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Monthly and Seasonal Modeling of Municipal Waste

Generation using Radial Basis Function Neural

Maryam Abbasi, a Mohammad Naim Rastgoo,b and Bahareh Nakisab
Faculty of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran; (for
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Queensland, Australia
Published online 00 Month 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.13033

Accurate modeling of municipal solid waste (MSW) genera- is a challenging issue. A lot of studies have been conducted on
tion is vital as a reliable support for decision-making processes waste generation modeling from traditional to advanced
ensuring the success of the future development and manage- modeling techniques. So far, waste generation models are clas-
ment of wastes. The present study aims to forecast monthly and sified as correlation analysis, time-series analysis, group com-
seasonal MSW generation using radial basis function (RBF) parison, multiple regression analysis, system dynamics
neural network and assess the effect of the gender of educated modeling, and input–output analysis [5–7]. Correlation analysis
people with a combination of meteorological, socioeconomic, was used to find the relationship between MSW generation
and demographic variables on waste generation. The study and income level [8]. It was found that waste generation was
was implemented on data obtained from a megacity for the highly correlated with income level. Whereas, higher average
period of 1991–2013. Cross validation technique was employed generation rates around 2.1 kg per capita per day occurring in
to evaluate modeling performance. Performance of the RBF high-income nations in comparison to lower income, upper
model were also compared with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference middle and lower middle with MSW generation rate of 0.6, 1.2,
system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. and 0.8 kg per capita per day, respectively. However, accu-
The results proved that the number of educated women was rate waste generation prediction cannot be achieved using
highly associated with MSW generation while the number of correlation analysis or percapita waste generation [9]. Disre-
educated men was not a significant factor. Modeling outputs garding demographic and socioeconomic factors, Rimaityte
demonstrated that the RBF neural network model could suc- et al. [10] used conventional time-series approaches including
cessfully predict both monthly and seasonal variations of MSW autoregressive and integrated moving average (ARIMA) and
generation. Compared to ANFIS and ANN, RBF was the best- seasonal autoregressive and integrated moving average (sAR-
performing model for monthly and seasonal forecasting of IMA) to predict generation. The time series model perfumed
MSW generation. The results suggested that soft computing poorly for long-term prediction of MSW generation. The
methods like RBF improve the estimate of MSW generation in model, by contrast, was good at short-term forecasting of
metropolises. Hence, RBF network can be applied for forecast- MSW generation. Moreover, Xu et al. [11] employed time
ing and modeling MSW generation on a national scale. © 2018 series analysis with the mixed of gray system theory and sAR-
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 2018 IMA model, a methodology to reveal the dynamic relation-
Keywords: radial basis function network, municipal solid ships in a system using differential equations that are derived
waste generation, machine learning, gender of educated from control theory in which the term gray describes the
people understanding of information in the system. The hybrid
model had a superior performance with lower errors than the
INTRODUCTION conventional sARIMA model. A comparative study was con-
Nowadays, the huge amount of waste is created, and con- ducted to forecast MSW quantity and quality by applying dif-
sequently, a successful waste management is needed to ensure ferent approaches including time series analysis, and multiple
resource efficiency and the sustainable growth of the econ- regression in Waste Prognostic Tool for the case study of the
omy. The estimation of the amount of waste is essential for Iasi Romania [12]. The urban life expectancy, population age,
designing and implementation of a waste management plan as total MSW, and a number of residents were used as predictors
it is the foundation of an effective waste planning [1]. in prognostic models so that solid waste amount was pre-
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation changes by geo- dicted. Using time series analysis resulted in the most accu-
graphical location and depends on various parameters such as rate model to forecast MSW generation. In another study by
cultural practices, income level, the time of the year, the cli- Oribe-Garcia et al. [13], tourism activity, urban morphology,
mate, the degree of development, the standard of living, and income, and education level were found as the most effective
the eating habits [2–4]. Therefore, forecasting waste generation drivers of MSW generation. In this study, the effect of gender
and age structure on municipal waste generation was investi-
gated. The data from a 10-yr period, from 2001 to 2010 year,
© 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers were taken into consideration. Other MSW drivers such as

