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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition

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Chili pepper as a body weight-loss food

Sharon Varghese, Peter Kubatka, Luis Rodrigo, Katarina Gazdikova, Martin

Caprnda, Julia Fedotova, Anthony Zulli, Peter Kruzliak & Dietrich Büsselberg

To cite this article: Sharon Varghese, Peter Kubatka, Luis Rodrigo, Katarina Gazdikova, Martin
Caprnda, Julia Fedotova, Anthony Zulli, Peter Kruzliak & Dietrich Büsselberg (2016): Chili
pepper as a body weight-loss food, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, DOI:

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Published online: 29 Nov 2016.

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Chili pepper as a body weight-loss food

Sharon Varghesea, Peter Kubatkab, Luis Rodrigoc, Katarina Gazdikovad,e, Martin Caprndaf,
Julia Fedotovag,h,i, Anthony Zullij, Peter Kruzliakk,l and Dietrich Bu
Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar, Qatar Foundation-Education City, Doha, Qatar; bDepartment of Medical Biology, Jessenius Faculty of
Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Martin, Slovakia; cDepartment of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Oviedo, Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA), Oviedo, Spain; dDepartment of Nutrition, Faculty of Nursing and Professional
Health Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia; eDepartment of General Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia; f2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius
University and University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia; gLaboratory of Neuroendocrinology, I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; hLaboratory of Comparative Somnology and Neuroendocrinology, I.M. Sechenov Institute
of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; iInternational Research Centre
Biotechnologies of the Third Millennium, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia; jCentre for Chronic Disease, College of Health and
Biomedicine, Victoria University, Werribee, Australia; kDepartment of Chemical Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Veterinary
and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic; iDepartment of Surgery, Center for Vascular Disease, St. Anne’s University
Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


Chili has culinary as well as medical importance. Studies in humans, using a wide range of doses Received 10 August 2016
of chili intake (varying from a single meal to a continuous uptake for up to 12 weeks), concluded Revised 1 November 2016
that it facilitates weight loss. In regard to this, the main targets of chili are fat metabolism, energy Accepted 3 November 2016
expenditure, and thermogenesis. To induce weight loss, the active substance of chili, capsaicin,
activates Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel sub-family V member 1 (TRPV1) channels) KEYWORDS
receptors causing an increase in intracellular calcium levels and triggering the sympathetic ner- Chili pepper; weight loss;
vous system. Apart from TRPV1, chili directly reduces energy expenditure by activating Brown appetite; energy balance
Adipose Tissue. Weight loss by chili is also the result of an improved control of insulin, which
supports weight management and has positive effects for treatment for diseases like obesity, dia-
betes and cardiovascular disorders. This review summarizes the major pathways by which chili
contributes to ameliorating parameters that help weight management and how the consumption
of chili can help in accelerating weight loss through dietary modifications.

Chili and health Most attention is given to capsaicin especially in

regard its ability to modulate pain (Zhang & Li Wan Po
Chili is a widely used flavoring spice and is culturally
1994), e.g. by interacting with TRPV1 receptor channel
prominent in diets of various communities and cul-
complex allowing calcium to enter the cytosol (Satheesh
tures around the world since 7000BC (Kraft et al.
& B€ usselberg 2015). Apart from the treatment of pain
2014). In chili, more than 200 constituents have been
inflammation, capsaicin is considered as an appropriate
identified and some of its active constituents play
substance applicable in the add-on therapy of rheuma-
numerous beneficial roles in the human organism.
toid arthritis (Richards et al. 2012), cluster headaches
The major active compounds of chili are the pungent
(Matharu 2010), herpes zoster (Jeon 2015), and vaso-
capsaicinoids (capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin), which
motor rhinitis (Singh & Bernstein 2014).
give a hot sensation when consumed. Capsinoids, which
The other main area of research investigates the
are non-pungent capsaicin analogs (capsiate, dihydro-
effects of chili intake on cardiovascular parameters
capsiate, and nordihydrocapsiate), are substances also
like heart rate, Subendocardial Viability Ratio (SEVR)
naturally present in chili peppers. Those peppers also
and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP). While
contain other components like antioxidants, vitamins,
beneficial effects were reported (e.g. heart attacks and
and carotenoids (Maji & Banerji 2016).

