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future ˈfjuːtʃə n tương lai
appliance əˈplaɪəns n thiết bị
stress stres n trọng âm, âm nhấn
might maɪt v (quá khứ của may) có thể
possibility ˌpɔsəˈbɪləti, n khả năng
UFO ˌjuː ef ˈəʊ n vật thể bay không xác định, đĩa bay
solar ˈsəʊlə adj (thuộc) mặt trời
energy ˈenədʒi n năng lượng
of course əv kɔːs adv tất nhiên
robot ˈrəʊbɔt n người máy
location ləʊˈkeɪʃn n địa điểm, vị trí
extra ˈekstrə adj, adv nhiều hơn, thêm, ngoài

2. A CLOSER LOOK 1 - UNIT 10 - PAGE 40

appropriate əˈprəʊpriət adj thích hợp

electric ɪˈlektrɪk adj do điện tạo ra, chạy bằng điện
machine məˈʃiːn n máy móc, máy
washing machine ˈwɔʃɪŋ məʃiːn n máy giặt
wireless ˈwaɪələs adj không dây, vô tuyến
electric fan fæn n quạt điện
fresh freʃ adj tươi (thức ăn), trong lành (không khí)
dish dɪʃ n đĩa

3. A CLOSER LOOK 2 - UNIT 10 - PAGE 41+ 42

cottage ˈkɔtɪdʒ, ˈkɑːtɪdʒ n nhà tranh

anytime ˈenitaɪm adv bất cứ lúc nào
worry ˈwʌri v bồn chồn, lo lắng
back bæk adj adv sau trở lại, lùi lại
iron ˈaɪən v là/ủi quần áo
possible ˈpɔsəbl adj có thể thực hiện / xảy ra
surf sɜːf v lướt web, lướt sóng
internet ˈɪntənet n mạng máy tính toàn cầu

Page 79
survey ˈsɜːveɪ n cuộc thăm dò, khảo sát
hi-tech haɪ tek n công nghệ cao

5. SKILLS 1 - UNIT 10 - PAGE 44

helicopter ˈhelɪkɔptə n máy bay lên thẳng, trực thăng
contact ˈkɔntækt v liên hệ, liên lạc
planet ˈplænɪt n hành tinh
pond pɔnd n ao (nước)
suggest səˈdʒest v đề nghị, gợi ý

6. SKILLS 2 - UNIT 10 - PAGE 45

view vju: n hướng nhìn

palace ˈpæləs n cung điện
location ləʊˈkeɪʃn n vị trí, địa điểm
appliance əˈplaɪəns n thiết bị, đồ dùng


until ənˈtɪl prep, conj cho tới khi
examination ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn n kỳ thi, sự thi cử
still stɪl adv vẫn còn
meeting ˈmiːtɪŋ n cuộc hội họp (cuộc mít tinh),
cuộc gặp gỡ

8. PROJECT - UNIT 10 - PAGE 47

detail ˈdiːteɪl n chi tiết


Nick: Can you tell me about your dream house, Linda?
Linda: Well, it's a (1) _______________ by the sea. It has a view of the sea. It has a
swimming pool and a (2) _____________.
Nick: My dream house is different.
Linda: Really? What's it (3) __________?
Nick: It's a beautiful (4) ____________ in the city. It has a park view in front and a city
view at the (5)___________.
Linda: Oh, sounds great!
Nick: It has a super smart TV. I can watch films from other (6) ____________.
Linda:That sounds great, too. But I think it'll be ...

Page 80

Exercise 1: Mark the stress on the words. Then say the words aloud.
1. housework 2. farmer 3. standard 4. object 5. busy
6. homework 7. father 8. mountains 9. project 10. pretty

Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. warn B. farm C. park D. garden
2. A. orange B. cabbage C. lemonade D. sausage
3. A. chest B. lunch C. bench D. school
4. A. noodles B. shoulders C. packets D. tomatoes
Exercise 3: Choose the best option for each sentence.
1. Young people ________ obey their parents.
A. must B. will C. may D. ought to
2. Leave early so that you miss the bus.
A. didn’t B. won’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
3. Every day, Mr. Tuan ________ in the fields from 6 am to 4 pm.
A. worked B. work C. is working D. works
4. I’m ________ with the result.
A. please B. pleasing C. pleasant D. pleased
5. Are you a teacher ________ an engineer?
A. and B. or C. but D. so
6. We ________ have time to help you tomorrow.
A. may B. will C. must D. could
7. Don’t phone Ann now. She ________ be having lunch.
A. might B. can C. must D. has to
8. In the future, machines ________ all the work for us.
A. are doing B. will do C. were doing D. do
9. Bring your umbrella - it __________ rain later.
A. can B. might C. must D. should
10. All students _________ wear their uniforms to school.
A. should B. will C. may D. must

Exercise 4: Complete the sentence with “might” or “might not”.

1. I’m tired. I ____________ go to bed early tonight.
2. He left the office very late so he ____________ be home for dinner.
3. There are a lot of clouds in the sky so it ____________ rain later.
4. She didn’t pass her driving test so she ____________ be happy.
5. They’re a very good team. They ____________ win the championship this year.
Exercise 5: Fill in the blank with a suitable phrase from the box.
modern fridge wireless TV dishwasher
hi-tech robots smart washing machine
1. We will use a ...................................... to wash all the dishes and containers after meal.
2. A .................................. will wash dirty clothes and make them ready for you to put on.
3 ............................. will understand what we say and will do all things around the house.
4. We will watch TV programmes from the others countries by using ...............................
5. Do you think a ............................... will choose suitable food for our meal?

Page 81
Exercise 6: Write the question with WILL for each situation.
1. Mrs. Robinson will go shopping. (What/ she/buy)
2. They are meeting Paul at the station. (When/he/arrive)
3. We won’t have a meeting on Thursday. (When/you/have/ a meeting)
4. We will go to the cinema. (Where/you/go)
5. My parents will go to Hanoi this summer. (How/ they/ travel)
Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the appliances in the box.
wireless TV dishwasher washing machine computer robots
smart alarm clock hi-tech fridge skyscrapers motor home supercars

1. In the future, _________________ will take care of the children and do all housework.
2. A _________________ of the future will tell you what to have for dinner.
3. A _________________ helps us watch TV programmes from space.
4. All you need to do is stick the dirty dishes in the rack; the ________________ will
automatically fill up and do its thing.
5. This _________________ uses artificial intelligence to program your day.
6. The _________________ of the future will wash, dry and fold your clothes.
7. Future _________________ will be electric, self-repairing, but not self-driving.
8. My father will buy a _______________ to surf Internet.
9. There are many _______________ in our city. It seems that if people stand on top of it,
they can touch the sky.
10. _______________ is large vehicle designed for people to live and sleep in when they
are travelling.

Exercise 8: Give the correct form of the verbs.

1. How many languages Hoa (speak) ________________ ? - Well, two languages.
2. She always (borrow) my bike.
3. My English class (start) at 7.15.
4. Look! Somebody (climb) up the tree.
5. You (like) music?
6. He must (get up) early.
7. Nam (not do) his homework now.
8. My mum is going to (be) here tomorrow.
9. How often you (take) a shower? - I take a shower every day.
10. They (be) staying at home now.
Exercise 9: Fill in the blank with “a, an, the”.
1. There is ........... man at ............. gate. The man wants to see the landlord.
2. We live in ............. old house. ............. house belongs to my grandparents.
3. He has ............. brother and .............. sister.
4. His father is ............. engineer.

Exercise 10: Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.

1. My mother is washing the dishes ................... the kitchen.
2. My sister’s birthday is ................... October 15th.
3. She’s putting her book and her pens ................... the table.

Page 82
4. The weather ................... Ho Chi Minh City is warm today.
5. He’s waiting for her ................. the bus stop.
6. Take the desks and chairs ................. the classroom.
Exercise 11: Fill the blank with a suitable word or phrase from the box.
wireless TV washing machine dishwasher computer robot
1. I will use a _______________ to clean all the dishes without water.
2. My father will buy a _______________ to surf the Internet.
3. We will watch TV programmes from other countries by using _______________.
4. Do you think a _______________ will look after your children?
5. A _______________ will wash dirty clothes and make them ready for you to dress.

