Blood Pressure and The Brain How Low Can You Go .21

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Blood Pressure and the Brain: How Low Can You Go?
John C. Drummond, MD

There are occasionally intraoperative circumstances in which reduction of mean arterial pres-
sure (MAP) to levels well below those that occur in nonanesthetized adults is necessary or
unavoidable. In these situations, clinicians are inevitably concerned about the limits of the tol-
erance of the brain for hypotension. Reference to the phenomenon of cerebral blood flow auto-
regulation is frequently made in discussions of safe MAP limits. However, in several respects,
prevalent conceptions about cerebral blood flow autoregulation may be incomplete or inaccu-
rate. The principal theses offered by this review are: (1) that the average lower limit of cerebral
blood flow autoregulation in normotensive adult humans is not less than a MAP of 70 mm Hg;
(2) that there is considerable intersubject variability in both the lower limit of cerebral blood flow
autoregulation and the efficiency of cerebral blood flow autoregulation; (3) that there is a sub-
stantial blood flow reserve that buffers the normal central nervous system against critical blood
flow reduction in the face of hypotension; (4) that there are several common clinical phenomena
that have the potential to compromise that buffer, and that should be taken into account in
decision making about minimum acceptable MAPs; and (5) that the average threshold for the
onset of central nervous system ischemic symptoms is probably a MAP of 40–50 mm Hg at the
level of the circle of Willis in a normotensive adult in a vertical posture and 45–55 mm Hg in
a supine subject. However, these MAPs should probably only be approached deliberately when
the exigencies of the surgical situation absolutely require it. (Anesth Analg 2019;128:759–71)

here are occasionally intraoperative circumstances levels relatively constant across a range of MAPs, assuming
in which reduction of mean arterial pressure (MAP) that other elements of physiology are held constant. Figure 1
to levels well below those that occur in nonanesthe- includes a typical cerebral blood flow autoregulation “curve”
tized adultsa is necessary or unavoidable. In these situa- (the solid line) depicting the relationship between MAP and
tions, clinicians are inevitably concerned about the limits of cerebral blood flow. There is a central plateau bounded by
the tolerance of the central nervous system (CNS) for MAP inflection points representing the lower and upper limits of
reduction. Simply put, what are the thresholds at which cerebral blood flow autoregulation, below and above which,
the risk of ischemic injury becomes substantial in adult respectively, the cerebral circulation is pressure passive, with
humans? That is the question that this submission attempts cerebral blood flow varying pari passu with MAP. In Figure 1,
to address. The question invites answers expressed as the lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation and the
numeric thresholds. However, it should be understood at upper limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation are repre-
the outset that any numeric values that are offered represent sented as a value in the low 70s and 150 mm Hg, respectively.
population averages. There are large SDs on most biologi- The parameter on the x-axis of cerebral blood flow autoregu-
cal responses, and pushing physiology on the basis of aver- lation curves is sometimes cerebral perfusion pressure, rather
ages will almost certainly lead practitioners occasionally to than MAP. Cerebral perfusion pressure is calculated as MAP
discover individual outliers who are less tolerant of hypo- – intracranial pressure (ICP). Cerebral perfusion pressure is
tension. There is a second variable, “time,” in the injury/ used less often because a measure of ICP measures is often
no injury equation. Inevitably, there are MAPs that will be unavailable. Normal ICP is 5–10 mm Hg. A MAP of 70 mm
tolerated when hypotension is brief but that will not be tol- Hg can be viewed as equivalent to a cerebral perfusion pres-
erated when it is sustained. In the “MAP × time = sufficient sure of 60–65 mm Hg. The details of the physiological mecha-
to cause injury” equation, MAP and time will inevitably nisms of cerebral blood flow autoregulation are not critical
be inversely proportional, and the threshold values will be to this review. While other processes may be involved,1 cere-
impossible to predict for individual patients. bral blood flow autoregulation is probably largely myogenic
Any discussion of the tolerance of the CNS to relative (ie, a function of local vascular smooth muscle response to
hypotension will inevitably give emphasis to the topic of CNS changing intraluminal pressure in vessels between the distal
blood flow autoregulation. Cerebral blood flow autoregula- carotid and vertebrobasilar arteries and pial arteries down to
tion refers to the capacity of the CNS to maintain blood flow diameters in the vicinity of 100–200 μm).2

From the Department of Anesthesiology, the University of California San MISUNDERSTANDINGS ABOUT AUTOREGULATION
Diego, La Jolla, California; and Anesthesia Service, VA Medical Center, San
Diego, California. There appear to be several aspects of the cerebral blood flow
Accepted for publication December 18, 2018. autoregulation phenomenon that may not be fully appreci-
Funding: None. ated by all clinicians. Chief among them are: (1) that the aver-
The author declares no conflicts of interest. age lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation (ie, that
Reprints will not be available from the author. MAP below which cerebral blood flow is pressure passive
Address correspondence to John C. Drummond, MD, VA San Diego Health- and MAP and cerebral blood flow vary linearly), resides at
care System, 3350 La Jolla Village Dr, MC 125, Room 5289, San Diego, CA a MAP significantly greater than the widely advertised value
92161. Address e-mail to
Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society This review addresses adult physiology and will not attempt to explain the

DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004034 many variations that may apply to pediatric subjects.