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep 1

the gender of the population, female to male ratio, the gender waste generation data. Although, there are few studies on
of working force, the gender of the unemployed population monthly and seasonal waste generation modeling except its
were assessed, and women’s unemployment and the ratio of importance [23]. Four intelligent system algorithms including
men and women had a strong connection with per capita per k-nearest neighbors, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
year MSW generation rate. In other words, male to female (ANFIS), SVM, and ANN were compared to seek the best
ratio was found as the more effective factor rather than the model for forecasting monthly MSW generation in Logan City,
gender of the population [4]. Using the regression analysis, a Australia [7]. Results showed artificial intelligence models
model describing the dependence between female to male were successful in monthly MSW prediction. Moreover,
ratio, number of unemployed women and waste quantity was results demonstrated that ANFIS system had the highest accu-
determined. The multiple regression built by these factors racy to capture the peaks while kNN was good at predicting
was capable of explaining about 70% of the variation in the averages. Azadi and Karimi-Jashni [24] compared the per-
MSW generation. Daskalopoulos et al. [14] used regression formance of ANN and regression analysis for prediction of
analysis to link gross domestic product (GDP) and related mean seasonal MSW generation in 20 cities located in Fars
total consumer expenditure as strong correlating factors in Province, Iran. The results indicated that the ANN model had
waste generation at the country level. They concluded that a higher predictive accuracy with R2 0.74 than regression
use of a linear equation would only give an indication of the model with R2 0.49.
general trend of MSW generation, while not attempting to Among the shallow neural network structures, radial basis
approximate its real measured values. It may be due to the function (RBF) neural network provides a global approxima-
theoretical requirement of regression analysis such as inde- tion property, without a local optimal problem and an excel-
cency of input variables, constant variance and normality of lent forward network. RBF neural networks are robust to the
errors. noisy data and their structures are designed to learn nonlinear
In recent decades, advanced approaches including machine patterns. These properties are caused to use RBF neural net-
learning methods were used for environmental modeling as work as a reliable machine learning technique for short- and
well as MSW generation forecasting [15,16]. In the history of long-term forecasting in several domains [25]. Since the appli-
MSW generation prediction, neural networks have always cation of RBF neural networks in waste generation modeling
been used and different studies show an acceptable and reli- has received no attention so far.
able performance for these techniques. Noori et al. [17] used Not only the modeling approach but also the variables
artificial neural networks (ANN) model to forecast weekly related to waste generation rates, affect the accuracy of
MSW generation in Tehran city, Iran. Coefficient of determina- waste generation forecasts. Oribe-Garcia et al. [13] found
tion (R2) and average absolute relative error of ANN model tourism activity, urban morphology, income, and education
were obtained 0.78 and 4.4%, respectively. However, ANN level as the most effective drivers of MSW generation. In this
showed a reasonable performance for weekly prediction of study, the effect of gender and age structure on municipal
waste generation; other studies were conducted to improve waste generation was investigated. The data from a 10-yr
the accuracy of short-term modeling of waste generation. period, from 2001 to 2010 year, were taken into consider-
Abbasi et al. [6,18] assessed the application of support vector ation. Other MSW drivers such as the gender of the popula-
machine (SVM) and its hybrid with partial least square (PLS) tion, female to male ratio, the gender of working force, the
for prediction of weekly MSW generation in Mashhad and Teh- gender of the unemployed population were assessed, and
ran cities. They achieved higher accuracy (R2 = 0.87) than women’s unemployment and the ratio of men and women
ANN model to forecast weekly waste generation. In daily had a strong connection with per capita per year MSW gen-
scale, the combination of simulated annealing and ANN eration rate. In other words, male to female ratio was found
model, and PLS and SVM model was employed to enhance the as the more effective factor rather than the gender of the
performance of machine learning methods [19]. The MSW gen- population [4]. Using the regression analysis, a model
eration data were collected from American city of Seattle. The describing the dependence between female to male ratio,
hybrid of SA-ANN was proved to produce more accurate fore- number of unemployed women and waste quantity was
cast than PLS-SVM, ANN, and SVM models. MSW generation in determined. The multiple regression built by these factors
a long-term period was studied by Intharathirat et al. [20] using was capable of explaining about 70% of the variation in
the optimized multivariate gray model. The multiple factor MSW generation. A comprehensive review of the significant
analysis was implemented regarding factors affecting waste factors affecting MSW quantities was done by Intharathirat
collected from residential and commercial sectors. The results et al. [20]. The factors were categorized into two groups
revealed that gray model with convolution integral (1, 5) could including socio-economic and demographic factors. Socio-
forecast waste generation with the lowest error of 1.16% mean economic factors consist of income, GDP, expenditure, tax,
absolute percentage error. To find the best architectures of employment, unemployment, number of overnight stays
ANN model for modeling annual waste generation, different per habitant of tourists and business travelers, energy con-
architectures of ANN model including general regression neu- sumption, etc. Demographic factors comprise population,
ral network (GRNN) and back propagation neural network population density, number of households, urbanization,
(BPNN) were trained by the waste data of European countries household size, age of people, education and attitude,
[21,22]. The consumption among the population with an age number of rooms of a habitant, infant mortality rate, life
of 15 yr, domestic material consumption, resource productiv- expectancy at birth, etc. Since the performance of models
ity, gross product, carbon dioxide emissions, population den- is affected by the factors considered for waste generation
sity, average household size, industry household final prediction, further studies are needed to find the effective
consumption, expenditure were used as inputs and MSW factors on MSW generation to improve the modeling
generation as a target in the modeling process. The models accuracy.
were trained and tested based on the data of 26 countries This study aims to assess the relationship between edu-
from the Eurostat database and the GRNN achieved better cated people and MSW generation and the possibility of RBF
results. The choice of modeling approach and input variables model for longitudinal prediction of MSW generation (monthly
in waste generation modeling depends on the period of pre- and seasonally). We also compared the performance of RBF
diction and the time step of waste data due to change in model with ANFIS and ANN models which are extensively
effective variables on waste generation. Reviewing the litera- used for MSW generation modeling in previous studies. The
ture shows that most of the studies focus on short- and long- models were built and then tested using the data of Tehran
prediction of waste generation by daily, weekly, and annual city for the period from 1992 to 2013. We used 8-fold cross-

