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(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) xy) (xvi) iso CORE i You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, Ahesel| D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front o | question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting“or™ filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Reproductive system is formed from: (a) Mesoderm In Echinodermata the larva is: (a) Planula (b) Trochophore pee, Echino Chemical link between catabolism and anabolism is: (a) Bioenergetics —_(b) Respiration (c) Photosynthesis (@)“ATPy In first step of citric acid cycle, acetyl CoA reacts with oxaloacetate to form: (c) Ectoderm (d) Hypoderm (a) NADH (b) Pyruvate (iM Gittate’ 4d) FADH Common ectoparasite in non-human mammal is: (a) Tics” (b) Leech (c) Tapeworm (d) Flea Oxygen content of fresh air is about: (a) 10 ml / liter (b) 20 mI # liter (c) 2 ml / liter YM 200imbyiliter,, Apoplast pathway becomes discontinuous in endodermis due to: (a) Pericycle ip®(c) Cortex (d) Xylem Atrioventicular valve present in leftside of heart is: (a) Tricuspid ad (c) Pulmonary valve oS (d) Semilunar The branch of biology which deals with study of ancestral history is: (a) Genetics (b) Zoogeography (¢) “Evolution(d) Palaeontology Percentage of carbohydrates in mmalian cell is: (a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 3% (a v4% Covalently bonded non-protein part is called: (a) Co-enzyme ‘group(c) Activator (d) Co-factor Parenchymatous cells are specialized for: (@)¥'Storetood ’ (b) Support (c) Photosynthesis (d) Growth The size of parvovirus is: (a) 100 nm (c)250nm_ = (d) 75 nm Which one is present in all bacteria? (a) Cell wall (b)Mesosome —_() WRibosomes (d) Plasmid The example of zooflageliates is: (a) Forams b (c) Entamoeba A kind of headache migraine is treated by: (b) Lovastatin (c) Griseofulvin(d) Aspergillus ia is an example of: (a) Hepaticopsida by“ BiVopsids, (c) Psilophyta (d) Anthoceropsida (i) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) Note: I You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that Question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. The simplest of all the bryophytes are: (a) Mosses ‘(b)Mliverworts: * (c) Hornworts (d) Club Moses Dolphin is: (a) Fish (b) Bird (QAM BMA! (4) Amphibian Coral reefs are mostly formed of: (a) “Calcium carbonate/(b) Silica (c) Chitin — (d) Lignin Chlorophyll a is: (a) Yellow green (c) Orange green (d) Yellow green dark The number of chloroplas} in each mesophyll cell is about: (a) 10-50 pee , (c) 30-80 — (d) 100-200 Fresh saliva has pH: (a) 4 (b) 6 1 ve (a)73 The heart of Fish is: & > it? (b) Double circuit:~ (c) Triple circuit (d) Multi circuit About of total transpiration takes place through cuticular transpiration. (a) 1-2% O57 (c) 90% — (d) 2.5% ne complete heart beat lasts for: : nds ¢ (b) 0.4 seconds (c).0.15 seconds (d) 0.2 seconds The reasoning ronpgeneie te sperinc to: (a) Inductive (c) Scientific (d) Theoretical Our blood normally contains Glucose: (a) 0.6% (b) 0.8% (c) 0.06% (@)068% Lock and key model d by: (a) Koshland @} Emil Fischer” (c) Fleming (d) Wilkins The fluid which surrounds thylakoids is: (a) Matrix 4BY“Stroma (c) Cytosol_(d) Nucleoplasm The capsomeres present in the capsid of Adeno-virus are: (a) 152 (b) 162 (@¥252, (d) 352 Rapid phase of growth of Bacteria is: (a) Lag phase (c) Stationary phase (d) Death / decline phase (xvi) ie possess cell walls with: ee (b) Chitin (c) Silica (d) Pectin (xvii) Ustilago species are most common: (a) Rust fungi (c) Mold (d) Yeast Note: (i) (ii) (ili) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) yay) You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Cavum venosum and cavum pulmonale are pockets present in heart of: (a) Birds (b) Mammals (c)__ Reptiles A substance produced by basophils and inhabits blood clotting: (a) Fibrinogen (b) Histamine (c)_Interferon (di Heperiny Of the total volume of leaf air spaces may comprises: (a): (b) 20% (c) 10% (d) 30% Taste buds of tongue play important role i : (a) Digestion (c) Lubrication (d) Mastication When equal intensities of light are given more photosynthesis takes. place in spectrum: (a) Blue (b) Orange (Yo Red / d) Green Chlorophyll a is: (a) Red - Green = Green (c) Orange - Green pecs aca’ 1° ists of: . cb) Algae (c) Phytoplankton “ (a) Zooplankton The largest invertebr; imal ‘ (a) Whale Candida albicans is a: x (a) Smut (>) Rust (MAME (4) Morel je rhizome in adiantum is protected by: (b) Fronds (c) Stipe (d) ~~ Stomium Laminaria is an example of: (a) Red algae ) Diatoms (c) Green algae pabeeaetatsee Hepatitis C is caused by virus: (a) DNA - non enveloped ‘b) DNA enveloped (©) RNAnon enveloped WE RNa. Spirochete is a bacterium: (a) Aerobic (©) Octopus (d) Dragon fly :) Facultative (d) Microaerophilic \ i celli ents is a function of: » (b) Microfilament (c) Microtubules (d) Centrioles i HH for catalase is: 3 (b) 9.70 (c) 5.50 (d) 670 Which one serves to build macromolecules: (a) ATP (b) Starch Maat <) Keratin ercentage of nitrogen accounts for: oe rey 3% (©) 1% (d) 10% (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) nal (Objective Part) You have four choice for each objective type ques' 5 The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. During breathing no stale of air remains in the lungs of: | (a) Mammals — (b) Amphibian (c)_~— Birds (d) _—Reptiles Lenticels are aerating pores formed in the: (a)~ Bark (b) Epidermis (c)_~—- Endodermis (d) Pericycle Open circulatory system is present in: (a) Man (bo) Cockroachy (c) — Earth worm (d) Leach Internal morphology is also called: (a) Physiology (c) Histology (d) Palaeontology How much is energy used for synthesis of 10 g gluoos: (a) 517.6Kcal (b) 617.6 Kcal Kea (d) 817.6 Keal The enzymes which are involved in protein synthesis are integral part of: (a) Chromosomes(b) — Peroxisomes (c) — Lysosomes (aeiteonies Harmful substances are detoxified in the liver cells by: (a) Mitochondria (c) ,Golgi complex ) _ Nucleolus Capsomers are subunits which form capsid of a virion. These capsomeres are chemically: (a) Lipids (b) Nucleic acids (c) Carbohydrates (djiMNIBRSIEiNG” When cocci divide in three planes and form cube of '8" then they are called: a (b) Tetrad (c) Diplococci (d) Streptococci Pelomyxa Palustris is commonly called: (a) Entamoeba ‘ Trypanosoma (ce) Trichonympha Some fungi are used to control environmental pollution, the process is called: (a) Biological control _(b) Fungal culture (¢)Bioremediation(d) Hydroponic After fertilization ovule is changed into: (a) Ovary , (c) Fruit) (ad) ~~ Flower Dugesia is a free-living flatworm with a ciliated outer surface. It is commonly called: (a) Tape worm (b) _Liverfluke —(c)_ Blood fluke (ayiWéPlahariay Ancient fish that have developed lungs are called: @¥ Dinner (b) Asterias—(c)_—“Thaliacea (d) Leptocardi Dark reactions of photosynthesis occur in which part of cl last? / (a) Inner membrane(b) Grana (c) Intergrana In the absence of oxygen, yeast cells obtain energy by rermentation, producing C02, ATP (a) Acetyl. Co-A. (c) Lactate (d) Pyruvate Which of the following is a parasitic pan (a) Drosera + (b) Dionea s (d) Sarracenia (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (vy) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) Note: You hav 20 Ue) e four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that Question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling two Or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. The most recent era is: (a) Proterozoic (b) Paleozoic _(@)INANGBHBBBIEd) Mesozoic The specific heat of v. ization of water in Kcal/kg is: (a) 580 by 574 (c) 597 (d) 602 Optimum pH for Arginase enzyme is: (a) 4.50 (b) 5.50 (Maro 4) 760 Cisternae are associated with: 7 ; , (b) Mitochondria (c) Nucleus (d) Chloroplast Madcow infection is caused by: (a) Bacteria (6) Prions (c) Virions (d) — Protozoans Reserve food material in cyanobacteria is: (a) Starch (b) Glucose —_—_(@)iMGlyeogen)(d) Cellulose