School Adventures L1V5 - Bella The Sore Loser

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ial S
Level 1
Camp Days

5 Bella the Sore Loser

Story by Jason Wilburn & Casey Kim

Jaehwan Jung
Illustrations by
Level 1
Camp Days

Bella the Sore Loser

Story by Jason Wilburn and Casey Kim

Illustrations by Jaehwan Jung

Publisher: Patrick Hwang

Project Director: Casey Kim
Writers: Jason Wilburn
Casey Kim
Editors: J ayne Lee
Karen Kang
Aaron Siegel
Sarah Park
Soyoung Yu
Story Illustrator: Jaehwan Jung

Vocabulary Illustrator: Yeonju Oh

Interior & Cover Design: Hongdangmoo Co., Ltd.

Dosoo Kwak
Minseok Kim
Minji Kim
Theme Song: Woosang Park Composition and Arrangement
Jason Wilburn Lyrics
Audio Recording: D ukyun Studio
Sarah Park
Aaron Siegel
Soyoung Yu

Copyright ⓒ 2014 e-future & Hongdangmoo

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

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Graded Comic Readers

Social Studies

Level 1: Camp Days 5

Bella the Sore Loser

Story by Jason Wilburn & Casey Kim

Illustrations by Jaehwan Jung
Patrick Sunny


Liz Bella Jack Maya

From Jack the Paddle Ace (L1-4)

Jack won the Kayak race. He’s very good at paddling.

Camper Lewis wanted Jack to help Dennis.
Dennis wasn’t very good at paddling.
Jack didn’t want to help Dennis. Camper Aaron talked to him.
Jack helped Dennis become better at paddling.
Bella the So
re Loser
Your friend Liz is really
good at archery.

Yes, she really is. That’s her second

bull’s-eye. They only have
one more shot in the contest. She’s already in the lead.
I don’t think anyone will catch her.

She’s going to shoot again. Wow, she did it again!

She shot three bull’s-eyes.

06 Bella the Sore Loser

That was great shooting, Liz.
You hit three bull’s-eyes in a row. I love archery,
and I practice it at home.

Thanks, I really tried my

Congratulations to you too, Jack. hardest.
You won the kayak race today.

What contest are you doing, Bella?

I’m doing the 400 meter race.

I’ll run faster than anyone.

archery bull’s-eye hit in a row shoot 07

The race is going to start soon. Have a great race,
Are you ready, Bella? Bella!
This race is going to be easy.
I’ll win it for sure.

Can the racers line up, please?

We’re going to start.

You must run around

the track one time.
On the count of three,
you may begin.

One . . .
Two . . .

08 Bella the Sore Loser

This is going to be easy.
I’m the fastest runner.

I can’t believe I’m getting passed!

Who is this girl, and how is she so fast?

I can still beat her! I just need to run a little faster.

Oh, someone else is

passing Bella.
Now, she’s in third place.
This can’t be happening.
Pay attention, and
you can do this, Bella.

Go to page 28
for Activity 1.
get passed in third place line up track
Bella, are you OK?

Oh, you cut your knee!

I can’t believe
It doesn’t matter, Bella.
I fell and lost the race.
I’m just glad that you
didn’t get hurt badly.

Does your knee hurt?

No, my knee doesn’t hurt much.
I’m just upset about the race.

Well, it’s not a bad cut.

Your knee should feel better by
10 Bella the Sore Loser
Are you OK, Bella?
That was a bad fall.
I’m just fine.

You were running very well.

I’m sorry you didn’t finish the race.

I’m the fastest runner, but I fell.

You got lucky this time.

Well, I will race you again anytime.

I hope your knee gets better soon.
Bella, that was very rude.
Why did you say that to Maya?

cut knee lucky rude upset 11

She thinks she’s so perfect.
Look at her standing there.
I don’t like her. Who don’t you like?

I don’t like Maya. She thinks she’s so great.

She’s just getting another

bowl of peas, Bella.

I think you’re taking that race too hard.

You shouldn’t be mad at Maya.
She’s just happy she won the race.
12 Bella the Sore Loser
So, do you think Maya is the fastest

Well, you were in third place when you fell.

Maya was ahead of you.
Maya is a fast runner.

Maybe you should be friends with Maya.

You like her better than me.

Please don’t say that, Bella.

You’re my friend. Don’t be so mean.
See you later, Bella.

Go to page 29
for Activity 2.
ahead bowl pea perfect
Bella, what happened before you fell?
Do you remember?

I was way out in front, and I was winning.

I’m the fastest runner.

Bella, that’s not true, and you know it.

Why are you lying?

