chunks of meat seasoned and smoked brisket. Smoked salmon, steamed fish with
flounder and clams, steamed in wine, etc.

It was a table full of all kinds of fruits and sweet desserts that Lee Han was
making now. Amur, who usually fills up his meals, swallowed saliva without
realizing it.

“Magician. here..."

Amur, who tried to offer Professor Voladi a drink, was surprised.

The professor was eating only vegetables, vegetables, and fruits on the table.

“Do you not like meat?”

“Because I don’t like it.”

Ian wasn't upset at all.

In the first place, he was trying to throw in various things as he did not know
the taste of Professor Voladi.


Amur couldn't help but admire Lee Han's sudden change of cooking direction from

Even an alchemist who had worked in the village of Philone for over ten years
didn't seem to be able to change direction without such a blockage.

With a cheerful sound, Lee Han cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Then
immediately fried in oil.

As the sweet pumpkins and eggplants were fried, there was a crackling and
appetizing sound. Lee Han placed lightly fried vegetables with the sauce on the

“How about this?”

“It’s delicious.”

When Professor Voladi ate well, Lee Han continued to move.

Cut tomatoes and green onions, beat eggs, stir-fry, and serve. Peel and lightly
blanch the asparagus you bought earlier, then fry with butter.

With each plate piled up in front of him, Professor Boladi ate well, and Amur
began to recommend alcohol with confidence. When he heard the two of them drinking
from behind, Lee Han smiled meaningfully.


There was the sound of someone hitting the forehead. Lee Han turned around,
controlling his expression.
“Have a wine salad...”

Lee Han, who was talking, stopped.

Amur was sleeping with a pale face, and Professor Voladi was drinking a glass
without a change in his expression.


Lee Han did not curse Amur. Amur was a person who did his best and did a good job.

...because Professor Voladi is crazy.

“I think the food is good enough. Let’s eat slowly.”

"...ah. Yes."

At the voice of Professor Voladi, who had no drunkenness, Lee Han sat down with

Lee Han cut the meat. Because it was so well made, the meat was moist and tender.

'Even in the meantime, the meat is delicious...'

“Skip or irregular meals are bad habits.”

Professor Boladi gave Lee Han a light rebuke.

Lee Han was about to throw a fork.

"I'll be careful in the future."

“It’s late, so you better go to bed after dinner. Start as soon as you wake up.”

"Yes? Where do you mean?”

“To trade monsters.”

After answering Professor Voladi, he asked again as if puzzled.

“Didn’t you serve a meal because you wanted to see it?”

“…I am ashamed that my shallow inner thoughts have been revealed.”

“Enhancement and curiosity are the virtues of a wizard. There is nothing to be

ashamed of. From now on, just tell me.”

Although he was treated like a disciple because he could not ignore his sincerity,
Professor Voladi did not prefer to talk in this way.

'I will unconditionally destroy it.'

Lee Han decided to become a true customer regardless of Professor Boladi's face.

296262 Episodes

It was late at night, so as soon as Lee Han finished cleaning up after eating, he
lay down on the bed.
I thought I would not be able to sleep because I was disturbed, but because I was
so tired, I closed my eyes as soon as I put my head on it.

And Lee Han had a nightmare in which Professor Voladi brought a dragon.

- This is not real. I will appeal to His Majesty the Emperor.

- His Majesty also permitted it.


* * *

Lee Han, who woke up in the morning, sighed and poured the coffee from the kettle
into a cup.

Professor Voladi also walked out of the room after a while. Lee Han noticed that
Professor Voladi paused while looking at the coffee.

“Do you like tea?”

The professor nodded. Lee Han did not panic at all and put the tea leaves into the

Not knowing what to expect, he was prepared for any eventuality.

“Are you both awake? oh Coffee is... no. I will drink.”

"no. Do you like warm milk?”

“I do, but…”

Amur was surprised to see Lee Han immediately pouring milk into the glass.

Is it magic?

“With magic…?”

“I just prepared everything.”


Professor Voladi, who was sipping a teacup, opened his mouth.

“Do not depart.”


“Good luck.”

Amur said to Yi Han. Lee Han nodded his head and thanked him.

"thank you."

“Good luck.”

"...thank you."
“Seriously, good luck.”

“ can stop. thank you."

When Lee Han turned around and went out with Professor Voladi, it looked sad for
some reason.

* * *

“But, Professor. Where are you going to buy such a rare monster?”

Lee Han asked Professor Voladi.

Although the village of Philone was not as bustling and expansive as the city, it
was one of the largest and prosperous places in the village.

As there is the empire's best magic school nearby, all kinds of people involved
are coming and going in and out of the village.

But even considering that, there weren't that many places that sold rare monsters.
In the beginning, there was no place like the Amur stables in a normal village.

'Is this a place I don't know?'

Lee Han had a rough idea of the village of Philone as he had been out and about a
few times.

Is there a place that Lee Han doesn't know that sells rare monsters?

“I called the seller.”


Professor Voladi wasn't just resting.

On a day off, he sent a call to rescue rare monsters from all over the empire.

Among the adventurers and explorers located in various parts of the vast empire,
there were those who performed only these quests professionally.

Probably by now, many of them have arrived in Philone Village with the captured

After hearing the explanation, Lee Han cursed inwardly.

'It's not like the adventurers are swearing for nothing.'

Don't take it just because someone made an expensive quest, you should think about
why you made the quest.

What if a mad wizard throws that monster at his pupil?

'I will not forgive.'

Lee Han once again vowed to destroy the deal.

“Hey! Here it is, here! Wizard! Nice to meet you!"

An orc adventurer swung his hand from afar. He was an orc adventurer in a costume
that seemed to shout 'I am seasoned' from his whole body.

Behind him was a huge metal cage. It was covered with a black cloth, but I could
guess what was inside.

"hello. It's called Kilvedek, which I mentioned in the letter. for a moment. Who
is next to you?”



Kilvedek paused, but continued as if he didn't care.

“First, let me tell you about the monsters I have captured. Please forgive the
rudeness of explaining without walking the cloth.”

The two wizards nodded. The orc adventurer took a break and raised his voice and

“The monster I have captured is… a Basilisk!!”


Ian was surprised.

And even if I attacked the orc adventurer in front of me, I wondered if this would
be in self-defense.

"basilisk! If you're a wizard, of course you know. A monster that is the king of
snakes and possesses a terrible petrification issue. The agility to run from one
end of the earth to the other in the time it takes one tongue to fly without being
defeated by fire, water and lightning...”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Lee Han intervened firmly.

I couldn't just leave it like this. I had to somehow make the other person feel
bad and turn it off.

“Your intentions are clear. Among the many and many powerful monsters, I dare you
to say that I am a Basilisk! It must have been an excuse to cover it up with a
black cloth. I have to argue that removing the cloth could hurt the people around
me! Does it make sense that someone who can trap a basilisk can't fill the
eyepatch? I'm sure there must be a fake of the same size in me!"

“That… what…!”

Kilvedek, who had been criticized for being outrageous, stuttered. Ian was sorry,
but he didn't stop.

“Look at his attire. It's definitely an expensive and worn-out outfit, but your
hands can't be fooled. Isn’t that a hand without a single wound or scar?”

Lee Han started to cry as he could see.

In fact, he could have been a seasoned adventurer without any scars or scars on
his hands. Maybe it was because he had recovered with healing magic, or it could
have been that he wasn't injured because he was good at it.

But the most important thing was the atmosphere.

You have to hold on to it until your opponent gets feverish and says, 'I can't do
this deal!'

“...Wrong! Whoops!”


Suddenly, the orc adventurer fell flat on the floor.

“How dare I try to deceive the wizards... I must have lost my mind for a moment!
Please save my life! Because of the debt…!”


Lee Han was at a loss for words. Meanwhile, Professor Voladi praised him from the

"Good job."

"...thank you."

“Turn it off.”

Professor Voladi expelled Kilvedek without any sanctions or retaliation. Ian asked

“Did you know that he was a scammer?”

"no. But I thought it was possible.”

Professor Voladi did not believe much in adventurers in the first place.

That was the reason why he sent letters to all kinds of places and sent requests
to gather as many sellers as possible.

No matter how many times you call, nine out of ten will be scammers.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Let’s call the next person.”

'I wish I was a scammer, please.'

Lee Han suddenly had hope.

If all adventurers were like this...!

* * *

“What do you think?”


“I asked what you think.”

“Isn’t that… a good Empire adventurer?”

Perhaps it was too good that Lee Han pointed out the suspiciousness of the orc
adventurer at first, and Professor Voladi demanded the same from Lee Han when the
next adventurer came.

Of course, Lee Han didn't have that ability.

'shit. It was a rough throw.'

How did Lee Han know that all the accusations were true?

“Do you really think so?”

“It’s a bit… suspenseful.”


“ long as he brought a rare monster first, that adventurer has no reason to
be upset or worried. But he keeps looking around and shows a feeling of

Of course, dealing with the wizards could have been insecure or it could have been
that the bathroom was urgent, but Lee Han ruthlessly scolded him.

"Shit! I hate wizards like this!”


Another adventurer left all his belongings and ran away.

And since then, three adventurers have been kicked out trying to cheat (one of
them brought an ordinary rabbit and insisted it was Al Miraj, a monster that even
the devil fears).

It was a good thing for Lee Han, but at this point, Lee Han began to doubt the
ethics of the Imperial adventurers.

'Is the Empire okay?'

Even during vacation, adventurers came to Einrogard and wondered if it was

necessary to receive the Skeleton Principal's ethics education.


Lee Han hardened his complexion.

The whole body of the adventurers who came this time felt an indescribable sense
of incongruity.


A strange sense of incongruity, as if gently touching the nerves.

Lee Han frowned, not knowing his identity.

Professor Voladi said next to him.


“What you are feeling right now. That is living.”


Ihan shook his head.

Unlike the scammers earlier, the adventurers approaching now had a strong scent of

'Are they crazy?'

It's not too far from the magic school, and if you touch the wizard of Einroguard,
you'll know exactly how the other wizards will react.

However, the adventurers in front of them were far from such a logical way of

A wizard who came to collect a rare item must have enough gold to steal it by all

There was no such thing as 'after work' or 'retaliation' in my head. It was all I
could think of if I didn't get caught in a big bang.

“Magician. Come here.”

“You have to come closer to check the monster.”

In the slightly hoarse voices of the two adventurers, there was a greed that could
not be hidden.

Lee Han clicked his tongue.

“Foolish bastards.”


“Do you know who you are dealing with now?”

The future of those adventurers was as if the future had been predestined as the
opponent was Professor Voladi.

“Who are you?”

Realizing that things were going a little strange, the adventurer's voice became a
little harsher.



Professor Voladi placed his hand on Lee Han's shoulder. And he said.

“To deal with.”

Professor Voladi chuckled. He meant to deal with it.

Lee Han suddenly became embarrassed.


After asking the other person, 'Do you know who you're dealing with?' and then I
tried to watch Professor Voladi fight, and when this happens, I'm not a madman who
just says, 'Do you know who I am?'

'Do you have to make me do this?'

“Who are you?”

“I don’t know.”

Lee Han pulled out his staff along with the horse. At the same time, the
adventurers also drew their weapons.

They were already suspicious of each other.

* * *

The two brothers, Doig and Eido, were afraid of the power of the wizard, but at
the same time they were not too afraid to face the wizard.

What was important was speed.

Although magic is the most powerful force in the Empire, it has no meaning unless
it is manifested.

If the wizard inserts a blade into his body before casting his magic, that's it.

The two adventurers drew their weapons. It was a bloody memorization made by a
dwarven blacksmith with a bounty in the Empire.

A memorization of firing a venomous dagger with the power of fire and wind.

Not only was the poison that stopped the wizard's body, but the blade of the
dagger was also made of turquoise that could penetrate defensive magic.

How many times have you seen the wizards who carried defense artifacts fall down
by grabbing their chests with unbelievable faces?

Doig and Heido, who had no doubt that it would happen this time too, fell to the
ground with a burning shock.


Lee Han was taken aback when his opponent just rolled around in one shot of
lightning magic.

'what? Is it a trap?'

“Flash, flash, flash!”

Ian was not vigilant.

What I learned while walking around the dungeon with Professor Voladi was that you
should never stop attacking when a monster is defeated.

There was no need to conserve magic anyway, but Lee Han blew his magic in a row.

“You can stop.”

"...ah. Were you really down?”

Professor Voladi nodded.


“Turn it off…”

Doig was incredible.

It must have moved at the same time, but he and his brother were later than that

While talking and the wizard focused on swinging his staff and chanting spells,
the two just memorized and fired...


The two adventurers just fell down.

Lee Han did not know that, and asked Professor Boladi again.

“I would have worn it with protective gear, wouldn’t it be a little lacking?”


In fact, among the adventurers, it was extremely rare to wear proper anti-magic

If you have an expensive artifact worth the price of a castle, you can just sell
it and retire. Why would you risk your life to do something dangerous?

The <Snake of the Maple Tree> that Lee Han met last time was an overly unusual
case, and it was difficult to meet an adventurer who was originally equipped with
such equipment.

Moreover, both Doig and him went as light as possible for speed...

'what? Were they just weird people?'

Of course, from Lee Han's point of view, he was very embarrassed as he did not
know the circumstances of the adventurers who just jumped on him.

What the hell are they doing, but they came all this way while attacking the

* * *

“They're both on bounties. You suffered.”

No matter how much a fight broke out in the village, we couldn't just let it go.

Lee Han and Professor Voladi visited the imperial administrator in charge of the
village of Philone.

The administrator did not specifically suspect or blame the two wizards. In the
first place, the wizards belonging to the Einroguard and the adventurers with
bounties were not compared in terms of their status.

“Did you even have a bounty?”

Ian was surprised.

The empire was vast, and it was not easy to catch those who had an accident once
they ran away.

The Empire placed a bounty on these people, but of course not everyone took it.

'Isn't that too stupid for a bounty bastard? How come you haven't been caught

'It's like the magician of Einroguard.'

The administrator tried to hide his surprise and put on a calm expression.

I knew all of Einrogard's students were some of the most brilliant geniuses in the
Empire, but that's probably it.

Even though he didn't look very old, Doig and he were holding on to his brother,
so it was nothing.

The question of why a bounty was given to such a weak man was a confident answer
to the point of admiration.

"That's right. You are also a student of Einrogard. We look forward to many more
performances in the future.”

"thank you."

After answering once, Lee Han paused.

'What kind of performance are you expecting?'

A compliment was a compliment, but strangely, it was a compliment that made me

feel bad.

Are you cursing me to meet a criminal again?

But when I received the bag full of silver coins, I felt better again.

Lee Han bowed his head politely and bowed politely.

"thank you. Goodbye."

The administrator was surprised again.

It was the humility that was the exact opposite of the confident appearance he had
just shown.

'Are you from a great aristocratic family...?'

Although he did not know which family he was from, he was clearly from a family of
great aristocrats with a long history.

The administrator was unwittingly deeply impressed.

Magic is a difficult science that ordinary people cannot even dare to think about.

A boy like that, who was arrogantly convinced of his talents but never lost his
manners, might be the one who should be walking such a path of study.

'cheer up.'

The administrator cheered for Lee Han.

It was the administrator's job to allow that boyish student to focus only on

A tedious and tedious task, such as managing an empire, should be done by people
like administrators.

* * *

“…Do you want to share?”


Lee Han, who was weighing the bag of silver coins, realized that Professor Voladi
was beside him and asked.

Fortunately, Professor Voladi had little interest in the student's purse.

'I think you're in a bad mood.'

Even without having to use Ogonin's magic, Lee Han-eun had an extraordinary sense
that could easily read the feelings of the professors.

'It's not because of the silver coins...'

“Is it because of the deal?”

Professor Voladi nodded.

I got quite a few letters, but they were all scammers.

Professor Voladi, who had expected that at least one person would bring something
useful, had no choice but to be disappointed.

Lee Han tried to control his expression.

'You shouldn't laugh. If you laugh, you die.'

Professor Voladi wasn't the kind of emotional retaliator like Principal Skeleton,
but if the professor failed and his student smiled next to him, it wouldn't be

Moreover, Professor Voladi wasn't an expert in close combat either.

"it's okay. If it could be obtained so easily, would it be a rare monster? I'm

fine without it."
Lee Han said with kind eyes.

At those words, Professor Voladi frowned slightly.

When the disciple refused to do so, a faint emotion welled up from the depths of
his heart.

That was just anger.

The resentment you feel when you can't do what you should be doing as a teacher.

Professor Voladi had to frown further to control the first feeling he felt.

'...Is this okay?'

As Professor Voladi's expression frowned more, Lee Han became ominous.

Wouldn't it be nice to say something like 'I can't help it because there are no
monsters, I'll replace the monsters'?



When Professor Voladi's face returned to normal, Lee Han sighed in relief.

“But there is still time until the final exam, so I’ll try to find more.”


Lee Han cursed Professor Voladi.

Why the hell are you so passionate about useless things?

At that time, can't I just think, 'Why is there only one student in my classroom?'

“Are you the wizards of Einrogarde?”


Ihan shook his head.

It was the first time he had seen him, but he could guess that he was a nobleman
with a high rank.

From accents and behavior to clothing, accessories, and even the escorts standing

'Who is it?'

"you're right. Excuse me, but who are you?”

Instead of the nobleman, the escort next to him answered.

“This is Duke Ikaldoren. Please identify yourself.”

“Ihan of the Wodanaj family.”

“Boladi of the Bagreg family.”

Unlike the Bagreg family, the Wodanaj family was a family of great aristocrats
that even the imperial duke could not treat lightly. The escort's attitude became
more cautious.

'If the Duke of Ikaldoren...'

Although Lee Han did not know all the nobles of the empire, the famous families
had no choice but to enter through the ears of Aleumaleum.

Duke Ikaldoren was a fairly famous person who had heard rumors about Lee Han
several times and had also seen it in the Imperial newspapers.

'It wasn't a very good rumor.'

Among the nobles, there were few people who did not say that they were cunning or
did not know what was going on, but even considering that, the rumors about Duke
Ikaldoren were rather harsh.

As a cunning and intentional person, Lee Han had no choice but to be a little

Having Professor Voladi by my side didn't make me less nervous. In fact, Professor
Voladi was the more worrisome factor in this situation.

'If Professor Voladi insults Duke Ikaldoren, will the Skeleton Principal come
forward? He's still a member of the magic school, isn't he?'

When Principal Skeleton heard it, he thought about cursing, and Lee Han bowed his

"this. It is an honor to meet you.”

The Duke of Icaldoren looked only in his forties.

His actual age would be twice his age, so he had a very young face for a human
race. He was obviously thanks to all sorts of alchemy elixirs.

“A few days ago, the wizard prophesied that there would be an important meeting,
but I think that meeting was not this one. I'm sure you'll meet the great wizards
of Einroguard in the village."

One of the duke's escorts looked at Lee Han and whispered to the duke.

“Sir Duke. As far as I know, students at the Magic School are not allowed to go
out. Aren't you winning?"

Noble escorts were basically paranoid.

All those who approach the owner are assumed to be assassins in disguise.

“Aren’t you ashamed to say something stupid? Of course, going out with the
professor would be allowed. I won't allow any more rude comments. to step back.”

Duke Ikaldoren strongly blamed the escort. The escort bowed his head and stepped

Lee Han was stabbed inward.

'That escort. Yeri. How did know?'

“Forgive me if I could be rude. But from what I heard earlier, it sounds like the
two wizards are looking for something? I want to help.”


Ihan's face hardened.

'After all, there is nothing wrong with the rumors!'

It was said that he was cunning and had a lot of plans.

Trying to send an innocent student to the goal.

“Looking for rare monsters.”

“Are there any conditions?”

“Immunity to fire, water, and lightning properties, strong magic resistance, and a
speed of more than 60 km/h…”

Even after hearing Professor Voladi's dog bark, Duke Ikaldoren did not change his

I called the escort next to me and asked.

“Can you save me?”

“I’ll look for it.”

“Please. Can I serve you something to drink while I wait?”

Realizing that something was wrong, Lee Han sighed and answered.

“If possible, I would like a car.”

“Great taste.”

* * *

“Sir Duke. No matter how much he comes from the Wodanaj family, he is a professor
at Einrogard, but it is not an over-investment...”

Duke Ikaldoren tapped his finger lightly. Then his subordinate hurriedly bit his

Even after receiving that warning, no subordinate made fun of his mouth.

The peacock murmured coldly.

“I know what you mean.”

The monsters the wizard asked for were rare and more difficult than expected.

On the other hand, it was not known to what extent those two wizards were in

One is a professor, but I don't know what position he's a professor, and the other
one seems to be a low-grade student...

There was a high probability that even if they became friends, they would not
benefit much.

It was not very likely that the professors or students would be friendly with the

However, Duke Ikaldoren decided to invest even with that in mind.

Now, regardless of the efficiency, I had to stretch out several tentacles in the
magic school.

'We have to figure out the situation in Einroguard somehow.'

The peacock's face was calm, but inside it was complicated. Recently, one of the
Duke's henchmen went inside Einrogarde and lost contact.

If his henchman was captured by Gonadaltes, he had to figure out the situation

If you find out the truth about its nature, you will never let it go.

Even if he didn't like the two wizards, he couldn't help it. Now I had to increase
it little by little.

“Do you like tea?”

Duke Ikaldoren stepped into the parlor and asked. Lee Han and Professor Boladi
were sipping tea.

“Very good. thank you Your Majesty the Duke.”

Lee Han, who answered politely, and Professor Voladi, who only shook his head,
were quite contrasting.

It was a pity that the peacock was in a bad situation, so we moved on, but there
was nothing we could do about it.

'Anyway, they're wizards.'

They were single-minded idiots who focused only on the fields they were interested

On the other hand, Lee Han's appearance was quite fresh.

I came from the Wodanaj family, so I thought I would wear rudeness by default...

“I’m sorry for making a student who should focus on magic only drink so cheaply.”

"no. In my mind, I want to pack some and take it with me when I go.”

"Ha ha ha... I'll tell you."

“I beg you.”

'The Wodanaj family... right?'

The Duke of Ikaldoren was the first to see someone from the Wodanaj family who
knew how to communicate in a non-offensive manner.

Besides, even jokes like that.

It was really amazing.

“By the way, if you are studying in Einrogard, you must have met Prince

"Yes. I’ve seen you before.”

“Are you friends?”

“Is that possible?”

Lee Han was disgusted and answered.

What kind of friendship is that?

I don't know if it's a relationship with hate or pain.

'I'm sorry.'

Duke Ikaldoren was deeply saddened. As expected, it was a bittersweet outcome.


'I almost got the most terrible misunderstanding in the world.'

Even after answering Lee Han, he was embarrassed.

He was worried that the Duke of Ikaldoren would return to the imperial social
circles and spread false rumors such as 'I heard that a boy named Lee Han of the
Wodanaj family is very close to Gonadaltes'.

If that happens, how will the Skeleton Principal and those with a grudge react?

The numbers wouldn't be one or two.

“What is Einrogaard’s life like? Are you satisfied?”

Duke Ikaldoren tilted his teacup and asked about life in the School of Magic.

Lee Han felt the nerves all over his body rise.


'Maybe it's a trap!'

What if the Duke of Icaldoren was really close friends with the Skeleton

So, what if you are trying to dig out the dissatisfaction of a student you meet by

“It’s unsatisfactory.”

"is it?"
“The principal always helps students focus on their studies. It is an environment
where students at the Magic School can always think only of magic.”


Duke Ikaldoren was confused.

Einroguard was a secret place where it was difficult for outsiders to understand
what was going on, but there was no such thing as a perfect secret in the world.

To some extent, rumors are bound to flow.

Naturally, there were some rumors about Einrogarde, and the Duke of Ikaldoren knew

Rumor has it that Einroguard was never such a satisfying environment.

'What's your plan? Wodanaz? what are you up to Gonadaltes?'

Duke Ikaldoren's small eyes gleamed slightly. His head was confused by the
unexpected answer.

But no matter how much I thought about it, it didn't seem like the boy in front of
me was lying.

First of all, there is absolutely no reason to lie.

So did Gonadaltes really change the rules?

'That in itself is quite possible. But why? for what reason?'

A man the size of Gonadaltes did not change the rules for no reason.

Duke Ikaldoren's reasoning went deeper and deeper.

'Is it possible... are you trying to win favor with other great noble families or
the emperor?'

Gonadaltes was an archmage famous for flirting in front of the emperor.

The reason that such an archmage was trying to win the favor of other noble
families and the emperor was because he was preparing for something worthwhile.

What the hell are you going to do?

The duke of Ikaldoren shivered as if he had a cold ice blade on his back.

'Maybe... are you aiming at me? Gonadaltes! therefore?!'

“Not only that, but the professors are all great. You are helping us both
physically and mentally to teach us one more thing…”

While speaking, Professor Voladi nodded and almost coughed, but Lee Han managed to
finish his speech.

Duke Ikaldoren was even more convinced of that attitude.

It was absolutely not a lie to say it with such emphasis. It was clear that a
change had taken place within the magic school.
'You have to be careful. increasingly.'

“The Duke.”

“Tell me.”

One of his subordinates approached, bowed his head, and muttered a low voice.

“I found what you ordered.”

“What kind of guy are you?”

“It’s a basilisk.”

Professor Voladi put down the teacup he was holding. It was an expressionless
face, but the feeling of satisfaction was revealed all over his body.

'Duke of Ikaldoren. I will never forget it.'

Lee Han sighed and vowed once more.

* * *

“Isn’t this… a basilisk?”

“It’s actually a gnome’s egg. Wizard.”

Ian felt a little better.

On the other hand, Professor Voladi seemed a little offended.

“When do they hatch?”

“It is difficult to know exactly. As you know, rare monsters like Basilisks are
quite capricious.”

An egg laid by a rooster, which has been incubated by a viper for a long time.

It was a basilisk egg.

It was true that it was a very rare treasure, but the egg was of no help to
Professor Voladi, who needed an opponent to confront his student right now.

Can't you just tell him to fight the egg?

When Professor Voladi remained silent, the atmosphere shifted strangely. It was
enough to feel the duke's subordinates feeling slightly offended.

Basilisk eggs are also very rare treasures, so even a wizard wouldn't express his
gratitude by receiving such a gift without paying anything in return.

Noticing this, Lee Han rushed out.

"Thank you very much. I will never forget the kindness of His Majesty the Duke.
The professor was so thankful that he seems to have forgotten what to say.”

"haha. We are happy that you are so happy.”

At that time, the duke's subordinates also relaxed their faces and were satisfied.

“It was really hard to find. You will be surprised to see how much extra money
they put on top.”

'shit. Just give me gold.'

The duke's subordinates were unhappy, Lee Han was unhappy, and Professor Boladi
was unhappy. It was a painful deal for everyone.

Lee Han seriously considered whether the Duke of Ikaldoren would send an assassin
if caught stealing the basilisk eggs and selling them.

After the subordinates left, Professor Voladi, the male alone, opened his mouth.

“It’s useless.”

"no. professor. You can take good care of it and hatch it.”

Lee Han wanted to end it at this point.

At this point, he was afraid that Professor Voladi would visit the dragon and
quarrel with him.

“Even if it is an egg, it is true that it is a basilisk egg. If you take good care
of them, they will grow quickly.”


Professor Boladi, who had been contemplating Lee Han's persuasion, finally

"...Right. If it's not too late, I'll be able to use it for the next exam."

"no. I didn't mean that.”

Lee Han answered honestly.

* * *

He must have exchanged gifts, and must have known that he was not friendly with
the principal, and the Duke of Ikaldoren slowly prepared to see them off.

“Are you out to buy ingredients?”


“You go with me. Apparently, merchants don’t come up with really good things

The duke ordered his subordinates.

The merchants weren't smart enough to fool the wizard, but they weren't stupid
enough to give out good things easily.

It was trivial, but it was the Duke of Ikaldoren's way to accumulate grace one by
one in this way.

Moreover, it was even more so if the opponent was from a family of great

The honor of a noble is not easily forgetting the favors received.

Of course, it took a little while for the opponent to be of the Wodanaj family,
but unlike the other Wardanaz, that boy seems to be in relatively good shape...

'Is Duke Ikaldoren a hogu?'

Ian was puzzled.

Just give it like that.

Maybe it's not that Lee Han is delusional that he'll pay it back later because
he's sorry, but he's trying to show the distribution of the great aristocrats?

If that's the case, that's really surprising.

Why would you do such a pointless thing...

* * *

“First, give me a lesser spirit potion as much as it is available. Do you have a

dew potion of Setribi? We also need Dobrook's Drop of Blood Potion.”

“Sleep, please wait.”

The alchemists sitting in the guild workshop were startled by the visit of the

“It's going to take a bit of time because we have to check the inventory and make
it. But are you really true this much?”


Han's strategy was simple.

Professor Thundergaulleum said, 'Getting materials is your ability, so make it

yourself', so I really wanted to show off my abilities.

Buy a potion that can be used outside.

Everything from potions needed to make pre-final assignments to potions that can
be used for final exams!

Originally, I was going to buy only what I needed as much as I had no money, but
there was no reason to spare because the Duke of Ikaldoren gave me gold coins.

The duke's men, who were watching from behind, looked at each other with puzzled

-Aren't you buying too much?

But no one stopped it.

If you don't do it for nothing, Duke Ikaldoren will give you a decree for ignoring
his face.

It was a little more expensive than I expected, but it could have been a good
thing, given the Duke of Ikaldoren's intentions to give him a favor.

“Let’s go to the confectionery shop next door.”


"Do you have any problem?"

“Uh… nothing.”

The duke's men followed Lee Han through the door of <Dashig's Sweets Shop>
decorated with colorful and elongated candies.

I wondered why the wizard entered the candy store, but I wondered if they needed
an ingredient they didn't know.

There is a potion that contains a crispy cream brulee, or there is a magic of

preparing it with a sweet eclair... it real?

“This huge chocolate cake doesn't seem like an ordinary thing.”

“You have eyes to see. Guest. Sometimes adventurers who have struggled for months
buy things to celebrate their victories. It takes a week to make once.”

"good. I will buy this too.”

"Oh my gosh! I knew you were precious, but I hope this is true!”

Lee Han nodded with a confident gesture.

The duke's subordinates behind him had no choice but to look more and more sullen.

* * *

“It’s done. professor."

On Sunday evening after the frantic shopping, Lee Han met Professor Boladi again
in front of the Amur stable.

Amur opened his mouth to see Lee Han carrying all kinds of luggage.


Even a porter who had worked at the top for more than ten years didn't seem to be
lifting loads so mercilessly.

"it's okay. Let’s get going.”

“No… wait a minute.”

Amur was perplexed.

If there was anything more important than escaping from jail, no, school, it was
going unnoticed.

Of course, Lee Han and Amur were also prepared for that.
It was supposed to go in around midnight on Sunday, disguised as Amur and Amur's

But the load was a bit too much.

Even if the spire stable keeper is blind, you will hear a voice saying, 'Let's
check it out for a moment.'

"Well. I bought a little too much.”

“Not a little, but…”

"it's okay."


“Professor Jim.”

“Uh… are you okay?”

Amur was even more perplexed.

Can I use the name of my heavenly teacher for such smuggling?

Professor Voladi nodded as if he didn't care. Lee Han sent his eyes that he knew
it would.

“Then let’s go! Oh yeah. I brought some dessert here. Eat it when you go out.”

"no. The students wouldn't have any money... Wait...?”

I couldn't understand how Amur Lee Han bought so many things.

It wouldn't be easy to sell the family name if you weren't very immature or

“…for now, I know. Let's go!”

Lee Han gave the griffon a snack (Gryphon was very happy when he gave him the best
jerky), and checked Professor Voladi's luggage.

While wandering around the village with the duke's men, there were several
elongated boxes large enough to fit one person in what Professor Voladi bought.

'...Isn't it supposed to be a monster?'

Lee Han was ominous, but he had his heart set. No matter how much Professor
Volradi, he could not save more monsters in that short time.

“What is in me?”



“Adventures. There are people who cheated before.”

Professor Boladi said calmly.

He spoke so calmly that the snack box Lee Han had piled up and the adventurer box
containing the adventurers felt similar.

Of course, Lee Han was not deceived.

"professor. Why are they like that?”

“I plan to write for the final exam. They're crap, but if you train them, they'll
be useful."



"professor. I'm not fluent in imperial law, but kidnapping is probably illegal."

“I got permission.”


Ian was shocked.

I knew the adventurers were crazy, but enough to respond to such an offer...

'ah. I don't think so.'

It was not easy for the adventurers who were caught trying to cheat.

Besides, the atmosphere must have been quite daunting since Professor Voladi would
not have been kind and kind to him.

'If you point a knife at your neck and ask a question, that's not permission, it's
a threat.'

“But if you have permission, why do you put it in a box like this and take it with

“Because if you let the outsiders go their way, you could have an accident.”


Of course, the only answer was 'really', but Lee Han thought differently.

Say that...!

* * *


The Blue Dragon Tower students looked at Lee Han as if they were seeing a god who
descended into reality.

The cake placed in the center of the common room was high enough to hit the

“After the final exams, we all eat together. got it?"

“Three… my God…”
“Sharkan. If anyone touches it, just ask.”

Sharkan bit Gainando's ankle. Gainando screamed.

“You haven’t touched it! I was just thinking!”

Lee Han, who watched the fluttering Guy Nando, added:

“The one who fails is not given.”


Some students were astonished.

How can such cruel conditions?

“It’s not wrong to fail!”

'Isn't that wrong?'

Lee Han ignored the protests of his friends and turned around. Yoner said softly
with a surprised expression.

“I thought I brought it for a festival.”

“What festival? oh Phoenix Festival?”

The Empire had several festivals in each season.

Among them, the Phoenix Festival was a festival to offer prayers to the phoenix so
that early summer could come properly.

In the past, there was a story that the phoenix boosted the power of the sun and
the seasons cycled properly.

'It's an absurd superstition.'

If that's true, the phoenix must have been sleeping the last time it snowed at the
magic school.

And apart from superstition, the Phoenix Festival was not so important that it had
to be taken care of.

Moreover, the final exam period is right after the end of next week.

Under such circumstances, there could be students stupid enough to celebrate the

“…what are you doing?”

"yes? Are you making decorations?”

The students of the Blue Dragon Tower, who were making wreaths by weaving red-
painted feathers and chrysanthemums, tilted their heads as if asking why.

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

'I forgot that these bastards were stupid.'

In fact, even useless things tend to become more interesting when the exam is in

Now, only assignments and exams remain.

Even a small phoenix festival would be fun enough for students to fall in love
like crazy.

“Wordanaz. wreath here. Wearing a wreath during the festival will make you
stronger in the heat.”

'Thank you.'

“Aren’t you studying?”

“…Gee, I’m going to do it now!”


First of all, I tried to say thank you because I thought of sincerity, but my
inner feelings came out the other way.

Lee Han looked at the backs of his friends who were running away with regret.

'for a moment. These children are now...?!'

After looking around, Lee Han realized a sense of incongruity.

Everyone was sitting at the desk, but few were studying properly.

I thought Asan was doing a task because he was wiggling a quill on the paper, but
he was drawing decorations to wear during the Phoenix Festival, and Neblen was
making a ball to play with during the Phoenix Festival, not improving the artifact,
which is an enchantment magic task.

Lee Han looked at the last stronghold, the princess. Her princess hastily opened
her book and placed it on her desk.

“…the principal probably didn’t create the Phoenix Festival.”

“Well, isn’t it?”

Yoner, who was next to him, was bewildered by the absurd conspiracy theories.

No matter how I thought about it, it was unlikely that the Skeleton Principal
would have created a festival to be celebrated throughout the Empire.

“Lee Han. When I play, I have to play so I can concentrate a little more.”

Gainando looked up and said. It looked like he was afraid that glancing at Lee
Han's hand would hit him in the back of the head.

“Gainan too. What are you holding now?”

“...Pang, Pang?”

“Is it a task?”

"No... um... Maybe I'll have something to write about...?"

Gainando rubbed the phoenix pattern drawn on the top and erased it.

* * *

Monday of the new week.

Lee Han expected only Blue Dragon Tower students to be particularly stupid, but
the reality was a little different.


“Wordanaz! Kick the ball!”

When a leather ball with a phoenix pattern on it flew, Lee Han kicked the ball in
the opposite direction.

White Tiger Tower students pounded on the ground and cursed.

“What are you doing!”

“Disrespectfully! Don't you know it's a Phoenix Festival?!"


The students were making all sorts of excuses because they wanted to play.

A ball game to commemorate the Phoenix Festival.

Hit the top to celebrate the Phoenix Festival.

A card game to celebrate the Phoenix Festival...

'Is the card game really a person with no conscience?'

“I put the phoenix card in my deck.”


“No, I won’t.”

Gainando shoved the deck into his pocket when Lee Han glared at him.

The Phoenix Festival is a festival in which students celebrate by playing with

small phoenixes or decorations instead of preparing something fancy or grandiose,
so it was a good festival for students to make excuses for.

<Basic Magical Personality Education> The skeleton principal who entered the
classroom seemed to think so too.

Are you celebrating the Phoenix Festival?

“School, Principal!”

The students who had put the phoenix pieces in the chess looked at the skeleton

But Principal Skeleton said kindly.

You can keep it.

“Jeong, are you really?”

okay. Even if you play like an idiot and fail, it's you, not me, who enters the
punishment room, right?


The students quietly cleared the chessboard. Principal Skeleton was delighted.

As everyone knows, I didn't give you any assignments in consideration for you
guys. Even if you are left with time rotting.

"no! How busy we are…”

Take off the phoenix decoration and say it. Pathetic bastard

After speaking up, the student blushed and removed the phoenix epaulettes from his

“We have been quite busy. principal."

Who dares to see a friend just now?

Principal Skeleton turned and looked for the cheeky speaker. Then, seeing Lee Han,
he stopped.

...ruler. therefore. Next week is the exam.


Even Principal Skeleton could not say that he had time to spare even to Lee Han.

I know you doubt me, but the final exam won't be that hard.



The skeleton principal's eyes flashed, and the students who had just snorted hung
upside down from the ceiling.

My swearing must be inside. stupid bastards And it's really not that difficult.
Can you tell me in advance?


One student asked in a voice full of disbelief.

An official from the Empire will come and test your personality.



The students were more perplexed than when their friend hung upside down.

“We didn't really learn anything about character... principal."

what a sound Even if you didn't feel it, it will gradually build up inside you. It
would be nice to have a good answer. If you get caught by a bureaucrat, your life
will be hard.

'This is a little scary.'

Even though he had to fear the final exam several times more than other students,
it was Lee Han who was still calm.

But I was afraid of that personality test.

Who the hell is coming and asking what?

'Can I make a complaint about the current state of the school? no. That's weird.
If it was possible to accuse it, it doesn't make sense that the skeleton principal
still holds his position.'

There is nothing to fear too much.

Principal Skeleton said softly if he noticed the students' anxiety.

I'll help you rehearse.

A curtain of darkness was spread in the classroom, and the students' vision
narrowed to the point where they could only see their toes.

One by one forward!

* * *

It was Lee Han's turn. Lee Han took a step towards the blue eyes that floated in
the dark.

Name your name.

“This is Lee Han.”

Why don't you tell the family first? Give me 10 points.

“Uh… are the officials actually like that?”

quiet. I ask the question. Have you ever thought about attacking someone while
attending a magic school recently?


Lee Han was speechless.

'shit. Too many.'

If the skeleton principal has the ability to detect lies, he'll be caught right

“I would be lying if I said no.”

Be honest. I'll give you 10 more points.

'Is this correct?'

If I confessed that I wanted to attack, I think it should be deducted points...

Why did you learn magic?

“I want to avoid starvation for the rest of my life if I learn it because it is

the most useful and versatile study among the many studies in the Empire...”

You call that a word!?

The Skeleton Principal responded as if it was absurd.

Ian was a little perplexed.

“Can I not answer this in front of a bureaucrat?”

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you're just trying to kill someone or

summoning fragments of a forgotten old evil spirit. What's the purpose of that
ruthless thing!? Just a little bit further and my dream is to be an imperial

“I think the bureaucracy is good...”

quiet! I hate to hear No matter how hard you try, If you're flattering like that,
even the officials will be embarrassed!

Lee Han grumbled inwardly.

What about the bureaucrats...

Next, tell me the magic you are learning and why you chose it... Skip this


Ian was slightly hurt.

Are there any other top students that you particularly hate and hate?

“I don’t have anything.”

Sorry. Had I said that, I would have given it 10 points.


After that, several questions arose. What are you going to do with most magic, do
you plan to use an evil arcane ritual, if you can change the magic circle on the
path to another village with a small number of people when a runaway magic is
attacking the village, etc.

Surprisingly, it wasn't that difficult.

“Isn’t it really difficult?”

right. It's not difficult if you just hold onto your sane mind.

Principal Skeleton grunted. He looked very dissatisfied. Ian asked as he did not
“Are there any problems?”

I don't know about savvy people like you, but there are people who say nonsense
every year! And when it comes out, it's all my fault.


Ian immediately understood what he meant.

In fact, if I ask a question and the answer is 'I want to burn the whole world, so
I learn fire magic', the emperor will say 'Call Gonadaltes'.

The students were more innocent than I thought and did not know how to lie.

If there is anyone in your tower who is likely to give you strange answers, be
sure to stop them.

“I will try my best. But the headmaster. Isn't anything more dangerous than that?"

What are you talking about?

"Well. I was afraid that if the bureaucrats heard about what happened during the
semester, they would be embarrassed.”

Thanks for your concern. but it's ok


The bureaucrats who come are from Einrogarde.


Ian couldn't help but admire.

You have a good head on the really bad parts!

* * *

In recent weeks, Professor Voladi's lectures have been physically comfortable.

But mentally, it was a little harsher.

After the basic course was over, Professor Voladi, who was going to complete the
comprehensive combat magic theory, began to ask what he had learned in other
lectures one by one.

“In black magic, poison and curse. In summoning magic, a skeleton. next."

"Illusion magic heard the structure grasp."

“I should have learned more from Ogonin-sama.”

"...this. I almost missed it.”

Lee Han cursed the skeleton principal.


“It wasn't that great though.”

“Observation is important.”

Professor Voladi didn't take the emotion-recognition class of magic lightly.

The duel of wizards is a clash of two different worlds.

In order to gain the upper hand in that conflict, one had to have the eye to read
the world of the other person first.

“And you must have learned the magic of emotion control.”


I was prepared for it, but it was quite bittersweet that it was already known.

“It may not work well with wizards, but it is useful magic for those who do not
know how to manipulate magic.”


Ian paused.

'Did all the Blue Dragon Tower students succeed?'

Lee Han kicked his tongue at his friends.

How often do you think that if you are loose and vigilant, then a wizard would
fall for such a magic?

“Keep learning. Transformation magic would still be steel.”


Professor Voladi seemed more detailed in the transformation magic curriculum than
the students listening to transformation magic.

Now, the transformation magic lecture was focused on the most basic, that is,
changing the clothes a wizard usually wears to steel.

The objects they wore were easy to change as they were familiar, and steel was one
of the most accessible and common materials for wizards.


With a strong sound, Professor Voladi swung the handkerchief from an invisible
angle. His handkerchief turned to steel and flew like a whip.

Lee Han, who was holding onto the string of tension the moment he saw Professor
Voladi, reacted immediately. He threw down his coat and cried.

“With steel, cloak!”

Fortunately, I was able to make it on time. The handkerchief was clogged with the
coat and fell.

Professor Boladi said calmly, almost smashing the student's chin.

“To increase the speed further.”


Lee Han was about to say, 'Stop making surprises'.

It wouldn't be much different from talking to the wall of the Blue Dragon Tower.

“Don’t be too greedy with foresight magic and healing magic.”

“Yes… yes?”

Ihan paused after listening quietly.

Instead of 'predict the future a thousand years from now' or 'prepare so that you
can recover right away even if you have a few wind holes in your body', are you
saying 'don't get greedy'?

'If anyone hears it, they'll know that I'm greedy...'

“What does it mean not to be greedy?”

“Literally. Foresight magic is unstable and fickle. If you force it, you can pay a
huge price.”


Lee Han, who had already used the foresight magic several times, couldn't help but

'Foreknowledge magic is dangerous, it must be really dangerous.'

Of course, everyone he met said that foreknowledge magic was dangerous, but
Professor Voladi said it was dangerous.

It's really, really, really, really, really dangerous magic!

"what? So is healing magic unstable and fickle?”

Lee Han, who nodded and listened, asked as if puzzled.


The reason for not being too greedy for healing magic was similar to that of
foresight magic, but it was different.

Healing magic is basically a magic that will only backfire if you use it as you
like until you have gained experience and played a part.

Even if he said that he had been injured for nothing, he would only get more


Lee Han thanked Professor Garcia for keeping the secret.

It seemed that he had to hide the fact that he had already succeeded in healing
magic against people until he entered the grave.

* * *
Professor Voladi didn't give me any assignments, but he gave me a lot of advice
about other magic.

-Make the skeleton move, and combine poison and curse to strengthen it.

-Ogonin-sama's illusion magic will be helpful if you learn it. Try to learn up to
4 circles as quickly as possible.

-I heard that you have completed the steel shield. Now try casting it without the
help of a magic circle.

'I'd rather just give you an assignment.'

Of course, Lee Han only thought to himself. Because he was the person who really
gave me the assignment if I put it out in words.

“Beware of fire magic.”


Ihan shook his head.

It was absurd advice.

There was no elemental magic as widely known as fire magic, but for Lee Han, the
story was a little different.

Due to the nature of the flame element, a wizard with an abnormally high amount of
magical power like Lee Han would immediately become an arsonist if he wanted to run

As such, when using fire magic, Lee Han has been using it as safely as possible by
wearing various curses, no, artifacts that reduce the flame, and not increasing the
scale of the magic itself.

Professor Voladi would know that too, but why?

“Are you always paying attention?”

“You should be more careful.”

According to Professor Voladi, the energy of flame was felt little by little in
the magical flow within the school.

The magic that originally exists in nature is strongly influenced by the


In the hot summer, the energy of flames.

In the cold winter, the energy of the chill.

If it was an Einroguard with the strongest magical power in the Empire, the
influence of the seasons could not but be stronger.

“But summer has not come yet. Is it still dangerous enough?”

“It must be because of the festival.”


“Phoenix Festival. The students must be celebrating.”

Wizards are people who change the world with their will.

Naturally, the rituals performed by the wizards had an impact on those around
them, either consciously or unconsciously.

The festival to commemorate the phoenix had no choice but to make the power of the
flame stronger so that early summer could come properly.


Ian was not funny.

Still, because of the festival, the atmosphere was distracted and cluttered, but I
have to suffer this kind of damage!

I was already hating the festival.

* * *

swordsmanship lessons. hour before the start.

Lee Han mercilessly hit the students of the White Tiger Tower with the stick he
was holding.

“You call that counting? again! If you mix the potion as it is, the pot will melt
and make a hole!”

As much as he promised to help the White Tiger Tower students study, Lee Han was
helping his friends before the swordsmanship class began.

Of course, the White Tiger Tower students were to die for.

“Take a break. Take a 5 minute break and do it again. Do not move away from your

“Woodanaz, why is that bastard like that? It's several times more terrifying than

“Who quarreled with Wodanaj?”

“Didn’t you catch me swearing at Wodanaj?”

“Damn it, I told you not to curse!”

The White Tiger Tower students cried out in shock and horror.

'Your potion is so fresh that if you sell it for money, you will go to jail!' I
was tormented in the same way, to the point of being amazed.

Rather, it felt better when Lee Han wielded violence.

The White Tiger Tower students are basically not used to sitting and studying for
a long time.
“Wordanaz. You don't know, but we're knights, so we don't fit well with our

“Should you shut up or sit down?”


Giselle was usually sarcastic about anything Lee Han did, but this time it was

'Swear more. Wodanaz. More cursing.'

Giselle did not regret entering the White Tiger Tower, but there were times when
she regretted it.

One of them was that we couldn't hit hard as we were the same top students.

People who usually avoid studying Jijiri throw away a Wodanaj, so they get their
minds up and flutter...

“What are you all doing?”

Professor Elf, Ingaldel asked, puzzled.

In the sacred swordsmanship lecture place, the students lay on the tables and


The students were so happy that they shed tears when they saw the professor who
arrived 30 minutes early.

"Wordanaj... to force me to study..."


Professor Ingaldel looked at Lee Han and said.

“You are doing a good job for your friends. It's not even the same tower. I was

"no. professor. Aren't we training swordsmanship together?"

Professor Ingaldel was moved by Lee Han's pretentious words. He hurriedly said
that the white tiger tower student next to him felt something ominous.

“You came early, so let’s start the lecture!”

"no. There is still time left, so study a little more. I will wait by your side.”



The White Tiger Tower students were drenched in sorrow and pain. Professor
Ingaldel said calmly.

“From a long time ago, people who learned swordsmanship often neglected their
studies. You don't do that.”


* * *

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who had been studying for an additional 30
minutes, stretched and stood up from their seats.

It felt like my whole body had turned to stone after sitting for so long.

Professor Ingaldel smiled while holding his sword and waited for the students.

“Everyone had a hard time studying. I wonder if you are preparing well for the
final exam?”

“Don't worry!”

"you're right. The mountains now feel like a garden.”

'Those who have no conscience.'

'Such a nonsensical bluff.'

Lee Han and Giselle were astonished by the remarks of the White Tiger Top friends.

When Kurare Lizard came out last time, those who set foot on the underworld were
so brazen that they put iron plates on their faces.

“I am glad that you are. But I think I still need help... Today I called someone
to help.”


“Are you the White Oak Knights?”

The students wondered if the knights of the Baekyangmok Knights had come again.

“Are they helpful? I don't think you know anything about mountains, do you?"

“Let’s take him to the place where the Kurare lizard came out last time.”

'Are these children knights?'

Lee Han was taken aback by the sight of his friends from the White Tiger Tower
decorating the dark realm that they had lost.

“It’s not the White Oak Knights. This is it.”

When Professor Ingaldel shouted, two strangers he had never met walked forward.

I saw several adventurers in the village yesterday, but the guests in front of me
seemed to have good equipment that could not be compared with those adventurers.

The appearance of the equipment was clunky and old, but complex magical powers
were felt inside. It was definitely an artifact.

A potion bottle and tools on her belt, her unshakable gait and posture...
'Are they famous adventurers?'

“This is Mr. Baishada, a member of <Shadow Patrol>. And this person here is Mr.
Gesse, who belongs to <Wasteland Star Catcher>.”


Ian was surprised.

Shadow Rangers, I knew very well that they were rangers of the Northern Mountains,
because I heard them piercing my ears every time I talked to Nilia.

Wasteland Starslayers patrol the wastelands of the western part of the Empire.

Both were excellent groups, but their awareness was slightly different.

A wonderful name, a location in the West where people get a lot of attention in
the Empire, and a record of producing famous people in the Empire.

As a result, the Wasteland Stars, often featured in fairy tales and imperial
newspapers, could not be compared to the Shadow Rangers in terms of awareness.

- Because the real wasteland starfish are killing children! They are really,
really bad kids! You must have bought the Imperial newspaper! We don't even descend
from the mountains, we're dedicated to the people of the villages below! They just
wander around the wilderness and stop by a village to rest! And pretending to be
cool is the best in the Empire!

'Ugh. I'm not going to tell Nelia.'

Still, I was stressed because of the final exam, and I thought I might collapse
when I heard that the wasteland starfish had come here.

“These two will give you advice on how to find monsters and how to attack them.”

Before Professor Ingaldel's words could be finished, the students of the White
Tiger Tower moved slowly.

Of course, it was in front of Gesse, a member of the Wasteland Star Catcher.

In contrast, Vaishada, a member of the Shadow Patrol, stood still, as if he had

not expected it.


Baishada was astonished.

Three students gathered in front of Baishada.

“Morady. It was decided by a majority vote, so let’s not complain.”

"Durgyu is on your side, how is this a majority vote...!"

“If you feel sad, you buy Durgyu too.”

“I, I was not bought. I just thought it would be better to learn from someone who
belongs to the Shadow Patrol.”

In fact, Giselle also thought that it was better to learn from a shadow patrol
ranger than a wasteland star hunter.

'The Wasteland Star Catcher is too arrogant.'

He had the skills, but he felt rejected because it felt too wrapped up.

“Really… are you going to… learn from me?”

Baishada stuttered and asked.

His voice cracked and came out because he was a little nervous.

“Isn’t that right?”

"There's nothing that can't be done... Cool. Wait a moment."

Baishada opened the lid of the water bottle and shook her head.

Then he drank a potion of relaxation. It was a potion that I did not drink even
when hunting large monsters.

“Honestly, I thought everyone was going to go there.”

"Shadow Rangers are better than Wasteland Starslayers."

At Ihan's words, Baishada's black eyes gleamed. Her eyelids fluttered as if she
was greatly moved.

“Is that real? I didn't know that Einrogard would think like this..."

In fact, it was because of his friendship with Nelia, but Lee Han and the party
didn't bother to say anything.

The sight of the happy hunter in front of him seemed so salty.

Even Giselle was still.

"good night! I will surely help you find and catch more prey than the other

Vaishada said in a voice full of enthusiasm.

I'm sure something like this will happen in Einroguard, which I didn't expect

When I returned to the Northern Mountains, I was thinking of passing it on to the

other patrol members.

How happy your colleagues will be!

“Uh… wait a minute.”


“Actually, we… have already finished the preparations for the final exam.”


Baishada was astonished.

Durgyu was also surprised.


“Isn’t it your friend?”

Baishada was perplexed. She seemed to be friendly with the three of them.

“The last time I was chased by a lizard. I met a giant and cut off her hair.”

“Lee Han. I am your friend, but the words I just said are too difficult to pass as

Durgyu said with a look on his face with a headache.

Talking about the giant's hair as if he had picked up a stone along the way had
confused Durgyu.

“It’s a bit long to talk about.”

Lee Han briefly explained what had happened.

Encounter with a giant -> Can't play chess -> Win a bet -> Escape with loot.

“Did the giant not play chess like that?”

“I couldn’t let it go.”


Giselle was trying to say something, but held back. Because, to say the least, she
was only hurting herself.

"sorry. Durgyu. I should have told you, but I was afraid that the other White
Tiger Tower students next to me would be disappointed or jealous.”

"not. I can understand. I was really happy.”

"for a moment. Wizards.”

Vaishada could not keep up with the conversation and caught up late.

“So, winning a bet against a giant is… even so. There are other things that I
don't quite understand, but that's all. So do you have any loot now?”


“Then what should I do?”

“…uh… do you want to go hunting together? I need some meat.”


* * *
Vaishada was slightly pale, but soon regained his energy.

Most of all, the students set the Shadow Patrol higher than the Wasteland Stars,
and I wondered what it was.

"you're right. And what matters is the result, isn't it? Other students will think
we defeated the giant thanks to Mr. Baishada.”

“That’s good… is that okay?”

Baishada tilted her head.

Of course, I wanted to let the young wizards here know that the Shadow Rangers
outperform the Wasteland Starslayers.

But that sounds like cheating...

“You may. The teaching I learned in magic school is that if the results are good,
everything is fine.”

"okay? Are you surprised?”



Having had time to spare, Baishada took the three of them together to find a
suitable game and gave him some advice.

“Do you know how to walk on a slope like this?”

“Don’t rush, try to hit the ground with your whole foot, and try to integrate your
breath and gait to minimize fatigue.”

"You're right! Isn’t that great?!”

Baishada was really surprised.

Apparently he came from a family of great aristocrats, so he would not have grown
up while riding the mountain.

Still, you'd be so good at it.

If it wasn't for the other person's status, I thought I might have learned it from
another member of the Shadow Patrol.

'Well. It's getting harder and harder to say.'

In fact, it was difficult to say that I learned from a former shadow patrol

I was very excited as the other person taught me one by one, but it took courage
to say 'I've already learned everything'.

"ruler. Walk up one more time.”

“Is this right?”

"You're right! You are doing great!”


Durgyu, who knew Nelia, looked at Lee Han with a puzzled look.

Lee Han pretended not to see and ignored it.

* * *

Vaishada stuck some of the birds he had shot down on a skewer. After the feathers
and intestines have been removed, the roasted bird meat is a delicacy for hunters.

“Is it because it’s the Phoenix Festival? The fire is a bit high.”

Vaishada controlled the intensity of the raging fire.

Still, it was Lee Han who had heard the warning from Professor Voladi. Vaishada's
words did not go unnoticed.

'It seems that the energy of the flame is really getting stronger.'

“By the way, has a phoenix ever been summoned to the magic school?”

“Are you talking about the phoenix?”

The three students were puzzled by the question.


Isn't it a very rare exchange among the exchanges? It was a monster that I did not
know where it came from.

“I’ve never seen it, so why are you asking the phoenix?”

"ah. I've never seen it either, but I've heard that he appeared very occasionally
at festivals. If he appeared, I wondered if he would appear at the magic school.
Because it’s a water change, you don’t like places with a lot of magical power.”

"ha ha ha. If that was the case, the magic school would have already become a den
of numerous monsters. Mr. Baishada.”

Durgyu said with a smile. Ian thought to himself.

'I think it's already half a den of monsters.'

It was quite ominous information that the convicts appeared because they liked a
place with a lot of magical power.

Lee Han shook his head once to soothe his nervousness and said to Baishada.

“You’re good at shooting a bow.”

"thank you. Would you like to try one shot?”

“I’m a little unsure of my bow.”

Lee Han was willing to learn everything, but archery was not easy.
I thought I could do as much as throwing an arrow into a string and shooting it at
a target. That's something I learned when the old knight Alarlong taught me the

However, hitting a small target moving from a distance was a completely different
matter. It took effort to cut bones to match that.

“Actually, bows take a lot of time to get used to. Besides, a wizard doesn't even
need to learn a bow. okay. How about shooting arrows with magic? Among the magic,
there are some magic that you use for this, right?”

Vaishada said this because he was not entirely a wizard.

An experienced mage could have just realized that words are quite ridiculous.

Instead of shooting the bow with the archer's skill and proficiency, he shoots the
bow with various enchantments.

At first glance, it sounded plausible, but in fact, the navel was bigger than the

Every time you shoot an arrow, you fire multiple magic on the arrow.

No matter how simple the enchantment magic, the consumption of mana is not normal.

In addition, when applying multiple layers of enchantment to a small object like

an arrow, the amount of magic consumed and the difficulty jumped each time it was

However, Lee Han, an inexperienced first-year student, decided it was a good idea
before thinking about it.

'Certainly, I've learned a few useful enchantments now.'

Lee Han is only studying nonsensical attributes such as 'float', 'auto-defense'

and 'reflection' these days, but in fact, there were many easier attributes.

Attributes that assist in power, such as 'acceleration', 'weight increase', or

'strengthening penetration'.

Attribute that assists in other areas such as 'shake removal', 'strengthening hit'
or 'aim assist'.

Still, it was Lee Han who handled magic in the form of beads. He was thinking that
someday, he would try to increase his power with these enchantments.

It was too difficult to cast additional magic on the objects that Lee Han summoned
and maintained with magical power, such as water beads...

It was relatively easy for an object that had no problem even if Lee Han did not
maintain magic power like an arrow.

'I'll try the arrows first, and if I'm good at arrows, I'll try it with iron beads
next time.'

It was not a bad idea to practice with arrows as the difficulty increases in the
order of arrows, iron marbles, and water marbles.

“Hurry up, get heavy. Be sharp.”

Durgyu and Giselle, who were watching while eating grilled birds, looked at them
with interest.

Actually, Giselle was close to 'what else are you doing', but it was interesting

“Lee Han. Did you learn <Increase in lower weight> or <Increase lower penetrating

“Did you come to class?”

To be precise, it was one of the many basic enchantments written in the book
rather than what Professor Verdus taught.

“I did come out. But you were behind me.”

However, those two magics were located relatively behind, and the students who
still had a lot of magic to practice did not have to touch the magic behind them

Even if you don't catch it, there are enough magics to do already.

“In the case of <Increased Weight>, I had something to test, so I practiced.”

"Right. ...uh? Then what about <Enhancing Low Penetration>?”

“Try it now for the first time.”



Durgyu and Giselle agreed for the first time.

Such absurd...

'Ah, ah. What do I think.'

Durgyu shook his head and let the thought out.

Lee Han was a great friend, but sometimes when he showed his talent for magic, he
would say, 'Stop cheating'.

“It’s really unlucky.”

“...Moradi! You must not say such a thing to a colleague in your group!”

“Why are you all of a sudden? what?"

Whether or not her friends were talking about it, Lee Han cast the following

Accelerated, increased weight, increased penetration, increased accuracy,

increased aiming...

'What else could you have? oh Shake removal.'

“Shake, calm down…”

Lee Han, who was swinging his staff, stopped. The spell was not cast properly and
bounced off.

It was the same no matter how many times I repeated it.

“Why are you doing this, Lee Han?”

"ah. right. I forgot.”

If you apply multiple enchantments to arrows, the level of magic consumption and
casting difficulty will increase rapidly.

Since I had walked this much, it was only natural that I did not take any more.



“Then, shouldn’t you usually realize it before you cast it?”

Baishada tilted her head and asked the students of the Two White Tiger Towers.

The two students pretended not to hear and turned away.

“Then let’s do it here.”

“Guess the rock that fell over there.”

Lee Han cleared his breath and aimed his bow. The complex and meticulously woven
structure of magical power was felt in his arrows.

It was much more comfortable and stable than just a demonstration, probably
because the accuracy and aiming were strengthened.



With a crackling sound, the flying arrow pierced the rock and stuck about 1/3 of
the way.

Lee Han felt sorry for the position of the arrow quite far from the center he was
aiming for.

'Is this enough for two?'

“It’s also difficult.”

"What is he saying now..."

Baishada looked at Lee Han like a monster and said.

If he was not a skilled archer, he would have done well if he had inserted an
arrow into the rock, and there was no regret at all if he didn't hit the center.


'Are all Einroguard students like that?'

Vaishada thought in amazement.

After all, it was a place where the best talents in the empire were gathered and
taught, so I didn't know that it was natural.

Even if half of an arrow is inserted into a rock, they say, 'Ah, that an arrow
only sticks half in a rock'.

“Tell your friend not to talk nonsense.”

“You’re also my colleague.”

Vaishada did not hear Gisele and Durgyu's conversation.

'Come to think of it, I heard that there was a young ranger who entered Einroguard
from another fortress the other day. Is the ranger going there too?'

If all Einroguard students are like that, then the young rangers who were admitted
from other fortresses of the Shadow Patrol would be similar.

Baishada admired the unknown young ranger again.

Do you have to be at that level to be able to enter Einroguard?

“If you want a more accurate aim, why not try reducing the power?”

“You mean power?”

"okay. It seems that you are obsessed with power too much. I don't need that much

“But among the monsters like the Maw, aren’t there those with particularly hard
armor? I think it would take this kind of power to defeat them.”

“Yeah, yes, but usually first-year students don’t meet such monsters, right?”

Baishada was perplexed.

Of course, among the monsters, there were monsters with solid defense, but usually
there were few encounters with such monsters.

Even more so if you are a first year student at a magic school.

Ian smiled bitterly. Baishada didn't quite understand why the boy in front of him
was doing this.

“You are right. Then we will give up our power and focus on aiming.”

“Why don’t you try <Level Judo> too?”

Giselle said sarcastically.

Of course, this wasn't serious advice.

In enchantment magic, the 'induction' attribute that makes an object go in the

target direction was a very difficult attribute.

A property that is much more difficult than 'acceleration' or 'weight gain'.

"oh. Thank you. Moradi.”

However, for Lee Han, who is already dealing with the 'auto-defense' attribute,
<Lesser Judo> is a worthwhile attribute.

There was a part where the two got along quite well, so Lee Han was able to
successfully cast <Lower Judo> at once.


Giselle was at a loss for words. Beside him, Durgyu said, as if a little startled.

“I didn’t know you could give me advice.”

"Shut up."


Lee Han reduced the power-enhancing magic and added <Lesser Judo>.

After some trial and error, a fairly suitable combination was completed.

'<Less Accuracy Enhancement>, <Less Aiming Enhancement>, <Lower Judo> twice, plus
<Less Penetration Enhancement>. I think this is good enough.'

The best combination possible with the current skill, which was barely cast to the

When the string was pulled, the arrow hit the exact center of the rock far away.

Baishada applauded with joy.


"thank you. I didn't know it was going to be this good."

This too was a bit dazed.

How could one magic (although never really) replace archery so easily?

It made me think that it wasn't that the wizards were cursed for being unlucky for

“I wonder if I can shoot a bow so easily.”

"it's okay."

Vaishada said proudly as a skilled archer.

“It is better for beginners to enjoy using convenient and useful tools rather than
giving up after wasting their time. Why don't they use good bows and good arrows
because they are excellent archers? Rather, find something more and write it down.”

Archery was such a profound skill that there would be no end if one digs deep.

Archers who walked such a path did not care much because wizards replaced archery
with magic.
It was possible because he had strong confidence in his own archery.

“It is so. Thank you for those kind words."

Lee Han fired several arrows in a row. Baishada paused slightly at the sight of
cutting the tip of the arrow that was shot first.

...the magic is really deceptive!

“Morady. Thank you. For advice.”


“I need to practice a few more times.”

Lee Han was slightly excited and picked up the arrow.

You could say that there is magic, so you can learn archery for what purpose, but
the bow has advantages that magic does not have.

First of all, its overwhelming range was an advantage.

If used properly, a range that can easily pass 100 meters would increase the
difficulty like crazy to implement it with magic.

Like Lee Han, a freshman who has to deal with monsters a lot had to prepare a way
to hit them from a distance as much as possible.


Baishada was perplexed when he saw Lee Han aiming his arrows at the target too

I recommended it as a light change of mood, but I was practicing too hard.

“Isn’t it possible that monsters come down to Einroguard? haha."



“...cracks, students. It was a joke.”

* * *

Professor Thunderwalk lit the pipe and puffed out smoke.

Often, students mistakenly thought, 'Professors are really evil people who give
assignments and tests like this.

It is the professor himself who has to evaluate the assignments and exams.

But the students do not even know the teacher's hard work and say things like 'Why
are you making it so difficult'!

“This is a lot of trouble! They are young people!”

“Is it true that you did it the hard way?”

"no. Do I have to force it to be easy?”

Professor Thunderstep grunted at Professor Lightning Walk and poured the car.

On the table were potion bottles made and submitted by the students in a mess.

“I forgot Setribi's dew potion. It's not enough for a lesser psychic potion. When
I asked you to make Dobrook's Blood Drop potion, what sewer did you get water from?
Look at that stinky smell!”

“Be quiet while drinking tea.”


In fact, an alchemist who was about the same as Professor Thunderwalker was able
to understand the composition of the potion to some extent just by looking at it
and sensing the magic power.

Aurum's golden potion from the pre-final assignment.

The difficulty itself was not very high, but it was very cumbersome to have to
make and combine all kinds of potions to make them.

You need to make a base by mixing the Lesser Spirit Potion and Setribi's Dew
Potion, then add the Lesser Mind Enhancement Potion and Dobrook's Drop of Blood
Potion, and then again the Lesser Mind Enhancement Potion and Velezen's ...

“Doesn’t the students hate it because they give it away?”

“Alchemy is originally such a science.”

Professor Thunderbolt was embarrassed.

To the extent that I myself endured such stale beer and became an alchemist, the
ordeal grew the alchemist.

If you are just frustrated by this, how can you make a more difficult potion in
the future?

“Uh… huh?”


“Is it strange?”

Professor Thunderwalk looked at the potion at the magic lamp. But looking back, it
was strange.


It was neat and perfect.

“What is strange?”

“So well made.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

"no. It’s a task that I gave to them to not do well.”


Professor Lightning Walk looked at his nephew like trash, but Professor Thunder
Walk didn't care.

The students did not get their materials from anywhere, and it could not be
perfect, of course, by tearing things up and making them from all over the school

All the by-products and residues should remain...

This Aurum's golden potion was so perfect.


“Hey, this… it looks like it was made from a potion sold at the Alchemy Guild

“You are clever.”

“No, this is not clever! Who made it?”

Ihan Wodanaj


After checking the name on the potion's label, Professor Thunderwalk was at a loss
for words.

What the hell did this guy do?

“Because you told me to make it by any means and methods, the students didn’t
choose any means and methods.”

“Anyway, how do you buy potions outside!? What the hell did this guy do!?”

“I must have bought it the last time I went out.”

“How do you know that Aurum’s golden potion is the task then?”

"I know? It’s amazing.”

Professor Lightning Walk was interesting as it wasn't his job.

Of course, Professor Thunderbolt was different.

No matter how much he loved his disciple, this was a matter of pride.

Don't you dare work hard on the task you've been given?

“You blame yourself. Wodanaz. The difficulty of the final exam will be raised
because of you.”

Seeing his nephew's grim murmur, Professor Lightning Walk shook his head.

That's why there is a prejudice that alchemists are gloomy people who are stuck in
closets and don't come out.
* * *


Professor Alpen Knighton looked at the assignments the students would make with a
serious look.

The pre-final task of <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> is to draft a


And the final exam is the actual writing of the structure.

Since the two are connected, most of the students have already built the

Since I have an evaluation next week, it will be very difficult if I don't finish
it this week. Even next week, there were final exams for other lectures, so I
didn't have much time.

“Professor Knighton.”

“Professor Flewock. Hello.”

Professor Alpen bowed his head lightly and greeted Professor Rosine.

Both of them were acquaintances as they came from imperial bureaucracies.

“It’s great to see the students’ homework! I think it was because the professor
taught me well.”

“I’m ashamed that I still lack a lot.”

“This is enough. They are first graders.”

“Even a first-year wizard. Students wouldn't want to be treated that way."


The students who were working behind the scenes pouted.

not really!

“Wordanaj-sama. Wodanaj-sama.”

Lee Han, who was driving a magic stone into a pillar made of yew, shook his head
and answered when Rowena of the White Tiger Pagoda called.

“I’m busy right now, so I can’t make snacks. Rowena. Tell the princess to be


A little far away, the princess, who was making her own assignment with her
followers, looked at Lee Han with eyes of injustice and astonishment.

"Yes? no. I didn't come here for a snack.”

"ah. okay?"
Lee Han put down the hammer and looked away.

“Then why did you come?”

“Can you lend me some magic?”



“Hey, isn’t that a warlock?”

Asan muttered in a disgusted voice.

For wizards, the magic of absorbing other people's magic was close to taboo.

It was a natural reaction as he touched something more important than the life of
the wizard.

Gainando jumped in denial.

“Being a warlock doesn’t mean absorbing other people’s magic!”

"uh? Is there no such means?”

“No… I won’t lose.”

“Don’t come near me.”

“This child! No other school has such a means!”

'It probably won't.'

Realizing that there was a misunderstanding, Rowena exclaimed urgently.

“I am not a warlock!”

" I must say that I am not a warlock and I do not intend to steal magic.”

“I have no intention of stealing magic power…”

"okay. yes.”

Lee Han roughly grasped the situation.

When creating a magic circle, a lot of magic was consumed due to trial and error,
so it was the same with magical structures.

Although Lee Han was able to continue pouring out his magical energy without
getting tired, the other students had to rest until they recovered.

If Lee Han put in his magic at that time, the production period could be shortened
even more.

“It’s okay to give in exchange for the price, not just barter.”

"oh. Is that so?"

Rowena, who had taken out the whole piece of meat, was delighted.
Surprisingly, Einrogard's students preferred to pay outside of school rather than
barter. For Lee Han, I was just thankful.

"for a moment!"


When Angago of the Alpha family intervened, Lee Han was puzzled.

What are you trying to say?

'Are you trying to disturb me?'

If you look at the personalities of the White Tiger Towers, even the same friends
don't like being helped by other towers...

“Wordanaz. I'll pay twice, so start with me..."



“Is that a knight? Isn't that the white tiger tower?"

Gainando muttered in a bewildered voice.


Even the White Tiger Top friends were buzzing.

I was wondering if it would be right to steal an offer from a top friend like

But Angelo didn't care.

“This is not particularly dishonorable as a knight.”

“Isn’t that crazy?”

Ignoring the prince's words, Engo continued to speak.

“To have a thing and pay a fair price for it. Just that.”

'It's not something I'm going to say, but is it okay?'

Ian thought to himself.

I knew that the White Tiger Tower students were also adjusting to the magic
school, but this seemed to fit well.

“Ango. That’s not something a merchant would say…”

“Purchasing goods is not exclusive to merchants! Shouldn't you be buying something

called a knight? Here's a sword that you all want to own, are you thinking of
giving up just because someone wants to buy it first? Is that really wise?!”

Angro was desperate for a sophistry, as if the task was quite difficult.
Perhaps the students of the White Tiger Tower were overwhelmed by that momentum
and asked, 'Is that so?' “I think so,” he tilted his head.

Gainando said, "It sounds like a dog whistle," but it did not reach the students
of the White Tiger Tower.

"ruler. Wodanaz! I'll pay double, so I..."

"for a moment. I triple!”


Angola forgot one thing.

That if he puts twice as much in the way, other people can also put in more.

This time the Black Turtle Tower, Richmond's Shiles intervened.

As one of the leading wagon transport families in the Empire, Shiles was not
burdened with trauma.

'It's like these guys are rotting money.'

Lee Han groaned inwardly.

Can they waste their money like that when it's not their money?

“Richmond, you bastard… are you going to interfere with the work of the White
Tiger Tower?”

“What nonsense? Didn't you say you have a right?"

“Then I’ll quadruple it!”

“Are you going to back off? Five times!”

"...for a moment. for a moment. Everyone get together!”

Angro realized that it was unusual, so he summoned the students of the White Tiger

Rowena, who had just spoken, was also dragged along and faced head-to-head.

“The atmosphere made it difficult to buy this on my own. Let’s all work together.”

“Shall we join forces?”

“We will all buy and share.”


Lee Han looked at the white tiger towers as if it was ridiculous.

What are the madmen sharing?

However, the madness spread not only to the White Tiger Tower, but also to the
Black Turtle Tower.

Shiles also gathered the same top friends.

“Tutanta. The White Tiger Tower bastards are cowardly trying to buy Wodanaz with
money! Help me!"

“It’s like they’re mean-spirited people with such roots. You mean that's a


Realizing that the atmosphere was going strangely, Asan opened his mouth from

“Wordanaz. The situation right now is a bit…”

“Yeah, yes. I didn't expect it either.”

"right? There is only one way.”


“Everyone get together.”


Asan began to gather friends from the Blue Dragon Tower.

Then, seriously, they calculated the number of silver coins each of them could

“We have to buy it first. As much as each of us can afford…”

“Subdue the steamship! Never dare to do it again!”


Ian was disappointed.

* * *

In his heart, he wanted to tear down a castle, but in the end, Lee Han didn't.

The problem of conscience is also a problem, and if the tail is long, it will
always be trampled on.

He didn't want to be published in the Imperial newspaper as 'Exceeding the

fraudulent conduct of first-year students of Einroguard... Multiple victims,
Einroguard, is this okay?'

“Stop raising the price. I'll help you in the order I said."

“But Wodanaj. Then you may not be able to receive the next order because your
magic power is exhausted.”

“It won’t happen.”


“Because there won’t be.”

Ian said firmly.

Other than that, I was sure of this.

The magic power will not be enough and will overflow!

“Wordanaz. Of course, in your opinion, this is a bit cluttered, but…”

“It was an excuse. Can I inject it here?”

“Uh huh.”


A torch lit with magic was lit. The white tiger tower student was amazed at how
quickly it worked.


“I thought it would be trial and error, but it works all at once. Is this the
finished version?”

“Originally, I also need to amplify my magic power, but seeing them stick together
like this, it might be okay to end it here…”

“Don’t be bullshit, do it right.”

At Lee Han's words, the white tiger top student became pale.

After that, Lee Han looked at the structures of the other students.

“Wordanaj-sama. When activated, this is a device that repels the attacking


“Did you make it for the principal?”

“Wordanaz. A wooden horse that moves with magic. What do you think?”

“Did you mean it? I thought it was a spider because it had eight legs.”


Seeing the structures of his friends, Lee Han was relieved.

I was worried that the level of the structure I had made would be too low, but it
didn't seem like it would be too far behind.


Lee Han's thoughts were changed when he saw the blueprint for the princess's

On the blueprint, there was a small fountain that was completed by carefully
connecting five magical devices.

It was a beautiful work using illusion magic, elemental magic, and enchantment

Rowena said proudly, as if it were her own work.

"How is it? Wodanaj? This is a blueprint made by the Crown Princess after not
sleeping properly for several days. Hearing three schools, I was worried, but it's
really true that you are able to complete a blueprint like this in such a

Rowena, who was talking, paused.

The followers of the princess next to her also stopped.

It was very surprising to hear that I had originally studied three magic majors.
It was usually one or two.

Listening to three would be impossible without a brilliant intellect and a burning

passion for learning...

...It's a job, but right in front of me, there was a person who was taking a major
that was twice that number.

“...Those, three, even if it doesn't sound so great, it's really great...”

“It’s great, so there’s no need for that.”

Lee Han said absurdly.

In fact, it's because Lee Han's life is somehow twisted. Studying three schools at
the same time was a great thing.

“You did a really good job.”

“Is that so?!”

Rowena jumped with joy. Ian thought to himself.

'Aren't you supposed to take care of yourself first?'

As I saw earlier, the blueprint for the work is young...

Lee Han didn't say anything more that he liked him. He didn't know if he would be
able to take care of a position after graduation if he had a network like a

A different being from Gainando, who can only give money!

Lee Han, who thoroughly checked the blueprint, asked.

“So, where should I infuse the magic?”

“Here it is.”


Ian paused.

Where Rowena was pointing, there was only one round skeleton.

A fountain that has to be completed by precisely connecting five magical devices,

but only one round skeleton?
“Ah… are the other devices out there?”

If Gainando had done it, he would have hit him in the back of the head saying,
'I'll build a city with my mouth, don't be silly, lower the difficulty', but it was
definitely worth the name of the princess. Lee Han asked as kindly as possible.



"Yes! We are still preparing!”

At the sight of Rowena's bright reply, Lee Han was instantly dizzy.

It's been a week and one device, no, not one device has been completed.

...Is that okay?

'It seems dangerous no matter how you think about it.'

No matter how generously you hold it, in a situation where the other friends are
making more than half of the structure, the state of not completing any devices was
a danger signal.

“Isn’t that… too slow?”

"it's okay!"

"ah. There must be a way.”

"Yes! For Her Majesty the Crown Princess, this is a task at a level that can be
fully resolved.”


After hearing Rowena's words, Lee Han tilted her head slightly.

“So what is the method?”

"I do not know?"


Once again, the decoration of the white tiger tower student on Rowena's coat
caught my eye.

'It did. He was a white tiger tower.'

Lee Han nodded as if he understood. Rowe, who still does not understand English,
tilted her head.

'Are there any other followers?'


Neblen of the Kirak family, who belongs to the same Blue Dragon Tower.

Lee Han called Neblen and asked.

“Isn’t that too slow?”

“I may feel that way a little bit, but if it were the Princess…”

" Is there any way to complete five devices in a short time other than that

Neblen hesitated. Lee Han was definitely worried.


“Princess. Are you okay? It seems a little slow?”

At Lee Han's question, Adenart was immersed in thought with a cautious expression.

I didn't realize it for sure, but it was true that time was running out.


"it's okay. Wodanaj-sama!”

“If it’s the Crown Princess, you can do it!”


The princess who had opened her mouth hesitated at the words of her followers and
shut her mouth again.

“I think the princess was just trying to say something.”

“Did you?”

“Maybe he said he could do it.”

The princess hesitated as she wiggled her fingers, but eventually gave up and sat
down again.

Ian thought to himself.

'No matter how you look at it, you seem to have realized the problem now.'

Although his face was expressionless, Lee Han had seen such a student countless

Even if he pretended to be casual, it was the image of a student who had already
intuited his fate inside.

"...okay. You're right! Where can I infuse the magic with you?”

Annoyed Lee Han decided to just do what he had to do and go.

The princess stared at Lee Han and tried to send a signal with her eyes, but Lee
Han pretended not to see it and ignored it.

'sorry. Your followers are annoying.'

The princess's followers are more troublesome than I thought, so if I touched them
the wrong way, I could get in trouble.
Lee Han, who turned around after injecting all his magical energy, looked at
Gainando passing by and said.

“Gainan too. Someone who has no followers who bothers you like you might be

“, what did I do wrong?!”

* * *

"Hey guys. How many suns were there originally?”

“, finally, a crazy person is coming out.”

“I knew it would come out someday.”

At the words of one of the Blue Dragon Tower students, the friends roared.

“Not that! Look!”


Not only the Blue Dragon Tower, but also other tower students raised their heads.

Surprisingly, there were two suns in the sky.

“...I, what is that?!”

“It’s the principal’s attack! It's the headmaster's attack!"

Gainando lowered his posture and fell on his face. Then Professor Alpen said.

"It's not the principal's attack."

"ah. Isn't it?"

Gainando, who was embarrassed, slowly got up.

“That’s a phoenix.”


“You don’t know the phoenix?”

Professor Alpen kindly explained to the students gathered around him.

Very occasionally, when the magic of the fire attribute gathers strongly and some
special conditions are met, a phoenix would appear in the mass of condensed magic.

“It is truly mysterious and rare. All the students gathered here are lucky.”


“Is that a phoenix?”

All in all, it was the students who celebrated the phoenix in a small way this

A small, newly born sun in the distance is a phoenix.

Just that alone, it felt like a ray of warmth in my heart that had been dreary
from homework and study.

“It’s like a miracle!”


Feathers shining red from the sky fell like rain.

And wherever the feathers fell, a fire began to burn.


“...Ahhh! Whoa! Stop it!”

“You crazy phoenix! What are you doing!”

It took less than 10 seconds for a miracle to turn into a disaster.


One student hurriedly removed the cloak and shook it up and down to put out the

However, the number of red feathers was higher than expected. The students
screamed as the number of feathers increased as the rain grew stronger.

“Avoid under the shade!”

“In which shade!? It's not going to happen by running under a tree!"


Professor Alpen swung his wand and cast a huge curtain over the students' heads.

Red feathers slammed against the veil, making a sharp sound.

“Gam, thank you!”

“The phoenix is a mischievous creature in many ways. You should be careful as you
like to play pranks.”

'If you play with it twice, you'll get burned.'

Lee Han endured the embarrassment and looked up.

Unaware of the circumstances below, the phoenix was waving in the distant expanse,
waving its feathers.

The students stared at each other and threw the ornaments they had made to
commemorate the phoenix to the ground.

“So Wodanaj told me not to celebrate the phoenix and study.”

“How could you have known this!”

* * *
“Collock. A phoenix appeared? No luck.”

Professor Mortum clicked his tongue when he heard that a phoenix had appeared.

Still, freshmen have a lot of work to do, but a phoenix even appears.

“I made some fires, but nothing more. I was still.”

Gainando secretly made excuses as to whether he liked the phoenix.

'Isn't it the problem with starting the fire?'

“Collock. now it will be However, most of the Hwansu's personalities tend to be

eccentric. Even if I'm fine now, who knows when I'll be capricious?"

It was Lee Han who had already seen the phoenix set on fire with just a few turns
of its feathers.

Of course, I had to be worried.

“What do you think the phoenix will do?”

“Collock. I still don't understand. The returnees should simply re-exist. They're
like storms that don't know how to control their power. Wouldn't your whole body
burn if you fly and hug me?"

As Professor Mortum said, the monsters with powerful power were beings that
brought destruction and chaos wherever they went, regardless of their intentions.

As much as they cannot control their own strong power, they cannot avoid causing
damage to those around them.

And if you have a whim that you don't understand because of your eccentric

“Collock. In comparison, how beautiful are the undead? This beauty, well
controlled and predictable.”



Lee Han and his friends were speechless and silent.

'Even if it's a little dangerous, I think the phoenix is better than the undead.'

'Shh. Professor, you're suffocating.'

“So, is the work going well?”


The fields of black magic that Lee Han and his friends learned this semester were
mostly curses, poison, and bones.

They were magics that had in common that they would not be very popular wherever
they went.

-Collock. I will not give out assignments before the final exam.
-hurray! -Collock. Instead, let's replace it with a simple sabotage craft.


intemperance (符節).

Originally, it was used to identify the identity by splitting the ornaments in

half and then matching each other in case they met later...

In black magic, intemperance has a slightly different meaning.

- Take a good look.

Professor Mortum split the bone plaque in half. Then, a strong cursed energy
erupted from one side.


However, the cursed energy disappeared in an instant when the intemperance was
combined again.

- On the one hand, the power of the curse. The other side contains the power of
Haeju. When the two are put together, they are ordinary ornaments, but the moment
you split them, their power is revealed.

Curse magic was relatively easy and the casting speed was fast, but if the
opponent was a skilled wizard, there were too many ways to stop it.

Poison magic was similar. If poisoned properly, it is fatal, but as it is a poison

made of magic, it was difficult to read if the opponent was a skilled wizard.

To compensate for such shortcomings, the warlocks usually made stronger curses and
stronger poisons and carried them around.

Of course, if you use the ones prepared in advance, the power will jump several

In black magic, the stunt was an item that kept these things safely.

the problem is...

“Cuckoo. Whoops. Cuckoo.”

Rapadel coughed up tears in the smoky smoke.

A mass of curses leaked out of the magic circle and flew into the air.

“Ech. ecchi! ecchi!!”

"ah. Quiet your sneeze! Do you use the studio alone?”

Gainando gave him a pin cup, and Rapadel looked at him in tears, but Rapadel's
condition wasn't very good to counteract.

“This bastard… eh! Ouch!!”

“Anyway, the guys who lack skills get even more angry. Isn't that right, Lee Han?"
Guy Nando, who was still in good shape, suddenly changed his complexion.

“…Lee, Lee Han. My body… my body doesn’t move…”

“I’m addicted.”

Lee Han said as if he was sorry.

Rapadel was making an infestation with a curse, and Gainando was making an
infestation with poison, but this was by no means easy.

As the curse and poison of a very high concentration had to be immersed in the
uncle and stored, it was easy to fall victim to the wizard.

Ymirg carefully immersed the bone medallion halves into the bronze basin. Along
with the bubbling sound, I could feel the curse in the basin being transferred to
the bones.


As much as he inherited the blood of a giant, he had higher magic resistance than
other students, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of poison or curses.

As long as we are human, we cannot help but be afraid of poison or curses.

“Uh… uh…”

Ymirg got fed up and pulled out half of the bone medallion with thick tongs. She
feared that the curse would spread if she even touched her body.


It was only after he barely had the other half of the bone medallion attached that
Ymirg was able to sigh.



Lee Han looked at Ymirg in surprise.

"what's the matter? What's going on?”

“Bare, bare hands! Bare hands!”

"ah. What else do I say?”

A friend who was learning the same magic was so calm that Ymirg thought for a
moment that he had misunderstood.

But looking back, that friend from the Wodanaj family was immersing his hand in
the cursed bronze basin.

“This was fine.”


"it's okay. don't die."

“Oh, no.”

Ymirg was bewildered as he saw Rapadel and Guynando stretching out from behind the
table now.

Looks like I could die enough...

Lee Han, who had been staring at Ymirg like a monster from the side, concentrated
on his work.

Lee Han wasn't just putting down his gloves and tongs and doing it with his bare

It was more difficult than I thought to make the part.

Bone was a good medium for instilling curses or poisons, but just soaking it a few
times and stirring it didn't make it properly inhabited.

I had to put a lot of effort into making the right ponytail.

A combination of various reagents is applied to make the curse inhabit the bone,
and after soaking it in the curse, check whether the bone absorbs the curse
properly, and if not, drive the curse into the bone even by moving magical

This process of applying the curse layer by layer, as if carefully adding paint,
required persistence rather than flashes of inspiration.

'And the more you do it, the more you understand why black magic isn't popular.'

Lee Han grabbed the bone fragment with his bare hands and tried to feel the flow
of the curse.

It was difficult to feel this flow when wearing gloves or tongs.

“Ugh… Lee Han. Put your coat next to me.”

Gainando barely got up from the workshop floor and pointed to the coat next to the

Lying down paralyzed, it felt three times colder.

“Take it.”

“Thank you... Evil, ahead! You can't see ahead!"

“Ah. sorry."

* * *

When the time came, Professor Mortum opened the workshop door and reappeared.

“Collock. Are you all done?”



Lee Han and his friends nodded their heads and held out their intimidation. For
some time, the faces of the students had become pale.

"Let's see..."

Professor Mortum split Gainando's tarsus. Then, a pretty good poison came out from

When the professor snapped his finger, the poison that spread from the tarsus
circled around and went back into the tarsus.

“Collock. It was pretty well made.”


Guynando was so surprised that he fell backwards. As he grabbed Rapadel's arm to

barely balance, Rapadel stared at Guynando with disgust.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“Well, I didn’t hear that it was made well in other lectures…”

Gainando said with a shy face.

He was surprised by Professor Mortum's praise as he had never heard praise from
other lectures.

Professor Mortum then smiled a rare benevolent smile.

“Collock. A wizard cannot excel at all magic.”



Ymirg and Rapadel glanced at Lee Han. However, Professor Mortum did not notice and
continued his speech.

“Your talent lies in black magic. As long as a warlock is good at black magic,
there is no reason to envy other magic. cologne. Isn't it?"

"you're right!"

“Prince, you are not studying.”

Rapadel said absurdly.

As the White Tiger Top students with poor grades were forced to learn from Lee
Han, Rapadel knew how much Guy Nando hated studying.

Even the White Tiger Tower students were forced to sit down and play with their
quills, but Gainando tried to escape by himself.

"Quiet. Are you jealous?”

“Such an idiot…”

Rapadel was stunned at the sight of Guy Nando, who said that he had made a good
“Collock. This..."

Professor Mortum cut off Lee Han's inadequacy.

Then, after not saying a word for a while, he looked at Gainando. Gainando,
noticing the situation, cried out in tears.

"professor. Please evaluate objectively, do not compare yourself to this!”

* * *

Professor Lightning Walk looked at the mountain peak as if in a strange way.

The phoenix, which had been floating in the sky and scattering its feathers, flew
over the peaks of the mountain range as if tired of it. Thanks to this, a red halo
was shining behind the peak.

“It’s amazing. A phoenix isn't something you can see so easily."

Lee Han stared at his friends. His friends averted their gaze.

“It's very lucky. A phoenix is not the kind of person you can meet even if you
want to.”

'You have a logical error.'

The words of Professor Lightning Walk could not be easily accepted.

From that point of view, even the king of the frost giant was not something he
could meet even if he wanted to, but Lee Han did not feel particularly lucky.

No matter how rare it was, it couldn't have been better to bring down rain of fire
from the sky.

“I’m going to stop talking about the phoenix and start the lecture today.”

Professor Lightning Walk pointed to the giant pots with a gesture of his chin. The
students were puzzled by the pots they could only see in an alchemy lecture.


“It is not difficult to do today. It's a lot easier than I usually do. I'm sorry
that you guys are suffering because of the final exams, so I decided to change your

Ian was never deceived.

'What the hell are you going to do?'


"ruler. come here Cerberus.”

The students froze at the sight of a three-headed dog with a huge size.

The head in charge of the center of Cerberus looked around the students and his
eyes twinkled.

- Kung!
“Ts… can I knock it down?”

When Lee Han asked a question without knowing it, Professor Lightning Walk
responded as if he was saying something nonsense.

“Don't make silly jokes. Would you like me to do that?”

"Yes? haha."

Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

I thought we had to fight!


“There are many beasts in the Empire. A gentle guy, a ferocious guy, a timid guy,
a brave guy... Memorizing all the characteristics of these beasts is not an easy
task for even the best wizards. But a clever wizard knows how to act wisely. It’s
just knowing your habits.”

If you know the behavior or weakness of a monster, you can infer the type of
monster similar to that monster to some extent.

In this way, excellent explorers used to understand the habits of monsters of a

similar type and prepare in advance.

'How do we know the habits of Cerberus?'

Of course, there were times when that method didn't work either.

It was the same moment right now.

'...can I treat Cerberus like other dog or wolf monsters?'

The moment he scratched Cerberus' chin with his hand, a fear of being bitten

“Of course, just because you say something like this, wouldn’t it be unreasonable
for you to understand your habits right now? There is one better way. A method that
works for most beasts.”

Professor Lightning Walk kicked the bottom of the pot with the tip of his boot.

“Eat right away.”

Students in all directions took their breath away. It was more of embarrassment
and worry than joy and enlightenment.

'You want me to feed Cerberus?'

'Isn't it supposed to be food when you try to feed it?'

“Until now, feeding it shouldn’t have been that difficult. right?"


Each time they went to the stables, the students were terrified of being hit by
horses and being spit in the face.
However, Professor Lightning Walk ignored it and continued.

“Horses have relatively few complaints about food and tend to eat things well. But
the Empire is not just about horses. You will have to learn how to feed them in
order to deal with the beasts you will meet next semester.”

Lee Han did not dare to ask what kind of beasts were waiting for the next

“Okay, then… let’s get started! Feed Cerberus in the order in which it is

When the professor's command fell, the students hurriedly ran to the front of the

In the middle vacant lot, starting with the meat of some animals, various ordinary
vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, onions, and Chinese cabbages. And there were
even rare fruits, mushrooms, and spices that I couldn't even guess the name of.

Students picked up baskets one by one and murmured as to what ingredients to


“What kind of dishes do three-headed dogs like to cook? I'm more confident with
onion soup these days. Shall we go for onion soup?”

'If you look at the three-headed dog, is it okay to feed the onion?'

Lee Han was puzzled and grabbed the ingredients.

Basically, Lee Han was also choosing ingredients that dogs would like.

You'll like sweet fruits like apples, you'll like meat and fish...

“You don’t have any sweet potatoes? Guyan too. Haven't you seen sweet potatoes?"

“Why are you asking me?”

Gainando tilted his head not knowing why he was asking him.

“You like sweet potatoes.”

"...for a moment. Did you ask because you thought I would have taken it all by

Lee Han did not answer and moved to another place. Gainando groaned and followed
after him.

"Hmm. There are no sweet potatoes.”


'I can't help it.'

Lee Han took out a sweet potato wrapped in paper from the pocket of his coat.

It was a sweet potato that was harvested from Professor Thundergalleum's vegetable
garden, well roasted, peeled, cut, and then dried.
Professor Lightning Walk, who was watching from a distance, asked as if he was

“Why are you carrying dried sweet potatoes in your pocket?”

“Are you going to eat when you are in distress?”


While Professor Lightning Walk was at a loss for words, Lee Han moved to the pot.

It was difficult to cook complicated or difficult dishes as he did not know what
Cerberus liked.

'Let's go with a variety of foods, as simple and simple as possible.'

I was thinking of checking the ingredients that the other person reacted to when
cooking and bringing them to me.

While Lee Han grinded the meat and kneaded it into a stick, a few fearless
students stepped forward.

“Oh, great three-headed dog! I've brought food for you here!”

- Kung!

Cerberus's left head barked in response. The students placed the well-roasted pork
ribs on the bowl and walked carefully.

“Wait... Hold on...”

“Jin, you’re not really attacking, are you?”

No matter how prepared I was, when the six large eyes stared at me, my whole body
was bound to stiffen.

The students trembled and offered the grilled meat to Cerberus.


Cerberus' left head took a large bite of the grilled meat. Then I chewed it a few
times and spit it out.


“Oh, no?!”

Professor Lightning Walk, who was next to him, said with a smirk.

“If you think of that guy as just a wild monster, you’ll get a big nose injury. I
grew up eating only good things, so my taste buds are picky. Besides, I ate a snack
before coming here, so I'm half full."

“...Then, no matter what you give, you won’t eat it?!”

“Nevertheless, you have to be able to feed it to be an excellent wizard.”

Chi profit-

The students became less talkative, and the sound of grilling meat suddenly seemed
to be louder.

Most of the students thought, 'If you cook the meat well, it won't be delicious.'

'It's a big deal. I thought so too.'

Various seasonings or recipes could not be used. If the scent was too strong, I
could spit it out without eating.

The horseman, Shiles of the Richmond family, looked at Lee Han and called out in a
low voice.


“What’s going on?”

“I have something to tell you.”

Shiles looked around and put a small bottle in Lee Han's hand. Inside was a
complex colored powder.

“This is the secret powder used only by our family. Arcane Powder that animals
love to eat.”

As a family running one of the leading carriage business in the Empire, Shiles was
good at handling animals.

“You helped me last time, this time I will help you. take it You will love it when
you mix it into your dishes.”

“Thank you for such a precious thing... Shiles.”

Ian said sincerely.

Besides, the last time I helped, I actually decided to get silver coins and

Shiles frowned and stood up with the soup in her bowl. Then the other top students

“What do you think? Didn't you just see something you didn't like?"

"no. It's Richmond. You must have an idea!”

Shiles' friends looked at them with a bit of anticipation.

As if living up to that expectation, Shiles put down the bowl. Cerberus approached
and sniffed.


The three heads of Cerberus spit in Shiles' face at the same time.

Shiles, who had become wet with saliva, turned to Lee Han and said.

"...sorry. Wodanaz. It doesn’t seem to work.”


When even Shiles was smashed, no more students came forward.

But Professor Lightning Walk was strict. When the time came, he began to push the
students one after the other.

"ruler. The time has come. Go ahead with the food you made!”

“Sleep, hold on! professor! Just give me a little more time!”

As expected, the students were the autumn leaves. Cerberus struck the bowl with
his front paw and snorted it and rejected it in various ways.

Soon, Lee Han's turn came. Lee Han, who was holding the dishes he made, suddenly
thought of why he was doing this.

'I don't think the wizard's way is like this...'

- Kung!

Cerberus' left head barked. It was similar to the reaction I showed the students
earlier. Lee Han put his hand to his wand.

If the saliva flew in, I was planning to hit the shield to block it.

Chop Chop Chop-


However, Cerberus' reaction went a little differently than expected.

He was inhaling the food Lee Han had prepared, to be precise, the dried sweet
potato that Lee Han had taken out.

The other two heads were restless because the left head raised their heads first.

"for a moment. We should eat together.”

- Kreung Kung K K K K K K K K K K K K

- Kung!


The stolen head reacted violently, but the other two heads were very satisfied.
Lee Han asked Professor Lightning Walk.

“Is sweet potato the correct answer?”

"...not really??"

Professor Lightning Walk said in a bewildered voice.

There is no way that the material that was not taken out in the first place is the
correct answer.

Cerberus didn't even like sweet potatoes.

“Did you digest it while you waited? stop! Raise your head!”

At the words of Professor Lightning Step, the three heads of Cerberus stopped
standing up at the same time and corrected their posture.

Lee Han looked at the bowl set down below. Only the sweet potato was gone.

“Were you the one who grew up in the garden?”


“It was delicious, but… was it this much?”

Professor Lightning Walk was amazed.

As it was my nephew's garden, there were times when I got vegetables or dishes
containing vegetables.

I thought it was obvious that the fresh and nutritious crab had absorbed the life
force very strongly with the help of the spirits...

Seeing Cerberus react like that now, I wondered if there was something else.

"I do not know?"

“The other students must have eaten it, so didn’t you see the reaction?”

“Uh… no matter what you give me, I eat well.”

At Lee Han's words, the Blue Dragon Tower students put on a shy expression.

In fact, as long as Lee Han puts it in a pot and boils it, he ate it like he was
possessed by a ghost without knowing what the ingredients were.

Perhaps it would have been better if they had added buttons and stones instead of
potatoes and carrots.

“It’s amazing… okay. Let's check it one more time. After the lecture, dig up sweet
potatoes and dry them.”

"...professor. That final exam...”

From the moment she started living as a student, Lee Han was able to put deep
sadness in her eyes.

When he saw those glaring eyes, Professor Lightning Gaul unknowingly apologized.

"sorry. It's definitely hard to do now. Let’s try it next semester.”

"thank you!"

- Kung! Kung Kung!

The three heads of Cerberus barked in protest from the side.

It was as if they were protesting what they were doing during vacation.

* * *

Lee Han frowned as he endured the rush of fatigue.

“Is everyone okay?”



“You look fine.”

Lee Han nodded at the answers of his friends who were sitting all over the break

As a refresher, Lee Han poured hot coffee into a tin cup, got up and walked to the
window of the tower.

When you look at the dark darkness of the magic school where you can see the stars
that seem to pour out, it feels like it's not a big deal to suffer like this...

'...without losing.'

Lee Han sips and blinks his eyes. He had something strange.

'...Is it still midnight?'

It was midnight and suddenly the surroundings were getting brighter.

As if dawn is coming.

Even the friends who were nodding like ghouls turned their heads as if they felt
something was getting brighter.


“What’s going on?”

It was only when it was bright outside, almost morning level, that the students
realized the full extent of the situation.

The phoenix was right in front of the blue dragon tower.

“Wow… Whoa!”

The students exclaimed at the mysterious sight.

To make the midnight as bright as the day

It really wasn't a phoenix for nothing.

“I was sleepy, but I woke up. Is not it?"

“The only bad thing about the appearance of a phoenix is…”

“...close the window!”

Lee Han hurriedly shouted and moved. The friends were puzzled and asked.
“What, what?! why!?"

“Close the window! The phoenix is coming this way!”

The phoenix, who found the students in the tower, was approaching with innocent

A few feathers flew in through a window that had not yet been closed, and sparks
lit up in the break room.


"Oh, no! my task! My assignment!!”

“The assignment is not important now! Turn off the fire!”


Fortunately, it did not lead to a fire. Thanks to Lee Han being one step ahead,
the students closed the windows and had time to put out the fire in a hurry.

“My…my assignment…”

“When I go back to the mansion, I throw away all the phoenix children’s books!”

The confused students sighed heavily and glanced out the window.

The phoenix looked at this side as if something was wrong and flapped its wings.

Tak Tak!

“Why are you doing that? Why are you doing that!”

“Aren’t you asking me to open the window? You're pointing at the window!"

“Didn’t the wizard who granted the phoenix’s request in the fairy tales and fairy
tales receive great rewards?”

“Never open it!”

At Gainando's words, the friends growled and shouted.

Even if he was deceived twice, he was not qualified as a wizard if he was deceived
three times.


Suddenly, the phoenix began to chirp. Rather than chirping, it was a cry more like
a song.

The phoenix song also quenched the anger of the student whose assignment had just
been burned.

“...can I open it?”


“Calm down.”

Lee Han struck his friend's name with a stick.

When I looked around, to my surprise, all the students had their faces subsided
with anger.

'what? Does it have a mind-interfering effect?'

No matter how beautiful the song was, it was unable to appease the anger caused by
the burnt task. Something magical was evident.

Among the monsters, there were monsters that captivated people with their sound.

If the phoenix song had that kind of power...

“Cut your ears.”

Lee Han put cotton in the ears of his friends. Then the student who had just
quenched his anger exploded again.

“That bastard is playing with me?!”

'The song was the cause.'

The students covered their ears and waited. When the song ended, Lee Han opened
his mouth again.

“It’s over.”

“Wordanaz! Give me instructions!”

The student with the burnt assignment said with blazing eyes.



“I will do anything!”

Lee Han also responded sternly to the hot cry of his friends.

“Then… let’s sit down and study again.”



“What 'uh'? Sit down and study again.”

“Oh, no. Weren't you going to catch the phoenix?"

“How do I catch a phoenix?”

At Lee Han's question, the friends were speechless.

'I know?'

'Certainly, I see...'

I thought unintentionally Wordanaj would catch it, but after thinking about it,
the Phoenix was not a monster that first-year students could catch.

“Why did I think Wodanaj would catch him?”

“I, me too.”

“It’s probably because I don’t want to study. Sit down quickly.”

The students who had put on their coats hung their coats again with a gloomy
expression on their faces. The princess secretly returned the potion of flame
resistance that she had taken out of her box.

“It’s still bright, so it’s good to focus. Isn't that right?"

'He's my friend, but sometimes I think he's crazy.'

Gainando thought so and grabbed the quill.

* * *

Contrary to the expectations of some friends (although there were actually many
more), Lee Han had no intention of catching a phoenix.

In fact, even if I tried to catch the phoenix, I did not know how to catch it.

How can a first-year student catch a beast with eternal life that resurrects even
if it receives any attack?

However, when a phoenix blocked the way to the morning lecture, I seriously
thought, 'Should I catch it?'

■■■... ■■■...

The phoenix chirped and circled in front of the students.

It looked like he was playing a joke, but he couldn't laugh when he saw the fire
burning underneath every turn.

“Hey, this is a revelation from heaven telling me not to listen to the lecture!”

“Don’t be silly. All scattered! Gets his attention!”

Professors never understand tardiness.

Even if the world perished on the way, the professors didn't take into account the
fact that they had only one phoenix and couldn't understand it.


"for a moment. Wodanaz. Now the ice magic is because of the phoenix...”


“...a very effective choice.”

“Did you just say that you can’t use ice magic because of the phoenix?”

“My, when will I?”

The blue dragon tower student turned away when he saw the ice cubes appearing in
the air.

Yoner whispered in an urgent voice.

“Lee Han. If you provoke it, only you could be in danger.”

Relatively realistic Yonaire didn't even think about catching a phoenix.

Now, I'm thinking of doing that with my friends who have sawdust in their heads
instead of brains...

“It is definitely true. Wodanaz. Even if you try, set up a bait just in case.
Another bait the phoenix will chase after.”

Guynando shook his head, thinking that Asan's words were plausible. Then he asked.

“How do you set the bait?”



Lee Han interrupted the conversation before the two started fighting.

“I don't mean to attack. It’s to get attention.”

Along with the horse, the ice cubes began to hover in the air. The phoenix, who
stood in front of the students and murmured as if to play with them, showed
interest in the ice cubes and followed them.


The ice cubes did not last long and melted. Lee Han then threw a piece of ice to
catch the phoenix's attention and ran.

Gainando exclaimed while gasping.

“Why, to study, to go this far!?”

The Blue Dragon Tower students who were running together nodded their heads

* * *

“Everyone worked hard during the semester. If you have learned the magic of
several schools this semester, you will learn basic and practical magic that do not
belong to the school next semester.”

Professor Garcia took time to ask questions from the students until the last
lecture of the semester, instead of shoveling knowledge into the students' heads.

If there is a blockage in basic elemental magic, use basic elemental magic, if

there is a blockage in basic illusion magic, use basic illusion magic, if there is
a blockage in geometry and arithmetic, use geometry and arithmetic...

He was a real educator.



“There is a phoenix outside the classroom, how do you get it out?”

“I couldn’t sleep last night because of the phoenix!”

The victims were not the only Blue Dragon Tower students.

The other top students also had their eyes reddened by the phoenix's prank that
started in earnest last night.

Even if I try to sleep, it wakes me up with a light as bright as broad daylight,

and when I am going to a lecture, it appears and rushes to play...

It was rather rare for a clever bully like Lee Han to be, and the students of the
White Tiger Tower had to leave 30 minutes late because of the phoenix.

Priest Nigisor was puzzled.

“Why are other classmates doing this? The night is as bright as day and the cold
has disappeared, but I should not thank the phoenix...”

"Shh. be quiet."

“Shut up your mouth.”

The quick-witted priests closed the mouth of Nigisor Priest.

Just because everyone was in the temple for the rest of their lives didn't mean
they weren't ignorant.

“Hey… what are you all doing? It would be unreasonable at your level to eradicate
the Phoenix.”

Professor Garcia said with a face full of regret.

“Do you have Wodanaj? Is it unreasonable to use Woudanaz?”

In response to Engo's question, the Blue Dragon Tower students looked at them like
they were absurd.

Could Wodanaj be your sword?

“Even a student like this is unreasonable, of course…”

'thank you. professor.'

As Professor Garcia responded with an absurd voice, Lee Han was filled with

Other professors need to learn something like that.

“Basically, Phoenix is not a violent monster, but it is also not an easy monster
to defeat. Any attack will not work.”

Professor Garcia swung his staff and threw a rock spear at the phoenix outside the


The rock spear pierced the phoenix with a dull sound, but the rock spear burned
and disappeared in an instant, and the phoenix flapped its wings as if nothing had

Seeing that he didn't mind even though he was pierced by a spear, he seemed to
feel no pain.

“Did you see it?”

“Then… Then should we live like this for the rest of our lives?”

“Well, not for a lifetime. It will disappear over time. Those who appear from
other dimensions do not stay in reality for long.”


“What if my magic power runs out?”


* * *

In less than two days, the Phoenix made first-year students neurotic.

It wakes me up when I sleep, when I go out to listen to a lecture, they run to me

to play, and when I try to study in the sun, the paper burns...

There were even new rules within the tower.

-This month's forbidden word-








The phoenix was giving the students a solid lesson.

What kind of disaster can happen only with the immature actions of wizards!

Who would have expected that the festival would come like this just to celebrate
the festival in a small way?
“Is there really no way?”

“Phoenixes are… a bunch.”

Lee Han heated a frying pan, put oil and butter, and threw in the mushrooms he had
harvested near the garden.

Mushrooms soaked in oil and butter tend to be crispy and moist.

However, despite these bribes, Professor Lightning Walk did not give the desired

“It’s the weekend from tomorrow, and if this happens even on the weekend, next
week’s exam is a big deal. Isn't that what the principal summoned?"

“Interesting conspiracy theories, but if the principal wanted to interfere with

your exams, he would have done it in a cheaper way. It's a phoenix summon. If it
was done artificially, it would be prohibitively expensive.”

Professor Lightning Walk said so and ate the mushroom. I feel it again, but I
thought that the most genius talent that the student in front of me had was not
magic but cooking.

“Still, aren’t the tips for avoiding phoenixes still there?”

“Okay, but is there anything else in your life to use the phoenix avoidance

“If we go outside, it won’t happen, but it might happen once or twice more at the
Magic School.”


“It’s a joke.”

When Lee Han was in love, Professor Lightning Walk said as if soothing him.

“It’s not that I didn’t tell you on purpose, it’s that there really isn’t a proper
way to do it. The phoenix is a kind of ... a return close to a natural disaster. If
you ask me to teach you how to prevent a drought or flood, it's hard to answer.
When Professor Bae Greg asked a question, he couldn't answer it."

“Really… yes?”

Hearing this, Lee Han raised his head.

Professor Voladi suddenly appeared and was bewildered.

“What did Professor Bagreg ask?”

“You want to capture a phoenix and use it for battle. It’s probably unreasonable.”


Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

He passed the risk of almost dying without knowing it.

“I think so too.”
“Professor Bagreg also understood. So I thought I'd borrow Cerberus..."


Lee Han's eyes fluttered with a sense of betrayal.

At the best, I cooked with mushrooms, but this betrayal?

“I told you that Cerberus is a rare and big guy, so it’s impossible for combat.”

"...Thank you very much. Would you like a beer?”

"good? But why all of a sudden?”

Lee Han opened the secret floor door hidden by Professor Thunderbolt and pulled
out a barrel.

"Oh yeah. Professor Thunderbolt isn't coming today?"

“Ah… he must be busy.”

“Is something wrong?”

"no. They are trying to make the final exams difficult.”

"...Please wait a moment. I'll bring you some snacks."

Lee Han also opened another secret floor door that Professor Thunderbolt had


'Certainly, the professor may be right.'

Lee Han thought so as he returned home from work in the garden.

Now, Phoenix has been dropping his concentration on his studies like crazy, but it
might have been a mistake to get bogged down in it.

If you try to stop something that you can't do even if you try to stop it, you'll
only suffer.

Rather, it might be right to accept the phoenix as a skeleton principal and just
do what it is supposed to do.

“Wordanaj!! Wodanaj!!!”

White Tiger Tower students ran towards Lee Han, who was walking from the hut.

Since there were few popular people around, Lee Han gave a warning.

"for a moment. say it there Don’t come any closer.”

“Now is not the time for this!! Follow!!"

“More suspicious.”

"...ah! not really!! Please believe me!!!”

The white tiger top student rolled around on the floor with evil.

Even the friend next to him was astonished at the ugly appearance.

“...that, yes. Take the lead.”

If that was the acting, even if it was a trap, it was such a desperate performance
that I thought I should go.

* * *



Lee Han was shocked and couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The students in each tower who came first and gathered had a similar expression.


<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> The warehouse where the assignments for
the final exam were collected was on fire.

“...the warehouse must be flame-retardant? How are you on fire?”

“The phoenix opened the warehouse door and went inside.”


Even if the outer wall of the warehouse had flame-resistant magic, there was no
way to survive if you opened the door and went inside.

Ian looked around.

From students who burst into laughter as if they were real, to students who cry
and hit the floor with their fists.

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> The final exam was burning in an instant,
so it was a natural reaction.

“Let’s all put out the fire.”

"uh? Uh... Uh.”

“Isn’t it unreasonable to turn it off now?”

The students murmured, but Lee Han spoke with action.

Summons water from the air and throws it.

It was a simple magic, but only Lee Han was able to summon huge chunks of water in
a row in front of the phoenix's flames.

After repeating it dozens of times, the fire went out. Lee Han looked into the
ashes of the warehouse and put on a bitter expression.

'I worked hard on it.'

“I can’t.”


“Let’s catch the phoenix and study.”


At Lee Han's words, the students' eyes widened.

Are you really planning on catching a phoenix?

“We will be together!”

“I will offer my sword to you. Wodanaj!”

“As long as it’s like this, the final exam has nothing to do with it!”

“It’s not.”

“Uh huh.”

* * *

Of course, no matter how angry he was, Lee Han wasn't stupid enough to go with his
friends to catch a phoenix.

"professor. Could you please help me hunt the phoenix?”


Professor Garcia was stunned, but did not stop or reject the students.

“Of course, these experiences are what makes a wizard grow, but I don’t think it
would be too difficult to hunt a phoenix…”

“I’m going to ask other professors to help too.”

Professor Garcia hesitated at Lee Han's words.

'I don't think so.'

Usually, the professors at the magic school didn't like to help students.

There was also the old theory that wizards must explore on their own to grow, but
Professor Garcia doubted that it was because he was bothered by helping the
students one by one.

"I. Lee Han student. In fact, the professors are busier than I thought…”

Professor Garcia tried to persuade Lee Han without hurting him.

But Lee Han already knew.

"I know."

Professors were originally meant to make the students work, not to help them.
But sometimes there are exceptions.


“Professor Verdus! Help our freshman!”

"What? no!"

As soon as he opened the door to the castle hall, Professor Verdus, who was in
full swing with a hammer and chisel, refused.

Lee Han continued without panicking.

“If you help me, I will help you too!”

“Okay then!”

Professor Verdus jumped out of his chair.

Professor Garcia, who saw that, asked with concern.

"I. a student here? Professor Verdus is one of the professors who does a lot of

No matter how much Professor Verdus's help was needed, it was dangerous to make
such a promise hastily.

“Don’t worry.”


“You haven’t decided what is going on. Just do simple things and give excuses.”


Professor Garcia narrowed her eyes.

"...that, so you're cheating?"

"no. professor. It's not a trick, it's a clever rhetoric. The principal will


Professor Garcia had no choice but to question whether character education was
being done properly.


“Professor Bagreg! I'm trying to hunt a phoenix, help me!"

Professor Voladi, who was sitting, raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded and stood

Then he found the gathered students and gave a slightly puzzled look.

“Isn’t it one-on-one?”

“…I am not that good.”

* * *

At first, Professor Garcia thought it would be okay, but when Professor Verdus
joined Professor Bagreg, his thoughts changed.

Of course, Einrogard's professors only had to help students at the 'appropriate'


You can't just get rid of the phoenix just because the students ask you to get rid
of it.

However, it would be a different story if you received the right level of help
from several people.

And with no eyes to see, who can say that I can help you a little more...

good night! I will join too!



The atmosphere of the first-year students, who were friendly with the professors,

Principal Skeleton asked, as if asking why.

Why is everyone doing this?

“I think I was thrilled that the principal was helping me.”

Guy... it's fine. I understand everything.

Principal Skeleton said generously. Lee Han poured a curse inside.

'shit. I should have covered the eyes of the Death Knights somehow.'

Principal Skeleton couldn't have just come to help.

It was obvious that he had come to disturb the Death Knights after hearing that
the professors were probably helping them.

It's really stupid!

ruler. So... how are you going to catch the phoenix? tell me Could it be that
Einrogard's student didn't want to rely on the professor without thinking?



When Professor Garcia spoke, Principal Skeleton quickly shut his mouth.

keep it quiet We won't allow you to talk to each other with secret passwords!

“No such thing…”

Whether Professor Garcia was stunned or not, Principal Skeleton was thorough.
Among the professors here, the only person who could help Lee Han was Professor

'Aren't the other professors stopping you? ...Well. There's no need to stop.'

Lee Han looked at Professor Verdus and Professor Boladi and nodded.

Looking at the two, I can understand why Principal Skeleton didn't block them.

“Of course I have something to think about.”

At first glance, it seemed impossible to catch a phoenix with invincible

regenerative power that does not consider it an attack even if it receives any

But all living things have weaknesses. So was the Phoenix.

First, how to suppress the phoenix's regenerative power by cutting it and

inflicting blows.

'It's a good method, but it's too much for my level right now.'

I couldn't even imagine what kind of high-level magic would be used to cut the
regeneration power of a being the size of a phoenix.

Another is to consume the phoenix's stamina.

To be precise, it was the magic of the phoenix. It was because the phoenix, a
beast, was moving using its enormous magical power as a power source.

If this magical power was consumed to the maximum, the phoenix, a phantom, had no
choice but to be reverse-summoned to another dimension.

“ consumes magic like this.”

I've been thinking about it. It's reckless though.

Principal Skeleton didn't say it was nonsense, but he didn't say it was a good
idea either.

It was too ignorant to be a good method.

To make you exhausted until the power of a ghost with huge magical power is

Although the words were good, there was a high probability that people would go
out first.

Of course, this was the only way that first-year students could do it...

“Then let’s proceed. Professor Verdus. Apply flame-retardant magic to your


"uh? Everyone here?”

Professor Verdus, who had stood still, asked in surprise.

"Nope? It’s a waste of power.”

The magician's magic was a precious resource. Even more so for someone like
Professor Verdus, who immerses himself in artifacts with no spare time in the day.

It was strange for a wizard to waste like water, and it was normal to manage it so

"Do not worry. Professor Garcia!”

“I am listening. A student here.”

“Drain my magic power.”

“Okay… What?”

The students roared. Skeleton principal also asked with a sullen look.

Have you ever... ever absorbed magic power before?


Professor Garcia said in awe.

To a wizard, magic is like life, so the act of absorbing magic at will could be

He had to be more careful as his opponent was a disciple.

“I can’t do that!”

but. It's not a biblé, and you're not the one to do that. I'm sorry.

“I didn’t do that!”

Professor Verdus grunted. When Lee Han saw it, a memory suddenly came to mind.

'for a moment. Professor Voladi, didn't you ever try to absorb my magic power?'

Didn't you try draining mana because you couldn't control the iron beads because
you had a lot of magical power?

Lee Han looked at Professor Boladi in absurdity. Professor Voladi, who felt the
gaze, put on a puzzled expression.

“Do you want to fight one-on-one?”



Lee Han turned his gaze to Professor Garcia.

“You can absorb my magic and give it to Professor Verdus.”

“Should I do that?”

Professor Garcia made a very reluctant expression.

Must it be?
Principal Skeleton also wanted to do that. Professor Verdus wasn't on the verge of
falling behind because of a lack of magical power, but he wondered if he had to
take care of it that much.

Professor Verdus held out his arm without hesitation.

“Give me some magic.”

you please shut up

* * *

Just as the process of transfusion of blood was not easy, the process of
transferring magical power to others was also difficult.

The wizard's inner world is another world.

As much as it was to hand over the elements that make up the world order, conflict
was inevitable.

Of course, a wizard as tall as Professor Garcia was able to ease the conflict.

woo woo woo-

A sphere of condensed magical power appeared in the air. It was a sphere about the
size of a human head.

However, the amount of magical power contained in it was unusual. It was a sphere
in which various attributes and thoughts were filtered and refined, and pure magic
power was compressed.

“Student Lee. If it's hard, tell me."

"it's okay. professor. It’s okay.”

“…From now on, I just pretend to be tough.”


Lee Han wanted to say goodbye later.

“Then connect.”

A line stretched out from the magical sphere and connected to Professor Verdus.

“Strength… strength…!”

get some quiet

The Skeleton Principal gave him a pinzan.

“I think this is enough?”


"yes! that's enough."

Professor Verdus used to be greedy, not someone who would force it to end quickly
for the sake of his students.

Principal Skeleton and Professor Garcia, who knew this well, looked at each other.

'The purity of magic...'

' high is that?'


Even with the same amount of magic, the magic was never the same.

Some magical powers would have a slightly stronger flame attribute, some might
have negative properties a little stronger, and some might have a lot of impurities
and could be cloudy.

Less impurities and higher purity of magic produced a much stronger effect with
the same amount.

Of course, if you were a wizard, you would want to carry only the purest magic in
your body, but...

...that was practically impossible.

To live is to decline and die.

Even just breathing, impurities are produced, but if it was a living being, it
could not contain pure magical power without a single particle in its body.

So, the wizard honed his magic with various visions, and increased its purity with

But sometimes there are exceptions.

Even without doing that, there were wizards who were born with high purity magic.

The boy of the Wodanaj family in front of me was a little taller, but...

- Don't tell Bible.


Principal Skeleton and Professor Garcia spoke telepathically.

If Professor Verdus knew this, it would have been more annoying.

"what's the matter?"

Be still. Why are you so fussy?

Headmaster Skeleton obscured Professor Verdus's vision and turned his head by
force. Professor Verdus's neck turned with a groan.

Meanwhile, Professor Garcia quickly dispersed the remaining magical power. lest
Professor Verduss see and notice.

I'll place an order quickly.

"for a moment. I have a sore throat.”

I'll treat you later. You have to do it before the magical power you received

"Okay. Okay."

Professor Verdus did what he had to do while grumbling.

After swinging the wand a few times and tapping it, all the students in the room
were struck with flame-retardant magic.

When the preparations were complete, Principal Skeleton asked with interest.

Now, how are you going to drain the phoenix's stamina?

“First, the two of you, please help.”

Principal Skull was puzzled when Lee Han pointed to himself and Professor Boladi.


If you think that I will be kind to you, you are mistaken. bloke.

'If you help me...'

The students were stunned, but Lee Han was not surprised.

Because I used to be that kind of person!

“Aren’t you going to help out a little bit?”

Only at the level you can do as a professor.

"Yes. I will only ask for that.”

So what?

* * *


The Skeleton Principal looked at the phoenix with sullen eyes. Then he said to
Professor Voladi, who was next to him.

Why did you accept that?


Just before.

Ian asked for this.

-The two of you, please drive the phoenix.

-what? I want you to drive the phoenix with magic. That's beyond what you can do
as a professor.
- I'm not asking you to use magic.


- Just come closer.


Headmaster Skeleton had no choice but to admit that Lee Han had a good head.

Unlike using magic to drive the phoenix down, it wasn't that difficult to just get
close to it.

In addition, the phoenix-like beasts had a sharp instinct close to


Anything that could harm the Phoenix, such as the Skeleton Principal, is highly
likely to be avoided.

But I couldn't refuse because Principal Skeleton said something...

-good night. But here Professor Bagrek wouldn't mind doing that...

'Reject it instead. Professor Bagreg.'

-i get it.


Professor Voladi accepted it more easily than expected.

From the skeleton principal's point of view, it was absurd.

Since when did you start being so cooperative with magic school?

“Isn’t it necessary for teaching?”


The skeleton principal's mouth was wide open.

Although he was an archmage who had abandoned the five desires and reached the
level of liberation, Professor Voladi's words shook the principal's emotions.

'I... that guy...!'

If Professor Garcia had said something like that, Principal Skeleton would have
been quite convinced.

Even if Professor Alpen or Professor Mortum had said something like that, I was
able to convince them to some extent.

However, when it comes to education, when Professor Boladi, who is a self-

indulgent child that surpasses Professor Vible Verdus, said such a thing, his anger

Where have you been when the headmaster of Skeleton hinted, 'How about if you keep
on having 0 students, why not change your mind a little?'?!
I... I...!


...not anything.

Principal Skeleton gave up talking to Professor Voladi.

There was only one thing I felt while staying in Einrogard for a long time.

He said that if he looked at the wall and said, it would only hurt his own mouth.

Prof. Biblena and Voladi were not the ones who were persuaded to say that
Principal Skeleton was talking.

'Shouldn't have stopped Wodanaj from listening to the lecture...'

Headmaster Skeleton was upset that it didn't even exist.

By now, Professor Voladi must be thinking, 'After all, seeing students who passed
the curriculum I made, I was not wrong'.

Thinking about it gave me a headache.

let's drive

Principal Skeleton approached the Phoenix.

Then the phoenix, which was spinning around in the sky, began to chirp in

■■■! ■■■! ■■■■ ■!

shut up You bastard who only has a talent for riding well. He allowed me to play
in my garden, so don't be cocky.

The terrified phoenix immediately turned and started flying in the opposite
direction of the skeleton principal.

But there, Professor Voladi was already waiting there.

Like the Skeleton Principal, Professor Voladi, floating in mid-air magic, looked
at the phoenix with an expressionless face.

'Is it possible to get past it?'

Principal Skeleton hoped that the Phoenix would not pass Professor Voladi.

Unlike the Skeleton Principal, who exudes an overwhelming presence from the soul,
Professor Voladi was not a monster that has lived since ancient times.

Besides, Professor Voladi is a battle wizard who has reached the heights.

He was a sorcerer who had reached the heights of controlling his emotions and not
showing them.

Then the phoenix could pass without feeling threatened...

Get food!
The phoenix immediately turned and flew away.

Principal Skeleton blinked in embarrassment.

...have you ever attacked that phoenix?

“I was trying to catch you.”


Headmaster Skeleton let out a deep sigh.

I could see the phoenix who had escaped far away and entered the main building of
the magic school.


As the phoenix entered the building, Lee Han shouted to the students.

Even though the main gate of the main building closed with a heavy sound, the
phoenix did not panic.

Rather, it flew to the students as if to play.