CONTACT Peter Kruzliak Department of Chemical Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Palackehotr 1946/1, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic; Dietrich B€usselberg Weill Cornell
Medicine in Qatar, Qatar Foundation-Education City, POB 24144, Doha, Qatar; Katarina Gazdikova Department of
Nutrition, Faculty of Nursing and Professional Health Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University, Limbova 12, 833 03 Bratislava, Slovakia
Author's Agreement: The manuscript is approved by all named authors and the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all authors.
ß 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

long-term tachycardia were reduced; a higher CGRP balance and therefore body weight (overview in
contributing to vasodilation helped to combat arterial Figure 1).
blocks, Yoshioka et al. 2001; Ahuja & Ball 2006; Yuan
et al. 2015) other parameters like arterial stiffness,
Effects of chili on body weight
inflammation, or oxidative stress biomarkers (Nieman
et al. 2012) were unchanged. Moreover, capsaicinoids Overweight and obesity develop when the energy
significantly decreased serum total cholesterol, low- intake (food consumption) exceeds the energy used by
density lipoprotein cholesterol, and tri-acylglycerols the body. When the energy intake (EI) exceeds the
without affecting the high-density lipoprotein choles- energy expenditure (EE) it is defined as a positive
terol in the animal model. This effect was caused by energy balance. Measures to increase the expenditure
the stimulating conversion of cholesterol to bile acids or reduce the intake are adopted for weight manage-
(Zhang et al. 2016). Chili demonstrated beneficial ment programs (Hill et al. 2012) along with elevating
effects in various gastrointestinal disorders such as “diet induced thermogenesis” (DIT) to change the
stimulation of digestion and gastro-mucosal defense, energy balance. Recent reviews (Ludy & Mattes 2011;
reduction of gastroesophageal reflux disease symp- Whiting et al. 2014) showed strong evidence for sig-
toms, inhibition of gastrointestinal pathogens, ulcer- nificant and positive effects of chili consumption in
ation and cancers, regulation of gastrointestinal aggravating energy metabolism. Unfortunately, not
secretions, and absorptions (Maji & Banerji 2016). many studies analyze how parameters like dosage of
Furthermore, capsaicin has proven an effective anti- chili, age group, ethnicity, weight, etc. are related to
cancer agent. Several up-to-date preclinical studies intake of chili.
The following chapters give an overview of how
reported that capsaicin may suppress various human
rates of oxidation, respiratory measurements, thermo-
neoplasia by generating reactive oxygen species and
genesis, energy expenditure and intake, appetite, and
increasing apoptosis (Sarkar et al. 2015; Liu et al.
insulin regulation are modified by chili consumption
2016; Zheng et al. 2016). Finally, capsaicin demon-
under experimental and clinical settings (Tables 1
strated significant antioxidant and metal-binding
and 2).
properties and therefore it was postulated that this
compound has important implications in the preven-
tion or treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such Effect on rates of oxidation of lipids and
as Alzheimer’s disease (Dairam et al. 2008). lipoproteins
This review focuses on a less highlighted aspect, in Capsaicin has been reported to increase energy
particular how chili intake influences parameters expenditure and diet-induced thermogenesis probably
known to reduce body weight and how they are modi- due to b-adrenergic stimulation and a decrease in the
fied by the consumption of chili. A widespread health respiratory quotient, implying a shift in substrate oxi-
concern is the large number of adults and children of dation from carbohydrate to fat oxidation (Ludy &
developed societies who are overweight. The World Mattes 2011; Smeets et al. 2013; Shook et al. 2015).
Health Organization (WHO) (2014) reports that at Reduced lipoprotein oxidation and increased lipid oxi-
least 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, are over- dation supports weight loss (Vasankari et al. 2001;
weight, and of those more than 600 million are obese Berggren et al. 2008). This is asserted by lowered rate
(Body Mass Index – BMI above 30). Data show that of serum lipoprotein oxidation observed upon add-
in 2011–2012, 16.9% of youth and 34.9% of adults in ition of chili to diet. In women, a lag of this rate was
the United States suffer from obesity (Ogden et al. observed, which might be explained by a higher
2014). Overweight and obesity result in heart disease, amount of chili or capsaicin available per kg of body
diabetes, reduced longevity, psychological, and social weight. The study concluded that regular consumption
acceptance issues to name just a few. of chili resists serum lipoprotein oxidation (Ahuja &
Multiple approaches to reduce weight or stop gain- Ball 2006). Addition of chili increased lipid oxidation
ing weight, such as changes in lifestyle including phys- postprandial more in a high fat (HF) than a high
ical exercise (U.S. Department of Health and Human carbohydrate (HC) meal. Chili when consumed with
Services 2008) and diet control are most commonly caffeine decreased lipid oxidation immediately after
used to manage weight (Nurkkala et al. 2015). the meal, whereas it increased when the subjects were
Here, we summarize how dietary chili intake influ- asleep (Yoshioka et al. 2001). Inclusion of capsaicin
ences parameters such as metabolism or insulin levels was shown to maintain fat oxidation rates compared
which directly or indirectly influence the energy with placebo (Lejeune et al. 2003). Addition of chili