Exercise 12: Read the passage carefully, and then choose the correct answers.
In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the
wind to make electricity. We won’t use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines
because robots will help us. We will have robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes.
We will have robots to look after our children. We won’t use computers. We will have
special remote control units. We can surf the internet, send and receive emails and order
food from the markets without getting out of bed.
1. Where will we live in the future?
2. What will we use to make electricity?
3. Will we have cookers?
4. How can we get food from the market?

Exercise 13: Fill in the blank with the words in the box.
gets much a goes breakfast
Sundays brother at small teaches

Mr John is ..................... (1) teacher. He teaches in a ..................... (2) school in

London. In the morning, he ..................... (3) up at seven o’clock. He has ..................... (4)
and drinks a glass of milk. Then he ..................... (5) to work. He ..................... (6) his
pupils French. He has lunch at school. He goes home (7)..................... one o’clock in the
afternoon. He doesn’t work on Saturdays and ..................... (8); he goes to the cinema, or
reads stories. He likes books very ..................... (9). He has a sister in Oxford and a
..................... (10) in London.
1........................; 2........................; 3........................; 4........................; 5........................;
6........................; 7........................; 8........................; 9........................; 10........................;

Exercise 14: Read the passge and answer the questions

Peter lives in a house near the sea. It’s an old house, about 100 years old, and it’s
very small. There are two bedrooms upstairs but no bathroom. The bathroom is
downstairs next to the kitchen and there’s a living room where there is a lovely
fireplace. There’s a garden in front of the house. The garden goes down to the beach

Page 83
and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere. Peter lives alone with his
dog, Boxer, but they have a lot of visitors. Their city friends often stay with them.
Peter loves his house for many reasons: the garden, the flowers in summer, the fire
in winter, but the best thing is the view from his bedroom window. Peter is thinking
of a new house in the future with the help of Robots.

1. Where is the house?

2. How old is the house?
3. How many rooms are there upstairs?
4. Is there a bathroom upstairs?
5. Is there a fire place in the kitchen?
6. What’s the dog’s name?
7. Who often come to stay with them?
8. What reasons does Peter love his house?

Page 84


reduce rɪˈdjuːs v giảm

reuse riːˈjuːz v tái sử dụng
recycle riːˈsaɪkəl v tái sinh, tái chế
rhythm ˈrɪðm n nhịp điệu
conditional kənˈdɪʃənəl adj (thuộc) điều kiện
way weɪ n cách, phương pháp
tip tɪp n sự hướng dẫn
warn wɔːn v cảnh báo
warning ˈwɔːnɪŋ n sự cảnh báo
reusable riːˈjuːzəbl adj có thể tái sử dụng
plastic ˈplastɪk n nhựa, chất dẻo
environment ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt n môi trường
already ɔːlˈredi adv rồi
later ˈleɪtə adv sau
base beɪs v dựa trên
pick pɪk v lượm, nhặt
rubbish ˈrʌbɪʃ n rác

2. A CLOSER LOOK 1 - UNIT 11 - PAGE 50

product ˈprɔdʌkt n sản phẩm
material məˈtɪərɪəl n chất liệu, vật liệu
bottle ˈbɔtəl n chai, lọ
glass glɑːs n cốc/ly, thủy tinh
belong bɪˈlɔŋ v thuộc về

3. A CLOSER LOOK 2 - UNIT 11 - PAGE 51 + 52

unstressed ʌnˈstrest adj không nhấn

indefinite ɪnˈdefɪnɪt adj không xác định
definite ˈdefɪnɪt adv xác định
general ˈdʒenərəl adj tổng quát
tiny ˈtaɪni adj nhỏ xíu, tí hon

Page 85
eraser ɪˈreɪzə n gôm, tẩy
unique juːˈniːk adj độc đáo, có một không hai
onion ˈʌnjən n hành
doctor ˈdɔktə n bác sĩ
sun sʌn n mặt trời
orange ˈɔrɪndʒ adj, n cam, quả cam
likely ˈlaɪkli adj có thể
base form beɪs fɔːm n nguyên thể
save seɪv v tiết kiệm; để dành; cứu
waste weɪst v lãng phí
cough kɔf n, v ho
die dʌɪ v chết
cut kʌt v cắt, chặt
flood flʌd n lũ, lụt, nạn lụt
secretly ˈsiːkrɪtli adv bí mật


goldfish ˈgəʊldfɪʃ n cá vàng

act akt v diễn kịch, làm việc gì, hành động
wrap rap n, v gói, bọc
breeze briːz n gió nhẹ
air conditioner eə kənˈdɪʃənəl n máy điều hòa nhiệt độ
kilometre ˈkɪləmiːtə n ki lô mét
point pɔɪnt n điểm