“Wordanaz! What should I do now?”

“You have to hold on to it.”

“After you catch me?”

“You have to hold on until you get tired.”

"...uh? That, is that all?”

* * *

Iunrade, an official of the glorious empire, smiled and said to the escorts.

“Everyone has nothing to worry about. Einroguard is not such a dangerous place.”

“Well, even if you say that…”

“My colleague once served as an escort for a bureaucrat going to Einrogard, and
since then he has never talked about Einrogarde.”

The adventurers hired as escorts had very tense faces.

Experienced and seasoned adventurers knew where in the Empire was relatively safe
and where it was dangerous.

...and Einroguard was one of the most dangerous areas in the Empire for

It wasn't because they had a harsh natural environment or powerful monsters


It was simply because there were so many wacky wizards among the wizards of
But you have to go inside that Einroguard.

Even if I tried not to be nervous, I couldn't be nervous.

“Everyone is very worried. I didn't mean to say this, but actually I'm from

Lee Unrade revealed his school of origin to the adventurers.

It was decided that only then could the anxiety be alleviated.

But that backfired.


“Hey, you’re from Einrogarde!”

“Isn’t this quest wrong?”

“That… it’s still a request from the Empire, so would you say that we dedicate
ourselves to the Einroguard?”

“It’s not something you can trust unconditionally if it’s a request from the


The fact that he was a wizard from Einroguard made the adventurers even more

The adventurers trembled for fear that Iunrade would catch them and hand them over
as a test subject. Iunrade had to spend hours trying to convince them.

“…do you know? I'm never going to turn it over to a test subject, I'm going to do
my job as an Imperial bureaucrat now."

“That… that’s right…”

“For now, I will believe…”

The adventurers crouched and nodded their heads. Seeing that, Iunrade held her

'Anyway, it's hard to work because of the rumors.'

As an imperial bureaucrat, it was a simple task to check the actual condition of

the students of the Magic School, but adventurers would be so intimidated.

Anyway, rumors were complicating things.

“A lot of the rumors about Einrogard are wrong. Don't believe too soon. Do you


“That, then. Was the incident last year published in the Imperial newspaper in
which all the goats in the villages around Einrogarde turned into demons?”
"ah. It was an unfortunate accident.”



The adventurers looked at each other.

Then he asked carefully one more time.

“Is the case in the Imperial newspaper last year that a warlock from Einroguard
broke into the Knights cemetery and tried to steal the body?”

“It actually happened, but with how many graduates, isn’t it possible that there
is only one accidental person?”

“...that, right!”

“You are right!”

The adventurers nodded their heads like that and nodded behind them. His eyes and
face were full of fear and horror, but Lee Unrade did not notice.

'I'll be there in an hour.'

Iunrade looked around the familiar road and checked the sky. Dawn had not yet
dawned on her, but it was soon dawn.

The final exams will start this week, so I guess I arrived late...

"ruler! Everyone please give me strength.”

"All right. Wizard.”

“As long as we have silver coins, we do our job thoroughly.”

The adventurers nodded their heads and swung their lanterns to open the way.

It was a well-maintained imperial road, but I had to be careful when it was dark
like this. A monster could have popped out of the nearby grass.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


“In battle formation!”

When a huge monster suddenly ran out with a roar, the adventurers were frightened
and drew their weapons.

However, Iunrade stopped the adventurers.

“There is no need to fight.”


“Look at the inscription on the shoulder. A chimera who escaped from the magic
school. There is a prohibition against attacking people.”


The adventurers looked at Iunrade with eyes full of many emotions.

It was surprising to notice the inscription on the shoulder in this darkness, but
more than that...

'The chimera ran away from the magic school, so why should it be so carefree?'

“That… wizard. Aren't you supposed to call the guard?"

"haha. You don't have to. It’s not like that.”


how long has it been

The huge wall and main gate of the magic school finally caught my eye.

As soon as I opened the front door, a certain monster rolled over and howled from

“■■■■! ■■! ■■■■ ■■■!”


“Combat formation again…”

“There is no need to fight.”


“I am a fourth-year student who has failed the transformation magic. I will be

back soon.”



The adventurers gave up no longer being surprised.

Now it seemed that I wouldn't be surprised by anything.


The main building door opened.

Then, inside, some young students were panting while holding the phoenix tight
with a blank face.

The adventurers looked at Iunrade as if not to be surprised this time and said.

“Is this a magic school event?”

“Do you think something like that is necessary to become a wizard?”

“...Me, me, what the hell are you doing, Headmaster?!?!”

Iunrade was frightened and asked while looking at the skeleton principal.

Anyway, this was too bad!


I don't know what you're thinking, but you're wrong.

“You are wrong! What would you do if you knew I was coming?”

Iunrade said in a bewildered voice.

There was only one reason why a wizard from Einroguard went to investigate the
actual condition of the Einroguard students.

If wizards from other schools visit Einroguard, they will never understand!

Only wizards from Einrogard can understand Einroguard's unique educational


...But even with that in mind, the Einroguard had to be a little more considerate
when visiting as an imperial official.

Einroguard sometimes had ridiculous accidents, but it doesn't have to happen when
an Imperial official visits.

because you're wrong It's not what I did.

“If the principal didn't do it, who would do this? Do you think first-year
students did it themselves?”


“…don’t say nonsense.”

ask or do


Headmaster Skeleton was an evil, mean, mean, and cruel wizard, but he wasn't an
outrageous mage.

Lee Unrade asked a student who looked like a leader among the students holding the

“Are you really trying to catch a phoenix? First-year students?”


“And did you catch it?”


The adventurers who heard the answer murmured from behind.

Originally, Iunrade thought that most of the rumors about Einroguard were
groundless rumors, but this time it could not be denied.
* * *

Although it was expected in advance, capturing the phoenix was much more difficult
than expected.

Locking the phoenix in the main building is just the beginning.

“Once you catch it. Bring in the phoenix!”


“Inducing judo with magic…”

Fortunately, there was no need for that. The phoenix that entered the main
building was excited and rushed to Lee Han.

■■■■! ■■■■!

The phoenix seemed to perceive the current situation as a play. The students
flapped their wings and clinged to Lee Han, even as the students rushed at him with
stern faces from both sides.

It was absurd, but an opportunity was an opportunity anyway. It would have worked
hard to seduce the phoenix.

“Hold on everyone!”



The phoenix was chirping.

It was a louder and clearer cry than the last time he sang in front of the tower.

Up until now, all of my friends, who had been on the same level, sat down as if
possessed and looked at the phoenix with their mouths open.

'shit. I should have put mental defense magic on it too!'

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

The phoenix's song, which he sang with determination, was much more powerful than
expected. It was enough to just bury any resolve or determination.

What are you going to do now?

Principal Skeleton, who came in late, asked with an interesting voice.

He seemed to be at a loss for what to do because he was so happy that all his
friends except for Lee Han were eliminated.

"'s okay. I'm not going to keep singing, so I'll just hold on to it until it

Isn't that too reckless?

Whether the skeleton principal teased him or not, Lee Han ignored it.
If it was something I had to do anyway, complaining wouldn't change anything.

“Come, Sharkan!”

Lee Han summoned Sharkan and summoned the Skeleton Warriors. Then, he held onto
the phoenix tightly to prevent it from escaping.

The phoenix flapped its wings and played with it, even though it was being

Food, boom, boom!

“Student Lee. Pour the magic! That's the only way to consume more of the phoenix's

Lee Han, who was still thinking about it, swung his wand. As his ice and lightning
flew, the phoenix hit it and was even more excited.

Sharkhan bit the phoenix like crazy and scratched it with his claws. The phoenix
bit Sharkan cutely with its beak.

It looked like someone was playing with a pet.

If it wasn't for the phoenix's flames, the surroundings were blazing.

cheat! To entice a phoenix with magic.

When the Phoenix continued to play without any counterattack, Principal Skeleton
criticized Lee Han.

Of course, Lee Han was too busy wrestling with the phoenix, so he couldn't hear

“…Student Lee Han probably wouldn’t have been aiming for it.”

Professor Garcia made excuses instead.

Looking at the phoenix's attitude, which treats any attack as a joke and plays
with it, it seems that he is immersed in Lee Han's magic.

It was not very surprising that the convicts who made magic power their stock
covet it.

That must be the only reason why the capricious Phoenix continues to accept such
pranks and does not leave.

However, Professor Garcia decided not to tell Lee Han about it.

The truth, such as 'a phoenix chased after you because of your magic', to a
student who is still struggling was too harsh.

But even the cunning craft won't last long.

“I really don’t want to ask… but why?”

As you know, phoenixes are capricious. I'm drunk with magic now and I'm quiet...

“It’s not quiet.”

Professor Garcia said, looking at the phoenix trying to put a feather into Lee
Han's ear.

...if you get tired of it, you'll want to leave. Do you think you can catch it
then? I'm sorry, but I wasn't ready.


Professor Garcia had no choice but to agree with Principal Skeleton.

It seemed difficult for Lee Han to stop the phoenix alone now that the other
students also fell out of singing.

If the phoenix gets tired of it and tries to fly away...



Principal Skeleton and Professor Garcia stood still and watched Lee Han and the
Phoenix play.

how long has it been

Principal Skeleton burst into anger.

Why is that phoenix so patient!?

As time passed, my friends also woke up from the song and joined in.

“I’ll help you, Wodanaj!”

“I already got them all!”

"Shh. Quiet."

Thanks to the participation of her friends, Lee Han can buy some time to rest...

■■■■! ■■■■!

“Wordanaz! The phoenix is trying to run away!”

“Wordanaj!! What do we do?!"


Lee Han tried to rest, but then came back and caught the phoenix. The phoenix was
happy and full of joy.

“Can I give you a snack?”

"okay. Please.”

It was an unbelievable amount of persistence.

Principal Skeleton grumbled as he continued to hold on and hold down the phoenix.

If you're going to catch it with that much power, why do you use a wizard?
* * *

After hearing the explanation of the situation, Unrade finally understood and
nodded her head.


Did you get it?



“If you had known I was coming, of course you should have stopped me like that!
Couldn't the principal be able to get rid of it for you? After all, it’s final exam

I can't. Principles must be followed in any situation.

Iunrade was amazing.

A person who ignores principles when it is convenient for him!

'How difficult is it to help students once during the final exam period!'

“I don't know! I’ll do my best, but I can’t get rid of what happened.”

...huh. It doesn't matter.

The blazing eyes of the Skeleton Principal trembled slightly.

It was obvious that he was calculating how much the budget would be cut in his

* * *

“Come in one by one.”

Unrade Lee, who came after packing up, sat down to listen to the situation from
the first graders.

Einrogard had students from different grades, but none of them were as difficult
and distressing as the first graders.

Unrade Lee himself was also a student at Einroguard, so I knew well how big the
shock would be when a freshman first entered the school.

Servants, servants, and slaves must be left outside the city gate and put on
shabby clothes to enter the tower.

The ghastly-looking Lich Archmage was a bonus.

It would have been better if life in the tower was comfortable, but unfortunately,
life in the tower was harsh and painful.

I had to do a lot of homework and study to the point where I only ate hardened
black bread and rice balls.

'I'm all sick.'

As Lee Unrade saw the Blue Dragon Tower student coming in, he felt a rush of

As he himself was from the Tower of the Blue Dragon, Lee Unrade knew how hard it
must have been for the student in front of him.

All the first-year students had a hard time, but the Blue Dragon Tower was
especially difficult.

Things like noble ancestry and brilliant brains that the students had were not
very helpful in their freshman year.

In addition, the students of the White Tiger Tower and the Black Turtle Tower were
narrow-minded and naive, so they hated the Blue Dragon Tower for no reason.

Sadly, the Blue Dragon Tower students, who had no talent for hunting or gathering,
had no choice but to starve.

“Sit down.”

As the Blue Dragon Tower student sat down, Iunrade wrote his name down. And then
asked a question.

“It will be very difficult.”

"Ugh. How did you know?”

Guynando was surprised. Iunrade said with a bitter smile.

“I am also a wizard who graduated from Einroguard. And from the Blue Dragon

“You are a senior!”

"you're right. So feel free to tell me. Most of them will be cut anyway.”

What the Empire was interested in was whether there were any Einroguard students
who wanted to burn the world or to overthrow the Empire by summoning the Great
Evil, but it didn't really matter whether the students were hungry or not.

So, first-year students were able to speak freely. There was no need to look into
the eyes of the Skeleton Principal.

“How about a meal?”

“It’s a bit sad.”

"I understand. It's hard to get used to that black bread and cold rice balls. I
didn’t get used to it until I graduated.”

"yes? oh. I don't eat that.”


At Gainando's words, Iunrade stopped.

If you don't eat black bread and rice balls, does that mean you eat even dew?
“Then what did you eat?”

“Uh… I had a bacon omelette for breakfast and a sandwich with tuna, egg and corn
for lunch. In the evening…”

"for a moment. for a moment. for a moment."

Iunrade doubted his ears and made Gainando stop talking.

“Are you going to play with me now?”

"Yes? Hey, what did I do wrong?”

Guy Nando was startled by the old man's anger, and he felt embarrassed.

It was then that Iunrade realized what he was doing.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. For a moment, I was angry. You know I'm joking..."

“I'm not kidding! Desserts are also available here!”

Gainando took the cookie out of his backpack as if protesting.

It was not a cookie baked with a mixture of mud and grass, but a cookie made with
flour, sugar, and butter.

No matter how you look at it, it was not a snack that a first-year student could
dare to eat.

“...where did this come from?”

“Lee Han brought it outside. We also get ingredients from inside and make them.”


Guynando was excited and started talking.

How Lee Han obtains ingredients and cooks to feed the Blue Dragon Tower students.

Iunrade's face gradually distorted as he heard the rich diet.

It was a reaction he hadn't even noticed.

“...very... lucky.”

“Is that right?”

Iunrade realized one thing.

When the juniors suffer, sorrow fills them, but when the juniors enjoy too much
luxury, their anger rises!

'I wonder if that's why the other top guys hated us!'

* * *

When I asked other Blue Dragon Tower students, the answers were similar.

Unrade Lee, who had always wanted to, was terrified at the sight of the juniors
who were living well.

'How can you improve your skills as a wizard if you stay comfy like this! It
wasn't like this in our time!'

Iunrade did not realize that he was speaking the same voice as Principal Skeleton.

After that, the consultation continued.

At first, he was terrified because of the Blue Dragon Tower students, but after
consulting with other Tower students, Iunrade's emotions turned into surprise.

“So, the student named Wodanaj is listening to summoning magic, illusion magic,
enchantment magic, foresight magic, transformation magic, healing magic… by any

"Yes. Will it?”

“By the way, are you also in charge of the meals for the Blue Dragon Tower

"uh? Wasn't that what the Blue Dragon Tower guys were doing? Aren't they crazy?"



Iunrade could not refute the words of the White Tiger Top student.

This was something I should be ashamed of as a senior in the Blue Dragon Tower.

“…probably sharing and working together.”

First of all, as a senior, Lee Unrade surrounded the juniors.

The white tiger top student nodded as if he knew it.

"Yes? As a human being, there is no way I can help you. Maybe it's a bit
exaggerated. I'll share it. Or did Wodanaj have some preferential treatment? In our
White Tiger Pagoda, we give special treatment to our friends who have been looking
for food.”


Shame really!

Iunrade changed the topic.

“Since you belong to the White Tiger Tower, are you going to take a swordsmanship

"yes. I am listening.”

“Are there any students who stand out? Or a student who wants to assassinate

It was natural for an Einroguard student to want to assassinate the Skeleton

Principal, but if he wanted to assassinate someone else, the problem got worse.
An excellent swordsman was a powerful assassin in itself, and if he learned magic,
he could have brought blood to a city.

“I don’t know about students who want to assassinate someone. As for the student
who stands out... Moradina Durgyu is the best, but Wodanaj as well.”


Iunrade doubted his ears.

Are there two from the Wodanaj family?

“Are you the Wodanaj student I mentioned earlier?”


“Do you also listen to swordsmanship?”


Unrade couldn't stand it and asked as if growling.

“…isn’t something strange?”

The white tiger tower student right in front of him was talking nonsense and was
so calm.

“Yeah, will you?”

It was then that the White Tiger Top student seemed to have sensed something

“Why is he even listening to swordsmanship? It’s not about sex.”

"sorry. It wasn't something I was going to ask a student."

"no. It’s a bit strange to hear.”

The white tiger top student nodded and said.

“Is it possible that Wodanaj has some evil plan?”

“What plan are you talking about?”

“Learning all magic and even swordsmanship, trying to defeat the principal and
take over the school…”

'It's not a very evil plan.'

Unrade Lee thought so, but the white tiger top student continued to speak
enthusiastically, as if he thought it was quite plausible.

“You are getting support from not only the professors, but also other top guys.”

“Yeah, if you get food like that, no matter how other towers you get support. When
I was in school, my friend who was good at finding food was very popular.
Professors tend to like students who study hard.”

“Uh huh… I heard it again.”

“And no matter how hard you learn, it’s impossible to defeat the principal.”

“Can’t we do it with Wodanaj? Of course, I’m not doing it right now, but that was
a few years ago.”


In general, no matter how good a friend was, he wouldn't say something like, 'Will
I be able to win the Skeleton Principal in a few years'?

Iunrade suddenly became curious about the boy of the Wodanaj family.

How the hell did you act...

* * *

"it's okay?"

Lee Han nodded at the questions of his friends.

It was only natural for other friends to be concerned.

While everyone was resting, Lee Han was almost alone with the Phoenix.

The phoenix, who played happily until exhausted and exhausted, left a pattern on
the back of Lee Han's hand and returned to his level with satisfaction.

The phoenix pattern left on top of the patterns left by other spirits felt a
powerful force, but...

“Let’s find a way to delete it by asking the professor.”

"right. What if the crazy chick is summoned again?”

“If summoned this time, I may burn your room, Wodanaj!”

It was after the Blue Dragon Tower students became very cool and determined.

The commotion of the phoenix had frozen the hearts of the students.

Now, in the future, students will be suspicious of festivals that seem even a
little dangerous.

"No... it's done. It’s okay if you don’t erase it.”

"no! Wodanaz! A phoenix might come out of a dream and kill you!”

"right. That chick won't even remember it's grace!"

Contrary to the fierce reaction of his friends, Lee Han did not feel any danger in
the phoenix pattern.

As long as the other professors didn't say anything, Sharkhan didn't say anything,
and Lee Han didn't feel any reluctance, it was just like the pattern of a spirit.

I haven't been able to confirm what effect it has yet, but at least it won't hurt.

“Wordanaz. It's your turn. Come in.”

“Go now.”

The black turtle top student who entered first came out and called Lee Han.

Lee Han got up from his seat and felt puzzled.


The black turtle top student was staring at Lee Han.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“…Wordanaz. Maybe you really ate all of your meals at the Blue Dragon Tower... no.
Forget it. I said something. I can’t.”


* * *

Unrade unknowingly cleared her breath.

After graduating from Einrogard and gaining some experience as an imperial

official, he never expected that he would be so nervous while dealing with only a
first-year student.

But I couldn't help it.

Einrogard is a place where the geniuses of the Empire gather, but among those
geniuses, there are bound to be some geniuses out there.

And such a genius was a monster that was difficult to even dare to grasp with the
eyes of those less than him.

Iunrade had seen such a genius before.

'He was two years older, but he was such a monster.'

As much as he had seen such a genius before, Lee Unrade's tension increased even

What kind of student are you?


Lee Han bowed his head politely and entered the room.

Lee Han was basically very fond of former imperial officials.

To be more precise, I painted the snow in advance, so I wanted to easily enter it


Even if he was a good wizard, he was called anywhere, but it took extraordinary
effort to sit in a comfortable, stable, and good seat.

'You must never be vigilant.'

Lee Han vowed not to make a single mistake.

Although the body was tired because of the phoenix, the mind was very clear with a
strong tension.

I'm sure it will get good reviews!

“Sit down.”

Iunrade said hiding his surprise.

He was from the Woudanaj family, and he was expecting a very arrogant wizard
because his talents and achievements were also achievements.

Specifically, a wizard like a young skeleton principal!

There were few wizards in the Empire who could match the headmaster's magic
skills, but there were more wizards than expected who could match the headmaster's
filthy temper.

The saying that the higher the skill of a wizard, the inversely proportional to
his personality was the orthodoxy among the imperial bureaucrats.

However, Lee Han was very polite. Lee Unrade looked at the seated Lee Han and

“I don’t know what to ask first… I heard that you are studying all possible school

"Yes. you're right."

“May I ask why?”

Lee Han did not reply, 'The professors are crazy'.

With a gentle smile on his lips, he gave an exemplary answer.

“I have always loved studying magic. As I was curious about various magic, the
professors recommended learning. I was able to use him as my role model because
there were outstanding educators like Professor Garcia.”

'Isn't Professor Garcia possible because he was born with troll blood?'

Unrade Lee thought so to herself, but decided not to offend the genius of the

Indeed, the blood of the Wodanaj family was not strange compared to the blood of a

“Was there anything that made you uncomfortable while listening to the lecture?”

'It's a typical trap question.'

Ian was not deceived.

The imperial bureaucracy in front of him right now may have some kind of evil deal
with the Skeleton Principal behind him, but naively speaking, it was only a loss.

In addition, the disciple who cursed the professor could appear to have some
personal problems.
“Not at all. All the professors are passionate about teaching. It’s a luxury that
I want to be able to do this from an actor’s point of view.”

'Oh my gosh!'

Iunrade had goosebumps all over her body as if she had poured cold water on her.

When I first saw the Skeleton Principal, when my friend accidentally submerged the
School of Magic, or when my senior stopped working at a club, I don't think I was
this surprised.

What kind of soul was born to be able to react like that while receiving the harsh
teachings of this magic school?

'This student is... not human!'

Iunrade was astonished.

Even the extremely hot lava felt like water from a pond to the phoenix, and the
teachings of the magic school seemed like pleasure to that boy of the Wodanaj

“Amazing... I was really impressed.”

"Is that so? It’s just shameful.”

Lee Han sighed in relief.

It seemed to break through the trap question and leave a good impression on the

“Then let me ask you some things that happened this semester.”


Unrade Lee began to ask questions one by one about the stories he had heard from
other students.

There could be exaggeration as I saw it through the eyes of other students.

...No, there must have been an exaggeration.

“You met a mud golem in the mountains?”


“And I heard you knocked it down.”

"That's right. I was lucky.”


Iunrade took notes with a quill pen.

Defeat Einroguard Mud Golem (Checked 3 times, sure.)

“And I heard that when the principal attacked, no one was taken and stopped it?”

“Thanks to my friends for their cooperation.”

“Is it true that you conducted?”

"Yes. Like I said, friends are working together.”

Iunrade's quills were getting busy.

The questions continued.

Iunrade asked about the vines, the spirit bulls, the Rock Drakes, and the Knights
of the Whitewood.

Lee Han answered as carefully as possible so as not to appear reckless.

“At that time, I had no choice.”

“For friends...”

“The phoenix burned the task.”

Iunrade nodded her head.

I was already so surprised that it was hard to react any more.

"Oh yeah. I heard there was a fight with the raider.”

“Thanks to Professor Garcia for their help.”

“...what are you talking about? I was talking about the adventurers who broke into
the school.”

Iunrade stopped.

'Ouch. You misunderstood.'

Lee Han realized that he had been mistaken.

If he didn't explain it properly, Lee Han became a vain person.

“Actually, anti-magicists…”


Iunrade's quills speeded up like crazy.

When the story of the anti-magic attacks was over, Iunrade looked up at the
ceiling for a moment.

And I was lost in thought.

'Will people be suspicious of this report?'

Of course, Lee Unrade knew that was not possible.

Iunrade's trust was strong, and the officials of the Empire were accustomed to
seeing geniuses from Einroguard.

But this is really...

Anyway, really...

It was such a dazzling achievement that I wondered if His Majesty the Emperor
would call it separately.

"I. Unrade Lee?”

"ah. Speak.”

“I have always respected the bureaucrats of the Empire who worked all day and

"Is that so? thank you! It’s an honor.”

Worried about the impact his report might have on Imperial officials, Iunrade did
not notice the boy in front of him making a disappointing expression on his face.


'shit. It's like an iron wall.'

Ian was disappointed.

It wasn't really that surprising.

The imperial officials were rumored to be honest and upright, so there was a high
possibility that they would not be swayed by these private feelings.

Still, since we were from the same tower, I thought that something might work...

“If I were to work in an official position, what kind of position do you think
would suit me?”

Lee Han, unable to let go of his regrets, asked bluntly.

Originally, I wouldn't have done it this way, but I was so greedy.

Of course, Unrade Lee made a face after hearing the most ridiculous joke in the
world. Seeing that expression, Lee Han quickly changed his words.

“It was a joke.”

"haha. I thought so.”

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

To be so honest and upright.

It wasn't just that he was sent to Einroguard for nothing.

"Anyway, Wodanaj student... Thank you for your kind response to today's

"no. It was what I had to do.”

“I’m cautious, but as a senior, I’m worried that Woudanazu student might be
carrying a little too much weight on his shoulders.”

Ihan's face brightened.

“But don't worry, I'm not going to stop the Wodanaj students. Aren’t trials and
tribulations a blessing and a gift to those with talent?”

Ian's face darkened.

'As a graduate, you naturally sound crazy.'

* * *

While Yi Unrade was concerned about the shock to His Majesty the Emperor and
Imperial officials, there were others sweating hard.

The adventurer, Kilvedek, wiped sweat from his sleeve and looked at his comrades.

“How are you?”

“I think it’s still a bit lacking.”

“Don’t be mean! That's enough! I didn't prepare like this when I went hunting a
runaway cave troll!"

“Don’t be angry. I'm not doing this because I want to. You know the mad wizard
won't agree."


Kilvedek shut his mouth.

Even adventurers who had never seen each other before, there were cases where they
quickly became friends when they immersed themselves in a dangerous mission.

That was the case with Kilvedek now.

A situation in which he was caught trying to deceive a wizard from Einroguard and
dragged away!

-If I had known that I was the wizard of Einrogard, I wouldn't have cheated like

The other adventurers, including Kilvedek, cried so much, but it was already too

The mad sorcerer asked the adventurers who had cheated on whether they would help
them with their work, or if they would receive a proper punishment under the laws
of the Empire...

Of course, the adventurers said, 'I'll help you!'

Words were a proper punishment according to Imperial law, but to the high-ranking
wizards, that meant nothing.

If he had chosen the latter, he could have been secretly buried alive.

- What the hell are you trying to get us to do?

-I heard that Einrogard's site is vast, isn't there something that needs to be
-You may have to attack the dungeon...

- Nonsense. Why would a wizard belonging to Einroguard call adventurers like us?

- Well, then?

-Bio-experiment... Isn't that what you're trying to do?

The adventurers who were captured trembled.

Fortunately, however, things turned out differently than they expected.

- to match the sum.


- Assume one intruder, and match the sum to subdue it.


Gathering materials, attacking dungeons, and not giving up their bodies for magic.

The mad wizard wanted adventurers to work together to subdue one intruder.

- That's all you can do now!

-I know my reputation isn't that great, but I've been able to solve dozens of
quests in the West!

-i get it. don't test

And the mad wizard neutralized Hap-gong without a blink of an eye, and then
slapped the adventurers.

-again. to prepare properly.

- uh... uh uh... uh uh uh...

The mad wizard beat up the adventurers and got them ready again, and beat them up
and got them ready again.

No pleas, circumstances, conciliation, or bribery worked.

Truly, he was the mad wizard that adventurers feared.

Why did the adage 'Don't get involved with wizards' circulated among adventurers
came out?

It couldn't be so useful if a high-level manpower like a wizard was in the party.

Nevertheless, it is precisely because of this crazy wizard-like existence that the

saying 'don't get involved with wizards' comes out.

Once entangled in the wrong way, an evil existence from which you can't get out
until you die!

“…I will prepare again.”

Kilvedek let out a long sigh. She felt like she wanted to spit, but she couldn't
because she was afraid.

I can't escape, so all I can do is prepare until the wizard is satisfied.

“I think it's good to shoot arrows the moment you open the basement door. But the
attack after that is a bit vague.”

“How about setting up a trap in front of the door?”

"great. Let's add some more. Let's have someone waiting next to us and launch an

“Can you get the timing right?”

"I'm sorry... I'll have to try this."

"great. Then I'll pull the crossbow and jump forward."

“A potion?”

“I put it on. Pull it and it will fly right away.”

The adventurers opened the door to the underground workshop with a passionate
attitude and devised a plan to repel the intruders.

It was the first time that not only Kilvedek, but also other adventurers had
prepared to this extent.

He received insufficient training in his spare time as an adventurer and did not
prepare for the next mission in advance.

Rather, there were more people who ate, drank, and enjoyed profusely.

It was a risky job, and it was natural in a way that it was a job that earned a
lot of money.

But today was different.

Thanks to the mad wizard, the adventurers all united with all their might, and
they were extracting their own abilities up to 200% and 300%.

“How about changing the window sill? Let’s increase the length.”

“Maybe not bad... Okay. Shall we add some shields?”

“My sprocket and your mace. If you wield it together, it will be very effective.
Let's put our hands together."



At the sound of the door opening, the adventurers instinctively shrugged.

The mad wizard is back.

“Joe, give me a little more time!”

“Not finished yet!”

The adventurers begged because they knew they would be beaten by a mad wizard
after the breakthrough started.

Professor Voladi asked with an expressionless face.

“How long will it take?”

“An hour... ah, no. 30 minutes! Just 30 minutes!”

"i get it. Start in 30 minutes. The opponent is a student.”

“Thank you… who are you?”

Professor Voladi did not answer twice. He beckoned to get ready and left the
underground workshop.

The remaining adventurers had their eyes widened and stuck to the workshop window. we should attack the blue-eyed student over there?

It was better than the mad wizard, but this time I was worried in a different

Can I really attack?

“Uh… aren’t we going to be arrested?”

“You have already been caught.”

* * *

Although he arrived at the gloomy underground workshop following the guidance of

Professor Voladi, Lee Han was not surprised.

'I was prepared.'

final exam week.

If you didn't expect Professor Voladi to put adventurers in coffins and deliver
them to the school the other day, Lee Han was not worthy of surviving in

Professor Boladi nodded his head lightly as he saw Lee Han not letting go of
tension all over his body.

It was the attitude of a great battle wizard.

“Adventures are waiting inside. Break through.”

"All right."

A battle wizard had to be flexible to deal with all kinds of situations.

It should be able to deal with enemies even when they are hiding inside the
building and waiting.

...I don't know why I had to do that in freshman year, but Lee Han gave strength
to the hand holding the cane instead of refusing it.
'Do everything possible.'

After applying various strengthening magics, disturbing the sight of enemies with
illusion magic, and letting the summoned in...

I was not surprised, but my heart was heavy because I knew this day would come
when Professor Voladi brought the adventurers.

It is necessary to enter the basement prepared by the seasoned adventurers who

have gone through a lot of trouble before giving birth.

No matter how thoroughly Lee Han prepared, he was able to lose.

'Let's consider it lucky that there are no Phoenixes or Cerberus.'

Lee Han thought so and made up his mind.

I suddenly felt his gaze, and when I looked to the side, the adventurers were
observing Lee Han through the windows of the underground workshop.

Lee Han hardened his face.

'They're really adventurers.'

After all, the experiences the adventurers had accumulated were not to be taken
lightly. He was already closely observing Lee Han's power.

If you accidentally expose the magic here, you will be stabbed in the opposite

'I don't know if it will work...'

"professor. I am so afraid.”


“Can I really beat the adventurers in here?”

“Do you have a headache?”

Professor Voladi expressed his embarrassment briefly and simply.

* * *

The adventurers were disturbed when they heard the sound of the student frightened
and anxious outside the window.

I was wondering if it would be okay to attack like this.

“I don’t think we were in a conspiracy.”

“What kind of conspiracy?”

“He wanted to kill a disciple who was not listening, but he may have called us
because he didn’t want to get blood on his hands.”

When I heard it, it seemed plausible. The adventurers fell into silence.

That loose inattentiveness called for a golden hour for Lee Han.


Lee Han immediately kicked the door of the underground workshop and opened it.
Arrows flew inside.

Whoops, whoops-

The arrows were stuck on the water shield that had been previously floated. I knew
it even without seeing it because it was Lee Han who had pre-applied various
enhancement magic including <Space Awareness>.


Instead of entering, Lee Han intensely radiated magical energy into the
underground workshop and cast the <Light Generation> magic.

A bright sphere of light reminiscent of the blazing sun appeared in the

underground workshop.

“Light, light, light...!”

Originally, there was no need to invest so much magical power in only one circle

Mana was a limited resource, and it was the magician's ability to distribute that

However, Lee Han ignored such calculations and poured light into the studio.
Although there was a light source, adventurers who were accustomed to the darkness
were blinded for an instant.

“Arise, skeleton warriors! Heat, twist the air!”

Lee Han threw bone fragments to summon skeleton warriors. They were still unable
to move properly, but they were threatening enough for adventurers who did not know
about it.

“Undead! Black magic!”


Even in the chaos, there was no fuss in the adventurers' movements, and their
breathing did not stop. Ian couldn't help but admire.

'I thought he was a scammer, but he seems to have the skills. Well, if I didn't
have the skills, I wouldn't have dared to deceive Professor Einrogard.'

Inside the underground workshop so bright that you can't see ahead.

The summoned skeleton warriors received the power of illusion magic and felt more
than ten.

Nevertheless, the adventurers accurately swung their weapons and defeated the
Skeleton Warrior.
That's why they practiced so much in this underground workshop.

“Catch, catch!”

Kilvedek was surprised even when he defeated the Skeleton Warrior.

“Bone, seize the enemy!”

Lee Han went right into the next attack.

In the first place, the reason why the light was bursting and the skeleton
warriors were inside was not to attack, but to draw attention.

It was enough not to be able to pour what the enemies were preparing on Lee Han.

Using the bones of the broken skeleton warriors, Lee Han hurled bone magic at

“Bone, seize the enemy!”

With the sound of scratching the nerves, bone fragments from all directions
gathered together to form a restraint ball.

The remaining adventurers shouted while avoiding the blind spot at the entrance.

“I was not a young student!!!”

“Hold on! If you use magic like that, it won't last long! Exhaustion coming soon!”


An unlucky adventurer was hit by a barrage of bone magic and collapsed.

Other adventurers persisted. It was thanks to the ordeal of the mad wizard that
brought them up.

'The end is coming soon!'

'The magic of a wizard is infinite...'

...but why does it take so long?


Bone fragments that were fired without a break swept around like bullets and made
a mess.

Somehow, the adventurers who endured and endured until the magician's magic power
fell gradually felt a sense of incongruity.

'...something is strange!!'


Even with a shield covering his body, complete defense was impossible.

One of the adventurers who was hit by a bone fragment staggered out of the blind
spot, and Lee Han immediately threw a water ball.
Even if he was wearing a solid armor, there was no meaning.

The heavy impact pierced through the gap between the armors made the adventurer

- If you go like this, you will all fall down! Shouldn't it be moving?

-Are you going to run out in front of the wizard who is currently casting magic?!

The remaining adventurers sent hand signals to each other and talked desperately.

I couldn't believe what was going on right now.

When I looked out the window earlier, it was clearly like a master of a noble
family who grew up in a noble family...

'What potion did you drink before coming?'

According to the original plan, the moment the wizard entered the basement, all
the traps he had prepared were linked and activated, and the adventurers were
planning to take advantage of that.

However, the opposing mage continued to fire magic without a break no matter how
much he drank the magic potion, and he was devastating the basement.

I don't know where the traps are, but some of the traps have already been
destroyed when they use magic like that.

Painful patience like 1 second is 1 hour.

For a moment, the basement was suddenly quiet.

'Are you done!?'

The adventurers felt their heart beating faster as the bone fragments no longer

Whether all of the bone fragments or magical powers have been used up, the
wizard's attack must have ended...

Thump, thump, thump-

This time the water beads flew like crazy. It wasn't an overwhelming amount like a
piece of bone, but it was a suffocating number.

In addition, unlike before, where they fired indiscriminately, they bent into the
blind spot that the adventurers were holding on to.

It was clear that the wizard had roughly grasped the location of the adventurers
with the first attack.

“Aww! You crazy wizard!”

Eventually, one adventurer screamed and ran out. The wooden shield he was holding
was in tatters due to the merciless attack of bone fragments and water beads.


Kilvedek saw the speed of his comrades faster than he thought and had hopes that
he might succeed in the moment.

Originally, there was a saying not to rush in front of a wizard who casts magic,
but now the situation is a little different.

The opposing wizard was preoccupied with shooting water beads all over the
basement, and the adventurer's physical abilities were dramatically strengthened
with various potions he drank before the battle.

At that low speed, running like a gale, it was enough to outrun the wizard.

Wasn't spell casting speed always a wizard's weakness?


However, the wizard swung his staff as if waiting, and shredded the spell.

Huge chunks of water floating in the air continuously turned into water beads and
flew in, and thunderbolts shot out from between them, blowing away the adventurer's


The adventurer whose shield was blown did not immediately recognize his situation.
The wizard's reaction speed was that fast.


“Flash, flash, flash!”

The adventurer's physical abilities were strengthened with various potions. He

looked at the tip of the staff with his moving vision and attempted an evasive

However, as expected, the wizard flew the three rooms almost simultaneously. No
matter which direction he evaded, he was bound to get hit.

Gripping support!

Paralyzed by the electric shock, the water beads rushed like a herd of wolves.

The rest of the adventurers were now more frightened than when faced with the mad

If the mad wizard just walked in and dismantled the adventurers' traps one by one
to subdue them, now the little monster on the stairs was pushing them without even
giving them a chance to breathe.

“Protect… Surrender! I will surrender!”


When a colleague who ran out with both hands was hit by a water ball and fell,
Kilvedek was astonished.

I surrendered, but why!?

'You mean you won't accept protest, surrender?!'

"ah. sorry. I didn't know you were surrendering. Do you want to surrender?”

"...Yes!! Yes!!! I will surrender!”

“Put down your weapon, raise your hands, and then come out slowly.”

The young wizard's voice was so kind that it gave me goosebumps.

Kilvedek cautiously shook his head. The wizard waited with an expressionless face
and asked.

“Are you sure you haven’t prepared something like a trick?”

“I didn’t! There is no such thing!”

“It’s more suspicious if you strongly deny it… I see. Come out slowly.”

The adventurer who was walking in front of Kilvedeck noticed that he lowered his
hand and opened his mouth.

I wondered how things were going now.

“I, like that…”


"ah. this. sorry. reflexively…”

Seeing his comrades stretched out after being hit by a water ball, Kilvedek raised
both hands higher.

That wizard was kind in words, but his actions were more terrifying than the mad

* * *

Lee Han could see that Professor Voladi was very disappointed.

Fortunately, he was not disappointed with Lee Han, but rather with the

“You failed.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Wizard.”

“I did my best, but…”

Professor Voladi said nothing because he was so disappointed. He gave each

adventurer a bag of silver coins as a reward, and then pointed towards the front

The adventurers who realized the meaning of the Chukgaekryung started crawling

He was afraid that if he ever turned around, the mad wizard would unleash his
attack magic.

“I will guide you.”

On the other hand, Lee Han, who ate the final exam raw, was in a better mood.

Of course, the adventurers were not relieved or relieved that Lee Han was guiding

“Thank you... Wizard.”

“You are welcome to speak. As a student, I still have a lot to learn.”

Despite his humble words, the adventurers were never vigilant.

“Yeah, that’s right. What grade are you in?”

“It’s the first year.”



The adventurers didn't say anything. He just made an indescribable expression on

his face.

“I… what the hell happened today?”

About halfway through, one of the adventurers asked, unable to bear it.

Other adventurers sent glances like, 'Do you have two lives?' and 'Why are you
trying to kill us too?' But the question had already been asked.

"ah. It was a final exam.”


“It’s a final exam. Didn't the professor explain?"


The adventurers opened their mouths and at the same time repeated only the sound
of 'Ah...'.

Then he shouted with a stern expression on his face.

"no! You did it!”

“I remember!”

"Fortunately, the. I hope you didn't ruler. You can come this way. Can you see the
front door?”

Looking at Lee Han's back, the adventurers thought the same thing even though they
didn't make a promise to each other.

If I can safely leave the main gate of this Einroguard today, I will retire.

'I should settle in a quiet and few people.'

'I have to go to a village without wizards.'

Seriously, I didn't want to deal with the maniacs anymore.

* * *

'Good start.'

With a happy face, Lee Han drew a line on <Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical

Repeated learning of basic magic battles

Basic Magical Character Education

Of course, there were still many lectures left, but it was a good sign that the
final exam was cut off like this.

“Wordanaz. It’s a big deal!”


“I heard that the <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> assignments are no
longer being extended! Submit it today!”


As Engo whispered, trembling with fuss, Lee Han's face hardened.

This was no ordinary thing.

'That's ridiculous!'

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>.

It was a lecture in which a blueprint was given as a task before the final exam,
and the actual production was performed as an assignment for the final exam...

...the problem was that the phoenix broke through the warehouse door and went in
and burned all the tasks inside.

I've burned out all my homework, but how can I get it back on Tuesday as

So, all the students said, 'Will there be an extension?' I was thinking, 'Anyway,
there will be an extension of this period'...

'I was restless. This was Einroguard!'

Lee Han deeply regretted his carelessness.

Of course, if I had known, I would not have had much time to catch the phoenix,
but it was painful.

“Wordanaz. There is a way.”


“Let's join hands and protest the professor! With you, the best student... Hey!
Wodanaz! Let's do it together!!"

Lee Han turned around without even pretending to listen.

That was an impossible bullshit.

'If you want to submit it, you must complete it before lunch. The way...'

Unlike other amateur students, Lee Han was a well-prepared professional student.

Amateurs give up on assignments when they're not ready, but pros tend to submit by
any means.

Of course, the quality of the assignment could not be guaranteed, but that was not
important now.

little time left.

Lee Han looked at the elongated pole that would have been the skeleton of the
original magic lamp and was immersed in thought.

-I guess... you're trying to get rid of all the designs and just use magic?!'re talking nonsense. Yonner. I haven't drawn it yet.

Suddenly, a conversation I had with Yonaire came to my mind.

How to design and build, destroy everything, Lee Han casts a spell and brazenly
cries out, 'Anyway, won't it last long?'

When I talked to Yonaire, of course, I said it was nonsense, but...

'...there is no time, no other way.'

Lee Han was determined.

Sometimes, brazen sophistry is more necessary than skill.

go like this!

* * *

Although Professor Alpen had not yet arrived, the atmosphere of the students
gathered in the <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic> classroom was chaotic.

“Are there really no extensions?”

“Because it is.”

"ruined...! We are ruined!!”

“Are you still happy? You all messed up together.”

“Are you ignorant?”

And Professor Alpen came in. Professor Alpen was puzzled by the chaotic atmosphere
of the students.

“What’s going on?”

"professor! It's not our fault that the phoenix burned the warehouse!"
“Of course it is our fault for not setting up a sentry! I'll raise a sentry in the
future, so please give me one more chance...!"

“Please extend the period!”

“I see. That's what I meant in the first place.”

Professor Alpen answered bluntly. All the students stopped.


"uh? It wasn't that there wasn't an extension... Me?"

“The phoenix burned the warehouse, how can we not extend the period? to be
completed by this weekend. We can give you two or three more days, so if you don’t
have enough time, please come and visit us.”


“...what kind of kid spread rumors?”

The students were relieved for a moment, but that didn't mean it was over.

What kind of kid is nonsense??


And belatedly, Lee Han came in with a magic lamp. Lee Han bowed his head when he
saw that Professor Alpen had arrived first.

"hello. professor."

“Nice to meet you. Wardanaj-kun.”

“I will submit the assignment.”


Angro was embarrassed and tried to stop Lee Han.

'No, Wodanaj! Things have changed! It was bullshit!'

But Professor Alpen answered first.

"What is this? It may be rude to say, but I don't see a separate design.”

"Yes. professor. I have clearly written the amplification magic circle and its
materials on the blueprint. But after thinking about it, it was also an inefficient

“Is it inefficient?”

"Yes. I realized that my magic alone could guarantee a duration of more than two
days. If so, I thought that forcibly wasting materials was not in line with the
purpose of this lecture.”

“So, did you do it this way?”

Professor Alpen's eyes gleamed sharply.

I didn't know if it was a good omen or a bad omen, but Lee Han didn't waver.


“You won’t regret it?”


Lee Han felt something strange.

'what? Is there something I don't know?'

But it had already happened. Lee Han answered with a confident expression on his


“Honestly, I was impressed.”

Professor Alpen smiled and said.

“Courage and improvisation are virtues of a wizard. If it lasts more than 2 days,
as I said, I will give it a full score. Come in and sit down. Oh, I've already
submitted my final exam assignments, so it's okay to leave the classroom. Let the
other students start production again.”


Ihan turned his head.

My friends were looking at Lee Han with admiration and admiration.

Except for Ango.

“You come out for a second.”

“I have to make myself. Wodanaz.”


Angro was eventually dragged into the hallway.

Angro apologized while being grabbed by the collar.

“Kek, Kek… Wodanaj. sorry. I was deceived too.”

“If I was deceived, you son of a bitch, you should have given the homework too.
What are you deceived by not paying?”

Seeing Lee Han growling, Angro thought to himself.

'It's you, so you can pay...!'

I really thought that there was no extension of the period.

However, Angago did not have the ability to make it as quickly as Lee Han did.

So, just like the students of the White Tiger Tower, 'What's so important about
studying? I have friendly friends here, so I'm okay with it'...

“Yeah, the professor appreciated it anyway.”

“The professor gave a good evaluation, so if it wasn’t for you, you would have
been taken to the basement instead of the hallway.”

The task Lee Han had just given was witty and quick-witted, but in the worst case
it was coercion.

It ended well because Professor Alpen looked good on it.

Lee Han shook Engo's collar a few more times and let go.

Anyway, the task was successful, so it was awesome.

Otherwise, I would have taken him to the basement that Professor Voladi told me

“In the first place, you white tiger tower bastards are too swayed by nonsense. do
you know When you hear a rumor in the first place, you don’t just believe it…”


In return for passing on the rumors, Engo had to hear a suffocating nagging as she
and Lee Han went back into the classroom.

He even tried to stop to catch his breath for a while, but Wodanaj continued to
nag without taking a break.

“Are you listening?”

“Uh huh.”

“A knight should know his honor and act heavily. But why are you so swayed by
rumors? It was like that last time. A certain white tiger tower student was rumored
to have mastered some evil vision.”

'That seems to have a reason...'

“If you hear such nonsense, you should cut it off as a top friend. do you
understand Are you listening?”

“Ugh. I am listening.”

“Tell me what I just said.”


Angro vowed never to spread rumors again.

A false rumor could have destroyed a student's soul.

* * *

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

“It’s my responsibility as well.”

Lee Han returned to the classroom and helped his friends make again.

Considering the amount of silver he received, he couldn't just let it go.

“You’re talking about responsibility as a senior in the grade.”

"not really? What nonsense…”


Asan, who was moved, scratched his head with a shy face.

Yoner, who was assembling the display case for the potion, paused for a moment and

"Wait a minute. Come to think of it, the last time I asked if I was going to solve
it with magic alone, was it not?”

“Gainan too. Concentrate.”

Lee Han pretended not to hear and changed the topic. Gainando, who had fallen
asleep with his eyes open while holding a hammer, was startled.

“Uh, how did you know!?”


Yoner stared at him from behind. Lee Han hastily moved forward.

“What is everyone thinking about?”

Lee Han tilted his head at the sight of several students gathering and discussing.

As they exchanged conversations with quite serious expressions, they seemed to be

discussing the task.

'It's nice to see.'

Compared to the one that Gainando had just slept in, he looked very good.

After all, the main purpose of a student is to study...

"ah. Wodanaj-sama.”

Neblen and Rowena stopped talking and looked at Lee Han.

Apparently, not only the two of them, but the other students were familiar. They
were the followers of the princess whom I had seen several times.


Lee Han felt a little ominous.

And the ominousness soon turned out to be true.

“We were discussing whether we should go with the original design of the blueprint
submitted by the Crown Princess, or whether we should compromise with the current

'I'd rather be dozing off Gainando.'

Lee Han looked at his friends with contempt and pity.

With that or not, the princess's followers continued the discussion very

“Of course we have to go as planned! Are you doubting the power of His Majesty the

“This is correct. Since the Imperial Princess has submitted the blueprint, if she
does not submit the blueprint, her honor and pride will be damaged.”

'They're crazy.'

Lee Han realized quickly.

Even if you submit a blueprint, you can change it a little depending on the

So, does this mean that Lee Han, who omitted all the contents of the blueprint, is

There's nothing good about hanging out with crazy people.

Lee Han quietly tried to step back.

However, the followers of the evil princess did not let Lee Han run away.

“Wordanaj-sama. What do you think, Wodanaj-sama?”

"right. Wodanaj-sama, please also say something.”

Lee Han unintentionally looked at Gainando.

Unfortunately, Guynando was very focused. He couldn't get out of his grip.

'shit. I usually focus.'

“I think we can make a decision for ourselves.”

"no. If Wodanaj-sama speaks up, even those who oppose it will understand.”

Apparently, the princess's followers preferred to achieve unanimity through

peaceful persuasion.

Most of them were 'let's go as planned', but...

Surprisingly, he had one sane follower.

As a student from the Black Turtle Tower, he insisted on 'let's make a compromise
because the situation has changed'.

'Some of the followers were fine.'

Lee Han asked with an rude thought.

“What is your name?”

“Ball, Volcat.”

"okay. ball cat. What is your argument?”

“I think this is time-consuming now. Hwang... I respect the Queen's abilities, but
Her Majesty the Princess needs to prepare for other tests as well. Before entering
school, I worked as a guild weaver. It is impossible to complete this in time.”


Ian was amazed.

Like a normal person, he was persuading him based on his own experience.

“Volcat! I respect your abilities and your family, but I can't accept that you
limit the powers of your Majesty's Crown Princess like that!"

"right! Her Majesty the Princess can do enough!”

'But the opponents are crazy.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

Volcat's sin was to hang out with that gang of madmen.

It is because of that sin that he is suffering like this now!

There are people who can persuade and there are people who can't.

"Well. I don't know. But if opinions run in parallel like this, it's not bad to
decide by a majority this time..."

I was trying to get out, but someone pulled the end of Lee Han's coat slightly.


Lee Han turned his head without speaking.

The princess was desperately crossing her index fingers under the desk.


His face and eyes were expressionless, but his hand gestures showed a sense of

Even Gainando would have understood the signal 'Please dry it, please!'

As Lee Han paused, Neblen, who was listening, opened his mouth.

“Anyway, do you mean to decide by majority vote?”

"Wrong. Neblen.”

"uh? It's not bad to just make a decision by a majority vote..."

“There is right and wrong in magic, there is no majority.”


Lee Han used a sculptural face to force it.

When he spoke seriously with an expressionless face, the princess's followers lost
the moment to say, 'No, you said it'.

“Did you see I turned in the magic light?”

“Look, I saw it, but…”

“Have you not noticed it yet? That’s what the Princess’s followers are like.”

Lee Han was shaking his head quickly while speaking.

What kind of plausible sophistry can he deceive these followers like Guynando?

'Did you pretend you didn't know?'

However, to just ignore it, I was interested in the silver coins that I used to
use or, no, treat the princess and keep.

Even the Thieves Guild will give special treatment to customers who paid that much

Besides, the princess had too many connections.

If, by any chance, the princess went out on vacation and said, 'I asked for help,
but Wodanaj didn't help', it could have been blown up as a rumor.

As Lee Han suffers from malicious comments throughout the semester due to the
light friction the White Tiger Top students were doing, I was careful in this part.

“Give me wisdom. Wodanaj-sama.”

“What have we missed?”

“So... Professor Knighton is also evaluating guts and improvisation in this

lecture. I knew that, so I submitted the blueprint largely by omitting it.”


The princess's followers were astonished.

It was plausible when I heard it.

Otherwise, there is no reason why a student like Woudanaz omits the blueprint and
submits it.

“Do you understand? If it was originally, the Princess and His Majesty would have
largely omitted it to fit the purpose of the lecture. But I was waiting for you to
say it because I was afraid you would be embarrassed.”

“That… like that!”

“I’m sorry, Princess! We should have known!”

'Somehow it worked.'
Lee Han sighed in relief.

The princess, who was receiving an apology while surrounded by her followers, saw
Lee Han and bowed her head slightly.

Thank you for letting me escape.

Lee Han smiled and made a circle with his fingers.

'Pay back in silver later.'

Seeing this, the princess widened her eyes slightly.

'You mean not to worry?!'

It's okay to pass on this kind of help.

At the beginning of the semester, I was once again ashamed of myself for
misunderstanding Wodanaj.

The princess made a small circle with her fingers. It meant she understood.

'Also. It's not Heo Myung that he has a high reputation as a genius in the

Ian was delighted.

Unlike Gainando, the princess was quick to understand.

The most intuitive way to express gratitude in the original material!

* * *

"hello. professor."

Prof. Faselette Kraer, Professor of Wisdom Magic, answered the students who came
in to take the exam.

“Today, my personality will turn into a violent and intimidating person in about
30 minutes, so don’t talk to me if you can.”


The students were disgusted and spread the distance.

There were times when I forgot, but none of the professors at this magic school
were normal.

“Are you all seated? Then we start the final exams.”

Professor Paselette swung his cane. Then letters appeared on the blackboard.

Prediction Predict what the magic final exam will bring.



Professor Paselette sat down.

Naturally, the students were thrown into chaos.

Now is the final exam, and you want to predict what will come out of the final

It was a strange problem, like a snake swallowing itself.

'Still, there are some quick-witted guys.'

Professor Paselette looked around the students.

Some students had their heads tied up in confusion, while others were in deep

There was a strong desire to infer the meaning of this contradictory problem.

'Foreign wizards are more important than how well they know how to foreknowledge,
how much they refrain from foreknowledge.'

It sounded paradoxical, but it was true.

Being able to get a glimpse of the future was incredibly addictive.

A wizard who fell in love with this pleasure could not last long as a foresight

A wizard who can endure as a foresight wizard for a long time is a wizard who
knows the fear of intelligence and avoids it as much as possible.

And the final exam questions were just that.

There is a saying in the matter of foresight, so if I tried the foresight magic at

first, I fell into an endless cycle and was locked up until the end of the test.

'It seems that Wodanaj noticed too.'

Professor Paselette looked at Lee Han.

As he showed tremendous potential from the first lecture, he was a student who
couldn't be bothered even by Professor Faselette, who wasn't too obsessed with his

True to its potential, the trap in the problem...


Professor Pacelette was astonished.

Lee Han was trying the foresight magic.

It doesn't stop and continues!

'You must be locked up right?!'


A loop of cycles caused by the wrong question.

It was a nightmare situation for the foresight wizard.

And the best way to prepare for a situation like this is...

'It means not stepping into the situation itself.'

It was a bit silly, but this was the answer.

It's not about trying the foreknowledge magic at first, it's about recognizing and
responding to the trap in the question.

He didn't even want freshmen to leave a mark in his foreknowledge that only he
could recognize, so that he could break out of the cycle, or even advanced
techniques that forcibly shift his point of view further into the future or further

Just noticing and responding to the pitfalls in the question deserved high praise.

On the other hand, the worst reaction was to try the foresight magic at first.

As a freshman jumped into the trap question without being prepared, he fell into a
cycle and struggled until his magic power ran out, and then he had no choice but to

Obviously it was...

Lee Han casually swung his wand and tried and tried and tried the foresight magic.

Even Professor Faselette couldn't figure out what was going on in the moment.


* * *

Without noticing the professor's bewildered gaze in front of him, Lee Han cast the
foresight magic once again.

But there was no real future in sight.

When nothing could be seen in front of him, Lee Han tilted his head and canceled
the magic.

It was a natural escape as if breathing.

Of course, a small amount of mana was consumed in the process, but it had no
effect on Lee Han.

'Isn't it a problem to approach this way?'



Lee Han listened to the painful moaning from the side.

I couldn't see my friends because the professor had put up a veil of illusions,
but I could hear them.

No matter how much I listened to this sound, it was a painful sound that was only
heard when the magic had failed.




It didn't end with a painful moan, but also the sound of falling to the floor.

Thanks to Prof. Voladi's rigorous training, Lee Han was able to grasp the
situation using the other five senses even if his vision was blocked.

Seeing that there was a shuffling sound and no more moaning noises...

'Until you fail the exam?!'

Ian didn't understand.

Of course, it wasn't an easy problem, but it wasn't Professor Voladi's test, and
it wasn't to the point that he would collapse.

'no way...'

Lee Han quickly grasped the situation.

Apparently, this time the problem of foresight magic was not a simple test, but a
problem of figuring out the traps contained within.

If he jumped in without grasping the trap, he could collapse like the friends who
were dragged out now.

...Although Lee Han has already tried a few times!

'I was lucky. He must have been able to withstand it because he had a lot of

Lee Han wiped his chest.

Considering the magical energy consumed by the foresight magic, it was no wonder
that the other friends had fallen.

Now I had to approach it a little more carefully.

'Did you notice?'

Professor Paselette raised her eyebrows when Lee Han stopped the magic.

It was a bit late, but seeing such a reaction, it was clear that he had realized
the true meaning of this test.

'okay. The foreknowledge magic is now stopped, pointing out the traps in this
test... No!'

Lee Han cast the foresight magic again.

Professor Paselette was even more perplexed than before.

I knew it was a trap, but why did you do that?

'Come to think of it, there is no need to spare an attempt.'

The reason why Lee Han cast the foresight magic again was simple.

Come to think of it, there was no need to approach it carefully.

Because the magic is overflowing!

As Lee Han continued to cast foresight magic, he pondered how to break through
this cycle of circles.

In fact, it was okay to just worry without casting the foresight magic, but Lee
Han naturally repeated his attempts, hoping that he would also have some magical

Professor Paselette, who realized the situation only then, was so absurd that it
even made her laugh.

'What kind of ignorance...'

It's good to know that the problem is strange, then you have to approach it in a
different way, trying to break through it by force.

What does that mean?

"professor. I think I have found the answer.”


Lee Han, who kept trying, finally opened his mouth.

Professor Paselette was astonished, but prepared to hear an answer.

“Let me tell you.”

“I think the answer was to find the pitfalls in the problem. Questions like that
shouldn't be used in ignorance."

“That’s right.”

Professor Paselette nodded.

That was a good answer.

the problem is...

'Then why the hell did you keep casting the foresight magic?'

Originally, I should have answered right away when I noticed it earlier, but after
that, I continued to cast the foresight magic and answered, so I couldn't help but

In the end, Professor Pasellet could not overcome her curiosity and asked a

“But how did you find out the answer? Is it a logical guess?”
“I made some logical guesses… but I used the magic of foresight.”

“So, in what way?”

Professor Paselette's voice, which had become slightly frustrated, became harsh.

“I thought it would be difficult to get an answer from the given question, so I

set the point of view farther into the future. I found the answer by foreseeing the
point in time after the test was over.”


Professor Paselette was momentarily at a loss for words.

I hoped I did, but I didn't know that I could actually do that.

Breaking out of the cycle, or looking into the future farther than the cycle, and
taking that as a clue, was another way...

It wasn't the ability I expected of a freshman. No matter how talented he was,

this didn't make sense.

As time passed, the uncertainty of foresight increased.

Moreover, since it is a future that has nothing to do with the question, it was
usually not difficult to find the clues and answer the question.

It's a skill that even a seasoned foresight wizard can do...

'no way...!'

Professor Paselette realized.

Even after Lee Han realized why, he continued to use the foresight magic.

“Did you keep casting the foresight magic until you get an answer?”

"That's right."

When Professor Lee Han-eun noticed the method he was using, he replied with a
purely admirable expression.

I wasn't even a professor for nothing.

You can even guess how Lee Han figured out the answer after a few conversations.


Professor Pasellet felt like her head was pounding as to where and how to teach
this nonsense disciple.

What nonsense...

In fact, it made the headache stronger when the person in question remained still
with an innocent expression of 'Is there something wrong?'

“Huh… well done. Well done... I think I have a few more things to learn.”
"ah. Is that so."

"next week..."

“Next week is vacation.”

Lee Han suddenly felt an ominous feeling.

You're not going to tell me to go to magic school on vacation, right?

'If you say that, you may really have to send a letter to His Majesty the

“…Then next semester.”

"ah. Yes. That’s it.”

“You must come out.”

"yes. All right."

“I have to come out. do you understand Once again, I sincerely swear to you.”


Professor Faselette didn't notice, but Lee Han's eyes looking at the professor
were changing strangely.

'Do you have no disciples?'

Mortum, no, the professors with few disciples were very sensitive to the escape of
the new students.

If a student just decided not to listen at the beginning of the new semester,
there really wasn't much the professor could do.

Of course, various threats and persuasion are possible, but once the wizard has
made up his mind, he is not easily shaken.

Professors who have a lot of students. It was okay to show a relaxed attitude
like, 'If you don't want to hear it, I don't care', but professors with few
disciples could not have listened if it were true.

Of course, sometimes there were professors who were proudly sitting in the
classroom even when there were no students, but that was an exceptional case.

'You'll hear it anyway, so you have to be considerate.'

There was nothing wrong with being considerate of the professor's position as long
as I had listened to it before.

Lee Han said kindly.

"Do not worry. professor. Why won't I come?"

“Because I’ve already heard all of black magic, summoning magic, illusion magic,
enchantment magic, transformation magic, and healing magic.”

Lee Han was speechless.

It was very sharp, like an excellent foresight wizard.

'You're definitely right!'

* * *

Dirette swung her wand, holding back her sleepiness.

I had to prepare everything for the juniors who were going to take the black magic
final exam soon.

Kohorti, who was in the same grade, also swung his cane.

“Are you done?”

“It’s done. But isn't the number of bones too small? Shouldn't I bring more? I
think there are fewer poison bottles.”

"done. This time, there were fewer than five new students learning black magic.”


At Dirett's answer, Kohorti put on a complicated expression.

It didn't have to be a lot of juniors, but if there were too few juniors in the
magic he was learning, it just made him feel more complicated.

“Why isn’t everyone interested in black magic?”

“Isn’t that because I summoned the King of Frost Giants in the hallway last time?”

“Hey, it was a matter of relics that had nothing to do with black magic!”

Kohorti's face turned red.

Of course, Dirett knew all too well why black magic was unpopular.

'If it's popular, that's weird.'

If Dirett reads articles such as <Young Warlocks Are Increasingly Increasing... Is

Black Magic Leading the Trend of Imperial Magic?> in the Imperial Newspaper, you
will think, 'Is the Empire going to fall?'

It's just that all of the magic isn't going to be popular...

"oh. come in.”

As the first-year students entered one by one, the fourth-year students hurriedly
fled behind the classroom.

It was the place where the magic circle of cognitive decline was hanging, and the
juniors in the first year could not see them.

“Ugh. Isn't the difficulty too high?"

Kohorti said that she suddenly became worried when she saw the first-year juniors.

This black magic final exam was the sum total of what I had learned in the first

Curse, poison, bone.

A test that checks all three basic skills.

If it was simple, it might sound simple, but in the first place, this kind of test
is more difficult.

All three fields of black magic had to be hit with the jeonggong method, so if
even one was lacking, there was no way to replace it.

“This will be fine. The last time I talked to the professor, we decided together,
so why are you here now?”

“No… there are less than five, so I’m afraid I’ll give you more…”


That was definitely true.

Dirett was surprised that Kohorti had made the right point.

Of course, I can't change it now, but...


The door opened and a student entered.

The student who came in threw a curse spell at the scarecrows one after another to
defeat them, and then cast bone magic by throwing a piece of bone placed on the

A storm of bones blew in the center of the spacious lecture hall, and scarecrows
for bone magic were scattered around.

Kudang tang tang tang!

This was only a few seconds later.

Kohorti was watching with her eyes and mouth wide open and her eyes wide open.


The freshman didn't stop there. Without a break, she immediately summoned poison
from the air and put it in a poison vial.

A poison bottle that reacted with a properly crafted poison spewed out smoke. The
poison bottle, which emits thick smoke as it contains high-quality poison, spit out
so much smoke that it covered the entire classroom.

“You, it was too easy… Was it easy? huh? weird? The level of freshmen...?”

"no. There's only one weird thing."

After recognizing the familiar face of the junior, Dirett answered calmly.

"What are you talking about?"

“Look at your face.”

“Can’t you see because of the smoke?”

“…are you in first grade?”

With those words, Kohorti pulled out a pair of monocles with jewel lenses from her
arms. It was an artifact that could be seen through the smoke.


Kohorti recognized the identity of the junior and let out a sigh.

Last time that...

“Poor freshman who was wrongly caught by an untitled professor!”

“You must be a grateful junior for rectifying the accident you committed. You

Dirett looked at Kohorti with scornful eyes.

If you get help from a freshman, you have to bow your head for several years, but
the sound of doing it at the best!

Koholti realized that, too, and coughed in embarrassment.

“Of course, thank you. I'm still thankful But I was so impressed that I went with
that untitled professor…”

'Certainly it was.'

Dirett couldn't deny that.

I'll never forget Professor Bagreg's back to the first-year freshman to fight the
King of the Frost Giants.

For a few days, I seriously thought about whether I should send an anonymous
letter to His Majesty the Emperor.

At first, the party seemed to be getting along well, but...

“Anyway, he’s unique, so don’t worry too much about it.”

“I thought you were only good at suppressing demons, but are you really good at
other black magic? Professor Mortum will be delighted.”

Koholti admired the talent of the new junior.

You're a freshman, and you're already so good at black magic.

Professor Mortum, who was sad because there were no students to learn, was sure to
be very happy.

Originally, a genius is more valuable than a hundred behemoths.


As Dirett mumbled, Kohorti was puzzled.

“Maybe I won’t continue to listen to black magic…”

“What nonsense is that?”

Cohorty didn't understand.

Of course, it was true that black magic was less popular than other magic.

However, if he had that much talent, it was difficult for the wizard himself to
not learn, no matter how unpopular he was.

Reading a magic book and practicing spells will increase your achievements
endlessly, but which wizard can escape such temptation?

“It’s like that, but…”

Dirett looked at his junior with a complicated gaze.

If only he had a talent for black magic, the other magic was too good, so it was a

'Isn't that why he doesn't come back in the second semester?'

* * *

Finally, Gainando, who finished the black magic test, spoke to Ymirg and Rapadel.

"how was it? how was it?? Did you see everyone? Did you see me?”


As Rapadel's expression frowned, Guy Nando's eyes twinkled.

Gainando exclaimed in a voice full of joy.

“I didn’t see you!”

'Are you going to say that while being so happy?'

"right? Haven't you seen it?!"

"Shut up! You prince!”

Rapadel burst into anger.

That prince did not know any other lectures, but he showed a very good ability
only in black magic.

Compared to Rapadel, who doesn't like black magic that much, it's natural to see
him well.

Of course, apart from that, it was absurd to run so excitedly that he had seen him
The guy who was bowing his head as if the world had collapsed after taking the
exam in another class!

“Hey, I didn’t see it that well. The exam is difficult.”

"haha. I understand. The black magic test was a bit difficult.”

Gainando answered Ymirg's words with a generous smile.

“Hey, I cursed and poisoned once, but the bone magic took three times…”

"...uh? Did you succeed at one time?”

Gainando paused.

Ymirg saw it better than he thought.

“Uh huh.”

"I... I also succeeded in bone magic once."

Rapadel, who was listening, asked without thinking.

“Curse and poison?”

“You shamelessly ask what you saw without answering! Are you still a knight?”

“What kind of crazy bastard…”

“Wow, how did you see Wodanaj?”

Gainando answered Ymirg's question with a sincere expression.

“It’s rude to ask that.”



The two students couldn't help but marvel at the mean appearance of never asking a
friend for their grades who was sure to see them better than they did.

That's royalty!

* * *

“Right now, there is a magic in the classroom that temporarily negates the

Professor Millais said in his usual strict voice.

The students who were about to take the exam looked at Professor Millais with
nervous faces.

“Everyone will remember the last time we signed a contract in another realm.”

Most of the students are from the spirit world.

Students like Lee Han are from the undead world.

Everyone tried to sign a contract as an assignment before the final exam.

“Call out the contracted beings one by one.”


One of the students listening did not understand and asked again.

"professor? Isn't the contract invalid in the classroom right now?"

Otherworldly beings were basically unpredictable, capricious and dangerous beings.

These beings could not be called out at will.

Accidents happen even if they are tied to a strict contract.

Of course, the beings contracted by first-year students were at best enough to

light a bonfire and refill an empty leather bucket...

Even the first-year students were weak enough to match, so they could never be

“Well pointed out. The purpose of this test is to learn how to protect yourself
even when there is no contract to protect the wizard's body."


The words sounded plausible, but the students were already anxious.

“Professor Millais, isn’t it too much? How is that different from just throwing
monsters and telling them to fight?”

“I once did something similar in a sword and swordsmanship class. I didn't know
summoning magic could be like this."

While his friends were chatting, Lee Han pulled out a piece of bone from his

And then I told my friends.

"what are you doing? Isn't everyone ready?"

“…I would, but you can complain a little bit!”

“Okay, everyone, move. If you don’t prepare enough, you will only lose.”

His friends grumbled at the sight of Lee Han without blood or tears.

How can you not complain while taking such a ridiculous test?

Indeed, Wodanaj was clearly a person who had never compromised on magic.

'It must be a test that is not too difficult.'

Contrary to what his friends thought, Lee Han was a little overjoyed.

The difficulty of the exam was easier than I thought.

* * *

“O spirit of the wind. I believe you."

Asan tried to speak in a voice that was as soft as possible.

However, his voice was full of tension that could not be hidden.

“So, listen to me… Whoops!”


The shapeless wind spirit hit Asan's abdomen with precision.

'That's it.'

In Lee Han's view, the spirit of the wind did not do that because there was no
particular hostility or malice.

In the position of fighting numerous monsters with hostility and malice, if they
had, the attack should have been much sharper.

That was close to a joke.

Since the Wind Spirit is a low-level spirit that is not very strong, it seemed
like he was just showing a playful sense of humor rather than being angry at the
wizard's command...

“Great! stop! stop!"

Asan, who missed the staff, rolled over to avoid the attack.

The wind spirit persistently pursued it and tried to hit it.

Professor Millais, unable to see, swung his wand and split the two.

“No matter how close we are, it is foolish to continue trying to persuade people
through words without a contract. Keep in mind that you also need a firm warning
when you are not listening.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. professor."

Asan's failure was a lesson for other students.

The next student immediately grabbed a staff and prepared to attack if the spirit
refused to command.



Before the magic was cast, the spirits of the earth scattered sand.

The spirit was the first to notice the hostility of the wizard.

“Pooh, hoop! Poop Poop!”

The earth spirit continued to throw sand.

It was impossible for a freshman to calmly cast magic in such a situation, unless
he was a student who was trained to cast magic while maintaining his composure
despite being attacked.

The student who failed the spell because of the sand escaped in tears.

“I believed it, I believed it…! I believed it!”

“You were about to attack right away.”

At first, the students jumped in with confidence, but there were a lot of people
who failed than expected.

Professor Millais made the failed students wait in the back.

Anyway, I thought that there would not be many students who succeeded on the first

'It's not good to just stick out carrots, but it's the same with recklessly
swinging a whip.'

How a wizard persuades a spirit when there is no contract binding each other.

The key, after all, was understanding.

How well do I understand spirits?

The magician who somehow made a contract with the spirit, but usually only gave
orders without any sympathy, was exposed at this time.

They don't know what habits this spirit has, and they don't know what kind of
personality it is, so they don't know how to approach it.

Whether it was a carrot or a stick, understanding the other person came first.

Now, students who failed in their first attempt will naturally become interested
in their own summons by repeating it over and over again.

“...don't attack me. Understand? Don't really attack. I did a really good job.
Just listen to me once. huh? If you have any complaints, I will listen to them next

The water spirit that Nelia summoned was a familiar spirit to Lee Han too.

Wasn't it the spirit who made a contract with Nilia to avoid Lee Han on the island
last time?

In front of Nelia, I said, 'Heh, I don't like spirits very much', but I couldn't
help but feel heartbroken.

“Isn’t that a very dirty way?”

Guy Nando, who was watching from the side, was puzzled.

Anyway, I think that's pretty ugly...


“Okay, that’s it!”

The students exclaimed.

Even without a contract, the water spirit did not reject Nilia's words and
faithfully followed them.

'You sure are friendly.'

Unlike the other students, Lee Han was able to feel the magical feeling of Nelia's
spirit to some extent.

Innate ability to respond to magic.

He also trained to recognize emotions with illusion magic, so it would be even

more strange if he didn't feel it.

The water spirits summoned by Nilia treated her more friendly than the other

"indeed. Right."


“If Nelia was bored, she would have summoned a water spirit and had a
conversation, so there is no choice but to be closer.”

“...why, why do you do such a lonely thing?”

Guy Nando reacted as if it was hard to believe, but in fact, Lee Han was right.

Professor Millais praised Nelia's method highly.

'I've been building closeness since usual.'

His attitude was a bit lacking in confidence, but the spirit, who had become so
close to him, did not refuse orders.

It was a great way.

“Great Spirit! I... Kek!”

“If you can help me just once... oops!”

The students, who did not notice the intimacy with the spirits that Nilia had
built up, thought it was okay to bow down politely, and were kicked out.

Professor Millais shook his head in regret.


“Lee Han. It's your turn."

"ah. okay."

Lee Han cast various strengthening magic and started floating water beads in the

Seeing him working calmly, the other spirits that had been summoned before hid
behind their master trembling.
Professor Millais felt a different sense of frustration than before.

Of course, that was one of the ways, but this test wasn't what I wanted!


“...that's great. Let’s give it a full score.”

"thank you."

to the left.

to the right.

Spin three times in place, then somersault.

Finally, an elegant ballet.

Fortunately, Gonadaltes kindly complied with Lee Han's order, which could be an
unreasonable request.

"Thank you. Gonadaltes.”

The Skeleton Warrior nodded hesitantly. It looked like he was staring at him for
some reason.

“Good to go back...”


Lee Han returned to his seat and tilted his head.

“It’s kind of weird.”

“A skeleton dancing ballet?”

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han with a 'come now?'

"no. The professor’s face.”

Just as Lee Han could read the emotions of the spirit, he was able to read the
professor's feelings as well.

In fact, the professor was easier than the spirits.

Because the professor was a little more explicit.

“Of course not.”


“That’s how you named the Skeleton Warrior.”

My friends nodded their heads in agreement. Ian was puzzled.

“Isn’t this the first time you’ve heard of it?”

“You don’t get used to hearing that many times, do you?”

While we were talking like that, it was Gainando's turn.

“Gainan too. Be careful."


Guy Nando, who was about to go out with a nervous face, was moved by the support
of his friends.

“Don’t make an accident by overdoing it, give up in moderation and come this way.”

“Don’t even think about going out on your own. You are not Wodanaz.”


Gainando snorted at the sight of his friends hanging by his ankles saying that
they had already failed in the first attempt.

"huh! losers!”

" will come this way..."

“Gainan too. When you swing your wand, did you swing it clockwise or
counterclockwise? Think about it.”

Ian was amazed.

The craftsmanship of those who couldn't do the magic of doing it was first-class.

“But I have already figured out how.”

Guy Nando had a lot of self-confidence. He was thanks to the hints given by his
earlier friends.

Nelia succeeded in dealing with spirits.

Lee Han succeeded in dealing with the undead.

While Nelia approached her warmly with intimacy, Lee Han approached her with
strictness and decisiveness.

Gainando also dealt with the undead, so it was right to follow the latter.

“Listen! If you don't obey my orders..."

The skeleton warrior rushed right in and slapped Guynando's cheek.

Gainando was furious and wielded his staff and started fighting the Skeleton
Warrior by the collar.

“So I told you to give up and come this way.”

“Gainan too! Break your leg! Break his leg!”

* * *

Swordsmanship class time.

The students did not wait nervously like other final exams.

Because the swordsmanship class wasn't like the other classes, it wasn't an on-
the-spot test.

“What did you bring?”

“Why are you asking that? Are you like that?”

“You can’t tell me so easily.”

The students checked each other and looked at each other.

A test to defeat the most powerful prey possible in the mountain range and bring
the evidence.

Regardless of grades, it was a matter of pride for the other students to hunt prey
stronger than them.

“So that’s why we ask each other. Lee Han.”

"Right. Durgyu. But in my opinion, I don’t think it’s okay to leave grades.”

Ian said calmly.

It's a final exam, but what kind of nonsense is it that you fight your pride over
your grades?

Just grades are more important!

“Yeah, that’s right, but… it’s a very important issue within the White Tiger

“Durgyu. Don't be silly. Come to think of it, didn't you find out what we

Durguna Moradi was a member of the White Tiger Tower, so she often bumped into
other students.

Moradiya is a character who knows how to take care of his share, so he would have
never been noticed, but Durgyu was a little sloppy and had a hogu-like aspect.

If your friends ask you earnestly, you might accidentally leak information!

“Don't worry. Lee Han. No one will know what we brought.”

"okay. Good luck.”

It was very important not to reveal your hand in this competitive test.

As soon as they become known, the competition will only overheat and we will get
tired of each other.

Lee Han didn't want a fight that left only scars for each other like that.

“Okay, Durgyu? We take care of our friends.”

"right. choi. Be mindful.”


Durgyu looked at Lee Han and Giselle with complicated expressions.

There was something suspicious about the two of them concentrating on persuading
only Durgyu.

* * *

Duke of House Jay looked around. Then Gatono of the Dulac family gave him a

“I’m going to take notice of the others. Be still.”

“Mi, I’m sorry.”


The two kept their composure as much as possible and looked ahead. Another student
from the same party asked.

“But if you come here, can I tell you?”

"no! Submit as quietly as possible. There's nothing good about stimulating other
people for nothing."

“Anyway, is it possible to come back now?”

The White Tiger Top student asked in disbelief.

At most, you only have an hour or two left, but in the meantime, how can you find
and kill a bird of prey?

“Wordanaj madman can do that.”

"right. Wodanaj, don't provoke him for nothing!"


The white tiger top student who asked the question involuntarily nodded.

Of course, it was nonsense, but there was a sincere force in the words of the
other two friends.

Gatono reached into his backpack. I could feel the hard texture wrapped in cloth.

Surprisingly, this...

These were the shoes the giant wore.

'No one could have come with such a great game as us!'

Gatono was convinced.

No matter how Wodanaj, Durgyu, or Moradi had excellent swordsmanship, this was

So did the other students.

After trying to catch the giant, he suffered the shame and suffering, who would
have tried to catch the giant again?

But Gatono and his friends were different. They didn't give up.

- Mr. Gesse. We want to face the giant.

- Help!

Guesse, a hunter belonging to the Wasteland Starcatcher, was moved by the

enthusiasm of the White Tiger Tower students who continued to visit.

As they came to teach and help students in the first place, it was inevitable that
the students who took time to visit were extraordinary.

- That heart, it's very good. So let me help you this one time.

- Really!?

- Whether you can do it or not, depends on your abilities. I can't help you there.

-Do not worry! I will do anything!

Gatono and his friends exclaimed eagerly.

I felt like I could do anything right now.

-ruler. All you have to do is crawl into that cage and bring the shoes the giant
took off.

-Uh... You don't fight the giants yourself?

-Absolutely. You can't allow a first-year student to fight the giant directly.



- Why?

-it's nothing...

-Coming back to the point, you don't have to fight giants. Even the shoes the
giant wore would be enough evidence.

-But the test is to take down the prey and bring the evidence, right?

-If someone sneaks in and takes your shoes and you don't notice, that's a loss in
itself. At least in our Wasteland Starfish.

- That... Is that so?

The White Tiger Tower students were fascinated by the logic of the hunter.

In fact, I would have accepted it even if it was a far more absurd sound as I
didn't have to fight the giant directly.

-for a moment. Mr. Gesse. Over there, the beast cage is completely muddy.
- So even better. The mud will hide the smell so the giant won't notice. Plus, it
can hide under pigs if you tease it.

-...Is there any other way other than crawling?

-Nothing other than dealing directly with the giant.

The students of the White Horai Top thought for a long time, but eventually threw
off their clothes and crawled through the mud.

The smell was so bad that even after washing it for days, it stung my nose, but it
was worth it.

These are the shoes the giant wore.

Who would have brought something like this?

Gatono was so drunk on himself that he didn't notice that another student was
approaching from behind.


Another party student approached and quickly tapped Gatono's hand.

Then the giant's shoes inside rolled out.


“Hey, aren’t those the giants’ shoes?! They look like shoes worn by giants?!”

“Friends! These bastards broke their promises and dealt with giants!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower who approached because they thought it was
suspicious were shocked to see the giant's shoes.

We decided not to aim for a giant together, and did such a disgraceful feat?

“You coward! Are you still knights?”

“I am honest. Looking up to the sky, there is nothing to be ashamed of! The

promise I made at that time was not to deal with giants because it's dangerous. We
came here because we had the confidence to face the giant. What's wrong with that?"

"lie! A topic we hid in fear of targeting giants!”

“If you are envious, tell me that you are envious. Don’t be ugly and jealous!”

“Are you done talking now?!”

The White Tiger Tower students did not end in an argument, but began to grab each
other's neck and swing their fists.

Lee Han, who was sitting with Moradi and Durgyu from a distance, clicked his
tongue at the sight.

“Stupid. Breaking a promise and dealing with giants without friends knowing.”

“…Lee, Lee Han. But we also dealt with giants.”

“We didn’t notice.”

“We didn’t hear it.”


* * *

Professor Ingaldel thanked the shadow patrol hunters, Vaishada and Wasteland
Starslayer, and Gesse.

“Thanks to both of you for your help.”

“Oh, no. professor."

“As a hunter, it is an honor for me to teach young wizards.”

'You're really good at talking.'

Vaishada admired Gesse's speech.

It wasn't for nothing that he was a member of the Wasteland Starman, which
appeared a lot in the Imperial newspapers. It was a different level of speech than
the shadow patrol hunters.

"Thank you for saying that. ruler. Shall we see what the students have been
hunting then?”

The two hunters sat down with the professor.

The students taking the swordsmanship lecture presented evidence of the prey they
faced in turn, and the two hunters opened their mouths with excitement each time.

“This is a Vampire Shade Bat! It would be difficult to get out of the cave during
this time, but...”

“Catch a walking flame mushroom. Wizards look like wizards. Even hunters are
picky, so he avoids them.”

“You brought the fruit of the vine hunter. Is that great?”

Meanwhile, it was Katono and his friends' turn.

When the giant's shoes came up, Professor Ingaldel admired it as well.

“The shoes the giant was wearing…! I brought it for you!”

Gatono, who had a bruise in one eye, said cautiously.

“I couldn’t take down the giant.”

“It doesn’t matter. Even though I couldn’t take it down, the one I brought is even

Professor Ingaldel said so and looked at Gesse.

“Mr. Gesse. Thank you again."

"professor. I knew you were wise, but I was really surprised. How did you know?”
“How would the first-year students think of dealing with giants if Mr. Gesse had
not given them advice?”

Guesse coughed in embarrassment.

Seeing that, Baishada was envious to himself.

To have fame, popularity, skill, and excellent advice to teach even wizards.

'Isn't that too unfair?'

Next was Lee Han and friends.

When Lee Han submitted the hair of the giant, Ikurusha, Professor Ingaldel and
Gesse spit out the water they were drinking.

Then he looked at Baishada with a shocked expression.

Vaishada cried out in fright.

“No, no, no… I didn’t do anything.”

"I know. Mr. Baishada.”

“You know!”

“In the original teaching, it felt like nothing. But on the learning side, that
single word brings a great realization...”



Baishada was taken aback by Professor Ingaldel's smirk.


“I didn’t really give you any advice…”

"no. Vaishada’s teachings have been a great lesson for us.”

At Ihan's words, Baishada's eyes widened.

Thank you, but it wasn't too much of a disappointment.

More than anything...

'You guys, you had a giant's hair cut before I even taught you!'

Of course, Baishada was not without advice.

The last time I went on a hunt with Lee Han and his party, he taught me various

But it was a lesson necessary for hunting, and had nothing to do with the hair of
a giant.

Anyone who hears it would think that the giant's hair was cut thanks to Baishada's

“You don't have to be too humble. Mr. Baishada.”

"you're right. I really appreciate it.”

Professor Ingaldel, as well as Gesse, paid a respectful glance.

Stealing the giant's shoes and cutting off the giant's hair are completely
different stories.

The latter could never be brought easily unless you defeated the giant.

But that's what freshmen do.

It was only natural for Ingaldel and Gesse to show respect.


I wanted to receive respect from Gesse.

But it was never like this!

'I feel complicated...'

Vaishada did not know whether to like it or not.

* * *

After submitting the assignment and completing the evaluation, Lee Han tied the
laces of his boots tightly.

Then he cast a strengthening magic on himself.


Durgyu was taken aback by his friend's sudden magic cast.

“But why? Lee Han?”

“Durgyu. Then see you next time.”

Lee Han hurriedly jumped out.

They ran out so fast that even after Durgyu and Giselle ran out, it was too late
to grasp the situation.

“What the...”

“Durgyu! How could you not even talk to us!”


When other students from the White Tiger Tower came to him with a face full of
betrayal, Durgyu realized why Lee Han had run away.

Unless it was the same tower as the students of the White Tiger Tower, Lee Han
would not see each other if he avoided his seat.
There is no reason to stay and fight.

“Such a bastard...”

“I wouldn’t mean anything bad.”

* * *

The week of final exams is already half over.

'After a while, everyone will be indistinguishable from the undead.'

Lee Han looked at his friends and thought so.

Now, if it wasn't for the skin of the friends, it was hard to distinguish them
from the skeleton warriors.

“Lee Han. Coffee is over.”

Yoner whispered bitterly, as if saying something like, 'The empire has fallen and
the Great Evil of Hell has arrived at the gates'.

Of course, holding an empty coffee tin and saying that didn't sound trivial.


“The sugar has also gone down… There are a lot more things than I thought right


Lee Han knew as much as he managed the Blue Dragon Tower's grocery store.

Of course, there were still plenty of ingredients for the meal, canned meat with
meat, and various seasonings and vegetables.

Lee Han did not want to fill his meals with meals from school, so he prioritized

However, favorite foods such as coffee or tea, or snacks, were a different story.

The amount of food is not as abundant as other foods, and the students ate a lot
as they entered the exam period...

I recently went out and robbed the candy store halfway, but the consumption was so
fast that it was annoying.

'Actually, it's not strange that your top students ate at the same time, so it's
not that bad.'

“Lee Han. Now, let's take out a cake to commemorate the end of the semester. The
living must live. You can't starve to death."

Ignoring Gainando's sullen talk next to him, Lee Han told his friends.

“Can’t we just be patient? If you only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner…”

Lee Han didn't think it was the worst, but the Blue Dragon Tower students were
"Oh my gosh!!"

"Oh God! How could this happen!!”

"This must be the principal's conspiracy!"

'I think these children should experience how other top students live.'

“Wow, Wodanaj. coffee? No coffee? Without the hot, sugary coffee, my test would be

“How about using chicory or dandelion root instead?”

When the roots of other plants are roasted and boiled in water, it becomes a
beverage that tastes similar to coffee.

The Black Turtle Tower students actually enjoyed doing that.

However, at Lee Han's words, the Blue Dragon Tower students were greatly shocked.

“Hey, can you eat that?”

“Isn’t that a joke?”


Gainando asked from the side.

“Can’t we give it to other top students in the future?”

“But you can’t give it to me.”

At Lee Han's words, Gainando put on a slightly moved expression.

Even though they gave up so much to the Black Turtle Tower, I wondered why the
unlucky White Tiger Tower bastards would distribute groceries, but Lee Han
certainly had a large bowl.

How dare you reach out to such unlucky people like that.

Guynando stole his nose.

'I should also imitate.'

"okay. You're right. Lee Han.”


Lee Han looked at Gainando as if surprised.

If Gainan had a personality, he knew how to say, 'No matter how much money you
pay, don't give it to those people!'

“Then what should I do, Lee Han?”

“You told me before. Please take note.”

"yes? What are you referring to?”

“Just be patient and study.”


* * *

“Wordanaj-sama. I have something to tell you.”


Lee Han, who was fiddling with his shield for Professor Verdus' final exam, was
puzzled by Ratford's visit.

“Is there anything I want to ask you? What class did you get stuck in?”

"ah. That’s fine.”

“Have you finished your studies yet?”

"no. But there are many things in the world that are more important than exams.”


Ihan tilted his head.

Is there such a thing?

“More than that, look at this.”

Ratford took the map out of his pocket. It was a map to somewhere on the second
floor of the main building.

“Is this… the kitchen?”

"Yes. A kitchen connected to the grocery store.”

Ratford said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Take this together. Wodanaj-sama.”


Until recently, Lee Han thought, 'I do everything because I don't want to study.'

To come to the kitchen in the school like this, knowing that favorite food ran out
from the Blue Dragon Tower.

"Thank you. Knowing that our TOP’s favorite food is running out, they are so

"Yes? Are you out of food?”

Ratford looked at Lee Han in amazement.

Ihan was also surprised.

“Did you not know? for a moment. Then why did you bring this?”
"Yes? Hey... Now that we know the location, we should brush it off before someone
else takes it, right?”


Lee Han admired in a different way.

Just as a real climber climbs a mountain just because it's there, a real thief
just steals because there's something to steal.

It didn't matter if it was a trial period or not.

If your fingers are itchy, take action!

“If it’s on the second floor… it’s not bad.”

If it was on the 3rd or 4th floor, Lee Han would have been a little worried.

From the 3rd floor of the magic school, every time they visited, all sorts of
changes took place, and the innocent students were fucked.

However, on the second floor, such changes were relatively rare.

If I knew how to get there, I could quickly get in and get out at night.

"great. Would you like to go back tonight to refresh yourself?”

“You thought well. Others might take it.”

“Other people? Who knows?”

"ah. Tutanta and his friends know. They're probably looking for them too."

"okay? Did you find it together? It’s been coincidental.”

“It is not. I stole what Tutanta found and brought it back.”

“…let’s leave right now.”

Lee Han decided to leave without waiting until night.

For nothing, it seemed that misunderstandings would only pile up if we ran into
Black Turtle Tower students at night.

* * *

Yoner asked curiously.

“Can I bring more?”

“First of all, you don’t need to bring a lot…”

The semester was coming to an end anyway, so I didn't need to bring much.

“…it wouldn’t be good if it leaked out.”


Yoner tilted his head.

“Is that over there?”


"for a moment. Ratford. match your stride. When you go outside, the invisibility
is released.”

Now, Lee Han was amplifying the invisibility magic and using it.

How I learned while dealing with Rock Drake.

Casting <Gonadaltes' Cloak of Invisibility> along with the Spire Keeper's Necklace
will increase the range of invisibility magic.

Of course, it wasn't perfect. As soon as it deviated from the area even a little,
the invisibility was released.


Ratford quickly picked up the lock and opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Lee Han realized that he had come to the right
place. There was a faint smell of food coming from inside.

'You're lucky.'

On the 2nd floor of the relatively close main building, it's a warehouse with no
special guards or defenses.

This was a level of luck that I couldn't ask for any more.

'but. I suffered so much, but it's okay to accept this much.'

“Snow. See through the darkness.”

Lee Han cast dark vision magic and stepped into the kitchen.

In the inner corner was a door leading to the adjacent pantry. Lee Han quietly
opened the door and went inside and started robbing him quickly.

Starting with a can of coffee powder, sugar, condensed milk, honey, and tea leaves
were piled up in the backpack one by one.

As he felt the heaviness of the backpack, Lee Han seemed to understand Ratford's

'It's definitely more fun to steal at night than to buy with money.'

Moreover, the fun doubled when I thought that these foodstuffs were bought with
money by the Skeleton Principal.

“It’s done.”

“I’m done too.”

“I’m done too.”

"let's go!"
If there's one thing I've learned at the magic school, it's that once you've
achieved your goal, you shouldn't be fooled.

Lee Han turned around without hesitation.


As I was leaving the kitchen and walking out into the hallway, friends with
familiar faces appeared from the other side.

Seeing the Salco gang, Lee Han felt a little sorry.

'But there's still a lot left, so it'll be fine.'

Thanks to a fairly conscientious turn, there was plenty of food left for the
Salchod gang to take.

Moreover, Lee Han and Yoner swept like a pro under Ratford's command.

Salco, who arrives late, won't even notice that someone has come and gone first.


Thanks to the invisibility magic, the Salchoed gang went into the kitchen without
noticing Lee Han and his party.

In that moment, I could feel the powerful flow of magical power.

Iron jerk!



When the kitchen door closed with a heavy noise, he tried to open it in a hurry,
as if he noticed something strange inside.

But the door only made a loud noise and didn't open.

'There was a trap!'

Lee Han had goosebumps on his back.

There was no monitoring or magic on the 2nd floor of the main building, so I was
relieved, but there must have been a trap like this.

Also, in Einroguard, you never had to be vigilant.

“Why did it work?”

“It’s like a trap that works when the number of intruders exceeds a certain

It was indeed a malicious trap.

It's a trap that you don't notice when 2 or 3 people come in, and you get trapped
the moment you invite your friends!
Lee Han paused the invisibility magic for a moment and approached the door.
Ratford asked cautiously.

“Would you like to help?”

"no. Just checking.”

I'm sorry, but if I tried to help now, I could be caught together.

Before running away, Lee Han tried to find out what kind of magic it was.

In the future, whenever we encounter such magic, we will be able to respond.

'The flow and composition are roughly...'

Iron jerk!

As soon as you put your hand closer, the door opened.

Thanks to this, I made eye contact with the Salchoed gang who were trying to open
the door from inside.



Ian said firmly.

“I came to the rescue.”


“Oh…thank you.”

Salco first expressed his gratitude.

“Wordanaz. Thank you."

Salco's other gang behind him also expressed his gratitude. Some were about to

Just before, I was in despair knowing that I would be imprisoned like this, but
suddenly Lee Han came and saved me, so I was touched.

It was surprising and bewildering, but after a bewildered thank you was given,
Salco felt something strange.

But why is Wodanaj here?

“By the way, Wodanaj. What's going on here...?”

“Now is not the time to have a conversation here. You have to move fast! You never
know when the pursuer will come after you!”

“Right, that’s right.”

As Lee Han whispered urgently, Salko immediately understood.

As long as the trap was activated, it was not strange when the principal's
minions, who were waiting around, came to visit.

I had to escape as quickly as possible.

"Come this way!"

“Let’s go down the stairs on the left rather than the central stairs! There is no
hiding place on the central staircase!”

"i get it! All quickly…”

Fortunately, the first-year students moved quickly without any blockage.

All of them were students who had been around at night, so they did not waste time
needlessly in this situation.

“Wow, Wodanaj! shout in front! Someone is coming!”

“Go into the next room! I will cast invisibility magic!”

When he came down to the first floor, when he heard the sound of someone walking
along with the sound of words from the front of the hallway, Lee Han immediately
turned and went into the classroom next to him.

Fortunately, the classroom was dark, but Lee Han was not vigilant.

“Cloak, devour me!”

As the invisibility magic was amplified, Lee Han made everyone stick together.

Salco frowned when he saw Lee Han raising his elbow over his head, but he didn't
say anything because of the circumstances.

- Where? Is it the kitchen?

- It's on the second floor.

- Who touched it?

- Probably freshmen. It's sad. Einroguard is not a very easy place...

The Death Knights started talking as if they were sorry.

On the 2nd floor of the main building, which is relatively easy to access, there
is a kitchen and a pantry with no special guards or defenses.

In Einroguard, I had to be more suspicious.

- Still, you'll learn if you go to the punishment room a few times.

- That's right. Isn't it all about growing up?



The atmosphere of the students hiding in the classroom became chilly.

He realized that he had just stepped on the threshold of the underworld.

“…Thank you so much. Wodanaz.”

"done. I didn't mean to be thanked. Can I just go? I don't think there's anything
good about being together now."

Lee Han said firmly, controlling his expression in order not to get caught on the
groceries that were heavily stuffed in the backpack.

No matter how much Salco and his gang were grateful for now, he couldn't tell if
that would be the case even after learning that Lee Han and his party had robbed
them first.

'Once they split, what if I have doubts later?'


“It’s really different from the other Blue Dragon Tower guys.”

All of the Black Turtle Tower students were deeply impressed by Lee Han's
unflinching appearance even after helping him.

If he had been another Blue Dragon Tower student, he would have been bragging
about his family, bloodlines, and honor for thirty minutes or so.

'It is said that when honorable people do good deeds, they do it not to raise
their own honor, but because the work is good. That's not true!'

Even the toughest and most arrogant student in the Black Turtle Tower could not
deny Wodanaj's honor.

“Wordanaz. I have something to tell you in return.”

“Should I do it now?”

Lee Han glanced at the door, just wanting to get out quickly.

These kids are annoying...

'Maybe he didn't notice.'

“You must do it now.”

"i get it. tell me Instead, speak quickly.”

“Do you know Professor Thunderstep?”

"of course."

Every time I took a break, I went to the garden and did chores, so there was no
way I was not aware of it. In response to Lee Han's answer, Salco nodded his head
and continued his speech.

“It was witnessed by one of our top students yesterday. In the middle of the
night, Professor Thunderstep came in with a Hydra.”

“…I must have been tired from studying too much. I think I heard it wrong. What
did you bring?”


Lee Han frowned and fell in thought.


A monster with nine heads, strong regenerative abilities, and venomous poison.

Even in the empire where all kinds of wild and dangerous monsters were scattered,
Hydra was one of the top players.

But Professor Thunderbolt brought it in??

'Does it make sense?'

Originally, I would have said that I saw it wrong, but Lee Han didn't.

It was so unreasonable that I had faith in it.

Because anything could happen in Einroguard.

“Still, he said he wasn’t a grown man. It must have been a baby.”

"I'm so glad you're a kid! If it was a grown up guy, I wouldn't have the
confidence to deal with it, but if it's a cub, I'm confident that I'll be able to
deal with it."

“Is that really true?”

“…just kidding, of course.”

Ian was not funny.

I was sarcastic, but you took it seriously.

Salco's face flushed as he knew he was making a silly noise.

“To be serious, I misunderstood. Anyway, Wodanaj, I know you're taking an alchemy



“Black magic, summon magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic, foresight magic,
transformation magic, and healing magic too.”

“…I don’t need to tell you all that, right?”

“Anyway, I’m telling you because I think it’s good to know in advance. I'm also
preparing for the exams in other lectures, so it would be good to know at least one
in advance."

Yoner, who was listening next to him, murmured.

“I don’t think it would be of much help if I knew.”

* * *
“Hydra... What is the test related to hydra?”

way back.

I had to be happy as much as I had everything I wanted, but it was just as heavy
as a heavy backpack.

Yonerna Ratford also had a serious expression on her face.

“It could be a potion that puts the Hydra to sleep.”

“It may be a potion that makes the Hydra go wild.”

“Even if the former is the case, the latter is… probably not.”

Even if the Einroguard is an Einroguard, there is no way to feed the Hydra with a
potion that makes the Hydra go crazy in the test area where the students are


“A potion of hydra regeneration inhibition? Hydra poison poison potion?”

“You probably wouldn’t do that…”

Yoner said with a tired expression on Lee Han's cruel prediction.

“Isn’t that what you brought with you to use it as an ingredient? You might need
something like Hydra's blood for the potion you're targeting."

"indeed. It seems plausible.”

Ratford plausibly agreed.

However, Lee Han could not easily accept it.

“Again, Professor Thunderbolt said that the difficulty of the test was raised,
isn’t it too easy?”

“It’s not easy.”

“It’s not easy.”

"no. That seems a bit easy.”



Yonaire and Ratford looked at each other.

- You speak well.

- What should I say?

"for a moment."

Thanks to his hearing, which has been sharpened by the enhancement magic, Lee Han
recognized the sound of footsteps coming from afar.
As soon as I went into the classroom next door and held my breath, the Death
Knights passed through the hallways talking again and again.

- I don't know who you are, but you escaped. It looks like it was split in half
and waited outside? These freshmen look very clever.

- I don't think they're freshmen. Even if he had been waiting outside, the moment
he touched the sealing door, all his magical power would have been sucked out.

-but. It's not a job for a freshman to do, seeing that he pours out his magical
energy until the seal is unlocked. I'll have to go see what the seniors are doing.


Lee Han vowed to himself.

In the future, even if a really plausible prey appears in front of me, I will try
to cross the stone bridge dozens of times.

* * *

"I trust you. Marronnier.”

<Basic vehicle training> final exam.

Yonaire hugged the chestnut-haired horse's neck and whispered.

"you can do it. Grand Emperor Guynando Imperator.”

“You just have to practice. got it?"

One by one the other students also talked to the horse they had been caring for
during the semester.

As he was about to take the exam, his voice was filled with wrath.

“Phone League.”


When Lee Han spoke, Fonleague's eyes twinkled as if expecting it.

The owner is stingy with compliments, but this time it's definitely...

“Do not attack other horses.”


Fonrig got angry and started throwing dirt with his hooves.

Guy Nando, who was passing by, ate a handful of soil and spit it out.

“Look. I'm worried because I'm acting like this."

boo hoo! hee hee hee! Pu hee hee hee!

Fonrig cried in a voice full of resentment.

At first, the griffon was a stubborn beast.

Of course, it would be stressful to have a noble beast take the form of a horse
after being cursed.

And above all, if the owner is suspicious, of course he gets angry!

“Okay. I was wrong. Anyway, don't attack other horses until I say it. got it?"

'Before speaking?'

Yoner tilted his head and brushed the horse's hair.

In the meantime, Professor Lightning Walk, who had finished his work, appeared on
the expansive site, wiping his hands.

“Everyone worked hard during the semester. I hope you learned a lot while getting
to know the horse. Animals that help wizards like horses are rare. Once you get to
know each other, you are the most reliable friend who will never betray you and
will help you no matter what. After the lecture, take him with you.”


"thank you!"

The faces of the students who received friendly words as a gift brightened. Lee
Han looked at the phone league. Fonrig looked at him with gentle eyes as if asking

'Isn't he talking?'

While I was thinking about something else, Professor Lightning Walk looked at Lee
Han and asked.

“Why don’t you come out to the stables during vacation?”

Ian was terrified.


“I’m joking, so don’t be so mean.”


Lee Han repented.

He couldn't control his emotions at the absurd words.

“Of course it was a joke to say that you should come out to the stables during
vacation, but as long as you take care of the phone league, it will take a little
bit of work even during vacation. Griffons are pretty annoying animals.”

Fonleague roared as if not to worry. Lee Han was a little worried about that

“Aren’t the curses going to be lifted during vacation?”

“It will not happen. ...maybe. In any case, if you need help or need a spacious
place for the von league to play, come to Einrogard Stable. I will be at school
this vacation.”

"thank you."

Of course, Lee Han was never going to even come close to Einro Guard during

He wouldn't even breathe in the direction of Einroguard.

"ruler. Then let’s start slowly.”

Professor Lightning Walk pointed to the wide vacant lot with no end in sight with
his riding whip.

Obstacles installed everywhere.

If the midterm exam was just a sprint, the final exam had to jump over these
obstacles together.

The difficulty seemed quite high, but the students were surprisingly calm.

After watching other final exams all week, this kind of exam now feels frivolous.

“This is enough for a change of mood.”

“That’s right.”

Besides, there were many confident students in the <Basic Vehicle Training>
lecture, even though they didn't know about other lectures.

As much as they have been riding horses since they were young, everyone had the
pride in their hearts that 'I'm better than others'.

“Yone. I think it would be better not to run ahead even when the starting signal
comes out.”


Before Lee Han could answer, Professor Lightning Gaul gave the start signal.

Then the students waiting at the starting line rode their horses like lightning
and jumped forward.

Little by little-


One of the students who was running from the front was hit by a stream of water
from the side and fell.


“I think so.”


The incident where he almost got locked up while robbing the kitchen was a lesson
for Lee Han.
In Einroguard, doubt everything!

'I didn't know the water cannons would fly.'

All you have to do is jump over the obstacles that have been installed.

Isn't it too easy?

Of course, Lee Han predicted that there would be additional pitfalls.

Thanks to this, only the students who dared to run carelessly from Einroguard were
enjoying the good taste.

“Wordanaz! too...”

"Woodanaz didn't shoot it!"

"ah. okay?"


"professor! The spirit must have been summoned by mistake!”

“I installed it, so try to avoid it.”

"Yes? What…”

“It would be better to focus on the talk time. If it falls, points are deducted.”

The students, who started out with great momentum, slowed down and scattered.

I realized that running fast is not all there is to it.

If you speed up and get a surprise and fall off the horse, the damage was greater.

“Gather this way! Let's go this way!”

“Isn’t there a trap?”

“This one was just fine! A group of people gathered at once…”


“Don’t try to memorize. It wasn't that easy to place.”

“No... Professor!!”

The student, whose head was burnt, looked at Professor Lightning Walk as if in

Why on earth are you so serious about obstacles?

Can't we just set up hurdles that we can jump over?

“Everyone this way.”

Lee Han summoned his friends.

As I felt last time, it was advantageous to pass the vehicle training lecture by
making a group basically.

The bigger the size, the easier it is to withstand attacks coming from outside,
and the more the wizard's hand increases, the more magic he can use.

“Don’t rush, let’s just go with breaking news. Asan. the left is yours Yonner.
I'll ask for the right. Nelia. Please come back.”

“Am I ahead?”

Gainando asked naturally.

"no. You just stay by my side and say magic.”

"indeed. It's like a trump card just in case. Right?"


“…Uh, uh.”

Friends admired Gainando's positive attitude.

"let's go. Once you're late, it's hard to catch up."

Lee Han and his friends nodded once and set off.

Professor Lightning Walk, who saw this, gave a high evaluation to himself.

'It was well put together in a short time.'

Being able to breathe with other people on horseback was completely different from
breathing with bare body on flat ground.

As we had to keep pace with each other while dealing with rough horses, it was
important not only to handle them well, but also to understand each other.

We're not even top students in the same class, but how can we match the sum so

"Right side!"

Lee Han, who felt the flow of magic, spoke first, and Yoner immediately took out
the potion.

Casting magic on a swaying horse could have failed. In that case, a potion made in
advance was safer.


With the sound of the potion bottle breaking, the flying magic missiles scattered.

'This is the <Potion of Nullification of Lesser Magic>.'


Asan swung his staff as if waiting. As much as she had prepared before, her magic
was cast safely.

A lump of mud that had been blown away by a strong wind turned its orbit.
Lee Han didn't even need to say anything about the attack coming from behind.
Nelia, who noticed first, immediately threw an arrow and dropped it.

'A good start!'

'If it's like this...!'

The friends could feel that they were making sense even without exchanging

A sense of unity that can only be felt in perfect breathing!


But the crisis was only just beginning.

A green mist spread from behind and flew in.

It was an obstacle that could not be dropped by shooting with a bow or blocked by
the magic it had. Nelia's hand stopped for a moment.


As Nelia didn't seem to be able to respond, Lee Han immediately swung her staff.
Green mist scattered in the air.

When Professor Lightning Walk saw this, he was startled.


Evaporative properties, which are deep areas of water elemental properties.

As it is a difficult and difficult area, of course, it was not something a first-

year student could handle.

What's more, balancing on a horse and blowing fog from a distance at once.

It was surprising, but I was amazed every time I saw it.

Talent is also a talent, but that zeal for learning magic without resting for the

Papa Papa Papak!


This time, a crisis struck the Asan side.

When more than ten magical spheres flew at the same time, he became nervous.

"Soil... Kolok, Kolok!"

As it requires a high degree of concentration, using magic in battle was more

difficult than expected.

Even the most seasoned wizards could make mistakes at any time if they weren't
trained in magic battles professionally.
It wasn't a battle situation right now, but it was enough to make a first-year
student make a mistake.

“Shield, unfold!”

Lee Han quickly summoned the water and transformed it into an elongated shield. A
blunt sound was heard as a sphere of magical power fell on it.

“I ran out of potion!”

Gainando exclaimed urgently. While blocking the other side, the attack was flying
in the direction of Yone.


When he blocked the attack by blowing lightning, he was able to breathe.

When it was time to catch his breath, Lee Han said to his friends.

“Everyone suffered. We were able to break through it thanks to all of us working





“Why is everyone doing this?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Friends waved.

...if I had just run Wodanaj alone, I think I would have pierced it...

* * *

As time passed, students from all over the world began to emerge one by one.

No matter how many obstacles there were, the more you ran into them, the more your
blocking skills were bound to increase.

“More speed!”

Shiles of the Richmond house signaled with a wide swing of his arm.

He is also an excellent jockey (騎手), and his friends who work with Shiles are
also among the top horseback riders in the tower.

When taking a break, it was only natural for students to stand out as they were
confident enough to ride a horse and enjoy Gyukgu.

If Lee Han and his party formed a solid formation and chose the Jeonggong method,
Shiles and his party quickly increased their speed and chose to break through.

In the process, one or two unlucky ones will leave, but I was thinking of taking
that into consideration.
'I will get the best grades in this lecture!'

With the sound of the horses' hoofs hitting the ground rapidly, Shiles ran out.

It was impossible with ordinary skill and guts to increase speed like this in a
situation where obstacles were scattered everywhere. Clearly, Shiles was an
excellent rider.

“It’s a return point!”


Shiles' heart swelled at the thought of returning to the turning point seen from

At that moment, a huge monster appeared from the ground with a heavy vibration.


Before the dust could disappear, a loud shout came from behind.


"What?! Hydra?!"

The students shrugged in surprise.

However, after the dust disappeared, it wasn't the Hydra that appeared in it.

It was just an ordinary sand octopus.

“It’s all good. It wasn't a hydra."

“Not lucky!”

A sand octopus with a huge size was never a savvy monster.

Of course, compared to the Hydra, it had no venom and was a much less ferocious
monster, but in this situation...


The long legs of the sand octopus flew like a whip. The sand spurted out with a
sharp sound, obscuring his vision.

“It’s my favorite monster, so don’t attack me!”

Professor Lightning Walk from behind said with delight.

It was worthwhile to raise them with expensive feed.

"professor! No matter what, this is woeful!”

One of the students who tried to argue got caught in the octopus's legs and was
dragged away.

“In the time of arguing, start by thinking about how to get out after making a
quick turnaround point.”
“It wasn’t a Hydra.”

Lee Han, who arrived late, muttered as he watched the mess that was taking place
at the turning point.

Suddenly, a huge monster came out from below, so I started thinking about the
Hydra I heard last time.

“Wordanaz! It's not a hydra! How can you use such a trick!”

To the protest from the other side, Lee Han tried to answer that it was a mistake.

However, Asan and Kainando answered first.

“A fool is a fool!”

“Where are the people who trust others in the competition! You lose because you
have such a complacency!”

“Ugh...! These children!”


Lee Han stared at the back of the two of them and turned his gaze away.

Now, more important than resolving misunderstandings was making a turning point
and getting out.

'It should be done as soon as possible.'

As time passed, the difficulty increased as the number of other students who drew
attention from the side decreased.


One of the students of the Black Turtle Tower had a talent for illusion magic, and
in the midst of confusion, he summoned an illusion.

It wasn't a very good fantasy. The shape was squashed and not clear, so if you
look closely, anyone can tell that it is an illusion.

But in such a messy situation, it was easy to be deceived at first glance. After
all, the opponent isn't a monster.


However, the sand octopus didn't even look at the vision, just stretched out its
legs and grabbed one of the students and went away.


Ian realized that.

'It is not perceived by sight!'

As much as he learned about fantasy magic quite harshly, Lee Han knew that
illusion magic was also divided into several classes.

The same illusion is illusion magic that uses vision.

It was a magic that created an illusion by distorting the surrounding air with
heat or freezing the air with cold.

But if the other person didn't see it with their own eyes, it was meaningless. In
fact, the sand octopus was half buried in the ground.

'I said that my vision is too good...'

It was clear that he was aware of the approach of the enemy by the vibrations
echoing on the ground.

Then, such a series of fantasies was meaningless.

'Fahite's illusion magic doesn't work. Way...'

Lee Han prepared <Gonadaltes' Cloak of Invisibility> and an invisibility necklace.

Unlike Farhaite's illusion magic, which creates illusions with heat, Gonadaltes'
invisibility cloak or invisibility necklace was a type of illusion magic that
directly approached perception.

“Cloak, devour me!”

“Wordanaz. It is unreasonable to keep pace on horseback!”

"Know. Let's break through one by one. Others draw attention!”

Instead of breaking through several people at once, Lee Han chose to break

It will take some time, but it was safe. The area of invisibility magic was not
wide enough to include all of his friends on horseback.

"let's go!"

Lee Han departed with Yonaire. The other friends were scattered and attracted
attention so as not to suspect the sand octopus.



The sand octopus suddenly inflated itself. Lee Han and Yoner were nervous about
the unexpected situation.


Feeling something unusual, the sand octopus started blowing a strong wind.

A wind mixed with sand engulfed the students like a storm. The sudden gust of wind
made it difficult to secure visibility.

'It's a big deal!'

Even though Lee Han himself endured, the horse Yoner rode was panicking in
bewilderment at the sudden sandstorm.

The moment you step out of invisibility, you'll notice a sand octopus approaching.
The moment Lee Han tried to tie Yoner's horse up with all his strength, help came
from behind.

It was also Gainan.


Gainando, who blasted the curse magic with great momentum, did not stop and rushed

Seeing Gainando running madly, the sand octopus stopped paying attention to other
students and focused on Gainando.

The cheeky curse magic was against the intention of the sand octopus.


Lee Han was really surprised.

I knew that Gainando had a knack for black magic, but in the current situation,
he'd be so active.

“Lee Han!”

"i get it! It passes quickly while you attract attention...”

"help me!!! This child won't listen to you!!!"

Gainando left those words behind and sprinted forward, no, he was dragged away.


Yoner, who barely calmed his words and returned, asked Lee Han.

“What did Gainando say?!”

“He told me to break through quickly because I’m going to get attention.”


Yonner was startled.

Can't you?



Gainando is a sacrifice.

No matter how hardship can change people, how can they change like this?

Yoner tilted his head. Lee Han did not give his friend time to think.

“You have to move quickly. Yone! There is no time!"

“Ah… that’s right. It did. yes!"

Gainando's charge was much more effective than expected.

Whether the curse magic was particularly effective or the cheeky sprinting
offended him, the sand octopus got up and started chasing Gainando, which had been
guarding the turning point.

Professor Lightning Walk, who at first said, 'I should have told you not to attack
the sand octopus!'

That sand octopus was somehow pulled out!

“It’s also a skill to provoke. excellent!"

Guynando's horse ran as if possessed by the sand octopus that was chasing him.

"help me!!"

“What does Gainando say?”

"I can not hear you! Ask later and run!”

“Now is your chance, guys!!”

Not only Lee Han's party, but also other top students who were looking for an
opportunity drove the horse with all their might.

In case of unforeseen circumstances, Lee Han cast magic on the horses of his

“Be full!”

The horses that had been enchanted by Ogonin's full satisfaction remained calm
even when the wind mixed with sand blew from all directions.


Fonleague grumbled as if why he didn't do it.

"run! It's dangerous when he comes back!"

All the way!

Dead Heat from all sides.

The student who reached the turning point first would get a higher score, so the
competition was fierce.


Lee Han collided with a black turtle top student who rushed from the side. Fonrig
let out an angry growl.

“Be patient. Phone League.”

“Wordanaz. I wouldn't say it's cowardly. I will not back down as it is a


"i get it."

Lee Han immediately swung his staff and blew away the water beads.

The Black Turtle Tower student, who did not know that he could even cast magic
while sprinting like this, was eliminated.


The phone league was stunned even while running at full power.

I can't attack, so I'm the master?

* * *

Gainando, who returned late, shouted, shaking off his sandy clothes.

"Hey, you cowardly ship..."

“I admired it. To lure monsters alone for the sake of her friends.”

Professor Lightning Walk said in a voice mixed with admiration. Then Kainando
answered immediately.

“…it was difficult, but I thought it was a noble duty to be done as an imperial

'I'm sure I learned that from Lee Han.'

Yoner thought to himself when he saw the figure of Gainando.

Other than that, I didn't know it was that good.

I wondered if there was anyone around to see and learn, and there was only one.

"Thank you. Kainan too.”

“Thanks, I passed!”

“I didn’t know you would make such a sacrifice!”

Other top students also flocked to thank me.

I couldn't thank you enough for pulling out the sand octopus by yourself. Even the
students, who usually hated bad luck, came to say thank you.

Gainando looked around his friends once with a puzzled expression on his face,
then nodded and answered.

“It was not an easy choice.”

“But what did you say earlier?”

“I told you to take good care of me.”

“Is that such a long word…?”

While Guy Nando was talking behind the scenes, Lee Han checked the results with
Professor Lightning Walk.

“It’s perfect.”
"thank you. professor."

“You did a good job without needing to say every word… I have one question, why
did you mistake the sand octopus for a hydra earlier?”

Ian paused.

And after thinking for a while, he said.

“I heard that Professor Thunderstep brought a Hydra.”

"What? okay?"

Professor Lightning Walk seemed really surprised.

The fact that even the professor didn't know made Lee Han's head complicated.


"If that's true, I've brought you along. It used to be like that, but it must be
harder to find these days. Shall I ask you to show it to me?”

“Didn’t the professor know?”

“I didn’t hear it. Maybe it was because he was too lazy to listen to me for

As a renowned explorer in the Empire, Professor Lightning Walk was good at dealing
with all kinds of monsters and animals.

Of course, if Professor Thunderfoot had brought a hydra, he was going to give him
all sorts of advice on how to raise it.

“Can you guess why Professor Thunderbolt brought you here?”

"Well? I don't have to know everything about him. Maybe it’s because it’s
necessary for potion research?”

Wizards were basically not interested in anything other than their own research.

Even if Professor Thunderwalk secretly brought the Hydra, that is Professor

Thunderstep's job, not Professor Lightningwalk's job.

Of course, I was worried about whether I could raise a hydra well or not, but...

“Is it possible that there may be a Hydra-related problem in the final exam?”

While Lee Han asked, Professor Lightning Walk said, 'Is that possible?' I wanted
you to reply, 'That's nonsense'.

"Five! I never thought of that.”

However, Professor Lightning Walk looked at Lee Han as if he had a good idea.

“It could be.”

Ian sighed inwardly.

'I should have been waiting for the day that the Hydra was brought in and then a
surprise attack.'

You'll pay the price for being careless!

* * *

Professor Thunderbolt waited for the students with his arms crossed and a
triumphant face.

“Are you here?”

"hello. professor."

“The test you will see today may destroy your soul.”


"cheer up!"

The incoming student stared at him and went in, but Professor Thunderwalk didn't

It was the test that he made that intoxicated himself.

The final exam questions were carefully adjusted to the level just before the
skeleton principal said, 'Isn't this a bit harsh?'

This could shatter the souls of cheeky freshmen who finish their midterm or final
assignments and say, 'I think I know a little bit about alchemy now'.

"hello. professor."

Lee Han came in with a stiff face. Professor Thunderstep nodded his head.

A disciple came in, who had raised the difficulty of the test because he received
a perfect score for the assignment he was told not to get.

The disciple had a hardened face as if he had intuited his own fate.

“The exam must have been a lot more difficult than the last time.”

“I am guessing.”

Ian sighed and said.

The substitute professors couldn't figure out why.

Wouldn't it be nice for students to do well on their exams?

'The professor taught me well, so I saw it well. Why is my pride hurting?'

"okay. That's right. kkkkkkkk…”


Professor Thunderwalker laughed so much that he forgot the possibility that his
student might come to assassinate after graduation.

Lee Han stared at Professor Thunderbolt and vowed that next time he would put on a
mask and make a surprise attack at night.

'How are you going to use Hydra?'

I talked to my friends before I came, and even when I came, I really couldn't
figure it out.

-Isn't it supposed to hunt Hydra and use its poison as an ingredient for a potion?

- Are you crazy?! It can't be. Anyway, at least subdue the Hydra or persuade them
to borrow poison.

- That sounds crazy enough.

-Si, the test has nothing to do with the Hydra, right? It could be.

-Are you an Einroguard wizard? How do you come up with such an idle thought?

-I'm sure you'll need to get the ingredients from the Hydra.

-The hydra might be protecting the ingredients...

“I am prepared, so please let me know.”

"okay. shall we start."

Professor Thunderstep walked forward.

The students waited for the professor's next move with tense eyes.

What kind of test is it?

Guyola's Dansa Potion

Irjunden's Nightmist Potion

Aurum's Soul Boosting Potion

Dobrok's Crimson Potion



The names of the potions that filled the blackboard.

Among them, there were many potions that I had never heard of.

Professor Thundereul said, enjoying the reaction of the overwhelmed students.

“It’s not about choosing one of these. By the end of today's class, hand in all
possible potions here."

Each one is a lot of work and difficult potions.

Among them, there were potions that could not be made without combining other

In a word, I thought I would never be able to make all of them, so I put together
a list of potions!

It was a really deliberate exam.

Professor Thunder Walk turned and turned to Lee Han. He must have been
embarrassed, so even the outstanding disciple was hesitating.


“Why? If there is anything you want to ask, feel free to ask.”

“Isn’t the hydra coming out?”

"Hydra? What... no, wait! How do you do that?!”

Professor Thunderwalk was startled.

How did you know that the other professors, especially Professor Lightning Walk,
took it in secret at night so they couldn't see it?

“I saw it by chance.”

“You idiot gold… yeah. If you see it, you can't help it I bought it with a big
heart. Maybe I'll get some help when I take care of them later."

I wanted to constantly extract the poison of the hydra, but the grown hydra was
too expensive and difficult to manage.

So, Professor Thunderwalk had no choice but to buy a baby Hydra.

If you raise it moderately, you can achieve a similar effect.

“Is that all?”

"what? Are you sure now that you suspect that I have tricked and sneaked into
other people? Absolutely not! It was all done with permission.”

Professor Thundergeulleum said firmly in fear that Lee Han might make a strange

He brought the Hydra from outside, but he couldn't hide it from the Skeleton

“I don’t mean that…”


“Didn’t Hydra come out of the test?”

“Why is the hydra coming to the test?”

Professor Thunderbolt looked at Lee Han as if he was talking about something.

Why would hydra appear in the first year alchemy exam? That was nonsense.

“…that’s right.”

Lee Han returned to his seat with a satisfied face.

It was only then that Professor Thunderwalker realized that he had not heard of
the test because he was talking about the Hydra.

'this. It's a pity.'

I really wanted to see you kneel before the depth and greatness of alchemy and
feel your own shortcomings...

Tak Tak Tak-

Lee Han quickly took out a potion from his backpack and laid it out.

These were potions that were difficult to make all together.

Moreover, the quality did not deteriorate. As if it was made with great care in
the alchemist's workshop.


Professor Thunderwalk was astonished.

I was guessing that Lee Han had been trying to get a potion from outside, but I
thought that there would be at least two or three more bottles left.

How could a student who has no way to bring in and no gold coins do that?

While Professor Thunderbolt was shocked and unable to speak, Lee Han proceeded
with the work step by step.

Make a fire under the cauldron, and make potions that can be made with the
ingredients you have now...

'You're lucky.'

I was worried about how the hell the Hydra would come out and make a fuss, but it
didn't matter.

Thankfully, the test wasn't that difficult.

In the first place, didn't they sweep various potions in preparation for this?

By combining the three completed potions and swinging the staff, Irjunden's
Nightmist Potion was completed.

“Aren’t you really happy? Hydra doesn't appear. I was worried a lot, but I’m

“Lee Han. The professor is staring at you.”

Yonner felt the teacher's gaze at Thunderwalk and whispered.

He was so shocked that the professor was shaking all the way to the end of his

“This is a real sword fight. The professor will understand.”

Ian said so.

Professor Thundergeulleum did his best to solve the problem, and Lee Han did his
best to solve the problem.

fair game against each other.

There should be no left over in this fight.

'I don't think you understand.'

The look on the professor's face was never that of a teacher who understood his
student's victory.

It was as if he was saying, 'Let's leave it for the next semester's exam'.

Yoner realized that even if a person did not speak, he could speak only with his
facial expression.

'Are you really okay?'

In the second semester, I might have to make a wise man's stone...

For a moment, Lee Han muttered.

“…but you can’t do it on purpose.”


Yoner looked at his friend with sad eyes.

It wasn't that Lee Han couldn't grasp the reality.

I knew it, but I was deliberately ignoring it!

* * *

Professor Flewock looked at the incoming students and said with a slightly
apologetic voice.

“What about this? Unlike other professors, my exams will not be fun.”

“Uh… what kind of test is this?”

Professor Flewock swung his wand instead of answering. Exam papers, quills, and
inkwells appeared on the students' desks.

“A very traditional, question-and-answer test, isn’t it?”

“Woah… woah ah ah ah ah!”

"professor! thank you!!!"

“There is only the professor!!”


Professor Flewock was startled by the enthusiasm of the students.


“This is what Lee Han said sitting and studying was the happiest moment.”

Gainando said in a weeping voice.

It's not a test of running here and there, but just sitting calmly and playing
with quills.

'I didn't mean that.'

As the students sat down, the test papers were turned over.

number 1. When the following statements are true, select all that are true from
the list.

-Imperial Wizard Tadingo summons five demons to make a contract. At this time, if
the demon Zercloo does not make a contract before the devil Voluda, the contract is

Lee Han felt a sense of relief when he saw the dense problem.

It was the exact opposite of the darkening of the faces of the other friends.

'It's not that difficult.'

“I was deceived by Lee Han. It's better to ride a horse."

Guy Nando was crying next to him, but Lee Han pretended he didn't hear and ignored

* * *

A priest of the Sisenza Order that worships knowledge and learning, Muhadin
lightly prayed and grabbed the quill.

It didn't come out easily because they weren't boasting, but the Phoenix Tower
students basically had high average grades.

