Multiple Choice Questions - Lexis and Structure

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Multiple Choice Questions

General Lexis and Structure

Choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The traditionalists offer ____to their gods at the ____.
A. shrine/sacrifice.
B. fasting/shrine
C. sacrifices /shrine
D. prayer/shrine
2. I ____eaten my food because I was hungry.
A. haven’t
B. has
C. had
D. have
3. Your line was engaged. I tried to get ____to you.
A. round
B. through
C. out
D. across
4. It is not easy to get____ the death of a loved one.
A. over
B. off
C. By
D. on
5. Let’s have a____ of the main points of your lecture.
A. run-on
B. runs-over
A. run-through
B. run-up
6. How did you ____ that book?
A. come in
B. come by
C. come on
D. come close
7. It ____ for many days before we could get out.
A. had been raining
B. has been raining
C. will be raining
D. is raining
8. Mrs. Ayo ____ a new car since last year.
A. buys
B. is buying
C. has bought
D. had bought
9. The alarm clock went____at exactly seven o’clock.
A. off
B. on
C. down
D. away
10. Once the show’s time ___ was changed, its ratings increased and it became a hit.
A. Coupon
B. slot
C. jingles
D. circulation
11. Your mobile phone has____ten times in the last hour.
A. rung
B. been ringing
C. rang
D. being rung
12. As soon as he heard the bell, he ____to the door.
A. has to hurry
B. was hurrying
C. hurries
D. hurried
13. The driver risked ____ the car ahead of him.
A. to overtake
B. overtaking
C. overtake
D. overtaken
From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words
that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.
14. He could hardly believe that his wife has had a baby.
A. scarcely
B. really
C. well
D. easily
15. Everyone was taken in by his sad story.
A. shaken
B. convinced
C. won over
D. deceived
16. His automobile was in such bad condition that everyone feared to ride in it.
A. position
B. situation
C. state
D. circumstance
17. Faith’s version of the incident was quite different from mine.
A. edition
B. translation
C. copy
D. account
18. The supply of paper in the office is now exhausted.
A. worn out
B. completed
C. finished
D. eliminated
19. Wole Soyinka is a renowned playwright.
A. wise
B. famous
C. wonderful
D. witty
20. The company has decided to give in to the workers’ demands.
A. yield
B. refer to
C. consider
D. sympathize with
21. Try to make your writing legible.
A. readable
B. good
C. straight
D. beautiful
Choose the word or phrase that is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the
22. He felt quite at home in his new office.
A. strange
B. out of place
C. alone
D. deceived
23. The fight was purely accidental, not in any way____.
A. purposeful
B. determined
C. planned
D. meant
24. The journalist’s write-up contained a plethora of detail.
A. simplicity
B. complexity
C. spectrum
D. shortage
25. Some students seldom ask questions in class.
A. always
B. sometimes
C. hardly
D. usually
26. She has taken an irrevocable decision.
A. irrefutable
B. reversible
C. redeemable
D. irreproachable
27. Her parents endorsed her marriage to her man.
A. approved
B. criticized
C. refused
D. reviewed
28. The criminal was incarcerated.
A. arrested
B. imprisoned
C. cautioned
D. pardoned
Choose the word that is correctly spelt.
A. prereguisite
B. preriquesite
C. prerequesite
D. prerequisite
A. Concieve
B. Conscieve
C. conceive
D. consieve
A. Missellaneous
B. miscellaneous
C. misselaneous
D. miscallanous
A. occasion
B. ocassion
C. ocascion
D. occassion
A. comittee
B. commitee
C. committee
D. commite

Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the appropriate words from options A to D.
Alika is a renowned __34__. He is __35__ to be endowed with__36__ powers. He __37__ the __38__ for his
__39__ and sometimes gives them __40__ for __41__. When there are certain problems, the King invites him
to inquire from the __42__ and if necessary, he performs __43__.
34. strong man oraclist herbalist lunatic
35. reputed told hailed seen
36. good ancient high supernatural
37. consults visits calls tells
38. books oracle cults masquerades
39. invitees believers devotees congregation
40. rosaries medicine concoction amulets
41. healing strength power protection
42. witches wizards gods rulers
43. ceremonies rituals acrobatics gymnastics

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern.
Identify the one with the different stress pattern.
A. certificate
B. mechanism
C. nepotism
D. positively
A. afternoon
B. projection
C. dramatic
D. credentials
A. Understanding
A. character
B. photographic
C. demarcation
A. political
B. certificate
C. photographic
D. captivity
In each of the questions below, choose the appropriate stress pattern from the options. The
syllables are written in capital letters.
48. Demarcation
A. deMARcation
B. DEmarcation
C. demarcaTION
D. demarCAtion
49. Catholicism
A. CAtholicism
B. catholiciSM
C. cathoLIcism
D. CaTHOlicism
50. Certificate
A. CERtificate
B. cerTIficate
C. certiFIcate

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