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This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE is made and executed on this……day

of…………of the year 2021



5507 0801 1387) Mob No- 9304113945 (2) NAWAL KISHORE
NATH SHAHDEO (UID No-3462 0806 4514) Mob No- 8210680958
6073 6252) Mob No-09431361321 all sons of Late Thakur Jogendra
Nath Shahdeo, Grandson of Late Thakur Jagat Uday Nath Shahdeo by
faith- Hindu, by Cast-Nagwanshi Chhatri, by occupation Cultivation,
Residing at Basargarh, P.O-Tupudana, P.S- Dhurwa, District- Ranchi,
(Jharkhand), an Indian Citizen through their constituted power of
attorney holder namely BINAND RAM, (DOB – 23-07-1944) Son of
Late Karmu Baitha, Grand Son of Late Balak Dhobi, by faith- Hindu,
By Caste- Dhobi, Resident of- Village- Hesag, Near Don Bosco High
School, P.O- Hatia, P.S- Jagarnathpur, District- Ranchi, state of
Jharkhand, Indian Citizen. Being Power No.-2021/RANU2/612/BK4/40
in Book No.-4, volume No.-4, running from page no.-349 to 406 dated
09.03.2021 (hereinafter Called the Vendor) of the one part
UID: - 6535 3485 6055 PAN: - BFRPR8785Q Mob: 9162772283

SRI SUKHDEO KUMAR SHARMA (D.O.B 18-02-1971) Son of

Late Ram Deo Sharma, Grand Son of Late Hira Sharma, by faith
Hindu, by Caste Badhai, by Occupation Busines R/o- Muslim Basti,
Near Don Bosco School, Hesag, P.S- Jagarnathpur, District- Ranchi an
Indian Citizen (herein called the PURCHASER which expression shall
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unless repugnant to or excluded by the context or subject mean the
PURCHASER above named and include his legal heirs, successors,
assigns, legal representatives, administrators and authorized persons of
the (OTHER PART.) (Hereinafter Called the Purchaser) of the
other part.
UID: -5708 8985 3739 PAN: - GDFPS2378R Mob: -6201377563

The expressions of the VENDOR and the PURCHASER shall mean and
include their respective heirs, successors, executors, nominees,
assignees, administrators and legal representatives etc.

WHEREAS Thakur Jagat Uday Nath Shahdeo being the landlord of R.S.
Plot no- 1051, 1052 and 1055 measuring total area- 1.96 Acres, under
Khata No: - 81, situated at Mauza- Hesag, P.S- Jagarnathpur, Thana no 247
District- Ranchi, Jharkhand, after the implementation of Bihar Land
Reforms Act, 1950 got his name entered in the record of the Circle Officer,
Namkum vide Rent Fixation Case no. –28R8/62-63, and thereafter the
Executants have got their name mutated as successor vide succession
mutation case no.166 R27/1993-94 and the same is mentioned in page no.-
320 volume no.-11 in the column of Resistor- II and rent receipt is being
issued in their name vide receipt no.-0110788585 for the year 2020-2021
dated 23.01.2021.
AND WHEREAS Land Lord Thakur Jagat Uday Nath Shahdeo died
behind leaving behind his only one son Thakur Jogendra Nath Shahdeo.
AND WHEREAS Thakur Jogendra Nath Shahdeo died leaving behind his
three sons, namely 1. Thakur Jugal Kishore Nath Shahdeo, 2. Nawal
Kishore Nath Shahdeo and 3. Kumar Jai Kishore Nath Shahdeo.
AND WHEREAS after death of Thakur Jogendra Nath Shahdeo all his
three sons namely 1.Thakur Jugal Kishore Nath Shahdeo, 2.Nawal Kishore
Nath Shahdeo and 3. Kumar Jai Kishore Nath Shahdeo, became the
absolute owner of the property left by him and now they are enjoying the
right, title and interest over the land left by their father.

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AND WHEREAS owing to pre occupation in other works said 1.Thakur
Jugal Kishore Nath Shahdeo, 2.Nawal Kishore Nath Shahdeo and 3. Kumar
Jai Kishore Nath Shahdeo, appointed their attorney to BINAND RAM, Son
of Late Karmu Baitha, Grand Son of Late Balak Dhobi, by faith- Hindu, By
Caste- Dhobi, Resident of- Village- Hesag, Near Don Bosco High School,
P.O- Hatia, P.S- Jagarnathpur, District- Ranchi, to do all acts on their
behalf and in this way the said attorney holder is conveying the aforesaid
property to the PURCHASER.

AND WHEREAS the above PROPERTY, more particularly described in

schedule herein below is free from all sorts of encumbrances such as
liens, charges, claim, liabilities, acquisitions, injunctions or attachments
from any Court of Law, sales, mortgages, demands, notices, notifications,
legal disputes, difference, prior sale and flaws etc. and the VENDOR is
fully entitled to dispose of the same.
AND WHEREAS the VENDOR being in the need of money and finding no
other alternative for the same approached the Purchaser, who is a close
friend to the Vendor and PURCHASER who served a lot for the VENDOR
in the past and out of said affection for the Purchaser, the Vendor has agreed
to transfer the said property for a consideration price of Rs 12,000,00/-
(Twelve lakh only), however the Value of the said property has been
assessed by the guideline value register at Rs. 11949275/- (One Crore
nineteen lakhs forty nine thousand two hundred seventy five rupees).
The land situated at Mauza- Hesag, Thana No- 247, Thana- Jagarnathpur,
District Ranchi, under KHATA No.-81, R.S PLOT No.- 1051, AREA-
0.50 Dec, R.S. PLOT No.- 1052 , AREA- 32.50 Dec, thus comprising of
TOTAL AREA–32.50 Decimals, having absolute right, title and interest
over the property,(hereinafter referred to as "SAID PROPERTY") by way of
Sale to the Purchaser, which has been ACCEPTED by the Purchaser.

