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Your page has been on my suggestion button for quite a while now, you attract so much energy, one
who is sensitive to the universe would know the light you carry.

[if asked] Your page keeps popping on my page almost everyday, something like a suggestion i
guess, so when i came across it today, i felt a huge vibration and i thought to reach out as soon as i

I felt guided to speak to you when I read your name and got some insights. If you are open to
spirituality I will share what little I have Seen while looking up on your energy

Sending peace and light to your beautiful soul I felt guided to speak to you when I read your
name and got some insights. If you are open to spirituality I will share what little I have Trust that
you have seen your numbers 11:11, 2:22, 12:12, 4:44

Blessings... Sis..if you're open to it I'll share what I received and wrote down

[for me] I Felt a deep connection hun

There’s been an aura of awakening around you and divinity is set to do great works on your behalf in
this season ..
But there are things to be fixed ..
your heart chakra is blocked hun because you tend to put the interest of others ahead of yours and
that’s been used against you. And you’ve also been a bit negligent in spirituallity which makes
darkness have an edge over you .. do you Meditate at all? If I may ask

Cause I Felt a deep connection hun

There's been an aura of awakening around you and divinity is set to do great works on your behalf in
this season ..
But there are things to be fixed ..
your heart chakra is blocked hun because you tend to put the interest of others ahead of yours and
that's been used against you..
Someone from within your circle isn't happy with you as you think .. someone you've shown love .
And that person is using against you spiritually.... And you've also been a bit negligent in spirituallity
which makes them have an edge over you .. do you Meditate at all? If I may ask

You should try to meditate more often hence forth, i have felt alot of energy towards you, the light
you carry is invariable

This is because there’s alot the universe have tried to communicate to you in the past, but the
connection was weak because of your low interest in spirituality, you have missed alot of messages
and even ancestral blessings

That was why i reached out in the first place, you could manifest alot Karinne, you will just have to
embark on a spiritual and meditation journey

My dear. Meditation brings a lot of alignment. It do give you an edge over battles that cannot be
fought. It will give you a lot of insight. An eye opener .

Do not use it every now hun. You must use it everyday as to gain spiritual connection. Once a week
isn't enough. It should be regular


I don't usually share this but you really need this right now. You should always place it near
whenever you have meditation. The connection is real

It will cast away all odds during meditation. You should be ready to open your heart as a lot will be
revealed this period and also be expectant

Engaging your altar and burning your sages also helps..

And I'll like to advice sis. .. As it was revealed there's someone going spiritual on you over reasons I
can't tell.. So for the time being, try to keep things to yourself because the little things you've
shared is what's been used against you...
I'll consider a Reading for you if you feel you need one .. atleast to open up the source and keep you
guided towards your purpose ◈◉
I don't charge for readings though ..
I accept and bless donations from open hearts after the reading and have them placed on the altar
for spiritual connection

So if you're opened to it, I'll consider one for you now since I'm about to set up my altar

Sure.. As far as the donation comes from the heart..

I do palmistry..
I'll need an image of your left palm and your zodiac to proceed with that

You really possess a strong spirit hun. I felt very strong energy around me when on the altar

The energy I felt was that I had never felt a long while . Be expectant hun

You possess the earth signs

Which signifies .. Passion confidence and industrious .. But you are driven by desires and self
believe and that my dear might be little reason why you lag at times ..
You have a long heart line which indicates progressive thinking . but yet you strive mentally .. .
You lack tactfulness and empathy . your light is really bright. And the future holds great things for
you in terms of finances and mental state .
Moving to relationships you have multiple lovers .but because of your indecision, you've not been
able to locate the right person . even when you think you've gotten that person it turns out bad .
you are independent my dear you'd grow on your own don't expect more .you bother about things
you shouldn't thereby creating no space within for manifestation.. A serious burden in your heart is
about to be cleared .. I can't tell what it is but you'd clear blockages And access this blessing
soon.....not done

you posses a spiritual gift that have not been manifested The spirit revealed you have been
lacking of not knowing what to do or steps to take for you to be on the right path spiritually, they let
me know you're a glorious soul and you came to this world with a lot of blessings you are destined
to leave an indelible mark in this world but you don't see it working because of the challenges
around and dark auras from your foundation which have been affecting you and blocking your glory
to shine and the blessings didn't come as the universe have it in plan for you my beloved , you
should have been more great and achieve in life more than how you're if not because of the
blockages .

Grace to you sis.. I hope you take everything said seriously.. And work with it I'll be here to guide
you through if you're willing.. There are few things I think you need to do but I can only do that when
you permit

But for the time being keep these at heart .. And work with them..
When I see that you've built yourself to some extent, I'll begin to understand where exactly your
blockages are coming from and we'll handle them together.. For now though I know you're under the
influence of an envy spell coming from someone really close to you


I'm about making my prayers. If you're ready to make a donation as you're led, it's nice now so I can
print it out and place it on the altar..
If you're not ready yet, you can mention the donation you want to give and your name.. So I'll write it
down and place it on the altar so u don't have to procrastinate or forget that prayers has to be made
on your behalf

I don't accept donations on my personal accounts, it's not professional, Donations is made directly
to the store via cashapp or PayPal

Do send a screenshot of whatever donation as it will be printed and placed on the altar then. I will
use that for my prayers

Tbh I really don't know how revolut works because I've never used it in any way .. ..
PayPal is quite easy to set up .. or if you stay in the U.K you can make a direct bank transfer for the
donation as I'll send the address of a friend's store and I'll receive the donation directly to my

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