Figure 1. Overview of the pathways activated by chili consumption. The figure highlights the parameters affected by chili
(PURPLE), i.e. capsaicin and capsinoids (non-pungent), contributing to weight (TEAL) management. The RED pathway shows the
components of oxidative processes that directly involve in reducing the amount of fat available. The ORANGE pathway highlights
the activation and effects on brown adipose tissue (BAT) with the consumption of chili. Finally, the BLUE pathway combines the
mechanisms activated by chili under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, i.e. TRPV1 receptors, appetite, hormonal man-
agement of Insulin and Ghrelin. The pathways together summarize how and where in the body chili has the most effective regula-
tion in the management of weight.

Table 1. Parameters influenced by chili consumption.

Factors affected Conclusion from studies References
Rates of oxidation Improved, even with non-pungent spices, Yuan et al. (2015), Zheng et al. (2016), Lee et al. (2015), Ahuja and
caffeine and green tea Ball (2006), and Snitker et al. (2009)
RQ and RER Decreased RQ and Increased RER Yuan et al. (2015), Zheng et al. (2016), Smeets et al. (2013), and Ludy
and Mattes (2011)
DIT & Energy Expenditure Improved DIT and increase by up to 30% Yuan et al. (2015), Zheng et al. (2016), Ohyama et al. (2015), Smeets
et al. (2013), and Ludy and Mattes (2011)
Energy intake Reduced intake of fat and protein uptake Yuan et al. (2015), Zhang et al. (2016), and Reyes-Escogido et al.
Appetite and satiety Reduced ghrelin levels Yuan et al. (2015), Zheng et al. (2016a, b), Smeets et al. (2013),
Smeets and Westerterp-Plantenga (2009), Ludy and Mattes (2011),
and Janssens et al. (2013)
Insulin Reduced blood glucose and increased Li et al. (2014), Ahuja et al. (2007), Kraft et al. (2014), Larsen (2008),
glucose tolerance Islam and Choi (2008), and Chen et al. (2015)

postprandial decreased carbohydrate oxidation improved metabolic profiles, including the plasma
(Yoshioka et al. 1998). Conversely, an increased carbo- cholesterol level and significantly activated both the
hydrate oxidation was reported in runners after the oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation in
consumption of chili, although this was not due to skeletal muscle. This combination increased cyclic
increased energy expenditure (Lim et al. 1997). In a Adenosine Mono-Phosphate (cAMP) levels and pro-
recent study, Ohyama et al. (2015) examined whether tein kinase A activity in brown adipose tissue, indicat-
the beneficial effects of exercise could be enhanced by ing an increase of lipolysis (Ohyama et al. 2015).
capsinoids supplementation in mice. The combination Moreover, this combination prevented diet-induced
of exercise and capsinoid supplementation robustly liver steatosis and decreased the size of adipocyte cells

Table 2. Metabolic effects of chili consumption under experimental conditions.

