Quiel Dizons Pa 4-3b Science 9

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SY 2023 - 2024

Name: Grade: Nine Score:

Project Name: Subject: Date of Submission:

April 19, 2024


Multiple types of eruption can occur when volcanoes erupt. The style of eruption depends on a
number of factors, including the magma chemistry and content, temperature,
viscosity, volume and how much water and gas is in it, the presence of groundwater, and the
plumbing of the volcano.

For this quarter, you will investigate the factors affecting volcanic eruptions.


Identify a factor that affects the volcanic eruptions.

Design an experiment testing the independent variable and simulating volcanic eruptions.
Explain the impacts of volcanic eruptions.


A. Strand Skills: Understanding scientific explanations, generating scientific evidence,

reflecting on scientific knowledge

B. Transdisciplinary Skills: Analytical Thinking, Critical Thinking, Synthesis, Research Skills

C. Technological Skills: Word Processing Skills


Factors Affecting Volcanic Eruption

Experiment simulating volcanic eruption and the factors that affect its occurrence


Factors Affecting Volcanic Eruption

Laboratory Experiment (40 pts.)

- All the elements needed in the experiment paper are completely and
accurately presented - problem statement, hypotheses, variables,
procedure, data analysis, and conclusion.
- The results of the experiment are also supported with photos and relevant
45 pts.

Laboratory Performance (5 pts.)

- All relevant data are recorded and analyzed accurately. The task is performed
with a significant level of efficacy, involvement, and engagement.

Individual Contribution


Laboratory Experiment

Problem Statement

How does the coverage of the vent affect the internal pressure of a volcano?

Null: If the vent of a volcano is covered, then the internal pressure will not increase

Alternate : If the vent of a volcano is covered, then the internal pressure will increase.
Independent Size of the opening vent

Dependent The amount of internal pressure built up

Control a. Amount of water

b. The heat generated by the burner

c. Volume of the container


Using your own words, state the step-by-step procedure to follow in accomplishing the task.


Step 1: Pour 4 ½ cups of water into a pot

Step 2: Turn on the burner, and wait for it to boil
Step 3: Record the time it took for it to boil
Step 4: Wait until 7 minutes to see if the water overflows
Step 4a: If the water overflows before 7 minutes, record the time and clean up
Step 4b: If the water doesn’t overflow after 7 minutes, pour the water out
Step 5: Rinse the pot to make it cool again
Step 6: Repeat steps 1-4a/4b with a lid half covering the pot
Step 7: Repeat steps 1-4a/4b with lid fully covering the pot

Data Analysis
Provide some evidence of your experiment here (photos).

What did you observe in your experiment?

From the experiment, I observed that whenever the lid would cover the pot halfway or fully, it
would take a shorter time to reach boiling point. I’ve also observed that more steam would come
out whenever we’d decrease the size of the opening vent. Lastly, I’ve noticed that bubbles would
become more aggressive the more pressure there was.

Results and Discussion

1. How did your independent variable affect the result of the experiment?
Our independent variable affects the results by controlling the internal pressure and heat.
When we started the experiment with no lid covering the pot, it took 6 minutes and 24

seconds for it to reach boiling point. However, once we covered the pot halfway, bubbles
became more aggressive, and more steam started to come out. Additionally, with the lid
partially covering the pot, it traps a portion of water vapor, trapping in heat and causing
pressure. This led to the partially covered pot to reach boiling point at 6 minutes and 5
seconds. Regarding the completely covered pot, it depicted the same results as the
partially covered pot; however, the completely covered pot had more extreme results. This
was evident as the lid started to rumble due to the pressure, and for it to reach boiling point
at 5 minutes and 12 seconds.

2. How do volcanic eruption simulations contribute to our understanding of geological

processes and hazards?

By creating volcanic simulations, it provides us with necessary information which could be

detrimental to our survival in a safe way. Creating simulations with factors such as eruption
dynamics and lava flow patterns, scientists are able to witness how these hazards are
caused, how it affects us, and what we can do to mitigate it. By harnessing this information,
it broadens our perspective on certain geological processes. For example, if one were to
create a simulation of lava flow patterns, it’ll teach us their regular pathways, speed and
viscosity, and help us with hazard mapping.

3. Based on the factor you have chosen, how does it intensify the effects of volcanic eruptions?

For our chosen factor, it was internal pressure. When the internal pressure of a volcano
increases due to a blocked vent or other obstructions, the eruption tends to be more
explosive. By having these examples be more destructive, its effects becole more
dangerous. An example of this occurrence is when the magma is too sticky and thick. This
prevents gasses from escaping, building up pressure until it explodes violently. Comparing
this to a regular explosion, it poses more threats. For example, due to the build up of
pressure, it expels more harmful gasses like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide compared to
eruptions with no built up pressure. This causes a more noticeable increase in heat, and
damage to the environment.