2 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep

validation method to evaluate the performance of models and study. In addition, the seasonal dataset, which is used in this
avoid over-fitting. study, are derived from the monthly dataset data.

Radial Basis Function Model

MATERIALS AND METHODS Nonlinear dynamic systems forecasting and modeling using
supervised learning techniques such as RBF, probabilistic neu-
Case Study and Data ral network (PNN), GRNN have been applied on different
Tehran city is the capital city of Iran which is the largest domains [15,26–30]. RBF network is introduced by Broomhead
megacity in Iran with an area of over 700 km2. The city is and Lowe [31] who used the RBF as the activation function in
located in the foothills of South Central Alborz Mountain lying neural network architecture. RBF network is an adaptive and
between latitude 350 340 –350 500 North and longitude 510 080 – special type of neural network which was motivated by the
510 370 East. According to the council division, Tehran city mathematics of approximating arbitrary continuous functions
includes 22 districts. The city climate is generally semi-arid [31]. There has been growing attention to use RBF in many
with the mean temperature of 18 C, the maximum temperature fields of science as well as environmental modeling due to its
of 38.7 C, and the minimum temperature 7.4 C. The annual general approximation, fast learning, and compact topology
average of precipitation was measured 245–316 mm. [32]. RBF network composed of a three-layer feed forward
According to the latest information obtained from the Statis- propagated network, the input layer, a hidden layer, and the
tical Center of Iran, the population in this city was about output layer. Suppose a dataset with m observations X = (x1,
12,500,000 in 2016. Due to high population, a huge amount of x2, x3,. .., xm) for a network with n number of neurons in the
wastes are collected from Tehran city. A record of around hidden layer and one target, the dimension of the correspond-
8000 ton per day was reported by Tehran Waste Management ing structure is m × n × 1. A mapping between output variable
Organization in 2016. The analysis of the composition and and input variables is established which is commonly chaotic
properties of the mixed waste generated in Tehran city and nonlinear. RBF neural P network achieves a mapping f:
revealed that the major share of total waste devoted to wet Rm ! R as f ðx Þ ¼ w0 + ni¼1 wi ϕ ðkx − oi kÞ where w0 denotes
and organic, biodegradable waste, 70% of total waste. The the bias width between hidden and output layer, considered
Tehran’s council is responsible for waste collection, its proces- as zero in this study, o represents the center vector of the ith
sing, and disposal. The schematic diagram of waste manage- node in the hidden layer, wi is associated weights from the ith
ment system in Tehran city has been illustrated in Figure 1. node of the hidden layer to output layer. RBF, ϕ, is a
The data adopted in this study include GDP, rain, maxi- Gaussian-based function which is used as an activation func-
mum temperature, population, household size, educated man, tion in the hidden layer. This function is defined as below:
educated women, income, and the unemployment rate as  
input variables and output variable was monthly MSW genera- ð− jx − oi j

