CIS 271 FINAL Approved 11-28-2018 Updated 2-13-2019

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1. Course Designation CIS 271

2. Course Title Information Technology Project Management
3. Abbreviated Course Title IT Project Management
for Banner
4. Division Business and Technology
5. Department Computer Technologies
6. Course Description This course integrates theory, practice, and hands-on exercises
to present an understandable view of the many concepts, skills,
tools, and techniques involved in IT project management.
Students will learn how effective project management and the
use of software can help to manage projects, especially
information technology projects.
7. Prerequisites/Corequisites CIS 205
8. Placement FNMT 118
9. Hours and Credits 2-2-3
10. Class size (maximum) 36
11. Programs where this course Computer Information Systems—Information Technology
appears (concentration course)
12. Course Writer(s) Barbara Anne Hearn
13. Contributor(s) None
14. Facilitator (s) Francesca DiRosa
15. Recommended Starting Fall 2019
16. Course Revision or New New Course
17. If this is a course revision, Prerequisite(s) Course Title Course Description
indicate which are being
Credit Hours Student Learning Outcomes
revised (check box)
18. Course Attributes TAS: Technology El-Appl Stud
TECH: Technology Elective
19. Date November 28, 2018 (updated 2-13-2019)

A. Rationale

Project management is playing an increasingly important role in a wide range of organizations

and disciplines. Its defining features are fixed time schedules, budgetary boundaries, team
coordination, and specific accountabilities, focus on particular outcomes and collaborative
working between project partners. Breakdowns in these aspects are the most frequent source of
problems in projects. Therefore, instruction in the role of project management should be a major
component of any Information Technology (IT) curriculum. The goal is for IT students to
discover ways to manage resources, schedules, and communications in producing project
deliverables. The ideas that are presented in an IT Project Management course, such as real
world applications, enhance the course material presented in other IT and networking courses
offered by the Computer Technology Department.

Since software has advanced tremendously in recent years and it is important for project
managers and their teams to use software to help manage information technology projects, this
course will include instruction on using Microsoft Project and other industry-standard project
management software. The use of this software is integrated throughout the course, and students
use it to complete weekly assignments as well as the final project.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median annual salary for a person with a
bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Systems Management was $131, 600 in May
2015 and notes that “employment of computer and information systems managers is projected to
grow 12 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. Demand for
computer and information systems managers will grow as firms increasingly expand their
business to digital platforms”.1 Typically a bachelor’s degree in computer or information science
is required for project management positions, an Associate’s degree with a course such as this
one prepares students for an entry-level position.

B. Student Learning Outcomes and Methods of Assessment

Student Learning Outcome Method of Assessment*

Upon successful completion of the course,
students will be able to:
1. Describe IT project management and Discussion questions to be answered and
discuss key elements of the project commented on in weekly forum discussion
management framework, including
project stakeholders, project A mid-term or final examination
management knowledge areas, common
tools and techniques, and project
2. Describe the systems view of project Discussion questions to be answered and
management and how it applies to commented on in weekly forum discussion
information technology projects.
A mid-term or final examination

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Systems
Managers, on the Internet at

3. Discuss how organizations develop Discussion questions to be answered and
information technology project commented on in weekly forum discussion
management methodologies to meet their
needs. A mid-term or final examination
4. Evaluate a project to determine the Chapter Exercises
requirements for the information system
and apply the correct principles, Chapter by Chapter Running Case Study
concepts, and terms related to IT project
management knowledge areas of scope, A mid-term or final examination
cost, quality, human resources,
communications, risk management, and
project procurement
5. Design and apply the overall framework Final project where students are given a
for IT project integration management as scenario and, using Microsoft Project or some
it relates to the other project other industry standard project management
management knowledge areas and the software, create a work breakdown structure,
project life cycle schedule, and various reports for the proposed
IT project.

*In order to ensure consistency across sections, common assessments will be used

C. Grading

The student’s grades on the final project, chapter exercises, chapter by chapter running case
study, exams, and discussion questions will determine the final grade. Course grades are based
on a combination of how well the students have learned and can apply the material, as shown by
student performance on assignments, projects, exams and other assessable activities. It is
recommended that course grades be assigned with weights designated according to the following
scale: (Although future instructors could modify this scale, their grading systems need to align
with the SLOs and assessment methods indicated in Section B, above).

Final Project 20%

Chapter Exercises 15%
Chapter by Chapter Running Case Study 15%
Mid-term Exam 20%
Final Exam 20%
Discussion Questions 10%

D. Planned Sequence of Topics

The following is a planned sequence of topics for the course spread over a typical 15-week
semester using a TR course as an example that future instructors could modify.

Week Topic
1 Introduction to Project Management
What is a Project?
What is Project Management?
Program and Project Portfolio Management
The Role of the Project Manager
The Project Management Profession
2 The Project Management and Information Technology Context
A Systems View of Project Management
Understanding Organizations
Focusing on Stakeholder Needs
Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
The Context of Information Technology Projects
Recent Trends Affecting IT Project Management
3 The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study
Project Management Process Groups
Mapping the Process Groups to the Knowledge Areas
Developing an IT Project Management Methodology
4 Project Integration Management
What is Project Integration Management?
Strategic Planning and Project Selection
Methods for Selecting Projects
Developing a Project Charter
Developing a Project Management Plan
Directing and Managing Project Work
Monitoring and Controlling Project Work
Performing Integrated Change Control
Closing Projects or Phases
5 Project Scope Management
What is Project Scope Management?
Planning Scope Management
Collecting Requirements
Defining Scope
Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
Validating Scope
Controlling Scope
6 Project Time Management
The Importance of Project Schedules
Planning Schedule Management
Defining Activities
Sequencing Activities

Estimating Activity Resources
Estimating Activity Durations
Developing the Schedule
Controlling the Schedule
7 Project Cost Management
The Importance of Project Cost Management
Basic Principles of Cost Management
Planning Cost Management
Estimating Costs
Determining the Budget
Controlling Costs
8 Mid-term Examination
9 Project Quality Management
The Importance of Project Quality Management
What is Project Quality Management?
Planning Quality Management
Performing Quality Assurance
Controlling Quality
Tools and Techniques for Quality Control
Modern Quality Management
Improving IT Project Quality
10 Project Human Resource Management
The Importance of Human Resource Management
What is Project Human Resource Management?
Keys to Managing and Leading People
Developing the Human Resource Plan
Acquiring the Project Team
Developing the Project Team
Managing the Project Team
11 Project Communications Management
The Importance of Project Communications Management
Keys to Good Communications
Planning Communications Management
Managing Communications
Controlling Communications
Suggestions for Improving Project Communications
12 Project Risk Management
The Importance of Project Risk Management
Planning Risk Management
Common Sources of Risk in IT Projects
Identifying Risks
Performing Qualitative Risk Analysis
Performing Quantitative Risk Analysis
Planning Risk Responses
Controlling Risks
13 Project Procurement Management

The Importance of Project Procurement Management
Planning Procurement Management
Conducting Procurements
Controlling Procurements
Closing Procurements
14 Project Stakeholder Management
The Importance of Project Stakeholder Management
Identifying Stakeholders
Planning Stakeholder Management
Managing Stakeholder Engagement
Controlling Stakeholder Engagement
15 Final Examination and Final Project

E. Student Learning Activities and Assignments

With lectures, instructors explain concepts and skills from the reading material and outline the
tools needed to complete the chapter exercises and chapter by chapter running case study.

