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Math Relational Boolean IF Statement

+ Addition < LT & AND IF {C1 S1}

- Subtraction > IF {C1 S1;C2 S2}
GT ! OR IF {C1 S1;C2 S2;S3}
* Multiplication ‘< GE ‘x NOT IF {C1;C2}
/ Division ‘> LE
\ Remainder of Division = EQ
‘= NE Accessing Other Segments
Possessive –
String pointerDPM’s.field
Direct Reference –
0 1 2 3[@SUB1,@SUB2…]

$ left of position, not incl.

% right of position, not incl.
# shows position
‘$ right of position and incl.
‘% left of position, and incl. Pattern Match
‘# all but position Code Definition
Alpha characters
“”#”xdelimiter” – e.g. blah,test#“1,” = test ?A (upper case A-Z and lower
(a space can be a delimiter) case a-z)
?N Numeric characters (0-9)
Punctuation characters
(neither a letter nor a number)
?M Money Format
Decimal number
(with a decimal point)
Same as N except the
number that
forms part of the pattern is a
^ - shift+6
Assign an expression to a keyword e.g.
Code Definition
:n Repeat n times
Then you can use keyword afterwards. Select Runtime Variables
:nR/L/C Right justify/Left Justify/ n spaces EQ Equal to
:nT Truncate to n characters NE Not equal to
IG Ignore
:nM Round and turn into Money Format.
GE Greater than/equal to
:nD Set to n Decimal Places LE Less than/equal to
:nP Set to n Significant Figures GT Greater than
LT Less than
:S Strip the leading and trailing spaces
LI List
Replace any non-printing characters NL Not in List
:X (e.g., controls characters) found with RL Range List
spaces. CO Contains
Add commas to a numeric value where NC Not Contains
appropriate. If the value is negative, move CL Contains List
:nA FS First Value, GE
the negative sign to the right of the value.
Right justify the field in n spaces. LS Last Value, LE
Report Variables
Variable Explanation
/R.CPI Characters Per Inch defined on page 1 of E/E Report routine.
/R.LPI Lines Per Inch defined on page 1 of E/E Report routine.
/R.CPL Characters Per Line defined on page 1 of E/E Report routine.
/R.PS Page Size defined on page 1 of the E/E Report routine.
/R.DATE Date user began running the report.
/R.TIME Time user began running the report.
/R.FOUND Value of 1 if the current record passed the report select criteria.
/R.HOSP Application database report title as defined in the MIS Toolbox configuration.
Name of new page program associated with the report.
(.RP suffix on report name).
/R.PAGE.NUM Current page number.
/R.TITLE Report Title defined on page 1 of E/E Report routine.
/RW.URN Name of report. (Only for reports run from Report writer.)
/R.FRAGMENT Value of 1 if report is being executed as a report fragment.
/temp Temporary sort array based on user defined sort criteria.

System Variables
Macro Direct Reference Explanation
@.appl /.APPL Application Name /.CNTRY Country of MIS (US, CANADA, OTHER)
@.db /.DB Application Database Name
@.device /.DEV User's Input Terminal
@.dir /.DIR Current Directory
@.facility /.FAC Current Facility in Multi-Facility System
@.job /.JOB Job Number of Process
@.logical.device /.LOC Location of User's Terminal
@.lookup /.LK # of Entries to Display in Lookup /.MENU.ARG Used by Menus to Pass Arguments
@.mis /.MIS Name of MIS Database %Z.time.out(S(0)) Current Time in HHMM Format.
@.mri.pfx /.MPX Medical Records Prefix
@.on.device /.PRT Last Response to "ON DEVICE" Prompt /.DAT Current Date in YYYYMMDD Format

DO Loop
@Next (subscript,structure) – go to next subscript value
@Prev (subscript,structure) – go to prev subscript value
+ - increase a subscript to its next value
- - decrease a subscript to its next value
> - nexting thru more than 1 subscript
< - preving thru more than 1 subscript

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