tion. The data cover the period from 1991 to 2013. Monthly ϕðx Þ ¼ e 2σ 2
MSW generation was obtained from Waste Management Orga-
nization of Tehran Municipality (WMOTM). WMOTM measures where σ value is the spread of the function. In this study, σ
weight of collected waste at landfill site and household waste was 100, and the optimum number of neurons in the hidden
data were used in this study. We disregarded waste data dur- layer was obtained by trial and error with the range of 1–10
ing 2001 and 2002 due to unreliability as reported by (Figure 2).
WMOTM. The meteorological variables were downloaded The maximum training cycle is set l = 200, the learning rate
from the Iran meteorological organization website (http:// of weight, center and width parameter is η1 = η2 = η3 = 0.001, The Statistical Center of Iran provides a and the pre-set minimum error accuracy is 0. Figure 2 shows
comprehensive history of socioeconomic data used in this the schematic structure of RBF model used in this study.

Figure 1. Schematic of municipal waste management system in Tehran city.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep 3

Unemployment rate

Max temperature

Educated women

Input layer
Household size
Educated men



Number of neurons
Hidden layer
φ1 φ2 O2
… … φn

O1 On


Output layer

MSW generation
Figure 2. Structure of RBF network used in this study.

All statistical analyses were carried out using MATLAB to generate the output values of the neural network. The
R2013a software. advantage of using ANN is that this network is able to learn
from the examples, as the learnt information is stored across
the network weights.
Artificial Neural Network
ANN is a computational model which recognize different ADAPTIVE NEURO-FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM
pattern which are buried in the data. ANN consists of simple The architecture of ANFIS uses both neural network and
processing unit, called neurons. Each neuron in the network is fuzzy logic which makes it powerful discriminator. This algo-
connected to the other neurons by unidirectional connections rithm works with data and extract fuzzy rules like if-then rules
of different weight. The neurons are arranged in a series of from the data. To train ANFIS algorithm, learning algorithms of
layers, namely, input layer, variable number of hidden layers, neural networks are used.
and output layers. It should be noted that the number of hid- ANFIS model consists of five layers for generating inference
den layers depends on the complexity of the problem to be system. There are several nodes in each layer and there is a
solved. First in the input layer, the input values are assigned to connection between each layer (see Figure 3).
input neurons and send the activation value to each neurons It should be noted that the square nodes, called adaptive
in the next layer. Then in the next layer, hidden layer, each nodes, are accepted to represent the parameter sets in these
neuron sums the received activation values from its connected nodes which are adjustable. Circle nodes are fixed nodes that
neurons and then using a transfer function determines its out- are accepted to represent the fixed parameter sets in the sys-
put value. This process is done in the next layer, output layer, tem. First-order Sugeno-type model which is proposed by Jang
[cite] is as follows:

Rule 1 : if ðx is A1 Þ, ðy is B1 Þ, thenðf1 ¼ p1 x + q1 y + r1 ð2Þ

Rule 1 : if ðx is A2 Þ, ðy is B2 Þ, thenðf2 ¼ p2 x + q2 y + r2 ð3Þ

where x, y are the inputs, Ai and Bi are the fuzzy sets, fi the
outputs within the fuzzy region identified by the rules, and pi,
qi, and ri the parameters which are determined during the

Association between MSW Generation and Explanatory

Figure 3. Architecture of a typical ANFIS. According to the main role of human to generate domestic
solid waste, demographic data are suggested by several studies