Study performed Participants Dose of chili used Observations Conclusions
Kang et al. (2010) Male C57BL/6 mice 0.015% capsaicin for 10 weeks –Enhanced expression of adiponectin Reduced metabolic
and receptor dysregulation
–Decreased fasting glucose/insulin
–decreased triglyceride levels
Ohyama et al. (2015) C57BL/6J mice 0.3% capsinoids –Increased cAMP levels and PKA Increased Energy expenditure
activity in BAT via activation off at
Islam Choi (2008) Sprague–Dawley rats 0.5% and 2% red chili –Increased serum insulin concentration Insulinotrophic action

in white adipose tissue. In another study, using obese 2012). RQ is used for determining Basal Metabolic
diabetic KKAy mice, dietary capsaicin increased the Rate and measures the overall metabolism. The RER
expression of the adiponectin gene/protein and its helps in determining RQ as well as the fuel (carbohy-
receptor (AdipoR2) in adipose tissue and/or plasma, drate or fat) used for metabolism at steady state. RER
and these changes were accompanied by increased is higher (Valtue~ na et al. 1997) and RQ is reduced
activation of hepatic AMP-activated protein kinase, a (Hainer et al., 2000) when losing weight. RQ is
marker of fatty acid oxidation (Kang et al. 2011). inversely proportional to fat oxidation while reducing
The fact that capsiate administration contributes to triglyceride accumulation thereby contributing to
the enhancement of aerobic ATP production and the weight loss. Postprandial RQ was reduced by 30%
reduction of body fat content in rats (through a skel- after a meal containing chili (Yoshioka et al. 2004;
etal muscle mitochondrial uncoupling protein-3 gene Smeets et al. 2013). Reduced RQ was observed in diet-
downregulation) was also confirmed (Faraut et al. ary consumption of chili among habitual users and
2009). non-users of chili (Ludy & Mattes 2011). On the con-
Chili increases fat oxidation and reduces triglycer- trary, capsinoids administered in four doses (1, 3, 6,
ide accumulation, which is the main constituent of and 12 mg) to 13 healthy subjects did not affect meta-
body fat (pathway illustrated in RED in Figure 1). bolic rate and respiratory quotient when measured 2 h
Thus, their reduction can contribute to ameliorating after exposure. Authors suggested that longer exposure
weight gain. Free fatty acids are formed by lipolysis of and higher capsinoids doses may be required to cause
triglycerides. Triglycerides are a target of the uncou- meaningful acute effects on energy metabolism
pling protein 1 (UCP-1), which when upregulated and (Galgani et al. 2010). Another study investigated the
in conjunction with Sympathetic Nervous System 24 h effects of capsaicin on energy expenditure and
(SNS) activation, causes thermogenesis (Figure 1). The substrate oxidation during 25% negative energy bal-
inclusion of chili in the diet primarily activates ance. Capsaicin decreased the RQ in human subjects
TRPV1 receptors and triggers a number of pathways with 75% of their daily energy requirements compared
that can result in a more efficient weight management. to subjects without negative energy balance (Janssens
TRPV1 increases [Ca2þ]i reducing adipogenesis and et al. 2013). Authors concluded that the consumption
reduced lipid accumulation (Figure 1; RED pathway). of 2.56 mg capsaicin per meal in humans supported
This increase of [Ca2þ]i is mediated through negative energy balance by counteracting the unfavor-
Connexin 43 (Cx 43). The upregulation of Cx 43 able negative energy balance effect of decrease in com-
improves adipocyte-to-adipocyte communication ponents of energy expenditure. One study reported
resulting in lipolysis and thus contributing to reduc- different results (an increase in RQ with the consump-
tion in body fat and consequently weight loss (Chen tion of chili), but, it remains unclear whether this
et al. 2015). might be due to the fact that they specifically made
Interestingly the ingestion of non-pungent capsi- this investigation with "runners" (Lim et al. 1997). An
noid also resulted in a significant increase in fat oxida- elevation of RER was also observed when chili and
tion (Snitker et al. 2009). caffeine were consumed simultaneously (Yoshioka
et al. 2001).
Effect on RQ and RER
Chili elevates thermogenesis and energy
The respiration quotient (RQ) and respiratory
exchange ratio (RER) are values to determine the
amount of CO2 exhaled to oxygen. They are identical Between regular users and non-chili users, EE
at the resting state (Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary increased more in non-chili users when chili was eaten