April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 759

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EE Special Article

Figure 1. Cerebral blood flow autoregu-

lation curves depicting the relationship
between mean arterial pressure (MAP)
and cerebral blood flow. The solid
curve is the classical representation,
with a relatively broad plateau phase.
The solid vertical arrow indicates an
average lower limit of autoregulation
for normotensive adult humans of
approximately 70 mm Hg. The 2 dot-
ted line curves represent the variations
that occur within a normal population,
with some subjects having effectively
shorter plateaus and some have very
little autoregulatory capacity. CBF indi-
cates cerebral blood flow.

that have appeared for many years in standard text-

books have commonly depicted the adult human
lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation as
approximately 50 mm Hg, the actual average lower
limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation for a non-
anesthetized adult is unlikely to be anything less
than an average MAP value in the low 70s, with con-
siderable variation among individuals. Nonetheless,
50 mm Hg has been widely cited for decades as the
human lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregu-
lation (and this author certainly on the list of those
who have promulgated that misinformation4). While
that value may apply in several small animal spe-
cies, it most definitely is not applicable to humans.
The widely quoted “50” is probably derivative of a
figure (Figure 2) that appeared in a review of cere-
bral physiology by Lassen,5 published in 1959. The
Figure 2. This figure is probably the origin of the classical depiction figure displayed a composite of the then available
of cerebral blood flow autoregulation. The implication of a lower limit data on a graph of MAP versus global cerebral blood
of cerebral blood flow autoregulation of 50 mm Hg (vertical arrow) flow. The hand-drawn curve through the various
is apparent. The subject groups that anchor the left-hand end of the
curve (circle) had signs of central nervous system ischemia at a points on that graph certainly appears to indicate
mean arterial pressure of 38 ± 11 mm Hg, making it unlikely that the a lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation
lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation for the population of approximately 50 mm Hg. The left-hand end of
was actually 50 mm Hg. Adapted with permission from Physiological that curve is anchored by data from an investiga-
Reviews: Lassen NA. Cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption
in man. Physiol Rev. 1959;39:183–238.5 CBF indicates cerebral tion by Finnerty et al.6 In that study, blood pressure
blood flow. was lowered in nonanesthetized subjects suffi-
ciently to produce symptoms of cerebral ischemia,
of 50 mm Hg; and (2) that the effectiveness of cerebral blood and the data points that anchor the left-hand end of
flow autoregulation varies enormously from individual to Lassen’s curve, identified as “1” and “2” and circled
individual. While an autoregulatory plateau, as depicted in in Figure 2 are cerebral blood flow values recorded
Figure 1, is readily demonstrable in some normal subjects, in at the ischemic symptom MAP threshold. The origin
others it is less evident.3 One consequence of this variability of those data points is not specified by Lassen.5 In
is that cerebral blood flow autoregulation represents a much Finnerty et al’s6 total population of 37 subjects, some
more effective buffer against the injurious potential of hypo- of whom had untreated hypertension, symptoms
tension in some individuals than in others. occurred at an average MAP of 48 mm Hg and were
associated with a roughly 40% reduction in global
1. The lower limit of autoregulation: There is probably cerebral blood flow. My extraction of Finnerty et al’s6
considerable misunderstanding about the numeri- data for 12 normotensive subjects (baseline MAP
cal value of the average adult lower limit of cere- 91 ± 10, range 75–103 mm Hg and average age 46 ±
bral blood flow autoregulation. While diagrams 13 years) indicates a MAP ischemia threshold of 38

Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood Pressure and the Brain

Table. Data for the Lower Limit of Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation Obtained in Adult Human Subjects
Mean Lower Limit of Cerebral Blood
Flow Autoregulation (mm Hg)
Authors Hypotensive Technique Cerebral Blood Flow Method (Range, SD, or CI)
Morris et al17 Hexamethonium Kety-Schmidt technique, using nitrous oxide as the tracer >62 (54–78)
McCall18a Hydralazine Veratrum viride Kety-Schmidt technique, using nitrous oxide as the tracer <64 (33–80)
<57 (40–72)
Moyer et al9 Hexamethonium Pendiomide Kety-Schmidt technique, using nitrous oxide as the tracer >62 (53–80)
Trimethaphan >61 (54–72)
>57 (44–75)
Strandgaard10 Trimethaphan/tilt 1/arterial-jugular venous oxygen content difference 73 ± 9
Waldemar et al12 Lower body negative pressure/ Single proton emission computed tomography and, 1/ 79 (57–101)
trimethaphan ± captopril arterial-jugular venous oxygen content difference
Larsen et al13 Lower body negative pressure/ Single proton emission computed tomography and, 1/ 79 (53–113)
labetalol or trimethaphan arterial-jugular venous oxygen content difference
Cerebral blood flow velocity (middle cerebral artery) 91 (41–108)
Olsen et al14 Lower body negative pressure/ Single proton emission computed tomography and, 1/ 88 (76–101)
labetalol arterial-jugular venous oxygen content difference
Olsen et al15 Lower body negative pressure/ 1/arterial-jugular venous oxygen content difference 73 (60–100)
labetalol 1/arterial-transcranial near infra-red spectroscopy 79 (73–101)
saturation difference
Joshi et al16b Spontaneous variation on Mean velocity index (Δcerebral blood flow 66 (43–90)
cardiopulmonary bypass velocity/ΔMAP)
Data are presented as mean values with ranges, SDs (±), or CIs. The constancy of cerebral metabolic rate was assumed, and the fraction 1/arterial-jugular
venous oxygen content difference is used to determine relative cerebral blood flow; single proton emission computed tomography was used where indicated to
calibrate relative cerebral blood flow values; near-infrared spectroscopy was used to determine regional cerebral oxygen saturation. The constancy of cerebral
metabolic rate was assumed, and the fraction 1/arterial-transcranial near infra-red spectroscopy saturation difference was used to determine relative cerebral
blood flow; < indicates that the lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation was not identified, but that cerebral blood flow was unchanged from the control
value at the MAP indicated; > indicates that the lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation was not identified, but that cerebral blood flow was less than the
control cerebral blood flow value at the MAP indicated.
Abbreviation: MAP, mean arterial pressure.
Subjects were pregnant women near term (see text).
Subjects were receiving general anesthesia (see text). All others were nonanesthetized.