Instructors use demonstrations to model the correct techniques for using the current version of
Microsoft Project or some other industry-standard project management software. (The current
version of Microsoft Project is made available to students at no cost through the MSDNAA

Chapter exercises provide the opportunity for students to apply the newly acquired techniques
with the guidance of the instructor. These exercises reinforce the lecture and demonstration given
by the faculty in the computer classroom. This allows the students the opportunity to ask
questions of the instructor as they are completing the exercises.

A Chapter by Chapter Running Case Study provides the opportunity to apply the newly
acquired techniques with minimal guidance from the instructor. Using the topics presented in the
chapter, students apply these techniques in reading, analyzing, and answering the questions
regarding the scenarios presented.

Discussion questions expand on topics covered in each chapter. Students are required to post
their answers to the course LMS (at this time, Canvas), and other students and the instructor will
have the opportunity to comment on those posts.

The Final Project provides students with an IT project scenario to which they apply skills and
techniques learned over the semester to create a viable work breakdown structure, work
schedule, and various reports using the current version of Microsoft Project or some other
industry-standard project management software.

F. Required and Optional Texts/Readings/Materials

A textbook for this course should feature useful exercises and running cases that address topics
discussed in each chapter and referred to in Section E. Students follow a particular running case

throughout the semester and apply strategies and techniques learned with each chapter to analyze
and design the proposed IT project.
Recommended textbook:

Schwalbe, Kathy (2018) Information Technology Project Management, 9th Edition

Boston, MA Cengage Learning, Inc.
ISBN-10: 1-337-10135-4 | ISBN-13: 978-1-337-10135-6

G. Resources Needed for This Course

This course requires a student tech classroom with current versions of Microsoft Office and
Microsoft Project. The software is already installed in technology classrooms and computer labs,
so there is no need for the College to acquire new resources.


Sample Weekly Discussion Questions

[Source: The sample discussion questions in the Appendix are found at the end of each
chapter of Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy
Schwalbe. Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016)]

1. What is project management? Briefly describe the project management framework, providing
examples of stakeholders, knowledge areas, tools and techniques and project success factors.

2. Describe how organizational culture is related to project management. What type of culture
promotes a strong project environment?

3. Briefly describe what happens in each of the five project management process groups
(initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing). What types of
activities occur before initiating a project?

4. Describe options that organizations have for selecting projects that align with their mission or
strategy, and describe how each might work differently in the selection of IT projects.

5. Discuss the process of defining project scope in more detail as a project progresses, going
from information in a project charter to a project scope statement, WBS (work breakdown
structure), and WBS dictionary.

6. Why is defining activities a process of project time management instead of project scope

7. Discuss why many IT professionals may overlook project cost management and how this
might affect the ability to complete projects within budget.

8. How do functionality, system outputs, performance, reliability, and maintainability

requirements affect quality planning?

9. Summarize the different ways that project managers can address conflicts to help them
manage project teams. What can they do to manage virtual team members successfully?

10. What items should a communications management plan address? How can a stakeholder
analysis assist in preparing and implementing parts of this plan?

11. What are some questions that should be addressed in a risk management plan?

12. List five reasons why organizations outsource. When should an organization choose not to
outsource? Why are some organizations beginning to rural source?

13. What are some ways to manage a stakeholder relationship closely? Give examples of how
you might manage relationships differently based on the unique personalities of different

Chapter by Chapter Running Case Study: MANAGE YOUR HEALTH

[Source: Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy Schwalbe.

Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016)]

Part 1: Project Integration Management (Chapter 4)

Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of healthcare
services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000
part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan; key goals include reducing
internal costs, increasing cross-selling of products, and exploiting new Web-based technologies
to help employees, customers, and suppliers work together to improve the development and
delivery of healthcare products and services. Below are some ideas the IT department has
developed for supporting these strategic goals:

1. Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project: Provide an application on the current intranet to
help employees improve their health. A recent study found that MYH, Inc. pays 20 percent
more than the industry average for employee healthcare premiums, primarily due to the poor
health of its employees. You believe that this application will help improve employee health
within one year of its rollout so that you can negotiate lower health insurance premiums,
providing net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next
four years.

This application would include the following capabilities:

 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such as
soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, and walking.
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help
them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-
related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-management
 Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives
for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).

2. Health Coverage Costs Business Model: Develop an application to track employee

healthcare expenses and company healthcare costs. Healthcare premiums continue to
increase, and the company has changed insurance carriers several times in the past 10 years.
This application should allow business modeling of various scenarios as well as tracking and
analyzing current and past employee healthcare expenses and company healthcare costs. This
application must be secure and run on the current intranet so several managers and analysts
can access it and download selected data for further analysis. The new application must also
import data from the current systems that track employee expenses submitted to the company
and the company’s costs to the insurance provider. You believe that having this data will help
you revise policies concerning employee contributions to healthcare premiums and help you
negotiate for lower premiums with insurance companies. You estimate that this application
would save your company about $20/employee/year for full-time employees over the next

four years and cost about $100,000 to develop.

3. Cross-Selling System: Develop an application to improve cross-selling to current customers.

The current sales management system has separate sections for major product and service
categories and different sales reps based on those products and services. You see great
opportunities to increase sales to current customers by providing discounts when they
purchase multiple products and services. You estimate that this system would increase profits
by $1 million each year for the next three years and cost about $800,000 each year for
development and maintenance.