Pelomyxa palustris is an example of: (a) Bacterium (b) —liate (c) Algae (djMMARIGSBa Aspergillus belongs to Phylum: (a) Zygomycota (c) Ascomycota ¢(d) — Basidiomycota Fern Prothallus is: os le (oMGaMEtephiyte (d) Seed (a) Sporophyte (b) Sapro Kangaroo belongs to sub-class: (2) Eutheria (Oh Metathera (c) Prototheria (d) Megatheria Sea urhin belongs to phylum: (a) Arthropoda (c) Annelida (d) Protozoa The number of chloroplast in each mesophyll cell is about: (a) 10-100 (b) 10-200 (c) 20-100 The breaking of terminal bond of ATP releases energy of about: (a) 4.5 Kcal (b) 3.7 Kcal (c) 6.8 Kcal Casparian strips are present in cells of root: (a) Cortex (b) Epidermis @yvaiieiidodermisy(d) Xylem The valves present j ins are called: . (a) Bicuspid pn aa (c) Tricuspid (J) Aortic Excess gastric secretions is an important factor of: (@v Poplic ulcer” (b) Obesity (c) Piles : (d) Food poisoning (xvii) Respiratory system is most efficient in: (a) Fish (b) Man (c) Snake (a Birdy (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) hoice for each objective type que: The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that Question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two F more circles will result in zero mark in that question. A large regional community primarily determined by climate is: x Bode’ (b) Biosphere (c) Species (d) Population Human tissue contains about 20% water in: (a) Braincells (6) ¥ (c) Kidney (4) Skin cells Emil Fischer proposed a lock a 2y model in: (a) 1990 (b) 1880" (0) 1800 (a MAlB90y The soluble part of the cytoplasm is calles (a) Stroma (b)_— Gel (YO CyHosoitd) Matrix About 25 minutes after initial infections approximate number of new bacteriophages formed as; (a) 100 “oy” 200 / (2) 2000 () 500 Cell wall of gram positive bacteria are stained: (a) Pink (b) Red (c) Green Amoebae moves by forming specialized cytoplasmic projection called: (a) Cilia (Ov Peeudepodia (c) _ Flagella (d) Tube feet As a result of meiosis, the number of ascospores produced in each ascus is: a (a) 06 (b) 07 AOMMOBY (a) 05 D ization is the characteristic feature of: (b) Gymnosperm (d) Anthoceropsida (c) Bryophytes All "flatworms" belong to phylum: (a) Annelida “ (c) Arthropoda (d) Nematoda Ancylostoma duodenale is commonly known as: (a) Earthworm (b) Pin worm (c) Tape worm (@)Hook worm” Each mesophyll cell has about: (a) 80 chloroplast (b) 200 chloroplast (020-100 choropas (a) 500 cNorosast 'yruvic acid is produced as a result of: (a) Kreb’s cycle W)7 Giycoiysis ” (c) Respiratory chain (d) — Photophosphorylation Le of the duodenum is: . (b) 20-25 cm(c) 20 - 25 em(d) 20 - 25 Km The number of pairs of spiracles in abdominal segments of cockroach are: (a) 02 (bo) 12 (c) 08 (xvi) The phenomenon in which loss of liquid water through water secreting glands takes place is: « (a) Imbibition (c) Ascent of sap (d) Bleeding (xvii). The mammalian red blood cells are: (a) Biconvex (b)~— Convex (c) Concave (dji@Biconcave N ee (Objective Part) LE te: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or ™ filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. () AIDS is caused by: (a) Fimgo (b) Bacteria (@WPWirliss (d) Algae {ii} Lycopsids are commonly called: (a Whisk ferns (b) Horse tails (iy ~Culb mosses _ (d) — Hornworts iii, In cockroach partly digested food is temporarily stored in: (a) Rectum (b) — Gizzard “Ce eraB, (d) Colon (iv) The casparian strips are present in: Cortex cells of roots (b) Cells of pericycle o (d) Cells of phloem (v) | Muscles of stomach are of which type: (a) Skeletal (MNSmocth’ (c) Cardiac (d)_ Voluntary (vi) | Which metal atom is present in chlorophyll: (a) Cu (b) Fe () Mg (d) K (vii) Poisons, like cycanide are examples of: (a) Enzymes (b) —_Co-enzymes\(@)IMIRRIBIGFSY (4) Co-factors (viii) Ascaris Lumbricoides is an intestinal parasite of: (a) Monkey “ww (c) Horse (d) = Camel (ix) The substa: which inhibits blood clotting: (b) Histamine “(c) — Fibrin (d) = Albumin (x) Common name of pyrrophyta is: (a) Euglenoids (b) Diatoms (@(R@MDinioflageliates(d) Kelps (xi) Cotton is a pure form of: (@v callulose (b) Glycogen (c) (‘Wax (d) — Starch (xii) Most common smut fungi are: (b) — Puccinia (c) Penicillium (d) Yeast (xiii), Which one of the following is aerobic bacteria: (a) — Campylobacter (b) — E.Coil a (d) — Spirochaete (xiv) Excretory system of flatworms is composed of: (a) Nephron (b) —_Nephridia "esc Flamescels (4) Villi (xv) Coll membrane has 60 - 80 %: (a) Lipids (c) Carbohydrates (d) ~ Vitamins (xvi) In respiratory chain NADH is oxidized by: (a) Cytochrome b (B)IMICeRenzMmeG(c) Oxygen(d) H,0 (xvii) The respiratory system i: ficient in: (a) Man Th Fish (d) Snake Note: Yo uCPy EPL u have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and . The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that Question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. () The rate of transpiratio: les by every rise of temperature about: i (a) 5°C ‘(c) 15°C (d) 20°C (i) Plasma proteins in the blood are about: i i (b) ,9-11%(c) 11-13% (d) 09% (iii) Number of spiracle in cockroach is: . (a) 4 pairs (b) 6 pairs ( (d) 8 pairs (iv) pH of fresh saliva is nearly: (a) 6 (b) 7 (d) 9 (v) The breaking of the terminal phosphate of ATP releases energy about: (a) 2Kcal (b) 3.7 Keal (c) 17.3Kcal (@)MN7iSIKieal” (vi The oan sf chloroplast in each mesophyll cell is about: (b) 20-120 (c) 20-200 (d) 20-220 (vii) Mersupium is character of: ( (b) Dolphin (c) Duck bill platypus (d) Bat (viii) In birds, the organ of voice is called: a (ay¥ Syrinx / (b) Larynx Ac) Vocal card (d) Parabronchi (ix) In angiosperm, megaspore develop into female gametophyte which consists of: x (a) 3cells (b) Sells (Meelis (d) cells (x) The species of mushroom which are edible are about: (a) 100 (b) 1000 M200 (ad) 2000 (xi) Cell wall of oomycotes contain mostly: (a) — Chitin (c)Glyean (d) Pectin (xii) Pili are made of special protein called: (a) Flagellin -(b) Tubulin (c) Fibrinogen (@)S°Pilinyy (xiii) Genus for corn plant is: (b) Cassia (c) Allium (d) Solanum (xiv) Attachment of two units of ribosomes is controlled by: (a)) cat* %(c) Fett (d) Fe*** (xy) Salivary amylase work best at pH: (b) 5.50 (c) 4.00 (d) 2.00 (xvi). Number of amino acids in each turn of a — helix is: (a) 3 (c) 0.36 (d) 36 (xvii) The number of plant species in biodiversity-is: (a) 53.1% = i:19.9 % (d) 94% Wy] Poeeos a Cay Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or . filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. (i) The number and variety of species in a place is called: (a) Population (b) — Community (c) Diversity ( (ii) Human tissues have 85% water in cells of: Bone (a) ¥ Brain (a) Blood (b) Liver (c) (iii) Co-enzyme is closely related to: (a) Lipids (b) Minerals (hittin: (d) Water (iv) Resolution of electron microscope ranges between: (a) 1-2 (bo) 4-S5mm (c) 1-3 Angstrom ‘(v) Organelle of symbiotic origin is: (a) Cell wall (b) Cell membrane ()/¥Mifochéndiia’ (d) ~— Vacuole (vi) Bacteria without any flagella are called: . (a) Peritrichous b) Monotrichous (c) Lophotrichous Ommencienoiag (vii) Tests of actinopods are made up of: (a) Calcium (c) Sodium (d) Potassium (viii) They are ecologically important as bioindicators of air pollution: ‘epaeibpaions/ (b) °Mycorrhizae (c) Yeast (d) Viruses (ix) Polytric isa: (b ) _Leucosolenia(c) Spongilla (d) Euplectella (x) | Fresh water sponge is: ~ (a) Sycon (b) Leucosolénia(¢)'¥" Spongilla (d) Euplectella (xi) Garden snail belongs to: 7 (a) Gastropoda (c) Pelecypoda (d) Arthropoda (xii) Haem portion of hae in.contains: (a) Mgt* () Catt (d) ON (xiii) bundant protein on earth is: . (b) Haemoglobin(c) Albumen (d) Fibrinogen (xiv) Which is fluid feeder? panei (b) Earthworm (c) Sheep(d) Man (xv) Spiracles are found in; | (a) Hydra ee Mesansaion » (c) Birds (d) © Fishes (xvi) Single circuit heart is found in: (a) — Amphibians (c) Reptiles (d) Mammals (xvii) Histamine is produced by: (a) Neutrophils (b) Eosinophils 47 “Basophilg (d) Monocytes

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