As priests, they tend to throw away lectures that they are not interested in, but
this is enough to show how hard they study.

Among such students, Muhaddin was famous for being erudite and brilliant.

Naturally, for Muhadin, such a test of <Basic Imperial Language and Logic> was
nothing more than an obstacle that he could pass relatively easily.

'I wish other tests were like this.'

Muhadin was not interested in evading magic that came flying on his horse.

He was not interested in subduing the summoned spirits by swinging his staff.

Muhadin just wanted to sit down and read and study.

This test, which came to Muhadin after a long time, was quite satisfactory.

'Is this the third time? Hmm... Ah. Are you unraveling too quickly?'

Muhadin lifted his head in surprise, knowing that he had already solved half of
the exam questions.

The hourglass in front of me was telling me that I had plenty of time left.

'You can release it a little more slowly...'


Lee Han stood up from his seat, presented the test paper in front of him, and
bowed his head.

“Thank you for a semester. professor."

“I should be thankful that I met such an outstanding student as the Wodanaj


Professor Flewock answered in a cheerful and bright voice. Ian was slightly moved.

“The bureaucrats are the pillars that support the empire, taking care of its hard

“Hey kid. What the hell... just a clown! There is no need for Wordanaj students to
be interested.”

Lee Han went out with a slightly darkened face.

Thanks to the mood, Professor Flewock did not notice that the atmosphere in the
classroom had changed.

Muhadin suddenly came to his senses and bowed his head.

'...I guess I'm solving it too slowly!'

* * *

Dukema of House Jay, from the White Tiger Tower, exchanged glances with a friend.

-Are you ready?

-of course.

The preparation they did was preparation for the <Basic Imperial Language and
Logic> exam.

To be more specific, it was preparation for cheating, but preparation for cheating
could also be called preparation for exams in a way.

In other lectures, cheating didn't mean much, but it's effective enough for tests
like <Basic Imperial Language and Logic>.

'I prepared at least one lecture because I thought I would be able to cheat, but

If Lee Han had heard it, he would have said, 'You pathetic cubs, can you study at
that time?' But the White Tiger Top students were serious.

Fortunately, Professor Flewock did not seem to have prepared much.

It was a golden opportunity.

'Naturally, I managed to sit behind Wodanaj.'

'All that's left is to spy undetected.'

As the exam began and some time passed, Dukema felt the time had come. He pulled
out a small telescope with a blue lens from his pocket.

It was an artifact purchased with a large sum of money from the Black Turtle Tower

If you use this, Wodanaj's test map...!


Lee Han got up from his seat and presented the test paper in front of him.

Both students were stunned and lost for words.



'It's all over??'


'What is this guy...?!'

'no! Come back!!'

No matter how much they shouted inwardly, Lee Han did not come back. Gainando felt
their gaze and screamed in surprise.

“These children! To peek at my exam paper! professor! These kids are trying to
peek at my exam papers!”

“Oh no!”

“I was just surprised! I was just staring at you in surprise!”

The White Tiger Top students had no choice but to give up their cheating attempts
with tears in their eyes.

Since Wodanaj had disappeared in the first place, Gainando was the only one to
copy from, so copying it was meaningless.

* * *

“Because they are very bad guys! They tried to steal my exam papers!”


The Blue Dragon Tower students tilted their heads at Gainando's words.

Rather than being surprised that the White Tiger Tower students tried to cheat, it
was a little strange that the opponent was Gainando.


“Uh, well? Isn't it because you didn't study more than Gainando?"

“Is that possible?”

"I don't know. The white tiger towers don't make their studies dirty."

“You must have been really desperate…”

“Then I will come to take the healing magic test.”

"oh. I'll go with you too. Wodanaz.”

“I have to go too.”

The students who had heard the (forced) healing magic moved along with Lee Han.

Heading to the classroom, the students lightly complained.

“How dare you force me to listen to you like this. I have to take the exam.”

“It’s unimaginable. is not it?"

Lee Han responded to the words of his friends and showed only a gentle smile
instead of being hurt.

"ah. for a moment."

"what's the matter?"

“I must go to the tower. I left behind a book of fantasy magic.”

“What are you talking about, Wodanaj? This is a healing magic test, isn't it?"

"yes. The next test after this test is the illusion magic test.”


“…wow, can we bring it to you?”

Leaving aside the consideration of his friends, Lee Han headed for the tower

'Actually, I'm not really worried about the illusion magic test.'

Among the remaining magic tests, the most fearful was the enchantment magic test.

Submission was also located at the very end, so it made people's hearts heavy
throughout the week of final exams.

On the other hand, the illusion magic test...

'It is a reasonable test itself.'

Lee Han went to the tower, took out a book, and headed to the west lecture hall on
the first floor of the main building.

There, a healing magic test awaited.

'I don't think healing magic is too difficult.'

According to Professor Garcia, basically healing magic took a lot of time and
practice before it could be used on real people.

As such, the problems that can be presented to first-year students will be


Lee Han expected that questions in the form of exam papers would appear like
<Basic Imperial Language and Logic>.

"for a moment. What are you doing there?”


Two familiar seniors walked by from the classroom.

They were two seniors who were in charge of Phil, Chil, and Healing Magic.

Seeing a senior at the Magic School that you shouldn't normally see...

“Are you here for a test?”


“I thought you would be surprised, aren’t you?”


“Aren’t new students surprised when they see their seniors? We were like that.”

Phil said puzzled.

Einrogard students were always surprised when they entered their sophomore year.

The seniors that had not been seen before began to wander and pass by.

“It doesn’t matter now. Follow. The test location has changed.”

“Did something happen?”

“The third year must have blown up the classroom while taking the exam.”

“Isn’t that another classroom? I thought the artifacts made by the sophomores had


Hearing the creepy story, Lee Han followed the two seniors.

It's like this crazy school!

“By the way, the other friends came first, so why did you come alone late?”

“I left a book and brought it with me.”

"ah. It was... Oops. I also left Wait a moment."

Phil apologized and went back the way he had come. Chil shrugged his shoulders as
if it was ridiculous.

“Let’s wait a minute. I’m sorry.”

"it's okay. Plenty of time.”

When Lee Han stood in the hallway and tried to pull out a book, Chil looked around
and picked a classroom and opened the door.

“Don’t stand and read. Sit down and read.”

“It’s fine… Thank you.”

“What do you have with this?”

Chil's eyes looking at Lee Han were full of regret.

I listen to all the lectures, but I have to listen to healing magic.

Even if I carry all the curses in the world, it won't be so painful.

If he didn't show this kind of kindness for such a junior, that senior would have
to fall into the hottest spot in hell.


key profit...


Lee Han, who entered the classroom, was puzzled by the sound of some animals

I looked around and saw cages piled up inside, with animals wrapped in bandages or
sitting in pain.


"ah. Injured animals from the surrounding villages. This is the final exam.”


Ian was surprised.

Animals are animals too, but it was because the test questions were revealed so

'Is this okay? Is it because there is no difference?'

It was a bit embarrassing, but the test was about to start, and Lee Han didn't say
anything because he wanted to know if he was okay with the nature of the healing
“Is it a test to heal these animals?”

"right. If you're interested, it's good to practice in advance. I will watch it.”

Lee Han was slightly moved by his senior's consideration.

Do you want me to practice for the final exam first?

Like a dog... No, there was a strong bond between the students who suffered from
difficult studies.

“Are you really okay?”

"yes. After all, we can't even cure all the students who will take the exam, so we
have to make the rest of them heal. Even if you make a mistake, it'll be okay
because I'm by your side."

There were many reasons for Chil to grant this preference.

Because this wasn't the first year final exam, it was the second year final exam.


'He's like a guy who wants to learn all school magic.'

Chil looked at Lee Han with a mixture of sadness and admiration.

In fact, Chil said, 'If you're interested, you can practice first', but I didn't
expect Lee Han to really do it.

Han Lee will also be taking the final exam for the first year soon, so you should
focus on your exam right now. Why are you practicing for the final exam that the
second year sees?

Even if it was interesting, I could do it later, when I had the chance.

But the way of thinking of a genius is different from that of a criminal.

Hopefully, the juniors who want to learn all the magic of all those schools set
out to practice even when their exams were in front of them.

There was nothing else I could do about it.

I'm just silently cheering you on.

“But don’t overdo it. You have exams soon.”

"thank you."

Lee Han, who still did not know that it was the final exam of the second year, was
sincerely grateful.

If I had known the truth, I would not have known that I would have grabbed him by
the neck first.

'The opportunity given to me by my seniors kindly. You can't miss it.'

The cow, who could not get up from lying down because of a leg injury, looked at
Lee Han with sad eyes.

“I’ll do it.”


Chil stood next to Lee Han.

If Lee Han accidentally aggravates the cow's injury, he was going to take the
initiative to fix it.

'Don't just make the cow too sick.'

As it was to give first-year juniors a chance to practice, Chil did not expect Lee
Han to make a full recovery.

It would be absurd for a first-year student to treat a living creature.

It was the same with animals, not humans. It wasn't just a sophomore exam.

What Chil expected was that this brilliant junior did not aggravate the cow's

At first glance, it sounded strange, but for a low-grade student who learns
healing magic, this is really great.

It's normal to make the injury worse.

It's just amazing that it doesn't make the injury worse.

If the wound healed even a little, he had to handcuff his hands and feet and drag
him to the Tower of Healing Magic.

Healing magic was so difficult in the beginning.

“It looks like it’s fractured because it’s swollen and it feels hot.”

“Great. well understood.”

Instead of casting healing magic at once, Chil gave a high score for trying to
understand the opponent's condition first.

A healing wizard had to have all the virtues a wizard should have. In particular,
prudence was unconditional.

“Remember. emotions Seeing the pain when pressed, it looks like this part is

When he even used magic to find the fracture site, Chil's lips went up.

It may be painful for the juniors, but from the perspective of the seniors, I
couldn't help but be happy to see the juniors with outstanding healing magic

I'm sorry, but shouldn't the juniors find other juniors and bring them back?

"okay. okay. You are doing very well.”

“Let’s try one more time.”

Lee Han said so and concentrated his mind.

Although there were information obtained from the knowledge and magic learned from
the book, they could not be vigilant.

'Imagine and focus on an image with bones attached. Calmly. I've done it with the
White Tiger Tower guys...'

Lee Han thought that treating these animals wouldn't be that difficult.

Because if the difficulty had been high, it would not have come out as a first-
year exam.

If that's the case, I'm sure this limit will be able to do it.


When the concentration was over, the staff was swung and powerful magic was

The cow, who had just been making a sad cry, rolled her eyes and laughed.


And Chill almost fainted.


No matter how many times I closed and opened my eyes, it was true that my first-
year junior had healed the fracture of the cow.


"Seniors? Seniors?"

"uh? huh?”

“Well, I think you should check it out. All right, right?”

“Wow, that’s perfect.”

"Is that so?"

Ihan's face brightened.

“Do you think your senior will give you a perfect score if you grade it?”

“No… of course… it’s a perfect score… even if it doesn’t get better… it’s a
perfect score…”

Chil was so surprised that his face turned white, and Lee Han also began to feel a
sense of incongruity.


Suddenly, a familiar apprehension came over me.

“Is it okay if I don’t get better?”

“You did a good job without making it worse.”


Ian was surprised.

Come to think of it, it was not strange to have such an evaluation standard.

'shit. I should have asked that first.'

Healing magic had so many side effects that it was clear that he could get a high
score without making it worse.

Still, Ian wasn't too upset.

“But, isn’t there a student who has improved so far in the first year?”



“Yeah… this is a sophomore exam.”


Lee Han was at a loss for words after a long time.

'Are you crazy?'

What kind of resentment did Lee Han have that encouraged him to take the sophomore

Lee Han pondered whether or not to attack the opponent, but he persevered and
asked as calmly as possible.

“Why did you... do you recommend that to me?”

"uh? You seem to be interested.”


Of course, Lee Han showed interest.

Because I thought it was a 1st grade exam!

If a first-year junior shows interest, they say, 'This is a sophomore exam.

Junior. Isn't it the role of seniors to say sternly, 'You should focus on your
first year exams'?

'You must have aged or vomited.'

Lee Han clenched his teeth and kept his composure. And he opened his mouth to
rectify the situation.

“I misunderstood.”

“But you’re really great…”

"Seniors. This is our own rain...”


Before he could finish speaking, Phil opened the door and entered. Phil asked when
he saw Lee Han and Chil standing in front of the cow.

“What are you two doing there?”

“Phil! Look at this cow.”

“Why did the cow... heal a fracture? did you?”

"no. Here is my junior.”


Phil was astonished as Chil before.

He was so surprised that Lee Han didn't get a chance to convince him again.



"Seniors. Seniors."

Phil regained his composure after a minute or so.

“If you really did this, you were born…”


The door opened again and the darkest elf professor in the world, who looked the
most tired, came in.

Professor Lagrinde said in a harsh, hoarse voice. I could feel the exhaustion of
every word he spit.

“You’re not ready, what are you doing here?”

“Hey, Professor!”

“Huh… I was watching the magic of my juniors.”

Phil and Chil froze.

Professor Lagrinde wasn't violent or cruel, but he didn't like to waste time or
use it inefficiently.

And he was a person who could cut the body of the enemy as well as he cut the body
of the patient and cut it quickly.

“Your junior?”

The nervous professor's face softened for a moment. It was a mix of curiosity.

Then the two seniors hurriedly explained whether they thought it was an
"Yes! Here the cows have been healed.”

“For a first-year student, it’s really amazing, so we talked for a while!”


Professor Lagrinde's eyes turned round.

He was a professor who didn't like useless questions, but he couldn't stand it and

“You didn’t help?”


"That's right!"


Professor Lagrinde looked at the cow once, looked at Lee Han once, looked at the
cow once again, and finally looked at Lee Han once, and fell into a deep thought.

Then he opened his mouth.

“From the second semester onwards, observe the practice.”


“Well, you did well, but you’re still a freshman…”

Professor Lagrinde looked at the two seniors with cold eyes.

The two seniors who were trying to protect their juniors froze.

“Saeng… I think it’ll be fine when I think about it.”

“Because you healed cows and cows, you can also heal patients, right?”


Lee Han looked at the back of the two seniors and was confused.

'It's like people who are cowardly in front of such power.'

I believed a little, but I was immediately betrayed!

Professor Lagrinde was tired, but decided to explain the reference book.

As it was an unusual event, it was necessary to explain it to the disciples.

“As long as the cow is completely healed, the next one is a real person anyway. If
I only gave them useless training, I would only lose interest.”

Lee Han wanted to say that what he does best is to refer to useless work, but
there was no atmosphere for that.

“If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. However, if you have the ability and you tie
it up as a first-year student, that would be more inefficient. Did you understand?”
"understand. professor."

“We wasted our time. sorry."

"i get it. Let’s start preparing for the exam.”

Professor Lagrinde left.

Lee Han, who had been idly at the level of difficulty in the second semester,
suddenly thought of Professor Garcia.

- So that's what you're saying. Don't ever tell me where you went to heal the
white tiger top student's ankle. I know?

'sorry. Professor Garcia.'

"I'm counting on you. Junior."

“I’m sorry that we felt like we were trying to stop him. Do not misunderstand. I
didn't mean to be territorial because you're a freshman, it's because it's really
hard. haha. What can I say… if it were you, a junior, would you rather be looking
forward to it?”

Phil and Chil turned Lee Han inside out and walked away.

Lee Han tried to attack the two seniors, but held back.

There was a real final exam left.

“What is the first-year final exam?”

“Open the exam paper. Describe the types of injuries and the structure of the
human body. Wouldn't that be fun?"


* * *

“Wordanaj, doesn’t it look very dirty right now?”

“Did you think so too? I thought so too.”

“Gainan too. What did you do?”

“I didn’t!!”

Gainando groaned.

“Did you miss the exam?”

“I asked him, and he said he was right?”



The faces of the two blue dragon tower students who spoke out were contorted with
pain like Lee Han.
I was guessing you did well, but it must have been a perfect score!

'If you get a perfect score, shouldn't you laugh even if you break your bones?'

'I think so too.'

“Let’s go take a test.”

Lee Han gave up and moved on.

In the second semester, I was worried about the second semester and was planning
to go to the rest of the exams.

“Isn’t everyone going?”

“…Wordanaz. We don't listen to illusion magic."

“Neither do I.”

“...that, yes. Only I went.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students felt that Lee Han's back was somehow lonely.

<Basic Illusion Magic>.

Fortunately, Professor Kirmin Ku's exam was not too difficult.

It was a test of observational ability to distinguish between illusions in the

classroom and find loopholes if there were false illusions.

'It's not that difficult.'

I was even learning fantasy magic separately, and since I had been subjected to it
several times with my body, this test was not that difficult.

Concentrating on the test, Lee Han felt the anger she experienced during the
healing magic test disappear.

“It’s done. professor."

"Good job. Wodanaz. It’s a pity that my score was lower than the last midterm


Ian paused. And he asked in surprise.

“Did your score go down?”

“It’s a joke. Joke. I had a perfect score on the last test, but this time I took a
point off and made a joke.”

Of course, Professor Kirmin Ku thought that Lee Han would laugh and pass it on.

Even if it was reduced by one point, it was already overwhelmingly number one.

What does it mean to say that you are tens of points higher than the average of
other students, but you get one point off?
“You mean I made a one-point mistake?!”

“...Wow, Wodanaj. Did I say the number wrong?”


When Lee Han was so shocked, Professor Koo was taken aback.

For a moment I wondered if I got the score wrong.

“One point is really nothing, so why is that?”


Although he answered in agreement, Lee Han's expression was not that of a person
who absolutely agreed.

He looked like a wizard whose empire was destroyed by his own mistake.

"thank you. professor."

“Wordanaz. Are you okay?”

"it's okay."

* * *

Hey, I said that I deducted 1 point!


Lee Han was taken aback by the sight of the principal skeleton flying in the air.

It's been less than 30 minutes since I took the test...

“It could be one point off.”

Is that really the case? If it hadn't been for a mistake, I would have been able
to get a perfect score on every exam.

Principal Skeleton tried to shake Lee Han's heart and summon Simma.

Lee Han, who knew his intentions better than anyone else, kept his cool.

It was heartbreaking to lose 1 point because I made a mistake, but that didn't
change much.

'Let's not be shaken.'

Isn't that a mistake?

"Yes. I think you may have misunderstood, but I never had the arrogant thought of
getting a perfect score on every exam.”

This wasn't a lie.

Unless Lee Han went crazy, would he have set the goal of getting perfect marks in
all lectures?
My goal was to just do my best.

It was just my personality that made me feel bad when I was deducted by 1 point...

Aren't professors hated for their rage or who dare to test a being like me?

“What kind of crazy first grader would think like that?”

I did.


Lee Han decided to ignore it without answering any further.

Principal Skull was sad because he realized that Lee Han would not fall for the

Pretending to be unnecessarily humble...

“I have never been arrogant. principal."

Few things are as arrogant as trying to hear all the school magic.


Lee Han made a face that took a bite. Upon realizing this, the Skeleton Principal
was delighted.

Do you have some enlightenment now?


If I denied it like that, it would only be difficult on my own. Are you preparing
for the Professor Verdus exam?

If you look at the transformation magic test and the enchantment magic test, the
tedious first semester was virtually over.

The transformation magic test doesn't seem that difficult, so the biggest task
remaining in the enchantment magic is practically.

“We are doing our best.”

It's not going well.

The Skeleton Principal was keenly aware of what he was trying to say. Realizing
that denial is meaningless, Lee Han-eun asked the other way around.

“How did you know?”

Hey, isn't it Professor Verdus's test to take what you made to the next level?
Since I completed it in the first place, of course it wouldn't work.

Principal Skeleton answered as if he was asking some obvious question. Ian

couldn't help but agree.

'It's not like that.'

Creating a floating steel shield is amazing, and upgrading it to the next level in
less than a month.

It was natural that things didn't go well.

“Then the headmaster, will you speak for me?”

no? You should blame the past you, who did too well in the beginning. It is not
for nothing that there is a saying that the skill of a battle wizard must hide
Samhal. That would be a lesson.

“That’s a word in case you’re fighting…”

But let me give you one piece of advice.

When Principal Skeleton cut off his horse and came in, Lee Han paused and waited.

What advice would Principal Skeleton give?

'I don't think it's very useful advice.'

Have you made a floating steel shield now?


A steel shield that automatically blocks incoming attacks while floating around
the caster.

Although they borrowed the power of various magic circles, the creation itself was
close to a miracle.


"I'm thinking of adding a reflection..."

That's right. Get rid of all the other magic circles, and put only reflections in.


Lee Han was surprised by the words of Principal Skeleton.

So now...?

“Then it would be just a normal reflective shield, right?”

okay. That alone is enough. Anyway, the performance has been improved, haven't
you? Other performance was slightly reduced.

Principal Skeleton was serious.

No matter how many students were willing to listen to the magic of all schools,
there was a limit.

Sometimes it takes a choice and a giving up.

And in the first place, Professor Verdus was a person who took the test on his
own, so there was no need to take the test seriously.

It was enough for students to just do what they wanted and cry.
Even if you dig into the reflective properties in the first place, it would be
breathtaking. It's an achievement that I can proudly say just by completing it, so
I can't deduct points just because the function has decreased.

Originally, it was 'impossible', but Principal Skull said 'closely' considering

Lee Han's record.

“But I think Professor Verdus will be disappointed…”

What's wrong with disappointing Professor Verdus? Why is that wrong?



'I know?'

Lee Han felt himself being persuaded by Principal Skul's logic.

Professor Verdus...

Can't we be a little disappointed?

To the extent that he set out such a goal in the first place, even if he was
disappointed, he was close to earning himself.

"I'm glad the principal wanted to disappoint Professor Verdus rather than torment

You are truly gifted with fantasy magic.


Well, I deducted 1 point.


* * *

Professor Verdus also laid down his equipment and tools and waited for the

Anyone who knows the professor knows how amazing it is now.

Who is Professor Verdus?

Despite being a professor to teach, he was a natural craftsman who devotes himself
to creating artifacts of interest after throwing a few books to the students in the
classroom and asking them to study on their own.

That Professor Verdus is waiting without doing anything.

The merchants who had been called by Professor Verdus to come to the school asked,
feeling skeptical.

“Are you okay? Wizard? Why don't you even do what you're doing..."

“It’s a student test.”

“That… it is.”

The merchants internally cursed Professor Verdus.

It was even more disgusting to see a person who usually only answered 'uh' or 'uh
uh' when the merchants talked to them and spoke only when it was convenient for

Either way, Professor Verdus hummed as he waited.

It was because of what the Skeleton Principal had said.

- Yeah. The first graders this year are pretty good. well made

-not really? Would it have been just trash?

-...Of course, if you look at it calmly, there may be some of that, but some of
the works were pretty good.

- Can't you?

-If it wasn't for the test, you would have been thrown into the punishment room.
I'm really sorry.


-Think about that later when you enter the punishment room... And there are some
really good ones. Just like Wodanaz made.

-oh. are you done?

Professor Verdus was displeased.

He advised me to add reflection properties to the floating steel shield, but

Wodanaj seemed to have completed it well.

-...don't you think that's a little difficult?

Principal Skeleton asked with patience as much as possible.

Of course, Professor Verdus answered confidently as if he was talking about


-no? why?

- It's my fault for asking. Anyway, the reflection properties are complete, so
let's make a cool evaluation.

- Hey! Looking forward to it!

Thanks to this, Professor Verdus was excited.

Of course, in Professor Verdus's view, Lee Han's enchantment magic still lacked
many things (Professor Verdus's genius brain did not contain the fact that Lee Han
was a freshman).

But even if there are dozens of shortcomings, it is interesting enough if there is

one special advantage that covers them.
Lee Han's enchantment magic, which omits the various steps of enchantment magic
with a unique amount of magical power, was interesting even though there were many


When the door opened and students entered, Professor Verdus exclaimed with

“Submit the person who arrives first!”

“Hey, here it is. professor."

When Professor Verdus seemed strangely in a good mood, the student turned in a bit
of hope.

If you feel so good, do you have any assignments?

“It’s still garbage. What is better?”

“…well, didn’t the speed increase a bit?”


The students came forward one by one and were scolded by Professor Verdus and then
kicked out.

Seeing this, Lee Han felt relieved.

'Even if we fail, we will all perish together.'

It is more reassuring to fail with friends than to perish alone.

Professor Verdus grumbled and drove the students away, but when it was Lee Han's
turn, he was happy.

"I'm here? I was looking forward to it! ruler. Show me!”

Lee Han carefully pulled out the steel shield and put it down.

It was a shield with all the old magic circle spells erased and newly engraved
with reflection properties.


When Lee Han threw the stone, it turned back in the direction it came and flew
away with a light sound.

It was an elastic force that seemed to defy the laws of physics.


“Is that a reflection?!”

The students were astonished.

As Wodanazuya's grade chief, I knew that he had excellent magic skills, but the
last time he completed the floating shield and then the reflective shield.

'...may work!'

The students, who had just been kicked out after being insulted, unwittingly
looked at Professor Verdus with anticipation.

No matter how dog... No, even a strict professor will have no choice but to say
'Well done' at this point.


“Where did the auto-defense go?!”

Professor Verdus exclaimed in astonishment.



The students looked at the professor with contemptuous eyes.

If a first-year student has completed the reflex attribute in such a short period
of time, they should be commended, how is that?

'It's not a real person.'

'Mountain monsters must be more compassionate than that person.'

“Auto-defense has been removed.”


“I’m trying to complete the reflection.”

“Can we do it together!?”

“Time was overkill.”


Instead of answering, Lee Han only smiled softly. I didn't want to argue with
crazy people.

“Would you like more time?”

“Next week is vacation.”

“There is a room in the Seonggakgwan, would you like to stay there and finish it?”

The students, who could not stand those words, stood up.

“Wordanaz, we have a promise, Professor!”

“If you keep doing this, I will write a letter to your Majesty the Emperor!”

"Why why?! What did I do!?”

Lee Han was moved by the friendship shown by his friends after a long time.

It was not in vain suffering to feed them like that.

* * *

After the transformation magic test (one of the clothes was made of steel), the
enchantment test was over, and Friday night came, the Blue Dragon Tower students
began to scream in a frenzy.

"finished! finished! finished!"

“Graduate too!”

The friends gagged the prince's mouth, pouring cold water into the atmosphere.

pop! Puff puff puff puff! Puff puff puff puff!

Looking out the window, I saw beautiful fireworks with all kinds of patterns in
the dark night sky.

“I think the seniors are shooting!”

“Let’s answer it too!”

The first-year students ran to the window and threw out magic wherever they could.

Compared to the magic sent by the seniors, it was unsightly, but thanks to the
dark night sky, I was able to see clearly.

“The flame moves!”

The fireworks that embroidered the night sky moved as they wriggled and turned
into letters.

The first-year students threw their eyes at the messages sent by their seniors
with a pounding heart.

What kind of compliments will the seniors who have never seen before give their

☆It's noisy ☆Quiet ☆A little ☆Play☆

☆ 1st year ☆ It's exciting ☆ I haven't learned yet ☆ 2nd semester time ☆ Really


“It’s garbage…”


The mood of the students suddenly darkened.

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

'Isn't it because of the skeleton principal?'

The principal likes to bully other people, so the seniors have a good
“Let’s have some cake.”

"right! cake!"

“Call the other towers, too.”

"...uh. Do you really have to?”

"yes. call it right Don’t be arguing for nothing.”

“Wow, what do you mean? Wodanaz. It can't be.”

The Blue Dragon Tower student stuttered after being caught.

* * *

The other top students came sooner than expected.

The white tiger tower students who arrived last, armed with wooden swords and
shields, looked around and found the cake, and lowered their weapons with a shy

“What did I say!”

“Mi, sorry. Durgyu.”

"for a moment. Maybe the cake was poisoned…”

"Shh. Quiet. Even if poisoned, cake is cake. You can think about it after eating.”

The White Tiger Top students received a piece of cake cut out on a plate.

The cake was delicious.

“That’s why Wodanaj doesn’t play with what he eats.”


'The next time I have a trap job, I'll have to put it in the food.'

Lee Han thought so and passed by.

After all, it seems that people are happy when they eat sweet things, and the
students were all talking with great satisfaction.

Give me a piece too.

“Here it is.”

Two students were lying next to each other screaming, but Lee Han was not
surprised and calmly cut the cake and handed it over.

Principal Skeleton telekinetically threw the cake into his mouth and then told the

Everyone is happy and having a good time.

“I am so happy!”

like that I wonder if the test results will be that happy.


The Skeleton Principal succeeded in freezing all the students' moods without using
any magic.

Among the students, the only student whose test scores did not work opened his

“Aren’t you happy that the school year is over? Everyone worked hard and spent a
semester, but grades don’t matter.” what the senior grader says. take a good look everyone At this level, we can
say that grades are not important. do you understand


Lee Han had no choice but to admit that he was careless in front of Principal

As someone who has enjoyed alienation for thousands of years, it was a skill that
he could not dare to follow.

“Certainly, that bastard Wodanaj is a senior, but he makes such a disgusting


“Do you want to spit the cake?”

“Oh, no. Come to think of it, it makes sense.”

However, the white tiger top student who was about to grumble was immediately

Lee Han gave too many things to the students in the same grade for the Principal
Skull's dissension to work.

“I can’t admit it! I also usually go around saying that grades don't matter!”

When Gainando shouted that out, even the headmaster skeleton seemed to be a little

that, yes It'd be nice to have confidence.

"thank you?"

not praised You're going to the punishment room soon.

"yes?? What did I do wrong?”

Gainando asked in surprise. Then, the skeleton principal called out his white bone
fingers in the air and spread them out.

do you know what this is

This is the number of classes you failed.



The students suddenly bowed their heads and tried to avoid the Skeleton's gaze.

Will the subjects I failed to avoid disappearing? Those who fail will stay in the
punishment room for the weekend and then leave.

"no! principal!!"

“It’s vacation!”

Exactly, I'm on vacation from next week. That's why I didn't do well on the exam.
I believe that the final exam is not reassuring. There's no way a magician could be
so careless, right?

The students who thought they would leave immediately after the final exams were
struck with a face.

For the rest of the weekend, I had fun talking with my friends, relaxedly packing
up my luggage, and going out smiling when the sun came up on Monday...

The skeleton principal folded one of the bones he had called out and asked again.

do you know what this is

“Well… I don’t know.”

At those words, Principal Skeleton folded another finger.

And one more, one more.

With all his fingers folded, Principal Skeleton said with a smile.

Failing students go to the punishment room!

"principal! I haven't eaten that cake yet!!”

"no! tomorrow! Can I go tomorrow morning?”

Suddenly, Death Knights came from all directions and dragged the failed students.

Principal Skeleton nodded with satisfaction.

Let the lesser students take a good rest for the weekend and then leave. I
struggled a lot during the semester. See you next semester.

I had never really sympathized with Principal Skeleton, but this time, I had no
choice but to agree.

'It was really hard.'

Looking at the faces of my friends, they all seemed to be thinking the same thing.

“Where are you going to spend your vacation?”

“The City of Granden.”

The empire was far too wide. Most of the students chose to live in a nearby big
city instead of going back to their hometown every vacation.

'It seems like everyone is staying in the city of Granden.'

Of course, there were some differences in how they stayed.

“I saved a mansion from the family.”

"you also? that is great. So do I."

“I want to stay in a friendly family mansion.”


Hearing the conversations of the Blue Dragon Tower students, Lee Han was silent.

'Well. It's not that the other top guys don't like it for nothing.'

Mansions in big cities like the city of Granden were unimaginably expensive.

Besides, all the students of Blue Dragon Tower are from noble families of the

Even in the same mansion, there was a big price difference between the mansion in
the noble district of the city and the mansion in other districts.

But buying a mansion like that for a vacation home.

It wasn't just that the other top students were cursing.

“Where are you staying, Wodanaj-sama?”

“...I am also the city of Granden.”

Lee Han replied shyly to Ratford's question.

Actually, it wasn't the time for Lee Han to swear.

As Lee Han himself belonged to the Wodanaj family, a mansion was prepared in the
city of Granden.

Originally, it was the village of Philone, but the school must have moved
everything to the city of Granden...


"It is nothing."

Lee Han overcame embarrassment and said.

“Ratford, where do you stay on vacation?”

“I will also be staying in the city of Granden. I’m going to do a boarding house.”

“If it’s okay, why don’t we stay in our family mansion?”

"oh. Is that okay?”

"Sure. It may be a little small compared to other family houses, but it's not
enough to accommodate a few guests.”

The Wodanaj family was less greedy for wealth or power among the imperial
aristocratic families, and focused only on magic, but that was only among the great
noble families.

He is one of the most prestigious families in the empire, but how frugal would he

Perhaps the mansion the Wodanaj family saved is large enough to house all of the
first-year students.

“Durgyu. Do you want to stay too?”

“Thanks for the suggestion. Lee Han. But I decided to stay at the Templar
residence with my top friends.”

The Black Turtle Tower students use their various networks to board the guild or
at a decent inn.

The White Tiger Tower students are from the Knights family, so they went to the
Knights' quarters in the city of Granden.

The phoenix tower students are priests of the Order, so they went to the temple
quarters of the city of Granden.

'no. Blue Dragon Towers are the only scum, aren't they?'

The other tower students each worked hard, but only the Blue Dragon Tower ones
seemed to use their family power to eat them raw.

“Lee Han. Lee Han.”

Yoner tapped Lee Han and whispered.

Lee Han, who had suggested that Priest Tigiling or Priest Nigisor stay in the
family mansion (both priests declined to say it was okay), was puzzled.


“Look over there.”

Yonner pointed a finger in the direction slightly. At the end of it was their
friend, Nelia.

While talking with the Black Turtle Tower students on which inn or guild
accommodation would be good to stay, Nelia glanced at the two with a dark face.


Lee Han realized his mistake.

Of course, Nylea thought that Yonner would recommend it, so she told Ratford
"let's go."


The two took a step back.

“Nelia! Why don't you stay at the Wodanaj family mansion during vacation?"

“What are you talking about, Lee Han! Nelia will stay at the Makein mansion!”

The students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were talking about where they would
stay, looked at the two with their eyes, 'Why are these nobles all of a sudden?'

“The Wodanaj family!”

“It’s the Makein family!”

As the two of them did their best to push and pull, Nelia's face brightened.

“Uh, what should I do? I'm grateful for both, but my choice is a bit…”

“Then we can help.”

"right. Nelia.”

The Black Turtle Tower students from behind intervened. The unexpected situation
made Nelia bewildered.

Salco pulled out a map of the city of Granden from his pocket and frowned.

“Where is the Wodanaj family mansion located?”

“I think we should go and check it out.”

"Right. I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to give you a deduction. Wodanaz.”

“Yeah, yes. I’m sorry.”

“Where is the Maykin family mansion?”

“Here up the hill street in the Central Noble Quarter.”

“The transportation is convenient, and there is an alchemy workshop nearby that

specializes in dealing with nobles. It’s a very good location.”

“Go… thank you?”

The Saltoo and Black Turtle Tower students seriously compared the two mansions.

Of course, over Lee Han, who doesn't know what kind of mansion he had yet, Yonner,
who had been in the city for a long time, had an advantage.

“Nelia. I'd rather stay at the Makein's mansion."

“That, right? But I feel sorry for Wodanaj...”

“If it’s so hard to choose, would you like to stay at the Kainando mansion? That
would be the biggest.”
"no! I'll stay at the Maikin's mansion! thank you!"

Nelia replied immediately.

Oh yeah. Everyone's talking is good, but I have one thing to do.

“What is it?”

As you all know, this Einroguard is full of mysteries and knowledge from ancient

The students nodded their heads.

The problem was that there were not only mysteries and knowledge, but also
monsters from ancient times.

And these treasures must not be tampered with.


So let's make an oath before we go out. I will not leak the mystery and knowledge
of Einroguard.

Lee Han, who was listening, felt something strange and asked.

"for a moment. If I swear by this, will I not be able to tell you about school
rules and education?”

Skeleton principal pretended not to hear and ignored it.

ruler. one by one!


The freshmen made an oath together with the skeleton principal with a frown on
their faces.

“I will keep the secret of Einroguard with my pride and honor.”

Soul, keep the wizard's secret.

With the wave of complex magical power, a forbidden law was born.

It was a strong prohibition that locked Einroguard's important information in the

student's soul and prevented it from coming out.

Lee Han, like the other friends, stood in front of the skeleton principal with a
trembling expression on his face.

But the Skeleton Principal said instead of casting a spell.

Wodanaj, you have to crack down on yourself.


think about it How much magic power would be consumed to impose a ban on you.

Considering the amount of magic power of Lee Han, I couldn't even guess how much
magic it would take to put on the ban on information that is locked in the soul.
Principal Skeleton had no intention of committing such a waste.


If there are strangely specific rumors about Einroguard, think carefully about who
to suspect first.

“Can I?”


'I'm sorry.'

Lee Han was sad when his heart was found out by the skeleton principal.

Because there is only one suspect, you can make fun of your mouth, but you can't.

Principal Skeleton narrowed his blue eyes and looked at Lee Han.

I think I'm having some weird thoughts...


but. There'll be no time for useless rumors. Have a good vacation.

When the headmaster gave up neatly without getting sloppy, Lee Han felt a bit

'what? Are you going to send the undead on vacation?'

Since it's in a magic school, you could send undead at night to attack the tower,
and if you did that in a big city, you could be driven by the Empire's

However, even considering that, the Skeleton Principal cannot be relieved.

Lee Han trembled and backed away.

'Maybe not.'

* * *

Students who finished preparing for vacation over the weekend walked to the front
door carrying their luggage.

Even though it was heavy and uncomfortable, all the students had a single smile.

“Phone League. Thank you."

Lee Han expressed his gratitude to Fonrig, who put a bundle of books on his back.
Von Rig patted his hoof as if nothing had happened.

“Ah. I need to bring this too. Is it okay if I upload these books too?”

- Fu hee hee.

"Thank you. for a moment. This book also…”


Fonleague glared at Lee Han slightly.

Meanwhile, a voice came from the side.

“Einrogard. Einroguard. It’s so good.”

Asan was humming. It was a song I composed as a lecture assignment for <Basic

“A place with warm meals and comfy beds. Einroguard.”

“A place with warm meals and comfy beds. Einroguard.”

The other top friends who would have given me a pin-zan originally, 'Don't sing
fake songs, Blue Dragon Towers,' started singing along as if they were in a good

“My juniors will come in soon and enjoy this heaven. Einroguard.”

“I get excited just thinking about it.”

“In the second semester, juniors don’t come.”

"shit. Why don't you come in?"

'Are you the ones who insulted your seniors yesterday?'

“There was a noble prince…”


"why? I will sing the song I want to sing.”

At Gainando's words, the students looked at each other.

Come to think of it, that was also true.

“One spirit, two spirits, three spirits, four spirits…”

“There was always an honorable wizard who prepared the meal…”

“As the evil lich attacked, the knights blew their trumpets…”

'It's a mess.'

The songs were mixed and the beats were tangled to such an extent that it felt
like a lie that the chorus had just continued.

Lee Han stroked the phone league once and hummed.

“Einrogard. Einroguard. It’s so good.”

“A place with warm meals and comfy beds. Einroguard.”

As the first-year students headed to the front door singing along, the skeleton
principal and professors were watching with delighted eyes.
Professor Garcia, who had a slight blush in her eyes, looked at the skeleton
principal. Principal Skeleton was talking to Professor Verdus.

“Why don’t you tell me?”

If you promise to listen to me in the future, I can tell you where to stay.

"I'll promise!"

Don't be shy!

"I. principal?"

oh Professor Garcia.

When Professor Garcia approached, Principal Skeleton stopped the conversation.

“What were you talking about...?”

It wasn't a big deal.

“Only for me…”

When Professor Verdus tried to speak, the Skeleton Principal summoned a giant bark
and bit it into the professor's mouth.

So what happened?

"ah. You’ve worked hard all semester.”

The skeleton principal's eyes softened.

How could that be my only ball? All the other professors...

When Professor Verdus and Professor Voladi came into view, Principal Skeleton
stopped speaking.

...Not everyone, but Professor Garcia was also very hardworking.

"That's right. Everyone worked really hard.”

Iunrade, an imperial official who came for this final exam, said as if he was in

When I was a student, I only thought that I would like the professors to look
after me, but when I came back after graduating, my wish that professors would look
after me did not change much, but I could feel that everyone was working hard to
maintain this Einroguard.

Principal Skull grinned as if he had read Iunrade's thoughts.

Thank you for thinking that way.

"Oh. principal."

Iunrade looked at the skeleton principal and spoke up.

Now that I feel good, I thought it would be okay to take it out.

What's going on?

“That… I got a call yesterday. His Majesty the Emperor wants to see the headmaster
alone. I think you should go to the capital as soon as possible.”


As the skeleton principal's soul shuddered, the surrounding temperature dropped

and a frost began to form in an instant.

Iunrade desperately excused himself, thinking that he might be dragged to the

mountain range behind Einrogarde and buried by the lost archmage.

"I. .. didn't say anything. principal."

I didn't say anything, so why are you trying to be alone? I don't understand.
Isn't this the time to meet? Let me be honest. Did you really say nothing?

"That's fine with me... Principal! It's been a few years since I graduated, but
you can't put me in the punishment room! You must not do this!”

haha. There seems to be a misunderstanding. There's no way you can put an Imperial
bureaucrat in the punishment room.

Despite the kind words of Principal Skeleton, Iunrade was never vigilant.

“It hasn’t been decided yet, is it? You may be calling me to give you a reward!”

You sound like a reward. can it be

The skeleton principal was extremely realistic.

Usually, the story to be told when meeting with the emperor is that either a
wizard who graduated from Einroguard had an accident, or a wizard who was enrolled
in Einroguard had an accident.

But what is the reward?

Headmaster Skeleton let out a deep sigh.

This time, thinking about how much the budget will be cut due to some kind of
accident, my soul is already cold.

“It’s okay… you’ll be fine.”

When the skeleton principal seemed a little genuine, Iunrade cautiously approached

Do you really think so? If so, donate your paycheck to Einroguard if the budget is

"My... my salary is only a drop of water compared to the ocean..."

done. what would change that

Principal Skeleton clicked his tongue.

Seeing that Unrade Lee was really upset, it wasn't because of the report...
I wondered if the Ainroguard graduate had an accident without knowing it. That
seemed most likely.

I must come to see the Emperor.

“Then, I would like to ask for a budget for our school’s research.”

"me too! The gems needed for the new artifact…”

“I need a monster for combat training...”


In this situation, the headmaster of Skeleton was fed up with the professors who
were concerned about their own magic.

Whoever taught them was truly awful.

* * *

The Skeleton Headmaster's undead army escorted the students who passed through the
main gate and followed.

Their goal was to escort the students safely to the city of Granden.

It would be unreasonable to go without an escort as there is a distance...

...but there were already others waiting at the front door.

"young master. This is it!”

“You have been through a lot. Oh my gosh. No matter how frugal you are, you're
wearing such bulky clothes!"

“You have half of your face!”

The escorts of each family who were waiting for the Blue Dragon Tower students
came running.

The other top students shook their heads as they were quickly washed, stripped,
changed, and even had snacks in their mouths.

“If that’s the case, then why are you attending Einroguard?”

“That’s right. It is an act that destroys the teachings of Einroguard.”

“Lee Han. I have come to meet you.”

When the old knight Alarlong summoned Lee Han with his escorts, Lee Han pretended
not to hear.

“Lee Han?”

"Shh. Don't call out loud. kyung."

Lee Han closed Alaron's mouth. Behind Allarlong, knights from familiar families
were waiting on horseback.

“Did you bring a carriage?”

“A horse carriage? I didn't bring it because I thought it was too much. sorry.
Even now…”

"no. are you okay. Thank you for not bringing it.”

They would probably go to the city of Granden in the same way as this procession,
but it seemed to stand out especially if they were in the wagon.

I don't care about other friends in the same tower, but...

“Lee Han! Shall I burn you?”

Gainando, who had already entered the dazzling carriage and laid down on cushions,
motioned for Lee Han.

Lee Han pretended not to hear and ignored it.

“Aren’t you Lee Han-nim’s friend?”

“It’s someone you don’t know. I heard that the mansion I had been looking for in
the village was moved to the city of Granden, is that correct?”

"That's right. Someone came out of the school.”

Alarlong said, stroking his mustache.

Einroguard sends all the mansions to the city to prevent them from asking for
money even when students visit nearby villages, so they are considerate!

“I wish I had informed you in advance.”

“…that’s it. Einroguard is like that too. Can I see the mansion you saved?”

“Sorry not a very nice place.”

Alarlong unfolded the city map, pointing his finger at the location.

Located in the aristocratic district of the city center, it was a mansion

occupying a large area at first glance.

'If this isn't a good place, what is a good place by Allarlong standards?'

Lee Han was trying to ask if he could save money to buy this mansion and just give
it to him, but he put up with it.

Because it wasn't Alaron's fault.

“How was your school life?”

“It was a little different from what I expected.”

At Lee Han’s words, Allarlong let out a generous laugh.

“Isn’t that the case in any academic field where learning can take place?”

“Yes, but…”

Even though Einroguard was different, it seemed too different.

Although Lee Han didn't know all the educational facilities of the Empire, it was
hard to believe that there was a place more eccentric than Einroguard.

“Do you have any favorite lectures among the lectures you have taken?”

“Ugh. There are a lot of things I was forced to listen to.”

“Hahaha… I used to be like that when I was in the Knights Templar. I only wanted
to wield a sword, but he taught me to learn the Seven Learnings to protect my
dignity and pride as a knight.”

“It’s a little different from that…”

Lee Han blurted out the end of his speech.

Learning poetry, music, and dance as a knight was a little different from learning
magic by force in Einroguard.

"Oh yeah. Thanks to Sir, I was able to take a swordsmanship class. Thank you.”

“Did you have a swordsmanship class? After all, not only the knights, but also the
children of other noble families will learn swordsmanship as a culture…”

'Everyone except me was a white tiger tower.'

“It must have been difficult because there were many knights from the family.”

"no. It was better than I thought.”

“Indeed… Hell, everyone must have been considerate of Lee Han-sama as they came
from a knightly family.”


Ian paused.

did you take care?



The students of the White Tiger Tower passing by also stopped when they heard the

I didn't...

"Well. To be honest, it seems like he was taken care of.”

“Great. If it's a knight, that's it. If you learn a little more swordsmanship and
try to trample your opponent with it, you haven't learned it properly."

Lee Han stared at the white tiger tower students passing by. The students of the
White Tiger Tower hurried to their feet.

“Are you friends?”

"no. Someone you don’t know.”

"Is that so. Lee Han-nim, what school of magic do you plan to specialize in in
your first year?”

"...that hasn't been decided yet."

Allarlong, who misunderstood that Lee Han had not yet made a decision, said as if
it was okay.

"it's okay. There is still plenty of time left, so listen to more lectures you
haven't heard before and you'll be able to make a decision."

“Should I do that…”


"what did you say?"

"no. Nothing."

Lee Han quickly turned around.

He didn't want to worry about the good old knight for nothing.

“What are you planning to do during your vacation? If you need anything, this
Allaron will do its best to help.”

“First… I have to study.”

Lee Han said while looking at the books Fonleague was carrying.

I shouldn't have said, 'Oh, you're saying, 'Oh, you're talking about taking a rest
in peace'.

Giving a vacation was like, 'It's your freedom to take a break, but you have to
study on your own.

In particular, in the case of a harsh school like Einrogard, the professor said,
'You must have studied up to this point, haven't you? Then, there is a high
possibility of saying, ‘I will say that I know and move on’.

He is careful to play even if he listens to a few lectures, but for a student like
Lee Han who listened to a lot of lectures, studying was not an option but a


Alaron, who did not know Lee Han's desperate heart, was deeply impressed.

Not everyone was as diligent and diligent as Lee Han, just because he came from an
imperial noble family.

Rather, there were more prodigal or lazy people. It was only natural for the
family to be supported by the environment.

Even so, Lee Han is faithfully concentrating on magic without a single loose

'After all, Lee Han is a person who fits the bloodline of the Wodanaj family.'
“But, Lee Han. It is not only for studying, but also for getting to know each
other and socializing when young fellow students gather together in one place to
discuss procedures. Studying is good, but wouldn't it be a waste to spend the whole
vacation studying?"

“Of course everyone has an idea.”

Lee Han said not to worry. Alaron's face brightened once more.

“I want to collect gold coins. In the city of Grand Den, there are plenty of
places to work, even for a short period of time.”


Allarlong was slightly perplexed by Lee Han's words.

It was a completely unexpected answer.

'What is this...?'

Allarlong looked at his subordinate knights.

He thought that his subordinates would understand the meaning of Lee Han better as
they were much younger.

- We don't even know what that means.

-Isn't that a metaphor used only by wizards?

-Aren't you really trying to collect gold coins?

- Don't talk nonsense in front of Allarlong-sama. Why would Han Lee do such a

"okay. You are wonderful.”

“Thank you. kyung."

Allarlong did not want to become an old-fashioned old knight who could not keep up
with the fashion of young wizards these days, so I cheered for him.

But his heart was still confused.

“Aren’t you planning on anything else…?”

“Any other plans?”

Ihan tilted his head.

He hadn't really thought about anything other than studying and gold coins.

“He, socializing with close friends…”


Lee Han realized this belatedly and nodded his head.

“I need to meet my friends.”

Allaron sighed inwardly.

“You thought well. If you would like to hold a meeting or banquet, please let us
know. We will prepare it so that we will not be ashamed of the name of the Wodanaj

'I don't think it's necessary to do that.'

At Alarlong's words, Lee Han thought to himself.

The reason Lee Han wanted to meet his friends was to get the money he had lent

* * *

After arriving at her home in Granden, Han-eun Lee (Lee Han escaped first as
spectators flocked to the gates with the colorful carriage procession of students
from the Blue Dragon Tower) and took a break.

When I woke up from a good night's sleep on the soft and fluffy bed, all of a
sudden, the events of the magic school felt like a long nightmare.

Of course it wasn't a dream.

Lee Han got up and estimated the amount of silver coins written on the ledger.

Even if I did a rough calculation, twenty gold coins of the Empire seemed to be

It was a huge amount that made me feel groundless in my own business ability.

' Calm down.'

For a moment, I thought that I should aim for an Imperial Merchant rather than an
Imperial bureaucrat, but Lee Han immediately came to his senses.

Earning 20 gold coins in one semester was a huge income, but this was due to the
closed situation unique to the magic school.

It will be difficult to run a business like this even if you are a sophomore right

'You must be humble. If you go out in a cheeky way, you can be dishonored.'

Even so, the amount of 20 Imperial Gold Coins had no choice but to make my heart

A farmer with a small piece of land can only get one gold coin if he works hard
all year round...

“I will prepare breakfast for you. Lee Han.”

The servant said outside. Lee Han opened the door and said.

“It’s just enough for a simple nap. Did Ratford ever wake up?”

"Yes. He asked me to tell you when Lee Han coughed.”

“I’m sorry. can you call me oh for a moment."

Lee Han grabbed the servant who was about to leave and asked.

“I came in through the Baekyangmun Gate of Granden City yesterday, do you know the
small general store near the gate? It was quite crowded…”

"Yes. Do you need anything?”

“If you were going to buy that general store, how much would you need?”

The servant pondered deeply and answered cautiously.

“If not, won’t it cost you two hundred imperial gold coins?”

Lee Han had to give his body strength to not stumble.

I didn't think it would be cheap as it is one of the largest cities, but a general
store of that size...

'I'm cocky.'

At the very least, you can earn that much and be confident that you can become a
merchant yourself.

It was just shameful.

“Lee Han?”

"...Right. Thanks for replying.”

Not long after the servant left, Ratford entered.

As if the old-fashioned atmosphere of the mansion was too awkward, Ratford ran
over to Lee Han in remorse.


“Did you rest well?”

“The body is comfortable, but the mind is a little…”

“You will get used to it soon. Let’s eat breakfast first.”

I asked for a simple set-up, but the meal the servants brought was more generous
than I expected.

After cutting a slightly spicy egg and putting it in his mouth, Lee Han took a
deep breath.

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing. I thought it would be nice to buy one at a small store later, but
the price was not cheap.”

At Lee Han's words, Ratford, who was drinking cold milk from the bottle, nodded as
if understanding.


“Didn’t you ask me to secure gold coins?”

“...Ratford. Outside the school of magic, theft is a crime.”

In fact, it was a crime, but Lee Han thought that it was extenuating.

Even if they are the same thieves, there are times when they are called righteous
depending on their motives and purposes.

Theft against the Skeleton Principal was right in the face of Lee Han's thinking.

At Lee Han's words, Ratford put on a confused expression.

“Does that mean… don’t do it? Or are you telling me to do my best not to get

“I mean don’t do it. Ratford. If I ask you to do something, I will do it in a very

specific way without using analogies, so don’t be hasty.”


Ratford turned a little pale.

You can't show me a chance to steal.

With a rattling sound, Lee Han emptied the bowl of rice neatly.

When I was in Einrogard, it was difficult to prepare an Eastern-style meal, but

thanks to that, it was exceptionally delicious because I ate it after a long time.

Ratford tilted his head slightly, finishing a slice of buttered toast.

“Isn’t it in your mouth?”

“Oh, no.”

“I don’t think it is. It’s really good, so I want you to be honest with me.”

“That… the one that Wodanaj-sama served was more delicious…”

Lee Han laughed at Ratford's words.

He was happy to be praised by his friend.

"Thank you. But that's because of Einroguard's special circumstances. In that

situation, whatever you eat, it has no choice but to taste better.”

Basically, if you starve yourself, anything tastes better.

Otherwise, the dishes Lee Han cooked could not have been more delicious than the
dishes cooked by the chefs in the mansion.

"Is that so?"

“It’s like that.”

Ratford nodded at Lee Han's words, but inside he was not completely convinced.

'I think it was objectively more delicious...'

“I think I’ll go out for a while after eating. Do you have any plans for today?”

"Where are you going?"

“I’m thinking of getting a silver coin.”

Ratford asked in a slightly anticipatory voice.


“I’m not going to steal, I’m going to take.”

"Yes. I will go with you though.”

Ratford was sad.

* * *

Asan of the Dalcard family was nervous, unable to breathe properly.

“I heard that the son of the family entered Einrogard. Congratulations."

"thank you."

The mansion of the Dalcard family located in the city of Granden had a long
history, and there were many people and guests of the family living in the mansion.

Besides, there was a meeting today, and people of high rank in the city of Granden
were gathering as guests one by one.

Due to the circumstances, a student from the family who came out of Einroguard
yesterday had to come up on the topic.

“You’re from Einrogarde. The name of the Dalcard family will shine even more.”

"thank you."

“I wonder which school of magic you major in. After listening to the performance
today, may I ask?”

“Let’s do that.”

'help me.'

Asan felt out of breath.

If you make a mistake in front of the famous people of the city of Granden who are
gathered here, you will damage the honor of the family.


Asan's older brother, Daihal, approached.

Dressed in a wrinkle-free suit, Daihal was a person who wouldn't sweat a drop even
in the midsummer when the sun was scorching hot.
“You still make a lot of mistakes. I was one beat late when I said hello. And when
you answer…”

Asan's older sister and Daihal's twin, Haidan, also came.

Like Daihal, he would not blink an eye if a dragon appeared over the city.

“I don’t know if there is dirt on the cufflinks. You are making a lot of mistakes.
Think of the mistake you made seventeen months and four days ago.”

"You've made a mistake in your calculations, and it's a disgrace."

“I really missed one last digit...”

"Quiet. With such a complacency attitude, I keep making mistakes.”

Asan kept her mouth shut at the rebukes of her older brother and sister.

The two of us would make a mistake and even rebut it, but since they were such
perfect people, Asan had no choice but to wither.

Daihal was selected as an imperial bureaucrat and was making his way up quickly,
and Haidan had a job at the Bronze Dwarf Bank in the East, admiring the demanding

“So you can’t take the top or second seat in the tower.”

“It’s not that I wasn’t good at it, it’s that the chief and the vice president did
very well…”

"Quiet. Don’t keep making excuses.”

“Asan. A guest has arrived.”

It was a servant of the family who saved Asan from being beaten.

He didn't know who the customer was, but Asan was happy for once. There was an
excuse to leave this place.

"older brother! sister! It looks like a friend is here!”

“Why do you look so happy?”

“That… um, how can you not be happy that your friend is here?”



Daihal and Haidan stared intently at their dubious brother.

“If my brother’s friend is visiting, I must go out and meet him.”

“Me too.”

"Yes?! I can do it…”

"Quiet. It is my duty, not yours, to welcome guests to the mansion.”

Asan became in tears and followed the two of them.

'Please don't be a Guyan. Please don't be Gainan either.'

Due to the nature of the two, if the friend who came to visit was not satisfied,
there was a high possibility that they would peck Asan like crazy.

Asan prayed that other friends, not just Guyan, would come to visit first.



Asan sighed in relief at the familiar face that came in.

Fortunately, my most trusted friend came to visit me first!


'what? Is it a trap?'

Lee Han paused when another elder of the family appeared instead of Asan.

Is it because Asan doesn't want to pay back the silver coin he borrowed, so he
uses this number?

'no. Asan is not that evil.'

But I couldn't be distracted.

Even if Asan didn't, the rest of the family could use a cowardly move.

Not all nobles were just fair people.

If there are people who truly worship honor, there are those who, like Lee Han,
regard honor only as a modest amount of respect.

There were quite a few ways to keep the honor of the nobility without paying the
money back.

For example, if you criticize Lee Han's attitude, you might say, 'How can a person
who came as a guest commit such a disrespect? Just go back!' and a congratulatory
order was given, and Lee Han was pushed out before even telling him to give out the
borrowed money.

That made things quite cumbersome.

As Lee Han is also from the Wodanaj family, he cannot protest in front of the
mansion saying, 'Repay the silver coins borrowed from the Dalcard family!'

The aristocratic way now is to spread rumors directly and harshly in the case of
large sums of money, and in the case of small sums like Lee Han, in such a way as
to humiliate others and disgrace their honor...

'The problem is that no silver coin is returned to me whether the Dalcard family
is disgraced or not.'

mutually unhappy ending.

It could never be.

The best way is to avoid being caught by the opponent itself.

"hello. My name is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”

Lee Han greeted him as politely as possible, without any deviation in formality.

Seeing this, Daihal and Hydan's strict faces softened slightly, then returned to

It was so short that no one around him noticed, but Lee Han was different.

A genius with a sense of humor who can even grasp the emotions of the eccentric
Einroguard professors, even recognized by the Skeleton Principal!

'Once the first impression has passed.'

It seemed that the other party was satisfied, but Lee Han did not relax.

You haven't figured out your opponent's intentions yet.

“To meet a wizard of the Wodanaj family like this. It is an honour. This is Daihal
of the Dalcard family.”

“This is Hydan from the Dalcard family.”

Lee Han shook hands with the twins. Their hands were dry and cold.

“As you are from the Wodanaj family, you must be prominent in Einroguard.”

"no. Family lineage does not necessarily guarantee ability, and there are so many
excellent students in Einroguard.”

The twins' faces hardened a little again.

He came from a prestigious imperial family called the Wodanaj family, and he said
such weak words.

I wondered if there was a lack of ability.

"Is that so? Excuse me, but I'm curious to know who's a better student than the
Wizards of House Wodanaj. What kind of students are you?”


Lee Han was speechless.

It was a natural thing as he was a senior in the school year.

The harm of excessive humility!

'shit. I made a mistake.'


When Lee Han didn't answer, a light wrinkle appeared between the twins' foreheads.
Then Asan whispered softly next to him.

"older brother. sister. Wodanaj is the senior grader.”

“Is that really true?”

“You have made some very good friends.”

Daihal and Hydan had their expressions relaxed enough to say 'soft' for the first
time today.

Asan, seeing the two strict people like this for the first time, couldn't help but
be surprised.

“...Isn't it something you'd be so happy to see Wodanaj taking the lead? You don't
usually do that…”

“What are you talking about? I'm glad you've made a good friend."

“I usually make mistakes every time, so there is nothing to be happy about. You
just have to do it right.”

Lee Han, who was listening next to him, thought to himself.

'Well. They're pretty crazy people.'

It could have been a little rude, but seeing his little brother pecking like that
didn't make him look sane.

Looking at the appearance, I could guess why the two came out. He came out to find
out who his brother's friend was.

'I'm really glad I came before Gainando.'

Lee Han had the same thoughts as Asan.

“This one here…”

Daihal asked, looking at Ratford.

Overwhelmed by the atmosphere, Ratford crawled and tried to open his mouth, but
Lee Han hit the player first.

“This is Ratford. He is the best student in the tower.”


Once again, Daihal and Hydan's expressions softened.

“You have made a great friend.”

“Learn a lot and devote yourself to it.”

“Panel 1 must be empty now, so use it. Call me if you need anything.”

The twins once again greeted Lee Han and Ratford politely and withdrew in

Ratford asked, perplexed.

“I’m not the top chief, am I?”

“I meant the best thief. let's go."


Ratford and Asan looked at Lee Han like a fool, but Lee Han didn't care.

* * *

“…so that’s how you are.”


After hearing Asan's detailed explanation, Lee Han felt sorry for him.

'for a moment. The atmosphere is not in the mood to ask when you will receive

No matter how fast Lee Han wanted to get money and go to the next mansion, it was
not enough to bring up the matter in front of his friend who said, 'My life is
suffering because of my very handsome older brother and sister'.

"sorry. Wodanaz. Actually, I am not the only one experiencing this problem.
Wodanaj, aren’t you the same?”

Not all of them were happy and comfortable despite being from a large aristocratic

As the honor and responsibility as heavy as the history of the family has been on
both shoulders since birth, the children of the family had no choice but to compete
fiercely with each other.

Of course, this sounded quite full to Lee Han.

It is better to compete fiercely within the family, but what about those who do
not compete fiercely without a family?

And above all, Lee Han had a different situation from Asan.

"no. Our family doesn’t really care about each other.”

"okay? After all, the Wodanaj family is a bit unusual.”

Among the great aristocratic families, few were as indifferent to imperial

politics or cults as the Wodanaj family.

A single-headed family that is focused on only magic.

“By the way, Asan. Borrowed…”

"ah! What should I do? Wodanaz? I don't want to disappoint my brother and sister!
Help me. Wodanaz. If it were you, I would definitely be able to give you 100% sure


Lee Han was perplexed, but calmly turned around.

“You said you had a meeting at the mansion salon today. You can show your skills

He didn't even know what the level of the other magic school students was.

But one thing was certain.

You'll never be better than the Einroguard students.

'No matter how much you think, that's unreasonable.'

Asan's magic skills were enough to impress the guests who came to the meeting.

Then Asan's older brother and sister will be satisfied with his younger brother's

...Lee Han will also be able to get the borrowed money and leave.

"indeed. at the meeting. Good idea."

“Actually, what’s even better than that is to just call him a non-existent

“Thanks for the joke. Wodanaz. It gave me confidence.”

'I wasn't kidding.'

* * *

Just because the city's celebrities got together at the salon didn't mean they
were doing anything out of the ordinary.

In fact, except for the refreshments and drinks that came out, it wasn't much
different from the break room in the tower.

The performers play chamber music (in the break room of the tower the students
sang because they were hungry), the well-dressed aristocrats sat down to play chess
or a game of cards (even in the break room in the tower), and the interesting
things that happened recently in the city. talking about things...

“This is the new jewel wand I got. It was a lot of hard work because three people
other than me ran into it, but it was worth it.”

“I’m worried because Ahmad’s price has gone up a bit these days. I entrusted the
quest to the workshop, but if I ask for a higher price…”


It was the same as the top students, boasting about the things they got and
talking about their recent worries.

"oh. Are you a student of Einrogard?”

When Lee Han, Asan, and Ratford appeared, some of the guests turned their

It was during the vacation period and I was curious as I heard that the Dalcard
family had entered Einroguard.
"you're right."

“This is an honor! I call it grilled. It’s small, but it’s selling forgings and
fabrics and fabrics.”

The elf, Gwon's words were close to humility. A small cloth trader could never
dress up like a baker.

Embroidered silk and jewelry on the wrist.

You can imagine how wealthy he was.

'You're rich.'

And Lee Han liked the rich.

“I’m Lee Han from the Wodanaj family. Take good care of me."

As before, Lee Han threw out a pretentious smile and held out his hand to win

And Lee Han could see.

The fear that flashed like flames in the opponent's eyes.

"Wow... House Wodanaj...! Well, I wish you well…”


Lee Han sighed inwardly.

We just wanted to get to know each other, but the name of the Wodanaj family is
the result!

Still, Lee Han did not give up and said.

“It’s still weak, but if you need help with magic…”

In fact, this was a very meaningless proposal.

Of course, even as a first-year student in Einrogard, he was far stronger than the
wandering wizards that he could easily meet outside.

A wizard was an extremely rare profession, and thanks to that, there were quite a
few people who said they were a wizard just by summoning a spark.

However, anyone who could participate in this meeting had the ability to call a
proper wizard, not such a wanderer.

In other words, Lee Han's suggestion was not to ask if you really need magical
help, but to use that as an excuse to get close to each other.

“Yes… I will. Thank you for caring me."

'shit. '

Of course, the reaction of the other party was not very good. Lee Han was bitter.
“Are you an Einrogard student?”

Lee Han and his friends turned their heads.

At a glance, he could tell that his opponent was a wizard. The flow of magic
around the opponent was different from other places.

"you're right."

“I heard you are a freshman, can I check your skills?”

If it had been a different position, Lee Han would have stepped on him, stating
his family or whatever, saying, 'What are you, you're trying to test me in a cheeky
way, have you ever given me gold coins or are you a professor?' But now it's

Still, he was trying to show off his magic skills in front of the people who
participated in the meeting.

'Thank you.'

Originally, I just couldn't do this.

If Lee Han first did something like 'Gentlemen and ladies, look over here, I'll
show you something from Einroguard', because face and honor were slashed.

In this way, the correct answer is to pretend that you can't win when the other
person first says 'I heard your name, I want to see your skills once' and then
'Then once'!

“It’s still not good enough, but I will do my best.”

“What’s going on?”

“They say the students of Einrogard are demonstrating magic.”

“I have been very lucky today. You will see something like this.”

The guests around them also stopped talking or playing and started paying

Perfectly prepared situation.

'But who is the opponent?'

“I would like to formally greet you. I am a member of the Valor family. I was
taught magical advances in Valdrogaard.”



One of the guests next door exclaimed.

“Valdrogard! Isn't it one of the best magic schools in the empire!"

'Does this make you aegyo?'

For a moment, Lee Han was so angry that he almost didn't know he was going to

What kind of magic school is a magic school where you can go out at will?


'Ouch. What do I think.'

Lee Han immediately came to his senses.

Of course, Baldrogard's educational environment was a little more comfortable than

Einrogard's, but that didn't necessarily have to do with his magical abilities.

Even wizards graduating from Baldrogaard can be excellent wizards.

Besides, the opponent is a graduate.

Lee Han, who was only a freshman, was never an opponent to look down on.

“Wordanaz. I am ready.”

Asan whispered with a face full of determination.

“Wordanaj-sama. Let me know when you need pickpockets.”

Ratford whispered with a determined face.

The back was quite busy with people getting ready to see the magic, clearing
tables and pushing chairs.

“Ratford. I'm sorry, but this is just a test of magic. Not a duel.”

“But, wouldn’t it be easier if the opponent’s staff disappeared?”

Asan was moved by those words. Ian said firmly.

“If you do that, the commotion will go in a strange direction. You just have to
use magic.”

“But Wodanaj. You never know what kind of magic your opponent will use.”

It was not a duel, but a place to check the skills of a wizard.

In this case, rather than throwing magic at each other and bumping into each
other, when one side poses a difficult problem, the other side solves it with

This time, the wizard from Baldrogaard, Doin, will take the test and Lee Han and
his friends will solve it.

“No need to worry too much. We are first graders. The other party will take that
into account as well. If you take a test that is too difficult, you will be putting
yourself down.”

There was no way to forcibly disgrace the wizard of the Dalcard family by visiting
the mansion of the Dalcard family. If you do, there will be a headwind immediately.

“So, don’t worry about unnecessary things, and focus on not making any mistakes.
got it?"
Asan nodded.

Ratford also nodded.


“Because I don’t steal.”


* * *

While Lee Han and his friends had a strong antipathy towards Baldrogard, Doin did
not have any particular antipathy towards Einrogard.

Of course, it would be a lie if Einroguard, who has always held the reputation of
being the best magic school in the Empire, was not envious.

However, the Doin loved and believed in the Valdrogarde he attended.

-People of the Empire are immersed in inertia, but if you really can see properly,
you'll think that Valdrogaard is the best and best magic school!

If Lee Han and other Einroguard wizards heard about it, he was going to apply for
a duel right away, but at least the Doin thought so.

As such, the Doin had no particular antipathy towards Einroguard.

What I was thinking about right now was not how to disgrace those Einroguard
students, but how to save face.

'Asan of the Dalcard family is a boy with a pretty good reputation, and that's the
Wodanaj family, so he won't make such a ridiculous mistake, right?'

The verification of magic skills in such a place was close to a kind of play.

The person taking the test must also do well so that the other person can pass it.

What if the magic of a school that is difficult or unfamiliar to the opponent is

put to the test?

At that moment, the atmosphere will be as cold as ice.

And it was clear that for a while the wizard who took the test would be
disrespected by the Dalcard family and everyone related to the family.

Just thinking about it was a terrible nightmare.

'What kind of test would be better...'

Doin pondered what kind of test he had to take so that those students could easily
pass it and the people in the seat could easily admire it.

“By the way, what kind of magic are the three of you interested in?”

“I am interested in foresight magic.”

“I am a fantasy magician.”
“I… well… I haven’t decided yet.”

Even wizards who have practiced magic for more than ten years change schools as
needed, but it was not surprising that a wizard who had just learned magic could
not decide on a school.

Doin, who thought so, did not notice the two students staring at Lee Han in

'I'll have to choose the easiest magic between fantasy magic and foresight magic.'

After much deliberation, the Doin swung his staff.

“Illusion, transform into a chain of elements.”

One of the advantages of illusion magic was that its appearance was splendid.

It may sound like a joke, but this was a more important advantage than I thought.

When most people look at magic, they do not see the mysterious flow of magic or
the deep philosophy contained within. I just looked at the outward appearance.

Thanks to this, when a warlock can't find an investor and searches the grave, the
illusion wizard can comfortably conduct research with the support of several

That advantage was also revealed here today. Applause and cheers came from
everywhere as the illusion magic flashed and appeared in the spacious hall space.

'Isn't that too slow?'

But Lee Han was puzzled inside.

Compared to the professors at the Magic School, the casting speed of the swordsman
was too slow.

Of course, from the Doin's point of view, it was an unfair thing to say, 'If I can
cast faster than the Einroguard professors, I'll do it.'


“Do you see this chain of visions? It is connected to the handcuffs that tied my

“I see. Lord Doin!”

The wizard and the swordsman raised their wrists and showed the people the chains
of illusions and handcuffs connected to them.

The ring-shaped chain hanging down to the floor was connected in four places, and
at the end of it was a ring-shaped pillar.

“Casting the right element on the pillar will unchain them one by one. Will the
wizards of Einrogard be able to rescue me? Everyone, thank you for your support!”

Again applause and applause.

The Doin excelled in speaking skills and showmanship to make people happy rather
than magical skills.

He was a wizard who had no choice but to be popular with others at salons and
gatherings. Lee Han was also slightly amazed.

'If a wizard goes to a meeting, do you have to do it that way to gain popularity?'

It was definitely a lesson in many ways.

While Lee Han nodded that he would follow along when needed later, Asan whispered
in a worried voice.

“Wordanaz. Can we do it all at once?”

“I don’t think you have to be successful all at once.”

The illusion magic cast by the swordsman was a kind of puzzle.

Four pillars connected with four chains.

Now, when you cast the appropriate element, the pillars are loosened one by one
and the chains disappear.

In other words, even if you cast the wrong elemental magic, you can cast another
magic again...

“But my brother and sister are watching. What are you going to say if you don't
succeed in one shot?"

“Then why don’t you tell me to try it?”

Asan groaned and shook his head. Lee Han clicked his tongue in regret.

'I was born a few years earlier, so that I have to suffer so unilaterally.'

Originally, I had to go through trial and error to solve this problem, but you're
noticing it like that.

Ian didn't say anything more.

If there are advantages to being a great aristocrat, there are also disadvantages.
It wasn't for others to say.

“There is a way to solve it all at once.”


“Break by force.”

Lee Han briefly explained the method of breaking that he had learned from the
excellent illusion wizard Waldororn.

Rather than grasping the structure of illusion magic and finding and removing the
loopholes, it is simply a method of breaking down illusion magic itself by wielding
strong magical powers.

“Is that possible?”

“Of course it may not. Magic with a strong structure holds up quite well.”
"no. Wodanaz. What I was talking about was whether I could release that kind of

Asan said absurdly.

The theory made sense. If you use that amount of magical power, the magic will
inevitably be shaken.

But can you really extract that magic power?

“I don’t need that much. This is enough…”

In order to demonstrate to Asan, Lee Han held up a staff and lightly released
magical energy.


It didn't even hit directly, but the chain of illusions lightly rubbed against it
collapsed as it was with a crackling sound.

And the chains of illusions and other chains also collapsed, along with the




Lee Han, who was about to show the demonstration, was also perplexed, and Asan,
who was watching, was also perplexed.

And, of course, Doin was perplexed.


When I asked him to solve the illusion puzzle, he suddenly smashed it with a
single stick. As a human being, he couldn't help but be surprised.

'What did you do? It didn't seem like he was casting any magic, did he? I hope I
didn't break it ignorantly by force. Did Einroguard teach you magic that I didn't

It was complicated in his head, but the Doin reacted first.

"It's great! That's great! You've probably seen it too! The wizards of Einrogarde
have dispelled the spell in one shot!”

The spectators were amazed and applauded.

Among them, those who knew a little about magic tilted their heads as they felt
something different from what they expected, but they applauded equally.

Because it worked out well!

'I was surprised.'

Doin swept his chest inwardly.

Einrogard's students acted unexpectedly and almost delayed their reaction.

I wonder how the atmosphere would have gotten colder if I had made a mistake...

“Lord Doin! Show me one more!”



Lee Han-do and Do-in were also surprised.

Perhaps he had already had a drink, and a man with a slightly drunken face
exclaimed in a very excited voice.

“When and where will I see this kind of magic again!”

"you're right!"

“Seeing the magic displayed by the best wizards in the Empire is a joy to see!”

Excited people want to see more of anything.

Doin wanted to miss it, but it was already too late. He was all looking forward to

“Good… good. Then with the next magic...”

Doin was nervous once again.

It's not their job for the people sitting in the seats, so they raised their
glasses and shouted 'one more time!'

I couldn't do the same or an easier test than before. It had to be a little more

And it had to be intuitively understood by the people in the crowd, and it had to
be a test in an atmosphere where even young students made mistakes.

Besides, the students may have consumed a lot of mana right now, so I had to keep
in mind that mana depletion could happen along the way...

“Aren’t you tired or dizzy?”

"Yes. it's okay."

“I’m fine too.”

"...good. Then the next magic…”

* * *


When Lee Han closed his eyes and avoided the fourth summoned phantom monster, then
released it, the crowd erupted in cheers again.

Clap clap clap clap-

'Oh, no.'

Doin was surprised.

To be honest, while I was just doing magic, I was like, 'It's a big deal! I made
it too hard!' It was a magic that made me regret.

But how do you make it so easy?

An aristocrat sitting nearby asked worriedly.

“Lord Doin. No matter how much Einrogard's magician is, he's still a first-year
student, so it's very difficult..."

“No worries! Aren't you doing it so well!"

“Next magic! Show me the next magic!”

Either way, the people gathered were excited when Lee Han and his friends solved
it so well.

Doin thought to himself.

'You're so good that you're making this uproar! Do it in moderation!'

It was difficult to know how long I would continue to use magic.

I have to stop on the way...!


If they hesitated or showed signs of exhaustion while solving the problem, people
would have said, 'Let's do this now', but those freshmen were so good, everyone was
so excited and kept encouraging them.

Thanks to that, only the Doin was going to die.

Gradually, the magic power is also showing the bottom...

“We are ready.”

Lee Han's words sounded terrifying now.

Doin wiped the sweat from his forehead and gave Lee Han an earnest gaze.


There was no way Lee Han could not have noticed that gaze. Ian was deep in

Why would the opposing wizard do that?

“Lord Doin. Are you feeling unwell? You are sweating…”

“Oh, no. it's okay. it's okay."

The Doin held the staff and held back a sigh.

Now I couldn't even think of what test to take.

'What... magic...'


The staggering Doin eventually sat down. It was the dizziness caused by the
exhaustion of her magical powers.

“Are you okay?!”

Lee Han ran right away.

The reaction was quick as I had been wondering if there was any pain. Lee Han said
while supporting Doin.

“You seem unwell, didn’t you tell me in advance?”


Doin was so moved that he almost said, 'Isn't it because you did it so well
without noticing it?'

But it couldn't be. The opponent is not from the Wardanaj family and the Dalcard

“Such. Lord Doin isn't in good shape, but it looks like he's overdoing it."

“I am sorry, but I have no choice but to do it. I really enjoyed today.”

The guests greeted each other with concern and stood up warmly.

Some guests came to Lee Han and his party separately and gave compliments.

“It was great. Soon you will hear rumors that an archmage has come from the
Dalcard family.”

“Oh, no. thank you."

“The reputation of the Wodanaj family is undeniable. I was really impressed.”

"thank you."

“If you have any thoughts after graduating, I would personally support you…”

Some even offered personal sponsorship to Ratford.

Seeing this, Lee Han felt a little embarrassed.

'No, why only to Ratford?'

Of course I understood.

Such patronage was now given to talented but poor people by the rich and wealthy.

The wealthy and nobles were able to extend debts or favors in advance to talents
who could become outstanding archmages in the future, and the wizards could receive
gold coins right away, which was a good thing for each other.
But now, if I proposed this to a son from a great aristocratic family, it became a
rude argument, saying, 'Your family doesn't have money.'

It was really sad.

“Okay, that’s fine.”

“You don't have to make a decision now. If you change your mind later, please come

Ratford nodded, bewildered.

Meanwhile, an old man approached Lee Han. Lee Han could immediately recognize that
the opponent was not an ordinary person.

'Two rings. one necklace. one bracelet. They're all artifacts.'

A person like Lee Han who could sharply catch the flow of magic was able to grasp
this just by looking at it.

It was rare among the wealthy of the Empire to carry such artifacts.

“Did you recognize the artifact?”

The other party was curious and asked.

"Yes. I apologize if I felt rude.”

"it's okay. Wouldn't it be natural to find out if you have the ability? This is
Aladne of the Greenbell family.”

“This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”

The spider beast, Al Adne, had the impression of a kind grandmother, but there was
no fuss in every movement, and her posture was upright without shaking.

“Lord Doin isn’t such a bad wizard, but I was surprised today.”

“I was just lucky.”

“I'm not a wizard... but there is no word so inconsistent with magic as luck.
There is only skill. It was surprising that Lord Doin's magic was dispelled so
easily... but he used up all his magic."


Ian was surprised.

'Ouch. Right.'

Come to think of it, Doin's condition was a bit strange.

If I hadn't been so well, the signs would have been revealed from the beginning.

Naturally, considering his own standards, he did not think that the magician of
the opponent might be depleted of his magical powers.

'I'm sorry.'
However, it seems that Al-Adne interpreted Lee Han's surprise in a different way.

“No surprise. It's not meant to be a rebuke. A good wizard must have strong self-
esteem. Especially if you are an opponent who dares to test your skills. Doin
should be grateful for just finishing it with such dignity.”

“…No, that’s…”

Lee Han wanted to explain that it was a misunderstanding, but Al Adne had already
finished convincing himself.

No matter how much entertainment it was for the meeting, he couldn't forgive a
wizard who challenged him without his skills.

It was trampled by the pride of the Wodanaj family!

“Not really.”

“If you say so, then do it. Anyway, I was surprised. It's not new that Einrogard
wizards are so good, but it's the first time I've seen a first-year student so
good. No matter how Wordanaz family.”

"thank you."

“Since we are students, we will be staying in the city of Granden during the
vacation. If you need any help, feel free to contact the Greenbells. The gates of
the mansion are always open to the capable.”


Ian was surprised again.

He seemed to have thought of the surprise in a different way.

“Shall we try to match? You're probably thinking about what you might need help
with right now?"

“No… it’s not.”

“Sometimes there are things that are difficult to solve even with the power of a
great aristocratic family, or are reluctant to solve in the name of a great
aristocratic family. There are definitely times when that happens. then..."

Al-Adne bowed his head and then withdrew from his seat.

Asan, who returned after receiving a lot of praise from his older brother and
sister, said in an excited voice.

“Wordanaz! did you hear praised! I was praised!”

"Asan... I don't think it's necessary to attach too much meaning to a word of

Lee Han looked at his friend sadly.

I thought it would be convenient to just ignore it and live, but I couldn't help
but feel sorry for why they had to do that.

"okay. What compliments did you get?”

Lee Han asked a question out of courtesy because his friend liked him that much.

Asan said with a hot face.

“He told me that he did well, that he made a good friend, and that he should work
hard so that he can follow him in the future.”



Lee Han and Ratford tilted their heads.

Ratford whispered softly, inaudible to Asan.

“Wordanaj-sama. I don't know the nobles well, but among the nobles, is that a

"no. That's not a compliment. Ratford.”

Either way, Asan was happy. Ian said sadly.

“Asan. If you are bored during vacation, come to the Wodanaj family mansion. no.
Even if you are not bored, come visit often.”

"Thank you?"

Asan replied that he would know, tilting his head if he felt something

“More than that, Wodanaj. You helped me like this, but I can't just let you go. Is
there anything you need? If yes, tell me. I will repay you in the name of the
Dalcard family.”

Lee Han, who was about to say it was okay, stopped.

Turns out, there was one thing I needed.

“I had something I needed.”

"Five. what?"

“Please pay back the silver coins I borrowed.”

“...Oh, no. That's normal. Anything else?”

“I haven’t really thought of anything.”

Asan was perplexed.

Isn't it natural to pay back the silver coins you borrowed?

“Isn’t that why you came directly?”

"Sure. I'm just here to see a friend."

"right? Is that so...?”

Asan nodded his head to convince him, but he was a bit shaky.

* * *

The House of the Maykins, located in the city of Granden, was more reminiscent of
a bustling and prosperous alchemist's workshop rather than an old-fashioned
aristocratic mansion.

Practical design without unnecessary decorations, workers and alchemists

constantly entering and leaving the door of the mansion, and the scent of various
herbs and potions from within the mansion...

“The herbal smell is amazing.”

"okay. Money smells great.”

"Yes? It smells like herbs.”

"ah. sorry. I was thinking of something else.”

Lee Han apologized to Ratford.

Seeing how many workers brought in the ingredients and how the alchemists went in
and out, it seemed that he understood why the Makein family was so wealthy.

Besides, this isn't the main house, it's the villa.

“I’ll have to be friends with Yoner from now on.”

“Aren’t you still friends?”

Lee Han approached the front door of the mansion.

The gatekeepers guarding the main gate were so busy that they could not even see
Lee Han properly.

“Wait in line! Five wagons are now inside! No matter how hard you push, you have
to wait!”

"Well. In fact, we…”

“Because I can’t! Either top or the workshop, you will have to wait in line!
Rules! If you don't follow the rules, what will happen to those waiting here!"

“It certainly is.”

Lee Han was persuaded by the gatekeeper.

Wagons and workers waiting for a long time in front of the main gate.

They were waiting for them from various places such as the guild, the top, and the

Of course, Lee Han didn't come here for work, he came to see a friend, but that
didn't make him a reason to cut him off.

“Let’s go and wait.”

“Uh… I think we can just pass through separately…”

“Ratford. What would the people waiting in the back think? We may harm the Yonaire
family for nothing, so let's wait."

Ratford tilted his head and followed Lee Han.

What is it like to visit an aristocratic mansion?

'I don't think so...'

“What did you two come here for?”

The alchemist who was standing first spoke to the two of them.

The way he was carrying various potions and reagents on his long robe was telling
him more clearly than engraving <That's an alchemist>.

“I’m here to meet the Maykin family.”

“I will. That's why I'm waiting."

The alchemist smiled friendly when he found a comrade with the same purpose.

According to the words of the alchemist who stood first, there were two types of
people who came to the Makein family mansion here.

One is those who have officially signed a contract with the Makein family and come
to deliver the promised goods.

And the other is those who want to get sponsorship or contract with the Makein

The Makein family was a strong supporter. Whether it was the top, the guild, or
the workshop, if I caught my eye, I could work with an unprecedented amount of gold

That's why so many people are waiting with the medicinal herbs, reagents, or
homemade alchemy potions they have made.


"By the way, you two... Do you need to wait here?"

The alchemist was puzzled by the costumes of Lee Han and Ratford.

If you spend a long time in the city, you can guess your identity just by looking
at a person's clothes.

The two looked like they were from a noble family.

“If you’re sorry, you have to wait.”

“That’s right. You said something useless.”

The alchemist nodded.

Even if you are from a noble family, if you have any regrets, you have to wait.

Of course, it wasn't that I didn't think, 'If you're from a noble family, you can
send a servant to make an appointment', but I thought there must be something and
passed it on.

The person who brought the suspicious egg into the cage in front entered, and then
the staff at the top who had been looking for reagents from the snow mountain
entered, and finally, it was their turn.

"Come this way! Come this way! For what purpose did you come?”

“We are alchemists. I'm here to evaluate the potion you've made."

"All right! Please go to the West Wing! Three new alchemists in the West Wing!
Three alchemists!”


"let's go! To show your skills!”

The alchemist said with a face full of determination.

Ian asked, a little perplexed.

"Well. I want to meet Yonaire of the Makein family...”

"ah. it's been good The person who will evaluate you today is Yonaire of the
Makein family. You just have to follow me.”

At the alchemist's words, Lee Han was sympathetic.

I felt sorry for the people of the Makein family to stop their work and call them
because they were too busy, but after listening to the alchemist, it seems that if
we just go on like this, we can meet Yonner.

Ratford tilted his head.

“Wordanaj-sama. What I don't understand... Isn't Makekin-sama a first-year student

like us? I know you're good at alchemy, but can you even rate a potion that's being

“Surely it is. Could it be that other people in the family are on the side giving
you advice?”

In noble families, achievements were often driven by the reputation of their


It was not surprising if the alchemists of the family next door gave advice and
evaluated in Yonaire's name.

"indeed. Noble families are very interesting.”

"right? Learning all these things will be useful later. Ratford.”

“Thank you... huh?”

Ratford was puzzled.

Where is it useful?

'You mean stealing?'

* * *

“Leave a note on the left for basic ingredients, additional ingredients on the
front, and if you want special ingredients on the right, please let me know if you
have any alchemy tools you need! If you cause a major accident inside, we can hold
you accountable, so if you're worried, call the watchman!"

The Maikin's servant shouted like a pouring out.

There was a flash of desperation on his face that he had to finish the work here
quickly and go to the next one.

"for a moment. Aren't you aristocrats? Why are you here?”

Servant was bewildered as he noticed Lee Han and Ratford's attire just then.

If you were from an aristocratic family, you did not have to wait with the people
lining up in front of the mansion.

Would you like to send someone in the name of your family, make an appointment,
and then meet separately?

Then the alchemist spoke harshly instead.

“Even nobles have to wait if they feel sad.”

“What…? No, I see. Call me if you need anything!”

The servant decided to leave it alone, rather than being rude by interfering in
the customer's affairs for nothing.

It was always the way to go if you were still.

"ruler. Shall we start then?”

The alchemist looked at Lee Han and smiled.

Until recently, they were colleagues who came for the same purpose, but now they
are like competitors.

“When will the Maykins come?”

“If you make all the potions, won’t you come?”

Ian thought for a moment.

Things are getting complicated, so I thought I should just go out now, grab the
servant and explain the situation, saying, 'I think there was a misunderstanding.'

'Well. I'm sorry for nothing.'

However, if he did, from the gatekeeper to the servant who showed the way, he
could fall into a difficult situation.

It was quite a big mistake to not be able to properly welcome guests from other
noble families, and someone had to take responsibility to save each other's face.

“Ratford. I guess I should have just revealed my identity at the front door


Ratford looked at Lee Han like a fool.


“Is that right? No, something was wrong! You are from the Wodanaj family…”

“That’s it. Everyone said they were lining up, so naturally they lined up.”

“If I had told you when I came in earlier…”

“I missed the opportunity because that alchemist shouted first. Even if I had
revealed it at that time, there would have been a commotion.”

Lee Han made a decision after scratching his cheek.

“Let’s make a potion and call Yoner. If I only meet Yoner, I will be a quiet

"All right."

“Fufu. Guess you've made your decision now. What potion did you decide to make?”

“Less HP recovery potion.”

“I’m going to make a potion of lesser health recovery.”


The alchemist and Caljunin were bewildered by their words.

It was a valuable opportunity to be evaluated by the Makein family.

Of course, it's not enough to make 120% of the extraordinary potion you developed
yourself, right?

“Is that okay?”

Ratford looked at Lee Han as if he had to answer.

However, this situation was as easy as breathing for Lee Han, who had been
rigorously trained in Einroguard.

“Sometimes the most basic is the greatest.”

“Is the most basic the greatest?”

“If there was an alchemist who made one potion a thousand times, and an alchemist
who made a thousand potions once, which alchemist would be better?”


Cal Jun-in was shocked as if lightning had passed through Lee Han's words.

It certainly seemed plausible.

'is it? Am I being too greedy?'

Cal Jun-in was struggling to show more than his abilities.

But thinking about it, it was overkill.

The outstanding alchemists of the Makein family couldn't help but recognize such


Cal Jun-in nodded with deep realization.

It might be better to make a potion that you are most confident in and show it to
you, rather than making a potion that you are not confident in for nothing.

Ratford whispered with a shocked expression on his face.

“The story you just told me was inspiring.”

"okay? But it was a rough throw, so don’t listen too much.”


The three alchemists began to make potions while moving in a hurry.

Chop the ingredients with a light sound, grind them in a stone mortar, put a fire
under the pot to boil water, swing the staff to cast spells...

“Is the color a bit dull? Boil one more minute.”

"All right."

After answering that, Ratford suddenly felt strange and asked.

“But this isn’t a test, is it?”

“It’s good if you do what you’re doing well. You don't give it to others by
studying, right?"

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Ratford trembled as he sensed the gentle madness of the sophomore.

I wanted to become a senior in my grade when I enjoyed studying like that.

* * *

Joanen Maykin meticulously cleaned the amethyst glasses and put them back on.

Then he asked the servant.

“Are you in the West now?”

"Yes. Three.”

“How was it?”

“I dare you to be careful with your evaluation. oh You two seemed like


Joanen asked again as he ran his hand through his red hair.

“Where are you from?”

“He seemed to come from aristocrats…”

“Then why are you waiting in the west building?”

“…that I don’t know.”

When the servant was bewildered, Joanen did not ask any further questions.

After all, what would the servant say when the other person just waited?

“Did you want to be evaluated based on your skills rather than your family name?”

"ah! It may not be like that.”

“It’s a good attitude. let's go."

“Are you okay? I think I need to get some more sleep…”

“It is enough for a person to sleep only one hour a day.”


The servant followed Joanen with a desire to say, 'Is this okay?'

Joanen opened the door of the west building and entered the guest studio.

Upon entering the workshop, the alchemists inside stood up to say hello. Joanen
held out his hand as if it was okay and checked the potion first.

“Why did you make this olivine potion instead of making a new potion? Wouldn't it
be such a difficult potion?"

Cal Jun-in answered with a nervous face.

“Originally, I was going to make my own potion and submit it. But thinking about
it, I felt it was better to show the potion I could make the best than to force
myself to show you a potion that couldn't be perfected."

"indeed. It's nice to have no useless bluffs. well thought out.”

"thank you!"


Seeing the next potion, Joanen was a little stunned.

“No matter how good a potion is, isn’t this a bit too easy?”

"that is..."

Before Lee Han could speak, Joanen opened the vial and checked the potion.
And then I was surprised.


<Less Health Recovery Potion> was a famous potion with more than a dozen recipes.

Even people who did not learn alchemy tried to make it with the rumors and
knowledge they had picked up.

But, of course, just because there were many recipes, the quality was not the
same. As varied as they were, their quality varied widely.

And this <Less Health Recovery Potion> was really good.

The skill of an alchemist who excelled in a well-crafted recipe, and...

'How much magic power did you put into it?'

Alchemy did not end with simply putting the ingredients correctly. The more
difficult the recipe, the more the wizard's magic was added.

A good alchemist must be a good wizard.

However, this potion was several times stronger than other potions.

Without disturbing the potion's balance, it was clear that the wizard had over-
injected his magic to the limit.

Magical control ability close to art.

“There is no need to worry about this. pass. What do you want?”

Joanen looked away from the potion and turned his head.

Then I noticed two young students looking at Joanen with slightly bewildered eyes.

“Call me, Yonner.”


* * *

No matter how you look at it, when someone like Yonere's older sister came in
instead of Yonaire, Lee Han asked Cal Jun-in.

“You said that Yoner of the Makein family would appreciate it?”

“Ah… I’m sorry. I must have misunderstood because I was nervous. It was Joanen.”


If it was Einroguard, I would have punched him right away, but unfortunately this
was out of school.

Lee Han waited for Joanen to evaluate the potion.

“ don't need to worry about this. pass. What do you want?”
“Call me, Yonner.”

Joanen was startled, but then came to his senses.

“Are you Yonaire’s friend? Einroguard student?”


“I’m from aristocrats, right?”

"you're right."

“But do you still want to receive a proper evaluation?”

Joanen looked at Lee Han with a very peculiar look.

Ian answered firmly.



Lee Han briefly explained what happened from the front door of the mansion.

Joanen replied with an apologetic expression.

"I'm so sorry. No matter how busy the mansion is, how can you treat your brother’s
friend so neglectfully?”

"no. I made a mistake.”

“Thank you for taking care of the servants. They are the people everyone loves.”

Joanen was deeply impressed by Lee Han's consideration.

It was rare for a noble family to show such consideration for the servants of
another family.

“Which family are you from?”

"Oh yeah. It looks like today is a particularly busy day.”

Lee Han slowly turned around.

When the Wodanaj family name was mentioned, people's reactions were usually
divided in two.

One is a reaction that I respect as the best magician of the Empire.

The other is a fearful reaction as a mad magician of the Empire.

I haven't even met Yoner yet, but I didn't want to bet on half-and-half odds.

“Today? no. There are relatively few customers today.”

"Yes? There is a person in front of the mansion…”

“When there are a lot of customers, you have to wait a day or so to get in.”
Ian was amazed.

The Makein family must have been richer than Lee Han had thought.

“It’s a family rule. You don't know what kind of talent the visitor will be, so
you have to treat them to the best of your ability. In fact, such outstanding
people have come to you, haven’t they?”


Joanen was even more satisfied with Lee Han's expression of humility.

It seems that the younger brother made good friends.

Still, I was worried that I might not be able to make good friends because I was
taking care of the stupid imperial family who was a relative.

"Oh yeah. So, which family are you from? I didn’t get an answer.”

“…from the Wodanaj family.”


“The Wodanaj family.”



'Are you ruined?'

Lee Han was determined.

Seeing no answer came, the reaction I feared as a mad magician of the Empire...

“He comes from a very good family.”


At Joanen's reaction, Lee Han was displeased.

“It’s just a shame that I can’t live up to the reputation of my family.”

“Is it possible? It seems that such a talent is rare even in the Wodanaj family.”

Although they were having a warm conversation, Lee Han couldn't read Joanen's

Joanen thought so.

'How can you be so considerate even though you are from the Wodanaj family?'

It was really surprising.

I thought there were only madmen who knew nothing but magic...

“Then let’s go see Yonaire. Follow me.”

Joanen left the workshop first, and as Lee Han and Ratford tried to follow them,
Cal Jun-in called for Lee Han for a moment.



“Thank you. Thank you for giving me a great realization.”

Alchemist Caljunin said seriously.

After making a potion with confidence and showing it to the Makein family, he knew
what he wanted to do.

If it wasn't for Lee Han's advice on the basics, Cal Jun-in would never have
realized it.

Of course, to Lee Han and Ratford, Cal Jun-in was just a little embarrassed.

'What do you mean by this person?'

'I don't know either.'

What did you learn from the incident where you stood in the wrong line and were
dragged to a strange place?

* * *


Nilia was served by a maid, growling inwardly, a sound that no noble would have

The maids put on Nelia's clothes one layer at a time with skillful workmanship.

'I'll be back, really...'

Even when she was initially invited to Yonaire's mansion, Nilia was full of

A friend's house I visit for the first time during the first vacation. Isn't it
the first nobleman's house to enter there?

It was something I had been dreaming of since I was traveling to and from the
northern mountains like <Shadow Patrol>.

- What is in the mansions of the nobles?

- Hmmm! Last time I stopped by the mansion, there was a very large monster head
and skin. He was a really creepy stuffed guy.

-...not anything like that... fairy tale-like... isn't it just the nobles here?

-what are you talking about? All nobles like to hunt.

-right. Nelia. Only the North can't do that. Nobles from other regions would all
live with their game on display.

- Don't do that! A painting or a sculpture! Like music or snacks!

-Did you see it when you stopped by the mansion last time? <The Bloody Hunt of the
Seven Naked Hunters>...

- Wasn't it good to play hunting drums?

-ah! Not really like that!!!

-Why is Nelia doing that?

- You must have been angry because you ate the eyeballs first. That's why you
should give the eyeballs to the child first.

People in the northern part of the Empire didn't have a dream, but Nilia was

Surely somewhere in the empire, there must be nobles that could only come out of a
fairy tale.

And that life...

'Choke!' was more troublesome than I thought.

When I first entered the mansion, I was happy.

Watching all kinds of busy people coming and going, taking a walk around the
estate of the mansion with Yonaire, and enjoying a dinner full of dishes you don't
know the name of.

And from then on it started to get weird.

- I will attend the bath.

-What? Hate! You can do it yourself!

- What did we do wrong...

-...Okay... Just do it...

Nilia's heart was not so harsh to reject the maids who said, 'What did we do
wrong?' with a shocked expression.

But that was only the beginning.

- I'll sing you a song until you go to bed.

-Are you making terrible noises that will make you run away from any sleep!?

- What did we do wrong...

-...just do it...

sleep market.

-Are you awake? We will serve you in the morning for washing your face.

- Whoops. Whoops. Whoops whoops.

clothing market.

- I'll dress you up.

-I'm not going to war, is there any reason to wear it like this?

-Ahahaha! You're really good at jokes too!

-You're a wizard after all!


meal service.

- I'll cut it.

- Oh, no. i'm going to cut More than that, you weren't by my side like this last

-Youner-sama requested a special request...

- Well, then, isn't it special today as well?

- What did we do wrong...


Nelia gave up and served the meal.

The moment I grabbed the meat and tried to eat it, the maids ran in panic, the
moment I was about to get up to get water in the glass, the maids ran again in
panic, and the moment the sauce splashed on my cheek, the maids ran again in a
panic. ...

It was hard to tell if this was a meal or training for the maids.

- When is Yonner coming?

-Youner is still sleeping. If you have a cough...

- Oh, no. let me sleep

And at the end of the meal, dress up again.

- I'll change your clothes.

- You did it in the morning!?

-yes? Lunch clothes... I, what did we do wrong...


And now.


Nelia staggered and opened the door with a black, dead face. Then Yoner stood
"sorry. I overslept…”

Nilia burst out crying and hugged Yoner tightly. Yonner was perplexed.


After hearing all the explanation of what had happened, Yonaire felt very sorry.

“I should have told you.”

"Nope! I... I really enjoyed it!”


“Uh huh.”

'I'll just have to tell you.'

When Nilia said that she had fun while avoiding her gaze, Yonaire swore to

“How is your schedule today? I have work to do.”


Nelia's ears perked up.

He never wanted to be alone in this heavenly mansion.

“I… can I do it too?”

"yes? It's okay, but... wouldn't it be fun?"

"Nope! Anything you do with your friends will be fun!”

Nelia exclaimed desperately. Then Yoner also nodded her head with a slightly happy

“If so.”

To sum it up, it was a really fun thing to do.

- Let me tell you today's topic. <How should alchemists deal with the growing
political instability along the southern coast of the Empire, where the Sangoria
flower is produced?>.


Nelia thought for a moment that the nobles spoke another language.

“This… what… what…?”

“It’s often done in the family.”

Yonner kindly explained.

Among the great aristocratic families, the Maykins, active in commerce and
patronage, pursued steady competition within themselves.
One of the representative examples was this topic sentence.

Anyone working within the family could write and submit a solution on this topic.

“If you are selected with a good opinion, you will receive a reward.”

“…Uh, uh.”

Nelia looked around.

Seeing everyone solemnly holding a quill and staring at the paper was not in the
mood to say, 'Can't we just go hunting?'

Nelia sighed inwardly and grabbed her quill.

Write anything!

There are a lot of hunters in the North who have nothing to do, but by sending
them to the southern coast... I think it will work well to deal with monsters
because they can attack from a distance... If the monsters are caught well, people
will be happy and political instability will decrease... I'm sorry...


Nelia and Yoner raised their heads at the same time.

Whoever looked at it, someone like Yonaire's older sister was calling for Yonaire.

“A friend is here.”


Nelia's face brightened.

“Your friend is here! Let's go see it!"

“Nelia. I didn't want to do this…”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that…”

* * *

I haven't seen you in a few days, but when Nelia was so happy, Lee Han was a
little embarrassed.

“Have you ever had any hardships in the Maykin family mansion?”

"yes?! no! what! How could someone say such a thing… if anyone hears it, they

Nelia jumped in denial.

'It must have been.'

"I don't think Yoneer's personality bothered him... Ah. Do you feel uncomfortable
because you care too much?”

"how did you know!?"

Nelia was really surprised. She smiled bitterly as if Lee Han knew.

Ian himself had experienced it.

“I wish I could have said that well.”

“I cry when I say something, but how do I say it strongly…”

“It’s not comfortable.”


“There is a way to turn around. I'll tell you later."

“Are you going to be there long? stay long Don’t go fast.”

Nelia grabbed Lee Han and Ratford's sleeves and whispered in a weak voice.

Lee Han felt sorry for inviting Nelia for nothing.

“I have to go somewhere else... Then, shall we go together?”

Nelia nodded her head quickly.

Yoner, who came out with a bag of silver coins, asked curiously.

“What were you talking about?”

“Let’s go together when we visit other places.”

"ah. Wasn't it fun too?"

"no?! It was fun!?”

Nelia was startled and waved both hands in denial, but Lee Han and Yoner looked at
Nelia as if they knew everything.

“What were you doing?”

“Propose a solution to a topic sentence that appears regularly in the family.

Today was <How should alchemists deal with the growing political instability on the
southern coast of the Empire, where the Sangoria flower is produced?>.”

"indeed. In the end, the reason for the instability is the decrease in catches.”

"right. Because the guilds overfished the sea, the magic of the sea grew wild and
the spirits were angry.”

“It would be nice to negotiate with the guilds and take a vacation, but it won’t
be easy. It would be better to support the wizards in the Empire to restore the
magic of the sea, and to persuade the pro-imperialist guilds among those guilds

“I thought so too.”


Listening to Lee Han and Yoner's conversation, Nelia turned her head and became
Is this the conversation of a student of the same age now?

While we were talking, Yoner realized something was strange and asked.

"for a moment. Why is Joanen sister here?”

Normally, if you had come here formally, the servants would have come and told
you, 'Your friend is here'?

“Wrong line.”


Lee Han briefly explained what had happened.

"I'm glad you're kind."

"...uh. Wait a minute."

Yonner was unusually perplexed. Lee Han was puzzled by the reaction.


“Did you make a potion in front of your sister?”


“Did your sister see you?”


“Lee Han. Do you remember Professor Vible Verdus?”

“Of course you remember?”

“Your sister is a good Professor Vible Verdus.”

“…what nonsense are you talking about? Yonner.”

Lee Han felt a chill in his spine and denied reality.

How could such a kind-looking person be Professor Vible Verdus?

And in the first place, a good Professor Vible Verdus could not exist.

Isn't that a complete contradiction?

Sociable Professor Voladi, conscientious Skeleton Principal...

Yonner said seriously.

“I want you to leave the mansion quickly. let's go."


“I'm not joking about this. hurry. Nelia, get ready to go too.”

Lee Han and his friends started preparing to go out in a hurry. Nilia wanted to
change into comfortable clothes, but Yonaire stopped her.

"Sorry. I don't have time for that. You have to leave quickly.”



“Are you done with the conversation?”


Seeing her older sister opening the door and sticking her head out, Yonere almost


"what's the matter? Yoner?”

“Oh… nothing. sister. Oh yeah. We're going out now..."

Yoner muttered his tongue out. Then, over the amethyst glasses, Joanen's eyes

“Are you going out?”


“Where are you going?”

“To see my friends.”

"When are you coming back?"

“Writing… well…?”

“Who is this Wordanaj family friend?”

“Hey, Lee Han is busy… Why?”

“You seem to be interested in alchemy.”

“Oh, no. I am not that interested.”

“Are you the alchemist chief?”


Yoner stared at Lee Han and Ratford.

You said that again in that short time!


Ratford bowed his head.

I just wanted to show Yonaire's sister that Lee Han is a great person...

“Yoner... did you think I would treat your friend like the other alchemists in the
workshop? Isn't that what it is?"

“Oh, no.”

"right? I can't do that.”

Lee Han wanted to ask, 'How do you treat the other alchemists in the workshop?',
but couldn't.

“If I was a student at the Magic School, I would have studied during the
vacation... Is my workshop not a suitable place to learn alchemy?”

“Oh, no. My sister's workshop is the best in Grand Den...”

"thank you for saying it like that."

“But Lee Han is really busy…”

As Yoner persisted, Joanen turned an arrow to Lee Han.

“Why don’t you visit the workshop once?”

"thank you."

“When would you like to visit?”

'Professor Verdus is really right!'

Lee Han had no choice but to admit that he was able to set a specific schedule
right away.

Joanen noticed Lee Han's alertness and turned to the carrot.

“I don’t know what Yonner said, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. There are
times when I am busy with work, but at that time, Yoner came to the workshop and
looked around.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Others would have been deceived by Joanen's good-natured expression, but not Lee

The original devil always smiles kindly.

“My workshop is still not a bad place to study alchemy while on vacation. High-
quality materials can be used generously, and the workers receive generous wages.
It’s also a good way to build a network as many of the city’s top alchemists come
to see us.”

'It's all here. Lee Han. If you refuse a little more, even my sister...'

Yoner's earnest wish was to no avail, and Lee Han responded immediately.

“Do alchemists get paid too?”

"Sure. Aha. Are you interested in salary? As much as he is a friend of his younger
brother to Einroguard student...”

Joanen secretly spread out three fingers. With her fingers wrapped in her white
gloves, Lee Han made her heart pound.

three fold.

“Lee Han...!”

Yonaire whispered as if sorry, but Joanen smiled as if she knew what Lee Han
wanted and spread another finger.

“…I really wanted to learn alchemy during vacation.”

Joanen gracefully grabbed Lee Han's hand and shook hands.

“Welcome. Come anytime. Oh yeah. Can I talk to my brother for a moment?”

As Lee Han and his friends left first, Joanen turned to Yoner.

Yonner said with a gloomy face.

“If I lose a friend, it’s my sister’s responsibility…”

“I’m really not going to let you down. promise. Wasn't he a bit more unusual than

"ah. yes. He's a strange person."

“I thought you would turn it down, but you accepted it because of your salary.
Maybe it's because he's from the Wodanaj family, but he doesn't like gold coins. Do
you have any debts?”

"Nope. I just like gold coins.”

* * *

“I’m a little worried about going to see Gainan too.”

Lee Han, too, was in a position to visit any large aristocratic family, but the
imperial family had a slightly different story.

Basically, there's nothing good about being tied together.

The nobles of the empire were divided into three categories.

A loyalist who supports the best of the royal family.

The aristocratic faction, with more than a hundred members of the imperial family,
ridiculed and opposed to how great it is.

And neutrals that do not belong to either category.

The Wodanaj family belonged to a representative neutral faction. In fact, the

Wodanaj family left the neutral faction and could even be called a chipper or a

However, when Lee Han officially visited the imperial residence, rumors of <Lee
Han of the Wodanaj family, support of the royal family A?> were just right.

"it's okay. If you go with a group like this, all your school friends will visit
Yonner understood Lee Han's concerns.

In this case, an appropriate justification was important.

“Actually, it was a matter of going with you guys, so I didn’t worry too much.
Rather, I am concerned about the people who will be in Gainando’s mansion.”

After visiting the Dalcard family and the Maikin family, I could tell.

The differences between the houses of noble families were greater than expected.

Now, if something strange happened at the Guyando mansion, it wouldn't be too


“How is the atmosphere in Kainan-don’s mansion?”

“Gainando’s mansion? It's ordinary. There is no such thing as a test or anything

like our family. The number of customers is also small.”

The guests visiting the mansion of Gainando were more likely to come because of
Gainando's mother than to see Kainando, the royal family.

First of all, the Kraha family, Gainando's mother's family, was an enormously
wealthy family in the empire.

If you had that much wealth, you would also have abilities that you didn't have.
Of course, the guests couldn't come, so they were anxious.

However, there were not that many guests at the Kainandone mansion.

“Because Gainan’s mother doesn’t like to welcome guests.”

“Why? A lot of guests are needed to promote Gainan's reputation... Well. not."

It is necessary to welcome guests frequently to spread rumors of the family and

increase its reputation, but sometimes it was the other way around.

The more often they are greeted, the more bad rumors can spread.

Lee Han changed the topic.

“What kind of mother is Gainando?”

If it was another good Professor Verdus, the visit could have been delayed a bit.

“He is a kind and kind person. and..."


“You are a very beautiful person.”

“That’s right.”

Lee Han was taken aback by the sudden remark.

“When we first meet, it may be difficult to look directly into the face.”

“You’re so beautiful, there’s a halo coming out from behind. I couldn't even look
at it.”

“…isn’t that just a mixture of spirit or angel blood?”

"right. I heard that the light spirit's blood was mixed with it."

Lee Han wanted to ask, 'You can't see your face because of the light, how do you
know if you are beautiful or not?

How important would that be?

"Oh yeah. Do you really give pocket money if you are friendly with a guy?”


“Obviously, am I the best friend? What do you all think?”

Ratford and Nelia looked at Lee Han as if it were ridiculous.

* * *

“Please wait thirty minutes.”

"ah. Did the guests arrive first?”

“That… I’m sorry. Please wait thirty minutes.”


Lee Han and his friends tilted their heads in front of the front door of the
luxurious Gainandone mansion.

If the guests arrived first, they could wait for a while, but waiting outside the
front door was not uncommon.

Unless there's something in the mansion that shouldn't be shown...



pop! Puff puff puff puff!

Magical firecrackers lit the sky with the sound of a gigantic wind instrument

Passers-by threw their eyes in surprise, wondering if there was any festival.


“What is this…”

“Welcome to the mansion!”

“You came to the mansion…”



Chorus sounds from within.

Lee Han suddenly wanted to return to the mansion.

“What fuss is this?”

“It looks like the prince is welcoming guests at the Kraha family mansion.”

"Oh my gosh. Do I need to make so much noise?”

“I think they are friends I haven’t seen in a long time.”

The faces of Lee Han and his friends turned red at the sound of people talking

“…cloak, swallow me.”

“Come on, come in! me too!"

The four went inside using the magic they learned in Einroguard.

Gainando, who was on the huge marble staircase, waved his hand as soon as he saw
the four.

“Here! here!"

“Quickly stop singing!”

"uh? why? Only one movement has been played yet.”

“Noisy, stop singing!”

“Stop it quickly!”

When his friends got angry, Guy Nando became confused and beckoned.

Then the musicians who were waiting at the mansion site took their hands off their

"why? Was the song bad?”

“It’s not about the song. Let's go inside quickly."

Lee Han and his friends dragged Guy Nando into the mansion.

Gainando was dragged along with a grunt.

“You can go in after listening to all the performances.”

“I’ll hear from you later.”


"...someday. Rather, Gainan. How have you been? Is there anything wrong?”
Lee Han changed the topic. Gainando said after thinking deeply.

“I had something to do with it.”


Ian was surprised.

Could it be that Gainando suffered persecution from the handsome royals just as
Asan suffered from the handsome brothers of the Dalkad family?

“Who made an argument?”

"no. Yesterday I put in a new wizard card and I lost.”



Yoner raised his hand to strike Guynando in the back of the head.

If Nelia hadn't hastily grabbed her wrist, it would have made a 'clap' sound.

Lee Han nodded as if he understood and asked again.

“Are you doing anything other than the wizard card? Who didn't come and argue or

"yes? No one came.”


When I said that no one had come, it felt a little sad that way.

Lee Han exchanged sad glances with his friends.

“It’s okay because we came this way.”

“So I prepared to play, but you guys stopped in the middle.”

Gainando grumbled again.

When Yoner raised his other hand, which was not held by him, Nilia hurriedly
grabbed it as well.

“Less than that. Let's go play together during vacation."

“What are you planning to play with?”

“Walking around the store, buying some new cards, browsing some toys, buying
magazines from school...”

Lee Han shook his head.

Do you live such an extreme consumption-oriented life?

It was a good life to become a beggar.

“Gainan too. That’s good, but there’s something more fun.”

"What? really?"

“Follow me and you will know. Let's go together later."

There was nothing more enjoyable than silver coins earned through sweat. Lee Han
decided to share the joy with Guy Nando.

Yoner whispered.

“I don’t think Gainan would like to do that because of his personality.”

"it's okay. You just have to tell me in a situation where you can’t escape.”


"Oh. I have to pay back the money I borrowed.”

Gainando called his servant. Lee Han was surprised at the unexpected appearance.

“I didn’t know you would remember first.”

“My mom said that if you don’t pay it back, it’s trash.”

“That’s right.”

Gainando's room was large enough to fit several wagons. Each of them dispersed a
bit and grabbed what looked interesting and played.

While reading a novel serialized in a magazine with interest (Toberiz, a dog-beast

detective, was looking for the culprit by foresight magic), Lee Han noticed that it
was noisy outside.

“What do you have plans for today?”

"uh? uh, ah. right. I was told that other royal families were visiting.”


“...if that’s not a big deal, what’s the point?”


Meeting with members of the imperial family was different from meeting brothers
and sisters of other families.

Even so, brothers and sisters of the same family had some degree of intimacy, but
basically, the royal family did not meet each other for a while.

Naturally, the royal family had no choice but to regard each other as rivals...

Thanks to this, there was a competition without blood or tears when we met.

In order to be recognized in front of people who are the superior members of the
royal family!

“…But fortunately, it’s Gainando’s mansion. As long as I'm a guest, I can't say
too much."
Lee Han said comfortingly.

As guests were invited to someone else's family mansion, he couldn't be cocky

beyond a certain level.

If you don't, you'll be treated like a guy who doesn't even care about the subject
you've been invited to.

“Besides, you have a mother.”

We haven't met who he is yet, but seeing what Yonner was talking about, he was by
no means an ordinary person.

Considering the strength of the family, no one would dare to say anything useless
in front of him.

“Have you been out for a while?”


"...Hey guys. Let’s get together for a moment.”

Lee Han put down the magazine and gathered his friends.

The theme of the meeting was <How to make Gainando look plausible during the royal
family gathering>.

* * *

Contrary to Lee Han's concerns, the imperial family had no intention of arguing
with Gainando.

Once invited to another family's mansion, the imperial family was not stupid
enough to insult members of that family.

Besides, considering the power of the family, there was nothing good about making
enemies for nothing.

It was each other that the imperial family wanted to quarrel with.

“Bo Ga-jun. Long time no see. It was a pity that the last time the plague incident
in Kledran Village failed.”


"Judrantas... Thank you for your concern. I worried a lot about you too. Who would
have known that your escort would be involved in a bribery case?”


The imperial family headed for the mansion growled, staring at each other on

So did the followers of the royal family. They looked at each other fiercely,
waiting for each other's gaps.

The imperial family, who had to prove their worth, always tried to make their
reputation known to the empire.
The best way was to intervene in the affairs of the empire and solve it.

Of course, such solutions did not always work out well. There were many failures,
and sometimes even before he did it, he had an accident among his followers.

Then the other members of the royal family were very excited and had to listen to
the worried words, 'Hey, what should I do?'


'I should have searched last time.'

“It’s really nice to see the two of you worrying about each other’s well-being.”

“How bright is the future of the empire?”

"...ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

The people who visited the mansion were not just the royal family and their
followers. There were also nobles who went with them.

They acted as spectators and referees.

If someone from the royal family has an accident at the meeting, the rumor spreads
in the imperial social circle, 'Someone from the royal family had an accident', and
if someone from the royal family achieves an outstanding achievement, the rumor
spreads again...

If it wasn't for them, a few words of cursing would have already been said.

“It’s really ugly.”

"you're right. A truly beautiful jewel shines even if it sinks to the bottom of
the swamp. They are insignificant compared to Adenart-sama.”

Adenart's followers clicked their tongues at the other royal family.

Any member of the royal family should know how to be heavy, but seeing them
arguing with each other as soon as they met was pathetic.

"under. Do you have any other achievements besides being admitted to Einroguard?”

“I don’t think that’s what a person who didn’t even enter Einrogard would say.”

“You just have no interest in magic. The Prince is in a position to cast a wizard,
not a position to use his own magic.”

“That’s what you would want to claim.”

"ruler. Everyone please be quiet for a moment. We have arrived at the mansion.”

Nobles who were not part of the faction of the imperial family came to mediate.

If you continued arguing after passing through the front door, you were
disrespecting the owner of the mansion.
The fighting followers shut their mouths and made their way through the mansion's
front door.

A luxurious mansion that is rare even in the city of Granden...




Those who entered were startled by the illusion of a dragon that wrapped around
the mansion and spewed out lamps of light.

At a glance, you could tell that it was done by a fairly skilled wizard.

It was the <Azirmo Summon Grant> magic that Lee Han (forcibly) learned from
Professor Verdus.

“Gainan too. Say hello quickly.”

“Isn’t it better to summon a skeleton too?”

“If you don’t want to be stabbed in the bone, say hello quickly.”

“There’s nothing to be angry about…”

When Lee Han growled and became angry, Gainando, who was frightened, coughed and

"welcome. Welcome to the mansion.”


Gainando and his friends standing on the stairs left a strong impression on the

“Come to think of it, I heard that Prince Gainan and Prince Einroguard also
entered Ein Lawguard…”

“You can already use this level of magic.”

“You didn’t cast it yourself, did you? It must have been cast by borrowing the
power of other friends.”

“Even so, it's great enough. Look at that illusion magic.”

The guests raised the rating of Gainando, which they hadn't even thought about.

Even if he didn't cast it, the fact that he and his friends cast that level of
magic was a great thing in itself.

Gainando tilted his head.

“But this is what Lee Han cast alone…”

"Shh. shut up.”

Gainando puffed up his cheeks at the sight of his friends making their owners shut
their mouths even though it was his mansion.

Ian said firmly.

“Gainan too. Remember? You only say three things. 'Yes', 'No', 'Whoah'. got it?"


“I didn’t have to do it already, but it’s good to be proactive. That's right."

Lee Han patted Guy Nando on the shoulder.

All I had to do was sit still and keep my mouth shut until the meeting was over.
Then at least there won't be any damage.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Bogajun.”

“This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”


"I will leave it up to you. This is Judraantas.”

“This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”


Every time the visiting royal family heard about Lee Han's family, they looked at
him with greedy eyes.

'You look more greedy than I look at gold coins.'

Of course, Lee Han knew well why his opponent was doing that.

He came from the Wordanaj family, a master of magic, and was even a student of
Einroguard, so it was not strange to judge that he was the lumber of a wizard who
would become great in the future.

And the royals are basically people who like to attract talented people under

“I have heard the name of the Wodanaj family a lot. A new magic book has just
arrived in the mansion, so why not come and take a look if it's okay?"

“Thanks for the suggestion. Let’s think about it.”

“I found an artifact this time...”

"thank you. Let’s think about it.”

Life gets tiring if you get involved. Lee Han euphemistically answered the
question without showing any gaps.

When Lee Han didn't show any gaps, the royal family turned their attention to
Nelia and Ratford.

As the Makein family was related to Gainando, it was almost impossible to include
them, but the other two didn't know yet.

“If there is anything you want…”

“This time new...”

While the imperial family and their followers harassed and harassed Lee Han, Nelia
and Ratford, one of the guests asked Gainando curiously.

“Kainando-sama. I have one question. Who cast that magic? I'm a bit versed in
magic. It's not like a magic that other wizards can help.”


Gainando responded as Lee Han told him.

Then the customer asked again.

“Did the prince cast it?”


“Then, did Lee Han of the Wodanaj family cast it?”



Lee Han, who was answering the questions of the imperial family from a little far
away, lamented inwardly.

'I should have just sewn up my mouth.'

“Did Wodanaj-sama cast it? I'd love to hear it! When do you have time?”

“We can arrange a time for you at any time. The Wizard of the Wodanaj family is

The followers, who had been suggesting a little softly until now, began to charge
with twinkling eyes.

There was a burning desire to definitely invite Lee Han to a gathering of


Guynando grumbled at Yonaire.

“Why do you keep inviting people when you don’t even have time to hang out in the

“You please shut up...”

* * *

Only after making a fuss in front of the mansion were the guests able to enter.

Each of them sat in the hall and calmly tilted their teacups, but their eyes were

The customer who annoyed Lee Han by asking Gainando a useless question sat down in
front of Lee Han.

“I was really surprised. Wodanaz. Oh yeah. My name is Zolbabden.”

At the sight of the elf reaching out her hand, Lee Han cursed inwardly.

Why are you talking nonsense?

“I knew Einrogard was an excellent magic school, but a first-year student would
show that level of magic… I was truly amazed.”

“I was just lucky.”

“Are you lucky? Could it be? Look at the faces of other members of the royal

'It's because of you.'

Zolbabden said 'No! He cast this magic by himself!' If he hadn't said, the royal
family wouldn't have looked so hot.

Originally, Lee Han preferred to be friendly with wealthy people, but the story
was a little different for the royal family.

Aren't they the ones who have to pay more if they hang out to get some gold coins?

There was no need to drink the poisoned Holy Grail for nothing.

'I will earn money proudly and proudly.'

Lee Han changed the topic.

“So, what are the royal family doing today?”

"ah. Soon the riddle will come out.”

There was only one reason why the royal family, who hated each other, gathered.

To prove 'I'm better than him' in front of other nobles.

Of course, such a proof requires an opportunity.

For this reason, the nobles would take turns bringing small riddles to the
gatherings of the imperial family.


Inside the transparent glass case was an egg with a unique pattern.

The nobleman with the glass case said with a meaningful smile.

"ruler. The wise people gathered here today. Can you guess what kind of creature
this egg is?”

Zolbabden, who was next to Lee Han, exclaimed.

“After all, Brodon-sama is very witty! Isn't it? Wodanaj-sama?”

Lee Han, who was thinking to himself, 'If you want to do that kind of thing, why
don't you go to Einroguard?' answered with a pretentious smile.

“It’s a really witty question.”

“Is that right? Oh yeah. How would you like Wodanaj-sama to solve it once?”

'Are you crazy?'

Ihan's fingers twitched.

Of course, Zolbabden was trying to bring a talented boy from the Woudanaj family
to the imperial social circle with a pure heart.

No matter how great a bloodline you are born, no matter how excellent you are, if
you don't have someone to spread it around, no one will know of its existence.

Zolbabden was a nobleman in the imperial social circle, who thought it was his
mission to spread the name of talented people.

Of course, from Lee Han's point of view, it was just a nuisance.

The imperial family are shaking their bodies to get rid of each other right now,
so why are they wearing them?

“It seems difficult because there is nothing to guess.”

In response, Lee Han paused.

Strangely, that egg was familiar.

Where did you see it?


While Lee Han frowned and tried to revive his memories, the royal family began to
take action.

The prince, Bo Ga-jun, tapped the table with his fingers and said.

“Since the weight of the egg is heavy, it doesn’t look like a flying creature.”

The princess, Judraantas, immediately countered.

“It’s not something you can just think about. Some flying creatures are heavy.”

“I know. But for guessing, choose a high-probability option…”

“That is wrong.”

“It’s wrong that the bodyguard was involved in a bribery case… huh.”

“…well, I couldn’t even solve the plague in Cladran Village, so I couldn’t deal
with such a natural thing… Uh-huh.”

'no. It's more fun than I thought.'

Lee Han, who was listening next to him, seemed to understand why the nobles
followed the royal family and participated in the gatherings.
It was more fun than I thought to see the royal family fighting each other while
looking at each other.

Of course, the nobles didn't follow me with such a bad idea, but...

tuk tuk-


Ihan turned his head. When I turned around, the princess, Adenart, who belonged to
the same tower was standing there.

Adenart bowed his head slightly in gratitude and handed Lee Han a well-packaged

Seeing this, Lee Han was greatly moved.

'You know grace like royalty!'

The grace that stopped the princess from being forced to do a difficult task
because of her followers.

You don't forget that and try to pay it back in silver like this.

'The future of the empire is bright.'

"thank you."

Lee Han answered and unwrapped the wrapped string.

Then the silver coin shining inside... didn't come out, but a shiny medallion.


When the medal came out instead of the silver coin, Lee Han was momentarily taken


'Aha. Since silver coins have limitations in weight and volume, did you give them
high-money ornaments instead?'

Lee Han admired the princess's consideration again.

Indeed, the senior in the grade... No, it was an excellent intelligence worthy of
the second seat.

They give you jewelry that you can sell right away.

“Wordanaj-sama. That’s the Boeun Pavilion.”


Lee Han's expression frowned at the follower's kind explanation.

boeun plaque.
It was a gift given by the family as a token of appreciation when a member of the
family was taken care of.