4. Web-Enhanced Communications System: Develop a Web-based application to improve

development and delivery of products and services. There are currently several incompatible
systems related to the development and delivery of products and services to customers. This
application would allow customers and suppliers to provide suggestions, enter orders, view
the status and history of orders, and use electronic commerce capabilities to purchase and sell
their products. You estimate that this system would save your company about $2 million
each year for three years after implementation. You estimate that the system will take one
year and $3 million to develop and require 20 percent of development costs each year to


1. Summarize each of the proposed projects in the Running Case section using a simple table
format suitable for presentation to top management. Include the name of each project,
identify how each one supports business strategies, assess the potential financial benefits and
other benefits of each project, and provide your initial assessment of the value of each
project. Write your results in a one- to two-page memo to top management, including
appropriate back-up information and calculations.

2. Evaluate the four projects in the Running Case section by preparing a weighted scoring
model using the template provided on the companion Web site for this text. Develop at least
four criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted
scores. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Also write a one-page paper that
describes this weighted scoring model and the results.

3. Prepare a business case for the recreation and wellness intranet project. Assume that the
project will take six months to complete and cost about $200,000. Use the business case
template provided on the companion Web site for this text.

4. Prepare a project charter for the recreation and wellness intranet project. Assume that the
project will take six months to complete and cost about $200,000. Use the project charter
template provided in this text and the sample project charter provided in Table 4-1 as guides.

5. Prepare a change request for the recreation and wellness intranet project, using the template
provided on the companion Web site for this text. Be creative when making up information.

Part 2: Project Scope Management (Chapter 5)

Managers at Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) selected Tony Prince as the project manager for
the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. The schedule goal is six months, and the budget is
$200,000. Tony has previous project management and systems analysis experience within the
company, and he is an avid sports enthusiast. Tony was starting to put the project team together.
He knew he would have to develop a survey to solicit input from all employees about the new
system and make sure it was user-friendly.

Recall from Chapter 4 that this system would include the following capabilities:

 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such as

soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, and walking.
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help
them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-
related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-management
 Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives
for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).

Assume that MYH would not need to purchase any additional hardware or software for the


1. Document your approach for collecting requirements for the project described in the Running
Case section. Include at least five requirements in a requirements traceability matrix.

2. Develop a first version of a project scope statement for the project. Use the template provided
on the companion Web site for this text and the example in Chapter 3 as guides. Be as
specific as possible in describing product characteristics and requirements, as well as all of
the project’s deliverables. Be sure to include testing and training as part of the project scope.

3. Develop a work breakdown structure for the project. Break down the work to Level 3 or
Level 4, as appropriate. Use the template on the companion Web site and samples in this text
as guides. Print the WBS in list form. Be sure the WBS is based on the project charter
(created for the Chapter 4 Running Case), the project scope statement created in Task 2, and
other relevant information.

4. Use the WBS you developed in Task 3 to begin creating a Gantt chart using your choice of
software. Do not enter any durations or dependencies. Print the resulting Gantt chart on one
page, and be sure to display the entire Task Name column.

5. Develop a strategy for scope validation and change control for this project. Write a short
paper summarizing key points of the strategy.

Part 3: Project Time Management (Chapter 6)

Tony Prince is the project manager for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Team
members include you, a programmer/analyst and aspiring project manager; Patrick, a network
specialist; Nancy, a business analyst; and Bonnie, another programmer/analyst. Other people are
supporting the project from other departments, including Yusaff from human resources and
Cassandra from finance. Assume that these are the only people who can be assigned and charged
to work on project activities. Recall that your schedule and cost goals are to complete the project
in six months for under $200,000.


1. Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Chapter 5. Propose three
to five additional activities that would help you estimate resources and durations. Write a
one-page paper describing these new activities.

2. Identify at least eight milestones for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Write a
short paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Discuss how determining
these milestones might add activities or tasks to the Gantt chart. Remember that milestones
normally have no duration, so you must have tasks that will lead to completing the milestone.

3. Using the Gantt chart you created for Task 4 in Chapter 5 and the new activities and
milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, create a new Gantt chart using Project
2013. Estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your
schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram, each
on one page.

4. Write a short paper summarizing how you would assign people to each activity from Tasks 1,
2, and 3. Include a table or matrix listing how many hours each person would work on each
task. These resource assignments should make sense given the duration estimates made in
Task 3 above. Remember that duration estimates are not the same as effort estimates because
they include elapsed time.

Part 4: Project Cost Management (Chapter 7)

Tony Prince and his team are working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. They
have been asked to refine the existing cost estimate for the project so they can evaluate supplier
bids and have a solid cost baseline for evaluating project performance. Recall that your schedule
and cost goals are to complete the project in six months for under $200,000.


1. Prepare and print a one-page cost model for the project described in the Running Case,
similar to the model provided in Figure 7-2. Use the following WBS, and be sure to
document your assumptions in preparing the cost model. Assume a labor rate of $100/hour
for the project manager and $60/hour for other project team members. Assume that none of
the work is outsourced, labor costs for users are not included, and there are no additional
hardware costs. The total estimate should be $200,000.
a. Project management
b. Requirements definition
c. Web site design
3.1 Registration for recreational programs
3.2 Registration for classes and programs
3.3 Tracking system
3.4 Incentive system
d. Web site development
4.1 Registration for recreational programs
4.2 Registration for classes and programs
4.3 Tracking system
4.4 Incentive system
e. Testing
f. Training, rollout, and support

2. Using the cost model you created in Task 1, prepare a cost baseline by allocating the costs by
WBS for each month of the project.

3. Assume that you have completed three months of the project. The BAC was $200,000 for
this six-month project. You can also make the following assumptions:
PV = $120,000 EV = $100,000 AC = $90,000

a. What is the cost variance, schedule variance, cost performance index (CPI), and
schedule performance index (SPI) for the project?
b. How is the project doing? Is it ahead of schedule or behind schedule? Is it under
budget or over budget?
c. Use the CPI to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC) for this project. Is the
project performing better or worse than planned?
d. Use the SPI to estimate how long it will take to finish this project.
e. Sketch an earned value chart using the preceding information. See Figure 7-5 as a

Part 5: Project Quality Management (Chapter 8)

The Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project team is working hard to ensure that the new system
they develop meets expectations. The team has a detailed scope statement, but the project
manager, Tony Prince, wants to make sure they’re not forgetting requirements that might affect
how people view the quality of the project. He knows that the project’s sponsor and other senior
managers are most concerned with getting people to use the system, improve their health, and
reduce healthcare costs. Users want the system to be user-friendly, informative, fun to use, and


1. Develop a list of quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder

expectations described in the Running Case. Also provide a brief description of each
requirement. For example, a requirement might be that 90 percent of employees have logged
into the system within two weeks after the system rolls out.