4. Based on your observation, how can the devastating effects of this phenomenon be at least

To minimize its effects, scientists can monitor volcanoes who are suspected to have
immense built up pressure. By constantly monitoring volcanoes that alerts danger, it allows
officers to be prepared and nearby civilians to be notified. This prevents individuals from
being caught off guard, and potential casualties. Another countermeasure that can be

implemented is infrastructure protection against volcanic eruptions. Examples of this are
creating roads and buildings which withstand ashfall and potential lava. Additionally, the
government can add buffer zones. These zones would prevent constructional projects in
areas which are in danger of lava and ash. By doing so, it allows the government to spend
less money, and it prevents economical downpour.

5. Can volcanic eruption simulations help predict the timing of future eruptions, or are they
primarily focused on understanding eruption dynamics? Explain your answer.

While volcanic eruptions allow us to create strategies to counter the effects, no it can’t help
predict the timing of volcanic eruptions. From past discussions in Science, it was
established that no one can predict when an explosion will occur. This is further proven
when previous volcanoes, which were considered extinct, exploded with devastating
results. Creating similar eruptipns won’t solve this problem as simulations can’t exhibit an
accurate volcanic eruption due to the limitations of our technology. Furthermore, volcanic
processes are highly dynamic. Volcanoes erupt due to unpredictable factors which we can’t
consistently replicate, making it nearly impossible to predict the timing of future eruptipns.

6. How do volcanic eruption simulations contribute to emergency preparedness and disaster

response efforts in communities located near active volcanoes?

Volcanic simulations aid into our knowledge of the behavioral changes in volcanoes. This
provides researchers a chance to improve and widen the scope of our previous monitoring
data. Furthermore, evacuation routes and mitigation plans can also be improved due to
simulations predicting the direction and effect of lava flows and ash fall. Simulations also
model different types of volcanic eruptions, allowing emergency responders to create drills
to further aid in the knowledge of citizens. This prevents possible casualties from

7. Can advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning,

enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of volcanic eruption simulations? How?

Yes, technological advancements can aid in the betterment of volcanic eruption

simulations. Volcanic eruptions have a dynamic nature, making it hard to replicate the
complexity of one. However, AI can replicate realistic simulations despite modeling every
detail and factor to be challenging. With success from the past, accurate information was
given that could be life saving. Furthermore, we can harness the power of machine learning
by using it to assess risk factors of different volcanic effects such as lahars and pyroclastic
flows. Machine learning algorithms can do this by understanding different factors like
topography. This allows rescue teams to gain knowledge on what areas they should


8. In what ways can students engage with and contribute to the field of volcanic eruption
simulation research, even at a young age?

As a student, I can demonstrate the effectiveness, joy, and knowledge gained by doing
these simulations. By actively participating in the creation of simulations, I can create
awareness and inspire the younger generation to partake as well. This can also spark new
hobbies or interests to every age group, creating a chain of knowledge and inspiration.
Other than that, I can partake in local research groups about volcanoes. Despite being
young, I can help in data collection via surveys. I can also analyze satellite images to provide
meaningful insights.
Conclusion ( 2 points )

Draw your conclusion by answering the following questions:

a. Which hypothesis holds true based on the results of your experiment?

Our alternate hypothesis held true in the experiment: “If the vent of a volcano is covered,
then the internal pressure will increase.”

This held true as when we fully covered the pot while it was boiling, it noticeably reached
boiling point quicker, and the lid started to shake aggressively, indicating the built up
pressure within the pot.

b. What is the answer to your problem statement?

The coverage of a vent affects the internal pressure of a volcano significantly. Due to the
vent being blocked, it prevents gasses from escaping, increasing the internal pressure.
When the pressure exceeds the strength of the obstruction, it leads to explosive eruptions
which bring harmful effects to society. In contrast, if the vent was clear of any obstructions,
it allows the constant release of pressure and gasses. This prevents volcanoes from
exploding more violently as there is no built up internal pressure.

Individual Contribution

What was your role in the group, before, during, and after the activity?


I helped Enrique with the distribution of materials. I also reminded our leader of the date of the
experiment and helped him if needed.


I took the pictures of the experiment to provide evidence of completion. Additionally, I helped in
pouring water into the pot for our experiment. I also helped in cooling the pot by drenching it in
cool water.


I sent the photos to my group mates. I also answered some of my group mates' questions
regarding our experiment.


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