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National College of Public Administration and Governance
UC Approval: Date of effectivity:
148th UPD UC : 28 May 2018 1st Semester of AY 2018-2019
1 Semester 15 units Grade 2nd Semester 18 units
GE 1 : ARTS 1 3 GE 6 : Fil 40 3
GE 2 : Eng 13 3 GE 7 : Philo 1 3
GE 3 : Kas 1 3 GE 8 : Speech 30 3
GE 4 : Soc Sci 1 or Soc Sci 2 3 GE 9 : Econ 11 3
GE 5 : Math 10 3 PA 101 3
PE (2) POLSC 11 3
PE (2)
1 Semester 18 units Grade 2nd Semester 18 units
GE 10 : Eng 30 3 PA 103 3
PA 102 3 PA 112 3
PA 111 3 PA 121 3
Acctg 1 3 PA 141 3
Psych 101 3 Stat 101 3
Non-PA Elective 3 Non-PA Elective 3
NSTP (3) NSTP (3)
PE (2) PE (2)
1 Semester 18 units Grade 2nd Semester 18 units
GE 11 : DRMAPS or STS 1 3 PA 105 3
PA 104 3 PA 124 3
PA 113 3 PA 143 3
PA 131 3 PA 151 3
PA 142 3 Non-PA Elective 3
Non-PA Elective 3 Non-PA Elective 3
Midyear 6 units
PA 181 6
1st Semester 18 units Grade 2nd Semester 15 units
PA 106 3 PA 107 3
PA 132 3 PA 108 3
PA 152 3 PA 191* 3
PA 191* 3 PA 199.2 3
PA 199.1 3 PI 100 3
Non-PA Elective** 3

TOTAL 144 units

1. *Third-year standing or have taken at least 15 units of PA courses: shall be taken twice provided that the topics are different
2. **Highly recommended electives include Econ 100.1, Econ 100.2, Socio 11, Psych 108, POLSC14, and other social science courses.
3. As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officers’ Training Corps Military Science
(ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
4. The University regularly reviews course curricula and may revise them. Students admitted into this program shall follow the existing
curriculum until such time that a new curriculum replacing it has been duly approved for implementation. All courses prescribed and
taken under this existing curriculum shall be credited under the new curriculum

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