2. Based on the list created for Task 1, determine how you will measure progress on meeting
the requirements. For example, you might have employees log into the system as part of the
training program and track who attends the training. You could also build a feature into the
system to track usage by user name, department, and other criteria.

3. After analyzing survey information, you decide to create a Pareto chart to see which types of
recreational programs and company-sponsored classes generated the most interest. First,
create a spreadsheet in Excel using the data in the following table. List the most frequently
requested programs or classes first. Use the Excel template called pareto_chart.xls on the
text’s companion Web site and check your entries so the resulting chart looks similar to the
one in Figure 8-7. See the companion Web site for help in creating Pareto charts.

Requested Programs/Classes # of Times Requested

Walking program 7,115
Volleyball program 2,054
Weight reduction class 8,875
Stop smoking class 4,889
Stress reduction class 1,894
Soccer program 3,297
Table tennis program 120
Softball program 976

Part 6: Project Human Resource Management (Chapter 9)

Several people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project are confused about their
responsibilities for the testing portion of the project. Recall that the team members include you, a
programmer/analyst and aspiring project manager; Patrick, a network specialist; Nancy, a
business analyst; and Bonnie, another programmer/analyst. Tony Prince is the project manager,
and he has been working closely with managers in other departments to make sure everyone
knows what’s going on with the project.

1. Prepare a responsibility assignment matrix based on the following information: The main
tasks for testing include writing a test plan, unit testing, integration testing for each of the
main system modules (registration, tracking, and incentives), system testing, and user
acceptance testing. In addition to the project team members, a team of user representatives is
available to help with testing, and Tony has also hired an outside consulting firm to help as
needed. Prepare a RACI chart to help clarify roles and responsibilities for these testing tasks.
Document key assumptions you make in preparing the chart.

2. The employees of the outside consulting firm and the user representatives have asked you to
create a resource histogram to show how many people you think the project will need for
testing, and to show when testing will occur. Assume that the consulting firm has junior and
senior testers and that the user group has workers and managers. You estimate that you’ll
need the involvement of both groups in testing over a period of six weeks. Assume that
you’ll need one senior tester for all six weeks, two junior testers for the last four weeks, two
user-group workers for the first week, four user-group workers for the last three weeks, and
two user-group managers for the last two weeks. Create a resource histogram like the one in
Figure 9-6 based on this information.

3. One of the issues in Tony’s issue log is the ability to work effectively with the user group
during testing. According to MBTI classifications, Tony knows that several of his project
team members are very introverted and strong thinking types, while several members of the
user group are very extroverted and strong feeling types. Write a one-page paper that
describes options for resolving this issue.

Part 7: Project Communications Management (Chapter 10)

Several issues have arisen on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. The person from the
HR department who was supporting the project left the company, and now the team needs more
support from that group. A member of the user group that supports the project is extremely vocal
and hard to work with, and other users can hardly get a word in at meetings. The project
manager, Tony, is getting weekly status reports from all of his team members, but many of them
do not address obvious challenges that people are facing. The team is having difficulty deciding
how to communicate various project reports and documents and where to store all of the
information being generated. Recall that the team members include you, a programmer/analyst
and aspiring project manager; Patrick, a network specialist; Nancy, a business analyst; and
Bonnie, another programmer/analyst.

1. Prepare a partial communications management plan to address some of the challenges

mentioned in the previous paragraph.

2. Prepare a template and sample of a good weekly progress report that could be used for this
project. Include a list of tips to help team members provide information on these reports.

3. Write a one-page paper describing two suggested approaches to communicating with the
hard-to-work-with user.

Part 8: Project Risk Management (Chapter 11)

Tony and his team identified some risks during the first month of the Recreation and Wellness
Intranet Project. However, all they did was document the risks in a list. They never ranked the
risks or developed any response strategies. Because the project has had several problems, such as
key team members leaving the company, users being uncooperative, and team members not
providing good status information, Tony has decided to be more proactive in managing risks. He
also wants to address positive risks as well as negative risks.

1. Create a risk register for the project, using Table 11-5 and the data after it as a guide. Identify
six potential risks, including risks related to the problems described in the previous
paragraph. Include negative and positive risks.

2. Plot the six risks on a probability/impact matrix, using Figure 11-5 as a guide. Also assign a
numeric value for the probability and impact of each risk on meeting the main project
objective. Use a scale of 1 to 10 in assigning the values, with 1 representing the lowest
values. For a simple risk factor calculation, multiply the probability score and the impact
score. Add a column called Risk Score to your risk register to the right of the impact column.
Enter the new data in the risk register. Write your rationale for how you determined the
scores for one of the negative risks and one of the positive risks.

3. Develop a response strategy for one of the negative risks and one of the positive risks. Enter
the information in the risk register. Also write a separate paragraph describing what specific
tasks would be required to implement the strategy. Include time and cost estimates for each
strategy as well.

Part 9: Project Procurement Management (Chapter 12)

Senior management at Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) decided that it would be best to
outsource employee training on the Recreation and Wellness system, which will be rolled out
soon. MYH also wants to outsource the incentive program designed to motivate employees to
use the system and improve their health. MYH feels that the right outside company could get
people excited about the system and provide a good incentive program. As part of the seller
selection process, MYH will require interviews and samples of similar work to be presented to a
review team. Recall that MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000
part-time employees. Assume that the work would involve several instructor-led training
sessions, developing a training video that employees could view from the company’s intranet
site, developing a training manual for the courses that anyone can download from the intranet
site, developing an incentive program for using the system and improving health, creating
surveys to assess the training and incentive programs, and developing monthly presentations and
reports on the work completed. The initial contract would last one year, with annual renewal

1. Suppose that your team has discussed management’s request. You agree that it makes sense
to have another organization manage the incentive program for this new application, but you
do not think it makes sense to outsource the training. Your company has extensive
experience doing internal training. You also know that your staff will have to support the
system, so you want to develop the training to minimize future support calls. Write a one-
page memo to senior management stating why you think the training should be done in-

2. Assume that the source selection criteria for evaluating proposals are as follows:
 Management approach, 15%
 Technical approach, 15%
 Past performance, 20%
 Price, 20%
 Interview results and samples, 30%

Using Figure 12-5 and the weighted scoring model template as guides, create a spreadsheet
that could be used to enter ratings and calculate scores for each criterion and total weighted
scores for three proposals. Enter scores for Proposal 1 as 80, 90, 70, 90, and 80, respectively.
Enter scores for Proposal 2 as 90, 50, 95, 80, and 95. Enter scores for Proposal 3 as 60, 90,
90, 80, and 65. Add a paragraph to the spreadsheet that summarizes the results and your
recommendation. Print your results on one page.