± 11 mm Hg, with a cerebral blood flow reduction et al,16 entailed static determinations (ie, they used a measure
of 35%. Whichever of Finnerty et al’s6 patients are of cerebral blood flow or some variable that can reasonably
represented on the Lassen5 figure, it seems unlikely be expected to vary in a linear relationship with cerebral
that the lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregu- blood flow, during sustained periods of stable MAP). The
lation is actually the value suggested by his graph. data collectively indicate that average lower limit of cerebral
The lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregula- blood flow autoregulation for a nonanesthetized adult can-
tion is likely to be substantially greater than the not be less than a MAP in the low 70s. Two of the entries are
MAP at which symptoms and a 35%–40% reduction superficially inconsistent with that conclusion. The study
of cerebral blood flow are observed. Furthermore, in by McCall16 used hydralazine or veratrum viride to induce
several other investigations, the average threshold hypotension in pregnant women late in the third trimester.
for the onset of ischemic symptoms was determined The effects of late pregnancy on the cerebral circulation are
to occur at MAPs that support the improbability of not well characterized; and hydralazine is known to be a
an average lower limit of cerebral blood flow auto- cerebral vasodilator. The effect of veratrum viride is obscure.
regulation of 50 mm Hg in adult humans: Morris The report by Joshi et al16 offers the lowest estimated average
et al,8 62 mm Hg; Moyer et al,9 “approaching” human lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation (66
55 mm Hg; Strandgaard,10 43 mm Hg; and Njemanze7 mm Hg, CI, 43–90) and deserves detailed comment, in large
(vide infra), 49 mm Hgb. Nonetheless, the apparent part because it is the only entry in the Table that involves anes-
impact of the Lassen5 publication has been remark- thetized subjects. First, for at least for 2 reasons, the observed
ably durable. One continues to see reference, in nom- mean lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation of
inally rigorously reviewed forums, to a lower limit 66 mm Hg is not inconsistent with the conclusion offered
of cerebral blood flow autoregulation of 50 mm Hg.11 above that average adult lower limit of cerebral blood flow
The Table presents the results of the available studies per- autoregulation is not less than a MAP in the low 70s. That
formed in neurologically normal adult humans which investigation was performed in patients on cardiopulmonary
yielded either specific determinations of the lower limit of bypass (CPB). The experimental conditions were such that a
cerebral blood flow autoregulation10,12–16 or data that pro- given MAP would be likely to achieve a better than typical
vide insight into the MAP range above or below where cerebral perfusion pressure (cerebral perfusion pressure =
it must reside.9,17,18 All of the studies, except that of Joshi MAP − ICP). Under the conditions of the study, the patients
probably had very low ICPs. The combination of depressed
cerebral metabolic rate (isoflurane 0.5%–1.0%, 33°C) and very
Njemanze7 used a blood pressure cuff on the arm. I have applied a correction
for the hydrostatic gradient, assuming a 12-inch vertical difference between low venous pressures because of gravity drainage of the right
the arm and the external auditory canal. heart drainage on CPB was likely to render ICP as low as it is

April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 761

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in any physiological circumstance. Second, the authors iden- attempting to understand the literature on cerebral blood
tified impaired cerebral blood flow autoregulation on the flow autoregulation: (1) the use of term “impaired auto-
basis of a dynamic cerebral blood flow autoregulation index regulation”; and (2) the influence of cardiac output (CO) on
derived from %Δcerebral blood flow velocity/%ΔMAP, cerebral blood flow autoregulation.
using 0.4 as the threshold value to define impaired cerebral
blood flow autoregulation. As acknowledged by the authors, 1. Impaired autoregulation: One often hears or reads
the choice of threshold was arbitrary. Had they selected the that such and such “impairs autoregulation.” With
lower threshold values (eg, 0.3) used by others (see Table 1 some frequency, those using that phrase fail to spec-
ify whether they are referring to the cerebral blood
in the review by Rivera-Lara et al19), their calculated lower
flow autoregulation response to increasing blood
limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation would have been
pressure or decreasing blood pressure (or both). It
a MAP >70 mm Hg.
is the latter, decreasing blood pressure, that is likely
It is notable that the report by Joshi et al16 represents the
to be of greater clinical importance. An impaired
only published determination of the lower limit of cerebral
response to increasing blood pressure will result
blood flow autoregulation in anesthetized, neurologically
in sustained vascular engorgement in the event of
normal adult humans. It is possible that the use of vasodilat-
hypertension. Isoflurane, for instance, impairs the
ing anesthetic agents and/or the blunting by anesthetic agents
response to increasing blood pressure more so than
of the sympathetic response to hypotension might result in
sevoflurane,21,22 but this is infrequently likely to be a
lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation values than
matter of intraoperative consequence. Furthermore,
those that are presented for the nonanesthetized subjects in
a rapid change in blood pressure will result in a tran-
the Table. However, it appears unreasonable to this reviewer
sient (ie, 3–4 minutes) alteration in cerebral blood
to entrust the well-being of our patients to speculation of
flow even when cerebral blood flow autoregulation
that nature. Pending additional data, it seems appropriate to
is intact. Impairment of the response to decreasing
assume that the average lower limit of cerebral blood flow
blood pressure, and therefore a reduced ability to
autoregulation in adult humans is not <70 mm Hg.
maintain cerebral blood flow in the event of hypo-
2. The intersubject variability of autoregulation: The tension, is of greater concern. However, even agents
Table also provides the ranges, SDs, or CIs associ- that render the cerebral circulation pressure passive
ated with the observed average lower limit of cerebral (eg, some volatile agents and blood pressure–low-
blood flow autoregulations. The intersubject variabil- ering drugs), and, therefore by definition, “impair
ity is remarkable. From those data, it might reasonably autoregulation,” may not actually be deleterious to
be concluded that at least some of the normal subjects the maintenance of perfusion. Whether or not they
included in these studies probably did not have cere- differ in their effects on cerebral blood flow autoregu-
bral blood flow autoregulation plateaus within the lation, there is nothing to choose between isoflurane
range of MAPs that are likely to occur during general and sevoflurane in terms of cerebral blood flow dur-
anesthesia. In fact, in an investigation by Lucas et al3 ing hypotension. While isoflurane and sevoflurane
that examined variation in cerebral blood flow veloc- do not actually cause an increase in cerebral blood
ity with MAP (though it did not attempt to calculate a flow during blood pressure reduction, both cause a
lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation), no state of relative luxury perfusion during hypoten-
apparent autoregulatory plateau was evident in any sion.23,24 Furthermore, the vasodilation caused by
of 11 normal subjects. some agents that impair autoregulation may actu-
ally result in a greater cerebral blood flow at a given
The typical “one-size-fits-all” diagrammatic representations MAP. Pharmacologically impaired autoregulation
of cerebral blood flow autoregulation that have appeared does not always represent a bogeyman that must be
widely in standard texts are likely to be misleading in sev- dreaded and avoided.
eral respects. First, some misrepresent (underestimate) the 2. The influence of CO on autoregulation: While the
average lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation. widely reproduced diagrams of cerebral blood flow
Second, in some subjects, the plateau is considerably nar- autoregulation depicting cerebral blood flow as a
rower than the 80–100 mm Hg width often suggested.20 function of MAP (or cerebral perfusion pressure) do
Third, the absolutely horizontal representation of the cere- not acknowledge CO as a relevant variable, there is,
bral blood flow autoregulation plateau is likely to be inac- in fact, considerable evidence that, in at least some
curate. When a cerebral blood flow autoregulation plateau circumstances, it is.25–33 Ogoh et al29 reported a linear
exists, it probably has a slightly positive slope.1 Cerebral relationship between CO and middle cerebral artery
blood flow autoregulation diagrams would be more repre- mean blood velocity at rest and during exercise that
sentative of normal physiology if they were presented as a was independent of Paco2. Ide et al25 observed that
family of curves (Figure 1) to emphasize the interindividual the increase in cerebral blood flow velocity that nor-
variability of cerebral blood flow autoregulation. mally occurs during intense exercise was attenuated
by beta blockade. Because beta blockade had no
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ABOUT effect on cerebral blood flow velocity during minimal
AUTOREGULATION exercise, they surmised that the effect was the result
Before discussing the clinical implications of the forego- of limitation of CO. The same authors reported that
ing, there are 2 additional topics of relevance to clinicians patients with atrial fibrillation also had a reduced