4 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep

as the key indicators related to MSW [22,33]. Population, house   1 XN
hold size as well as the number of educated women and edu- v xi , xj ¼ C
g, h¼1 ighC igh
cated men were selected as demographic indicators. Since
socioeconomic data have been associated with MSW genera- and
tion by previous researches, GDP, unemployment rate, and 8  
income were chosen as socioeconomic indicators. The correla- >
> v xi , xj  
tion between MSW and meteorological condition has also   < qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 ffi , v ðxi Þv xj > 0
been addressed in some studies [33,34]. Maximum temperature R xi ,xj ¼ vðxi Þv xj ð6Þ
and rain were also considered as meteorological indicators. :0 , vðxi Þv xj ¼ 0
Linear and nonlinear correlation tests were used in this study
to explore the effective variables related to the output variable
where the distance covariance of a feature vector xi, with
(MSW generation). Distance correlation [35] measures the non-
itself, is defined as
linear dependence between the input variables with MSW gen-
eration. On the other hand, Pearson correlation measures the
1 XN
linear dependence between the input variables with MSW gen- v ðxi Þ ¼ C2
g, h¼1 igh
eration. The variables which were strongly correlated with N2
waste generation were chosen for modeling. In the case of
and Cigh is the Minkowski distance matrix, of norm r, is com-
variables with weak, biased, or moderate correlation with
puted for each feature vector xi using
waste generation, we built the model with the different mix of
the selected effective factors and less correlated variable to see  
how these variables could improve the modeling perfor- Cigh ¼ xig − xjh r ’ , g,h ¼ 1, …,N ð8Þ
mances. The variables could increase the accuracy of predic-
tion were included in the final model. Distance correlation and And for each feature we have
Pearson’s correlation techniques are explained in the following
sections. Cigh ¼ Cgh −cg: −ch: + c:: , g,h ¼ 1, …, N ð9Þ

Pearson’s Correlation where

Let xi and xj be two variable vectors, for all distributions  
with finite first moments. Pearson’s correlation coefficient 1 XN 1 XN
Cg: ¼ C ,C :h ¼
h¼1 gh
C , C ::
h¼1 gh
(PC) is defined as follow:  N N
1 XN
¼ C
g, h¼1 gh
Covðxi , xi Þ N2
PC ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Var ðxi ÞVar xj The value of R 2 [0, 1], therefore, if the value of R = 0, then
the two feature vectors are independent, and if R = 1 the fea-
where Cov(xi,xj) designates the covariance of two variables xi tures are completely dependent. The higher value of R shows
and xj and Var designates the variance. more nonlinear correlation between the variables.

Distance Correlation Data Preprocessing

R(xi,xj) is defined as a standardized version of the distance To reduce the impact of noise in the data and finally a bet-
covariance v(xi,xj). In addition, let a variable vector has ter prediction, the collected data needed to be properly
N distances such that xi= xi1, xi2, .. ., xiN. Therefore, the dis- adjusted and normalized prior to the modeling process.
tance covariance v(xi,xj) and distance correlation R(xi,xj) Numerous methods have been tested to enhance the network
between two variables vector xi and xj are calculated as training [36]. We used a normalized function to scale data in
follow: the range of [−1, 1] by Equation 11.

Figure 4. Eightfold cross validation used in this study.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep 5

Figure 5. Correlation analysis of different features with monthly waste estimation during 21 time intervals: (a) non-linear and
(b) linear.

Figure 6. Correlation analysis of different features with seasonal waste estimation during 21 time intervals: (a) non-linear and
(b) linear.

x − xmin performance were summed and then averaged. Using CV
xnormalized ¼ × 2 −1 ð11Þ avoids potential model overfitting which is the model that pro-
xmax −xmin
duces better predictive performance in the data set used in
where Xnormalized indicates the normalized value and xmin and model fitting than the data from the out of the study area. The
xmax are the maximum and minimum values of the variable, modeling performance metrics used in this study were cross
respectively. validated R2 (CV-R2) and cross validated root mean square
error (CV-RMSE).
In addition, the Bland–Altman analysis was employed to
Model Evaluation assess the agreement between the observation and predictions
We used eightfold cross validation (CV) technique to evalu- of seasonal and monthly waste generation. More details on the
ate models performance and estimate their out-of-sample Bland–Altman analysis is fully described in a study by Giavar-
accuracy. Generally, supervised learning algorithms are sus- ina [37].
ceptible to overfitting problem. This means that, these algo-
rithms potentially may produce models which are too trained
on noises and details of training data and have a low perfor- RESULT AND DISCUSSION
mance on new data. Therefore, using CV helps to avoid poten-
tial model overfitting. Investigation of the Correlation Coefficients between
In this study, data were randomized first and then divided Explanatory Variables and Dependent Variable
into eight equal size subsets. For each fold, the model was In this study, nine independent variables, which reflect
tested on one of the eight subsets and were trained by the demographic, socioeconomic, and meteorological conditions,
remaining subsets (see Figure 4). This process was repeated were used to predict monthly and seasonal solid waste genera-
eight times, and the resulting statistics for assessing modeling tion. The nonlinear and linear correlations between these