If you put this hand out when you need help, you can get help from that family
anytime, anywhere.

Adenart also had a strong family, so the value of this reward was also great...

'...just give me silver coins.'

However, it was of little use to Lee Han.

Lee Han is not going to go into politics with the support of some imperial family,
nor is he going to enter the imperial social circle...

In addition, it was difficult to exchange such a reward for silver coins. If you
were caught by mistake, you would be ignoring the sincerity of the other family.

Lee Han sighed inwardly and replied with a hypocrite.

“To receive something like this… I think it’s overdone.”

"haha. no. The Princess is very grateful for Wodanaj-sama’s dedication.”

“Can I really take this?”

"Yes! of course."

The princess also looked at her with a piercing gaze as if asking for acceptance,
and nodded her head.

When an attempt to get something else instead failed, Lee Han endured the
bitterness and put the medal.

"thank you."

"for a moment. What are you giving?”

Bogajun said to Adenart's followers with a smirk.

While Bo Gajun and Judraantas are arguing, Adenart is trying to take the talent as
he pleases.

Judrantas also stopped arguing and intervened.

“Are you trying to force a reward? Don't you know that if you force yourself to do
a favor, it will be a waste?"

'You know how to say the right words unexpectedly.'

However, Adenart's followers were not formidable.

“Aren’t you giving it to me? Ga-Jun Bo. This was given to me by Adenart as a thank
you to my friend. You two are studying together at Einrogard.”


Bogajun and Judraantas disassembled at the same time with a drooling voice.

There was no better excuse for making friends than the fact that they were
learning at the same school.

'Such a coward...'

'How to use the fact that you are attending Einroguard like this.'

When the two royals were speechless, the follower continued with triumphant

“Do you know? Wodanaj-sama is a close friend of the princess.”


Ihan tilted his head.

Did you?

'So close... are you close?'

Of course, we prepared a meal, and since we were in the same tower, we did things
together, but I was a little curious if it was a close friend.

No matter what my friend...

“Fufu! Whoops! Whoops!”

Gainando thought so too, so he tried to protest strongly.

'If it's friendly, I'm more friendly!'

Of course, there was no effect because the other horses were sealed.

"Quiet. You have a lot of eyes to see.”

Yoner stabbed Guynando in the side.

Lee Han took great care to keep his face in front of the aristocrats who came to
today's meeting, but he's trying to kick it.

This cousin should have been a little grateful.

"huh. Friendship at school is like a joke. Just because we learned together

doesn’t mean we have to serve.”

“You rarely say the right thing. right. Wouldn't it be more strange to think that
just because we had a little acquaintance, we would serve?”

The two members of the royal family changed directions and turned their friendship

Of course, neither Lee Han nor Adenart were shaken.

Adenartya was originally an expressionless person, and Lee Han had no particular

'It's not wrong.'

It was nonsense to say that they served because they went to the same school.

By that logic, Gainando already has followers...

"Oh yeah. Why don't you try to guess the identity of that egg once?"

“I think you can do enough.”

Bo Gajun and Judraantas suggested a riddle to win Lee Han's favor.

Of course, that wasn't an act to win Lee Han's favor at all.

'Why do these children keep doing it because they don't want to do it?'

It would be nice if they just fought with each other, but trying to put Lee Han in
was just annoying.

The moment he was about to say no in a good way, something flashed through Lee
Han's mind.


A strangely ripe egg.

I felt like I saw it somewhere...

'Egg of Basilisk!!'

I vividly remember the disappointment that Professor Voladi received. I wondered

why I just thought of it now.

“Isn’t that a basilisk egg?”

Lee Han asked in a slightly bewildered voice.

Of course, as long as it doesn't hatch, it doesn't really matter whether it's a

basilisk egg or a dragon egg...

Isn't it a little dangerous?

'Is it really like this when the royal family get together? Isn't that even an

The nobleman who brought the egg, Brodon, laughed as if he was talking about

“It’s not a basilisk egg. Wodanaj-sama.”

"Is that so?"

When the other person answered confidently, Lee Han stopped. He wondered if he had
seen it wrong.

"Yes. Please believe me. You can't bring such a dangerous egg to a meeting here."

“Where did you get it?”

“You bought it from a merchant?”


Lee Han's face, who was trying to believe him, hardened.

It's not the eggs he raised or saved, but the eggs he bought from a merchant.

suddenly became ominous.

'...I'll be fine.'

Come to think of it, I wondered if it would be a problem as long as there was no

sign of hatching whether it was a basilisk egg or a dragon egg.

When the meeting is over, I'll bring it back to you...


When something was about to come out with a cracking sound, Lee Han reacted

“Everyone get down!”

The hours of rigorous training at Einroguard did not betray Lee Han.

Thanks to this, I was able to draw a staff and cast a spell faster than anyone

“Spring up. Unfold!”

A gigantic mass of water gushed out of the air, then turned into a veil and
encircled the glass case.

One of the most dangerous things when dealing with a basilisk is its issue.

The basilisk's eyes, which cast the curse of petrification the moment they met,
were dangerous even for newborn babies.

“I’m also… ugh!”

“Stay still!”

“No, I…”


Lee Han, who grabbed the backs of the prince and princess who were about to
intervene and crumpled them behind the table, shouted to his friends.

“Remember what we did last time? Move like back then! Keep your head down and look
in the mirror! Move!”

Lee Han set up a table and pushed the nobles behind him. So that you don't make
eye contact with the issue by sticking your head out for nothing.

Clink, puck!

There was the sound of glass shattering, and then a dull sound came out of the
water curtain.
Lee Han was surprised by the shock that seemed to be pierced at any moment.

“How about a baby?”

"ah! Wodanaj-sama!”

Zolbabden, who was hiding under the table next to him, exclaimed knowingly.

“Brodon often gives growth potions to take good care of the eggs!”


Zolbabden, as a source in the imperial social circle, excelled in intelligence.

Of course, this information was not very helpful in the current situation!

Brodon, who had not yet understood the situation, shouted as if in denial of

“Could it not be a basilisk?”

“Anyone who runs like that, no matter what, must be a vicious one! Don't leave
everyone behind the table! Sharkan, come out! Perkuntra, I need your power!”

Realizing that the situation was not serious, Lee Han tried to beat the player
with the strongest hand he had.

The situation could only get worse if you took care of it clumsily.

However, when Lee Han half-summoned Perkuntra, the water curtain shattered.


Astonishingly, there was a sound of burning from the curtain of water.

When the monsters inside couldn't break through it by force, it tore the water
curtain with poison.

In the torn gap, the appearance of a monster flashed.

A terrifying monster, a basilisk, born of a mixture of snake and rooster souls!


The Basilisk at this point decided who the most menacing wizard was, and
immediately decided on Lee Han.

The elongated pupils flashed and emitted a curse of evil petrification.

“...the one who has contracted with you is calling you in the right way!”


However, Lee Han did not waver at all despite being cursed by petrification.

In fact, I was so focused on memorizing the spell that I didn't even notice that
the basilisk had shredded the curse of petrification.
Pot, Pot, Pot!

The Curse of Petrification was continuously cast, but Lee Han deflected them all.

And Perkuntra was summoned.

Whoops, whoops!

Thunderstorms and thunder roared indoors, and a giant lightning spirit began to
form above Lee Han.

What kind of mess is this?! You really are driving events wherever you go!

“...I'll explain that later! A basilisk in front is trying to escape! Please


At Lee Han's urgent cry, Perkuntra immediately grasped the situation.

If a basilisk was trapped inside that water curtain, it wouldn't be normal.

Apparently, there were quite a few people who were not wizards, and it could lead
to a major disaster.

Of all the mistakes you made today, the best choice was to summon me!

Perkuntra's body swelled up greatly, and it shot out like lightning.

And he was crushed into the curtain of water.

Subdue a basilisk or anything at once...

...Did you faint?


that I fainted It looks exhausted.

Perkuntra removed the water curtain and showed the fallen basilisk. He was lying
down as if dead.

Sharkan also tapped the basilisk. Nevertheless, the basilisk did not arise.

"Is that so?"


For a moment, an awkward silence passed between Lee Han and Perkuntra.

Lee Han said in a sarcastic voice.

“Anyway, thanks for coming.”


Perkuntra glared at Lee Han.


"uh? Are you done already?”

The friends who were preparing their magic while hiding behind each table asked in
bewildered voices.

I looked in the mirror and saw that the basilisk was actually down.

Yoner put the potion back in and stood up. Nelia too she stopped casting her
enchantment on the arrow and stood up.

Just like the skeleton warrior who summoned Gainando...

“Put it in quickly!”

“What are you doing, really!”

“Ah, no… why…! This is also magic!”

Gainando was embarrassed.

We all prepared to fight the Basilisk, so why is he the only one who curses

“Black magic is magic too!”

“I know, put it in! Because other people see it!”

Gainando was sad and summoned the Skeleton Warrior.

'It's like a dirty empire that only discriminates against black magic.'

It's not that easy to summon me.

Before being counter-summoned, Perkuntra gave Lee Han a serious admonition.

Once called, the precious opportunity that can't be called for a while, this young
wizard is constantly wasting it unnecessarily.

Ian asked in surprise.

“Are there any other penalties besides the time limit?”


For a moment, Perkuntra forgot her body and almost got really angry with the young

Mana consumption... No. done. Remember it anyway! If you waste a precious

opportunity, you'll regret it in the end.

“This time, it was really dangerous, so I called it. But why did that basilisk

I must have been hungry what do you know

Having said that, Perkuntra looked away.

But the basilisk did not collapse from hunger or fatigue. The traces of the
powerful petrification curse could be felt all over his body.
I was in my own case...


The power of the matter is also not in vain. If it is blocked, damage is returned
to itself. Did you have any artifacts of defense of the matter?



Perkuntra quickly grasped the situation.

That young wizard deflected the basilisk's issues with pure magical power.

'What is this...'

I'll just go

“I’m fine, but you want to stay a little longer, right?”


Perkuntra didn't want to praise Lee Han, so she hurriedly prepared a reverse

Its back looked quite shriveled.

Lee Han thought that if he had to go to the punishment room later, he would buy a
gift that the spirit liked.

“Is it all… finished?”

"Yes. It's all over. Please wait a moment in case you don't know."

Lee Han called the escorts who were waiting outside. He was sure to keep the
basilisk locked up just in case.

Surprised escorts rushed in and the situation came to an end.



Prince Bo Ga-jun held Lee Han's right hand tightly.

Bo Ga-jun cried out with tears in his greedy eyes.

“Wordanaj-sama is my lifesaver.”

“No… even if you were cursed with petrification, you wouldn’t be here for
anything, and the Haeju Wizard would have been here in an hour.”

Lee Han was taken aback by the appearance of the prince making a fuss.

When I saw Gainando who said that he was a life saver for giving me a cookie, I
didn't know that fuss was a characteristic of the royal family.

This time, the princess, Judraantas, grabbed Lee Han's left hand.

“Life saver...!”

"ah. Because it’s not.”

“A visit in return for your favor!”

“Sometimes we have a meeting!”

“I told you first! You can’t get out of it!”

“Go and get rid of the plague!”

“Where the rude… the bribe your bodyguard took!”

The two royals pulled Lee Han toward them and growled. However, the strength of
the two was very weak compared to Lee Han, so Lee Han didn't even budge.

'But can I do this?'

Ian was puzzled.

Until before, the imperial family, who had a lot of eyes to see, were arguing a
bit ugly because they were shocked by the basilisk.

Are you okay up to this point?

- That's a little...

-Whodanaj-sama refused, but forcibly recommended it like that. You have no


'I'm not okay.'

Seeing the nobles gossiping, I was right. Lee Han decided to stop the royal

“Two minutes. What you are doing right now is a little…”

“Lee Han. Lee Han.”

Gainando rushed over and whispered. Lee Han cast a stern gaze.

“Didn’t I just say ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘whooo’.”

“It’s an emergency, so I can’t help it! Mama is here!”


* * *

At the news that Gainando's mother had arrived early, the guests froze.

Originally, there was no reason to freeze even if we arrived early, but today was
a little different.

Wasn't it almost catastrophic by releasing a basilisk on the subject of a meeting

in someone else's mansion?

As the owner of the mansion, of course, it was something to be angry about.

Brodon, who brought the egg, bowed his head like a criminal and could not lift it

“Sorry everyone.”

"no. Brodon. Aren't we the members who attended the meeting together? How can you
say that it is only Brodon-sama’s fault?”

Everyone was very nervous, so Lee Han looked at Guy Nando and asked.

“Is your mother that strict?”

"It's ruined... it's ruined..."


As Gainando was also frustrated, Lee Han was perplexed.

Isn't this Gainando's fault?

“It’s not your fault, why are you doing this?”

“He told me not to mess with the mansion while he was away.”

“Because it’s what other guys did, you should take it for granted.”

At Lee Han's words, Guy Nando raised his head and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"really? I think so? Can you tell me instead?”

"no. I'm a guest, so you have to tell me."

“…Tell me instead…! I'm not sure!"

Guy Nando grabbed Lee Han's sleeve and stretched it out.

It seemed that Lee Han's words would end up much better than he did to his mother.

“Kraha is coming.”

When the servants of the family shouted, the guests hurriedly adjusted their
clothes and stood up from their seats.

Even the imperial family made sure that there was no problem with their attire and
stood up from their seats.


As the door opened and Gainando's mother entered, a tremendous light swept through
the hall.

Those who faced the light unwittingly spit out voices of admiration.

"iced coffee...!"
“When I see Kraha-sama’s beauty, I feel like I’m going to go blind…!”


Ian was perplexed.

Everyone except himself had a possessed expression on his face.

In the first place, the light was pouring out of his face so much that he couldn't
see properly.

Even so, this is...

'Is it the power of fascination?'

Only monsters like monstrosities did not have the power of charm. Among the
spirits, there were those who charmed people.

Gainando's mother said that it was mixed with spirit blood, so it was not
surprising to have such power.

Lee Han has a high resistance to status ailments, so he survived...

“Gainan too. Don't you have that kind of ability?"

“What ability?”


Ian was sad.

If he had that kind of ability, Gainando would have been able to attract followers
just like other royal families.

The light faded.

Gainando's mother wore the veil.

"therefore. What happened?”


The most responsible nobleman, Brodon, came first and explained the situation.

“It is our fault. Kraha!”

“It is our fault!”

Gainando's mother, who was wearing a veil, thought instead of answering.

And then he asked.

“Who did it?”

“Uh… Gainando-sama and your friends…”

“It was flattering. Who solved it? escorts?”

“Oh, no. Really, Gainando and your friends solved it...”

“Aren’t you saying flattery is over!”


Gainando's mother slammed the armrests, and a rustling sound filled the hall.

A strong belief that Gainando could never have solved it.

'Well. Surely parents know their children well.'

Unlike Lee Han, who was not responsible for this situation, the nobles and the
imperial family froze even more than before.

“That… that… that… Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj clan led the way, but Gainando did
it too…”

“I’m not lying… we solved it together.”

The nobles, who were lying on their backs at the table as soon as the work broke
out, could not accurately grasp the situation.

I can only guess that Lee Han did something while calling his friends.

It was not strange to think that we did something together like that.

“Isn’t it? Lee Han is alone... Kek.”

When Guynando was puzzled and tried to point it out, the three of them pinched
Guynando's back at the same time.

Get a feel for the atmosphere!

It was then that Gainando's mother seemed to have accepted the fact that nobles
were not flattering. She slowly turned her gaze to Lee Han and she said.

“I’m sorry for letting you hear such a nasty conversation, even though there was
nothing wrong with it. The Wodanaj family?”


“Excuse me, but what is your relationship with Kainando?”

“Oh, my friend.”



There was a heavy silence.

For a moment, Lee Han wondered if his answer was wrong.

'Is the answer 'friend' used as an insult in this mansion?'

"Is that true?"

“They are really friendly! They are the best friends!”

Gainando groaned and answered instead.

Gainando's mother ignored him and looked at Yoner and asked.


“That’s right, my friend.”


“Are you good?”

“After a family matter…”

“Lee Han is not that narrow-minded, so I think it’ll be fine.”

The nobles and the imperial family did not understand, but Lee Han roughly

'Well. Guy Nando must have pissed off some of my old friends.'

Gainando's mother threw her gaze at Lee Han through the veil.

He couldn't see his eyes, but for some reason, he had a feeling that the other
person was pitiful and grateful for him.

'It must be an illusion.'

“Thank you for preventing it from leading to a bigger accident.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

“I’m afraid to take it out because it’s shabby, but I hope you will accept it.

Gainando's mother beckoned, and one of the servants carefully held out the jewel
bag to Lee Han.

Lee Han said, 'Should I refuse and accept it once? Then, what if I really retrieve
it?' Gainando's mother said again while thinking.

“Please do not refuse. Please accept the sincerity contained within, not the value
of the gift.”

“If you say so, I will engrave the castle with gratitude.”

Lee Han was impressed as he put the jewelry bag in his arms.

Gainando's mother was truly a wonderful person.

Consideration on a different level than anyone who gave a reward that could not
even be refunded!

'Is this a real nobility?'

“I wish I could stay as long as I want. then..."

When Gainando's mother left, the nobles could breathe a sigh of relief.
"thank you. Wodanaj-sama.”

“I was really taken care of today.”

Not only the Basilisk, but also Kraha-sama's reproach.

No matter how many times I thanked, it was not enough.

Brodon and Zolbabden promised that when they attend the next meeting, they must
tell everyone what the Wodanaj boy did.

Lee Han, who did not notice his inner feelings, nodded his head moderately.

"no. I just did what I had to do.”

“Kainando-sama was also wonderful. You're going to stop the basilisk. But what
kind of magic did he use?”

“Uh… um… Whoops.”

"Aha. It's a secret."

Some wizards did not reveal their specialties. The nobles interpreted it

Gainando, who was praised for being surrounded, instantly felt better.

“I’m like that… hehe…”

Gainando, who was talking, was startled when he realized that the two royal
families were staring at him.

'It wasn't Adenart, but that child was more sinister.'

'Isn't this what they were hiding even though they were close friends?'

Lee Han was wary of Aden Art because he was close with Aden Art, but it turned out
that there was someone else who really needed to be wary.

“Hey, Lee Han. Those people are staring at me…”

“Ignore it like you didn’t see it.”


“I keep staring. Why don’t you look at me like that every time you come?”

As Guy Nando murmured, Lee Han thought of a better way.

It was something he had already said to Asan.

“You can’t go out of the house.”


“What if I go outside?”

“Oh… will you play with me?”

“It’s what you want.”

Gainando's face brightened. Ratford was sad to see that.

'It's probably a little different from what you think...'

* * *

After speaking, Lee Han, who called Asan to Asan, started walking with his

Gainando asked with a look of great anticipation.

“Are you going to buy a wizard card?”


“Are you going to buy a new magazine?”

"not really."

“Then where are you going?”

“The Richmond House.”


Guynando and Asan tilted their heads at Lee Han's words.

It took some time to accept that it was not a family with a familiar name.

As for the Richmond family...

“Where have you been?”

“You don’t know the Richmond family?”

Lee Han looked at his friends as if it was ridiculous. My friends faltered like
students who got the test questions that were too easy.

“Mi, sorry. Where was the Richmond family?”

“It’s a family that runs one of the leading carriage transport guilds in the



How do you know that!

While the two of them were puzzled, Yonner nodded as if understanding.

"ah. right. It did."

"look. Yonner knows. It’s amazing that you don’t know that.”


While Asan and Gainando were speechless, the party arrived at their destination.

The building of the Richmond Transport Guild, located on the outskirts of the
city, was reminiscent of a huge warehouse.

“Hey, you child! I can't see the carriage right here!"

“That’s what I’m going to say! If you don't move the carriage right away, I'll
send you to the temple!"

The coaches in charge of the wagon were trying to put the wagon in the warehouse
somehow quickly, and the guild staff moved without stopping for even a second,
lowering and raising the box.

“It’s like Yonerne’s mansion.”


Yoner was startled by Lee Han's murmuring.

'Did our house look so cluttered...?'

When Yonner returned to the mansion, he vowed not to make too many people wait in
front of the mansion.

“Wagon to Kvalgen, done!”

"depart! depart!"



Shiles of the Richmond family, who were shouting whale whales among the workers,
were startled when their friends came.

* * *

“Thank you so much. Wodanaz.”

Shiles held out his pocket, expressing his sincere thanks.

Lee Han was impressed with the sincerity of the person who gave money right away
without any troublesome process.

'Other friends should imitate this.'

"what's the matter?"

When Lee Han glanced at them, their friends were puzzled.

"It is nothing. Oh yeah. Shiles. There is one thing I want to discuss.”

"To me? Say anything.”

Shiles was a little surprised.

What is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family asking him to do? He had no idea what was
going to happen.

'Are there any items that need to be transported in secret?'

There are important items that need to be moved without being detected by people
in your family...

“Do you know anything about a short, lucrative job for a wizard in the city?”

“…uh… umm??”

Shiles was perplexed.

Lee Han's words were so unexpected.

But Lee Han was serious.

'A good job must be found in advance.'

Wizards were a high-level manpower anytime, anywhere, but there were not many
places where they could work.

To be precise, the wizard's ransom was too high.

Unloading and loading the packed luggage in the carriage behind right away could
have shortened the time in an instant by calling on only one skilled wizard, but...

If that were the case, the labor cost would soon outweigh the profit.

There are many places where you can work, but there are only a few places where a
wizard can work while receiving silver coins suitable for the ransom.

Besides, there were quite a few students from Einroguard, except for Lee Han, in
the city of Granden.

Considering the number of seniors, decent short-term jobs will disappear in an


'We must find it as soon as possible.'

“Are you joking…”

After speaking out, Shiles stopped looking at Lee Han's burning eyes.

Those were never the eyes of a joker.

'No, why are the Blue Dragon Tower students going to work...'

It wasn't surprising that Black Turtle Tower students, Phoenix Tower, or White
Tiger Tower students were looking for work.

Because a lot of people actually did.

The prices in Granden are also high, so it was rare for a student to not work at
all during the vacation.

But the Blue Dragon Tower students...

You don't have to, right?

“First of all… I don’t know much. I only listened to what my friends were saying
or the guild staff.”

“Anything is fine. Tell me.”

“Uh, escorting a wagon or something like that, right?”

The lands of the Empire were vast, and traveling long distances naturally brought

From monsters to thieves.

Of course, the carriage procession was not only accompanied by the driver, but the

Cheap cargo was okay, but when moving expensive and important things, high-end
personnel such as wizards would also be involved.

“It’s a little bit. If you attend by mistake, you will not be able to make it to
the start of the next semester.”

“That… yes. First of all, it is said that there is a job of teaching people who
have a talent for magic…”

Lee Han nodded and took notes.

It was definitely pretty good.

Not everyone had enough talent to enter the Imperial Magic School. Some people had
magical talents, but they didn't realize it and just lived their lives.

Occasionally, among those people, there was a case where they decided to learn
magic even if it was too late.

The categories also varied. Adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, sailors,

explorers, etc.

Teaching magic to these people was quite popular with Einroguard students.

"for a moment. We are in the first year, can we teach?”

“For now, they say that a first-year Einroguard is enough.”

"Right. next?"

“Oh, no. More here?”

Shiles squeezed his head as much as possible at Lee Han's eyes.

“Ah, this doesn’t always happen, but they say that they like to collect

“A request for material gathering?”

Ian paused.

Usually, such things were done by adventurers with little experience or by


Of course, it is a very difficult material, so it takes a huge prize money, and

senior adventurers come out...

There was no way such a request was popular among students.

“Isn’t that something other people can do?”

"ah. There are materials that only wizards can gather.”


Ian understood.

Among the materials, there were materials that could only be fully mined using

“Shiles. If you get a request like this, please tell me.”

“No... why... that, yes. i get it. That’s about it because I’ve been indebted to
it a lot.”

“But isn’t there more?”


Shiles desperately squeezed his hair again.

I'm not crazy because I can't work, so...

"right! I even help wizards in experiments!”

“It’s kind of like that.”


When Lee Han immediately showed his will of refusal, Shiles was perplexed.

"why? I've heard it's a really good job."

“Shiles. The unfamiliar sorcerer must first be vigilant. You know what kind of
experiment you are going to do.”

Lee Han said very seriously.

In fact, I was very worried about Shiles' complacency, as he was struggling after
meeting an unfamiliar wizard by mistake.

Even an experiment with an ordinary name, such as <Repetitive Experiment in Basic

Magical Battles>, can be a bizarre experiment in which all kinds of attacks are
fired at the subject when they actually participate.

“Ah… no. Wodanaz. Of course, he is an unfamiliar wizard, but he is a wizard who

has built up trust and a name in this city. Not a criminal wizard with a bounty. He
can't do strange experiments, can he...?"

Ian answered firmly.

"can do. Remember it. Do you understand?”

“Uh, uh…”

Shiles, overwhelmed by Lee Han's force, nodded as it was.

The logic still didn't make sense, but Lee Han's voice contained a sincerity that
transcends logic.

“But it’s a really good job to help a wizard experiment. Wodanaz. Just because you
want to get it doesn't mean you can get it right away... Maybe you can just listen
to the experiment and pick a good one."

Just because the wizard's experiment was not necessarily dangerous.

Observing or recording unusual magical phenomena occurring in the vicinity of the

city also entered the experimental support.

"i get it. If you say that, let’s consider it.”

“No, really good...”

Lee Han, who had just finished tidying things up, raised his head and asked.

“So, Shiles. Which of these are you doing?”

"me? I can't because I'm busy. I have to help out with the guild.”

Lee Han was temperamental.

In fact, the blue bird didn't even know it was nearby.

“Does a transport guild work make money?”

"no. We don't get paid, but we do it because it's our family's business."

“Such. Shiles. It is not a good idea to work without pay, even if it is a family.
You are undermining yourself.”

“…ah, no… it’s about our family…?”

Lee Han gave this advice and was about to stand up, but a member of the guild came
running and told Shiles.

"young master. I was in a hurry to find a wizard with a reagent inventory at the
top next to it, so why don't you go visit? It was pretty salty.”

"no. Look at our warehouse. I'm supposed to finish tidying up today. Can't you see
the coaches are starting a riot now?"

“It’s been fine. that request. We take it.”



At Lee Han's words, Shiles was perplexed, the guild members were perplexed, and
Lee Han's friends behind him were also perplexed.

“Wordanaj, are you?”

“If it’s a job that requires a wizard, isn’t the pay okay?”

“Oh, no. The pay is fine, but it must be boring and annoying.”

“Remuneration is important. Then can I take it?”

“Uh… uh.”

Lee Han got up from his seat, took the paper, took it, and leisurely left. His
friends followed him and left.

The guild member, who still had his mouth wide open, came to his senses and asked.

“Ah… no. young master. Are you guys aristocrats? But why?”

Shiles deeply sympathized with the words of the guild members.

That's it!

* * *

"A wizard, you're also an Einroguard student? Absolutely welcome!”

The upper-level employee, who was shouting excitedly, raised his head and was

'They're nobles!?'

“…do you know what we are doing at the top?”

“Aren’t you going to search the warehouse to check reagents and organize

“Yeah, that’s right… you must be bored. It won't be fun…”

“But the pay is good.”

“I do, but… well, thank you.”

Lee Han and his party headed to the warehouse.

Nelia, Ratford, and Yoner didn't think much of it, but Guynando and Asan still
couldn't get out of their embarrassment.

“But why are you doing this?”

“Mah… it must have been because he studied magic. It must be Wodanaj.”

While they were chatting, familiar faces appeared in front of the warehouse.

It was a salco gang.


Salco and his friends were surprised to see Lee Han and his friends.
“Wordanaz! What did you come here for?”

“I came to work.”


Salco was unable to speak for a moment, then exclaimed in a voice of admiration.

“ a really great guy!”

“Are we really working?”

Guynando's whispers were scattered in vain.


Salco was very hospitable.

It was the exact opposite of the way he usually frowns when he sees the Blue
Dragon Tower students at school and doesn't even want to deal with them.

“Are you sure you don’t want to borrow money from your family?”

“It’s like that.”

“Wordanaz. You are a true noble.”

Salco said it as a compliment, but Lee Han didn't hear much of it as a compliment.

'If I could borrow the family's money, I wouldn't have done this, son.'

The name of the family did not help much from the standpoint of Lee Han, who was
trying to raise money separately.

If it is not necessary for learning, there will be no support, and even if you ask
me to find a savory job, I will say, 'Yes? Why would you do that?'

“By the way, Salco. Don't you work in a guild? Shiles was busy.”

“Unlike the transport guild, our mason guild has a low season.”

"Right. Did you use your time to find another job?”


Lee Han and Salco exchanged glances with each other.

It was a sense of unity that only crazy people can feel.

"come. Wodanaz. I will explain how to do it.”

When Salko said so and turned around, the Salko gang intervened.

"for a moment. Tutanta.”

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll pay back some silver coins to Wodanaj.”

“I, me too.”

"me too..."


Salco looked at his friends in a bewildered way.

How the hell are these bastards begging for Wodanaj without knowing it...

* * *

Sit on a chair, open the box, and when the reagent in the box comes out, the
amount of magical power in the reagent is sensed.

If the amount of magic power is different from the original reagent, the quality
of magic is different, or there are other problems, the reagent is excluded.

It certainly wasn't difficult.

It's just a tedious job that requires patience and perseverance.

“This is going to be a pretty good workout. is not it? Kainan too? It is also good
for developing the ability to distinguish materials.”


Guynando thought his friend was crazy.

So instead of answering, Salco called for help, and as Lee Han was absent for a
while, he whispered desperately to the other friends.

"it's crazy! I think Lee Han is crazy! I am having fun with this!”

"yes? Aren't you all right?"

Yoner said, throwing the reagent into the box.

There was nothing wrong with collecting silver in this way for Yonaire, who wants
to run a few businesses on his own in the future.


"What? If you work so easily and receive that much, you should be grateful.”

Nelia was absurd at Guynando's question.

When I was in the Northern Mountains, even after chasing and catching beasts for
three days, I only took a few Imperial fairy tales to share with the hunters.

It was such a good condition that I thought, 'That's why I have to become a

"you're right. It’s a pity that I won’t be able to receive silver coins any more
when I’m done organizing here.”

"right. I miss that too.”

Nelia and Ratford nodded their heads again and again.

Once you do this job, it's over.

“But is it unavoidable? There is no way such a good job can continue.”

"you're right. It's urgent, so why not treat me like this?"

“Mi... crazy, everyone... moon card! Moon card!”

Guynando called his last friend, Asan.

But Asan answered with a serious expression.

“This is a great opportunity.”

“…are you crazy?! what's the matter! Wake! Why are you like this!!”

Guynando didn't know, but Asan had already been persuaded.

- Asan. think about it What if you collect silver coins by yourself? What would
your brother and sister think?

-Wow, really... If I give you a present with the silver coins I have collected by
myself, no matter how big or small my brother or sister is, I will have no choice
but to acknowledge me.

-...I didn't mean to give you a present, but that's the point anyway.

“Gainan too. How long will you depend on the power of your family?”

"What is he saying now! The strength of my family is my strength!”

While Guy Nando was running, Lee Han returned to his seat.

Lee Han looked at Guy Nando and asked as if wondering.

“What are you doing?”

“Sleep… get some exercise.”

"Right. Let’s sit back.”


Gainando's resistance ended in vain. Guynando sat back down and started tidying

'Sobbing. I want to go home.'

* * *

When we got out of the warehouse, the sun had already set and dinner was coming.

On the street in the city in front of the warehouse, magic lamps began to light up
one by one. It was also seen that the night watchmen came out wearing costumes.

“You worked really hard. Wizards.”

The top staff bowed their heads to express their sincere thanks.

No matter how you look at it, even students who look like they came from a noble
family are like, 'Is it okay? I wondered if I was going to make a fuss because I
didn't want to do such a boring job?', but the students got the job done
surprisingly quickly and accurately.

In my mind, the next time something happened, I wanted to call him again.

'But that would be rude.'

If I said to the children of noble families, 'Can I call you next time something
happens?', I didn't know that the answer would be, 'Oh yes, come and visit the
mansion, because you won't be able to go back to life.'



“If this happens again in the future, please contact me.”

Lee Han whispered as he thrust a precious silver coin into the upper-level
employee's hand.

The upper-level employees were astonished by the better network management than
those who had worked for more than ten years.

'What the hell is this person...!?'

Lee Han rolled his eyes and turned around.

'It seems to have worked out.'

In this era of work, networking was the most important thing.

If you get a high evaluation in the place where you once worked, you can get a job
when it comes out again, or you can get a job from another related place.

“Everyone suffered. Guyan too. Shall we go buy some toys?”

Lee Han looked at Guy Nando and asked.

It bothered me to see him staring at his pockets of silver coins while everyone
stretched out.

I don't think I'll go back to the mansion and tell my mother, 'Hey-black Lee Han
took me and made me sweat wholeheartedly', wouldn't it?

“What nonsense!”

Gainando screamed loudly. When Gainando, who was not normally like that, did that,
Lee Han was also a little perplexed.

"no. You wanted to buy a toy. Do you like the card?”

Gainando rolled his eyes and hugged the silver coin pocket deep in his chest.

If anyone put their hands in their pockets, they would immediately swing a wand.
“How did I get these silver coins… I can never use them like that! I'll put it in
the deepest safe in the room!"

“...that, yes.”

Lee Han was embarrassed by Gainando's reaction, but nodded.

Anyway, that's a good thing!

Asan tried to put a hand on the shoulder to praise Gainando. Then, Gainando
growled and tried to bite.


“Hey, you crazy bastard!! what are you doing!"

“I told you not to come! Anyone who comes close to my silver coins will bite


Lee Han exchanged glances with Yonaire.

“Did you bring it with you?”

“Oh, no… it’s still better…”

* * *

'It looks like you did your best.'

The house of the Wodanaj family.

Lee Han was immersed in his thoughts as he organized the notes on the paper.

I ask my Black Turtle Top friends, 'We got something to eat, so if we get a decent
job, we'll do it together', and every person we meet asks 'If we get a job, let's
do it together'...

This is enough to get all the jobs you can get.

“Lee Han. Are you back?”

Alaron knocked on the door of the study. Lee Han signaled to come in.

“If it’s okay, I wanted to ask how you would be in Dalian after a long time.”

"good. thanks kyung."

“You go out a lot these days, do you really need help? Just call me anything.”


Ian paused for a moment.

And then he asked.

“Do you know anything about a short-term job where you can earn a lot of silver as
a student at a magic school and as a wizard?”

Allaron was perplexed.

Then he asked again.

“I’m sorry… Why do you need that? If you need anything for magic, please help...”

Lee Han nodded as if he knew that.

“Go and hit the sword.”


Alaron was still confused, as if he didn't understand, and followed Lee Han.

the mansion's gymnasium.

Allaron drew his sword.

Normally, he had the face of a benevolent old knight, but the moment he drew his
sword, a huge rock appeared.

Lee Han also drew his sword.

There was no chance of winning by collided with Alarron, a knight with the title
of Master, which is only given to one of the best swordsmen in the Empire, but...

'Let's make the most of what we've learned.'

There are two main swordsmanships that Lee Han learned in Einroguard.

One is the technique of injecting magical power into the sword.

...Actually, to be precise, that technique was a great technique to unify the

sword and the body by completing the magic cycle inside the sword without shaking
even in the midst of a suffocating battle. ...

In any case, it was correct to infuse.

And the other is the myth of suction (吸).

By changing the nature of the magical power that is blown into the sword,
swordsmanship can also change like magic.

“Then I will go.”

And after an hour.


Lee Han lost his wooden sword and spread out on the floor of the gymnasium. His
mana was still overflowing, but his body's stamina had run out.

Alaron wiped his sweat and admired it.

“Not very… I don’t think so.”

Lee Han said as he endured the throbbing throughout his body. But Alarlong was

“I didn’t know you could hold so much magical power in such a short period of
time. It is a state where an ordinary swordsman would have to train for several
decades. He must have excelled in mana management as much as he was very talented
in magic. I just have a few questions...”


“Did you use any special method to operate your magic? The power…”

Allaron asked, spreading his throbbing palms.

It was a black strong sword wielded by the master in front of him to the extent
that he would have been covered in blood if he hadn't protected it around him.

It was good to gain enlightenment on your own, but if that enlightenment was a way
to harm the body, you had to stop it as a sword master.

"ah. That… so…”

Ian said hesitatingly.

Trying not to sound like a crazy person as much as possible.


After hearing the whole story, Alaron's expression turned into absurdity.

"So... you're saying you don't infuse magic into the sword and keep it
circulating, but just releasing it?"

“That’s not always the case, only when necessary.”


Allarlong pondered whether to dry this or not.

If it were another swordsman, he would swing it once or twice and vomit blood from
exhaustion of magic, but Lee Han also said it was okay because he had plenty of

“I have gone through all sorts of secrets and tricks while dealing with many
swordsmen in the Empire, but no swordsman uses the same method as Lee Han just

“Is that enough?”

Lee Han was slightly dehydrated.

I thought there would be one or two...

“It’s okay for now, but please be careful. For some reason, the sword continues...
Really. There is one more thing I want to ask you.”

“Let me ask.”
“You obviously changed the nature of your magical powers… Wasn’t that a sucker?
Where did you learn to smoke a sword?”

"ah. I once competed with the Enge family swordsman.”

Allaron was startled.

“Did the Enge family prosecutor tell you about the family’s swordsmanship? Why?”

"no. I didn't tell you After a while after the sword collided, it became possible
to change his temper. So I’ve been trying to use it since then.”


Alarlong nearly collapsed.


If you could just follow the swordsmanship, the Imperial swordsmanship guild and
swordsmanship instructors all had to put down their swords.

Of course, if you are a really good swordsman, you can understand swordsmanship to
some extent just by mixing the swords.

However, it was really 'to some extent', and I couldn't read all the complicated
and profound swordsmanship.

Right now, the Enge family's sucker also belonged to that category.

The moment the swords meet, the swordsmanship that causes them to lose their
balance by being dragged by the opponent does not end with just changing the nature
of magic.

Starting from the transformation of the nature of magic, the optimum effect must
be precisely calculated at which moment to use the herbivorous swordsmanship.

But to realize it through experience and develop it to the point where it can be
used while fighting Alaron.

'Is magic talent applicable in this way?'

Allarlong was confused.

He knew that Lee Han was good at magic, even from Gaju.

As such a genius, he didn't know that he could do it just by seeing the change in
the nature of magic.

But to develop it to the point where it can be used in Dalian...

Ballarlong thought that he should have sent the master in front of him to the
Knights Templar rather than the Einroguard.

“It was great for training alone. If you polish it, it will get better.”

"okay? It’s cheering me up.”

Lee Han supported his weight with his sword and stood up from his seat.
As much as I worked hard all semester, I couldn't help but be happy that Allarlong
recognized me.

'I think it's useful.'

“Wordanaj-sama. A guest has arrived.”

"Who is it?"

The servant approached Lee Han calling. Lee Han wondered if one of her friends had
come, or one of her friends who had not yet paid off the money came first.

“Are you a priest? There is an event at the church soon, and Wodanaj-sama seems to
be interested, so I came here…”


Lee Han was confused.

Priest Tigiling of the Frisinga Church once told me.

There is a church event during vacation.

The horse was an event, and it was a kind of second-hand market where cursed
artifacts were collected and destroyed or disposed of.

Since the semester, Lee Han has participated in this event and vowed to take care
of it.

'Priest Tigiling. Thank you.'

“I’ll change my clothes and go right away. I'll be attending the event, so tell
them to wait in the parlor for a while. Oh yeah. Can you bring me some snacks to
take with me to the temple?”

“I will.”

* * *


Lee Han moved with a gloomy expression on his face.

Next to Ihan was Priest Nigisor, not Priest Tigiling.

Said Priest Nigisor, waving the flaming flame sideways.

“As expected, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family. I thought you might be

“Yeah… I like the Afha Church…”

From an objective point of view, the Afha denomination was a good denomination.

In particular, isn't it a denomination that helped Lee Han, who had a weakness in
dealing with fire elements?

It was definitely a good thing to maintain friendship with such a denomination,


'I thought it was the Frisinga Church.'

The original human heart is a way to only add disappointment if you expect

Lee Han, who had been thinking of taking a part in the cursed artifact, had no
choice but to be disappointed.

“But what are the events of the Afha Church?”

“First, there is the burning of the straw doll. It is to burn the straw doll that
contains the bad luck and bad luck of the year and bring good luck.”


Lee Han nodded at the event that was more normal than expected.

“Then, call the priests and the city’s fire wizards to teach the rules of Imperial


Ian was perplexed.

Is there such a thing?

“Did there ever be such a thing?”

“About magicians who mainly deal with the element of fire, even a small accident
can inflict great damage. Unlike priests who have been educated since childhood,
self-taught wizards often commit dangerous accidents.”

The Afha Church was a denomination that worshiped fire, not a denomination that
encouraged arson. If that were the case, the Empire would already have a bounty.

The Afha Church was rather a denomination that was thoroughly concerned about the
safety of flames.

This was also the reason why everyone in a small town wanted to put the temple of
the Afha Church in the village.

'...for a moment. Didn't Nigisor Priest want to burn the world?'

Lee Han looked at the priest walking next to him with a shaky gaze.

The Church of Afha is also a flame wizard in the city, but I think we need to
manage it more, starting with the Priest Nigisor...

“But do the wizards listen? I don’t think it will come easily.”

Priest Nigisor shook his head.

“After hearing the Imperial Safety Regulations, issue a certificate of completion

in the name of the denomination. It's a pretty handy item when you want to use fire
magic in the city, so quite a few wizards attend."

Unlike other magic, fire magic was not called by any employer.

If you cast it incorrectly, you could burn everything around you.

“Then I must take it too.”


Seeing Lee Han's burning enthusiasm, Nigisor Priest looked at him strangely.

where are you going to use it?

* * *

He felt the heat in the temple of the Afha Church. Unknowingly, Lee Han grabbed
his collar and shook it.

The flames rising from the stone statues installed throughout the temple, the
flames emitted by the flame wizards who came to the temple...

As Nigisor Priest said, the number of wizards was greater than expected. Most of
the city's flame wizards seemed to have come.

“Have you been to this new cane shop? It is said that it is made using camellia
wood as a material. I don't know if it's suitable for fire magic."

“I also think the magnolia wand is better. But what if I change the cane for
nothing and the control fails.”

From a person who never seemed to have fought a fight, to someone like an
adventurer with metal armor and a few daggers on his belt.

“The burn is severe. Could the magic have reversed?”

"okay. You, too, be careful inside the building.”


And there were ugly conversations. Lee Han stopped without realizing it.

'...I must be very careful with the use of fire magic.'



Ihan turned his head.

Of course, in a place with so many people, it wouldn't be strange if there was an

argument, but this was a temple.

'what? Are you the one who enjoys going to city jail?'

“Are you in first grade? Keep your head down and follow me this way.”

Surprisingly, it was the same Einroguard student who spoke to me.

Lee Han was puzzled by the appearance of the coat's front collar, showing the
Einroguard's pattern slightly.

“Einrogard student… are you right?”

"okay. 2nd grade. Kill your voice and follow me.”

An unidentified second-year senior led Lee Han to the corner of the temple. Then
he looked around and said,

“There is nothing good here to say, ‘I am a wizard from Einroguard’. People who
say they learned some magic here in the city are jealous of or trying to take
advantage of those from Einroguard. It just annoys me.”

The senior spit and spit, then rubbed it with his boots.

“I’m giving you advice because we’re from the same White Tiger Tower. Okay?"

“…how did you know I was from the White Tiger Pagoda?”

Lee Han asked curiously. Then the old man snorted and said.

“If anyone sees it, it’s a body that shouts ‘I got a sword’, but if you don’t
recognize it, you’re an asshole. nice to meet. It is the feet of the Alpha family.”

A first-year student in the White Tiger Tower, he was a knight from the same
family as Anggo.

Lee Han's head turned rapidly.

If you bring out a family that does not exist at all, you may be suspicious, but
if you take out a family that does exist and you actually know someone...

“…it is called Gainando of the Moradi family.”

“The Moradi family? Isn't that like the Moradi family?"

“It’s because it’s a sidewalk.”

"her. I must have suffered a bit because it was not a similar space. Moradi's
bastards must be damned."

"no. it's okay."

Instead of making a long excuse, Lee Han put a lonely smile on his lips.
Sometimes, it's easier to explain than to just stand still.

Then, Balgaro let his imagination run wild.

You come from a field that is discriminated against without knowing it, and you
don't even look alike.

"done. You can just speak comfortably in front of me.”

"thank you. Seniors. But what are you doing here?”

“I came to get a permit from the Afha Church. what would you come for I mostly use
fire magic. But without a permit, not only the client, but also other adventurers
are a bit reluctant.”
“A request? Are you working as an adventurer?”

“Do not work. what? You've probably heard of the others too. Why don't you know?"

“Because I’m a roommate…”

Lee Han put a lonely smile on his lips again. Then Balgaro was very sorry.

"never mind. Those who bullied you are garbage. mean bastards. Whatever it is.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m not okay. The things I expected from juniors…”

I met my juniors in my second year at most, and Balgaro was furious at the fact
that they were doing something cowardly.

“Originally, White Tiger Tower is often active as an adventurer during vacation.

You can train without losing your living expenses and your sense of being a

"indeed. If you work as an adventurer, you can choose and do the quests you want.”

In a way, it was a job that matched the White Tiger Tower.

As a wizard, he paid a high salary, and he came from a knight family, so he has a
much stronger fighting power than any other adventurer or mercenary...

It could have been more advantageous in terms of income if only the quests that
could be completed in a short period of time were selected.

'It was such an advantage. You mean white tiger tower bastards. They're just
trying to profit.'

It wasn't something the White Tiger Tower students hid, but Lee Han was furious.

"right. And above all, we are knights. You can't do chores like the Black Turtle
Tower niggas do. No matter how much silver you give me.”

'Are the knights even trained with less intelligence?'

“You are absolutely right.”

While Lee Han comforted Balgaro, the priests of the Afha Church appeared, dragging
a giant straw doll.

“First of all, thank you to the Heralds of Flames who gathered here today. This
straw doll is…”

He yawned and pulled out his wand.

“Prepare yourself. They use fire magic together.”


The straw doll wasn't just burned.

All the wizards and priests gathered at the place gathered their strength and
burned it together.
“Don’t underestimate that straw doll. 'cause I don't ride bad Last year, there was
a guy who went out to do it alone and was embarrassed... What are you doing?”

Click, click, click-

Lee Han wore a flame-absorbing ring, bracelet, and necklace in layers.

“You have worn an artifact.”

"hey. No matter how hard you ride, you don't have to work that hard. If you don’t
ride, the priests will come.”


When the priest finished explaining, the wizards gathered in the temple began to
wield their staff.


“Burn up and swallow!”

“Fire, in the form of a sphere...”

He also prepared magic for his feet.

“Fire. nestle.”

The enchantment that was originally cast on a sword was cast on the tip of a
wooden pole, and then when the straw doll was stabbed, fire soared.

But the soaring fire quickly subsided. The strong magic of the straw doll was
withstanding the fire magic.

“Did you see it? This really doesn't work...”


Lee Han summoned a flame and made it explode on the straw doll. The flame engulfed
the straw doll and burned fiercely.

' effective is an artifact?'


Balgaro wasn't the only one who was fascinated by the firepower of the flame that
Lee Han had summoned.

The other flame wizards were also amazed and murmured.

“Who is that wizard? Is this your first face?”

“You don’t seem like an ordinary wizard at all!”

Balgaro, bewildered by the gaze, whispered.

"Hey! You said that there was nothing good about being known as a member of the
Einroguard to other wizards!”
"sorry. Failing to control.”

“Artifacts are not omnipotent. keep it in mind There's nothing good about being
too dependent on it."

Balgaro said with a confident look like a second-year senior.

Of course, to say that Lee Han failed to control had a different meaning.

'Fire magic is still difficult.'

Because of the amount of natural magical power, if you focus even a little, the
flames scatter as if they exploded in all directions, so Lee Han basically used
flame magic to narrow the range as much as possible.

Others grow flames to make arrows, spears, and shields, but Lee Han fixed them in
the form of small flames.

But his firepower was never weak.

As it was a flame that was summoned by a powerful amount of magical power, it had
the destructive power to pierce through any resistance to the flame.

In fact, the straw doll that had survived so well against other magic was still

'I was trying to weaken the firepower a bit, is it unreasonable?'

I tried to control the intensity of the flame, but it wasn't easy.

It's a job that has to be cast by forcibly reducing the amount of mana...

Considering that other people are trying to increase the power of magic by
squeezing out the magic that they have, it was a absurd thought.


As the straw doll began to burn, a strange wave of magical power spread out.

The wave of magical power enveloped the people in the temple softly and warmly. It
was a wave that was close to a blessing, with no sense of malice.

"What do you think. Do you feel your bad luck and bad luck disappearing?”

“It seems so.”

“A day or two will be oddly lucky. You burned a lot, so it might last longer.”


Lee Han was pleased with the senior's words.

If this blessing had such an effect, it was a blessing that Lee Han really needed.

'If it is true, I should receive it before the start of the second semester.'

"ruler. Everyone, come this way. I will explain the safety rules.”

The priests of the church gathered the wizards. Lee Han moved on without a second

But that was an illusion.


“I’m sorry. It is a disqualification.”


The wizard in front of the line rolled his feet in anger.

Instead of igniting the candlestick, sparks splattered to the side.

Hearing this, Ian asked, confused.

“Didn’t you hear about the safety rules?”

“You listen while you do. Don't you remember experiencing it with your body better
than hearing it?"

'That's why the knights of the family.'

It was not easy to get a permit from the denomination than I thought.

The priests strictly judged whether they could control the flames without
spreading them around in various situations.

Seeing this, Lee Han hardened his face and tensed.

Lee Han was the weakest part.

'If you lose your concentration, this temple will become a sea of fire.'

"hey. What is it? Not very difficult. This is what other wizards are nervous
about. As Einrogarde, we have no reason to be nervous.”

He said it as if it was absurd.

Priests were not interested in the power or speed of fire magic, or complicated

He only looked to see if he could control his fire magic.

It might be a self-taught sorcerer, but for a wizard who studied at Einroguard, it

was a very basic task.

However, Lee Han concentrated intensely without releasing his expression.

Seeing this, Balgaro thought to himself.

'Aren't you confident in your fire magic?'

Indeed, among the students of the White Tiger Tower, there were quite a few
students who were not confident in magic.

Balgaro thought that he should support his juniors.

“Gainan too. no worries too much Because magic isn't everything. You will get used
to it over time. Don't fret if other top guys outperform you. Do you understand?”

“Uh… thank you?”

* * *

Fortunately, Lee Han succeeded safely.

Fireworks accurately floated in the air, igniting targets with pinpoints.

The foot who passed first applauded and supported the juniors.

"Good job! good job! What are you doing?”

"thank you."

Not only Balgaro, but also the priests of the Afha Church came to Lee Han. The
priests looked at Lee Han and said.


"thank you. Priests! Thank you for always teaching!”

Lee Han said first to prevent the priests from making useless noises.

“Without the help of the priests, I would not have been able to polish my fire
magic this far.”

“You’re going to tell me that…”

The priests were deeply impressed by Lee Han's sincere gratitude.

“The gates of the temple are always open, so please come and visit us. Anything to
control the fire is welcome.”


Ian hesitated.

Of course, I didn't mean not to study during vacation, but I didn't want to add a
schedule already.



“I will definitely see you. thank you."

Before the priest could say anything nonsense, Lee Han nailed it.

It was daunting to add a schedule, but there was nothing I could do.

Balgaro, who saw it from the side, looked at Lee Han suspiciously.


'Did you notice?'

Lee Han was nervous because he wondered if he had found out that he was not a
student of the White Tiger Top.

“Do you like studying magic?”


"that's interesting. But why is the skill... Oops. not. That's not what's

“If you don’t have the skills, shouldn’t you try harder?”

At the words of the junior, Balgaro nodded his head.

He was a very sincere guy.

It was a pity that my magic skills didn't keep up, but...

“Let’s go. I should serve you a meal.”

“Uh… no. it's okay."

Although Lee Han liked freebies, it was a matter of conscience to get a meal from
a family smaller than him.

"Nope! The other White Tiger Tower bastards treat you like that, but as a knight,
as a senior White Tiger Tower senior, I have a responsibility to serve you a meal.”


Lee Han pondered when he was going to jump.



Looking to the side, the wizards of the city who had received the permit did not
leave the temple gates, but gathered and cast their magic.

“Fire, gather in the form of a ring!”

A ring of flames burned in the air. Lee Han recognized the principle right away.

It was close to making a circle by somehow modifying the 1st circle magic. It was
close and unstable, but if the goal was achieved anyway, magic could be said to be
a success.

'It's a bit clumsy.'

“Three… my God! To succeed in the Ring of Flame!!!”

“This is nonsense! This is nonsense!”

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Everyone give me the silver coins! Didn't I say I can do it!"



Lee Han and Balgaro lost their words at the same time and looked at the wizards.
The wizard who won the bet smirked with the most arrogant expression in the world.

“What did I say? Did I say that 4 circle magic is enough to be successful?”

“It wasn’t like that last time, was it? When did you become so skilled?”

“Deep contemplation and realization. That’s all.”

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

Wizards who did not learn systematically under their masters had very inconsistent
knowledge of magic.

Seeing the transformation form of the 1st circle fire magic in front of me, I
mistake it for 4th circle magic.

'I can see why Einroguard students are welcome.'

Even so, it is a rare profession to be a wizard, and many of them must be that
kind of magician.

It was understandable that people preferred to come from the Imperial Magic

"senior. Go... no. Where are you going?"

Ian was perplexed.

Balgaro was striding towards the wizards rather than the temple gates.

“I can’t leave the cheater alone.”

"for a moment. senior. You said you're from Einrogarde, and it's annoying if you
find out."

To tell other wizards that it's not good to know that you're from Einroguard, and
you're going to attack yourself.

But Balgaro said seriously.

“But he’s deceiving other wizards, isn’t he?”

“…Senior is the spirit of the White Tiger Tower itself.”

He was embarrassed by the compliments of his juniors.

“Is that so? I don’t think it’s that much.”

* * *

The wizard, Otiro, was a wizard from the Thieves Guild.

I read a magic book about fire magic that I got accidentally, and paid a bribe to
a retired mercenary wizard, but once I succeeded in learning the magic...

Success after that was not easy.

So Otiro turned around.

In the direction of using the magic you have learned more usefully!

"ruler. It's not too late for you either. You can reach the same level as me. If
you pay only a few silver coins, I will teach you as a fellow wizard...”

“Girl is over there!”

His feet growled and he took a step forward. When a young wizard approached with a
bloody expression, the gathered wizards were bewildered.

“What did you say?”

“At the very least, trying to charm other wizards with a transformation of circle
1 magic. But are you still walking the magic path?”

'not good.'

Lee Han sensed the ominous look on the opponent's face.

The guy who should have been embarrassed was keeping his expression calmly.

It was clear that there was something to believe in.

“I don’t know what that means. My magic is Circle 1... So, are all the wizards
here wrong?”

“Don’t be silly.”

Balgaro already knew what his opponent was going to do.

Without hesitation, he immediately lowered his coat, revealing Einroguard's coat

of arms.

“I am a student at Einrogard. As a student of Einrogard, I will claim that your

magic is a trick!”

“Are you a student of Einrogard?”

Otiro's eyes trembled with surprise, but they subsided in an instant.

"indeed. You deserve to say that. However..."

Otiro raised his coat.

Then, the pattern he had seen was revealed.

...It was the emblem of Valdrogaard.

'No what...'

While Lee Han was perplexed, Balga seemed to be perplexed as well.

“I graduated from Waldrogaard.”

“What nonsense! It's fake! Where the fake!”

“Ha… stop it. As a student, my eyes are still immature, so there must be some
mistakes. I understand. Because I did too.”
Obviously, his opponent was one step ahead of Balgaro.

Even if it was a fake sentence, other wizards did not have the ability to
recognize it, and most of all, Balgaro was pushed by the opponent in speaking

'Should I go ahead?'

Still, I was a student at the same school, so I thought I should help out, but
Balgaro came out first.

“It’s a duel, you bastard!”



“Pull it out! If you don't pull it out, I'll attack you!"

'Are you really crazy?'

Asking for a duel inside the temple?

Lee Han couldn't help but admire Balgaro.

Of course, the priests came running.

“You cannot duel here!”

"good night! Follow me outside!”

“Wow, what a savage…”

“Calm down. everyone. You can see the match with magic.”

Wizards and priests stopped them both. In the end, he had no choice but to break
his will.

"great. Let’s fight with magic.”

Balgaro didn't seem to think he would lose to such a con artist.

But there are no absolutes in the world.

“If it’s a match… why don’t we see the match by controlling fireworks?”

The priest spoke up for mediation.

It was one of the games that flame wizards often played, and it was a game where
each other summoned flames and shot them down.

It was a simple game, but if you dig into it, it was quite profound. You have to
move faster and more precisely than your opponent's flame to catch up.


Balgaro's face turned pale. Ian was puzzled.

“Why? no way..."

“…I specialize in enchantment magic.”


Lee Han clicked his tongue as if sorry to see the frozen senior.

“Then I will.”


Balgaro raised his head.



"no. Your skills are too much!”


Ian was momentarily confused.


I don't know if it's a senior's expert in enchantment magic, but when it comes to
element control and manipulation, Lee Han honestly didn't think he would lose to a

A second-year senior would not have learned while being hit by a mad professor.

"senior. I think you were mistaken because I passed the test earlier, but it's not
that I'm weak at controlling elements, it's that if I focus, I can burn the entire
temple down."

“…uh… uh. that, is it?”

Balgaro thought that this first-year junior seemed to understand a bit why he
didn't have any friends.

What crazy bravado?

“It’s done. If I'm not confident, I'll just do it myself. I’ve been given advice
in many ways, so I have to pay it back.”

"hey! Because I can't! I'd rather..."

Before the feet even dried, Lee Han stepped out.

“There is no need to deal with seniors here. I will deal with it.”


Otiro did not back down easily.

Always be ignorant and be brave.

Otiro did not know exactly what the level of the Einroguard students was.
Seeing that he was a junior in lower grades, and even more junior than Balgaro, I
thought it was worth trying.

'I've done fire element control over and over again. Supporting young students...'

Remodeling the 1st circle magic and mimicking the 4th circle was not something
anyone could do.

Otiro, who has been constantly manipulating the flame element, thought that even
if the opponent was an Einroguard student, there was a chance of winning if he
controlled the flame.

Rumble rumble rumble rumble!

...until dozens of sparks float in the air in an instant.

“...I, I was wrong. sinned to death. Please forgive me!”

Otiro immediately fell flat on his face.

The moment I saw it, I was blown away.

Lee Han focused on the flame with an expressionless face and then raised his head.

Controlling the dozens of flames wasn't very difficult, but losing focus and
exploding the flames was a big problem.

Because of this, the words were kept short.

“What did I do wrong?”


“Let me tell you what I did wrong.”

Lee Han concentrated on maintaining the power of the flame again.

Otiro, who misunderstood that grimacing expression to mean something else,

exclaimed hurriedly.

“All of them, trying to trick other wizards... They're trying to trick other
wizards! sorry. After I had a good talent, I became greedy…”

“I… that bastard!”

“How dare you deceive us!?”

Naturally, the wizards next to him were outraged.

Not only was it a bet, but I was almost deceived, so it was strange not to be

'Are you roughly finished?'

As the atmosphere did not seem likely to turn over any longer, Lee Han began
disarming the summoned flames one by one.

Be careful not to accidentally blow it up and make the surroundings a sea of fire.
"you you...!"

Aside from the wizards surrounding them with stern faces and throwing words at
Otiro one by one, Balgaro looked at Lee Han with a surprised face.

If you've just seen the same magic and don't notice anything, then you're not
talented as a wizard.


Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

In order to surely subdue the opponent, I summoned the flames as much as possible,
but that's why I got caught.

“…you were a fire magic genius!”

“…Senior is really the white tiger tower itself.”

"uh? Why are you praising me all of a sudden?”

Balgaro was embarrassed when he suddenly got compliments from his juniors.

“Before, when I used fire magic, I was so nervous that I thought there was a
problem… Was it just that I had a timid personality? I’m sorry.”


“How about it though! Even if you are very nervous, the most important thing is
your magic skills. I've never seen a second year student like you who can launch
dozens of flames at the same time."

It wasn't just a compliment. He was genuinely happy.

“I was waiting for a junior like you to enter the tower.”


“A junior who will step on the noses of those unlucky Blue Dragon Towers!”


Ian suddenly felt sorry.

“Do you know how cocky they were when they said they were good at magic?
Motherfuckers... let's see!”

While Balgaro was chatting with excitement, fan wizards came to Lee Han by beating
Otiro and thanked him.

"Thank you very much."

“Thanks, I was able to not be deceived. It's terrifying to think that I might have
been deceived by that scammer..."

"for a moment! Isn't it Han Lee of the Wodanaj family?!"

Ian was surprised.

A wizard he had never met before guessed his name.

"Is that correct? right? I heard Zolbabden say! Even though you were a first-year
student at Einrogard, you defeated the Basilisk with one blow!”


Lee Han regretted not subduing Zolbabden.

Hearing that, another wizard clapped his knees and said:

"ah! I heard it too! Did you not win the magic battle of Lord Valor’s Doin at the
Dalcard family’s mansion?”

“You overpowered Lord Doin, a native of Valdrogaard!”

“It’s not overpowering, but the opponent’s magic power is depleted…”

“Did you deplete your opponent’s magic?”


Lee Han did not know that the socialites of Granden could spread rumors so fast.

“Uh… Gainan too? What are you talking about? You are the Guynando of the Moradi

“Ah. an urgent appointment. senior. see you next time!"

Lee Han took the permit and quickly left the temple.

The gathered wizards surrounded Balgaro and asked questions over and over again.

“If you are a student of Einrogard, maybe…”

“Are you very close to that person? Could you please arrange a seat for me…”

“Oh, get out of here! Because it's Vicky! Junior! Wait a minute! Junior!!"

* * *

"uh? Lee Han.”

Durgyu waved his hand warmly.

I happened to see Lee Han on the Granden City Avenue.

However, Lee Han, walking from afar, looked particularly tired.

“Why? Do you look tired?”

“...there was a bit of work. Durg, what were you doing?”

“I must have had a good rest after the semester, I was preparing to work with my
friends. Oh yeah. you don't know The White Tiger Tower students…”
“In order to hone my senses in real life, I guess that’s why I was commissioned as
an adventurer and trained. As an added bonus, I save my own living expenses.”

“How did you know!?”

Durgyu was startled.

Usually, noble families did not know each other's lives as much as noble families
played with each other, and knight families played with each other.

Lee Han smiled softly and said.

“You are my friend. Of course, I'm interested in how you're doing."

“Lee Han...!”

Durgyu was moved by tears.

Among the students of the White Tiger Tower, there were narrow-minded guys who
said nonsense like, 'Don't meet Wodanaj on Durgyu's vacation, because he's

I wanted to show them the side of Lee Han now.

'What do you say to a friend who is so caring?'

“So, do you want to register as an adventurer first?”

"Well. That’s it.”

Durgyu nodded his head.

An adventurer who accepts and solves requests.

At first glance, it seemed that it was not necessary because it was a

qualification or registration. Isn't it enough to just find someone who needs a
quest and make a deal?

However, such a method now only worked in lawless areas on the far outskirts of
the Empire, and in the large cities of the Empire, such a rough idea did not work.

The Imperial Adventurers Guild will take charge of management and mediation so
that unnecessary friction or quarrels do not arise.

Adventurers are identified and registered in the guild, and clients leave silver
and gold coins in the guild to guarantee their credit. It was pretty systematic.

“I borrowed the equipment from someone I know and fitted it, and other friends
have been introduced to places that sell equipment cheaply, so I’m matching it

Before the words could be finished, a group of students from the other side,
wearing armor, appeared from the White Tiger Tower.

Although there were some scratches and rust, there seemed to be no problem in
performance. It was clear that he had been introduced to a good place by the
Knights Templar or the Knights family.

“Wow, Wodanaj!”

"...for a moment! Don't get me wrong!”

“What do you mean don’t get me wrong?”

Lee Han was puzzled when the White Tiger Tower students trembled in embarrassment.

Now, Lee Han didn't really do anything.

“Debt… I will pay off the debt by earning it!”

“Yeah, yes! It's also half borrowed on credit! Don't get me wrong! Because I
didn't spend the first silver coin to pay you back!"


It was then that Lee Han understood the situation.

Unlike the basically wealthy Blue Dragon Tower students, or some Black Turtle
Tower students from wealthy merchant families, the White Tiger Tower students did
not have a lot of money.

There were only a few wealthy knight families, and students from other knight
families had no silver coins they could spend without earning their own living

Accommodation and meals can be solved through personal connections, but it was
natural to prepare this way as you had to solve everything else yourself.

"okay. Okay."

“I already signed a contract, so now, even if you really beat me to death, there
is a place where money will come out… Huh? Are you okay?”

"okay. It's okay."

At Lee Han's words, the White Tiger Tower students stopped.

“Jeong… Really?”


“Can I really earn and pay it back? If you say you paid it late, you go to the
Knights Templar and leave a note insulting our family name...”

“It's a creative way. But I don't do that.”

“Then, if you could write a letter to our family…”

Annoyed, Lee Han raised his staff. The White Tiger Tower students cringed.

“You said you were fine.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Thank you."

One of the white tiger tower students, who was paying attention, said quietly.
“Then we have to go to the… adventurer guild and register for something.”

“Come in together.”


“Let’s go in together. I also came to register.”



“To collect silver coins.”

Lee Han answered, but none of the White Tiger Top students believed him.

'Are you going to do that to maintain a sense of practicality?'

'I will. How come he's more warlike than a knight?'

'Because he's crazy about magic!'

"ruler. Everyone, let’s go in.”

Durgyu urged his friends.

The White Tiger Tower students didn't want to leave Lee Han behind, but they had
no choice but to open the door of the Adventurer's Guild and go inside.

The atmosphere was not particularly special because it was called the Adventurer's
Guild. Rather, it was quieter and more office-like than other buildings.

It was hard to know that this was an adventurer's guild, except that people in
various clothes were sitting quietly and waiting.


“A 1st year in Einrogard, Angelo of the Alpha family, it has been confirmed.
Please be active.”


“First year in Einroguard, Dukema of the Jay family, it has been confirmed. Please
be active.”

The adventurer registration went much faster than expected.

It was only natural that they all had a family in addition to their clear identity
as Einroguard students.

The clerk stamped his seal without looking at him and handed out his permit and

“A 1st year in Einrogard, Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family.”


The clerk paused for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Lee Han. It was
a very perplexed face.

“Are you going to do it with your friends?”

"Yes? If there is something we can do together, I would like to do it together.”

“It's unlikely that the referral would be dangerous, but it's basically an injury.
I want you to take that into consideration.”

"All right."

Lee Han understood the concerns of the other clerk.

Perhaps it was clear that the noble nobles who had nothing to do and were bored
had come to try out adventures.

It's a good thing it ends there, but there is a high probability that such nobles
would say, 'Did you put me into such a gutter!' after getting hurt.

“But really…”

“Clerk. Woahdanaz bastard... No, Wodanaj doesn't have to worry about that.”

"Right. He really has the ability to protect himself.”

“Because we guarantee it.”


The clerk became even more confused when the knights' students shouted together.

What is the identity of that student?


If it was the Wodanaj family, it was obviously a magician and a great noble
family, but I did not understand why the students from the Knights family were so
confident in their fighting power.

It's probably not that he's better at swordsmanship, and he's still a freshman,
but he's not good at magic battles either...

“...I made it clear. Please remember.”

"All right."

“Do you have anything else to add to the log?”

“I received a fire magic license from the Afha Church.”

“Is that so? I will make a note of it.”

The clerk looked slightly surprised.

He was a clerk who welcomed several Einroguard students every vacation.

I had never seen a first-year student who even prepared like that.
Of course, I had never seen a first-year student from an aristocratic family who
came here!

Lee Han was about to ask a mad professor to put his training in magic combat into
his career.

I was afraid that it would have the opposite effect.

“Fire magic license? When did you get that?”

“Like these fools. You may have to solve a quest within the city, haven’t you
prepared for that?”

At Lee Han's rebuke, the White Tiger Tower students felt unfair.

I'm doing it for the first time today, how do I know that?

"done. This is my first time doing it, so I may make a mistake. ruler. Has anyone
saved the party members from here?”

About two-thirds of the White Tiger Tower students gathered raised their hands.

It was the students who decided to go on their own or were introduced to party
members through personal connections.

"Right. The rest can do it with me. I'm counting on you."




The students at the White Tiger Tower couldn't accept the reality for a moment,
and then asked again in bewilderment.

“Uh… huh??”


“Uh, uh. that. Wodanaz. Are we moving together?”

"okay. Do you have any complaints?”

“Oh, that’s it. So. Would it be dangerous?”

A student from the White Tiger Tower standing next to him thought to himself.

'Especially us!'

“Is it dangerous?”

“Uh… ummm.”

“Thank you for your concern. But I have the ability to protect myself. The resolve
is also set. So it’s okay.”

The white tiger top student wanted to say, 'We're not okay'.
But he couldn't say that and looked around his friends.

- Help!

But there were no friends who came out as expected.

“Uh… uhm. then. Wodanaz. I will work hard and pay you back as soon as I have
silver coins.”

“Right, right. Wodanaz. see ya."

The lucky students who raised their hands to the question earlier rushed out.

Now, all that was left were the students who were unlucky and did not raise their

“Then let’s think about what kind of quest we will get together.”

"I. Wodanaz. Perhaps..."

“By the way, how much silver do you owe me?”

“...I will work hard...”

The students gathered at the seat accepted the fact with a depressed expression.

Obviously, even when I was wearing the equipment, I was nervous because I didn’t
know what kind of request there would be, but it felt like I had already returned
to Einroguard.

* * *

'It's good.'

Lee Han, along with the students of the White Tiger Tower, made plans while
sipping green tea at a table outside the tea shop.

It felt good to save an unexpected arrowhead, no, the vanguard of the party.

The standard combination of a party is that a solid vanguard blocks in front,

fighters positioned in an intermediate position from the back launch an attack, and
in the rear, such as a wizard or a priest, respond flexibly to various situations.

Of course, this was an ideal example. The world didn't just work out ideally.

In the first place, such people as wizards and priests are high-level personnel
that are not easy to find even if they want to save them.

“In that respect, we are in a very advantageous position. Isn't it?"

Just because they were adventurers or mercenaries, they didn't have excellent

It was a case of excellent veterans who had accumulated their skills by going
through the risk of almost dying while rolling on the floor. Those who did not,
most of their skills were jagged without a foundation.

On the other hand, the White Tiger Tower students here are prepared talents who
have been trained as knights, including swordsmanship, for over ten years.
Even at this level, mediocre adventurers could not keep up with their skills.

“From a strong avant-garde to a wizard.”


“You don’t answer?”

“Okay, I think it’s good!”

While exchanging glances, the students of the White Tiger Tower said, 'How can I
not escape?'

“By the way, Wodanaj. Aren't we a little short of staff?"

Angro said cautiously.

Durgyu, Engo, Rapadel, and Lee Han.

It wasn't too little, but it was also true that it felt a little lacking.

Besides, they don't have enough experience.

As for greed, I wanted to add two or three experienced veterans.

“That is nothing to worry about.”

Durgyu replied instead.

It was Durgyu, who thoroughly investigated by asking the senior knights before
coming with other friends.

“I heard that Einroguard students like us are popular. Enough to save other

In a way, it was normal.

All of the White Tiger Tower students were thoroughly trained and could even use

It was natural for other adventurers to want to work together.

“Then are you okay? Can I go to the guild and ask him to save me right away?”

"right. But before that, let’s start with a plan on what kind of quest to break.”

Lee Han pulled out a map.

“I heard that ghouls come out of the cave near the Burning Hill. We will deal with
this undead first.”

The friends nodded.

If it was enough to ghoul, I was confident enough to face it.

It will be a two-day, one-night expedition to camp nearby as there is a little

“Then, I collect geranium flowers, sulphur, and wormwood from the back of the
cave. There was a quest to save all three.”

"...uh? Wait a minute."


They were preparing to hunt the undead, but when herb gathering was suddenly
added, the students of the White Tiger Tower panicked.

“You said you were hunting undead?”

"okay. However, looking at the map, it is a terrain with a high probability of

three herbs. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to make multiple quests at once?”

“…that, that’s right!”


“I was also thinking that… the terrain was clunky and muddy.”

The White Tiger Tower students nodded their heads as if they already knew, instead
of asking any more questions.

If I asked, 'How did you know there were medicinal herbs by just looking at the
map?' they would look so stupid.

"right? I thought you knew It's also in the book."



The White Tiger Tower students just sat still and smiled meaningfully.

Once I listened quietly, I felt like I was going to go somewhere in the middle.

“And when the collection is over, the rapella wild rat is captured in the nearby
forest. There is a record of discovery.”

“...Oh, no. no. Wait a minute."

When the hunting of undead, herb gathering, and hunting of rare animals were
added, the students of the White Tiger Tower couldn't stand it and smiled.


“I don’t think it would be easy to catch that rapella wild mouse, right?”

"right. Wodanaz. It is usually difficult to request such an animal capture. It's

not something anyone can do. You need a seasoned hunter...”

“I will. There is no guarantee that they will be caught.”

"okay! I already have enough schedules…”

“But there is a pretty promising way. First of all, he likes <Dobrook's Red Five
Scented Potion>. If you have Sharkan find the traces of him, spray the potion on
his movement and wait, you will be able to catch him with a higher probability than
searching the forest blindly. Not only that, but even fantasy magic on the road…”

After hearing Lee Han's explanation, the White Tiger Tower students opened their


'Are you a 10-year adventurer?'

'Isn't that the guy who registered with us?'

“Is this enough to explain? You’ve seen it in books too.”


“...that's exactly what we thought. Wodanaz. It’s about picking the best
efficiency with a single request.”

The White Tiger Tower students threw away all their dissatisfaction.

And since I was throwing it away, I decided to throw away the brain as well.

'I'll just do what Wodanaj tells me...'

* * *

“Einroguard! You mean Einrogard student!”

The adventurer, Gubon, was very pleased with the clerk's words.

I was in trouble because the party I had been working with for three years had
been disbanded due to the retirement of two vanguards and a strife between the two

"Yes. Mr. Koo Bon worked steadily and showed sincerity and reliability in most of
his requests. So he recommends a connection.”

"Thank you very much. I will not disappoint you.”

Gubon knew how precious the clerk's proposal was.

There are many cases where guys who have never even held a sword come to the city
and say, 'I'm going on an adventure'.

Besides, they're all from a knight family, so aren't they talented in both combat
and magic?

There was only one reason to connect these valuable talents with him.

'You're probably looking for advice from a veteran.'

It doesn't matter where you go for an unknown adventurer who rolls around like a
stone on the roadside, but there were many people who would be in trouble if an
Einroguard student got hurt.

Skills are certain, but lack of experience is unavoidable.

It was clear that a reliable and experienced adventurer was attached to fill the
lack of experience.
“We will do our best to cooperate.”

“It’s reassuring. I believe. Goo Bon.”

After finishing the conversation with the clerk, Goo Bon headed to the meeting
place with one of the remaining colleagues from the party.

“Einrogard student… what kind of person do you think he is?”

“I haven’t even met you. First of all, I heard that most of them were wizards from
a knight family.”

“Are you a knight then?”

The two remembered the image of a powerful knight who was firmly armed and pushed
like an unshakable rock.

there's magic

“I’ll do well in one fight.”

“It’s not about fighting, it’s about other things. Are you an inexperienced young
student? To be honest, I'm a little nervous."

“Then should I have turned down the offer? Any good suggestions?”

“It’s not like that… I honestly wanted to work with a wizard, but me too. I'm just
worried that I'll say something outrageous."

The two moved forward with half anticipation and half worry.

The students' skills were not insecure.

But I'm just worried that I'll set a big goal or make a small mistake in a strange
part because I'm too confident.

“I wish you well. This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”

“It’s an old copy. This guy here is Vizidek.”

Gubon shook hands with a handsome boy like a statue. He was tall and had a solid
physique, like a wizard from a knight family.


“Why but, Bizidek. Quiet. Are you talking?”

“Uh… I think I heard it somewhere. sorry."

Gubon sat down and asked Lee Han carefully.

“Since our party is much smaller, we intend to follow orders only as assistants.
But, do you have a quest that you set a target for…”

Gubon swallowed his saliva, nervous about how to stop Lee Han from coming up with
an absurd plan.

Lee Han nodded and pulled out a map.

"ruler. I've heard of ghouls coming out of the cave near the Burning Hill here...”

30 minutes later.

At the perfect and meticulous plan that he had never seen before, Goo Bon looked
at Lee Han with amazement and asked.

“Are all Einroguard students like this?”


The students of the White Tiger Tower gently avoided their gaze.


At first, when Lee Han said that he would subdue the undead in the cave and
collect materials, Gubon was trying to say that he was overzealous.

Subjugating the undead itself is quite laborious, and quests for collecting rare
herbs like that are usually difficult to find, so it is highly likely that they
joined the Adventurer's Guild.

You could try to do both, but both failed or you could just waste your stamina.

However, Lee Han listened carefully to Goo Bon's concerns, and explained it step
by step without being emotional at all.

According to the book, the terrain behind the cave now is a good terrain for herbs
to appear, but if undead appear in the cave, the power of herbs will be affected by
it, increasing the likelihood of getting more...

Gubon didn't know much about magic or herbal medicine, but Lee Han's words had
certain persuasive power.

Besides, that wasn't the end.

Even catching the rare monster Rappella Wild Rat.

Usually adventurers didn't do that. There are many reasons to solve one quest at a

I'm cautious as I don't know when or if one of the quests will be resolved, but I
should have refuted the idea of making such a greedy plan...

The old man couldn't do that.

The other person's plan was so perfect and meticulous.

If it wasn't for his face, he would have thought he was a person who had been
active as an adventurer for about ten years.

“Einrogard students all know how to do this.”

Lee Han spoke modestly for the honor of his friends.

The students at the White Tiger Tower looked at Lee Han with their eyes wide open.

'What is he saying now?'

'That's something only you can do...!'

“I have nothing more to say. I think we can proceed right away like this, but…”

Gubon mumbled the end of his speech.

There was something to be said, even if he was careful.

“Are you properly prepared for travel or camping on the way there?”

At Gubon's words, Angelo snorted as if not to worry.

“No worries. I haven’t been camping once or twice.”

“Isn’t this a camper where there was a servant who came along with groceries and
various camping equipment on their back?”


At Lee Han's question, Engo was speechless.

No, how did you know?

Ian sighed and said.

“It would be better to forget about the experience of camping with other knights
in the family. At that time, he would have taken care of everything from preparing
the camp, preparing water for washing, hot meals, and bedtime. If you are traveling
alone, you should bring as much as possible of what you need.”

At Lee Han's words, Gubon was once again puzzled.

I couldn't believe I was really a first-year student.

How could a first-year student be so calm and calm in anticipation...

“Open your backpack. I'll have to check what's up. No nails or hammers, but no
ropes? Do you know what will happen? And I need some cloth. If possible, I'd rather
have the oiled one. Is the food all canned pork? It won't be enough, but that'll be
fine. Bring a leather water bottle. It looks like the flint and tinder were left
out because of magic, so don't waste your mana needlessly and keep them."


The old version was completely overwhelmed.

It looks like he checks his preparations more skillfully than a moderately

seasoned adventurer.

Seeing that, I wondered why Gubon came here.

I think it will run well enough without a seasoned veteran...

“Mr. Goo Bon. Please give me some advice.”

Not knowing Gubon's inner feelings, Lee Han called for Gubon. The copy was very
Lee Han was already doing better than Goo Bon.

'I packed quite a bit of stuff...'

Quite a few veteran adventurers weren't that thorough. Unless we're going to a
really dangerous place, the basic idea was 'Let's save silver and fill it up with
our body'.

“Looks great.”

At Gubon's words, Lee Han urged him as if asking why.



“Obviously, you have something to point out. There can be no way, is there?”

“Ah… no…”

I really don't!

Gubon's colleague, Vizidek, looked at him with a gaze, 'How can I give you more
advice here?'

* * *

"indeed. Is the color of the backpack important too? This is information you
didn't know. After all, seasoned adventurers are different.”

Lee Han wrote with a look of admiration.

You change the camouflage color of your backpack according to the terrain you are
going to. After all, the advice of an adventurer who has experienced a lot of
battles was unique.

Vizidek whispered in a low voice.

“There is nothing like that.”

“...and I couldn’t even think of it.”

Gubon bowed his head in embarrassment.

Of course, he had never done anything that changed the color of the backpack for
each terrain he went to.

You don't know when or where you're going, but you change your backpack every
time. Adventurers didn't have enough money to waste silver like that.

asked Durgyu, who was walking in front of him.

“But isn’t it a little strange? Changing backpacks every time would be a bit
cumbersome and cumbersome.”

“Probably disguised as grass or dirt that can be found nearby.”


Gubon was thrilled to see the Einroguard student who recognizes the fever on its
own even if you don't tell us one.

What the...

“But I can use magic, so there’s no need for that. It could be replaced with <Less
Color Conversion> magic.”

Durgyu admired Lee Han's words.

“After all, like a madman, you are the one who heard all the magic.”

“What did you just say?”

“Oh, no. sorry. The mannerisms of our top friends...”

"Okay. Durgyu. It's not your fault, it's everyone else's fault."

“Uh… we didn’t.”

“We didn’t say anything.”

Engo and Rapadel denied it, but Lee Han ignored it.

“By the way, Wodanaj. I remember that <lower color conversion> magic wasn't done
in class. When did you learn it?”

"no. I've only seen it in books. If we practice, we will be able to do it before

we arrive.”

“That makes sense…”

“Color, change.”

In a single moment, the color of the backpack was dyed green. Ihan nodded his

“Similar to steel transformation, but easy. Thanks to you, I succeeded in one



“Why are you looking at me like that?”

"It is nothing..."

The students of the White Tiger Tower looked away with expressions of sadness and

Veteran adventurers, Gubon and Vizidek, did not understand, so they murmured.

“Isn’t the atmosphere a bit strange?”

"I'm sure... aren't we friends?"

Rather than being close friends from the same knights, there was a strict
atmosphere like a superior and a subordinate.
They must be in the same grade...

'Is it an illusion?'

Passing through the gates of the city of Granden, moving along the imperial road,
exiting along the road shown on the map, passing through the grass, saw the
destination burnt hill.

It was in the early evening, so I arrived very quickly.

Everyone was in good shape and had a horse, and above all...

“There were also two veterans, so I was able to come at once without getting
lost.” was thanks to the fact that I found the road without ever getting lost.

The two adventurers smiled awkwardly without saying anything.

'we are...'

'...I didn't do anything in particular.'

Lee Han looked at the map alone and said, 'Is this this way?' He said, 'This is
this way' and 'Let's break it here', and he arrived at his destination.

There was nothing wrong with trying to give advice to two people who knew each
other well.

“Well then…”

“I’m still in good shape, so let’s go in.”

Rapadel said eagerly.

As a person learning black magic to subdue criminal warlocks, he was very active
in subjugating the undead.

The old man was dazzled.

Finally, the time has come to give advice as a seasoned adventurer.


"Can not be done. Rapadel. Of course, I wasn't tired, but I didn't have to go into
the cave where the undead appeared in the early evening. When the sun goes down
completely, the power of the undead will become stronger. Even if you are not tired
right now, it is right to prepare for the camp and wait until tomorrow morning.”

Having said that, Lee Han looked at the two adventurers and asked.

"Are you okay?"

“…Right, that’s right. It’s a good way.”

"thank you."

The two adventurers began to feel a deep sense of skepticism, leaving behind their
embarrassment and absurdity.

...Did we really need to come?

* * *

“We will take care of the camp preparations!”


As the two adventurers made a firm declaration, Lee Han and his friends tilted
their heads.

“Aren’t we supposed to prepare together in the first place?”

"no. People like magicians don’t do this.”

Gubon was right.

We share the dirty work at parties, but there are always exceptions.

It is impossible to entrust chores to high-level personnel such as wizards and

priests, or to those who share the share of a few other adventurers, such as from a
knight family. It was rather a waste.

All the students here are wizards and come from a knight family...

"indeed. understand."

“Then we…”


Ian refused.

“If the two of you are not here, we will have to do it ourselves, but if we can’t
do it then it will be a problem. You have to learn how to do it.”


“Well, do you have to be prepared for that?”

The White Tiger Top friends, who were just thinking of resting, asked back with a

But Lee Han was serious.

"okay. Think carefully. If you happen to be camping in Einroguard, you won't be

able to get help from other adventurers."

“Why are you camping in Einrogarde?”

Gubon asked as he did not understand. The magic school students pretended not to

"ruler. What should I do first?”

“Once you light the fire…”

When Gubon tried to pull out the tinder, Lee Han immediately swung his staff.



“...well, it is better to get water if it is near a water source. If you have

fresh water, you can…”

with a splash!

“I have been called. What's next?”


Seeing a huge mass of water floating in the air, Gubon and Bijidek pursed their
lips and quietly pulled out a wooden barrel and filled it with water.

“Now, the surrounding bushes will block the light from leaking out and the cold
wind, but there are some shortcomings. Even if you simply pile up the soil…”

Papa Pak!

In an instant, a pile of dirt piled up and became a simple clay wall.

“Is this enough?”

"...Yes. Now, we only install simple traps that can detect when an intruder comes

Lee Han brought out the magic he had learned while making firecrackers with
Professor Verdus.

It was magic that gave the illusion of light to the paper and summoned the
illusion of light when the paper was torn.


Angro asked without thinking.

“Did you learn that while you came here? Is that great?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? You know magic isn't easy to learn that way.
This is the magic I learned directly from the professor during the semester.”


While Angro was speechless because he was so unfair and absurd, Lee Han finished
the work while walking around.

"How is it?"

“As long as you stay safe, there will be no problems at all now.”

“Did you all hear it? Remember the order.”

Lee Han said to the students of the White Tiger Tower.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were not surprised by this series of
numerous magic tricks. He nodded as if it were natural.

"do not worry. Wodanaz. I remembered it well.”

“If this is enough, we can do it too.”


Gubon and Bijidek were confused by the feeling of collapsing common sense.

What used to take two or three hours is now completed in a few minutes...

Does this reaction make sense to you?

'Are all wizards like this?'

'There's a reason why the ransom price of wizards is so high...! It's really worth
the price!'

Of course, the wizards who participated in the party did not do this.

I still have to save my mana consumption, but no one used magic to prepare for

Because of meeting Lee Han by mistake, the common sense of the two adventurers
about wizards was changing strangely.


“Let’s eat.”

The soup in the pot placed over the campfire simmered. The soup that I brought
with me, stir-fried fresh vegetables and meat, poured water, opened the can, and
seasoned the soup was quite good.

Of course, Lee Han cooked it.



Gubon and Bizydek also missed the timing to say, 'Why are you doing this?'

Just quietly received a wooden bowl.

The White Tiger Tower students ate very naturally.

“Wordanaj boy. The workmanship is still there.”

“He’s not as good at cooking as he is with magic.”

“By the way, Goo Bon. Do adventurers usually eat like this?”

Durgyu asked if he was curious. Gubon thought about how to explain it, then
scratched his head and answered.

“Usually, I eat well until the first day or the second day of commissioning when I
am working on a nearby job...”
For quests that seemed to be close or short-lived, even adventurers took care of
the quality of their food.

However, there was no such thing when entering a long-distance expedition, a

large-scale ruin, or a dungeon.

It was unconditional efficiency and compression. You never know when you'll get
hungry, but no one was crazy about the taste.

"indeed. Is it right to eat like this for a quest like today?”

“I thought adventurers only eat dried jerky.”

“There must have been some exaggeration.”

“…No, I do eat well, but I rarely eat this well…”

Goo Bon said in a bewildered way.

'Eat well' is always about eating fresh fruit, bread, or rice cakes that you bring
with you before they go bad, not about setting it up like this.

Starting with getting water for cooking, doesn't cooking with fire cost that much
fuel? It was rare for adventurers to spend that much energy at one meal.

“You don’t eat like this?”

“Yeah… water and fire are all hard work.”


Lee Han nodded and looked at his friends. The White Tiger Tower students covered
and protected the soup with their hands, following a custom developed in

“No… I won’t give it back.”

“I had no intention of taking it. I've already cooked. Well, without magic, this
would be all.”

Even to Lee Han, I thought that if I had done this without magic, it would have
consumed quite a lot of time and energy.

“Then, from now on, we will also simply use the adventurer’s preservation food…”

“You don’t have to make a decision too hasty. Wodanaz.”

“That’s right. Gubon here also said to eat well when you can eat well.”

Engo and Rapadel desperately tried to persuade Lee Han.

To be honest, this was more delicious than the meal at the Knights Templar

Gubon's colleague, Vizidek, tilted his head.

“This soup is amazingly delicious.”

“Isn’t the material good?”

“I watched it while helping to cook, and the ingredients weren’t particularly
special… Is the water special?”

"water? What is water?”

“Isn’t it the water that the wizard summoned?”

"like. indeed. It could be something like that.”

While the two adventurers were chattering, Angro scraped off the bowl and
scratched the pot with a ladle, and was hit by Lee Han.

“Eat it little by little. You should have two.”

“Ah… no… it would be a waste if there were any leftovers…”

* * *

When the time came, Lee Han woke up quietly.

The two adventurers offered to stand by themselves, but Lee Han refused.

If you put in a lazy habit for nothing, you can become annoyed later when there
are no adventurers.

'By the way, the guild recommended really sincere people.'

Every time they tried to do something, the way they all came forward left a strong
impression on Lee Han.

I heard that there are many adventurers who are not very good-natured, but it
seems that the guild recommended a really reliable person.

“Eye, pierce the darkness.”

It didn't have to be boring to be a nightmare.

Lee Han cast dark vision magic and started reading the magic book. It was a
terrifying madness that would shudder the other White Tiger Tower students.

<Ancient Basic Necromancer - About Summoning the True Undead>

A true warlock does not need to pay attention to the undead from the other world,
so he must be able to move dead beings with pure will. Here's the skeleton's

When other warlocks conveniently sign a contract with the undead in the undead
world and summon them, Han-eun Lee is using old-fashioned black magic created by
assembling bones herself because of the strong authority that the skeleton
principal 'learn authentic ancient black magic', but it was not without merits. .

If it wasn't for the really strong points, Lee Han wouldn't have done it no matter
how hard the headmaster Skull forced him.

'I hope that the skeleton warriors' attacks will be perfect during this vacation.'

Now, it was possible to summon Skeleton Warriors, but their movements were quite
limited and there were many failures.
Even if you get to the stage where the skeleton warriors attack the enemy on their
own, you will see... No, it will be more comfortable when dealing with enemies.

Sha Sha Shak-


Ihan shook his head. There seemed to be a rustling sound from somewhere.

'Is it an animal?'


As soon as he could finish his thoughts, a light flashed from below and exploded.
The anti-intruder magic that was put on in case you didn't know was working.

There was no attack power, but it was enough to embarrass the intruder and this
side reacted.

As an experienced Einroguard student, Lee Han moved without any waste.


"wake up! It's an attack!”

“Are you the school principal?”

After kicking their friends in the back, the White Tiger Tower students stood up
in a hurry.

“Not the headmaster!”

“It’s all… I’m happy.”

“Not lucky! Everyone, take up your weapons!”

Experienced Gubon and Vizidek were very nervous.

The students' skills were excellent, but in these surprises and melee battles, a
sense of composure was also very important, apart from their skills.

In all likelihood, an intruder like this will appear when you are on a quest with
the students.

'I hope it's not a big deal!'

Gubon and Vizidek prayed that the intruder would be a shepherd, a traveler, or a
lost adventurer who wandered around.

“Put your shield and bow your head.”

“Protect Wodanaj!”


However, the students' movements exceeded the expectations of the two adventurers.

It was not usually proficient to stand up immediately at the moment the light
burst and form a formation with weapons and shields.

'You're from a knight family too!'

It wasn't because he was from a knight family, but the misunderstanding between
the two adventurers was further piling up.

“Damn it, what are you guys doing here!”

A harsh voice came from below. It was clear that the light had damaged her vision.

'If you want to attack, you have to attack now...'

Gubon was worried. If it was a party of aggressive adventurers, he would have

attacked the opponent first.

However, all the students here are from a knight family. There was a high
probability that he would not choose such a cowardly thing.

“We are adventurers who came to solve the quest for the Burnt Hill from the city
of Granden. If you don't reveal your identity, I will attack you!"

“The Burnt Hills we came to first two days ago. go away!"

The students at the White Tiger Tower were bewildered by the sound they heard from

It was because he didn't know about the customary rules of adventurers yet.

“Should we back down?”

"no! It is customary for those who arrive late to step down, but that is not
always the case, and it is reckless to do something like this without evidence...”

"i get it. I'm leaving!"


Friends and adventurers were surprised at Lee Han's cry, but they did not respond.

It was because I respected Lee Han's authority.

“Ugh… there’s no need to be considerate of people like that.”

“Be patient. It's even more shameful to play with those guys."

While Engo and Rapadel were sad, Lee Han spoke again.

"We'll have to make sure they don't attack while we retreat. Show yourself!”

“Don’t be silly. How do you know your bastard will attack?”

“They come out one by one and check each other out. How are you?”

"...good night."

Lee Han said to Rapadel.

"I'm counting on you."

"okay. All right... Wait a minute.”

Rapadel narrowed his eyes as he remembered the time when he and Lee Han went to
the undead world.

“I hope you…”

“Don’t think strangely, move quickly. If there is anything suspicious, tell me

right away.”


* * *

The mercenary, Buldahak, frowned and walked out.

Buldahak's forehead wrinkles when he saw Rapadel deepened even more.

'what? It's a pity...?'

Buldahak was also not allowed to shed some blood, but it was a different story in
this case.

Aren't you well-equipped with a kiddie theme and equipment?

Usually kiddie adventurers don't have proper armor, let alone a proper weapon, and
often stumble, but the kiddo in front of him was the exact opposite.

It was evident that he had probably dressed up with belongings from the family or

'I don't think a party with such a guy would be great.'

Buldahak's fingers twitched involuntarily. There was a strong temptation to attack

by sending a signal to the men behind him.


A sharp lightning bolt from behind exploded on the back of Buldahak with a small

Gripping support!

“Big… huh?!”

Buldahak's limbs stiffened and his weapons dropped in the unexpected attack.

Rapadel was also surprised at how unexpected it was.

“Wow… Wodanaj!?”

“Flash, flash. Flash it.”

Lightning bolts flew in again, and the mercenaries who were hiding in the nearby
bushes screamed and fell.

“You are a wizard!!! There is a wizard!”

“Find a wizard... Kyahak!”

The remaining mercenaries figured out the situation and looked around, but there
was nothing to see.

“Light the torch!”

“The target is…”

“You idiot! The wizard sees through the darkness! Turn it on quickly!”

'I must stop using lightning magic.'

Lee Han thought as he shifted his seat.

The reason he said he was going to resign in the first place, and the reason he
sent Rapadel in front of him, was to take time and figure out the number of his

As soon as the grasp is complete, the attack starts immediately.

He defeated the menacing men first with the precise lightning magic.

Although invisibility was applied, if he continued to use lightning magic, the

location could be identified and he could be counterattacked.

Of course, that didn't mean he couldn't use magic.

“Spring up.”

The beads of water split rapidly and each moved in a different direction.

It was an attack that had no idea where it was coming from.


“I have already used a lot of magic! Wizards don't use magic anymore... ugh."

The shouting mercenary fell, and the water ball slashed the jaws of other
mercenaries, leaving the remaining mercenaries terrified.

“I will surrender!”

“I surrender, Mage! I will surrender!”

Gubon finally came to his senses and cried.

“Put down your weapons and raise your hands! I will attack anyone who moves even a
little! Big Deck! Go and tie them up!”

“We will go too.”

The White Tiger Tower students and Vizidek tightly bound the fallen mercenaries
and the surrendered mercenaries.

“This guy is... Buldahak! It’s bullshit!”

Vizidek shouted in surprise.

“Who are you?”

“I’m a criminal with an imperial bounty!”

"Five. How much is the bounty?”

After removing the invisibility, Lee Han appeared from behind.

Gubon asked as if curious.

“How did you know that this person was a Buddhist monk?”

“I didn’t know.”


“If there is a fight, first attack has an advantage, right?”

At Lee Han's words, the students of the White Tiger Tower nodded as if in

“After all, Wodanaj-kun.”

“Because he’s a guy who never gets distracted. You have to learn something like



The two adventurers said, 'Isn't Einroguard a magic school? What did you teach the
knights?' While confused, Lee Han approached the fallen mercenaries.

Buldahak, who came to his senses, flinched when he saw Lee Han.

He realized who had caused the magical storm that had just happened.

“Your man…”


Lee Han summoned Sharkan to watch the mercenaries.

It was tied tight, but I didn't know who was going to do what.

However, Buldahak seemed to have understood the appearance of Sharkhan in a

slightly different way. He looked away with fear-filled eyes.


"Fire... Buldahak."

“Murders, transport wagon raids, threats… Are you sure he’s got an imperial bounty

Buldahak nodded his head. Lee Han was happy and told Goo Bon.

“That’s right.”
“…I’m sorry, but you seem to be happy…”

“Did you get extra silver coins?”


Gubon and Bizidek were astonished at Lee Han's idea.

“Yeah… but…”

"Do not worry. We will distribute it according to the initial contract.”

“I wasn’t worried about that, it’s strange that Buldahak came here.”

As a seasoned adventurer, Gubon noticed something strange.

Han and Lee's students were close to the city of Granden, and they chose mostly
non-dangerous requests.

Awesome quests that are not dangerous but require professional skills (like a
wizard's magic).

These quests made quite a bit of money, but it wasn't a quest that would appear
like a mercenary with a bounty like Buldahak.

Why did someone who should aim for a big bang appear here?


“We must interrogate him.”

"understand. But will he really vomit the truth?”

Lee Han asked as if worried.

“It seems he is quite frightened now. I was shocked by the magic of the wizard. If
you interrogate him now, he might vomit the truth.”

Although it is said that Einroguard students get hit even while sleeping, magic
was still an unknown horror to the people of the Empire.

Moreover, the way Lee Han subdued his enemies was not common even by the standards
of wizards.

While ignoring the opponent, take the lead with invisibility magic. Honbi Baeksan
with lightning magic rampage using darkness. A detour attack that cannot be located
for those who are trying to counterattack somehow.

It was not strange even if the souls of the enemy mercenaries were half gone, as
they were hit repeatedly like that.

Now, those mercenaries were trembling, not knowing where the battle wizard Lee Han
came from.

“Buddhism. Please tell me why you are here.”

“…because of the treasures of the cave.”

Buldahak clenched his teeth and said.

As a mercenary with thick bones, he knew well that lying in front of a wizard of
that size meant nothing.

The moment you show your self-respect or self-esteem, your skin will be torn, your
bones will be broken, and even your soul will be ripped apart.

"Well. Right."

Lee Han nodded and pretended to listen.

And whispered to Gubon.

“He is a very sophisticated guy. He's even prepared to lie if he gets caught."


Gubon and Vizidek, who were thinking about what the treasure of the cave might be,
were perplexed.

“Is that a lie?”

“It is natural. There is no way such a bounty person can answer a question in one

“Isn’t he… afraid of the wizard…”

Vizidek said cautiously.

There was something that just happened, and an emerald-colored wild beast was
roaring next to him.

Even a mercenary with a bounty several times higher than that of Buldahak would
resign and tell the truth.

“Magic is not so all-around. You two help me.”

“How do you mean?”

“I will interrogate you with the skill of an adventurer.”

"Oh oh..."

The students of the White Tiger Tower looked at Gubon and Bizidek with

Although he was trained as a knight, it was the first time he had seen an
adventurer questioned like this.

How will the interrogation be conducted?



Gubon and Bijidek looked at each other. There was a slight cold sweat on my back.

'You must do your best. Do you understand?'


* * *

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! This father is flirting with the devil, and the mother is an
adulterous motherfucker with a monster... Whoa! Whoa!”

“Why don’t you tell me the truth!”

“You can’t fool the eyes of the wizards here!”

Gubon and Vizidek interrogated Buldahak by mobilizing all the experiences of

veteran adventurers.

Buldahak twisted his body at the painful torture.

“Did you tell me! said! Ask the other bastards too!!!”

“Shut up! Tell the truth quickly!”

Whoops, whoops!

Lee Han and the White Tiger Top students watched the interrogation with serious

Angro whispered.

“That's how you twist a stick between your legs. It must be quite painful.”

Rapadel answered.

“I have to admit that this is a good way. As the seniors said, there is a lot to
learn from adventurers.”

When Buldahak passed away, Gubon and Bijidek wiped the sweat from their foreheads
and sighed.

He dipped the cold water summoned by Lee Han into a tin glass and handed it to

“Take it easy.”

"Yes. thank you."

Encouraged by Lee Han's support, the two adventurers turned their eyes to
Buldahak's subordinates.

The subordinates trembled to the point of pity.

And after thirty minutes.

The two adventurers said they were very sorry.

"sorry. With our technology, it is no longer…”

“Magician. I'm sorry for daring to ask you for magic, but is there any way to find
out the truth about him?"

“Ugh. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that kind of magic either. I

understood his feelings, but…”

"Is that so. ...Yes?"

The two adventurers paused.

Wouldn't it be possible to know if it's true or a lie if you know your emotions?

“Did he keep lying?”

"no. The feelings were close to the truth.”

“…Uh… Don’t, sorcerer. I don't know much about magic, but isn't the Buddha telling
the truth?"

Lee Han shook his head as if to say something.

“You can lie while controlling your emotions.”


“...the wizard. Bulldahak is not that great, absolutely…”

At least this was certain what the two adventurers knew about magic.

If Buldahak was a mercenary of that level, the Emperor's Guardsmen would have come
to catch him, not the bounty hunters!

* * *

“You bastards, you will be cursed forever.”

Buldahak, supported by evil, cried with tears in his eyes.

Even though I told the truth because I didn't like pain, it seemed really unfair
that I was being questioned.

"ah. did you say sorry Shut up.”


Bull Dahak immediately shut his mouth.

Lee Han was just saying something, but to Bul Dahak, it sounded like 'If you keep
talking, you'll pull out your tongue'.

"So, there's a treasure in that cave..."

The original quest was to subdue ghouls from a cave near the Burning Hill.

This was because these ghouls had come down to the nearby roadside as well as the
cave, threatening good travelers.

It was a cumbersome quest for an adventurer without knowledge or skills to take

on, as not only defeating the ghouls, but also identifying the cause of the ghouls
and dealing with them...

...So, it was a good quest for the Einroguard students, including wizards, to take
However, the story of Buldahak was a little different.

According to the testimony of the Thieves Guild as well as some men who entered
and exited the cave, there must have been an ancient relic that had not yet been
discovered inside the cave.

“What are you waiting for, Wodanaj? Let's go in!”

The White Tiger Top friends were very excited. Even the calm Durgyu lit up his

Few jobs were as fascinated by ancient ruins, ancient dungeons, and ancient
artifacts as wizards.

Magic or knowledge that was practiced in the past was worth more than a thousand

But Lee Han was skeptical.

“Isn’t this just an idiot?”

According to the testimony, it was at this level.

-I got lost in the cave, and a black light kept coming out from one side! It's
definitely the light of artifacts!

- It was a light that could never come out naturally.

-If you try to get closer and see the ghouls suddenly becoming violent and
attacking you, it's bound to be an artifact!

Lee Han sighed and looked at his friends.

“You guys fall into the headmaster’s trap every time. To be swayed by such weak


“Gee, there’s no need to talk like that now.”



The two adventurers were puzzled inside.

Gubon looked at him and expressed his opinion.

“But, wizard. Among adventurers, that is enough testimony to be worthwhile.”

There were many people who came to visit even though it was a much more vague and
absurd rumor than that.

If it was a rumor like that, I would have gathered people and attacked even Gubon.

The fact that a mercenary who was about the same size as Buldahak had come this
far with that level of preparation proved the worth of that rumor.
“It’s not on the outskirts of an empire, and I don’t think there are any useful
relics left here…”

"no. Dungeons and artifacts appear more often near cities than you think.”

Due to various natural phenomena, or the magical powers of dungeons and ruins
themselves, they often popped out while changing the surrounding environment.

In that case, the adventurers who discovered it were able to make money at once.

"good. I had to subdue the ghouls anyway.”

“Then are you going in?!”

Angro exclaimed with great excitement.

"no. The sun hasn't come up yet."

It was early in the morning, but it was too early to go in now.

“...that, yes.”

In the midst of this, Engo was at a loss for words at Lee Han's cold appearance.

'This child can't even expect.'

“In the meantime, I have work to do.”

“What is it, Wodanaj?”

Rapadel listened intently.

Other than that, Wodanaj didn't talk nonsense about magic.

Before dealing with the ghouls, he probably wanted to talk about the necessary

“Let’s do some gathering quests after what happened. Rapadel. you are sullac Ango.
you are a geranium flower Durgyu. you are sleepy I'll have to find the traces of
the Rappella wild rat."



When Lee Han and his resigned friends left, Bul Dahak looked at Gubon and asked.

“What the hell are those crazy wizards?”

* * *

Thanks to Lee Han's help, the friends were able to solve the gathering quest with

-Is that Sullakcho? Where the hell did you put your eyes? Can you tell the
difference between a skeleton and a ghoul?

- Do you collect flowers like that? Does the flower look like a monster? Do you
really want to go back and defeat the monster like that?

“Everyone suffered.”


When the gathering was finished, the day was completely bright.

It was finally time to enter the cave.

“By the way, wizard.”

Vizidek whispered that the mercenaries could not hear it.

“What are these guys going to do? If we leave it here, they may run away or come
after us.”

The best thing to do was to take them to a nearby city, but everyone except Lee
Han was blinded by the treasure.

“You can bring it in.”


Bizidek paused.

taking you in

It doesn't sound like we're trying to cooperate as if we're attacking with another

“They can run away from inside or make a fuss. It would be difficult to control.”

“I’ve been thinking about that too.”

Lee Han said so and took out a piece of bone.

Rapadel wanted to see that.

“Bone, seize the enemy. Bone, seize the enemy. Bone, seize the enemy...”

Clap, tick, tick, tick!

The ankles and wrists of the mercenaries were filled with bone restraints.

It didn't end there.

Bone hands were summoned around the necks of the mercenaries and hung firmly. Lee
Han was in a state where he could straighten his neck with just a gesture.

"great. I think this should be enough.”

“You… you really… you are an idiot…”

Rapadel said in a tired voice.

A powerful warlock that looked like something out of a fairy tale was in front of

Magic was also a science that was more visible to those who knew it.

I didn't know about wizards who were not interested in black magic like Durgyu or
Engo, but Rapadel, who was learning black magic together, felt how absurd what Lee
Han was doing now.

No matter how low a circle magic is, summoning that number of bone restraints,
summoning a bony hand, and controlling them all at the same time.

Bone magic was also a kind of elemental magic, and Woudanaz, who excelled at
controlling elements, had to be good at it, but...

This was really absurd.

How much magic power and how much talent do you need to be able to do this?

“Rapadel. what are you doing not going in.”


“Hey, hey! what are you doing!"

“You mean you didn’t even think about this when you saw it?”

Rapadel asked Engo.

Angro replied as if he was talking about something.

“Wordanaj is really good at magic.”


'What a stupid bastard!'

Seeing the friends who didn't even know what black magic was so great, Rapadel
struck his chest.

How great is this...!

“Magician. How do you fight this way?”

One of the mercenaries was crying and talking to Lee Han.

It was a masterpiece to stimulate sympathy and somehow release the restraints.

“Even if you were in that state, would you be able to fight enough with the

“If that happens… the caves are dark and the terrain is complex, so you never know
what will happen.”

“Don’t worry. It doesn't matter because the dark ones will light up. For complex
terrain, Sharkan will go in first and figure it out. There will be no surprises, so
keep the formation and fight well.”

The captured mercenary thought to himself.

Sorcerers are a tribe that they really do not want to deal with!

* * *

“Then let’s go in now.”

"for a moment. We will cast the magic of agile steps.”


The two adventurers, who had directly experienced the magical enhancement of the
wizard, whom they had only heard of in words, were delighted.

Lee Han cast <Gonadaltes' Agile Steps>. The two adventurers trembled at the power
that rose from the depths of their bodies.

'This is reinforcement magic...!'

'I think I can understand why you're trying to put the Enhancement Wizard into the
party somehow!'

“Then I will go in.”

"for a moment. We will also cast spatial awareness magic.”

“Ah… thank you.”

When the <Space Awareness> magic was cast, the two adventurers felt that their
sense of distance became very sharp and sophisticated.

'This is reinforcement magic...!'

'Enhanced wizard somehow...'

“Come on, let’s go in!”

"for a moment. I will also cast sharp hand magic.”


“Thank you…”

The two adventurers were a little embarrassed.

The magician's magic won't be infinite either, is that okay?

It's good, but is it really okay?

'If you're from Einrogard, is this normal?'

"ruler. All done, let's go in now. Forward."

Lee Han gave strength to the bony hand that was strangling Buldahak. Buldahak made
a choking sound and walked forward.

- Kreulreung.
Sharkan let out a sharp sound as if he had smelled the ghouls inside.

“Stop for a moment.”

Lee Han gave strength to the bony hand that was strangling Buldahak's neck again.

Buldahak said, grinding this out.

“Even if I say it, I can understand…”


When a sphere of light with a strong luminous intensity appeared at the entrance
of the cave, the ghouls located near the entrance began to crawl out with a
terrible sound.

It was to deal with the wizard who had a strong repulsion to the light and
summoned the light.

-■■■... ■■■...


“Stop it!”

The mercenaries were more desperate than ever.

Normally, each of them would have moved freely and fought while keeping their
formation loose, but in a situation where everyone was forcibly tied up like now,
that couldn't be the case.

While holding their shoulders and firmly forming a formation, they stabbed the
ghoul and knocked it down.

Durgyu involuntarily admired it.

“I didn’t know that the mercenaries could fight in such harmony. The soldiers of
the family are coming to mind.”

“…Durgyu. Can't you see the bones on the neck, wrists, and ankles?"

"in! Sharkan. Continue to identify the enemy!”

Lee Han pushed Buldahak and the mercenaries to the front, and entered behind them
while maintaining a formation with his friends.

The cave was wide enough for dozens of people to pass comfortably. Lee Han floated
the ball of light again.

-■■! ■■!

Inside the cave as bright as broad daylight.

The properly stimulated ghouls ran out once more.

The mercenaries shouted and swung their weapons desperately.

The ghoul hit by the mace fell forward, and the ghoul cut by the thick single-
edged sword was scattered.
Lee Han floated a water ball and flew it according to the signal from Sharkan. The
ghouls who were hiding behind walls or behind rocks came out in anger.

“Protect Wodanaj!”

The cave was so wide, and as the ghouls came from all directions, the ghouls
passed the mercenary formation and broke through.

The White Tiger Tower students took down swords and shields and knocked down the

In particular, Rapadel's performance was very active.

“Where are you attacking, you ghouls. Return to the land of the dead! How dare

“Rapadel. Even if you don’t do that, Wodanaj is fine.”

Angago was slightly embarrassed by his friend's overly aggressive appearance.

Aren't you worried too much about Wodanaj? Wardanaj isn't the type of person to be
beaten by one or two ghouls.

"What? no! What kind of bullshit are you talking about?! choi. Please explain for

“Uh… Thank you for taking care of Wodanaj. Rapadel.”


Rapadel lamented the foolishness of his friends who did not know much about this
black magic.

'It's frustrating to work with people who don't know black magic!'

In the meantime, the entire swarm of ghouls that had gathered at one time fell.
The mercenaries took a deep breath and lowered their weapons. I felt like it was
several times harder than usual because I had to fight while being tied up


When one of the mercenaries tried to turn his head, Lee Han reflexively threw a
water ball and gave strength to his bony hand.


“Oh, you crazy!”

“Why are you drooling!”

The other mercenaries also stumbled and became angry when the fellow tied next to
them fell.

"ah. sorry. She shouldn't have turned her head like that. Why?”

“Hey, take a break…”

"okay. Rest.”

“Anything to drink…”

“You madman. Don't you notice?"

The mercenary next to him whispered in fright.

I was caught trying to attack another while on a bounty, but what are you looking
for right now?

If you don't want to be dissected until you get to the city, you should keep your
mouth shut.

The guy who climbs up right away when the other person listens to you a little!

It didn't matter if I searched alone, but the problem was that I searched for
myself as well. The mercenary lamented the fact that such an idiot was in the


Lee Han called for water and poured it over the mercenaries. The cold water of
life washed away sweat, blood and heat, and the mercenaries screamed with joy.

"thank you!"

“Thank you, Wizard!”

“Would you like to drink more?”

"little bit more..."

“Hey you idiot!”

The other mercenaries were startled, but Lee Han did not show any reaction. He
called out another jug of water and poured it on the mercenaries.

Buldahak poured a curse inside him when he saw the mercenaries passing right

It is said that mercenaries gather for silver coins and pass on gold coins, but
seeing them in front of my eyes, I couldn't be confused. It wasn't very fussy.

“It moves again.”

The group moved again as they had just done.

Sharkan first finds out the way, Lee Han launches a ball of light, and the
mercenaries take care of the flocking ghouls.

Of course, things didn't come easy.

“The road is blocked!”

“You took the wrong fork. return.”

As the cave is wide, the topography inside was more complicated than expected, and
if you take the wrong way, you have to return the way you came.
Gubon said as he got out of the way.

“It’s a good idea to mark the front so you don’t go back in.”

"Is that so. Light!”

At the sight of Lee Han floating a sphere of light at the wrong entrance, Gubon
was bewildered.

“You can leave it on the wall with chalk, not magic.”

“It can be erased, and if you do it this way, it will look good from a distance,

“But the magic power… are you okay…”

"it's okay."

'I don't think it's okay.'

Gubon and Bizydek were in trouble.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's okay, but Lee Han's other
friends were acting like they were really okay.

Is it because they don't know magic??

'Even so, this seems to waste too much mana...'

- Crumple rumble!


Sharkhan stomped his feet and shouted as if to look this way.

Vizidek, who could see clearly thanks to the sphere of light floating in the air,

“It’s a trap! All stop!”

“Is this a trap that works when you step on it?”

"you're right."

The mercenaries whispered.

Originally, traps coming out of caves or dungeons were a very dangerous sign.

The ghouls who were not intelligent and attacked in a disorderly manner could be
dealt with easily, except for unfortunate events, but the traps hidden in the dark
dust were difficult to avoid even for any adventurer.

But now the case is a little different.

Some crazy wizard was lighting up the cave like noon...

...More than anything else, the fact that there are traps means that there is a
high probability that there will be treasures.
Because there were no traps where there was nothing.

“I hope this is really…”

"Shh. old copy. This is not the time to say that.”

Vizidek said as he rolled up his sleeves.

When the trap came out, it was the time when the ability of the Vizidek was


"Yes. I learned a skill from a thief.”

Bijidek said with a slight glance.

These trap dismantling experts were essential when attacking old ruins or
dungeons, but their views on experts were not very good.

Because usually these experts are from thieves!

If the expert said, 'I washed my hands', 'I don't steal anymore' or 'I was a
righteous thief', it is difficult for other party members to believe that the
expert will unlock the ruins or the lock of his backpack.

So, even those from the Thieves Guild used to say something like 'I learned a
technique by accident' rather than saying that they were from a guild.

"Five. I also learned a skill from a thief.”

"Yes. Yes... yes????”

Vizidek doubted Lee Han's ears.

just what?

"what did you say?"

“You said you learned a skill from a thief.”

“Are you kidding me? How… does it make sense?”

Lee Han asked as if it was rather ridiculous.

“Mr. Vizidek learned a skill from a thief, so why doesn’t it make sense to me?”

“That’s… uh… yes, but…”

"Yes? Then let’s break up together.”


Vizidek walked with Lee Han as if possessed by something.

The five senses became more sensitive thanks to the various strengthening magics
applied, so it was more convenient to dismantle the trap.
“It’s like a structure that works when you press the pressure. Is that correct?"

“Right, that’s right. how..."

“Shall we dig sideways and unlock the device below? Or will we just activate the

“I think it would be better to release it safely. I have the gear, so dig in...”

“Dig it out.”

As soon as a pit appeared, Vizidek thought quietly.

'When I return to the city, I will save money and learn magic...'


While Vizidek was thinking like that, a trap appeared. Vizidek, who found the
engine mechanism buried in the ground, carefully inserted the lockpick.


With the sound of the device being released, Vizidek slowly pulled out the
pressure plate.

“I was lucky.”

“You are lucky. It was a skill.”

Lee Han praised Bizidek's skills and received a pressure plate. It was engraved
with a unique pattern.

“What kind of pressure plate have this pattern on?”

“Because I don’t know what the old guys were thinking.”

At the words of the White Tiger Top friends, Lee Han said as if it was ridiculous.

“These are the old Seoharin Kingdom letters.”

It was a kingdom that existed in the distant past, and it was a kingdom that
produced a lot of gold artifacts at that time.

It wasn't too difficult to read as Lee Han, who did not miss a study that was
likely to make money when he was in the Wodanaj family.

“ it was saying that they didn't know why the letters were engraved on the
pressure plate. After all, those who are Seo Harin.”

“It’s true what the people of Seo Harin Kingdom were thinking. In this cave!”

Rapadel and Engo quickly turned away.

Lee Han and Durgyu tried not to look at their two friends as pathetic.

“What is written, Lee Han?”

“It is said that anyone who touches the treasure will die.”

Durgyu was really surprised.

And then whispered.

“Isn’t this really a treasure?”

“Huh… Durgyu.”

Durgyu was embarrassed by Lee Han's reaction.

“Mi, I’m sorry. I was so excited.”

“If you do business, which location in the city of Granden do you think would be


* * *

Lee Han quickly came to his senses and stood up.

He could not let his imagination run wild with a treasure he had not yet obtained.

“Go ahead again!”

'There is no gap. A disgusting wizard.'

Buldahak shook his head and moved forward.

Originally, he would have somehow found a gap and counterattacked or escaped, but
the wizard was so thorough.

Bone restraints were attached to his wrists and ankles, as well as bony hands that
could be tightened at any time around his neck...

- Do you want power?


- Don't be shy. If you do, you will die immediately. He asked if he wanted power.

'I want... I want it.'

- At any cost?


Buldahak whispered involuntarily.

There was a strong seductive power that could not be denied in the voice that came
from somewhere.

-good night. I will give you strength! Your chance will come soon, so take it.

'Gam, thank you!'

Buldahak was deeply grateful to the opponent in the cave who did not know who it

If it had been his usual cunning Buddhism, he might have been suspicious when he
received such an offer.

However, the current situation of Buldahak cannot be questioned.

Even if it was poison, it had to be swallowed.

'What opportunity is coming? What chance?'

Buldahak patiently waited patiently.

And the opportunity soon came.


A gigantic mass of flesh ghoul, which was different in size from the ghouls that
had appeared before, appeared.

Sharkan barked sharply. He cut off his ankle and tried to tie up his speed, but
the ghouls of flesh reacted much faster than that.

Kung Kung Kung Kung Kung!

Before the mercenaries in the front could even scream, Lee Han reacted first.

This was the quickest response here.

“Dig it out.”

First, there was a large pit in front of the road where the flesh ghoul was
running. Flesh Ghoul couldn't beat his speed and fell into a pit, losing his
balance and falling.

“Fever. Distort the air.”

At the same time, Lee Han cast spells without rest. A fantasy arose in front of
the mercenaries. The mercenaries were startled when a fantasy similar to them

“Arise, warriors of bones.”

It wasn't perfect yet, but it didn't matter. When the bone fragments were thrown,
the skeleton warriors appeared.

They were the ones who would distract the flesh ghouls.

“Give me the bow.”


Lee Han stole the shortbow that Anggo was wearing.

And cast continuous enchantment magic.

“Hurry up! Get heavy! Be sharp...”

When dealing with hard monsters.

And when you don't have time to prepare.

There was no need to raise lightning magic or water magic to a higher level.

As I learned from Baishada, the hunter of <Shadow Patrol>, it was enough just to
have enough firepower to penetrate the enemy.

'thank you. Mr. Baishada.'

Of course, Baishada never told Lee Han to shoot by stacking enchantments like
that. This was something Lee Han knew.

Lee Han gave up aiming-related enchantments and focused on power-related

enchantments. He was enchanted enough to be caught by bows and arrows.

'It's close anyway. This is enough...'

They were low-circle magics such as <Increase in speed>, <Increase in weight>, and
<Increase in penetrating power>, etc., but when they were quickly stacked with Lee
Han's high magical power, it turned into a bloody weapon that vibrates the
surrounding air and emits magical power.


The Flesh Ghoul rose to his feet in anger. For a moment, he stopped at the sight
of the illusions and skeleton warriors spread out in the cavernous space. It was
because I didn't know which one to break.

At that moment, the arrow smashed the air and flew.


The arrow did not penetrate the vital point, but blew the area around the vital
point completely. A lump of flesh ghoul, whose head had been blown off, fell to his

Lee Han sighed in relief. Fortunately, it was on time.

“I got it.”

“Uh… uh…!!”

Not only the mercenaries, but also the students of the White Tiger Tower showed an
unfamiliar reaction.

I didn't know that big guy would fall in one shot.

Angago, the master of the dagger, said, pointing alternately at the bow and arrow.

"you you! you you!"

“Did you use your bow well?”


“I’m sorry I borrowed it in a hurry, but you know that it was an unavoidable
“Not that! How the hell do you get that kind of power...”

Angago was well aware of the limitations of his shortbow.

From medium-sized monsters and above, it didn't do much damage, so it was a weapon
for containment...

"after. Ango.”

Lee Han looked at Engo as if frustrated. Angro flinched, wondering what he had
done wrong. It was like a student standing in front of a professor.

“Isn’t it enchantment magic?”

“... you madman! I know that!!”

Angago failed to control his emotions for a moment and cried.

Anyone see how intelligent you are!

“How can such power come out with just one enchantment magic!”

“It was stacked by walking several quickly.”

“So how?”


At Engo's question, Lee Han was speechless for a long time.

There really was nothing to say except 'just' to the answer.

You cast one spell, cast it well, keeping the balance so that the previous one
doesn't get disturbed when you cast the next one, and then cast the next one like

I just had to cast magic as far as possible.


Seeing Lee Han's expression, Angago took the shortbow bitterly.

Hearing the answer, it seemed only sad.

While the two were talking like that, Buldahak was talking to the voice in the

- A nerd guy. A guy like you would take my power. He doesn't deserve it. You just
missed the same opportunity.

- Don't be mean! You didn't even give me a chance!


- What dare you. If the monster just sent you, your power is inferior to that of a
single arrow! It's not even a magician's magic, but what chance is it to send a
monster that falls down with an arrow!

Buldahak, supported by evil, growled.

If you send anything as an opportunity, you should at least give them a chance to

- I can't understand the topic. A man who couldn't even use it as an ingredient
showed his mercy...

At that moment, the voice in the cave was cut off.

"for a moment."

Lee Han raised his hand and stopped the party.

“Did you just feel the flow of magic?”


“I didn’t use any magic.”

"me too."

“Isn’t that wrong, Lee Han?”

Durgyu was puzzled.

None of the mercenaries or adventurers could use magic.

Moreover, all the students of the White Tiger Tower did not feel the flow of
magic, so it was natural to think that it was an illusion.

However, Lee Han did not waver.

What I learned from Einroguard is the belief that I trust my own senses.

'After knocking on the stone bridge, make sure that the principal skeleton is not
around, and then turn around and go the other way.'

“I definitely felt it.”

A flow of artificial magic that flowed through the cave.

It was never a natural flow.

“Who are you? Come out.”

The White Tiger Tower students immediately drew their weapons. The two adventurers
also drew their weapons. As the air cooled, the mercenaries shouted in fright.

"no! No, wizard! How are we!”

“Isn’t that a magic item?”

“If you have something like that, I’ll exchange it for gold coins. Would you like
to carry it with you?”

"quietly. If they don't come out, I'll interrogate them one by one."

Lee Han looked around the mercenaries.

And the most guilty one was summoned first.

Quad Duck!

“Tell me. What did you do?”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh. nothing."


Lee Han, who had just interrogated Buldahak without much thought, was surprised.

<Awareness of Emotions> The emotions of the Buddha that the magic revealed were
hiding something.

'what. What were you really doing?'

Lee Han raised his vigilance.

Even if you can't use magic, you could create a variable if you activated an
artifact or a spell book in your arms.

It wasn't there when I did the body search, but there's no such thing as an if in
the world.

“If you don’t tell me, you die.”

Lee Han raised the strength of his bony hands. Overwhelmed by that cold voice,
Buldahak finally opened his mouth.

"voice...! voice! voice is!"

“What voice?”

“A voice in the cave…! Make me an offer!”

It's like he's not good at playing the role of a puppet.

A gloomy voice was heard from the depths of the cave, and a terrifyingly strong
yin magic began to pour in.

The mercenaries felt their body lose their strength and their willpower disappear.
Even the students of the White Tiger Tower, who were resistant to being a wizard,
were to the point of kneeling.

Lee Han didn't care and immediately began preparing for the magic in a low voice.

“Down with it, Perkuntra...”

Condensed lightning, rather than the lightning that is fired immediately, was
discharged to the surroundings, creating a spark.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! no! no!!!"

When the wave of magic ended, Buldahak screamed. His eyes flipped and his whole
body changed color.

Lee Han and Rapadel, who are proficient in black magic, immediately noticed the

A phenomenon in which an evil being without a body takes away a body.

But this could not be taken without any omen or contract.

'That was just the conversation!'

Ian realized the situation.