5. SKILLS 1 - UNIT 11 - PAGE 54

reporter rɪˈpɔːtə n phóng viên

instead ɪnˈsted prep, adv thay vì
exchange ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ v, n trao đổi, sự trao đổi
bin bɪn n thùng
charity ˈtʃarɪti n hội từ thiện
firstly ˈfəːstli adv thứ nhất, đầu tiên là
meaning ˈmiːnɪŋ n nghĩa
container zəʊn n đồ đựng, chứa

Page 86
6. SKILLS 2 - UNIT 11 - PAGE 55

president ˈprezɪdənt n chủ tịch, tổng thống

raise reɪz v giơ lên
raise voice reɪz vɔɪs lên tiếng, cất lên tiếng nói
fair feə n hội chợ
encourage ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ v khuyến khích, động viên
organise ˈɔːgənaɪz v tổ chức
explanation ekspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n n sự giải thích
support səˈpɔːt v ủng hộ
secondly ˈsekəndli adv hai là


artist ˈɑːtɪst n họa sĩ, nghệ sĩ

build bɪld v xây dựng
airport ˈeəpɔːt n sân bay


Mi: I’m Mi from (1) ________________. If I become the president of the Club, I’ll first
talk to my friends about putting a (2) __________________ in every classroom. We can
reuse the things we have in these bins. Secondly, I’ll organise some (3)
_______________. Students can exchange their used books at these fairs.
Nam: I'm Nam from (4) ______________. If I become the president of the Club, I’ll
(5)______________ students to go to school by bus. It’ll be fun and help the environment.
Next, I’ll organise some (6) ________________. This is where students can
(7)____________ used uniforms with other students.


Exercise 1: Put the words into two groups (/a:/ and /æ/)
car start map hand castle rapid
fat aren’t park man natural calm
bag dark cat apple father stand

/a:/ /æ/

Page 87
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced different.
1. A. brown B. now C. bowl D. how
2. A. packet B. egg C. lettuce D. lemon
3. A. chest B. lunch C. bench D. schools
4. A. lettuce B. tube C. music D. student
5. A. noodles B. shoulders C. packets D. tomatoes

Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence.
1. If someone into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
A. comes B. came C. will come D. wouldcome
2. If you all of my questions, I anything to help you.
A. don’t answer / can’t do B. didn’t answer/ won’t do
C. wouldn’t answer/ can’t do D. wouldn’t answer/ couldn’t do
3. “Here’s my phone number.” - “Thanks, I ________ you a call if I _______ some help.”
A. will give / will need B. would give/ needed
C. give/need D. will give/ need
4. The teacher was absent today, so the class was canceled. If she _______ absent again
tomorrow, class tomorrow, too.
A. is / will cancel B. is/ will be canceled
C. was / would be canceled D. was/ would cancel
5. If I this exam, I’ll go to the university next summer.
A. pass B. to pass C. had passed D. passed
6. What does “reduce” mean?
A. using something again B. using something more
C. using something less D. collect something
7. What does “reuse” mean?
A. using something again B. using something more
C. using something less D. collect something
8. We shouldn’t rubbish on the street.
A. reuse B. wrap C. turn off D. throw
9. Polluted water can make fish .
A. live B. sleep C. grow D. die
10. Turn the lights when we go out.
A. of B. on C. off D. up
11. People should stop using so energy.
A. more B. less C. many D. much
12. means giving things to people in need.
A. Swap B. Charity C. Reuse D. Recycle

Exercise 4: Choose the correct word.

1. If we miss / will miss the bus, we take/ will take the taxi.
2. I come / will come over to your house if you rent / will rent a DVD.
3. They see / willsee the new Lara Croft film if they go / will go to the cinema.
4. She goes / will go to the party if you invite / will invite her.
5. You are / will be on time if you run / will run.
6. If he doesn’t stop / won’t stop smoking, he has / will have problems later.
7. If you help / will help me, I lend / will lend you that Beyonce’ CD.
8. If you don’t eat / won’t eat fruits, you get / will get a cold one day.