Well, Maya was in front,

Tell me honestly what
and then Claire passed me.
you remember.
I was in third place.

14 Bella the Sore Loser

I guess Liz was right. Maya is the
fastest runner.
Bella, did you try your best in the

Well, I didn’t train for the race.

I thought I could win easily.

You didn’t work hard for the race.

So, don’t be angry.

Liz is your good friend, and you don’t want

to lose her. I think you should go talk to her.

easily fall/fell lie/lying pass train 15

Liz, are you in here?

I’m sorry I was mean to you, Liz.

You were right about Maya. She is faster than I am.

Do you know that Maya runs

every morning? She’s on her school’s
track team, and she trains really hard.

You’re going to race her again.

You need to train.
I didn’t know that.

16 Bella the Sore Loser

I’m going to race her again?
Yes, you can race her next week
in the cabin contest.

Well, I didn’t do my best in the race today.

Maybe I can do better next week.

We’ll work together and

train every day.

I don’t think I can beat Maya,

but I’ll do my best in the next race.

Go to page 30
for Activity 3.
again do my best next week track team
The next day . . . Let’s stretch first and relax our bodies.
Warming up is very important.
We don’t want to get hurt.

I never trained for anything

before, Liz.
You study for school, right?

Of course I do. Studying is important.

Well, this is the same thing.
Let’s get going, Bella! Hey, no fair! Wait for me.

18 Bella the Sore Loser

We’ll run around the whole lake.
Maya does that every morning.

It’s a long way around the lake, Liz.

I’m not sure I can make it.

I’m so tired.
We need more practice.

I was mean to Maya, and I feel bad. Maybe you should talk
I didn’t know she worked so hard. to her.

around practice relax stretch study 19

Hi. Hello, Bella. Can I help you?

I’m sorry about the other day.

I was angry at you, and I was very rude.
You ran so fast.
Liz and I are training for the next race.
It’s hard work. I didn’t know that.

You work hard every day.

That’s why you won the race.

OK, I’ll go now.

20 Bella the Sore Loser

Wait, please don’t
leave, Bella.

I’m glad you came to talk to me.

I’m sure that wasn’t easy.

You’re a good runner, and you work

really hard. I need to work hard too.

Why don’t you and Liz run with me?

We can all train together.

Do you really mean that?

Training together will be fun.

Go to page 31
for Activity 4.
come/came leave win/won work
How far is it around the lake?
The next morning . . .

It’s 8 km, but that’s not important.

Time is important.
We should run for one hour a day.
How fast should we run?

We’re training,
so we should run slowly.

Okay, so how slowly should we run?

Slow enough so we can talk to each

other easily.

22 Bella the Sore Loser

Relax your body, Bella.
Shake your hands and arms like this.

Move your whole body.

It’s good for you.
This is great, Maya.
I think I’m getting stronger and stronger.

I feel pretty good.

How do you feel?
Always listen to your body
and stop if you feel pain.

Me too, but I’m a little tired.

arm move pain shake stronger 23

The following Saturday . . .
Maya was nice, and she really helped us this week.
I learned so much, and now we can run around
the lake easily.

We trained hard, and I feel a lot

stronger now. I’m ready for the cabin contest

I’ll do my best.
You’ll do great!
That’s the important thing.

24 Bella the Sore Loser

Let’s have a good race, Bella.
I know we can do it. Yeah, don’t trip and fall again.
You could break the track this time.

That’s not nice, Claire.

You shouldn’t be so rude.

We’re going to begin this week’s

400 meter race.
Runners, take your places.

You may begin on the

count of three.
One . . .
Two . . .

break important place ready runner 25

Bella is running much better this week.
She is, but Claire is right behind her.
Can she stay ahead of her?

Maya’s so fast! She’s in the lead,

and I don’t think I can catch her. Claire is right behind me.
I won’t let her pass me.

Bella is going to get

second place!

26 Bella the Sore Loser

That was a good race.
You’re the fastest runner, Maya. Yeah, you’re really good,

You’re a good runner too, Bella. Thanks, Claire.

I’m sorry I was rude to you. You’re really fast, and you
almost caught me.

I’m glad we all did our best.

Come on, let’s go get some water.
Let’s go!
That sounds great!

Go to page 32
for Activity 5.
catch/caught fastest in the lead second place
Activity 1 For page 6 ~ page 9

1 Find and circle the words.

q w b u l l s e y e
t r a c k s w v z t
k a r c h e r y s r
z x f l i n e u p m
s h o o t b v c x n

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Circle T (True) or F (False).