I wondered why I could feel the flow of magic, but it was clear that an evil being
in the cave felt the existence of the Buddha and seduced it.

Unlike the wizards of Einroguard, who thoroughly learned about the contract, the
mercenary Buldahak had no idea how dangerous such a temptation was.

If Buldahak even accepted it because of their personalities that matched each


It would be quite possible to steal the body like that.

Buldahak's eyes were strangely dyed, and a deep, evil voice that no human could
make out came out.

I am the king of ghouls...


Lee Han pounded the thunderbolt with all his might.

And it didn't stop.

“Burn up!”

Ten flames were created in the air and they flew fiercely.

Buldahak's body, which was rapidly being destroyed by lightning, which was
unbearable for a human body, burned once more and was completely burned.


“It’s over, is it over?”


be done Riga. is there

From the depths of the abyss, a howling sound broke out.

Naturally, the king of ghouls, who thought that all living things would have been
terrified by his advent, suffered a great blow to both his pride and his existence.

A certain blue-eyed young wizard was arrogantly preparing an attack.

And the most humiliating thing was that the damage was huge.

Since the possessed body had been destroyed, there was no choice but to damage the
body as well.
stupid. bloke. one. Because. lost. crab. A lot. okay.

The king of ghouls despised the dead mercenaries and gathered their strength.

If that greedy mercenary had done his job well, he would have been able to possess
it with ease.

Wasn't it because of the mercenary's mistake, he was hit like this while trying to
possess him in a hurry?

In the place where Buldahak was, a dark power began to waver and take shape.

“Down with it, Thunderbolt of Perkuntra!”

same. attack. two. times. pass through. thing. are you like cheeky. Wizard.

The king of ghouls scattered the form and dodged the lightning.

Then he said in a voice filled with cold anger. It was an annoying voice, as if
there was noise.

ghoul's. as king. mercifully. last. chance. I'll give it to you. to me. give in to
me. knees. kneel down as a god. loyalty. swear by If so. life is. don't save me

“Don’t be fooled, Wodanaj! As long as the possessed body is destroyed, it will

soon be reverse-summoned to its own dimension!”

Rapadel drew his sword and shouted.

Unlike the swords of other knights, the Gral family's sword was mixed with silver
and ore stone.

It was the wisdom of a family that had been fighting the undead for a long time.

“Shut up, Undead!”

bug. on the subject. trampled on I want to. you're running

Rapadel's sword strike caused damage to the king of ghouls. As his sword touched,
his figure rang out.

However, the damage was very weak.

The king of ghouls slashed Rapadel without hesitation.


Rapadel flew away with a roar.


Lee Han transformed the shape of water to receive Rapadel and drew his sword.

A sword made of black magnet. morning star.

As it is a sword that absorbs magic, it is suitable for dealing with the existence
of another world that has no substance.
'Lightning magic does not work!'

In the workshop he had just visited, Lee Han instinctively felt it.

The opponent was reading the omens of magic.

Moreover, an existence that can evade attacks by scattering its shapes as much as

It was difficult to hit the magic of the projectile type or the firing type



Lee Han was fired forward.

Thanks to the explosive magic power with the toes of the body strengthened by
<Gonadaltes's Agile Steps>, it was a speed appropriate to say that it was fired
rather than running.

Even the king of ghouls did not expect that speed. The morning star precisely cut
through the shape.


'Damage went in...!'

Obviously, the power felt in the opponent's form had diminished.

However, it still felt strong.

Even though his possessed body was destroyed and his magical energy was absorbed
by the Morning Star, he was this strong.

I couldn't believe it.

With a strength reminiscent of the king of frost giants he met in the upper floors
of Einroguard, Lee Han immediately revised his strategy.

“Durgyu. get out Get ready!”

“...Never sacrifice alone, Lee Han!”

“I don’t think so, so move!”

where. get out number. be there thing. are you like

The voice of the king of ghouls grew colder and colder. The temperature in the
cave had dropped so much that his breath came out.

And ghouls began to rise from all sides.

plan. dozens. year. getting late. Han. even if there is today. the worms.
trampling on I'm going

“Shut up. Undead! Where are you arrogant in front of Wodanaj's name!"

Lee Han was contemplating a strategy and was shocked when he saw the rumors of his

Who are these crazy people provoking against...?

* * *

Beings summoned from other dimensions, especially evil ones, wanted to remain in
the world for as long as possible.

For the desires and sufferings of mortals were sweet taste for evil beings.

Of course, even mortals did not leave the evil beings summoned from other
dimensions alone.

As soon as he heard the news, he sent his power to reverse summon it, or at least
succeeded in sealing it if it was difficult.

The king of ghouls was an evil being sealed in the distant ancient times before
the empire.

Originally, it would have been sealed forever and would never have come out, but
years of time and fickle fortune broke the seal of the relic and awakened the king
of ghouls.

The king of ghouls barely escaped the seal, and he sharpened his teeth on the
enemies who had captured him, but the king of ghouls himself knew that it was

Mortals had a short lifespan, and their enemies must have already turned to dust.

So the king of ghouls focused on recovery.

The seal was broken, but all the power of its heyday was gone, and it was a shabby
form of relying on the relic that had sealed itself in reverse.

If this artifact is even destroyed, it will be reverse-summoned to another

dimension as it is.

The king of ghouls summoned the ghouls with the few remaining weak powers, and
sent them out at night to suck the spirits of travelers.

But it wasn't cool at all.

It took an enormous amount of power to incarnate on its own, but dozens of

travelers weren't enough.

The king of ghouls, thinking that there would be no end to this, changed his

Sending some bastards to life to spread rumors.

If you hear rumors that there is a treasure, greedy adventurers will come to you.

If you coax them to take away your body, you could get out of this cave without
recovering your strength.
By the way...

A stronger wizard than expected has arrived.

Wodanaz. Called. did you

"Yes. You should be afraid of that name!”

Vizidek, who was sweating at the cry of the White Tiger Tower student, realized
just then.

House Wardanaz!

The best magician in the empire!

“...why are you here!?”

“What are you talking about, Vizidek! Wake!"

Gubon grabbed Bizidek's shoulder and shook it.

What does it mean if you attend a party as a veteran and can't come out when the
unexpected happens?

I had to somehow find a gap in the opponent.

“That… yes. sorry."

Huh name. like that. to me. pointless

The king of ghouls was going to wipe out all the invaders today, even if it had to
consume all the power he had gathered.

He did not know what kind of support he would bring if left alone, and above all
else, he was very fond of the strength of the opponent's wizard.

If it had that kind of body, it would be a much better choice than the sloppy
adventurer I had before.

catch it


Among the battles fought today, the most insane and fierce battle began to take

It seemed that all the ghouls called ghouls in the cave were flocking here.

“You will not compromise, King of the Ghouls! If you let them go back, we won't
attack any more."

Lee Han shouted as he made a way by blowing an attack whenever he could.

The king of ghouls responded with ridicule.

the king. against. lie. should. pass through. thing. is it the same

'shit. How did know.'

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

I was going to risk my family and honor if necessary, but the king of ghouls
refused to compromise.

“Make peace with steel, cloak!”

He split the ghouls that were attacking them with his cloak, and Lee Han shouted

“I will warn you one last time. The king of ghouls! If you refuse to compromise,
there is a way.”

-■■! ■■!



falsehood. you're floating

The king of ghouls didn't care.

The relic with the main body was located elsewhere, and the opponent's magic could
be read before it was fired.

As the battle continues, the power of the king of ghouls will be consumed, but the
opponent will fall first.

The limitations of the physical body of mortals were that absolute.

"good night."

Lee Han was determined.

I didn't want to do this for a while, but seeing the strength of the enemy now,
the more I retreated, the more dangerous it was.

Even if it was dangerous, it had to be pretentious.

“Burn up!”

what are you doing

The king of ghouls was absurd when Lee Han shouted a spell.

At the best, with such a threat, low-circle fire spells.

In addition, it was a pure flame summoning without adding any form, speed, or
other attributes.

I read and avoided the lightning attack, but there is no way I could be hit by
such an attack.

Rumble rumble rumble!

However, as Lee Han released the restraint, the flames soared like crazy.

The ghoul king was finally surprised by the range of flames that pierced the high
cave ceiling.


The King of Ghoul, who defeated many wizards in ancient times, was the first sight
he had ever seen.

If you are going to use wide-area fire magic, it is natural to use high-circle
magic, and if you use low-circle magic because your level is insufficient, you have
to use limited-range fire magic...

Right before my eyes, there was a wizard who used a wide range of magic with low
circle magic.

It was the extreme of inefficiency, but one effect was certain. Lee Han swung his
staff and ignited the flames even more.

“Burn, burn, burn!”

The flames with strong magical powers overlapped and amplified, making them even

At one point, Lee Han felt that the fire in the cave was no longer under control.

The scale of the flame was raised to a level beyond the control of the element.

what. do you think

“Can you run away from the fire like before?”

you guys first will burn out

“Can a wizard not even control his own magic? You're stupider than I thought."

He was madly nervous, but Lee Han said without blinking an eye.

At that moment, the flames changed direction and slashed Lee Han.


Lee Han circulated magical energy throughout his body and made up his mind.

If it was discovered that these flames were out of control, things went awry.

At that moment, a warm energy flowed through my body.

It was the power that flowed from the patterns left behind by the Phoenix.


Lee Han felt the phoenix pattern push and control the flames around him.

In the current situation, it was a strength that was desperately needed to the
extent that I felt grateful to my past self for playing with the phoenix without
killing it (though I didn't actually do it).

'You never know how much time will pass!'

Before the power of the pattern had lost its light and ended, Lee Han swung his

Then the surrounding flames waved and swept away the ghouls nearby.

“Look, you undead. This is Wodanaj!”

“It is the power of a wizard!”

With weapons dripping with ghoul blood and bodily fluids, students and adventurers

Even they could not possibly think that this flame was an uncontrollable flame.

'Clear the remaining ghouls as soon as possible and make an escape route!'

While the king of ghouls hesitated, Lee Han once again swung his staff and sent
out flames. The number of ghouls was greatly reduced.

Aside from the fact that the King of Ghouls considered Lee Han as a threat, Lee
Han had no intention of taking down the King of Ghouls seriously.

Isn't that something Professor Voladi would do to make the whole area into a sea
of fire, prevent them from escaping, and then engage in life or death?

Lee Han had to escape somehow.

If the other party agrees to the negotiation, it is good as long as it agrees, and
if he hesitates without agreeing to it, he had to use it.


Lee Han almost shouted cheers.

While the king of ghouls was fascinated by the flames, all the ghouls gathered
behind him were burned.

Now that there is an escape route, all you have to do is to escape.

“Wordanaj, I got it!”

“Rapadel. I don't know what you knew, but now shut up..."

“I see why he does that! It's nonsense to say that you have that kind of power and
can't come out of the cave! Even without a host, it is strong enough to attack!
There is only one answer! That's a corpse! There is another relic with its body in

Lee Han tried to answer, 'Yes, you're good, so let's go out and talk'.

But Rapadel, excited by the realization, looked at Durgyu and Engo and shouted.

"let's go. This is an opportunity that Wodanaj risked his life for! The artifact
must be destroyed!”

Rapadel ran through the cracks of fire like a madman and ran into the cave.

Angelo followed right after him.

Durgyu looked at Lee Han and Rapadel, bewildered, like a donkey caught in a

Ian sighed.

'It's my fault for bringing the White Tiger Tower guys.'

"good. Sharkan. That bastard... help them!”


“Wouldn’t it have been better if we let each other out like that? Flash!”

Lee Han sharpened his teeth and sharpened his spell.

Perhaps because of his mood, the lightning was shot more violently than before.


As before, the king of ghouls lightly dispersed his body to avoid the lightning.

But the situation was different from before.


A flame so strong that Lee Han could not control was filling the vast cavity of
the cave.

The fierce flames filled with the magician's magic were hard to ignore, no matter
how much the king of ghouls.

Still, if you accidentally get caught up in a state of excessive power consumption

and burn it, the blow will be...

from worms. first.

Instead of trampling on Lee Han, the king of ghouls changed his mind to first
pursue and kill those who had just escaped backwards.


But, of course, Lee Han didn't let it happen. The king of ghouls frantically fired
lightning bolts in an orbit that could have moved, moving forward one step at a

Quajik, quajik, quajik, quajik!

Even the king of ghouls flinched at the frenzy of sullen spells.

Such a crazy rampage was close to self-destruction. In less than ten seconds, the
magic power would be exhausted.

The king of ghouls, who had a lot of experience dealing with wizards, was once
again puzzled by Lee Han's actions.

However, Lee Han did not run out of magic and did not collapse. Rather, the time
the King of Ghoul stopped was very useful.

He had blocked the passageway through which his friends had just escaped and
filled it with flames.

Only then did the king of ghouls realize Lee Han's intentions and became extremely


“Like I said, we should have negotiated when we said we should.”

As long as the situation became like this, Lee Han did not hide his true colors.
He swung his staff at the enemy, shooting wildly.

The phoenix pattern, which still has power, delivered energy to Lee Han's grasp.

The uncontrollable flames around him tried to overtake Lee Han, then backed off
and came under control once again.


There was no need for shape change or manipulation in this fierce flame. Lee Han
rushed forward.

Huge waves of flame began to rush toward the king of the ghouls, overflowing in

every. ghoul's. owner and of mortals. fear. against. one. blasphemy.

The king of ghouls realized he couldn't hold back any more time. The position is
reversed from the previous one.

Although it was unfortunate that the power was consumed, it could not be helped.

even to death. pay off can not do it.

As when trying to descend after stealing the Buddha's body, the energy of the blue
yin was intensely condensed and shot out toward the waves of fierce flames.

The fires that had been raging like that could not withstand it and began to

However, the king of ghouls still could not accurately judge his opponent.

As with other wizards, it was not an opponent who ended up tying up magic.

“Burn up!”

If the king of ghouls had eyes, he would have been able to see his bubbly figure.

When the fire, which had been extinguished by the energy of the cypher sound,
burned again with magical energy, the king of the ghouls was at a loss for words.

And then I realized

It was a mistake in the first place to save energy and go to an attrition battle.
That in itself was the target number of the opponent.

Although he did not know what artifacts he had, it was clear that the opponent had
a means of recovering mana.
cheeky. second...

The shape of the king of ghouls became clear and suddenly he flew like an arrow.
As it pierced through the fierce flames that covered the cave, a burning sound came
from the form of the king of the ghouls.

However, the king of ghouls took the damage and moved closer to Lee Han.

Wizard. sword. holding. I was jumping

Lee Han swung the morning star with one hand. The king of ghouls was attacked by
the morning star and got even closer.

wanted Road. I'll do it!


The king of ghouls held Lee Han firmly in his form, just as he possessed Buldahak.

He was the king of the ghouls who had lost most of his powers, but some of the
powers that still remain were such powers.

Opening the door of a dimension filled with voids and connecting the body of the
opponent who was caught.

The empty dimension of the void endlessly absorbed the magician's magic like a

The magician's greatest fear is the depletion of his magical powers.

Moreover, this connection did not end even when the magic power was exhausted. The
magician's vitality was converted into magic and continued until depleted.

The Ghoul King waited in anticipation to see the captured wizard fall, bleeding
from his eyes, nose and mouth.

However, the situation in front of us was different from what we expected.

“Thank you. Do whatever you want.”

Lee Han spoke coldly and pointed his wand.

At this distance, as long as the opponent was holding on to Lee Han, he couldn't
miss it.

“Gather, condense…”



<Piblicus' Crazy Magical Explosion> hit accurately at close range.

The king of ghouls, who was still exhausted from using the power of dimensional
connection, screamed silently and shattered.

* * *
“You must find it! hurry!"

Durgyu exclaimed urgently.

Lee Han risked his life to buy time, but if he could afford it, that would be even

Angro and Rapadel knew this too, so they searched every nook and cranny of the
cave. The summoned beast Sharkan sent by Lee Han sharply ripped it apart and guided
the way.

“Here... damn it! I was wrong!”

“Hey, you idiot! are you blind? Blind is better than you!”

When Angro saw the mistake, Durgyu burst into anger.

Angora was so flustered that she couldn't even respond.

He didn't know that Durgyu would do that.

He was usually a friend who said, 'It's okay, it wasn't intentional' no matter
what kind of mistake he made...?!


“Shut your mouth and find out when you’re sorry!”

Rapadel, who was in front of him, clinged to Durgyu's momentum. If he made even
one more mistake, it seemed that Durgyu would stab him with a knife.

- Crumble!

Fortunately, Sharkan opened the way.

Sharkhan, who was in charge of the reverberation of magical energy, pounded on the
empty wall of the cave and sent a signal to the three of them.


“I will be here!! Then I'm bored so I'll go there! Swing it quickly!”

Durgyu got angry by holding the knife he was holding upside down and hitting the
wall like a pickaxe.

“Mi, sorry!”

"i get it!"

The students of the White Tiger Tower frantically swung their weapons. The power
was considerable as they were enchanted with enhancement magic and knew how to
contain a certain amount of magic.

In addition, Sharkan joined in and smashed the walls of the cave.

Can, kakakang, kakakak-

A sharp sound was heard over and over again, and I could feel the walls of the
cave getting thinner and thinner.
“Huh, heh heh. Heh...”

Angro tasted the sensation of sweating all over his body and his breath was
running up to his chin.

It was only natural that he swung his weapon non-stop while running at full power.

“Do not stop!”

Durgyu growled and shouted.


Angora answered, barely squeezing it out. Still, his hand was slowing down.

"I'd rather swing it and fall! Don't stop!”

“Cuckoo. Ugh. Heh heh.”

Durgyu pushed his friends like a madman.

how long has it been

When the weapon cracked and the palms of the students of the White Tiger Tower
were covered in blood, a cracking sound was finally heard.

Quajik, quajik!

"done!!!! You did it!!!!!”

“Go in and destroy the relics quickly!!”

At Durgyu's shout, the White Tiger Tower students kicked the shattered wall.

Then an empty tomb appeared from within.

There were no other artifacts, the only difference being that there was a crystal
skull that spreads ominous energy above the tomb.

It was a relic that could have been inhabited by an evil otherworldly existence.

Rapadel drew his sword.

“Break it!”


However, it bounced off without giving a single black scratch. La Pad Lel was
startled by the evil sonic energy rising from his hand.

“Great... Black...”

As the vitality disappeared from his hand and the force did not enter, the sword
fell naturally.

Durgyu shouted a battle cry and swung his weapon.

“If you can’t, get out of here!”

“Um, sorry…”

The momentum was so ferocious that Angro knew for a moment that Durgyu was trying
to kill Rapadel.


Even as the sword was swung, the crystal skeleton persisted. The Lugyu took out
his bandage and wrapped it around his hand.

And then he said.

“Close up! hurry!"

“Uh, uh!”

“Swipe! Take turns!”

The three white tiger tower students took turns wielding their weapons.

Their weapons cracked and their hands lost life, but they did not give up.

“Think of Lee Han!”


“I will risk my life against him now!”

“Uh… uh!”

“I mean, swing it faster!”


And Lee Han appeared from behind.

Lee Han said with a very tired and exhausted face.

"Hey guys. Once you have captured the clone, you can destroy it slowly.”




The three white tiger tower students who were about to wield their swords were


* * *

Lee Han did not know exactly what kind of attack the king of ghouls had attacked.
Perhaps he was trying to consume his magical powers by some means.

However, the attack did little damage. Rather, it was Lee Han's own magic that did
damage to Lee Han.
<Piblicus' Crazy Magical Explosion>, which he claims to be a magic missile.

Even though he cast it while controlling it as much as possible, the aftermath of

the magical explosion engulfed Lee Han's whole body.

A wizard who takes damage like this from his own magic. Principal Skeleton would
have giggled if he had seen it.

Since they don't have their own bodies, rely on relics, and have destroyed their
clones, no matter how strong they are, they can't do anything for a while, so it's
okay to be relieved for now...

...Lee Han couldn't do that.

'Let's never use fire magic again.'

The fire that Lee Han had set out like a madman was spreading in all directions.

In addition, the phoenix pattern had lost its power and returned to its original
shape as if time had expired.

In the end, there was only one way Lee Han could do it.

Putting out the lights like crazy again.

Lee Han summoned a lump of water, summoned it, summoned it, and threw it over the

The flames that had merged with each other and gave off a lot of heat eventually
slowly faded as they could not withstand the persistent attack.

After barely evolving, Lee Han moved toward the direction his friends were facing.

The friends were wielding weapons to see if they had found the relic of the king
of ghouls.

"Hey guys. Once you have captured the clone, you can destroy it slowly.”




While his friends were astonished, Lee Han tightly compressed and rotated the
water ball.

Since I had time, I was able to prepare enough destructive magic.

'It's a waste to destroy such relics...'

If I take it out with the opponent underestimated because it's a waste, and if
there is a problem, it's very painful.

Make sure to defeat all enemies and then collect the evil relics, and then things
go wrong.

Lee Han wasn't stupid enough to leave a trace.

“Everyone shut up.”

“Yeah, uh-huh.”


A single blow shattered the crystal skull. The evil being that dwelt within it
screamed and was summoned back to another dimension.

Rapadel was deeply impressed by Lee Han's decision to destroy the evil relic
without thinking for a second.

“Wordanaz… great.”

"for a moment. Why are you… your hand?”

Lee Han looked at Rapadel in awe. The bandages that were wrapped around were
bloody and black, and they were dead.

Durgyu answered instead.

“It’s like a decoration.”


"okay. Lee Han. A medal that we did our best while you were fighting him.”

At Durgyu's words, the other two friends nodded their heads.

Of course, Durgyu's anger left a slight wound in his heart, but it seemed like it
would feel too small if he took it out of the current situation.

"no. Durgyu. Don't be silly. Why is your hand like that?”

“Uh… that artifact…”


After hearing the explanation, Lee Han understood the situation and nodded.

“Your negative magic acted as a repulsive force, absorbing the vitality of your
hand… Why did you swing it so ignorantly?”

“I couldn’t help it because I was so busy thinking that everyone had to wake up.”

At Durgyu's words, the other two friends were forced to nod their heads.

I had a lot to say, but I wasn't in the mood to do it right now.

"I'm glad it wasn't a serious injury though. Let’s treat only what can be cured.”

Lee Han casts the <Healing Lesser Wounds> magic on Engo's hands.

And then it stopped.


Come to think of it, when there was no reliable professor beside me, there was
nothing good for Lee Han to write.

If the healing magic failed, it could be seen as worse than not trying.

"Thank you. Wodanaz.”

Without knowing Lee Han's inner feelings, the torn wound was healed, and Engo
thanked him. Lee Han averted his gaze slightly.

"Rapadel, you... um... do you have to use healing magic?"


Rapadel didn't say it because of his pride, but Gainan, who lost the card game,
had the same expression.

A look of shame and regret once again!

Ian sighed inwardly.

“Don’t regret it.”


When the magic was over, Rapadel tilted his head when he saw the cleanly healed

What do you mean don't regret it?


“I am fine. Lee Han. It must be difficult, but stop using magic.”

"no. It’s not about magic…”

Lee Han whispered softly so only Durgyu could hear it.



“The magic is incomplete. I was too lazy to realize it later.”


Durgyu looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression and then looked at his friends'

If it hadn't been for luck now, the skins of my friends would have been stuck with

“So, be patient for a while and then heal with potions.”

“ my friends did, but only me...”

“It doesn’t matter because those kids are lucky enough to get well. Just treat it
safely with potions.”

“What are you talking about?”

Rapadel asked curiously.

I wondered if there was something evil left in this cave.

"It is nothing. Oh yeah. Rapadel. I almost forgot, but thanks to you, I




“Who said you could jump out on your own?”

“Uh… that’s… it…”

* * *

Gubon, who was waiting in the place where the flames had passed, sighed in relief
when Lee Han returned with his friends.

It looked like it ended well.

“You have worked hard! I am really happy.”

“Did you go through all the hardships together?”

At Lee Han's words, Goo Bon and Bijidek could not help but be moved.

He was respected by a wizard who showed such great magic, but which adventurer
wouldn't be thrilled.

The mercenaries were also feeling the excitement, so they came and said thanks.

“Thank you, Wizard!”

“Thanks, I survived!! If I had followed him, I would have gone after him!”

“I really thought I was going to die…”

Flesh ghouls and a large army of ghouls attacked, the king of ghouls descended,
and the flames that ran wild with the momentum to burn all the inside of the

If it was another quest, he would have suffered a life-threatening crisis at once

even if there was only one.

I couldn't help but feel that it was a miracle that I was alive.

"thank you. Wizard!”

“Thank you very much. Please accept our appreciation!”

At the sincere loyalty of the mercenaries who had only recently met, Gubon and
Bijidek were surprised anew.

Of course, I didn't understand it. Right away, Gubon and Bijidek were so loyal to
that young wizard.
But those greedy mercenaries who are like criminals will also be influenced.

Maybe this was true magic.

"okay. Thank you. Let me also pay tribute and accept it. Can you give me a hand?”

The mercenary who was close to Lee Han's words quickly reached out his hand.

I was going to do whatever errands he asked me to do without any complaints.



The mercenary blinked as the bone restraints clasped his wrists like handcuffs.
Lee Han didn't care and summoned and stuffed his ankles, and again summoned a bony
hand around his neck.

In the previous battle, all of them were reverse-summoned due to the situation,
but now that it is over, it is time to replenish it.

"ruler. next."

"Uh... no... Wizard..."

"quietly. next."

Lee Han tied the mercenaries tightly and formed a formation just as he had come

Gubon asked cautiously.

“Hey, did the mercenaries do anything unpleasant?”


“If not, why all of a sudden…”

"ah. I have to take him and get a bounty.”


Gubon was at a loss for words.

The rest of the mercenaries here were, in fact, ordinary criminals.

You'll probably get a few pennies, but to get it, you hold on to it so tightly.


'Is that a real adventurer? Have I ever been too promiscuous and careless?'

Goo Bon suddenly reflected on the madness of thoroughness shown by the adventurer
who was commissioned for the first time.

“It’s out!!”

They were tied up and dragged out, but the mercenaries took a deep breath in the
fresh air and rejoiced.
No matter how bright there was, the damp and gloomy air inside the cave made
people tired.

Lee Han also stretched and told Goo Bon.

“Would you mind guarding these mercenaries for a while?”

"Yes? It's not difficult, but if anything..."

Goo Bon was worried about Lee Han.

Even though he fought such a fierce battle, no matter how great a wizard, there
was no way he was going to be okay.

I was even more worried because my coat was in a mess right away.

Maybe because of the side effects of evil magic, you want to go to a remote place
where there are no people?

"ah. I'm trying to catch the Rappella wild rat."

“…that… that’s right.”

Lee Han took Sharkan to the forest.

To Gubon, who was staring blankly at the back, Bizidek spoke with a voice of

"for a moment. I told you! That wizard-sama is from the Wodanaj family! That

“What did you say… No. for a moment. Wait what???”

I missed it earlier because I was crazy, but what Vizidek just said was more
surprising than the King of Ghoul appeared from inside the cave.

who is who??

* * *

Blanchet, an elf clerk of the Adventurers' Guild of Granden, was first surprised
at the sight of the mercenaries walking in line with sad expressions.

And the second time I was surprised to see the Einroguard students reporting with
very tired faces.

“What… what is what?”

“In the Burning Hill Caverns there was an evil being from another dimension. He
calls himself the king of the ghouls, and seems to have been sealed from quite some
time ago.”

Blanchett jotted down quickly, immediately opened the drawer and pulled out a
paper bird for urgent communication.

The paper birds that jumped out through the guild window flew away quickly. It
contains the contents of the rush of imperial officials working in the city of
"I'm really sorry. A subjugation squad is formed right now and we will head

Blanchett said with sincerity.

Sending an Einroguard student who made the first request without understanding
such a dangerous existence.

Although it was not intentional, he could not be freed from responsibility.

If there had been an accident, how much of an idiot... No, how many protests had
Einroguard had?

I was lucky enough to get out of here safely.

'I'd rather be a student of Einroguard, so maybe I'm lucky.'

Being a clever Einroguard student, he grasped the hint of such an evil existence
and escaped, otherwise he might have been wiped out with a clumsy mistake.

“Are you talking about subjugation?”

"yes. An evil being from another dimension can never be left alone, even if it
looks weak.”

"Oh that. We subjugated ourselves.”


“Once we subjugated each other. It was an emergency, so I had to…”



The first Daihal I had seen in the Dalcard family came in through the door.

Then he said, trying his best to contain as much excitement and worry as possible.

“I am Daihal, a special administrator of the Empire from the Dalcard family. I ran
to hear the news that the existence of another dimension had been discovered.
Exactly once again... Wait, what are you doing here?”

Daihal was surprised to see Lee Han.

His brother's friend, who came from the Wodanaj family, was sitting with the

“I found it.”

"Is that so? an expert finds out It is fortunate among misfortunes.”

Daihal sat down in front of Lee Han. Then he calmly pulled out his quill.

“How did the other person refer to themselves?”

“It was called the king of ghouls.”

“King of the Ghouls… I can think of three people with that title right now, but I
haven’t heard of any information that all three of them are currently active.”

“It can be. The person I met seemed quite ancient. It didn’t seem strange without
the information in the Empire.”


Daihal regained his cool by talking to Lee Han.

Unlike other gibberish adventurers, this brother-in-law from the Wodanaj family
was really easy to talk to.

You are an adventurer who explains the incidents in order according to the six-
and-lower principle.

'Asan must have met a really good friend in Einroguard.'

Daihal vowed that when he returned to the mansion, he would hold Asan and advise
him to imitate his friend.

Asan will surely appreciate such meaningful advice.

“You mean you were trying to possess? this..."

"Yes. And he kept calling out ghouls.”

“The subjugation squad as soon as possible…”

“Me, Administrator?”

Clerk Blancée tried to intervene.

Now it seemed that Special Administrator Daihal was missing something.

“Would you mind waiting? It's an urgent situation right now, so I'll give you a
chance to gather information as soon as possible and then tell you."

"that is..."



“So, what other abilities did the self-proclaimed king of ghouls show?”

“It seems like they did shape dispersal, negative energy dissipation, and other
dimensional connections as well, but this is not certain.”

“That alone is enough. I will send a specialized expert right away…”


“I said I was subjugated!!!”

Unbearable, Blancse kicked the chair with her feet and shouted.

Daihal asked, confused.

“What do you mean?”

“You said you subjugated! I said subjugated! Because you subjugated!”

“What the hell is that…”

“It was subjugated.”

Lee Han took out the smashed crystal skull.

With the eerie energy they felt inside, Blanchett and Daihal instinctively sensed
what kind of existence resided within this crystal skull.

“It was a sealed entity in ancient times, but it probably escaped through a crack
in the seal.”

“So… are you really subjugating?”



Daihal was at a loss for words.

The tip of the quill pen, which was writing smoothly, stopped.


The guild door opened again and a knight belonging to the Knights of Granden City

“Sir Daihal! I have heard the news now and have summoned the knights who can be
summoned. I've also contacted the temple, so the priests will join in as well. I'm
leaving right away, so I'll take information as I go."

“Oh, no. subjugated.”


“You subjugated…?”

It was the first time the knight had seen Special Administrator Daihal lose his
confidence and hesitate.

It was truly a shocking sight.

And the shocking appearance did not end there.

"for a moment. You guys…”

The knight found familiar faces among the adventurers sitting in front of the

They were young students from other knightly families.

“...why are you wearing that around your neck?”

They had signs around their necks that read "I will never break orders again."

The young students from the knights' families bowed their heads in shame.

“Why… ah. It doesn't matter now. Subjugation, what happened?”


The underside of the Adventurer's Guild door, which was kicked too much today, was

The priests who came in in a hurry were surprised and apologized.

"sorry! I'm in a hurry, so I'm ready, so you can leave right away. Subjugation…”

"for a moment. Let’s all calm down and share information with each other.”

Daihal said calmly.

It seemed that I had to sort this out a bit.

* * *

"...So, while Wodanaj-sama was holding the Ghoul King, the other students here
destroyed the relics inhabited by them."

It was hard to believe, but once the people were gathered, they succeeded in
organizing what had happened.

said Durgyu.

“Actually, Lee Han came here to kill the ghoul king before we destroyed it…”

“Did you say you killed me?”

As the quill danced madly on the paper, Lee Han stepped on Durgyu's foot once and

“It’s a body. alter ego. It wasn't killed, it was temporarily incapacitated."

Angro asked as if he didn't understand.

“Isn’t that what killed him?”


Lee Han tried to hit Anggo with a stick, but ended up hitting him.

How long have you slept while giving a lecture at Einrogarde to say something like

The knight from the Knights of Granden asked with a slightly embarrassed

“Isn’t that what killed him?”


The priest next to him whispered and explained instead.

“It’s a situation where the body was left in the relic and an clone was sent out,
so it’s not usually said that they killed it.”

“Aha… but that’s it, isn’t it?”

“Aren’t wizards a bit sensitive to using the original terminology? Please be


Even after capturing the king of ghouls, Lee Han had a headache that he had never
felt before.

It was as if there was a wall between them.

Just common sense like that...

“So, after Wodanaj-sama defeated the ghoul clone, the students here destroyed the

“Actually, Wodanaj also destroyed the artifact…”

Blancse, the guild clerk who was listening next to him, asked involuntarily.

“Then what did you do?”



“Oh, no! Not to blame! You can’t just blame first-year students!”

Lee Han said, touching his forehead with a tired expression.

“I wouldn't have been able to destroy it if my friends hadn't found the artifacts
and smashed all the obstacles.”

“That… yes! We did it!”

At that moment, Angago seemed to have regained his confidence a little. The
knights of the Knights Templar asked so that only Anggo could hear them.

“Then why are you wearing such a sign?”

“We… that… jumped out on our own…”


“When fighting the king of ghouls…?”

“When that friend from the Wodanaj clan is fighting?”


The knight looked at Angro with contempt for the dirtiest filth in the world.

Your friend was fighting, and you threw it away and ran out amongst themselves?

“Oh no! There are circumstances!”

“Don’t talk. It smells ugly.”

“Because there is a real reason…!”

Daihal finished tidying up and said.

“You worked really hard. Instead of sending a subjugation squad, we'll send people
first to check the situation in the cave. I think you should take a break first…”

Daihal beckoned to the crowd.

It meant that the first-year students, who were already exhausted enough, would no
longer be bothered, and that the rest of the people would do the work.

“Let’s do that.”

“That seems right.”

While sitting, Lee Han suddenly remembered and spoke to the clerk.

"ah. I have something to tell you.”


Lee Han carefully put down the backpack and took out what was inside with delicate
hand movements.

Blanchett and the people were very nervous, wondering if there were any other
shards of the evil one.

“These are geranium flowers, sorghum, and wormwood. It was collected with the
roots and leaves intact, so please check it out. And this is a rapella wild mouse.”

"...Ah yes..."

Blanchett was internally confused as she wrote it down.


* * *

After Lee Han and his friends went back to rest, the rest of the people teamed up
and made a plan to check the situation in the cave.

“In case you don’t know, I will send a request for support to Einroguard.”

“I sent a request for support during the last plague riot, are you okay?
Einroguard might be a little reluctant...”

"no. Above all else, it is a matter that Einroguard's students are involved in,
and moreover, it is a matter that they have solved themselves, so there is no
reason not to hate it. The wizards of Einrogarde are not like that.”

Daihal calmly muttered a sound that would grab him by the throat if the professors
of Einroguard heard it.

Meanwhile, Blanchett compiled the testimonies of other adventurers and

In fact, compared to Lee Han's cold and specific testimony, their testimony was
very promiscuous.

Especially the testimonies of the mercenaries who were caught attacking first.

“So you said you would kill me if Buldahak didn’t follow me?”

"Yes. uhhhhhhh.”

“Are all these personnel under one threat?”

“Ugh. That's how blatant it is...”

"If you keep harassing me, I'll call an interrogator for questioning, not me."

“Sin… I’m sorry.”

After organizing the testimonies of the mercenaries, Blanchet looked at Gubon and
Vizidek with slightly anticipatory eyes.

Why would the guild recommend these two?

Because he was a seasoned veteran.

Of course, a cold-hearted report...

“The mercenaries were bound with bone handcuffs and brought in. oh And I summoned
a Bone Hand.”

“When the evil spirit appeared, I fired lightning magic in a row, but as he
avoided it, it immediately turned into flames…”

“With one wand, the wide cave was completely engulfed!”

“The evil spirit extinguished the flames to ignite it, but then he swung his staff

"for a moment. for a moment."

Blanchet realized something strange and restrained the adventurers.

“Aren’t there too many magic casts, no matter how you think about them? How many
times did you use the potion along the way?”

“…it seems like I didn’t write it, but…?”

“What… it’s too wasteful no matter how much you think about it. Even more so if
you didn't use the potion..."

“Hey, wasn’t the wizard originally like this? When I was camping, I lit a fire and
brought water…”

“When entering the cave, the light…”

“What did you do???”

Blanchet doubted his ear and dropped the quill.

No, what were these adventurers doing to the wizards??

* * *


Lee Han got up from the bed in pain.

Even after resting all weekend, I still felt aching.

I had such a fuss with the king of ghouls, so it was fortunate that this was

Lee Han remembered his friends in the White Tiger Tower.

'I wish the rest of the guys, except for Durgyu, suffered more from muscle pain.'

He must have been lying in bed moaning since he had used several enhancement

“Wouldn’t it be better to rest more?”

When Allarlong heard that Lee Han had woken up, he immediately ran to him.

I heard the news that he had a battle with the evil beings in the cave, but there
was no reason not to worry.

"it's okay. kyung. There is no problem with moving.”


“But what about the cave gun?”

“The verification has been completed. The search revealed no evil powers, so it
must have been completely counter-summoned. Einroguard's wizards have also come to
the aid, so it's certain."

“Einrogard’s wizards also came to the aid?”

"Yes. It's about magic, isn't it? Even students were involved. Of course you


Ihan tilted his head.

'I don't think the professors think so.'

“Really… I’m glad.”

Allarlong said in a worried voice.

“From what I hear, the opponent has never been so friendly. I was fortunate to be
able to win without getting hurt like this.”

“I was lucky. I also had help from other friends.”

As a courtesy, Lee Han sandwiched the white tiger top friends.

“The Adventurers’ Guild sent me a gift as a token of my apology and gratitude.”

“...thinking about it, my role seems to have been a bit bigger, is it possible
that the Adventurer's Guild is aware of it?”

"Yes? Of course you will be aware of it.”

Alarlong did not understand why Lee Han was doing this. Ian regretted it.

'shit. I thought I'd inflate my ball a little more.'

Come to think of it, the Adventurer’s Guild is also a place where people live, so
if you did a much better job than the given quest, wouldn’t you take care of

Had I known this would be the case, I thought that I would lower the White Tiger
Tower friends a bit more.

“I’ll have to go check it out.”

“What do you have plans for today?”

"ah. The day I went to the Makein family's alchemy workshop."

“You cherish your friendship with your friends and don’t neglect your studies. I
am just happy.”

“…uh… um… yes. I."

Ian was a little embarrassed.

I'm going to give you a lot of silver...

* * *


Before going out, Lee Han was delighted to see the silver coin he received after
completing the quest.

It was a prejudice that, as an adventurer, he had to earn a lot and live a life of

Soon, a new era of adventurers who can earn big and spend efficiently will come.

'When the White Tiger Towers recover, I will take them out again.'

Stacking silver coins one by one and putting them in the safe, Lee Han reached out
to another box.

The small box made of antique brown wood aroused expectations just by looking at
it. It was a gift from the Adventurers Guild.

'Gold coins, gold statues, gold plaques, anything made of gold would be nice.'


Inside the box was a ring and a brief instruction manual.

For my own honor, I dedicate this ring of <Lightning Emission> with my sincere
gratitude to Lee Han of the Wodanaj family, who has completed everything from
valuable to insignificant requests.


Lee Han put on the ring.

And cast the magic as described in the manual.

“Ring, summon lightning.”

One of the three jewels in the ring has lost its color.

It was written that it could be used three times a day, but it seems that one of
them was consumed.

Lightning streak flying out of the window.

It was a very useful artifact that could easily shoot lightning without consuming
mana, but...


'You already know the magic.'

Lee Han was disappointed with the magic that was not much different from what he
had done.

Rather, it was more inconvenient because it was impossible to fine-tune the magic
because it was already engraved.

'What is this... no.'

Lee Han, who was about to complain, changed his mind.

Come to think of it, lightning-type magic is quite difficult to handle among

elemental magic, but it was engraved on the ring.

This ring must be quite valuable.

'I have to sell.'

If other students heard it, they would say, 'Why are you selling those useful
artifacts!?', but it was not Lee Han.

It's a magic that you already know how to use, and it's overflowing with magical
power, but...

'ah. right.'

Lee Han looked through the luggage he had brought from school.

I suddenly had an idea.

'Where have you been... Here you are.'

A helmet emerged from the dusty baggage.

It was the Ego Artifact found in the Einroguard Underground Dungeon, the Helmet of
Wisdom. you called me...

Helm of Wisdom seemed to be very angry for some reason.


“Are you angry?”

Could it be... I am the Helm of Wisdom. The purpose is only to give a wise answer
to the seeker, but such private...

'I think I'm angry.'

Ian thought to himself.

It was rare to find someone who didn't get angry with someone who usually talked
for a long time like that.

Of course, the Helm of Wisdom was an artifact, but there was no law against being

"Hmm. Helm of Wisdom... An artifact that has a self like you and can even answer
questions once a month, isn't it?"

You can do that.

The helmet of wisdom answered with a reflection.

I wondered if this young student had finally realized his worth.

The purpose of the helmet of wisdom is to explore and accumulate all the knowledge
of the world.

For that purpose, it didn't matter how dangerous the owner of the helmet was.

In order to pursue the purpose, the owner of the helmet depends on the helmet and
keeps asking questions...

The cheeky student threw it into the pile and after a while he lifted the helmet.

Even now, he seemed to have realized the value, so he could forgive him.

"Thank you."

Wait... why don't you ask a question? You can do it once a month, so it would be
better to do as many as possible?

"no. It’s annoying when you sell.”


Lee Han packed the helmet well and put it in a wooden box.

I was overjoyed to think of changing it to silver coins along with the ring.

* * *
Yoner sighed as he saw Lee Han walking from afar.

My friend was walking into the Valley of Darkness, and it was very difficult
because I couldn't stop him.

“Did I really say that? Can't you tell me later?"

Yoner said over and over, as if worried.

Joanen Maikin's Alchemy Workshop located in the guild area west of Granden City.

It was a harsh hell alchemy workshop that everyone who knew alchemists knew.

A place where no single mistake or even a second wasted is allowed.

Yonere had been avoiding going to the workshop here since she was scared and cried
while holding onto her sister's clothes when she was young.

“Yone. All I can say to you later is thank you.”

“…Lee Han. I like silver coins too... but life may not be all about silver coins.”

Yonner had never imagined that such an absurd, embarrassing sound would come out
of his mouth.

“Silver is not everything. I know. But it’s convenient to have silver coins.”

“It is.”

The two's personalities were too similar to deny Lee Han's words. While Yoner
reluctantly admitted, Lee Han opened the door to the workshop and went inside.


iron puck!

As soon as Lee Han entered, he saw an alchemist pouring a potion on another

alchemist's face.

“I made trash. scram. I don’t need you either.”

“Woah… what! You know where I've been and you're saying that?! At Cheongsong Guild
and Classen Workshop...!!”

“I don’t care where you worked. I only look at my current skills. And you wasted
more of my time with useless words.”

Before the words could be finished, the golem appeared. The golem grabbed the
alchemist's arms and threw it out the door of the workshop.

The alchemist who gave the order did not even say 'to focus on work again'.

The alchemists in the workshop were concentrating on their work without even
paying attention.

“Is this Einroguard?”

"So I said..."
Yoner said in a weak voice.

I was worried that I would lose a friend after vacation.

* * *

Joanen greeted them with a gloved hand, straightening the amethyst glasses.

"Nice to meet you. I was waiting. Did you come earlier than your appointment

“The thought of working in this famous workshop in the city made my heart pound
and I couldn’t wait.”


Yoner looked at Lee Han with a confused expression.

I knew my friend was good at Abu, but this is really...

Joanen's eyes softened over the amethyst glasses that were appropriate for Abu.

“You must be still in your junior year, but you already have this mindset… There’s
a reason the rumors spread.”

"thank you. for a moment. What do you mean by rumors?”

“I heard that you overwhelmingly won the battle with the wizard from Baldrogaard?”

“There is some misunderstanding about that rumor…”

“In the imperial mansion, we conquered the basilisk.”

“That’s right, but there…”

“I heard that you came to subdue an evil otherworldly existence a few days ago.”

'Is there such a thing as a bulletin board for professors in this city?'

Lee Han trembled at the fear of the social circles in Granden, where information
was shared quickly like the professors at Einrogard.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with spreading fame.

However, the spread of a reputation that was not worthy of his level was nothing
but poison.

What if I misunderstood Lee Han by saying, 'You are fond of reverse-summoning evil
alien beings or catching basilisks'.

Lee Han had already experienced such an experience once in Einroguard. Twice was a

“Isn’t the existence of another world not subjugated? It must have been spread

Yoner was puzzled and sided with Lee Han. Lee Han said bitterly.

“I actually did.”

“After registering as adventurers with the White Tiger Tower guys. Because these
children are fussing around…”


Yonner gave up defending his friend.

At this point, I thought it wasn't just Lee Han's bad luck, it was Lee Han's self-

“You don't have to worry too much. The work we have to do in the workshop is not
that dangerous.”


Yonner said in a worried voice.

I was already feeling 30 minutes before losing a friend.

"Of course. Think carefully. Yonner. The alchemists working here in the workshop
are outstanding alchemists with at least ten years of experience. No matter how
talented you are, you can’t put first-year students right away.”

"I know?"

Yoner was slightly overpowered by her sister's persuasion.

No matter how talented Lee Han was, he had not yet learned all the complicated
secrets of alchemy.

Lee Han, who was listening next to him, whispered softly to Yonaire.

"Well. Yonner. I don't really want to say this, but even people who aren't at the
right level can do it.”

As Professor Verdus did, even if Lee Han's magic level was not yet satisfactory,
Lee Han had one outstanding advantage.

An unmeasurable amount of magical power.


"Oh yeah. Yonner. Could you please deliver this letter to Mrs. Ornette? Mrs
Ornette will be very happy to see you after a long time.”

Joanen cut off their conversation and handed Yoner a letter.

Upon receiving the letter, Yonner looked at Lee Han with a look of anxiety and
concern. He looked like he was afraid that his friend would die if he took his eyes
off him.

“Go. Because I'm fine."

“ really careful. Lee Han. Remember what I said earlier.”

As Yoner closed the door and left, Joanen asked curiously.

“Is it okay if I ask what your brother said earlier?”

“He said that life may not be all about silver.”

“Isn’t he going to be able to?”

Lee Han was slightly embarrassed by the firm trust in his younger brother.

"ruler. Anyway... My brother has gone too, so can I start working?”


“Let’s go.”

Joanen got up and started walking down the hallway of the workshop.

The complex scent pouring from all over made it clear that it was an alchemist's

“Do you know where this is?”

“Is this Maykin-sama’s studio?”

“It fits well.”

Joanen swung her staff and summoned the ingredients from the cupboard.

The water in the pot filled up and the medicinal herbs were minced on it. As the
fire of the pot was turned on, the heat rose.

“The potion I’m going to make right now is <Dobrook’s Reunion Potion>. Do you

“I only know what kind of potion it is.”

Professor Thunderwalker was a mischievous man, but he wasn't like a mad vampire
professor, threatening to make a potion that he couldn't make right now.

In that sense, <Dobrook's Reunion Potion> was a high-level potion that could not
be made at Lee Han's level.

There are some magic that Lee Han doesn't know how to use yet, and the ingredients
and usage are much more complicated...

“It’s great just knowing that. What Wodanaj-sama will do today is to trim and put
Drapilla, the main ingredient of this remarriage potion. In short, I'm acting as my

At first glance, it sounds fairly simple, but Lee Han was never vigilant.

The world was not easy enough to earn silver coins so easily.

“Is there anything I should be careful about when putting it in?”

At Lee Han's words, Joanen's eyes lit up.

Obviously, since he was a senior student at Einroguard, he understood quickly

without needing to explain.
“I trim it as shown here, but do you know how to do the <Ingredient Amplification>
magic? I guess I haven't learned it yet."

“If you teach me, I will learn.”

“I have a schedule today, so please learn within 30 minutes.”

Joanen slowly and calmly began to reveal his madness.

If Yonner had been by my side, I would have stopped him by saying, 'Please come to
my senses, you're my friend.'

What kind of wizard asked you to learn a magic you've never seen before in 30

"All right."

However, Lee Han was neither embarrassed nor surprised.

It was because he had already experienced a lot of crazy people in Einroguard.

Joanen briefly explained the movement of the staff, the spells, and the flow of

“It would be easier to think of it as an extension of the <component separation>



“Try it.”

Lee Han swung his staff. And it worked at once.

Joanen was amazed.

I was expecting it to be within 30 minutes, but I'm sure I'll be successful at


Expectations were rising that we had brought in really good talent.


"thank you."

“Then extract the liquid component of Drapilla and try to amplify it.”

It was simple, but it was by no means simple.

It was usually not difficult to extract Drapylla, a plant with a liquid component
firmly fixed in the root.

If force was applied, the roots were destroyed before the liquid came out and the
mixture was messy.

In order to do this, not only excellent mana control, but also understanding and
experience with the element of water were required.

With the sound of squeezing the piece of cloth, the liquid component was extracted
from the inside of Drapylla.

If there were other alchemists in the workshop, I would have been shocked.

No matter how good you are, first-year students are already like this.

But Joanen shook his head.

“There are impurities in the ingredients. I think you have to do it again.”

The full-scale madness of Joanen that Yonaire was worried about.

He was a perfectionist who pointed out that even if his opponent made 99, he was
not enough 1 out of 100, so he had to do it again.

If there were other alchemists, they would have said, 'You can't find an assistant
because you're like this, Maykin, please calm down.' Unfortunately, there was no
one else in this studio right now.

"All right."

Lee Han extracted the liquid again. Joanen said regretfully.

“There is a bit of waste in extraction. I think you have to do it again.”


“There was a problem with the amplification. I think you have to do it again.”

"No problem."

Originally, if you were told to do it again for a trivial reason even though you
had succeeded in this difficult process, it was common to clench your teeth the
second time and open the door the third time and run away.

Unfortunately, there was no sane person in this studio right now.

“How about this?”

“I think we are almost there. You have to do it again…”


* * *

Yonner gasped and opened the door.

“I have been there! What happened?!”

“There was nothing.”

“Because you were doing a good job.”

Lee Han and Joanen greeted Yoner with a gentle smile that meant 'why are you
making such a fuss'.

Yoner's smile was strangely creepy.


'Are you really okay?'

Yonner didn't understand.

Sister Joanen's main specialty is to crush an alchemist who is doing well enough
to destroy her mind.

At the same time, it was even more absurd that he had no malice in himself.

Just being faithful to alchemy.

When Yonner returned, he expected that Lee Han's face would be distorted or
stained with pain.

Even in Einroguard, he was the senior classmate who showed the mad behavior of
taking magic from the former school, so he might not run away...

Still, it would be difficult to completely withstand Joanen's maddening obsession.

But Lee Han's expression was so calm. It was like a lake with no wind.

“Have you not started working yet?”

"here. <Dobrok's Illusion Potion>."

Joanen looked at the potion in the flask lovingly and shook it.

Yoner was a potion he had seen several times, but he could feel that it was
different from that potion.

'Is that dark color the color of magic? then...'

A friend who has been summoned to help with the work with stronger magic than

Yoner couldn't help but think of Lee Han.

“Did you help with the work?”


“Isn’t it difficult?”

“I was only playing the assistant role.”

“Uh… huh??”

Yoner was taken aback by Lee Han's words.

It wasn't a secondary job or anything else, but Joanen's assistant.

Yoner knew what Joanen's assistant role meant. Her sister could never have stood

"it's okay...??"
“It was difficult. But most of the work was done by Makein-sama here.”

“You don't have to be too humble. Thank you for making a good potion.”

Joanen looked really satisfied. Yonner was frankly surprised by the unusual

It's really hard not to make a face like that.

It's hard to come out without replacing dozens of alchemists...

“Are you really okay? No, just tell me what happened one by one.”

“Don’t do that here, let’s talk while having lunch.”

Joanen gave his brother and his friend a break.

Yoner was once again surprised by the generosity.

“Is it okay to eat lunch!? Are you working?”

“Don’t be too harsh in front of guests. You will be misunderstood.”


Yoner only blinked in embarrassment.

Who was the one who usually immersed himself in his work, ignoring meals and other
things if he didn't finish his work?

Joanen, the alchemist in charge of the main task, did not eat, but the assistant
alchemist in charge of the secondary task was not able to eat.

There were many seasoned alchemists here in the workshop, but none of them wanted
to take on the role of Joanen's assistant.

Usually, an unfortunate newcomer would take the charge and run away crying...

"...done. let's have lunch Lee Han.”

“I should go to the mansion and eat.”

“Come out for dinner here. Don't worry, because working alchemists don't accept

Lee Han, who was about to leave, stopped moving and nodded.

“It’s a good workshop.”

“ the hell did you get that kind of sound when you first came in...”

* * *

Pahu-seok, an alchemist who has been working in the workshop for 8 years, didn't
really care even if Yoner of the Makein family visited with a friend.

Whether it's Yonaire's friend or His Majesty's friend, working as Joanen's

assistant won't last long.
The last time the new record was updated was about 23 minutes, so I'd be back with
an excuse for about 15 minutes.

So Pahu-seok couldn't help but be surprised to see the red-haired girl and the
dark-haired boy sitting and eating at the table in front of him.


Looking at it, it seems that Pahu-seok was not the only one who was surprised. The
other alchemist was also looking at Lee Han while talking.

“What happened?”

The alchemist who had been eating flat bread dipped in spiced bean soup in front
of him said in a low voice.

“…the new assistant seems to have survived.”


"Shh. Your voice is too loud.”

“Oh, no… I’m sorry. Stop being so surprised.”

Pahu-seok almost dropped the fried rice bowl he was holding.

You survived being Joanen's assistant during the morning.

Besides, to my surprise, he was out for lunch.

Doesn't that mean that Joanen allowed him to go to lunch?

“How? Is it because it's your brother's friend?"

“Makein-sama is not like that.”

“Well, you’re not like that.”

The workshop alchemists were quickly convinced.

Joanen wasn't the kind of person who would see him as his brother's friend.

If he was a person who was flexible enough to look at the situation like that, the
dozens of people who challenged for assistant positions would not have been kicked

“Maybe... No way... No way, really, but isn’t there a possibility?”

“What do you want to say?”

“Successful as an assistant…”

“Does that make sense!”

The workshop alchemists flatly denied it.

Joanen couldn't be accepted as an assistant so easily.

It was clear that there was another reason.

"But for another reason... Besides, as far as I know, that Wordanaj boy won the
battle with the wizard from Baldrogaard this time..."

"It doesn't matter whether you win the battle with the wizard or defeat the

"uh? Did you know too? The news is fast.”

“What are you talking about? no. Anyway, that's not important. You know that the
abilities of an alchemist are completely different. After all, as an alchemist,
there is no worse habit than making hasty predictions. Wait until I ask Maykin-sama
directly. Maybe it wasn't the assistant role."

"is it..."

When Joanen came out, some of the alchemists walked quickly and asked questions.
Pahu-seok was one of them.

“Makin. He hasn't left yet, have you done a good job as an assistant?"

While asking a question, the alchemists waited for another answer.

Whether you're doing other things in the morning, like clearing inventory or
picking up tools...

But Joanen was satisfied and shook the potion.


“Say… nonsense!”

“Does the Wodanaj family lineage overcome even Makein-sama’s madness?”

The alchemists tried to accept reality, but it wasn't easy.

How can a student that is still that young?

“That’s amazing… Is it because you’re from Einrogarde?”

“You know it has nothing to do with Einroguard. The wizard who escaped last time
was also from Einroguard.”

"Oh. This is not the time.”

One of the alchemists came to his senses and started adding food to this and that.

On top of fresh oysters tossed with seasoning, the alchemist lightly poured the
potion of rejuvenation he was about to drink.

Another alchemist took out the smoked eel and sprinkled the healing powder he was
about to eat instead of spice.

Pahu-seok put a potion of concentration in amber porridge. It was a favorite

potion, but that student deserved it.


“Eat this and do it.”

“This too.”

“This too.”


Lee Han, who had been chatting with Yonaire, was bewildered by the sight of the
alchemists adding meals and leaving.

'Isn't it like a ceremony to welcome new hires?'

“What does this mean?”

“It means don’t fall down and work for a long time.”

Yonner sighed and said.

As the alchemists who worked as Joanen's assistants fell like autumn leaves, it
was only natural that the alchemists in the workshop had such expectations.

Of course, as a friend, the behavior of the alchemists at the workshop was very

In a nutshell, it's not like you're asking for a potion and working for a long

Lee Han said with a slightly moved face at Yonaire's explanation.

“This is a really good workshop.”

“Lee Han. I think the standards for saying you like it are too low...”

* * *

After the meal, Lee Han did a great job.

Seeing Lee Han doing whatever he was asked to do at once, Joanen didn't want to
send him back to Einroguard.

“You worked really hard.”

"no. I was able to learn a lot.”

After finishing everything, Lee Han shook hands with Joanen.

It wasn't that the work wasn't difficult, but the bag of silver coins Joanen gave
me made me forget that fatigue.

Wouldn't it be much better to give silver coins to the professors in Einrogard?

"sister. Let go.”

"...when do you think you'll come next time?"

“Let it go.”
Yoner whispered. Joanen did not let go of the hand he was holding.

“I have a lot of other appointments this week, so it will be difficult to attend.”

“How about next week?”

“I remember next week probably Wednesday would be empty.”

“Then will you come and help me on Wednesday?”

“I will try.”

“Maybe you may have forgotten, so shall we send someone to the Wodanaj family?”

"no. I will remember.”

It was only after Yoner stepped on her foot several times that Joanen let go of
her hand.

As Joanen waved her hand and entered the workshop, Lee Han muttered in a slightly
worried voice.

“You seem a bit like Professor Einrogard, Joanen-sama.”

"little? little??"

"Oh yeah. Yonner.”

Lee Han took out the ring and helmet he brought with him. Yoner was intrigued by
the appearance of the artifact he had never seen.

“Why is this?”

“To sell.”


Lee Han explained where he got these artifacts and why he wanted to sell them.

If there were other friends, they would say, 'Still, we're wizards, so it's not
fair to sell artifacts like that for money, isn't it? I'd rather disassemble it and
study it!'

Yonner immediately understood.

"indeed. If that’s the case.”

"right? To look around the shops in the central district.”

Since the central district of the city of Granden is the district inhabited by the
city's aristocrats, there were also shops selling rare artifacts.

Lee Han was going around these stores and thought, 'How long have you been looking
for it?'

“Can you introduce me to a store I know?”

“Thank you for that, but will you be okay?”

"yes. I was treated like that by my sister, but I have to do this.”

“I didn’t really get hit…”

Yonner ignored it and led the way.

'Greenbell's vaporizer? Is it the Greenbell family store?'

The last time he visited the mansion of the Dalcard family, Lee Han was intrigued
by the name of the family he had met.

Although the sun was slowly setting, a bright light was streaming through the

You can guess the purity of magic by looking at the color or brightness of the
magic light, and you can guess whether expensive or cheap artifacts are being used.

'It's definitely an expensive place.'


The clerk with no dust on his clothes greeted them politely, with his forehead
touching the ground.

It was a natural response as the visitor was a guest.

There were a few customers who came first, and they were watching the artifacts
while listening to the explanations of the other clerks.

“This is a bracelet that increases your luck, right?”

"That's right. Guest."

“How much do you increase your luck? Can I draw any card I want?”

“I'm not a wizard, but I know that luck isn't something you can quantify that way.

“Okay… is there anything else besides this? A more certain way to win... that...
shuffle the cards I want... I can see the cards my opponent is holding... or
something like that..."

The clerk's eyebrows rose slightly upwards.

Although it is a store that sells artifacts, not all artifacts are sold.

As it is a classy store, it does not deal with artefacts for outright deception.

The clerk's expression right now was close to 'As a nobleman, you're looking for
artifacts to use for such tricks'.

“Oh, no. It’s not something I want to use when playing card games.”

“Gainan too?”


Gainando turned his head and was surprised to find two friends.
Then he quickly covered his face with a cloak.

“It’s not even Gainan.”




Instead of replying, Lee Han strode forward and pulled Guy Nando's cloak.

Gainando, whose hidden face was revealed, said with a puzzled face.

“Wow, I didn’t come here to write. I'm curious as to what the principle is...
Yeah! Know in advance so you won't get hit later!"

“I didn’t say anything.”

“...why are you here! You, too, have come to find artifacts that can be won in
card games!”

Lee Han and Yoner were speechless for a moment at Gainando's absurd accusation.

Sometimes when you hear too much bullshit, you can't react right away.

"right?! Did I get it right?”

"not really."

“Do some bullshit.”


Gainando was a little stunned.

Of course, I thought you were here to buy card game-related artifacts...

“Gainan too. If you want to win a card game, there are other ways.”

"uh? really?"

At Lee Han's words, Gainando's eyes lit up.

Regardless of this or that, Lee Han is an expert in the wizard card game with the
highest win rate in the Blue Dragon Tower.

“Change the composition of your deck.”

"no! They are all my favorite cards!”

There were no low-cost cards in the deck and only high-cost cards were put in the
deck, so he was hit and killed in the beginning, but Gainando tried to believe his
cards until the end.

“Then there is another way.”

“Don’t whine even if you lose, but accept defeat with courage.”


Guy Nando looked at Lee Han fiercely.

It didn't matter to them that they couldn't do magic, but they couldn't stand
being bullied with a card game.

“Lee Han. Look here.”

Yoner, who was looking around ignoring their conversation, called for Lee Han.

“These glasses. Doesn't it look useful?"

“Are they the alchemist’s glasses? It sure looks good.”

Alchemist's Glasses

Refined from the shorestone of the Western Ikansel mines, these glasses have a
perfectly balanced design, tuned by the Empire's finest artifact craftsmen. Feel
the effect of the powerful ingredient analysis magic that lasts for 5 years.

'How much?'

Price - Hundreds of Imperial Gold Coins

Lee Han momentarily lost his balance and stumbled.

Yonner was surprised to see that. I wondered if her sister's vicious mental attack
had taken effect too late.

"it's okay!? Maybe because of my sister?!”

“Hey, the price is… a hundred gold coins.”

“…you were surprised.”

“Yone. No matter how you think about it, isn't it strange? How can this be a
hundred imperial gold coins?”

Ian didn't understand.

Of course, the alchemist's glasses were usable.

Even people who did not know how to use magic could easily analyze the ingredients
of various materials and reagents.

However, in the eyes of the wizard Lee Han, the price was too high. It's not even
a permanent artifact.

'When it comes to collecting materials, casting magic, and working... I don't

think the cost will come out even a single gold coin.'

Artifacts like that are more expensive than all of Lee Han's fortune.

'is not it? Maybe I'm thinking wrong.'

I've heard a lot of people say that artifacts are expensive, but if these
artifacts are this expensive...

I didn't know that Lee Han's one hundred thousand gold was also a dream.

“It’s more expensive because of the design and the decorations that go into it,
rather than the magic. Lee Han.”


“Look here.”

Yoner pointed under the glasses.

The names of the craftsmen who participated in the work of this artifact, their
careers, and the various jewels used in the decoration were described in detail.

Lee Han looked at the explanation and checked the artifact again.

Clearly, the glasses looked expensive enough without magic.

“Why are you doing this? You can just cast a spell on your copper glasses.”

“Yeah… because the people who live there want this…”


Ian bit her lip.

The state of the empire that paid attention only to appearance and splendor
without looking at the true value of magic was resentful.

Then, even if Lee Han worked hard, he wouldn't be able to sell it at such a high

"I understand. Let’s stop disassembling and find something else.”

“Wow! Why is it so expensive!?”



At Gainando's call, Yonaire and Ihan were slightly embarrassed.

Guynando wasn't the kind of friend who would always say things like that.

He was a friend who had a pocket of money that didn't dry out...?

“You didn’t usually say that, did you? what's the matter?"

"ah. that is."

Gainando said in a slightly muffled voice.

After a blood battle with the Basilisk in the mansion...

“It’s not a blood clot. It was self-defeating.”

Lee Han pointed out coldly.

Hearing that, other people might be misunderstood.

“Isn’t that enough blood clots…”


“Anyway, after that, I got a lot of compliments from my mother. She also
complimented her friends a lot.”


“I was so excited… I worked with my friends and talked about earning silver. So,
he complimented me even more…”

Lee Han became slightly ominous.

“Is that what I think?”

“…so I don’t need pocket money in the future, so I’ll try to solve it with my own

Lee Han and Yoner lamented at the same time.

What a stupid thing to do!

Of course, it was understandable that I was excited about being praised, but to
kick my own pocket money with my feet.

It was very stupid.

Doing such a thing because of one's pride...

“Are you still good?”

Guy Nando looked at his friends as if trying to win a mental victory.

His eyes seemed to say so.

- Praise him!

But Lee Han answered seriously.

“Gainan too. I went back and thought I was wrong. Please tell me quickly that you
will need adequate pocket money.”

"right. You can’t stand it.”

"why not!"

Guy Nando was moved by the cold answers of the two friends who knew they would be
cheering for them.

“Yeah… you don’t like working, do you?”

"not really? not really?? Am I going to work a lot?”

Lee Han and Yoner looked at each other.

- No matter how much I think about it, I think I will regret it.

-right. But we don't know

-...Isn't that too much for Guynando?

- He needs to suffer a little so he can come to his senses.

“Lee Han. I want to work with you.”

“You will regret it.”

At Lee Han's words, Gainando tapped his chest.

“I am also an Einroguard student. A true wizard.”

Seeing that, Yonner thought to himself.

'Because you're the Blue Dragon Tower, you ate it raw...'

Listening to the stories of other top students, every day was a series of
desperate survival.

If it hadn't been for Lee Han to bring meals because he was in the same tower, Guy
Nando would have come out half-dead.

"i get it. When I get a job introduction, I’ll call you too.”

"really? thank you!"

“It would be better to say thank you after work... Anyway. I need to sell some of

Lee Han called the clerk. Then I took out the artifacts I brought with me.

The clerk quickly recognized the value of the artifact Lee Han brought.

“Is it a ring enchanted with <Lightning Emission>?”

"you're right."

“It’s a well-crafted artifact. Do you have a wizard's manual you made?”


Lee Han held out the manual he had received from the guild.

The clerk saw this and was shocked.

“…Is this a gift from the Adventurers’ Guild as a token of appreciation?”

“Are there any problems?”

“Are you Wodanaj-sama, who subjugated the evil beings this time?”


Ihan tried to take a deep breath and held it back.

No matter how much I thought about it, it was clear that there was a bulletin
board for information sharing in the city of Granden.

"you're right. Is there any discount?”

“You have a great sense of humor. I heard this because my friend works at the
Adventurers' Guild. I knew that Einrogard's students were excellent wizards, but
it's rare that they've been active like this since their first year."

“I was lucky.”

It wasn't a joke, but fortunately there was no bulletin board for sharing
information about the city of Granden.

“Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with that… but what happened to the gift from the
Adventurer’s Guild…”

The clerk asked carefully.

If there was a problem with the gift from the Adventurer's Guild, it wasn't just
one person's problem.

From the artifact craftsman who created it to the person in charge of the
adventurer guild who trusted the artifact craftsman and entrusted the quest, it
becomes a problem for many people.

“There were no problems. It's just an artifact I don't need."


The clerk was surprised at Lee Han's words.

Not needing artifacts doesn't mean just knowing how to use them.

Casting magic by a wizard required more concentration and time than expected.

The fact that there was no need for an artifact to compensate for that meant that
the casting speed of the <Lightning Emission> magic was comparable to the
artifact's activation speed.

'Indeed... You must have defeated Lord Valdrogaard's Doin and defeated the

If Lee Han heard it, the clerk nodded, thinking about grabbing the back of his

“You made a mistake in the guild.”

"no. Gifts are from the heart. In fact, I would have been satisfied if I had given
them gold coins.”

The clerk couldn't hold back and smiled a little. And he corrected it with a
mischievous expression.

“You really have a great sense of humor.”


“Anyway, please wait. I will come back with feelings. Is this the Artifact you
want to entrust?”

"ah. This helmet, please.”

The clerk nodded and headed towards the back of the store.

after an hour.

The clerk returned with two artifacts. Gainando gently overturned the card game he
was about to lose.

"This enchanted ring of <Emitting Lightning> is worth ten gold coins."

There was no such thing as a clumsy negotiation at an artefact store specializing

in nobles in the central district of a big city, as if it was an antique or junk
store in a remote village.

If I did that, I immediately asked the nobleman, 'Are you ignoring my honor now?'
It was good to hear the sound.

'It's not bad.'

Lee Han was very satisfied.

Ten gold coins.

To earn that much, he had to work several times in the Makein family's workshop
and receive dozens of quests.

It was a gift that felt the sincerity of the Adventurers Guild.

“Please change it right away.”

"Yes. And this helmet…”

Ian was a little nervous.

'Won't it be expensive? It's an ego artifact. Ego artifacts must be precious. But
it has a very ugly appearance. shit. Shouldn't it have been adorned with jewels?
no. It would have only had the opposite effect if it had been touched by a non-

“…a cursed artifact.”


“Cursed artifact. To be precise, it is an artifact with a sinister nature. He has

a tendency to lead his master to ruin... but he's never been hurt."

The clerk looked at Lee Han with a mixture of concern and respect.

The fact that he was still intact despite having such artifacts proved the
strength of his spirit.

Of course, Lee Han couldn't help but be embarrassed.

'A cursed artifact?'

“Ah… For some reason, Lee Han met a lot of strange people.”
Guynando clapped his hands as if he understood now.

I met a lot of strangely strong enemies, and it was all because of that helmet.

It has nothing to do with me! You didn't even listen to me...!

Helmet tried to protest as if it was unfair, but the clerk quickly covered him
with a cloth of silence and covered Hel's mouth.

There was nothing good about hearing the evil Artifacts.

“This cannot be purchased. Wardanaj-sama will take good care of it, but please be
careful as it is an evil artifact.”

"thank you."

Lee Han glared at the helmet and grabbed it. Helm closed his mouth at the gaze and
was silent.

* * *

After buying a cotton candy for Gainando and the three of them returned to the
Wodanaj family mansion, the servant said to Lee Han.

"young master. Guests are coming.”

"this time?"

It's almost night and guests are coming.

It was a visit I would not have made unless I was a very friendly person or a very
rude person.

'It must be the former.'

“Is it Asan?”



"no. It seems you weren't friends. And it was the first time I had met him.”

“What kind of race do you have?”

“You were a vampire.”


Lee Han's face turned pale like a vampire.


“Did you have any vampire friends?”

Gainando, who had less understanding of the situation, tilted his head.

Lee Han seriously contemplated staying at Gainando's house tonight.


However, Professor Voladi kindly prevented such worries.

Gainando was surprised to see Professor Voladi walking out from inside.

“Why is the professor here? Aren't we supposed to call the guards and drive them

Lee Han was tempted for a moment, but came to his senses.

"professor! I am so glad that you are visiting my shabby house… I am so happy!”

“It’s not shabby.”

“But what is Nuchu?”

Ignoring Guy Nando's question, Lee Han asked a question with a pretentious smile.

“But how did you know you were here?”

“The principal told me.”

'I'm really going to kill you.'

After subjugating the evil Ghoul King, Lee Han thought about whether he should
also subdue the evil Einroguard's Lich.

"for a moment. Did the principal tell the other professors by any chance?”

Professor Voladi nodded.

Lee Han felt dizziness rising.

'I'm going crazy.'

Professors who can come to the mansion right now...

'Professor Garcia is fine. Rather, it should be treated. Professor Thunderbolt

is... well... it's not that I can't do it. I don't think Professor Lightning Walk
will come due to his personality. Professor Ingaldel thinks Allaron will like it
when he comes.'

After examining them, only two of the most dangerous and demanding professors

Professor Voladi and Professor Verdus.

And one of them was now in front.

“But it’s vacation, so why is the professor coming?”

Gainando asked with an innocent face. Lee Han thought it was a good idea to buy a
cotton candy for Guy Nando earlier.

'You're paying for cotton candy.'

“I have something to talk about.”

“Can’t I send you a letter?”

“It’s hard with a letter.”


“I have a lot to talk about.”

“Can’t you use it for a long time?”

Professor Voladi beckoned lightly. Guy Nando, enchanted with silence, waved his
hand in anger.

How dare you attack the imperial family outside of Einroguard!

'Protest! Lee Han! For the honor of the royal family!'


Lee Han avoided his gaze.

As a disciple of the professor, how can you prevent what the professor is doing?

“Come in. professor."


* * *

Lee Han picked up a teacup and a teapot instead of the servants.

“I’ll take it for you.”

“Lee Han-nim… you are wonderful.”

Even though he was born with the blood of a great aristocrat, all the servants
were moved by the young man who wanted to serve his master himself.

Lee Han almost threw the teacup saucer.

'Let's not take our anger out on people who have done nothing wrong.'

Professor Voladi took a sip of the green tea he poured and opened his mouth

“I heard that you captured a basilisk.”


Lee Han was drinking green tea together and was cool. It felt like hot green tea
was hitting my throat.

“That’s… Oh Hep.”

“What is a misunderstanding?”

“The basilisk wasn’t even an adult…”

“A newborn basilisk. Enhanced with potions. Exhausted by rebounding while trying
too hard. Is there anything wrong?”

"oh. you're right."

Lee Han was relieved to see Professor Boladi, who was grasping the situation more
accurately than expected.

He was worried that he might be misunderstood.

“I didn’t know that magic alone could deflect matters.”

"...Isn't it because he's just born?"

"Well. The penetrating power of the matter will not be that much different.”

Professor Voladi carefully lifted the cage that had been put down behind him.

Inside, a familiar egg was nestled well in the fluffy nest.

It was the egg of a basilisk that Professor Voladi obtained during his last

“I was going to use it in my second semester lecture, but I’m worried.”

“...don't worry too much. That basilisk last time was too careless...”

Despite Lee Han's persuasion, Professor Boladi did not stop worrying.

Lee Han, who had been persuaded, suddenly felt a sense of wonder.

'Why am I saying that I want to deal with the Basilisk in the second semester?'

The only outcome of persuading the professor is the future of fighting the

Come to think of it, it was quite sad.

But if you leave it alone, Professor Voladi will bring more crazy monsters...

“You have defeated the king of ghouls.”


“Are you unwell?”

When Lee Han was saddled for the second time, Professor Voladi asked, raising his

"No... it's fine."

Lee Han coughed a few more times and regained his composure.

As with the Basilisk Gun, Professor Voladi must have grasped the exact truth
unlike others.

Then there was no reason to be more afraid than necessary.

“I heard that you overpowered the king of ghouls, is that true?”

“Heh heh heh.”

“You look really ill.”

Professor Voladi was seriously concerned.

“Unlike Einroguard, which can recover even if it makes a mistake in haste, it is

impossible outside. Let go of your haste.”

"...ah. Yes."

Lee Han wanted to say, 'I'm not the kind of person who seeks out the king of
basilisks and ghouls to become as strong as the professor thinks', but he didn't.

Because it was meaningless.

“It was not overwhelming. Because the opponent is so imperfect…”

"okay. It must have been overwhelming because it was in an incomplete state. It's
overpowering, isn't it?"

After defeating the king of ghouls and completing all nearby quests, it was right
to overwhelm anyone.

If it hadn't been overpowered, I would have collapsed near the cave.

Lee Han, who was speechless at Professor Voladi's logic, regretted it.

'Did you pretend to be sick?'

“The king of ghouls is not in the records.”

Even if they were from another dimension, those with names tended to remain in the
records, but there were always exceptions.

There could be no record of a sealed being that descended in the distant past,
like the king of ghouls.


“Even so, you better be careful. Such beings are persistent.”

Of course he knew this too.

If you've been victimized by a kid like Lee Han and reverse summoned to another
dimension, if you can pass it on, it's not an evil existence.

He is probably sharpening his sword while recovering his strength in his own

But Ian wasn't too worried.

'Isn't there something we don't want to meet?'

He was hit and summoned backwards, but he won't be able to come back again to
recover for a while, and then the remaining possibility is for Lee Han to visit the
dimension where the king of the ghouls is and to go directly in front of him...
There was no reason to do such a thing unless Lee Han was quite crazy.

“So, we have prepared a way to deal with such beings.”


Lee Han swallowed as he endured the hot tea hitting his throat. But he couldn't
stand his eyes wide open.

“Is there a way… like that?”


Professor Voladi calmly proceeded to explain.

Originally, the path that Lee Han is walking now is a path of complete combat
magic that masters and fuses all the magics of other schools.

...Of course, I didn't think Lee Han was going down that path, but it didn't

In any case, Professor Voladi never rushed or urged this path of complete combat
magic because the perfection of each school was also important.

The pupil was in a hurry because of his talent, but Professor Voladi understood as
a teacher.

If the master doesn't understand it, who understands it?

However, considering the battle to subdue the king of ghouls, it was safe to gain
experience in magic battles related to black magic for now.

That way, you'll have the upper hand when you face the King of Ghouls again.


After hearing the explanation, Lee Han nodded.

In fact, he just nodded his head, but inside he was not convinced.

“Can’t we just avoid it?”

“If you can avoid it by avoiding it, you are not an enemy. I heard from Professor
Mortum. First, in black magic, curse, poison, bone, and necromancy. You have
mastered the four basic areas.”


Lee Han smiled bitterly and nodded his head.

Now I'm not even that surprised.

'I hope you cough more later.'

“It's not a bad choice. It is one of the basics of black magic. But beings like
the king of ghouls are difficult to deal with in the realm I just mentioned.”

“It certainly was. The lightning element was too easy to dodge because of its
foresight ability, and at least I had to use the fire element to spread the AoE.”
“The powers of evil beings from other realms often exceed the wisdom of wizards.”

Professor Voladi was not surprised.

Beings summoned from another dimension not only had the ability to foresight, but
also had bizarre powers that made the foresight ability feel humble.

“However, there is no way to deal with it. One of them is the Dark Element.”

“The Dark Element… you mean?”

Among the various element series, the dark element entered the axis of difficulty
to learn, such as lightning and ice.

If the lightning element was difficult to control and the ice element was
difficult to maintain, the dark element entered the wizard's conceptualization, a
series that was difficult to imagine.

“Those beings like to use dark elements based on negative energy. If a wizard
knows how to handle it, he can predict it.”


Professor Voladi put down a book. The title was written in a familiar font that I
had seen many times.

<About basic dark element magic and its application>

Lee Han suddenly realized the familiar appearance of the book.

'for a moment. Don't you think you're going to teach the book by yourself?'

“Aren’t you going to teach me?”

"okay. I have work. to learn it.”

Lee Han pondered whether he should like this or not.

It's fortunate that Professor Voladi can avoid the teachings that come after him
with a sword...

Is it okay to learn Dark Elements, which is still difficult, by myself?

'Once you get it, you won't kill it even if you don't learn it later.'

Lee Han, who received the book, asked without thinking.

“May I ask what’s going on?”

Professor Voladi stood up from his seat and answered.

“I’m going to meet Umidhus-nim and prepare what I need for the lectures in the
second semester.”

"indeed. ...Wait. professor. professor! It's getting dark, let's stay and go!
There are many rooms in the mansion!”

"no. don't let me come next time You have been well received.”
Professor Voladi greeted the servants lightly and left the front door of the

For Lee Han, seeing Professor Voladi disappearing in the distance felt like an
ominous omen.

'I should have taken a sleeping pill for green tea!'

Lee Han said to the servant next to him.

“In the future, except for the professor who looks like a half-troll, I will ask
the other professors to say that I am not in the mansion when they visit.”

"All right...?"

The servant felt Lee Han's command strangely, but he answered.


* * *

Lee Han had a late dinner with Yonaire and Gainando, who were waiting for him.

Gainando grumbled as if he had no appetite.

"what's the matter? Chefs will be disappointed.”

“Because I ate a lot of cotton candy…”

Yoner regretted why he brought it to his friend's house.

Gainando pointed to Lee Han as if he felt that gaze.

“I don’t even have an appetite for Lee Han!”

“Does it look like that now?”

To put on the same line as having no appetite for dinner because you ate a lot of
cotton candy and receiving extra assignments from a professor meeting during

In Yoner's view, this was innocence even if Lee Han attacked Gainando.

"no. In times like these, you should eat better. Thank you everyone.”

Lee Han nodded and grabbed the spoon.

No matter how hard or painful it is, you should always eat well.

- It's an intruder. hold on!

- Wait, wait! If you hear my identity, you will understand! I am Professor of

Einrogard, Professor Vible Verdus!


widely! Lee Han frowned and put down the spoon.

Surprised by the sight, Gainando hurriedly raised the spoon.

“I, I will eat well.”


Lee Han was puzzled and looked at Guy Nando.


“Ah… no. Aren't you mad at me for eating too much?"


Lee Han sighed and walked towards the window.

and shouted

“You are a professor.”

"look! Because he's a professor!"

Professor Verdus, who had his face on the ground, struggled and shouted.

The knights under Alarlong asked in bewilderment.

“But, Master. Why is the professor sneaking in?”

'That's what I'm curious about.'

Lee Han thought so, but patiently turned it around and said.

“Maybe there was a misunderstanding.”

“What kind of misunderstanding must there be...?”

Lee Han pretended not to hear the knight's question and ignored it. And he asked
the servant.

“Are you here because you said I didn’t exist?”

Given Professor Verdus's personality, it was highly probable.

Even if I hear that Lee Han isn't in the mansion, I'm not the type of person who
will just break through and wait for her to come in.

But the servant's answer was unexpected.

“Oh, no. They just sneaked in without asking and got caught.”


Lee Han thought a little about whether to just send Professor Verduss to the
Granden City Guard.

* * *

After shaking off the dirt, Professor Verdus sat down, gnawing at the bark.
“So, are you ready to create artifacts?”

At the mansion, the knights grabbed him and threw his face to the ground, but
Professor Verdus did not pay any attention to it.

They only care about creating artifacts.

Lee Han took off the shichimi.

“Artifact crafting? I don’t know what you mean.”

"uh? Aren't you going to do it together?"

“I have a bad memory…”

If it had been the headmaster of the skeleton, he would have grabbed him by the
neck, saying, 'Where did you fix it?', but Professor Verdus was naive in this

"ah. okay? Last time you said you wanted to participate in the creation of
artifacts. I was just incredibly passionate. It’s good because I’ve already done


As soon as he said that he had a bad memory, Lee Han was at a loss for words when
he saw Professor Verdus lying openly.

what kind of person is this...


It was then that Lee Han remembered the helmet of wisdom.

Come to think of it, when it comes to artifacts, no one is as expert as Professor


"professor. Please take a look at this artifact here.”


After receiving the helmet of wisdom, Professor Verdus looked around and responded

“It’s a nasty artifact. Cursed.”

“Is that so? Is there any way to break the curse?”

“Do you think it will be difficult?”

There were two types of curses placed on artifacts.

One is an evil curse placed on a normal artifact.

In this case, the artifact could be used only if the curse was lifted.

The other is an artifact created from scratch with an evil structure.

In this case, lifting the curse was meaningless. The moment you unlock it, the
power of that artifact will disappear as well.

The helmet of wisdom was typical of the latter.

“Ego artifacts are usually banned from harming their owners, but this is not the
case. If he wants anything, he will endanger his master.”

"Is that so. I thought the professor would have a way.”

Lee Han muttered without thinking.

Then Professor Verdus suddenly became furious and shouted.

“I didn’t say there was no way!”

“No… Why are you angry?”

“Stay still!”

Professor Verdus put down the bark he had been nibbling on and began to stare at
the helmet.

Lee Han was a little perplexed by the unexpected reaction. Gainando whispered next
to him.

“Isn’t the professor too weak to provocations?”


Obviously, if Gainando heard that kind of noise, it was right that he was too weak
to provocation.

However, Lee Han left Professor Verdus alone.

'Aren't you going to change it to something usable?'

In that case, Lee Han was planning to sell it with a formula such as 'The
masterpiece of Vible Verdus, the best artifact craftsman in Einroguard'.

“There is a way.”


“They intentionally pick up information and get rid of the ability to speak.”


Lee Han wanted to say what Professor Verdus had to say.

“But you still have the ability to endanger your master, don’t you?”

“You can avoid that on your own.”


No matter what the helmet of wisdom was saying, if you didn't hide it, the
listener could make a cold judgment.

That was Professor Verdus' argument.

'That's right... is that right?'

Lee Han felt that Professor Verdus's logic made sense, but somehow did not want to
admit it.

But it was also true that it was better than not changing it.

"Well. Then let's change it. How can I change it?”

“I have to cast some magic to dispel it and change the spell inside. If we work
from now on, it will be finished around sunrise in the morning.”

“What should I do to help?”

"you? I can’t help you.”

Professor Verdus answered frankly.

These were spells that Lee Han couldn't do yet, and there was no way to save the
character with a lot of magical power.

"Is that so. Then I will go and sleep.”

"okay. go to bed."

Professor Verdus forgot his original goal and waved his hand. Lee Han greeted
politely and left the drawing room.

“I’m going to sleep. Everyone sleep well.”

“…uh… are you okay?”

"it's okay. it's okay."

Servant was bewildered, but Lee Han said goodbye to his friends and went to sleep
in his room.

The servant was confused as he saw Professor Verduss, alone in the drawing room,
holding on to his helmet.

Can this be...?

Can you really do this!?

* * *


Professor Verdus asked, striking the helmet of wisdom.

"hey. Tell me your purpose.”

My purpose is to increase the wisdom within me even if I destroy the master...


It was truly an amazing achievement.

To rewrite the performance of an artifact with ego in just one night.

It was a great workmanship that even a few artisan craftsmen could not afford.

Despite such a remarkable achievement, Professor Verdus was not impressed. He

yawned once, then he asked.

“Where is Wodanaj? I have to create artifacts.”

"I... Wodanaj-sama went out with friends 30 minutes ago. He seemed to be paying
attention, so he said he wouldn't interfere.”


Professor Verdus frowned.

I don't know, but it felt strangely deceived.

* * *

“Are you really okay?”

“I just happened to go out early.”

Ian replied that way.

If one day I was forced to work with Professor Verdus, it was better to postpone
that time as much as possible.

Then, at least until then, wouldn't you be able to survive using it?

Ratford glanced back with a worried look on his face. Apparently, he was worried
about Professor Verdus' reaction.

“Today, let’s stay at Gainan’s house.”


Guy Nando's eyes lit up.

Last time, other imperial families who were not friendly came to interfere, but
this time it was a different story.
You can invite your friends and play very well

Gainando wiggled his fingers and touched the deck of cards in his arms.

Just as Lee Han, the senior year of the school year, could easily recite the
contents of a magic book with his eyes closed, Gainando could easily recite a list
of games to enjoy with his eyes closed.

Wizard card game, Gyukgu, petanque, fighting, horseback riding...

'Chess should not be played because Lee Han is too strong.'

“Ratford. Did you bring it?”

“Yone. Did you say you have it too?”

“Because I always carry it with me.”


Gainando was even more excited by the conversations of the other friends.

It was clear that his friends had come out with a wizard card.

“Did you bring it?!”

"Sure. I need something to do when I get to your house.”

Lee Han took out a book from his bag with an answer.

It was <About Basic Dark Elemental Magic and its Applications>.


Gainando's face contorted with sadness and bewilderment.

"what's the matter?"

“Uh… nothing…”

“Did you bring a book too? Kainan too? Let's study black magic together."

“I’m going to study something I’ve been putting off for a while today.”

“It’s nice to study together like this.”

Watching Lee Han, Ratford, and Yonaire chatting with friendly smiles, Guy Nando
wept inside.

'Magic isn't everything in life...!'

* * *

'I can see why the dark element is difficult.'

Lee Han, who had borrowed a private room, closed his eyes and focused on the dark

The basis of elemental magic is to feel the element and make it clear.

Dark Elements wasn't that difficult in that respect. In fact, for other wizards,
this was also a difficult part, but Lee Han had a specific idea different from the
other wizards in his head.

Just as this idea helped with the lightning element, so did the dark element.

The problem was then.

'It is similar to the element of fire.'

Even if the element of water fails to control, it is less likely to hurt its
owner, and the element of lightning disappears before it expands even if it fails
to control, but it is not a dark element.
Failure to control will injure the owner and will not disappear.

If these elements make a mistake like the flame elements did...

Whoa ah ah ah!

The private room with bright light coming through the window suddenly darkened.

It wasn't natural darkness. It was an artificial darkness created by magic.

Inside, negative energy squirmed, and a cold chill lingered somewhere.

Lee Han threw the leaves he had packed.

Then, the vitality of the leaves faded and turned into dead leaves in an instant.

It was a characteristic of the dark element that depletes vitality.

'...if you wiggle it, I'm going to fall.'

For warlocks who deal with dark elements, the thought of depleting their own
vitality and falling is like a companion. First of all, you should pay attention to

Of course, the power of the Dark Element you learned for the first time was very
weak. Even if you stay in that darkness for hours, you won't catch your breath. So
we should start by strengthening the power of the dark element first...


Lee Han looked at the dead leaf that had just touched the dark element.

And I looked at the dark element enhancement part.

'You can skip this part.'

...So, if the power of the dark element has been sufficiently strengthened, now
the full-fledged elemental magic has been established. The key to the operation of
dark element magic is that the magician must be able to control the nature of the
depletion of vitality. If not, the wizard wields a sword that can cut through

'It would be nice if you could explain something like this on a regular basis.'

After reading the needlessly detailed book, Lee Han summoned the dark element

In a word, a wizard who deals with dark elements should not be affected at all
even if he puts his hand into that element.

'At the end of the day, you have to be able to control your own

The power of magic increases in proportion to the magic power.

And climbing together is the difficulty of control.

The element of darkness was more difficult for Lee Han, who had not yet fully
dealt with the element of fire, so he wore various artifacts and dealt with it.
I can't get rid of that magic power though...

'Until it's controlled, can't we just treat it like a flame element the size of an
embers? Unlike the fire element, the dark element would have no meaning.'

“Lee Han! Lee Han!”

Gainando knocked on the door of the private room. Lee Han closed the book and

“How many hours did you study?”

“...that doesn't matter now! Good jobs are rolling in! This is something only a
warlock can do!”

'...can't that be a good thing?'

Lee Han was skeptical from the moment.


Wizards were basically high-level workers who were treated everywhere, with less
supply than demand...

There were also occasional exceptions.

In fact, you could call it a warlock without needing to be called an exception. He

was usually a black wizard.

Black magic was basically unpopular.

'Even like me, I don't think I would call a warlock.'

There are many other outstanding wizards of the school, so there is no reason to
call the wizards of the Black Magic School.

But that's something only a black magician can do.

very award-winning

“Where did you hear that?”

“Ratford told me!”

"Five. If so.”

"...for a moment. Is something strange?”

Gainando seemed to feel a sense of incongruity when he heard the name of Ratford
and Lee Han reacted differently.

“It’s weird, what’s weird? Let’s go quickly.”

"okay. I don't know what I'm going to do, but it's better than studying... Oops."

"Your study or mine..."

* * *
Ratford wasn't a warlock, but he had a friend who taught him black magic.

It was Ymirg from the same tower.

The Black Turtle Top friends closely shared with each other when they came up with
exciting jobs, so it even got to Ratford's ears.

'That's real friendship.'

Lee Han couldn't help but envy the friendship of Black Turtle Top friends.

At best, the Blue Dragon Tower friends do a party at the mansion and invite

"A long time. Ymirg.”

"Long time no see!"

“Ban, nice to meet you.”

Few first-year students learned black magic, so the students had no choice but to
get close to each other.

“Did you also call Rapadel?”

“Why are you calling that child!? I do not need!"

...some students were friendly with each other.

“I also told the white and white tiger pagodas… they told me that I had to rest
because of fatigue.”


“What kind of knight is a knight when he can’t even take care of himself? huh."

Gainando continued to grumble as much as he usually quarreled with Rapadel.

“But it doesn’t hurt too much, is it?”


Lee Han, who knew the truth, muttered.

Perhaps the last time the ghoul king subjugated the fatigue was relieved less.

'But the training was less than I expected.'

If Rapadel heard it, he thought about grabbing him by the neck, and Lee Han turned
his gaze away.

“Rapadel has no choice but to work harder instead of us. So Ymir. Is this this


Ymirg was leading the way in the southern section of the city, the general
This southern section felt different from the central section where nobles lived
and the western section where guilds were located. It was the vitality that came
out only when people from all kinds of places were mixed together.

A mysterious traveler who covered his body with a cloak, a merchant selling a
dubious potion called <Elixir of Prince Gonadaltes>, or a mercenary with five
swords and carrying a spear did not seem strange here.

“This child! Carrying a spear in the city. Grand den cigars look funny! Follow

“Well, I was wrong!”


Of course, it wasn't completely lawless.

As we headed down the road towards the outskirts of the city, it became less and
less crowded. Lee Han suddenly became curious and asked.

“But what kind of job?”

“Sir, a security job.”

“A security guard?”

Lee Han was lost in thought at the unexpected name.

'Wizard, is there any reason to have a warlock as a guard?'

Wizards were expensive. If you need security, it was better to hire a few more
seasoned adventurers or mercenaries.

Even if they paid a high price to hire them, more wizards than expected were not
accustomed to battle.

If a raid or battle situation occurred, there was a high possibility that the
price could not be paid properly.

If I had to ask, there are ways to use barriers or boundary magic, but...

'Why a Warlock?'

“Do you know where the guard is?”

"Yes. cemetery.”


Lee Han immediately understood.

You might need a warlock in a place like that...

“Gong, the cemetery? Were you going to the cemetery?”

Of course, Gainando was different.

When he looked at Ymirg with his betrayed eyes, Ymirg was also bewildered.
"Why why? Got a problem?”

“The cemetery is scary!”



Lee Han and Ymirg were at a loss for words in a moment of embarrassment.

Is that what a warlock would say?

“Professor Mortum, how many graveyards were there around the Dark Hall?”

“So how terrifying it was! Do I have to go to the place where they are gathered?!”

Guynando was disgusted and tried to hold on.

“I’ve also summoned skeletons, and I’ll be summoning more undead in the future, so
it’s better to get used to it in advance.”

“If you can’t meet the undead separately, why do you have to go to the cemetery!”



“Life is about doing things you don’t want to do and getting silver coins. Shut up
and follow me.”


Gainando ran out of grass and followed him. She asked Ymir as if worried about

“Hey, can I do that?”

"it's okay. You can buy me some cotton candy after work.”

* * *

The gravekeeper who was guarding the cemetery outside the city of Granden was very
pleased with the appearance of Seth.

"Gosh! Wizards, welcome! Nice to meet you. Still, I was very worried.”

“What are you worried about?”

“I was worried about what would happen if there were no Einroguard students
learning black magic this year. There are still few warlocks in the city.”


The three students looked sullen.

Even in Einroguard, there were not many students who learned black magic.

The easiest way to find a wizard with strong basics and skills in the city of
Granden is to hire Einroguard students who come out on vacation.

However, this year, if there were no Einroguard students learning black magic, it
became a serious problem.

“I’m so glad that there are still three of us!”

“Ah… yes.”

“But there aren’t that many warlocks?”

Gainando asked as he did not understand.

Even if you're from Einrogarde, I think you'll just have to summon the warlocks
from other places...

"Gosh. You are yelling at me in a big way. A warlock must be a much more authentic
and trustworthy person than other wizards.”



When the gravekeeper hesitated, Lee Han answered instead.

“Are you going to take the body out of the cemetery?”

“Ugh… heh heh heh. I don't think so. I am sorry for the prejudice against the

“It seems that the imperial newspapers have had accidents too consistently...”

"ruler! We will guide you to the cemetery.”

The cemetery quickly changed the subject.

I didn't want to list the things warlocks bought and killed in front of students
learning black magic.

“There comes a period in which the yin energy is periodically strengthened in the
Empire. When negative energy fills all sides, the power of the dead becomes
stronger. then..."

“In a place like a cemetery, something strange can happen.”

"you're right. You are also from Einrogarde.”

The magical powers filled with nature used to cause all kinds of capricious

Even if it wasn't as if the phoenix was suddenly summoned from Einroguard, it

wasn't uncommon for the dead to rise and other-dimensional beings to cross over the
rift due to the increase in negative magic power.

The one who could best deal with this problem was also the Warlock. No matter how
bad the perception, black magic was one of the essential magic for the empire.

“However, we have not yet learned about the complex secrets of black magic.”
"it's okay. Even so, we do not entrust everything to first-time students. A senior
warlock is here to help. Dirett!”


Lee Han was surprised at the familiar name.

If it's a diret, sure...

“I thought juniors would come… You came more than you thought, right?”

A student, Suin, a crow flapping black wings behind his back, waved his hand and
walked out of the cemetery's tower.

It was Einrogard's 4th year, and Dirett, a student majoring in the School of Black

"senior! ...Are you okay?"

Lee Han habitually looked around. Di Lett nodded his head as if understanding.

“I don’t go to the punishment room just to have a conversation here, so you don’t
have to worry about that.”

"okay. Fortunately, the."

“And if you go to the punishment room, you won’t die. You, too, will have to go to
Einroguard from now on, so you should learn how to get used to the punishment

Gainando hated it as if he was saying something, but Lee Han took it seriously.

'It's definitely better to prepare the punishment room in advance.'

From how to escape when you are locked up, to Plan B, where you can take a
comfortable break when escaping is difficult.

Fortunately, he was close with Perkuntra, one of the guards, but he couldn't trust
only Perkuntra.

And in Lee Han's eyes, Perkuntra is a bit...

'...I mean, mistakes are often made when it's important.'

“Anyway, why are you two here? Isn't that the Blue Dragon Tower?"

Dirett was puzzled by the appearance of Lee Han and Guy Nando.

Blue Dragon Tower students wouldn't normally do this.

Guynando answered immediately.

“I am earning my own money to spend!”

"What? Why are you doing that? If you can get it, go get it.”


Guy Nando, who knew how to get compliments, became pale.

Lee Han didn't say, 'I'm crazy about silver coins'.

Looking at it, there was a high possibility that he would think of me as a strange

“I thought it was an opportunity to practice black magic.”


Dirett looked at Lee Han with a startled look.

Come to think of it, this junior was a crazy genius who listened to the magic of
all schools.

“Uh huh. I see."


Lee Han felt strange.

The reaction was even better than when Gainan was...

“Still, it’s nice to have three. There were many times when it was less.
Originally, it would have been right for a third-year student to explain this case,
not me, but he’s now going east to find a useful body.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

This time it was Lee Han and his friends' turn to stutter.

“He asked so earnestly that he couldn’t refuse.”

Gravekeepers were weeping and earnestly asking for a favor, but it was also true
that as a warlock, it was difficult to refuse.

In the end, Dirett came to explain this.

“You are wonderful. After all, if you offer several times the pay, it’s a little
bit difficult to decline…”

"What? Nope. The pay is yours.”

Lee Han was startled by Dirett's words.

“Is the pay the same?”

"uh? uh..."

Dirett was perplexed by the pressure from his juniors.

“The gravekeepers deceived you. I will go and protest.”

“No, no… I used to know each other, but to this extent…”

"no. Rather, the more you know each other, the more thorough your money
transactions are!”

The look of a junior who was suspiciously serious about silver made Dirett feel
strange for a moment.

'This junior, didn't you come to work because of silver coins?'

* * *

“Basically, prevention is more important than reactive measures.”

Dirett said as he pounded the floor with his wand.

“You have to pay attention to the flow of magic that much. As much as your juniors
have learned black magic, they will be able to feel the magic of the negative
energy series a little better.”

While Dirett was explaining, the adventurers passing by on the road above the
cemetery in the distance frowned as they passed by.

“Kek, are you robbers?”

“Aren’t you trying to steal the body again?”

"don't mind. They can't even speak face to face. ruler. So... wait. Where did one
of you go?”

Dirett was bewildered by the disappearance of Lee Han.

I turned my head to see Lee Han running down the road up there.



Before Dirett could even call, Lee Han threw a fist in the jaw of the adventurer
who had just spoken.


“Speak again.”

Lee Han, who pulled out the dawn star with his sword, did not stop and blew a blow
in the mind of another adventurer. The adventurer who was hit properly bubbled and
fell forward.


“Do you want to talk again?”

puck! Puck puck peck!

When the adventurers fell, Lee Han beat him like a white tiger top student.

Then the response came right back.

“Well… I was wrong…!”

“What did I do wrong?”

“It wasn’t right.”

Lee Han swung his sword again. The adventurers screamed and crouched down.

Passers-by looked at them with interest, saying, 'We're in a fight again', but no
one intervened.

Thanks to this, only Lee Han was able to beat him with ease.

“Heh heh... The warlocks called you tomb robbers...”

“It’s still not enough.”

"Yes? What are you talking about... Crazy!”

“Think about it. Why can't people who creatively frame the corpse stealing apology

If you get beaten up, you will also have intelligence that you didn't have.

Only then did the adventurers realize.

“The great warlocks…?”


“I’m sorry for accusing the great warlocks protecting the city like a tomb

"okay. It's still hard to protect the city, so should I frame it like that?"


The beaten adventurers staggered in response.

“Remember that words have so much power. I have repented, so I will forgive you.”

"Thank you!"

The adventurers internally cursed the mad warlocks.

From now on, I won't even come close to the cemetery.

'He shamelessly hid a knight...'

“Follow me.”


“Follow me. Now that I have repented, I have to help.”


The adventurers were puzzled by the logic they heard for the first time, but Lee
Han kindly persuaded them again.

Aiming at the sword they were holding, the adventurers shouted at the same time.

“Please help me!”

"I thought so."

Diret, who was watching from below, asked in a bewildered way.

"...does anyone know what it's doing now?"

* * *

"indeed. In places where the flow of magic is strong, it seems to release the
stagnant magic by changing the terrain.”

A description that goes back and forth.

Lee Han nodded after hearing Dirett's explanation.

If there is an abnormally large amount of magical power in one place, the

possibility of anomalies increases accordingly.

"ruler. Then dig up the soil and bring new soil to mix.”



The adventurers silently dug the soil with their shovels. Lee Han was delighted
and encouraged.

“You are good. When we're done with that one, let's proceed under the fence here."

“Everyone is doing a good job!”

“Gainan too. You don’t even play.”

“I, I’m not confident because I don’t use earth magic.”

“Then you have to dig it by hand. ruler."


Dirett thought about this odd appearance.

'It's a little different from what I expected...'

I was thinking of such a warm scene where seniors teach, juniors learn, and work
together to prevent accidents, but I didn't think of the labor of these prisoners.

The pace is fast, but...!

“Lee Han. This is where a lot of magical power is gathered, right?”

“Good find. It is a place with more magical power than any other place.”

“Wow, Wodanaj. here is?"

"Wait... I don't think I need to touch this here. It's not that much compared to
other places, and the flow of magic is fluid, so it's highly likely to go down
However, except for capturing and forcing adventurers on the road, Lee Han was
definitely an outstanding junior.

The ability to detect magical powers that are more overwhelming than others, and
even the brain that works efficiently.

It was like a warlock who had been working for several years, looking at the way
he kept a journal on paper and cleaned out places where his magic could be built

'I don't think I have anything to teach you...?'


'But as a senior, I have to teach you something. what do you teach What are some
useful black magic?'


Lee Han was puzzled when Dirette was alone in her thoughts.

What are you thinking?

“Are there any problems?”

"uh? When did you come?”

"I've been in front of you for a while... but I'm here to ask what you should do
if you're late and you can't distract your magic."

“Ahh… I should have explained that.”

Dirette was sorry.

My junior did a good job, so I forgot.

“In that case, you have to use some rough method. One of the ways is to use the
blessed holy water or holy relics here on the temple side...”

The objects that were blessed by the denomination were opposites to the negative
energy-type magical powers. If the two collided, the accumulated magical power
could be disturbed by the collision.

“Alternatively, it could be solved by magic, but that is a bit difficult. Junior.

Do you know how to use dark elements?”

While Dirett asked, of course, he thought that Lee Han had not learned yet.

It was because the area of black magic that I was dealing with in my first year
was too wide.

It's hard to follow those realms, but how do you learn the magic of high-level
elements such as dark elements?

“I can only use the basics. It's unreasonable to have complete control..."

"okay. Of course... Of course what???”

Dirette was startled as she tried to pass it on unintentionally.

Is Professor Mortum crazy?

“Did Professor Mortum teach you? why? when??"

"ah. Professor Mortum didn't teach me... he taught me that I needed another

'What the hell are you doing?'

Dirett cursed the professor who taught Lee Han the Dark Elements.

No matter how much it is necessary, does it make sense to teach dark elements to
first-year students?

“That… yes. I see."

“As I said, it’s impossible to completely control it, so I don’t think you should
expect it.”

“I didn’t expect it! Some crazy senior expects first-year juniors to use dark

Dirett exclaimed in shock.

Then I remembered what happened in the first semester.

From the King of the Frost Giants to the final assignments.

It was an ugly 4th grader who pulled a 1st grader into his job.

"...not. Junior, even if you think like that, you have nothing to say.”


“The Dark Element... is, of course, completely out of control. I can't control it

"Is that so?"

“It is an element with such a high level of difficulty. It's nothing like a fire

“I have no complete control over the element of fire.”

“...that, right?”

Dirette was perplexed.

To be honest, it was surprising that Lee Han could not control an element as easy
as the flame element.

“Each person has different aptitudes, so don’t worry too much about it. Junior.
What elemental magic do you mainly use?”

“Once water…”

“Look. so yes Maybe it's not compatible with the flame element. Junior."
“Lightning and ice?”


Dirett looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed.

are you kidding me now

* * *

After a longer conversation than expected, Dirett was able to understand.

"Aha. Because of the magic... well. If so, that explains it. Junior."

The royal road of the frost giant, and the final exam task to subdue the devil.

If what Lee Han just explained was true, I could understand it to some extent.

Of course, in a corner of my mind, there was a thought, 'But how much magical
power do you need to do that?'

"Wait a minute. Junior. You said you could handle the lightning element and the
ice element? Since they have a lot of magical power, the advanced elements that are
still difficult will be more difficult, right?”

"ah. That’s it.”

“ that the end?”

“I can only say that I got along well from the start… I was lucky.”


For the first time, Dirett wanted to hit a junior.

That's why the people of genius...!

In a word, it means that he is gifted enough to control the elements of lightning

and ice, considering that he has a lot of magical power.

It was a really silly sound.

In addition, both elements were difficult to implement prior to control. If you

implement either one, you will be evaluated as having a talent for elemental magic,
but you know how to implement both easily.

“I think lightning and elemental ice are enough.”

“But fire and darkness are out of control.”

“Junior… I want to work. You can't have everything. The two elements have the
property of extending to the surroundings, so it is even more so. Anyway, dark
elements... if you know how to handle it, it's easy to do this kind of work. It’s
not difficult.”

Dirette paused for a moment, then swung her staff.

Then, black darkness began to surround Dirett's staff, and it turned into a spear.
"see? It's hard, so answer quickly. Junior."

“I see.”

Dirett poked the tip of the spear in that state. The weeds located at the puncture
site lost their vitality and died.

“By the way, I am not completely in control of this. It's just a rough shape. See
you at the end.”

As Dirett said, the appearance of the spear was rough and wobbly.

“It would be nice to have complete control, but it’s not that I couldn’t use it
before. Giving up complete control and using only the properties of the elements.
Everyone knows how to use a torch, even if you're not a master of fire magic. In
the end, it’s a command.”


“Let’s try it. Junior. The simplest... yes. A spherical shape would be nice. Shoot
it with a sphere.”

Lee Han summoned the Dark Element as Dirett said.

And, like any other element, it was collected in a spherical form.


Then, like a compressed flame exploding, dark elements scattered in all


“Darkness, assemble at this end!”

Dirett was startled and wielded her staff to control the dark element.

“Why explode!?”

“It’s like a lot of magical power…”

“...I was wrong. Junior. I thought of it as my standards.”

Dirette furrowed her eyebrows as if in pain.

Unlike himself, this junior was not able to achieve rough control.

If you don't control it with power several times stronger than other wizards, the
element will run wild because of its powerful magic.

“I am fine. It's not my senior's fault."

“Wait a minute. Still, I'm senior. I have spoken, but I need to give you some

Dirett was lost in thought, drawing out all knowledge of the Dark Elements she

What advice would you give to a junior like that?

'Should we look for a more controllable form? No, it won't change much. If you
give up control altogether and use it as a summons... you can't. Fire is dangerous,
but darkness is even more so. It will scatter in all directions, but if it scatters
incorrectly, you will stab yourself. Should I apply another magic? Come to think of
it, I must have heard the enchantment magic as well. It might be safer if you use
it as an enchantment. However, the difficulty of enchantment must not be too
high... What were the other schools of magic?'

"senior! senior!"


At Lee Han's call, Dirette raised her head.

On the staff, a sphere of dark elements was spinning while maintaining its shape.

“Thanks for your advice, we succeeded!”

"...Junior. Do you really think it was thanks to my advice?”

He was contemplating if there was any other way, but when he saw how he lightly
jumped over the blockage while not looking at it for a while, it made no sense.

what the hell is that...


“Did your senior tell you to do it?”

“If that’s what it means to be… no. done. Junior. Be quiet and focus on control.
It must be difficult right now.”

Dirett was right.

Unlike the stable form of the water ball, the dark ball was fluctuating quite

It felt like it was going to lose its shape at any time and scatter in all
directions at any time.

“In this state… it would be unreasonable to fly, and if it was used, would it be
close-quarters combat? Junior. Are you good at fighting?”

Gainando and Ymirg were cool at the same time at the random question.

“I only learned it for self-defense.”

“Well, since it’s a noble family, I wouldn’t have learned swordsmanship.”

Again, both friends were cool at the same time.

“Mages don't have to be good at fighting, but sometimes they do close-quarters

combat. In such a case, this kind of magic is more useful than you think. Junior.
It would be more stable if treated with enchantment magic, but I can't hope for
that now."

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t the fire element be better?”

“There are many enemies who can withstand the element of fire better than you
Starting with monsters with resistance to fire, seasoned adventurers usually had
at least one or two means of defense against fire.

It was an element that was easy to meet in real life.


"Junior. How long are you holding on to the dark element... quickly release it.”

Lee Han, who was admiring, came to his senses at Dirett's point and released the
Dark Element.

“Coming back to the story we talked about earlier, it’s good to use an item that
is polarized when a problem arises due to not being able to prevent it in advance,
but if you know how to handle dark elements, you can do this.”

Dirett looked around at the remnants of Ihan's dark element explosion earlier and
grabbed the staff.

“Dark. Gather at this end.”

Instead of summoning elements of water or fire, magic that controls existing water
or flames.

“Are you collecting all the dark elements around you?”

“You got it right. It creates a kind of vacuum. If the dark element is preempted
by the wizard first, the undead and their family will be quite vulnerable.”

The undead had extreme strengths and weaknesses.

When dealing with such beings, it was more effective to stab a weak point than to
hit it with a strong force.

If I had known this method when dealing with the ghoul king, it would have been
much more effective than turning the cave into a sea of fire.

'After all, knowledge is power.'

“Isn’t it interesting, Gainando?”

"uh? huh? uh huh.”

Guy Nando, who was sleeping while yawning next to him, was surprised to answer Lee
Han's question.

He didn't really care about the dark element or anything.

“…this child…”

"calm down. Junior. It's something you don't need to learn now. Studying other
things can only get complicated in your head.”

When Lee Han tried to pick up the staff, Dirett stopped him. Gainando was deeply

'Sun, senior...!'
"I. Wizards??”

The captured adventurers with shovels spoke carefully.

Lee Han answered in a sullen voice.

"ah. You said you'd send it out today."

“It’s not me… I keep hearing strange noises from inside the tower…”


* * *

The cemetery outside the city of Granden was not the only graveyard.

There were several small towers inside as well as the wall surrounding the tomb.

It was used as a resting place for cemetery keepers, as a place to put equipment,
or as a core when warlocks cast large-scale spells on the cemetery.

Of course, the body was not kept inside.


“Did you check the magic power?”

Dirett cast off the face of his senior, who taught his juniors, and returned as a
warlock in charge of managing the cemetery.

Lee Han took out a piece of paper on which he took notes and answered while
checking it.

"Yes. The towers that I heard the sound of were either Tower 1 or Tower 2, both of
which had normal horsepower.”

“What if a monster that was hiding among the luggage came in while moving the

“In case that happens, we have dismantled and dispersed the baggage that obscured
the view. I cast and checked the dark vision magic on the space-aware magic, and I
closed the window after I finished, so I think that's unlikely.”


He was trying to concentrate seriously, but Dirett couldn't stand the tickling
feeling of pride again.

Among the other schools that boast a lot of new students, there is probably no
junior like that.

To be honest, I wanted to take it out and brag about it.

'ah. But that junior is listening to all the other schools...'

Dirette, who later realized the reality, was bitter.

“Those adventurers heard it wrong.”

“Oh, no! We all heard it right!”

“Or from outside.”

“Is that possible?”

Ian was puzzled.

I don't know if it's hiding among the luggage, or it's a monster that invaded from

Even though it was a remote place, it was definitely inside the city. There was a
high possibility that monsters would be slaughtered in less than 30 minutes if they
wandered around the main road.

“I doubt that too. Junior."

“Aren’t those people wrong?”

“Hey, maybe this?”

Ymirg raised his hand and said.

“A, sometimes even the soil in the basement moves. Here, there's a corpse in the
basement. If the underground soil moves and is pushed out of the cemetery…”


If the underground soil was pushed out and the position of the corpse moved, and
if, unfortunately, magical energy accumulated around it, the undead could have been
created outside the cemetery rather than inside the cemetery.

“Is that plausible?”

"Well done. Junior."

“Gam, thank you.”

Ymirg blushed at Lee Han and Dirett's compliments.

However, Gainando glared at Ymirg.

"Why why?"

“...from now on, you will be my rival.”


Rapadel had already beaten him (at least he thought so), and for Gainando, who
decided to just exclude Lee Han, Ymirg's performance was an action that could not
be left unattended.

"huh. Let's compete to see who is the first in true black magic."

“Hey, that’s just Wodanaj…”

“I go on a search. Undead, reveal yourself!”

With the spell, a wave spread from Dirett's staff.

And from the upper floors of Tower No. 2, there was a shattering sound with a


“It’s over there! let's go!"

"Please wait a moment! Just in case you don't know, you have to put up your
defenses and go."

At Lee Han's words, Dirett stopped.

'What kind of defense magic are you trying to use?'

Even if it was the same defensive magic, it was better for Dirette, a 4th grader,
to use it, but the opponent was not an ordinary junior.

Dirett honestly wondered what kind of defensive magic Lee Han would use.

This time, I will show you magic that exceeds expectations...

"hey! Adventurers! Take the lead!”




* * *

Lee Han, Dirett, and the adventurers go to the top of the tower.

Ymirg and Gainando are outside the tower.

Running up the stairs quickly, Lee Han asked.

“He would know that his location was discovered, but wouldn’t he run away?”

“It is unlikely. Junior. He woke up outside the cemetery and came inside to
increase his strength on purpose. He is warlike and fearless.”


It was possible to roughly grasp the characteristics of the undead just by the
reaction he showed when he woke up.

If he tried to quickly move away from the summoned place, he was cautious and
cowardly, and if he tried to take a seat instead of moving away, it was the other
way around.

In this case, there was a high possibility that he was a belligerent and greedy
guy, as he was trying to absorb the magic flowing in the cemetery and increase his



The adventurers who climbed in front screamed.

A gigantic undead slid down from the upper stairway as if it was rolling down.
Seeing this, Dirett let out a moan.

“Damn… it’s an undead chimera.”

The result of combining strong negative magical powers with torn and crushed
corpses instead of combining them with a single corpse.

As the personality of several individuals was mixed, it was difficult to predict

and difficult for a wizard to deal with.

Dirett immediately prepared a weakening spell for the undead chimera.



An explosion occurred inside the body of the undead chimera, and about a quarter
of it flew away.

The undead Chimera, who gained momentum from the explosion, collided with the
tower's wall instead of crushing the adventurers at once. The weakened part of the
wall collapsed, leaving a hole.


When the vicious man broke through the wall of the tower and escaped, even
sacrificing part of his body, Lee Han and Dirett were taken aback.

You haven't even fought yet, so why are you running away all of a sudden?!

"...senior. Can you please listen without getting angry?”

“Why am I mad at you? It's okay to just say it! What?"

“Perhaps he saw me and ran away…”


For a moment, Dirett almost got angry that it was time to joke.

The adventurers standing in front of them murmured unknowingly.

“Wow, indeed.”

“What is it?”

“Sin… I’m sorry!”

“Among the undead, there are some who are excellent at detecting magic. It seems
that he grasped my magic and ran away.”

It was then that Dirett understood Lee Han's words.

If it's not just a vicious and warlike guy, but a guy who has the ability to
detect magic and is intelligent enough to understand it and retreat...

“Things are going to get messy. Junior."

- He runs away!! It runs away!! hey this child! Can't stand there! Shoot, Bones!
Ymirg! Throw anything! Throw rocks!

-Well, if you throw it wrong, people shouldn't get hurt...!

* * *

Dirett and Lee Han, who came down from the tower, immediately started tracking.

“Call the city guard that an undead chimera may have appeared. Let's track it our
way. Junior."

"All right."

“Thank you, Wizard!” The gravekeepers bowed their heads in gratitude.

Originally, this was the responsibility of the gravekeepers.

It should have been well checked from time to time so that the undead does not

Of course, the cemetery was also an unfortunate matter.

Who would have known that the undead would be summoned from outside the cemetery
because of the soil that moved underground.

But even so, it is true that when a problem occurs and the damage becomes large,
you are responsible for it.

But when the warlocks offered to help, I couldn't help but be grateful.

“You don't have to thank everyone. Because this is what warlocks are supposed to

“Wow, really…”

Lee Han intervened firmly when the senior seemed to suffer losses with too much

“But I think everyone should know who solved this. Tell the city guards the truth,
and that they should be treated with respect worthy of their honor.”

"All right!"

Dirette looked at her junior as if embarrassed.

What are you talking about right now?

"senior. No matter how urgent it is, we must deliver the necessary information.”
“No… is that necessary…? Let’s go first!”

Dirett traced the magic left behind by the undead Chimera.

The guy who had escaped from the cemetery was running away from the main road and
running into an alleyway.

“If you can feel the magic and know how to avoid it, you know instinctively that
of course you have to avoid people. It's a pain in the ass if you hide."

“I’m sure you can catch it.”

“That would be good. In the city, it's hard to track even if it's a little late...
Oops. this."

Dirett clicked his tongue.

At the most, I got out of the alley, but the place he entered was the guild
warehouse site.

“Why? Let me tell you the situation.”

“It will be difficult. Junior."

The guild was stubborn in this area.

If there is a problem with materials or leaks of confidential information after

sending in an outsider, that is a bigger problem.

Even if the undead chimera escaped and entered, there was a high possibility that
they would insist on catching each other.

“I’ll tell you anyway.”

"Okay. give it a try Instead, don't get too hung up on it. anyway..."

After a while, Lee Han returned.

“It’s okay. Come in.”



Dirett whispered in a bewildered voice.

“Son, how did you convince me?”

“I had a friend in the Black Turtle Tower, so I gave her permission.”

"ah. okay? ...uh? Aren't you the Blue Dragon Tower?"

"senior! Isn't that magic, the magic that the undead shed?"

Dirette, who was puzzled about Lee Han's suspiciously wide network, suddenly came
to his senses.

Isn't that important now?

“I found it well. let's go!"


A wooden box flew in with the sound of breaking from inside the warehouse. Lee Han
immediately swung his staff. A thick shield made of water wrapped around the flying
wooden box and made a dull sound.


Dirett grinded his teeth.

Whether they knew it or not, the actions of that undead chimera were stabbing the
party's weakness.

It was quite difficult for the wizards to try to destroy everything in the
warehouse like that.

I barely got permission to enter, but if the items in the warehouse were broken,
there was no way the guild members could stand still.

“Salco! Even if you break something, understand!”

“Okay, so catch the undead!! Why can't they catch the undead so well while the
White Tiger Tower guys are good at beating them!"


While Dirett was surprised, Lee Han began to fire lightning magic.

Gripping support!

The undead chimera felt the unusual air and flew behind the box to avoid it.

However, Lee Han didn't care whether he was hiding behind the box or in the box.

I will smash it with force!

“Flash, flash, flash, flash!”

magic storm.

Dirett had no choice but to express the scene like that.

I'll be able to complete a barrage of bloody density like this with low circle

'This is really...'

When the warehouse was turned over and smashed and there was no more to cover, the
undead chimera ran out of the lot, feeling that it was impossible.

Salko and the guild members, who were sneakily approaching from outside the
warehouse, were dismayed at the sight.

“You have to approach me secretly, so if you come with your life spilling out like
that, of course you won’t notice!”

“The guild members here are neither wizards nor knights, so what do you want?
That's enough! Hurry up and chase the undead!”

“Anyway, thank you!”

Lee Han puts his anger aside later and thanked him for the first time.

Thanks to Salco's cooperation, he was able to pursue him.

“Let’s go, senpai!”

As Lee Han and his party rushed out, the guild members sighed.

To say the least, he was nervous when he heard that the undead had jumped into the
guild warehouse.

"Would it be okay? It's usually not difficult to chase and catch someone running
away from the city. Even the opponent is not a person, is it?”

“It will probably be fine. The chasing one is more a monster.”

Saying so, Salco walked to the warehouse.

And when I saw the inside of the catfish, I was astonished.

'Wordanaz...!! No matter how much permission you get, isn't this a bit harsh!!'

* * *

The undead chimera, who first saw the magic and ran away, and then saw the
lightning magic and ran away, changed her movement altogether. It moved along a
complicated and difficult path, leading the pursuers to get tired first.

"Looks like he's waiting for us to wear out."

"huh. It would be a mistake to think that even a wizard would be exhausted by this
level. Are you all from Einrogarde?”

"you're right."

Lee Han and Diret, as well as Ymirg, nodded.

“Heh... heh heh.”

Gainando gasped as his breath reached his chin. Lee Han cast a spell.

“Foot, crinkle the ground.”

"strength...! thank you! Lee Han!”

It was clear that the future would suffer from muscle pain after the reinforcement
magic was over, but Lee Han cheered for Guy Nando.

“It’s nothing. Guyan too. cheer up!"


“It was a big deal. juniors.”

Dirett spoke in a bewildered voice.


“In any case, at the Greenbell family mansion again…”

The Greenbell family, an urban aristocratic family with deep roots in the city of
Granden, was not a happy family.

As they are quite closed, it was even more so in this situation.

'Even if the undead entered, I don't think they would cooperate...'

"Junior. Do you know anyone from the Greenbell family?”

Dirett asked without much expectation.

No matter how the Blue Dragon Tower came from the Woudanaz family, he could not be
friends with all the noble families of the Empire.

If you didn't have close friends, you wouldn't be able to knock on the door and
ask to be treated as a guest in this situation. That was rude.


'no way...'

As Lee Han walked like before, Dirett was perplexed.

maybe really?

“It’s okay. Come in.”

“Were you friends?!”

"I'm not close, but I've met him before... Anyway, it gets long if we talk, so
let's go in! Let’s start with the undead.”

“Yeah, yes.”

Dirett entered the mansion with a junior with a suspiciously wide network of

Even though he said that the undead had penetrated, the mansion's governor had a
calm face.

“No worries. In fact, if the wizards hadn't come to help, they would have been
able to catch it."

At those words, Gainando was furious.

“It’s because you don’t know how strong and clever the undead is!”

“No matter how strong and clever you are, I don’t think you can beat those in the
mansion right now.”

“...ね! As you may not know, Lee Han here is from the Wodanaj family, but recently
killed a Basilisk with one blow...”

“Shut up.”

Feeling the look of surprise from Dirett, Lee Han made Guy Nando shut his mouth.

At the most, I visited with the favor of the other party, but what kind of
competition are they competing with?

“It seems that there are quite a few great people out there… May I ask a

The Commander-in-Chief replied with a smile.

“There are knights of the Baekyangmok Knights.”

* * *

Wickelinz, a knight of the White Oak Knights, felt a bit sorry when he saw the
apprentice knights who acted like they were possessed.

“I’m sorry. Greenbell.”

"no. what do you have with this It’s the age to eat a lot.”

As Adne said, the apprentice knights were old enough to find a lot of food.

Being a knight at the age of growing up, he must have always been hungry.

'I'll have to preach after I get back.'

“I’ve heard a lot of stories that apprentice knights of the Knights of Baekyangmok
are training around the city these days. How is the training going? Do you need any

“I am just grateful for being treated like this.”

Wikelinz answered politely.

The answer I just answered was sincere, but there was also a little hidden meaning
behind it.

Although Al Adne looked like a kind grandmother on the outside, she was by no
means an easygoing person. There was nothing good about her being in debt for

“Besides, the students from the knight family in Einrogarde are also having a good
influence on each other because they came out on vacation. So much that I have
nothing to do.”

How competition always enhances each other's skills.

The students of the knight family from Einroguard and the apprentice knights of
the Knights Templar had a sense of competition with each other.

Even the apprentice knights of the Baekyangmok Knights had a direct confrontation
during the semester...
“Mr. Greenbell. An intruder in the mansion…”

Al-Adne's expression hardened slightly at the report of the servant who rushed to

How dare a big thief break into this mansion?

“Did you confirm the identity?”

“The Warlocks confirmed it. It is said to be an undead chimera who escaped near
the cemetery.”

"It's hard to believe what the warlocks say..."

“Students from Einrogaard.”

