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SowuTions 317 Mast soe Mas eget = MEE 9 ____ Masof soe asf + as af soe Maso soe val Tahoe ton x Desi of haba Thera, Miso te ia lon 100 is termed as mass fraction, Thus, Mass percentage of solute ~ Mass fraction x 100 10% solution of sugar means that 10 gram of sugar is present in 100 gram of the solution, ie., 10 gram of sugar has been dissolved in 90 gram of water. i) Per cent by volume: It is defined as the volume of solute in mL present in 100 mL sotution. Volume of solute folume of solution It is defined as the mass of Per cent of solute by volume = Gi) Per cent mass by volume: solute present in 100 mL-of solution. Per cent of solute mass by volume Mass of solute Volume of solution (iv) Strength or concentration (Gram per litre): It is, defined as the amount of the solute in gram present in one litre of| the solution. Concentration of solution Mass of solute in gram Volume of the solution in litres ‘Mass of solute in gram es 1000 Volume of the solution in mL. Concentration in gram per litre is also termed as strength of the solution. Let w g ofthe solute be present in V lite of solution; then ‘Strength or concentration of the solutio Fl st (Note: Yi not the volume of the solvent. Vis actually the final volume afer dissolving a definite quantiy of solute in the solvent) (©) Parts per million (ppm): When the solute is present in trace quantities, itis convenient fo express the concentration in parts per million (ppm). I is defined asthe quantity ofthe solute {n gram present in 10® gram of the solution. Mass of solute 96 ppm = Mass of SOE 519 ‘Mass of solution Atmospheric pulfution in cities is also expressed in ppm by volume. It refers to the volume of the pollutant in 10° units of volume. 10 ppm of SO, in air means 10 mL of SO, is present in 10° mL of ar. (vi) Mole fraction: This method is used when the solution, js constituted by mixing two or more components. It is defined as ‘the ratio of number of moles of one component to the total ‘number of moles of the solution (all the components). Taking three components 4, Band C. Components B c Mass (in gram), 5 Molecular mass my m, m No.of gmoies “L wa “ “otal numberof g motes =“ ™ fi ‘Thus, Mole fraction of = m m Mole fraction of B = —™2 "= “ ™ Mole fraction of C= “3's _ ™ m . The sum of mole fractions ofa solution is equal to 1, ie, Sat Sat fe Ina binary solution, Mole fraction of solute + Mole fraction of solvent = 1 Letnmoles of solute (B) and V moles of solvent (4) be present in a solution Mole fraction of solute = Mole fraction of solvent: Wen Thus, Xy+Xyel Mole faction is independent of temperature ofthe solution. (vii) Motalty: Tis defined asthe number of moles of the solute present in 1 kg ofthe solvent. tis denoted by me. [Number of mols of solute Motatity (np = __NUMDEt OF MOIS of Solute _ ‘Number of Klograms ofthe solvent Let ws gram of the solute of molecular mass ms be present in w, gram of the soivent, then Motality(m) = —"# — > 1000 Relation between mole fraction and molality: Xs Nen Wy Xm XN Molesof solvent img XW WWW.JEEE KSI 318 GAR.B. PHYSICAL CHEmisTRY FoR COMPETITIONS Xp 1000 _ vp 1000 _, X4Xm, ms Xv, or Xp x 1000 _ (-Xg)my Note: (i) Molalty is the most convenient method to express the ‘concentration because it involves the mass of liquids rather than their volumes. Its also independent of the variation in temperature Gi) Molalty and solubility re related bythe following elation Solubility 10 oa ‘Molecular mass of the solute [sou aa 222. 