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Topic 1: With your partner, make a conversation about table manners in your family. Your conversation should
− Table manners in your family
− Reasons for having those manners in your family
− Consequences you may have if you do not follow the rules
− Your feelings about those table manners
− Reasons for families to have table manners

Topic 2: With your partner, make a conversation to describe a time you suffered from a mental health problem.
Your conversation should include:
− The mental health problem you suffered from
− The time you got it
− The symptoms you experienced from that health problem
− The treatments you took
− Experience/lessons you gained from that time

Topic 3: With a partner, make a conversation about the customer services that keep you coming back. Your
conversation should conclude:
− the service that keeps you coming back
− the time you received it
− the place you received it from
− the people that you were with
− the reasons that keep you coming back.

Topic 4: With your partner, make a conversation about someone’s reading habits. Your conversation should
− that person’s favorite materials
− his/her favorite ways to read
− his/her favorite time of the day to read
− his/her favorite places to read
− reasons why he/she likes to read.

Topic 5: With your partner, make a conversation about emergency preparations and supplies for a natural
disaster that you read or heard about recently on the news. Your conversation should include:
− name of the natural disaster
− things to do when preparing for it
− things not to do when preparing for it
− the necessary supplies
− your opinion on whether the news is beneficial or not.

Topic 6: Imagine that you are at an international job fair. With your partner, make a conversation (an interview)
about your job and qualifications. Your conversation should include:
− The field that you are interested in (business, education, art, etc.)
− The kind of job you want to do
− Reasons for choosing that job
− Qualifications you believe you have
− Experience and skills that you think you have

Topic 7: With your partner, make a conversation about your favorite way to commemorate a holiday. Your
conversation should include:
− Your favorite way to commemorate a holiday
− The reasons why you like this way
− People commemorating a holiday that way
− Your feelings about doing this way
− Your recommendation to others

Topic 8: With your partner, make a conversation about an inventor you admire the most. Your conversation
should include:
− The inventor’s name
− The way you knew him/her
− His/her inventions
− The popularity of his/her inventions
− The reason you admire him/her

Topic 9: With your partner, make a conversation about the pros and cons of permitting people to say or write
anything on social networking sites. Your conversation should include:
− Your opinion about permitting people to say or write anything on social networking sites
− Pros and cons of this issue
− Specific examples of why you think it is good or bad (if any)
− The solutions for this controversial issue

Topic 10: With your partner, make a conversation about your favorite season in your country. Your
conversation should include:
− The months of your favorite season
− The typical weather in this season
− Interesting places to visit and things to do in this season
− Reasons you like it

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