Page 88
Exercise 5: Complete the passage with the words given in the box.
waste surprised resources recycling ton
labor thrown discussion requires preserved

Ba’s class has a (1)_______ on waste paper. His friends are so_______ to learn that
every day throughout the world, millions of newspapers and paper bags are (3) _______
away. People are collecting waste paper and (4) _______ it. Making paper (5) _______ a
lot of trees and labor. Now if people don’t (6) _______ paper, they can save (7) _______
and money. Especially, people can save the natural (8) _______. For every (9) _______ of
recycled newsprint, ten trees can be saved. The more paper people save, the more natural
resources are (10) _______.

Exercise 6: Read the text. Each of the sentences has one mistake. Find and correct
the mistakes.
John Kangister and his wife, Kathy, live in an interesting house. It’s an eco home. Eco
homes don’t harm the environment. They don’t use coal or oil, so they don’t produce
dangerous gases.
John and Kathy’s eco home is in California, USA. It looks like a house from one of
The Lord of the Rings films. Most of the house is underground. The house was very cheap
to build. It has wooden walls and floors. The windows are recycled glass. There are solar
panels to make electricity for the lights, DVD players, and computers. John and Kathy get
water from a well and they grow vegetables in the mud on top of the house.
Now John and Kathy don’t want to live anywhere else. They love their home because
it helps the planet greener and it looks fantastic. They think that eco homes are a great idea
for everyone.
1. Eco home don’t produce dangerous chemicals.
2. Eco homes don’t use electricity.
3. The house was expensive to build.
4. The eco home has some floors.
5. John and Kathy grow flowers on top of the house.

Exercise 7: Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions.
The Little Morocco is a beautiful building. We used stone and mud to build the hotel.
There are skylights – windows in the roof to let light in – so we save electricity. The
skylights give us light in the day, so we don’t use electric lights. We don’t use chemicals
to clean the rooms because we don’t want to damage the environment.
You can walk in the mountains near the hotel and see lots of local wildlife. Enjoy a
boat trip on the lake and see the amazing waterfalls, or visit the beautiful caves.
1. What did they use to build the hotel?
2. How can the skylights help us to save electricity?

Page 89
3. Why don’t they use chemicals to clean the rooms?
4. What can you see in the mountains?
5. What can you see when enjoying a boat trip on the lake?

Exercise 8: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the other words in each group.
1. A. mind B. climb C. exciting D. destination
2. A. sugar B. sorry C. seaside D. summer
3. A. busy B. why C. history D. family
4. A. page B. village C. luggage D. heritage
5. A. what B. which C. where D. who

Exercise 9: Give the correct form of the words.

1. Lan (be) very tired when she (catch) ________ a bad cold two days ago.
2. Everybody (wait) for the president in the hall now.
3. You should (go) to bed early.
4. I hope you (feel) better soon.
5. She needs (eat) a lot vegetables and fruits.
6. He (not come) to the meeting last week.
7. My father never (take) medicine.
8. There (be) nobody there when I (arrive)
Exercise 10: Give the correct form of the words.
1. What is the of this tower? (high)
2. You should stay . (health)
3. How is the river? (length)
4. Lan was absent from class because of her . (sick)
5. He has a bad cold. He feels very . (pleasant)
6. I have an with my doctor at 5 p.m. (appoint)

Exercise 11: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
How How long How wide How deep How far
How heavy How tall How often How high How much

1. are you? – One meter and fifty centimeters.

2. does he go swimming? - Three timesaweek.
3. are these buildings? – Over 100 meters high.
4. is it from here to the post office? – About one kilometer.
5. is your brother? – 60 kilos.
6. do you go to school? – By bicycle.
7. did you stay in Nha Trang? – Two weeks.
8. is it? – It’s twenty thousand dong.