0] ‘Mass of solvent in gram (iit) Motarity (Molar concentration): Its defined as the ‘number of moles of the solute per litre or per dm of the solution, Motriy (ap = Number moles of solute jolarity (M) = Molly 0 ~ x ber of ies of solution or Molarity x Number of ltrs of solution ‘= Number of moles of solute Let ws gof the solute of molecular mass my be dissolved in” litre of solution. ‘Molarity of the solution = "2 im x? o¢ — Molarity x mg =". = Suength ofthe solution IfV is taken in mL (em’), then Molarity of the solution = aE 1000 ‘The unit of molarity is mol litre“ or mol ém™ Molarity (second method): Let d = density of solution in ‘gL and let it contains x% solute by mass. ‘Then, mass of | Titre solution = (1000% ¢ ) Mass of solute in I litre =. x (1000 d 10% de = (xd x10)g Number of moles of solute in litre Mass af salute in gram sed x10 ‘Gram molecular mass of solute my where my = molecular mass of solute esti) ‘Molarity of dilution: Before dilution After dilution Mh = MV, Molarity of mixing: Let there be three samples of solution (containing. same solvent and solute) with their molarity M,,M;,M, and volumes V;,¥,.¥, respectively. These solutions are mixed; molarity of mixed solution may be given as: MV, + MV2 + MSVy = My (V +¥2 +¥y) where, My = Resultant molarity V, +V, +¥, = Resultant volume after mixing Note: Molarity is dependent on volume; therefore, it depends on temperature iM Molar solution, ¢, molarity is 1 05 MorMi2 Semimolar 0.1 Mor M0 Decimolar 0.01 Mor M/100.- —_Centimolar 0.001 Mfor.M/1000Milimolar Relationship between molality and molarit 1p ms mM 1000 where, p= density of solution ‘m= molality ~ M= molarity ‘mg = molar mass of solute Relation between molarity ‘Mand mole fraction: Let M be the molarity of solution, and x4,.xz ‘be mole fractions of solvent and solute, respectively. ‘Suppose n , and ng moles of solvent and solute are mixed to form solution Mass of solution @ where, m, and mig are molar masses of solvent and solute, respectively ngmg +ngms Mass (ngimy + ngims) Density a Volume of solution = ‘Molarity = Number of moles of solute x —— 1000 ‘Volume of solution 000% Gam, nam) Dividing both numerator and denominator by (m4 +1 ), ue { ma |. 100d me Meng x tp xma + Xmy ng tmp Fe *1000%d Xam, +¥5M5 Mw (@x) Normality: It is defined as the number of gram ‘equivalents of solute present per litre of solution. It is denoted by w Number of gram equivalent of solute Nomality (¥) = ‘Number of litres ofthe solution ‘or Normality x Number of litres of the solution = Number of gram equivalents of the solute WWW.JEEE KSI SouuTiONs: Let wy gram of the solute of equivalent mass E'y be present in V titre of the solution, then, /Ep __Ws VE, x? Normali Normality x Equivalent mass ="# = Strength of the solution in g/L Sctons re expressed as inn 8 BN ot 2 "10100" To00 Like molaity, nomality is also dependent on volume, therefore it depends on temperate "Normality of solution may be represented as, IN Normal solution, ic, normality is 1 05NorX ——Seminormal 2 0.1Nor®% — © Decinormal 10 o.01Nor-® —Centinormal 100 0.001 Nor Miltinormal 1000 Relationship between normality and molarity: We know that, Molarity x Molecular mass = Strength of the solution (g/L) Similarly, Normality x Equivalent mass = Strength of the solution (g/L) Hence, ‘Molarty x Molecular mass = Normality x Equivalent mass o Normality _ Molecular mes, Molarity” ~ Equivalent mass So, ‘Normality = 1 x Molarity [Normality (second method): Let ‘d° is the density of solution in g/ml and xis the percentage of the solute by mass. ‘Then, fm xxd x10 Equivalent mass of solute (x) Formality: I is the number of formula mass in gram present per lire of solution. In case, formula mass is equal to molecz!+r mass, formality is equal to molarity. Like molarity and normality, the 1ormality is also dependent on temperature. It is used for ionie coupcrnds in which there is no existence of a molecule. Mole of ionic compounds is called formole and ‘molarity as formality. 