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SY 2023-2024
4th Quarter

Name: Quiel Andrei S Dizon Grade: Nine Score:

Project Name: Collaborating Subjects: Date of Submission:

May 1, 2024 (5 PM)
Integrated Lessons:
Solving Right Triangles


A clinometer is a device used to measure the angles of elevation and depression. In this task, we
will determine the heights of tall objects using the angle of elevation measured by a clinometer, the
height of the measurer, the distance from the measurer to the tall object, and trigonometry.

Create an improvised clinometer to measure angle of elevation and/or depression.
Obtain the height of tall objects using right triangle trigonometry (clinometer) and geometry
(mirror method)
Collaborate with a partner in making a clinometer and solving the heights.


A. Strand Skills: Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Fluency, Strategic Competence,

Adaptive Reasoning, Productive Disposition
B. Transdisciplinary Skills: Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration
C. Technological Skills: Video-Editing Skills



Evidence of Critical Thinking and Metacognition
● carries out all procedures
● creates an improvised clinometer
● presents accurate solutions and calculations 20
● presents accurate answers to questions
● writes meaningful reflections

Evidence of Communication and Collaboration

● collaborates with and supports partner by asking and answering
questions, sharing relevant resources, offering and providing 10
assistance during solving, etc.


Evidence of Critical and Creative Thinking
● creates a comprehensive video tutorial
● provides smooth transition between parts
● includes all required components
o introduction
o making of improvised clinometer 20
o actual taking of measurements
o solving using right triangle trigonometry
o alternative solutions using geometry (mirror method)
o conclusion (comparison of measurements)
Video and Audio Quality
● The video is organized and has good audio so that it clearly and
effectively assists in communicating the main idea.
● Ideas are communicated with enthusiasm, proper voice projection,
appropriate language, and clear delivery.

Reflection Questions

1. Compare the heights you obtained using a) right triangle trigonometry and b) geometry (mirror
method). Are they within the 10% margin
To compare the measurements gained from the mirror method and clinometer method, we

must first look at the measurements we gained. From the clinometer method, for the basket

hoop, we got 139.07 inches, for the flagpole, we got 236.81 inches, and for the building , we

got 570.58 inches. In terms of the mirror method, the basketball hoop got 134.11 inches, the

flagpole 336.95 inches, and the building 723.24 inches. Looking at the different

measurements, we can deduce that the mirror method tends to have higher measurements

with the exception of the basketball hoop. Additionally, on average, a four story building

would be around 60 feet or 720 inches. While an average flagpole would be 25-30 feet tall or

240-300 inches. For an average basketball hoop, it’s around 10 feet or 120 inches. Based on

the average heights of these objects, the mirror method measurements tend to be more

accurate than its counterpart -- clinometer method. Despite this, it’s important to note that

different objects vary in height, making the clinometer method just as reliable. To answer if

they’re in the 10% margin of error, only the basketball hoop was able to be in it with +3.57%.

The flagpole and building margin of error is -42.29% and -26.76% respectively, restricting

them to be in the 10% margin of error.

2. What part of the entire performance assessment did you enjoy the most?

The part of the PA I enjoyed the most was when me and Iori recorded the necessary parts in
our videos. It’s my favorite as a lot of funny moments happened, letting me forget about the
other PA’s.

3. What part of the entire performance assessment challenged you the most?
The part which I found the most challenging was trying to find solutions and fixes to make our
video fit the maximum time frame. Our original video was 3:47 long, but we were able to
shorten it until 2:59.

4. If you are to rate your level of involvement or participation in this activity, with 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest, what score will you give yourself and why? Explain by citing your

Score: 5

Reason: I would rate myself a 5 because I organized the solutions, recorded the videos,
did the computation, and thought of the concept of our intro together with Iori.

5. If you are to rate the level of involvement or participation of your partner in this activity, with 1
being the lowest and 5 being the highest, what score will you give him/her and why? Explain by
citing their contributions.

Name of Partner: Iori Cancio

Score: 5

Reason: I’d rate my partner a 5 because they made the diagrams for our PA, and as well

she edited our entire video. Additionally, she made the clinometer for our project.