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Blood Pressure and the Brain

ability to increase cerebral perfusion during exercise, ensued at average reductions of 50%. Probably of
which they attributed to their impaired ability to greater interest to clinicians are the MAPs at which
increase the CO.26,31 A study by Kim et al27 revealed those symptom thresholds occurred. For Finnerty et
that increases in CO without changes in MAP al’s6 entire 37-subject group, which included some
increased cerebral blood flow in the setting of cere- untreated hypertensives, symptoms occurred at an
bral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. The average MAP of 48 mm Hg. For his normotensive
relationship is not evident in the face of all pathol- subjects, the average was 38 mm Hg.6 In the study
ogy, and the mechanisms are uncertain. However, by Njemanze,7 blood pressure was measured with a
sympathetic innervation of the cerebral vessels may blood pressure cuff applied to the arm.7 By assuming
be involved. The sympathetic response to a decrease a vertical distance from midcuff to the external audi-
in blood pressure has been shown to contribute to tory canal of 12 inches, I estimate that the MAP at the
the reduction of cerebral blood flow that occurs dur- symptom threshold was 40 mm Hg. In an additional
ing hypotension.34 This is thought to be mediated, at investigation, Strandgaard10 identified a MAP of 43
least in part, via adrenergic innervation of extracra- ± 8 mm Hg as the threshold for cerebral ischemic
nial and proximal intracranial arteries,35,36 because symptoms in normotensive subjects in whom blood
cerebral blood flow reduction is attenuated by block- pressure was reduced with trimethaphan. Cerebral
ing or extirpating the cervical sympathetic chain.34 blood flow was not measured at the time of symp-
Whatever the mechanism, clinicians who seek to tom onset. A reasonable summary of the available
maintain CNS blood flow by support of MAP should literature is that the first signs of insufficient oxy-
probably be mindful of the possibility that increas- gen delivery to the brain will occur in normotensive
ing MAP at the expense of CO may not achieve the adult subjects at MAPs between 40 and 50 mm Hg at
desired CNS blood flow augmentation. the level of the circle of Willis. Note that these num-
bers are MAPs and not cerebral perfusion pressures,
and should be assumed to apply only when ICP is
WHY SO LITTLE HARM? normal (ie, relatively low).
If the 2 “misunderstandings” that have just been asserted
are, in fact, prevalent, clinicians who have seen a great The CNS blood flow reserve serves as a critical buffer
many patients with sustained MAPs <70 mm Hg, might against the adverse effects of hypotension and is the prin-
well ask, “Why has there not been a greater incidence of cipal reason why blood pressures well below resting nor-
cerebral injury?” There are 2 principal reasons: (1) The CNS mal levels are so frequently well tolerated in the operating
blood flow reserve; and (2) the predominant use of horizon- room environment. However, it is my perception that this
tal positions for the performance of surgery. CNS blood flow reserve phenomenon is not emphasized in
the training received by anesthesiologists, and that at least
1. The CNS blood flow reserve: The healthy human some clinicians are minimally aware of the phenomenon.
nervous system lives in a state of luxury perfusion. As a result, some clinicians may fail to recognize situations
Resting CNS flow considerably exceeds the mini- in which the normal CNS blood flow reserve has already
mum required to deliver adequate energy-yielding been compromised, rendering individual patients relatively
substrates. Herein, the difference between resting more vulnerable to hypotension. There are at least 5 situ-
CNS flow and the flow at which the earliest symp- ations (discussed later in the section, “Compromise of the
toms of CNS ischemia occur will be referred to the as CNS Blood Flow Reserve”) in which this may occur: (1)
the “CNS blood flow reserve.” Some clinicians may recent central nervous injury; (2) raised local tissue pres-
not be aware of the CNS blood flow reserve and may sure; (3) chronic hypertension; (4) loss or absence of collat-
therefore not be sensitive to situations in which the eral blood flow pathways; and (5) vertical hydrostatic blood
reserve may not be present and in which patients pressure gradients between the heart and the brain.
are therefore likely to be more vulnerable to hypo-
tension than would be the case in the face of nor- 2. Horizontal surgical positions: In any fluid column
mal physiology. The brain can tolerate a reduction that is directed upward by an ejecting force, the
of the baseline cerebral blood flow of approximately pressure within that column diminishes in propor-
35%–40% before the onset of ischemic symptom- tion to the height above the source. If a garden hose
atology.6,7 Note that even the ischemic symptom is pointed upward, the water rises until the weight
threshold is highly unlikely to be the threshold for of the vertical column produces a pressure equal
injury unless the reduced blood flow is very sus- to that at the nozzle. This same reduction in pres-
tained. The investigation by Finnerty et al,6 which sure occurs in a vertically oriented arterial system.
observed symptoms at an average cerebral blood The magnitude of the effect, based on the density of
flow reduction of 40%, has been mentioned above. blood, is such that for every inch (2.54 cm) of verti-
Njemanze,7 using a tilt table, studied cerebral blood cal displacement, pressure within the column can
flow velocity changes in patients susceptible to pos- be expected to decrease by 2 mm Hg. If the MAP
tural hypotension. His observations in 40 patients 56 of the blood exiting the aortic valve is 95 mm Hg,
± 18 years of age were that ischemic symptomatol- by the time it has traveled roughly 12 inches verti-
ogy began with average cerebral blood flow velocity cally to the level of the circle of Willis, the pressure
reductions from baseline of 35%, and that syncope will be 95 − (12 × 2 = 24) = 71 mm Hg. This leads to