319 25 Sone Souven Boris Example 1. Calculate the masses of cane sugar and water required to prepare 250g of 25% cane sugar solution. Solution: Mass percentage of cane sugar = 25 We know that, : Mass of solute Mass percentage = Massof solute a a ‘Mass of solution a gs. --Massofcanesugar 45 250 25x 250 100 Mass of water = (250 ~ 62.5) =187.5 g Example2. Calculate the molarity of the following solutions: (@) 4g of caustic soda is dissolved in 200mL of the solution (©) 5.33 of anhydrous sodium carbonate is dissolved in 100 ‘mL of solution. (©) 0365, of pure HCl gas is dissolved in 50 mL of solution. Solution: (a) Molecular mass of NaOH = 40 or Mass of cane sug 2.5 8 ‘No, of gram moles in 4 g of NaO! (©) Molecular mass of anhydrous NaC, =106 [No.of gram molesin 5.3 g of anhydrous NazCO, = 33 0.05 106 Volume of solution in ftre= "0° = 0,1 000 Motarty = N2:9f gram moles of solute folarty =o Volume of solution in litre 0s 1 (©) Molecular mass of HCI =36.5 0sM No. of gram moles of solute Motarity = NO-of aram motes of solute folarity Volume of solution in litre 0365 1000 994g 365° 50 WWW.JEEE N 320 Example 3. The density of a solution containing 13% by ‘mass of sulphuric acid is 1.09 g/mL. Calculate the molarity and normality of the solution Solution: Volume of 100 g of the solution Number of moles of H,S0, in 100 g of the solution = 13 No.of moles of HySO, _ 13 , 1.09%10 Molarity = No-of moles of S06 = 3 x Volume of lite 98° T = 1445 In solving such numerical, the following formula can be applied: 4% strength of soln x density of sola, X10 Molarity Tana Similarly, “Nova = 2 See fsa x density of Stn 10 : Fg, mass We know that, * Normality = Molarity x = 1.4452 = 2.89 Example 4. Calculate the molarity of pure water (d=1g/ mL) Solution: Consider 1000 mL of water. “Mass of 1000 ml of water = 1000 x 1= 1000 g 1000 55.5 18 paoL of caclesichi watts) No. of moles of water Molarty Volume in litre = 3555.5 ExampleS. Calculate she quantity of sodium carbonate (anhydrous) required to prepare 250mL solution Solution: We know that, Moa = where, w= mass of NazCO, in g, ‘M = molecular mass of Na,CO, in gram = 106 G.R.B. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FOR COMPETITIONS: ¥ = voluine of solution in litre = 252 = 0.25 1000 1lw 10 106« 0.25 or 106%0.25 «9 656 10 Example 6. 214.2 g of sugar syrup contains 34.2 2 of sugar. Calculate () molality ofthe solution and (i) mole fraction of sugar in the syrup, Solution: (i) Mass of sugar = No. of moles of sugar: ‘Mass of water No. of moles of water = 8° =19 18 No.of moles of su Motality = No-Sf mel of Stee ‘Mass of water in kg =0555m (i Total number of motes =10.0 +0.1=10.1 No.of molesof sugar, Total number of moles 21 9.0099 10. Example 7. A solution contains 410.3g of H,SO, per litre ‘of solution at 20°C. Ifthe density is 1.243 g/mL, what will be its ‘molarity and molality? Solution: Mol. mass of H,SO, = 98 No. of moles of HS0, = 2103 98 No.of moles of HySO,. ‘Mole fraction of sugar = 186 Molatity of H,S0, solution = ‘Volume of soln. in litre 4186 186M 1 Mass of I litre H,SO, solution =1000 x1.243 =1243 g 32.7 Mass of water = (1243 ~ 410.3) = 832.7 g = 227 c ) 8 0 ME No.of moles of H,SO, Mass of water in kg 4.186 1090 8327 027 m Molality of solutio WWW.JEEE Sowurions Example 8, The density ofa 2.03 M solution of acetic acid (molecular mass 60) in water is 1.017 g/mL. Calculate the * ‘molality of the solution. Solution: Strength of the solution ‘Molarity x mol. mass 03x 60= 121.8g/L Density of golution =1.017 g/ mL Mass of Lltre of solution = 1000 mL. x 1.017 g/ mL =1017g 8952 Massof water =1017 ~121.8 = 895.2 = 1000 kB 2.03, Molality % 1000 = 2,267 m 3952 Example 9. The density of a 3 M sodium thiosulphate solution (NaS zO, )is 1.25g/mL. Calculate (i) the percentage by ‘mass of sodium thiosulphate, (ji) the mole fraction of ‘sodium thiosulphate and (ii) molalities of Na* and S03" ions. Solution; (i) Mass of 1000 mL of NaS303 solution =125% 1000= 1250g Mass of NajS,O, in 1000 mL of 3 solution = 3x Mol. mass of NazS,03 =3X158= 474g ‘Mass percentage