Sukhoi S - 54

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Sukhoi S-54


PROMYSHLENNYI KOMPLEKS/AK SUKHOI (State Unitary Enterprise, Aviation Military-
Industrial Complex/Concern Sukhoi)



Advanced jet trainer/light attack jet.


Began as one of designs by five OKBs to meet official Russian requirement to replace Aero L-29 and L-39 Albatros;
programme launched 1990; configuration refined 1992; avionics and systems units being tested on modified Su-25 and
Su-27. New version, with airframe enlarged by approximately 25 per cent, revealed at 1996 Farnborough Air Show; this
version described below. However, by June 1997, Sukhoi had prepared another configuration for the S-54 more closely
resembling a scaled-down, single-seat Su-27 equipped with Phazotron Sokol-X radar. This would indicate a change of
emphasis to a combat role with secondary advanced training capabilities. No data have been disclosed for the latter, and
no further promotion appears to have taken place in the two following years. S-55 described as export version, with raised
cockpit indicating a ``primary attack specialisation''. Described separately. Priority reaffirmed in May 1999.

Design Features

Described by Sukhoi as scaled-down development of Su-27, with speed, operating altitude and manoeuvrability
commensurate with combat aircraft; unconventional all-swept mid-wing configuration, with canards, twin outward-canted
fins mounted at wing trailing-edges; engine air intakes under wingroots.

Flying Controls

Fly-by-wire as Su-27, via flaperons, foreplanes, all-moving tailplane and rudders; leading-edge flaps; airbrake;
preprogrammable to make aircraft easier or harder to fly, dependent on pupil's ability; optional `panic button' to return
aircraft to straight and level flight from any attitude, and push-button spin recovery; optional playback system to record
student's every move in flight.

Landing Gear

Retractable tricycle type; single wheel on each unit; mainwheels retract inward, nosewheel forward.

Power Plant

One unspecified production engine, possibly Soyuz R-195FS, nominally rated at 62.0 kN (13,940 lb). Reports in 1998
suggested that the Lyulka-designed, two-axis AL-100 thrust vectoring nozzle is earmarked for the fighter version of S-54 or
that the aircraft might be re-engined with the AL-41 or R-79.


Two crew in tandem, on K-36 zero/zero ejection seats, under three-piece blister canopy; rear seat raised.


Avionics and cockpit interior same as for current and advanced tactical aircraft. Automatic flight control system. Weather
radar standard.


(optional): Wingtip mounts for two close-range IR homing air-to-air missiles; two hardpoints under each wing for air-to-air
and air-to-surface guided weapons.

Dimensions, External

Wing span 11.23 m (36 ft 10ј in)

Length overall 15.30 m (50 ft 2ј in)

Height overall 4.70 m (15 ft 5 in)

Weights and Loadings

Not available

Performance (estimated)

Max level speed:

at height M1.55 (890 kt; 1,650 km/h; 1,025 mph)

at S/L M0.98 (648 kt; 1,200 km/h; 745 mph)

Service ceiling 18,000 m (59,050 ft)

T-O run 360 m (1,185 ft)

Landing run 500 m (1,640 ft)

Range with max fuel:

at S/L 440 n miles (820 km; 510 miles)

at height 1,620 n miles (3,000 km; 1,864 miles)

g limits +12/-3

(source: Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2001-2002)

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