3. Draft potential clauses that you could include in the contract to provide incentives to the
seller based on MYH achieving its main goal of improving employee health and lowering
healthcare premiums as a result of this project. Be creative in your response, and document
your ideas in a one-page paper.

Part 10: Project Stakeholder Management (Chapter 13)

Recall from previous chapters that the following people are involved in the Manage Your Health,
Inc. (MYH) Recreation and Wellness system:

 Tony Prince, the project manager

 Hillary, the project sponsor
 You and Bonnie, programmer/analysts in the IT department
 Patrick, a network specialist in IT
 Nancy, a business analyst in IT
 Gayle, the sponsor and VP of human resources
 Yusaff, a human resources specialist
 Cassandra, a finance specialist
 Supplier A, who was hired to handle training on the new system and manage an
incentives program
 20,000 full-time employees and 5,000 part-time employees, all of whom are potential
users of the new system

1. Prepare a stakeholder register using the preceding information. Make up other information as

2. Create a stakeholder management strategy for the project, focusing on members who are not
on the project team, such as Hillary, Gayle, the lead person from Supplier A, and a vocal
member of a user group testing the new system. Be creative in developing potential
management strategies.

3. Prepare an issue log for the project. Include past issues discussed in prior chapters, such as
Yusaff leaving the company, a difficult and vocal member of the user group, and
unproductive meetings. Make up three additional potential issues.

Sample Chapter Exercises

[Source: Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy Schwalbe.

Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016)]

Chapter 1: Read at least two of the first five references cited in the chapter with statistics about
the importance of IT and project management. Write a summary of the reports, key conclusions,
and your opinion of them.

Chapter 2: Apply the four frames of organizations to a possible project that involves the
development of a new technology like mobile banking, online retail, or social media. Work with
two other class members in a virtual environment on this exercise. Write a short paper or
presentation that summarizes your analysis and opinions of how working virtually helped or
hindered your results.

Chapter 3: Research a project management method, such as PRINCE2, Agile, RUP, or Sigma
Six, and how organizations use it, citing at least two references. Why do you think organizations
spend time and money tailoring a methodology to their environment? Write a summary of your
findings and your opinion on the topic.

Chapter 4: Research software mentioned in the chapter, such as software for assisting in project
selection, enterprise project management software, or cloud-based applications. Find at least two
references and summarize your findings in a short memo to senior management.

Chapter 5: You are working on a project to develop a new or enhanced system to help people at
your college, university, or organization to find jobs. The system must be tailored to your student
or work population and be very easy to use. Write a short report describing how you would
collect requirements for this system, and include at least five requirements in a requirements
traceability matrix.

Chapter 6: Create a scenario and schedule for a 6-month or 12-month project. Include the five
process groups, but focus on key tasks for executing the project. For example, you could develop
a schedule for developing an app, creating a website, updating an existing system, or creating
instructional videos.

Chapter 7: Create a cost estimate and model for building a new, state-of-the-art multimedia
classroom for your organization within the next six months. The classroom should include 20
high-end personal computers with appropriate software for your organization, a network server,
Internet access for all machines, an instructor station, and a projection system. Be sure to include
personnel costs associated with the project management for this project. Document the
assumptions you made in preparing the estimate and provide explanations for key numbers.

Chapter 8: Review the concepts in the chapter that are related to improving the quality of
software. Write a short paper describing how you could apply these concepts to software
development projects.

Chapter 9: Research different tools for assessing leadership styles. Summarize at least three
tools and the styles they mention. Do you believe that it is best for leaders to use different styles
in different situations? Why or why not?

Chapter 10: Find examples of how project teams use new technologies to communicate project
information. Which technologies seem to be most efficient? Document your findings in a short
paper citing at least three references.

Chapter 11: Research risk management software. Are many products available? What are the
main advantages of using them in managing projects? What are the main disadvantages? Write a
short paper to discuss your findings and include at least three references.

Chapter 12: Search the Internet for the term IT outsourcing and find at least two articles that
discuss outsourcing. Summarize the articles and answer the following questions:
 What are the main types of goods and services being outsourced?
 Why are the organizations in the articles choosing to outsource?
 Have the organizations in the articles benefitted from outsourcing? Why or why not?

Chapter 13: Search for articles related to the importance of keeping certain stakeholder
information confidential. What types of information should be confidential? Describe two
examples of actual problems that occurred when confidential information was leaked.
Summarize your findings in a short paper or presentation

Sample Mid-Term Examination Questions—Chapters 1 through 6

[Source: Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy Schwalbe.

Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016). Questions are from the Test Bank that is
provided with Instructor Materials.]

1. The ________ field includes the top skills employees look for in new college graduates.

a. Communications
b. Project management
c. Financial management
d. Customer service

Ans. B

2. Which of the following is not a potential advantage of using good project management?

a. Shorter development times

b. Higher worker morale
c. Lower cost of capital
d. Higher profit margin

Ans. C

3. A ________ is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or


a. Program
b. Process
c. Project
d. Portfolio

Ans. C

4. Which of the following is not an attribute of a project?

a. Projects are unique

b. Projects are developed using progressive elaboration
c. Projects have a primary customer or sponsor
d. Projects involve little uncertainty

Ans. D

5. Which of the following is not part of the triple constraint of project management?

a. Meeting scope goals

b. Meeting time goals
c. Meeting communication goals
d. Meeting cost goals

Ans. C

6. ________ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
meet project requirements.

a. Project management
b. Program management
c. Project portfolio management
d. Requirements management

Ans. A

7. Several application development projects done for the same functional group might best be
managed as part of a _______.

a. Portfolio
b. Program
c. Investment
d. Collaborative

Ans. B

8. What is the name of one of the popular certifications provided by the Project Management

a. Certified Project Manager (CPM)

b. Project Management Professional (PMP)
c. Project Management Expert (PME)
d. Project Management Mentor (PMM)

Ans. B

9. ________ refers to a problem-solving approach that requires defining the scope of a system,
dividing it into its components, and then identifying and evaluating its problems,
opportunities, constraints, and needs.

a. Linear programming
b. Principal component analysis
c. Independent component analysis
d. Systems analysis

Ans. D

10. The ________ perspective of an organization focuses on different groups’ roles and
responsibilities in order to meet the goals and policies set by top management.

