Teks Debat Bahasa Inggris

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Teks Debat Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok 1 vs Kelompok 2

Kelompok 1:
1. Rakan
2. Denis
3. Reivan

Kelompok 2:
1. Subhan
2. Dika
3. Vandy

● Thesis

The Beneficial Impact of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, revolutionizing the way people
communicate, interact, and access information. While it is often criticized for its negative
aspects, such as misinformation and addiction, its positive impacts cannot be overlooked.
This expository text aims to highlight the benefits of social media and why it deserves

Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

Social media has become a global phenomenon that has transformed the way we interact,
communicate, and view the world. While it offers a range of benefits, such as instant
connectivity, rapid information dissemination, and the ability to build communities, it also
carries significant negative impacts. These impacts include the erosion of interpersonal
relationships, the spread of misinformation, increased social isolation, and the exploitation of
personal data. Therefore, it is crucial to critically evaluate the role of social media in our lives
and find ways to mitigate its negative effects while harnessing its potential for positive

● Arguments

Connectivity and Communication: Social media platforms have bridged geographical
barriers, allowing individuals to connect with friends, family, and communities worldwide.
Through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, people can maintain relationships,
share experiences, and support one another regardless of distance.

Superficial Connections: Social media often promotes quantity over quality in relationships.
The ease of adding friends or followers can lead to a high number of superficial connections
without any genuine depth or emotional attachment. This undermines the essence of
meaningful communication.

Information Dissemination: Social media serves as a powerful tool for disseminating
information rapidly. From news updates to educational resources, users can access a wide
range of content at their fingertips. This instant access to information promotes awareness,
facilitates learning, and fosters informed decision-making.

Disinformation and Propaganda: In addition to hoaxes, social media is also prone to
disinformation, which is misleading information that is not always intentionally created. Bad
actors can utilize these platforms to spread propaganda to influence public opinion.

Business Opportunities: For entrepreneurs and businesses, social media offers unparalleled
opportunities for marketing and promotion. Platforms like LinkedIn and Pinterest enable
companies to reach target audiences effectively, increase brand visibility, and drive sales.
Social media marketing has become indispensable in today's digital economy.

Data privacy and security: The use of social media requires us to share personal
information. This poses a risk of data theft, hacking, and misuse of information.

Community Building and Support: Social media provides a platform for like-minded
individuals to come together and form communities based on shared interests, hobbies, or
causes. These communities offer support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging,
particularly for marginalized groups. Whether it's a support group for mental health or a
forum for hobbyists, social media fosters solidarity and empowerment.

Echo Chambers and Polarization: Social media algorithms often display content that
matches users' interests and habits. This can create echo chambers where users are only
exposed to information that confirms their existing views, and minimal exposure to other
viewpoints. As a result, polarization of thought occurs and debates become unproductive.

Awareness Campaigns and Social Change: Movements like #MeToo and #BlackLives
Matter have demonstrated the power of social media in raising awareness and catalyzing
social change. Activists utilizę platforms like Twitter and Instagram to amplify their voices,
mobilize supporters, and advocate for justice. Social media empowers individuals to
participate in activism and contribute to meaningful societal shifts.

Exploit Social Campaigns for Personal Gain:
One significant negative aspect of social media campaigns is the potential for exploitation by
companies or other entities for their own gain. While social media campaigns often start with
good intentions—raising awareness, supporting a cause, or encouraging social change—
companies and organizations can co-opt these movements to serve their commercial

● Reiteration

While criticisms of social media are valid, it is essential to recognize and support its positive
impact on society. From fostering connectivity and communication to driving social change,
social media plays a significant role in shaping the world we live in. By harnessing its
potential responsibly, we can maximize its benefits and create a more connected, informed,
and inclusive. society.

Social media is a double-edged sword. It connects people instantly and enables global
communication, promoting awareness and social causes. However, it also spreads
misinformation, erodes the quality of personal interactions, and poses risks to privacy due to
data exploitation. Its addictive nature can lead to social isolation and anxiety. Thus, while
social media offers valuable tools, a balanced approach is needed to minimize its negative

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