Page 90


daily ˈdeɪli adj, adv hằng ngày

tone təʊn n giọng (lối diễn đạt trong khi nói)
superlative suːˈpəːlətɪv adj, n so sánh nhất
agreement əˈɡriːmənt n sự đồng ý
disagreement dɪsəˈɡriːmənt n sự không đồng ý
Dr ˈdɔktə n bác sĩ, tiến sĩ
strong strɔŋ adj khoẻ mạnh
repair rɪˈpeə v sửa chữa (máy móc)
broken brəʊkən adj bị hỏng, gãy, vỡ
sick sɪk adj bị bệnh
household ˈhaʊshəʊld n hộ gia đình/gia đình
chore tʃɔː n công việc trong nhà, việc vặt
speed spiːd n tốc độ
per pəː prep cho mỗi, trên

2. A CLOSER LOOK 1 - UNIT 12 - PAGE 60

feeling ˈfiːlɪŋ n cảm xúc, cảm giác

guard ɡɑːd v, n bảo vệ, người bảo vệ
mood muːd n tâm trạng

3. A CLOSER LOOK 2 - UNIT 12 - PAGE 61 + 62

ton tʌn n tấn

Africa ˈafrɪkə n châu Phi
plane pleɪn n máy bay
weight weɪt n khối lượng, trọng lượng
kg ˈkɪləgram n kilôgam
height hʌɪt n chiều cao
cm = centimeter ˈsentɪmiːtə n xentimet
price prʌɪs n giá


Page 91
electricity ˌɪlekˈtrɪsɪti n điện
ability əˈbɪlɪti n khả năng
speaker ˈspiːkə n người nói; loa

5. SKILLS 1 - UNIT 12 - PAGE 64

literature ˈlɪtərətʃə n văn chương, văn học

improve ɪmˈpruːv v cải thiện/làm cho tốt lên
station ˈsteɪʃən n trạm
fashion ˈfaʃ(ə)n n mốt, thời trang
according əˈkɔːdɪŋ prep, theo
hospital ˈhɔspɪt(ə)l n bệnh viện

6. SKILLS 2 - UNIT 12 - PAGE 65

human ˈhjuːmən n con người

imagine ɪˈmadʒɪn v tưởng tượng


company ˈkʌmpəni n công ty

ceiling ˈsiːlɪŋ n trần nhà
lab lab n phòng dạy học có trang thiết bị,
phòng thí nghiệm

8. PROJECT - UNIT 12 - PAGE 67

take part in teɪk pɑːt ɪn v tham gia vào

vote vəʊt v bình chọn, bầu


Khang: Dr Adams, please tell me something about robots.
Dr Adams: Sure. Robots can do (1) __________________ today. Home robots can do
housework. Doctor robots can look after (2) _____________ people. And ...
Khang: Can robots build houses?
Dr Adams: Yes. Worker robots (3) ________________ build the very high buildings.
Khang: Can they teach?
Dr Adams: Yes. Teacher robots can teach many subjects in a classroom or (4) _________.
Khang: Can they understand what we say?
Dr Adams: Yes, they do. They can even speak to us.

Page 92
Khang: Robots can do everything like humans?
Dr Adams: (5) ______________ everything. They can't (6) _____________ our feelings
or play football.


Exercise 1: Put the words into two groups (/ɔi/ and /au/)
boil boy shout house around flower
down noisy toy voice south shout
round coin town out cow how

/ ɔi / / au /

II. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.
1. A. poison B. voice C. coin D. tortoise
2. A. slow B. allow C. powder D. tower
3. A. couch B. soup C. ground D. house
4. A. shout B. south C. country D. plough
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer.
1. Using robots is one of _________ ways to explore this deep cave.
A. safest B. the safer C. safer D. the safest
2. Do you think you _________ write that report by Tuesday? I know you’re very busy.
A. have been able to B. couldn’t
C. will be able to D. could
3. _________ you play an instrument?
A. Couldn’t B. Able to C. Can D. Could
4. I’m afraid I_________ attend the meeting, I’m on business in Japan.
A. will be able to B. won’t be able to C. can D. would
5. They_________ save the men from the sinking ship.
A. was able to B. could to C. are able D. were able to
6. Robots_________ lift heavy things many years ago.
A. can B. could C. couldn’t D. are able to
7. _________ robots be able to talk to us in the future?
A. Can B. Do C. Will D. Could
8. _________ you swim when you were a child?
A. Can B. Will C. Could D. Do
9. _________ robots can build space stations on the planets.
A. Space B. Doctor C. Workers D. Home
10. Which robot can make coffee?
A. Space robot B. Doctor robot C. Worker robot D. Home robot
11. Which robot can help sick people?

