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Literary Genres

Early Philippine Literary Genres 21st Century Literary Genres

1.Oral Literature 1.Spoken Poetry

a. Riddles (Bugtong) – puzzling, Poetry intended for live or recorded
witty questions to be solved or performance. It roots are from oral
guessed. tradition but it may also be published. This
b. Proverbs (Salawikain) – wise can contain elements of rap, hip-hop,
sayings in general use, stating a storytelling, theater, and jazz, rock, blues,
general truth or piece of advice. and folk music.
c. Tanaga – a mono-rhyming
heptasyllabic quatrain with 2. Hyper Poetry
insights and lessons about life, Digital poetry genre with hypertext
with affinities with folk lyric. links the reader can click to choose how the
poem will transform or mutate.
2. Folk Songs
a. Hele/Uyayi – Lullaby 3. Blog
b. Ambahan – 7-syllable per line A web blog written by a blogger, who
about human relationships and writes articles or posts about their
social entertainment. preferred content including their opinions,
c. Kalusan – songs depicting interests and experiences.
livelihood or work of people.
d. Tagay – song about drinking 4. TextTula
liquor. A mobile phone poetry, may be
e. Kanogan – lamentations for the written with short traditional formal verses
dead. composing of 7777 syllable count with
rhyme scheme aabb, abab, abba.
3. Folk Tales
a. Myths – stories about how certain 5. Six-Word Flash Fiction
aspects of the world possess certain A very short fictional literature of six
characteristics. words only, which the narrative can change
b. Fables – stories with lessons using based on the reader.
animals as characteristics.
c. Legends – Explains the origins of 6. Flash Fiction
things and about nature. Another short fictional literature
d. Fantastic Stories – deals with anywhere from 300 to 1,500 words.
supernatural characters such as
7. Illustrated Novel
aswang, kapre, tiyanak.
A story composing of text and 50%
illustrated images.
4. Epic – long stories about a supernatural
events and journeys of a hero. 8. Digi-Fiction
Uses triple media:book, movie/video
and internet website. Readers must
navigate through the three formats.
5. Short Story - a narrative with a fully 9. Manga
developed theme but very much A graphic novel usually published in
shorter and less elaborate than a Japan.
10. Doodle Fiction
6. Novel - a fictitious prose narrative A narrative where the drawing on a
usually in the length of a book, graphic novel usually depicts doodle
typically with a developed theme drawings and writings, often adding
and sub plots but with some humorous elements.
degree of realism.
7. Essay- a short piece writing, either 11.Chick Lit
formal or informal, which Chick literature which depicts stories
expresses the author's argument of women and the struggles and successes
about a particular topic with or in society.
without support or evidence.
12.Science Fiction
Speculative fiction narratives about
futuristic topics, science and technology,

Choose each 1 genre from the table presented on the last page and fill-in the Venn
diagram. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Early Philippine Literature 21st Century Literary

Genres Genres

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