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A Project Report

under the supervision of

Ms. Indu Sharma

School Of Management
Bennett University
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
1. Introduction
Technological, communication, and economic integration
breakthroughs are bringing about a fundamental transformation
of the global corporate scene. The requirement for a specialized
approach to human resource management becomes critical as
firms work beyond national boundaries to pursue growth and
market share. Welcome to the world of international human
resource management (IHRM), an essential discipline that helps
businesses deal with the challenges of managing a multicultural
and geographically diversified workforce. According to
specialists like Purcell and Torrington (2016), HRM involves
more than just conventional HR procedures. It includes every
facet of managing employees, from hiring and choosing
employees based on their cultural affinities and national legal
systems to designing training and development plans that
consider their varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It
entails performance management techniques that provide precise
evaluation standards while considering cultural differences in
communication styles and expectations. In addition, IHRM
considers variations in living expenses and tax laws when
creating and overseeing pay and benefit plans that are
competitive and culturally suitable in diverse settings (Scullion
& Collings, 2017).
IHRM is significantly more important than just doing what is
required by law and ethics. Organizations that implement
effective IHRM strategies can:
 Recruiting and keeping top people: Organizations can get a
competitive advantage by reaching out to a larger range of
qualified individuals by utilizing a global talent pool.
 Acknowledge the value of diversity: IHRM promotes
intercultural communication and understanding, enabling
businesses to take advantage of the distinct abilities and
viewpoints of a varied workforce.
 Maintain an edge over competitors: Businesses with
efficient IHRM procedures have a major advantage in the
global economy by guaranteeing trained, driven, and
culturally aware personnel.
Navigating the complexities of IHRM, however, comes with its
own set of difficulties. Cultural variations force firms to
comprehend and modify their HR procedures to different
communication styles, work ethic requirements, and societal
conventions. Dowling et al. (2019) highlighted cultural
differences as one of the most critical issues. Complying with
diverse labor laws, visa policies, and tax systems between
nations requires careful navigation due to legal and regulatory
complications (Scullion & Collings, 2017). While managing a
geographically distributed workforce might be costly due to
relocation expenditures, training programs, and maintaining
communication channels, language obstacles can impede
efficient communication and information exchange (Dowling et
al., 2019).
IHRM provides organizations going worldwide with a lot of
advantages, despite these obstacles. Organizations with
successful IHRM practices may unlock the potential of a varied
workforce, manage the intricacies of cultural nuances, and
succeed in the demanding and dynamic international business
landscape by comprehending and solving these problems.


The multinational consumer goods company Unilever PLC,
based in the United Kingdom, employs more than 140,000
people in a diversified workforce across more than 190
countries. To effectively manage a geographically distributed
workforce, bridge cultural differences, and realize the potential
of diverse people, this global presence demands strong
International Human Resource Management (IHRM) practices.
Some of the examples are as follows:
 Talent Acquisition and Retention: Unilever employs
techniques to draw in and hold on to international talent.
Through its Future Leaders Program, it promotes
diversified leadership pipelines throughout its international
businesses and provides early career possibilities. To draw
in talented people from all over the world, the organization
also encourages work-life balance and offers competitive
remuneration packages.
 Establishing an Inclusive Culture: Unilever recognizes the
value of cultural sensitivity and provides its staff with
training in this area. Furthermore, the corporation supports
inclusion and diversity by providing flexible work
arrangements to accommodate different employee demands
and cultural norms through programs like "Flex@Unilever"
and employee resource groups.
 Developing worldwide Skills: International mobility
initiatives are used by Unilever to promote knowledge
sharing and bridge cultural divides. Employees can obtain
invaluable experience in several nations and areas, making
them more globally competent.
 Standardization and Localization: Unilever has a hybrid
approach to its IHRM policies, striking a balance between
the requirement for consistency and the ability to react to
local market conditions. Fairness and openness are ensured
by the global standardization of some fundamental HR
practices. But the business also gives regional teams the
freedom to modify HR procedures to satisfy local cultural
quirks and regulatory constraints in every area of operation.


The questions which are prepared with the help of above data
and can be asked to HR of companies are as follows:
1. What strategy does your company use to attract and keep
international workers?
2. What kind of initiatives or events does your company run to
help its employees communicate and be sensitive to cultural
3. How does your company apply IHRM techniques to meet its
strategic objectives?
4. What are the main obstacles to managing an international
workforce that your company encounters, and how does your
IHRM strategy overcome them?
5. How does your company evaluate its IHRM practices against
industry norms and best practices within its industry and
geographic area?


