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Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and

other text types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also

how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.

Performance Standards The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant

socio-cultural issue.

Learning Competencies Distinguish technical terms used in research (ENG10V-Iva-30)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. identify the steps in selecting and limiting a research topic;
B. formulate a step by step process in selecting and limiting a research topic
through a graphic organizer; and
C. discuss the importance of focus in achieving academic success and
personal goals.
II. Subject Matter: How to Select and Limit a Research Topic
How to Select and Limit a Research Topic from
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (Learner’s Material)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, printed materials
III. Procedure: 4A’s Method
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities

Good morning, class!

Kindly all stand for the prayer. Let us all remember…Our Father…Amen.

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up some

pieces of paper on the floor and arrange your (Students do as told)
chairs properly.

Since, I already introduce myself last time, how

are you going to call me again, class?

How are you going to call me again, class? Miss Marie.


How is your day so far? Fine so far, miss.

Are there any absentees? None, miss.

Are there any assignments that need to be

passed? None, miss.

Did you remember our classroom rules? LRBB

L- Listen
R- Respect
B- Be quiet and stay focus on the lesson
B- Be attentive and participate in the activity

I want you to observe these classroom rules

throughout the class.

Are the classroom rules clear to you, class? Yes, miss.

1. Review

Before we proceed with our discussion this

morning, let us first have review through an

But before that, what was your topic last meeting

with your other teacher? We discussed about the Primary sources and
Secondary sources of Information.
Kindly read the directions begin!

Directions: Read and analyze the statement on

the screen. Identify whether it is a Primary or
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Secondary source.

1. Diaries and Journals: Personal accounts

written by individuals at the time of the
events they describe. Primary Sources
2. Documentaries: Films or television
programs that present information and
analysis about historical events or topics,
often drawing from primary sources. Secondary Resources
3. Photographs and Videos: Visual
representations of events, places, or
people captured at the time they Primary Resources

Wow! It seems that you really understood your

previous lesson.
(Students do as told)
Kindly give yourselves 3 big claps.
None miss.
Any questions about your previous lesson?

2. Motivation

Before we proceed with our discussion. I have

here a jumbled letters and I want 1 volunteer to
arrange it to form a word. After you form the
word, I will call at least four students to write a
one word description of the word on the board.


What word have you formed? Research miss.

That is right!

What words can you define with the word Study, experiment, test, questions


When you hear or read a word research, it is the

systematic investigation into and study of
materials and sources in order to establish facts
and reach new conclusions (Oxford Dictionary).

Now, in conducting a research, what is the first

thing that you need to do? Choose or select a topic miss.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Very good! The first thing we need to do is to
select a research topic.

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and


So, this morning we will discuss about “How to

Select and Limit a Research Topic.”

Kindly read again our topic for this afternoon. How to Select and Limit a Research Topic

Everyone must listen attentively because at the

end of the lesson you are expected to attain the
following objectives

For the first objective, all girls kindly read. A. Identify the steps in selecting and limiting a
research topic.
For the second objective, all boys. B. Formulate a step by step process in selecting
and limiting a research topic through a
graphic organizer.
Third objective, altogether. Begin! C. Discuss the importance of focus in
achieving academic success and personal
Are the objectives clear to you, class?
Yes miss.
A. Activity

Before we delve into our new topic this morning

which is selecting and limiting a research topic,
let us have an activity called “ARRANGE M!”

Activity 1: “Arrange Me!”

1. Divide the class into 7 groups Expected answers:
2. Arrange the letter/s inside the envelope to
form the word to unlock the step. 1. 1. BRAINSTORM
3. Do this in 3 minutes only. 2. SOURCES
GROUP 1 (1 Step)
_________for ideas.

GROUP 2 (2 Step)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Identify the __________of general background

GROUP 3 (3 Step)



__________on your ___________

GROUP 4 (4 Step)


Make a list of useful __________

GROUP 5 (5 Step)


Be __________.

GROUP 6 (6 Step)

_________your topic as a focused research

GROUP 7 (7 Step)


Formulate a ________ statement

Great job, class! Give yourselves 3 big claps,


B. Analysis
Let us now check your answers. What is the first
step in selecting and limiting a research topic? The first step in selecting and limiting a
research topic is Brainstorm for ideas.
Correct! What comes into your mind, when you
hear a word brainstorm? I think brainstorm means to talk with my
groupmates and come up with an idea.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Perfect! In other words, kindly read the
definition on the board.