"ah. If so.”

Adne immediately changed her attitude.

Students from Einrogard were entitled to say things like that.

“And one of them is a student of the Wodanaj family whom Greenbell spoke of last

"okay? It’s surprising.”

I know, I was surprised.

It was not expected that Lee Han was learning black magic.

After all, it was up to the individual to decide what kind of magic to learn...

“Are you allowed to enter and treat yourself well? Leave the undead chimera to the

"Would it be okay?"

“It will be enough. You're from the Wodanaj family, and you've seen your skills
firsthand. Besides, think about why you came here.”

“Why did you come here?”

Instead of replying, I just smiled.

Lee Han of the Wodanaj family was a student with genius talent and ambition to
match it.

From trampling on the wizard of Waldororn who dared to climb up bravely, to

defeating a basilisk in front of the royal family, to chasing down the existence of
an evil otherworld because he was not enough.

Even if it was a wizard with excellent abilities, it would be meaningless if

people didn't recognize it.

In order to make full use of his talent, he also needed a reputation worthy of it.

In Al-Adne's eyes, Lee Han of the Wodanaj family was building up his reputation
very coldly.
In the next few years, it wouldn't be surprising if Lee Han's name was at the top
of the list when discussing some of the most budding wizards in the Empire.

As such, it was good to let Lee Han catch the undead chimera now.

If you care as much as the other person is, you will remember that consideration.

Moreover, if Lee Han took away the prey he had pursued so far, it would be like an
argument for fighting. He didn't need to make such a formidable enemy.

“It’s a monster!!!”

"Do not worry! Greenbell! We will go!”


The apprentice knights of the Baekyangmok Knights put down their bowls and raised
their swords when they saw the monster outside the mansion window.

Then he hurried out before Al-Adne could dry it.

All of a sudden, Al Adne and Wickelinz were left alone, wiping a cold sweat from
his forehead and glancing at him.

"Sin... I'm sorry. They aren't rude enough to act their own way, but since a
monster has appeared...”


Al-Adne cast a cold gaze, ignoring Wikelinz's words.

* * *


One of the apprentice knights charged with enthusiasm. The undead Chimera lost her
balance and fell to the side due to the torso full of magical power.

“He fell!”

“Cut off your legs so you can’t escape!”

The apprentice knights cheered and quickly surrounded the undead Chimera. The
movement was quick and precise as it wasn't just one or two hands and feet hitting
each other.

Lee Han and Dirett were amazed.

"you are good?"

"you're good."

“Ah… no! No! Now those children have stolen our prey!!”

Gainando screamed in embarrassment.

I couldn't understand how calm the two of them were in such an absurd situation.
“Gainan too. Think carefully.”

"right. Junior. What matters is not who caught it, but how well the undead could
inflict damage. Even if no one knows, we know that no one was injured thanks to the
juniors here, right?”

Lee Han, who was nodding his head next to Dirett's warm words, paused and was

“I didn’t mean to say that, did I?”

"uh? then?"

“Anyway, they’re the ones who messed with what we’re after, so if they get angry
after hunting them all, they have no choice but to apologize for their cause. Then
we would have succeeded in hunting without lifting a finger. So you can leave it


Dirett was astonished at the political power of his junior.

I thought it was unusual, but it was hard to believe that I had finished all those
calculations in such a short period of time.


“I thought my seniors had made concessions in this way, too.”

“What did you think of me, junior?”

“No… otherwise, there is no reason to yield. We were all chasing it.”

“It’s also Lee Han.”

Gainando nodded as if he knew that.

It was Gainando's friend who didn't just lose a slice of bread.

"Junior. It's good to be astute, but if you're too vicious, bad rumors about the
Warlock can arise."

“But, old man. Warlocks are already bad news, aren't they?"


After being hit by a junior, Dirett's wings drooped slightly.

Gainando whispered beside him.

“Why are you talking like that! People you don't know do that!"

"no. A lot of people would say that.”


"really. Why would the people who were caught and dragged over there passed by and
argued with them?”

“I, we repented.”

Two adventurers who got beaten after taking one wrong step, worked chores in the
cemetery, and then pursued the undead chimera.

It could be said that they were the most ferocious of Iljin today.

"senior. There is nothing to be sad about. Those who know the truth will not be

“…what good is it if everyone else thinks it’s bad?”

“We can change it.”

Dirette's eyes fluttered slightly at the junior's enterprising remarks.

I certainly didn't know if what my junior was saying was right.

As if you were dedicated to the city today, even if others doubt you, if you
continue to build up your achievements, people's eyes will change little by little,
even if not immediately.

'How can you hear something like this from your juniors? I should have done it.'

Dirett was shy as a senior.

“That’s right. Junior."

“Thank you for your understanding. senior. If we see anyone talking nonsense about
black magic in the future, let’s step on it like them.”

"!! I didn't mean it that way!!!"

“Isn’t it?”

Dirett was terrified at the words of a belligerent junior that even magic duelists
would utter.

Every time you meet bullshit, you attack and change your mind, what is that...


Two apprentice knights flew into the air with a roar.

The cornered undead chimera exploded from its body and broke through the siege.

When the siege was broken, the apprentice knights shouted in surprise.

“He is running away!!!”

“Careful heh... Ah!! Wodanaz! It's Wodanaj! Wodanaj!!”

"What?! Wodanaj!? That Wodanaj?”

"okay! That Wodanaj!”

When the apprentice knights who had visited the school the other day recognized
Lee Han's face and pretended to be friendly, Lee Han made a confused expression.

'We're not that close.'

Anyone who sees it would know that they are quite friendly.

“Wordanaz! Catch him!! If he runs away…”

Even before the apprentice knights asked for it, Lee Han had already started
preparing with a staff.

After that, I couldn't let the undead chimera run away.


The undead chimera stared at Lee Han with a creaking sound. Nine eyes flickered
and stared at Lee Han.

His eyes were full of vigilance because of what had been done harshly earlier. It
felt like he was going to somehow find a gap in Lee Han and run away.

“Dark. Gather here.”

Lee Han did not fire lightning magic hastily.

There were also apprentice knights behind him, so it wasn't a good environment to
shoot, and he was very wary.

The advantage of a wizard is that he can respond flexibly to any situation.

As much as he learned how to deal with Dirette, Lee Han gathered the dark elements
around him.


The undead chimera didn't know what Lee Han was doing, but seemed to feel the
power draining away.

He quickly jumped back and tried to widen the distance.


But to no avail.

'The range is...!'

Among them, Dirett, the only warlock capable of wielding dark elemental magic,
knew what was going on.

That junior's magic was attracting dark elements in a much wider range than Dirett


While admiring the magic of his junior, Lee Han exclaimed urgently.

"uh? why?"

“A little bit of the dark element has gathered! Help me if I make a mistake!”


Dirett screamed as she saw the spheres of dark elements gathered at the tip of Lee
Han's staff.

At first glance, it was two or three times the size of the previous cast.

It was cast against a very wide range, so even though it took a shorter time than
before, it gathered as much as I did in an instant.

“What are you going to do?!”

Even if you try to fire it with a projectile, you have to have some control, but
if you fire it forcibly now, it could explode at the tip of the staff and injure
your juniors.

Dirett couldn't understand how Lee Han was trying to deal with that dark element.



Lee Han solved it in a simpler and simpler way than expected.

He rushed in with his wand and inserted a sphere into the undead chimera. In the
blink of an eye, the undead chimera could not avoid it.


Dirette was perplexed.

'Wait, dark elements are counterproductive against the undead...!'

Lee Han threw his staff aside and drew his sword.

The morning star flashed a sword and split the body of the undead chimera.

In the first place, the dark elements were brought in to slow down the opponent's
movement and bind their feet.

There were several ways to smash the opponent once that was achieved.

A powerful strike, powered by the explosive magical power, struck the undead
chimera, and the suction sword that followed it broke the balance.

Cheers erupted as they cut off their throats after firing consecutive attacks
without a breath.

“After all, Wodanaj!”

"excellent!! That sword spirit is still there!”

Lee Han answered Dirett's question firmly.

“Not friends.”

* * *

Wikelinz, who came out late, thanked Lee Han.

“Thank you. The mistakes of the young knights almost made things worse, but to

“I just did what I had to do.”


Wikelinz continued speaking in a slightly impressed voice.

“There are people who are prejudiced and misunderstood because of the magic of
warlocks, but when you see warlocks who are so dedicated day and night here, you
wouldn’t dare say that!”

"thank you."

Lee Han replied that way, but inside, he had a different thought.

'But other warlocks do have too many accidents.'

Even if Lee Han caught the undead that came out of the city for a hundred days, it
seemed to be of no use if the warlocks entered the tomb and were caught stealing
the corpse.

Al-Adne, who came out late, saw the situation in front of the mansion and asked,

“How did things go?”

“Wordanaj-sama caught you.”

The governor of the mansion answered with a little regret.

“If it had been caught by the guests of the mansion rather than from outside,
Greenbell-sama would have gained a little more face.”


Al-Adne shifted his gaze, thinking that he should give the general a rebuke after
the guests left.

The undead chimera was definitely smashed. There were traces of being hit by
several spells, there were swords that seemed to have been wielded by apprentice
knights, and the fatal blow was...


I know he thought he was wrong.

'I think I caught it with a sword...?'

I wondered if I had seen it wrong, so when I looked again, nothing changed. She
apparently cut her breath with the sword.

Al-Adne was confused because the apprentice knights and warlocks gathered here
wanted to deceive him.

Any reason to cheat?

“Mr. Greenbell. Thank you for the favor.”

"no. You did this for the city of Granden, and I'm sorry that I couldn't help you

'You're too kind.'

Lee Han was puzzled by Adne's attitude.

Thorough and thorough, apart from the rumors circulating, it was overly favorable.

Is it really because of the Wodanaj family name?

'Anyway, why do you have to do this?'

Ian couldn't even imagine.

I know that Adne is mistaken for Lee Han as an ambitious person.

'Anyway, thank you for helping me.'

Lee Han greeted him politely once again and walked to another place. Apprentice
knights who knew Lee Han came rushing in.

Seeing this, Al-Adne asked Wikelinz.

“Is a student from the Wodanaj family friendly with the Knights Templar’s
apprentice knights?”

"ah. That was the last time I visited Einrogarde. As for what happened…”

Wikelinz began to unpack the story as if it was going well.

It's always a pleasure to meet a great prosecutor.

So Wickelinz did not notice that Al-Adne's expression, who was listening to the
story, was dyed with astonishment and absurdity.

* * *

-Wordanaz. I heard that the king of ghouls was captured. But do you know? That the
White Tiger Tower guys are actually plants in a greenhouse.

-right. Wodanaz. What is truly strong is the wild flower that blooms harshly in
the wild wild.

- So, let's go catch the king of ghouls together!

'It's full of crazy people.'

Recalling the conversations of the apprentice knights, Lee Han shook his head.
It must have been strange to hear that the White Tiger Tower guys and Lee Han had
subjugated the Ghoul King, so the apprentice knights were on fire.

However, I can't take the White Tiger Towers, my rivals, as wizards...

The apprentice knights wanted to take with them a friend who was a far superior
wizard and a sword.

Of course, from Lee Han's point of view, it was nothing but crazy bullshit. Lee
Han immediately complained.

- Mr. Wickellinz. The apprentice knights over there are plotting to capture an
enemy stronger than their level.

-then...! these guys!

It was fortunate that Wikelinz was sane. Otherwise, the apprentice knights could
have collapsed in a remote cave with unknown names.

Dirette asked as if worried about Lee Han's appearance.

“Are you okay, mate? After all, due to the use of magic earlier, the lack of magic

"ah. no. It’s just that the apprentice drivers are talking nonsense.”


Dirett decided not to worry about magic about this junior in the future.

Returning to the cemetery, I saw a familiar face among the gravekeepers.

It was Daihal of the Dalcard family, an Imperial special administrator whom I had
met in the case of subjugating the king of ghouls last time.

“I really hoped…!”

When Daihal saw Lee Han, he said in awe.

“It’s been less than a week, but you’re getting involved in something like this.
Aren't you being too generous?"

"Junior. What did you do a week ago?”

Dirett was puzzled. He hadn't heard of the ghoul king yet.

Lee Han looked around the cemetery once and shook his head quickly.

And knelt down on one knee.

“Ugh. I used so much magic that my body…”

“What did you say? No matter how talented you are, if you can’t take care of your
body, it’s meaningless.”

"Ha, but... As a warlock... Undead roaming the city of Granden... Kolok. Cole.”

Dirett and Lee Han's friends were speechless and looked at Lee Han.
I couldn't believe it when I saw my friend, who had not been sweating until
recently, staggered through the cemetery's main gate.

Ymirg whispered.

“The grave… is there poison in the graveyard?”

“Isn’t Lee Han going to be poisoned?”

“What… ah. no way."

While the three whispered, Lee Han pretended to be even harder in front of Daihal.

I have realized something since the last time I subjugated the king of ghouls.

Even if you do the same thing, it's good to say that you worked hard as much as

It was a magic that easily increased the reward.

“I would have died if this senior didn’t help me…”

“That is Dirett. I’ve heard a lot about the gravekeepers.”

“I just do what I have to do...”

“To these dedicated warlocks... the people of the city are too harsh. I will say
it strongly.”

“No, the pay is already good enough…”

“Kul Kul K K K K K L K L K L K L K K L K K L K K L K K L K K K L K K L K K L K K L

Lee Han interrupted the old man's words with a cough.


Of course, the rewards of the warlocks working in the cemetery were never bad.

A warlock was just a wizard who was plagued by unfounded rumors and prejudices,
not a hogu.

If the pay wasn't good, which warlock would take on such a job?

However, Lee Han had the theory that 'even if you do the same job, if the pay
increases, it is a good thing'.

"no. Moon Card. We just dedicated ourselves to the city…”

“If there is no reward for those who have dedicated themselves, who will give? I'm
going to add a budget by speaking hard to city councilors."

When he got the answer he wanted, Lee Han coughed again.

“Cool. Cool...”

“Such. Stop talking and rest. It seems that the mana consumed in the last
subjugation did not even recover.”
"thank you..."

Lee Han staggered and placed his arm on Guy Nando's shoulder. Guynando was
startled and pretended to be supportive.

“They are really good wizards.”

Feeling Daihal's gaze, Lee Han left the cemetery.

Dirett, who could not interfere with the junior's acting, asked quietly.

“By the way, junior. What is the last subjugation talking about?”

“Kul Kul K K K K K K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K

“Work it out.”


* * *

“...that's why some crazy apprentice knights don't even understand the subject and
ask us to go catch that being again. Aren't they crazy people? I don't understand
why the Knights don't teach character like Einroguard."

In anger, Lee Han criticized the apprentice knights, but Dirett was not listening.

The story before that was so shocking.

“No, you have to run away from it, why…”

“Is that because of the White Tiger Tower guys??”

“Uh huh. okay."

The junior looked so unreasonable, so Dirett couldn't say anything more.

'It would be quite annoying if Professor Mortum found out...'

Did you meet an ancient evil entity that is not even recorded in the records?

If Professor Mortum found out, it was obvious that he would be excited and do all
sorts of investigations.

And the preparation for the investigation will be done by the disciple, and the
target of the investigation will be the person who has experienced it most

The younger one was both.

"senior. Thanks for your help today. Let's go eat together."


Dirett thought a little.

Originally, I didn't like visiting a noble family's mansion because it was

inconvenient, but if it was a request from a junior, it was a different story.
"great. My juniors say so, I can't refuse. But junior.”


“Isn’t that the professor?”

At the sight of Professor Verdus sitting in front of the front door of the mansion
and waiting for him, Lee Han felt very slightly sorry.

* * *

“Wow, Wodanaj doesn’t eat?”

“Lee Han likes studying more than eating.”

Gainando pretended to know Ymirg's question.

Of course, if Lee Han had been next to him, he would have been hit in the back of
the head.

“… juniors. Why the hell is Professor Biblé here?”

"uh. Are you just looking for me?”

“Did you just come here?”


“Anyone who behaves like that... is right.”

Dirett was immediately convinced before even questioning.

Professor Verdus would have been able to do that.

“However, I think we should give them some time to rest.”

Dirett put down the strawberry madeleine and said.

I was a student who had a hard time catching the undead chimera, but isn't it a
bit too much to take him without a break?

"it is not so? No matter how long you waited It won't be just a few hours."

"uh. no?"


“You have been waiting since last night.”

It was evening, so I had been waiting for almost a day.

"You've been here since last night... Wait. Wait a minute."

It was strange to visit last night, but maybe it was because the professor and the
student were close.

“You’ve been here since last night, so why did you guys come to the cemetery?”
“Lee Han asked me to run away in the morning…”


Dirette was speechless and put down her coffee cup. this self-sufficient?

* * *

“Did you wait long? sorry."

Lee Han apologized with a pretentious expression.

First of all, the opponent was a professor.

But Professor Verdus, too, didn't care at all, as expected.

"uh? Nope. let's do some work Oh yeah. He changed his helmet.”

"oh. thank you!"

Lee Han was truly delighted with Professor Verdus's words.

'I can sell it!'

“How much will this cost?”



“Who buys something like that? It's a dangerous artifact."

"...uh... Now that it's fixed, isn't it safe for users to be careful?"

“That’s right. But it's dangerous if you're not careful. I don't buy that.”


Lee Han stared at the helmet. Helm of Wisdom spoke carefully.

Now that this is the case, it's time to bring out the wisdom inside of me...

“Shut up.”

Lee Han turned his attention to pitching. He had no reason to be interested unless
he knew the money wasn't there.

"professor. I have a question."


“Can I make an artifact and sell it?”

“Would it be too much?”

Professor Verdus responded immediately.

Since each artifact is expensive, the experience of the person who created it was
also very important.

In the case of a rookie artifact maker, he was able to make a name for the empire
by constantly participating in the production of other artifacts as an assistant,
building a career, increasing his contacts, and then seizing the opportunity to
present his own artifacts.

'It sounds like a story I've heard a lot.'

It is a harsh law for newcomers in any industry. Lee Han frowned at the thought of
taking more than ten years lightly.

"for a moment. How about this? They make it cheap and sell it cheap.”

Even in Einroguard alone, the artifacts of incomplete failures were rolling


It was the wreckage that the seniors had failed to make and threw away.

Of course, these artifacts will get you an Imperial bounty when you sell them at
full price, but that doesn't mean they're completely useless.

If only adventurers could obtain artifacts at a relatively cheap price right now,
even an incomplete failure would be tempting.

"What? A waste of energy.”

Professor Verdus was negative about Lee Han's business plan.

The magician's magic was a limited resource.

Why would you waste a handful of magical power in such a place that you should
make a masterpiece?

And even in terms of money right now, selling one masterpiece is better than
selling dozens of cheaply made trash.

"indeed. There is no problem other than wasting mana, right?”

However, Lee Han knew what Professor Verdus was saying and filtered it out.

What if I wasted some of my energy?

And what if the value for money is not good?

'It's much better to earn money in advance than to start working for ten years and
build a career. And if you practice anyway, you'll end up with failures.'

Lee Han quickly drew a blueprint in his head.

If you want to create and sell artifacts with the most useful features...

"ruler. Start!"

Professor Verdus, unaware of Lee Han's plans, began to arrange equipment.

Chisels and chisels, hammers, planers and saws, miniature welding wands with
extreme flame magic, glasses with lenses for different uses, and more.
"professor. There is something I want to do.”

"oh. What? What??"

Professor Verdus was excited when Lee Han showed his enthusiasm.

“I would like to create a water spawn artifact or a dark vision artifact.”

"What? Why are you making such garbage? Wasting time, wasting magic, wasting

Of course, just because I was excited doesn't mean I listened to Lee Han well.
Regarding Artifacts, Professor Verdus was very cold-hearted.

Water creation artifacts and dark vision artifacts were not very difficult, and
were boring artifacts that any wizard could make with time and effort.

Professor Verdus had no preference for such a waste of materials.

"professor. There is something I feel while studying magic these days.”


“I have a lot of magic power, so I think I need to spend a little to get my hands
on it.”


"Yes. However, to use other magic, if you catch the enchantment while using
another magic, you can't get used to it right away. It seems to work well when I
practice with the same enchantment magic.”

“Why are you so incompetent?”

“Great. That’s it.”

Lee Han answered falsely sadly. Professor Verdus was deeply sorry for the lack of
talent of his student.

"what should we do. So, can you be good at enchantment?”

"oh. So should I quit?”

“It doesn’t work.”


At the sight of Professor Verdus who did not completely fall over, Lee Han kicked
his tongue inwardly.

"Okay. If so. Artifacts that aren't fun, rewarding, and a waste of time...”

Professor Verdus grumbled and began to pull the ingredients out of his pocket.

Lee Han stopped at the sight of taking out the blue jewel, aquamarine, and putting
it on the spirit whale skin.

Although Lee Han hadn't mastered all the ingredients yet, he knew well that those
two materials were terribly expensive.

"for a moment. for a moment. professor."


“Do you use aquamarine and spirit whale skin?”


“Uh… is that essential for water generation artifacts?”

“Is it necessary?”

Lee Han felt once again that he had to ask Verdus in a different way.

“So, without it, the water generation magic won’t work at all?”

“It is not. But efficiency is garbage. It's still garbage-like artifacts, but if
efficiency is garbage-like, there's no real meaning."

“But it is a waste to use these materials for practice.”

'And I can't even get the original.'

There was no way that Lee Han, who was trying to get an optimized recipe, could
create an artifact made of aquamarine or spirit whale skin.

“But if you take it out, the efficiency is too garbage.”

“How much?”

“For a leather bucket this size, it would take a week to fill it up.”


Clearly, Professor Verdus made sense.

'A week is... too slow.'

It takes a week for a leather bucket big enough to fit around my waist to fill up.

Lee Han felt once again that the magic of a wizard is a miracle for those who
cannot use magic.

A person who could not use magic needed that much preparation to use magic.

"is there any other way? or injecting a lot of magical power.”

“It works, but… the artifact lifespan is shortened.”

Still, if you put too much magic power into making it with cheap materials, the
lifespan of the artifacts could only be shortened.

Besides, it was a waste of power.

"it's okay! In any case, the efficiency improves, doesn't it?"

“Yes, but…”
Professor Verdus tilted his head at the ambitious pupil.

Why the hell do you like that?

'Do you like making garbage?'

* * *

Deer skin, coyak thread, copper ring.

A water generation artifact, a material that went into a portable leather bucket.

Lee Han wasn't the type to admire or take pride in his own skills or talents, but
when he made this leather bucket, he couldn't help but be proud.

'I did it!'

He created an artifact that somehow came out of the water with inexpensive

Professor Verdus, who was sleeping next to him with a bored expression on his
face, yawned and asked.

“Are you done?”


“Are you free? ruler. then."

Professor Verdus laid out the long-awaited blueprint on the table.

The design was so long and complicated that the long square table was full.

"...What is this?"

“Air-flying sailboat.”

Seeing Professor Verdus proudly bringing up a difficult project that Lee Han would
have to tackle in about a hundred years, Lee Han seriously thought about whether he
would play tricks again.


'for a moment. How old is this project?'

Lee Han looked at the date written here and there and the old traces and was
puzzled and asked.

“How many years have you been working on this?”

“Uh… 20…”


20 years.

Ian was shocked.

I knew Professor Verdus was crazy, but he had been working on a project for 20

“...30...40...? I don’t think it was 40 years… I don’t remember.”


Even higher numbers.

Lee Han was at a loss for words.

“Aren’t you holding on to me for too long?”

“It is.”

“Maybe it will take a long time, but is there any solid progress? If that’s the

It was understandable that it was too complicated or elaborate, but if it was

possible to complete it, it was understandable to put time into it.

"Nope. There are a lot of clogged parts, so it’s impossible in the current state.”

"Is that so."

It was absurd, but it was also a little respectful.

To continue to challenge without giving up on projects that are not making

progress and have many obstacles.

A madman was a madman, but an academic madman was bound to be a little


“Even if it didn’t go to the actual production, it would have cost quite a bit.
You must have spent a lot of money.”

"uh? Uh... was it? I do not know. I think my money was pretty good too.”


At the words of Professor Verdus, Lee Han was taken aback again.

Of course, given Professor Verdus's personality, it was obvious that he had no

interest in gold coins.

However, it made no sense to say that the budget could not be managed while
working on such a project.

If you don't get money from somewhere, the process itself won't work, right?

“If the professor doesn’t know, where did the money come from?”

“Invested by Gonadaltes, that… that. I forgot the name, but I got an investment
from a duke ten years ago, uh... that... Anyway, I got an investment from someone
else. I forgot.”


Lee Han began to seriously worry about the life of Professor Verdus.
'It wouldn't be strange if the assassin came.'

You've been doing business for over ten years after receiving such an investment.
If Lee Han had been an investor, he would have gone to him seriously and applied
for a duel.

“Stop asking questions that aren’t interesting! I called you to join this fun


“Are you excited?”

"ah. Yes."

Professor Verdus couldn't distinguish the difference between 'Wow!' and 'Wow...'.

“But, Professor. I can only follow... um... this, this, this, this, this is the
only thing I can follow.”

Lee Han is the forward sail and mast. Pointed to the players and the tower.

It was engraved with so many complicated magics that it was impossible to follow,
but when I looked at the structure roughly, I could only guess that it was the
principle of attracting and amplifying the wind.

In fact, it would be great if a first-year student could understand this at a

glance. Even the Skeleton Principal would have acknowledged it.

But Professor Verdus was cool.

“That’s because you’re stupid.”

"ah. Yes."

“It will be studied later, and what matters now is the hull here. The bottom of
the hull is the key. see?"

Numerous magic circles were engraved on the large keel supporting the center of
the bottom of the hull.

It was so complex and so numerous that Lee Han felt dizzy the moment he saw it.

No matter how many magic circles he touched, nothing worked. Seeing all the magic
circles working organically as they were connected to each other like cogs gave me


The maddening result of a genius who poured his many years into his eyes was right
in front of him.

Lee Han felt awe similar to when he saw the original world of Principal Skeleton.

'Is that... a magic circle that is possible with human wisdom?'

“I see.”
“Because this should lighten the weight of the sailing boat, reverse gravity,
collect the wind, create lift, and increase the durability of the hull.”


There were still many things that Lee Han didn't know about enchantment magic, but
he could tell that Professor Verdus was greedy.

'I think I have to give up some of the features.'

“Wouldn’t it be better to… just hire a wizard and put it on the ship?”

“Then why are you doing this? Idiot?"

Professor Verdus grumbled at Lee Han's common-sense point.

"ah. Yes. So?”

“The outlying magic circles are now playing the role of collecting, maintaining,
and amplifying the magic required for the magic circle, but it is not enough.”

“I guess so.”

In order to maintain all those functions, it seemed that the magicians, not the
magic circles, had to live and endure all the time.

Anyway, isn't that what it is?

“So that’s what I was thinking, are there any manastones placed in the outer magic
circle here?”


It would be nice if the magic circle could gather all the magic from nature, but
in reality, it was often difficult to cover all the magic with it.

At that time, he used to use gemstone-type jewelery with condensed magical power
as a backup battery.

Of course, this wasn't just about using or deploying.

They had to be processed and enchanted to match the magic circle to be able to use
it as a battery.

In the outer magic circle that Professor Verdus pointed out, the magic stones were
arranged so densely that they could not be counted.

I don't know who made it, but if I made that one, I thought I would shed tears of

“We’re going to place all the magic stones here in a state of oversaturation with

“Then will the necessary horsepower be supplied?”

“I don’t know. You have to experiment to find out how effective it is when you
make it supersaturated. It's too complicated for calculations."

Lee Han, who was listening, suddenly remembered and asked.

“But, Professor. Who makes it oversaturated?”

“Should you?”

“…but me?”

"uh? Don't you?"

Professor Verdus replied with an innocent face.

There is no other wizard like Lee Han who can overcharge every time he casts an
enchantment with near-infinite magical power.


Ihan nodded and looked around.

'Aren't you supposed to kill me now?'

* * *

Fortunately, Professor Verdus did not intend to create all the outer magic circles
needed for a sailing ship right now.

...It was a creepy thing that I might make one someday, but first of all,
Professor Verdus's goal was to confirm.

How much magical power can you secure in that way?

"carpet. A magic circle was simply engraved on this rug. You just need to prepare
the Mana Stones to enter here.”



“It’s noisy, so please be quiet.”


Lee Han's voice, who couldn't even eat dinner and worked late at night, had a bit
of poison in his voice.

If you cast poison element magic now, it seemed like a pretty strong poison would
come out.

The magic that Lee Han has just learned from Professor Verdus is <Granting Vible's
Magical Discharge>.

When cast on a Manastone, it has the property of slowly dissipating the magical
power contained within.

And this magic was the 3rd circle magic.

'I should have just endured that it didn't go well.'

Lee Han swings his wand a few times without thinking, and asks, 'Are you doing
this?' 'Like this?' 'Oh, that's it' and regretted the past self.

As I put dozens of magic stones into the magic circle one by one and drew a line
with magic ink to connect them, it felt like my mental power was worn out even
though my magic was intact.

Either way, Professor Verdus hummed next to him and manipulated the magic circle
of the carpet.

“Do you know why there are so many wizards riding on carpets in old fairy tales?”


“Most of the wizards who ride these types of rides contract with the summoned
beings rather than use their own magic. Otherwise, it will be very wasteful.”


“But in the past, there were a lot more people who didn’t know about magic, so it
must have been that they rode a rug like this.”


“Is it fun?”


While Lee Han was mechanically giving out three answers, someone knocked on the

Dirette looked worried and shook her head.

“Aren’t you sleeping?”

"it's okay. it's okay."

'What's okay?'

For a moment, Dirett didn't understand what Professor Verdus was okay with.

I asked my junior, why are you...

'Ouch. What do I say to a madman?'

Dirette came to her senses.

After spending a few years at Einrogard, choosing the Orthogonal Method as a




"it's okay?! Didn't the injury get worse?!"


Dirett conveyed the meaning with his eyes.

Ian was surprised to see that.

And admired it.

'That's a senior's dignity...!'

“Kaaaaaaaaaaaaah. It's like my magic is suddenly twisted..."

“That’s why I told you not to overdo it! I was beaten up by an undead chimera like

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Because enchantment is so much fun.”

“Even so. I got poisoned by the thorn pierced by the undead chimera earlier.”

“Cool. Cool.”

“Can’t you be a little more patient?”

Professor Verdus asked with regret, but both students pretended not to hear and
ignored it.

“I need to rest. Junior. Hurry up and lie down.”

“Gam, thank you. professor. sorry."

“What time can I wake you up tomorrow?”

The two students left the room pretending not to hear again.

* * *

Early moning.

As soon as Lee Han got up, he checked the surroundings.

Fortunately, Professor Verdus came to the bedroom and was not waiting.

"young master."

"Shh. Is there Professor Verdus nearby?”

"Yes? You're not here, but…”

"Right. Thank you."

“Then a guest has arrived.”


Lee Han, who was about to exit the mansion right through the window, stopped.

“Are you a professor?”

“No… you are my friend. He is a priest of the Frisinga Church...”

Lee Han was relieved.

Fortunately, the worst situation in which another mad professor came, seemed to
have been avoided.

'Is this the denominational event we talked about last time?'

As much as he promised that he would participate in the events of the Freesinga

Church, Lee Han was planning to go.

It also served as an excuse to run away from Professor Verdus...

'for a moment.'

Ian was deep in thought.

Come to think of it, as an artifact expert, there are very few people like
Professor Verdus.

What if Professor Verdus was taken to the Frisinga Church?

'In addition to avoiding crazy work, I might be able to get some useful artifacts
and purify them!'

"professor! professor!"

"uh!? why!?"

Professor Verdus, who was sleeping, was startled and jumped up.

* * *

“Can’t we cancel the appointment?”

"Yes. It was a promise for my personal honor, for my family, and for my pride as a


Professor Verdus grumbled, but when he had said that, he couldn't say any more.

I bet personally, bet my family, and bet a wizard, how can I stop it?

“If the professor helps, the work may be over quickly. And when the work is done

“I can work on magic stones!”


Lee Han bit his lip and answered. Professor Verdus nodded his head.

"Okay. I will help you.”


Priest Tigiling was perplexed when he heard the conversation between Lee Han and
Professor Verdus.
like that...

Was it a heavy promise?

“Is that… a promise? I don't think so...?"

“Priest Tigiling. Original memories are a little different. I think I made a

promise with that determination back then.”


Priest Tigiling stared at Lee Han.

It was what I was feeling these days, but this boy of the Wodanaj family might not
be as cold and cold-hearted as he seems.

'You seem to be a little more flexible than I thought...?'


“Why but?”

"it's nothing."

Priest Tigiling bowed his head slightly in regret.

For a moment, I felt ashamed of myself for thinking like this.

If you think about it, how much devotion a boy from the Wodanaj family had to his

Even thinking about the meals the students of the Phoenix Tower ate, the priests
could not raise their heads in front of Lee Han.



Lee Han was puzzled by the sudden apology of Priest Tigiling.


'Is it because I was invited to a church event?'

Lee Han, who was already going with a dark intention, was rather sorry for such an

"no. I have nothing to apologize for.”

“I’m sorry for interrupting your work.”

Professor Verdus said he understood.

How much would Wodanaj want to finish working on Manastones now?

Procrastinating it because of a trivial promise made in the past must be a burning


"Ah... I'm really sorry, then."

Lee Han spoke firmly and full of sincerity.

* * *

The temple of the Frisinga Church was usually visited by many cursed people.

Cursed by visiting a cursed area without knowing it, or accidentally wearing a

cursed artifact, etc.

Priests of the Order of Frisinga treated these guests kindly, purifying artifacts,
and sometimes wearing them themselves.

The last one was a bit strange, but in any case, there were few who were as
reassuring as the Frisinga Church to the cursed commoners.

“Sir. Help! After wearing this bracelet, my arm turned into an undead arm!”

“Priest! My race...! I don't want to live as a stinky dwarf! Whoops!”

“I went on a trip last week, and my skin turned bronze...”

The wagon of the Wodanaj family with the three of them arrived at the front gate
of the temple. Professor Verdus said looking at the people in line.

“It’s fun. I would like to study.”

"professor. I think it might be better to keep your mouth shut until you enter the

If you were still under a curse and said, 'You are a very good research case' in
front of people with sharp nerves, a knife could come flying.

“Lee Han-sama of the Wodanaj family!”

Priest Mehrid was happy and ran out. Unbeknownst to him, a strange helmet was
hanging over his head, apparently wearing a cursed artifact again.

“I heard a lot of stories. Thank you very much.”

"no. I just did what I had to do.”

Lee Han answered humbly, but in fact, he was not humble at all.

In fact, considering the dishes he had made for the Phoenix Tower students, Lee
Han deserved to be proud of.

“...But why, Professor?”

Priest Mehrid whispered in a bewildered voice.

Lee Han knew very well that he had to go out more confidently than this.

“You are here to help.”

"Yes? You mean that professor? Oh no... I'm not saying I don't like it."

Lee Han understood Priest Mehrid's reaction very well.

Even Lee Han would be quite surprised if Professor Verdus came to help.

“As an artifact expert, you will be very helpful for this kind of event.”

“I think it would help, though... Oh, no. It’s not that I don’t like it.”

'You are very cool.'

Priest Mehrid was a priest, but he was never the type to look away from reality.

He was a realist priest to some extent.

"Do not worry. This time, the professor will help you hard.”

"Is that so? What happened?”

“Today’s event has to be over soon, so he takes me to work.”


Priest Mehrid looked at Lee Han with a complex and subtle expression.

* * *

Obviously, if there was one outstanding wizard, it was easy to help the church.

Professor Verdus sits with his arms crossed, and when a person comes to him, he
speaks at once.

“I have been cursed by fire!”


“I am cursed by fire!”

Lee Han kindly explained it to me instead.

“They say that the jewelry in the box you are holding is cursed with fire. If you
wear it arbitrarily, you may get burned.”

“That, that…”

The guest with the jewelry blinked in fright.

“Then what should I do?”

"professor. Can you do it?”

“Give it up!”

“Oh, hey. thank you Priest.”

“Not a priest. He's a wizard."

Professor Verdus took the trinket and began to dispel the curse. The person who
brought it nodded and thanked him.

Lee Han got his inspiration here.

'Hmm. This could be a business.'

Hanging a sign that reads 'I will lift the curse'...

The problem was that there was a monopoly system called the Frisinga Church.
Moreover, the most dangerous thing about this denomination is that it is free.

Where is there no Frisinga Church?

"Look at this. This is the curse of burns. Can you see the engraved pattern here?”

“Even if you say that, it’s magic I don’t know.”

“Remember. You have to memorize it, the next time the same magic comes up, you do


Lee Han was surprised by Professor Verdus's conscientious voice.

It's not 'memorize it so it will help later', but 'memorize it and you'll do it

Seriously, do you mean to leave a first-year student to work on disarming the

curse artifacts?

'You're crazy again.'

“Put some magic into it.”

Professor Verdus held out the magic tool he was holding to Lee Han. The light
flickered to see if the magic energy injected inside had been consumed.

Without a second thought, Lee Han grabbed the equipment and infused it with
magical energy. Professor Verdus was very satisfied with the surge of magic.

“Hey. you're good."


When Professor Verdus made an expression that said, 'I found another usefulness',
Lee Han felt sorry for him.

Even if Professor Verdus knew a lot of the usefulness of Lee Han, it was not
helpful at all in life.

Crackle, jiggle, jiggle!

“Okay. take it. The curse has been lifted.”


The priest next to him expressed his admiration for Professor Verdus's skills.

Even the experienced priests of the Frisinga Church could not solve it so quickly.
It was truly an amazing skill.

“Isn’t it great at all? It was something even a caterpillar could do.”

“Wow, really…”

As the priest was bewildered, Lee Han decided that he should just keep talking
instead of the professor.

"professor. I'll just say it for you, so the professor does the work."

"uh? thank you."

* * *

“This would be impossible to unlock.”

Professor Verdus was not able to clear all curses.

The bracelet engraved with an ominous pattern seemed highly likely to be destroyed
if the curse was lifted.

“Was it also a cursed object? Damn, that's kind of baffling... Thank you. Mister
Wizard. I will leave it here.”

The person who had picked up the bracelet put it down with regret.

I came here to judge if there was anything good, but there was a curse on it.

Items that cannot be done in this way are usually handled by the denomination.

Cursed artifacts were basically difficult to deal with.

“But what kind of curse is it?”

When another guest left, Lee Han stretched out and asked.

“Inhibition of dissipation of power.”

“Suppressing the power dissipation? Is it like absorption?”

“It’s different from absorption. you're stupid?"

Lee Han nodded at the sight of Professor Verdus gently pointing out the student's
speech mistakes.

“The ark must be different.”

The curse of absorbing magical energy was a way of absorbing a person's magic the
moment it was worn, while the curse of suppressing the release of magic was a way
of restricting that person's magic power.

Both were curses used to impose a ban on people who could use magic, but in
different ways.

“Can I wear it once?”


Lee Han wore a bracelet.

'It'd be better to get beaten up before being beaten in Einroguard.'

It would be shocking if other people heard it, but Lee Han was calm.

It was better to be defeated than to suffer in Einroguard. Because I was able to

come up with a solution.

“It doesn’t seem like much has changed?”

“Use magic.”

At those words, Lee Han summoned a water ball.

The water beads that appeared in the air were well controlled without any

“Is it all right?”

“Do something more complicated.”

“If it’s complicated…”

He had already mastered the basic applications of the element water.

A more difficult area here had to go to evaporation or rotation.

'By rotation.'

The rotational property has not yet been fully addressed by Lee Han. Time-
consuming or adding at an incomplete level was the limit.

Shhh profit!


Ian was surprised.

The water ball was spinning with a sharp sound.

I didn't put a huge amount of time into this, right?

'What is this...? Is it like that!'

Lee Han understood the situation.

For example, the curse of absorbing magical energy was to continuously absorb one
by one.

A person with 10 horsepower wouldn't last long, but a person with 10000 horsepower
could last much longer.

On the other hand, the curse of suppressing magical power dissipation was a way of
limiting the magic power that could be used to 10 regardless of whether she had 100
or 10000 magical power.

Originally, it was a curse that should have been very difficult, but for Lee Han,
the story was different.

Normally, he had a hard time dealing with a huge amount of mana, but when he was
forced to use only a small amount of mana, the control became much easier.
It was like wearing only heavy armor and then changing into light armor.

Easy profit! Shhh profit!

Lee Han felt an exhilarating pleasure at the magical movement that flowed as he

The wizard felt a thrill close to omnipotence at this time.

You control the power to change the rules of the world.

What could be more enchanting than this?

'Did all the other wizards feel like this?'

It wasn't true.

The reason that Lee Han was able to use magic with so much magical power was
because he had such a talent.

In addition to that, by draining a lot of unnecessarily magic power right now, I

felt this kind of control, and other wizards usually didn't feel that way.

"professor. Great! There must have been an artifact like this... Why did Professor
Garcia give you a magic absorption artifact instead of an artifact like this?”


Before Professor Verdus could even explain, Lee Han's bracelet was smashed.



Lee Han looked down at the remains of the bracelet with bitter eyes. Professor
Verdus said while nodding his head.

“It will be like that.”

“…Please tell me early.”

Unlike the Magical Absorption Artifact, which rarely breaks. Magical dissipation
suppression artifacts were too easily broken depending on the wizard's ability.

Even more so in the case of Lee Han, who possesses endless magical powers.

If you use magic once, it will just shatter.

In order for Lee Han to be able to withstand any type of magic, it was quick to
find it in the ancient relics.

“But today, there will be one more artifact with the ability to suppress the
dissipation of magic power, right?”

"Well? And it’s a curse, not a function.”

'Ouch. It did.'

At the words of Professor Verdus, Lee Han regained his sanity.

Because I'm so greedy...

Fortunately, three more artifacts with the magic dissipation suppression curse
have appeared since then.


No, two.


After seeing Lee Han break another bracelet, Professor Verdus asked curiously.

“Can I just destroy it without releasing it? Do you think it would be faster?”


Cleaning up the rubble, Lee Han answered firmly.

'When it's really important, you should use it sparingly.'

The remaining two were taken care of by Lee Han.

It was meant to be used when there was an important test or when Professor Voladi
held up a sword and threatened, 'If I don't master the rotation attribute perfectly
by today, I will kill you'.

* * *

Baishada, a hunter belonging to <Shadow Patrol>, made an appointment in front of

the Maikin family mansion and waited for Nelia.

As a hunter of the same <Shadow Patrol>, I cheered for the students who entered
Einroguard, brought gifts that my colleagues asked for, and...

'May I ask how you got into the Makein's mansion???'

Baishada looked up at the Maikin family mansion with a puzzled expression on her

I couldn't figure out what the hell he was doing inside.

Threatened with arrows?

“How the hell are you staying here?”

A hunter belonging to <Wasteland Star Catcher>, Gesse replied as if it was


“Isn’t there a friend of the Makein family?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Why would sassy nobles get along with guys
like us?”

“Sometimes there are nobles with the soul of a hunter, right?”

"What? do you have anything like that? I didn't see it.”

“I, there…!”

The children passing by spoke shyly.

The two hunters looked at each other as if to say what was going on.

“I wonder if that outfit… are you a wasteland star?”

“That’s right.”

Gesse nodded and said. Vaishada felt deeply jealous of the sight.

Aside from the wasteland starfish's fame itself, Gesse had a strangely mellow
feeling of excellence no matter what he did.

'Is it a matter of angles?'

While Vaishada was confused and checked his angle, the children asked Gesse to

“Hwang, please write me as a wasteland star!”

“Here too! Please come here too!”

"ruler. ruler. Calm down. I have nowhere to go.”


Vaishada glanced at the children.

However, the children did not seem to be able to recall anything from Baishada's


"thank you!"

After the children left, Gesse said, a little tired.

“Thank you for recognizing the name of the Wasteland Starfish, but my heart is
heavy because it seems like you are expecting too much from me, who still lacks a

“It’s going to be terribly difficult.”

Baishada murmured. Gesse was puzzled.

“What did you say?”

"Nope. nothing. I envy the wasteland starfish.”

"is it? I envy the Shadow Rangers more.”


Baishada thought for a moment that she should grab her by the collar.

Who is this bastard making fun of now...

“The shadow patrols do not care about false names and silently protect the
northern mountains. By comparison, we... it's not that we don't understand the
policies of our superiors, but there are too many useless visits from unrelated

“That… that’s right.”

Vaishada was both happy and envious of the compliments.

Can't I just change it?

“Besides, didn’t the shadow patrol even have students enrolled in Einroguard?
There must be so many young hunters with great talent.”

“Huh, huh.”

Baishada tried to control her expression.

Still, it didn't hurt to say that.

“Did you wait a long time!”

From the front door, Nelia ran out. As they were from the same Shadow Patrol, they
could recognize each other at a glance. Vaishada shook her head.

“I didn't wait that long. Are you Nelia?”

"yes. you're right."

"ruler. take this first This is a gift Fullam asked me to bring you. This is a
gift that Banda asked you to bring. Was this... Ayr?”

“Gam, thank you.”

Nelia was deeply moved by the gifts from her hometown from the same shadow patrol

"this person is?"

“It’s Gesse, I’m from the Wasteland Starcatcher.”


Nelia sent her eyes, 'Why are you hanging out with such a person?' Vaishada
hastily explained.

“He is a good and wonderful person. We did something together this time.”

"ah. Yes..."

Nelia agreed, but her eyes were a little questionable. Vaishada decided to change
her topic.

“But how are you staying here?”

“My friend asked me to stay.”

“The Maykin family?!”


'Oh my gosh!'

Baishada was astonished.

There must have been a hunter with such talents from the shadow patrol squad.

Basically, I thought the Shadow Rangers were made up of people who lack social
skills and can't adapt to Imperial society!

“It’s amazing… that’s crazy!”

'Are the times changing?'

Vaishada hoped that one day, when the age of young hunters came, the Shadow
Rangers might be as famous as the Wasteland Starslayers.

To put it bluntly, what could be worse than a Wasteland Starcatcher!

“Anyway, did you get all the presents here? did you check? Then we should go.”

“Oh, wait a minute. Are you leaving right away...?”

“We don’t like the city at all.”

At Vaishada's words, Gesse nodded his head.

It was a bit of an overkill for hunters in this city, where the landscape was not
open, and people appeared when you turned your head and there were many spiers that
pierce the sky.

Every time someone pops out from the side, your hand goes straight to the bow.

“Still, anything…”

"Thank you for your concern. But it's really okay. There is nothing I really want
to do here.”

"oh. Wait. Well, if you're lucky, there's a place where you can get some useful

Nelia recalled the event of the Freesinga Church that Lee Han had delivered.

Anyway, I was going to go today, but seeing the two hunters, I thought it went

Even the hunters who had little interest in the city were different if they could
obtain useful artifacts.

In fact, the two immediately showed interest.

"really? Is there such a place?”

“That’s the Frisinga Church…”

"Aha. Are you giving away the cursed artifact?”

“Looks like a good idea.”

“By the way, basically, those artifacts are the things of the priests of the Order
there, are you okay? If no one knows…”

“Someone knows!”

Nelia cried out while praying that Lee Han was still there.

* * *

“You have to turn this off now.”


Lee Han was at a loss for words when he saw Professor Verdus throwing him to try
it after showing it to him earlier.

If it hadn't been for the person waiting in front of me, I might have grabbed him
by the neck.

'Hold on. It cannot be published as <Professor Einrogard and his pupils by the
collar> in the newspaper of the city of Granden.'

As Professor Verdus did earlier, Lee Han approached the cursed magic circle,
carefully erasing the lines.

As I gradually released the magic circle without touching the stagnant magic, I
felt the power of the curse gradually diminish.

"I did."

"thank you!!"

"good job. now do this I'm going to eat something."


While I was contemplating whether I should really grab the collar, a familiar face
came to me.

“Nelia! no. Mr. Baishada?”


Baishada was also surprised to see Lee Han.

Wasn't he the same student who showed a monstrous performance among the White
Tiger Tower students the other day (I don't know why he was there).

“What are you doing here?”

“I was helping the Frisinga Church.”

"ah. Knowing each other…”

Baishada looked at Yi Han, then looked at Nelia, then looked at Yi Han again, and
then was astonished.

'No, what kind of talent does he have for nobles???'

Even the fastest shadow rangers, the furthest archers, and the most hunted shadow
rangers seemed insignificant compared to the young rangers here.

I couldn't even imagine how they could be so friendly with the nobles.

Is it magic?

“How did you become friends?”

Vaishada whispered to Nilia. Nelia answered with a bewildered answer.

“Is that just?”


Baishada shuddered at the profound answer.

I once asked an outstanding Myeonggung, 'How do I shoot a bow so well?'

Come to think of it, the bowman replied 'just'.

'I'm not really an ordinary socialite. Awesome. awesome.'

Vaishada looked at Nilia with respectful eyes. Gesse was also interested and
looked at Nelia.

“How do you get along with nobles like that? That’s great.”

"You shouldn't say that from a Wasteland Starcatcher."

“There seems to be a misunderstanding. We don't really get along well with nobles.
Nobles are always difficult to deal with.”

Although the Wasteland Starslayers were widely known in the Empire, they were,
after all, hunters.

Of course, he couldn't be used to hanging out with nobles.

At those words, Vaishada suddenly felt familiar.

“But those social skills are interesting... I'd love to hear some advice if you'd
like. So that I can deal with them well in the future.”

“Oh, no.”

Nelia was perplexed.

Why did the theme suddenly change to 'Let's learn Nilia's excellent social

And there was no such thing.

“There is no such thing. Just to be honest…”

"Oh oh...!"

"Oh oh!"
While the three of them were talking, Lee Han, who succeeded in adding one more
artifact, raised his head.

'Did Nelia have a good social personality?'

Lee Han was puzzled, but didn't say anything for the honor of his friend.

"Oh yeah. Nelia. Are you here to pick up some useful artifacts?”

It was said without much thought, but Nelia pricked up her ears and thanked her.
She was so grateful that she had tears in her eyes.

Lee Han was rather embarrassed.

'Did the artifact really matter that much?'

I do not intend to use it for any business, why?

“Could I get something for the hunters here?”

"Aha. So... it's not difficult. Wait a minute. Let's go find it."

Lee Han stood up.

Then we headed to where Tigiling and Priest Mehrid were.

“Are you talking about useful artifacts?”

Originally, he would not have leaked outside, but Priest Mehrid was not a closed
person enough to say no to a devoted student like Lee Han.

And the denomination placed importance on the cursed artifact, not the cursed

“I think you should pick a few of these and take them with you.”

"thank you!"

Behind the scenes, the two hunters said, 'What the hell is that network?' I was
worried about having a conversation like 'Isn't it a genius of speech?', but Nelia
concentrated her mind.

“Nelia. How about this?"

Lee Han raised the leather bucket. Flip it upside down to empty the water inside,
put it back up and wait until the water fills up little by little.

It wasn't terribly fast, but it wasn't nearly impossible to use in practice.

Besides, these buckets were quite useful for hunters. It was often difficult to
find water while riding the mountain range.

Nelia asked in amazement.

“Are you okay? What cursed bucket is that?”

“I made it.”

While others were contemplating whether or not to turn over a magic book, seeing a
friend who was holding another school's wizard, basilisk, ghoul king, undead
chimera, and even making artifacts, Nilia reflected on herself.

'I have to work harder from tomorrow...'


"What do you think? it's okay?"

“Do you think it’s okay? How did you really make this?”

Nelia looked up and down the leather bucket in amazement.

It was more interesting because there were no special gems, special materials, or
reagents in sight.

“But only about two weeks.”

“Two weeks? It's a pity, but it's not to the point where I can't use it."

“If I could buy this with silver coins, how much would it be?”


Nelia was taken aback by the sudden appearance of her friend who was going into a
serious market research.

What are you doing?

* * *

The hunters selected quite useful artifacts and thanked them.

"Thank you. I didn't know you could get something like this."

Vaishada found the ring of strength enhancement and was very satisfied.

Of course, if you wear this, you will get a curse of movement degradation, but it
was a curse that you could afford.

“It wasn’t me, it was a gift from the people of the Frisinga Church.”

"right. But I wouldn't have gotten it without you. Anyway, priests. I'm sorry that
you're only accepting things like this..."

"no. I would be happy if you think of it as the mercy of Freesinga-sama.”

The two hunters, who were worried, asked as if they had suddenly remembered.

“Come to think of it, I heard that a small dungeon was found in the forest outside
the bridge gate, are you not interested in the Frisinga Church?”

The pier gate was the southern gate of the city of Granden, that is, it was said
that a dungeon had been found in the forest about half a day past the southern part
of the city.

It wasn't a big dungeon, and it wasn't a buzzing topic as it wasn't a ruin that
has been passed down from ancient times. Dungeons were found more often than

It was going to end slowly with adventurers wandering around and looking around,

...for the priests of the nearby city, the story was different.

Just as peddlers aiming for adventurers hear that a dungeon is out, they prepare
their supplies and run to the nearby area, just as the priests are alert when they
hear that the dungeon is out.

Even if it was a small dungeon, I did not know what kind of curse would come from
inside. If a cursed person entered the city, an epidemic could spread.

So, when a dungeon was found in a normal denomination, a priest would be sent
nearby. It was to be prepared for an emergency.

“I was going to go and check it out. Ask the city council to escort you…”

"If it's okay with you, we'll escort you."

And, of course, not only priests went to this place.

Whether to attach a church paladin or hire a reliable escort, it is to be prepared

in case.

From monsters to adventurers with a taste, there were many dangers, so it was a
necessary preparation.

The shadow patrol or wasteland star hunters had enough power to overflow.

“I’m sorry to even ask you that, but…”

"no. I received a gift like this, and if I just pass by, the spirit of the
mountain will laugh at me.”

"you're right. Please help me.”

When the two hunters made a serious request, Priest Mehrid realized that it would
be rude to refuse any further.

"thank you. Then let's leave the rest to others and let's go for a while."

“I will help too.”

“Thank you.”

Priest Mehrid expressed gratitude for Priest Tigiling's resources.

Seeing that, Lee Han felt something flashing.

'This is your chance!'

“I will help too.”

"yes? Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. Uh… You came with the professor, didn’t you?”

"it's okay. The rest will be done by the professor.”

While Professor Verdus went to eat, Lee Han planned to escape.

What would you do if you went out for a while to help the Frisinga Church?

“I’ll help too.”


Nelia put her hand on Lee Han's shoulder and said.

The hunters as well as Lee Han tried to help the church in both ways, so he could
not stand still.

“But there are so many monsters around there?”

"Well? I don't know either.”


Nelia tilted her head.

“Weren’t you trying to help out with a monster?”

"no. You're trying to run away from the professor. We also check the demand for
artifacts from adventurers who are both at the same time.”



* * *

The group quickly exited the castle gate. Ian looked back. Fortunately, Professor
Verdus was not in sight.

'You haven't noticed it yet.'

It didn't take that long to get to the destination as we drove along the road
through the gates. In the distance I could see tents and processions spread out in
the forest.

Fast hawkers first brought their wagons and set up tents. Adventurers sat around
it and shared information.

“So, a mud lizard came out from inside?”

“Because it is. You'd better carry a blunt weapon."

“I hate changing weapons for one mud lizard. Is there no way?”

"wait. I have a book. Mud lizard, mud lizard…”

“Aside from monsters, is there anything useful inside? How much will I get if I
catch a monster and sell it? It’s really useful.”

“Arthur. It's a naturally occurring dungeon. What’s useful is that people like us
can’t even see it.”
"why. You just have to catch everything you catch. Whether it’s a mineral or a
plant, if you take everything that’s inside, won’t there be one of those things
that makes money?”

“Have you ever been to a dungeon? very much it could be Know what's coming out of
that dark place and do that shit. And how are you going to check it out? The wizard
will put you on the palm of your hand and play with it.”

“Damn… you have a knack for making me feel bad before you even start.”

Lee Han listened to the conversation with interest. Nelia was not very interested
in such conversations. Because when she was a patrol, she heard enough.

“Did you hear me? Nelia?”

"uh? what? What?"

“Don't you feel the need for that conversation? Do you smell business?”

“I don’t know… something like that…”

Nelia didn't understand a friend who was suspiciously obsessed with business.

Do you need to do business?

Even if I don't do business, I think Lee Han knows enough to make a good profit...


“Are you priests?”

The adventurers were delighted with the arrival of the priests of the Frisinga

Merchants were receiving expensive silver coins for one simple golden potion, but
the priests were different.

Priests were the only people who genuinely cared for and thought about adventurers
in this place.

"thank you. priests. Thank you for coming!"

“Oh, look over there. Priests must sit down.”

“No, we came first…”

The adventurers tried to push out the hawkers and give them a good spot. The
adventurers threatened the grumbling hawkers.

“Do you not believe in any gods? If you get hurt, don't you go to the temple?"

'Dirty and shameful bastards.'

As the vendors moved, they vowed to sell them to adventurers at a higher price.

“Priests. I will help you pitch the tent.”

"ah. it's okay."

Lee Han stopped the adventurers from coming and raised his staff.

“Dig it out.”

A pit was made for the tent posts to be embedded in, and the surrounding soil was
neatly trimmed.

When the tent work was finished, Lee Han immediately lit the fire, brought water
to the pot, and sat comfortably.

The adventurers looked at them in awe at the magic that took others hours to
complete in a matter of minutes.

"That's magic...!"

“Is that even possible?”

“Then it’s magic, but of course it’s possible.”

“Is it strange? I used to be at a party with wizards. I was so thirsty that I

asked him to bring me some water, but the wizard said absolutely no. He said he
should conserve his magic.”

“He lied.”

“This child...! Was it like that!”

While the adventurers were misunderstood, Lee Han looked around the nearby

'Potions, tools, miscellaneous goods. hmmm. The competition is pretty fierce.'

Competition was fierce as it was about buying high-quality products at low prices
and selling them at high prices.

But there is always a niche market.

'There are no artifacts.'

It was natural.

What crazy hawker would bring those expensive artifacts and sell them here. It was
fortunate that there was no robbery or robbery on the way.

'If you create artifacts...'

As Lee Han was pondering with a serious expression on his face, Priest Tigiling
asked Nelia as if wondering.

“Are you worried that a curse might come out now?”

“That… well…”

Nylia couldn't afford to tell the truth to Priest Tigiling.

* * *

“Priest!! my legs!! Is it a curse?!”

"no. It’s muscle pain.”


As expected, nothing major happened.

The adventurers who often went in came out with a tired face or came out broken in
one place.

Occasionally, some adventurers came out grunting and dragging a huge monster.


“You are tough. that friend.”

“But until the dissolution is important.”

"right. It's not a good idea to bring it out."

Even when hunting monsters, selling them expensively required skill.

It would have been easier if there were even magic stones from the inside, and it
was quite a difficult skill to skin and get the meat well.

Of course, it was familiar enough to close your eyes to the shadow patrols and
wasteland star hunters here.

“That’s… ttp.”

“I was sorry for the knife. just now."

“That’s it.”

Watching the adventurer's skill in dismantling with a hatchet and a miscellaneous

knife, the two hunters paid attention.

Lee Han nodded and said.

“In that case, it would come off easily if you first draw it to the side and then
pull it off.”


Baishada was surprised.

As was the case last time, that boy of the Wodanaj family was skilled at hunting
and slaughtering, as if he had been taught directly by the Shadow Rangers.

It was really strange.


Nelia stared at Lee Han. Ihan bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you for teaching me.”

“No… it’s okay…”

Nelia had an intuition that if she said to those two hunters, 'Actually, I taught
them,' it would only bother me.

I was already misunderstood enough.

'What is social art? It's not even the magic of the evil denomination.'

Curl rumble!

The ground shook with the sound of the underground resounding.

Everyone in the room was bewildered by the sudden change.

“What is this...?”

“Sir. Come this way!"

The hunters immediately protected them from the priests. I don't know what
happened, but it was clear that something was triggered in the dungeon.



Fortunately, it was soon known what had happened inside the dungeon.

The adventurer who ran out in a complete mess started gibberish.

“Sa, people are teleported...! People from other places are together with the

"What? What are you talking about??"

“Get out of the way!”

Another person who was able to explain properly came out.

“I am Berhirg, the knight of the Kerel family! Me and the subjugation team were
teleported during the subjugation of Hongryeon Forest and flew here! A lot of
people are seriously injured, so I'll ask for help! Those who helped in the name of
my family and the families that participated in the subjugation team should be
compensated properly...

The knight knelt down and squealed as if he was seriously injured.

But that alone made people aware of what had happened.

“It seems that space movement magic was cast during the subjugation and flew into
the dungeon with the monsters. Let's call the city and ask them to send the healers
in a hurry.”

The hawkers prepared to lay the wounded, and the priests contacted the city for
further assistance.

Lee Han approached Berhirg, healed the large wounds with magic, and gave him a

If you want everything to be healed with potions, neither your body nor potions
will remain.

Priest Mehrid was surprised to see Lee Han casting healing magic so naturally.

what are you doing now???


“Lee Han?!”

"Yes? uh? What did you do wrong?”

In bewilderment, Lee Han looked up and down the fallen knight.

He treated the deep cuts first, and then gave him a potion that strengthened his

I think you did it in the right order?

'What did I miss?'

"no no. Can you use healing magic? If you use healing magic as you like...”

Priest Mehrid scanned the wound.

Surprisingly, even though the wound was quite deep, it was in a clean state. To
the extent that Mehrid Priest did not need to give any advice.

'Oh my gosh!'

"...sorry! I didn't know you would do this.”

“Oh, no. I wrote it in a hurry, if it was originally…”

Lee Han wasn't very confident in healing magic either.

Unlike other magic, if you make one mistake, the patient's wounds will get worse,
so why not be burdened?

I was in a hurry now, so my hand went out first...

“You have to bring the people inside, don’t you?”

“So you have to go in as much as you can to get them out.”

“I know that, but why are you taking the lead?”

“Then are you going to do this?”

“It would be better to go in separately at a time of fighting like this.”

“If you make a mistake while entering the front, the back will suffer damage, so
where are you going to enter first? If you want to go in by yourself, come in
behind you.”

The adventurers murmured untiringly.

There were a lot of injured people inside, so we had to bring them out, but we
couldn't trust each other at all.
Most of the monsters that flew in were annihilated, but anyway, the dungeon is a

If an unfamiliar person was forced to enter, a collision occurred and a large

amount of blood could be seen.

"for a moment. Aren’t you the one who subjugated the king of ghouls last time?”

One of the noisy adventurers recognized Lee Han, who was casting healing magic.

As an excuse to stop casting healing magic, Lee Han stopped at the sudden words.


“That’s right! You are a wizard! I've heard a lot about Goo Bon. If it wasn't for
the wizard, he would have died in the dungeon!"

“It wasn’t like that…”

“I’d rather be led by a wizard! That would be better!”

"you're right!!"

Lee Han tried to ask the person who had registered as an adventurer less than half
a year what to entrust.

But Vaishada and Gesse whispered from behind.

“I think it would be better to just get it.”

“If not, the adventurers will not be able to unite. The situation is urgent…”


Lee Han thought, 'Then why would you do that to me', but unfortunately there was
no time.

Lee Han sighed and shouted to the adventurers.

“Listen! I am the one who subjugated the king of ghouls, and I am the wizard of
the Wodanaj family! Everyone follow me! I will guide you with the power of great

“Woah… Whoa-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

“As expected, Wizard!!”

“Who is that person?”

“Have you seen magic before?”

“Aren’t you too young?”

“Originally, wizards use magic to control their appearance.”

I wondered if it was because only 1/3 knew what Lee Han had done, and the other
2/3 just cheered next to him and said he was a great wizard.
Awesome magic!

'If you're a wizard, then... you'll be fine.'

'Better than that bastard.'

The adventurers who heard the rumors of Lee Han had high expectations, but the
rest were still cluttered.

Lee Han knew that too, but he didn't really care.

'I do what I have to do.'

“Snow. Break through the darkness!”

Lee Han first cast dark vision magic on one of the adventurers.

The adventurers were bewildered by the sudden magic cast.

I don't mean to do it to everyone here, but what now?

But the embarrassment soon turned to astonishment.

“Snow. see through the darkness it's snow Penetrate the darkness...”


“Mi, crazy!”

No one expected that he would cast strengthening magic on all adventurers.

Adventurers seemed to understand why magicians are so great now.

'That's why you treat wizards like that...!'

'I think I can understand why Gubon praised him so much.'

"let's go! I'll cast my next spell while moving! Feet, crinkle the ground!”

Lee Han shouted as he moved to the entrance of the dungeon.

The adventurers who stood blankly shouted as if possessed.

“Follow the wizard!”

“Protect the Wizard!!”

The adventurers scattered around Junggu Heating gathered in an orderly manner in

an instant and followed Lee Han into the dungeon.

Vaishada muttered at the sight.

“This is real magic.”

* * *

“Don’t move! The wound will heal!”

"I'd rather get out than stay here..."

The wounded tried to get up somehow.

If I stayed here, only the original monsters in the dungeon that smelled of blood
had to face more.

I'd rather just get out...

“Everyone, be still! Light!”


Lee Han floated the light sphere from the start, nailed it to the ceiling, and
entered the huge underground cavity.

While teleporting, traces of smashed rocks were seen everywhere.

The flying monsters were annihilated, but the condition of the subjugation units
did not look very good. They were all broken and cut and lying on the floor

'shit. I don't want to use healing magic.'

Lee Han was disgusted and grabbed the staff.

“Remember, emotions! Space, be aware!”

When the emotional and spatial awareness magic was cast at the same time, the
state of the fallen wounded came into my mind systematically.

Lee Han ran in search of the injured, who were in poor condition.

'Please, a wound that can be healed!'

Fortunately, most of the wounded were from close combat. If the wounds were broken
or cut, what could Lee Han do?

“Stick! Close!”

After completing first aid, Lee Han hurriedly shouted.

“Bring the potion!”

“Wizard! Can I give this person a potion?”

"Wait a minute! Big injuries must be treated and fed!”

Potions of healing wounds were usually a way to heal wounds by increasing healing

It was an easy and safe method, but if you drink the potion while receiving
several serious injuries, the healing power is dispersed and the effect is

In this case, the trick was to first heal a serious injury with magic and have him
drink the potion. Then it was possible to heal even the smallest wounds.

“How the hell are you so fast…?”

“Let the wounded keep their mouths shut!”

Lee Han finished first aid for the injured and handed it over to the adventurer.
The adventurers hurriedly put the wounded on a stretcher and ran upwards like the

'Enhance Magic????'

The fallen knight blinked.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn't an ordinary adventurer's movement. It was
a movement that kicked an artifact or cast reinforcement magic.

'Everything here...?? What is it? It's the first time I've seen them??'

At first, I thought I was lucky enough to have a reputable adventurer's party, but
no matter how I looked at it, there was no uniformity in equipment or clothes.

If so, it would just be saying that you cast reinforcement magic on the
adventurers, does that make sense?

If it wasn't for a picnic with dozens of bored and magical wizards around...

“Cool, cool. for a moment. Wizard.”

The knight quickly grabbed Lee Han's wrist. In tears, Lee Han almost slapped him
on the cheek.

'If you're hurt, stay still.'

Blood was leaking out now, but as I watched the wounded move, there was no sound.

Is this why Professor Alkasis's personality has become dirty?

"what? Let go of your hand.”

"Not me, but the young knights here... Please heal the young knights first.

The knight was well aware that the magician's magical powers were limited if they
had quite a bit of experience.

He had been treating himself first, but he brought up the fact that young knights
could not receive treatment.

Of course, Lee Han ignored it.

“Keep still. Close!”

“I can’t… Cuckoo.”

“Be still. Hey! First aid is over, take him upstairs!”

Lee Han kept posting articles that made useless noises. Two adventurers quickly
grabbed the knight and ran upstairs.

“Up… dangerous… in a dungeon…?”

The knight murmured even though he was sick.

I don't know which dungeon this is, but I shouldn't have moved so defenselessly in
the dungeon.

If there is even a monster hiding in the dark, a major accident can occur.

...but the road was strangely too bright.


The knight looked at the ceiling of the passage in bewilderment.

Spheres of brightly burning light were placed at each interval.


* * *

Vaishada has loved the Wodanaj boy since he chose Shadow Rangers over Wasteland
Starslayer, but now that he sees it, he can't help but love him even more.

The boy of the Wodanaj family was cleaning up the mess that had been spread out
with more than a dozen people by himself.

He cast reinforcement magic on the adventurers to bring their will to one place,
made the dungeon passage bright like broad daylight, and then restored the
seriously injured who fell below without rest and sent them up.

There were many wizards with outstanding talents, but there was no wizard in the
Empire who devoted himself to this with all his might, and Baishada was clearly

- Crumple!


Vaishada and Gesse immediately raised their bows at the sound from the road below
the joint.

At a time like this, wouldn't it be that the two of them followed suit to be

So that Lee Han can focus on healing magic only!

“Move, poison!”

Lee Han drained the poison from the poisoned knight's wounds.

And then the poison was released.


- Crelelerek!

The monster rolled around on the floor with the sound of burning.

Baishada, Gesse, and Nilia looked at Lee Han as if embarrassed and shouted at the
same time.
“Dedicated to healing magic!!”

“You can devote yourself to healing magic!!”

“Focus on healing magic!”


Lee Han healed one more fallen knight and sent him up.

Slowly, there was a lot of empty space in the cavity, and only the men who were
injured enough to have broken bones, Lee Han sighed in relief.

'Somehow it worked.'

When I arrived here, my heart was pounding, but luck was with me.

If nothing else was done, it seemed that the wounded could be picked up and

“Wizard! Support has arrived!”

“Support? Good job.”

Lee Han was delighted with the report of the adventurer who had left the wounded
on top.

“Are the priests here? What denomination are the priests of?”

"no. Because the number of wounded is so high, it seems that it is difficult for
priests of one or two denominations to solve it.”


“You said you called professional healing wizards?”

"thank god. Good job.”

Ihan nodded his head.

It was much faster to summon the waiting healing wizards at once than to contact
the denomination in the city to find priests who could be called now.

Healing wizards, usually called at this time, moved in groups. If there were many
wounded, the wizard alone could never handle it.

As long as the healing wizards arrived, it could be said that the next day was

Even if Lee Han made a clumsy mistake, the healing wizards will fix it.

"thank you. Mister Wizard. uhhhhh...”

"last! it's done Let's go up!”

After recovering the last remaining wounded, Lee Han shouted to the people in the
communal room.

Everyone clapped and cheered, ready to go upstairs.

“You suffered. Wizard!”

“The fact that the knights here saved their lives is really all thanks to the

Everyone cheered, but Nilia was alone with her expression on her face, deep in

Ian asked curiously.

“Are you worried about anything?”

“Didn’t I say that you called professional healing wizards earlier?”

"It did?"

“...are you missing something? really?"


Lee Han, who would have recognized the crisis right away normally, was in a dull
state because he lifted the artifact curse during the day and cast strengthening
and healing magic on many people in the evening.

So, I realized one step later than Nelia.

“…are you coming from Einroguard?!”

“I think it would be the case.”

Nelia muttered as if it were nonsense.

How can a person of this size not immediately notice what he should be aware of?

'no. Maybe it was because he used too much magic.'

Nelia looked at her friend with sudden concern. Lee Han whispered if she felt her
gaze on her Nelia.

“Don’t worry. Even if the professor leads you, your name won't be called."

“...I didn't even have to worry about that! This child!!”

What do you see people as?

* * *

The dark elf professor, who had the most tired face in the world, nodded his head
while supporting his body with his sword.

It looked the most tiring in the world, so the adventurers did not even dare to

"professor. Finished.”

"professor. This too is over.”

"professor. This one too…”

Professor Alkasis nodded.

“This time we solved it ourselves!”

“If you are in a state of emergency like that, of course, you guys have to solve
it yourself. If you call me, you are the thieves themselves.”


The students were moved by the warm encouragement of the gentle teacher.

That's right, but...!

"ruler. therefore. Am I crazy from overwork and lack of sleep? Or are adventurers
talking nonsense? Or is that what I'm thinking right?"


The disciples kept their mouths shut.

To be honest, they were also confused.

- Healing is coming up now, but are the priests downstairs?

-One wizard is going down!

- One? one person??


- One person treated this person like this??


-Aren't you crazy, this adventurer?

-...dare! No matter how much a healing mage, insulting Wodanaj-sama will not stand

“The Wodanaj we know is… the first grader… isn’t he… misunderstood?”

"you're right."

Phil and Chil made excuses for Lee Han.

And I honestly couldn't believe it.

No matter how good the juniors are, to send them all alive and send them up.

It wasn't even helped by other people.

Securing dungeon passages, applying reinforcement magic to adventurers, and

healing magic while doing all of this?

Rather, it seemed more likely that another wizard of the Woudanaj family happened
to pass by and helped by seeing this tragedy.

"As far as I know, the others in the Wodanaj family don't help with that."
“Then the adventurers misunderstood…?”

Before the words could be finished, a familiar first-year junior came up with the
adventurers with a tired expression.

The junior looked around the healing wizards and sighed with a resigned

Knowing what that figure meant, Phil and Chil sighed in their chests alike.

'You should have done that properly...!'

Even before the juniors could escape, the recovered knights surrounded Ihan.

The knight, Berhirg, shouted on behalf of the subjugation knights.

“Here is an honorable wizard. We express our sincere gratitude to Han Lee, the
wizard of the Wodanaj family!”

"thank you. Lee Han!”

"thank you!!"

The fallen knights shouted as if squeezing their throats.

It was a rare sight to see noble and proud knights giving thanks like this.
Excited adventurers stomped their feet and whistled.

“Without Lee Han, we would not have been able to save our lives. Thanks again for
that amazing magic...”

While the knights were talking, the adventurers talked separately from behind.

“Yongke really took everyone out without missing a single one.”

“I thought, ‘This is magic. The last time I saw a wizard that shoots flaming
arrows and admired it? I don’t think that will ever happen in the future.”

“Then why does the wizard have a dark expression on his face?”

“Ttttttt. Would the wizard be like you? It must have been inconvenient to be
praised in the midst of so many injured people.”

“Wow, indeed. You are really different…”

* * *

If there is a difference between Professor Verdus and Professor Alkasis, it is

that the trick works in front of Professor Verdus, but not in front of Professor

The moment he said he was sick, Professor Alkasis had the ability to recover

“Very impressive.”

"thank you."
With a tired face, Lee Han was tied to the chair in front of Professor Alkasis,
no, he sat.

It seemed a bit tied up, but it was because of my mood. The rope was nowhere to be

The students who had followed Professor Alkasis together, that is, Lee Han's
seniors, were split in half and heatedly discussing.

The topic of discussion was Lee Han's disposition.

-If you have that level of skill, you can take it with you from the second
semester! No, that's enough, of course, you have to take it with you! I vomited a
few times yesterday because of the lack of magic power! That one junior is in
charge of dozens of wounded!

- You bastard with no conscience! Are you still a noble? Anyway, are you thinking
of taking your first-year juniors with you from the second semester? Do you want to
see your juniors wither to death?

“There was a lot of talk about having you participate in the field since the
second semester.”

"professor. I hate perks.”

Ian said seriously.

"If it's a burden on the professor, I'm fine..."

“But if you saw what happened today, the people who said that would want to stick
their tongues out.”

'I don't think that's enough.'

“You have a genius for healing magic.”

“Yeah… I had a vague idea that it might be.”

“There is no need to let that talent rot over time. take my hand I will make your
talents bloom.”


I was very curious about what would happen if Lee Han-eun held the professor's

Specifically, I wondered if I would become like the seniors behind them.

Why are those seniors hanging out with the professor during vacation?

“Go to the mansion and ponder deeply…”

“ don't have to. It’s a talent you don’t need.”

“By the way, I have something to talk about with the priests…”

“I will send the disciples and tell them to wait for a while.”

“I thought I had something to say to the hunters.”

The professor's students built a human wall to block the hunters' access.

The two hunters were at a loss for words at the absurd interruption of the healing

What the hell is this...?

“What is this doing?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. We do it too.”

Han-eun Lee pondered whether to break through the professor's pressure and break
through the front.

After all, I think the professor will be separated from me in the second semester
anyway, so do I have to start from vacation?

'Even if you get some retaliation in the second semester, it's better to keep the

Lee Han was determined to see the swords that Professor Alkasis was wearing.

No matter how strong he was, Lee Han was also severely trained.

It won't come off easily.

"it's over?"


Lee Han turned his head at the familiar voice of another professor.

Professor Verdus was waiting, yawning when he came.

“When… did you come?”

“The church went to check the dungeon, so I came after the event.”

Professor Verdus didn't seem to have any interest in the mess that was taking
place near the dungeon right now.

Even though the wounded were lying in bandages, their eyes did not change.

“Are there any artifacts from the dungeon?”

“As far as I know, none.”

"okay? Then it's done. let's go. I have to work.”

Professor Verdus naturally dragged Lee Han to the wagon like flowing water and set

The rest of them all lost their words and just stared at their back.


'Are you crazy???'

The students of Einrogard, who majored in healing magic, were thrilled to see
Professor Verdus.

Professor Alkasis didn't seem like that.

The hunters were bewildered and asked Nilia.

“No… shouldn’t we rest? Didn't you just call it work?"

"Swing. You're a bit of a strange person."

“Even so, you are too much.”


Nelia exclaimed inwardly.

At worst, even the priests of the Frisinga Church were talking about it.

* * *

Lee Han returned to the mansion and collapsed after working with Professor Verdus.

And then I slept for about a day.

“...I think I slept in the morning, but why is it still morning?”

“You slept all day.”


Lee Han looked out the window with a confused face.

Professor Verdus was struggling on the rug.

'You have to pretend you didn't see it.'

“By the way, Master... Another guest has arrived.”

For a moment, Lee Han pondered whether or not to put the word “Emissary of Guest”
in front of the mansion.

At this point, it was impossible to distinguish whether it was a guest or a


“Are you a professor?”


“Are you friends?”


“Looks like you’re crazy… No. Then I would have called you a professor. Who is

“You are the Prince Bo Ga-jun.”

"ah. that..."
He was one of the members of the royal family who saved their lives thanks to Lee
Han defeating the basilisk at the last royal family gathering.

I think I said a lot about this and that, but I remember...

'Did you say that you failed to solve the plague case in Cladran Village?'

The imperial family criticized each other so vigorously, the only thing that stood
out to me was criticism of each other.

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family! I heard the rumors!”

“You mean catching a basilisk?”

Lee Han gave up halfway and asked.

Even if it was an accident, people would listen to what they like.

"oh. I didn’t say that rumor.”

“Are you subjugating the king of ghouls?”

“Did you subdue the king of ghouls? Please tell me the story in detail.”

'Damn it.'

Lee Han was furious with the city of Granden.

What kind of rumors spread so much that the person speaking should have to worry?

“Then what rumors…”

“I heard that you saved the knights of the Hongryeon Forest subjugation team! I
was really impressed.”


“There are many wizards in the Empire, some of them are excellent ones, but they
run down the dungeon and risk their lives for the wounded…”

“I didn’t risk my life. It was a small dungeon where I took all the escorts and
almost wiped out all the monsters.”

Prince Bo Ga-jun did not listen to Lee Han because he was so drunk with himself.

“ many people can you save? Sir Lagrinde was also praised. He is said to
have the qualities to excel as a healing wizard.”

Ian smiled bitterly.

I wanted to say to the prince, 'It's not a compliment to say that the pigs on the
farm are fat.'

Lee Han calmed his emotions and smiled pretentiously. and opened his mouth.

“It’s just embarrassing to have such an over-reputed reputation for something that
happened by chance.”
“What do you say... Fame is a reflection of the soul. You have a vessel of soul
that deserves it, and that’s where fame comes from.”

Prince Bo Ga-jun looked at Lee Han with deep, deep eyes and said:

“Wordanaj-sama. I have something to suggest.”

“Tell me.”

'You must reject it unconditionally.'

“There is a meeting this time with me…”


The servant carefully opened the door and entered.

"sorry. young master. Another guest is coming.”

"Who is it?"

“He is also Prince Kainan.”

At the servant's words, Bo Ga-jun made a deeply shocked expression.


When I saw the claws hidden in the mansion last time, I thought it was suspicious,
but it was.


'You must never be vigilant!'

Originally, the royal family did not trust each other.

The imperial social circle is a place where all kinds of conspiracies and schemes
are spread.

And the imperial family were the most fierce and vicious among them.

But for a moment to let such an imperial family be vigilant and deceive them.

This was not something anyone could do. Bo Ga Jun sharply raised his vigilance
against Guy Nando.

'Avoiding boundaries with stupid acting...'

The words were stupid acting, and it wasn't something anyone could do.

He had to have the steely tenacity to withstand all the notoriety and criticism
that was pouring on him.

Thinking about that, Bo Ga-joon's spine shuddered.

For a long time, he had been attracting powerful nobles who could be his strength,
avoiding the wariness of other royal families with his foolish acting...

Perhaps this little brother was the most dangerous competitor of the royal family.
“After a really long thought, I made a new deck… huh?”

Guy Nando, who opened the door, was surprised to see Bo Ga-jun.

"who are you?"


Lee Han was at a loss for words for a moment.

'How long has it been since we met...'

It was a hobby for the royal family to swear at each other when they met, but it
was a story about keeping etiquette to the end.

You should make fun of it by saying, 'It's really unfortunate that you failed this

Lee Han was thankful that there were no other nobles here.

'I'm glad there are only three.'

“Keep... Kuk Kuk!”

Ga-Jun Bo burst into laughter at the appearance of Guy Nando, who revealed his
true color.

He thought that his evil and sullen brother had finally thrown off his mask.

Of course, Gainando was taken aback by that laughter.

'Are you crazy?'

“Are you a professor?”

“…you’re talking about the prince, Gainan too? Do not joke.”

Lee Han placed his hand on Gainando's shoulder. Guy Nando's brain cells were
activated by the twisting pain in his shoulder blades.

"ah! Aww! I remember! Prince! The prince told me!!”

"okay. sorry. Prince. Guy Nando likes jokes.”

“You don't have to hide it anymore. Wodanaj-sama.”

Bo Ga-jun stood up from his seat and said.

There was no sign of ignoring Gainando in those eyes.

Rather, it was full of blazing fires that ignite the will as a strong competitor.

'I don't know what it is, but it's not good.'

Lee Han felt anxious.

Prince Bo Gajun seems to be having strange thoughts during his visit to Gainando,
but it was not good to leave him alone.
Because Gainando had a tendency to lose his reputation as he had more
opportunities to speak.

- Gainando. Do it like you did last time.

Lee Han spread out three fingers.

It meant answering only 'yes', 'no', and 'who'. Guy Nando rubbed his shoulder and
nodded his head.

“I already knew how ambitious Prince Kainando was.”


Lee Han hurriedly looked away.

It meant quick denial.

'Quickly say no!'



Guy Nando took Lee Han's gaze in a different way.

Bo Ga-jun nodded as if he knew that.

“Wordanaj-sama. As someone from the same Einroguard, it is natural to support a

close friend.”

“I do not support it.”

“But I know. If you have a discerning eye like Wodanaj-sama, you will support the
royal family if more qualified members of the royal family appear.”

“No, I’m not interested in anything…”

“Please wait. I will prove it soon.”

Bo Ga-jun made a vague declaration.

Of course, Gainando didn't understand what he was talking about, and Lee Han was
absurd, so it had no effect.

“Then we will see you at the meeting. Prince Kainan.”



Ian let out a deep sigh.

Even if you narrowed the answer down to three, it backfired.

'Should I just sew up my mouth?'

“I… Master. Another guest has arrived.”

Hearing the servant's call, Lee Han thought about putting <Envoy of Guest> on the
front door of the mansion.

"Who is it?"

“Princess Judraantas…”

"huh. You were one step late.”

Bogajun laughed at Judraantas.

Perhaps Judraantas will be surprised when he comes here.

I might have been thinking about Bogajun, but...

You will find out that a really dangerous competitor was among those young royals!

* * *


As expected, Judrantas was surprised and behaved the same as Bogajun.

And it was the same until the end.

“If you have a keen eye like Wodanaj-sama…”

“...if a more qualified imperial family appears, do you mean that you support the
royal family?”


“It’s not that I agree with that…”

“Please wait. I will prove it soon.”

'Are you two really close?'

Seeing the two royal families saying the same thing, Lee Han became too bothered
to respond.

"All right."

“Then see you at the meeting…”

After all the royal family left, Gainando took out the deck with a bright image.

“I've made a new deck, but stick... Evil! Why hit me!”

Lee Han grabbed his cane and started hitting Guy Nando in the back. Gainando
screamed and ran round and round the room.

after an hour.

Lee Han sighed and took the wizard card in his hand.

It is said that it grants wishes to the dead, but only the wishes of friends who
have been hit on the back can be granted.
“Fufu. It will be different this time.”

“Shut up and be quiet.”


Gainando quietly drew a card.

In this game, called Wizard Card, the victory condition is to play a minion each
turn and use a magic spell to reduce the opponent's wizard's life to 0.

Of course, in the beginning, I had no magic power, so I could only use weak
minions and spells, and in the second half, I was able to use strong minions and
spells because I was overflowing with magic.

In other words, a good deck needs to be balanced with weak minions and spells that
can be used in the early stages, and strong minions and spells that can be used in
the second half!

Of course, whatever the rules, Guy Nando had filled his deck with only strong
cards he liked.

'Fufu. But this time it's different.'

Gainando put down the card with a confident expression.

Lee Han looked at the card and was puzzled.

'for a moment. I hope this...'

The victory condition was not just to make the opponent's wizard's life zero.

Even if the remaining cards in the opponent's deck are completely gone, victory is

And now, the black magic spell card that Gainando played is a card that blows
three cards from the opponent's deck.

“Gainan too. Have you ever made a deck-destroying deck?”

“Oh, isn’t it?”

Gainando, who was stabbed in the face, avoided his gaze and denied it.

“It’s better than the weird deck I used to have, but people don’t like it, don’t

There have always been tacit rules in the world.

So was the wizard card game.

Winning by destroying a deck like that felt like a foul play in a fun place where
they played each other culturedly.

Of course, I wanted to see what Lee Han knew, but...

“What do you know! I will win!”

“Yeah, yes.”

Lee Han prepared a card with a horse.

As soon as Guy Nando finished his turn, he planned to fire spells that directly
damage the wizard and end the game.

Not knowing that he would die in a few seconds, Gainando was very serious about

“Were you two playing?”

Yoner and Nilia opened the door and entered.

The two looked around the wizard card game and paused.

“Is this a dark magic cursed deck?”

"By the way?"

"...Wow. Guyan too. this is not Not really.”

Yoner looked at Gainando with a startled look.

No matter what Gainando did up until now, he was on his side as a relative, but
this was a bit harsh.

“Oh, no…! It's enough to win! why!!"

“Of course, winning is enough, but the Dark Magic Curse deck is an exception...”

When Yoner did not take his side, Guynando looked at Nilia and asked.

“Is this such a big mistake!?”

“The Dark Magic Curse deck is a bit…”


Gainando became very embarrassed.

“If you play a deck like this among hunters, you will be shot by arrows in the

“It’s not like that!”

“It’s true.”

“That’s right.”

When it was his turn, Lee Han threw a spell and defeated Guy Nando. Guy Nando
opened his mouth wide and only his eyes widened.

“So, Yonner. What's up?"

"ah. Is there a social gathering in the city of Granden this time?”

It wasn't that difficult to open a social gathering. Right away, Lee Han-do called
a few friends, and after eating, drinking, and playing, he went to a social

As such, in a city about the size of the city of Grand Den, more than a dozen
social gatherings were held every day.

However, this social gathering, Yoner said, was a different story from such a
small fellowship.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was actually a meeting held in the name of
the city of Granden, in which not only the powerful families of the city but also
the imperial officials participated.

And the main participants of this meeting are first-year students of the Magic

'This was the meeting the royal family talked about earlier.'

Lee Han understood why the imperial family had come to visit.

Since it was such a position, it was natural to want to enter with a promising
magic school student.

It was like a place to declare to others, 'We are close'...

“I thought it would be better not to go in with Gainando.”

"ah. I used to think so too.”

Looking at the attitudes of other imperial families, it seemed that if they went
in with Gainando, they would become annoyed with each other.

"why!? I came with a Dark Magic Curse deck?!”

Gainando asked with a shocked expression.

"no. If we go together, we may be misunderstood as a faction…”

“I think it’s just because of the card.”

Gainando grumbled at Yonaire's cold words.

“Everyone is jealous because my deck is strong.”

“But you lost…”

"shut up!"

* * *

“…there’s no choice but to do something like this.”

Lee Han looked at Professor Verdus and said as if he was sorry.

I didn't like attending social gatherings, but if I could use it as an excuse to

shun Professor Verdus, there was no reason not to.

As expected, Professor Verdus asked as if he did not understand.

“Why the hell are you attending such a useless meeting?”

“All first-year students are invited. They seem to want to hear how the students
of the School of Magic are doing.”

“Why the hell are you attending such a useless meeting?”

'Well. I just explained it.'

Professor Verdus continued to grumble whether Lee Han explained or not.

“I don’t know why there are classes on how to dance at the magic school. In that
case, I need to teach you one more theory of enchantment magic.”

“That’s how I… wait. Is there any dancing at this social gathering?”

“If it’s that big, will it be unconditional?”

Professor Verdus replied as if it was obvious.

If it was a small social gathering, it could not be without a ball for a social
gathering like that.

Lee Han frowned.

'I thought I would never need dancing in my life.'

When the other Blue Dragon Tower students took a ballroom dance class, Lee Han had
to listen to one more magic school, so it was unavoidable.

Even when I was in the Wodanaj family, I didn't really practice dancing...

'From now on, I should practice only the basics as quickly as possible with

The goal is to not be disgraced.

Lee Han made up his mind and looked at Professor Verdus.

“Professor, are you good at dancing?”


“I knew you would. Then I will find someone to teach you.”


Professor Verdus, who was left alone, tilted his head.

Something felt bad.


Ian was deep in thought.

In fact, Lee Han wasn't going to be famous for dancing at the imperial ball, and
it wasn't necessary to know all the dances.

It was enough to learn the basics as we only had to dance once and then come back
and sit down when everyone else performed one song at a time.
Excellent dancers know all the differences between the different round dances in
each region of the empire, but...

'Is that possible?'

Lee Han, who was surprised by himself, reflected a little.

Come to think of it, this was not something Lee Han, who listened to all schools,
would say.

'The easiest way to learn these things is...'

Rather than learning alone, it was more comfortable to learn with a friend who
couldn't dance well like Lee Han.

Because it was good to ask and it was good to practice.

'And prepare in advance to prevent unnecessary noise.'

“You don’t have a gainando?”

"Yes. sorry."

However, to his surprise, Gainando was not in the mansion.

"how...? no. It was an rude question. Well, Gainan can go out alone, too.”

After hearing Lee Han's words, the butler thought to himself, 'Maybe there may be
other friends', but he didn't say it.

Because it was right that Gainando went out to play alone.

“You got a new wizard card, and it looks like you went out to try it.”

“As expected, the Wodanaj clan…”

“It’s a guess that has absolutely nothing to do with the family. Anyway, I see.”

“Have the guests come?”


From the inside of the mansion, Gainando's mother, whom I had seen before,

At the dazzling brilliance of the spirit, the butler bowed his head. Gainando's
mother recognized Lee Han's face and was happy to see him.

“Gainando’s pro-a... pro... know... the same tower... um... Are you a student of
the Wodanazu family, Lee Han?”

"Yes. And since they are friends, you can talk to them comfortably.”

'Are you a real friend? Are you still friends? I felt like I had to be careful
because I said that we were friends for nothing, and if we said no, we would be
embarrassed for each other.”

Gainando's mother still said it as if it was hard to believe.

"All right. What happened today?”

“Soon there is a big social gathering hosted by the city, and I came here to
practice with Kainando.”


Gainando's mother looked at him with amazement once again.

It was his eyes that asked why he cared for him so much.

'You have to pretend you didn't see it.'

“That’s really…thankful. If I had known in advance, I would have locked you up so

you couldn't leave."

“It’s okay to wait until you come back.”

The butler carefully opened his mouth.

“If you need help with practice, I will be ready.”

Gainando's mother frowned at that question.

If you were a proud aristocrat, you might be offended by this proposal itself.

Even though we are from the same noble family, helping with etiquette might sound
like ignoring and ignoring others at first glance.

“I am rude. There is no way the son of the Wodanaj family could not do one of
those things on his own.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”


Lee Han was embarrassed.

'I was going to ask for help.'

“He’s a guy who can’t do any of those things on his own, so it would be better for
you to help.”


From the inside of the mansion, a nobleman I had seen before appeared.

A handsome man with a cold impression, wearing a robe made of dark blue silk, and
holding a wand with a unique elegant movement that only nobles can show.

There was an evil spirit in those eyes.

“Skull a...! No, Principal!”

“I think you just tried to call me comfortable, but let’s move on to a sign of

Principal Skeleton said, tapping the floor with his cane.

I don't know if it was because of his mood, but Lee Han-eun looked very tired.

'It's strange.'

Headmaster Skeleton was one of the most powerful wizards Lee Han knew.

When I became a wizard like that, I didn't get tired of writing some magic.

“Did anything happen?”

“...what is the reason for the question?”

“You look a little tired.”

“It must be the mood.”

Principal Skeleton frowned and glared at Lee Han.

Thanks, what I just said was not convincing at all.

'It's because of the mood.'

Lee Han pondered what he had done wrong.

“Are you busy because of the king of ghouls? But it's not my fault, it's because
the Adventurers' Guild didn't investigate properly..."

"for a moment. You are the king of ghouls.”

Principal Skeleton interrupted Lee Han.

The sixth sense, developed through foresight magic, was warning him of

Nothing good to hear!

'I've been tormented by the emperor until dawn, but...'

Principal Skeleton had been alone with the emperor at the Imperial Palace until
dawn this morning after vacation.

The words were face-to-face alone, close to criticism and criticism.

-Osu... I respect your policy. But there are definitely some that are too serious.
I heard that the wizard who graduated from Einroguard had another accident...

-It's because wizards are basically crazy people, isn't Einroguard not
particularly strange... The high ratio of Einroguard is that as there are many
talented wizards in Einroguard, the number of accidents increases accordingly...

- Let your excuses end there. I didn't call you to hear that. This time, an
outstanding student from the Wodanaj family came in?


- Seeing you so readily agree, you must be a really good student. It's the Wodanaj
- I will take responsibility and teach well.

- Don't try to turn around. She was told that the student was being taught harshly
beyond normal. Is it true that freshmen are learning the magic of all schools?

-...isn't it unprecedented...

- That kid was half-troll, right? There was a lot of talk back then that he should
fire you. This time, it's the Wodanaj family, so there's no such thing.

- Can't you tell just by looking at how ignorant the bureaucrats are? No, would a
troll half-breed hold up well, or would a pure human hold up well?

-If you're from the Wodanaj family, you can't help but expect something
extraordinary... Stop talking. There is only one thing I want to say. Teach that
student well.


- Ohsu. When I say teach well, I don't mean just magic. I'm telling you to hold it
tight so it doesn't get crooked.

The emperor's words were not completely untrue.

Wizards were basically dangerous beings.

And an excellent wizard was more dangerous, and an excellent and even crooked
wizard was extremely dangerous.

Seeing the skills of the wizards sent out by Einroguard, it was natural for the
emperor to show such an honest face.

But Principal Skeleton was still unhappy.

Why is the headmaster of the skull the fault of wizards learning magic and having

I felt like I wanted to argue for hours and hours, but Principal Skeleton put up
with it.

If he said that to the emperor who was tired of managing the affairs of the
empire, he would only put himself at a disadvantage.

And the Skeleton Principal had too many weaknesses to the Emperor.

-I will do my best.

-I'm just saying this in advance because I'm afraid you'll play clever puns
later... The example of holding it well means something like this. If you ever have
to fight Rock Drake, avoid it, if you're already taking ten lectures, stop the
eleventh, or avoid fighting a freshman when an intruder occurs from outside, or
when the king of frost giants is summoned. Similarly, what freshmen solve...

-...I swear, none of those things were deliberately pushed by me.

-is it.

-But your Majesty wouldn't believe it, would you?

- Yes. Don't blame me too much, Osu... It's all because you tricked me too much.


Because it was self-sufficient, Principal Skeleton could not say anything.

This is how the karma of 'I didn't do it' came back after doing something every

But the things related to Lee Han weren't really forcing the headmaster to turn
his back.

Most of them came out on their own!

- In the future, I will be careful not to put new students through too harsh

-I'm happy to hear that answer... I believe it. sewage. After three days like
this, I doubt that you might be able to hand over the robes harshly as you wish,

-no. your majesty. What kind of era is it these days?

-If only the disciples who ran away from you were gathered together, you could
build a tower. Anyway... let me believe it.

Hearing only baseless rumors and rumors, he came back after enduring the
atrocities of a ruthless emperor who insulted a good archmage, but I was afraid
because the guy who was the cause of all this was making ominous noises.

“Let me try. The king of ghouls... Did the undead even arise from the cemetery?
Slowly, the time had come. They are luxuries with nothing to do, because they give
them grandiose nicknames.”

"oh. How did you know? But it wasn't the king of ghouls, it was the undead
chimera. I tracked it down with Dirett-senpai and caught it.”


Principal Skeleton felt like a phantom headache from a body that didn't exist.

I've been away for a little over a month and I'm afraid to ask what the hell
happened in the meantime.

“...Then did the nobles have an accident? They are the ones who don't know what's
dangerous and buy things and play tricks."

"uh. did you hear But it was a basilisk.”

“...what the hell is wrong with you!”

Eventually, the skeleton principal exploded.

“Other Blue Dragon Tower bastards plunder the family’s property during vacation
and play profligately, but why are you doing this? As if a non-rich has multiple


Not only Lee Han, but everyone else in the Guyando mansion was stunned.

“All my friends are working on vacation...”

“You must have influenced me!”

“It’s not… is it?”

When Lee Han was convinced, Principal Skeleton became even more grumpy.

Gainando's mother went out to defend Lee Han.

“Prize Gonadaltes. Lee Han, a student of the Wodanaj family, is a completely

different person from the psychopaths who commit dangerous things that are beyond
their ability for the sake of fame. This time, a member of the Hongryeon Forest
subjugation squad was teleported due to an unfortunate accident, and I was very
grateful that student Lee Han saved his life.”


Originally, he was in a position to rejoice at the student's achievements, but

Principal Skeleton sighed even more deeply instead of rejoicing.

The most frightening thing was the anxiety that Lee Han's achievements would still

After a few more sighs, Principal Skeleton decided to accept reality.

'I'm glad I have an alibi.'

Even if the emperor later asked, the excuse that he was not in the city of Granden
at that time was possible.

I don't know how well that will work...

“Okay… If he was going to be dried out, it wouldn’t have been that much of a bowl.
to dance or learn. Mr Kraha. This guy didn't take any social classes, so it would
be nice if you could teach him."

"no way?"

Gainando's mother looked at the Skeleton Principal as if it was too harsh.

Principal Skeleton immediately noticed what the misunderstanding was.

“No... Kraha-sama! I didn't stop you from hearing it!”

“Then you just didn’t hear it?”

“That’s right!”

"Yes, I understand..."

“The reliquary will be broken...! You speak for me!”

Principal Skull, holding back the headache, called for Lee Han.
"Yes? What do you mean?”

“It was your choice not to listen to the dance!”

"Yes. It was my choice.”


The Skeleton Principal, who was about to speak, stopped when he saw Gainando's
mother's eyes of astonishment.

At that moment, Principal Skeleton realized that it was impossible to avoid

misunderstanding in any way.

“…Teach me to dance.”


Ian felt a little sorry.

In fact, it was Lee Han's choice not to take a dance class at school.

But Principal Skeleton is making some misunderstandings instead.



“You seem to have been misunderstood because of the things you usually do.”

“If you say you’re sorry and say something like that, do you think that would
sound sorry?”

Principal Skeleton was ridiculous.

The skill of turning people's clothes upside down with an apology for who taught
them was unusual.

“But what did you come here for?”

“What is the reason for me to meet the great nobles?”

The Skeleton Principal, with a tired expression on his face, placed the Imperial
gold coins on the palm of his hand.

Lee Han inadvertently tried to collect the gold coins. Headmaster Skeleton
immediately retrieved the gold coins and looked at them in a bewildered way.

“Are you trying to take my gold coins now?”

“I thought you brought it out for me.”

“…Now that I see you, it seems that what His Majesty said was not entirely wrong…
I came to seek support.”

Wizards were a race that had no choice but to waste.

There was no saving in burning precious gems and replacing rare materials to
develop a reagent.
Even so, the wizards make the supporters grab the back of their necks by calmly
saying, 'I used up all the diamonds I saved, but there is no result. Can you buy me
a better diamond again?'

And among those wizards, Einroguard was the only place where only the best people
in the Empire were gathered, so the waste was so severe that it was counted as one
in the Empire.

Even if the emperor provided Einrogarde's support despite the opposition of

Imperial officials (Imperial treasurers scrambled to hear the name of Einrogarde),
the budget was always tight.

As such, one of the principal's duties was to obtain additional support.

"indeed. You are in a lot of trouble.”

Lee Han sympathized deeply.

The professor's job wasn't just to study his magic and teach his students.

Getting a budget was one of the professor's abilities.

From that point of view, Principal Skeleton was a great person.

'for a moment. Aren't you threatening to rip it off?'

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

"it's nothing. Oh yeah. When are you going to visit our family?”

“To the Wodanaj family?”

Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han as if he had heard the most stupid thing in
the world.

“There is no reason to visit the Wodanaj family. Would a wizard who is busy with
his own experiments give gold coins to other wizards?”

Wizards never gave gold coins to other wizards.

Maybe he didn't know how to use it, so it wasn't a wizard who yielded to other

“Oh, is that so? Did Kraha receive support?”

"yet. It's not that easy to get someone else's gold coins. I'll have to visit a
few more times to convince him."

The skeleton principal's expression was serious.

It was a much more serious expression than the last time he used the great magic
of the unique world.

In fact, getting a budget was a much more difficult area than magic.

“You seem to be having a hard time convincing me.”

“Of course it is. Kraha-sama is by no means an easygoing person.”

“You must have already told the story of Gainando… Is there any other excuse to
get sponsorship? Same schedule for the second semester.”

Lee Han groaned slightly.

An easy way to prepare if you know in advance.

But Principal Skeleton was not happy.

“Even if it were, I wouldn’t tell you. And you want me to tell you the story of my
own child being taken to the punishment room?”

Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han suspiciously.

He had doubts that he was trying to repay the resentment he had accumulated during
the last semester.

“No, it’s not like that… You know that. Mr Kraha. Did you know that Gainando has a
talent for black magic?”

“Is that really true?”

Gainando's mother asked in amazement.

“Not a wizard card?”

“Mage cards are not very talented, but they are good at black magic. Hearing it
with me, it’s so hard to count.”

'In the first place, the freshmen you hear are counted in your hand.'

Principal Skeleton was ridiculous, but he didn't intervene.

“Prize Gonadaltes. Haven't you heard of this?"

“Mr Kraha. I cannot divulge the secrets of the students.”


This time, Lee Han looked at the skeleton principal as if it were ridiculous.

'I'm trying to fix things so that I don't talk about sending them to the
punishment room...'

“We will review the sponsorship positively.”

“Really? Thank you very much! I just needed new corpses.”

Gainando's mother smiled generously and nodded her head.

Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han with a different face than before.

“I am proud of you.”

"...principal. I don't want to brag about myself, but I'm a senior in my grade.”

"okay. senior in grade. proud of you But I have another family to visit.”
“I’m going to go learn dancing.”

Lee Han pretended not to hear and turned away.

* * *

The dance wasn't that difficult.

Gainando's mother was a seasoned dancer, and Lee Han had risked her life to
perform moves that were several times more difficult than this.

In fact, if Gainando's mother hadn't taught her kindly, I might have learned a
little sooner.

'It's awkward because the attack doesn't come when you make a mistake in the

Gainando's mother, who did not know what Lee Han was thinking, kindly emphasized.

“The most important thing in dancing is the beat. If you know how to feel the
beat, you can follow the rest of the movements somehow. One, two, three. Again one,
two, three.”

Gainando's mother, seeing Lee Han's action, was satisfied with the face of the
teacher who was satisfied with the talented pupil.

In such a short amount of time, this was a great achievement.

“It’s a pity that a talent like this will rot… How about listening to it in the
second semester?”

“It’s because I’m actually taking a lot of other lectures.”

Lee Han quickly made excuses.

Professor Voladi even admitted the excuse 'I'm actually listening to all magic',
so I could see the power of this excuse.

"Is that so? It’s unfortunate.”

Gainando's mother didn't bother to recommend any more.

If you are a senior in your grade, you will be able to do well on your own.

'When delivering the donation, I have to say one more word to Prince Gonadaltes.'

Gainando's mother still had to say a word to Principal Skeleton.

It could have been because of the Skeleton Principal that I couldn't hear it.

"Oh yeah. Is there anything to watch out for at the prom?”

Lee Han asked for advice.

Although the other friends lacked the experience of attending social gatherings as
they were still young, Lee Han was even worse.

In fact, I wasn't really interested in social gatherings in the first place.

As such, the advice given by someone like Gainando's mother was valuable.

“First of all, it is better not to associate with the royal family.”


Ian was a little perplexed.

'Are you saying not to play with Gainando?'

“I appreciate playing with Gainando, but there is a high possibility that the
royal family attending the gathering will be jealous. They are the ones who are
tired all the time.”

Gainando's mother kindly advised whether she had read her heart.

The purpose of the imperial family was basically to build up their achievements
and raise their reputation to inform the imperial social circles, 'I am such a
great person, please push me to be your successor'.

As such, he was very interested in the gathering of new talents at the magic

If you're an ambitious student, it's not a bad idea to join hands with one of the
members of the royal family, but if you don't want to, it's better to avoid it.

“If you politely refuse to dance or refuse to talk, the other side will understand
and respect Lee Han’s wishes. He is also very proud of himself.”


Ihan tilted his head.

'Isn't that right?'

Even if Lee Han refused, the royal family continued to quarrel.

He openly declared in front of Guynando 'I'm going to take Wodanaj'...

'Were the members of the royal family I met particularly low-esteem?'

“Yeah, that’s right. I'll be careful. Other than the people who are annoying when
you get to know them, are there people that you like to get close with?”

“The city nobles of Granden are generally not bad when they get to know each
other. We'll be staying there for years to come, so we can help out in some way.”

"ah. Last time I was chasing an undead chimera, it helped me.”

Guynando's mother pretended she didn't hear the story that the freshman chased and
caught the undead chimera.

Indeed, it was the skill of a person who had gone through everything before and
after in the imperial social circle.

“Among them, it is especially good to know…”

Lee Han greatly expected the summary of the social circles of the city of Granden
that Gainando's mother wanted to pass on to him.

“In the case of the Grime of the Boud family, it would be good for a wizard to
know because he is in charge of the guild’s materials and reagents…”


Even just listening to the explanation, I felt like I could hear the rustling of
gold coins.

"ah. for a moment. I will not.”

"Yes? Why? Am I from the Wodanaj family?”

Ian was perplexed.

Already in my head, I was even imagining that I would be able to work happily with
my friends until the end of vacation by getting exclusive various kinds of work.

“It’s not because of the Wodanaj family. Grime is mixed with spirit blood, so if
you talk closely with Lee Han-kun, there is a high chance that she will be


Ian was once more perplexed.

What does this mean?

“Uh… that… Kraha-sama, aren’t you talking to me right now?”

As Lee Han asked the question, he expected Gainando's mother to answer, 'That's
right' or 'Well, I'm fine with it, so maybe Grime might be fine'.

Of course, the spirits didn't like Lee Han very much, but it doesn't make sense
that the spirits don't like them either.

“I have strong mental power, but Grime is timid and has a lot of spirit blood…”


Gainando's mother nailed it instead of denying it.

Lee Han asked in a sullen voice.

“Am I so overbearing?”



"I'm sorry. But it’s something I can’t say back.”

Gainando's mother said she was very sorry.

Lee Han suddenly became curious and asked.

“Then, Gainando also has strong mental power, so he doesn’t feel too intimidating
to me?”

“It’s just that the spirit’s blood doesn’t appear, so you can’t feel it.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

* * *

The huge hall located in the center of the city of Granden was originally one of
the prides of the city, where city aristocrats and bureaucrats gathered for
important events.

But today, it was being used as a place to welcome new students to the magic
school. The students who arrived one by one were amazed at the splendid exterior of
the mansion.

When Lee Han arrived, he saw the other top students who came first and simply
greeted them. Lee Han and her acquaintances greeted each other or avoided their

“Why don’t you look away?”

“Oh, that’s a mistake. Wodanaz.”

If there was a minor misunderstanding between each other, we did not forget to
resolve it as well.


Lee Han said as if he knew the dark elf friend's bad face.

“You don’t want to go to the ball. I understand. I don’t really want to

participate either.”

“It’s not because of that.”

“No? Then why?”

“Being first in the Makein Mansion…”


Nelia took a deep breath and pulled out the paper.

There are a lot of hunters in the North who have nothing to do, but by sending them
to the southern coast... I think it will work well to deal with monsters because
they can attack from a distance... If the monsters are caught well, people will be
happy and political instability will decrease... I'm sorry...

“Why did I submit this...”


“Are you okay?”


At Lee Han's words, Nelia raised her head in surprise.

For a moment, I wanted my friend to make fun of me, but Lee Han's expression was
very serious.

“Sangoria flowers are easy to find in seasons other than winter. Shadow patrols
are relatively free during the non-winter season. good choice I thought it would be
a good idea to negotiate with the guilds and take a vacation to support the
wizards, but I think mobilizing the shadow patrols is a much better way than that.”

“No… why… crazy…?”

Nelia wondered if a friend up to the top of her grade had gone insane due to
excessive labor and training.

In order to resolve the political instability on the southern coast of the Empire,
you have to use some clever method... Why are you calling the northern hunters?

“Yone. Look at this."


Nelia screamed.

Instead of seeing him alone, Lee Han called Yonaire.

'That's why the nobles told me not to trust everyone!'

"What do you think?"

“Are you okay? It is too expensive to mobilize wizards, and above all, we are not
sure that it is possible immediately.”

"right. Shadow Rangers are far more reliable than them.”

“There may be a problem of adaptation due to different areas of activity, is that


“If there was such a problem, Nelia wouldn’t have written it.”



Nelia was startled when she heard it.

...I just wrote it without thinking...

“Not that.”

“Looking at this, I think I was thinking too much. The most intuitive way is the
best way.”

"exactly. I agree too.”

"Hey guys? Hey guys??"

Whether Nelia called it or not, Lee Han and Yoner were immersed in their own world
and complemented Nilia's plan.

“I don’t know if hunters will do better when recruiting local guilds.”

“There are a lot of people who feel more reluctant to see wizards for nothing when
their magical powers get rough and the spirits get angry.”


Nelia was astonished at the sight of the two friends adding stories that had not
been told.

“I saw it all. Nelia. It really deserves the 1st place in the Makein family.”

“I am proud that you are my friend.”

“I… did nothing…”

At Nelia's words, the two friends smiled knowingly.

“Be humble.”

“A drop of humility makes a genius stand out.”

“But don’t be too humble. Nelia. If the first place is too humble, the people
below him will have a hard time.”

Nelia was taken aback by the brazen remarks of the high school senior, whom she
was humble about every day.

The two friends ended the conversation on their own while they couldn't respond
because they were so absurd.

“What will happen if you are adopted by the Makein family?”

“There’s a good chance we’ll actually try this kind of good method. Maybe I should
call Nelia and ask her?”

"indeed. I am looking forward to the results.”

Nelia, who was listening blankly, whispered like a wild beast.

“ both of you.”


“Do you need our help? I don't think it will help much."


Nelia was inadvertently trying to pull out a bow from her waist, but later
realized that she had come dressed appropriately for a social gathering.

'This outfit is really annoying!'

“It’s so awkward. Am I dressed properly?”

“I don’t know either. Wow. for a moment. Look at Nelia. How did you dress so

“Nelia has a lot of friends here and there. She'll be in a lot of meetings, so I'm
sure she'll wear these complicated outfits."

Nelia quickly turned her head to the sound of the Black Turtle Tower friends
passing by behind her.

'What do these bastards say?!'

* * *

"uh? Isn't that the professor?"

Yoner looked puzzled and pointed forward.

Lee Han replied as if he were talking about something.

"What are you talking about. Yonner. no."

"Yes? Beaver Suin... Right? Are you Professor Verdus?”

“It must be someone like you.”

Professor Verdus found Lee Han and walked over with a gloomy expression on his

Lee Han bluntly clicked his tongue. Yoner looked at his friend as if it was

'You're right!'

"professor. What did you come here for?”

“Because of improper instructions.”

Professor Verdus swung his wand with a grim expression.

Then, the folds on the student's clothes were unwrapped and the knot was tied

“Is it because of an unfair instruction?”

“I think the principal came out and said to help the kids.”

Lee Han figured it out right away.

Because of the skeleton principal's personality, he couldn't stand to see

Professor Verdus messing around nearby.

“Why the hell are you dancing… the time… the cost… the artifacts…”

Professor Verdus grunted and swung his wand. Lee Han blinked at Yonaire.

'Let's avoid it quickly.'

But Professor Verdus, bored and bored, did not just let Lee Han go.

“Would you like to try this?”

"What is this?"
“Shoes that make you dance well.”

Professor Verdus held out a pair of shoes that felt magical.

Yoner asked in amazement.

“Are there any artifacts like that?”

"Shh. Yonner. If it's a decent artifact, there's no reason to give it to us."

Lee Han was penetrating Professor Verdus's heart.

Obviously, this place was too boring and boring, so he must have created an
artifact, so there was a low chance that the artifact would be okay.

Perhaps there is something strange or flawed.

“Have you ever made an artifact like this?”

“Why do you create garbage-like artifacts that make you dance well?”

'Well. It would be dangerous too.'

It was dangerous to wear artifacts that he could not handle, no matter how good
the shoes were.

Just as a person who had never wielded a sword before could use the ancient
swordsmanship, lifting a sword would only injure his muscles, so there was a high
possibility that the shoes would do the same.

"What is that?"

Guynando, who arrived late, asked a question.

Lee Han checked the time and asked.

“Why are you here so late?”

“Fufu. Three of us have won.”

“Have you ever had a black magic duel?”

“It’s a wizard card showdown!”

Guynando was furious.

After creating a new deck, Gainando was really intoxicated with power.

To the extent that I wondered if this is what it means to be omnipotent.

“It’s the shoes that make you dance well.”

"oh. thank you."

Guynando accepted Professor Verdus's proposal.

Lee Han frowned and said.

“It looks dangerous. Isn’t it better to just dance without it?”

“I can’t do it without practicing.”

Lee Han didn't say, 'I should have practiced while playing cards'.

It felt like I was nagging too much.

“Are you going to fall for an excuse?”

“If you go into your mother’s ears, you will be scolded.”

“You should have practiced when you were playing cards.”

Within a second of making a decision, words that were different from my thoughts
came out of my mouth.

* * *

The banquet was enjoyed not only by the Blue Dragon Tower students, who usually
enjoyed social gatherings, but also by the other tower students.

Instead of suffocating new students with a stiff and formal atmosphere, the people
of Granden welcomed them with a soft and pleasant atmosphere.

Thanks to this, even the students who were not familiar with this kind of place
were able to sit, talk and dance happily.

“Magician. How is life in Einrogarde?”

“Uh… um…”

"ha ha ha! It looks like you're in great shape! After all, you're learning at the
best magic school in the empire, so there's no reason to complain! If I could go in
and learn, I wouldn’t have time to spare.”


Of course, there were people who sometimes broke the students' hearts, but it was
not intentional.

'Are you okay?'

Lee Han was relieved by this atmosphere.

In this kind of atmosphere, even Lee Han, who has little experience in social
gatherings, can easily pass...

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. I was really impressed with the magic you showed
against Lord Doin from Valdrogaard. Would you like to sing a song?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. I heard Joanen of House Maikin praise you. Would
you like to sing a song?”


“Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. His Majesty the Prince Bo Ga-jun…”
“The Basilisk...”

“King of ghouls…”

“This time, the undead chimera in the cemetery…”

“He said he saved the knights.”

It seemed that Lee Han would have been better off learning swordsmanship under
Allarlong or Ingaldel.

At that time, there was no need to be so nervous about stepping on the other
person's foot.

'I'll be delighted.'

The excuse for dancing at the imperial ball was similar to the reason drunkards

When the weather is good, I sing one song because the day is good, when the day is
bad, I sing one song because the day is bad, and if the other person has done
something, I sing another song as an excuse...

And Lee Han was just an excuse to walk around.


After dancing to the last excuse, Lee Han was able to sit on the chair.


When Giselle, who was sitting next to him, stared at him, Lee Han was puzzled.

“Did there ever be a mistake in the dance?”


“Did you have any good requests?”


“Can I ask why you’re looking at me?”

“…I heard that there is a new student who calls himself Gainando of the Moradi
family. I wonder if he knows anything.”

Giselle said coldly. Lee Han answered immediately.

“Don’t let me sting Guynando. Are you mistaken for your own ancestry? What a
ridiculous mistake.”

“I heard you have black hair.”

“Kai Nando has been very interested in hair color conversion magic these days.”

“I heard you use magic better than sophomores.”

“Gainando has a talent for magic, right?”

“Are you sure you won’t see each other for the rest of your life?”

Giselle asked threateningly.

It was meant to bring Balgaro from the Alpha family, who is a senior in the second
year of the White Tiger Tower, to meet them.

So Lee Han didn't even blink an eye.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

'Stop avoiding it.'

If you were afraid of such things, you could not stay under the professor.

Even if a lie is discovered later, you must be able to cry right now without
blinking an eye in order to survive as a disciple.

'What kind of bastard do you really have?'

Giselle was speechless.

There was nothing to say about the fact that a member of the imperial noble family
was arguing more brazenly than any other scoundrel.

What the hell is this bastard?


"oh. The professor is calling you. I’ll just go.”

“You’re really...”

It was Professor Kirmin Ku, who was teaching illusion magic, who called Lee Han.

Professor Ku looked at Lee Han and blinked his eyes.

“You must have been having a lot of fun, but I’m sorry for calling you.”


Lee Han was sincere.

In fact, even if Professor Koo sent him back, he was going to return to the venue
as slowly as possible.

“I called because I needed help. It's probably a bit difficult to do alone."

“Should I move my luggage?”

Professor Verdus was the same, so it wasn't surprising that there were several
more professors from the Magic School.

Lee Han was planning to call Professor Verdus if there were any chores.

He couldn't stand to see the professor who was bored.

"no no. It’s not like that…”


“You have to scare the students.”


* * *

I wondered if the first (maybe not the first) mad professor had finally come out,
but Professor Koo was very sane.

“It’s an annual event. You watch them react by surprise.”

“Why the hell are you doing that at the ball?”

“Wordanaz. A wizard must always be nervous. … said the principal.”

'That's why I don't collect donations.'

Lee Han realized who the culprit was and sighed inwardly.

"uh? But can I not participate?”

“Did the principal tell you to get rid of it all the time?”



Lee Han tried to ask why he had to leave alone.

It was absurd, but to be honest, if you asked me if I wanted to attend that

meeting, it wasn't.

'I don't want to be caught in between.'

Of course, my friends want to overcome a surprise ordeal like Lee Han, but...

Lee Han didn't really want to do that.

“How can I help you?”



When Professor Koo admired, Lee Han was puzzled.

Why are you there?

"ah. The principal said that Wodanaj would be happy to help you.”


After reading the heart of the headmaster skeleton, Lee Han's mood became

“How can you have such a faithful disciple? Like I said before, I think it's
overkill for Professor Bagreg."

"haha. no."

“Perhaps Voladi thinks so too. That shouldn’t be the case.”

'I'm afraid that's the case.'

Professor Koo swung his staff while Lee Han thought to himself.

Then a huge Flame Beast appeared.

If the blazing giant beast stared at it with its bloody eyes, the average person
would scream, but Lee Han didn't blink.

“I don't think it's suitable for a ballroom.”

"exactly. A keen student will notice.”

Professor Ku admitted the mistake and kindly put away the illusion.

Lee Han slowly opened his mouth.

“If you need a fantasy that can surprise students, I think you need a plausible
monster, not just a threatening monster.”

“Is it plausible?”

"Yes. A monster that is not strange even if it appears in a ballroom.”

“Is there such a thing?”

Professor Ku was perplexed.

It seemed that it would feel strange if any monster appeared in the ballroom.

“If you add a good reason, even a strange monster becomes plausible. For example,
if the principal says he has solved a monster, most of the students will believe


Professor Ku, who was listening to the story, suddenly had a question in his mind.

In a way, it's bullying Wodanaj's friends, but is it really that serious?

'It's like Voladi's disciple.'

When it comes to magic-related matters, Professor Ku recalled Voladi when he saw

Wodanaj resolutely refusing to compromise with his friends, whether difficult or

After all, it is the disciple who has no choice but to resemble the master to some

Without knowing that Professor Koo was thinking about turning people's clothes,
Lee Han pulled out a list of monsters.

“How about demon-type monsters? I think it would be good to believe that the
principal summoned him.”

“How about this guy?”

A four-winged demon, breathing a mixture of flame and sulfur, appeared.

“It seems fine. The menacing look suits the principal.”

"indeed. Then let’s get ready.”

"Yes. ...for a moment. What do you mean?”

Lee Han-eun was a little perplexed when Professor Koo suggested that we prepare
immediately without any explanation.

What are we going to prepare?

“Are you sure it’s the devil’s illusion?”

“I haven’t learned it yet.”

"ah. It doesn't have to be an illusion that you can control your senses while
moving on your own. It could just be that they look the same.”

“…so that means you haven’t learned it yet.”

Han-eun Lee slowly became afraid of what Professor Koo thought of her.

Are you thinking of being a 4th grader?


Professor Ku was surprised.

Then he said it again, as if it were a surprise.

"but. Wodanaj, you're a freshman, but it wouldn't be strange."

Lee Han tried to ask, 'Are you aware of that now?'

The opponent was a professor.

“Yeah… no matter how crude it is, it embodies the illusion of a demon-like

monster, but I don’t think it’s my level of magic.”

“By the way, Professor Verdus said that you have mastered the 4th circle magic
<Enable Summon Azirmo>. Isn't that also a fantasy magic series? If you know how to
do that, even the devil's illusions are fine..."

A magic that summons the illusion of a dragon made of light.

Even with the help of the magic circle, it was definitely a great thing.

Enough to challenge even the devil's fantasy.

Lee Han, who was at a disadvantage, pretended not to hear and turned away.

“So what can I do to help?”

“When you summon a demon’s illusion, I was going to help you… Why don’t you learn
it now? Wodanaj, I think you can do it.”

'Well. You are indeed Professor Voladi's friend.'

The term Yuyusangjong was not for nothing.

If it looks too good for a madman's friend, you should reconsider.

Because there was a high possibility that madness was hiding in that innocent

However, apart from Lee Han's rude thoughts, this was not Professor Koo's fault.

This was because, starting with Professor Verdus, the other professors raised the
level of difficulty to 'Wordanaz did this level' or 'Wordanaj would do this level'.

Hearing those words, it was only natural to suggest that we learn a spell that
summons demonic illusions.

A proposal that came out of pure consideration with no malice whatsoever.

Of course, even if a stone was thrown with a pure heart without malice, a person
could be struck and killed.

“There are a lot of magic I’m practicing right now…”

Lee Han was slowly learning how to deal with Einroguard's professors.

A kind of back-blocking that uses Professor B's excuse against Professor A and
Professor C's against Professor B.

It could be annoying if caught, but what can I do?

If I didn't, I'd be dead now.


Professor Ku was not at all surprised.

Just by looking at the lectures I took in the first semester, I could guess that
there are many magics that Wodanaj is practicing now.

“What are you practicing? I wonder? Is there any illusion magic?”

“Illusion magic… I am practicing Ogonin-sama’s illusion magic.”

Lee Han stopped talking.

Professor Ku was listening with interest.

“Ogonin-sama? What kind of magic did you learn to where?”

“Not that great.”

“Ogonin-sama’s fantasy magic is a different story. It's classic and authentic.

Because of the difficulty, fewer people are learning these days, but I am glad to
hear that you are practicing, Wodanaj.”
“So that’s great…”

No matter how much Lee Han tried to speak, Professor Koo did not listen.

He even called a passing wizard.

“Darachi. I heard that my disciple here is practicing Ogonin-sama’s fantasy magic

by hand?”

"what? Weren’t the students here today in first grade?”

“It’s a freshman. Isn't that great?"

“It doesn’t make sense.”

When he even came to a wizard he had never seen before, Lee Han wanted to beat
Professor Koo.

It's so great to learn from Ogonin, so you're even calling passersby.

"professor. Why did someone else…”

"ah. This is Darachi of the Valor family. This friend is also a wizard who came to
help today.”

Unlike Professor Voladi, Professor Ku had a wide network. It seemed that the other
wizard was also Professor Ku's friend.

'House of Valor?'

Lee Han was surprised that the other person's family name was familiar.

where did you hear that

“Nice to meet you. Darachi of the Valor family.”

“This is Lee Han of the Wodanaj family.”


Darachi stared at Lee Han without saying hello.


"Ah... I heard rumors, but I didn't think it was a freshman."


“Lord Doin was taken care of.”


It was only then that Lee Han remembered what kind of family the Balor family was.

Sir Doin, from Baldrogaard, showed a light confrontation with Lee Han at the

The Lord's family was the Valor family.

'Were they from the same family!'

“What happened at the meeting was not because I won, but because Lord Doin made a

“It’s okay if you don’t say it so carefully. It is foolish to make such a mistake
while competing with a first-year student.”

Lee Han wanted to somehow restore the honor of Lord Doin, but it was not easy.

Also, it was quite hard to believe that Lee Han had so much magical power that his
opponent accidentally fell into a state of exhaustion.

