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I am a trainee analyst at a Business Intelligence consulting firm. This presentation focuses on

the utilization of business intelligence tools and technologies within organizations, examining
their influence on effective decision-making. Additionally, it delves into the impact of these
tools and technologies on decision-making efficacy and navigates the legal framework
governing their usage.

Business Intelligence (BI) comprises a collection of technologies, processes, and
architectures that convert raw data into useful information that fuel profitable business
operations (Taylor, 2023). BI facilitates operational, strategic, and tactical decision-making
grounded in facts by employing historical data as opposed to relying on intuition and
assumptions (Taylor, 2023).

For example, using BI in conjunction with massive amounts of social media data from
platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, Coca-Cola have gained crucial insights regarding
who purchases their beverages, where they are, and why they discuss the brand online
(Morris, 2021). This data facilitates the targeting of advertisements specifically towards
consumers, leading to four times the number of interactions compared to generic
advertisements (Morris, 2021).

BI tools
By generating reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and charts, BI tools assess the
characteristics of the organisation and furnish users with valuable insights.
Examples of the use of at least 3 of the following BI tools and techniques in Netflix:
● OLAP: Netflix employs OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), a BI technique that
addresses multidimensional analytical challenges through the consideration of
numerous perspectives, to analyse its data. Netflix utilises the OLAP query
functionality of Druid, an open source analytics tool, to efficiently partition data into
time periods, zones, and availability zones in order to visualise data and gain a more
comprehensive understanding of network operations and performance (RTInsights
Team, 2017). This enables Netflix to optimise network costs and resources while
monitoring and troubleshooting network performance in real time (RTInsights Team,
● Analytics: Netflix employs Analytics, a BI technique that examines data to identify
patterns and discernments from past and present discoveries to enhance the
operational and financial aspects of filmmaking (Mixson, 2023). Netflix optimises
every aspect of production logistics, from the user experience on the app to the
smallest of details, through the use of analytics. Netflix has devised algorithms to
estimate the comparative cost of filming in various locations (Mixson, 2023). By
eliminating bottlenecks and refining workflows, they also employ analytics to
improve the efficacy of filming and post-production tasks like editing (Mixson, 2023).
● Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics is a BI technique employed by Netflix to
segment its extensive user base into discrete audience groups by employing statistical
methods to generate probabilities and trend models (Mixson, 2023). This
segmentation is predicated on demographic data, viewing patterns, and other pertinent
factors. By doing so, Netflix can enhance its comprehension of its user demographic
and formulate focused marketing initiatives and content strategies that are customised
to distinct audience segments (Mixson, 2023).

This dashboard facilitates the visualization and tracking of performance metrics for
dealcloser sales and car performance specifically at the Nguyen Trai showroom. It also
assesses and evaluates the overall performance of showrooms across HCM city.
The dashboard comprises three main sections: dealcloser performance, car performance, and
showroom comparison. In the dealcloser performance section, bar charts visually compare
sales achievements among dealclosers of Nguyen Trai showroom, emphasizing top
performers determined by sales data spanning 2019 to 2021. The car performance section
employs pie charts to depict sales volumes for each car model and identify the highest-selling
cars of Nguyen Trai showroom across 2019 and 2021. The showroom comparison segment
utilizes bar charts to showcase the showroom's sales in relation to other showrooms within
the same city, highlighting its sales ranking over a three-year period among the city's
showroom landscape.

The visual representations highlight Tuan as the top-performing dealcloser of Nguyen Trai
showroom, consistently surpassing others in sales. In detail, Tuan's sales figures at Nguyen
Trai showroom have notably increased from 55 cars to 65 cars over a span of three years,
marking the highest sales count. In contrast, other dealclosers at Nguyen Trai showroom have
experienced a dramatic decrease of approximately 20 cars in their sales figures. This
substantial lead in sales distinctly sets Tuan apart from other dealclosers at Nguyen Trai
showroom, particularly evident in both 2020 and 2021.

Throughout these visualisations, the Mitsubishi Xpander and Toyota Corolla consistently
stand out as top-selling car models compared to others at Nguyen Trai showrooms from 2019
to 2021. Specifically, the Mitsubishi Xpander's popularity at Ngu constitutes 15% of the total
vehicle types in 2019, rising significantly to 25% by 2021. Similarly, the sales volume of the
Toyota Corolla at Nguyen Trai showroom experienced a notable increase of 10% over the
three-year period, mirroring the trend observed in the Mitsubishi Xpander.