1 Liz first learned archery at camp. T / F

2 Liz won the archery contest. T / F

3 Bella is running in the 400 meter race. T / F

4 Bella was nervous before the race. T / F

5 Bella was in third place before she fell. T / F

28 Bella the Sore Loser

Activity 2 For page 10 ~ page 13

1 Choose and write.

ahead cut knee lucky rude upset

1 Mom is very ___________. Let’s clean up the mess.

2 He’s OK. He only has a ___________ on his finger.

3 Look ___________ of you. Don’t look behind.

4 Don’t talk so loudly in the library. That’s ___________.

5 My ___________ hurts. I can’t walk anymore.

6 I feel ___________ today. I think I’m going to win.

2 Read and write.

bowl hard mad perfect standing won

I don’t like Maya.

She thinks she’s so _____________.

Look at her _____________ there.

She’s just getting another _____________ of peas, Bella.

I think you’re taking that race too _____________.
You shouldn’t be _____________ at Maya.
She’s just happy she _____________ the race.
Activity 3 For page 14 ~ page 17

1 Write the words.


1 5

2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Circle the correct words.

1 Maya was ahead of / behind Bella in the race.

2 Bella thought she could lose / win the race easily.

3 Camper Sunny thinks Bella should train with / talk to Liz.

4 Maya / Bella is on her school’s track team, and she trains hard.

5 Bella will train and do her best / beat Maya in the next race.

30 Bella the Sore Loser

Activity 4 For page 18 ~ page 21

1 Look, choose and write.

leave practice relax stretch study work

1 2 3

_____________ _____________ _____________

4 5 6

_____________ _____________ _____________

2 Read and write.

angry hard next rude sorry won

Hello, Bella. Can I help you?

I’m _________ about the other day.

I was _________ at you, and I was very _________.
2 3
Liz and I are training for the _________ race.
It’s _________ work. I didn’t know that.
You work very hard every day.

That’s why you _________ the race.

Activity 5

1 Choose and write.

catch important in the lead pain shake

1 I feel _____________ in my stomach. I can’t eat.

2 Maya is ____________________. She’s going to win the race.

3 Bella is behind Maya. She’s going to win ____________________.

4 I think friendship is more _______________ than winning.

5 Hurry up. We must _______________ the first train.

6 Now, you two _______________ your hands. No more fighting!

2 Circle T (True) or F (False).

1 When training, you should run as fast as you can. T / F

2 You should stop running if you feel pain. T / F

3 Claire wasn’t nice to Bella before the race. T / F

4 Bella was slower than Claire in the race. T / F

5 Everyone was happy after the race. T / F

32 Bella the Sore Loser

For page 22 ~ page 27

3 Write the words.

1 6 7


2 3

4 8

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Key Words Check the words you learned.

p. 17 again p.11 lucky

p. 13 ahead p. 23 move
p. 7 archery p. 17 next week
p. 23 arm p. 23 pain
p. 19 around p. 15 pass
p. 13 bowl p. 13 pea
p. 25 break p. 13 perfect
p. 7 bull's-eye p. 25 place
p. 27 catch/caught p. 19 practice
p. 21 come/came p. 25 ready
p. 11 cut p. 19 relax
p. 17 do my best p. 11 rude
p. 15 easily p. 25 runner
p. 15 fall/fell p. 27 second place
p. 27 fastest p. 23 shake
p. 9 get passed p. 7 shoot
p. 7 hit p. 19 stretch
p. 25 important p. 23 stronger
p. 7 in a row p. 19 study
p. 27 in the lead p. 9 track
p. 9 in third place p. 17 track team
p. 11 knee p. 15 train
p. 21 leave p. 11 upset
p. 15 lie/lying p. 21 win/won
p. 9 line up p. 21 work

34 Bella the Sore Loser

Useful Expressions Check the expressions you learned.

p. 23 It’s good for you.

p. 21 I’m sorry about the other day.
p. 10 I’m just upset about the race.
p. 14 That’s not true, and you know it.
p. 6 She’s already in the lead.
p. 9 Now, she’s in third place.
p. 18 Wait for me.
p. 8 Have a great race.
p. 15 Don’t be angry.
p. 13 Don’t be so mean.
p. 13 Please don’t say that.
p. 18 Let’s get going.
p. 17 I’ll do my best.
p. 8 I’ll win it for sure.
p. 12 You shouldn’t be mad at Maya.
p. 25 You shouldn’t be so rude.
p. 21 I’m glad you came to talk to me.
p. 19 I’m not sure I can make it.
p. 16 I’m sorry I was mean to you.
p. 11 I’m sorry you didn’t finish the race.
p. 6 I don’t think anyone will catch her.
p. 11 I hope your knee gets better soon.
p. 10 Does your knee hurt?
p. 21 Do you really mean that?
p. 11 That was very rude.
p. 6 Wow, she did it again.
p. 15 You didn’t work hard for the race.
p. 18 I never trained for anything before.
p. 15 I thought I could win easily.
p. 15 Did you try your best in the race?