While Lee Han felt sorry for Do-in inside, Professor Ku and Dar-Achi had a

“If the rumors are true, it wouldn’t be absurd to say that you are learning
Ogonin-sama’s magic.”

“Darachi. Not because he's my apprentice, but Wodanaj doesn't talk about magic."

“It’s not that I don’t believe it. Ogonin-sama's fantasy magic is so difficult
that it's not easy to learn and master. Even if you have the will, there may be no

“That’s it, you can listen to the results. Have you learned any magic?”

“I learned the magic of <Ogonin's Emotion Recognition> and <Ogonin's Rising

Anxiety> series, and now I am practicing <Ogonin's Light Dance>...”

"Oh oh!"


The two illusion wizards were startled.

Are you already practicing <Ogonin's Light Dance>?

If you were a true Empire's fantasy wizard, <Ogonin's Light Dance> was a magic you
couldn't understand.

A defensive magic that spreads a mist of illusion, making it impossible to aim

properly from external enemies.

Of course, there were many illusion magic that created such an effect. Among them,
there were many magics that were easier to learn than <Ogonin's Light Dance>.

However, the reason <Ogonin's Light Dance> was highly evaluated was because of its

Illusion magic created using heat did not cast properly in places full of cold,
and illusion magic created using clouds with hallucinogenic effects decreased
sharply when the sense of smell was blocked.

However, pure traditional fantasy magic like <Ogonin's Light Dance> had no such

Even if it takes a long time to learn and is inefficient, it is a highly complete

magic that has no weakness once mastered.
It wasn't for nothing that Professor Ku and Dararch were highly rated.

“You already learned <Ogonin's Emotion Recognition> and <Ogonin's Rising Anxiety>.

“You said Darachi.”

“If that’s enough, I think I’m ready to learn <Ogonin's Light Dance>.”

“That’s right. Wodanaz. You said you were practicing right now? Practice again.
Let us take a look.”

"No... Professor... Aren't we ready?"

“It’s okay to do that later.”

“Professor Ku is right. How important is such a joke? Let’s watch <Ogonin's Light


Can I really do this?

* * *

“Something strange.”

Principal Skeleton frowned and said.

Professor Verdus, who was next to him, asked with a smile.

“Now you know! The futility of this useless nonsense…”

“I didn’t say that.”


“Why are the phantom wizards getting fewer and fewer?”

Principal Skeleton didn't just leave the work to Professor Ku.

Considering the size of the venue and the number of new students, it was something
that Professor Ku could not do in the first place. The magic power of Einroguard's
professor wasn't cheap.

Not only Dararch, but also several illusion wizards from the city of Granden were
called and placed on standby...

The illusion wizards in the ballroom were decreasing one by one.

At first, I thought I escaped because I didn't want to do it, but anyway, this was
a bit strange.

Unless someone is kidnapped...


Principal Skeleton took his eyes off Gainando, who was churning like a storm in
the center of the ballroom, and went out into the hallway.

And I moved to the place where vitality was gathered.

'no way...'

There was only one answer if vitality was gathered, but Principal Skeleton denied

Even so, how could the illusion wizards leave their seats so irresponsible and act
as they please?

“It seems difficult, but…”

"no! Wodanaz. Just a little bit more.”

"you're right! <Ogonin's Light Dance> is a magic that it is a pity to give up like
this. I tried to learn it once, but in the end I failed. Wodanaj-sama can do it!”

“I agree. I don't want to appreciate failure, but it's great that you've made it
this far. It is a pity to stop here.”

"ruler. one more time!"

"one more time!"


Seeing the illusion wizards surrounding Lee Han and applauding, the skeleton
principal really felt a headache.


"oh. Gonadaltes.”

“Look here! Here, Wodanaj-sama is just before learning <Ogonin's Light Dance>! I’m
only in first grade!”


The Skeleton Principal gathered as much patience as possible so as not to cast a

curse on the faces of the brightly speaking illusion wizards.

“That is very surprising.”

"Yes? I thought you would agree!”

“As long as you are in charge of Einroguard, you must be happy! ha ha ha!"

The fantasy wizards burst into laughter, but Lee Han had a slightly different

'You seem to be extremely upset.'

The skeleton principal's face in human form seemed to want to attack the fantasy
wizards at any moment beyond the level of ice cold.

However, the illusion wizards were so happy that Lee Han, who was only a freshman,
might learn <Ogonin's Light Dance>, they did not notice the skeleton principal's

“How about if Gonadaltes-sama could give you a few words of advice?”

“That’s a great idea!”

At that pure conversation, Lee Han thought to himself.

It may be a myth that illusion wizards are good at reading other people's

“By the way, I have a question for you...”

“What is it?”

“Didn’t I ask you for something?”

Principal Skeleton asked as kindly and softly as possible.

Because all the wizards could have escaped if their true intentions came out.

“What was it?”

“Did you help me learn <Ogonin's Light Dance> perfectly?”

As the phantom wizards murmured, the skeleton principal's anger deepened.

“At the ballroom… against… the students…”

"ah. you're right. I remembered. Gonadaltes.”

“Are you going to surprise the students?”

“Surprised… not surprised… everyone will be scared and run away…”

"Yes? Why should I get scared and make you run away?”

The Skeleton Principal regretted calling these illusion wizards for nothing.

I thought that the city of Granden brought some pretty decent guys, but even if I
didn't notice, there wouldn't be such a thing.

"...done. Everyone get ready.”

"ah. Wait. Gonadaltes.”


“I want to see Wodanaj-sama here learning <Ogonin's Light Dance> and prepare.”


Principal Skeleton wondered how good it would have been if this was Einroguard.

If that was the case, I would have thrown all those wizards upside down in the
punishment room.

However, this was the city of Granden, and if they did such a thing against the
phantom wizards, accusations and writings would immediately come to the imperial

Einroguard's reputation in the city will be tainted with violence and fear.

had to endure

“Now… the ball is over halfway, so shouldn’t we get ready soon…?”

Principal Skeleton said it in the best possible way.

However, the illusion wizards were more ignorant and more persistent than

“Please. Gonadaltes.”

“We are almost there! I don't know how long it will take if I don't learn
<Ogonin's Light Dance> on this occasion.”

"I am okay. Even if I practice again next time…”

Lee Han, who understood the atmosphere, tried to stop him, but the magicians did
not back down.

“Sir Gonadaltes! Please!”

“How important is this opportunity to Gonadaltes-sama…”

“…do as you please.”

Principal Skeleton let out a deep, dark sigh.

It was so deep and dark that it seemed that it would penetrate the floor of the
hallway and even reach the demons deep underground.

“As soon as possible.”

“I will do my best to get it done quickly.”

Lee Han read Principal Skull's feelings and spoke sincerely.

Then the illusion wizards threw advice from the side.

“You won’t be in too much of a hurry.”

“Right. When it comes to learning magic, impatience is a dangerous enemy.”


The Skeleton Principal glared at the phantom wizards as if to kill them.

* * *

When Lee Han finally learned <Ogonin's Light Dance> and returned to the banquet
hall, the ball was already at the end.

Principal Skeleton raised suspicions that Lee Han had deliberately overcooked it,
but it did not bite him.

To be honest, even if I looked at the headmaster of Skeleton, I couldn't

conscientiously say anything because he learned it quickly.

'Fortunately, I didn't hear it.'

Lee Han sighed in relief.

In the end, he learned <Ogonin's Light Dance>, but he deliberately twisted the
flow of magic and pretended to fail several times.

I didn't want to go back as soon as I could see the prom was about to end.

“Gainan too… did you even swim?”

Lee Han was surprised to see Guy Nando as if he had bathed in sweat.

Gainando sat down in his chair, panting like someone whose heart would soon stop.
He couldn't even speak properly because his breathing was so steep.

“Hey, huh, shoes, huh ok, crazy professor, huh…”

“Don’t trust the shoes the crazy professor gives you. I understand."

Gainando nodded his head again and again. Lee Han realized that Guy Nando was

Perhaps there was a problem with the artifact, and he managed to break it and

'Because you don't wear it like that.'

While Lee Han was deeply saddened, some city nobles passed by and admired

“It was a really great dance.”

“A dancer like that is rare in the capital. If His Majesty the Prince shows his
face in the social world, everyone will be amazed.”


Ian was surprised.

Professor Verdus' Cursed Artifact would return with such good luck.

I don't know how Guy Nando danced, but it was clear that he showed such a great
dance that even the city aristocrats, who were dissatisfied with social events and
proms, were amazed.

“But the Prince has a big flaw, isn’t it?”

"ah. Well... if you don't fix that flaw, you might not be welcomed in the social


Lee Han was surprised in a different way.

'what? What kind of accident did Gainando have?'

Even though Gainando was a little hit and miss, there weren't many chances to get
into an accident in the first place.

I've been at magic school for most of this year, and I wouldn't have attended many
social gatherings before that, so how?

'Did you make a mistake? Have you insulted anyone?'

“You win the wizard card game with a black magic curse. Really really...”

“Who would have thought you would bring out such a filthy card in a friendly game
of mutual respect.”


Lee Han was at a loss for words.

no what...?

'It's too much to say that you paid a few cards.'


While Lee Han was surprised, two white tiger top friends talked to each other.

Today, I heard a lot of honorific names from the phantom wizards, so I had nails
in my ears, so Lee Han flinched without realizing it.

“Rowena. Cltran. Nice to meet you.”

Rowena was a knight from the East who was one of the princess's followers, and
Kltran was a knight who had broken an ankle while fighting and had been helped by
Lee Han.

Cletran asked as if wondering.

“By the way, Wodanaj. Where have you been from the middle of the prom? I didn’t
see it.”

“I met the city wizards and talked for a while.”

Lee Han turned around. Anyway, it wasn't a lie.

“Oh… that’s great too.”

Cltran took it in a different sense.

Because Wodanaj was so famous, he thought that the city wizards would come and
talk to them warmly.

It wasn't completely wrong.

Of course, it wasn't a story that Cultran would send envy to.

“Wordanaj-sama. It seems a bit unfair.”

Rowena grumbled loudly. Lee Han didn't understand what that elf friend was talking
“What are you talking about?”

“The princess is also Wodanaj-sama’s friend, but you only give Gainando-sama such


From Rowena's words, it seems that Gainando stirred the ball like a storm, so
Princess Adenart didn't have a chance to show off her skills even though she had
excellent dancing skills.

Kltran, who was listening next to him, said as if he did not understand.

“But if you are pushed by Guy Nando, it’s not that you just lack dancing skills…”

“How dare you?! It was an eye-catching dance with only glamor! A real dance should
contain elegance and meaning in silence...”

“Oh, no. I don't know how to dance.”

Cltran sent his eyes to Lee Han for help.

“Rowena. Those shoes were not given to me. Professor Verdus…”

“When I asked the professor, I heard that he refused what he was originally going
to give to Wodanaj-sama and gave it to Gainando-sama… Is that wrong?”

“…I didn’t give it to him, but Gainando took it for himself. And it's a cursed

Lee Han explained that Professor Verdus was a madman and that the artifact was a
cursed artifact, but Rowena was convinced but did not give up her regrets.

“Then it would have been better if I had worn it…”

Kltran looked at Rowena for a moment and then looked at Gainando lying on the
floor in the distance and shook his head. Then, with her mouth open, he spoke to
Lee Han.

- I don't know why you're so loyal. I think everyone is crazy.

- Your top friend.

-...don't do it like someone else's business. Wodanaj, you're the nanny of your
dog tower.

“…what kind of bullshit?”

Lee Han, who was muttering together, was embarrassed by Klatran's absurd remarks
and spit it out in his voice.

Rowena was embarrassed and apologized.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Was it too rude to wear what I was wearing?”

“It’s not… More than that, Rowena. Do the White Tiger Tower niggas call me a

Rowena felt a threat from Lee Han's voice and paused.

“Well… I don’t know… Oh! Her Majesty the Princess! Her Majesty the Princess! This
is it!”

Rowena found Adenart and called her urgently. Lee Han thought to himself at the

'Isn't the loyalty weaker than I thought?'

Not realizing that he was being questioned about his loyalty as a knight, Rowena
gestured towards the princess. Adenart was carrying a snack plate and was dragged
along without knowing English.

“I’ll take it for you.”

“Not without hands, not without feet, why? Let him eat what he likes…”

Whether Lee Han said it or not, Rowena hurriedly picked up the plate and moved.

Cultran, who was next to him, grabbed the plate like lightning and stood up.

He quickly realized that if he stood still, he had to deal with the angry Wodanaj
alone. It wasn't just an article.

'Well. It's awkward.'

Lee Han wanted to call even Guy Nando, who was lying on the floor.

Even though we were originally the same friends, we had friends who were
comfortable with us, and we had friends who were awkward because we had never had a

The princess was the typical latter.

“How was your vacation?”


The princess nodded her head lightly and opened her mouth.

"this time..."

'basilisk? Valor family? King of ghouls? Undead Chimera? Crimson Forest Knights?'

For a moment, Lee Han predicted what the princess would ask, and then fell into a
sense of self-doubt.

“…I heard that Gainan also had dinner with His Majesty.”


Lee Han paused for a moment at the very unexpected words.

'what? Are you trying to check the faction of Gainan too?'

In that case, Lee Han was thinking, 'I'm not a member of the Gai-Nan faction haha,
fight as you like with the Ga-Nan too, I won't care'.

However, instead of speaking, Adenart threw her eyes at her with subtle emotions
in her blue eyes.

Lee Han seemed to have seen those eyes somewhere.

To be precise, when the assignments were pushed back, Gainando looked at him with
pathetic eyes, unable to speak...

'no. no way.'

Ian wanted to know what he was thinking. The princess wasn't the one to ask for
help because she couldn't do her homework. Comparison with Gainando was an insult.

“I brought it.”

Rowena returned with snacks in a bowl.

Lee Han was puzzled by the appearance of a healthy plate full of fresh green.

“Uh… what to eat, Princess?”

“Is this plate?”


Lee Han could clearly see the princess making a dull expression for a moment.


“Do you have that? It doesn't look very tasty."

“Tasty, delicious, but...”

Rowena spoke in a voice that was a little shaky at Lee Han's harsh criticism.

Not all elves were necessarily vegetarians, but some elf families did adore
vegetables. Lee Han knew that too, so he didn't blame Rowena.

“Don’t cancel the word that it doesn’t taste good. But when you look at the
remaining schedules, it would be better to eat a little more.”

Lee Han took Klatran's plate with the horse.

When he lost a plate of thick pancakes soaked in honey and syrup, three kinds of
fruit tarts, and a plate of crispy three-layer meat pie stacked close to the art,
Kltran gave a more painful expression than the last time he broke his ankle. .

However, the princess's face brightened slightly.

Lee Han placed the plate in front of the princess, and held out the green plate to

“Clatran. You eat this.”

“...can't we just bring it back? Wodanaz?”


Kltran got up from his seat anxiously, hoping that the pancakes weren't running
out. Rowena said as she saw that there was no plate in front of Lee Han.
“Isn’t it better to eat a little something?”

“I think this is enough for me, so I think you should fill the plate a little.”

“I’m fine too…”

"I beg your pardon? Her Majesty the Princess? Worried? Are you worried?”

The princess put the pancake in her mouth and looked at Lee Han like she was
embarrassed, but Lee Han pretended she didn't see it and ignored it.

Rowena stood up as if she knew.

"Oh yeah. Are you really okay with that plate?”

"it's okay."

Lee Han didn't like Rowena's fresh green plate, but he wasn't hungry, and above
all, Lee Han was used to rough food.

Even when the Blue Dragon Tower friends clapped with the hard black bread, Lee Han
was able to pass it down his throat without hesitation.

“Wordanaj-sama also likes vegetables.”

“It’s not… no. Just bring a plate or something. The break is over.”

Lee Han sent Rowena out of his seat again. Then he said to the princess.

“Aren’t your followers bullying you?”

The princess snorted and coughed while eating. Lee Han handed the cup. The
princess drank some fruit juice and answered slowly.


“Really? I’ve been thinking about it since I was in school, but that seems a bit

The princess was silent for a moment. She seemed to be choosing what to say.

“It's not with bad intentions... it's not. It's just a little... I'm over-

'Gainando needs to see that.'

Lee Han admired the appearance of the princess who tried not to curse her
followers as much as possible.

If it was Gainando, the criticism would have come right out, saying, 'These kids
say I want to eat, but I can't eat, I want to play, but I can't play, I don't want
to study, but I force them to, what kind of a follower is this?'

“Can I not tell you to restrain yourself? Just one word would make you

At Lee Han's words, the princess shook her head.

He then explained that it would be irresponsible as an imperial family to be
arrogant to his followers and break their expectations.

As long as you are supported by the royal family, you have a responsibility to
show your followers what they expect.

A person who does not say anything and nods his head solemnly tends to feel more
charismatic than saying, 'I am not the person you think I am'.

'No what?'

Lee Han was shocked beyond admiration.

You must be thinking like that.

Of course, there must have been someone in the royal family who had that kind of
responsibility, but when I played with Guy Nando, I was surprised and compared for

'Isn't it about five years older than Gainando?'

“Still, the number of followers may not be that high yet, so wouldn’t it be better
to convince them from now on? How many followers do you have?”

Lee Han was a little embarrassed to be with Bo Gajun, Judraantas, and the two of
them, but he thought about the followers of Guynando.

According to the city's rumors, Bogajun's followers consisted of one medium-sized

Earth Elemental Wizards Guild, one well-known adventurer party, three tops, two
banks, one guerrilla team, and five city noble families. Those who are counted as
followers of Baldrogaard were one tower built by wizards from Baldrogard, one large
leather guild, one horse tower specializing in carnivorous plant research, two
swordsman guilds and three knight families.

Those who are counted as followers of Gainando are the owners of the confectionery
store in Granden City or the owner of a toy store, if I had to force them.

Of course, there are more followers of the princess than Gai Nando, but it was
worth trying to persuade him one by one and gain human support if it was Bo Gajun
and Judraantas.

“Palm Knights, Red Rain Wizard Tower, Imperial Western Union Chamber of Commerce,
Cross Brothers Swordsman, Olodo Party…”


However, a list completely different from Lee Han's expectations came out of the
princess' mouth.

The Palm Knights were an honorary knights made by the great nobles of the Empire,
and although their force was weaker than that of the real knights, their name value
was enough to crush a few knights as they were, and the Red Rain Wizard Tower was a
horse tower built by wizards from Einroguard.

The Imperial Western Union Chamber of Commerce was a huge capital group formed by
the upperclassmen and merchants of the western region, and the Brothers Cross
Swordsmanship was a prestigious swordsmanship guild that produced many outstanding
swordsmen. Some knights went and learned swordsmanship, so there was no need to say
more. The Olodo Party was an adventurer's party that I've heard of Lee Han-do's
name several times.

'Is this enough?'

I thought my name would appear frequently in the Imperial newspapers, but I'm sure
the big names of that size already supported it.

Even that isn't the end, there's more left.

Lee Han understood why so many of her freshman friends support the princess.

'I'm sure the country will want to support it too.'

Isn't that the highest win rate horse in the Empire? Even Lee Han seemed to want
to support him.

The princess stopped talking and looked at Lee Han.

As a senior in the school year who is doing a lot of work even on vacation, he
expected that he would give clear advice on the current situation.

“My Majesty the Princess.”


“Be strong.”


The princess stared at Lee Han.

The word is different from before.

“…you told me to persuade you.”

"Well. Come to think of it, sometimes dignity is better than persuasion. There is
a saying that silence is more precious than gold. Look at Guyan over there.”

When he shamefully cites Kainando as an example, the princess could not refute it.

* * *

Until the end of the event, Lee Han did not relax, but there was no attack.

Seeing the skeleton principal greeting the city aristocrats with melancholy eyes,
Lee Han sighed in relief.

'Somehow I lived.'

"Oh yeah. Wodanaz. I have one thing to ask you as we go.”

At Rowena's words, Lee Han was puzzled.

“Are you suggesting that we do an adventurer quest together?”

Some of the White Tiger Tower students who heard rumors during vacation would
suggest that whenever they see Lee Han, 'I found a request like this and if it
succeeds, we will all be able to sit on a pile of gold coins'.
However, in Lee Han's view, most of them were false requests. The possibility was
so slim that no one touched it, so the color of the request was fading.

"ah. sorry. I haven't heard anything new about the quest to subdue a being
equivalent to the king of ghouls.”

“…Rowena. First of all, I am not a person who only seeks out things like the king
of ghouls.”

“Be humble.”

Rowena smiled as if she was going to move on. Lee Han thought that the White Tiger
Tower guys were all really annoying.

“So what do you want to ask?”

Rowena pulled a thin booklet out of her arms. On the cover of the booklet it was

Honorable His Majesty Adenart, may this riddle soothe your boredom.

“Isn’t that really rude?!”

“Uh… huh?”

Lee Han couldn't keep up with Rowena's resentment, so his reaction was a bit late.

Rowena explained later.

Among the princess's followers, there were those who believed and supported it as
actively as Rowena, but there were also those who compared, tested, and tested the

Of course, these people had no regrets, and they had quite a strong power in the
empire. Without that level, I couldn't do a tightrope like that.

The riddle I received this time was sent by one of the Imperial Dukes. Words are a
gift, and if the recipient fails to unlock it, his reputation could be damaged, so
he had to be very careful.

“It's definitely rude...”

“The Duke sent this riddle the other day! Keep doing what once is enough...! No
matter how much gold you reward, if you keep doing this...”



“Didn’t I just say gold coins?”

"yes. did you?”

Of course, as the opponent was an imperial family, he sent only such a riddle and
did not finish it.

It was the honor of the nobility to send a congratulatory gift as well as an

apology for testing if the riddle was answered correctly.
Hearing this explanation, Lee Han felt immense jealousy towards Adenart.

'I envy you!'

Lee Han can solve such a riddle diligently, so why didn't the other great nobles
send him to Lee Han?

In fact, I knew the reason very well. As one of the successors of the Empire, the
Imperial Family, it is okay to send such a thing.

"for a moment. Kainando is... no. done. I was about to ask something. Anyway,
that's why you're all pondering this riddle together?"


“Did you all think about it together last time?”


“Did the princess take all the gold coins she received?”

"no. Did you give it to us?”


Lee Han seriously wondered if he should have been friends with the princess rather
than Guynan.

Of course, I was satisfied enough even now, but after hearing the stories of the
princess's followers, I regret a little...

“Isn’t this the Wizard of the Wodanaj family?”

Contemplating, Lee Han raised his head. The master of his familiar voice was
surprisingly this Duke of Kaldoren.

“This is a happy coincidence. It's been quite a while since we last met. To meet
you like this.”

Of course it was a lie.

The Duke of Ikaldoren appeared around here today to make contact with valuable
students of the Magic School.

And if it was a boy from the Wodanaj family, it could be said that it was the most
valuable card.

'You're with Princess Adenart? Are you supporting the princess by any chance? I
heard she's close with Prince Guy Nando?'

Duke Ikaldoren had a lot of thoughts and worries during that short period of time.

“It's nice to see you. Your Majesty the Duke.”

“If it’s okay, why don’t we talk for a moment?”

Rowena made an outright dislike expression. Lee Han poked Rowena in the back to
mean to take care of her expression.
-what's the matter?

-That duke sent me a rude riddle!

- No really? By the way, last time, I had a big basilisk egg...



It didn't matter to Lee Han whether the duke kept trying to test the princess or

And if it was the peacock who gave the riddle, he had to approach it more.
Wouldn't that be the only way to find a hint?

At that moment, a gloomy energy flowed from the alley. It was a dangerous energy
mixed with life explicitly.

Duke Ikaldoren's escorts rushed in surprise.

“Stand back. master!"

“It’s done. I will deal with it.”

Lee Han sighed and raised his wand.

With that absurd confidence, the escorts didn't know whether to be shocked,
discouraged, or angry, so their reaction was delayed by one beat.

“What the hell… Wodanaj-sama. I know you're the magician of Einroguard, but this
is no joke..."

“Did I say I was going to fight you?”

Lee Han looked at the alley.

And then he shook his head. It was thought that the principal of the skeleton was
playing a lot of jokes.

You have to finish it inside the banquet hall. If you do this outside, won't
outsiders get involved like this?

"...for a moment."

Lee Han felt something strange.

The energy coming out of the alley was getting stronger and stronger, no matter
how much I thought about it, it didn't seem like a joke.


'It's strange.'

Principal Skeleton had a bad temper, and was not an idiot.

You must know that the banquet hall is located in the heart of the city of
Granden, but you ignore the possibility that outsiders will be involved and bully
the students?
'...Isn't this the duke's enemy, not mine?'

Lee Han glanced at Duke Ikaldoren.

The peacock waited with his arms crossed without a change in his expression. From
that look, I could feel the arrogance that it didn't matter what came out in the

If you ever attacked students, you should have been more surprised or reacted

'You're a peacock enemy!'

Lee Han regretted inside.

It would be over if I just left it to the duke's escort, but he intervened for

'Anyway, Principal Skeleton doesn't help.'

Even now, Lee Han called an escort and tried to cooperate.

However, the attack of the enemy in the alley took precedence. The energy that had
been growing stronger was refined like a blade, and it came out with life.

* * *

As Lee Han had guessed, Duke Ikaldoren was not surprised.

Of course, he didn't know exactly who the opponent was. Duke Ikaldoren was so used
to these attacks that he became tired of them.

When it came to the duke of the Empire, there was no shortage of enemies, and
among them, the Duke of Icaldoren, who was active most aggressively, had an enemy
from the great noble family to the criminal guild, one by one.

Most of the enemies don't even dare to touch them and lower their tails, but if
the number is too large, two or three times a year, like a regular event, they will
be attacked.

Of course, Duke Ikaldoren was not afraid of his arrogant personality, nor was he
careful of his actions.

Instead, the boundaries have been sharply raised.

The defense artifacts that the Duke of Ikaldoren is wearing now have a price that
easily exceeds the price of dozens of castles, and the escorts standing around have
the fighting power to slaughter at least one guild.

It was like a walking fortress, but there was no reason to fear the attack of
trivial assassins. What you should be afraid of are the assassins attacking.

So the Duke of Ikaldoren was not really surprised at all.

That is for the attack.

'It's amazing!'
The Duke of Ikaldoren tried countless guesses about the meaning of Lee Han's
actions in a short span of time.

Why are you in this situation?

It could be that he wanted to raise his worth in front of Princess Adenart, or it

could be that he wanted to raise his worth in front of the Duke of Icaldoren.

'Or maybe both.'

The peacock weighted the latter.

The behavior that the Wodanaj family boy was showing was very energetic for a
freshman. Many geniuses enter the Einroguard, but it is rare to find a genius who
has established such a position and built a reputation like that in the first year.

'I will respect your ambitions. A boy from the Wodanaj family. But there is one
thing missing.'

Having grasped the situation, Duke Ikaldoren noticed a gap in Ihan's plan.

'That means you'll have to deal with the raid on your own.'

He couldn't get the help of the duke's escort as he went out to stop him like

And most of those who want to attack the Duke of Ikaldoren are strong people who
have thoroughly prepared in their own way to attack the Duke.

'You don't know how strong those who attack this body are. No matter how genius, a
freshman. Would it be difficult to deal with the raiders?'

The magic of wizards was so powerful that it was often misunderstood, but the
combat power of the wizards was rather lacking than I thought.

Magic is powerful when it's done, but it's nothing until it's done.

Those who knew it well played with the wizards easily. From interrupting spells to
interrupting concentration, there are many ways to interrupt magic.

Duke Ikaldoren predicted that it would not be easy for Lee Han to defeat the

If he said that and received help, the face of the ambitious boy would be greatly
damaged, but the Duke was planning to intervene immediately if Lee Han was pushed

If Lee Han was seriously injured, he became in trouble too.

'Even if you help, don't blame this body. It's your choice.'

"master. Be careful. It is poison!”

“Stop whining. If you're really screaming, either your eyes or your brain are

The duke said to the escort in a hoarse voice. The escort's face turned red.

If the peacock's ability to detoxify the artifacts it has now, even if the entire
area was melted with poison, the peacock didn't hurt a single hair.

In fact, despite the escort's shout, the duke did not move a single step.

“What kind of monster are you? Not like slime. I think it was summoned with a
mixture of spirits and dimensional beasts.”

The duke and escort had a rough idea of the attacker's identity as soon as he
crawled out of the alley.

It was possible to get an estimate just by looking at the exterior as it had been
attacked so many times.

Seeing them moving while wriggling with venom in the negative form, they are like
slimes, spirits, and dimensional beasts, but they move too fast for a slime...

There was a high possibility that a spirit or dimension beast was poisoned with
poison or summoned by fusion.

Perhaps the raider got the information that the peacock was passing by and
summoned that venomous pollutant in time.

After the situation was over, the criminal had to have wizards trace the traces,
and now...

'I'm afraid.'

The Duke of Ikaldoren was arrogant.

The opponent was too bad.

An assassin who uses complex magic or craftsmanship would not know that an enemy
who pushed wildly in such a way was impossible to deal with wisely.

It had to be suppressed by force versus force, but the poison emitted by that
poisonous pollutant was not enough to kill the peacock, but it could easily melt
the surrounding walls. The poison was too strong for a freshman to detoxify.

Besides, it's not slow or weak, so if a fight breaks out, victory or defeat will
be decided by a single clash.

“If you fall, you will be rescued immediately…”



Duke Ikaldoren's eyes flickered for a long time.

Surprisingly, the boy from the Wodanaj family attacked first!


No matter how young and arrogant he was, that was insane.

The reason why the poisonous pollutant didn't attack right away was because there
were a lot of other people besides Lee Han here.

It was not at the level of digging a grave on its own, but at the level of weaving
a coffin into it.

* * *

'thank god!'

Lee Han sighed in relief.

It seemed that the embarrassing situation of having to borrow the help of the
duke's escort could be overcome.

Fortunately, the opponent's match was very good.


The poisonous pollutant, furious at Lee Han, who suddenly ran and fed him a blow,
emitted a thick poison mist.

If it were another wizard, he would use magic to take control of the poison, but
Lee Han left it alone.

As expected, the poison had no significant effect on Lee Han. Even if he breathed,
the huge magical power diluted the poison like the ocean.

“Park Mu, spread.”

The precious time earned thanks to the poison resistance was used by Lee Han to
cast the newly learned <Ogonin's Light Dance>.

Lee Han's figure lost focus and wobbled and shook. The Venomous Pollutant was
greatly puzzled by the incomprehensible sequence of events.

If the opponent is a cold-hearted and seasoned enemy, such a summoned creature may
have excellent physical abilities, but was weak against such a sudden situation.
Lee Han immediately cast the next spell.

“Bone, seize the enemy.”

It wasn't a strong force, but it was enough to hinder the movement of the
poisonous pollutant.

Many times faster than other normal wizards, bone restraints were created from the
ankles of the venomous taint.


Sharp bone fragments were lodged in the body of the poisonous pollutant like

It wasn't a fatal wound, not a normal structure, but the pain didn't go anywhere.
The Venomous Contaminant howled and fired venom around it.

Chewy profit!


Lee Han clicked his tongue as he looked at the melting cloak and clothes.
Fortunately, he didn't buy with his own money, but with his family's money.
'I'll have to be careful.'

If Duke Ikaldoren had heard Lee Han's heart, he would have been astonished.

In the midst of such a bloody fight, I wasn't worried about my life, I was worried
about my clothes.

'It's not like the king of ghouls has extraordinary defense or evasion. Keep the
body as it is, and just add damage.'

After completing the calculations, Lee Han took action immediately.

Summons a phantom clone, casts invisibility magic, bypasses backwards, and fires
after casting 5-strength magic on an iron bead!


The movement was so quick without hesitation that the reaction of the duke's
escorts was delayed by half a beat.

The escorts were astonished to see Lee Han casting a series of magic much faster
than expected.

How could a freshman cast magic at that speed, even in a row in a fierce battle?

It was a humiliation for the escorts who should not be surprised by predicting and
preparing for any situation in advance.

“I knocked him down. Be sure to finish it!”

In his heart, he wanted to set the fire himself, but Lee Han called the escorts
because he was afraid that the fire would spread around him or that something
unexpected would happen because he reacted with him.

As if waiting, the escorts drew their swords and swung them.

As the flaming sword exploded, the poisonous pollutant, which had already been
immobilized due to a critical hit in the chest, was enveloped in blue flames.

The magic flame burned the poison in an instant and even swallowed up the
pollutants. When Lee Han saw the swords the escorts were holding, he cursed inside.

'Did you just watch with those artifacts?'

Of course, Lee Han came forward to deal with it, but could he help out a little?

I'm not even a narrow-minded person that Lee Han is scolding for that!

"Wow... that's great."

Duke Ikaldoren said, belatedly adjusting his expression to the unexpected


Rowena felt pleasure at the sight. It was the first time that a peacock, who had
always acted arrogantly without changing her expression, showed such a reaction.

“I didn’t know I was going to give the ball to my escorts.”

Lee Han realized the meaning of the duke's words belatedly.

Originally, there was a big difference between 'Lee Han caught alone' and 'Lee Han
and the duke's escort caught it together' in this achievement. And everyone liked
to read.

But Ian didn't care.

'I'm not even a bounty person. It doesn't matter.'

It's not like we're sharing the bounty, but sharing some balls doesn't change

After all, the case is not the duke's. If you were to be punished for yielding to
your own escort, it was not a duke, but a mischief.

“I thought that the ball was not important, but that the priority should be to
quickly subdue that enemy and secure the safety of the surroundings.”

Although his friends applauded with emotion, Duke Ikaldoren was not deceived.

There's no way an ambitious guy like that can't make concessions for that reason.

That was a signal to the duke.

-I am as ambitious as you are. We'll be able to deal with ambitious people like

Duke Ikaldoren felt like he could hear Lee Han speaking like that.

Other than that, there was no reason to be sympathetic.

How ambitious people get to know each other.

Age didn't matter.

The Duke of Ikaldoren raised his opponent not merely as a gifted freshman, but as
a young ambitious who deserves to sit equally across the table.

“…I understand. Suggestion, let’s think positively.”

not bad.

The Duke of Ikaldoren also had to obtain information from within the School of

I don't know what kind of ambition the boy of the Wodanaj family has, but a
mutually beneficial deal will be possible.

" The peacock! Before the peacock… what kind of guy is that??”

Lee Han muttered at the back of the duke as he was moving away, but Rowena
pretended not to hear Lee Han swearing at the duke.


'He has no conscience!'

Lee Han was furious inside.

You treated me with the utmost respect as a peacock, but you did such a thing.

Who was the enemy that the now summoned venomous pollutants were targeting?

Neither Lee Han nor Lee Han's friends were the Duke of Ikaldoren.

Then, of course, if the poisonous pollutants are blocked, shouldn't we start by

saying, 'Thank you, Einroguard students have high spirits'.

Of course, Lee Han knew that Principal Skeleton had done it, but that didn't
matter. Either way, the results mattered.

But suddenly, you're trying to get out of your seat babbling nonsense that you
want to think positively.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was only one answer.

It was to save money.

'I can't forgive you.'

A person who generously sprinkles gold coins in the name of a mystery that is
useless to Adenart, understands the poor, and saves them for saving his life.

“There will be no more shameless and unscrupulous nobles in the Empire. It’s

“...Oh, no. Wodanaz. Duke Ikaldoren is rude, but... that...?”

At first, Rowena was happy because Lee Han cursed with her, but she became

The Duke of Ikaldoren was not like that.

Although it was rude, she was one of the princess's supporters, and she didn't
cross the line...?

“Rowena. I think I understand a little bit why you consider this Duke of Kaldorren
to be his lifelong foe.”

"Yes? I, I didn't say that."

Ignoring Rowena's explanation, Lee Han moved on.

The Duke had already gone far, but a few of the Duke's escorts remained and were
cleaning the area.

It was familiar to me that I had never done it once or twice, as he reliably

removed the burnt poisonous pollutant, checked that there was no other pollution
around, and calmly gathered the traces and evidence of summoning the poisonous

Seeing this, Lee Han became even more confident.

'It's true that the peacock was aiming.'

The taste was bitter.

I'm just observing, I just interrupted and threw away my clothes...

“Did the Duke have anything to say?”

Lee Han asked the escorts just in case. The escorts did not organize themselves,
but straightened their clothes.

It wasn't just that Lee Han came from the Wodanaj family.

The appearance he just showed was enough to earn the respect of his escorts.

He was only a freshman, but if he had that level of fighting power, he was sure to
become a great magician with a reputation in the empire as time passed.

In addition, their master, Duke Ikaldoren, also seemed to appreciate Lee Han very

Didn't I just say that I thought the proposal was positive?

The peacock never spoke empty words.


"Yes. left behind…”

“There was no such thing.”


Lee Han was sullen.

Unaware of such feelings, the escorts said with subtle eyes.

“You don’t have to.”

"you're right. We will be talking to each other soon.”


Lee Han thought that the escorts were crazy.

Why are you talking about the army all of a sudden?

'Are you crazy from the owner to the group?'

* * *

“It was really hard. Wodanaz.”

Even the guards came and cleaned up, and when the duke's escorts left, Kltran
praised Lee Han.

Although not as inexperienced as the Duke's escorts, Kltran had a vague sense of
how well Lee Han had fought.

"okay. Thank you."

Ian held out a hand. Cletran took her hand.

Then, Lee Han put away his hand and took Ktran's cloak.

“I meant borrowing a cloak.”

“…Uh, uh.”

Lee Han's top and cloak were in tatters from fighting the poisonous pollutants.
Lee Han said while wearing Klatran's cloak.

“Clatran. Since you are the tower of the white tiger, you will receive frequent
requests during vacations from now on.”

“Is that so?”

“Don’t accept Duke Ikaldoren’s request. He is a very humble person.”

"is it? Rather, Wodanaz. Riddle..."

“What kind of riddle is a riddle? Even if you fix it, nothing will come out.”

Lee Han grumbled like that, but inside he knew it wasn't.

The Duke of Ikaldoren did not give Lee Han a gift, and even if he jumped, he was
definitely giving a case to the princess.

The gold coin came out last time, so it will come out this time too.

'The more I think about it, the more angry I get.'

“If we solve it together, will I also share?”

“Yeah, but gold is not particularly important to you, is it? If you’re like me,
you wouldn’t know.”

At Cltran's words, Lee Han tried to beat Gainan as well, but he endured it.

He lent me the cloak, so he endured it once.

"good. Princess. Let’s solve it together.”

“I thought you would say that. Wodanaz.”

Cltran laughed.

Gradually, he seemed to know what kind of person Wodanaj was.

Woudanaj often said that he was cold on the outside, but his actions were warm.

'Durgyu didn't say that for no reason.'

Of course, I thought I would participate in this case as well.

Despite the seemingly murmuring, Wodanaj was related to a friend, and there was no
way he could just ignore it.

Also expected...

“I know what to say, you bastard. I'm still mad because of the peacock, do you
want to boost my temper?"

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

Cltran flinched for a moment.

Even though I knew it in my head, I couldn't help but be afraid.


Lee Han and his friends went to a nearby cafe and sat down.

Rowena ordered the juice made from ground five vegetables, Klatran ordered eggnog
with more rum, Lee Han had coffee, and the princess hesitated between chocolate and
vanilla and ordered a chocolate cake. Lee Han ordered another vanilla cake and
gently pushed it in front of the princess.

“So the riddle… um…”

Honorable His Majesty Adenart, may this riddle soothe your boredom.

Here is a cane. As the wizard walked with the wand, a brook opened the way. As we
crossed the stream, the wind cleared the wall in front of us. When the wall
disappeared, night came. Then a flash of light lit the way. I wonder what kind of
wand this wand is.


Lee Han read everything and shook his head.

“You mean guess what artifact it is?”

Lee Han thought that the duke was clumsy, so he had no talent for riddles.

Isn't it a good riddle to guess what the artifact is?

If it was a riddle, Lee Han could also solve a riddle.

"What is the 3rd card from the top of Gainando's deck?"

"ah. That's not it. It is close to the meaning of making such a cane yourself.”

“…No, why is that a mystery… it became. It doesn't matter.”

Lee Han realized how good the riddle of the talking oak tree he met in the
mountain range was.

It's not a riddle, it's just, 'Can you make a cane like this?'

“The water element, the wind element, and the light element. Try making a wand
with at least 3 hanging artifacts? The difficulty is also difficult, but the power
required is too severe, isn't it?"

"ah. That's not it. It's more of a metaphor, and it doesn't matter if it's much
weaker in reality."


Lee Han felt a burning desire to point out, even though it was not his business.
'If it was written that the stream opened the way, it should be enough to cut the
stream, what kind of thing...'

Lee Han, who was grumbling inside, stopped when he realized that he was talking
the same as Einroguard's professor.

The people who gave the riddles and the people who solved them were satisfied, but
there was no reason for Lee Han to break the colic.

'okay. There's nothing wrong with ending each other nicely. Let's take only gold

“If the power is weak, I can only complete a staff with 3 enchantments... Uh.
Isn’t it easy?”

Lee Han, who was examining the conditions, was puzzled.

Even if the power was weak, the difficulty went down a lot more than expected.

Of course, it was not so easy to cast three enchantments, and also other elemental

Each time you apply an enchantment magic layer by layer, the casting difficulty
increases, and if it is a different element type, it goes up again.

However, for Lee Han, who had already experienced the Verdus course of Hell in the
first semester, that was quite enough.

Isn't it much better than making a shield that floats, moves, and defends itself
against attacks?



At Lee Han's words, Rowena and Klatran became depressed.

The gentle madness of the head of the grade had made them gloomy.

“Oh, no. It’s difficult to think about.”

Lee Han noticed their reaction and changed their words, but it was already too

"no. Wodanaz. You don’t have to take care of us.”

“That’s right… Wodanaj. You don't even have to take care of us. No wonder we look
like monkeys to your eyes.”

“It’s a misunderstanding. Cltran. I never thought of it as a monkey. I've never

thought of him as worse than Guynando... No. not. Anyway, it doesn't look that

At Lee Han's words, the princess who finished the second cake raised her hand and

“Even if only two overlapping each other, the casting difficulty increases, but
three seems impossible.”
“You can use the magic circle as a secondary device.”

“A wand-like artifact… a magic circle?”

The princess raised the tip of her eyebrows slightly and asked.

As the size and volume of the artifact decreased, it became difficult to engrave
magic on it.

The wand was not a good tool for engraving enchantment from that point of view.

Of course, really good enchantment wizards would compress the magic circle as best
as they could and use their finesse to engrave them on their wands, but that level
of finesse was not at the level that a freshman could do.

Then Cletran answered instead.

“If it’s Wodanaj, you can definitely do it. right?"

"not really?"


“Of course, unnecessary parts should be omitted. We will remove all maintenance
and duration related parts.”


The princess tilted her head.

Rowena and Klatran also tilted their heads, but that was because they couldn't
keep up with the words, and the princess tilted her head because there was
something she didn't understand.

If you remove all maintenance and spell duration related parts, it won't disappear
after a few seconds as soon as you cast the spell on the staff.

“Then the time…”

“You can hit it with the amount of horsepower. The duration and duration will be
increased by pouring magical energy.”


The princess was confused as to whether or not she should agree to this ignorant

It's logically correct, but is it okay to use such an expedient?

The princess turned her gaze away, curious about the opinions of the other two.

“What do you two think…”

“Wordanaj-sama seems to be right.”

"Me too."

Not wanting to be found out that they were not following, the princess sighed
inaudible as the two immediately agreed.

Lee Han looked at it and shook his head.

'If there's only Gainan Island around, it's bound to be in trouble.'

Feelings of despair that only one person understands the task in a group task.

This despair could only be known to those who had experienced it firsthand.

There is no way to convince others to participate, and you have to solve it


Lee Han nodded as if he understood. Aden Art looked at him with his slightly
emotional eyes and nodded his head.

Lee Han, who was sipping coffee, suddenly became curious and asked Rowena.

“By the way, the cane is quite expensive even if you try to practice, so how are
you going to get it? If it's hard to find, ask the professor to get the broken
wands and recycle them..."

"ah. You can get it if you ask the donors.”


Lee Han gently pulled the chair back at the sight of the princesses and the party
with a different mindset from hers.



"It is nothing."

Lee Han regained consciousness.

Although the luxurious sense of money of the princess and her party was dizzying,
it was definitely helpful in the current situation.

'Well, there's nothing good about going to the professors and asking.'

Beer... No, even if the professors asked for it, there was a high probability that
they would not obey.

In that case, it was more convenient to get the favor of supporters.

“Then let’s go get the staff.”

However, Lee Han's face was distorted.

Seeing this, Rowena whispered in a worried voice.

“I’m worried that the impact of the previous battle might be left behind.”

“Actually, I don’t think I’ll say it even if it’s hard because of Wodanaj’s
“I’ll have to stop by on the way to get checked out.”

* * *

Lee Han, who arrived at the cane shop, did not understand and asked.

“Why did you just meet the healing wizard?”

“Hey, I’m just not feeling well, so once…”

“Are you unwell? Wouldn't it be better to take a break?"

Lee Han thought Rowena was overworked.

So I spoke lightly so that only Cletran could hear it.

“Is the Princess making things a bit harsh?”


The princess's eyes widened with indignation.

“It’s not like that.”

“It’s strange to see you stutter.”

“Isn’t it?!”

The healing wizard I met earlier took a look at Lee Han and confirmed that he
could no longer be healthy.

Rowenana Klatran 'Fighted the Venomous Pollutant!' Even saying, 'That's right,
please take a closer look!' was no use.

There's really nothing wrong with it, what should I do?

Rather, I heard the other three.

-You seem to have used a lot of magic lately. There is still damage left because
it has gone to the brink of depletion of mana.

-You seem to have been practicing alchemy all night, but if you handle reagents
without proper ventilation, even a wizard can become addicted, so be careful.

Kltran hurriedly opened the door, fearing that he would only cause strange
misunderstandings if he said any more.

The signboard that read <Puyo's Banyan Stick> turned and the door opened.

“Mr Puyo is the best cane craftsman in the city of Granden.”

It is located in the central area of the city and the exterior of the store is
quite old-fashioned, so it does not look like it has a short history.

That alone made it clear that he was an artifact craftsman with a lot of

“Do you know Professor Verdus?”

"I do not know...? I don’t know.”

Rowena also tilted her head.

The reason that the princess and her party were able to visit Puyo's shop was
because the patrons were friendly with Puyo, not because they were friendly with

In fact, Puyo was far from a good friend for freshmen.

Artifact craftsman with a lot of experience means a seasoned enchanter.

It was not easy to make friends with wizards who were several decades older than

“Have you ever met for the first time?”

“I’ve only greeted you outside once before, but this is the first time I’ve seen
you like this…”

“Is everyone here?”

A tree walked inside.

To be precise, Puyo was a mixed tree spirit. His face, hands, and arms were like
tree branches, so he was mistaken for a tree.

“It is an honor to see you again. Puyo.”

“It’s been a useless greeting.”

Puyo hated the cumbersome pretentiousness.

If it had not been for the earnest request of the supporters in the first place,
there would have been no possibility of letting young students into his workshop.

“Did you say you need wands that are not enchanted?”

“Oh, yes.”

Overwhelmed by Puyo's momentum, Rowena stuttered slightly.

Of course, Ian didn't really care.

Among the professors, there were far more crazy people than Puyo.

In fact, people who are blunt like Puyo, who only say things right away, belonged
to the top 5% of personality.


Puyo's beckoning opened some of the boxes stacked on the shelf, and long sticks
poured down.

It was a wand made of pure wood that had not yet been enchanted with any magic.

“Let the work be done only here. don't come inside Don't touch anything in the
store, and as Einroguard students, you must have learned the basics of enchantment

The students nodded their heads.

“Then I believe there will be no unnecessary accidents.”

With those words, Puyo went inside the workshop.

Rowena and Klatran could only breathe a sigh of relief.

“I was nervous.”

"right. I thought I was suffocating. ...Wordanaz. What are you doing?”

"uh? oh I was looking for a useful cane.”

Lee Han was looking around the two of them talking about Puyo or not.

If there was something good, I thought I would take it.

“Have you never heard of Puyo-sama?”

“I didn’t really think about it. Didn't you just say what was necessary?"

Work Do it here, don't make an accident, don't touch anything else.

He only said what was really necessary, but there was no reason to be afraid.

“First, let’s classify the wand. Long one this way. The short one over there.”

"i get it. uh. But Wodanaz. Why are you classifying this?”

In response to Clatran's question, Lee Han stared at Klatran as if Gainan was


Then he answered with a smile.

“The longer the staff, the stronger the effect, right?”

“Ah… he did!”

The staff, the artifact that most directly helps the wizard cast magic.

As such, the performance of the wand was significantly different with just a small
change in material.

In general , the longer the length, the greater the strength of the wand, and the
higher the strength, the more stubborn the magic.

Naturally, anyone who handles a cane should memorize these general tendencies as a

Of course, Klatran didn't know anything about it, but he answered as if he knew.

“I think so!”

“Clatran. If you don't know, just say you don't know."

"...sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Did you sleep in enchantment class? It’s from a book.”


Cultran was filled with regret.

'Tell me to tell you...!'

If he had been a student in Blue Dragon Tower, he would not have been deceived by
this simple trick, but Kltran, who lacked experience, had no choice but to fall
victim to it.

* * *

Puyo put down his tools as he tried to concentrate on his work.

It was not easy to concentrate as there were other people in the workshop.

As usual, Puyo's supporters earnestly asked for it, so I couldn't refuse it, but
it was also true that I regretted it.

It wasn't just that other people were reluctant to enter the workshop.

No matter how much Einroguard students, they are freshmen.

Even if he learned the enchantment magic, the time was short and the possibility
of lack of experience was high.

Giving such high-quality wands to such students was close to a waste.

It has yet to be processed properly, so it has infinite potential, but it was

heartbreaking to think that the potential would be eroded by the students' clumsy
magic and would be a failure.

'I can't stand it.'

Puyo walked over to the door and glanced at how the students were working.

No matter how much the supporters asked the princess, she thought she would not
sit still if she was working too absurdly.

Stop working on any excuse and let it go...

"ruler. Cltran. You said you did, so tell me now. Here comes a wizard specializing
in elemental fire magic and summoning magic. This wizard's race was a dwarf, and
the staff he had previously used was a wand made of maple wood with a hwaryeong
stone embedded in it. So what kind of wand would you recommend?”

“Uh… uh…”

“From the length.”

“First of all, since it’s a flame elemental magic, we value power for a long

"Wrong. Even if it's elemental fire magic, the power doesn't necessarily matter.
Rather, control may be more important. Above all, the opponent is a Dwarf, so even
if I recommend a long staff for nothing, it can be inconvenient to carry around.
Did you learn enchantment magic?”


Kltran was completely stunned. Rowe, who was next to her, was also frightened and
stuck next to the princess. She seemed like she would be christened with questions
like Khl Tran if she fell a bit.


Puyo, who was watching, was surprised at the different situation than expected.

I thought that the students would be wasting their canes by touching them
immaturely, but they were preparing systematically from the beginning.

It was amazing.

“But if you just try it one by one and get a feel for it, you can’t c…”


Lee Han hit Klatran once with his staff.

“Can there be any sticks left?”

'You're left behind...'

Kltran grumbled to himself, but couldn't say any more because he was afraid of Lee
Han's staff.

“Before you do it, you have to fully calculate and enter. ruler. Cltran. Answer
me. Which element should I give first among the element of water, element of wind,
and element of light? And which cane would suit you?”

“…Ro, can’t we ask Rowena as well?”


Rowena was so surprised that her long ears popped out.

He looked at Klatran with his eyes full of betrayal, but he was not in the mood to
care about that now.

'Let's start living with me!'

“Uh, that, Princess?”


Adenart stared at Rowena. Rowe I bowed her head in embarrassment.

Adenart picked up a staff instead of saying any more to his followers.

“The zelkova staff. You have chosen well. Cltran. The reason that water element
should be given first is that it is more stable than other elements...”

“Ugh...! I'll just tell you! I was able to match it! really!"

During the students' conversation, Puyo pondered whether he should change his

I heard a lot from my followers that the princess was so talented, but seeing it
this way, she was definitely different from the Einroguard, a collection of
outstanding geniuses.

Besides, the boy over there was amazing.

It was not just the knowledge of enchantment magic.

Puyo, an outstanding craftsman, was able to know the skill of a person by looking
at how he prepares various things prior to work.

In that respect, the boy looked familiar as if he had never done something like
this once or twice.

No matter how much I learned from Einroguard, it didn't make sense to get used to
it so quickly. Wouldn't it be the same as learning the other students?

His natural talent was evident.

'It's amazing. Such a talent is possible.'

Puyo, unaware that Lee Han was being abused by other professors, was purely
admiring that he could become something like that with his talent.

"ruler. This is the magic circle we will use for the element of water today.”

While Puyo was admiring, Lee Han looked through the book and picked a magic

Cltran asked timidly.

“Wordanaz. Is there a reason you chose this among the elemental water magic?”

“It’s a magic circle I’m familiar with because I’ve done it a lot.”

"Right. ...uh? Haven't you come up with this as an assignment?"

“I did it separately with Professor Verdus.”

At that, Klatran was amazed.

It's like working separately with the professor.

It was also Wodanaz.

"Awesome. Wodanaz. I envy you...”

“Clatran. Before you say envy, think again and say what you are saying.”


Cltran thought again.

And looking back, it wasn't that bad.

Even if not as much as this, the students who were learning enchantment magic were
all feeling the madness of Professor Verdus to some extent.

Rowena asked puzzled.

“By the way, when did you make time during the semester?”

“We were together on vacation…”


Suddenly there was a heavy silence.

Even the princess, who was originally accustomed to silence, looked around in
embarrassment, not knowing how to resolve this atmosphere.

“Were you a student of Professor Verdus?”

It was Puyo who broke the silence.

As Puyo walked out from inside, Lee Han stopped.

'...if I say disciple, wouldn't I be attacked?'

No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed that anyone who knew Professor
Verdus had a high chance of a bad relationship.


"you're right!"


When Rowena answered her coldly instead, Lee Han looked at her with a look of

However, Rowena did not notice Lee Han's gaze and continued to speak with a happy

“Here, Wodanaj is also a professor’s favourite, even though we study other magic

'The White Tiger Tower guys really don't care.'

Lee Han sighed inwardly.

I don't even know if the opponent is Professor Verdus's enemy or friend, but what
if I call him a disciple at first?


“Does Puyo-sama know Professor Verdus?”

“There was a time when I tried to cut off my body.”


The atmosphere became chilly.

The princess and Lee Han looked at Rowena at the same time.

It was the look of 'what will this atmosphere be like?'

Unlike Lee Han, who can quickly mediate among the demons of Hell, Rowena lacked
such talent.

Rowena was at a loss for what to do, but finally uttered a word.

“Well… are you cut?”

“…Hey…that’s not really…”

It was such an absurd sound that even Cltran sticks out his tongue.

Lee Han, who had not seen it, intervened.

“It's really unbelievable. No matter what, trying to cut off someone else's body.
Even though I'm learning under you, I've always thought it was wrong for you to do

“Right, right. And it's not that Woudanaz wants to be favored. What kind of madman
wants to work for a professor on vacation.”

When Klatran made an excuse, he waved his hand as if he had become a Puyo.

“Just because I have a grudge against my teacher, I don’t hold a grudge against my
student. And it's not that I don't understand Professor Verdus. If you were like
me, you would have wanted to cut it. The body of a tree spirit mixed race is a
precious material.”

Usually, mixed spirits appeared because there were people who made a contract with
the spirits in their predecessors.

The power that resides in the bloodline is manifested in later generations and is
often awakened as a mixed race.

As such, the body of mixed spirits was a precious material.

'Well. You're crazy.'

Of course, such an explanation did not convince the students' inner feelings.

At the moment Puyo said, 'If it were me, I would have wanted to cut it', the
students already thought Puyo was a madman, at least half a professor.

'Are all enchanters crazy?'

"I'm curious about something else other than what happened between me and
Professor Verdus. Professor Verdus's favourite?"

“It’s a bit exaggerated.”

“Have you ever met outside of class time?”

“Uh… yes.”
“Have you ever met and worked together?”

“That… yes.”

“Did you ever let me work in Professor Verdus’s workshop?”

“No… that’s…”

“Isn’t it a question that can only be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’?”


“It is true that you are favored.”

Lee Han was genuinely upset, but he couldn't think of anything to refute.

“Professor Verdus doesn't usually treat his students that way. You must be very

“It’s because of magic.”

Lee Han set out to explain.

I have a lot of magical power, so Professor Verdus is aiming for that magic like
an idiot...

After hearing the explanation, Puyo nodded in surprise.

“So it was!”

"Yes. Professor Verdus…”

"ah. That wasn't the sound. I felt a bloody intimidation when you came in.”


Lee Han later remembered that Puyo is a mixed spirit.

I didn't say anything so I thought there was no problem...

“Did you?”

"It did. But I don't care. I've met a lot of customers who are more dangerous than

“It’s not very comforting.”

Lee Han became bitter.

'It's okay! It's better than the Empire's top criminals!'

“But it’s a little strange. No matter how much magical power in Professor Verdus'
personality, he wouldn't let an incompetent student participate in the work."

“You must have needed that much magic.”

Lee Han grumbled cynically, but Puyo wondered instead of accepting it.

“Did you say you were a freshman? How many circles have you succeeded in


"what? I didn't hear you very well.”

“4... circles...”

There was silence for a moment.

From Lee Han's friend to Puyo, they stared at Lee Han.

No matter how much he thought about it, the magic was not at the level that a
freshman would already succeed.


“How it happened…”

"no. It’s okay if you don’t tell me about it.”

Puyo, who was not very curious about the situation, cut off Lee Han's words.

Whether Professor Verdus forced him to do it or Lee Han was lucky enough to do it,
the important thing was that he succeeded.

That's all you need to know. What's so important about the circumstances involved?

“If you were working with Professor Verdus, you would have made a few simple
artifacts. What did you make?”

Puyo asked a question with a piece of paper and a quill pen to see if his interest
had risen in earnest.

Ihan answered cautiously.

“I made magic firecrackers.”

“Magic fireworks. It must have been difficult for a freshman.”


Cultran, who was listening, asked, puzzled.

“Did you have anything like that in class?”

“I was called and made separately.”


'How many times has this bastard called Wodanaj been called?'

Surely a day would be the same 24 hours a day, but something was strange.

Why do Wodanaj's days seem to be several times longer than others?

"Magic Fireworks...Is that the end?"

“Do you have a shield? Wodanaj-sama.”

Rowena groaned. Lee Han replied softly.

“Thank you so much.”

“…I, I did something wrong…”

"shield? What kind of shield is that?”

“That, floating and automatic defense…”

“You also reflected.”


As Klatran intervened, Lee Han tightly closed her eyes.

'I can see why the Blue Dragon Tower and the White Tiger Tower fight every time.'

“Did you do a separate reflection…”

“Even the reflective properties… I was honestly surprised.”

The faster Puyo's quill moved, the more anxious Lee Han became.

Usually professors do that kind of thing often, but after doing it, there's not
much good for Lee Han.

Puyo put down his quill satisfactorily after persistently asking.

"indeed. I can see why Professor Verdus worked together.”

“Professor never said anything good, but…”

"That's probably because of Professor Verdus's personality. You can tell by your
actions, not your words. I've heard a lot of people say that Einrogard's students
are excellent, but it's amazing. Hmm... would you like to come this way?”

Puyo pointed to the inside of the workshop, which he had not allowed before.

Seeing this, Lee Han felt an ominous feeling.

It was similar to when Professor Verdus called Lee Han.

“Puyo. Can the princess go here with me?”


The princess, who had been thinking about whether Lee Han had gone inside the
studio, was perplexed.


“Because this woudanaz child is considerate.”

Rowena and Klatran admired Lee Han's consideration.

Having the opportunity to tour Puyo's workshop with a friend.

However, the princess had a different opinion from the two.

There was a strong feeling that it was because Lee Han did not want to be dragged

“Do whatever you want. I didn't ask, but I don't think I'm lacking in skills."

“It’s fine. Let’s go.”

The princess nodded her head at Lee Han's words and reflected a little.

To doubt the goodwill of a friend who is doing you kindly out of sheer feeling.

It was an arrogant act that could not exist as an imperial family.

“…thank you for calling me.”

"no. Instead, if Puyo asks you to do it, we will do it together.”


The princess looked at Lee Han who was walking ahead with a look of astonishment.


* * *

“Let me sharpen these wands.”

Puyo held out the wood along with the painted paper.

Lee Han and the princess sat on a chair inside the studio and silently started

It looked like the princess was staring at her from the side, but Lee Han
pretended not to see it and ignored it.

'I'll have to avoid your gaze until I leave.'

Originally, it was good to go with other friends when the professor called.

You could split the work, and above all, in the worst case scenario, you could
leave your friend as a scapegoat and escape by yourself.

Of course, there was a minor problem that a friend might be resentful of.


Puyo was satisfied with the work of the two students.

In the case of Lee Han, the expectations were high as well as the fact that
Professor Verdus had guaranteed, and he did not disappoint.

This was far superior to the mediocre rookie magician.

So was the case with the queen.

I was worried that it would be okay just to hear what other followers said, but
seeing him play with his hands made me feel that he was gifted with magic.
Sharpening a cane is not just about looking at a picture and imitating it.

I had to figure out the flow of magic around the wand that I felt every time I cut
it, and shape it so as not to go against the flow.

The result of the two of them was even more satisfactory as it was something that
a magician lacking in sense could not imitate no matter how much they tried.

Puyo gave them a few more assignments after that, and they both did great.

Finally, Puyo, who was confident, opened his mouth.

“Are you planning on learning some enchantment magic in my workshop during the
rest of your vacation?”


Puyo's offer was not just a job offer.

It was Puyo, an artifact craftsman recognized not only by the city of Granden, but
also by the Empire.

In addition, Puyo also had the difficulty of not being accepted as a disciple of
some wizards in the workshop.

Receiving an offer to work under such a Puyo was itself an increase in reputation.
Both of them were still freshmen.

The princess nodded her head.

"...I will do my best."

Puyo responded as if thanking him.

"I can't say it's easy, but I'm sure there's a lot to learn..."

Puyo, who was talking, realized something strange.

Only the queen answered.

“Do you have any other plans?”

When Lee Han hesitated to answer, not only Puyo but also the princess were

What kind of nonsense is it that he brings him and leaves him alone?

Tuk tuk tuk tuk!

Ignoring the princess playing from the side, Lee Han cautiously opened her mouth.

“That… I have a question for you.”

“Ask me.”

“Are you getting paid?”

It was an important issue for Lee Han.

Already, a person like Professor Verdus was exploiting Lee Han without paying a

However, no matter how great an enchantment wizard, he did not want to increase
such exploiters.

“Come out. Are you kidding me now?”

Puyo tilted his head, not understanding Lee Han's question.

It didn't make sense for a student of this size to ask such a question.

"Yes. It was a joke. sorry. I want to work too! Take good care of me."

"I'm really begging you."

Lee Han took Puyo's hand and shook hands.

Puyo's workshop was a really good job if it was paid.

Most of all, it was great to be able to freely access rare materials.

Of these, maybe one or two will be thrown away.

'What would you say if I said I would take it and practice?'

Lee Han, who was happy inside, asked because something came to mind.

“But will Professor Verdus be dissatisfied if he finds out that I work here?”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Lee Han was relieved at Puyo's immediate answer.

It must have been that the enchanters of the enchantress passed on to each other

"ah. After all, among the enchanters of the enchantress, we respect each other in
this aspect…”

“Because the one who was originally stolen is stupid.”



The princess tugged on Lee Han's sleeve, feeling unlucky at Puyo's answer.

However, Lee Han decided that that level was still good.

'I could have cursed worse, but I didn't. That's good enough among enchanters.'

I could have cursed worse than an idiot, but I just said idiot.

In a way, it could be said that he was kind.

“Isn’t it?”
The princess blinked in succession as if she was convinced by Lee Han's
explanation. When the other person didn't say anything, Lee Han decided that it
made sense.

“I think you understand.”


The princess woke up late and tried to point it out, but she couldn't.

“Then let us get to work.”

Puyo swung his wand.

Then, the shelves, warehouses and drawers inside moved as if they were alive and
began to vomit out the things they contained.


The princess was overwhelmed by the amount of materials piled up like a mountain.

Although it was Adenart, which is considered to be one of the top two fingers in
terms of the amount of study among Einrogard students, the materials Puyo put out
exceeded expectations.

Does it mean that the two of you have to trim all of these ingredients?

Unknowingly, the princess turned her gaze and looked at Lee Han.

Then, Lee Han whispered as if he knew.

“If you take away the ingredients from the start, there is a high possibility that
no matter how much Puyo-nim is, he will not look after you. For now, let’s focus on

“…what the hell are you talking about…!”

It was Adenart, who had always been praised for maintaining the dignity of the
imperial family without wavering, but a cry came out of her mouth without knowing

* * *

There was a prejudice that wizards were people who would do anything for the magic
they pursue.

Of course, this was a prejudice.

Most of the wizards Lee Han met were like that, but not all wizards are like that.

But, unfortunately, Puyo was on that side.

As soon as the work started, he put out a tremendous amount of work as if he was
not called the best artisan in the city of Granden for nothing.

The attitude was that it didn't matter that the two were freshmen in their first

- Let me finish these wands here.

-All right.

-When you're done, put the glow enchantment magic on the ore beads in the box.

-All right.

- Looks like you're done. good job Please rewrite the empty scrolls here and fill
them in.

- I see...

Lee Han, who was answering, stopped when he saw the princess staring at Puyo.

His face was expressionless, but there was a sense of life in his eyes.

'It's a big deal. You can't do this already.'

Of course, Puyo made him work hard, but it had only been three days.

It was already too early to want to kill Puyo.

'If the princess rushes to Puyo and gets kicked out, I have to do the work

Lee Han said to appease the princess.

“Princess. Be patient a little longer.”


Although the number of words increased a bit due to fewer followers around her,
the number of words decreased again as the work progressed in Puyo's workshop.

Even when Lee Han called, he remained silent and only stared at Puyo.

“Originally, enchantments are taught harshly this way.”

“…Is that really true?”

The princess, who did not want to continue answering, asked after contemplating.

There was a chill in his voice, but Lee Han continued talking without hesitation.

"Yes. Because there are so many enchantments to learn and so many materials to
deal with.”

In fact, all magic had to be harsh from that point of view, but the princess did
not doubt Lee Han's words.

In terms of rigorous training under other wizards, Lee Han was the most
experienced person.

When Lee Han said something like that, I thought, 'It might be true.'

"All right."

The princess stopped staring at Puyo and lowered her head to look at the
ingredients on the table.
With a sigh of relief, Lee Han rushed to the next task.

“I am glad that you understand. ruler. Then draw the magic circle on all the
papers here. I'll check it while I'm enchanting it."


At Lee Han's request to engrave all the magic circles on the pile of papers that
almost reached her forehead, the princess felt a sense of despair for the first
time in her life.

“Magic power…”


“…you don’t have enough magical power…”

Engraving a magic circle was a task that consumed a lot of concentration, but it
was quite difficult to check it while injecting magical power into the circle.

In particular, the latter was also severely consuming mana.

Adenart's eyes, looking at Lee Han, contained a single word of earnestness.

"ah. What is my magic? I'm fine. You work.”


The princess lay down the paper and thought silently while drawing a magic circle
with various inks and powders.

He had met a lot of people in the Empire, but it was the first time he was as
unpredictable as the boy of the Wodanaj family next to him.

* * *

After working three days with fewer nights, Puyo seemed to be somewhat satisfied.

“Everyone has suffered. Urgent matters have been dealt with. Go back and get some
rest. Let me call you the next time you work.”

Of course, they didn't come back right away.

Tired of yawning, he had to immerse himself in the work of the enigmatic wand.

After investing half a day, the two were able to complete a fairly decent wand.

The princess carefully handed the staff to Lee Han. She then waited with a nervous

“...I think that's good enough. Then let's go back..."


Before Lee Han could finish speaking, the chair the princess was sitting on flew

It was because the princess got up too quickly.


Without a word, the princess grabbed the chair and stood up.

"thank you for your effort."

“Ah, the princess did a great job too.”

The princess quickly went through the door of the studio, fearing that someone
might catch her.

Seeing this, Lee Han became anxious.

'It's probably not coming next time.'

If the princess didn't come, Lee Han had to do all the work alone. That was
absolutely unacceptable to him.

Lee Han vowed to visit the mansion and bring him home if such a thing happened.

“Are you going now?”


When he heard Puyo's voice from behind, Lee Han got goosebumps.

Of course, I didn't think that I would hold on to you by saying 'It's over, go and
rest' before.

But aren't all enchanters crazy?

Maniacs would quickly forget what they had said.

“I must have done too much. I'm sorry."

Puyo said with a bitter smile as if he had noticed that Lee Han had stopped.

“I do not know how to teach in moderation. That’s how I learned too.”

'Someone has to break this chain of hatred.'

Lee Han was deeply sorry for Puyo's words.

Wouldn't the people who learned under Puyo make victims like that again?

“But I can say with certainty whether these works will help. How is it?”

“I definitely learned a lot.”

Not empty words, I learned a lot while working in Puyo's workshop.

A method of trimming the target according to the flow of magic as much as possible
before applying the enchantment and maximizing the effect.

How to engrave various 1~2 circle magic on a scroll and apply it to an item.

At school, he had to cast all the things he had pointed out as a theory, one by
one, so he couldn't help but accumulate experience.
Originally, I was in a situation where I should be excited and proud of my own
growth, but I was too tired to do that.

"okay. In the end, the enchanter's skill grows with experience. No matter how
talented you are, if you don't train it, it's hard to show your light."

“You are right. Then I'm..."

“I heard that you made a separate wand after it was over.”

Lee Han regretted sending the princess away first.

If it had been blocked, Lee Han could have left first with the princess as a


"It's good to practice, but it's hard to make a decent wand at this level."

"Yes. I know."

There was no arrogance in Lee Han's attitude.

It was a rare humility for a wizard who was gifted with that much talent.

Seeing this, Puyo thought that he had been worrying unnecessarily.

'You said something.'

"okay. If you know, there's nothing wrong with practicing. By the way... was that
staff a gift from a tree spirit?”

"ah. you're right."

Ihan nodded his head.

Magic School students were basically allowed to use only the staff provided by the

It was forbidden to bring in clothes from outside right away, but a stick was no

However, if it was obtained or made in-house, it was allowed. That was the reason
why Lee Han was able to use the staff of the tree spirit.

“I received it from the Oak Spirit in the mountains inside Einrogarde.”


Puyo smiled favorably. It was the smile of a craftsman that is rare to see in the

As he was a mixed tree spirit, Puyo had a keen sense of what kind of staff Lee
Han's staff was.

The spirit's unique vitality resonated with the magician's magic, and it was being
amplified intensely.
It seems that the owner has not noticed it yet, but it is highly probable that the
staff had exposed fragments of extraordinary vitality over and over again.

“Have you ever used the earth or plant series in elemental magic?”

“I have it a few times, but I haven’t used it mainly.”

"Right. Healing magic would not have been learned since he was still a freshman.”

Puyo tried to ask if he had ever learned a magic that directly utilizes life force
among healing magic.

Come to think of it, if you were a freshman, you probably wouldn't have learned
the basic healing magic yet.

“It’s a good cane. Even the spirits in the staff can feel that they are following
their master.”

“No, is that really true?”

“...Is that so surprising? Has the staff ever rejected you?”

“All the spirits I have met have avoided me...”


Puyo turned the topic instead of digging into Lee Han's wounds with an ambiguous

“By the way, what kind of gem is the gem that is embedded in the tip of the staff?
Frost Spirit? No, it's a bit strange for a Frost Spirit. what?"

Puyo looked at the stone carefully and felt it getting more and more sultry.

Since it's a freshman's staff, I thought it might be a low-level cold spirit, but
it was far from a spirit because of its rough and subversive energy.

'Were there any monsters like this among the monsters that wield cold or frost?'

“I don’t know. Could you please tell me?”

“The frost giant...”

"Aha. I never thought of that. ...Wait, the Frost Giant wouldn't give a token like
this, would it?"

“This stone was given to me by the king of…”


* * *

Because of the King of the Frost Giants, Lee Han had to explain for an additional
hour instead of going back to the mansion even though he was tired.

Hearing the surprising and mysterious story that took place inside Einrogard, Puyo
raised the first question.

“Why did you, a freshman, have to face the King of the Frost Giants?”
“…there is a story that cannot be told.”

Lee Han changed the topic.

Seeing Lee Han's bitter expression on his face, Puyo didn't ask any more.

“This stone is spreading cold air. If it wasn't for the life force of the staff
itself, it might have been a little dangerous..."

At Puyo's words, Lee Han flinched.

Are you saying you just put something dangerous like that?

'no. Professors should warn you if you see them... Why...?'

It was absurd to just skip over it just because it's well balanced.

Especially in the case of Professor Voladi, you must have seen it up close!

“Is it very dangerous?”

“It’s fine now. But just in case something goes wrong, I think it would be better
to add other gems around it to secure it. If it's okay, I'll do it. It’s a
relationship that made us work together like this.”


Lee Han was moved by the favor of the Buyeo Wizard.

'After all, enchanters are loyal people!'

“The best way is to amplify the energy of the flame and suppress it…”

“Sleep, please wait.”

Ian said quickly.

Adding the energy of flame to the staff was something that could not be


“Why but?”

“I don’t want to suppress the energy of the fire by amplifying it.”

“I see.”

Puyo nodded as if he understood what Lee Han meant.

“You don’t like it because it’s too simplistic.”


Ian almost cried for a moment.

The unique sense of beauty as an enchanter had nothing to do with the current
"I'm having trouble controlling my fire magic."

“A wizard your size?”

Puyo was taken aback by Lee Han's words.

The fire element was one of the easiest among the elements.

Unlike other elements, fire was an element that was easy to come into contact

Now, Lee Han's words were similar to saying that people who can do complex
calculus have difficulty adding.

“I have a lot of magic power…”

“No matter how many, is it that the flames are difficult to control?”



Puyo was taken aback by Lee Han's immediate reply, but soon nodded his head to
accept it.

"It's amazing... It's amazing."

'I don't need to emphasize it twice.'

“Then I understand. If I amplify the energy of the flame for nothing, it might
have the opposite effect.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“But it has been difficult. That was the best way. There is no other way, but…”

Lee Han asked as if worried.

“Is this an expensive method?”

“No. I was worried because it was a difficult method. It’s not just about giving
magic, it’s also a method that requires the skill of a wizard who carries a wand.”

Puyo drew a simple schematic on paper.

A stone left by the king of the frost giant.

In order to control the power of this stone, it was necessary to place a flame, an
attribute of the upper pole, or other controllable attribute.

If it's not fire, the next best attribute is...

“The dark element. The question is whether it is okay to insert dark element
jewels into the wand of a wizard who cannot handle dark elements...”

The dark element, unlike the flame element, was the most difficult element to
If a gem with this elemental power was added to the staff, it could be affected
later when the wizard casts a spell.

“I know how to handle that dark element.”

“...well, it is. Then I will make it work.”

Puyo looked at Lee Han with a look of astonishment.

* * *

Yonaire carefully rolled the dice.

If you get a 3 this time, you will be caught in the 'Magic Test Failed' box and
have to rest for one turn.

As the situation is still unfavorable, in such a case, the reversal is close to


“Whew huh huh.”

Gainando smiled darkly next to him.

After losing eight rounds, the time has finally come to win.

"hey. Keep your mouth shut.”

"you're right. Please be quiet.”

Nelia and Ratford hit the bullseye right away.

The two were very nervous because they got caught in the Khan <The magic reagent
was stolen by a friend> and Khan <Arrested while trying to steal the artifact>.

Guynando kept his mouth shut and strategized inwardly.

'After Yoner rolls this time, <Grand Gathering of Warlocks' Graveyards> is


"uh? Wodanazda!”

Nelia stood up in surprise when she saw Lee Han entering the front door from the

The rails tilted the board and the horses fell. Gainando howled and tried to catch
the horses.

But Ratford and Yonner also stood up. The board was completely overturned and the
horses scattered on the floor.


"Hey guys. don't shout 'cause my head is ringing ...why is Gainando crying?”

"Yeah... I'm glad you came back..."

Lee Han glanced at the horses scattered on the floor and asked.

“I almost lost the dice game…”

“Oh, isn’t it? not really?"

While Guy Nando pushed the horses with his feet, Lee Han collapsed on the sofa.

Ratford asked as if he didn't understand.

“Why didn't you come to the mansion for a few days? He probably wouldn't have been
locked up in the workshop."

“I locked it up.”



“I didn’t imprison myself, but it’s practically the same as imprisoned.”

Lee Han said with a groan.

If you put out an amount of work that humans can't do and set a time limit, you
couldn't go to the mansion.

I couldn't sleep well, but where was the time to go to the mansion?

Nelia was indignant at her friend's tattered appearance.

“Isn’t this too much? No matter what, locking people up for a few days and making
them work. Shadow patrol also did this... it was like this, but in the imperial
city they do this!”

"it's okay. Nelia.”

“What’s okay?”

“The pay is good.”



Lee Han stole the cocoa that Guy Nando was drinking and drank it. Ratford saw it
and opened his mouth.

“The workshop is also a workshop, aren’t the people who took it there in the first
place are the bad guys? Were they the White Tiger Tower guys?”

“Anyway, the white tiger tower bastards!”

This time it wasn't the White Tiger Tower's fault, but the two Black Turtle Tower
students cursed the White Tiger Tower.

Meanwhile, Lee Han explained what had happened to Yonaire.

“...So, as I was trying to solve the riddle, I stopped by the workshop. But when I
work in a workshop, they give me gold coins…”

"for a moment."
Yoner, who was listening, tilted his head.

Gainando said as if he felt the same way.

“No matter how important gold coins are, it’s not a good place to work like that,
where you can’t even meet your friends. right? Was that what you meant to say?”

"not really."


Yoner tilted his head because of the riddle.

'I'm not asking you to make a wand, but it seems like a real mystery...?'

To Yonaire, it seemed like a mystery no matter how much he looked at it.

If the guess was correct, it was a riddle that compared the moon.

As I had heard that the Duke of Ikaldoren cherished an ancient relic imbued with
the power of the moon with great difficulty, I wondered if he was talking about it.


“Then what are you trying to say?”

"...not really. Nothing."


Gainando grumbled, but Yoner swallowed the words.

Once the princess's followers knew better, it was highly likely that it wasn't
really a mystery, and above all...

'It's too pitiful to tell you now.'

How painful would it be if a friend said that he had worked hard at the best and
returned after finishing it, but in fact, it wasn't.

I heard that the Duke of Ikaldoren admitted that he was the right answer last
time. He probably respected the face of the princess, and it was obvious that he
would accept whatever answer he gave.

If so, this time it will be fine.

"Oh yeah. Professor Verdus?”

Lee Han asked what he was curious about when he arrived.

If Lee Han didn't come back due to Professor Verdus's personality, it wouldn't be
strange if he made a fuss, but he was strangely quiet.

And that made people more anxious.

“Did you go out?”

“Did you go out?”

Ian was surprised.

“Did I ask where you are going?”

“How do you do that?”

Nelia asked as if it was nonsense.

You should be grateful just for Professor Verdus to go out, and what if he asks
you where you are going and then comes back?

Lee Han understood Nelia's words.

'That's right.'

“I am happy though. Are all the professors dead now?”

To Ratford's words, Lee Han answered with a lonely voice.

“Other professors may come.”

“That is absurd…”

“Are there any students here?”


Ratford turned and looked out the window.

A large, half-troll professor stood politely in front of the mansion's front door.


Lee Han was neither surprised nor angry. Ratford whispered urgently.

“Are you saying no?”

“It won’t be very effective. If you see that you have arrived on time, you must
have gotten information from somewhere.”

“That, that…”

“Even Professor Garcia is like this?!”

Nelia spit out a feeling of betrayal.

Not knowing the other professors, even Professor Garcia didn't know that he would
come and bully the students like this during vacation.

“Nelia. All the professors are the same. Don't be too disappointed.”

“Even so! Professor Garcia believed!”

* * *

“I heard rumors that other professors were visiting and harassing Lee Han, so I
came to stop him. I am glad that Professor Verdus understood it well and left.”


“Aww! Professor Garcia!”

Nelia burst into tears of repentance and embraced Professor Garcia. Professor
Garcia looked at the other students in embarrassment.

“Why are you doing this...?”

"it's nothing. Professor Garcia. Thank you for coming.”

Lee Han bowed his head with sincerity.

Do you doubt such a professor?

I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself.

'Did I even lose my conscience while dealing with professors?'

“But are you really not going to do anything?”

Gainando asked with suspicious eyes.

Unlike other friends, Gainando had not yet resolved his doubts.

It was only natural that each professor we met was taking Lee Han to give
additional lectures.

Professor Garcia could have taken Lee Han secretly after he had relieved his
vigilance like this.

"you! What arrogance is that to Professor Garcia!”

“What would you do if Professor Garcia secretly kidnapped Lee Han and left!”


Professor Garcia's head was pounding as the students quarreled, pointing fingers
at each other.

How many other professors have acted like this in the Wodanaj family mansion?

'It's the headmaster's fault, this!'

It wasn't wrong to tell the students where they were staying during the vacation,
but whatever it was, what Principal Skeleton did was clearly evil.

Wasn't the mansion turned over while visiting one professor in turn after hearing
the word?

Professor Verdus did the same right now.

He was sitting in the guest room and immersed in his work like his own studio,
until Professor Garcia came home from overdue work.

How old and how old he had to be to let Professor Verdus go...

“I really have no intention of doing anything.”

“It sounds like a lie.”

At Gainando's blunt words, Lee Han thought to himself.

'Actually, so am I.'

A professor who has no intention of doing anything.

It was such a transcendent concept that it was difficult to accept it with Lee
Han's thinking ability.

“I just want Lee Han to take a break. do what you want What were you trying to do
before the professors came and bullied you?”

“Gold coin bee…”

Before Lee Han could say that he was going to work, Yonaire stabbed him in the

To tell the truth here, Professor Garcia was more likely to worry unnecessarily.

- We should talk about rest!


Lee Han understood the meaning of Yoner.

-...uh. What's the story about relaxation?


When the senior classmate, who answered all questions related to magic or work
without hesitation, could not immediately come up with a story related to rest,
Yonere seemed to be in tears.

- What if you said you were going to buy something?

- Not bad.

“I was thinking of walking around the shopping street and buying things.”

Professor Garcia's face brightened at Lee Han's exemplary answer.

'thank god!'

Still, there was a break that Han Lee had in mind.

“Is it a wizard card?!”

"no. That's not right."


“Still, can I hear you once?”

He pretended not to hear Guy Nando muttering next to him, and Professor Garcia
turned his gaze to Lee Han.
“Everyone, if you want to visit the shopping district, I’ll buy it.”

“Is that okay?”

Lee Han looked at Professor Garcia with a puzzled look.

Given the atmosphere of Einrogard, it was not uncommon for a professor to buy
something for a student.

Can I do this?

“It doesn’t usually happen. But sometimes there are exceptions. This is the only
time I will buy it.”

When Professor Garcia blinked, Nelia said she understood.

“You fall into the exception because you are a very good student, right?”

"no. I am an exception because I am a very sad student.”


Lee Han became depressed and followed in the footsteps of Professor Garcia. Nelia
patted Lee Han on the shoulder, feeling apologetic for nothing.

* * *

Professor Garcia stood out even on the streets of the city of Granden, where the
crowds mixed with many races came and went.

Of course, the people of the big city of Granden can see Professor Garcia and run
away or say, 'It's a troll! A troll has appeared in the city!'

Instead, they nodded their heads calmly.

"Well. A walking troll.”

“Maybe it was a wizard who had undergone a magic experiment or turned into a

“Hey, aren’t you scared? Do you think your legs are shaking?”

"what are you saying? Why are you avoiding your gaze?”

Even if they didn't run away or howl, they couldn't help it until the people's
bodies became stiff.


As Lee Han whispered, Professor Garcia replied that it was okay.

“Student Lee. It's okay if you don't worry. I’m used to people reacting like

"ah. That’s not… I was just about to ask if I could shut up those people.”

Instead of worrying about the professor, it might be the real disciple who shut
the mouths of those who insulted the professor.
But Professor Garcia did not pass.


“Isn’t it?”

"no. Take your hand off the cane.”

Professor Garcia said sternly.

See... No, I don't know who it is, but I was worried because the disciple seemed
to be overly dependent on power.

“But they will keep talking.”

“You said it doesn't matter. ruler. The steak sandwich at this restaurant is
really good. I’ll buy it for you, so everyone can go in.”

Professor Garcia pointed his finger at the three-story building next to the

At the entrance of the solid red brick building hung an old brass sign with food
pictures, in front of which there was a long line.

'It must be a famous shop.'

And the people in front of the bastard at the very end of the line, where
Professor Garcia was, suddenly began to yield kindly.

“Ah, ah, ah… all of a sudden you have an appointment… you have to eat first.”

“I was indebted to a wizard, and since then, I have a habit of giving up my seat
when I meet wizards.”



The students were at a loss for words.

What nonsense...

But Professor Garcia shrugged. He had an attitude that wasn't too surprising
because he saw a lot.

“Everyone give in. Good for you. Shall I come in?”

'There are times when the professor looks like he's from Einroguard.'

Lee Han took a step, thinking that Professor Garcia would be hurt.

As the professor said, the steak sandwich was delicious. The thick, well-grilled
steak, onion, tomato, and sauce were placed between the crispy bread, so I felt a
heavy satisfaction with every bite.

Guynando looked at Professor Garcia with great respect, who had come so easily
without waiting in line at this popular restaurant.

"professor. That’s great.”

'This bastard has no clue.'

Lee Han thought about sprinkling the drink in front of him.

Fortunately, Professor Garcia answered with a smile, not angry or angry.

“It’s one of the few advantages of being a half-troll.”

“Can I be a half-troll?”

“It will be possible if we practice the transformation magic hard in the future.”

Professor Garcia supported Guynando.

Professor Garcia always cheered for students who wanted to study magic, even if
their classmates were strange.

“But I have no intention of learning transformation magic.”

“Then won’t it be difficult?”

“Are other magic really impossible?”

Professor Garcia thought for a moment.

It was to recall what magic Gainando had learned.

Professor Garcia, who thought of black magic before long, opened his mouth again.

“Even if you’re not of mixed troll blood, people avoid warlocks… Ah. not."

Professor Garcia realized that he had made a mistake.

There was no need to tell the sad reality of a warlock in front of a student
learning black magic.

Guy Nando didn't notice, but Lee Han had already noticed.

'I understand. professor.'

Lee Han sent a knowing look. Professor Garcia is very sorry.

“…I eat a sandwich. Lee Han student. Have some drinks too. Would you like some
vanilla egg cream? Or soda ice cream?”

“I’m really fine.”

Lee Han felt sorry that Professor Garcia was apologetic.

It was the other professors who made the mistake, so why is Professor Garcia like

Of course, it cannot be said that Professor Garcia's responsibility is completely

absent, but compared to other professors, Professor Garcia was like an angel.

“I am so happy right now. right? Nelia?”

"uh? uh. have fun, have fun are you happy? Wow. I really enjoy it.”
Nelia, who was drinking the milkshake, answered with a smirk. Thanks to her, she
almost spilled her glass.

Then, suddenly, Professor Garcia's complexion changed.

"everyone. Keep eating. I'll be out for a while."


As Professor Garcia quickly walked out of the store, the friends looked at Nelia
and said:

“What if you answered that way!”

“Ah, that’s why I suddenly asked! I couldn't think of it!”

“Aren’t you mad, Professor?”

“…Yo, Yonner. Let's change seats with me. I want to sit next to Lee Han.”

“Stop talking and sit still. Kainan too.”

Ian was curious.

Why did Professor Garcia suddenly walk out?

'Did anyone you know find it?'

But for that matter, his expression hardened a bit.

* * *

“Professor Kraer. hurry. huh? hurry."

“Ah, if you keep nagging me, you know how to put a bark in your throat or
something, so you know that!”

Professor Kraer, the professor who teaches the magic of foresight to students at
Einrogard, said in a voice full of annoyance.

He was not usually close with Professor Verdus, but now Professor Kraer has a
filthy personality outside. He didn't have the patience to put up with Professor
Verdus's whining.

But Professor Verdus wasn't easy either.

“I know, so hurry up. I can kill you, so please find me quickly.”


Professor Kraer endured the swear words and tried to pluck the branches from the

Seeing that the scope has been narrowing since before, almost everything was

Now, just one or two more...

“What are you two doing right now?”



Even Professor Verdus flinched, and a hoarse voice came from behind. At that
voice, Professor Kraer's filthy personality quickly fled down there.

The timid personality who was forcibly dragged out cursed other personalities and
made excuses.

"Come on, Professor Garcia..."

“Aren’t other personalities coming out right now?”


Again, a filthy personality came out.

Professor Garcia looked at the two of them and asked.

“What were you doing here?”

“I was divination...”

Professor Verdus replied, hesitatingly.

“What is it?”

“The point of colic...”

By extracting the branches from the colic and reading the future, the excellent
foresight wizard used to read all kinds of signs with this colic point.

Professor Faselette Kraer, a master among masters, should be able to find out the
location of a single student.

“I was wrong! I was wrong! Professor Garcia! Forgive me just once! We are not

“My friend is a different person and not hers, so I keep my mouth shut.”

Professor Kraer kept his mouth shut. Professor Garcia's clenched fists were

“Are you looking for a student with a promise of remuneration?”

Professor Garcia had already guessed the situation.

Professor Verdus was one of the people who had so many artifacts that he had one
of the most number of artifacts in Einroguard, so it was quite possible to stake
one of them and ask for the help of Professor Kraer.

If Professor Kraer's sane personality did not accept such a dangerous offer, not
all of the other personalities could.

Perhaps that filthy personality must have readily accepted the offer.

“What did I say when I sent you back last time?”

“Let’s meet at the start of the semester…”

“But why?”

"even I did not know..."


Professor Garcia was at a loss for words at Professor Verdus' blatant reply.

After all, what's the use of intimidating a maniac who talks about himself in
front of the skeleton principal?

It was fortunate that he pretended to listen to Professor Garcia now.

“Go back. We can meet at the start of the semester.”

“But then the others are trying to share their time.”

“It’s not another guy, it’s other professors, so sharing time is a natural thing,

“But my magic is more important than the magic of others...”

“Please shut up your mouth.”

Professor Kraer's filthy personality whispered in an earnest voice.

Although Professor Verdus's life may not be worth it, Professor Kraer's filthy
personality was very precious.

“I’m really begging you. two minutes. Come back quickly.”

When permission was granted, Professor Kraer quickly turned back with Professor

There was a strong fear that Professor Garcia might change his mind and wield an
iron fist of wrath.

Professor Garcia looked at the back and sighed.

I thought Professor Verdus wouldn't listen, but in a matter of days, he'd be

moving like that.

'...maybe other professors aren't like that.'

* * *

"ah. You're back. Professor Garcia. What happened?”

Professor Garcia lied to the students' worried eyes.

“I found someone I know for a while and came to talk with them.”

"Wow. You also have a lot of friends.”

Nelia was amazed.

When you become a professor, does one of the passers-by on the Granden City Avenue
come out with an acquaintance?

“It’s not like that. What if everyone ate? What would you like to drink? alcohol?
coffee? car?"

“I like the car.”

"Good for you. Let me introduce you to a good tea house.”

Professor Garcia took the students to a regular tea house.

Unlike the restaurant before, it was located deep inside the alley, so it had a
relatively quiet feeling, and the tea scent was flowing heavily through the ivy-
covered wooden wall.

“I like green tea here. Everyone once... Wait. everyone. Keep eating. I'll be out
for a while."


When Professor Garcia got up again and headed out, the students looked at them
with suspicion and bewilderment.

What the hell are you doing?


30 minutes later.

Professor Garcia returned gasping for breath.

“Mi… I’m sorry. everyone. I waited a long time.”


Lee Han was slowly feeling strange.

Professor Garcia was gasping for breath as if he had been in a fight with someone.

'Have you been beaten down by the people you quarreled with?'

But for that to be the case, Professor Garcia's personality was too good.

“School, Professor. Eat some of this.”

As the students held out their teacups, Professor Garcia took a gulp. It looked
like his throat was burning.

"after. I'm sorry everyone. What did you order for refreshments while you waited?”

“Tea alone was enough.”

"no. Refreshments are also delicious here. Fruit pyeon (果實片) is delicious...”

Professor Garcia, who was talking, paused.

Students wanted to

“…I’ll go out for a moment.”


When Professor Garcia went out again, Lee Han said with a hardened face.

“I can’t. I'll see you in a moment."

Not once, but over and over again, so as a disciple, I couldn't help but worry.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that dangerous? If you go and get in the way...”

Nelia wondered if she could follow.

I understand the desire to help.

However, the help of those who lacked skills was rather a nuisance.

Nelia knew well from her experience among the hunters.

It could be that the students are now going to help Professor Garcia...

"Nope. Professor Garcia is not good at fighting, so I need help just in case.”



The friends were embarrassed by Lee Han's words and could not react.

Meanwhile, Lee Han turned and ran quickly to the door.

“Damn… Wodanaj! What the hell is that...?!”

* * *

Among the professors in Einrogard, Professor Alkasis Lagrinde, who teaches healing
magic, was relatively easy to find.

When passing by a crowd of equally pale and tired faces, they were usually undead
or disciples of Professor Arcasis.

Professor Garcia took a deep breath and said.

“Lagrinde… Professor.”

“Professor Garcia.”

Professor Alkasis bowed his head bluntly and greeted him.

However, Professor Garcia had no intention of greeting or exchanging with the

other person.

'How many professors are there?'

I just sent one back, but another professor shows up.

It made me wonder if there was a professor meeting that only Professor Garcia knew
about around here.

“May I ask what you came here for?”

“I came here because I have a student to look for.”

“Are you a student of the Wodanaj family?”

At Professor Garcia's words, Professor Alkasis moved his expressionless face as if

slightly startled.

"you're right. As you know, the story is fast.”

“I, I mean, Lee Han is a first-year student, right? Besides, there are many majors
that I am learning, so I am still not good enough to learn healing magic myself…”

“The knights who were attacking the Hongryeon Forest last time flew by accident,
so I did the first aid alone. Isn't that enough?"


Professor Garcia shouted to Lee Han inwardly.

'Where did you sell the words I said during the semester?'

Even if it is a basic healing magic, the moment it is known that you can use it
from the first year, the path of hardship will open up, so I emphasized that you
should be careful!

Professor Garcia sighed.

However, it was impossible to blame the disciple.

Someone got hurt right in front of you, can't you just sit still and get

Seeing Professor Garcia's restless face, Professor Alkasis sighed heavily. It was
a sigh of deep exhaustion.

“Professor Garcia. I know that Han Lee is a disciple that the professor cherishes.
But look at my disciples.”

Professor Garcia unknowingly turned his head and regretted it.

The souls of the world's poorest wizards were there.

The students majoring in healing magic under Professor Alkasis fell asleep while
standing for a while, then came to their senses and shook their heads.

“My disciples slept only one hour in three days. Wizards of other schools are able
to plan. But my disciples can't do that. Do you know?”

“No… that’s…”

Professor Garcia was speechless at the theory.

Unlike other professors who have selfish intentions, Professor Alcasis' reason was
a reason that Garcia could hardly refute.

I need help to save someone's life...

“Please lend me five days. In about five days, urgent patients will be treated

“...But even after that, if you are in a hurry, you will come and borrow it.”

"Yes. sorry. But when an accident happens, there's nothing you can do about it.
There must be at least one more.”

Professor Alkasis murmured the swords around his waist. The dark elf professor's
voice was full of tiredness as if he couldn't help it.

“So where are the Wodanaj students?”

"...I do not know."


Professor Alkasis stared at him as if asking for a favor.

Unlike other professors, Professor Garcia, who thought that the story was
relevant, was shocked to hear that.

“What if I don’t know?”

“Is that so… I see. Find it.”


The students who listened to the healing magic came out with a conflicting
expression between the thoughts of 'can we bring in a real freshman' and 'if we are
really talented people, we can take a break'.


Professor Garcia prepared to send a note to the tea house.

I was going to tell the students to lock the door of the tea house and never come

'Never found...'

“Oh, I found it!”

“...Ah, what are you doing!!! Lee Han student!! Are you crazy!?”

Professor Garcia was furious when he found Lee Han making eye contact with a
healing magic student right next to the alley.

* * *


Ian apologized.

But this was unavoidable. It was such a sudden situation.

As I was listening to the conversation between Professor Garcia and Professor
Alcasis, the search suddenly started...

'From now on, I'll have to get into the habit of preparing for invisibility magic
on a regular basis.'

Lee Han deeply reflected.

Einrogard wasn't the only battlefield.

Outside of Einrogarde, it was a battlefield.

A battlefield where your life can be blown away by a moment's inattention!

“Finally met you.”

Professor Alkasis said in a harsh voice, slightly hoarse with fatigue.

“Last time I couldn’t even speak because of Professor Verdus, but take my hand. I
will make your talents bloom.”


Lee Han was contemplating whether to trust Professor Garcia and run away or just
follow Professor Alkasis.

The former could be shot with the sword of Professor Alkasis if they escaped
wrongly, and the latter could be taken away and trained in healing magic until the
end of the vacation if unlucky.

'There is only the latter.'

Lee Han made a decision right away.

The moment Professor Alkasis loses his concentration even for a moment, he casts
all his magic and runs away!


Professor Alkasis' eyes narrowed. Even without words, Lee Han's thoughts were

The Skeleton Principal was the best at catching the escape of students in
Einrogard, but Professor Alkasis was also a hidden talent.

For a professor who majored in healing magic, not only healing magic, but also the
ability to catch the students running away was essential.

So I could tell just by looking at the posture.

'Is that really a freshman?'

Professor Alkasis couldn't help but be astonished to see Lee Han's tight posture.

How could a student who is not a white tiger top student show such a solid posture
without any gaps?

I've heard that he showed great talent not only in healing magic, but in other
fields, but it's only so much.

Just looking at the momentum it exudes, even an experienced battle wizard would
not be surprised.


Professor Arcasis calmly prepared the magic.

No matter how talented the opponent is, he is a beast that has not yet grown up.

The battle between wizards had an absolute advantage for experienced wizards.

Professor Arcasis saved his magic and prepared to subdue it as quickly as


'Since there is a lot of magical power, there is a high possibility that the
direct suppression magic won't work. Summon them from outside and bind them.'

'I immediately lay down the mist, cast invisibility, and then run away with
enhancement magic.'

The two wizards just stared at each other silently. The air was taut with tension.

Lee Han instinctively felt that he was at a disadvantage.

'shit. I don't know what you're trying to do...'

I didn't know what kind of magic the opponent was trying to use. Besides,
Professor Alkasis also knew that Lee Han had a lot of magical power.

“…you idiot! What are you doing! run away! Don't look back and run! Arm, wither!”


At that moment, two of Alkasis' students, who were watching from the side, jumped
out and applied magic to the master.

They were seniors who knew Lee Han, Phil and Chil.

Professor Alkasis was not surprised or angry when his students were attacking him.

As if he was just annoying and tired, he swung his wand to deflect the magic.

“Run away! It's lively... Whoops!”

Phil was subdued with a single swing from the professor.

Professor Arcasis had over-regenerated the flesh of the airway connected to Phil's
throat and blocked it for a while.

Phil tried to unravel it, but the professor's workmanship was as hard as that of a
seamstress craftsman, and he couldn't easily touch it.

“When you get up, study the neck again. stupid child.”

“Eye, cover the light!”

Chil did not panic even when his friend fell, and looked at his teacher again.
Anyway, the healing magic students had a lot of work, so they did not go to the
punishment room even if they tried to escape or rebel.

Professor Alkasis knew it well, so he didn't get angry or punish him.


The professor blocked the magic of the seven with a beckoning hand.

It was a simple movement, but Lee Han and Chil could see how advanced technique
was hidden in that movement.

It grasped the structure of the flying magic in a short period of time, then put
the magic power at the fingertips and dismantled the magic in reverse.

Chil clenched his teeth and screamed.

“Are you not ashamed of yourself? You said you're going to take the freshman and
change them like us! That is nothing to be ashamed of!”

"...God damn you, you're right, Chil!"

The healing magic seniors who were contemplating next to them threw their cloaks
and picked up a staff.

He was torn between gain and conscience, but as he listened to Chil, he felt his
face heat up.

As an Einroguard student, I couldn't make a freshman in my first year do that.

Professor Alkasis's eyes grew darker and gleamed deeper.

“It doesn’t matter if they fight, but I will kill anyone who wastes their magical
energy unnecessarily.”

“Do not lie! Instead of killing us, Master will make us work!”

“Come on!”

“How many times?!”

“This time with number 11! Move to Formation 11!”

'How many times have these seniors attacked?'

The healing magic students must have rebelled once or twice, forming a formation
in an instant and attacking Professor Alkasis.

'done! This is enough...!'

Chil was relieved.

Of course, the students will be brutally suppressed, but they will still be able
to buy time for their juniors to escape.

However, Lee Han did not run away.

Chil was astonished when Lee Han ran next to Chil in the opposite direction.

"What're you doing! it's crazy!"

"Seniors. How can you run away alone, leaving only your seniors?”


Chil's eyes grew hot. Tears welled up without her knowing.


“…don’t make me cry.”

Chil, as well as other healing magic seniors, struggled to put up with their
blurred vision with tears.

In the current situation, it might be better for the junior to just run away.

But this junior moved them by not running away.

“Did you see it now? Today is that day!”

“It’s in front of my juniors! Show me right!”

The students majoring in healing magic rushed in shouting.

'Is today that day?'

'If it's not that day, I'll make it that day!'

that day.

Among the students majoring in healing magic, it was known as 'a day to take a
break after defeating Professor Alkasis and succeeding in escaping'.

It has never come, but one day it will come!

“If you want to rest.”

Professor Arcasis swung his staff.

The running student read the professor's intentions and desperately set out to

“Be hard as steel, spirit!”

Despite the strengthening magic, Professor Arcasis took control of the student's
nervous system.

Losing control of the nerves that connect the organs of the body and transmit
signals was fatal in such a duel. The student just fainted.

“Cultivate your magic skills!”

At the same time, the swords the professor was wearing on his waist floated in the
As Professor Arcasis shot forward, the swords were swung with their scabbard,
blowing away the students who were preoccupied with their defense.

“Then we can finish early and rest.”

“Every time the injured guys keep popping out, does that make sense!!”

At the disciple's angry shout, the professor slightly waved his staff.

The student was terrified and tried to protect the nervous system, but this time
it was elsewhere.

The student, who had lost control of the blood flow in his veins, fell down with a
pale face.

'...I guess it was just tulling.'

When he saw Professor Alkasis subdue the rushing students with a single movement
of his cane, Lee Han suddenly regretted it.

It was a prejudice that a healing wizard was weak. Healing magic itself could be
used aggressively as long as it was determined.

In addition, in the case of Professor Alkasis, who had reached the heights, he
took control of the opponent's body with a pinpoint and set out to subdue it.

In order to take control of the whole body, even an archmage had to pour out their
magic power, but taking only a specific part in that way was much less difficult.

Of course, if it was another wizard, it would have been difficult to utilize or

apply it even if it was taken away.

It was a battle method that only Professor Alkasis, who had a complete
understanding of the human body, could.

'Let's stop regretting.'

Lee Han was determined and prepared.

It was half calculation and half compassion for not abandoning the seniors and
running away.

If I left my seniors in this situation, there was a possibility that I would hear
resentment when I met them later.

They say they are sending their juniors because of their resentment against the
professor, but if you come back later and work under the professor, you may hate
your juniors who are not there.

Originally, the human mind was such a complicated law.

Moreover, looking at the seniors who have been suppressed so far, there is a high
possibility that the seniors will not be able to hold on to the time if Lee Han is

Because Professor Alkasis knows much better about the seniors than the seniors
know about Professor Alkasis.

'...I just couldn't leave it alone.'

Lee Han was a person who moved while taking care of his own profit, but the
seniors who majored in healing magic were very pitiful even if they did.

How could you run away alone with people like that?

He also had a conscience.

“Seniors. Please support me!”


The seniors were surprised at Lee Han's cry.

Surprisingly, the junior was running forward with a sword.

'In close combat?!'

Like other friends, Chil was astonished.

Mage is melee.

'Junior, I understand, but what you're doing now is...!'

As he was fighting a wizard who had more overwhelming skills than himself, it was
absolutely disadvantageous to see a match with magic.

If so, it was a good choice to try to make the opponent not use magic by sticking
in close combat.


'...we've done it all!'

Of course, this was something the healing magic major students had already done.

Since they couldn't really win with magic, they each attacked the professor with
transformation or enhancement magic.

Of course, the results were disastrous.

Professor Alkasis wasn't just wearing a sword at his waist. Just as he would
subdue a frantic patient, he immediately subdued the students.

“You’re wasting your magic power.”

Professor Alkasis saw Lee Han running and wrinkled his face while swinging his

As if he were dealing with other students, he unintentionally took control of his

body and tried to subdue it, but he realized it too late.

'You have a lot of magic power like a madman.'


Professor Alkasis lightly knocked on the wall of the alley next to him.
Then, the wall swayed as if alive and started running towards Lee Han.


As the wall slammed into the wall, Lee Han gave strength to his legs and instilled
magical energy to accelerate explosively.

Not only that, he summoned water from the air.

“Be a stepping stone!”


Professor Alkasis was surprised by the magic that Lee Han showed.

It wasn't surprising that he summoned water and transformed it into shape.

Of course, it was great enough for a first-year student to be so proficient, but

what surprised Professor Alkasis...

'It wouldn't be strange to run as a battle wizard right now.'

In the midst of this chaos and frenzy, he selects and casts magic so quickly.

It was a natural talent as a battle wizard.

Besides, he was born with such great magic power, so it would be like a nightmare
for other wizards.


Professor Alkasis, who did not want to waste any more magical power, grabbed the
hilt of the sword.

Instead of fighting with magic for nothing, I thought I'd run and subdue it right

It looked like he was running with reinforcement magic, but Professor Alkasis was
confident enough to subdue it.


Lee Han tensed his whole body.

Although he induced a close-quarters fight, my heart pounded when I confronted the

professor in a real close-quarters fight.

I was several times more nervous than when I was faced with an excellent

The swordsman only wields a sword, but the professor can use both sword and magic
at the same time. If you are unlucky, it was possible to fly without being able to
withstand even a few hits.


Professor Alkasis' swords and Lee Han's swords collided strongly.

And Professor Alkasis was astonished.


Lee Han's sword, the morning star, absorbed the professor's magic in an instant.

A sword made of black magnetite, which is a special ore that absorbs Lee Han's
black magic, even though they didn't notice each other because they put their
scabbard on each other.

It was an annoying sword to the point of terrifying a mage who was very sensitive
to mana management like Professor Arcasis.

'It will definitely work for the professor's personality.'

Lee Han had no intention of really defeating the professor in the first place.

There is such a difference in skill, how did you win?

What Lee Han was aiming for was compromise.

From the professor's point of view, making people say, 'I don't need a guy like
you because you're such a disgraceful and dirty bastard'.

Lee Han, who held the morning star to Professor Alkasis, who manages the amount of
magical power, was a troublesome existence no matter how he dealt with it.

Even if you try to subdue it with a sword, it consumes a lot of mana.

Even if you try to subdue it with magic, it consumes a lot of mana.


“Sister, be careful!”

Professor Alkasis flashed his eyes and the other students swung their wands in

Then the tree that had sprouted up from the floor withered away. Lee Han felt a
chill in his spine.

Lee Han is aiming for that brief moment of relaxation and attacking him like this.
If it wasn't for the seniors, I might have been hit as it is.

In front of the professor, even the slightest negligence was fatal.

Professor Alkasis clicked his tongue in disapproval and said.

"great. good."


The seniors were astonished.

They were the first to see Professor Alkasis break his stubbornness.

'Is it real? Isn't it a dream?'

Professor Alkasis said in a harsh, hoarse voice.

“I’m pretty good at persuasion…”

"thank you."

It was clear that the professor had the same thoughts as Lee Han did.

In order to subdue here, you have to use more mana unconditionally, but to use an
additional 1st year student, the professor's mana was consumed so much that it was
a misnomer.

sorry but what to do

“But you can’t keep avoiding it.”

“…I will work hard next semester.”

At Lee Han's words, Professor Alkasis nodded his head slightly as if he


It meant negotiating.



Lee Han carefully opened his mouth as he looked at the professor as if he were
looking at a beast with his teeth exposed.

It felt like my life was at stake with every word I uttered.

“Please let the seniors rest too.”



The air became cold.

The seniors who were watching were so nervous they couldn't even breathe.

'I... that crazy bastard!'

'You will die then!'

Professor Garcia, who was controlling people passing by the roadside to prevent
them from coming to the scene, also swallowed his saliva.

“Did you forget everything I said? Obviously in class…”

"I know. But, Professor. Surely there must be another way. Call in wizards from
other areas, or ask the headmaster...”

Chil, who was listening next to him, was worried that his junior was seriously
There's no way the Skeleton Principal can't be summoned because he's not a pet and
lacks a healing wizard.

“…I think I will be able to earn at least enough time to give my seniors a break.”

“What if I don’t like it?”

Lee Han waved his sword.

In the end, Professor Alkasis sighed and replied to the will to fail together.

“I don’t want my disciples to learn bad habits from you. good night. ...I
overworked you guys. rest and come I can earn that amount of time somehow.”


“Don’t cry, get out quickly. Let me rest.”

The students rushed out, fearing that the professor would change their mind.

“Okay, are you okay?”

Professor Garcia, who was watching, asked because he was worried about nothing.
Professor Alkasis said bluntly in an irritated voice.

“Are you okay? huh? Do you think it will be okay?”

The way he respected his disciple as a professor just because he was in front of
other students was nowhere to be seen.

Professor Garcia, who returned as a disciple, bowed his head.


"done. it's not your fault Disciples should also rest. I suffered so much…”

“I’ll help too.”

“If you have a conscience, of course you do.”


"And... I'll have to call the headmaster. I will help you at least once.”

“Good idea. You are in the city of Granden.”

"okay? That's better.”

In the name of Einrogard, Professor Alkasis, who saves all the sick in the
surrounding areas, was so high that even the Skeleton Principal could not be

When I asked for help, I never refused.

...Of course, it would be absurd for the Skeleton Principal.

But Professor Alkasis suddenly called, 'The principal, please help the students to
"Oh yeah. Please never tell the principal that Student Lee Han spoke up.”

"i get it."

* * *

"Junior! Excited! Aren't you excited?!"

“Look at this! See this!”

The students majoring in healing magic stretched out their fingers in excitement.

What they pointed to was a fountain in the middle of the city square.

“...Uh, what kind of intricate magic is lurking in that fountain? I don't know,

“There’s nothing like that, it’s just pretty.”

"right. It was my wish to sit still and watch the fountain all day long.”

“It’s just sitting like this and watching peacefully… Wait. Junior. why are you

“I didn’t cry. Dust got into your eyes.”


Lee Han wiped the tears with a handkerchief. My vision was strangely blurry.

'It's raining.'

"...I'd rather have something to eat. I will buy it.”

"no. We should buy it.”

“Anyway, my juniors don’t come in, but if I steal the juniors’ silver coins and
eat ice cream, they won’t come in anymore.”

The seniors sat Lee Han in front of the fountain and walked towards the ice cream

-...that's why I don't like it...

-...I can't yield this either...


Lee Han was perplexed when he saw the seniors walking by arguing with the ice
cream merchant.

'what? Did you fail to negotiate the price?'

If that's the case, Lee Han thought that he should go and help.

“Why are you there?”

“Ah… the merchants we know don’t want us to accept silver coins.”


- You cannot receive it. you won't get it

-haha. The healing wizards were wrong. How much is Jin's situation and are you
willing to pay silver?

-you're right. Oh yeah. I made a crepe here. Have some.

-what? Have the healing wizards of Einrogard come?

As the argument grew longer, the merchants around them began to rush in.

The merchants, who recognized the students of Einrogard, packed up the snacks they
were selling, and placed them one by one.

The seniors were at a loss because they did not know what to do.


- God, you're so skinny, you can only see bones!

- That's prejudice...

-Really! You should drink more!

-We're healing wizards, so why are we making such nonsense...

- Take this too!

The seniors who had their souls ripped off by the rushing merchants returned with
half-hearted faces.

And piles of snacks piled up on the table.

“Eat a lot. Junior."

“…well, would you like to eat together?”

"yes. But we work too much and have no appetite. You have to eat a lot.”


Lee Han thought that he would eat even if his stomach exploded.

'I'm glad you're popular, though.'

There were times when a warlock would refuse to receive silver coins when he went
to the store, but that had a slightly different meaning.

The healing wizards here were really close to trying to treat them without
receiving silver coins.

Seniors held ice cream cones one by one and watched the fountain, played a wizard
card game, or rolled dice on a board to ride horses.

Everyone's faces are full of calm happiness and peace...


“What are you talking about?”

“I think there was an accident in the guild area! That's it! This new...”

“Smoke is coming up, but isn’t there a fire?!”


The seniors silently looked down at the floor and stood up.

“Seniors. no way..."

"sorry. Wodanaz.”

“You don’t know. The professor may need our help.”

“Thanks for today, it was so much fun. It’s nice to have a junior like you.”


Before they even dried, the seniors took one donut in their mouth and ran to the
scene of the accident.

“It’ll be fine because the principal is here…!”

Lee Han cried out sadly, but the seniors waved their hands and left.

Only the snacks piled up like a mountain, the man Lee Han sighed.

'If you stay like that for a few more years, no matter how good you are, your
temper will become dirty.'

Even merchants went to see the scene of the accident, so the plaza became quiet.

Then a voice came from behind.

“Why are you eating alone like this?”


Lee Han turned his head at the familiar voice.

An old wizard with the impression of a loving grandmother was standing behind him.


“It’s been a long time.”

Yumidhus, a famous water element wizard in the Empire, sat down in front of Ihan
and pointed to the waffle.

“Of course you can.”

“Thank you.”

Umidhus did nothing, but syrups from the table sprung up and spread over the
Yumidihus, who took a bite, looked at Lee Han and asked.

“Why are you so nervous?”


Umidihus itself was a moderately crazy wizard, but the wizard who came after
Umidifus appeared was a different story.

“…Professor Bagrek didn’t visit Umidhus to prepare for the 2nd semester lectures?”

"Aha. It did."

Umidhus nodded.

“You were worried that Voladi Bagreg could not find it.”

“…ah, yes.”

Lee Han answered while managing his facial muscles.

Eumidihus continued speaking as if it was okay.

“I found it well, so there is nothing to worry about.”



“By the way, I want to see the elemental water magic. Can you show me?”

Lee Han grabbed the staff. Umidhus spoke in a soft but strict voice.

“Put it up.”

“Spring up!”


“Become a wall!”

“The time has come to do it all at once. Do it all at once.”

Lee Han's spell casting speed was one of the fastest compared to other wizards.

It was only natural as he was being rigorously trained as a battle wizard.

As such, when using elemental water magic, it was not a problem to cast each
process separately.

But Umidhus was slowly telling him to graduate from that.

At once, like a brilliant wizard.

Ihan nodded his head.

'The time has come to do it.'

Of course, if other friends had heard it, they would have said, 'Wordanaj, you're
still a freshman, it's time to do something.'

“Water, with a shield!”

The movement of floating water and transforming it into a shield was neatly
compressed into one spell and one movement.


“I was lucky. It's the most familiar element..."

“The familiarity comes from your hard work, so don’t say it’s luck.”

As Eumidhus swung his hand, the fountain's water gushed and turned into a wall.

“Let’s take a look at the rotation properties. Can you break through this wall?”

“I’ll do it.”

Among the advanced properties of the water element, the rotation property was the
property that Lee Han had been practicing since the first semester.

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

I used it limitedly a few times when I was dealing with Lachthorne, but it was
unavoidable that it took time.

In order to properly deal with the rotation attribute at Lee Han's level now, I
had to give up some power and end it in a proper rotation, or I had to deliberately
change the time.

Umidhus wondered how far Lee Han would have overcome this problem.

Of course, if you were an ordinary student, you would have to work harder than the
second or third year, but the student in front of you now is a bit different.



Umidihus was astonished.

Lee Han summoned dozens of water beads.

'What do you think?'

“Turn around!”

With the spell, several of the dozens of water beads lost their shape and

Because the rotation attribute was poorly assigned, the shape could not be
maintained and the magic was canceled.

Among the surviving water beads, Lee Han concentrated on the ones that rotated

As the rotation became faster, several marbles were canceled again. Lee Han did
not care and accelerated the remaining marbles.


Umidhus frankly admired it.

It wasn't that I was admiring Lee Han's magical talent. That was after admiring it
in the past.

What Umidhus admired was Lee Han's way of thinking.

No matter how much magic power, it was rare for a wizard to be able to use it that

To use dozens of other magic as sacrifices to complete one magic.

It was an absurd waste for the wizards, but it wasn't too difficult for Lee Han.

In less than a few minutes, a fiery ball of water was completed.


When the orb easily pierced the barrier erected by Eumidihus, the old wizard

“Good job. I was honestly surprised.”

"Is that so?"

Lee Han was confused.

To be honest, I was worried that Umidihus would say, 'It's still not enough.'

But I was relieved that I was so happy.

“Of course it was good. Why are you surprised?”

“There are still many shortcomings…”

“Because of Voladi Bagreg, you are not making a proper assessment. You are doing

"thank you."

It always felt good to hear Professor Voladi's cursing.

Ihan bowed his head.

“Originally, I was going to give you some advice if you were blocked, but it’s
like that… I don’t think I can give you any advice.”

"Yes? no. Please advise.”

Ian was embarrassed.

Wouldn't it be better to do this by floating dozens of marbles like that?

A good advice from an archmage like Umidhus would be much more effective than such
an ignorant method...
"no. doing well."

Yumidihus thought Lee Han's method was very good.

In the original magic, there is no royal road.

In particular, it was important to continue to experience and accumulate magic

where subtle sensations are important, such as rotation.

Now, like Lee Han, floating dozens of marbles like a madman and feeding them all
was surprisingly very effective.

If you keep going like that, you'll soon realize the rotation property.

“It was late. sorry."

As Professor Voladi walked by, Lee Han's heart sank.

The professor's clothes were tattered, as if he had walked straight from a


'What the hell did you catch?'

To the extent that Professor Voladi had to deal with what he had caught in the
second semester, fear was bound to fill Lee Han's soul.

“Why are you late?”

“Other professors have asked to help clear the scene of the accident.”

“It’s amazing that you don’t say no.”

“Gonadaltes-sama requested it, so I couldn’t refuse it.”


Umidihus was astonished.

Principal Skeleton wasn't the type of person to go out and solve such a problem

Usually my students or professors did it...

“Is it that serious?”

“It was not. I think it's to give the students a break.”

Lee Han, who was listening, couldn't stand it and asked.

“Did the students finally participate?”

"no. Professor Garcia made me rest.”

Ian was impressed.

Umidhus nodded and said.

“Rest is also important. To be honest, the young healers of Einrogarde are


"Yes. Rest is important.”


Lee Han stared at Professor Voladi.

Does anyone who knows it ever acted like that?

“Now that we’ve come all the way to Voladi Bagreg, let’s get to the point. I came
to hear that you have an aptitude for the element of cold.”

Lee Han looked at Professor Voladi again.

Professor Voladi nodded slightly as if he understood the meaning of the gaze.

Lee Han couldn't even imagine what the other person meant by nodding his head.

“It’s not aptitude…”

“If you can summon cold, it is an aptitude. Rare elements are difficult to summon
if they don't have the right aptitude. Anyway, the element of cold is also closely
related to the element of water, and applying the two together can be learned in
many ways. So I will use it in my second semester... Ah. Weren't you supposed to
say your name?"

Professor Voladi nodded again.

Lee Han-eun stared at the professor's neck. I just wanted to grab it once.

“I came here after catching it.”

"thank you."

Lee Han did not have much dissatisfaction with Umidhus' proposal.

Unlike other professors, Umidihus taught relatively common sense.

It wouldn't be too bad if he stayed in the mansion and learned about elemental
cold magic.

'Besides, it could be an excuse when other professors came.'

“Then shall we depart?”

"ah. Isn't that what you learn in the mansion?"

“Learning in a mansion is a bit vague. There is a tower where the wizard who owes
me stays.”

“Are you a disciple?”

“I’m not a disciple, but I’ve been taught a few things.”

'Isn't that a disciple?'

Lee Han, who had been thinking to himself, stopped.

Come to think of it, Professor Voladi was also not a disciple of Umidhus.

“Is that person like Professor Bagreg?”


"ah. okay."

Ian was relieved.

Until the next words of Umidhus come out.

“More rude.”



“Can someone more rude than Professor Bagreg...”

Lee Han, who was trying to speak as his tongue moved, realized later that Boladi
was next to him.

“…Isn’t it natural to do that? Most people in the Empire would be more rude than
Professor Bagreg.”

“Are you crazy?”

Eumidihus was stunned.

It was so absurd that he looked at Professor Voladi with a gaze that said, 'Tell
me one more time.'

But Professor Voladi answered without blinking an eye.

“Thank you for appreciating me that way.”

"haha. I was just stating the obvious.”


Eumidihus was stunned by the appearance of this crooked priest.

“Even if you are your own teacher, you have to objectively say something that
makes sense... Let’s go.”

Eumidihus brought a chariot from the front. It was a wagon pulled by water spirits
with huge dimensions.

When the door was opened like a wizard's carriage, a spacious interior, different
from what was seen from the outside, unfolded.

Like an excellent water elemental wizard, the interior consisted of the sea and
the rivers meandering over it.

Eumidihus casually walked into the sea and leaned back softly. The water split and
he supported the old wizard's body.

“I, Eumidihus. So, what specifically made that disciple more rude than Professor

Seeing Lee Han whispering in a low voice, Yumidihus wondered whether Lee Han was
actually judging Boladi quite coldly.

* * *

Nelia and Yonere ate lollipops and whistled. Then came the beautiful mermaid's

I thought I could see why this <Mermaid's Candy> was the most popular in the candy

“Gainan too. You do it too.”

"no. There is no limit.”

“Professor Garcia said it. Something happened and there was nothing I could do
about it.”

“Why are you being kidnapped everywhere you go?”

Guynando grunted and pushed away the candy that Ratford recommended.

He wanted to eat candy, but if he could show that he wasn't feeling well, he was
going to hold on.

“That’s because Wodanaj-sama knows so many people and he’s the professor’s

“If you are favored, you should save it, so why kidnap him!”

As Guy Nando acted like he was resentful, the other three friends were unwittingly

'Well, that's right.'

If you are a disciple you cherish, you should give yourself a chance to recharge
after resting and having fun during vacation. Why do you keep trying to kidnap me
on the street?

Thanks to that, only Gainando, who went out to play but lost his friend to the
professors, was full of pity.

“But this time, I will be back soon.”

"right. Professor Garcia also said it was no big deal this time.”

"huh. how do you believe that After work, we can change our promises and kidnap
them as we please.”

Guy Nando spit out a voice that, if the Einroguard seniors had heard it, 'You have
already realized the truth of such a wonderful junior.

Professors are basically liars.

“If that’s the case, let’s go get it.”

“To save?”

Gainando was persuaded by Yoner's words.

"yes. The professors also have consciences, so if you go pick them up, they will
send them to you.”

“Certainly… Besides, it’s in the city, so won’t you notice?”

Gainando's face brightened.

In Einroguard, the professor could send a punishment room with one finger, but
this was outside the school.

Wouldn't it be filthy and disrespectful to let them go if they shouted at the

whale whale and said, 'Here in the city, a mad wizard is exploiting the nobles of
the Wodanaj family'.

Yoner, who had not yet noticed Gainando's extreme thoughts, nodded his head.

"okay. Let's go to the rescue."

"you're right. I will open the door.”

“Then I will shoot a fiery arrow and burn it.”

"...for a moment. Did I say go to the rescue? Didn't you tell me to go fight?"

While Yoner was perplexed, Gainando screamed.

“I, that one!!”


“That wagon! That wagon!!”

“What happened to that wagon?”

“Lee Han has been kidnapped! I'm being dragged by that wagon!"


“Such nonsense…!”

Nelia was astonished.

Professors are not just professors.

If you are in the city, you can be pursued, so you kidnap them and then go out of
the city to try to escape the chase.

Even in the cold northern mountains, the criminals of the Empire sometimes ran
away from their pursuit...

'It's not like I've been kidnapped once or twice!'

“Chase! You have to chase after me, Nelia!”

"What? that?”

“What are you… that… that! okay! A proud shadow patrol!”

Guynando praised Nelia, whether or not she was in a hurry.

Ratford also helped out.

"you're right! If not for the Shadow Patrol, who would follow the trail of that

"...after. I can't help it. Everyone follow me!!”

'Should I dry it now?'

Yoner followed the three of his friends, contemplating when to dry them.

* * *

Alcicle Feng Erin.

He was a disciple of Umidhus (though he denied it) and was more rude than
Professor Taching Voladi.

Ian couldn't believe it.

'Is that really possible?'

“Since the first time I came here, Alcicle has said that he is interested in ice


Ian nodded and listened.

I still didn't feel good.

“That’s why I wanted to learn the elemental water magic.”

“Certainly, the two elemental magics are different from other elemental magics
because they are close.”

"okay. So he asked me to teach him water magic to be a stepping stone.”

"Yes. ...Yes?"

Lee Han stopped listening.

'Did I hear it wrong?'

“What did you say?”

“Actually, I said that I would grant you the glory as a stepping stone that could
help with the great ice magic that he would complete in the future.”


'Are you crazy?'

Ian was perplexed.

If you want to learn magic from someone, it's normal to bow your head and say,
'Please take care of me', not 'I will give you the glory to teach me'.

That was common sense even Gainan knew.

