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 To score well in the Section B (Reading) of the Paper 1 and Paper 2 it is important to

express yourself clearly by presenting a well-structured piece, adhering to the required


 Adhere to the word limit.

Summary Writing
 Summary Writing

o Read the question and the title to know what the passage is about.

o Underline or circle points which you feel are important or relevant.

o Try grouping points which are similar.

o Use connectives to form complex sentences.

o Include statistical data if relevant.

o Do not give opinions.

o Do not use direct speech.

o Do not use first person.

o Do not give a conclusion.

Formats-Paper 1-Non-Fiction
1. Magazine Article

o Use a catchy title.

o Use subheadings for better organization and presentation.

o Make use of rhetorical questions (questions which do not require an answer).

2. Diary

o Write the date in the corner or on the first line. Open with "Dear Diary" or “Dear [Insert


o Use informal language but avoid using colloquial words and abbreviations.

o Sign off with your name/name of the character if based on the extract of Section A.

3. News Paper Report

o Begin with a catchy headline.

o Make use of a lead line (small line after headline summarizing the report) and by-line

(line mentioning name of the writer).

o First Paragraph: ▪ Who? ▪ When? ▪ Where? ▪ What?

o Narrate the events in a chronological order.

o Do not include opinions, unless mentioning eyewitnesses’ quote.

o Use time connectives (after, before, later that day, at the same time).

o End with a prediction of the future.

4. Speech

o It does not have a specific layout as it is meant to be spoken rather than written, so it is

more of a script.

o Introduce yourself.

o Make an impressive opening statement using either of these:

 A rhetorical question

 A surprising statement

 A famous quote

o To enhance your work, include:

 Literary devices

 Facts

 Opinions

 Emotive language

 Use a variety of sentence structures.

 Use the list of three.

o Use personal details and anecdotes

5. Informal letter

o Format:

 Salutation (Dear/Dearest)

 Introduction

 Body

 Conclusion

o Sign off with your name/name of the character if based on the extract of Section A.

o Avoid using abbreviations and slang terms.

o Keep the tone very friendly.

o Try using time phrases (shortly after that/later/that afternoon/after dinner)

6. Formal letter

o Format:

 Salutations and Signatures

 Introduction

 Body

 Conclusion
o Use formal language.

o Do not use contractions.

o Keep the tone respectful and serious.

o Dive right into the point.

7. Autobiography

o Write it in 1st person.

o Do not start your essay with a quote, unless it is important for your story.

o After explaining the background, come straight to the point and state your reason.

o Finish with a clear, engaging, and memorable conclusion.

Formats-Paper 2-Fiction
 Narrative/Story Writing

o First or third person depending on the question.

o Must have a conflict and resolution.

o Conflicts could be:

 Man vs Man.

 Man vs Self.

 Man vs Supernatural.

 Man, vs Nature.

 Man vs Society.

o Setting must have potential for adventure – perhaps terror or danger. o Use long

sentences to create a feel of relaxation or reaching a climax.

o Use short sentences to quicken the pace.

o Use varied vocabulary to amplify the effect and enrich the piece.
o Alter paragraph length according to the importance of the content in that paragraph.

o Format:

 Paragraph 1 - Setting

 Paragraph 2 - Character development

 Paragraph 3 - Conflict

 Paragraph 4 - Resolution

 Paragraph 5 - Ending

Extra Tips
 Before the paper:

o Regularly read books and stories to enhance your writing.

o Understand all the formats clearly and practice them.

o Build up your vocabulary by exposing yourself to an array of genres.

 During the paper:

o Read the question carefully.

o Spend up to 5 minutes to organize your thoughts and plot a rough draft, to make sure

the story will flow and not be an unorganized mess.

o Avoid making grammar mistakes, use correct punctuation and spelling to not distract

the examiner from the content.

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