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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of City of San Fernando (P)
San Fernando North District


A.Y. 2023-2024

I. Content/ Subject Matter

A. General Topic: Weather
B. Specific Topic: Weather Patterns and Seasons in the Philippines

II. Learning Resources

- Into the Future: Science and Health 6 by Juanita M. Cruz pp. 219-239
- Investigating Life’s Wonders: Science 6 by Milagros S. Ignacio pp. 352-
- BEAM 6 Module 13: Climate

III. Learning Outcomes

- Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of weather patterns and
seasons in the Philippines.
- Performance Standard: The learners should be able to design an emergency and
preparedness plan and kit.
- Learning Competency: The learners should be able to:
A. describe the different seasons in the Philippines.
B. discuss appropriate activities for specific
IV. Learning Activities


“A blessed day to all of you my dear

students, I am your teacher Vincent,
and I hope that we will have a very Good day Teacher!
meaningful and progressive lesson

“Before anything else, let’s have a (A pupil will volunteer to lead

prayer first, does anyone want to lead a prayer.)
the prayer?”

“Thank you, ____ for leading us in

prayer, you may now take your seat.”

Good morning Teacher!

Good Morning classmates!

“Again, Good day everyone, kindly

greet your classmates also.” We are great, Teacher!

“How are you today?”

“Oh, I am happy to hear that!” (The secretary will mention

the names of those who are
“Secretary, is there any absentee in absent.)
our today session”

“Ok, noted Ms/Mr. Secretary, thank

you very much.”
“Before we begin our discussion, I
have only three reminders to share.

“First, kindly remain seated unless


“Second, kindly keep your eyes on me

and listen attentively.”

“Lastly, don’t answer in chorus. Kindly

raise your hands if you want to answer
or if you have questions in mind.”

“Is everything clear my dear students?” Yes teacher!


So, for our review, we’ve discuss the

effects of Volcanic Eruption.

So what are the effects of Volcanic

(pupil raises his hands)
Earthquakes may bring
Very Good! about landslides and
tsunamis that can result to
loss of lives and properties.
Cracks on the ground and
destruction of
infrastructures may also
Last time we’ve discussed the effects on volcanic
eruption. We all know that our country has many
volcanoes and we discussed what are we need
to do before, during and after earthquake.

Always remember this class

- A volcano is a mountain or hill with a vent
extending from the top down to the Earth’s
interior. It expels magma accompanied by
rumbling under the ground.
- Volcanic eruptions may build up the land
and improve fertility of the soil. It may also
cause harm by destroying life and
- Precautionary measures must be
observed in order to prevent the loss of
lives during volcanic eruptions.

“Now let’s proceed with our objectives

for today, any volunteer who wants to

(the pupil reads the


“Great! Now that you know our

objectives for today let’s have our 1st

“Are you guys ready?” Yes teacher!

V. Motivation

So before we start with our discussion we will

play a game. Are you ready?

We will going to test your acting skills in this topic

so we will divide the groups into two and each of
you will plan and act on what I will be giving you.

Do you understand?

Yes teacher!
So the first group will act what is happening or
what they are doing during sunny or summer

The second group, they will act what is

happening or what are the things they do in rainy

I will give you 5 minutes to prepare, your timer

starts now!

Okay time’s up!

So let’s start with group 1 (Act about sunny season)

Okay very good group 1! Let’s give them angel

clap (teaches the angel clap)

Okay now the group 2

Okay perfect group 2! Let’s give them also an (Act about rainy season)
angel clap!

VI. Establishing the Purpose for the Lesson

That’s it for our game class, did you enjoy it?

Yes teacher!
Okay we will having our other game next
discussion okay?

(pupil raises his/haer hand)

But before we start I want to ask you. What do
It’s hot teacher!
you feel right now? Is it hot or cold weather?

Yes it is so hot right now what season are we?

Summer teacher

Okay, very good! It is already summer season.

For today’s discussion we will be talking about
the seasons in the Philippines and we will see
through our discussion what is the best activities
we can have during those seasons.

So as we go by our discussion we will play

another game. I know you are all familiar with it.
The game is called “4pics 1word”

So I will be showing you 4 photos and those

photo when you combine them you will be
forming a word in the letters below. I will call
some of you to answer it.

For our 1st photo to be guessed

We can see some photos here there is Ice (pupil raises his/her hands)
cream, Beach, Halo-halo, swimming pool. What Its SUMMER teacher.
could be the answer on this one?
Okay, please stand up and answer it on the

Okay Very good it’s summer! Let’s give him/her

a Spartan clap

(teaches the Spartan clap)

Why did you came up with this answer? Because of the beaches and
the foods teacher it is suit for
the summer season.
Okay very good, because those on the pictures
are activities and food that are usually done or
eaten during summer season.

Let’s proceed with the next photo

What is the word that best suits the 4 photos?

Can anyone answer it infront?

(pupil raises his/her hand)
Okay, kindly answer it.

Very good! Let’s give him/her a Spartan clap.

We can see those pictures who are wearing

raincoat and bringing umbrella and they are wet.
We can say that this is a rainy season.