(A) Shwetha A Talwar (

Company: Accenture
1. Our company uses a calculated strategy to draw in and keep
foreign employees. To organize our worldwide workforce, we first
analyze the talent requirements in various locations. This aids in
identifying the abilities and proficiencies needed to succeed in a
diverse workplace. Our hiring practices are centered on drawing in
a broad range of international talent, considering elements like
linguistic fluency, cultural fit, and workplace adaptability. We
make an investment in cross-cultural management training to
guarantee efficient communication and cultural sensitivity.
2. We offer thorough training courses that teach staff members about
diverse cultural sensitivity issues. These programs, which promote
empathy, understanding, and respect in the workplace, contain
lessons on gender dynamics, regional customs, and religious
practices. Workshops on cultural awareness and language
instruction are arranged to augment the cultural intelligence of
staff members and foster intercultural comprehension. We support
staff members taking part in national holidays and celebrations.
Cross-cultural exchanges and inclusive workplace activities
promote a keen sense of unanimity and belonging.
3. We assess the personnel requirements in many areas and match
company goals with our HR initiatives. Our hiring process
prioritizes drawing in diverse, international talent while
considering language and cultural acuity. We fund cultural
awareness initiatives to improve staff members' comprehension of
various cultures and practices. To encourage cooperation and
respect, effective cross-cultural communication is stressed.
4. Sure! There are many difficulties in managing a global workforce.
Hiring people worldwide gives you access to a variety of skill
pools. However, remote hiring and onboarding are required
because HR specialists are not stationed at every location around
the world. Respecting local rules and ordinances is essential when
traveling to different nations. As part of our IHRM approach, we
keep up with local legal obligations. To guarantee compliance, we
work with legal professionals on issues like labor laws, taxes, and
employment contracts.
5. An essential component of our organization's development is
assessing its International Human Resource Management (IHRM)
procedures against best practices and industry standards. We
constantly compare our IHRM procedures with those of
competitors and peers in the industry through benchmarking
efforts. We can understand our relative position by looking at key
performance indicators (KPIs) including employee engagement,
turnover rates, and talent acquisition metrics. This helps us make
decisions and identifies areas that need work.

(B)Mr. Mahua Basu (

Company: Avaya, Gurugram
1. Our organization uses a variety of tactics to draw in and keep
foreign employees. We give assistance with relocation and
immigration procedures in addition to excellent remuneration
packages that take the cost of living into account. Furthermore, we
prioritize fostering an inclusive and varied work environment
where international staff members feel appreciated and supported.
2. To support staff communication and cultural sensitivity, we host a
variety of programs and events. These consist of language
instruction, cultural exchange initiatives, training on cultural
sensitivity, and intercultural gatherings where staff members can
celebrate and share their varied backgrounds.
3. Our organization ensures that international HR practices
complement the company's worldwide expansion goals by
integrating its IHRM procedures with its strategic objectives. This
entails putting in place uniform HR policies and procedures
throughout many locations and, when required, customizing them
to fit local situations.
4. There are several obstacles to managing a global workforce,
including linguistic hurdles, cultural disparities, and complex legal
issues. Our IHRM strategy emphasizes cultural sensitivity training,
effective communication, and frequent feedback mechanisms to
resolve issues and guarantee that all workers feel included and
appreciated in overcoming these challenges.
5. We routinely assess our IHRM procedures in comparison to
industry standards and best practices specific to our sector and
locality. This involves comparing our rules and procedures to those
of other businesses that are comparable to ours and asking staff
members for input to pinpoint areas that need improvement.

(C)Neha Kapri (

Company: Absolutedata Analytics
1. Our organization prioritizes fostering a friendly and inclusive work
atmosphere to draw in and keep foreign employees. To facilitate
the transition for overseas hires, we provide competitive
remuneration packages that include benefits and relocation help.
Furthermore, we aggressively seek out talent from other nations by
utilizing our international networks and collaborations.
2. To encourage effective communication and cultural awareness
among staff members, our organization hosts many programs and
events. We hold cross-cultural workshops, diversity training
programs, and employee resource group participation is
encouraged. These programs support mutual respect,
understanding, and cooperation among the different members of
our team.
3. We use International Human Resource Management (IHRM)
strategies to match our HR practices with strategic goals. This
entails customizing our performance management, remuneration,
training, and recruitment procedures to the unique requirements of
our worldwide workforce. By doing this, we make sure that our
HR initiatives complement the company's broader commercial
objectives and global expansion.
4. Managing a global workforce has certain difficulties. Language
hurdles, cultural disparities, adherence to the law, and coordination
between time zones are a few typical challenges. Several IHRM
solutions are put into practice to help us overcome these obstacles.
These tactics consist of international HR systems, culturally
sensitive training curricula, local compliance specialists, and
efficient communication lines. Our goal in tackling these
challenges is to foster efficiency, cooperation, and comprehension
among our global workforces.
5. Our business regularly compares its IHRM procedures to industry
standards and best practices. We monitor important performance
metrics, carry out internal audits, examine employee input, and
keep up with market developments. This assessment assists us in
pinpointing areas that require enhancement and guarantees that our
HR procedures continue to be in line with industry norms and the
requirements of our global workforce.