of Na S30, in solution 4 5 109= 37:92 1250 xxd x10 xx 1.25%10 Alternatively, 474 158 ‘Mass of water = (1250 ~ 474) =776 g 76 No. of moles of water = 276 18 (ii) No. of motes of Na,,05 3.1 —3_ 23-0065 Bs a6 ii) No.of moles of Na* ions = 2x No.of moles of NaS203 =2x3=6 . Mole fraction of NazS;03 Molalityof Na* ions = N@-of moles of Na ions “Mass of water in kg = © «1000 76 213m 321 No.of moles of $,03° ions = No.of moles of NaS;0s =3 Molality of $03 ions = 2 x 1000 = 3.86 m 76 Example 10. A solution is prepared by dissolving S64 g of glucose in 60g of water. Calculate the following: (i) mass percent of each of glucose and water, Gi) molality of the solution, (id) mole fraction of each of glucose and water. Solution: (i) Total mass of solution = 5.64 + 60= 65.64 g Mass per cent of glucose = 109 =8,59% 65.64 Mass per cent of water = (100 ~ Mass per cent of glucose? = (100~ 8.59)= 91.41% 5.64 i) No. of moles of glucose = 4 2 (i) al 180 Mass of water in kg. 564 Molality No.of moles of water = © =3.333 ‘Mole fraction of glucose =. ont) 3353+ 0.0313 Mole fraction of water =— 3333 3353+ 00813 Example 1. What would be the molality of a solution ‘made by mixing equal volumes of 30.0% by mass of HS0q (density 1.218 g om™) and 70% by mass of H SO, (density 1.610 cm)? Solution: Let 100 mL of one solution be mixed with 100 mL of the other solution. Mass of 100 mL of 30% HySO, =100x1.218 =121.8 g Mass of H)SO, in 121.8 g of 30% H,SO, “me 121.8g= 36548, Mass of water =(121.8 ~ 36.54) =85.26 g Mass of 100 mL of 70% H,SO, =100x1.61=1610g Mass of H,S0, in 161.0 g of 70% H,S0, “ax 1610g=112.7g Mass of water = (161.0 ~1127) = 48.30 g Total H,SO, in solution =36.54 + 112.7 =149.24 g WWW.JEEE KSI 322 No.of molesof H,80, = 4924 98 “Tota mas of water in solution = (85 26 + 48:30) 133.56 13356 pg To00 1000 133.56 = 133.56; No.of moles of HpSOy _ 149.24 Mass of waterin kg 98 =l4m Example 12, The mole fraction of CH,OH in an aqueous solution is 0.02 and its density is 0.994 g em”. Determine-its molarity and molality. Solution: Let x mole of CH,OH and y mole of water be present in solution. Mole fraction of CHO) Molality = —*_=0.02 wey $0, %=49 or % 1009-1000 18x 18x49 Total mass _ 32x+ 18y density 0.998 3204 18Y ppg 328+ 18Y gi 0.994 «1000 994 Molality = =1.13m Volume of solutior mL Molarity = ——*__ x 994 Y saee By ee 324 18x ylx 32+18%49 Example 13. Calculate the concentration of NaOH solution in giml, whici: has the same normality as that of a solution of HCl of concentration 004 g/m. wy 1000 _ 004 x 1000 =1.0875M Solution: Myce = 095 WON E, XV 365x1 Nevwaort = N inet 1.095 = a 1000 40x1 Wp = 0.0438 g/ mL, Example 14. How many Na* ions are present in SO mL of 4 0.5M solution of NaCl? Solution: Number of moles of NaC = 05% $0 0.025 1000 NaCl—>Na* +r Number of moles of Na* = Number of moles of NaCl 0.025 (0025 x 6.023 x 10° = 1.505% 10? [Number of fons of Na* = R.B. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FoR COMPETITIONS Example 15. Reaction, 2B, (aq) + Clq) —+ 2C1 (aq) + Brs(aa) is used for commercial preparation of bromine from its salts. Suppose we have. 50 mL. of a 006 M solution of NaBr. What vwohime of ¢ 005M solution of Cl, is needed to react completely with the Br”? Solution: 2Br~ (aq) + C1(ag) —> 2C1- (ag) + Br,(ag) MiB) _MaVa(Cls) m mh where, n, and m, ae corresponding coefficients. 