(Matsumoto et al. 2000; Ludy & Mattes 2011). Chili acids increases uncoupled respiration and, therefore,
consumed simultaneously with caffeine or green tea the up-regulated Uncoupling Protein-1 (UCP-1) in
also increased EE (Yoshioka et al. 2001; Reinbach mitochondria of BAT, resulting in a rise of tempera-
et al. 2009). A reduced EE after a chili meal was noted ture as mentioned earlier (see ORANGE colored path-
in subjects with BMI 26 and it was suggested that way in Figure 1). The SNS stimulation is responsible
this could be due to reduced postprandial insulin lev- for the catecholamine secretion from the adrenal
els (Ahuja et al. 2006). medulla contributing to thermogenesis. Capsaicin and
Seven healthy volunteers were fed a breakfast con- its non-pungent analog capsinoids as known agonists
taining chili and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) for TRPV1 have the potential to increase whole-body
oil, chili and sunflower oil, bell pepper and sunflower energy expenditure and reduce body fat. When indi-
oil or bell pepper, and MCT oil. Adding chili and viduals without active BAT were exposed to cold every
MCT to meals increased Diet Induced Thermogenesis day for 6 weeks, BAT was recruited in association
(DIT) by over 50% in observed subjects. Authors con- with increased energy expenditure and decreased body
cluded that this effect may cumulate to help induce fat. Importantly, a 6-week daily ingestion of capsinoids
weight loss and prevent weight gain or regain (Clegg mimicked the effects of repeated cold exposure on
et al. 2013). It has been documented that chili con- BAT (Yoneshiro & Saito 2013).
sumption increases DIT in a HC and HF diet
(Yoshioka et al. 1998, 2004) but was more pronounced
in persons who generally did not use chili in their diet Chili reduces appetite
(Ludy & Mattes 2011). The core body temperature Decreased energy intake is attributed to an increase in
increased after chili and CH-19 Sweet consumption by the ratio of sympathetic (SNS) to parasympathetic
0.02  C, independent of whether the persons were (PSNS) nervous system activity (Bray 1993). Elevated
regular chili users or not (Ohnuki et al. 2001; Ludy & SNS activity most likely may be the reason for the
Mattes 2011). The largest changes were recorded increased heart rate and systolic blood pressure, as
10–60 min after intake (Ohnuki et al. 2001). But, on
seen in chili consuming group. There are no reports
the contrary, chili could also reduce the core body
in the literature on the parasympathetic nervous sys-
temperature (Chatsantiprapa et al. 2014) and the skin
tem activity. Therefore, the increasing effect on the
temperature (Ludy & Mattes 2011). The temperature
SNS: PSNS ratio is mainly attributed to the SNS
drop depends on the form of chili that was consumed,
i.e. capsule form or chili as a whole. These differences
Chili increases anorexigenicity (Janssens et al. 2014)
might be the result of variations between individuals
and chili users were not only less hungry but also had
as they are not easily explained.
a reduced desire to eat fatty, salty and sweet foods.
Chili affects energy expenditure by triggering the
This later effect is more prominent in irregular con-
Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) in the same way as low
temperature does, leading to increased energy expend- sumers of chili than habitual consumers (Ludy &
iture via non-shivering thermogenesis through TRPV1 Mattes 2011). Chili reduced the desire to eat, tested in
channels (Saito & Yoneshiro 2013; Saito 2014). a HF and a HC diet with the effect being more pro-
Thermogenesis is achieved through two pathways, nounced in the HF diet. Adding chili increased the
which increase uncoupled mitochondrial respiration sensation of oiliness thereby resulting in satiety
and secretion of catecholamine from the adrenal (Yoshioka et al. 1998; Yoshioka et al. 1999). Addition
medulla (Westerterp-Plantenga et al. 2006; Reyes- of chili to breakfast meal decreased the protein uptake
Escogido et al. 2011). The consumption of a non-pun- with both diets. When a chili-based appetizer was pro-
gent compound of chili (CH-19 Sweet) increases vided between breakfast and lunch, ad libitum energy
thermogenesis after consumption (Ohnuki et al. 2001). intake was decreased (Yoshioka et al. 1999; Ludy &
This can be attributed to an indirect pathway via fat Mattes 2011; Janssens et al. 2014).
oxidation, which also generates heat (to the same The sensation of fullness and increased satiety was
pathway as for capsinoids in Figure 1) (Snitker et al. observed in the positive balanced state but not in the
2009). negative balance state (Janssens et al. 2014). These
Thus, the stimulation of the SNS by chili results in findings were contradicted by other researchers, who
an increase of noradrenaline hormone, causing the found a stronger effect on appetite at the negative
activation of b-adrenergic receptors found in adipo- energy state (Reinbach et al. 2009). While Smeets and
cytes. The sympathetic stimulation of the BAT by lip- Westerterp-Plantenga (2009) initially reported no sig-
olysis and increased intracellular concentration of fatty nificant difference in satiety, they later observed a