(D) Ms. Sneha Panigrahi Mishra

Company: AVP-Talent Acquisition
1. Our organization uses focused recruitment strategies adapted to
various cultural contexts to draw in and keep foreign talent. To
find top talent, we use regional job ads, international talent
networks, and alliances with international recruitment firms. To
promote retention, we also provide thorough relocation assistance,
culturally aware onboarding procedures, and chances for
professional growth.
2. Our organization sponsors programs and events to encourage
awareness and communication across cultural boundaries. These
consist of forums promoting diversity, language exchange
initiatives, and workshops on cultural competency. Furthermore, to
foster a culture of comprehension and respect for all points of
view, we promote cross-functional cooperation and involvement in
international projects.
3. Our organization combines IHRM practices with long-term
objectives to develop a workforce that is globally organized. This
includes planning for succession, talent mapping, and leadership
development initiatives customized for various cultural settings.
We aim to achieve organizational success on a global scale by
harnessing the skills of our worldwide workforce and promoting an
inclusive culture.
4. Managing a global workforce comes with various difficulties,
including communication hurdles, cultural differences, and legal
compliance. Our IHRM approach emphasizes localized HR
regulations, continuous cultural competency training for managers,
and the use of technology-enabled platforms for smooth cross-
border communication to address these issues.
5. Our organization regularly evaluates its IHRM procedures in
comparison to both local and industry norms. To keep up with new
developments and industry best practices, we make use of
employee feedback systems, external audits, and industry
conferences. We consistently improve our IHRM approach to meet
changing organizational needs by benchmarking against industry
peers and getting feedback from our varied workforce.

(E)Ms. Saraswati Kumari (

Company: Inconma
1. Through social media and cultural groups, our company connects
with talented individuals all around the world. We help new hires
with buddy systems, language acquisition, and moving and settling
2. To promote mutual understanding and respect for diverse cultures,
we host events and workshops. These include discussions, get-
togethers, and enjoyable events where people may open about their
histories and experiences.
3. To achieve our company's objectives, we recruit and train people
from other nations. This means that we modify our hiring and
training procedures to suit each workplace.
4. Managing a multinational team presents a variety of difficulties,
including linguistic and legal barriers. We address this by utilizing
technology to facilitate teamwork, teaching everyone about many
cultures, and communicating clearly.
5. We constantly monitor our performance in relation to other
businesses and the latest developments in our sector. To find out
how we might improve, we consult with our personnel and other
specialists. We are
continuously looking for ways to work better with our international
5. Comparative Analysis of Primary and Secondary
1. Nature of Data:
Secondary Data: Gives a summary of Unilever's IHRM procedures
with an emphasis on global skills development, inclusive culture,
talent acquisition, and standardization/localization tactics.
Primary Data: Highlights talent analysis, cross-cultural
management training, and cultural awareness activities in the
company's strategy for luring and keeping international workers.

2. Similarities:
Both sources stress how crucial it is to foster cultural sensitivity
and draw in a wide pool of talent.
Both acknowledge that in today's global workforce, successful
cross-cultural communication and understanding are essential.
3. Differences:
Focus: Using examples and methods, the secondary data focuses
on Unilever's unique IHRM practices and activities. However, the
core data focuses more on the company's overall strategy for
cultural sensitivity and worldwide personnel management.
Detail: While the primary data gives a more general picture
without specific instances, the secondary data gives in-depth
examples of Unilever's programs and efforts.
Scope: While the primary data is more generic and omits
information about the company's global reach, the secondary data
examines Unilever's global presence and practices across 190
4. Causes of Differences:
Source: The secondary data, which offers in-depth insights into the
business's procedures, is based on official reports, publications, or
news announcements from Unilever. Nevertheless, the main data
may not contain precise examples or comprehensive methods
because it is based on the internal viewpoint of the organization.
Focus: Unilever's effective IHRM programs and practices are
highlighted by the secondary data, which also highlights the
company's strengths. The primary data offers a more
comprehensive view of the company's entire strategy for managing
a worldwide workforce, even though it still highlights similar

In conclusion, this report serves as a helpful guide for organizations
planning to enter the global marketplace or looking to refine their
existing IHRM strategies. It provides practical solutions for
organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of managing a global
workforce and thrive in the international business arena. With the
insights gained from this report, companies can develop effective IHRM
practices that will enable them to succeed in the global marketplace.
This report explores International Human Resource Management
(IHRM) and provides both theoretical and practical examples from
various companies. It examines the challenges and opportunities
involved in managing a global workforce and highlights the crucial role
of IHRM practices in navigating these complexities. The report is
helpful for organizations planning to enter the global marketplace or
looking to refine their existing IHRM strategies. It provides a clear
understanding of the key concepts, challenges, and best practices in
IHRM and showcases various IHRM practices adopted by different
companies. The report concludes by providing valuable insights and
practical considerations for organizations seeking to navigate the
complexities of managing a global workforce and thriving in the
international business arena.

1. Dowling, P. J., Brewster, C., & Sparrow, P. (2019). International
human resource management: Managing people in a global context
(7th ed.). Pearson Education Limited.
2. Purcell, J., & Torrington, D. (2016). International human resource
management (7th ed.). Kogan Page Publishers.
3. Scullion, P., & Collings, D. G. (2017). International human
resource management (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.
4. Georgetown University Library. (2023, November 29). APA 7th
Edition - Human Resource Management - Research - Guides.

AASHNA Review of Literature, Company’s
SUJAL UPADHYAY Introduction, Company’s data
ANIKET JATI Comparative analysis, Company’s
SIRJAN MALIK Conclusion, Company’s data
ABDUL SHOAIB Company’s data, Review of

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