From these visualizations, the Nguyen Trai showroom consistently maintained the lowest
ranking compared to other showrooms in HCM City from 2019 to 2021. Specifically,
Nguyen Trai showroom held the fourth position in terms of sales volume without any change,
indicating a decrease in sales efficiency by 100 cars over the three-year period. Additionally,
the number of sales at the Nguyen Trai showroom remained the lowest among all showrooms
in HCM City from 2019 to 2021.

The user-friendliness of my dashboard stems from several key factors. Firstly, it employs bar
charts and pie charts, simplifying data interpretation for users without requiring advanced
data analysis skills. Secondly, it is compartmentalized into distinct sections focusing on
dealcloser performance, car sales, and showroom comparisons, enhancing clarity and making
navigation straightforward, enabling users to concentrate on their specific areas of interest.
Lastly, it prominently showcases top performers, best-selling cars, and showroom rankings,
facilitating swift and efficient decision-making processes.
Managers and deal-closer staff will find this dashboard particularly useful for several reasons.
Managers benefit from an overall view of the store's performance by tracking product sales
and showroom data, facilitating precise decision-making and strategic planning. It aids in
pinpointing areas within the agency that require enhancement in operations. On the other
hand, dealcloser staff can leverage the dashboard to assess various car models and showroom
performance, assisting in strategic decisions like managing inventory, directing marketing
efforts, and allocating resources efficiently.
These visuals depict the performance of three distinct product groups: affordable, mid-tier,
and luxury. Specifically, affordable cars stand out as the product group commanding the
largest market share and sales volume compared to the other two categories. The sales of
affordable cars consistently maintain stability, consistently surpassing 1000 cars and
exhibiting a substantial lead over the other groups from 2019 to 2021. Comparatively, the
sales for mid-tier cars fall slightly lower than the affordable category by 200 cars but
maintain consistent sales over the three-year period. On the contrary, the luxury cars group
starts at a modest figure of just over 200 cars in 2019 but notably escalates to 450 cars by
2021. This signifies a gradual shift in consumer preferences, reflecting an increase in living
standards and income, subsequently elevating the demand for higher-priced cars in recent

For a high-level manager seeking an overview of the entire company's performance, my

current dashboard presents several limitations. Firstly, it doesn't offer a comprehensive view
beyond specific segments such as sales, vehicle models, and showroom comparisons. It lacks
comprehensive, aggregated metrics covering all facets of the company's performance.
Additionally, strategic key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the company's
overarching goals or financial metrics essential for providing a complete overview of the
company's health and progress are absent. Lastly, the dashboard fails to provide benchmarks
against industry standards or the company's historical performance, crucial elements for
assessing the company's market position.
The visualisations showcase the revenue performance of cities over time. Specifically, HCM
city consistently maintains a higher revenue compared to Hanoi, sustaining a stable growth
rate from 150 million VND to 250 million VND over three years. On the other hand, Hanoi
experienced a notable increase of 50 million VND in revenue from 2019 to 2020. This
indicates growth in revenue for both cities, yet HCM city demonstrates stronger and more
consistent revenue development.
The dashboard presents the revenue performance of your stores over time. Specifically, Hai
Ba Trung and Dien Bien Phu showrooms consistently outperform the other showrooms in
revenue generation. Hai Ba Trung showroom holds the highest revenue among all
showrooms, reaching 150 million VND from 2019 to 2020. Similarly, Dien Bien Phu follows
as the second-highest revenue generator, recording 130 million VND during the same period.

These visuals depict the performance of three distinct product groups: affordable, mid-tier,
and luxury. Specifically, affordable cars stand out as the product group commanding the
largest market share and sales volume compared to the other two categories. The sales of
affordable cars consistently maintain stability, consistently surpassing 1000 cars and
exhibiting a substantial lead over the other groups from 2019 to 2021. Comparatively, the
sales for mid-tier cars fall slightly lower than the affordable category by 200 cars but
maintain consistent sales over the three-year period. On the contrary, the luxury cars group
starts at a modest figure of just over 200 cars in 2019 but notably escalates to 450 cars by
2021. This signifies a gradual shift in consumer preferences, reflecting an increase in living
standards and income, subsequently elevating the demand for higher-priced cars in recent