0.06% 50 _0.05%V, 2 1 ¥, =30mL, ““Bxample 16 Calculate the molarity, molality and mole JSraction of ethyl alcohol in a solution of total volume 95 mL prepared by adding 50 ml. of ethyl alcohol (density = 0789 mi") = 1.00g mE), Vol.x density No. of moles of ethyl alcohol Vol. x density [No.of moles of water =~“ Mol, mass =27 1000 No.of moles Vol. of sol. in mL 9.8576 Molarity x 1000= 9.027 4 No.of moles of sate Molality = 1000 Y= Massof solvent “ams = 28576 , 1000= 30 0.8576 0.8576+ 2.7777 5.5 SOLUTIONS OF GASES IN LIQUIDS (Solubility of Gases) All gases are soluble in water as well asin other liquids to areater or lesser extent. Solutions of gases in water play an important role in our daily life. The common’ examples are carborated beverages, i.e, soft drinks, household cleaners containing aqueous solutions of ammonia, formalin-an aqueous Solution of - formaldehyde, etc. The natural waters contain dissolved O, which is vita for the existence of aquatic life in sea, rivers and lakes. The solubility of a gas in aliquid is expressed in terms of absorption coefficient. It is defined asthe volume of the gas in mL that can be dissolved by 1 mL of a liquid solvent atthe 52m 0.8576 3.0353 ‘Mole fraction = 0236 WWW.JEEE KSI SouuTiONs: temperature ofthe experiment at one atmospheric pressure. The volume ofthe gs is measured at STP. Thus, if vis the volume of| the gas dissolved, reduced to STP, Vis the volume ofthe solvent and P is pressure ofthe gas in atmospheres, then the absorption coefficient, is given by ae. ‘The following factors affect the solubilities of gases inlquids: (Nature ofthe gas and solvent : Generally the gases which can be easily liquefied are more soluble in common solvents. For example, CO, is more soluble in water than oxygen or hydrogen. ‘The gases which eact with the solvent posses higher solubility For example, HCI and NH, are highly soluble in water. ‘Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are much more soluble in ethyl alcohol than in’ water, at the same temperature and pressure (Gi) Temperature : The solubility of most of the gases'in liquids decreases with increase of temperature asthe dissolution is an exothermic process. When water is heated in a beaker, bubbles of air are formed on the sides of the glass before the ‘water boils. As the temperature rises, the dissolved air molecules begin to “boil out” of the solution long before the water itself boils. 8 Sot (movie) —> 88 20 40°60 80 100120 Temperature ((C) —> Fig, 5.1 Temperature dependence of ©, gas solubility in water The reduced solubility of molecular oxygen in hot water has @ direct bearing on thermal pollution, ive, the heating of the environment—usually waterways—fo temperatures that are harmful to its living inkibitants (iii) Pressure : The most important factor which influences the solubility of a gas in a liquid is the pressure. The effect of pressure on the solubility of the gas in the liquid is given by Henry's law, which states that the solubility ofa gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure ofthe gas over the solution at a definite temperature. The solubility is taken as the mass of the gas dissolved per unit volume of the liquid. Thus ifm is the ‘mass of the gas dissolved per unit volume of the solvent and P is the pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the solution, then me P or m= KP “a where, K is the proportionality constant. When P=1, m=K, ie, the solubility of the gas at unit pressure is equal to constant K. The value of K is different for ‘each gas ata particular temperature. The magnitude of X depends ‘upon the nature of the gas, nature of solvent, temperature and the units of pressure. Equation (i) represents equation of straight line 323 (y= mx) passing through origin, Fig. 5.2 shows the variation of solubility of some gases against equilibrium pressure. The 31 line graphs show the validity of Henry's law. Pressure of gas —> ‘over liquid Fig. .2 Variation of solubility of a gas with pressure If solubility of the gas is known at one particular pressure, then it can be calculated at other pressures using the following: ‘elation, where ‘m”i the solubility of the gas at pressure“ the solubility of the gas at pressure ‘P,. ‘When a mixture of two or more non-reacting gases is brought in contact with a solvent, each constituent gas dissolves in proportion