Next Tim
Summer’s End

The last day of camp is here.

Everyone is going home.
Some kids are sad to leave camp.
Other kids are happy to see their parents again.
How will Jack and Bella feel about going home?
Theme Song
Theme Song

It’s time to learn.

Let’s take out our books.
But these school books are so dry and dull.
I have something that will be more fun.
With Jack and Bella’s help, we can make learning much better.

Come along with us and enjoy.

Learning’s cool.
It’s School Adventures time!

You’ll ride a horse.

Then you’ll read magic books.
Don’t give up!
You can do anything you try.
You’ll wonder how things work.
We’ll take a closer look.
Jack and Bella are here to give a helping hand.

Social studies?
You’ll learn that at camp.
You’ll go in the books.
How ’bout science?
Yeah, you’ll learn that too.
You’ll ask questions.
And you’ll work hard to find the correct answers.
Black: Teacher
Blue: Students
Red: Teacher & Students
Green: One Student

Come along with us and enjoy.

Learning’s cool.
It’s School Adventures time!

We’ll ride a horse.

Then we’ll read magic books.
Don’t give up!
We can do anything we try.
We’ll wonder how things work.
We’ll take a closer look.
Jack and Bella are here to give a helping hand.

But these school subjects are so hard.

Don’t worry. You’ll do fine.
But how?
With Jack and Bella’s help!

We’ll ride a horse.

Then we’ll read magic books.
Don’t give up!
We can do anything we try.
We’ll wonder how things work.
We’ll take a closer look.
Jack and Bella are here to give a helping hand.
Grammar in Level 1

· Present simple
· Present continuous
Verb Tenses · Future: will, be going to
· Past simple

· Can: ability, request

· Must, have to: personal obligation
· Will: future
Modal Verbs · May: permission
· Should: advice, suggestion
· Don’t have to

· Gerunds as subjects or objects

Verb Forms and · Compound sentences with and , but , or
Sentence Patterns · Complex sentences with so
Track Track Description Details
1 Theme Song
2 pp. 6-9
3 pp. 10-13
Listen to the Story
4 Listen to the story with animated voice actors pp. 14-17
and vivid sound effects.
5 pp. 18-21
6 pp. 22-27
7 pp. 6-9
8 pp. 10-13
Listen and Repeat
9 Listen to the text and repeat to focus on pp. 14-17
accuracy and fluency.
10 pp. 18-21
11 pp. 22-27
12 Key Words and Useful Expressions pp. 34-35
are fun-to-read stories offering key English learning skills.
Readers will find themselves learning new vocabulary, experiencing important grammar structures
in a natural context, and sharpening their reading skills while having fun reading exciting stories.
e-future Graded Comic Readers are written and designed for EFL/ESL learners with the goal of making
reading fun.

revisits Jack, his sister Bella, and their dog Ace. Join them as they spend a summer
at camp, go on mysterious adventures while reading classic stories, and learn about science with Dad’s
newest invention, Popup 2.0. With School Adventures, students will learn about social studies, literature,
and science in new, exciting ways!

School Adventures
New Vocabulary App.
e-future Graded Comic Readers
School Adventures
Or Visit:
Level Story Headwords Subject Area
e-future Books
1. Arriving at Camp
2. Unhappy Camper
1 3. Bella’s Big Fear ▶ My Next Grammar 1
Camp Days 800 words Social Studies
4. Jack the Paddle Ace ▶ My Next Writing 1
5. Bella the Sore Loser
6. Summer’s End
1. Jack Pan
2 2. Bella in Wonderland
Storybook 3. Jack’s 80 Days ▶ My Next Grammar 2
1,000 words Literature
Mysteries 4. Bella and the Wonderful Wizard ▶ My Next Writing 2
5. Jack’s Time Machine
6. Jack and Robin Hood
1. Moth Madness
3 2. Tilted
Science 3. Tummy Trouble ▶ My Next Grammar 3
1,200 words Science
Discoveries 4. A Small Problem ▶ My Next Writing 3
5. A Wild Water Ride
6. The Tiny Ocean
Each story includes on-page picture dictionaries, reading activities, and an audio CD.
Go to for downloadable materials.
Also Available
Story Word Count 1,247 For lower level readers,
be sure to pick up

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