decrease in appetite when they replaced carbohydrates Habitual consumption of chili helps in relieving
by proteins (Smeets et al. 2013). meal-induced hyperinsulinemia, as lower serum insu-
Supplementing a chili meal with caffeine (Yoshioka lin concentrations (Ahuja et al. 2006) and decreased
et al. 2001) or green tea (Yoshioka et al. 2001; postprandial insulin levels over time in obese partici-
Reinbach et al. 2009) reduced energy intake with pants were observed (Kroff et al. 2015). A higher
respect to control as well as the desire to eat fatty, GLP-1 level triggered by the activation of TRPV1
salty and hot foods. Chili on its own and with caffeine receptors by capsaicin explains the improved regula-
results in a significant reduction in energy intake, tion of glucose homeostasis and its tolerance resulting
which was observed in two independent studies by in lower postprandial insulin levels. This conclusion is
Yoshioka et al. (1999, 2001). Although there was no supported by the observation that TRPV1 knockout
combined study to observe comparisons between mice have a higher insulin resistance (Lee et al. 2015).
them, both studies separately showed significantly Diaz-Garcia et al. (2014) concluded that TRPV1 does
reduced significant energy intakes. Meanwhile, reduc- not contribute to glucose-induced insulin secretion in
tion in energy intake was more pronounced when chili beta cells as was previously thought, but it is possible
was combined with green tea than with chili or green that it may control insulin sensitivity. Another study
tea independently (Reinbach et al. 2009). showed that capsaicin, independent of insulin,
Chili activates TRPV1, which increases glucagon increases glucose uptake via ROS generation and con-
like peptide-1 (GLP-1) protein levels via stimulated sequent AMPK and p38 MAPK activations (Kim et al.
SNS and consequently reduces ghrelin (a hunger and 2013).
energy state-related hormone) levels in the gut Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes, but diabetes
(Larsen 2008; Smeets & Westerterp-Plantenga 2009). can also be caused by decreased insulin levels. In the
This causes a decrease in appetite, which leads to second case, the supplementation of chili results in
decreased energy intake due to a feeling of satiety. decreased glucose and increased insulin levels. A
Overall, the correlation among sensation of fullness, decrease in 2-h postprandial plasma glucose (Yuan
satiety, or appetite with energy intake is well et al. 2015) and glucose levels over a period of time
established. (Kroff et al. 2015) were observed in chili consuming
groups. A study on mice, with two doses of chili add-
ition to meals, showed decreased fasting blood glucose
Insulin regulation
levels in low chili consuming groups (Islam & Choi
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the b cells of the 2008). Reduction in plasma glucose and insulin level
islets of Langerhans and regulates glucose levels in maintenance was also observed (Chaiyasit et al. 2009)
blood. Insulin resistance (IR) occurs when cells do not with the addition of chili. The reduction observed in
respond to insulin, and glucose is not metabolized, blood glucose levels can also be drawn as a conse-
causing an increased blood glucose level. High-glucose quence of increased GLP-1 levels with TRPV1 medi-
levels will cause b cells to produce more insulin and if ated [Ca2þ]i increase. A more recent study showed
not metabolized will cause hyperinsulinemia. Insulin that capsaicin-containing chili supplementation regu-
resistance is closely associated with obesity and they larly improved postprandial hyperglycemia and hyper-
are directly proportional to each other (Kahn et al. insulinemia as well as fasting lipid metabolic disorders
2006). in women with gestational diabetes mellitus, and it
IR is frequently measured using the Homeostasis decreased the incidence of large-for-gestational-age
Model Assessment/Insulin Resistance (HOMA/IR) newborns (Yuan et al. 2015).
quotient (which are calculated using fasting glucose
and insulin levels). Improved insulin management
with chili consumption can be attributed to the
increase in GLP-1 production via TRPV1-mediated Various targets of weight management are affected
calcium increase (BLUE pathway in Figure 1). with the consumption of chili directly and indirectly
Consumption of chili reduces insulin resistance as a as research indicates. There is a difference with regard
decrease is observed 2-h in the postprandial HOMA/ to the effects between regular consumers and non-
IR in a chili eating group (Li et al. 2014) and in preg- users of chili as regular users may be desensitized.
nant women (Yuan et al. 2015). Overproduction of Interestingly, it is hypothesized that this desensitiza-
insulin caused by a meal could result in IR. Chili tion maybe due to reduced SNS activation, which is
intake reduces this overproduction and, therefore, also a characteristic of obesity (Ludy & Mattes 2011;
reducing the risk of IR. Ludy et al. 2012). Although there are different