to its own partial pressure. Henry's law can be applied to each individual gas independent of the presence of other gas. If ‘we use the mole fraction of the gas in the solution as a measure of its solubility, then the law can be stated as, “mole fraction of the ‘gas in a solution is proportional to the partial pressure of the as. xeP where, x =-mole fraction of the gas in solution and p=partial pressure ofthe gas. Ky is called Henry’s law constant, Different gases have different values of Ky at a definite temperature for a given solvent. Table 5.1 Values of Henry's Law Constant (K;, ) for Some ‘Common Gases in Water <_Gas | Temperature) Ky (kbar) He 293 ~ 14897 4H, 293 69.16 N 293 7648 N 303 88.84 ° 293, 34.86 o 393, 46.82 From equation (ii), it can be inferred that of Henry’s law constant, the lower is the solubility gf the gas in the liquid. . WWW.JEEE KS.IN x | Limitations of Henry's Law Henry's law holds good if the following conditions are fulfilled (i) The pressure isnot to0 high, (i) The temperature isnot very low, (ii) The gas does not chemicslly combine with the solvent. ‘The gas molecules do not either dissociate or associate inthe solvent In case the dissolved gas reacts with the solvent, higher solubilities can result. The solubility of ammonia in water is ‘much higher than expected because of the following reaction NH, +H,0=NH,OH=—=NHi + OH Carbon dioxide also reacts with water. CO, +H,0=H,00, Another interesting example concerns the dissolution of GB. PHysical CHemistaY FOR COMPETTONS 656x107 1 sx1o? Py P= 0.762 bar 0.5 M¥H,S0O, is diluted from 1 litre to 10 lite, normality of the resulting solution is: (AEME 2005) @IN — ()OIN ION @ LN Ams. (6) [Hints AY = Ms N =M X basicity of acid = 0.05 x2=0.1N] ‘oxygen in blood. Normally, oxygen gas is only sparingly soluble 2 Molar solution means 1 mole of solute present in: in water. However, its solubility in blood is abnormally high IBCECE (Medical 2005) because-of the high content of haemoglobin (Hb) molecules, (2) 1000 g oF solvent () Llite of solvent which are eventually delivered to the tissues for use in (0) tno ston (© 1000 g of solution metabolism, (Ans. (0) Hb +40, —=Hb (0,), 3. The molarity ofa solution containing 50 of NaCl in00 g of Due to these processes, Henry's law is not strictly followed «solution and having a density of 0.936 gem? is: Applications of Henry's Law PIs Mls Olen law 41. Soft drink bottles are sealed at high pressure, to increase the ap etd x10 solubility of CO, in the sof drink ins r= 22S @ 2. At high altitude, partial pressure of oxygen is low, it eads to 50 low concentration of oxygen in blood of people living there. Low = Fg *100= 10 coidéntration of oxygen develops anoxia, ic., unable to think 10% 093610 and act properly JOxORERN 16M) 3. When scuba divers go deep in the sea, solubility of 4, 20 mL of 0.5 M HCI is mixed with 30 mL of 0.3 M HCl, the atmospheric gases increases in blood. When the divers come up, molarity of the resulting solution i there is release of dissolved gases and it leads to the formation of C0SM O)OSM (OM (OSM ‘bubbles of nitrogen in our blood capillaries and hence there is Tans. (©) painful sensation calls4 bends. To avoid bends; the tanks of wae, ’ scuba divers are filled with 11.7% He, $6.2% Nz and 32.1% Bane MV + Mar Ma oxygen. 