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(1) That the aforesaid Vendors due to their financial requirements as also out
of affection for the Purchaser, are transferring the scheduled land with
their own free will and without any pressure, undue influence or coercion.
Although the said land is being valued at Rs. 11949275/- (One Crore
nineteen lakhs forty nine thousand two hundred seventy five rupees) only,
the VENDORS are conveying/ transferring the said property for a
consideration amount of Rs 12,000,00/- ( Twelve Lakhs only) and here by
transfer, convey, assign the said property with super-structures, along with
all the free hold rights, title, interest, easements and privilege long with
sanitary and electrical installations, fixtures and fittings whatsoever the
said share of the said property TO HAVE ANTOHOLD same to the
Purchaser, absolutely and forever.
(2) That the aforesaid Vendor assures the Purchaser that the said property here
by is free from all sort so encumbrances such as prior sale, sale, mortgage,
and disputes etc.
(3) That the said property is already in possession/will be put to possession of
the Purchaser, the Vendor has delivered proprietary rights and actual and
physical/constructive possession of the said property to the Purchaser by
this Deed.
(4) That the Purchaser will pay electricity, water, house tax bill so or any other
dues and demands of the concerned authority in respect of the said
property from the date of execution of this sale deed.
(5) That the Value of the said property has been assessed by the guideline
value register at Rs. 11949275/- (One Crore nineteen lakhs forty nine
thousand two hundred seventy five rupees) the stamp duty has been paid
according to the provision of the law, the value set forth in this Deed is
absolutely fair.
(6) That now the Vendor admits that he has been left with no right, title,
interest or concern of any nature whatsoever in the said property and the

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Purchaser has become the absolute owner of the said property by this
Deed, who shall be fully competent to use and enjoy the said property or
transfer or alienate the same to anyone by way of sale, sale, mortgage,
lease or otherwise to anyone in the manner he likes, as permissible by law,
without any claim, demand and objection by the Vendor and his other heirs
and successors.
(7) That the Vendor will get the said property transferred, mutated and assessed
in the name of the Purchaser in the Records of Local bodies, electricity
board, water board or any other concerned authority, otherwise also the
Purchaser can get his own name so entered on the basis of this Sale Deed.
(8) The VENDOR has now been left with no right, title, interests or liens etc.
whatsoever of any sort/nature in the aforesaid PROPERTY SALE hence
for after the execution/ registration of this SALE DEED. The property in
question is free from acquisition by the neither Govt. Nor by any other
authority. The aforesaid property under sale is free from CNT, neither it
belongs to CCL, BCCL,ECL etc., Scheduled Caste/ Tribe, nor is related to
Sarna, Masna, Hargari, Pahnai etc.

(9) That the PURCHASER has accepted the SALE of the said PROPERTY
UNDER SALE DEED and has also taken-over the possession of the
same from the VENDOR.
(10) That the market value of the above mentioned PROPERTY UNDER
SALE has been assessed at Rs. 11949275/- (One Crore nineteen lakhs forty
nine thousand two hundred seventy five rupees) as per value fixed by the
authority of Jharkhand Government.

(11) That all the expenses of the SALE DEED such as Stamp Duty and
registration Fees etc. have been borne and paid by the PURCHASER.

(12) That all future taxes, cesses, rates or any other Govt. Or Municipal
dues and demands in respect of the above-mentioned PROPERTY
UNDER SALE shall be borne and paid by the PURCHASER.
(13) That all the Title Deeds/papers include in previous title deed (in originals)
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relating to the said PROPERTY, herein below mentioned UNDER SALE
have been handed-over/ delivered to the PURCHASER by the


All the part and parcel of land situated at Mauza- Hesag, Thana No- 247,
Thana- Jagarnathpur, District Ranchi, under KHATA No.-81, R.S PLOT
No.- 1051 , AREA- 0.50 Dec, R.S. PLOT No.- 1052 , AREA- 32.00 Dec,
thus comprising of TOTAL AREA–32.50 Decimals, having absolute right,
title and interest over the property,
EAST- Plot No 1053 and 1054/part

WEST- Part of Plot no 1050

NORTH- R.S Plot no 1052/part

SOUTH- Part of Plot no 1051 and 1052/part

In witness whereof, the parties have signed and affixed their signatures
thumb mark on this Sale Deed after understanding the contents of the
same on the day, month and year first above written in the presence of the
below mentioned witnesses.

Photograph of
Name and Signatures of Vendor

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Little Ring Middle Index Thumb

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Photograph of
Name and Signature of Purchaser

Little Ring Middle Index Thumb




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