6 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep

Table 1. CV-R2 and CV-RMSE for different model fitting.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
All data minus All data minus All data minus educate
All All data minus educate educate man man temp rain
data educated man man temp temp rain unemployment rate
Monthly CV-R2R2 0.736 0.716 0.704 0.709 0.678
CV-RMSE 0.106 0.110 0.112 0.111 0.116
Seasonally CV-R2R2 0.872 0.872 0.875 0.884 0.849
CV-RMSE 0.066 0.066 0.065 0.063 0.071

independent variables and the dependent variable during dif- Prediction of MSW Generation using RBF Neural
ferent time intervals were analyzed, using distance correlation Network
and Pearson’s correlation, to evaluate the influence of each the Nine variables from socioeconomic, demographic, and,
explanatory variables on waste generation. In this regard, for meteorological data groups were selected and then fed to an
each of the datasets (monthly and seasonal), nonlinear and lin- RBF network to estimate monthly and seasonal MSW genera-
ear correlation between the each of the independent variables tion during 21 yr. To find the best combination of input vari-
and MSW generation were calculated for the first year (1992). ables, five different subsets of input data were fed to an RBF
Then the data related to the next year (1993) were added to network to build an estimation model. Model S1 included all
these data (1992) and the correlations between each of the the nine variables while the number of educated men was
independent variables and MSW generation was calculated excluded in model S2 due to the weak correlation with the
again. This process was repeated to cover all the data derived dependent variable. Model S3 involved all the variables of
from 21 yr of the study. model S2 except maximum temperature and rainfall was
For the monthly and seasonal datasets, the changes of lin- excluded in model S4. The model S5 contains GDP, popula-
ear and nonlinear correlations between the predictors and tion, income, number of educated females, and household
MSW generation during 21 time intervals are depicted in Fig- size. These models are built for each of the datasets separately
ures 5 and 6. At a glance, the correlation between independent and validated using CV technique. In addition, CV-R2 and CV-
and dependent variables followed the nonlinear patterns RMSE as two performance metrics were calculated.
rather than linear ones. As it is expected, the higher correlation Table 1 summarizes the obtained CV-R2 and CV-RMSE
was found in seasonal scale than monthly scale. The main rea- values for different models. Model S1 was capable of explain-
son is that seasonal patterns of waste generation have a key ing 74% and 87% of monthly and seasonal waste generation
role for estimating the amount of waste generation in a city. variations. By excluding number of educated male from all of
Moreover, the variation of the correlations with time revealed the variables (the model S2), CV-R2 is decreased by 2.7% and
that there were stronger relationships between socioeconomic, CV-RMSE rose by 3.8% in the monthly model, but no differ-
demographic, and meteorological variables and waste genera- ence is observed in the performance of the seasonal model. In
tion in a long period than a short period. In other words, the monthly and seasonal models, by removing educated male
socioeconomic, demographic, and meteorological variables and maximum temperature (model S3), CV-R2 is decreased by
influenced the long-term generation of MSW generation. 1.7% and 0.3%, compared to model S2, respectively. In model
Although, some factors such as unemployment rate did not fol- S4, especially the seasonal model, CV-R2 values significantly
low a specific trend. are increased. The observed increase in CV-R2 is certainly due
Among independent variables, GDP, income, household to removing rainfall variable from the datasets. Among the var-
size and educated women were highly correlated with both iables excluded, unemployment rate had the significant effect
monthly and seasonal waste generation, respectively. This on modeling performance. CV-R2 was dropped by around 4%
confirms previous findings in the literature but introduced the for both model. Hence, the unemployment rate could slightly
number of educated female as a waste generation driver. In improve the prediction of MSW generation. Finally, the highly
contrast, the number of educated men was a less effective fac- correlated predictors (GDP, population, household size,
tor on MSW generation. This may be related to the role of income, and the number of unemployment rate) were
women and their education in waste generation. included in the model.