05x 20+ 03x30 [Note + i Gases are less soluble in aqueous Solutions ofeectoytes _ than in pre water. tis called salting ou effec. where, My =resultant molarity mixture] (Gi) Nonleetrolytes such as sugar if present ina solution also _-§. How many moles and how many .,ams of NaCl are present in reduce the solubility of gases in water) 250 ml of a 0.5 M NaC! solution? ‘Example 17, Calculate the concentration of CO, in a soft (@) 0.125 mol; 7.32 g (b) 7.32 mol; 0.125 g {Ans (©)] Solutio SA re S100 SP Haine: 000d ~ Moy 52.28 mol kg) WWW.JEEE Mass of NaCl = 585% 012: 6 Density of a 2.05 Af solution of acetic acid in water is 1.02 g/mL. The molality ofthe solution is: 328] AIEEE 2006) (0) 3.28 mot kg (6) 0.44 mol kg” 2.05% 1000 1000% 102- 205% 60 2 10. ‘SOLUTIONS The hardness of water sample containing 0.002 mol of ‘magnesium sulphate dissolved ina litre of water is expressed (6) 200 ppm_(€) 2000 ppm (4) 120 ppm (2) 20 ppm (©) 240 ppm. ans. 0) Hint: 104 g water contains (0.002 x 1000) mol MgSO, 1 mol MgSO, = 1 mot CaCO 2 mol MgSO, = 2 mol CaCOs, i.e,2%100 g CaCO Hardness of water = 200 ppm] ‘The density (in g mL“) of a 3.6 M sulphuric acid solution, ‘Le,,29% H,SO, (molar mass = 98 g mot") by mass will be: (AMEE 2007) (14S LG = (@18B 122 [Ans (©) me a1 a MM 3898 9g thy xx10 29x10 | ite solution containing 490 g of sulphuric acid is dituted to 10 Titre with water. What is the normality of the resulting solution? AR 20 @0SN (@ 100N Ams) y= M2100 _ 490° 1000 WLON (SON a ByxV 49% 1000 NM = Nas 10x1=N, x10 yy=11 250 ml. of a Na,CO, solution contains 2.65 g of Na,CO,. 10 sm of tis solution is added tox mL of water to obtain 0,001. M ‘Na,CO, solution. The value of xis. (Molecular mass of NajCO; = 106 amu) [BHU (\ (@ 1000 (&) 990” (@) 9990 (a)90 Tams. 0) [int : Molarity of solution. wg % 1000 2) 2008), 2.65 1000, 106% 250 a ions 4 (0:5 and B (O1.N Jto bbe mixed for preparing 2 L of 0.2 NHCI are EAMCET (Med) 2008) (@)0SLofAt1SLofB (0) 15 Lofd +05 LofB (1 Lotd+1LofB (@075 Lota +1.25LofB fans. (9) [Mint : Let xL of A and 2-2) Lof Bare mined MV + MP, = Ma + V0) 05 xx401Q-x)=02%2 | as 05-0.) r=04-02 0O4x=02 x=05L “0S Lof A and LS Lof B should be mixed,} 5.6 SOLUTIONS OF LIQUIDS IN LIQUIDS ‘When one liquid dissolves in another, the molecules of the solvent are caused to move apart so as to accommodate the solute molecules. Similarly the solute molecules must also be separated so that they can take their places in the mixture. In both these processes, energy is required. Finally, as the solute and solvent ‘molecules are brought together, energy is released because of the attractive forces between them. When solute and solvent ‘molecules are strongly attracted to each other, more energy is released in the final step. Three cases may arise under these circumstances. The overall dissolution process results either in ‘evolution of heat or absorption of heat, or energy released in the final step is the same as the energy absorbed inthe fist Wo, Le, ret change is zero. Examples: 1. Benzene and carbon No evolution or absorption tetrachloride: of heat. 2, Acetone and water: Evolution of heat. 3. Ethyl alcohol and water: Absorption of heat. A liquid may ot may not be soluble in another liquid, Depending upon the relative solubility ofa liqui in another, the following three cases are possible: Liquid-Liqud Systems. 4 Liquids thatare 2. Liquids that 3, Liquids _ that completely sre partially are practically miscible. riscible. immiscible, Examples: Examples: Examples Benzene and Ether and wa- Benzene toluene; ter, Phenol and water, ttyl aleohol and water; Carbon tera: and) water Nicotine and chloride and Carbon tet water, water; Ben: chloride and zene and benzene aleohot Miscible liquids form three types of solutions, which can be ideal or non-ideal solutions, Teal solution: An ideal solution is-one in which the ‘molecules attract one another with equal force irrespective of their nature, Thus, a solution composed of two components Aand B will be” an “ideal one if the forces between Aand A,Band B should be the same. An idea) solution possesses the following characteristics: () Volume change of mixing should be zero, Mw Farr * Vege = Vain (i) Heat change on mixing should be zero. AH ya, = O(Fleatis neither absorbed nor evolved.) (iii) There should be no chemical reaction bereen solvent and solute, N WWW.JEEE

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