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IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION (ST) NO. 10174 OF 2023 ‘TAURUS INVESTMENT TRUST COMPANY LIMITED PETITIONER VERSUS STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & ORS _...RESPONDENTS INDEX SeNo. Particular z Page No. t Affidavit of Servi fe 2. “Annexure A ~ Copy of the Service leer dated 22.04.2024 3 “Annexure B ~ Copy of the RPAD receipts 4. [Annexure © — Copy of the track consignment] | reports showing “item delivery confirmed” as proof of delivery to Respondent No.2 and 3 5. | Annexure D= Copy of tack consignment report on the altemative adress of Respondent No.2 6 [Docket ‘THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION (ST) NO. 10174 OF 2023 ‘TAURUS INVESTMENT TRUST COMPANY LIMITED PETITIONER VERSUS STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & ORS... RESPONDENTS AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE 1, Narendra Agare, adult, Indian inhabitant, working a8 a Court Clerk at the office M/s The Law Point, the Advocates for Pattioner having its office at 703-704, Tulsiani Chambers, Free Press Joumal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumba 400021, do hereby state on solemn affimation asunder: 1. say that a8 per the instructions of the Advocate for the Petitioners abovenamed, I dispatched a Service letter dated 22.04.2024 thereby informing the Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 regarding the next date of hearing in the subject matter by RPAD. Hereto marked and annexed as Annexure A is a copy of the Service letter dated 22.04.2024. Hereto marked and annexed as Annexure B are the RPAD receipt. 2, Thereafer 1 tracked the online siatus of the above consignments and as per the track consignment copy of Service Letter has been duly delivered and received at the adresses of Respondent Nos. 2 and 3. Hereto marked and annexed as Annexure C are copies of tack consignment reports showing “item delivery confirmed” as proof of delivery in this behalf, However on the alternative address of | Respondent No. 2, ie. 238, Kailash Hills, South Delhi, Dethi 110065, the track consignment has not been served. A copy of the track consignment report on the alternative address of ‘Respondent No.2 is annexed hereto and marked as Annexure D. 3, In the light of aforesaid, I say that the Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 have been duly served with the leter dated 22.04.2024 ic. the date of next hearing of the eaptioned matte. 4. Tsay that whatever is stated hereinabove is true to the best of ‘my knowledge and belief. Solemaly affirmed at Mumbai ) Dated this day of May, 2024) a Before me, Advoe 1 Petitioner the Petitioner = VERIFICATION 1, Narendra Agare, adult, Indian inhabitant, working as a Court knowledge. Dated Place- entified by, Advocates forthe Petitioner Clerk at the office M/s The Law Point, the Advocates for Petitioner having its office at 703-704, Tulsiani Chambers, Pree Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021. 1 say that, ‘whatever is stated in the present affidavit is true to the best of my Deponent ‘ BEFORE ME SINGH ANAND wivaceres nanan oer Nora 27 t0g0NO.L2,2. 2 MAY 2024, “9 he Law Pome) ole 103704 Camber ces ur re. ran Rab 2002, ou) 647 88/29 E egtaretsewpitom ‘wnat com eb Teels4624 bone —— Wy Tels4625]2024 ‘By Registered Post/By Hand 2 Tels4626 roe moa 1. Mr Surender Kumar Khandelwal ‘DIN: 00015637, Whole Time Director. Residing t 238, Kailash Hills, South Delhi, ‘Delh-110068 DL IN. ALSO AT: Parasavnath Exotia, B4, 1402, Golf Course Road, Sector ~54, Gungoan, Haryana, India- 122011 2. Mr. Rajendra Kumar Mangal Chief Financial Officer, PAN No, AAKPM2IN, Flat No. 402, ‘Mariners Home Plot No.36/D, Sector 56, CGorgoan 122011 HRIN Re; INTHE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE OF BOMBAY ‘CRIMINAL APPELLATE JUSRISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION (1) NO. 10174 OF 2023 ‘Tours Investment Trust Company Ltd ..Potitionsr Vs State of Maharashtra & Ors. rondent Dearie, ‘We are concerned forthe Petitioners inthe subject matter. ie pleased to take note thatthe subject matter was circulated by us before His ‘Lossip the Hon’ ble Mr, justice INV JJamadar who was pleased to allow circulation ‘ofthe captioned matter on OG May 2024, In view thereof please note thatthe subject matter Is ikly tobe listed on 06 May 2024, You may remain presen if you so desire on such date. Mp. Tp Law Point ‘Adwshate forthe Petitioner e Signin Regeter Mr, Rajendra Kumar Mandal Dated 23.4.2024 tem Delivered (Addressee) ‘Track Consignment * Conslpnmant Numer erassrssr You ae here Home>> Track Consignment Event Dea For: RMGTISS75871N ‘Gre Stat: Rem DelveretAdcressee) epee gn nee Tsk Caserta ~< mS wh aw Qe Be snow Taf Ail Type Sever Lcaton Baler Cantemes 3540 Remedy Sc gen Ser 5650 am Debortase) ‘eon Se 56.80 ater) am Geer oh (ease) orien set 850 ater any ‘case se $550 omens coc Steg 90 on Ospnees urn Seg 90 anced ers Saha en ap oy Soro en daapet rer Seok oy aria nd THO tenis iene tom iets retin am aot i Poi 80 emo ° gem Rat Mr. Surendra Kumar Khandelwal Gurpoan Dated 23.4 2024 (Curent Stas: Item Delivered [To: ADDRESSEE (Adee) ] ‘Track Consignment *Conanman aroe ‘are atten Deere: ADDRESSEE (Adesso) en 0 lt te) sp oy pen oy 0 vm 8 RH RO OG me F estan Pcode Tiff Type Culver Loealon Oxi Cones On Sta : ae peng pc a SDOP Fe ThA 2 © Sienin Register vow 8 fe wg a “ting ov are nore Home>> Track Consignment Track Consignment uch “Indeses a required tt * Consignment Number 6735376001 Bookeaat Booked On Destination Pincode Tari! Article Type livery Location Naina Paso aaoueaeesr98 —Ho005 3640 RegitraaLetoe Sime 80 vont Detis For: RM6735376001N (Current Status : Not Delivered ADDRESSEE LEFT WITHOUT INSTRUCTIONS Date Time Offico Event aoszme4 10088 Sirwaspus SO (est Number22) Nol Deed ADDRESSEE LEFT WITHOUT INSTRUCTIONS asaize 054840 Zona Mal Agony AMES am Dspatnes| camsen2t 0659 Zona Mal Agen AMEE am Raced aesen24 032500 ARMS Bhamen am Ospatenos (202024 050845 DeNAMS rawanCRCLIR tem Ospaered vont 00551 Mumbalap hand THO om Opens 2iOaz06 628927 MunbsiAs and THO an Raa 2uwienat 092018 Mum CRE LR am Baga FEI 2uumi2t 185255 mumasicROLAR em Received Na zsoumI2t 164025 Narman Pein 80 te Ospntcnes Sang zs0¥z026 63855 Navman Pain 80 am Bongo ise Home SOP alah Comrersek we INTHE HIGH COURT OF SUDICATURE AT BOMBAY (CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION (ST) NO. 10174 OF 2023 ‘TAURUS INVESTMENT TRUST COMPANY LIMITED -PETITIONER STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & ‘ORS --RESPONDENTS. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Dated this_day of May 2024 Mis THE LAW POINT Advocates for the Petitioner 103-704, Tulsiani Chambers, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021. Tel: 22844332/22834752 Email: registrar@thelawpoint.com

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