a. structural frame
b. human resources frame
c. political frame
d. symbolic frame

Ans. A

11. Which of the following is not part of the three-sphere model for systems management?

a. Business
b. Information
c. Technology
d. Organization

Ans. B

12. Personnel in a(n) ________ organizational structure often report to two or more bosses.

a. Functional
b. Project
c. Matrix
d. Hybrid

Ans. C

13. Which of the following term describes a framework of the phases involved in developing
information systems?

a. Systems development life cycle

b. Rapid application development
c. Predictive life cycle
d. Extreme programming

Ans. A

14. The nature of IT projects is different from the nature of projects in many other industries
because they are _______.
a. Expensive
b. Technical
c. Diverse
d. Challenging

Ans. C

15. What term describes an organization’s acquisition of goods and services from an outside
source in another country?

a. Globalization
b. Offshoring
c. Exporting
d. Global sourcing

Ans. B

16. A ________ is a product or service, such as a technical report, a training session, or

hardware, produced or provided as part of a project.

a. Deliverable
b. Product
c. Work package
d. Tangible goal

Ans. A

17. ________ processes include coordinating people and other resources to carry out project
plans and create the products, services, or results of the project or phase.

a. Initiating
b. Planning
c. Executing
d. Monitoring and controlling
e. Closing

Ans. C

18. Which process group normally requires the most resources and time?

a. Initiating
b. Planning
c. Executing
d. Monitoring and controlling
e. Closing

Ans. C

19. Which of the following outputs is often completed before initiating a project?

a. Stakeholder register
b. Business case
c. Project charter
d. Kick-off meeting

Ans. B

20. A work breakdown structure, project schedule, and cost estimates are outputs of the
________ process.

a. Initiating
b. Planning
c. Executing
d. Monitoring and controlling
e. Closing

Ans. B

21. Initiating involves developing a project charter, which is part of the project _______
management knowledge area.

a. Integration
b. Scope
c. Communications
d. Risk

Ans. A

22. Which of the following is not a typical reason that project teams would use a predictive
approach versus an agile approach to managing a project?

a. The project has unclear up-front requirements.

b. The project team is inexperienced and dispersed.
c. Large risks are involved.
d. The completion date is fairly rigid

Ans. A

23. Many people use ________ to have a standard format for preparing various project
management documents.

a. Methodologies
b. Template
c. Project management software
d. Standards

Ans. B

24. A ________ is a series of actions directed toward a particular result.

a. Goal
b. Process
c. Plan
d. Project

Ans. B

25. What is the last step in the four-stage planning process for selecting IT projects?

a. IT strategy planning
b. Business area analysis
c. Mind mapping
d. Resource allocation

Ans. D

26. What tool and technique is used for all processes of project integration management?

a. Project management software

b. Templates
c. Expert judgement
d. All of these

Ans. C

27. ________ ensures that the descriptions of the project’s products are correct and complete.

a. Configuration management
b. Integrated change control
c. Integration management
d. A change control board

Ans. A

28. Which of the following items is not normally included in a project charter?

a. The name of the project manager

b. Budget information
c. Stakeholder signatures
d. A Gantt chart

Ans. D

29. If estimates for total discounted benefits for a project are $120,000 and total discounted costs
are $100,000, what is the estimated return on investment (ROI)?

a. $20,000
b. $120,000
c. 20 percent
d. 120 percent

Ans. C

30. A new government law requires an organization to report data in a new way. Which of the
following categories would include a new information system project to provide this data?

a. Problem
b. Opportunity
c. Directive
d. Regulation

Ans. C

31. Which of the following is not a suggestion for performing integrated change control?

a. Use good configuration management

b. Minimize change
c. Establish a formal change control system
d. View project management as a process of constant communication and negotiation

Ans. B

32. Which of the following is not a best practice for new product development projects?

a. Aligning projects and resources with business strategy

b. Selecting projects that will take less than two years to provide payback
c. Focusing on customer needs in identifying projects
d. Assigning project managers to lead projects

Ans. B

33. ________ refer(s) to all the work involved in creating the products of the project of the
project and the processes used to create them.

a. Deliverables
b. Milestones
c. Scope
d. Product development

Ans. C

34. Which tool or technique for collecting requirements is often the most expensive and time

a. Interviews
b. Focus groups
c. Surveys
d. Observation

Ans. A

35. A ________ is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines
its total scope.

a. Scope statement
b. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
c. WBS dictionary
d. Work package

Ans. B

36. What approach to developing a WBS involved writing down or drawing ideas in a nonlinear

a. Top-down
b. Bottom-up
c. Analogy
d. Mind mapping

Ans. D

37. Assume that you have a project with major categories called planning, analysis, design, and
testing. What level of the WBS would these items fall under?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Ans. C

38. Which of the following is not a best practice that can help in avoiding scope problems on IT

a. Keep the scope realistic

b. Use off-the-shelf hardware and software whenever possible
c. Follow good project management processes
d. Don’t involve too many users in scope management

Ans. D

39. Scope ________ is often achieved by a customer inspection and then sign-off on key

a. Acceptance
b. Validation
c. Completion
d. Close-out

Ans. B

40. Which of the following is not a suggestion for improving user input?

a. Develop a good project selection process for IT projects

b. Have users on the project team
c. Co-locate users with developers
d. Only have meetings as needed, not on a regular basis

Ans. D

41. Project management software helps you develop a ________, which serves as a basis for
creating Gantt charts, assigning resources, and allocating costs.

a. Project plan
b. Schedule
c. WBS
d. Deliverable

Ans. C

42. Predecessors, successors, logical relationships, leads and lags, resource requirements,
constraints, imposed dates, and assumptions are all examples of ________.

a. Items in an activity list

b. Items on a Gantt chart
c. Milestone attributes
d. Activity attributes

Ans. D

43. As the project manager for a software development project, you are helping to develop the
project schedule. You decide that writing code for a system should not start until users sign
off on the analysis work. What type of dependency is this?

a. Technical
b. Mandatory
c. Discretionary
d. External

Ans. C

44. You cannot start editing a technical report until someone else completes the first draft. What
type of dependency does this represent?

a. Finish-to-start
b. Start-to-start
c. Finish-to-finish
d. Start-to-finish

Ans. A

45. What symbol on a Gantt chart represents a slipped milestone?

a. A black arrow
b. A white arrow
c. A black diamond
d. A white diamond

Ans. D

46. What type of diagram shows planned and actual project schedule information?

a. A network diagram
b. A Gantt chart
c. A Tracking Gantt chart
d. A milestone chart

Ans. C

47. ________ is a network diagramming technique used to predict total project duration.

a. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

b. A Gantt chart
c. Critical path method
d. Crashing

Ans. C

48. ________ is a method of scheduling that considers limited resources when creating a project
schedule and includes buffers to protect the project completion date.

a. Parkinson’s Law
b. Scrum
c. Critical path analysis
d. Critical chain scheduling

Ans. D

49. Which of the following is a similarity between scope control and schedule control?

a. Both are initial processes of project time management.

b. Both of their primary goals is to define project goals and milestones.
c. Both are portions of the integrated change control process under project integration
d. Both of these processes should occur before estimating activity durations.