Page 93
A. Space robot B. Doctor robot C. Worker robot D. Home robot
12. In the past, robots the laundry.
A. could do B. can do C. will do D. do
13. Yesterday, my mother _________ me a robot toy as a birthday gift.
A. give B. gave C. giving D. to give
14. He _________ be able to pass the final test because he doesn’t workhard.
A. can B. can’t C. will D. won’t

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences. Use comparative or superlative form of the

adjectives in brackets.
1. Your robot is so much _______ than the one I bought last summer. (nice)
2. Space robots can explore the _______ planets in the solar system. (hot)
3. This flying robot is only slightly _______ than the diameter of a pencil. (tall)
4. What is the cheapest drone with the _______ flight time? (long)
5. This robot can walk upstairs and his arms stretch _______ than a car. (wide)
6. Investment in new robot technologies has become _______ than before. (large)
7. My pen friend said, 'There is nothing _______ than being served by a robot!' (bad)
8. Where can I buy the _______ robot vacuum for pet hair cleanup? (good)
9. Singapore was the country with the _______ robot density in 2019. (high)
10. Explorers built this robot to work in the _______ temperatures on Earth. (cold)

Exercise 5: Using “can”, “can’t” or “couldn’t” to complete the sentences.

1. He ..................... (go) to school last week because he was ill.
2. He eats in restaurants all the time because he ..................... (cook).
3. I ..................... (give) you a lift in my car because it isn’t working at the moment.
4. I didn’t have a good seat in the theatre, so I ..................... (see) the stage very well.
5. Jane doesn’t need acalculator. She ..................... (do) very difficult sums in her head.
6. She’s very good at music. She ..................... (sing) this song well.
7. I ..................... (find) my tennis racquet. Have you seen it?
8. He spoke very quickly and I ..................... (understand) anything he said.
9. We ..................... (go) on the trip because we ..................... (afford) it. It was too
10. I ..................... (do) any more workbecause I was very tired, so I stopped.

Exercise 6: Arrange the given words to make the correct sentences.

1. at / tennis / the girls / playing / the moment / are.
2. always / by / John / goes to / car / school.
3. do / in / what / you / the afternoon / do?
4. chatting / the class / are / they / in / now.
5. doesn’t / a new car / buy / sister / my.

Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences.

1. Lan’s hair is long.
→ Lan ...................................................................................................................................
2. Nam rides his bike to school everyday.

Page 94
→ Nam goes .........................................................................................................................
3. Are there four people in your family?
→ Does ................................................................................................................................
4. Nobody in our class is taller than Nga.
→ Nga ..................................................................................................................................
5. Let’s go swimming.
→ What about ......................................................................................................................
6. My house is behind the post office.
→ The post office ................................................................................................................
7. She likes drinking milk.
→ Milk is .............................................................................................................................
8. Ba has a sister, Lan.
→ Ba ....................................................................................................................................
9. What’s the height of the Mount Everest?
→ How .................................................................................................................................
10. This boy is strong.
→ He is ..................................................................................................................................

Exercise 8: Give the correct form of the words.

1. There are lots of ..................... (beauty) beaches in Viet Nam.
2. Is Mr.Ha a ..................... (business)?
3. She’s from Vietnam. What’s her ..................... (nation)?
4. Air ..................... (pollute) is a big problem in big cities.
5. In the ..................... (neighbor), there is a hospital and a factory.

Exercise 9: Read the passage carefully, and then choose the correct answers.
The Robot Challenge is an international championship for home-made robots. Each
year, robots go head-to-head in different competitions to find out the champions. Different
types of robots show their fantastic abilities to deal with many challenges.
Home robots will show skills to do housework like cleaning the house, cutting the
hedges, making the bed, doing the dishes and doing the laundry. Some of them can do all
of these things but some fail to fulfil all the tasks.
Doctor robots will also join the competition and show their abilities. They can help
sick people, look after babies and old people. Some can find health problems quickly and
The group of police robots have to demonstrate skills of shooting, catching thieves
and fighting with fake murderers. Their skills are quite basic but they can partly help our
policemen in real life situations. These robots are so amazing.
Robots of the same type will try to fulfil all challenges of the competition. Robots
with the highest points will become the champions and be able to be used in society.
1. How often is the Robot Challenge held?
A. every four years B. each year
C. every month D. every decade
2. Which robots have basic skills in keeping security?
A. home robots B. doctor robots C. police robots D. worker robots
3. Will robots of different types compete with each other?
A. Yes, they will. B. No, they won't.
C. Both A & B are correct. D. Both A & B are incorrect.
4. What will robots do to become the champions of the Robot Challenge?