A. Making An Improvised Clinometer

protractor 3 x 5 index card
string (15 inches) paper clip
straw tape
1. Tie a knot at one end of the string.
2. Thread the string (from rear to front) through the hole in the protractor.
3. Tape the index card to the protractor.
4. Tape the straw, the protractor, and the index card.
5. Tie the paper clip to the other end of the string.
6. Indicate on the index card which direction to look.

You may also refer to this Youtube video for further guidance.

B. Obtaining the Required Measurements

1. Choose three objects to measure the height of. You may use the ones you used in the Third
2. Stand in front of a tall object that is perpendicular to the ground. Your measurements will not be
accurate if the object is not upright and/or you are not standing at the same level as the object.
3. Look through the straw in your clinometer and tilt your head up until you can see the very top of
the object.
4. For the angle of elevation, wait until the string stops moving and very carefully approximate the
degree measure. Record on the table below the angle measurement shown by the clinometer.
5. For the horizontal distance, measure and record the distance between you and the base of the
tall object. Be sure the tape measure is on the ground and runs from the base of your feet to the
base of the object via the shortest path.
6. For the vertical distance (eye height), measure the distance between your eyeball and the
ground. Make sure you are not slouching.

D. Solving

Table of Measurements

Height Using ±10%
(Measure of (Height of ANGLE OF of Object Using
OBJECT Geometry (Margin of
Distance from Person from ELEVATION Right Triangle
(the Mirror Error)
Observer to Feet to Trigonometry
Object) Eyes)

222.05 58.25 134.11

Hoop 20° 139.07 inches +3.57%
inches inches inches
143.75 336.95
Flagpole 65.5 inches 50° 236.81 inches -42.29%
inches inches

328 723.24
Building 65.5 inches 57° 570.58 inches -26.76%
inches inches

Illustrations and Calculations

1. Basketball Hoop (COURT) 2. Flagpole (COURT) 3. Building (COURT)

Given measurements: Given measurements: Given measurements:

Distance of the basketball hoop to Distance of the basketball hoop to Distance of the basketball hoop to
the person: 222.05 inches the person: 143.75 inches the person: 328 inches

The person’s height from feet to The person’s height from feet to The person’s height from feet to
eyes (Iori): 58.25 inches eyes (Quiel): 65.5 inches eyes (Quiel): 65.5 inches

Angle of Elevation: 20° Angle of Elevation: 50° Angle of Elevation: 57°

Estimation process: Estimation process: Estimation process:

Formula: Formula: Formula:
𝑜𝑝𝑝 𝑜𝑝𝑝 𝑜𝑝𝑝
𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑑𝑗

Solution: Solution: Solution:

𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
𝑡𝑎𝑛(20) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛(50) = 143.75
𝑡𝑎𝑛(57) = 328

1(𝑥) = 𝑥 1(𝑥) = 𝑥 1(𝑥) = 𝑥

222. 05(𝑡𝑎𝑛(20)) = 80. 82 143. 75(𝑡𝑎𝑛(50)) = 171. 31 328(𝑡𝑎𝑛(57)) = 505. 08

𝑥 = 80. 82 𝑥 = 171. 31 𝑥 = 505. 08

80. 82 + 58. 25 = 139. 07 171. 31 + 65. 5 = 236. 81 505. 08 + 65. 5 = 570. 58

Final answer/estimation Final answer/estimation Final answer/estimation

𝑥 = 139. 07 𝑥 = 236. 81 𝑥 = 570. 58


Tutorial Video
Showcase the depth of your knowledge about solving right triangles using trigonometry, as well as
your creativity, by creating a video tutorial showing how to get the height of one of the objects you
measured indirectly through a clinometer and the angle of elevation.

The video (minimum of one minute, maximum of three minutes) must include the following
● introduction of the problem (creative, if possible);
● the making of the improvised clinometer;
● taking of the measurements required to solve the height;
● solution with explanation of the steps;
● an alternative solutions (mirror method); and,
● conclusion (comparison of measurements obtained from trigonometry and geometry)

(Paste your Video link here)

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