Ans. C

50. A difference between the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and critical
path method (CPM) is that:

a. CPM addresses the risk associated with duration estimates whereas PERT does not.
b. unlike CPM, PERT estimates only when there is no risk of uncertainty.
c. CPM involves more work than PERT because it requires several duration estimates.
d. PERT uses different duration estimates whereas CPM uses one specific duration estimate.

Ans. D

Sample Final Examination Questions—Chapters 7 through 13

[Source: Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy Schwalbe.

Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016). Questions are from the Test Bank that is
provided with Instructor Materials.]

1. _____ includes the processes required to ensure that a project team completes a project
within an approved budget.

a. Project scope management

b. Project quality management
c. Project time management
d. Project cost management


2. Which of the following involves developing an approximation of the costs of resources

needed to complete a project?

a. Determining the budget

b. Finalizing the cost baseline
c. Controlling costs
d. Estimating costs


3. _____ involves allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items to establish a
baseline for measuring performance.

a. Determining the budget

b. Finalizing policies for project costs
c. Controlling costs
d. Estimating costs


4. One of the main outputs of the _____ process is a cost baseline.

a. cost controlling
b. cost estimating
c. cost budgeting
d. cost planning


5. The process of controlling costs primarily involves:

a. determining the policies for project costs.

b. managing changes to the project budget.
c. finalizing the procedures for project costs.
d. determining a basis for estimates.


6. Work performance information and cost forecasts are main outputs of the _____ process.

a. cost budgeting
b. cost estimating
c. cost control
d. cost pricing


7. _____ helps develop an accurate projection of a project’s financial expenses and benefits.

a. Critical path analysis

b. Fast tracking
c. Life cycle costing
d. Crashing


8. The _____ process is often associated with the technical tools and techniques of quality
management, such as Pareto charts, quality control charts, and statistical sampling.

a. quality planning
b. quality certification
c. quality assurance
d. quality control


9. Performing quality assurance is a sub process of the _____ process of project quality

a. initiating
b. closing
c. monitoring and controlling
d. executing


10. Validated changes and validated deliverables are the outputs of the _____ sub process of
project quality management.

a. initiating
b. closing
c. monitoring and controlling
d. executing


11. _____ is a technique that helps identify which variables have the most influence on the
overall outcome of a process.

a. Design of experiments
b. Backward pass
c. Activity-on-arrow
d. Crashing


12. _____ is the degree to which a system performs its intended function.

a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Maintainability
d. Functionality


13. _____ are the system’s special characteristics that appeal to users.

a. Features
b. Outputs
c. Yields
d. Metrics


14. _____ addresses how well a product or service performs the customer’s intended use.

a. Reliability
b. Performance
c. Maintainability
d. Functionality


15. _____ involves assigning the needed personnel to work on the project.

a. Planning human resource management

b. Developing the project team
c. Acquiring the project team
d. Managing the project team


16. Key outputs of _____ process are project staff assignments, resource calendars, and project
management plan updates.

a. managing the project team

b. acquiring the project team
c. developing the project team
d. planning the human resource plan


17. _____ involves building individual and group skills to enhance project performance.

a. Developing the human resource plan

b. Developing the project team
c. Acquiring the project team
d. Managing the project team


18. The main outputs of the _____ process are team performance assessments and enterprise
environmental factors updates.

a. managing the project team

b. acquiring the project team
c. developing the project team
d. human resource planning


19. _____ involves tracking team member performance, motivating team members, providing
timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, and coordinating changes to help enhance
project performance.

a. Developing the human resource plan

b. Developing the project team
c. Acquiring the project team
d. Managing the project team


20. The acquiring of the project team is a sub process associated with the _____ process of
project human resource management.

a. executing
b. controlling and monitoring
c. planning
d. initiating


21. The capacity to understand the motivations, intentions and desires of others is

a. emotional intelligence
b. intrapersonal intelligence
c. interpersonal intelligence
d. human intelligence


22. Managing communications is part of the _____ process of the project communication

a. closing
b. executing
c. planning
d. monitoring and controlling


23. As a manager, you want to praise a team member, Phil, for doing a good job on a particular
project. However, you know that Phil tends to be an introvert. Which of the following
communication methods would Phil be most comfortable with?

a. Call Phil in for a private meeting to appreciate his work.

b. Call a team meeting to praise Phil for his work on the project.
c. Announce Phil’s accomplishment on the company Web site.
d. Have top management and the other teams in the company award Phil.


24. Which of the following methods of communication is likely to be most effective for
conveying sensitive or important information?

a. Short face-to-face meetings

b. E-mails
c. Telephone conversations
d. Reading reports from other team members


25. According to research by Albert Mehrabian, which of the following is NOT a way that
information is communicated in a face-to-face interaction?

a. body language
b. facial expression
c. spoken content
d. tone of voice


26. As the number of people involved in a project _____, the complexity of communications

a. increases, decreases
b. decreases, increases
c. increases, stays constant
d. increases, increases


27. The formula to determine the number of communication channels is _____, where n is the
number of people involved.

a. n (n-1)/2
b. n(n+1)/2
c. n (n+1)/n(n-1)
d. n(n-1)/n(n+1)


28. _____ address where the project stands in terms of meeting scope, time, and cost goals.

a. Technical reports
b. Status reports
c. Progress reports
d. Lessons-learned reports


29. Those who are _____ have a higher tolerance for risk, and their satisfaction increases when
more payoff is at stake.

a. risk-seeking
b. risk-averse
c. risk-neutral
d. risk-indifferent


30. A _____ person achieves a balance between risk and payoff.

a. risk-seeking
b. risk-averse
c. risk-fearing
d. risk-neutral


31. _____ involves deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for the

a. Identifying risks
b. Planning risk management
c. Performing qualitative risk analysis
d. Performing quantitative risk analysis


32. The degree of uncertainty an entity is willing to take on in anticipation of a reward is

a. risk appetite
b. risk tolerance
c. risk utility
d. unknown risk


33. _____ involves determining which risks are likely to affect a project and documenting the
characteristics of each.

a. Identifying risks
b. Planning risk management
c. Performing qualitative risk analysis
d. Performing quantitative risk analysis


34. _____ involves prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence.

a. Performing qualitative risk analysis

b. Identifying risks
c. Planning risk responses
d. Performing quantitative risk analysis


35. _____ involves numerically estimating the effects of risks on project objectives.

a. Performing qualitative risk analysis

b. Planning risk responses
c. Identifying risks
d. Performing quantitative risk analysis


36. A drawback of outsourcing is that:

a. it does not provide access to specific skills or technologies.

b. it invariably results in an increase in both fixed and recurrent costs.
c. it can make an organization become overly dependent on particular suppliers.
d. it cannot increase accountability of suppliers through a written contract.