1. Brainstorm for ideas

- it involves generating a wide range of
potential topics or angles related to the main
- choose a topic that interests you

This means that you should talk with your

groupmates or with someone about the things
that you have interest in. The goal is to generate
as many ideas as possible, even if they seem
unconventional or unrelated at first, and then
narrow down the options based on relevance.

You can also consider the following questions to

help generate topic ideas.
 Why does it interest you?
 What you would like to know more about
 What is your opinion about the topic?


Let us now proceed to the second group, what is

the second step in selecting and limiting a The second step is Identify the sources of
research topic? general background information.

What is your idea in this step? I think this means we should use reliable
sources when we research something
Exactly! This means that…

2. Identify the sources of general background

- involves finding credible sources of
information that provide an overview of the
topic area.

Where do you think you can gather or read

additional information? We can gather information books, magazines,
journals, and websites.
Exactly! This could include academic journals,
educational websites, books, case studies, and
reports. By gathering general background
information, you gain a better understanding of
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
the context, key issues, and existing research
related to your topic.

You may also consider these following questions

when identifying a general background

 What sources of information can you use

to gather information?
 Who can help you in providing
information about the topic?
 Do you know any organizations that can
help you in gathering information?
None miss.

Now, class, what is the third step in selecting and

limiting a research topic? The third step is to focus on your topic.

What is your idea in this step? For me, it means that we should avoid topics
that are too broad.

Why do you think that we need to avoid broad We should avoid broad topics so that it will be
topic? easy for us to conduct the research.


3. Focus on your topic

- it involves narrowing down or specifying the
topic and limiting it within your means

For example:
Effects of Mobile Gaming on Health (Broad)

There are a lot of mobile games online and

offline. Also, there are different aspects of health
such as physical, mental, and emotional health.
You have to be specific in order for you to carry
out your research easily.

To make it more specific, you may write:

The impact of Prolonged Mobile Legends: Bang

Bang Gameplay on Students’ Physical Health.

Do you have questions regarding this step?

None miss.
Now, let us proceed to group 4. What is the
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
fourth step in selecting and limiting a research
The 4th step is to make a list of useful
Why do you think we need to make a list of keywords.
useful keywords in selecting and limiting a
research topic? I think it is important to make a list of
keywords to help in further research and
Correct! literature review.

4. Make a List of Useful Keywords

- keywords are terms or phrases that capture
the essence of your topic and can be used to
search for relevant information.

In this step, you compile a list of keywords

related to your research topic. These keywords
will guide your search for relevant literature and
help you identify sources that are directly related
to your research question.

None miss.
Let us proceed to group 5. What is the fifth step
in selecting and limiting a research topic?

What does it mean to be flexible in research? The 5th step is to be flexible.

I think being flexible means the ability to adjust

5. Be flexible your research topic if there is a need to do so.
- being flexible is important throughout the
research process, as it allows you to adapt to
new information, unexpected findings, and
changing circumstances.

To do that, we may consider this question:

 What are the considerations or

adjustments that you would do if ever
there is a need to modify your research

While it's essential to have a clear focus for your

research, you should also be open to exploring
different perspectives, adjusting your approach,
and refining your research question as needed.


After considering those five steps, it is now the None miss.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
time to... What is the 6th step, group 6?

6. Define your topic as a focused research The 6th step is to define your topic as a focused
question research question.
- A focused research question articulates the
specific issue or problem that your research
aims to address. It should be clear, concise,
and specific enough to guide your

What do we mean by research question?

Precisely! These are questions that need to be It means a question that needs to be answered
answered at the end of your research study. by our research.
These questions reflect the research gap or
problem of your study.

You may also consider this question when

formulating a research topic:

 What is the primary question that your

research topic wants to answer?


Now, that you defined your topic by answering a None miss.

question, what is the last step in selecting and
limiting a research topic?

The last step in selecting and limiting a

research topic is to formulate a thesis
What is a thesis statement? statement.

Very good! In research, it states the purpose and It is a statement that sums up the central point
what to be answered, proven, or what you will in an essay.
inform your audience about your topic usually in .
one or two sentences.

