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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

College of Agriculture and Related Sciences
Tagum-Mabini Campus

In partial fulfillment of the course subject

GE 217: Science, Technology and Society

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Please answer the following questions:

1. What human activities have contributed most to climate change? List 5 human

5 Human Activities
 Deforestation
 Burning of Fossil Fuel (Transportation)
 Generating Power
 Manufacturing Goods
 Quarrying

2. How has scientific and technological progress in your barangay (community)

contributed to climate change? Cite a specific example.

Scientific and Technological progress in our barangay that contributes to

climate change is the building of housing projects, Mining, and Quarrying. Due to
demand for housing and accommodation large area or forest lands are cut and
quarried in La Filipina to build housing projects like the Esmeralda Housing.
Turning vast land of greenery and trees into buildings. Mountains located in San
Agustin are also flattened due to mass quarrying, and are prospects to be turned
into subdivisions.

3. In the Philippines, how have scientific breakthroughs and technological

innovations been used to address climate change challenges and help mitigate the
effects of climate change? Identify 2 specific innovations.

Innovations such as the use/implementation and production of

biodegradable materials and packaging in replace of one-time-use plastics are
done to address climate change. Such as Bamboo Straws or Rice Paper Straws,
material alternatives such as sugar cane as a material used to make bowls etc.
Conversion of Plastic Waste into Fuel in the process called Pyrolysis.

4. As an agriculture student and member of a society, what significant contribution

can you make in response to climate change and be involved in the fight against
its effects? List 5.
5 Significant Contribution as a Student:
 Use and Implementation of Biodegradable alternatives for one-time-use
 Advocacies about Climate Change Prevention.
 Lessening my Carbon Foot-Print
 Tree-planting
 Having an SK Official Position to lead and promote projects that prevents,
educates and lessens the impact of climate change.

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