37. The first step in project procurement management is:

a. closing procurement management.

b. controlling procurements.
c. conducting procurements.
d. planning procurement management.

38. In project procurement management, the process of _____ involves determining what to
procure, when, and how.

a. closing procurements
b. controlling procurements
c. conducting procurements
d. planning procurement management


39. In project procurement management, the process of _____ involves obtaining seller
responses, selecting sellers, and awarding contracts.

a. conducting procurements
b. closing procurements
c. settling contracts
d. planning procurement management


40. Outputs of the _____ process consist of selected sellers and resource calendars.

a. closing procurements
b. conducting procurements
c. planning procurement management
d. controlling procurements


41. Which of the following processes of project procurement management involves managing
relationships with sellers, monitoring contract performance, and making changes as needed?

a. Closing procurements
b. Settling contracts
c. Deciding on the services to procure
d. Controlling procurements


42. In project procurement management, which of the following processes involve completion
and settlement of each contract, including resolution of any open items?

a. Planning procurement management

b. Controlling procurements
c. Closing procurements
d. Conducting procurements


43. _____ involves determining everyone involved in the project or affected by it, and
determining the best ways to manage relationships with them.

a. Identifying stakeholders
b. Planning stakeholder management
c. Managing stakeholder engagement
d. Controlling stakeholder engagement


44. The main output of the _____ process is the stakeholder register.

a. Planning stakeholder management

b. Identifying stakeholders
c. Managing stakeholder engagement
d. Controlling stakeholder engagement


45. One of the main outputs of the _____ process are the issue logs.

a. Planning stakeholder management

b. Identifying stakeholders
c. Managing stakeholder engagement
d. Controlling stakeholder engagement


46. _____ involves monitoring stakeholder relationships and adjusting plans and strategies for
engaging stakeholders as needed.

a. Planning stakeholder management

b. Identifying stakeholders
c. Managing stakeholder engagement
d. Controlling stakeholder engagement


47. The stakeholder register is the output of the _____ process of project stakeholder

a. initiating
b. planning
c. executing
d. monitoring and controlling


48. Which of the following is true about identifying stakeholder?

a. The project manager’s family is not a potential stakeholder.

b. It is not very difficult to identify stakeholders.
c. Stakeholders with indirect ties to the project need not be engaged with.
d. Stakeholders do not change during a project


49. Doctors who have been co-opted to actively participate in a project related to using
information technology for chronic health problems would be examples of _____

a. supportive
b. leading
c. resistant
d. neutral


50. The project team must take corrective action if stakeholders with high interest and high
power are categorized as _____.

a. resistant
b. neutral
c. supportive
d. leading


Sample Final Project: Web Site Development

[Source: Information Technology Project Management (8th Edition) by Kathy Schwalbe.

Course Technology, Cengage Learning (2016)]

A nonprofit organization would like you to lead a Web site development project. The
organization has Internet access that includes space on a Web server, but no experience
developing Web sites. In addition to creating its Web site, the organization would like you to
train two people on its staff to do simple Web page updates. The Web site should include the
following information, as a minimum: description of the organization (mission, history and
recent events), list of services and contact information. The organization wants the Web site to
include graphics (photographs and other images) and have an attractive, easy-to-use layout.

Project Scope Management

Using Microsoft Project or other Project Management software, create a WBS for this project
and enter the tasks. Create milestones and summary tasks. Some of the specific analysis, design
and implementation tasks will be to:

a) Collect information on the organization in hardcopy and digital form (brochures,

reports, organization charts, photographs, and so on).
b) Research Web sites of similar organizations.
c) Collect detailed information about the organization’s design preferences and access to
space on a Web server.
d) Develop a template for the organization to review (background color for all pages,
position of navigation buttons, layout of text and images, typography, including basic
text font and display type and so on).
e) Create a site map or hierarchy chart showing the flow of Web pages.
f) Digitize the photographs and find other images for the Web pages; digitize hardcopy
g) Create individual Web pages for the site.
h) Test the pages and the site.
i) Implement the Web site on the organization’s Web server.
j) Get organization feedback.
k) Incorporate changes.
l) Create training materials for the organization on how to update the Web pages.
m) Train the organization’s staff on updating the Web pages.

Project Time Management
a) Enter realistic durations for each task and then link the tasks as appropriate. Be sure
that all tasks are linked in some fashion to the start and end of the project. Assume
that you have four months to complete the entire project.
b) Print the Gantt Chart view and Network Diagram view for the project.
c) Print the Schedule table to see key dates and slack times for each task.

Project Cost Management

a) Assume that you have three people working on this project and each of them would
charge $20 per hour. Enter this information in the Resource Sheet.
b) Estimate that each person will spend an average of about five hours per week for the
four-month period. Assign resources to the tasks and try to make the final cost in line
with this estimate.
c) Print the budget report for the project

Project Human Resource Management

a) Assume that one project team member will be unavailable (due to vacation) for two
weeks in the middle of the project. Make adjustments to accommodate this vacation
so that the schedule does not slip and the costs do not change. Document the changes
from the original plan and the new plan
b) Use the Resource Usage view to see each person’s work each month. Print a copy of
the Resource Usage view.

Project Communication Management

a) Adjust the timescale on your Gantt chart to enable the chart to fit on one page. Then
paste a copy of the Gantt chart in PowerPoint or some other presentation software.
You can use your Print Screen button to copy the image and paste it onto the slide.
Also add key milestones to the Timeline and copy it into a second slide. Print out
both slides.
b) Print a “To-do List” report for each team member.
c) Create a “Who Does What” report and print it out.


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