A foundational component of Netflix's service, its personalised recommendation engine

heavily depends on data visualisation to discern correlations and forecast user preferences
regarding future viewing (FasterCapital, 2023). Histograms, scatter plots, and bubble charts
are visual tools that enable Netflix to discern viewer-resonant patterns, genres, and actors.
This enables the platform to generate effective content recommendations and enhance user
engagement (FasterCapital, 2023).
Two examples of it contribute decision making at two levels
● Operational: Data visualisation enables Netflix to identify any issues or anomalies
that may have an effect on service quality or customer satisfaction while monitoring
the performance of its platform in real time. In particular, a data visualisation utility
developed by Netflix offers an up-to-date summary of connections made to the
platform from within the United States (Lobel, 2022). The home interface features a
map view that emphasises performance metrics, while the right side presents incident
monitoring that is augmented by performance metrics that evolve over time, including
customer call count and latency (Lobel, 2022). This application enables Netflix to
detect and rectify issues that may affect operations or the consumer experience in a
timely manner (Lobel, 2022).
● Strategic: Netflix analyses the trends, preferences, and behaviour of prospective
consumers in various countries and regions through the use of data visualisation. By
employing data visualisation techniques, Netflix can gain insights into the global
demand and prevalence of various genres, dialects, and subjects (Vishwakarma,
2023). This allows Netflix to produce and disseminate content that caters to the
particular preferences and requirements of each market (Vishwakarma, 2023).
Additionally, data visualisation can assist Netflix in identifying neglected or
underserved niches and market segments (Vishwakarma, 2023).

● Google has faced allegations of engaging in deceptive practises with regards to its
location tracking procedures, which include the collection and transmission of users'
location data to the United States via the use of Google Analytics and other related
services (The Guardian, 2022). The categorisation of location data as personal data is
recognised by several laws and regulations. Consequently, individuals possess the
entitlement to exercise control over the use and dissemination of their location data
(The Guardian, 2022). Google has faced legal action from many states and nations,
including Texas, Indiana, Washington, DC, France, and Austria, on the grounds of
alleged violations of their own privacy and data protection legislation (The Guardian,
2022). The complaints claim that Google engaged in deceptive practises by creating a
false impression among users that they could disable location tracking by adjusting
their settings, despite the fact that Google persisted in monitoring their whereabouts
via other methods (The Guardian, 2022). The legal actions aim to prevent Google
from participating in these activities and to impose monetary penalties or
compensatory measures on Google for its transgressions (The Guardian, 2022).

● Google gathers and analyzes vast quantities of personal information from both users
and third parties, including search history, location details, device specifics, browsing
patterns, preferences, and contacts (Fox, 2018). This data is utilized for tailoring
advertisements and services to individual users and to enhance the quality of Google's
products and offerings (Fox, 2018). Nonetheless, critics argue that Google's BI tools
encroach upon the rights and welfare of both individuals and organizations, exposing
them to potential risks such as identity theft, fraudulent activities, discrimination, and
manipulation (Fox, 2018). In 2018, European Union regulators imposed a fine of 4.34
billion euros on Google for exploiting its dominant position in online advertising,
favoring its own services over those of its competitors (Brook et al., 2022). The
regulators alleged that Google breached the EU's General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), which mandates obtaining user consent prior to processing their personal
data for targeted advertising (Brook et al., 2022).

OLAP: Netflix utilizes Druid's OLAP query capabilities, a BI tool, to conduct in-depth
analysis and visualization of network performance data (RTInsights Team, 2017). By
segmenting data into distinct regions, availability zones, and specific time frames, they
acquire valuable insights into the functionality of their content delivery network (CDN)
(RTInsights Team, 2017). This approach enables swift responses to any detected issues,
thereby ensuring an uninterrupted streaming experience for users.

Data mining: Netflix employs data mining methods like machine learning, natural language
processing, and computer vision to extract significant insights from extensive and varied
datasets. The machine learning algorithms utilised by Netflix scrutinise user actions,
historical viewing data, ratings, and engagements to formulate tailor-made suggestions
(Anadiotis, 2022). These algorithms play a pivotal role in Netflix's adaptability, refining
recommendation precision, and amplifying user involvement (Anadiotis, 2022). Furthermore,
leveraging data mining to comprehend user demographics, preferences, and viewing
tendencies has empowered Netflix to devise precisely targeted marketing initiatives
(Anadiotis, 2022). This strategy enables the company to customise promotions and
recommendations based on individual user preferences, thereby enhancing the efficacy of
their marketing endeavours (Anadiotis, 2022).
Reporting: Netflix utilizes BI tools such as Teradata and MicroStrategy to produce
comprehensive reports covering various facets of its operations (Netflix , 2020). These tools
aid Netflix in crafting intricate reports detailing revenue streams encompassing subscription
earnings, regional disparities, temporal trends, and revenue projections (Netflix , 2020).
These insights are instrumental in comprehending financial standings and devising strategies
for expansion. Moreover, Netflix's BI tool facilitates the development of reports evaluating
customer satisfaction through diverse metrics like surveys, feedback, and user ratings (Netflix
, 2020). These reports play a pivotal role in deciphering user sentiments, pinpointing areas for
enhancement, and refining the overall user journey on the platform.