April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 763

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the second explanation (the first is the CNS blood 1. CNS injury: Autoregulation is a physiologically frag-
flow reserve, vide supra) for the apparent toler- ile phenomenon. Many CNS injury states,46 but most
ance of the human brain to the relative hypoten- particularly, subarachnoid hemorrhage47 and trau-
sion that is so common during general anesthesia. matic brain injury,48 and probably spinal cord injury
In a patient anesthetized with the head at the level and stroke,49 have the potential to impair the cere-
of the heart, an intraoperative MAP of 70 mm Hg bral blood flow autoregulation response to hypoten-
is “normal” in terms of cerebral perfusion pres- sion and to render blood flow pressure passive in
sure. (In the horizontal position, ICP is inevitably response to blood pressure reduction. In addition,
greater than in the vertical position. Therefore, acute traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid hem-
at a constant MAP at the circle of Willis, cerebral orrhage commonly result in resting cerebral blood
perfusion pressure will actually be slightly lower flow values that are approximately 50% of those seen
in the horizontal position.) This arithmetic means in normal subjects. These 2 phenomena, impaired
that the first 20%–25% reduction in MAP as mea- cerebral blood flow autoregulation and reduction
sured by a blood pressure cuff on the arm is literally in resting CNS blood flow, are well demonstrated
“free” in terms of its effects on cerebral perfusion in the setting of human traumatic brain injury and
pressure. At a MAP of 70 mm Hg in a horizontal subarachnoid hemorrhage.50,51 They are less well
position, cerebral perfusion pressure is very little demonstrated for spinal cord, but the physiology of
different from that which occurs in the sitting or the spinal cord is a “microcosm of the brain,”52 and
standing positions. This explains the absence of it is reasonable to assume, pending information to
intraoperative cerebral harm, which, in turn, has the contrary, that impaired autoregulation and low
probably contributed to the relatively casual pre- baseline flow occur there as well. The implications
vailing attitudes about relative hypotension intra- are presented graphically in Figure 3, in which the
operatively. This bit of physiological naivety has line of pressure passivity is drawn through a CNS
been reinforced by investigations purporting to blood flow value that is approximately half of nor-
demonstrate the absence of adverse cerebral effects mal. Reduction of MAP in a normal subject to 50
of “hypotension,” using a MAP of 70 mm Hg as mm Hg might encroach significantly but not criti-
the definition of hypotension.37 It also is probably cally on the CNS blood flow reserve, but the same
part of the explanation for why the superficially blood pressure reduction occurring in the face of
logical relationship between the incidence of stroke recent CNS injury might reduce flows to injurious
and intraoperative hypotension has not been con- levels.53–55 The duration of this impaired autoregula-
spicuous across many investigations.38–40 CPB has tion/low flow state is known to be at least 72 h and
been the context in which the stroke–hypotension sometimes considerably longer after traumatic brain
relationship has been examined most extensively. injury.48,56 It has been shown to persist for 7 days in
However, there are 2 limitations with that litera- animal models of spinal cord injury, and the current
ture. The first is the problem that any conclusion
clinical recommendation is for 7 days of MAP sup-
derived from the high stroke-risk patients common
port.57,58 The assumption that at least 7 days of MAP
in the context of CPB may not be broadly relevant.
support is appropriate in all acute CNS injury situa-
Second, and more significant, is the difficulty that
tions appears prudent.
the studies comparing MAP ranges during CPB
2. Raised local tissue pressure: Anything that exerts
present contradictory conclusions.40 Two recently
direct local pressure on the CNS and thereby raises
published studies highlight that difficulty. The ret-
local tissue pressure reduces the net perfusion pres-
rospective investigation by Sun et al41 reported an
sure achieved by a given MAP. While discussions of
association between stroke and intraoperative MAP
acceptable intraoperative blood pressures frequently
of <64 mm Hg. However, a randomized, prospec-
focus on MAP, it is really perfusion pressure that
tive investigation by Vedel et al42 comparing MAPs
is the important variable. Perfusion pressure is the
of 40–50 vs 70–80 mm Hg reported no differences in
difference between MAP and venous pressure or
stroke rate (with any trends leaning in favor of the
local tissue pressure, whichever is greater. In many
lower MAP). Whatever the causative role of hypo-
instances, venous pressure and local tissue pres-
tension in the occurrence of stroke, it has been theo-
sure are unknown. However, in many normal cir-
rized that hypotension may be more important as
an aggravator of thromboembolic strokes that have cumstances, those pressures are relatively low, and,
occurred independently by reducing clearance of as a result, MAP becomes a reasonable surrogate
microemboli or perfusion in boundary zones.43–45 for perfusion pressure. However, when local tissue
pressures are raised, MAP may substantially under-
estimate perfusion pressure. This consideration is
COMPROMISE OF THE CNS BLOOD FLOW already familiar in some contexts. The importance
RESERVE of taking ICP into consideration in determining cere-
At least 5 circumstances can result in a reduction of the bral perfusion pressure is well established, but there
blood flow reserve that normally serves so well to buf- are other circumstances in which this local pressure
fer the healthy human CNS against the adverse effects of phenomenon is relevant, including cervical spinal
hypotension. stenosis, any situation in which CNS tissue is under

Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood Pressure and the Brain

pressure from a surgical retractor, and perhaps in MAP of 148 ± 12 mm Hg had, in fact, left-shifted in
the circumstances of raised intraocular pressure dur- proportion to the MAP reduction that had occurred
ing prone surgery. To conceptualize this difference with treatment (from 149 to 116 mm Hg). However,
clearly, it may be helpful to distinguish between the time course of this left shifting is unknown. In a
perfusion pressure, as calculated by the difference separate group of 4 severely hypertensive patients,
between MAP and venous pressure, and “transmu- studied before and after 8–12 months of antihyper-
ral pressure,” calculated as the difference between tensive treatment, only 1 demonstrated apparent
intraluminal vascular and local tissue pressures. left shifting of the cerebral blood flow autoregula-
When pressure is applied locally to CNS tissue, the tion curve. This leads to the uncomfortable clinical
determinant of flow through the local capillaries is implication that what resetting occurs may not be
transmural pressure (ie, the pressure differential accomplished quickly. In addition, there are no data
between the vessel lumen and the local extravascu- to indicate whether the antihypertensive agent that
lar pressure). One encounters only infrequent use of is used is relevant to the extent or time course of
that term, probably because a measure of that local resetting.
tissue pressure is frequently not available. Figure 4 4. Collateral blood supply: Part of the explanation for
is an attempt to indicate the qualitative importance the tolerance of the CNS for relative hypotension is
of transmural pressure. In that figure, flow through generous collateralization. Blood has more than 1
a capillary bed that is under local pressure will be way of reaching most parts of the CNS; but as a result
determined not by the perfusion pressure as calcu- of vascular disease, congenital variation, and iatro-
lated by the difference between arterial and venous genesis (surgery), collateralization may vary from
pressure, but rather by the transmural pressure. individual to individual, making some vascular beds
While the morbidity that is actually associated with almost unpredictably more vulnerable to hypoten-
this local pressure phenomenon is very difficult to sion. This variation may be particularly relevant in 3
discern in the published literature, this author’s vascular distributions: (a) The circle of Willis; (b) the
anecdotal experience is that underappreciation of anterior spinal artery; and (c) the optic nerve.
this phenomenon has most certainly led on many a. The Circle of Willis. Standard anatomic diagrams
occasions to morbidity in the context of cervical spi- (Figure 5) suggest that blood has at least 2 alterna-
nal stenosis. tive pathways for arriving at any of the 3 principal
3. Hypertension: It has been demonstrated in both ani- cerebral arteries. However, postmortem examina-
mals and humans that chronic hypertension results tion studies have revealed that only approximately
in “right shifting” of the cerebral blood flow autoreg- 50% of normal subjects have a complete circle of
ulation curve.10 Both the lower limit of cerebral blood Willis,60 that up to 25% of adults do not have func-
flow autoregulation and the upper limit of cerebral tional posterior communicating arteries,61 that
blood flow autoregulation are shifted to greater 3%–5% of adults do not have an anterior com-
MAP values than occur in normotensive subjects.59 municating artery62,63; and that approximately 7%
The teleological explanation for this phenomenon is of adults have 1 carotid artery distribution, more
that to reduce vessel distension and the risk of rup- often the left, that is isolated (ie, without collat-
ture, mother nature thickens the intima and media eral communication via an anterior or a posterior
of cerebral vessels. The downside of this protective communicating artery). There is additional collat-
mechanism is that these vessels dilate less readily, eralization potential via leptomeningeal vessels
which results in the right shifting. Important for the and/or the ophthalmic artery; but these, too, are
clinician is Strandgaard’s10 observation that, in his variable. This author has encountered instances in
subjects, there was a good correlation between rest- which those congenital variations appear to have
ing MAP and both the lower limit of cerebral blood made individual patients unpredictably more
flow autoregulation and the MAP at which ischemic vulnerable to hypotensive insults.64,65
symptoms first occurred. While it is frequently said b. The anterior spinal artery. The arterial supply to
that treating hypertension “resets” (ie, left shifts), the the anterior spinal artery system is very variable,
autoregulatory curve, to my knowledge, it is only the with the number of feeding vessels varying sub-
investigation by Strandgaard10 that provides human stantially among subjects. The most constant of
data to support that assertion. Among his study these is the arteria radicularis magna, also known
groups were: (1) “well-controlled” hypertensive as the artery of Adamkiewicz. The arteria radicu-
subjects (n = 9); and (2) normotensive subjects (n = laris magna typically enters the spinal canal via
10). Their baseline MAPs were, respectively, 116 ± 18 an intervertebral foramen between the T8 and L1
and 98 ± 10 mm Hg; and their lower limit of cerebral vertebral bodies, usually on the left side. The arte-
blood flow autoregulations were 96 ± 17 and 73 ± 9 ria radicularis magna then makes a “hairpin” turn
mm Hg. The relatively constant difference between in a caudal direction as it joins the anterior spinal
the baseline and lower limit of cerebral blood flow artery.66 It serves to deliver blood principally to the
autoregulation MAPs in the 2 groups suggests that conus medullaris. In some individuals, the blood
the hypertensive subjects, all of whom had been delivery of the arteria radicularis magna to the
treated for from 1 to 8 years after an average intake conus medullaris is supplemented by arteries that