So to continue our discussion we will read a

poem and we will identify what it is all about, Yes, teacher!
Understand class?
So the title of the poem is Seasons by Kimberly
Joy T. Vicente.

Yes teacher!
Okay do you understand the poem class?

So what is the poem all about?

It’s abou the rainy and sunny
Very good! It is about rainy or wet and sunny or season teacher
dry season.

What is the color of the sky? (pupil raises his/her hand)

Blue teacher!
Correct! Its color blue! The sky is blue when the
weather is sunny and fine.

It’s dark teacher!

How about when it is raining what is the color of
the sky?

Okay, Its dark in color, because the clouds are

gathering and it will turn into black and it will rain.
What are the activities we can do during dry
(pupil raises his/her hand)
we can do hike, swim, play
Okay very good! and run teacher!

While in the rainy season what do we do?

Okay perfect! We need to stay indoors to keep (pupil raises his/her hand)
us safe at all times. we need to stay indoors for
safety teacher!
But remember class, in spite of this danger of
season this are blessings from above because
he created those seasons for us to enjoy and we
are thankful for it because many people are
getting benefits in our season.

We have only 2 seasons in the Philippines these

are the Sunny and Rainy season. But on the
other country they are many seasons like winter,
spring, autumn, sunny or summer.

Right now we are experiencing summer season

because Mid-March to June is the Summer
season here in our country.

The Dry season in our country

- It is characterized by hot and cloudless
day. Between January and May, the
climate is generally dry with occasional
rain showers.
- From January to February, the air is cold
and dry. The peak of dry season is in April
with less rain showers.
- The dry season is influenced by seasonal
wind and the northeast monsoon, the
- Northeast breeze from Siberia and
northern China is cool dry, which brings
prolonged periods of successive
cloudless days.
- The temperature at daytime ranges from
25 to 32 degree Celsius and 22 degree
Celsius at nighttime.
- It is advisable to wear light colored and
cotton clothes during warm days to be
comfortable. During summer months,
some people go on a vacation. It is also
the time for some people to dry their crops
and other goods

The Wet season in our country

- Wet season is characterized by rainy

season with thunderstorm and starts in
June and peaks in July to September.
- Daytime temperatures range from 30 to
36 degree Celsius and during nighttime.
- Temperature ranges from 21 to 28 degree
- The air is hot and humid, brings heavy
rains and typhoons in the country.
- During rainy season, it is advisable to
carry an umbrella, especially in the late
afternoon. It is also during rainy season
that the farmers are able to plant crops

Do you have any questions class?

None teacher!
Do you understand our lesson?

Yes teacher!
VII. Post-Discussion

To understand more with our discussion we will

be having some activities

What season am I?

- I will be grouping you into 4 groups and

you will going to build a puzzle.
- Each group will receive puzzle pieces and
you will going to complete it in 5 minutes.
- After you build the puzzle you will shout
“done teacher” and go back to your seat
- One representative will discuss what
season it is and what kind of activity they
are doing

Yes teacher!
Are you ready?

Your timer starts now!

Okay time’s up!

So now I will call each group to discuss what did they

completed in the puzzles.

Let’s start with the group 1

Okay thank you group 1, Let’s give them ang galing

(teaches the ang galing clap)

Okay let’s have the group 2

Okay very good group 2! Let us give them Ang galing

*Discussion of their puzzle
Next is the group 3 piece.*

Thank you and very good group 3! Let us give them

Ang galing clap

Remember this class

- The Philippines experiences two

seasons namely wet season and
dry season.
- The season experienced in the
Philippines is due to its
geographical location and wind
systems due to the unequal
heating of the Earth’s surface.
- These wind systems include the
Northeast Monsoon
and Southwest Monsoon.
- Other factors that influenced the season in
the Philippines include bodies of water,
temperature and amount of rainfall.
- The seasons in the Philippines affect the
livelihood and health of people in the
- The presence of bodies of water and
mountain ranges affect the climate in the
Philippines and also affect the temperature
and rainfall.
- Climate is the average of all weather
conditions prevailing in a particular area for
a long period of time. The Philippines have
four types of climate and the classification is
based on the amount of rainfall.
As I can see you’ve understand our lesson for today
and that’s it for our lesson for today class thank you
for listening!

So let us stand up and have our closing prayer.

-end of lesson-

VIII. Evaluation

Arrange the jumbled letters. Write your answers on a separate ½

lengthwise paper.

TEW SONSEA 1. This season is characterized by heavy rainfall.

YRD SONEAS 2. This season is characterized by hot temperature.

UAMBERLAL 3. It is advisable to carry this during rainy season.

VAILINPREG WINDS 4. This is the winds that blows in a single direction such as Habagat

and Amihan.

PINESPHILIP 5. It is located a little north near the equator.

HANAMI 6. It is known as the northeast monsoon.

GATHAAB 7. It is known as the southwest monsoon.

HMIUDAND MWAR 8. It is the type of Philippine climate in a year-round.

NUS'N HEAT 9. It causes much water to evaporate and fall as rain later on.

YAM 10. It is the month that southwest monsoon starts.

IX. Assignment

Watch the news tonight, kindly list down the weather updates for this
week and share it to the class next meeting.

Prepared by: Vincent Marc W. Castro


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