Netflix utilises an algorithm to assign each user a distinct profile based on their behaviors and
interests (Parker, 2021). This information aids in generating movie and TV show
recommendations aligned with the user's viewing history or preferences (Parker, 2021).
However, the acquisition and examination of user data raise concerns regarding
privacy, compelling Netflix to ensure robust security measures to shield this data from
unauthorised access or breaches. Moreover, upholding user trust is pivotal. Mishandling
or misuse of user data can result in trust erosion and potential repercussions. The
advantages stemming from personalised recommendations are pivotal for Netflix,
contributing to heightened user satisfaction and prolonged subscription durations. Yet,
safeguarding the security and privacy of user data remains paramount. The benefits outweigh
the risks, provided Netflix maintains stringent security protocols and upholds user privacy as
a top priority.
Netflix utilises BI tools to assess the performance of diverse content categories across various
global markets (Sapot, 2018). The company gathers data from multiple sources, like sales
systems, loyalty programmes, mobile apps, social media, and customer surveys (Sapot,
2018). This data aids Netflix in categorising its audience into distinct segments based on
demographics, behaviours, purchasing habits, loyalty levels, and feedback (Sapot, 2018).
Subsequently, Netflix tailors its marketing and promotional initiatives for each segment.
Nevertheless, handling sensitive data for content creation mandates stringent security
measures to avert data breaches. Additionally, solely relying on data for content
decisions can pose creative hurdles, potentially constraining artistic liberty. Increased
audience engagement and higher success rates for original content are benefits of creating
content with data as a driving force. However, the inherent risk lies in potential limitations on
creativity if we are exclusively reliant on data insights. Nonetheless, with effective
management, the benefits of a data-oriented content strategy can surpass the associated risks.


Anadiotis, G. (2022) How netflix built its real-time Data Infrastructure | venturebeat, Xsolla.
Available at:
data-infrastructure/ (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Ankleshwariya, Y. (2023) How predictive analytics enhance various aspects of business.,

LinkedIn. Available at:
enhance-various-aspects-yash-ankleshwariya/ (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Brook , C., Virgillito, D. and Roberts, P. (2022) Google fined $57M by Data Protection
Watchdog over GDPR violations, Digital Guardian. Available at:
over-gdpr-violations (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

FasterCapital (2023) Importance of Data Visualization, FasterCapital. Available at:
%20in%20market%20research%20analysis. (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Fox, C. (2018) Google and Facebook accused of breaking GDPR laws, BBC News. Available
at: (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

The Guardian (2022) Google accused of ‘deceptive’ location tracking in fresh round of
lawsuits, The Guardian. Available at:
district-of-columbia (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Lobel, G. (2022) Data Visualization, the key to Netflix’s success, Toucan. Available at:
analysis (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Mixson, E. (2023) Data Science at netflix: How advanced data & analytics helps Netflix
generate billions, AI, Data & Analytics Network. Available at:
%20in%20one%20location%20vs. (Accessed: 18 December 2023).
Morris, A. (2021) 23 examples of Business Intelligence, Oracle NetSuite. Available at:
intelligence-examples.shtml (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Netflix (2020) How netflix uses Druid for real-time insights to ensure a high-quality
experience, Medium. Available at:
real-time-insights-to-ensure-a-high-quality-experience-19e1e8568d06 (Accessed: 18
December 2023).

Parker, S. (2021) Netflix is using AI and Big Data to improve their business performance,
SmartData Collective. Available at:
is-using-artificial-intelligence-and-big-data-to-drive-business-performance/ (Accessed:
18 December 2023).

RTInsights Team (2017a) Netflix binges in real time on its own data streams, RTInsights.
Available at:
streams/ (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

RTInsights Team (2017b) Netflix binges in real time on its own data streams, RTInsights.
Available at:
%20Channels,network%20is%20behaving%20and%20performing. (Accessed: 18
December 2023).

Sapot, B. (2018) How netflix used business intelligence to change their industry, LinkedIn.
Available at:
change-industry-bryan-sapot/ (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Taylor, D. (2023) What is business intelligence? BI definition, meaning & example, Guru99.
Available at:
(Accessed: 18 December 2023).

Vishwakarma, S. (2023) Netflix case study (EDA): Unveiling data-driven strategies for
streaming, Analytics Vidhya. Available at:
driven-strategies-for-streaming/ (Accessed: 18 December 2023).

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