April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 765

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travel cephalad with the roots of the cauda equina. to produce a lesion in the axial center of the nerve,
These vessels typically originate from the internal which would, in turn, be expected to cause the cen-
iliac artery.66 The arteria radicularis magna proba- tral visual deficit that is, in fact, most common with
bly delivers very little cephalad flow in the anterior posterior ischemic optic neuropathy.72 Furthermore,
spinal artery in most subjects and the diameter of posterior ischemic optic neuropathy occurring in
the anterior spinal artery cephalad to the junction other surgical situations (gastrointestinal bleeding
with the arteria radicularis magna is typically very and radical neck dissection) has yielded pathologic
narrow.66 In some individuals, the anterior spinal specimens in which the location of the lesion is con-
artery is discontinuous at this level.67 This means sistent with Baig et al’s74 hypothesis.75,76 I should
that the majority of the blood supply to the spinal hasten to mention that while this author believes
cord at and above approximately the T10 vertebral that posterior ischemic optic neuropathy is often
level is descending caudally from the upper por- a boundary zone ischemia phenomenon to which
tions of the anterior spinal artery. In some indi- relative hypotension may contribute, that opinion
viduals, there is, as a result, a boundary zone, or is not confirmed by the existing literature. In par-
“watershed,”c territory in the mid-thoracic and ticular, the American Society of Anesthesiologists’
low thoracic spinal cord region.66 These vascular Advisory on Post Operative Visual Loss states spe-
variations have the potential to make some indi- cifically “that the use of deliberate hypotensive tech-
viduals unpredictably more vulnerable to spinal niques during spine surgery has not been shown to
cord ischemia in the event of hypotension or the be associated with the development of perioperative
loss of or sacrifice of intercostal or intervertebral visual loss.”77
feeding vessels. The author has encountered an
instance in which it appeared that induced hypo-
tension resulted in infarction of the conus medul-
laris and the upper portions of the cauda equina.68
c. The optic nerve. Two regions of the optic nerve are
variably and potentially precariously collateralized.
The first is the optic disk. The blood supply to the
optic disk comes via the posterior ciliary arteries,
which are noncollateralized end arteries that are
variable in number.69 Well before the phenomenon
of postoperative visual loss after spine surgery
brought ischemic optic neuropathy to prominence,
anterior ischemic optic neuropathy was well known
to ophthalmologists. Anterior ischemic optic neu-
ropathy presents most often as partial or “altitu- Figure 3. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation in acute injury states.
dinal” visual loss, typically in patients with optic In acute injury states, most notably traumatic brain injury and sub-
discs with specific anatomic characteristics (small arachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral blood flow is frequently reduced to
levels approximately half of normal, and autoregulation is impaired
disk, small cup-to-disk ratio, “crowded” disk) and (ie, the mean arterial pressure [MAP]/cerebral blood flow relation-
with risk factors for vascular disease, and especially ship is pressure passive [dotted line]). MAPs that might be tolerated
in patients in whom nocturnal hypotension, often in normal subjects may reduce cerebral blood flow to critically low
in association with new treatment of hypertension, levels (vertical arrow). CBF indicates cerebral blood flow.
has occurred.69–71 Posterior ischemic optic neuropa-
thy was much less familiar before the phenomenon
of blindness after prolonged prone surgery.72 The
precise location of the pathology of posterior isch-
emic optic neuropathy occurring after spine surgery
is not well characterized73 because (fortunately)
patients are rarely submitted to postmortem exami-
nation after spine surgery. However, Baig et al74 has
proposed that there is a region of relatively sparse
collateralization in the midportion of the optic nerve
(ie, midway between the globe and the optic canal),
where the nerve is usually supplied entirely by cen-
tripetal arterioles arising from the pia on the surface
of the nerve, and that this is where the insult of poste-
rior ischemic optic neuropathy occurs. Insufficiency
of this blood supply pathway would be expected Figure 4. Perfusion pressure and transmural pressure. See text
(“Raised Local Tissue Pressure”) for discussion. The magnetic reso-
The common term “watershed” will hereafter be avoided because the nance image on the right is from a patient with severe cervical spinal
metaphor is not apt. Water flows away from a watershed. Boundary zone stenosis. + indicates raised local tissue pressure; MAP, mean arte-
is preferred. rial pressure; VP, venous pressure.

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Blood Pressure and the Brain

Figure 5. Common variations in the anatomy of

the circle of Willis expressed as percentage prev-
alence (%) in disease-free adults. See text for dis-
cussion. ACA indicates anterior cerebral artery;
AComm, anterior communicating artery; MCA,
middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral
artery; Pcomm, posterior communicating artery.