In other words, you are going to…

7. Formulate a Thesis Statement

- A thesis statement is a concise summary of
the main argument or claim that you will make
in your research paper.


C. Abstraction None miss.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Again, what is research again?

How many steps does selecting and limiting a Research is the systematic study to establish
research topic have? facts.

What is the first step you need to do when There are 7 steps.
selecting a research topic?
Brainstorming is the first thing we need to do
What is the second step? on selecting a research topic.

How about the third step? The second step is to identify the sources of
general background information.
How about the 4th step? The third step is to focus on your topic.

How about the 5th step? The 4th step to make a list of useful keywords.

How about the 6th step? The 5th step is to be flexible.

The 6th step is to define your t topic as a

And the last step? focused research question.

The last step is to formulate a thesis statement.

Do you have questions regarding the steps on
how to select and limit a research topic?

Very good! None miss.

D. Application

Now that you have already had an idea on how

to select and limit a research topic, to test
whether you fully understood our discussion, we
will have an activity.

Activity 2: “Step by Step Process!”


1. Divide the class into 4 groups.

2. Do the differentiated activity assigned to
your group.
3. Present your activity before the class.
4. Do this in 5 minutes.

Content – 10
Grammar – 5
Organization – 5
Total: 20 pts.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Directions: Write each step on how to select and
limit a research topic in chronological order, then
add specific details based on the documentary
film that is assigned to your group. Use the
graphic organizer provided.

Directions: Think of problems in your
community that need to be resolved. Formulate
two research topics based on those problems and
share your reason for choosing it.

Directions: Write a possible research topic based
on the pictures below.

Directions: Using a concept map, brainstorm at
least 4 research questions on the topic “Artificial
Intelligence in Education.”

Kindly go to your groups now. At the count of 5,

4, 3, 2, 1…

Times up!
Thank you, class for your excellent presentation,
it means that you really understood our
discussion this morning.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Kindly give yourselves an A clap! Begin!

Questions? (Students do as told)

Values Integration None miss.

Now class, going back to our discussion earlier

which is about how to select and limit a research
topic. One of the steps is to focus on your topic,
which involves narrowing down the broad
subject area to a specific aspect or angle that you
want to explore in your research.

To select a research topic, you need to focus on

it and not to jump to any other topic to maintain
clarity. Right? Now, class, Think about a time
when you were trying to complete a task or
achieve a goal. It could be studying for an exam,
completing a project at work or even learning a
new skill.

Was there a time when you found yourself

getting distracted or tempted to switch to another
task? How did you manage to refocus and stay
on track?
Yes, miss, but what I did is to think of the
That is right! possible consequences that I will be facing if I
don’t focus on one thing.
Reflecting on these experiences can help us
understand the importance of focus in everything
we do. Just like in any other endeavor,
maintaining focus in every aspect, we can
achieve our goals on time.

Am I making myself, clear?

Yes miss.

IV. Evaluation

Activity: Identify
Directions: Read each statement carefully and identify what it refers to. Match Column A
with its corresponding meaning in Column B. Write your answer before the number.


_________1. It is the systematic A. flexibility

investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach B. Research
new conclusions.
_________ 2. It involves generating a wide C. Brainstorming of ideas
range of potential topics or angles related to
the main subject. D. Thesis statement
_________ 3. It involves finding credible
sources of information that provide an E. Define your topic as a focused research
overview of the topic area. question
_________ 4. It involves narrowing down the
broad subject area to a specific aspect or F. Focus on the topic
angle that you want to explore in your
research. G. Identify the sources of general background
_________ 5. It is a concise summary of the information
main argument or claim that you will make in
your research paper. H. Make a List of Useful Keywords
_________ 6. It articulates the specific issue
or problem that your research aims to
address. It should be clear, concise, and
specific enough to guide your investigation.
_________ 7. It is important throughout the
research process, as it allows you to adapt to
new information, unexpected findings, and
changing circumstances.
8-10. Write 2-3 sentences essay on why we should consider the steps on how to select and
limit a research topic.

V. Assignment:
Directions: Formulate a research topic focusing on a social issue prevalent in your
community and explain on why you chose that topic. Write it in ½ crosswise.

Clarity - 10
Relevance – 5
Rationale – 5
Grammar – 5
TOTAL: 25 pts.

Prepared by


Pre-Service Teacher, BSED
Cooperating Teacher, OCSAT

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