Table 3. Studies which report results different from the general observations.
Factors affected Contradictions References
RQ Increased RQ in runners, contrary to other studies Lim et al. (1997)
Temperature Contradictory views on temp Dairam et al. (2008) and Janssens et al. (2014)
Insulin and blood glucose No significant differences Dairam et al. (2008) and Islam and Choi (2008)

observations (Table 3) in the parameters measured, combinations and in different experiments. A com-
these contradictions can be attributed to a number of bined experiment is required to see the actual
factors especially experimental conditions. Some improvement with the combination and if they have a
experiments were conducted on mice and dogs while better effect together than independently. The effects
most of the studies were on human subjects with vary- of chili consumption are similar to the effects induced
ing populations of different physiological conditions by certain other bioactive compounds found in caf-
such as age, gender, ethnicity, pregnancy state, and feine and components of green tea like tea catechins.
physical exercise. Most groups used chili in a meal The consumption of the combination suggests stron-
whereas some used capsaicin capsules. The type of ger effects on the parameters measured statistically
chili, the dosage, and the duration of treatment within and needs further research to clarify significant reduc-
each experiment were also different. When chili was tions in appetite or energy intake.
used in a meal, the presence of other bioactive com- No observable difference was shown in a study by
pounds may also be a factor to consider the difference Ahuja et al. (2006) of the acute effects of insulin and
in readings. For example, differences in the subjects, blood glucose levels with the consumption of chili,
like sensitivity to consumption and amount of intake contradictory to other studies that demonstrated
of chili, etc. all affect resting energy states and metab- improved insulin homeostasis with chili. An increase
olism and the consumption of chili would only add to in insulin level was shown in a high chili dose group
the complexity if the above parameters are not nor- in mice (Islam & Choi 2008). Insulin levels are a deli-
malized for all the studies so far. If different subjects cate balance when both extremes cause an imbalance
are tolerant to different amounts and kinds of chili, in the form of diabetes as hyperinsulinemia. An
there is a need to set a standard control on each fac- increase in the insulin levels would be an advantage in
tor. All these variations may have caused distinguish- a diabetic scenario where as detrimental in the latter.
ing trends in some of the parameters discussed above, Thus, the predisposed state of the subjects needs to be
such as respiration, temperature, energy intake, and considered carefully when consuming chili.
Insulin regulation. Despite many advantages of chili consumption,
It is established that athletes have a lower resting caution is advised on their uncontrolled intake, for
heart rate and the difference between the RQ levels example unfortunate deaths in 2008 and 2013 were
observed in runners who consumed chili included reported when two Caucasian men died after the con-
meals, can be hypothesized due to the sustained sumption of an unknown concentration of chili. Such
higher oxygen requirement in athletes. incidents point to limits on the consumption of chili.
Reduced body temperature recorded by Hypothetically, the deaths may have been caused due
Chatsantiprapa et al. (2014), even if statistically insig- to a disruption in the SEVR or an immediate and pro-
nificant, was similar to the significantly reduced tem- longed tachycardia leading to cardiac arrest.
perature recorded by Ahuja and coworkers (Ahuja Further research is necessary to determine the key
et al. 2006, 2007). Although the data were insignificant dosage and form of intake of chili to better assess its
in the case of Chatsantiprapa et al., the significant true potential in weight management. Currently avail-
reduction described by Ahuja and team may be due to able data, on non-pungent capsinoids and capsaici-
other physiological processes, like anxiety of experi- noinds, can serve as a harbinger in developing a
menting or other psychological stress that cause variant suitable for non-habitual consumers of chili
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