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The question asked me to give an overview focusing of the available option for storing information in

the mobile workforce of the company . the storage of data for mobile force other than current method
of storage in the laptop hard drive can be done in many ways. Below are some key ways of storing of
data :

The first option which fan be apply to store and access is a wide area network (WAN). A wan is the
process of inter connecting computers over a wide area which enables them to share a common
database. The computers can be connected either privately over dedicated phone lines or publicly over
the internet. The benefits of a WAN is it is very secure and flexible. Also, the private phone line network
can Performe way better than that of public connections. Disadvantages of a WAN are that the company
always needs to be aware of the security of the database and develop correct procedures for continuity
of service and backup. Another disadvantage of WAN is that it can be costly.

The second available option for mobile storage and access is cloud storage. Cloud storage generally uses
a third party server or host to provide and manage remote storage of data which can be access through
internet. The advantages of cloud storage is that it is very cost effective as there is no cost for device just
the charge of the server which is very minimal. Another advantage of cloud storage is the ability to
access data over a range of mobile devices form anywhere including laptops, tablets, and smartphones
given there is a internet connection and nowadays internet are available in almost everywhere. The
disadvantage of cloud storage is that the company need to rely on the third party provider to ensure
security and privacy of the data and continuity of service. Also, in some cases it is difficult to change
providers as there is a high chance of compromise privacy and lost of some important data.

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