Page 95
A. fulfil all challenges of the competitions
B. fight against other robots
C. gain more competition experience
D. draw high public attention
5. What will the robot champions be able to do if they win?
A. fight with each other B. be stored
C. be protected D. be used in society

Exercise 10: Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.
1. A. citadel B. vacation C. destination D. lemonade
2. A. teachers B. doctors C. students D. workers
3. A. accident B. soccer C. clinic D. camera
4. A. mouth B. weather C. thick D. throw
5. A. language B. engineer C. sausage D. jogging

Exercise 11: Give the correct form of the verbs.

1. What they ..................... (do) tonight? - They ..................... (listen) to music on the
2. Your brother ..................... (can, swim) ? - Yes, he can. He ..................... (swim) very
3. He ..................... (be) tired and he’d like ..................... (sit) down.
4. Hoa ..................... (not do) her homework in the afternoon. She ..................... (do) it in
the evening.
5. Look! The plane ..................... (fly) towards the airport. It ..................... (land).

Exercise 12: Give the correct form of the words in comparative.

1. Which is the ..................... (big) city in Viet Nam ?
2. Spring is .................. (warm) than Fall. But Summer is the ................... (hot) season of
a year.
3. Hoa is the ..................... (good) student in our class.
4. The Nile River is the ..................... (long) river in the world.
5. The city is ..................... (noisy) than the country.

Exercise 13: Rearrange the sentences using the following words

1. is/ Singapore/ cleanest/ the/ country/ the world./ in/
2. today./ is/ rainy/ It/
3. do/ Robots/ a lot of/ can/ things /
4. located? / Where/ your house/ will/ be/
5. strong/ healthy./ Sports/ our/ and/ bodies/ make/

Page 96
REVIEW LESSONS 10-11-12 (PAGE 68 + 69)

pattern ˈpat(ə)n n mẫu

control kənˈtrəʊl v điều khiển
diet ˈdʌɪət n chế độ ăn, chế độ ăn kiêng
safe seɪf adj an toàn, cẩn thận
system ˈsɪstəm n hệ thống
Egypt ˈiːdʒɪpt n nước Ai cập
poet ˈpəʊɪt n nhà thơ, thi sĩ
designer dɪˈzaɪnə n người thiết kế
protect prəˈtekt v bảo vệ
continue kənˈtɪnjuː v tiếp tục
pollute pəˈluːt v làm ô nhiễm
breathe briːð v hít, thở
problem ˈprɔbləm n vấn đề
eco ˈiːkəʊ, ˈekəʊ n sinh thái
comfortable ˈkʌmfətəbl adj thoải mái/dễ chịu
underground ʌndəˈɡraʊnd adj, adv dưới đất, ngầm
scientist ˈsaɪəntɪst n nhà khoa học
coal kəʊl n than củi, than đá
clap klæp v vỗ (tay)
persuade pəˈsweɪd v thuyết phục
apartment əˈpɑːtmənt n căn hộ
youth juːθ n thanh niên
parliament ˈpɑːləmənt n đại hội, quốc hội
advise ədˈvaɪz v khuyên
vegetable ˈvedʒtəb(ə)l n rau củ quả


In 2004, 120 young people from ten European countries met in Berlin at the first Youth
Eco-Parliament. They gave ideas for improving the (1) ______________. Here are some
of the things they (2) ____________ us to do:
- (3) ______________ more rubbish (for example, glass, paper and plastic, etc.).
- Pick up rubbish (4) ____________ or in the streets.
- Save (5) ___________.
- (6) ______________ lights and TVs when you're not using them.
- Use (7) _______________ bags instead of plastic bags.

Page 97

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