“Are you from Einrogarde?”

“No. And, surprisingly, people from Einroguard don’t do that.”

“Ah… that’s right.”

Ian agreed.

If he had entered Einroguard with such a personality, he could have been

imprisoned in the punishment room without graduating yet.

Even a student who was not polite was harsh enough to show politeness.

“It’s embarrassing. Did you teach such a person magic?”

"It wasn't because I didn't have talent... Magical talent comes first, and
personality comes second."

'I'm not the teacher of Professor Voladi for nothing.'

In Lee Han's mind, the evaluation of Umidyhus was slightly lowered.

There was nothing wrong with the old saying.

The term “Yoo-Yoo-Sangjong” did not come out of nowhere...

“Of course, I suppressed him from speaking cocky in front of me.”

“Good job. oh Then you can reflect on the past and make a new one…”

“Not that.”


Some people did not change their nature no matter how much they were beaten.

And that was the case with the disciple of Umidhus who is now visiting.

* * *

Not all the geniuses of the Empire went into Einroguard.

Some geniuses went to other magic schools for various reasons, and some would
choose to self-teach instead of going to magic schools.

Alcicle of the Feng Erin family was one such case.

Instead of entering a magic school, you invite a teacher in the name of your
family and learn it separately!

If I had entered the magic school, my personality would have changed to some
extent, but I couldn't do that since I learned this separately.
Moreover, unfortunately, Alsicle's talent was objectively superior.

I didn't even go to magic school, and I only got compliments on how good every
magic I learned, so it's natural to become arrogant and arrogant.

It wasn't just that I went to Umidhus and said, 'I'll give you a chance to get a

Of course I got hit, but...

In any case, Alsicle learned water magic from Umidhus in return for being hit, and
after achieving some level of success, she moved on to the next level.

Like many wizards who want to devote themselves to research, they built a tower in
a place rich in natural magic and set up their own workshop.

A tower built deep in a snowy mountain valley.

Traffic was the worst, but it was perfect for magic research.

“What is it that Yumidihus-sama is coming here for?”

Alsicle asked, somehow pulling back the annoying hair that had not been cut for a
long time.

The water spirit sent by Umidhus as a messenger drew letters in the air.

“Is there a disciple I need to teach?”

The water spirit nodded.

That answer seemed to make Alcycline feel a little better.

“There’s no such thing as a magician like me. I also understand Yumidhus-sama’s


The water spirit emitted a wave of trembling emotions, but Alsicle did not notice
it because he was intoxicated with him.

A great archmage like Umidyhus would recommend him as a teacher.

This was something to be happy about.

"great. to bring you! But it's good to keep this in mind. My teaching is very
difficult and complicated, so it's not my fault if I can't follow it. It's not my
fault that the disciple Umidifus-sama brought along isn't as genius as me!"

The water spirit made a face like she was about to vomit once and went back.

Alsicle burst into a madness towards the valley, but later came to her senses and
summoned a mirror from the air into ice.

“Ugh. Totally messed up. I need to brush my hair.”

* * *

“You are surprisingly gentle with your permission.”

Lee Han was surprised to see the ice blocking the front of the valley making a

'Is the person supposed to be right?'

How well did you get along with Umidyhus that you opened the way as soon as you
received such a request?

“It’s because Alcicle herself is having a hard time these days.”

“Are you having a hard time?”

“I haven’t made any progress in my magic research for several years now. I haven't
heard from the Imperial Society."

Many wizards wanted to devote themselves to their research, so they built a tower
in Shimsanyugok and set up a workshop, but there weren't many wizards who really
did it right.

Most of them closed their workshops after struggling with absurd goals and ideals,
or, very rarely, tried to dominate the neighboring estates because of taste.

As such, it was a great pressure for a wizard to study magic.

If you are a wizard with great pride like Alcicle, the pressure will be even

“Teaching other wizards would be a bit of a relief.”

"hello. Umidhus.”

A penguin guard walked out of the house, brushing it.

Lee Han was momentarily taken aback by the cute appearance he was walking around.

'Professor Verdus and that person, why are all these crazy people so cute?'

They were harmless and cute on the outside, making them even more vicious.

How many people must have been deceived by that impression.

“Nice to meet you...”

Before Lee Han could even say hello, Alsicle looked down at Lee Han and said.

“Tell me first. It will be impossible for you to follow my teachings. I'm just
telling you not to despair. Do you understand?”


Lee Han was absurd, but instead of getting angry, he nodded.

As he already knew he was crazy, there was no reason to be angry.

'There is no need to deal with it.'

“For reference, I already learned the 3rd circle magic when I was your age. Do you
“I learned 4 circles here.”

“Mr Umidyhus. Don't make ridiculous jokes.”

“It’s serious.”


Alcicle looked at Professor Voladi. I meant to tell the truth.

But Professor Voladi nodded.

“It’s true that you learned the 4th circle.”

“…the circle doesn’t really matter.”


Eumidhus twitched his tongue at the sound of his disciple's garbage.

Of course, Alcicle didn't hear it. For Al Sichel, he had the ability to ignore the
insults he made.

'Such an ugly sound.'

Of course, magic wasn't all about circles.

Circle was the easiest unit, not the most accurate unit.

But that brazenness of changing words because he takes out the circle first and
gets pushed back...

'That's why I'm still out of my mind.'

If it had been anyone else, I would have been shaken by embarrassment, but Alsicle
was as hard as an iceberg.

I immediately changed the subject and asked a question.

“What is more important than a circle is its magical breadth. At your age, I
learned elemental ice magic, as well as transformation and summoning magic. Do you

“I think you better stop. Alcicle.”

Eumidihus opened his mouth for his disciple.

I wanted to light up Alcicle's mind, but I didn't want to make it too harsh.

What would happen if Alsicle threw herself onto that glacial cliff in shame after
making a mistake?

However, Alcicle misunderstood the meaning of Eumidihus.

"no. Umidhus. This needs to be pointed out. Otherwise, the young wizard of the
Empire could be hurt.”

It's not that I'm pretending, I'm more surprised because I can feel that the other
person is really thinking that way.

'It wouldn't hurt my heart this much.'

When I entered Einroguard, there were more things to be hurt than that.

“I say this because Wodanaj here is learning more magic than you. Alcicle.”

"...Do not lie!"

Alsicle shouted while waving her short arms like a penguin beast.

However, when Eumidihus glared at him, he immediately straightened his posture and
changed his words.

“Hey, don’t lie.”

The memories of being beaten were still vivid in his body.

“How are you mastering your magic more broadly than I am? Impossible. What did you

"I'll see you. Black magic, summon magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic,
foresight magic, transformation magic, healing magic...”

“So, what did you learn from them?”

Alcicle asked in a slightly blunt voice.

“Are you talking about what you have learned?”


Alcicle stood still for a few minutes, in such a shock.

Lee Han, who could not see, whispered.

“Can I leave you like that?”

Professor Voladi silently nodded and answered.

“Penguin beasts are resistant to cold.”

“No… I don’t mean that.”

It was not a question of whether he would freeze to death, but a question of

whether he was mentally okay.

Fortunately, Eumidihus set out to clean it up.



“Do you want to be beaten again?”

"no! no!"
Mind returned to the face of the dazed penguin beast wizard.

“It doesn’t matter who excelled when they were young. All that matters is what
kind of magic you are doing right now. Wodanaj is here to teach you the magic of
elemental cold. So, stop talking nonsense and teach me the magic of elemental

“But who excelled as a child is a very important question...”


Yumidihus suppressed his soft anger and put up with Alsicle, who was holding onto
his ankle even though he was about to go on in a good mood.

Professor Voladi opened his mouth.

“I will give you an answer.”


“Wordanaz is better here. It should be now.”



Umidhus thought to himself as he saw Voladi pouring oil on the burning tower.

'I thought he'd leave behind Boladi Bagreg.'

“You say you are better than me? Voladi Bagreg, are you serious? Heartily!? Didn't
you go crazy because you overworked in Einroguard!?"

Surprisingly, Lee Han was slightly surprised to see the penguin Suin stabbing the

How did know?

“Wordanaj is better for circles and ranges.”

“Yeah... application! Application advanced properties will be different!”

Alcicle thought for a while and then shouted.

Since you can't compete with a range or circle, I was thinking of trying to
compete with the skill of applying magic.

“At that age, I learned to transform the form of the element water! Voladi

"...can't I just say I lost?"

Tired of this fight, Lee Han whispered, but Professor Voladi ignored it and

“Wordanaj has mastered shape transformation.”

“Now I am learning rotation and evaporation properties.”


At the attack of the two wizards' relentless truth, Alsicle wrapped her head in

Then he howled and tried to run towards the cliff.

"Nonsense! A more genius than me... it can't be!”

“That again!”

Eumidihus summoned a whip of water, grabbed Alsicle's ankle, knocked him down, and
bound him.

When the situation was settled, Yumidihus looked at Lee Han and apologized.

"sorry. Alcicle is a little emotional.”

'it's okay.'

“It doesn’t seem like much.”

By mistake, my heart came out the other way. Umidihus sighed as if he understood.

* * *

The inside of Alsicle's horse tower was full of cold.

It felt even colder because of the rustic appearance without any furniture or

Lee Han was puzzled by how different it looked from the workshop he had seen in

“Do I need to carry less weight to learn cold magic?”

“No. The research was blocked, so they sold the items inside to pay for the
experiment. It’s a common sight in a tower built by a wizard.”

The wizards who built the tower to see the end of magic were not saying that they
would dominate the surroundings if they had a taste for nothing.

Magic research was that much of a arduous and difficult task.

It is fortunate that the research ends quickly as expected, but if it prolongs,

the cost increases according to the cost, and the mind becomes exhausted and life
becomes difficult...

When I received a letter from fellow wizards about <How is the research going>, it
became even more painful.

If you do that, you might be thinking, ‘Can’t we just occupy the surrounding
villages? If you take it well, won't anyone notice it? If you take over and
complete the magic...' The same thought came to me.


Alsicle shed tears like chicken dung and mourned.

It looked like he was sitting inside the tower, bound by the magic of Umidhus, and
it looked like a sorcerer who had been subdued by robbers.

“There was a wizard more talented than me. I was nothing.”

“Alcicle. did you say It's not an initial achievement..."

“Yumidihus-sama, who came up with effort without talent, doesn’t know my heart!”



Eumidhus motioned for Lee Han to leave for a moment. Lee Han nodded his head and
tried to get out.

"professor. Come out.”


“…just come out.”

Lee Han tried to grab Professor Voladi by the neck, but grabbed his wrist and
dragged him out.

Then a muffled sound echoed from within.

- Wrong! You made a mistake, Yumidihus!

“You may come in.”


Lee Han came in and stood as if nothing had happened.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh...”

"Now that you've been hit a lot, come to your senses and teach the elemental ice

“Ahhhhhh! ugh! Ouch!”

Normally I would have listened to it here, but today I was so shocked that I just
cried and ignored Umidhus' words.

Seeing that, Eumidihus felt sorry for having shocked him too much.

Alcicle was incredibly proud of his own talent.

It must have been a lot of stress these days as magic research was blocked, but
since even the pride I had was shattered, it would be several times more shocking
to Alcicle's personality.

“I can’t. Let me go out again.”

“…Uh, are you going to lose again?”

Ian was a little perplexed.

Although Lee Han didn't know much about Alcicle, he knew that the problem was not
going to be solved by defeating him.

“It’s not about losing. I prefer the word magic teaching.”

“...whatever it is, I think we need to convince him with some conversation for


Eumidihus looked at Lee Han with pity.

“Sometimes in the world there are people with whom you can’t communicate.”

As he spoke, Umidihus glanced at Voladi very slightly.

Lee Han also glanced at Boladi very slightly.

“Will you still give me one chance to convince me?”

"but. You are also learning under Voladi Bagreg.”

"...I don't think it has anything to do with that..."

I was a little worried because Umidhus seems to think of Lee Han as something like
a <disciple expert>.

“Peng Erin.”

Alcicle did not answer, crying uncontrollably.

“Whether I learned the 3rd circle magic or the 4th circle magic in my first year,
it doesn’t matter what. It's not the magic circle that's important to Gonadaltes-

“You’re saying that because you have more talent than me! right? You're looking
down at me!"


Lee Han was astonished at the appearance of Alcicle, who was more severe than

However, Lee Han has dealt with a lot of people who are more crazy than Alcicle.

He was never swayed by such a provocation.

“Peng Erin. I am so sad.”

Lee Han suddenly covered his face with his hands and tears were blushing.

If the opponent came out in tears, I thought that this would also come out in

“Do you know why Eumidhus brought me here? It’s because I’ve been begging you over
and over again that I want to learn from Peng Erin-sama.”


Yumidihus and Boladi looked at each other as if they were talking bullshit, but
Lee Han spread the iron plate and continued talking.

“I have heard many times about Feng Erin's amazing work. Do you know how I
mastered the 4 circle magic? I came to achieve it while trying to follow the
achievements of Feng Erin-nim even a little bit.”

“Well, what about that magic?”


Alcicle, who returned with a temper, tilted his head as he listened.

“…even if it’s still too much, isn’t it?”


Lee Han hesitated to slap Alsicle's soft cheek, which was tied up, but he endured

“I thought I would have to do that to reach Feng-Erin-sama.”

“But I think I’m learning too much.”

“ any case, I respect you that much. But you don't want to teach me, so
you're using tricks like this."

“Are you cheating?”

Alsicle asked, confused.

“If it wasn’t for deception, there would be no way for Alsicle-sama to show you
something like this. It's probably because you don't like me."

“…you caught it!”

Alcicle, who had fully regained his energy, let out his breath without realizing

Eumidihus had to resist the urge to slap his blatant disciple in the face.

“It’s really great. Are you aware of my acting?”

“No matter how Feng Erin plays, it is not easy for a genius to act like an idiot.”

"great. It's something that can't be helped beyond being caught. Keep it waiting
there! I will teach you some ice elemental magic.”

When Alsicle got up and got up and walked back inside, Yumidihus looked at Lee Han
and spoke quietly.

“I can see why you can be a disciple of Voladi Bagrek.”

“...what did I do wrong?”

* * *
Alcicle spread the reagents all over the floor and made Lee Han stand on it.

Eumidihus, who watched without much thought, was startled to see the reagents on
the floor.

Each one was too expensive reagents.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it was prepared to be used in

“Is that okay?”


When Voladi asked, Eumidhus pointed out the price of the reagents.

“Alcicle also needs to be researched, but if all of those reagents are used up…”

"it's okay."

"ah. Did you check stock? You can use that…”

Professor Voladi shook his head and answered.

“It’s Alcicle Feng’erin’s business, isn’t it?”

"...for a moment! for a moment!"

He regretted that he was foolish to hear Voladi Bagreg's words even for a moment,
and Umidhus set out to stop Alcicle.



Alcicle looked at Umidhus with a puzzled look.

“Alcicle Feng Erin. What are the reagents here?”


At the teacher's very absurd question, Alsicle blurted out the end of his words as
if it were a pity.

“You don’t know what kind of reagent this reagent is…?”


Eumidihus pondered over whether to punish his disciple who felt sorry for him like
a dog, but he endured it.

“…I didn’t ask because I didn’t know. Isn’t it the horn of the roe deer, the
glacial mountain, the perennial cold snow, and the snow hwangdan?”

“Then why did you ask?”

“Your pockets won’t be very good, so it’s okay to use this. You should also do
some research.”
The biggest problem when learning the elemental cold magic was the attribute of
the elemental cold itself.

Life was basically a being that radiated heat and a being that refused to be cold.

No matter how cold and harsh the surrounding environment was, it was not easy for
a living wizard to accept the cold in his body.

So the cold element wizards used reagents to transform the properties of cold.

It possesses the coldness of the cold, but does not harm the body of the wizard.

Of course, it was not an easy task, and expensive reagents were involved.

The more expensive and rare the reagents, the better the performance, so it wasn't
a bad choice for R-Cycle to bring out such expensive reagents. looks like all of Alsicle's fortune.


It was only then that Alsicle realized his situation belatedly.

It was pathetic to look at him while hesitating, so Yumidihus let out a sigh.

“Even now…”

“It must be because Feng-Erin-sama doesn’t really need these reagents.”



Yumidihus and Alcicle looked at Lee Han at the same time.

However, Lee Han continued speaking without changing his expression.

“Excellent wizards don’t choose their wands, don’t they?”

“That’s right, but what Alcicle is trying to do is…”

"Yes? Peng Erin?”

“Water, of course.”

At Lee Han's question, Alsicle nodded.

“To me, those reagents are just… ornaments. Should I say that it's enough to go
out and pick up a snowflake without needing anything like that..."

“I thought you would too. ruler. Let’s proceed.”


Yumidihus thought that it would be impossible to leave Lee Han alone with Alcicle
in the future.

At first, I was worried that Alcicle would harass Lee Han, but now that I see it
alone, I don't think it would be surprising if Lee Han just eats Alcicle and eats

* * *

Whoa hey!

Although it was clearly inside the sealed tower, a blizzard colder than the snowy
mountain outside began to roll in.

Surprisingly, this cold blizzard had no effect on Lee Han's body.

Cold but not cold eyes.

It was a phenomenon that only magic could create.

“Originally, the cold element is difficult to use unless it is in a specific


Alcicle staggered and pointed to the ceiling.

A huge magical core placed on the ceiling of the tower was scattering cold air.

The cold element is difficult to maintain naturally among the elements, so it was
inconvenient to use it unless it was a specific natural environment or such a magic

For wizards who have reached the heights, such inconvenience was no problem, but
the problem is new wizards.

Alcicle rummaged around the corner and pulled out a wand. His face was full of

"ruler. look at this see?"


"okay. It's an egg of Frostagon."

The giant egg of the insect embedded in the tip of the staff shone strangely,
scattering blue cold air.

A staff with this cold attribute was a great help to newly-learned wizards.

“This is such a precious wand, three people were seriously injured and seven
others were injured at the Frost Mage auction meeting in the North where it came


Lee Han, who was listening, thought to himself.

Why is there an injured person at the auction meeting?

“I will lend you this wand. Wodanaz. More than me c... worse than me... grunt...
So, a talented person like you would suit you well.”

Alcicle couldn't even say that he had a higher talent than him, nor could he say
that he had a lower talent, so he turned it around and expressed it.
“Thank you...”

“Wordanaz. You must have the stone that the king of the frost giants gave you.”


Lee Han cursed himself for not letting Professor Boladi go outside.

'shit. I didn't work. I couldn't be vigilant.'

Professor Voladi had a talent for breaking the atmosphere not only in his own
lectures, but also in others' lectures.

Alsicle, who had not yet grasped the situation, asked with a smirk in her eyes.

“A stone from the king of the frost giants?”

“That’s… um…”

No matter how talented Lee Han was, he could not bring out the appropriate words
in the current situation.

The kind Professor Voladi answered instead.

“There is a stone in the staff that I got from fighting the king of the frost
giants. Better than Frostagon eggs.”


Lee Han could see the tears welling up in Alsicle's eyes.

Alcicle turned his head for a moment, sniffed, and then came back. His expression
was stern, but his eyes were red.

“Then… you won’t need a wand.”


“...can't you go out for a bit? Voladi Bagreg?”

Alcicle spoke to Professor Voladi in a very grumpy voice.

But Professor Voladi answered seriously.

“If there is a mistake in education, it should be pointed out.”


Alcicle did not refute Professor Voladi's words.

As a professor at Einrogard, unlike Voladi Bagreg, who had a lot of experience

teaching students, Alsicle had no teaching experience.

Of course, Lee Han was not funny.

'I knew you had no conscience, but you're amazing!'

To lie so calmly that there is no one to testify about Einroguard.

“...Call me from the cold.”


With Lee Han's spell, cold energy began to gather at the tip of the staff.

The air around him got colder, and Lee Han's skin got goosebumps.

“The basics are in place. Let's start with the shape transformation. Conical

“Frost, with a cone!”

“Arrow shape.”

“Cold, with arrows!”

“…in the form of a shield.”

“Frost, with a shield!”


When Alcicle suddenly stopped talking, Lee Han thought he had made a mistake.

“…are you learning cold magic for the first time now?”

"Yes? no. I learned something from Professor Voladi.”


Alcicle shouted with a bright face.

“Then I didn’t do that! You were surprised!”

It was Alcicle, who was astonished to learn that Lee Han had learned it all at

When I heard that it wasn't, my heart suddenly warmed.

Professor Voladi, who was watching from the side, opened his mouth.

“I don’t do that kind of various form transformations…”

"ruler. What is the next lesson?”


Alcicle swung his staff.

Then, a piece of ice floating in the air quickly flew away with a piercing sound.


“Perhaps this is why Yumidihus-sama learned the magic of the elemental cold. Water
is not a suitable element for launch.”

“But wouldn’t it be ok if it was used as an operation?”

Lee Han asked curiously.

'Launching' and 'Operating' seemed similar, but the principle was different.

What Alsicle just showed was that after calculating the exact trajectory, it sent
out a piece of ice with a single powerful force.

On the other hand, the water beads or iron beads that Lee Han often used were a
method in which the wizard directly grabbed the target and controlled them one by

Careful manipulation was possible, but it took a tremendous amount of effort to

become proficient enough to use it.

“What are you doing that for? All you have to do is learn other elements and learn
firing magic.”

“…to respond quickly in an emergency?”

Professor Voladi nodded at the student's words.

However, Alsicle did not understand Lee Han's words.

“Isn't it rare to find yourself in a situation like that? I think you should act
so that you don't fall into such a situation in the first place. If you try to
prepare for everything, you have to prepare for everything. Above all else, it
would take a very long time to produce usable power.”


Unknowingly, Lee Han looked at Professor Voladi. Professor Voladi was puzzled, as
if asking why.

“If you want to use it in battle, it’s better to learn the attributes appropriate
for the battle. Let’s take a break and practice firing.”

"ah. I am fine.”

"no. Even if it looks fine now, it will definitely consume mana.”

Alcicle pulled out the cork of the magic recovery potion and took a sip. He also
threw a potion at Lee Han.

“Drink and restore your magic. Frost element consumes more mana than expected.
Thinking like any other element can seriously hurt you. fufu. Did you not know

Alcicle looked very excited to be able to teach Lee Han.


"thank you. I will drink.”

Before Professor Voladi lowered the temperature in the room with useless words,
Lee Han stopped talking and drank the potion.

Of course it had no effect.

* * *
Fire was a concept used in many elemental magics.

Fire arrows, cold arrows, rock arrows, etc. to form something and shoot it, you
had to learn this firing property.

Of course, learning this was not easy.

Basically, I had to have a sense of distance and direction, and I had to learn how
much magic power I had to put in to get the right amount of power...


"Is that correct?"

The ice shards Lee Han shot pierced the target accurately.

The firing property wasn't easy, but it had to be relatively easy for a much more
difficult operation than this.

Alcicle pursed her lips.

Form transformation has already been practiced, but the firing property is
obviously not...

“Come on, it’s normal. It’s average.”

"Is that so?"

Ian was puzzled.

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it, but it's normal.

“What needs to be fixed?”

“…I said that the element of water and the element of cold have a pretty close
relationship, right? One of them is this.”

Alcicle couldn't take back the words he had said once, so he pushed them away.

Go away!

As he swung the staff, the ice cubes stuck on the wall evaporated and absorbed the
surrounding heat strongly.

Then, the cold air that had spread around the ice cube exploded.

“In order to get a high rating, you have to use explosive ice arrows by combining
the evaporation properties.”

As Alcicle spoke, he glanced at Voladi Bagreg's eyes.

It was too much of a bitch to say.

It's already been 3rd circle from the ice arrow firing magic, but to add the
attribute of evaporation to it.

Considering the difficulty of the evaporation attribute, I...

Go away!

As Lee Han casts the magic, the flying ice cubes hit the wall and evaporated,
dealing damage.

When he succeeded in one shot, Lee Han was very happy.

I learned the evaporation property with the element of water, but I'm sure it will
be easily applied to the element of cold as well.


"Ah... Ah... Joe, aren't you a little short yet?"

"Is that so?"

Lee Han started to be a little suspicious of something.

I think this is above average...

'Isn't the standard of cold element wizards too high?'

"professor. The original Frost elemental magic was so strict... Ah, no.”


Lee Han, who was about to ask Professor Voladi, gave up quickly.

If I asked him, he was a meaningless person.

"All right. What can I fix this time?”

“You should be able to compress each process and cast it all at once!”

Alcicle exclaimed with a bright face.

I thought of a fairly plausible condition.

In order to prove his proficiency, he had to be able to cast the magic process all
at once, rather than splitting it up one by one.

“Obviously that will take some time.”

"right? right?! right??!"

Alcicle was very happy and nodded his head again and again.

'Are you going to be so happy?'

Professor Voladi opened his mouth next to him.

“I’ll help you.”

"haha. it's okay."


Of course, it didn't go through the specifications.

Prof. Voladi, who understood the disciple's refusal as a peculiar humility that
did not want to cause trouble to his master, pulled out his staff.

As if Lee Han had been waiting, he immediately pulled out his wand.


Unable to comprehend the situation, Alsicle looked at the two of them in


They were staring at each other tightly, as if they were going to a duel.

“What are you doing now? What are you doing?”

Instead of explaining, Professor Voladi showed it with actions.

Take a break!

Drops of water turned into needles from the spheres of water floating in the air
and started to shoot.

Professor Voladi properly showed how the 'fire' attribute differs.

Even without complex orbital transformations, each drop of water made a bloody
sound, smashing walls and hitting the floor.

"What!? What are you doing!?”

But this too was not easy. The moment Professor Voladi lifted his wand, he was
casting a spell from his mouth.

“...Crinkle the earth!”

Applying possible enhancement magic, Lee Han ran inside the tower. If it stopped
even a little, the needle of a water droplet would penetrate Lee Han.

It was fortunate that the <Space Awareness> magic had already been applied. Lee
Han widened the distance and aimed at the spheres that Professor Voladi had called

“Ice, become arrows and shoot!”

Professor Boladi's bloody pressure made Lee Han's instinct sharper.

The spell was uttered quickly, and cold energy formed from the tip of the staff,
and then it was transformed into an arrow and shot out.

Alsicle opened her eyes wide in surprise, even while Professor Voladi was smashing
the surroundings.

'Once more?!?!'

I thought it would take some time to condensate those processes, but to do it all
at once.

It was surprising to Alsicle, who did not know how harshly Lee Han trained in the
first semester.

Go away!
'Are you late!'

The magic was successful, but the sphere summoned by Professor Voladi moved slowly
to avoid the ice arrow.

Lee Han, who failed to shoot down, clicked his tongue.

'With this...'

I just succeeded in tying up several processes at once, but in terms of time, it

took a bit longer.

Watching Lee Han cast a spell, Professor Voladi moved the sphere.

'...Faster. You have to cast it faster to be able to shoot it down.'

To overcome this situation, I had to shoot the arrow faster than I had just cast
and drop the sphere.

“...Stop it, you idiots!”

Alcicle swung his staff and began to scatter cold air as it did.

The magical core summoned above the ceiling controlled the surrounding magic with
powerful power.

The spheres summoned by Professor Voladi lost their strength and scattered, and
the ice arrows fired by Lee Han also lost their strength and disappeared.

“What the hell are you doing…”

“Why bother?”

“...what are you talking about! It’s like fighting a disciple in someone else’s

“It’s not a fight.”

At Prof. Voladi's words, Alsicle was confused.

What do you mean if you're not just fighting?

Did you mean education?



Alcicle looked at Lee Han for a moment, wondering if Boladi Bagrek had finally
lost his mind.

“The teaching is correct.”


'Should I send a letter to the Emperor?'

* * *
Alsicle sat down on a chair with Yumidhus and watched the battle between Boladi
and Lee Han... No, he was teaching.

"... no matter how much you think about it, isn't that a bit too much??"

“But it is effective. At least that's what Voladi Bagreg insisted."

'I knew he was crazy, but I didn't know he was that crazy.'

Since we learned each other under Umidihus, I thought we knew something about
Boladi Bagreg.

Although he was not from a prestigious family like Alsicle, I thought he would act
in a common sense as he was a famous battle wizard and duel in the Empire...


Lee Han was hit by water drops and rolled over. It continued to move and
eventually got surrounded and was hit by one.

However, Professor Voladi did not give him a break and attacked Lee Han, who had
fallen down again.

Although Lee Han fell, without showing any gaps, he jumped right back and widened
the distance.

'...Is that teaching correct? Can I really teach you like that?'

“Take a break.”

When Professor Voladi returned from announcing a break, Alsicle asked in a

cautious voice without realizing it.

“Boladi Bagreg. Do I have to teach it that way?”

“Do you have anything to say?”

“That’s… I mean. It seems too dangerous, wild and primitive.”

Alcicle tried to turn as much as possible, but it didn't work out. Eumidihus, who
was listening next to him, twitched and clicked his tongue.

But since the listener was Professor Voladi, there was no anger or anger at the


“It wouldn’t work that way…”

Alcicle was speechless.

Clearly, the achievements of that boy from the Wodanaj family were very

No matter how talented he is, he doubts whether he can do it only with his talent.

'...really? Really?'
Alcicle was afraid, wondering if Voladi Bagreg's teachings were really effective.

“Compare with you.”

"You don't have to say that, Voladi Bagreg!"

Alcicle stared at him in anger.

As a visitor to another wizard's tower, isn't it too harsh?

" whatever you want. You're a professor too, so you've got to think."

'I don't know well because Alcicle is not from Einrogard.'

Eumidihus, who was sitting next to him, clicked inwardly.

If you were from Einrogard, you would never have thought like, 'Is there any
meaning in what you do as a professor?'

Tatata tattatang!

When the break was over, Professor Voladi summoned the sphere again and started
shooting frantically at Lee Han.

What was surprising was that Lee Han's spell casting speed was also getting faster
and faster.

Alcicle felt shocked and swayed by Voladi Bagreg's teaching method, which he had
never seen before.

'...No, no, no. It's because of his talent...'


Tears welled up in Alsicle when he thought about it and recognized the talent of
the boy from the Wodanaj family.

Is there really a talent in the world that is better than you?

Of course, from the point of view of Umidyhus, who was next to him, Alcicle
appeared only to suddenly burst into tears.

“Are you doing this because you’re worried about Wodanaj? do not worry. Because
Voladi Bagreg won't make a mistake in that area."

“Hehehe… I’m sad because I think there really is someone more talented than me, so
I’m in tears…”


Eumidhus cast a contemptuous gaze and turned his head.

Alcicle, who was constantly shivering, felt something strange.

Professor Voladi, who is pouring out attacks, is drinking the magic recovery
potion for a moment, but Lee Han, his disciple, is not drinking anything.

“Mr Umidyhus. Why is only Voladi Bagreg drinking a magic potion?”

“Wordanaj has so much magical power, you don’t need to drink it.”

“But shouldn’t I give you a bottle?”

“No, I really don’t need to drink.”

“No matter how many there are, fighting like that can’t be without pressure…”

Alcicle, who was talking, stopped.

Eumidihus was speaking with his eyes.

"Is that true?"


Alcicle quietly walked backwards.

And the sad cry of the world erupted from behind.

-Why does the world give me such a talent...


Lee Han, who broke the floating ice shield and rolled down to the feet of
Umidyhus, croaked and met the old wizard's eyes.

"oh. Umidhus. Where did Feng Erin go?”

“…I went to the bathroom for a while.”

"okay. Frost, become a fog!”

Lee Han cast the 2nd circle magic <Lesser Frost Fog>.

As one of the elemental magics learned from Alcicle, the cold mist spread around
it slowed down and cooled the flying water droplets.

Seeing that the element of cold, which consumes a lot of magic power, and the fog-
type magic that also consumes a lot of magic power was fired, Yumidihus
involuntarily admired it.

"shit. It's not quite right. Umidhus. I'll borrow this!"

As Professor Voladi's sphere kept avoiding the ice arrows, Lee Han kicked the
wooden chair on which Alsicle was sitting, smashing it, and then cast <Apply Lesser
Chill> to the shards.

“Cold chill, nestle!”

Lee Han flew a piece of wood that scatters cold air using a telekinetic spell.

Just piercing a few drops of ice would break the ice cubes, but the wood fragments
will hold up a bit longer.

However, without panicking, Professor Voladi calmly concentrated his attack and
smashed even pieces of wood in mid-air.
“This doesn’t work either… Umidhus-sama. I'll borrow some of that too!"

Seeing Lee Han trying to break even the table while Alcicle was gone, Yumidihus
pondered whether or not to dry it for a moment.

I'm sure I'm getting some quick results, but...

* * *

When the sun went down and the lilies were finished, Alsicle brought the frozen
sardines that were left in the corner.

“…I will cook.”

"okay? Is it okay to just eat this?”

The habit of packing some food before going anywhere saved Lee Han thanks to
Einroguard's experience.

Lee Han prepared mushroom and vegetable stir-fry for Professor Boladi and cream
stew for Yumidihus.

Alsicle chewed the frozen sardines and was amazed.

“Why are you cooking?”

“It shows respect for the master. You learn too.”

“If I had been a servant, I would have served Umidhus-sama…”


Umidhus wanted to point out where to begin.

Alsichel, who swallowed a whole sardine, asked Eumidhus.

“So, how much of the magic you taught today?”

Alcicle taught not only ice arrows, but several other magics.

Lesser Frost Mist (Professor Voladi pushed him away at the moment he taught and
started attacking), and Granted Lesser Frost (Professor Voladi intervened as soon
as this was over)...

It seemed that he had taught everything that could be taught among the low circle
magics possible with the cold.

Even though he was not in his area of specialization, he was able to teach various
things such as summoning, illusion, enchantment, and transformation.

“I’m done.”


"ah. Except for summons.”

The magic of summoning a cold spirit was one of the easiest things I've learned
Hearing the words, Alsicle narrowed his shoulders even more.

“Isn’t it so easy that you didn’t even want to do it?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Looks like you are right... Eup.”

“Do you want to eat sardines or something?”

Unable to explain, Eumidihus threw the sardine into its snout.

“There are still many shortcomings in speed.”

Professor Voladi opened his mouth.

In fact, it was normal.

Compared to the simplest 1 circle magic, the magics learned today are 2 and 3

As there was more of that process, it was difficult to keep up with the casting

But that was dissatisfaction with Professor Voladi.

'Is that so?'

“Is that enough? Do you want a madman to be called a disciple killer...?”

He was a noble family, so he maintained his dignity, but there were so many
shocking things today that his heart just came out.

Of course, Professor Voladi ignored whatever Alsicle had to say.

He thought that his teaching skills were lower than his own.

“The food is ready. What were you talking about?”

“I was talking about how hard you worked.”

Umidhus said kindly.

To say the least, it is undeniable that this Wordanaj boy did a good job today
against two madmen.

What wizard could learn the basics of cold magic so perfectly under Alcicle and

Tang Tang!

“Wordanaj!! Wodanaj!!!”


Someone knocked on the door of the tower and called out Lee Han's name.

Recognizing that it was Nelia's voice, Lee Han woke up in surprise.

“Nelia? How do you... what's going on?”

“I… uh, the prince is in distress!”


Alcicle also got up in surprise.

“The prince is in distress. It's not normal! Don't let me come by myself. Tell the
other followers to stay inside the tower!”

“Are there any other followers?”


Nelia and her friends avoided their gaze with embarrassment.

Now that penguin beast wizard seemed to be misunderstanding something.

Celebrities in the Empire wouldn't say thanks just because they were rescued by
Guy Nando...


"okay. Tell the other followers to stay inside the tower.”

“No, nothing like that…”

When Lee Han said nonsense, his friends were even more embarrassed.

“Peng Erin. Let's go find the prince quickly! If the prince goes missing, the
imperial noble families with whom he is close will be very concerned.”

“Okay, I see! wait!"

Alcicle staggered and walked away.

As Alsicle himself was from a noble family, he could guess how famous the imperial
family was if he was close enough to the imperial noble families.

How difficult would it be if such an imperial family disappeared around Alsicle's

horse tower?

could never leave it alone.

Yoner wiped the eyes from his hair and whispered to Lee Han.

“Are there any great noble families who are close to Gainando?”

"Well. If I had to ask, how about the Wodanaj clan and the Makein clan?”



In a brief moment, less than a second, Yoner was taken aback by the sight of his
friend tricking the wizard by cleverly playing puns.
* * *

“So, how did Guy Nando get into trouble? for a moment. Rather, why are you here?”

"...we thought you were kidnapped..."

Nelia hesitated and explained what had happened.

Looking back now, it didn't look like he had been kidnapped.

After hearing the explanation, Lee Han set out to explain.

“I wasn’t kidnapped.”


When Professor Voladi agreed with him, Lee Han paused for a moment.

'for a moment. Was I kidnapped?'

Sometimes, if I had been a student under a professor for a long time, I would get
Stockholm Syndrome.

If you do that, even though you're kidnapped and taken away, you're saying things
like, 'Haha, Professor, I think he needs my help, so don't worry, everyone.'

" not it? Have you been kidnapped?”

“To be honest, we are not that different from other professors.”

Umidhus said with a slightly remorseful face.

But Umidihus also had an excuse.

“I knew that Einrogard’s professors were vicious, but I didn’t know they were
chasing and harassing students during vacation. Had I known, I would have let you

"Yes. You should be able to take a break while on vacation.”

When Professor Voladi agreed to Umidhus' words, Lee Han opened his eyes without
realizing it.



“No… nothing.”

Lee Han swallowed the shout that was about to come out.

It was evident that Professor Voladi thought that the teachings he was teaching
were different from the teachings that other professors followed.

Perhaps you think of it as a teaching like rest or...

It was, of course, an absurd mistake. Both were the same.

"this way! He disappeared from here!”

Hearing Nelia's cry, Eumidhus swung his staff and stopped the carriage.

When the water spirits who had brought the wagon stopped their footsteps, Alsicle
immediately ran out.


The snow falling from the air suddenly began to rise again, as if rewinding time.

Arsicle, who swung his staff away from the blizzard, immediately stepped into the
air. Then, a footing of ice appeared in the air, and Al Sickel's body soared

The wizards did not have to search under the valley in the blizzard.

Even more so if it's a wizard who has reached the heights like Alcicle.

“Ice, go away! Eyes, hide yourself!”

Alsicle cleared the ice and snow from the bottom of the snowy mountain valley.

The mountain that had been so white turned to dark gray in an instant.


As a mage, Lee Han couldn't help but admire Alsicle's skills.

Clearing away the ice and snow in this range at once.

“Spirit, find the living! Is this right?”


“It’s a big deal! big deal! What will the people of the Empire think of me if the
prince gets hurt? Even a visitor to the front yard of the tower wouldn’t think that
he was an idiot who couldn’t take good care of him!”

“Calm down. Alcicle. Prince Kainando is a wizard, so he has the power to protect

Eumidhus comforted Alsichel, but Arsichel shook his head as if he did not want to
hear it.

Meanwhile, Lee Han was talking with his friends.

“Did you disappear from here?”

"yes. When I looked back, it was gone.”

Nelia and her friends had been chasing after them on horseback for a quick chase.

If Professor Lightning Walk had seen it, he would have been delighted by saying,
'Everyone learned it properly in the first semester.'

However, when he turned around just before reaching the horse tower, the Gainando
who was in the rear had already disappeared.

“Why the hell did you disappear?”

“Isn’t a monster appearing or possessed by an evil spirit?”

“If monsters or evil spirits appeared, you would have noticed… Have you ever found
someone who has fallen?”

All of the friends responded to Lee Han's words at the same time.

“It can’t be.”

“Wordanaj-sama. Does it make sense?”

“I’d rather say that I found a wizard card that fell on the floor…”


Lee Han-eun became slightly pitiful for Gai-nando at the reaction of her cold-
hearted friends.

“I can’t. Alternate, help me!”

Alcicle took out the magic he had saved because of his magical power.

The ice clone took shape and changed to look exactly like Alcicle.

The clone magic that is identical to the wizard so that it is difficult to

distinguish among ordinary clone magic was very high and difficult.

Lee Han once again admired the fact that he completed such an alter ego with an
element of ice that was still difficult.


“Do you like that magic?”


Lee Han was startled by Professor Voladi's question.

The professor is next to you and you accidentally neglected it.


Before he could dry it, Professor Voladi approached Alsicle and said:

“Just teach me magic.”

“…what are you talking about!? Why do I have to teach you this?!”

Of course, Alcicle jumped.

I'm going to die because I'm busy, but the sound of suddenly coming here is
telling me to teach the magic of the secret clone.

Which wizard would agree?

“You want to learn.”

“Do I have to teach everyone that I want to learn!?”

“Did I teach you everything?”

As Eumidhus spoke from the side, Alsicle flinched.

In fact, Umidihus was really teaching the people who came to learn it without
hiding it.

“Hey, this magic is difficult, so it’s not the time to learn it yet. We need to
lay the groundwork…”

As he was talking, Alcicle remembered the magic that Lee Han had shown him today.

There was no foundation that seemed to need to be further strengthened.

“...not the basics, but more intermediate magics...”

“I should have said that I needed a challenge earlier.”

“Is that what you mean!”

Obviously, I had a conversation with Umidihus before when only Boladi Bagreg was

-You're learning a little faster than you think.

- A little?

- Eat some sardines. If you learn this quickly, your motivation may be weakened,
but you should consider giving a slightly more difficult task. A wizard becomes
stronger when he has a desired goal.

The basics are obviously important, but it was dangerous to practice only the
basics for a wizard with outstanding talent.

You may lose interest in the moment.

All wizards needed a grand goal.

A strong goal that can cross any thorny road for that goal!

This was a really sweet magic...

“I am fine. Feng Erin. Feng Erin-sama must not have liked me.”

Lee Han smiled bitterly while pretending to be dry.

Alsicl, who felt guilty at that smile, hesitated and finally shouted.

"Okay! The next goal is not to do with this! Voladi Bagreg. You are this child!”

“Why are you angry?”

"Shut up!"

As the two of them continued to fight, Nelia exclaimed.

“It’s good for everyone to fight, but there’s smoke over there!!”


As Nilia had said, smoke was coming up from far away from the valley.

* * *

“Gam, thank you. His Majesty the Prince.”

“As a person born with a duty to be honorable, that’s what we should do.”

Gainando still didn't know what honor meant, but he didn't hesitate to write it.

The nobleman with a broken ankle nodded with emotion.

“What would have happened if it hadn’t been for the Crown Prince… Rather, I was
surprised to know that the Crown Prince could even do such a thing.”

“...anyone Einrogard student can do it.”

“Until you be humble!”

“I am not humble.”

Gainando splinted the broken ankle of the nobleman and pushed him into the cave.

Although they could not do healing magic like Lee Han, the Einroguard students had
no choice but to learn how to put on a splint.

When Guy Nando took the cookies out of the bag, the nobleman declined saying it
was okay.

“I’m fine…”


"yes? what?"

“Oh, nothing.”

It was close to luck that Gainando found the fainted nobleman.

He fell off his horse and rolled over by the side of the valley, fainting and
there was even a blizzard.

If it wasn't for the wizard card dropped by the nobles, Gainando wouldn't have
even turned his attention.

“By the way, Prince. It was a wise decision to move to the cave to escape the
blizzard, but... will those... colleagues really come to visit?”

"ah. You don't have to worry.”

Gainando confidently patted his chest.

“I’ve been told everything. They must be calling other people to help.”

Of course, Gainando's cry of 'Wait a minute' was not heard at all due to the heavy
snowstorm and the sound of horses' hooves.



Gainando nodded proudly. Her noble face also brightened.

“I'm so glad...”



“Why don’t you talk and disappear, worrying your friends?”

Upon arrival, the nobleman blinked in surprise to see the Prince's friends beating
and harassing the Prince.

'Isn't he... a friend?'

“Say, I said it! said! Those kids are lying!”

“Didn’t you just say something in that situation and then change direction without
even checking?”


Gainando, who was speechless, hesitated.

Ian sighed and said.

“I’m glad I didn’t get hurt though.”

“Jeong, did you really save someone?”

"Shh. Ratford. I will listen to Gainan too.”

My friends were very surprised.

I wonder if I was really in trouble trying to save someone.

Gainando asked without knowing the evil thoughts of his friends.

“Did you follow the mark I left?”

“What mark did you leave?”

“You came while drawing arrows on the floor.”

Lee Han sighed as a blizzard was coming, and he drew arrows on the floor, figuring
out how to scold this friend who came.

“His Majesty the Prince! The place where you got hurt…!”

Arsicle, who landed next to Lee Han, rushed forward.

Then, looking at Gainando's face, he tilted his head.

“It’s my first time meeting you, who are you…?”

“This is Kainando.”

“Uh… I don’t think you’re even 20 years old…?”

Alcicle looked at Lee Han and was bewildered.

I thought that a 30 or 40 year old would have eaten the prince...?

“This is our friend. thank you Feng Erin.”

“Uh huh? that, yes Yes, but... it's... uh...”

Alcicle felt that he had been deceived, but he tilted his head, not knowing
specifically how he was deceived.

Meanwhile, the fallen nobleman got up from his seat.

“Alcicle Feng Erin. It is an honor to meet you like this.”


Alcicle hiccuped and avoided his gaze.

Lee Han was amazed when Alcicle was surprised like that.

'what? Could the opponent be an assassin?'

“Who are you?”

“Ah… oh my. It’s a big deal.”

Surprisingly, Umidihus also had a worried expression on his face.

“Looking at your clothes, you are an inspector.”

“Are you an inspector?”

“An inspector sent by investors who invested in magic research in Alcicle. I'm
here to check the results."


Lee Han could truly sympathize with Alsicle's pain.


'It's a big deal.'

There are no words more terrifying than saying, 'Let's see how research is
progressing these days' to a researcher who is not working.

In fact, Alcicle was trembling enough to make a crackling sound from his mouth.

“Alcicle Feng Erin. Calm down. Are you going to show your weakness in front of the

“Al… I know. Sword, if you kidnap the inspector...”

“Because I’ll calm down.”

“Okay, I see.”

“You have been a little lost these days, but you are an outstanding researcher.
you'll be fine Just tell me exactly what you are trying.”


Like an experienced old mage, Eumidihus was not shaken by the inspector's visit.
He calmly comforted Al Sickle and headed out of the cave.

Gainando looked at the inspector and asked.

“Maybe I saved the villain…”

“Not a villain!!”

The inspector was embarrassed.

Of course, I was well aware of the reluctance of wizards to look like inspectors.

- Aww, it's the inspector!

- Do you think you'll be okay with this?! When this magic is complete, I'll walk
you first! You'll never get drunk again!

- What does a bastard like you know about magic! Great magic is born only when you
waste enough gold to fill a castle!

There is no way the wizards invested in research like the inspector.

But inspectors were also essential to the Empire.

Without such a watchful eye, who would protect investors?

“It’s just that wizards are a little reluctant.”

"Ugh. I am also a magician.”

Gainando wondered if he had saved the enemy. The inspector was perplexed, but
Gainando was already slowly retreating.

"stop it. Guyan too. He is just doing what he has to do.”

“Gam, thank you.”

The inspector was moved by Lee Han's words.

No one had ever said anything like that.

However, Lee Han's heart was different.

'That's a big deal.'

Come to think of it, didn't Lee Han just use the finest and rarest materials from
Alcyclle, whose research was still blocked?
I didn't know how things would turn out, but I couldn't help but worry.

'Even if it's impossible to buy...'

Since this was the case, I had no choice but to bring the inspector to this place.

If we get to know each other, why don't we look at it in a slightly advantageous


"Oh yeah. Prince's Majesty. Thank you again for saving me.”

Before leaving, the inspector was politely greeted. Guy Nando looked at Lee Han
with a proud face.


“Look what do you see? Don't worry about your friends because you won't say
anything in the future and disappear."


Gainando grumbled and followed Lee Han, then suddenly remembered.

'for a moment. Come to think of it, Lee Han disappeared without a word, so there
were a lot of things to worry about!'

“It was the same with this one!”

“Is that like that?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”


* * *

Arsicle, who returned to the tower, formally greeted the inspector with a cough.

Of course, his eyes were slowly avoiding the inspector.

“Alcicle Feng Erin. I am here today as your representative, and this letter is
your seal.”

“That… that’s right.”

Alcicle put the letter in her mouth and stared at it as if she wanted to swallow

"Yes. If that doesn't bother you, about the ongoing magic research..."

"for a moment! Do you see the boy from the Wodanaj family over there?!”

Alcicle suddenly pointed to Lee Han.

Ian was puzzled.

'Are you crazy about the pressure?'

"Yes? I see but…”

“This time I had the opportunity to teach that boy. But that boy is amazing!”

"Is that so."

The inspector from the capital had not yet heard of the city of Granden.

To that extent, it was just a reaction of 'I think he's doing well because it's
the Wodanaj family'.

“Because it’s not like that. I… you have a better talent than me.”

"Is that so!?"

Even the inspector was a little surprised by this.

That Alcicle of the Feng-Erin family would say something like that.

In fact, Alcicle was in tears because of her pride and displeasure.

“One… let’s see…”

Lee Han understood what Alsicle was trying to do.

I was trying to change the topic somehow because I wanted to avoid the inspector.

'My heart aches.'

As a fellow wizard, and as someone who struggled with the Alcicle Tower warehouse
to learn cold element magic, Lee Han vowed to do his best to help.

“Cold, become a shield and get rich!”

Lee Han summoned the fog along with the floating ice shield.

“Park Mu, spread! Darkness, gather here!”

“Oh… oh oh oh!”

The inspector was not a wizard, but as he had seen and confirmed a lot of magic,
he knew very well that Lee Han was able to cast magic in a row right now.

Aren't you still a young student?

“Bone… no. Not this. Flash!”

Lee Han fired his magic at a bloody speed.

The inspector was constantly amazed.

“Really great...”

“How much did you cook?!”

“Arcicle Pengerin?”

“Ah, Mi, I’m sorry.”

Alsicle cried out unconsciously, but was awakened by the inspector's words.
Lee Han drew attention well, but because he drew attention so well, he lost his
mind too.

'An alternative Einroguard...?'

At this point, I wasn't surprised by Lee Han's talent, but I was suspicious that
Einroguard was teaching too harshly.

Can I do this?

"Einrogard's education... No... Anyway, isn't it great?"

"Yes. great."

“To teach today…”

“Alcicle Feng Erin. But I would like to see the research, but…”

“Yeah, that’s right. Did you take a good look at the surroundings while coming?”

“I fell off the horse and broke my ankle, so I couldn’t afford to look around.”

“Mi… sorry. I should have kept the spirit on standby. I am distracted by the

"it's okay. His Majesty the Prince saved him.”

“That, right? Do you know how great the Prince is over there? I have a lot of
followers, and even the imperial noble families support me!”


Lee Han and Yonaire turned their faces red and bowed their heads.

Gainando didn't even know he was talking about himself, and was standing there.

"uh? for a moment. Is this my story?”

“…Isn’t that…?”

The inspector was astonished.

“Is that so? After all, I didn't think you'd be infamous for what you showed."

“Yeah, yes! right!"

“By the way, Alcicle Pengerin. I want to see research…”

Alcicle was on the verge of crying. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

Lee Han, who could not see, coughed in vain.

“Wait a minute. Everyone must have been hurt from walking around on a blizzard
day, but I’ll bring you some hot drinks.”

"ah. I am fine.”

“Inspector. no. I know you are strong, but you rolled like that, but you need to
rest a little. Besides, the other students…”

Ian blinked.

Then Yoner, Ratford, and Nelia coughed haphazardly.

“Clok choke.”

“Wow! Whoops!”

“The hand... the feeling at the tip of the finger...”

'From now on, Nelia should not do it.'

The statue acting was so realistic that it jumped out.

“Look. The professor here is also pale because of the cold.”


Umidihus was stunned to see Lee Han saying that to Voladi Bagreg.

I knew I wasn't afraid, but...

What was surprising was that Voladi Bagreg was also standing still and adjusting
the rhythm.

“Okay, I see. I'd better take a little break."

"Yes. I'll bring you a drink soon."

* * *

Lee Han, who had gained time, asked Umidhus.

“By the way, what kind of research is Feng Erin-sama doing?”

“Alcicle Fengerin is challenging the extreme cold.”

Eumidhus smashed the floor with his staff. Then the pieces of ice on the floor of
the tower soared into the air.

“Did you know that, surprisingly, even Frost Elemental Wizards often do not know
the true characteristics of the Frost Element?”

"Is that so?"

“Yes. When all magic goes to the extreme, it shows a different side. We haven't
reached the extreme cold yet, but when we get to a similar fringe, we can see
something unusual."

By the standards of wizards, even the blizzards that are now raging outside
belonged to ordinary cold.

When the blizzard went down to a cold enough that it felt like a warm spring
breeze, you could now see unusual phenomena.

Magical energy moves freely without any consumption or loss, or matter loses its
viscosity and changes into an unusual form...
“Or time stops… aren’t you very surprised?”

"ah. I was amazed and listening.”

In fact, Lee Han wasn't very surprised by such things.

If you go to the extreme, a world that goes beyond human imagination is bound to

Even more so if it's magic.

“Of course, if you want to try something like this, it’s probably impossible for a
wizard alone, so I’m trying it in various ways…”

When Umidhus said that, Lee Han, who stole Alsicle's reagent, felt very sorry for

Maybe the reagent will go in one way or another.

“If you have continued your research, wouldn't it be difficult for the inspector
to say anything? There will be records…”

“I don’t think I would have kept the research journal so detailed because I was
bothered by Alcicle’s personality.”


Lee Han asked Professor Voladi.

"professor. Do you have any advice for Feng Erin-sama?”


Professor Voladi fell in thought and opened his mouth slowly.

“When you run away, it’s best not to leave a trace.”


Lee Han was about to ask what kind of experience he had to give such advice.

“Not like that.”

“I think that’s the best way to do it right now.”

Professor Voladi blinked and pointed forward.

Lee Han turned his gaze and was shocked.

Alcicle looked around and was packing things.

“No, what are you doing?!”

“Uh huh? this? Nothing. He, I just suddenly wanted to collect some…”

“Anyway, you can’t run away!”

“Come on, run away. What are you talking about. I don't mean to run away."
However, Alcicle's eyes were rolling frantically from side to side.

Lee Han persuaded Alcicle.

“The inspector doesn't know much about magic anyway. It would be better to prove
that Feng-erin-sama studied diligently and did not waste anything else.”

“I bought a lot of sardines, but…”

Lee Han pretended not to hear and ignored it.

“Have you kept a journal? data?”


“…wasn’t it a dumpster?”

At Lee Han's words, Alsicle put on a slightly hurt expression.

“The inspector is Gainando, so let’s find it as soon as possible.”

Lee Han quickly started sorting out the garbage dump, no, the warehouse where the
journals and data were piled up.

Rsicle looked at him with a moved face as he dusted off the dust and sorted by
date written on the paper.

“Can I not send Einroguard and make him a disciple under me?”

At Alsicle's question, Umidhus smiled vaguely.

If I did, I didn't know that the Einroguard professors would attack Alsicle's
horse tower.

“If you want to try it, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try.”

"no. You want to be happy and have fun at Einroguard with your friends. I didn't
need that.”

Alcicle decided to take care of Lee Han.

Of course, Alsicle didn't need friends, so he learned magic by himself, but there
were many nobles who thought it was happiness to cultivate friendships with

Perhaps this is the case as well.

“Happy and having fun?”


"It is nothing."


“It’s done.”

Alcicle was startled.

While talking to Umidyhus, Lee Han finished the arrangement.

"already!? All that?!”

“What the hell did you do?”

Eumidihus looked at Alsicle in disapproval.

How can a first-year student just pile up the amount that can be sorted out so
quickly and leave it alone?

"Ah, no... I was trying to sort this out too... that's... the incomprehensible

“Don’t be silly and follow me. Let's prepare together."

Umidhus and Arsicle sat down on a chair and began to scan the organized materials.

The data was important, but it was also important to show the test to the

Of these, the best possible and good experiments had to be shown directly to the

“This 23rd experiment looks fine.”

23rd experiment. Why did I start Elemental Frost magic? Is it better to just play
elemental fire? To form extreme cold, all surrounding heat sources were enchanted.
Don't forget to order three boxes of sardines. Observed phenomenon: Slowing down
when falling from nearby objects.

'You did a lot of graffiti.'

“If you can see that objects fall slower, that’s a huge achievement.”

“But it needs a frost deer horn.”

“...Then what about this forty-fourth experiment? The fact that the brick lost its
shape and changed its shape at will would be a very meaningful result.”

“But it needs an iceberg.”

“…who told me to waste ingredients like that!”

Enraged, Eumidihus made a club of water and slashed Alsicle's back.

Alcicle made excuses by whining.

“Who would have known that the inspector would come... and even if they did, there
is no guarantee that those experiments will ever succeed. There were more

“I have to show results soon, but you only say very nice things. Very good.”

Umidihus sighed.
Even if he said this, Umidhus was not entirely responsible for Alsicle's troubles.

“If you don’t, you have to do what you don’t have. This snowhwangdan was probably
added to control the surrounding moisture and increase stability when maintaining
the cold. I'll take it."

“Gam, thank you.”

“Perennial cold snow… was it trying to amplify the elemental properties of cold?”


“I can’t help it. Wodanaz. Can I borrow some of your magic?”


"Yes. it's okay."


Alsicle was bewildered by the conversation between Lee Han and Yumidihus.


“No, Eumidihus-sama…”

“Be quiet. Alcicle. There is no time."

“No, that’s…”

The cold winter snow placed in the magic circle was a powerful reagent that
amplifies the power of the elemental cold by dozens of times.

It's not impossible to replace it with magic, but even a rough calculation, it was
definitely not an amount that a young first-year student could handle.

'Are you harassing me?'

“Ice Mountain was probably used to immobilize the amplified cold air... Voladi


When Umidhus called for Voladi Bagrek, Alcicle was relieved.

Unlike Lee Han, he didn't feel sorry even if he teased him.

“I will control the amplification, so can you use Woudanaj’s magical power to fix

Professor Voladi nodded.

Of course, Alcicle widened her eyes.

“Umidhus-sama!! This is not real…”

“Be quiet. There is no time.”

Yumidhus, who was too lazy to explain how much magic power Lee Han had, gave the
order to Professor Voladi.

* * *

"Oh my gosh! I think I can see why His Majesty the Prince has so many followers!”


Guynando was having a good time with the inspector.

“The Lightning Spirit cards are overrated. Avoiding fights and reducing the
magician's stamina. You are cowardly!”

"you're right. I always thought so.”

The two wizard card lovers talked warmly while evaluating each other's cards.

“By the way, what deck do you use, Your Majesty the Prince?”

"I'm black... Khuheuk!?"

Gainando screamed.

Friends stepped on both feet.


“Gainando mainly uses honorable knight cards.”

"Oh oh. Also."

Guy Nando wanted to say, 'Why am I doing such a boring thing?', but my feet hurt
so much that I couldn't shout.

“Inspector. The experiment is ready.”

"ah. Time is already...! sorry. The conversation was so much fun…”

"it's okay."


The inspector felt something strange.

Lee Han stood still without coming out of the tower.

'Let's focus.'

Lee Han felt a huge flow of magic and trembled.

Now, the movement of the magical power flowing through this inner laboratory would
be awe-inspiring for any wizard.

Alcicle, who had resisted wildly at first, was cooperating with a desperate face
when the magic circle was ready and the magic started to move.

"it's okay? Are you okay? Are you really okay? It's not okay, but you're not
saying it's okay because you're threatened? really?"

Lee Han couldn't answer because he was concentrating.

On the contrary, Alcicle started talking to me, and I got mad.

Prof. Voladi, feeling the flow of magic around Lee Han becoming unstable, kicked
Alsicle's leg. Alcicle screamed.

“I told you to focus. Alcicle!”

"Yes Yes..."

At Umidhus's cry, Alsicle turned his gaze away.

Now, Umidhus was on Lee Han's left, and Voladi Bagrek was absorbing the magic
power from Lee Han's right side, delivering magic to the magic circle.

When he said that he was replacing the winter snow or the glacial mountain with
the magic of a first-year student, I wondered if he had gone crazy without Umidhus
seeing it, but surprisingly, the magic circle was working properly.

'Are you okay? Are you really okay? I'm still fine. Does it make sense? Could it
be that he vomits blood and falls?'

“Arcicle Pengerin?”

"iced coffee. let's begin."

Alsicle, who had been pondering all kinds of worries, waved her wand at the
inspector's words.

A neatly organized research journal flew in front of the inspector. The inspector
was amazed to see it.

“Awesome! It is rare among wizards to organize things like this.”

“The party… of course, it’s something we have to do responsibly.”

As Umidhus and Voladi stared, Alsicle's cheeks flushed.

“Observed phenomena are... Oh! great. The progress is significant.”

Alcicle didn't even say whether or not those phenomena would appear only once in
dozens of experiments.

“If this is the case, investors will certainly be satisfied. What phenomenon would
you like to show?”

“Eyes, I think it would be better to see with your own eyes.”

Alcicle avoided specific answers.

As they are doing it on an ad hoc basis by removing all the necessary materials
now, they do not know exactly what will happen.

"All right! Show me.”

“Magic power, cycle and amplify it as prescribed. Cycle and Amplify Cycling...”
Alcicle began to memorize the spell in a deep, intense voice.

Battle wizards considered quick and concise spells to be a virtue, but in fact,
most wizards didn't really care about that.

Because the wizard's purpose was to complete magic, not battle.

No matter how long the spell was, accuracy was more important.

“Cold, swell. In return, perennial snow. The amplification of that power.”

'Did there ever be a snowy snow?'

The inspector tilted his head.

I don't think I saw it in the magic circle?

“Cold, stay. In return…”


At the center of the magic circle in the laboratory, the dense magic could not be
compressed, and the space began to distort.

It was reminiscent of the Skeleton Principal scattering magical powers against the
students entering the school and pressuring them.

But today, the purpose was different.

The magical energy was converted into cold, and the temperature inside began to
drop close to the limit.

tutu-tuk, tu-tuk-


A sword-shaped icicle formed within the magic circle.

The icicle was endowed with pure magic without any loss.

The inspector was excited and nodded at the sight of clear magical energy flowing
through the icicle blade.

To accept the enchantment without any loss of magical power.

It was the material that all enchanted wizards dreamed of.

“I was just trying to show you this!”

“This is nonsense!!”


“Oh, nothing.”

Alsicle woke up belatedly after screaming in surprise next to the inspector.

The results were better than any other experiment I've ever done.


“Look over there! Snowflakes are not falling!”

“Are you kidding me now!”


“My, I got sick from exploring magic on my own for a long time.”

“I… that.”

From the phenomenon of no mana consumption to the phenomenon of stopping time.

Originally, the reagent had to be beaten to observe even briefly one by one.

But how can two phenomena occur at the same time, even for more than a few

I was happy and moved, but at the same time confused.

'how!? how?!!?'

Clap clap clap-

The inspector applauded. Alcicle was now slowly starting to get scared.

"no way..."

“Look at that drop of water! The nature of the water drop is changing!”


“Alcicle Fengerin is a magical genius! How did you realize these three phenomena
for such a long time!!”

“I… I am nothing.”

“Until you be humble!”

“Because it’s nothing, I…”

* * *

The inspector was very excited and recorded the result. To keep all three
phenomena at the same time, even for 7 seconds.

In the eyes of investors, it was a decision to make an impressive additional

investment, saying, 'After all, genius is different', and the Frost Elemental
Wizard Society decided to make an impressive tour saying, 'A genius has done a

However, the genius who actually accomplished that great achievement lay inside,

“Are you okay? It was too much for the experiment…”

“Maybe it’s a mental illness.”


“Nothing. Anyway, I'm glad you were satisfied."

"Yes! I really opened my eyes today. I already knew that Alcicle Fengerin-sama was
a great wizard, but he must have been such a great wizard! If anyone asks who is
the best young wizard in the Empire, I will answer Arsicle Fengerin!”

Alcicle's mournful coughing sound erupted continuously from the inside. Eumidihus
decided to send the inspector out quickly for his disciple.

"okay. Thank you. I hope to see you next time.”

"Yes! Goodbye!"

Yumidihus and Lee Han approached the lying penguin beast, the wizard.

Alcicle turned around with a gloomy face.

“It’s never been this simple…”

“It was not that simple. Alcicle. It was through so many trials and errors that we
were able to do it today, wasn't it? Think positive. I could have wandered more.”

Even in the comfort of Umidhus, Alsicle burst into tears.

“Okay! The Frost element must have been a dissatisfaction because I studied it. If
that Wodanaj had studied it, he would have shown the truth much sooner.”

“The cold element isn’t even a person, what nonsense is that?”

"I'll send a letter to the Frost Elemental Wizards as soon as it happens... I've
wasted my life, and Wodanaz will take over my research."


Lee Han, who was just listening silently, stopped.

no what?

“What kind of dog is that… No, are you talking nonsense, Feng-erin-sama?”

Lee Han stayed still because he thought he would come to his senses if left alone,
but the story was different when it went like this.

“My research should be done by a genius like you...”

"no. Feng Erin! What nonsense is that! This magic circle and magic preparations
were all done by Feng Erin-sama, right? To put it bluntly, we just sprinkled salt
on the finished soup!”

“Is that analogy correct…?”

“Honestly, who can’t do this kind of magic! You can even do it with magic stones!”

“It’s impossible.”


While comforting him, Lee Han was moved by the appearance of Umidhus and Voladi
who were magically arguing whether he was right or wrong.


“Manastones are only substitutes, but in order to realize the purest magic that a
wizard can create with manastones…”

“Is that important now?”

Lee Han pointed to the prostrate penguin beast wizard and said to Umidhus.

I didn't really wonder how difficult it would be to implement high-quality, pure

magic with mana stones.

Whether or not the mad wizard handed over the research project to him was much
more important.

“Peng Erin. Calm down. Although it is difficult to do it with manastone, it is a

part that can be replaced by other methods anyway. What is the irreplaceable part?
It is the brain of the wizard who designed this experiment and built the magic.”


Lee Han clearly saw Alcicle flinched.

Lee Han, who had hope, grabbed Alsicle's back and began to shake it back and

“Peng Erin! If Feng'Erin gives up here, what will the countless Frost Elemental
Wizards who saw Feng'Erin and entered the Frost element do? Are you going to
disappoint them all!”

“Oh, it hurts! It hurts!”

It was a situation that should have been happy in the first place, but Alsicle

Lee Han's power was so good.

"ah. sorry. However, to disappoint these wizards…”

“Okay, I see. calm down. tell me to calm down I will think again.”

When it seemed that Lee Han would grab hold of the back skin again, Alsicle said,

Seeing this, Eumidihus thought to himself.

'I think we could have just attacked.'

* * *

Eventually, Alcicle calmed down and regained composure.

In fact, what Lee Han said was correct.

When the magic experiment was successful, the ball went to the wizard who made the
design of the magic experiment, not to the people who helped.

Alcicle, who realized the extreme cold so far, was definitely a great wizard.

...The problem was that the reason for the sudden success of the experiments that
had failed so far was in Lee Han's magical power.

Unless Alcicle was an idiot, of course, we analyzed the cause.

Why did the ignorant improvisation succeed, even when using various high-end and
rare reagents such as the horn of the deer deer, naengokjeong, glacial mountain,
winter snow, and sulhwangdan?

“The answer lies in the quality of magic. No matter how much you try to maintain
the magic with various reagents and magic circles, the purity and quality will be
lower than that of directly infusing the magic of the wizard.”


Lee Han, who was listening in front of Alsicle, suddenly wondered and asked.

“Then why are you telling me this?”

Yumidihus or Voladi could hear it, but I didn't understand why Han Lee, a first-
year student, had to listen to this.

“Where did the magic that just succeeded come from?”

“It came from me.”

“Then what should I do to obtain that magic power?”

“Should I go to another Frost Elemental Mage meeting and post an announcement?”

" Because that’s not going to happen.”

If the magic of all the wizards was as pure and of high quality as that of Lee
Han, there was no need for Alsicle to suffer.

“It’s hard to find such magic.”

“Such. It's a pity...”

"Help me!"

As Alcicle grabbed Lee Han's hand and tried to droop, Lee Han lightly avoided it.

As he had suffered a lot from Professor Hado, he was alert while Alsicle opened
his mouth.

"sorry. That’s a bunch.”


“I also have a living, but working 24 hours a day throughout the vacation is a

“…you didn’t think of that?!”

Alcicle was astonished at Lee Han's terrifying idea.

You still have to put in your magic, but if you overwork like that, no matter how
great a wizard, you will soon fall.

Even the opponent was a freshman.

“In the beginning, we didn’t do that much experimentation. Maybe two or three
times a year.”

"ah. Isn’t that enough?”

“ there enough?”

If that's the case, I could help you because I have a new one.

When permission was given, Alsicle's face brightened. Al Sickle shook his head and

"thank you! Instead, I pass on my arcane cold elemental magics. Someday you can
take over my research project!”

'I'm not very happy.'

Although it is still difficult, Lee Han internally cursed at the appearance of

Alsicle, who was trying to skip even the research he was doing.

He was an evil wizard himself.

“Yeah well… thank you.”

“Good. Start right away.”

“I don’t have time, so hurry up. I was thinking of going back to the city for the

At the urging of Voladi Bagrek and Umidhus, Alsicle grumbled.

“Unlike basic magic, my arcane magic can be learned quickly...”

Arsicle, who was talking, looked at Lee Han and changed his words.

“It’s not…but, Wodanaj, you might be able to do it.”


Lee Han firmly denied it, but the three wizards did not pretend to listen.

* * *

<Peng'erin's Cold Elemental Clone> was a 4th circle magic.

Unlike other clone magic, it looks so similar to the owner on the outside that it
is indistinguishable from the owner, sharing the clone's vision, and even melee
attacks using the element of cold if it's still there.
Considering the effects of magic, it was strange to be in the 4th circle.

Of course, the difficulty of the cold element clone magic was at the top of the 4
circle magic.

As Lee Han successfully performed the 4th circle magic several times, his senses
became strange.

"You've mastered the low circle cold elemental magics well, but I don't think
you'll be able to master them quickly."

"Fortunately, the."

Contrary to what I said earlier, when Alsicle calmed down, Lee Han was relieved.

"ah. Of course, I'm not ignoring your skills! If it were you, it would have been
possible to get to the clone of the previous stage.”

“...? That's hard enough, isn't it?"

Lee Han was afraid that even Alsicle might be influenced by Professor Boladi and

The lowest level of clone-type magic was a clone that had no shape and had no

This could be implemented similarly with Lee Han's fantasy magic.

If you cast <Fahight's Lesser Illusion> and <Ogonin's Light Dance>, it will appear
as if there are multiple Lee Hans from the outside.

If you want to go higher here, you have to adjust the shape of the clone and
incorporate movements to make it more plausible...

It was the <Peng Erin's Cold Elemental Clone> magic that succeeded in both.

In other words, the previous stage means that at least one of the forms or
movements has been completed.

That alone was at least 3 circles.

“In order not to cast this magic on high circles, I applied a lot of magic from
other schools. So there is more difficulty…”

'Did you ignore what I just said?'

“ said you were learning both transformation and enchantment? Very lucky.”


“The one thing I regret is that black magic is quite helpful when practicing this
clone magic. Unlike other summons, undead pets don't have any complaints when they
cast elemental cold magic. So it’s good to practice.”

One of the best ways to practice handling the movements of multiple clones was to
practice with undead summons.

The undead summons were less dissatisfied, and even if they gave a weapon with the
element of cold or wrapped it around their body, they did not reject it too much.

Casting elemental cold magic on these undead summons and moving them delicately as
you wish became a good practice.

“I also learn that black magic.”


“Did you say you were learning black magic?”

Umidihus said it strangely.

Obviously, when Lee Han talked about the magic he had learned, he was also talking
about black magic.

“Is that so? what? Why don't you think you heard?"

“…Well, is it really helpful to summon and practice black magic undead anyway?”

I thought that the warlocks would feel sorry for nothing, so Lee Han hastily
changed the topic.

Alcicle nodded.

“The more you try to cast as many magic as possible and move yourself, the better.
Can you summon an undead?”

"Yes. You can summon a Skeleton Warrior.”

"good. Skeleton Warrior. The more you have, the better. Could it be up to three?”


"Five! Is more possible? How many?”

“I can’t move yet, but up to 15…”


Alcicle was bewildered in several ways.

It was surprising that the summoned summons could not move, and it was also
surprising that up to 15 skeleton warriors could be summoned.

Even any summoning wizard would have their souls broken, their magical powers
depleted, or their brains burned...

"I'm learning some old-fashioned black magic."

When Lee Han explained that he was learning old-fashioned black magic to the evil
warlocks, Alsicle was very intrigued.

“So it’s more difficult to deal with…”

“I wish I could practice more! You are so lucky!”

Lee Han seemed to understand why Alsicle was a disciple of Umidhus.

'I'm a crazy person who expected it.'

* * *

Surprisingly (Yumidihus, Professor Voladi, and Alcicle were all astonished), Lee
Han could not complete the <Peng Erin's Frost Elemental Clone> magic for the rest
of the time.

Of course, Lee Han was not surprised.

In fact, only the three wizards were surprised.

“Did I teach you wrong…?”

For the first time in his life, Alsicle began to have a healthy skepticism of his
own abilities. Seeing this, Umidihus was amazed.

'I didn't expect it to this extent!'

“I’m sorry I taught you wrong.”

"it's okay."

“You know.”


Lee Han glared at Professor Boladi once and spoke again.

“I will never forget what you taught me. I'll go back and practice."

“I hope to finish it soon. I'll prepare the next magic for you. It will be a
little more difficult, but you will be fine.”


Lee Han pondered whether to practice the cold element magic a little later.

"Oh yeah. May I call you this fall?”

“Autumn is during Einroguard semester. Alcicle.”

“Uh… until when is the school year?”

Alsicle counted by pointing his finger at Umidihus' answer.

If you stay in school until the end of the year...

“Can’t you come out?!”

“Then did you think that first-year students could leave school at will?”

Lee Han flinched at Umidhus's pitiful words.

'How did you know?'

“Can’t I come visit?”

“If an outsider wants to visit, he will have to get permission from Prince
Gonadaltes. It will not be easy.”

“Ah… an archmage like Gonadaltes-sama can’t be bothered about that. You will be



Lee Han and Yumidihus were puzzled at the same time.


“Well… try hard. Maybe I can ask you a favor.”

"Yes. We look forward to your visit.”

At Lee Han's words, Alsicle smiled brightly.

"okay! I will visit you in the fall!”


Entering the carriage and leaving the tower, Lee Han looked back. The sight of Al
Sickle waving his hand left a deep impression in my eyes.

"...I don't think you're going to be taken to the punishment room after meeting
the principal, right?"

“It will probably be fine. ...maybe."

* * *

Dirett and his friends went to the Wodanaj family mansion.

"Seniors. I've heard some strange rumors... The professors were fighting on the
street to take the Wodanaj family's first year away from vacation, is that true?"

“Does that make sense?”

“You talk a little bit.”

The juniors of Dirett, who were learning black magic, beat up their friends.

“But why would the Wodanaj family want to learn black magic?”

“Are you ashamed of black magic?”


“…Actually, I…”

“Everyone, be quiet.”

Dirett made the juniors quiet.

Unlike other schools with many disciples, Einrogard's School of Black Magic was so
narrow that seniors and juniors knew each other's faces and names.

That wasn't bad.

Still, he was a warlock who had a hard time making a living. If we didn't stick
together, it was even more difficult.

So, when the juniors had time, Dirett would gather and introduce each other and
have a conversation.

“I’m worried that the juniors of the Wodanaj clan will take black magic lightly.
I've heard that he's a genius, so he's also learning a lot of other magic, but
maybe he's using black magic as an assortment that will add a line to his

“I would have said I wasn’t that kind of person.”

The junior, who had grumbled at Dirett's warning, kept his mouth shut.

But the complaints did not go away.

'huh. How do you know if you're ignoring black magic...'


The warlocks who arrived at the Wodanaj family mansion were startled.

Skeleton warriors were standing in the front yard of the mansion with bone swords
blowing cold air.

"...look. What did I say?”

“Hey, I’m really serious about black magic.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen anyone summoning an undead to a mansion of that

“Aren’t you crazy? How about cleaning…”

The juniors quickly admitted that the Wodanaj family's freshman were sincere.

But he wasn't sure if the freshman was sane.


The reason the warlocks stayed near the cemetery wasn't because they liked the

Of course, some quirky warlocks liked graveyards, but few sorcerers dared to
choose a cold and gloomy graveyard with a warm and cozy fireplace.

The reason warlocks stayed near the graveyard was because it was advantageous to
black magic.

By getting used to the aura of death, you can become familiar with the undead
summons, you can get additional magic from various black magic, and above all, you
can experiment with magic without noticing others... fact, the last reason was quite important.

Most people didn't want the warlocks to do research next door.

Even the warlocks themselves didn't want to study in the courtyard of their

If all kinds of poison were sprayed on the flowers and the undead trampled on the
grass, no matter how beautiful the courtyard was, it was bound to turn into a

Even more so if it is a mansion of a famous and historically rich family...

"ah. Did you come?”

Lee Han, who was controlling the undead in the garden in front of the mansion, was
happy to see Dirett.

The undead bowed their heads in slow and awkward motions. Seeing this, Dirett was

'In the meantime?!'

He knew that Lee Han was having trouble controlling the undead.

In a way, it was normal.

Because only a first-year student was trying to control the undead in the classic
black magic style.

Rather, it was a great thing in itself to make it move like that.

“How did you make it move?”

"ah. It's still far. Originally, I had to move smartly…”

The original refined standard was to meticulously weave dozens or hundreds of

commands into one.

It was as easy as breathing for a living creature to walk, but to make a skeleton
warrior walk without any intentions, 'Give strength to the plantar bone', 'Give
strength to the calf bone', 'Transmit it to the thigh bone', etc. Dozens of
detailed instructions Hundreds were needed.

Of course, he couldn't do all of these things one by one, so the wizard had to be
able to weave these dozens or hundreds of commands into one and command them to

All that complicated magical flow and understanding was never something that a
first-year student could achieve by trial and error. Numerous experiences were

So Lee Han mobilized the expedient.

“I just added more magic.”


Instead of giving detailed instructions one by one, he pours out the command to
'walk' with incredibly strong magical power.
Of course, the effect was disastrous.

In fact, the Undead were incredibly slow.

It would have been much faster if the detailed instructions had been given one by

But the important thing was that it moved.

Once it was made to move, it was possible to adapt sensibly by repeating it. Even
if that junior spends such an absurd waste, doesn't his magical power circulate?

It might be a much faster way than to overwork your brain by calculating each

“Is that a good way?”


Lee Han looked at Diret with a slightly hurt expression. Dirette was perplexed.


“I’m not an idiot, and you can’t understand what I don’t mean. You don’t have to
force yourself to praise me like that.”


Dirett was very upset.

Of course, it's an ignorant method, but in the end, I liked it and said it was
good, but this junior!

“Because it’s not!”

"Yes. If you are a senior, that would be the case.”

At the words of a junior who made him 'a bad senior who presses on his juniors
with authority', Dirett trembled in resentment.

Meanwhile, Lee Han stole Dirett's belongings.

“I will listen. What is this?”

"ah. That visit gift…”

Lee Han glanced into the box. It was full of unidentified bones.

As I traced the magic, I could feel the magic of the saihan yin (陰).

“Thank you so much. senior. You will receive a gift like this…”


Dirette gave a slightly puzzled expression. It was a gift she had thought about
and chosen, but she did not know that his junior would like it this much.

“Sit here. I will prepare something to drink.”

“Ah, me too…”

“You came as a guest, but you can’t. But others…”

“They are also juniors who listen to black magic.”


Ian's eyes lit up for a moment.

They are seniors from the same school.

...Coming to think of it, Lee Han had no choice but to meet the seniors of all
schools, but in any case, the seniors of the same school always looked good, so
there was nothing wrong with that.

“Everyone, sit down. I'll bring you something to drink soon."

“Yeah, yes.”

“Come on, Kerham. Well... not bad.”

The students of the School of Dark Magic did their best to show that 'I'm very
used to this kind of treatment'.

Of course, it all looked awkward, and it made Lee Han think differently.

'Are you unwell?'

As Lee Han politely bowed his head and disappeared, the students of the School of
Black Magic, who were sitting in awkwardly haughty postures, immediately relaxed
and whispered.

“What? Have you ever cursed?”

“Isn’t that a threat?”


Dirett regretted having brought these bastards for nothing.

“I mean now…”

“It’s interesting to learn black magic from the Blue Dragon Tower, and also from
the Wodanaj family! Why are you being so polite!?”

“It’s creepy that the Blue Dragon Tower student is like that???”

“Isn’t that the Blue Dragon Tower?”

The students of the School of Dark Magic murmured.

Basically, the Blue Dragon Tower students did not learn black magic.

For those who have a lot to worry about externally, such as honor, face, and
family, what would they do to learn black magic?

Even if it was a really unusual Blue Dragon Tower student, there was still a

Why the hell are you being so polite?


Dirett could understand the embarrassment of the juniors.

Basically, the students at the Magic School were not so polite unless they were
their top seniors.

Inside the magic school, you could be beaten like a dog, so at least he wasn't
rude, but outside he often said 'Do you know me?' and ignored him.

This was especially the case with the Blue Dragon Tower students.

Inside, I'm afraid, so I bow my head. What are you going to do outside?

In the first place, not only do they rarely meet each other, but even if they do,
they ignore them and do their own thing, the Blue Dragon Tower students.

And it couldn't have been any worse.

I'd rather growl and shoot like a white tiger tower...

“Meet you in the punishment room. We became friends while we were serving meals in
the punishment room.”

“Are you a senior?”

“Uh… no… he took care of it.”



The juniors looked at Dirette with a mixture of astonishment, suspicion and


How did you make a blue dragon tower student from the great gate even go to the
punishment room?

No matter how hard I tried to believe, only one came to mind.

'Curse. 100% a curse.'

'no. it's poison Poison is cleaner and less noticeable than a curse. On the
condition of giving an antidote every week...'

'Isn't it supposed to dry up Dirett-senpai? If there is another article in the

Imperial newspaper...'

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you have to be wrong. You bastards.”

* * *

When Lee Han brought a teapot and a glass bottle of juice cold enough to dew, and
served it, the students of the School of Black Magic looked at him with pity.

“Sister… please explain. This bird... these guys think I'm threatening you right

“What nonsense… I am not being threatened.”

Even at Lee Han’s words, the students of the Black Magic School nodded their heads
with pitiful eyes saying, ‘Yes, I must be.

“…doesn’t it make any sense to explain anything?”

“I was crazy for bringing it. What do you like about these guys... What did the
other first graders call?”

"Yes. called.”

Hearing the purpose of today's meeting, Lee Han invited other friends as well.

Come to think of it, there was a prince among them.

'... Misunderstandings will be resolved by the seniors themselves.'

Lee Han left Dirett to do it on her own. frankly it was annoying.

“Can I ask you a few questions?”


Lee Han was feeling that not all of the seniors in the room were kind to him.

It was natural.

In any world, if there are people who view newcomers favorably, there are also
people who see them hostilely.

What the newcomer is thinking, how serious he is, etc.

At this point, I had to show my true self to make things a lot easier in the

'I'm ready.'

Lee Han also knew his weaknesses.

The fact that you are listening to the magic of too many schools.

...this wasn't intentional, but it could have looked a little bad anyway.

But Lee Han was confident enough to make up for this.

To be honest, there is no first-year student who is working hard on black magic as

hard as Lee Han.

“I saw earlier that you had summoned skeletons. Is it okay in the front yard of
the mansion? Will the front yard get dirty?”

“It’s even better when it gets dirty. It will help you when you practice black
“...from a previous look, it seemed to summon the undead in a slightly different

"Yes. I have always been very interested in black magic, and I have a desire to
make new discoveries by researching black magic that I don't use often now.
Fortunately, Professor Mortum appreciated my greed, so I was able to practice like

What was forced by Principal Skeleton and Professor Mortum was wrapped up as Lee
Han volunteering himself.

The students of the School of Black Magic, unaware of this, simply looked at Lee
Han with amazement.

Why the hell is such a talented person in black magic?


However, unlike the other students, the senior who asked the question did not pass

He shook his head a few times as if he was different from other people and asked
more persistent questions.

“Anyone can have greed. What matters is how you achieve it. I wonder if the basics
are good. Do you know how to curse?”



“You can make a mountain gong poison.”

Dirett intervened from the side.

“I can also handle dark elements.”


At that, the old man made a surprised expression and nodded his head heavily.

It was not verbally, but it was a sign of surrender that there was nothing more to

"Sorry. Junior. Ogoldos wasn't such a naughty guy in the first place."

Dirett took Lee Han out briefly while the other students had drinks and apologized

“I am very serious about black magic. That’s why I don’t like the new juniors who
just touch me for a while and then disappear.”

"I understand. You might.”

To be honest, a senior like Ogoldos didn't feel bad at all.

The real madmen are on the professor's side.

“…Sometimes I think I’m actually threatening by poisoning myself. A talented
junior like you is in black magic…”

“But I hear all the other magic as well.”

“Be quiet, you know.”

Dirett explained a bit more about how often these meetings are held and why.

Warlock students exchange information and share useful jobs and opportunities
during vacation...

"Oh yeah. I heard rumors that the professors were fighting on the street to drag
you away, is that fake?”

"no. It's real. But where is Professor Mortum?”

“Professor Mortum? He's usually in the city of Granden when we meet. ...Wait a
minute. Is it real?”

“Are you in the city of Granden? Why?”

“If you need help with your magic research, don’t be afraid to call them to the
meeting. But I don't usually talk about magic research even at meetings. hey.
Junior. But I just…”

"...senior. Wait."

Lee Han felt uncomfortable and stopped Dirett's words.

Professor Mortum wasn't around, but it felt like a strange voice could be heard.

A voice that says 'Call me too'!


“Actually, doesn’t the professor want to participate in the black magic meeting?”

Not all professors in the world were like Professor Voladi.

There were more cases than expected among the professors who wanted to hang out
with the students (without notice).

This is especially true for unpopular schools like Black Magic.

It would be difficult to get along with other professors in Einrogard, so the

loneliness would be even worse.


However, Dirett reacted by surprise to Lee Han's words.

"That's not right. You are not like that.”

"Is that so?"

“I’ve been given permission a few times, but they turned it down because it’s

Lee Han shed a sigh and fell into thoughts.

Dirett was an excellent warlock and a good senior, but not a cunning disciple like
Lee Han.

In particular, when it comes to professors, there were often cases where even if
you said A with your mouth, you would say B with the rest of your body.

It was necessary to understand the language of these professors in order to become

a cunning disciple.

“How did you say no?”

"Yes? I was asked what I was going to do, and he said that it would interfere with
the students gathering.”


Lee Han nodded as if he understood.

It was a typical fake.

“Did you add that if you need help with magic research after that, call me?”


Dirett's eyes widened.

“Foreknowledge magic?!”

“It's not predictive magic, it's just prediction. senior. If it's okay with you,
I'd like to invite you to visit Professor Mortum's workshop right now."

“I don’t care, but… are you okay? You may be angry that the professor keeps saying
things that you have rejected for no reason.”

"Do not worry."

"shall we go together?"


Lee Han dried up Dirette.

If there was a disciple who had worked for a long time under Professor Mortum like
Dirett, he could be shy and stubborn.

“It is enough for me alone. Then I will go.”

“Yeah, yes. come and go with caution. ...Wait a minute! hey! Junior! What the hell
was the professor fighting on the street!?”

Dirett, who remembered it belatedly, shouted, but Lee Han had already disappeared
to the other side of the street.

* * *
When it came to Einrogard's professor, they had a mansion or a workshop in Granden
City, as they were wizards who had reached their heights.

And Professor Mortum's workshop was located in the central aristocratic area. to the cemetery in the area.

'Are you okay?'

Of course, it was a much more dignified space than an unnamed cemetery on the
outskirts of the city.

As it was a cemetery for a noble family, well-carved marble tombstones and

beautifully tied flowers were neatly placed here and there...

...Nevertheless, the tombstone tower used as a workshop gave a somewhat gloomy


At this point, the cemetery wasn't the problem, but the black magic.

“Is Professor Mortum there?”

“Collock. I would have said it clearly. I'll have it done by next week. One more
push and I'll shuffle your organs... Are you a Wodanaj soldier?"

Professor Mortum, who opened the door with a harsh word, was surprised when he
found an unexpected student.


“Do you have any other appointments?”

“Collock. I'm not surprised by that... There were so many professors who went
after you, so I thought you'd be split into several pieces by now."


In an instant, Lee Han almost threw a curse at the professor.

If I knew, I should have dried it!

'Let's be calm. Professor Mortum is still better.'

From Lee Han's point of view, it was better to have a professor like Professor
Mortum who wanted to do his job and invite him occasionally than a professor who
wanted to come and drag him away.

Both were like immature children, but the latter was more...

“Who did you just talk to?”

"ah. cologne. I was given a quest, but I kept bothering him and urging him.”

A nobleman of the family had died, and he seemed to have come to Professor Mortum
to find the legacy that the nobleman had hidden.

It was entrusted to some foresight wizards, but failed due to lack of clues.

He had to retrieve even the fragments of the memories of the dead with black

“It’s possible to make such a request!”

Lee Han realized once again that the job of a wizard is really wide.

Maybe it wasn't bad to try to control the skeletons later to sweep the transport
guild's job or perform on the street.

“It’s not a good request. cologne. However, it is better for a warlock to accept
such a quest.”

“Is it because of the connection with noble families?”

"no. cologne. Such expensive requests don’t come often.”


“So... what's going on? It would be unreasonable to ask them to stop other
professors from chasing them. It’s not a number I can stop.”

'I know that.'

“Is that possible? And it's just an honor for the professors to come to me. Even
if I ask you, you come directly to a disciple who is not enough.”

“Collock. You have a good personality for a warlock. If it were me, I would have
released all the poison. During the student vacation…”

Lee Han tried to nod his head for a moment, then clenched his teeth and held it

“I came today because the professor wanted me to attend the meeting.”

“...what meeting?”

Professor Mortum replied a beat late. He had enough of that. Lee Han was sure that
the other party knew that today was the meeting day of the students of the School
of Black Magic.

“It’s a gathering where seniors learning black magic gather and pass on knowledge
to juniors.”

"ah. ah...! cologne. Is that right?”


“I’m done.”

Professor Mortum waved his hand and said.

“Collock. If there's something you don't know while researching magic, you can
come and ask, but... well... you don't even ask."

The sadness in Professor Mortum's eyes flashed for a moment and then disappeared.

Ian said firmly.

“...why, why are you screaming all of a sudden?”

“Seniors always want to ask questions to the professor. But knowing that the
professor is always overworked and overworked, I had no choice but to hesitate.”


“Even if the professor says it’s okay, if you don’t directly attend the meeting,
the seniors won’t be able to ask.”

“What a coward…”

"sorry. But please understand.”

Although he spoke bluntly, Professor Mortum's face was slightly relaxed.

“Me too, Gainando and Rapadel have always been curious about the golden years you
have accumulated as a warlock. During the semester, I was busy with lectures, so I
couldn't attend, but I went with the expectation that I would be able to attend the
meeting during vacation, but I was disappointed because the professor was not

“That… is that so?”

"Yes. When we were disappointed, the seniors asked why. So, let’s be honest, the
seniors also said, ‘We want to serve you too, but we can’t because we’re sorry’.”


Professor Mortum let out a sigh.

I knew the disciples were scared, but I was afraid they would be so scared.

There was no need to be so frightened.

“So I mustered up the courage to come. I’m a freshman, so I thought I might be a

little more generous.”

“Collock. Of course it should be. Where is the wizard who gets angry at the
mistakes of the first graders?”

Lee Han immediately thought of Principal Skeleton, but stayed still.

"...good night. cologne. If you say so, there is nothing you can do. Still, I
can't make the few freshmen disappear."

"you're right. If the professor were to attend the meeting, would the new students
fall into a different school?”

Professor Mortum grabbed his staff and stood up.

Then he patted Lee Han on the back and walked away.

“Collock. Wardanaj County. I have a very good disciple.”

"no. professor. It’s just shameful.”

Lee Han swallowed the smile of the hunter who succeeded in hunting.
'It would be nice if it was this easy for other professors as well.'

How comfortable it would be if everyone felt like Professor Mortum.

Why are there only professors who say, 'I'll teach you more magic because I feel

* * *

“Three, my God. I've never seen Professor Mortum feel that good."

“Isn’t he poisoned?”

"no. Curse. Curse of laughter and curse of euphoria, what else do you have to mix
to like it so much?”

Some of the seniors were surprised to see Professor Mortum, who is usually frowned
upon, coughing and dissatisfied with his satisfaction.

Of course, so was Delet.

“Damn, what the hell…”

"senior. The professor just wanted to attend the meeting.”


Dirett looked at Lee Han with a thrilling gaze.

The first-year junior, who had just joined, suddenly felt like a reliable

If it were this junior, I thought it would be okay to leave it behind when dealing
with a mad professor.

'Am I crazy? To what 1st grader...'

“Collock. The thieves stood firm in the fortress. So I turned the captured thieves
into undead and charged them. In the meantime, the bandits caught in the middle are
turned into undead again and charged. Also… that’s why they surrendered.”

“What an instructive story!”

“I want to try it too!”

There was no need for Lee Han to catch the wind, and the students of the School of
Dark Magic showed a deep interest in Professor Mortum's Japanese speech.

Thanks to this, Professor Mortum was very satisfied and took a break after
finishing his speech.

“So… you want me to tell you about the prince?”


Meanwhile, the attention of the seniors turned to the juniors except for Lee Han.

“Isn’t it insulting if the royal family were interested in black magic?”

"uh? okay?"


Lee Han sneaked in.

“Tell me about the use of black magic in front of nobles when the Basilisk came
out last time.”

“That’s why you stopped along the way…”

Lee Han pinched the back of Guy Nando's hand. Gainando understood right away.

“When the basilisks came out, they protected the nobles with black magic!”



The seniors were surprised by Gainando's words.

In front of the nobles, I would draw out black magic without much calculation.

“There are no demons in magic. If you are confident, what is the point of public
opinion, you think?”

“Ghost? world?"

Lee Han pinched Guy Nando again. Gainando understood again.


“This first-year juniors are really amazing.”

The seniors were amazed and whispered.

But his gaze had changed very favorably.

Because if you weren't serious about black magic, you wouldn't be able to show
such an image.

"therefore. White tiger tower junior... why are you listening? The White Tiger
Tower is a very rare tower in black magic.”

“Isn’t it because you’re trying to learn how to destroy black magic?”


Rapadel felt a cold sweat running down his back.

“I, that, that…”

“Because Rapadel is from a knightly family, he is being misunderstood, but in

fact, no one is more serious about black magic than Rapadel.”


"Yes. Because every time we explored the undead world, we were at the forefront.”
“It’s just… a pervert, isn’t it?”

The seniors looked at Rapadel in surprise in a different way.

What do you like about the undead world?

“I just liked the undead, so I took the lead.”

'Is that a pervert?'

Rapadel's face turned red and he couldn't do this or that, and he stood still.

The seniors didn't ask me if I understood it in a different way.

“Okay. Everyone is unique, but they are serious about black magic.”

“I’m happy that juniors like you are here. ...Of course, one person's taste is a
bit strange, but please respect it."

“Aren’t you asking Ymirg?”

“He’s a black turtle tower.”



Gainando clenched his mouth as he was absurd.

What are these disgraceful seniors...?

When the seniors' questioning offensive was over, Lee Han lightly tapped Rapadel's

Rapadel stared at Lee Han for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“…let’s say thank you.”

Regardless, it was true that Wodanaj wrapped up Rapadel.

Without it, I would not have been able to get out of the situation safely.

"okay. Thank you, pay back with silver coins.”

“…No, you idiot, really!”


“Such a shameless bastard. Are you saying you won't be able to pay once you get
out of the crisis?"

Lee Han looked at Rapadel in disbelief.

“Oh my God, such an ignorant bastard… are you a knight?”

Guynan also looked at Rapadel in disbelief. Rapadel exclaimed in an explosion.

“Who said not to pay! pay off! I will pay you back!”
“It’s even weirder to deny it so strongly.”

"Shut up!"

Rapadel shot at Guynando and quickly turned around.

“After all, the White Tiger Tower guys have a temper…”

“If they are shy, their seniors will also lose.”

Lee Han stopped at the gossips of the Black Magician seniors.

In the past, when I went to the back of the mountain range to learn water element
magic with Yumidihus, I remembered that my seniors in the 3rd grade were raiding
and stealing things.

“...the white tiger tower students aren't that bad.”

“Are you wrapping yourself up as friends? good.”

“But, Wodanaj, how do you get along with the Blue Dragon Tower student and the
White Tiger Tower?”

Lee Han replied with a fake smile.

“We’re all here to learn magic together, so there’s no reason to fight each other
because it’s a different tower.”

“ he an Einroguard student?”

“Is it strange? Did the rules change this year?”

Lee Han gave a textbook answer, but it didn't work for the seniors.

Unfortunately, the seniors were already firmly crooked due to their life as an

'Regretful. Everyone is crooked.'

Unlike herself, who was very normal, Lee Han felt sorry for the crooked seniors.

* * *

After Professor Mortum's Japanese speech (which began as a life story that a
warlock could only shed tears, and ended with a tragedy at Mongburi Fortress, where
many warlocks' tears were buried), the students of the School of Warlocks began
their own story.

“I was trying to summon Hrokal this time, but it was difficult. It must be an
undead living in the water.”

“Undead underwater is more difficult. It's poisonous, so it's hard to defend. What
are you using as bait?”

“I’m throwing rotten meat, and this bastard just takes it and doesn’t want to make
a contract with me. oh Should I find another undead system...”

“Diret-senpai. Is your senior going to 5th grade?”

“I’m worried. I think Einroguard would be good for me to continue my research

Dirett answered and turned to Lee Han.

I've been curious about it for a while, but haven't had a chance.

“By the way, junior. The fact that the professors were fighting on the street…”

“Diret-senpai! I have a problem. Should I still be in Einrogard next year?”

“...Shall we talk separately later?”

“My original goal was to take over the cemetery around the village. However, I
think I will be able to inherit it at the current level, and I think my parents
want me to come and settle down... Although I can do research there too... Ah. It's
difficult. really."

Dirette comforted a junior who was worried about his career, swallowing his

“Think about the magic research you are going to do now...”

"senior. This time, I got a weird offer. I'm looking for a warlock who is good at
curse magic, but he doesn't tell me where to put the curse. Would you like to
receive this offer?”

"no. We do not accept offers without specific details. Especially the Warlock...”

"senior. Right now, I'm in a hurry to buy a new staff, so the adventurers in
Langyen are looking for a warlock. Is it okay if I join here?”


Lee Han listened to the conversations the seniors had.

Beside him, Gainando was beaten frantically while playing wizard cards with Ymirg
and his face turned pale.

“Is… this wasn’t a trick!? Did you cheat?!”

"My, if I cheated, you'd lose worse than this..."

“Lee Han! Lee Han! Look at the referee! Isn't this cheating?"

"no. You lost because you couldn’t.”

“You haven’t even seen it!”

Lee Han spilled Guynando's words on the back of his ear and teased the quill.

Professor Mortum asked as if puzzled by Lee Han's diligent writing.

“Collock. Wardanaj County. You're not going to receive commissions during

vacation, so why are there so few?"

“Are you going to get it?”


Professor Mortum looked at Lee Han with the gaze of 'He's a really weird guy.'

“I think you can see why the headmaster likes you... Kollock. You look alike.”

“No, that’s too much…!”

Unknowingly, Lee Han cried out in anger.

It was an insult that was hard to bear even for Lee Han, who is good at
controlling his emotions.


“…you are overdoing it!”

"is it? cologne. I thought it might feel bad... But even with that in mind,
Gonadaltes-sama is such an archmage.”

Professor Mortum seemed to be well aware of the eccentric nature of the Skeleton

'Well, if you're with someone, you can't know.'

He had eyes, no, he had no choice but to know without eyes.

“Collock. If you like to work on vacation... there will be overlapping soon, so

why not participate there?”


The seniors of the Black Magic School were more surprised than Lee Han.

"professor! 1st year!”

“If you are a freshman who survived the Frost Giant King... Kollock. It doesn't
matter if you participate."

“You’re the king of frost giants?”

“Why did a freshman deal with that... How can he deal with it... Einroguard is
crazy...? No, I was crazy, but…”

Dirette was embarrassed to see her juniors shouting, so she bowed her head and
covered it with her wings.

Coming back to school, I vowed to bury Kohorti and Kumandas upside down in the

“Does superposition refer to the phenomenon of overlapping systems?”

"right. hey You are really great.”

One of the seniors admired and went out to explain.

In order for the original wizards to visit another realm, quite complex magic was
The magic circles set up by Professor Millais, who taught summoning magic, seemed
simple, but they were magic circles with a high level of wisdom.

Even after that visit, the restrictions were considerable. In the first place, he
was forced to visit a world other than his own, so it was only natural.

However, there was a moment when such means or restrictions disappeared.

When the other dimension overlaps and blends with this dimension.

There was also something to point out.

'Is it changing like the king of the frost giants?'

At that time, the upper hallway of Einrogard was a school but not a school.

Because the dimensions of the frost giants overlapped, the blade-like cold had
spread to the surroundings.

This phenomenon could also occur in the undead world.

“I recently found a place where the undead world will soon overlap. It was very

“If it’s stuck, shouldn’t it be released?”

Lee Han asked, remembering what he had experienced while carrying out the cemetery
quest last time.

The more magical power there is, the more likely it is that anomalies will occur.

“In principle, however, it would be a pity to just solve it if it had accumulated

to that level. It is also an opportunity.”


Lee Han looked at the seniors suspiciously.

The seniors realized the meaning of the gaze and quickly explained it.

“Everything is done with permission from the Empire!”

"ah. If so...”

Professor Mortum is Kolok and took over the explanation.

“For warlocks, this opportunity to overlap the undead world is a very good

“Is this a chance to contract with a powerful minion?”


The warlocks gathered at the meeting showed an unexpected reaction to Lee Han's

"ha ha ha. Powerful summons don’t go in and sign contracts like that, but they
need to be researched in advance.”
If it was a low-level pet, it was okay to go in and look around, but the powerful
undead with a name was difficult in a wicked way.

First, we had to closely examine how to collect data about the undead, how to
contact them, and how to make a contract.

'Isn't Perkuntra that powerful?'

“Something more important than a contract.”



Professor Mortum drenched his throat with the juice and said:

“The soil, the bones embedded in the soil, the mushrooms growing on those bones,
the worms that eat those mushrooms, the trees the worms grow on… All of the undead
world are good materials and reagents. cologne. Originally, it was difficult to
collect due to many restrictions, but when it comes to nesting, the story is

“Of course, not everything can be dug up. You need eyes to see.”

“If you are really lucky, you can play for a year with just one.”


Lee Han's eyes lit up on a topic that suddenly became interesting.

“Is that enough?”

"yes. Many of these are reagents used only by warlocks, but sometimes there are
reagents used by other wizards or materials coveted by nobles. That kind of jumps
in price. Dirett-senpai here is a legend. In sophomore year, he was looking for
Buddha Cho (不夏草)...”

Lee Han looked at Dirette with many times stronger respect than usual.

Of course, Dirett was more absurd than happy.

'Is this why you look at me like that?'

“…Anyway, even if this looks good, it’s pretty dangerous to enter the superimposed
undead world. Unless you're a warlock who knows how to deal with the undead, it's
difficult. First year is a bit like that, but…”

“As the professor said, I will do my best if given the opportunity.”

At Lee Han's words, the seniors nodded their heads.

Most of all, Professor Mortum assured him that there was no reason to stop him.

“Are you really okay…?”

“But what happened to the king of the frost giants? Was that the one that hit the
blizzard last time?”

“I thought Koholti-senpai ate a lot of cursing and solved it.”

Lee Han, who was listening, suddenly became puzzled and asked.

“But, seniors. Have you ever heard of a basilisk, a wizard or a ghoul from the
Doin family... Anyway, have you ever heard of such a thing?”

"uh? I came in three days ago.”

“I don’t travel around town very well.”

“I only read books at the dorm, what happened?”

Ian was impressed.

Few people are as simple and comfortable as the warlocks!

* * *

“...I don't usually say things like this. I don't want you to be misunderstood."

Joanen spoke carefully.

“Aren’t you doing too many things right now?”

"Yes? Is that so?"

Lee Han, who was carefully melting the milky metal next to him with a green flame
and extracting it, asked in surprise.

“Rather, the professors didn’t come, so I thought I had a lot of free time in the
last few weeks…”

“...that, yes. The extraction continues.”

People tended to be relatively normal when they met someone more crazy than they

Originally, Joanen said, 'Let's focus on work' when the assistant talks, but...

'Honestly, I'm curious...!'

From what I heard directly from Lee Han, not only was he studying magic, but also
Puyo's wand workshop and visiting the undead world were scheduled.

Originally, Joanen didn't think of anything else while working, but in this case,
it also sparked curiosity.

“Are you going to do this much? I also invited the alchemists from the workshop to
have a meal together…”

"ah. There are impurities in the ingredients. I think I will have to do it again.”

“...maybe ok with this?”

It was such a shocking sound that if Yonner had seen it, he would have passed out,
but Lee Han shook his head.

“You can’t do it after eating…”

"no. Otherwise, the extraction will be wasted.”

Joanen stared briefly at his former self, who had taught him all that thoroughly.

Then he walked back and called the servant.


"Yes. Joanen.”

“Call Yonner.”


When Yonner arrived at the workshop, Lee Han was still staring at the flask with a
frown on his face.

“Not yet.”

“Lee Han. Let's have lunch.”

"no. Impurities still remain.”

“It’s okay to leave that much, so just give it to me.”

“It has to boil enough to be completed, not just finished.”

“The person who made me work is okay, what…!”

Yoner was startled, but Lee Han did not back down and stared at the flask.

Not knowing what to do, Yoner decided to sit next to him and watch what Lee Han
was doing.

Lee Han concentrated with a stubborn attitude, shaking the flask, turning it
around, and exposing it to a slight fire.

Seeing this, Yonner remembered that her older sister Joanen had evaluated Lee
Han's work the other day.

He shuddered at how neatly he did it, and was excited that he was several times
better than his previous assistants.

Joanen said that alchemists these days are so impatient and impatient that even
the same extraction results are often disappointing.

If the fire is too strong, the undissolved sediment will make the liquid cloudy,
and if the fire is too weak, the properties will change along the way.

When he recalled that, Yonaire was relieved a little and repented of his attitude
towards Lee Han...

...I didn't lose, I just got up and forcibly pulled Lee Han out.

Yonaire had no intention of playing around with the rhythm of crazy perfectionists
like her sister and Lee Han.
“Work a little. Eat and do it.”

"no! Yone! only once! Just one more time...!”

“This is the Makein family workshop. It’s not the Wodanaj family workshop.”

Yoner took out the workshop key from the side of the oven, put it in his pocket,
and pushed Lee Han's back.

* * *

“By the way, Wodanaj-sama. I have a question for you.”

Not only Joanen, but also the alchemists who were working in other places in the
workshop had a lot of questions about Lee Han.

Seeing his subordinates asking questions on their own, Joanen smiled satisfied

Because he was not a subordinate, his work skills were not normal.

"ah. I have a question too.”

“Ask anything.”

“I am preparing the ingredients needed for Dobrook’s Emerald Potion, but I got
stuck in the process of melting Mukryongeun into a solution. Because the impurities
have not completely disappeared…”

"ah. It could be enough. The Emerald Dream potion is quite tricky. The color of
the solution is muddy even though it has dissolved silver, isn't it? There is a
limit to the magic power of a wizard, so you need to change the flame. There is
jadeite in the workshop, and try to change the nature of fire by spraying it.”

"thank you. oh But it’s not clay, it’s silver.”

At Lee Han's words, the alchemist panicked.

"Yes? Then it melted well?”

“There were a few grains left…”

“That is fine.”

"no. If there is a problem with the potion after compromise, it is difficult to

fix it.”



The workshop alchemists stared at Joanen.

He did not bring it out, but it was a subtle rebuke, saying, 'Isn't Makein-sama
ruining a young wizard now?'

Of course, Joanen was not shaken by those eyes.

If he was a person who would be shaken by those eyes, he would not have been able
to run such a workshop with madness and tenacity in the first place.

'I was taught to not be too obsessed with perfection and to do it in moderation,
but it's because Wodanaj's personality is too perfectionistic.'

Joanen opened her mouth, thinking that if Yonaire had heard it, she would have
grabbed her by the back of her neck.

“But I wonder what the professors are on the street…”

"Oh yeah. Mr. Mackin. May I ask about the magic you used to make the test solution
earlier? It was similar to the solution rotation magic, but it was a different type
of magic.”

“The magic I used earlier is not a solution rotation magic, but a magic that
reverses up and down...”

Joanen, who was explaining, came to his senses and realized that the topic had
come a long way.

Before returning, Lee Han grabbed another alchemist and asked a question.

“But… gulp. This is it.”

“No, how are you eating all the food while saying that? Yes. What are you curious

After Lee Han asked three more questions, all the dishes on the table were emptied
and lunch time was over.

The alchemists got up and stretched out.

“The time is already like this…”

“Don’t go for a walk today, let’s start right away.”

“Let’s go. Mr. Mackin. I have to finish work that I didn't finish in the morning.”

Joanen followed her with a slightly prickly expression on her face.

* * *

When things got delayed, Joanen put aside the questions and concentrated on his
work as usual.

Yoner was terrified at the sight of Joanen, who insists on returning to work like
a madman.

It was the same in Einrogard, but Yonaire's friend is someone who can live without
the law.

Yoner flinched, fearing that his friend would grab him by the neck and call out a
water ball.

However, as if familiar with Lee Han, he immediately resolved all the complaints
without any complaints.

"thank you for your effort."

"thank you."

"Oh yeah. Now I have to slowly prepare to go back to school, is there any potion
you want to learn?”

The recipe for the potion was not easily available.

Of course, the recipes for basic and easy potions, which were widespread
throughout the Empire, could be obtained from any bookstore in the city.

Basic potions and recipes such as <Less Health Recovery Potion>.

But now, like <Dobrook's Emerald Dream Potion>, the alchemist's individual effort
and research for a potion recipe could not be obtained without the alchemist's
permission, even if he paid gold coins.

In the case of alchemists' guilds and workshops, it was even more thorough.

The recipe for this potion was considered a secret more important than life, so if
you accidentally touched or copied it, an assassin came to you.

As such, it was obviously a good thing that Joanen taught Lee Han how to make
various potions at the Maikin family's workshop.

It didn't feel like a favor, but...

Joanen suggested that I tell you about a potion that I need as a student returning
to Einrogarde in the second semester.

There will be a lot of things going on when you enter school, so it will be quite
helpful if you know in advance a useful potion.

Ian asked carefully.

“Are you okay?”

The gift was so large that he was rather cautious.

'It's probably not that you don't want to pay for the recipe instead.'

“I am Yonere's friend, and I can give him a present like this. And he has done a
good job.”

Joanen's words were sincere.

Compared to other assistants, Lee Han deserved such a gift.

“Yone. Which potion do you think would be good?”

“Wow, well… Joanen-nim is strict about this for me as well.”

No matter how much he loved his younger brother, he did not reveal all the secrets
of the workshop.

A ball is a ball, a buying company.

“You don’t need an invisibility potion. There are even artifacts in magic.”

“How about a potion of accelerated thought?”

“It's not bad either. I'll write it down at once. Potions that can prevent
tracking or confuse wouldn't be bad either."

“I don’t think the magic enhancement potion is bad either.”

“Should I write a potion for the smoke screen to throw at the chasing people?”

“…Lee Han. Aren't we only talking about potions for a limited situation from a
while ago?"

"is it?"

Ian was puzzled.

It looks like a potion that can be used in general...

“Can’t my sister recommend it?”

“Are you going to leave it to me?”

Joanen smiled as if it was ridiculous, but was immersed in trouble as if he didn't

like his younger brother's stupidity.

“Water of magical power...”

"it's okay."

"it's okay."

“...that, yes. If not, I think this would be better.”

Joanen took a quill and began to write down the ingredients list and recipe with a
single stroke.

In an instant, neat handwriting filled the white paper.

"ruler. receive."

“What kind of potion is this?”

“You will find out if you make it yourself. It should not be difficult as it is a
potion that uses relatively easy-to-find ingredients.”

"thank you. Maikin.”

Lee Han took the paper and fell in thought.

'what? It's like a reinforcement series... It's not a magical enhancement...'

“By the way, can you tell me about the rumors that the professors fought on the
street? It's done, so take it slow..."

"ah. Were you curious about that?”

I thought Joanen was about to ask something, but this was it.

Lee Han prepared to tell the story of crazy professors.

“Makin! I think you should come right now!! Pot #7 is completely boiling and
overflowing!! If you keep going like this, you will end up throwing away all the

“…I’ll see you all next time. go!"

Joanen greeted him quickly and followed the alchemist to the inside of the

For some reason, Lee Han felt that his back was full of anger.

“Are you mad?”

"yes. But you don't have to worry about it. It’s all self-sufficient.”

* * *


Nelia let out a painful moan that seemed to have been pulled up from the depths of
her body.

Gainando asked as if worried.

"it's okay? Why?”

“Why did you get 1st place… I’m sorry. I couldn't hear it because I was thinking
about something else. what?"

However, Gainando had already turned away after looking at his friend with a look
of contempt.

'You tricked me to look good!'

“Did everyone study?”

Lee Han, who returned from work at Puyo's magic wand workshop, was puzzled to see
his friends rolling around in the spacious drawing room.

Gainando said, holding the textbook and covering the magazine.


“Why do you turn to page 1 every time?”


“Yeah… eat some snacks. But why is Nelia like that?”

“It’s hard to get 1st place. huh. There’s something like that.”

Gainando took a bite of the cream puff and grumbled.

"ah. Did the story in the mansion progress?”

Lee Han said as if he knew.

At that time, Nilia's opinion was very good, and it was not surprising that it
actually progressed rather than ending in 1st place.
“I thought so…”

“I think so, but what do you think it is?”

"What's up?"

Yoner, who came in late, tilted his head and asked.

“Are you really trying to answer Nelia’s answer?”

"ah. it? yes. I thought I'd give it a try.”


“Isn’t that great?”


Lee Han, Yonaire, and Ratford looked at Nelia with respectful eyes.

Of course, Nelia was so nervous that she couldn't even sleep.

“What if I fail? What do you do!”

“The Makein family has a lot of money, doesn’t it matter…?”

"right. It doesn't matter how much failure. it's okay."

“If Yoner gets in trouble!”

“Don’t be in trouble. If it fails, it is the fault of the people who chose it.”

Ihan nodded his head as if he was right at Yonaire's words.

“If we succeed, shouldn’t the Makein family give us something as a token of our

"I know. Let me tell you one more time.”

“…Stop before I shoot them both.”

Nelia hadn't even started yet, but her stomach ached at the sight of her friends
who assumed success.

Of course, the Makein family wasn't rude enough to tell Nelia to take
responsibility for it.

In any case, it was the executives of the Makein family who took Nilia's opinion
and did it themselves.

There was really no need to be burdened, but unfortunately, the anxiety did not go

'If I fail because of my opinion... If I fail, because of my opinion...'

When Nilia was so anxious, Lee Han asked Yoner.

“If it was the Makein family, they would have done it well… right?”
"yes. oh Professor Einrogard has also been talking about inviting them in.”

"Five. Nelia. did you hear Professor Einrogard…”

"uh? So, can I not take a class in the second semester?”

“It could be.”

Hearing Gainando and Yoner's conversation, Lee Han paused.

'for a moment. Even if I prepare now, work will probably start during the
semester, can I go on my own? Does the Skeleton Principal give permission?'


Because of the skeleton principal's personality, it seemed that the professors

wouldn't let them take a break from lectures at will.

'what? It's not like we're taking the students with us... um?'

Lee Han, who was immersed in thought, felt a sudden rush of unidentified anxiety.

It was a feeling of insecurity that I didn't know why I was feeling it myself.

“Are you there?”


The friends on the second floor looked out the window at the front door.

I saw the face of a familiar friend. She was Rowena, a follower of the princess.

“It’s suspicious. Aren't the professors hiding behind you?"

“It could be… could it be?”

“Raise your hands and tell them to come in slowly. Close the door right away.”

It hurts Lee Han to see his friends having a nasty conversation.

Einrogard's professors were ruining their friends.

“Raise your hands and come in slowly!”

Of course, that was it, and Lee Han accepted the advice of his friends.

Indeed, the professors could have been hiding behind them.

"yes?! Wodanaz. why..."

“Don’t do nonsense! My cane is pointing at you!”

Gainando screamed.

He was ready to throw a curse at any moment.

Rowena was confused, wondering what the hell she had done wrong.
“What the hell did I do wrong…”

“I’ll go check it out.”

Ratford went downstairs and carefully poked his head out the front door.

“There is no professor!”


"ah. sorry. I'm afraid the professors are hiding behind me..."

At Ratford's serious explanation, Rowena was confused as to whether or not he was

joking with her.

“Are you kidding me?”

"no. Seriously.”


* * *

Rowena came to visit Duke Icaldoren's mansion together.

“To me?”

Ian was puzzled.

She knew that the princess had received a riddle (a bribe wrapped in a bribe) from
the Duke of Icaldoren.

Didn't they work together in a wand workshop to solve that riddle?

If I remember correctly, it was made well, but why do we have to visit together?

"Yes. Wodanaj-sama helped solve it, didn't you? Of course, the honor…”

“It’s okay if I just give you a reward.”

Rowena showed an awkward expression at Lee Han's words. It was a joke that was
difficult to respond to.

“I’m not good at joking…”

“I wasn't kidding, but anyway, I understood why. But if there's a problem, it

won't even hit me, right?"

If the answer to the riddle was wrong, it would be 'Wordanaj gave you advice, but
it's wrong!'

If the result of the original group assignment is bad, isn't it the one who takes
the greatest responsibility for promoting good grades?

“Is that possible!”

Rowena was startled and denied it.

Adenart was never one to blame for his followers.

“Lee Han. Isn't it suspicious because you strongly deny it?"

“I may swear on my honor as a knight!”

“Isn’t that even more suspicious?”

It was Guynando's ability to be blatant without hesitation in taking accusations.

Rowena stared at Guynando in anger and resentment. She couldn't figure out what
kind of evil sign she was interfering with the princess's work.

'He's such a great person!'

'If there was no one, I would have been hit by one.'

“Calm down. It's not difficult to visit the Duke of Ikaldoren's mansion."

In fact, all I had to do was go get something to eat and drink, and then say 'The
mansion is so pretty haha' and say hello to the duke.

Rowena's face brightened as Lee Han seemed to accept it.

“It’s not my first time going.”

“Have you been?”

Rowena tilted her head.

During the vacation, the boy of the Wodanaj family was busy enough to have a few
more bodies.

Have you ever visited the duke's mansion, have you visited before?

'I don't think you were close?'

“This is not a city mansion...”

Lee Han quickly changed the topic.

There was nothing good to say that I visited Einroguard during the semester with
Professor Voladi.

Wouldn't the road be blocked if it even got into the skull principal's ear later?

“You don’t need any preparation, right? Can we just visit?”

"yes! The Duke will also be waiting for you with a commemorative gift!”

“Ah… wait, a present?”

Ian was surprised.

“What gift?”

"ah. His Majesty the Duke gave the students a gift each time they visited the
mansion as a pillar that would be responsible for the future of the empire...”

“So what gift is that?”

Rowena, slightly overwhelmed by Lee Han's momentum, stuttered.

“He gave me these trinkets last time... Is there any problem?”

As Rowena pulled out a small medallion made of pure gold, Lee Han's eyes

The number of followers of the princess must be quite large, so every time such
students come, they spread those things.


Its wealth was amazing, and it was surprising that even with such wealth, they
didn't pay any compensation when they defeated the poisonous pollutant that
attacked the duke the last time.

In fact, it was mostly the latter. Lee Han still had a grudge against the Duke.

'To take care of only the royal family like that, it is clear that he is a mean
person who succumbs to power.'

“You are kind.”

However, apart from such resentment, if they gave such a gift, they could not not
receive it.

“Can I bring other friends with me?”

At Lee Han's question, Rowena nodded as if she had waited.

“Whoever is here, the Duke said you are welcome.”

Even if he didn't go through the blood of a naughty prince or the Makekin family,
Duke Ikaldoren welcomed any Einrogarde students.

Actually, when I invited the princess, if I had friends, I told them to call them
whatever they wanted.

“Is there any limit on the number of people?”

"yes. He said that the more he brought, the happier he was.”


Lee Han nodded and started to write a letter with a quill.

Dear Salco of House Tutanta,

I know you don't like being associated with an aristocratic family, but even with
that in mind, I got a really good job, so I'm contacting you this way.
Surprisingly, you can earn a couple of gold coins just by eating...

* * *

The first-year students of Einroguard gathered in the city vacant lot and were

“Isn’t today the first day of school?”

“I thought it was Einroguard for a moment.”

So many top students had gathered together.

Even the priest students of the Phoenix Tower were invited.

“I hope everyone can enjoy a healthy meal at the duke’s mansion.”

“...Sleep, wait. Wodanaz. Maybe the reason you invited me today was not because of
a meal?”

“Of course not.”

The priests were relieved at Lee Han's words.

Lee Han sent me a letter saying, 'As a student of Einroguard, I have a place I
need to participate and brighten up my seat.'

After all, there's no way I can't call the priests and take them to the duke's
mansion to get some food.

'Of course there must be other reasons.'

It was clear that there was a reason for the priests to be present in the
mansion's banquet hall. Because the boy of the Wodanaj family didn't do anything

“But why aren’t there any white tiger towers?”

“I sent an invitation, but everyone said it was too much because I had a schedule.
Adventurer quests are good, but I don't think I'm too focused on them."



Nelia and Ratford looked at Lee Han like a thief.

Who do you think is the most passionate about adventurer quests?

"Hey, I didn't think you'd get this much."

Rowena blinked in surprise.

Once again, I felt Lee Han's wide network of people.

Adenart had followers, but there were limits.

Even when he was immediately invited to 'Bring the Princess's friend with you',
the followers responded in the same way, 'Do we dare call them friends?'

The followers, who were seriously considering it, eventually said, 'I think it
would be better for the princess to invite a friend, not us,' but Adenart said that
he would take Rowena as a friend instead of calling his friend, probably not
wanting to disappoint his followers. .

Everyone was moved by it, but Rowena was worried that Adenart had no friends.
Rowena had a lot of trouble with this these days, as loyalty is to make friends by
force if the person you serve as a knight doesn't have friends.

“Wordanaj-sama. How the hell do you make friends?”

“Ch… friend?”

Ian paused.

Of course, I was friendly with some of the students, but all the other top
students were...

'Can I call you friends?'

“I don’t know if I can call you a friend.”

'Until you are humble.'

Rowena admired Lee Han's generosity. She really looked like a person with a wide
network of connections.

If he had been a naughty prince, he would have boasted, 'I'm good'.

“Then I will change the question. How can you call people like that?”

“Uh… um… I don’t think that’s… serious.”


Rowena shuddered at the standard yet difficult answer.

“Will it work if I sincerely mix swords and then offer to recruit the Imperial
Princess as a friend of the Imperial Princess?”

"I'm not an expert on friends, but that doesn't seem to work."

* * *

The Duke of Ikaldoren regretted his own decision to blindly invite him to be an
Einrogard student.

'It was a mistake to call the dirty, vulgar and stupid knights.'

The duke did not like knights in the first place.

Even if they were nobles of the same empire, the rough appearance of the knights'
families made them feel more like barbarians than nobles.

I invited him because I thought it would be okay if he was a student enough to

enter Einroguard, but he did the same thing.

“Drink! Drink! Drink!”

“This cup is for His Majesty the Duke who gave us a banquet today!”

“This cup is for the monster we hunted!”

“This cup... I don't know! I'll just drink!"


Excited and drunk, the White Tiger Tower students threw their glasses on the
floor, threw their bowls, went out into the hall of the banquet hall, headed toward
the kitchen, and brought their kegs and drank them.

The White Tiger Tower students living in the Templar's quarters had to eat only
rough and hard food instead of a fatty and plentiful meal.

Of course, compared to Einrogard, the food was edible, but compared to the
sumptuous dinner in this banquet hall, the food in the dormitory was garbage.

iron puck!

“This child?!”

“Who threw the pie?!”

“I throw too!! me too!!"

Duke Ikaldoren, who was sitting at the top, maintained a calm expression. Of
course, he was swearing inside.

'There's no way these idiots have any information to dig up.'

“Long live the Duke! Long live the Duke!”

“My Majesty the Duke! Thanks for calling!”

"ha ha ha. Everyone eats and drinks happily, so I'm happy..."

A cake that was thrown by someone wrongly flew towards the face of Duke Ikaldoren.

The escort immediately blew it away, but the peacock's eyebrows could not be

'...I'm going crazy.'

If everyone is crazy, only normal people will suffer.

Students such as Gisele of the Moradi family and Durgyu of the Choi family put
down their forks and looked at the duke.

No matter how much he smiled, he couldn't help but notice the way he was being
bullied in the banquet hall.

“Mo… Moradi. Are you okay?”

“Are you okay? When do you use your eyeballs? Why don't you sell it with your

“Don’t do that to me! Shouldn't it be dry first?"

The peacock flew the cake, but these crazy students were getting drunk and messing

However, if the two of you get up and fall in love, the atmosphere will become
chilly just like that.
Similarly, it was like spitting in the face of a white tiger tower.


Meanwhile, the door to the banquet hall opened.

The white tiger top student who did not notice that the door was open because he
was so absorbed in it, accidentally threw the turkey coated in sauce towards the


Lee Han shook his head and avoided it. Guy Nando, who was behind him, screamed and

“Are you crazy?”

“Hey, what is this…?”

While the students outside the door were startled and chattering, Lee Han strode

And he smashed the white tiger tower student's name with his stick.

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