Acute Focal Cerebral Ischemia heart result in vertical hydrostatic gradients. It is this
The management of the patient with acute focal cerebral isch- author’s conclusion that such gradients have impor-
emia (stroke) merits mention in the context of a discussion tant physiologic implications and that blood pres-
of collateral blood flow. It is almost entirely in the setting of sure should be obtained or arithmetically corrected
neurovascular interventions (thrombectomy, thrombolysis) to the cranial level.81 The lack of adverse effects on
after acute stroke that anesthesiologists provide general anes- the brain of a 25% reduction from a typical awake
thesia for individuals known to have recently experienced a MAP in the common horizontal surgical positions
focal stroke. In that situation, it is generally understood that has contributed to the casual attitude toward blood
perfusion of the potentially salvageable tissue at the periph- pressure reductions of this order. However, bringing
ery of a stroke, the so-called penumbra, is dependent on col- this same attitude to situations in which the surgi-
lateral perfusion, sometimes across boundary zone territories cal position results in the head being substantially
between cerebral artery distributions, and that this type of above the heart has resulted, in this author’s opin-
perfusion requires the maintenance of high-normal MAPs. ion, in a significant incidence of neurological injury.82
Few anesthesia providers need to be instructed that main- Since before the time that the term “neuroanesthe-
tenance of blood pressure in this situation is important.78 sia” achieved currency, it has been an article of faith
However, focal ischemic lesions (strokes) occasionally occur among neuroanesthetists that blood pressure during
spontaneously during anesthesia.38,79 It seems likely, albeit sitting neurosurgical procedures be transduced and
unproven, that the effects of such insults will be aggravated maintained at the level of the external auditory canal.
that by relative hypotension during general anesthesia.45 This However, when the beach chair position was intro-
possibility provides another incentive not to induce or permit duced into orthopedics, somehow the laws of phys-
degrees of hypotension that are not specifically necessary for ics were perceived to be different when the surgical
the conduct of the surgical procedure, especially in patients objectives were bones rather than brains. Figure 6
at risk for stroke.80 attempts to depict the issues. If a MAP that is widely
deemed to be acceptable in a supine orientation (eg,
5. Vertical hydrostatic gradients: Intraoperative patient 65 mm Hg, as measured by a blood pressure cuff
positions in which the head is substantially above the on the arm is accepted during beach chair position

April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 767

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surgery), the MAP at the external auditory canal is acceptable minimum pressures becomes relevant. Therefore,
approximately 41 mm Hg. Normotensive individu- I offer the following speculation, which is based largely on
als in a head-up posture should tolerate a MAP of ischemic symptom thresholds in nonanesthetized adults
41, although some will have presyncopal symp- and not on outcome data. In a head-up position, when ICP
tomatology. However, perfusion would probably is low, MAPs of 40–50 mm Hg at the level of the circle of
be sufficient in most subjects to prevent neurologic Willis should be tolerated by most healthy, normotensive
injury unless this level of hypoperfusion was very patients who are free of vascular disease. In the supine posi-
sustained. However, if it was necessary to place the tion, when ICP is likely to be somewhat higher, minimum
blood pressure cuff on the calf, the vertical gradient pressures of 45–55 mm Hg should be tolerated. In the beach
becomes larger. In the beach chair position configu- chair position, assuming a 12-inch vertical gradient between
rations used in this author’s institution, the incre- the midpoint of a blood pressure cuff on the arm and the
ment to the gradient is only 6 inches. But, a MAP of external auditory canal, a minimum cuff MAP of 65–70
65 at the calf therefore results a calculated MAP at should result in circle of Willis MAPs of 40–45 mm Hg. In
the external auditory canal of 29 mm Hg. This has the event of the use of a blood pressure cuff on the calf, I
the potential to be much more rapidly injurious. suggest minimum MAPs of 80–85 mm Hg. This recommen-
dation entails slightly more than the 12 mm Hg allowance
There has not been universal agreement that making appropriate to the additional 6 inches of gradient attendant
allowance for this hydrostatic difference is necessary or on the use of a calf cuff because distal lower extremity blood
important. It has been argued that, because an equivalent pressures can be greater than those recorded in the arm.83
reduction in venous pressure, to negative values, occurs In beach chair position surgery, great care should be taken
simultaneously with the reduction in arterial pressure, the to assure that there is no compression of the jugular veins,
arterial to venous blood pressure difference is unchanged which would increase ICP and reduce the net cerebral per-
by the head-up position and that cerebral perfusion pres- fusion pressure achieved by any given MAP.84
sure is therefore unaltered. This “closed-loop” or “siphon” All of the foregoing recommendations constitute
model of the cerebral circulation holds that as long as per- extremes that should never be routine and should only be
fusion pressure is adequate somewhere in a vertically ori- approached when surgical circumstances provide a signifi-
ented circulatory loop, it will be adequate everywhere in cant incentive for reduced blood pressure. Periods of hypo-
that loop. This author has argued that this rationale is spe- tension should be kept as brief as possible. Intermittent
cious because it assumes siphon-like function of the cerebral hypotension, in response to varying surgical needs, will
function.81 Those who have used siphons will appreciate be preferable to sustained hypotension. Monitoring of the
that they function only with rigid tubing. Too much of the nervous system has the potential to widen the latitudes.
cerebral vasculature amounts to nonrigid tubing to entrust The combination of somatosensory and motor evoked
our patients’ well-being to the unproven and improbable potentials will provide substantial assurance that there is
closed loop model. not significant ischemia of the brain and spinal cord. There
is increasing interest in the use of near-infrared spectros-
THE BOTTOM LINE copy devices to monitor brain oxygenation in anesthetized
Practitioners frequently want to know, “How low can you patients. However, this author is of the opinion that because
go?” The very question is unappealing because it implies of the hyperfocal nature of the brain region monitored,
an element of brinkmanship that is not the modus operandi because of performance variation among the clinically
of anesthesiologists. However, surgical circumstances may available devices, and because of the problem of extracra-
occasionally justify induced hypotension and the matter of nial contamination, the false negative potential is too great

Figure 6. Hydrostatic gradients in the sitting posi-

tion. Mean arterial pressures (MAPs) at the level
of the external auditory canal (as a marker of the
level the circle of Willis) have been calculated on
the basis of the density of blood and estimated
vertical distances between the external auditory
canal and the center of blood pressure cuffs on
the arm and on the lower leg, 12 inches and 18
inches, respectively. A 1-inch vertical displace-
ment results in a calculated reduction in intraar-
terial pressure of 2 mm Hg. The blood pressures
at the right-hand side of the panel represent a
normotensive awake state. The remaining calcu-
lations assume intraoperative blood pressure cuff
MAPs of 65 mm Hg.

Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Blood Pressure and the Brain

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April 2019 • Volume 128 • Number 4 771

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