Table 2. R2 and RMSE for model fitting in each fold of cross validation.

Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Fold 6 Fold 7 Fold 8
Train and test R 0.870 0.896 0.895 0.876 0.885 0.888 0.894 0.894
RMSE 0.066 0.061 0.059 0.062 0.0603 0.0634 0.0617 0.0584
Test (R) R2 0.857 0.591 0.868 0.929 0.936 0.847 0.612 0.858
RMSE 0.062 0.061 0.069 0.064 0.091 0.057 0.068 0.086
Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Fold 6 Fold 7 Fold 8
Train and test R2 0.735 0.742 0.726 0.754 0.737 0.752 0.736 0.728
RMSE 0.106 0.105 0.105 0.102 0.105 0.104 0.106 0.108
Test (R) R2 0.749 0.721 0.789 0.533 0.714 0.568 0.733 0.815
RMSE 0.107 0.112 0.117 0.135 0.113 0.118 0.102 0.084

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep 7

Figure 7. The Bland–Altman plots of predicted and observed values of normalized MSW generation: (a) monthly and
(b) seasonal.

Figure 8. Prediction–observation plot of normalized values of MSW generation: (a) monthly and (b) seasonal.

The CV results for the model trained by the best combina- seasonal predictions of municipal waste generation and its
tion of data are presented in Table 2. The R2 and MSE were actual observations.
calculated for each fold of eightfold CV across the model runs.
The small differences in R2 and MSE in both the monthly and COMPARISON OF THE PERFORMANCE OF RBF MODEL WITH ANFIS AND ANN
seasonal models showed the RBF model did not suffer from Same dataset was used to train and test the RBF, ANFIS,
overfitting problem. and ANN models. Table 3 compares the performance of RBF,
For a closer inspection of modeling results, we used the ANFIS, and ANN models based on CV-R2 and CV-RMSE param-
Bland–Altman analysis and prediction–observation plot to eters. The CV-R2 values were respectively 0.678, 0.53, and 0.43
evaluate the agreement between the observation and predic- for the RBF, SVM, and ANFIS models for monthly prediction
tions of monthly and seasonal models. In Figure 7, the Bland– while they were 0.85, 0.62, and 0.56 for seasonal prediction.
Altman plots demonstrated low bias in both models; however, All the built models from seasonal dataset have higher CV-R2
the seasonal model had a tighter agreement than a model with and lower CV-RMSE compared with the built models from
fewer large residuals. We also compared the observed MSW monthly dataset. The obtained results from both datasets show
generation to the predicted values of RBF models. The RBF models are more accurate than ANN and ANFIS in pre-
predicted–observed plot of seasonal and monthly modeling of dicting waste generation. Based on Table 3, RBF achieved the
MSW generation indicated that the values were more equally highest CV-R2 and lowest CV-RMSE values among all the
scattered across the line of agreement at the low and high models. In addition, there are significant differences between
waste generation (Figure 8). In addition, the predicted– the values obtained by the ANN and ANFIS models with the
observed plot showed stronger correlation between the RBF models that highlight more efficiency of RBF model in the
domain of waste generation prediction.

Table 3. Cross validated R-squared and CV-RMSE for RBF, CONCLUSION

ANFIS, and ANN models. In this study, we assessed the effect of the gender of edu-
cated people on MSW generation and association of factor
Monthly Seasonal influencing MSW generation and waste quantity. We also
developed RBF neural network to model municipal waste gen-
2 2
CV-R CV-RMSE CV-R CV-RMSE eration. Hence, the linear and nonlinear correlation between
RBF 0.68 0.12 0.85 0.07 monthly and seasonal MSW generation and educated men,
ANFIS 0.53 1.98 0.62 0.18 educated women, household size, maximum temperature,
ANN 0.43 2.01 0.56 0.23 rain, GDP, income, population, and the unemployment rate
was obtained using Pearson’s correlation and distance

8 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy DOI 10.1002/ep

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